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news without borders

Anger eases in Taiwan

Obama urges kids
the worship of Barack Obama,”
Michael Leahy, spokesman for
the conservative grassroots

after premier replaced Nationwide Tea Party Coali-

tion, told AFP.
“This is indoctrination,
TAIPEI: Public anger over the Taiwan of the government. Ma’s pred- pure and simple, into the cult

to stay in school
president’s handling of a deadly ecessor, Chen Shui-bian, changed of Barack Obama, and we are
typhoon last month is expected to premiers six times in eight years, opposed to that,” he said.
subside with the appointment of a seldom causing alarm. Jim Greer, chairman of the
China-savvy new premier known for Ma’s response to the storm has Republican Party of Florida,
decisive leadership. badly dented his popularity ahead raged that “Pied Piper Obama”
Taiwan’s financial markets of local elections in December. was going “into the American
largely ignored President Ma Ying- “Although anger has died down classroom” to spread socialist
jeou’s decision to replace Premier considerably, confidence has not WASHINGTON: President isn’t just important for your own ideology.
Liu Chao-shiuan with ruling party been restored,” said Joseph Cheng, Barack Obama planned to urge life and your own future. “President Obama has a
official Wu Den-yih. Taiwan stocks a political science professor at City children to study hard and stay “What you make of your edu- vision for America which is
rose to their highest in a year and University of Hong Kong. in school in a back-to-school cation will decide nothing less government in our lives in every
the Taiwan dollar strengthened amid “The handling of the entire in- address yesterday that had some than the future of this country.” aspect. That’s not the vision that
better-than-expected trade figures. cident exposes weaknesses of the conservatives seeing red. White House spokesman I and many parents across this
“Investors anticipated a reshuffle, Ma administration, his ability to com- “Every single one of you has Robert Gibbs said a text of the country want,” he told CNN.
they wanted a reshuffle, because mand full control of the government something you’re good at. Every speech was posted on the White But Obama’s speech merely
they were expecting someone more machinery.” Citizen single one of you has something House website in advance for all drew a link between personal
capable to lead the country,” said Wu is expected to follow Ma’s Nades to offer. And you have a respon- of those with doubts about it to responsibility and patriotism.
Alex Huang, a research director at broader agenda of seeking peace Why sibility to yourself to discover see. “What you’re learning in
Mega International Securities Co. with political rival China to shore up what that is,” Obama said on “I think it’s a sad, sad day that school today will determine
Analysts said public anger at what the island’s flagging economy while bother Monday in remarks prepared the political back and forth has whether we as a nation can
many saw as a poor response to satisfying foreign powers that want with for delivery. intruded on anyone speaking to meet our greatest challenges in
Typhoon Morakot, the island’s worst tensions eased. audit “That’s the opportunity an schoolchildren and teachers and the future.
storm in 50 years, would likely ease. Wu, 61, is now ruling Nationalist education can provide.” parents about the responsibilities “You’ll need the knowledge
Morakot killed up to 763 people as Party (KMT) secretary-general and reports The president was to make that they have as we enter a new and problem-solving skills
it drenched the island from Aug. 7-9 a legislator who earlier served as pg 13 the back-to-school speech at a school year,” he told reporters. you learn in science and math
and set off massive mudslides. mayor of Kaohsiung, a major south high school in Arlington, Vir- Some conservative critics to cure diseases like cancer
Taiwan’s 42-member cabinet Taiwan port city, for eight years. ginia, and it was to be aired in feared that the aim of the speech and AIDS, and to develop new
has also offered to resign, but not all He said he advised Ma a day after schools throughout the country. was to recruit US kids to the lib- energy technologies and protect
members are likely to be replaced the typhoon to declare a state of Some school districts decided eral cause and brainwash them our environment.
and no changes to the government’s emergency, a suggestion that went not to air the speech, others said with socialism. “You’ll need the insights and
foreign, China or economic policies unheeded. they would leave the decision to Their ire was sparked in part critical thinking skills you gain
are expected. Described as a well-connected teachers and school principals, by a “Menu of Classroom Activi- in history and social studies to
“Wu will show a new face to the smooth talker, Wu said last month and some offered opt-outs for ties” which the Department of fight poverty and homelessness,
public,” said George Tsai, a political he was keen to push for more trade children whose parents do not Education sent to schools around crime and discrimination, and
scientist at the Chinese Cultural links with China but would hold off want them to see or hear the the country when the speech make our nation more fair and
University in Taipei. on political dialogue for a number of address. was announced. One of the more free,” Obama said.
“He’s more stern, more aggres- years while the two sides sought to “You can’t drop out of school activities suggested that school “You’ll need the creativity and
sive and he’d be more responsive to build confidence. and just drop into a good job. children write about “how they ingenuity you develop in all your
people’s demands.” “Goodwill is something that’s You’ve got to work for it and could help the president.” classes to build new companies
Taiwan leaders typically replace got to be cumulative,” Wu said in a train for it and learn for it,” “That’s Obama-centric. It’s that will create new jobs and
top officials in response to criticism recent interview. – Reuters Obama warned, adding “this not focused on education but on boost our economy.” – AFP

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