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Access Solar LimiIed

An I5O 9001-2008 CerIified Company
One Source of Infinite Energg
Access So|ar
To deliver highqualiIy, cosIeecIive
producIs and projecIs on schedule by
employing supporIing, moIivaIed, lexible
and ocused Ieams
Ohe goal ahd ohe dream
Io become Leader ih Solar
PV 1echhology ahd
Access Solar is run by highly experienced
proessionals rom Ihe Solar lndusIry wiIh
combined experience o more Ihan 25 years in
I e c h n o l o g y, p r o d u c I i o n , p r o j e c I
implemenIaIion and execuIion under Ihe
dynamic leadership o Mr. P.S.N. Paju,
Managing DirecIor. Mr. P.S.N. Paju, who is also
one o Ihe ounders, has very rich experience in
managing Ihe KhanIi Cable lndusIries
successully and proiIably or Ihe lasI 20 years
wiIh proven Irack record. KhanIi Cables
operaIes romIhe sIaIe o Ihe arI inrasIrucIure
employing Ihe mosI upIodaIe IesIing
equipmenIs Io ensure Zero DeecI producIs Io
Ihe cusIomers. KhanIi Cables is proud o Iheir
abiliIy Io meeI cusIomer's mosI sIringenI
requiremenI Ihrough a conIinuous process o
P&D wiIh commiIIed QualiIy Assurance Ieam
and dedicaIion Iowards adhering Io deliver
schedules. This has resulIed in KhanIi Cables
being awarded wiIh Ihe 8esI Supplier Award
romM/s. VolIas LId., and Zero DeecI Supplier
CerIiicaIe romM/s. Mahindra and Mahindra.
8eing ounder and promoIer o KhanIi Cables, a
world class cable manuacIuring company wiIh
a zero deecI Irack record and commiImenI
Iowards qualiIy, Mr. Paju broughI wiIh him Ihe
zesI and passion or speedy delivery o world
class producIs. KhanIi Cables is a pioneer in
MahagemehI Experiehce ahd ExperIise
using laIesI Iechnology, process and sIaIe o Ihe
arI aciliIies and equipmenIs. The Cables and
Wiring Harness are widely used in AuIomobile,
Home Appliance, LlevaIor, 8aIIery and Solar
His proven experIise and experience in Ihe ield
o Cable lndusIry, serving and associaIion wiIh
companies like OTlS and TATA 8P Solar
(a pioneer in Ihe Solar lndusIry) helped him
develop an inIeresI in solar energy. Molded by
his experienced hands, Access Solar is racing
ahead Io Iake iIs righIul place as one o Ihe
leading players in Ihe solar energy secIor.
KhanIi Cables are manuacIuring all Iypes o PVC
Cables as per 8lS, !lS & DlN sIandards and also
underIaking manuacIuring o Cables as per Ihe
CusIomer's SpeciicaIions.
Wirihg Harhess
Wiring Harness is a seI o uniIized wires,
Iypically color coded Cables IhaI are wired
IogeIher by suiIable connecIors as per Ihe
CusIomer Design. KhanIi Cables is specialized in
designs meeIing Design lor ManuacIurabiliIy
(DlM) Io manuacIure !00% Scale Io Scale
based on Ihe CusIomer requiremenIs.
Value ProposiIioh
Access Solar has a JIier value proposiIion or
solar panels and sysIems as ollows:
ReliabiliIy ahd ExperIise
Access Solar has Ihe beneiI o being guided by
experIs who have been in Ihe business o
developing solar modules and sysIems or over
25 years. These proessionals have exIensive
experience in Ihe areas o manuacIuring,
design and insIallaIion meeIing world class
Value !or Ihe Mohey
Access Solar provides high qualiIy sysIem and
insIallaIion or boIh domesIic and indusIrial
purposes. Access Solar oers cosI eecIive solar
producIs adding everlasIing value.
FuIure Promise
Lver since iIs incepIion, Access Solar has earned
credibiliIy and reliabiliIy as a key player in Ihe
solar energy secIor. lIs sound inancial Irack
record and growIh reinorces Ihis image.
Access Solar LimiIed
Ah lSO 9001-2008 CerIi!ied Compahy
Access Solar LimiIed
Ah lSO 9001-2008 CerIi!ied Compahy
To deliver highqualiIy, cosIeecIive
producIs and projecIs on schedule by
employing supporIing, moIivaIed, lexible
and ocused Ieams
Ohe goal ahd ohe dream
Io become Leader ih Solar
PV 1echhology ahd
Access Solar is run by highly experienced
proessionals rom Ihe Solar lndusIry wiIh
combined experience o more Ihan 25 years in
I e c h n o l o g y, p r o d u c I i o n , p r o j e c I
implemenIaIion and execuIion under Ihe
dynamic leadership o Mr. P.S.N. Paju,
Managing DirecIor. Mr. P.S.N. Paju, who is also
one o Ihe ounders, has very rich experience in
managing Ihe KhanIi Cable lndusIries
successully and proiIably or Ihe lasI 20 years
wiIh proven Irack record. KhanIi Cables
operaIes romIhe sIaIe o Ihe arI inrasIrucIure
employing Ihe mosI upIodaIe IesIing
equipmenIs Io ensure Zero DeecI producIs Io
Ihe cusIomers. KhanIi Cables is proud o Iheir
abiliIy Io meeI cusIomer's mosI sIringenI
requiremenI Ihrough a conIinuous process o
P&D wiIh commiIIed QualiIy Assurance Ieam
and dedicaIion Iowards adhering Io deliver
schedules. This has resulIed in KhanIi Cables
being awarded wiIh Ihe 8esI Supplier Award
romM/s. VolIas LId., and Zero DeecI Supplier
CerIiicaIe romM/s. Mahindra and Mahindra.
8eing ounder and promoIer o KhanIi Cables, a
world class cable manuacIuring company wiIh
a zero deecI Irack record and commiImenI
Iowards qualiIy, Mr. Paju broughI wiIh him Ihe
zesI and passion or speedy delivery o world
class producIs. KhanIi Cables is a pioneer in
MahagemehI Experiehce ahd ExperIise
using laIesI Iechnology, process and sIaIe o Ihe
arI aciliIies and equipmenIs. The Cables and
Wiring Harness are widely used in AuIomobile,
Home Appliance, LlevaIor, 8aIIery and Solar
His proven experIise and experience in Ihe ield
o Cable lndusIry, serving and associaIion wiIh
companies like OTlS and TATA 8P Solar
(a pioneer in Ihe Solar lndusIry) helped him
develop an inIeresI in solar energy. Molded by
his experienced hands, Access Solar is racing
ahead Io Iake iIs righIul place as one o Ihe
leading players in Ihe solar energy secIor.
KhanIi Cables are manuacIuring all Iypes o PVC
Cables as per 8lS, !lS & DlN sIandards and also
underIaking manuacIuring o Cables as per Ihe
CusIomer's SpeciicaIions.
Wirihg Harhess
Wiring Harness is a seI o uniIized wires,
Iypically color coded Cables IhaI are wired
IogeIher by suiIable connecIors as per Ihe
CusIomer Design. KhanIi Cables is specialized in
designs meeIing Design lor ManuacIurabiliIy
(DlM) Io manuacIure !00% Scale Io Scale
based on Ihe CusIomer requiremenIs.
Value ProposiIioh
Access Solar has a JIier value proposiIion or
solar panels and sysIems as ollows:
ReliabiliIy ahd ExperIise
Access Solar has Ihe beneiI o being guided by
experIs who have been in Ihe business o
developing solar modules and sysIems or over
25 years. These proessionals have exIensive
experience in Ihe areas o manuacIuring,
design and insIallaIion meeIing world class
Value !or Ihe Mohey
Access Solar provides high qualiIy sysIem and
insIallaIion or boIh domesIic and indusIrial
purposes. Access Solar oers cosI eecIive solar
producIs adding everlasIing value.
FuIure Promise
Lver since iIs incepIion, Access Solar has earned
credibiliIy and reliabiliIy as a key player in Ihe
solar energy secIor. lIs sound inancial Irack
record and growIh reinorces Ihis image.
Access Solar LimiIed
Ah lSO 9001-2008 CerIi!ied Compahy
Access Solar LimiIed
Ah lSO 9001-2008 CerIi!ied Compahy
QualiIy MahagemehI SysIem
Access Solar has a very eecIive and
comprehensive QualiIy ManagemenI
SysIem in place. Access Solar has proven
record o consisIenIly mainIaining QualiIy
Assurance (QA) and QualiIy Checking (QC)
upIodaIe. Access Sol ar has wel l
esIablished inhouse aciliIies wiIh sIaIe o
Ihe arI climaIic chambers, qualiIy checking
insIrumenIs, inspecIion sysIems, simulaIors,
meIhods and sophisIicaIed laboraIories.
Access Solar has a very sIringenI and highly
advanced qualiIy managemenI sysIem in
place IhaI enables Io deliver producIs IhaI
are noI only subscribed Io, buI acIually
surpass inIernaIional sIandards. Access
Solars models iIs QualiIy ManagemenI
SysIem on Ihe lines o world leader TUV
Phienland o Germany and aIIained lSO
900!2008 cerIiicaIion. Access Solar also
has accrediIed cerIiicaIion rom PDSO,
MNPL and DGS&D. Access Solar SPV
modules conormIo lnIernaIional sIandards
o lLC 6!2!5 Ld.2, lLC 6!7J0 saeIy classll,
UL !70J and UL 470J.
World Class Mahu!acIurihg
Access Solar manuacIuring siIe cenIrally
locaIed in Hyderabad, lndia ollows Ihe
sIringenI producIion qualiIy assurance
programs and is sIaed by highlyIrained
manuacIuri ng experIs. Access Sol ar
manuacIures Solar PhoIo VolIaic Modules wiIh
Mono or MulIi CrysIalline Silicon Solar Cells and
oIher key maIerials sourced rom Ihe worlds
renowned manuacIurers o Lurope and USA.
Access solar has a ully inIegraIed sIaIe o Ihe arI
Solar ManuacIuring PlanI consisIing o several
imporIed machinery like Solar Cell CuIIing
(LASLP Scribing) Machines, Soldering,
SIringing, Layup, LaminaIion, Curing,
Trimming, Mechanical lrame lixing and linal
Module elecIrical IesIing using highly
sophisIicaIed Sun SimulaIor. Access Solar has a
manuacIuring capaciIy o !5 MW and planning
Io expand upIo !00 MW in near uIure. This
makes Access Solar one o Ihe key players in Ihe
Solar Lnergy SecIor enabling Io rise upIo Ihe
challenges posed by Ihe ever increasing global
energy demands. As a manuacIurer o Solar PV
Modules and SysIem lnIegraIor, Access Solar
can bring in Ihe besI qualiIy sysIem Io Ihe
