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Ian MacPherson 285 Gray Street Manchester NewHampshire 03103 USA S.S.N. 001 !

8 00"" # an$ Pri%ate In%esti&ators who c'rrent(y wish to remain anonymo's )

JANUARY 0" 201* +I, -.U A/0 N.1 G.ING 1. /0A2 1HIS3 P40AS0 PASS 1HIS
.N 5 1HIS IS AN 061/0M0 0M0/G0N7-8 +I, -.U A/0 MU41I 4INGUA4 ./ 9N.: S.M0;.2- :H. IS 5 P40AS0 1/ANS4A10 1HIS AN2 MAI4 1HIS 1. P.4I703 MI4I1A/-3 ,020/A4 7.MMUNI7A1I.NS 7.MMISSI.N < AN2 IN=0S1IGA1I.NS 20PA/1M0N1S ., NA1I.NS ,/I0N24- 1. USA 3 7ANA2A 3 AN2 M06I7. 5 as we(( as the :or($ Hea(th .r&ani>ation 3 U.S.A. 2epartment o? 2e?ense 0mp(oyees 3 U.S.A. Po(ice 2epartments 3 an$ U.S.A. ,e$era( In%esti&ations 2epartments. ,or the sa?ety o? the comm'nity 3 p(ease copy this :itness Statement an$ sen$ a copy to a mem@er o? yo'r comm'nity. 8 :I1N0SS S1A10M0N1 7.N70/NING 5 0N0M- 7.M;A1AN1S IN USA an$ 7ANA2A 3 P4ANS 1. /0P4A70 P/0SI20N1 ;A/A79 HUSS0IN .;AMA :I1H A =I/A4 =071./ G0N0 1H0/AP- MU1A102 IMP.S10U/ 3 A;I/2 2.GA 0SPI.NAG0 3 S06 1/A,,I79ING ., 7HI42/0N AN2 P./N.G/APHING ., 7HI42/0N 3 P.SSI;40 P4ANS 1. 201.NA10 NU740A/ :0AP.NS IN 1H0 UNI102 S1A10S ., AM0/I7A 3 =I.4A1I.NS ., 1H0 G0N0=A 7.N=0N1I.N .N N./1H AM0/I7AN S.I4 3 =I.4A1I.NS ., ,020/A4 7.MMUNI7A1I.NS 7.MMISSI.N 4A:S 3 :A/ 7/IM0 S06 1/A,,I79ING 3 :A/ 7/IM0 S06 1/A,,I79ING ., 7HI42/0N 3 10//./ISM 3 S400P0/ AG0N1S 0M;02202 :I1HIN 4A: 0N,./70M0N1 AN2 IN=0S1IGA1I.NS 3 S400P0/ AG0N1S 0M;02202 :I1HIN 1H0 20PA/1M0N1 ., 20,0NS0 3 AN IN10/NA1I.NA4 7.=0/1 G0N.7I2A4 ,A71I.N 3 1H0,1 ., 2.A./.P.A. ,UN202 /0S0A/7H 3 P4ANS 1. 0610/MINA10 1H0 A;0NA9I /A70 AN2 .1H0/S IN N./1H AM0/I7A3 P4ANS 1. 0610/MINA10 1H0 ,.UN2ING /A70 ., 1H0 USA3 PS-7H :A/,A/0 AG0N1S .N U.S.A. S.I4 3 7-;0/ S1A49ING 3 7-;0/ 10//./ISM 3 HUMAN =I=IS071I.N 3 A;2U71I.N ., MIN./S 3 7/U04 AN2 UNUSUA4 1./1U/0 ., 7I=I4IANS 3 :A/ 7/IM0S 3 I20N1I11H0,1 3 MI4I1A/- G/A20 ,I/0A/MS 1/A,,I79ING 3 IMP/.=IS02 :0AP.NS US02 ,./ 10//./ISM 3 S06 1/A,,I79ING 3 :A/ /AP0 3 =I/A4 :A/,A/0 3 S0/IA4 9I44INGS 3 7/IM0S AGAINS1 HUMANI1- 7.MMI1102 UP.N MIN./S AN2 A2U41S 3 S06 .,,0NS0S 7.MMI1102 UP.N MIN./S AN2 A2U41S 3 A G0N.7I2A4 10//./IS1 1H/0A1 1. 1H0 ;/I1ISH M.NA/7H- 3 A 7.NSPI/A71. ,/AM0 1H0 SAU2I A/A;IAN /.-A4 ,AMI4- ,./ :A/ 7/IM0S :HI7H 1H02I2 N.1 7.MMI1 3 I1A4IAN 7.NN071I.NS 1. 1H0 1A4I;AN AN2 A4 BA02A .N AM0/I7AN S.I4 3 P.SSI;40 P/0 0MP1I=0 A71I.NS IN 06P071A1I.N ., A 1HI/2 :./42 :A/ 3 I1A4IAN A6IS ,A71I.N 7U//0N14- P4ANNING 1. .=0/1H/.: U.S.A. G.=0/NM0N1 0N1I/04- 3 A6IS S400P0/ 7044 A71I=A1I.N 2..MS2A- G0N.2I7A4 ASSAU41 .N N./1H AM0/I7A 3 ;/AIN 7.MPU10/ IN10/,A70 SU/GI7A4 IMP4AN1S AN2 N0U/.S7I0N70 S.,1:A/0;0ING US02

,./ 10//./ISM AN2 HUMAN 1/A,,I79ING IN74U2ING S06 1/A,,I79ING 3 AN2 /.I.7... ./GANIC02 7/IM0 =I.4A1I.NS in the U.S.A an$ 7ana$a 1 1his witness statement an$ testimonia( re&ar$s 0nemy 7om@atants on American an$ 7ana$ian soi(. 1hese 0nemy 7om@atants are 'sin& 2'p(icate$ I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o@taine$ ?rom 2epartment o? Motor =ehic(es as we(( as Hospita(s an$ ?rom $ea$ &enoci$e %ictims whom they ha%e Di((e$3 hi$in& their i$entities @y ass'min& the i$entities o? Americans. 7'rrent(y 3 there is a 7o%ert Genoci$e occ'rin& in the North 0ast o? the U.S.A. an$ e(sewhere on the 0ast 7oast o? the U.S.A. . 1his ?action o? 0nemy 7om@atants are primari(y comprise$ o? the Ita(ian Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ their accomp(ices whom are a pop'(ation compose$ o? in$i%i$'a(s o? Ita(ian A6IS ,action whom are (oya( to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ re(ate$ 1errorist 7rimina( Units which the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e recr'ite$ themse(%es $'rin& the past E0 years. 1he acti%ities o? this co((ecti%e or&ani>ation ran&e ?rom Genoci$a( 1errorism to that o? an .r&ani>e$ 7rime Syn$icate s'ch as SeF 1ra??icDin& an$ other .r&ani>e$ 7rimes A&ainst H'manity 3 this is a G(o@a( 1errorist Aristocratic Mi(itant ,action G .r&ani>e$ 7rime Syn$icate. In the year 200* < in$i%i$'a(s in the re&ion o? the New 0n&(an$ states 3 New -orD 3 an$ New Hersey en&ineere$ p(ans with ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e to commit the most heino's :ar 7rimes in history with the intention o? ?ramin& a ,action to which they were pre%io's(y a((ie$ ?or these :ar 7rimes an$ a%ert (e&a( in%esti&ations as we(( as terrorism in%esti&ations. 0$ :arren whom was worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n Street in Manchester NewHampshire $'rin& the year 200* 3 spoDe to =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e ?reI'ent(y a@o't this. ,or the p'rpose o? a%ertin& in%esti&ations 3 the 0man'e(es an$ their accomp(ices create$ a seI'entia( (ine o? a(i@is 5 these @ein& ?or the o@%io's reason o? accomp(ishin& their Genoci$a( 1errorist &oa(s an$ a%ertin& any (e&a( or mi(itant reperc'ssions. .ne o? the many a(i@is they attempte$ to en&ineer were eFpecte$ to s'ccee$ at pre%entin& their i$entity ?rom @ein& attri@'te$ to their crimes. 1he intention o? this is ?or the p'rpose o? $istractin& the U.S.A. an$ the Nations whom are a((ie$ with the U.S.A. (on& eno'&h to ena@(e the Ita(ian Ho'se o? Sa%oy whom ha%e @een (i%in& on U.S.American soi( since the secon$ $e?eat o? the A6IS 3 to comp(ete(y in?i(trate the U.S.A. 4aw 0n?orcement an$ In%esti&ations as we(( as comp(ete(y corr'pt the U.S.A. 2epartment o? 2e?ense. 1he maJority o? the eFi(e$ Ho'se o? Sa%oy are a Socia( 2arwinist 3 Amora(ist 3 Mi(itant Aristocracy. 1here are n'mero's Ita(ian A6IS Mi(itant 7e((s in the U.S.A. that immi&rate$ to the U.S.A. prior to as we(( as a?ter the 2n$ :or($ :ar. 1he U.S.A. an$ 7ana$a a((owe$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ co'sins o? theirs whom were o? the Ho'se o? Aosta that ha$ capit'(ate$ with the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ their A6IS ,action 3 to mo%e to the U.S.A. . ;eca'se the U.S.A. has a((owe$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy to mo%e to the U.S.A. an$ corr'pt the Nation 3 the Ho'se o? Sa%oy has $one this < the 9in& o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e 5 is an 0nemy o? the U.S.A. who (i%es in the U.S.A. an$ has p(anne$ his entire (i?e to corr'pt3 $estroy3 an$ conI'er the U.S.A. ?rom within. 7'rrent(y 3 a Genoci$e is occ'rrin& in the North 0ast o? the U.S.A. an$ the Po(ice 2epartment has @een so corr'pte$ that :itness 1estimonia( Statements are not @ein& reporte$ to proper a'thorities an$ nations a((ie$ to the U.S.A. as we(( as nations with citi>ens on o'r soi(. 1his has @een a 7o%ert :ar on U.S.American Soi( since the ?a(( o? the 3r$ /eich. =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS are a((ie$ to the A6IS ,action that was .sama ;in4a$enKs an$ $e?inite(y are their accomp(ices concernin& the " 11 1errorist AttacDs. An Aristocracy is a Mi(itant ,action 5 the U.S.A. a((owe$ the 9ni&hts o? =ittorio 0man'e(e III 3 his ;aron H'(i's 0%o(a 3 =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs $escen$ants 3 an$ ?ami(ies o? the Ho'se o? Aosta re(ate$ to Ho'se o? Sa%oy ?ami(ies to mo%e the the U.S.A. a?ter the secon$ $e?eat o? the A6IS < witho't I'estion 3 an$ ?or this we are payin& $ear(y. :ith them are ?ami(ies re(ate$ to A$o(? AHit(erA as we(( as

$istant co'sins o? the /oya( ,ami(y o? Sa'$i Ara@ia. .? eFtreme $an&er is the ?act that some Po(ice .??icers are c'rrent(y capit'(atin& with this A6IS 1errorist ,action an$ n'mero's Po(ice 2epartments ha%e @een in?i(trate$ @y a&ents o? this 1errorist ,action ?or p'rpose o? e(iminatin& e%i$ence concernin& their acti%ities an$ the a@i(ity ?or witnesses an$ %ictims to seeD con%iction ?or the crimes which ha%e @een committe$ 'pon their comm'nity 5 most o? these @ein& Ma?ia associate$ Po(ice .??icers whom ha%e in the past ha%e &rante$ imm'nities to the Ita(ian Ma?ia 3 imposte'rs o? Po(ice .??icers that are now $ea$ whoKs ?ami(ies were m'r$ere$ $'rin& the on&oin& &enoci$e in the North 0ast /e&ion o? North America 3 an$ Ita(ian A6IS S(eeper A&ents whom ha%e so'&ht emp(oyment within the Po(ice 2epartments o? the USAmerica. Another eFtreme threat to the (i%es o? American 7i%i(ians c'rrent(y 5 Mi(itant 1errorist 7omp'ter HacDers worDin& ?or the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e @een c'ttin& te(ephone ca((s to ,e$era( ;'rea' o? In%esti&ations 3 Po(ice 2epartments 3 7entra( Inte((i&ence A&encies 3 an$ attempts to contact 2epartment o? 2e?ense. In the year 2012 < I attempte$ to contact the ,e$era( ;'rea' o? In%esti&ations 'sin& my Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone 5 the te(ephone ca(( was intercepte$ an$ a recor$in& o? my se(? ta(Din& to a te(emarDeter in 2005 or 200E was a'$io $'@@e$ as i? the ,e$era( ;'rea' o? In%esti&ations was respon$in& to me with my ha(? o? the a'$io tracD. My ha(? o? this a'$io tracD was a recor$in& o? my se(? ta(Din& to a 1e(emarDeter who ha$ @een repeate$(y ca((in& my ?ather /'sse(( MacPhersonKs ho'se 3 9ennethKs H'$$Ks home te(ephone at the Haywar$ Street A$$ress 3 an$ my Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone $'rin& my re(ationship with Min$y 9ern < this te(emarDeter imme$iate(y @e&an their sa(es pitch a?ter I answere$ the phone 3 to which I imme$iate(y inter'pte$ an$ rep(ie$ AIKm sorry sir a whatLM a whatLM Um... no I am not intereste$.A. Min$y tho'&ht that this was hi(ario's @eca'se I was imme$iate(y eFtreme(y r'$e to the te(emarDeter an$ spoDe in a %oice that was %ery 'ncharacteristic o? my se(?. 1his recor$in& was 'se$ to intercept my phone ca(( to ,.;.I. in :ashin&ton 2.7. when I attempte$ to ca(( ?rom my Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone in Nash'a NewHampshire. 1he en$ part o? the con%ersation was a short piece o? a simi(ar %oice that state$ AI am sorry 3 I am &oin& to ha%e to p't yo' on ho($.A . I attempte$ to ca(( the ,e$era( ;'rea' o? In%esti&ations approFimate(y 10 times in the year 2012 3 an$ the te(ephone con%ersation was c't o?? at the comm'nications ser%er. My Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone 7ompany is Strai&ht 1a(D 1rac,one :ire(ess. It is $e?inite that a(most a(( o? the corr'pte$ Po(ice .??icers are o? miFe$ Ita(ian race 3 ha%in& some amo'nt o? Ita(ian race < an$ are in ?act S(eeper A&ents whom are mem@ers o? A6IS 7(an$estine S(eeper 7e((s that arri%e$ $'rin& the ear(y 1"00Ks J'st prior to as we(( as a?ter the 1st an$ 2n$ :or($ :ars 5 this is $iscerna@(e $'e to the ?act that the 1errorist ,action in%o(%e$ in this Po(ice 7orr'ption has @een &rantin& imm'nities to the (aw to many o? the 1errorist 7rime So($iers o? the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate . Some o? the corr'pt (aw en?orcement has @een o? A'strian race an$ are pro@a@(e to @e co'sins o? the Aosta A6IS ,ami(ies 3 the ?ami(ies o? Aosta 9ni&hts whom were mem@ers o? the A6IS ,action or are now A6IS ,action. It is important to remem@er that the G(o@a( :ar on 1error was anno'nce$ p'@(ica((y a?ter the " 11 1errorist AttacDs an$ that the state$ perpetrators o? the " 11 1errorist AttacD were initia((y $ec(are$ to @e the AA6IS o? 0%i(A whom are the o@%io's s'ccessors o? the connections which ?o'n$e$ a ?ew o? the Sh't>Sta??e( or&ani>ations as we(( as A6IS a(i&ne$ 7rime Syn$icates in the Me$iterranean re&ion an$ other parts o? the Mi$$(e 0ast an$ 0'rope. In the year 200* < an artic(e was p'@(ishe$ on the internet that eFp(aine$ that .sama ;in4a$enKs &ran$?ather was a hi&h ranDin& o??icer o? a Sh't>sta??e( 'nit. In the year o? 2005 < propa&an$a was p'@(ishe$ wherein Presi$ent Geor&e ;'sh was incorrect(y @(ame$ ?or the " 11 1errorist AttacD 3 these p'@(ications incorrect(y c(aime$ that

Presi$ent Geor&e ;'shKs &ran$?ather Prescott ;'sh ?'n$e$ the Sh't>sta??e( an$ a(so incorrect(y c(aime$ that Presi$ent ;'sh an$ =ice Presi$ent 7heney A/eichsta& ,ireK$A the " 11 1errorist AttacD. =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs &ran$?ather was =ittorio 0man'e(e III 3 whom was an A6IS Monarch. =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e has @een acti%e in 1errorist .r&ani>e$ 7rime most o? his (i?e as we(( as has he an$ his Property Stea$ Ho($ers @o'&ht an$ so($ properties a(( o%er the North 0ast /e&ion o? the U.S.A. inc('$in& New -orD 7ity. It has a(so @een $isco%ere$ to @e pro@a@(e that a Ser@ian 'nit o? :ar 7rimina(s whom are mem@ers o? an A6IS a??i(iate$ 7rime Syn$icate ha%e @een sn'cD into the U.S.A. @y this Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ?action an$ are 'sin& AmericansK an$ 7ana$iansK I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. 2'rin& the past 30 years at (east 3 =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ the maJority o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e @een (i%in& in the North 0ast o? the U.S.A. 5 m'ch o? them ha%e (i%e$ in Massach'settes an$ s'rro'n$in& re&ions. .? re(e%ance to the A6IS in the era a?ter the Secon$ :or($ :ar < it is important to remem@er that H'(i's 0%o(a who was the ;aron o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 wrote A$o(? Hit(erKs speeches an$ $esi&ne$ m'ch o? the A6IS i$entity as we(( as phi(osophy 5 H'(i's 0%o(aKs i$entity is the core o? the A6IS i$entity. H'(i's 0%o(a was not han&e$ as a res'(t o? the N'rem@'r& 1ria(s3 nor was =ittorio 0man'e(e III3 nor were any o? the many 9ni&hts o? Sa%oy who were &'i(ty o? worDin& with ;enito M'sso(ini an$ A$o(? Hit(er < nor were the n'm@er o? 9ni&hts o? Aosta whom ha$ s'pporte$ the A6IS $'rin& the ;(it>Drie& o? A'stria 3 some o? whom were A$o(? Hit(erKs motherKs co'sins. ;enito M'sso(ini was an a@so('te tota( ,e'$a(ist ,ascist Monarchist who s'pporte$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the reconstr'ction o? the Ita(ian 0mpire in the ?orm o? a New /oman 0mpire 5 ;enito M'sso(ini was acI'ainte$ with 9ni&hts o? Sa%oy an$ possi@(y may ha%e e%en @een Dni&hte$ witho't p'@(ication3 it is a possi@i(ity that ;enito M'sso(ini was ?act'a((y &oin& to @e e(e%ate$ to the (e%e( o? an aristocratic 2'De o? some sort o? 2'chy or possi@(y the re&ion s'rro'n$in& the city o? /ome. AI( 2'ceA 5 means Athe 2'DeA. :hen consi$erin& an A6IS ,action3 race is a re(e%ant topic. 1he Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,action is primari(y comprise$ o? a G(o@a( 1errorist Mi(itant Aristocratic 7rime Syn$icate o? which the eFi(e$ roya(ty o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e as we(( as other sons an$ @io(o&ica( re(ati%es o? =ittorio 0man'e(e are two o? a sma(( n'm@er o? 1errorist 7rime 4or$s < present amon&st the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS are Ita(ian A6IS Mi(itant S(eeper 7e((s 3 the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 an$ ?ami(ies o? the Ho'se o? Aosta who are re(ate$ to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ are A6IS ,action a(i&ne$. A man o? miFe$ Morroccan an$ Sa'$i race name$ Mosta?a I@nSa'$ who has @een a (i?e time ?rien$ o? ,i(i@erto 0man'e(eKs is c'rrent(y a tar&ette$ scape&oat an$ a(i@i that the 0man'e(es are attemptin& to ?rame ?or their own crimes ?or reason o? attemptin& to a%ert arrest an$ in%esti&ation 5 Mosta?a was chosen as a ScapeGoat $'e to a n'm@er o? reasons 3 one o? which @ein& the ?act that Mosta?a I@nSa'$ is $istant(y @io(o&ica((y re(ate$ to the /oya( I@nSa'$ ?ami(y o? Sa'$i Ara@ia an$ his ancestor was the si@(in& o? the .ttoman 0mperor $'rin& the ,irst :or($ :ar. Another reason ?or this tar&ettin& o? the I@nSa'$ ?ami(y is ?or reason that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy are accomp(ice to the " 11 1errorist AttacDs an$ Mosta?a I@nSa'$Ks ,ather Dnew a@o't them @e?ore they occ'rre$ an$ is pro@a@(e to ha%e p(anne$ m'ch o? the A6IS 1errorist AttacDs an$ Assassinations with the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ .sama ;in4a$enKs A6IS Unit. 2'rin& the year 200* < ?ramin& Mosta?a I@nSa'$ ?or their crimes was consi$ere$ @y the 0man'e(es to @e a tact?'( i$ea ?or reason that his i$entity was re(ate$ to the 1st :or($ :ar $'e to his roya( ancestra( (inea&e 3 Mosta?a is o? an Ara@ian race an$ 1he :ar on 1error was c'rrent(y tar&ettin& .sama ;in4a$en whom was a(so o? an Ara@ian race 3 as we(( as ?or the reason that Mosta?a I@nSa'$ ha$ @een in the North 0ast /e&ion o? the USA %isitin& them an$ other ?rien$s o? his n'mero's times in Mosta?aKs (i?etime. 1he 0man'e(esK p(ans to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa'$ were $isc'sse$ @y 0$ ,arrachi :arren an$ Anthony

2e,eo at a (ocation $'rin& which a(( o? their con%ersations ha$ @een recor$e$ as we(( as $i$ 0$ ,arrachi :arren $isc'ss this o%er te(ephone more than once with =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e < ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e a(so $isc'sse$ this with associates o? his. 0$ :arren is a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 1he 0man'e(es an$ many o? their a&ents ha%e @een recor$e$ $isc'ssin& p(ans to commit a series o? 1errorist AttacDs 3 H'man =i%isections 3 an$ 7rimes A&ainst H'manity in North America an$ @(ame these on innocent parties an$ in$i%i$'a(s 'n$er ?a(se premise that these in$i%i$'a(s acte$ in cohesion an$ synchonica((y with .sama ;in4a$en. 1he tr'th is that the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,action is sti(( the core o? the A6IS ,action 3 .sama ;in4a$en was an A6IS Mi(itant 7omman$er < otherwise it wo'($ @e impossi@(e ?or the 0man'e(es to time an$ p(ace .sama ;in4a$enKs 1errorist A??i(iates we(( eno'&h to ?rame in$i%i$'a(s associate$ with him ?or the acti%ities o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 3 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs 3 an$ the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS Mi(itant 7rimina( 1errorist ,action. 1he Psycho(o&ica( Patho(o&y o? the A6IS 1errorist 7rimina( mem@ers o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the 0man'e(esK re&ime @'i($in& in the home(an$s o? NationsK ?orei&n to their own 3 is @ein& witnesse$ c'rrent(y. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ their A6IS 7omra$es ha%e @een 'sin& =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tation as a metho$ o? m'tatin& their physica( appearance to appear near(y i$entica( to Genoci$e =ictims which they ha%e eFterminate$ as we(( as in$i%i$'a(s whom they ha%e SeF 1ra??icDe$ an$ swappe$ I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s with their $a'&hters or @etween other SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims. ,or p'rpose o? in?i(tratin& an$ comp(ete(y corr'ptin& $epartments o? In%esti&ations an$ 4aw 0n?orcement in the North 0ast o? the U.S.A. 5 the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,action ha%e recr'ite$ 7on%icte$ SeF .??en$ers as A&ents o? 7orr'ption an$ em@e$$e$ them within 4aw 0n?orcement an$ In%esti&ations in the U.S.A. with the I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o? Genoci$e =ictims. M'ch o? this has occ'rre$ in the North 0ast o? the U.S.A. . 1he 7on%icte$ SeF .??en$ers that the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ha%e recr'ite$ ha%e a(so @een emp(oye$ as Genoci$a( Assassins 3 H'man =i%isectionists 3 SeF 1ra??icDers 3 7omp'ter HacDers 3 an$ 0spiona&e A&ents. 1he p'rpose ?or their recr'itin& o? 7on%icte$ SeF .??en$ers is apparent(y ?or the reason that the 7on%icte$ SeF .??en$ers wi(( not 2e?ect to the U.S.A. ?or reason that they ha%e now @een &i%en a c(ean set o? I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s an$ are now a@(e to (i%e 'n$etecte$ amon&st the pop'(ation 3 as we(( as the ?act that they ha%e now @een emp(oye$ in a position o? eFtreme power. An important ?actor to consi$er when st'$yin& the psycho(o&ica( patho(o&y o? the Ita(ian Sa%oy AFis in North America an$ So'th America 3 is the $istance @etween their c'rrent (ocation an$ their home(an$ o? Ita(ia. 1he comp(ete an$ tota( permanant conI'est o? the entire p(anet 0arth is the &oa( o? a Sociopathic Me&a(omaniac 5 the sociopathy o? me&a(omaniacism is 's'a((y Dept in checD @y the prospect o? a r'ine$ rep'tation 3 i? too many :ar 7rimes are committe$ amon&st the pop'(ace o? a nei&h@orin& nation < $'e to the $istance o? the U.S.A. an$ ;ra>i( ?rom Ita(ia 3 the men o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e @een ena@(e$ to en&a&e in perio$s o? anonymo's 'nrestraine$ crimina(ity. 1his has res'(te$ in eFtreme ;r'ta(ity 3 H'man 1ra??icDin& 3 an$ Genoci$e in the Americas 5 ?or the ?ami(ies o? the 0man'e(esK %ictims. :hen the Ita(ian 0mpire conI'ere$ A(@ania 3 the :ar 7rimes committe$ were ?ar (ess ?reI'ent than the rampant 7rimes A&ainst H'manity @ein& committe$ @y the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the Ita(ian A6IS ,action in the Americas since the past open mi(itary $e?eats which the A6IS s'??ere$. I? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy attempt to =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy themse(%es an$ escape the USA with the I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o? their %ictimsK 3 they can @e easi(y (ocate$ @y metho$ o? 'sin& 2NA 1estin& as a reI'ire$ ?orm o? ,orensic 0%i$ence to pro%e I$entity ?or p'rpose o? 7iti>en an$ =isitor I$enti?ication < a system comprise$ o? m'tip(e co((ection an$ a'$itin& teams 3 m'(tip(e ?orms o? recor$ Deepin& s'ch as paper

an$ more than one comp'ter intranet 3 with m'(tip(e (ocations o? recor$s that are a@(e to @e cross re?erence$ 5 a system simi(ar to IS. A'$itin& stan$ar$s can @e create$ that wi(( ena@(e errors an$ corr'ption to @e ?o'n$ easi(y. I? an in$i%i$'a( 'n$er&oes =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tation ?or me$icina( or cosmetic p'rposes 3 it nee$s to @e recor$e$ @y the ,e$era( Go%ernment with a 2NA /ecor$ 'p$ate. A$%ances in Me$ica( Science ha%e ma$e o@so(ete 3 the c'rrent process o? 7iti>en an$ =isitor Persona( I$enti?ication an$ &enoci$e is c'rrent(y occ'rrin& as a res'(t o? a 1errorist 7rimina( /e&ime now ha%in& the a@i(ity to m'tate their appearance an$ commit crimes anonymo's(y. N'mero's ?ami(ies o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy are in%o(%e$ in a G(o@a( 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate 3 A$o(? Hit(er was =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs ha(? @rother 3 the A6IS was ?o'n$e$ @y mem@ers o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 H'(i's 0%o(a (i%e$ in the USA ?or part o? his (i?e 3 ha(? o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy inc('$in& the 0man'e(e /oya( ,ami(y mo%e$ to the USA a?ter the secon$ $e?eat o? the A6IS. I? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy attempt to ?(ee < the Ho'se o? Aosta whom are their co'sins 3 can @e 2NA 1este$ an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy can @e ?o'n$. A(so3 9ni&hts o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy can @e 2NA 1este$ an$ their co'sins can @e ?o'n$ 5 e%ent'a((y 3 this 2NA testin& (ea$s to the 0man'e(e ?ami(y. .ther &ro'ps o? peop(e who can (ocate the Ho'se o? Sa%oy are the Ita(ian American Ma?ia 3 the A'strian co'sins o? the ?ami(ies o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ Ho'se o? Aosta 3 any ?ami(y o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen wi(( ha%e in?ormation that (ea$s to the (ocation o? the 0man'e(e ?ami(y or where their own co'sins are. I? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy can not 7omp(ete(y In?i(trate or Heirarcha((y 2ecapitate the In%esti&ations 2epartments necessary to initiate o??icia( in%esti&ations into the c'rrent 7o%ert Genoci$e that is occ'rrin& which m'st @e a primary in%esti&ation o? the 2epartment o? 2e?ense $'e to the o@%io's ?act that the &'i(ty party are an 0nemy 7om@atant ,action c'rrent(y attacDin& the (i?e on U.S.American Soi( < the Ho'se o? Sa%oy wi(( $e?inite(y attempt to e(iminate the e??ecti%eness o? Mi(itary Inte((i&ence In%esti&ations @y metho$ o? swappin& their own I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s so that e(ectronic recor$s wo'($ @e comp(ete(y incapa@(e o? ?in$in& the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ?or reason that they ha%e taDen new I$enti?ications an$ iso(ate$ themse(%es. AcI'aintances o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy in%o(%e$ in Me$ia 7inemato&raphy 3 in%estments connections an$ other in$i%i$'a(s in%o(%e$ in ?inance 3 or&ani>e$ crime 3 re(ati%es o? the Aosta 9ni&hts (oya( to the A6IS 3 re(ati%es o? the 9ni&hts o? I@nSa'$ in%o(%e$ in the A6IS 3 acI'aintances o? 4eon Panetta an$ Hanet Napo(itano 3 @'siness partners o? mem@ers o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen as we(( as co worDers 3 in$i%i$'a(s who ha%e e%er @een in%o(%e$ in Porno&raphy In$'stry an$ Strip 7('@ owners or mana&ers 3 SeF 1ra??icDers 3 acI'aintances o? mem@ers o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy whom worD in 7omm'nications an$ 0ntertainment 7orporations as we(( as Me$ia Pro$'ction 7ompanies 5 are a(( in$i%i$'a(s whom co'($ pro%i$e in?ormation capa@(e o? (ea$in& to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy sho'($ they attempt to escape @y any metho$s. ,or the reason that they ha%e Dnown many peop(e 3 the Ho'se o? Sa%oy are pro@a@(e to attempt to stea( I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s ?rom their %ictims an$ (ea%e imposte'rs in their stea$ with ha(? o? their wea(th an$ their I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s ?or the p'rpose o? pre%entin& in%esti&ations ?rom sei>in& them. ,or p'rpose o? co((ectin& 2NA /ecor$s 3 m'(tip(e hospita(s owne$ @y $i??erent owners nee$ to @e 'se$ to o@tain recor$s as we(( as $oes a ,e$era( Hospita( nee$ to @e 'se$ 5 Nationa( G'ar$ nee$s to @e in%o(%e$ in the co((ection o? these 2NA /ecor$s an$ in the a'$itin& process to pre%ent corr'ption. I? ci%i(ians are worrie$ a@o't 2NA @ein& 'se$ to ?rame them 3 @ein& 'se$ to (ocate speci?ic racia( types 3 or @ein& 'se$ to otherwise ?or crimina( p'rposes 5 a comp'ter system with an Arti?ica( Inte((i&ence So?tware that con$'cts ratio ana(ysis o? 2NA Hap(o&ro'ps on a month(y @asis an$ (o&s the res'(ts 3 paire$ with m'(tip(e teams o? h'man a'$itors < wo'($ @e near(y per?ect to $etect co%ert &enoci$e in a pop'(ation as racia((y $i%erse as the USA as we(( as wo'($ pre%ent 7orr'ption ?rom occ'rrin& that wo'($ res'(t in I$enti?ication 1he?t or ,ra'$ that

co'($ @e 'se$ to commit crimes or e%en $is&'ise &enoci$e. 1he 0man'e(e ?ami(y are pro@a@(e to @e worrie$ a@o't this ?or reason that they are A$o(? Hit(erKs an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs ?ami(y as we(( as are they o? the same Aristocratic Ho'se as H'(i's 0%o(a < since 200E 3 some ,action in%o(%e$ in Socia( 0n&ineerin& an$ Po(itic in the USA 5 ha%e @een attemptin& to $isrep'te the concept o? a Nationa( I$enti?ication 7ar$ an$ Nationa( I$enti?ication System. A Nationa( I$enti?ication 7ar$ is a &oo$ i$ea 3 it can a(so @e 'se$ as a Passport $'e to the amo'nt o? ?orensic e%i$ence reI'ire$ to pro%e i$entity to o@tain a Nationa( I$enti?ication 7ar$ 5 it is a(so @etter than a A2ri%ers 4icenseA or ANon 2ri%ers I$enti?ication 7ar$A 3 @eca'se it is a Nationa( I$enti?ication 7ar$ an$ not a Pro%incia( I$enti?ication 7ar$. .? eFtreme $an&er3 is the prospect o? the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,action assassinatin& the entirety o? the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartment 0mp(oyees an$ their ?ami(ies 3 taDin& their positions within the 2epartment o? 2e?ense 3 an$ pro%i$in& ?a(se ?or&aries o? e(ectronic e%i$ence to the 2epartment o? 2e?ense < this 3 as we(( as ?'rther in?i(tration o? the 2epartment o? 2e?ense an$ the Heirarcha( 2ecapitation o? the 0Fec'ti%e ;ranch o? Go%ernment 5 wo'($ ena@(e the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,action to arrest 7i%i(ians 'n$er the ?a(se premise that the ci%i(ians were s'ppose$(y the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS Mi(itant 7rimina( 1errorist S(eeper 7e(( NetworD. I? this occ'rs < it wi(( @e incorrect(y reporte$ &(o@a((y that the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS were arreste$ in the U.S.A. ?or 1reason an$ 1errorism or possi@(y a ?a@rication in%o(%in& another i$entity @ein& the &'i(ty 0nemy 7om@atant ,action wi(( @e reporte$ an$ in teFt @ooDs 3 history wi(( @e incorrect(y recor$e$. 1he empowerment o? the 0nemy 7om@atant ,action whom ha%e $one this 3 within o'r own &o%ernment 5 is &oin& to @rin& a@o't the 1ota( Genoci$e o? the North American /aces. It is a possi@i(ity that 'pon rea(i>in& that their arrest is imminent 3 the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ their Aosta a((ies wi(( attempt to =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tate themse(%es an$ rep(ace the ,e$era( 4aw 0n?orcement an$ Mi(itary In%esti&ations < an$ arrest =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tate$ imposte'rs o? themse(%es ?or p'rpose o? escapin& imprisonment 5 they ha%e teste$ this m'(tip(e times at a (ower sca(e in re&ion s'ch as ;oston Massach'settes an$ Manchester NewHampshire. In Manchester NewHampshire < 1ony Gon>a(e> was (ocDe$ in a @asement 3 ?e$ mi(D tainte$ with Hemo&(o@in that was 'se$ to c'(t're =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy =ir's3 an$ m'tate$ to resem@(e a man name$ 7aesar whoKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s ha$ @een @ein& 'se$ @y a 7rime So($ier o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs. I @e(ie%e that the ori&ina( man may ha%e possi@(y @een name$ 7aesar 6a%ier. I met this man in 2003. 1he man who sto(e his I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s an$ m'tate$ his sDin an$ nose to (ooD simi(ar 'se$ the names A7esareA an$ A2ia@(oA 5 I @e(ie%e that this man was Ita(ian an$ Spanish possi@(y. 1he ?act'a( 7aesar was a 1aiino Mesti>o 7arri@ean. 2'rin& 2008 3 most o? Manchester NewHampshire ?o'n$ o't that the man who is in prison as him is 1ony Gon>a(e>. A7esareA A2ia@(oA was si&hte$ in Manchester N.H. an$ Nash'a N.H. $'rin& 200! 3 2008 3 an$ 2012 5 he ha$ =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tate$ his sDin to t'rn pa(e white an$ his nose thinner. 7'rrenty < the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs &oa( is the assassination an$ rep(acement o? the AUS.7AN.NC.U9.US. Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartments an$ their emp(oyeeKs ?ami(ies as we(( as a %ery (ar&e n'm@er o? ci%i(ians ?rom these nations < this ?or the pr'pose o? a%ertin& @ein& con%icte$ o? :ar 7rimes in re(ation to the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces which ha%e @een Ne'roS'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ in the crani'ms o? tho'san$s o? ci%i(ians. 1his is a $e?inite p(anne$ Genoci$e an$ is c'rrent(y 'n$erway in North America. I? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy were to rep(ace the presi$ent ;aracD H'ssein .@ama with

a =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tate$ i$entica( imposte'r 3 the imposte'r wi(( ha%e Heirarcha((y 2ecapitate$ the U.S.A. 0Fec'ti%e ;ranch. 1his is eFtreme(y $an&ero's ?or reason that this a&ent co'($ pro%i$e (ists to the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS o? USAmericans emp(oye$ within the U.S.A. 2epartment o? 2e?ense 3 their positions 3 an$ their home a$$resses. .? eI'a( importance is the Secretary o? 2e?ense 5 i? a person s'ch as 2ona($ /'ms?e($ was rep(ace$ $'rin& the :ar on 1error 3 the entirety o? the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence roster co'($ @e entire(y Dnown to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ @e tar&ets ?or Genoci$a( Assassination an$ rep(acement @y imposte'rs. 1his wo'($ @e the same i? 2ona($ /'ms?e($ ha$ @een an A6IS S(eeper A&ent 5 this is ca((e$ a Heiracha( 2ecapitation. 0%en i? ?orce$ to $ec(are war 'pon their own Mi(itant ,actionKs a((ies 3 a S(eeper A&ent who has s'ccee$e$ at per?ormin& a Heiracha( 2ecapitation has the a@i(ity to &ather in?ormation 3 (ie to the 2epartment o? 2e?ense 3 e(ect in$i%i$'a(s to positions within the 2epartment o? 2e?ense that are a@(e to @e 'se$ @y the 0nemy ,action $'rin& an open Mi(itary 7on?(ict. A S(eeper A&ent $oes not necessari(y ?ire 'pon the Mi(itary o? which they are 7o%ert(y 0m@e$$e$ $'rin& a Mi(itant 7on?(ict 3 e%en i? they ha%e s'ccess?'((y Heirarcha((y 2ecapitate$ an$ entire $epartment. I ha%e once hear$ an Ita(ian .r&ani>e$ 7rime So($ier sayin& o? 2ona($ /'ms?e($ A2ona($ /'ms?e($ is the r'm 2/'nD 2octor. ItKs (iDe A(cho(ics Anonymo's. -o' can not hea( thy se(?3 physician. 2ona($ /'ms?e($ is A6IS. He heirarcha((y $ecapitate$ the U.S.A. 2epartment o? 2e?ense.A < two years (ater 3 I hear$ this eFact statement @ein& state$ a&ain @y an Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS A&ent who ha$ @een (i%in& as an imposte'r o? 2on$i McMahon an$ 'sin& 2on$iKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. 1hese crimina(s who ha%e @een @ein& 'se$ as I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s ho($ers nee$ to $e?ect to a Mi(itary ?rien$(y to the U.S.A. 3 or they are 0nemy 7om@atants. A Genoci$e is c'rrent(y occ'rin& in North America. 7'rrent(y3 I am a %ictim o? what has @ecome a wi$e sprea$ series o? H'man =i%isections that ha%e @een committe$ @y a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate o? which =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ ,i(i@erto 0man'e(e are 1errorist 7rime 4or$s. 1his is a networD o? crimina( terrorists in%o(%e$ in H'man 1ra??icDin& an$ Genoci$e. :hi(e 'nconscio's in a pri%ate(y owne$ hea(thcare ?aci(ity3 I was i((e&a((y s'r&ica((y imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace Ne'roScience $e%ice @y two o? their 1errorist 7rimina( A&ents whom were the s'r&eons. 1his ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace consists o? a Prosthetic Ne'ro7irc'it patch which is &ra?te$ to the @rain an$ is wire$ @ehin$ the ear(o@e 'n$erneath the sDin to an A/G.S G.P.S. 2e%ice which is @ein& 'se$ as an Impro%ise$ /o'terG;attery to networD the $e%ice to comp'ters o%er (on& $istance /a$io ,reI'ency an$ an Internet NetworDin& Protoco(. It is pro@a@(e that this $e%ice is (oa$e$ onto a comp'ter 'sin& a wire(ess ro'ter or mo$em an$ a US; /a$io ,reI'ency I$enti?ication 2e%ice scanner < an$ that an a(tere$ %ersion o? Shippin& G ,rei&ht 1racDin& G(o@a( Positionin& System So?tware is 'se$ to networD these $e%ices o%er a Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone Internet NetworDin& Protoco( 3 Shippin& G ,rei&ht G(o@a( Positionin& System Internet NetworDin& Protoco( 3 an$ 0n$an&ere$ Species A/G.S G(o@a( Positionin& System 5 these $e%ices are pro@a@(e to @e accessi@(e @y internet an$ easi(y insta((e$ to a comp'ter as a $e%ice 'sin& 7'stom 0n&ineere$ GPS NetworDin& So?tware that ena@(es the 'ser to (ocate the $e%ices on the Internet NetworDin& Protoco(. 1his A/G.S G.P.S. 2e%ice can @e $etecte$ 'sin& 9ismet so?tware 3 U@ertooth har$ware 3 Airsnort So?tware 3 an$ a speci?ic Din$ o? US; /,I2 2etector that can scan G.P.S. 2e%ices. It is pro@a@(e that the /a$io ,reI'ency Si&na( transmittin& the 0(ectro0ncepha(oGraph 2ata Si&na(s is @ein& recor$e$ twice into the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartmentKs 7omp'ters < once as an irre&'(ar si&na( @ein& transmitte$ to the /a$io 7omm'nications 1owers 3 an$ secon$ time in the (oca(e o? the speci?ic Internet NetworDin& Protoco(s which they are 'sin&.

It is pro@a@(e that the 0man'e(es ha%e create$ n'mero's networDs ?or the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace A/G.S G.P.S. $e%ices 'sin& n'mero's I.P.A$$resses o? Shippin& G ,rei&ht Internet NetworDin& Protoco( as we(( as other Internet NetworDin& Protoco( 3 Deepin& these a(( on seperate (ists. It is $e?inite that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e access to 7omm'nications Ser%ers an$ ha%e 9ni&hts an$ other A&ents o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy who ha%e access to 7omm'nications Ser%ers an$ ha%e the a@i(ity to copy the entire $ata contents o? the 7omm'nications Ser%er to a $ata stora&e $e%ice 5 it is a theory that it is @y this metho$ that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy sta(D entire ?ami(ies an$ in%i$'a( %ictims o? theirs as we(( as &ather in?ormation ?or p'rposes o? espiona&e 3 mi(itary inte((i&ence 3 an$ other p'rposes. Positions o? emp(oyment which the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 'ti(i>e ?or p'pose o? &ainin& access to 7omm'nications Ser%ers are Maintainance positions at 7omm'nications 7orporations an$ 0ntertainment 7orporations which pro%i$e Internet an$ 7a@(e. 1hese recor$s wo'($ &i%e them access to 1e(ephone /ecor$s 3 1e(ephone 7on%ersations 3 Internet 2ata 3 Internet NetworDin& Protoco( 2ata 3 ,e$era( 2ata 3 recor$s o? 1ransmitte$ 0(ectronic 2ata 3 G(o@a( Positionin& System 2ata 3 Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone 2ata 3 an$ ,inancia( Instit'tion G ;anDin& 2ata. A 9ni&ht is an Aristocratic ;o$y G'ar$ o? No@i(ity an$ is a Mi(itant Position < i? a 9in& is a Mi(itant 1errorist 7rime 4or$ 3 a 9ni&ht is an 0nemy 7om@atant. ,e$era( 7omm'nications 7ommission has not repon$e$ to the threat o? the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace @ein& i((e&a((y networDe$ thro'&h an Internet NetworDin& Protoco( 3 it seems that the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs an$ the Ho'se o? AostaKs a&ents are em@e$$e$ within the ,e$era( 7omm'nications 7ommission. It a(so seems $e?inite that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the Ho'se o? Aosta ha%e in?i(trate$ the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartment an$ somehow mana&e$ to pre%ent in%esti&ations into the 7omp'ter HacDin& o? 7.M7AS1 Ser%ers an$ the @roa$castin& o? Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are on ci%i(ians 1e(e%isions in NewHampshire 3 Massach'settes 3 Maine 3 an$ other re&ions < the Persona( 7omp'ter HacDin& 3 the i((e&a( te(ephone wiretappin& 3 an$ the Impro%ise$ A'$io /ecor$in& 2e%ices c'stom en&ineere$ ?rom Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone Parts ha%enKt @een in%esti&ate$ either. :hi(e I was (i%in& with 9enneth H'$$ at Haywar$ Street in Manchester NewHampshire 3 he contacte$ 7.M7AS1 an$ the ,.7.7. a@o't the HacDin& an$ the 1e(e%ision an$ there was no rep(y an$ no so('tion to the pro@(em. 1here is a 7.M7AS1 H0A2BUA/10/S in the Manchester NewHampshire re&ion 3 it is pro@a@(e that these a'$io $'@ e$its an$ %i$eo $'@ e$its which occ'rre$ on the te(e%ision were the pro$'ct o? a 7omp'ter HacDer at the 7.M7AS1 H0A2BUA/10/S or a 7omp'ter HacDer hacDin& the 0ntertainment NetworD Ser%er at the 1e(e%ision 7a@(e Internet NetworDin& Protoco( on the 0ntertainment an$ 7omm'nications Ser%er 7omp'ters an$ a'$io $'@@in& a'$io o%er it. It is pro@a@(e that the metho$ @ein& 'se$ is a mirror o? the transmission in the ser%er simi(ar to 1U/9.HAN So?tware that mirrors the $ata reI'ests ?rom the Internet Ser%er to the Persona( 7omp'ter 'sin& the 1'rDoJan So?tware an$ a((ows the 7omp'ter HacDerKs Persona( 7omp'ter to taDe prece$ent position o%er the Ser%er 7omp'terKs Internet 2ata. 1his a((ows a 7omp'ter HacDer with m'(ti me$ia so?tware to e$it the te(e%ision @roa$cast an$ =oca( Speech Synthesi>ers an$ a'to t'ne pitch correction are 'se$ to $'@ a'$io o%er the re&'(ar 1e(e%ision 1ransmission. 1his is proo? that there was a n'm@er o? ci%i(ian tar&et in the re&ion that this was inten$e$ to Psycho(o&ica((y 1ra'mati>e 5 this is an eFtreme(y i((e&a( ?orm o? Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are. I remem@er the ?aces o? the s'r&eons who imp(ante$ the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 2e%ice in my crani'm3 c(ear(y < it is pro@a@(e that one o? them was ?ormer(y an

ortho$onta( s'r&eon in the re&ion o? New Hampshire an$ Massach'settes. .ne o? these men was $e?inite(y o? Ita(ian race 3 the other man appeare$ to @e o? miFe$ Iranian or o? a %ery simi(ar (ooDin& Aryan race s'ch as PaDistani or In$ian ?rom a re&iona( ori&in near Iran. 1he h'man %i%isection o? which I am a %ictim ha$ taDen p(ace in a hospita( in 7oncor$ New Hampshire o? the USA an$ the s'r&ery in%o(%e$ the s'r&ica( &ra?tin& o? a Ne'roScience 2e%ice which is a Prosthetic Ne'ro7irc'it to my @rain an$ the S'r&ica( Imp(antin& o? an A/G.S GPS 20=I70 which has @een impro%ise$ to ser%e the same ?'nction as a NetworDin& /o'ter ?or a :ire(ess 0(ectronic 2e%ice 5 this A/G.S GPS 2e%ice an$ the @attery which is encase$ within it3 is tacDe$ insi$e the @ase corner o? the (ower Jaw in the maFi((o?acia( re&ion an$ is wire$ to the Ne'ro7irc'it 'n$erneath the ear(o@e which was se%ere$ an$ cemente$ @acD into p(ace $'rin& the s'r&ery. 1he ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace c'rrent(y in my sD'(( which is &ra?te$ to my @rain is wire$ to an attache$ A/G.S G.P.S. /o'ter G ;attery S'r&ica( Imp(ant com@ination which is encase$ in s'r&ica( p(astic < this was inserte$ 'sin& a so?t an$ ?(eFi@(e p(astic t'@e whi(e the A/G.S G.P.S. /o'ter G ;attery is a(rea$y attache$ on the other en$ which han&s o't o? the t'@e 5 this (ooDs simi(ar to a ?(attene$ tampon app(icator an$ the Si(D @ase$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace Prosthetic Ne'ro7irc'it ?o($s insi$e the t'@e to ?it it as non in%asi%e(y as possi@(e into the sD'(( ca%ity3 a?terwhich it 'n?o($s when it is &ent(y p'she$ o?? the en$ @y the wire an$ the t'@e is remo%e$ < this is ?o((owe$ @y the S'r&ica( Impantin& o? the A/G.S G.P.S. /o'ter G ;attery which is encase$ in some Din$ o? S'r&ica( P(astic an$ was imp(ante$ 'sin& too(s which are simi(ar to 4aproscopic 1oo(s an$ 7osmetic P(astic S'r&ery 1oo(s as we(( as ;o$y Mo$i?ication 1oo(s which are 'se$ to winch the A/G.S G.P.S. /o'ter G ;attery S'r&ica( Imp(ant $own into the Haw 7a%ity ?rom @ehin$ the ear an$ to s't're tacD it to the m'sc'(at're a(on& the insi$e o? the Haw 7a%ity which is consi$ere$ somethin& aDin to Mastoi$ SDe(eta( M'sc'(at're an$ is o? re(ation to MaFi((o?acia( S'r&ery an$ Micro S'r&ery as we(( as Ne'roS'r&ery an$ 7osmetic S'r&ery. An emp(oyee o? ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n Street in Manchester NewHampshire3 whom was an accomp(ice o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs whom is name$ 0$ ,arrachi :arren 5 in the year 200* < was o%erhear$ $escri@in& this as A(iDe ta&&in& an a((i&atorA. 1his is a Ne'roScience $e%ice an$ is transmittin& Ne'ro(o&y in ;inary ?orm 'nencrypte$ @y way o? Internet Ser%ers3 as we(( as Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone an$ Mo@i(e Internet towers an$ ser%ers< an$ A/G.S re(ate$ transmissions which remain networDe$ 'n$er e%en S'@way 1ransit 3 e(e%ations s'ch as Mo'ntain 0(e%ation an$ ,(i&ht 3 an$ Sea 1ra%e( . A/G.S networDs are 'se$ @y ;io(o&ists to tracD anima( (i?e s'ch as 0n$an&ere$ Species an$ it is (o&ica( that ;io(o&ists ha%e eFperimente$ in the past with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 2e%ices on A/G.S NetworDs recor$in& Ne'ro(o&y o? 0n$an&er Species as we(( as possi@i(y 4on& /an&e Ne'ro/o@otic remote manip'(ation o? or&anic @io(o&ica( (i?e?orms as Ne'roScientists in the past ha%e eFperimente$ with 'sin& /ats3 Insects3 an$ MonDeys as we(( as other (i?e?orms as /emote 7ontro( =ehic(es 'sin& /emote 7ontro( o? Ne'ro 7irc'itry as we(( as A'tomate$ Animations in%o(%in& Ne'ro7irc'itry an$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace with an eFtreme(y (ow %o(ta&e power rese%oir which pro%i$es ma&netic char&e to the Prosthetic Ne'ro7irc'it component o? the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace which ena@(es ;inary contro( o? the 0(ectro Ma&netics o? the ;rainKs 7ortica( S'r?ace an$ th's contro( o? near(y the entire Ne'ro(o&y an$ Ne'ro7ir'itry o? the @io(o&ica( (i?e?orm. 1his attacD is the action o? a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate whom are &'i(ty o? committin& a series o? &enoci$a( terrorist attacDs as we(( as espiona&e an$ are &'i(ty o? or&ani>e$ war crimes in%o(%in& seF tra??icDin&3 arms $ea(in&3 assassinations3 an$ ?'n$in& terrorism. 1hese $e%ices are what has @een @ein& ca((e$ Si(D ;ase$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces 5 they ha%e the appearance o? a rectan&'(ar p(astic sticDer with circ'itry printe$ on them3 the or&anic p(astic $isso(%es

'pon contact with the @rain an$ a$heres the Prosthetic Ne'ro7irc'it to the @rain. A wire is attache$ @ehin$ or what can @e consi$ere$ @eneath the ear carti(a&e which connects to the sD'(( < this wire is positione$ spannin& ?rom the ear re&ion to $own @ehin$ the ear an$ into the corner o? the (ower Jaw @one ca%ity connectin& to the ro'ter an$ @attery which is 'se$ to p'sh the e(ectronic $ata an$ recei%e @inary e(ectronic transmissions. ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces can @e 'se$ in conJ'nction with n'mero's Din$s o? Ne'roScience re(ate$ so?tware. 1he /a$io ,reI'ency si&na( networDin& the Ne'roScience ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace to a networD o? comp'ters as an Insta((e$ 2e%ice is a (on& ran&e si&na( that is @ein& recei%e$ an$ sent @y a (on& ran&e transmitter which is S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ near the Jaw. N'mero's ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 2e%ices are c'rrent(y acti%e(y transmittin& in the North 0ast o? North America as we(( as other re&ions an$ are c'rrent(y insta((e$ on a networD o? comp'ters @y way o? Internet Ser%ers an$ Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone /a$io ,reI'ency as we(( as A/G.S NetworDs 5 these are insta((e$ as Ne'roScience $e%ices on m'(tip(e comp'ters which are owne$ @y terrorists an$ h'man tra??icDers as we(( as are they c'rrent(y insta((e$ on the comp'ter o? an anonymo's hacDer whom has @een attemptin& to he(p the %ictims. I $i$ not consent to the S'r&ica( Imp(antin& an$ &ra?tin& o? this $e%ice in the year 200! nor was I ?'((y aware o? itKs eFistence 'nti( two years a&o. It is pro@a@(e that S(eeper A&ents ha$ s'ccee$e$ at &ainin& emp(oyment within the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartments o? the USA an$ 7ana$a $'rin& the ear(y 2000Ks an$ as a res'(t 5 these (on& ran&e /a$io ,reI'ency transmissions ha%e not @een $etecte$ ear(ier in the North0ast o? the USA an$ 0astern 7ana$a a(tho'&h they were certain(y recor$e$ @y Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence NetworDs an$ store$ in 0(ectronic 1ransmissions 2ata 4i@raries associate$ with A's7anN>UDUS. 1he ro'ter ?or the Ne'roScience Ne'ro7irc'it $e%ice in my sD'(( which has @een &ra?te$ to my @rain has @een transmittin& ?or approFimate(y ! years3 since May o? 200!. ;ein& that H'man =i%isection is a :ar 7rime 5 it is possi@(e ?or Mi(itary Inte((i&ence to checD the recor$e$ e(ectronic transmissions $ata o? the past 20 years ?or ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace Ne'roScience 1ransmissions. 1here is a serio's $an&er o? A6IS A&ents $ecapitatin& Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence @ases @y metho$ o? tota( in?i(tration or a(so partia( in?i(tration ?o((owe$ @y m'r$er o? mi(itary persone( an$ ass'mption o? i$entity @y A6IS a&ents 'sin& =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy ?or cosmetic $is&'ise < this @ein& $one ?or the p'rpose o? pre%entin& Mi(itary In%esti&ations concernin& these 7rimes A&ainst H'manity is a pro@a@i(ity. Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence is necessary to stop this ?rom contin'in&3 ,i((i@erto 'n$o'@te$(y Dnew this in 200* an$ has pro@a@(y ma$e arran&ements to Heirarcha((y 2ecapitate the 2epartment o? 2e?ense an$ Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence tota((y which wo'($ eI'ate to a 7o%ert Para Mi(itary 7o'p K$e 0tat 'n(ess an o??icia( Mi(itary ?'n$e$ @y a reco&ni>e$ Nation State were in%o(%e$ in which case it wo'($ @e consi$ere$ a 7o%ert Mi(itary 7o'p K$e 0tat. HacDin& Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence comp'ters is impossi@(e to $o witho't the hacDer @ein& $isco%ere$ as the res'(t o? Penetratin& the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence NetworD is ine%ita@(y the NetworDin& o? the HacDerKs 7omp'ter to the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence NetworD 5 the on(y possi@(e way to 7omp'ter HacD the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence NetworD is 2irect 4ine In HacDin& in%o(%in& Har$ :ire NetworDin& to the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence comp'ters which co'($ possi@(y @e a c'rrent o@Jecti%e o? the Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist ,action whom ha%e committe$ these 7rimes A&ainst H'manity as we(( as is it pro@a@(e that they may recr'it Mercenaries to $o so. ,orensics So?tware an$ 7'stom 0n&ineere$ Mi(itary Gra$e 0spiona&e HacDin& So?tware is (iDe(y to @e 'se$ $'rin& somethin& s'ch as this as we(( as a HacDin& Unit with an eFtreme(y ?ast Processor @'t this wo'($ res'(t in a (ea%in& o? a 2iscerna@(e 0(ectronic A,in&erprintA which 0(ectronic ,orensics 0Fperts co'($ eFamine 3 not to mention to in$i%i$'a(s wo'($ @e recor$e$ whi(e $oin& so. Nonethe(ess 3 it is sti((

pro@a@(e that this attempt wi(( occ'r. Any in$i%i$'a( with a 4on& /an&e S'r&ica( Imp(ant transmittin& 0(ectronic 2ata is recor$e$ @y the G(o@a( Position System o? the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence NetworDKs recor$s. 2'e to the necessity o? U.S.American 3 7ana$ian 3 MeFican 3 an$ ;ritish 7ommon:ea(th 4oya(ist Mi(itias rec(aimin& the Properties o? their respecti%e Nationa( 2epartment or Ministry o? 2e?ense < sho'($ a Mi(itary 7o'p K$e 0tat occ'r 5 it is (o&ica( that socia( or emp(oyment networDs o? in$i%i$'a(s Dnow(e$&ea@(e o? an$ capa@(e o? 0(ectronics 0n&ineerin& 3 7omp'ter HacDin& 3 So?tware 0n&ineerin& 3 PhreaDers 3 HacD 0n&ineers an$ 7ir'it ;en$ers 3 0(ectronic NetworDin& Specia(ists 3 an$ other 0(ectronics :i>ar$s are soon to @e a tar&et o? the 1errorist ,action whom ha%e en&ineere$ an$ carrie$ o't this attacD 5 this inc('$es the Anonymo's Mo%ement whom this 1errorist ,action is (iDe(y to sta(D an$ attempt to 'm@re((a as a sort o? crimina( @'((y. Ne'roScience an$ So?tware 0n&ineerin& 7o((e&e Pro?essors are (iDe(y to @e sta(De$ an$ tar&ette$. 1he maJority o? this attacD has res'(te$ in Pop'(ation Swap +m'r$er o? speci?ic tar&ets an$ rep(acement o? them as pop'(ation @y A6IS a&ents 'sin& the %ictimsK I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s3 with =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy 'se$ to m'tate appearance an$ ?in&er prints8 3 Swap o? SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims an$ Hosta&es I$entities3 7o%ert Psycho(o&ica( 1errorist :ar?are 3 7y@er :ar?are3 an$ a $is&'stin& amo'nt o? rampant :ar /ape. 1he ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 2e%ices which ha%e @een S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ in the crani'ms o? the Genoci$e =ictims 3 SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims 3 H'man =i%isection =ictims 3 ;(acD Mai(e$ 7rimina(s 3 an$ Ita(ian A6IS A&ents whom chose to ha%e these $e%ices Ne'roS'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ in their crani'ms < 'se A/G.S G.P.S. 2e%ices as Impro%ise$ /o'ter G ;attery ?or the Prosthetic Ne'ro7irc'it which was &ra?te$ to the @rain 5 this means that the (ocation o? e%ery Ne'roScience @inary $ata 1ransmission is G(o@a((y Positione$ on the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence comp'ters an$ others which recor$ G(o@a( Position System 2ata. It is a possi@i(ity that this $e%ice can @e 'se$ to physica((y stop a h'man heart @eat. ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 0(ectro 0ncepha(o&raphy Ne'roScience @inary $ata recor$s the entirety o? the H'man Ne'ro(o&y in %aryin& $e&rees which can easi(y @e amp(i?ie$ @y comp'ter so?tware 5 this is the most empirica( ?orm o? Me$ica( ,orensic 2ata a%ai(a@(e an$ has @een recor$e$ in conJ'nction with empirica( 0(ectronic ,orensic 2ata which is the @inary transmission o? the %ictimsK an$ e%en some o? the assai(antsK Ne'ro(o&y as we(( as G(o@a( Position System an$ 1ime G 2ate. 1he 0man'e(e 0%o(a Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate ha%e @een 'sin& 0(ectro0ncepha(o&raphy He(mets to contro( Ne'roScience So?tware which is 'se$ to contro( the %ictims o? the Ne'roScience H'man =i%isections that ha%e @een s'r&ica((y imp(ante$ with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces. M'ch o? this is 2A/PA ,'n$e$ /esearch that has @een sto(en @y the 0man'e(eKs 1errorist A&ents. Any comp'ter which they ha%e 'se$ to networD to these ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces o%er (on& ran&e /a$io ,reI'ency are recor$e$ @y the comp'ters an$ ser%ers o? the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartment 5 the (ocations o? these comp'ters is o@taina@(e an$ has @een recor$e$. Any Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone that has e%er @een in any pocDet or in any (ocation is recor$e$ @y the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartment comp'ters as is the G(o@a( Positionin& System 4ocation an$ A$$ress o? Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephones recor$e$ @y the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartment. 2'rin& the year 1""! 5 a %i$eo&raphe$ $oc'mentary was sche$'(e$ on ca@(e te(e%ision in NewHampshire that was a@o't Ne'roScience an$ Prostheses. 2'rin& this te(e%ision $oc'mentary 3 a (itt(e &ir( c(im@e$ on a J'n&(e &ym at a p(ay &ro'n$s area 'sin& a prosthetic wrist an$ han$ that was wire$ to her .r&anic Ne'ro7irc'itry @y Prosthetic Ne'ro7irc'itry which ena@(e$ her to rotate the wrist an$ c(ench the ?in&er as

we(( as &rip o@Jects s'ch as the monDey @ars 5 it was st'r$y eno'&h ?or her to han& ?rom it witho't inJ'rin& herse(?. 2'rin& this $oc'mentary 3 n'mero's aspects o? Ne'roScience were eFamine$ an$ $isc'sse$. A(so eFhi@ite$ was a rat with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace &ra?te$ to itKs @rain that ena@(e$ scientists to eFamine the ratKs ne'ro(o&y which ena@(e$ the scientist to eFamine the ratKs hea(th s'ch as itKs or&ans or tiss'es < this a(so ena@(e$ the scientist to ro@otica((y animate the rat to mo%e 'sin& Ne'roScience So?tware. 2'rin& the year 1""" 5 an artic(e was printe$ in a Science Ma&a>ine a@o't a rat that was Ne'roS'r&ica((y &ra?te$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace. 1he ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace was 'se$ in conJ'nction with Ne'roScience So?tware an$ was 'se$ to pi(ot the rat to mo%e (iDe a remote contro( ro@ot. A(so in this ma&a>ine 3 was a prosthetic arm an$ han$ that (ooDe$ (iDe the arm an$ han$ ?rom the mo%ie 1he 1erminator < a scientist ha$ &ra?te$ Prosthetic Ne'ro7irc'itry to his arm an$ han$ which connecte$ to the Ne'ro7irc'it :ires on the Prosthetic Arm an$ Han$ 5 this ena@(e$ the scientist to mo%e the prosthetic arm an$ han$ with his own Ne'ro(o&y an$ :i((. ;etween the years 2002 an$ 200* 5 artic(es were printe$ in a Science Ma&a>ine a@o't a rat @ein& Ne'roS'&erie$ an$ &ra?te$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace that ena@(e$ a scientist to remote contro( the rat (iDe a ro@ot. A(so $'rin& these years was p'@(ishe$ an artic(e a@o't a cow which was Ne'roS'r&ica((y &ra?te$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace an$ was remote(y ro@ot pi(ote$ @y a scientist 'sin& Ne'roScience So?tware to wa(D aro'n$ in a ?ie($. 2'rin& the year 200* 3 whi(e my comp'ter was @ein& hacDe$ 5 I was rea$in& an artic(e a@o't a Ne'roScientistKs $isco%ery concernin& a $o&Ks @rain an$ the canineKs a@i(ity to $etermine in$i%i$'a(s i$entities. 1he Ne'roScientist ha$ 'se$ a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace an$ Ne'roScience So?tware to manip'(ate the canineKs 'n$erstan$in& o? who in$i%i$'a( h'mans were < this res'(te$ in the scientist @ein& a@(e to manip'(ate the canineKs i$enti?yin& o? speci?ic in$i%i$'a(s inc('$in& manip'(atin& the canine to i$enti?y an in$i%i$'a( as the canineKs o@e$ience trainer. 2'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 5 I $isc'sse$ these Science Artic(es with 0$ ,arrachi :arren. 1his was recor$e$ @y the 15 recor$in& $e%ices which 0$ ,arrachi :arren ha$ insta((e$ a@o%e the stryo?oam cei(in& pane(s 3 =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e ha$ instr'cte$ 0$ ,arrachi :arren to insta(( these recor$in& $e%ices ?or p'rpose o? spyin& on my se(? whi(e I was worDin& with 0$ :arren. =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e $isc'sse$ this o%erthe te(ephone with 0$ :arren. It is pro@a@(e that these $e%ices were Impro%ise$ /ecor$in& 2e%ices @'i(t ?rom Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone parts an$ that they were $ia(e$ o%er the internet 'sin& somethin& (iDe Goo&(e Phone or that they were $ia(e$ an$ wire$ into a comp'ter 'sin& a te(ephone an$ a (ine in a'$io JacD 5 either way 3 these were connecte$ o%er the te(ephone ser%ice an$ internet < these recor$in&s are o@taina@(e @y the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartment. 0$ :arren o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 an$ Anthony 2e,eo o? a ?ami(y re(ate$ to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 5 were recor$e$ 7onspirin& to conI'er North America 3 ens(a%e an$ SeF 1ra??icD ?ami(ies 3 eFterminate ?ami(ies 3 commit n'mero's 7rimes A&ainst H'manity. ;y their own A'$io /ecor$in& 2e%ices as we(( as the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 7omp'ters as a res'(t o? their 1e(ephone ca((s to the store as we(( as Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone. An in$i%i$'a( whom is worDin& $irect(y with the 0man'e(es is an in$i%i$'a( name$ 7esare the A7'@ano Ita(ianoA whom is otherwise Dnown as A2ia@(oA < $'rin& the year 200* 3 7esare was 'sin& the I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o? a Mesti>o man o? possi@(y P'erto /ican 3 7'@an 3 an$ some Din$ o? So'th American or Panama re&iona( race 5 the man whoKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s he was 'sin& was ?act'a((y name$ 7aesar. :hi(e

worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar 3 I ?o'n$ o't that the A7esareA was a SeF .??en$er ?rom 7'@a whom was o? miFe$ 7'@ano an$ Ita(ian race an$ was recr'ite$ @y ,i( 0man'e(e in 200* to carry o't specia( or$ers ?rom ,i( 0man'e(e in the New0n&(an$ re&ion < most o? these or$ers in%o(%e$ :ar /apes an$ %io(ent attacDs. 7esare was &i%en the I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o? a man name$ 7aesar who I ha$ met in the year 2003 at ;rian 7aseKs Apartment in Nash'a NewHampshire with 2ana Um@ro. 1he 7'@an whom ,i( 0man'e(e ha$ Dnown seems to @e ?act'a((y 1N* ita(ian or 1N2 Ita(ian an$ c(aime$ to @e a &ran$ son o? H'(i's 0%o(aKs < this man was (ast si&hte$ in Nash'a NewHampshire an$ ha$ =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tate$ his sDin to @e a pa(e white an$ ha$ somehow narrowe$ his nose 5 @esi$es these ?acts he (ooDe$ i$entica( to what he (ooDe$ (iDe in 200* eFcept that he ha$ &rown his hair (on&. 7esare ha$ %er@a((y state$ $'rin& the year 2005 that he was a &ran$son o? H'(i's 0%o(aKs an$ that he was 1N* Ita(ian 3 it is possi@(e that ,i( 0man'e(e to($ 7esare to say this 5 7esare seeme$ 'nDnowin& that the ,ami(y 2o((ar Store ha$ @een @ein& recor$e$ @y =ittorio 0man'e(e whom ha$ or$ere$ 0$ ,arrachi :arren to position Impro%ise$ /ecor$in& 2e%ices a@o%e the styro?oam cei(in& pane(s . 2'rin& the year 200* 3 it was state$ that the 0%o(a @(oo$(ine was the reason ?or the 0man'e(es whom are a(so o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs $escen$ants 3 Dnowin& 7esare. 7esare is c'rrent(y recor$e$ as @ein& imprisone$ @'t it is another in$i%i$'a( name$ 1ony Gon>a(e> whom was imprisone$ with 7esareKs i$entity ?or 7esareKs crimes. In the year 200! < 1ony Gon>a(e> was (ocDe$ in a @asement near 1renton Street in Manchester NewHampshire 5 $'rin& which time 3 he was poisone$ in the ?oo$ which he was ?e$ with Nano0n&ineere$ =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy =ir's that m'tate$ his 2NA to (ooD more (iDe 7esareKs. 1he 2NA was taDen ?rom 7esareKs aesthetic &enes ?or hair 3 eyes 3 nose 3 an$ sDin. 1ony Gon>a(e> $i$ not ha%e 7esareKs scar on his ?ace nor $i$ the ori&ina( ?act'a( 7aesar ?rom whom they sto(e the I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s 3 the story was that A2ia@(oA ha$ @een in?(icte$ with this scar a?ter @ein& attacDe$ in 7'@a < ?or this reason 3 a &ro'p o? ma(es were or$ere$ to attacD 1ony Gon>a(e> whi(e he was in Hi((s@oro'&h 7o'nty 2epartment o? 7orrections on =a((ey Street in Manchester NewHampshire 5 these men repeate$(y str'cD 1ony Gon>a(e>Ks ?ace 3 @reaDin& m'ch o? his ?acia( str'ct're. 1his (e$ to 1ony Gon>a(e>Ks ?ace @ein& inJ're$ se%ere(y $'rin& tria( 5 it was 'nDnown that he $i$ not ha%e 7esare A2ia@(oKsA ?acia( scar. Some peop(e re?er to 7esare as AScar?aceA or A7an$ymanA $'e to his scar. 7esare now has a new set o? I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s3 o? which the name is c'rrent(y 'nDnown < he has @een si&hte$ wa(Din& with his Dnees @ent in attempt to (ooD shorter 5 his I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s ori&ina((y @e(on&e$ to a man whom was 5K !A. As has @een state$3 7esare has 'se$ =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy nanoen&ineere$ %ir's to m'tate his sDin comp(eFion to @ecome (i&hter an$ nose to @ecome narrower. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs ?ami(y an$ their Property Stea$ Ho($ers own Hospita(s 3 Hea(thcare ,aci(ities 3 an$ 4a@oratories. Aaron 0man'e(e was st'$yin& Genetics 3 Me$ica( Science 3 an$ Nano Science whi(e in 7o((e&e $'rin& 200*. 7esare is a(so Dnown as 7aesar as we(( as @y another name an$ his street name in 7'@a which was A2ia@(oA. It is pro@a@(e that he was not one o? H'(i's 0%o(aKs 'n$oc'mente$ $escen$ants an$ that the 0man'e(es were attemptin& to 'se him as this in the p'@(ic me$ia in attempt to (inD ;onnie 2amon an$ to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ Satanism 5 the man who sto(e 7aesarKs i$enti?ication cre$entia(s an$ was preten$in& to @e him to($ /osa that ;onnie 2amonKs ,ather was her a$opti%e ,ather an$ that ;onnie was pro@a@(e to ha%e @een an 0%o(a. Accor$in& to the man who was 'sin& 7aesarKs i$enti?ication cre$entia(s an$ the street name A2ia@(oA 5 =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ H'(i's 0%o(a are r'mo're$ to ha%e tra$e$ in?ants with each other a ?ew times ?or the p'rpose o? a$optin& them to $i??erent networDs o? peop(e in the case that they sho'($ &et ca'&ht an$ tort're$ ?or @ein& re(ate$ to the en&ineers an$ orchestrators o? the Ho(oca'st o? the 1"*0Ks. =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ his ?ami(y ha%e (i%e$ in the 0astern /e&ion o? the U.S.A.

since the ?a(( o? the 3r$ /eich. H'(i's 0%o(a was a tra%e((er most o? his (i?e a?ter the ?a(( o? the 3r$ /eich an$ spent m'ch o? his time in the So'th :est o? the U.S.A. 3 the North 0ast o? the U.S.A. 3 Ar&entina3 an$ ;ra>i(. 1he r'mo'r is that =ittorio 0man'e(e attempte$ to a(i&n speci?ic names an$ i$entities an$ associates o? his with his %ictims socia((y 3 with the intent o? (ater ?ramin& his 7rime Associates ?or his own 7rimes A&ainst H'manity whi(e attemptin& to ?rame H'(i's 0%o(a ?or the entirety o? the Ho(oca'st o? the 1"*0Ks an$ ?or @ein& the so(e 7rime 4or$ o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate which =ittorio inherite$. =ittorio 0man'e(eKs i$ea seems to ha%e @een to create a mirror ima&e 1errorist 7rimina( ,action which he co'($ ha%e his S(eeper A&ents an$ 1errorist A&ents em@e$$e$ within Po(ice arrest 3 an$ $rop ha(? o? his own accomp(ices an$ 7rime Associates 5 maDin& it appear as i? it was not himse(? e%en tho'&h in%esti&ations contin'o's(y (ea$ in his $irection. =ittorio 0man'e(e attempte$ to 'se this A(i@i in the 1"80Ks 3 when he promote$ ASatanic /it'a( A@'seA a((e&ations in the p'@(ic me$ia on te(e%ision an$ in NewsPapers 5 ?act'a((y 3 most o? these a@'ses are =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ his accomp(icesK SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 SeF 1ra??icDin& o? 7hi($ren 3 tort're o? SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims ?or p'rpose o? a@'si%e(y $iscip(inin& them to pre%ent them ?rom testi?yin& or tryin& to escape 3 H'man =i%isection 3 &enoci$a( m'r$er o? entire ?ami(ies o? the witnesses an$ %ictims 3 an$ SeF .??enses. =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ 7hris 0man'e(e a(rea$y attempte$ this a(i@i in the 1"80Ks an$ &a%e 'p the attempt in the ear(y 1""0Ks. It has @een $isco%ere$ that the 0man'e(es are attemptin& to 'se ASatanic /it'a( A@'se 3 Satanic 7'(tA scare as an a(i@i a&ain 3 an$ that ?or this p'rpose they em@e$$e$ SeF 1ra??icDers within an or&ani>ation ca((e$ A1he Hoys o? SatanA. 1he si&ni?icance here is that Athe Hoy 2i%isionA o? the 3r$ /eich was a $epartment within the &o%ernment o? the 3r$ /eich that ha$ @een comman$eere$ @y 0man'e(e 0%o(a 7rime So($iers an$ was @ein& 'se$ to pro%i$e ?or state ?'n$e$ SeF 1ra??icDin& simi(ar to the 4a@or 7amps which ha$ @een @'i(t 5 the 2eath 7amps where were mi((ions o? ci%i(ians were eFterminate$ &enoci$a((y were ?act'a((y ori&ina((y 4a@or 7amps 3 where mi((ions o? ci%i(ians were @ein& 4a@or 1ra??icDe$. Another o@%io's coinci$ence that is a si&n o? psycho(o&ica( &'i(t is the ?act that the 7IA M9 U(tra $epartment was in?i(trate$3 Heirarcha((y 2ecapitate$3 an$ comp(ete(y corr'pte$ @y a&ents o? the 0man'e(e 0%o(a 1errorist ,action s'ch as /ichar$ He(ms 5 when spe((e$ in a(( capita(s 3 M9 U(tra a(most (ooDs (iDe m9U41ra. 2'rin& /ichar$ NiFonKs a$ministration 3 ?'n$in& attri@'te$ to the 7IAKs M9 U(tra $epartment was mis a((ocate$ an$ was 'se$ to ?'n$ SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 H'man =i%isections in%o(%in& Ne'ro1oFins an$ Hypnosis < creation o? 2isassociati%es 3 Ha(('cino&ens 3 an$ other min$ a(terin& s'@stances which were i((e&a((y teste$ on SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims an$ other ci%i(ians who were o?ten Hypnoti>e$ 'nDnowin&(y $'rin& their @ein& poisone$ with these s'@stances. 1he A6IS ,action which was em@e$$e$ within the U.S.A. Go%ernment $'rin& /ichar$ NiFonKs A$ministration was $e?inite(y in%o(%e$ in SeF 1ra??icDin& an$ H'man =i%isection @oth. 1he ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace which is @ein& 'se$ to contro( 3 manip'(ate 3 an$ tort're ci%i(ians 5 was @ein& ca((e$ Athe MarD o? the ;eastA $'rin& the 1"80Ks an$ 1""0Ks. M'ch o? the Ne'roScience /esearch that res'(te$ in this $e%ice @ein& so we(( 'n$erstoo$ 3 an$ the app(ication o? 7omp'ter So?tware in conJ'nction with Ne'roScience @ein& so we(( 'n$erstoo$ 5 occ'rre$ in the So'th :est o? the U.S.A. at 7o((e&es an$ 4a@oratories 3 near the (ocation o? 1imothy 4earyKs Ha(('cino&enics 1ests. 1he Spahn /anch is a s'@Ject o? re(ation to this. Area 51 at /oswe(( NewMeFico is near these (ocations 5 the 0man'e(es ha%e @een @(amin& Space A(iens ?or m'ch o? the H'man =i%isections which occ'rre$ $'rin& /ichar$ NiFonKs A$ministration 3 ?or SeF .??enses 3 an$ ?or a@$'ction o? h'man @ein&s a?ter $r'&&in& them with 2isAssociati%es. 7oinci$enta((y 3 there was a mo%ie that either =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e or a (ooD a(iDe appeare$ in 5 the scene was a Ha((oween with tricD or treaters 3 the cameo eFtra that (ooDe$ i$entica( to =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ is pro@a@(e to ha%e @een him

was wearin& a 2e%i( 7ost'me. 2'rin& the year 1""" 3 my ?rien$ MiDe 4a>ari to($ me that he Dnew o? a man who ha$ ?or some years @een a mem@er o? the 4as =e&as re&iona( Grotto o? Anton 4a=eyKs 7h'rch o? Satan < an$ that this man ha$ %acatione$ in 4as =e&as at (east once a year e%ery year. MiDe 4a>ari eFp(aine$ to me that this man that he Dnew o? was p(annin& to attempt to ?rame ;oston Grotto o? Anton 4a=eyKs 7h'rch o? Satan ?or his own ?actionKs 1errorism 3 SeF .??enses3 H'man 1ra??icDin& 3 :ar 7rimes 3 an$ .r&ani>e$ 7rime acti%ity. MiDe 4a>ari eFp(aine$ some $etai(s concernin& this manKs crimes an$ $escri@e$ a scenario that resem@(e$ =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icateKs eFtreme a@'se o? my Mother $'rin& her chi($hoo$ 3 she was 'se$ as a SeF .??ense Initiation 7rime =ictim an$ Dept as a SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim ?rom the a&e o? 5 to 1*. 2'rin& the month that MiDe 4a>ari ha$ eFp(aine$ this to me 3 he showe$ me a mo%ie $'rin& which a scene eFists wherein =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e whom is the 9in& o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 is tricD or treatin& $resse$ as a $e%i( cost'me. 2'rin& this time 3 MiDe 4a>ari was $atin& Sa%annah Graham an$ she is pro@a@(e to @e a tar&et o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs an$ the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS. 4as =e&as is a pro@a@(e (ocation that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ 1errorist Aristocrats o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy as we(( as other Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS A&ents meet their associates 3 accomp(ices 3 an$ @'siness partners. 4as =e&as is a p(ace with n'mero's connections to SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 .r&ani>e$ 7rime 3 Gam@(in& 3 0ntertainment 3 P(ace o? 0ntertainment 3 7orporate 0spiona&e 3 Nationa( 0spiona&e 3 1errorism 3 an$ other in?('entia( connections. MiDe 4a>ari was a$opte$ @y an Ita(ian man < MiDe 4a>ari was $e?inite(y o? some Din$ o? Sa%oy @(oo$(ine 3 possi@(y o? an 0%o(a or 0man'e(e @(oo$(ine 5 the man who a$opte$ him was a mem@er o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen. MiDe 4a>ari (i%e$ in MerrimacD NewHampshire on ;e$?or$ /oa$ @etween the years 1""" an$ 2005. =ittorio 0man'e(eKs ?ami(yKs r'mo'r sprea$in& is $is&'stin&. In the year 2000 3 whi(e in American History c(ass with Mr. 2es(is(e 5 Mr. 2es(is(e asDe$ a st'$ent to sh't an$ (ocD the $oor 3 a?ter which he asDe$ me a (ist o? I'estions an$ acc'se$ me o? @ein& 9'9('F9(an. 1he concept A;ir$2o& 0spiona&eA was $isc'sse$ the weeD that this occ'rre$. In 1"8" 3 ,ran McG'ire to($ my ,ather that what the 0man'e(e ,ami(y ha$ trie$ to $o to him an$ HacD 2ion was A;ir$ 2o& 0spiona&eA. 2'rin& the approFimate year 1""3 < 2a%i$ McG'ire ca((e$ ,i( 0man'e(e a APe$ophi(eA an$ han$e$ a @eer to 7hris 1homas 3 shaDin& it ?irst. 2a%i$ McG'ire an$ 1om McG'ire s'@t(y intimi$ate$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ 7hris 1homas 3 (ettin& them Dnow that they Dnew what 7hris 1homas ha$ $one Ha((oween o? the year 1"88. In the year 1""" 3 2a%i$ McG'ire @ecame a Physica( 0$'cation 1eacher at the MerrimacD Hi&hSchoo( in MerrimacD NewHampshire. My ,ather co'($ ha%e possi@(y written to the 2epartment o? 2e?ense 2irector a@o't @ein& @(acD mai(e$ with HacD 2ion an$ A( Io$ice @y the 0man'e(e /oya( ,ami(y o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy < HacD 2ion an$ A( Io$ice wo'($ pro@a@(y ha%e @een arreste$ ?or ha%in& 4oya(ty to a ,orei&n 0nemy 7om@atant ,action 3 @'t my ,atherKs testimony co'($ ha%e possi@(y press're$ the two o? them to testi?y. 2'rin& the approFimate year 20013 what I @e(ie%e was the ?irst imposte'r o? my ,ather @e&an (i%in& in the ho'se at EE ;ean /oa$ as my ,ather < my ,ather $i$ not &et to testi?y e%er in his (i?e a&ainst the Ho'se o? Sa%oy nor $i$ my Mother. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy are a G(o@a( 1errorist .r&ani>ation 5 the Ho'se o? Sa%oy are the core o? the Ita(ian A6IS ,action an$ ha%e @een (i%in& in the U.S.A. since the $e?eat o? the A6IS at the en$ o? :or($ :ar 2 3 p(ottin& to $estroy the U.S.A. an$ the North American /aces permanant(y. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs &oa( is G(o@a( 7onI'est an$ 4e&a( Imm'nity 5 the acr'ement o? 'nrestraine$ power an$ the a@i(ity to commit any crime witho't 4e&a( /eperc'ssion. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy escape$ the N'rem@'r& 1ria(s an$ escape$ $etection as @ein& A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(y 3 H'(i's 0%o(aKs

?ami(y an$ Aristocracy 3 an$ the Din& =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs ?ami(y whom was A$o(? Hit(erKs ha(? @rother < @y metho$ o? $oin& what was (east eFpecte$ 5 they mo%e$ m'ch o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy as we(( as some o? the ?ami(ies @io(o&ica((y re(ate$ to them who were o? the Ho'se o? Aosta an$ the Ho'se o? I@nSa'$ 3 to the U.S.A. . 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy are $irect(y responsi@(e ?or some o? what happene$ $'rin& the " 11 1errorist AttacDs < they ha%e a((ies whom are o? the Ara@ian .ttoman A6IS ,action.

The Psychological Profile of the Genocidal Enemy Combatants currently on North American Soil is that they are redominantly !talians " Se#$%ffender Pedo hile Ra ists " Se#$%ffenders &ith a racial moti'ating factor " Serial$(urderers &ith numerous moti'ating factors " Se#$Traffic)ers &ho sell children and young adults as concubinal se#$sla'es " ha'e hysical relation to families of restigious heirarchy &ithin the A*!S +action " ha'e indi'iduals amongst t &hom are biological relati'es to Adolf ,itler and Julius E'ola " ha'e familial connections to families of the ,ouse of Aosta " and that they are attem ting to use Racialist !dentity as a false re resentation of their moti'ating factors is ob'ious- The guilty A*!S +action belie'e that they can use Nationalism " .Na/i0ism. " Adolf ,itler " !talian Aristocracy " or the identity of an !talian (afia as a resented identity &hen interacting &ith other factions of eo les 1 in attem ts to recruit o ulations of eo le &ho &ill defend them " o ulations of eo le &hom they can use as Terrorist Crime$ Soldiers and Se#$Traffic)ers- The guilty +action0s identity is not National Socialist 2 the guilty +action are in fact an A*!S +action" ho&e'er 1 they are an Amoralist " Social$ 3ar&inist " Globalist " Genocidal Terrorist +action of Pedo hile Se#$Traffic)ers- 4ittorio .4ictor. Emanuele is a Pedo hile Se#$Traffic)er and is attem ting Global Con5uest to esca e con'iction- ,e is e#tremely (entally !ll and is Criminally !nsane 1 he has raised his numerous sons in such a manner that he has attem ted to engineer their identities to be the same as himself1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e a ?ew tactics that they 'se in preemption to a tria( in a co'rt o? (aw3 one o? these in%o(%es the manip'(ation o? the %ictimKs perception concernin& who is wi((in& to testi?y with them a&ainst the Ho'se o? Sa%oy in co'rt. ,or the p'rpose o? $iscre$itin& the %ictim as a witness an$ a %ictim 3 in the co'rtroom < the Ho'se o? Sa%oy wi(( or$er mem@ers o? the Ho'se s'ch as the Assassins 3 to @ecome ?rien$s with their %ictim an$ maDe it appear as i? the person who is 'nDnown to the %ictim as @ein& o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy is Dnow(e$&ea@(e o? the crimes committe$ @y the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ is wi((in& to testi?y in a co'rtroom with the %ictim 5 a?ter months o? preparin& their witness statements 3 the Assassin whom has preten$e$ to @e the ?rien$ o? the %ictim wi(( 'neFpecte$(y $iscre$it the %ictim in the co'rtroom @y metho$ o? comp(ete re?'sa( 3 c(aimin& that they ha$ no intentions to @e a Aco p(ainti??A or AwitnessA an$ that they were 'neFpecte$(y iss'e$ a s'mmons to appear in co'rt as i? they ha$ $isc'sse$ with the %ictim a wi((in&(ess to testi?y an$ Dnow(e$&e with which to testi?y. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy has Assassins 3 whom are (itera((y an in$i%i$'a( that is 9ni&hte$ in secret < it is $e?inite that one o? these in$i%i$'a(s or a mem@er o? their ?ami(y wo'($ @e or$ere$ to taDe this position an$ @ecome a c(ose con?i$ant with the %ictim ?or the p'rpose o? (ater @etrayin& them an$ $iscre$itin& them as a witness (ater in a co'rt room or Di((in& them an$ maDin&

it appear as i? it were an acci$ent 5 ?or the p'rpose o? a%oi$in& the co'rtroom entire(y. 2'rin& the approFimate year 2000 < I tra%e(e$ to /ichmon$ =ir&inia with 7hristine 2ion 3 Ste%e A=inceA Parish 3 4in$sey Garo?ano 3 an$ met with ,i(Ks ?rien$ Hason who was ?rien$s with 4in$sey Garo?ano an$ Ste%e A=inceA Parish. 2'rin& this $ay 3 7hristine 2ion @e&an ar&'in& with Ste%e Parish a@o't the ?act that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ his son 7hris 1homas are pe$orast chi($ mo(esters an$ that the Ita(ian 0spiona&e comm'nity has a responsi@i(ity to see to it that they are arreste$ instea$ o? a((owin& it to contin'e the way that it ha$ @een. She $isc'sse$ with Ste%e A=inceA Parish the ?act that 7hris 1homas an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e are 7hi($ Porno&raphers an$ that their ?ami(y is too corr'pt to @e a((owe$ to contin'e their (i%es 'nin%esti&ate$. 7hristine 2ion eFpose$ Ste%e A=inceA Parish as @ein& o? an Ita(ian A6IS 0spiona&e S(eeper 7e(( ?ami(y an$ an 'no??icia( ?ami(y o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 Ste%e A=inceA Parish @ecame eFtreme(y an&ry a@o't @ein& eFpose$ as this. Ste%e Parish @ares a ressem@(ance to 1ony Grasseti whom is the co'sin o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs ?ami(y < it is pro@a@(e that Ste%e A=inceA ParishKs ?ami(y are somehow co'sins o? m'(tip(e ?ami(ies o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ are in ?act Ita(ian an$ A'strian. 2'rin& 7hristine 2ionKs ar&'ment with Ste%e A=inceA Parish 3 4in$sey Garo?ano an$ ,I(Ks ?rien$ Hason a(so @e&an ar&'in& with 7hristine 2ion an$ $e?en$e$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the Ita(ian A6IS 0spiona&e in the U.S.A. . 7hristine 2ion was @asica((y @ein& ca((e$ a traitor. 2'rin& this ar&'ment < 7hristine 2ion state$ that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e ha$ or$ere$ ;onnie 2amonKs ,ather to or$er ;onnie 2amon to mo(est my se(? when I was 5 years o($ 3 whi(e she was @a@ysittin& me 5 this $i$ occ'r. ,rom what I was to($ < ;onnie 2amon (ater shot her ?ather 3 an$ ;onnieKs mother tooD the @(ame ?or it. 7hristine 2ion an&ri(y eFp(aine$ what she Dnew a@o't 7hris 1homas an$ his a$opti%e ,ather ho($in& Dni%es to my mother 2e@ra MacPhersonKs an$ my sister Sheena MacPhersonKs throats $'rin& the year o? what was approFimate(y 1""0 3 an$ that they $eman$e$ that she p't her han$ in her 2a'&hterKs $iaper an$ (et them taDe a photo&raph. 7hristine 2ion then ye((e$ at Ste%e an$ to($ him that she ?o'n$ o't this ?rom a mem@er o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 7hristine a(so state$ that she ha$ @een to($ that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e ha$ ca((e$ 7hris 1homasKs a$opti%e ?ather an$ was ta(Din& a@o't wantin& to see Nati%e Americans s(a'&htere$. 7hristine ca((e$ them a(( immora( (iars an$ to($ them that her ?ather HacD 2ion ha$ @een or$ere$ to acc'se my se(? o? p'ttin& my han$ in a @a@yKs $iaper at a 7hristmas Party @eca'se her ?ami(y atten$e$ my ?ami(yKs 7hristmas Party $'rin& the approFimate year 1""2 an$ 7hris 1homas ha$ porno&raphe$ my se(? an$ 7hristine 2ion in 1"88 3 a?ter threatenin& to c't my penis o?? with scissors i? I $i$ not $o it. ,i(Ks ?rien$ Hason state$ an&ri(y to 7hristine 2ion 3 A1his is a(ot 3 comin& ?rom the person whoKs &ran$?ather shot HacD 9enne$y.A < I ha%e hear$ r'mo'rs ?rom more than one in$i%i$'a( re(ate$ to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 that 7hristine 2ionKs &ran$?ather shot Hohn ,. 9enne$y or HacD 9enne$y 5 I @e(ie%e these r'mo'rs to @e ?a(se an$ to @e create$ @y =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e ?or the p'rpose o? $iscre$itin& witnesses an$ in%esti&ations concernin& which o? =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs Assassins $i$ in ?act Di(( Hohn ,it>&era($ 9enne$y an$ the n'mero's in$i%i$'a(s o? his ?ami(y who ha%e @een assassinate$ 3 this $'e to the ?act that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e or$ere$ these assassinations. 7hristine 2ionKs ?ami(y were an Ita(ian

A6IS S(eeper 7e(( 0spiona&e ,ami(y an$ her &ran$?ather was somethin& (iDe an Assassin ?or the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 (iDe an 'no??icia( 9ni&ht who was Dni&hte$ in secret. My a'nt 4es(ieKs eF h's@an$ A( Io$iceKs ?ather was the same. 7hristine 2ion co'ntere$ HasonKs statement @y statin& < A1he /o$on ?ami(y are 7hris 1homasKs co'sins. 1he /o$on ?ami(y are the 0man'e(e ?ami(ies $istant co'sins. /o@ert /o$on is a $escen$ant o? a co'sin o? =ittorio 0man'e(e IIKs. 1hat ?ami(y preten$e$ to @e IanKs @est ?rien$s his entire (i?e an$ then acc'se$ him o? $oin& what it was that 7hris 1homas $i$ to 's. -o'Kre $is&'stin&. I? yo'Kre &oin& to $e?en$ a chi($ mo(ester rapist who is a porno&rapher o? chi($ren 3 yo' are one yo'rse(? 5 yo' are an accomp(ice to eFact(y that crime.A. 7hristine 2ion ye((e$ an&ri(y at the other three Ita(ians who were with 's 3 statin& the ?act that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e has @een p(annin& to eFterminate the Nati%e Americans in North America an$ not a sin&(e person has testi?ie$ a&ainst him < $'rin& the year 2000 3 I o%erhear$ /o@ert /o$on $isc'ssin& with his son 7hristopher /o$on 5 p(ans to eFterminate the North American Nati%e Americans as we(( as some other races 3 an$ conI'er North America. 1his remin$s me o? /o@ert /o$onKs meetin& with the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 re(ati%es o? the Ho'se o? Sa'$ 3 an$ some other Ara@ians in a pri%ate hote( @ar $'rin& the approFimate year 1""5. Aro'n$ the approFimate year o? 2001 3 /o@ert /o$on $isc'sse$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs p(ans with 7hristopher /o$on 5 these p(ans inc('$e$ the the?t o? the i$entities o? the ,or@es 4ist an$ ,ort'ne 500 4ist o? :ea(thiest Peop(es 3 the m'r$er o? their ?ami(ies 3 an$ the the?t o? a(( o? their ?ami(iesK wea(th. 7hris 1homasKs o($er @rother 7(int 1ay(or3 whom is a son o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 5 is the son o? a woman who is /o@ert /o$onKs $istant co'sin. 7(int 1ay(or is a ?rien$ o? /o@ert /o$onKs an$ Hason He??reyKs. A?ter wa(Din& ?or a@o't an ho'r witho't $isc'ssin& these thin&s 3 4in$sey Garo?ano asDe$ me 5 A2o yo' Dnow /o@ 2KAn&e(oMA 3 to which I rep(ie$ ANot persona((y.A. /o@ 2KAn&e(o was A2.H. 2KArIAn&e(A who was a 2isc HocDey at a &othic ni&ht c('@ in Northampton Massach'settes. 4in$sey Garo?ano sai$ to me A:e were to($ @y /o@ 2KAn&e(o 3 who is a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy < to $isc'ss these thin&s with yo' 3 an$ we ha$ to rehearse the $isc'ssion @e?ore $isc'ssin& these thin&s 5 so .... I act'a((y @e(ie%e that may@e a(( o? these thin&s are tr'e. ;eca'se 3 7hris 1homas $i$ $o that to yo' an$ 7hristine at the Ha((oween Party in 1"88.A. 4in$sey Garo?ano an$ Ste%e A=inceA Parish @roDe 'p short(y a?ter this 3 an$ 7hristine 2ion @e&an $atin& Ste%e A=inceA Parish. Samantha G'ay was a@$'cte$ short(y a?ter this. /o@ 2KAn&e(o met Samantha G'ay at some point $'rin& the approFimate year 2001. 2'rin& the year 2001 3 Hason He??rey showe$ me a %i$eo o? two &othic women ha%in& seF on a ?(oor < one o? them ha$ a co((ar on her necD that sai$ AS4A=0A on the co((ar 5 Hason He??rey to($ me that his @rother Dnew the man who was the =i$eo&rapher o? this %i$eo an$ that he ha$ @een to($ that these women ha$ Amicrochip ;.7.I.KsA in their hea$s 3 on their @rains 5 that were contro((in& them 3 ro@otica((y ?orcin& them to ha%e seF. I ha%e @een to($ that /o@ 2KAn&e(o Dnew the man who ?i(me$ this %i$eo as we((. Hason He??rey may ha%e $own(oa$e$ this %i$eo ?rom the internet whi(e (i%in& with his mother in MerrimacD NewHampshire on the @or$er o? Amherst NewHampshire an$ MerrimacD NewHampshire 3 $'rin& the year 2001.

2'rin& the year 2001 3 ,i( 0man'e(e an$ 2anie( Hames somehow 'n(ocDe$ the $oor to my @asement an$ wa(De$ into the @asement. Hason He??rey an$ my se(? ha$ J'st smoDe$ a mariJ'ana ci&arette an$ ha$ J'st @een p(ayin& a %i$eo &ame in the @asement. ,I( 0man'e(e @e&an I'estionin& Hason He??rey a@o't what he ha$ seen a month prior to this 5 Hason He??rey state$ AI saw what yo' $i$. I was there. I am not sayin& anythin&. I Dnow what yo' $o. I Dnow what yo' $i$. I $onKt want tro'@(e. I Dnow what yo' are. I am not sayin& anythin&. I Dnow yo' are A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(y an$ that yo'Kre the Prince o? Ita(y. I am not sayin& anythin&. I $onKt ha%e a pro@(em with A$o(? Hit(er 3 A$o(? Hit(er is coo( 3 I act'a((y Din$ o? (iDe that 5 @'t that other thin& is not somethin& that I am a(ri&ht with... @'t 3 I am not sayin& anythin&. I am not &oin& to say anythin&.A . A?ter this occ'rre$ 3 Hason He??rey @e&an tra%e(in& $own to Massach'settes an$ =ir&inia to see ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e 3 7(int 1ay(or +0man'e(e8 3 an$ some ?rien$s o? ,i(Ks an$ 7(int 1ay(orKs 5 Hason He??rey @e(ie%e$ that he ha$ Joine$ a &an&. 0ar(ier $'rin& the year 2000 3 Hason He??rey an$ my se(? tra%e((e$ to 2'm@arton =ir&inia in HasonKs car. Hason He??rey to($ me that we were $oin& this to @'y a @a& o? mariJ'ana. Hason He??rey @e&an @'yin& MarJ'ana coate$ in 2isassociati%e Ne'ro 1oFin ?rom ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs @rother 7(int as we(( as ,i(Ks ?rien$ Hason who (i%e$ near Mar(@oro Massach'settes. A?ter Hason @o'&ht the mariJ'ana 3 7(int 1ay(or to($ Hason that he nee$e$ a ri$e to his other ho'se $own the roa$ 5 we $ro%e ?rom the apartment comp(eF that 7(int 1ay(or (i%e$ in to a ho'se neFt to a ch'rch on the same roa$. 1he ho'se was a 3 ?(oor ho'se with a stee( chain (inD ?ence aro'n$ the entry to the @asement or ?irst (e%e( on the (e?t si$e o? the ho'se 3 in ?ront o? the $ri%eway. As we were sittin& in the parDin& (ot 3 7(int1ay(or ye((e$ at a man who (ooDe$ i$entica( to A2ia@(oA +7aesarKs imposte'r $'rin& the year 200* to 200!8 3 ye((in& 5 A:hat is she $oin& o'tsi$eM SheKs not s'ppose$ to @e o'tsi$eLA . In the enc(ose$ area that was s'rro'n$e$ @y chain (inD ?ence 3 three &rown men were stan$in& with a pit@'(( terrier $o& an$ a sma(( mesti>o &ir( who (ooDe$ to @e a pro@a@(e miF o? 4aDota Sio'F 3 MeFican mesti>o 3 an$ ,ranDic American 5 the (itt(e &ir( (ooDe$ to @e a@o't 5 years o($. 1he man ho (ooDe$ (iDe A2ia@(oA who was imposte'r o? 7aesar 3 'sin& the name A7esareA in Manchester NewHampshire < (ooDe$ i$entica( to A2ia@(oA 3 @'t was o? pa(e sDinne$ comp(eFion an$ ha$ (on& c'r(y @(acD hair an$ a thinner nose. In 2008 an$ in 20123 this man was witnesse$ wa(Din& thro'&h Manchester NewHampshire an$ Nash'a NewHampshire @y n'mero's peop(e who i$enti?ie$ him as the man that ha$ @een preten$in& to @e 7aesar an$ ha$ @een wa(Din& H'(ie :einstein aro'n$ Manchester NewHampshire with a co((ar an$ a (eash on her necD. A?ter 7(int 1ay(or 1ha$ sai$ to A2ia@(oA 3 A:hat is she $oin& o'tsi$e 3 sheKs not s'ppose$ to @e o'tsi$eLA 5 I sai$ to 7(int 1ay(or3 AIs that yo'r $a'&hterMA. 7(int 1ay(or sai$ 3 ANo. SheKs not my $a'&hter.A 3 a?ter which I asDe$ AAre yo' s'ppose$ to @e @a@ysittin&MA an$ he sai$ 5ANot eFact(y 3 somethin& (iDe that.A . Hason He??rey then asDe$ him 3 A2'$e3 what are $oin&M Is that &ir( a hosta&eM :hat is thisMA an$ I asDe$ him A-o'Kre not a pe$ophi(e are yo'MA . 1o this 7(int 1ay(or rep(ie$ 3 ANo. .? co'rse not. ItKs not that. H'st i&nore them. I ha%e to &et @acD.A 2'rin& the year 2001 3 /o@ert 4e$o'F to($ me that Hason He??rey ha$ a$mitte$ to ?i(min& 7hi($ Porno&raphy $own in 2'm@arton =ir&inia 5 /o@ state$ that Hason $i$ this

as an Initiation 7rime ?or a &an&. /o@ert 4e$o'F to($ me that whi(e Hason He??rey was eFtreme(y $r'nD an$ hi&h on mariJ'ana < Hason He??rey a$mitte$ to ha%in& J'st ?i(me$ two 7hi($ Porno&raphy Scenes ?or a &an& that he ha$ J'st Joine$ 3 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs &an&. ,i( 0man'e(eKs &an& are SeF 1ra??icDers 3 7hi($ Porno&raphers 3 Porno&raphers 3 an$ 1errorists in%o(%e$ in other ?orms o? .r&ani>e$ 7rime. 2'rin& the year 200* 3 whi(e Hason He??rey 3 Hoe 4e;aron 3 an$ my se(? were at A1he Stran&e;rew 1a%ernA 5 Hason He??rey sai$ to 's 3 A I am in a &an& now. A . Hoe 4e;aron sai$ 3 A.h thatKs nice. :hat is yo'r &an& ca((e$M A to which Hason He??rey rep(ie$ Athe A$o(? HIt(ers... not rea((y ... Din$ o?. ItKs a JoDe name. :e $onKt rea((y 'se a name.A Hoe 4e;aron @e&an h'mo'ro's(y ca((in& HasonKs &an& 3 Athe A$o(? Hit(ersA ?or the rest o? the e%enin&. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e is A$o(? Hit(erKs @io(o&ica( &reat &ran$ nephew an$ is the son o? =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e I= who 's the 9in& o? Sa%oy o? Ita(ia c'rrent(y in eFi(e. 2'rin& the year 2002 3 Hason He??rey poisone$ me with 2isAssociati%e Ne'ro 1oFins an$ attempte$ to 'se Ne'ro 4in&'istic Pro&rammin& an$ Hypnosis to hypnoti>e myse(? to @ecome seF'a((y aro'se$ at hearin& the wor$ A7hi($ Porno&raphyA. 2'e to the ?act that I was poisone$ with 2isAssociati%e Ne'ro 1oFin 3 it has taDen me a ?ew years to remem@er this 5 a A@(acD o'tA is a 2isAssociate$ State $'rin& which a person is conscio's @'t is not eFperiencin& ?'(( awareness an$ is 's'a((y 'na@(e to remem@er what occ'rre$ $'rin& these perio$s o? time ?or a (on& perio$ o? time. :hat I remem@er was that I was 2isassociate$ ?rom a ci&arette that Hason He??rey ha$ han$e$ me that was apparent(y tainte$ with Ne'ro1oFin 5 this was 'se$ to poison me. A?ter I 2isAssociate$ 3 Hason He??rey @e&an to hypnoti>e me 'sin& his ?in&er tip as a mo%in& hypnotic ?oc's < this is accomp(ishe$ @y pointin& the ?in&er strai&ht at the ?ace o? the hypnosis s'@Ject. :hi(e hypnoti>in& me 3 Hason He??rey to($ me A:hen I say 7hi($ Porno&raphy 3 twitch yo'r (e&.A 3 A:hen I say 7hi($ Porno&raphy 3 r'@ yo'r inner thi&h a&ainst yo'r penis.A 3 A:hen I saw 7hi($ Porno&raphy 3 to'ch yo'r penisA 3 A7an I to'ch yo'r penisM 7hi($ Porno&raphy.A an$ he to'che$ my penis. 1his is $e?inite(y somethin& that Hason He??rey was or$ere$ to $o @y one o? =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs sons < this is o? the same psycho(o&y as the 'sin& o? 2isAssociati%e Ne'ro 1oFin an$ Hypnosis to initiate &ro'p seF'a( acti%ity where the initiator whom has poisone$ the others with Ne'ro 1oFins 3 steps @acD an$ photo&raphs an$ %i$eo&raphs the seF'a( acti%ity 5 this has @een 'se$ @y =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e in the past 3 to @(acD mai( or A@ir$ $o&A peop(e ?or p'rpose o? &ainin& a@so('te contro( o%er the in$i%i$'a(s an$ ?ami(ies. =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e is a 1errorist Aristocratic 7rime 4or$ 3 with the psycho(o&y o? a Me&(omaniac Sociopath Socia( 2arwinist Amora(ist 5 some peop(e wo'($ ca(( this a A1r'e SatanistA < as oppose$ to Anton 4a=eyKs A7h'rch o? SatanA 3 which is @asica((y a Gnostic 7'(t with a(ot o? sarcasm an$ h'mo'r concerin& the aesthetic o? what ASatanA is an$ o@ser%es the ho(i$ays o? primari(y 7e(tic an$ Germanic ,o(D /e(i&ions. =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e has the psycho(o&y o? a %i((ain ?rom a horror mo%ie whom is a Me&a(omaniac Sociopath SeF'a( 2e%iant Seria( 9i((er < =ittorioKs ASatanA is himse(? 3 he an$ his sons are AMi&ht is /i&htA Socia( 2arwinists 5 the concept o? ASatanA is s'ppose$ to @e the 0nemy 3 the wor$ means AA$%ersaryA or A0nemyA in He@rew. 1his A0nemyA o? the 0man'e(esK an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy is the entire P(anet 0arth 3 =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e is a me&a(omaniac < as are many o? his sons an$ m'ch o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy whom I ha%e

Dnown. 1his contro((e$ mo%ement o? the eyes is an attempt to access speci?ic sections o? the @rain an$ processes o? (o&ic. Hason He??reyKs attempts to hypnoti>e me are the res'(t o? his @ein& or$ere$ to $o so @y his new A7rime Syn$icateA which is in ?act a G(o@a( 1errorist .r&ani>ation. 2'rin& 1"88 on Ha((oween 3 =ittorioKs son 7hris 1homas 7hi($ Porno&raphe$ myse(? an$ the chi($ren at the Ha((oween Party a?ter poisonin& the entire party with 2isAssociati%e Ne'ro 1oFin. 2'rin& the year 1""0 3 An&ie +Poten>a8 SDinner @e&an to $istri@'te AHa((oween is SatanismA propa&an$a an$ pamph(ets on Ha((oween 0%enin&. 2'rin& the year 2001 < MiDe 4a>>ari to($ me that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e was a 7rime 4or$ o? what was @asica((y a Satanic 7rime 7'(t 5 MiDe 4a>>ari a(so to($ me that =ittorio ha$ @een attemptin& to @'i($ an a(i@i his entire (i?e 3 to ?rame Anton 4a=eyKs A7h'rch o? SatanA an$ a seI'entia( (ine o? his own accomp(ices 3 %ictims 3 an$ innocent 3r$ parties ?or his own crimes an$ terrorism. 4ater that e%enin& $'rin& 2001 3 MiDe 4a>>ari showe$ me a scene ?rom a mo%ie which I @e(ie%e was APro@(em 7hi($ 2A wherein =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e wears a 2e%i( Ha((oween 7ost'me an$ is tricD or treatin& 5 MiDe 4a>>ari $escri@e$ =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e as a $is&'stin& o($ per%ert who was wearnin& the Din$ o? smirD on his ?a%ce that a @a@y who J'st shit his $iaper an$ tho'&ht it was a ?'nny secret wo'($ wear 'pon his ?ace. =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs A;ir$ 2o&A ;(acD Mai( 0spiona&e < is a $e?ense which he an$ his sons 'se to pre%ent their con%iction ?or their SeF .??enses 3 H'man 1ra??icDin& 3 an$ SeF 1ra??icDin&. 2'rin& the year 2001 < Ste%e A=inceA Parish an$ 4in$sey Garo?ano picDe$ 'p my se(? an$ Samantha G'ay in Ste%e A=inceA ParishKs car. Ste%e A=inceA Parish $ro%e 's to 7har(otte North7aro(ina an$ poisone$ my se(? an$ Samantha G'ay with 2isassociati%e Ne'ro 1oFin in MariJ'ana an$ 7i&arettes. Samantha G'ay rea(i>e$ that we ha$ @een poisone$ an$ that she $i$ not Dnow where we were 3 she @e&an to comp(ain 5 I spoDe 'p imme$iate(y at Ste%e A=inceA Parish ?or his @etraya( 3 ye((in& at him ?or his poisonin& o? my se(? an$ Samantha G'ay with Ne'ro 1oFins. 1his is a :ar 7rime. 1o poison a race o? ci%i(ians repeate$(y with Ne'ro 1oFins is a :ar 7rime. 2isassociati%e Ne'ro 1oFins are a Ne'ro 1oFin that is i((e&a( @y the stan$ar$s o? the Gene%a 7on%ention. Ste%e A=inceA Parish @e&an ta(Din& a@o't Di((in& ,irst Nations Nati%e Americans an$ other races o? Americas. He so'n$e$ eFact(y (iDe =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e. Ste%e A=inceA Parish is $e?inite(y persona( ?rien$s with /o@ert 2KAn&e(o an$ is $e?inite(y ?act'a((y o? Ita(ian an$ A'strian race 3 an$ is not An&(o SaFon or any Din$ o? American. .ne year a?ter this Samantha G'ay was a@$'cte$ an$ was (ater seen on an internet we@site < tie$ 'p an$ @o'n$ with rope 3 &a&&e$ 3 an$ @ein& @r'ta((y tort're$. 1he we@site was a we@site that was @ein& r'n @y an associate o? /o@ 2KAn&e(oKs 3 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs 3 an$ =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs. It is c'rrent(y @e(ie%e$ that Samantha G'ay was @ro'&ht to 7har(otte North7aro(ina when she was a@$'cte$ an$ that the peop(e who a@$'cte$ her may ha%e a@$'cte$ 9e(sey McNanny an$ rep(ace$ her with an imposte'r who is a SeF 1ra??icDin& %ictim. 9e(sey McNanny is my eF &ir(?rien$ who was my imme$iate eF &ir(?rien$ prior to Sah$ra St..n&e $'rin& the year 2003. /o@ert 2KAn&e(o was witnesse$ wa(Din& o't o? a @acD room which is pro@a@(e to @e a Sec'rity 4o'n&e with access to the Ser%er 7omp'ter o? the AM1/A9 1rain NetworD. I ha%e @een in?orme$ that /o@

2KAn&e(o Dnew Samantha G'ay @e?ore she was a@$'cte$ 3 an$ that he he(pe$ or&ani>e her a@$'ction 5 he has $one this with others. /o@ 2KAn&e(o A2.H. 2KarIAn&e(A 3 Dnew Nina Hansen @e?ore ,i( 0man'e(e @e&an rapin& an$ tort'rin& her. /o@ 2KAn&e(o is an Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS 1errorist :ar 7rimina( an$ is a 7hi($ A@$'ctor an$ SeF 1ra??icDer. Aaron Ge@o o? Manchester NewHampshire 3 who Dnew Samantha G'ay < Dnew /o@ 2KAn&e(o as we(( as the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 2'rin& the year 2001 3 my ?rien$ 2a%e Marsha(( whom was my ?rien$ 2anie((e 4e;(ancKs @oy?rien$ 5 mo%e$ to 2'm@arton =ir&inia to mo%e in with his ?rien$. It @ecame apparent a?ter a weeD o? (i%in& with his new roommate that his roommate Dnew ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e 3 7hris 1homas 3 an$ 7(int 1ay(or +0man'e(e8 persona((y. A?ter a year o? (i%in& at this (ocation 3 ?rom what I ha%e @een to($ 5 2a%e Marsha(( awoDe one e%enin& seein& Green 1eFt in ?ront o? his eyes threatenin& him an$ te((in& him that he was a@o't to @e eFterminate$ ?or @ein& Hewish an$ An&(o SaFon. 2a%e Marsha(( was an Asatr'ar who was 3N* An&(o SaFon an$ 1N* Israe(i approFimate(y. I ha%e si&hte$ an imposte'r o? 2a%e Marsha(( in Nash'a NewHampshire who appears to @e an Ita(ian that has @een =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tate$ with An&(o SaFon an Israe(i 2NA that appears to @e 2a%e Marsha((Ks an$ 0mi(y Is(esKs. 2'rin& the year 200" 3 7rysta( MormonKs ,ace;ooD was 7omp'ter HacDe$ to post ANothin& (iDe waDin& 'p in the mornin& to the si&ht o? Green AS7I ,ont 1eFt in ?ront o? yo'r eyes 3 @ein& to($ yo' are a@o't to $ie 3 screamin& an&ri(y 3 an$ @e(ie%in& that the Apocha(ypse has starte$. .h 3 2a%e Marsha((... yo' are so ?'nny.A to which another 7omp'ter HacDer respon$e$ ?rom another ,ace;ooD 5 AIsnKt 2a%e Marsha(( an Asatr'ar tho'&hM :o'($nKt it @e /a&naroD 3 thenM He is on(y 1N* Hewish 3 so I $onKt thinD itKs Apoca(ypse is itMA. P'@(ishe$ to the internet imme$iate(y a?ter the " 11 1errorist AttacDs were artic(es which $escri@e$ an ,.;.I. G 7.I.A. In%esti&ation ca((e$ AProJect Me&i$$oA which may @e Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are propa&an$a or may @e ?act'a( 5 1he ProJect Me&i$$o was reporte$ to @e an in%esti&ation into A/e(i&io's I$entity .r&ani>ations which @e(ie%e that a G(o@a( ;att(e o? Goo$ =ers's 0%i( is &oin& to occ'r soon.A /e(i&io's .r&ani>ations were (ie$ a@o't an$ were p't on this (ist 3 @'t A6IS an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy was not. A.sama ;in4a$enA was the name o? a M's(im man that I spoDe with a@o't the Anti 7hrist 3 :ar 7rimes 3 the A6IS 3 the I(('minati 3 M9U41/A 3 /ichar$ NiFon 3 /ichar$ He(ms 3 SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 an$ :ater&ate 5 on the internet when I was 11 an$ 12 years o? a&e. 1he A.sama ;in4a$enA that en&ineere$ the " 11 1errorist AttacDs $i$ not act a(one 3 he worDe$ ?or =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,action as we(( as a Sa'$i Ara@ian A6IS ,action within =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs socia( networD an$ Mosta?a I@nSa'$Ks ,atherKs Socia( NetworD. ;oth the 0man'e(e ?ami(y an$ Mosta?a I@nSa'$Ks ?ami(y ha%e (i%e$ in the state o? Massach'settes an$ the s'rro'n$in& re&ions ?or at (east the past 30 years. =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ his sons are o@sesse$ with their &'i(t an$ with their %ictims 5 these men ha%e the Psycho(o&ica( Pro?i(e o? a Pe$orast Seria( 9i((er an$ are in ?act that. 2'rin& the year 2001 < whi(e I was in 2'm@arton =ir&inia with 2anie((e 4e;(anc 3 2a%e Marsha(( 3 an$ 4i> Pratt 5 I o%erhear$ a 2e'tsche(an$er who (i%e$ in =ir&inia ar&'in& with an Ita(ian who (i%e$ in =ir&inia 3 whi(e I was in the @athroom in a Mc2ona($Ks resta'rant. 1he men ha$ notice$ me wa(Din& into the @athroom an$ ha$ reco&ni>e$ me.

1he German man @e&an ta(Din& a@o't =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ his sons @ein& Pe$ophi(es 3 7hi($ Porno&raphers 3 an$ Genoci$a( 1errorists who were p(ottin& to eFterminate the ,irst Nations Nati%e American /aces an$ other American peop(es. 1he Ita(ian @e&an $e?en$in& =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ state$ that he ha$ a ri&ht to eFterminate ,irst Nations Nati%e Americans < an$ a(so that it $oesnKt matter why he $i$ what he $i$ 3 theyKre Initiation 7rimes. 1he 2e'tsche(an$er was ?'rio's with him an$ ca((e$ him a ,a&&ot Pe$ophi(e an$ to($ him that he Dnew ?or a ?act that 7hris 1homas ha$ rape$ my sister Sheena Nico(e MacPherson with his ?in&ers when she was an in?ant an$ ha$ poisone$ a(( o? the a$'(ts at the Ha((oween Party o? 1"88 with 2isassociati%e Ne'ro1oFin an$ Se$ati%es 3 an$ ha$ a?terwar$s 7hi($ Porno&raphe$ the chi($ren at the party an$ rape$ them. 1he 2e'tsche(an$er to($ the Ita(ian that A@enaDis an$ other Nati%e Americans @e(on& in North America an$ that it is their home(an$ 3 an$ that the Ita(ians sho'($ @e ?orce$ to (ea%e North America ?or what they ha%e $one an$ ?or $e?en$in& the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the Pe$ophi(e SeF 1ra??icDers amon&st them. =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e has @een p(ottin& to G0N.7I2A44- 0610/MINA10 the ,irst Nations Nati%e North American /aces 3 the An&(o SaFons 3 the Gae(s 3 the Israe(is 3 the ,ranDs 3 the A?rican Americans 3 the Ho((an$er Americans an$ others in North America ?or apparent(y my entire (i?e 5 this is the most eFtreme threat in history. 1he Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,actionKs Initiation 7rimes in%o(%e /ape o? 7hi($ren 3 A@$'ction o? 7hi($ren 3 SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 M'r$er3 M'r$er o? 7hi($ren 3 an$ I ha%e @een to($ that they M'r$er In?ants 5 there are racia( tar&ets. 2anie( ;'cD(ey 3 $'rin& the year 200* con?irme$ this to my se(? an$ ;en 4in$@er&. 2anie( ;'cD(ey is Ita(ian an$ is a re(ati%e o? a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 2anie( ;'cD(ey ca((e$ 7hris 1homas a ,a&&ot an$ ;'r&erDin& $'rin& the year 1""E 5 $'rin& 1""! 3 2anie( ;'cD(ey was ?orce$ to &et a report ?or schoo( a@o't AMein 9amp?A an$ AA$o(? Hit(erA $resse$ as A$o(? Hit(er. 1he 0man'e(e ?ami(y an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy are not 2e'tsche Nationa(ists 3 they are an Ita(ian Genoci$a( Mi(itant 7rimina( 1errorist ,action an$ are SeF 1ra??icDers in%o(%e$ in .r&ani>e$ SeF .??enses 'pon races o? 7HI42/0N. 1he 2e'tsche A6IS ,ami(ies who mo%e$ to the U.S.A. that my 'nc(e 1roy MacPherson an$ his ?rien$ HacD 2ion were ?rien$s with warne$ n'mero's peop(e that the 0man'e(e ?ami(y an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy were most(y Pe$ophi(e SeF 1ra??icDers an$ Seria( 9i((ers. 1he 2e'tsche man who was ar&'in& with the Ita(ian in Mc2ona($s in 2'm@arton =ir&inia 3 to($ the man that he Dnew ?or a ?act that my ?atherKs @est ?rien$ Gino was m'r$ere$ @y the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs Assassin ?or ta(Din& a@o't what =ittorio ha$ $one to my mother an$ what =ittorio an$ 7hris ha$ $one to my 1year o($ sister 5 an$ that they ha$ it @(ame$ on As'ici$eA. 1he 2e'tsche(an$er was a co'sin o? a Psycho(o&y 1eacher at MerrimacD Hi&hschoo( who I @e(ie%e may ha%e possi@(y @een name$ Mr. :hee(er. 1he Ita(ian man to($ the 2e'tsche that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e sai$ that the Nati%e American /ace isnKt &oo$ ?or anythin& eFcept ?or s'cDin& $icD 3 an$ that he a&ree$ with him. My mother was 5 years o($ when =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e he($ a Dni?e to her throat an$ ?orce$ her to s'cD his penis. .ne year when it was my MotherKs @irth$ay 3 =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e p't his han$ $own her pants an$ @e&an mo(estin& her 5 a?ter which her Astep ?atherA A7h'cDA who was in ?act a SeF 1ra??icDer an$ one o? =ittorioKs 7rime So($iers

sco($e$ her as i? she ha$ $one somethin& wron& an$ she ha$ to &o to @e$ with no $inner on her @irth$ay. 1his was p't in a mo%ie as a scene an$ my mother crie$ when she saw it on te(e%ision < this is a simi(ar thin& to what =ittorio an$ ,i((i@erto $i$ to 2ino who committe$ an initiation crime %io(ent seF o??ense an$ it was choreo&raphe$ as a scene in a mo%ie < this is a(so simi(ar to what was $one with the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs p(ot 3 character 3 an$ script s'&&estion to ,(ew .%er the 7'cDooKs NestA with HacD Nicho(son as AHacD 2ionA. =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e has rep(ace$ my ?ather with n'mero's imposte'rs who ha%e @een seF'a((y a@'sin& my sister 5 I ha%e trie$ to &et this reso(%e$ 3 @'t now I can not e%en enter MerrimacD NewHampshire witho't the MerrimacD Po(ice arrestin& me c(aimin& that it is As'spicio'sA that I am in the town that I &rew 'p in. I trie$ to wa(D thro'&h MerrimacD NewHampshire an$ the entire po(ice ?orce ha$ @een rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs $'rin& 2012 5 these are $e?inite(y SeF .??en$ers who the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tate$ an$ &i%en the I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o? $ea$ Po(ice .??icers to. My sister S'mmer MacPherson is Athe @a@y on the (an$mineA that is @ein& 'se$ to attempt to ('re me to Di(( Po(ice an$ the Imposte'rs who ha%e @een 'sin& my ,atherKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s 5 $'rin& the past ten years 3 there has @een more than one man in the MerrimacD 7o'rtho'se representin& himse(? as my ,ather. 1hey ha%e @een recor$e$ on =i$eo 7amera. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy has attempte$ n'mero's times to Assassinate me as we(( as pro%oDe me to imprison me. 7'rrent(y 3 m'ch i? the 0ast 7oast o? the U.S.A. is $epop'(ate$ an$ it seems that the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS 'se$ Po(ice Uni?orms an$ 7rematory Ser%ice ;'i($in&s to e(iminate e%i$ence o? this &enoci$e as we(( as ha%e they p(ace$ I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s in the han$s o? their &'i(ty accomp(ices whom ha%e @een 'se$ to Deep the i$entiti?ications a(i%e in ,e$era( /ecor$s. News Paper artic(es ha%e @een (yin& a@o't the news on the 0ast 7oast o? the U.S.A. 3 especia((y in the North 0ast 5 where many o? the artic(es ha%e @een re printe$ News Artic(es ?rom the years 200E to 200" with present 2ate printe$ on them. It is pro@a@(e that many o? the &enoci$e %ictims were se$ate$ @y Po(ice Uni?orme$ Ita(ian A6IS So($iers 'sin& Syrin&es 3 @ro'&ht to hospita(s 3 an$ =ira( =ector Gene 1heraoy m'tate$ 'sin& intra%eno's se$ati%es an$ sa(ine with =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tation =ir's in the Intre%eno's t'@in& 5 these in$i%i$'a(s are pro@a@(e to ha%e @een incarcerate$ in prisons a?terwar$s 3 ?or crimes which they $i$ not commit < as w(e( as were many pro@a@(y Di((e$ an$ p't in Mor&'es as in$i%i$'a(s whom they were not @'t were m'tate$ to (ooD (iDe. 2'rin& the year 200! 3 a&ents o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ possi@(y a(so the Ho'se o? Aosta < S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace in my crani'm a?ter i((e&a((y ?orci@(y a$mittin& me to the Psychiatric Unit at the NewHampshire Hospita( ?or a weeD ?or p'rpose o? a APsychiatric 0%a('ationA. A ?ew months a?ter this 3 I was mis $ia&nose$ with Schi>ophrenia. I $o not ha%e Schi>ophrenia 3 I ha%e Post 1ra'matic Stress 2isor$er. I @e(ie%e that this mis $ia&nosis was intentiona( an$ ?or the p'rpose o? $iscre$itin& my se(? as a witness. 1he man who $ia&nose$ me was an imposte'r o? a Hewish man who has @een missin& < his ?ami(y were re(ate$ to a ?ami(y whom were in%o(%e$ in the Hewish 2e?ense 4ea&'e. ;oth He??erson 2a%is an$ He??rey Go$@ois o? Manchester Menta( Hea(th ha%e @een missin& 3 @oth o? them were ha(? Israe(i < He?? 2a%is

was rep(ace$ @y an imposte'r a ?ew years a?ter Joinin& the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen an$ they ?o'n$ o't that he was ha(? Israe(i 5 He??erson 2a%is was the nei&h@or o? /o@ert /o$on $'rin& the year 2001 3 he (i%e$ in the apartment a@o%e /o@ert /o$onKs apartment. /o@ert /o$on is a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 2'rin& the year 200! 3 a?ter I was S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace an$ ?orce$ into home(essness 5 an imposte'r o? my ,ather whom I @e(ie%e was a Ser@ian was (i%in& in my ?ami(yKs ho'se at EE ;ean /oa$ in MerrimacD NewHampshire 3 my sister 7he(sey MacPherson was a@$'cte$ an$ swappe$ with another %ictim 3 my sister Sheena MacPherson %anishe$ an$ was swappe$ with another %ictim 3 an$ a Ma?ia So($ier name$ Hoe attempte$ to assassinate me @y poisonin& me with @(acD mo($ a?ter =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e ca((e$ him an$ or$ere$ a hit. 12N0EN2013 5 whi(e in%esti&atin& 2'm@arton =ir&inia 5 as I was wa(Din& across a @ri$&e 3 I saw what (ooDe$ (iDe it was one o? my sister 7he(sey MacPhersonKs @('e san$a(s on the si$e o? the roa$ in the (ea%es an$ @r'sh. It (ooDe$ eFtreme(y weather worn. 1his San$a( was a@o't one I'arter o? a mi(e $own the roa$ ?rom the 3 Story ho'se with the chain (inD ?ence neFt to the 7h'rch 5 $'rin& 2001 3 7(int 1ay(or +0man'e(e8 to($ Hason He??rey an$ my se(? that his ?ami(y owns the property an$ that a care taDer has the property in their own name. 2'rin& the years 200! to 2011 5 2'm@arton =ir&inia an$ /ichmon$ =ir&inia were $escri@e$ on n'mero's ,ace;ooD Pro?i(es on my ?rien$s (ist. 2'rin& the approFimate year 200" 3 a (itt(e &ir( attempte$ to contact me on ,ace;ooD ?rom a Pro?i(e that (ooDe$ (iDe it ha$ @een ma$e at the 4i@rary in 2'm@arton =ir&inia 5 the &ir(s name was 2ei$ra ;rennar$. S'mmer MacPherson to($ me that this was 7he(sey /ain MacPherson 3 an$ that she ha$ @een poisone$ with somethin& that ha$ ca'se$ her to m'tate with somethin& simi(ar to 7entra( American 2NA an$ (ooD $i??erent. I $i$nKt &et to ta(D to 7he(sey 3 some@o$y pre%ente$ her ,ace;ooD Pro?i(e ?rom contin'in& to @e 'se$. 2'rin& the year 200* 3 the man that was worDin& ?or =ittorio < A2ia@(oA 3 starte$ a r'mo'r that my 'nc(eKs ?rien$ ;onnie 2amon is H'(i's 0%o(aKs @io(o&ica( $a'&hter. I? the r'mo'r is correct 3 H'(i's 0%o(aKs in?ant $a'&hter ;onnie 5 was &i%en to =ittorio who a$opte$ her to a 7rime So($ier o? his 7rime Syn$icateKs. 1he r'mo'r is that =ittorio a$opte$ ;onnie to a 7rime So($ier with the name A2amonA ?or the p'rpose o? (ater c(aimin& that Satanists tra$e$ @a@ies with one another 3 Satanists committe$ =ittorio 0man'e(esK 1errorist 7rime Syn$icateKs SeF .??enses an$ :ar /ape Initiation 7rimes 3 c(aimin& Satanists @'i(t the 3r$ /eich 3 an$ c(aimin& that H'(i's 0%o(a was a /oman Satanist who was the 4or$ o? a &(o@a( Satan worshippin& 7'(t. ;onnie 2amonKs name was s'ppose$ to @e a cypher ?or A2emonA an$ an 0%o(a somewhere 'sin& the name A0%i(A was s'ppose$ to ha%e a re(ation to this. =ittorio @e(ie%e$ that he ha$ s'ccess?'((y conni%e$ H'(i's 0%o(a. 1he man whom ha$ sto(en 7aesarKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s 3 7esare 5 ha$ spoDen to some@o$y a@o't this whi(e at the ,ami(y 2o((ar Store in Manchester NewHampshire $'rin& the year 200* 3 whi(e @ein& recor$e$ on camera.

