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8 œ theSun | THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 10 2009

news without borders

Japan’s Democrats clinch coalition deal
‘Noynoy’ Aquino to run
for Philippines presidency
TOKYO: The Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), set for power
after an election win, yesterday struck a coalition deal with
two parties after agreeing to review aspects of the US military
presence in the country. I accept
“We now stand at the starting line of the new govern- the
ment,” said the prime minister-in-waiting, DPJ leader Yukio
Hatoyama, after signing a formal accord with the leaders of respon-
sibility to MANILA: The son of former last month, was proclaimed presi- mother died last month. Hundreds of
two smaller parties following days of closed-door talks. Philippine President Cory dent more than 23 years ago. thousands of people poured onto the
“We will give our all to fulfill our commitment,” said continue Aquino, heroine of the 1986 “I accept the responsibility to con- streets for her funeral – the biggest
Hatoyama, 62, whose party won a lower house election on the fight people power movement, tinue the fight for the country.” crowd seen in the Philippines since
Aug 30 but needs the support of its junior partners to also
have a majority in the upper house.
for the said yesterday he would run At least half a dozen other can- the 1986 “People Power” revolu-
country.” for the presidency next May. didates, mostly senators, have said tion that ousted dictator Ferdinand
The leaders of each party – the Social Democratic Party Senator Benigno they will contest next year’s vote, but Marcos and swept Cory Aquino to
and the People’s New Party – are each expected to take - Aquino
“Noynoy” Aquino’s analysts say no one has a clear edge. power.
ministerial posts when Hatoyama’s government takes power (pix) decision to join Nominations close in November. Days and weeks after Cory’s
on Wednesday next week. – AFP the presidential race Analysts have said Aquino will death, people had left hundreds of
is likely to win the have much to do to translate the flowers and dozens of messages out-
Kidnapped journalist freed: Official backing of several affection and respect for his parents side the family home in the Quezon
KABUL: A New York Times journalist kidnapped in Af- opposition groups, into votes for himself, as he has not City suburb, urging Noynoy to run.
ghanistan has been freed during a special forces opera- propelling him to had an impressive record in his 11 Noynoy’s father, Benigno, was a
tion but his Afghan colleague was killed by the Taliban, a place among the years as lawmaker. senator who opposed Marcos and
an Afghan official said yesterday. front-runners for “I think it is a very refreshing was killed when he returned home
Stephen Farrell, who is Irish, and his colleague Sultan the post. announcement,” said Peter Wallace, from political exile in 1983.
Mohammad went missing on Saturday in the northern “I accept the head of Wallace Business Forum Earl Parreno, an analyst at the
province of Kunduz, where a Nato air strike killed civil- plea of the nation. consultancy. “It has stimulated this Institute for Political and Electoral
ians and dozens of Taliban insurgents. I also accept the election and put a new dimension to Reforms, said Aquino was the only
“Last night in a US special forces operation in Chard- instructions of my it which I believe we needed. contender capable of winning a
ara district, they managed to free Stephen Farrell but parents,” Aquino “On the negative side, he doesn’t populist following.
the Afghan journalist Sultan Mohammad was killed by told a news have a very impressive record in “He can improve his chances of
Taliban during the operation,” said Kunduz governor conference Congress ... One would be a little winning the elections next May if he
Mohammad Omar. – AFP at the concerned that should he become will not be held hostage by a tradi-
same hall president, would he be an active and tional political party. His campaign
where his effective president?” Wallace said. must be perceived to be supported by
Tension as Thai police chief quits mother, Pressure on Noynoy Aquino to a broad-based movement,” Parreno
BANGKOK: Thailand’s national police chief resigned yesterday, who died run has been immense since his said. – Reuters
days after an anti-graft body held him responsible for clashes
between anti-government protesters and police last year.
Gen Patcharawat Wongsuwan handed in his resignation to
Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva just hours after the premier
shifted him to a desk job, following months of trying to remove
the senior policeman.
But his resignation is likely to create tensions between the
starts war
police and the government less than two weeks before a major
protest by supporters of ousted premier Thaksin Shinawatra. crimes probe
The National Anti-Corruption Commission ruled on Monday
that Patcharawat violated criminal law during a crackdown into ‘Balibo
on anti-Thaksin “Yellow Shirt” demonstrators who surrounded
parliament in October 2008. – AFP Five’ deaths
SYDNEY: Australian police yes-
terday said they had launched a
long-awaited war crimes inves-
tigation into the deaths of the
“Balibo Five” journalists gunned
down by Indonesian troops in
The move comes nearly two
years after a coronial investiga-
tion ruled the five Australia-based
men were murdered as they tried
to surrender to Indonesian forces,
Thousands of Thais sing songs to praise King Bhumibol Adulyadej in Bangkok and called for war crimes charges
yesterday. The government and people across the country paid their respects against a number of generals.
to the king, the ninth monarch in the Chakri Dynasty. “Allegations of war crimes
committed overseas give rise to
complex legal and factual issues
Thai govt marks 9-9-9 that require careful consideration
by law enforcement agencies

date for ninth Chakri king before deciding to investigate,”

the Australian Federal Police said
in a statement.
BANGKOK: The Thai govern- ing agriculture and encouraging Jakarta has always maintained
ment and people at 9.09am on the “sufficiency economics,” a develop- the reporters died in crossfire as
auspicious date of the ninth day of ment strategy that urges farmers to Indonesian troops fought East
the ninth month of 2009 paid their make the most of local inputs and Timorese Fretilin rebels, a version
respects to Thai King Bhumibol avoid debt. of events accepted by successive
Adulyadej, the ninth monarch in the During his long reign, the king, Australian governments.
Chakri Dynasty. 81, has been deemed a stabilizing If sufficient material was un-
Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva force in the hurly-burly of Thailand’s covered to show “criminality or a
led his cabinet and hundreds of tempestuous politics and numerous real possibility of criminality,” the
high-ranking military officers and military coups and a unifier of the AFP said it would ask Australia’s
civil servants yesterday in singing people. chief prosecutor to consider
the royal anthem at Government The institution of the monarchy whether war crimes charges
House, the seat of the administra- has been under unusual pressure for should be laid. “The standard of
tion, to mark the auspicious time the past three years as various pro- proof in a criminal proceeding is
and day. test groups and politicians have tried high, and differs from that of a
The number 999 denotes “go- to draw it into a deep political divide coronial inquiry,” it added.
ing forward” for Thais. Similar between supporters and detractors The inquiry follows the recent
ceremonies were held by Thais of former prime minister Thaksin release of a hard-hitting movie,
nationwide. Shinawatra, who was ousted by a “Balibo,” depicting the deaths of
“We want to draw attention to the military coup in September 2006. Australians Greg Shackleton and
charisma of the king, both domesti- Thaksin, a billionaire business- Tony Stewart, Britons Brian Peters
cally and internationally,” Abhisit man turned politician, used populist and Malcolm Rennie and New
said of the occasion. policies during his two terms from Zealander Gary Cunningham.
“During his 63-year reign, the 2001 to 2006, to win backing from The five were covering Indo-
king has helped to solve the country’s Thailand’s rural and urban poor that nesia’s advance into East Timor.
problems for the people,” he added, he used to justify his increasingly Sydney Coroner Dorelle Pinch
highlighting Bhumibol’s more than autocratic rule that eventually an- found that they were murdered to
3,000 royally initiated projects aimed tagonised Thailand’s political elite, keep the invasion a secret. – AFP
at reducing rural poverty, boost- leading to his downfall. – dpa

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