CusIomers by meIiculous planning, projecI
managemenI capabiliIies Io execuIe megawaII
scale Iurnkey projecIs Io explore Ihe vasI
opporIuniIies IhaI exisI in Ihe solar energy
secIor. Access Solar is aggressively engaged in
designs meeIing Design lor ManuacIurabiliIy
(DlM) Io manuacIure and supply o large scale
and wide varieIy o solar power packs (Grid Iied
and o grid sIand alone sysIems), solar power
projecI insIallaIions and uIiliIies.
Access Solar aims Io achieve a Iurnover o
around !50 crores by Ihe year 20!2. SIaIe o Ihe
arI manuacIuring aciliIies and highly exIensive
dealer neIwork orm Ihe core o Access Solar
business sIraIegy & enable us Io deliver world
class solar producIs / projecIs Io Ihe cusIomers
aI compeIiIive price. The impeccable inancial
Irack record and manuacIuring capabiliIies o
Access Solar coupled wiIh an eicienI delivery
sysIem enables Io execuIe world class projecIs,
sysIems on Iime and every Iime.
CorporaIe 5IrengIhs
Ehgiheerihg, ProcuremehI ahd
CohsIrucIioh (EPC) CapabiliIies
Access Solar has developed cusIomized
innovaIive programs, projecI managemenI
Iools or Solar LPC projecIs IhaI provide insIanI
and conIinuous visibiliIy o projecI compleIion
Access Solar is a verIically inIegraIed, end Io end
solar energy service provider. Access Solar's
gamuI o services are comprehensive, consisIing
o preliminary design proposal, deIailed projecI
reporI, si ghI survey, i nsIal l aIi on and
commissioning aparI rom oering long Ierm
service and mainIenance supporI.
Access Solar LimiIed
Ah lSO 9001-2008 CerIi!ied Compahy
QualiIy MahagemehI SysIem
Access Solar has a very eecIive and
comprehensive QualiIy ManagemenI
SysIem in place. Access Solar has proven
record o consisIenIly mainIaining QualiIy
Assurance (QA) and QualiIy Checking (QC)
upIodaIe. Access Sol ar has wel l
esIablished inhouse aciliIies wiIh sIaIe o
Ihe arI climaIic chambers, qualiIy checking
insIrumenIs, inspecIion sysIems, simulaIors,
meIhods and sophisIicaIed laboraIories.
Access Solar has a very sIringenI and highly
advanced qualiIy managemenI sysIem in
place IhaI enables Io deliver producIs IhaI
are noI only subscribed Io, buI acIually
surpass inIernaIional sIandards. Access
Solars models iIs QualiIy ManagemenI
SysIem on Ihe lines o world leader TUV
Phienland o Germany and aIIained lSO
900!2008 cerIiicaIion. Access Solar also
has accrediIed cerIiicaIion rom PDSO,
MNPL and DGS&D. Access Solar SPV
modules conormIo lnIernaIional sIandards
o lLC 6!2!5 Ld.2, lLC 6!7J0 saeIy classll,
UL !70J and UL 470J.
World Class Mahu!acIurihg
Access Solar manuacIuring siIe cenIrally
locaIed in Hyderabad, lndia ollows Ihe
sIringenI producIion qualiIy assurance
programs and is sIaed by highlyIrained
manuacIuri ng experIs. Access Sol ar
manuacIures Solar PhoIo VolIaic Modules wiIh
Mono or MulIi CrysIalline Silicon Solar Cells and
oIher key maIerials sourced rom Ihe worlds
renowned manuacIurers o Lurope and USA.
Access solar has a ully inIegraIed sIaIe o Ihe arI
Solar ManuacIuring PlanI consisIing o several
imporIed machinery like Solar Cell CuIIing
(LASLP Scribing) Machines, Soldering,
SIringing, Layup, LaminaIion, Curing,
Trimming, Mechanical lrame lixing and linal
Module elecIrical IesIing using highly
sophisIicaIed Sun SimulaIor. Access Solar has a
manuacIuring capaciIy o !5 MW and planning
Io expand upIo !00 MW in near uIure. This
makes Access Solar one o Ihe key players in Ihe
Solar Lnergy SecIor enabling Io rise upIo Ihe
challenges posed by Ihe ever increasing global
energy demands. As a manuacIurer o Solar PV
Modules and SysIem lnIegraIor, Access Solar
can bring in Ihe besI qualiIy sysIem Io Ihe
CusIomers by meIiculous planning, projecI
managemenI capabiliIies Io execuIe megawaII
scale Iurnkey projecIs Io explore Ihe vasI
opporIuniIies IhaI exisI in Ihe solar energy
secIor. Access Solar is aggressively engaged in
designs meeIing Design lor ManuacIurabiliIy
(DlM) Io manuacIure and supply o large scale
and wide varieIy o solar power packs (Grid Iied
and o grid sIand alone sysIems), solar power
projecI insIallaIions and uIiliIies.
Access Solar aims Io achieve a Iurnover o
around !50 crores by Ihe year 20!2. SIaIe o Ihe
arI manuacIuring aciliIies and highly exIensive
dealer neIwork orm Ihe core o Access Solar
business sIraIegy & enable us Io deliver world
class solar producIs / projecIs Io Ihe cusIomers
aI compeIiIive price. The impeccable inancial
Irack record and manuacIuring capabiliIies o
Access Solar coupled wiIh an eicienI delivery
sysIem enables Io execuIe world class projecIs,
sysIems on Iime and every Iime.
CorporaIe 5IrengIhs
Ehgiheerihg, ProcuremehI ahd
CohsIrucIioh (EPC) CapabiliIies
Access Solar has developed cusIomized
innovaIive programs, projecI managemenI
Iools or Solar LPC projecIs IhaI provide insIanI
and conIinuous visibiliIy o projecI compleIion
Access Solar is a verIically inIegraIed, end Io end
solar energy service provider. Access Solar's
gamuI o services are comprehensive, consisIing
o preliminary design proposal, deIailed projecI
reporI, si ghI survey, i nsIal l aIi on and
commissioning aparI rom oering long Ierm
service and mainIenance supporI.
Access Solar LimiIed
Ah lSO 9001-2008 CerIi!ied Compahy
Reduced maihIehahce cosIs
Once solar PV modules are insIalled, no uel or
lubricanIs are needed Io mainIain. Thus iI is
mainIenance ree excepI someIimes cleaning o
Fallihg producIiohcosIs
The inancial cosIs o producing appliances such
as solar cells and solar hoI waIer panels are
alling as Iechnology develops. ComparaIively
solar energy is compeIing wiIh ossil uels as
ossil uel prices have globally raised sIeeply in
Ihe lasI ew years. Solar energy Iechnology is
becoming increasingly eicienI.
Lowruhhihg cosIs
WiIh prices o IradiIional uels soaring Ihe cosI
advanIages o solar energy are becoming
obvious. AIer insIallaIion o Ihe appliance, solar
energy is ree.
Local applicaIioh
SuiIable or remoIe areas Ihose are noI
connecIed Io energy grids. ln some counIries
solar panels or domesIic use in remoIe areas are
becoming sources or local employmenI in
manuacIure and insIallaIion.
lossiluel poor counIries can kick Iheir
dependency on ossil uel energy and spend
Iheir unds on oIher Ihings Ihrough applicaIion
o solar energy.
HealIhahd sa!eIy behe!iIs
ln some poorer counIries where people use
kerosene and candles or domesIic heaIing and
lighIing, respiraIory diseases and impaired
eyesighI have resulIed. Many people have been
burned Ihrough accidenIs involving kerosene
heaIing. Solar energy especially wiIh excess
energy sIored or nighIIime use overcomes
Ihese problems.
1esIihg FaciliIies
lh!ihiIe Ehergy, lh!ihiIe CrowIh
Solar energy is gaining prominence all over Ihe
world due Io increased need o energy securiIy
and desire or having clean and nonpolluIing
renewable source o energy, Ihanks Io Ihe
proacIive role played by governmenIs all over
Ihe world by granIing subsidies. Thus Solar
energy uIiliIy Companies have wiInessed
Iremendous growIh. The scope or uIure
growIh in Ihis ield is immense as Ihere is no end
Io eiIher Sun or summers.
5oIar Fnergy
Among Ihe signiicanI advanIages o solar
energy is iIs reliabiliIy. Local applicaIion and
independence roma cenIrally conIrolled power
grid and energy IransporI inrasIrucIure is
insurance rom upheaval Ihrough poliIical and
economic Iurmoil.
AdvahIages o! Solar Ehergy
The greaIesI beneiI o Solar Power is IhaI iI is
Ihe mosI reliable energy source requiring liIIle
mainIenance. lI is also Ihe mosI ideal power
generaIing source IhaI channelizes energy Io
even Ihe mosI remoIe and inaccessible Ierrains.
Access Solar LimiIed
Ah lSO 9001-2008 CerIi!ied Compahy
Ohly source o! ehergy wiIh zero
The solar PV and Ihermal Iechnology have
proven Irack record in producing solar energy
wiIh zero polluIion. Lspecially Ihe solar PV
Iechnology is absoluIely mainIenance ree.
CreaIly reduces cohIribuIioh Io
global warmihg
One o Ihe greaIesI advanIages o solar energy
o course is IhaI Ihere is no carbon dioxide,
meIhane or oIher emissions IhaI warm Ihe
aImosphere. Again, manuacIuring and
insIallaIion o solar appliances are necessarily
accompanied by some o Ihose emissions.
lh!ihiIe ehergy resource
Solar energy is noI a iniIe resource as ossil uels
are. While Ihe Sun is up Ihere iI consIanIly
produces all Ihe energy we can use.
enefiIs of soIar energy
Fncompassing a range
of 5oIar PV IechnoIogy and
iI's AppIicaIions
As Ihe world aces Ihe challenge o energy needs
and securiIy iI is exploring alIernaIive energy
sources. NonConvenIional energy sources such
as Solar PV, Thermal Iechnologies are rapidly
gaining populariIy owing Io limiIless availabiliIy
and ease wiIh which Ihey can be harnessed. The
uIiliIy o Solar PV Iechnology comes wiIh
unlimiIed applicaIions Ihrough Access Solar
innovaIions, Io name a ew applicaIions in Ihe
ollowing areas:
Solar Home LighIing
PemoIe Village LlecIriicaIion
SIreeI and Camp LighIs
Lmergency backup power or Medical
aciliIies in remoIe areas
Microwave/ radio repeaIer sIaIions
8aIIery Channeling
WaIer Pumping
WaIer PuriicaIion
Solar Power PlanIs
Traic Signals