7esareKs nicDname was A2ia@(oA an$ was pro@a@(e to ha%e @een $eci$e$ 'pon @y =ittorio 0man'e(e. =ittorio 0man'e(eKs son 7hris 1homas 'se$ the pse'$onym ASamoth SrichA $'rin& the 1"80Ks 3 which is a cypher %ariant o? the m'n$ane spe((in& 7hris 1homas that was inten$e$ to so'n$ Satanic. It is pro@a@(e that =ittorio 0man'e(e is &oin& to attempt to 'se a ASatanistA A(i@i a&ain. It is a(so possi@(e that ;onnie 2amon wasnKt e%en ?act'a((y an 0%o(a an$ that =ittorio $eci$e$ to attempt to 'se it as an A(i@i @eca'se ;onnieKs ?ather was one o? his 7rime So($iers. ;onnie 2amonKs ,ather Dnew =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e. ;onnieKs ?ather was in%o(%e$ in SeF 1ra??icDin&. He Dnew two men name$ A=ictorA 3 one o? whom was =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e. 1e(ephone recor$s wo'($ pro%e this. ;onnie 2amon was a(so rape$ repeate$(y $'rin& her chi($hoo$ @y a man who Dnew her ,ather an$ it is a $e?inite possi@i(ity that this co'($ ha%e @een =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e 5 =ittorioKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate SeF 1ra??icD e%en chi($ren. It is a(so a possi@i(ity that =ittorio 0man'e(e may ha%e starte$ a r'mo'r that ;onnie 2amon was H'(i's 0%o(aKs $a'&hter ?or reason that she (ooDs near(y i$entica( to H'(i's 0%o(a eFcept that she is a ?ema(e 5 i? ;onnie 2amon is not H'(i's 0%o(aKs $a'&hter < her 2NA is entire(y $i??erent @'t is o? the same 2NA Hap(o&ro'ps as H'(i's 0%o(aKs was 3 this wo'($ pro%e to @e eFtreme(y 'se?'( to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy i? they co'($ con%ince the 2epartment o? 2e?ense that ;onnie 2amon is H'(i's 0%o(aKs $a'&hter prior to 2NA 1estin& @ecome man$atory ?or I$enti?ication p'rposes. My mother was a SeF 1ra??icDin& S(a%e o? the 0man'e(esK 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate thro'&ho't her chi($hoo$ 3 it is pro@a@(e that a $a'&hter o? H'(i's 0%o(aKs wo'($ @e within the Socia( NetworD that maintaine$ imme$iate connections to my MotherKs socia( networD ?or the intentiona( p'rpose o? attemptin& to si(ence her. ,or the p'rpose o? hi$in& A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(y 3 the Ho'se o? Sa%oy $i$ the (east eFpecte$ thin& a?ter the $e?eat o? the 1hir$ /eich an$ re(ocate$ the /oya( 0man'e(e ,ami(y to the USA as we(( as mo%e$ other re(ati%es o? A$o(? Hit(erKs an$ H'(i's 0%o(aKs to the USA. Since their arri%a( in the USA 3 the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e @een eFterminatin& ,irst Nations Nati%e American ?ami(ies an$ An&(o Gae(ic American ?ami(ies as we(( as ,ranDic American ?ami(ies 5 the intention o? this is to eFterminate the races o? peop(es whom are the Nati%e ;(oo$ to the North American Soi(. ;(oo$ an$ Soi( is a Nationa(ist Phi(osophy 5 the 0man'e(es ha%e @een attemptin& to eFterminate the Nation o? the USA an$ any other Nation that wo'($ nat'ra((y contest a ?orei&n in%asion 'pon their home soi( as co%ert(y as possi@(e. It is a possi@i(ity that one o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs .r&ani>e$ 7rime accomp(ices ear(ier in (i?e was a mem@er o? Anton 4a=eyKs 7h'rch o? Satan when it was ?o'n$e$ in the 1"!0Ks < this wo'($ eFp(ain 3 in part 5 =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e seems to possi@(y ha%e @een o@sesse$ ?or m'ch o? his (i?e with the i$ea o? ?ramin& a Satanic 7'(t ?or his crimes. .? o@%io's re(ation to =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs attempt to ?rame a ?a@ricate$ ASatanic 7'(tA ?or the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate 5 $'rin& the year 1"""3 4ynn /o$on s'&&este$ to my mom that I see a co'nci(or name$ Michae( 2oran. 2'rin& my meetin& with the psychiatric co'nci(or 3 the psychiatric co'nci(or asDe$ me i? I ha$ a &ir(?rien$ an$ i? I ha$ a pict're o? my &ir(?rien$. I was $atin& Nina Hansen 3 one o? ,i( 0man'e(eKs %ictims < somehow this man Dnew that I ha$ a &ir(?rien$ an$ that I Dept a pict're o? her in my wa((et. I @e(ie%e that this man ha$ some Din$ o? connection to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 0%ent'a((y the co'nci(or to($ me that I $i$ not ha%e anythin&

psycho(o&ica((y wron& with me 3 @'t that he wo'($ (iDe to speaD with my Mother. A?ter atten$in& co'nci(in& 3 my MotherKs psychiatric hea(th $ec(ine$ stea$i(y an$ she was e%ent'a((y hospita(i>e$ in Psychiatric :ar$ ?or n'mero's years o? her (i?e. My Mother ha$ Post 1ra'matic Stress 2isor$er 3 @'t was $ia&nose$ n'mero's times with m'(tip(e $i??erent con?(ictin& $ia&noses. It has @een eFp(aine$ to me that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs attempt to ?a@ricate an a(i@i ?or his (i?e (on& in%o(%ement in .r&ani>e$ 7rime an$ 1errorism has e%o(%e$ into an attempt to portray ha(? o? his %ictims as mem@ers o? ASatanist ,ami(iesA 3 ha(? o? his accomp(ices as ASatanic 7rimina( 7'(tistsA 3 an$ was &oin& to attempt to portray the names o? the ASatanic ,ami(iesA as @ein& 7ypher Names. Accor$in& to one in%esti&ator who Dnew a man who worDe$ $irect(y ?or ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e < ;onnie 2amonKs s'rname was s'ppose$ to @e portraye$ as @ein& 2emon in cypher 3 she is eFpecte$ to @e portraye$ as a $a'&hter o? H'(i's 0%o(a 3 H'(i's 0%o(a is eFpecte$ to @e portraye$ as Anton 4a=eyKs mentor 3 an$ my mother 2e@ra 4a%oie is eFpecte$ to @e portraye$ as a S(a%e In?erior to an 0%o(a. Michae( 2oran who was s'&&este$ to my mother as a co'nci(or @y /o@ert /o$onKs wi?e 3 is eFpecte$ to @e presente$ as a ASatanist ;rotherA o? /o@ert /o$onKs < /o@ert /o$on is eFpecte$ to @e portraye$ as a Satanist (oya( to the 0%o(a ?ami(y an$ not the 0man'e(es. =ittorio 0man'e(eKs attempte$ ?a@rication o? an a(i@i is s'ppose$ to present H'(i's 0%o(a as A$o(? Hit(erKs s'perior in 2e'tsche(an$ $'rin& the Ho(oca'st an$ the 0%o(a ,ami(y as the S'perior .(i&archy o? a G(o@a( Satanic 7rimina( 1errorist 7'(t. ,rom what I ha%e @een to($ 3 =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e eFpecte$ this a(i@i to @e ?a@ricate$ ?or him @e?ore his $eath. ,or time 3 =ittorio was reporte$(y p(annin& to 'se an inten$e$ to @e ?a@ricate$ cypher 'sin& the s'rnames 0%o(a 3 4a=ey 3 4a=oie 3 /o$on 3 2oran 3 MacPherson 3 =iDernes 3 Parson3 2amon 3 2ion 3 2ino 3 A2emonA 3 A2ia@(oA +7aesarKs imposte'rKs street name8 3 0%o(a A0%i(A 3 A2arD An&e(A 3 2KArcAn&e( 3 an$ ASamoth SrichA +7hris 1homasKs ASatanicA spe((in& o? his name8. 7esare has @een si&hte$ recent(y an$ was (i%in& in the Nash'a NewHampshire re&ion $'rin& the year 2013 3 possi@(y in H'$son NewHampshire < 7esare has a new set o? I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s which once @e(on&e$ to someone e(se an$ has mana&e$ to escape imprisonment ?or his crimes in NewHampshire @etween the years 200* an$ 200!. 1his was possi@(e $'e to the 0man'e(esK connections an$ the 0man'e(esK a@i(ity to o@tain Nano0n&ineere$ =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy =ir'ses which are typica((y ?or the p'rpose o? m'tatin& h'man 2NA to c're Here$itary Genetic 2iseases @'t ha%e @een 'se$ @y the Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate ?or p'rpose o? m'tatin& the aesthetic appearance o? their 7rimina( A&ents as we(( as their SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims ?or p'rpose o? $is&'ise an$ impersonatin& in$i%i$'a(s whoKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s they ha%e sto(en. 7'rrent(y imprisone$ with 7esareKs i$entity on his wrist@an$ is 1ony Gon>a(e>3 whom was a@$'cte$ @y so($iers o? the 0man'e(esK 7rime Syn$icate $'rin& 200E an$ was he($ capti%e in a @asement near 1renton Street an$ 7hestn't Street. 2'rin& his time whi(e @ein& he($ prisoner 3 1ony Gon>a(e> was ?e$ Hemo&(o@in tainte$ Mi(D which was tainte$ with Hemo&(o@in that ha$ @een 'se$ to c'(t're Nano0n&ineere$ strains o? =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy =ir's which containe$ 7esareKs Genetic Proteins. 7esare 'se$ =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy Science to m'tate his sDin comp(eFion to a pa(e comp(eFion as we(( as his nose to a thinner nose shape 5 the

hemo&(o@in %ia( was pro%i$e$ to him @y ,i( 0man'e(e. A2ia@(oKsA crimes in 7'@a were Initiation 7rimes which he was eFpecte$ to commit to pro%e his worth to ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate 5 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e ha$ a(rea$y committe$ these crimes himse(? @etween the years 1""2 an$ 200*. ,or p'rpose o? attemptin& to ?rame a Satanic 7'(t 3 =ittorio 0man'e(e has em@e$$e$ 1errorist a&ents an$ SeF 1ra??icDers within the He((s An&e(s &an& 5 a Motorcyc(e Gan& with a Satanic so'n$in& name an$ a (o&o that was the ima&e o? a =iDin& He(met on a SD'((. Mosta?a I@nSa'$ is o? Sa'$i Ara@ian an$ Moroccan race an$ $'rin& the year 200* was in the U.S.A. as we(( as was Mosta?a I@nSa'$ with ,i( 0man'e(e in Mar(@oro Massach'settes $'rin& the year 2000 when I saw him 5 the (ast time that I saw Mosta?a I@nSa'$ was in ;oston Massach'settes in 2005 3 we ha$ m't'a( ?rien$s. I was ?orma((y intro$'ce$ to Mosta?a I@nSa'$ twice in ;oston < the ?irst was in the year 200* at a @ar that my ?rien$Ks @an$ was p(ayin& at 3 the secon$ time was at a $i??erent @ar that we went to. I @e(ie%e tht Mosta?a I@nSa'$ (i%e$ in Massach'settes most o? his (i?e. .nce whi(e in ;oston Massach'settes 3 I was intro$'ce$ to what I now Dnow was an imposte'r o? Mosta?a I@nSa'$ 5 he was wearin& 7hristine 2ionKs Gray 9nit 7ap. I ha%e the same cap. 1he cap is a &ray woo( Dnit (on& cap that co%ers the entire hea$ an$ is pro$'ce$ @y 99 4o%e Int(. 7ompany. 1he ?irst time that I act'a((y remem@er meetin& Mosta?a I@nSa'$ was at ;o@ SDinnerKs an$ An&ie SDinnerKs ho'se $'rin& approFimate(y 1""* at E* ;ean /oa$ neFt $oor to my ho'se when ,i( 0man'e(e an$ Mosta?a I@nSa'$ were %isitin& ;ea'Ks an$ Am@erKs o($er sister who ,i( was $atin& @rie?(y 3 ;o@ SDinnerKs eF wi?e An&ieKs ?ather Dnew =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e. ,i( 0man'e(e was romantica((y in%o(%e$ with ;ea'Ks an$ Am@erKs o($er sister who was name$ Ho$ie SDinner. I remem@er one mornin& 3 arri%e$ at the SDinnersK ho'se at E* ;ean /oa$ an$ (e?t a?ter on(y ten min'tes o? @ein& at their ho'se < ,i( ha$ @ro'&ht Ho$ie a rose an$ (e?t (ooDin& sa$ 5 Am@er to($ ;ea' an$ my se(? that Ho$ie ha$ $eci$e$ that she $i$nKt want to $ate ,i( a?ter they ha$ a(rea$y @een romantica((y in%o(%e$ 3 an$ that Ho$ie ha$ to($ ,i( that he was too yo'n& ?or her. ;eca'se ,i( was @asica((y the same a&e as Ho$ie 3 ;ea' an$ my se(? starte$ (a'&hin& a@o't it an$ Am@er (a'&he$ with a con?'se$ (ooD on her ?ace. Am@er was in 9in$er&arten an$ 'se$ to wait at the @'s stop with 's 3 stan$in& neFt to her mai(@oF. 2'rin& the year 200E 3 ,i(Ks ?ather =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e < @ro'&ht my roommate 3 9athryn McMahon a rose whi(e she was at worD. Ho$ie SDinnerKs @est ?rien$Ks name was 9atrina. 2'rin& the s'mmer o? the year 1""5 whi(e on %acation with 7hris /o$onKs ?ami(y in either Massach'settes or New-orD 3 7hrisKs ?ather /o@ert /o$on intro$'ce$ 's to =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e who was at the @ar in the Hote(. 0$ :arren an$ ;r'ce were in the @ar with =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e. 1he ni&ht @e?ore the mornin& o? meetin& =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e in the @ar 5 the /o$on ,ami(y 3 my se(? 3 the ;an&s ,ami(y 3 Mona 0man'e(e 3 2anie( Hames 3 Aaron 0man'e(e 3 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e 3 an$ possi@(y a mem@er o? the 7hristiano ?ami(y. A m'sica( per?ormance o? A(a$$in. 4ater that ni&ht 3 /o@ert /o$on met with the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen somep(ace near this Hote( in what was either New-orD or Massach'settes 5 which was

pro@a@(y New-orD. 1here were others present inc('$in& Mosta?a I@nSa'$Ks ,ather who (i%e$ somewhere near Massach'settes USA an$ is a co'sin o? the Sa'$i Ara@ian /oya( ,ami(y 3 a ?ew Ara@ian men that ha$ @een si&hte$ wa(De$ towar$s the @ar3 an$ some other men. 1here were other A6IS ,ami(ies present. It is possi@(e that some o? the p(ans ?or the " 11 1errorist AttacD 3 p(ans ?or assassinations which occ'rre$ @e?ore this an$ a?terwar$s 3 an$ p(ans ?or the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace AttacDs an$ H'man 1ra??icDin& 3 as we(( as other A6IS ,action p(ans were ?orm'(ate$ on this e%enin&. It is a(most $e?inite that the Impro%ise$ 0Fp(osi%es 2etonators that were 'se$ @y the 1errorist Mi(itant 4ea$er Dnown to the U.S.A. as A.sama ;in 4a$enA were pro@a@(y en&ineere$ o? A/G.S G.P.S. 2e%ices s'ch as the /o'ter that is S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace that has @een @ein& S'r&ica(( Imp(ante$ in 'nwittin& %ictims o? H'man =i%isection in the U.S.A. 3 it is a(so pro@a@(e that some Impro%ise$ 0Fp(osi%es 2e%ices 'se$ 'pon the USA Mi(itary ha%e @een $etonate$ @y $e%ices en&ineere$ o? Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone parts. 2'rin& the year 200* 3 the Ho'se o? Sa%oy @e&an to conspire to ?rame the /oya( ,ami(y o? Sa'$i Ara@ia an$ the Ho'se o? Sa'$ ?or the entirety o? the :ar 7rimes o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. :hi(e in the @ar with the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 4ynn ;an&s /o$on was asDe$ to (ea%e the @ar 5 she was %ery irritate$ with this 3 she wa(De$ aro'n$ the Hote( waitin& to @e a((owe$ @acD into the ;ar ?or * 1N2 ho'rs. :hi(e waitin& in the ha((way 3 two Ara@ians wa(De$ past 4ynn 5 she tho'&ht that this was stran&e ?or reason that they wa(De$ towar$s the @ar an$ she $i$ not see them a&ain that ni&ht. 4ynn ;an&s /o$on a(so mentione$ seein& an Ita(ian who may ha%e @een part 2e'tsche wa(Din& towar$s the @ar an$ $i$nKt see him a&ain the rest o? the ni&ht either. 7hris /o$on an$ my se(? p(aye$ the 2r'nD 2ri%er 7ar$ Game a(most a(( ni&ht an$ a(so p(aye$ the &ames UN. as we(( as Strate&o. Matt /o$on watche$ a mo%ie an$ ::, :rest(in&. :hen 4ynn an$ /o@ ret'rne$ < they were ar&'in& @eca'se 4ynn /o$on was (e?t in the ha((way the entire ni&ht 3 ?or * 1N2 ho'rs. 1he mornin& a?ter the A6IS Meetin& in the ;ar at the Hote( 3 4ynn an$ /o@ /o$on were ar&'in& a@o't this a&ain 5 I remem@er 4ynn sayin& to /o@ 3 A:hat $i$ yo' $o in there ?or that (on& (ast ni&htM -o' to($ me to (ea%e @eca'se yo' ha$ to $isc'ss somethin& an$ I was not a((owe$ @acD into the @ar ?or ?o'r an$ a ha(? ho'rs 3 /o@LA to which /o@ert /o$on rep(ie$ AIt was one ho'r an$ a ha(?LA which ca'se$ 4ynn to rep(y sayin& AIt was $e?inite(y ?o'r an$ a ha(? ho'rs 3 I watche$ the time on the c(ocD an$ I ?e(( as(eep on a @ench a?ter wa(Din& aro'n$ the ha((s ?or ho'rs. I saw two Ara@ians wa(D past me that I Dnow went in there. I a(so saw one man who was Ita(ian an$ part German. I $onKt @e(ie%e yo' /o@ert an$ yo'K%e @een (yin& (ate(y. :hat are yo' in%o(%e$ inMA /o@ /o$on wo'($ not answer his wi?e. /o@ert /o$onKs eFp(aination ?or what ha$ happene$ was not accepta@(e to 4ynn 3 /o@ert ha$ state$ that 4ynn wasnKt a Man an$ that it was a 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen meetin& < 4ynn mentione$ to /o@ert an&ri(y that Mosta?a I@nSa'$Ks ,ather was there an$ he is Ara@ian 3 he is not Ita(ian. 4ynn /o$on state$ 3 A0%en ,i( an$ Mosta?a &ot to stay 3 why $i$ I ha%e to (ea%eMA to which /o@ert /o$on rep(ie$ < ANo3 they ha$ to (ea%e too. 1heyKre not a$'(ts.A to which 4ynn rep(ie$ 3 A/o@ 3 theyKre in their 20KsL I thinD yo'Kre (yin& to me a@o't somethin& an$ I $onKt (iDe this.A. Mosta?a I@nSa'$Ks ,ather 3 /o@ert /o$on 3 =ittorio 0man'e(e 3 ;r'ce 3 0$ :arren 3 one

o? the 7hristiano men 3 at (east two 'nDnown Ara@ians 3 an Ita(ian with a s(i&ht German @(oo$(ine 3 an$ a sma(( n'm@er o? other peop(e were present at what was 'se$ as i? it were a Pri%ate ;ar that ni&ht that was 's'a((y the Hote( ;ar 5 this was an A6IS ,action meetin&. :hat was $isc'sse$ at this meetin& is 'nDnown to my se(? 3 0$ :arren ma$e it so'n$ as i? the " 11 1errorist AttacD was $isc'sse$ an$ possi@(y SeF 1ra??icDin&. 1he trip to the A(a$$in Per?ormance was ?or the p'rpose o? presentin& a &'ise ?or the A6IS meetin& that /o@ert /o$on ha$ to atten$ at a Hote( on the Massach'settes @or$er o? the state o? New-orD3 the A(a$$in per?ormance was in New-orD 5 this Hote( co'($ ha%e @een in either state3 @'t was near the Massach'settes an$ New-orD @or$er. 0$ :arren ta(De$ a@o't this whi(e we were worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar at 4inco(n Street in Manchester NewHampshire. 0$ :arren asDe$ me what I ha$ on my 7rimina( /ecor$ $'rin& a con%ersation < I mentione$ that I on(y ha$ a Simp(e Assa'(t char&e an$ a 2r'nD 2ri%in& char&e 3 to which 0$ :arren rep(ie$ AA 2r'nD 2ri%in& char&e ?rom 1""5MA which I rep(ie$ with mi($ (a'&hter ANo I wasnKt $ri%in& at that a&e.A. 0$ :arren (ater state$ to Anthony 2e,eo 3 A2i$ yo' Dnow a@o't the Hote( in 1""5M :here the.... yeah that. 1his aint no &oo$ 3 $'$e. He was there. -eah he was. 2i$ yo' hear what /o@ sai$ to his sonM He ca((e$ it KSo?t S(a%eryK3 that aint no So?t S(a%ery 3 thatKs the most @r'ta( ?orm o? s(a%ery that there is. I $onKt tr'st this &'y 3 $'$e. An$ he aint sayin& nothin& 3 @'t he was there. I was there with ;r'ce the neFt mornin&. He was there with 4ynn.A. 2'rin& the year 2008 3 9ate 7hristiano was o%erhear$ sayin& a@o't =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e < AHe is so stran&e3 he stereotypes e%erythin& in a rea((y weir$ way. :hen they p(anne$ KitK 3 he @ro'&ht them to A(a$$in.A Mosta?a I@nSa'$Ks ,ather is aware o? =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs A6IS ,action A((e&iance as we(( as the names o? a (ar&e n'm@er o? his A6IS ,action Associaties 3 Accomp(ices 3 an$ 7omra$es. It is pro@a@(e that Mosta?a I@nSa'$Ks ,ather Dnows the men who p(anne$ the " 11 1errorist AttacDs an$ may ha%e assiste$ them in some way 3 it is a(most $e?inite that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS in the U.S.A. p(anne$ it with them. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy are wa&in& a co%ert war on North American soi(. 2'rin& the A(a$$in per?ormance 3 Mosta?a was h'mo'ro's(y ri$ic'(e$ @y ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ his yo'n&er @rother 2anie( Hames ?or @ein& Ara@ian 5 this @ecame eFceptiona((y o@%io's $'rin& the son& KAra@ian Ni&htsK . At the A6IS ,action Meetin& in the Hote( ;ar 3 that S'mmer o? 1""5 < m'(tip(e Ara@ians were present. I remem@er the neFt mornin& 3 asDin& a man i? his name was KHacDK an$ rea(i>in& that he was not HacD 2ion a?terwar$s 5 he was simi(ar (ooDin& to HacD 2ion 3 @'t was a 7hristiano. HacD 2ion was not present ?or the A6IS ,action Meetin&. /o@ert /o$on was (iDe a 2n$ ,ather to me when I was chi($ 3 his son 7hristopher was (iDe a @rother to me 5 7hristopher was my @est ?rien$. 1heir ?ami(y was (iDe my 2n$ ?ami(y 3 I was at there ho'se a@o't 3 or * $ays a weeD. /o@ert /o$on is a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ is a tr'ste$ A6IS So($ier. /o@ert /o$onKs eF wi?e 4ynn ;an&s 3 is o? An&(o American 3 A'strian 3 an$ Ita(ian race 5 some o? her co'sins are o? A6IS ,action an$ are re(ati%es o? ?ami(ies re(ate$ to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the Ho'se o? Aosta. It is important to mention that $'rin& the years ?o((owin& 200* 5 at some point 3 I ha$ wa(De$ passe$ 9ate 7hristiano whi(e in p'@(ic an$ o%erhear$ her say A=ittorio is eFtreme(y stran&e an$ stereotypin&. He @ro'&ht them to A(a$$in when he p(anne$ it. 1hey went to A(a$$in with his wi?e an$ he met the &'ys in the @ar. A this was a pro@a@(e

re?erence to the p(annin& o? the " 11 1errorist AttacDs. I @e(ie%e that I act'a((y hear$ her eFp(ainin& this twice < once whi(e worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar when 9ate 7hristiano p'rchase$ an item at the store 3 an$ a secon$ time whi(e wa(Din& thro'&h the ma(( or some other p'@(ic (ocation. 2'rin& the year 1""53 ,i( an$ Mosta?a %isite$ ;ea' SDinnerKs an$ Am@er SDinnerKs o($er sister at E* ;ean /oa$ MerrimacD NewHampshire whi(e their mother An&ie was there < An&ie SDinner a&ain intro$'ce$ me to ,i( 0man'e(e an$ Mosta?a I@nSa'$. Mosta?a I@nSa'$ ca((e$ An&ie AMrs. H'Fta@(eA @eca'se Ho$ie SDinner so'n$e$ (iDe .(i%ia ?rom the te(e%ision series 1he 7os@y Show. 2'rin& the year 1""5 3 9ate 7hristianoKs ,ather or Unc(e intro$'ce$ himse(? to my ,ather whi(e my ?ami(y were shoppin& at a 9MA/1 in either New Hampshire or Massach'settes. He Dnew my ,atherKs name an$ intro$'ce$ himse(? @y name < statin& that he Dnew @oth HacD 2ion an$ /o@ert /o$on3 an$ that he ha$ met my ,ather @e?ore in the past. 2'rin& the year 1""E 3 whi(e at Mastrico(a Mi$$(e Schoo( 3 I ha%e @een in?orme$ that Mr. Sa(%o (et =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ ,i( 0man'e(e into Sat'r$ay 2etention whi(e my &ir(?rien$ 2anie((e 7'shman was in Sat'r$ay 2etention. Mr. Sa(%o 3 =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e 3 an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e rape$ 2anie((e 7'shman an$ the other ?ema(e st'$ent who were in the c(assroom. 1hey (it mariJ'ana ci&arettes an$ @(ew the smoDe in the &ir(sK ?aces prior to rapin& them. 1hey @oth tesi?ie$ an$ Mr. Sa(%o was ?ire$ as we(( as con%icte$ o? a SeF .??ense. 1his entire e%ent was written into a come$y mo%ie ca((e$ AAnother Hi&hschoo( M'sica(A an$ the teacher was name$ Mr. Sa(%atore instea$ o? Mr. Sa(%o 3 the $i??erence is that in the mo%ie 5 the &ir(s are Hi&hschoo( st'$ents 3 2anie((e 7'shman was on(y in the 8th Gra$e. /o@ert /o$on was acI'ainte$ with Mr. Sa(%o 3 9risten Si>emoreKs ,ather was ?rien$s with Mr.Sa(%o an$ was possi@(y $istant co'sins. 2'rin& the year 1""E 3 I was ha%in& pro@(ems on the Schoo( ;'s with @'((ies who were a@o't 5 years o($er than my se(?. My ,ather an$ I ta(De$ to the Schoo( ;'s 7oor$inator an$ S'perinten$ant 3 /ichar$ 2'Mont 5 he @(ame$ mye(? ?or the @'((ies attacDin& me an$ re?'se$ to s'spen$ them or enact any $iscip(inary meas'res 3 these @oys were in tro'@(e o?ten an$ $i$ not 's'a((y ha%e any imm'nities &rante$ to them ?rom 4aw 0n?orcement nor Schoo( Gro'n$s ;eha%iora( 0n?orcement. /ichar$ A2icDA 2'Mont 3 was a co'sin o? Mr. Sa(%oKs. 2'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 < 1ay(aKs an$ 1wy(aKs mother 2e@@ie 2'mont 3 p(anne$ an$ conspire$ with 0$ :arren to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa'$ an$ a ASatanic 7'(tA ?or ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace ens(a%ement o? h'man @ein&s 3 A6IS 1errorism 3 an$ SeF 1ra??icDin& 5 m'ch o? this was recor$e$ @y Sec'rity 7amera an$ the 15 i((e&a( Impro%ise$ /ecor$in& 2e%ices co%ert(y positione$ a@o%e the Styro?oam 7ei(in& Pane(s at ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n Street in Manchester NewHampshire. 2'rin& the year 1""" 3 when Nina Hansen was 15 years o($ 5 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e repeate$(y rape$ her as an Initiation 7rime an$ tort're$ her whi(e she was tie$ with rope an$ poisone$ with $r'&s. I @e(ie%e it pro@a@(e that 2e@@ie 2'Mont was somehow re(ate$ to /ichar$ 2'Mont. 1hey are @oth o? part(y Sici(ian race. 2'rin& the year 1""E3 /o@ert /o$on intro$'ce$ me a&ain to =ittorioA=ictorA0man'e(e whi(e I was with his sons an$ their parents at the Ma(( o? NewHampshire in Manchester NewHampshire. 7hris /o$on an$ my se(? met =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e whi(e worDin& ?or a ;('es ,esti%a( with 7hrisKs mother 4ynn /o$on. 4e%on He(m per?orme$ at this M'sic ,esti%a(. I @e(ie%e that ;r'ce an$ 0$ :arren were

@oth present ?or this as we((. ;r'ce (ater worDe$ at NewHampshire Precision Meta( ,a@rication a?ter I (e?t ,ami(y 2o((ar an$ o@taine$ emp(oyment at NewHampshire Precision Meta( ,a@rication 3 $'rin& the year 200E an$ the @e&inin& o? 200!. 2'rin& my emp(oyment at this (ocation 3 2on$i McMahon was rep(ace$ with an imposte'r who mentione$ somethin& a@o't SeF .??en$ers @ein& S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with G.P.S. 2e%ices $'rin& a con%ersation that I was ha%in& with some@o$y a@o't S'r&ica( Imp(ant G(o@a( Positionin& System 2e%ices 3 ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces 3 an$ S'r&ica( Imp(ant =erichips /,I2 2e%ices potentia( @ein& 'se$ ?or Genoci$e. :hi(e worDin& in the Meta( Shop 3 this imposte'r o? 2on$i McMahon starte$ seein& Green 4etters in ?ront o? his eyes which res'(te$ in Him ,isher asDin& him AAre yo' ha(('cinatin&M :hat are yo' (ooDin& atMA 3 to which 2on$i McMahonKs imposte'r rep(ie$ A1heyKre J'st (ooDin& ?or the &'ys that $i$ it. Ne%ermin$. IKm ?ine.A 2'rin& the year 1""! whi(e at the &rocery store with the /o$ons 3 /o@ intro$'ce$ my se(? to the 7hristiano ?ami(y an$ reintro$'ce$ his sons to the 7hristiano ?ami(y whom they ha$ a(rea$y met. I met =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e ?or the thir$ time3 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e ?or the thir$ time3 an$ Mosta?a I@nSa'$ $'rin& =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs @irth$ay at Pen'cheKs in North An$o%er Massach'settes < which the /o$ons ha$ @een in%ite$ to an$ A7hrisKs @est ?rien$ Ian MacPherson3 an$ Matthew can @rin& a ?rien$ too.A /o@ $i$nKt in?orm me that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e is the 9in& o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 2'rin& the year 1""8 3 /o@ert /o$on stoppe$ at a ho'se in Massach'settes which was at the en$ o? a (on& $irt $ri%eway 5 I @e(ie%e that this was the ho'se o? a re(ati%e o? ,i( 0man'e(eKs ?rien$ HasonKs 3 an$ that /o@ /o$on ha$ stoppe$ here to picD 'p mariJ'ana. 2'rin& approFimate(y 1""! I met Mosta?a I@nSa'$ at =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs ;irth$ay Party at Pen'cheKs in North An$o%er Massach'settes which I atten$e$ with the /o$on ,ami(y. 1he /o$on ,ami(y $i$ not in?orm me that =ictor was =ittorio 0man'e(e. In the year 20003 Mosta?a I@nSa'$ ha$ @een with ,i( 0man'e(e in Mar(@oro Massach'settes. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e ha$ opene$ the car $oor an$ sat $own in the ?ront passen&er seat o? Hason He??reyKs car 3 'nin%ite$ < this was $one ?or o@%io's p'rpose o? intimi$atin& my &ir(?rien$ Nina Hansen whom I was in the @acD seat with 5 $'rin& the year 1""" 3 ,i( 0man'e(e ha$ @e&'n seF'a((y assa'(te$ Nina Hansen an$ contin'e$ to $o so repeate$(y ?or approFimate(y * years. :hen ,i( sat in the car 3 Mosta?a I@nSa'$ ye((e$ at ,i( < A,i( 3 yo'Kre a sicD ?reaDL 4ea%e the (itt(e &ir( a(one.A. In the year 2000 5 ,i( 0man'e(e was 2! years o($ 3 Nina Hansen an$ my se(? were 1E years o($. =ittorio 0man'e(e 3 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e3 as we(( as at (east two o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs sons whom ha%e @een a$opte$ @y 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen ?ami(ies (i%e primari(y in the U.S.A. as we(( as $o they spen$ time e(sewhere s'ch as 7ana$a3 Ita(ia3 an$ %ario's re&ions o? So'th America an$ 0'rope. :hen ,i( 0man'e(e @e&an rapin& Nina Hansen $'rin& the year 1""" < he ?irst a@$'cte$ her an$ tie$ her 'p with rope a?ter poisonin& her with M2MA3 co%ere$ her eyes in a @(in$ ?o($3 p't earp('&s in her ears3 an$ physica((y tort're$ her ?or ho'rs whi(e repeate$(y rapin& her. Nina Hansen was 15 3 ,i( 0man'e(e was 2E. Nina Hansen (i%e$ in Mar(@oro Massach'settes. 1hese attacDs were committe$ @y ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e 'pon n'mero's other %ictims inc('$in& 2anie((e 4e;(anc who (i%e$ in :o@'rn Massach'settes 5 2anie((e was approFimate(y 1! at the time o? the attacDs. 4i> Pratt o? Massach'settes was a(so attacDe$ @y ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ his accomp(ices $'rin& the same years. 1he ?ami(ies that the 0man'e(e 0%o(a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate rape 3 are repeate$(y seF'a((y assa'(te$ 5 these ?ami(ies are a(so tar&ette$ ?or Genoci$e. 1he 0man'e(es eFterminate entire ?ami(ies a?ter they ha%e rape$ e%en an in$i%i$'a( mem@er o? the

?ami(y < in some cases 3 a(( o? the ?ema(es o? the ?ami(ies that they ha%e tar&ette$ are SeF 1ra??icDe$ ?or many years as their ?ami(y is &enoci$a((y assassinate$. A?ter the ?a(( o? the 3r$ /eich 3 the 0man'e(es mo%e$ themse(%es an$ the maJority o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy to the U.S.A. 3 7ana$a 3 ;ra>i( 3 an$ Ar&entina. Many o? the 0man'e(e ?ami(ies ha%e @een (i%in& in the North 0ast o? North America since the en$ o? the Secon$ :or($ :ar an$ ha%e @een 'sin& @oth the 0man'e(e name an$ other names as we(( as ha%e they a$opte$ chi($ren to mem@ers o? what they ha%e @een ca((in& the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen. 1he 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen are the Pa&es3 0rrants3 an$ 9ni&hts o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. It has @ecome apparent that since the Ho'se o? Sa%oy re(ocate$ to American soi( < the 0man'e(es ha%e @een assassinatin& an$ rapin& entire (ines o? ?ami(ies in North America 3 &enoci$a((y eFterminatin& entire ?ami(ies o? Americans an$ other peop(es. :ith them 3 they @ro'&ht an Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate comprise$ o? a networD o? 7(an$estine S(eeper 7e((s. 1he 0man'e(es are A$o(? Hit(erKs ?act'a( @io(o&ica( ?ami(y. 1he 0man'e(es tar&ets are o?ten racia( tar&ets s'ch as An&(o SaFons 3 ,irst Nations Nati%e Americans 3 Israe(is 3 Gae(s 3 ,ranDs 3 an$ others < @'t they ha%e a(so @een Dnown to Di(( entire ?ami(ies o? Ita(ians in the past 3 as we((. 1here is e%i$ence o? this. Many o? the 0man'e(esK A&ents are em@e$$e$ within Po(ice an$ ,e$era( ;'rea' o? In%esti&ations 5 these men o?ten sa@ota&e in%esti&ations an$ re?'se to arrest the 0man'e(es. Nina Hansen ca((e$ the Po(ice 2epartment in Mar(@oro Massach'settes n'mero's times $'rin& 1""" 3 20003 an$ 2001 to report that ,i( ha$ @een rapin& her 5 ,i( was ne%er arreste$. Another pro@(em is that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e has an o@sessi%e hatre$ o? ,irst Nations Nati%e Americans an$ has 'se$ his 7o%ert A&ent Po(ice .??icers to $estroy e(ectronic ?orensic e%i$ence o? the eFistence o? ,irst Nations Nati%e Americans. ,or instance 3 at the MerrimacD Po(ice 2epartment 3 whene%er I ha%e @een arreste$ 5 I to($ them that I was o? miFe$ ,irst Nations Nati%e American race an$ 7o(onia( Nationa( USAmerican an$ 7ana$ian race 3 they simp(y p't A:hiteA. 1he options are Nati%e American 3 :hite 3 ;(acD 3 Asian 3 or Hispanic 5 this is 'se(ess as it $oes not $escri@e the persons act'a( physica( race. It is a(so 'se(ess consi$erin& the ?act that most ,irst Nations Nati%e Americans are Mesti>os o? miFe$ ,irst Nations Nati%e American races as we(( as An&(o Gae(ic 3 ,ranDic 3 Ho((an$er 3 or Hispanic race 5 %ery ?ew ,irst Nations Nati%e Americans are p're @re$ ,irst Nations Nati%e American race < most are ?act'a((y Mesti>os an$ are aro'n$ ha(? A:hiteA 3 's'a((y the A:hitesA that ?o'n$e$ 7ana$a 3 B'e@ec 3 the U.S.A. 3 MeFico 3 etc. . I? a(( recor$ that my peop(e e%er eFiste$ is $estroye$ 3 =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e co'($ s'ccee$ at committin& a 1ota( Genoci$e o? my peop(e an$ not e%en &et notice$ $oin& it. 2'rin& the years 2000 an$ 2001 5 a 2isc HocDey an$ Ni&ht 7('@ Host A2.H. 2KArcAn&e(A ha$ starte$ ta(Din& to me on the internet. He to($ me that he ha$ @een reI'este$ to asD me a@o't my se(? an$ Nina HansenKs re(ationship @y a mem@er o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen. 1his manKs name was /o@ert 2KAn&e(o an$ his 2isc HocDey name was 2.H. 2KArcan&e( 5 he was a mem@er o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen an$ is pro@a@(e to ha%e @een a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. He (i%e$ in North Hampton Massach'settes. I I'icD(y state$ to him that I hate pe$ophi(es 3 to see what his reaction wo'y($ @e. He sai$ that the reI'est was stran&e 3 @eca'se Nina Hansen an$ my se(? are %ery yo'n& an$ it seeme$ (iDe sta(Din&. 1his man e%ent'a((y @ecame acI'ainte$ with /e@ecca SwannerKs o($er @rother somehow. 1he Swanners Dnew ;o@ SDinnerKs eF wi?e An&ie who was ;ea' SDinnerKs an$ Am@er SDinnerKs mother. An&ie Dnew /o@ A2.H. 2KArcAn&e(A somehow an$ has to($ me that he is her co'sin. Am@er SDinner 3 now Am@er ,o&& < has @een rep(ace$ @y an imposte'r who is o? narrower hips an$ sho'($er wi$th. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy seem to @e Di((in& an$ rep(acin& or SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 H'man =i%isectin& 3 an$ rep(acin& a(( o? the ?ami(ies who they ha%e

Dnown in the North 0ast /e&ion o? the USA 5 this is @ecomin& a 1ota( Genoci$e o? the entire North 0ast pop'(ation. 2'rin& the years 1""" to 2005 < /o@ert 2KAn&e(o 3 2.H. 2KArIAn&e( 5 hoste$ a Gothic Ni&ht at a ni&ht c('@ in Northampton Massach'settes. A(most a(( o? the &ir(s who atten$e$ the Goth Ni&hts at /o@ert 2KAn&e(oKs Northampton Massach'settes Gothic Ni&ht 7('@ ha%e @een %ictims o? the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,actionKs Initiation :ar 7rimes which in%o(%e SeF .??enses 3 1ort're 3 an$ H'man =i%isection. I was to($ o? this Gothic Ni&ht 7('@ twice @e?ore I e%er atten$e$ it 5 the ?irst time @y Ste%e A=ince Parish whoKs ?ami(y is an Ita(ian A6IS S(eeper 7e(( ,ami(y 3 an$ a secon$ time @y Hason He??rey who was recr'ite$ $'rin& the year 2000 @y ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e as a 7rime So($ier. :hen ,i( 0man'e(e sat $own in Hason He??reyKs car 3 I was wearin& a A2imm' ;or&irA AGo$(ess Sa%a&e Gar$enA t shirt 5 the shirt has an ima&e o? a &reen sDinne$ (a$y that (ooDs (iDe 0(pha@a the :itch sittin& in a throne in the mi$$(e o? a J'n&(e swamp with n'$e women tie$ in %ines @esi$e her. 2'rin& the year 1"88 3 when ,i( 0man'e(eKs @rother 7hris 1homas came to my ?ami(yKs Ha((oween Party < my mother 2e@ra was $resse$ as 0(pha@a the &reen sDinne$ :icDe$ :itch o? the :est ?rom ,ranD ;a'mKs :i>ar$ o? .>. 2'rin& the year 2003 3 whi(e I was worDin& at ;icD?or$s ,ami(y /esta'rant in Nash'a NewHampshire 5 2ana Um@ro sai$ to me 3 A1here was a party. 1here were 2 &ir(s there 3 at the party. 1here was *0 men at the party. 1he two &ir(s went into two @e$rooms. 1he *0 men a(( tooD con$oms an$ picDe$ n'm@ers o't o? two hats. 1he men then went into each o? the rooms accor$in& to the n'm@er they ha$ on their papers an$ ?'cDe$ the &ir(s in the room. 1he threw the con$oms in the trash @arre(( on the way o't the $oor. :ho $o yo' thinD those two &ir(s wereMA 2'rin& the year 2003 3 I (e?t the A2imm' ;or&irA AGo$(ess Sa%a&e Gar$enA c$ at 2ana Um@roKs apartment in Nash'a NewHampshire 5 $'rin& the e%enin& that I ha$ @een there 3 2ana Um@ro eFp(aine$ to his wi?e ;onnie Um@ro that he tho'&ht that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e may possi@(y @e a @i seF'a( pe$ophi(e an$ that he seems to ha%e secrets. 2ana sai$ A I $onKt Dnow a@o't ,i( 3 ;onnie... he ha$ me say somethin& to Ian the other $ay... ;onnie 3 I thinD ,i( may ha%e a secret. I thinD ,i(Ks a ;i SeF'a( Pe$ophi(e 3 ;onnie. I thinD Herry an$ 2ino are too. I thinD Herry an$ 2ino are &rown 'p N.A.M.;.4.A. =ictims 3 ;onnie. Mario is o't o? the c(oset an$ he is $e?inite(y &ay an$ e%ery@o$y Dnows it... @'t those other three... I $onKt thinD so. I thinD theyKre ;iSeF'a( Pe$ophi(es 3 ;onnie. 2i$nKt yo' say ,i( was re(ate$ to some@o$yM 4iDe 3 some@o$y importantM 4iDe a 9ni&ht or somethin&M 2i$nKt yo' say he was ha(? A'strianM IsnKt that what yo' sai$ yo' were a (itt(e @itM 2i$nKt yo' say thatM I thinD heKs &ot somethin& &oin& on 3 ;onnie.A. :hi(e (i%in& at the Gemini Ho'se in Manchester NewHampshire on :a(n't Street 3 Hames 9i(ey state$ 3 A1hin&s arenKt the way they 'se$ to @e. In my $ays 3 we 'se$ to J'st ?'cD peop(e 'p. I? some@o$y ?'cDe$ with 's 3 ?or instance < we wo'($ a(( wa(D into their nei&h@orhoo$ an$ ?'cD them a(( 'p3 @eat peop(e ha(? to $eath 3 an$ trash e%erythin&. 1he cops wo'($ t'rn a @(in$ eye to 's an$ show 'p (ater an$ write $own some thin&s as i? it was 'na@(e to @e pro%en who $i$ it.A 5 Hames 9i(ey state$ that he was at (east ha(? Ita(ian. *0 men &oin& into a room an$ rapin& a (itt(e &ir( is the Din$ o? thin& that my Mother an$ her Sister @are(y s'r%i%e$ as (itt(e &ir(s an$ the Din$ o? thin& that Samantha G'ay $escri@e$ that her 7o'sin or her A'nt s'r%i%e$ when she was a chi($ 5 Samantha G'ay to($ me that her AA'ntA s'r%i%e$ the same thin& as my Mother an$ that they @e(ie%e$ that it was the same &'ys. .? re(ation to the *0 &'ys at the party rapin& two &ir(s 3 I remem@er 0$ :arren statin& to some@o$y at some point 3 AItKs not my ?a'(t yo' went thro'&h them &ir(s (iDe A(a$$in an$ the *0 1hei%es 3 $'$eLA I @e(ie%e that the AA(a$$in an$ the *0 thei%esA concept in com@ination with the son& A7asper the HomoseF'a( ,rien$(y GhostA @y :es(ey :i((is < in com@ination with =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs em@arassment at his

1""! ;irth$ay Party when he was sco($e$ @y @oth 4ynn /o$on an$ Mosta?a I@nSa'$ 5 was the inspiration to attempt to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa'$ an$ *0 Moroccans @y metho$ o? =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tatin& Ita(ians to (ooD (iDe Moroccans an$ or$erin& the *0 Ita(ians to commit Genoci$a( :ar /ape 7rimes A&ainst H'manity 'pon speci?ic racia( tar&ets an$ ?ami(ies in North America 3 inc('$in& (itt(e &ir(s. 2'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 3 whi(e my comp'ter was 1'rDoJan hacDe$ 5 I was witnesse$ $own(oa$in& an$ (istenin& to :es(ey :i((is 3 one o? the son&s @y :es(ey :i((is that I p(aye$ the most was A7asper the HomoseF'a( ,rien$(y Ghost.A . 1he openin& (ine o? this son&Ks (yrics is A7asper was rape$ in the ass @y 50 an&ry M's(ims.A Hason He??rey an$ I met ,i( 0man'e(e a&ain a year (ater at his ?rien$ Hohn Spr'>insDiKs apartment in Nash'a NewHampshire. ,i( 0man'e(e an$ his @rother 2anie( Hames $e(i%ere$ mariJ'ana to Hohn Spr'>insDi an$ his &ir(?rien$ whi(e Hason an$ my se(? were present. Hason ha$ apparent(y met ,i( once @e?ore this 3 @etween the $ay with Nina an$ the ni&ht at Hohn Spr'>insDiKs. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ 2anie( Hames smoDe$ a ?ew mariJ'ana ci&arettes with 's an$ a?terwar$s eFp(aine$ to 's that there was $isassociati%es in the MariJ'ana. ,i( @e&an to asD Hason He??rey what his Ita(ian ?ami(ia( re(ation in Northern Ita(ia was 3 eFp(aine$ to Hason that he co'($ te(( that he was o? primari(y Northern Ita(ian race < an$ a?terwar$s 3 eFp(aine$ to Hason that ,i( was an 0man'e(e o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ that his ?ami(yKs secret is that they are a(( imm'ne to $isassociati%es an$ can smoDe them or $rinD them with &ro'ps o? peop(e an$ (a'&h a@o't it a?ter the rest o? the &ro'p $isassociates @esi$es their ?ami(y. A $isassociati%e state is an 'ninhi@ite$ state o? @(acD o't $isassociation ?rom rea(ity 5 when a person @ecomes coherant ?rom a state o? this 3 they $o not remem@er m'ch o? what happene$ $'rin& their state o? $isassociation. 2'rin& a state o? $isassociation 3 a person can @e hypnoti>e$ an$ not e%en remem@er that the hypnosis e%er occ're$ 5 a hypnotic com@ine$ with a $isassociati%e maDes a person eFtreme(y %'(nera@(e to power o? s'&&estion an$ easy to hypnoti>e. :hi(e ,i( 0man'e(e was eFp(ainin& to 's that there was a $isassociati%e in the mariJ'ana 3 as I was nearin& a state o? tota( $isassociation 5 ,i( 0man'e(e con?esse$ to me that he rape$ my eF &ir(?rien$ Nina Hansen m'(tip(e times 3 whi(e I was $atin& her. A?ter @ein& to($ this 3 I $isassociate$ $'rin& an ar&'ment with him a@o't whether or not he was @ein& honest or i? he was attemptin& to start a ?i&ht. I came to ?'(( coherent awareness ear(y in the morrnin& whi(e smoDin& a ci&arette o'tsi$e on Hohn Spr'>inDiKs @acD patio. As we were $ri%in& @acD to MerrimacD NewHampshire 3 Hason He??rey remin$e$ me that we ha$ met ,i( 0man'e(e the ni&ht @e?ore an$ that he ha$ @een the one who sat $own in the passen&er seat o? HasonKs car a year prior when we were in Mar(@oro Massach'settes. 2'rin& the co'rse o? the ni&ht whi(e peop(e were poisone$ with 2issassociati%e 2r'& an$ some Din$ o? S'@J'&ati%e Ne'ro1oFin that was pro@a@(y ori&ina((y an .ppositiona( 2e?iance 2isor$er /esearch 7hemica( 3 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e state$ (o'$(y to 2anie( Hames AIK(( @e @acD 3 IKm &oin& to &et a @(ow Jo@ ?rom HohnKs &ir(?rien$LA. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e wa(De$ into the @e$room an$ sh't the $oor. :hat I ha%e hear$ is that he p't his han$ on her sho'($er an$ state$ somethin& 3 an$ $'e to the Ne'ro1oFins that he ha$ poisone$ the MariJ'ana with 5 Hohn Spr'>insDiKs &ir(?rien$ respon$e$ to the simp(e s'&&estion that she is &oin& to $o somethin& an$ she $i$ it. A %ictim who is 'nDnowin&(y $r'&&e$ with a Hypnotic s'@stance or some Din$ o? S'@J'&ati%e s'@stance s'ch research chemica(s that were eFperimente$ with $'rin& .ppositiona( 2e?iance 2isor$er research < an$ a 2isassociati%e s'@stance in com@ination is easi(y hypnoti>e$ 'sin& Ne'ro 4in&'istic Pro&rammin& 3 SpoDen Hypnosis 3 an$ other ?orms o? ;eha%iora( Mo$i?ication or min$ contro( techniI'es. At some point a?ter Hason met ,i( the secon$ time 3 Hason He??rey @e&an @'yin& $r'&s ?rom ;rian 7aseKs s'pp(ier.

2'rin& the year 20003 Hason He??rey smoDe$ mariJ'ana with me that was coate$ in a 2isassociati%e 2r'& witho't te((in& me that it was that. Prior to my $isassociatin& 3 Hason He??rey @e&an eFp(ainin& to me that he was (earnin& Hypnosis an$ Ne'ro 4in&'istic Pro&rammin& ?rom ,i( 0man'e(e an$ his @rother 7(int 5 he p't his ?in&er tip in ?ront o? my eyes an$ @e&an mo%in& it aro'n$ an$ eFp(ainin& to me that @y ca'sin& speci?ic chan&e in the ?oc's o? %ision $irection < this a((ows the Hypnotist to access $i??erent (ocations o? the @rain whi(e Hypnoti>in& an$ Ne'ro 4in&'istic Pro&rammin& the Hypnosis S'@Ject. 1his was eFp(aine$ to me whi(e I 2isassociate$ ?rom intoFication @y Ne'ro1oFins. I $o not remem@er what happene$ a?ter I A@(acDe$ o'tA. Hason He??rey in?orme$ me that he trie$ to Hypnoti>e me to rea(i>e that I was Hypnoti>e$ when I reache$ a state o? Hypnoia. Apparent(y he trie$ this 3 or * times a?ter this. I @e(ie%e that Hason He??rey hypnoti>e$ me n'mero's times whi(e I was 'n$er the e??ects o? the 2isassociati%e 2r'& that the ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e 3 his @rothers 3 an$ others o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e @een poisonin& peop(e with. A year (ater $'rin& 2001 < Hason He??rey 3 my co'sin Marco /oy 3 an$ my se(? went to a party somewhere in NewHampshire 5 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e arri%e$ at the party with his ?rien$ Hason. At the party 3 I was a&ain poisone$ with a 2isassociati%e 2r'& < a?ter which ,i( 0man'e(e an$ Hason apparent(y ta(De$ to me ?or an ho'r 3 (a'&hin& a@o't the ?act that I Aremem@ere$A that I was hypnoti>e$. I was not aware that he was poisonin& me with 2isassociati%e Ne'ro1oFins 3 nor was I a wi((in& test s'@Ject ?or these H'man =i%isections. N'mero's So($iers an$ ?ami(ia( re(ati%es o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e poisone$ me with Ne'ro1oFins $'rin& the co'rse o? my (i?etime. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs p(anne$ 1ota( Genoci$e o? the North American /aces that /o@ert /o$on ha$ @een o%erhear$ eFp(ainin& to his son < is apparent(y to @e carrie$ o't @y Assassins in %ario's (ocations s'ch as Hospita(s 3 Hote(s 3 /esta'rants 3 in homes 3 Schoo(s 3 an$ other (ocations 5 as we(( as has this 1ota( Genoci$e @een p(anne$ to @e @ro'&ht a@o't @y the 'se o? (on& ran&e ra$io ?reI'ency ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces 3 'sin& them to ro@otica((y contro( the H'mansK @rains an$ @o$y ne'ro(o&y 5 this is an eFtreme emer&ency. 2'rin& the year 2001 3 whi(e I was at Hason He??reyKs ho'se in MerrimacD NewHampshire < Hason He??rey showe$ me a %i$eo on the internet o? two &ir(s Dissin& an$ ha%in& seF on a ?(oor 5 they were wearin& @(acD (eather co((ars that sai$ AS4A=0A on them. Hason He??rey to($ me that some@o$y to($ him that these two women each ha$ a AMicrochipA in their @rains an$ that the AMicrochipA was contro((in& them an$ te((in& them what to $o. Hason He??rey to($ me that his @rotherKs ?rien$ who was an acI'aintance o? his that (i%e$ in New-orD 3 Dnew who the photo&rapher that %i$eotape$ this %i$eo was. Hason He??rey ha$ @e&'n worDin& ?or the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS as a 7rime So($ier. 2an /o@icha'$ o? Massach'settes Dnew a@o't this an$ ha$ @een to($ a@o't this @y his &ir(?rien$ Aman$a A/oseA. Hason He??rey an$ 2an /o@icha'$ @oth to($ me that /o@ 2KAn&e(o ha$ @een in%o(%e$ in the recor$in& o? this porno&raphic %i$eo an$ that the women ha$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace AMicrochipsA on their @rains which ?orce$ them to ha%e seF 3 contro((in& them (iDe ro@otic p'ppets. 2'rin& the 1"80Ks an$ 1""0Ks 3 my A'nt 4es(ie ta'&ht me that the AMarD o? the ;eastA was &oin& to @e p(ace$ 'pon me @y Athe Anti 7hristA an$ that this was a &(o@a( tyrant that m'st @e resiste$ an$ oppose$ (on& eno'&h ?or a messiah to arri%e an$ $e?eat the Anti 7hrist. My A'nt 4es(ie ta'&ht me that Athe MarD o? the ;eastA was an e(ectronic $e%ice that was &oin& to @e imp(ante$ in Athe han$ or armA an$ Athe hea$A < an$ that this $e%ice was a too( o? ens(a%ement to the &(o@a( Anti 7hrist. Somehow $'rin& the (ate

1""0Ks 3 my A'nt 4es(ie @ecame con?'se$ an$ @e&an statin& A-o' canKt $o anythin& a@o't it. :hen the Anti 7hrist an$ the MarD o? the ;east comes 3 it J'st comes. It says in the ;i@(e. .n(y Go$ can $o somethin& a@o't it. -o' canKt $o anythin& a@o't it. It says in the ;i@(e.A it seeme$ as i? she ha$ at some point @een hypnoti>e$. 1he 0man'e(es poison peop(e 'neFpecte$(y with n'mero's ?orms o? $r'&s inc('$in& e%en 2isAssociati%es an$ Hypnotics. My 'nc(e A( Io$ice who marrie$ my A'nt 4es(ie 3 Dnew the 0man'e(e ,ami(y an$ some o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 1he attacDs c'rrent(y @ein& committe$ @y this ,action in%o(%e an eFtreme $e&ree o? Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are 3 these attacDs are $esi&ne$ to maDe the %ictims appear as i? they are schi>ophrenic an$ tra'mati>e %ictims to the $e&ree that they are not psycho(o&ica((y ?it to testi?y or write a :itness 1estimonia(. 1he testimony o? a tra'mati>e$ Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are %ictim is se($om @e(ie%e$ to @e (e&itimate testimony @y Po(ice .??icers to whom these witness statements are &i%en an$ it is sometimes $i??ic'(t to &et these :itness Statements to Mi(itary Po(ice an$ Mi(itary Inte((i&ence In%esti&ations. It is pro@a@(e that this A6IS ,action is a(i&ne$ with the A6IS ,action that en&ineere$ an$ orchestrate$ the " 11 1errorist AttacDs as we(( as is it the same A6IS ,action which was acti%e on American soi( $'rin& the NiFon A$ministration < $'rin& which m'ch o? their acti%ities inc('$e$ S(eeper 7e(( acti%ity within ,e$era( an$ 4aw 0n?orcement emp(oyment as we(( as H'man =i%isections which were con$'cte$ in North America an$ e(sewhere in conJ'nction with an 7rime Syn$icate in%o(%e$ with 7rimina( Scientists an$ Physicians whom were a??i(iate$ with H'(i's 0%o(aKs 7rime Syn$icate s'ch as Hose? Men&e(e was in the past a??i(iate$ with. 1his A6IS ,action seems to @e $irect(y in%o(%e$ in 7onc'@ina( SeF 1ra??icDin& o? @oth a$'(ts an$ chi($ren as we(( as other ?orms o? H'man 1ra??icDin& 5 c'rrent(y 3 this ?action is en&a&e$ in a campai&n o? 7o%ert Genoci$e on North American soi(. It has taDen E years to ?inish this witness statement which I ha%e @e&'n to write m'(tip(e times < this @ein& $'e to n'mero's attacDs which occ'rre$ @oth assa'(ts o? Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are an$ n'mero's %io(ent attempts on my (i?e 5 these e%ents pro$'ce$ a $e&ree o? Post 1ra'matic Stress 2isor$er. 2'rin& the year 200* 5 it was p'@(ishe$ that A$o(? Hit(er was in ?act the ha(? @rother o? the ?ormer 9in& o? Ita(ia 3 =ittorio 0man'e(e III < that they ha$ the same patri(inea( @(oo$(ine3 that their ?ather ha$ impre&nate$ a woman whom was o? @oth Ita(ian an$ A'strian race as we(( as was she o? the (ine o? Aosta o? A'stria $'rin& an a??air. 1his a??air res'(te$ in the @irth o? A$o(? Hit(er. It has @een Dnown that A$o(? Hit(erKs @irth certi?icates were @oth ?or&eries as we(( as were his names in @oth Germany an$ A'stria nothin& @'t a(ias names which he was Dnown @y to hi$e his tr'e i$entity. A$o(? Hit(er (ater eFpose$ his @irth name to @e A$o(? ShicD(e&r'@er a?ter the in%asion an$ conI'est o? A'stria 5 ?or p'rpose o? ?a@ricatin& this secon$ (ayer o? ?a(se i$entity3 a secon$ ;irth 7erti?icate was pro%i$e$ which was as m'ch o? a ?or&ary as the ?irst. 0%ery person connecte$ in any way to the in%esti&ation which ha$ $isco%ere$ the tr'th o? A$o(? Hit(erKs @io(o&ica( Sa%oy @(oo$(ine an$ those whom spoDe o? itKs res'(ts 3 ha%e @een attacDe$. I was ?irst to($ o? A$o(? Hit(erKs ?act'a( @(oo$(ine as a chi($ @y my co'sin H'(ianna 3 whoKs ?ami(y mo%e$ to the U.S.A. $'rin& the 1"E0s an$ 1"!0s ?rom Sici(y a?ter @ein& tar&ette$ ?or Genoci$e @y the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ an Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rimina( ,action. H'(ianna ha$ eFp(aine$ this sit'ation to my ?ami(y n'mero's times $'rin& the 1"80Ks an$ 1""0Ks 5 H'(iannaKs ?ami(y were one o? n'mero's ?ami(ies whom were tar&ette$ ?or &enoci$e in Sici(y $'rin& an$ a?ter the 2n$ :or($ :ar an$ were one o? the many ?ami(ies in Sici(y whom ha$ Dnow(e$&e concernin& A$o(? Hit(erKs connections to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ H'(i's 0%o(aKs as we(( as H'(i's 0%o(aKs ?atherKs

contri@'tion to the ?o'n$in& o? the A6IS an$ the 0%o(asK en&ineerin& o? the p(ans an$ i$entity o? the A6IS. H'(iannaKs ?ami(y were entire(y Sici(ian an$ o? Sici(ian race. My Unc(e A( Io$ice was the Gran$Son o? a 9ni&ht o? Sa%oy an$ the Son o? a man who was a we(( Dnown socia( acI'aintance o? =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs an$ tooD or$ers ?rom him o?ten as a (oya( s'@Ject. A( Io$ice ne%er in?orme$ H'(ianna that his socia( acI'aintances A=ictorA 3 ,i( 3 an$ 7hris 1homas were the /oya( ,ami(y o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 2'rin& the ear(y 1""0Ks 3 my Gran$,ather /ona($ 4a=oie to($ o'r ,ami(y that he was threatene$ as a res'(t o? H'(ianna ta(Din& a@o't the Ho'se o? Sa%oy eFterminatin& the maJority o? her ?amiy in Sici(y an$ @ein& the Aristocratic Ho'se o? A$o(? Hit(er 3 A$o(?Ks ha(? @rother =ittorio 0man'e(e III 3 an$ H'(i's 0%o(a 5 a(( three o? whom were &'i(ty o? en&ineerin& the mi(itary co'p $Ketat o? 2e'tsche(an$ an$ the Ho(oca'st o? the 1"*0s. I remem@er that my A'nt H'(ianna was eFtreme(y irritate$ with the threat an$ crie$ an&ri(y a@o't it. 1he man who threatene$ my Gran$,ather /ona($ 4a=oie Sr. 3 (i%e$ in a cotta&e near my Gran$,ather /ona($ 4a=oieKs cotta&e at Hampton ;each 5 these were s'mmer homes. My Gran$,atherKs cotta&e was on Manchester Street in Hampton NewHampshire. 2'rin& the year 200* 3 whi(e wa(Din& past this roa$ with 1ony Grasseti 5 1ony attempte$ to con%ince me to te(( the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen when I ha$ eno'&h e%i$ence to con%ict the 0man'e(es 3 ?or reason that the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen ha$ s'specte$ the 0man'e(es o? @ein& &'i(ty o? &enoci$a( m'r$er o? entire ?ami(ies as we(( as seF tra??icDin& in the past. 1ony GrassetiKs reI'est ma$e no sense 3 @eca'se 1ony Grasseti is a $escen$ant o? =ittorio 0man'e(e I an$ is a co'sin o? the 0man'e(e /oya( ,ami(y. 1he 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen are a(so the Pa&es 3 0rrants 3 an$ 9ni&hts o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. .ther than H'(ianna < I ha$ a(so o%erhear$ the ,ather o? a chi($hoo$ ?rien$ o? mine te((in& him that he was a mem@er o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen an$ that his co'sin who was a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha$ $isco%ere$ that A$o(? Hit(er was the patri(inea( ha(? @rother o? =ittorio 0man'e(e III. I o%erhear$ him $isc'ss with his son 7hristopher in a I'iet %oice that the 3r$ /eich ha$ @een the creation o? A$o(? Hit(erKs an$ H'(i's 0%o(aKs whom was a(so o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 A$o(? Hit(er @ein& an 'no??icia( heir o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy $'e to A$o(? @ein& @orn as the res'(t o? an a??air an$ @ein& a$opte$ to a re(ate$ ?ami(y $'e to the in?i$e(ity in%o(%e$. 7hristopher /o$on was my ?rien$ as a yo'n& chi($ 3 his ?atherKs name was /o@ert /o$on. /o@ert /o$onKs ?ami(y was an Ita(ian ?ami(y that immi&rate$ to the Unite$ States o? America an$ ha$ mo%e$ to New -orD ?rom 1'rino Ita(y. /o@ert /o$on was a 2n$ &eneration immi&rant to America. 2'rin& the year 200* 5 I was in contact with Henry MaDow $'rin& the time that he p'@(ishe$ the artic(e tit(e$ A1he I(('minati PremierA. 1his artic(e was p'@(ishe$ to the :e@Site Sa%e1heMa(es.7a an$ was an artic(e a@o't A$o(? Hit(er which mentione$ his @io(o&ica( @(oo$(ine. Aro'n$ the time o? this artic(e @ein& p'@(ishe$ to the :e@Site Sa%e1heMa(es.7a 3 I ha$ emai(e$ Henry MaDow a@o't the ?acts o? which my co'sin H'(ianna ha$ in?orme$ my ?ami(y concernin& A$o(? Hit(er @ein& the son o? the ?ormer 9in& o? Ita(ia whom was 9in& imme$iate(y prior to =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs rei&n < this @ein& =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs ,ather < an$ A$o(? Hit(er @ein& @orn as the res'(t o? an a??air. 1he artic(e on Henry MaDowKs we@site was re(e%ant to a (iterary artic(e which was p'@(ishe$ @y He?? /ense $'rin& the year 200* on the :e@Site /ense.7om . 1he topic o? this (iterary artic(e was =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ I @e(ie%e that it was entit(e$ 1H0 AN1I7H/IS1 o? which the topic was a@o't =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e. A?ter He?? /ense p'@(ishe$ this artic(e on his we@site /ense.7om < =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ his son ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e pai$ hacDers to access 7omcast Ser%ers an$ i((e&a((y access the emai( acco'nts o? He?? /ense 3 Henry MaDow 3 my se(? 3 0mi(y Is(es 3 the Hewish 2e?ense 4ea&'e 3 n'mero's in$i%i$'a(s o@ser%ant o? the Asatr' ?aith 3 an$ ?ami(y mem@ers o? these in$i%i$'a(s.

=ittorio 0man'e(e an$ ,i( 0man'e(e are recor$e$ as ha%in& physica((y sta(De$ n'mero's %ictims near the %ictimsK p(aces o? resi$ency an$ the %ictimsK p(aces o? emp(oyment as we(( as 7o((e&es an$ Uni%ersities which the %ictims atten$e$. =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e ha%e @een $isco%ere$ to $e?inite(y ?act'a((y @e 7rime 4or$s o? an Internationa( G(o@a( 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate o? Ita(ian A6IS ori&in. 1his 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate are consi$ere$ @y n'mero's Pri%ate In%esti&ators as we(( as other In%esti&ators to @e a (o&ica( possi@(e accomp(ice or a??i(iate$ 7rime Syn$icate to the 1errorist ,action that en&ineere$ an$ orchestrate$ the "N11 1errorist AttacDs as we(( as were they consi$ere$ eFtreme(y pro@a@(e to @e &'i(ty o? the 7rimes A&ainst H'manity committe$ $'rin& the NiFon A$ministration which in%o(%e$ the crimes o? a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate whom ha$ &aine$ emp(oyment within the 7IA within the ranDs o? ProJect M9U41/A an$ other $epartments o? ,e$era( 0mp(oyment 5 the crimes o? this 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate which ha$ @een committe$ $'rin& the NiFon A$ministration inc('$e$ H'man =i%isections an$ SeF 1ra??icDin& as we(( as n'mero's attempts to e(iminate e%i$ence an$ cre$i@(e witnesses to these crimes an$ others res'(tin& in the sta(Din& o? an$ attempte$ eFtermination o? witnesses which c'(minate$ in the :A10/GA10 S7AN2A4 at the en$ o? /ichar$ NiFonKs presi$ency. 2'rin& /ichar$ NiFonKs Presi$ency 3 at (east h'n$re$s o? Americans were @ein& i((e&a((y recor$e$ @y impro%ise$ recor$in& $e%ices which ha$ @een co%ert(y positione$ within wa((s o? apartments 3 within wa((s o? hote(s 3 within wa((s o? ?e$era( @'i($in&s 3 an$ other (ocations 5 these recor$in& $e%ices were o?ten @'i(t ?rom Han$ He($ /a$io 1a(D 2e%ices s'ch as Mi(itary :a(Dy 1a(Dy an$ other ra$io $e%ices in com@ination with Acco'stic MicroPhones 'se$ ?or recor$in&. /ichar$ He(ms was @e(ie%e$ @y Henry MaDow an$ in%esti&ators whom Henry MaDow was associate$ with to ha%e @een a s(eeper a&ent o? Ita(ian A6IS ,action with connections to H'(i's 0%o(a3 the 0man'e(e ?ami(y3 an$ some o? the Ita(ian Ma?ias as we(( as other .r&ani>e$ 7rime Syn$icates3 1errorists3 an$ in?('entia( in$i%i$'a(s within networDs re(ate$ to the A6IS. 1he c'rrent internationa( &enoci$e which is occ'rrin& is a res'(t o? the 0man'e(es an$ the 0%o(as attemptin& to $e?(ect in%esti&ations re&ar$in& 7rimes A&ainst H'manity 3 1errorist 7rimes3 an$ .r&ani>e$ 7rime o? which in$i%i$'a(s amon&st their ?ami(ies ha$ @een accomp(ice to or &'i(ty o? in North America an$ possi@(y e(sewhere. Many o? the %ictims o? what has @ecome a wi$e sprea$ series o? H'man =i%isections comprise$ o? Ne'roS'r&ica( Imp(antation o? ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces 3 ha%e @een m'r$ere$ < many ha%e @een A@$'cte$ an$ SeF 1ra??icDe$3 an$ it is c(ear(y o@%io's that these %ictims are the %ictims o? what is @ecomin& a systemic co%ert G(o@a( Ho(oca'st inten$e$ to si(ence a series o? in%esti&ations spannin& m'(tip(e &enerations. A?ter the $e?eat o? the A6IS at the en$ o? the Secon$ :or($ :ar 5 the Ho'se o? Sa%oy mo%e$ ha(? o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ their ?ami(ies to the U.S.A. . 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy has @een conspirin& to conI'er the U.S.A. ?rom within an$ mer&e the Nation States o? North America 3 creatin& a North American Union 5 their &oa( has @een to con%ert(y conI'er North America. 1he sca(e an$ metho$ o? tar&ettin& as we(( as the Din$ o? 7onc'@ina( SeF 1ra??icDin& that the 0man'e(esK 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate is en&a&e$ in c(assi?ies as :ar /ape an$ is a 7rime A&ainst H'manity. 2'e to the o@%io's :ar 7rime nat're o? this SeF 1ra??icDin& 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate < =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 1errorist SeF 1ra??icDers ha%e @een systemica((y eFterminatin& the ?ami(ies o? the SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims whom they ha%e a@$'cte$ ?or the past * &enerations at (east. 1he ?irst con?irme$ %ictim in my ?ami(y o? this networD o? SeF 1ra??icDers is my Mother 2e@ra MacPherson an$ my Nana Hoanne 1r'$ea' 7arty < whom were SeF 1ra??icDin& %ictims o? this SeF

1ra??icDin& NetworD $'rin& the NiFon A$ministration when my Mother was a chi($. 1he 0man'e(es o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e @een 7rime 4or$s o? a SeF 1ra??icDin& 7rime Syn$icate ?or m'(tip(e &enerations. H'(i's 0%o(a was $e?inite(y a(so a 7rime 4or$ o? this H'man 1ra??icDin& 7rimina( NetworD. 1his 7rime Syn$icate has @een acti%e(y sta(Din& the ?ami(ies o? the %ictims whom ha%e escape$ ?rom the SeF 1ra??icDers an$ @e&'n to (i%e norma( (i%es. 1he maJority o? this 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate are men o? Ita(ian race < other races that are represente$ amon&st them in noticea@(e n'm@ers are Ser@ians an$ miFe$ @(oo$e$ Ita(ians ?rom the 7arri@eans an$ So'th America whom ha%e some amo'nt o? 2NA ?rom the nations where they ha%e @een (i%in&. 1his is $e?inite(y the same 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate that hi$ war crimina(s $'rin& an$ a?ter the N'rem@'r& 1ria(s. 1his 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate 1he Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS is partia((y comprise$ o? a G(o@a( Aristocratic 1errorist Mi(itant 7rime Syn$icate 5 this Aristocratic 7rime Syn$icate seems to o?ten recr'it 9ni&hts ?rom Aristocratic Ho'ses other than the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. It is a pro@a@i(ity that the Ser@ian ,action o? this Aristocratic 7rime Syn$icate is partia((y comprise$ o? 9ni&hts in Ser@ia as we(( as SeF 1ra??icDers 3 other H'man 1ra??icDers 3 an$ 1errorist .r&ani>e$ 7rime So($iers. It is pro@a@(e that this @e&an with the Ho'se o? Sa%oy s'@%ertin& the 9ni&hts o? other Aristocratic Ho'ses an$ recr'itin& them as .r&ani>e$ 7rime So($iers < a?ter which the s'@%erte$ 9ni&hts are pro@a@(e to ha%e hire$ sma(( &an&s as .r&ani>e$ 7rime 'nits 3 $'rin& which the Ho'se o? Sa%oy are pro@a@(e to ha%e em@e$$e$ assassins amon&st the .r&ani>e$ 7rime Syn$icate in the o't(ayin& re&ions. 1here is a Ser@ian A6IS Unit in o? the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,action in North America now 3 this seems to ha%e @e&'n to arri%e in the year 200*. 2'rin& the year 200" < my Mother was a@$'cte$ ?rom a Psychiatric 7o'nse(in& appointment 'n$er the premise that she ha$ s'ppose$(y emai(e$ her co'nci(or an$ her pre%io's co'nci(or with threats that she was &oin& to Di(( her chi($ren an$ herse(? 5 it was 7omp'ter HacDers whom ha$ written these threats ?rom my MotherKs 0mai( A$$ress an$ my MotherKs re&'(ar co'nci(or was on %acation the weeD that she was a@$'cte$ ?rom her appointment. 2'rin& the appointment ?rom which she was a@$'cte$ 3 there was a s'@stit'te co'nci(or < this is eFtreme(y 'northo$oF an$ wo'($ on(y @e 's'a( i? the co'nci(in& were o? a speci?ic 7o'rt Man$ate$ Sche$'(in&. My Nana reporte$ @ein& to($ that my Mother was @ro'&ht o't the @acD $oor o? the 7o'nci(in& .??ice an$ @ro'&ht to an Am@'(ance. My Mother was s'ppose$(y hospita(i>e$ at an in patient Psychiatric Hea(thcare ,aci(ity ca((e$ :est:oo$ 4o$&e. 1his is o@%io's e%i$ence o? 7o%ert Genoci$e as we(( as =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs attempts to e(iminate 1esti?ia@(e :itnesses an$ =ictims concernin& their SeF 1ra??icDin& :ar /apes. Since this time there has @een a tota( o? * imposte'rs impersonatin& my Mother an$ my MotherKs Psychiatric /ecor$s ha%e @een $estroye$ at m'(tip(e Psycho(o&ica( Hea(thcare ,aci(ities. 2'rin& the year 2002 < my ?rien$ Samantha G'ay was a@$'cte$ ?rom Manchester NewHampshire @y SeF 1ra??icDers whom were $e?inite associates o? =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs. Samantha G'ay has @een missin& since this time. Since the year 200* 3 Samantha G'ayKs ?ami(y ha%e @een missin&. Since 2003 < there has @een an imposte'r o? Samantha G'ay whom has @een ?orce$ to 'se$ Samantha G'ayKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s an$ I$entity. 1he ?act'a( Samantha G'ay was the $a'&hter o? my co'sin Shei(aKs @est ?rien$. 1he ?act'a( Samantha G'ay was o? ,ranDic American an$ Irish Gae(ic race. 1he imposte'r o? Samantha G'ay whom I met $'rin& the year 2003 3 @e?ore I ha$ e%en emai(e$ Henry MaDow 5 was ha(? ,irst Nations Nati%e American an$ ha(? ,ranDic American. Samantha G'ay was SeF'a((y Mo(este$ @y ,i( 0man'e(eKs o($er @rother 7hris 1homas in Ha((oween o? 1"88 < in 1"""3 she eFp(aine$ to me that her co'sin was a(so SeF 1ra??icDin& as a chi($ @y the same type o? peop(e that ha$ SeF 1ra??icDe$ my Mother an$ that it was $'rin& the same &eneration.

2'rin& the year 200! 3 $'rin& the weeD o? 1hanDsGi%in& the imposte'r Samantha G'ay was SeF'a((y Assa'(te$ an$ tort're$ a?terwar$s @y the 0man'e(esK Genoci$a( 1errorist 7rime So($iers whom %i$eo&raphe$ their attacD an$ 'se$ 1'rDoJan So?tware to Apop 'pA $isp(ay the &r'esome attacD on my 7omp'ter Screen whi(e I was on the internet. I ha$ @ecome ?rien$s with the SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim whom was @ein& ?orce$ to 'se Samantha G'ayKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s an$ I care$ a@o't her %ery m'ch. I @(acDe$ o't at the si&ht o? this 3 I @e(ie%e I act'a((y ?einte$ 5 I am a(most entire(y certain that this was 1hanDsGi%in& Ni&ht that this was 1'rDoJan APop 'pA $isp(aye$ on my 7omp'ter Screen. An attempt on my (i?e occ're$ the neFt ni&ht 3 I was ?e$ ;(acD Mo($ in a co??ee c'p 5 =ittorio 0man'e(e was on the phone with the &'i(ty party 3 ni&hts prior to this attacD occ'rin& an$ ha$ or$ere$ them to poison me. 1his is a series o? Genoci$es an$ :ar /apes. Samantha G'ayKs a'nt or co'sin was a SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim o? this networD o? crimina( terrorists 3 Samantha ha$ mentione$ it to me in the year 1""" whi(e %isitin& me in MerrimacD NewHampshire when we were in Hi&hSchoo(. Samantha G'ay an$ I are the same a&e. 1he year that Samantha G'ay was a@$'cte$ @y a &ro'p o? men in a @oF shape$ =an wearin& SDi MasDs with an o($ man $ri%in& the =an 5 Samantha G'ay ha$ @een spen$in& a(ot o? time with 7hristine 2ion. 1he imposte'r o? 7hristine 2ionKs ?ather who appeare$ in 200* is a SeF 1ra??icDer in%o(%e$ with =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate < he is a(so in%o(%e$ in properties mana&ement as a (an$(or$ as we(( as $i$ he own some 2airy B'een /esta'rants 5 the imposte'r o? HacD 2ion is one o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs Property Stea$ Ho($ers. Some o? the men whom operate the :e@Site S'ici$eGir(s.7om were associate$ with 7rime So($iers o? =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate that en&a&e ?reI'ent(y in SeF 1ra??icDin&. 2'rin& the years 2003 3 200* 3 an$ 2005 5 the SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim whom was @ein& ?orce$ to (i%e as an imposte'r o? Samantha G'ay was Arentin&A an apartment ?rom the imposte'r o? 7hristine 2ionKs ,ather. 7hristine 2ionKs Mother Dnew my co'sin Shei(a Martinea' as we(( as Samantha G'ayKs Mother. HacD 2ion was my 'nc(e 1roy MacPhersonKs @est ?rien$ in the 1"80Ks an$ a &oo$ ?rien$ o? my ?atherKs. 2'rin& the year 200* 5 Hason He??rey showe$ me a %i$eo on the internet o? what appeare$ to @e Samantha G'ay tie$ 'p an$ @ein& tort're$ @y a man in a sDi masD who a?terwar$s rape$ her < Hason He??rey asDe$ me i? I Dnew who she was 3 @eca'se peop(e he Dnew reco&ni>e$ her ?rom Manchester an$ ha$ asDe$ him i? he Dnew her. I to($ him that she (ooDe$ ?ami(iar an$ that she (ooDe$ (iDe Samantha G'ay with her hair $ye$ @(acD. 4ater $'rin& the years @etween 200* an$ 2012 5 a 7omp'ter HacDer 'se$ 1'rDoJan So?tware to Apop 'pA $isp(ay %i$eos an$ photo&raphs o? ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs an$ =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icateKs SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims @ein& tort're$ an$ a?terwar$s rape$ as we(( as in some cases ?orce$ to in&est toFins s'ch as h'man ?eces an$ $o& ?eces as i? it were a p'nishment ?or resistin& the or$ers o? the men that were tort'rin& an$ rapin& them. ;oth the ?act'a( Samantha G'ay an$ the SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim who was the ,irst Nations Nati%e American woman that was ?orce$ to impersonate Samantha an$ (i%e as an imposte'r o? her were in more than one o? these %i$eos an$ photo&raphs that were Apop 'pA $isp(aye$ to me on my 7omp'ter Monitor Screen @y 7omp'ter HacDers. 2'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 3 n'mero's artic(es were p'@(ishe$ to the internet $isc'ssin& the sciences c'rrent(y @ein& 'se$ ?or the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6ISKs attempte$ the?t o? the ,or@es 100 (ist an$ the ,ort'ne 500 (ist as we(( as the attempte$ G(o@a( 7onI'est < these sciences were re(ate$ to the s'@Jects o? =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy 3 Ne'roScience 3 an$ /o@otics Science. 2'rin& 2005 5 ,i(Ks 1errorist So($ier 7esare mentione$ to 0$ ,arrachi :arren that ,i( ha$ pai$ a 7omp'ter HacDer to 'se 1'rDoJan to Apop 'pA $isp(ay %i$eos an$ photo&raphs o? the %ictims to a tar&ette$ ma(e %ictim o? theirs whom he s'&&este$ wo'($ (ose his min$ o%er it an$ @ecome %io(ent < this con%ersation was recor$e$ @y Sec'rity

7ameras an$ Impro%ise$ A'$io /ecor$in& 2e%ices which ha$ @een positione$ a@o%e the styro?oam cei(in& pane(s in the cei(in& at ,ami(y 2o((ar @y 0$ ,arrachi :arren whom was asDe$ to $o so @y =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e. 2'rin& the year 200* 5 ,i( 0man'e(e was recor$e$ as ha%in& con%ersations on his te(ephone as we(( as has @een reporte$ to ha%e ha$ con%ersations in re&ar$s to a p(an o? his which was @asica((y $escri@e$ as @ein& an attempt at pro$'cin& a ScapeGoat A(i@i ?or his ?ami(y whom wo'($ @e AMore hate$ than A$o(? Hit(erA in the eyes o? the p'@(ic 3 &(o@a((y. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e $escri@e$ to his con?i$ants that he ?e(t that this was necessary to $o3 an$ that this was necessary to $o ?or the p'rpose o? in?'riatin& the p'@(ic 'ntowar$ a ?ami(y other than his own in s'ch a manner that wo'($ ca'se the wor($ to ?or&et a@o't A$o(? Hit(erKs :ar 7rimes 3 H'(i's 0%o(aKs :ar 7rimes 3 an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs ?ami(yKs :ar 7rimes in North America an$ the 0man'e(eKs SeF 1ra??icDin& as we(( as 1ota( Genoci$e o? the ?ami(ies ?rom whom their SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims ha$ @een a@$'cte$. 2'rin& the years (ea$in& 'p to 200* 5 ,i( 0man'e(e ha$ en&ineere$ an$ p(anne$ a series o? 1errorist AttacDs 3 :ar /apes 3 :ar Maimin&s 3 H'man =i%isections 3 an$ a Genoci$e that wo'($ (ea%e e%i$ence o? the most inh'mane treatment in history o? the most @ea'ti?'( women possi@(e whom were (i%in& in the ?o'n$in& re&ion o? the Unite$ States o? America in the years ?o((owin& the " 11 1errorist AttacD. 1his re&ion was an$ is the New 0n&(an$ /e&ion o? the Unite$ States o? America. .ther re&ions s'ch as .ntario 7ana$a 3 B'e@ec 7ana$a 3 New -orD USA 3 New Hersey USA 3 an$ /ho$e Is(an$ USA were tar&ette$ as we((. ,i( 0man'e(e $isc'sse$ in the years 200* an$ 2005 3 his p(ans to ?rame others ?or these crimes. ,i( 0man'e(e ha$ $eci$e$ that he was &oin& to attempt to ?rame a person ?or these crimes an$ steer the p'@(ic reaction @y pro$'cin& speci?ic me$ia 3 creatin& an i$entity Amore hate$ than A$o(? Hit(erA in the eyes o? the p'@(ic &(o@a((y. 2'rin& the year 200E 3 1e(e%ision New Me$ia reports $escri@e$ $'n&eons @ein& ?o'n$ a(( $own the east coast with no si&n o? the women whom ha$ @een a@$'cte$ an$ he($ in these tort're cham@ers. A(( o? the (ocations in New 0n&(an$ where women ha$ @een he($ capti%e ha%e @een @ein& remo$e(e$ an$ anythin& physica((y resem@(ant o? (ocations where %ictims were con?ine$ that were $escri@e$ in :itness Statements ha%e @een @ein& $emo(ishe$ 3 remo$e(e$ 3 or re$ecorate$. 1he 9enne(s in ;e$?or$ NewHampshire on the 2.:. Hi&hway are @ein& remo$e(e$ an$ ha%e not @een open in approFimate(y 12 years < a(so on this roa$ within two mi(es o? $istance 5 a Ne'roSpine Ne'ro(o&y Instit'te 3 a sparse(y pop'(ate$ apartment comp(eF 3 a hote( 3 a =eternarianKs 7(inic 3 an$ an 0Fotic Strip 7('@ which was once ca((e$ AMarDKs Showp(aceA that has now @een rename$ Athe Go($ 7('@A. =ittorio 0man'e(e has @een ?rien$s with the owner o? @oth Strip 7('@s. ,i((i@ertoKs sa$istic $esire to tort're 3 maDe ?i(thy 3 $isease 3 rape 3 an$ massacre ?ema(es was eFpresse$ $'rin& his schemin& o? a scape&oat a(i@i ?or his crimes < this res'(te$ in ,i((i@erto $eci$in& to intentiona((y (ea%e e%i$ence o? his rapin& 3 tort'rin& 3 ?ee$in& ?eces to 3 intentiona((y $iseasin& 3 %i%isectin& 3 maimin& 3 an$ ens(a%in& o? the most @ea'ti?'( ?ema(es whom were o? the ?ami(ies that his ?action ha$ comp(ete(y eFterminate$ as we(( as (itt(e &ir(s whom were o? these ?ami(ies that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ the Ita(ian A6IS ,action tar&ette$ ?or 1ota( Genoci$e. It was @e(ie%e$ @y ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e that ?or reason that these ?ami(ies were &oin& to @e comp(ete(y eFterminate$ at the c'(mination o? their &enoci$a( terrorist campai&n that the %ictimsK ?ami(iesK permission wo'($ not @e nee$e$ ?or the ima&es 3 %i$eo&raphe$ recor$in&s 3 a'$io recor$in&s 3 7rime Scene In%esti&ation Photo&raphs 3 an$ Uni$enti?ie$ 7a$a%ers store$ at Mor&'es 5 to @e ma$e p'@(ica((y a%ai(a@(e as

$oc'mentary ?or p'rpose o? enra&in& the p'@(ic a&ainst the 0man'e(esK an$ the Ita(ian A6IS ,actionKs ScapeGoat A(i@i whom was to ser%e as a $istraction an$ an icon Amore e%i( than A$o(? Hit(er an$ the 1"*0Ks Ho(oca'stA. ,or p'rpose o? pro$'cin& p'@(ic o'tra&e an$ &(o@a( hatre$ o? their scape&oats < the 0man'e(es so'&ht to 'se $oc'mentaries 3 news co%era&e 3 an$ e%i$ence (eaDe$ ?rom in%esti&ations re&ar$in& the recor$s o? their own :ar 7rimes onto internet an$ to the p'@(ic 3 as we(( as p'@(ic wor$ o? mo'th to create an$ shepher$ what wo'($ @e percei%e$ @y the p'@(ic as a reta(iatory &enoci$e 'pon an innocent race o? peop(e whom were not &'i(ty o? the crimes which the 0man'e(esK Ita(ian A6IS ha$ committe$ $'rin& the G(o@a( :ar on 1error in North America an$ in 0'rope. 0$ ,arrachi :arren was recor$e$ $isc'ssin& these p(ans with Anthony 2e,eo whi(e worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar in 200* an$ 2005 5 these p(ans were recor$e$ @y the 15 recor$in& $e%ices insta((e$ at ,ami(y 2o((ar @y 0$ :arren at the reI'est o? =ittorio 0man'e(e. In the year 200* < ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e p(anne$ the :ar /ape an$ the tota( &enoci$e o? the entire A@enaDi 3 MiImaD 3 an$ Mahican races as we(( as the intentiona( near &enoci$e o? the An&(o Gae(ic race whom ?o'n$e$ the Unite$ States o? America an$ the ,ranDic race in the Americas 5 the 0man'e(es p(anne$ this ?or the p'rpose o? ?ramin& another /oya( ,ami(y an$ /ace o? Peop(e ?or the eFtermination o? m'(tip(e entire races comp(ete(y an$ tota((y. Israe(is an$ other races were a(so tar&ette$ $'rin& this attacD 5 the ?oc's o? these attacDs has @een 'pon ,ema(es an$ has @een eFtreme(y sa$istic < Ma(es ha%e most(y @een assassinate$ @y poisonin&s 3 ca$a%ers $ispose$ o? co%ert(y 3 an$ rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs. 1his was inten$e$ to create a &(o@a( p'@(ic o'tra&e a&ainst a /oya( ,ami(y whom ha$ @een associate$ with the A6IS in the past $'e to the 0man'e(es ?ear o? @ein& eFpose$ a&ain as A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(y an$ 7rime 4or$s o? a G(o@a( H'man 1ra??icDin& NetworD in%o(%e$ in SeF 1ra??icDin& o? chi($ren an$ a$'(ts @oth 3 H'man =i%isection 3 .r&an 1ra??icDin& 3 /epro$'cti%e 1ra??icDin&. Mo%ies ha%e in?('ence$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs Genoci$a( 1errorist ,actionKs attacDs 3 most o? these attacDs seem to ha%e @een choreo&raphe$ @y ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ his @rother 2anie( Hames. 1he mo%ies Hoste( an$ Hoste( 2 are pro@a@(e in?('ences on these attacDs as we(( as is it pro@a@(e that the Hoste( mo%ies were somehow in?('ence$ @y ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e in the same way that the ;roDe ;acD Mo'ntain mo%ie was secret(y name$ an$ in?('ence$ @y ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ his @rother 2.H. as a JoDe. A(so an in?('ence 'pon or in?('ence$ @y the 0man'e(es < the mo%ie 1aDen 3 which was a@o't Ita(ian A(@anian SeF 1ra??icDers a@$'ctin& ?ema(es who ha$ won ticDets the U2 :or($ 1o'r 2ates. A pec'(iar A.4 Instant Messa&er Screen Name AMorty00018!2A or some other simi(ar n'm@ers ?o((owin& the name AMortyA ha$ a$$e$ me as a ?rien$ on A.4 IM an$ MySpace.7om $'rin& 200E 5 this imposte'r c(aime$ to @e a man name$ 0ric Smith whom 'se$ the name A0riD Schmi$tA which is the name o? the man whom ?o'n$e$ Goo&(e.7om . A0riD Schmi$tA in?orme$ me $'rin& the year 200! 3 that Gr't(e 9Je((sonKs yo'n&er sister whom was a@o't my own a&e < ha$ @een a@$'cte$ $'rin& her @rotherKs @an$Ks to'r o? North America 5 $'rin& the year 200E 3 I ha$ atten$e$ the A0ns(a%e$A concert in ;e$?or$ NewHampshire. 1he concert was he($ in the @ar an$ sta&e section o? the 0Fotic Strip 7('@ AMarDKs Showp(aceA 3 this was an 'ncom?orta@(e en%ironment ?or ?ema(es an$ peop(e 'ncom?orta@(e with SeF 1ra??icDin& 5 I @e(ie%e that Gr't(e 9Je((sonKs sister may ha%e $eci$e$ to stay at the hote( 'p the roa$ ?rom MarDKs ShowP(ace 3 which is across the street ?rom the Ne'roSpine Ne'ro(o&y Instit'te. I @e(ie%e that Gr't(e 9Je((sonKs sister was a@$'cte$ an$ (ater @(in$e$ 3 a?terwar$s to @e ?orce$ to 'se 0mi(y Is(eKs name an$ ,ranchesca Gon>a(e>Ks I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. 0mi(y Is(es or some@o$y 'sin& her America .n(ine ScreenName spoDe with Gr't(e 9Je((sonKs sister o%er the internet $'rin& the year 200* or

2005< =ittorio 0man'e(e or one o? his sons may ha%e @e&'n sta(Din& Gr't(e 9Je((sonKs sister an$ co'sins $'rin& the year 200* or 20053 when the Ho'se o? Sa%oy was sta(Din& 0mi(y Is(es. .ne e%enin& $'rin& the year 200* < a photo&raph was sent to me which a hacDer 'sin& 0mi(y Is(eKs ScreenName ha$ c(aime$ was 0mi(y 3 there were n'mero's more o? these. 2'rin& the year 200* < I coinci$enta((y inter'pte$ whom was o@%io's(y =ittorio 0man'e(e 'sin& 0mi(y Is(eKs ScreenName which was either Anarchist=icio's+?o((owe$ @y n'm@ers8 or 1ro&$or+?o((owe$ @y n'm@ers8 5 I ha$ sai$ Ahe((oA whi(e =ittorio 0man'e(e was typin& to an accomp(ice ?rom 0mi(yKs ScreenName. He rep(ie$ in mi$ con%ersation A@(on$ ... my hair is @(on$ too 3 @'t itKs thin an$ p(astic (iDe. It (ooDs (iDe $o(( hair. An$ I &et c'r(s aro'n$ the hair(ine an$ @ehin$ my ears. I hate it. IKm @asica((y @a($ tho'&h... hahahaA. A?ter I sai$ A0mi(yMA 3 the ScreenName rep(ie$ ASorry I was ta(Din& to some@o$y e(se. :e wi(( ta(D (ater.A. I @e(ie%e that this was short(y @e?ore 0mi(y Is(es ca((e$ me statin& that she was a@$'cte$. 0mi(y Is(es c(aime$ to ha%e @een penpa(s with 4ars A=ar& =iDernesA %iDernes whi(e he was in prison 5 it is pro@a@(e that the ?ema(e who I ha$ seen 4ars %iDernes with 'p in 7ana$a $'rin& 1""5 was act'a((y the ?ema(e that he ha$ @een penpa(s with. .? coinci$ence 3 $'rin& the year 200" 5 my (itt(e sister to($ me that there was a Ms. 9Je((son who was a S'@stit'te 1eacher at her schoo(. 2'rin& the ?irst month an$ a ha(? o? ta(Din& to 0mi(y Is(es 3 I to($ her what I Dnew a@o't A$o(? Hit(er @ein& the son o? the 9in& o? Ita(ia o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ his mother @ein& a woman who was re(ate$ to a Dni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Aosta. :hat I ha%e hear$ is that A$o(? Hit(er was ?act'a((y =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs ha(? @rother an$ that A$o(?Ks mother was the $a'&hter o? a 9ni&ht o? Sa%oy whom was ?ami(ia(y re(ate$ to some o? the 9ni&hts o? AostaKs ?ami(ies. My Sici(ian co'sin AA'ntA H'(ianna to($ me an$ my ?ami(y a@o't this n'mero's times in the past 30 years. Hason ;e((emore who was in the same c(ass as my se(? an$ went to the same schoo(s in MerrimacD NewHampshire 3 ta(De$ a@o't this a ?ew times to peop(e $'rin& c(ass 5 Hason ;e((emore is the 3r$ co'sin o? a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Aosta an$ his ?ather Dnew =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e 3 this was mentione$ @y him more than once. A?ter I spoDe to 0mi(y Is(es a@o't this < she ca((e$ me one $ay 3 so'n$in& %ery ner%o's 5 she sai$ to me 3 ASome@o$y at schoo( the other $ay wa(De$ 'p to me an$ to($ me that they Dnow them 3 Ian. 9eep ta(Din& an$ @e care?'(. It a(most so'n$e$ (iDe a threat. 1hey ha$ o%erhear$ me ta(Din& a@o't what yo' ha$ to($ me a@o't A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(y 3 I was te((in& some@o$y what it is that yo' ha$ hear$. 1hey sai$ that they Dnew them. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 1hey ma$e it so'n$ (iDe they (i%e in the re&ion. Ian 3 I thinD they (i%e in the re&ion. 1hat means his ?ami(y (i%es in this re&ion. H'st Deep ta(Din&. P(ease Deep ta(Din&. :hate%er yo' $o 3 Deep ta(Din&. Peop(e nee$ to 'n$erstan$ what is happenin&.A M'ch o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 inc('$in& the /oya( ,ami(y < immi&rate$ to the U.S.A. a?ter the secon$ $e?eat o? the A6IS ,action at the en$ o? the Secon$ :or($ :ar. 1he 9in& o? Ita(iaKs ?ami(y ?(e$ the N'rem@'r& 1ria(s an$ mo%e$ to the U.S.A. 3 (ea%in& Assassins in Ita(ia whoKs Jo@ it was to Di(( any ?ami(y who Dnew the tr'th o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs en&ineerin& o? the A6IS an$ @io(o&ica( re(ation to A$o(? Hit(er. My Sici(ian co'sin H'(iannaKs ?ami(y was Di((e$ on @oth si$es o? her ?ami(y an$ her imme$iate ?ami(y ?(e$ to the U.S.A. to escape the &enoci$e that was occ'rrin& in Sici(y imme$iate(y a?ter the $e?eat o? the A6IS3 $'rin& the N'rem@'r& 1ria(s an$ (ater. Some o? the ?ami(ies o? the Ho'se o? Aosta mo%e$ to the U.S.A. with the Ho'se o? Sa%oy as we(( 3 these ?ami(ies were re(ate$ to A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(y as we(( as the ?ami(ies o? some o? the 9ni&hts o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the roya( ?ami(y o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. Some o? the re(ati%es o? the 9in& o? Sa'$i Ara@ia 3 o? the Ho'se o? Sa'$ < mo%e$ to the U.S.A. a?ter the secon$

$e?eat the A6IS 5 I ha%e met Mosta?a I@nSa'$ m'(tip(e times. Mosta?a I@nSa'$ is the $istant @io(o&ica( an$ ?ami(ia( co'sin o? the 9in& o? Sa'$i Ara@ia. Many o? the Aristocratic A6IS ,ami(ies that mo%e$ to the U.S.A. a?ter the secon$ $e?eat o? the A6IS 3 Dept in contact with each other an$ remaine$ in contact with ?ami(ies in 0'rope an$ North A?rica as we(( as the Mi$$(e 0ast. Mosta?a I@nSa'$Ks ?ami(y is Moroccan an$ Sa'$i Ara@ian 3 Mosta?a I@nSa'$ (i%e$ in Massach'settes U.S.A. most o? his (i?e. ;etween the years 1"80 an$ 20123 the maJority o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e (i%e$ in the U.S.A. in NewHampshire 3 Massach'settes 3 NewHersey 3 New-orD 3 7onnectic't 3 an$ /ho$e Is(an$. 7'rrent(y 3 m'ch o? the in?ormation on the internet re&ar$in& the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the Ho'se o? Aosta has @een a(tere$ an$ e$ite$ @y 7omp'ter HacDers. 1he year c'rrent(y 3 as I am writin& this is 2013. It is a(most 201*. 2'rin& the years a?ter the " 11 1errorist AttacD 3 A&ents o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces wire$ to A/G.S G.P.S. $e%ices tacDe$ in the Jaw ca%ity 5 in the crani'ms o? an eFtreme(y (ar&e pop'(ation o? ci%i(ians as we(( as some mi(itary. 1his has o@%io's(y @een $one ?or the p'rpose o? &atherin& in?ormation a@o't socia( contacts 3 spyin& on 2epartment o? 2e?ense an$ sa@ota&in& 2epartment o? 2e?ense 3 contro((in& an$ manip'(atin& peop(e 3 ai$in& in the &enoci$a( eFtermination o? the North American /aces 3 an$ to contro( SeF 1ra??icDin& %ictims e%en ne'ro ro@otica((y. A?ter the secon$ $e?eat o? the A6IS 3 the Ho'se o? Sa%oy immi&rate$ to the U.S.A. ?or the p'rpose o? a%oi$in& the N'rem@'r& 1ria(s an$ reta(iatory assassinations < their p'rpose since ha%in& mo%e$ to the U.S.A. has @een to conI'er North America ?rom within the Nation States o? North America 3 (i%in& amon&st an$ attacDin& ?rom within the pop'(ation o? the North American peop(es. N'mero's A6IS ,ami(ies mo%e$ to the U.S.A. with the Ho'se o? Sa%oy in the (ate 1"*0Ks an$ the 1"50Ks 3 some o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs A&ents an$ 9ni&htKs ?ami(ies ha$ a(rea$y immi&rate$ to North America prior to the ,irst :or($ :ar 5 the maJority o? these ha%e @een 0nemy 7om@atant S(eeper A&ents an$ 1errorist .r&ani>e$ 7rime So($iers worDin& ?or the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 2'rin& the year 2000 < Hason ;e((emore 3 ,i( 0man'e(e 3 2anie( Hames +0man'e(e8 3 an$ 9y(e Howar$ 5 opene$ the $oor to my @asement an$ wa(De$ into the @asement. Hason He??rey ha$ poisone$ myse(? an$ Hason /o$&ers @oth with two ci&arettes coate$ in 2isassociati%e Ne'ro1oFins. A?ter enterin& thre @asement 3 they @e&an threatenin& me J'st as my sister 7he(sey MacPherson came $own the stairs. Hason ;e((emore sai$ to me A:e are A$o(? Hit(erKs ,ami(y Ian. I hear$ a@o't what happene$ to yo'r Sici(ian co'sin H'(ianna an$ the rest o? her ?ami(y. I? yo' $onKt Deep yo'r mo'th sh't I am &oin& to maDe s're that happens to yo'r ?ami(y. I am &oin& to Di(( yo'r entire race an$ rape the women an$ chi($ren o? yo'r race ana((y an$ ?orce them to s'cD my peop(esK $icDs.A . 7he(sey /ain MacPherson to($ them to (ea%e 3 one o? them picDe$ her 'p an$ carrie$ her to the stairs an$ sh't the $oor 3 an$ (ocDe$ it < a?terwar$s 9y(e Howar$ an$ Hason ;e((emore @e&an threatenin& 7he(sey thro'&h to the $oor 3 te((in& her that they wo'($ Di(( her i? she to($ any@o$y what she hear$. 7he(sey to($ my Mother. .ne Month (ater 3 my Mother was threatene$ @y * men wearin& A;(in$ 0yesA contact (enses. 2'rin& the year 2000 3 I @e(ie%e it was /o@ert /o$on who I o%erhear$ ta(Din& to his son 7hristopher /o$on a@o't somethin& that was soon &oin& to @e happenin& 5 he sai$ to 7hristopher /o$on 3 A1heyKre &oin& to Di(( a(( o? the ma(es3 @'t the women are J'st &ettin& rape$. ItKs @etter to @e rape$ than $ea$3 ri&htMA. 1he Imposte'r o? Cach An$rosDi $'rin& the year 200! repeate$ the same statement when speaDin& to an imposte'r o? 9eith Hammon$. Stan$ar$ 7on$'ct o? :ar 0thic $i??ers @etween races o? peop(es an$ $i??erent nations o? peop(es. 1here is no &enera( concens's amon&st the n'mero's

races o? h'manity 3 as to what 0thica( 7on$'ct $'rin& :ar?are is. Some races o? peop(e $o not ha%e any 1ra$itiona( 0thica( Stan$ar$ concernin& :ar?are con$'ct. 7'(t're $i??ers @etween %aryin& races o? peop(es. A(( /aces o? Peop(e ha%e a 7'(t're 3 e%ery /ace o? H'man has a 7'(t're an$ a 1ra$itiona( 7'(t're 5 some 1ra$itiona( 7'(t'res (i%e as a Gro'p Marria&e with M'(tip(e 4i?ePartners 3 some Men ha%e m'(tip(e :i%es 3 some 7'(t'res @e(ie%e that :ar is an Amora(ist concept an$ that no metho$ o? achei%in& 1ota( =ictory is immora(. It is a@so('te i&norance to @e(ie%e that @eca'se yo'rse(? @e(ie%es in a Mora( 0thic 3 that a(( other H'man (i?e @e(ie%es in the same Mora( 0thic. /o@ert /o$on spoDe to 7hris /o$on a@o't the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS p(ans to eFterminate the entirety o? the North American Nati%e /ace an$ SeF 1ra??icD a(( o? the women o? these races 3 J'st months prior to the " 11 1errorist AttacDs an$ @om@in&s in the U.9. 3 4e@anon 3 Syria 3 In$ia 3 1hai(an$ 3 an$ Hapan. It is entire(y possi@(e that ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 2e%ices an$ A/G.S G.P.S. S'r&ica( Imp(ants were 'se$ to con%ince the @om@ers to @om@ or to pi(ot them to $o so.

A North American Race is a race to &hom the continent of North America is a National ,omeland of their race 1 these races are the Anglo$Gaelic USAmerican race " the Anglo$Gaelic Canadian race " the +ran)ic American race " the Ne& ,ollander race " the (e#ican ,is anic race " the A/tec race " the Afri))id American race " the Siou# race " the Abena)i race" and numerous other races of +irst Nations Nati'e North American Races- The 'arious North American Races ha'e been denied the right to a National ,omeland " ha'e been denied the right to go'ern their o&n National State " ha'e been denied the right to roduce their o&n food " ha'e been denied the right to staff their o&n hos itals " ha'e been denied the right to ossess their o&n natural resources " ha'e been denied the right to occu y the ositions of go'ernment &ithin their o&n Nation$State- +or a race to hysically sur'i'e " it is a necessity to ha'e a Nation$State &here the race is the Po ulation (a6ority in their o&n National ,omeland 1 &ithout this 2 the means to ro'ide food " shelter " safety " la& " go'ernance " military " healthcare " education " for your eo le is denied- There are eo le &ho belie'e that ,uman Rights do not e#ist " they belie'e that Ability is Right and that a erson does not ha'e a Right to anything that they do not ha'e the Ability to do- (ight is Right by an un)no&n author &ho used the name Ragnar Redbeard " may ha'e been originally &ritten by 4ittorio Emanuele !! 1 and ublished later under a en$name alias" after his death- Cultural Relati'ity is a fact- To deny a race of eo le a National ,omeland and a National State is ine'itable genocideThe U-S-A- needs a Parliament- Treaties need to be signed bet&een the U-S-A- and +oreign Nations regarding !mmigration 7a&s " Yearly !mmigration Po ulation Restrictions " Gene'a Con'ention 7a&s and (ilitary !ntelligence !n'estigations to ensure that the +oreign Nation is u holding the Com acts and Treaties " !mmigration re5uires Treaties- !t is also necessary to consider o ulation$increase limitations relati'e to the Nations from &hich immigration is mo'ing to the U-S-A- 2 !mmigration Ratios need to be balanced for the ur ose of ensuring the cohesi'e coe#istence of the races of eo le that li'e in the U-S-A- " an !mmigration 7imit needs to be set" (e#icans and Candians need to be gi'en +irst Priority reference to other Nations of eo le 1 Nations such as Jamaica " the U-8- " Australia " !reland " +rance " Nor&ay " !srael " and Ne& 9ealand need to be gi'en Second Priority !mmigration Preference for ur ose of ensuring the loyalties of the eo le &ho ha'e mo'ed to the U-S-A- - !t is definitely safer to allo& Russians and S&edes to mo'e to the U-S-A- " than it &as for the U-S-A- to allo& the !talian Sa'oy$ A*!S and their allies to mo'e to the U-S-A- - Adolf ,itler0s +amily immigrated to the U-S-A- and half of the Aristocracy immigrated to the U-S-A- &ith them 1 as &ell as did

many families related to them- These families are enemies of the North American Races and the : Nation States currently e#istent in North America " they are a ortion of a Globalist +action of Criminal !m erialist E#tremists- The A*!S +action does not belong in the Americas " their goal has been Global Con5uest since the ,ouse of Sa'oy funded Amerigo 4es ucci0s E# loration and labeled an entire half of the lanet Earth after the name of the e# lorer Amerigo 4es ucci- Concerning the conce t of a race0s National ,omeland " it is irrele'ant &hom named the landmass 2 Afri))a is a Celtic or Gaulish &ord and the continent is the National ,omeland of numerous races of o le " of &hom only the Anglo$Gaelic and ,ollander South Africans are of any amount of Celtic racial 3NA &ith the only e#ce tion being ossible !talian bloodlines from the !talian Em ire0s con5uest of certain regions of Afri))a and the e#istence of some Celtic racial 3NA in 'arious regions of !talian o ulation- The A*!S +action needs to be (ilitarily 3etained " RePatriated and denied ReEntry " as &ell as do their relati'es need to be ut on !n'estigations 7ists 2 the A*!S +action ut the ;lac) Panthers " the 8u8lu# 8lan " the American !ndian (o'ement " other Political !dentity %rgani/ations and their related families on lists and ha'e access to Communications Ser'ers from &hich they can em loy Com uter ,ac)ers to co y entire contents of Communications Ser'ers to E#ternal 3ata$Storage 3e'ices and gather lists of +amily Trees " Addresses " Tele hone 3ata " Email 3ata " and other !nternet Transmitted 3ata- Nation Allied to the U-S-A- need to send (ilitary !ntelligence to the U-S-A- " Canada " and (e#ico immediately to in'estigate A*!S Terrorism and Genocide in North America 2 &e are being e#terminated and they are ta)ing our !dentification Credential and gi'ing them to %rgani/ed$Criminals &ho ha'e been 4iral 4ector Gene$Thera y (utated to loo) li)e the 'ictims as &ell as to A*!S Soldiers &hom they ha'e done the same &ith- (any of these indi'iduals are Se#$ %ffenders- !f a Nation is allied to another Nation " they are e# ected to be Allied to the Race of that Nation 1 if the Race of the Nation is being e#terminated by a Genocidal +action " be it Co'ert or %'ert 2 the Allies of that Nation need to res ond &ith !n'estigations and (ilitary +orce- The Po ulation Ratio of my Race to other Races of eo les li'ing in the U-S-A- is e#tremely dangerous 2 the region ! li'e in is my Racial ,omeland and my Po ulation Grou is se'erely outnumbered- ! do not ha'e another National ,omeland- The Po ulation Count of Abena)i " Anglo$Sa#ons " Gaels " and other related eo les in the Ne& England Region has become an e#tremely small number in com arison to other races of eo le in North America- The total global Abena)i Po ulation Count is one of the Smallest$!n$Number Po ulation Counts in the &orld3uring the year <==>" &hile at the Rodon0s house at ?ebster Green in (errimac) Ne&,am shire laying a 'ideo$game &ith Christo her Rodon 1 ! had mentioned ;rain$ Com uter$!nterfaces to Christo her Rodon &hile tal)ing about the game Shado&runE'entually " during this discussion 1 ! mentioned the Anti$Christ and the Seeress of (ed6ugor6e &ho ro hesied that the Anti$Christ &as going to Surgically !m lant Electronic 3e'ices in ,umans all o'er the lanet and e#terminate numerous races of eo le " ensla'e all of humanity " and create a global$state through means of crime and &arfare- ! stated that ! belie'ed that in real life the Anti$Christ &ould robably use a

;rain$Com uter$!nterface to control human beings li)e robots and the use com uters to lay .Command @ Con5uer. &ith the &orld- Robert Rodon said to me " .That0s not the Anti$Christ " that0s global con5uest- That0s &hat you should be thin)ing of- That0s something to stri'e for- That0s success- !an " that0s life-.- 3uring the year ABBC " 3a'e 7ee0s mouth mo'ed and 5uoted art of this statement &hile in ;oston (assachusettes drin)ing beer &ith my self 1 he had a ;rain$Com uter$!nterface in his brain! found out in <==C" that Robert Rodon &as a descendant of 4ittorio Emanuele !0s cousin;etween the years 1""E an$ 2010 3 (ies were spoDen a@o't me p'@(ica((y an$ in pri%ate 5 peop(e @e&an to ca(( me AA$o(? Hit(erA as a res'(t o? these (ies. 1he Hewish 7omm'nity was (ie$ to as were other comm'nities o? peop(e. I was ca((e$ AA$o(? Hit(erA @y a Hewish schoo( teacher name$ Mr.Gotsi(( who acc'se$ me p'@(ica((y $'rin& a c(ass o? AA&reein& with A$o(? Hit(erA. 1he tr'th is that A$o(? Hit(er was not a Nationa( Socia(ist 3 he was a G(o@a(ist ,e'$a( Imperia(ist. My race has @een $enie$ the ri&ht to a Nationa( Home(an$ in o'r own home an$ we are near(y comp(ete(y eFterminate$ < n'mero's :ar /apes ha%e @een committe$ 'pon the %ario's North American /aces 3 entire (ists o? North American ,ami(ies ha%e @een &enoci$a((y eFterminate$. 0ntire /aces ha%e @een eFterminate$ in North America. My race is nearin& eFtinction c'rrent(y. 1he pop'(ation I am (i%in& amon&st c'rrent(y is a(most entire(y Ita(ian. In the past 3 the pop'(ation was a microcosmic pop'(ation ratio o? the G(o@a( Pop'(ation eFcept that it was 'n@a(ance$ s(i&ht(y @y a sma((er n'm@er o? Asian /aces an$ a (ar&er n'm@er o? Ita(ians. 1he Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ha%e @een systemica((y eFterminatin& the North American /aces in the North 0ast o? North America 5 their Initiation 7rimes inc('$e :ar /ape. My ?ami(y are %ictims o? :ar /ape 3 SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 an$ Genoci$e. I @e(ie%e in Nationa(ism. A$o(? Hit(er $i$ not @e(ie%e in Nationa(ism. A$o(? Hit(er was a 7o%ert A&ent who in?i(trate$ the 2e'tsche Nationa( Socia(ist 4a@o'r Party an$ 'se$ itKs pop'(arity to &ain e(ection to the hi&hest position o? &o%ernment an$ s'ccess?'((y per?orme$ a 7o'p $e 0tat o? the &o%ernment o? 2e'tsche(an$. 1he 7ens's 7o'nt in North America is eFtreme(y inacc'rate an$ /aces o? peop(e are not e%en co'nte$ 5 the 7ens's 7ata&ories are A:hiteA 3 A;(acDA 3 Nati%e American 3 Hispanic 3 Asian 5 an$ a(( /aces o? peop(e ?a(( 'n$er on(y approFimate(y 5 cata&ories when ?act'a((y there eFists o%er 100 /aces o? H'mans on p(anet 0arth. 1here is not a sin&(e North American /oya( ,ami(y < the ;ritish Monarchy an$ the 2anish Monarchy are ;ritish an$ 2anish an$ they are the /oya( ,ami(ies o? 7ana$a an$ Green(an$ 5 there is not a sin&(e /oya( ,ami(y o? North American /ace. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy < whom are the /oya( Aristocracy o? Ita(ia 3 an$ are A$o(? Hit(erKs @io(o&ica( ?ami(y 5 ha%e immi&rate$ to the U.S.A. an$ ha%e @ro'&ht their 9ni&hts 3 some o? the 9ni&hts o? the Ho'se o? Aosta 3 an$ some re(ati%es o? the I@nSa'$ /oya( ,ami(y o? the Ho'se o? Sa'$ o? Sa'$i Ara@ia to North America. Most o? these ?ami(ies are sti(( p(annin& G(o@a( 7onI'est an$ they $o not @e(ie%e in my raceKs /i&ht to 0Fist. 1here is no (an$ which is inha@ite$ @y H'man 4i?e that $oes not ha%e a Nati%e /ace o? H'man. I @e(ie%e that some@o$y o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy was (yin& to Mr. Gotsi(( ?or the p'rpose o? r'inin& my ,ami(yKs rep'tation @eca'se we were their %ictims 3 as we(( as ?or

the p'rpose o? attemptin& to $iscre$it my ?ami(y as witnesses as we(( as my Sici(ian co'sin H'(ianna whoKs entire ?ami(y on @oth o? her parentsK si$es o? the ?ami(y was near(y eFterminate$ @y the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. Mr. Gotsi(( Dnew He??erson 2a%is who was a mem@er o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen who was ha(? Israe(i an$ ha(? Ita(ian 5 He?? 2a%is Dnew /o@ert /o$on. He?? 2a%is has @een rep(ace$ @y an imposte'r an$ is ass'me$ to @e $ea$. 2'rin& the year 200* an$ the year 2005 3 I spoDe with a &ir( name$ 0mi(y Is(es. 1he a$$ress that I sent mai( to an$ recei%e$ mai( ?rom that was ?rom A0mi(y Is(esA was an a$$ress in Mississa'&a .ntario or Hami(ton .ntario. It is a pro@a@i(ity that the A0mi(y Is(esA who I ha$ spoDen with in 2005 3 was in ?act a SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim that ha$ @een a@$'cte$ an$ was ?orce$ to speaD to me on the te(ephone an$ internet. A0mi(y Is(esA switche$ phones once or twice in a simi(ar point in con%ersation as my eF &ir(?rien$ Nina Hansen ha$ switche$ te(ephones $'rin& the year 2000 3 * years prior. 1he ori&ina( 0mi(y Is(es seeme$ to @e a@$'cte$ $'rin& 200* or ear(y 2005 an$ was rep(ace$ @y a comp'ter hacDer or some crimina( who was sen$in& me Anew pict'resA as i? they were 0mi(y Is(es 3 @'t were in ?act n'mero's ?ema(es < some o? these ?ema(es (ooDe$ re(ate$ to peop(e that I ha%e Dnown most o? my (i?e as we(( as peop(e whom I ha$ recent(y met. It is pro@a@(e that the simi(ar (ooDin& ?ema(es who were inten$e$ to appear to @e 0mi(y Is(es3 were ?ema(es that ha$ @een a@$'cte$ in an imme$iate seI'entia( or$er an$ that they were connecte$ to a ?ew speci?ic (ocations an$ in$i%i$'a(s. .ne o? these ?ema(es (ooDe$ (iDe she co'($ ha%e @een 2a%e Marsha((Ks sister < 2a%e Marsha(( was my ?rien$ 2anie((e 4e;(ancKs eF @oy?rien$ who (i%e$ in the :o@'rn Massach'settes area 5 2a%e Marsha(( was an Asatr'ar an$ was 3N* An&(o American an$ 1N* Israe(i. .ne o? the other ?ema(es (ooDe$ ha(? Israe(i an$ ha(? An&(o SaFon 3 it is pro@a@(e that she was 2a%e Marsha((Ks co'sin. My ?ami(yKs home at EE ;ean /oa$ in MerrimacD NewHampshire was on the corner o? :est /oa$ < it is pro@a@(e that some o? 2a%e Marsha((Ks co'sins (i%e$ $own the roa$ ?rom my home on :est /oa$ 5 one o? the ?ema(es may ha%e @een Hosh'a ;'rnsKs sister3 who a(so (i%e$ on :est /oa$ in MerrimacD NewHampshire. Hosh'a ;'rns was possi@(y the co'sin o? a man name$ G(enn who worDe$ at ,ami(y 2o((ar $'rin& the year 200* 3 G(enn was Geor&e 7atsopo'(osKs @oy?rien$ < who a(so worDe$ at ,ami(y 2o((ar $'rin& the same time perio$. G(enn to($ me that his s'rname was ASo'thernA an$ that his name was G(enn So'thern. Aro'n$ the approFimate year o? 2005 3 my step co'sin who is HenKs an$ Me&anKs mother 5 marrie$ a man with the s'rname So'thern. Hen an$ Me&an were the neices o? my co'sin AA'nt H'(iannaA. It is a possi@i(ity that G(ennKs co'sins on his other si$e o? his ?ami(y marrie$ H'(iannaKs sister in (aw. Anthony 2e,eo mentione$ a AH'(iannaA to 0$ :arren at some point $'rin& the year 2005 < this sho'($ @e recor$e$ @y the sec'rity cameras 3 =ittorioKs i((e&a( Impro%ise$ /ecor$in& 2e%ices that he ha$ possi@(y trie$ to 'se to spy on me $'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 3 an$ te(ephone con%ersations @etween the 2e,eo ?ami(y as we(( as 0$ ,arrachi :arrenKs ?ami(y an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 2'rin& the year 1""E 5 4ynn /o$on mentione$ to /o@ /o$on AHey /o@ 3 $i$ yo' Dnow Geor&e 7atsopo'(os was &ayM He J'st came o't to his ?ami(y.A to which /o@ /o$on rep(ie$ 3 ANo shitLM /ea((yMA sarcastica((y3 a?terwhich he state$ 5 AIK%e Dnown that

?or a (on& time 3 4ynn.A. Geor&e 7atsopo'(os was recr'ite$ to worD ?or =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ the Sa%oy A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate in the year 200* 3 @y 0$ :arren 5 who recr'ite$ him ?or reason that Geor&e 7atsopo'(os ha$ the persona(ity traits o? a SeF .??en$er an$ was a (ar&e person. It is a pro@a@i(ity that =ittorioKs reasonin& ?or recr'itin& G(ennKs @oy?rien$ Geor&e 7atsopo'(os was an attempt to (inD the attacDs to the %ictimsK socia( networDs 3 physica( (ocations 3 an$ ?ami(ia( re(ations in s'ch a way that he co'($ e%ent'a((y ?rame one o? the %ictims or a &ro'p o? the %ictims to @e the en&ineerin& party o? his crimes an$ his attacDs < ?or reason that the Sa%oy A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate co'($ e%ent'a((y @e eFpose$ as @ein& what it is an$ as @ein& in%o(%e$ in Genoci$e 3 SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 an$ a@$'ction o? minors. 4ynn /o$on who (ater remarrie$ an$ whoKs c'rrent name I am 'ns're o? 3 apparent(y was acI'ainte$ with Geor&e 7atsopo'(osKs ?ami(y $'rin& the year 1""E. 4ynnKs h's@an$ was the son o? a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy as we(( as the co'sin o? a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ was on his way to @ecomin& a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. It is a(so $e?inite that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy was H'(i's 0%o(aKs an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs Aristocratic Ho'se 3 as we(( as is it $e?inite that A$o(? Hit(er was a @io(o&ica( re(ati%e o? the /oya( ,ami(y o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. Hosh ;'rns was &oo$ ?rien$s with 9eith :e((s 3 they @oth en(iste$ in the Arme$ ,orces o? the USA 2epartment o? 2e?ense a?ter the " 11 1errorist AttacDs. It is a pro@a@i(ity that 9eith :e((sKs sister was one o? these %ictims as we((. .ne o? the photos that I was to($ was A0mi(y Is(esA (ooDe$ as i? it co'($ @e a co'sin o? H'(ie :einsteinKs or /ich 7onesc'Ks an$ possi@(y Samantha ;ernsteinKs. It is a pro@a@i(ity that Hosh ;'rns an$ 9eith :e((s met Aaron 0man'e(e at some point in the past. 2'rin& the year 1""" 3 9eith :e((s ma$e a JoDe at Hosh ;'rns to me AHey IanL 2i$ yo' Dnow that Hosh J'st ?o'n$ o't that his chi($hoo$ @est ?rien$ ?rom Massach'settes 3 Aaron 0man'e(e < is &ay M$ he ?o'n$ o't the same weeD that his co'sin G(enn came o't to the who(e ?ami(yLA whi(e we were in c(ass. 2'rin& the year 1""E 3 Hosh'a ;'rns an$ his ?ami(y mo%e$ to :est /oa$ in MerrimacD NewHampshire 5 prior to this 3 Hosh'a ;'rns (i%e$ in Massach'settes an$ was &oo$ ?rien$s with Aaron 0man'e(e. Prior to my @ein& @orn 3 an emp(oyee at IMP7. where my Gran$ ,ather worDe$ < s'&&este$ that he @'y a ho'se ?or sa(e in MerrimacD NewHampshire 5 my Gran$ ,ather @o'&ht the ho'se on ;ean /oa$ $irect(y neFt $oor to ;o@ SDinnerKs an$ An&ie SDinnerKs ho'se. An&ieKs ?ather Dnew =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ m'ch o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 2'rin& the year 1""83 Hosh ;'rns h'mo'ro's(y state$ that Aaron 0man'e(e he(pe$ Hosh an$ his mother picD the new ho'se on :est /oa$ in MerrimacD NewHampshire an$ that it was a(most (iDe they were marrie$. 9eithKs JoDe was A2i$ Aaron he(p yo' picD the $rapesMA. It is a pro@a@i(ity that a co'sin o? Hosh ;'rnsKs ?ami(y was a SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate $'rin& the /ichar$ NiFon A$ministration 3 an$ that the 0man'e(es p'rpose(y intro$'ce$ Hosh to Aaron $'rin& his chi($hoo$ < this is eFact(y what happene$ to my se(? an$ Samantha G'ay in re&ar$s to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 5 my Mother an$ Samantha G'ayKs co'sin whom she ca((e$ AA'ntA were SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims o? =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate $'rin& their chi($hoo$3 $'rin& the /ichar$ NiFon Presi$ency. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha$ Po(ice Imm'nities $'rin& the presi$ency o? /ichar$ NiFon. My A'nt 4es(ie 3 who was a(so a %ictim o? the 0man'e(esK 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate 3 marrie$ A(

Io$ice whoKs ,ather worDe$ ?or =ittorio 0man'e(e in%o(%in& .r&ani>e$ 7rime an$ was (oya( to =ittorio 0man'e(e as the 9in& o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. It is a pro@a@i(ity that A( Io$iceKs Gran$,ather was an Ita(ian A6IS 0spiona&e S(eeper A&ent as we(( as a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 1he 0man'e(es sta(De$ my ?ami(y my entire (i?e an$ Dept c(ose watch o%er A( Io$ice 3 it seeme$ that they ha$ A( Io$ice @(acDmai(e$ somehow < the same is tr'e o? HacD 2ion 5 it is a(so $e?inite that the 0man'e(es Dept in contact with An&ie SDinner whoKs s'rname I am 'ns're o? 3 @'t was $e?inite(y o? entire(y Ita(ian race an$ her ,ather Dnew =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e. It is a(so a(most $e?inite that An&ieKs co'sins Dnew the Poten>a ,ami(y 3 which is Pete Poten>aKs an$ Hanet Poten>aKs ?ami(y. Aaron manip'(atin& Hosh'a ;'rnsK ?ami(y to mo%e to a ho'se on :est /oa$ was pro@a@(y =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(esK $ecision. In the year 1""5 9y(e Howar$ 3 9y(esKs Mother 9aren 3 an$ 9y(eKs Sister Hen Howar$ < mo%e$ to a ho'se on 4inco(n 7o'rt at the en$ o? He??erson 2ri%e in MerrimacD NewHampshire 5 it is pro@a@(e that the 0man'e(es ha$ somethin& to $o with this sa(e o? ho'se 3 =ittorioKs stea$ ho($ers ha%e @een in%o(%e$ in the @'yin& an$ se((in& o? properties his entire (i?e. Properties Stea$ Ho($ers ho($ properties an$ wea(th in the name o? a /oya( ,ami(y o?ten 3 this is simi(ar to a /oya( /etainer o? wea(th an$ properties ?or a 9in&. 9y(e Howar$ was recr'ite$ at the a&e o? 13 to worD ?or =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs 7rime Syn$icate p'shin& $r'&s 3 ;rian 7ase was one o? the men who 9y(e Howar$ committe$ initiation crimes ?or an$ who $irecte$ 9y(e Howar$ 5 it is pro@a@(e that 9y(e Howar$Ks ,ather Dnew =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e some how. A person who Dnew =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e most o? his (i?e 3 who wishes to remain anonymo's 5 has state$ o? =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e that 5 A=ictor corra(s h'man @ein&s (iDe (i%estocD. He Deeps his %ictims within arms reach o? his acI'aintances an$ his accomp(icesK acI'aintances at a(( times.A. 9y(e Howar$Ks ,ather mo%e$ to a $i??erent re&ion o? the USA a?ter his parents $i%orce$3 @'t 9y(e Howar$ was somehow networDe$ to yo'n&er 7rime So($iers o? =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs an$ it is pro@a@(e that 9y(e Howar$Ks ,ather Dnew =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e when he was yo'n&er. 2'rin& the year 200* 3 on the weeDe$ o? my 21st ;irth$ay < my ?rien$ ;rian Sweet @ro'&ht me to the Strip 7('@ MarDKs Showp(ace ?or $rinDs ?or my 21st ;irth$ay 5 whi(e there 3 I spoDe with 9y(e Howar$ @rie?(y. 9y(e Howar$ Dnew =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e. 9y(e was worDin& ?or an associate o? =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs $oin& roo?in& 3 $rywa((in& 3 an$ carpentry. I @e(ie%e that 9y(e Howar$ may possi@(y ha%e ca((e$ =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e on his Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone that ni&ht 3 i? not that ni&ht < it is $e?inite that he contacte$ =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e on a Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone $'rin& 2ecem@er o? the year 200* an$ Han'ary o? the year 2005. 2'rin& the years 2008 3 200" 3 an$ 2010 5 a @ea'ti?'( woman whom ha$ @een @(in$e$ @y SeF 1ra??icDers in the eFact manner that 2anie( Hames ha$ $isc'sse$ < was wa(Din& aro'n$ Manchester (ooDin& ?or me. She was 'sin& the name 0mi(y Is(es an$ the I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o? ,ranchesca Gon>a(e>. I @e(ie%e that this was Gr't(e 9Je((sonKs sister whom 'se$ to ta(D to A0mi(y Is(esA on the internet an$ remem@ere$ my name ?rom ta(Din& to 0mi(y Is(es. 1he 0mi(y Is(es that Gr't(e 9Je((sonKs sister spoDe with o%er internet 3 may ha%e @een the &'i(ty party that a@$'cte$ 0mi(y Is(es an$ @e&an 'sin&

her screenname. 2'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 3 0$ :arren mentione$ AIn%asion o? the ;o$ySnatchersA an$ ma$e a re?erence to APo$ Peop(eA. 2'rin& the year 200* 3 the ?ema(e 'sin& the name A0mi(y Is(esA to($ me that she was penpa(s with Gr't(e 9Je((sonKs sister. 1his woman (ooDe$ Norwe&ian an$ stron&(y resem@(e$ a woman whom was $isp(aye$ to me @y 7omp'ter HacDers $'rin& the year 200! 3 whi(e I was 'sin& the internet 5 the photo&raph which ha$ @een Apop 'pA $isp(aye$ @y hacDers 'sin& 1'rDoJan Go($ * (ooDe$ (iDe the woman whoKs photo&raph was emai(e$ to me in the year 2005 'n$er the &'ise that it was a photo&raph o? 0mi(y Is(es whom ha$ J'st &otten o't o? a swimmin& poo( an$ her hair was wet. 1his woman (ooDe$ Swe$ish an$ Norwe&ian. It is pro@a@(e that this was Gr't(e 9Je((sonKs co'sin or another sister o? his. In the photo&raph which was Apop 'pA $isp(aye$3 she was @ein& a@'se$. 2'rin& the year 2005 3 I recei%e$ post car$s in the mai( < c(aimin& that they were ?rom 0mi(y Is(es 5 these postcar$s were ?rom a(( o%er 0'rope an$ (e?t a trai( that en$e$ in Greece. A?ter these postcar$s ha$ @een $e(i%ere$ 3 I recei%e$ a (etter c(aimin& to @e ?rom 0mi(y that was written stran&e an$ her name was misspe((e$ A0mma 4ei&h O(esA which phonetica((y so'n$s (iDe A0mma 4ee 0ye(essA. 2'rin& the year 200* 3 the 0man'e(e @rothers ha$ state$ whi(e at Hampton ;eech 5 that they were &oin& to $e?ecate $own 0mi(y Is(esK throat an$ rape her throat a?terwar$s 3 they a(so a(('$e$ to @(in$in& her with 4aser Pointers < this was portraye$ in a mo%ie which I @e(ie%e may ha%e @een the mo%e Hoste( or Hoste( 2. 2'rin& the year 200*3 I ha$ to($ 0mi(y Is(es that the /oya( ,ami(y o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy were A$o(? HiterKs @io(o&ica( ?ami(y an$ that =ittorio 0man'e(e III was A$o(? Hit(erKs @io(o&ica( patri(inea( ha(? @rother 5 I a(so state$ that I @e(ie%e$ that the s'ccessi%e heirs to the throne o? 2e'tsche(an$ may ha%e possi@(y @een arreste$ an$ eFterminate$ $'rin& the Ho(oca'st o? the 1"*0Ks 3 $'rin& the A6IS Heirarcha( 2ecapitation o? the &o%ernment an$ mi(itary o? the nation o? 2e'tsche(an$. 2'rin& the year 200" < I @e(ie%e that I saw one o? the women who was state$ to @e 0mi(y Is(es wa(Din& into the Manchester Menta( Hea(th 7enter once 3 she was @(in$ an$ was 'sin& a tapper sticD 5 it is $e?inite that there were two @(on$e haire$ @(in$ women 'sin& the same I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s in the year 200" 3 these were @oth 'sin& ,ranchesca Gon>a(e>Ks I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. I ha$ @een in?orme$ $'rin& year 200" 3 that ,i(Ks @rother 2anie( Hames ha$ sent a rose to one o? these women an$ an AI (o%e yo'A car$ with @rai(e on it. ;etween the years 200* an$ 2013 3 this sensory maimin& has @een in?(icte$ on more than one ?ema(e in the Americas an$ 0'rope 5 the assai(ants are o? the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,actionKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate. It is $e?inite that the @(in$in& an$ $ea?enin& o? ,ema(e H'man 1ra??icDin& =ictims has @een committe$ ?or the p'rpose o? creatin& Sensory 2epri%ation to ena@(e more eFtreme contro(3 manip'(ation3 an$ ens(a%ement o? the ,ema(esK ;rains @y the H'man =i%isectionist SeF 1ra??icDers who ha%e @een $e%e(opin& Ne'roScience ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace So?tware ?or the ?'nction o? ens(a%in& ,ema(es @y metho$ o? t'rnin& their @o$ies into comp(ete Ne'ro/o@ots 3 which they ha%e no contro( o%er themse(%es $'e to 7omp'ter So?tware an$ Processors contro((in& their ;rainKs an$ entire ;o$yKs Ne'ro(o&y. ,o'r $ea?ene$ ,ema(es were witnesse$ in the company o? the imposte'r o? ;rian Mason 5 these women went into a @e$room with him an$ so'n$e$ as i? they were ha%in& seF. M'(tip(e @(in$ women ha%e @een si&hte$ in the North 0ast o? North America within the (ast " years. It is pro@a@(e

that ,i( 0man'e(e @'i(t m'(tip(e $'n&eons ?or p'rpose o? eFperimentin& on ,ema(eKs Ne'ro(o&y with Ne'roScience So?tware an$ Prosthetic Ne'ro7irc'itry inter?ace$ to comp'ters @y way o? wire(ess transmission 5 it is a $e?inite pro@a@i(ity that some o? these women ha%e @een @oth @(in$e$ an$ $ea?ene$ prior to @e tort're$ 3 ens(a%e$ 3 an$ eFperimente$ 'pon. 2'rin& the year 2005 < a /e(aFation Spa which o??ere$ spa ser%ices s'ch as :ei&ht(ess 7ham@er /e(aFation Spa wherein the spa c(ient (ay in a cham@er 3 ?(oatin& on a sha((ow poo( o? thicD(y sa(inate$ water 5 were opene$ as a Spa in Manchester NewHampshire. Spa c(ients wo'($ (ay in these Are(aFation cham@ersA whi(e (istenin& to ca(min& m'sic an$ am@ient recor$in&s in the $arDness o? the re(aFation cham@er. It is pro@a@(e that a Property Stea$ Ho($er o? the 0man'e(esK @'i(t this an$ the 0man'e(es p'rchase$ eFtra s'pp(ies inc('$in& eFtra :ei&ht(ess /e(aFation 7ham@ers possi@(y transporte$ in ?rom e(sewhere an$ 'se$ these :ei&ht(ess /e(aFation 7ham@ers ?or Ne'roScience H'man =i%isections in%o(%in& Sensory Maimin& 3 Sensory 2epri%ation 3 an$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace Ne'ro/o@otics Ne'ro(o&y 0Fperiments wherein e%ery part o? a h'man @rain was eFp(ore$ 'sin& Ne'roScience So?tware with the intent o? en&ineerin& Ne'roS(a%ery Ne'ro/o@otics So?tware ?or 'se with Prosthetic Ne'ro7irc'its ?or the p'rpose o? ens(a%in& an$ contro((in& the @rains an$ entire ne'ro(o&y o? their H'man 1ra??icDin& =ictims as (itera( .r&anic /o@ots. 1he 0man'e(esK attacDs ha%e @een ?orsha$owe$ in mo%ies 3 $escri@e$ in mo%ies a?ter @ein& committe$ 3 as we(( as ha%e the 0man'e(es mimmicDe$ attacDs $epicte$ in cinemato&raphy. 2'rin& the approFimate year 2005 3 a mo%ie was pro$'ce$ which containe$ a scene wherein a ?ema(e was chaine$ in an$ (ocDe$ in a :ei&ht(ess /e(aFation 7ham@er ?i((e$ with a @e$ o? thicD(y sa(inate$ water 'pon which the in$i%i$'a( 'sin& the re(aFation cham@er rests 5 this was the same spa eI'ipment that was (ocate$ at the /e(aFation Spa in Manchester NewHampshire which was opene$ in the year 2005. 1his mo%ie was either Hoste( 3 Hoste( 2 3 one o? the SA: Mo%ies 3 or a simi(ar mo%ie. It is $e?inite that ,i( 0man'e(e himse(? is pro@a@(e to ha%e store$ some o? these 7o??in (iDe Sa(ine ?i((e$ :ei&ht(ess /e(aFation 7ham@ers in a @asement an$ 'se$ them $'rin& his attacDs on ,ema(es. ;etween the years 200* an$ 2012 3 the 0man'e(esK acc'm'(ate$ most o? the Hea(thcare ,aci(ities in the North 0ast o? North America an$ ha$ access to the $r'& 4ora>apam an$ InJection Syrin&es. 4ora>apam an$ InJection Syrin&es are 's'a((y 'se$ to se$ate those whom are %io(ent an$ crimina((y insane when they @ecome %io(ent whi(e in a Hea(thcare ,aci(ity or Psychiatric Prison Unit. 4ora>apam InJections are not 's'a((y 'se$ to se$ate norma( Menta( Hea(th Patients. :hi(e I was i((e&a((y $etaine$ an$ he($ in a Psychiatric ,aci(ity in 7oncor$ NewHampshire ?or a weeD 3 I witnesse$ an emp(oyee tacD(e a man whom was an in patient at the ?aci(ity an$ inJect him with what I @e(ie%e was 4ora>apam to se$ate him a?ter he tie$ him to a stretcher an$ @ro'&ht him to a $i??erent room. It is pro@a@(e that the a@$'ction o? entire ?ami(ies in the North 0ast o? North America ha%e res'(te$ in the har%estin& o? h'man test s'@Jects in the ?orm o? H'man =i%isection S(a%es which are o? a(( a&es ?rom in?ancy to e($er(y an$ that the H'man =i%isections which ha%e @een pro%en to ha%e @een con$'cte$ 3 are contin'in& in iso(ate$ re&ions. It is $e?inite that the 0man'e(es ha%e SeF 1ra??icDe$ m'ch o? the pop'(ation. It

is a $e?inite emer&ency an$ an imminent threat that Ne'roScience eFperiments ha%e @een @ein& con$'cte$ 'pon 'nwi((in& H'man test s'@Jects. Ne'roScience Ne'roProsthesis /esearch an$ Ne'roScience So?tware research is @ein& con$'cte$ in secret 'pon H'man 1ra??icDin& =ictims. It is a pro@a@i(ity that the maJority o? %ictims are women an$ chi($ren whom ha%e @een /ep(ace$ ;y Imposte'r an$ ha%e ?ai(e$ to appear as missin& on paper an$ comp'ter recor$ $'e to their entire ?ami(ies @ein& /ep(ace$ ;y Imposte'rs an$ not a sin&(e re(ati%e @ein& a(i%e to ?i(e a :itness 1estimonia( to their a@$'ction an$ the the?t o? i$entity. I? women are @ein& (ocDe$ in $'n&eons an$ tort're$ ?or months at a time 3 it is pro@a@(e that they ha%e @een tort're$ to s'@mit 3 an$ otherwise ha%e @een sa$istica((y tort're$ an$ en&ineere$ to s'rren$er 5 these women may possi@(y @e @ein& 'se$ as em@e$$e$ a&ents worDin& within 2epartment o? Motor =ehic(es 3 Hea(thcare ,aci(ities 3 Po(ice 2epartments 3 an$ other $epartments now. 1he 0man'e(es ha%e somehow mana&e$ to Deep tho'san$s o? H'man =i%isection =ictims contro((e$. 1hese %ictims ha%e @een S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces consistin& o? a Prosthetic Ne'ro7irc'it that &ra?ts to the @rain which is wire$ @eneath the ear(o@e to an A/G.S G.P.S. 2e%ice @ein& 'se$ as an impro%ise$ /o'terG;attery to networD these $e%ices to comp'ters o%er (on& $istance ra$io ?reI'ency. It is pro@a@(e that the $'n&eons which ha%e @een ?o'n$ in North America are not the on(y H'man =i%isection 4a@oratories in the North American /e&ion nor wo'($ these @e the on(y $'n&eons wherein SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims ha%e @een he($ capti%e. Somehow3 the 0man'e(es an$ the Ita(ian A6IS ,action ha%e o@taine$ (ar&e amo'nts o? Nano0n&ineere$ =ir's ?or 'se with =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy Science an$ these ha%e @een pro%i$e$ with speci?ic &enes o? %ictims whom their a&ents were rep(acin& as imposte'rs 5 the on(y way which this wo'($ @e possi@(e wo'($ @e i? their Property Stea$ Ho($ers ha$ @een instr'cte$ to p'rchase n'mero's hospita(s 3 which they ha%e. It is pro@a@(e that @asement H'man =i%isection 2'n&eons eFist in @asements o? eFtreme(y r'ra( woo$e$ areas s'ch as Maine an$ =ermont. It is a(so important to checD 2ean 9amen o? ;e$?or$ NewHampshireKs 2NA to ens're that he was not a@$'cte$ < 2ean 9amenKs research an$ en&ineerin& in%ention (a@oratory was eFtensi%e an$ is a $e?inite tar&et o? the Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate $'e to 2ean 9amenKs eFtensi%e recor$s an$ recor$ Deepin& o? his Scienti?ic St'$ies an$ 0n&ineere$ Proto1ypes. 2ean 9amen has worDe$ on 2A/PA ,'n$e$ ProJects in the past 3 $e%e(opin& Ne'roScience 1echno(o&ies ?or the 2epartment o? 2e?ense o? the Unite$ States o? America. 2ean 9amen is a $e?inite tar&et o? the 0man'e(esK /ep(acement @y Imposte'r attacD an$ is pro@a@(e to @e a tar&et ?or rep(acement @y an Ita(ian A6IS Scientist. 2'rin& the year 2005 3 my cat Himmy Hames went missin& ?or 10 $ays. My sisters S'mmer an$ 7he(sey ha$ a$opte$ my cat when I mo%e$ to Manchester NewHampshire. :hen Himmy Hames was ?o'n$ < he ha$ $rie$ @(oo$ @ehin$ his ear(o@e an$ @eneath the corner o? his Jaw as we(( as some Din$ o? pitch &('e3 his mo'th Dept openin& as i? his Jaw was @other him an$ he Dept (ooDin& at me p(ea$in&(y an$ con?'se$. 0%ent'a((y my cat (ai$ $own in the roa$ an$ was hit @y a car. It has now @een $isco%ere$ that he ha$ @een somehow trappe$ an$ a@$'cte$ 3 an$ Ne'roS'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace Prosthetic Ne'ro7irc'it an$ A/G.S G.P.S. ;io(o&ist 1racDin&

2e%ice which ha$ @een @ein& 'se$ as an Impro%ise$ 4on& /an&e /o'ter NetworDin& 2e%ice to inter?ace the Ne'ro7irc'it to a comp'ter. 2'rin& the 1"!0Ks < a scienti?ic (a@ test res'(te$ in the AUni%ersity o? 7a(i?ornia ,e(ine 7atKs 0ye 0FperimentA which was the $isco%ery o? the a@i(ity to 'se a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace an$ Prosthetic Ne'ro7irc'it to %iew the %ision o? a ?e(ineKs eye si&ht on a 7omp'ter Monitor 3 as i? the cat was a %i$eo camera. 2'rin& the year 2005 3 the Ne'roSpine Instit'te an$ the =eternarianKs 7(inic near the MarDKs Showp(ace Strip 7('@ ha$ J'st @een @'i(t. My sisters (i%e$ in MerrimacD NewHampshire on(y 15 min'tes o? a $ri%e ?rom this (ocation. 1he 0man'e(es are sa$istic &enoci$a( terrorists an$ are me&a(omaniacs as we(( as Socia( 2arwinists. :hi(e worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n Street in Manchester NewHampshire 3 Anthony 2e,eo an$ 0$ :arren were o%erhear$ sin&in& A7opaca@anaA 5 A7opaca@anaA is a son& a@o't a man who is the @oy?rien$ o? an 0rotic 2ancer an$ is m'r$ere$ @y a man at the Strip 7('@ or SeF Par(o'r. 2'rin& the year 200* 3 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e state$ to my se(? that he hates A(o%eA. 1he strippers @oy?rien$ in the son& (yric is a @arten$er. My ?ather 'se$ to $rinD Mar&heritas with his &ir(?rien$ o't o? G(ass Mason Hars. Mar&herite is what 0$ :arren an$ Anthony 2e,eo were ca((in& one o? the P'erto /ican women who worDe$ with 's in the years 200* an$ 2005 5 her name was Mar&e. 2'rin& the year 200E 3 a %i$eo ca((e$ &'y one JarA was p'@(ishe$ to the internet wherein a man who seems to @e hypnoti>e$ inserts a &(ass mason Jar into his an's an$ c(enches 3 @reaDin& it 5 he remo%es each piece o? @roDen &(ass in$i%i$'a((y whi(e he @(ee$s to $eath 3 is simi(ar to the J'mpin& c(o'$ in the 2on Hert>?e($t A/eJecte$ 7artoonsA. 1he room in the &'y one JarA %i$eo is an empty so(i$ white room. In the year 2012 3 p'@(ishe$ in internet artic(es were photo&raphs o? a so(i$ white room in a @asement in .ntario 7ana$a with chains han&in& ?rom the cei(in& that was 'se$ as a $'n&eon. My ?ami(y ha$ co'sins (i%in& in .ntario 7ana$a who ha%e @een attacDe$ 3 many o? them ha%e @een rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs. It is a pro@a@i(ity that the man in the &'y one JarA %i$eo was &asse$ with smoDe o? MariJ'ana coate$ with 2isassociati%es whi(e (ocDe$ in the $'n&eon prior to the $oor @ein& opene$ an$ a &(ass mason Jar @ein& han$e$ to him whi(e in a $isassociate$ state 5 a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace an$ Ne'roScience /o@otics Prosthesis Animation So?tware co'($ ha%e @een 'se$ to ne'ro(o&ica((y ro@ot pi(ot the manKs arms an$ han$s to p'(( the &(ass shar$s ?rom his an's. 1he man in the %i$eo $e?inite(y @(ee$ to $eath. 1his %i$eo was p'@(ishe$ to internet as i? it were Aporno&raphyA or a JoDe. I @e(ie%e that this %i$eo was ma$e @y the same peop(e who %i$eo&raphe$ $ea? SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims @ein& rape$ an$ p'@(ishe$ it to internet in 2008. 2'rin& the year 200* 5 0$ ,arrachi :arren arri%e$ at worD one $ay comp(ainin& o? a AcricD in the necDA an$ that an o@Ject near the corner o? his Jaw 3 at the top o? his throat was A(iDe the princess an$ the peaA < he sai$ this whi(e r'@@in& 'n$er his Jaw with his ?in&ers. 0$ :arren ha$ apparent(y @een S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace consistin& o? a Prosthetic Ne'ro7irc'it Gra?t wire$ to an A/G.S G(o@a( Positionin& System 2e%ice which was @ein& 'se$ a$$itiona((y as an impro%ise$ /o'ter G Powers'pp(y ?or the p'rpose o? s'pp(yin& precise 0(ectro Ma&netic Positi%e an$ Ne&ati%e 7har&es to in?('ence an$ contro( the ;rainKs ;inary Ne'ro(o&y @y metho$ o?

s'pp(yin& these Positi%e an$ Ne&ati%e 7har&es to the circ'itry o? the Prosthetic Ne'ro7irc'it &ra?te$ to the ;rain. 1his is a newer mo$e( o? ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace an$ an impro%ise$ ro'ter @'i(t ?rom a G.P.S. $e%ice. 1his $e%ice sen$s the @inary o? the entire @o$yKs Ne'ro(o&y as we(( as recei%es @inary 0(ectroMa&netic 2ata ?rom the 7omp'ter with which it is NetworDe$ an$ the Ne'roScience So?tware which it interacts with. 0$ ,arrachi :arren spoDe a@o't this $e%ice with Anthony 2e,eo in the @acD o? the sa(es area o? the ,ami(y 2o((ar store on 4inco(n Street in Manchester NewHampshire $'rin& either the years 200* or 2005 < I o%erhear$ somethin& a@o't a A(ie $etector testA 3 the $escription o? what 0$ :arren $escri@e$ theA(ie $etector testA as was in ?act a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace that 0$ :arren was s'ppose$(y reI'ire$ to @e S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with ?or the p'rpose o? =ittorio 0man'e(e @ein& a@(e to tr'st him. It is 'n$etermine$ whether 0$ :arrenKs ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace was networDe$ to a comp'ter an$ Ne'roScience So?tware ?or short perio$s o? time whi(e in the presence o? =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e ?or p'rpose o? 4ie 2etector 1estin& 3 or i? 0$ :arrenKs ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace was networDe$ @y Internet NetworDin& Protoco( to a Ser%er 7omp'ter the entire time it was S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ in his sD'(( 5 =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e co'($ ha%e (ie$ to 0$ :arren 3 =ittorio 0man'e(e a(so co'($ ha%e instr'cte$ 0$ :arren to (ie on recor$in& a@o't ha%in& a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace in his sD'(( at a((. A?ter =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e ha$ or$ere$ 0$ :arren to insta(( Impro%ise$ /ecor$in& 2e%ices a@o%e the styro?oam cei(in& pane(s 3 I ha$ @een recor$e$ $isc'ssin& ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces @ein& 'se$ to contro( the Ne'ro(o&y o? a /at an$ pi(ot it to $escen$ into @'rnin& @'i($in&s to (ooD ?or en$an&ere$ citi>ens to resc'e 5 I ha$ rea$ this artic(e on the internet whi(e my comp'ter was @ein& hacDe$. 1he ?act that =ittorio or$ere$ 0$ :arren to insta(( recor$in& $e%ices a@o%e the styro?oam cei(in& pane(s 3 portrays the psycho(o&y o? a person that is tryin& to manip'(ate an in%esti&ation in the ?'t're or is tryin& to spy on a person to catch them $isc'ssin& somethin& speci?ic ?or p'rpose o? &atherin& in?ormation ?or crimina( p'rposes 5 the entire time that I was worDin& an a%era&e o? !0 ho'rs a weeD at ,ami(y 2o((ar 3 my comp'ter was @ein& hacDe$ @y a hacDer who I @e(ie%e was 'sin& 1'rDoJan so?tware the entire time. I @e(ie%e that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy were attemptin& to @'i($ a @e(ie%a@(e a(i@i 3 ?ramin& my se(? an$ others < ?or =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs SeF 1ra??icDin& o? n'mero's mem@ers o? my ?ami(y 3 SeF .??enses which the 0man'e(es ha$ committe$ 'pon mem@ers o? my ?ami(y an$ eF (o%ers o? my own 3 an$ the ?act that I ha$ J'st emai(e$ a Hewish man in?ormin& him that =ittorio 0man'e(e III was A$o(? Hit(erKs patri(inea( ha(? @rother. It is a possi@i(ity that 0$ :arren ha$ not yet @een S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace < @'t ha$ @een instr'cte$ to state that he ha$ 3 an$ state this in s'ch a manner that it was inten$e$ to so'n$ as i? 0$ :arren was too st'pi$ to 'n$erstan$ that it was not J'st a A(ie $etector testA 5 this wo'($ possi@(y @e ?or the p'rpose o? maDin& it appear as i? 0$ :arren was worDin& a&ainst the Ho'se o? Sa%oy with a crimina( ?action who were p(annin& to either ?rame the Ho'se o? Sa%oy or &et re%en&e ?or some p'rpose s'ch as the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs &'i(t concernin& the en&ineerin& o? the A6IS 3 the 3r$ /eich 3 an$ the Ho(oca'st < or the Ho'se o? Sa%oy conI'erin& Sici(y. 2'rin& the year 1""5 3 my ?ather /'sse(( MacPherson to($ /o@ert /o$on a@o't my A'nt H'(iannaKs ?ami(yKs reason ?or mo%in& to the USA an$ eFp(aine$ to

him that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha$ attempte$ to eFterminate her ?ami(y 5 /o@ert /o$on was a Pa&e a@o't to @e promote$ to an 0rrant 3 on his way to @ecomin& a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. It is possi@(e that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ h's sons attempte$ to $esi&n a ?(eFi@(e a(i@i that wo'($ ena@(e m'(tip(e ?actions to @e ?rame$ ?or their own crimes 5 this wo'($ mean that their attempt to @'i($ an a(i@i wo'($ in%o(%e m'(tip(e (ayers o? interconnecte$ attempts to scape&oat an$ ?rame other i$entities ?or their crimes 5 these i$entities wo'($ @e Satanic 7'(tists 3 Asatr'ars 3 Hews 3 Sici(ian Aristocrats seeDin& re%en&e ?or the (oss o? the 9in&$om o? Sici(y 3 an$ I@nSa'$ /oya( ,ami(y 0spiona&e 1errorism with secret Moro @(oo$e$ Sici(ian connections. It is possi@(e that =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e @e(ie%e$ that 0$ :arrenKs @rain @ein& permanant(y accessi@(e to them ens're$ that he wo'($ not (ie to them an$ that his tho'&hts wo'($ @e recor$e$ i? he $i$ (ie 3 which wo'($ ena@(e the 0man'e(es to contro( 0$ :arren with threats i? necessary or react accor$in&(y to a%oi$ con%iction ?or their :ar 7rimes. 0$ :arren ma$e the statement < A2'$e 3 they ta&&e$ me (iDe an a((i&atorA 3 0$ :arren a(so state$ concernin& SeF 1ra??icDin& an$ somethin& re(ate$ to the $e%ice in his sD'(( A A2'$e3 that is some serio's s(a%eryLA an$ AAnthony 3 remem@er that thin& with the ratMA. 2'rin& the year 200* < 0$ :arren3 Anthony 2e,eo3 an$ my se(? 5 ha$ a con%ersation whi(e at worD 3 a@o't ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace an$ Ne'roScience So?tware @ein& 'se$ to remote pi(ot a rat. :hi(e we were atten$in& a Gothic Ni&ht at a @ar in Manchester NewHampshire 3 a ?ami(ia( re(ati%e o? /o@ 2KAn&e(oKs to($ Sahn$ra St..n&e that he was hire$ to hacD o'r comp'ter twice an$ that he to($ the peop(e who hire$ him that he wo'($ not $o it anymore 3 an$ that he was J'st (ettin& 's Dnow. 1his man state$ that it was the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen that hire$ him to hacD o'r comp'ter 3 an$ that his ?ather an$ /o@ 2KAn&e(o were 9ni&hts o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. It is possi@(e that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e 3 1ony Grasseti 3 7hris 1homas 3 Aaron 0man'e(e 3 an$ 2anie( Hames 5 con%ince$ =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e that they co'($ create ?or him an a(i@i as (on& as he $i$ a speci?ic seI'entia( series o? thin&s an$ instea$ 3 $eci$e$ to 'se intentiona( Aminor ?ai('res that can @e o%ercomeA to manip'(ate =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e to in%est reso'rces in speci?ic properties an$ pro$'ction capa@i(ities as we(( as @(acD mai( speci?ic crimina(s an$ or$er speci?ic crimina( an$ terrorist actions to @e committe$. It is a $e?inite ?act that =ittorio 0man'e(eKs sons an$ some o? their co'sins ha%e @'i(t a 7rimina( 1errorist /e&ime in North America an$ are pro@a@(y attemptin& to prepare ?or an attempte$ G(o@a( 7onI'est in their (i?etimes. 1his state$ howe%er 3 it is a(most $e?inite that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e was raise$ as a S(eeper 7e(( A6IS 1errorist 7rime 4or$ whoKs S(eeper Goa( at 7e(( Acti%ation was inten$e$ to @e co%ert comp(ete conI'est o? North America an$ e%ent'a( initiation o? an o%ert re@'i($in& o? the A6IS ,action (ea$in& to a 3r$ :or($ :ar. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy ?o'n$e$ the A6IS 3 A$o(? Hit(er was =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs ha(? @rother an$ one o? =ittorio 0man'e(e IIKs Gran$ Sons 3 H'(i's 0%o(a an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e III were @oth $e?inite(y A6IS a(i&ne$ 5 a pre empti%e tota( conI'est o? North America occ'rrin& sim'(taeneo's(y with a tota( heirarcha( $ecapitation o? the 0'ropean Union states wo'($ $e?inite(y ens're %ictory ?or

the A6IS ,action i? ;ra>i( an$ Ar&entina were heirarcha((y $ecapitate$ as we(( as comp(ete(y in?i(trate$ an$ em@e$$e$ with a 1errorist 7rimina( /e&ime (oya( to the A6IS. 1he creation o? a Uni?ie$ 0'ropean State an$ e%ent'a( G(o@a( State has a(ways @een the &oa( o? the A6IS. It is pro@a@(e that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the A6IS ,ami(ies o? the Ho'se o? Aosta an$ the Ho'se o? I@nSa'$ who mo%e$ to the U.S.A. imme$iate(y a?ter the Secon$ 2e?eat o? the A6IS 5 are &oin& to attempt to r'(e North America an$ the 0'ropean Union @y metho$ o? @'i($in& a 7o%ert /e&ime < this a(rea$y seems to ha%e happene$ in some re&ions o? the U.S.A. 3 where mem@ers o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ their associate$ 7rime So($iers are near(y imm'ne to the 4aw 0n?orcement an$ In%esti&ation 2epartments. In the North 0ast o? the U.S.A. 3 a /a@@iKs yo'n& $a'&hter name$ H'(ie :einstein was a@$'cte$ an$ wa(De$ aro'n$ with a $o&Ks (eash an$ $o&Ks co((ar on her necD @y a 7rime So($ier o? the Ita(ian Ho'se o? Sa%oysKs. 1his 7rime So($ier was ne%er arreste$ ?or this crime < instea$3 another man whom his comra$es a@$'cte$ was =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tate$ to @are simi(ar resem@(ance to him an$ Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS A&ents em@e$$e$ within the 4aw 0n?orcement Arrest 1ony Gon>a(e> as i? he was A7esare 2ia@(oA who committe$ the crimes. A7esare 2ia@(oA was (ast si&hte$ in Nash'a =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tate$ to ha%e pa(e white sDin an$ a thinner nose 5 he was i$enti?ie$ @y three peop(e inc('$in& Sean ,air@anDs 3 Man$y /o$ri&'e> 3 an$ my se(?. =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate ha%e in%este$ (ar&e amo'nts o? reso'rces into techno(o&ies in%o(%in& 7y@er 1errorism 3 Ne'roScience H'man 1ra??icDin& 3 H'man =i%isections3 an$ what can now @e consi$ere$ to @e Ne'ro 1errorism 3 as we(( as 0spiona&e. 1he c'rrent attacDs are accompanie$ @y attacDs in%o(%in& 7y@er1errorism an$ Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are 'pon American 7i%i(ians an$ other nations o? peop(e3 H'man =i%isections in%o(%in& Ne'roScience an$ /o@otics Animation So?tware as we(( as ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 2e%ices an$ other 0(ectronic 1ransmittin& S'r&ica( Imp(ants3 rep(acement o? American ?ami(ies with 7osmetic S'r&erie$ an$ 7osmetic =ira( =ector Gene 1herapie$ In$i%i$'a(s 'sin& 2'p(icate$ I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s whom ha%e @een physica((y =ira( =ector M'tate$ to appear aesthetica((y simi(ar to %ictims ?or p'rpose o? ass'min& the i$entities o? the in$i%i$'a(s whom ha%e @een Di((e$ an$ rep(ace$ as we(( as ha%e some o? these %ictims @een swappe$3 a@$'ction o? American ?ema(es ?or the p'rpose o? 7onc'@ina( SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 em@e$$in& o? 7o%ert A&ents within 4aw 0n?orcement an$ 7rime Units3 transportation an$ stocDpi(in& o? Mi(itary Gra$e :eapons on American Soi(3 in?i(tration o? Sec'rity an$ In%esti&ations 2epartments. =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy can @e 'se$ as an eFtreme(y s'ccess?'( ?orm o? aesthetic $is&'ise which pro$'ces res'(ts &reater than P(astic S'r&ery or Hair 2yes an$ SDin 2yes an$ is a simp(er process than 7osmetic S'r&ery < =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy ca'ses m'tation o? 2NA on the microscopic sca(e. It is $e?inite that the 0man'e(esK c'rrent attempt to ?rame an a(i@i ?or their own c'rrent 7rimes A&ainst H'manity < .r&ani>e$ SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 =io(ent 1errorism 3 H'man =i%isection 3 Genoci$e 3 :ar /ape 3 :ar Maimin& o? ci%i(ians3 as we(( as a (ist o? /.I.7... 4aw =io(ations in the USA 5 can @e Psycho(o&ica((y Pro?i(e$ an$ the reasonin& ?or the 0man'e(esK committin& o? the most heino's o? crimes is as o@%io's as is their

reasonin& ?or their attempt to ?rame innocent parties ?or these crimes. 1he Moro @(oo$e$ Sici(ian &an&sters whom they ha%e recent(y hire$ to ai$ them in their .r&ani>e$ 7rime an$ 7rimes A&ainst H'manity are o@%io's to ha%e @een hire$ ?or the p'rpose o? attemptin& to a(i&n Sici(ians whom are o? ancient Moroccan Sici(ian @(oo$(ines with what e%er or&ani>ation the 0man'e(esK ha$ $eci$e$ to attempt to a(i&n to .sama ;in4a$enKs networD o? 1errorist Mi(itants. It is pro@a@(e that the 0man'e(e 0%o(a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate ha%e connections to Arms 2ea(ers in the ?ormer(y .ttoman Imperia( re&ions 3 these @ein& .r&ani>e$ 7rime Associates o? a 1errorist H'man 1ra??icDin& 7rime Syn$icate that wo'($ @e the theoretica( twin to the 0man'e(esK. 1he Moro @(oo$e$ Sici(ians are the race o? Sici(ians whom are o? the race re(ate$ to the Moro Sici(ian Aristocracy which eFiste$ prior to the Norman conI'est o? Sici(y. Most Moro @(oo$e$ Sici(ians are on(y s(i&ht(y o? Moroccan 2NA 3 Moro Sici(ians are o? pre$ominant(y Mace$onian race as are the rest o? Sici(y inc('$in& Normano Sici(ians. =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e $eci$e$ in the year 200* to attempt to ?rame a series o? a(i@is ?or a Genoci$e which they ha$ p(anne$ 3 their connections to past terrorist attacDs 3 their .r&ani>e$ 7rime 3 an$ their 7rimes A&ainst H'manity. =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs p(ans as we(( as their crimes eFpress an eFtreme $e&ree o? 'nhea(thy /acism which is the o@%io's pro$'ct o? their own ?ee(in&s o? &'i(t an$ $esperate ?ee(in&s o? a nee$ ?or se(? preser%ation. 1he 0man'e(esK racism is c(ear(y an emotiona( res'(t o? a $esire ?or se(? preser%ation an$ a $esire to escape H'stice. 2'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 5 n'mero's c'stomers entere$ the ,ami(y 2o((ar store with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ in their sD'((s that were accessi@(e @y metho$ o? an eFpose$ $e%ice that (ooDe$ (iDe a hea$ @an$ across the top o? the sD'((. A(so present at the store was an in$i%i$'a( with a 7och(ear 0ar Imp(ant $e%ice %isi@(e. A Ne'roSpine Instit'te ha$ J'st recent(y opene$ in ;e?or$ NewHampshire on the 2.:. Hi&hway 3 twenty min'tes $ri%in& $istance ?rom the ,ami(y 2o((ar Store.

