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Fukushima plant in national emergency says governor Severe radioactive contamination with serious health affects on local population Global intervention suggested

Bloomberg: Japan govt needs to understand crisis at Fukushima is a matter of life and death ABC Interview: They are slowly killing us They know full well its leaking, but theyve done nothing (AUDIO)

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Russian Study: Fukushima released 100 quadrillion becquerels of cesium into atmosphere In just ONE day About equal to Chernobyls total release
Published: August 29th, 2013 at 9:56 am ET By ENENew s Email Article 75 comments Tw eet

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Estimation of radionuclide emission during the March 15, 2011 accident at the Fukushima-1 NPP (Atomic Energy Journal Volume 112, Issue 3), July 2012:

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According to estimates made by the present authors, the following radionuclides entered the atmosphere on March 15, 2011 (PBq): ~400 iodine, ~100 cesium, and ~400 inert gases.



CEO: Fukushima is very bad, we have a crew in Japan right now; Reports coming out that govt covered it up food around whole region got irradiated, increased problems for people in Tokyo Host: Really scares me I dont hear anyone discussing how to stop it (VIDEO) (3,482) Official detects radiation spike on California beach, now at 500% normal levels Befuddled as to why its so high, claims theres no immediate health concern Publics interest in Fukushima nuclear waste rising (VIDEO) (2,302) Nuclear Engineer: Radioactive plumes always coming out of Fukushima Unit 3 Water is not getting to hotspots its because of melted core Fission may be taking place underneath reactor (AUDIO) (745)

Wikipedias entry on Chernobyl states, 20 to 40% of all core caesium-137 was released, 85 PBq in all. The source cited is Chernobyl: Assessment of Radiological and Health Impact -Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) The same source gives another amount for the Chernobyl release that is considerably less, However, more deposition data were available when, in their 1988 Report, the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) gave release figures based not only on the Soviet data, but also on worldwide deposition. The total 137Cs release was estimated to be 70 petabecquerels (PBq) -Nuclear Energy Agencys 2002 assessment of the Chernobyl disaster According to the Committee on an Assessment of CDC Radiation Studies, National Research Council: 35 PBq of Cs-134 and 70 PBq of Cs-137 were released into the atmosphere at Chernobyl. Fukushimas total cesium releases are considerably higher than the 100 PBq stated in the July 2012 study, as that included only atmospheric releases and none of the plants record discharges into the ocean (up to 47 quadrillion becquerels) and it is only based on the amount from a single day. For more on Fukushimas ocean releases see: Nuclear Engineer: Estimated 276 quadrillion Bq of Cs-137 entered Fukushima basements -- Triple Chernobyl total release -- A portion "has already made its way to aquifer, whence it can easily flow into sea"
Published: August 29th, 2013 at 9:56 am ET By ENENew s

Nuclear Expert: Fukushima reactor cores melted right down into the ground That radioactive material is getting washed out into Pacific Ocean (AUDIO) (623) Biologist finds pink salmon that are canary yellow on Canadas Pacific coast Insides also yellow: Heart parts, gill arches, spines, cartilage in head Spleens swollen, livers spotted, some with buggedout eyes (PHOTOS) (551) Search


CEO: Fukushima is very bad, we have a crew in Japan right now; Reports coming out that govt covered it up food around whole region got irradiated, increased problems for people in Tokyo Host: Really scares me I dont hear anyone discussing how to stop it (VIDEO) Official detects radiation spike on California beach, now at 500% normal levels Befuddled as to why its so high, claims theres no immediate health concern Publics interest in Fukushima nuclear waste rising (VIDEO) Expert: Source informed me that areas by U.S. nuclear

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plants are becoming seismically active; Studies underway right now NRC Official Use Only: Quakes can actually happen almost anywhere (AUDIO) Nuclear Engineer: Radioactive plumes always coming out of Fukushima Unit 3 Water is not getting to hotspots its because of melted core Fission may be taking place underneath reactor (AUDIO) Senior Scientist: Fukushima cores melted through the containment vessels Im very concerned about sea life on West Coast accumulating radioactive material; Some contamination will arrive in concentrated pockets (AUDIO) Top Russian Nuclear Official: Fukushima catastrophe matched our worst-case scenario U.S. Govt Email: Radiation release thought to be 500 times higher than we calculated Wall St. Journal: Plutonium levels 1,000 times normal on seafloor 50 miles from San Francisco Expert Appalled: Major nuclear dump offshore is a threat to health Around 50,000 containers of radioactive waste in globally significant ecosystem Nuclear Expert: Fukushima reactor cores melted right down into the ground That radioactive material is getting washed out into Pacific Ocean (AUDIO)
4:33 AM EST, Jan 05

