Beso Vs Aballe

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[G.R. No. 134932. February 18, 2000]

VITO BESO, petitioner, vs. RITA ABA E a!" #ON. ROBERTO A. NAVI$A$, A%&'!( )re*'"'!( +u"(e, Bra!%, 31, Re('o!a- Tr'a- .our& o/ .a-bayo( .'&y, respondents. /ra!%'* $E.ISION
$AVI$E, +R., C.J.0 On 15 December 1999 we resolved to give due course to this petition or certiorari !nd to decide it on the b!sis o the ple!dings iled b" the p!rties# The !ntecedents !re not disputed# $etitioner Vito %eso &here! ter %'SO( !nd priv!te respondent Rit! )b!lle &here! ter )%)**'( were c!ndid!tes or the position o %!r!ng!" +!pt!in o %!r!ng!" +!r!"m!n, +!lb!"og +it", in the b!r!ng!" elections o 1- .!" 199/# In the c!nv!ss o the returns o the our precincts o %!r!ng!" +!r!"m!n, %'SO w!s credited with our hundred ninet"0 ive &195( votes, while )%)**' obt!ined our hundred ninet"0si2 &193( votes# The l!tter w!s thus procl!imed the winning c!ndid!te# %'SO se!son!bl" iled ! protest with the .unicip!l Tri!l +ourt o +!lb!"og +it" &here! ter .T++(# The c!se w!s doc4eted !s 'lection $rotest No# 156# m!rie ) ter due proceedings, the .T++, per 7udge Filemon )# T!ndico, 7r#, promulg!ted on -6 7!nu!r" 1998 ! decision &rollo, -8(, d!ted 15 7!nu!r" 1998, in !vor o %'SO# The decret!l portion thereo re!ds !s ollows9 )++ORDIN:*;, the procl!m!tion m!de b" the %o!rd o +!nv!ssers concerned should be, !s it is hereb", reversed !nd !nother entered decl!ring $rotest!nt VITO )# %'SO, the dul" elected $unong %!r!ng!" o %rg"# +!r!"m!n, +!lb!"og +it", in the elections o 1- .!" 199/, with the right to !ssume o ice !s soon !s <udgment becomes in!l# No pronouncement !s to costs# ) ter this decision becomes in!l, let ! cop" thereo be urnished the +ommission on 'lections, the Dep!rtment o Interior !nd *oc!l :overnment !nd the +ommission on )udit#

SO ORD'R'D &id#, 59(# novero On -6 7!nu!r" 1998 )%)**' iled ! Notice o )ppe!l & id#, 16( m!ni esting therein th!t she is !ppe!ling rom the decision =to the Region!l Tri!l +ourt, +!lb!"og +it"#= It li4ewise !ppe!rs th!t on -- 7!nu!r" 1998, )%)**' iled ! Notice o )ppe!l & id#, 11(, indic!ting therein th!t she w!s !ppe!ling rom the decision =to the +O..ISSION ON '*'+TIONS, .)NI*)#= On the s!me d!te )%)**' purch!sed post!l mone" orders in the !mounts o $566 !nd $-6 in p!"ment o the !ppe!l ees !nd iled them with the .T++, which the l!tter tr!nsmitted to the +ommission on 'lections# >owever, in the letter o 1 September 1998 &id., 113(, Records O icer IV .iguel T# V!r?ue@, 7r# o the 'lector!l +ontests )d<udic!tion Dep!rtment o the +ommission on 'lections returned these mone" orders or h!ving become st!le !nd directed )%)**' to repl!ce them within three d!"s# On -3 7!nu!r" 1998, %'SO iled with the .T++ ! motion or e2ecution pending !ppe!l d!ted -5 7!nu!r" 1998 &id#, 15(# )%)**' sought to inhibit <udge Filemon )# T!ndinco, 7r# o .T++ & id#, 18(A however, the motion w!s denied in the order o - .!rch 1998 & id#, 3/(# On 5 .!rch 1998, the .T++, h!nded down ! Resolution & id#, 39( gr!nting the motion or e2ecution pending !ppe!l !nd decreeing !s ollows9 nigel B>'R'FOR' !nd b" the oregoing !pplic!ble *!ws, Rules !nd 7urisprudence hereb" upholds !nd !pprove the .otion or '2ecution pending !ppe!l# Further, inding good re!sons hereo directs !nd orders immedi!te e2ecution o the Decision o this +ourt promulg!ted on 7!nu!r" -6, 1998, !nd !s pr!"ed or inst!ll Vito %eso !s the dul" elected +h!irm!n o %!r!ng!" +!r!"m!n, +!lb!"og +it", to t!4e his o!th o O!th o O ice !ssume !s such +h!irm!n ! ter he sh!ll h!ve iled ! bond in the !mount o ON' >CNDR'D T>OCS)ND &$166,666#66( in such su icient sureties sub<ect to !pprov!l b" this +ourt# Furnish cop" o this Resolution9 The +it" .!"or, +!lb!"og +it", The Secret!r", Dep!rtment o Interior !nd *oc!l :overnment, .etro .!nil!, The +ommission on 'lections, .!nil! !nd +!lb!"og +it", )tt"# 'du!rdo Tibo !nd )tt"# )rtemio )postol# )%)**' iled ! motion to reconsider &id#, //( the Resolution, which the .T++ denied in its Resolution o -1 )pril 1998 &id#, 8/(# ell! On -1 )pril 1998, )%)**' iled with the Region!l Tri!l +ourt o +!lb!"og +it" &here! ter RT+( ! speci!l civil !ction or certiorari !nd prohibition, with !n urgent pr!"er or the issu!nce o ! tempor!r" restr!ining order or writ o prelimin!r" in<unction & id#, 91( !g!inst .T++ 7udge T!ndinco, 7r# to set !side !nd !nnul the l!tterDs order o - .!rch 1998 den"ing the motion or inhibitionA resolution o 5 .!rch 1998 gr!nting the motion