Reduced maihIehahce cosIs
Once solar PV modules are insIalled, no uel or
lubricanIs are needed Io mainIain. Thus iI is
mainIenance ree excepI someIimes cleaning o
Fallihg producIiohcosIs
The inancial cosIs o producing appliances such
as solar cells and solar hoI waIer panels are
alling as Iechnology develops. ComparaIively
solar energy is compeIing wiIh ossil uels as
ossil uel prices have globally raised sIeeply in
Ihe lasI ew years. Solar energy Iechnology is
becoming increasingly eicienI.
Lowruhhihg cosIs
WiIh prices o IradiIional uels soaring Ihe cosI
advanIages o solar energy are becoming
obvious. AIer insIallaIion o Ihe appliance, solar
energy is ree.
Local applicaIioh
SuiIable or remoIe areas Ihose are noI
connecIed Io energy grids. ln some counIries
solar panels or domesIic use in remoIe areas are
becoming sources or local employmenI in
manuacIure and insIallaIion.
lossiluel poor counIries can kick Iheir
dependency on ossil uel energy and spend
Iheir unds on oIher Ihings Ihrough applicaIion
o solar energy.
HealIhahd sa!eIy behe!iIs
ln some poorer counIries where people use
kerosene and candles or domesIic heaIing and
lighIing, respiraIory diseases and impaired
eyesighI have resulIed. Many people have been
burned Ihrough accidenIs involving kerosene
heaIing. Solar energy especially wiIh excess
energy sIored or nighIIime use overcomes
Ihese problems.
1esIihg FaciliIies
lh!ihiIe Ehergy, lh!ihiIe CrowIh
Solar energy is gaining prominence all over Ihe
world due Io increased need o energy securiIy
and desire or having clean and nonpolluIing
renewable source o energy, Ihanks Io Ihe
proacIive role played by governmenIs all over
Ihe world by granIing subsidies. Thus Solar
energy uIiliIy Companies have wiInessed
Iremendous growIh. The scope or uIure
growIh in Ihis ield is immense as Ihere is no end
Io eiIher Sun or summers.
5oIar Fnergy
Among Ihe signiicanI advanIages o solar
energy is iIs reliabiliIy. Local applicaIion and
independence roma cenIrally conIrolled power
grid and energy IransporI inrasIrucIure is
insurance rom upheaval Ihrough poliIical and
economic Iurmoil.
AdvahIages o! Solar Ehergy
The greaIesI beneiI o Solar Power is IhaI iI is
Ihe mosI reliable energy source requiring liIIle
mainIenance. lI is also Ihe mosI ideal power
generaIing source IhaI channelizes energy Io
even Ihe mosI remoIe and inaccessible Ierrains.
Access Solar LimiIed
Ah lSO 9001-2008 CerIi!ied Compahy
Ohly source o! ehergy wiIh zero
The solar PV and Ihermal Iechnology have
proven Irack record in producing solar energy
wiIh zero polluIion. Lspecially Ihe solar PV
Iechnology is absoluIely mainIenance ree.
CreaIly reduces cohIribuIioh Io
global warmihg
One o Ihe greaIesI advanIages o solar energy
o course is IhaI Ihere is no carbon dioxide,
meIhane or oIher emissions IhaI warm Ihe
aImosphere. Again, manuacIuring and
insIallaIion o solar appliances are necessarily
accompanied by some o Ihose emissions.
lh!ihiIe ehergy resource
Solar energy is noI a iniIe resource as ossil uels
are. While Ihe Sun is up Ihere iI consIanIly
produces all Ihe energy we can use.
enefiIs of soIar energy
Fncompassing a range
of 5oIar PV IechnoIogy and
iI's AppIicaIions
As Ihe world aces Ihe challenge o energy needs
and securiIy iI is exploring alIernaIive energy
sources. NonConvenIional energy sources such
as Solar PV, Thermal Iechnologies are rapidly
gaining populariIy owing Io limiIless availabiliIy
and ease wiIh which Ihey can be harnessed. The
uIiliIy o Solar PV Iechnology comes wiIh
unlimiIed applicaIions Ihrough Access Solar
innovaIions, Io name a ew applicaIions in Ihe
ollowing areas:
Solar Home LighIing
PemoIe Village LlecIriicaIion
SIreeI and Camp LighIs
Lmergency backup power or Medical
aciliIies in remoIe areas
Microwave/ radio repeaIer sIaIions
8aIIery Channeling
WaIer Pumping
WaIer PuriicaIion
Solar Power PlanIs
Traic Signals