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1. EU-funded Research: Fukushima atmospheric release of 210 quadrillion becquerels of cesium-137 used as upper bound in simulation Chernobyl estimated at 70 to 85 quadrillion September 23, 2013 2. Study: Up to 47 quadrillion becquerels of cesium-137 released into Pacific from Fukushima Nearly 50 times original Tepco estimate March 12, 2013 3. RT: Fukushima amounts to four Chernobyls of cesium-137 contamination May 24, 2012 4. Japan Professor compares cesium-137 releases from radiation disasters: Fukushima at up to 77 quadrillion Bq (77 PBq); Chernobyl at 85 quadrillion Bq (85 PBq) Fukushima releases ongoing August 27, 2013 5. Nuclear Engineer: Estimated 276 quadrillion Bq of Cs-137 entered Fukushima basements Triple Chernobyl total release A portion has already made its way to aquifer, whence it can easily flow into sea August 26, 2013
August 29th, 2013 | Category: Chernobyl Comparisons, Fukushima Daiichi, Japan (Fukushima)

Fukushima plant in national emergency says governor Severe radioactive contamination with serious health affects on local population Global intervention suggested

Bloomberg: Japan govt needs to understand crisis at Fukushima is a matter of life and death ABC Interview: They are slowly killing us They know full well its leaking, but theyve done nothing (AUDIO)

Philadelphia, PA 150 CPM (private geiger, most likely, so 150 CPM is very...
Comment on FORUM: Post Your Radiation Monitoring Data Here 4:29 AM EST, Jan 05

75 comments to Russian Study: Fukushima released 100 quadrillion becquerels of cesium into atmosphere In just ONE day About equal to Chernobyls total release
Dr. Goodheart
August 29, 2013 at 10:18 am Log in to Reply Japan still has not responded to South Koreas request for radiation data.
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Pennsylvania 111 CPM (I have seen up to 138 CPM right now) Radiation...
Comment on FORUM: Post Your Radiation Monitoring Data Here 4:27 AM EST, Jan 05

Just in case you have any doubt that the United States has known...
Comment on FORUM: General Disc ussion Thread (Nuc lear Issues) 4:26 AM EST, Jan 05


Comment on Offic ial detec ts radiation spike on California beac h, now at 500% normal levels --...

August 29, 2013 at 1:12 pm Log in to Reply In other news.Fire is still hot. Sky is blue. Tepco still lies.
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4:17 AM EST, Jan 05

It will take world peace to fix clean and repair this mess or...
Comment on CEO: Fukushima is very bad, we have a c rew in Japan right now;... 4:13 AM EST, Jan 05

We Not They Finally

August 29, 2013 at 6:36 pm Log in to Reply Japan owes that data to THE WHOLE WORLD. And don't know if the U.N. has any spine these days, but if it does it needs to condemn Japan as an outlaw nation, and issue arrest warrants to drag people off to The Haag. Killing millions of people (animals, plants, everything) now and in the future is just "fine" because Japan is "the third largest economy in the world"?? That in itself is a complete accounting fraud by now. That nation is GONE!! And any claim to MORALITY is gone. This is an outlaw nation and sanctions should be applied. Unfortunately, the United States will in no way be taking the lead. To the contrary. In fact, what we fear is some new deadly diversion because "people were going to die anyway, and now we don't even have to talk about it." it's becoming dangerous for a lot more reasons than just radiation.
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More and more articles are being posted on the Google news page and...
Comment on FORUM: General Disc ussion Thread (Nuc lear Issues) 4:11 AM EST, Jan 05

According to this article, the workers are setting up the equipment to freeze...
Comment on FORUM: General Disc ussion Thread (Nuc lear Issues) 4:07 AM EST, Jan 05

Remember the Hope Ranch Webcam? ABC News had a story about Yoshizawa 4-0104/fukushi ma-cowboy-wont- slaughtercattl e-despite-white -spots/5184684
Comment on FORUM: Fukushima Webc am Disc ussion Thread 3:33 AM EST, Jan 05

"An ominous edict issued from the Office of the President of Russia today...

of the President of Russia today...

Dr. Goodheart
August 29, 2013 at 10:23 am Log in to Reply We wonder what day it was that #3 exploded and released massive amounts of radiation? How much was released THAT day? They more than likely picked the day when the LEAST amount was coming out, and used that to plug into a computer, to come up with the lowest possible number possible. First the 'experts' proclaim FUKU is only 10% of Chernobyl.. Now they say it is close to Chernobyl, but still no worse Anyone saying something like this is still guessing, and not counting the total amount released to groundwater, ocean, air, etc, on purpose, in order to make it look much better than it actually is.
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Comment on Nuc lear Engineer: Radioac tive plumes always c oming out of Fukushima Unit 3 -- "Water... 3:27 AM EST, Jan 05

Denver, and the state of Colorado have Granit mountains. Granit is natural scintillation...
Comment on CEO: Fukushima is very bad, we have a c rew in Japan right now;...