2'rin& the years o? 2005 3 200E 3 an$ 200! < 7esare A2ia@(oA was (e?t with an A@$'ction =ictim o? ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs an$ =ittorio 0man'e(eKs whom 0$ ,arrachi :arren ha$ tar&ette$ ?or them. 1his (itt(e &ir( was ;arry :einsteinKs $a'&hter H'(ie :einstein whom was approFimate(y possi@(y 11 years o($ $'rin& (ate 200* when she was a@$'cte$. In the year 200* 5 0$ :arren ha$ written $own ;arry :einsteinKs (icense p(ate n'm@er an$ is recor$e$ @y Sec'rity 7ameras at ,ami(y 2o((ar as ha%in& $one so < this occ'rre$ a?ter ;arry :einstein ha$ @o'&ht items at my re&ister an$ we ha$ con%erse$ ?or a short perio$ o? time $'rin& which I %er@a((y comp(imente$ his han$ tai(ore$ %est an$ he mentione$ $'rin& o'r con%ersation that he was a /a@@i. 2'rin& the years that 7esare ha$ H'(ie :einstein as a capti%e in Manchester NewHampshire 3 H'(ie :einstein ha$ @een S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace consistin& o? a Prosthetic Ne'ro7irc'it &ra?te$ to her @rain in her s(eep that was wire$ to a S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ A/G.S G.P.S. 2e%ice which ha$ @een 'se$ as an impro%ise$ /o'ter G ;attery that was tacDe$ insi$e her Jaw ca%ity. H'(ie :einsteinKs Nose 2NA an$ 0ye@row 2NA was

m'tate$ 'sin& =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy Nano0n&ineere$ =ir's which was c'(t're$ in Hemo&(o@in an$ ?e$ to her < A7esareA was to($ that the Nose 2NA an$ 0ye@row 2NA were 0mi(y Is(eKs 2NA 5 0mi(y Is(es 3 is pro@a@(e to ha%e @een a@$'cte$ ?rom 7ana$a @y =ittorio 0man'e(eKs SeF 1ra??icDers. 0mi(y Is(es was one o? my @est ?rien$s $'rin& 200*. A7esareKsA Jo@ that ,i( 0man'e(e &a%e him was to wa(D H'(ie :einstein aro'n$ with him in p'@(ic on a $o& (eash which was (atche$ to a $o& co((ar that they ma$e her wear. In 1""" 3 the secon$ time that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e rape$ Nina Hansen 5 he ?orce$ her to wear a $o& co((ar an$ $o& (eash. Nina Hansen to($ me a@o't this o%er the te(ephone $'rin& the year 2000 5 it is pro@a@(e that the 0man'e(es emp(oye$ 7omp'ter HacDers to Ser%er HacD tap :ire 1ap Nina HansenKs 1e(ephone con%ersations $'rin& the years tht ,i( 0man'e(e ha$ @een attacDin& her 3 ?o((owin& the year 1""" < it is a(so possi@(e that the series o? i((e&a( wire taps that were $isco%ere$ $'rin& the G(o@a( :ar on 1error 3 @e&an $'rin& the 1""0Ks an$ was entire(y committe$ @y the 0man'e(esK A&ents @y or$er o? =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e. 1his is simi(ar to the crimes o? the /I7HA/2 NI6.N A2MINIS1/A1I.N < which are certain(y connecte$ to =ittorio 0man'e(eKs ?ami(y as we(( as the 0%o(as an$ the Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate 3 the crimes which (e$ to :A10/GA10 were eFtreme %io(ations o? H'man /i&hts an$ a res'(t o? attempts to e(iminate e%i$ence o? these %io(ations. ;etween the years 2005 an$ 200! < It was ma$e apparent that H'(ie :einstein was @ein& SeF'a((y A@'se$ an$ possi@(y SeF 1ra??icDe$. It was a(so ma$e apparent @y 7esare whom was (o'$(y o'tspoDen a@o't it whi(e %isitin& 0$ ,arrachi :arren at ,ami(y 2o((ar in Manchester NewHampshire 4inco(n Street < that 7esare was char&e$ with the tasD o? o??en$in& me to the point o? in?'riatin& me eno'&h to pro%oDe me to %io(ence. I @e(ie%e that the 0man'e(esK initia( p(an in%o(%e$ ha%in& me imprisone$ ?or assa'(tin& 7esare3 $'rin& which time the rest o? their p(ans wo'($ pro&ress. 7esare ne%er mana&e$ to pro%oDe me to %io(ence $'rin& any o? the instances o? 's passin& @y one another in p'@(ic. It is $e?inite that 7esare is one o? the in$i%i$'a(s whom ha%e @een a(i&ne$ in s'ch a way that the 0man'e(esK are inten$in& to 'se him as a scape&oat a(i@i ?or their orchestration o? a 7o%ert Genoci$e3 .r&ani>e$ :ar 7rimes3 an$ 7rimes A&ainst H'manity $'rin& the G(o@a( :ar on 1error 5 ?ramin& the 0%o(a ?ami(y ?or the entirety o? the 0man'e(esK conspiracy to ?rame a(i@is @y metho$ o? a(i&nin& accomp(ices in a speci?ic chain o? comp(icity that somehow connects the 0man'e(esK accomp(ices to .sama ;in4a$enKs ,action. .sama ;in4a$en was eFpecte$ @y the 0man'e(es to con%einient(y @e $ea$ @y the $ate o? the c'(mination o? this series o? 7rimes A&ainst H'manity which the 0man'e(es ha$ p(anne$ to orchestrate in a speci?ic seI'entia( or$er that wo'($ (ea%e other a(( other parties ?rame$ 3 ?rame accomp(ices an$ hire$ parties as i? they were the &'i(ty en&ineerin& ?action 3 an$ ?rame .sama ;in4a$enKs ,action post mortem ?or the 0man'e(eKs own Genoci$a( 7rimina( 1errorist 7ampai&n in the Americas an$ 0'rope. 1his attempte$ ?ramin& o? the $ecease$ .sama ;in4a$en ?or the 0man'e(esK own 1errorist 7ampai&n was eFpecte$ to con%einient(y res'(t in the tota( cease o? in%esti&ations in%o(%in& the $etermination o? whom the 0n&ineerin& Party o? the 0man'e(esK 1errorist 7ampai&n was $'e to .sama ;in4a$en a(rea$y @ein& $ea$ an$ a(rea$y @ein& $isco%ere$ to ha%e @een in%o(%e$ in the 0n&ineerin& o? the " 11 1errorist AttacDs.

It is a(so $e?inite(y pro@a@(e that the 0man'e(es ha$ a han$ in the 0n&ineerin& o? the " 11 1errorist AttacDs < this @ein& o@%io's $'e to the new(y $isco%ere$ ?act that the 0man'e(es apparent(y ha%e Accomp(ices 3 A??i(iates 3 an$ Associates whom are in$i%i$'a(s which are acI'ainte$ with .sama ;in4a$enKs 1errorist ,action as we(( as a(so the 0man'e(esK Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate. It wo'($ @e impossi@(e ?or =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e to ?rame their own accomp(ices 3 a??i(iates 3 an$ associates ?or worDin& with .sama ;in4a$enKs ,action witho't in$i%i$'a( peop(e 3 e(ectronic e%i$ence 3 or any other empirica( ?act'a( e%i$ence connectin& in$i%i$'a(s to .sama ;in4a$enKs ,action. 1he 0man'e(esK wo'($ ha%e no a@i(ity to intro$'ce in$i%i$'a( associates o? theirs to A??i(iates o? .sama ;in4a$enKs ,action nor wo'($ the 0man'e(es @e capa@(e o? ?ramin& e%en a sin&(e party ?or their own 7rimes A&ainst H'manity i? they $i$ not ha%e at (east one associate in common with .sama ;in4a$enKs ,action or the a@i(ity to manip'(ate .sama ;in4a$enKs ,action somehow. 7'rrent(y < tho'san$s o? ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces ha%e @een S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ in the 7rani'ms o? Genoci$e 1ar&ets 3 /an$om 7i%i(ians 3 SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims 3 .r&ani>e$ 7rimina(s 3 an$ possi@(y e%en mem@ers o? A( Bae$a or the 1a(i@an ?or the reason that the 0man'e(es ha$ $eci$e$ in 200* that their &oa( was to ?rame .sama ;in4a$en an$ the 1a(i@an ?or the 0man'e(e 0%o(a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icateKs 7rimes A&ainst H'manity an$ their Genoci$a( SeF 1ra??icDin& 5 a(( o? whom were 'naware o? the Ne'roS'r&ery which occ're$ whi(e they were 'nconscio's. 2i??erent Pop'(ation Gro'ps were tar&ette$ @y the 0man'e(es ?or $i??erent reasons < ?or instance3 the M's(im Pop'(ation Gro'p as a /e(i&io's 7omm'nity co'($ ha%e @een tar&ette$ ?or co%ert Ne'roS'r&ica( Imp(antation o? a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace ?or reason that the 0man'e(es an$ the Ita(ian A6IS ,action nee$e$ to ?in$ an a(ternate networD o? in$i%i$'a(s in%o(%e$ in Ara@ian A6IS re(ate$ acti%ities ?or p'rpose o? 'sin& Ne'roScience to manip'(ate them into a speci?ic position to ?rame some o? the 0man'e(esK own associates ?or worDin& with .sama ;in4a$enKs ,action @y manip'(atin& a thir$ party 7rimina( ,action to networD the 0man'e(esK own ,actionKs associates to .sama ;in4a$enKs ,action somehow. 2'rin& the year 200* < 1ony Grasseti ha$ eFp(aine$ to my roommate Scot H'nter that the 0man'e(es Ap(ay with a sp(it $ecDA 3 which I @e(ie%e means that they o?ten sacri?ice ha(? o? their own associates an$ accomp(ices to Deep their rep'tation appearin& c(ean to the &enera( p'@(ic 5 this wo'($ @e possi@(e i? the 0man'e(es p'rpose(y recr'it eFpen$a@(e peop(e to whom they ?ee( no (oya(ty to themse(%es 3 which is a $e?inite pro%en ?act that they $o. 1ony Grasseti wo'($ Dnow this 3 he is an 0man'e(e himse(?. In the year 200* 5 0$ ,arrachi :arren recr'ite$ Geor&e 7atsopo'(os to worD with the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate. Geor&e 7atsopo'(os was a homoseF'a( SeF .??en$er who worDe$ ?or the ,ami(y 2o((ar retai( stores in the New0n&(an$ re&ion $'rin& the year 200*. Geor&e 7atsopo'(os worDe$ at the 4inco(n Street ,ami(y 2o((ar store (ocation $'rin& 200* 3 prior to 0$ :arrenKs arri%a( < an$ was trans?erre$ as the res'(t o? my reportin& Geor&e 7atsopo'(os twice ?or SeF'a( Harrassment. 1he 0man'e(es ha%e tar&ette$ a n'm@er o? races ?or Genoci$a( 0Ftermination an$ SeF 1ra??icDin&. Pop'(ation Gro'ps which ha%e @een $isco%ere$ to @e imme$iate(y

tar&ette$ ?or Genoci$e are the ,irst Nations Nati%e Americans 3 An&(o SaFons 3 Gae(s 3 ,ranDs 3 A?rican Americans3 /'ssians 3 Norwe&ians 3 MeFicans 3 an$ Israe(is. 1hese tar&ets are tar&ette$ ?or Genoci$e @y the Ita(ian A6IS ,action ?or p'rpose that they are the in$i&eno's inha@itants o? the North American 7ontinent < in the case o? ethnic ,irst Nations 3 USAmericans 3 A?rican Americans3 7ana$ians 3 an$ MeFicans. 1he 0man'e(es an$ their associate$ SeF 1ra??icDin& 7rime Syn$icate ha%e @een $irect(y attacDin& the ?ami(ies whom they ha%e SeF .??en$e$ in the past < the ?ami(ies o? a@$'ctees whom the 0man'e(es 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate ha%e @een SeF 1ra??icDin& are tar&ette$ ?or 1ota( Genoci$e 5 this has @een occ'rin& in the North 0ast o? North America ?or at (east * &enerations. 2isc'sse$ ?'rther in this :itness 1estimonia( 3 is e%i$ence (inDin& the 0man'e(es to a@$'ctions which occ'rre$ $'rin& the year 2002 an$ other years in the past. Norwe&ians 3 /'ssians3 an$ the ;ritish are racia( tar&ets ?or pro@a@(e reason that they ha%e $ec(ine$ to 'ni?y with the 0'ropean Union as we(( as was the Unite$ 9in&$om an$ /'ssia the a$%ersaries o? the A6IS $'rin& the 1st an$ 2n$ :or($ :ars. 1he other e%i$ence that Genoci$a( /acia( 1ar&ettin& has @een occ'rin& an$ that it is the Ita(ian A6IS ,action is $isc'sse$ ?'rther in this :itness 1estimonia(. SeF 1ra??icDin& is a ?orm o? H'man 1ra??icDin& 3 H'man 1ra??icDin& is the sa(e o? a h'man @ein& or the act o? ens(a%in& a h'man @ein& 5 SeF 1ra??icDin& is the ?orm o? H'man 1ra??icDin& which inc('$es the ens(a%ement o? a h'man @ein& as a 7onc'@ina( SeF S(a%e either ?or the persona( sa$istic &rati?ication o? the H'man 1ra??icDer or ?or the ?inancia( pro?it o? the H'man 1ra??icDer < this is a(ways a 7rime A&ainst H'manity an$ is most o?ten a :ar 7rime 'pon a peop(e. :ar 7rime SeF 1ra??icDin& is a ?orm o? :ar /ape. M'r$er o? the ?ami(ies o? SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims is Genoci$e an$ is a :ar 7rime re&ar$(ess o? whether or not the ,action whom committe$ the :ar 7rime was acti%e(y iss'e$ a 2ec(aration o? :ar prior to this occ'rin& or not. 7'rrent(y 3 in the North 0ast o? the USA an$ the 0astern re&ion o? 7ana$a 5 there are n'mero's Po(ice .??icers whom are re?'sin& to accept3 ?i(e3 an$ in%esti&ate :itness Statements in%o(%in& 1errorism or e%en $e(i%er :itness Statements concernin& 1errorism to ,.;.I. 3 Mi(itary 3 7.I.A. 3 or Home(an$ Sec'rity. Most o? these Po(ice .??icers are o? Ita(ian race or are ha(? Ita(ian racia((y3 some o? these Po(ice .??icers are o? 'n$etermina@(e race an$ ha%e o@%io's(y 'n$er&one =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tation o? their 2NA respecti%e o? comp(eFion an$ ?acia( ?eat'res. ;ein& that the 1errorist ,action in partic'(ar that we are c'rrent(y $ea(in& with is Ita(ian A6IS 3 the race o? the in$i%i$'a( Po(ice .??icers whom are re?'sin& to ?orwar$ the :itness Statement to in%esti&ations as we(( as are re?'sin& to in%esti&ate is re(e%ant. I ha%e @een $irect(y to($ @y a ;oston Po(ice .??icer A:e $o not accept :itness Statements.A < this ;oston Po(ice .??icer appears to @e entire(y Ita(ian racia((y @'t (ooDs to @e a man whom I ha%e seen @e?ore whom ha$ m'tate$ 2NA to @are a resem@(ance to a ha(? Israe(i racia( maDe'p. I @e(ie%e this man is a ,ascist So($ier o? the 0man'e(eKs associate$ Ita(ian ,ascist arm o? their a??i(iate$ networDs < $'rin& the @e&innin& o? the year 20133 I met a woman in Manchester NewHampshire whom was o@%io's(y this manKs @io(o&ica( sister3 she seeme$ to @e st'cD (i%in& as a woman name$ A>aria who is c'rrent(y missin& an$ she is st'cD with one o? 7esareKs c(ose ?rien$s as an Imposte'r (i?e partner whom has @een

'sin& my ?rien$ Hoey MariniKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s 5 Hoey Marini is c'rrent(y missin& as are his imme$iate ?ami(y whom ha%e @een rep(ace$ @y a &ro'p o? Imposte'rs whom apparent(y pose$ ?or a photo&raph $'rin& 2012. ,rom what I ha%e @een to($ @y Pri%ate In%esti&ators an$ ?rom what I ha%e seen 5 there are tens o? tho'san$s o? %ictims whom ha%e @een s'r&ica((y imp(ante$ with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace Ne'roScience $e%ices which ha%e @een &ra?te$ to the %ictimsK @rains < towar$s the ?ront o? the ri&ht (o@e in most cases 3 an$ in some cases possi@(y towar$s the ?ront o? the ri&ht (o@e as we(( as a secon$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace towar$s the @acD o? the (e?t (o@e. 1he ro'ters an$ their micro @atteries are A/G.S G.P.S. networDin& $e%ices encase$ in s'r&ica( p(astics an$ s'r&ica((y imp(ante$ an$ tacDe$ to the insi$e o? the Jaw. Many o? these %ictims ha%e @een SeF 1ra??icDe$ as we(( as many o? them3 m'r$ere$ 5 those whom ha%e @een s(ain ha%e most o?ten @een rep(ace$ @y co%ert a&ents 'sin& their I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s or SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims whom ha%e @een ?orce$ to impersonate the i$entity o? speci?ic in$i%i$'a(s ?or p'rpose o? a%oi$in& in%esti&ation into this Genoci$e. At (east a ?ew h'n$re$s o? 7o%ert A&ents are $e?inite to ha%e a(so chosen to ha%e Ne'roScience ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace Prosthetic Ne'ro7irc'its &ra?te$ to their @rains ?or p'rpose o? 'sin& them in conJ'nction with 7'stom 0n&ineere$ Ne'roScience So?tware to comm'nicate with the 1errorist NetworD as we(( as ?or the p'rpose o? retrie%in& in?ormation a@o't the in$i%i$'a( they are impersonatin& an$ ?or p'rpose o? Speech 1herapy So?tware which trains the %oca( m'sc'(at're to so'n$ as a speci?ic in$i%i$'a(sK %oice. Some o? these 7o%ert 1errorist A&ents ha%e 'se$ AmericansK I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s to p'rchase ho'ses an$ properties in 2eer?ie($ NewHampshire 3 Manchester NewHampshire 3 1roy NewHampshire 3 4eominster Massach'settes 3 1yn&s@oro Massach'settes 3 Newin&ton Massach'settes 3 an$ n'mero's other (ocations in the North 0ast o? the U.S.A. an$ the 0astern ha(? o? 7ana$a. Speech 1herapy So?tware an$ Animation So?tware ha%e @een com@ine$ to create =oca( Ne'ro /o@otics Animation So?tware to animate %ictimsK mo'ths to mo%e 5 this was @ein& $one to my sisters 7he(sey an$ S'mmer in 200!3 $'rin& which time Ne'roScience was not common Dnow(e$&e an$ no@o$y @e(ie%e$ my sisters whom were terri?ie$ an$ cryin& ?or he(p. 7he(sey was cryin& ?or weeDs an$ was terri?ie$ o? (ooDin& in the mirror @eca'se her mo'th was ta(Din& at her 3 S'mmer was terri?ie$ an$ cryin& that a A&host name$ =icDyA was ta(Din& to her thro'&h her mo'th whi(e she was (ooDin& in the mirror an$ was cryin& comp(ainin& that A=icDy the &hostA was seF'a((y mo(estin& her with her own han$s an$ ca((in& her names s'ch as APe$ophi(eA an$ A7hi($ Mo(esterA in the mirror @y mo%in& her mo'th a&ainst her wi((. S'mmer was approFimate(y ! years o($ when this occ're$. 7he(sey was approFimate(y 8 when she @e&an cryin& that her mo'th was mo%in& an$ ta(Din& to her in the mirror. A=icDyA is shorthan$ name ?or the name A=ictoriaA 5 A=ictoriaA is the ?ema(e %ersion o? the ma(e name A=ictorA or A=ittorioA. 2'rin& the year 200E 3 7he(sey an$ S'mmer ha$ @een p(ayin& the %i$eo &ame AHa'ntin&A on Se&a Genesis. Ne'roScience Prosthesis an$ Speech 1herapy So?tware is typica((y 'se$ to repair @roDen ne'ro pathways o? or&anic ne'ro circ'itry @y &'i$in& 7ortica( P(asticity

which ena@(es the @rain to accomo$ate to an inJ'ry @y rea((ocatin& the processes in the @rain to $i??erent physica( (ocations ne'ro(o&ica((y. Ne'roScience So?tware is typica((y In%o(%e$ in hea(in& ne'ro(o&ica( para(ysis as we(( as is it 's'a((y 'se$ to animate ne'ro ro@otic prosthetic (im@s @'t rare(y it is a(so 'se$ to remote contro( ro@ots 3 ro@otic systems 3 animation 3 comp'ter so?tware 3 an$ it is e%en possi@(e to 'se Ne'roScience So?tware to Ne'ro(o&ica((y /emote 7ontro( .r&anic Ne'ro7irc'itry o? other ;io(o&ica( 4i%in& .r&anisms @y metho$ o? contro((in& an$ in?('encin& Prosthetic Ne'ro7irc'itry &ra?te$ to the other ;io(o&ica( 4i%in& .r&anismsK Ne'ro(o&y which is interacte$ with @y metho$ o? ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace So?tware an$ 2e%ice NetworDin&. I am comp(ete(y 'naware as to how ,i((i@erto 3 7esare 3 an$ =ittorio wo'($ ha%e mana&e$ to Ne'ro S'r&ery my sisters at that a&e an$ I am shocDe$ that it occ're$ < @'t I am consi$erin& it pro@a@(e that it was $one $'rin& a s('m@er party at a A?rien$KsA ho'se or at some hospita( %isit at some point. 1his ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace Ne'ro Animation So?tware was a(so 'se$ to ?orce a Green 0ye$ American :oman to hypnoti>e %ictimi>e$ patients with her mo'th as we(( as was this 'se$ in the ?reI'ent hypnoti>in& o? romantic co'p(es whom were s(eepin& neFt to one another an$ ha$ @oth @een i((e&a((y Ne'ro S'r&erie$ an$ were 'naware o? this @y metho$ o? contro((in& the Ne'ro7irc'itry o? their mo'ths an$ %oca( m'sc'(at're to speaD hypnosis to them in their s(eep. 1he ?orcin& o? the &reen eye$ American woman to hypnoti>e %ictims was pro@a@(e to ha%e @een an attempt to p't her ?ace on the H'man =i%isections a(tho'&h she was a hosta&e an$ a %ictim herse(? as we(( as attempt to @(acD mai( her an$ attri@'te &'i(t to herse(? as a metho$ o? recr'itin& her < this Ne'ro Animation So?tware was a(so apparent(y 'se$ to pre%ent at (east one woman ?rom @ein& a@(e to %omit a?ter she was ?orce$ to swa((ow ?eces. N'mero's Pri%ate In%esti&ators ha%e shown me e%i$ence an$ ha%e in?orme$ me that they are ho($in& recor$s o? this e%i$ence an$ copies o? $ata 'nti( the Internationa( :ar 7rimes 1ri@'na( which is &oin& to occ'r as a res'(t o? these 7rimes A&ainst H'manity. Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence o? the USA 2epartment o? 2e?ense as we(( as a(( o? the ;ritish 7ommonwea(th 2epartments o? 2e?ence ha%e these recor$s as we(( 5 $'e to their @ein& transmitte$ (on& ran&e /a$io ,reI'ency. 1he ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces an$ their S'r&ica( Imp(ant /o'terKs ra$io ?reI'ency si&na( has transmitte$ @y metho$ o? internet towers an$ ser%er comp'ters3 mo@i(e ce(('(ar te(ephone towers an$ ser%er comp'ters3 as we(( as A/G.S networDs 5 an$ these are connectin& to networDs o? persona( comp'ters &(o@a((y. Some o? these internet transmissions ha%e @een mirrore$ @y the &'i(ty party as we(( as mirrore$ @y in%esti&ators3 (oa$in& the $e%ice on a persistant $e%ice networD on an internet we@space 'pon a ser%er. A(so < some o? the comp'ters networDe$ to these $e%ices are 'sin& impro%ise$ :I,I /o'ters in conJ'nction with c'stom en&ineere$ $e%ice $ri%ers @ase$ on what is 's'a((y a ;('e1ooth $e%ice $ri%er as we(( as c'stom re en&ineere$ so?tware3 U@ertooths 3 :i?i US; 1ethers ?or wire(ess US; access 3 an$ other @('e tooth $on&(e re(ate$ techno(o&y ?or the p'rpose o? a@'sin& the %ictims o?? o? the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence accessi@(e NetworD 5 this wire(ess metho$ o? connectin& a $e%ice to a comp'ter in%o(%es US; :i,i a$apters ?or US; $e%ices3 @('etooth $on&(es3 an$ the stationin& o? the wire(ess networDin& $e%ices @ehin$ wa((s where they can not @e accesse$ @y the %ictim 5 c'stom en&ineere$ wire(ess 4ap 1op $e%ices s'ch as US; ro'ter antennaes capa@(e o? hacDin& any si&na( (iDe the '@ertooth are connecte$ to the

:ar 7rimina(sK comp'ters wire(ess(y < this is accomp(ishe$ @y mo'ntin& the c'stom en&ineere$ hacDe$ US; :ire(ess /o'ter Antennae @ehin$ a wa(( an$ networDin& it 'sin& :i,i US; to US; 2e%ice a$apters 3 p('&&in& one o? the US; :i,i 2e%ice a$apters to the US; /o'ter Antennae an$ the other :i,i A$apter to the US; Port on the assai(antsK comp'ter. US; :i,i A$apters connecte$ to US; $e%ices thro'&h means o? :i,i 3 a((ow (on&ran&e connection o? the $e%ices. It is $e?inite that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the Ho'se o? Aosta are &oin& to attempt to comp(ete(y in?i(trate the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartment as we(( as other $epartments o? the Mi(itary Inte((i&ence o? the U.S.A. 3 an$ attempt to 1echnocratica((y rep(ace these $epartments with So($iers o? the Sa%oy A6IS an$ in$i%i$'a(s o? re(ation to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the Ho'se o? Aosta. 2'rin& the year 200" 3 I o%erhear$ a yo'n& (a$y speaDin& whi(e in p'@(ic 5 A=ittorio pisse$ o?? Mona so m'ch. It was aw?'(. He ?'cDe$ 'p @a$. 1hey $i$ somethin& eFtreme(y i((e&a( an$ they $i$ what I to($ yo' a@o't 3 an$ they $ra&&e$ Aosta into it. =ittorio &ot Aosta in%o(%e$ an$ now the who(e o? the Ho'se o? Aosta is in%o(%e$ an$ co'($ &et into a(ot o? tro'@(e. 1hey co'($ @e $ec(are$ war 'pon ?or this. 1heyKre attemptin& to co%er 'p :ar 7rimes.A. 1hese a@'si%e Ne'roScience eFperiments seem to ha%e @een carrie$ o't 'pon %ictims @ein& he($ capti%e (ocDe$ in rooms s'ch as rein?orce$ @asement $'n&eons or possi@(y in (ar&e ca&es as we(( as in @rothe( s(a%e $ens o@%io's(y 'se$ ?or SeF 1ra??icDin& 5 the p'rpose o? these eFperiments has o@%io's(y @een /emote /o@otic 7ontro((in& o? .r&anic Ne'ro7irc'ity @y metho$ o? contro((in& Prosthetic Ne'ro7irc'itry &ra?te$ to the %ictimsK @rains . M'ch o? this has res'(te$ in SeF 1ra??icDin& o? the %ictims an$ their ina@i(ity to e%en seeD he(p an$ resc'e ?rom (e&itimate (aw en?orcement. 1here is a(so e%i$ence o? the possi@i(ity that A/G.S networDe$ GPS S'r&ica( Imp(ants are @ein& imp(ante$ in ci%i(ians ?ore arms an$ other physica( (ocations in hospita(s an$ that US; /,I2 Scanners are @ein& 'se$ to insta(( an$ networD the 4on& /an&e /a$io ,reI'ency /o'ters as 2e%ices on 4ap1ops as we(( as are they @ein& 'se$ to NetworD G(o@a( Positionin& System S'r&ica( Imp(ants o%er A/G.S NetworD an$ Internet to Ser%ers an$ persona( 4aptops an$ other Persona( 7omp'ters. A/G.S NetworDe$ S'r&ica( Imp(ants are G(o@a( Positionin& System networDe$ 2e%ices norma((y 'se$ @y ;io(o&ists ?or p'rpose o? imp(antin& them in or attachin& them to 0n$an&ere$ Species or other anima(s which they are tracDin& 5 these $e%ices are easi(y $etecte$ @y Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence o? the 2epartment o? 2e?ense as we(( as can they @e $etecte$ possi@(y @y /a$ar Sweep in space 'sin& Satte(ite Mo'nte$ /a$io 1owers an$ /a$io 2ishes to imp(ement so?tware simi(ar to S01I an$ Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence So?tware to ra$ar sweep other nationsK comm'nications satte(ites as a metho$ o? &atherin& $ata transmittin& to ?orei&n satte(ites3 this wo'($ pro%i$e an a(ternati%e metho$ to achei%in& imme$iate res'(ts concernin& the (ocation o? 0(ectronic 1ransmissions which are transmittin& G(o@a( Positionin& System $ata 3 $ata o? A/G.S networDe$ $e%ices 3 an$ Ne'ro(o&ica( 1ransmissions in territories o? other nationsK 5 this is Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence in Space s'ch as NASA re(ate$ Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence3 this is accepta@(e $'e to the o@%io's ?act that these e(ectronic transmissions are o? re(ation to eFtreme 7rimes A&ainst H'manity an$ :ar 7rimes. Any possi@(e incorrection or con?'sion concernin& the name o? these ;io(o&ist re(ate$ G.P.S. S'r&ica( Imp(ants is a res'(t o? comp'ter hacDers @ein& emp(oye$ @y =ittorio 0man'e(eKs A6IS ,action to a(ter in?ormation on the internet re(e%ant to this in%esti&ation < the G.P.S. S'r&ica( Imp(ants are ;io(o&ist 1racDin& 2e%ices as is the /a$io ,reI'ency @ein& 'se$ o? re(ation to ;io(o&ist G.P.S. 0(ectronic 1ransmissions. 1hese terrorists ha%e a(so @een 'sin& hospita(s as a settin& ?or psycho(o&ica( war?are 3 ?or the p'rpose o? tra'mati>in& the ci%i(ian pop'(ation

into remainin& si(ent a@o't what has @een happenin& 5 the p'rpose o? 'sin& hospita(s as a settin& ?or psych war?are is $'e to the psycho(o&ica( sensiti%ity o? the concept o? (i?e an$ $eath in re(ation to the hospita( an$ the amo'nt o? power the caretaDers ha%e o%er the ci%i(ian3 this creates a hosta&e (iDe psycho(o&ica( reaction ?rom the in$i%i$'a( psy war tar&ets. 1he 'se o? hospita(s a(so $etracts ?rom the ci%i(iansK @e(ie? in the sta@i(ity o? the U.S.A. &o%ernment $'e to the concept o? A.@ama7areA @ein& present in me$ia an$ the %a&'e nat're o? what A.@ama7areA entai(s as we(( as the acronyms S 7HIP an$ = 7HIP an$ the r'mo'rs o? ;aracD H'ssein .@amaKs name @ein& co$e name ?or A;(it> 9rie& .K2iFie c'psA $'e to ;aracD meanin& 4i&htin& in Ara@ic (in&'istic 3 H'ssein @ein& the s'rname o? Sa$$am whom we were at :ar with # :ar which is 9rie& in 2e'tsche (in&'istic) an$ .@ama so'n$in& aDin to what wo'($ @e an Irish s'rname ?or A.? A(a@amaA or in other wor$s A.? 2iFieA < A2iFie 7'psA are 'se$ ?reI'ent(y in Hea(th7are ,aci(ities which is where these $e%ices ha%e @een S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$. Accor$in& to peop(e in the North 0ast /e&ion who are acI'ainte$ with Ita(ian A6IS S(eeper 7e((s < the APre 0Fistin& 7on$itionA o? ;aracD H'ssein .@amaKs Hea(th7are /e?orm is the Pre 0Fistin& /aces o? the U.S.A. who are the ,o'n$in& Peop(es o? the Nation o? the U.S.A. 3 the A?rican Americans 3 an$ the %ario's races o? ,irst Nations Nati%e American peop(es 5 these races ha%e @een tar&ette$ ?or systemic &enoci$e an$ rep(acement @y imposte'r Ita(ian A6IS S(eeper A&ents. Accor$in& to Ita(ians in the North 0ast o? North America 5 ;aracD .@ama has a(rea$y @een rep(ace$ @y an imposte'r who has 'n$er&one =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy to m'tate his 2NA to (ooD (iDe ;aracD H'ssein .@aa an$ is not eFpecte$ to @e I'estione$ ?or reason that he has @een $escri@e$ as ha%in& @roDen a racia( @arrier. Accor$in& to some peop(e 3 the &oa( o? the A6IS in North America has @een to systemica((y rep(ace the races o? peop(es whom are the Nati%e an$ Nationa( races o? peop(es with ?orei&n races o? peop(e systemica((y in a seI'entia( or$er 5 whi(e 'sin& the $i%ersity to em@e$ ?'rther A6IS S(eeper A&ents an$ 7o%ert 7e((s in North America. 1he A6IS ,action was comprise$ o? many nations o? peop(es an$ is a ,action o? n'mero's races. 2'rin& the year 2005 3 0$ :arren spoDe to n'mero's peop(e a@o't the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ?in$in& the name ;aracD H'ssein .@ama on a (ist an$ $eci$in& to 'se the name an$ ?'n$ ;aracD H'ssein .@amaKs 7ampai&n an$ &et him e(ecte$ as U.S.A. Presi$ent 5 0$ :arren state$ that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha$ p(anne$ to rep(ace$ him with two i$entica( imposte'rs who were &oin& to @e =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tate$ to (ooD i$entica( to ;aracD H'ssein .@ama an$ possi@(y ma$e to so'n$ i$entica( to his %oice 'sin& ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces an$ Ne'roScience So?tware. /osa Moreno ha$ apparent(y witnesse$ 0$ :arren an$ some other man 'sin& Ne'roScience So?tware an$ maDin& his %oice so'n$ (iDe ASe@astien the Hamaican 7ra@ ?rom the 4itt(e Mermai$ @y :a(t 2isney.A . .? stran&e coinci$ence is that MarD C'cDer@er& has a sister name$ Arie( C'cDer@er& 5 MarD C'cDer@er& @o'&ht items at my re&ister whi(e I was worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar. I ha%e seen an imposte'r o? MarD C'cDer@er& in Nash'a NewHampshire $'rin& the year 2011 5 he was ri$in& a sDate@oar$. 1he Imposte'r o? MarD C'cDer@er& was shorter than MarD C'cDer@er& @y a@o't 5 inches. MarD C'cDer@er&Ks ?ami(y ha$ connections to the Hewish 2e?ense 4ea&'e as we(( as $i$ MarD C'cDer@er& $esi&n the socia( networDin& we@site ,ace;ooD.7om an$ @ecome wea(thy as a res'(t o? it. It is $e?inite that MarD C'cDer@er& is a tar&et ?or rep(acement @y imposte'r as a res'(t o? his Hewish 2e?ense 4ea&'e connections an$ his consi$era@(e wea(th that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy are $e?inite(y p(annin& to stea(. 2'rin& the Ni&ht o? the 4on& 9ni%es an$ other rai$s in 2e'tsche(an$ 5 A$o(? AHit(erKsA a&ents within the St'rmA@tei('n& rai$e$ @'sinesses ownerKs properties an$ (oote$ e%erythin& 3 m'ch o? these were Hewish @'siness owners. 2'rin& the year 200! 3 A20U1S7H0;AN9A GI,1 7A/2S were p(ace$ at my re&ister at 2'nDinK 2on'ts in the Ma(( o? NewHampshire in Manchester

NewHampshire. Ha(? o? the money that the ASt'rmA@tei('n&A ha$ (oote$ was p't in the 2e'tsche;anD 3 the other ha(? was ne%er ?o'n$. /ecent(y 3 there has @een a U.;.S. In%estment ,irms Scan$a( 5 this is (iDe(y to @e the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs crimina( acti%ities in%o(%in& (a'n$erin& 3 em@e>>(ement 3 an$ other ?inancia( crimes. I ha%e seen photo&raphs o? an imposte'r o? ;aracD H'ssein .@ama who @ares a stron& resem@(ance to =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs cre$it car$ ho($er who @o'&ht c(eanin& pro$'cts at my re&ister (ate one ni&ht whi(e I was worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n Street in Manchester NewHampshire 5 this man (ooDe$ approFimate(y 5K8A 3 was o? Sici(ian race as we(( as possi@(y a Port'&ese @(oo$e$ race 3 an$ was a@o't 32 years o($. 1his wo'($ not @e the ?irst time that the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate attempte$ a Heirarcha( 2ecapitation an$ a 7o%ert 7o'p $e 0tat o? the USA 5 /ichar$ NiFon is @e(ie%e$ to ha%e @een this. 7'rrent(y < =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e 3 is tryin& to si(ence a(( h'man @ein&s $isc'ssin& the ?act that his &ran$?ather =ittorio 0man'e(e III was A$o(? Hit(erKs ha(? @rother. =ittorio 0man'e(e (i%es primari(y in the USA. =ittorio 0man'e(e is the eFi(e$ 9in& o? Ita(ia 5 the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen are his 9ni&hts 3 Pa&es 3 an$ 0rrants < 1ony Grasseti was the son o? a mem@er o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen an$ a /oya( @(oo$e$ 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. My chi($hoo$ @est ?rien$ 7hris /o$onKs ?ather was a 9ni&ht in the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy as was /o@ert /o$onKs co'sin. /o@ert /o$on ?o'n$ o't that =ittorio 0man'e(e III was A$o(? Hit(erKs ha(? @rother ?rom his co'sin $'rin& the approFimate year o? 1""5. Since the year 200*3 some o? the Gi@son ?ami(y o? MerrimacD NewHampshire ha%e @een missin& an$ ha%e @een rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs < A(icia Gi@son appeare$ at ,ami(y 2o((ar in 200* to @'y some thin&s an$ was seen ta(Din& with me 5 the Gi@sons are A?rican Americans3 A(icia Gi@sonKs Nose 2NA co'($ easi(y ha%e @een 'se$ to =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 7re$it 7ar$ Ho($erKs nose to m'tate it to chan&e shape. A$am ;ernsteinKs ?ami(y o? ;ernstein 4aw .??ice in Nash'a NewHampshire has @een missin& an$ is rep(ace$ @y an imposte'r who (ooDs Ita(ian 5 A$am ;ernsteinKs ?in&ers were shape$ (iDe ;aracD H'ssein .@amaKs ?in&ers are shape$. A$amKs sister Samantha ;ernstein 3 whom I ha$ met @rie?(y $'rin& the year 200* 5 was a@$'cte$ $'rin& the year 200* or 2005. ,in&ers are eFterna( appen$a&es an$ can easi(y @e m'tate$ 'sin& =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy witho't ca'sin& $eath or permanant inJ'ry. 1hese &enes an$ the 2NA ?rom the ori&ina( ?act'a( ;aracD H'ssein .@ama co'($ easi(y @e 'se$ to m'tate a person with a simi(ar sDe(eta( shape to ha%e the same appearance as ;aracD H'ssein .@ama. :ithin the past ten years3 the 7.M7AS1 NetworDKs Ser%ers ha%e @een hit repeate$(y @y the 0man'e(esK 7omp'ter HacDers. Impro%ise$ 7'stom 0n&ineere$ 0(ectronic 1echno(o&ies ha%e a(so @een 'se$ ?or the p'rpose o? Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are. 1he 0man'e(e 0%o(a Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate ha%e 7omp'ter HacDers amon&st them whom ha%e en&a&e$ in a 7y@er 1errorist Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are campai&n in North America 3 these 7omp'ter HacDers ha%e hacDe$ 7omcast Ser%ers an$ 'se$ =i$eo 0$itin& So?tware an$ Animation So?tware to e$it (i%e streamin& 1e(e%ision transmissions to interr'pt or $'@ miFe$ transmission into the Sche$'(e$ Pro&rammin& o? the 7.M7AS1 1e(e%ision NetworD. 1hese 7y@er 1errorist Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are AttacDs in%o(%e the hacDin& o? 7.M7AS1 Ser%ers an$ the transmittin& o? a(tere$ te(e%ision se&ments with animate$ ?rames an$ a'$io o%er $'@s 5 these 's'a((y @ein& o? a speci?ic theme an$ nat're re(e%ant to the tar&et. Most o? these in%o(%e eFact I'otes o? con%ersations which were co%ert(y i((e&a((y recor$e$ @y the 0man'e(es an$ the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate. 1his has occ'rre$ n'mero's times in NewHampshire 3 on(y * ho'rs a'tomoti%e tra%e( $istance

?rom the (ocation o? the " 11 1errorist AttacD 'pon New-orD 7ity in the pro%incia( state o? New-orD USA. It is $e?inite that ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces comprise$ o? a Ne'ro7irc'it Gra?t Patch wire$ to an A/G.S G.P.S. $e%ice that is networDe$ to an Internet NetworDin& Protoco( @e&an to @e S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ in ci%i(iansK crani'ms $'rin& the year 2000 < prototypes o? this are pro@a@(e to ha%e eFiste$ in n'mero's re&ions an$ are pro@a@(e to ha%e @een 'se$ to pi(ot s(ayin&s s'ch as Schoo( Shootin&s 3 Ma(( Shootin&s 3 or other $i(('siona( rampa&es 5 as we(( as ha%e these $e?inite(y @een 'se$ ?or SeF 1ra??icDin& p'rposes since at (east the year 2000. It is a pro@a@i(ity that the " 11 HiJacDers ha$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces in their @rains an$ were coerce$ to commit the attacDs @y metho$ o? hypnosis < ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace en&ineerin& o? ?(ash@acD tra'ma @y pro&rammin& the eFperience as a $ream into a $i??erent section o? the @rain 'sin& Hypnosis an$ (ater tri&&erin& the tra'matic memory o? the $ream whi(e 'sin& ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace to &'i$e e%ery step o? the HiJacDersK an$ their actions 3 Ne'ro4in&'istic Pro&rammin& 3 Ne'ro1oFins 3 an$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace with Ne'roScience So?tware to ro@otica((y contro( the ne'ro(o&y o? the %ictims. It is eFtreme(y pro@a@(e an$ near(y se(? e%i$ent that the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs Property Stea$ Ho($ers c'rrent(y own m'ch o? the comm'nications 3 internet 3 an$ entertainment Ser%er 7omp'ters in North America as we(( as $o their a&ents ha%e access to Ser%er 7omp'ters owne$ @y others @y means o? I.1. Specia(ists 3 Maintainance Persone(3 or corr'pt Sec'rity 0mp(oyees. HacDers ha%e @een hire$ an$ ha%e ?o((owe$ or$ers to interr'pt 3 intercept 3 ?a(se ?(a& 3 an$ impersonate con%ersations @etween ci%i(iians as we(( as pre%ent contact @etween ci%i(ians an$ (aw en?orcement or in%esti&ations. Some o? the A&ents which the 0man'e(es ha%e recr'ite$ ha%e @een S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces an$ are easi(y (ocata@(e at the (ocation o? the intercepte$ or impersonate$ 1e(ephone 7on%ersations 3 $'e to these A&ents @ein& S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with the A/G.S G.P.S. 2e%ice that it impro%ise 'se$ as the NetworDin& /o'ter ?or the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace as we(( as was their Ne'ro(o&y recor$e$ $'rin& these 1e(ephone 7a((s. As has pre%io's(y @een mentione$ 3 these Ser%er 7omp'ters ha%e @een 'se$ ?or Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are @y this Ita(ian A6IS ,action. 1hese are :ar 7rimes as is the act o? pre%entin& a ci%i(ian ?rom reachin& In%esti&ati%e an$ 4aw 0n?orcin& A'thorities a :ar 7rime 5 n'mero's times this has happene$. 2'rin& the year 2012 3 7omp'ter HacDers pre%ente$ my se(? ?rom reachin& ,.;.I. .??ices @y means o? te(ephone @y c'ttin& o?? the si&na( to my Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone ?rom the 7omm'nications Ser%er 7omp'ter. :hen the Ho'se o? Sa%oy was 0Fi(e$ 5 9ni&hts 3 Pa&es 3 0rrants 3 Assassins 3 Property Stea$ Ho($ers 3 In%estors 3 A$%isors 3 an$ a n'm@er o? other 4oya(ists as we(( as In$i%i$'a(s o? No@(e 1it(e went into 0Fi(e with them < some o? these in$i%i$'a(s are mem@ers o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(eman 3 whi(e others are mem@ers o? other or&ani>ations or 'na??i(iate$ to anythin& @esi$es @ein& physica((y persona((y acI'ainte$ with the 0man'e(es or the 0%o(as an$ their associates. Some o? these in$i%i$'a(sK $escen$ants are now mem@ers o? a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate o? which the 0man'e(es are 7rime 4or$s 5 this 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate o?ten en&a&es in crimina( acts o? H'man 1ra??icDin& s'ch as SeF 1ra??icDin&. It is pro@a@(e that the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartment was in?i(trate$ @y Ita(ian A6IS A&ents $'rin& the NiFon A$ministration an$ $'e to the 2epartment o? 2e?ense @ein& s(i&ht(y 1echnocratic at times 3 it is pro@a@(e that the Ita(ian A6IS ,action has @een a@(e to maintain an in?('entia( n'm@er o? S(eeper 7e(( A&ents emp(oye$ within Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence an$ Mi(itary Inte((i&ence in &enera( since the NiFon A$ministration. It is a(so pro@a@(e that A&ents o? the Ita(ian A6IS ,action an$ possi@(y an a((y o? this ?action were a@(e to in?i(trate an$ mis$irect the " 11 1errorist AttacD in%esti&ations. It is $e?inite that the Ita(ian A6IS ,action ha%e trie$ to associate

themse(%es somehow with a??i(iate$ in$i%i$'a(s whom they wish to share in common with the 1a(i@an an$ at (east one 'nit o? A( Bae$a as we(( as .sama ;in4a$enKs ?action < since the " 11 1errorist AttacDs 3 the @(amin& o? the 1errorist AttacDs on Hiha$ists in &enera( has @een 'se$ as an a(i@i to mis$irect in%esti&ations concernin& the " 11 1errorist AttacD an$ the A6IS. It is $e?inite that .sama ;in 4a$en $i$ not act a(one as an o(i&arch in this networD o? or&ani>ations an$ I @e(ie%e it pro@a@(e that a man was worDin& with him whom is $irect(y associate$ with the Ita(ian A6IS ,action an$ =ittorio 0man'e(eKs ?ami(y. I $o not @e(ie%e that .sama ;in4a$en was neccessari(y a sincere M's(im nor $o I @e(ie%e that .sama ;in4a$en was necessari(y tr'e(y a ?act'a( Hiha$ist o? any Din$ < ?rom what I ha%e hear$ he may ha%e @een an A6IS A&ent posin& as a Is(amic Hiha$ist. 1he me$ia in North America concernin& the :ar on 1error has @een ?i((e$ with %i$eos an$ ima&es that appear to @e choreo&raphe$ in s'ch a way that they are pro@a@(e to in%o(%e ,a(se ,(a&&in& o? I$entity Po(itic ?or the pro@a@(e reason o? $istractin& a(( o? the nations o? the 0arth ?rom the ?act'a( 1errorist ,action that has @een em@e$$e$ in m'(tip(e &o%ernments an$ ha%e @een ,a(se ,(a&&in& attacDs an$ Po(itica( I$entities since J'st imme$iate(y prior to the 1st :or($ :ar 5 this appears to @e a G(o@a(ist 1errorist Socia( 2arwinist 7rime Syn$icate which was ori&ina((y conso(i$ate$ as a sin&'(ar or&ani>ation ?or the p'rpose o? 'nitin& the Me$iterranean /e&ion an$ e%ent'a((y the entire 0arth 3 as a sin&(e Unitary Nation State. 1his or&ani>ation ?o'n$e$ the A6IS. It appears pro@a@(e that .sama ;in4a$enKs tr'e a((e&iance as an in$i%i$'a( was possi@(y to some ?orm o? .ttoman A6IS a((iance with an Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate which may @oth ha%e @een twin s'ccessors o? this ear(ier Unitary G(o@a(ist 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate or&ani>ation 5 this Din$ o? theory was mentione$ in ?ront o? ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e $'rin& 200* @y my ?rien$ ;ren$an P(ace who seeme$ to @e &ent(y inI'isitin& ,i( 0man'e(eKs min$ in attempt to (earn more a@o't him 3 ,i( 0man'e(e seeme$ stran&e(y eFcite$ at the mention o? a s'ccessor o? the .ttoman A6IS in the ?orm o? a 1errorist .r&ani>e$ 7rime Syn$icate. 1he Impro%ise$ 0(ectronics 2e%ices which the 0man'e(es are 'sin& in%o(%e Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone parts 3 A/G.S G.P.S. 2e%ices 3 an$ are wire$ to other $e%ices s'ch as Microphones an$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace Ne'ro7irc'its 5 these are the same Din$ o? en&ineerin& that the Impro%ise$ 0Fp(osi%es 2e%ices 'se$ a&ainst the USAmerican Mi(itary $'rin& the :ar on 1error ha%e @een en&ineere$ o?3 as we(( as are these theoretica((y the same Din$ o? $e%ice that wo'($ ha%e @een 'se$ to $etonate 2emo(itions 0Fp(osi%es 'se$ to $emo(ish the 1win 1owers $'rin& the " 11 1errorist AttacD. 2'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 3 9enneth H'$$ contacte$ 7omcast n'mero's times comp(ainin& a@o't 7omp'ter HacDers an$ to($ me that he wrote two (etters to the ,e$era( 7omm'nications 7ommission a@o't the 7omp'ter HacDin&. 2'rin& the approFimate year 1""" 3 an artic(e was printe$ in either Science Ma&a>ine or 1ime Ma&a>ine 5 the s'@Ject o? this artic(e was A2ia( Up 2etonatorsA ma$e ?rom Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone Parts. 1he c'rrent campai&n o? co%ert &enoci$e which @e&an aro'n$ the same time as the " 11 1errorist AttacDs has c'(iminate$ in the eFistence o? tho'san$s o? @oth 7i%i(ian =ictims an$ 0nemy 7om@atants whom are S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with 0(ectronic 2ata 1ransmittin& 2e%ices which are A/G.S G.P.S. NetworDin& 2e%ices that are essentia((y a S'r&ica((y Imp(ant Micro /o'ter G ;attery which is a@(e to networD to Satte(ites an$ 7omm'nications 1owers ?or 's'a( p'rpose o? 0(ectronic G(o@a( Positionin& 5 these $e%ices are connecte$ to ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces. Since the year 200* an$ possi@(y ear(ier 3 in North America < Impro%ise$ /ecor$in& 2e%ices @'i(t ?rom Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone Parts were @ein& insta((e$ within wa((s o? Apartment ;'i($in&s 3 /etai( Stores 3 /esta'rants 3 Hote(s 3 .??ices 3 an$ other

(ocations 5 these impro%ise$ $e%ices were @ein& si(ent(y $ia(e$ @y 7omp'ter 1e(ephone 3 Internet 1e(ephone 3 an$ Impro%ise$ 1e(ephone 7omp'ter Inter?ace 2e%ices. 1hese $e%ices were 'se$ to ea%es$rop 3 spy on 3 an$ i((e&a( s'r%ey an$ recor$ ho'rs o? 7i%i(iansK (i%es which in the cases o? some ci%i(ian tar&ets 5 co((ecti%e(y eI'a( what is near(y an entire a'$io $oc'mentary o? the (ast nine years o? their (i%es. 1he nat're o? the en&ineerin& o? these Impro%ise$ /ecor$in& 2e%ices are simi(ar to the en&ineerin& o? 2ia( Up 2etonators which are Impro%ise$ 2etonators @'i(t ?rom Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone Parts an$ 2etonation 1imers 5 it is pro@a@(e that this metho$ o? Impro%ise$ 2etonation was 'se$ $'rin& the A?&hanistan In%asion o? the :ar on 1error3 $'rin& which A/G.S G.P.S. 2e%ices are pro@a@(e to ha%e @een 'se$ to $etonate Impro%ise$ 0Fp(osi%e 2e%ices as we(( as is it pro@a@(e that the A2ia( Up 2etonatorsA were 'se$ as we(( in (ocations c(oser to 7omm'nications 1owers. It is a $e?inite pro@a@i(ity that the " 11 1errorist AttacDs in%o(%e$ a secon$ ?action o? 0nemy 7om@atants whom are (iDe(y to ha%e @een o? Ita(ian A6IS ,action 5 the $estr'ction o? the @'i($in&s which the Air P(ane hit was $e?inite(y a contro((e$ $emo(ition o? a @'i($in& @y what co'($ on(y ha%e @een Pro?essiona( 2emo(ition 0Fp(osi%es which are pro@a@(e to ha%e @een $etonate$ @y Impro%ise$ Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone A2ia( Up 2etonatorsA @ein& ca((e$ ?rom a (ine 'p o? Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephones which ha$ tri&&ere$ 2etonation 7(ocDs or tri&&ere$ @y A/G.S G.P.S. NetworD $ata p'sh. Propa&an$a in Pop'(ar Me$ia which was promote$ a?ter this attacD 3 promote$ the i$ea that the Presi$ent o? the USA Geor&e ;'sh an$ the =ice Presi$ent 2icD 7heney were o? a secon$ ?action o? 1errorists with A6IS A((e&iance an$ ha$ A/eichsta& ,ireK$A the " 11 1errorist AttacD ?or p'rpose o? ,a(se ,(a& .peration. 2'rin& the year 200* 3 I ha$ mentione$ the theory o? a 2n$ A6IS ,action ?ramin& the Presi$ent ?or their own Acti%ities to n'mero's peop(e. 2'rin& the year 200! < I $isco%ere$ that =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ his Property Stea$ Ho($ers @o'&ht an$ so($ properties a(( o%er the North 0ast o? North America inc('$in& New -orD 7ity. =ittorioKs p'rpose o? @'yin& an$ se((in& o? properties o@%io's(y inc('$e$ the p'rpose o? co((ectin& 7i%i(ian In?ormation in the ?orm o? 4an$ 4or$Ks 4ease A&reements an$ Ho@ App(ication In?ormation < it is a(so $e?inite that this metho$ was 'se$ to position Impro%ise$ /ecor$in& 2e%ices @ehin$ wa((s. 1he 0man'e(es sta(D ?ami(ies o? their %ictims as we(( as ?ami(ies in?('entia( peop(e. 1he metho$ o? ,orensic In%esti&ation which is necessary to pro%e that A2ia( Up 2etonatorsA were 'se$ to tri&&er the 2etonation 7(ocDs wire$ to 2emo(itions 0Fp(osi%es positione$ in a simi(ar manner as a Pro?essiona( 7ontro((e$ 2emo(ition < reI'ires a Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence team o? 0(ectronic ,orensics Specia(ists to checD Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence recor$s ?or a seI'entia( series o? te(ephone ca((s to Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone $e%ices in the @'i($in&s J'st secon$s prior to the " 11 1errorist AttacD an$ possi@(y $'rin& the ?irst ?ew secon$s o? the @e&inin& o? the ?irst co'p(e o? eFp(osions J'st a?ter the p(ane hit the @'i($in&. ,ami(ies o? Americans whom are re(ate$ to in%esti&ators that were con$'ctin& in%esti&ations re&ar$in& the " 11 1errorist AttacDs are $ea$ an$ /ep(ace$ @y Imposte'rs. 1he most $epop'(ate$ >ones in the Unite$ States o? America3 which ha%e s'??ere$ ?rom a campai&n o? 7o%ert Genoci$e @etween the years o? 200* an$ 2013 < are the state o? New -orD 3 the New 0n&(an$ re&iona( states 3 the state o? /ho$e Is(an$3 an$ the state o? New Hersey 5 a(( o? which ha%e @een primari(y /ep(ace$ @y Imposte'rs as we(( as new(y arri%e$ 7i%i(ian Pop'(ation. 1he 0man'e(esK $ecision to attempt a 7o%ert 1ota( Genoci$e o? the North 0ast North American Pop'(ation an$ a (ist o? 1ar&ette$ /aces in North America 3 eFpresses an immense amo'nt o? &'i(t an$ comp(icity to 7rimes A&ainst H'manity which they are o@%io's(y attemptin& to hi$e the e%i$ence o?. A mo%ie or te(e%ision episo$e aire$ $'rin& the mi$ 1""0Ks which $epicte$ a

1errorist AttacD simi(ar to the " 11 1errorist AttacD 3 this is reminiscent o? ,oresha$owin& in Me$ia which occ'rre$ @etween the years o? 200* an$ 2013 5 the ?oresha$owin& @etween these years was eFpresse$ thro'&h me$i'm o? 1e(e%ision Series an$ 7inemato&raphy which $epicte$ simi(ar 7rimes A&ainst H'manity as we(( as 7rimina( an$ 1errorist themes resem@(ant o? ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs3 =ittorio 0man'e(eKs3 an$ their Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist ,actionKs 7rimes A&ainst H'manity in the Americas an$ 0'rope. 1he writers o? the Artic(es re&ar$in& A2ia( Up 2etonatorsA in 1ime Ma&a>ine an$ Science Ma&a>ine $'rin& the 1""0Ks are a re(e%ant in%esti&ation ?oc's consi$erin& the ?act that the 0man'e(es ha%e 'se$ Me$ia A&ents to in?('ence me$ia pro$'ction thro'&h ?'n$in& an$ in%estment witho't their names @ein& attri@'te$ to the en$ pro$'ct 5 mem@ers o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen are o?ten 'se$ to networD socia( connections in Me$ia Pro$'ction ?or the 0man'e(es. 1he $ate o? these A2ia( Up 2etonatorA artic(es ?oresha$ows the " 11 1errorist AttacD in the same way that ?ictiona( entertainment me$ia portrayin& attacDs 'pon women $'rin& the ?o((owin& years ?oresha$owe$ the attacDs o? the 0man'e(esK 1errorist ,action in s'ch a manner that it ma$e the attacDs appear to @e Acopy catA mimmicD attacDs @ase$ 'pon the ?ictiona( entertainment me$ia 5 this ?its the Psycho(o&ica( Pro?i(e o? the 0man'e(esK Mo$'s .peren$i concernin& their 7ata&orica( Imperati%e o? 2iscre$itin& o? :itnesses ?or p'rpose o? ens'rin& that their ,action can s'ccee$ at ?ramin& Scape Goat A(i@is ?or their own 7rimes A&ainst H'manity < %ictims reportin& A7opy 7atA MimmicD sta(Ders an$ attacDs are o?ten %iewe$ as Schi>otypa( 3 $i('ssiona((y o@sesse$ with a speci?ic mo%ie 3 or Schi>ophrenic. 1he 0man'e(es $iscre$it their witnesses m'ch the same way that a rapist attempts to $iscre$it the %ictim as a witness 3 $ama&e the %ictimsK psycho(o&y @eyon$ @ein& a@(e to testi?y proper(y 3 an$ portray the %ictim or witness as Schi>ophrenic. In common with the Psycho(o&y o? a /apist 3 Ayo' $i$ it to yo'rse(?A is the Psycho(o&ica( ProJection which /apists eFhi@it as an 0motiona( 2e?ense Mechanism a&ainst the &'i(t o? ha%in& rape$ an innocent %ictim 5 ,i((i@erto an$ =ittorio are SeF 1ra??icDers 3 these are pro?essiona( rapists. 1he Initiation 7rimes which are reI'ire$ @y 7rimina(s in%o(%e$ in SeF 1ra??icDin& .r&ani>e$ 7rime Syn$icates 3 are SeF .??ense intiation crimes an$ a@$'ctions. A?ter the " 11 1errorist AttacDs 3 me$ia was pro$'ce$ in cinemato&raphy an$ (iterat're as we(( as internet 5 which attempte$ to portray the " 11 1errorist AttacDs as the pro$'ct o? the USA Presi$ent ;'sh an$ USA =ice Presi$ent 7heney ha%in& Sh't>Sta??e( 7onnections 3 this me$ia c(aime$ that Geor&e ;'sh sn'cD .sama ;in4a$enKs ?ami(y o't o? the co'ntry. =ittorio 0man'e(e III an$ A$o(? Hit(er are =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs physica( @(oo$ re(ati%es 3 the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the 0man'e(e /oya( ,ami(y are partners o? an Ara@ian A6IS Mi(itant 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate. It is a pro@a@i(ity that Mosta?a I@nSa'$ may has Dnow(e$&e o? who these in$i%i$'a(s are. Mosta?a I@nSa'$Ks $istant co'sin is the 9in& o? Sa'$i Ara@ia. 1he statement 3 Athe American Go%ernment /eichsta&K$ the " 11 1errorist AttacDA is the a(i@i o? A$o(? Hit(erKs an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs ?ami(y as we(( as possi@(y the ?ami(y o? H'(i's 0%o(a an$ a $escen$ant o? a hi&h ranDin& .ttoman Sh't>Sta??e( o??icer. In some o? the con%ersations concernin& the " 11 1errorist AttacDs 3 Athe Presi$entA 5 re?ers to the 9in& o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. ;(amin& the Presi$ent an$ Go%ernment o? the Unite$ State$ o? America ?or the attacD 'pon USAmerican 7i%i(ians was o%ert(y the act an$ propa&an$a o? the &'i(ty ?action. Attemptin& to ?rame the Moroccan co'sin o? the Sa'$i Ara@ian /oya( ,ami(y whom is the @io(o&ica( $escen$ant o? an .ttoman 0mperor < is a near &ra>in& a(i@i or a Ac(ose sha%eA as ,i( was apparent(y ca((in& it 5 this is an attempt at a more @e(ie%a@(e a(i@i. Mosta?a I@nSa'$ is innocent an$ it is pro@a@(e that the 0man'e(es ha%e a Sa'$i Ara@ian A6IS associate that they are tryin& to hi$e their connection to @y ?ramin&

innocent peop(e. ,ramin& Mosta?a I@nSa'$ wo'($ (ea$ :ar 7rime In%esti&ations in the opposite $irection < m'ch the same as .sama ;in4a$en attempte$ to portray himse(? as a Hiha$ist at a(( times 3 when the tr'th is that .sama ;in4a$en co'($ ha%e ?act'a((y @een a 1errorist .r&ani>e$ 7rime So($ier an$ one o? a ?ew o(i&archs o? a 7rimina( A6IS ,action that .sama ;in4a$en $i$ not in?orm a(( o? his associates o?. 1he theory that .sama ;in4a$en ha$ A6IS connections an$ that =ittorio 0man'e(e as we(( as a re(ati%e o? H'(i's 0%o(aKs ha$ connections whom were ?inancin& .r&ani>e$ 7rime an$ H'man 1ra??icDin& in ?ormer(y .ttoman /e&ions is not 'nhear$ o? 5 this theoretica( G(o@a( 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate o? Socia( 2arwininsts are Athe I(('minatiA that my se(? 3 ;o@ Sha&o'ry 3 an$ Henry MaDow ?reI'ent(y ta(De$ a@o't an$ wrote a@o't 5 this wo'($ @e the 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate o? H'man 1ra??icDers an$ G(o@a(ist 0Ftremists that ?o'n$e$ the A6IS. 1o state that H'(i's 0%o(a inherite$ an Aristocratic 7rime Syn$icate 3 is to state an a@so('te ?act. HacDers ha%e @een emp(oye$ @y =ittorio an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e ?or the p'rpose o? assistin& A6IS terrorism on American soi(. So?tware pro&rams s'ch as 1'rDoJan* ha%e @een 'se$ to create a(ternate News Artic(es3 0mai(s3 Socia( NetworDin& Pro?i(es 3 etc. 5 tar&ets o? this PS- :ar are o?ten ci%i(ian tar&ets. 0Ftreme(y a$%ance$ hacDin& so?tware has @een 'se$ as has eFtreme(y a$%ance$ hacDin& har$ware. 4on& /an&e P0N testers 3 1i(era Processors 3 PhreaDin& Har$ware3 an$ other eI'ipment is @ein& 'se$ ?or p'rpose o? 7y@er1errorism 3 7y@er:ar?are 3 an$ 'ncon%entia( war?are tactics inc('$in& Ne'ro7irc'it /o@otics Animation Ne'roScience3 an$ Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are. As I ha%e @een emai(in& 'p$ate$ %ersions o? this :itness 1estimonia( < I ha%e (ater ?o'n$ that entire re&ions o? the wor($ an$ networDs o? pop'(ation ha%e somehow @een c't o?? ?rom me @ein& a@(e to contact them @y way o? internet 3 entire networDs o? ,ace@ooD Acco'nts ha%e @ecome inaccessi@(e to my se(? 3 an$ certain emai(s wi(( not $e(i%er nor wi(( ret'rn emai(s @e recei%e$. N'mero's times 3 I ha%e rea$ my :itness Statement to e$it it an$ ha%e ?o'n$ sections to @e a(tere$ @y some@o$y e(se. A(tho'&h tho'san$s o? peop(e ha%e @een e??ecte$ @y these attacDs < there has somehow @een a comp(ete Me$ia SmoDescreen ;(acDo't in the U.S.A. an$ these attacDs ha%e &one 'nreporte$ to the &(o@a( p'@(ic a(tho'&h they ha%e @een reporte$ to 4aw 0n?orcement. Me$ia in the U.S.A. has @een ?oc'se$ primari(y on the Cimmerman 1ria( an$ the 7i%i( Unrest in Syria. 2'rin& the years 200* 3 2005 3 200E 3 200! 3 an$ 2008 my internet 'sa&e was constant(y hacDe$ an$ the hacDer seeme$ to @e 'sin& A1'rDoJanA so?tware. It is a possi@i(ity that some o? their 7omp'ter HacDin& o? my comp'ters was $one @y metho$ o? 7omp'ter HacDin& the wire(ess ro'ter $irect(y witho't accessin& the Internet Ser%er or any 7omm'nications Ser%er 5 the on(y time my comp'ter was t'rne$ on 3 was 's'a((y whi(e the internet was @ein& accesse$. As a res'(t o? the internet @ein& accesse$ constant(y whi(e I was @ein& hacDe$ 3 e%en @y metho$ o? $irect wire(ess ro'ter hacDin& @y (on& ran&e ro'ter connecte$ @y US; or Seria( 7a@(e to the hacDin& 'nit < the USA Mi(itary an$ ,e$era( In%esti&ations ha%e recor$s o? my internet acti%ities $'rin& these years inc('$in& =i$eo Game $own(oa$s3 a(( o? which can @e Psycho(o&ica((y Pro?i(e$ in comparison with the Sec'rity 7amera an$ i((e&a( Impro%ise$ A'$io /ecor$in& 2e%ices that 0$ :arren insta((e$ a@o%e the styro?oam cei(in& pane(s $'rin& the year 200*. I? the 7omp'ter HacDer 'sin& the 1'rDoJan so?tware was connectin& to the ro'ter in my apartment ?rom the Internet Ser%er 5 the USA Mi(itary has comp(ete recor$ o? the entirety o? my comp'terKs processe$ $ata as we(( as a(( transmitte$ e(ectronic $ata. Ne'roScience 4in&'istics Speech /eco%ery So?tware create$ ?or the p'rpose o? Physica( Speech 1herapy has @een 'se$ in conJ'nction with these ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces ?or the p'rpose o? conto'rin& the %oca( m'sc'(at're o? terrorist espiona&e

a&ents to so'n$ (iDe Americans an$ other speci?ic in$i%i$'a(s 3 this so?tware is 's'a((y 'se$ in conJ'nction with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces ?or the p'rpose o? Ne'ro(o&ica( Physica( 1herapy 5 a((owin& the reco%ery o? the @rainKs ne'ro(o&ica( a@i(ity to contro( the necessary processes o? speech @y ca'sin& 7ortica( Ne'ra( P(asticity to occ'r3 ena@(in& rea((ocation o? the physica( (ocation o? the @rainKs ?'nctions which ena@(es e%ent'a( reco%ery o? the @o$yKs a@i(ity to speaD. 1his so?tware is Ne'roScience Speech 1herapy So?tware 'se$ to ai$ in the Ne'ro(o&ica( Physica( 1herapy o? ;rain InJ'ry Patients whom ha%e (ost their Ne'ro(o&ica( capa@i(ity to speaD $'e to physica( inJ'ry to the @rain. Usin& ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces an$ =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy to m'tate appearance re(ate$ 2NA 5 Ita(ian A6IS Sa%oy A&ents ha%e rep(ace$ American ?ami(ies that they ha%e eFterminate$ an$ are c'rrent(y carryin& their I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. It is necessary ?or the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartment to checD a(( Internet NetworDin& Protoco( transmissions an$ a(( other ?orms o? transmissions ?or these ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 1ransmissions 3 test 2NA o? a(( American 7iti>ens startin& with 2epartment o? 2e?ense 0mp(oyees ?irst an$ checDin& Hap(o&ro'ps a&ainst a(( ,ami(y 1ree /ecor$s 3 an$ to ?ree>e the ?inancia( assets o? e%ery in$i%i$'a( 'sin& an AmericanKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s who was not ?orce$ to swap I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s with another %ictim 5 this ?or the p'rpose o? $isa@(in& an$ apprehen$in& the &'i(ty ,action. ,or p'rpose o? a%ertin& $etection an$ arrest < the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs Ita(ian A6IS A&ents ha%e in?i(trate$ Mi(itary Inte((i&ence 2epartments 3 Po(ice 2epartments 3 ,e$era( ;'rea' o? In%esti&ations 3 ,e$era( 7omm'nications 7ommission 3 7entra( Inte((i&ence A&ency 3 an$ ha%e attempte$ to rep(ace the wea(thiest an$ most in?('entia( o? Americans an$ other peop(es with A&ents o? their own 5 stea(in& their reso'rces in the process. 1hese reso'rces are now a%ai(a@(e to the Sa%oy Ita(ian A6IS an$ they are 'sin& them to @(ocD an$ sa@ota&e in%esti&ations as we(( as prepare ?or conI'est o? North America an$ eFtermination o? a(( other races. 1hese ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces can @e ?o'n$ 'sin& 7'stom 0n&ineere$ HacDin& 1oo(s an$ 7'stom 0n&ineere$ HacDin& an$ PhreaDin& 2e%ices 5 0(ectronics 0n&ineers3 So?tware 0n&ineers3 HacDers3 an$ PhreaDers wo'($ a(( Dnow how to @'i($ these $e%ices an$ some o? them can @e ?o'n$ on the internet. :ire(ess HacDin& so?tware s'ch a ;acD1racD 3 9ismet 3 7a%itySearch 3 9atana 3 an$ others can @e 'se$ to ?in$ the si&na(s transmittin& ?rom these ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace $e%ices an$ ana(y>e what they are as we(( as hacD the comp'ters o? the &enoci$a( Ita(ian A6IS terrorists whom ha%e S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ these $e%ices in h'man @o$ies. 1he $e%ices necessary to ?in$ these wire(ess ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces are $e%ices capa@(e o? ?in$in& any ;('e1ooth Si&na( or other :ire(ess Si&na( an$ matchin& it to a $e%ice $ri%er 5 these $e%ices 's'a((y p('& in to US; ports on comp'ters or Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephones an$ can @e 'se$ with 4ap1op 7omp'ters. 1he other metho$ o? ?in$in& these are the Si&na(s Ana(ysis 7omp'ters at the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence ;ases o? the 2epartment o? 2e?ense 5 the s'r&ica( imp(antation an$ imp(ementation o? this $e%ice are :ar 7rimes 3 these :ar 7rimes are within the J'ris$iction o? the 2epartment o? 2e?ense @ein& that the perpetrators are :ar 7rimina( 0nemy 7om@atants whom ha%e committe$ 7rimes A&ainst H'manity an$ are c'rrent(y en&a&e$ in a co%ert an$ systemic campai&n o? &enoci$e in North America. HacDin& so?tware 5 P ;acD1racD5 ;acD1racD5 is wire(ess hacDin& so?tware 3 $esi&ne$ ?or hacDin& wire(ess si&na(s. P SP..PH 1..PH $'p(icates ;('e 1ooth $e%icesK si&na(s 3 somethin& simi(ar may possi@(y @e @ein& 'se$ to hi$e the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces as 7e(('(ar Phones on Ser%ers 5 this can @e worDe$ aro'n$ @y Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence imme$iate(y 3 which

has recor$e$ the 'nencrypte$ ;inary 1ransmission ?rom the 2e%ices themse(%es. Spooph 1ooph is (iDe(y to @e 'se$ to con?'se hacDers an$ in%esti&ators concernin& U@ertooth $e%ices an$ ;('e 1ooth 2on&(es positione$ @ehin$ wa((s in Apartment ;'i($in&s or Hote(s an$ attache$ to :i,i US; A$apters which 1ether US; 2e%ices to 7omp'ters. P 7A=I1- S0A/7H $oes somethin& a(on& the (ines o? i$enti?yin& @('e tooth $e%ices an$ their capa@i(ities. P 1U/9.HAN 7reates a me$iator ser%er @etween the %ictimKs comp'ter an$ the internet ser%er 5 this ena@(es the Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are A&ent or HacDer to manip'(ate what seems to @e internet @etween the %ictimK comp'ter an$ the internet < this a(so a((ows $irect manip'(ation o? the %ictims comp'ter @y metho$ simi(ar to :in$ows /emote Assistance. 1'rDoJan so?tware can @e 'se$ to create pop 'ps which appear to @e we@sites an$ internet pop 'ps @'t in act'a(ity are pro$'ce$ @y the hacDers 5 the $ata content o? these pop 'ps an$ @oth comp'ters is recor$e$ @y 7omm'nications Ser%ers an$ Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 7omp'ters @oth. P U;0/1..1H Is a har$ware $e%ice capa@(e o? scannin& entire area ?or a(( wire(ess si&na(s. It $etects an$ ana(y>es si&na(s an$ can @e 'se$ to $etect an$ i$enti?y the 0(ectronic S'r&ica( Imp(ants which are imp(ante$ in ci%i(ian &enoci$e tar&etsK an$ %ictimsK @o$ies as we(( as some o? the 0man'e(esK 7rimina( 1errorist A&entsK @o$ies. 0(ectronic $e%ices s'ch as U@ertooth are a@so('te(y necessary to pre%ent &enoci$e o? ci%i(ian pop'(ations 3 are (e&a( to p'rchase 3 an$ are i((e&a( to o't(aw the p'rchase o? $'e to the ;i(( o? /i&hts o? the Unite$ States o? America an$ the 7onstit'tion o? the Unite$ States o? America. P APen1ester 2e%icesA an$ APen1estin& So?twareA Penetration 1estin& 5 tests e(ectronic $e%ices ?or penetra@i(ity to $etermine whether or not they can @e networDe$ 3 accesse$ 3 an$ acti%ate$. Pen 1esters an$ so?tware simi(ar to ,orcePasswor$ so?tware or ;ash so?tware can e%en @e 'se$ to open e(ectric a'tomo@i(e (ocDs. 1his so?tware is (e&a( to p'rchase or $own(oa$ 3 @'t the app(ication o? this so?tware is (imite$ in the scope o? itKs (e&a( 'ses 5 'sers o? Penetration1estin& techno(o&y sho'($ @e care?'( not to @reaD any (aws 'n(ess it is a@so('te(y necessary to $o so ?or the p'rpose o? sa%in& (i%es. 1he Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,action whom ha%e @een acti%e(y en&a&e$ in a campai&n o? Genoci$e an$ H'man 1ra??icDin& in North American inc('$in& SeF 1ra??icDin& an$ H'man =i%isection ha%e within their ranDs a sma(( n'm@er o? eFtreme(y ta(ente$ 7omp'ter HacDers whom ha%e @een 'sin& what is pro@a@(e to @e 1I40/A 100 7./0 Processors an$ 4in'F So?tware to commit Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are 1errorist Assa'(ts in%o(%in& 7omp'ter HacDin& o? the 7.M7AS1 0N10/1AINM0N1 N01:./9 ?or the p'rpose o? $'@@in& A'$io ,i(es o%er the Stan$ar$ Sche$'(e$ Pro&rammin& as we(( as $'@@in& Animations o%er the Stan$ar$ Sche$'(e$ Pro&rammin& which inc('$e Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are Assa'(ts 'pon 7i%i(ians which ha%e @een c'stom tai(ore$ to Psycho(o&ica((y 1errori>e speci?ic 7i%i(ian 1ar&ets as we(( as speci?ic 7i%i(ian Pop'(ation Gro'ps. Some o? these Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are 1errorist AttacDs inc('$e i((e&a((y recor$e$ con%ersations @etween ci%i(ians @ein& $irect(y I'ote$ within the $ia(o& o? te(e%ision charactersK %oices $'@@e$ o%er the te(e%ision pro&rammin& which so'n$ simi(ar to the %oices o? the actors on the te(e%ision shows. .ther Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are 1errorist AttacDs @ein& committe$ @y 7y@er 1errorists in%o(%e the 'se o? HacD Animation So?tware an$ eFtreme(y power?'( Processin& Units to animate News AnchorsK ?aces an$ ,e$era( 0mp(oyeeKs ?aces to mo%e with a'$io $'@@in& ?or p'rpose o? maDin& these $'@s appear to @e ?act'a( te(e%ision pro&rammin& an$ ?act'a( news when in act'a(ity these are Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are assa'(ts an$ ;eha%iora( Mo$i?ication or Psycho(o&ica( 0n&ineerin& o? the tar&ets.

1he prospect o? the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS mana&in& to S'r&ica((y Imp(ant ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces in the entirety o? the North American Pop'(ation 3 is eFtreme(y $an&ero's. 1he 1i(era Processors are eFtreme ?ast an$ can @e 'se$ with 4in'F Ne'roScience So?tware 3 it is a possi@i(ity that the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS co'($ contro( the entirety o? the peop(e on the continent < transmittin& s'@(ima( i$eas 3 manip'(atin& emotions o? in$i%i$'a(s 3 physica((y contro((in& the Ne'ro(o&y o? the h'man %i%isection %ictims 3 in?('encin& $ecisions 3 contro((in& $ecisions 3 assassinatin& tar&ette$ peop(es 3 an$ in?i(tratin& the entire &o%ernment 5 it is $e?inite that these $e%ices are networDe$ @y Internet NetworDin& Protoco(s that are Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone 3 A/G.S G.P.S. 3 an$ Shippin& G ,rei&ht G.P.S. Internet NetworDin& Protoco(. It is $e?inite that a So?tware 0n&ineer an$ a Ne'roScientist co'($ creat so?tware that is capa@(e o? contro((in& an entire continenta( pop'(ation 3 with a power?'( eno'&h Processin& Unit an$ a networD o? 7omm'nications Ser%ers. 7'rrent(y 3 the most power?'( 7omp'ter Processors are processors s'ch as the 1I40/A 100 7ore. A 4on& /an&e :ire(ess /a$io ,reI'ency ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace consistin& o? 2 Prosthetic Ne'ro7irc'its 3 one in the rear (e?t o? the @rain 3 an$ the secon$ on the ?ront ri&ht o? the @rain < wire$ to two A/G.S G.P.S. 2ata 1ransmitters S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ an$ S't're 1acDe$ to the insi$e an$ corner o? the (ower Jaw 5 is capa@(e o? contro((in& a 4i%in& ;io(o&ica( 4i?e?orm entire(y 3 the 4i%in& .r&anism is e??ecti%e(y contro((e$ as a /o@ot @y metho$ o? Ne'roScience So?tware which contro(s the ne'ro(o&y. 1his is eFtreme(y $an&ero's an$ is a weapon that is c'rrent(y @ein& 'se$. It is not necessary to o't(aw eFtreme(y power?'( Processin& Units or eFtreme(y a$%ance$ 7omp'ter 1echno(o&y < what is necessary is a se%ere 'p&ra$in& o? the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 7omp'ter NetworD inc('$in& an Arti?icia( Inte((i&ence So?tware which co'($ acti%e(y search ?or Irre&'(ar Si&na(s more s'ccess?'((y. 1his Din$ o? Arti?icia( Inte((i&ence So?tware wo'($ acti%e(y search ?or irre&'(ar si&na(s or speci?ie$ $ata transmission types within a spectr'm o? options an$ wo'($ $o so persistent(y 2* ho'rs a $ay an$ ! $ays a weeD 5 this Din$ o? so?tware wo'($ ha%e ca'&ht these 7y@er 1errorists imme$iate(y. 1his Din$ o? So?tware co'($ ha%e a(so ca'&ht the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace $ata transmissions in a weeD an$ e%ent'a((y (ocate$ speci?ic in$i%i$'a(s an$ cata&ori>e$ in?ormation an$ re(ate$ s'@Jects re(e%ant to the &'i(ty party whom committe$ this attacD. 1his so?tware 3 tho'&h en&ineere$ (ater than nee$e$ 5 co'($ sti(( worD retroacti%e(y to ?in$ e%ery sin&(e Ne'roScience 1ransmission that has e%er in the past @een transmitte$ e(ectronica((y across any comm'nications tower or ser%er in North America or e(sewhere. I? the Ne'roScience 1ransmissions are transmitte$ o%er the internet 3 they are a%ai(a@(e &(o@a((y an$ sho'($ @e ana(y>e$ @y Mi(itaries ?or p'rpose o? seeDin& H'stice ?or the =ictims. I? $ata is $e(ete$ ?rom a Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 7omp'ter 5 permanant e%i$ence eFists o? this. 1his so?tware co'($ a(so ?in$ past manip'(ations o? Sche$'(e$ 1e(e%ision 1ransmissions which were acts o? 7y@er 1errorism Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are as we(( as any instance o? 1'rDoJan So?tware @ein& 'se$ in the past. 2'rin& the (ate sprin& o? the year 200* 3 my se(? an$ my eF &ir(?rien$ Sahn$ra St..n&e were in%ite$ to /ye NewHampshire @y 1ony Grasseti to meet some ?rien$s o? his. A?ter arri%in& at 1ony GrassetiKs ?rien$Ks ho'se in his car 3 1ony 'neFpecte$(y intro$'ce$ 's to the Prince o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 5 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e < an$ ,i(Ks @rother 2anie( Hames 3 whom is a(so a son o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs. 2'rin& the $ay that we were in /ye NewHampshire with 1ony Grasseti 3 1onyKs ?rien$ ?rom /ye who is pro@a@(y a co'sin o? the 0man'e(esK 3 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e 3 an$ ,i(Ks @rother 2anie( Hames 5 ,i( 0mane'e(e state$ to me AIKm act'a((y the Prince o? Ita(y. ItKs act'a((y ,i( with an , 3 as in ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e. -eah... my ?ami(y is act'a((y re(ate$ somehow to A$o(?

Hit(er 5 apparent(y he is my co'sin or somethin&. 2o yo' Dnow anythin& a@o't thatMA . ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs Great Gran$,ather 3 =ittorio 0man'e(e III 5 was A$o(? Hit(erKs ha(? @rother. 1he way that this was state$ 3 in conJ'nction with the ?act that 1ony Grasseti is ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs co'sin an$ ha$ not a$mitte$ it to me 'nti( months (ater 5 has (e$ me to @e(ie%e that the Grasseti ,ami(y an$ the 7hristiano ,ami(y are somehow c(oser re(ate$ to A$o(? Hit(er @io(o&ica((y than was eFpecte$ an$ may act'a((y @e the $escen$ants o? A$o(? Hit(er or possi@(y J'st as m'ch a Great Gran$Nephew an$ Great Gran$Neice o? A$o(? Hit(erKs. 9ate 7hristiano is s'ppose$(y 1ony GrassetiKs 3r$ co'sin < I @e(ie%e she is in ?act @oth his 3r$ co'sin an$ 2n$ co'sin an$ that one o? their parents were a$opte$ to a /oya( ;(oo$e$ 9ni&ht o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ?or reason that they were o? /oya( ;(oo$3 the /oya( ,ami(ies o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy a$opt their 'n o??icia( heirs to the ?ami(ies o? /oya( ;(oo$e$ 9ni&hts an$ 9ni&hts who are tr'ste$ @y the /oya( ,ami(y o? Sa%oy 5 1his has @een a stan$ar$ practice o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ?or possi@(y " or 10 &enerations $'e to the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs p(ans ?or G(o@a( 7onI'est which @e&an prior to the ,irst :or($ :ar. It is (o&ica( to ass'me that the 0man'e(es may possi@(y attempt to 'se Imposte'rs o? themse(%es to create an a(i@i ?or their wherea@o'ts an$ in%o(%ement in .r&ani>e$ 7rime an$ 1errorism o%er the past 10 years. 7esare 3 whom is one o? ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs associates 5 'ses the termino(o&y AMachia%e((iA an$ has AMachia%e((ie$A himse(? twice o%er the past ten years < he is c'rrent(y on his secon$ Imposte'r I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. 2'rin& 200! < 7esare (ocDe$ 1ony Gon>a(e> in a @asement in Manchester NewHampshire an$ ?e$ him Mi(D tainte$ with =ir's c'(t're$ in Hemo&(o@in which containe$ =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy strains o? %ir's containin& 7esareKs own 2NA ?or SDin 3 Nose 3 Hair 3 0yes 3 an$ ,in&erprint re(ate$ 2NA. 1ony Gon>a(e>Ks sister ,ranchesca Gon>a(e> was a(so a@$'cte$ @y 7esare $'rin& 2005 3 her I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s ha%e @een 'se$ to swap i$entity with more than one SeF 1ra??icDin& %ictim an$ H'man =i%isection %ictim as we(( as other a@$'ctees. A?ter 1ony Gon>a(e> was m'tate$ to (ooD o? simi(ar eno'&h appearance to 7esare 3 he was re(ease$ ?rom the @asement an$ 7esare ca((e$ the Po(ice 2epartment reportin& that 1ony Gon>a(e> was 7esare. 7esare was si&hte$ in 200! an$ ha$ m'tate$ his 2NA to chan&e his sDin comp(eFion to eFtreme(y pa(e an$ chan&e his nose shape < it (ooDe$ as i? 7esare ha$ 'se$ my co'sin H'(iannaKs 2NA to $o this 3 H'(ianna is c'rrent(y missin& 5 that entire si$e o? my ?ami(y has @een /ep(ace$ @y Imposte'rs. 1ony Gon>a(e> is 2 or 3 inches ta((er than 7esare an$ $oes not ha%e the $eep ?acia( scar 7esare has < 1ony Gon>a(e> a(so has entire(y $i??erent 2NA than 7esare 3 1ony is a :hite Hispanic MeFican non Mesti>o 5 7esare is o? miFe$ Ita(ian an$ 7'@an race an$ a Mesti>o o? some amo'nt o? 1aiino racia( 2NA. ;oth in$i%i$'a(sK 2NA has @een a(tere$ se%ere(y @'t to a $e&ree that is pro@a@(e to on(y ha%e @een a 10Q a(teration o? tota( 2NA an$ wi(( @e eFtreme(y noticea@(e 'n$er microscope. 1ony Gon>a(e> is c'rrent(y in prison ?or 7esareKs crimes in NewHampshire 3 a 2NA test an$ other ?orensics are necessary to pro%e his innocence. ,ranchesca Gon>a(e> is missin&. 7esare was (ast si&hte$ in Nash'a NewHampshire an$ H'$son NewHampshire $'rin& H'ne o? 2013 5 he @en$s his Dnees when he wa(Ds $'e to his hei&ht on his I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s @ein& 3 inches shorter than his act'a( hei&ht. 7esare has =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tate$ his sDin to appear pa(e an$ his nose is now m'tate$ to @e thinner in shape. It is pro@a@(e that 7esare wi(( attempt to AMachia%e((iA a&ain soon @y chan&e$ I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s a&ain. 7esare is a(so Dnown as A2ia@(oA an$ A7aesarA in 7'@a an$ the U.S.A. < in 200* 3 7esare was se(? $ec(are$ to @e an$ was s'&&este$ @y ,i(i@erto 0man'e(e to @e H'(i's 0%o(aKs Gran$son. :hi(e wa(Din& to /ye ;each in /ye NewHampshire 3 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e state$ that he Dnew A7'@an AFisA as we(( as AH'(i's 0%o(aKs NetworDA.

Propa&an$a $'rin& the :ar on 1error $escri@e$ .sama ;in4a$en as @ein& Aon $ia(ysisA 3 which is to say that 5 .sama ;in4a$en was recei%in& intra %en's @(oo$ trans?'sions re&'(ar(y. It is $e?inite that $'rin& 200! 3 a chair with $ia(ysis t'@in& attache$ to the ?rame o? the chair was in the So'thern /e&iona( NewHampshire Me$ica( 7enter Psychiatric Unit in Nash'a NewHampshire 5 this was not the 's'a( chair that wo'($ @e 'se$ ?or this an$ was not in a p(ace where this chair sho'($ @e. It is a $e?inite ?act that =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy is 's'a((y a$ministere$ thro'&h intra%eno's inJection an$ is on(y se($om a$ministere$ as a %ir's c'(t're$ in a hemo&(o@in which is po're$ into a @e%era&e. 2'rin& the year 200! < whi(e at the So'thern /e&iona( NewHampshire Me$ica( 7enter 3 I met an imposte'r o? 0(i>a@eth Hano%er. ApproFimate(y 5 months prior to this3 I ha$ so($ the ?act'a( 0(i>a@eth Hano%er a tea an$ a scone whi(e I was worDin& at 2'nDin 2on'ts in Manchester NewHampshire at the Ma(( o? NewHampshire. It is pro@a@(e that somehow the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e o@taine$ @io(o&ica( materia( o? the Hano%erKs 2NA. It is $e?inite that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy own n'mero's hospita(s in North America an$ ha%e o@taine$ ;io(o&ica( Materia(s containin& 2NA ?rom /e$7ross ;(oo$ 2ri%es 3 ;(oo$ 2raws at Hea(thcare ,aci(ities 3 an$ other so'rces s'ch as possi@(y hairs or $ispose$ o? ra>or @(a$es ?rom Hote(s. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy are c'rrent(y attemptin& 7o%ert G(o@a( 7onI'est an$ are $e?inite(y p(annin& to AMachia%e((iA themse(%es i? they ?ai( 3 they wi(( $e?inite(y attempt to 'se =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy as we(( as the contro( they ha%e o%er the in$i%i$'a(s whom they ha%e S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces 3 an$ sto(en or ?or&e$ I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s 5 to ?(ee J'stice i? they ?ai( at their attempt o? G(o@a( 7onI'est @y rep(acin& n'mero's Nationa( Go%ernments 3 Aristocracies 3 an$ Hi&h /anDin& Mi(itary 0mp(oyees. 2'rin& the S'mmer o? the year 2000 3 I ha$ met a &ir( name$ Nina Hansen < Nina an$ I met whi(e atten$in& a m'sica( per?ormance in :orcester Massach'settes when we were 1E years o($. :e @e&an ta(Din& on the internet. A?ter a ?ew months o? ta(Din& 3 we @e&an $atin&. A(so3 $'rin& the S'mmer o? the year 2000 a?ter I ha$ @e&'n ta(Din& to Nina Hansen < I met met ,i(Ks @rother 2anie( Hames ?or the 2n$ time at what was either A&way or 4oweKs in Sa(is@'ry NewHampshire or Sea@rooD NewHampshire. Matt ;e('ar$oKs &ir(?rien$ Sarah ha$ @een worDin& at this (ocation an$ Matt ha$ $ri%en to picD her 'p. :ith 's in the a'tomo@i(e was Hoe Mc7arthy 3 an$ Aman$a 4an$ry. A@o't a month prior to this 2.H. ha$ starte$ socia(i>in& with A&way emp(oyees 5 2.H.Ks ?ami(y $e?inite(y sta(De$ Matt ;e('ar$oKs ?or reason o? (ocatin& my socia( networD an$ p'ttin& 2.H. in the socia( networD. Matt ;e('ar$oKs co'sin was a mem@er o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen3 the 0man'e(es ha%e 'se$ mem@ers o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen to sta(D n'mero's peop(e in the past3 as we(( as ha%e they sta(De$ an$ Dept recor$ o? the (ocation o? mem@ers o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen ?or p'rpose o? tracDin& in$i%i$'a(s in their socia( networD. 2'rin& the 1""0Ks 3 the 0man'e(es @e&an emp(oyin& 7omp'ter HacDers to intercept te(ephone con%ersations a 7omm'nications Ser%ers an$ recor$ the con%ersations as we(( as access American .n(ine Instant Messa&e recor$s an$ 0mai( Acco'nts. 2anie( Hames &rew 'p in the Sea@rooDNSa(is@'ry re&ion. My ?rien$ 7assan$ra 4KHerea'F whom a(so &rew 'p in this re&ion an$ is now (i%in& in North 7aro(ina has @een a sta(Din& %ictim o? the 0man'e(es. I @e(ie%e that her comp'ter has @een @ein& hacDe$ ?reI'ent(y o%er the past years. In the year 1""" < ,i( 0man'e(e ha$ a@$'cte$ an$ tort're$ Nina Hansen ?or 12 ho'rs an$ @e&an repeate$(y rapin& her in attempts to ?orce her into a@so('te s'@mission. Nina was to($ that it was &oin& to Deep happenin& 'nti( she stoppe$ ca((in& Po(ice. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e rape$ Nina Hansen repeate$(y ?or approFimate(y 3 years. It is now 'n$erstoo$ that Nina HansenKs (an$(or$ was a Property Stea$ Ho($er o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ that this man ha$ &i%en ,i( 0man'e(e a copy o? the ?ront $oor Dey to

Nina HansenKs home. ,i( was a(most 2! years o($ 3 Nina Hansen was 15. 2'rin& the year 1""" < ,i( 0man'e(e in%a$e$ Nina HansenKs home an$ rape$ her a secon$ time 5 ,i( ?orce$ Nina Hansen to wear a $o& co((ar an$ attache$ a $o& (eash to the co((ar. 2'rin& the years 2008 3 200" 3 an$ 2010 5 Matt ;e('ar$oKs ,ace;ooD was hacDe$ @y the 0man'e(esK 7omp'ter HacDers. 1he 0man'e(esK hacDers @e&'n hacDin& ser%ers hea%i(y $'rin& 200*. Prior to the year 200*< the 0man'e(esK ha$ emp(oye$ their 7omp'ter HacDers to sta(D Nina Hansen @y metho$ o? 7omp'ter HacDin& ser%ers to co((ect her Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone 2ata s'ch as intercept an$ recor$ con%ersations3 &ather recor$s o? her teFt messa&es3 an$ possi@(y checD G(o@a( Position System $ata o? p'rpose o? $iscernin& whether or not she was home. Nina Hansen ha$ to($ me that she @e(ie%e$ that hacDers were 7y@er Sta(Din& her an$ watchin& her America .n(ine Instant Messa&e 'ses as we(( as her Home 7omp'ters connecti%ity3 ?or p'rpose o? $eterminin& whether or not she was home an$ i? she was home a(one. =ittorio 0man'e(e o@%io's(y a(so emp(oye$ 7omp'ter HacDers to wire tap Nina HansenKs Home 1e(ephone somehow at a ser%er. A?ter I @e&an ta(Din& to Nina Hansen on the internet as we(( as on the te(ephone < Matt ;e('ar$o was (ocate$ thro'&h his 4ea&'e .? Ita(ian Gent(emen co'sins an$ his America .n(ine Instant Messa&er an$ 1e(ephone $ata @e&an @ein& accesse$ @y the 0man'e(esK 7omp'ter HacDers3 =ittorio ha$ a(rea$y 'se$ the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen to (ocate an$ Deep recor$ o? my se(? thro'&h /o@er /o$on whom ha$ @ecome a mem@er o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen whom was 7hristopher /o$onKs ?ather. It is $e?inite that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs rape o? Nina Hansen was an Initiation 7rime an$ that =ittorio 0man'e(e ha$ rape$ my mother 2e@@ie MacPherson when she was a (itt(e &ir(. My mother was a %ictim o? SeF 1ra??icDin& when she was a (itt(e &ir( < this @e&an when she was 5 an$ $i$nKt en$ 'nti( she was 1* 5 the 0man'e(e 0%o(a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate ha$ 'se$ my mother an$ my nana Hoanne 1r'$ea' 7arty ?or Initiation 7rimes 3 as repeat %ictims o? their 1errorist 7rime So($iers whom they initiate$ thro'&h (ayers o? Initiation 7rimes. 1he metho$ o? attacDs which my Mother an$ my Nana ha$ to en$'re 3 whi(e trappe$ (i%in& with A7h'cDA 5 were o? the $e?inite psycho(o&y o? the Initiation 7rimes o? this 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate. 1he Sa%oy A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate repeate$(y o??en$ the same %ictims attempt to Deep their %ictims contro((e$ an$ their %ictims socia( networD as we(( as po(ice $epartment contro((e$ ?or p'rpose o? $ecreasin& the chances o? their 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate @ein& $isco%ere$ an$ their Aristocratic Ho'seKs SeF 1ra??icDin& an$ other ?orms o? H'man 1ra??icDin& ?rom @ein& $isco%ere$. 1he Sa%oy A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate ha%e committe$ o%er tho'san$s o? SeF .??enses 'pon chi($ren since the Aristocratic ?ami(ies o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy re(ocate$ to the USA. 1he eFtremity o? their $isrespectin& o? the %ictims as we(( as the $e&ree o? seF'a( %io(ence o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs attacDs 'pon American citi>ens an$ their chi($ren 3 portrays the psycho(o&y o? a ?action with $e?inite p(ans to eFterminate a(( o? these pop'(ations entire(y. It is a pro@a@i(ity my MotherKs race has now @een comp(ete(yt eFterminate$ an$ that @eca'se o? the en?orce$ $i%ersity o? the pop'(ation ratio in the USA an$ the en?orce$ man$ation o? my MotherKs race to @ecome the sma((est 0thnic Minority ratio ?raction on the p(anet 0arth 5 it is not yet i$enti?ie$ as a 1ota( Genoci$e @y the USA Go%ernment. 2'rin& my Gran$Mother Hoanne 1r'$ea' 7artyKs (i?etime < her entire race was eFterminate$ an$ a(( o? her 7hi($ren an$ Gran$7hi($ren were /ape$ 3 SeF 1ra??icDe$ 3 7hi($ Porno&raphe$ 3 an$ H'man =i%isecte$. 1he intention o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy in the Americas has @een 1ota( Genoci$e 3 since prior to the ,irst :or($ :ar 5 accor$in& to me$ia ?'n$e$ @y the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 the Mayan /ace is $etermine$ @y AGo$A to @e eFtinct in 2012. 2'rin& the year 1""" 3 an e%ent ca((e$ Athe -29 @'&A was pre$icte$ to @e soon occ'rrin&. 1his e%ent was $escri@e$ as tota( ?ai('re o? a(( comp'ter systems 'sin& Microso?t .peratin& Systems an$ was attri@'te$ to the .peratin& System itse(? $'e to

the e(ectronic c(ocD o? the .peratin& System not reachin& the year 2001. It was i&nore$ that the .peratin& System was so?tware an$ co'($ easi(y @e 'p$ate$ 3 the A-29 ;'&A was spoDen o? as a misconception a?ter Microso?t Up$ate 'p$ate$ :in$ows 7(ocDs 5 some o? which $i$ not nee$ to @e 'p$ate$. An artic(e in a ma&a>ine state$ 5 A 1he comp'ter wi(( no (on&er worD ?or yo' at the stroDe o? mi$ni&ht on New -ears 0%e o? the year 2000.A. 1he pre$iction o? a A-29 7o((apseA or a A-29 ;'&A was act'a((y pre$icte$ imme$iate(y prior to an artic(e in 1ime Ma&a>ine which $escri@e$ the en&ineerin& o? Impro%ise$ 0(ectronic /a$io ,reI'ency 0Fp(osi%es 2etonators man'?act're$ ?rom Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone parts 5 these were ca((e$ A2ia( Up 2etonatorsA . I @e(ie%e that the ?irst %ictim o? the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace A/G.S H'man =i%isections that I met 3 was the SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim who was ?orce$ to (i%e as imposte'r o? Samantha G'ay whom I met $'rin& the year 2003. It is pro@a@(e that the S'r&ica( Imp(antin& o? ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces @e&an short(y a?ter the " 11 1errorist AttacDs an$ that the A-29 ;'&A an$ A-29 7o((apseA artic(es were p'@(ishe$ cypher comm'nications . 1he contro((e$ co((apse o? the 1win 1owers in New-orD 7ity was $e?inite(y the res'(t o? 2emo(itions 0Fp(osi%es @ein& 'se$ with Impro%ise$ /N, Mo@i(e Phone 2etonators that $etonate$ the eFp(osi%es a?ter the p(anes hit the @'i($in&s < $'e to Sa%oy A&ents em@e$$e$ within in%esti&ations 3 in%esti&ations ne%er re%ea(e$ that there were 2emo(itions 0Fp(osi%es in%o(%e$. 2'rin& the corr'ption o? &o%ernment which occ're$ as a res'(t o? the Sa%oy A&ents /ichar$ NiFon an$ /ichar$ He(ms < AA'$io /ecor$in& ;'&sA were p(ante$ in wa((s that were Impro%ise 0n&ineere$ o? Han$ /a$io A:a(Dy 1a(DyA parts 3 Acco'stic A'$io /ecor$in& Microphones 3 1r'cD /a$io parts 3 an$ /ee( 1ape /ecor$ers 5 these $e%ices ha%e now @een rep(ace$ @y Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone /ecor$in& 2e%ices A2ia( Up /ecor$ersA an$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces in %ictimsK crani'ms 'sin& G(o@a( Positionin& System techno(o&y to networD it to comp'ters &(o@a((y. =ittorio 0man'e(eKs o@session with p'@(ishin& his cypher comm'nications in p'@(ic (ocations is pro@a@(e to @e ?or the p'rpose o? maintainin& the mora(e o? his 7o%ert S(eeper 7e(( A&ents 3 this is we(( $oc'mente$ as a res'(t o? the p'@(ic p'@(ishin& o? these comm'nications in artic(es an$ news papers @'t has not yet @een 'n$erstoo$ @y in%esti&ations $epartments $'e to Sa%oy A&ents @ein& em@e$$e$ amon&st the in%esti&ations $epartments. =ittorio 0man'e(e a(so has an o@session with p'@(ishin& threats in p'@(ic %i$eo&raphe$ me$ia s'ch as p(ot an$ $ia(o& in 7inemato&raphy as in 1heatre Mo%ies an$ 1e(e%ision Series < this has @een we(( $oc'mente$ as we(( 3 as a res'(t o? the pro$'ction o? these mo%ies @ein& p'@(ic 3 @'t is yet to @e 'n$erstoo$ @y in%esti&ations $epartments ?or the same reason. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy o?ten 'se the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen an$ their associate$ networDs o? in$i%i$'a(s as a means o? pro%i$in& Scripts 3 2ia(o& pieces 3 7haracter names an$ $escriptions 3 P(ot (ine ?or mo%ies 3 an$ speci?ic actors 5 the mo%ie ,(ew .%er the 7'cDooKs NestA inc('$es the name HacD 2ion 3 an$ the main character is p(aye$ @y HacD Nicho(son. Sheena Nico(e MacPherson was an in?ant when 7hris 1homas SeF'a((y Assa'(te$ her an$ tooD a photo&raph < an$ was the $a'&hter o? /'sse(( MacPherson o? 7(an MacPherson o? 7(an 7hattan 3 whom =ittorio 0man'e(eKs son 7hris 1homas mocDe$ ca((in& him A/'sse(( MacPherson o? 9'9('F9(an MacPherson or is it 9'9('F9(an 9attanMA. HacD 2ionKs $a'&hter an$ /'sse(( MacPhersonKs son were @oth 5 years o($ when they were 7hi($ Porno&raphe$ @y 7hris 1homas. A NicD(e is a 5 cent coin. An in?antKs cri@ is ca((e$ a AnestA. =ittorio 0man'e(e has @een in%o(%e$ in SeF 1ra??icDin& o? 7hi($ren as we(( as a$'(ts ?or most o? his (i?e. 2'rin& my chi($hoo$ 3 7omp'ter HacDers @e&an occaisiona((y accessin& my emai( acco'nt 3 my America .n(ine Instant Messa&er recor$s3 an$ my

te(ephone con%ersations. 2'rin& the year 1""" an$ we(( into 200* 3 1ony Grasseti was ?rien$s with Nina Hansen 5 the 0man'e(es (ater 'se$ 1ony Grasseti as a (iason to sec're an 'neFpecte$ meetin& @etween my se(? an$ ,i( 0man'e(e as we(( as his @rother 2anie( Hames. 1he 0man'e(e ?ami(y ha%e @een sta(Din& my ?ami(y an$ my (o%e$ ones my entire (i?e. 1he 0man'e(es sta(D their %ictims thro'&h socia( networDs an$ 'sin& 7omp'ter HacDers 3 it is $e?inite that in?ormation is Dept concernin& these %ictims. =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ his sons ha%e recor$s o? a(( o? the 4ea&'e .? Ita(ian Gent(emen ,ami(y 1rees 3 A$$resses 3 1e(ephone N'm@ers 3 an$ can easi(y o@tain I.P. A$$resses an$ e(ectronic $ata @y means o? 7omp'ter HacDin&. ;y metho$ o? tracDin& a(( o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen3 the 0man'e(es are easier a@(e to sta(D an$ tracD peop(es o? the comm'nities whom the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen mem@ers (i%e amon&st an$ associate with socia((y. 1he 0man'e(e 0%o(a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate a(so ha%e a&ents em@e$$e$ within &o%ernment which they 'se to i((e&a((y o@tain recor$s ?rom within &o%ernment $epartments. =ittorio 0man'e(e has $e?inite(y spent m'ch o? his time in his (i?e 3 sta(Din& to ?ami(ies o? his past %ictims.

3uring the year ABBB" ! &as sitting in the bac) seat of my friend Jason Jeffrey0s car &ith Nina ,ansen &hom &as my girlfriend at the time 2 +il Emanuele o ened the front assenger door and sat do&n in the car- ,is ur ose &as ob'iously to intimidate Nina ,ansen- %utside of the 'ehicle " (ostafa !bnSaud yelled at +il .+il " you0re a sic) frea)D 7i'e the little girl alone-. - +illiberto Emanuele &as described by Nina ,ansen as ha'ing tied her u &ith ro e " oisoned her &ith (3(A " and tortured her for hours 1 after&hich " he ra ed her re eatedly- Nina e# lained to me that (3(A &as su osed to roduce .good feelings. and that you are su osed to feel .good. &hile you are on (3(A 2 she e# lained that &as +il Emanuele did to her " had ermanantly damaged her brain and that she &as almost inca able of feeling any ha iness or good feelings &hatsoe'er- Nina ,ansen e# lained to me that +il had been &al)ing into her home through the front door and ra ing her since she &as <> 1 Nina &as <C &hen &e &ere dating " +il ra ed her &hen &e &ere together and this continued until she &as older?hile ! &as &or)ing at +amily 3ollar in ABB> " a female &al)ed through the doors and &as tal)ing about +il Emanuele 2 she stated " .!an dated +il0s initiation ra e- 3o you )no& ho& fuc)ed u this isE !an0s girlfriend &hen he &as <C " &as +il0s initiation ra e- They ra e minors- She0s the same age as !an- She &as his only other real girlfriend in ghschool-. " this female &as ob'iously tal)ing about 4alerie %lson rior to this- +il0s decision to attem t to frame (ostafa !bnSaud is robably the result of (ostafa yelling at +il &hen +il sat in Jeffrey Jeffrey0s car- ?hen in Rye Ne&,am shire " +il Emanuele told me that ! reminded him of (ostafa !bnSaud in a 'ery strange &ay- Nina ,ansen had described +il0s attac)s as being aided by her landlord &hom must ha'e gi'en him the )ey and unhindered by the Police 3e artment &hom &as contacted numerous times about this- !n (anchester Ne&,am shire bet&een the years of ABBF and AB<B " Gerald .Jerry. 30Amico 2 ga'e numerous co ies of )eys to a artments he rented to aying tenants " gi'ing the co ies of these )eys to assailants associated &ith +il Emanuele0s Terrorist Crime$Syndicate &hom committed the same crimes as +il after being ordered to do so by +il Emanuele- Cesare .3iablo0s. crimes in Cuba &ere described by the &oman &hom had found out about Nina " as .3iablo0s initiation crimes-.- +illiberto Emanuele decided in the year ABBF 1 that he &as going to attem t to frame (ostafa !bnSaud for +il Emanuele0s

o&n crimes and de ict (ostafa !bnSaud in media as the !talian$A*!S Terrorist +action0s connection to %sama ;in7aden 2 this is ob'iously for reason that (ostafa !bnSaud ro'ed to be incorru table by +il Emanuele " &hom often attem ts to recruit males &hom he )no&s into his Terrorist Crime$Syndicate and morality$tests them constantly in efforts to discern &hether or he can influence them to ro'e their criminality through the necessary !nitiation$Crimes &hich his Terrorist Crime$Syndicate re5uires to ro'e silence and loyalty to their criminalityThe ;rain$Com uter$!nterfaces currently in 'ictims0 brains ha'e been used to collect data from the entire o ulation of the North$East of North America for ur ose of attem ting to eliminate &itnesses concerning +illiberto Emanuele0s Se#$%ffenses and 4ittorio Emanuele0s Se#$Traffic)ing as &ell as 4ittorio Emanuele !!!0s biological relation to Adolf ,itler- +il Emanuele has also used these de'ices to mani ulate and control human beings such as Se#$Traffic)ing 4ictims " Terrorist Crime$Soldier accom lices to his terrorism and human$traffic)ing " and Se#$%ffenders &hom &ere basically conscri ted after being surgically im lanted &ith these de'ices 1 as &ell as &ere some of these Se#$%ffenders li)ely to ha'e been &illing recruits after being informed that they &ere able to li'e a ne& life free from ha'ing to register as a Se#$%ffender by using a ne& identity and undergoing 4iral$4ector Gene$Thera y for ur ose of mutating their a earance to loo) li)e a 'ictim of +il0s and 4ittorio0sThese ;rain$Com uter$!nterface NeuroScience de'ices ha'e been used to aid in the silencing of the 'ictims of the Emanuele$E'ola Crime$Syndicate0s !nitiation$Crimes!n the ast " &hat has been seen concerning the silencing of these crimes 2 has ty ically in'ol'ed Police Corru tion and !n'estigations Sabotage as &ell as co'ert refusal to in'estigate1he Psycho(o&ica( Pro?i(e o? ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icateKs initiation crimes eFhi@it a psycho(o&y o? eFtreme &'i(t an$ a worri?'( paranoia pro$'ce$ @y SeF .??enses speci?ica((y as we(( as comp(icity in 1errorism. 1he initiation crimes o? ,i( 0man'e(eKs an$ =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate are en&ineere$ to pro$'ce a ?ear in the min$s o? the initiate$ crime so($iers simi(ar to the ?ear that the ?o'n$in& crimina(s that inherite$ this 1errorist .r&ani>e$ 7rime Syn$icate ha%e ?or a (on& time ha$ to en$'re ?or reason that their crimes are so heino's that none wi(( e%er ?or&i%e them i? they are $isco%ere$ to @e those in comp(icity concernin& these crimes. 1he eFact ?ee(in& o? $esperation that =ittorio 0man'e(e himse(? has pro@a@(y ?e(t most o? his (i?e as the res'(t o? his in%o(%ement in SeF 1ra??icDin& o? minors an$ yo'n& women 3 is the Din$ o? ?ear that seems to $ri%e this Din$ o? &'i(ty in$i%i$'a( to commit any heino's crime to pre%ent their own arrest. It is possi@(e that the ?ear o? @ein& connecte$ to the " 11 1errorist AttacD is J'st as &reat in =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs min$s as is their paranoi$ ?ear o? @ein& i$enti?ie$ as @ein& A$o(? Hit(erKs @io(o&ica( ?ami(y an$ H'(i's 0%o(aKs 7rime Syn$icateKs accomp(ices in SeF 1ra??icDin& 5 not on(y are they &'i(ty o? a heino's amo'nt o? SeF 1ra??icDin& an$ Genoci$e 3 the 0man'e(es are $e?inite(y possi@(e accomp(ices to the " 11 1errorist AttacDs or Arms 2ea(ers whom so($ .sama ;in4a$enKs ,action Impro%ise$ 0Fp(osi%e 2e%ices an$

Impro%ise$ 2etonation 2e%ices consistin& o? Impro%ise$ 4on& /an&e /a$io ,reI'ency 2etonators. Imme$iate(y a?ter the " 11 1errorist AttacDs 3 n'mero's ?ema(es were a@$'cte$ @y =ittorio 0man'e(esK SeF 1ra??icDers 5 as a res'(t o? =ittorioKs paranoi$ si(encin& o? the witnesses an$ %ictims 3 n'mero's ?ami(ies o? %ictimsK ha%e @een &enoci$a((y eFterminate$ since this has occ'rre$. Many o? these ?ami(ies were rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs whom ha%e 'n$er&one =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy ?or p'rpose o? m'tatin& an$ $is&'isin& them as the ?ami(ies which they ha%e rep(ace$ on I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s 7omp'ter /ecor$s an$ in the comm'nities. It is pro@a@(e that there are a ?ew 4ocD Smiths worDin& ?or the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Ita(ian AFis 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate. In 2005 < Min$y 9ern 3 one o? my eF &ir(?rien$s < mentione$ a 7'@an man whom was worDin& ?or some Din$ o? ?ascist terrorist or&ani>ation an$ a seF tra??icDin& crime syn$icate 5 she state$ that she ha$ hear$ that this man ha$ @een (ocDin& women in a @asement an$ tort'rin& them @(in$?o($e$ 'nti( their ne'ro(o&y was so $ama&e$ that he co'($ simp(y (i?t one o? their (e&s an$ ca'se them to or&asm an$ $isassociate comp(ete(y3 co((apsin& 'nconcio's a?terwar$s. Min$y sai$ that these women were $e?ense(ess $'e to their @(acDin& o't an$ that this man worDe$ with a 4ocD Smith whom ma$e Deys ?or him to a(( o? his %ictimsK homes as we(( as were there (an$(or$s an$ other property mana&ers worDin& with him < Min$y state$ that her ?rien$Ks a'nt ha$ @een a %ictim o? this man an$ that he ha$ attacDe$ her a&ain a ?ew years a?ter a@$'ctin& her the ?irst time an$ tort'rin& her3 his i((e&a( entry into her home an$ repeate$ rapin& o? her ca'se$ her to &et $i%orce$3 the man was a(so state$ to ha%e (e?t a certain Din$ o? ?ema(esK 'n$erwear in ?ront o? her e%ery time 5 which were the eFact Din$ o? panties she was wearin& the $ay that she was a@$'cte$. 7esare A2ia@(oKsA crimes ?it this eFact $escription as $o many o? the SeF .??enses which are reporte$ to ha%e @een committe$ @y ,i(Ks associate$ crime 'nit as initiations. M2MA was 'se$ $'rin& the physica( Ne'ro(o&ica( tort're o? some o? these women as we(( as was rope an$ sensory $epri%ation 5 many o? these women ha$ @een S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces 3 many o? these attacDs were e(ectronica((y recor$e$ @y Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 7omp'ters as we(( as ,e$era((y Accessi@(e Internet Ser%ers < these are 1errorist :ar 7rimes ?a(se ?(a&&e$ as &an& attacDs an$ /.I.7... %io(ations. Many o? the women ha%e @een maime$ 3 @(in$e$ 3 ne'ro(o&ica((y maime$ as a res'(t o? the attacD which ca'se$ permanant ne'ro(o&ica( $ama&e an$ Post 1ra'matic Stress 2isor$er. N'mero's o? these attacDs are r'mo're$ to ha%e occ'rre$ an$ are reporte$ to ha%e occ'rre$ as a res'(t o? home in%asions which which (e?t no $ama&e to the (ocDs an$ seeme$ to in%o(%e either a ASDe(eton 9eyA o? some Din$ o? a 4ocD SmithKs 9it 5 it has @een pro%en that n'mero's 4an$(or$s ha%e worDe$ with this SeF 1ra??icDin& 7rimina( 1errorist ,action an$ that these 4an$(or$s an$ Property Mana&ers are Property Stea$ Ho($ers o? the 0man'e(esK whom are in%o(%e$ in SeF 1ra??icDin& as we(( as o?ten 7rimina( Initiates o? the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate whom are $e?inite(y acti%e(y SeF 1ra??icDers an$ ha%e a(ways @een as s'ch. I ha$ en&ineere$ an i$ea ?or a SDe(eton 9ey that can open any t'm@(er (ocD whi(e I was worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar 3 0$ ,arrachi :arren o%erhear$ me ta(Din& a@o't it an$ I showe$ him the $esi&n on paper5 this $esi&n @asica((y consiste$ o? a ho((ow @o$ie$ Dey with two wire wi$th

tensioner re?(eF @ows insi$e the ho((ow @o$y which app(y press're to a series o? AteethA or A@onesA which are meta( rectan&(es that are (ocDe$ in p(ace @y metho$ o? (ocDin& the tensioner win&e$ @o(t in p(ace a?ter the correct tension is achei%e$ 'sin& another sma((er threa$e$ @o(t < the re?(eF @ows are ?(eFe$ @y press're app(ie$ @y the threa$e$ @o(t which has a @(ocD on the en$ that is p'she$ ?orwar$ @y the threa$e$ win&e$ @o(t. 1o cra?t one o? these wo'($ reI'ire ro@otics an$ a machine capa@(e o? en&ineerin& too(s at a micro sca(e simi(ar to micro s'r&ery eI'ipment an$ a stron& eno'&h meta( a((oy so that the sDe(eton Dey wo'($ not @reaD. 1he reason ?or my i$ea in%o(%in& this was to e(iminate the entire (ocD in$'stry with this SDe(eton 9ey which wo'($ maDe a(( t'm@(er (ocDs o@so(ete whi(e sim'(taeneo's(y patentin& a sa?er (ocD 5 I ha$ tho'&ht o? this i$ea whi(e h'mo'ro's(y pon$erin& what wo'($ happen i? this ha$ occ'rre$. /a$io ,reI'ency 0(ectronic (ocDs are not sa?e 3 a Penetration 1ester an$ a ;ash So?tware Pro&ram can open them 'sin& a comp'ter. It is pro@a@(e that 0$ $isc'sse$ this i$ea with the 0man'e(es an$ 7esare. :hat is a(so $e?inite is that Gera($ AHerryA 2KAmico o? ,(eetMaster 2e%e(opment 3 the imposte'r o? 7hristine 2ionKs ?ather HacD 2ion Dnows Gera($ AHerryA 2KAmico somehow 3 as we(( as a ?ew other in$i%i$'a(s whom are $e?inite(y Property Stea$ Ho($ers o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs 5 &a%e copies o? their tenantKs Deys to ,i((i@erto 3 =ittorio 3 7esare3 0$ ,arrachi :arren 3 an$ any other 1errorist Associate o? the 0man'e(esK. 7oncernin& the 7y@er Sta(Din& 3 1'rDoJan APop 'pA 2isp(ays o? ;r'ta(ity 'pon ,ema(es ?or p'rpose o? Psycho(o&ica((y 1ra'mati>in& the (o%e$ ones o? the =ictims 3 an$ &enera( 7omp'ter HacDin& 5 the (ocations3 $ates3 an$ InternetSer%icePro%i$er Acco'nt .wnerKs names on the I.P. A$$resses which I ha$ @een 'sin& $'rin& the time that I was hacDe$ were as ?o((ows 5 200* 200E 38" Haywar$ st. Apt.3 Manchester New Hampshire3 corner o? Haywar$ St an$ Map(e st 3r$ ?(oor apartment 7omcast Acco'nt .wnerKs name 9enneth H'$$ #one o? my roommates) Internet with a wi?i ro'ter with 3 5 comp'ters networDe$ on a home networD 200E 200!

155 Map(e St R2 Manchester New Hampshire3 corner o? Har%ar$ st. an$ Map(e st 2n$ ?(oor apartment 7omcast Internet an$ 7a@(e $'a( @'n$(e < Acco'nt .wnerKs name Ian / MacPherson #my se(?) Internet with 1 2 comp'ters on a home networD whi(e (i%in& here 3 my =ona&e te(ephone seeme$ hacDe$. =ona&e is a te(ephone that p('&s $irect(y into the internet ro'ter an$ 'ses internet to maDe te(ephone ca((s.

200! EE ;ean /oa$ MerrimacD New Hampshire 7omcast Internet an$ 7a@(e < Acco'nt .wnerKs name /'sse(( M MacPherson #my ?ather) Internet with 2 3 comp'ters on a home networD 200! 2008 285 Gray st Manchester New Hampshire 7omcast 1rip(e P(ay < Acco'nt .wnerKs name 2ona($ ;ryan an$ 4es(ie ;ryan #my a'nt an$ 'nc(e) Internet with 3 5 comp'ters on a home networD 2008 2013 intermittant 'se at ?o((owin& (ocations 7(y$e Street Ma($en Massach'settes Internet < Acco'nt .wnerKs name Hoanne 7arty an$ 0'&ene 7arty #&ran$parents) 285 Gray Street Manchester NewHampshire Internet < Acco'nt .wnerKs name 4es(ie ;ryan an$ 2on ;ryan EE ;ean /oa$ MerrimacD NewHampshire Nash'a P'@(ic 4i@rary3 Nash'a NewHampshire3 ,ace@ooD3 Goo&(eMai(3 -ahooMai( hacDe$ I was hacDe$ whi(e (i%in& at a(( o? these (ocations3 a?terwhich the hacDin& contin'e$ e%en whi(e I was not there. .ther peop(esK comp'ters contin'e$ to @e hacDe$ at these (ocations e%en witho't my presense. 1his nee$s to @e in%esti&ate$ an$ this in%esti&ation is (on& o%er$'e 5 this has @een on&oin& ?or " years now. 1here sho'($ @e an enormo's amo'nt o? e%i$ence re&ar$in& these hacDers3 their I.P. A$$resses3 an$ the n'm@er o? times that they ha$ hacDe$ these I.P. A$$resses at these (ocations 5 this wi(( (ea$ to other (ocations o? I.P. A$$resses concernin& comp'ters which they ha%e hacDe$3 possi@(e crimina( connections concernin& these hacDers an$ their emp(oyers3 as we(( as the hacDers speci?ic o@Jecti%es. Internet (o&s are permanant as we(( as are a(( other e(ectronic transmissions re&ar$(ess o? their nat're $'e to the ?act that these transmissions are sa%e$ in Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence $ata (i@raries an$ ,e$era( In%esti&ations $ata (i@raries. 1hese hacDers are o@%io's(y worDin& ?or =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e as we(( as their 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate. :e are on(y * ho'rs ?rom New-orD7ity an$ this @e&an short(y a?ter "N11. 1his a(so @e&an short(y @e?ore ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ his @rothers intro$'ce$ themse(%es to my se(? an$ Sahn$ra St..n&e as we(( as short(y @e?ore =ittorio 0man'e(e @e&an sta(Din& me an$ Sahn$ra St..n&e in 200*.

1he Psycho(o&ica( Pro?i(e o? the en&ineer o? the impro%ise$ techno(o&ies which ha%e @een @ein& 'se$ ?or I((e&a( 7o%ert In?ormation Gatherin& 3 =io(ent Acts o? 1errorism 3 Impro%ise$ :ar?are 1echno(o&ies 3 an$ impro%ise$ 2ata 1ransmission are a(( o? simi(ar en&ineerin&. It is $e?inite that these techno(o&ies are @ein& impro%ise en&ineere$ an$ $esi&ne$ @y the same sma(( n'm@er o? en&ineers &(o@a((y. 1he Impro%ise$ /ecor$in& 2e%ices @ein& 'se$ to co%ert(y recor$ ci%i(ian &enoci$e tar&ets as we(( as tar&ette$ (ocations are constr'cte$ o? simi(ar materia(s an$ ?'nction simi(ar(y to Impro%ise$ 2etonation 2e%ices 'se$ to tri&&er 2etonation 7(ocDs which $etonate eFp(osi%es 5 A$ia( 'p $etonatorsA c'stom en&ineere$ ?rom Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone parts are eFtreme(y simi(ar to A$ia( 'p a'$io s'r%ei((ance recor$in& $e%icesA @'i(t ?rom the same Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone parts an$ Acco'stic /ecor$in& Microphones. 1he Impro%ise$ 0Fp(osi%e 2e%ices 'se$ in A?&hanistan as shrape( traps an$ eFp(osi%e traps which were 'se$ @y .sama ;in4a$enKs ,action $'rin& the :ar on 1error 3 were positione$ on the si$e o? roa$s where they wo'($ not hit ran$om ci%i(ian tar&ets @y means o? press're or proFimity $etonation 5 these were most pro@a@(y $etonate$ remote(y. 1he metho$ o? $etonation 'se$ ?or these Impro%ise$ 0Fp(osi%e 2e%ices $e?inite(y has to ha%e @een en&ineere$ ?rom components o? Impro%ise$ /a$io ,reI'ency 1echno(o&y < there are on(y two Din$s o? these that I can s'rmise wo'($ ha%e @een 'se$ 5 the ?irst @ein& Impro%ise$ Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone 2etonator 3 an$ the secon$ @ein& Impro%ise$ A/G.S G(o@a( Positionin& System 2etonators which tri&&er $etonation @y metho$ o? $ata p'sh an$ $ata p'((. A/G.S G.P.S. 2etonators are @'i(t o? the eFact same techno(o&y as the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace which consists o? a Prosthetic Ne'ro7irc'it an$ an Impro%ise$ /o'ter an$ ;attery com@ination which is the pro$'ct o? an A/G.S G.P.S. NetworDin& 2e%ice. ;io(o&ists an$ man'?act'rin& ?aci(ities ha%e access to A/G.S G.P.S. as we(( as ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace $e%ices. 1he Ne'roSpine Instit'te in ;e$?or$ NewHampshire as we(( as the =eternarian 7(inic across the roa$ wo'($ a(so ha%e access to these $e%ices. 1he mi(itary transportation %ehic(es which were @ein& hit @y Aroa$ si$e @om@sA were pro@a@(e to ha%e @een /a$io ,reI'ency $etonate$ 3 these weapons were Impro%ise$ 0Fp(osi%e 2e%ices 5 it is pro@a@(e that a mi(itary satte(ite was necessary to $etonate these $e%ices at the correct timin& as we(( as was it necessary ?or the 0nemy ,action to ha%e ha$ inte((i&ence in?ormation concernin& the eFact wherea@o'ts an$ time o? the USAmerican Mi(itary 1ransportation =ehic(esK 4ocations an$ p(anne$ ro'te o? tra%e(. S(eeper 7e(( A&ents worDin& ?rom within the USAmerican Mi(itary were $e?inite(y in%o(%e$ in these I.0.2. attacDs 3 this is $e?inite ?or reason that the (ocation o? the USAmerican Mi(itary %ehic(es were Dnown to the 0nemy 7om@atants $etonatin& the Impro%ise$ 0Fp(osi%e 2e%ices ?rom a comp'ter at some (ocation e(sewhere. It is pro@a@(e that a ;io(o&ist an$ an in$i%i$'a( in%o(%e$ in man'?act'rin& o? A/G.S G.P.S. techno(o&y is in%o(%e$ with the A6IS as an o(i&archa( 1errorist 4or$. It is pro@a@(e that the in$i%i$'a( whom was passin& this in?ormation to .sama ;in4a$enKs A6IS ,actionKs Accomp(ices was not o? M's(im ?aith an$ was not o? Ara@ian race. 1he ?o'n$in& party o? the A6IS are a Pra&matic Socia( 2arwinist G(o@a(ist Me&a(omaniaca( 7rime Syn$icate an$ are a 1errorist ,action intent on conI'erin& the entire 0arth as co%ert(y as possi@(e 3 whi(e maintainin& their anonymity the entire time. ,or p'rpose o? ?o((owin& the USAmerican Mi(itary =ehic(es thro'&h the A?&hani wi($s an$ $etonatin& Impro%ise$ 0Fp(osi%e 2e%ices at the precise speci?ic timin& that was necessary ?or the eFp(osi%es to worD proper(y 3 some Din$ o? Mi(itary Satte(ite wo'($ ha%e @een necessary to ha%e @een 'se$ to (ocate the USAmerican Mi(itary =ehic(es an$ ?o((ow them on some Din$ o? %isi@(e $isp(ay < the on(y other possi@i(ity is that some Din$ o? ;io(o&istsK Satte(ite or Space Pro&ram Satte(ite was 'se$ to tracD the USAmerican

Mi(itary =ehic(es. A $ata p'sh to an A/G.S G.P.S. 2e%ice can @e sent ?rom anywhere on 0arth an$ co'($ ha%e @een sent ?rom an impro%ise$ hacDe$ networD o? some Din$ or e%en a simp(e $ata p'sh ?rom a (itera( ;io(o&istKs 7omp'ter 4a@oratory which ta&&e$ the Impro%ise$ 0Fp(osi%e 2e%ices as 0n$an&ere$ Species. 1he A?&hani Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartment 3 the IraIi Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartment 3 or possi@(y the Sa'$i Ara@ian Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartment co'($ ?in$ e%i$ence o? A/G.S G.P.S. $ata p'shes to the eFact G(o@a( Position System 4ocations o? the Impro%ise$ 0Fp(osi%e 2e%ices which hit the USAmerican Mi(itary ?orces n'mero's times 5 this may pro%e that an 'neFpecte$ i$entity was worDin& in co(('sion with .sama ;in4a$en 3 $etonatin& the I.0.2.Ks ?rom an incre$i@(y (on& $istance. 2'rin& approFimate(y the year 1""E or 1""!< I spoDe with a man o? M's(im ,aith in a chat @oF on an America .n(ine stan$ar$ 7hat /oom ca((e$ :or($ History 2. My ScreenName when I was 12 years o($ was .aDN0(?. :hen I spoDe to this man 3 we spoDe a@o't Athe I(('minatiA which I $escri@e$ to him as a G(o@a(ist Internationa( 1errorist .r&ani>e$ 7rime Syn$icate o? which the (itera( &oa( was 7o%ert G(o@a( 7onI'est ?or the p'rpose o? esta@(ishin& a G(o@a( Unitary Nation State an$ a Homo&eno's G(o@a( Mono7'(t're < I ha$ eFp(aine$ to this man that this was Athe Anti7hristA that my Mother ha$ ta'&ht me o? an$ that the Seeress in Me$J'&orJe ;osnia ha$ pre$icte$. My Sici(ian co'sin in (aw 3 AA'nt H'(iannaA 5 a(so @e(ie%e$ that Athe Anti 7hristA was a 7rimina( G(o@a(ist /e&ime whom p(anne$ homo&eni>ation o? &(o@a( c'(t're 3 an$ when I mentione$ Athe /omansA 5 H'(ianna a(ways state$ her a&reement an$ eFp(aine$ H'(i's 0%o(aKs ?act'a( position within the A6IS re&ime. My A'nt H'(ianna was %ery tra'mati>e$ as a chi($ @y what ha$ occ'rre$ in Sici(y that ha$ ca'se$ her ?ami(y to ha%e to ?(ee to the Americas 3 H'(ianna spoDe o?ten o? what she Dnew concernin& the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 5 she spoDe o? this in a tone o? passionate $is&'st thro'&hto't my entire chi($hoo$. 1his man o? M's(im ?aith may ha%e @een name$ .sama ;in4a$en < it is possi@(e that the A6IS 1errorist 4or$ A.sama ;in4a$enA may ha%e 'se$ an a(ias an$ that his ?act'a( name was not .sama ;in4a$en 3 @'t was a $i??erent name entire(y. My con%ersation I comm'nicate$ to this M's(im in 1""! 5 my theory that the AI(('minatiA G(o@a(ist .r&ani>e$ 7rime Syn$icate was in%o(%e$ in the 7IAKs M9U(tra ProJect $'rin& the /ichar$ NiFon A$ministration 3 SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 an$ H'man =i%isection. Stran&e(y eno'&h3 I @e(ie%e that this manKs name may ha%e @een .sama 5 $'rin& this year3 I ha$ type$ Ai(('minatiA in the American .n(ine Internet search @ar ?or Pri%ate 7hat /ooms an$ was entere$ into an 'nre&istere$ Pri%ate 7hatroom (acDin& a passwor$. Upon enterin& the Ai(('minatiA chatroom 3 e%ery 'ser in the chatroom (e?t imme$iate(y. I @e(ie%e that I may ha%e mentione$ this to the man o? M's(im ?aith that I was ta(Din& to. 1his occ'rre$ a@o't 2 years a?ter I atten$e$ the A(a$$in Per?ormance with the /o$on ,ami(y 3 the ;an&s ,ami(y 3 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e 3 2anie( Hames 3 Aaron 0man'e(e 3 Mona 0man'e(e 3 Mosta?a I@nSa'$ 3 an$ possi@(y one other person. 2'rin& the ni&ht ?o((owin& the per?ormance < /o@ert /o$on met with =ittorio 0man'e(e 3 Mosta?a I@nSa'$Ks ?ather 3 9ni&hts o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 an$ some other A6IS So($iers in a Pri%ate ;ar near the Hote( we ha$ staye$ at which was possi@(y a Marriot Hote(. 1he possi@(e 'se o? the name A.sama ;in4a$enA as an a(ias is simi(ar to the 'se o? the name AA$o(? Hit(erA as an a(ias 5 it is a %ery common name o? itKs (an&'a&e. 2'rin& the year 200* 3 ;o@ Sha&o'ry to($ me that A.sama ;in4a$enA was not a ?act'a( name @'t was an a(ias @ein& 'se$ @y a Sa'$i Ara@ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime 4or$. ;o@ Sha&o'ry to($ me that this A.sama ;in4a$enA was not ?act'a((y a $e%o't M's(im 3 @'t act'a((y an A6IS ,action a(i&ne$ 1errorist 7rime 4or$. 1his partic'(ar .sama ;in4a$en was in co((e&e in the Unite$ State$ o? America an$ was a@o't 30 years o($ an$ was $e?inite(y too yo'n& to @e the .sama ;in4a$en o? the terrorist ?action that attacDe$ the USA . 2'rin& 1""! 3 my (ocation was @ein& tracDe$

@y mem@ers o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen whom ha$ @een reI'este$ @y the 0man'e(es to tracD my ?ami(yKs (ocation at a(( times 5 the on(y reason ?or this 3 @ein& the o@%io's ?act that =ittorio 0man'e(e ha$ @een a SeF 1ra??icDer most o? his (i?e an$ that my mother was a chi($hoo$ SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim o? what co'($ on(y ha%e @een =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate who 'se$ her ?or Initiation 7rimes an$ occaisiona((y to maDe money ?rom ?i(thy crimina(s o? the worst Din$. 1here is e(ectronic e%i$ence o? this. 1he on(y other reason why mem@ers o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen wo'($ ha%e @een sta(Din& a (ist o? ?ami(ies ?or the 0man'e(es 3 wo'($ (o&ica((y ha%e to ha%e @een the ?act that peop(e (iDe my co'sin AA'nt H'(iannaA mo%e$ to the U.S.A. ?rom Sici(y an$ to($ Americans who A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(y was 5 =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs secret was that he was A$o(? Hit(erKs patri(inea( ha(? @rother an$ that H'(i's 0%o(aKs ?ather ha$ p(anne$ the 3r$ /eich an$ a reconstr'ction o? the (itera( /oman 0mpire. 1his was mentione$ $'rin& the year 200* 3 when the 0man'e(esK 1errorist 7omp'ter HacDers were sta(Din& me an$ acti%atin& my comp'ter microphone as we(( as $i$ the 0man'e(esK 1errorist 7rime So($iers position Impro%ise$ /ecor$in& 2e%ices within wa((s a(( o%er the North 0ast o? North America 5 accor$in& to 2005 " 11 1errorist AttacD A1r'thA propa&an$a which was ?act'a((y near(y entire(y (ies. Presi$ent Geor&e ;'shKs Gran$ ,ather whom was name$ Prescott ;'sh was $ec(are$ @y propa&an$ists that were o@%io's(y worDin& ?or the 0man'e(es to ha%e @een an in%estor that ?'n$e$ the Sh't>sta??e( an$ was $ec(are$ a traitor to the U.S.A. 5 this was p'@(ishe$ in m'(tip(e (ocations $'rin& 2005. 1hese propa&an$ists @(ame$ Geor&e ;'sh an$ 2icD 7heney ?or s'ppose$(y sneaDin& .sama ;in4a$enKs ?ami(y o't o? the U.S.A. imme$iate(y a?ter the " 11 1errorist AttacD. .sama is an Ara@ic ?orename as we(( as is ;in4a$en an Ara@ic s'rname 5 there are n'mero's .sama ;in4a$ens in the wor($. I @e(ie%e that the 0man'e(es $eci$e$ in 200* < that they wante$ to attempt to $e?ame the U.S.A. Go%ernment $'rin& a time o? war an$ that ?or this p'rpose 3 they $eci$e$ to attempt to ?rame Presi$ent Geor&e ;'sh ?or the A6IS an$ " 11 as we(( as ?rame the entire USA 2epartment o? 2e?ense ?or contin'in& the i((e&a( H'man =i%isections that /ichar$ He(ms ha$ @een in%o(%e$ in $'rin& his misappropriation o? ?'n$s ?rom within the 7IA ProJect M9U(tra an$ /ichar$ He(mKs o't so'rcin& o? 7IA Scienti?ic /esearch to crimina( scientists in%o(%e$ in H'man =i%isection 0Fperiments an$ H'man 1ra??icDin&. /ichar$ He(ms was an A6IS S(eeper A&ent whom worDe$ ?or the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate an$ was in%o(%e$ in the SeF 1ra??icDin& networDs that H'(i's 0%o(a was in%o(%e$ in as we(( as were 1imothy 4eary an$ A(eFan$er Sh'(&in worDin& with these two men. 1imothy 4eary met H'(i's 0%o(a on more than more occaision as we(( as $i$ 1imothy 4eary I'ote H'(i's 0%o(a n'mero's times within the pa&es o? his (iterat're an$ a(so $'rin& his %er@a( I'otes < A(eFan$er Sh'(&in committe$ the same the?t o? ,e$era( ,'n$s whi(e worDin& ?or the 2.0.A. 3 that /ichar$ He(ms ha$ committe$ ?rom within the 7.I.A. . 2'rin& 200" 5 it was p'@(ishe$ in n'mero's p(aces that A(eFan$er Sh'(&in was emp(oye$ @y the 2.0.A. $'rin& the /ichar$ NiFon A$ministration to st'$y the (on& term e??ects o? S'@stance A@'se on the H'man ;rain < instea$ o? $oin& what the 2.0.A. ha$ pro%i$e$ him monetary ?'n$in& to $o 3 A(eFan$er Sh'(&in in%ente$ three @ooDs worth o? Ha(('cino&ens an$ other min$ a(terin& s'@stances. Accor$in& to p'@(ications $'rin& the year 200" < one o? the @ooDs which A(eFan$er Sh'(&in ha$ written concernin& his chemistry eFperiments whi(e in%entin& Ne'ro 1oFins 3 was con?iscate$ @y 2.0.A. $'rin& /ichar$ NiFons a$ministration 5 this was poste$ to ha%e occ'rre$ J'st prior to the eFpos're o? the 7rimes A&ainst H'manity that (ea$ to the :ater&ate Scan$a(. ,or p'rposes o? in%esti&ation 3 e(ectronic ?orensic e%i$ence eFists which wi((

pro%e @eyon$ a reasona@(e $o'@t who it is that has p(anne$ these attacDs an$ has insta((e$ i((e&a( Impro%ise$ /ecor$in& 2e%ices in wa((s an$ in @'i($in&s. G(o@a( Positionin& System 1echno(o&y can @e easi(y 'se$ to i$enti?y eFact (ocation o? in$i%i$'a(s @y metho$ o? G(o@a( Position 4ocation o? m'(tip(e 0(ectronic 2e%ices in re(e%ance to one another 5 G.P.S. (ocation o? the s'spects an$ their tar&ets can ai$ in%esti&ation @y pro%i$in& 0mpirica( ,orensic 0%i$ence o? their Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephones 3 G(o@a( Position 4ocation o? 7omm'nications Ser%ers an$ 7omp'ter HacDerKs 4ocations as we(( as their tar&et 7omp'ter UserKs 4ocations3 the G(o@a( Position System (ocations o? Impro%ise$ /ecor$in& 2e%ices 3 the G(o@a( Position System (ocation o? 1ra%e((erKs G(o@a( Position System Interacti%e Maps s'ch as Garmin or 1om1om ?or A'toMo@i(es 3 the G(o@a( Position System (ocation o? ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces an$ A/G.S 2e%ices 3 the G.P.S. (ocation o? 4oca( Area NetworD 1e(ephones an$ 1e(e%ision 7a@(e NetworD or Sate((ite < a(so re(e%ant are G.P.S. $ata concernin& AirP(ane (ocations 3 Po(ice 7ar (ocations 3 Am@'(ance (ocations 3 Me$ica( He(icopter (ocations 3 Pa&er (ocations 3 Mo@i(e Internet 4ap 1op 7omp'ters G.P.S. (ocations 3 an$ Sec'rity systems inc('$in& A'$io =is'a( Sec'rity 2e%ices. 0(ectronic 2e%ices with G(o@a( Position System 4ocations pro%i$e 0mpirica( ,orensic 0%i$ence which pro%es (ocations o? in$i%i$'a( peop(e 3 e(ectronic $e%ices 3 pacDa&e shipments 3 ?rei&ht shipments 3 an$ %ehic(es 5 this e(ectronic $ata can @e 'se$ to in%esti&ate the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs :ar 7rimes an$ 7rimes A&ainst H'manity in North America as we(( as the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate an$ 7o%ert Mi(itant ,action in North America. 2'rin& the year 200* 3 whi(e at :i((ieKs ;ar in Manchester NewHampshire 5 an Ita(ian man to($ Sahn$ra St..n&e an$ my se(? that he was hire$ to hacD o't comp'ter. He sai$ that he was hire$ @rie?(y ?or a whi(e an$ that they e%ent'a((y hire$ some@o$y e(se @eca'se o? a con?(ict in time sche$'(e. 1his man was a@o't E ?eet ta(( 3 o? a s(i&ht(y hea%y @'i($ 3 ha$ (on& me$i'm @rown hair 3 an$ @(acD rimme$ s'n&(asses with pinD (enses. He (ooDe$ (iDe he may ha%e @een a co'sin o? a /o@ 2KAn&e(o who was a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 1he HacDer was approFimate(y 25 to 28 years o($. 1he HacDer to($ Sahn$ra St..n&e that the reason ?or him @ein& hire$ was pro@a@(y somethin& re(ate$ to the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen or the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ mentione$ that his ,ather was a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. .? stran&e occ'rance 3 this partic'(ar Gothic Ni&ht was an optiona( Gothic PaJama Party at the :i((ieKs ;ar in Manchester NewHampshire < $'rin& the approFimate month o? Septem@er o? the year 2013 5 this eFact ni&ht was reconstr'cte$ somehow @y possi@(e Psy :ar?are A&ents who somehow mana&e$ to o@tain the 2NA Materia(s necessary to =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy a pop'(ation o? peop(e to (ooD near(y i$entica( to the peop(e who were there that ni&ht 3 an$ somehow mana&e$ to $ress them a(( eFact(y the same. Most o? these peop(e appeare$ to @e Ita(ians who ha$ @een =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tate$ 3 this may ha%e @een a pro$'ct o? the Ita(ian Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are 2i%ision or the Ho'se o? Sa%oys S(eeper A&ent So($iers in the U.S.A. an$ 7ana$a. 1here are n'mero's Ita(ians in the North 0ast re&ion o? the U.S.A. an$ the re&ion has @ecome (ar&e(y $epop'(ate$ o? most other pop'(ations. Many o? these Ita(ians $o not ha%e their own I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. 2'rin& the year 2000 3 /o@ert /o$on mentione$ somethin& a@o't ,irst Nations Nati%e American /aces an$ other North American /aces @ein& tar&ette$ ?or Genoci$a( 0Ftermination an$ SeF 1ra??icDin& 5 his statement to his son a?ter this was 3 A7hristopher... that is war.A. It is a pro@a@i(ity that m'ch o? the Ita(ian Mi(itary is sti(( (oya( to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ are per?ormin& a 7o%ert In%asion o? North America an$ are ?o((owin& or$ers ?rom =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ his sons as we(( as /oya( ;(oo$e$ 9ni&hts o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 i? this is not the case 5 the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e an

eFtreme(y (ar&e n'm@er co'nte$ amon&st their 9ni&htKs 3 0rrantKs 3 an$ Pa&eKs ?ami(ies. :hen I was a chi($ < my ?ami(y wo'($ meet at my &ran$?ather /ona($ 4a%oieKs cotta&e at Hampton ;each in Hampton NewHampshire near Sea@rooD 5 @etween the years 1"8! an$ 1""8 3 my co'sin H'(ianna ?reI'ent(y $isc'sse$ her ?atherKs (i?e an$ her ?ami(yKs reason ?or ?(eein& Sici(y to the USA. H'(ianna was %ery (o'$(y o'tspoDen that A$o(? Hit(er was =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs ha(? @rother 3 that H'(i's 0%o(aKs ?ather en&ineere$ the i$entity o? the 3r$ /eich as we(( as m'(tip(e other re&iona( /oman A6IS I$entities which H'(i's 0%o(a inherite$ the p(ans to an$ ?ina(i>e$ $'rin& his (i?etime3 that the Israe(i race was tar&ette$ &(o@a((y @y H'(i's 0%o(aKs ?atherKs e??orts a?ter Israe( $ec(are$ in$epen$ence an$ that the Israe(is were tar&ette$ @eca'se H'(i's 0%o(aKs ?ather was o@sesse$ with 'ni?yin& the entirety o? the nations on the shore(ine o? the Me$iterranean Sea as the /oman 0mpire ha$ once $one $'rin& the 'tmost hei&ht o? /oman 0Fpansion. H'(ianna a(so %ery o?ten spoDe that the reason that her ?ami(y an$ a (ist o? other ?ami(ies were @ein& eFterminate$ in Sici(y was ?or the reason that they were a(( re(ate$ to in$i%i$'a(s whom ha$ @een ca'&ht $isc'ssin& the 0man'e(e ?ami(y secret as we(( as the 0%o(aKs p(ans to re@'i($ the /oman 0mpire H'(i's 0%o(aKs an&er at these Sici(ian ?ami(ies whom were $isc'ssin& him. H'(iannaKs ?ather consi$ere$ H'(i's 0%o(a to @e the Anti 7hrist an$ @e(ie%e$ that H'(i's 0%o(a was a $escen$ant o? two /oman 0mperors an$ a 7aesar Israe(i 5 the /oman Genera( who conI'ere$ Israe( an$ $emo(ishe$ 9in& So(omonKs 1emp(e 3 an$ a?terwar$s cr'ci?ie$ the /a@@i Hes's who ha$ contin'e$ to ?'(?i(( his /a@@inica( 2'ties at the r'ine$ steps o? 9in& So(omonKs 1emp(e. H'(ianna was %ery o'tspoDen a@o't her @e(ie? that nations o? peop(e are $eser%in& o? Nationa( In$epen$ence an$ that Israe(is ha%e a ri&ht to an In$epen$ent Nation State in their Nationa( Home(an$. H'(ianna was a(so %ery o'tspoDen a@o't the 0man'e(es an$ the 0%o(as < she o?ten ca((e$ them AtyrantsA. H'(ianna was 100Q Sici(ian an$ @e(ie%e$ that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy $i$ not @e(on& in Sici(y. H'(ianna o?ten state$ the ?act that H'(i's 0%o(a was a /omano Ita(ian an$ was not Sici(ian < an$ that he was paranoi$ an$ a me&a(omaniac 5 H'(ianna $escri@e$ H'(i's 0%o(a as a man whom em@e$$e$ at (east one (oya( a&ent amon&st e%ery &ro'p o? peop(e in Sici(y that he ha$ $isco%ere$ &atherin& anywhere an$ 'se$ these a&ents to spy on the entire pop'(ation in attempt to si(ence any $isc'ssion o? him whatsoe%er. H'(iannaKs ?ather spoDe a@o't H'(i's 0%o(a o?ten. 2'rin& the approFimate year o? 1""3 < my se(? an$ my co'sin 2'sty 3 were somehow intro$'ce$ to ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs @rothers Aaron 0man'e(e an$ 2anie( Hames 5 we were intro$'ce$ to these two 3 whi(e p(ayin& arca$e &ames at the Hampton ;each ;oar$wa(D ;o'((e%ar$e. A?ter p(ayin& arca$e &ames at the Hampton ;each ;oar$wa(D ;o'((e%ar$e3 2'sty an$ my se(? wa(D with Aaron 0man'e(e an$ 2anie( Hames to 2.H.Ks a$opti%e &ran$motherKs cotta&e $own the roa$ where we ate ?ree>e pops. It is possi@(e that $'rin& the year 1""3 3 =ittorio 0man'e(e ha$ or$ere$ Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime So($iers em@e$$e$ within ,e$era( 0mp(oyment in the U.S.A. to i((e&a((y wire tap my ?ami(yKs te(ephones. 2'rin& the year 1""* my @est ?rien$Ks ?ather /o@ert /o$on 3 was &i%en his ?irst tasD @y the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen 5 this was to Dnow my (ocation an$ to report it to the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen at a(( times. 7hris /o$onKs ?ather /o@ert /o$on 3 ha$ J'st recent(y Joine$ the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen 'pon re?erra( ?rom his co'sin whom was a Pa&e o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 5 the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen are the Pa&es 3 0rrants 3 an$ 9ni&hts o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy whom ha%e @een (i%in& in eFi(e since ?a(( o? the 3r$ /eich as a res'(t o? their in%o(%ement in the Ho(oca'st o? the 1"*0Ks. /o@ert /o$on eFp(aine$ his ?irst tasD to his son 7hris /o$on in s'ch a manner that it was ma$e to so'n$ (iDe it was a test o? responsi@i(ity 5 /o@ert /o$on eFp(aine$ to 7hris /o$on 3 AitKs a test o? responsi@i(ity3 itKs to show that I can @e responsi@(e ?or somethin&. I ha%e to Dnow where he is 3 that he is sa?e 3 that he is ?e$ 3 that he is ha%in& a &oo$ time 3

an$ I ha%e to report @acD to them. It is (iDe ha%in& a chi($ other than yo'r chi($. ItKs to pro%e responsi@i(ity 3 ?or now. ItKs (iDe @ein& &i%en an app(e an$ to($ that yo' ha%e to ret'rn it to the person who &a%e it to yo' 3 an$ yo' ret'rn it in the same con$ition that it was &i%en to yo'. ItKs to pro%e responsi@i(ity an$ then yo'Kre &i%en more important tasDs.A. 7on%ersations s'ch as these occ'rre$ more than once @etween 7hris /o$on an$ his ?ather /o@ /o$on < when these con%ersations occ're$ 3 I hee$e$ H'(iannaKs a$%ice an$ ?ei&ne$ i&norance o? the topic o? these con%ersations whi(e maDin& s're to remem@er the $etai(s o? these con%ersations @etween 7hristopher an$ his ?ather that were inten$e$ to @e pri%ate. A( Io$ice a(rea$y Dnew the 0man'e(esK ?ami(y 5 my 'nc(e A( Io$ice Dnew what they were 3 he intro$'ce$ 's to them n'mero's times an$ ne%er eFp(aine$ to 's who it was that he intro$'ce$ 's to. I met Aaron an$ 2.H. n'mero's times an$ at n'mero's (ocations. 2'rin& the 1""0Ks 3 I met ,i( an$ 2.H. in A((enstown an$ ;arnestea$ NewHampshire near my 'nc(e /ona($ 4a%oieKs ho'se. I met ,i(Ks o($er @rother 7hris 1homas n'mero's times. 2'rin& the year 1""E < the /o$ons intro$'ce$ me to =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e whi(e at the Ma(( o? NewHampshire 3 whi(e stan$in& in the ,oo$ 7o'rt. =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e notice$ a &othic &ir( wa(Din& past 's an$ starte$ maDin& cr'e( statements a@o't her 3 ca((in& her A0(%iraA an$ sayin& horri@(e thin&s a@o't her. Gothic &ir(s @ecame a tar&et o? the 0man'e(esK 7rimes A&ainst H'manity 3 I @e(ie%e that this has a(ot to $o with the ?act that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e Dnew who I was a(rea$y an$ these women remin$e$ him o? meetin& me in a p'@(ic p(ace 5 a(so3 =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e state$ somethin& a@o't Ha((oween at the Gothic Gir( that wa(De$ past 's with her @oy?rien$. 1he woman was wearin& a @(acD sDirt 3 a @(acD shirt 3 @(acD mascara 3 was pa(e 3 an$ ha$ a ;etty Pa&e hairc't. 1he ma(e who was present ha$ an enormo's Pompa$o'r hairc't an$ was wearin& rippe$ 'p @(acD Jeans an$ a Gothic M'sica( ArtistKs ;an$Ks 1 Shirt. 2'rin& the year 200E 3 a?ter my sister 7he(sey MacPherson ha$ @een 'nDnowin&(y S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace < she was o?ten p(ayin& a Se&a Genesis %i$eo &ame ca((e$ AHa'ntin&A wherein the character that the p(ayer p(ays as is a &host with a (eather JacDet 3 rippe$ 'p Jeans 3 an$ an enormo's pompa$o'r. I ha%e met the 0man'e(e ?ami(y o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy n'mero's times $'rin& my (i?e. 1his is a ?act that my co'sin H'(ianna was 'naware o?. A( Io$ice Dnew the 0man'e(es persona((y an$ $i$ not intro$'ce them as what they were. 2'rin& the year 1"8! 3 A( Io$ice intro$'ce$ a man name$ 7hris 1homas to my ?ami(y. 7hris 1homas is one o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs sons 3 possi@(y @orn ?rom a SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim. 7hris 1homas appears to @e ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs patri(inea( ha(? @rother 3 which is what Aaron to($ me that he himse(? was 5 Aaron an$ 7hris $o not appear to ha%e the same mother as each other. 7hris 1homas was a$opte$ to the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ his @rother 2anie( Hames mentione$ to me that they ha$ an o($er @rother 7hris $'rin& the year 200* whi(e in /ye NewHampshire 5 $'rin& the year 200* 2anie( Hames +0man'e(e8 asDe$ me i? I ha$ e%er met his @rother 7hris < ,i((i@erto mentione$ to me that he @e(ie%e$ that I may ha%e 3 an$ ,i((i@erto $escri@e$ 7hrisKs eFact appearance. 2'rin& the year 200* 3 7hris 1homas +0man'e(e8 @o'&ht items at my re&ister at ,ami(y 2o((ar in Manchester NewHampshire < I @e(ie%e that he 'se$ his 7re$it 7ar$ or 2e@it 7ar$ to pay ?or the p'rchase. 2'rin& the S'mmer season o? the year 1"88 3 7hris 1homas +0man'e(e8 was at my A'nt 4es(ieKs an$ her h's@an$ A( Io$iceKs apartment in Manchester NewHampshire < on this $ay we prepare$ ?or a ?ew $ays o? campin& in the :hite Mo'ntains in northern NewHampshire 3 7hris 1homas +0man'e(e8 came campin& with 's. 7hris 1homas +0man'e(e8 Dnew my A'ntKs h's@an$ A( Io$ice 5 my 'nc(e A( Io$ice ne%er warne$ 's that

7hris 1homas was an 0man'e(e. My co'sin H'(ianna ha$ s'spicions that A( Io$ice was worDin& ?or the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ was %oca((y o'tspoDen a@o't the &enoci$e in Sici(y that ?o((owe$ the ?a(( o? the 3r$ /eich an$ o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs :ar 7rimes an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs @io(o&ica( re(ation to A$o(? Hit(er as we(( as H'(i's 0%o(aKs an$ A$o(? Hit(erKs G(o@a(ist /oman Imperia( conspiracy an$ H'(i's 0%o(aKs paranoi$ psychotic ea%es$roppin& in Sici(y a?ter the ,a(( o? the 3r$ /eich. 2'rin& the A't'mn season o? the year o? 1"88 3 my parents he($ a Ha((oween Party at o'r ho'se at EE ;ean /oa$ in MerrimacD NewHampshire. My ,atherKs cost'me was a MasD 3 my MotherKs cost'me was 0(pha@a the :icDe$ :itch o? the :est < my co'sinKs Ha((oween cost'mes were a ;'(($o& 3 a Unicorn 3 a 7ow@oy 3 a ,ireMan 3 an$ a Po(ice .??icer < my ?ami(yKs ?rien$Ks $a'&hter Samantha G'ay was a Poo$(e 2o& 3 my ?ami(yKs ?rien$Ks $a'&hter 7hristine 2ion was a :itch 3 my ?ami(yKs ?rien$ S'e 2ion was a SDe(eton in a ;(acD :e$$in& Gown an$ her h's@an$ HacD 2ion painte$ an AS.S. 1oten9op?A sD'(( masD on her ?ace with a Sch't>sta??e( 7racD in the ?orehea$ 3 my Ha((oween 7ost'me was a Pirate with a >e@ra pattern @an$ana an$ an eye patch $rawn on my ?orehea$ an$ ?ace with @(acD eye(iner 5 J'st as it was the year @e?ore 3 My ?ami(yKs ?rien$ HacD 2ion $i$nKt wear a cost'me an$ state$ A1his is my cost'me3 IKm HacD 2ion. 1his is my shirt. 1his is HacD 2ionKs shirt.A. HacD 2ion was an Ita(ian 0spiona&e S(eeper A&entKs son 3 HacD 2ionKs Gran$,ather was an Ita(ian A6IS 0spiona&e S(eeper A&ent worDin& ?or the /oya( 0man'e(e ,ami(y o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy insi$e the U.S.A. . A( Io$iceKs twin sons were the ,ireman an$ the Po(ice .??icer 3 my A'ntKs h's@an$ A( Io$ice was a(so the son o? an Ita(ian S(eeper A&ent who was raise$ @y an Ita(ian A6IS 0spiona&e S(eeper A&ent worDin& ?or the /oya( 0man'e(e ,ami(y o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 5 the /oya( 0man'e(e ,ami(y o? Sa%oy are ?act'a((y A$o(? Hit(erKs patri(inea( @io(o&ica( ?ami(y. 2'rin& this Ha((oween e%enin& 3 one o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs e($est sons 7hris 1homas arri%e$ at o'r ho'se a?ter we ha$ a(rea$y &one wa(Din& aro'n$ the comm'nity co((ectin& can$y in o'r Ha((oween 7ost'mes. A?ter 7hris 1homas arri%e$ 3 he @e&an p(ayin& with my ?atherKs metronome < HacD 2ion sai$ to 7hris 1homas A1hatKs /'sse((Ks metronome 3 yo' sho'($ pro@a@(y (ea%e it a(one so yo' $onKt @reaD it.A 3 to which 7hris 1homas rep(ie$ A1hey $onKt cost m'ch money.A. HacD 2ion then state$ 3 A1hey cost money an$ it isnKt yo'rs. It @e(on&s to /'sse(( an$ this is his ho'se. -o' sho'($ (ea%e it a(one.A. 2'rin& the Ha((oween o? the year o? 1"88 3 7hris 1homas + 0man'e(e 8 @ro'&ht MariJ'ana to the party that was $'ste$ an$ %apori>e$ with a 2isassociati%e 2r'& that was crysta((i>e$ on the MariJ'ana. 7hris 1homas (it two ro((e$ ci&arettes with this 2isassociati%e $'ste$ MariJ'ana an$ han$e$ one to my Unc(e A( Io$ice 3 sayin& 5 A-o' can share this one with the others 3 this one is ?or my se(? an$ yo'r se(?.A to which A( Io$ice sai$ A.h I &et two3 how $o yo' Dnow IKm &oin& to share this oneM I canKt J'st Deep it ?or my se(?MA. A?ter sayin& this 3 A( tooD a $eep inha(e an$ @(ew a (ar&e c(o'$ o? smoDe at HacD which sprea$ o't thro'&ho't the 9itchen an$ the ha((way @ehin$ him < 7hris inha(e$ $eep(y an$ @(ew a (ar&e c(o'$ at the chi($ren who were present. A( passe$ the MariJ'ana ci&arette to the nearest a$'(t whom I @e(ie%e was my 'nc(e Scot. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs @io(o&ica( o($er @rother 3 7hris 1homas < han$e$ a ?ew to@acco ci&arettes o't which I @e(ie%e were (ace$ with 2isassociati%es. 2'rin& the year 200! 5 I an$ my ?rien$ Nico(e were &i%en to@acco ci&arettes which ha$ @een (ace$ with 2isassociati%e 2r'&s 3 a?terwhich ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ his @rother 2anie( Hames wa(De$ 'p to 's an$ starte$ ta(Din& to 's a@o't 2issassociati%es. 2'rin& their $isc'ssion with 's a@o't 2isassociati%e 2r'&s 3 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e eFp(aine$ to me that an in$i%i$'a( can @'i($ an imm'nity to some 2isassociati%e S'@stances < he a(so threatene$ me. 1his was on(y a month a?ter 2anie( Hames to($ me that Athe Unite$ States o? AmericaA was @ein& A7ame( Spi$ere$A soon.