Mahu!acIurihg FaciliIies
Access Solar LimiIed
Ah lSO 9001-2008 CerIi!ied Compahy
Mahu!acIurihg FaciliIies
Access Solar LimiIed
Ah lSO 9001-2008 CerIi!ied Compahy
5oIar LanIerns
Access Solar LanIern is a porIable lighI, a handy
source o lighI ideal or usage in boIh indoor and
ouIdoor applicaIions. The Solar LanIern SysIem
consisIs o a Solar Module, sealed mainIenance
ree baIIery, charge conIroller, inverIer and a
CompacI lluorescenI Lamp (ClL) or LighI
The Solar LanIern uses solar energy Io charge
Ihe baIIery inside Ihe LanIern. The high
eiciency inverIer in Ihe Solar LanIern uses
baIIery power Io operaIe a ClL or LLD which
gives backup o 2 Io 6 hours, when daily
charged using Solar PVModule.
Access Solar Home LighIing SysIems is ideal source
or providing indoor illuminaIion in remoIe areas
andunelecIriiedvillages. TheSolar HomeLighIing
SysIemessenIially consisIs o solar module, suiIable
module mounIing sIrucIure, baIIery box, charge
conIroller, luminaries, inIerconnecIing cables and
Solar Module !0Wp 8Wp 5Wp JWp
8aIIery !2V7Ah !2V7Ah !2V7Ah 6V4.2Ah
Lamp ClL/LLD 7W ClL 7W ClL 5/7W ClL JW LLD
8ackup 4hrs Jhrs 2hrs 2.5hrs
A5L-1210 A5L-1208 A5L-1205 A5L-0603
ModeI 5PV ModuIe aIIery Luminaries Charge 12V<20W
(1ubuIar) wiIh FIecIronics ConIroIIer DC Fan
ASHLl !2V !8WP !2V 20AH !x9W 4Pin ClL J Amps OpIional
wiIh Cable
ASHLll !2V J7WP !2V 40AH 2x9W 4Pin ClL 6 Amps OpIional
wiIh Cable
ASHLlll !2V J7WP !2V 40AH !x9W 4Pin ClL 6 Amps ! lan
wiIh Cable
ASHLlV !2V 74WP !2V 75AH 2x9W 4Pin ClL 6 Amps ! lan
wiIh Cable
ASHLV !2V 74WP !2V 75AH 4x9W 4Pin ClL 6 Amps OpIional
wiIh Cable
Access Solar Powered lences are powered by an
LNLPGlZLP which, sends ouI high volIage
moniIored pulses inIo Ihe ence aI conIrolled
inIervals. An inIruder or a Irespasser geIs a very
sharp, shorI and painul shock. Solar Powered
lence is jusI a physical barrier buI Ihe shock is
creaIed in Ihe mind o Ihe person who has
experienced Ihe shock. The shock given by Ihe
ence is compleIely sae as iI lasIs only or less Ihan
0.! second wiIh energy ouIpuI o 45 joules, an
inIernaIionally accepIed sIandard or such Iype o
Access Solar WaIer pump is Ihe besI soluIion
where grid power is noI available in remoIe
locaIions or irrigaIion and poIable waIer
These solar applicaIions make economic sense
where Ihe locaIion is Ioo remoIe Io run a long
power line. A solarpowered waIer sysIemis one
o Ihe easiesI solar power sysIems Io insIall,
since neiIher baIIery nor baIIery charging
equipmenIs are required. When Ihe sun is
shining Ihe sysIem is pumping and when Ihe
sun is noI shining Ihe sysIemis o.
8y adding a sIorage Iank and increasing Ihe size
o Ihe pumping sysIem, excess pumped waIer
can be sIored, which can conIinue Io supply
No. DescripIion 1 2 3 4
!. MODLL ASSW 900 ASSW !800 ASDW !400 ASDW !800
J. MOTOP HP !.! 2.0 !.4 !.4
4. MAX. SUCTlON HLAD (m) 7.0 7.0 0.75 0.75
5. MAX. TOTAL DYNAMlCHLAD(m) !5.0 !5.0 70.0 70.0
6. PV APPAY CAPAClTY (Wp) 900 !800 !400 !800
7. SHADL lPLL APLA PLQPD. (sq.m) J0.0 60.0 40 60
8. WATLP OUTPUT ( 70_!0 !40_!0 JJ_J0 42_J0
_ HLAD (m) 8_70 !9_70
Access Solar LimiIed
Ah lSO 9001-2008 CerIi!ied Compahy FeaIures
PobusI and SIurdy design
WeaIher resisIanI A8S enclosure wiIh
clear acrylic lens
5/7W ClL (or) JW LLD lamps
OmnidirecIional whiIe lighI
High perormance inverIer and charge
Simple and easy Io use
High perormance inverIer and charge
Simple and easy Io use

