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Ramses II
Ramses II devoted his
reign to building great
monuments such as the
Great Hall of the Temple
of Amon at Al Karnak
and many of the temples
at Abū Simbel. Ramses is
thought to be the
pharaoh referred to in
the biblical book of
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‫أوالً ھذه أقرب صوره التقطت لمومياء‬
. ( ‫فرعون ) رمسيس الثاني‬

This is the closest

picture taken of

Ramesses II

..... ‫وھذه حكاية فرعون مع فرنسا‬

Here's the story of France

with Pharaoh Ramesses

‫عندما تسلم الرئيس الفرنسي الراحل‬

‫فرانسوا ميتران زمام الحكم في فرنسا‬

When Francisco Mitra

became the president of
France in 1981

‫ طلبت فرنسا من مصر في نھاية‬1981 ‫عام‬

‫الثمانينات استضافة مومياء فرعون‬

France requested from the

Egyptian government to
host the mummy of
‫ فتم‬... ‫إلجراء اختبارات وفحوصات أثرية‬
‫نقل جثمان أشھر طاغوت عرفته األرض‬

For the purpose of running

laboratory and
examinations on the
mummy of the most
notorious dictator ever
lived on earth

‫ وھناك عند سلم الطائرة اصطف‬....

‫الرئيس الفرنسي منحنيا ً ھو‬

Upon arrival, very royal

attendants were there
including the French
president himself and all
ministers who bowed in
honor for the mummy

‫ووزراؤه وكبار المسؤولين الفرنسيين‬

‫ليستقبلوا فرعون‬
‫وعندما انتھت مراسم اإلستقبال الملكي‬
‫ حُملت‬.. ‫لفرعون على أرض فرنسا‬
When the ceremony
ended, the mummy was
carried to a specially-
designed section at the
Archeology Centre of

‫مومياء الطاغوت بموكب ال يقل حفاوة عن‬

‫استقباله وتم نقله إلى جناح خاص في مركز‬
‫اآلثار الفرنسي ليبدأ بعدھا أكبر علماء اآلثار‬
‫في فرنسا وأطباء الجراحة والتشريح دراسة‬
‫تلك المومياء واكتشاف أسرارھا‬

Were it started to be
tested by the greatest
French archeological and
anatomical scientists in
order to discover more
about such a great

‫وكان رئيس الجراحين والمسؤول األول عن‬

‫دراسة ھذه المومياء ھو البروفيسور‬

The scientists were

headed by Professor
Maurice Bucaille

‫موريس بوكاي‬
، ‫كان المعالجون مھتمين بترميم المومياء‬
‫بينما كان اھتمام موريس ھو محاولة أن‬
، ‫يكتشف كيف مات ھذا الملك الفرعوني‬

Scientists were trying to

restore the mummy while
Professor Maurice was
mainly concerned with
how did this mummy die!

‫وفي ساعة متأخرة من الليل ظھرت النتائج‬

‫ لقد كانت بقايا الملح العالق في‬.. ‫النھائية‬
‫ وأن‬، ‫جسده أكبر دليل على أنه مات غريقا‬
، ‫جثته استخرجت من البحر بعد غرقه فورا‬
‫ثم اسرعوا بتحنيط جثته لينجو بدنه‬

The final report of the

scientists was released
late at night which states
that the remaining salt in
the mummy is an overt
evidence that it was
drawn in the sea, and the
body was rescued very
shortly where it was
immediately embalmed to
be saved
‫لكن أمراً غريبا ً مازال يحيره وھو كيف‬
‫بقيت ھذه الجثة أكثر سالمة من‬
! ‫غيرھا رغم أنھا استُخرجت من البحر‬

An amazing thing was still

confusing Professor
Maurice is that how could
this body possibly be safer
than any other mummy
despite being taken out of
the sea up until this time