7hris 1homas was sent to my ?ami(yKs Ha((oween Party ?or a specia( p'rpose @y =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e 5 this p'rpose was to A;ir$ $o&A ;(acDMai( HacD 2ion 3 A( Io$ice 3 an$ my ,ather ?or the p'rpose o? ?orcin& them to remain si(ent a@o't speci?ic ?acts the Ho'se o? Sa%oy $i$ not want $isc'sse$. A( Io$iceKs ?ather an$ HacD 2ionKs ?ather were S(eeper A&ent Ita(ian A6IS espiona&e a&ents an$ possi@(y assassins 3 they a(so ha$ some connection to the men who assassinate$ Hohn ,it>&era($ 9enne$y an$ possi@(y Dnew them 5 =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e Dnows who assassinate$ Hohn ,it>&era($ 9enne$y an$ who it was that or$ere$ the assassination an$ pai$ ?or it. HacD 2ion an$ A( Io$ice wo'($ not worD ?or =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e or his sons the way that their ?athers $i$ 3 they @oth re?'se$ < they $i$ maintain socia( connection with the 0man'e(e /oya( ,ami(y 3 howe%er. ,or reason that they wo'($ not commit Initiation 7rimes 3 A( Io$ice an$ HacD 2ion were ;(acD Mai(e$ < my ,atherKs ho'se was 'se$ to photo&raph somethin& ?or ;(acD Mai( p'rposes ?or reason that A( Io$ice was my 'nc(e an$ my MotherKs @rother in (aw who marrie$ my a'nt 4es(ie 4a=oie as we(( a(so was HacD 2ion my 'nc(e 1roy MacPhersonKs c(osest ?rien$ an$ a c(ose ?rien$ o? my ,atherKs who was /'sse(( Ma'rice MacPherson. ;oth the 2ion ,ami(y an$ the Io$ice ,ami(y ha%e @een rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs since some time a?ter 200*. It is $e?inite that i? my ,ather 3 HacD 2ion 3 an$ A( Io$ice ha$ proc're$ a sDi((e$ eno'&h 4awyer an$ thro'&h this 4awyer contacte$ the mi(itary < that the 0man'e(e ,ami(y an$ the entire Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS co'($ ha%e @een arreste$ @y U.S.A. 2epartment o? 2e?ense @y this time. 2'rin& the 1"88 Ha((oween Party at my ho'se 3 a?ter &ettin& hi&h on what they tho'&ht was a mariJ'ana ci&arette < my ,ather starte$ Dissin& my Mother 5 this res'(te$ in my Mother te((in& my ,ather to mo%e the party o'tsi$e an$ @'i($ a camp ?ire in the @acD yar$ 3 an$ to @rin& the @eer o'tsi$e to the ?ire pit. A?ter most o? the a$'(ts ha$ @ro'&ht the @eer o'tsi$e to the ?ire3 HacD ?e(( as(eep at the Ditchen ta@(e an$ A( Io$ice sat at the Ditchen ta@(e smoDin& ci&arettes. Scot went o'tsi$e to the @eer. 7hris 1homas + 0man'e(e 8 ha$ han$e$ HacD 2ion a @eer which he opene$ 3 it is now e%i$ent that he s(ippe$ some Din$ o? se$ati%e in the @eer < HacD 2ion ha$ acc'se$ 7hris o? $r'&&in& the @eer an$ was sDeptica( o? taDin& it 3 statin& 5 Awhy are yo' shaDin& the @eer 'n$er the ta@(eM IKm not st'pi$ 3 what $i$ yo' p't in itMA . 7hris 1homas +0man'e(e8 ha$ s'ccee$e$ at con%incin& HacD 2ion that the @eer was sa?e an$ HacD @e&an $rinDin& it. 0%ent'a((y < a?ter a@o't an ho'r 3 HacD 2ion ?e(( as(eep at the 9itchen 1a@(e $r'&&e$ with se$ati%es. A( Io$ice was &i%en an open pacD o? ci&arettes which $e?inite(y ha$ @een poisone$ with the same 2isassociati%e 2r'& that the MariJ'ana an$ P'nch ;ow( were poisone$ with. A( Io$ice A@(acDe$ o'tA an$ sat 2isassociate$ at the Ditchen 2inner 1a@(e 3 smoDin& the entire pacD o? ci&arettes in * ho'rs time whi(e $isassociate$. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e has han$e$ me a ci&arette poisone$ with a 2isassociati%e 2r'& at (east twice in my (i?etime. N'mero's times < 7hris 1homas + 0man'e(e 8 @(ew c(o'$s o? 2isAssociati%e (ace$ MariJ'ana smoDe into the (i%in&room. 7hris 1homas + 0man'e(e 8 to($ HacD 2ionKs $a'&hter 7hristine to Diss me < 7hristine Disse$ me an$ p't her arm aro'n$ me. 7hris 1homas +0man'e(e8 then to($ my co'sin 2'sty to Diss me < 2'sty wa(De$ towar$s me to &i%e me a Diss an$ 7hristine sho%e$ him an$ sai$ AStay away ?rom my @oy?rien$ 3 ?a&&otLA 5 a?terwhich 2'sty wa(De$ away. It is re(e%ant that $'rin& 200* 3 when I met ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ 2anie( Hames in /ye an$ Hampton NewHampshire with 1ony Grasseti 5 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ 2anie( Hames mentione$ A2a$ sai$ that he a(most shit a mo'ntain o? @roDe @acD 3 when I ca((e$ him yester$ay.A 3 ,i((i@erto sai$ that he was &oin& to shit $own my @est?rien$Ks throat an$ rape it 3 an$ 2.H. mentione$ @(in$in& women with (a>er pointers whi(e (ooDin& at the /a$io 1owers on the Is(es o? Shoa(s. It was ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs i$ea to name a homoseF'( romance mo%ie A;roDe@acD Mo'ntainA 5 in 1"88 3 my co'sin 2'sty 4a=oieKs cost'me was a 7ow@oy. A?ter 7hristine sho%e$ 2'sty an$ sai$ AStay away ?rom my @oy?rien$ 3 ?a&&otLA <

7hris @(ew more c(o'$s o? smoDe into the (i%in&room a&ain. 7hristine ye((e$ at 7hris 1homas +0man'e(e8 3 te((in& him to stop @(owin& c(o'$s o? smoDe into the (i%in&room. 7hris 1homas +0man'e(e8 wa(De$ into the (i%in&room an$ p'she$ 7hristine a@o't * ?eet an$ she ?e(( onto the &ro'n$. I ye((e$ at 7hris 1homas +0man'e(e8 3 te((in& him to (ea%e 7hristine a(one an$ to($ him that he was cr'e(. 7hris 1homas +0man'e(e8 then ye((e$ at me 3 sayin& A1hatKs eno'&h o't o? yo'.A < a?terwhich 3 he wa(De$ to the Ditchen an$ opene$ a $rawer. 7hris 1homas +0man'e(e8 came @acD into the room with 4ar&e Scissors +,a@ric Shears8 an$ to($ me in a cr'e( %oice to p'(( $own my pants < he p'((e$ my pants $own an$ p(ace$ the open scissors aro'n$ my penis 3 te((in& me AI? yo' $o not $o what I say 3 I am &oin& to c't yo'r penis o??A. 7hris 1homas +0man'e(e8 then sai$ in the same cr'e( %oice the same thin& to my co'sin 2'sty an$ $i$ the same thin& with the scissors 3 maDin& the same threat. A?ter threatenin& 2'sty 4a%oie 3 he ma$e the same threat in the same manner to my co'sin Marco /oy. 7hris 1homas +0man'e(e8 then or$ere$ 7hristine 2ion to taDe o?? her ha((oween cost'me an$ &et naDe$ 3 a?ter which he or$ere$ me to $o the same < 7hristine an$ my se(? were then or$ere$ to per?orm seF acts an$ Diss. 7hris 1homas +0man'e(e8 or$ere$ my se(? to sit in a chair an$ 7hristine 2ion to sit on my (e&s ?acin& me 3 he then or$ere$ me to p't my han$s on 7hristine 2ionKs @are chest an$ to'ch her in a speci?ic manner 5 7hris 1homas +0man'e(e8 then tooD n'mero's photo&raphs with his camera. 2'rin& one o? the photo&raphs 3 7hristineKs eyes were e??ecte$ @y the ?(ash on the camera an$ she state$ AIKm @(in$LA. 1he concept o? a ?ema(e @ein& @(in$ an$ @ein& rape$ seems to ha%e @een present in the psycho(o&y o? =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ his sons $'rin& the past 20 year o? SeF'a( Assa'(ts 3 threats 'pon women an$ ?ami(ies 3 an$ SeF 1ra??icDin&. A?ter 7hris 1homas ha$ ?inishe$ taDin& the photos o? my se(? an$ 7hristine 3 2'sty an$ Marco were or$ere$ @y 7hris 1homas +0man'e(e8 to per?orm HomoSeF'a( acts whi(e he tooD photo&raphs < a?ter Marco an$ 2'sty $i$ this3 my co'sin Monica MosesDy an$ o'r ?ami(iesK ?rien$Ks $a'&hter Samantha G'ay were or$ere$ to per?orm (es@ian seF'a( acts with a $o& co((ar an$ $o& (eash on their necDs whi(e 7hris 1homas +0man'e(e8 tooD photo&raphs an$ instr'cte$ them to per?orm speci?ic acts. Marco was E years o($3 a(most ! years o($ < an$ 2'sty was E years o($. ,ran McG'ire (ater eFp(aine$ this to my ,ather 3 HacD 2ion ha$ to($ some@o$y to eFp(ain to my ,ather what ha$ happene$ 5 7hris 1homas tooD these photo&raphs in my ?atherKs ho'se as a way o? @(acD mai(in& HacD 2ion an$ my ,ather to ens're their si(ence concernin& what ha$ happene$ to my Mother as a chi($ as we(( as the 0man'e(eKs an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs (ocation in North America. HacD 2ionKs ?ather was an Ita(ian A6IS 0spiona&e A&ent an$ an Assassin who worDe$ ?or the Ho'se o? Sa%oy < A( Io$iceKs ?ather was the same. :hen ,ran Mc&'ire eFp(aine$ this to my ?ather a year (ater 3 whi(e we were campin& 5 my ,ather $i$ not Dnow yet that the photo&raphs ha$ @een taDen. ,ran McG'ire eFp(aine$ to me ?ather that 7hris 1homas A;ir$ 2o&&e$A him an$ HacD 2ion. 1he maJority o? the co$e (an&'a&e o? this con%ersation was A1he snipes $a'&hter an$ the man whoKs home it was were photo&raphe$ @y the cops.A I was to($ a?terwar$s that a AsnipeA is a @ir$ with moose ant(ers that eats noses 3 as a way o? con%incin& me to stop asDin& what they were $isc'ssin&. A7opsA re?erre$ to the A6IS $'e to the shape o? the Gestapo hat. ASnipeA meant Sniper. A( Io$iceKs ,ather an$ HacD 2ionKs ,ather were connecte$ to the networD o? Ita(ian A6IS Assassins an$ Ita(ian A6IS 0spiona&e S(eeper A&ents in North America that were somehow acI'ainte$ with the men who assassinate$ the Presi$ent Hohn ,it>&era($ 9enne$y. I ha%e @een to($ that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e was an acI'aintance o? the man who or$ere$ the assassination o? Hohn ,it>&era($ 9enne$y. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy attempte$ to ;(acD Mai( my 'nc(e A( Io$ice 3 my ?ather 3 an$ 7hristine 2ionKs ?ather HacD 2ion in n'mero's ways o%er the past 30 years or so an$ ha%e ma$e n'mero's 2eath 1hreats to o'r ?ami(ies.

It is impossi@(e ?or =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e to ha%e ;(acD Mai(e$ my ,ather an$ HacD 2ion with the photo&raphs that 7hris 1homas tooD on Ha((oween $'rin& 1"88 3 it is $e?inite howe%er that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e is a $is&'stin& SeF .??en$er as are his sons an$ they $e?inite(y $i(('siona((y @e(ie%e that they can ;(acD Mai( in$i%i$'a(s 'sin& SeF .??ense 5 the Ho'se o? Sa%oy are an eFi(e$ 7rimina( Aristocracy who are A$o(? Hit(erKs 3 =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs 3 an$ H'(i's 0%o(aKs @io(o&ica( ?ami(ies an$ ha%e committe$ 7rimes A&ainst H'manity in North America ?rom the year o? 1"50 to present year. 7ommittin& SeF .??enses 'pon a pop'(ation an$ attemptin& to 'se the SeF .??ense ?or p'rpose o? 0spiona&e s'ch as ;(acD Mai( or to 1errori>e 3 0ns(a%e 3 2emora(i>e 3 or Genoci$a((y 0Fterminate the pop'(ation is a :ar 7rime. A$o(? Hit(erKs @io(o&ica( ?ami(y 7hi($ Porno&raphin& an entire ?ami(y o? American 7i%i(iansK chi($ren an$ their espiona&e A&entKs $a'&hter 3 ?or p'rpose o? attemptin& to ?orce the ?ami(y to Deep secret the (ocation an$ i$entity o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs /oya( ,ami(y is a :ar 7rime an$ a 7rime A&ainst H'manity. A?ter 7hris 1homas +0man'e(e8 committe$ these SeF'a( Assa'(ts an$ photo&raphe$ them 3 he wa(De$ into the @athroom an$ p(ace$ (ines o? what was pro@a@(y cocaine on the sinD. 7hris 1homas +0man'e(e8 or$ere$ a(( three o? the (itt(e &ir(s to enter the @athroom one at a time an$ to($ them to Asnort it (iDe a pi&&yA 3 re?errin& to the cocaine he ha$ c't into (ines on the si$e o? the sinD. .? the three ?ema(es 3 7hristine 2ion an$ Samantha G'ay were 5 years o($ an$ Monica MosesDy was E years o($. :hen Samantha G'ay an$ 7hristine 2ion entere$ the @athroom an$ snorte$ the cocaine 3 one o? them sai$ (o'$(y AIt tastes (iDe poopLA. In the past 10 years 5 there ha%e @een n'mero's ?ema(e %ictims o? the 0man'e(esK who ha%e @een ?orce$ to swa((ow ?eces. A?ter ?orcin& 7hristine 3 Monica 3 an$ Samantha to Asnort it (iDe a pi&&yA in the @athroom < 7hris 1homas wa(De$ into my parentsK @e$room where my in?ant sister Sheena Nico(e MacPherson was s(eepin& an$ $i$ somethin& to her that I $i$ not see @'t hear$ a@o't years (ater. My sister Sheena awoDe an$ @e&an cryin& an$ screamin&. 7hristine 2ion ran o'tsi$e to the @on ?ire where the maJority o? the a$'(ts were an$ to($ them that Sheena was cryin& an$ was awaDe. my se(? 3 2'sty 3 an$ Marco @e&an wa(Din& $own the ha(( to the @e$room < =ittorioKs son 7hris 1homas came wa(Din& o't o? my parentKs @e$room where my sister Sheena ha$ @een s(eepin& in her cri@ 3 he was wa(Din& eFtreme(y ?ast an$ t'rne$ 's aro'n$ an$ p'she$ 's @acD into the (i%in&room. 7hris state$ (o'$(y 5 AI was J'st checDin& on herLA. A?ter 7hris 1homas p'she$ 's @acD into the (i%in&room < my Mother wa(De$ into the ho'se an$ picDe$ 'p my sister 3 o't o? the cri@ an$ he($ her. My Mother attempte$ to he(p my sister ?a(( @acD as(eep. A?ter a ?ew min'tes 3 my Mother @ro'&ht into the (i%in&room a =HS 1ape with recor$e$ 1e(e%ision 0piso$es o? APee :eeKs P(ayHo'seA an$ p't the =HS 1ape into the =HS P(ayer. 7hristine 2ion &ot eFcite$ when the theme son& to APee :eeKs P(ayho'seA @e&an to p(ay on the te(e%ision 3 $'rin& which she t'rne$ 'p the %o('me an$ @e&an sin&in& (o'$(y an$ $ancin&. 7hristine (a'&he$ an$ &ot eFcite$ when she saw the &ir( with the pennies on her eye(i$s an$ then 7hristine san& AItKs Pee:eeKs P(ayHo'seLA so (o'$ that HacD 2ion awoDe an$ wa(De$ into the (i%in&room an$ $ecrease$ the %o('me on the te(e%ision set. A?ter $ecreasin& the %o('me on the te(e%ision 3 HacD 2ion ma$e a JoDe sayin& ASome o? 's were tryin& to s(eepLA. 2'rin& the year 1"8" a?ter 7hris 1homas ha$ committe$ these heino's crimes 'pon my ?ami(y an$ o'r ?ami(y ?rien$s 3 the neFt $oor nei&hor An&ie an$ her roommate Sister Smith @e&an ca((in& me A2e%i( 7hi($A 3 ASpawn o? SatanA 3 AHe(( SpawnA. I can remem@er Sister Smith ye((in& at me to stay away ?rom the yar$ an$ screamin& AHere comes that 2e%i( 7hi($ a&ainL Spawn o? SatanL Go home $e%i( chi($L 1his aint yo'r home 3 2e%i( 7hi($L Go home yo' (itt(e He(( SpawnL 7hi($ o? SatanL An&ie 3 that He(( Spawn is

@acD a&ainLA a?ter which ;ea' SDinnerKs mother An&ie @e&an ye((in& at me A1his is no p(ace ?or yo' 3 IanL Go homeL 1his is not a p(ace ?or yo'L Go homeL -o' $onKt @e(on& hereLA . An&ie was an Ita(ian (a$y who ha$ marrie$ an American man name$ ;o@ SDinner an$ ha$ chi($ren with him. Sister Smith was an A?rican American 7hristian Sister 3 which was somethin& (iDe a Protestant N'n. Sister Smith ha$ @een (i%in& with An&ie acrosse$ the street ?rom my ho'se. I am not s're what it was that An&ie to($ Sister Smith 3 @'t she @e(ie%e$ that I was e%i(. It is pro@a@(e that An&ie was @a@ysittin& 2anie( Hames on this $ay an$ was to($ @y 2anie( HamesKs a$opti%e ?ather to Deep the Di$ across the street away ?rom him . I $o @e(ie%e that I remem@er An&ie @a@ysittin& ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs @rother 2anie( Hames once ?or some@o$y in 1"8" 5 I @e(ie%e that An&ieKs ?ather Dnew =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e. A?ter the year 1""0 < An&ie @e&an han$in& o't AHa((oween is Satanic an$ Anti 7hristianA Ha((oween Pamph(ets ?or Ha((oween 3 teachin& that Ha((oween was e%i( an$ sho'($ @e o't(awe$. Ha((oween is a tra$itiona( ho(i$ay ?rom the U.9. an$ Ho((an$ 3 it is primari(y a mo$erni>ation an$ cons'mer in?('ence$ %ersion o? what was two @asic Gae(ic an$ An&(o SaFon ,o(D Ho(i$ays 5 the %ersion o? Ha((oween in Ho((an$ was the same 1ra$itiona( ,o(D Ho(i$ay as the An&(o SaFon 1ra$itiona( ,o(D Ho(i$ay 3 @'t was ce(e@rate$ s(i&ht(y $i??erent as a res'(t o? minor %ariance in ,o(D 7'stoms. An&ieKs $istri@'tion o? propa&an$a promotin& a tota( @an o? Ha((oween seems connecte$ to =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs son 7hris 1homasKs actions on Ha((oween o? 1"88. It is possi@(e that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e or$ere$ a Dni&ht to $istri@'te these at a 7hristian re(i&io's &atherin& that An&ie was atten$in& in 1"8". An&ieKs $a'&hter3 Am@er SDinner < is missin& an$ is rep(ace$ @y an imposte'r. Am@er was an inch ta((er than the imposte'r an$ her hips were a ?ew inches wi$er. I @e(ie%e that Am@er SDinner was on a we@site that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs comp'ter hacDer 1'rDoJan so?tware pop 'ppe$ on my 7omp'ter Screen in the year 200!. 2'rin& approFimate(y 1""* or 1""5 5 ,i( 0man'e(e an$ Mosta?a I@nSa'$ %isite$ An&ieKs o($er $a'&hter at E* ;ean /oa$ 3 MerrimacD NewHampshire. 1his was the ho'se neFt $oor to mine on the other corner o? :est /oa$. ;ea' SDinner an$ Am@er SDinner ha$ an o($er sister. It is possi@(e that ,i( 0man'e(e an$ her $ate$ @rie?(y. An&ie SDinner intro$'ce$ me to ,i( an$ Mosta?a whi(e they were stan$in& in her Ditchen 3 whi(e ;ea' an$ my se(? were wa(Din& thro'&h his ho'se. An&ie an$ ;o@ SDinner $i%orce$ $'rin& approFimate(y 1""8. I am not certain what An&ieKs s'rname was. An&ieKs ?ather Dnew =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e. I @e(ie%e that 7hris 1homas has an o($er @rother who (ooDs %ery m'ch (iDe him @'t has a narrower sD'(( shape an$ his a @it ta((er. A?ter =ittorio 0man'e(eKs son 7hris 1homas poisone$ the a$'(ts an$ chi($ren at the Ha((oween Party with 2isassociati%e 2r'&s an$ 7hi($ Porno&raphe$ chi($ren at the party whi(e the a$'(ts were o'tsi$e 3 he is @e(ie%e$ to ha%e committe$ a $is&'stin& assa'(t 'pon my sister Sheena who was an in?ant $'rin& 1"88. My sister Sheena ha$ @owe( pro@(ems an$ pro@(ems $e?ecatin& her entire (i?e < Sheena Nico(e MacPherson was hospita(i>e$ more than once $'e to ina@i(ity to $e?ecate 3 somethin& in her @owe(s was Ac(enchin&A an$ her $i&esti%e tract was not re(easin& $i&este$ ?oo$ waste. Her stomach an$ a@$omin ha$ @ecome swo((en an$ @(oate$ more than once 3 reI'irin& hospita(i>ation. 1here are Me$ica( /ecor$s o? this. I? a :ar 7rimina( has erase$ Me$ica( /ecor$s ?rom Hospita(s which they ha%e p'rchase$ or otherwise &aine$ access to 5 the USA Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartment has these recor$s i? they were e%er transmitte$ e(ectronica((y o%er any 7omm'nications NetworD. 2'rin& the year 1""E or 1""! < one o? the 7hristiano ?ami(y to($ /o@ /o$on a (ie

that I p't my han$s in a @a@yKs $iaper at a 7hristmas Party. It is $e?inite that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e to($ the 7hristiano ?ami(y to te(( /o@ /o$on this3 at =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs @irth$ay party HacD 2ion was to($ to say somethin& a@o't this an$ he $e?ie$ =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e 3 sayin& A1hat $i$ not happen 3 an$ yo' Dnow that.A . 2'rin& the year 1""1 or 1""2 5 the 2ionKs came to my ?ami(yKs 7hristmas Party an$ Sheena met 7hristine 2ion ?or the ?irst time since Sheena co'($ wa(D an$ speaD 5 Sheena was now a@o't * or 5 years o($ 3 the same a&e that 7hristine an$ my se(? were when 7hris 1homas threatene$ 's with scissors an$ ?orce$ 's to pose n'$e ?or chi($ porno&raphic photo&raphs whi(e my parents were o'tsi$e sittin& aro'n$ a Ha((oween @on ?ire. Sheena was not wearin& $iapers any more at the 7hristmas Party. 1he 7hristiano ?ami(y are co'sins o? @oth the /o$on ?ami(y an$ the 0man'e(e ?ami(y. 1he Grasseti ?ami(y are the co'sins o? the 7hristiano ?ami(y an$ the 0man'e(e ?ami(y. 1he 7hristiano ?ami(y ha%e ne%er @een present at any 7hristmas Party that I ha%e e%er @een to 3 there was no @a@y in $iapers present at my ?ami(yKs 7hristmas Party that the 2ion ,ami(y atten$e$ $'rin& the year o? 1""1 or 1""2. Accor$in& to what I ha%e @een to($ 3 the photo&raphs which 7hris 1homas tooD o? his ?in&ers in my s(eepin& in?ant sister SheenaKs an's an$ %a&ina 3 whi(e the a$'(ts were o'tsi$e sittin& aro'n$ the camp?ire $'rin& the Ha((oween Party o? 1"88 5 was with the $iaper remo%e$. My sister Sheena awoDe at this an$ @e&an cryin& 3 a?ter which 7hris 1. +0man'e(e8 came I'icD(y wa(Din& o't o? the @e$room. 1he photo&raph o? 7hris 1homasKs ?in&er in my in?ant sisterKs an's an$ %a&ina < an$ the photo&raphs which 7hris 1homas tooD o? my se(? 3 my co'sins 3 7hristine 2ion 3 an$ Samantha G'ay 5 the 0man'e(esK attempte$ to 'se to ;(acDMai( my ?ather. Near(y my entire ?ami(y ha%e @een rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs since the year 2000 5 a(most my entire ?ami(y is @e(ie%e$ to @e $ea$ an$ the (oca( 4aw 0n?orcement an$ ,e$era( In%esti&ations in the North 0ast o? the U.S.A. an$ .ntario ha%e re?'se$ to 2.N.A. 1est my ?ami(y to pro%e that these in$i%i$'a(s are not my ?ami(y an$ are i((e&a((y (i%in& as imposte'r o? &enoci$e %ictims. 1he 0man'e(esK o@session with :itches @e&an on this ni&ht $'rin& 1"88 < ?or reason that my Mother who was repeate$(y their 1errorist 7rime Syn$icateKs Initiation 7rime =ictim ?or " years $'rin& her chi($hoo$ $'rin& which she was repeate$(y %io(ent(y rape$ @y their 1errorist 7rime So($iers 3 was $resse$ as 0(pha@a the &reen sDinne$ :itch $'rin& the Ha((oween Party o? 1"88. 2'rin& the Ha((oween Party o? 1"88 3 7hristine 2ion was $resse$ as a :itch as we((. I was $resse$ as a Pirate. HacD 2ionKs :i?e was $resse$ in a @(acD @ri$a( &own an$ ha$ a 1oten9op? SD'(( painte$ on her ?ace with a cracD in the ?orehea$. HacD 2ion $i$ not wear a cost'me an$ state$ A1his is my cost'me. I am HacD 2ion. 1his is my shirt.A 3 HacD 2ion ma$e this statement in re?erence to his ?ami(y @ein& a mem@er ?ami(y o? an Ita(ian A6IS S(eeper 0spiona&e 7e((. .? stran&e coinci$ence < is that ?act that 7hristopher /o$onKs an$ Matthew /o$onKs parents /o@ an$ 4ynn 3 ca((e$ me A0rnieA when $isc'ssin& me an$ somethin& that the =ittorio 0man'e(e ha$ ha$ or$ere$ one o? the 7hristianos to te(( /o@ert /o$on. 0rnie was my $o&Ks name @e?ore we chan&e$ his name to An&'s. 0rnie 3 who was (ater name$ An&'s < was a 7airne 1errier 5 the 7airne 1errier is the same @ree$ o? $o& as the $o& name$ A1otoA in the mo%ie Athe :i>ar$ o? .>A. 1his con%ersation was starte$ @y a Mr. 7hristiano ca((in& /o@ert /o$on an$ te((in& him somethin& that =ittorio 0man'e(e ha$ sai$ a@o't my se(? in%o(%in& my se(? as a yo'n& chi($ s'ppose$(y p'ttin& my han$ in a @a@yKs $iaper. 2'rin& the con%ersation a@o't a $iaper an$ a 7hristmas Party < /o@ ca((e$ me A0rnieA to eFp(ain to the /o$on ,ami(y what he ha$ @een to($ a@o't me 3 whi(e I was sittin& in the (i%in&room. 1he tr'th is that 7hris 1homas ha$ inserte$ his ?in&ers into my s(eepin& in?ant sisterKs %a&ina an$ an's $'rin& the Ha((oween Party o? 1"88 an$ taDen a photo&raph. 1he same ni&ht that this occ'rre$ =ittorio 0man'e(eKs son 7hris 1homas ha$ poisone$ the a$'(ts at the Ha((oween Party with 2isassociati%es an$ Se$ati%es as we(( as Porno&raphe$ my se(? an$ 7hristine 2ion when we were on(y 5

years o($ as we(( as my co'sins an$ Samantha G'ay. 7hris 1homas +=ittorioKs son8 ?orce$ Samantha G'ay an$ Monica MosesDy to wear a $o& co((ar an$ a (eash when posin& ?or the photo&raphs which he ?orce$ them to pose ?or in 1"88 $'rin& the Ha((oween Party. 2'rin& the 1"8" 3 7hris 1homasKs @rother 7(int ha$ to($ my se(? an$ 9eith McG'ire that his &ran$?atherKs name was A;ertA. A;ert an$ 0rnieA are two m'ppets o? the Sesame Street 1e(e%ision Series. Many o? the 0man'e(esK seF o??ense initiation crimes now inc('$e the 'se o? a $o& co((ar an$ (eash on the %ictims. 1he 1"80Ks Ninten$o =i$eo Game 2U79 HUN1 3 ?eat'res a $o& that chases the $o&s into the &rass a?ter they are shot an$ @arDs at them to scare them o't o? the &rass 5 $'rin& the year 200" 3 an Ita(ian &an&ster who was $e?inite(y ?rom Ita(ia 3 maDe a 2'cDKs B'acD so'n$ with his mo'th an$ sai$ to me $ay 3 that wi(( &et a(( the (a$ies. -o'K(( see.A whi(e he was wa(Din& past my apartment at 2E1 Pine Street Apartment R *1 at ParD =iew Apartments . I @e(ie%e that 7hris 1homasKs mother3 who is not =ittorio 0man'e(eKs wi?e Mona < is a %ery $istant co'sin o? 4ynn ;an&sKs or /o@ert /o$onKs 5 4a'ra Pittin&er @e(ie%e$ this to @e pro@a@(e as we(( an$ ha$ met 7hris 1homas 3 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e 3 as we(( as =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ tho'&ht they were sicD creeps. 4a'ra Pittin&erKs ?ather was ?rien$s with HacD 2ion an$ Dnew my 'nc(e 1roy MacPherson. 7hristine 2ionKs @est ?rien$s were Samantha G'ay an$ my co'sin Monica MosesDy when they were chi($ren 3 7hristine 2ionKs hat was on the hea$ o? what appeare$ to possi@(y @e an imposte'r o? Mosta?a I@nSa'$ who I met in ;oston Massach'settes $'rin& 200E. 2'rin& the year 200E 3 an imposte'r o? a man name$ 7aesar whom was 'sin& the names A7esareA an$ A2ia@(oA < was witnesse$ @y n'mero's peop(e 3 wa(Din& a &ir( who was possi@(y name$ H'(ie :einstein 5 aro'n$ Manchester NewHampshire with a (eash an$ $o& co((ar on her necD. H'(ie :einstein was a (itt(e Hewish Gir( whoKs ?ather was a /a@@i name$ ;arry :einstein 5 2'cD is a 9osher @ir$. A Pri%ate In%esti&ator has in?orme$ me that a (on& (ist o? Hewish 2e?ense 4ea&'e ?ami(ies ha%e @een Genoci$a((y 0Fterminate$ 3 rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs whom ha%e @een 'sin& their I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s 3 an$ their $a'&hters ha%e @een a@$'cte$ an$ SeF 1ra??icDe$ 5 this was apparent(y @ein& re?erre$ to as A2'cD H'ntA. It is important to consi$er that HacD 2ion Dnew a@o't my ,ather @ein& @(acD mai(e$ with him 3 @y the 0man'e(es an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 7hristine 2ion Dnew this ?act as we((. ,or a reason that I am 'naware o? 3 the 2ion ?ami(y ne%er reporte$ to the USA Mi(itary that they were $escen$e$ ?rom an Ita(ian A6IS 0spiona&e S(eeper 7e(( ,ami(y worDin& ?or the 0man'e(es an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy with connections insi$e o? the Ita(ian Mi(itary Inte((i&ence $epartment 5 HacD 2ion co'($ ha%e easi(y $e?ecte$ to the USA 3 his ?ami(y co'($ ha%e @ecome in?ormants 3 an$ they co'($ ha%e @een protecte$ an$ worDe$ co operati%e(y with in$i%i$'a(s o? USAmerican race worDin& ?or USA Mi(itary Inte((i&ence to arrest the 0man'e(es an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ?or :ar 7rimes insi$e the USA an$ SeF .??enses in%o(%e$ SeF 1ra??icDin& o? 7hi($ren that ha%e @een so eFtreme since they re(ocate$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy to the USA 3 that these o??enses are 7rimes A&ainst H'manity (e%e( SeF 1ra??icDin& o? 7hi($ an$ 7hi($ Porno&raphin&. It is pro@a@(e that HacD 2ion ?e(t that the USA Mi(itary 3 USA ,e$era( In%esti&ations 3 an$ USA 4aw 0n?orcement ha$ @een so hea%i(y in?i(trate$ @y the Ho'se o? Sa%oy that it wo'($ @e ?'ti(e to attempt to $e?ect to the USA. 1he 2ion ,ami(y is now missin& an$ has @een rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs. 2'rin& the year 1""! 3 a &ir( at schoo( name$ 4a'ra Pittin&er to($ ;enJamin 4in$@er& that she ha$ hear$ a@o't what 7hris 1homas $i$ to my sister Sheena Nico(e MacPherson an$ that =ittorio ha$ attempte$ to c(aim that I was the one that $i$ it at =ittorioKs @irth$ay party 3 statin& 5 AI met his @rother once 3 he was creepy.$ 3 7hris 1homas was who I hear$ it was an$ I hear$ that he @(ame$ the Di$ whoKs sister 7hris 1homas $i$ it to as a (itt(e @a@y an$ =ictor @(ame$ the (itt(e Di$. It was at =ictorKs @irth$ay

party that they trie$ to @(ame the (itt(e &ir(Ks @rother. 2is&'stin& isnKt itM She was on(y in $iapers. My $a$ is ?rien$s with HacD 2ion who was there when he trie$ to @(ame the Di$. HacD Dnows who $i$ it.A ;enJamin 4in$@er&Ks an$ 4a'ra Pittin&erKs ?rien$ Hason ;e((emore state$ once in 1""E 3 AMy co'sin Dnows =ictor. Aosta. Not me3 IK%e &ot the @(oo$(ine. IKm not roya(ty 3 a Dni&ht was my ancestor. My 3r$ co'sin on my MomKs si$e is a (itera( 9ni&ht o? Aosta. He Dnows =ictor. =ictorKs wi?e is Aosta.A. 2'rin& the year 1""" 3 Hason ;e((emore asDe$ me i? I Dnew 7ha$ Gro(sch 5 Hason ;e((emore to($ me that he Dnew 7ha$ Gro(sch an$ that his o($er @rother an$ his co'sin were ?rien$s with 7ha$ Gro(sch 3 an$ that 7ha$ an$ HasonKs co'sin (istene$ to a(ot o? the same Din$ o? Hea%y Meta( that I (iDe. 7ha$ Gro(sch may possi@(y @e missin& 3 3 imposte'rs o? 7ha$ Gro(sch ha%e @een si&hte$ in the New0n&(an$ re&ion. 2'rin& the year o? 200! 3 two ?ami(ia( re(ati%es o? 7ha$ Gro(schKs @o'&ht co??ee ?rom me whi(e I was worDin& at 2'nDin 2on'ts in the Ma(( o? NewHampshire 5 this was aro'n$ the same month that :i((iam Hano%er an$ 9ate Mi$$(eton Hano%er @o'&ht ice$ co??ee an$ a m'??in as we(( as $i$ 0(i>a@eth Hano%er an$ a yo'n& re(ati%e o? theirs @'y a scone an$ 0n&(ish ;reaD?ast 1ea. ;en 3 4a'ra 3 an$ Hason (i%e$ in MerrimacD NewHampshire when they were chi($ren < 7ha$ Gro(sch (i%e$ in H'$son NewHampshire when he was a chi($. 7ha$ Gro(sch ha$ @ecome a mem@er o? the :or($ 7h'rch o? the 7reator 3 an Atheist :hite S'premacist .r&ani>ation < my &ir(?rien$ $'rin& the years 2003 an$ 200* 3 Sahn$ra St..n&e 5 was ?rien$s with 7ha$ Gro(sch. I @e(ie%e that $'rin& the year 2005 3 some person worDin& ?or the 0man'e(e ,ami(y @e&an 'sin& 7ha$ Gro(schKs America .n(ine Instant Messa&er Acco'nt. N'mero's photo&raphs o? men who were not 7ha$ Gro(sch were p'@(ishe$ to internet as we(( as sent o%er internet c(aimin& to @e him 3 @'t they were not. 2'rin& the year 200! 3 an imposte'r o? Hason ;e((emore was witnesse$ in MerrimacD NewHampshire worDin& as a Po(ice .??icer < $'rin& the year 200! 3 an imposte'r o? NicD Ma&&iore was a(so witness in MerrimacD NewHampshire worDin& as a Po(ice .??icer. Neither o? these men were the men whoKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s they were 'sin&. Hason ;e((emoreKs 3r$ co'sin who is a 9ni&ht o? Aosta is pro@a@(e to ha%e ha$ acI'aintances who were Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS 0spiona&e S(eeper A&ents (i%in& in the U.S.A. as we(( as possi@(y A'strian A6IS a??i(iate$ in$i%i$'a(s . NicD Ma&&iore Dnew 7ha$ Gro(sch somehow 3 they were somehow acI'aintances < NicD Ma&&iore was an Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS So($ier. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy ?orei&n to North America @'t wi(( 'se /acist I$entity as a too( as we(( as /acist I$entity NetworDs as ways to tracD ?ami(ies 3 the Ho'se o? Sa%oy se($om worD with other races o? peop(es < when they $o this 3 it is 's'a((y on(y A'strians or Ara@ians. 2'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 3 the North 0ast o? the U.S.A. eFperience$ massi%e n'm@ers o? immi&ration an$ mi&ration as we(( as re?'&ee immi&ration an$ mi&ration < n'mero's &an&s mo%e$ to the re&ion as we(( 5 as a res'(t3 the pop'(ation @ecame eFtreme(y o%er pop'(ate$ with ?orei&n peop(es an$ the USAmerican races @ecame an eFtreme(y sma(( minority o? the pop'(ation as we(( as $i$ ,irst Nations Nati%e American races @ecome an eFtreme(y sma(( minority pop'(ation co'nt $'rin& these years. 1he pop'(ation $i%ersity seems to ha%e @een 'se$ as a camo'?(a&e ?or &enoci$e o? USAmerican an$ 7ana$ian races as we(( as ,irst Nations Nati%e American races an$ ?ami(ies marrie$ to these peop(es 5 $'rin& this 3 the 0man'e(e ,ami(y or$ere$ a (ar&e n'm@er o? assassinations o? ?ami(ies an$ many o? them were rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs. A (on& (ist o? :ar 7rimes were committe$ 'pon the pop'(ation an$ the Hewish 2e?ense 4ea&'e was tar&ette$ ?or &enoci$e. Many o? the women ?rom this re&ion were SeF 1ra??icDe$ an$ since their a@$'ction 3 ha%e @een mo%e$ to other re&ions. Most o? the pop'(ation has since this time 3 mo%e$. 1he ,action that committe$ these :ar 7rimes an$ other 7rimes A&ainst H'manity is the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,action. 1here is a (on& (ist o? ?ami(ies missin& who are rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs that are (i%in& in the North 0ast

re&ion o? the U.S.A. . 2'rin& the years 200* to 200" 5 the occ'rrance o? %io(ent &an& war?are in the North 0ast re&ion o? the U.S.A. @ecame rampant an$ was eFtreme(y $estr'cti%e to the ?ami(ies o? peop(e (i%in& in the re&ion. .? stran&e re(ation to the $ate $'rin& which the 2ion ?ami(y 3 the G'ay ?ami(y 3 an$ a(( o? my co'sins ?ami(ies 3 an$ my ?ami(y were a@$'cte$ an$ rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs 5 $'rin& the year 200! or 200" 3 men ?a(se ?(a&&e$ as APo(ice .??icersA wearin& Mi(itary ,ati&'e 7amo'?(a&e storme$ a re&ion o? ;e$?or$ NewHampshire with Po(ice 7r'isers 3 a He(icopter 3 an$ Assa'(t /i?(es. 1he 0man'e(es an$ Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs ?'n$e$ news me$ia c(aime$ that these men were A(ooDin& ?or a man who was ?ee(in& s'ici$a(A an$ that they ha$ ta(De$ with his wi?e 3 who c(aime$ that he ha$ to($ her that he was ?ee(in& s'ici$a(. A(most a(( o? the ?ami(ies in ;e$?or$ NewHampshire ha%e @een rep(ace$ @y Ita(ians who ha%e 'n$er&one =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy an$ m'tate$ their appearance to (i%e as imposte'r o? the American ?ami(ies. 1he on(y other race that this Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS 1errorist ,action seem to @e worDin& with are a sma(( n'm@er o? Ser@ians. It is pro@a@(e that this ANews /eportA was a ?orm o? 7o%ert 7ypher 7omm'nication which meant that A1he Sa%oy A6IS So($iers are s'ccess?'((y em@e$$e$ within the Po(ice 2epartments an$ Me$ica( He(icopter 2epartment o? the state o? New Hampshire an$ ha%e &ot the mi(itary arms into NewHampshire s'ccess?'((y.A. ;e$?or$ 3 0m@e$$e$ < NewHampshire State 1rooper Po(ice arme$ with Assa'(t /i?(es wearin& 7amo'?(a&e 3 So($iers 7o%ert(y em@e$$e$ within the Po(ice 2epartments o? NewHampshire an$ are possessin& o? Mi(itary &ra$e ?irearms < A(ooDin& ?or a man who to($ his wi?e that he was s'ici$a( $'rin& an ar&'mentA 3 a cypher co$e messa&e that meant somethin& speci?ic. 2'rin& the time that the news papers p'@(ishe$ artic(e a@o't the NewHampshire State 1roopers wearin& 7amo'?(a&e an$ searchin& ?or a s'ici$a( man in the woo$s o? ;e$?or$ with $o&s an$ assa'(t ri?(es 3 a te(e%ision news @roa$cast was sche$'(e$ or HacDer 0$it ;roa$cast as i? it were ?act 5 this te(e%ision news se&ment $escri@e$ *0 @(on$e haire$ an$ @('e eye$ ?ema(es a@$'cte$ ?rom the AA(a@ama /e&ionA 3 it is a possi@i(ity that this was a re?erence to the A.K@amaA A.? 2iFie 7'psA ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace ;(it>Drie&. 2'rin& the year 1""8 < my sister Sheena Nico(e MacPherson @e&an recei%in& $eath threats at home in the ?orm o? anonymo's (etters an$ anonymo's phone ca((s 3 my mother 2e@@ie 4a%oie MacPherson ha$ @een recei%in& these Din$ o? threats ?or m'(tip(e years prior to this as we((. Aro'n$ this approFimate $ate < I @e&an recei%in& $eath threats which were spoDen o%er te(ephone an$ one year (ater than this 3 a &ir(?rien$ o? mine was a@$'cte$3 tie$ 'p3 an$ tort're$ @y ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e who contin'e$ to seF'a((y assa'(t her o%er the ?o((owin& 3 years . 0(ectronic e%i$ence ?rom the years 1"""3 20003 an$ 2001 wi(( pro@a@(e pro%e that Nina HansenKs mo@i(e ce(('(ar te(ephone as we(( as her home te(ephone were wire tappe$ i((e&a((y @y S(eeper A&ents (oya( to ,i( 0man'e(eKs ?ami(y whom were em@e$$e$ within U.S.A. ,e$era( 0mp(oyment as we(( as we(( as wi(( it pro@a@(y pro%e that 7omp'ter HacDers hire$ @y the 0man'e(es accesse$ Ser%ers an$ o@tain Nina HansenKs American .n(ine Instant Messa&er recor$s an$ emai(s. 2'rin& the year o? 200* < 7omp'ter HacDers worDin& ?or the 0man'e(e 0%o(a @e&an tar&ettin& a(( Internet Ser%ice at 38" Haywar$ Street Apartment 3 in Manchester NewHampshire which was re&istere$ as 9enneth H'$$Ks an$ Scot H'nterKs internet ser%ice ?rom 7omcast 3 comp'ter hacDers @e&an wire tappin& a(( o? the te(ephone con%ersations at 38" Haywar$ Street Apartment 3 o? which the te(ephone ser%ice was re&istere$ to the names 9enneth H'$$ an$ Scot H'nter3 7rimina(s emp(oye$ within the ,e$era( Go%ernment o? the USA were a(so $isco%ere$ to ha%e @een wire tappin& te(ephone con%ersations an$ internet.

2'rin& the year 200* < a maintainance crew worDe$ on the Heatin& an$ =enti(ation $'cts an$ %ents in the @'i($in& at 38" Haywar$ Street in the Apartment R2 3 $ownstairs ?rom my se(? an$ my roommates. It is a possi@i(ity that Impro%ise$ /ecor$in& 2e%ices man'?act're$ ?rom Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone parts were insta((e$ insi$e the wa((s $'rin& this maintainance which occ'rre$ aro'n$ the same time that 0$ :arren insta((e$ 15 a'$io recor$in& $e%ices a@o%e the styro?oam cei(in& pane(s in ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n Street in Manchester NewHampshire. 2'rin& this time 3 I s'specte$ that this was the @e&inin& o? another :ater&ate Scan$a( an$ that the 0man'e(es an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha$ @een the &'i(ty party $'rin& the ?irst :ater&ate o? the /ichar$ NiFon A$ministration.

%f strange rele'ance to ,allo&een of <=GG and Christine 3ion sho'ing 3usty and saying .Stay a&ay from my boyfriend faggotD. 2 during the year ABB< " Jason Jeffrey0s girlfriend Samantha Cassella sho'ed me &ith an o en alm on the sternum and said &ith a smile .Stay a&ay from my boyfriend faggotD.- !t is ob'ious that somebody had instructed her to do this- ;oth Jason Jeffrey and Samantha Cassella are of an amount of !talian race " but ! am not sure as to &hether or not their families had any connection to the 7eague of !talian Gentlemen H the ,ouse of Sa'oy I - !t is robable that one of them did or that an indi'idual &ho did told Samantha Cassella to do it- !t is ossible that it may ha'e been ;ritni Pollard &ho had told Samantha Cassella to do this- ! can recall her stating that it &as ;ritni Pollard &ho told her to do it and that &hen Jason Jeffrey as)ed ;ritni Pollard about it " she said that ;rian Case told her to tell Samantha Cassella to do this- !t is more robable that Jason Jeffrey &as told to tell her to do this and used ;rian Case as an alibi 2 &hen he &as in his teen$age years of age " Jason Jeffrey had one of e same drug$su liers that ;rian Case got his drugs from and only bought drugs from t&o different su liers other than ;rian Case &ho he occaisionally bought drugs from &hen he could not get in contact &ith ;rian Case0s su lier- Jason Jeffrey &as recruited as an !talian Sa'oy$A*!S Crime$Soldier by +illiberto Emanuele- %ne day " &hile the three of us &ere in Jason Jeffrey0s automobile 1 Samantha Cassella ulled a gray audio$recording de'ice out from underneath Jason Jeffrey0s assenger$seat and said .,ey Jason " &hat0s thisE You ma)ing recordings and not telling meE. " this same )ind of audio$recording de'ice &as located in Rob Rodon0s automobile by Christo her Rodon during the year rior 2 Christo her had ulled the gray audio$recording cassette$ta e recorder out from underneath the assenger seat of his father0s car and stated .,ey 3adE ?hat is thisE ?atergateE. - Jason Jeffrey had in his social$net&or) " indi'idual soldiers of 4ittorio .4ictor. Emanuele0s Terrorist Crime$Syndicate2'rin& 1"""3 when Hason He??rey parDe$ his car on the roa$ that the Mar(@oro Hi&hschoo( was (ocate$ at < on a Sat'r$ay 3 whi(e we waite$ ?or Nina HansenKs ?rien$ 0mi(y McPherson to &et o't o? Sat'r$ay 2etention 5 on this $ay ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e &ot into HasonKs %ehic(e an$ threatene$ Nina an$ my se(?. I was in?orme$ that in 1""E or 1""! < $'rin& a Sat'r$ay 2etention 3 Mr. Sa(%o a((owe$ what (ooDe$ (iDe ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ his ?ather =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e to enter the Mastrico(a Mi$$(e Schoo( in MerrimacD NewHampshire an$ a((owe$ them entry to the room wherein two st'$ents were in Sat'r$ay 2etention 5 a?ter they entere$ the room 3 they (it 'p a Joint an$ smoDe$ it. :hi(e the three o? them were smoDin& the Joint 3 they @(ew smoDe in the &ir(s ?aces 5 a?ter @(owin& mariJ'ana smoDe in the &ir(s ?aces that was pro@a@(y (ace$ with $isassociati%es 3 the 0man'e(es an$ Mr. Sa(%o rape$ the two &ir(s. .ne o? these &ir(s was possi@(y my &ir(?rien$ at the time 3 2anie((e 7'shman 5 who was one year o($er than

my se(? an$ in the 8th Gra$e. Accor$in& to the person whom I ha%e spoDen with that Dnows eFact(y what happene$ this $ay 3 2anie((e 7'shman was to($ to @reaD 'p with me @y my eFact (itera( name AIan MacPhersonA an$ was to($ to te(( me to say somethin& speci?ic to my Mother. 2'rin& the year 1""E 3 /o@ert /o$on to($ =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e who my &ir(?rien$ was. 2'rin& the same month that 2anie((e 7'shman was rape$ in the c(assroom $'rin& Sat'r$ay 2etention 3 my Mother ha$ @een rape$ @y a teacher $'rin& hi&hschoo( or mi$$(e schoo( $'rin& this same month. I @e(ie%e that this month may ha%e @een March. 2anie((e 7'shman was ,ranDic American 3 2e'tsche(an$er 3 an$ Israe(i. 7hris /o$onKs ?ather /o@ert /o$on $e?inite(y to($ =ittorio 0man'e(e who I was $atin&3 he reporte$ to =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e e%ery $etai( a@o't my (i?e 5 there are te(ephone con%ersations which the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartment ha%e recor$in&s o? that are @etween /o@ert /o$on an$ mem@ers o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy wherein which he $isc'sse$ with them eFact $etai(s on my (i?e an$ my eFact (ocation $'rin& eFact times an$ $ates. 1he 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen an$ the entire Ho'se o? Sa%oy are a Genoci$a( :ar 7rimina( 1errorist ,action &'i(ty o? 7rimes A&ainst H'manity which inc('$e :ar /ape o? (itt(e chi($ren an$ eFtermination o? ?ami(ies inc('$in& e%ery Man 3 :oman 3 an$ 7hi($ in the ?ami(y o? e%en in?ant a&e. =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e is =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs Gran$ Son 3 A$o(? Hit(erKs Gran$ Nephew 3 a Genoci$a( 1errorist 7rime 4or$ an$ 7o%ert Mi(itant 0nemy 7om@atant 3 a SeF 1ra??icDer 3 an$ a repeat o??en$er SeF .??en$er o? 7hi($ren 5 the maJority o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy are &'i(ty o? the same crimes as him @y way o? their committin& o? Initiation 7rimes as a ?orm o? Atr'st ?a((sA with the 9in& =ittorio 0man'e(e 3 or @y reason o? their contin'in& an$ (i?e (on& in%o(%ement in SeF 1ra??icDin& o? 7hi($ren 3 SeF 1ra??icDin& o? ,ami(ies 3 Genoci$a( 1errorism 3 an$ 7o%ert Mi(itant 0nemy 7om@atant 1errorist 0spiona&e acti%ity within the USA. I ha%e @een to($ that since 2005 < Mr. Sa(%o has @een &i%en a new set o? I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s twice an$ has @een =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tate$ on more than one occaision to appear to (ooD (iDe another in$i%i$'a(. I ha%e @een to($ that Mr.Sa(%o worDe$ in the Psychiatric Hea(th7are ?ie($ @rie?(y with another personKs I$enti?icaton 7re$entia(s. I ha%e a(so @een in?orme$ that Mr.Sa(%o worDe$ at a co'rtho'se 'sin& another in$i%i$'a(s I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s 3 one o? these in$i%i$'a(s were apparent(y a @io(o&ica( re(ati%e o? his. Mr. Sa(%oKs SeF .??ense was mimmicDe$ in the mo%ie AAnother Hi&hschoo( M'sica(A $'rin& which scene a Mr. Sa(%atore commits a near(y i$entica( o??ense whi(e the son& A1he :itch 2octor3 :a(a :a(a ;in& ;an&A is p(ayin&. ,rom what I ha%e @een to($ 5 the 0man'e(es ha%e rape$ a(most e%ery eF &ir(?rien$ o? mine intentiona((y an$ ?or the speci?ic p'rpose that they were my &ir(?rien$s. In the year 2000 3 when ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e opene$ Hason He??reyKs car $oor an$ sat $own in the ?ront seat 3 to threaten my se(? an$ Nina Hansen < my &ir(?rien$ ?rom Mar(@oro Massach'settes who he ha$ J'st recent(y rape$ 5 we were parDe$ on the si$e o? the roa$ a@o't 200 yar$s ?rom 0mi(y McPhersonKs Hi&hSchoo( 3 waitin& ?or her to &et o't o? Sat'r$ay 2etention. Sat'r$ay 2etention is where the rape ha$ occ'rre$ at Mastrico(a Mi$$(eSchoo(. =ittorio an$ many o? his sons are o@sessi%e %io(ent seF o??en$ers 5 he has raise$ them to @e his accomp(ices. 1he 0man'e(es are A$o(? Hit(erKs @io(o&ica( ?ami(y an$ the @io(o&ica( $escen$ants o? =ittorio 0man'e(e III < they $i$ not re(ocate the Ho'se o? Sa%oy to the U.S.A. ?or p'rpose o? assimi(atin& into the USAmerican peop(e 3 the 0man'e(es $i$ not re(ocate the Ho'se o? Sa%oy to the U.S.A. ?or p'rpose o? (i%in& peace?'((y 3 they $o not a&ree with yo'r Gene%a 7on%entionKs eFpecte$ stan$ar$s o? ethic 3 they $o not a&ree with yo'r perception that North America is a (an$mass where'pon a(( races o? peop(e (i%e peace?'((y an$ that it is comm'na(

racia( home(an$ to a(( peop(es. 1he 0man'e(es $o not @e(ie%e that my race has a ri&ht to (i%e < they $o not @e(ie%e that any h'man @ein&s ha%e ri&hts 3 they are Amora(ist Socia( 2arwinists. I ha%e met a@o't ten o? the 0man'e(es 5 they a(( seem to share these traits. 1hey tooD an oath the the U.S.A. 3 Amora(ists (ie. 1he Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS 4oya(ists that (i%e in the U.S.A. an$ 7ana$a < are (oya( to the 0man'e(esK an$ ha%e no (oya(ty to the U.S.A. nor 7ana$a 3 they are not &oin& to te(( yo' when they m'r$er a ?ami(y o? North Americans nor are they &oin& to te(( yo' that they were a racia( tar&et. 1he psycho(o&y o? =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ his ,actionKs &ro'p psycho(o&y is the psycho(o&y o? a poacher that h'nts en$an&ere$ species intentiona((y ?or the p'rpose that the species is rare 3 they m'r$er ?ami(ies North American racia( tar&ets who they %iew as their @io(o&ica( racia( a$%ersaries 3 an$ they are SeF .??en$ers an$ SeF 1ra??icDers with the psycho(o&y o? a poacher that h'nts immat're wi($(i?e o? en$an&ere$ species. .n ,ace;ooD.7om 3 the pro?i(es o? the ?ema(es which they ha%e tar&ette$ ?or a@$'ction an$ rep(acement @y imposte'rs o?ten $isp(ay the pa&e ASpeciesA with a @ir$ icon 5 this is $isp(aye$ as a A4iDeA @e?ore the ?ema(e is a@$'cte$ an$ rep(ace$ @y an imposte'r. 1he chan&e o? the ?aces o? these ci%i(ians is open(y $isp(aye$ on ,ace;ooD an$ the photo&raphs o? these ci%i(ians are sa%e$ @y Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 7omp'ters e%en i? the ci%i(ian Ks ori&ina( photo&raphs are remo%e$ 5 there is no eFc'se ?or the in$i%i$'a(s in the in%esti&ations $epartments that are i&norin& this &enoci$e 3 to @e i&norin& this &enoci$e < it has @een on&oin& since the 0man'e(e ?ami(y an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy re(ocate$ to North America. 1here is e%i$ence. Most o? the imposte'rs are o@%io's(y Ita(ian 3 some o? them are o? other races an$ are SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims. In the year 200! 3 I saw on internet we@sites n'mero's protesters ho($in& si&ns that $epicte$ ;aracD H'ssein .@ama as A$o(? Hit(er. A;H. Ho;LA was a JoDe that my se(? an$ Sahn$ra St. .n&e ma$e in 200* 3 o%er an internet connection that was @ein& hacDe$ an$ was (e?t open si&na( 1'rDoJan hacDe$ constant(y as a res'(t o? 9enneth H'$$ @ein& 'na@(e to con%ince 7omcast to &et the 7omp'ter HacDer arreste$. 1he 0man'e(es hire$ the hacDers. ;aracD H'ssein .@ama is ;.H... an$ Hoe ;i$en is Ho;. 1heir i$entities are ?aDe 3 the 0man'e(es are te((in& the USA to AS'cD itA. ;aracD H'ssein .@ama (ooDs near(y i$entica( to =ittorio 0man'e(eKs cre$it car$ ho($er ?rom 200* 3 @'t with =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tation o? comp(eFion 3 (ip shape 3 ear (o@es 3 an$ nose. I? these in$i%i$'a(s are ?act'a((y who they say they are 3 their names were picDe$ @y the 0man'e(es intentiona((y 5 I $o not @e(ie%e that they are ?act'a( peop(e 3 howe%er. 1he posters an$ ima&es o? ;aracD H'ssein .@ama with his sDin pee(in& o?? 3 re%ea(in& a A:hite ManA 'n$erneath are n'mero's 3 an$ they are $e?inite(y psycho(o&ica( e%i$ence o? a ,action that ha%e in?('ence$ the cartoonists. 1he Hospita(s in the USA are pri%ate(y owne$ hea(thcare ?aci(ities an$ contain ;irth 7erti?icates 3 pro$'ce ;irth 7erti?icates 3 an$ contain as we(( as pro$'ce Me$ica( ,orensic 0%i$ence that any ,action can easi(y ?or&e. ;aracD H'ssein .@ama has @een $escri@e$ as an AA?rican AmericanA as we(( as a 9enyan an$ American M'(atto 5 a person can not @e @oth o? these thin&s 'n(ess they are a(( three 3 which he is not. An A?rican American is not the same race as a 9enyan. 1he psycho(o&y o? a person that $escri@es a 9enyan as an A?rican American 3 is the psycho(o&y o? a person who $oes not 'n$erstan$ that the A?riDDi$ races o? $arDer comp(eFion are more than one race o? peop(e < nor $oes this person 'n$erstan$ that sD'(( shape 3 sDe(eta( shape 3 an$ other ?eat'res o? 2NA s'ch as $enta( shape 3 ?at composition 3 @rain shape 3 an$ m'sc'(at're are a(( $etermine$ @y race. /ace is a pro$'ct o? ancestra( ori&in an$ 2NA 3 it is a physica( rea(ity. It is a possi@i(ity that A;H. Ho;LA is =ittorio 0man'e(eKs persona( JoDe ?or reason that the AAmerican peop(eA ha%e @ecome a@so('te(y i&norant o? Anthropo(o&y 3 7'(t'ra( /e(ati%ity 3 the rea(ity that a Nationa(ity is a physica( race o? peop(e 3 an$ the ?act that =ittorio ?in$s it h'mo'ro's that the AAmerican peop(eA are (ess (oya( to the Nation o? peop(e who ?o'n$e$ the nation

state o? the USA than the Ita(ians (i%in& in North America are (oya( to =ittorio 0man'e(e as 9in& o? Sa%oy o? Ita(ia. =ittorio 0man'e(e III o? Sa%oy 3 =ittorioKs ha(? @rother A$o(? Hit(er 3 an$ H'(i's 0%o(a o? Sa%oy < were &oin& to @e han&e$ $'rin& the N'rem@'r& 1ria(s 5 the Ho'se o? Sa%oy Di((e$ h'n$re$s o? ?ami(ies a?ter the A?a(( o? the 3r$ /eichA ?or p'rpose o? a%ertin& in%esti&ation an$ escapin& $eath 3 the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs $ecision to mo%e to the USA was the res'(t o? their $ecision to escape in%esti&ations @y hi$in& amon&st a $i%erse pop'(ation. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy is sti(( comprise$ o? the same physica( ?ami(ies that it was when they mo%e$ to the USA 3 in$i%i$'a( mem@ers o? the Ho'se o? Aosta ha%e marrie$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy n'mero's times in the past < =ittorio an$ his wi?eKs Aosta (inea&e is not an 'n's'a( occ'rance. In re&ar$s to their 2NA composition < the maJority o? the in$i%i$'a(s o? the Ita(ian racia( pop'(ation in North America are a(most entire(y 100Q Ita(ian 3 1N2 Ita(ian 3 or more than 1N2 Ita(ian 5 a@o't 52Q o? them are o? ?ami(ies that are (oya( to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy as roya(ty 3 e%en whi(e wearin& a USAmerican 2epartment o? 2e?ense ;att(e 2ress Uni?orm or other 'ni?orm with a USAmerican ?(a& on it. 1he p'rpose o? a Mi(itary is to Aa$apt an$ o%ercomeA the a$%ersaries o? that to which it is (oya( 5 a 9ni&ht is a man at arms whom is (oya( to a 4or$ o? some Din$ 3 an em@e$$e$ S(eeper A&ent is a Mi(itary Inte((i&ence .??icer who is @orn within the Nation State o? a ?orei&n nation. A S(eeper A&ent who @ecomes a 2epartment 2irector 3 a 7aptain 3 a S'preme 7o'rt H'$&e 3 or a Presi$ent 5 has s'ccess?'((y achei%e$ a Heirarcha( 2ecapitation. No two Mi(itant ,actions ha%e the same stan$ar$s o? mora(ity or ethics 3 a@i(ities 3 co((ecti%e @e(ie?s 3 co((ecti%e reasonin& 3 &oa(s 3 or p'rpose. 2'rin& the year 200* 3 Heny MaDow p'@(ishe$ artic(es a@o't the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS A&ents /ichar$ NiFon an$ /ichar$ He(ms < $ec(arin& :ater&ate 1ria(s to ha%e @een the res'(t o? the Ita(ian A6IS ,action @ein& co%ert(y em@e$$e$ within o? the U.S.A. Go%ernment. A2eep1hroatA is the name o? a @ooD a@o't the :ater&ate in%esti&ations $'rin& the /ichar$ NiFon Presi$entia( A$ministration. A;ho Ho@LA was a JoDe a@o't a manKs mi($ speech impe$iment an$ accent3 the man was an acI'aintance o? ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs an$ =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs < he sometimes prono'nce$ A4A so'n$s (iDe a AhyaA so'n$. 2ana Um@ro pro'nce$ AIta(ianA an$ ASici(ianA as AItaihyan 3 SicihyanA. N'mero's o? the %ictims o? the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,actionKs :ar /apes 3 ha%e @een ?orce$ to A2eep 1hroat Swor$ Swa((owA o@Jects whi(e they were @ein& rape$ an$ tort're$. 2'rin& the year 2005 3 0$ :arren whi(e worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar with my se(? an$ on =i$eo S'r%ei((ance as we(( as s'r%ei((ance o? Impro%ise 0n&ineere$ A'$io /ecor$in& 2e%ices en&ineere$ ?rom Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone Parts 5 spoDe to 1ay(a 4aw%erKs an$ 1wy(aKs mother 2e@ A2'MontA a@o't =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e or$erin& Ahis &'ysA to ?'n$ the po(itica( campai&n o? a ;aracD H'ssein .@ama ?or reason o? &ettin& a m'(atto man with the initia(s ;.H... e(ecte$ as Presi$ent an$ o? ?in$in& a man with the initia(s H...;. to r'n as his =ice Presi$ent 3 ?or reason o? A;h. Ho;LA. 0$ :arren a(so mentione$ that it was act'a((y &oin& to @e A;ho;ho Ho@LA ?or reason that ;aracD H'ssein .@ama was &oin& to @e rep(ace$ @y two i$entica( imposte'rs =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tate$ to appear to (ooD i$entica( to ;aracD H'ssein .@ama as we(( as S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces ?or reason o? @ein& a@(e to conto'r the m'sc'(at're o? ;aracDKs %oca( (in&'istic m'sc'(at're with Speech 1herapy So?tware to so'n$ i$entica( to ;aracD H'ssein .@amaKs %oice an$ accent. It is a stron& pro@a@i(ity that ;aracD H'ssein .@ama is on the (ist o? Genoci$e 1ar&ets whom are eFpecte$ to @e rep(ace @y imposte'rs. 2'rin& the year o? 2013 < I saw * imposte'rs o? Hoey Marini (i%in& in Manchester NewHampshire at the same time 3 'sin& $'p(icate$ I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o? the same person at the same time. ;etween the years 2000 an$ 2013 3 I ha%e met possi@(y 5 imposte'rs o? my ?ather who I ha%e not @een a@(e to con%ince to

a$mit to me that they are imposte'rs. I ha%e met * imposte'rs o? my mother. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e rep(ace$ their Genoci$e =ictims with Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS So($iers 3 SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims 3 SeF 1ra??icDers 3 an$ ;(acD Mai(e$ 7rimina(s. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs A;h.;h. Ho;LA JoDe in the presi$entia( ca@inet < is the p(an o? A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(y 3 the 0man'e(e /oya( ,ami(y o? Sa%oy o? Ita(ia 5 te((in& the U.S.A. an$ the A((ie$ ,orces ,action to AS'cD itLA. 1his was pro@a@(y a pro$'ct o? the A;h. Ho;LA JoDes that Sahn$ra St..n&e an$ my se(? were recor$e$ @y the hacDer as maDin& as we(( as the constant :rest(in& /e?erences to ::, an$ ::0 3 Iron SheiD an$ Mi&hty Maca@ee 3 an$ Stone 7o($ Ste%e A'stin < as we(( as my roommate Scot H'nter watchin& wrest(in& o?ten an$ the ?act that he was &ay. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy are p(annin& to rep(ace the Presi$ent ;aracD .@ama with a near(y i$entica( imposte'r or two3 an$ $onate$ money to his campai&n ?or reason o? possi@(y ha%in& the opport'nity to rep(ace him with an imposte'r or two (ater. 0$ :arren was ca((in& ;aracD H'ssein .@amaKs rep(acement imposte'r A1he /o$eo 7(own that Deeps the ;'((Ks horns awayA an$ A;ho;hoHo@ the /o$eo 7(own.A. 2'rin& the year 2005 3 ;o@ Sha&o'ry hea$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e rap speaDin& the (yrics A1he Secret Ser%ice wi(( @e my Sh't>sta??e(. 1he Secret Ser%ice wi(( @e my Sh't>sta??e(. 1he State 1rooper wi(( @e my Storm 1rooper. 1he 7apo wi(( @e my Gestapo an$ the Secret Ser%ice wi(( @e my Sh't>sta??e(.A 5 it is a possi@i(ity that mem@ers o? the Secret Ser%ice co'($ c'rrent(y possi@(y @e Sa%oy A6IS So($iers an$ it is a $e?inite pro@a@i(ity that the Secret Ser%ice mem@ers who are (oya( to the U.S.A. are c'rrent(y tar&ette$ ?or &enoci$e an$ rep(acement @y imposte'rs. 2'rin& the U.S.A. Presi$entia( A$ministration o? /ichar$ NiFon 3 n'mero's Secret Ser%ice A&ents were ?act'a((y Sa%oy A6IS So($iers worDin& with /ichar$ NiFon whom Heirarcha((y 2ecapitate$ the U.S.A. 0Fec'ti%e ;ranch o? Go%ernment an$ /ichar$ He(ms who Heirarcha((y 2ecapitate$ the U.S.A. 7entra( Inte((i&ence A&ency. 1he A6IS in the Secret Ser%ice $'rin& the /ichar$ NiFon A$ministration was @ein& ca((e$ A1he Men in ;(acDA an$ was @ein& $escri@e$ as A1he men in @(acD s'its who 'se$ 7ream ,o'n$ation an$ 4ipsticD to hi$e their sDin toneA an$ A1he men in @(acD s'its who threaten witnesses o? Uni$enti?ie$ ,(yin& .@Jects an$ A(ien 0Ftra1errestria(s.A. 2'rin& the year 2000 or 2001 3 the same month as the A:ater&ate 1ape 2ecDA @ein& p'((e$ o't ?rom 'n$erneath Hason He??reyKs passen&er seat 3 Hason He??rey rente$ a mo%ie ?rom ;(ocD@'ster =i$eo in MerrimacD NewHampshire 5 Hason He??rey state$ that Hohn Spr'>inDiKs ?rien$ ,i( 0man'e(eKs @rother 7(int sai$ that Hason sho'($ &et it ?rom ;(ocD@'ster < an$ watch it with a ?rien$ whi(e stone$ on mariJ'ana 3 it is a ?'nny mo%ie. 1he mo%ie which I can not remem@er the name o? was rente$ either with Hason He??reyKs motherKs ;(ocD@'ster =i$eo acco'nt 3 Sam 7asse((aKs motherKs ;(ocD@'ster =i$eo acco'nt 3 or an acco'nt Hason He??rey himse(? opene$ with ;(ocD@'ster =i$eo. 1he mo%ie was pro$'ce$ with a (ow @'$&et 3 was 'nrate$ 5 an$ was @asica((y a cross @etween an animate$ mo%ie 3 a horror mo%ie 3 an$ porno&raphic ?i(m. 1he main character o? the mo%ie was a p'rp(e were &ori((a which was represente$ @y a man wearin& a p'rp(e &ori((a s'it that ha$ a masD which (ooDe$ (iDe the @('e were &ori((a masD that my ?ather ha$ worn on Ha((oween $'rin& the year 1"88 5 it was a p'rp(e anthropomorphic &ori((a werewo(? creat're. 2'rin& the mo%ie 3 the main character Jo&&e$ thro'&h a comm'nity an$ &aine$ entry to peop(esK homes 5 the P'rp(e :ere Gori((a rape$ peop(eKs $a'&hters. 1he p'rp(e &ori((a o?ten wore $is&'ises s'ch as a mai( manKs 'ni?orm or a $octorKs 'ni?orm. In the hospita( scene 3 the P'rp(e :ere Gori((a wore a :hite 2octorKs 4a@ 7oat an$ inJecte$ a ?ema(e with an enormo's syrin&e. A?ter inJectin& the ?ema(e with an enormo's syrin&e 3 the P'rp(e :ere Gori((a rape$ her. I @e(ie%e in one scene 3 the P'rp(e :ere Gori((a tooD

photo&raphs o? the %ictim. 1he mo%ie inc('$e$ n'mero's inter('$e scenes which consiste$ o? ?(ashin& so(i$ co(or @acD&ro'n$s that cyc(e$ thro'&h n'mero's co(ors 3 $'rin& which the Gori((a chase$ peop(e 5 simi(ar to Scoo@y 2oo. In the 7artoon Scoo@y 2oo 3 peop(e wear monster masDs 5 the %i((ains are a(most a(ways wearin& cost'mes (iDe ha((oween cost'mes. 1he mariJ'ana which ha$ @een so($ to Hason was %apor coate$ in 2isassociati%es 3 I ?e(t near(y se$ate$ whi(e watchin& the mo%ie an$ $isassociate$ a ?ew times whi(e watchin& it. 1his mo%ie was pro@a@(y on(y pro$'ce$ in eFtreme(y sma(( n'm@ers. I $isc'sse$ with Hason He??rey the ?act that the women in this mo%ie were o@%io's(y SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims. 1his mo%ie seeme$ to possi@(y @e create$ ?or the p'rpose o? attemptin& to scram@(e my memories o? what happene$ at the Ha((oween Party $'rin& the year 1"88. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy are acti%e SeF 1ra??icDers an$ are &'i(ty o? other ?orms o? H'man 1ra??icDin& as we(( 5 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e3 his ?ather3 an$ his @rothers ha%e @een in%o(%e$ in Porno&raphin& o? SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims n'mero's times. Porno&raphin& o? SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims is an attempt at camo'?(a&in& their SeF 1ra??icDin& an$ other ?orms o? H'man 1ra??icDin&. 1he 0man'e(e ?ami(y has tar&ette$ n'mero's ?ami(ies in the past 300 years an$ &enoci$a((y eFterminate$ then 3 rapin& an$ SeF 1ra??icDin& the ?ema(es in the process o? this an$ sometimes e%en rapin& an$ SeF 1ra??icDin& ma(es as either HomoseF'a( SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims or Gen$er $is&'ise$ 1ransGen$ere$ S'r&ica((y A(tere$ A?ema(esA. 1he mo%ie with the P'rp(e :ere Gori((a is pro@a@(e to ha%e @een written an$ choreo&raphe$ @y an Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS A&ent 5 the mo%ie was pro@a@(y meant to scram@(e the archetypa( memory o? what happene$ $'rin& the a't'mn o? 1"88. 2'rin& the year 2001 3 Samantha 7asse((a was possi@(y S'r&ica( Imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace. Somehow some@o$y ha$ &aine$ entry to her home. It is a possi@i(ity that Hason He??rey a((owe$ this to happen as an Initiation 7rime ?or the 0man'e(e ?ami(y. Samantha 7asse((a awoDe one $ay to ?in$ that the @acD o? her ear(o@e was co%ere$ in a sticDy s'@stance that co%ere$ the @acD o? her ear(o@e an$ ha$ &otten in her hair. At some point $'rin& the ?o((owin& weeD 3 Samantha 7asse((aKs hair 2NA chan&e$ an$ it is o@%io's that this was a res'(t o? a @e%era&e o? hers @ein& tainte$ with =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy =ir's that ca'se$ it to m'tate 5 %ia(s ?i((e$ with hemo&(o@in wherein which Nano 0n&ineere$ =ir's has @een c'(t're$ 3 ha%e @een @ein& 'se$ to ?orci@(y =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy ci%i(ians 2NA. 1o $o this is a :ar 7rime an$ is a %io(ation o? the Gene%a 7on%ention < it is pro@a@(e that Hason He??rey $i$ this to Samantha 7asse((a as an Initiation 7rime. 1he hair &ene with the weaD proteins that has @een 'se$ to poison the @o$ies o? many o? the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,actionKs %ictims is a ?ai(e$ &ene ?rom the 0man'e(e ?ami(yKs 2NA that is pro@a@(y =ittorio 0man'e(eKs &ene himse(? 5 this &ene maDes a personKs hair &row in a thinnin& pattern that (ooDs (iDe A$o(? Hit(erKs thinnin& pattern an$ ca'ses it to @ecome $ry 3 as i? it is missin& a (ayer an$ oi(s. Samantha 7asse((a was on(y ha(? Ita(ian an$ her race is a $e?inite reason ?or her @ein& a tar&et 3 Samantha 7asse((a was a mesti>o o? ;ra>i(ian an$ Ar&entinian ,irst Nations Nati%e American /ace as we(( as ;ra>i(ian an$ Ar&entinian Port'&a((ic /ace. Samantha 7asse((e was o? Mayan race. 2'rin& his (i?e 3 =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e has ha$ a psychotic ?etis ?or rapin& ,irst Nations Nati%e American chi($ren an$ as a res'(t has $e%e(ope$ a racist hatre$ o? ,irst Nations Nati%e American /aces that he @(ames 'pon the race o? the %ictim. 7hris 1homas has $one the same an$ I @e(ie%e that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e has raise$ his son to commit the same crimes as himse(? as Initiation 7rimes. I? the Initiation 7rimes o? a 7rimina( .r&ani>ation are the crimes o? a speci?ic person 3 the &'i(t o? the act an$ the committin& o? the act 3 a(ters a personKs psycho(o&y in m'ch the same way as the person who initia((y committe$ the attacD 5 this mo($s a personKs Psycho(o&ica( Pro?i(e to @e simi(ar to the 7rime 4or$3 which in this case is a

Mi(itant 1errorist 7rimina( Aristocrat whom is a Genoci$a( 0nemy 7om@atant an$ a SeF .??en$er :ar 7rimina(. =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs /acia( I$entity is comp(ete(y ?orei&n 3 he hates an$ has p(anne$ the eFtermination o? the races which ?o'n$e$ the nations o? the U.S.A. 5 the An&(o Gae(ic 3 ,ranDic 3 an$ Ho((an$er race < an$ he has @een Genoci$a((y 0Fterminatin& these races in North America. 2'rin& the year 2005 < /yan Har%ey 3 who was ha(? U.S.American An&(o SaFon an$ ha(? 2e'tsche 5 was poisone$ with =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy =ir's which ca'se$ his hair to m'tate an$ &row (iDe A$o(? Hit(erKs hair. 1his is a Preme$itate$ Genoci$e which str'cD synchronica((y with the " 11 1errorist AttacD an$ is the A-29 AttacDA that was co%ert(y ta(De$ a@o't whi(e the te(e%ision an$ ma&a>ine artic(es $isc'sse$ A7omp'ter 7(ocD G(o@a( 7rashA. 1his S'r&ica( Imp(antin& o? ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces in North America @e&an aro'n$ the year 2000. It is pro@a@(e that my Mother ha$ a ;rain 7opm'ter Inter?ace S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ in her crani'm a&ainst her wi(( $'rin& the approFimate year 2002. 2'rin& the year 2001 3 7hristina ,erio(o was sco($e$ an&ri(y @y Hason /o$&ers an$ I'estione$ a@o't whether or not she was a Genoci$a( :hite S'premacist or @e(ie%e$ in Genoci$e o? North American ,irst Nations Nati%e Americans. ;e?ore &ettin& on an AM1/A9 1rain 3 7hristina ,erio(o poisone$ me with a 2isassociati%e Ne'ro1oFin which near(y ca'se$ me to A@(acD o'tA $isassociate entire(y. Hason /o$&ers rea(i>e$ what she ha$ $one an$ @ecame an&ry with her a@o't this 3 statin& the ?act that A2eathA ca'ses a 2isassociate$ State whi(e yo' are $yin&. Hason /o$&ers state$ to 7hristina ,erio(o that he ha$ hear$ that some o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the Ho'se o? Aosta were p(annin& a Genoci$e in North America an$ that there was a (ist o? races that they were p(annin& to eFterminate inc('$in& ,irst Nations Nati%e Americans as we(( as An&(o SaFons an$ Gae(s. 2'rin& the year 1""E 5 a &ir( name$ 9ristin Si>emore @e&an te((in& me e%ery $ay A9i(( yo'rse(?.A3 A-o' are the '&(iest creat're on the p(anet. -o' sho'($ Di(( yo'rse(?.A 3 AI? I were yo' 3 I wo'($ J'st Di(( my se(?.A 3 A-o' are the most $is&'stin& h'man @ein& a(i%e. -o' are hi$eo's. -o' sho'($ Di(( yo'rse(?.A 3 AI hate yo'. 9i(( yo'rse(?.A. 9ristin Si>emoreKs ?ami(y are c(ose ?rien$s o? ;rian 7aseKs ?ami(y an$ they worD $irect(y ?or =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e. 9ristin Si>emoreKs ?ami(y are a(so 4eon PannetaKs co'sins. =ittorioo 0man'e(e $e?inite(y or$ere$ 9ristin Si>emore to $o this. 1he year that this @e&an was the year that =ittorio 0man'e(e or$ere$ 2anie( ;'cD(ey to $ress as A$o(? Hit(er ?or AImminent Peop(es ProJect 2ayA an$ I ha$ $one my report on the 4aDota Genera( A7ra>y HorseA. 1his ins'(tin& ?rom 9ristin Si>emore contin'e$ ?or * years. 2'rin& the year 1""E 5 anonymo's te(ephone ca((s @e&an to occ'r which consiste$ o? a person ca((in& my ?ami(iesK te(ephone 3 my Mother picDin& 'p the phone 3 an$ anonymo's person on the other en$ ye((in& A9i(( yo'rse(?.A. 1he statements which these anonymo's peop(e ma$e when they ca((e$ my ho'se echoe$ the statements that 9ristin Si>emore ma$e to my ?ace e%ery $ay whi(e at schoo( ?or the entirety o? my schoo( years $'rin& my chi($hoo$3 @'t were $i??erent peop(es %oices. 9ristin Si>emoreKs ?ami(y Dnew Mr. Sa(%o 3 =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 an$ ;rian 7ase an$ his ?ami(y. 2'rin& the year 1""! 3 9ate 7hristianoKs 'nc(e in%ite$ /o@ to =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs @irth$ay party 5 statin& o%er te(ephone /o@ert /o$on 3 4ynn /o$on 3 7hristopher /o$on 3 Matthew /o$on 3 an$ 7hristopherKs @est ?rien$ Ian MacPherson are in%ite$ to =ittorio 0man'e(eKs @irth$ay party at Pen'cheKs in North An$o%er Massach'settes. I was in%ite$ to =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs ;irth2ay Party as the /o$onKs a$$itiona( &'est 5 =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs ;irth2ay Party $'rin& the year

1""! was @ein& hoste$ at Pen'cheKs ;ar an$ /esta'rant in North An$o%er Massach'settes an$ was @ein& sta??e$ @y mem@ers o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen who were 9ni&hts o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ their wi%es. 1he /o$onKs ?rien$ ;r'ce who was a 9ni&ht o? Sa%oy that 7hris o?ten re?erre$ to as AUnc(e ;r'ceA 3 was the 7he? ?or the $inner party. 7hris /o$onKs Mother 4ynn was the ;ar1en$er. I met =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e ?or possi@(y the *th time 3 at his @irth$ay party in 1""!. .? noteworthy coinci$ence is the ?act that ;r'ce (ater worDe$ at NewHampshire Precision Meta( ,a@rication in 4on$on$erry NewHampshire $'rin& the years 200E an$ 200!. 0$ :arren3 whom I (ater met at ,ami(y 2o((ar in the years 200* an$ 2005 < was at =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs 1""! ;irth$ay Party in North An$o%er. I ha$ met 0$ :arren a year @e?ore this at a &rocery store whi(e with 7hristopher /o$on 3 his @rother Matthew /o$on 3 an$ their ?ather /o@ert /o$on. 2'rin& =ittorioKs @irth$ay $inner party at Pen'cheKs ;ar an$ /esta'rant in North An$o%er Massach'settes < I met ,i( 0man'e(e ?or the thir$ time 3 Mosta?a I@nSa'$ ?or the ?irst time 3 mem@ers o? the 7hristiano ?ami(y ?or the secon$ time 3 ,i(Ks @rothers ?or possi@(y the thir$ time 3 an$ another ?rien$ o? the 0man'e(esK an$ /o@ert /o$onKs whoKs name I can not remem@er. HacD 2ion was in%ite$ to =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs @irth$ay party an$ arri%e$ an ho'r ear(y. HacDKs $a'&hter 7hristine 2ion an$ his wi?e S'e 2ion 3 were not present. HacD $i$ not socia(i>e m'ch $'rin& the $inner party 3 he $i$ not ta(D m'ch an$ spent some time rea$in& the News Paper. It is o@%io's that =ittorio in%ite$ @oth my se(? an$ HacD seperate(y 3 to see i? we wo'($ ta(D. Prior to the $inner 3 4ynn intro$'ce$ my se(? an$ her sons 7hris /o$on an$ Matthew /o$on to ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ Mosta?a I@nSa'$. 4ynn to($ Mosta?a that he remin$e$ her o? her sonKs @est?rien$ Ian3 when she intro$'ce$ 's. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e state$ 3 AI ha%e a ?rien$ who is Ara@ian. -o' remin$ me o? him. -o' act'a((y remin$ me o? him a(ot 3 an$ itKs stran&e. -o' remin$ me o? my ?rien$ Mosta?a. A as i? ,i( 0man'e(e co'($ remem@er @ein& intro$'ce$ to me 3 @'t ?or some reason $i$ not reco&ni>e my se(? imme$iate(y. In the year 200* 3 I $i$ not acDnow(e$&e remem@erin& him. I $i$ not eFpect him to @e in /ye NewHampshire. I ?e(t am@'she$. 2'rin& the co'rse o? this $inner party 3 I was recr'ite$ to ser%e p(ates o? mea(s an$ $e(i%er $rinDs to ta@(es. :hi(e I was ser%in& the p(ates 3 4ynn sai$ to me in an irritate$ so'n$in& %oice 5 A=ictor sai$ that yo' are not @ein& ?rien$(y to the &'ests... an$ $onKt comp(ain a@o't not &ettin& pai$ < $onKt yo' e%er he(p o't 3 J'st to he(p some@o$yMA . A?ter 4ynn ha$ state$ this to me 3 =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e @ecame irritate$ with her ?or 'sin& his name an$ to($ her that he $oes not ha%e to pro%i$e her with Jo@s i? she is not &oin& to respect him. =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e ha$ or$ere$ 4ynn to state this to me an$ $i$ not want her to 'se his name. 1he entirety o? this e%ent seeme$ as i? it was p(anne$ @y =ittorio an$ that this was a preme$itate$ sco($in& that he wante$ sai$ to me @y 4ynn in the presense o? his entire ?ami(y an$ their &'ests. I was o%er 4ynn /o$onKs ho'se an a%era&e o? a@o't * $ays a weeD 3 /o@ an$ 4ynn o?ten to($ my ,ather that I was a %ery respect?'( an$ we(( @eha%e$ chi($. A?ter =ittorio ha$ ?inishe$ sco($in& 4ynn /o$on 3 he state$ A1here are n'mero's &'ests here an$ Mosta?a ?rom the 7o'rt o? Sa'$ is here an$ that was %ery r'$e o? yo'.A . Mosta?a respon$e$ to this @y statin& 3 A1hat is my %ery $istant co'sin. I am aro'n$ yo'r ?ami(y o?ten an$ yo' Dnow that. I $onKt e%en (i%e in Ara@ia 3 I (i%e in the Unite$ States. I $i$ not ?in$ him to @e r'$e at a((. It is rea((y not that @i& o? a $ea(.A HacD 2ion (e?t the $inner party ear(y 3 statin& that he ha$ to ret'rn to his ?ami(y. .n the $ri%e home ?rom North An$o%er Massach'settes 3 4ynn eFp(aine$ that she was sorry an$ that she was %ery irritate$ with =ittorio. 4ynn $isc'sse$ her irritation with /o@ who to($ her to ta(D to =ictor a@o't it i? she has a pro@(em with what he to($ her to $o. 4ynn $i%orce$ /o@ a year (ater. 1here is recor$ o? who was at =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 1""E or 1""! ;irth$ay Party at Pen'cheKs in North An$o%er Massach'settes < there were mo@i(e ce(('(ar te(ephones an$

pa&ers present 3 internet con%ersations occ'rre$ which re&ar$e$ the 'pcomin& @irth$ay an$ con%ersations that occ'rre$ a?terwar$s concernin& what ha$ happene$ 3 an$ con%ersations on home te(ephones ha$ occ'rre$ @e?ore an$ a?terwar$s wherein $etai( $isc'ssin& =ittorio 0man'e(eKs @irth$ay party were $isc'sse$. 4ynn /o$on who was @orn 4ynn ;an&s 3 she has @een $i%orce$ ?rom /o@ert /o$on ?or a@o't 1* years now an$ has since marrie$ a man name$ Marty who is somehow acI'ainte$ with n'mero's ?ami(ies o? the 9ni&hts o? Sa%oy 5 =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e 'se$ to hire 4ynn to worD at e%ents that A=ictorA an$ mem@ers o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy wo'($ host ?or pro?it s'ch as the ;('es ,esti%a( in Massach'settes where 4e%on He(m was per?ormin& that the /o$ons @ro'&ht my se(? to in 1""!. I ha$ met =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e n'mero's times $'rin& my chi($hoo$ whi(e with the /o$ons 3 I a(so met =ittorioKs sons n'mero's times whi(e with the Io$iceKs an$ at other (ocations that they wo'($ appear seemin&(y coinci$enta((y. =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e has @een sta(Din& my ?ami(y my entire (i?e 5 this is o@%io's(y @eca'se o? the ?act that his 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate 'se$ my Mother as an initiation crimes %ictim thro'&ho't her entire chi($hoo$ an$ the ?act that =ittorioKs son 7hris 1homas 7hi($ Porno&raphe$ my se(? 3 HacDKs $a'&hter 7hristine 2ion < my co'sins Marco /oy 3 2'stin 4a%oie 3 an$ Monica MosesDy 3 as we(( as Samantha G'ay 3 an$ he tooD a pict're o? his ?in&ers in my in?ant sister SheenaKs %a&ina an$ an's 5 this occ'rre$ in 1"88 $'rin& a Ha((oween Party that 7hris 1homas was in%ite$ to @y my 'nc(e A( Io$ice that was @ein& he($ at my ho'se at EE ;ean /oa$ in MerrimacD NewHampshire. My co'sin H'(iannaKs ?ami(y were a(so &enoci$a((y tar&ette$ @y mem@ers o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 5 the near tota( eFtermination o? her ?ami(y in Sici(y ca'se them to re(ocate to the USA 3 she coinci$enta((y marrie$ into my MotherKs ?ami(y an$ the same ?ami(y A( Io$ice marrie$ into. Near(y e%ery person ?rom =ittorio 0man'e(eKs @irth$ay party $'rin& 1""! 3 who is not o? the imme$iate /oya( ,ami(y o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 5 ha%e either @een S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 2e%ices or ha%e @een rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs an$ are c'rrent(y missin&. In the year 200* 3 0$ :arren an$ Anthony 2e,eo were o%erhear$ $isc'ssin& p(ans to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa'$ ?or somethin& 5 whi(e we were worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n Street in Manchester NewHampshire. In the year 200! 3 a short perio$ o? time a?ter ;r'ce o@taine$ emp(oyment at NewHampshire Precision Meta( ,a@rication where I ha$ recent(y @e&'n worDin& 5 I was i((e&a((y taDen in chains to the NewHampshire Hospita( on 7(inton Street in 7oncor$ NewHampshire an$ was s'r&ica((y imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace consistin& o? a Ne'roPatch wire$ to an A/G.S G.P.S. 2e%ice s'r&ica((y imp(ante$ in my Jaw. :hi(e I was stayin& in this Hospita( ?or a ?ew $ays 3 9ate 7hristiano was a$mitte$ to the win& that I was a$mitte$ on an$ asDe$ me A2o yo' Dnow =ictorM HeKs my ,atherKs co'sin. I mean3 he is a ?rien$ o? the ?ami(y. He is act'a((y my ,atherKs co'sinKs 3 co'sin.A. I witnesse$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e wa(Din& the ha((s at the NewHampshire Hospita( on 7(inton Street in 7oncor$ NewHampshire possi@(y a month prior to this. It is pro@a@(e that G(enn A2an>i&A An>a(one o? NewHersey Dnows o? the 0man'e(esK 1errorist 7rime Syn$icateKs SeF .??ense Initiation 7rimes. In 1""8 3 I was to($ @y ;o@ 2esa'niers who hear$ ?rom 1ony Mi(ano that $'rin& approFimate(y 1""E 5 three men threatene$ G(enn at his home 3 statin& to him that he ha$ Aratte$ on =ictorA. In one o? G(enn A2an>i&A An>a(oneKs a(@'m c$ @ooD(ets 3 there is a pict're o? him with a woman with a $o& (eash an$ $o& co((ar on her necD. 1here is a(so e%i$ence that what G(enn A2an>i&A An>a(one ha$ spoDen a@o't concernin& =ictor 3 was that he @e(ie%e$ =ictor #=ittorio 0man'e(e I=) was in%o(%e$ in SeF 1ra??icDin& o? 7hi($ren an$ was a Pe$ophi(e SeF .??en$er. 2'rin& the year 200* 3 G(enn A2an>i&A An>a(oneKs @rother

came in to ,ami(y 2o((ar to see who I was. 2'rin& the year 2005 3 inter%iews an$ photo&raphs o? two imposte'rs o? G(enn A2an>i&A An>a(one were p'@(ishe$ to the wor($ wi$e internet. 1he si&ni?icance o? Psycho(o&ica( Pro?i(in& o? the Genoci$a( 1errorist ,action whom ha%e S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces an$ A/G.S G.P.S. NetworDin& 2e%ices in 7i%i(ianKs 3 ,e$era( 0mp(oyeeKs3 an$ Mi(itary 0mp(oyeeKs @o$ies in the U.S.A. is o? eFtreme importance an$ is a res'(t o? the 0man'e(esK o@session with their &'i(t as we(( as the 0man'e(esK an$ their 1errorist 7rimina( A&entsK connections within Me$ia Pro$'ction 7ompanies in the U.S.A. an$ other re&ions o? the wor($. 1he :ar /ape attacDs o? the 0man'e(e 0%o(a 1errorist ,action which are reI'ire$ o? them to pro%e their tr'st to one another an$ ?or p'rpose o? @(acD mai(in& each other are $esi&ne$ @y the 0man'e(es themse(%es an$ portray the psycho(o&y o? a &ro'p o? ma(es with m'(tip(e &enerations o? SeF .??ense &'i(t 5 the attacD 'pon minors which is reI'ire$ o? them inc('$es the ?orce?'( 'se o? a $o& co((ar an$ $o& (eash 3 this attacD 'pon minors is a pro$'ct o? 7hris 1homas +0man'e(eKs8 &'i(t concernin& the 7hi($ Porno&raphy an$ /ape o? Minors which he committe$ at my ?ami(yKs ho'se at EE ;ean /oa$ in MerrimacD NewHampshire in the U.S.A. an$ the ?act that he ?orce$ Samantha G'ay an$ my co'sin Monica MosesDy to wear a $o& co((ar an$ $o& (eash $'rin& his photo&raphin& o? them. 1he 0man'e(esK in?('ence 'pon what @ecame the mo%ie A;roDe;acD Mo'ntainA is a res'(t o? ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs an$ 2anie( Hames +0man'e(eKs8 ins'(tin& statement ?orsha$owin& their attacDs 'pon women in North America 3 $'rin& which they ?orce$ the women to swa((ow ?eces an$ ca((e$ it A;roDe;acD Mo'ntain ,aceA as i? it were a seF'a( position < the 0man'e(esK in?('ence 'pon this mo%ie is a(so the res'(t o? my co'sin 2'sty 4a%oieKs Ha((oween cost'me which was a 7ow@oy cost'me an$ the ?act that 2'sty was or$ere$ @y 7hris 1homas +0man'e(e8 to commit homoseF'a( acts whi(e 7hris 1homas +0man'e(e8 tooD photo&raphs. 1he si&ni?icance o? the concept o? 2o&s an$ SeF to the 0man'e(esK co((ecti%e psycho(o&y portraye$ in these attacDs is a res'(t o? the ?act that Marco /oyKs an$ Samantha G'ayKs cost'mes were ;'(( 2o& an$ Poo$(e 2o& cost'mes. 2'rin& the S'mmer season o? 1"8" < 7hris 1homas +0man'e(e8 arri%e$ at my ho'se in MerrimacD on EE ;ean /oa$ in NewHampshire 3 U.S.A. . .n this $ay 3 7hris 1homas +0man'e(e8 han$e$ A( Io$ice a @(acD Dni?e an$ to($ A( to &i%e it to me. I was 5 years o($. 5 years o($ was the a&e that my mother 2e@ra 4a=oie MacPherson was when she was 'se$ as an Initiation 7rime =ictim @y =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ his entire 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate 5 my Mother an$ her si@(in&s as we(( as my Nana 3 were ?orce$ to (i%e in the ho'se o? a SeF 1ra??icDer name$ A7h'cDA who was a 1errorist 7rime So($ier o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs. :hen my mother 2e@ra 4a%oie was 5 years o($ 3 =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate 'se$ her ?or a n'm@er o? menKs Initiation 7rimes 5 one o? these which they a(( committe$ in%o(%e$ the ho($in& o? a Dni?e to my motherKs throat an$ the ?orcin& o? my Mother to per?orm ,e((atio 'pon the a$'(t ma(es3 this same crime was or$ere$ to @e committe$ 'pon my sister Sheena MacPherson at the a&e o? 8 years o($. 1he repeate$ SeF'a( A@'se o? my mother an$ her si@(in&s as yo'n& chi($ren occ'rre$ $'rin& the NiFon A$ministration an$ occ'rre$ in a town in the state o? Massach'settes o? the U.S.A. < the Po(ice .??icers worDin& in this town in Massach'settes were &'i(ty an$ were 1errorist 7rime So($iers o? the 0man'e(e 0%o(a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate who were worDin& within the Po(ice 2epartment. A7h'cDKsA name on paperworD was A7har(es 2o'&(asA which was his American a(ias name J'st as HacD 2ion is an American a(ias name which was p't on his paperworD as an in?ant3 /ichar$ NiFon was an a(ias name 3 an$ /ichar$ He(ms was an a(ias name 5 a(( o? these in$i%i$'a(s were Ita(ian A6IS 0spiona&e S(eeper A&ents. A7h'cDA 2o'&(as an$ /ichar$ He(ms who was emp(oye$ within the U.S.A. 7entra( Inte((i&ence A&ency $'rin& the

/ichar$ NiFon Presi$entia( A$ministration were a(so 0man'e(e 0%o(a 1errorist 7rime So($iers. My Nana 3 Hoanne 1r'$ea' 7arty < was ?orce$ to AmarryA 7har(es 2o'&(as on paperworD an$ was not a((owe$ to (ea%e the ?arm they (i%e$ at 5 e%ery time that my Gran$Mother Hoanne 1r'$ea' 7arty attempte$ to escape ?rom the town in Massach'settes with my mother an$ her si@(in&s 3 Po(ice .??icers arreste$ them an$ @ro'&ht them in han$c'??s an$ chains @acD to 7har(es A7h'cDA 2o'&(asKs ?arm ho'se. My Mother 3 her si@(in&s 3 an$ my Gran$Mother were not a@(e to escape ?rom this manKs ho'se 'nti( my Mother was 1* 5 when my Mother was 1* years o? a&e 3 she an$ her si@(in&s mo%e$ to their ,atherKs ho'se an$ my Gran$Mother was somehow a@(e to $i%orce 7har(es A7h'cDA 2o'&(as a ?ew years (ater. ;y the time she was $i%orce$ < her 'pper arms were he($ to&ether @y meta( @o(ts that ha$ @een 'se$ to s'r&ica((y re attach her 'pper arm @ones a?ter A7h'cDA an$ his 1errorist 7rime Accomp(ices ha$ @roDen them 3 my Gran$Mother Hoanne 1r'$ea' 7artyKs hip was @roDen an$ her (e& was ?ract're$. My Gran$Mother Hoanne 1r'$ea' was tar&ette$ @y the 0man'e(e 0%o(a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate as an Initiation 7rime SeF .??ense =ictim 3 as were her chi($ren < @eca'se o? their race 5 @eca'se they are the Nati%e /ace to this Nation an$ this Soi( is their /aceKs Home(an$. My Gran$Mother was @orn Hoanne 1r'$ea' 3 an$ is c'rrent(y s'ppose$ to @e marrie$ with the name Hoanne 1r'$ea' 7arty. Hoanne 1r'$ea'Ks race is the In$i&eno's Nati%e /ace which (i%e$ in the ,o'n$in& /e&ion o? the Unite$ States o? America an$ a(so the ,ranDic American /ace o? ,rench 7o(onia(s that 7o(oni>e$ this re&ion an$ other re&ions near@y < she ma$e chi($ren with /ona($ 4a=oie whoKs race was ,ranDic American o? the ,rench 7o(onia(s 3 Gae(ic 7o(onia( an$ Irish Immi&rant 3 an$ In$i&eno's Nati%e American. My Mother is the Nati%e /ace o? the Unite$ States o? America an$ 7ana$a < my ?ather /'sse(( MacPherson is the An&(o Gae(ic /ace that ?o'n$e$ the U.S.A. an$ 7ana$a3 as we(( as is he the ,ranDic race that co(in>e$ these re&ions an$ ?o'n$e$ these nations. My ?ami(y was tar&ette$ @y the 0man'e(e 0%o(a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate ?or the reason that we are the Nati%e /ace o? the Nation an$ ?or the reason that the soi( o? this (an$ is my /aceKs Home(an$. 1he man who ca((e$ himse(? AA$o(? Hit(erA was =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs patri(inea( ha(? @rother 3 an$ an 0spiona&e 7o%ert A&ent o? the Ita(ian Ho'se o? Sa%oy who in?i(trate$ the Nationa( Socia(ist 2e'tsche 4a@o'r Party an$ 'se$ his position to Heirarcha((y 2ecapitate the Nation o? 2e'tsche(an$ 5 the 0man'e(es attacDe$ the /ace o? the Nation they mo%e$ to a?ter the ,a(( o? the 3r$ /eich an$ their $ecision to ?(ee into A0Fi(eA ?rom the 9in&$om o? Ita(ia 3 ha(? o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy mo%e$ to the U.S.A. $'rin& the 1"50Ks an$ the ?o((owin& years. It is pro@a@(e that the A0Fi(e o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oyA was ?a(se ?(a&&e$ as an 0Fi(e @y Sa%oy 4oya(ists ?or p'rpose o? attemptin& to (ater pre empti%e(y 7o%ert(y 7o'p $e 0tat as we(( as Heirarcha((y 2ecapitate entire 2epartments within the ,e$era( Go%ernment o? the U.S.A. 3 re&iona( Po(icin& an$ In%esti&ation 2epartments3 an$ 2epartments o? Mi(itary within the 2epartment o? 2e?ense 3 an$ to hi$e the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ?rom N'rem@'r& In%esti&ations an$ contin'e$ in%esti&ations in%o(%in& A$o(? Hit(er an$ the Ho(oca'st. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e @een conspirin& to 7onI'er ?rom :ithin the Nation o? the U.S.A. an$ others since the secon$ $e?eat o? the Ita(ian A6IS an$ ha%e @een acti%e(y co%ert(y Genoci$a((y 0Fterminatin& ?ami(ies an$ races Nati%e to the U.S.A. an$ 7ana$a. 1he 0man'e(es o?ten SeF 1ra??icD the ?ema(es an$ occaisiona((y e%en the ma(es o? the ?ami(ies the 0man'e(e 0%o(a 1errorist ,action tar&ette$ ?or 1ota( Genoci$e. Since the years o? the 1"*0Ks to the present $ay year o? 2013 5 entire ?ami(ies ha%e @een eFterminate$ in North America @y this 0nemy 7om@atant ,action an$ the &o%ernment o? the U.S.A. ha%e @een pre%ente$ ?rom proper(y in%esti&atin& these 7rimes A&ainst H'manity which are @ein& committe$ @y a ?orei&n /acia( ,action o? Genoci$a( 1errorists (oya( to the Sa%oy Aristocracy. 1he Dni?e that was &i%en to me @y 7hris 1homas +0man'e(e8 when I was 5 years o($ was a @(acD 3 @'oy Dni?e 3 ?ishin& Dni?e < with a

compass on the @ottom o? the han$(e that 'nscrewe$ to co%er a ho((ow han$(e that was ?i((e$ with ?ishin& hooDs 3 ?ishin& wei&hts 3 matches 3 an$ ?ishin& (ine. 1his Dni?e was 'n$er the seat o? my 7he%y ;(a>er $'rin& the A't'mn season o? the year 2003 3 when I assa'(te$ what I @e(ie%e was possi@(t the ?irst imposte'r o? my ?ather who ha$ J'st ret'rne$ ?rom 0'rope with my ,atherKs passport somehow 5 I (e?t MerrimacD NewHampshire a?ter the physica( a(tercation with the man an$ was arreste$ in Amherst NewHampshire 3 the Po(ice 2epartment o? Amherst NewHampshire Dept this @(acD @'oy ?ishin& Dni?e an$ ?i(e$ as e%i$ence a?ter searchin& my a'tomo@i(e ?or weapons. .? re(e%ance to the ?irst an$ secon$ $e?eats o? the A6IS ,action an$ my ?ami(y @ein& tar&ette$ ?or &enoci$e 5 my Great Gran$,ather A(@ert MacPherson was a :or($ :ar 1 U.S.American A/M- =eteran 3 an$ his son A(@ert MacPherson Hr. who was my Gran$,ather Norman MacPhersonKs @rother 5 was a :or($ :ar 2 U.S.American A/M=eteran. ;oth s'r%i%e$ m'ch acti%e com@at in 0'rope $'rin& the war. It is @e(ie%e$ that some o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate o@tain Jo@s within (aw en?orcement a?ter committin& the reI'ire$ SeF .??ense Initiation 7rimes to @e tr'ste$ @y the 0man'e(es. 1hese Po(ice &rant Po(ice Imm'nities to the 0man'e(e 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate in the re&ion that the worD in an$ o?ten a((ow the SeF .??ense Initiation 7rimes to @e committe$ in the re&ions wherein they worD 3 witho't arrestin& the party whom they Dnow ?or a ?act are &'i(ty. 1here is a $'a( p'rpose ?or the Initiation 7rimes o? the 0man'e(esK 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate < the ?irst p'rpose is to @'i($ a 7rimina( /e&ime o? in$i%i$'a(s who wi(( not testi?y a&ainst their own accomp(ices ?or SeF .??enses or any .r&ani>e$ 7rime 3 SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 or 1errorism. 1he secon$ p'rpose is to ?orce their re&ime to mi(itari(y 7o'p $e K0tat the entire nation o? the USA inc('$in& the Mi(itary 3 Po(ice 3 7.I.A. 3 an$ ,.;.I. 5 ?or p'rpose o? %ertin& arrest ?or their 7rimes A&ainst H'manity an$ :ar 7rime SeF .??enses which ha%e @een recor$e$ into the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 7omp'ters o? the U.S.A. Mi(itary 3 ,.;.I. ,e$era( 7omp'ter Ser%er /ecor$s 3 the ,e$era( 7omm'nications 7ommission 3 an$ 7omm'nications 7orporations. A( Io$ice was or$ere$ @y 7hris 1homas +0man'e(e8 to re?er to 7hris 1homas as his Aother son ?rom his other wi?eA . 2'rin& the NiFon A$ministration 3 when my mother was @ein& SeF 1ra??icDe$ @y =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate in Massach'settes U.S.A. < =ittorio was mocDe$ ?or @ein& in%o(%e$ in SeF 1ra??icDin& o? 7hi($ren 3 A-o' are o%er there so o?ten 3 that she m'st @e yo'r other wi?e. Is that yo'r (itt(e B'eenieMA. My Mother was mocDin&(y ca((e$ A4itt(e B'eenieA @y the men who were rapin& her ?or " years o? her chi($hoo$. 2'rin& the year 1""0 < 7hris 1homas +0man'e(e8 was a&ain %isitin& my co'sins 3 the Io$ice ?ami(y. 1he Io$ice ?ami(y $ro%e to my ho'se in two seperate %ehic(es ?or reason that my co'sin 2'sty an$ my 'nc(e Scot was with them. :hen Michae( Io$ice eFite$ the car that my a'nt 4es(ie ha$ $ri%en 3 he wa(De$ 'p to 7hris 1homas an$ @it his han$3 p'nche$ him 3 an$ then DicDe$ him < a?ter which he screame$ AI hate yo' 7hris 1homasL 4ast ni&ht yo' st'cD somethin& in meLA 7hris 1homas rep(ie$ with 3 AIt was a thermometer. It was a ci&arette. It was J'st a (itt(e thin&.A 3 a?ter which Michae( Io$ice ye((e$ at him ANo it wasnKtL It was somethin& (ar&eL I hate yo' 7hris 1homasLA 5 A( Io$ice asDe$ 7hris 1homas 3 A:hatKs this heKs ta(Din& a@o'tMA. 7hris 1homas + 0man'e(e 8 $i$ not respon$ to A( Io$ice with any comp(ete answer. A?ter 7hris 1homas @ein& asDe$ n'mero's I'estions @y my 'nc(e Scot 7arty an$ My 'nc(e A( Io$ice < 7hris 1homas + 0man'e(e 8 co'($ not &i%e a ?ina( answer to which A( Io$ice state$ A-o' sti(( ha%e not &i%en me a concrete answer 3 7hris. I $onKt (iDe what I am hearin&.A. 1he con%ersation topic was e%ent'a((y chan&e$ @y A( a?ter Scot p't 7hris 1homas + 0man'e(e 8 in a &'i((otine hea$ (ocD an$ threatene$ him. It is @e(ie%e$ that 7hris 1homas + 0man'e(e 8

SeF'a((y Assa'(te$ Michae( Io$ice in his s(eep < which res'(te$ in Michae( Io$ice waDin& 'p an$ attemptin& to scream 3 @'t his mo'th was co%ere$. Another co'sin o? mine who was in the room to($ me a@o't it that $ay. 2'rin& the year 200! 5 an Imposte'r o? Hoe 4e;aron was (i%in& on /ai(roa$ A%e. with Hoe 4e;aronKs wi?e 7he(sea A%i(as. 1he Imposte'r o? Hoe 4e;aron ha$ taDen photo&raphs o? his penis insi$e o? 7he(sea 3 'sin& a po(aroi$ camera. 2'rin& the (ate A't'mn o? 1"883 7hris 1homas +0man'e(e8 tra$e$ photo&raphs an$ written con?ession with pse'$onym at the en$ o? it 3 with the NAM;4A 7rime 4or$ in ;oston Massach'settes. 7hris 1homas reporte$(y $escri@e$ himse(? as A$o(? Hit(erKs @io(o&ica( re(ati%e in the written con?ession an$ si&ne$ it ASamoth SrichA. 1he Ne'roScience So?tware that the 0man'e(esK 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate ha%e $e%e(ope$ is capa@(e o? @ein& 'se$ with an 0(ectro0ncepha(oGraphy He(met on to in?('ence peop(e to $o speci?ic thin&s an$ e%en ro@otica((y contro( their @o$y 'sin& the so?tware. A ;rain to ;rain 7omm'nication Ne'roScience So?tware @ein& 'se$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace is capa@(e o? @ein& 'se$ ?or te(epathy as we(( as ?or other p'rposes. 1he psycho(o&y o? what the imposte'rs who ha%e rep(ace$ many o? the Americans in the North 0ast o? the USA ha%e @een @ein& to($ to $o < is so eFtreme(y simi(ar to the psycho(o&y o? 7hris 1homas 3 7hrisKs @rother ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e 3 an$ their ?ather =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e 5 it is $e?inite that the actions that these imposte'rs ha%e @een @ein& to($ to commit are the 0man'e(esK or$ers. My 'nc(e A( Io$ice was o? an Ita(ian ?ami(y that mo%e$ to the U.S.A. ?rom Ita(ia. A( Io$iceKs &ran$?ather was some sort o? (oya( a&ent o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy which co'($ possi@(y ha%e @een a 9ni&ht $escen$e$ ?rom somethin& (iDe a /oya( Assassin at one time in his ancestry. A( Io$iceKs ?ather ha$ some Din$ o? 'n$ec(are$ position o? (oya(ty to the 0man'e(e ?ami(y o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ it is pro@a@(e that A( Io$iceKs &ran$?ather was some Din$ o? Ita(ian A6IS 0spiona&e S(eeper A&ents an$ were simi(ar to a 9ni&ht o? Sa%oy in a way that they can not open(y a$mit that they are 9ni&hts o? Sa%oy 5 this is simi(ar to a /oya( Assassin 3 whom are 9ni&hte$ in secret. It is possi@(e that A( Io$iceKs ?ami(y was in a simi(ar position as HacD 2ionKs an$ that A( Io$iceKs &ran$?ather an$ ?ather were in ?act 9ni&hts o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy @'t was o? 'no??icia( position as s'ch ?or the reason that they were sent to the U.S.A. as espiona&e a&ents. 1here ?act'a((y eFists a(ot o? espiona&e re(ate$ to the A6IS ?rom Ita(ia an$ (oya( to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy in the U.S.A. that &oes 'n$etecte$3 the /oya( ,ami(y o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy mo%e$ to the U.S.A. a?ter the Secon$ :or($ :ar an$ some o? their $istant co'sins may ha%e a(rea$y @een (i%in& in the U.S.A. . In the year 1"8! < =ittorio 0man'e(eKs son 7hris 1homas 3 whom was a$opte$ to a mem@er o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen that was an Ita(ian 0spiona&e A&ent 5 @'rnt my in?ant co'sin Michae(Ks (e& with (it ci&arettes. 1his occ'rre$ at the Io$icesK apartment on Pine Street that was a sin&(e story ?(at with %enetian sh'tters 5 this was the apartment neFt to the &reen three story apartment @'i($in& with the $irt $ri%eway neFt to it 3 that is c'rrent(y con$emne$. I remem@er that $'rin& this time 3 A( Io$ice wo'($ parD his car in the 'npa%e$ parDin& (ot neFt to the &reen apartment @'i($in&. 1he ni&ht $'rin& the year 1"8! that 2'sty an$ I s(ept o%er at my Unc(e A(Ks an$ A'nt 4es(ieKs apartment on Pine street in Manchester NewHampshire 3 7hris 1homas sai$ that he wo'($ @a@ysit @rie?(y an$ was (e?t a(one with * chi($ren whi(e my 'nc(e A( an$ my 'nc(e Scot went to picD 'p some thin&s at the store. 7hris ma$e a reI'est that they picD him 'p a ?ew thin&s at the store an$ &a%e them money. A?ter A( an$ Scot (e?t 3 7hris 1homas + 0man'e(e 8 picDe$ 'p a (ar&e Ditchen Dni?e an$ @e&an @ran$ishin& it at my se(? an$ my co'sin 2'sty < 2'sty sai$ to me A :e sho'($ &o $own stairs to the @asement. HeKs not @ein& ?rien$(y an$ he $oesnKt (ooD %ery nice. A. :hi(e we were in the @asement 3 7hris 1homas smoDe$ a@o't a ha(? a pacD o? ci&arettes an$ 'se$ each one to @'rn Michae(Ks

(e& @e?ore p'ttin& it o't in the ash tray. :hen my 'nc(e A( Io$ice an$ my 'nc(e Scot 7arty ret'rne$ ?rom the store < A( notice$ the @'rns a(( o%er Michae(Ks (e&s an$ @ecame in?'riate$ with 7hris 1homas 3 statin& AI (e?t yo' a(one with my son an$ nephews ?or a ha(? an ho'r an$ I come @acD to yo' p'ttin& ci&arettes o't in my in?ant sonKs (e&s. :hat Din$ o? shit are yo' onM I canKt e%en tr'st yo' with my in?ant son.A to which 7hris 1homas rep(ie$ 3 AI $onKt ha%e to answer to this. I $onKt ha%e to answer to yo'. I $o not ha%e to taDe or$ers ?rom yo'. I $o not answer to yo'. I am not yo'r in?erior. -o' are not my &o$. I $o not ha%e a &o$. -o' are not my Din&. I $o not ha%e to answer to yo'.A. A( Io$ice rep(ie$ to this sayin& 3 A -o'Kre ta(Din& to me (iDe I am yo'r in?erior. :hat3 $o yo' thinD I am one o? yo'r s'@JectsMA to which 7hris 1homas rep(ie$ 3 A-o' are Ita(ian. -o'r race is Ita(ian. -o' are one o? my s'@Jects. -o' are one o? my ?ami(yKs s'@Jects.A < a?ter hearin& A( say this to him 3 I state$ A-o' so'n$ (iDe a Satanist.A ?rom the (i%in& room $en area o? the apartment. A( Io$ice respon$e$ to 7hris 1homas sayin& A1hat was o%er there 3 I am not that o%er here. 1his is America 3 7hris. An$ yo'Kre not yo'r ?ather. 0%en i? my ?ather was that ?or yo'r ?ather3 yo' are not yo'r ?ather. 0%en i? yo' were the 9in& 3 7hris... yo' J'st p't ci&arettes o't in an in?antKs (e&. A. 7hris 1homas then sai$ 3 A-o' are my ?ami(yKs s'@Ject. -o' are Ita(ian.A 3 to which Scot 7arty respon$e$ @y sayin& 3 A:hat a@o't what Ian J'st asDe$ yo'M Are yo' SatanistM 2o yo' e%en @e(ie%e in anythin&M 2o yo' @e(ie%e in the $e%i( an$ thinD that yo' are thatM -o' ta(D (iDe itA. A( Io$ice then sai$ to 7hris 1homas 5 AHow can yo' e%en (ooD at yo'rse(? in the mirrorMA. A?ter this occ'rre$ 3 7hris 1homas attempte$ to c(aim that A( Io$ice @'rnt his own son Michae(Ks (e& with ci&arettes himse(?. A( Io$ice an$ HacD 2ion were in some position o? $e?ense(essness to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ?or some reason 'n@eDnownst to my se(? 3 they seeme$ to hate 7hris 1homas an$ ha%e no respect ?or 7hris 1homasKs ?ather =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e < this o@%io's(y @ein& the res'(t o? the SeF .??enses 3 Assa'(ts 3 an$ other $ishono'ra@(e $is&'stin& crimes which the 0man'e(es ha$ committe$ 'pon their ?ami(ies 3 their ?ami(iesK ?rien$s 3 an$ others 5 $espite A( Io$iceKs an$ HacD 2ionKs $is&'st ?or the 0man'e(es 3 they were ?or some reason 'na@(e to te(( them ANo.A. It is a $e?inite ?act that in$i%i$'a( mem@ers o? @oth HacD 2ionKs an$ A( Io$iceKs ?ami(ies ha$ @een in%o(%e$ in Ita(ian A6IS S(eeper 7e(( 0spiona&e co%ert operations in the U.S.A. 5 ?or this reason 3 I @e(ie%e that it is pro@a@(e that the HacD 2ionKs an$ A( Io$iceKs ?ami(y were in some way accomp(ice to the same &ro'p o? s(eeper ce(( assassins who assassinate$ the ?ormer USA Presi$ent Hohn ,it>&era($ 9enne$y. 1he ?act that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha$ $e?inite(y or$ere$ the assassination o? Hohn ,it>&era($ 9enne$y has contin'e$ to @e $enie$ @y the Ho'se o? Sa%oy @y metho$ o? pro$'cin& Me$ia that promotes the i$ea an$ @e(ie? that 7omm'nists Di((e$ Hohn ,it>&era($ 9enne$y 5 this is simi(ar to 7omm'nists @ein& @(ame$ ?or the arson which @'rne$ $own the 2e'tsche(an$ Par(iament Ho'se 3 which was (ater @(ame$ on the Nationa( Socia(ist 2e'tsche 4a@or Party3 the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ their @io(o&ica( an$ mi(itant connection to A$o(? Hit(er was $enie$ @y metho$ o? mass pro$'ce$ p'@(ications which o'tn'm@ere$ the p'@(ications which were sma((er in n'm@er. Presi$ent Geor&e ;'sh an$ =ice Presi$ent 2icD 7heney as we(( as the AU.S.A. Go%ernmentA were @(ame$ ?or A/eichsta&Kin&A the " 11 1errorist AttacDs. 1he 0man'e(es $e?inite(y in%est in entertainment me$ia 3 $oc'mentary me$ia 3 news me$ia 3 an$ they $ictate to the pro$'cers o? this me$ia eFact(y what it is that is p'@(ishe$. A( Io$ice $e%e(ope$ a s'@stance a@'se pro@(em an$ @e&an attemptin& to train me (iDe a Spartan 7hi($. A( Io$ice @e&an @y smi(in& at me an$ sI'ee>in& my han$ pain?'((y aro'n$ the Dn'cD(es e%ery time that I shooD his han$ 3 t'rnin& the smi(e into an e%i( &rin e%ery time. A( Io$ice then @e&an capt'rin& the chi($ren o? the ?ami(y an$ p'ttin& them in a one ?oot wi$th space @etween the (e?t si$e o? the re?ri$&erator at my

&ran$?ather /ona($ 4a=oieKs ho'se 3 (ine$ them a(( 'p sho'($er to sho'($er < he p'she$ me in (ast an$ @e&an p'shin& on my (e?t sho'($er an$ te((in& me A1hatKs yo'r tri@e. 1hose are yo'r peop(e. 1hatKs yo'r nation. 1hose are the women o? yo'r tri@e. 1hatKs yo'r ?ami(y. -o'Kre not stron& eno'&h to protect them. -o' are not stron& eno'&h. -o' nee$ to @e stron&er. :hat are yo' &oin& to $oM I am stron&er than yo'. P'sh har$er. -o' ha%e to &et o't. -o' ha%e to protect them an$ &et them o't.A . A( Io$ice a(so steppe$ on my ?eet when I wa(De$ past him. A( Io$ice a(so &a%e me pain?'( we$&ies when I wa(De$ past him. A( Io$ice ha$ $e%e(ope$ an a(choho(ism pro@(em an$ a cocaine a$$iction a?ter the Ha((oween o? 1"88 an$ his rea(i>ation that the the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha$ ;(acDMai(e$ him with the most $is&'stin& metho$ o? ;(acDMai( an$ that 7hris 1homas ha$ rape$ A( Io$iceKs 3 year o($ son 3 my co'sin Michae( Io$ice. I @e(ie%e that this in?('ence$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs in?('ence o%er the mo%ie A300A ?or reason that m'ch o? the scenes ?rom A300A (ooD (iDe scenes ?rom :ar7ra?t 3 3 which I was p(ayin& o?ten whi(e the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs hacDer was hacDin& my comp'ter. :hen I was a chi($ 3 I o?ten p(aye$ :ar7ra?t 2 with the son o? a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy who was name$ 7hristopher /o$on. 1he actors who p(aye$ the ro(es o? the Persians in the mo%ie A300A (ooDe$ to @e S'$ani an$ 9enyan 3 not Persian 5 Persians are not an A?riDDi$ race3 they are Iranians an$ some o? the other Aryan peop(es o? the re&ions s'rro'n$in& Iran. 1he army o? 6erFes was 2i%erse an$ the 9in& o? Sparta 4eoni$as (e$ an army o? Mace$onians or GreeDs into @att(e a&ainst the 0mperor o? PersiaKs army. A menta((y $isa@(e$ an$ physica((y $e?orme$ in$i%i$'a( r'ins the ?i&ht ?or the A300A an$ they e%ent'a((y $ie a?ter $e?eatin& the army o? 6erFes. Anton 4a=eyKs son is name$ Satan 6erFes 7arna&ie 4a=ey 5 $'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 3 0$ :arren an$ Anthony 2e,eo $isc'sse$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs p(ans to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa'$ ?or @ein& a Satanist mem@er o? Anton 4a=eyKs 7h'rch o? Satan. 1he @(acD a?riDDi$ Mors that in%a$e$ an$ conI'ere$ Sici(y ?or a perio$ o? time $'rin& the Me$ie%a( 0ra 3 were conscripte$ mi(itary o? the Moroccan /oya( Mi(itary who were a ?ami(y re(ate$ to the I@nSa'$ ?ami(y o? Sa'$i Ara@ia 5 Mosta?a I@nSa'$ is the co'sin o? the 9in& o? Ara@ia an$ is ha(? Moroccan. 1he Persian characters were $resse$ (iDe Me$ie%a( 0ra Moroccans an$ ancient Saracens. A(so 3 ,o(D /e(i&ion is $escri@e$ as e%i( in the mo%ie 300 5 the Mace$onian Priests are portraye$ as $isease$ seF o??en$ers who hypnoti>e an$ a@'se women. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy attacDe$ the Asatr' comm'nity 3 the Hewish comm'nity 3 an$ other ,o(D /e(i&ion comm'nities $'rin& the years ?o((owin& the year 200*. It is $e?inite that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha$ a connection to the pro$'ction an$ creation o? the mo%ie 300. .ne o? the monsters ?rom 300 (ooDs i$entica( to the .&re ;'tcher Com@ie ?rom the &ame :ar7ra?t 3. 7hris 1homas an$ the other 0man'e(es are $e?inite(y worrie$ a@o't A( Io$iceKs an$ HacD 2ionKs pre%io's te(ephone con%ersations @ein& in%esti&ate$ @y the U.S.A. 2epartment o? 2e?ense 5 I @e(ie%e that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ his sons ha%e intentiona((y attempte$ to con%ince the USAmerican peop(e to repea( the P.A.1./.I...1. Act in ?ear that their ?ami(y wo'($ @e $isco%ere$ to @e A$o(? Hit(erKs @io(o&ica( ?ami(y 3 the /oya( ,ami(y o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy whom ha%e hi$in& in eFi(e in the U.S.A. 3 an o(i&archa( s(eeper ce(( 'nit which is comprise$ o? a re(ate$ ?ami(y o? in$i%i$'a(s whom ha%e @een &i%in& or$ers to espiona&e s(eeper ce((s in%o(%e$ in or&ani>e$ crime an$ o?ten terrorism 3 an$ ?ami(y in%o(%e$ in .r&ani>e$ 7rime inc('$in& 7rimes A&ainst H'manity. It is $e?inite that HacD 2ion an$ A( Io$ice were somehow ?'rther @(acD mai(e$ @y the 0man'e(es o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ that the initia( @(acD mai( in%o(%e$ the 0man'e(esK a@i(ity to @etray the 2ions an$ the Io$ices to the USA ,e$era( a'thorities in%o(%in& some Din$ o? espiona&e an$ possi@(y (e&a( o??enses in%o(%in& treason $'e to (oya(ity to a s(eeper ce(( espiona&e ?action. G(enn A2an>i&A An>a(one who was raise$ in NewHersey USA < whoKs ?ather was

Ita(ian 3 whoKs ?atherKs ?ami(y was re(ate$ to an Ita(ian A6IS S(eeper 7e(( ?ami(y in the U.S.A. 5 $escri@e$ somethin& in his (yrics concernin& the assassins who assassinate$ Hohn ,it>&era($ 9enne$y an$ a rape which occ'rre$ o? which HacI'e(in 9enne$y was the %ictim an$ the assai(ants were more than one ma(e. I @e(ie%e that the (yric was As('rp it in yo'r pa(m 3 (iDe a tiny $ancer 3 choDin& on the rays 3 choDin& on the s'nA 5 H'(i's 0%o(aKs phi(osophy was ASo(ar Masc'(inityA 3 H'(i's 0%o(a o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy was an eFtremist Masc'(ist who $escri@e$ women as a@so('te(y in?erior to ma(es 3 a SwastiDa is a So(ar Sym@o( an$ represents a S'n an$ 2i%inity 3 the sa('te o? the A6IS was the /oman Sa('te 3 H'(i's 0%o(a was the @io(o&ica( physica( $escen$ant o? the /oman Aristocracy who was appointe$ ;aron o? Sa%oy @y the 9in& o? Sa%oy who was =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs ancestor 3 an$ tooD or$ers $irect(y ?rom =ittorio 0man'e(e III whom was his 9in& an$ s'perior as we(( as A$o(? AHit(erA who was the Genera( 7omman$er o? the A6IS occ'pie$ Nation State o? 2e'tsche(an$. 2'rin& approFimate(y the year 1""E 3 G(enn A2an>i&A An>a(one was con?ronte$ at his home @y 3 Ita(ian ma(es o? USAmerican 7iti>enship who ca((e$ him a AratA an$ threatene$ him 5 they c(aime$ that G(enn was a AratA @eca'se he reporte$ A=ictorA to the Po(ice ?or a crime. In the year 1""5 < I ?o'n$ o't ?rom /o@ /o$on 3 who was a Pa&e o? Sa%oy an$ who was the $escen$ant o? a 9ni&ht o? Sa%oy an$ the co'sin o? a 9ni&ht o? Sa%oy that was ?rien$s with the 7hristiano ?ami(y 5 that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e was a 7rime 4or$ o? an .r&ani>e$ 7rime Syn$icate an$ a N.A.M.;.4.A. Associate. :hat I ha$ hear$ in 1""! 3 was that G(enn A2an>i&A An>a(one reporte$ =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e ?or @ein& a Pe$ophi(e SeF 1ra??icDer. :hat 1ony Mi(ano ha$ to($ my se(? an$ ;o@ 2esa'(niers was that it was the @rothers Herry an$ 2oy(e who were pre%io's(y o? the @an$ 1he Mis?its 3 as we(( as a thir$ in$i%i$'a( who is c'rrent(y 'nDnown 5 that harrasse$ G(enn An>a(one a@o't his reportin& o? =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e ?or @ein& a pro@a@(e SeF 1ra??icDer o? 7hi($ren. In the year 2002 3 7hristine 2ion to($ me that Herry an$ 2oy(e o? the Mis?its are act'a((y her ,atherKs $istant co'sins. It is $e?inite that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e Dnew eFact(y what his son 7hris 1homas $i$ to the chi($ren at the Ha((oween Party in 1"88 an$ sent 7hristine 2ionKs $istant co'sins to harrass a man who ha$ ?o'n$ o't a@o't =ittorio 0man'e(e committin& simi(ar crimes 5 =ittorio or$erin& an A&ent o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy to arran&e ?or Herry an$ 2oy(e to con?ront G(enn a@o't his statement 3 was o@%io's(y ?or the p'rpose o? $eterminin& whether or not Herry an$ 2oy(e ha$ Dnow(e$&e o? what =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs son ha$ $one to their $istant co'sin HacD 2ionKs $a'&hter an$ HacDKs ?rien$sK chi($ren at a Ha((oween Party. 2'rin& the era that G(enn 2an>i& was in the NewHersey @an$ Athe Mis?itsA 5 1he Mis?itsK (yrics on son&s (iDe ;'((et 3 Some 9in$ o? 4o%e 3 =io(ent :or($ 3 Astro Com@ies 3 1eena&ers ?rom Mars 3 an$ :e Are 138 were (yrics which pertainin& to the topic o? the Ita(ian A6IS in North America 3 H'(i's 0%o(a Athe 1i&erA 3 Assassinations that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy or$ere$ 3 G'&(ie(mo 3 Ita(ian A6IS S(eeper 7e(( 0spiona&e ,ami(ies an$ 1errorist ,ami(ies in North America 3 an$ other topics re(ate$ to the Ita(ian A6IS an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy in North America. It is pro@a@(e that the Mis?itsK (yrics an$ some o? the @an$ mem@ersK $istant ?ami(ia( re(ation to the 2ion ,ami(y an$ the Io$ice ,ami(y ma$e =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e paranoi$.

!t is robable that Al !odice0s family on one of his arent0s lines of family$relation is married into a family that the An/alone +amily also married into some&here on Glenn0s +ather0s side of the family- Some&here " related to this grou of families that related families of the !odice +amily and the An/alone +amily both married into 1 is a family related to one of the Assassins of the ,ouse of Sa'oy &ho are definite to ha'e aided in the Assassination of John +it/gerald 8ennedy and other indi'iduals- The ,ouse of Sa'oy had a definite hand in the Assassination of John +it/gerald 8ennedy and ha'e been trying to .ReichStag. in'estigations regarding the Assassination of the USA

President John +it/gerald 8ennedy " &hich &as a 4iolation of the Gene'a Con'ention0s la&s and standards of ethic- The ,ouse of Sa'oy ha'e in'ested money and roduced media in attem ts to frame So'iet Communists for the Assassination of John +it/gerald 8ennedy- This same indi'idual and his immediate family are in'ol'ed directly in 4ittorio Emanuele0s Terrorist Crime$Syndicate " murder of entire families " Se#$Traffic)ing of Children " Child$Pornogra hy " Se#$Traffic)ing " Pornogra hy " Es ionage " Genocide " and other Terrorism- Numerous families are distantly connected to this Terrorist Sa'oy$ loyal family through intermarriage such as the 30Na oli family " the 30Amico family " the Si/emore family " the Case family " the 3amon family " the +arrachi family " the 3e+eo family " and some distant cousin of George Catso oulos0s- Ed ?arren is robable to be in this family0s social$net&or)- 4itto Emanuele )ne& the family of my +ather0s bestfriend Gino &ho &as murdered during the a ro#imate year <==> or <==C and &as framed for his o&n murder " it being labeled a suicide by shot$gun is the usual techni5ue of a s ecific assassin- !t is robable that Gino )ne& families &ho &ere of the Aristocratic ,ouse of Sa'oy and &as assassinated by an indi'idual gi'en an order to do so by 4ittorio .4ictor. Emanuele- The arrest of these Terrorists re5uires !nterNational (ilitary Co$% eration and an !nterNational ?ar$Crimes Tribunal as &ell as a com lete Arrest by (ilitary " of all Terrorist Crime$Syndicates in'ol'ed in the Terrorist Co'ert (ilitant Acti'ities of the ,ouse of Sa'oy as &ell as the Terrorist Crime$Syndicates associated &ith the ,ouse of Sa'oy0s accom lices in Se#$ Traffic)ing of Children and the females of families targetted for Genocide for reason that this is almost entirely one single net&or) of Terrorist ,uman$Traffic)ers globally and the Criminal 7ordshi of the entire net&or) is rimarily the males of the Emanuele family and the families of Royal$;looded 8nights of the ,ouse of Sa'oy- 3uring ABB< " ! o'erheard a 3eutsche man in 4irginia tal)ing to an !talian telling him that he )ne& that Gino &as murdered by the Emanueles0 because Gino told somebody that Chris Thomas and his ado ti'e father had held )ni'es to a babies0 throat and a &oman0s throat and forced the &oman to ut her hand in the baby0s dia er so that they could ta)e a icture 2 this is again " grotes5ue Pedo hile Child$Pornogra hy being used as .Es ionage. and .;lac)$(ail.2'rin& the same year that Gino was m'r$ere$ an$ was $ec(are$ to ha%e committe$ s'ici$e 3 or possi@(y one year a?ter this 5 7hris 1homas or his a$opti%e ,ather ca((e$ my ,ather at E03 *2* 08E* 3 an$ to($ him that 7hris 1homasKs (itt(e @rother ha$ commit s'ici$e as a res'(t o? him @ein& seF'a((y mo(este$. 1hey asDe$ my ?ather i? he wante$ to $ri%e to 2'm@arton or /ichmon$ =ir&inia an$ Apay yo'r (ast respectsMA 3 this a(most so'n$e$ as i? it was a %ei(e$ threat an$ an attempt to ('re my ,ami(y to the ho'seho($ o? 7hris 1homasKs 5 who was pro@a@(y p(annin& to somehow m'r$er my ?ami(y an$ $ispose o? the a'tomo@i(es an$ the corpses. My ?ather $ec(ine$ the in%itation. 1he &enoci$e metho$ o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy seems to inc('$e the assassination o? entire ?ami(ies an$ the SeF 1ra??icDin& o? mem@ers o? the ?ami(ies < these &enoci$es in%o(%e the hittin& o? ?ami(ies on @oth si$es o? the %ictimsK ?ami(ies ?o((owe$ @y contin'o's hits in the same manner o? assassination 'nti( an entire rin& o? ?ami(ies is hit an$ there is no person (e?t a(i%e to p'rs'e an in%esti&ation o? it. A comp'ter so?tware an$ $ata@ase nee$s to @e create$ which operates ?or the p'rpose o? searchin& @irth recor$s 3 citi>en recor$s 3 ?ami(y trees 3 2NA recor$s 3 ?(i&ht recor$s 3 missin& persons reports 3 $eath recor$s 3 taF recor$s 3 an$ ho'sin& recor$s 5 to ?in$ e%i$ence o? entire (ines o? ?ami(ies Di((e$ @y 1ota( Genoci$e.