PobusI and SIurdy design
Available in ClL and LLD lamp versions
lully wired ready Io insIall sIand alone uniIs
Wide range o indoor lamp ixIures
PusI proo lamp ixIures and baIIery box
ldeal or remoIe villages, arm houses,
housing colonies eIc.

5oIar Home LighIing 5ysIem

waIer during Ihe nighI or when iI's cloudy and
Ihe pump is o.
The solar waIer pumping sysIemis a sIandalone
sysIem operaIing on power generaIed using
solar PV (PhoIovolIaic) sysIem. The power
generaIed by solar PV Modules is used or
operaIing DC surace/Submersible cenIriugal
monoblock pump seI or liIing waIer rom
bore / open well or waIer reservoir or minor
irrigaIion and drinking waIer purposes.
Access Solar designed and successully insIalled
larger sysIems Io pump direcIly rom drilled
wells up Io elevaIed sIorage Ianks, which
provide graviIyed waIer back down Io remoIe
ranch buildings.
5oIar WaIer Pumping 5ysIem
5oIar 5ecuriIy Fencing 5ysIem
Discourage Irespassers and predaIors
No polluIion and environmenIal riendly
NoI Harmul, iI gives a shorI, sharp buI
sae shock Io Ihe inIruder
PerimeIer proIecIion
VirIually no mainIenance
AesIheIically pleasing
Long lasIing because o minimum
physical pressure
Lasy modiicaIions o sysIemIo conIrol a
varieIy o animals
All domesIic and wild animals can be
kepI o wiIh an economical cosI