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August 29, 2013 at 10:53 am Log in to Reply Hi Dr. here is a link to Foia documents with details how the disaster went down with diagrams supplied by Japanese. It has the timeline, explosion pictures, meltdowns etc. The report starts on page 61.
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August 29, 2013 at 11:38 am Log in to Reply That, was a big download
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August 29, 2013 at 11:53 am Log in to Reply Yeah totally
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August 29, 2013 at 12:14 pm Log in to Reply Totally that was reply to the alligator croco discussion analogy, somehow my post got tacked onto the wrong thread
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TEPCO and TBS Webcams

August 29, 2013 at 12:29 pm Log in to Reply You're on turbo moving between pages
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Dr. Goodheart
August 29, 2013 at 12:02 pm Log in to Reply What a bunch of hooey For #3, it lists nothing more than a hydrogen explosion, just like the rest.

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For #3, it lists nothing more than a hydrogen explosion, just like the rest. Good coverup job, with no mention of radiation released, spreading plutonium all over the place, out into the ocean, etc.. Kind of interesting, it shows Japanese and US military in there putting water on FUKU. Never saw that one before. Which US military? Were US troops involved in being on site?
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Dr. Goodheart
August 29, 2013 at 12:09 pm Log in to Reply For spent fuel pools, even though they admit water level fell below tops of fuel rods, the temperature of these pools never went up much. No fires, no drying out of any of them is admitted Again, lots of white washing and minimization; as much as they can get away with and not be called on it, because no one is going to check their facts and live to tell about it.
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Dr. Goodheart
August 29, 2013 at 12:14 pm Log in to Reply No plutonium detected ANYWHERE, other than from atomic testing levels. Convenient.. fits right in with the steam explosion story.. Nothing came out of anything, no radioactive fires anywhere, no coriums going underground.. Voila; 10% of Chernobyl maximum. How sweet it is.. lots of raises and promotions all around. We saved humanity with a computer program estimate and a Powerpoint presentation, showing how it REALLY was. We can all go home now. Shut down ENENEWS. No need for it anymore. Problems have all been solved. Everything is back to normal. NOT!
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Dr. Goodheart
August 29, 2013 at 12:18 pm Log in to Reply Just this much, makes us look at everything else in the report with great suspicion, distrust and basically, well, DISBELIEF. If they cannot even get the basic facts right, everything else that follows from there, well it has got to be made up somehow. But knowing how this all works, most of the world will believe everything in this report and think the world is just peachy keen, and almost no radiation came out of FUKU especially no plutonium.
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Dr. Goodheart
August 29, 2013 at 12:59 pm Log in to Reply What Really Happened at Fukushima? via

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August 29, 2013 at 4:43 pm Log in to Reply Dr. did you have a chance to see the part where the NRC inspectors were hiding the Iodine-131 found in milk and they didn't report it. It was an email on page 41.
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We Not They Finally

August 29, 2013 at 1:55 pm Log in to Reply Dr.G, your website also did an AMAZING article about plutonium release. It think it was Paolo Scampa's work. Re-post the link for people to find.
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We Not They Finally

August 29, 2013 at 6:42 pm Log in to Reply Dr. G, PattieB has been saying for a long time that there are NUCLEAR BOMB FACTORIES under reactors 3 and I believe 4. That would certainly account for the MUSHROOMSHAPED CLOUD when that explosion happened!!! MOX fuel was supposed to be ILLEGAL in Japan. See also Yoichi Shimatsu who claims that Shinzo Abe personally was right in the middle of bringing the MOX fuel into Japan, along with the Cheney cabal.
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Dr. Goodheart
August 30, 2013 at 1:30 pm Log in to Reply May very well be.. They are very good at hiding things. The nuclear industry has been keeping secrets for many years now. When you get that good at something, you are not going to give up on it easily. Liars who lie often enough, end up believing their own lies. They will attack anyone who disagrees and label them fear mongers, or worse. What happens when you try to expose a narcissist?
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November 22, 2013 at 12:08 pm Log in to Reply At least we won't have to worry about burying all these dead liars. Won't anybody be burying anybody when this thing takes

Won't anybody be burying anybody when this thing takes its toll. Somehow running out of toilet paper doesn't seem like such a big deal anymore.
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January 3, 2014 at 2:15 pm Log in to Reply We Not They FinallyWell saidNow we are getting close to the truth
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August 29, 2013 at 11:24 am Log in to Reply So we're having dinner in our kitchen, the children are behaving, and the food is excellent. Right then, a 12ft reptile comes onto the back porch and slithers into the midst of our meal. We all jump up and start a heated argument over whether it's an alligator, or a crocodile?
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August 29, 2013 at 11:38 am Log in to Reply @MichaelIVLOL, exactly!!
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Dr. Goodheart
August 29, 2013 at 11:43 am Log in to Reply Well if one person in the family represents and works for top level TEP corp, it would probably be an argument on his side about; it was nothing more than a small lizard, versus a 12 foot reptile that actually bit and tried to eat people, for those who actually witnessed it Of course, those who got eaten get no say in the matter
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August 29, 2013 at 12:20 pm Log in to Reply The children, hence our future, are vulnerable to immediate harm. Could they finally building a utopia by murdering billions of people who are in the way?
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We Not They Finally

