Thesun 2009-09-09 Page12 Welcome Breath of Fresh Air

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letters this solution will sooner or later elsewhere in the world we can
be forthcoming. see that this is indeed the type of
We must certainly credit government for the future.

Welcome breath of fresh air

I REFER to “People doubting PR-led same time, it is also understandable. confident of discussing. These prob-
the PR for opening the stage to
debate. Even the BN component
parties must admit that the ascent
of the PR made them freer to
pinpoint problems within their
own parties. However, those who
have benefited the most from the
That the PR representatives
are having some problems in the
execution of their ideas and are
experiencing some delays in de-
livering their promises does not
mean that they cannot complete
the job. In fact, time is still on
state govts, says Najib” (Sept 7), where New leaders with no previous experi- lems are now talked about openly, and PR ideology are the people who their side if they are fast learners.
the prime minister is reported to have ence of governing at such high level even though there are differing views belong to the silent minority. All in all, PR opened a window
said that several problems have arisen are bound to make some mistakes. the fact that the debate is ongoing We cannot deny that the PR to let in some fresh air at a time
due to the promises the Pakatan Rakyat Yet, the issues which have cropped augurs well. was the first to promote the idea when it was much needed, and
made to the people and their inability to up are not new but problems that had As long as the various groups are of a government where race I think the people are likely to
make the right decisions. existed for a long time and which willing to listen to other views and find and religion would not be the remember.
This is probably true but, at the neither the people nor their leaders felt a solution that is beneficial to everyone, standard by which political and
economic decisions are made, Marisa Demori
and from what is happening Ipoh

Revise advisory on masks

I REFER to the Health Ministry’s My experience with small chil-
advice to wear masks in crowded dren is that they rarely have masks
places. The World Health Organisa- that fit properly, they fidget with
tion explains that unless caring for them constantly, and re-use the
an infected person, the benefits of same mask for as long as these hold
wearing masks for public use has not together. Thus, we are putting our
been established. Furthermore, us- children at greater risk by insisting
ing a mask incorrectly may increase on mask usage.
the risk of transmission, rather than It is far more appropriate to in-
reduce it. The Centres for Disease sist that children wash their hands
Control in the US echoes this advice. frequently and even support the use
Why then does the ministry insist on of alcohol-based hand sanitizers
recommending masks in public? when water is not available; chil-
This trend is all the more wor- dren should be discouraged from
risome as some schools are now sharing food, drink, or even writing
making the wearing of masks equipment with their classmates;
mandatory for all students. and sick children should be sent
Again, according to the WHO’s home immediately.
recommendations, if masks are For the safety of our children, I
worn, they should be tight fitting, hope that the ministry will revise or
they should not be touched during clarify its advice to the public and
use, and they should be changed to school administrators in order
frequently because masks that to align with other health organisa-
contain humidity (from breath or tions.
from ambient moisture) are better
environments for virus survival and Lynn Mason
propagation. Kuala Lumpur

Is it fair to the public?

IN “New task for old IGP” his reform of the force and restore
(Down2Earth, Sept 8) the writer the public’s confidence in the force.
posed the question “Is it fair to What has he achieved thus far? Is
deprive Musa of another extension there any reduction in the crime
as a top cop?” rate? Is there any improvement in
On this, I would like to rephrase the professionalism of the force?
the question to: “Is it fair to the Taking a most recent example, the
general public (at least to those who way the police handled the cow-
are not in favour of the extension) head demonstration and candlelight
to have such an extension taking vigils speaks for itself.
place? On all the accusations made
“Is it fair to other prospective against him, have any real and seri-
members of the force to be de- ous efforts been made to clear his
prived of a promotion to the top name? If investigations were made,
position?” were they done and reported in a
I, for one, always believed that an transparent manner?
extension should only be made if the Has any investigation been made
person is of exceptional capability to verify the truth of the two statu-
(by virtue of his past performance) or tory declarations made by private
if there is nobody else to fill his posi- investigator Bala?
tion. Tan Sri Musa Hassan had been
given an extension earlier to give Ed G
him the opportunity to complete Via email

Road safety is in our hands

IT’S ironic but true. The festive hazardously, tailgating, beating
season is a time to be joyful but red lights, queue jumping), our
for some it becomes a time to be carelessness (not using signals
remorseful. Yes, because of road correctly, reversing unthinkingly,
accidents. making U-turns indiscriminately),
The traffic police, the Road and our complacency (indiscrimi-
Transport Department and the Road nate parking, talking on the phone
Safety Department are again on and texting, allowing underaged
high alert. Campaigns to educate. children to drive, not wearing safety
Pamphlets and brochures to inform. helmets, not buckling up, drinking
Fines and even jail terms to deter. and driving).
But the carnage goes on season The authorities have their hands
after season, year after year. full and can only do so much.
We blame it on road conditions. Maybe the slogan for road safety
We blame it on the elements. We campaigns ought to be “Keep a hold
blame it on the lack of enforcement. on yourself and you keep a hold on
We blame everything else but our- your vehicle”.
selves. Our safety is in our hands. You
Perhaps for once we should and me can make our roads safe.
blame ourselves, the one behind
the wheel. We should blame our Tam Yong Yuee
recklessness (speeding, overtaking Muar

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