Solar Sur!ace WaIer Pumps

These pumps are suiIable or liIing and
pumping waIer rom a maximum depIh o !5
Submersible Solar WaIer Pumps
These pumps can be used in Ihe areas, where
waIer is available aI a greaIer depIh and where
open wells are noI available. The maximum
recommended depIh or Ihese sysIems which
can pump eecIively is 70 meIers.
5oIar LanIerns
Access Solar LanIern is a porIable lighI, a handy
source o lighI ideal or usage in boIh indoor and
ouIdoor applicaIions. The Solar LanIern SysIem
consisIs o a Solar Module, sealed mainIenance
ree baIIery, charge conIroller, inverIer and a
CompacI lluorescenI Lamp (ClL) or LighI
The Solar LanIern uses solar energy Io charge
Ihe baIIery inside Ihe LanIern. The high
eiciency inverIer in Ihe Solar LanIern uses
baIIery power Io operaIe a ClL or LLD which
gives backup o 2 Io 6 hours, when daily
charged using Solar PVModule.
Access Solar Home LighIing SysIems is ideal source
or providing indoor illuminaIion in remoIe areas
andunelecIriiedvillages. TheSolar HomeLighIing
SysIemessenIially consisIs o solar module, suiIable
module mounIing sIrucIure, baIIery box, charge
conIroller, luminaries, inIerconnecIing cables and
Solar Module !0Wp 8Wp 5Wp JWp
8aIIery !2V7Ah !2V7Ah !2V7Ah 6V4.2Ah
Lamp ClL/LLD 7W ClL 7W ClL 5/7W ClL JW LLD
8ackup 4hrs Jhrs 2hrs 2.5hrs
A5L-1210 A5L-1208 A5L-1205 A5L-0603
ModeI 5PV ModuIe aIIery Luminaries Charge 12V<20W
(1ubuIar) wiIh FIecIronics ConIroIIer DC Fan
ASHLl !2V !8WP !2V 20AH !x9W 4Pin ClL J Amps OpIional
wiIh Cable
ASHLll !2V J7WP !2V 40AH 2x9W 4Pin ClL 6 Amps OpIional
wiIh Cable
ASHLlll !2V J7WP !2V 40AH !x9W 4Pin ClL 6 Amps ! lan
wiIh Cable
ASHLlV !2V 74WP !2V 75AH 2x9W 4Pin ClL 6 Amps ! lan
wiIh Cable
ASHLV !2V 74WP !2V 75AH 4x9W 4Pin ClL 6 Amps OpIional
wiIh Cable
Access Solar Powered lences are powered by an
LNLPGlZLP which, sends ouI high volIage
moniIored pulses inIo Ihe ence aI conIrolled
inIervals. An inIruder or a Irespasser geIs a very
sharp, shorI and painul shock. Solar Powered
lence is jusI a physical barrier buI Ihe shock is
creaIed in Ihe mind o Ihe person who has
experienced Ihe shock. The shock given by Ihe
ence is compleIely sae as iI lasIs only or less Ihan
0.! second wiIh energy ouIpuI o 45 joules, an
inIernaIionally accepIed sIandard or such Iype o
Access Solar WaIer pump is Ihe besI soluIion
where grid power is noI available in remoIe
locaIions or irrigaIion and poIable waIer
These solar applicaIions make economic sense
where Ihe locaIion is Ioo remoIe Io run a long
power line. A solarpowered waIer sysIemis one
o Ihe easiesI solar power sysIems Io insIall,
since neiIher baIIery nor baIIery charging
equipmenIs are required. When Ihe sun is
shining Ihe sysIem is pumping and when Ihe
sun is noI shining Ihe sysIemis o.
8y adding a sIorage Iank and increasing Ihe size
o Ihe pumping sysIem, excess pumped waIer
can be sIored, which can conIinue Io supply
No. DescripIion 1 2 3 4
!. MODLL ASSW 900 ASSW !800 ASDW !400 ASDW !800
J. MOTOP HP !.! 2.0 !.4 !.4
4. MAX. SUCTlON HLAD (m) 7.0 7.0 0.75 0.75
5. MAX. TOTAL DYNAMlCHLAD(m) !5.0 !5.0 70.0 70.0
6. PV APPAY CAPAClTY (Wp) 900 !800 !400 !800
7. SHADL lPLL APLA PLQPD. (sq.m) J0.0 60.0 40 60
8. WATLP OUTPUT ( 70_!0 !40_!0 JJ_J0 42_J0
_HLAD (m) 8_70 !9_70
Access Solar LimiIed
Ah lSO 9001-2008 CerIi!ied Compahy FeaIures
PobusI and SIurdy design
WeaIher resisIanI A8S enclosure wiIh
clear acrylic lens
5/7W ClL (or) JW LLD lamps
OmnidirecIional whiIe lighI
High perormance inverIer and charge
Simple and easy Io use
High perormance inverIer and charge
Simple and easy Io use

PobusI and SIurdy design
Available in ClL and LLD lamp versions
lully wired ready Io insIall sIand alone uniIs
Wide range o indoor lamp ixIures
PusI proo lamp ixIures and baIIery box
ldeal or remoIe villages, arm houses,
housing colonies eIc.

5oIar Home LighIing 5ysIem

waIer during Ihe nighI or when iI's cloudy and
Ihe pump is o.
The solar waIer pumping sysIemis a sIandalone
sysIem operaIing on power generaIed using
solar PV (PhoIovolIaic) sysIem. The power
generaIed by solar PV Modules is used or
operaIing DC surace/Submersible cenIriugal
monoblock pump seI or liIing waIer rom
bore / open well or waIer reservoir or minor
irrigaIion and drinking waIer purposes.
Access Solar designed and successully insIalled
larger sysIems Io pump direcIly rom drilled
wells up Io elevaIed sIorage Ianks, which
provide graviIyed waIer back down Io remoIe
ranch buildings.
5oIar WaIer Pumping 5ysIem
5oIar 5ecuriIy Fencing 5ysIem
Discourage Irespassers and predaIors
No polluIion and environmenIal riendly
NoI Harmul, iI gives a shorI, sharp buI
sae shock Io Ihe inIruder
PerimeIer proIecIion
VirIually no mainIenance
AesIheIically pleasing
Long lasIing because o minimum
physical pressure
Lasy modiicaIions o sysIemIo conIrol a
varieIy o animals
All domesIic and wild animals can be
kepI o wiIh an economical cosI

Solar Sur!ace WaIer Pumps

These pumps are suiIable or liIing and
pumping waIer rom a maximum depIh o !5
Submersible Solar WaIer Pumps
These pumps can be used in Ihe areas, where
waIer is available aI a greaIer depIh and where
open wells are noI available. The maximum
recommended depIh or Ihese sysIems which
can pump eecIively is 70 meIers.
Solar LLD SIreeI LighIs presenI Ihe perecI and
cosIeecIive soluIion or residenIial sIreeIs,
parking loIs, securiIy, roadways and yards or
ouIdoor general area lighIing applicaIions.
Solar LLD sIreeI lighIs can be more
economically viable and eicienI in areas
where Ihe cosI o providing elecIriciIy is
expensive due Io non availabiliIy o grid power
or in remoIe areas or in unreachable Ierrains.
The LLD based Solar SIreeI LighIs are becoming
more popular due Io Iheir low power
consumpIion, very long liespan, (>50,000 hrs )
and are a good alIernaIive Io LPS (Low
Pressure Sodium), ClL (CompacI lluorescenI
Lamp) and MH (MeIal Halide) lamps. Unlike LPS
lamps IhaI produce a yelloworange lighI, Solar
sIreeI lighIs using LLD Iechnology generaIe a
very powerul and IargeIed crisp whiIe lighI o
excellenI qualiIy, which signiicanIly enhances
illuminaIion and nighI visibiliIy.
LFD 51FF1 A5LL-1209 A5LL-1212 A5LL-1812 A5L-2412
OuIpuI LighI lnIensiIy: !2 Lux _ 4.5MIrs 20 Lux _ 4.5MIrs J0 Lux _ 4.5MIrs J6 Lux _6 MIrs
Lumens: 900 !200 !800 2400
SPV Module: !2V J7Wp 50Wp 74Wp !!0Wp
8aIIery (Tubular/Sealed 40Ah 40Ah 80Ah !00Ah
MainIenance lree):
Nominal Power: 9W (9LLDs) !2W (!2LLDs) !8W (!8 LLDs) 29 W (29 LLDs)
Charging MeIhod: Series Pulsed Two SIep Series Pulsed Two SIep Series Pulsed Two SIep Series Pulsed Two SIep
Charging ConIroller: PWM 6 A PWM 6 A PWM 6 A PWM !0A
Display lndicaIions: Low 8aIIery, Charging Low 8aIIery, Charging Low 8aIIery, Charging Low 8aIIery, Charging
Mechanical Pole: 4.5MIrs 4.5MIrs 4.5MIrs 8 MIrs
8aIIery 8ox: M.S / Poly carbonaIe M.S / Poly carbonaIe M.S / Poly carbonaIe M.S / Poly carbonaIe
!2V !2V !2V
!2V !2V !2V !2V
Access Solar SIreeI LighIs are designed and
lnsIalled Io exacIing qualiIy sIandards and
providing long lasIing value. Solar SIreeI LighIs
are available in a wide range and can also be
cusIom designed Io meeI speciic service or
aesIheIic requiremenI.
Lamp !!W ClL !!W ClL
Lamp Heads ! !
Type A8S/Alu. A8S/Alu.
Solar Panel 74Wp 60Wp
8aIIery !2V 75Ah !2V60Ah
AuIonomy (works) J days 2 day
8aIIery Iype Tubular plaIe lead acid
M.S. Pole 4MheighI wiIh Galvanizing / Silver PainI
8aIIery 8ox lPP / A8S / Galvanized MS 8ox
OperaIion Dusk Io Dawn
A55L-1274 A55L1260
!2V !2V
Access Solar LimiIed
Ah lSO 9001-2008 CerIi!ied Compahy
5oIar 5IreeI LighIing 5ysIem
PobusI and SIurdy design
Available in ClL and LLD lamp versions
lully wired ready Io insIall sIand
alone uniIs
Wide range o ouIdoor lamp ixIures
CenIral i zed sysIems or cl usIer
PusI proo lamp ixIures and baIIery box
ldeal or remoIe villages, arm houses,
housing colonies, sIorage yards eIc.
Dusk Io Dawn operaIion (!2 hrs)