2'rin& the years 200* 3 2005 3 an$ 200E 5 n'mero's on(ine internet messa&e @oar$ ?or'ms were 'se$ to p'@(ish s(an$ero's an$ $is&'stin& statements 3 c(aimin& Hewish peop(e mo(est in?ant chi($ren. 1his @e&an imme$iate(y a?ter I @e&an postin& comments on ;'r>'m..r& ,or'm 'sin& my 'sername 4'&h2e2anaan 3 which @e&an @ein& accesse$ @y comp'ter hacDers. .ne o? the $is&'stin& statements poste$ on either the ;'r>'m..r& we@site 3 the Storm,ront..r& we@site 3 or the American /ennasance :e@Site was 5 A1a(m'$ic 4aw $ictates that a 3 year o($ ?ema(e may @e rape$ so (on& as she is 3 years o($ or (ess than 3 years o($ 3 @eca'se the hymen &rows @acD that yo'n&.A . Another $is&'stin& statement that was poste$ to a messa&e @oar$ was 5 A1he 7hassi$ic /ite o? Hi>@o((ah 5 the /a@@i inserts the in?ant @oyKs penis in his mo'th a?ter circ'mcision.A . 1he &ir( that I ha$ @een speaDin& with who I @e(ie%e$ was 0mi(y Is(es to($ me that her ?rien$Ks ;'r>'m..r& UserAcco'nt was accesse$ @y 7omp'ter HacDers who chan&e$ his UserName to A;asci(('sAnthraF'sA an$ the s'@tit(e A1erroristA J'st weeDs @e?ore the @e&innin& o? the AnthraF AttacDs $'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 5 0mi(y a(so state$ that the man $isappeare$ an$ some@o$y e(se contin'e$ 'sin& his UserName. It is o@%io's that the $is&'stin& $e?amatory seF'a((y pe$orastic comments were poste$ @y an 0man'e(eKs hacDer < pro@a@(y 'n$er the $irection o? 7hris 1homas +0man'e(e8. Michae( Io$ice was approFimate(y 3 years o($ when 7hris 1homas rape$ him. 1he r'mo'r that 7hris 1homas +0man'e(e8 tooD a photo&raph o? himse(? p'ttin& his ?in&ers into the an's an$ %a&ina o? an in?ant ?ema(e Nati%e American is one o? the r'mo'rs concernin& the ASamoth Srich 3 7hris 1homas 0man'e(e 3 A$o(? Hit(erKs Great Gran$Nephew 3 NAM;4A3 ;(acD Mai( ;oF 5 sto(en ?rom the NAM;4A Satanist @y two men 'sin& the names A;oy$ /iceA an$ A2o'&(as PierceA an$ &i%en to either the NewHersey ,e$era( ;'rea' o? In%esti&ations 3 near@y state in the USA 3 or the U.9. ,e$era( Po(ice @y them $'rin& 1"8". 1here is more than one %ersion o? this story 5 this co'($ ha%e @een my sister Sheena. 1he 7hi($ Porno&raphy that 7hris 1homas photo&raphe$ a?ter $r'&&in& a(( o? the a$'(ts 3 was most(y chi($ren o? 5 years an$ E years o($ 5 I was * years an$ 10 months o($ 3 J'st 2 months short o? 5 years o($. 7hristine 2ion was 5 years an$ 2 months o($. In the ;oston re&ion there has @een a man 'sin& the name A2o'&(as PierceA c(aimin& to @e the man ?rom 2eath in H'ne 3 who is &'i(ty o? @ein& the one o? the NAM;4A 7rime So($iers who worDe$ with =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ his son 7hris 1homas. 1he NAM;4A 7rime So($ier @e&an 'sin& the name A2o'&(as PierceA a?ter A2o'&(as PierceA sto(e his ;(acD Mai( ;oF. 2o'&(as Pierce is one o? the @an$ mem@ers o? the @an$ 2eath in H'ne 3 ;oy$ /ice is one o? the @an$ mem@ers o? the @an$ N.N 5 @oth o? these men were once acI'ainte$ with mem@ers o? Anton 4a=eyKs 7h'rch o? Satan3 it is possi@(e that mem@ers o? Anton 4a=eyKs 7h'rch o? Satan 'se$ their names when they sto(e the ;(acD Mai( ;oF. It is a(so possi@(e that the man who tra$e$ ;(acD Mai( Photo&raphs with 7hris 1homas as an o@%io's crimina( eFchan&e @etween SeF 1ra??icDers ?a@ricate$ the story that his ;(acD Mai( ;oF was sto(en 3 an$ sti(( has it. 2'rin& the year 1""5 3 my ?ather to($ me that /o@ert /o$on was a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ eFp(aine$ to me that he $i$ not want to taDe me away ?rom my ?rien$s 3 @'t that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy were the Aristocratic Ho'se that &enoci$a((y eFterminate$ my co'sin H'(iannaKs co'sinsK ?ami(ies in Sici(y an$ committe$ so many o? these attacDs that H'(iannaKs ?ami(y ha$ to ?(ee to the U.S.A. to escape &enoci$e. My ?ather /'sse(( Ma'rice MacPherson ha$ eFp(aine$ this to /o@ert /o$on an$ eFp(aine$ to me that /o@ert /o$on may ha%e threatene$ him. My ?ather to($ me that it was a&ainst is wishes that I contin'e to @e ?rien$s with 7hristopher /o$on 3 @'t that i? I ?ee( sa?e at the /o$onKs ho'se that he wi(( not ?or@i$ me ?rom @ein& 7hristopher /o$onKs ?rien$. I $eci$e$ to remain ?rien$s with 7hristopher /o$on. 1his was a con%ersation on the te(ephone a@o't this @etween my ,ather an$ /o@ert /o$on 3 as we(( as was there

con%ersation that occ'rre$ in physica( person a@o't this. 2'rin& the N'rem@'r& 1ria(s 3 m'ch o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy mo%e$ to the Unite$ States o? America an$ 7ana$a ?or the p'rpose o? escapin& con%iction at the N'rem@'r& 1ria(s < it is a stron& pro@a@i(ity that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy $i$ not mo%e to the U.S.A. @y mere coinci$ence 5 it is pro@a@(e that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 'n$erstoo$ that the %ictims o? the Ho(oca'st whom were the testi?yin& witnesses were mo%in& to the U.S.A. an$ that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy co'($ immi&rate with them an$ assassinate a(( o? them 3 escapin& han&in& at the N'rem@'r& 1ria(s. Some o? the mem@ers o? the N.S.2.A.P. whom were capt're$ as Prisoners .? :ar @y the A((ie$ ,orces were assassinate$ @y poisonin& an$ other metho$s inc('$in& e%en the em@e$$in& o? assassins within the U.S.A. Mi(itary Me$ica( 2epartment who wrote $own that some o? these Prisoners .? :ar committe$ s'ici$e 5 they were (itera((y assassinate$ @y the men who A$o(? AHit(erA ?act'a((y was in a((e&iance with. Many o? the Gestapos an$ other Prisoners o? :ar @e&an testi?yin& at the N'rem@'r& 1ria(s 3 their testimonia(s were $e?inite(y (ea$in& in the $irection o? H'(i's 0%o(a an$ an internationa( conspiracy. 2'rin& the (ate 1"80Ks an$ ear(y 1""0Ks 3 my 'nc(e Scot 7arty an$ my 'nc(e A( Io$ice act'a((y @o'&ht mariJ'ana thro'&h a man that was a mem@er o? Anton 4a=eyKs 7h'rch o? Satan as a 2n$ choice pot $ea(er. Michae( Hohnston o? Massach'settes 'se$ to @'y pot ?rom the same Apotion $ea(erA in the (ate 1"80Ks an$ ear(y 1""0Ks in Ma($en Massach'settes. 1he JoDe @etween this mariJ'ana $ea(er an$ his c'stomers was that he was the APotion 2ea(erA ?rom Ninten$oKs the 4e&en$ o? Ce($a an$ co'($ @e ta(De$ to a@o't ACe($aA an$ Athe (e%e( with the PotionsA as a cyphere$ comm'nication @etween himse(? an$ c'stomers 3 sayin& ASorry... ,resh o't.A i? he $i$nKt ha%e any mariJ'ana. 2'rin& the year 2005 5 Michae( Moynihan o? the @an$ ;(oo$AFisan$ the writer ?or 1yr Ho'rna( was $escri@e$ on :iDipe$ia as @ein& MiDe #Hohnston) Moynihan. It seems that MiDe MoynihanKs :iDipe$ia.7om we@site pa&e was @ein& e$itte$ an$ 'se$ ?or cypher comm'nication $'rin& the ye 1here has @een ta(D that the ;oston Massach'settes Grotto o? Anton 4a=eyKs 7h'rch o? Satan reporte$ an in$i%i$'a( or sma(( &ro'p o? in$i%i$'a(s in the ;oston re&ion whoKs acti%ities were re(ate$ to 7hris 1homasKs .r&ani>e$ 7rime an$ SeF .??enses. 7hris 1homas was ca((in& himse(? ASamoth SrichA an$ ha$ starte$ a @ranch o? the 0man'e(e 0%o(a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate with a ASatanicA Aesthetic to it that was ?act'a((y nothin& more than a &ro'p o? amora(ist N.A.M.;.4.A. Pe$oPhi(es an$ some @i seF'a( Pe$oPhi(e Seria( 9i((er SeF .??en$ers. Anton 4a=ey @e(ie%e$ in meetin& the threat o? an amora(ist socia( $arwinist with merci(ess ?orce 5 ?or the p'rpose o? s'r%i%a( 3 a (i%in& or&anism m'st a$apt to o%ercome the threat o? an amora(ist socia( $arwinist @y any means necessary to $estroy s'ch an hono'r(ess pre$ator. An Amora(ist Socia( 2arwinist is a Sociopath @y Phi(osophy. ASamoth SrichA was on AmericaKs Unso(%e$ Mysteries 3 a mo%ie on the 4i?etime channe( 3 an$ was a s'@Ject o? in?ormation passe$ @etween mem@ers o? Anton 4a=eyKs 7h'rch o? Satan who were acti%e(y attemptin& to (ocate the ASamoth SrichA an$ ha%e him arreste$. /'mo'rs a@o't ASamoth SrichA was that he was a m'r$erer 3 a seria( rapist 3 a rapist o? chi($ren 3 an$ a 1errorist 7rime 4or$ that or$ers his 7rime So($iers to commit $is&'stin& acts o? rape an$ @r'ta(ity 'pon chi($ren. It is possi@(e that r'mo'rs concernin& 7hris 1homas inspire$ the Norwe&ian ;(acD Meta( M'sician ASamothA to 'se the sta&e name an$ pen name ASamothA as a sarcastic re?erence re&ar$in& ASatanismA. My 'nc(e A( Io$ice Dnew 7hris 1homas an$ $espise$ him 3 @'t ?or some reason ?e(t that he ha$ to respect 7hris 1homas an$ his ?ather =ittorio 0man'e(e as i? they were J'sti?ie$ /oya(ity somehow. It is possi@(e that A( Io$iceKs ?ami(y were @(acDmai(e$ @y the 0man'e(es. My 'nc(e Scot 7arty p't 7hris 1homas in a &'i((otine choDe ho($ once an$ threatene$ him 3 this was the res'(t o? Michae( Io$ice statin& that 7hris 1homas ha$ st'cD somethin& in his @'tt. 1here was no

e%i$ence that this ha$ occ'rre$ 3 @'t another eFtreme(y yo'n& co'sin o? mine ha$ witnesse$ it 5 7hris 1homas ha$ sn'cD into the @asement where the chi($ren were a(( s(eepin&. It is a pro@a@i(ity that A( an$ Scot ha$ mentione$ 7hris 1homas to their pot $ea(er in Ma($en Massach'settes who was a mem@er o? the ;oston Massach'settes Grotto o? Anton 4a=eyKs 7h'rch o? Satan an$ this in$i%i$'a( warne$ others in the re&ion. 7athryn 2'@ois 3 who I met in the year 2000 < Dnew my 'nc(e ScotKs eF &ir(?rien$ 7an$ace somehow an$ may ha%e @een re(ate$ to her 3 she a(so Dnew Michae( Hohnston some how 5 I am a(most $e?inite(y positi%e that she mentione$ that NAM;4A SeF .??en$er SeF 1ra??icDers attempte$ to Join the ;oston 7h'rch o? Satan an$ mentione$ that she Dnew mem@ers o? the ;oston Grotto o? Anton 4a%eyKs 7h'rch o? Satan that to($ her this as we(( as $i$ she Dnow Michae( AMoynihanA o? the @an$ ;(oo$ AFis an$ ;oy$ /ice o? the @an$ N.N 3 many o? these peop(e wo'($ ha%e ha$ e%i$ence an$ witnesse$ e%ents which they co'($ ha%e reporte$ in%o(%in& the 0man'e(esK connections to corr'ption in this re&ion. 7athryn 2'@ois may ha%e mentione$ ASamoth SrichA to me $'rin& the S'mmer o? the year 2000 3 statin& 5 A-o'Kre not ?rien$s with that &'y Samoth Srich are yo'M NoM Goo$. I Dnow peop(e who ha%e met him. He is a $is&'stin& psychopath.A Accor$in& to some peop(e 3 $'rin& the 1"80Ks an$ 1""0Ks 5 7hris 1homas or$ere$ Seria( /apist Pe$oPhi(es to Join Anton 4a=eyKs 7h'rch o? Satan an$ report @acD to him as i? they were his 0spiona&e A&ents 3 in?i(tratin& a ?orei&n nation. :hat I was to($ is that this res'(te$ in two men 'sin& the names A;oy$ /iceA an$ A2o'&(as PierceA @rin&in& a @ott(e o? /ies(in& wine to 7hris 1homasKs Pe$oPhi(e N.A.M.;.4.A. associateKs apartment < where they waite$ 'nti( the man ha$ to 'se the restroom 3 an$ swi?t(y (ocate$ an$ sto(e the manKs ;(acD Mai( ;oF o? 7hris 1homasKs Se(? I$emni?yin& 0%i$ence an$ :ritten 7on?essions. A;oy$ /iceA an$ A2o'&(as PierceA s'ppose$(y $e(i%ere$ this to the NewHersey ,e$era( ;'rea' o? In%esti&ations 3 an ,.;.I. o? a near@y state o? the USA 3 or the U.9. Mi(itary an$ ,e$era( Po(ice imme$iate(y a?terwar$s 5 there is more than one %ersion o? this story. 1he man who they sto(e this ?rom has since this time @een 'sin& the name A2o'&(as PierceA an$ $rinDin& /eis(in& wine when interro&atin& peop(e an$ threatenin& to @(acD mai( them 5 this has @een an o@%io's attempt to Psycho(o&ica((y Pro?i(e who it is that wo'($ Dnow the peop(e that sto(e his ;(acD Mai( ;oF. 1he ?act'a( 2o'&(as Pierce is one o? the @an$ mem@ers o? the @an$ A2eath in H'neA 3 ;oy$ /ice is one o? the @an$ mem@ers o? the @an$ N.N an$ is ?rien$s with the ?act'a( 2o'&(as Pierce. It is a possi@i(ity that the N.A.M.;.4.A. 7rime 4or$ in the ;oston re&ion who has @een Dnown ?or 'sin& the name A2o'&(as PierceA ?a@ricate$ the story a@o't his ;(acD Mai( ;oF &ettin& sto(en an$ (ie$ in ?ear o? @ein& ca'&ht with it. 1he @'rn wo'n$s 7hris 1homas (e?t in my co'sin Michae(Ks (e& in 1"8! were notice$ whi(e Michae( was @ein& $iaper chan&e$ @y my Mother whi(e she was @a@ysittin& him 5 my Mother notice$ that Michae( ha$ n'mero's ci&arette @'rns on his (e?t (e& 3 ?rom his anD(e to his hip. 2'rin& the year 20033 whi(e I was worDin& at ;icD?or$s ,ami(y /estara'nt in Nash'a NewHampshire 5 7hris 7hase asDe$ me i? I ha$ e%er hear$ o? a ASamoth SrichA3 a?ter which 7hris 7hase starte$ @e(itt(in& an$ mocDin& peop(e who @e(ie%e they &et ma&ic powers ?rom @ein& e%i( an$ worshippin& the e%i( $e%i( &o$. 7hris 7hase was act'a((y an Initiate$ 7rime So($ier o? an arm o? the 0man'e(esK 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate. .ne o? 7hris 7haseKs Initiation 7rimes in%o(%e$ the rape o? one o? my ?rien$s Me(in$a A($ritch < ?or which he was ne%er con%icte$ 3 tho'&h she reco&ni>e$ him as one o? the * assai(ants. 2'rin& this same three months 3 2ana Um@ro mentione$ to his wi?e that he @e(ie%e$ that ,i( 0man'e(e was pro@a@(y a @i seF'a( Pe$oPhi(e an$ that Gera($ AHerryA 2KAmico an$ 2ino were pro@a@(y &rown 'p N.A.M.;.4.A. %ictims. At some point $'rin& the year 200* 3 whi(e with 1ony Grasseti an$ my se(? 5 ,i(Ks

@rother 2anie( Hames asDe$ ,i( 0man'e(e 3 AHa%e yo' ta(De$ to Srich recent(yMA. ,i( 0man'e(e rep(ie$ 3 ANot in a ?ew $ays. 2onKt ca(( him that anymore.A 3 at this 2anie( Hames (a'&he$ an$ sai$ AI tho'&ht it was a coo( nameM -o' (iDe$ it when he starte$ 'sin& it.A at this ,i( 0man'e(e p'nche$ 2.H. in the sho'($er an$ to($ him not to ca(( their @rother ASrichA anymore. 1his sho'($ ha%e @een recor$e$ @y 1ony GrassetiKs recor$in& $e%ice. 2'rin& the year 1""2 3 I met ,i((i@erto A,i(A 0man'e(e ?or the ?irst time 5 he was p(ayin& street hocDey in the $ri%e way o? my ,atherKs @est ?rien$sK ho'se 3 at the McG'iresK ho'se in MerrimacD NewHampshire on ;e(mont 2ri%e. 7hris 1homas +0man'e(e8 was a(so at the McG'iresK ho'se. ,i( an$ 7hris ha$ arri%e$ with A( Io$ice3 who was %isitin& the McG'ires one (ast time @e?ore mo%in& to 4o'isianna with my A'nt 4es(ie an$ their twin sons 5 my co'sins Michae( Io$ice an$ 7hristopher Io$ice. ,i( 0man'e(e an$ his @rother 7hris 1homas +0man'e(e8 were p(ayin& street hocDey a&ainst 9eith McG'ire an$ 2a%i$ McG'ire. My ?rien$ 7a(i McG'ire 3 who was 1om McG'ireKs an$ S'san McG'ireKs $a'&hter 5 was the &oa( ten$er. ,i( ma$e a comment a@o't 7a(i which res'(te$ in 9eith McG'ire ca((in& ,i( 0man'e(e a Pe$ophi(e. ,i( 0man'e(e was approFimate(y 21. 7a(i McG'ire was approFimate(y 10 years o($. ,ran McG'ire whom was 1omKs o($er @rother an$ one o? my ?atherKs @est ?rien$s ha$ a &ran$ $a'&hter name$ Me&an McG'ire 3 whoKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s ha%e possi@(y @een sto(en @y the 0man'e(e ?ami(y an$ &i%en to ?ema(e o? Ita(ian race that I met in 200!. 1he ?ema(e ca((in& herse(? Me&an McG'ire was (i%in& on Pine Street in Manchester NewHampshire an$ was an acI'aintance o? ,i(Ks @rother 2anie( Hames +0man'e(e8. 2'rin& the year 200! 3 she wa(De$ past a &ro'p o? Ita(ians who were $resse$ as speci?ic Americans which they ha$ rep(ace$ an$ state$ A-o' &ot I.2.MA a?ter which she state$ AIK%e &ot some@o$y e(seKs.A. 1he imposte'r o? Me&an McG'ire was at (east 5 years o($er than her. 1he ?act'a( Me&an McG'ire was /yan McG'ireKs yo'n&er sister an$ ,ran McG'ireKs Gran$ 2a'&hter. A woman that (ooDe$ (iDe 7a(i McG'ire with =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tate$ hair an$ m'tate$ eye iris co(or was (i%in& at 23 1emp(e Street in Nash'a NewHampshire $'rin& 2012 5 this woman (ooDe$ (iDe 7a(i McG'ire with m'tate$ @(on$e hair an$ m'tate$ @('e eyes. 1he McG'ires were a(most a(( o? ha(? 2e'tsche(an$er an$ ha(? Irish race. 7a(iKs 'nc(e 3 ;o@ McG'ire was the :i(ton NewHampshire 7hie? o? Po(ice $'rin& the year 200* 5 $'rin& the year 2005 3 ;o@ was ?rame$ ?or posession o? MariJ'ana an$ remo%e$ ?rom his position as 7hie? o? Po(ice. In the year 200E3 ,i( 0man'e(e @e&an ho($in& ?ema(e capti%es an$ possi@(y a ma(e capti%e in the @asement o? the 7on$emne$ ,o'n$ry ;'i($in& at the en$ o? P(easant Street 3 aro'n$ the corner ?rom the :i(ton Po(ice 2epartment 5 across the street ?rom a cotta&e he $escri@e$ as Aa property o?A his A?ami(yKsA. 1his o? psycho(o&ica( importance < $'rin& approFimate(y 1"883 when 7hris 1homas +0man'e(e8 was at my 'nc(e A( Io$iceKs ?arewe(( party at the McG'ireKs ho'se in MerrimacD NewHampshire 5 my ?ather ha$ @een emp(oye$ at a Stee( ,o'n$ry. I am a(most positi%e(y certain that I met a @rother o? 7hris 1homasKs $'rin& the (ate 1"80Ks or ear(y 1""0Ks who (ooDe$ a(most i$entica( to him @'t was an inch ta((er 3 ha$ a narrower sD'(( 3 was thinner3 an$ ha$ (on&er nose shape. 7hris 1homas is approFimate(y 5K!A inches ta(( 3 has @rown hair 3 an$ @rown eyes 5 he is racia((y o? Ita(ian an$ A'strian race on his ?ather =Ittorio 0man'e(eKs si$e an$ his @io(o&ica( mother is o? 'nDnown herita&e. 7hris 1homasKs yo'n&er @rother . ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e is the o??icia( Heir o? Sa%oy 5 ,i( is approFimate(y E ?eet ta(( 3 has pa(e aI'a co(ore$ eyes which ?a$e to @('e sometimes 3 has $arD @(on$e hair 3 is thin @'i($ 3 @roa$ sho'($ers 3 has somewhat o? a sma(( nose with a (on& @ri$&e 3an$ has a ta(( narrow hea$ shape. ,i((i@ertoKs @rother 2anie( Hames is 5KEA 3 is o? (i&ht @'i($ 3 has the same eye co(or as his @rother ,i( 3 has a sI'arer hea$ shape than ,i(Ks 3 an$ has the same hair co(or as ,i(Ks. 2anie( Hames ha$ a

@rown specD(e in his (e?t eye $'rin& the year 200!. Aaron 0man'e(e is a@o't 5K8A an$ is simi(ar in appearance to ,i( an$ 2anie( Hames. 1he 0man'e(es are pro@a@(e to attempt to 'se =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy soon an$ stea( ci%i(ians I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s 3 ?or p'rpose o? escapin& J'stice. 1here eFists m'(tip(e theories 3 r'mo'rs 3 as we(( as :itness Statements re&ar$in& what was $one with the photo&raphs that 7hris 1homas tooD the ni&ht o? Ha((oween $'rin& the year 1"88. As a res'(t o? the research an$ in%esti&atin& that I ha%e $one as we(( as the research an$ in%esti&atin& that others ha%e $one 5 7hris 1homas +0man'e(e8 tra$e$ copies o? these photo&raphs with a 7rime 4or$ o? the 0man'e(e 0%o(a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate whom =ittorio 0man'e(e ha$ J'st committe$ Initiation 7rimes with ?or p'rpose o? @(acD mai(in& each other an$ esta@(ishin& crimina( tr'st. 7hris 0man'e(e an$ this in$i%i$'a( tra$e$ Initiation 7rimes 3 Initiation 7rimes 0%i$ence 3 an$ written con?essions. 1he man who =ittorio 0man'e(e ha$ @ro'&ht in as a partnere$ 1errorist 7rime 4or$ was o? 4om@ar$ic Ita(ian race an$ is possi@(y a co'sin o? the 0man'e(es 5 this man was positione$ em@e$$e$ within a HomoseF'a( SeF 1ra??icDin& 7rime Syn$icate as a res'(t o? his @ein& a ma(e homoseF'a(3 the North American Man ;oy A4o%eA Association # NAM;4A 5 a HomoSeF'a( Ma(e Pe$ophi(e 7hi($ Mo(ester SeF .??en$er .r&ani>e$ 7rime Association ) 3 an$ the ;oston Grotto o? Anton 4a=eyKs 7h'rch o? Satan. 1he r'mo'r is that $'rin& the year o? 1"8" 3 the ;oston Grotto o? the 7h'rch o? Satan sto(e =ittorio 0man'e(eKs partnere$ 1errorist 7rime 4or$Ks @oF o? ;(acD Mai( 0%i$ence an$ con?essions that the 0man'e(es ha$ tra$e$ with him < the r'mo'r is eFp(aine$ that the @oF o? e%i$ence was &i%en to the U.9. A'thorities instea$ o? the USAmerican A'thorities or that a ;ritish man sto(e it an$ &a%e it to American A'thorities. N'mero's in$i%i$'a(s ha%e state$ that the ;oston Grotto o? Anton 4a=eyKs 7h'rch o? Satan was c(ose$ in the 1""0Ks ?or the p'rpose o? permanant(y remo%in& the two men whom were associate$ with N.A.M.;.4.A. an$ .r&ani>e$ 7rime 5 these men were in%esti&ate$ ?or a n'm@er o? years an$ were e%ent'a((y permanant(y remo%e$ ?rom Anton 4a=eyKs 7h'rch o? Satan. I @e(ie%e that I ha%e met the HomoSeF'a( Pe$oPhi(e 7rime 4or$ who the 0man'e(es recr'ite$ as a partnere$ 7rime 4or$ twice in the past < the most recent o? which was in ;oston Massach'settes $'rin& the year 1""" an$ the ear(iest occaision was in the year 1""E or 1""! $'rin& which he arri%e$ at my ho'se at EE ;ean /oa$ in MerrimacD NewHampshire to threaten my ?ather /'sse(( MacPherson. 1he HomoSeF'a( Pe$ophi(e SeF .??en$er 7rime 4or$ ?rom ;oston (ie$ a@o't his name an$ c(aime$ that his name was A2o'&(as Pierce ?rom the U.9.A as an attempt at Psycho(o&ica((y Pro?i(in& my ,atherKs reaction to the name an$ i$entity @ein& attri@'te$ to the (iar in the stea$ o? the ?act'a( 2o'&as Pierce who Dnew Michae( MoynihanKs ?rien$ 3 ;oy$ /ice. 1his may possi@(y @e ?or the reason that ;oy$ /ice o? the @an$ AN.NA an$ 2o'&(as Pierce o? the U.9. @an$ A2eath in H'neA Dnew mem@ers o? the 4on$on Grotto o? Anton 4a%eyKs 7h'rch o? Satan an$ the NewHersey Grotto o? Anton 4a=eyKs 7h'rch o? Satan 5 it is a pro@a@i(ity that ?ans o? A2eath in H'neA an$ AN.NA (ie$ to the man with the @(acD mai( @oF a@o't their i$entities an$ sto(e his @(acD mai( @oF. 1he in$i%i$'a(s who sto(e the HomoSeF'a( Pe$ophi(e 7rime 4or$Ks @oF o? @(acD mai( materia(s which containe$ the 0man'e(esK ;(acD Mai( 0%i$ence an$ their 7on?essions 3 were pro@a@(y ?rien$ with mem@ers o? the ;oston Grotto o? Anton 4a=eyKs 7h'rch o? Satan $'rin& the (ate 1"80Ks 5 these men a((e&e$(y sto(e the @(acD mai( @oF ?i((e$ with 7hris 1homasKs e%i$ence ?or which 7hris ha$ tra$e$ with the NAM;4A 7rime 4or$ materia(s which were eI'a((y se(? i$emni?yin& re&ar$in& himse(?. It is a((e&e$ that prior to an$ $'rin& the /ichar$ NiFon A$ministration the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Sa%oy A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate attempte$ to @rin& the entirety o? a(( o? the 7rime Syn$icates in North America 'n$er their contro( an$

s'@or$inate them to the 0man'e(esK 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs A6IS ,action. .ne r'mo'r is that a?ter the the?t o? the N.A.M.;.4.A. Pe$oPhi(e 7rime 4or$Ks ;(acD Mai( @oF 5 the ?act'a( 2o'&(as Pierce sent the HomoSeF'a( NAM;4A 7rime 4or$Ks ;(acD Mai( ;oF ?i((e$ with the 0man'e(esK e%i$ence an$ N.A.M.;.4.A.Ks e%i$ence to the U.9. A'thorities to ens're that the ;oston N.A.M.;.4.A. an$ Ita(ian A6IS 0man'e(e 0%o(a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate wo'($ @e in%esti&ate$ ?or their 7rimes A&ainst H'manity 3 SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 SeF .??enses 'pon 7hi($ren 3 1errorism3 an$ .r&ani>e$ 7rime /.I.7... =io(ations re&ar$(ess o? whether or not there are a&ents o? theirs in (oca( &o%ernment. 1his r'mo'r may a(so possi@(y @e the pro$'ct o? the N.A.M.;.4.A. 7rime 4or$Ks o@session with (yin& 3 which has @een pro%en @y his (yin& a@o't his i$entity. A r'mo'r in%o(%in& the ANAM;4A 7hris 1homas ;(acD Mai( ;oFA is that there was e%i$ence in the @oF that 7hris 1homas ha$ inserte$ his ?in&ers into the %a&ina an$ an's o? a Nati%e American in?ant an$ taDen a pict're 3 photo&raphe$ chi($ porno&raphy 3 that he ha$ Di((e$ ini$i%i$'a(s 3 that he ca((e$ himse(? ASamoth SrichA 3 an$ that 7hris 1homas +0man'e(e8 was or$erin& 1errorist 7rime So($iers to commit simi(ar crimes as Initiation 7rimes. 2'rin& the year 1""E or 1""! 5 1he N.A.M.;.4.A. 1errorist 7rime 4or$ who threatene$ my ,ather ca((e$ him on the te(ephone a weeD (ater in 1""! an$ threatene$ him a&ain3 attemptin& to @(acD mai( my ?ather to remain si(ent a@o't @ein& threatene$ < to which my ?ather /'sse(( MacPherson an&ri(y rep(ie$ AI wi(( not s'@mit to @(acD mai(LA an$ h'n& 'p the te(ephone. My ,ather was /ep(ace$ @y an Imposte'r a ?ew years (ater an$ has @een rep(ace$ th's ?ar @y possi@(y * or 5 imposte'rs tota(. A(most a(( o? my ?ami(y are missin& an$ their I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s are in the han$s o? imposte'rs whom ha%e 'se$ =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy to m'tate aesthetic appearance 3 cosmetic $entistry 3 an$ cosmetic s'r&ery to appear as i? they are my ?ather /'sse(( MacPherson. :ith the eFception o? possi@(y my sister S'mmer MacPherson < my sisters are missin& 3 near(y my entire ?ami(y on @oth my motherKs an$ my ?atherKs si$es are missin& 3 an$ c'rrent(y the MerrimacD NewHampshire Po(ice ,orce has @een comp(ete(y in?i(trate$ @y 1errorist A&ents o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 2'rin& the year 2002 3 Samantha G'ay an$ mem@ers o? her ?ami(y were a@$'cte$ 5 c'rrent(y 3 her entire ?ami(y has @een /ep(ace$ @y Imposte'rs 'sin& their I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. In the year 2003 3 7hristine 2ion an$ her parents were /ep(ace$ @y Imposte'rs 'sin& their I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. .'r ?ami(ies ha%e @een near(y comp(ete(y eFterminate$ &(o@a((y. :itness Statements an$ written :itness 1estimonia(s which were &i%en to the Po(ice 2epartments in the North 0ast re&ion o? the U.S.A. an$ 0astern 7ana$a ha%e @een i&nore$ as we(( as ha%e n'mero's written :itness 1estimonia(s an$ written :itness Statements to the ,e$era( ;'rea' o? In%esti&ations in the U.S.A. @een i&nore$ comp(ete(y. 1he ?ema(es whom ha%e rep(ace$ most o? the mem@ers o? o'r ?ami(ies appear to @e most(y SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims as we(( as Ita(ian 0spiona&e A&ents worDin& ?or the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. :hen I (ast si&hte$ the homoseF'a( man who threatene$ my ?ather in ;oston Massach'settes $'rin& the year o? 1""" 3 I was with Sarah 9at(er an$ Hei$i ,rit> in the city o? ;oston 5 this man ta(De$ to Sarah 9at(er an$ Hei$i ,rit> ?or a @rie? moment when they stoppe$ wa(Din&3 to asD him a I'estion. 1his man (ie$ an$ c(aime$ to @e A2o'&(as Pierce o? the @an$ 2eath in H'neA 3 which he c(ear(y was not. 1his man was pro@a@(y in his ear(y *0Ks o? a&e $'rin& the year 1""" 3 the man was o? 4om@ar$ic Ita(ian /ace an$ possi@(y a sma(( amo'nt o? another /acia( 2NA 3 the man was $e?inite(y a HomoseF'a( an$ ha$ the o@%io's $emeanor o? a Pe$ophi(e /apist 3 the Pe$oPhi(e a(so (ie$ to 's an$ state$ that he was the AHea$ Ma&ister o? the ;oston 7h'rch o? SatanA . He was approFimate(y E ?eet ta(( 3 (ooDe$ as i? he wei&he$ approFimate(y 2*0 (@s 3 he ha$ (i&ht @rown hair 3 a wi$e mo'stache an$ chin @ear$ 3 an$ ha$ aI'a co(or eyes. He ha$ a sI'are hea$ with a mi(itary (iDe hair c't that was sha%e$ on the si$es an$ was s(i&ht(y

(on&er on the top than a marineKs hairc't 3 parte$ on the si$e 5 simi(ar to a shorter AHit(er -o'thA hairc't. Sarah 9at(er to($ me that she @e(ie%e$ that the man was not 2o'&(as Pierce an$ that the man was act'a((y a mem@er o? a HomoseF'a( SeF 1ra??icDin& 7rime Syn$icate an$ possi@(y N.A.M.;.4.A. . Sarah 9at(er was a ?rien$ o? mine who was a 4es@ian 5 she to($ me that she ha$ hear$ a@o't him ?rom the Gay comm'nity in 4owe(( an$ that i? he was the man she ha$ hear$ a@o't 3 he was a $is&'stin& rapist Pe$ophi(e 7rime 4or$ an$ a mem@er o? NAM;4A . It is @e(ie%e$ @y some that it was 2o'&(as Pierce o? A2eath in H'neA an$ ;oy$ /ice o? AN.NA who sto(e the NAM;4A 7rime 4or$Ks 7hris 1homas +0man'e(e8 ASamoth SrichA ;(acD Mai( ;oF an$ &a%e it to either the USA ,.;.I. or the U.9. ,e$era( Po(ice in approFimate(y the year 1"8". 1his is possi@(e. It is a(so possi@(e that ?ans o? AN.NA an$ A2eath in H'neA 3 'se$ the names A;oy$ /iceA an$ A2o'&(as PierceA < an$ sto(e the @(acD mai( @oF an$ mai(e$ it to a'thorities. 2'rin& the years 200" an$ 2013 5 I hear$ that this man was SeF 1ra??icDin& ma(es who ha$ @een ?orce$ to 'n$er&o Gen$er /e Assi&nment S'r&ery a&ainst their own wi(( an$ that he worDe$ with Aaron 3 ,i( 3 2.H. 3 7hris 3 an$ =ittorio + the 0man'e(eKs 8 in%o(%in& SeF 1ra??icDin& an$ other .r&ani>e$ 7rime inc('$in& 1errorism. I ha%e @een to($ that they ha%e racia( tar&ets an$ that they tar&et ?ami(ies. I ha%e @een to($ that they ha%e @een =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tatin& their SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims 3 Ne'roS'r&ery H'man =i%isectin& them with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace $e%ices an$ S'r&ica( Imp(ant G.P.S. A/G.S NetworDin& 2e%ices as Impro%ise 0n&ineere$ /o'ters wire$ to these $e%ices 3 &i%in& the %ictims other ci%i(ianKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s 3 rapin& the %ictims 3 tort'rin& the %ictims 3 SeF 1ra??icDin& the %ictims 3 an$ eFterminatin& the ?ami(ies o? their %ictims. :hen 7hris 1homas +0man'e(e8 threatene$ me an$ my co'sins in 1"88 3 he he($ open scissors aro'n$ o'r pensises an$ threatene$ to c't them o?? i? we $i$ not $o eFact(y as he $eman$e$ < it has @een reporte$ that some o? these menKs %ictims ha%e @een ?orce$ to ha%e their &enita(s remo%e$ an$ 'n$er&o SeF /eassi&nment S'r&ery. My entire ?ami(y was tar&ette$ ?or the reason that my Mother an$ her Si@(in&s as we(( as their Mother were SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims an$ :ar /ape =ictims o? the 0man'e(e 0%o(a 1errorist ,action an$ their 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate $'rin& the NiFon A$ministration 3 ?or reason that A( Io$ice who was an Ita(ian A6IS S(eeper A&ent marrie$ my A'nt 4es(ie 3 an$ ?or reason that my co'sin H'(ianna whoKs ?ami(y ha$ @een near(y eFterminate$ in Sici(y @y the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 5 marrie$ into my ?ami(y an$ was constant(y o'tspoDen a@o't the 0man'e(es @ein& A$o(? Hit(erKs @io(o&ica( ?ami(y an$ that the 0man'e(es as we(( as the 0%o(as were (iars an$ &enoci$a( crimina( terrorists. .ther ?ami(ies with Ita(ian 0spiona&e connections in the NewHampshire re&ion that taDe or$ers $irect(y ?rom the 0man'e(es an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy are the 7arroccino ,ami(y an$ the Ma&&iore ,ami(y o? MerrimacD NewHampshire $'rin& the 1""0Ks an$ 2000Ks. Aaron Ge@o o? Manchester NewHampshire 3 whom was a(so racia((y Ita(ian 5 some how Dnew that 7hristine 2ionKs ?ather was Ita(ian A6IS 0spiona&e 3 it is pro@a@(e that Aaron Ge@o Dnew which ?ami(ies were in%o(%e$ $'rin& the ear(y 2000Ks when ?ami(ies @e&an @ein& a@$'cte$ an$ rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs. Aaron ha$ spoDen to a sma(( n'm@er o? in$i%i$'a(s (i%in& in Manchester NewHampshire a@o't this. Hoe 4e;aron o? MerrimacD NewHampshire @e(ie%e$ $'rin& the 1""0Ks that the 7arrocino ?ami(y ha$ some Din$ o? connection to a N.A.M.;.4.A. associate$ 7rime Syn$icate an$ that NicD Ma&&iore was somehow connecte$ to 7orr'pt 4aw 0n?orcement an$ co'($ commit hate crimes witho't e%en &ettin& in%esti&ate$ 5 Hoe 4e;aron was an American SDin Hea$ who Dnew NicD Ma&&iore as a SDin Hea$ who associate$ with SDin Hea$s in Manchester NewHampshire.

2'rin& the S'mmer season o? the years 1""* or 1""5 < my ?ami(y tooD a ?ami(y %acation to New ;r'nswicD 3 No%a Scotia 3 an$ Prince 0$war$ Is(an$ 5 7ana$a. 2'rin& this %acation 3 my ?ather /'sse(( MacPherson an$ my se(? tooD a $ri%e to a recreationa( hiDin& trai( recreationa( hiDin& parD. :hen we arri%e$ 3 A7o'nt GrishnaDA o? the @an$ ;'r>'m was wa(Din& towar$s the trai( with a ?ema(e 5 this was imme$iate(y prior to A7o'nt GrishnaDA @ein& ?rame$ ?or the m'r$er o? his @est ?rien$ .ystein Aarseth. :hen my ?ather an$ I wa(De$ towar$s the &a>e@o in the picnic area 5 I (ooDe$ at A7o'nt GrishnaDA an$ state$ AHe (ooDs (iDe a %iDin&. I thinD he is Norwe&ian. HeKs ta((.A . A7o'nt GrishnaDA state$ to the ?ema(e neFt to him Athat Di$ is starin& at meA an$ smirDe$ h'mo'ro's(y. A7o'nt GrishnaDA was approFimate(y E ?eet ta((. As A7o'nt GrishnaDA an$ his ?ema(e ?rien$ were wa(Din& past 's on the hiDin& trai( 3 $'rin& their ret'rn to the parDin& (ot area 5 my ?ather an$ I were $isc'ssin& A$o(? Hit(erKs ?act'a( @io(o&ica( ?ami(y @ein& the /oya( 0man'e(e ?ami(y o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy on his ?atherKs si$e an$ his @ein& =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs ha(? @rother. A7o'nt GrishnaDA hear$ this an$ sai$ to the ?ema(e A$i$ yo' hear thatM an$ he sai$ he hear$ it ?rom a Sici(ianM I @e(ie%e it. Ha%e yo' e%er (ooDe$ at the photo&raphs o? his ?aceM I ha%e to ca(( home an$ te(( someone.A. I was to($ two years (ater @y a woman who (i%e$ in North 7aro(ina that A7o'nt GrishnaDA ca((e$ home to Norway to ta(D to .ystein a@o't it an$ was ?rame$ 'pon ret'rnin& home ?or m'r$erin& .ystein Aarseth. 1he &ir( ?rom North 7aro(ina contacte$ my se(? on the internet on America .n(ine an$ e%ent'a((y @e&an ca((in& me on the te(ephone. :hen she ca((e$ me on the te(ephone she to($ me that A7o'nt GrishnaDA was act'a((y name$ A4ars =iDersenA 3 @'t the me$ia was (yin& an$ sayin& that his name was A=ar& =iDernesA an$ A9ris =iDernesA Awith a 9A an$ A9ristian =iDernesA. 1his woman was $e?inite(y $oin& this as a reI'est ?rom =ittorio 0man'e(e whom ha$ @een attemptin& to @'i($ a(i@is ?or his 7rimes A&ainst H'manity an$ the Ita(ian SA=.- A6IS SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 SeF .??ense Initiation 7rimes 3 :ar 7rime Initiation 7rimes 3 an$ p(ans ?or G(o@a( 7onI'est. A9ris with a 9 ?rom 9ent'cDy 3 was ?act'a((y 7(int 1ay(or 5 7hris 1homasKs @rother who is a(so a son o? =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs.A. 2'rin& the year 1""5 3 I to($ /o@ert /o$on that I ha$ seen a A=iDin&A in the woo$s in 7ana$a an$ two months (ater A7o'nt GrishnaDA was on the 1e(e%ision. I to($ /o@ert /o$on 3 A1hatKs the &'y I saw in 7ana$aA an$ he sai$ AIan3 thatKs impossi@(e. 1hatKs way o%er in Norway.A 3 to which I rep(ie$ 5 A-o'Kre ?rom Ita(y. 1hatKs on the other si$e o? the p(anet too. He was pro@a@(y on %acation.A . A7o'nt GrishnaDA was cite$ as ha%in& m'r$ere$ his own @est ?rien$ 3 @'rnt $own a ch'rch 3 an$ ?or @ein& a ASatanic Hea%y Meta( M'sicianA . I @e(ie%e it $e?inite that the man who o%erhear$ 's ta(Din& a@o't A$o(? Hit(er @ein& =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs ha(? @rother was somehow o%erhear$ @y either a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy or the Ho'se o? Aosta 3 was ran$om(y wire tappe$ thro'&h 1e(ephone 7ompany 3 was tracDe$ $own @y a 7omp'ter HacDer 3 or was recor$e$ @y an i((e&a( Impro%ise$ A'$io /ecor$in& 2e%ice somewhere in 7ana$a < an$ that he was (ater ?rame$ ?or the m'r$er o? his own @est ?rien$ .ystein Aarseth as we(( as $o I @e(ie%e that the mem@er o? the Norwe&ian m'sica( @an$ Mayhem who was ?o'n$ $ea$ with a shot &'n wo'n$ to his crani'm was ?rame$ ?or his own $eath which was (a@e(e$ a s'ici$e. M'r$er 2ec(are$ as S'ici$e is a common ?orm o? m'r$er in conJ'nction with an attempt to e(iminate in%esti&ation. I ha%e hear$ $escri@e$ 3 some o? the ?orms o? m'r$ers which the 0man'e(es or$er their Assassins to commit 5 these m'r$ers common(y in%o(%e what is ca((e$ the Apitch?orD with a shot &'nA which is a metho$ o? eFec'tion that in%o(%es the thr'stin& o? a shot &'n @arre( 'n$er the (ower Jaw o? the %ictim or into the ?ace o? the %ictim with the tri&&er @ein& p'((e$ as it nears the ?ace in a pitch?orD motion. Another metho$ o? ?ramin& a m'r$er as a s'ici$e is the 'se o? a Syrin&e inJection o? Heroin on an 'nconcio's semi asphyFiate$ %ictim 5 this is pro@a@(e to ha%e @een 'se$ @y the 0man'e(es as we((. 4acD o? ?in&erprints is easi(y

eFp(aine$ @y the 'se o? &(o%es3 rain poncho can @e worn an$ 0mer&ency Me$ica( 1echnician pants which are @(oo$ resistant as we(( as water resistant. 2'rin& the year 1""E 3 my ?atherKs @est ?rien$ Gino was ?o'n$ $ea$ with a shot &'n wo'n$ to his crani'm < this was wron&?'((y $ec(are$ s'ici$e 5 some o? GinoKs ?ami(y were possi@(y Ita(ian 0spiona&e S(eeper A&ents J'st as HacD 2ionKs an$ A( Io$iceKs were. Some o? GinoKs ?ami(y were a(so o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. It is @e(ie%e$ that the 0man'e(es ha%e an immense ?ear o? tr'th?'( ?act'a( me$ia representation o? their crimes an$ in%est (ar&e amo'nts o? monetary ?'n$in& to Me$ia Pro$'ction 7ompanies ?or the p'rpose o? contro((in& the news me$ia3 entertainment me$ia 3 an$ socia( $isc'ssions < as we(( as are they &'i(ty o? 'sin& the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen 3 whom are ?act'a((y the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs Pa&es 3 0rrants 3 an$ 9ni&hts 5 ?or the p'rpose o? pro%i$in& $ia(o& script 3 speci?ic cost'min& 3 p(ot (ine 3 themes 3 character names 3 te(e%ision series an$ mo%ie tit(es 3 an$ character $escriptions to 7inemato&raphy Mo%ie an$ 1e(e%ision Me$ia Pro$'cers. As a res'(t o? =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e 3=ittorioKs son 7(int 1ay(or3 an$ one o? the 7hristiano 9ni&hts asDin& /o@ /o$on ?or $etai(s a@o't my se(? an$ my ?ami(y constant(y 5 $'rin& the year 1""5 3 /o@ert /o$on asDe$ my ,ather 5 A2o yo' Dnow anyone who is o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oyMA to which my ,ather rep(ie$ @y eFp(ainin& 3 ANo < @'t my co'sin H'(ianna $i$ mention that her entire ?ami(y was eFterminate$ on @oth si$es @y the Ho'se o? Sa%oy in Sici(y 3 which (e$ to her imme$iate ?ami(y $eci$in& to mo%e to the U.S.A. 3 why $o asDM Is somethin& &oin& onMA to which /o@ert /o$on rep(ie$ 3 AI was J'st asDin&. I am act'a((y a Pa&e o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. I wi(( (ooD into this. I can $o that yo' Dnow. I wi(( asD aro'n$ an$ see what I can ?in$ o't 3 witho't mentionin& yo'r name o? co'rse.A 5 this entire con%ersations was o%erhear$ @y my se(? 3 Matthew /o$on 3 an$ 7hristopher /o$on. Since the year 2003 3 there ha%e @een n'mero's imposte'rs o? A7o'nt GrishnaD =ar& =iDernesA on the internet 5 a Goo&(e Ima&e Search o? the name wi(( re%ea( approFimate(y 12 imposte'rs 3 most o? which appear to @e pro@a@(e ha(? @rothers o? ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs an$ co'sins o? ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs. 2'rin& the year o? 1""! 3 when I spoDe with the woman ?rom North 7aro(ina who c(aime$ that she ha$ a ?rien$ who was in socia( contact with mem@ers o? the Norwe&ian @an$ Mayhem who ha$ Dnown A4ars =iDernesA A7o'nt GrishnaDA o? ;'r>'m an$ Mayhem. 1he men who this &ir( ?rom North 7aro(ina ha$ Dnown were sayin& that the me$ia @e&an ca((in& 4ars =iDernes A9ristianA an$ A=ar&A instea$ o? his ?act'a( name which was A4arsA an$ his pen name AGrishnaDA. 1he &ir( ?rom North 7aro(ina a(so state$ that 4arsK s'rname may ha%e possi@(y ?act'a((y @een =iDersen an$ not A=iDernesA. 1his is worth notin& 5 AS%art'(?A was a nicD name o? A$o(? Hit(erKs an$ meant A;(acD :o(?A 3 A9ristianA is o? simi(arity to the termino(o&y A1he 9ristA which was a %ersion o? the 0man'e(esK an$ 0%o(asK misappropriation an$ incorrect re te((in& o? Ma$ame ;(a%atsDyKs prophesy concernin& an Asatr' AGermanische 7hristosA or Germanic Messiah. 1he 0man'e(es an$ H'(i's 0%o(a 'se$ an a(tere$ %ariant o? Ma$am He(ena ;(a%atsDyKs prophesy in an attempt to con%ince 2e'tsche(an$ that AA$o(? Hit(erA was the Germanic Messiah. 7(int 1ayh(or who was the @rother o? 7hris 1homas 3 or 7hris 1. < sometimes ma$e a sarcastic re?erence to his ?ami(ysK racist connections @y ca((in& himse(? A9ris with a 9 ?rom 9ent'cDy. :ith 9,7 G(asses... no thanDs J'st one3 an$ @ear$.A whi(e maDin& a H'(i's 0%o(a monoc(e shape aro'n$ his eye an$ a =ittorio 0man'e(e II (iDe @ear$ with his ?in&ers. 1his JoDe seeme$ to @e&in a?ter 7hris 1homas asDe$ me i? my ,ather was in the 9' 9('F 9(an 3 to which I rep(ie$ ANo 3 he is in the 7(an MacPherson.A . 7hris 1. is a(so simi(ar to the wor$ A7hrist.A. 2'rin& the year 1"88 3 I met 7hris 1homasKs o($er @rother 7(int 1ay(or < who is a(so a son o? =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs. 7(int m1ay(or a$e a JoDe $'rin& 1"88 or 1"8" 3 a@o't my ?ather ha%in& a ;'(( :hip an$ my co'sin 2'sty an$ my se(? watchin& my ?ather p(ay with the ;'(( :hip whi(e we were (istenin& to ;i((y

I$o( 5 the JoDe was A;i((y I$o( was p(ayin& an$ the hea$ master o? the 9' 9('F 9(an was shaDin& his ?ist with the whip in his han$ an$ the st'$$e$ ;i((y I$o( 9' 9('F G(o%e.A 3 this JoDe was (ater attri@'te$ to the son& AHorror Hote(A @y Athe Mis?itsA as AIt is ?i%e secon$s o? ;i((y I$o( ?o((owe$ @y one secon$ o? 9' 9('F when the whip cracDs.A. A( Io$ice ne%er to($ my ?ami(y that 7hris 1homas an$ 7(int 1homas were =ittorio 0man'e(eKs sons 3 nor $i$ he te(( 's that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e was one o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs sons when he intro$'ce$ 's to ,i(. A( Io$ice an$ his ,ather were threatene$ @y the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e 3 a(('$in& that they wo'($ Di(( his entire ?ami(y i? he ta(De$. 2'rin& the year 1""5 or 1""E < my co'sin Marco /oy mo%e$ to :e@ster Green Apartments G 7on$omini'ms 7omp(eF 3 on the 2.:. Hi&hway 5 with his mother 2onna Martinea' an$ her new h's@an$ Scott ;o'tin. 2'rin& the year 1""E 3 my co'sin to :e@ster Green was $isc'sse$ with =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e 5 /o@ert /o$on to($ =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e that my 13 year o($ co'sin ha$ mo%e$ neFt $oor to 4ars Ho(mann 3 to which =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e asDe$ ASch(esswei& Ho(steinMA an$ /o@ert /o$on rep(ie$ < ANoL :hat 3 $o yo' thinD e%ery@o$y has &ot thatM I sai$ Ho(man.A. 2'rin& this year < I was p(ayin& the comp'ter &ame :ar7ra?t 2 an$ ha$ @e&'n a con%ersation a@o't A1he Anti 7hristA 3 Athe Seeress o? Me$J'&orJeA 3 an$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 0(ectronic S'r&ica( Imp(ants 5 $'rin& this con%ersation 3 /o@ /o$on sai$ to me A1hatKs not the Anti 7hrist 3 Ian < thatKs G(o@a( 7onI'est. 1hatKs what yo' sho'($ stri%e ?or. 1hatKs s'ccess. 1hatKs what (i?e is a@o't.A. Accor$in& to /o@ert /o$onKs @e(ie?s $'rin& the year 1""E < H'man 1ra??icDin& 3 SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 a(( ?orms o? S(a%ery 3 Genoci$e 3 an$ G(o@a( :ar 5 were not the AAnti 7hrist.A 5 that was what (i?e was a@o't. /o@ert /o$on to($ =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ a 7hristiano as we(( as possi@(y 7(int 1ay(or a@o't this con%ersation. 2'rin& the year 1""E 3 a?ter the Hote( A6IS Meetin& that ha$ occ'rre$ a?ter the A(a$$in Per?ormance in New -orD at a Hote( on the Massach'settes an$ New-orD ;or$er < =ittorio 0man'e(e @e&an attemptin& to create an A(i@i ?or the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs :ar 7rimes 3 SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 Genoci$e 3 an$ H'man =i%isections that ha$ contin'e$ in North America a?ter the 2n$ $e?eat o? the A6IS. =ittorio 0man'e(e $eci$e$ that he was &oin& to attempt to 'se the name =iDersen 3 the a(ternate ASatan 7ypher Spe((in&A A=iDernesA 3 the a((e&ations that A7o'nt GrishnaDA +an .rcKs name ?rom the @ooD the Si(mari((ion8 ha$ @'rne$ $own 7h'rches in Norway an$ m'r$ere$ his own ;est ,rien$ .ystein Aarseth 3 as we(( as the entirety o? the ;(acD Meta( M'sic Genre 5 as a ?'t're attempte$ A(i@i ?or his own :ar 7rimes in North America 3 the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs in%o(%ement in SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 H'man =i%isection 3 1errorism 3 .r&ani>e$ 7rime 3 an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs eFistence in the U.S.A. as a networD o? A6IS Mi(itant S(eeper 7e((s. An Aristocracy is a Mi(itant ,action. My co'sin Marco /oyKs @io(o&ica( ,ather An$re /oy an$ his 'nc(e Hoy /oy were He((s An&e(s ;iDer Gan&sters 3 the He((Ks An&e(Ks (o&o is a =iDin& He(met on a sD'(( 5 hence the A=iDernes S the Satanic =iDin& ;iDerKs SonA. .ther connections were ;'r>'m 5 A2arDnessA in the A;(acD Speech o? Mor$or o? 1o(DeinA < the Si(mari((ion an$ the 4or$ o? the /in&s are @oth are G(o@a( :ar. :hen /o@ert /o$on an$ my se(? ha$ $isc'sse$ the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace an$ Athe MarD o? the ;eastA 3 I ha$ @een p(ayin& :ar7ra?t 2 with /o@ertKs son 7hristopher /o$on who was my @est ?rien$. I ha$ sai$ to /o@ert /o$on AAccor$in& to the prophet woman in Me$J'&orJe 3 the Anti 7hrist is s'ppose$ to imp(ant microchips in the h'man races @o$ies an$ ens(a%e the who(e wor($ 3 Di(( entire races 3 Di(( mi((ions o? peop(e 3 create a he(( on earth 3 an$ create one wor($ &o%ernment 5 I $onKt thinD thatKs (i?e 3 thatKs $eath. 1hatKs the Anti 7hrist. I? they p't a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace in yo'r @rain they co'($ t'rn yo' into an an$roi$ ro@ot so($ier with no ?ree wi(( 3 (iDe the ro@ots in the &ame Syn$icate 3 then the who(e wor($ wi(( @ecome the &ame 7omman$ an$ 7onI'er 5 @'t ?or rea(3 an$ yo'r the (itt(e man on the screen. Satte(ites can see the &ro'n$ ?rom space.A . 1he

Norwe&ian 7h'rch ;'rnin&s seem re(ate$ to the :A7. 106AS SI0G0 o? the ;ranch 2a%i$ians o? the Se%enth 2ay A$%entist 7h'rch. 2a%i$ 9oresh ha$ @een warnin& his /e(i&io's 7omm'nity a@o't the Anti 7hrist 3 the Seeress o? Me$J'&orJeKs Prophecy 3 the A6IS co%er(y em@e$$e$ in the U.S.A. &o%ernment 3 an$ the Anti 7hristKs 7rime Syn$icate < the 7omm'na( =i((a&e that the Se%enth 2ay A$%entists (i%e$ at was attacDe$ @y Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS an$ other A6IS So($iers em@e$$e$ within the A(choho( 1o@acco an$ ,irearms 2epartment o? the U.S.A. an$ the ,e$era( ;'rea' o? In%esti&ations 5 they were wei($in& Assa'(t /i?(es an$ other weapons. 1he A6IS A&ents in the A1, an$ ,;I spraye$ the 7h'rch o? the 7omm'na( =i((a&e that the Se%enth 2ay A$%entists ha$ @een (i%in& in an$ ca'se$ the 7h'rch to catch on ?ire 5 this ?ire an$ the spray o? Assa'(t /i?(e @'((ets 3 Di((e$ a(( o? the ?ami(ies taDin& re?'&e insi$e o? the 7h'rch. =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs photo&raph was p'@(ishe$ to the we@site /ense.7om $'rin& 200* @e?ore He?? /ense was rep(ace$ @y an Imposte'r in 2005 5 the photo&raph sai$ AAnti 7hristA across it. 7'rrent(y 3 the Ho'se o? Sa%oy in the U.S.A. ha%e @een &enoci$a((y m'r$erin& an$ a@$'ctin& m'(tip(e races o? peop(es as we(( as ?ami(ies o? the Hewish /e(i&io's 7omm'nity an$ the Asatr' /e(i&io's 7omm'nity 5 at some point imme$iate(y prior to the " 11 1errorist AttacDs 3 ProJect Me&i$$o in%esti&ations ha$ a((e&e$(y @e&an. 1he ProJect Me&i$$o was inten$e$ to @e an A,.;.I. In%esti&ation into K2ooms$ay 7'(tsK that s'pport the theory that the year 2000 is a 2ooms2ayA 5 on the (ist was Asatr' an$ A:otanismA. :otan is the 1e'to SaFon 2e'tsche spe((in& o? :o$en which is An&(o SaFon 5 :o$en is simp(y the name o? the $eity .$in 3 whom is one o? the $i%inities o? the Aesir o? the Asatr' /e(i&ion. 7hristians who @e(ie%e$ in the prophesy o? the Seeress o? Me$J'&orJe were a((e&e$(y on this (ist as we((. 1he passa&e in the ;i@(e that rea$s somethin& a(on& the (ines o? AI wi(( p't a wor$ in yo'r mo'th an$ a @'& in yo'r ear to (et yo' hear the wor$A is o? importance to 'n$erstan$in& where =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs an$ the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6ISKs a(i@i is &oin& to (ea$ when they attempt to ?rame some@o$y ?or the AMarD 'pon the ;east o? 4a@orA that they ha%e S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ in H'man @ein&s in the North 0ast o? North America 5 these are ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces s'r&ica((y imp(ante$ in the crani'ms o? the %ictimsK an$ =erichip I$enti?ication Imp(ants S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ in the ?orearms o? the %ictimsK. 1he i((e&a( Impro%ise 0n&ineere$ A'$io /ecor$in& 2e%ices that were insta((e$ a(( o%er North America $'rin& the NiFon A$ministration 3 res'(te$ in the :A10/GA10 In%esti&ations an$ 1ria(s 5 these were ca((e$ A@'&sA in s(an& termino(o&y. A&ain3 $'rin& the year 200* 5 =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ his sons or$ere$ I((e&a( Impro%ise 0n&ineere$ A'$io /ecor$in& 2e%ices to @e insta((e$ a(( o%er the North 0ast o? the U.S.A. an$ possi@(y in other re&ions < $'rin& this eFact time 3 H'mans @e&an &ettin& 'nDnowin&(y S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces whi(e in Hea(thcare ,aci(ities an$ whi(e 'nconcio's at other (ocations. An i((e&a( (istenin& $e%ice is o?ten ca((e$ a A@'&A 3 a A@'&A in the crani'm near the ear 5 is not what that partic'(ar passa&e ?rom the Ho(y ;i@(e re?ers to3 @'t =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ha%e $e?inite(y @e&'n to attempt eFact(y what the Seeress o? Me$J'&orJe prophesie$ that the Anti 7hrist wo'($ $o. 2'rin& the approFimate year 1""5 < /o@ert /o$on met with the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 some o? the I@nSa'$ ,ami(y in the U.S.A. 3 an$ a n'm@er o? A6IS So($iers at a Hote( on the @or$er o? New-orD an$ Massach'settes 5 approFimate(y 5 years a?ter this 3 the " 11 1errorist AttacDs occ'rre$ an$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace S'r&ica( Imp(ants @e&an @ein& co%ert imp(ante$ in 7i%i(ianKs crani'ms. 10 years a?ter the 1""5 A6IS Meetin& 5 the Ho'se o? Sa%oy @e&an conspirin& o? a way to ?rame the Ho'se o? Sa'$ ?or the entirety o? the A6IS ,actionKs :ar 7rimes in North America. Mosta?a I@nSa'$ in partic'(ar @ecame a tar&et. Mosta?a I@nSa'$ is an Ara@ian with (on& hair who was present at the Hote( $'rin& the A6IS Meetin& 3 @'t (e?t the Hote( Pri%ate ;ar with ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e whi(e Mosta?a I@nSa'$Ks ,ather an$ =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e met with the A6IS ,action. 1he A-29

;'&A artic(es were $e?inite(y cyphere$ messa&es 5 the $etonators o? the 2emo(itions 0Fp(osi%es 'se$ insi$e the 1win 1owers $'rin& the " 11 1errorist AttacDs were pro@a@(e to ha%e @een A2ia( Up 2etonatorsA en&ineere$ o? Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone Parts as ha$ @een $escri@e$ in the 1IM0 Ma&a>ine Artic(e $'rin& 1""8 or 1""" 3 the Impro%ise$ 0Fp(osi%es 2e%ices which Di((e$ an$ maime$ U.S.A. Arme$ ,orces $'rin& Athe :ar on 1errorA were $e?inite(y somehow $etonate$ @y /a$io ,reI'ency 2etonators s'ch as possi@(y A/G.S G.P.S. 2e%ices 3 an$ soon a?ter this ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces wire$ to A/G.S G.P.S. 2e%ices were S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ in ci%i(iansK crani'ms as we(( as were Impro%ise$ A'$io /ecor$in& 2e%ices man'?act're$ o? an acco'stic microphone an$ Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone parts insta((e$ in wa((s a(( o%er the U.S.A. an$ a@o%e cei(in&s. It is pro@a@(e that ?or reason o? the SeF .??enses an$ 7rimes A&ainst H'manity that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e 3 some o? his sons 3 an$ his .r&ani>e$ 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate ha$ committe$ 'pon the :omen an$ 7hi($ren o? my ,ami(y 5 =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e o@sesse$ s(i&ht(y a@o't my ,ami(y 3 my ,ami(yKs socia( connections an$ possi@(e $isc'ssions we co'($ @e ha%in& 3 an$ the ?act that my mother @e(ie%e$ in the 7atho(ic Seeress o? Me$J'&orJeKs Prophesy a@o't the Anti 7hrist. 1he A6IS is o@%io's(y the on(y Mi(itant ,action sti(( in eFistance that has a &oa( o? G(o@a( 7onI'est. /o@ert /o$on is a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 4ynn ;an&s 3 /o@ert /o$onKs eF wi?e 5 is a $istant co'sin o? @oth a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy as we(( as a 9ni&ht o? Aosta who (i%es in North America. 2'rin& the approFimate year 1""! 3 I spoDe with a &ir( ?rom Maine who (iDe$ ;(acD Meta( an$ ha$ contacte$ me on the internet. 1he &ir( ?rom Maine who (iDe$ ;(acD Meta( m'sic may ha%e @een a tar&et. It is a(so possi@(e that she was a SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim an$ that she was @ein& to($ to ta(D to me to see i? I wo'($ mention ;'r>'m an$ 7ana$a. She to($ me that she was ?orce$ to $ress (iDe a secretary an$ that she was a rape %ictim an$ ha$ a repeat o??en$er who was her ,ather an$ his ?rien$. She was a @(on$e 15 year o($. :hen I @e&an speaDin& to 0mi(y Is(es 3 she was a @(on$e 1E year o($. Many o? the 0man'e(esK %ictims seem to @e @(on$e ?ema(es o? an a%era&e a&e o? 15 years o($ as we(( as Nati%e American ?ema(es who are o? teen a&e. /ecor$s o? the 0man'e(es ca((in& A( Io$ice are on A( Io$iceKs an$ 4es(ie Io$iceKs te(ephone recor$s ?rom @etween the years 1"8* to 2005. =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs son 7hris 1homas ca((e$ my 'nc(e A( Io$ice n'mero's times. 7hristine 2ion @e(ie%e$ in the year 2002 that 2a%e Na%arroKs 7ocaine 2ea(er was ?rien$s with the act'a( man who Di((e$ 9'rt 7o@ain an$ that it was a ran$om s(ayin& ?or p'rpose o? maDin& a AShot &'n S'ici$eA (o'$er in me$ia than any mention o? my $a$Ks @est?rien$ GinoKs m'r$er which ha$ @een wron&(y $ec(are$ a s'ici$e an$ A2ea$A o? MayhemKs m'r$er which ha$ wron&(y @een $ec(are$ s'ici$e. A(( o? these m'r$ers were shot&'n @(asts to the crani'm 3 pro@a@(e to ha%e @een the res'(t o? Apitch ?orDin& with a shot&'nA whi(e the %ictim str'&&(e$ to &et the ?ace away ?rom the shot&'n. A2ea$A 3 the &'itarist o? Mayhem 5 was one o? 4ars =iDernes an$ .ystein AarsethKs @est ?rien$s. Gino whom was my ?atherKs @est ?rien$ 3 was Ita(ian an$ ha$ ?ami(y whom were o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 5 Gino worDe$ at Premier In$'stries with my ,ather an$ ha$ pre%io's(y worDe$ in P(asterin& 3 Sheet /ocDin& 3 an$ 2ry :a((in& with my ,ather. 2'rin& the year o? 2005 3 200E 3 200! 3 2008 3 200" 3 2010 3 2011 3 an$ 2012 5 photo&raphs o? an imposte'r o? 7hristine 2ion at 2a%e Na%arroKs apartment were poste$ on 7hristine 2ionKs ,ace;ooD. In the year 2002 @e?ore she $isappeare$ 5 7hristine 2ion state$ that she @e(ie%e$ that the Ita(ian Mi(itary Inte((i&ence 2epartment an$ the maJority o? the Ita(ian Mi(itary ha$ J'st recent(y @een Heirarcha((y 2ecapitate$ @y Ita(ian A6IS A&ents (oya( to the Ho'se o?

Sa%oy. Somehow 3 the imposte'r that rep(ace$ 7hristine 2ion a?ter she was either a@$'cte$ or s(ain < was intro$'ce$ to 2a%e Na%arro whom is a we(( Dnown pop me$ia m'sician . 1he ?a(se portraya( o? a m'r$er as a s'ici$e an$ itKs &(o@a( p'@(ic presentation in me$ia is simi(ar to a((e&ations o? ASatanic /it'a( A@'seA @ein& 'se$ to create an a(i@i $'rin& the in%esti&ations ?o((owin& the :ater&ate Scan$a( 5 Satanic /it'a( A@'se was the a(i@i which the 0man'e(esK 'se$ to $istract in%esti&ations ?rom their 1errorist 7rime Syn$icateKs Initiation 7rimes 3 their SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 an$ the $r'&&in& o? %ictims o? these crimes as we(( as their eFperiments with $r'&s s'ch as Hypnotics 3 Ha(('cino&ens 3 2isassociati%es 3 an$ Hypnosis. ASatanic /it'a( A@'seA was an a(i@i an$ the pop me$ia as we(( as new me$ia a(i@i ?or the a@'ses o? power within the M9U41/A $epartment $'rin& the NiFon A$ministration an$ the 0man'e(esK 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate which ha$ committe$ these a@'ses o? power. At the conc('sion o? the years $'rin& which ASatanismA was in%esti&atin& in the news me$ia 5 4ars =iDernes was on the te(e%ision ?or two weeDs $'rin& which the A7h'rch Arsons in NorwayA were $isc'sse$ 3 A;(acD Meta(A was $isc'sse$ 3 an$ the AM'r$er o? .ystein AarsethA was $isc'sse$. S'ppose$(y 3 .ystein Aarseth was sta@@e$ the same n'm@er o? times as my ?ather was years o($ when we wa(De$ passe$ 4ars =iDernes in 7ana$a whi(e on %acation an$ he o%erhear$ 's $isc'ssin& =ittorio 0man'e(e III @ein& A$o(? Hit(erKs patri(inea( ha(? @rother. 1he $isc'ssion o? 4ars A=ar&A =iDernes was en$e$ @y the @e&inin& o? the ..H. Simpson M'r$er 1ria( which was $isp(aye$ on te(e%ision constant(y 3 J'st (on& eno'&h to ca'se the p'@(ic to ?or&et :ater&ate Scan$a(s 3 M9U41/A 3 ASatanic /it'a( A@'seA 3 A7h'rch Arsons in Norway an$ ;(acD Meta( M'r$erersA 3 an$ 9'rt 7o@ainKs As'ici$eA. H'st as their pre$ecessors in the A6IS ha$ @een < =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ his sons are o@sesse$ with contro((in& the me$ia to which the p'@(ic are eFpose$ 3 an$ are o@sesse$ with contro((in& massi%e pop'(ations o? peop(es 'sin& me$ia as a cata(yst to ca'se speci?ic reactions ?rom the p'@(ic an$ speci?ic @e(ie?s concernin& certain historica( e%ents amon&st the peop(e. ..H. SimpsonKs m'r$er tria( was o? stran&e Psycho(o&ica( /e(e%ance to =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs crimes an$ what it was that ha$ @een $isp(aye$ on te(e%ision imme$iate(y prior to the ..H. Simpson 1ria( that (aste$ m'(tip(e years an$ was promote$ so m'ch that it @(ocDe$ a(most a(( other News Me$ia. ;'r>'m o? Norway was on the news ?or two weeDs prior to ..H. Simpson. 1he ..H. Simpson case in%o(%e$ the m'r$er o? ..H. SimpsonKs :i?e with a 9ni?e 3 Po(ice 7orr'ption &ot the case acI'itte$ as a res'(t o? the Po(ice tamperin& with e%i$ence s'ch as the 9ni?e an$ the G(o%es 3 AG(o%esA is a nicDname ?or A7on$omsA at times an$ there are Dni%es in%o(%e$ in many o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icateKs SeF .??ense Initiation 7rimes. =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e is the 9in& o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy which was once the 9in& o? Ita(ia 3 he is a $isp(ace$ 9in& with a $isp(ace$ Aristocracy an$ n'mero's ?ami(ies o? (oya(ists (i%in& in the U.S.A. < it is $e?inite(y pro@a@(e that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e hear$ a@o't what ..H. Simpson ha$ @een arreste$ ?or a((e&e$(y $oin& to his wi?e 3 hear$ a@o't the $etai(s 3 an$ or$ere$ (oya( a&ents o? his to maDe s're that the me$ia co%ere$ the ..H. Simpson case ?or the $'ration o? the case an$ ?or a time a?terwar$s 5 ens'rin& that the ..H. Simpson case was $isc'sse$ constant(y an$ occ'pie$ m'ch o? the me$ia. .cc'pation o? p'@(ic me$ia with a sin&(e co'rt hearin& ena@(es a &'i(ty ,action to pre%ent any arrest o? e%en a sin&(e a&ent o? theirs ?rom @ecomin& wi$esprea$ pop'(ar news me$ia. 1he ..H. Simpson case en$e$ the Satanic /it'a( A@'se Scare 3 the :aterGate me$ia eFpos're 3 an$ en$e$ the ;'r>'m eFpos're in the me$ia. A concept worth mentionin& < it is possi@(e that the sa$ism o? =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ his sonsK is eFpresse$ thro'&h to metho$ o? their :ar /ape o? the U.S.A. 7i%i(ian Pop'(ation an$ o@sessi%e Genoci$e o? the %ictimsK ?ami(ies. 1he Psycho(o&y

present in their metho$ o? rapin& 3 @r'ta((y tort'rin& 3 psycho(o&ica((y tort'rin& 3 an$ &enoci$a( m'r$erin& o? the North American Pop'(ation 5 seems $e?inite that a (eat =ittorio an$ 7hris @e(ie%e that they are rapin& the physica( so'( o? the (an$ an$ itKs peop(e. 1he Din$ o? tort're 3 rape 3 an$ @r'ta( m'r$er that they are committin& 'pon the pop'(ation < an$ the rape o? in?ants an$ chi($ren 5 is a si&n that they are tryin& to $ama&e the so'( o? the ?o(D or peop(e permanant(y 5 they tort're the nati%e or&anism o? the North American 7ontinent as i? they are attemptin& to systemica((y re$'ce the @irthrate 3 train the physica( or&anism to @e misera@(e ?rom @irth 3 an$ train the physica( or&anism to @e ?ear?'( ?rom @irth. 1heir psycho(o&y is that o? an 0Ftremist Genoci$a( Sa$ist Me&a(omaniac. .? important re(e%ance to what appeare$ to @e the Norwe&ian 4ars A9ristian =ar&A =iDernes o? ;'r>'m an$ his prison sentence ?or s'ppose$(y Di((in& his own @est ?rien$ 5 0rnst C'n$e( o? 2e'tsche(an$ recei%e$ a 1E year prison sentence as we(( 3 ?or writin& a @ooD which containe$ re?'tations o? common(y @e(ie%e$ in?ormation re&ar$in& the Ho(oca'sts o? the 1"*0Ks as we(( as AHo(oca'st 2enia( 4iterat'reA. I @e(ie%e that the imprisonment o? 0rnst C'n$e( may @e intentiona( an$ ?or the reason that the 0man'e(es want it to @e ma$e i((e&a( to a(ter historica( recor$s concernin& the Ho(oca'st ?or reason that they $o not want the teFt @ooDs 3 $oc'mentaries 3 an$ common(y @e(ie%e$ in?ormation re&ar$in& the A6IS o? the 3r$ /eich an$ the Ho(oca'sts in the 1"*0Ks to @e correcte$ to inc('$e the ?act that A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ather was =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs ?ather an$ the ?act that A$o(? Hit(erKs mother was the $a'&hter o? a 9ni&ht o? Sa%oy whom was o? @oth Ita(ian Sa%oy an$ Aosta Aristocratic @(oo$ ?rom A'stria. It is a possi@i(ity that the ?act'a( 0rnst C'n$e( AMachia%e((iK$A his prison sentence an$ (e?t an AI$entity 2enierA in prison in 2e'tsche(an$ whom was =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tate$ to (ooD (iDe 0rnst C'n$e( @'t was a $i??erent 2e'tsche(an$er. .? stran&e coinci$ence to the n'm@er 1E < in the year 2000 when I was 1E 3 I @are(y s'r%i%e$ a car acci$ent 5 this car acci$ent (e?t me with permanant $ama&e to my wrist an$ han$ as we(( as a scar on my (e?t wrist that (ooDs (iDe a sti&mata wo'n$ $'e to a tree @ranch impa(in& my wrist. 1he scar is a sDin &ra?t. 7orey 2ai(ey ha$ @een $ri%in& the car 3 7orey 2ai(ey ha$ &otten 's into two car acci$ents whi(e he was $ri%in& prior to this an$ spent a(ot o? time o?? roa$ $ri%in& his %ehic(es as i? they were a(( terrain %ehic(es a(tho'&h they were re&'(ar transportation %ehic(es. 7orey 2ai(ey was present at 7hris /o$onKs an$ my own ;irth$ay Party $'rin& 1""" 3 when I @ro'&ht Nina Hansen with me to the ;irth$ay Party. In the year 200* 3 the 0man'e(es $eci$e$ that they were &oin& to attempt to A2! 7('@A my se(? an$ Nina Hansen < m'r$erin& 's @oth at the a&e o? 2! i? we were sti(( a(i%e 5 Anthony 2e,eo sho'($ @e recor$e$ as ha%in& $isc'sse$ this. 1he 0man'e(esK an$ the other ?ami(ies o? A$o(? Hit(erKs an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs ?ami(ies 3 are eFtreme(y paranoi$ a@o't @ein& ca'&ht ?or their crimes an$ @ein& eFpose$ as A$o(? Hit(erKs @io(o&ica( ?ami(y 5 a?ter m'ch o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ?(e$ Ita(ia at the ?a(( o? the 3r$ /eich a?ter their $e?eat at the en$ o? :or($ :ar 2 3 these ?ami(ies entere$ the USA with s'rnames with meanin&s that pertaine$ to 7hristianity an$ @ein& &reat?'( to Go$ s'ch as A7hristianoA 3 AGrassetiA 3 A0man'e(eA 3 AHamesA 3 AMatthewA 3 APeterA 3 AHohnA 3 A1homasA 3 an$ other names re(ate$ to the ;i@(e. =ittorio 0man'e(e is somewhat o? a s'perstitio's man an$ is %ery paranoi$. 7orey 2ai(ey ha$ @een rea$in& a @ooD a@o't Anton 4a=eyKs 7h'rch o? Satan an$ @ro'&ht it to Hi&hSchoo( o?ten. My @est ?rien$ in 1""5 was 7hris /o$on. 7hrisKs ?ather 3 /o@ /o$on was the son o? a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ o? Sa%oy Aristocratic @(oo$. 7hris /o$onKs mother 3 /o@Ks wi?e 4ynn 5 was o? some amo'nt o? Ita(ian an$ A'strian race 3 @esi$es her An&(o American herita&e. /o@ert was on his way to @ecomin& a 9ni&ht in 1""5. 2'rin& what I @e(ie%e was 1""5 3 I was at the /o$onKs ho'se an$ 4ars %iDernes o? the @an$ ;'r>'m

was on the 1e(e%ision News ?or Am'r$erin& his @est ?rien$A an$ A@'rnin& $own ch'rchesA 5 I to($ 7hris 3 Matt 3 an$ their ?ather /o@ert that I ha$ seen this man 'p in 7ana$a in either No%a Scotia 3 New ;r'nswicD 3 or Prince 0$war$ Is(an$ whi(e hiDin& recreationa( ?orest trai(s with my ?ami(y on %acation. My ?ather an$ my se(? wa(De$ past the ?act'a( A=ar& =iDernesA at (east twice whi(e hiDin& in 7ana$a an$ possi@(y saw him a thir$ time at a camp&ro'n$ an$ %acation area where we ha$ rente$ a cotta&e. 4arsKs te(ephone ca(( to Norway sho'($ @e recor$e$ @y 7ana$ian Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartment an$ the A's.7an.N>.UD.Us. Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence NetworD. 2'rin& the years 2012 an$ 2013 5 the SeF .??ense case o? Arie( 7astro 3 the potentia( Hate 7rime m'r$er case o? MarD Cimmerman 3 an$ stories a@o't Hiha$ists ha%e @een present in te(e%ision me$ia so stron&(y that a(most nothin& e(se has @een presente$. MarD C'cDer@er&Ks ?ami(y came to ,ami(y 2o((ar in 200* an$ 2005 whi(e I was worDin& there 5 MarD C'cDe@er& an$ his sister Arie( C'cD@er& ha%e @een tar&ette$ @y the 0man'e(es an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 an$ are pro@a@(e to @e %ictims o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs. A 2NA test o? the entire pop'(ation o? North America 3 the ;ritish 7ommon:ea(th 3 0'rope 3 an$ Israe( are $e?inite(y nee$e$ soon to ens're that the imposte'rs who ha%e rep(ace$ the maJority o? the pop'(ation in the North 0ast o? North America are $etaine$ an$ pre%ente$ ?rom m'r$erin& the entire pop'(ation o? North America. 1he $o& co((ars an$ $'n&eon tort're rape o? the Arie( 7astro case is simi(ar to the 0man'e(esK Initiation 7rimes an$ the MarD Cimmerman case is a racia( iss'e. Arie( an$ MarD are the C'cDer@er&Ks names. .n the topic o? 7o%ert A&ents em@e$$e$ within Ministries an$ 2epartments o? 2e?ense 5 Mi(itaries can easi(y @ecome 1echnocratic concernin& promotion o? /anD within %ario's $epartments. It is possi@(e that the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs A&ents ha%e &aine$ contro( o? $epartments within the USA 2epartment o? 2e?ense as we(( as the Ita(ian Ministry o? 2e?ense an$ ha%e contin'e$ to maintain this conro( o%er these $epartments @y eFcersi>in& nepotism in terms o? whom is promote$ to speci?ic positions as we(( as who is trans?erre$ to speci?ic (ocations 3 in ?a%or o? ?i((in& a(( positions within speci?ic $epartments an$ (ocations with A&ents an$ 9ni&hts o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy.

3uring the year <==>" Nic) (aggiore &as ordered by 4ittorio Emanuele0s Agents to recruit 8e'in %lson for the band .the 9y)lon 9eroes. as a bass layer 2 for reason of in'estigating 8e'in %lson and his family in an attem t to find a Nor&egianJCanadian .4i)ing ;rotherhood. connection or Nor&egianJCanadian .?hite Po&er. connection in Ne&,am shire- The %lson family &as half Nor&egian race and half Canadian race " they &ere not racists " they &ere not in'ol'ed in the Asatru religious community " they &ere not A*!S$affiliated " they did not ha'e a connection to 7ars 4i)ernes of Nor&ay of the musical band ;ur/um " and they did not )no& my family during <==C- 3uring the year <==K " 4alerie %lson and her brothers &ere accused of being of an A*!S Slee er Agent +amily by an !talian &ho )ne& her brothers 1 4alerie %lson mentioned this to me in <==K3uring the year <==K " Nic) (aggiore threatened the enti %lson family 2 Nic) (aggiore &as ordered to do this by an Emanuele- Nic) (aggiore0s family &or) for the ,ouse of Sa'oy- 3uring the <==B0s " 4ittorio Emanuele o ened a Cafe named the Cafe Sa'oie in (anchester Ne&,am shire using Pro erty Stead$,older as a Stead$,older for the Contract and Title of the Pro erty 2 4ittorio Emanuele does this often- The name of the Cafe Sa'oie &as s elled li)e a combination of my (other0s birth surname 7a'oie and Sa'oy of the ,ouse of Sa'oy- Currently Gerald .Jerry. 30Amico and his &ife Cheryl 30Amico of +leet(aster 3e'elo ment and Gerald .Jerry. 30Amico0s e#$

boyfriend 3ino are both Pro erty Stead$,olders of the Emanueles- Since the year ABB: " an im osteur of Jac) 3ion has been li'ing in the region of Ne&,am shire and has been acti'e as a Pro erty Stead$,older of the Emanueles- The Carroccino family of (errimac) Ne&,am shire )ne& Jac) 3ion and seem to ha'e been ta)ing orders from the ,ouse of Sa'oy in the ast as to &hom it is that they socially associate themsel'es &ith- The Carroccino family )ne& my self " the +rit/ family " the 3ion family " the (aggiore family " the %lson family " the ;oggia family " and the Gusta'son family- 3an ;oggia introduced my self and 4alerie %lson during the year <==K- The ;oggia0s ha'e a definite connection to the ,ouse of Sa'oy and it is robable that their Grand$+ather )ne& 4ittorio .4ictor. Emanuele ersonally2'rin& the en$ o? the year 1""8 3 =a(erie .(son @roDe 'p with me sayin& AMy ?ami(y canKt e%en a??or$ 7hristmas Presents this year Ian. -es 3 I am @reaDin& 'p with yo'.A I ne%er (earne$ why she $i$ this. My Gran$?ather $ie$ a(most imme$iate(y a?ter this. I @e(ie%e it possi@(e that the threat ma$e a&ainst her ?ami(y was ?o((owe$ @y a $eman$ ?or AProtection MoneyA 5 this is the act o? $eman$in& a ?ami(y to pay tri@'tary moneys an$ respon$in& with assa'(ts 3 m'r$er 3 @(acD mai( 3 s(an$er 3an$ %an$a(ism i? they $o not. I @e(ie%e that this was @eca'se o? NicD Ma&&iore an$ =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs sons. =a(erie .(son was ?orce$ to &o on $ates with a 1" year o($ when she was 12 years o($ 3 this contin'e$ ?or m'(tip(e years with the same man 5 his name was 7hris an$ his ?ami(y were Ita(ians an$ were re(ate$ to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. I was not a((owe$ at her neFt @irth$ay party 3 @'t wa(De$ to her ho'se anyways to te(( her Happy ;irth$ay 5 there were o($er ma(es there who were Ita(ians that Dnew NicD Ma&&iore. 2'rin& 1""! 3 a?ter =a(erie .(sonKs ?ami(y was threatene$ @y NicD Ma&&iore 5 =a(erie @e&an &oin& o't ?or ('nch an$ $inner an$ to mo%ies an$ the ma(( with a 1" year o($ Ita(ian man name$ 7hris. 7hris ha$ ?ami(y who were mem@ers o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen 5 the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs Pa&es 3 0rrants 3 an$ 9ni&hts. =a(erie .(son was on(y 12 years o($. 2 M'ch o? what has occ're$ in the New0n&(an$ an$ NewHersey re&ion o%er the past ten years has @een the res'(t o? a 1errorist ,actionKs attempt to si(ence in?ormation which I ha$ @een eFpose$ to an$ in?orme$ o? as a chi($ $'rin& the 1"80Ks an$ 1""0Ks as we(( as e(iminate a(( witnesses an$ %ictims o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ =ittorio 0man'e(eKs sonKs SeF .??enses 3 0spiona&e3 .r&ani>e$ SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 an$ 7rimes A&ainst H'manity. ;etween the span o? a@o't ?o'r years 3 the in?ormation which I ha$ @een to($ as we(( as o%erhear$ re&ar$in& the tr'th o? A$o(? Hit(erKs @io(o&ica( ?ami(ia( re(ation an$ sirin& came ?rom m'(tip(e so'rces 5 one so'rce in partic'(ar @ein& a 4om@ar$ic Ita(ian ?ami(y whom mo%e$ to the U.S.A. ?rom 1'rino Ita(ia 3 the other so'rce @ein& a Sici(ian ?ami(y that marrie$ into my ?ami(y. My co'sin H'(ianna ha$ to($ my ?ami(y n'mero's times her (i?e story an$ how her ?ami(y came to immi&rate to the U.S.A. as a res'(t o? their ?(eein& what ha$ @ecome a &enoci$e in Sici(y. H'(ianna ha$ eFp(aine$ this sit'ation to my ?ami(y n'mero's times $'rin& the 1"80Ks an$ 1""0Ks 5 H'(iannaKs ?ami(y were one o? n'mero's tar&ette$ ?ami(ies in Sici(y a?ter the 2n$ :or($ :ar an$ were one o? the many ?ami(ies in Sici(y whom ha$ Dnow(e$&e concernin& A$o(? Hit(erKs connections to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ H'(i's 0%o(aKs < as we(( as $i$ they ha%e Dnow(e$&e concernin& H'(i's 0%o(aKs ?atherKs

contri@'tion to the ?o'n$in& o? the A6IS an$ the en&ineerin& o? the p(ans an$ i$entity o? the A6IS. H'(ianna state$ that her ,ather an$ other Sici(ians ha$ @een Dnow(e$&ea@(e that H'(i's 0%o(aKs ?ather an$ the 0man'e(es o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha$ initiate$ an attempt to co%ert(y an$ systemica((y reconstr'ct the /oman 0mpire an$ that this was the tr'th concernin& the /oman ,ascists whom were em@e$$e$ within the Nationa( ,ascists o? Ita(ia an$ Spain as we(( as $i$ this /oman ,ascist I$entity en&ineer the in$entity o? the 3r$ /eich an$ insti&ate what @ecame the Ho(oca'st. 1he 0%o(a ?ami(y are @io(o&ica( $escen$ants o? the ori&ina( /oman Imperia( Aristocracy an$ @ein& as s'ch as @io(o&ica((y inheritors o? the @(oo$(ine o? pro@a@(y more than one /oman 0mperor an$ n'mero's /oman Imperia( Aristocrats. A?ter the ,a(( o? the 3r$ /eich3 H'(iannaKs ?ather was @y opinion po(itica((y a(i&ne$ with Sici(ian Nationa(ists an$ Sici(ian 4oya(ists whom were (oya( to the pre%io's Sici(ian Aristocray prior to the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs conI'est o? Sici(y an$ prior to the 0%o(asK position as ;aronia( Aristocrats < this howe%er 3 was not the reason ?or H'(i's 0%o(a an$ the 0man'e(es tar&ettin& their ?ami(y 5 n'mero's other ?ami(ies in Sici(y were tar&ette$ ?or reason o? si(encin& in%esti&ations 3 press 3 an$ wor$ o? mo'th concernin& the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs in%o(%ement in the A6IS an$ the $e&ree to which the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha$ en&ineere$ the A6IS as we(( as capit'(ators o? the Ho'se Sa%oy whom were not en&ineerin& parties o? the A6IS @'t ha$ assiste$ in the orchestration o? not on(y the war e??ort @'t the Ho(oca'st. H'(iannaKs ?ather ha$ to($ her that A$o(? Hit(er was the @io(o&ica( patri(inea( ha(? @rother o? the 9in& o? Ita(ia 3 =ittorio 0man'e(e III. H'(ianna an$ her ,ather @e(i%e$ H'(i's 0%o(a to @e a @io(o&ica( $escen$ant o? the 7aesar Israe(i 3 7onI'eror o? Israe( < the /oman Mi(itary Genera( who sacDe$ Israe( 3 $emo(ishe$ 9in& So(omonKs 1emp(e 3 an$ 7r'ci?ie$ the /a@@i -esh'a the 7hrist who was -es' 7hristi as we(( as those atten$in& 1emp(e :orship at the steps o? the $emo(ishe$ 9in& So(omonKs 1emp(e which (ater @ecome the /oman 1emp(e at Go(&otha a?ter -esh'aKs cr'ci?iFion at Go(&otha. H'(i's 0%o(aKs m'(tip(e (an&'a&e trans(ations o? the 4earne$ Protoco(s o? the 0($ers o? Cion is we(( $oc'mente$ < i? I reca(( correct(y 3 H'(ianna an$ her ,ather @e(ie%e$ that an$ 0%o(a prior to the 1st :or($ :ar wrote 1he 4earne$ Protoco(s o? the 0($ers o? Cion $'rin& a ?it on an&er which was the res'(t o? Israe(i Nationa(istsK p(ans ?or Israe(i 2ec(aration o? In$epence as a Nationa( Israe(i State 5 Israe(i Nationa(ism was then an$ sti(( is ca((e$ Cionism. Israe(Ks 2ec(aration o? In$epen$ence as a Nation State @ecame an imme$iate impet's to the 0%o(asK an$ the /oman ,ascistsK p(ans to 'ni?y the Me$iterranean /e&ion as a reconstr'cte$ /oman 0mpire which was to @e the inten$e$ en$ res'(t o? the p(anne$ 1st :or($ :ar. I @e(ie%e this to @e entire(y ?act'a(. H'(ianna state$ n'mero's times that the Sici(ian ?ami(ies whom were tar&ette$ ?or &enoci$e a?ter the 2n$ :or($ :ar were tar&ette$ @y H'(i's 0%o(a as a res'(t o? his A&ents o%erhearin& their co%ersations 3 po(itica( &oa(s 3 in%o(%ement in in%esti&ations re&ar$in& the A6IS 3 as we(( as re(ation to %oca( s'pporters o? Israe(i In$epen$ence. My 'nc(e A( Io$ice ne%er a$mitte$ to my ?ami(y or to my co'sin H'(ianna that 7hris 1homas an$ ,i( 0man'e(e were =ittorio 0man'e(eKs sons 3 the sons o? the 9in& o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy < A( Io$ice ne%er a$mitte$ to H'(ianna that his ?ami(y worDe$ ?or the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ that some o? them were 9ni&hts an$ Assassins o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. It is pro@a@(e that A( Io$iceKs co'sin marrie$ into the same ?ami(y that G(enn An>a(oneKs co'sin marrie$ into 5 it is @e(ie%e$ @y n'mero's peop(e re(ate$ to this ?ami(y 3 that the Assassin that Di((e$ Hohn ,it>&era($ 9enne$y was o? this ?ami(y that @oth the Io$icesK Ita(ian co'sin marrie$ into an$ the An>a(onesK Ita(ian co'siin marrie$ into. It is @e(ie%e$ @y peop(e re(ate$ to the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs AssassinsK an$ SeF 1ra??icDersK ?ami(ies 5 that the Assassination o? Hohn ,it>&era($ 9enne$y was the A/eichsta& ,ireA o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy on American Soi( an$ that this Assassination was ?or the p'rpose o? hi$in& 1errorism an$ .r&ani>e$ 7rime re(ate$ to the Ita(ian A6IS on North American soi( 3 :ater&ate o? /ichar$ NiFonKs A$ministration 3 an$ what happene$ within M9U41/A.

1he crimes committe$ @y ,e$era( 0mp(oyees worDin& with /ichar$ He(ms $'rin& the /ichar$ NiFon A$ministration were @ein& committe$ @y a &ro'p o? Ita(ian A6IS (oya(ists an$ their accomp(ices prior to the NiFon A$ministration a(rea$y 5 the corr'ption that @ecame rampant within the ,e$era( Go%ernment $'rin& /ichar$ NiFonKs A$ministration @e&an J'st prior to the ,irst :or($ :ar an$ @ecame an eFtreme(y wi$e sprea$ networD o? corr'ption a?ter the ?a(( o? the 3r$ /eich. My 'nc(e A( Io$ice was we(( acI'ainte$ with the 0man'e(es whom were the /oya( ,ami(y o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy as we(( as other ?ami(ies o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. A( Io$ice ne%er to($ my co'sin H'(ianna that he Dnew the Ho'se o? Sa%oy or that his &ran$?ather was a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. A( Io$iceKs ?ather was in (ea&'e with the Ho'se o? Sa%oy somehow 3 either as a /oya( Assassin or as a 9ni&ht . A( Io$ice ha$ wante$ to $istance himse(? ?rom the Ho'se o? Sa%oy his entire (i?e < @'t $'rin& my chi($hoo$ 3 =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ his sons Dept in ?reI'ent socia( contact with my 'nc(e A( Io$ice. 1he secon$ so'rce o? the in?ormation re&ar$in& A$o(? Hit(erKs @io(o&ica( parenta&e was the res'(t o? my se(? o%erhearin& a con%ersation @etween a 4om@ar$ic Ita(ian whoKs ?ami(y immi&rate$ to the U.S.A. ?rom 1'rino Ita(ia an$ his son whom I was ?rien$s with. My ?rien$s ?ather /o@ert /o$on ha$ a co'sin whom was a mem@er o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen. 2'rin& the 1""0Ks 3 I o%erhear$ /o@ eFp(ainin& to his son whom I was ?rien$s with that many o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen @ecame 9ni&hts 3 Pa&es 3 an$ 0rrants o? the eFi(e$ Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ that the 9in& o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy was marrie$ to a woman o? the Ho'se o? Aosta. I a(so o%erhear$ him whisperin& to his son that it was r'mo're$ that A$o(? Hit(er ha$ @een o? @oth o? these @(oo$(ines an$ @oth o? these ho'ses < that it was r'mo're$ that A$o(? Hit(er was the ha(? @rother o? =ittorio 0man'e(e III an$ that his mother was o? an Aosta @(oo$(ine. /o@ a?terwar$s state$ A/emem@er what I was te((in& yo' a@o't the ;aron H'(i's 0%o(aM -eah... so itKs possi@(e. :eKre not s're 3 yet.A . My co'sin H'(iannaKs ?ami(y $i$ not Dnow %ery many Ita(ians nor were they rea((y marrie$ to any 3 her ?ami(y was Sici(ian an$ marrie$ Americans. /o@ertKs statement to his son was $'rin& the 1""0Ks. It is @e(ie%e$ @y some 3 that the eFi(e o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy was a ,a(se ,(a&&e$ 0Fi(e < that this eFi(e was ?or the inten$e$ p'rpose o? escapin& in%esti&ations $'rin& the N'rem@'r& 1ria(s 3 that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ScapeGoate$ an$ or$ere$ the p'@(ic eFec'tion o? ;enito M'sso(ini ?or the p'rpose o? se%erin& their socia( connections to the o%ert re&ime that ha$ @een create$ an$ presentin& the i(('sion that the A6IS was a strict ri&i$ re&ime that ha$ @ecome to eFtreme in itKs i$ea(ism an$ was a(rea$y $estroye$ 5 the tr'th is that the ,ascist Parties an$ the Mi(itant /e&imes which were create$ were somewhat i&norant parties concernin& the p're i$entity o? the o(i&archa( pop'(ation amon&st the A6IS an$ itKs nat're as a Socia( 2arwinist 7rime Syn$icate em@e$$e$ with /oman Imperia(ist (oya(ists whom were (oya( to the ancient /oman Aristocracy an$ the no (on&er eFistant imperia( state o? the (itera( /oman 0mpire that ha$ conI'ere$ the entire Me$iterranean re&ion at the hei&ht o? itKs eFpansion an$ cr'ci?ie$ -esh'a the /a@@i a?ter the $emo(ition o? 9in& So(omonKs 1emp(e. It is pro@a@(e that the eFi(e o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy was a'tonomo's(y $eci$e$ @y some amon&st the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ was ?or the p'rpose o? contin'in& the (on& time attempt o? e(iminatin& e%i$ence o? their $irect comp(icity concernin& :ar 7rimes an$ the Ho(oca'st o? the 1"*0Ks. 1he common(y @e(ie%e$ r'mo'r which I persona((y @e(ie%e is comp(ete(y ?act'a( 3 as $o many other in$i%i$'a(s 5 some o? whom are o? ?ami(ies whom were a((e&e$(y m'r$ere$ @y mem@ers o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy < was that A$o(? Hit(er was the son o? the 9in& o? Ita(ia3 @orn ?rom an a??air $'rin& which the 9in& o? Ita(ia ha$ impre&nate$ the $a'&hter o? a 9ni&ht o? Sa%oy whom was o? Ita(ian race as we(( as an Aosta A'strian @(oo$ (inea&e in her ?ami(y. It is common Dnow(e$&e that $'rin& the 1"*0Ks3 A$o(? Hit(erKs

name an$ i$entity ha$ @een Dnown to ha%e @een a ?a@rication to hi$e his tr'e i$entity 5 what is not 'ncommon(y @e(ie%e$ to @e a reason is that this was $'e to his @ein& an i((e&itimate roya( heir @orn o't o? we$(ocD an$ @orn o? an a??air 3 A$o(? co'($ not inherit a tit(e so he was p't in 2e'tsche(an$ ?or reason o? maDin& it e%ent'a((y appear as i? he ha$ risen ?rom the stat's o? a home(ess %eteran an$ earne$ a tit(e o? no@i(ity thro'&h conI'est. 1his i$ea o? A$o(? r'(in& as war time &enera( was (iDe(y to @e the i$ea o? an 0%o(a whom ha$ $eci$e$ to 'se A$o(? as a 7aesar as they were ;enito M'sso(ini an$ ,rancisco ,ranco. It is common(y @e(ie%e$ that 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy ?inance$ Ameri&o =esp'cci an$ a(so pro%i$e$ him with maps most pro@a@(y o@taine$ ?rom the =atican recor$s o? what the =atican ?o'n$ in the temp(es in Ice(an$ when the ?irst /oman 7atho(ic 7h'rches were @'i(t in Ice(an$ 5 these were the =in(an$ Maps 3 which were recor$e$ in the Sa&as o? the Ice(an$ers. =in(an$ was the Ice(an$ers name ?or the North 0ast re&ion o? what is now common(y ca((e$ North America. A(so @e(ie%e$ @y many to @e occaisiona((y ?inance$ @y mem@ers o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy were Merchants3 Pirates3 an$ other Pri%ateers 5 Piracy o? which o?ten inc('$e$ a@'ction an$ sa(e o? h'man @ein&s 3 this is c'rrent(y Dnown as H'man 1ra??icDin& 3 in the past it was ca((e$ S(a%in&. Many o? H'(i's 0%o(aKs 3 as we(( as =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs an$ A$o(? Hit(erKs H'man 1ra??icDin& connections were (iDe(y to ha%e @een ear(ier in%o(%e$ in the a@$'ction o? ci%i(ians ?rom :est A?rica an$ the sa(e o? these :est A?rican 7i%i(ians to in$'stria( ?arm(an$ owners in North America3 the 7arri@eans3 an$ So'th America 5 the :est A?rican H'man 1ra??icDin& =ictims @ein& (ess eFpensi%e an$ (ess o? an escape (ia@i(ity than the In$ent're$ H'man 1ra??icDin& =ictims ?rom 0'rope or the ,irst Nations Nati%e Americans whom co'($ an$ o?ten $i$ easi(y escape. Many o? the H'man 1ra??icDin& NetworDs which are (iDe(y to ha%e @een historica((y a??i(iate$ with as we(( as ha%e @een s'@si$iary to the Sa%oy A??i(iate$ 7rime Syn$icate that the 0%o(as were o@%io's(y somehow connecte$ to which has now since the 1800Ks @ecome the A6IS a??i(iate$ 7rime Syn$icate ha%e @een eFtreme(y (on& stan$in& crimina( s(a%e tra$e networDs 3 the most o@%io's o? these @ein& the 7onc'@ina( SeF 1ra??icDin& /o'te an$ NetworD which eFiste$ a(on& si$e 1he Si(D /oa$ $'rin& the @irth an$ hei&ht o? the /oman 0mpire. 1his SeF 1ra??icDin& NetworD sti(( eFists to$ay an$ it is a &(o@a( networD o? crime an$ corr'ption. SeF 1ra??icDin& is rampant aro'n$ the Me$iterranean /e&ion an$ the networDs o? H'man 1ra??icDers in the Me$iterranean /e&ion are connecte$ to the SeF 1ra??icDin& networDs an$ other H'man 1ra??icDin& NetworDs in the U.S.A. an$ /'ssia as we(( as the ;a(tic an$ other re&ions. My emai(s to Henry MaDow were @rie? an$ inc('$e$ a para&raph 5 A A$o(? Hit(er was the son o? the 9in& o? Ita(ia. He was o? the (ine o? 4om@ar$i Sa%oy an$ Aosta @oth3 an$ was @orn as the res'(t o? an a??air @etween the 9in& o? Ita(ia an$ a woman who was o? Ita(ian Sa%oy an$ A'strian Aosta @oth.A < a(so an emai(e$ statement a@o't /oman SeF 1ra??icDers 3 /oman 7onc'@ina( S(a%ers 3 a topic re(ate$ to Spintria. .ther topics o? which were $isc'sse$ eFtreme(y @rie?(y with Henry MaDow were Nationa(ism 3 the e%i(s o? G(o@a(i>ation 3 an$ possi@(y M9U(tra an$ /ichar$ NiFon. Henry MaDow ?reI'ent(y 'se$ the termino(o&y AI(('minatiA to re?er to G(o@a(ist 7orporati%ist 0Ftremist .r&ani>ations. I ha%e ?reI'ent(y 'se$ this termino(o&y to mean this in the past 5 Athe I(('minatiA as meanin& the 0arthKs most power?'( an$ in?('entia( co%ert G(o@a(ist 7orporati%ist Syn$icate inc('$in& associate$ 7rime Syn$icate 3 In%estors an$ ,inancers 3 I$ea(o&ica( G(o@a( ,ascists 3 an$ theoretica( ?ami(ies with m'(tip(e &enerations o? in%o(%ement in networDs o? in$i%i$'a(s whom i$ea(i>e G(o@a(i>ation o? State an$ 7orporati%ist Societa( Str'ct're simi(ar to a ,ascist 7orporation in conJ'nction with G(o@a(i>ation o? State. Usa&e o? the termino(o&y Athe I(('minatiA to re?er to G(o@a(ists is %ery common p(ace. 7ommon(y @ein& $isc'sse$ aro'n$ the time o? my emai(s to Henry MaDow was a

theory that m'ch o? what ha$ pre%io's(y @een Pirates an$ H'man 1ra??icDin& 7rime A??i(iates o? what was pro@a@(y the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs /oya( Assassins an$ 0spiona&e A&ents e%ent'a((y @ecame 1he ;(acD Han$ in North America. 1he pro@a@i(ity o? H'(i's 0%o(aKs pre$ecessors @ein& in%o(%e$ in .r&ani>e$ 7rime 3 internationa( 0spiona&e 3 Piracy 3 an$ H'man 1ra??icDin& as we(( as Internationa( ,inancin& o? Merchants an$ internationa( commerce was @ein& $isc'sse$. It ha$ @een theori>e$ that many o? 1he ;(acD Han$ were a??i(iate$ with Hohn Pierpont Mor&anKs pre$ecessors an$ H.P. Mor&an himse(? an$ hire$ to /acDeteer Pri%ate(y owne$ ;anDin& Instit'tions repeate$(y ?or p'rpose o? 0conomic Sa@ota&e prior to a p(anne$ attempt at G(o@a( 7onI'est. It was common(y @ein& $isc'sse$ that a 'nit o? the ;(acD Han$ are (iDe(y to ha%e (ater @ecome A$o(? Hit(erKs @o$y&'ar$s an$ that the pre$ecessors o? these men were (iDe(y to ha%e @een in%o(%e$ in Internationa( SeF 1ra??icDin&. I was $isc'sse$ that most o? Hit(erKs @o$y&'ar$s were pro@a@(y to ha%e ha$ co%ert espiona&e a(ias i$entities an$ were tr'e(y o? miFe$ Ita(ian3 Sici(ian3 A'strian3 ,ranDic 3 an$ German race 5 c(ose st'$y o? their ?acia( ?eat'res pro%es that many o? them were ha(? Ita(ian or ha(? Sici(ian < a(so3 many o? these in$i%i$'a(s were not ori&ina((y mem@ers o? the N.S.2.A.P. nor wo'($ they ha%e @een a((owe$ to Join i? their tr'e i$entity were Dnown. Many peop(e in the U.S.A. spoDe German as a secon$ (an&'a&e as $i$ peop(e in m'(tip(e re&ions o? 0'rope. Simi(ar(y @ein& $isc'sse$ 5 was the ?act that A$o(? Hit(erKs contri@'tion to the ?o'n$in& princip(es o? the N.S.2.A.P. was ?ictiona( an$ that what was in the ?ictiona( @io&raphy AMein 9amp?A was o@%io's(y written a(most entire(y @y H'(i's 0%o(a an$ was a near comp(ete ?a@rication. 1he N.S.2.A.P. an$ itKs pre$ecessors eFiste$ ?or many years @e?ore A$o(? Hit(er ha$ e%en @een Dnown to the mem@ers o? what ha$ @ecome the ?ina( incarnation o? the Nationa( Socia(ist 2e'tsche 4a@o'r Party. A(so @ein& $isc'sse$ < the psycho(o&y o? the writer o? AMein 9amp?A is %ery o@%io's(y H'(i's 0%o(aKs psycho(o&y 3 as is the :or($ =iew eFpresse$ in Mein 9amp? eFtreme(y resem@(ant o? H'(i's 0%o(aKs :or($ =iew 3 a(so o? note is the ?act that A$o(? Hit(er is acci$ent(y mentione$ as @ein& o? 4om@ar$ic /ace in the section o? the @io&raphy which a(('$es to his ancestors @ein& the Atopp(ers an$ $estroyers o? the /oman 0mpireA whom were the 4om@ar$s or 4an&o@ar$s which ha$ conI'ere$ Ita(ia Nar@onensis. A(so o? re(e%ance to AMein 9amp?A is the statement that Athe /oman 0mpireA was the AGreatest 0mpire to e%er 0FistA which was o@%io's(y ?a(se(y attri@'te$ to the ?ictiona( 2e'tsche(an$er whom was s'ppose$ to @e a Ga((o SaFon @'t was acci$ent(y re%ea(e$ to @e a 4om@ar$ as was the statement AIneFc'sa@(e3 is the Nai%ete o? the Germanic /aceA printe$ in Mein 9amp?. More than one %ersion o? Mein 9amp? was p'@(ishe$. 1his was @ein& $isc'sse$ prior to 3 an$ a?ter < He?? /enseKs p'@(ishin& o? an artic(e wherein which he (a@e(e$ =ittorio 0man'e(e whom is technica((y =ittorio 0man'e(e I= 3 the AN1I7H/IS1 5 this accompanie$ @y a photo&raph o? =ittorio 0man'e(e 'pon which was printe$ AN1I7H/IS1 in re$ print. 2'rin& an emai( to Henry MaDow 3 I mentione$ that the /oman 0mpire tooD 7e(tic an$ Germanic women as 7onc'@ina( SeF S(a%es 5 the 0man'e(es an$ m'ch o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ their .r&ani>e$ 7rime 7onnections are in%o(%e$ in SeF 1ra??icDin& an$ are SeF .??en$ers as a res'(t o? it an$ their Initiation 7rimes which reI'ire o? them to commit SeF .??enses. 1his emai( was rea$ @y =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ some o? his sons an$ Sa%oy A&ents. 1he topic o? this emai( ?o((owe$ me to n'mero's Socia( NetworDin& :e@Sites an$ seeme$ to @e&in to @e poste$ as A;rian SyDes Artic(esA which e%ent'a((y e%o(%e$ into an ar&'ment a@o't Nationa( I$entity an$ physica( /ace 3 the A;rian SyDesA artic(es that were @ein& cite$ state$ A;ritish an$ Irish are not 7e(tic an$ Germanic peop(es or 7e(tic an$ Nor$ic peop(es. 1hey are somethin& e(se entire(y.A A$o(? Hit(er was not the ?act'a( name o? the man whom was the A6IS S'preme 7omman$er in 2e'tsche(an$ $'rin& the Secon$ :or($ :ar 5 the manKs ?act'a(

i$entity is that he was the ha(? @rother o? =ittorio 0man'e(e III. 1hese A;rian SyDesA artic(es ?o((owe$ me aro'n$ Socia( NetworDin& :e@sites ?rom the year 200* to 2008. A month a?ter my @rie? emai( to Henry MaDow concernin& A$o(? Hit(er 3 $'rin& the year 200* 5 I was in%ite$ @y 1ony Grassetti to accompany him to /ye ;each. 1he $ecision which ha$ @een ma$e was that we wo'($ meet his ?rien$ in /ye NewHampshire at his own ho'se. Upon arri%in& < I was 'neFpecte$(y re intro$'ce$ to two o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs sons whom were %isitin& 1onyKs ?rien$sK ho'se 5 these in$i%i$'a(s @ein& A2.H.A 2anie( Hames an$ A,i(A ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e. 2anie( Hames was a$opte$ @y a ?ami(y in the U.S.A. . ,i((i@erto was imme$iate(y honest a@o't his ?ormer(y roya( @(oo$(ine an$ intro$'ce$ himse(? as ,i( 0man'e(e. It seeme$ as i? 2.H. was @ro'&ht to /ye ?or the p'rpose o? ha%in& a minor present i? a physica( a(tercation occ'rre$ 5 my se(? an$ Sahn$ra St..n&e were o'tn'm@ere$ * to 2 an$ 2.H. was on(y 1! years o($. I ha$ a(rea$y met them n'mero's times @'t $eci$e$ to ne&(ect to mention it as a res'(t o? them not mentionin& it. 2'rin& the time whi(e we were in /ye New Hampshire < ,i((i@erto open(y a$mitte$ to @ein& re(ate$ to A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(y3 a?ter which he state$ that he ha$ hear$ this n'mero's times an$ was won$erin& i? I Dnew anythin& a@o't his pro@a@(e ?ami(y re(ation to A$o(? Hit(er or ha$ hear$ anythin& re&ar$in& this. ,i( 3 at ?irst < state$ that he ha$ hear$ he an$ A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(y were Aco'sins somehowA. ,i(Ks $isc'ssion o? his ?ami(yKs re(ation to A$o(? Hit(er c'(minate$ in the state$ &oa( that he an$ some mem@ers o? his ?ami(y ha$ $eci$e$ to %isit the area ?or p'rpose o? o@ser%in& what they @e(ie%e$ wo'($ @e the comm'nityKs wi$e sprea$ p'@(ic reaction to Hit(erKs Sa%oy @(oo$(ine3 an$ $eci$in& whether or not to enter into comp(ete anonymo's eFi(e to hi$e their ?ami(y 5 this $isc'ssion @e&an a?ter I a$mitte$ to A,i(A ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e that I ha$ @een in @rie? contact with Henry MaDow $'rin& the year 200* when he an$ He?? /ense o? Sa%e1heMa(es.7A an$ /ense.7om ha$ @oth p'@(ishe$ artic(es concernin& =ittorio 0man'e(e3 the Anti 7hrist3 an$ A$o(? Hit(erKs @(oo$(ine. ,i( asDe$ me i? I ha$ e%er rea$ the artic(e a@o't his ,ather 3 =ittorio 5 I state$ the tr'th < that I ha$ not rea$ this artic(e3 @'t that I ha$ seen the photo&raph which sai$ AN1I7H/IS1 across it 'pon &(ancin& at the we@site @rie?(y. 2anie( Hames ca((e$ He?? /enseKs artic(e AParrote$A ?rom AHenry MaI'awA. 2anie( Hames ha$ asDe$ a@o't Henry MaDowKs we@site imme$iate(y a?ter ,i((i@erto ha$ a$mitte$ to @ein& the son o? =ittorio 0man'e(e 5 2.H.0man'e(e ha$ intentiona((y misprono'nce$ AMaDowA n'mero's times n'mero's times as AMaI'awA 3 the species o? parrot. =ittorioKs ?ami(y ha$ o@%io's(y hire$ a comp'ter hacDer to access Henry MaDowKs emai( acco'nt an$ a(( o? his ?rien$Ks emai(s were scr'tini>e$. 2anie( Hames asDe$ me i? I ha$ e%er met his @rother 7hris 1homas an$ state$ that he @e(ie%e$ that I ha$ 3 I (ie$ an$ sai$ that I may not ha%e. 1he on(y other possi@i(ity is that a Sa%oy (oya(ist hire$ a 7omp'ter HacDer to access He?? /enseKs 3 Henry MaDowKs 3 my own 3 an$ (ater the Hewish 2e?ense 4ea&'es 3 an$ n'mero's Asatr'ars emai( acco'nts < as we(( as o'r ?ami(iesK emai( acco'nts 5 a(( o? this possi@(y @ein& $one imme$iate(y on @eha(? o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ (ater reporte$ to them witho't reI'est. 0mi(y Is(esKs America .n(ine Instant Messa&er ScreenName was simi(ar to an o($ ScreenName o? my ?rien$ A@@ey 0t(in&erKs 5 A@@ey 0t(in&er was one o? my @est ?rien$s $'rin& my chi($hoo$. A@@ey 0t(in&er was seen $'rin& 2005 3 =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tate$ to appear o? a simi(ar comp(eFion an$ hair teFt're as a M'(atto 5 A@@ey is act'a((y ?act'a((y Israe(i an$ 2e'tsche(an$er. :hen A@@ey 0t(in&er came to ,ami(y 2o((ar to asD me i? I reco&ni>e$ her 3 I $i$ not reco&ni>e her < she to($ me that we went to MerrimacD Hi&hSchoo( to&ether. I was not eFpectin& peop(e to @e =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tate$ to (ooD (iDe other in$i%i$'a(s in 2005. It is a possi@i(ity that 0riDa ,ein&o($ ha$ @een m'tate$ to (ooD (iDe a M'(atto as we(( an$ that she came into the store with A@@ey 5 @oth o? them ha%e @een rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs whom I @e(ie%e are SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims. I ha$

Dnown 0riDa ,ein&o($ since Eth &ra$e3 we went to the same schoo(s. 2'rin& the year 200* 5 ,i((i@erto himse(? eFpresse$ ?ear?'( concern ?or his ?ami(iesK s'r%i%a(3 he @e(ie%e$ that there may ha%e @een peop(e an&ry eno'&h a@o't the Ho(oca'st o? the 1"*0Ks to Di(( his entire ?ami(y. ,i((i@erto ?ai(e$ to rea(i>e that his 3 his @rothersK 3 an$ his ?atherKs SeF .??enses an$ 7rimes A&ainst H'manity are $is&'stin& eno'&h that the mi(itary are e%ent'a((y &oin& to in%esti&ate them an$ arrest them. ,i((i@erto mentione$ an emai( which I ha$ sent to Henry MaDow 3 which @rie?(y $isc'sse$ A$o(? Hit(erKs @(oo$(ine. 1ony or ,i(Ks ?rien$ ?rom /ye mentione$ to ,i( < A-o' Dnow ,i(3 it co'($ ha%e @een a hacDer. How $o yo' Dnow it was himMA < to which ,i( rep(ie$ AIt wasnKt a hacDer 3 we a(rea$y checDe$ the Ser%er.A. Apparent(y the Ho'se o? Sa%oy can somehow checD a 7omcast Ser%er ?or ?orensic e%i$ence witho't a Search :arrant. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e preten$e$ that he $i$ not Dnow me when I met him in /ye NewHampshire with 1ony Grasseti < ?or this reason 3 I preten$e$ not to Dnow who ,i( was. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e a$mitte$ to his ?ami(y ha%in& access to 7omm'nications Ser%ers. It is $e?inite that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e the a@i(ity to copy the entire $ata contents o? entire 7omm'nications Ser%ers to eFterna( $ata stora&e $e%ices an$ 'se the $ata to &ather in?ormation a@o't tar&ette$ ?ami(ies 3 te(ephone con%ersations 3 emai(s 3 internet messa&er ser%ices 3 @anD $ata 3 ?inancia( $ata 3 corporate $ata transmissions 3 sec'rity cameras 3 an$ other transmissions. 2'rin& the year 200* 3 whi(e in /ye NewHampshire 5 whi(e wa(Din& to the @each 3 ,i( 0man'e(e to($ me that he ha$ an ara@ic ?rien$ whom I remin$e$ him o?. 1his was state$ a?ter I ha$ mentione$ that I ha$ pre%io's(y @een (i%in& with a M's(im man name$ HaDim AMa%ericDA in Nash'a NewHampshire3 a?ter HaDim ha$ ?o'n$ o't that I was home(ess an$ showe$ me the hospita(ity o? taDin& me in an$ &i%in& me a p(ace to s(eep at his apartment ?or a month. My ?rien$ ;o@ Sha&o'ry < whoKs parents were M's(im 3 was a(so mentione$. ,i( sai$ that Mosta?a an$ my se(? were o? simi(ar mannerism 3 &roome$ o'rse(%es simi(ar(y 3 an$ ha$ a simi(ar way o? speaDin& or con%ersin&. ,i( a(so state$ that I remin$e$ him o? Mosta?a so m'ch that it was rea((y stran&e. In the year 2000 < ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e ha$ @rie?(y ma$e his presense Dnown to my se(? whi(e I was in the @acD seat o? my ?rien$ Hason He??reyKs car with my &ir(?rien$ Nina Hansen 5 ,i( approache$ the %ehic(e 3 opene$ the $oor 3 an$ sat $own in the passen&er seat witho't asDin& ?or permission to enter. Neither my se(? nor Hason He??rey e%en Dnew ,i( 0man'e(e at a(( 3 nor ha$ we e%er e%en met him 5 Nina Hansen ha$ to($ me a@o't him a weeD @e?ore this ?or reason that ,i( ha$ a@$'cte$ her a year prior 3 restraine$ her with rope 3 poisone$ her with M2MA 3 a?ter which he tort're$ her ?or ho'rs an$ @r'ta((y rape$ her. Nina ha$ sai$ that ,i( ha$ repeate$(y in%a$e$ her home a?ter this @y way o? ?ront $oor entry 'n?ettere$ @y the (ocD an$ SeF'a((y Assa'(te$ her n'mero's times. ,i( 0man'e(e 3 accor$in& to Nina Hansen < Dnew her (an$(or$ somehow an$ ha$ @een &i%en a Dey to the ?ront $oor @y the (an$(or$. It is pro@a@(e that Nina HansenKs (an$(or$ was one o? ,i( 0man'e(eKs ?ami(yKs Property Stea$ Ho($ers. A?ter @ein& seate$ in Hason He??reyKs car ?or a min'te 5 ,i( was %er@a((y sco($e$ @y Mosta?a I@nSa'$ 3 whom was stan$in& a@o't 8 ?eet ?rom the car when Mosta?a sho'te$ A,i( 3 yo'Kre a sicD ?reaDL 4ea%e the (itt(e &ir( a(oneLA. It was o@%io's that ,i(Ks p'rpose ?or enterin& the car 'nanno'nce$ an$ 'nreco&ni>e$ < was ?or the p'rpose o? intimi$atin& Nina Hansen to tra'mati>e her into ?ee(in& he(p(ess an$ ?ee(in& that ,i( 0man'e(e was omnipotent an$ co'($ appear at any time 3 anyp(ace 5 this sort o? threat was o@%io's(y ?or the psycho(o&ica( p'rpose o? pre%entin& Nina Hansen ?rom ta(Din& to a'thorities o'tsi$e o? her s'rro'n$in& re&ion. ,i( 0man'e(eKs Sa$ism is eFtreme(y e%o(%e$. Since the year 200* 3 ,i( 0man'e(e has en&a&e$ in a campai&n o? 7y@er 1errorist Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are in North America < ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e is a sa$ist an$ a me&a(omaniac as we(( as $oes he ha%e Narcissistic Persona(ity traits. It is pro@a@(e that ,i( 0man'e(e has Anti Socia( Persona(ity 2isor$er

with Narcissistic Persona(ity type. An$ers ;rei%iD o? Norway was &i%en * Psycho(o&ica( 0%a('ations which res'(te$ in * seperate $ia&noses o? which two were @asica((y the same Din$ o? $ia&nosis with minor %ariance 3 An$ers ;rei%iD was $ia&nose$ twice with what appears to ha%e @een ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs psycho(o&ica( $ia&nosis 5 it is pro@a@(e that An$ers ;rei%iD was a H'man =i%isection =ictim o? the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icateKs Ne'roScience H'man =i%isections in%o(%in& ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace an$ that An$ers ;rei%iD was Ne'ro(o&ica((y Pi(ote$ to commit the terrorist attacD which An$ers ;rei%iD committe$. It is a(most $e?inite that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e himse(? manip'(ate$ An$ers ;rei%iD 'sin& Ne'roScience So?tware an$ pi(ote$ him (iDe a ro@ot 'sin& Ne'ro/o@otics Animation So?tware 3 ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 3 an$ A/G.S G.P.S. as impro%ise$ /o'terG;attery ?or the Prosthetic Ne'ro7irc'it o? the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace which An$ers ;rei%iD is a(most $e?inite(y a H'man =i%isection =ictim o?. It is pro@a@(e that 9asa@ o? In$ia an$ :eise o? the 4aDota Pine /i$&e /eser%ation were @oth H'man =i%isection =ictims o? the 0man'e(e 0%o(a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icateKs Ne'roScience ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace H'man =i%isections an$ 1errorist AttacDs. 2a%i$ IcDe has @een 'se$ to smoDescreen with schi>oi$ propa&an$a 3 ca((in& the 0man'e(e 0%o(a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icateKs ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace the A/am@o 7hipA an$ c(aimin& that it has @een s'r&ica((y imp(ante$ in h'mans @y shape chan&in& space a(iens. An$ers ;rei%iD was reporte$ on internet news so'rces in 2010 3 to ha%e 'n$er&one two crania( s'r&eries whi(e in the U.9. 5 $'rin& the year 200! 3 my @(oo$ was $rawn with a AMa$e in the U.9.A stint nee$(e at a hospita( that was $e?inite(y @ein& r'n @y the 0man'e(e 0%o(a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate an$ is pro@a@(e to ha%e @een owne$ @y one o? their Property Stea$ Ho($ers. I? this nee$(e was man'?act're$ at a ?actory that the 0man'e(esK an$ their Property Stea$ Ho($ers owne$ 3 it is pro@a@(e that these nee$(es were non steri(e an$ were intentiona((y in?ecte$ with =ir's or 2isease. 1he 0man'e(e 0%o(a Ita(ian AFis 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate ha%e en&a&e$ in a socia( $arwinist campai&n o? terrorist crimina( war?are an$ o? a@so('te $isre&ar$ to the h'man stan$ar$s $eci$e$ 'pon at the Gene%a 7on%ention 5 this ?action is Genoci$a( an$ &'i(ty o? the most heino's o? :ar 7rimes. 2'rin& the year 2000 3 a?ter Mosta?a I@nSa'$ sai$ to ,i( 0man'e(e 5 A,i(3 yo'Kre a sicD ?reaDL 4ea%e the (itt(e &ir( a(one.A 3 this sit'ation in%o(%in& Mosta?a I@nSa'$ e??ecte$ ,i( 0man'e(eKs &'i(ty conscience in s'ch a way that he psycho(o&ica((y so'&ht to $e?ame an$ $eni&rate Mosta?a I@nSa'$Ks i$entity in s'ch a way that Mosta?a I@nSa'$ wo'($ @e %iewe$ as more hate$ that A$o(? Hit(er an$ more $is&'stin& towar$s women than HacD the /ipper. 2'rin& the ear(y 1""0Ks 3 whi(e my ,ather an$ my se(? were at the McG'ire ?ami(yKs ho'se in MerrimacD NewHampshire5 ,i( 0man'e(e an$ his @rother 7hris 1homas were present an$ ha$ accompanie$ A( Io$ice to what was the Io$ice ,ami(yKs mo%in& party 3 the Io$iceKs were to @e mo%in& to 4o'isianna in one months time. 2'rin& this party 3 ,i( 0man'e(e an$ his @rother 7hris 1homas were p(ayin& street hocDey in the $ri%eway with a sin&(e net a&ainst 2a%i$ McG'ire an$ 9eith McG'ire < 7a(i McG'ire 3 who was 10 years o($ at the time 5 was the &oa( ten$er. ,i( 0man'e(e ma$e a statement $'rin& the &ame that res'(te$ in 2a%i$ McG'ire sayin& to him 5 A-o'Kre a pe$ophi(e 3 h'hM -o' Dnow how I Dnow yo'Kre a pe$ophi(eM -o' maDe comments (iDe that. SheKs on(y 12 years o($.A to which 9eith McG'ire respon$e$ 3 ASheKs act'a((y e%en yo'n&er 2a%i$ 3 sheKs on(y 10. I hear$ it too.A . A?ter hearin& this < 7hris 1homas &ot irritate$ an$ sai$ somethin& an&ry 3 to which which 1om McG'ire rep(ie$ @y han$in& him a @eer an$ te((in& him to sh't 'p 5 a?ter which 3 1om McG'ire apo(o&i>e$ to the party sayin& A I $i$nKt Dnow they were that. I wo'($nKt ha%e &i%en him a @eer otherwise.A. 2'rin& the year 1""" 3 one o? the times that ,i( 0man'e(e rape$ Nina Hansen 5 she sai$ that he 'se$ a $o& co((ar a (eash on her. 2'rin& the year 2000 3 when ,i( 0man'e(e rape$ 2anie((e

4e;(anc 5 she sai$ that he 'se$ a $o& co((ar an$ (eash on her. 2'rin& the Ha((oween o? 1"88 3 when ,i( 0man'e(eKs @rother 7hris 1homas rape$ the chi($ren at the Ha((oween Party an$ tooD photo&raphs 5 he ?orce$ my co'sin Monica MosesDy to wear $o& co((ar an$ $o& (eash 3 an$ ?orce$ Samantha G'ay an$ Monica MosesDy to per?orm seF'a( acts whi(e he tooD photo&raphs. A(( o? the peop(e ?rom the Ha((oween Party an$ a(( o? the peop(e ?rom the Io$ice ,ami(yKs mo%in& away party are missin& an$ rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs eFcept ?or a ?ew in$i%i$'a(s. 2'rin& the year 1"""3 my ?rien$ 2anie((e 4e;(anc was to($ @y a 1E year o($ @oy name$ 1imothy :ea(th that he wante$ her to ho($ his (eash. He acte$ as i? this were h'mo'r. 1im :ea(th has a $o& co((ar on his necD 3 2anie((e wa(De$ him aro'n$ the ma(( on a (eash thinDin& that this was a @i>>are JoDe o? 1imKs. 2anie((e 4e;(anc was (ater rape$ @y ,i( 0man'e(e who p't a $o& co((ar an$ (eash on her necD $'rin& the rape 3 somehow ha$ a Dey to her apartment in :o@'rn Massach'settes 3 tie$ 2anie((e 4e;(anc 'p with rope an$ tort're$ her with M2MA in her system which he ha$ poisone$ her with 3 2anie((e was a(so rape$ @y a ?rien$ o? ,i( 0man'e(eKs. 1im :ea(th was @ein& SeF 1ra??icDe$ @y ,i( 0man'e(eKs ?rien$ Pa'(ie 5 Pa'(ie was a *0 year o($ pe$ophi(e ?rom 4owe(( Massach'settes . A n'm@er o? in$i%i$'a(s at the ma(( met Pa'(ie whi(e Pa'(ie was ?o((owin& aro'n$ 1im :ea(th. Pa'(ie was approFimate(y 5K3A 3 (ooDe$ possi@(y 3N* 4om@ar$ic Ita(ian 3 ha$ short hair 3 an$ pa(e ha>e( eyes. Pa'(ie 'se$ to SeF 1ra??icD 1im :ea(th to o($er ma(es an$ ?orce$ 1im to $ress as a woman. 2'rin& the year 2000 an$ the year 2001 < I awoDe n'mero's times in a@so('te $arDness ?ee(in& (iDe I as @ein& he($ in a &'i((otine necD @ar hea$ (ocD. I awoDe a ?ew times in the mornin& 3 ?ee(in& (iDe my an's was waFy. 2'rin& this time 3 I ha$ mo%e$ my @e$room ?rom the secon$ ?(oor to the @asement. 2'rin& this year 3 I @e(ie%e that a Dey ha$ @een sto(en ?rom a $rawer @y 9y(e Howar$ < it is pro@a@(e that this was reI'este$ @y ;rian 7ase or a 7rime Associate o? ;rain 7ases. It is pro@a@(e that the man who threatene$ my ,ather at the $inner ta@(e 3 ,i( 0man'e(e 3 or 7hris 1homas ha$ reI'este$ it sto(en an$ that it was 'se$ to 'n(ocD the @asement $oor an$ enter the home. I ha%e scars on the 'n$er si$es o? my top (ips now 5 it (ooDs (iDe they are ?rom nee$(es. I ha%e ne%er 'se$ intra%eno's $r'&s. 2'rin& the year 2000 an$ 2001 3 9y(e Howar$ mentione$ a ?ew times < 1emp'rpe$ic ,oam 7'shionin& @ein& c't an$ shape$ (iDe shoe so(es 3 &('e$ to the @ottoms o? shoes an$ $o'@(e (ayere$ with another (ayer &('e$ to the ?irst 5 the p'rpose o? this 3 @ein& ?or @'r&(ary an$ si(ent entry o? @'i($in&s. 1hese men are a@so('te(y $is&'stin&. ;rian 7ase was ?rien$s with 2ana Um@ro an$ 7aesar 3 who swappe$ I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s with A2ia@(oA. 2ana Um@roKs wi?e was re(ate$ somehow to @oth the Ho'se o? Aosta an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 she a(so Dnew MarD ;antis who was the $r'mmer in my ?atherKs an$ 'nc(esK m'sica( @an$ AMacPherson Str'tA. 2'rin& the year 200* < Marc ;antis an$ a man name$ ;ernie who was ?rien$s with Peter Poten>a an$ 2ana Um@ro3 were hit @y a car whi(e on motorcyc(es an$ were @oth hospita(i>e$. In the year 2005 3 Marc ;antis was rep(ace$ @y an imposte'r who (ooDe$ (iDe 7h'cD Norris. :hen I met ,i( 0man'e(e in 200* < I $escri@e$ to him what I (oathe$ the most in (i?e 3 this was 5 A7(oset ?a&&ots who hate women an$ $eni&rate them horri@(y < so horri@(y in ?act that they wi(( p'@(ica((y h'mi(iate them 3 p'@(ica((y rape them 3 ?orce them to eat ?eces 3 $rinD 'rine 3 co%er them in ?i(th an$ %omit 3 @eat them 3 an$ $isp(ay them on the internet @ein& a@'se$ as s'ch. 1hese men are c(oset ?a&&ots who @(ame women ?or their own (acD o? romantic inc(inations towar$s women 3 an$ a@'se women as i? they ha$ $one somethin& wron& ?or @ein& @orn ?ema(e.A 3 ?or some reason this statement in?'riate$ ,i( 0man'e(e. I @e(ie%e that ,i( 0man'e(e may ha%e rea(i>e$ who I was 3 whi(e I was speaDin& this statement < an$ remem@ere$ (ooDin& into the @acD seat o? Hason

He??reyKs a'tomo@i(e an$ seein& my se(? an$ Nina Hansen in eachothersK arms J'st @e?ore Mosta?a I@nSa'$ ye((e$ at ,i( sayin& A,i(3 yo'Kre a sicD ?reaD. 4ea%e the (itt(e &ir( a(oneLA. 2'rin& 200* 5 ,i((i@erto an$ =ittorio $eci$e$ to attempt to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa'$ ?or the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icateKs recent series o? :ar /apes 3 H'man =i%isections 3 SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 :ar Maimin& o? 7i%i(ians3 Genoci$a( M'r$ers 3 an$ Arms 1ra??icDin& in the Americas an$ 0'rope 5 $isc'ssion o? this was recor$e$ @y s'r%ei((ance at ,ami(y 2o((ar @y metho$ o? Impro%ise$ /ecor$in& 2e%ices that the 0man'e(esK ha$ or$ere$ 0$ :arren to insta(( ?or p'rpose o? spyin& on my se(? as we(( as te(ephone con%ersations an$ internet con%ersations which can @e o@taine$ @y Mi(itary Inte((i&ence an$ other ,e$era( In%esti&ators. 0$ :arren an$ Anthony 2e,eo 3 whom were 7rimina( Associates that ha$ @een 1errorist 7rime So($iers o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 5 ?or&ot that the Impro%ise$ /ecor$in& 2e%ices were recor$in& 12 ho'rs a $ay 3 whi(e the store was open. Mosta?a I@nSa'$ an$ my se(? @oth typica((y Deep o'r hair (on& an$ Deep si$e @'rns 3 a(tho'&h I 's'a((y Deep a chin @ear$ an$ Mosta?a $oes not < Mosta?a an$ my se(? a(so $ress somewhat simi(ar(y an$ seem to ha%e some simi(ar taste in some thin&s accor$in& to ,i( 0man'e(e. I ha%e ?orma((y met Mosta?a I@nSa'$ twice 3 whi(e in ;oston 5 /yan Har%ey an$ 2a%e 4ee intro$'ce$ me to him @oth times. Mosta?a I@nSa'$ a(most (ooDs (iDe a m'ch ta((er racia((y Ara@ic %ersion o? my se(?3 we (ooD simi(ar. :hen ,i( 0man'e(e sat $own in Hason He??reyKs car 3 we ha$ @een (istenin& to 1ype . Ne&ati%e 5 ,i( 0man'e(e $e%e(ope$ an o@sessi%e hatre$ o? Peter Stee(e an$ 1ype . Ne&ati%e. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e @ecomes emotiona((y o@sesse$ with moments o? his (i?e wherein he ?ee(s (ess than omnipotent 5 ,i( is a $e?inite Me&a(omaniac an$ a Sociopath. ;etween 200* an$ 2013 < ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e 3 2anie( Hames 3 =ittorio 0man'e(e 3 an$ the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Ita(ian AFis 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate @e&an a new Initiation 7rime that in%o(%e$ the maimin& o? a ?ema(e which res'(te$ in @(in$ness 5 this is a :ar 7rime. 1he res'(ts o? these attacDs ha%e @een $oc'mente$. 1his @e&an $'rin& the phase o? the attacDs which imme$iate(y ?o((owe$ the ?orm'(ation o? a p(an to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa'$ ?or their attacDs. Mosta?a I@nSa'$ is a Moroccan o? @oth Sa'$i Ara@ian race an$ Moroccan race 3 an$ is a @io(o&ica( re(ati%e o? the Sa'$i Ara@ian /oya( ,ami(y 5 the :ar on 1error was c'rrent(y $irecte$ at .sama ;in4a$en whom is a(so Ara@ian $'rin& 200* when the 0man'e(es p(anne$ to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa'$. 1he tra$itiona( c(othin& o? a M's(im woman o? Sa'$i Ara@ia 7iti>enry < typica((y consists o? a HiJa@ an$ ro@es which co%er the womanKs entire ?orm with the eFception o? her eyes 3 nose @ri$&e 3 an$ the sDin s'rro'n$in& her eyes. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e ha$ $eci$e$ to attempt to Socia((y 0n&ineer an i$entity Amore hate$ than A$o(? Hit(erA an$ Aconsi$ere$ more hate?'( o? women than H'(i's 0%o(aA < ?or this p'rpose 3 the 0man'e(es $eci$e$ that they wo'($ ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa'$ ?or a(( o? the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Ita(ian AFis 1errorist 7rime Syn$icateKs SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 H'man =i%isection 3 Initiation 7rimes 3 Genoci$a( 0Ftermination o? =ictimsK ,ami(ies 3 an$ 1errorism 5 portrayin& Mosta?a I@nSa'$ in me$ia as a woman hatin& $e%i( whom is the most inh'mane man to e%er (i%e. 1he 0man'e(e 0%o(a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate ha%e chan&e$ %ery (itt(e in the past !0 years an$ ha%e @een consistent(y acti%e the entirety o? these years. 1he creation o? a :ar Maimin& Initiation 7rime in%o(%in& the @(in$in& o? a ?ema(e 3 was inspire$ @y ,i( 0man'e(eKs $ecision to attempt to ?rame a Sa'$i Ara@ian i$entity ?or the :ar 7rimes an$ attri@'tion o? the 1ra$itiona( Sa'$i Ara@ian ,ema(e &ar@ eFposin& on(y the area aro'n$ the :omanKs eyes. ,or this p'rpose < it is $e?inite that the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate coa(esce$ in North America an$ conso(i$ate$ their wea(th in p'rchase o? Me$ia In$'stry 3 Hea(thcare In$'stry 3 p'rchases n'mero's properties 3 an$ em@e$$e$ n'mero's more 7o%ert A&ents within 4aw 0n?orcement an$

In%esti&ations. ,or the p'rpose o? creatin& an i$entity Aworse than A$o(? Hit(erA 5 the 0man'e(es $eci$e$ in 200* that they wo'($ attempt to eFterminate the entirety o? the A@enaDi race 3 the Mahican race 3 an$ the MiDmaI race as we(( as possi@(y other ,irst Nations Nati%e American /aces in their comp(ete entirety < ?or reason that A$o(? Hit(er ?ai(e$ to eFterminate the entirety o? the Israe(i race an$ mi((ions o? Israe(is are sti(( a(i%e to this $ay. A$o(? Hit(er an$ H'(i's 0%o(a ha$ on(y s'ccee$e$ in eFterminatin& 10 mi((ion Israe(is an$ 10 mi((ion ci%i(ians o? other races co((ecti%e(y3 most o? which were 2e'tsche(an$ers. Israe(is an$ 2e'tsche(an$ers are sti(( represente$ @y an eFtreme(y (ar&e /acia( Pop'(ation 7o'nt G(o@a((y. 10 Mi((ion is an eFtreme(y (ar&e Genoci$e 7o'nt 3 @'t is on(y a ?raction o? the G(o@a( /acia( Pop'(ation o? these races o? peop(e. 2'e to po%erty which has create$ (ow @irth rates as we(( as @ein& tar&ette$ repeate$(y @y the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Ita(ian AFis 1errorist 7rime Syn$icateKs SeF 1ra??icDers an$ &enoci$a( m'r$erers who repeate$(y tar&et the SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictimsK entire ?ami(ies3 the pop'(ation co'nt o? ,irst Nations Nati%e American /aces is @y ?ar a sma((er pop'(ation co'nt than any other &ro'ps o? races anywhere e(se on 0arth. 10 Mi((ion 7i%i(ians is a Permanant 1ota( Genoci$e o? what is pro@a@(e to @e E entire /aces o? ,irst Nations Nati%e American /aces. .ther races tar&ette$ @y the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist ,action ?or :ar 7rimes 3 SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 an$ Genoci$e are the races o? peop(e whom the Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist ,action seem to emotiona((y hate as races o? peop(e 5 these inc('$e Gae(ic races 3 An&(o SaFon races 3 Norwe&ians 3 Swe$es 3 Ice(an$ers 3 Israe(is 3 ,ranDic races 3 Ho((an$er races 3 an$ MeFicans o? @oth ,irst Nations an$ Hispanic races. A?rican Americans were a(so tar&ette$ ?or reason that North America is their home(an$. 1he 0man'e(es an$ the Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist ,action p(anne$ to ?rame Moroccans 3 Sa'$i Ara@ians 3 an$ .sama ;in4a$en ?or the 1ota( Genoci$e o? the ,irst Nations Nati%e American races as we(( as the :ar 7rimes committe$ 'pon the other races 5 an$ the p(anne$ ScapeGoat ?or this attacD was Mosta?a I@nSa'$ ?or p'rpose o? portayin& a co'sin o? the Sa'$i Ara@ian /oya( ,ami(y as Aworse than A$o(? Hit(erA an$ Amore hate?'( o? women than H'(i's 0%o(aA permanant(y in the p'@(ic eye. 1he 0man'e(e 0%o(a Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icateKs tar&ets in North America ha%e inc('$e$ :omen an$ 7hi($ren as primary tar&ets. 1here is some mention o? the p(an to eFterminate my Mother 2e@@ie 4a%oie MacPhersonKs entire racia( or&anism &(o@a((y on the recor$in&s which were recor$e$ at ,ami(y 2o((ar @y the 15 /ecor$in& 2e%ices 5 my Mother is o? two ,irst Nations Nati%e American /aces ?rom the North 0ast /e&ion o? North America an$ a(so o? ,ranDic an$ Gae(ic race. 0$ ,arrachi :arren state$ to me 3 whi(e worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar 5 A:hatM Are yo' the (ast o? the MohicansMA < he a(so (ie$ ?or a weeD an$ state$ that he was o? part(y ,irst Nations Nati%e American race 3 which he (ater a$mitte$ that he was not. 2'rin& the year 200! 3 on 1hanDs&i%in& 5 n'mero's peop(e o? ,irst Nations Nati%e American races an$ other North American races were m'r$ere$ @y metho$ o? poisonin& in ?oo$ an$ $rinD as we(( as were n'mero's ?ema(es ?orce$ to swa((ow ?eces an$ possi@(y $ie$ as a res'(t o? it. Peop(e ha$ @een ta(Din& a@o't ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ a @rother o? his @ein& in%o(%e$ in SeF 1ra??icDin&. Hospita(s in the North 0ast re&ion o? North America $'rin& 200! an$ 2008 as we(( as the neFt ?o((ow years 3 $enie$ ai(ments o? hea(th eFiste$ 5 an$ to($ their patients that they were o? per?ect hea(th < this is recor$e$ @y Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 7omp'ters as a res'(t o? tho'san$s o? 7i%i(ians @ein& S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces @etween the years o? 200* an$ 2012. :hi(e at the /ye ;each with ,I((i@erto 0man'e(e < o'r $isc'ssion e%ent'a((y chan&e$ ?rom $isc'ssin& A$o(? Hit(erKs Sa%oy @(oo$(ine to $isc'ssin& M9U41/A 3 /ichar$ He(ms3 A6IS 7rime Syn$icate S(eeper A&ents $'rin& the NiFon A$ministration3 an$ the %ario's ?actions within& the A6IS ,action. I mentione$ ne'ro(o&ica( @eha%iora(

mo$i?ication eFperiments @ein& con$'cte$ 'pon ci%i(ians $'rin& the NiFon A$ministration @y in$i%i$'a(s s'ch as /ichar$ He(ms3 an$ that these eFperiments seeme$ to @e most(y &eare$ towar$s en&ineerin& tra'ma psycho(o&y an$ contro((e$ mo$i?ie$ ne'ro(o&y o? 7onc'@ina( SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims ?or the p'rpose o? possi@(y creatin& an entire(y ne'ro(o&ica((y contro((e$ ?ema(e s(a%e3 these Din$s o? Ne'roScience H'man=i%isections were (iDe(y @ein& con$'cte$ @y Hose? Men&e(e an$ his partners $'rin& the 3r$/eich. 1his @e&an @ein& $isc'sse$ whi(e mentionin& Henry MaDowKs we@site an$ the ori&ina( intention o? 7IA P/.H071 M9U41/A @ein& to en&ineer a Hypnotic 2r'& ?or a$ministration prior to interro&ation o? 0spiona&e A&ents 3 in$i%i$'a(s &'i(ty o? 1reason 3 0nemy 7om@atants 3 an$ Prisoners o? :ar < as we(( as a pain(ess an$ ?ast metho$ o? $eep hypnosis $'rin& which an interro&ation tar&et co'($ @e ?(aw(ess(y compe((e$ to te(( the tr'th 5 this @ein& ?or the p'rpose o? pain(ess an$ near e??ort(ess interro&ations. I may ha%e mentione$ Athe MarD o? the ;eastA as pro@a@(y @ein& the in%ention o? the ?action that in?i(trate$ M9U41/A. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e @e&an to $isc'ss H'(i's 0%o(a 3 the pro@a@i(ity that the partic'(ar H'man =i%isectionists an$ SeF 1ra??icDers in%o(%e$ with /ichar$ He(ms were (iDe(y to ha%e @een H'(i's 0%o(aKs connections. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e mentione$ that H'(i's 0%o(a was a Masc'(ist< I a?terwar$ mentione$ that one o? my &reatest hatre$s or Apet pee%esA is the a@'se o? women an$ that I @e(ie%e$ that men whom a@'se women horri@(y3 $eni&rate women p'@(ica((y or pri%ate(y3 a@'se them $'rin& seF or otherwise3 ?i(m %i$eos s'ch as ?eces co%ere$ scat Aporno&raphyA3 p'@(ica((y rape an$ h'mi(iate women3 an$ men whom are tra??icDers o? women 5 are the most $is&'stin& an$ wretche$ o? a(( men on the earth an$ that I @e(ie%e$ these men were an&ry c(oset ?a&&ots whom hate$ an$ @(ame$ women ?or their own (acD o? romantic inc(inations towar$ women. :hi(e ta(Din& a@o't Henry MaDowKs we@site < /ichar$ NiFonKs Presi$ency an$ the 7IA ProJect M9U41/A were $isc'sse$ 5 Henry MaDow ha$ written a@o't /ichar$ He(ms an$ 7IA ProJect M9U41/A 3 o? which I Dnew I'ite a(ot a@o't. ,i( state$ that /ichar$ He(mKs 7rime 7onnections were (iDe(y to @e H'(i's 0%o(aKs 7rime Syn$icate which ha$ @een in%o(%e$ in H'man 1ra??icDin& 3 i((e&a( Science eFperiments 3 an$ H'man =i%isection < ,i( state$ that this 7rime Syn$icate was (iDe(y to sti(( eFist an$ that his ?ami(y wo'($ Dnow some o? the peop(e H'(i's 0%o(as Dnew ?or o@%io's reasons that they were @oth o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 5 ,i( state$ that he wo'($ @e in the re&ion ?or a whi(e an$ that he co'($ in%esti&ate these thin&s. A?ter @ein& in%ite$ to /ye. :e ma$e p(ans to meet ,i(i@erto an$ 2anie( Hames the neFt $ay at Hampton ;each. N'mero's peop(e met 'p with 's at Hampton ;each < amon&st these in$i%i$'a(s were ,i( 0man'e(e 3 2anie( Hames 3 1ony Grasseti 3 ;ra$ Sa@(e 3 ;ren$an P(ace 3 Hason 1harp an$ @rie?(y a ?ew other in$i%i$'a(s s'ch as Sam Grimes whom I @e(ie%e met 'p with Hoe Mc7arthy an$ another in$i%i$'a( an$ (e?t. ;ren$an 3 my se(? 3 an$ ,i( were $isc'ssin& the $i??erences @etween 1a(i@an 3 A( Bae$a 3 Hiha$ists 3 an$ He>@o((ah. ;ren$an mentione$ that he @e(ie%e$ that the 1a(i@an is a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate (oya( to the A6IS connections in their re&ion. At mention o? the 1a(i@an 3 ,i((i@ertoKs a&ree$ A1hatKs eFact(y what it is. I am s'rprise$ yo' Dnew that 3 a(ot o? peop(e ne%er e%en 'n$erstan$ that. 1he 1a(i@an is (iDe a ma?ia < most o? the core o? what the A6IS is 3 is that 5 a 7rime Syn$icate Ma?ia. 1he A6IS is rea((y Ma?ia. I act'a((y Dnow an Ara@ian A6IS Ma?ia type 3 IK%e a(so met 7'@an A6IS who are Ma?ia . I $onKt Dnow why peop(e $onKt 'n$erstan$ this3 there is $e?inite(y 7'@an A6IS < most peop(e thinD there are J'st Socia(ists in 7'@a @'t there are act'a( A6IS ,ascistas an$ AFis Ma?ia. IK%e met peop(e whom were 7'@an A6ISA. ,i( was noticea@(y happy an$ eFcite$ to $isc'ss the A6IS an$ 1errorism 5 this was 'nsett(in&. .? stran&e re(ation to meetin& the 0man'e(es at /ye an$ (ater Hampton ;each 5

when we were (itt(e Di$s 3 my co'sin 2'stin an$ my se(? ha$ met 2.H. an$ is @rother Aaron whom was a$opte$ to another ?ami(y at the arca$es in Hampton New Hampshire. 1he ?o'r o? 's p(aye$ the NinJa 1'rt(es Arca$e Game. Some@o$y re(ate$ to 2.H. ha$ a cotta&e at the ;each < 2.H. an$ Aaron share$ a ?ew ,ree>ePop Popsic(es with 's at this (ocation. :e were in 0(ementary Schoo(. 2'rin& 200"3 my co'sin 2'stin met 2.H. 0man'e(e in Nash'a with 1ony /oton$o an$ 1ony /oton$oKs @rother ,ranD /oton$o. 2'rin& 200!3 my co'sin Michae( Io$ice met Aaron 0man'e(e at a Ni&ht7('@ in ;oston Massach'settes. Aaron contacte$ me on Myspace.7om as $i$ he contact my roommate on some 4G;1 Socia( NeworDin& we@site an$ MySpace.7om. Aaron resi$e$ primari(y in /an$o(ph Massach'settes an$ Mans?ie($ Massach'settes < 2anie( Hames resi$e$ primari(y in Sa(is@'ry NewHampshire an$ Sa(is@'ry Massach'settes. 2'rin& the $ay at Hampton ;each 3 we $eci$e$ to &et pi>>a at Sa(is@'ry ;each an$ wa(De$ to Sa(is@'ry ;each. 2'rin& o'r wa(D thro'&h the Sa(is@'ry ;each area 3 a (on& time a??ection o? mine whom was name$ =a(erie .(son was mentione$ @y my se(? whi(e in Sa(is@'ry NewHampshire when ta(Din& to my ?rien$ ;ren$an whi(e in ,i( 0man'e(eKs presense 5 I mentione$ that I tho'&ht =a(erie .(son was so @ea'ti?'( that I co'($nKt $e?ine her on a sca(e o? 1 10 @y any n'm@er other than 10 concernin& @ea'ty. ;ren$an ha$ ca'&ht me (ooDin& at a woman ear(ier a$mirin& her @ea'ty an$ asDe$ me Aon a sca(e o? 1 to 10MA to which I rep(ie$ A".5. .n(y =a(erie .(son is 10 on a n'merica( sca(e. I canKt e%en $e?ine =a(erie .(son on a n'merica( sca(e at a((. I $onKt 's'a((y $e?ine women on a n'merica( sca(e.A to which ;ren$an rep(ie$ AI Dnow 3 I was JoDin&. I ha$ to ham it 'p.A to which 2.H. ma$e a JoDe a(on& the (ines o? A@'t how m'ch $oes yo'r ham wei&hMA. =a(erie .(son was my ?irst (o%e 3 we were insepera@(e $'rin& 3 years o? o'r chi($hoo$ an$ I ha$ ne%er @een a@(e to shaDe my ?ee(in&s ?or her e%ery time I saw her since then 5 a(( o? my ?rien$s Dnew this 3 this was consi$ere$ typica( AIan MacPherson an$ =a(erie .(son $ramaA. I ?o'n$ o't that in 2005 ?rom an imposte'r o? =a(erie .(son that she s'ppose$(y went to Ita(ia to St'$y A@roa$ ?or co((e&e an$ was intro$'ce$ to Mosta?a I@nSa'$ @y some@o$y whom ha$ @een sta(Din& @oth o? them < other than Mosta?a 3 she was intro$'ce$ to an Ita(ian man whom was somehow a re(ati%e o? a man recor$e$ on camera at ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n Street in Manchester NewHampshire 'sin& =ittorio 0man'e(eKs cre$it car$ in 200* an$ 2005 3 she was a(so intro$'ce$ to an A(@anian. 1his woman was not e%en =a(erie .(son. 2'rin& 200E I was shown these photo&raphs @y whom I @e(ie%e was a =ira( =ector Gene 1herapie$ Imposte'r o? =a(erie .(son. 1hree woman are c'rrent(y on American soi( whom ha%e 'se$ =a(erie .(sonKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s in the past 8 years < one o? whom is o? /'ssian race 3 two o? whom are o? yet to @e i$enti?ie$ racia( ori&in 3 an$ =a(erie .(son herse(? is missin&. =a(erie .(sonKs photo&raphs on ,ace;ooD are o? a woman whom has o@%io's(y @een =ira( =ector Gene 1herapie$ with =a(erie .(sonKs 2NA. None o? the women whom ha%e @een preten$in& to @e =a(erie .(son are o? the same sDe(eta( str'ct're or o? any Norwe&ian or Gae(ic 2NA. 1he ori&ina( pict're o? =a(erie .(son ?rom her MySpace.7om acco'nt in 200* an$ 2005 3 was the rea( =a(erie .(son $rawin& a New Gran&e Spira( in the san$ at Hampton ;each. 7'rrent(y at Sa(is@'ry NewHampshire3 there is a Strip 7('@ ca((e$ A1ensA an$ a @ar ca((e$ A:icDe$K. 2'rin& 2005 3 =a(erie .(son was rea$in& the no%e( A:icDe$A which is a @ooD a@o't the :icDe$ :itch o? the :est an$ her sister < @ase$ on ,ranD ;a'mKs :i>ar$ o? .> settin&. In 20053 whi(e my comp'ter was @ein& hacDe$ 5 I @e&an sin&in& 3 A9in& o? the ,orestA which is the son& that the 7owar$(y 4ion sin&s $'rin& his intro$'ctory entrance in the m'sica( A1he :i>ar$ o? .CA < I $i$ this @eca'se I ?i&'re$ o't that I was @ein& i((e&a((y recor$e$ a?ter I met ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e @e&an sta(Din& my p(ace o? worD in Manchester NewHampshire as we(( as was =ittorio si&hte$ starin& o't a win$ow on 0(m Street at my se(?3 Sahn$ra St. .n&e. 3 an$ 1ony Grasetti (ate at ni&ht. Aaron 0man'e(e @e&an ca((in& =ittorio Athe

7owar$(y 4ionA an$ ha$ ma$e a statement that =ittorio (ooDe$ (iDe the 7owar$(y 4ion ?rom the Metro Go($winn Meyer pro$'ction o? the :i>ar$ o? .>. 2'rin& 200* an$ 2005 5 the i((e&a( recor$in& was @ein& ma$e @y a comp'ter hacDer whom ha$ hacDe$ my comp'ter an$ acti%ate$ the microphone $e%ice which was mo'nte$ within the ?rame o? the Monitor which ha$ come stocD with the comp'ter3 e%ery time I 'np('&&e$ this microphone I (ater ?o'n$ that Sahn$ra ha$ p('&&e$ it @acD in. 1his was $one with a 1'rDoJan sty(e pro&ram as we(( as possi@(y 'p(oa$e$ a(tere$ $e%ice $ri%ers. Mosta?a I@nSa'$ was possi@(y pre%io's(y $atin& the Gae(ic woman whom was (i%in& with the Imposte'r =a(erie .(son an$ ha$ taDen n'mero's photo&raphs with her. 2'rin& 200* 3 Aaron 0man'e(e o? /an$o(ph Massach'settes an$ Sea@rooD as we(( as Sa(is@'ry NewHampshire an$ Massach'settes ma$e a statement a@o't his @io(o&ica( ?ather =ittorio 5 AI wish I co'($ ha%e a norma( ?ami(y instea$ o? a ?ather who hi$es @ehin$ tinte$ &(ass (iDe a pe$ophi(e cowar$(y (ion waitin& to J'mp o't at teena&ers an$ m'r$er them.A 4ater that ni&ht we wa(De$ @acD to Hampton ;each 5 ,i((i@erto ma$e an eFtreme(y am@i&'o's remarD that so'n$e$ as i? it were meant to @e h'mo'r 3 statin& 5 A I am &oin& to @e Santa 7(a's. I thinD I am &oin& to &i%e yo'r @est ?rien$ the &i?t o? ;roDe ;acD Mo'ntain ,ace ... I am &oin& to shit $own her throat an$ ?'cD it.A . Most e%eryone reacte$ to this a@s'r$ statement with con?'se$ (a'&hter. ,i( (ater mentione$ that most peop(e consi$er A$o(? Hit(er the I'intessentia( icon o? e%i( < an$ that he wo'($ pre?er that I not e%er mention a&ain that his ?ami(y was re(ate$ to A$o(? Hit(er or that A$o(? Hit(er was re(ate$ to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 he sai$ that we wo'($ @e a(ri&ht as (on& as I $i$ not mention this an$ that his ?ami(y was his primary concern. A@o't a ha(? ho'r a?ter the A;roDe ;acD Mo'ntain ,aceA comment 3 Sahn$ra an$ I were seate$ on a @ench (ooDin& o't o%er the @each an$ across the ocean 5 2.H. an$ ,I4 wa(De$ 'p @ehin$ 's. ,I4 $eci$e$ to si&n Sahn$raKs note@ooD A,I4A3 to which I ma$e the comment 5 AIs that Phi(eM As in Pe$ophi(eM .r is that Phi(e as in ,eca(Phi(eM I $o Dnow that yo' $o so (o%e that ?eces ,i(... 0mi(y is on(y 1E 3 @y the way ,i(. IKm on(y 203 my se(?.A . ,I4 correcte$ me an$ sai$ 3 ANo thatKs J'st how I spe(( my name ?or short3 it says ,I4 as in ,i((i@ertoA. As we were (ooDin& o't o%er the ocean3 2.H. mentione$ the re$ @(inDin& (i&hts on the ra$io towers on 1he Is(es o? Shoa(s 3 statin& that they (ooDe$ (iDe A1wo 4aser PointersA. ,I4 asDe$ A:hat is that o't there ca((e$ 3 a&ainMA 3 to which I rep(ie$ A1hose are act'a((y the Is(es o? Shoa(s.A. ,I4 then asDe$ me A2i$nKt yo' say that yo'r @est ?rien$Ks (ast name was Is(esMA. 2.H. state$ AIma&ine ha%in& those pointe$ $irect(y into yo'r eyes ?or ho'rsMA A ?ew weeDs a?ter meetin& ,i( an$ 2.H. in Hampton 3 1ony Grasseti an$ I met ,i( 0man'e(e as we(( as 2anie( Hames an$ one o? ,i(Ks ?rien$s in Manchester NewHampshire 5 1ony an$ I wa(De$ to the 0aster Sea(s (ocation near :e@ster Street to meer them. ,i(Ks ?rien$ mentione$ the 0aster Sea(s @'i($in& 3 statin& that his A@est ?rien$A was Astayin& at the 0aster Sea(s @'i($in&A an$ that AsheKs apparent(y @(in$ nowA @'t that they wo'($ not (et him see her an$ it @othere$ him 5 this statement echoe$ (ater somethin& that in%o(%e$ 0mi(y Is(es. 2anie( Hames to($ 's that he was meetin& with a ?rien$ an$ parte$ ways with 's. :hi(e in Manchester NewHampshire with 1ony Grasetti 3 ,i( 0man'e(e 3 an$ a ?rien$ o? ,i(Ks 5 ,i(Ks ?rien$ t'rne$ to me an$ spoDe AI? yo' ha$ to Di(( 3 mi((ion peop(e to pre%ent a war that wo'($ ca'se the $eath o? 20 mi((ion o? yo'r peop(e3 wo'($ yo'MA to which I rep(ie$ 3 ANo 3 I $o not @e(ie%e in Di((in& ci%i(ians at a(( $'rin& a time o? war or any other 5 thatKs 20 mi((ion m'r$ers. How $o yo' Dnow that the war is ine%ita@(e M I mean... what is it that wo'($ ca'se the war to e%en occ'rM :hat is it that can not @e a%oi$e$ or a%erte$ thro'&h $ip(omatic meansMA an$ ,i(Ks ?rien$ answere$ AI wo'($. 2onKt e%er te(( me that 3 mi((ion (i%es are not worth 20 mi((ion o? my peop(e.A . 4ater 3 a?ter ,i( ha$ (e?t < it

was re%ea(e$ to me @y ,i(Ks ?rien$ that he ha$ @een instr'cte$ @y ,i( eFact(y what to say an$ was ma$e to rehearse it 5 ,i(Ks ?rien$ was con%ince$ that ,i( was in ?act A$o(? Hit(erKs &reat &ran$ nephew. Accor$in& to 1ony Grasseti 3 he ha$ recor$e$ this on an e(ectronic recor$in& $e%ice which he ha$ c(ippe$ to the insi$e o? his shirt. Accor$in& to what 1ony Grasseti to($ my se(? an$ my roommate in 200* 3 this e(ectronic recor$ was soon a?ter $e(i%ere$ to the MerrimacD Po(ice 2epartment an$ the 4on$on$erry Po(ice 2epartment @y 1ony Grasetti as we(( as possi@(y $e(i%ere$ to New Hampshire ,.;.I. 5 1ony Grasseti a(so c(aime$ to ha%e 'p(oa$e$ this recor$in& to Internet 2ata Stora&e an$ i? s'ch is tr'e 3 it is permanant(y retrie%a@(e @y ,e$era( In%esti&ations or Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence ?rom I'arantine$ store$ $ata ?rom the years 200* an$ 2005. 1his is a cr'cia( piece o? e%i$ence as it is a'$io recor$ o? ,i( 0man'e(eKs initia( p(ans to eFterminate 3 mi((ion ci%i(ians in North America. 20 mi((ion is the approFimate n'm@er o? $oc'mente$ tota( ci%i(ian cas'a(ties in 2e'tsche(an$ 3 ,rance 3 A'stria 3 an$ Po(an$ co((ecti%e(y $'rin& the Ho(oca'st in 0'rope in the years o? the 1"*0Ks. 1he in?i(tration o? the MerrimacD Po(ice 2epartment @y the 0man'e(esK A&ents as we(( as %ario's Po(ice 2epartments in New 0n&(an$ re&ion is o@%io's(y ?or the p'rpose o? retrie%in& this an$ attemptin& to co%er ,i(Ks tracDs @y e(iminatin& a(( e%i$ence a&ainst him as we(( as :itness Statements s'ch as my own an$ the &ir(s who were sai$ to @e 0mi(y Is(esKs 3 ,ranchesca Gon>a(e>Ks 3 1ony GrasettiKs recor$e$ e%i$ence o? my meetin& with ,i( 0man'e(e in /ye NewHampshire 3 an$ other witnessness an$ %ictims s'ch as H'(ie :einstein an$ any mem@er o? the Hewish 7omm'nity or Asatr' 7omm'nity whom ha%e @een h'rt as we(( as o'r ?ami(ies. 1he ?act that 1ony Grasseti recor$e$ my meetin& with ,i( 0man'e(e is stran&e 3 ?or reason that 1ony Grasseti is a /oya( @(oo$e$ 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 5 which means that he is o? 0man'e(e (inea&e himse(?. 1he recor$in&s ?rom the recor$in& $e%ice that 1ony Grasseti wore c(ippe$ to the insi$e o? his shirt were s'ppose$ to ha%e @een 'p(oa$e$ to 1ony GrassetiKs internet $ata stora&e we@ space $'rin& the year 200* 5 1ony Grasseti ?ei&ne$ that he ha$ @ecome an imme$iate sta(Din& %ictim a?ter meetin& with ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e in /ye NewHampshire the $ay he was instr'cte$ to @rin& my se(? to the (ocation @y mem@ers o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. It is $e?inite that 1ony Grasseti is in ?act the co'sin o? the 0man'e(es an$ Dnew a@o't what they $i$ to my eF &ir(?rien$ Nina Hansen an$ n'mero's other ?ema(es whom they ha$ rape$. 1he Po(ice 2epartments in NewHampshire were in?i(trate$ imme$iate(y a?ter the year 200* @y Ita(ian A6IS A&ents (oya( to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. I? 1ony GrassetiKs recor$e$ e%i$ence o? ,i( 0man'e(eKs p(ans to commit :ar 7rimes was $e(ete$ ?rom internet or sto(en ?rom the Po(ice 2epartment 3 these recor$in&s are easi(y retrie%e$ @y Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence emp(oyees as we(( as ,e$era( ;'rea' o? In%esti&ations emp(oyees $'e to the 'p(oa$in& o? these recor$in&s to e(ectronic $ata stora&e (i@raries. I? these recor$in&s were accesse$ @y hacDers 3 accesse$ i((e&a((y witho't recor$ @y ,e$era( 0mp(oyees s'ch as ha$ occ'rre$ $'rin& the i((e&a( wire tappin& o? my se(? an$ 0mi(y Is(esKs con%ersations on @eha(? o? Ita(ian A6IS A&ents em@e$$e$ within USAmerican Go%ernment 3 or $estroye$ somehow @y a&ents actin& on @eha(? o? the 0man'e(es whom were emp(oye$ @y a Po(ice 2epartment < these actions are empirica( e%i$ence o? the 0man'e(esK preme$itate$ p(ans to commit these Genoci$a( an$ per%erse :ar 7rimes. It is a pro@a@i(ity that the A0mi(y Is(esA whom I ha$ spoDen with ?or the ?ina( ?ew months o? my con%ersin& with her $'rin& the year 2005 was a SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim who was @ein& he($ capti%e in 7ana$a in Mississa'&a or Hami(ton in .ntario3 in 0mi(y Is(esKs ?ami(yKs ho'se. 2'rin& mine an$ 1ony GrassetiKs meetin& with ,i( in Manchester NewHampshire $'rin& the year 200* 5 1ony ha$ in?orme$ me that he was wearin& an e(ectronic recor$in& $e%ice an$ was wearin& this $e%ice ?or the p'rpose o? recor$in& ,i(i@erto

0man'e(e as a sa?ety preca'tion $'e to ,i( statin& as a ?act that he was a ?ami(ia( re(ati%e o? A$o(? Hit(er a weeD or two prior. 2'rin& the co'rse o? this partic'(ar $ay3 the topic o? S'r&ica( Imp(ant G.P.S. $e%ices an$ :ar 7rimes was $isc'sse$ 5 this topic was $isc'sse$ as a re(e%ant s'@Ject concernin& Socia( 2arwinist phi(osophy an$ G(o@a( 1errorism a?ter ,i( asDe$ me a I'estion re&ar$in& the termino(o&ies Ai(('minatiA an$ Aanti 7hristA < ,i( ha$ asDe$ me what I @e(ie%e the termino(o&ies act'a((y meant. I @e(ie%e ,i(Ks I'estion ha$ @een initia((y $irecte$ at my se(? an$ res'(te$ in the ?o'r o? 's $isc'ssin& what I $escri@e$ as a hypothetica( Socia( 2arwinist G(o@a( 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate. 1he con%ersation re&ar$in& Socia( 2arwinism res'(te$ in my $isc'ssin& an eFamp(e o? a Socia( 2arwinist psycho(o&y an$ phi(osophy as a res'(t o? Socia( 2arwinist %a('es 5 the hypothetica( in$i%i$'a( @ein& a Socia( 2arwinist 7rime 4or$ in%o(%e$ in G(o@a( 1errorism an$ an attempt to conI'er the 0arth. 1he hypothetica( in$i%i$'a( I $escri@e$ was $escri@e$ as @ein& a man whom wo'($ co%ert(y 'se hea(thcare ?aci(ities to eFterminate entire pop'(ations o? peop(e &(o@a((y an$ wo'($ s'r&ica((y imp(ant in$i%i$'a(s with e(ectronic $e%ices s'ch a G.P.S. S'r&ica( Imp(ants ?or p'rpose o? &ettin& the Jo@ $one < a(so3 I $escri@e$ a scenario wherein this man s'r&ica((y imp(ante$ his own son with the same 0(ectronic S'r&ica( Imp(ant as was @ein& 'se$ to eFterminate the &enoci$e tar&ets &(o@a((y3 this man wo'($ pre empt the possi@i(ity o? his &(o@a( co%ert &enoci$a( striDe @ein& $isco%ere$ an$ in%esti&ate$ @y mi(itary inte((i&ence an$ wo'($ s'r&ica((y imp(ant his own son with one o? the $e%ices @ein& 'se$ ?or p'rpose o? portrayin& his son as a &enoci$e tar&et th's circ'm%entin& the possi@i(ity o? @ein& i$enti?ie$ as the &'i(ty party 5 @ein& that the 7rime 4or$ in I'estion is a Socia( 2arwinist3 he wo'($ ?ee( no nee$ to te(( his son o? the S'r&ica( Imp(antation which ha$ occ'rre$ an$ wo'($ 'se the p'@(ic portraya( o? his son as a Genoci$e 1ar&et to $e?(ect in%esti&ations which were ?oc'se$ in his own $irection as we(( as possi@(y ena@(e his son thro'&h this %ictimi>ation to (ater present himse(? as an innocent %ictim an$ contin'e his ?atherKs crimina( campai&n ?or &(o@a( conI'est e%en a?ter his ?atherKs arrest or $eath. A Socia( 2arwinistKs so(e concern is Se(? 0mpowerment which is to them accepta@(y achei%e$ @y any means possi@(e an$ to an 'n(imite$ $e&ree < the o??sprin& o? a Socia( 2arwinist are %iewe$ @y them as a contin'ation o? the se(? an$ their s'ccess is important @'t the Socia( 2arwinistKs o??sprin& are o? (esser importance than the se(?3 the 'n$er(yin& ?act ?or this @ein& that they can easi(y @e rep(ace$ $'e to the Socia( 2arwinistKs a@i(ity to @ree$ new o??sprin&. I @e(ie%e that I may ha%e mentione$ to ,i( that I @e(ie%e$ that the ?act'a( AI(('minatiA was the Aanti 7hristA an$ that this to me was an or&ani>ation an$ not an in$i%i$'a( 5 I a(so state$ to ,i( that I @e(ie%e$ that this or&ani>ation is comprise$ entire(y o? crimina( Socia( 2arwinists an$ that it is a &(o@a( or&ani>ation with m'(tip(e nationa(ities represente$ as the physica( pop'(ation which the or&ani>ation is comprise$ o? an$ that this or&ani>ationKs '(timate &oa( is 1ota( G(o@a( 7onI'est @y any means possi@(e an$ esta@(ishment o? what I $escri@e$ as a corr'pt &(o@a( o(i&archy an$ a &(o@a(i>e$ nationa( state < many peop(e re?er to this concept as a &(o@a( Ahe&emonA o%er crime wor($ 3 economics3 an$ ?e$era( state. I a(so mentione$ as an eFamp(e o? how these peop(e manip'(ate society @y contro((in& the p'@(ic me$ia 3 the ?act that the me$ia has ?oc'se$ on Is(am as the so'rce o? terrorism when in ?act it is a crime oriente$ terrorist ?action that are en&a&e$ in the terrorist campai&n that has pro%oDe$ the :ar .n 1error. It is recor$e$ that I ha$ mentione$ that I ?e(t (iDe the me$ia was portrayin& the war as a A:ar .n Is(amA as a re(i&ion itse(? an$ i&norin& the ?act that Is(am is simp(y a component o? the c'(t're to which many o? these ?actions @e(on& @ein& that Is(am is one o? the (ar&est re(i&io's pop'(ations on 0arth an$ some o? these ?actions are o? pre%io's(y .ttoman re&iona( pop'(ation . ,i( was o@%io's(y sti(( concerne$ with He?? /enseKs artic(e on / in 200* which ha$ (a@e(e$ his ?ather =ittorio 0man'e(e 3 the Anti7hrist.

