I Believe, I Find That, The Way I See It, It's Difficult To Say But I Feel, Based On My Experience, I Think

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Conversation: News & Views Level 106 Lesson 1 (Special Animals)

Materials: Objectives:

PowerPoint slides with images, listening audios & short video clips To learn to give opinions on the topic Special Animals To practice giving opinions using personal experiences & anecdotes

Language/Function/ Vocabulary: Duration: Stage Warmer/Lead-In

I believe, I find that, the way I see it, its difficult to say but I feel, based on my experience, I think 55 mins Procedure 1. Show slide 2 to ss & tell them that the lesson is going to centre around these 2 animals. 2. Get them to guess what they think the topic of the lesson is going to be about elicit a few responses from ss at random. 3. Then, show slide 3 that shows the topic of the lesson. 4. Now, let them guess again what they think the lesson is going to be about what they think makes these 2 animals special? 5. Elicit a few responses from ss at random. Time 3 mins


1. Show slide 4 & play the video clip. 2. Then, show slide 5 to ss & elicit from ss what is so special about Oscar what can Oscar do? predict death 3. Show slide 6 & play the video. 4. Then, show slide 7 to ss & elicit from ss that from the news report they just heard what they think the dogs can do? detect cancer by smelling 5. Show slide 8 and model the use of sentence starters for expressing opinions for ss. For example: I believe that animals do have some special ability that we humans cannot explain. Its difficult to say but I find that animals do have superior senses of sight, smell and hearing compared to humans, so they can see, smell and listen to things that we humans cannot see. The way I see it, I find that, 6. Ask from ss of any other sentence starters for expressing opinions that they know write them on the board for all to see. 7. Show slide 9 & direct those questions to the whole class.

22 mins

Conversation: News & Views Level 106 Lesson 1 (Special Animals)

8. Show slide 10 to ss as a reference for the next task. 9. Then, select individual ss at random to give their opinions on the question(s) you just directed to them make sure that at least half of the ss in the class get to speak. 10. Show slide 11 to ss and model expressing an opinion and supporting it with personal experience or a story that youve heard before. Its difficult to say but I believe that animals do have some special ability that we humans cannot explain, for instance, the ability to sense danger. I remember reading a news article about a cat saving its owners from death by waking them up just minutes before an earthquake happened.


1. Put ss into pairs for the next task. 2. Ask ss briefly whether theyve heard of similar incidents before. 3. Get each pair to discuss the stories or experience that they know relating to animals that have special abilities. 4. Give them 5 mins to do this. 5. Then, get a person from each pair to share their story or experience with the rest of the class. 6. Make sure that at least half of the ss get to speak.

25 mins


1. Select individual ss at random & elicit from them the following: a. After knowing what dogs like Tango can do, would you go to the doctor if your dog starts smelling or nudging a mole on your skin? b. After seeing what Oscar can do, how would you feel if your cat or dog started behaving funny around you when you are alone in your home at night?

5 mins

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