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More than 100 Keyboard Shortcuts must read & Share Keyboard Shortcuts (Microsoft Windows) 1. CTR !

C (Co"y) #. CTR !$ (Cut) ... %. CTR !& ('aste) (. CTR !) (*ndo) +. ,- -T- (,e.ete) /. S012T!,- -T- (,e.ete the se.ected item "ermanent.y without ".acin3 the item in the Recyc.e 4in) 5. CTR whi.e dra33in3 an item (Co"y the se.ected item) 6. CTR !S012T whi.e dra33in3 an item (Create a shortcut to the se.ected item) 7. 2# 8ey (Rename the se.ected item) 10. CTR !R190T :RR;W (Mo<e the insertion "oint to the be3innin3 of the ne=t word) 11. CTR ! -2T :RR;W (Mo<e the insertion "oint to the be3innin3 of the "re<ious word) 1#. CTR !,;W> :RR;W (Mo<e the insertion "oint to the be3innin3 of the ne=t "ara3ra"h) 1%. CTR !*' :RR;W (Mo<e the insertion "oint to the be3innin3 of the "re<ious "ara3ra"h) 1(. CTR !S012T with any of the arrow 8eys (0i3h.i3ht a b.oc8 of te=t) S012T with any of the arrow 8eys (Se.ect more than one item in a window or on the des8to"? or se.ect te=t in a document) 1+. CTR !: (Se.ect a..) 1/. 2% 8ey (Search for a fi.e or a fo.der) 15. : T!->T-R (&iew the "ro"erties for the se.ected item) 16. : T!2( (C.ose the acti<e item? or @uit the acti<e "ro3ram) 17. : T!->T-R (,is".ay the "ro"erties of the se.ected obAect) #0. : T!S':C-4:R (;"en the shortcut menu for the acti<e window) #1. CTR !2( (C.ose the acti<e document in "ro3rams that enab.e you to ha<e mu.ti".e documents o"ensimu.taneous.y) ##. : T!T:4 (Switch between the o"en items) #%. : T!-SC (Cyc.e throu3h items in the order that they had been o"ened) #(. 2/ 8ey (Cyc.e throu3h the screen e.ements in a window or on the des8to") #+. 2( 8ey (,is".ay the :ddress bar .ist in My Com"uter or Windows -=".orer) #/. S012T!210 (,is".ay the shortcut menu for the se.ected item) #5. : T!S':C-4:R (,is".ay the System menu for the acti<e window) #6. CTR !-SC (,is".ay the Start menu) #7. : T!*nder.ined .etter in a menu name (,is".ay the corres"ondin3 menu) *nder.ined .etter in a command name on an o"en menu ('erform the corres"ondin3 command) %0. 210 8ey (:cti<ate the menu bar in the acti<e "ro3ram) %1. R190T :RR;W (;"en the ne=t menu to the ri3ht? or o"en a submenu) %#. -2T :RR;W (;"en the ne=t menu to the .eft? or c.ose a submenu) %%. 2+ 8ey (*"date the acti<e window) %(. 4:CKS':C- (&iew the fo.der one.e<e. u" in My Com"uter or Windows -=".orer) %+. -SC (Cance. the current tas8) %/. S012T when you insert a C,BR;Minto the C,BR;M dri<e ('re<ent the C,BR;M from automatica..y ".ayin3) ,ia.o3 4o= B Keyboard Shortcuts 1. CTR !T:4 (Mo<e forward throu3h the tabs) #. CTR !S012T!T:4 (Mo<e bac8ward throu3h the tabs) %. T:4 (Mo<e forward throu3h the o"tions) (. S012T!T:4 (Mo<e bac8ward throu3h the o"tions) +. : T!*nder.ined .etter ('erform the corres"ondin3 command or se.ect the corres"ondin3 o"tion) /. ->T-R ('erform the command for the acti<e o"tion or button) 5. S':C-4:R (Se.ect or c.ear the chec8 bo= if the acti<e o"tion is a chec8 bo=) 6. :rrow 8eys (Se.ect a button if the acti<e o"tion is a 3rou" of o"tion buttons) 7. 21 8ey (,is".ay 0e.")