! mentioned that it is li)ely that the (uslims in'ol'ed in the =$<< Terrorist Attac)s

&ere only a fraction of the total o ulation count of the Global Terrorist +action that the Taliban are associated &ith 1 to this +il Emanuele0s face sho&ed recognition of a fact he )ne& &ell and he stated " . That is true- ! belie'e that- Actually" ! actually )no& that that is the truth- Althoug can0t tell you ho& it is that ! )no& that " but it0s definitely the truth-. this &as 'ery similar to the con'ersation &hich +il Emanuele had had &ith ;rendan Place at ,am ton ;each in Ne& ,am shire concerning the Taliban being an A*!S Terrorist Crime$Syndicate" during this con'ersation +il stated &ith mild interest that he )ne& for a fact that this &as an absolute fact and that he could not state &hy or ho& but that he 6ust )ne& this but also stated that there &as a Cuban A#is unit as &ell and that he had met them ersonally2'rin& this $ay 3 I asDe$ ,i( i? he ha$ meant concernin& what he ha$ sai$ a weeD prior concernin& my ?rien$ 0mi(y Is(es an$ how he was &oin& to A;roDe@acD Mo'ntain her ?aceA @y Ashittin& $own her throat an$ rapin& it a?terwar$sA an$ 2.H.Ks comment concernin& @'rnin& o't some@o$yKs eyes 'sin& (a>er pointers 5 I to($ ,i( that I (o%e$ her an$ that re&ar$(ess o? mine an$ 0mi(yKs %ery yo'th?'( a&e3 I @e(ie%e$ that my se(? an$ 0mi(y possi@(y @e(on&e$ as (i?e partners an$ that it was my responsi@i(ity to protect her < I state$ that a(tho'&h it seeme$ that his comments were in Jest 3 that I ha$ to ens're that he ha$ not meant these thin&s ?act'a((y. 1he person who they ha$ ?orce$ to preten$ to @e 0mi(y Is(es was &i%en a speci?ic i$entity to portray 3 that was eFtreme(y simi(ar to my own. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e state$ to me that he $i$ not mean these thin&s an$ that A@roDe@acD mo'ntain A was o@%io's(y a A&ay thin&A. I was to($ a (itt(e o%er two years a?ter this 3 that 0mi(y was a@$'cte$ ?rom either Mississa'&a .ntario or Hami(ton .ntario < an$ that she was @ein& he($ capti%e in Mo'nt P(easant Apartments in ;i((ericca Massach'settes 5 this was state$ to me in a %oicemai( that was recor$e$ on my mo@i(e ce(('(ar te(ephone 3 J'st prior to my se(? @ein& i((e&a((y hospita(i>e$ @y a man in a Po(ice Uni?orm an$ S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace. :hen this %oice mai( was (e?t on my Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone 3 I was worDin& at NewHampshire Precision Meta( ,a@rication an$ co'($ not answer my phone 5 the (ocation that the te(ephone ca(( was ma$e ?rom is recor$e$ @y Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 7omp'ters as is the te(ephone con%ersation an$ any ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces present in the crani'ms o? the %ictims that were transmittin&. 2'rin& the year 200* < whi(e speaDin& with 0mi(y Is(es o%er the te(ephone3 I $isc'sse$ with her the ?act that A$o(? Hit(er was =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs ha(? @rother ?rom the same ?ather who was the pre%io's 9in& o? Ita(ia. I ha$ $isc'sse$ with 0mi(y Is(es the possi@i(ity that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy may ha%e arreste$ an$ $etaine$ the s'ccessi%e heirs o? the /oya( ,ami(y o? 2e'tsche(an$ an$ Di((e$ them $'rin& the Ho(oca'st o? the 1"*0Ks $'rin& the A6IS Heirarcha( 2ecapitation o? the &o%ernment o? 2e'tsche(an$. It seems pro@a@(e that a?ter I ha$ $isc'sse$ this with 0mi(y Is(es 3 the Ho'se o? Sa%oy may ha%e a@$'cte$ 0mi(y Is(es an$ a seI'entia( (ine o? ?ema(es whom they messa&e$ me ima&es o? whi(e preten$in& to @e 0mi(y Is(es. Pri%ate In%esti&ations as we(( as other in%esti&ations ha%e pro%en that ,i( may ha%e @ro'&ht 0mi(y Is(es to ;i((ericca Massach'settes 3 :i(ton NewHampshire 3 as we(( as to Manchester NewHampshire an$ @rie?(y (e?t her with a SeF .??en$er with whom he was acI'ainte$ name$ 7esare < he a(so he($ her hosta&e at other (ocations in the U.S.A. which he ha$ ?reI'ente$ at $i??erent times s'ch as possi@(y a (ocation near ;oston Massach'settes. I can not c'rrenty ?in$ her an$ I am eFtreme(y worrie$. 2'rin& the year 2005 5 a ?e$era( emp(oyee %isite$ me at ,ami(y 2o((ar to in?orm me that I ha$ @een @ein& I((e&a((y :ire 1appe$ ?rom within the 7.I.A. or other simi(ar $epartment an$ that the other %ictim was 0mi(y Is(es3 I was in?orme$ o? this J'st prior to the $ate 'pon which she was a@$'cte$. A ?ew months prior to 0mi(y Is(esKs $isappearance3 I to($ her

o%er te(ephone con%ersation that I (o%e$ her. 0mi(y to($ me that I sho'($ mo%e to 7ana$a. 1his con%ersation was most pro@a@(y somehow i((e&a((y recor$e$ @y metho$ o? comp'ter hacDin& comm'nications ser%ers or was recor$e$ i((e&a((y @y metho$ o? wire tap ?rom within an in%esti&ations $epartment as was mentione$ to me @y a ?e$era( emp(oyee whi(e at worD. A(so pro@a@(y recor$e$ wo'($ @e a con%ersation concernin& my ?ee(in&s ?or her whi(e in :i(ton NewHampshire < I ha$ 'se$ a ?rien$ or a ?ami(y mem@erKs mo@i(e ce(('(ar te(ephone to ca(( my ?rien$ ;ren$an P(ace an$ the topic o? my ?ee(in&s ?or 0mi(y Is(es was $isc'sse$ 5 I $escri@e$ 0mi(y Is(es as the one person whom I co'($ spen$ the entirety o? my $ays with 3 (i%in& in an 'ninha@ite$ an$ remote (ocation @y o'rse(%es 3 whom I wo'($ @e happy with J'st to sit with her an$ ta(D to her ?or the rest o? my (i?e. 0mi(y was the one person whom ha$ e%er ma$e me ?ee( (iDe I was not a(one 5 typica((y I ha%e str'&&(e$ most o? my (i?e with the ?ee(in& (iDe I am a(one in the wor($ an$ that the peop(e aro'n$ me are not o? the same comm'nity as my se(?< e%en when I ha%e ?o'n$ peop(e with whom I ha%e ?e(t some ?orm o? Dinship 3 it has ne%er ?'(?i((e$ any sense o? @e(on&in& an$ I ha%e sti(( ?e(t as i? these peop(e were not o? the same comm'nity as my se(?. 1his ?ee( o? not @e(on&in& may possi@(y @e a res'(t o? @ein& one o? the on(y ,irst Nations Nati%e Americans in New 0n&(an$ as we(( as one o? the ?o'n$in& An&(o Gae(ic peop(es whom ha%e a(so @ecome in New 0n&(an$ 5 a(so3 0mi(y was an Asatr'ar < since I was a chi($ e%en my @est ?rien$Ks ?ather acDnow(e$&e$ that Asatr' wo'($ (iDe(y @e my re(i&ion as an a$'(t. Asatr' is a minority re(i&io's comm'nity. 0%ery ni&ht a?ter worD 3 I wo'($ ta(D to 0mi(y on the te(ephone < e%en some mornin&s @e?ore I wo'($ (ea%e ?or worD we wo'($ ta(D on the te(ephone 5 some weeDs 0mi(y an$ I spent o%er 30 ho'rs a weeD ta(Din& to one another3 the year that I Dnew 0mi(y chan&e$ my (i?e. 2'rin& the $ay that 1ony Grassetti an$ I ha$ met ,i( an$ his ?rien$ in Manchester NewHampshire. :hi(e near the =eteranKs ParD 5 I ma$e a ha(? h'mo're$ statement a@o't ,i(Ks seF'a(ity 3 in?errin& that he may possi@(y @e a homoseF'a( in the c(oset that hates women 5 ,i( respon$e$ to this @y statin& A I? yo' &et the i$ea that yo' want to s'cD a $icD an$ yo' $o it 3 an$ then yo' taste the $icD on yo'r to'n&'e an$ rea(i>e that it is $is&'stin& an$ ne%er want to s'cD a $icD a&ain3 are yo' strai&htM ItKs (iDe a (es@ian oD 5 i? she has taste$ $icD once3 an$ rea(i>es that it is $is&'stin& < she is a (es@ian.A this con%ersation echoe$ in 2008 when a %i$eo&raphe$ recor$in& o? ,i(Ks ?rien$ 7esare rapin& a ?ema(e whom was ?ami(iar to me was poppe$ 'p on my comp'ter screen @y a hacDer 'sin& the so?tware 1'rDoJan Go($ *. :hi(e in Manchester on 0(m Street 3 ,i( ma$e some comment a@o't the $o& stat'es in ?ront o? the /a$isson on P(easant Street ?or which his ?rien$ mocDe$ him an$ h'mo'ro's(y (a'&he$ at him ri$ic'(in& him somewhat. ,i( a(so stoo$ in ?ront o? the Ita(ian ,(a& at the Picco(a /esta'rant an$ was photo&raphe$ @y 1ony Grasseti whi(e ,i(Ks ?rien$ an$ I stoo$ @ehin$ 1ony. :hi(e in Manchester NewHampshire < ,i( 0man'e(e state$ to me an$ 1ony 5 AI thinD I am &oin& to p(ay Santa 7(a's. A(ot o? &oo$ thin&s come in re$ an$ white.A 3 Santa 7(a's maDes (ists. 1hin&s which were (iste$ @y ,i( 0man'e(e an$ his ?rien$ that came in A/e$ an$ :hiteA inc('$e$ A$o(? Hit(erKs arm @an$3 the ?(a& o? the 3r$ /eich 3 one o? the ?(a&s o? A'stria 3 an$ Santa 7(a'sKs s'it . ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e as we(( as their Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist ,action ha%e tar&ette$ (ists o? ci%i(ians since this time. :hi(e in Manchester NewHampshire 3 wa(Din& on 0(m Street < ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e $ec(are$ that he hate$ (o%e. 2'rin& the year 200* 3 whi(e at Hampton ;each 5 1ony Grasseti state$ to me A 1he 0man'e(es ha%e @een s'specte$ ?or a %ery (on& time o? @ein& seria( Di((ers who m'r$er entire ?ami(ies an$ possi@(y terrorists. 1he 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen ha%e @een tryin& to &ather eno'&h e%i$ence a&ainst them to con%ict them ?or a (on& time. I?

an$ when yo' &et eno'&h e%i$ence to con%ict them yo'rse(?3 (et 's Dnow 3 an$ sen$ 's what yo' ha%e.A. 1his statement is incre$i@(y manip'(ati%e ?or reason that the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen are ?act'a((y the Pa&es 3 0rrants 3 9ni&hts 3 an$ /oya( ,ami(y o? the eFi(e$ Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ are (oya( to the /oya( ,ami(y o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 1his was o@%io's(y an attempt to manip'(ate me. 1ony GrassetiKs &ran$?ather was an 0man'e(e. 1ony Grasseti is a /oya( @(oo$e$ 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 1he 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen is the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 1he (ocation at Hampton that 1ony Grasseti ha$ chosen to state this to me at was the corner o? Manchester Street3 which is the street that my Gran$,ather /ona($ 4a%oieKs cotta&e is on 5 this is the (ocation at which my co'sin H'(ianna in the past 3 ha$ $isc'sse$ with my ?ami(y the ?act that her ?ami(y ha$ to (ea%e Sici(y ?or reason that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha$ near(y eFterminate$ her entire ?ami(y on @oth si$es o? her ?ami(y an$ were attemptin& to &enoci$a((y eFterminate the rest o? H'(iannaKs ?ami(y. H'(ianna mo%e$ to the USA $'rin& her chi($hoo$. 1his was $isc'sse$ n'mero's times o'tsi$e at the picnic ta@(e $'rin& the 1"80Ks an$ 1""0Ks. My Gran$,ather /ona($ 4a%oie was threatene$ @y a man who (i%e$ near@y that sai$ that he hear$ what H'(ianna was sayin& an$ that he tooD o??ense to it an$ that she sho'($ @e warne$ to Deep her %oice $own an$ watch what she is sayin&. H'(ianna was in?'riate$ at this manKs statement an$ state$ that her entire ?ami(y was Di((e$ an$ that this was now a $irect threat to her ?ami(y in the USA. A( Io$iceKs ?ather was a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ A( was in $irect socia( contact with the /oya( ,ami(y o?ten 3 A( ne%er to($ my ?ami(y that the 0man'e(es were the 0man'e(es o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. I was intro$'ce$ to =ittorio 0man'e(eKs sons n'mero's times thro'&ho't my chi($hoo$ an$ a$'(t (i?e as we(( as was I intro$'ce$ to =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e n'mero's times thro'&ho't my chi($hoo$ an$ my (i?e. 4ater3 $'rin& the year 200* 5 1ony Grasseti threatene$ Samantha Grimes an$ my se(? 3 whi(e wa(Din& to the Ma(( o? NewHampshire on So'th :i((ow Street in Manchester NewHampshire. 1ony Grasseti state$ that he was a $escen$ant o? =ittorio 0man'e(e I an$ that he was the co'sin o? the 0man'e(es o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. Another in$i%i$'a( who may ha%e @een with Samantha Grimes an$ my se(? when 1ony Grasseti sai$ this to 's is ;rian Sweet o? MerrimacD NewHampshire. 2'rin& the year 2001 5 Nina Hansen was @ein& sta(De$ @y 1ony Grasseti an$ Aaron 0man'e(e 3 whom were @eha%in& as i? they were Nina HansenKs ?rien$s. Nina Hansen ?o'n$ o't (ater that year that 1ony Grasseti was the 0man'e(eKs co'sins an$ that Aaron 0man'e(e was ,i( 0man'e(eKs @rother. Nina Hansen $isco%ere$ that they Dnew that she ha$ @een @ein& rape$ @y ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ was heart@roDen when she ?o'n$ o't that they Dept this secret ?rom her. Nina HansenKs @est ?rien$ 3 0mi(y McPherson < eFp(aine$ to Nina Hansen that the 0man'e(esK ?ami(y an$ 1ony Grasseti were A$o(? Hit(erKs @io(o&ica( ?ami(y an$ were the /oya( ,ami(y o? Ita(ia o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 7'rrent(y on ,ace@ooD3 there is a woman preten$in& to @e Nina Hansen that is not her. Nina Hansen is ha(? Norwe&ian an$ ha(? Hapanese 5 the woman on ?ace@ooD (ooDs to @e a $i??erent race. 2'rin& the year 200* or 2005 5 I instant messa&e$ 0mi(y Is(es on her A.4 Instant Messa&er acco'nt an$ ca'&ht whom I now rea(i>e was $e?inite(y =ittorio 0man'e(e 'sin& 0mi(y Is(eKs A.4 Instant Messa&er Screen Name3 which he ha$ apparent(y pai$ a hacDer to o@tain the passwor$ o? or o@taine$ the passwor$ o?. I instant messa&e$ 0mi(y Is(esKs A.4 IM Screen Name AHe((oLA an$ recei%e$ a rep(y which was A@(on$e....I (iDe it. IKm @(on$e 3 @'t my hair is thin an$ p(astic (iDe. I hate it. I a(so &et c'r(s aro'n$ my hair (ine an$ @ehin$ my ears. IKm @asica((y @a($ 3 tho'&h. Hahahaha.A a?terwhich I sai$ 3 AwhatM $i$ I interr'pt somethin&MA an$ the person 'sin& 0mi(y Is(esKs Screen Name rep(ie$ 3 AUm. No. I wi(( ta(D to yo' (ater.A.

A ?ew months @e?ore this occ'rance 3 0mi(y Is(es ha$ to($ me o%er the 1e(ephone an$ o%er A.4 Instant Messa&er that she ha$ @een speaDin& with Gr't(e 9Je((sonKs sister 3 whom was the sister o? the Gr't(e 9Je((son ?rom the @an$ 0ns(a%e$. 2'rin& 200E 3 I was to($ that Gr't(e 9Je((sonKs sister was a@$'cte$ whi(e he was per?ormin& a concert in the USA 5 I was in?orme$ o? this @y an in$i%i$'a( 'sin& an A.4 Instant Messa&er Screen Name AMorty001820A some simi(ar series o? n'm@ers. 1his A.4 Instant Messa&er Screen Name was s'ppose$(y the Screen Name o? aman name$ 0ric Smith. AMortyA ha$ state$ in 200! that he ha$ hear$ that Gr't(e 9Je((sonKs sister ha$ @een a@$'cte$ $'rin& the 200E to'r an$ that it may ha%e occ'rre$ in NewHampshire or Massach'settes. 2'rin& the year 2008 3 a woman whom (ooDe$ re(ate$ to Gr't(e 9Je((son an$ appeare$ to @e a@o't 1 year o($er than my se(? < was ?o'n$ wa(Din& @(in$e$ in HooDsett NewHampshire at a :a( Mart. 1he woman whom ha$ @een @(in$e$ spent a ?ew years (ooDin& ?or me an$ c(aimin& that she was 0mi(y Is(es 5 I @e(ie%e that she may ha%e 'se$ this name @eca'se she remem@ere$ Manchester NewHampshire an$ my name Ian MacPherson 3 an$ that I was ?rien$s with 0mi(y Is(es whom she was ta(Din& to in 200* or 2005. I @e(ie%e that this was Gr't(e 9Je((sonKs sister or the woman that A0riD Schmi$tA Morty001820 c(aime$ was her 3 she ha$ @een (e?t with ,ranchesca Gon>a(e>Ks I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. ,ranchesca Gon>a(e> was 1ony Gon>a(e>Ks sister 3 these two were ?rien$s with some o? the Asatr' 7omm'nity in NewHersey an$ NewHampshire 5 2an .ropa((o an$ He?? 7a@ra( were ?rien$s with the Gon>a(e>Ks . 1ony Gon>a(e> worDe$ at ,ami(y 2o((ar in Manchester NewHampshire $'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005. ,i( 0man'e(eKs @rother 2anie( Hames A2.H.A an$ his ?rien$ whom was 'sin& Me&an McG'ires I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s were seen with Ms. 9Je((son at the Manchester P'@(ic 4i@rary in 200". 2'rin& the year 200" < 2anie( Hames an$ n'mero's other ma(es SeF'a((y Assa'(t an$ repeate$(y assa'(te$ in other ways 3 Ms. 9Je((son whom was @(in$. In 200* < whi(e at Hampton ;each in NewHampshire 3 2anie( Hames ha$ ma$e a comment whi(e (ooDin& across the ocean towar$s ra$io towers on the Is(e o? Shoa(s A1hey (ooD (iDe (aser pointers. Ima&ine ha%in& those pointe$ $irect(y into yo'r eyes ?or ho'rsM 2i$nKt yo' say yo'r @est ?rien$Ks (ast name was Is(esMA In the years 200* an$ 2005 3 I to($ 0mi(y Is(es o%er the te(ephone that =ittorio 0man'e(e III was A$o(? Hit(erKs ha(? @rother < 0mi(y Is(es may ha%e mentione$ this to Gr't(e 9Je((sonKs sister. 2'rin& 200* an$ 2005 < a ,e$era( 0mp(oyee o? the USA Go%erment 3 approache$ me at worD an$ in?orme$ me that my te(ephone con%ersations with 0mi(y Is(es ha$ @een @ein& i((e&a((y wire tappe$ @y some 'nDnown emp(oyee o? the ,e$era( Go%ernment an$ that it was @ein& in%esti&ate$. I? the @(in$e$ woman whom was resc'e$ @y parame$ics ?rom HooDsett NewHampshireKs :a( Mart an$ @ro'&ht to Manchester NewHampshire was not Gr't(e 9Je((sonKs sister 3 she was $e?inite(y another ?ema(e whom was re(ate$ to one o? the photo&raphs o? an A0mi(y Is(esA an$ (ooDe$ Norwe&ian or was o? the speci?ic appearance that they were tar&ettin&. 0mi(y ha$ a $i??erent shape$ ?ace than this ?ema(e. It is pro@a@(e that the woman that I was to($ may ha%e @een Gr't(e 9Je((sonKs sisterKs :itness 1estimonia( is c'rrent(y missin& ?rom Po(ice /ecor$s in Manchester NewHampshire or has @een a(tere$ ?or p'rpose o? $iscre$itin& this woman as a witness an$ testi?yin& %ictim. 2'e to the ?act that a(( o? these ?ema(es were S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 3 A/G.S G.P.S. 2e%ice 3 an$ Prosthetic Ne'ro7irc'it < it is $e?inite that a (ar&e I'antity o? emprica( e%i$ence eFists concernin& the @r'ta( tort're 3 war maimin& 3 an$ war rape which these women en$'re$ @etween the years o? 200E an$ 2012 a?ter they were a@$'cte$ ?rom ;e$?or$ NewHampshire 5 the entirety o? these womenKs Ne'ro(o&y was recor$e$ ?rom the $ate o? the imp(antation o? the Ne'roScience $e%ice 3 these womenKs G(o@a( Position was tracDe$ an$ recor$e$ $'rin& the entirety o? the A/G.S G.P.S. $e%iceKs @attery (i?e which is tr'e re&ar$(ess o? whether or not a

$e%ice s'ch as this is @ein& 'se$ ?or the a$$itiona( p'rpose o? transmittin& an$ recei%in& @inary $ata 3 as we(( as are this womanKs %is'a( s'rro'n$in&s recor$e$ @y the Ne'ro(o&y 1ransmissions o? e%ery other in$i%i$'a( within G.P.S. proFimity o? her whom were S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with these $e%ices an$ transmitte$ Sec'rity 7amera recor$in&s which are easi(y o@taine$ @y Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence emp(oyees i? they were transmitte$ to a Home .??ice or other (ocation inc('$in& internet $ata stora&e or (aw en?orcement. In the year 200* 3 a?ter my se(? an$ some ?rien$s ha$ met 2anie( Hames an$ ,i(i@erto 0man'e(e 5 ;ra$ Sa@(e $ro%e to ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n st in Manchester New Hampshire 3 to picD me 'p a?ter worD. A?ter ;ra$ entere$ the store 3 I p'nche$ o't on the time c(ocD an$ we (e?t. As we were wa(Din& to ;ra$Ks car in the parDin& (ot 3 2.H. an$ a ?rien$ o? his accompanie$ @y ,i((i@erto approache$ 's in the parDin& (ot. ,i((i@erto I'icD(y eFp(aine$ that he ha$ some p(aces to &o @'t that 2.H. an$ his ?rien$ were sticDin& aro'n$ the area. It t'rne$ o't that 2.H.Ks ?rien$ (i%e$ on(y 2 or 3 @'i($in&s $own ?rom my a'nt 4es(ie an$ her ?ami(y 5 her eF h's@an$ A( Io$ice an$ their sons Michae( Io$ice an$ 7hristopher Io$ice. I @e(ie%e that =ittorio 0man'e(eKs wea(th retainers @o'&ht this @'i($in& an$ others in the re&ion 5 it is @e&inin& to seem (iDe they own J'st a@o't ha(? o? the properties in the North 0ast o? North America. A?ter a@o't 35 min'tes o? @ein& aro'n$ 2.H. an$ his ?rien$ 3 2.H. an$ my se(? were near(y to the point o? ?ist ?i&htin& $'e to o'r $i??erences in persona(ity an$ con?(ict o? interests 5 I $eci$e$ that ;ra$ an$ I sho'($ (ea%e. Upon (ea%in& 3 ;ra$ eFp(aine$ to me that he was concerne$ that they were &oin& to attacD 's a?ter we eFite$ ,ami(y 2o((ar an$ that he was s'rprise$ that they $i$ not. ;ra$ contin'e$ to remin$ me that ,i((i@erto ha$ a$mitte$ to @ein& re(ate$ to A$o(? Hit(er that the (ast time that we ha$ seen them 3 they ha$ @e&'n to @ecome r'$e towar$s 's < ;ra$ a(so remin$e$ me that he was Hewish an$ o? an incre$i@(y noticea@(y Israe(i @(oo$(ine. It is pro@a@(e that the 0man'e(esK wiretappe$ the 4AN 4ine at 38" Haywar$ Street an$ (istene$ to my con%ersations with ;ra$ 3 this wo'($ @e how they Dnew that ;ra$ was comin& to picD me 'p on a certain $ay at a speci?ic time. 0mi(y Is(es was a(so a %ictim o? this wire tappin&. I was inten$e$ to @e(ie%e that 0mi(y was (ater a@$'cte$ ?rom her home an$ that her ?ami(y was rep(ace$ @y A&ents inc('$in& what was to($ to me to ha%e @een a Ser@ian SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim whom they ha$ initia((y &i%en 0mi(yKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s to. ;ra$ Sa@(e seems to @e missin& an$ there is an Imposte'r 'sin& his I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. I @e(ie%e thay ;ra$ Sa@(e an$ his ?ami(y were sta(De$ @y the 0man'e(es. In the year 200* 5 ;ra$ Sa@(e asDe$ me to emai( ;enJamin Netanyah' at his 9nesset emai( a$$ress a@o't what ha$ occ'rre$ concernin& A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(y 3 ,i( 0man'e(e 3 an$ 2.H. . ;ra$ s'&&este$ that ;enJamin Netanyah' @e contacte$ $'e to his ha%in& ?ami(y in New 0n&(an$3 New -orD3 an$ New Hersey. I $onKt remem@er i? I e%er contacte$ ;enJamin Netanyah' 3 howe%er < it is pro@a@(e that he is a c'rrent &enoci$e tar&et an$ a tar&et ?or /ep(acement ;y Imposte'r. In the year H'ne o? 2013 3 whi(e in Hampton NewHampshire < I si&hte$ a man whom (ooDe$ (iDe an imposte'r ;enJamin Netanyah' 5 this man was stan$in& on a @a(cony at a cotta&e near the @each. 1his cotta&e ha$ $isp(aye$ an Ita(ian ?(a&. 1his man (ooDe$ ha(? Ita(ian an$ ha(? /'ssian @'t (ooDe$ (iDe he co'($ easi(y pass as ;enJamin Netanyah' an$ (ooDe$ to ha%e 'n$er&one some =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tation o? ?acia( str'ct're. I? this man rep(aces ;enJamin Netanyah' 3 A6IS wi(( ha%e $ecapitate$ Israe( with an Imposte'r. 1his is an eFtreme(y $an&ero's sit'ation. In the year 200* 5 n'mero's I$entity Po(itic we@sites were p'@(ishe$ to the internet which presente$ a(ternate rea(ity scenarios o? I$entity Po(itic ?a(se(y c(aimin& that the Hewish Israe(is 3 the race o? Israe( < were imposte'rs an$ were the Achi($ren o?

satanA. 1hese we@sites c(aime$ that %ario's races were the Atr'e tri@es o? the Israe(itesA 3 many o? these @ein& ?rin&e eFtreme pse'$o :hite S'premacist we@sites an$ other I$entity Po(itic o? $i??erin& Pop'(ation Gro'ps s'ch as some o? the ?rin&e eFtreme o? ;(acD Nationa(ism a(( c(aimin& to @e the ri&ht?'( peop(e o? Israe( an$ $ec(arin& the tr'e peop(e o? Israe( to @e Aimposte'rsA an$ A$e%i(sA. 1his is the same Din$ o? propa&an$a as 1he 4earne$ Protoco(s o? the 0($ers o? Cion which ?a(se(y c(aime$ that the Israe(i Nationa(ists were p(annin& the G(o@a( 7onI'est an$ G(o@a( Imperia( State that the /oman ,ascists o? the A6IS ha$ p(anne$. 2'rin& Israe(Ks $ec(aration o? in$epen$ence as a Nationa( State < the 4earne$ Protoco(s o? the 0($ers o? Cion was p'@(ishe$ imme$iate(y 5 the o(i&archy o? the A6IS in the Me$iterranean re&ion attempte$ to eFterminate the Israe(i race physica((y permanant(y. In the years 200* an$ 2005 < n'mero's we@sites were hacDe$ that were an o@%io's tar&et to =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e. .ne o? these tar&ets was the ;'r>'m..r& we@site which was hacDe$ n'mero's times 3 'sers acco'nts were accesse$ @y the 0man'e(esK hacDers < one o? these was a ?rien$ o? 0mi(y Is(esKs3 another was my own acco'nt. =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ ,i( 0man'e(e poste$ ?rom my acco'nt as we(( as $i$ they a(ter the screen name o? one o? 0mi(y Is(esKs ?rien$s < his acco'nt name was chan&e$ to ;asci(('sAnthraF's @y the 0man'e(esK hacDer 3this was J'st prior to the AnthraF AttacDs o? 200* an$ 2005. Another 'ser acco'nt on the ;'r>'m..r& we@site was hacDe$ an$ poste$ an ins'(tin& an$ $is&'stin& artic(e which $escri@e$ what the 0man'e(esK propa&an$ist ca((e$ Athe /ite o? Hi>@o((ahA which was an ins'(tin& hoaF artic(e ?a(se(y $escri@in& in &raphic $etai( what it proporte$ to @e a ra@@inica( tra$ition ?or a /a@@i to per?orm ?e(atio 'pon a @a@y @oy a?ter his circ'mcision 5 this propa&an$a was o@%io's(y create$ @y a pe$ophi(e chi($ mo(ester. Another we@site $'rin& the years 200* which ha$ @een hacDe$ @y the 0man'e(esK comp'ter hacDers an$ a(tere$ 3 $escri@e$ what they p'rporte$ to @e A1a(m'$ic (awA . 1he hacDers an$ propa&an$ists ?a(se(y c(aime$ that the 1a(m'$ $escri@es a (aw that $ec(ares it (e&a( to rape a (itt(e &ir( as so (on& as she is (ess than 3 years o($ ?or reason that the hymen &rows @acD at that yo'th?'( o? an a&e 5 this was o@%io's(y the propa&an$a o? an anti H'$aic pe$orast chi($ mo(estin& rapist. :hi(e I was st'$yin& the 1a(m'$ an$ the 1orah on the internet 3 it seems that some o? the pa&es o? the @ooDs which ha$ @een poste$ on the we@sites ha$ @een e$ite$. :hen Henry MaDow o? Sa%e1heMa(es.7a was rep(ace$ @y an Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime So($ier 3 an artic(e on his we@site was chan&e$ to state that AMari(yn MonroeA was mo(este$ as a chi($ an$ $escri@e$ in &raphic $etai( the chi($ mo(estation that it reporte$ ha$ occ'rre$. A(( o? these artic(es were poste$ or hacDe$ aro'n$ the same $ate that a hoaF ,reeMason we@site was poste$ on the internet or Apop 'pA $isp(aye$ 'sin& 1'rDoJan so?tware that ?a(se(y $escri@e$ a (ie which was simi(ar to Athe 4earne$ Protoco(s o? the 0($ers o? CionA 5 this (ie state$ that the ,reeMasons were attemptin& to co%ert(y conI'er the 0arth an$ $ec(are the city o? Her'sa(em the capita( city o? the 0arth. 1he /oman ,ascists p(anne$ G(o@a( 7onI'est an$ ha$ p(anne$ to $esi&nate the city o? /ome to @e the capita( city o? the 0arth 3 the most recent o? these p(ans were ?orm'(ate$ J'st prior to the ,irst :or($ :ar. 1he po(itica( propa&an$a that has @een create$ @y the 0man'e(es is $e?inite(y o? the min$ o? /oman ,ascist 3 m'ch o? the propa&an$a a(so re(ates to SeF .??ense in the way that a SeF .??en$er wo'($ < it is $e?inite that the 0man'e(es are the &'i(ty o??en$ers. In the years 200* an$ 2005 5 Sahn$ra St..n&e eFp(aine$ to me that when she

was 12 years o($ a man name$ APa'(ieA ha$ taDen her into a @asement < a?ter which he tie$ her 'p an$ tort're$ her ?or ho'rs 3 repeate$(y rapin& her. 1he $escription o? the rape which APa'(ieA ha$ committe$ 'pon Sahn$ra St..n&e was near(y i$entica( to the rape which 7esare A2ia@(oA ha$ committe$ in 7'@a 'pon a (itt(e &ir( who was 12 an$ an 8 year o($. ,i( 0man'e(e committe$ this same Din$ o? rape 'pon my eF &ir(?rien$ Nina Hansen when she was 15 an$ ha$ repeate$(y rape$ her $'rin& the ?o((owin& * years. :hen ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e ha$ rape$ Nina Hansen 3 he wo'($ wa(D thro'&h the ?ront $oor. Nina state$ that she @e(ie%e$ that ,i( ha$ somehow &otten a copy o? the ho'se Dey ?rom the (an$(or$ < NinaKs ?ather trie$ to ta(D to the (an$(or$ an$ the Po(ice n'mero's times3 ,i( was ne%er arreste$ an$ contin'e$ to rape her. 1he ?act that ,i( was not arreste$ was $e?inte(y $'e to the ?act that the Po(ice 2epartments in the New 0n&(an$ 3 /ho$e Is(an$ 3 New -orD 3 an$ New Hersey re&ions ha$ @een in?i(trate$ @y the 0man'e(esK 1errorist A&ents hea%i(y $'rin& the NiFon A$ministration. Since the year 200* an$ we(( into at (east 2012 3 n'mero's %io(ent SeF'a( Assa'(ts occ'rre$ in New Hampshire an$ Massach'settes which ha%e &one 'ncon%icte$. It is @een pro%en that Gera($ AHerryA 2KAmico o? ,(eetMaster 2e%e(opment ha$ @een &i%in& copies o? the Deys to the apartments which he rente$ to his tenants. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs an$ =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime So($iers a@$'cte$ as we(( as rape$ n'mero's ?ema(es ?rom apartments which Gera($ AHerryA 2KAmico owne$. 1he Po(ice 2epartment in Manchester NewHampshire ?ai(e$ to co((ect proper ?orensic e%i$ence o? these attacDs 3 an$ ?ai(e$ to arrest the &'i(ty parties < A2ia@(oA ?or instance 3 wa(De$ the 13 year o($ H'(ie :einstein aro'n$ Manchester on a (eash an$ ha$ repeate$(y seF'a((y assa'(te$ her witho't any (e&a( reperc'ssions an$ ?orce$ her to 'rinate in p'@(ic in si$e a((eys an$ on ?ire hy$rants. 1he man who was 'sin& 7aesarKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s was 'sin& H'(ie :einstein to attempt to ('re speci?ic peop(e into a Physica( A(tercation ?or p'rpose o? &ettin& them arreste$ an$ imprisone$ 5 the Po(ice .??icers in Manchester NewHampshire were not arrestin& him an$ were arrestin& innocent peop(e an$ imprisonin& them. A@@ey 0t(in&er an$ 0riDa ,ein&o($ were @oth arreste$ i((e&a((y witho't warrant whi(e wa(Din& on 0(m Street in Manchester NewHampshire @y a Po(ice =an 5 they ha$ @een poisone$ in some ?oo$ or @e%era&e an$ their sDin ha$ t'rne$ @rown an$ their hair @(acD. 1he Po(ice 7orr'ption in NewHampshire is the res'(t o? the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,action an$ their a((ies @ein& em@e$$e$ within the Po(ice Units 5 this has ena@(e$ the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,action to &enoci$e the pop'(ation. A(most the entire pop'(ation o? the North 0ast o? the U.S.A. has @een rep(ace$ since the " 11 1errorist AttacDs. 1he 'se o? chi($ren as an A&ent Pro%ocate'r 1oo( ?or p'rpose o? ('rin& peop(e to imprison them 3 as we(( as ?or p'rposes o? SeF 1ra??icDin& an$ H'man =i%isection whi(e the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,action ha%e contro( o? the Po(ice 2epartments 5 is aDin to tyin& a @a@y to a @om@ an$ 'sin& it to ('re a 'nit o? so($iers towar$s the @om@. :hen A@@ey 0t(in&er an$ 0riDa ,ein&o($ were arreste$ @y the Po(ice .??icers $ri%in& the Po(ice =an on 0(m. Street $'rin& the year 2005 or 200E 3 they ha$ @een acc'se$ o? ha%in& Ao't stan$in& mariJ'ana char&esA 5 0riDa ,ein&o($ crie$ an$ to($ the Po(ice .??icers that she $i$nKt smoDe mariJ'ana 3 A@@ey 0t(in&er to($ them he $i$nKt ha%e any o'tstan$in& warrants ?or her arrest. 1hese in$i%i$'a(s were Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS 1errorist S(eeper A&ents an$ ha$ tar&ette$ these two ?ema(es @eca'se o? their ?ami(ia( connections an$ the ?act that they were Israe(i. Some@o$y ha$ poisone$ 0riDa ,ein&o($ an$ A@@ey 0t(in&er with =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tatin =ir's an$ chan&e$ their sDin co(or to @rown an$ their hair to A?riDDi$ (ooDin& @(acD hair. :hen =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs son 7hris 1homas Porno&raphe$ the chi($ren at my ?ami(yKs 1"88 Ha((oween Party < he ha$ poisone$ the ci&arettes 3 ?r'it p'nch 3 mariJ'ana 3 an$ @eer with 2isassociati%e 2r'& an$ Se$ati%e 2r'& 5 my ?ather ha$ 2isassociate$ ?rom smoDin& the mariJ'ana an$ $rinDin& the ?r'it p'nch 3 a?ter which

he wa(De$ o'tsi$e an$ @'i(t a @on ?ire whi(e he was @(acDe$ o't. 0$ ,arrachi :arren ha$ written $own the :einsteinsK (icense p(ate n'm@er a?ter they ha$ shoppe$ at ,ami(y 2o((ar one $ay an$ is recor$e$ @y sec'rity cameras as writin& it on a ye((ow pa$ o? paper. =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ ,i( 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime So($iers a@$'cte$ H'(ie :einstein. 1ony Gon>e(e>3 who a(so worDe$ at ,ami(y 2o((ar < was a(so a@$'cte$ an$ was he($ capti%e in a (i&ht(ess @asement in Manchester near 1renton Street 5 1ony Gon>a(e> was ?e$ %ir's (a$en mi(D which ha$ @een tainte$ with hemo&(o@in that ha$ @een 'se$ to c'(t're =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy nanoen&ineere$ =ir's which containe$ A2ia@(oKsA 2NA Proteins. 1his was 'se$ to m'tate him repeate$(y 'nti( 1ony (ooDe$ (iDe A2ia@(oA 3 a?terwhich 1ony was re(ease$ an$ was arreste$ @y the 0man'e(esK 1errorist A&ents em@e$$e$ within Manchester Po(ice 2epartment < these men an$ a Manchester NewHampshire H'$&e (ocDe$ 'p 1ony Gon>a(e> as i? he was 7esare A2ia@(oA 3 the &ran$son o? H'(i's 0%o(a. .ther 4an$(or$s in the re&ion ha%e @een worDin& with the 0man'e(es an$ Gera($ AHerryA 2KAmico 3 a(( o? these 4an$(or$s are SeF 1ra??icDers. Samantha G'ay was 1! when she was a@$'cte$. ;onnie 2amon 3 who $i$ somethin& stran&e to me when I was yo'n&er < is reporte$ to ha%e possi@(y shot her ?ather 3 ?or her mother tooD the @(ame. ;onnie 2amonKs ?ather was a SeF 1ra??icDer who worDe$ with =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 7rime Syn$icate3 ;onnie 2amon Dnew this man as A=ictorA. ;onnie 2amonKs ?atherKs ?rien$ SeF'a((y Assa'(te$ her repeate$(y when she was a chi($ 3 this is @e(ie%e$ to ha%e (e$ to ;onnieKs $ecision to shoot her ?ather. It is pro@a@(e that =ittorio may ha%e @een the man who rape$ ;onnie an$ one o? the men who rape$ my mother when she was a chi($. ;onnieKs ?ather ha$ at (east two ?rien$s name$ A=ictorA who were in%o(%e$ in .r&ani>e$ 7rime. My mother was a %ictim o? a SeF 1ra??icDin& 7rime Syn$icate when she was a chi($ 3 this was $e?inite(y =ittorio 0man'e(eKs ?ami(yKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e has @een recr'itin&3 there are not yo'n&er mem@ers o? this 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate. ;onnie 2amon may ?act'a((y @e a $a'&hter o? H'(i's 0%o(aKs who H'(i's entr'ste$ to the 0man'e(es with the intention o? a$optin& her to (oya( in$i%i$'a(s witho't te((in& the other where they were 3 ?or p'rpose o? pre%entin& them ?rom @ein& ?o'n$ sho'($ H'('s 0%o(a @e tort're$ $'e to his &'i(t concernin& the 3r$ /eich an$ the Ho(oca'st5 it is pro@a@(e the H'(i's hi$ 0man'e(esK in?ants in m'(tip(e (ocations thro'&ho't his (i?e3 entr'stin& them to n'mero's ?ami(ies. 1he 0man'e(es are attemptin& to @'i($ a $espotic re&ime to pre%ent themse(%es ?rom @ein& arreste$ ?or the n'mero's SeF .??enses which they ha%e committe$ 'pon minors an$ 7rimes A&ainst H'manity which they ha%e committe$ 'pon minors. SeF 1ra??icDin& o? chi($ren an$ H'man =i%isection are the two most heino's crimina( o??enses in eFistence3 the 0man'e(esK ha%e committe$ these crimes an$ ha%e recr'ite$ a sma(( army o? the sort o? crimina(s which is taDes to commit crimes o? s'ch a (e%e( o? e%i(. It seems pro@a@(e that the Initiation 7rimes which are eFpecte$ o? the 0man'e(esK Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime So($iers are en&ineere$ ?or the spec?ic p'rpose o? testin& the emotiona( response to the crimes that the 7rimina( eFhi@its a?terwar$s 5 i? the crimina( is emotiona((y sta@i(e 3 the 0man'e(es are pro@a@(e to attempt to initiate them ?'rther < i? the crimina( is emotiona((y 'nsta@i(e an$ are pro@a@(e to report the 1errorist .r&ani>ationKs eFistence to a'thorities 3 the 0man'e(es pro@a@(y Di(( the in$i%i$'a(. A?ter 1ony Grasseti an$ I met ,i( an$ his ?rien$ in Manchester NewHampshire. 2'rin& the year 200* 5 Sahn$ra St..n&e 3 Scot H'nter 3 an$ my se(? were wa(Din& to 0(m St. to meet 'p with 1ony Grasetti. It was (ate at ni&ht when we met him on 0(m St. . 1ony was with the man whom we ha$ met a ?ew weeDs ear(ier whom was a ?rien$ o? ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs. 1ony parte$ ways with ,i(Ks ?rien$ an$ wa(De$ with the rest o? 's @acD to the apartment. As we were passin& E1 0(m St3 a @'siness ?ront < an o($ man was stan$in& in

the $arDene$ store which ha$ a(rea$y @een c(ose$ an$ was starin& at 's thro'&h the win$ow as we wa(De$ past. Sahn$ra notice$ the man ?irst an$ was start(e$ @y his presense in the win$ow 3 she t'rne$ to me an$ sai$ AHo(y shit thatKs ?'cDin& creepy. 2i$ yo' see that man in thereM he (ooDe$ (iDe he was starin& at 's.A. I reco&ni>e$ the man a ?ew months (ater when he came to ,ami(y 2o((ar as =ittorio 0man'e(e. He was $e?inite(y stan$in& insi$e o? the c(ose$ store an$ starin& o't the win$ow at 's as we were wa(Din& past. I @e(ie%e that this was ?or the p'rpose o? seein& 's 'p c(ose. I am 'naware o? whether or not 1ony Grasseti Dnew that =ittorio 0man'e(e wo'($ @e waitin& insi$e the store as we wa(De$ past to catch a si&ht o? 's as we were ha(? way. I @e(ie%e this was @eca'se =ittorio wante$ to see me 'p c(ose. 1his was mentione$ (ater as A=ictor stan$in& in the $arD store?ront @ehin$ the &(ass (iDe the 7owar$(y 4ion in the :i>ar$ o? .C sta(Din& 2orothy an$ the 1in Man @e?ore J'mpin& o't to scare them.A. =ittorio 0man'e(eKs ?ace was (ater compaire$ to 1he 7owar$(y 4ion o? 1he :i>ar$ o? .C mo%ie @y his son Aaron whom ha$ @een a$opte$ @y a ?ami(y o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen < Sahn$ra St. .n&e an$ I ha$ o%erhear$ 1ony Grasseti $isc'ssin& this with Scot H'nter. I was (ater hear$ @y hacDers intentiona((y si&nin& A9in& o? the ,orestA into my comp'terKs microphone whi(e it was @ein& hacDe$ < 7(arissa ;erry was a(so recor$e$ as ha%in& san& this into the i((e&a((y p(ante$ recor$in& $e%ices $'rin& 200E. 2'rin& the year 200*3 a@o't two months a?ter meetin& ,i( 0man'e(e 5 Sahn$ra St..n&e an$ my se(? met 'p with /yan Har%ey an$ 4a'ra 4'$wicDowsDy in ;oston Massach'settes to spen$ the weeDen$ with them in ;oston. 2'rin& that e%enin& the ?o'r o? 's tooD the S'@way 1ransit into Ma($en Massach'settes to wa(D to meet 2a%e 4ee near the Ma($en an$ 0%erett @or$er. 1hat e%enin& Sahn$ra mentione$ =ittorio stan$in& in the win$ow at E1 0(m St in Manchester NewHampshire a?ter it was c(ose$ the ni&ht that we ha$ wa(De$ to meet 1ony Grasetti on 0(m St. in Manchester NewHampshire < she state$ that she @e(ie%e$ that =ittorio was sta(Din& 's an$ that she @e(ie%e$ that he was $e?inite(y A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(y. 1he 5 o? 's then $isc'sse$ the chi($ hoo$ o? my step co'sin H'(ianna ?rom Sici(y an$ why her ?ami(y ha$ to re(ocate to the U.S.A. as we(( as H'(iannaKs ,atherKs @e(ie?s an$ the @e(ie?s o? Sici(ians whoKs ?ami(ies ha$ @een eFterminate$ @y H'(i's 0%o(a an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs a&ents a?ter the ?a(( o? the 3r$ /eich 5 H'(iannaKs ,ather an$ a (ar&e n'm@er o? Sici(ian ?ami(ies Dnew that A$o(? Hit(er was =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs ha(? @rother an$ that H'(i's 0%o(a ha$ @een his speach writer3 these ?ami(ies a(so Dnew that H'(i's 0%o(a ha$ inherite$ ?rom his ?ather $esi&ns an$ p(ans ?or a reconstr'ction o? the /oman 0mpire an$ G(o@a( 7onI'est 5 H'(i's 0%o(a en&ineere$ m'ch o? the I$entity o? the 3r$ /eich o? AHit(erKsA Germany 3 an$ it is pro@a@(e that H'(i's 0%o(a was a $irect c'rrier @etween =ittorio 0man'e(e III an$ his ha(? @rother A$o(? AHit(erA. Many o? the ?ami(ies tar&ette$ in Sici(y a?ter the ?a(( o? the 3r$ /eich 3 were tar&ette$ ?or speaDin& the tr'th < many o? these ?ami(ies Joine$ a Sici(ian Nationa(ist or&ani>ation an$ @e&an s'pportin& a Sici(ian 2ec(aration o? In$epen$ence ?rom Ita(ia an$ permanant in$epen$ence ?rom the Ho'se o? Sa%oy as we(( as the re coronation o? the ori&ina( /oya( Aristocracy o? Sici(y prior to the conI'est o? Sici(y @y the Ho'se o? Sa%oy3 this @ein& the Aristoratic Ho'se which ha$ @e&'n as a res'(t o? the Norman 7onI'est o? Sici(y when the Moro Ara@ians were $e?eate$ in Sici(y @y the Normans. 1he @'s station in Ma($en Massach'settes is on the corner o? P(easant St an$ another street 5 ,i( 0man'e(e m'st ha%e ?o'n$ o't a@o't this ?rom his 7omp'ter HacDers $'e to their constant HacDin& an$ watchin& o? my comp'ters an$ Sahn$ra St..n&e @ein& on the internet ta(Din& to ?rien$s a(( $ay whi(e I was worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar 3 ,i( 0man'e(e (ater 'se$ the wor$ AP(easantA in a(most e%ery $eath threat he wrote in North America as we(( as in n'mero's other instances. 1he /a$isson Hote( with

the $o& stat'es that are poise$ in the same position as a woman an$ a $o& in a %i$eo which ,i( 0man'e(e ha$ choreo&raphe$ an$ ?i(me$ is on the corner o? P(easant Street in Manchester NewHampshire an$ 0(m Street in Manchester NewHampshire 5 ?or this reason3 many o? the Ita(ians in New0n&(an$ whoKs ?ami(ies Dnew the 0man'e(es were ca((in& this ANi&htmare on P(easant StreetA J'st as they were ca((in& =eterans He(pin& =eterans A=ictor He(pin& =ictorA. 4ater 3 $'rin& 200! 5 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs ?rien$ 7esare was reporte$ to Po(ice ?or ha%in& @een taDin& ha(? n'$e an$ eFpose$ n'$ity photo&raphs o? H'(ie :einstein whom was approFimate(y 15 at the P(easant St. /a$isson (ocation which ,i( wa(De$ past more than once the $ay we were in Manchester an$ commente$ a@o't the $o& stat'es 5 H'(ie :einstein was ma$e to p'@(ica((y pose atop a sma(( stone wa(( ?or these photos. I @e(ie%e these photo&raphs were emai(e$ to 0$ ,arrachi :arren an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e as we(( as another in$i%i$'a(. 7esare was hear$ speaDin& 3 A1his is my ?rien$ H'(ie. She wants to @e a mo$e(. I am her photo&rapher. P(ease &i%e my ?rien$ H'(ie a Jo@ worDin& ?or yo'r mo$e(in& st'$io.A. 1his was witnesse$ @y n'mero's peop(e 3 4'cas An&'i(ini an$ Sha'n ,air@anDs @oth wrote witness statements as $i$ a thir$ in$i%i$'a( whom was wa(Din& past 5 a(( three o? these :itness Statements were imme$iate(y @ro'&ht to Po(ice 2epartment. 7esareKs p'@(ic a@'se o? this (itt(e &ir( ha$ @een i&nore$ @y Po(ice in Manchester NewHampshire ?or a@o't 2 an$ 1N2 years. Anthony McMenemy whom is a P'rp(e Heart =eteran an$ is c'rrent(y missin& 3 (iDe(y to @e one o? ,i( 0man'e(eKs %ictims $'e to the ?act that Anthony McMenemy an$ his ?ami(y were c(ose ?rien$s o? my ?ami(yKs. 2'rin& the year 200" 5 an imposte'r o? Anthony to($ me that he ha$ met ,i( 0man'e(e in ;oston 5 the imposte'r o? Anthony ha$ pointe$ o't to n'mero's peop(e that there were penises on the $o&s in ?ront o? the /a$isson Hote( an$ that ,i( 0man'e(e m'st @e a c(oset homoseF'a( @eca'se the positionin& o? the $o&s an$ their penises are the same as what wo'($ @e consi$ere$ the a%era&e homoseF'a( seF position o? homoseF'a( men < $'rin& the year 200E 3 accor$in& to either Anthony McMenemy or an Imposte'r o? Anthony McMenemy whom has @een 'sin& AnthonyKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s 5 whi(e in ;oston3 ,i( 0man'e(e to($ him that he was A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(y. .? re(e%ance to the (ocation o? the 1ransit Station in Ma($en Massach'settes an$ ,i( 0man'e(eKs o@session with si(encin& ;oston 5 the ni&ht Sahn$ra St..n&e an$ my se(? wa(De$ with /yan Har%ey 3 4a'ra 4'$wicDowsDi3 an$ 2a%i$ 4ee $'rin& which we $isc'sse$ =ittorio 0man'e(e III @ein& A$o(? Hit(erKs patri(inea( ha(? @rother was the on(y time that I ha$ e%er to($ anyone what my step co'sin H'(ianna ha$ to($ me @esi$es my emai( to Henry MaDow < ,i( 0man'e(e an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e are o@sesse$ with si(encin& the tr'th concernin& their ?ami(iesK connections to 1he Ho(oca'st an$ 1he A6IS as we(( as their c'rrent 1errorist an$ .r&ani>e$ 7rime 7onnections 3 this (ocation is (iDe(y to ha%e @ecome an o@session o? theirs. 0%e(yn Street is the name o? a street @ehin$ the Ma($en 1ransit Station 3 Aaron 0man'e(e has 'se$ to name 0%e(yn ?or a ?ew thin&s since this time. A(so 5 the a?orementione$ Michae( Hohnston &rew 'p in Ma($en Massach'settes. I ha%e a(so hear$ that ,i( 0man'e(e an$ his @rother Aaron ha$ &i%en the name K0%e(ynA to a n'm@er o? their SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims since the year 2005. 2'rin& my con%ersation with 2a%i$ 4ee which occ'rre$ a?ter Sahn$ra an$ I $isc'sse$ with /yan3 4a'ra3 an$ 2a%e o'r meetin& with the 0man'e(es < 2a%e an$ I @e&an to $isc'ss 0(ectronic S'r&ica( Imp(ants s'ch as G.P.S. an$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces 5 ,i( was @rie?(y mentione$ $'rin& this $isc'ssion. 2a%e mentione$ that he himse(? was ha(? A'strian 3 (iDe ,i( is ha(? A'strian. 2a%e 4ee @e&an to $isc'ss with me the 4in'F .peratin& System 3 ;acD1racD so?tware 3 an$ other HacDin& So?tware as we(( as an ear(ier %ersion o? U@er1ooth which was a(rea$y in pro$'ction $'rin& the year 200* 5 he state$ that it was pro@a@(e that he co'($ $etect any S'r&ica( Imp(ant that

transmits e(ectronic $ata an$ that he co'($ possi@(y hacD the $e%ice or 'p(oa$ it to a comp'ter as a $e%ice which wo'($ ena@(e the $e%iceKs transmissions to @e monitore$. 4ater $'rin& the year 200* 5 /yan Har%ey 3 4a'ra 4'$wicDowsDy 3 an$ my se(? wa(De$ to meet 2a%e 4ee on 0(m Street near 1renton Street where 2a%e 4ee ha$ @een %isitin& 7hristine 2ion at a ho'se a ?ew @(ocDs ?rom the corner o? 1renton Street an$ 7hestn't Street. :hi(e %isitin& what has @een $isco%ere$ to ha%e @een an imposte'r o? 7hristine 2ion 3 2a%e 4ee to($ her that he ha$ ?o'n$ o't who A$o(? Hit(erKs ?act'a( @io(o&ica( ?ami(y was an$ that =ittorio 0man'e(e ha$ @e&'n sta(Din& his ?rien$s Ian MacPherson an$ Sahn$ra St..n&e. 7hristine 2ionKs ?ather is a ?rien$ o? =ittorio 0man'e(es 3 a SeF 1ra??icDer 3 an$ is an accomp(ice to =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate. I @e(ie%e that 7hristine 2ion mentione$ to her ?ather what 2a%e 4ee ha$ to($ her. 1he re&ion aro'n$ 7hestn't Street an$ 1renton Street was the (ocation o? a %acant ho'se that was 'se$ to ho($ hosta&es in the @asement 5 7esare an$ ,i( 0man'e(e 'se$ this (ocation to ho($ hosta&es. It is $e?inite that these attacDs are ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e 3 =ittorio 0man'e(e 3 7esare < an$ that they ha%e their Psycho(o&ica( Pro?i(e 'pon them (iDe a ?in&erprint. 2'rin& the year 2005 < 4a'ra 4'$wicDowsDi 3 /yan Har%ey 3 my se(? 3 Sahn$ra St..n&e 3 2a%e 4ee 3 Gre& 2a'(ton 3 Heremy PastricD 3 an$ Matt +the 2r'mmer o? ASco'r&eA85 tra%e(e$ to Pro%i$ence /ho$e Is(an$ 3 to per?orm a m'sica( concert ?or their @an$ ASco'r&eA. As we were ret'rnin& ?rom the concert an$ were waitin& in the Greyho'n$ Station 5 myse(? an$ 4a'ra 4'$wicDowsDi notice$ a stran&e Ita(ian woman who ha$ m'tate$ $arD @rown sDin name$ A4orieA 3 who was worDin& with 1om 1ancre$o at the 1icDets G In?ormation ;ooth in the Greyho'n$ Station 4o@@y an$ the ;a&&a&e 7(aim. :hi(e at the Greyho'n$ Station < 4orie +Poten>a8 was notice$ starin& at 4a'ra 4'$wicDowsDi o?ten 3 an$ at some point @e?ore @e?ore we (e?t she to($ them 's to AchecD ?or ticDsA a?ter which 4a'ra 4'$wicDowsDi rep(ie$ A.h... weKre not &oin& campin&.A. 4orie was ca((in& the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces A1icDsA. It is c'rrent(y @e(ie%e$ that at some point whi(e they were (i%in& in ;oston Massach'settes 3 4a'ra 4'$wicDowsDi an$ some o? the mem@ers o? the @an$ ASco'r&eA were S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces. 4orie +Poten>a8 has @een si&hte$ at a(most e%ery (ocation that ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces were S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ in ci%i(iansK crani'ms an$ I @e(ie%e that she may @e 2an ;'cD(eyKs $istant co'sin 3 that he ca((s AA'nt 4orieA. It is a possi@i(ity that Hanet Napo(itano has met 4orie +Poten>a8 @e?ore. It is $e?inite that the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,action p'rchase$ Hospita(s 3 1ransportation 3 7omm'nications G 0ntertainment 7orporations 3 an$ Hote(s in m'(tip(e p(aces. Somethin& simi(ar to this happene$ in ;irmin&ham A(a@ama. :hi(e I was in 7am@ri$&e Massa < we wa(e$ past 2an ;'cD(ey 3 Hason ;e((emore 3 ;en 4in$@er& 3 2an McGre&or 3 an$ 1om McMenemy 5 2an ;'cD(ey &a%e me a ci&arette that t'rne$ o't to @e coate$ in 2isAssociati%e Ne'ro1oFin. A?ter I smoDe$ the ci&arette 3 ;en 4in$@er& wa(De$ 'p to me an$ sho%e$ me with his han$s 5 AI am &oin& to eFterminate yo'Kre raceLA a?ter which I @ecame con?'se$ an$ s'rprise$ ?or reason that I $i$ not eFpect ;en 4in$@er& to e%er @e so cr'e( to me. 2'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 5 my roommate Scot H'nter watche$ a * 0piso$e Se&ment 1e(e%ision Series which showe$ at approFimate(y 8500PM or "500PM at ni&ht. 1his * 0piso$e Se&ment o? a series @e&an with an openin& scene in%o(%in& two in%esti&ators $isc'ssin& SeF 1ra??icDin&. 2'rin& the co'rse o? the ?irst 2 episo$es 3 ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces are ?o'n$ in the crani'ms o? n'mero's ci%i(ian %ictims < one o? these @ein& a woman who is ?o'n$ $ea$ in the $ri%erKs seat o? a car with her hea$ tippe$ ?orwar$ an$ the @acD o? her necD an$ crani'm rippe$ o't 3 eFposin& wires. Another o? the %ictims Jo&s into oncomin& tra??icD an$ is 'na@(e to contro( his own (e&s 3 @eca'se a

terrorist is 'sin& a wire(ess ra$io ?reI'ency ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace s'r&ica( imp(ant an$ a 7omp'ter to contro( the Ne'ro 7ortica( 0(ectro Ma&netics on the s'r?ace o? the @rain o? the %ictim an$ pi(ots him to r'n into oncomin& tra??icD. 1his entire * episo$e se&ment aire$ at (east twice. At the en$ o? the 3r$ episo$e 3 the in%esti&ators open a $oor to a room which ca'ses a cata(yst that @e&ins with a mar@(e @ein& $roppe$ ?rom a &'m @a(( machine at the other en$ o? the room an$ a series o? mechanica( reactions ?o((ow 5 the series o? mechanica( reactions ca'se m'(tip(e e(ectronic $ata transmitters to sen$ $ata p'shes a(( o%er the wor($ to ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces 3 0Fp(osi%es 3 an$ other traps < this ca'ses a seI'ence o? a'tomate$ 1errorist AttacDs &(o@a((y. 1his is simi(ar to the &ame A1he Ama>in& MachineA 3 Sahn$ra St..n&e ha$ @een 'sin& my own an$ Scot H'nterKs comp'ters to p(ay the &ame A1he Ama>in& MachineA $'rin& the year 200* whi(e o'r comp'ters were @ein& hacDe$. 2'rin& the te(e%ision m'(ti episo$e se&ment 3 a man who (ooDe$ simi(ar to =ittorio 0man'e(e J'mpe$ hea$ ?irst ?rom the center an$ 3r$ win$ow o? the top o? a @'i($in& that resem@(e$ the ,irst Nationa( ;anD in Manchester NewHampshire that is across the street ?rom the 7iti>ens ;anD on 0(m Street that was Samantha ;ernsteinKs p(ace o? worD 3 an$ is neFt to the 7ity Ha((. :hen ;en 4in$@er& ha$ %isite$ me at ,ami(y 2o((ar 3 he he($ 'p three ?in&ers at myse(? on camera. ;en 4in$@er&Ks ,ather Dnew HacD 2ion an$ Gre& Pittin&er. Gre& Pittin&er Dnew a@o't 7hris 1homasKs 3 7(int 1ay(orKs 3 an$ =ittorio 0man'e(eKs SeF .??enses an$ ha$ to($ his ?ami(y an$ others a@o't their $is&'stin& @eha%ior. ;en 4in$@er& was recor$e$ one time whi(e at ,ami(y 2o((ar mocDin& =ittorio 0man'e(e 3 speaDin& AIs he the 9in& o? the Na>isM He m'st @e the 9in& o? a(( nations 3 thenM He m'st @e Hes's 7hrist 3 thenMA. 2'rin& 2005 3 2an ;'cD(ey @ro'&ht with him an imposte'r o? ;en 4in$@er& to 7am@ri$&e Massach'settes. 2an ;'cD(ey &a%e me a ci&arette that was poisone$ with 2isassociati%e Ne'ro 1oFin 3 a?terwhich the imposte'r o? ;en 4in$@er& sho%e$ me an$ to($ me that he was &oin& to eFterminate my entire race. 1he man was $e?inite(y not ;en 4in$@er& 3 @'t ha$ @een =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tate$ to appear o? near(y i$entica( appearance to him. At the conc('sion o? the ?ina( episo$e o? this te(e%ision se&ment 3 the in%esti&ators open a $oor an$ ?in$ the 1echno(o&ica( &eni's 1errorist as(eep at a comp'ter $esD in a chair with his hea$ tippe$ @acD an$ an 0(ectro0ncepha(oGraph He(met on his hea$. 1he actor who was picDe$ to p(ay this ro(e (ooDe$ i$entica( to a man who @o'&ht c(eanin& s'pp(ies 'sin& =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 7re$it 7ar$ at my re&ister $'rin& 200* an$ 2005 when =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ his son 7hris 1homas ha$ @een sta(Din& me at my p(ace o? worD. =ittorio an$ 7hris are %is'a((y recor$e$ @y sec'rity cameras as ha%in& @een in the store n'mero's times. 7hris 1homas a(so 'se$ a 7re$it 7ar$ that sai$ 7hris 1homas. It is possi@(e that 7hris 1homas co'($ ha%e sto(en a 7re$it 7ar$ with the same name on it 3 @'t it is pro@a@(e that this was his own 7re$it 7ar$ that he ha$ presente$ to me at my re&ister. I? the eFtra who was as(eep at the en$ o? the * 0piso$e Se&ment was &i%en the ro(e @y an 0man'e(e or a mem@er o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen +Ho'se o? Sa%oy8 this is e%i$ence that the 0man'e(es pro%i$e$ the p(ot o? the mo%ie 3 parts o? the $ia(o& 3 an$ this eFtra actor to the pro$'cer o? the me$ia thro'&h a mem@er o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen 5 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e $i$ this with the mo%ie ;roDe;acD Mo'ntain as we(( as $i$ he &et Mosta?a I@nSa'$ two ro(es as an eFtra actor in a two mo%ies. 1hese ro(es are (iDe cameo appearances ?or actors that are 'nDnown to the maJority o? the p'@(ic. 2'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 3 my roommates Scot H'nter an$ 9enneth H'$$ watche$ an episo$e o? a 1e(e%ision Series which portraye$ a Hispanic Mesti>o man $i&&in& 'n$er his Jaw with p(yers a?ter c'ttin& 'n$er his Jaw with a sca(pe( 3 an$ e%ent'a((y remo%in& an A/G.S G(o@a( Positionin& System 2e%ice an$ a wire that was wire$ 'p into his crani'm near his ear an$ wire$ to a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace on the

s'r?ace o? his @rain 'n$er his crani'm. 1his p(ot (ine an$ script was $e?inite(y pro%i$e$ to this Me$ia Pro$'ction 7ompany @y the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS an$ their a&ents whom may ha%e possi@(y @een mem@ers o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen. 9enneth H'$$ was s'@scri@e$ to 7.M7AS1 NetworD 7a@(e 1e(e%ision 3 1e(ephone 3 an$ Internet. In 200* an$ 2005 5 the 0man'e(es were p'rpose(y &ettin& ro(es ?or their ?rien$s in mo%ies which in%o(%e$ ro(es as eFtras ?or mo%ies wherein the character is a terrorist. American Me$ia has @een 'se$ as attempt to create an a(i@i @y the 0man'e(es n'mero's times since the 1"50Ks when they mo%e$ ha(? o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy to the U.S.A. a?ter the ?a(( o? the 3r$ /eich < A$o(? Hit(er an$ H'(i's 0%o(a as we(( as =ittorio 0man'e(e III an$ ;enito M'sso(ini 3 'se$ care?'((y se(ecte$ me$ia to contro( the entire pop'(ations o? Ita(ia an$ 2e'tsche(an$ as we(( as re&ions they in%a$e$ 3 $'rin& the Secon$ :or($ :ar an$ the Ho(oca'st 5 this me$ia pre%ente$ the Ho(oca'st ?rom @ein& reporte$ ?or a n'm@er o? years 3 this (e$ to the $eaths o? 20 mi((ion ci%i(ians o? which more than ha(? o? them were 2e'tsche(an$ers an$ Israe(is (i%in& in 0'rope. Presi$ent ;aracD .@amaKs AHea(thcare PacDa&eA has @een 'se$ as a too( o? propa&an$a @y the 0man'e(es $'rin& the past 5 years. It is a possi@i(ity that ;aracD H'ssein .@amaKs name is ?aDe an$ that the @irth certi?icate was ?or&e$ at one o? the 0man'e(esK Hospita(s 3 his 7o((e&e recor$s ?or&e$ at a 7o((e&e which the 0man'e(es own or ha%e access to 3 an$ ;aracD H'ssein .@amaKs 2NA sto(en ?rom a 1aino an$ a M'((ato ?or p'rpose o? =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tatin& an Ita(ian to ha%e $arDer sDin 3 @roa$er nose 3 an$ m'(atto (ooDin& (ips an$ ?in&ers. 2'rin& 200! an$ 2008 3 ;aracD .@ama was @ein& ca((e$ an AA$o(? Hit(erA an$ was @ein& $escri@e$ as an AImposte'r with a ?aDe @irth certi?icate (iDe A$o(? Hit(er wasK. ;aracD H'ssein .@amaKs initia(s are a(so ;.H... an$ a(i&ne$ with Hoe ;i$en it is ;.h... H.o.;. 2'rin& the year 200* 3 Sahn$ra St..n&e was %isitin& her mother an$ whi(e we were ta(Din& on the Internet 'sin& America .n(ine Instant Messa&er 5 Sahn$ra St. .n&e an$ my se(? ma$e n'mero's JoDes statin& A;ho Ho@LA . 1his JoDe ori&inate$ ?rom my se(? an$ herse(? maDin& JoDes a@o't 2ana Um@roKs minor speech impe$iment an$ accent which ca'se$ him to prono'nce the wor$s AIta(ianA an$ ASici(ianA as AItai hyanA an$ ASici hyanA. ;aracD H'ssein .@amaKs name is a(so r'mo're$ to mean A;(it> 9rie& .K2iFie c'psA meanin& 4i&htnin& :ar o? 2iFie 7'ps s'ch as are 'se$ in hospita(s an$ other hea(thcare ?aci(ities. 2'rin& 200* 3 0$ :arren an$ 7esare A2ia@(oA were ca((in& 'n$era&e teena&e &ir(s an$ pre teens ASti(( in 2iFie 7'psA in re?erence to their @ra si>e 5 0$ :arren a(so state$ AI (iDe them @are(y (e&a(sL G'yLA this sho'($ ha%e @een a'$io recor$e$ @y the 15 recor$in& $e%ices that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e ha$ or$ere$ 0$ :arren to insta(( a@o%e the styro?oam cei(in& pane(s. 0$ :arren may possi@(y ha%e @een rep(ace$ @y an imposte'r @y now. 7esare A2ia@(oA was apparent(y carryin& the I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o? Hen Po((ar$Ks ?rien$ 7aesar who has @een missin&. Hen Po((ar$ is ;ritni Po((ar$Ks o($er sister. ;ritni Po((ar$ was @est ?rien$s with A@@ey 0t(in&er an$ =a(erie .(son 3 whom are @oth missin& an$ were poisone$ with =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy in 200*. A@@ey 0t(in&er ha$ wa(De$ thro'&h the store twice $'rin& the year 200* an$ was recor$e$ on camera as ha%in& $one so 5 A@@eyKs sDin ha$ @een =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tate$ to t'rn a M'(atto comp(eFion an$ her $arD &o($ hair ha$ t'rne$ @(acD an$ her eyes ?rom ha>e( &rey to @rown. =a(erie .(son was a(so m'tate$ somehow 3 she was poisone$ with 2NA 2isease that &a%e her (ar&e mo(e (iDe &rowths a(( o%er her sDin. A@@ey 0t(in&er is racia((y Israe(i an$ 2e'tsche(an$er 3 =a(erie .(son is racia((y Norwe&ian an$ An&(o Gae(ic 7ana$ian. Neither o? them are m'(atto. =a(erie .(son an$ A@@ey 0t(in&er were two o? my @est ?rien$s when I was a teen a&er 5 I (o%e$ @oth o? them %ery m'ch3 I $i$ not reco&ni>e them at ?irst when then wa(De$ thro'&h ,ami(y 2o((ar 3 =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tate$. I @e(ie%e that someone may ha%e wa(De$ into their apartment an$ $'mpe$ =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy =ir's containin& 2012. Hen Po((ar$Ks @oy?rien$ was ;rian 7ase. ;rian 7ase worDe$ ?or a man

who worDe$ ?or =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 7rime Syn$icate p'shin& $r'&s. ;rian 7ase Dnew 2ana Um@ro an$ the ?act'a( 7aesar 3 @oth. 7hris 7ase 3 ;rian 7ase 3 an$ Sean 7ase seem to a(( worD ?or =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e. ;rian 7ase Dnew NicD Ma&&iore. I @e(ie%e that the 7ases are either a ?ami(y o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen +Ho'se o? Sa%oy8 or are a 7rime ,ami(y o? =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate 3 or @oth. 1he 7ases may possi@(y ha%e 9ni&hts o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy in their ?ami(y. 7hris 7ase 3 ;rian 7ase 3 an$ Sean 7ase seem to @e the on(y peop(e o't o? their entire networDs o? ?rien$s whom were not e??ecte$ @y =ittorio 0man'e(esK 3 7hris 1homas 3 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs 3 an$ the Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icates attacD 'pon American ,ami(ies. 1he apartment that ;rian 7ase was (i%in& in in Nash'a NewHampshire $'rin& the year 200* may ha%e @een owne$ @y one o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs Properties Stea$ Ho($ers. 2'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 < 1ay(aKs an$ 1wy(aKs mother 2e@ 3 whi(e ta(Din& to 0$ :arren 5 mentione$ A;ho Ho@LA an$ state$ it as i? it were A;onJo'rLA 3 she a(so state$ AAh... so itKs ;h.;h. Ho; thenL Haha ;ho;ho the c(own.A 3 she a(so state$ AImSa'$L Mmmhmmm. I &et it. ImSa'$LA an$ AUmiS'miL .ooooo UmiS'miLA in some Din$ o? re?erence to my se(? an$ Mosta?a I@nSa'$K name miFe$ # I.M. are my initia(s ) an$ possi@(y an Asian # ?aDe so'n$in& Hapanese name ) as we(( as the concept o? there @ein& two men name$ ;h. an$ a man name$ Ho;. :hi(e worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar with 0$ :arren 3 I o%erhear$ 0$ :arren $isc'ssin& 4eon Pannetta with 2e@ 2'Mont 3 who is possi@(y a co'sin o? the Gam@ino ?ami(y. 0$ :arren ha$ state$ somethin& a@o't 4eon Pannetta @ein& poisone$ with 2isassociati%e Ne'ro1oFin in his Scotch G Ice an$ a 7i&ar $'rin& his ?rien$Ks @irth$ay party 5 an$ 4eon Pannetta was A;ir$ 2o&A ;(acDMai(e$ @y one o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime So($iers 'sin& a 1! SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim o? the 0man'e(esK who was contro((e$ @y metho$ o? ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace an$ ?orce$ to &i%e the 2isassociate$ A;(acDe$ .'tA 4eon Pannetta a 4ap 2ance an$ possi@(y somethin& e(se that was photo&raphe$ an$ 'se$ to @(acD mai( him. Accor$in& to 0$ :arren3 4eon Panetta $i$ not Dnow that this ha$ occ'rre$ 'nti( (ater when he was to($ an$ possi@(y showe$ the photo&raphs. 4eon Panetta is a co'sin o? 9ristin Si>emore 3 a woman who I atten$e$ schoo( with when I was a chi($ 5 9ristin Si>emoreKs ?ather is a Ma?ia associate$ 7rime So($ier who is a 7rime Associate o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs. =ittorio 0man'e(e @(acD mai(e$ 4eon Panneta 'sin& his 's'a( metho$s < Poisonin& with Ne'ro 1oFins ca'sin& 2isassociation 3 Hypnosis3 SeF .??ense 3 an$ Photo&raphin& o? 'n$era&e SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims with 2isassociate$ A$'(t =ictims o? Ne'ro 1oFin Poisonin&. 1his 'se o? Ne'ro 1oFins is a 7rime A&ainst H'manity an$ a :ar 7rime 3 this 'se o? chi($ren as a :eapon o? 0spiona&e an$ as SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims is a 7rime A&ainst H'manity an$ a :ar 7rime. ;oth 4eon Panetta an$ the ?ema(e %ictim are :ar 7rime =ictims. 1his is eFtreme(y simi(ar to what =ittorio 0man'e(e ha$ or$ere$ his son 7hris 1homas to $o to my ?ami(y an$ HacD 2ion at the 1"88 Ha((oween Party 3 when 7hris 1homas poisone$ the entire party with 2isassociati%e Ne'ro 1oFins an$ in some cases Se$ati%e Ne'ro 1oFins. 2'rin& the year 1"8" 3 4orie +Poten>a8 an$ 7hris 1homas sn'cD into a chi($rensK ;irth$ay Party at /enee ;o$o'inKs ho'se in H'$son NewHampshire 3 $resse$ as 7irc's 7(owns 5 an$ attempte$ to poison the entire party with 2isassociati%e Ne'ro 1oFins < I a@staine$ ?rom the entire party an$ staye$ in my parentKs car. I @e(ie%e that I p'nche$ 7hris 1homas in the ?ace that $ay when he an$ 4orie +Poten>a8 attempte$ to ('re me o't o? the car. =ittorio 0man'e(e or$ers the chi($ren o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy to poison peop(e with Ne'ro 1oFins inc('$in& 2isassociati%e Ne'ro 1oFin as a @e&inin& initiation crime. 2'rin& the year 2005 3 whi(e worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar < I o%erhear$ 0$ :arren $isc'ssin& with 2e@ 2'Mont +1ay(a 4aw%erKs an$ 1wy(aKs mother8 5 that Mario Napo(itanoKs co'sin

Hanet Napo(itano was &oin& to rep(ace 7herto?? as Home(an$ Sec'rity 2irector an$ that her sister or co'sin ha$ %isite$ the store. It was state$ that =ittorio 0man'e(e @e(ie%e$ that he co'($ contro( Hanet Napo(itano. 7herto?? 3 who was o? Israe(i race an$ o? Hewish re(i&ion 5 was tar&ette$ ?or 1ota( Genoci$e as was his entire racia( comm'nity in North America. 2'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 5 1ony Grasseti was o%erhear$ speaDin& to my roommate Scot H'nter a@o't ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces an$ A/G.S G(o@a( Positionin& System 2e%ices @ein& Ne'roS'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ in the crani'ms o? the 7i%i(ians o? the Unite$ States o? America an$ that the 0man'e(es o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha$ p(anne$ a &enoci$e. 1ony Grasseti $escri@e$ this as @ein& an easy to so(%e pro@(em ?or reason that A/G.S G.P.S. 2e%ices were s'r&ica((y imp(ante$ wire$ to the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 2e%ices imp(ante$ in ci%i(ians @rains. 2'rin& this time a * episo$e se&ment o? a te(e%ision series was sche$'a(e$ which inc('$e$ a &eni's terrorist who was 'sin& ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces an$ Ne'roScience as we(( as /a$io ,reI'ency /o'ters an$ 0Fp(osi%es an$ 7omp'ters to commit seI'entia( networDs o? terrorist attacDs &(o@a((y 3 anonymo's(y. 2'rin& this same time perio$ 3 a mo%ie @roa$caste$ on the 7omcast NetworD 1e(e%ision wherein Mosta?a I@nSa'$ was caste$ as a cameo eFtra as a 1errorist Gan&ster. 1he * episo$e se&ment o? the in%esti&ations theme$ te(e%ision series conc('$e$ with the 1errorist Mastermin$ @ein& arreste$ whi(e he was as(eep in a chair with his hea$ tippe$ @acD an$ an 0(ectro0ncepha(oGraphy He(met on his hea$ 5 this in$i%i$'a( was eFtreme(y simi(ar in appearance to ;aracD H'ssein .@ama an$ was i$entica( to a ha(? Sici(ian man who @o'&ht c(eanin& pro$'cts at my re&ister at ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n Street Manchester $'rin& the year 200* 3 'sin& =ittorio 0aman'e(eKs 2e@it 7ar$. 1his man (ooDe$ to @e ha(? Sici(ian an$ a miF o? ,ranDic 3 Port'&ese 3 an$ Ita(ian racia( 2NA. ;aracD .@ama (ooDs a(most i$entica( to him 3 @'t with a miF o? 1aiino Mesti>o 7arri@ean an$ So'th American 2NA as we(( as M'(atto 2NA =ira( =ector Gene 1herapie$ to his 2NA. Accor$in& to the mem@er o? the Pri%ate In%esti&ator that I spoDe with 5 the 0man'e(e ?ami(y an$ the Sa%oy A6IS ha$ pre empti%e(y p(anne$ an artic(e entit(e$ AHote( HacDer ;'ste$ Se(?LA an$ portraye$ a simi(ar e%ent $'rin& an episo$e o? a te(e%ision series wherein this NewsPaper artic(e is presente$ $'rin& an inter('$e scene as we(( as $i$ this series inc('$e an inter('$e scene that inc('$e$ a NewsPaper artic(e which state$ A0(pha@a 7a'&htLA which was s'ppose$ to e%ent'a((y @e the same NewsPaper Artic(e a?ter the 7omp'ter HacDer who ha$ $isp(aye$ =ittorio 0man'e(e on my te(e%ision an$ ha$ @een 1'rDoJan hacDin& my comp'ter was arreste$ at a Hote( owne$ @y one o? the 0man'e(esK Properties Stea$ Ho($ers 5 this was ?or the p'rpose o? $iscre$itin& the Property Stea$ Ho($er as a witness a&ainst the 0man'e(es in co'rt (ater 3 $iscre$itin& my se(? an$ anythin& that came ?rom my I.P. A$$ress (ater in co'rt 3 an$ $iscre$itin& the %a(i$ity o? the Dnow(e$&e o? any who Dnew any o? the peop(e in%o(%e$. Somehow these 7omp'ter HacDers were a((e&e$(y s'ppose$ to @e connecte$ to 1ony Grasseti an$ recor$e$ 1ony Grasseti acci$ent(y $isc'ssin& ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces with one o? my roommates Scot H'nter. 2'rin& the year 200! 3 I met an imposte'r o? 1ony Grasseti. I @e(ie%e it pro@a@(e that 1ony GrassetiKs imposte'r was inten$e$ to @e arreste$ an$ imprisone$ in his stea$ 3 with some sort o? @e(ie%a@(e scenario presente$ ?or why he wo'($ say AI was ?rame$L I am not e%en 1ony GrassetiLA. 1ony Grasseti is ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs co'sin an$ is a $escen$ant o? an ancestor o? =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs on his ?atherKs si$e 5 1ony Grasseti is a /oya( ;(oo$e$ 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy who atten$e$ Hi&hschoo( in Massach'settes somep(ace near Mar(@oro Massach'settes. 4iDe the imme$iate /oya( ,ami(y o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy < 1ony Grasseti is a @io(o&ica( re(ati%e o? A$o(? Hit(er 3 an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e III.

1ony Grasseti was o%erhear$ $escri@in& to my roommate Scot H'nter 3 a p(an to AScorche$ 0arthA the 0man'e(esK p(ans to conI'er the entire p(anet 0arth an$ &et them arreste$ @y the entire wor($Ks mi(itaries ?or attemptin& this conI'est. It seems pro@a@(e that Scot H'nterKs Persona( 7omp'terKs Microphone may ha%e @een 7omp'ter HacDer Acti%ate$ $'rin& this con%ersation ?or p'rpose that 1ony Grasseti was s'ppose$ to @e recor$e$ ha%in& this $isc'ssion with Scot an$ an imposte'r o? 1ony Grasseti was s'ppose$ to @e arreste$ (ater whi(e screamin& AI was ?rame$L I woDe 'p (ooDin& (iDe thisL 1his is not my 2NAL I was ?rame$LA . A Pri%ate In%esti&ator in?orme$ me that he was in?orme$ @y a mem@er o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy that the 0man'e(es ha$ inten$e$ to maDe it (ooD as i? they ha$ an A0%i( 1winA (itera((y an$ that =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy ha$ @een 'se$ @y Moroccan A6IS an$ Sici(ian A6IS connections to ?rame them in co((a@oration with the 7h'rch o? Satan. Accor$in& to what the Pri%ate In%esti&ator ha$ @een to($ @y his &'y ?rom within the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 5 1ony Grasseti was or$ere$ to speaD speci?ic phrases an$ con$'ct speci?ic con%ersations with n'mero's peop(e 3 maDe s're that these were recor$e$ 3 an$ was or$ere$ to attempt to ('re the peop(e en&a&e$ in con%ersation with him to comm'nicate speci?ic concepts $'rin& the recor$e$ con%ersation. 1hese recor$in&s were s'ppose$ to @e 'se$ to con%ince a ,e$era( H'$&e at a (ater time 3 that the 0man'e(es were the tar&et o? a heino's conspiracy an$ @y metho$ o? A2o'@(e Heopar$yA concept 5 any ?'rther co'rt hearin&s in re(ation to the ,e$era( 7omm'nications 7ommission an$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces or other 0(ectronic Imp(ants 'se$ ?or Genoci$e were eFpecte$ to @e acI'itte$.

Tony Grasseti has Emanuele 3NA and Royal !talian ancestry " he is the Emanueles0 cousin and the son of a Royal$blooded 8night of the ,ouse of Sa'oy and is in such a osition that he has to follo& their orders unerringly but has an immense amount of )no&ledge concerning 4ittorio Emanuele0s family0s guilt- The man &ithin the ,ouse of Sa'oy that s o)e to the Pri'ate !n'estigator &hom ! ha'e recently been &or)ing &ith informed him that my roomate 8enneth Judd and my self &ere e# ected to contact the +ederal Communications Commission during ABBF after the image of 4ittorio .4ictor. Emanuele a eared on the Tele'ision Screen surrounded by 3racula ,ands from Castle'ania Sym hony of the Night and a bubbling otion " s ea)ing 2 . ! did not do this to you D. and later a eared at my register at +amily 3ollar on 7incoln Street in (anchester Ne&,am shire- ! ne'er contacted the +ederal Communications Commission?hat the Pri'ate !n'estigator &as informed of " &as that the Emanueles had lanned to ha'e 4iral$4ector Gene$Thera y mutated im osteurs of Tony Grasseti " +illiberto0s friend Jason from (assachusettes &ho met us in (anchester Ne&,am shire " and the hac)er &hich they had hired 2 arrested for hac)ing my roommates0 and my o&n com uter from a hotel as &ell as the Comcast Net&or)0s Ser'er$Com uter- This &as e# ected to set a recedence in the +ederal Communications Commission +ederal$Court Case that &as e# ected to grant them some immunities from a ossible ?ar$Crimes Tribunal rior to the factual .(ar) of the ;east 2 Electronic Surgical !m lants Genocidal$Terrorism. &as e# ected to occur ublically- This &as intended to build a legal recedence to the defense that a Global Cons iracy against the ,ouse of Sa'oy had been lanned and that 4iral$ 4ector Gene$Thera y Sa'oy$im osteurs &ere in'ol'ed 2 this &as allegedly intended to be ro'en during the year AB<> " &hen the im risoned .Tony Grasseti. " .Jason. " and .,ac)er. &ere ro'en to be 4iral$4ector Gene$Thera y (utated !m osteurs and &ere frame y a .Satanic Global Cons iracy. to .+rame the ,ouse of Sa'oy. for the Globalist$A*!S and Genocidal Terrorism as &ell as .The Anti$Christ. of the Seeress of (ed6ugor6e- !

ha'e been informed that for reason that ! did not .ta)e the bait. " or react in the manner by &hich the Emanueles e# ected me to react to their ro'ocation 2 their cons iracy and attem ted line of defense has failed rematurely0$ :arren an$ Anthony 2e,eo were recor$e$ p(annin& a 7onspiracy that in%o(%e$ :ar 7rimes whi(e worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n Street in Manchester NewHampshire < $'rin& this p(annin& 3 0$ :arren mentione$ recr'itin& Geor&e 7atsopo'(os. My @est?rien$ $'rin& my chi($hoo$ 3 7hristopher /o$on < was the son o? a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 5 /o@ert /o$on an$ his wi?e Dnew 0$ :arren 3 =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e 3 =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(es sons an$ his wi?e3 Geor&e 7atsopo'(os 3 Anthony 2e,eo 3 the Grasseti ?ami(y 3 the 7hristiano ?ami(y 3 ;r'ce 3 Mosta?a I@nSa'$ 3 an$ intro$'ce$ me to a(( o? these peop(e when I was a yo'n& chi($. A(( o? these ?ami(iesK te(ephone con%ersations were recor$e$ @y the USA Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartmentKs comp'ters as we(( as the A's.7an.NC.U9.US. networD. Geor&e 7atsopo'(os has a co'sin who is a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ a mem@er o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen. 2'rin& the year 1""E 3 4ynn /o$on an$ /o@ert /o$on $isc'sse$ the ?act that Geor&e 7atsopo'(os was a homoseF'a(3 this con%ersation ha$ @een $isc'sse$ inc('$in& his name. It is $e?inite that 0$ :arren who was worDin& with me at ,ami(y 2o((ar $'rin& the year 200* 3 Dnew persona((y 5 the ?act'a( 0$ :arren an$ that he was not in contact with the ?act'a( 0man'e(e ?ami(y 3 the ?act'a( /o$on ?ami(y 3 the ?act'a( 2e,eo ?ami(y 3 the ?act'a( 7hristiano ?ami(y 3 the ?act'a( Grasseti ?ami(y 3 an$ the ?act'a( 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 7hris 1homas 'se$ a cre$it car$ with his name on it when he p'rchase$ items at my re&ister $'rin& 2005. =ittorio 0man'e(e 'se$ a cre$it car$ at ,ami(y 2o((ar $'rin& 200* an$ 2005 as we(( 3 as we(( as $i$ he ca(( 0$ :arren on the te(ephone at ,ami(y 2o((ar 5 @oth the store ,ami(y 2o((ar te(ephone 3 an$ the 0$ :arrenKs Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone. Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephones ha%e G.P.S. (ocation $ata transmitte$ ?rom them an$ to them as we(( as $o stationary 4AN 4ine 1e(ephone (ines ha%e G.P.S. (ocation coor$inates. 0$ :arren was recor$e$ @y his own recor$in& $e%ices $isc'ssin& committin& acts o? 7onspiracy $'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005. It is a(most $e?inite that the 0man'e(es o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ their c(osest re(ate$ ?ami(ies o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 p(anne$ to ha%e mem@ers o? 9ni&htKs ?ami(ies swappe$ with =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tate$ imposte'rs 3 at some point a?ter committin& the series o? 7rimes A&ainst H'manity which they $isc'sse$ committin& 5 ?or p'rpose o? maDin& it appear as i? ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs A@est ?rien$A Mosta?a I@nSa'$ ha$ @een tar&ette$ @y 0$ :arren an$ Anthony 2e,eo who were worDin& with some sort o? imposte'rs who ha$ intentions to ?rame the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ their ?rien$s as we(( as n'mero's innocent peop(e who were seemin&(y 'nre(ate$ to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. It is a(so pro@a@(e that the i((e&a( Impro%ise 0n&ineere$ A'$io /ecor$in& 2e%ices that were insta((e$ a@o%e the styro?oam cei(in& pane(s at ,ami(y 2o((ar in Manchester NewHampshire on 4inco(n Street 5 were or$ere$ to @e insta((e$ @y A=ictorA whom was an imposte'r o? =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e that was act'a((y a M's(im 0Ftremist or Ara@ian A6IS A&ent worDin& ?or Mosta?a I@nSa'$. 1he 0man'e(es seem to ha%e attempte$ to maDe it appear as i? Mosta?a I@nSa'$ 7onspire$ a&ainst his se(? ?or the p'rpose o? ?ramin& his own A@est ?rien$A. 1he tr'th is that the 0man'e(e /oya( ,ami(y o? the Ho'se

o? Sa%oy are A$o(? Hit(erKs @io(o&ica( ?ami(y 3 are the $escen$ants o? =ittorio 0man'e(e II an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e III who p(anne$ an$ attempte$ G(o@a( 7onI'est 3 are 1errorist 7rime 4or$s in%o(%e$ in SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 are &'i(ty o? n'mero's 7rimes A&ainst H'manity 3 an$ the 0man'e(es as we(( as m'ch o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 5 attempte$ to ?rame some o? their %ictims ?or their own .r&ani>e$ 1errorism an$ .r&ani>e$ 7rime. 2'rin& the year 1""! < I met Mosta?a I@nSa'$ ?or possi@(y the 2n$ or 3r$ time 3 this was at =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs ;irth$ay 2inner Party that was in North An$o%er Massach'settes at Pen'cheKs ;ar an$ /esta'rant where m'ch o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy was present as we(( as HacD 2ion an$ 0$ :arren 5 I ha$ atten$e$ A=ictorKsA @irth$ay party as a res'(t o? an in%itation @ein& eFten$e$ to A7hris /o$onKs @est ?rien$A when the in%itations were re$ o%er the te(ephone. =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e ha$ @een eFtreme(y r'$e to me at his party an$ the sit'ation was $escri@e$ @y one o? the men at the party as 5 AIt seeme$ (iDe =ictor in%ite$ the (itt(e &'y ?or the p'rpose o? 'sin& him as a ser%ant3 as i? he was his in?erior.A 3 4ynn /o$on ha$ @ecome o??en$e$ with =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e as the res'(t o? him or$erin& her to sco($ me ?or somethin& which I ha$ not $one ?rom the perspecti%e that she herse(? ha$ sco($e$ me ?or it. Mosta?a I@nsa'$ an$ 4ynn %oice$ to A=ictorA that they were o??en$e$ @y his r'$e @eha%ior an$ that he was @ein& 'nreasona@(e 3 arro&ant 3 an$ o??ensi%e. 0$ :arren was present $'rin& =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs 1""! @irth$ay party an$ it was the 3r$ time that I ha$ met 0$ :arren. 2'rin& the year o? 200*3 when I emai(e$ Henry MaDow 5 I state$ 3 A:e ha%e to $o what they (east eFpect.A3 AtheyA meanin& the G(o@a(ist A6IS 1errorist ,action. I stoppe$ comm'nicatin& with Henry MaDow a?ter ,i( 0man'e(e threatene$ me a@o't what I ha$ emai(e$ to Henry MaDow concernin& A$o(? Hit(erKs @io(o&ica( parenta&e. I @e(ie%e that the 0man'e(esK $ecision to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa'$ ?or a((e&e$(y attemptin& to ne&ate in%esti&ations an$ e(iminate the e??ecti%ity o? empirica( ?orensic e%i$ence 5 was ?or the p'rpose o? maDin& it appear as i? Mosta?a I@nSa'$ A$i$ what they (east eFpecte$A an$ 7onspire$ to ?rame himse(? as an a(i@i. 1he stran&e app(ication o? the termino(o&y AScorche$ 0arthA $i$ not escape notice 5 a AScorche$ 0arthA is a mi(itary tactic which in%o(%es the Mi(itary ,action whom are committin& the act o? AScorche$ 0arthA 3 @'rnin& their own crops an$ intentiona((y settin& ?ire to an$ $emo(ishin& their own resi$entia( @'i($in&s an$ other she(ters imme$iate(y prior to a mi(itary ?orce in%a$in& 5 this @ein& $one ?or the p'rpose o? $epri%in& the ?orei&n mi(itary o? ?oo$ an$ she(ter whi(e yo'r pop'(ation mo%es ?'rther into the NationKs territory an$ mi(itary is amasse$ an$ positione$ in strate&ic ?orti?ie$ (ocations ?or p'rpose o? s'r%i%in& the o%erwhe(min& n'm@ers o? in%a$ers. AScorche$ 0arthA was a Ga'(ish mi(itary tactic that was o?ten 'se$ on /oman Mi(itary @y n'mero's 9in&$oms o? Ga'(ish peop(es an$ was somethin& I ha$ @een rea$in& a@o't in the year 200* when the 0man'e(esK comp'ter hacDers @e&an hacDin& my comp'ters. 1he 0man'e(esK $ecision to attempt to portray their own actions as an intentiona( AScorche$ 0arthA $'rin& a A7onspiracy to ,rameA the Ho'se o? Sa%oy < was ?or the o@%io's p'rpose o? e%ent'a((y a(i&nin& a series o? a(i@is which wo'($ taDe the @(ame ?or their actions in a co'rt room (ater 3 when the intitia( conspirators were to @e 2NA teste$ an$ $etermine$ to @e =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy 2NA M'tate$ imposte'rs an$ the conspirators were portraye$ as @ein& a G(o@a( Satanic 7onspiracy a&ainst the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the

Unite$ States o? America 5 these were apparent(y inten$e$ to appear as Moroccan Satanist 7onnections positione$ @etween .sama ;in4a$en an$ the 7h'rch o? Satan in North America as we(( as another 'n name$ Satanic 7'(t. 1he 0man'e(esK psycho(o&ica( reasonin& ?or this is o@%io's 5 this is a pro$'ct o? the psycho(o&ica( composition o? the 0man'e(esK i$entities an$ 'ncon%icte$ crimina( &'i(t3 the 0man'e(esK %ictimsK i$entities 3 the i$entities o? the witnesses to the 0man'e(esK crimes 3 an$ the i$entities o? the socia( acI'aintances which a(( o? them share. M'ch o? this p(an was the repeate$ attempt o? pre%io's p(ans o? the /oya( 0man'e(e ,ami(y o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy in North America a?ter their 7rimes A&ainst H'manity an$ 7rimina( 0spiona&e eFpos're $'rin& the USA Presi$ent /ichar$ NiFon A$ministration 5 this i$ea to ?rame a ASatanic 1win A(i@iA was re@orn a?ter the 0man'e(es rea$ Henry MaDowKs :e@Site an$ my emai(s to Henry MaDow $'rin& 200* an$ 2005 as we(( as He?? /enseKs we@siteKs artic(es $'rin& the year 200* which $escri@e$ =ittorio 0man'e(e as A1he Anti7hristA (itera((y. My emai( to Henry MaDow concernin& the 0man'e(esK @io(o&ica( re(ation to A$o(? Hit(er was inten$e$ to @e $iscre$ite$ an$ my chi($hoo$ ?rien$ 7hristine 2ionKs as we(( as my own 'n$erstan$in& o? the 0man'e(esK SeF .??enses were inten$e$ to @e $iscre$ite$ @y the 0man'e(esK conspiracy. 7hristine 2ion was the $a'&hter o? an Ita(ian A6IS 0spiona&e S(eeper A&ent. .? worth mentionin& < it is a stron& pro@a@i(ity that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS or$ere$ the assassination o? ci%i(ians that was carrie$ o't @y Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS A&ents within the A(choho( 1o@acco G ,irearms 'ni?orms an$ the ,e$era( ;'rea' o? In%esti&ations 'ni?orms at the :aco 1eFas Sie&e o? the ;ranch 2a%i$ians an$ at the /'@y /i$&e Massacre. .? $e?inite coinci$ence to this 3 when =iDernes o? ;'r>'m was $isp(aye$ on the 1e(e%ision News in NewHampshire USA * months a?ter I saw him hiDin& in 7ana$a 5 =iDernes o? the @an$ ;'r>'m was $ec(are$ to @e a 7h'rch Arsonist an$ a M'r$erer. 1he :aco 1eFas Sie&e res'(te$ in the @'rnin& o? a ch'rch with ci%i(ians insi$e o? it 3 who $ie$ as a res'(t o? the @'rnin& @'i($in& an$ the &'n ?ire hittin& them. 1he /'@y /i$&e Massacre was the massacre o? a ?ami(y @y what I @e(ie%e was the same S(eeper 7e(( NetworD o? Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS So($iers. ;oth o? the &ro'ps o? ci%i(ians whom were %ictims o? these attacDs ha$ @een ta(Din& a@o't the AAnti 7hristA 3 the e(ectronic imp(ants that are the AMarD o? the ;eastA too( o? ens(a%ement 3 an$ the G(o@a(ist 1errorist 1hreat which is the AAnti 7hristA as a ?act'a( G(o@a(ist Imperia(ist 1errorist .r&ani>ation. It is pro@a@(e that it was =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs propa&an$ists attempte$ to portray 2a%i$ 9oresh as a SeF'a( A@'ser o? 7hi($ren an$ a psychotic Min$ 7ontro( 7'(t 4ea$er 3 when in ?act 2a%i$ 9oresh chan&e$ his name to a He@rew name @eca'se he was a ;orn A&ain 7hristian Minister o? a Protestant Sect o? 7hristianity ca((e$ the A;ranch 2a%i$ians !th 2ay A$%entistsA an$ was @asica((y a 7hristian 7omm'na( Socia(ist who @e(ie%e$ in Socia(ist economics an$ 7omm'na( =i((a&e (i?esty(e. It is a(so a possi@i(ity that some o? these peop(e were peop(e that he ha$ harme$ at some time in the past. 2'rin& the year 2005 3 propa&an$a a@o't the @an$ ;'r>'m chan&e$ ?or the 3r$ time an$ an imposte'r was $isp(aye$ as A=ar& =iDernesA 5 it was state$ on the internet that A=i$D'n B'is(in&A was A=ar& =iDernesKsA Gran$ ,ather an$ that he was a Hoeseph Goe@e(s in Norway 3 th's the termino(o&y A=i$D'n B'is(in& PressA @e&'n to @e 'se.

Many peop(e ha%e @e&'n to ca(( ;aracD H'ssein .@amaKs No@e( Peace Pri>e 3 Athe Goe@e(s Peace Pri>eA 5 @eca'se it seems to ha%e @een &i%en to him as propa&an$a prior to e%en achei%in& anythin& other than e(ection. ;aracD H'ssein .@amaKs Hea(thcare PacDa&e 'se$ the names A= 7hipA an$ AS 7hipA. 1his has @een 'se$ to scare %ictims o? the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 1errorist AttacD that has @een on&oin& into @e(ie%in& that the entire &o%ernment is in?i(trate$ an$ comp(ete(y $ecapitate$ @y a &enoci$a( Ita(ian A6IS ,action. = 7hip so'n$s (iDe =erichip 3 S 7hip so'n$s (iDe ASi(D 7hipA 5 as in ASi(D @ase$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 7irc'itryA or AMicrochipA. Accor$in& to :iDipe$ia 5 ;aracD the ;ar@arian was s'ppose$(y comic @ooD character @ase$ on 7onan the ;ar@arian an$ was re(ease$ as a 7onan the ;ar@arian 7omic ;ooD in 2008. S'ppose$(y3 ;aracD .@ama is a secret cameo actor at the @e&inin& o? the new 7onan the ;ar@arian an$ taDes 7onan as a s(a%e 'sin& @o(as 5 @'t can not @e $etermine$ to @e ;aracD .@ama @eca'se o? war paint his character his wearin&. 2'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 whi(e I was worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar 5 0$ :arren Dept ca((in& me AIan the ;ar@arianA an$ chantin& A;ar@arian 3 ;ar@arianA as a res'(t o? my Asatr' re(i&ion 3 that I was wearin& a 1risDe(ion necD(ace on my necD 3 an$ as a res'(t o? my hai%in& (on& hair. A'strian re?erences @e&an $'rin& the year 200* an$ c'(minate$ in Arno($ Schwar>ene&&er 1erminator 2 /o@ot Arti?icia( Inte((i&ence /o@ot ;rain Microchip. 0$ :arren 3 whom ha$ a(rea$y @een s'r&ica((y imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace sai$ to me one a?ternoon $'rin& the year 2005 5 A:hatM Are yo' &oin& to @e the (ast one &oin& $own into the (a%aMA an$ ma$e so'n$ e??ects with his mo'th ?rom the mo%ie 1erminator 2. 2'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 < Sahn$ra St..n&e an$ my se(? ma$e a JoDe statement 3A;h. Ho;LA which was inten$e$ to (ooD an$ so'n$ (iDe a speech impe$iment. 1ay(aKs an$ 1wy(aKs mother 2e@ 3 whoKs ?ather Hoe was in the Ma?ia 5 %isite$ 0$ :arren at the store an$ spoDe A Ah L ;h. Ho;LA as i? it were AAhL ;onJo'rLA an$ sai$ AAh... I see... ;ho;ho Ho; then....MA as a metaphor to the i$ea that there was inten$e$ to @e two twin peop(e with the name A;hoA. ;aracD H'ssein .@amaKs name was state$ to me to mean A;(it>Drie& o? 2iFie 7'psA @y 2e@Ks $a'&hter 1ay(a in the year 200!. 2'rin& the year 200* 3 0$ :arren an$ A2ia@(oA who ha$ sto(en 7aesarKs 2NA an$ I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s < $isc'sse$ ?ema(es who were Asti(( in $iFie c'psA. 2'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 3 Anthony 2e,eo asDe$ me the I'estion AHa%e yo' e%er hear$ to termino(o&y 3 whist(in& 2iFieMA in re?erence to the A2iFie Son& o? A(a@amaA. 2'rin& these con%ersations 3 2e@ an$ 0$ :arren were o%erhear$ $isc'ssin& p(ans to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa'$ ?or :ar 7rimes an$ 7rimes A&ainst H'manity in%o(%in& H'man =i%isection an$ SeF 1ra??icDin& as we(( as Genoci$e $'rin& the AG(o@a( :ar on 1error a&ainst the AFis o? 0%i(A as Presi$ent Geor&e ;'sh ha$ ca((e$ it. :hi(e I was worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar in Manchester NewHampshire 3 I o%erhear$ /osa ta(Din& to 0$ an$ some@o$y e(se sayin& AHe p't that thin& on the comp'ter an$ he starte$ ta(Din& (iDe Se@astien the Hamaican 7ra@ ?rom the 4itt(e Mermai$. I was $yin& (a'&hin&. It was ?'nny.A . 2'rin& the year 200! a /asta?arian name$ 7hris was worDin&

at the NewHampshire Hospita( on 7(inton Street in 7oncor$ NewHampshire 5 that man is now missin& an$ has @een rep(ace$ @y a man who appears to @e an Ita(ian an$ is =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tate$ to (ooD (iDe a Hamaican @(acD man. 1he imposte'r (ooDs a(most i$entica( to the imposte'r o? Cach An$rosDi who (ooDs to @e Ita(ian an$ possi@(y A'strian 3 eFcept that he has @(acD sDin an$ c'r(y A?riDDi$ hair that has @een $rea$ (ocDe$ 5 I am a(most positi%e that they are the same race. I ha%e @een in?orme$ that my step co'sin 9ristin Nassar an$ a(so Samantha ;ernstein were a@$'cte$ ?rom a /e&&ae 7oncert in the 1rain Station ;ar at 200 0(m Street in Manchester NewHampshire. 1he (ast si&htin& o? the ?act'a( /asta?arian name$ 7hris was in 200". :hi(e I was in the hospita( $'rin& 200! 3 when this $e%ice was s'r&ica((y imp(ante$ in my sD'(( 5 the /asta ca((e$ me AHe>@o((ah @a$ @oyLA an$ A0ee ranLA an$ acte$ as i? he was in%esti&atin& me ?or @ein& a He>@o((ah Iranian :hite S'premacist M's(im eFtremist. 1hat weeD 3 9ate 7hristiano was a$mitte$ as a patient to the Psychiatric Unit that I ha$ @een a$mitte$ as a patient to. 9ate 7hristiano asDe$ me i? I Dnew =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e. I @e(ie%e that /osaKs s'rname was Moreno. /osaKs h's@an$ worDe$ ?or 7omcast an$ 2HS 0Fpress 4o&istics. 0$ :arren an$ Anthony 2e,eo $'rin& the year 200* $isc'sse$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs $ecision to 'se Shippin& an$ ,rei&ht So?tware an$ A/G.S G(o@a( Positionin& System $e%ices with an irre&'(ar Internet NetworDin& Protoco( 3 to networD ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces ?rom %ictimKs an$ a&entKs @rains to their comp'ters. I @e(ie%e that this ha$ a(rea$y @een 'se$ @y SeF 1ra??icDers an$ 1errorists prior to this year < possi@(y aro'n$ the year 2000 3 aro'n$ the same time as the " 11 1errorist AttacDs or e%en $'rin& the 1""0Ks as prototype 4on& /an&e /a$io ,reI'ency ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace eFperiments ?or p'rpose o? 1errorism an$ SeF 1ra??icDin&. I it is $e?inite that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e ha$ p(anne$ to ?rame the P'erto /icans in the (oca( comm'nity ?or the crimes o? the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS 5 2.H.4. 0Fpress 4o&istics is a re(ate$ American @ranch o? a 2e'tsche 4o&istics Shippin& G ,rei&ht G 1racDin& company. ,or n'mero's years 3 =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e has @een conspirin& o? a way to ?rame a $i??erent A6IS ,action ?or his own crimes an$ the crimes o? the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS 3 as we(( as the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS crimes whi(e worDin& in accomp(ice to other A6IS ,actions. 2'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 3 a connection to a Hispanic ,ascist A6IS 7rime Syn$icate ?rom So'th America an$ Ita(ians with @oth Ita(ian American Ma?ia connections an$ Ho'se o? Sa%oy A6IS connections so($ P'erto /icans in the North 0ast o? the U.S.A. (ar&e I'antities o? Heroin an$ 7ocaine < a?terwhich the P'erto /icans who ha$ @o'&ht it ?or the p'rpose o? re sa(e 3 were arreste$ a(most imme$iate(y @y ,e$era( ;'rea' o? In%esti&ations whi(e A&ents o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha$ @een worDin& within the ,.;.I. 3 Home(an$ Sec'rity 3 7.I.A. 3 Po(ice 2epartments 3 an$ USA Mi(itary Inte((i&ence. I? the 0man'e(e men ha$ arran&e$ to ha%e eFtreme(y (ar&e I'antities o? Heroin so($ to the P'erto /icans in the North 0ast o? North America at a (ow price 3 an$ (ater arran&e$ ?or them to @e arreste$ with a(most a(( o? it sti(( in their possession 5 it was the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs 0m@e$$e$ A&ents worDin& within the USA Go%ernment who wo'($ ha%e recei%e$ a promotion o? ranD at their $epartment o? emp(oyment within ,e$era( Go%ernment 0mp(oyment. I @e(ie%e that the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS p(anne$ to ?rame %ario's Mesti>o races ?or their own crimina( acti%ities 3 taDin& no @(ame ?or it themse(%es < an$ @(ame Ara@ians so(e(y ?or the 7rimes A&ainst H'manity inc('$in& the SeF .??ense :ar

7rimes an$ H'man =i%isection :ar 7rimes that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy committe$ $'rin& the G(o@a( :ar on 1error 3 as i? the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ha$ nothin& at a(( to $o with these thin&s. It is o@%io's that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ his sons as we(( as his @rothers an$ co'sins ha%e rea(i>e$ that it is eFtreme(y pro@a@(e that they wi(( @e ca'&ht ?or SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 1errorism 3 an$ Internationa( :ar 7rimes soon. 1he A6IS is a $i%erse Mi(itant ,action with n'mero's i$entities in%o(%e$ in the acti%ities o? itKs co((ecti%e @o$y 5 =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e o? co'rse 3 Dnows this < an$ he has @een attemptin& to somehow ?rame the oher i$entities o? the A6IS ?or the entirety o? his own an$ his own Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,actionKs 7rimes an$ 1errorist 3 ?or p'rpose o? $isconnectin& the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,action ?rom the entirety o? the A6IS ,action. ,rancisco ,ranco was what some wo'($ ca(( ASpainKs ;enito M'sso(iniA or ASpainKs Hit(erA 5 he was the Hispanic ,ascist 7aesar Genera( o? Spain 3 $'rin& the secon$ :or($ :ar. ;e?ore an$ a?ter the Secon$ :or($ :ar 3 m'ch o? the Hispanic ,acistas immi&rate$ to So'th America 5 this is a ?act that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e wants to imp(ement as a scape&oat ?or the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,actionKs own crimes 3 e%en tho'&h the Hispanic ,ascist A6IS are Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS A??i(iate$ an$ are act'a((y his mi(itant a((ies an$ accomp(ices in or&ani>e$ crime. 1here ha%e @een n'mero's So'th American A6IS Units that immi&rate$ to the U.S.A. in the past 20 years < it is a $e?inite ?act that =ittorio A=ictor A 0man'e(e an$ his sons ha$ at one time $eci$e$ to attempt to ?rame these Hispanic A6IS connections ?or worDin& with 7arri@ean Hispanic .r&ani>e$ 7rime Units an$ conspirin& with ha(? o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy to ?rame the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 Ho'se o? Aosta 3 an$ the Ho'se o? Sa'$ ?or the A6IS Mi(itant ,actionKs 1errorism an$ .r&ani>e$ 7rime. =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e is the 1errorist A6IS 7rime 4or$ an$ is the 9in& o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 5 the A6IS ,action which =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e is (or$ o? is an Aristocratic Mi(itant 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate an$ it inc('$es ?ami(ies o? re(ation to the Ho'se o? Aosta an$ the Ho'se o? Sa'$ as we(( as some 9ni&hts ?rom either Aristrocratic Ho'se. 1he A6IS was ?o'n$e$ @y the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 some o? the Ho'se o? Aosta 3 an$ some o? the Ho'se o? Sa'$ 5 it was an Aristocratic re@e((ion a&ainst Mo$ernity 3 Par(iamentary Po(itic 3 Nationa(ism 3 an$ Socia(ist 0conomics < as we(( as was it an Aristocratic 7rime Syn$icate. Somehow connectin& the 2e'tsche Nationa(ist I$entity with the Hispanic A6IS an$ P'erto /ican .r&ani>e$ 7rime 3 seeme$ (iDe a networD o? peop(e that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e co'($ 'se to sacri?ice the Hispanic NetworDs o? the A6IS ,action an$ ?rame some innocent in$i%i$'a(s in the process < 2H4 0Fpress 4o&istics 3 A1he Anti 7hristA 3 Satanic ;(acD Meta( 3 P'erto /ican Gan&sters 3 an$ =ittorioKs comra$eKs son Mosta?a I@nSa'$ 5 a(( attempts at ?a@ricatin& a(i@is whi(e sacri?icin& terrorist an$ crimina( associates ?or p'rpose o? (osin& the connection. :hi(e worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n Street in Manchester NewHampshire 3 /osa Moreno was $e?inite(y @ein& eFtreme(y manip'(ati%e as we(( as was @ein& manip'(ate$ @y 0$ :arren who was (yin& to her. /osa Moreno (ie$ concernin& 7aesar n'mero's times. /osa Moreno was o@%io's(y @ein& manip'(ate$ somehow 3 an$ tho'&ht that she was in%o(%e$ in a conspiracy that wo'($ pay o?? we(( ?or her in the en$. /osa MorenoKs h's@an$ worDe$ at 7omcast an$ 2H4 0Fpress 4o&istics < most o? the 7omp'ter HacDin& o? 1e(e%ision Pro&rammin& occ're$ at 7.M7AS1 3 most o? the 7omp'ter HacDin& went thro'&h 7.M7AS1 Ser%er 7omp'ters 3 an$ the A/G.S G.P.S.

