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As at ἕፂ 29/08/2008

Schroder Alternative Solutions - Gold and Metals Fund A Acc

Investment Objective ᏮṚኡ₴
The Fund's investment objective is to generate growth in the long term through investment in
gold and metal related commodity instruments globally*.

Cumulative Performance ᪘≋ᗇ᩟ (%) Key Information ᥺ᗑṚ᠔

Unit NAV ᭅፒṚᩥᩆ᝹ USD8.86 (ᜐᇤ)
Hi/Lo (Past 12 mths) USD10.28/8.46 (ᜐᇤ)
ᬫᤲ/ᬫ፨ (ṻቓᆟᆕងሗ)

Annualised return (3 yrs) N/A

ጆᙎዦ᭗ᩚ (3ጆ)
Annualised Volatility (3 yrs) N/A
In accordance with SFC regulations, the performance figures of this Fund with less than 6 months'
ጆᎤᛯỼᕥ᭲ (3ጆ)
activity (launched on 7 July 2008) cannot be divulged.
᙭ᶦᝬᯠ━ὴᵱᖔ᫘ᘁྸኄ᥺ᗑ(ᔰ2008ጆ7ሗ7ሕ᫞ከ)ᇏᣋᔙ◞ሂᔰᇧងሗᖔᗇ᩟₪⇸ྺ Beta (3 yrs) ᑉሷ (3ጆ) N/A
Sharpe Ratio (3 yrs) N/A
ូ᮲ምᩚ (3ጆ)

Management Fee ᾈᩞጆᲧ 1.5%

Initial Charge ᝫጞῤ⎿Ყ 5% p.a.
Performance Fee ᗇ᩟Ყ 10% of the positive
performance subject
to High Water Mark
principle (please refer
to the relevant offering
Current Portfolio Exposure ኡᗾ᥺ᗑᖔᏮṚ (%) Top Holdings ሯᝁᏮṚ (%) document)
Base Metals ᥺ኄᗑ▩ 48.10 Gold 32.90 ₪ዦ᭗ጒᒚ10%ᖔᗇ᩟Ყ
Precious Metals Ჩᗑ▩ 45.30 Copper 13.90 (Ṅᧆ⅑ᥙ↜ጙ┥←ᥪሑኼ)
Cash ᩟ᗑ 6.60 Aluminium 12.70 Current High Water Mark USD10 (ᜐᇤ)
Lead 8.80 ኡᗾᬫᤲሠፒ
Zinc 7.60
Fund Manager ᥺ᗑ᷹ᩞ Robert Howell &
Paula Bujia
Launch Date ᧥ቃሕᮽ 7/08
Asset Type Ṛᩥᇬ፬ (%)
Fund Size Ṛᩥ᝹ (millionጰᷧᇤ) USD87.59 (ᜐᇤ)
Futures ᮽ᫧ 76.40 Units Available ᭅፒ┭፴ Accumulation (᪘≋)
Swaps, ETFs ᧡ᮽྐྵኯᔳᔏᲪⅧ᥺ᗑ 15.60
Financial Year End 30/9
Equity ᖫ᩾ 1.40 ᤇᙼጆᙎ᱋ᾌሕ
Cash ᩟ᗑ 6.60
Schroders InvestLink Code 932
Bloomberg Ticker SAGMAAD
ISIN CODE LU0371156497

