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ONDON UNDERGROuND BOSSES are launching an unprecedented assault on workers and the service. RMT is balloting for strikes across every grade. The ballot started on 3 December and runs to 10 January. LU bosses had the cheek to send a bulletin to all staff saying therell be a job for everyone... whos ready to be flexible. The attacks mean every ticket office will go and nearly a thousand posts on stations will go. Bosses say jobs are safe if were willing to accept down-banding, attacks on conditions and flexibility. But they aim to clear posts through voluntary redundancies. The work that is currently done by 5,747 workers is now to be done by 4,794. With all those posts going, bosses are driving a drastic restructuring of grades right across the network. And they are trying to divide and rule. Its crucial we stand together. If we do, we can ensure that no one has to stomach any cuts. The big YES vote in the strike ballot over the use of agency shows members are willing to fight. These changes arent about improving the service. How will passengers benefit by losing ticket offices and staff?


This would maximise pressure on Boris, who is recklessly ignoring the fire authority by slashing Londons fire service, while undermining health and safety on the tube. Weve seen incredible resistance to attacks on the NHS, with huge community mobilisations that have stopped closures, such as the campaign in Lewisham. The attacks we face are part of a wider assault on working class people by the Tories. Thats why we can be confident that a strike would win widespread support from the public.

As nearly 1,000 jobs and all ticket offices face the axe...

RMT Mitie cleaners show how to fight


It was good to hear Bob Crow on the radio saying that we would need more than a one day strike and there could be as many as five days consecutive action. This is the kind of action well need to shift Boris onto the back foot and we should keep up the pressure to make sure it happens.


The reality is that, for many, the cuts will hit hard. The impact for disabled people will mean an already highly inaccessible tube system will become even less accessible. Elderly people, and parents travelling with prams and young children, who rely on assistance from station staff will struggle with journeys. These cuts are about finding the Tories demand for a 12.5 percent cut in TfLs spending. We urgently need action. Bosses could impose these cuts as early as February. Its great that RMT is balloting across all grades for strikes. In the final week we have to do all we can to deliver a huge YES vote. Then we must make sure strikes are called quickly. The members meeting for London Underground workers on 10 January (4pm at Conway Hall, Red Lion Square) is a chance to build momentum for strikes. Strikes must have the maximum impact. If we shut down the whole network by striking together, action will hit the bosses hard and can force them to back off.

When we strike, we give bosses a massive headache they cant ignore. In 2010, it cost the city 48 million each strike day the tube was shutthats power! With hard hitting action, we can stop these attacks. That means reaching for solidarity with unions and campaigns. Disabled People Against the Cuts (DPAC) have recently held days of action against the impact of transport cuts. We should invite them to speak on picket lines. This autumn and over Christmas, firefighters have been striking to defend the fire service. Teachers struck in recent months to defend education. Tube workers have shown solidarity with firefighters, it would be great if action in the was coordinated with the FBU.

The Tories want us to pay for a crisis caused by the rich, by slashing our services, jobs, pay and conditions and attacking our trade unions. It will take a serious fight from our unions, but we can stop them. September saw 50,000 on the streets outside the Tory conference in Manchester. The Hovis strikes that defeated zero hours contracts, and strikes by RMT cleaners show how to fight. We need to use our full collective power by striking across the network and make sure we give the bosses no option but to retreat on these attacks. This is a fight we can win.

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