or e2ecution pending !ppe!lA !nd the resolution o -1 )pril 1998 den"ing the motion to reconsider the resolution o 5 .!rch 1998# %'SO w!s imple!ded !s co0respondent# The c!se w!s !ssigned to %r!nch 51 o the RT+, presided over b" public respondent 7udge Roberto )# N!vid!d, !nd w!s doc4eted !s Speci!l +ivil )ction No# 980616# On -8 )pril 1998, 7udge N!vid!d issued ! Tempor!r" Restr!ining Order & id., 161( restr!ining respondent 7udge T!ndinco, 7r# !nd !ll persons !cting in his beh!l = rom en orcing the Brit o '2ecution $ending )ppe!l#= The tempor!r" restr!ining order w!s =e ective within /- hours onl" rom its issu!nce#= m!rinell! On -8 )pril 1998, %'SO iled ! comment &id., 166( to )%)**'Ds petition or certiorari !nd prohibition !lleging therein th!t pursu!nt to Section 1 o Rule -8 o the +O.'*'+ Rules o $rocedure !nd our decision in Relampagos v. Cumba, et al# &-15 S+R) 396 E1995F(, the +ommission on 'lections, !nd not the Region!l Tri!l +ourt h!s <urisdiction over the petition# )%)**' iled ! repl" to the comment & id#, 165(# Then, on -9 )pril 1998, 7udge N!vid!d issued !n Order & id., 168( directing the p!rties to submit their respective memor!nd!, ! ter which the m!tter would be deemed submitted or resolution# >e !lso issued ! tempor!r" restr!ining order# %'SO iled his .emor!ndum on 1 .!" 1998 &id#, 169(# On 1 .!" 1998, 7udge N!vid!d issued !n Order e2tending the Tempor!r" Restr!ining Order = or twent" &-6( d!"s#= On - 7une 1998 )%)**' iled her .emor!ndum# On 8 7une 1998, the RT+, per 7udge N!vid!d rendered ! decision & id#, 1-5( in !vor o )%)**', disposing thus9 B>'R'FOR', premises considered, the $etition is :IV'N DC' +OCRS'# The writ o e2ecution pending !ppe!l issued b" the court ! ?uo in 'lection $rotest No# 156 is hereb" S'T )SID' !nd V)+)T'D while the Tempor!r" Restr!ining Order issued b" this +ourt is conse?uentl" m!de $'R.)N'NT# !lon@o In support thereo , the RT+ held th!t the .T++ !lre!d" lost its <urisdiction when it issued the ch!llenged resolutions# Cnder Section 5 o Rule -- o the +O.'*'+ Rules o $rocedure, !ppe!ls to the +O.'*'+ in election protest c!ses should be m!de within ive &5( d!"s rom the promulg!tion o the decision# In this c!se, the decision o the .T++ w!s promulg!ted on -6 7!nu!r" 1998A )%)**' h!d until -5 7!nu!r" 1998 within which to !ppe!l rom the decision# She per ected her !ppe!l on -- 7!nu!r" 1998# The motion or e2ecution pending !ppe!l w!s iled onl" on -3 7!nu!r" 1998# +onse?uentl", the court h!d !lre!d" lost <urisdiction to issue the writ o e2ecution pending !ppe!l#

