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It was the most dreadful day of my life. The letter I was waiting for finally arrived.

I was not even brave enough to grip it as the letter flipped and fell off to the ground. With a scream, I picked the letter and started to go to the kitchen, obviously running to get my mother. I opened the envelope. I wonder what lies ahead. As I peeped to see the content of the letter, all kinds of thoughts started to run in my mind. Will I be sent away far away from my family or will I be posted to a school nearby. My mind was going haywire as my fingers tore apart the letter. Slowly, as my adrenalin level went down , I was able to read the letter calmly. As soon as I read the letter, my whole world came crashing down. I had been posted to Gerik, Hulu Perak and had to report to duty on 3 December 1992. Where is this place? How am I to get there? Where am I going to stay? This was entirely my fathers fault. He was the one who wanted me to be a teacher. Alas after pointing fingers at others I gave up. I was so devastated and lost. I was not prepared for this. The next few days were passing by very quickly. I hardly had time to pity or feel sorry for myself. Now and then my parents and friends kept on consoling me. Anyway I told myself not to lose faith in myself, have confidence, and think positive. Finally, the day arrived. I said goodbye to my brothers and my neighbors. I was really going to miss them, my home and the list went on and on, endless. That Sunday morning still lingered in my mind. The air was somber. Everyone seems to have something to say, just to console me. Obviously, all of

them put on a brave look just for me, to make me feel better. After bidding goodbye, my parents and I left to Gerik, Hulu Perak. The thought of it itself shivers me. Travelling through the winding roads and hilly slopes made me feel dizzy. The journey took us about three and a half hours. Just as we were about to reach Gerik town, all of a sudden my

father had to stop by the road side. I was about to throw up. I just felt like turning back and heading for home. My whole world seemed to have tumbled down. I cried and cried. My

mother consoled me non-stop. She told me to be brave and not to feel disappointed with the whole situation. It was almost noon when we reached at the school where I was posted. It is known as Sekolah Kebangsaan Mahkota Sari . Lucky for me, I was greeted by the school clerk, Encik Hamdan, a

very kind man indeed. He briefed my parents and me about Gerik. He also went to the extent of finding me lodging, food and transport. He assured us that Gerik is a very beautiful and peaceful place. Furthermore, he stressed that it was a wise choice to have agreed to come to teach there. He was indeed very helpful and what he told us about Gerik was the truth but nothing but the truth. I realized this at the first month of my stay there. Thanking Encik Hamdan, we went on to see the rooms to be let. At last I managed to get a room not far from the school. It was only a stones throw away. My father was introduced to the land lord, Pak Lang who was ever willing to show us not only one room but three rooms. The humbleness of these people whom I had just met made me think twice of the the negative thoughts I was told about Gerik. I got the room and humble Pak Lang did not just stop there. This petite old man, who looked much younger than his age, even recommended to me some stalls where I can buy my meals. I settled for one of the rooms recommended. My father settled the payment and headed to one of the stalls to have our lunch. My parents were very happy as they saw a change in my water face. I guess there was light at the end of the tunnel after all. After spending half the day with me, my parents decided to return home. Now came the hardest moment in my life, to bid goodbye to my parents. As we were approaching the car, I tried to hold back my tears but without realizing I started to cry. My mother once again had to console me and my father too rendered a few consoling words to make me feel better. I got a grip of myself and tried to put on a happy face though deep down, with a heavy heart, I bid goodbye to my parents. As soon as they left, I kept myself busy, unpacking my luggage and setting up the room. I continued preparing for school the following day. I kept my mind occupied by doing some reading just as to avoid thinking about home. Finally , I settled in. That night, going to bed was very difficult. I was missing home dreadfully and cried on until wee hours of the night. I had no idea what time was it when I finally dozed off. The next morning, I quickly got ready and eagerly walked to school to start my first day. As I walked towards the school, I could see many eyes were looking towards me, the students as eager as me, starting their new schooling year, some parents and the teachers who passed by me. As I was approaching the school gate, I was greeted by some teachers who were also

new just like me. We quickly got acquainted and went on the school office to report for duty. Once again, the familiar warm smiles greeted the teachers and me. It was none other than

Encik Hamdan. He ushered us to the headmasters room and told us to take out seats while waiting for the Headmaster to arrive. It was not long before when we heard a husky voice greeting us. This was the headmaster. He introduced himself as Encik Lob bin Aiman and welcomed us to his school with open arms. He mentioned that he was very grateful to all the new teachers for not rejecting their posting to his school. He kept on thanking us and reminded us it was a wise decision. There were a total of 12 new teachers who reported together with me. It was a relief to know that there were others just as lost as you were. Encik Lob, then took us to the assembly ground, to join the rest of the school. In the assembly we were briefly introduced to the school. Clapping of hands and loud cheering could be heard as we were introduced. This, I will never forget. A welcome that will remain in my memory for the rest of my life. Instantly, I felt a sense of belonging and being appreciated. At once I overcame my feelings of missing my family and this made me feel happy. After the assembly, we had a meeting with the headmaster and the pentadbiran. Each of us received our timetables and the segregation of other posts in school besides teaching. As for

me, I was given to teach English Language to three Year One classes. Besides that, I was also given to teach two Year 4 classes for the Morale subject. That shook me a little. Teaching this new comers will be tough, furthermore English language is totally an alien to them. Having set with a positive and confident mindset, I approached my first class, Year One

