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May 29, 2013



Preface Introduction 1 LabVIEW Basics

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Anatomy of a VI A Simple Example: Hello Controls, Indicators, and Wires Dataow A More Substantial Example: Clean Up Arrays and Clusters Creating Sub-VIs Case Structures The Standard Sub-VI Pattern with Error Handling

xi xiii 1
3 3 4 8 11 13 17 20 24 25 27 27 34 35 39

1.16 Passing Data by Reference 1.17 File I/O 1.18 The Simulated Data Acquisition VI 1.19 Loop Timing 1.20 The Data Over Limit sub-VI 1.21 The Create Log String sub-VI 1.22 Absolute and Relative File Paths 1.23 The Append To Log File Sub-VI 1.24 Property Nodes and Invoke Nodes 1.25 Developing the Simulated Data Acquisition VI 1.26 Elements of LabVIEW Style

42 43 48 49 51 52 53 54 56 57 59

1.10 The Move Or Delete Sub-VI 1.11 The Right File Type Sub-VI 1.12 Loops 1.13 Shift Registers and Feedback Nodes 1.14 Error Handling 1.15 Developing the Clean Up Folder VI

2 Functional Specications
2.1 The Multitest VI 2.2 State Transition Diagram for the Multitest VI 2.3 The Car Wash Controller 2.4 State Transition Diagrams for the Car Wash Controller

61 62 63 66 v



May 29, 2013




3 Problem Set 1
3.1 Car Wash Controller Exercises 3.3 Security System Controller Exercises 3.4 Boiler Controller Exercises


6.9 Providing Storage for the Car Wash Timer


3.2 Trafc Light Controller Exercises 68 71 74

7 Problem Set 2
7.1 Car Wash 2 Controller Exercises 7.2 Boiler Controller Exercises 7.3 Trafc Light Controller Exercises 7.4 Security System Controller Exercises

125 126 127 129

3.5 Car Wash 2 Controller Exercises 86

4 Classic State Machines

4.1 State Machine Elements 4.2 State Machine Structure 4.3 Placing Elements in the State Machine 4.4 Building a State Machine From Scratch: The Multitest VI

90 92 96 97

8 The Classic State Machine Car Wash Controller 132

8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 Determine the States Plan the State Transitions Create the State Constant Build the Front Panel Add the Main Loop and Case Structure Add an Error or Stop Check Develop Individual States Develop the Initialize State 133 134 134 135 135 139 142 142

5 Action Engines
5.1 Anatomy of an Action Engine 5.3 Example: Creating a Counter 5.4 The State Variable Method

106 110 111

5.2 Feedback Node Action Engines 107

6 The Car Wash Timer

6.1 The Functions of the Car Wash Timer 6.2 Inputs of the Car Wash Timer

116 116

Develop the Unlock Selector State 145 145 146 147

8.10 Develop the Wait State 8.11 Develop the Lock Selector State 8.12 Develop the Car Wash States

6.3 Outputs of the Car Wash Timer 117 6.4 Icon and Front Panel of the Car Wash Timer 117 6.5 State Variables of the Car Wash Timer 6.6 The Timecheck Action of the Car Wash Timer 6.7 The Reset Timer Function of the Car Wash Timer 6.8 The Kernel of the Car Wash Timer 118 118 120

8.13 Develop the Shutdown State 151

9 Problem Set 3
9.1 9.2 Trafc Light Controller Exercises Security System Controller Exercises

152 152




May 29, 2013


Contents 9.3 9.4 Boiler Controller Exercises Car Wash 2 Exercises 166 166


14 The Queued Car Wash Controller

14.1 Building a Non-Square Icon 14.2 Examining the Queued Car Wash Controller 14.3 The Car Wash States

199 201 206

10 Event-Driven State Machines

10.1 Event Structures 10.2 Anatomy of an Event Structure 10.3 Conguring an Event Structure 10.4 Event Structure Quirks and Caveats 10.5 Event Structure Guidelines 10.6 Example: Building an Event-Driven State Machine

168 168 170 171 175 175

15 Data Acquisition with the Multitest VI

15.1 Strain Gages and Bridge Circuits 15.3 Functional Specication 15.4 State Transition Diagram 15.5 Building the DAQ Task 15.6 Developing the Multitest Data Acquisition VI

210 212 212 214 217

15.2 Data Acquisition in LabVIEW 212

11 The Event-Driven Car Wash Controller

11.1 Adding the Event Structure to the Wait State 11.2 The STOP Button

178 180

16 Problem Set 5
16.1 Trafc Light Controller Exercises 16.2 Security System Controller Exercises 16.3 Boiler Controller Exercises 16.4 Car Wash 2 Exercises 16.5 DAQ State Machine Exercises

224 224 225 225 226

12 Problem Set 4
12.1 Trafc Light Controller Exercises 12.2 Security System Controller Exercises 12.3 Boiler Controller Exercises 12.4 Car Wash 2 Exercises