5oIar LFD 5IreeI LighIing 5ysIem

High eiciency elecIronic circuiIry,
environmenIal riendly non hazardous
Very low selconsumpIion, highly energy
eicienI LLD drivers o eiciency 95%
PobusI Io Ihermal and vibraIion shocks
No inrared or UVbeamouIpuI
AuIomaIic dawn dusk operaIion highly
economic and reliable
LLD device oers high inIensiIy o lighI, low
mainIenance, high reliabiliIy and durabiliIy

Solar LLD SIreeI LighIs presenI Ihe perecI and
cosIeecIive soluIion or residenIial sIreeIs,
parking loIs, securiIy, roadways and yards or
ouIdoor general area lighIing applicaIions.
Solar LLD sIreeI lighIs can be more
economically viable and eicienI in areas
where Ihe cosI o providing elecIriciIy is
expensive due Io non availabiliIy o grid power
or in remoIe areas or in unreachable Ierrains.
The LLD based Solar SIreeI LighIs are becoming
more popular due Io Iheir low power
consumpIion, very long liespan, (>50,000 hrs )
and are a good alIernaIive Io LPS (Low
Pressure Sodium), ClL (CompacI lluorescenI
Lamp) and MH (MeIal Halide) lamps. Unlike LPS
lamps IhaI produce a yelloworange lighI, Solar
sIreeI lighIs using LLD Iechnology generaIe a
very powerul and IargeIed crisp whiIe lighI o
excellenI qualiIy, which signiicanIly enhances
illuminaIion and nighI visibiliIy.
LFD 51FF1 A5LL-1209 A5LL-1212 A5LL-1812 A5L-2412
OuIpuI LighI lnIensiIy: !2 Lux _ 4.5MIrs 20 Lux _ 4.5MIrs J0 Lux _ 4.5MIrs J6 Lux _ 6 MIrs
Lumens: 900 !200 !800 2400
SPV Module: !2V J7Wp 50Wp 74Wp !!0Wp
8aIIery (Tubular/Sealed 40Ah 40Ah 80Ah !00Ah
MainIenance lree):
Nominal Power: 9W (9LLDs) !2W (!2LLDs) !8W (!8 LLDs) 29 W (29 LLDs)
Charging MeIhod: Series Pulsed Two SIep Series Pulsed Two SIep Series Pulsed Two SIep Series Pulsed Two SIep
Charging ConIroller: PWM 6 A PWM 6 A PWM 6 A PWM !0A
Display lndicaIions: Low 8aIIery, Charging Low 8aIIery, Charging Low 8aIIery, Charging Low 8aIIery, Charging
Mechanical Pole: 4.5MIrs 4.5MIrs 4.5MIrs 8 MIrs
8aIIery 8ox: M.S / Poly carbonaIe M.S / Poly carbonaIe M.S / Poly carbonaIe M.S / Poly carbonaIe
!2V !2V !2V
!2V !2V !2V !2V
Access Solar SIreeI LighIs are designed and
lnsIalled Io exacIing qualiIy sIandards and
providing long lasIing value. Solar SIreeI LighIs
are available in a wide range and can also be
cusIom designed Io meeI speciic service or
aesIheIic requiremenI.
Lamp !!W ClL !!W ClL
Lamp Heads ! !
Type A8S/Alu. A8S/Alu.
Solar Panel 74Wp 60Wp
8aIIery !2V 75Ah !2V60Ah
AuIonomy (works) J days 2 day
8aIIery Iype Tubular plaIe lead acid
M.S. Pole 4MheighI wiIh Galvanizing / Silver PainI
8aIIery 8ox lPP / A8S / Galvanized MS 8ox
OperaIion Dusk Io Dawn
A55L-1274 A55L1260
!2V !2V
Access Solar LimiIed
Ah lSO 9001-2008 CerIi!ied Compahy
5oIar 5IreeI LighIing 5ysIem
PobusI and SIurdy design
Available in ClL and LLD lamp versions
lully wired ready Io insIall sIand
alone uniIs
Wide range o ouIdoor lamp ixIures
CenIral i zed sysIems or cl usIer
PusI proo lamp ixIures and baIIery box
ldeal or remoIe villages, arm houses,
housing colonies, sIorage yards eIc.
Dusk Io Dawn operaIion (!2 hrs)

5oIar LFD 5IreeI LighIing 5ysIem

High eiciency elecIronic circuiIry,
environmenIal riendly non hazardous
Very low selconsumpIion, highly energy
eicienI LLD drivers o eiciency 95%
PobusI Io Ihermal and vibraIion shocks
No inrared or UVbeamouIpuI
AuIomaIic dawn dusk operaIion highly
economic and reliable
LLD device oers high inIensiIy o lighI, low
mainIenance, high reliabiliIy and durabiliIy

World over Ielecom operaIors, carriers and
Iurnkey equipmenI manuacIurers are opIing
or solar phoIovolIaic module Iechnology, as iI is
Ihe mosI suiIable and versaIile Iechnology or
remoIe applicaIions.
They eaIure parallel rows o IransparenI glass
Iubes. Lach Iube conIains a glass ouIer Iube and
inner Iube insulaIed by evacuaIion. The ouIer
surace o inner Iube is coaIed wiIh superior heaI
absorbenI maIerial.
Glazed laIplaIe collecIors are insulaIed copper
Iubes enclosed in weaIher prooed boxes IhaI
conIain dark absorber plaIes under one or more
glass covers. Unglazed laIplaIe collecIors
Iypically have a dark absorber plaIe made o
meIal or polymer, wiIhouI a cover or enclosure. ACCESS SOLAR
5oIar WaIer HeaIing 5ysIem
Access Solar LimiIed
Ah lSO 9001-2008 CerIi!ied Compahy
5oIar Power Pack for 1eIecom NeIworks
SIand alone sysIems IhaI do noI require any
digging o Irenches and laying o expensive
Highly economical and a greaI energy saver
as iI a reliable parallel source Io DG seI or
any oIher source o power
DrasIically brings down grid dependency
and DG SeI mainIenance cosI in remoIe
'On siIe' source o power
One Iime invesImenI wiIh no recurrenI cosI