August 29, 2013 at 6:37 pm Log in to Reply They cannot ever even return to the surface that way! More likely they are just criminally deranged.
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November 22, 2013 at 12:19 pm Log in to Reply The TEP family reunion dinner alligator event: Dad: Smile and be happy! Mom: It won't eat you if you are happy! Son: You tell it dad! Daughter: Lie to it, daddy!
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August 29, 2013 at 11:40 am Log in to Reply FUKUSHIMA SOLUTION 1: Stop Inflowing Groundwater Build the Impermeable Wall inland from where it starts beside Reactor1. Run inland to a place well behind Reactor1. Turn left, and extend Wall behind (inland from) Reactors1-4. Completed Impermeable Wall will form a rectangle completely surrounding Reactors1-4. This will block the groundwater from entering the area under the reactors, where it becomes contaminated. The 1,000 tonnes of uncontaminated inflowing groundwater per day that enters the FDNPP will be diverted by the Impermeable Wall into the harbor. This will take the place of the Frozen Wall, which will no longer be necessary. This is not rocket science. This is water.
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August 29, 2013 at 11:49 am Log in to Reply FUKUSHIMA SOLUTION 2: Move Water Storage Offshore Oh, and while we're at it, bring in double walled barge tanks. Park them in harbor, and transfer ALL the contaminated water from those tanks and ponds to the barges. Take the filled barges out to sea, filter out the nuclear nasties, and dump them into the Trench. Probably, you will want to pump the filtered water deep down in the Trench, rather then have it float on the ocean surface, where it will cause trouble. You will need a separate barge for the filtration operation, and probably a small ship to serve as crew quarters. Couple of tugboats to move the barges around. Let's get right on this one. OK?
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August 29, 2013 at 12:05 pm Log in to Reply Good ideas. However, fresh water is less dense than sea water. If you pump it down, its tendency will be to rise to the surface. Mixing it first with some sea water and then pumping it down will have more of the desired result you propose. I appreciate your "solutions-based" comments in this forum.
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August 29, 2013 at 12:07 pm Log in to Reply FUKUSHIMA SOLUTION 3: Closed Loop Heat Sink Install two lines of groundwater wells inside the Impermeable Wall Rectangle, in a line along the harbor, with a second line of wells running behind (inland from) Reactors1-4. (The line of wells behind Reactors1-4 is already in place.). Cooling towers for this system can go where the tank farm is currently located. Cooled water can be circulated into Containments1-3, as needed. Excess cooled water can be injected using the line of wells behind Reactors1-4. Of course, the line of wells along the harbor extracts groundwater for cooling and filtration.