182 182 182 183

13 Queued State Machines

13.1 The Power of Queues 13.2 Queue Functions 13.3 By-Value versus By-Reference 13.4 Building a Queued Event-Driven State Machine

185 185 188 191

17 Preparing for the CLD Exam

17.1 Documentation 17.2 Style 17.3 Functionality 17.4 Preparing for the CLD Exam 17.5 Time Management 17.6 Practicing for the Exam

232 234 235 236 237 238



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18 Problem Set 6 19 Problem Set 7 20 State Machines with Arguments

20.1 The Data Highway 20.2 Using Arguments to Pass Information 20.3 Passing Arguments Using Clusters 20.4 Passing Arguments Using Strings 20.5 Designing Parsing Sub-VIs 20.6 The String-Based Multitest VI 20.7 Disadvantages of Using Strings 20.8 Improving the String-Based State Machine

239 246 254

255 257 257 260 260 263 266 268

22.4 Security System Controller Exercises 22.5 Boiler Controller Exercises 22.6 Car Wash 2 Controller Exercises

288 289 294

23 Data Encapsulation
23.1 LabVIEW Objects and Classes


24 Problem Set 9
24.1 Trafc Light Controller Exercises 24.2 Boiler Controller Exercises 24.3 Car Wash 2 Controller Exercises

313 313 314

25 Inheritance and Composition

25.1 Inheritance and Composition Creating the Cycle Class Data Member Access Sub-VIs Dynamic Dispatch Sub-VIs Static Dispatch Sub-VIs Access Scope The Completed Cycle Class Creating the Child Classes Developing Override VIs

318 320 321 324 327 329 331 332 333 338

21 Car Wash Controller with Arguments

21.1 Car Wash Controller with Time and Cycle Arguments


25.2 25.3 25.4 25.5 25.6 25.7

21.2 Developing Parsing Routines for the Car Wash Controller 276 21.3 Developing a Generic Cycle State 21.4 Implementing the Car Wash Controller with Arguments 278 281


22 Problem Set 8
22.1 DAQ State Machine Exercises 22.2 Car Wash Controller Exercises 22.3 Trafc Light Controller Exercises

287 287 288


25.10 The Factory Method 25.12 The Car Wash Controller with Inheritance and Composition 25.13 Why Bother with Classes?

25.11 Dynamic Loading of Classes 342

345 347



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26 Problem Set 10
26.1 Car Wash 2 Exercises 26.2 Trafc Light Controller Exercises 26.3 Boiler Controller Exercises

348 351 353

29 Extending the Language

29.1 The Switched Queue Class 29.2 Data Value References 29.3 Data Accessor Methods of the Switched Queue Class 29.4 Switched Queue Method Sub-VIs 29.5 Using the Switched Queue 29.6 The Pros and Cons

412 414

27 ProducerConsumer State Machines

27.1 Stopping Parallel Loops 27.2 The ProducerConsumer Architecture 27.3 The ProducerConsumer (Events) Architecture 27.4 User Events 27.5 ProducerConsumer Pattern with User Events 27.6 Value(Signalling) or User Events? 27.7 Error Handling in the ProducerConsumer Architecture

418 419 426 427

369 371 372 377 383 385

30 Problem Set 11
30.1 Security System Controller Exercises 30.2 Car Wash 2 Exercises

429 437

31 Wrapping It Up
31.1 The Classic State Machine Queued State Machine State Machines with Arguments State Machines with Classes ProducerConsumer State Machines Coupling Selecting an Architecture How Can You Improve? 31.2 31.3 31.4

438 439 439 440 440 440 441 442 443


Event-Driven State Machine 438

28 Combatting Race Conditions

28.1 Guarding Against Race Conditions 28.2 The ProducerConsumer Car Wash Controller 28.3 The ProducerConsumer Car Wash Controller with User Events 28.4 Car Wash Race Condition 28.5 Semaphores and the ProducerConsumer Car Wash Controller 28.6 Breaking the Deadlock 28.7 Living with the Race Condition

393 397

31.5 31.6 31.7 31.8 31.9

400 401

31.10 Where to Go from Here

402 404 408

A Sample CLD Exam Trafc Light Controller B Sample CLD Exam Security System

444 446



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C Sample CLD Exam Boiler Controller D Sample CLD Exam Car Wash Controller 2 E Sample CLD Exam Sprinkler Controller F Sample CLD Exam ATM Controller G Problem Set 1 Solutions H Problem Set 2 Solutions I Problem Set 3 Solutions

J Problem Set 4 Solutions 449 454 458 463 469 493 502 K Problem Set 5 Solutions L Problem Set 6 Solutions M Problem Set 7 Solutions N Problem Set 8 Solutions O Problem Set 9 Solutions P Problem Set 10 Solutions Q Problem Set 11 Solutions Index

529 535 556 570 592 622 634 678 696

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