Source : Schroders. NAV-NAV in USD with net income re-invested. The Fund size quoted includes all classes of the Fund.
Investment involves risks. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Please refer to the relevant offering documents for further fund details including risks factors. The Fund may use
financial derivatives instruments (FDI) as part of its investment strategy. For risks associated with the use of FDI and investment in securities in emerging markets, please refer to the relevant offering
documents for details. This material is issued by Schroder Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited and has not been reviewed by the SFC. The Fund is authorised under Chapter 8.4A of the SFC's
Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds as a “Futures and Options Fund” but such authorisation does not imply official recommendation. Potential investors should be aware that such investment involves
market risk and should be regarded as long-term investment. In addition, such investment will seek to gain exposure through investing principally in commodity related derivatives which carry substantial
risks, including risk of loss of a significant portion of their principal value. The performance of a commodity investment may perform to a greater or lesser degree than the underlying commodity spot price
depending on market conditions. As such, these instruments are subject to special risks that relate to the movements of prices in the commodity markets. You are advised to read the relevant offering
document and understand the risks involved prior to making any investment decision.
* The Fund will not acquire any physical commodities directly. The Fund will not enter into any contracts relating to physical commodities other than commodity futures, warrants, swaps, and options
Ṛ᠔ᑳᶐᙿⓨ⁽ྺ᥺ᗑᗇ᩟ሳṚᩥᩆ ᝹⁀ ᜐᇤ ᝃᾌྸጒ᡾ዉᏮṚྺኄ ᥺ᗑᇓṚᩥ᝹ᇅᨿ῅ᒄᔏጙ┭ ፴ྺ
ᏮṚᡎᇺᝨ⋃ྺṻᓶᗇ᩟ኅቻቔ፥ሕᙘ ᵳ⍱ᖔᶚᘁྺṄᧆ ቈᙷᝨ⋃ዥ᢫ ⅑ᥙ↜ጙ┥←ᥪሑኼྺ᥺ᗑጙቔᣋᔰ᪇ ዠጙ┥ᏮṚ᝞ᒎᖔᧆᕬᆣᏮṚᗑ≿᜿ኖᇃᒃྺጙ┥ᏮṚᔰᗑ≿᜿ኖᇃᒃᇺ᭬ᵨ≮ቴ᭔ᖔ━ᒉᏮṚᔏ ᡎᇺ
ᖔᝨ⋃ྸṄᧆ⅑ᥙ↜ጙ┥←ᥪሑኼྺኄሑኼኚᙿⓨ⁽ᏮṚᾈᩞ ᝬᯠ ጙ᝞ᇩቜቅᰪྸሑኼኅᒜᝬᯠ━ᒉᇺᮽ᫧ᑦᥐὴỻᓄឬᵱ ⌣↜ྺኄ ᥺ᗑᠨ⇸━ὴ ᵱᖔ࿤ᭅፒᗡ ᣿ᇺᇘᮄ᥺ᗑዽᘁ࿥᪆ $ ᬘ⍊ῤቔᛄ࿬ᮽ᫧ᇺᮽ☁᥺
ᗑ࿭ྸ፣ṃῤቔᑣᇏᗇእ━ὴ ᵱ፥ቃᓗሔ᧥⑝ྺ⃋ዪᏮṚᖦ⌋ᕜᵃṃᏮṚᡎᇺቴ᭔ᝨ⋃ྸ⌋Ბᇓᛄᗒ℘ᏮṚྺ቟ቩྸṃᏮṚᦕሯᝁᏮṚᔰᾹᥛᘗጙ┥ᖔ᜿ኖᇃᒃྸጟ᰾᜿ኖᇃᒃᡎᇺᛯ᷀ᝨ⋃ྸቈᙷ⎠ᵡឝᏮṚ⒓᝜ᆸᬀዀ
ᖔᝨ⋃ྺᑬ⇸ᇏዘቴᕬྸᥛᘗᏮṚቔᣋጙᛯỼᛯ┥ᥛᘗ᩟᫧⁀ṫᤲᔋṫ ፨ ᰶ ᙎᖔᗇ᩟ྺዥጟྸṃ᰾ᇃᒃᡎᇺጙ┥ᥛᘗቴ᭔ ⁀ᠴᕥᥒᖔᡠᠻᝨ⋃ྺ⑦ጟቘ♚“ᆣዪ፥ቃኽ ፙᏮṚᐏ ᓖᗾྸ᪕↜ጙ┥←ᥪሑኼᑣᔷኞᒄᔏ ᡎᝨ
ኄ ᥺ᗑᇏᵱᖗ᧚ ⎿ᆘỷᖅᥛᘗྺᤫᥛᘗᮽ᫧ྐྵῤᖫ☁━ྐྵ᧡ᮽᇺᮽ☁ዠᜍቩྸኄ ᥺ᗑᇏᵱᝄከኽ ፙᒄሷᾹ ỷᖅᥛᘗጙ┥ᖔዠᜍྺ

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+852 2843 7733 !

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