Access Solar oers a wide range o Poo Top

Solar Power Packs. Access Solar provides
advanced solar power packs Io ensure Ihe
conIinuous power Io your premises and oIher
insIallaIions. The solar power pack inds wide
range o applicaIions in ATMs , Call CenIers,
larm Houses, luel Pump SIaIions, HoIels, P&D
cenIers, SoIware DevelopmenI CenIers,
Transmission, CommunicaIion Towers and Pural
Village LlecIriicaIion eIc.
oof 1op 5oIar Power Packs
Clean, noise ree and eco riendly
Provides power rom! KW Io !00KW
Minimal mainIenance
Simple insIallaIion
Will pay back Ihe cosI in 5 Io 6 years
Lie : 25 Io J0 years
No moving parIs and zero mainIenance
excepI cleaning o SPV panels once in a
SysIems oered on qualiIy and cosI
compeIiIive basis
A !00 KW CapaciIy Poo Top sysIem could
save around 50,000 liIers o diesel per year

As per JNN5M-MNF GuideIines Grid 1ied and

Off Grid 5Iand AIone 5ysIems
The abundanIly available ree energy rom Ihe Sun can be Iapped anywhere using Ihe solar waIer
heaIing sysIem Io heaI Ihe waIer. The Solar waIer heaIing sysIems can be easily insIalled and
inIegraIed wiIh exisIing waIer heaIing sysIems such as geyser in houses, sIeamboilers in lndusIries or
pressurized sysIems in HoIels.
Access Solar WaIer HeaIing SysIems are manuacIured in various sIandard capaciIies rom!00 LPD
Io 20,000 LPD. Access Solar can also cusIom design manuacIure Io meeI cusIomer requiremenIs
or various applicaIions. Access Solar WaIer HeaIing SysIems are available in boIh Thermosyphon
and lorced circulaIion coniguraIions.
HoI waIer available round Ihe clock
Savings in elecIriciIy bills
LnvironmenI riendly, sae and reliable
SelecIive black chrome plaIing or higher
Unique serraIed ins deep embossed
wiIh ulIra sonic bonding or more
lnbuilI elecIrical backup or waIer
heaIing during cloudy days
All screws and componenIs are non
corrosive wiIh Iank and collecIor ouIer
surace are powder coaIed
LTC is ldeal or hard and salIy waIer

FvacuaIed 1ube
CoIIecIor (F1C)
FIaI PIaIe CoIIecIor (FPC)
World over Ielecom operaIors, carriers and
Iurnkey equipmenI manuacIurers are opIing
or solar phoIovolIaic module Iechnology, as iI is
Ihe mosI suiIable and versaIile Iechnology or
remoIe applicaIions.
They eaIure parallel rows o IransparenI glass
Iubes. Lach Iube conIains a glass ouIer Iube and
inner Iube insulaIed by evacuaIion. The ouIer
surace o inner Iube is coaIed wiIh superior heaI
absorbenI maIerial.
Glazed laIplaIe collecIors are insulaIed copper
Iubes enclosed in weaIher prooed boxes IhaI
conIain dark absorber plaIes under one or more
glass covers. Unglazed laIplaIe collecIors
Iypically have a dark absorber plaIe made o
meIal or polymer, wiIhouI a cover or enclosure. ACCESS SOLAR
5oIar WaIer HeaIing 5ysIem
Access Solar LimiIed
Ah lSO 9001-2008 CerIi!ied Compahy
5oIar Power Pack for 1eIecom NeIworks
SIand alone sysIems IhaI do noI require any
digging o Irenches and laying o expensive
Highly economical and a greaI energy saver
as iI a reliable parallel source Io DG seI or
any oIher source o power
DrasIically brings down grid dependency
and DG SeI mainIenance cosI in remoIe
'On siIe' source o power
One Iime invesImenI wiIh no recurrenI cosI

Access Solar oers a wide range o Poo Top

Solar Power Packs. Access Solar provides
advanced solar power packs Io ensure Ihe
conIinuous power Io your premises and oIher
insIallaIions. The solar power pack inds wide
range o applicaIions in ATMs , Call CenIers,
larm Houses, luel Pump SIaIions, HoIels, P&D
cenIers, SoIware DevelopmenI CenIers,
Transmission, CommunicaIion Towers and Pural
Village LlecIriicaIion eIc.
oof 1op 5oIar Power Packs
Clean, noise ree and eco riendly
Provides power rom! KW Io !00KW
Minimal mainIenance
Simple insIallaIion
Will pay back Ihe cosI in 5 Io 6 years
Lie : 25 Io J0 years
No moving parIs and zero mainIenance
excepI cleaning o SPV panels once in a
SysIems oered on qualiIy and cosI
compeIiIive basis
A !00 KW CapaciIy Poo Top sysIem could
save around 50,000 liIers o diesel per year

As per JNN5M-MNF GuideIines Grid 1ied and

Off Grid 5Iand AIone 5ysIems
The abundanIly available ree energy rom Ihe Sun can be Iapped anywhere using Ihe solar waIer
heaIing sysIem Io heaI Ihe waIer. The Solar waIer heaIing sysIems can be easily insIalled and
inIegraIed wiIh exisIing waIer heaIing sysIems such as geyser in houses, sIeamboilers in lndusIries or
pressurized sysIems in HoIels.
Access Solar WaIer HeaIing SysIems are manuacIured in various sIandard capaciIies rom!00 LPD
Io 20,000 LPD. Access Solar can also cusIom design manuacIure Io meeI cusIomer requiremenIs
or various applicaIions. Access Solar WaIer HeaIing SysIems are available in boIh Thermosyphon
and lorced circulaIion coniguraIions.
HoI waIer available round Ihe clock
Savings in elecIriciIy bills
LnvironmenI riendly, sae and reliable
SelecIive black chrome plaIing or higher
Unique serraIed ins deep embossed
wiIh ulIra sonic bonding or more
lnbuilI elecIrical backup or waIer
heaIing during cloudy days
All screws and componenIs are non
corrosive wiIh Iank and collecIor ouIer
surace are powder coaIed
LTC is ldeal or hard and salIy waIer

FvacuaIed 1ube
CoIIecIor (F1C)
FIaI PIaIe CoIIecIor (FPC)
RepresehIed by
S-5, Phase ll, 1.l.E, 8alahagar
Hyderabad - 500 037,
Ahdhra Pradesh, lhdia
For !urIher deIails cohIacI
E-mail: ih!o@accesssolar.heI
Ph : +91-40-23076010
Fax : +91-40-23076271

Access Solar LimiIed
Ah lSO 9001-2008 CerIi!ied Compahy
Reg|sle|ed w|lh

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