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NEWS RELEASE Concordia Publishing House 3558 South Jefferson Ave. St. Louis, Missouri 63118-3968 CONTACT: Gretchen M. Jameson, Corporate Communications Phone: 314.268.1298 email: gretchen For Immediate Release Christian Marriage Resource Strengthens Couples Well-known marriage enrichment course now available in DVD format ‘Twitter Pitch: Make marriage a priority. Host a marriage workshop with The Power of We. @concordiapub. htt/pitch, pe/25629 ‘Summary: The Power of We from Concordia Publishing House is a DVD-based Bible study that focuses on ‘communication and teaming in the marriage relationship, Saint Louis, MO—Marriage statistics paint a turbulent view of life-long commitment and faithfulness. To help Christian couples nurture and protect their vows, Concordia Publishing House (CPH) announces the release of The Power of We: God's Gift of Marriage, a DVD-based Bible study that helps couples work on their communication skills in premarital or early marriage counseling or as a marriage enrichment course. The Power of We is available at or by calling 1.800.325.3040. “The Power of We is a powerful series that can transform the way that couples relate and communicate with each other, " says Rev. Robert C. Baker, senior editor of adult Bible studies at CPH. “Having used this series in the parish as part of pre-marital counseling sessions, | can tell you it works. “The Power of We was originally developed in the 1990s with VHS and print materials and was well received," says Jim Stropnik, manager of Bible studies and Bibles at CPH. "This new, convenient DVD- and CD-ROM-format makes this a more cost-effective option. If you need more patticipant guides, all you have to do is insert the CD-ROM, print, and it's available immediately.” Couples using this course will discover a scriptural understanding of marriage through the weekly study and video vignettes. The videos show examples of the challenges in marriage relationships and how itis in God's grace that martal relationships grow and flourish The CD-ROM contains a Leader's Guide and participant book. While the course can be completed in six, one-hour sessions, extra material in the participant book is included to extend. the course to twelve, one-hour sessions. Between-session activities are also suggested in the book. Baker continues, "This re-release of The Power of We on DVD and CD-ROM is perfect for the busy pastor, marriage counselor, or dedicated church professional looking for a practical, Christ centered resource to help minister to couples looking to marty, for marriage retreats, or even for those just looking to better their communication skills. “Every parish should have a copy of The Power of We on DVD and CD-ROM and should use it shares Baker. Resource Links: Social Media Release: http://pitch,pe!25629 Concordia Publishing House: hitp:/www.cph.ora CPH Media Room: htt //eph.mediaroom.cony ‘The Power of We DVD: Marriage Is Like Dancing: htto-bit.lyloX1 5h Concordia Publishing House is a not-for-profit publishing company and the publisher of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. The company offers more than 8,000 products for use in Christian congregations, schools, and homes. Visit CPH on the Web at htto:www.cph.ora, Media Resources: Scribd \View this or previous releases or download via Word or POF on Scribd < ate News Facts: + The Power of We was originally developed in the 1990s with VHS and print materials. The new format features DVD and reproducible CD-ROM components, + Author David J. Ludwig also wrote Renewing the Family Spirt for CPH. This resource focuses ‘on family communication Tags: Concordia+Publishing+House, Marriage DVD, premarital counseling, marriage counseling, ‘marriage enrichment course, Christian marriage.

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