TheSun 2009-09-10 Page04 Requests For Allocations Fast-Tracked For Elections

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4 theSun | THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 10 2009

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a report should be tabled as soon as
‘Govt not trying to minimise role of transport minister’
reasonably possible,” adding it would has done will be considered by the task minimised, he said: “No. Why should I? on the kinds of misconduct, the parties they were separate matters.
probably meet after Hari Raya Puasa. force. We are together. We are in the same responsible and whether there were “The MACC is looking at some of
He stressed the government was not “But because this is bigger than government. Don’t try to split.” more to it than just breaching the rules. the reports they have received. And the
taking the matter out of the jurisdiction the purview of the ministry, it is only Asked if Ong himself would be in the He said the study would involve police also were looking at the reports
of the Transport Ministry or trying to appropriate that the chief secretary be task force, he said: “No, (only) the repre- everyone responsible. they received. Those investigations will
minimise the role of Transport Minister tasked to chair the task force. And this is sentatives of the ministry. Don’t split, this When suggested that the govern- continue,” he added.
Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat. to underscore the government’s serious- is a government, we all stand together.” ment’s decision would complement the On whether the terms of reference
“The ministry will be part of the task ness in this matter,” he said. On the alleged misconduct within Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission’s for the task force would be publicised, he
force and the report that the ministry When asked if Ong’s role has been PKFZ, he said it will be closely studied (MACC) investigation on PKFZ, he said said the members know what to do.

Kong Choy may sue

over PKFZ scandal
KUALA LUMPUR: Former transport
minister Tan Sri Chan Kong Choy
may sue several media organisa-
tions for publishing reports which
implicated him in the Port Klang Free
‘Requests for allocations
fast-tracked for elections’
Zone (PKFZ) scandal. Chan, who is
currently abroad, has instructed his
lawyer to look into the matter.
“Tan Sri (Chan Kong Choy) is
very upset with the unverified news Bakthiar
reports,” a source close to Chan told
Bernama yesterday. by Maria J.Dass Bakthiar: This allocation is to be This is the second Selcat hearing said, adding that an application is ap-
“We believe the intention of such used for community programmes, and is targeted at examining the proved as soon as it is received from
reports is to create a rift between small projects and in extraordinary expenditure of assemblymen in the an assemblyman unless the claim
Tan Sri (Chan) and MCA president SHAH ALAM: Applications for alloca- circumstances like when there is a state from January 2008 to June 2009 does not fulfil the necessary criteria.
Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat so that tions by Selangor state assemblymen general election. As administrators, and to determine how more than But when questioned why applica-
supporters of Tan Sri (Chan) in the were fast-tracked for approval due to we adapt to the situation and ensure RM2.7 million was spent within the tions continued to be processed even
(MCA) party will be angry. This is an the 2008 general election, the Select that the expenditure is spent accord- first three months of 2008 by 54 Ba- after parliament and state assemblies
attempt to turn away support from Committee on Competency, Account- ing to regulations set by the state risan Nasional assemblymen, many were dissolved, the clerk claimed they
Ong,” the source claimed. ability and Transparency (Selcat) government that will also monitor the of whom lost their seats in the March (the staff) may not have been aware.
Some news organisations had panel heard yesterday. spending. 2008 general elections. Teng: But you just said that you
published stories citing a confidential Klang district officer Bakthiar Teng: But do you think it is pru- In his testimony, Ali said the offic- were up until midnight on Feb 13 to
report by a government-appointed Hussein, in his testimony to the five- dent to spend an entire year’s process the claims for the elections.
task force probing the PKFZ scandal member Selcat panel, claimed the allocation so much so when Fellow Selcat panelist Haniza
which identified serious breaches money was released to ensure that it the new state administration Mohamed Talha also asked Ali: “You
by several people involved in PKFZ’s could be used to “create an impact on took office there was noth- also just said that you (officers in the
development. the rakyat”. ing left. This is the rakyat’s district office) were involved directly
Bakthiar, assistant district officer money that is being spent. with the elections, so how come now
More patrols at sea Sulaiman Abdul Rahman, chief clerk Bakthiar: My job is to fol- you are saying that you may not have
Ali Abdullah and assistant accountant low the circular issued. known?”
during Raya Ismail Hussin were questioned about He also said that it is a Teng: Please don’t tell me fairy
KUANTAN: The Malaysian Maritime how more than RM4 million worth of norm for additional alloca- tales. I remind you that you are under
Enforcement Agency (MMEA) will annual allocation for use by assem- tions to be approved by the oath and if you are wrong and we
intensify the security patrols at blymen in constituencies within the state for assemblymen to prove it you will be in trouble.
several hot spots in the national Klang district was used up within the spend in their constituencies Ali then chose to end his testimony
waters identified as the main first two months of 2008. and that the vouchers issued and switched off his mike, prompting
entry points for illegal immigrants The officers frequently came un- for payment and signed on Teng to ask if there was an instruction
throughout the festive season. der fire from Selcat chairman Teng Feb 13 were for projects to process the payments.
MMEA director-general Chang Khim for their contradictory and programmes already Bakthiar, in reply, said there was no
Maritime Admiral Datuk Mohd answers. implemented. instruction to process the payments,
Amdan Kurish said that over the Bakthiar claimed applications for Teng: “Does it make but “it was an understanding”.
next two weeks, the hot spots allocations were fast-tracked for ap- sense to you that 171 projects Later, speaking to reporters in his
were expected to be deluged proval due to the general elections, and programmes were im- office, a visibly upset Teng hit out at
with illegal immigrants hoping “as the money was needed to pay for plemented in one constitu- the officers. “They are in a position
to enter the country before Hari small development projects and com- ency from Jan 1 to Feb 13?” ers in the district office were involved to stop abuse and misuse of funds by
Raya. munity programmes. However, the district officer did not directly with preparations for the 2008 assemblymen – from whichever party
He said 2,300 MMEA person- “We needed to release the money give a satisfactory response, prompt- general elections and that during that they are from,” he said. “But today’s
nel would be deployed through- to ensure that it would be used to cre- ing Teng to say: “Don’t dig your own time, there was a surge in applications witnesses seemed to have adapted
out the festive season this year ate an impact on the rakyat,” he said. grave, I will give you some time to sort for allocations from assemblymen. the ‘I only follow orders’ attitude,” he
as compared to 1,700 last year. Teng: How was one year’s alloca- this out” and adjourned the hearing “We worked up till midnight to added. The hearing began on Tuesday
– Bernama tion spent in one-and-a-half months? for a few minutes. process this by the end of Feb 13,” he and will continue until Sept 15.

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