The groundwater level inside the Impermeable Wall can be controlled by adding or removing water. Filtration of the water in the Closed Loop Heat Sink system may be necessary to keep it from fissioning. The need for a Closed Loop Heat Sink has often been mentioned by Arnie Gundersen, BTW. Great idea, Arnie!
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August 29, 2013 at 8:52 pm Log in to Reply Though I'm sure a better system can be built, the ALPS system for filtering/decontaminating water at Daiichi has been an utter failure. At perfect conditions, it can only filter about half of the nuclides from the water, the rest stays. ALPS is a very expensive system, and hasn't even come close to operation, let alone peak efficiency. So the idea of filtering the water on the barges is out until a tested and proven system can be developed. Further, no water must ever be pumped into the ocean, filtered or not. That type of thinking just perpetuates the mentality that got the world into this situation. The Earth is not humanities dumping ground. The plants and animals of the planet are not here for humanities whims. We are supposed to be symbiotic. The fact alone that anyone would consider dumping anything into the trench off the coastline shows poor judgement and lack of understanding. All contaminated waterevery last dropmust be brough INLAND and managed thoroughly and appropriately. Hey, if it takes five thousand acres of tanks to hold F-Daiichi's contaminated water for 100K years, then so be it. Then, and only then, will the people wake up and realize what they have done. Then we will see change. If you dump this water in the ocean, there will be no evidence of what has happened. The perpetrators will go free. Over time, billions-not millions-of people will die from this. Humanity: Face the consequences or seal your fate.
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August 29, 2013 at 9:26 pm Log in to Reply @MoonlightEmpire Do you know how much uranium & thorium was put into seawater by Mother Nature ?? please take a moment and read this ReleaseNumber=mr20120821-00 the ocean's estimated 4.5 billion tons of uranium. Although dissolved uranium exists in concentrations of just 3.2 parts per billion, the sheer volume means there would be enough to "safely store the entire world inventory of radcrap, if properly mineralized into chemically stable vitrified compounds" [my quotes] since the beginning of time, all life on earth has evolved in balance with a really scary amount of naturally occurring radioisotopes, I'm not in favor of sloppy ocean dumping, I'm a fisherman and own waterfront oyster clam kelp-beds holothurian stichopus aquaculture, and demo'd the original method of geoduck clam aquaculture. The uranium mining industry knows how to extract the radwaste out of Fukuradwater.. the technology is getting better every week.. A crash program building a bunch of bigger breakwaters outside the small existing one at Fuku is extremely important. The ocean is more resilient than you think, it's not HolyWater.
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August 29, 2013 at 9:51 pm Log in to Reply A nature's solution or is it only a part of the coming Nuclear Radiation Contamination plague.. Some people think fungus/fungi are the cause of cancer.. client=safari&rls=en&q=cancer+is+a+fungus&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8 So lets see cancer was like 1% in 1930 and it's now 50%+ in the year 2012 and what is the cause? The newest form of technology found on this planet is Nuclear Technology! Most of the people living in Japan today and now those downwind/downstream will die from Cancer too! More fungus! Bring me More Fungus for everybody.. including Bobby!
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August 30, 2013 at 6:19 am Log in to Reply You sound positively gleeful that you believe nearly everyone will die of cancer. Glad you're enjoying yourself. And while the good doctor's bobby's blog post on fungus may be worthwhile reading, your endorsement of it as doomporn just makes it appear to be junk to those who may come here for serious info
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November 22, 2013 at 12:35 pm Log in to Reply There were useful bits of info in the link, and I just read it for a few glancing moments so far. Useful: In the aftermath of cesium radiation release, you must be careful to avoid burning oak tree bark. Practical use: Peel your oak bark from your firewood to prevent radiation injuries. You must do so without creating any dust, or inhaling any at all. I think Obewanspeaks is just basking in the total absurdity of his environment. This is your brain. Photo: Egg This is your brain on drugs. Photo: Egg frying This is you brain on cataclysmic extinction level event: Photo: Obewanspeaks. Give the guy a break. The Japanese said be happy, already!
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August 29, 2013 at 11:19 pm Log in to Reply 21st: I'm aware of the huge amounts of naturally occuring radioactive elements on the planet, but thanks for the interesting link, though I wouldn't ever support the idea it presentsIf there is 3.2 ppb of naturally occuring uranium in the oceans, then good, so be it.leave it there. These companies are again looking at the natural resources of the Earth as things to be exploited for personal gains. As long as we keep this mentality, we will not succeed. Imagine how much water you have to "skim" through their "filters" in order to

accumulate the quantities of uranium they are talking about in the article. That's a lot of water to be squeezing through a fine mesh. There are billions of living organisms in a teaspoon of rich compostand similar with ocean water. If the technology is so good and getting better all the time for extracting radwastes from Fuku-like water, then that's all the more reason for every last drop to be stored inland on TEPCO owned property if necessary until it is all made pure and drinkable by infants according to pre 1800AD standards. I don't believe the technology is that good. If it is, then what are we all fussing about? I do support your mention of multiple breakwaters. They need many, and they need to be very large. The one they have is barely still there (the tsunami destroyed it). And yes, the ocean is resilient, but again, that is no excuse for admonishable behaviors.
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August 30, 2013 at 4:33 pm Log in to Reply MoonlightEmpire: We don't have time to argue over which end of the egg to crack first.. OK fine, if you want to be stubborn about not one drop in the ocean, you can go ahead and begin your upland campaign. Yeah, your plan is a better plan if we had 5 more years to fiddlefuk with it you might get your project completed.. I have fought a few fires in my time, forest fires, house fires, vehicle fires, shipyard fires in drydocks, vessel fires at sea in a storm, and large industrial foundry fires.. TEPCO failed in their upland campaign, their collection of tanks are too heavy for the ground support on that hillside parkinglot. Any kind of upland water project is riddled with nearly as much risks of spillage into the ocean as just putting it on good solid inspected double hulled chemical tanker ships guarded by the Navy. Putting it on tankerships could be done in a week.. ..I have my doubts the spent fuel pools will last another week each minute that goes by without another damaging event is a miracle in this ongoing mess. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE it's not a perfect world, we all survive by making snap decisions when the chips are down
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November 22, 2013 at 12:42 pm Log in to Reply "Putting it on tankerships could be done in a week.." That would ruin the whole plan fiddling while the world is burning.
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August 30, 2013 at 12:35 am Log in to Reply @21stCentury, you are comparing apples to bananas. How much caesium, strontium, plutonium and of all the numerous other highly active and poisonous reactor fission, transmutation and decay products was put into seawater by Mother Nature? Or better how much of it has Father Time left behind after some billion years?
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August 30, 2013 at 3:59 pm Log in to Reply @ 21stcentury = Au contraire mon frere! The oceans ARE 'Holy Water' and here's why per National Geographic = "Source of Half Earth's Oxygen Gets Little CreditPhytoplankton are at the base of what scientists refer to as oceanic biological productivity, the ability of a water body to support life such as plants, fish, and wildlife lankton.html
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August 29, 2013 at 12:29 pm Log in to Reply Solution 1 Your talking about building a 'coffer dam', I'm sure TEPCO have a good reason for not building one, but for the life of me I can't figure out what it would be.
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August 29, 2013 at 1:31 pm Log in to Reply Cofferdam IS being constructed right now, David. Which is good news. They call it the "Impermeable Wall". The bad news is that they are building it only half way around Reactors1-4. The bad news is that as they build it, groundwater backs up behind the wall, and begins to flood the buildings. (Perhaps they should have started building this wall behind and uphill from Reactors1-4, then worked on the harborside part last.)
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August 29, 2013 at 2:06 pm Log in to Reply So it's a dam, not a coffer-dam. They truly are insane I don't know who the engineering genius is who suggested this 'cock-up' but would someone please take him out behind one of the reactors and knock some sense into him, preferable with something large and blunt.
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We Not They Finally

