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6 theSun | FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 11 2009

news without borders

Izahar (left)
and Misri at

Promises to rakyat had

the hearing.

to be honoured: Witness
by Maria J. Dass how an allocation of more than RM2.7 applications for million for assemblymen was spent within funds recorded
the first three months of 2008 by 54 Barisan on the applica-
SHAH ALAM: Payments for projects prom- Nasional representatives. tion forms were
ised by assemblymen to their constituents Later in questioning Izahar on the mis- not necessar-
were made even after the state assembly use of funds, Azmin reminded him that he ily accurate as
had been dissolved as these were promises too was accountable for his actions in the they may have
to the rakyat, the Selangor Select Commit- after life. been submitted
tee on Competency, Transparency and “This is the people’s money and every to the district
Accountability heard yesterday. sen has to be accounted for; do you think office at a later date.
Kuala Selangor assistant district officer
Izahar Rashidi said in his testimony that the
that it was prudent for all of the annual She said there was a surge in the number
allocation to have been spent in the first of applications on Feb 12, 2008, a day before Ronnie Liu to testify
money was for the good of the community, two months of the year?” the state assembly KUALA LUMPUR: Pandamaran assemblyman Ronnie
and as such was released to the respective he asked. was dissolved. Liu will be called as a witness for a hearing of the
assemblymen. Izahar replied: “I think Promises to build a Norafzati said Selangor Select Committee on Competency, Transpar-
“Promises to build a surau for instance … it is unhealthy for a surau for instance there was a gotong- ency and Accountability today.
have to be fulfilled, if not, the person who year’s allocation to be have to be fulfilled, if not, royong at the district “I was told to present myself as a witness to
made the promise has to answer for this in exhausted within the first office on Feb 12 to explain verbally and in detail the funds allocated for
the after life,” he told an amused panel. two months of the year the person who made the clear 85 applications my area,” he said in a press statement yesterday.
The five-member committee is chaired because the money may promise has to answer for for RM449,500 from “I believe this will help the public understand how
by Selangor state legislative assembly be needed towards the end this in the after life.” assemblymen in the the allocations are being used, particularly for those
Speaker Teng Chang Khim. The other of the year, and especially - Izahar Rashidi district, and that she in need,” he said.
members are his deputy Haniza Mohamed for aid if there was an had prepared vouch- Liu stressed that the Selangor state government
Talha, Hulu Kelang assemblyman Shaari emergency such as a natural disaster.” ers for the payments to be disbursed then, under Pakatan Rakyat is transparent in its use of
Sungib, Bukit Antarabangsa assemblyman Azmin then asked why he had not and had these signed the next day. public funds, for instance in its including a before and
Azmin Ali and Bukit Gasing assemblyman advised the assemblymen accordingly if this She agreed that the process was hastened after picture of a completed project as a condition for
Edward Lee. were the case, to which Izahar responded: because of the impending election. “It is true approval of an allocation.
Izahar, district officer Mohd Misri Idris “Who am I to give advice?” that the assemblymen had asked for the Liu, a state executive councillor, said he had
and finance department clerk Norafzati Mohd Misri had told the panel earlier funds to be released as soon as possible.” made public on his blog http://colour-blind.
Jantra are from the fourth district office to that the funds could be released although The hearing at the state legislative org/ a full record of funds and types of funding
testify before the committee, which is exam- the state assembly had been dissolved as assembly Annexe building, which began allocated for the state assembly seats of Pandamaran,
ining the expenditure of Selangor assembly- the applications for allocations were made on Tuesday, is scheduled to end on Mon- Sungai Panjang and Sungai Pelek for the period of
men from January 2008 to June this year. before the dissolution. day after a weekend break. It is carried live January to June this year.
It particular, it is trying to determine Meanwhile, Norafzati said the dates of online at

Govt report confirms

sexual abuse of Penan
KUALA LUMPUR: A government report has villagers to buy forest products.”
confirmed allegations that Penan women and A national task force comprising several min-
young girls were sexually abused by workers istries and non-governmental organisations was
from logging camps in Baram, Sarawak. commissioned by the cabinet on Oct 8 last year
The report, a compilation of the findings of to investigate claims that the indigenous tribe
a high-level task force investigating the matter, was the target of harassment and rape by timber
was published on the website of the Women, company employees in Sarawak. The ministry
Family and Community Development Ministry however, despite repeated calls, did not release
on Tuesday and contains detailed accounts of the report until recently.
rape by women who described extensive sexual A ministry official confirmed its release
exploitation in the isolated community. and said an awareness programme was being
One victim bore two children as a result of conducted to help the Penan prevent sexual
repeated rape and another said that when she assaults, AFP reports.
was just 10 years old, a logger attempted to rape The investigation prompted calls from the
her and four other girls when he gave them a ride Malaysian Human Rights Commission for action
to school in a company vehicle, it said. against the perpetrators, who could face up to 20
“The committee concluded that the claims years in jail and whipping if convicted of rape. “(The
of sexual abuse among Penan women and girls findings) would mean someone has committed an
by outsiders who deal with the Penan, including offence. They should be identified and charged in
logging company workers and businessmen, did court,” its vice-chairman Simon Sipaun said.
take place,” 113-page report said. There are at least 10,000 Penan in Sarawak,
“These sexual abuses mainly happened whose way of life is under threat from the exten-
because the victims were relying on lifts from sive logging of their traditional hunting grounds and
logging vehicles and outsiders who deal with the the spread of palm oil and timber plantations.

Ministry for non-Muslims protesters? Are they saying non-Muslims can’t

practise their religion? They give a bad impres-
KUALA LUMPUR: The Hindu Defence Forum is sion of Muslims in this country.”
urging the government to establish a ministry or
department to handle the affairs of Malaysia’s
non-Muslims. Psychiatrist Mahadevan 1st
The coalition, which says it represents over to receive Tun Dr M award
300 Hindu based non-governmental organisa- KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia’s first government
tions, said such a ministry was necessary to han- chief psychiatrist Tan Sri Dr M. Mahadevan on
dle sensitive issues of religion in a professional Wednesday received the first BrandLaureate
and effective manner. Patron-Tun Dr Mahathir Award for his contri-
“As far as we are concerned, the National Unity butions to psychiatry and clinical hypnosis.
Department has failed in its role to resolve issues Mahadevan, 80, the founder of the Malay-
concerning non-Malays and non-Muslims, espe- sian Psychiatric Association, was instrumen-
cially minorities,” the coalition’s spokesman A. tal in developing a mental health system and
Rajaretinam said yesterday. “If it had been sincere establishing the Tanjung Bahagia Hospital in
and consistent, this wouldn’t have come up.” Perak.
He was commenting on a recent protest Mahadevan, who initiated concepts and
over the relocation of a Hindu temple in Section therapy to rehabilitate the mentally ill, received
19 Shah Alam to Section 23 – a predominantly the award from Asia Pacific Brands Foundation
Malay-Muslim neighbourhood. chairman Tan Sri Elyas Omar at an event yes-
Rajaretinam said it was not right to protest terday to celebrate his 80th birthday, organised
the relocation of a temple as everyone had the by the BrandLaureate. The event also saw the
right to practise his own religion as stated in the launch of the Mahadevan Travelling Fellowship
Federal Constitution. “What is the message of the at Harvard University. – Bernama

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