10. 2( 8ey (,is".ay the items in the acti<e .ist) 11. 4:CKS':C- (;"en a fo.der one .e<e. u" if a fo.der is se.ected in the Sa<e :s or ;"en dia.o3 bo=) Microsoft >atura. Keyboard Shortcuts 1. Windows o3o (,is".ay or hide the Start menu) #. Windows o3o!4R-:K (,is".ay the System 'ro"erties dia.o3 bo=) %. Windows o3o!, (,is".ay the des8to") (. Windows o3o!M (MinimiCe a.. of the windows) +. Windows o3o!S012T!M (Restorethe minimiCed windows) /. Windows o3o!- (;"en My Com"uter) 5. Windows o3o!2 (Search for a fi.e or a fo.der) 6. CTR !Windows o3o!2 (Search for com"uters) 7. Windows o3o!21 (,is".ay Windows 0e.") 10. Windows o3o! ( oc8 the 8eyboard) 11. Windows o3o!R (;"en the Run dia.o3 bo=) 1#. Windows o3o!* (;"en *ti.ity Mana3er) 1%. :ccessibi.ity Keyboard Shortcuts 1(. Ri3ht S012T for ei3ht seconds (Switch 2i.terKeys either on or off) 1+. eft : T!.eft S012T!'R1>T SCR--> (Switch 0i3h Contrast either on or off) 1/. eft : T!.eft S012T!>*M ;CK (Switch the MouseKeys either on or off) 15. S012T fi<e times (Switch the Stic8yKeys either on or off) 16. >*M ;CK for fi<e seconds (Switch the To33.eKeys either on or off) 17. Windows o3o !* (;"en *ti.ity Mana3er) #0. Windows -=".orer Keyboard Shortcuts #1. ->, (,is".ay the bottom of the acti<e window) ##. 0;M- (,is".ay the to" of the acti<e window) #%. >*M ;CK!:steris8 si3n (D) (,is".ay a.. of the subfo.ders that are under the se.ected fo.der) #(. >*M ;CK!'.us si3n (!) (,is".ay the contents of the se.ected fo.der) MMC Conso.e 8eyboard shortcuts 1. S012T!210 (,is".ay the :ction shortcut menu for the se.ected item) #. 21 8ey (;"en the 0e." to"ic? if any? for the se.ected item) %. 2+ 8ey (*"date the content of a.. conso.e windows) (. CTR !210 (Ma=imiCe the acti<e conso.e window) +. CTR !2+ (Restore the acti<e conso.e window) /. : T!->T-R (,is".ay the 'ro"erties dia.o3 bo=? if any? for these.ected item) 5. 2# 8ey (Rename the se.ected item) 6. CTR !2( (C.ose the acti<e conso.e window. When a conso.e has on.y one conso.e window? this shortcut c.oses the conso.e) Remote ,es8to" Connection >a<i3ation 1. CTR !: T!->, (;"en the Microsoft Windows >T Security dia.o3 bo=) #. : T!':9- *' (Switch between "ro3rams from .eft to ri3ht) %. : T!':9- ,;W> (Switch between "ro3rams from ri3ht to .eft) (. : T!1>S-RT (Cyc.e throu3h the "ro3rams in most recent.y used order) +. : T!0;M- (,is".ay the Start menu) /. CTR !: T!4R-:K (Switch the c.ient com"uter between a window and a fu.. screen) 5. : T!,- -T- (,is".ay the Windows menu) 6. CTR !: T!Minus si3n (B) ('.ace a sna"shot of the acti<e window in the c.ient on the Termina. ser<er c.i"board and "ro<ide the same functiona.ity as "ressin3 'R1>T SCR--> on a .oca. com"uter.) 7. CTR !: T!'.us si3n (!) ('.ace asna"shot of the entire c.ient window area on the Termina. ser<er c.i"boardand "ro<ide the same functiona.ity as"ressin3 : T!'R1>T SCR--> on a .oca. com"uter.)

Microsoft 1nternet -=".orer Keyboard Shortcuts 1. CTR !4 (;"en the ;r3aniCe 2a<orites dia.o3 bo=) #. CTR !- (;"en the Search bar) %. CTR !2 (Start the 2ind uti.ity) (. CTR !0 (;"en the 0istory bar) +. CTR !1 (;"en the 2a<orites bar) /. CTR ! (;"en the ;"en dia.o3 bo=) 5. CTR !> (Start another instance of the browser with the same Web address) 6. CTR !; (;"en the ;"en dia.o3 bo=?the same as CTR ! ) 7. CTR !' (;"en the 'rint dia.o3 bo=) 10. CTR !R (*"date the current Web "a3e) 11. CTR !W (C.ose the current window)

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