ً‫كان موريس بوكاي يعد تقريرا‬

‫نھائيا عما كان يعتقده اكتشافا ً جديداً في‬
‫انتشال جثة فرعون من البحر‬

Professor Maurice was

writing his final report on
what he thought would be
a new discovery about
saving Pharaoh's body
immediately after his
death and embalming it

‫ حتى ھمس‬، ‫وتحنيطھا بعد غرقه مباشرة‬

‫ فإن‬.... ‫ ال تتعجل‬: ‫أحدھم في أذنه قائال‬
‫المسلمين يتحدثون عن غرق ھذه المومياء‬

And there, someone

whispered to him that
Muslims claim to know
‫‪something about the‬‬
‫‪drowning of this mummy‬‬

‫ولكنه استنكر بشدة ھذا الخبر واستغربه ‪،‬‬

‫فمثل ھذا اإلكتشاف ال يمكن معرفته إال‬
‫بتطور العلم الحديث وعبر أجھزة حاسوبية‬
‫حديثة بالغة الدقة‬

‫‪Yet the Professor firmly‬‬

‫‪denied such thing saying‬‬
‫‪that it's impossible to‬‬
‫‪discover this without the‬‬
‫‪development of science‬‬
‫‪and without using his‬‬
‫‪high-tech and complicated‬‬
‫‪laboratories and‬‬

‫‪ ،‬فقال له أحدھم إن قرآنھم الذي يؤمنون به‬

‫يروي قصة عن غرقه وعن سالمة‬
‫جثته بعد الغرق ‪ ،‬فازداد ذھوال وأخذ‬
‫يتساءل ‪ ..‬كيف ھذا وھذه المومياء‬
‫لم تُكتشف إال في عام ‪ ، 1898‬أي قبل‬
‫مائتي عام تقريبا ‪ ،‬بينما قرآنھم‬
‫موجود قبل أكثر من ألف وأربعمائة عام؟‬
‫وكيف يستقيم في العقل ھذا ‪،‬‬
‫والبشرية جمعاء وليس العرب فقط لم‬
‫يكونوا يعلمون شيئا عن قيام قدماء‬
‫المصريين بتحنيط جثث الفراعنة إال قبل‬
‫عقود قليلة من الزمان فقط؟‬
To his surprise, he was
told that Muslims believe
in a book called "Quran"
and this Quran narrates
the story of Pharaoh's
drowning and ensures the
safety of his body after his
death as to be a Sign to
mankind. The Professor
couldn't believe his own
ears and started to

How can a book existed

1400 years ago speak
about the mummy that
was only found 200 years
ago, in 1898??!!

How can that be possible

while the ancient Egyptian
heritage was discovered
only a few decades ago
and no one knew about it

‫جلس موريس بوكاي ليلته محدقا بجثمان‬

‫فرعون يفكر بإمعان عما ھمس به‬
‫صاحبه له من أن قرآن المسلمين يتحدث‬
.. ‫عن نجاة ھذه الجثة بعد الغرق‬
‫بينما كتابھم المقدس يتحدث عن غرق‬
‫فرعون أثناء مطاردته لسيدنا موسى‬
‫عليه السالم دون أن يتعرض لمصير جثمانه‬
‫‪ ..‬وأخذ يقول في نفسه ‪ :‬ھل‬

‫‪The Professor sat down‬‬

‫‪pondering on what he was‬‬
‫‪told about the book of‬‬
‫‪Muslims while his Holy‬‬
‫‪Book narrates only the‬‬
‫‪drowning of Pharaoh‬‬
‫‪without saying anything‬‬
‫‪about his body‬‬

‫يُعقل أن يكون ھذا المحنط أمامي ھو‬

‫فرعون الذي كان يطارد موسى؟ وھل‬
‫يعقل أن يعرف محمدھم ھذا قبل أكثر من‬
‫ألف عام؟‬