August 29, 2013 at 6:57 pm Log in to Reply PhilipUpNorth, you are obviously a smart guy, but why be so Johnny-OneNote about impermeable walls? The one they built already CATACLYSMICALLY FAILED!!!The water goes UNDER the wall to the sea. It is also about to go OVER the wall. And what the wall held back has hyper-saturated the land to the point that what is left of the complex will all fall down. Impermeable Wall is not good news, Philip! It is BAD news! It is VERY bad news! Please stop pushing it!
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Dr. Goodheart
August 29, 2013 at 11:46 am Log in to Reply Yea, but it will cost lots and lots of money do all of this.. There is no money. They barely have enough $$ for used metal/plastic tanks, duct tape and baling wire as it is. Who wants to dump money into a black hole. It is much easier and cheaper to ignore it, deny it is happening, and walk away from it. Plus very profitable, because as people get sick, the medical side of the nuclear industry makes $$$$ mucho mucho
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Dr. Goodheart
August 29, 2013 at 11:48 am Log in to Reply Good idea by the way Then tunnel underneath and seal off from below.
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August 29, 2013 at 12:26 pm Log in to Reply "Seal off from below." Great idea. You could use the Frozen Wall technology to seal off the reactors from below. Drill, using a slantwise drilling machine, and freeze the ground underneath the reactors, perhaps put a horizontal frozen wall at the very bottom of the Impermeable Wall. Freeze the corium, too, if any remains within reach.
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August 29, 2013 at 1:49 pm Log in to Reply Repost from The Blue Light, who recommends using epoxy to create the hirizontal barrier at the bottom of the Impermeable Wall: "October 3, 2012 at 7:17 pm Reply "Hi Anne, hope you are well. "I didn't explain it too well. We can steer the cutting head on a drilling rig to drill in the horizontal. As for the epoxy barrier when the oil companies do frakking they pump in fluid, at pressure, to fracture the rock. In this case the fluid is epoxy, we pump it in and then leave it to set, job done. you then move forward ten feet or so and do it again until you have gone 'all around the houses' so to speak. If you want a thicker barrier then you just drill ten feet further down. Think concrete but held together with epoxy instead of cement. "As for finding the cores, seismic mapping has been used for finding ancient ruins, water, oil, gas, ore bodies etc. for decades, you could also use thermal terrain mapping. Its not down some mile deep hole there is nowhere near enough energy in the, once melted now solid, coriums to do that. If they did, the whole building would have fallen in after it by now. Speaking as a physicist who's specialism was criticality my bet would be that the coriums are 15 feet under the containment, +/- 5 feet and +/- 10 feet north, east, south or west. Sadly we wont find out for some time. Perhaps we could start a pool on its where abouts. "Good night all." Many thanks, The Blue Light.
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August 29, 2013 at 2:35 pm Log in to Reply start a pool on its where abouts it might be possible to use our best uranium fracking/mining technology combined with

our best geothermal technology to start generating power again from those lost orphan coriums ?? making lemonade from rotten lemons (;-P) all the rotten bastards that make messes like this should be asswhooped.. We start at the top..
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We Not They Finally

