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Project Reflection Sheet for UDL Educators Checklist How did you use technology to implement the 9 UDL

guidelines? Explain in the nine boxes below. Resave the file as Group # UDL checklist
I $ Provide !ultiple !eans of Representation" Provide options for perception $ $ Offe ways of customi!ing the display of info mation $ % Offe alte nati"es fo audito y info mation $ & Offe alte nati"es fo "isual info mation % Provide options for lan'ua'e( )athe)atical e*pressions( and s+),ols % $ #la ify "ocabula y and symbols % % #la ify syntax and st uctu e % & $uppo t decoding of text% and mathematical notation% and symbols % - & omote unde standing ac oss language % . 'llust ate th ough multiple media & Provide options for co)prehension & $ *cti"ate o supply bac+g ound +nowledge & % Highlight patte ns% c itical featu es% big ideas% and elationships & & ,uide info mation p ocessing% "isuali!ation% and manipulation & - -aximi!e t ansfe and gene ali!ation II Provide !ultiple !eans for /ction and E*pression" 4. Provide options for ph+sical action - $ /a y the methods fo esponse and na"igation - % Optimi!e access to tools and assisti"e technologies 5. Provide options for e*pression and co))unication . $ Use multiple media fo communication . % Use multiple tools fo const uction and composition . & )uild fluencies with g aduated labels of suppo t fo p actice and pe fo mance 6. Provide options for e*ecutive functions 0 $ ,uide app op iate goal setting 0 % $uppo t planning and st ategy de"elopment 0 & 0acilitate managing info mation and esou ces 0 - Enhance capacity fo monito ing p og ess III Provide !ultiple !eans for En'a'e)ent" 7. Provide options for recruitin' interest
#our notes The tu +ey glyph c eation was inse ted not only to p o"ide ob(ects fo compa ison in the thi d step% but also 1 $ Optimi!e indi"idual choice and autonomy d o"e inte est as each tu +ey was c eated in esponse to custom p ompts ega ding student li"es. 0o example% 1 %2011 Optimi!e ele"ance% "alue% authenticity CAST UDL Guidelines and Educator Checklist Version 2 the owne ship of pets o whethe o not they ate tu +eys 1 & -inimi!e th eats and dist actions decided what pa ts they used to c eate thei own tu +ey. #our notes .e plan on using both the Promethean board $caffolding will be p o"ided th ough the th ee steps of the lesson. 'n the fi st step and second step% the ob(ects% ph ases% and o gani!e will be p o"ided. Teache s will guide explicitly in the fi st step% and gi"e students mo e eigns in the second step. )y the thi d step% only the o gani!e and ob(ects will be p o"ided% but students will come up with ph ases on thei own th ough guided discussion. Each written piece of information was accompanied
#our notes

The use of hoola hoops in the warm up activity serves

to create physical representations of graphic organizers. This shows the central overlap in a venn diagram without having to rely solely on auditory explanation.

by a visual representation via clip art or drawings. In the promethean board, each descriptor that will be dragged by students has an accompanying picture so students that need symbolic representation will have the pictures, while those that cannot handle visuals and need text has that element.

flipchart and physical objects (hoola hoops, toys to create venn diagrams and aide in the sorting of ideas. !hildren are encouraged to drag items on the board or feel manipulative in participation.
The e is use of inte acti"e softwa e media in the

lesson as well as physical manipulative, thin"ing aloud discussion, and traditional use of paper and pencil for multiple ways of communicating comparison ideals. Teachers will be available during the lesson and individual activities to help guide students alongside different media options.
The lesson itself was focused on graphic

organizers, and presented them in different mediums. Through using the graphic organizers, we are teaching students not only the act of comparison, but giving them a tool for future learning to organize new information in.

CAST 2011

UDL Guidelines Educator Checklist Version 2

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