%'SODs motion or reconsider!tion &id#, 1-/( w!s denied b" the RT+ in its Order o 11 7ul" 1998 &id., 1-9(# br!ndo On -8 )ugust 1998, we received %'SODs petition in this c!se, which he sent vi! registered m!il on / )ugust 1998# >e !sserts in his petition th!t respondent 7udge N!vid!d !cted without <urisdiction in issuing the &1( orders o 9 &!( -8 )pril 1998, gr!nting ! tempor!r" restr!ining order, e ective within /- hours rom its issu!nce, &b( -9 )pril 1998 gr!nting ! tempor!r" restr!ining order, &c( 1 .!" 1998 e2tending the tempor!r" restr!ining order or -6 d!"sA &-( decision o 8 7une 1998A !nd &5( order o 11 7ul" 1998 den"ing the motion to reconsider the decision# %'SO then pr!"s th!t these orders !nd decision be decl!red null !nd void# In the me!ntime, on 1 September 1998 the 'lector!l +ontest )d<udic!tion Dep!rtment o the +ommission on 'lections &+O.'*'+( received the records o 'lection $rotest No# 156 rom the .T++ !s ! conse?uence o the !ppe!l interposed b" )%)**'# The +O.'*'+ doc4eted the !ppe!led c!se !s ')+ No# 95098# In the resolution o / September 1999, we re?uired )%)**' !nd 7udge N!vid!d to comment on the petition# On 9 October 1998 we received )%)**'Ds comment# She n!rr!tes therein the oregoing !ctu!l !ntecedents up to the deni!l o the motion to reconsider the resolution gr!nting the motion or e2ecution pending !ppe!l !nd !dded th!t the =entire records o 'lection $rotest No# 156 entitled Vito Beso v. Rita Aballe including the b!llot bo2 !nd the e2hibits presented during the tri!l w!s held in the custod" o the +ler4 o +ourt o the .unicip!l Tri!l +ourt in +ities, +!lb!"og +it" since 7!nu!r" 1998 !nd up to )ugust -3, 1998,= which there ore, m!de it impr!ctic!l, i not impossible, or her to ile the petition or certiorari with the +O.'*'+# mic4s Respondent 7udge N!vid!d sent his comment, under he!ding +O.$*I)N+' & id#, 138(, on -9 October 1998# >e !lleges therein th!t the speci!l civil !ction iled with his court b" )%)**' w!s !n origin!l or independent !ction to remed" errors o <urisdiction committed b" the .T++, !nd not ! continu!tion or p!rt o the tri!l o the p!rtiesD election c!se# The petition is meritorious# Since )%)**' h!s !ppe!led to the +O.'*'+ rom the decision in 'lection $rotest +!se No# 56 o the .T++, b" iling ! Notice o )ppe!l on -- 7!nu!r" 1998, !nd submitting !t the s!me time the post!l mone" orders or the !ppe!l ees, it ollows th!t the +O.'*'+ h!s prim!r" <urisdiction on the petition or certiorari to !nnul the e2ecution pending !ppe!l gr!nted b" the .T++# This is !n issue which we resolved in Relampagos v. Cumba, et al. &-15 S+R) 396 E1995F(# nigell! Be ruled in Relampagos th!t the l!st p!r!gr!ph o Section 56 o %#$# %lg# 39/ rem!ins in ull orce !nd e ect in such c!ses where, under p!r!gr!ph &-(, Section 1 &should be