‫‪"Is it possible that this‬‬

‫‪mummy in front of me is‬‬
‫‪the one who was chasing‬‬

‫‪"Is it possible that‬‬

‫‪Muhammad knew this‬‬
‫"!!??‪1400 years ago‬‬

‫لم يستطع موريس أن ينام ‪ ،‬وطلب أن يأتوا‬

‫له بالتوراة ‪ ،‬فأخذ يقرأ في‬
‫التوراة قوله ‪ :‬فرجع الماء وغطى مركبات‬
‫وفرسان جميع جيش فرعون الذي‬
‫دخل وراءھم في البحر لم يبق منھم وال‬
‫واحد ‪ ..‬وبقي موريس بوكاي حائراً فحتى‬
‫اإلنجيل لم يتحدث عن نجاة ھذه الجثة‬
‫وبقائھا سليمة‬

The Professor couldn't

sleep that night till they
brought him the Old
Testament where he read:
"the sea drowned Pharaoh
and his army, no one else
was left alive" He was
surprised that the Holy
Book didn't mention about
the destiny of the body
and that it will be saved

‫بعد أن تمت معالجة جثمان فرعون وترميمه‬

، ‫أعادت فرنسا لمصر المومياء‬
‫ولكن موريس لم يھنأ له قرار ولم يھدأ له‬
‫بال منذ أن ھزه الخبر الذي‬
، ‫يتناقله المسلمون عن سالمة ھذه الجثة‬
‫فحزم أمتعته وقرر السفر لبالد‬
‫المسلمين لمقابلة عدد من علماء التشريح‬
‫وھناك كان أول حديث تحدثه معھم عما‬
‫اكشتفه من نجاة جثة فرعون بعد‬

When the scientists were

done with the mummy,
France retuned it to Egypt
, but Professor Maurice
couldn't rest for a moment
since he was told that
Muslims know about the
‫‪safety of the body. So, he‬‬
‫‪decided to travel and meet‬‬
‫‪anatomy Muslim scientists‬‬
‫‪and there he spoke about‬‬
‫‪his discovery of the safety‬‬
‫‪of the mummy after its‬‬
‫‪death in the sea and so‬‬

‫الغرق ‪ ...‬فقام أحدھم وفتح له المصحف‬

‫وأخذ يقرأ له‬
‫قوله تعالى ‪) :‬فاليوم ننجيك ببدنك لتكون لمن‬
‫خلفك آية ‪ ..‬وإن كثيرا من الناس عن آياتنا‬

‫سورة يونس‪ :‬آية ‪.92‬‬

‫لقد كان وقع اآلية عليه شديدا ‪ ..‬ورجت له‬

‫نفسه رجة جعلته يقف أمام‬
‫الحضور ويصرخ بأعلى صوته ‪ :‬لقد دخلت‬
‫اإلسالم وآمنت بھذا القرآن‬
‫رجع موريس بوكاي إلى فرنسا بغير الوجه‬
‫الذى ذھب به ‪ ..‬وھناك مكث عشر‬

‫‪One of the Muslim‬‬

‫‪scientists stood up and‬‬
‫‪simply opened the Quran‬‬
‫‪and pointed to the‬‬
‫‪Professor at one verse:‬‬
"This day shall We save
you in your body, that you
may be a Sign to those
who come after you! But
verily, many among
mankind are neglectful of
Our Signs"

(Quran 10:92)

The Professor was struck

when he read that and
immediately stood in front
of the crowd and said
loudly: "I believe in Islam,
I believe in Quran"

Then he went back to

France with a different
face he traveled with.

‫سنوات ليس لديه شغل يشغله سوى دراسة‬

‫مدى تطابق الحقائق العلمية‬
‫ والبحث‬، ‫والمكتشفة حديثا مع القرآن الكريم‬
‫عن تناقض علمي واحد مما‬
‫يتحدث به القرآن ليخرج بعدھا بنتيجة قوله‬
‫ ال يأتيه الباطل من‬: ‫تعالى‬
‫بين يديه وال من خلفه تنزيل من حكيم حميد‬