August 29, 2013 at 7:02 pm Log in to Reply Philip, the impermeable wall has already CATACLYSMICALLY FAILED!! Please stop pushing a failed idea. It gives people hope with no reality. It's not helpful.
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November 22, 2013 at 12:12 pm Log in to Reply and by the time they build the wall around Fukushima Daichi, it's only purpose would be to keep radiation from getting IN.
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August 29, 2013 at 2:18 pm Log in to Reply @PhilipUpNorth.. watch this viddy click on pic.. The best way to build your solid concrete wall cofferdam is to use 2-parallel ice-walls to be the cement forms. You will run into time delays if you try to use traditional hardware cement forms. The best way to supply sustained refrigeration over a long period of time is to use the icewalls for LNG-regasification. Fuku1 is an ideal location to rapidly develop into a LNG import and powerplant facility. #1-a priority is drain the onshore tanks into barges&ships for treatment and deep drilled injection disposal. Pressurewashed but still contaminated solid materials can be carefully planted in discrete piles in the bottom of Japan Trench, then covered & backfilled with electronic monitor fiberoptic telemetry. #1-b priority is build another outer breakwater-seawall adding another ring of water-dam offshore. Keep building seawalls building an outer harbor. HDD-drilling can install Flexsteel pipe in a grid-work floor underneath the reactors. Flexsteel standard-pipe is earthquakeproof down to -100F subzero cold. Modified HDPE copolymer-resin can make it shatterproof down to -260F LNG-cryogenic service. Flexible insulated cryopipe is easy to use too
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Dr. Goodheart
August 29, 2013 at 11:53 am Log in to Reply

Might as well dump all of the reactors down in the Trench too, while we are at it, plus all of the stuff from the SFP's. Just get a big sky crane helicopter or big fleet of them, lift the whole mess up and dump into the trench. Basta, done. Bottom line, this is ILLEGAL, per international agreements. Sorry no can do on this dumping radioactive water in the trench idea either. The nuke industry has been dumping stuff in the ocean for decades..
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November 22, 2013 at 12:46 pm Log in to Reply If mankind had a working star gate, the other end of the wormhole would be a garbage dump.
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August 29, 2013 at 11:56 am Log in to Reply Kong-Rey update anyone? On mobile device which often stink for map abd tracking purposes.
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August 29, 2013 at 12:23 pm Log in to Reply Best I can do on small mobile Looks like glancing blow from th west?
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August 29, 2013 at 12:02 pm Log in to Reply Don't talk to loud or the teachers of crap at MIT will hear you.
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August 29, 2013 at 12:04 pm Log in to Reply I'm having trouble calling this the worst disaster.. Think the first successful test at White Sands of the bomb may have it Given to what it lead to. Meanwhile, we are off to bomb a country for using chemical weapons (both sides are the Turks busted rebels transporting it into Syria too there are reports of rebel forces using it in country) Great!!! Let Freedom Ring Bhaa Humbug!!! Phsst!! The Empire/s are behind this FUFU disaster; they supply horrible weapons worldwide for conflict (refuse to sign limitation agreements for them (thermobarics, cluster munitions, mines, etc.); they protect the nuclear industry top to bottom; they are plundering the earth for quick profits regardless of the damage done to the earth and life on it and on and on FUFU is just a poster child for what these arch criminal mass murderers are on about!!! JUST SAY NO TO NEOLIBERALISM.. It is everywhere you turn
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August 29, 2013 at 12:13 pm Log in to Reply q=thermobaric&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=NXAfUtqiDOKnigLDxYDACA&v ed=0CDYQsAQ&biw=1280&bih=709 The above is FREEDOM!!! Freedom to use on men, woman and children innocent at Fallujah or Gaza or wherever resistance is found Is Syria next target of the Empire/s forces or is it going to be Detroit or Cleveland or your hometown????
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August 29, 2013 at 12:18 pm Log in to Reply You think, I'm being silly Remember, the security forces bomb attack on MOVE HQ in 1985 in Philly that destroyed 65 homes and killing 11 including 5 children Let Freedom Ring!!!
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August 29, 2013 at 12:10 pm Log in to Reply Plutonium is being released continuously into the air, water, and oceans, from this nuclear disaster. Your kids lungs are at stake.
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Dr. Goodheart
August 29, 2013 at 12:21 pm Log in to Reply Oooo contrar mi amon. TEPCO says in the official report with link above, that NO PLUTONIUM was released or detected. They are the experts and we must BELIEVE.
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August 29, 2013 at 1:07 pm Log in to Reply No dammit, we are going to get happy and smile a lot and the radiation cannot hurt us Pass the bong please. They must be stoned and immune to the forces, it escapes them because the are .h.a.p.p.y.
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August 29, 2013 at 1:25 pm Log in to Reply The control rods from Fukushima Tall and Zirconium clad young and MOX deadly, the control rod's from Dieichie goes emitting And when she passes, each one she passes goes aggggggah! When she emitting, she's like Godzilla that swings so hot and sways so Plutoniumly That when she passes,