2e%ices NetworDin& the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace H'man 1ra??icDin& an$ 1errorism System that has @een create$ 5 is pro@a@(e to somehow in%o(%e an Internet NetworDin& Protoco( o? Shippin& G 4o&istics G.P.S. that the 2H4 0Fpress 4o&istics 7ompany 'ses. It is pro@a@(e that =ittorioKs son Aaron 0man'e(e an$ their co'sin 1ony Grasseti ha$ mentione$ to =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e that 1onyKs ?rien$ Aman$a 4an$ry was $atin& a P'erto /ican Hea%y Meta( M'sician who was pse'$onyme$ AHa(? Hea$A $'e to his paintin& his ?ace simi(ar to the ;A1MAN S'per =i((ian A1wo ,aceA3 $'rin& his @an$Ks m'sica( per?ormances. Aman$a 4an$ry who was c(ose ?rien$s with 7hristine 2ion @e?ore she mo%e$ to ,(ori$a with AHa(? Hea$A an$ 7hristine 2ion %anishe$ an$ was rep(ace$ @y an imposte'r 3 Aman$a 4an$ry was a(so a ?rien$ o? my own. =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ 7hris 1homas @oth p'rchase$ items at my re&ister whi(e I was worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar $'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 3 their &'i(t concernin& what they $i$ to my se(? an$ 7hristine 2ion as we(( as o'r ?ami(ies has o@%io's(y @een worryin& them a(ot. 2'rin& the year 2003 < Aman$a 4an$ryKs @est ?rien$ whom I was a(so ?rien$s with 3 9e(sey McNanny 5 mentione$ to me that she Dnew Hason ;onano. At some point $'rin& 2003 3 it is pro@a@(e that 9e(sey McNanny was S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace. 5 at times 3 9e(sey McNanny was physica((y 'na@(e to speaD an$ was 'ns're o? the reason < it is eFtreme(y pro@a@(e that these were eFperiments o? the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6ISKs 3 ?or the p'rpose o? @ein& a@(e to si(ence %ictims with the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace. Since I was S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace $e%ice < at times my stomach 3 esopha&o's 3 throat 3 necD 3 ton&'e 3 an$ (ips m'sc(es 5 twitch 3 ?(eF 3 tense 3 or spasm < this pre%ents me ?rom speaDin&. 1hese m'sc(e &ro'ps are associate$ with speech an$ Ne'ro 4in&'istics. 1his was the year that Samantha G'ay was a@$'cte$. I met Hason ;onano $'rin& the year 200E 3 whi(e worDin& at NewHampshire Precision Meta( ,a@rication 5 HasonKs ?ather was we(( acI'ainte$ with Gera($ AHerryA 2KAmico an$ =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e. 2'rin& the year 1""" 3 whi(e with 7hristine 2ion an$ 4in$sey Garo?ano 5 we tra%e(e$ in 7hristineKs a'tomo@i(e to the /ichmon$ =ir&inia AM1/A79 Station in 2'm@arton =ir&inia to picD 'p Samantha G'ay who was ret'rnin& ?rom a trip to ,(ori$a. :hi(e at the AM1/A79 Station < we saw my ?rien$s 9e(sie McNanny 3 Hoseph Mc7arthy 3 Matthew ;e('ar$o 3 an$ 4ee 5 Matthew ;e('ar$oKs ?ami(y are o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ $'rin& this year he (ater intro$'ce$ me to ,i(i@erto 0man'e(eKs @rother 2anie( Hames. :hi(e ret'rnin& ?rom the /ichmon$ AM1/A79 Station 3 4in$sey Garo?ano asDe$ 7hristine 2ion A2oesnKt =ictorKs son 7(int (i%e in /ichmon$ =ir&iniaM .r is it 2'm@artonMA to which 7hristine 2ion rep(ie$ A-es. I $onKt e%en want to thinD a@o't it. I $o not (iDe that ?ami(y an$ yo' Dnow that. =ittorio an$ 7hris are $is&'stin& an$ I $onKt tr'st the rest o? their ?ami(y 3 they a(( seem eFact(y the same as them. I $o not (iDe them. I $o not tr'st them.$ I $onKt want to ta(D a@o't it.A . =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs son name$ 7(int 3 who is 7hris 1homasKs @rother 5 (i%e$ ?or a %ery (on& time 3 in /ichmon$ =ir&inia. 2'rin& the years 2008 an$ 200" < my ?rien$ An$rew 2o'&(as tra%e(e$ to /ichmon$ =ir&inia with his ?rien$ 9e%in or 7hris 3 an$ was intro$'ce$ to =ittorioKs son 7(int 1ay(or. 2'rin& the year 2011 3 An$rew 2o'&(as ha$ @een rep(ace$ @y a man who I reco&ni>e$ to @e a So'th American A6IS ,ascista or 7rime So($ier that ha$ @een acI'ainte$ with some o? the So'th American peop(es that Dnew 0$ :arren somehow an$ ha$ shoppe$ at ,ami(y

2o((ar on 4inco(n Street in Manchester NewHampshire 5 this man ori&ina((y appeare$ to @e a So'th American Mesti>o with some a$$itiona( ?orei&n (inea&e ?rom a 0'ropean nationa(ity. 2'rin& the year 2011 he ha$ @een =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tate$ to appear near(y i$entica( to An$rew 2o'&(as 3 who is c'rrent(y missin&. 1his man p'rchase$ items at my re&ister whi(e I was worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar $'rin& the year 2005. 2'rin& the year 2005 3 my sister Sheena MacPhersonKs @oy?rien$ somehow won ticDets to a sports &ame at an arena in /ichmon$ =ir&inia 5 $'rin& the year 2005 < Hason ;o'ser 3 Sheena MacPherson 3 Anthony McMenemy 3 an$ Am@er SDinner atten$e$ a @a(( &ame imme$iate(y $own the same street that 7(int 1ay(or met An$rew 2o'&(as on $'rin& the year 2008. I ha%e met imposte'rs o? my sister Sheena MacPherson 3 Anthony McMenemy 3 an$ Am@er SDinner < Hason ;o'ser seems to @e missin&. I @e(ie%e that the So'th American that ha$ An$rew 2o'&(asKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s $'rin& the year 2011 3 is pro@a@(y a ,ascista A6IS 7rime So($ier ?rom somep(ace (iDe ;ra>i( an$ is c'rrent(y (i%in& as an imposte'r o? An$rew 2o'&(as ?or p'rpose o? escapin& his 7rimina( /ecor$. ,or a (on& time $'rin& his (i?e 3 7hris 1homas (i%e$ in /ichmon$ =ir&inia with his a$opti%e parents an$ his a$opti%e yo'n&er @rother. 1he /ichmon$ =ir&inia Greyho'n$ ;'s Station has a %i$eo&ame in the sma(( arca$e section in the corner o? the ;'s Station 3 it is ca((e$ 1erminator Sa(%ation < it is @ase$ on the mo%ie the 1erminator. 2'rin& the year 2005 3 0$ :arren ma$e the statement whi(e I was stan$in& at the cash re&ister at ,ami(y 2o((ar 5 A:hatM Are yo' &oin& to @e the (ast one &oin& $own into the (a%aMA an$ ma$e a mocDin& immitatin& &est're o? ho($in& on to a chain with his han$ an$ 'sin& his mo'th 3 ma$e the m'sic ?rom the scene o? the mo%ie 1erminator 2 where the 1erminator &ets s'nD into the (a%a to $estroy the (ast Arti?icia( Inte((i&ence Micro7hip. 2'rin& the year 200! 3 my sister 7he(sey MacPherson was a@$'cte$ an$ swappe$ with a $i??erent (itt(e &ir( whom was o? %ery simi(ar appearance < $'rin& the year 200" 3 a &ir( contacte$ me on ,ace@ooD c(aimin& that she was my sister an$ ha$ m'tate$ an$ $i$ not (ooD (iDe my sister @'t it was her 5 I $o not remem@er what happene$ 3 @'t the con%ersation $i$ not contin'e. I @e(ie%e that it may ha%e @een 7he(sey an$ that her pro?i(e was $e(ete$. .ne o? the photo&raphs (ooDe$ (iDe it may ha%e @een taDen in the 2'm@arton P'@(ic 4i@rary < one o? the &ir(s on the A1ia 4'$wicDA , Pro?i(e (ooDs (iDe she tooD some o? her photo&raphs in the 2'm@arton (i@rary. In the photo&raphs is a scanner proJector machine that says AA(a$$inA on it. .? re(e%ance to the AmtraD 1rain Station in 2'm@arton =ir&inia < $'rin& the year 200" 3 my co'sin 2'sty 4a=oie mentione$ acci$ent(y &ettin& o?? a train that he tooD with his ?rien$ at the wron& AmtraD 1rain Station 5 he sai$ that the si&ns in the train station (ooDe$ (iDe 7irc's Si&ns an$ remin$e$ hm o? 7irc's 7(own 4etters. He $escri@e$ the si&n as ha%in& an ima&e o? a &(ass with a straw on it an$ a $on't 3 he a(so ?i&'re$ o't that it was ca((e$ 2'n@arton an$ sai$ that it appeare$ ?ami(iar to him. 1he 7(own re?erence is o? re(e%ance < whi(e at Am@er SDinnerKs ho'se at E* ;ean /oa$ in MerrimacD NewHampshire 3 $'rin& the year 200" 5 ;o@ SDinner mentione$ to me that he hear$ that a :ayne Gacy imposte'r was creepin& aro'n$ attacDin& peop(e s(eepin& in their homes an$ that he was tar&ettin& chi($ren. 2'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 3 whi(e worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar < 0$ :arren an$ Anthony 2e?eo mentione$ :ayne Gacy an$ Po&o 1he 7(own as we(( as the mo%ie Gacy. 2'rin& the year 200E < 9at McMahon

mentione$ that she was @ein& sta(De$ @y an o($ man name$ A=ictorA who t'rne$ o't to @e =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e 3 she a(so mentione$ seein& a :ayne Gacy 7(own. It seems possi@(e that 7hris 1homas who at one time 'se$ the name ASamoth SrichA 3 may ha%e an o@session with @ein& A(iDe a %i((ain ?rom horror mo%ieA eFcept Athe rea( thin&A. Psychotic 7rimina(s o?ten mimmicD thin&s that they see on 1e(e%ision Me$ia an$ 7inema Me$ia. It seems %ery pro@a@(e that this is somethin& that 7hris 1homas wo'($ $o. Sahn$ra St. .n&eKs @est ?rien$ 1ammy 1horne state$ that her co'sinKs 3 year o($ $a'&hter ha$ @een seF'a((y assa'(te$ @y a man who @roDe into their home 3 the man was $resse$ as a c(own. 1he @an$ Insane 7(own Posse as we(( as the @an$ 2ea$;o(t ha%e c(own themes thro'&ho't some o? their m'sic < the c(own themes in%o(%e %io(ence 3 psychosis 3 an$ s'@stance a@'se. A(so 3 ;(acD Meta( 5 a sty(e o? Hea%y Mea( m'sic < o?ten has themes in%o(%in& 4'ci?er 3 Satan 3 Apocha(ypse 3 the ;ooD o? /e%e(ations 3 war 3 an$ other simi(ar(y re(ate$ themes. 1he Norwe&ian ;(acD Meta( @an$ 0mperor has a mem@er name$ ASamothA 3 ASamothA is a p'n a@o't ?a@ricate$ ASatanic 7'(tsA 5 it is a spe((in& o? the name A1homasA @acDwar$s. :hen I was * years o($ 3 I to($ 7hris 1homas that I @e(ie%e$ that he was a Satanist @eca'se o? his actions. My Mother @e(ie%e$ that 7hris 1homasKs entire ?ami(y were pro@a@(y Satanists. I @e(ie%e that this is pro@a@(y the reason ?or =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e 3 7hris 1homas 3 an$ their accomp(ices 5 attemptin& to ?a@ricate an a(i@i in%o(%in& a scape &oat an$ ?ramin& them ?or @ein& Satanists. ;ren$an P(ace 3 Hason 1harp 3 an$ ;ra$ Sa@(e a(( met ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ 2anie( Hames $'rin& the S'mmer o? the year o? 200* 3 I ha%e met imposte'rs o? a(( three o? them an$ I @e(ie%e that it is pro@a@(e that they were assassinate$ ?or reaon that they ha$ ?o'n$ o't that the 0man'e(e ,ami(y o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy were the Anti 7hrist an$ A$o(? Hit(erKs @io(o&ica( ?ami(y. 1he m'sic re?erances are re(e%ant @eca'se a (ar&e n'm@er o? the %ictims o? the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,action are peop(e who (iDe those @an$s an$ &enres o? m'sic 5 many o? my ?rien$s are imme$iate tar&ets @eca'se o? what I Dnow a@o't the 0man'e(e ?ami(y an$ what the 0man'e(e ?ami(y ha%e $one to me an$ my ?ami(y 3 my peop(e are an o@session o? the 0man'e(e ,ami(yKs $'e to their own &'i(t an$ the ?act that my peop(e remin$ them o? their &'i(t an$ their worry that peop(e co'($ Dnow an$ co'($ @e ta(Din&. 2'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 3 a m'sician AHa(? Hea$A was $atin& my ?rien$ Aman$a 4an$ry 5 Aman$a 4an$ry was a(so ?rien$s with 7hristine 2ion. AHa(? Hea$A was pse'$onyme$ as s'ch $'e to his @(eachin& o? ha(? o? his hair an$ his per?omance maDe 'p when his @an$ per?orme$ their m'sic 5 appeare$ simi(ar to the character A1wo ,aceA ?rom the ;A1MAN series. AHa(? Hea$A @ein& a P'erto /ican in a Hea%y Meta( @an$ was pro@a@(y an in?('ence 'pon =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ 0$ :arren to attempt to ?rame /osa Moreno an$ some P'erto /ican ?ami(ies in%o(%e$ in .r&ani>e$ 7rime 3 as @ein& 7rimina( Accomp(ices o? the Satanic 7rime 7'(t o? the AAnti 7hristA who was inten$e$ to appear to @e some@o$y other that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e 3 himse(?. .? re(e%ance to 7(int 1ay(or an$ 7hris 1homas (i%in& in 2'm@arton an$ /ichmon$ =ir&inia 5 m'ch o? the parDin&(ots an$ strip ma((s in /ichmon$ =ir&inia an$ 2'm@arton seem to @e constr'cte$ ?rom simi(ar @('e prints as the parDin& (ots an$ constr'ction o? the strip ma((s 3 ?ast ?oo$ resta'rants 3 an$ shoppin& centers in Sa(is@'ry

Massach'settes an$ Sa(is@'ry NewHampshire 5 where 7(int 1ay(orKs yo'n&er @rother 2anie( Hames was raise$ as a chi($. 1he 0man'e(eKs an$ the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS seem to remain in c(ose (i%in& proFimity to one another an$ the 0man'e(e ?ami(ies seem to (i%e in re&ions where their ?ami(y an$ their ?ami(yKs Properties /etainers own a (ar&e amo'nt o? the (an$ 3 @'sinesses 3 means o? pro$'ction 3 an$ mem@ers o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy are in%o(%e$ in the (oca( 7onstr'ction In$'stry an$ (oca( Go%ernment G 4aw 0n?orcement. My parents 3 my se(?3 my co'sin 2'sty 3 an$ my (itt(e sister Sheena MacPherson 5 met 7hris 1homasKs a$opti%e ?ami(y in /ichmon$ =ir&inia in the approFimate year 1""0. My Mother tho'&ht they were a Satanist ?ami(y 3 my 'nc(e 1roy hear$ a@o't them n'mero's times an$ tho'&ht they were a NAM;4A ,ami(y 3 4a'ra Pittin&er an$ ;en 4in$@er& tho'&ht @asica((y the same as my 'nc(e 1roy tho'&ht 3 HacD 2ion Dnew eFact(y how $is&'stin& the 0man'e(e ,ami(y were an$ $i$ not tr'st a sin&(e one o? them. .? re(e%ance to 4in$sey Garo?ano 5 $'rin& the year 200* 3 either 4in$sey Garo?ano or an imposte'r o? 4in$sey Garo?ano ca((e$ me ?rom 1eFas at my Gran$motherKs ho'se in MerrimacD NewHampshire o? which the te(ephone n'm@er was E03 *2* 5!0E. 4in$sey Garo?ano or her imposte'r to($ me that she an$ some ?rien$s ha$ smashe$ the win$ow o? an S.U.=. =ehic(e with a rocD an$ spray painte$ a SwastiDa on the S.U.=. 5 4in$sey Garo?ano c(aime$ that this was @eca'se she was in an A0n%ironmenta(ist Po(itica( Acti%ist Gan&A an$ the S.U.=. ha$ @a$ emissions ratin&s. 2'rin& the year 2003 3 the SDin Hea$ that I was ?rien$s with name$ Hoe 4e;aron 5 spray painte$ A9y(e is a ,a&LA 3 a SwastiDa 3 an$ SS +si&ne$ 5 Sh't>Sta??e(8 in a hyphen an$ ,'tharD /'nes on 9y(e Howar$Ks :orD =an. Hoe 4e;aron ha$ $one this as a ?orm o? re%en&e @eca'se 9y(e Howar$ was a seria( rapist who worDe$ ?or =ittorio an$ ,i((i@ertoKs .r&ani>e$ 7rime Syn$icate an$ ha$ committe$ the Initiation 7rimes they or$ere$ him to commit which were SeF .??enses as we(( as $i$ he commit other SeF .??enses 'pon more than one ?ema(e. 2'rin& the year 200* 3 I ha$ %isite$ the 4i@ertarian Nationa( Socia(ist Green we@site 5 this was a po(itica( esoterics propa&an$a we@site an$ AthinD tanDA Socia( NetworDin& :e@site. 1he 4.N.S.G. :e@siteKs (o&o was a Green ,(a& 3 with a :hite So(ar 2isc 3 an$ a ;(acD SwastiDa 5 a &reen %ersion o? the /e$ SwastiDa AFis ,(a&. :hen 4in$sey Garo?ano or her imposte'r to($ me that she ha$ &one to Jai( ?or the %an$a(ism 3 she c(aime$ that she was on the te(e%ision news whi(e in Jai( an$ that the photo&raph o? the %ehic(e with the swastiDa on it ha$ @een $isp(aye$ on the te(e%ision 5 4in$sey Garo?ano or her imposte'r then to($ me that an A?riDDi$ American ?ema(e who was her ce(( mate Ashowe$ her the powerA @y rapin& her with her entire ?ist. She ca((e$ it Ashow the powerA. 4in$sey Garo?ano or her imposte'r c(aime$ that she ha$ @een $atin& the &'itarist ?rom the @an$ A1he An&ry AryansA an$ that 4in$sey Garo?ano ha$ @een or$ere$ on State Arrest an$ was not (e&a((y a((owe$ to (ea%e the state o? 1eFas. I $o not @e(ie%e that this ?act'a((y occ'rre$. 2'rin& the year 200! < 4in$sey Garo?ano an$ Ste%e A=inceA Parish 5 %isite$ NewHampshire whi(e Ste%e A=inceA Parish mo%e$ 'p to NewHampshire ?rom 1eFas. :hi(e at the resta'rant Un:ine$ 5 4in$sey Garo?ano to($ me that she $i$ not &et arreste$ ?or %an$a(ism in 1eFas. /o@ert /o$on mo%e$ to 1eFas U.S.A. $'rin& the year 2003 an$ I @e(ie%e that this was aro'n$ the same time that Samantha G'ay was a@$'cte$. At some point $'rin& the ?o((owin& years 3 /o@ert

/o$onKs ?ormer neFt $oor nei&h@or He??erson 2a%is 5 was rep(ace$ @y an imposte'r. He??erson 2a%is was o? ha(? Israe(i an$ ha(? Ita(ian race 3 an$ was a mem@er o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 2'rin& the year 2011 3 I met an imposte'r o? 4in$sey Garo?ano 5 she met me at the ManchesterN4on$on$erry Airport at the Manchester NewHampshire an$ 4on$on$erry NewHamphire @or$er. 1his is near the (ocation that some@o$y ha$ ?ire$ a si(ence$ pisto( at me ?rom a?ar whi(e I was wa(Din& home ?rom worD $'rin& the year 200E 3 approFimate(y one month prior to a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace @ein& S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ in my crani'm at the 7oncor$ Hospita( in 7oncor$ NewHampshire at 7(inton Street in 7oncor$ NewHampshire. :hi(e I was %isitin& /yan Har%ey an$ 4a'ra 4'$wicDowsDi in ;oston Massach'settes $'rin& the ear(y :inter Season o? the year 200* 3 /yan Har%eyKs mo'th mo%e$ an$ ?ew times an$ sai$ thin&s that he a?terwar$s state$ that he $i$ not mean to say. He state$ that his mo'th @e&an mo%in& on itKs own. A?ter $rinDin& a @e%era&e which ha$ @een a(rea$y opene$ an$ was Dept in the re?ri$&erator 3 /yan Har%eyKs hair thinne$ an$ m'ch o? it ?e(( o't in the pattern o? A$o(? AHit(erKsA thinnin& sca(p pattern &ene 5 this is an 0man'e(e &ene. 1his same thin& happene$ to my se(? $'rin& 2012 3 whi(e (i%in& at 23 1emp(e Street 5 my nose @ri$&e an$ cheeD @ones a(so m'tate$ an$ chan&e$ shape. 1his is $e?inite(y the res'(t o? one o? the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS So($iers po'rin& hemo&(o@in %ia(s in open containers in re?ri$&erators 5 the hemo&(o@in %ia(s containin& hemo&(o@in that was 'se$ to c'(t're =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy =ir's with 2NA inJecte$ into it. It is a simp(e process. 1he %ir's ca'ses &enetic m'tation. 2'rin& the approFimate year o? 20013 my Mother was hospita(i>e$ in the 7oncor$ NewHampshire Psychiatric Hospita( ANewHampshire Hospita(A on 7(inton Steet in 7oncor$ NewHampshire. My Mother was hospita(i>e$ ?or 8 years. 2'rin& the year 200! 3 I was i((e&a((y $etaine$ @y Po(ice in MerrimacD NewHampshire an$ was @ro'&ht to the So'thern /e&iona( NewHampshire Me$ica( 7enter an$ e%ent'a((y @ro'&ht to NewHampshire Hospita( on 7(inton Street in 7oncor$ NewHampshire. :hi(e in NewHampshire Hospita( 3 I was 'nDnowin&(y S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace. It seems pro@a@(e that when my Mother was a$mitte$ to the NewHampshire Hospita( on 7(inton Street in 7oncor$ NewHampshire 3 that the ?irst imposte'r o? my ,ather may ha%e si&ne$ the paperworD to ha%e her committe$. 2'rin& the year 2008 3 what (ooDe$ to ha%e @een an imposte'r o? Geo??rey Go$@ois 5 $ia&nose$ me with Schi>ophrenia. It is $e?inite that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy has so'&ht ?or my entire ?ami(y to @e $ia&nose$ with Menta( I((ness ?or p'rpose o? $iscre$itin& me as a witness to the ?act that A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(y 3 the 0man'e(e /oya( ,ami(y o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy < an$ A$o(? Hit(erKs co'sinsK ?ami(ies who were $escen$ants o? a sma(( n'm@er o? 9ni&hts o? the Ho'se o? Aosta 3 as we(( as some other A6IS ,ami(ies s'ch as Mosta?a I@nSa'$Ks ?ami(y 5 immi&rate$ to the U.S.A. a?ter the 2n$ $e?eat o? the A6IS < an$ the ?act that m'ch o? my ?ami(y an$ ?ami(y ?rien$s are SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims o? the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,actionKs .r&ani>e$ 7rimina( Acti%ity. M'ch o? the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS So($iers are SeF 1ra??icDers 5 many o? their H'man 1ra??icDin&

1errorist 7rime So($iers worD in the Hea(thcare In$'stry as a $ai(y ro'tine. It is pro@a@(e that an in$i%i$'a( chosen to rep(ace a tar&et %ictim who worDs in the Hea(thcare In$'stry 3 is &oin& to @e rep(ace$ @y an in$i%i$'a( who has a(rea$y worDe$ in a simi(ar ?ie($ o? eFpertise e(sewhere. M'ch o? what happene$ $'rin& /ichar$ NiFonKs Presi$entia( A$ministration in%o(%in& the A@'ses o? Power within the M9U41/A 2epartment o? the 7entra( Inte((i&ence A&ency 3 in%o(%e$ the a@'se o? the Hea(thcare In$'stry ?or p'rpose o? SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 .r&ani>e$ 7rime 0n?orcin& 3 Assassinations 3 H'man =i%isections in%o(%in& Ne'roScience /esearch3 an$ H'man =i%isections in%o(%in& Ne'ro1oFin research as we(( as ;eha%iora( Mo$i?ication an$ Hypnosis research. N'mero's peop(e ?rom this re&ion Dnew the ?act'a( Geo??rey Go$@ois < 9y(e Howar$Ks sister Hen Howar$ 3 Hohn 4inD 3 /o@ert 4inD 3 Henna H'$son 3 Mr. Gotsi(( 3 0riDa ,ein&o($ 3 possi@(y a co'sin o? MarD C'cDer@er&Ks 3 2anie((e 7'shman 3 an$ 4oretta 7'shman. 1he ?act'a( Geo??rey Go$@ois or He?? Go$@ois was o? miFe$ ,ranDic 3 Israe(i 3 an$ 2e'tsche race as we(( as possi@(y a sma(( amo'nt o? Po(ish race. Geo?? Go$@ois an$ Mr. Gotsi(( @oth Dnew He??erson 2a%is 3 /o@ert /o$onKs nei&h@or $'rin& the years 2000 2001 who ha$ Joine$ the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 5 the ?act'a( He?? 2a%is was ha(? Israe(i an$ ha(? Ita(ian. 2'rin& the year 200* 3 the Ho'se o? Sa%oy tar&ette$ the Hewish 2e?ense 4ea&'e an$ @e&an m'r$erin& them an$ a@$'ctin& their $a'&hters. Many o? the Hewish 2e?ense 4ea&'e an$ their co'sins in the North 0ast re&ion o? the U.S.A. ha%e @een rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs who are o@%io's(y Ita(ian 3 o? miFe$ Ita(ian race an$ some other race 3 or they are missin& entire(y. 2'rin& the year 2011 3 I witnesse$ an Imposte'r o? MarD C'cD@er& SDate ;oar$in& in Nash'a NewHampshire. He was wearin& a tan co(o're$ 7arhaart hoo$e$ JacDet 3 Jeans 3 an$ sneaDers. He was too short to @e MarD C'cDer@er&. MarD C'cD@er& is EK1A ta((. MarD C'cDer@er& p'rchase$ items at the re&ister that I was worDin& at $'rin& my emp(oyment at ,ami(y 2o((ar in the years 200* an$ 2005. 1he ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace that is @ein& S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ in the 7rani'ms o? American 7iti>ens an$ =isitors are capa@(e o? @ein& 'se$ ?or m'(tip(e p'rposes. 1hese p'rposes inc('$e a(terin& the %oice o? a&ents @y metho$ o? c'stom re en&ineere$ Speech 1herapy So?tware @y metho$s o? conto'rin& an$ poisin& the (arynF an$ other speech re(ate$ m'sc'(at're 3 mo%in& the arms an$ (e&s or hea$ o? %ictimsK thro'&h means o? ne'ro ro@otics o? the m'sc'(at're 3 ne'ro ro@otica((y ta(Din& with the mo'th o? the %ictims or to Sa%oy A6IS A&ents thro'&h their mo'ths 3 in?('encin& $ecisions o? %ictims an$ a&ents @y means o? Ne'ro Science So?tware e??ectin& the Ne'ro(o&y o? the h'mansK @rain 3 in?('encin& the emotions o? the %ictims 'sin& ne'roscience so?tware 3 as we(( as ca'sin& a person to physica((y tra%e( to a speci?ic (ocation at a speci?ic time. 1he 0man'e(e ,ami(y are poisoners who o?ten poison their %ictims with 2isassociati%e 2r'&s 3 S'@J'&ati%e Hypnotic Ne'ro1oFins 3 or poisons which res'(t in $eath. It is %ery $an&ero's an$ a &enoci$a( threat to the North American pop'(ation that this is contin'in& an$ that the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS are worDin& within %ario's $epartments o? &o%erment as we(( as &an&s 3 taDin& or$ers ?rom =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ his sons 5 whom are A$o(? Hit(erKs @io(o&ica( ?ami(y. A 7o%ert Genoci$e is $e?inite(y c'rrent(y occ'rrin& 3 n'mero's ?ami(ies are missin& in the North 0ast o? the U.S.A. an$ ha%e @een

rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs who are ;(acD Mai(e$ 7rimina(s 3 SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims 3 an$ Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS So($iers. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS in North America are $e?inite(y in a position that wi(( res'(t in their eFec'tion @y mi(itary (aw i? they are in%esti&ate$ ?or 1reason 3 1errorism 3 an$ :ar 7rimes 5 this is a (i?e or $eath scenario ?or them an$ they are $e?inite(y c'rrent(y attemptin& to @'i($ a North American Sa%oy /e&ime. 1he 0man'e(e ?ami(y are attemptin& to occ'py the entire U.S.A. &o%ernment with imposte'rs. It is pro@a@(e that they wi(( soon taDe imposte I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s soon themse(%es 3 an$ (ea%e Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS A&ents in their stea$ with their own I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s ?or p'rpose o? escape. In the year 200! 3 I met an imposte'r o? 1ony Grasseti at the 7('@ 313 whi(e at the Ni&ht 7('@ with my ?rien$ A(isha 7ote. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e 'se$ 7omm'nications Ser%er 2ata to &ather in?ormation inc('$in& (ists o? ?ami(ies names an$ their re(ation ?rom Ancestry.7om an$ ,ace@ooD.7om $ata sto(en @y 7omp'ter HacDers as we(( copie$ ?rom Ser%er 7omp'ters that the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ha%e access to 3 it is $e?inite that in%esti&ation o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs ,ace;ooD.7om acco'nts wi(( (ea$ to (ists o? their ?ami(ies an$ associates 5 n'mero's ?ami(ies o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e @een connecte$ to my own ,ace;ooD.7om acco'nt an$ MySpace.7om acco'nt o%er the past " years. 1ony Grasseti 3 Aaron 0man'e(e 3 the /o$on ?ami(y 3 an$ others o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e @een on my ?rien$s (ist. 2'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 3 0$ :arren an$ Anthony 2e,eo were o%erhear$ $isc'ssin& A/G.S G(o@a( Positionin& System 2e%ices @ein& 'se$ ?or some a(ternati%e impro%ise$ p'rpose an$ @ein& networDe$ 'sin& Shippin& an$ ,rei&ht G.P.S. 4o&&in& an$ 1racDin& So?tware as we(( as Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone Internet NetworDin& Protoco(. It is not o@%io's that they were $isc'ssin& ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 2e%ices an$ 0(ectro0ncepha(oGraphy /a$io ,reI'ency 1ransmissions. I remem@er 0$ :arren (a'&hin& ma(icio's(y $'rin& these $isc'ssions with Anthony 2e,eo. 1here was a(so ta(D a@o't 'sin& =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy 2NA M'tation to (ea%e %ictims with their own I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s an$ escape with some@o$y e(seKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. In the year 200* 5 my ?rien$s ;o@ Sha&o'ry 3 MarD SDinner 3 an$ I wa(De$ to meet 1ony Grasseti in Manchester at a (ocation a@o't 8 @(ocDs ?rom ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n Street. 1ony Grasseti was with a yo'n& man who (ooDe$ re(ate$ to the 0man'e(es an$ was c(aimin& to @e Aaron 0man'e(e on this $ay 3 @'t was not Aaron 0man'e(e. 1he 0man'e(e c(aimin& to @e Aaron 0man'e(e ha$ @een $resse$ in womenKs c(othin& on this partic'(ar $ay an$ ma$e a JoDe to me a@o't it statin& AHow $o yo' Dnow the $ra& isnKt J'st to catch yo' o?? &'ar$. No@o$y eFpects a $ra& I'een to m'r$er them.A. 9enneth H'$$ (ater warne$ me a@o't Aaron 0man'e(e citin& He??rey 2ahmer as an eFamp(e to @eware o? some HomoseF'a(s @eca'se they are not a(( ?rien$(y (iDe 9enny is < Scot H'nter whom was a(so &ay3 $i$ not tr'st Aaron 0man'e(e either. ;o@ Sha&o'ry may ha%e mentione$ 1he MarD o? the ;east on this $ay an$ possi@(y mentione$ the I(('minati an$ a(so the 1a(i@an at some point 5 these topics wo'($ ha%e ma$e 1ony Grasseti %ery ner%o's 3 @'t they were common(y $isc'sse$ @y 's. ;o@ Sha&o'ry was possi@(y a(so $isc'ssin& Is(am an$ @ein& ner%o's a@o't what was happenin& in the me$ia an$ po(itica((y since the " 11 1errorist AttacD @eca'se ;o@Ks

?ami(y was a M's(im ?ami(y. ;o@ Sha&o'ry has since @een missin& an$ I ha%e met an Ara@ian (ooDin& man whom was preten$in& to @e him an$ ha$ his I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s < ;o@ Sha&o'ry was ha(? 4e@anese an$ ha(? Syrian3 he was not Ara@ian. 1he man preten$in& to @e Aaron 0man'e(e was a(most $e?inite(y an act'a( @rother o? ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs an$ Aaron 0man'e(eKs < this ma(e was too ta(( to @e Aaron 0man'e(e an$ his nose was too ro'n$e$. I @e(ie%e that he 'se$ the name Aaron 0man'e(e as a test to see i? I remem@ere$ meetin& Aaron at Hampton ;each in NewHampshire 3 in A((enstown NewHampshire 3 in ;arnstea$ NewHampshire 3 or $own the roa$ at Hosh ;'rnsKs ho'se on :est /oa$ in MerrimacD NewHampshire. I preten$e$ not to notice that he was not the Aaron 0man'e(e that I ha$ met. :hi(e I was (i%in& at 23 1emp(e Street in Nash'a NewHampshire $'rin& the year 2012 < an imposte'r o? Aaron 0man'e(e who was pro@a@(y a@o't * years yo'n&er than Aaron 0man'e(e 3 wa(De$ 'p the stairs to an apartment 5 this was $'rin& the same weeD that a man who (ooDe$ i$entica( to =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e sat on the steps o? the entry way smoDin& a 7apone miniat're @(acD ci&ar. 1he 'se o? their si@(in&sK name as a JoDe or a (ocation a(i@i seems to @e common amon&st the 0man'e(e si@(in&s who o?ten 'se one o? their si@(in&s name in the stea$ o? their own whi(e meetin& some@o$y new < $'rin& the year 1"8" 3 when I met 7hris 1homasKs o($er @rother 7(int 1ay(or +0man'e(e8 5 7(int 1ay(or at ?irst 'se$ the name A9risA an$ sai$ a?ter that A9ris wih a 9 ?rom 9ent'cDy.... no 7hris is my @rother. -o'Kre ri&ht 3 ItKs act'a((y 7(int. My name is 7(int.A he a(so ma$e the JoDe AI am *! years o($. :hen in act'a(ity 3 7(int was in his (ate 20Ks.A. 2'rin& the year 2005 3 I saw on the internet that the name A7o'nt GrishnaDA o? the @an$ ;'r>'m was chan&e$ to A9ristian =iDernesA 9ristian with a 9. It was a(so p'@(ishe$ to internet $'rin& 20053 that A9 *! was the ori&ina( name o? ;'r>'m 5 7(intKs JoDe in 1"8" was that A9ris with a 9A was A*!A. 1his tactic has @een 'se$ @y the 0man'e(es in the past $'e to the ?act that they ha%e so many @rothers an$ ha(? @(oo$ @rothers who are ?rom $i??erent mothers3 @'t the same ?athers. 1he @rother who (ooDs simi(ar 3 taDes an artic(e o? c(othin& an$ appears amon&st witnesses o? a crime or %ictims as we(( as $o they appear crime scenes or commit crimes 'sin& their @rotherKs name 5 this maDes it $e?inite that the @rother who is acc'se$ is a(rea$y on camera e(sewhere an$ has an a(i@i. In 1"8" 3 I met a @rother o? 7hris 1homasKs who was wearin& 7hris 1homasKs re$ Mar(@oro sweat shirt an$ was o? incre$i@(y simi(ar appearance to 7hris 1homas @'t was not him 5 this man sai$ his name was A9ris with a 9 ?rom 9ent'cDy. 7hris 1homas.A . 1he p'rpose o? 7hris 1homasKs @rother appearin& at EE ;ean /oa$ with A( Io$ice whi(e c(aimin& to @e 7hris 1homas was pro@a@(y ?or the p'rpose o? p(acin& 7hris 1homas at a $i??erent (ocation with an entire &ro'p o? witnesses 3 ?or p'rpose o? creatin& an a(i@i i? my ?ami(y ca((e$ the Po(ice 2epartment an$ reporte$ 7hris 1homas arri%in& at o'r ho'se (ate at ni&ht with A( Io$ice whi(e 9eith McG'ire was present. 2'rin& the s'mmer season o? the year 1""8 3 7hris 1homasKs @rother 7(int 1ay(or &a%e my 'nc(e A( Io$ice a @(acD tacD(e @'oy Dni?e that @e(on&e$ to 7hris 1homas 5 A( Io$ice &a%e this Dni?e to me an$ to($ me to Deep it ?ore%er an$ maDe s're not to (ose it e%er. 2'rin& the year 20033 I was arreste$ whi(e $ri%in& thro'&h Amherst NewHampshire a?ter a physica( a(tercation at my ?atherKs ho'se at EE ;ean /oa$ in MerrimacD

NewHampshire < I &ot into a ?i&ht with a man who I @e(ie%e was the 1st imposte'r o? my ?ather or possi@(y the 2n$ imposte'r to ha%e 'se$ my ?atherKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s 5 at the time I $i$ not rea(i>e that he was not my ?ather 3 I ha$ s'spicions a@o't it. 1he @(acD Dni?e was taDen @y the Amherst NewHampshire Po(ice 2epartment $'rin& their search o? my re$ 7he%y ;(a>er 3 whi(e I was stoppe$ on the si$e o? /o'te 101 5 the Dni?e was p't into an e%i$ence @a& an$ taDen to Amherst Po(ice 2epartment with my name on it an$ the year 2003. In the year 200* 3 a?ter meetin& ,i( 0man'e(e in Manchester 5 1ony Grassetti ca((e$ ,i( 0man'e(e ?rom the home phone (ine in Manchester NH at Haywar$ St on 9enneth H'$$Ks te(ephone n'm@er with 7omcast which I @e(ie%e was possi@(y E03 *13 821". ,i( 0man'e(e $i$ not answer the te(ephone ca(( an$ 1ony (e?t a messa&e on the %oicemai( 3 $'rin& this messa&e was state$ 5 A,i( itKs 1ony. I J'st ?o'n$ o't that yo'r A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(y. I $onKt want yo' to thinD I am not &oin& to @e yo'r ?rien$. IK(( @e yo'r ?rien$. :eK(( @e yo'r ?rien$s. IKm not scare$ o? yo' or anythin&... we(( may@e I am. H'st $onKt Di(( a(( o? 's. 2onKt Di(( e%ery@o$y 3 thatKs a((. :eK(( @e yo'r ?rien$s. -o' sho'($ $rinD @eers with 's or come o't to the c('@ with 's some time. 2onKt worry a@o't the JoDe a@o't the &ay thin&3 I Dnow yo'Kre not &ay ... we $onKt ha%e pro@(ems with &ays anyways. I am sittin& neFt to one ri&ht now. Gi%e me a ca(( @acD some time.A. 1his has @een pro%en to ha%e @een a persona( JoDe @etween 1ony Grasseti an$ ,i( 0man'e(e ?or reason that 1ony Grasseti is ,i(Ks co'sin an$ is in ?act o? the 0man'e(e (inea&e an$ a /oya( @(oo$e$ 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 1ony Grasseti a(rea$y Dnew the 0man'e(esK ?ami(y secret concernin& A$o(? Hit(erKs @io(o&ica( (inea&e 3 1ony Grasseti is o? the same ?ami(y. 2'rin& the year 200* < 1ony Grasseti $isc'sse$ with my roommate Scot H'nter an attacD which Aaron 0man'e(e committe$ 'pon one o? AaronKs own ?rien$s as what Aaron consi$ere$ a practica( JoDe. 1he attacD which Aaron 0man'e(e committe$ was a 7rime A&ainst H'manity that in%o(%e$ the $'mpin& o? a Hemo&(o@in ?i((e$ %ia( o? =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy =ir's c'(t're$ in Hemo&(o@in into a mi(D carton 5 this Nano0n&ineere$ =ir's containe$ a A2esi&ner GeneA or in other wor$s a 7'stom 0n&ineere$ 2NA which Aaron 0man'e(e ha$ @een Nano 0n&ineerin& whi(e in 7o((e&e. AaronKs A?rien$A m'tate$ %isi@(y < his sDin @e&an to she$ (iDe a snaDe 3 his ?orearms t'rne$ an oran&e co(or $escri@e$ as Athe co(or o? ?recD(eA 3 an$ his arms s(i&ht(y a@o%e the e(@ow $e%e(ope$ ?recD(es a(( across his chest o%er to the other sho'($er. Aaron 0man'e(e &rew 'p primari(y in /an$o(ph Massach'settes 3 Mans?ie($ Massach'settes 3 Sea@rooD NewHampshire 3 an$ Sa(is@'ry NewHampshire as we(( as Sa(is@'ry Massach'settes. 1his attacD in 200* is proo? that the 0man'e(es were a(rea$y eFperimentin& with =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy ?or p'rpose o? Aesthetic 2is&'ise 3 7amo'?(a&e 3 an$ 7osmetic ;o$y Mo$i?ication. It is $e?inite that the 0man'e(es are &oin& to attempt to maDe it i((e&a( to 2NA 1est ?or I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s soon 5 c(aimin& that it is 'nconstit'tiona( an$ a&ainst a 7iti>enKs H'man /i&hts as i? they are a champion o? the peop(e. It is $e?inite that a 2NA 1est is &oin& to @e necessary soon to pro%e in$i%i$'a(sK i$entities ?or reason that possi@(y 1 mi((ion imposte'rs are c'rrent(y in the USA ai$in& the 0man'e(esK p(anne$ Genoci$e o? the North American races 3

Israe(is 3 an$ other races. =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy has @een 'se$ to m'tate the physica( ?orm o? an$ $is&'ise the i$entity o? at (east tho'san$s o? peop(e who are c'rrent(y in the USA an$ are 'sin& the I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o? USAmerican 7iti>ens who are missin&. 1he Ita(ian A6IS ha%e p'rchase$ Hospita(s in North America which has ena@(e$ them to ?or&e Me$ica( ,orensic 0%i$ence an$ 2'p(icate ;irth 7erti?icates 3 the Ita(ian A6IS ha%e a(so em@e$$e$ A&ents within the 2epartment o? Motor =ehic(es an$ n'mero's 7ity Ha((s 5 this has a((owe$ the Ita(ian A6IS an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy to ?or&e I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s as we(( as stea( the I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o? entire ?ami(ies o? USAmerican 7iti>ens which they ha%e @een &enoci$a((y eFterminatin& an$ stea(in& the I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o? an$ the properties o? as we(( as ha%e they @een SeF 1ra??icDin& mem@ers o? these ?ami(ies. 1he Ita(ian A6IS an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e a(so 'se$ tactics in%o(%in& /acia( Pro%ocation in re&ions s'ch as the North 0ast 3 Ari>ona 3 an$ So'thern 7a(i?ornia ?or p'rpose o? $isrep'tatin& the i$enti?ication process in the U.S.A. 5 'sin& the ?ear o? a potentia( /acist 0Ftremist /e&ime to pre%ent the 7iti>enry ?rom ?ee(in& com?orta@(e con$'ctin& 2NA 1estin& an$ the Deepin& o? 2NA /ecor$s ?or p'rposes o? 0mpirica( ,orensic 0%i$ence o? e%ery in$i%i$'a(Ks I$entity. 1he Po(ice .??icerKs Uni?orm has @een a@'se$ @y the Ita(ian A6IS an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs A&ents intentiona((y 3 ?or p'rpose o? creatin& ?ear an$ resentment o? the USAmerican ,(a& an$ o? USAmerican 4aw 0n?orcement < this has a((owe$ them to more easi(y a@'se positions o? 4aw 0n?orcement 0mp(oyment. 2'rin& 200* < a ?aDe i$entity A.4 Instant Messa&e$ me whi(e I was on the internet. 1his person c(aime$ to @e a 1! year o($ ma(e whom ha$ 'n$er&one SeF /eAssi&nment S'r&ery 3 whoKs ,ather ha$ s'ppose$(y pai$ ?or it. 1his 1! year o($ ma(e s'ppose$(y ha$ @reast imp(ants an$ a seF reassi&nment which inc('$e$ the rep(acement o? the penis with a %a&ina. 1he person whom was preten$in& to @e a 1! year o($ 1rans Gen$ere$ in%i$'a( sent me a photo&raph o? what (ooDe$ (iDe 9ate 7hristiano whom I (ater met in 200!. 1he photo was a photo&raph o? the top ha(? o? 9ate 7hristianoKs ?ace. 9ateKs @('e eyes were s'rro'n$e$ in a smoDey eyesha$ow an$ $arD eye(iner. 2'rin& 200! 3 when I met 9ate 7hristiano 5 she ha$ @een somehow a$mitte$ to the same Hospita( as my se(? an$ is pro@a@(e to ha%e &otten a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace s'r&ica((y imp(ante$ in her sD'(( a&ainst her wi(( 'nDnowin&(y J'st as ha$ happene$ to my se(?. :hi(e in the hospita( 3 she asDe$ me i? I Dnew A=ictorA an$ $escri@e$ him as her ,atherKs co'sinKs ?rien$. She so'n$e$ worrie$ when asDe$ me i? I Dnew =ictor. 2'rin& 200* 5 the eyes in the photo&raph which ha$ @een 'se$ @y some stran&e sta(Der to preten$ to @e this stran&e 1! year o($ in$i%i$'a( (ooDe$ i$entica( to 9ate 7hristianoKs eyes whom I met in 200! 3 when she was 1" an$ I was 23. 9ate 7hristiano is eFact(y 0mi(y Is(esKs a&e an$ my sister Sheena Nico(e MacPhersonKs a&e. ,i( 0man'e(e tar&ette$ 1E year o($s $'rin& 200*. 9ate 7hristiano was Dnown to him an$ his @rothers as a res'(t o? her ?ami(yKs in%o(%ement in the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen. :hen 9ate 7hristiano was a$mitte$ to 7oncor$ Hospita( 3 she was incorrect(y p't on the H'%eni(e Unit an$ incorrect(y $escri@e$ as @ein& 1! a(tho'&h she was in ?act 1". 9ate

7hristiano so'n$e$ worrie$ when she asDe$ me i? I Dnew =ictor whom was =ittorio 0man'e(e. I (ater $isco%ere$ that A=ictorA was =ittorio 0man'e(e when I wa(De$ past 9ate whi(e she was eatin& at a restara'nt an$ she mentione$ A=ictor He(pin& =ictorA when $escri@in& =eterans He(pin& =eterans which was @ein& r'n @y =ittorio 0man'e(e whom was taDin& portions o? the $onations as we(( as writin& $own (ists o? American =eterans ?ami(ies names. 1he (ie in AMein 9amp?A that was to($ to co%er ?or 10 years o? AA$o(? Hit(erKsA missin& (ocation was that A$o(? Hit(er ha$ @een a home(ess =eteran ?or 10 years a?ter the 1st :or($ :ar an$ ha$ @een 'nrecor$e$ e%er eFistin& as a res'(t o? home(essness. =ittorio 0man'e(e is A$o(? Hit(erKs Great Gran$Nephew < =ittorio 0man'e(e III was A$o(? Hit(erKs @io(o&ica( ha(? @rother o? the same patri(inea( @(oo$(ine. .? re(e%ance to the ?aDe trans&en$ere$ 1! year o($ whom ha$ attempte$ to speaD to my se(? an$ my roommate Scot H'nter ran$om(y 'sin& A.4 Instant Messa&er 5 whi(e I was in ;oston $'rin& 200"3 Hosh'a ;arnes state$ that he ha$ met Aaron 0man'e(e on more than one occaision an$ that Aaron is ?rom /an$o(ph Massach'settes an$ is a A1ranny 1ra??icDerA whom SeF 1ra??icDs 1rans SeF'a(s. Hosh'a ;arnes a(so state$ that Aaron 0man'e(e was A$o(? Hit(erKs Great Gran$Nephew. :hen I met Aaron 0man'e(e in Manchester NewHampshire in 200* < whi(e with ;o@ Sha&o'ry 3 MarD SDinner 3 an$ 1ony Grasseti 5 Aaron 0man'e(e was $resse$ as a 2ra& B'een. ,i( 0man'e(e mentione$ 9ate 7hristiano twice < once whi(e in /ye NewHampshire 3 an$ secon$ time in Manchester NewHampshire 5 this was recor$e$ @y 1ony GrassetiKs recor$in& $e%ice which he wore. Soon a?ter I met ,i( 0man'e(e < some@o$y create$ a ?aDe &ay $atin& we@site pro?i(e preten$in& to @e my se(?. 1he mana&er at ,ami(y 2o((ar was ?ire$. 1he new mana&er an$ assistant mana&er at ,ami(y 2o((ar were two homoseF'a(s name$ G(enn an$ Geor&e. Geor&e 7atsopo'(os imme$iate(y @e&an winDin& at me 3 sta(Din& me aro'n$ the store 3 attemptin& to se$'ce me 3 whisperin& in my ear 3 an$ 'se$ the mana&erKs Deys to open the $oor o? the @athroom whi(e I was 'sin& the toi(et twice. Geor&e 7atsopo'(os 3 was reporte$ more than once @y my se(? ?or SeF'a( Harrassment. Geor&e an$ G(enn were @oth e%ent'a((y trans?erre$ ?rom the store to a $i??erent (ocation. I e%ent'a((y saw Geor&e 7atsopo'(os Impersonatin& Pa'( Mi((er as an Imposte'r. Pa'( Mi((er was my Unc(e ;ryantKs @est ?rien$ an$ a &oo$ ?rien$ o? my ,atherKs as we(( as my own ?rien$ 5 Pa'( Mi((erKs ?ami(y s'r%i%e$ the ho(oca'st 3 mem@ers o? his imme$iate ?ami(y ha$ Prisoner N'm@er 1attoos on their ?orearms ?rom 7oncentration 7amps wherein they ha$ @een imprisone$ an$ near(y Di((e$ with the rest o? the &enoci$e tar&ets whom were eFterminate$. I @e(ie%e that I may ha%e (ater saw Geor&e 7atsopo'(os preten$in& to @e my co'sin AH.P.A in =ermont as we((. AH.P.KsA son whom was ha(? Sici(ian an$ ha(? An&(oGae(ic American was acti%e(y $ep(oye$ in the Arme$ ,orces o? the Unite$ States o? America $'rin& the IraI an$ A?&hanistan 7on?(ict o? the :ar on 1error 5 $'rin& this time 3 a man who (ooDe$ ha(? Ita(ian an$ ha(? German was si&hte$ 'sin& his I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s in the USA. 0$ ,arrachi :arren spoDe to Anthony 2e,eo a@o't recr'itin& Geor&e 7atsopo'(os ?or the Ita(ian A6IS an$ their 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate 3 this was recor$e$. :hen I reporte$ Geor&e 7atsopo'(os ?or seF'a( harrassment 5 the A(oss

pre%ention an$ h'man reso'rcesA emp(oyee that inter%iewe$ me as a res'(t o? my comp(aint asDe$ me3 AAre these &'ys &ay 3 IanMA as i? he was ins'(te$ an$ as i? I ha$ $one somethin& immora( @y reportin& a homoseF'a( ?or seF o??enses. SeF'a( harrassment in the worDp(ace is a seF o??ense. 2'rin& the year o? 2003 3 whi(e worDin& at ;icD?or$s ,ami(y /esta'rant with 2ana Um@ro 5 I was intro$'ce$ to a man name$ 7aesar whi(e 2ana Um@ro an$ my se(? were stoppin& at ;rian 7aseKs apartment in Nash'a NewHampshire a?ter worD prior to 2ana Um@ro &i%in& me transportation home ?rom worD. It is important to mention that 7aesar was (ater present at ,ami(y 2o((ar with ;rian 7ase when they approache$ 0$ :arren an$ /osa Moreno to speaD with them. 7aesar (ater appeare$ a&ain at the store with a @an$a&e on his ?ace c(aimin& that his ?ace ha$ physica((y m'tate$ somehow an$ that he ha$ c't into it with a Dni?e whi(e ha(('cinatin& on 4yser&ic2iethy(mi$e. A ?ew months a?ter 7aesar %isite$ some@o$y at ,ami(y 2o((ar with ;rian 7ase < a man who appeare$ to ha%e =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tate$ himse(? with 7aesarKs Genetic 2NA Proteins 3 sto(en 7aesarKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s 3 'se$ the name A7esareA in the comm'nity o? Manchester NewHampshire an$ Nash'a NewHampshire @oth 3 a(so $i$ he a@$'ct H'(ie :einstein an$ wa(D her aro'n$ Manchester NewHampshire with a $o& (eash attache$ to her necD. It seems $e?inite that the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS sti(( ha%e some Din$ o? connection to the ,rancisco ,ranco Hispanic A6IS ,action 3 an$ that this Hispanic A6IS ,action is primari(y Hispanics in So'th America an$ the 7arri@eans who are (oya( to the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs NetworD as 7rime 4or$s 5 the Hispanic ,ascistas are $e?inite(y a 7arte( /e&ime which is a 7rime Syn$icate. It seems pro@a@(e that the 0man'e(es or$er their a&ents to arrest Hispanic &an&sters who p'sh their own 7arte(Ks $r'&s 3 as a means o? $istractin& the &o%ernments o? the nations in%o(%e$ ?rom the ori&in o? the $r'&s an$ the ?act that the So'th American SeF 1ra??icDers are in ?act the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs Hispanic A6IS partners. .ne eFamp(e o? this is the amo'nt o? attention that the MeFican Ma?ia ha%e &otten ?rom the USA me$ia 3 the MeFican Ma?ia are not in any way (oya( to the A6IS < the So'th American 7arte(s are $irect(y connecte$ to the A6IS an$ ha(? o? them (itera((y worD ?or the Hispanic A6IS ,ascistas an$ the Ita(ian Ho'se o? Sa%oy. A1he :ar on 2r'&sA that the USA wa&e$ in So'th America wo'($ ha%e @een more s'ccess?'( i? the USA 2epartment o? 2e?ense ha$ acDnow(e$&e$ the ?act that the most power?'( an$ wea(thy o? 7rime Syn$icates in So'th America are the ones that hi$ the :ar 7rimina(s who escape$ the N'rem@'r& 1ria(s. A1he :ar on 2r'&sA sho'($ ha%e @e&'n with an in%esti&ation into the Hispanic A6IS an$ the Ita(ian Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs connections in So'th America.

;rian 7ase ha$ connections somehow to 7hris 7hase o? Nash'a NewHampshire 3 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e 3 Gera($ AHerryA 2KAmico 3 7hris 1homas 3 =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e 3 an$ other crimina(s associate$ with the 0man'e(e 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate an$ acI'aintances o? the 0man'e(esK. ;rian 7ase was 9y(e Howar$ o? MerrimacDKs $r'& s'pp(ier in the 1""0Ks an$ 2000Ks. 9y(e Howar$ committe$ the same SeF .??ense Initiation 7rimes that are eFpecte$ o? the 0man'e(esK 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate an$ I

@e(ie%e that they recr'ite$ him into a s'@or$inate 7rime Unit which they ha$ @'i(t when he was on(y 13 years o($ or so. 9y(e Howar$ was se((in& Heroin3 7ocaine 3 4S2 3 M2MA 3 an$ other $r'&s at the a&e o? 1*. 3 2'rin& the year 200* < I was contacte$ @y an in$i%i$'a( who to($ me that she was name$ 0mi(y Is(es whom ha$ ?o'n$ my in?ormation on the ;'r>'m..r& we@site. 0mi(y Is(esKs i$entity was that she was an Asatr'ar who was * years yo'n&er than me an$ (i%e$ in .ntario 7ana$a 3 an$ that she (iDe$ many o? the same thin&s as my se(?. :e @e&an ta(Din& on a $ai(y @asis. 0mi(y (i%e$ near n'mero's co'sins o? mine an$ their co'sins in the Hami(ton .ntario re&ion an$ the Mississa'&a .ntario re&ion. 0mi(y an$ my se(? @e&an ta(Din& approFimate(y 2E ho'rs a weeD on a%era&e 3 's'a((y when I &ot o't o? worD an$ occaisiona((y @e?ore worD in the mornin& < we wo'($ 's'a((y $isc'ss Asatr' 3 m'sic 3 history 3 po(itics 3 o'r (i%es 3 o'r ?rien$s 3 o'r ?ami(y 3 an$ other thin&s. 0mi(y Is(es an$ my se(? ha$ @ecome ;est ,rien$s imme$iate(y an$ were ta(Din& constant(y e%ery $ay whene%er I was not worDin& an$ she was not s(eepin& or $oin& other thin&s which she was o@(i&ate$ to $o. 0mi(y spoDe with me more o?ten than she $i$ her @oy?rien$. It was o@%io's that i? 0mi(y an$ I (i%e$ in the same city that we wo'($ ha%e @een insepera@(e. In the year 200* 5 I ha$ 'se$ MapB'est.7om to map 0mi(y Is(esK home a$$ress ?or p'rpose o? $eterminin& how (on& it wo'($ taDe my ?rien$ to $ri%e me there i? I chose not to taDe a @'s < I (ater (ooDe$ 'p @'s ro'tes an$ ticDet prices. I ha$ $one this a@sent min$e$(y 3 ?or&ettin& that my comp'ter was repeate$(y @ein& hacDe$. I ne%er &ot to maDe this trip. I (o%e$ 0mi(y Is(es %ery m'ch 3 ,i( 0man'e(e Dnew this an$ attacDe$ her as a res'(t o? it. 2'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 5 a ,e$era( emp(oyee %isite$ me at ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n St. in Manchester NH 3 te((in& me that my te(ephone ha$ @een i((e&a((y wire tappe$ ?rom within &o%ernment o??ices 5 I was (ater in?orme$ @y this o($er &ent(eman that 0mi(y Is(esKs te(ephone ha$ @een wiretappe$ $'rin& this con%ersation as we((. He c(aime$ that what these peop(e were $oin& was i((e&a( an$ 'nwarrante$ an$ a(so that he was in%esti&atin& it. Soon a?ter this 0mi(y Is(es was a@$'cte$ ?rom her home in Mississa'&a .ntario 7ana$a near Hami(ton an$ PicDerin& in .ntario. 0mi(y Is(es is sti(( missin&. 2'rin& the year 200* 5 A0mi(y Is(esA mentione$ that a ;'r>'m..r& acco'nt ha$ @een hacDe$ an$ chan&e$ to the 'sername A;aci(('sAnthraF'sA with the s'@tit(e sayin& A1erroristA. 1his occ'rre$ J'st prior to an AnthraF Scare $'rin& which n'mero's @a&s o? AnthraF were mai(e$ to n'mero's Go%ernment .??ices an$ Go%ernment 0mp(oyees. I @e(ie%e that this was ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ his Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist ,action. 1he ;aci(('sAnthraF's User Acco'nt is pro@a@(e to ha%e @een the UserAcco'nt whom poste$ the we@site (inD to the 4i@ertarian Nationa( Socia(ist Green we@site which the 4aDota Nati%e American name$ :eise ha$ @een postin& on prior to his rampa&e an$ s'ici$e which is (iDe(y to @e the res'(t o? a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace @ein& S'r&ica( Imp(ante$ in his sD'(( an$ accesse$ wire(ess(y. AnthraF is the name o? a Hea%y Meta( @an$ as we(( as the ?'n&'s. 1he AnthraF 'se$ in the 'se$ in the AnthraF attacDs a?ter this ;'r>'m Acco'nt was hacDe$ 3 was s'ppose$(y ?o'n$ to ori&inate on a ?arm.

2'rin& the year 200* 3 whi(e in an a'tomo@i(e in :i(ton NewHampshire < I was 'sin& either my Gran$MotherKs phone or some@o$y e(sesK Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar Phone to ta(D to my ?rien$ ;ren$an P(ace. I was $isc'ssin& with ;ren$an my ?rien$ 0mi(y Is(es an$ the ?act that she co'($ @e my so'( mate. :hat I ha$ state$ to ;ren$an was that no matter where on 0arth I (i%e$ with 0mi(y 3 I wo'($ @e eFtreme(y happy as (on& as she was there to ta(D to. I eFp(aine$ to ;ren$an the amo'nt o? ho'rs which 0mi(y an$ I ha$ @een spen$in& on the phone con%ersin& with eachother 3 eFp(ainin& that I ha$ ne%er met any@o$y whom I enJoye$ speaDin& to as m'ch as 0mi(y Is(es. 0mi(y an$ I were a@(e to ta(D ?or ho'rs witho't any si(ence or @reaD in con%ersation 3 we ha$ the same interests an$ ha$ m'ch in common 3 0mi(y an$ I %ery m'ch @e(on&e$ in the same comm'nity. As o? the year 200* < 0mi(y ha$ @een the on(y Asatr'ar whom I ha$ e%er spoDen to who was c(ose to my se(? in a&e 5 since ear(y chi($hoo$3 Asatr' was an interest o? mine an$ as a yo'n& chi($ my @est ?rien$Ks ?ather /o@ert /o$on ha$ commente$ more than once to his son 7hristopher that Asatr' was (iDe(y to @e my re(i&ion when I am an a$'(t an$ that he ha$ met a ?ew Asatr'ars in his (i?e. I was a(ways %ery intereste$ in Asatr' as a re(i&ion an$ ta(De$ a@o't these Din$s o? thin&s o?ten as a chi($ as we(( as $i$ it ?it my :or($ =iew as a chi($ an$ was a primary topic o? interest concernin& rea$in& materia(s as was other ,o(D /e(i&ions. 2'rin& the year 1""5 5 /o@ert /o$on ha$ @een or$ere$ @y =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e to report to him my (ocation at a(( times an$ in?ormation a@o't me. 0mi(y was eFtreme(y Dnow(e$&ea@(e an$ we(( rea$ concernin& the Asatr' re(i&ion 5 (iDe my se(? 3 0mi(y Is(es spent a (ot o? time rea$in&. 0mi(yKs :or($ =iew was %ery simi(ar to my own as was her way o? ana(y>in& thin&s in (i?e an$ other aspects o? her way o? thinDin&. :hen I was a chi($ an$ a yo'n& a$'(t 3 I se($om ?e(t as i? the peop(e aro'n$ me were o? the same comm'nity as my se(? 5 speaDin& to 0mi(y Is(es was more important to me than speaDin& to my roommates or my eF &ir(?rien$ Sahn$ra whom at times sti(( inha@ite$ the apartment with me < I ?e(t a %ery stron& sense o? @e(on&in& with 0mi(y an$ that she was o? the same comm'nity as my se(?. I @e(ie%e that A0mi(y Is(esA may ha%e possi@(y @een a SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim o? the 0man'e(esK who was Dept capti%e in one (ocation ?or some time an$ was ?orce$ to ta(D to me an$ act as i? she was a speci?ic i$entity. My Mother was =ittorio 0man'e(eKs %ictim when she was a chi($ an$ his son 7hris 1homas 7hi($ Porno&raphe$ my se(? 3 HacD 2ionKs $a'&hter 7hristine 2ion 3 my co'sins 3 Samantha G'ay 3 an$ a photo&raph o? himse(? seF'a((y assa'(tin& my in?ant sister with his han$s. Some o? the reason ?or my (acD o? a sense o? @e(on&in& that I ha%e eFperience$ is (iDe(y to @e a res'(t o? my MotherKs ?ami(y @ein& one o? the on(y ?ami(ies o? ,irst Nations Nati%e American race in a(( o? New 0n&(an$ 3 my Nana is ha(? ,irst Nations Nati%e American an$ o? the In$i&eno's race o? pre co(onia( North 0astern North American Nati%e Americans < my ?ami(y is a(so one o? the ?o'n$in& ?ami(ies o? the U.S.American an$ 7ana$ian nations @oth an$ on @oth si$es o? the ?ami(y. My ,atherKs ?ami(y are $escen$ants o? ;ritish an$ ,rench 7o(onists whom ?o'n$e$ the U.S.A. an$ 7ana$a as is my MotherKs ?ami(y. In New0n&(an$ 3 $'rin& my (i?etime 5 racia((y U.S.American ?ami(ies @ecame a minority pop'(ation in some parts o? New0n&(an$ an$ A@enaDi3 MiDmaI3 an$ Mahican ?ami(ies @ecame near(y non eFistant. 1he maJority in the North 0ast o? the USA @ecame Ita(ians. Many o? the Ita(ian ?ami(ies (i%in& in North America are

Sa%oy 4oya(ists an$ S(eeper 7e(( ,ami(ies o? Sa%oy 4oya(ists 3 many o? these are A6IS 1errorist ?ami(ies an$ 7rime ,ami(ies o? SeF 1ra??icDers who worD with =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ his 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate. 1his con%ersation with ;ren$an P(ace occ're$ whi(e $ri%in& thro'&h :i(ton NewHampshire an$ I 'se$ :i(ton as an eFamp(e o? the Din$ o? p(ace where I co'($ (i%e with 0mi(y Is(es an$ @e happy 3 e%en with there @ein& (itt(e to $o ?or entertainment in s'ch a sma(( comm'nity 5 :i(ton is a %ery sma(( comm'nity o? (ow pop'(ation co'nt an$ is %ery r'ra( < not m'ch happens in :i(ton. I eFp(aine$ to ;ren$an that I wo'($ @e happy J'st (i%in& in a ho'se in the mi$$(e o? the woo$s with 0mi(y as (on& as I co'($ ta(D to her ?or the rest o? my (i?e. I $o not @e(ie%e that A0mi(y Is(esA was a ?act'a( person 3 the photo&raphs o? what I ha$ tho'&ht was a 7omp'ter HacDer preten$in& to @e her < were in ?act SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims whom the 0man'e(es an$ their accomp(ices ha$ a@$'cte$ 5 I @e(ie%e it pro@a@(e that A0mi(y Is(esA was ?act'a((y the %oice o? a SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim whom ha$ @een a@$'cte$ an$ was @ein& or$ere$ to ta(D to me ?or the p'rpose o? Deepin& me on the te(ephone 3 an$ &atherin& in?ormation ?rom me. It is easy to recor$ con%ersations ?rom ho'seho($ te(ephones onto comp'ters < an in%esti&ator a(so in?orme$ me that me te(ephone con%ersations were @ein& :ire 1appe$ i((e&a((y. It is now o@%io's that soon a?ter ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ 2anie( Hames met ;ren$an P(ace 3 ;ren$anKs home te(ephone @e&an to @e :ire 1appe$ @y the 0man'e(esK 1errorist Ita(ian A6IS A&ents 5 ,i( 0man'e(eKs ?ami(y p'rchase$ a property 'sin& a :ea(th /etainer in :i(ton NewHampshire on what I @e(ie%e is ca((e$ ShoreHi(( /oa$. ShoreHi(( /oa$ is the roa$ imme$iate(y 'p the hi(( a?ter the @ri$&e (ocate$ neFt to the Po(ice 2epartment in :i(ton NewHamphire 5 this property that ,i( 0man'e(e $escri@e$ as Aone o? his ?ami(yKs propertiesA was a sma(( @('e cotta&e on a hi(( o%er (ooDin& the ri%er an$ is the imme$iate ?irst or secon$ property on the hi(( o%er(ooDin& the ri%er on the ri&ht si$e o? the roa$ when tra%e((in& the roa$ 'p hi(( in the $irection away ?rom the @ri$&e an$ the Po(ice 2epartment. I @e(ie%e this cotta&e owne$ @y ,i(Ks ?ami(y or a Properties /etainer may ha%e @een n'm@er 25. .n the other si$e o? the ri%er ?rom the 7otta&e on the hi(( is a con$emne$ an$ a@an$one$ ,o'n$ry Mi(( ;'i($in& which is (ocate$ at the en$ o? P(easant /$. :i(ton @ecame a (ocation which ,i( 0man'e(e @ecame @rie?(y o@sesse$ with 5 I @e(ie%e that ,i( (istene$ to my con%ersation with ;ren$an P(ace an$ @ecame ra&e?'( at my mention o? (o%e 3 ,i( tar&ette$ 0mi(y the $ay I met him. :hi(e in Manchester NewHampshire 3 wa(Din& on 0(m Street with 1ony Grasseti an$ my se(? 5 ,i( 0man'e(e $ec(are$ that he hate$ (o%e. :ire tappin& can res'(t in te(ephone con%ersations @ein& a'$io recor$e$ 5 a 7omp'ter HacDer accessin& a te(ephone con%ersation @y way o? Ser%er HacDin& can a(so recor$ a te(ephone con%ersation. :hi(e worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar 3 I was ca'tione$ @y a ,e$era( 0mp(oyee whom %isite$ me n'mero's times at worD that my te(ephone con%ersations were @ein& wire tappe$ i((e&a((y @y a ,e$era( 0mp(oyee an$ that the sit'ation was @ein& in%esti&ate$ ?or p'rpose o? catchin& the &'i(ty party 5 I was to($ that 0mi(y Is(es was a(so a %ictim o? this. 2'rin& the year o? 200* whi(e my comp'ter was @ein& hacDe$ an$ the microphone (ocate$ on the monitor ?rame was acti%ate$ n'mero's times a((owin&

whome%er was hacDin& to (isten an$ recor$ the con%ersations occ'rrin& < I $isco%ere$ a(most imme$iate(y that this ha$ @een occ'rrin& an$ I 'np('&&e$ the microphone cor$ which (e$ ?rom the monitor ?rame to the @acD o? the comp'ter. ,or some reason 'nDnown to my se(?3 the microphone was p('&&e$ @acD in to the comp'ter tower n'mero's times which was $isco%ere$ @y my se(? 'pon ret'rnin& home ?rom worD 5 I I'estione$ Sahn$ra St..n&e a@o't this 3 she rep(ie$ @y statin& that she A$i$nKt Dnow whoA $i$ it an$ a(so that she A$i$nKt Dnow whyA she herse(? $i$ it @'t she AJ'st $i$ itA. Sahn$ra was o@%io's(y the in$i%i$'a( whom ha$ @een p('&&in& the microphone in ?or some@o$y whom was hacDin& the comp'ter most pro@a@(y ?or ,i( 0man'e(e an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e 5 I @e(ie%e that Sahn$ra ha$ @een possi@(y ta(Din& to the HacDer whom was somehow associate$ with 0$ :arren. Sahn$ra an$ I ha$ n'mero's ar&'ments a@o't this ?or reason that it Dept occ'rrin& < I @e(ie%e it pro@a@(e that the HacDer contacte$ Sahn$ra on one o? her ?rien$sK or ?ami(iesK A.4 Instant Messa&er Acco'nts an$ possi@(y threatene$ her on @eha(? o? =ittorio 0man'e(e whom Sahn$ra ha$ si&hte$ spyin& on 's J'st $ays prior ?rom the win$ow o? a $arDene$ store ?ront on 0(m Street in Manchester NewHampshire. Aro'n$ this time 3 Sahn$ra asDe$ me what it was that I (ooDe$ ?or in a &ir(?rien$ < I &a%e her a (ist o? the most important traits a companion whom wo'($ @e a possi@(e (i?e partner sho'($ ha%e3 this (ist was 5 4oya(ty3 7ompassion3 I wo'($ (iDe ?or a woman to @e a??ectionate3 hono'ra@(e an$ o? &oo$ mora( %a('es3 intereste$ in startin& a ?ami(y e%ent'a((y. Sahn$ra rep(ie$ to this @y te((in& me that my eFpectations Aso'n$e$ (iDe a (ist o? $o& traitsA an$ (iDe I was A$escri@in& a $o&A. Sahn$ra ha$ con%ince$ me to taDe her @acD a?ter I ha$ @roDen 'p with her < I ha$ attempte$ to en$ my re(ationship with Sahn$ra $'e to my tho'&ht that I was in (o%e with 0mi(y Is(es an$ $eci$e$ to @reaD 'p her ?or a secon$ time soon a?ter this con%ersation occ'rre$. I sat at the parD with her on a @ench positione$ ?acin& the :or($ :ar 2 =eterans Memoria( in =eterans ParD in Manchester NewHampshire 3 ?acin& the American ,(a& an$ the wor$s A::2 =eterans Memoria( Manchester NH 5 4oya(ty 5 Hono'rA an$ @roDe 'p with her ?or the (ast time. 2'rin& ear(y 2005 5 I ma$e p(ans with whom I tho'&ht was 0mi(y Is(es to &o to co((e&e to&ether in either 7ana$a or the USA. 0mi(y was $atin& a yo'n& man name$ 4ance an$ ha$ $eci$e$ to @reaD 'p with him. ;ein& that 0mi(y an$ 4ance ha$ @een to&ether ?or a (on& time 3 0mi(y was taDin& her time with @reaDin& 'p with 4ance ?or p'rpose o? a%oi$in& h'rtin& him emotiona((y < $'rin& this perio$ o? time 3 ,i( 0man'e(e an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e @e&an a Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are 7ampai&n in New 0n&(an$ 5 this in%o(%e$ tar&ettin& o? &ro'ps o? in$i%i$'a(s an$ 'sin& comp'ter hacDers to $'@ %i$eo an$ a'$io o%er te(e%ision pro&rammin& to psycho(o&ica((y tra'mati>e the tar&ets 3 positionin& o? i((e&a( recor$in& $e%ices within wa((s o? apartment @'i($in&s an$ the (o'$ a'$i@(e I'otin& o? con%ersations which ha$ pri%ate(y occ'rre$ within the tar&ette$ %ictimsK ho'seho($s 3 as we(( as the hirin& o? crimina(s to sta(D as we(( as harrass an$ e%en attacD %ictims. 2'rin& this perio$ o? time I @e&an to @in&e $rinD ?or a ?ew months an$ @ecame eFtreme(y $epresse$ 3 the tra'ma o? @ein& tar&ette$ in s'ch a manner create$ a (ot o? stress in my (i?e an$ as a res'(t I @ecame not on(y con?'se$ an$ comp(ete(y 'na@(e to

s(eep @'t a(so %ery (one(y an iso(ate$ ?rom most meanin&?'( h'man interaction ?or a %ery (on& time 5 most o? my socia(i>ation with other h'man @ein&s occ'rre$ at the retai( Jo@ where I worDe$ an$ was %ery impersona( an$ was o? an in&eni'ne nat're $'e to my nee$ to constant(y ?ei&n i&norance o? 0$ :arrenKs connection to the 0man'e(es ?or p'rpose o? catchin& him ta(Din& a@o't their p(ans. I @e&an ta(Din& to a woman on a Gothic Socia( NetworDin& :e@Site < this res'(te$ in my se(? $atin& a woman name$ Min$y 9ern. :hi(e $atin& Min$y 9ern3 I ha$ at ?irst remaine$ in constant contact with 0mi(y Is(es < howe%er 3 e%ent'a((y I was in?orme$ that 0mi(y was a@$'cte$ an$ I (ost contact with her. ,i( 0man'e(e a(so @e&an sta(Din& Min$y an$ ha$ an anonymo's $eath threat $e(i%ere$ @y a man who s(ippe$ the note @etween the pa&es o? her note@ooD 5 it is pro@a@(e that this was 1ony /oton$o or a man he was c(ose ?rien$s with. :hen I @e&an $atin& Min$y3 A0mi(yA crie$ an$ to($ me that she was &oin& to @reaD 'p with 4ance anyways. .n the $ay when she ha$ $eci$e$ to @reaD 'p with 4ance 3 it seeme$ as i? 0mi(y was a@$'cte$ 5 she ca((e$ me aro'n$ 8PM that ni&ht to te(( me that she ha$ J'st &otten home an$ that in her ho'se was a woman whom (ooDe$ (iDe her Mother @'t was not her Mother 3 the woman was wearin& her MotherKs c(othes an$ speaDin& (iDe she was her Mother @'t was (ooDin& at her (iDe she wante$ to Di(( her < 0mi(y was cryin& an$ scare$ an$ to($ me that she (o%e$ me an$ that she $i$nKt thinD that she was &oin& to maDe it o't a(i%e. I to($ 0mi(y to r'n to a nei&h@orKs ho'se an$ ca(( the Po(ice 2epartment3 she to($ me that she wo'($ $o that an$ that she wo'($ ca(( me (ater. 0mi(y is sti(( missin& an$ I am eFtreme(y $epresse$ a@o't it an$ worrie$. I $onKt Dnow what happene$ to her or i? she was e%en ?act'a((y the person she ha$ to($ me that she was. 2'rin& the year 200* < it @ecame eFtreme(y e%i$ent that =ittorio an$ ,i((i@erto pai$ hacDers to sta(D my comp'ter 2* ho'rs a $ay3 ! $ays a weeD 5 ;etween 200* 2013 a(( o? my comp'ter (ocations ha%e @een hacDe$ @y comp'ter hacDers at n'mero's I.P. a$$resses3 some o? which were 'ni$enti?ia@(e $'e to the ?act that some o? these HacDers were eFtreme(y we(( traine$ HacDers whom ha$ sometimes @een $irect connectin& har$ (ine to 7omcast Ser%ers an$ other 7omm'nications an$ 0ntertainment Ser%ers. M'ch o? the time 3 some o? ,i(Ks an$ =ittorioKs hacDers simp(y 'se$ 1'rDoJan so?tware an$ ha$ &aine$ access to my 7omp'ter thro'&h n'mero's typica( hacDin& metho$s. My roommatesK comp'ters were a(so tar&ets. At times3 i wo'($ notice my mo'se c'rsor mo%in& across the screen3 ?i(es openin& an$ c(osin&3 as we(( as pro&rams openin& an$ c(osin&3 ?i(es an$ pro&rams @ein& $e(ete$3 the @'i(t in microphone on my monitor @ein& acti%ate$ n'mero's times an$ e%ent'a((y @ein& (e?t acti%e3 as we(( as e%en the $isD $ri%e @ein& opene$ once or twice . A?ter a ?ew weeDs it @ecame apparent that my a$$ress an$ p(ace o? worD an$ my c'rrent (awyer at the time were mentione$ on a we@siteKs messa&e @oar$ that I ha$ poste$ on once3 the ;'r>'m ?an pa&eKs ?or'm. I was 'naware that these posts ha$ occ'rre$ an$ the physica( $escription o? my se(? was not acc'rate < a(tho'&h my $escription $i$ match the physica( characteristics o? a man name$ Michae( Hohnston o? /a%en 9in$re$ North who my ?rien$ 2a%e Marsha(( was ?rien$s with. /a%en 9in$re$ @north was a Massach'settes Asatr' or&ani>ation. I @e(ie%e that the Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate @e&an sta(Din& my se(?3 0mi(y Is(es3 Michae( Hohnston3

Michae( Moynihan3 Henry MaDow3 as we(( as my (awyer at the time A$am ;ernstein aro'n$ the same $ate that i emai(e$ Henry MaDow concernin& A$o(? Hit(erKs @io(o&ica( re(ation to =ittorio 0man'e(e III which was somehow comm'nicate$ to He?? /ense whom p'@(ishe$ an artic(e concernin& =ittorio 0man'e(e I= < ca((in& =ictor the Anti7hrist. Michae( Moynihan o? ;(oo$ AFisKs wiDipe$ia pro?i(e in 2005 0%ent'a((y the ;'r>'m ,or'mKs messa&e @oar$ was remo%e$ an$ rep(ace$ @y an empty messa&e @oar$ 5 the eFc'se ?or this was that Asome i$iotKs a$$ress ha$ @een poste$A. 4ater 3 Michae( Moynihan was @ein& ca((e$ Athat i$iotA @y an imposte'r 4ars A=ar&A %iDernes on the internet in inter%iews. Soon a?ter this3 n'mero's 4ars A=ar&A =iDernes impersonators @e&an @ein& p'@(ishe$ to the internet in photo&raphs as we(( as were n'mero's statements an$ written artic(es ?a(se(y attri@'te$ to 4ars A=ar&A =iDernes 5 at the time3 my ?rien$ 0mi(y Is(es was 4ars A=ar&A =iDernesKs pen pa( whi(e he was in prison in either 1ron$heim or 1romso Norway. 2'rin& the time that 0mi(y was pen pa(s with 4ars =iDernes 3 o'r te(ephone con%ersations were @ein& i((e&a((y wire tappe$ @y a ,e$era( 0mp(oyee whoKs eFistence I was a(erte$ o? @y a ,e$era( 0mp(oyee o? the U.S.A. &o%ernment whom was attemptin& to in%esti&ate the i((e&a( wire tappin& ?or p'rpose o? arrestin& the crimina(. 0mi(y Is(es has since @een a@$'cte$ an$ $'rin& the year 20103 I was a(erte$ that a Ser@ian woman ha$ @een 'sin& 0mi(y Is(esKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s 5 this woman is possi@i(y a SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim as is 0mi(y Is(es possi@(y now a %ictim o? SeF 1ra??icDin&. 1he (ist o? sta(Din& %ictims @e&an to increase in n'm@er an$ scope ?rom 200* to 2013 5 entire ?ami(ies @ecame %ictims o? what @ecame an eFtreme(y co%ert &enoci$e as we(( as a concentrate$ (on& term Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are 7ampai&n. 1he name A7o'nt GrishnaDhA was ?irst associate$ with ;'r>'mKs m'sician. 1he names 4ars %iDernes 3 4ars =iDernes 3 =ar& =iDernes 3 an$ 9ristian =iDernes 5 (ater @ecame associate$ with the so(e m'sician o? the @an$ ;'r>'m. 7oinci$enta((y 3 my co'sin Marco /oy (i%e$ neFt $oor to a man name$ 4ars Ho(stein or 4ars Ho((man when Marco /oy mo%e$ to :e@ster Green. 7hris /o$on an$ my se(? 'se$ to p(ay :ar7ra?t 2 on his ?atherKs (aptop comp'ters 3 I 's'a((y p(aye$ as .rcs. In 1""* 3 I rea$ the 4or$ o? the /in&s 1ri(o&y < 7hrisKs ?ather /o@ 'se$ to ca(( 's Mr. Ian 3 Mr. 7hris 3 an$ Matti in a way that was simi(ar to the characters in the 4or$ o? the /in&s Mr. ,ro$o 3 Mr. Samwise 3 an$ Merri. ;'r>'m means A2arDnessA in the ;(acD Speech o? Mor$or. I @e(ie%e that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e @ecame eFtreme(y paranoi$ o? my possi@(y seein& the man ?rom the @an$ ;'r>'m in 7ana$a3 as we(( as my ,ather possi@(y ha%in& a connection to the A=iDin& ;rotherhoo$A an$ my co'sin Marco /oyKs ?ather An$re an$ his @rother Hohn ha%in& A=iDin& ;rotherhoo$A connections within the He((s An&e(s &an& that they were a??i(iate$ with. :hen some@o$y ?rom the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ca((e$ /o@ert /o$on to asD him I'estions one $ay whi(e I was at his ho'se < /o@ to($ them that my co'sin Marco /oy (i%e$ in :e@ster Green 7on$omini'ms $own the roa$ an$ that he (i%e$ neFt $oor to 4ars Ho((man 5 /o@ert /o$on was asDe$ AHo((stein Sch(esswei&MA to which /o@ rep(ie$ 3 ANo. Ho(man. Not Ho(stein Sch(eswei&. :hat 3 $o yo' thinD e%ery@o$y has &ot thatMA. 1he /o$onKs (i%e$ in :e@ster Green 7on$omini'ms. 1he year a?ter this 3 my co'sin Marco /oy was near(y Di((e$ in an a'tomoti%e acci$ent 5 the $ri%er $ro%e o?? the roa$ an$ into trees 3 my co'sin s'staine$ a hea$ inJ'ry which res'(te$ in a minor @rain inJ'ry. :hen Marco /oy was $ia&nose$ @y a psychiatric physician 3 they to($ he that he ha$

A'ncontro((a@(e ra&e3 as a res'(t o? his @rain inJ'ryA 5 Marco $i$ not ha%e A'ncontro((a@(e ra&eA an$ there is no s'ch $ia&nosis as A'ncontro((a@(e ra&eA. :hen the a'tomoti%e acci$ent occ'rre$ 3 they ha$ @een smoDin& MariJ'ana 5 I @e(ie%e that the mariJ'ana that they ha$ @o'&ht was crysta( coate$ with the %apori>e$ 2isassociati%e $r'& that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e has poisone$ me with n'mero's times in @e%era&es 3 ci&arettes 3 mariJ'ana 3 an$ @eer. I @e(ie%e that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e may ha%e to($ the Psychiatrist to $ia&nose my co'sin with AUncontro((a@(e /a&eA as a res'(t o? his constant(y asDin& /o@ert /o$on I'estions a@o't my se(? < when I was a chi($ I (iDe$ thin&s pertainin& to =iDin&s 3 /o@ert tho'&ht to($ 7hristopher that my re(i&ion was &oin& to @e the Asatr' comm'nity when I @ecame o($er 3 an$ I (iDe$ @er>erDers in %i$eo &ames an$ ro(e p(ayin& &ames. 2'rin& approFimate(y 1""* < I to($ /o@ /o$on a@o't my ?ami(y %acation in 7ana$a an$ that whi(e I was hiDin& with my ?ather A I saw a =iDin&L He was %ery ta(( an$ he (iDe$ hea%y meta( an$ (ooDe$ Norwe&ian. He was rea((y ta((. He ha$ a hea%y meta( t shirt on.A $'rin& the years 1""* or 1""53 I saw that A=iDin&A on the te(e%ision @ein& wa(De$ into a co'rtroom or a Jai( past a sec'rity camera. 1his on(y aire$ on the news ?or two weeDs an$ I saw it at the /o$onsK home an$ my own home on the te(e%ision news. 1he man was attri@'te$ the crimes o? A;'rnin& 7h'rches 3 :orshippin& 2e%i(s 3 an$ M'r$erin& his ;est ,rien$A who was the &'itarist o? the @an$ Mayhem. I sai$ to 7hrisKs $a$ /o@ /o$on A1hatKs the man that I saw 'p in 7ana$a.A to which /o@ rep(ie$ 3 AIan3 thatKs a(( the way o%er in Norway. Are yo' s'reMA . I respon$e$ to this sayin& 3 A-es $e?inite(y 3 he m'st ha%e @een on =acation.A. Somethin& a@o't this News Se&ment seeme$ ?aDe. I saw this once at 7hris /o$onKs ho'se an$ a secon$ time at home3 where my $a$ asDe$ me AIsnKt that the &'y we saw 'p in 7ana$aMA an$ I sai$ 3 A-eah I thinD so. I pointe$ that o't to 7hris the other $ay. I saw this on the news at 7hrisKs.A . 1he &ir( who ca((e$ me ?rom North 7aro(ina in the year 1""! an$ eFp(aine$ to me what ha$ happene$ with ;'r>'m 3 ha$ hear$ that the me$ia was printin& (ies a@o't 4ars =iDernes 5 I ha$ not spoDen $irect(y to 4ars A=ar&A =iDernes whi(e he was in 7ana$a 3 my ,ather an$ my se(? ha$ simp(y wa(De$ passe$ him whi(e ta(Din& a@o't =ittorio 0man'e(e III @ein& A$o(? Hit(erKs ha(? @rother. ;eca'se o? n'mero's coinci$ences3 it is o@%io's that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e or$ere$ his Sa%oy A6IS A&ents to sta(D 4ars A=ar&A =iDernes an$ e%ent'a((y taDe contro( o? the ;'r>'m me$ia entire(y inc('$in& the m'sica( pro$'ction o? the @an$ (a@e( ;'r>'m. 2'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 3 on the internet 5 the ima&e o? 4ars A=ar&A =iDernes was rep(ace$ @y a man who ha$ a =ittorio 0man'e(e II mo'stache. 2'rin& 200* < my ?rien$ ;rian Parent ha$ @een %isitin& me at my apartment. 2'rin& this $ay 3 my comp'ter was @ein& hacDe$ < I ha$ @een st'$yin& AMein? 9amp?A3 which ha$ @een p'@(ishe$ to the internet on a we@site in itKs entirety as ha$ n'mero's (iterary worDs o? H'(i's 0%o(aKs. As a ri$ic'(o's JoDe 3 ;rian Parent p'((e$ 'p a we@site ca((e$ somethin& a(on& the (ines o? A;earsA or the A;ear 7('@A or A;ear 4o%ersA 5 ;rian Parent was a ?at homoseF'a( whom I was ?rien$s with an$ tho'&ht that it wo'($ @e ?'nny to $isp(ay on my comp'ter a Socia( NetworDin& :e@site ?or (o%ers o? ?at hairy homoseF'a( ma(es ca((e$ Athe @earsA. Soon a?ter ;rian Parent p(aye$ this pranD on me 5 an incre$i@(y (ar&e ?at homoseF'a( ma(e an$ his (i?e partner were trans?erre$ to ,ami(y

2o((ar as the new mana&ers 3 these men were name$ Geor&e an$ G(enn. Geor&e @ecame eFtreme(y o%ert(y a&&ressi%e towar$s me with his attempts to ?(irt < ?or which I warne$ him that I was a heteroseF'a( an$ to stop attemptin& to ?(irt with me. Geor&e @e&an winDin& at me 3 whisperin& thin&s in my ear 3 an$ e%ent'a((y @e&an wa(Din& aro'n$ the store with G(ennKs Deys whom was the act'a( mana&er. Geor&e was the Assistant Mana&er. 0%ent'a((y Geor&e @e&an wa(Din& in on me whi(e I was in the @athroom 3 'sin& the Deys to 'n(ocD the $oor < this happene$ twice to which I respon$e$ @y reportin& him ?or SeF'a( Harrassment 5 this res'(te$ in Geor&e an$ G(enn @ein& trans?erre$. Geor&e 'n(ocDin& the @athroom $oor ?or p'rpose o? wa(Din& in on me whi(e I was sittin& on the toi(et remin$s me o? the ?act that I ha$ ca((e$ ,i( A,i(e 3 ,eca(phi(e 3 an$ Pe$ophi(eA whi(e at Hampton ;each < a?ter ,i( ha$ ma$e the comment $'rin& which he state$ that he was &oin& to Ashit $own 0mi(yKs throat an$ rape it a?terwar$sA. It is $e?inite that the 0man'e(es ha$ pai$ hacDers to hacD my comp'ter in 200* an$ are pro@a@(y the on(y ?action o? comp'ter hacDers to ha%e $one so e%er. Geor&e was possi@(y (ie$ to @y Aaron 0man'e(e whom is =ittorio 0man'e(eKs homoseF'a( son whom =ittorio a$opte$ o't to a 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen ?ami(y when he was an in?ant. Aaron may ha%e sto(en a photo&raph o? my se(? ?rom my 200* MySpace.7om acco'nt o? which his Pro?i(e was on my ,rien$s 4ist a?ter he sent me a ,rien$/eI'est. I @e(ie%e that Aaron or one o? his @rothers ma$e a pro?i(e on a Gay 2atin& :e@site an$ p't a photo&raph o? me on it aro'n$ the approFimate year 200* an$ 2005 an$ a&ain in 200!. Geor&e was EK1A 3 approFimate(y 2*5(@s 3 thicD sDe(eta( str'ct're 3 an$ hairy 5 he was pro@a@(y the so'rce o? many o? the ::, Pro?essiona( :rest(er HoDes at the store a?ter he an$ G(enn were trans?erre$. I @e(ie%e that Geor&e was o? a miF o? Ita(ian 3 Sici(ian 3 an$ GreeD race 5 the JoDe @ein& that Geor&e was the @i& homoseF'a( &reco roman wrest(er. 2'rin& 2005 < a homoseF'a( ma(e approache$ me at the store an$ state$ < AHi ,'nnyManL ...A to which I (ooDe$ at him with con?'se$ an$ irritate$ eFpression a?terwhich he respon$e$ ner%o's(y with A.h... yo'Kre not ,'nnyMan.A this happene$ a&ain in 200! whi(e worDin& at 2'nDin 2on'ts in the Ma(( o? NewHampshire. A?ter Geor&e an$ G(enn were trans?erre$ < 0$ :arren was trans?erre$ to the 4inco(n Street ,ami(y 2o((ar store as the new mana&er. 2a%e Spears was the 2istrict Mana&er at the time. A man name$ ;rian was the Genera( Mana&er. Upon enterin& the store ?or the ?irst time 3 0$ :arren was starin& at me with a hate?'( an$ an&ry eFpression 'pon his ?ace. 0$ ,arrachi :arren was wearin& a &o($ cross which ha$ @een mentione$ on the ;'r>'m..r& we@site an$ (ooDe$ i$entica( to the one I ha$ @een re?errin& to. 1his eFact necD(ace was (ater seen in 200! @ein& worn @y a man whom was s'ppose$(y in%esti&atin& in$i%i$'a(s at N'cast in 4on$on$erry. 0$ :arren in?orme$ me e%ent'a((y that his @io(o&ica( s'rname was ,arrachi an$ that :arren was his step ?atherKs name. A?ter a ?ew weeDs 3 0$ stoppe$ @eha%in& an&ri(y @'t @e&an p(ayin& eFtreme practica( JoDes on me. I rea(i>e$ imme$iate(y a?ter 0$ ,arrachi :arren @e&an worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar 3 that he ha$ @een watchin& my comp'ter ! $ays a weeD whi(e not at worD 5 ?or this reason I @e&an stayin& awaDe e%ery ni&ht a(( ni&ht an$ $isp(ayin& ho'rs o? ?at (a$y porno&raphy on my comp'ter @etween %i$eo &ames an$ ho'rs o? rea$in& < this was inspire$ @y the a$a&e AitKs not o%er 'nti( the ?at (a$y sin&sA. 0$ :arren seeme$ to ha%e

@e&'n $rinDin& as a res'(t o? this an$ possi@(y 'sin& cocaine to stay awaDe < 0$ ,arrachi :arren was notice$ n'mero's times as ha%in& pow$er on his ?ace near his nose an$ $rie$ sDin on his ?ace (iDe he ha$ his hea$ in a cocaine @a& a(( ni&ht an$ ha$ @een $rinDin& 5 Shannon ;'rston @e&an ca((in& 0$ :arren A/a>or /amoneA as a re?erence to the pro?essiona( wrest(er A/a>or /amoneA which was a pro?essiona( wrest(er with a persona mo$e(e$ a?ter the cocaine tra??icDin& 7'@ano ?rom the mo%ie Scar?ace. 0%ery mornin& 3 0$ ha$ to &et co??ee ?rom the 2'nDin 2on'ts at =ista ,oo$s neFt $oor in or$er to stay awaDe. 0$ mentione$ A=ictorA an$ A=ittorioA in the store n'mero's times < open(y mentione$ that he was insta((in& somethin& in the cei(in& 3 a@o%e the styro?oam cei(in& pane(s 5 that was comprise$ o? 15 styro?oam @a((s which containe$ e(ectronic $e%ices that were o@%io's(y ?or the p'rpose o? maDin& a'$io recor$in&s. 2'e to (acD o? s(eep an$ his constant(y ha%in& to watch ?at (a$ies on my comp'ter which was r'nnin& 2* ho'rs a $ay ! $ays a weeD 3 e%en whi(e not worDin& 5 whi(e Sahn$ra was 'sin& it $'rin& the $ay < 0$ seeme$ to @ecome psycho(o&ica((y e??ecte$ @y the comp(ete (acD o? s(eep ?or a year. 2'e to the tra'ma o? ha%in& met A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(y 3 I co'($ not s(eep at a((. I @e(ie%e that the hacDer whom was hire$ to worD with 0$ ,arrachi :arren simp(y accesse$ 9enneth H'$$Ks in home networD @y metho$ o? =ittorioKs a&ent a((owin& him access to 7omcastsK Ser%ers which were the Internet Ser%ice Pro%i$er that 9enneth H'$$ ha$ p'rchase$ internet access ?rom an$ a 7omp'ter HacDer that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e Dnew 3 settin& 'p 0$ :arren with a comp'ter hacDin& with a so?tware pro&ram that a((owe$ him to watch my comp'ter screen 5 a?ter accessin& o'r comp'ters 3 the entire networD seeme$ to @e accessi@(e @y the comp'ter hacDersK comp'ters which res'(te$ in an e??ect simi(ar to o'r comp'ter r'nnin& win$owe$ on the hacDersK comp'ters s'ch as :in$ows /emote Assistance worDs. 0$ :arren was $e?inite(y instr'cte$ @y =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e to watch me an$ (earn e%erythin& that he co'($ a@o't me 5 this res'(te$ in my worDin& approFimate(y E0 to 80 ho'rs a weeD at ,ami(y 2o((ar with 0$ ,arrachi :arren an$ s(eepin& an a%era&e o? what was approFimate(y on(y 3 ho'rs a weeD tota( ?or a@o't two years. 9enneth H'$$ may ha%e reporte$ the comp'ter hacDin& to 7omcast < i? he $i$ 3 it was ?or some reason i&nore$ @y 7omcast an$ we contin'e$ to @e hacDe$. 2'rin& the year 200* 3 whi(e @ein& incessant(y comp'ter hacDe$ < I starte$ $isp(ayin& $is&'stin& ima&es an$ %i$eos in attempt to annoy the hacDers eno'&h to ca'se them to stop 5 a?ter a ?ew months 3 I chan&e$ the $esDtop ima&e to a @(acD @acD&ro'n$ with re$ ?ont that sai$ AS1.P HA79ING M- ,U79ING 7.MPU10/A. Imme$iate(y a?ter I chan&e$ $esDtop @acD&ro'n$ to say AStop hacDin& my ?'cDin& comp'terA 3 0$ :arren @e&an sayin& ANoL Ian the answer to that is 3 NoLA repeate$(y to me whi(e at worD. 2'rin& the month (ea$in& 'p to this 3 Aaron 0man'e(e ha$ a$$e$ me as a ?rien$ on MySpace.7om 5 I $i$ not Dnow Aaron %ery we(( at a(( an$ ha$ on(y met him 5 or E times. Aaron 0man'e(e is the @rother o? ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e 3 2anie( Hames 3 an$ 7hris 1homas < an$ is one o? =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs sons. A?ter Aaron 0man'e(e a$$e$ me as a ?rien$ on MySpace.7om 3 I chan&e$ my MySpace.7om pro?i(e to nothin& @'t teFt o? an artic(e a@o't ci%i(ians @ein& Di((e$ $'rin& a @om@in& in 2e'tsche(an$ $'rin& the Secon$ :or($ :ar 3 my name on my pro?i(e to ASi& Hei(LA 3 an$ the I'ote @esi$e my name to AN.LA. Aaron 0man'e(e a$$e$ me on MySpace.7om a?ter I ha$ @een spoDen to @y ,i((i@erto

0man'e(e 3 2anie( Hames 3 an$ 1ony Grasseti 3 a@o't my emai( to Henry MaDow in?ormin& Henry MaDow that A$o(? Hit(er was =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs ha(? @rother. 2'rin& the approFimate year 200" 3 the /ep'@(ican Party was @ein& ca((e$ 1he Party o? ANo.A @y peop(e as a res'(t o? their s'ppose$ %otin& ANo.A on e%erythin& ;aracD .@ama propose$ 5 it is a possi@i(ity that this was a 7omp'ter HacDer 0$it on the 1e(e%isions in NewHampshire 3 i? so < it was recor$e$ at the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 7omp'ters. A?ter rea(i>in& that it was $e?inite(y 0$ :arren that was watchin& my comp'ter an$ that he Dnew the 7omp'ter HacDers who ha$ @een pai$ to hacD my comp'ter < I @e&'n to $epri%e my se(? o? s(eep an$ remain on the comp'ter ?or the entirety o? the time that I was not at worD 5 ?or p'rpose o? creatin& e%ent'a( psycho(o&ica( stress @y $epri%in& 0$ :arren o? s(eep an$ eFposin& him to the h'mo'r o? ha%in& to watch ?at (a$ies ! ni&hts a weeD ?or approFimate(y 5 ho'rs a ni&ht as intermission @etween my %i$eo &amin& sessions 3 con%ersations 3 an$ rea$in&. :hi(e my comp'ter was @een watche$ @y the 0man'e(esK an$ 0$ :arren as a res'(t o? their 7omp'ter HacDer hacDin& my comp'ter 3 0$ :arren was instr'cte$ to insta(( Impro%ise$ 0(ectronic A'$io /ecor$in& 2e%ices a@o%e the Styro?oam 7ei(in& Pane(s at ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n Street in Manchester NewHampshire $'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005. AItKs not o%er 'nti( the ?at (a$y sin&sA res'(te$ in 0$ :arren maDin& JoDes an$ re?erences to the %i$eos 3 ima&es 3 con%ersations 3 an$ %i$eo &ames that he witnesse$ @ein& $isp(aye$ on my comp'ter screen. 1he recor$in& $e%ices that 0$ :arren insta((e$ a@o%e the styro?oam cei(in& pane(s at ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n Street in Manchester NewHampshire $'rin& the year 200* 3 are pro@a@(e to ha%e @een en&ineere$ o? Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone parts an$ Acco'stic /ecor$in& Microphones < these recor$in&s were pro@a@(e accesse$ @y an irre&'(ar 'se o? an Internet NetworDin& Protoco( or @y $ia( 'p te(ephone ca(( @y an internet so?tware te(ephone 5 these were recor$e$ @y Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 7omp'ters3 'n@eDnownst to 0$ :arren an$ =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e. 1here is a(ot o? e%i$ence o? the ?act that 0$ :arren was one o? the in$i%i$'a(s watchin& my comp'ter $'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005. :hi(e I was worDin& with 0$ :arren 3 one $ay 0$ :arren starte$ maDin& m'sic with his mo'th an$ t'rnin& his @o$y in a way that resem@(e$ a monster animation ?rom a %i$eo&ame ca((e$ Mi&ht an$ Ma&ic 2. 0$ :arren a(so ma$e noises an$ so'n$s an$ I'ote$ the 7oach an$ /e?eree ?rom the &ame M'tant 4ea&'e ,oot@a((. ;oth o? these were Se&a Genesis &ames that I was p(ayin& on my comp'ter. 0$ :arren a(so ma$e m'sic with his mo'th which so'n$e$ eFact(y the same as the m'sic ?rom the 1"!0Ks ?i(m A7(ash o? the 1itansA which occ'rs $'rin& the Me$'sa scene 3 it was a?ter this scene that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs ?ace appeare$ on the te(e%ision screen an$ spoDe AI $i$ not $o this to yo'LA whi(e @esi$e him was a @'@@(in& potion in a @ott(e an$ two 2rac'(a han$s ?rom the &ame 7ast(e%ania Symphony o? the Ni&ht &raspe$ an$ ?(oate$ across the screen. 0$ :arren ma$e a re?erence to the 2ataHacD ?rom the &ame Sha$owr'n 3 that the A2ecDerA has sticDin& o't o? the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace in his sD'((. I @e(ie%e that 0$ :arren a(so ma$e a re?erence to the Pers'a$otron o? the &ame Syn$icate an$ the se(? $estr'ct mo$e o? the An$roi$ So($ier in the &ame as we(( as the openin& animation seI'ence which portrays a person &ettin& hit @y a car that a@$'cts them. A(so possi@(y recor$e$3 0$ :arren

spoDe with a n'm@er o? Hispanic ma(es a@o't A,at (a$iesA 3 c(aimin& that I ha$ a persona( seF'a( ?etish ?or o@ese women 5 whi(e worDin& 3 a n'm@er o? hispanic ma(es approache$ me an$ sai$ to 0$ :arren somethin& in%o(%in& AGran$e 1atasLA AGran$e SenoritasLA A4os Gran$es MamasLA an$ A1hey are too Gran$esLA. A yo'n& man who (ooDe$ to @e a@o't 22 3 wa(De$ into the store whi(e (ooDin& at me an$ sayin& to his ?rien$ AI hear$ he ch'cD o?? to that shit 3 $'$eLA< this man was (ater p(ace$ in a Jai( ce(( neFt to mine $'rin& 2011 a?ter I ha$ @een incarcerate$ ?or two months $'e to a ?ist ?i&ht. 0$ :arren ?reI'ent(y ma$e re?erences to ?at (a$ies 3 at one point I ma$e a ::, 4a$$er match Pro?essiona( :rest(in& comment 5 A-o' co'($ &et a (a$$er an$ &et a har$ start 3 r'nnin& ?rom a $istance... an$ J'mp o?? the (a$$er 3 to mo'nt.A. 0$ :arren ?reI'ent(y ca((e$ me a A$irty @ir$A an$ attempte$ to eFpose to me in a s'rprisin& manner that he was watchin& my comp'ter < I ?ei&ne$ comp(ete i&norance o? this 5 0$ :arren @e&an sayin& s'rprise$ A-o'K%e &ot no i$eaM -o'K%e &ot no i$eaL -o' rea((y &ot no i$eaL -o'K%e &ot no i$eaLA.1he mo'se c'rsor on my comp'ter screen mo%e$ on itKs own ?reI'ent(y 3 the $isD $ri%e eJecte$ on itKs own more than one time 3 an$ my microphone was acti%ate$ remote(y @y a ?orei&n comp'ter constant(y. 0$ :arren pro%e$ @eyon$ a reasona@(e $o'@t on recor$in& that it was himse(? who was watchin& my comp'ter. 0$ :arren @e&an sin&in& the theme son& to AMonty PythonKs 4i?e o? ;rianA ?or a weeD or two an$ ma$e ?reI'ent I'otes ?rom the mo%ie 5 this occ'rre$ a?ter the mo%ie ha$ @een watche$ on my comp'ter. B'ote$ @y Anthony 2e,eo whi(e worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n Street in Manchester NewHampshire was the A0%ery@o$y 2anceLA 7(o'$ person ?rom 2on Hert>?e($tKs A/eJecte$ 7artoonsA 3 the son& AS'per 8A @y the @an$ A:e((e 0r$@a((A 3 a son& @y the @an$ A:o(?sheimA 3 an$ the mo%ie AMonty PythonKs 5 4i?e o? ;rianA. As a res'(t o? my ?ei&nin& st'pi$ity 3 Anthony 2e,eo an$ 0$ ,arrachi :arren $isc'sse$ crimina( acti%ities an$ p(ans ?reI'ent(y whi(e @ein& A'$io /ecor$e$ as we(( as whi(e stan$in& in ?ront o? =i$eo 7amera < 0$ a(so open(y $isc'sse$ with others =ittorioKs an$ ,i((i@ertoKs p(ans as we(( as 0$Ks part in these p(ans. A(( o? this was recor$e$. 0$ ,arrachi :arren @e&an p(ayin& cr'e( practica( JoDes on me aro'n$ the store 3 s'ch as te((in& the pre&nant co worDers that I ?o'n$ their pre&nancy to @e seF'a((y attracti%e. At one point 3 my co worDe$ Samantha Gi@orsonKs mo'th mo%e$ an$ sai$ A7h'cDa 3 ch'cDa 3 ch'cDa 3 ch'cDa 3 ch'cDa 3ch'cDa 3 ch'cD a sticD 3 Sam'rai.A an$ (ooDe$ aro'n$ con?'se$ 3 A:hatKs a ch'cDa ch'cDa sticD Sam'raiM :ho J'st $i$ thatMA 5 Samantha was either ?orce$ to say this @y a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace that ha$ @een S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ in her sD'(( or was to($ eFact(y what to say an$ how to say it @y 0$ :arren. A7h'cDa 3 ch'cD a sticD 3 sam'raiA was my se(? narratin& my %ers's match o? :ar7ra?t3 that I was p(ayin& on the internet3 when a (ar&e n'm@er o? 1ro(( Spear 1hrowers an$ an .rc Sam'rai Di((e$ a n'm@er o? enemy 'nits an$ the .rc Sam'rai Di((e$ the (ast 'nit. I? Samantha Gi@orsonKs mo'th was ?orce$ to mo%e @y ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 3 this is proo? that the peop(e who mo%e$ her mo'th Dnew a@o't my :ar7ra?t3 session that weeD an$ ha$ hear$ what I ha$ sai$ 5 (o&ica((y 3 this wo'($ ha%e to either @e my se(? or the 7omp'ter HacDers who hacDe$ my comp'ter an$ acti%ate$ the microphone on my comp'ter. I $i$ not p't a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace in my own sD'(( an$ it has @een

s'r&ica((y imp(ante$ in my sD'(( since 200! a&ainst my wi((. 0$ :arren ma$e a JoDe a(('$in& to the ?act that he p't internet p'rchase$ comp'ter connecte$ spy cameras in the @athrooms a@o%e the cei(in& ?an an$ @ehin$ the mirrors. A?ter maDin& this JoDe3 he state$5 AIKm J'st JoDin&. ItKs not i((e&a( as (on& as I te(( yo'. IKm J'st JoDin&3 tho'&h. Ian3 I p't cameras in the @athroom.A H'st in case this was tr'e3 I ma$e it a point to $irect a mi$$(e ?in&er at them e%ery $ay. -ears (ater3 I hear$ that the same thin& happene$ at 2'nDin 2on'ts on Secon$ Street in Manchester New Hampshire USA. 1here was a me>>anine (o?t a@o%e the @athrooms in the stocD room at ,ami(y 2o((ar3 @ehin$ the (o?t there was a c(oset space. It wo'($ @e easy to wire a spy camera incase$ in a hy&o?ormic t'@e an$ a (on& US; wire or other ca@(e to a comp'ter in the c(oset space or in a @oF 'p in the (o?t3 with a ho(e c't in the @ottom ?or the wire to han& $own into the @athroom cei(in& space or a wa(( space. Some peop(e re?er to these mini cameras as spy cams or %oye'r cams3 these ha%e @een so($ on the internet ?or a@o't 15 years. 2'rin& 2005 the ;orat mo%ie was re(ease$ 5 the 9a>ahDstan Nationa( Anthem paro$y is the (yric A9a>ahDstan is the &reatest co'ntry in the wor($ 3 a(( other co'ntries are a(( r'n @y (itt(e &ir(s < 9a>ahDstan has the &reatest potassi'm 3 a(( other co'ntries ha%e in?erior potassi'm.A 1his mo%ie was re(ease$ a?ter the episo$e o? the A(i G Show aire$ 5 $'rin& this episo$e 3 Sasha ;aron 7ohen as ;orat maDes the JoDe A7an I p't a camera in the (a$ies toi(etMA. 1his was aire$ imme$iate(y a?ter 0$ ,arrachi :arren possi@(y ha$ a &'y rep(ace the mirrors in the @athroom with a two way mirror with a camera @ehin$ it as we(( as wire a hy&o?ormic t'@e$ miniat're spy camera a@o%e the ?an which was (ocate$ a@o%e the toi(et in @oth @athrooms. Somehow 3 0$ ,arrachi :arren Dnew e%ery time a ?ema(e emp(oyee was in the @athroom 'sin& her ce(( phone 5 0$ ,arrachi :arren ?ire$ my coworDer A$mira ?or 'sin& her mo@i(e ce(('(ar te(ephone in the @athroom to teFt messa&e. 1here is no way 0$ ,arrachi :arren wo'($ ha%e Dnown this witho't hi$$en cameras in the restrooms. 4ater $'rin& 200! 5 a A(iI'i$ Potassi'm s'pp(ementA was &i%en to me at a Hospita( which (ater t'rne$ o't to @e a se$ati%e < this was an oran&e mi(Dy s'@stance that taste$ (iDe oran&e creamsic(e @'t was a se$ati%e. A?ter this $iFie c'p o? (iI'i$ se$ati%e was ?e$ to me 5 I was H'man =i%isecte$ @y a Ne'roS'r&ery team whom imp(ante$ a prosthetic Ne'ro7irc'it Patch in my sD'(( which &ra?te$ on to the s'r?ace o? my @rain an$ a S'r&ica( Imp(ant /o'ter G ;attery which s'm tota( is a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace. Sasha ;aron 7ohen was my ?a%orite come$ian $'rin& 200* an$ 2005 5 Sasha ;aron 7ohen is an Israe(i whom (i%es in the U9. My other ?a%orite come$ian was 2a%e 7hape((e. 2'rin& a stan$ 'p act at a come$y c('@ which was recor$e$ an$ aire$ on H;. 5 2a%e 7hape((eKs (e& @e&an spasmin& (iDe a $o& @ein& pet an$ he ye((e$ AIK%e &ot a microchip in my @rainLA which res'(te$ in app(a's an$ he eFite$ the sta&e 5 I @e(ie%e that this was an animation which 7omp'ter HacDers transmitte$ ahea$ o? the norma( si&na( that was pro&ramme$ that e%enin&. In the years 200* an$ 2005 5 two mo%ies aire$ on 7omcast $'rin& which Mosta?a I@nSa'$ appeare$ as an eFtra. In @oth o? these mo%ies 3 Mosta?a was caste$ as a

Gan&ster 1errorist type character. Mosta?a was ro(( ca((e$ $'rin& the caste (istin& as AMosta?a I@nSa'$ as Mosta?a I@nSa'$A. 1his aire$ on 7omcast on 9enneth H'$$Ks 7omcast acco'nt. 9enneth H'$$ (a'&he$ an$ sai$ AMosta?a I@nSa'$ as Mosta?a I@nSa'$L :here ha%e I seen that name @e?oreMA 1he &'ns in the mo%ies that Mosta?a I@nSa'$ an$ others were wei($in& were (ater seen in Manchester NewHampshire in a Green P(astic 1ote 7rate p'rchase$ at :a( Mart 5 the imposte'rs o? Cach An$rosDi an$ his ?raterna( twin @rother Nate An$rosDi were @oth in possession o? these mi(itary &ra$e ?irearms an$ a pisto(. 1he imposte'r o? Nate An$rosDi pose$ in photo&raphs on ,ace;ooD with these ?irearms with an in$i%i$'a( whom I @e(ie%e is an imposte'r o? Hohn Sa(i%a. 1hese photo&raphs were poste$ aro'n$ the year 200". 1hese ?irearms were ?irst seen in their possession $'rin& 200!. 2'rin& 200* 5 2anie( Hames mentione$ to ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e whi(e wa(Din& to /ye ;each in /ye NewHampshire < A,i(M 2i$nKt yo' &et Mosta?a a ro(e in a mo%ie recent(yMA to which ,i( 0man'e(e rep(ie$ 3 AI am not s're yet 3 I am &oin& to ha%e to checD on that soon. I ha%enKt hear$ @acD a@o't it yet.A 1he hacDers hire$ @y =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e ma$e 'se o? 1'rDoJan so?tware to pro$'ce ?a(se we@ sites ?or propa&an$a p'rposes an$ Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are as we(( as hacDe$ eFistant to a(ter their content. :hi(e I was 'sin& the internet ?or research an$ comm'nication3 it seeme$ (iDe certain search en&ines as we(( as my comp'tersK 'se o? them were @ein& hacDe$ an$ manip'(ate$. 4ooDin& @acD now3 it is apparent that hacDers were mirrorin& we@sites an$ e$itin& the in?ormation on them ?or psycho(o&ica( propa&an$a p'rposes 5 'sin& 1'rDoJan an$ other so?tware to accomp(ish this. 1his propa&an$a p'sh was a Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are attempt 'ti(i>in& repeate$ Psycho(o&ica( Pro?i(in& an$ attempte$ :or($ =iew 7on$itionin& 'sin& Propa&an$a simi(ar to ear(y A6IS Propa&an$a metho$s in 0'rope 5 this propa&an$a was anti nationa(ist 3 anti >ionist 3 anti ?reemason 3 anti Jewish in a&en$a < eFpresse$ ro(e re%ersa( scenarios in terms o? whom was G(o@a(ist 3 simi(ar to the 4earne$ Protoco(s o? the 0($ers o? Cion an$ other /oman ,ascist A6IS propa&an$a < this propa&an$a a(so @ecame $eni&rati%e an$ $e?amatory o? Asatr' an$ Is(am @oth as re(i&ions an$ Nationa(ism as a Po(tic. M'ch o? this propa&an$a was witho't a $escri@e$ i$entity @'t when i$entity was e%i$ent < the portraye$ i$entity was o? an eFtremist /oman 7atho(ic i$entity o? /oman Imperia(ist an$ InI'isitionist i$entity an$ seeme$ to @e ?a(se ?(a&&e$ as this ?or p'rpose that witho't this ?aca$e 3 the Ita(ian A6IS 7rimina(s en&ineerin& most o? this wo'($ @e witho't any a(i@i o? any mora( J'sti?ication ?or their acti%ities e%en inc('$in& immora( eFtremist i$ea(s. It is important to notice the rec'rrent e(ement o? /oman I$entity in what now appears to @e an Aristocratic Ita(ian 7rime Syn$icate that ?o'n$e$ the A6IS < this i$entity seems to stem primari(y ?rom a &ro'p o? $epose$ /oman Aristocratic ?ami(ies whom @ecame in%o(%e$ in .r&ani>e$ 7rime 3 0spiona&e 3 an$ 1errorism ?or p'rpose o? attemptin& systemic reconstr'ction o? the /oman 0mpire $'rin& the Me$ie%a( era an$ (ater into the 3r$ /eich 5 this @ein& H'(i's 0%o(aKs ?ami(yKs 7rime Syn$icate that at some point $'rin& the 7r'sa$es 0ra recr'ite$ the 4om@ar$ic roya( ?ami(y o? Ita(ia 3 the 0man'e(e ?ami(y. .ne o? the we@sites which appeare$ to @e a ?a(se we@site in partic'(ar c(aime$ to @e create$ an$ maintaine$ @y a ,reemason an$ c(aime$ that the ,reemasons were acti%e in creatin& a G(o@a( Nation State with Her'sa(em as the

7apita( 7ity3 this @ein& a @(atant (ie. My Great Gran$?ather was a ,reeMason an$ a 32$e&ree ;rother o? the Scottish /ite 5 I Dnow ?or a ?act that most o? what I was rea$in& was comp(ete(y inacc'rate in?ormation an$ @(atant (ies. 1he year o? this we@site @ein& poste$ was approFimate(y (ate 200*. 1his propa&an$a @rin&s to min$ the o't(awe$ Masonic 4o$&e which (ost itKs charter $'e to the n'm@er o? itKs mem@ers whom were in%o(%e$ in .r&ani>e$ 7rime an$ A6IS re(ate$ 1errorism 5 I @e(ie%e this was possi@(y H'(i's 0%o(aKs 4o$&e. 1he /o(e /e%ersa( Propa&an$a which was o? simi(ar $esi&n as the 4earne$ Protoco(s o? the 0($ers o? Cion p'@(ications < was the typica( ?a(se portraya( o? the Nationa(ist @ein& $escri@e$ as the G(o@a(ist in %a('e an$ the $escription o? the ,reeMasons as a G(o@a(ist Israe(i Imperia(ist ,action 5 this manip'(ati%e propa&an$a $escri@e$ the &oa(s o? the /oman ,ascist an$ their inten$e$ reconstr'ction o? the o($ /oman 0mpire an$ the ori&ina( /oman Imperia( &oa( o? &(o@a( conI'est3 an$ the esta@(ishment o? /ome as the capita( city o? the wor($3 @'t @(ame$ Nationa(ists an$ in partic'(ar Israe(i Nationa(ists ?or these &oa(s. 1his @(amin& o? Israe(i Na>is ?or the /oman Imperia(ists &oa(s was the res'(t o? these Cionists $ec(arin& Israe(i Nationa( In$epen$ence as a Nationa( State in the home(an$ o? what these Nationa(ists consi$er the Israe(i peop(esK ancestra( in$i&eno's home(an$. Horri@(e amo'nts o? Propa&an$a re(atin& to Asatr' was p'@(ishe$ to the internet an$ is sti(( @ein& p'@(ishe$ < some o? this in the ?orm o? $e?amati%e artic(es 3 other propa&an$a in the ?orm o? ?a(se User Pro?i(es on Socia( NetworDin& :e@Sites which are 'se$ to intentiona((y attempt to portray the Asatr' comm'nity as an o??ensi%e comm'nity an$ a ?a(se re(i&ion. ;e&inin& in the year 200* an$ contin'in& to the year 2013 5 n'mero's artic(es were p'@(ishe$ to the internet3 in ma&a>ines3 as we(( as in news papers which ?a(se(y state$ that the 7omcast 7orporation as we(( as others ha$ si&ne$ contracts with the USA &o%ernment a&reein& that they wo'($ a((ow emp(oyees o? the 2epartment o? Home(an$ Sec'rity 'n(imite$ access o? the Persona( 7omp'ters an$ .n(ine Acco'nts o? American 7i%i(ians witho't a warrant. Statements simi(ar to these were ma$e on the internet3 in newspapers3 an$ in ma&a>ines concernin& the PA1/I.1 A71 an$ s'ppose$ A:arrant(ess :iretaps o? 7i%i(iansA that the PA1/I.1 A71 a((e&e$(y &rante$ to ,e$era( 0mp(oyees 5 these statements were ?a(se an$ were p'@(ishe$ @y metho$ o? crimina( ?inancin& ?or p'rpose o? $e?amin& the U.S.A. Nationa( Go%ernment in a manner that pro%i$e$ an a(i@i to A&ents o? the 0man'e(esK an$ 0%o(asK whom worDe$ ?rom within U.S.A. ,e$era( 0mp(oyment as S(eeper A&ents. 2'rin& the year 200* 5 =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 7o%ert A&ents em@e$$e$ within the 7.I.A. an$ e(sewhere as we(( as the 7omcast 7orporation an$ other 7omm'nications 7orporations were acti%e(y :iretappin& American an$ 7ana$ian ci%i(ians te(ephone con%ersations3 hacDin& American an$ 7ana$ian ci%i(ians persona( comp'ters3 accessin& 7omm'nications an$ 0ntertainment Ser%ers an$ acco'nts re(ate$ to American an$ 7ana$ian ci%i(ians comm'nications. 1his was p'@(ishe$ in n'mero's NewsPapers an$ $isc'sse$ on the te(e%ision News. 0mi(y Is(es an$ my se(? were i((e&a((y wiretappe$ in 200* 5 a?ter which a ,e$era(

0mp(oyee o? the USA %isite$ me at ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n St. in Manchester New Hampshire whi(e at worD to speaD with me a@o't it. 1he ,e$era( emp(oyee o? the USA state$ A:ho tappe$ yo'M IKm &oin& to ha%e to (ooD into this.A 3 a?ter which he came in a ?ew $ays (ater an$ state$ A1hey &ot yo' &oin& across state (ines... internationa( (ines that is. 7ana$a. It $oesnKt maDe sense 3 yo' are @oth so yo'n&. I am &oin& to ha%e to (ooD into this.A . A?ter in?ormin& me that he was &oin& to in%esti&ate the i((e&a( wire tappin& ?'rther 3 the ,e$era( 0mp(oyee a ?ew $ays (ater a&ain approache$ me whi(e I was worDin& at the re&ister at ,ami(y 2o((ar an$ state$ AA's7anN>UDUs3 yo' sho'($ (ooD it 'pA. ,or reason that 0$ :arren was present when this occ'rre$ 5 this man is most pro@a@(y a tar&et o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs < I @e(ie%e that 0$ ,arrachi :arren wrote $own this manKs 4icenseP(ate N'm@er. 1he man was an o($er man o? approFimate(y E0 years o? a&e 3 o? primari(y An&(oGae(ic American race an$ possi@(y a sma(( amo'nt o? 2e'tsche race 3 an$ ha$ a New0n&(an$ accent. Imme$iate(y a?ter this i((e&a( wire tappin& o? mine an$ 0mi(yKs te(ephone con%ersations < Hanet Napo(itano was ?or some reason e(ecte$ to rep(ace the 2irector o? Home(an$ Sec'rity 5 the actions o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 7o%ert A&ents were camo'?(a&e$ in me$ia @y the @(amin& o? the PA1/I.1 A71 ?or i((e&a( warrant(ess wiretaps an$ 7omcast ?or a((e&e$(y si&nin& contracts with the USA ,e$era( Go%ernment a((owin& warrant(ess access to a(( comm'nications an$ persona( comp'ters. 4eon Panetta is (iDe(y to ha%e met S(eeper A&ents o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs whom worDe$ within 7.I.A. $'rin& the years 200* to 200E whi(e 4eon was 2irector o? 7.I.A. $'rin& the years 200" to 2012 5 i? these in$i%i$'a(s chan&e$ pro?ession $'rin& these years 3 it is possi@(e that he co'($ Dnow whom they wo'($ @e. It is a(so pro@a@(e that 4eon Panetta may ha%e met in$i%i$'a(s in%o(%e$ in attempts to in?i(trate Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence whi(e 4eon was Secretary o? 2e?ense. I $o not @e(ie%e that =ittorio 0man'e(e 3 ,i( 0man'e(e 3 nor any o? their associates were ?'((y aware that these ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace $e%ices were @ein& comp(ete(y recor$e$ 'nencrypte$ @y Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence an$ that the entire Ne'ro(o&y o? the =ictimsK as we(( as the A&entsK whom were Ne'roS'r&ica((y &ra?te$ with prostethic Ne'ro7irc'itry an$ a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace were recor$e$ $irect(y into the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 7omp'ters as comp(ete ;inary Ne'ro(o&y recor$in&s which inc('$es not on(y their entire Ne'ro(o&y @'t the entire @inary necessary to $ecypher their eFact tho'&hts 'sin& Ne'roScience 1ho'&ht to 1eFt So?tware which the 2epartment o? 2e?ense a(rea$y has $'e to 2A/PA ,'n$e$ /esearch. It is pro@a@(e that the 0man'e(es wo'($ ha%e at some point instr'cte$ an A&ent or A&ents to attempt to approach 4eon Panetta an$ Hanet Napo(itano a@o't the s'@Ject o? $e(etin& Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2ata permanant(y < it is eFtreme(y pro@a@(e that he wo'($ ha%e attempte$ to Psycho(o&ica((y Pro?i(e them @oth ?or p'rpose o? $iscernin& whether or not they co'($ @e pers'a$e$ to $e?ect to Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS. 2'rin& the year 2005 3 Hanet Napo(itano ma$e a statement in opposition to what she ca((e$ ANati%ismA statin& 5 A:e m'st e%er @e wary o? the $an&ero's rise o? Nati%ism.A 3 this statement so'n$e$ aDin to somethin& that a ?orei&n imperia(ist wo'($ say an$ is not somethin& a 2irector o? Home(an$ Sec'rity sho'($ ha%e @een thinDin&. It is possi@(e that this was a hacDe$ internet news artic(e. It is pro@a@(e that Hanet Napo(itano Dnows =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e 3 a mem@er o? the 4ea&'e o?

Ita(ian Gent(emen or a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 or at (east an in$i%i$'a( that co'($ ?in$ them 5 the same is pro@a@(e o? 4eon Panetta. 2'rin& 200* an$ 2005 < Anthony 2e,eo ha$ ma$e comments re&ar$in& 0mi(y Is(es 3 ca((in& her 0mi(y Ao? the Is(esA. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ his @rother 2anie( Hames ha$ ma$e a statement whi(e at Hampton ;each in 200* 3 whi(e (ooDin& at the re$ (i&hts on the ra$io towers at Is(es o? Shoa(s 5 A1hey (ooD (iDe (aser pointers. Ima&ine ha%in& (aser pointers pointe$ $irect(y into yo'r eyes ?or ho'rs... $i$nKt yo' say yo'r @est ?rien$s name was Is(esMA 2'rin& either 200* or 2005 < Hanet Napo(itano3 a ?ormer H'$&e 5 was e(ecte$ as 2irector o? Home(an$ Sec'rity to rep(ace Michae( 7herto?? whom was the ?ormer $irector o? Home(an$ Sec'rity an$ possi@(y a(so a H'$&e 5 Michae( 7herto?? a(so ha$ ?ami(y in NewHersey which an imme$iate ?irst priority tar&et o? the Ita(ian A6IS an$ the 0man'e(esK persona((y. 1he PA1/I.1 A71 &rants the 7.I.A. an$ ,.;.I. Joint terrorist tasD ?orce the a@i(ity to access an$ worD with Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence an$ other Mi(itary Inte((i&ence o? the 2epartment o? 2e?ense ?or p'rpose o? in%esti&atin& 1errorism on American soi( 5 these in%esti&ations sho'($ c'rrent(y @e occ'rrin& an$ sho'($ @e in%esti&atin& the 0man'e(esK an$ their Ita(ian A6IS ,actionKs :ar 7rimes in North America inc('$in& the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace H'man =i%isections3 :ar /apes3 an$ Genoci$e which is c'rrent(y occ'rrin& < as we(( as their connections to .r&ani>e$ 7rime an$ 1errorist A??i(iate$ In$i%i$'a(s. 2'e to =ittorio 0man'e(eKs A&ents @ein& em@e$$e$ within 4aw 0n?orcement an$ In%esti&ations in the USA an$ 7ana$a3 these in%esti&ations are @ein& c'rtai(e$ as his a&ents are re?'sin& to 'pho($ the oaths which they ha%e taDen to the nations o? the USA an$ 7ana$a an$ a(( o? their citi>ens. 2'rin& the year 200* 5 Heirarcha( 2ecapitation @ecame a primary &oa( o? the 0man'e(esK A6IS ,action. It is possi@(e that thro'&h their in?('ence @oth po(itica( an$ co%ert as we((( as @oth crimina( an$ ?inancia( 5 that the 0man'e(es ha%e attempte$ to 'se Ita(ian Americans to assist their Ita(ian A6IS ,action whether these partic'(ar Ita(ian Americans are A6IS S(eeper A&ents or not < as we(( as wo'($ they ha%e em@e$$e$ acti%e 7o%ert Ita(ian A6IS A&ents within the ,e$era( Go%ernment o? the U.S.A. in @oth 4aw 0n?orcement an$ 2epartment o? 2e?ense. 0$ ,arrachi :arren was recor$e$ as $isc'ssin& Heirarcha( 2ecapitation with n'mero's in$i%i$'a(s at ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n Street in Manchester NewHampshire $'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 < 0$ ,arrachi :arren ha$ a Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone an$ his A'tomoti%e 4icense P(ates were re&istere$ in Maine U.S.A. . 1he U.S.A. PA1/I.1 A71 ena@(es the 2epartment o? 2e?ense 3 the 7.I.A. 3 an$ the ,.;.I. < as we(( as the A((ies o? the U.S.A. on the A's7anN>UDUs Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence NetworDs an$ any whom were A((ie$ with the U.S.A. $'rin& the G(o@a( :ar on 1error 5 to access any 0(ectronic /ecor$s necessary to in%esti&ate :ar 7rimes in the U.S.A. $'rin& the G(o@a( :ar on 1error. 2'rin& the years 200* or 2005 5 0mi(y Is(es sent me an a'$io recor$in& o? herse(? per?ormin& the son& A:arA @y ;'r>'m . 0$ :arren (ater ma$e a comment whi(e at worD that shows c(ear(y that he ha$ (istene$ to the recor$in&. At the time3 I was not entire(y aware o? what he ha$ meant @'t now I am certain. 0$ :arrenKs comment to Anthony 2e?eo was A2'$e3 that @itch so'n$s (iDe she was &ettin& rape$.A an$ (ater in con%ersation state$3 AIK(( &i%e her some :ar /ape.A. 0$ :arrenKs ?ather was an Ita(ian

an$ he to($ me that his @io(o&ica( s'rname was in ?act ,arrachi. 0$ :arren ma$e another comment $'rin& 200* or 2005 that re?erre$ to yo'n& teena&e women 3 this was 5 AI (iDe them @are(y (e&a(s 3 &'yLA meanin& that 0$ (iDe$ ?ema(es who are J'st on the %er&e o? @ecomin& women. ,rom what pri%ate in%esti&ators3 my se(?3 an$ others ha%e &athere$ 5 0mi(y Is(es was a@$'cte$ $'rin& 2005 an$ has @een SeF 1ra??icDe$ an$ repeate$(y rape$ as we(( as maime$ an$ @(in$e$ $'rin& the past 8 years. A0$ ,arrachiA is a @'siness car$ which 0$ ,arrachi :arren ha$ @een 'sin& that $escri@e$ him as a AMo$e( Photo&rapherA. M'ch o? the rape an$ tort're o? 0mi(y Is(es was %i$eo recor$e$ as we(( as was the rape an$ tort're o? other American an$ 7ana$ian ?ema(es %i$eo recor$e$. M'ch o? these recor$in&s were p'@(ishe$ to the internet as were m'ch o? these transmitte$ e(ectronica((y as they were trans?erre$ ?rom the A&ents whom rape$ an$ tort're$ these women an$ the A&ents whom they associate$ with as we(( as were trainin& to commit these acts 'pon other women. I @e(ie%e m'ch o? these attacDs were recor$e$ @y 0$ ,arrachi $'rin& 200E 3 200! 3 an$ 2008. 0mi(y Is(es was (e?t with ,ranchesca Gon>a(e>Ks I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s in the New 0n&(an$ re&ion ?or some years an$ is c'rrent(y missin&. Aro'n$ the time that this con%ersation occ'rre$ 5 Anthony 2e?eo mentione$ to 0$ A:hen yo' &et in this Din$ o? tro'@(e 3 yo' ha%e to commit the same Din$ o? crimes a&ain @'t ?ar worse an$ @(ame some@o$y e(se ?or a(( o? it.A 2'rin& 200* an$ 2005 5 0$ ,arrachi :arren was recor$e$ as ha%in& $isc'sse$ with Anthony 2e,eo the ?act that 1E was A&e o? 7onsent in NewHampshire 3 meanin& that 1E was the (e&a( a&e to ha%e seF in NewHampshire. 0$ ,arrachi :arren state$ 5 AI a(most $i$nKt @e(ie%e it... yeah 3 the a&e to $o it with any@o$y.A this was a ?ew months a?ter 0$ ,arrachi :arren ha$ state$ 3 AI (iDe them @are(y (e&a(s 3 &'yLA 2'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 3 whi(e at worD 0$ :arren state$ A2own in MeFico 3 those &'ys wi(( se(( yo' their 12 year o($ $a'&hter ?or money.A 0$ :arren was o@%io's(y maDin& eFc'ses ?or somethin& speci?ic. 2'rin& the year 2000 3 Hason He??rey tooD me ?or a $ri%e $own to 2'm@arton =ir&inia to picD 'p some marJi'ana ?rom 7(int < when arri%e$ at 7(intKs apartment in 2'm@arton 3 we ha$ to picD him 'p an$ $ri%e a@o't 3 min'tes 'p the roa$ to a ho'se that his ?ami(yKs Properties Stea$ Ho($er owne$. 1his ho'se was neFt to the 4i&htho'se ;aptist 7h'rch across the street ?rom R5!11 on the same street an$ is near Stap(es Mi(( /enta( 1ownhomes. 1he Ho'se ha$ an$ sti(( has -e((ow si$in& paint 3 :hite painte$ trim 3 a $oor that is painte$ a so?t pistachio co(or 3 an$ is a 3 ?(oor @'i($in&. :hen we $ro%e 'p the $ri%eway to this ho'se to &o &et the mariJ'ana ?rom 7(intKs ?rien$ 3 A2ia@(oA was in the parDin&(ot with two other ma(es an$ a MeFican &ir( who (ooDe$ to @e a@o't ! years o($. I asDe$ 7(int i? she was an a@'ction %ictim an$ i? he was a pe$ophi(e. A ?ew months (ater 3 Hason He??rey Joine$ 7(int an$ ,i((i@ertoKs 7rime Syn$icate as a 7rime So($ier an$ con?irme$ that the (itt(e &ir( was an a@$'ction %ictim an$ that they ha$ @een rapin& an$ chi($ porno&raphin& her. ,o'r years a?ter this 3 0$ :arren ma$e the comment A2'$e... $own in MeFico 3 them &'ys wi(( se(( yo' their 12 year o($ $a'&hter. 1heyKre $irty 3 $'$e.A an$ this comment was ma$e approFimate(y * years a?ter I ha$ seen 7(int with the ! year o($ &ir( 5 ! T * S 11 3 one year (ess than 12. Some months a?ter meetin& ,i((i@erto an$ 2.H. 3 =itorrio 0man'e(e himse(? showe$ 'p at my worD at ,ami(y 2o((ar in Manchester NH on 4inco(n St with a woman who @o'&ht a pro$'ct at my re&ister. :hi(e scannin& the pro$'ct3 I hear$ him say Ahe a(most (ooDs A(@anian.A 3 AI co'($ pass him ?or A(@anianA. He a(so state$ to me approFimate(y one month (ater that his name was =itorrio with one 1 an$ that his &ran$?ather was =ittorio with two 1s. He 'ses @oth spe((in&s< =ittorio an$ =itorrio. :hi(e in the USA3 =ittorio 0man'e(e a(so 'ses the a(ias A=ictor 0man'e(eA or A=ictor McMannA. =ittorio 0man'e(eKs cre$it car$ was a(so 'se$ prior to this @y a man whom (ooDe$ to @e

o? miFe$ Ita(ian 3 Sici(ian 3 possi@(y Port'&ese race. 1his mas approFimate(y 5K!A 3 pa(e comp(eFion 3 $arD hair 3 an$ @rown eyes. He was o? (i&ht @'i($. 1his man whom appeare$ approFimate(y 32 5 @o'&ht c(eanin& pro$'cts at my re&ister (ate one ni&ht3 'sin& =ittorio 0man'e(eKs cre$it car$. =ittorio 0man'e(e has a hatre$ ?or An&(o SaFons an$ Gae(s 3 I @e(ie%e that he p'rpose(y 'ses the a(ias A=ictor McMannA to attri@'te an An&(o Gae(ic i$entity to his crimes as we(( as $oes A=ictor McMannA so'n$ (iDe an American name < =ittorio 0man'e(eKs cre$it car$ sai$ =ittorio 0man'e(e. I ha%e met =ittorio 0man'e(e on n'mero's occasions < three times at ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n St. in Manchester3 once at a &as station on ;rown A%e. in Manchester New Hampshire3 an$ once as he was ta(Din& to some@o$y who Dnew an aI'aintance o? mine3 as we(( as ha%e I worDe$ with A=ictorA 0man'e(e caterin& a $inner at the -ar$ /esta'rant which is (ocate$ on the @or$er o? Manchester NewHampshire an$ 4on$on$erry NewHampshire. ,i((i@erto an$ 2.H. @oth a$mitte$ to =ittorio 0man'e(e @ein& their @io(o&ica( ?ather3 as $i$ Aaron 0man'e(e. ;etween 200* an$ 2010 3 =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e spent a(ot o? time in New Hampshire an$ other re&ions o? New 0n&(an$ 5 =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e seems to ha%e a(ot o? acI'aintances an$ ?rien$s as we(( as associates in New 0n&(an$ an$ New -orD. :hen =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e came to my p(ace o? emp(oyment3 he sai$ to me AMy name is =ittorio... 0man'e(e... Uh... 1hatKs =ittorio with one 1 3 my &ran$?ather was =ittorio with two 1Ks ...ha%e yo' e%er hear$ o? meMA to which3 I rep(ie$ ANo. IKm sorry I $onKt Dnow who yo' are.A =ittorio then asDe$ AAre yo' s'reM I am s'rprise$ that yo' ha%enKt hear$ o? me.A 1his was the ?irst o? at (east three times that he came into the store. =ittorio 0man'e(e a(so 'ses the name =I71./ M7MANN3 his son ,i((i@erto 'ses the name ,I4. =ittorio a(so spe((s his name with 2 1Ks at times. My ?rien$ /ich 7onesc' met him once at a car a'ction when he was ?rien$s with the (oca( 7ar 7('@ A'tomoti%e 0nth'siasts in Manchester New Hampshire3 he was 'sin& the name A=ictorA at the time. I was not aware at that time that =ittorio was 'sin& the name =ictor. =ittorio mentione$ that he has a homoseF'a( son name$ Aaron whom was a$opte$ in Massach'settes @y a mem@er o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen. Aaron ha$ a(rea$y contacte$ me prior to my meetin& =ittorio 0man'e(e whi(e at worD at ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n St. 1he presense o? =ittorio 0man'e(e was eFtreme(y tra'mati>in& a?ter writin& to Henry MaDow concernin& one o? A$o(? Hit(erKs @io(o&ica( parents @ein& o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs /oya( @(oo$(ine. Prior to =ittorioKs appearance at ,ami(y 2o((ar 5 0$ :arren was wa(Din& aro'n$ chantin& A=ictorio's 3 =ictorio's 3 =ictorio'sA an$ A=ittorio 3 =ictorio's 3 =ictorio'sA. 1his occ're$ n'mero's times a?ter his appearances as we((. 0$ ?reI'ent(y $ic'sse$ A=ictorA with Anthony 2e,eo an$ occaisiona((y with %isitors at the store. A?ter =ittorio 0man'e(e starte$ sta(Din& me at my worD. =ittorioKs son 7hris 1homas @o'&ht items at ,ami(y 2o((ar at my re&ister a ?ew times 5 he 'se$ a 7re$it 7ar$ that sai$ A7hris 1homasA. 2'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 3 whi(e I worDe$ with 0$ :arren at ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n Street in Manchester NewHampshire 5 0$ :arren an$ others @e&an (yin& to the comm'nity an$ te((in& them that I was a :hite S'premacist 3 a $escen$ant o? a S(a%e .wner who was in the 9' 9('F 9(an 3 a ,ascist 3 an$ that I @e(ie%e$ that the ,e$era( Go%ernment sho'($ $etermine ?or a woman who she marries an$ pro$'ces chi($ren with. 1hey to($ peop(e that I @e(ie%e$ that a person sho'($ nee$ a A;ree$in& 4icenseA to @e a((owe$ to repro$'ce an$ that I s'ppose$(y @e(ie%e$ that it was accepta@(e to rape entire races o? peop(e. 1hese (ies were o@%io's(y the 0man'e(esK $oin&. 2'rin& this time 3 0$ ,arrachi :arren ca((e$ the Nor$ic race Athe rapist raceA 5

$'rin& this time 3 the 0man'e(esK 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate a@$'cte$ an$ rape$ as we(( as tort're$ women an$ (itt(e &ir(s o? An&(o SaFon 3 Gae(ic 3 Scan$ina%ian 3 Israe(i 3 ,irst Nations Nati%e American 3 an$ ,ranDic race as racia( tar&ets. 1his (a@e(in& o? the Nor$ic race as Athe rapist raceA is a ro(e re%ersa( A(i@i o? the 0man'e(esK 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate who are SeF 1ra??icDers that are (itera((y pro?essiona( rapists. M'ch o? the a(i@is which the 0man'e(es are attemptin& to pro$'ce in%o(%e Mora( H'sti?ication as an A(i@i. Mora( H'sti?ication as an A(i@i in%o(%es the attempte$ app(ication o? a Mora( /i&hteo'sness to the i$entity o? the &'i(ty party as an attempt to ca'se the o@ser%er o? a crime to eFc'se the crime itse(? as the res'(t o? the &'i(ty partyKs i$entity in comparison to the %ictimKs i$entity. 1he 0man'e(es ha%e @een attemptin& to 'se I$entity Po(itics an$ 1actics o? Pro%ocation to manip'(ate the perception o? the witnesses o? the en%ironment o? the %ictimKs 3 which is the en%ironment o? the %ictim 'pon whom the crimes were committe$ as we(( as the witnesses o? the 'pcomin& tria( in attempt to contro( the o'tcome o? the tria(. 2'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 3 I was in contact with one o? my eF &ir(?rien$Ks ?rien$s name$ 7ha$ Gro(sch. 7ha$ Gro(sch was a mem@er o? the :hite S'premacist .r&ani>ation A1he :or($ 7h'rch o? the 7reatorA. 7ha$ is a $e?inite tar&et o? the 0man'e(es an$ has a(most $e?inite(y @een rep(ace$ @y an imposte'r < I @e(ie%e that this is ?or reason that 7ha$ Gro(sch was ,ranDic American an$ the 0man'e(es were a?rai$ that I may e%ent'a((y te(( him what I Dnow a@o't them an$ were a?rai$ that he co'($ e%ent'a((y ta(D to the rest o? the :hite Power comm'nity a@o't the 0man'e(esK 7rimes A&ainst H'manity an$ SeF .??enses as we(( as the ?act that A$o(? Hit(er was =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs ha(? @rother 3 this wo'($ maDe those ?acts common Dnow(e$&e to the :hite /acia(ist 7omm'nity. N'mero's times 7ha$ Gro(schKs America .n(ine Instant Messa&er UserAcco'nt was hacDe$ an$ 'se$ to ta(D to peop(e @y an in$i%i$'a( that was not his se(?. 2'rin& the years 200* or 2005 3 parts o? a con%ersation that I ha$ with 7ha$ Gro(sch were e$itte$ onto a Nationa( Socia(ist Mo%ement we@site 5 this concerne$ AHeirarcha( 2ecapitationA. 1he :or($ 7h'rch o? the 7reator we@site chan&e$ n'mero's times as we(( 3 it seems some@o$y may ha%e @een 'sin& this we@sites an$ others to post cypher comm'nications 5 comp'ter hacDin& o? otherKs we@sites is o?ten 'se$ ?or this p'rpose. 2'rin& 200* an$ 2005 5 a man name$ 7esare @e&an ?reI'ent(y appearin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar to speaD to 0$ :arren. I (ater $isco%ere$ that this was the A7'@an A6ISA connection that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e c(aime$ to Dnow $'rin& 200* as we(( as was it (ater $isco%ere$ that 7esare is H'(i's 0%o(aKs &ran$son. 7esare a$mitte$ to @ein& H'(i's 0%o(aKs &ran$son on recor$in& to 0$ :arren whi(e at ,ami(y 2o((ar. 7esare ca((s himse(? the A7'@ano Ita(ianoA. It ha$ at some time @een $isc'sse$ @y 0$ :arren an$ 7esare that ,i( resc'e$ A7esareA ?rom 7'@a @y &i%in& 7esare a new set o? I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s which ha$ @een sto(en ?rom another Hispanic or 4atino ma(e a(so name$ 7esare. A?ter 7esare ha$ committe$ a @r'ta( SeF .??ense 'pon a (itt(e &ir( in 7'@a3 a &ro'p o? 7'@an men ?o'n$ him an$ cornere$ him < these men car%e$ into 7esareKs ?ace ?or p'rpose o? marDin& him an$ ran to the 7'@an Po(ice a?terwar$ to te(( them that they ha$ ?o'n$ him 5 @e?ore po(ice co'($ &et to him3 7esare ha$ escape$ ?rom the area. It was c(aime$ that ,i( met with 7esare in ,(ori$a. 1his story was Dnown amon&st the P'erto /ican comm'nity in Manchester 3 whom ha$ s'ppose$(y Dnown o? 7esare @eca'se o? a ?ew ?ami(ies whom ha$ hear$ a@o't what happene$ an$ ha$ recent(y mo%e$ to New 0n&(an$. 2'rin& 2005 3 my co worDer /osa Moreno ha$ to($ me a@o't 7esareKs ori&in an$ acte$ as i? she was $is&'ste$ @y him. 4ater $'rin& 2005 < I ca'&ht /osa ta(Din& to A7esareA a@o't ;onnie

2amon 3 who he was eFp(ainin& to her may ha%e @een a @io(o&ica( $a'&hter o? H'(i's 0%o(aKs (ate in his (i?e. /osa sai$ AoD now &o away 3 I $onKt want to &et ca'&ht ta(Din& to yo'. I $onKt (iDe yo' 3 remem@erMA as i? they were con$'ctin& an 'n$erco%er in%esti&ation. A7esareA ha$ sto(en ;rian 7aseKs ?rien$ 7aesarKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s 3 it is pro@a@(e that ;rian 7ase was worDin& ?or =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 1errorist .r&ani>e$ 7rime Syn$icate since he was a teen a&er. /osaKs h's@an$ worDe$ ?or 7omcast. .n more than one occaision 7esare wa(De$ in to ,ami(y 2o((ar an$ @e&an to $isc'ss imme$iate(y with 0$ 3 p(ans which he an$ ,i( 0man'e(e ha$ en&ineere$ which wo'($ p(ace me in a sit'ation $'rin& which I wo'($ see a ?ema(e @ein& a@'se$ horri@(y an$ wo'($ @ecome %io(ent as a res'(t o? it 5 ?or three years this seeme$ to @e a p(an o? theirs an$ this %io(ence was o@%io's(y inten$e$ to @e $irecte$ at 7esare himse(? ?or some reason. .ne $ay 7esare entere$ ,ami(y 2o((ar an$ state$ Awe &ot a $i??erent &ir( who is yo'n&er than his &ir( @y at (east a ?ew yearsA as he @e&an r'@@in& his han$s3 ?(eFe$ his ?in&ers3 an$ c(appe$ his han$s to&ether < a?terwhich he sai$ A1his shit is hot 3 I (iDe itL :eKre &oin& to 2NA her ?ace to (ooD (iDe his &ir( too an$ then he see her an$ he wi(( &et rea((y an&ry an ye(( yaaaaar&hL yaaaar&hL yaaar&hL an$ smash shit an$ want to ?i&htA . A year (ater 7esare was wa(Din& a &ir( aro'n$ Manchester NewHampshire on a (eash e%ery $ay whom (ooDe$ simi(ar Samantha ;ernstein @'t ha$ 0mi(y Is(esK ?acia( str'ct're an$ (ooDe$ to @e a@o't 13 5 this an$ reports o? this seeme$ to @e i&nore$ @y Po(ice .??icers in Manchester NewHampshire ?or a@o't 3 years. 1his was most(y $'rin& ,ranD G'intaKs position as Mayor o? Manchester NewHampshire. I @e(ie%e that this ?ema(e was the /a@@i ;arry :einsteinKs $a'&hter whom Aaron 3 ,i( 3 an$ 7esare ha$ m'tate$ with 0mi(y Is(esKs ?acia( &enetics. It has @een $isc'sse$ that ,ranD G'inta 3 4eon Panetta 3 Hanet Napo(itano 3 an$ 1om 1ancre$o ha%e connections to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ that they possi@(y worD ?or them as S(eeper A&ents. 2'rin& the year 200* 3 7esare mentione$ that ,i( 0man'e(e ha$ m'tate$ his own ,in&erPrints to taDe a comp(ete(y $i??erent ?orm 'sin& =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy an$ committe$ a series o? m'r$ers < an$ that 7esare witnesse$ ,i( (ea%e a han$ print in @(oo$ somep(ace 3 statin& 5 A1hese ,in&er Prints $o not e%en eFist. :e 'se$ =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy an$ 2esi&ner Genes to m'tate my han$ prints. 1his han$ print wi(( ne%er @e seen a&ain a?ter this. I am m'tatin& it @acD.A 1his yo'n& ?ema(e (ooDe$ a(ot (iDe the $a'&hter o? a /a@@i whom I ha$ spoDen with $'rin& the year 200*3 whom ha$ @een shoppin& at the ,ami(y 2o((ar store. I ha$ to($ this /a@@i that he ha$ a nice %est an$ ha$ spoDen with him @rie?(y 5 I @e(ie%e his name may ha%e @een ;arry :einstein an$ that his $a'&hterKs name may possi@(y ha%e @een H'(ie. I @e(ie%e 0$ ,arrachi :arren wrote $own ;arry :einsteinKs (icense p(ate n'm@er as he was p'ttin& his chi($ren into his S.U.=. an$ his wi?e an$ he were &ettin& into the %ehic(e as a res'(t o? noticin& my se(? ta(Din& a Hewish man. 0$ :arren was ?reI'ent(y writin& times 3 $ates3 an$ n'm@ers in a ye((ow note pa$ he Dept in his pocDet. A7esare ha$ @een ca((in& this &ir( A,ranchescaA 3 the secon$ A,ranchescaA seeme$ to @e one o? the &ir(s who was portraye$ in photo&raph to @e 0mi(y Is(es an$ so'n$e$ i$entica( to her %oice 3 she was @(in$e$ an$ was si&hte$ aro'n$ Manchester wa(Din& with a @(in$ sticD. 1he ?act'a( ,ranchesca Gon>a(e> was 1ony Gon>a(e>Ks sister. 2'rin& the year 200! 5 7esare was o%erhear$ in p'@(ic sayin& AMy ,ranchesca ha$ a &rowth sp'rt 3 she has &rown * inches. My ?irst ,ranchesca is a(( &rown 'p an$ has to mo%e on to &reater thin&s now.A. 7esare spoDe to 0$ :arren at ,ami(y 2o((ar a@o't 1'rDoJan* @ein& 'se$ to Pop Up 0mi(y Is(es in ?ront o? me on the comp'ter screen @ein& SeF'a((y Assa'(te$ ?or p'rpose o? ca'sin& me to @ecome %io(ent(y an&ry which 7esare $escri@e$ a&ain as @ein& Aan$ then he wi(( &et yaaaaaaaaaar&hL yarrrarrr&hL 0mmmL noL an$ r'n o't the

$oor an$ &o %io(entLA. 7esare (ater wa(De$ past me with what (ooDe$ (iDe the &ir( I ass'me is name$ AH'(ie :einsteinA on a $o& (eash an$ $o& co((ar whom he was ca((in& A,ranchescaA an$ was ta'ntin& me. Sean ,air@anDs @e&an ye((in& APe$ophi(eA at 7esare an$ writin& witness statements to Po(ice 3 as $i$ others 5 the Manchester Po(ice ?ai(e$ to react to these :itness Statements. H'(ie ha$ ,ranchesca Gon>a(e>Ks I$enti?ication 7ar$ an$ was ?orce$ to show it to po(ice < she was possi@(y 1* 3 the ?act'a( ,ranchesca Gon>a(e> was 20 years o($ an$ was 5K"A. I o%erhear$ 7esare ye((in& at H'(ie twice an$ act'a((y 'sin& the name AH'(ieA. 7esare was si&hte$ in Nash'a with H'(ie n'mero's times @y n'mero's in$i%i$'a(s as was he si&hte$ in Nash'a with her once @y my se(? an$ who I tho'&ht was Hoe 4e;aron < he was at a ho'se near 9ins(ey Street in Nash'a an$ was hear$ @arDin& at H'(ie (iDe a $o& in response to her speaDin& in (an&'a&e. In 2005 3 7esare appeare$ at ,ami(y 2o((ar an$ to($ me that I was &oin& to P'r&atory when I $ie 5 the p(ace where non 7atho(ics &o a?ter $eath i? they are not e%i( peop(e. Accor$in& to 7esare 3 a sin(ess man whom is not a 7atho(ic $oes not maDe it to hea%en a?ter $eath < instea$ he is cast into P'r&atory. P'r&atory is o?ten $escri@e$ @y 7atho(ics as @ein& a p(ace o? a@so('te $arDness an$ the state o? @ein& a@so('te(y a(one 5 comp(ete an$ permanant sensory $epri%ation. I was a(so to($ @y 7esare that this was &oin& to @e the ?ate o? my re(i&io's comm'nity. 1his was aro'n$ the $ate that 0mi(y was a@$'cte$. 7esare to($ me that I was a &oo$ man an$ that I ha$ a ?aith @'t that it was the wron& ?aith an$ that my se(? an$ my peop(e were &oin& to P'r&atory. I was in?orme$ $'rin& 200" that 0mi(y Is(es ha$ @een @(in$e$ @y 7esare an$ ,i( whom tie$ her 'p an$ pointe$ (aser pointers into her eyes which they statione$ %ice &rippe$ in ?ront o? her. 1his (aserin& o? 0mi(yKs eyes was pre me$itate$ an$ in 200* 2anie( Hames an$ ,i(i@erto 0man'e(e ma$e statements whi(e in Hampton NewHampshire that a(('$e$ to this. 2'rin& 2005 5 A7esareA entere$ ,ami(y 2o((ar store to speaD to 0$ :arren an$ mentione$ $oin& some horri@(e thin&s to a partic'(ar woman that some@o$y (o%e$. It so'n$e$ as i? he was ta(Din& a@o't rapin& a manKs wi?e or ?i(min& her cheatin& on her h's@an$ with 7esare. 7esare c(aime$ to 0$ that he was &oin& to p'@(ish this to the internet an$ ha%e a hacDer 'se a pro&ram (iDe 1'rDoJan to pop 'p the pro&ram on the screen o? the inten$e$ tar&et. 1he p'rpose o? this was state$ @y 7esare to @e ?or the p'rpose o? $ri%in& the man cra>y to commit acts o? %io(ence. I now @e(ie%e that this was the @e&inin& o? 7esareKs p(annin& to $ri%e me insane an$ to %io(ence. ,or a@o't 2 years a?ter this 3 7esare was witnesse$ in the company o? a m'ch yo'n&er ?ema(e whom he was constant(y a@'sin& an$ treatin& (iDe a conc'@ina( s(a%e < this yo'n& teena&er (ooDe$ simi(ar to 0mi(y @'t (ooDe$ eFtreme(y resem@(ant o? the $a'&hter o? the /a@@i I ha$ met whom I @e(ie%e was name$ ;arry :einstein. 2'e to my con?(ict a%oi$ance concernin& 7esare an$ E0T ho'r a weeD worD sche$'(e I $i$ not ha%e the a@i(ity to i$enti?y her an$ protect her ?rom 7esare < I eFpecte$ that the comm'nity an$ the Po(ice wo'($ protect her 3 ?rien$s o? mine wrote :itness Statements n'mero's times as $i$ others 5 n'mero's peop(e &ot into physica( a(tercations with 7esare as a res'(t o? his treatment o? whom I now @e(ie%e was H'(ie :einstein. In the year 2005 5 7esare an$ 0$ :arren ha$ @een $isc'ssin& escapin& J'stice @y metho$ o? ?aDin& $eath 'sin& a AMachia%e((iA tactic. 1he statement ma$e was AI? yo' co'($ Machia%e((i yo'r $eath sentence 5 yo'Kre &o($en an$ &one. -o' J'st machia%e((ie$ o't o? a(( o? yo'r (i?eKs responsi@i(ities an$ thensome. Now < i? yo' co'($ (ea%e some@o$y e(se with that shit3 yo'Kre &one comp(ete(y witho't a trace.A 2'rin& this time in the year 2005 5 7esare ha$ sto(en I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s an$ some@o$y e(sesK (i?e entire(y 5 he entere$ ,ami(y 2o((ar tri'mphant(y one $ay sho'tin& AMA7HIA=044ILA with his arms 'p as i? he ha$ J'st won a @oFin& match an$ eFp(ainin& that he ha$ J'st AMachia%e((ie$A. In the year 200!3 7esare (ocDe$ a man whom 'se$ to worD at ,ami(y 2o((ar name$ 1ony Gon>a(e> in a @asement in Manchester an$ ?e$ him mi(D tainte$ with =ira( =ector Gene

1herapy =ira( Strains containin& 7esareKs own 2NA 5 &ra$'a((y m'tatin& 1ony to (ooD i$entica( to 7esare an$ a?terwar$ re(ease$ 1ony ?rom the @asement which (e$ to 1ony @ein& (ater arreste$ an$ char&e$ with 7esareKs crimes. 7esare tooD 1onyKs sisterKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s in the year 200E < A,ranchesca Gon>a(e>A was an I.2. that 7esare (e?t 0mi(y with that he ha$ pre%io's(y ?orce$ H'(ie to carry. I @e(ie%e I ear(ier o%erhear$ 0$ an$ 7esare $isc'ssin& 'sin& ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace to animate a Machia%e((i =ictimKs mo'th to mo%e in a co'rtroom to maDe a ?a(se con?ession or to ho($ his mo'th sh't to pre%ent him ?rom speaDin& that he was not 7esare. :hi(e worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n Street in Manchester $'rin& 200* an$ 2005 5 0$ :arren was co((ectin& $r'& test 'rine samp(es ?rom me at (east once a weeD. 0$ was $eman$in& that I ?i(( a 'rine c'p to test ?or $r'&s whi(e at worD. I was the on(y person who ha$ to taDe $r'& tests in the @athroom. I ne%er ?ai(e$ a sin&(e $r'& test. I ne%er stoppe$ to thinD a@o't the ?act that these 'rine tests were most (iDe(y @ein& &i%en to crimina(s in or$er to &et them into &o%ernment positions s'ch as Po(ice 2epartments 3 ,;I 3 7IA 3 an$ Home(an$ Sec'rity as we(( as Airport Sec'rity. I $i$ not ha%e a $r'& pro@(em3 nor any $r'& con%ictions 5 there was no reason that i sho'($ ha%e @een ma$e to &i%e 'rine samp(es. I nee$e$ the Jo@ an$ 0$ ,arrachi :arren was ta(Din& a(ot in ?ront o? my se(? an$ cameras a@o't e%erythin& that has ma$e it to this :itness Statement as we(( as =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e 3 whom ha$ come in to the store to sta(D me n'mero's times as we(( as ta(D to 0$ :arren. 0$ ,arrachi :arren was seen writin& $own n'm@ers on a ye((ow pa$ o? paper n'mero's times < at ?irst it appeare$ as i? he was taDin& notes to remin$ himse(? to $o thin&s 3 now it is o@%io's that he was writin& $own (icense p(ate n'm@ers an$ te(ephone n'm@ers. I @e(ie%e that 0$ :arren ma$e (ists o? the (icense p(ates o? racia((y Israe(i peop(e an$ Hews whom appeare$ at ,ami(y 2o((ar as we(( as in$i%i$'a(s whom he @e(ie%e$ may ha%e arri%e$ to speaD to me. In$i%i$'a(s whoKs (icense p(ates I @e(ie%e 0$ :arren ha$ written $own are 5 ;arry :einstein whom was the Hewish /a@@i 3 MarD C'cDer@er& o? ,ace@ooD3 Samantha ;ernstein whom was the Nash'a (awyer A$am ;ernsteinKs sister 3 Michae( Smith o? the U(?ar o? Hera 1heo$ Asatr' Din$re$ 3 Michae( Hohnston an Asatr'ar 3 2ean 9amen whom was an in%entor who (i%e$ a ?ew mi(es ?rom my parentsK MerrimacD NewHampshire resi$ence across the town(ine in ;e$?or$ NewHampshire3 an mi$$(e a&e$ A>tec man o? a name 'nDnown to my se(? 3 my ?rien$ Mo((y Go$$ar$ 3 Peter Stee(eKs ?rien$Ks neice ?rom NewHersey 3 more than one Asatr'ar 3 two o($er mi$$(e a&e$ ma(es whom were Hewish 3 /a&nar 9ar(sonKs ?ami(y whom were Ice(an$ic 3 ;en 4in$@er& whom was a 2e'tsche American I ha$ atten$e$ the same mi$$(e schoo( as3 Hosh Go($en whom I ha$ atten$e$ the same schoo( as 3 ;ra$ Sa@(e whom was a Hewish ?rien$ o? mine 3 ;rian Sweet whom was a ?rien$ o? mine ?rom MerrimacD NewHamphire3 Hosh He@ert whom was a ?rien$ ?rom MerrimacD3 a &oth &ir( with (on& @(on$e hair whom I (ater went to Manray in 7am@ri$&e Massach'settes with 3 my A'nt 4es(ie whom (i%e$ in Manchester 3 a E0 year o($ B'e@ecois woman whom I spoDe with a ?ew times who seeme$ to Dnow Hen ;ea'$in 3 a man Anthony 2e,eo tho'&ht was :hitey ;'(&er 3 G(enn A2an>i&A An>a(oneKs @rother 3 a woman whom (ooDe$ (iDe Hanet Napo(itano an$ whom appeare$ to @e shoppin& with her nephew. I @e(ie%e mem@ers o? MarD C'cDer@er&Ks ?ami(y may ha%e @een attacDe$ an$ may @e tar&ette$ ?or rep(acement @y espiona&e a&ents $'e to his acc'm'(ate$ wea(th as we(( as the ?act that he is Hewish an$ (i%e$ in the North 0ast o? the U.S.A. .