In France, he dedicated 10
years investigating the
scientific discoveries and
comparing them with the
Quran and trying to come
up with one scientific
contradiction with the
Quran. Finally he quoted
one verse from the Quran
to be his conclusion:

"No falsehood can

approach it (this book)
from before or behind it: it
is sent down by One Full
of Wisdom, Worthy of all

(Quran 41:42)

‫كان من ثمرة ھذه السنوات التي قضاھا‬

‫الفرنسي موريس أن خرج بتأليف كتاب‬
‫عن القرآن الكريم ھز الدول الغربية قاطبة‬
‫ لقد كان‬، ‫ورج علماءھا رجا‬
‫ القرآن والتوراة واإلنجيل‬: ‫عنوان الكتاب‬
‫ دراسة الكتب‬.. ‫والعلم‬
‫المقدسة في ضوء المعارف الحديثة‬

As a result of all years of

his research, Professor
Maurice wrote a book that
shook all Europe,
especially the scientists
"Quran, Torah, Bible and
A Study of the Holy Books
in the Light of Modern

‫من أول طبعة له نفد‬

All copies were sold out at
a very short time

‫سبق وأن زرت بنفسي المتحف الفرعوني‬

‫في القاھرة ودھشت حقيقة من توافد‬
‫األولوف من السياح من جميع أقطار‬
‫ ولكن مع‬،‫المعمورة لمشاھدة المومياء‬
‫األسف كثير منھم يجھلون حقيقة الدرس‬
‫الذي من اجله حفظ ﷲ تعالى جسد فرعون‬
‫وھو إنذار كل من يكذب ﷲ تعالى ورسله‬
‫صلوات ﷲ عليھم‬

I personally visited the

Cairo Museum where the
mummy is preserved and
there you get astonished
at the scenery of
thousands of people from
all over the world visiting
the place every day,
unfortunately, many of
the tourists there would
think: "Woow, look at
that! Amazing!! So nice to
see people of all times!!
Without realizing the
intended lesson that Allah
has kept this body, a Sign
to all mankind of anyone
who denies Allah and His

In another chapter in the


"When Moses came to

them with Our clear Signs,
they said: This is nothing
but sorcery faked up:
never did we hear the like
among our fathers of old!

Moses said: "My Lord

knows best who it is that
comes with guidance from
Him and whose end will be
best in the Hereafter:
certain it is that the
wrong-doers will not

"Pharaoh said: "O Chiefs!

No god do I know for you
but myself: therefore, O
Haman! Light me a (kiln to
bake bricks) out of clay,
and build me a lofty
palace, that I may mount
up to the god of Moses:
but as far as I am
concerned, I think
(Moses) is a lair!"

And he was arrogant and

insolent in the land,
beyond reason, - he and
his hosts: they thought
they would not have to
return to Us!

So We seized his and his

hosts, and We flung them
into the sea: now behold
what was the end of those
who did wrong!

And We made them (but)

leaders inviting to the
Fire; and on the Day of
Judgment no help shall
they find.

In this world We made a

curse to follow them: and
on the Day of Judgment
they will be among the
loathed (and despised)."

(Quran 28: 36-42)

So now,

"Has not the time arrived

for the Believers that their
hearts in all humility
should engage in the
remembrance of Allah and
the Truth which has been
revealed to them, and that
they should not become
like those to whom was
given Revelation
aforetime, but long ages
passed over them and
their hearts grew hard?
For many among them are
rebellious transgressors.

Know you (all) that Allah

gives life to the earth after
its death! Already have We
shown the Signs plainly to
you, that you may learn

For those who give in

charity, men and women,
and loan to Allah a
Beautiful Loan, it shall be
increased manifold (to
their credits), and they
shall have (besides) a
liberal reward.

And those who believe in

Allah and His messengers-
they are the Sincere
(lovers of Truth), and the
Witnesses (who testify),
in the eyes of their Lord:
they shall have their
Reward and their Light.

But those who reject Allah

and deny Our Signs,- they
are the companions of
Hell-Fire "

Quran 57: 16-19

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