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2005 High-tech Diagnosis Seminar

Worksheet Practice 1. Data list: Connect the IT2 , enter the data list and create a new custom data list with the data as indicated in the table below. Start the engine and fill out the table according the readings on the tester when idling, 2 r!m and " r!m. #ngine s!eed $ccelerator !os. *$+ *$Target common rail !ressure -uel !ressure 1e2ised in3ection 2ol 41 1e2ised in3ection 2ol 42 1e2ised in3ection 2ol 4" 1e2ised in3ection 2ol 4) In3ection 2olume Coolant tem! Inta,e air Unit % ,+a g.sec ,+a ,+a mm".st mm".st mm".st mm".st mm".st C C idling 1 1).2/ "/&' ")&/ . 1.) & .1/& 52. "2 1/.1' "& 2& 2000 1&.'( 11 )".2/ )01( )&1) 5 ."1" 1.) & .)&0 52. "2 1&.& )2 21 3000 2).21 12) (0./) ')/' '2(( 5 ."1" 1.) & .)&0 52. "2 1'./1 )) 21

2. $cti2e test: Select acti2e test and -uel lea, test while the engine is idling. *onitor the 2alues of the signals in the below table and fill out the table before and during the test. #ngine s!eed Target common rail !ressure -uel !ressure In3ection 2olume Before fuel leak test 02 ")"2 "/1/ 1".)/ During fuel leak test 2 // 1& 1/&& 1".1)

". In3ector com!ensation: Select in3ector com!ensation from the utilit6 list. 1ead out the ) in3ector com!ensation codes and write them down in the below table. Injector In3ector 1 In3ector 2 In3ector " In3ector ) Compensation code 11#$ -2 11D& C)### 11 1 # # D 11-1 #$ -2 -0 D C -0

2005 High-tech Diagnosis Seminar

). Set com!ensation 2alue: In the in3ector com!ensation menu, select set in3ector com!ensation. Select in3ector 1 and manuall6 in!ut the com!ensation code of in3ector ". $fter this, let the engine idle, read out the re2ised in3ection 2olumes and com!are them with the 2alues from the table 1. Data 1e2ised in3ection 2ol 41 1e2ised in3ection 2ol 42 1e2ised in3ection 2ol 4" 1e2ised in3ection 2ol 4) After setting the comp 51. () 1./&2 .'01 51.2/ Before setting the comp . 1.) & .1/& 52. "2

/. 7hat can be seen and wh68 In3ector 1 recei2ed the com!ensation code of in3ector ". This com!ensation 2alue creates more in3ection 2olume at the same o!ening time of the in3ector. $s result, this c6linder will be more !owerful com!ared to the others and the #C9 will reduce the in3ected 2olume accordingl6 :51, () mm".str;. To ,ee! idle s!eed at target, all other in3ectors will be reduced in 2olume. Please set the correct injector code !ack for c"linder # &. $cti2e test: Control the in3ector 4 1 fuel cut. 7hen entering the acti2e test menu, select the control in3ector 41 fuel cut while the engine is idling. -ill out the table below and notice the change in re2ised in3ection 2ol 41.

Data 1e2ised in3ection 2ol 41 1e2ised in3ection 2ol 42 1e2ised in3ection 2ol 4" 1e2ised in3ection 2ol 4)

Before acti$e test 5 .&2/ 1./&2 .&2/ 51.0'/

During acti$e test /. .) & 5 .("0 5/.

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