Ieri Activities 2012-2013: European Institute For International Relations Ieri-Globe

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The European Institute for International Relations (IERI) is an independent think tank focusing on the academic formation and the debate on pivotal international issues. The Institute's theoretical research evolves around three main fields : 1. The state of the international s stem! and specificall multilateralism. #. The anal sis of ne" structuring paradigms of the international scene! and the shift from Europe to Eurasia and from integration to international anarch . $. %ith regards to Europe! the evolution from a logic of negotiation and compromise bet"een the states to one of competition. The political and militar strategies of global and regional actors! "ith a particular attention devoted to the European &nion's 'ommon (ecurit and )efence *olic ('()*) ! as "ell as the euro+atlantic and euro+russian relations. The Institute pursues a "ide range of activities! from academic formation to strategic publications! as "ell as the management of public and institutional relations through the realisation of conferences and seminars. The initiatives of IERI can be summarised "ith the follo"ing points:

the relations bet"een and

'globalisation' and 'balance of po"er' ! and bet"een multipolarit

IERI-Globe, for the institutional pro,ectsThe Ac !e"# $#%lo" &#c E'(o% e (.)E)! the academic formation intended for diplomats and the likes -

The 'S&( &e)#c Th#*+#*) U*#&, , gathering )iplomats! E& officials and /ilitar staff "hose aim is to edit the 0%hite *aper on the (ecurit of the E&1 E'( -# (e.#e/! gathering publications on euro+atlantic and eurasian relations Institutional contacts "ith the diplomatic! militar ! economic and cultural environment (E&! 2.T3! etc.) for the management of public relations.

IERI is an international non+profit organisation! registered under the 4elgian 5a"! being published on the 4elgian 3fficial 6a7ette on the 18th of /a 199:.

ACTIVITIES 2012-2013

IERI GLOBE seeks to act as a global advisor! to the benefit of the E;ternal .ction (ervice! the 'ouncil of the European &nion! the European 'ouncil and the European &nion as a "hole. Its structure "ill enable the formulation of a "ider vision and interpretation of the international s stem! of its evolution and morpholog . This structure aim to represent the leadership capacities of the European &nion in the field of securit ! and to be able to propose its recommendations independentl .


The Ac !e"# E'(o% e $#%lo" &#c 1A$E2 is a speciali7ed higher education institution

providing training in diplomac ! securit and defence! intended for diplomats! government officials! foreign polic e;perts and defence! *h.) and universit researchers. It includes a set of introductor seminars devoted to the thinking over geopolitical! strategic and s stemic philosoph of "ar! conflict and sociolog as "ell as the stud of globali7ation. The A$E is a post+graduate institution! opened to individuals "ho hold or have held positions of responsibilit in public life! international affairs! research! science and technolog ! or "ith a high level of e;perience! thus representing a <training< for politicians and senior E& officials. The lectures respond to a need for deeper theoretical anal sis on the structure of the international s stem! the happening of diplomatic negotiations as "ell as decision+makers' dilemmas. Three hundred and sevent conferences have been held since #==8! divided into nine ears of training. *anels have featured some 9== leading personalities in E& and international affairs.


The 5S&( &e)#c Th#*+#*) U*#&, "as established in >ul #=1#. It gathers e;perts! ambassadors and E& officials. .mong the ke speakers are *rof Irnerio (eminatore (IERI)! .mbassador *ierre /orel !6eneral Eric )ell'.ria (I?E)2) ! *ierre+Emanuel Thomann (Researcher IERI). Its aim is to discuss and deepen critical aspects of international politics! according to the strategic interest of the European &nion! in a confidential and informal conte;t. .mong the topics treated in the course of the past meetings : <.ssessing the strategic con,uncture' :/editerranean and /iddle East (R&((I.+( ria + Turke + Eg pt @ Israel+Iran) (1#A:A#=1#) ! 'Thinking the &nthinkable Rupture of the European &nion and the 2e" %orld 3rder' (#BA9A#=1#) ! ' 5egitimac crisis in the Institutions! Euro+7one and political integration' (:A11 #=1#). To date! the biggest achievement of the 5S&( &e)#c Th#*+#*) U*#&, is the redaction of a5 6h#&e P %e( o* &he EU Sec'(#&7 S7-&e" 89 The 5S&( &e)#c Th#*+#*) U*#&, is meeting ever t"o "eeks and its high+level contributors propose their vie"s and recommandations in order to edit the %hite *aper. Thus! the European Institute for International Relations is maintaining ties "ith european institutions and companies in order to promote "hat might be its biggest achievement. .s a figure of information! here are the topics that "ill be covered in the 5 6h#&e P %e( o* &he EU Sec'(#&7 S7-&e" 8:

global securit strateg for the E& in the #1st 'entur )efinition of the common securit goals multi polarit and the international s stem

of the E&
Europe! The

place of Europe in transatlantic! trans+eurasian! euro+mediterranean and euro+african relations. to govern intercontinental balancesC challenges for the European &nion: national cohesion and political fragmentation of the of the institution and the role of 2ation+state on a ne" European identit narrative

?o" T"o

Dunction Thoughts The

special need of leadership "ithin the E&

E'( -# (e.#e/ is a semi+annual ,ournal! edited in English and Russian ! "hich anal ses the most important geopolitical! economic and securit trends in the Eurasian space. )ra"ing on the e;perience of three research institutes! the ,ournal provides an impartial and critical anal sis of the ma,or developments in the region! covering a "ide range of topic including regional securit and cooperation! energ securit ! terrorism and environmental challenges! but also cultural and identit issues . 'onsidering its European vocation! Eurasia also provides an up+to+date and "ell informed vie" of the E& policies to"ards Russia! 'entral .sia ! 'aucasus and 'hina. The ,ournal benefits from the contributions of leading academic! professionals and consultants! and regularl follo"s three agendas : a securit one! an institutional one and a revie" of the most important events in the region.


The European Institute of International Relations! founded in 199E in 4russels! has established numerous relations "ith the institutional (E&! 2.T3) diplomatic! militar ! economic and cultural "orld for the management of its programs and its public relations (lobb ing). It occupies a central place in the range of European and global think tanks established in the capital of Europe. It communicates and publishes its "ork via its "ebsite and social net"orks.

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