each one she passes goes ELE!!! (Ooholy shit) But I watch her so sadly, how can I tell her I hate her No I would not give my heart gladly, But each day, when she leaks to the sea She floods straight ahead, at you and me Tall, and brittle, and dangerous, and deadly, the control rod's from Fukushmia goes radiating And when she radiates, I cry but TEPCO doesn't see doesn't see. They just don't see, they never see, Repeat and die slowly Fade
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August 29, 2013 at 12:20 pm Log in to Reply We know this muchFukushima Daiichi's six reactors and the Common Spent Fuel Pond contains millions of pounds of nuclear fuel, including pure plutonium in the French MOX fuel rods and the massive amounts of plutonium created over 40 years of operation . Some has flown the coop. An enormous amount remains in buildings and the ground around the island and probably all of it is going to be beyond human efforts to get it contained. At best they might with a 10 trillion dollar effort stop the ocean releases. Maybe. Looking long-term the other nuclear plants in Japan hold new horrors just like so many in America, Russia. France, UK, China, India, and dozens more wannabes who fell prey to the allure of "electricity too cheap to measure". For example: "As of the end of 2011, Japan had a stockpile of about 44 tons of separated plutonium: nine tons in Japan and 35 tons in France and the UK. Japan could,in a decade or so, be the owner of about 100 tons of separated plutonium. Today, the total global stockpile of separated civilian plutonium is about 250 tons. Including weapons plutonium, about 70 tons of which has been declared excess, raises the total to about 500 tons. sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CCwQFjAA&url=http%3A%2 SP: The mad scientists will kill us all.
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Dr. Goodheart
August 29, 2013 at 12:58 pm Log in to Reply How Dangerous Is 400-6000 Pounds Of Plutonium Nano Particle Dust Liberated By Fukushima? Via @AGreenRoad
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August 29, 2013 at 2:39 pm Log in to Reply A scientist estimates that FDNPP lost 40% of its load.

Using his figure, I calculated the full load for Reactors1-3 to be 690PBq of Cs-137. Since Containments1-3 were breached, And since Corium1-3 may sit under the reactor buildings in the ground, I suggest that it is accurate to say that there has been a 100% loss of the reactor cores of Reactors1-3, putting emissions from the plant at 690PBq Cs-137. Of course, this scientist gives no estimate for the amount of Plutonium and other nuclides that blew up with Reactors1-3. Nor, did the scientist guess at what burning spent fuel pools contributed to the emmissions. Anyone care to attempt a calculation for total emissions of Fuku to date? And, it ain't "over" yet, folks. Biggest nuclear accident in history? Yoooooooou betcha!
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August 29, 2013 at 9:10 pm Log in to Reply So far, every last microgram of fuel on the entire site (all reactors, sfps, common sfp, dry cask, water storage, and all contaminated equipment) will be liberated into the air, water, and soil. How many PBq would that be? As of this momentthe year 2 P.F. (Post-Fukushima)there is nothing stopping this. There is no such thing as unemployment.
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December 15, 2013 at 6:02 pm Log in to Reply The total release is whatever happens to 3 melted cores and all the surrounding nuclear facilities. When the hydrogen builds up in the bottom of containment is a matter of how long, not weather or not it happens. Then you ask, "will the plant be clear of all other radioactive material of it explodes again?". If it has a critical mass under containment due to concentration can it be controlled? The total 276 Quadrillion number relating to 1 isotope is just a sample of a isotope soup that emits upwards of 25mSv at the plant. The instruments go wild frequently. They wont give data on the entirety of a full core melt for isotopes they refuse to admit were in the reactor in the first place. It's a MOX reactor with minimal containment. Disgusting fail regulation.
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August 29, 2013 at 2:53 pm Log in to Reply From Snopes
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August 29, 2013 at 3:27 pm Log in to Reply Epic FAIL for Snopes, they are not valid.
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August 29, 2013 at 4:28 pm Log in to Reply yeah was surprised when I found that
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August 29, 2013 at 3:16 pm Log in to Reply Fukushima will not be referred to as the biggest disaster in history until quadruple meltdown(s) occur and continuously spew radioactive contamination into the atmosphere and sea for more than 2 1/2 years. Only then, maybe, will Fukushima be referred to as the largest catastrophic global event ever. [sarc]
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August 29, 2013 at 8:37 pm Log in to Reply 1111111# Much of this recent press reminds me of the typical distraction stories whenever the Empire's forces are ready to strike It is always the sameone way or another.. This whole things just didn't happen Nothing is really different now than it was a almost years ago now This story will be pushed under the rug as soon as the war starts 22222222### Also, if the radiation plume is surrounding Hawaii now as reported .. Why are we not at the very getting independent reports about it ??? Is the radiation in the plume not as bad as suggested on here or are the reports of it being censored??? What gives with the lack of noise and outrage from Hawaii??
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August 30, 2013 at 6:28 am Log in to Reply On March 13, 2011, FOIA documents already show Fukushima was worse than Chernobyl. See the Chart on page 3:
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Fukushima plant in national emergency says governor Severe radioactive contamination with serious health affects on local population Global intervention suggested Bloomberg: Japan govt needs to understand crisis at Fukushima is a matter of life and death ABC Interview: They are slowly killing us They know full well its leaking, but theyve done nothing (AUDIO)

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