Usaha, which is the best among the Year One classes. The moment I entered this classroom I noticed the pupils were still at lost. Being the first day at school, the pupils were only briefed on the whereabouts of the places in the school such as the toilet, the surau, the library and canteen. The time I entered the room, they hardly acknowledged me. So I had to do something extraordinary to get them to notice me. Well, extraordinary it was. I spoke in English and wished them good morning but there was no response what so ever from any one single soul except one or two who gave me a glare, most probably thinking what this lady is trying to say. I was devastated, lost as the pupils themselves. What should I do? How shall I get them to pay attention to me? Oh. God. Why is this happening to me? My grouses just grew bigger and bigger. I got a grip of myself and started to think, think and really think. As some parents were still accompanying their children, I had to really think fast. Luckily, I had a whistle in my

handbag. I still remember the workshop given by my college senior lecturer, Pn Lucille Dass

during my college days. She used the whistle to control the students. Well I think the workshop was worthwhile after all the idea of the usage of whistle did come in handy. Write how u felt teaching for the first time and some students hearing English for the first time.

Teaching is a noble task as we say. Despite all the shortcomings I encountered as an ESL instructor, still, I could say that I am honored and fortunate to be given the opportunity to teach foreign students who are in thirst of learning English. Indeed, this experience is worth remarkable and unforgettable. Life wouldnt be momentous with struggles. As a teacher and as a person in general, we must be optimistic even amidst the tremendous storm, I would like to quote something, Go far as you can see, when you are there, Go farther and reach the zenith of your dreams. One thing I look forward to coming to school is the meaningful friendships Ive gained. The moment I see these peoples faces, I know Ill get by.

initial experience as a teacher was in a remote rural region where he taught in a one-room schoolhouse. The children were poor, and the manners they brought from their impoverished homes were rough. But Makiguchi was insistent, "From the viewpoint of education, what difference could there be between them and other students? Even though they may be covered with dust or dirt, the brilliant light of life shines from their soiled clothes. Why does no one try to see this? The teacher is all that stands between them and the cruel discrimination of society." He wanted desperately to free children from the Japanese system of teaching by rote learning, which stifled children's individuality. He believed that education should never be forced and saw it as the means to enlighten as many people as possible, providing them with the key to unlock the treasure-house of wisdom themselves.

Teacher Effectiveness
In the initial perceptions report I selected confidence and patience as the personal attributes most relevant to effective teaching, and thorough subject knowledge and outlining clear and consistent expectations as the two most important classroom strategies to overall effective teaching. Various research studies into effective teaching have found that personal attributes, teaching and learning strategies and classroom management all play a significant role in overall teacher effectiveness. It has been found that teachers who exhibit socially just personal attributes such as care,

compassion and empathy for all students are most effective. Teachers who are active' in employing a range of teaching and learning strategies that are heavily based on student-teacher and student-student interaction are also found to be effective. In terms of classroom management, effective teachers are able to outline and stick to a clear set of high expectations for all students. These findings correlate with my

initial perceptions to carrying degrees. While all the initial perceptions bear some relevance, generally speaking, factors and influences that make up effective teaching involve a much broader set of criteria than just patience, confidence, subject knowledge and expectations.

The personal attributes of teachers is shown to be a significant factor in overall teacher effectiveness in a number of studies. Generally speaking, teachers who are socially just and have a genuine concern for all students have been found to be the most effective. This is a much broader conception of personal attributes than what was identified in the initial perceptions of teacher effectiveness, that of confidence and patience. The keen ambition to care for, respond to and develop the talents of all students is repeatedly referred to in studies as being a significant determinant of overall teacher effectiveness (Dinham, 2004, OECD, 1994, Batten, 1993). Such an ambition requires a number of personal...

What Makes A Good Teacher

What Makes a Good teacher?

If a teacher has enthusiasm, love and respect for both the students and their subjects, knowledge and creativity, then we won't have to link them to bossiness and homework.

It is commonly accepted that studying is a painful experience we all have to go through, a painful boring experience. However, if the teacher can stir studying into life, with their humor, then it mightn't be as boring. Everybody enjoys fun, laughter and new things. A teacher needs to explores different ways of teaching, to be able to think out of the box. By using their sense of humor and imagination, teachers can show their fun side to the students and therefore bringing about a more comfortable and relaxing teaching environments.

Furthermore, to develope a good relationship, there should be love and respect between the two. A teacher should always respect the students, so to give them confidence and love for themselves. By encouraging a student in a non-severe way will hearten them, and motivate them to improve, and prevent them from having teacher-fear. As well as that, teachers could also act like a role model, to bring about the message of how to treat others and the basic politeness. This strategy works to ways and really develops their relationships.

In addition to the love a teacher needs to spare for the students, he or she will also need love for their own subject. If one has no passion in the job one has, then one will not devote one's utmost attention into it. A teacher should not teach for salary, but should be responsible for the students they are teaching. If the teachers has no devotion to the subject, then the students likely to depend more on themselves and not share all the fun in learning.

Last but not least, a teacher should have vast knowledge of their subject, therefore the students will be able to receive a generous amount, which will be effective in their later studies If an attentive and eager students have many questions...

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