Section -( )rticle IG0+ o the +onstitution, the +O.'*'+ h!s e2clusive !ppell!te <urisdiction over the election contest in ?uestion# In such c!ses the +O.'*'+ h!s the !uthorit" to issue the e2tr!ordin!r" writs o certiorari, prohibition !nd mandamus in !id o its !ppell!te <urisdiction# The l!st p!r!gr!ph o Section 56 re!ds9 The +ommission is hereb" vested with e2clusive !uthorit" to he!r !nd decide petitions or certiorari, prohibition !nd mandamus involving election c!ses# Cnder the second p!r!gr!ph o Section - o )rticle IG0+ o the +onstitution, the +ommission on 'lections h!s e2clusive !ppell!te <urisdiction over, inter alia, contests involving elective b!r!ng!" o ici!ls decided b" tri!l courts o limited <urisdiction# The contested position in this c!se is th!t o ! barangay captain# The .unicip!l Tri!l +ourt o +!lb!"og +it", ! court o limited <urisdiction, h!d the e2clusive origin!l <urisdiction over the election protest, !nd the +O.'*'+ h!s the e2clusive !ppell!te <urisdiction over such protest# ScH It ollows then th!t the RT+ o +!lb!"og +it" is without <urisdiction on the petition or certiorari !nd prohibition which )%)**' iled to !nnul the e2ecution pending !ppe!l the .T++ h!d issued in the election protest c!se# )%)**' should h!ve gone to the +O.'*'+ !nd her !lleg!tion th!t it w!s impossible or her to h!ve invo4ed the power o the +O.'*'+ to issue the writ bec!use the records o the 'lection $rotest No# 156 were orw!rded to the +O.'*'+ onl" in )ugust 1998 merits no s"mp!th" !s certi ied copies o the ch!llenged resolutions or orders could e!sil" be obt!ined !nd !tt!ched to the petition# +le!rl" respondent 7udge N!vid!d !cted without <urisdiction, !nd with gr!ve !buse o discretion !mounting to l!c4 o <urisdiction when he entert!ined the petition in Speci!l +ivil )ction No# 980616, issued ! Tempor!r" Restr!ining Order thereon !nd, ultim!tel", giving due course to the petition !nd deciding it on its merits b" setting !side !nd v!c!ting the !ss!iled resolutions !nd orders o the .T++ o +!lb!"og +it" in 'lection $rotest No# 156 !nd m!4ing perm!nent the tempor!r" restr!ining order e!rlier issued# Further, respondent 7udge N!vid!d gr!vel" !bused his discretion when he e2tended b" twent" d!"s the /-0hour restr!ining order he initi!ll" issued# The second p!r!gr!ph o Section 5 o Rule 5 o the 199/ Rules o +ivil $rocedure cle!rl" provides th!t =in no c!se sh!ll the tot!l period o e ectivit" o the tempor!r" restr!ining order e2ceed twent" &-6( d!"s, including the origin!l sevent"0two hours provided herein#= ScmisI 1#EREFORE, the inst!nt petition is :R)NT'D !nd the ch!llenged orders o respondent 7udge Roberto )# N!vid!d in Speci!l )ction No# 980616 &or 616( o %r!nch 51 o the Region!l Tri!l +ourt o +!lb!"og +it" o -8 )pril 1998 gr!nting ! tempor!r" restr!ining order within sevent"0two hoursA -9 )pril 1998 gr!nting ! tempor!r" restr!ining order without speci ic!tion o the periodA 1 .!" 1998 e2tending the tempor!r" restr!ining order or twent" &-6( d!"sA !nd the decision o 8 7une 1998, !s

well !s the order o 11 7ul" 1998 den"ing the motion to reconsider the decision !re hereb" set !side !nd nulli ied or h!ving been issued without <urisdiction or with gr!ve !buse o discretion !mounting to l!c4 o <urisdiction# Respondent 7udge Roberto )# N!vid!d is urther ordered to DIS.ISS Speci!l )ction No# 980616 &or 616( within sevent"0two hours &/-( hours upon receipt o ! cop" o this decision# +osts !g!inst priv!te respondent# .isI sc SO OR$ERE$. Puno, Kapunan, Pardo, !nd Ynares-Santiago, ., concur#

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