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Subject: Prince Georges County Prince Georges Small Business, Startup, and Non-Profit Communities Need o Partner !

!it" #rgani$ations %i&e ''(s 'dCamp "e 'merican 'd)ertising (ederation "as an **t" and *+t" grade "ig" sc"ool student focused program called 'dCamp, "is camp brings toget"er students of all races, et"nicities, genders, and bac&grounds to teac" t"e basic s&ills of ad)ertisement creation and e-pose students to t"is professional career field, "e program "opes to find a di)erse set of students t"at a.a&en a passion for t"is field and ma&e it t"eir major in college, /iframe src0122player,)imeo,com2)ideo2344*45461 .idt"014551 "eig"t01+6*1 .eb&itallo.fullscreen mo$allo.fullscreen allo.fullscreen7/2iframe7 'dCamp: %essons in 'd)ertising !"en .as t"e last time you sa. a professional loo&ing and .ell t"oug"t out commercial for any Prince Georges County business or go)ernment entity let alone non-profit8 (rom ."at 9 see, Prince Georges County businesses, t"e Countys re-branding message, tourism message, and non-profit sector lac& :uality ad)ertising and mar&eting across all platforms ; <, radio, 9nternet, print=, "e biggest e-cuse for t"e lac& of ad)ertising and mar&eting is t"e cost, "is is )alid, Business sta&e"olders and professionals s&illed in ad)ertising and mar&eting must collaborate, negotiate, and loo& at t"e big picture, "e big picture is .it" increased )isibility across platforms using "ig" :uality and professional ad)ertising and mar&eting .ill increase return on in)estment ;>#9= for all in)ol)ed, "e students t"at .ill collaborate and use t"eir creati)ity to produce great ad campaigns pro-bono or for little in)estment in t"eir learning p"ase .ill be t"e same professionals Prince Georges Countys small business community, startups, and non-profits t"at "a)e gone t"roug" capacity building .ill gainfully employ after graduation, "is is t"e .ay a partners"ip .or&s, 9f you in)est in me, 9 .ill in)est in you, "is is "o. Prince Georges County s"ould strategically train and use ?@illennialsA as .ell as encourage creati)ity, in)estment, ris& ta&ing, s"ared goals, and t"in&ing outside t"e bo- )ia t"is type of partners"ip, /iframe .idt"014B51 "eig"t01C*41 src0122...,youtube,com2embed2tC6j:->+G)c1 frameborder0151 allo.fullscreen7/2iframe7 'dCamp +5**D Prince Georges County students, small businesses, startups, non-profits "a)e no e-cuse for not partnering to ta&e ad)antage of a great program li&e t"is because ''( is "ead:uartered in !as"ington EC, Currently t"ere is one 'dCamp program in t"e EC @etro 'rea ."ic" is con)ened at Fo.ard Gni)ersity, 9 "a)e e-mailed Hai Iones, t"e director of 'dCamp to find out "o. Prince Georges County "ig" sc"ools and t"e Prince Georges County @aryland-National Capital Par& and Planning Commission can start a local 'dCamp, Gntil Prince Georges County gets an 'dCamp location, students can attend t"e EC 'dCamp at Fo.ard Gni)ersity by contacting @elissa !ong at m.ongJaaf,org or call ;+5+= 6K6-556K,

.itter: JHat"ie%Gifford !"at action are you going ta&e8 !"at <olunteer ec" Nation member are you going to collaborate .it"8

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