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Class Plan Teacher: Joe Mike

3rd Week Group: YA-Intro


• Asking and talking about favorite things

• Practice yes/no questions and short answers with be
• Talking about likes and preferences
• Working with 1st video


By the end of the week:

• SWBAT ask about favorites

• SWBAT name their favorites
• SWBAT ask yes/no questions


• Welcome them, list check up (5 min)

• Ice Breaker: Hand game, hangman (review). (25 min)
• Presentation: word splash with vocabulary, go over pronunciation, copy on
notebooks, elicit meaning with examples, give sentences using verb to be to
model. Check for comprehension. VA (20 min)
• Practice: activities A-B-C. Spell words. Have sts match names with pictures on p
8, then have them read the facts on p 9 on the reading. Then do ex C. Check for
understanding and comprehension. Answer questions. VA (50 min)
• Production: Page 11 ex 5, ac A & B. VA (20 min)
• Feedback: 3 new words you learned
• HW: pages 4. 5, 6 from WB


• Ice Breaker: we’re going on a trip and we’re taking… (10 min)
• Present: divide the class in pairs and give each student a copy of the activity
(teacher’s resource book). Copy on the board “What’s your favorite….?” And
“My favorite _____ is …..” and have sts say a favorite of theirs, any category.
Around those, as in a mindmap copy these words: sport, food, country, color,
actor/actress, cellphone, car, music and newspaper. Give one example for each
and elicit other examples from students. (30 min) AV
• Practice/Production: Go over pronunciation of each word on mind map, CRep,
Irep. Ask students to complete their information on the chart and then model the
asking of questions to find out about other people’s personal information. Have

them practice the questions and the stand up to interview their classmates. Watch
(45 min) KAV. Check for correct comprehension and answer any questions.
• Production: have students give feedback on their classmates’ likes. (15 min) VA

• Distribute video copies, ask sts to recall who’s their favorite actor. Introduce the
video, name characters. Play video once before handing out copies with subtitles.
Talk about the video. Who are the characters? What do they like? Hand out copies
and have them try to do Act B. Play video again and check. Explain Act C and fill.
Play the interviews and do exercises 2-A&B, Do ex C. (40 min) VA

• Feedback: what is your favorite Dominican Music Band?

Materials: handouts


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