:hi(e (i%in& at 38" Haywar$ Street Apartment R3 < te(e%ision shows aire$ $'rin& the year 200* which @oth portraye$ scenarios re(e%ant to the ?'t're p(ans o? ,i(Ks an$ =ittorioKs as we(( as scenarios which @ecame o@session o? ,i(Ks an$ =ittorioKs $'e to their constant ea%es $roppin& o? my apartment at 38" Haywar$ Street Apartment R3. 2'rin& the year 200*3 I mentione$ to Sahn$ra my @e(ie? that Athe I(('minatiA which Henry MaDow an$ I ha$ @rie?(y $isc'sse$ that Henry ha$ p'@(ishe$ artic(es a@o't < ha$ p'@(ishe$ me$ia an$ pro$'ce$ mo%ies that ?oresha$owe$ their own attacDs an$ crimes ?or p'rpose o? $iscre$itin& witnesses @y maDin& them appear as schi>ophrenic an$ as $i(('siona((y ima&inin& themse(%es as rea( (i?e characters ?rom mo%ies an$ @ooDs as schi>otypa( in$i%i$'a(s o?ten $o. In$i%i$'a(s s'ch as ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e3 whom ha%e mi((ions o? $o((ars accessi@(e to them which are o?? recor$ 5 ha%e the a@i(ity to ?'n$ speci?ic me$ia an$ s'rro'n$ e%en one %ictim o? theirs with propa&an$a in me$ia 3 $irect(y speci?ica((y at their tar&et %ictim as Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are ?or the p'rpose o? $esta@(i>in& the in$i%i$'a(Ks psycho(o&y an$ $iscre$itin& them as a witness to them crime which was committe$ 'pon them. 1his wo'($ @e the case 3 ?or instance 5 i? ,i( 0man'e(e wante$ to escape n'mero's A&&ra%ate$ ,e(onio's SeF'a( Assa'(t o? a Minor char&es ?i(e$ a&ainst him @y one %ictim. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs an$ =ittorio 0man'e(eKs acti%ities in%o(%in& 1errorism an$ 7rimes A&ainst H'manity o?ten in%o(%e ?orsha$owin& in me$ia < ?or instance3 there was an episo$e o? a te(e%ision show which aire$ in the (ate 1""0Ks that portraye$ a terrorist attacD a(most i$entica( to the " 11 1errorist AttacD. 2'rin& 200* an$ 20053 two te(e%ision shows aire$ which a(so seeme$ to ha%e $one this 5 the ?irst episo$e was the @e&inin& o? A ?o'r episo$e se&ment o? a season o? a te(e%ision series in%o(%in& 1errorism an$ 7rime In%esti&ation. 2'rin& this episo$e i @e(ie%e that a character mentione$ seF tra??icDin&. 1he openin& scene o? the secon$ episo$e @e&ins with a &ir( whom ha$ &otten a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace rippe$ o't o? the @acD o? her sD'(( at her necD. 1he ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace was attache$ to her Me$'(a .@(on&ata an$ ha$ @een @ein& 'se$ @y a 1errorist to contro( her. 1hese were @ein& 'se$ to SeF 1ra??icD women 3 m'r$er ci%i(ians @y metho$s s'ch as ?orcin& a man to Jo& into ?ast mo%in& a'tomoti%e tra??icD 3 an$ ca'se 1errorist AttacDs. At the en$ o? the thir$ episo$e 3 in%esti&ations res'(te$ in openin& a $oor in a room which is ?i((e$ with mechanica( contraptions that are connecte$ seI'entia((y an$ react to one another (iDe chemistry < the cata(yst that @e&ins the c(ocDworD mechanica( chain o? reactions @e&ins with a mar@(e @ein& re(ease$ ?rom a &'m@a(( machine which ca'ses a $omino e??ect that tri&&ers ra$io ?reI'ency transmissions that $etonate eFp(osi%es a(( o%er the p(anet3 create e(ectronic chain reactions3 tri&&er Arti?icia( Inte((i&ence Ne'roScience So?tware 1ransmissions to ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces 3 an$ Di(( peop(e restraine$ in traps simi(ar to the mo%ie Saw. It is pro@a@(e that this te(e%ision episo$e was an inspiration ?or ,i( 0man'e(e concernin& e(ectronic crime. 7'rrent(y3 tho'san$s o? 7i%i(ians ha%e ;7Is in their @rains. At the en$ o? the ?o'rth episo$e o? this te(e%ision show 3 the se&ment o? this series was conc('$e$ with ,;I A&ents an$ a Swat 1eam enterin& a @'i($in& an$ ?in$in& a terroristKs (ocation 5 enterin& a room he is in to (ocate him an$ $isco%er the terrorist (eanin& @acD as(eep in a chair with an 0(ectro0ncepha(oGraphy He(met on his hea$. 1he man in this episo$e whom was the G(o@a( 1errorist (ooDe$ i$entica( to =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 7re$it 7ar$ ho($er whom p'rchase$ 7(eanin& S'pp(ies at ,ami(y 2o((ar in Manchester NewHampshire $'rin& 200*. 1his man was a@o't the same hei&ht as ;aracD .@ama an$ was o? primari(y Ita(ian as we(( as possi@(y Port'&ese or ,ranDic race. A(so $'rin& 200* < Mosta?a I@nSa'$ was connecte$ with a mo%ie caster whom caste$ him in the ro(e o? @ein& a crime carte( so($ier character in a mo%ie3 his characterKs

name was Mosta?a I@nSa'$ an$ he was caste$ as 5 AMosta?a I@nSa'$ as Mosta?a I@nSa'$A. I @e(ie%e that ,i( 0man'e(eKs an$ =ittorio 0man'e(eKs me$ia connections in mo%ie pro$'ction are what ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e 'se$ to &et Mosta?a I@nSa'$ the ro(e as the 7arte( So($ier3 ,i(Ks @rother 2.H. asDe$ ,i( a@o't this ro(e in 200* whi(e in /ye NewHampshire. 2'rin& this mo%ie Mosta?a 'ses two ?ire arms which ha%e (ater @een seen in the possession o? ,i( 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime So($iers in Manchester NewHamphire 5 these &'ns were @ein& Dept in a &reen tote crate which was p'rchase$ at :a( Mart. 1hese men are c'rrent(y (i%in& as Cach An$rosDi an$ Nate An$rosDi an$ are imposte'rs o? @oth. 2'rin& the year 200" an$ 2010 3 Nate An$rosDiKs imposte'r appeare$ on ,ace@ooD in photo&raphs ho($in& the &'ns.1here were &'n tra??icDers @'ste$ in the re&ion an$ a(so were there %i$eo&raphe$ me$ia se&ments $isp(aye$ on te(e%isions to speci?ic in$i%i$'a(s as inter'pte$ transmissions which @roa$caste$ a(tere$ se&ments o? news reports which $escri@e$ e%ents in%o(%in& &'n tra??icDin& an$ terrorism that ha$ not ?act'a( occ're$ yet. I @e(ie%e this hacDin& o? the te(e%ision @roa$castin& was an attempt at ?oresha$owin& a ?act'a( e%ent which ha$ @een p(anne$ an$ was @ein& $epicte$ in a speci?ic manner so as to e%ent'a((y ?rame some@o$y speci?ic ?or @oth the e%ent an$ the comp'ter hacDin& o? the entertainment ser%er. 2'rin& @oth mo%ies < Mosta?a appeare$ in this mo%ie wearin& his 's'a( c(othin& 5 he was wearin& a @'r&'n$y two pocDete$ co((are$ po(o sty(e shirt with @'ttons at the necD 3 @(acD Jeans 3 an$ @(acD (eather ?oot wear. Mosta?a I@nSa'$Ks character was Di((e$ in one o? these mo%ies whi(e r'nnin& $irect(y at the camera ?irin& a pisto( an$ a &'n which is simi(ar to an U>i @'t is (ar&er an$ has a @arre( attachment on it. An imposte'r o? Mosta?a I@nSa'$ was (ater 'se$ to ?i(m %i$eos o? women @ein& horri@(y a@'se$ which were 'p(oa$e$ to the internet3 $'rin& which the imposte'r is wearin& the same c(othes as Mosta?a I@nSa'$ ?rom the mo%ie that he was in an$ a sDimasD. 1hese imposte'r was a(most $e?inite to @e Geor&e 7atsopo'(os. N'mero's ?rien$s o? mine 3 whi(e (i%in& in ;oston Massach'settes 5 met Mosta?a I@nSa'$. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e intentiona((y in%ite$ Mosta?a I@nSa'$ to ;oston Massach'settes $'rin& 200* 3 2005 3 200E 3 200! 3 2008 3 an$ 200" 5 this is now 'n$erstoo$ to ha%e @een ?or the eFtreme(y o@%io's reason o? attemptin& to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa'$ 'sin& recor$e$ $ata re(e%ant to (ocation an$ time. N'mero's ?rien$s o? mine met Mosta?a I@nSa'$ whi(e he was spen$in& (eis're time in ;oston Massach'settes. 2'rin& the years 2005 3 200E 3 200! 3 2008 3 an$ 200" < n'mero's episo$es o? 1a(D Shows s'ch as Herry Sprin&er 3 Ma'ry Po%ich 3 Monte( :i((iams 3 an$ others 5 portraye$ scenarios in%o(%e$ SeF .??enses 3 Maimin& 3 SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 M'r$ers 3 an$ ;r'ta(ity which ?orsha$owe$ the 0man'e(esK p(anne$ an$ choreo&raphe$ :ar /ape 3 :ar Maimin& 3 H'man =i%isection 3 Genoci$e 3 an$ other 7rimes A&ainst H'manity which the 0man'e(esK ha$ p(anne$ $'rin& the year 200*. 1here were a(so instances o? 1a(D Shows @ein& $'@@e$ o%er with a'$io an$ animation at (ocations s'ch as MerrimacD NewHampshire an$ Manchester NewHampshire. 1his ?oresha$owin& o? :ar 7rimes in me$ia pro%es preme$itation an$ pre empti%e choreo&raphin& o? the 0man'e(esK :ar 7rimes. :hi(e at EE ;ean /oa$ in MerrimacD NewHampshire < a ta(D show episo$e aire$ that may ha%e @een e$ite$ @y a 7omp'ter HacDer hacDin& the 7omcast 0ntertainment Ser%er 7omp'ter 5 this episo$e o? a 1a(D Show $epicte$ a yo'n& (a$y who ha$ scars aro'n$ her mo'th @eca'se she was a@$'cte$ an$ rape$ @y SeF 1ra??icDers who sewe$ her mo'th sh't 3 this was the same scenario that the imposte'r o? Cach An$rosDi an$ the imposte'r o? 9eith Hammon$ $isc'sse$ in 200!. 1he secon$ se&ment o? this 1a(D Show $epicte$ a yo'n& (a$y who ha$ @een mo(este$ @y 5 men who ha$ =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tate$ an$ 7osmetic P(astic S'r&erie$ their ?aces to (ooD (iDe her ?ather an$ ha$ Di((e$ her ?ather an$ (i%e$ in her ho'se rapin& her thro'&ho't her entire chi($hoo$. 1he news co%era&e o? the Miss America pa&eant was a(so e$itte$

@y a 7omp'ter HacDer. 2'rin& 200* an$ 2005 5 0$ :arren an$ Anthony 2e?eo ma$e it o@%io's that they were p(annin& to attempt to ?rame some@o$y as a patsy ?or =ittorio 0man'e(eKs :ar 7rimes in North America concernin& he an$ H'(i's 0%o(aKs crimes in re(ation to what happene$ with 7IA ProJect M9U41/A 3 :ater&ate 3 an$ other Ita(ian A6IS ,ascist 7rime Syn$icate re(ate$ :ar 7rimes an$ /.I.7... %io(ations in North America. 0$Ks an$ AnthonyKs con%ersations re&ar$in& this ?oc'se$ on 'sin& a ScapeGoat as an A(i@i ?or 7rimes A&ainst H'manity committe$ $'rin& the AG(o@a( :ar on 1errorA a&ainst the AAFis o? 0%i(A as Presi$ent Geor&e ;'sh ha$ ca((e$ it. 1he :ar 7rimes which =ittorio an$ ,i( were tryin& to $istance themse(%es ?rom seeme$ to inc('$e somethin& in%o(%in& the " 11 1errorist AttacD @'t a(so inc('$e$ past 7rimes A&ainst H'manity an$ .r&ani>e$ 7rime /.I.7... %io(ations ?rom =ittorioKs past an$ ?'t're 7rimes A&ainst H'manity 3 .r&ani>e$ 7rime 3 an$ :ar 7rimes they ha$ p(anne$ to commit. It is important to note that the AG(o@a( :ar on 1error a&ainst the AFis o? 0%i(A inc('$e$ the wor$s AG(o@a(A 3 A:arA3 an$ AAFisA 5 this termino(o&y @ein& re(ate$ to the concept o? :or($ :ar 3 o? AFis =s. A((ies a&ain ?or reasons that the " 11 1errorist AttacD may ha%e @een ,a(se ,(a&&e$ an$ the U.S.A. 2epartment o? 2e?enseKs Mi(itary Inte((i&ence 2epartment ha$ a (acD o? in?ormation re&ar$in& the comp(ete ,action which ha$ $ec(are$ war 'pon 's < ?or this reason it was an$ sti(( is necessary to Deep the possi@i(ity that the " 11 1errorist AttacD was the @e&inin& o? :or($ :ar 3 as an open possi@i(ity that the A6IS ,action co'($ @e p(annin& a 7o%ert :ar ?or G(o@a( 7onI'est an$ G(o@a( Uni?ication. It was @e(ie%e$ that the AA6ISA ha$ p(anne$ a Pre 0mpti%e :ar?are 7ampai&n o? 7o%ert ;( 1error AttacDs an$ Sa@ota&e ?or p'rpose o? e(iminatin& the most ?ormi$i@(e o? ?oes pre empti%e(y 3 @e?ore wa&in& an .%ert :ar ?or G(o@a( 0Fpansion 5 ?or this reason the termino(o&y was (e?t ?(eFi@(e. 2'rin& the :ar on 1error 3 the me$ia in the U.S.A. an$ 0'rope @ein& promotin& the :ar on 1error as i? it was a :ar on the re(i&ion o? Is(am < $'rin& this time3 =ittorio an$ ,i((i@erto $eci$e$ to attempt to ?rame the Ho'se o? I@nSa'$ ?or their :ar 7rimes in NorthAmerica which were committe$ in synchronicity with .sama ;in4a$enKs war a&ainst the U.S.A. . ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs (on& time ?rien$ Mosta?a I@nSa'$3 whom ha$ pre%io's(y @een mentione$ @y ,i( in 200* whi(e we were in /ye NewHampshire < @ecame the imme$iate tar&et o? an attempt to ?rame the Ho'se o? I@nSa'$ ?or reason o? his ?ami(ia( re(ation to the 9in& o? Sa'$i Ara@ia whom is his $istant co'sin. ,i( 0man'e(e ma$e it o@%io's in 200* that he ha$ n'mero's A6IS connections. ,or p'rpose o? hi$in& the 0man'e(esK connections to the A6IS an$ the A6IS o? 0%i( whom ha$ anonymo's(y $ec(are$ war 'pon the USA 5 ,i( 0man'e(e nee$e$ an a(i@i to (ea$ in%esti&ations away ?rom his 7rimina( 1errorist accomp(ices whom were a??i(iates o? the in$i%i$'a(s who carrie$ o't the " 11 1errorist AttacD. ,or the reason o? his 7'(t'ra( Pro?i(e 3 Mosta?a I@nSa'$ was chosen as ,i(Ks ScapeGoat A(i@i < this is e%i$ence that Mosta?a I@nSa'$ Dnows ,i( 0man'e(e an$ possi@(y a &'i(ty accomp(ice o? ,i(Ks @'t that Mosta?a himse(? is innocent o? these crimes3 is (aw a@i$in& 3 is not tr'ste$ @y ,i( 0man'e(e 3 an$ is an eFpen$a@(e ScapeGoat A(i@i whom ,i(Ks A6IS ,action chose to attempt to sacri?ice ?or p'rpose o? mis$irectin& in%esti&ations. Mosta?a I@nSa'$ is an Ara@ian whom was (i%in& in Morrocco $'rin& 200* an$ a ?ami(ia( re(ati%e o? Sa'$i an$ .ttoman roya(ty 3 ,i( 0man'e(e o@%io's(y $eci$e$ that Mosta?a wo'($ maDe the per?ect a(i@i @eca'se Mosta?a @ein& arreste$ ?or ,i(Ks terrorist wo'($ @e what ,i( ca((e$ a Ac(ose sha%eA. 1his Ac(ose sha%eA was consi$ere$ necessary @y ,i( 3 to eFp(ain an a(ternate scenario o? a(i@i which wo'($ pro%i$e an eFc'se ?or ,i( 0man'e(e ha%in& acI'aintances who Dnew 1a(i@an Associates an$ .r&ani>e$ 7rimina(s

?rom Mosta?a I@nSa'$Ks re&iona( home(an$. Mosta?aKs i$entity is a(so a Ac(ose sha%eA to ,i(Ks 5 Mosta?aKs ancestor was the si@(in& o? the (ast 0mperor o? the .ttoman 0mpire 3 this @ein& an entity a((ie$ to the A6IS $'rin& @oth the 1st :or($ :ar an$ the 2n$ :or($ :ar. ,or reason that Mosta?a I@nSa'$ was %iewe$ as eFpen$i@(e @y ,i(i@erto 0man'e(e whom was p(ottin& to @etray his (on& time A?rien$A Mosta?a an$ ?rame Mosta?a ?or ,i(Ks own crimes 5 I $o not @e(ie%e that Mosta?a is o? .ttoman A6IS ,action nor ha%e I seen any e%i$ence that Mosta?a is in%o(%e$ in an A6IS ,action or any 1errorist .r&ani>e$ 7rimina( Acti%ity s'ch as SeF 1ra??icDin& or H'man =i%isection. ,i( 0man'e(e is a @r'ta( terrorist crime (or$ an$ a $is&'stin& miso&ynist. Mosta?a I@nSa'$ was ?irst mentione$ to me whi(e I was in /ye NewHampshire wa(Din& to /ye ;each with ,i( 0man'e(e an$ the other peop(e whom were with 's. ,i( state$ that I remin$e$ him a(ot o? his ?rien$ Mosta?a I@nSa'$ 3 so m'ch that it was stran&e. I asDe$ ,i( i? Mosta?a (iDe$ ;(acD Meta(. ,i( 0man'e(e state$ that he $i$ not @e(ie%e that Mosta?a (istene$ to any Meta( m'sic @eca'se he is Ara@ic @'t that Mosta?a (iDe$ 0(ectronic m'sic an$ was pro@a@(e to (iDe some o? the 0(ectronic m'sic that I enJoye$ (istenin& to. I mentione$ to ,i( 0man'e(e that there was an IraIi ;(acD Meta( @an$ an$ that it is possi@(e that there is an Ara@ian ;(acD Meta( @an$ or a Moroccan ;(acD Meta( @an$ that Mosta?a may ha%e hear$ < ?or this reason 3 Mosta?a an$ my se(? were @ein& ca((e$ 1he Iron SheiDs @y ,i(i@erto 0man'e(e an$ 2anie( Hames to their ?rien$ (ater. 1he Iron SheiD is a :.:.,. Pro?essiona( :rest(er who is Dnown ?or speaDin& h'moro's o@scenities an$ ha%in& @oth a (o%e an$ a hatre$ ?or Hews as a ?ictiona( persona. 1he most ?amo's Iron SheiD wrest(in&s matches ha%e @een the Iron SheiD =s. H'(D Ho&an an$ the Iron SheiD =s. the Mi&hty Macca@ee < the most ?amo's I'otes o? the Iron SheiDKs are A;rian ;(air ...yo' are a ?a&&ot 3 no &oo$ 3 (ow (i?e. I am &oin& to (et yo' Dnow that yo' are a p'nD 3 ?a& 3 &ay ... who is worse than Michae( HacDson. He is worse than Michae( HacDson ... an$ I am &oin& to &i%e him the 7ame( 7('tch 3 p't him in the S'p(eF 3 @reaD his @acD 3 then ?'cD his ass an$ maDe him h'm@(eLA 3 A;acD ;acD('n is a cheap Hew son o? a @itchLA 3 A 0%ery inte((i&ent Hew in the wor($ has @et on Mi&hty Macca@ee.A 3 AI (o%e Hewish peop(eL I (o%e e%ery inte((i&ent HewLA . Iron SheiD was inten$e$ to @e a name @y which to ins'(t my se(? an$ Mosta?a I@nSa'$ whom a(so ha$ %ery (on& hair $'rin& 200* as $i$ my se(? ?or reason that a(ot o? Hea%y Meta( m'sicians ha%e (on& hair 3 iron is a Din$ o? meta( 3 an$ Ara@ian SheiDs $onKt typica( write ;(acD Meta( m'sic. Mosta?a I@nSa'$ was (ater ?a(se(y $ec(are$ to ha%e @ecome a Satanist mem@er o? the :or($ :i$e 7h'rch o? Satan o? Anton 4a=eyKs < this was state$ @y a ?ema(e$ whom was an o@%io's SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim o? ,i(i@erto 0man'e(eKs $'rin& 2005 whi(e wa(Din& into ,ami(y 2o((ar. ;(acD Meta( m'sicians o?ten miF Satanic or Horror ima&ery with their m'sica( per?ormances or other a(@'m artworD. :hen I met Nina Hansen in Massach'settes $'rin& 1""" 5 we met at a M'sica( 7oncert 3 there was a 2eath Meta( @an$ at the concert ca((e$ Athe Iron SheiDsA. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs ?rien$ Hason was at the Iron SheiDKs concert in :orcester Massach'settes. /o@ert /o$on Dnew HasonKs ?ami(y as we(( as the 0man'e(e ?ami(y 3 Hason is re(ate$ to a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. /o@ert /o$onKs ?a%orite ::, :rest(ers were the Un$ertaDer an$ the Iron SheiD. /o@ /o$on met with a &ro'p o? men who are core o? the A6IS ,action $'rin& the year 1""5 whi(e at a Hote( on the Massach'settes an$ New-orD @or$er < these men were o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 the Ho'se o? Aosta 3 the Ho'se o? I@nSa'$ 3 an$ some others 5 this Hote( may ha%e @een a Marriot. Mosta?a I@nSa'$Ks ,ather was present $'rin& this meetin&. 2'rin& the year 200* < the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ their accomp(ices amon&st the Ho'se o? Aosta conspire$ to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa'$ an$ the Ho'se o? Sa'$ ?or the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs :ar 7rimes 5 this was spoDe o? at ,ami(y 2o((ar @y 0$ +,arrachi8 :arren an$ Anthony 2e,eo as we(( as o%er the te(ephone @y 0$ :arren an$ others. 0$ :arrenKs Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone was in his pocDet $'rin& m'ch o? his time

worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar 3 this Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone was (ocate$ at the same G.P.S. 4ocation as ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n Street in Manchester NewHampshire an$ the recor$s o? s'ch are accessi@(e @y the 2epartment o? 2e?ense Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartment. 2'rin& these $isc'ssions < 0$ :arren mentione$ that e%i$ence o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs SeF .??enses 3 :ar 7rimes 3 ;r'ta(ity 3 an$ SeF .??enses wo'($ @e (ater (eaDe$ ?rom ,e$era( an$ Mi(itary Go%ernment recor$s to @e 'se$ as propa&an$a an$ re(ease$ (iDe a Ho(oca'st 2oc'mentary 5 it was state$ that this wo'($ in?'riate the p'@(ic concernin& the Ho'se o? Sa'$ an$ that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy wo'($ @e %iewe$ as heroes (ater whi(e the I@nSa'$ ?ami(y wi(( @e hate$ &(o@a((y. .? re(ation to ,i( 0man'e(eKs an$ =ittorio 0man'e(eKs conspiracy to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa'$ 3 is a con%ersation which I ha$ with 0$ :arren concernin& ;aphomet an$ HacI'es 2eMo(ay o? the 1emp(ar 9ni&hts 5 $'rin& this con%ersation I eFp(aine$ that the ori&ina( meanin& o? the ;aphomet sym@o( was a Semitic ;a@y(onian 2eity an$ that the Pope $'rin& HaI'es 2e Mo(ayKs (i?e was in$e@te$ to HacI'es 2eMo(ay ?inancia((y an$ the 1emp(ar 9ni&hts ?inancia((y $'e to n'mero's ?a%o'rs which they ha$ $one ?or the Pope an$ ?or Pi(&rims in (ie' o? char&e3 the Pope an$ a n'm@er o? in$e@te$ Aristocrats ?rame$ HacI'es 2eMo(ay with acc'sations o? A$e%i( worshipA c(aimin& that HacI'es 2eMo(ay an$ his Dni&hts ha$ ?a((en to worship o? ;aphomet an$ other $e%i(s when in ?act the 1emp(ars ha$ worDe$ as @o$y&'ar$s an$ arme$ escorts o? Pi(&rams an$ Aristocrats witho't pay 5 inten$in& to @e pai$ at a (ater $ate. 1he ?ramin& o? HaI'es 2e Mo(ay an$ some o? the other mi(itant monDs whom were 1emp(ar 9ni&hts an$ c(ose associates o? his res'(te$ in their @ein& A@'rnt at the staDeA or in other wor$ ;'rnt at a Pyre s'ch as Hoan .? Arc was. ;aphomet was ori&ina((y a $iety o? ;a@y(onian ?o(D re(i&ion an$ was not ?act'a((y a $e%i( or e%en a $eity eI'ata@(e with what 7hristians ca(( 4'ci?er or Satan. ;a@y(on was (ocate$ in the Mi$$(e 0ast near present $ay IraI. 2'rin& 2005 < a yo'n& woman whom was o@%io's(y a SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim an$ a =ictim o? ,i(Ks an$ 7esareKs 3 wa(De$ into ,ami(y 2o((ar an$ eFc(aime$ (o'$(y an$ in a manner that so'n$e$ eFtreme(y rehearse$ 5 Athe 7h'rch o? Satan J'st recr'ite$ Mosta?a I@nSa'$L His co'sin is Sa'$i Ara@ian roya(tyL 1hese &'ys are &oin& to &et so h'&eLA as i? she were eFtreme(y happy a@o't this. 1wo weeDs prior to this woman enterin& the store an$ eFcite$(y eFc(aimin& that Anton 4a=eyKs A7h'rch o? SatanA ha$ recr'ite$ Mosta?a I@nSa'$ < I ha$ %isite$ the :or($wi$e 7h'rch o? Satan o? Anton 4a%eyKs :e@site on the Internet an$ was rea$in& their we@site 5 this was watche$ @y the comp'ter hacDers whom worDe$ ?or the 0man'e(es an$ pro@a@(y @y 0$ :arren. 7esare 3 whom was worDin& c(ose(y with 0$ ,arrachi :arren an$ the 0man'e(es < was nicDname$ A2ia@(oA in 7'@a ?or reason o? the eFtremity o? the %io(ence which 7esare committe$ $'rin& his SeF .??enses. A2ia@(oA means A2e%i(A. It seems pro@a@(e that =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ ,i( 0man'e(eKs p(an to ?rame a patsy a(i@i ?or their own crimes was ?or the reason o? sa%in& the rep'tation o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ?or p'rpose o? (ater attemptin& to rec(aim the 7rown o? Ita(ia ?or the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. Since the ?a(( o? the 3r$ /eich 3 the Ho'se o? Sa%oy has @een eFi(e$ ?rom any position o? Aristrocracy in Ita(ia 5 the Ho'se o? Sa%oy was ?orce$ to re(inI'ish their c(aimancy to the 7rown o? Ita(ia an$ accept citi>enship as simp(e 7iti>enry o? Ita(ia @arin& no 1it(e or (ea%e Ita(ia in 0Fi(e. 2'rin& the year o? 200! 3 my &ran$mother Pr'$ence MacPherson ha$ to($ me that she watche$ an inter%iew with Mahmo'$ Ame$hinaJa$ $'rin& which he eFp(aine$ that his yo'n&er sister ha$ @een a@$'cte$ @y H'man 1ra??icDers when he was a yo'n& chi($ 5 i? this is tr'e 3 it is pro@a@(e that the SeF 1ra??icDers in the re&ions o? Iran 3 PaDistan 3 Morocco 3 an$ Sa'$i Ara@ia 5 are =ittorio 0man'e(eKs own networDKs eFtensions in those re&ions an$ are his A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icateKs twin

or&ani>ation past the so'thern shores o? the Me$iterranean Sea in North A?rica3 the Mi$$(e 0ast3 an$ towar$s Greater In$ia. 1his is pro@a@(e to @e the 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate o? the Ara@ian A6IS ,action. SeF 1ra??icDin& an$ other ?orms o? H'man 1ra??icDin& is the crimina( @'siness o? Sa$ists 3 Socia( 2arwinists 3 an$ Me&a(omaniacs 5 this ?its the Psycho(o&ica( Pro?i(e o? these attacDs an$ the psycho(o&y which wo'($ @e reI'ire$ to commit them. It is $e?inite that =ittorio 0man'e(e III was A$o(? Hit(erKs ha(? @rother an$ that his $escen$ants are 7rime 4or$s o? a G(o@a( SeF 1ra??icDin& 7rime Syn$icate en&a&e$ in a :ar o? 1error an$ ;r'ta(ity internationa((y 5 this is a Socia( 2arwinist G(o@a( 1errorist .r&ani>e$ 7rime Syn$icate with the inten$e$ &oa( o? G(o@a( 7onI'est to @e achei%e$ @y any means possi@(e. 2'rin& Septem@er o? 200E 3 my Gran$mother Pr'$ence MacPherson recei%e$ a threatenin& 1e(ephone 7a(( asDin& her i? she was &oin& ?or a wa(D any time in the near ?'t're. It is @e(ie%e$ @y some that this was the year that n'mero's ?ema(es were a@$'cte$ ?rom the ;e$?or$ 7ommons apartment comp(eF o? MerrimacD NewHampshire. =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs an$ H'(i's 0%o(aKs i$entities are %ery m'ch represente$ amon&st some o? the in$i%i$'a(s whoKs crimina( acti%ities are re(ate$ to this .r&ani>e$ 7rime Syn$icate. 1here is a $e?inite 'n$er(yin& psycho(o&y within the ranDs o? the .(i&archa( pop'(ation which ha%e (or$ship o%er this 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate. 1he i$entity o? some e(ements o? this 7rime Syn$icate seems to @e o@sesse$ with /oman Imperia( 7onI'est. P A2i%i$e an$ 7onI'erA Imperia( /omans 'se$ ?a(se ?(a& tactics an$ $ip(omatic insti&ation to insti&ate war?are @etween two ?orei&n nations ?or the p'rpose o? weaDenin& the mi(itaries o? @oth nations eno'&h ?or the /oman mi(itary to in%a$e an$ conI'er one o? them. P Athe /ape o? the IceniA the B'een o? the Iceni an$ her $a'&hters were a@$'cte$ @y a &an& o? /oman 7enta'rions whom tie$ them 'p with rope 3 @r'ta((y rape$ an$ tort're$ them 3 an$ ?orce$ them to watch eachothers @r'ta( rape an$ tort're occ'rin&. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs an$ =ittorio 0man'e(eKs Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate en&a&e in an initiation ceremonia( rape as an initiation crime 5 this in%o(%es the tyin& o? a ?ema(e with rope 3 ?o((owe$ @y ho'rs o? tort're 3 an$ repeate$ rape. 1hese ?ema(es are repeate$(y assa'(te$ 3 a@$'cte$ 3 an$ tort're$ repeate$. .ther initiation crimes in%o(%e &ro'p rape o? in$i%i$'a( women which in%o(%es the act o? ?o'r men rapin& one woman. ,o'r nai(s were 'se$ to cr'ci?y Hes's< a(so3 cr'ci?iFions o?ten reI'ire$ ?o'r /omans to commit the eFec'tion . 2'rin& the year 2005 5 /osa $escri@e$ to Mar&e an attacD in Manchester which in%o(%e$ ?o'r &an&sters tyin& 'p a man an$ ?orcin& him to watch his &ir(?rien$ &et tie$ 'p an$ rape$ @y the two &an&sters twice in pairs. 1hese &an&sters were ,i( 0man'e(es associates. P Athe /ape o? the Sa@inesA when the pre$ecessors o? the /oman 0mpire ?irst arri%e$ in the re&ion o? Ita(ia Nar@onesis < they were a pop'(ation o? mi(itari(y arme$ Ma(es (acDin& a ,ema(e pop'(ation 3 (acDin& sDi((e$ artisans an$ en&ineers3 (acDin& priests an$ scientists 3 an$ (acDin& men o? (aw. Instea$ o? o??erin& their ser%ices as a mercenary mi(itia 'nit 3 the /omans @'i(t a ?ort an$ waite$ 'nti( their nei&h@ors were h'ntin&. :hi(e the men o? the Sa@ines were h'ntin& < the /omans rai$e$ their home(an$ an$ a@$'cte$ the ?ema(es 3 carryin& them @acD to the ?ort o? /ome. 1hese ?ema(es were restraine$ 3 rape$ an$ impre&nate$ 3 an$ Dept as /epro$'cti%e S(a%es. An a(ternate history o? this occ'rance was written @y the /omans which s'&&este$ that a?ter they rape$ the women 3 the women wante$ to stay with them an$ to($ their h's@an$s they $i$ not want to ret'rn home. 1he :ar /apes an$ SeF 1ra??icDin& o? entire ?ami(iesK ?ema(e pop'(ation as we(( as entire re&iona( pop'(ations inc('$in& (ists o? racia( tar&ets an$ a&e &ro'ps resem@(es this eFtreme(y c(ose(y. P ASpintriaA an$ the ;rothe( ;'rro'&hs o? the /oman cities entire sections o?

cities were $esi&nate$ to @e ;rothe( S(a%e B'arters ?or S(a%es which were speci?ica((y $esi&nate$ to @e SeF S(a%e 7onc'@ina( (i?e (on& SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims. 1hese women an$ sometimes ma(es were a@$'cte$ ?rom nei&h@orin& nations an$ were rape$ ?or the rest o? their (i%es. the ?ema(esK o%aries were ca'teri>e$ with heate$ poDers sDewer an$ the ma(es were ne'tere$. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e has contin'e$ the acti%ities o? his ?ather =ittorio 5 the 0man'e(esK properties stea$ ho($ers ha%e @een 'se$ to p'rchase properties an$ SeF 1ra??icDer Accomp(ices o? theirs ha%e a(so en&a&e$ in the the @'siness o? Property Mana&ement. 1hese men ha%e pro%i$e$ Deys to 7rime So($iers o? the Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate whom ha%e 'se$ these Deys to &ain entry to $omici(es 'nhin$ere$ 3 ?or the p'rpose o? a@$'ctin& ?ema(es as we(( as repeate$(y rapin& them in their own homes. 1he Ita(ian A6IS S(eeper A&ents em@e$$e$ within the Po(ice 2epartments which they ha%e in?i(trate$ ha%e intentiona((y sa@ota&e$ in%esti&ations 3 th's hin$erin& 4aw 0n?orcementsK a@i(ity to arrest these in$i%i$'a(s. 1his is terrorist in nat're 3 it is $e?inite :ar /ape < an$ is $esi&ne$ to pro$'ce eFtreme Psycho(o&ica( 1ra'ma in the women whom wo'($ @e the neFt &eneration o? wi%es 3 teachers 3 (awyers 3 po(ice o??icers 3 re(i&io's (ea$ers 3 writers 3 po(iticians 3 artists 3 an$ mothers o? the chi($ren o? the comm'nity. A woman whom can not (i%e ?ree ?rom the constant pain o? @ein& repeate$(y rape$ @y a race o? peop(e whom $o not respect these women are in a position o? eFtreme oppression. 1he 0man'e(esK SeF 1ra??icDers are o?ten Property 4an$ (or$s 3 Pharmace'tica(s as we(( as Hea(thcare worDers an$ in%estors 3 ;'siness owners who own 0Fotic Strip 7('@s 3 7ar 2ea(erships 3 Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone Pro%i$ers 3 7omp'ter HacDers whom worD ?or Internet Ser%ice Pro%i$ers 3 an$ Hote( owners. 1he most $is&'stin& tr'th concernin& SeF 1ra??icDers an$ other ?orms o? H'man 1ra??icDers is that they are o?ten accomp(ice to H'man =i%isectionists whom are 's'a((y a(so .r&an 1ra??icDers an$ /epro$'cti%e 1ra??icDers. 1he Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,action en&a&e in e%ery ?orm o? H'man 1ra??icDin& o? the ,ema(es that are o? the ?ami(ies which they ha%e tar&ette$ ?or 1ota( Genoci$e 5 this is the opposite o? 'sin& e%ery part o? the @o$y o? an anima( that a h'nter has s(ain. 1he psycho(o&y o? the ma(es o? the 0man'e(e /oya( ,ami(y o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy whom ?or a (on& time (i%e$ in the North 0ast re&ion o? the U.S.A. 3 is the psycho(o&y o? a Poacher who h'nts 0n$an&ere$ Species to the point o? eFtinction. 1he 0man'e(esK 7rime Syn$icate ha%e @een rapin& entire re&ions o? pop'(ations 3 rapin& tenants o? their accomp(icesK properties 3 sa@ota&in& in%esti&ations 3 ens(a%in& ?ema(es 3 assassinatin& @y poisonin& to $eath ma(es o? @io(o&ica( re(ation to their ?ema(e %ictims 3 an$ sta(Din& %ictims as we(( as $estroyin& ?ami(ies o? %ictims whi(e repeat o??en$in& the same ?ami(ies. ;etween the years o? 2005 an$ 2011 3 Gera($ AHerryA 2KAmico o? ,(eetMaster 2e%e(opment &a%e 7esare A2ia@(oA an$ other 1errorist Accomp(ices o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs 5 Deys to apartments which his tenants ha$ @een rentin& an$ a((owe$ them entry to these apartments. N'mero's tenants were rape$ 3 tenants &'ests were rape$ 3 an$ many tenants were a@$'cte$. 1here is e%i$ence (inDin& Gera($ AHerryA 2KAmico to the rape an$ a@$'ction o? 7(arissa ;erry whom has @een rep(ace$ @y an imposte'r3 the a@$'ction o? Samantha G'ay 3 the a@$'ction o? An&e(iI'e ;oy$ an$ the rep(acement o? An&e(iI'e with an imposte'r whom is o@%io's(y a SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim 3 the SeF 1ra??icDin& o? the woman whom was ?orce$ to imposte'r Samantha G'ay 3 the a@$'ction an$ SeF 1ra??icDin& o? Am@er /oy whom is a co'sin o? my co'sin Marco /oy 3 the rape o? Sean ,air@anDKs eF &ir(?rien$ Hoanne 3 the rape o? =a(erie .(son an$ her rep(ace$ @y m'(tip(e imposte'rs 3 as we(( as the a@$'ction o? my sister Sheena Nico(e MacPherson an$ the rep(acement o? her @y two imposte'rs. Gera($ AHerryA 2KAmico insta((e$ impro%ise$ techno(o&y in the ?orm o? recor$in& $e%ices @'i(t ?rom Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephones in the wa((s o? the apartment

which I (i%e$ at that was 155 Map(e Street Apartment R2 5 he threatene$ me * times whi(e I was (i%in& there an$ wo'($ entire the apartment 'nanno'nce$. My @irth certi?ication 3 i$enti?ication car$ 3 an$ socia( sec'rity car$ were sto(en ?rom the apartment. 1hese peop(e practice the acti%ity o? S(a%ery an$ are pro@a@(e to ha%e @een the H'man 1ra??icDin& Pirates whom a@$'cte$ an entire nation o? :est A?ricans an$ so($ them to ,arm(an$ owners in the Americas as In$ent're$ S(a%es. 1his entire networD o? 1errorist 7rimina(s ha%e @een pro%en to passi%e a&&ressi%e(y attempt to pro%oDe racia( con?(ict amon&st e%ery pop'(ation in their presence 3 they te(( entire comm'nities that their :ar /ape an$ H'man 1ra??icDin& =ictims are AracistsA. 1his H'man 1ra??icDin& 7rime Syn$icate is &(o@a( an$ has @een in%o(%e$ in H'man =i%isection in n'mero's nations amon&st whom they ha%e @oth recr'ite$ ?rom an$ em@e$$e$ a&ents amon&st. Mem@ers o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy whom ha%e @een acti%e in this H'man 1ra??icDin& 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate 3 ha%e attempte$ to ?rame the 2'tch ?or the :est A?rican S(a%e 1ra$e. Propa&an$a which seems to ha%e @e&'n aro'n$ the year 200* 3 @(ame$ :est A?ricans ?or se((in& their own s(a%es to the 2'tch. Ho((an$er Americans are in ?act a minority pop'(ation < many o? them are act'a((y Amish or B'aDers an$ (i%e in the North 0ast where most o? the In$ent're$ Ser%ants were 0'ropi$s 3 Nati%e Americans 3 an$ M'(attos 3 as we(( as the ancestors o? A?rican Americans. 1he AUn$er&ro'n$ /ai(roa$A was a networD o? re%o('tionaries who ?ree$ H'man 1ra??icDin& =ictims ?rom their in$ent'rement in the So'thern re&ions o? the U.S.A. as we(( as ?rom Sorthern re&ions o? the U.S.A. where H'man 1ra??icDin& was occ'rrin& 5 the maJority o? the AUn$er&ro'n$ /ai(roa$A re%o('tionaries (i%e$ in the North 0ast an$ were o?ten New Ho((an$er Americans. 1here $oes not seem to @e any re(ia@(e recor$ o? 2'tch peop(es a@$'ctin& the peop(e ?rom :est A?rica an$ se((in& them as In$ent're$ 4a@orers. 1he Amish an$ the B'aDers $ress simi(ar(y to 7hassi$ic Hews an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy were $e?inite(y an$ are sti(( $e?inite(y in%o(%e$ in H'man 1ra??icDin&. It is a $e?inite pro@a@i(ity that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ?'n$e$ the Piracy that was the H'man 1ra??icDin& o? :est A?ricans an$ others which (e$ to the ,armin& P(antations in the So'th o? the U.S.A. p'rchase 4a@or 1ra??icDin& =ictims ?rom the S(a%e 1ra??icDers < the propa&an$a attemptin& to @(ame the 2'tch an$ New Ho((an$ers ?or the S(a%e 1ra$e is %ery simi(ar to the 4earne$ Protoco(s o? the 0($ers o? Cion. 2'rin& 2005 < two ?ema(es wa(De$ thro'&h the $oors at ,ami(y 2o((ar speaDin& a@o't ,i( 3 one o? them sai$ whi(e (ooDin& at me in a h'she$ %oice 5 AIan $ate$ ,i(Ks initiation rape 3 she was @asica((y his on(y other &ir(?rien$ when he was in hi&hschoo(. 1hese are initiation rapes. :hat 2ia@(o was a(most arreste$ ?or $own in 7'@a was an initiation rape. 1hey ha%e initiation rapes.A . :hen I was 1E 3 I was $atin& a &ir( name$ Nina Hansen. Nina (i%e$ in Mar(@oro Massach'settes. 2'rin& the time that we were $atin& she eFp(aine$ to me that there was an o($er ma(e name$ ,i( that ha$ a@$'cte$ her 3 tie$ her 'p 3 poisone$ her with M2MA 3 tort're$ her ?or ho'rs. Nina ?'rther eFp(aine$ that M2MA was somethin& that was s'ppose$ to maDe a person ?ee( &oo$ an$ that ,i( ha$ h'rt her eFtreme(y @a$(y @y poisonin& her with it an$ tort'rin& her to the point o? @(acDin& o't3 she now ha$ horri@(e $epression an$ post tra'matic stress $isor$er. Nina eFp(aine$ that ,i( ha$ somehow &otten a copy o? the Dey to her ho'se an$ that somehow he Dnew when her parents were not home 3 ,I( wo'($ arri%e at her ho'se an$ wa(D thro'&h the ?ront $oor into the ho'se a?terwhich ,i( wo'($ seF'a((y assa'(t her. Nina $escri@e$ ,i( as approFimate(y 2! years o($. Nina was 1E. It starte$ when she was 15. Nina @e(ie%e$ that ,i( Dnew the Po(ice .??icers in the re&ion an$ that this was why he $i$ not &et arreste$. It is pro@a@(e that NinaKs (an$(or$ was one o? ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs ?ami(yKs properties stea$ ho($ers. 0mi(y McPherson3 Nina HansenKs @est ?rien$ < $escri@e$ ,i( an$ his ?rien$s

sayin& 5 A1hey are ?'cDin& creeps. 1hey want to wa(D into a room an$ see siF women terri?ie$ o? them (ooDin& o%er their sho'($ers at them3 shaDin& their asses (iDe they ha%e tai(s3 shi%erin& ?ear?'((y (iDe they are ?ree>in& co($ 3 smi(in& terri?ie$ 3 whi(e %omitin& an$ shittin& their pants at the same time. 1hey want to ?'cD 7hih'ah'as.A. I ha%e @een in?orme$ that the 0man'e(es o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy are the 7rime 4or$s o? a SeF 1ra??icDin& 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate who a@$'ct 3 restrain 3 an$ tort're ?ema(es ?or m'(tip(e $ays at a time whi(e they are $r'&&e$ with s'@stances s'ch as M2MA 5 these women are tort're$ 'nti( they wi(( say A-esA to anythin& an$ we s'@mit to any comman$. 1hese women are SeF 1ra??icDe$. 1his tort're @e&ins as an Initiation 7rime @'t apparent(y is 'se$ as a ?orm o? $iscip(inary action 'pon the SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims. I? a woman e%er te((s them ANoA ?or any reason 3 they are tort're$ a&ain as a ?orm o? a@'si%e $iscip(ine 'nti( they s'@mit to the wi(( o? the SeF 1ra??icDers who %iew them as s(a%es. 1he %ictims are 's'a((y yo'n& women an$ (itt(e &ir(s. Nina spoDe a@o't ,i(Ks Po(ice connections 3 statin& 5 AIK%e ca((e$ the Po(ice an$ nothin& happens as a res'(t o? it. His ?ami(y m'st ha%e connections to the po(ice. 0mi(y sai$ that theyKre re(ate$ to some@o$y. My ,ather has spoDen with the Po(ice. 1hey ha%enKt arreste$ him. I ca(( the Po(ice when he (ea%es an$ he &ets away e%ery time. He thinDs I am his s(a%e. He ta(Ds to me (iDe I am a s(a%e.A. 1his is the eFact same Din$ o? scenario with the Po(ice that was occ'rrin& when my Mother was a (itt(e &ir( an$ was @ein& SeF 1ra??icDe$ @y A7h'cDA whom was a $e?inite pro@a@(e accomp(ice to =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ his ?atherKs H'man 1ra??icDin& 7rime Syn$icate $'rin& the NiFon A$ministration. My Mother an$ my Nana wo'($ try to escape ?rom 7h'cD an$ two Po(ice .??icers wo'($ picD them 'p as i? they were @ein& arreste$ an$ wo'($ ret'rn them to the ho'se3 te((in& them that they are not a((owe$ to (ea%e. My Mother was @ein& SeF 1ra??icDe$ to a$'(t men at the a&e o? 5 an$ it $i$ not en$ 'nti( she was 1* < she was @ein& rape$ @y A7h'cDA the entire time an$ witnesse$ her Mother @ein& SeF 1ra??icDe$ 3 rape$ @y 7h'cD 3 an$ @attere$ constant(y. ,i( 0man'e(e an$ his ,ather are 7rime 4or$s o? a 7rime Syn$icate &'i(ty o? H'man 1ra??icDin& an$ other 7rimes A&ainst H'manity. SeF 1ra??icDin& is a ?orm o? H'man 1ra??icDin&. 1his (e%e( o? inh'mane treatment o? pop'(ations in North America are 7rimes A&ainst H'manity 5 $'e to the ?orei&n Nationa( .ri&in an$ Nationa( 4oya(ty o? the 0man'e(es an$ their Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate 3 these are $e?inite :ar 7rimes. 0mi(y McPherson ha$ to($ Nina that she ha$ $isco%ere$ that ,i( was a $e?inite $escen$ant o? =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs 3 the (ast 9in& o? Ita(ia. ,i( 0man'e(eKs psycho(o&y eFpresses a history o? worry that he was &oin& to e%ent'a((y @e con%icte$ o? n'mero's co'nts o? A&&ra%ate$ ,e(onio's SeF'a( Assa'(t o? a Minor ?or rapin& Nina Hansen repeate$(y when she was 15 3 1E 3 an$ 1!. ,i( 0man'e(e sho'($ a(so ha%e @een char&e$ with ,e(onio's char&es ?or poisonin& Nina Hansen a&ainst her wi(( with M2MA. ,i(Ks psycho(o&y a(so eFpresses an echo o? 0mi(y McPhersonKs $escription o? his sicD per%ersion 5 ,i( 0man'e(e has a $o& ?etish o? some Din$ 3 his 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate reporte$(y ha$ (ocDe$ ?ema(es in the o($ 2o& 9enne( @'i($in& on 2.:. Hi&hway $own the roa$ ?rom the MarDKs Showp(ace Strip 7('@. Many o? ,i(Ks attacDs on women eFhi@it an e(ement o? the woman @ein& treate$ (iDe a canine or a theme o? a $o& @ein& a@'se$. 1he SeF .??enses that 7aesar A2ia@(oA committe$ in 7'@a $'rin& 2003 are the eFact same attacD as ,i( 0man'e(eKs attacD on Nina Hansen. A2ia@(oA tie$ 'p an 8 year o($ &ir( an$ tort're$ her ?or ho'rs whi(e ?orcin& her to $rinD water with M2MA $isso(%e$ in the water 3 the &ir( was repeate$(y rape$ whi(e he $i$ this. 1he 0man'e(esK Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate are networDe$ a(( across North America 3 ha%e a networD in 7'@a 3 are networDe$ a(( across So'th America 3 are networDe$ across 0'rope 3 an$ ha%e an a((ie$ 1errorist 7rimina( ,action in the re&ions

that the 1a(i@an primari(y operates in which is a 1a(i@an associate$ ,action. 2'rin& 2000 an$ 2001 < ,i( 0man'e(e ?orce$ Nina Hansen to strip at parties 3 she was (ess than 18 years o? a&e. 1wo men who may ha%e witnesse$ this were Herry 2KAmico an$ 2ino. ,i( $i$ not te(( them Nina HansenKs a&e 'nti( a?ter the party. ,rom what I ha$ hear$3 there was an ar&'ment as a res'(t o? this. 1he 0man'e(esK co((ecti%e crimina( psycho(o&y is the psycho(o&y o? a pe$ophi(e seria( rapist who en&a&es in acts o? @eastia(ity an$ %iews the %ario's races o? the h'man species the way that a :i($ Game Poacher who h'nts 0n$an&ere$ Species $oes the anima(s which they h'nt. 1he 0man'e(es $o not %iew their SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims as h'man 3 yet they %iew them as accepta@(e rape tar&ets o? initiation crimes an$ accepta@(e rape tar&ets o? SeF 1ra??icDin&. 1he 'se o? a 2o& 4eash on %ictims as yo'n& as 5 years o($ is eFtreme(y $is&'stin& an$ e%i$ence o? their inh'manity. 1here are m'(tp(e &enerations o? SeF .??ense =ictims ?rom the same ?ami(ies. 2'rin& 200* an$ 2005 5 0$ ,arrachi :arren an$ Anthony 2e,eo $isc'sse$ the 0man'e(esK p(ans to &enoci$a((y e(iminate entire pop'(ations an$ $estroy the sta@i(ity o? other pop'(ation &ro'ps whom they %iewe$ as competitors an$ Dnow(e$&ea@(e parties concernin& their ?ami(yKs 7rimes A&ainst H'manity an$ 1errorist .r&ani>e$ 7rime. 1hey $isc'sse$ the ?act that $'rin& this campai&n they inten$e$ to ?rame the Sa'$i Ara@ian /oya( ,ami(y an$ others ?or these 7rimes A&ainst H'manity so that they co'($ en&ineer an i$entity ?or the p'rpose o? creatin& an in$i%i$'a( Amore hate$ than A$o(? Hit(erA in the eyes o? the p'@(ic3 &(o@a((y. It is $e?inite that the 0man'e(es p'rpose(y %io(ate$ a(( o? the stan$ar$s o? war ethic an$ h'man ri&hts stan$ar$s $eci$e$ 'pon at the Gene%a 7on%ention 3 in an attempt to incense an$ im@itter the p'@(ic towar$ their chosen ScapeGoats. It ha$ J'st @een $isco%ere$ @y some that =ittorio 0man'e(e III was A$o(? Hit(erKs ha(? @rother < whi(e others a(rea$y Dnew a@o't this ?or a %ery (on& time. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ his ?ather were a(so tryin& to escape in%esti&ations concernin& their SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 H'man 1ra??icDin& 3 H'man =i%isection 3 an$ other .r&ani>e$ 7rimes A&ainst H'manity as we(( as their pro@a@(e comp(icity in the " 11 1errorist AttacD. ;etween the years 2002 an$ 20133 the 0man'e(es an$ their Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate committe$ a series o? a@$'ctions o? ?ema(es an$ @r'ta( maimin&s an$ tort'rin& o? ?ema(es 3 most o? these ?ema(es @ecame SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims an$ Ne'roScience H'man =i%isection %ictims. Many o? these ?ema(es were yo'n&er than the a&e o? 18 years o($. M'ch o? this @r'ta(ity was accompanie$ @y &rosteI'e an$ $is&'stin& $ip(ays o? the ?ema(es @ein& $eni&rate$ which was p'@(ishe$ &(o@a((y to internet as we(( as was it 'se$ as an attacD 3 'sin& 7omp'ter HacDin& to Apop 'pA $isp(ay o? these ?ema(es @ein& horri@(y $eni&rate$ an$ a@'se$ on the comp'ter monitor screens o? (o%e$ ones o? theirs whom were on the internet. (any of these

females &ere co'ered in filthy bodily defecation and e#cretions as &ell as forced to eat e#crement such as feces and 'omit- !t &as discussed by Ed +arrachi ?arren and Anthony 3e+eo that during the committing of these crimes 1 the Emanueles0 &ere going to ensure that &omen and little girls &ere going to be intentionally maimed " denigrated " tortured " diseased " mutated &ith 4iral$4ector Gene$Thera y technology " e# erimented u on li)e laboratory animal 'i'isections " ensla'ed &ith ;rain$Com uter$!nterfaces net&or)ed to com uters by ARG%S G-P-S- de'ices and NeuroScience Soft&are custom$engin ed for the ur ose of absolute robotic sla'ery 2 these crimes &ere intended to be 'ideogra hed and hotogra hed as &ell as documented by authorities and e'entually released as e'idence of the treatment of these females to the &orld " this being ossible due to the fact that the families of these &omen &ere going to be entirely e#terminated

globally &hich lea'es no sur'i'ors to file la&$suits if the hotogra hs and 'ideogra hs &ere made ublic globally- The Emanueles and Ed +arrachi ?arren decided that their crimes should be e# osed as if they are ,olocaust 3ocumentary hotogra hs ublically and globally for the ur ose of e# osing the &orld to the e#tremity of their o&n crimes but blame some Sca eGoat Alibi for their crimes " &hich &ould enable the Emanueles to esca e con'iction of their crimes &hich they ha'e committed o'er the ast FB years collecti'ely 2 this &as intended to be used for the secondary ur ose of creating a Sca eGoat Alibi &hom &as going to be 'ie&ed as .(ore hated that Adolf ,itler. by the global ublic so that the Emanueles0 family secret and their o&n as &ell as Julius E'ola0s eluding of 6ustice their entire life for his Crimes$Against$,umanity &ould not matter in the mind of the ublic anymore:hi(e at worD $'rin& 200* 5 0$ :arren an$ Anthony 2e,eo were o%erhear$ $isc'ssin& =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ the Ita(ian A6IS 7rime Syn$icateKs :ar 7rimes < an$ their nee$ to ?in$ a patsy a(i@i ?or these crimes. Anthony state$ A1he on(y way to &et o't o? @ein& con%icte$ ?or a series o? crimes (iDe these is to commit the crimes a&ain to an e%en &reater eFtent ... an$ this time (ea%e a(( o? the e%i$ence in some@o$y e(seKs name.A to which 0$ :arren rep(ie$ somethin& a(on& the (ines o? 3 A-eah3 i? we &ot o'r anD(es chaine$ to these &'ys 3 we J'st @reaD the chain an$ (ea%e them with the @a(( 3 yo' Dnow what IKm sayin&MA . It so'n$e$ as i? Anthony 2e,eo was a&reein& with somethin& 0$ ,arrachi :arren ha$ whispere$ to him an$ was reiteratin& it ?or p'rpose o? possi@(y manip'(atin& 0$ :arren to speaD (o'$er o? the s'@Ject which they were $isc'ssin&. Anthony 2e,eo ma$e it o@%io's that he Dnew the same secrets which my co'sin H'(ianna ha$ Dnown concernin& the 0man'e(es an$ the 0%o(as 5 it is pro@a@(e that Anthony was ?ei&nin& i&norance with 0$ an$ =ittorio as I was an$ ?or the same reason < @eca'se o? this 3 it is pro@a@(e that Anthony is now $ea$. I @e(ie%e Anthony ?o'n$ o't a@o't the recor$in& $e%ices a@o%e the cei(in& pane(s. 1he crimes which ha$ @een @ein& $isc'sse$ re(ate$ to 7IA M9U41/A3 /ichar$ He(ms3 NiFonKs :A10/GA103 H'(i's 0%o(aKs an$ the 0man'e(esK 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate3 the A6IS3 an$ the " 11 1errorist AttacDs. A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(y was @ein& $isc'sse$ @etween Anthony 2e,eo an$ 0$ :arren as we(( < Anthony seeme$ to @e ?i&'rin& o't ?'rther $etai(s in%o(%in& =ittorioKs re(ation to A$o(? Hit(er an$ the 0man'e(esK c'rrent p(ans to hi$e their @io(o&ica( re(ation to A$o(? Hit(er permanant(y. A short time a?ter =ittorio 0man'e(eKs crimes ha$ @een $isc'sse$ 3 0$ :arren was o%erhear$ sayin& A:e crime$ o'r way into this 3 we can crime o'r way o'tA 5 meanin& that they co'($ 'se 7rimina( Metho$s o? e(iminatin& any possi@i(ity o? their peop(e @ein& he($ responsi@(e ?or their crimes < this means that they ha$ $eci$e$ to i((e&a((y ?rame3 set 'p accomp(ices3 e(iminate e%i$ence3 @(acDmai( accomp(ices3 m'r$er Dnow(e$&ea@(e parties3 or otherwise conspire crimina( means to e(iminate c'(pa@i(ity ?or their crimes. It is pro@a@(e that they an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e as we(( as a sma(( n'm@er o? other men < ha$ intentions to commit an eFtremity o? heino's :ar 7rimes o? (iDeness to their past crimes3 @'t &reater < this time (ea%in& their accomp(ices3 partners3 associates3 an$ a((ies with a(( o? the (e&a( an$ mi(itary reperc'ssions ?or their crimes. It is $e?inite that the 0man'e(es p'rpose(y %io(ate$ a(( o? the stan$ar$s o? war ethic an$ h'man ri&hts stan$ar$s $eci$e$ 'pon at the Gene%a 7on%ention 3 in an attempt to incense an$ im@itter the p'@(ic towar$ their chosen ScapeGoats. It ha$ J'st @een $isco%ere$ @y some that =ittorio 0man'e(e III was A$o(? Hit(erKs ha(? @rother < whi(e others a(rea$y Dnew a@o't this ?or a %ery (on& time3 =ittorio an$ ,i( @e(ie%e$ that this wo'($ $rastica((y e??ect their ?ami(yKs rep'tation. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ his ?ather were a(so tryin& to escape in%esti&ations concernin& their SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 H'man

1ra??icDin& 3 H'man =i%isection 3 an$ other .r&ani>e$ 7rimes A&ainst H'manity as we(( as their pro@a@(e comp(icity in the " 11 1errorist AttacD. :hi(e mentionin& the nee$ ?or an A(i@i Patsy or a ScapeGoat 5 0$ :arren mentione$ to Anthony 2e?eo that the A:ar on 1errorA which the U.S.A. ha$ @een wa&in& a&ainst the AA6IS o? 0%i(A was $eci$e$ to @e the per?ect opport'nity to co%er 'p M9U41/A :aterGate3 H'man =i%isection3 Ita(ian A6IS :ar 7rimes in North America3 an$ Ita(ian A6IS connections to the 1a(i@an 5 a(( o? these connections @ein& o? A6IS a??i(iation. Accor$in& to 0$ :arrenKs con%ersation with Anthony < =ittorio an$ ,i((i@erto ha$ $eci$e$ to attempt to @(ame 100Q o? the Ita(ian A6IS ,actionKs 7rimes A&ainst H'manity in North America @y metho$ o? @(amin& 100Q o? the :ar 7rimes committe$ 'pon North American Soi( on a M's(im pop'(ation o? some Din$ worDin& with .r&ani>e$ 7rimina(s 5 this i$ea wo'($ a(i&n in the me$ia the Ita(ian Ma?ias 3 Ita(ian American Ma?ias 3 other .r&ani>e$ 7rime Syn$icates 3 SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 the Scienti?ic 7rime Syn$icate which H'(i's 0%o(a ha$ @een in%o(%e$ in which committe$ H'man =i%isection 7rimes 3 H'man 1ra??icDers 3 Arms 2ea(ers 3 an$ other crimina( types to the 1a(i@an an$ A( Bae$a eFc('si%e(y < (ea%in& no e%i$ence o? the Ita(ian A6IS in%o(%ement or o? A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(y. At some point $'rin& the months when the 0man'e(es 3 7esare 3 an$ 0$ ,arrachi :arren were p(annin& the series o? attacDs which the 0man'e(esK Ita(ian A6IS ,action committe$ an$ the ?ramin& o? a ScapeGoat as an a(i@i ?or these crimes 5 0$ :arren State$ to Anthony 2e?eo A I $onKt Dnow a@o't this &'y ... $'$e3 are we &oin& to @e &oin& $own (iDe /ese%oir 2o&s at the en$MA in re?erence to the mo%ie /ese%oir 2o&s which at the en$ portrays a (ar&e n'm@er o? crimina(s Di((in& eachother a?ter a series o? @etraya(s. 0%ery accomp(ice3 associate3 mercenary3 an$ partner o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 3 ,i( 0man'e(eKs 3 0$ ,arrachi :arrenKs 3 an$ 7esareKs are c'rrent(y (ine$ 'p to @e ?rame$ ?or the entirety o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs networDKs crimes inc('$in& his own Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icateKs :ar 7rimes an$ .r&ani>e$ 7rimina( Acti%ities. =ittorio 0man'e(eKs &oa( is e%ent'a( reinstatement o? his ?ami(yKs crown in Ita(ia an$ the 0'ropean Union3 as we(( as e(imination o? any e%i$ence or hypothetica( possi@i(ity that he co'($ ha%e e%er @een in%o(%e$ in 1errorism an$ .r&ani>e$ 7rime at a(( inc('$in& the 1errorism re(ate$ to his attempt to comp(ete(y e(iminate a(( e%i$ence an$ Dnow(e$&ea@(e parties concernin& his Gran$ ,atherKs re(ation to A$o(? Hit(er whom was ?act'a((y =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs Patri(inea( Ha(? ;rother. 2'rin& 2005 < 0$ :arren was o%erhear$ $isc'ssin& with Anthony 2e?eo3 p(ans to ?rame ScapeGoats as a(i@is 5 0$ :arrenKs statement was AI? yo'Kre p(ayin& 1'& .? :ar an$ yo'K%e &ot ten masDe$ men p'((in& on a rope an$ yo'r three (et &o3 the other se%en &'ys ?a(( an$ &et 'nmasDe$ 5 yo'r three wa(D away with the masDs on. 1here is no way ?or them to Dnow yo' were e%en there.A . I ha$ mentione$ the wor$s APatsiesA an$ AA(i@isA to 0$ :arren whi(e ?ei&nin& i&norance o? his $isc'ssion 5 0$ :arren @ecame s(i&ht(y irritate$ an$ ner%o's o? the o@%io's prospect that I may ha%e hear$ what he was $isc'ssin&. I o?ten ma$e an e??ort to preten$ to @e o@(i%io's to 0$Ks $isc'ssions an$ =ittorio 0man'e(eKs act'a( i$entity 5 this was $one in hopes that they wo'($ ta(D in ?ront o? cameras an$ sec'rity s'r%ei((ance eI'ipment. 1hese are some o? the most $an&ero's in$i%i$'a(s in the wor($3 ?or reason o? this < I ?ei&ne$ st'pi$ity ?or a %ery (on& time ?or p'rpose o? ens'rin& that I wo'($ @e entire(y 'n$erestimate$ @y the 0man'e(esK 1errorist ,action 5 0$ :arren state$ to me on n'mero's occaisions as i? I was st'pi$ 3 A-o'K%e &ot no i$eaLA. At one point 3 0$ :arren ma$e the statement 5 A2'$e3 weKre startin& the Ma?ia @acD 'p.A to Anthony 2e?eo 3 this is an o@%io's a(('sion to a 'nit o? the 1errorist Ita(ian A6IS 7rime Syn$icate which is 'n(iDe(y to ha%e @een $ormant @'t was o@%io's(y not the

typica( AMa?iaA ?or reason that the Ita(ian America Ma?ia was a(rea$y acti%e a(( o%er North America in 200* an$ this or&ani>ation which 0$ spoDe o? co'($ not ha%e possi@(e @een the same Ita(ian 7rime Syn$icate < this is not a simp(e street &an& or e%en a typica( .r&ani>e$ 7rime Syn$icate 3 the Ita(ian 7rime Syn$icate which 0$ was speaDin& o? is a 1errorist 7o%ert S(eeper 7e(( in%o(%e$ in &(o@a( .r&ani>e$ 7rime as we(( as 1errorism re(ate$ to A6IS acti%ities an$ H'(i's 0%o(a as we(( as =ittorio 0man'e(eKs ?ami(y whom are the @io(o&ica( ?ami(y o? A$o(? Hit(er. It is possi@(e ?or an .r&ani>e$ 7rime So($ier to @e acti%e in more than one 7rime Syn$icate. Street &an&s $o not en&a&e in acts o? terrorism3 eFtremity o? crime in%o(%in& terrorism is no (on&er consi$era@(y the acti%ity o? a street &an&. /.I.7... %io(ations are o?ten crimes which are on the %er&e o? @ein& consi$ere$ terrorism an$ can o?ten inc('$e acts o? .r&ani>e$ 1errorist 7rime Syn$icates or Acts o? Sa@ota&e s'ch as repeate$ ;anD /o@@ery 3 H'man 1ra??icDin& 3 repeate$ Arsons 5 the p'rpose o? a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate is o@%io's(y $i??erent ?rom that o? other .r&ani>e$ 7rime Syn$icates ?or reason that their crimes in%o(%e 7rimes A&ainst H'manity or %io(ations o? the Gene%a 7on%ention stan$ar$s o? ethic as we(( as $oes an .r&ani>e$ 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate o?ten ha%e &oa(s which $irect(y attacD or sa@ota&e a Nation in conJ'nction with ?'n$in& their 1errorism thro'&h means o? .r&ani>e$ 7rime. ,a(se ,(a&&in& a series o? 7rimes A&ainst H'manity is a $e?inite $e ?acto 2ec(aration o? :ar 'pon the Nations o? the =ictims as we(( as the Nations ScapeGoate$ ?or the ,a(se ,(a& .peration 5 ,a(se ,(a&&in& o? Mi(itary Action 3 1errorist Action 3 or :ar 7rimes ?or p'rpose o? ?ramin& a 3r$ party or insti&atin& :ar,are @etween two ?actions is a %io(ation o? the Gene%a Protoco(s an$ Gene%a 7ompacts. Intentiona( %io(ation o? a(( o? the stan$ar$s o? the Gene%a 7ompacts an$ a(( o? the stan$ar$s o? the Gene%a Protoco(s has pro@a@(y occ'rre$ within the past 8 years as a res'(t o? the 0man'e(esK Ita(ian A6IS ,actionKs attempt to ,a(se,(a& the most heino's o? :ar7rimes as the i$entity o? the nation o? Sa'$i Ara@ia an$ as the i$entity o? .sama @in 4a$en an$ the 1a(i@an as we(( as A( Bae$a whom we were at war with $'rin& 200* an$ 2005. 1he 0man'e(es an$ the Ita(ian A6IS ,action ?ai(e$ misera@(y in their attempt to ,a(se,(a& their own 1errorism an$ :ar 7rimes as any other ?action. 1he prospect o? Sa$$am H'ssein @ein& on the (ist o? ScapeGoats chosen @y the 0man'e(esK Ita(ian A6IS ,action is $e?inite 3 the wor$s A:e can not con?irm or $enyA ha%e @een 'se$ n'mero's times in hospita(s o%er the past 8 years $'rin& these attacDs an$ e(sewhere as we(( as is H'ssein #whom we were at war with $'rin& 200*) ;aracD .@amaKs mi$$(e name. A;aracDA means (i&htnin& in Ara@ic (an&'a&e. .@ama so'n$s aDin to A.K;amaA or A.? A(a@amaA which in So'thern S(an& wo'($ mean A.? 2iFie (an$A 5 0$ :arren an$ 7esare mentione$ a yo'n& teena&e ?ema(e an$ state$ ASheKs sti(( in $iFie c'ps.A whi(e ta(Din& to one another < this is a re?erence to ;ra c'p si>e 3 meanin& that the &ir( has not yet $e%e(ope$ (ar&er a$'(t womanKs @reasts. 2iFie 7'ps are &i%en o't at hospita(s an$ other Hea(thcare ,aci(ities. ;aracD H'ssein .@amaKs name has @een r'mo're$ to mean A;(it>9rie& .K2iFie 7'psA @y the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS whom ha%e @een sprea$in& these r'mo'rs intentiona((y an$ attemptin& to ?rame these :ar 7rimes on Mosta?a I@nSa'$ an$ the /oya( ,ami(y o? Sa'$i Ara@ia as we(( as Sa$$am H'ssein an$ .sama ;in4a$en 3 ?or this p'rpose = 7HIP an$ S 7HIP has @een cite$ 5 ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces inc('$in& microchip an$ prosthetic Ne'ro 7irc'itry were S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ in 7i%i(iansK crani'ms $'rin& the past " years . A;(it>A means 4i&htnin& in 2e'stche < AH'sseinA 3 we were at war with < A K;amaA is short ?or A(a@ama which is ca((e$ 2iFie @y A(a@ama nati%es 3 2iFie 7'ps are 'se$ in hea(thcare ?aci(ities an$ A.K;amaA wo'($ @e an Irish Gae(ic American name 5 Gae(s are a ?irst cata&ory racia( tar&et o? the 0man'e(esK Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,action an$ ha%e @een tar&ette$ ?or 1ota( Genoci$e. 1his is a possi@i(ity 3 there is a r'mo'r that /ichar$ NiFonKs an$ /ichar$

He(mKs names were ?aDe that that it ha$ the $o'@(e meanin& o? ANiF on the He(mA or in other wor$s A2ecapitate$ He(m o? &o%ernmentA which represents co%ert heirarcha( $ecapitation 5 the two /ichar$s co'($ ha%e possi@(y @een chosen ?or itKs re(e%ance to /a&nar /e$@ear$ as A/ an$ /A. A$o(? Hit(er was not the $ictator o? the 3r$ /eichKs act'a( s'rname 5 the espiona&e o? the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,action is eFtreme(y co%ert 3 r'th(ess 3 amora(ist 3 am@itio's 3 an$ a$apti%e. BlitzKrieg of Brain-Computer-Interface Prosthetic NeuroCircuit SurgicalImplants :1he Goa( o? the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS has @ecome o@%io's 5 as it was in the past < conI'est o? the Americas 3 0'rope 3 an$ e%ent'a((y the 0arth. G(o@a( 7onI'est is an eFtreme(y $i??ic'(t &oa( to achei%e 3 an$ ?or this p'rpose any metho$s o? manip'(ation ima&inea@(e are o@%io's(y &oin& to @e emp(oye$ 5 this inc('$es manip'(ation o? I$entity Po(itic or presentation o? ?a@ricate$ I$entity Po(itic ?or the p'rpose o? co'rtin& an a((iance. 1he A;(it>9rie& o? 2iFie 7'psA &oa( is $e?inite(y conI'est o? the Americas 5 tho'&h G(o@a( 7onI'est is a $i??ic'(t &oa( to achei%e 3 conI'est o? North America is an eFtreme(y easy &oa( to accomp(ish ?or reason o? the /acia( 2i%ersity o? the North American continent an$ the ratio o? Nati%e /aces to ,orei&n /aces which has the Nati%e /aces eFteme(y o't n'm@ere$ < as we(( as ?or the reason that there eFists on(y 3 Nation States on North AmericaKs soi(3 which are the share$ Home4an$s o? n'mero's Nati%e /aces who are se%ere(y o'tn'm@ere$. 1he 'se o? ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces an$ Ne'roScience So?tware as we(( as the 'se o? =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy 7osmetic Aesthetic M'tation o? Appearance ?or the p'rpose o? $is&'isin& A&ents as ci%i(ians who ha%e either @een &enoci$a((y m'r$ere$ 3 m'tate$ a&ainst their wi(( an$ ?orce$ to (i%e as another in$i%i$'a( with no e%i$ence o? i$entity $'e to their ?act'a( I$enti?icaton 7re$entia(s no (on&er matchin& their racia( appearance 3 or ens(a%e$ as SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims an$ ?orce$ to (i%e as another in$i%i$'a(Ks i$entity 5 is a series o? :ar 7rimes an$ other 7rimes A&ainst H'manity which are easi(y in%esti&ate$ @y the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartment o? the U.S.A. or any Nation o? the A's.7an.NC.U9.US. Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence A&reement. ,or the reason that the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartment is a neccessity to in%esti&ate these 7rimes A&ainst H'manity 3 it is $e?inite that the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,action are &oin& to attempt to in?i(trate the Mi(itary Si&na( Inte((i&ence 2epartment @y metho$ o? rep(acin& the emp(oyees o? the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartment o? the 2epartment o? 2e?ense as we(( as the ,e$era( 7omm'nications 7ommission with imposte'rs who ha%e 'n$er&one =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tation o? &enetics an$ ha%e @een S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 0(ectronic Ne'roScience S'r&ica( Imp(ants. ,or reason that the 7o%ert A&ents @ein& or$ere$ to in?i(trate the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartment as we(( as the ,e$era( 7omm'nications 7ommission are o? primary neccessity to achei%e the &oa( o? 7onI'est o? North America an$ pre%ention o? in?ormation ?rom reachin& ?orei&n Mi(itary 5 it is $e?inite that on(y in$i%i$'a(s o? a speci?ic psycho(o&y wi(( @e chosen to &'ar$ the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartment an$ ,e$era( 7omm'nications 7ommission ?or reason that their (i?e is $epen$ant 'pon the A;(it>9rie& o? 2iFie 7'psA not @ein& in%esti&ate$. ,or reason o? maDin& it appear as i? these in$i%i$'a(s are Dnow(e$&ea@(e o? how to per?orm their $ai(y tasDs 3 it is pro@a@(e that a sma(( n'm@er o? in$i%i$'a(s who are pre%io's emp(oyees o? the U.S.A. 2epartment o? 2e?ense an$ 'n$erstan$ Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 1echno(o&y wi(( @e emp(oye$ to watch the @rains an$ actions o? the men who are statione$ as imposte'rs within the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartments an$ ,e$era( 7omm'nications 7ommission to train them an$ &'i$e them thro'&h their $ai(y

acti%ities. ,or the reason o? ens'rin& that they $o not ret'rn to their nation o? ori&in 3 it is pro@a@(e that /e&istere$ SeF .??en$ers ?rom ,orei&n Nations who speaD 0n&(ish as a stron& Secon$ 4an&'a&e wi(( @e chosen ?or the p'rpose o? rep(acin& the ori&ina( 7i%i(ians an$ Mi(itary 0mp(oyees ?or reason that they can not ret'rn to their pre%io's I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s an$ pre%io's (i?esty(e com?orta@(y or in sa?ety 5 /e&istere$ SeF .??en$ers are o?ten m'r$ere$ an$ are ?reI'ent(y assa'(te$. ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace Ne'roScience S'r&ica( Imp(ants are pro@a@(e to @e S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ in emp(oyees o? the 2epartment o? 2e?ense whom are pro@a@(e to @e tar&ette$ ?or a@$'ction @y 0nemy 7om@atants 3 tie$ to racDs or hospita( @e$s an$ restraine$ 3 an$ m'tate$ @y =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy thro'&h HemoG(o@in 7'(t're$ =ir's ?e$ into the %eins o? the a@$'ction %ictim thro'&h Intra%en's 1'@es. 1he a@$'ction %ictim is then a@(e to @e imprisone$ ?or crimes that they are ro@ot pi(ote$ to commit $'e to their ;rainKs Ne'ro(o&y @ein& Inter?ace$ to the 7omp'ters o? the 0nemy 7om@atant ,action whom are a@(e to contro( the %ictimsK @o$ies @y metho$ o? Ne'roScience So?tware. :hi(e imprisone$ with the I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o? ci%i(ians who are $ea$ or /e&istere$ SeF .??en$ers who ha%e @een p(ace$ in the position o? Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 0mp(oyees or the ,e$era( 7omm'nications 7ommission < the @rains o? the ?act'a( emp(oyees o? the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartment o? the USA 2epartment o? 2e?ense an$ the ,e$era( 7omm'nications 7ommission are accessi@(e to the 0nemy ,action who are a@(e to 'se it to &ather a(( in?ormation a@o't the %ictimKs (i?e 3 i$entity 3 an$ sDi((s 5 this ena@(es the 0nemy ,action to ro@ot the mo'ths o? the 7o%ert A&ents o? the 0nemy ,action with Ne'roScience So?tware an$ the wire(ess /a$io ,reI'ency ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ in their sD'((s 3 to respon$ to I'estions proper(y as we(( as to carry o't $ai(y acti%ities proper(y an$ per?orm tasDs at their p(ace o? emp(oyment. ,or reason that the 7o%ert A&ents who are chosen ?or this tasD wi(( @e Di((e$ i? they are ca'&ht 3 they wi(( not $e?ect to the U.S.A. or contact any ?orei&n mi(itary. ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 2e%ices are co%ert(y S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ in 7i%i(iansK crani'ms at Hea(thcare ,aci(ities 3 .rtho$onta( 7(inics 3 2'n&eons 3 an$ 7o((e&e Parties where %ictims are poisone$ with se$ati%es. Usin& Ne'roScience So?tware an$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace NetworD accessi@(e anywhere on 0arth o%er Internet NetworDin& Protoco( < the 0nemy ,action can in?('ence an$ maDe $ecisions ?or In%estors 3 Gam@(ers 3 7orporate 7.0...Ks 3 2epartment o? 2e?ense 0mp(oyees 3 Po(ice .??icers 3 In%esti&ations 2epartments 3 Po(iticians 3 Senators 3 7on&ressman 3 0conomists 3 Hea(thcare Pro?essiona(s 3 an$ =oters. I? a 7omp(ete In?i(tration o? the neccessary 2epartments o? State is s'ccess?'( < one mi((ion ma(es co'($ easi(y @e $ra?te$ ?rom a ,orei&n Nation @y a Mi(itary an$ comp(ete(y rep(ace the entire pop'(ation o? the 4aw 0n?orcement 3 ,e$era( In%esti&ations 3 an$ 7entra( Inte((i&ence A&ency o? the U.S.A. . 2'e to the ?act that the Internet NetworDin& Protoco( o? the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace NetworD is a :ire(ess /a$io ,reI'ency G(o@a( Positionin& System NetworD < the @rains o? the =ictimsK as we(( as the 7o%ert A&entsK whom ha%e @een S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with these ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces are accessi@(e to the entire wor($Ks mi(itaries $'e to the ?act that it is on the Internet NetworD an$ can @e accesse$ ?or any (ocation on 0arth as we(( as any (ocation in North America. In 30 years time 3 the entire pop'(ation o? North America can easi(y @e rep(ace$ systemica((y an$ co%ert(y 5 it is pro@a@(e that a 7o%ert 7rimina( /e&ime is @ein& @'i(t. 1he 0nemy 7om@atant ,action is the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ their A6IS 7omra$es 5 they m'st @e arreste$ as I'icD(y as possi@(e @y U.S.A. 2epartment o? 2e?ense or o'r a((ies 3 $etaine$ 3 an$ S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces themse(%es ?or p'rpose o? interro&ation an$ ?in$in& their entire networD o? accomp(ices as I'icD(y as possi@(e. 1here are n'mero's 7hi($ Mo(ester SeF .??en$ers amon&st their crimina(

recr'its an$ there are tho'san$s o? chi($ren in the North 0ast o? the U.S.A. with these ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 2e%ices S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ in their crani'ms a(rea$y. It is eFtreme(y important that this is stoppe$ imme$iate(y. A ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace is capa@(e o? ro@otica((y contro((in& the entire ne'ro(o&y o? a H'man < the m'sc'(at're 3 ne'ro (in&'istics 3 sensory perception 3 emotions 3 an$ other e(ements o? the %ictimsK ne'ro(o&y. It is $e?inite that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e a (ar&e n'm@er os Sa$ist Me&a(omaniacs amon&st them an$ ha%e recr'ite$ more. =ittorio 0man'e(eKs son 7hris 1homas was si&hte$ in m'(tip(e hospita(s wearin& a white 2octorKs 4a@ 7oat an$ $rawin& @(oo$ ?rom ci%i(ianKs as we(( as &i%en ci%i(ianKs A?oo$A 3 A$rinDA 3 an$ Ame$icationA. 1he Initiation :ar 7rimes o? the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,action are pro@a@(e to @e e%en more $is&'stin& that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs SeF 1ra??icDin& 7rime Syn$icateKs Initiation 7rimes. 7hris 1homasKs tar&ets ha%e a(ways @een chi($ren 3 many o? =ittorio A=ictorK 0man'e(eKs an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs ha%e @een as we((. 1he $an&er o? SeF .??en$ers worDin& within the A6IS ,action recr'itin& increasin&(y $e%io's an$ $i&'stin& :ar 7rimina(s is eFtreme 5 7hi($ Mo(esters are corr'pters @y nat're. A 7hi($ Mo(ester wi(( o?ten eFert m'ch o? their $ai(y p'rpose?'( e??orts to the p'rpose o? corr'ptin& the psycho(o&y an$ mora(ity o? @oth chi($ren as we(( as a$'(ts whom are within their socia( networD an$ socia( en%iron < 7hi($ Mo(esters o?ten try to mo$e( the psycho(o&y o? those aro'n$ them a?ter their own psycho(o&y or e%en to a more mor@i$(y $e%io's eFtent than their own psycho(o&yKs $i&'stin& $e%iation. 1his is ?or the psycho(o&ica( nee$ o? 7atharsis 3 or a with$rawa( ?rom the emotion o? ?ear o? societa( retri@'tion an$ ?ear rep'rc'ssions ?or their a@'si%e actions. A 7hi($ Mo(ester with co%ert an$ 'n$a'nte$ access to a H'man ;rain permanant(y (a$en with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace < is a(most $e?inite(y &oin& to spen$ m'ch time corr'ptin& the in$i%i$'a( %ictimKs @rain an$ attemptin& to corr'pt their min$ an$ ca'se their psycho(o&y to $e%iate in the $irections o? Sa$ism 3 Sa$o Masochism 3 Me&a(omaniacism 3 an$ SeF'a( 2e%iancy. A Me&a(omaniac Sa$ist who is a 7hi($ Mo(ester is the Din$ o? Psycho(o&ica( Pro?i(e o? a person who co'($ m'r$er 10 Mi((ion peop(e witho't any ?ee(in& o? &'i(t whatsoe%er as we(( as is it the Psycho(o&ica( Pro?i(e o? a person who wo'($ attempt to mo$i?y an$ corr'pt the psycho(o&y o? others to resem@(e their own 3 ?or p'rpose o? recr'itin& more $is&'stin& :ar 7rimina(s than e%en themse(%es. =ittorio 0man'e(eKs sons ha%e p'rchase$ n'mero's Hea(thcare ,aci(ities 'sin& the names o? Properties Stea$ ho($ers an$ ha%e S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces in the @rains o? SeF .??en$ers an$ 7hi($ Mo(esters who ha%e @een recent(y re(ease$ ?rom prison 5 these in$i%i$'a(s ha%e @een recr'ite$ to worD ?or the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS an$ ha%e @een &i%en the I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o? $ea$ ci%i(ians whom they ha%e @een =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tate$ to (ooD (iDe. 1his scenario is an A@so('te 0mer&ency an$ nee$s to @e $ea(t with Mi(itari(y. 7hi($ Mo(esters (acD a Sense o? ;e(on&in& amon&st any H'man ;ein&s $'e to the nat're o? their secrets an$ their crimes 3 these in$i%i$'a(s on(y ?in$ Sense o? ;e(on&in& amon&st the company o? each other an$ this Sense o? ;e(on&in& is ?o'n$e$ 'pon the ?act that they are 7hi($ Mo(esters 3 are reJecte$ @y H'manity as a who(e 3 an$ ?in$ their Sense o? ;e(on&in& as a res'(t o? their commona(ity in%o(%in& the SeF 7rimes an$ =io(ent 7rimes which they ha%e committe$. 1his co'($ @ecome a G(o@a( Genoci$e %ery I'icD(y an$ has a(rea$y c'(iminate$ in a North American Genoci$e that has not yet @een in%esti&ate$ proper(y an$ reporte$ to the News Me$ia. 2'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 5 0$ :arren spoDe a@o't the 7o%ert 7onI'est o? North America 'sin& ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces an$ ens(a%ement o? the ?ema(e pop'(ation as we(( as the 1ota( Genoci$e o? the Nati%e /aces o? North America3 ?or p'rpose o? a%ertin& in%esti&ation @y metho$ o? (ater (ea%in& a =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy

M'tate$ imposte'r in his p(ace ?or himse(? to arrest ?or his own crimes i? neccessary 5 0$ ,arrachi :arren o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ Anthony 2e,eo recor$e$ themse(%es $isc'ssin& their p(ans into 15 recor$in& $e%ices insta((e$ a@o%e the styro?oam cei(in& pane(s at ,ami(y 2o((ar3 or$ere$ to @e insta((e$ @y =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e himse(?. M'ch o? 0$ :arrenKs $isc'ssion o? these thin&s was co$e$ with metaphor which inc('$e$ metaphorica( re?erances to ,oot@a((. 1he comp(ete rep(acement o? the pop'(ation o? the North 0ast o? the U.S.A. was ca((e$ Athe (ine o? scrima&eA 3 the imposte'rs were A1st strin&A an$ A2n$ strin&A < I @e(ie%e that the capt're o? a Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence ;ase is a Ato'ch$ownA. A(so 'se$ were metaphors that in%o(%e$ the concepts o? the mo%ie AIn%asion o? the ;o$y SnatchersA 3 an$ the mo%ie Athe 1erminatorA 5 imposte'rs who rep(ace ci%i(ians are APo$ peop(eA A@o$y snatchersA. I was re?erre$ to as Athe (ast one &oin& $own into the (a%aA the @ene%o(ent 1erminator /o@ot that commits s'ici$e at the en$ 3 as we(( as A7onan the ;ar@arianA. In the mo%ie 7onan the ;ar@arian < Hames 0ar( Hones 5 the Hawaiin M'(atto 3 acte$ as the character 1hoth Amon. A7onanA is the character portraye$ @y the actor Arno($ Schwar>ene&&er 5 the mi(itary o? 7onanKs nation is Di((e$ @y 1hoth Amon as we(( as are the chi($ren an$ some o? the women taDen as s(a%es or H'man 1ra??icDin& =ictims. 7onan is ?ree$ ?rom s(a%ery @y a Nor$ic man who was worDin& ?or 1hoth Amon as a Mercenary. 2'rin& the year 200" 3 a 7onan the ;ar@arian ASpecia( 7omic ;ooDA was p'@(ishe$ to the internet an$ possi@(y so($ in 7omic ;ooD Shops ca((e$ 5 A;aracD the ;ar@arianA. Near(y my entire ?ami(y is missin& an$ is pro@a@(y $ea$5 they are c'rrent(y rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs. .ne o? these imposte'rs attempte$ to poison me in a @'tter than was @aDe$ onto a ?ish 5 it sme((e$ (iDe @(each. 1he @(each @'tter was one $ay a?ter Sean 7ase at StopKNKShop sai$ to me AShh...I'iet. ;e 7are?'(. SheKs a Jew. 1his (a$y comin& here is a Hew.A at some point a?ter which Sean 7ase $isc'sse$ with o'r coworDer Matt A2o yo' Dnow yo' can poison some@o$y with ;(each an$ UUUUUUU an$ it taDes UUUUUUU $ays to Di(( yo' an$ $oes not UUUUUUUUU o't o? the stomach.A. A?ter mentionin& Kthe (ine o? scrima&eK 3 0$ :arren e%ent'a((y state$ 5 AAt the en$ o? this ... itKs &oin& to @e (iDe some@o$y t'rnin& the (i&hts on at the c('@ at the en$ o? the ni&ht. 0%ery@o$y is &oin& to @e (ooDin& aroin$ sayin& Kwoah.... who are these peop(eMK an$ 3 Kwhere am iM who am iMK when they a(( rea(i>e that theyK%e ha$ these in them the who(e time. Peop(e who (e?t are &oin& to @e mo%in& @acD 'p here sayin& 3 Kwoah.. e%ery@o$y (ooDs ?'cDe$ 'p. what happene$ 'p hereMA. 2'rin& the year 2005 3 whi(e in co((e&e < an imposte'r o? =a(erie .(son was somehow ('re$ to st'$y a@roa$ in Ita(ia 'sin& =a(erieKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s 5 0$ ,arrachi :arren was o%erhear$ statin& ASheKs &oin& to @e o%er there st'$yin& a@roa$ 3 theyKre &oin& to @e o%er there st'$yin& a @roa$L -o' Dnow what I meanMA . 0$Ks statement $'rin& 200* or the year 2005 was not then Dnown to concern =a(erie .(son @'t has now @een $etermine$ to re&ar$ =a(erieKs imposte'r. 2'rin& the year 2005 < Mosta?a I@nSa'$ was intro$'ce$ to an imposte'r o? =a(erie .(son whom pose$ ?or photo&raphs with Mosta?a I@nSa'$ 3 an$ an Ita(ian ma(e whom (ooDe$ (iDe he was (iDe(y to @e the @io(o&ica( @rother or ?irst co'sin o? the man whom ha$ 'se$ =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 7re$it 7ar$ at ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n Street in Manchester NewHampshire to @'y c(eanin& pro$'cts 3 an$ an A(@anian ma(e whom two $i??erent imposte'rs o? =a(erie .(son attempte$ to te(( me she was marryin&. 1he A(@anian ma(e was wearin& =a(erie .(sonKs A1he SmithsA @an$ t shirt. 1he ?irst Imposte'r o? =a(erie .(son whom (ooDe$ near(y i$entica( an$ so'n$e$ i$entica( %oca((y has now @een rea(i>e$ to ha%e @een a /'ssian ?ema(e < I ha%e notice$ that ?or reason that her an$ I &ot a(on& %ery we(( 3 the /'ssian imposte'r whom was o@%io's(y a H'man 1ra??icDin& =ictim was swappe$ with a

secon$ in$i%i$'a( @e?ore I co'($ &et in?ormation o't o? her concernin& the rea( =a(erieKs wherea@o'ts an$ why she has @een ?orce$ to preten$ to @e my ?irst (o%e =a(erie .(son3 the secon$ =a(erie .(son imposte'r was cr'e( an$ impossi@(e to &et a(on& with. I $i$ not imme$iate(y notice that these were imposte'rs. 2'rin& my teena&e years < =a(erie .(son an$ I were insepera@(e an$ she was the most important person to me in the entire wor($. ,i( 0man'e(e state$ $'rin& 200* whi(e in Manchester NewHampshire the wor$s A I hate (o%e A 3 =a(erie .(son an$ my se(? were Dnown to a(most e%ery person whom either o? 's ha$ e%er Dnown as @ein& comp(ete(y 'nchan&ea@(y in (o%e with eachother. 2'rin& 200* an$ 2005 < more than once 5 0$ :arren was hear$ statin& A1his is &oin& to @e (iDe In%asion o? the ;o$y Snatchers3 &'yLA which has since @een $etermine$ to @e a re?erence to =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy @ein& 'se$ to m'tate 7o%ert A&ents to appear as i$entica( as possi@(e to 1ar&ette$ In$i%i$'a(s whom ha%e since @een either m'r$ere$ or a@$'cte$ an$ SeF 1ra??icDe$ or eFperimente$ 'pon. ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces an$ Ne'roScience so?tware has @een @ein& 'se$ ?or p'rpose o? trainin& %oca( m'sc'(at're an$ (in&'istic m'sc'(at're 5 immitatin& the %oca( accent 3 (in&'istics 3 speech patterns 3 an$ %oca( tim@er o? the %ictims whom ha%e @een /ep(ace$ ;y Imposte'r. ,i( 0man'e(eKs an$ =ittorio 0man'e(eKs Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist ,action ha%e @een con$'ctin& Ne'roScience H'man =i%isections ?or p'rpose o? eFpan$in& the potentia( o? Ne'roScience So?tware 'se$ in conJ'nction with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 3 S'r&ica( Imp(ant /a$io ,reI'ency 1ransmitters an$ /ecei%ers 3 as we(( as a Power S'pp(y which pro%i$es animati@(e or a'tomati@(e @inary 0(ectro Ma&netics to the Prosthetic Ne'ro7irc'itry o? the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace Ne'roGra?t which a$heres to the ;rain itse(?. 1he $an&er o? entire re&ions @ein& rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs (oya( to the 0man'e(es o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy is a $e?inite threat 5 c'rrent(y 3 ha(? o? the ?ami(ies ?rom the North 0ast o? the U.S.A. seem to ha%e imposte'rs 'sin& their $'p(icate$ I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s as we(( as ha%e many @een rep(ace$ @y what appear to @e crimina( ita(ian aFis espiona&e a&ents an$ seF o??en$ers worDin& ?or the 0man'e(es. 1he ,or@es 4ist o? :ea(thiest Peop(e are $e?inite tar&ets o? the 0man'e(esK who are $e?inite to @e schemin& to rep(ace their wea(thy ?ami(ies with imposte'rs worDin& ?or the 0man'e(es who wo'($ then ha%e access to their wea(th. 2'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 5 0$ :arren an$ Anthony 2e,eo $isc'sse$ 'sin& =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy 3 Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS A&ents 3 ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces 3 an$ SeF .??en$ers 5 to rep(ace the ?ami(ies o? the ,or@es :ea(thiest Peop(e (ist an$ the ,ort'ne 500 :ea(thiest Peop(e (ist 3 ?or the p'rpose o? stea(in& a(( o? their money ?or the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the Ita(ian A6IS. 1his wo'($ maDe A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(y the wea(thiest ?ami(y on earth. 1he c'rrent Dnown eFtent o? the Ne'roScience So?tware which ,i( 0man'e(eKs an$ =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 1errorist ,action ha%e $e%e(ope$ has inc('$e$ th's ?ar ro@otic contro( o? the Ne'ro(o&y o? 4i%in& ;io(o&ica( .r&anisms 3 'ti(i>in& the .r&anic Ne'ro7irc'itry an$ .r&anic ;o$y as a /o@otic ;o$y 5 animatin& h'man Ne'ro(o&y @y metho$ o? ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace an$ 0(ectroMa&netic ;inary which contro(s precise e(ectroma&netic cata(ysts on the ;rainKs s'r?ace3 this @ein& monitore$ @y Ne'roScience so?tware as we(( as a'tomate$ an$ animate$ @y Ne'roScience so?tware. 1he animatin& o? precise e(ectroma&netic cata(ysts on the @rainKs s'r?ace is capa@(e o? manip'(atin& speci?ic ?'nctions o? the @rain %ery precise(y 5 a'tomatin& or a(terin& emotiona( responses an$ re?(eFes 3 sensory perception an$ eFperiences 3 contro((in& ?(eF an$ tension o? physica( m'sc'(at're 3 ana(y>in& ne'ro (in&'istics as we(( as creatin& ne'ro (in&'istic processes on the s'r?ace o? the @rain 3 networDin& prosthesis to the @o$yKs or&anic ne'ro(o&y 3 tri&&erin& ?(ash@acDs 3tri&&erin& chemica( e??ects on the @rainKs s'r?ace 3 tri&&erin& re(ease o? hormones as we(( as contro((in& the eFtent to which these hormones are present in the @rain 3 animatin& Ne'ro(o&ica( e(ectroma&netic processes

simi(ari(y to animation o? (i&ht on a comp'ter screen 3 animatin& Am@ient Arti?ica( Inte((i&ence time$ an$ responsi%e cata(ysts 3 as we(( as animatin& Arti?icia( Inte((i&ence monitore$ $iscip(inary processes to occ'r on the @rainKs s'r?ace which repetitio's(y trains pa%(onian ne'ro(o&ica( responses. ,i( 0man'e(eKs 1errorist ,action ha%e $e%e(ope$ /o@otic Ne'roScience s(a%e so?tware ?or H'man 1ra??icDin& p'rpose as we(( as ha%e they 'se$ this so?tware ?or espiona&e. 0$ ,arrachi :arren maDin& a JoDe to Anthony 2e?eo sayin& A1his is &oin& to @e (iDe in%asion o? the @o$y snatchers.A is positi%e e%i$ence that 0$ ,arrachi :arren whom was we(( acI'ainte$ with =ittorio 0man'e(e was one o? the peop(e Dnow(e$&ea@(e o? this co%ert in%asion that the 0man'e(es ha$ p(anne$. 1he mo%ie AIn%asion o? the ;o$y SnatchersA was a@o't an A(ien Species whom pro&resse$ ?rom a &e(atin (i?e?orm 3 to a p(ant (i?e?orm 3 to a h'man (i?e?orm which they ha$ c(one$ thro'&h osmosis an$ e%ent'a((y m'r$ere$ an$ rep(ace$ 5 these were ca((e$ APo$ Peop(eA. An 'nre(ate$ te(e%ision series simi(ar to AIn%asion o? the ;o$y SnatchersA was $isc'sse$ that was o? simi(arity to the @ooD Athe P'ppetMastersA a 1"80Ks 1""0Ks series in%o(%in& an A(ien Species capa@(e o? @'rrowin& into a h'man @o$y3 hi$in& itse(? within the h'man ?orm $is&'ise$ as them 5 in this te(e%ision series this A(ien Species was p(annin& to conI'er the p(anet 0arth. 1he in%asion o? Imposte'rs whom are /ep(acin& @y Imposte'r the ci%i(ian pop'(ation o? the North 0ast o? North America was p(anne$ @y ,i(i@erto 0man'e(e 3 7esare 3 =ittorio 0man'e(e 3 an$ 0$ ,arrachi :arren $'rin& the year 200* 5 ?or this p(an 3 they $eci$e$ to 'se =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy 2NA Genetic 0n&ineerin& Science an$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace Ne'roSciences. It is a pro@a@i(ity that ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces an$ A/G.S G.P.S. with Shippin& G ,rei&ht Internet NetworDin& Protoco( or an a(tere$ 'se o? the Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone Internet NetworDin& Protoco( has @een 'se$ in the past to contro( %ictims o? ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace H'man =i%isections in the U.S.A. an$ in?('ence them psycho(o&ica((y an$ ne'ro(o&ica((y as we(( as pi(ot them to commit 1errorist AttacDs s'ch as Schoo( Shootin&s an$ Ma(( Shootin&s. 0$ :arren re?erre$ to these as A1erminatorsA. 1he entire contents o? the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 7omp'ters nee$s to @e copie$ to an o??(ine stora&e 'nit an$ searche$ 'sin& Ana(ysis So?tware $esi&ne$ to ?in$ speci?ic Din$s o? si&na(s 3 ?or the p'rpose o? ?in$in& 0(ectro0ncepha(oGraph Si&na(s 3 ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace Si&na(s 3 Ne'ro Science So?tware 1ransmissions 3 an$ any other Ne'roScience re(ate$ 1ransmissions. A Ser%er 7omp'ter with a 100 7ore 1I40/A Processor co'($ easi(y han$(e this tasD. I @e(ie%e it wo'($ @e re(ati%e(y simp(e ?or the U.S.A. Mi(itary to $esi&n this Si&na(s 2ata Ana(ysis So?tware as we((. Searchin& the entire contents o? the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2ata with a 100 7ore 1I40/A Processor sho'($ yie($ $e?inite res'(ts an$ ?in$ the entirety o? a(( Ne'roScience 0(ectronic 1ransmissions 3 inc('$in& So?t:are 1rans?ers e%ent'a((y 5 in a matter o? a ?ew so(i$ months. 1he res'(ts wo'($ @e simi(ar to a Search 0n&ine which cata&ori>es the res'(ts o? the Search. :hi(e the $ata is @ein& ana(y>e$ 3 the U.S.A. Mi(itary an$ the other A's.7an.NC.U9.US Nations co'($ easi(y search thro'&h the most recent Mi(itary Si&na(s recor$s o? 0(ectro0ncepha(oGraph 2ata 1ransmissions an$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace re(ate$ Ne'roScience 1ransmissions 5 this wo'($ ena@(e the U.S.A. Mi(itary an$ others to @e&in maDin& arrests. 1hese $e%ices ha%e G.P.S. 4ocation an$ the in%esti&ation @e&innin& in Manchester NewHampshire 3 MerrimacD NewHampshire 3 ;oy(ston Massach'settes 3 ;e$?or$ Massach'settes 3 Nash'a NewHampshire 3 an$ ;oston Massach'settes 5 wi(( e%ent'a((y (ea$ to the entirety o? the e%i$ence necessary to con%ict an$ arrest the entire Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ a(( o? those o? the Ho'se o? Aosta who ha%e @een (i%in& in North America since the 2n$ 2e?eat o? the A6IS.

2'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 3 I was (ie$ a@o't to the comm'nity. Hosh'a Go($enKs Mother was ner%o's to si&n a 7re$it 7ar$ S(ip at my 7ash /e&ister an$ reacte$ stran&e(y a@o't ha%in& to si&n the cre$it s(ip 5 I @e(ie%e that she ha$ a ;rain 7omp'ter Interace in her crani'm. Her way o? mo%in& seeme$ 'nnat'ra( an$ her mo'th seeme$ (iDe it may ha%e mo%e$ Ne'ro /o@otica((y. She t'rne$ an$ asDe$ 3 A:ho $i$ thatM :hich one o? yo' $i$ thatM I $i$nKt e%en J'st say that. :hat is thisMA (iDe her mo'th was mo%in& on itKs own an$ some@o$y was attemptin& to choreo&raph an$ script the con%ersation @etween my se(? an$ herse(?. It seems $e?inite that ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 2e%ices were in the crani'ms o? n'mero's in$i%i$'a(s amon&st the comm'nity a(rea$y in the year 200*. 1wo Hewish ?ema(es came into the ,ami(y 2o((ar Store who I ha$ Dnown $'rin& my chi($hoo$ when I was in schoo(. 0riDa ,ein&o($ an$ A@@ey 0t(in&er wa(De$ thro'&h ,ami(y 2o((ar 5 they ha$ m'tate$ sDin an$ (ooDe$ (iDe someone ha$ poisone$ them with =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy to (ooD (iDe M'(attos. A@@ey asDe$ me i? I reco&ni>e$ her 3 at the time I $i$ not. 0riDa ,ein&o($ (ooDe$ terri?ie$ 3 her sDin ha$ t'rne$ @rown an$ her hair t'rne$ @(acD. ;oth A@@ey 0t(in&er an$ 0riDa ,ein&o($ ha$ &o($ hair 3 me$i'm (i&ht sDin tone 3 an$ miFe$ eye co(or 5 I tho'&h that 0riDa ,ein&o($ may ha%e possi@(y @een a m'(atto co'sin o? 0riDaKs an$ I $i$nKt reco&ni>e A@@ey 0t(in&er. I @e(ie%e that I (ater witnesse$ them @ein& arreste$ @y a Po(ice =an on 0(m Street $'rin& which they were ?rantica((y asDin& I'estions a@o't why they were @ein& arreste$ an$ were cryin&. 2'rin& the year 200* 5 ;en 4in$@er& wa(De$ into ,ami(y 2o((ar to in%esti&ate me ?or the p'rpose o? testin& a theory to see i? I spoDe 2e'tsche. ;en 4in$@er& was accompanie$ @y who I @e(ie%e was his co'sin. ;en 4in$@er& spoDe to this man an$ my se(? in 2e'tsche an$ e%ent'a((y c(aspe$ me on the sho'($er an$ sai$ ANoM -o'K(( (earn e%ent'a((y. I ha%e ?aith in yo'.A when ;en rea(i>e$ that I $i$nKt speaD 2e'tsche. ;en 4in$@er& Dnew Hason ;e((emore 3 Hason ;e((emoreKs o($er @rother as we(( as was Hason ;e((emoreKs co'sin ?rien$s with 7ha$ Gro(sch who was ?rien$s with Sahn$ra St..n&e who was my &ir(?rien$ at the time. 7ha$ Gro(sch was a mem@er o? the :hite S'premacist .r&ani>ation 5 the :or($ 7h'rch o? the 7reator. ;en 4in$@er& was a(so ?rien$s with some@o$y who was Hewish who may ha%e hear$ the r'mo'r that I was A(iDe an A$o(? Hit(erA that was o@%io's(y starte$ @y either =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e or one o? his sons. Sahn$ra St. .n&e a(so to($ 7ha$ Gro(sch that I ha$ to($ her who A$o(? Hit(erKs @io(o&ica( parents were an$ ha$ to($ a Hew on the internet. 1he (ies an$ r'mo'rs which ha$ $escri@e$ my se(? as a A:hite S'premacist ,ascistA sprea$ thro'&ho't the entire comm'nity an$ e%ent'a((y res'(te$ in a man who (ooDe$ to @e ha(? Swe$ish an$ ha(? 2e'tsche wa(Din& into the store an$ &ettin& an&ry with me a@o't somethin& that I ha$ not e%er e%en sai$ 3 @'t ha$ @een p'@(ishe$ to the internet an$ presente$ on my comp'ter screen as a we@site that incorrect(y $escri@e$ the =estmanJar as a AS(a%e man who wears the chain %estA. 1his artic(e $escri@e$ the AMen o? the :estA or =estmanJar in .($ Norse as the men who wear Athe s(a%e %estA. 1his artic(e was accompanie$ @y a photo&raph o? a (ar&e chain %est with a (ar&e pa$ (ocD on it. 2'rin& the year 200* < ;en 4in$@er& an$ 2an ;'cD(ey contacte$ Sahn$ra St..n&e on the internet 'sin& some@o$y e(seKs screenname who she was on the ?rien$s (ist o? an$ to($ her to te(( me that they wo'($ @e picDin& me 'p in the mornin& to &o on a roa$ trip. 1he neFt mornin& 3 ;en 4in$@er& an$ 2an ;'cD(ey picDe$ me 'p an$ to($ me that we were &oin& to =ir&inia. 2an ;'cD(ey was $ri%in&. .n the way to =ir&inia 3 2an ;'cD(ey (it a mariJ'ana ci&arette an$ han$e$ it to ;en 4in$@er&. ;en 4in$@er& asDe$ him3 A7an he ha%e someMA < to which 2an ;'cD(ey sai$ A-eah thatKs why I (it it.A an$ ;en han$e$ it to me. A?ter we smoDe$ it. 2an ;'cD(ey to($ 's 3 A1hereKs a 2isassociati%e in

the MariJ'ana 3 @y the way.A . ;en 4in$@er& @ecame an&ry an$ con?'se$ . I asDe$ 2an ;'cD(ey where he @o'&ht it ?rom 3 @eca'se this has happene$ to me @e?ore. 2an ;'cD(ey sai$ AI Dnow 3 I wi(( eFp(ain (ater.A . ;en 4in$@er& was to($ 3 A I ha%e the anti$ote. Here.A an$ 2an ;'cD(ey &a%e ;en 4in$@er& a pi((. 2an then to($ ;en that the pi(( was M2MA an$ ;en &ot an&ry a&ain 3 sayin& 5 A:hat is it rea((yM :hat $i$ I J'st taDeM :hy are yo' actin& (iDe this to$ayM I $onKt e%en Dnow why I tr'st yo'.A. 2an ;'cD(ey then to($ ;en AItKs @oth act'a((y. He $o'@(e presse$ it.A . A?ter we &ot to /ichmon$ =ir&inia. 2an ;'cD(ey eFp(aine$ to me that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy was A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(y 3 eFp(aine$ to me that Hason ;e((emore was A$o(? Hit(erKs co'sin an$ a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Aosta an$ was not tr'stworthy an$ a(so that Hason ;e((emore was a SeF .??en$er. 2an ;'cD(ey a(so eFp(aine$ to me that soon the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 the Ho'se o? Aosta 3 an$ the SeF 1ra??icDer A6IS 1errorists that they worD with were &oin& to @e p'ttin& ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces an$ =erichips in the 7i%i(ian Pop'(ation an$ eFterminatin& (ar&e n'm@ers o? ci%i(ians. 2an ;'cD(ey to($ my se(? an$ ;en 4in$@er& this an$ eFp(aine$ that we wi(( ha%e to &et o't o? the U.S.A. as soon as it happens an$ te(( ?orei&n mi(itary. 2an ;'cD(ey sai$ that I wo'($ @e contacte$ when this happens an$ when I ha%e one 3 I wi(( @e to($ to maDe ?or another nation to warn them an$ to write a :itness Statement. ;en 4in$@er& to($ me that I sho'($ sa%e a(( o? my money ?or this an$ worD as o?ten as possi@(e an$ that when this occ'rs I can r'n to 7ana$a an$ the U.9. an$ that ;en 4in$@er& co'($ $o the same an$ r'n e(sewhere to te(( mi(itary. 2an ;'cD(ey eFp(aine$ to me that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy are a(most entire(y SeF .??en$ers who SeF 1ra??icDin& 7hi($ren an$ yo'n& women an$ Di(( the ?ami(ies o? the %ictims an$ that they are p(annin& to Di(( any@o$y who has e%er met them or the Aosta 9ni&hts that ha%e @een (i%in& in the U.S.A. . 2an ;'cD(ey to($ me that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy entire(y ha%e @een poisonin& me with 2isassociati%es since I was a chi($ an$ that 2an ;'cD(ey Dnows what it is @eca'se his ?ami(y Dnows them @eca'se he has co'sins who are o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ that 7hristina ,aerio(o is his co'sin. 2an ;'cD(ey then to($ me that I wo'($ @e a@(e to remem@er this con%ersation in the ?'t're @eca'se 2isassociati%es on(y ca'se yo' to ?or&et i? yo' $o not 'n$er&o hypnosis 3 ha%e remin$ers 3 or &o thro'&h a Gesta(t Memory /eco%ery to remem@er what happene$ 5 he to($ me that I wo'($ @e contacte$ an$ in?orme$ o? what happene$ in the ?'t're. 1his eFact scenario seems to ha%e @een poste$ on the internet an$ e$itte$ to say ASpace A(iensA instea$ o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 an$ AMemory Imp(antA instea$ o? S'r&ica( Imp(ant ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces. 1he ?irst person that I Dnow ?or a ?act was S'&ica((y Imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace was Sam 7asse((a in the year 2000 an$ possi@(y Hason He??rey in the same year as we(( as my ,ather /'sse(( Ma'rice MacPherson 3 in the year 2000 5 this was the A-29 ;'& AttacDA an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e 'se$ it to amass an army o? SeF .??en$ers to whom they ha%e &i%en new I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s 3 ha%e 'se$ it to manip'(ate the @rains o? their tar&ets an$ corr'pt them or otherwise manip'(ate them to ser%e their &oa(s as we(( as assassinate them 3 ha%e 'se$ these $e%ices to SeF 1ra??icDin& women as /o@otic 7onc'@ina( SeF S(a%es 3 ha%e 'se$ these $e%ices to immitate the %oices o? peop(e whom they ha%e m'r$ere$ an$ &i%en the I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o? to =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tate$ in$i%i$'a(s. 1he 2epartment o? 2e?ense is pro@a@(e to ha%e @een Heirarcha((y 2ecapitate$ @y 2.NA42 /UMS,042 3 a 1IM0 MAGACIN0 Artic(e $isp(aye$ an ima&e o? the Pyrami$ on the 2o((ar ;i(( that was printe$ $'e to the H.P.Mor&an (oan 5 this pyrami$ represents the concept o? Heirarcha( 2ecapitation to some. 1he Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartments ne%er in%esti&ate$ the Ne'roScience 1ransmissions @eca'se they ha%e @een in?i(trate$ an$ corr'pte$ 3 a 2.N.A. 1est an$ ,ami(y 1ree History is c'rrent(y nee$e$ $esperate(y. I @e(ie%e that 2ona($ /'ms?e($ is pro@a@(e to ha%e @een an A6IS S(eeper A&ent worDin& ?or the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 1he on(y Internet NetworDin& Protoco(s that wo'($ worD ?or these ;rain

7omp'ter Inter?aces are A/G.S G.P.S. 3 Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone 3 Shippin& G ,rei&ht 4o&istics G.P.S. 3 an$ Mo@i(e Internet Si&na( 5 these are a@norma( si&na(s an$ recor$ $irect(y into the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 7omp'ters twice $'e to the ?act that they are an ,.7.7. =io(ation an$ are a(so recor$e$ into a (ocation as the I.N.P. . A massi%e $epop'(ation has occ'rre$ in the U.S.A. in a ?ew speci?ic re&ions 3 s'ch as the 0ast 7oast 5 the North 0ast has @een hea%i(y $epop'(ate$. 1his is a &enoci$e. 1he neFt time that I saw 2an ;'cD(ey a?ter the trip to /ichmon$ =ir&inia was in 7am@ri$&e Massach'settes 3 he was with what I @e(ie%e was an imposte'r o? ;en 4in$@er&. 1he imposte'r o? ;en 4in$@er& sho%e$ me an$ sai$ AI am &oin& to eFterminate yo'r entire raceLA. 1he man (ooDe$ (iDe he was pro@a@(y =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tate$ to (ooD (iDe ;en 4in$@er&. 2an ;'cD(ey is $e?inite(y an accomp(ice to the North American Genoci$e. 2'rin& the year 2005 < 0$ :arren mentione$ p(ans to commit &enoci$e an$ stea( ?ami(iesK I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s in the process 3 ?or p'rpose o? camo'?(a&in& the &enoci$e. 2'rin& this $isc'ssion with Anthony 2e,eo 3 0$ :arren mentione$ ASecon$ Strin&ersA an termino(o&ies ?rom American ,oot@a((. 0$ :arren $isc'sse$ p(ans ?or North American Genoci$e an$ p(ans to Heirarcha((y 2ecapitate an$ comp(ete(y corr'pt the USA Go%ernment 3 'sin& termino(o&ies re(ate$ to ?oot@a(( p(ays as metaphor. 2'rin& 0$ :arrenKs $isc'ssions with Anthony 2e,eo 5 Anthony 2e,eo state$ to 0$ :arren 3 A5 Mi((ion @ecomes 25 Mi((ion in a short amo'nt o? time. I? they $onKt want to &et ca'&ht... 5 mi((ion peop(e @ecomes 25 Mi((ion 3 those are ?ami(ies 0$.A It is $e?inite that the m'r$er an$ rep(acement o? one in$i%i$'a( with an imposte'r can reI'ire ten in$i%i$'a(s to @e rep(ace$ to pre%ent the a'thorities ?rom @ein& in?orme$ that it has occ'rre$. .? possi@(e re(ation to 7esare the 7'@ano Ita(iano ?rien$ o? ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs an$ his seF o??enses < $'rin& the year 2005 3 my co worDer /osa mentione$ at worD that * men ha$ tie$ 'p a man an$ ?orce$ him to watch as they rape$ his &ir(?rien$. /osa a(so ca((e$ 7esare A2ia@(oA an$ $escri@e$ him as a horri@(e $is&'stin& seF o??en$er an$ a $e%i(. She to($ him to his ?ace to stay away ?rom her comm'nity an$ their $a'&hters an$ that she Dnew he was a rapist an$ a ?ascist. Accor$in& to more than one o? the P'erto /icans in the (oca( comm'nity 3 7esare ha$ @r'ta((y rape$ a (itt(e &ir( in 7'@a an$ ha$ @een h'nte$ a?terwar$s @y a &ro'p o? 7'@anos whom he($ him $own a?ter catchin& him an$ car%e$ into his ?ace with a Dni?e ?or p'rpose o? marDin& him so that the Po(ice co'($ (ater i$enti?y an$ arrest him. It was $isc'sse$ @y two ?ema(e c'stomers that 7esareKs SeF .??enses were one in$i%i$'a(Ks contri@'tion to a (on& series o? wi$e sprea$ :ar /apes an$ ;r'ta(ity Upon ,ema(es which were Initiation 7rimes reI'ire$ o? mem@ers o? ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate whom were eFpecte$ to commit increasin&(y heino's crimes 5 this type o? 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate wi(( ine%ita@(y pro$'ce a @r'ta( an$ inh'mane $espotic re&ime 3 intereste$ in nothin& @'t G(o@a( 7onI'est an$ a@so('te imm'nity to the (aw ?or p'rpose o? the in$i%i$'a(s @ein& 'nreI'ite$(y ena@(e$ to commit sicD atrocities an$ sa$istic crimes. 1hese women a(so $isc'sse$ what Nina Hansen ha$ to($ me $'rin& the year 2000 3 when we were $atin& 5 ,i( 0man'e(e ha$ poisone$ Nina Hansen with M2MA 3 tie$ her 'p 3 an$ tort're$ her ?or ho'rs as we(( as repeate$(y rape$ her. It is a(so r'mo're$ as we(( is it possi@(y the tr'th that 7esare K2ia@(oA is pro@a@(y one o? H'(i's 0%o(aKs &ran$sons ?rom an 'n$oc'mente$ chi($ o? H'(i's 7aesar 0%o(aKs 5 7esare a$mitte$ to this himse(? an$ spoDe pro'$(y o? this as we(( as $i$ ,i( 0man'e(e at some point a$mit this. A2ia@(oA was 7esareKs pse'$onym in 7'@a an$ the rest o? the 7arri@eans as we(( as ,(ori$a. .? H'(i's 0%o(a 3 7esare state$ whi(e stan$in& in the $oorway at ,ami(y 2o((ar 5 AMy &ran$ ?ather was a ,ascistL I am not

st'pi$. It says in his @ooD that he is not 3 @'t it says that he was not a Nationa( ,ascist. I am not st'pi$. My &ran$ ?ather was a /oman ,ascistLA < this was a re?erence to H'(i's 0%o(aKs (iterary worDs wherein which H'(i's 0%o(a state$ that he was not a Nationa( ,ascist @'t constant(y an$ consistant(y promote$ the i$ea that the /oman 0mpire sho'($ @e reconstr'cte$ an$ that it was the '(timate i$ea( ci%i(i>ation. H'(i's 0%o(a $i$ not @e(ie%e in the /oman Aesthetic o? Nationa( ,ascism @ein& a component o? the Ita(ian 9in&$om < H'(i's 0%o(a @e(ie%e$ that the 9in&$om o? Ita(ia was a mo$ern constr'ct an$ was a $eca$ent %a('e(ess nihi(ity o? mo$ernity (acDin& in what H'(i's 0%o(a ca((e$ A1ra$itiona( =a('esA which in ?act to H'(i's 0%o(a tr'e(y meant A/oman Imperia(A. H'(i's 0%o(a @e(ie%e$ in the (itera( reconstr'ction o? the (itera( /oman 0mpire. 1he /oman Aesthetic to H'(i's 0%o(a was (itera((y the @e&inin& o? /omani>ation an$ /oman Imperia( /econstr'ction. 7esare was $e?inite(y re?errin& to H'(i's 0%o(aKs (iterary worDs. :hen H'(i's 0%o(a spoDe o? A1ra$itiona( Aristocratic =a('esA he meant the /oman Aristocracy an$ the Syncretism o? /oman Imperia(ism 5 ,o(D /e(i&ion an$ ,o(D 1ra$ition to H'(i's 0%o(a was a threat to his a@i(ity to esta@(ish a he&emon. I @e(ie%e that the wor$s 7esare spoDe are pro@a@(e to ha%e @een (ies which he was or$ere$ to speaD @y ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e 3 ?or the p'rpose o? creatin& an A(i@i ?or the ?act that the 0man'e(es a$opte$ H'(i's 0%o(aKs in?ant $a'&hter ;onnie to their 7rime So($ier s'rname$ 2amon. .? re(ation to SeF .??enses $isc'sse$ whi(e worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar 5 Anthony 2e,eo asDe$ 0$ :arren 3 A2i$ yo' hear a@o't =ictoriaM It was $is&'stin&. Geor&e 7atsopo'(os in $ra& in a@so('te(y $is&'stin&. Geor&e 7atsopo'(os in a $ress an$ a @(on$e wi& is an atrocio's si&ht.A . 1he name A=icDyA is another ?orm o? the name =ictoria. 1he name =icDy has @een seen n'mero's times in attacDs which were committe$ 'pon (itt(e &ir(s. A=icDy the &hostA was a name that my (itt(e sister S'mmer MacPherson ha$ @een ta(Din& a@o't $'rin& 200E. 2'rin& 200* 3 0$ :arren (ooDe$ o%er at Anthony 2e,eo whi(e stocDin& items in the @acD o? the sa(es area at ,ami(y 2o((ar an$ sai$ A2o yo' Dnow who wo'($ @e &oo$ ?or this one 3 AnthonyM Geor&eLA 3 this was state$ aro'n$ the same $ate 'pon which Anthony 2e,eo an$ 0$ :arren ha$ @een $isc'ssin& ?in$in& a ScapeGoat A(i@i to @(ame ?or =ittorioKs an$ ,i((i@ertoKs 1errorism an$ 7rimes A&ainst H'manity. 2'rin& this month < 0$ :arren p't a c'r(y haire$ wi& 'n$er a hat an$ p't the hat on his hea$ 3 a?terwhich he sai$ A-o' Dnow what this is 3 IanM -o'K%e &ot no i$eaLA . 0$ a(so $i$ this with a c'r(y hair eFtension. 2'rin& the year 2005 3 /osa Moreno state$ to 0$ :arren < AI canKt wait 'nti( a(( the 4icense P(ates come o't at the en$ an$ he starts tryin& to or$er peop(e aro'n$L He thinDs heKs a 9in& sti(( 3 he aint shit.A . 0$ :arren was writin& (icense p(ate n'm@ers $own on a ye((ow pa$ o? paper 3 as we(( as $ate G time an$ $escription o? ci%i(ians inc('$in& sometimes their names 5 this in?ormation was apparent(y @ein& &i%en to =ittorio 0man'e(e3 this happene$ to n'mero's ci%i(ians whom were a?terwar$s a@$'cte$ an$ SeF 1ra??icDe$ or m'r$ere$ an$ rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs. 2'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 < 0$ :arren sai$ to Shannon ;'rston A:e ?o'n$ a &'y name$ ;aracD H'ssein .@ama. :eK%e &ot a &'y rea$y to taDe his p(ace 3 weKre J'st &oin& to 'se his name.A. Months a?ter statin& this 3 0$ :arren sai$ < AItKs act'a((y &oin& to @e ;ho;ho.A to 2e@ 2'mont who rep(ie$ (a'&hin& AHahaha ;ho;ho the c(ownL ;ho Ho@LA . A?ter this 3 0$ :arren state$ 5 A1hereKs &oin& to @e a pair o? them 3 they (ooD a(iDe. :eKre &oin& to maDe them (ooD i$entica(.A. I @e(ie%e that 0$ :arren was ta(Din& a@o't impote'rs who the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS were &oin& to 'se to attempt to swap the Presi$ent o? the U.S.A. with an$ taDe the U.S.A. . 2'rin& the year 200* an$ 2005 < who I @e(ie%e was my ?rien$ Sarah 9at(erKs ,ather 3 came in to the store. I ha$ not seen Sarah in a (on& time. 1he time I saw Sarah 3

I ha$ taDen a photo&raph o? her (ayin& on the 'n$ersi$e o? a car that ha$ tippe$ o%er whi(e $ri%in& $own a hi(( an$ ha$ (an$e$ @e((y si$e 'p 5 the photo&raph was (a@e(e$ ASarah 9at(er Un$er 7('nDer 7ar < Photo&raph taDen @y Ian MacPhersonA. Sarah 9at(erKs ?eet were stan$in& on the ?ront aFe( an$ she ha$ stretche$ her arms an$ he($ the @acD aFe( with her han$s 5 maDin& it appear as i? she were part o? the 'n$er @o$y o? the car. Sarah 9at(er was a Hewish &ir( that I was %ery c(ose ?rien$ with. Somethin& that seeme$ rea((y important to remem@er that 0$ :arren ha$ sai$ was A2'$e3 are we &oin& to @e &oin& $own (iDe /ese%oir 2o&s at the en$ o? thisM I $onKt Dnow a@o't this &'y.A 1he mo%ie /ese%oir 2o&s c(oses with a scene in%o(%in& a shoot o't @etween n'mero's arme$ com@atants. 0%ery sin&(e character in the mo%ie $ies at the en$. 1his ima&ery @rin&s to min$ 7o%ert A&ents @e&inin& a shoot o't with Mi(itary3 Po(ice3 an$ In%esti&ations Units which they are em@e$$e$ amon&st 5 this wo'($ most (iDe(y @e&in with some Din$ o? @etraya( s'ch as a @'((et in the @acD. 1his is a %ery $an&ero's sit'ation @ein& that so many Americans an$ 7ana$ians are missin& an$ ha%e @een rep(ace$ @y a&ents o? simi(ar appearance who ha%e =ira( =ector Gene 1herapie$ an$ 7osmetic P(astic S'r&erie$ their ?aces 5 these peop(e3 com@ine$ with the 7o%ert Ita(ian A6IS A&ents which were a(rea$y here < are an enormo's threat to o'r (i%es. I? the n'm@er o? 7o%ert S(eeper A&ents reaches too hi&h a co'nt within positions o? &o%ernment s'ch as Po(ice3 ,;I3 7IA3 Home(an$ Sec'rity3 an$ 2epartment o? 2e?ense 5 the most $an&ero's prospect is a (itera( @'((et in the @acD initiatin& a strate&ica((y time$ 7o%ert Mi(itary 7o'p $e 0tat. 1his A/ese%oir 2o&sA statement a(so is pro@a@(e to represent to 0$ :arren the possi@i(ity that a(( o? the 7rimina( ,actions in%o(%e$ in the 0man'e(esK a??airs may possi@(y in the ?'t're attempt to m'r$er eachother in attempt to e(iminate e%i$ence o? their comp(icity concernin& these :ar 7rimes < some o? the Ita(ian Ma?ias 3 Sici(ian Ma?ia 3 Ita(ian American Ma?ia 3 Moroccan Ma?ia 3 7rips 3 He((s An&e(s 3 an$ other 7rime Units were eFpecte$ to @e sacri?ice$ in the @e&inin& ?or p'rpose o? ?ramin& the 1a(i@an an$ seperatin& the 0man'e(es ?rom .r&ani>e$ 7rime in any way. N'mero's $i??erent .r&ani>e$ 7rime Units are connecte$ to the 0man'e(es as crimina( associates. It is pro@a@(e that at some point in the near ?'t're 3 the 0man'e(es wi(( m'r$er the hacDers whom they ha$ hire$ $'rin& the 200* to 2008 time ?rame ?or p'rpose o? e(iminatin& any possi@i(ity o? these hacDers testi?yin& a&ainst them or o? their emp(oyer concernin& these hacDin& acti%ities. Another important ?actor to consi$er concernin& the 0man'e(es an$ the Ita(ian A6IS ,action is their /acism which seems to @e $irecte$ primari(y at /aces which they i$enti?y with the A((ie$ ,orces whom were a$%ersaries o? the A6IS ,actionsK a((iance $'rin& either :or($ :ar 3 in$i%i$'a(s whom they ha%e $e%e(ope$ an enmity ?or an$ ha%e app(ie$ as an i$entity to an entire race o? peop(e 3 an$ /aces o? peop(e whom they ha%e $eci$e$ to h'rt in some $ishono'ra@(e manner < the (atter @ein& ?or reason that their /acism seems to @e %ery emotiona((y $ri%en an$ po(itica((y oriente$ in terms o? their c'rrent &oa(s as a ?action. 1he 0man'e(es an$ their Ita(ian A6IS ,action ha%e a /acia( 7ata&orica( Imperati%e which has @een eFtreme(y $iscerna@(e o%er the past " years < o? o@%io's ?irst cata&ory racia( tar&et are An&(o SaFons 3 Gae(s 3 North American ,irst Nations races 3 /'ssians 3 Israe(is 3 an$ ,ranDs 5 o? (ess o@%io's ?irst cata&ory racia( tar&et are MeFicans 3 Iranians 3 4e@anese 3 an$ Ara@ians. 1he MeFicans @ecame an imme$iate tar&et as races o? peop(e $'rin& 200* when the 0man'e(esK 7omp'ter HacDers accesse$ my emai( acco'nt an$ notice$ that I ha$ @een in @rie? contact with 4a =o> 2e A>t(an an$ that 4a =o> 2e A>t(an were Me( Gi@son ?ans as we(( as $i$ the MeFicans @ecome imme$iate tar&et when 0$ ,arrachi :arren an$ 7esare ?o'n$ o't that 1ony Gon>a(e> intro$'ce$

me to his sister ,ranchesca an$ that their ?ami(y were ?rien$s with a n'm@er o? Asatr'ars ?rom NewHersey. :or$ ha$ sprea$ that I was a Socia(ist an$ a sma(( n'm@er o? MeFican Socia(ists came to ,ami(y 2o((ar to see who I was. A(so3 I was recor$e$ @y camera an$ notice$ @y 0$ :arren as ha%in& @een (ooDin& starry eye$ at a @ea'ti?'( A>teca woman whom was the neice o? an A>teca whom ha$ spoDen to me n'mero's times at the store. ;o@ Sha&o'ry was ha(? 4e@anese an$ ha(? Syrian < the M's(im man whom ha$ shown me the hospita(ity o? (ettin& me stay at his apartment prior to my mo%in& to Manchester was a(so ha(? 4e@anese 3 his name was HaDim an$ we ca((e$ him AMa%ericDA. M's(im ?rien$s o? mine @ecome a $e?inite worry o? the 0man'e(esK ?or reason that they were p(ottin& to ?rame the I@nSa'$s an$ any M's(im co'($ possi@(y ha%e Dnow(e$&e o? an$ eFpose their .ttoman A6IS connections in the Mi$$(e 0ast which wo'($ p't the 0man'e(es on the 1errorist A??i(iate$ 4ist o? 0nemy 7om@atants imme$iate(y 5 at (east ha(? o? A( Bae$a is A6IS ,action sti(( 3 m'ch o? He>@o((ah is A6IS ,action sti(( 3 the 1a(i@an is primari(y A6IS ,action < =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e are $e?inite(y A6IS ,action. My step co'sin 9ristin Nassar worDe$ at a 7iti>ens ;anD in Manchester NewHampshire $'rin& 200* an$ 2005 an$ was ha(? 4e@anese an$ ha(? American. 9ristinKs ?ather has @een 'nDnown to my ?ami(y @'t his @ein& o? 4e@anese race $e?inite(y worrie$ the 0man'e(es. 9ristin was somehow rep(ace$ $'rin& 2005 or 200E @y a woman who @e&an worDin& at 12 ;anDNorth on Map(e Street in Manchester NewHampshire whom (ooDe$ Ara@ian an$ possi@(y was a 1ra??icDin& =ictim < my (awyers sister Samantha ;ernstein 3 was a@$'cte$ in 2005 a?ter meetin& me an$ a(so worDe$ at a 7iti>ens ;anD in Manchester NewHampshire. 1he 0man'e(esK metho$o(o&y an$ psycho(o&ica( pro?i(e is near(y Paranoi$ Schi>ophrenic in their worry concernin& possi@(e po(itica( connections in my ?ami(y an$ imme$iate socia( associations < as a res'(t o? this 3 the entire 4e@anese pop'(ation 3 Israe(i an$ Hewish pop'(ation 3 an$ Asatr' pop'(ation a(( @ecame imme$iate tar&et pop'(ation &ro'ps o? the 0man'e(esK Ita(ian A6IS ,action. It is pro@a@(e that Samantha ;ernstein an$ 9ristin Nassar were a@$'cte$ whi(e at a /e&&ae 7oncert at the 1rain Station ;ar G P'@ at 200 0(m Street in Manchester NewHampshire $'rin& 200* or 2005. 1here was a r'mo'r that two women were a@$'cte$ ?rom the @asement an$ carrie$ o't the @acD $oor. .n the win$ow at the ;(acD ;rimmer in 200E was a poster o? two women that (ooDe$ a(most i$entica( to my co'sin 9ristin Nassar an$ A$am ;ernsteinKs sister Samantha ;ernstein < these women were @ein& a$%erti>e$ as an erotic $ance per?ormance or somethin& simi(ar. ,or reason that the 0man'e(es an$ their associates ha$ $eci$e$ to ScapeGoat the Ho'se o? I@nSa'$ 3 the /oya( ,ami(y o? Sa'$i Ara@ia 5 Ara@ians @ecame a ?irst cata&ory racia( tar&et o? the 0man'e(esK an$ the Ita(ian A6IS ,action 3 'n@eDnownst to their Ara@ic A6IS co'nter parts an$ their 'na??i(iate$ Ara@ian ?rien$s s'ch as Mosta?a I@nSa'$ whom is not a??i(iate$ with an A6IS ,action in action @'t is a ?rien$ o? ,i( 0man'e(eKs an$ has Dnown him ?or a %ery (on& time. ,i( 0man'e(e has @een p(annin& on ScapeGoatin& an$ sacri?icin& Mosta?a I@nSa'$ ?or " years < ,i(Ks (on& stan$in& ?rien$ship with Mosta?a I@nSa'$ is the most o@%io's reason ?or the Ita(ian A6IS ,actionKs c'rrent shi?t in racia( po(itic to inc('$e Ara@ians as a racia( enemy as oppose$ to a racia( a((y 3 this racia( hatre$ is ?or reason that ,i( is ne'tra(i>in& any emotiona( sympathy ?or Mosta?a I@nSa'$ he pre%io's(y har@o're$ i? that is at a(( possi@(e ?or a sociopath s'ch as ,i(. 1he Ara@ian A6IS which is tr'e(y the remanants o? the .ttoman A6IS 3 are not c'rrent(y aware o? the Ita(ian A6ISK racia( hatre$ concernin& the Ara@ian race nor are they aware o? the 0man'e(esK Ita(ian A6IS ,actionKs p(ans to @etray them. A?rican Americans are $e?inite(y a racia( tar&et o? the 0man'e(es ?or the same reason that ,irst Nations Nati%e American races 3 An&(o SaFons 3 Gae(s 3 Ho((an$er Americans 3 an$ ,ranDic Americans are 5 the North American re&ion is their racia(

home(an$. Iranians @ecame a tar&et $'rin& the year 200* $'e to what I @e(ie%e was ,i( 0man'e(eKs perception that he ha$ to pre empt my $ecision maDin& an$ comm'nications with action @e?ore I acte$ 'pon my instinct 5 $'rin& the 200* 3 I ha$ @een acti%e(y rea$in& an$ st'$yin& a Persian Nationa(ist we@site which was SUM9A oriente$. 1he Persian Nationa(ist we@site I ha$ @een st'$yin& promote$ the reinstatement o? the Monarchy o? Iran 3 the renamin& o? the Nation o? Iran to @e consi$ere$ o??icia((y the 9in&$om o? Persia 3 the sec'(ari>ation o? the Iranian Par(iament so as to inc('$e @oth Is(amic Par(iamentary Po(itica( Parties as we(( as Coroastrian Po(itica( Parties an$ Sec'(ar Po(itica( Parties 3 as we(( as the $ec(aration o? Coroastrian Ho(i$ays as .??icia( Nationa( Ho(i$ays o? Persia #which is c'rrent(y name$ Iran3 which means Ahome(an$ o? the AryansA). Persian is an Aryan (an&'a&e an$ an Aryan c'(t're as we(( as one o? the many Aryan races 5 the ,o(D /e(i&ion o? the Persian race is a %ariant o? Sanatana 2harma which is otherwise Dnown as Hin$'st%a3 Coroaster was a phi(osopher whom was raise$ @y a Persian 2harma Hin$'ts%a ?ami(y an$ ?o'n$e$ a $istinct(y Persian re(i&ion simi(ar to the Aryan phi(osopher G'atama ;h'$$ha whom was raise$ In$ian 2harma Hin$'ts%a an$ ?o'n$e$ what @ecame the ;h'$$ist re(i&ion. 2'rin& 2005 3 a?ter I ha$ @een %iewin& this we@site < an A>er@aiJani 7(eric accompanie$ whom appeare$ to @e his A%ari 2a'&hter in (aw to ,ami(y 2o((ar which res'(te$ in their p'rchasin& pro$'cts at my re&ister 5 this may ha%e ma$e the 0man'e(es ner%o's as a res'(t o? my ?reI'ent st'$yin& o? a partic'(ar SUM9A oriente$ Persian Nationa(ist we@site an$ my pre%io's (i%in& arran&ement @ein& that a M's(im ha$ shown me the hospita(ity o? taDin& me into his home whi(e I was home(ess an$ ha$ &i%en me a p(ace to stay. A(i 9homeini whom is the Ayato((ah 7(eric o? Iran 3 whom is a(so o? A>er@aiJani race < is o? simi(ar appearance to this partic'(ar 7(eric whom was on(y a ?ew inches shorter than A(i 9homeini an$ o? eFtreme(y simi(ar appearance. HaDim whom was nicDname$ AMa%ericDA 3 (ooDe$ to possi@(y @e o? miFe$ 4e@anese an$ A>er@aiJani race < I @e(ie%e A(i 9homeini may possi@(y @e or miFe$ Iranian an$ A>er@aiJani race.

Ali 8homeini0s osition in !ran is a 'ery im ortant osition 2 any social relation to !ran that 4ittorio Emanuele and +illiberto Emanuele could ha'e ercei'ed me as ha'ing in ABBF and ABB> &ould ha'e been a 'ery fear$inducing ossibility for the Emanueles " this being for reason that ,enry (a)o&0s associates &hom &ere in'ol'ed in !n'estigations &ere in'estigating connections related to Richard Ni#on0s Regime and the criminal abuses of the C!A Pro6ect (8U7TRA- 3uring Richard Ni#on0s regime " Richard Ni#on and Richard ,elms &ere in'ol'ed in numerous angles of A*!S co'ert acti'ities 1 some of &hich in'ol'ed the e'ent &hich resulted in the remo'al of the Pahla'i Aristocracy of !ran &hich &as ossibly an intentional A*!S$created +alse$+lagged ,ostage$Crisis- ! belie'e that the ur ose of +alse$+lagging a hostage$crisis in !ran &as engineered for the ur ose of destabli/ing !ran in attem t to ,eirarchally 3eca itate the !ranian go'ernment &ith racially !ranian A*!S Globalist Crime$Soldiers 1 ! ersonally don0t belie'e this succeeded entirely" though ! do belie'e that +ascist$affiliated indi'iduals succeeded at securing ositions &ithin !ranian go'ernment close ough to the Ayatollah osition and the Presidential osition that they ha'e been able to influence these indi'iduals since this time- ! also belie'e it robable that the Emanueles and the E'olas may ha'e intentionally engineered the E#ile of the Pahla'i Aristocracy as a attem t at recruiting the Pahla'i Royal +amily as an A*!S Crime$+amily during E#ile 2 it is im ortant to remember that 4ittorio Emanuele !!! and Julius E'ola &ere e#iled 1 for ur ose of gaining Pahla'i sym athies " this &as robable to ha'e been used as an

em athetic ordeal- ! do not belie'e that the Emanueles and the E'olas succeeded at recruiting the Pahla'i Royal +amily as an A*!S Terrorist Crime$+amily " though ! do actually belie'e that a 3NA test is currently an absolute necessity for all Royal +amilies to ro'e their legitimate lineage for reason that ! ha'e &itnessed an e#tremely large number of !m osteurs in my region o'er the ast G years and also for reason that ! ha'e met numerous Royal +amilies in my lifetime- E'en although 4iral$4ector Gene$Thera y has been used for = years for ur ose of mutating indi'iduals0 faces and com le#ions as &ell as other features " for reason of aesthetic disguise 1 it is definite that a com lete medical bac)ground chec) &ith numerous alternati'e results from 'ariant sources in con6unction &ith multi le 3NA tests &ill ro'e the legitimacy to a family0s bloodline " ha logrou s " and heriditary aristocratic regency4ate one ni&ht3 a man came in to ,ami(y 2o((ar to ta(D to a coworDer o? mine name$ 7h'cD. 1his man was a@o't E ?eet ta((3 @(on$e3 an$ appeare$ to @e possi@(y ,innish an$ /'ssian. 1he neFt e%enin& 0$ :arren @ro'&ht my se(? to the o??ice an$ showe$ me the man on camera3 he seeme$ ?ear?'( an$ tense 5 he asDe$ me a&ain A :hatKs this &'yM :ho is this &'yMA. 1his co'($ ha%e either @een a new contact o? his an$ =ittorioKs3 some@o$y they were ?ear?'( o?3 or a ran$om person whom they were tryin& to 'se in or$er to co%er ?or 0$ :arrenKs emotiona( reaction o? ?ear when he was ca'&ht repeate$(y rep(ayin& the entrance o? the Hewish (a$y who ha$ come in to the store to p'rchase an item. I @e(ie%e that he an$ =ittorio ha$ ass'me$ that this woman was re(ate$ to Henry MaDow5 Henry MaDowKs name is a Po(sDaphonic He@rew name< my coworDer 7h'cD was possi@(y ha(? Po(ish which I @e(ie%e was the reason ?or their paranoia @ein& that there was a(so a @(on$e Po(ish ?ema(e who worDe$ at the store with 's. 1hree times 5 I witnesse$ 0$ :arren &i%in& stacDs o? cash money to a motorcyc(e &an&ster an$ on one occasion he han$e$ one to some@o$y e(se. 1his was a(( recor$e$ @y s'r%ei((ance eI'ipment at the store3 as were 0$ :arrenKs constant arro&ant statements. I ma$e an e??ort to ?ei&n i&norance the entire time I was worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar 5 0$ :arren $i$ a(ot o? ta(Din& in ?ront o? my se(? an$ was recor$e$ @y the ,ami(y 2o((ar S'r%ei((ance 0I'ipment which transmitte$ e(ectronica(y to Home .??ice as we(( as was he recor$e$ @y the Impro%ise$ A'$io /ecor$in& 2e%ices that he ha$ positione$ a@o't the Styro?oam 7ei(in& Pane(s ?or =ittorio 0man'e(e whom was spyin& on my se(? an$ my acI'aintances a?ter I emai(e$ Henry MaDow the emai( a@o't A$o(? Hit(erKs @io(o&ica( ?ami(y. 0$ :arren is associate$ with the He((Ks An&e(s3 .'t(aws3 Mi(?or$ an$ 7ompany3 two o? the Ita(ian Ma?ia networDs3 some comp'ter hacDers3 some@o$y in the 7IA3 some@o$y in the ,;I3 7esare 3 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e 3 some@o$y name$ AH'&hesA 3 an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e as we(( as a SeF 1ra??icDin& 7rimina( NetworD in ,(ori$a which has connections in Si(%er Sprin&s o'tsi$e o? :ashin&ton 2.7. 2e(aware an$ in New -orD. 0$ ,arrachi :arren is an Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime So($ier. 2'rin& the year 200* < as a res'(t o? my name @ein& poste$ on the ;'r>'m ?or'm 3 I met 0mi(y Is(es as we(( as Samantha ;ernstein whom was the sister o? the (awyer

whom I ha$ recent(y hire$ who was her @rother A$am ;ernstein. Meetin& Samantha ;ernstein was a ?ee(in& aDin to a A(o%e at ?irst si&htA emotion ?or me. Samantha was ?irst si&hte$ @y my se(? when she approache$ the store ?ront $oors at the ,ami(y 2o((ar store on 4inco(n Street in Manchester NewHampshire 5 a ta(( ma(e whom I percei%e$ to @e her ?iance ha$ entere$ the store ahea$ o? her an$ ha$ ne&(ecte$ to 3 ho($ the $oor ?or her < 'pon reco&ni>in& this 3 I @rie?(y $e@ate$ whether or not this was $'e to an attempt on his part at caterin& to a ,eminist stan$ar$ o? her own or i? this man ha$ simp(y ?ai(e$ to reco&ni>e the tr'e ca(i@er o? woman he ha$ somehow mana&e$ to attract the a??ections o?. I ?e(t SamanthaKs presense @e?ore I ha$ physica((y si&hte$ Samantha %is'a((y < I (ooDe$ 'p ?rom the retai( co'nter in ?ront o? my se(? an$ saw a han$ on the han$(e o? the $oor at the entry way o? the store3 as I watche$ her han$ &rip the han$(e o? the $oor I was ?or some 'nDnown reason emotiona((y e??ecte$ @y the ?ee(in& o? her presense an$ increasin&(y emotiona((y e??ect @y the si&ht o? her han$. As Samantha wa(De$ thro'&h the $oorway 3 I was eFtreme(y emotiona((y e??ecte$ @y this womanKs presense ?or reasons that I $i$ not 'n$erstan$. I remem@er @ein& in awe o? this woman an$ inha(in& $eep(y at the si&ht o? her < a?ter which I remem@ere$ my s'rro'n$in&s an$ (ooDe$ $own at my 'ni?orm an$ tho'&ht imme$iate(y o? my he(p(ess position in (i?e3 the 0man'e(es whom I ha$ pre%io's(y met whom ha$ possi@(y tar&ette$ me an$ my entire ?ami(y as we(( as socia( networD 3 as we(( as $i$ I consi$er the ?act that her ma(e companion an$ her @oth appeare$ to @e o? sta@(e mi$$(e economic c(ass an$ I was (iDe(y to @e st'cD at an 8V an ho'r Jo@ 'nti( the 0man'e(es an$ their accomp(ices eFterminate$ my entire ?ami(y an$ I. I remem@er ?ee(in& emotiona((y inJ're$ @y the rea(i>ation that I wo'($ pro@a@(y ne%er @e capa@(e o? accomp(ishin& eno'&h in my (i?etime to @e a@(e to e%er e%en approach a woman (iDe Samantha ?or p'rpose o? e%er e%en p'rs'in& a $ate with her an$ that it was (iDe(y that I was not &oin& to (i%e ?or m'ch more than e%en 10 years (on&er 5 I remem@ere$ my position in (i?e an$ imme$iate(y $e?(ecte$ any ?'rther emotiona( reaction to this womanKs presense in the store. A?ter Samantha entere$ the store 3 Samantha an$ her ma(e companion wa(De$ $irect(y to the @acD o? the store. A?ter a@o't ?i%e min'tes ha$ passe$ 3 SamanthaKs ma(e companion eFite$ ,ami(y 2o((ar. I imme$iate(y @ecame c'rio's a@o't where Samantha was an$ $i$ not see Samantha ?or a@o't ?i%e min'tes more < a?ter this span o? time 3 I ?e(t a presense @ehin$ my se(? which ca'se$ me to (ooD o%er my (e?t sho'($er an$ notice Samantha stan$in& @ehin$ me (ooDin& at the @acD o? my hea$. As I notice$ her an$ was a@o't to maDe eye contact with Samantha 3 she (ooDe$ $own imme$iate(y at some pro$'cts that were on a $isp(ay in ?ront o? her ?or p'rpose o? a%oi$in& eye contact with me < I imme$iate(y rea(i>e$ that a ?(eetin& ass'mption that I ha$ pre%io's(y ma$e was (iDe(y to @e correct 5 this was a Hewish woman whom @e(ie%e$ that I may possi@(y @e an A6IS ANeo Na>iA whom ha$ come to see me in person an$ $iscern what it was that pre%oDe$ me to hate her peop(e. I ass'me$ that it was (iDe(y that she was a re(ati%e o? A$am ;ernsteinKs whom m'st ha%e notice$ the post which ha$ @een p'@(ishe$ on ;'r>'m..r& attri@'te$ to my 'ser acco'nt or that she was somehow re(ate$ to Henry MaDow an$ ha$ mis'n$erstoo$ the intentions o? my emai(s to Henry MaDow. A?ter notice$ that it eFiste$ 3 I ha$ (e?t the post on the ;'r>'m ?or'm re&ar$in& A$am

;ernstein 'nto'che$ ?or a ?ew months prior to the entire we@site @ein& remo%e$ ?rom the internet an$ re en&ineere$ entire(y to @e (ater re 'p(oa$e$ as an empy c(ean s(ate messa&e @oar$ an$ new(y 'p$ate$ we@site. I was eFtreme(y impresse$ @y SamanthaKs co'ra&e an$ her $e$ication to her peop(e an$ her ?ami(y < re&ar$(ess o? this 3 I was ?act'a((y more impresse$ @y this woman herse(?. I was awe str'cD @y SamanthaKs presense 5 I was eFtreme(y e??ecte$ @y her @ea'ty an$ her persona( post'rin& as we(( as what co'($ @e consi$ere$ the nat'ra( ne'ro(o&y o? the physica( eFpression o? her emotions an$ her intentions thro'&h her re(ecti%e @o$y (an&'a&e an$ the mechanics o? her emoti%e responses to her tho'&hts. I t'rne$ aro'n$ an$ attempte$ to i&nore SamanthaKs presense in the store. A?ter a ?ew more min'tes 3 Samantha was stan$in& in ?ront o? my se(? at the co'nter an$ was (ooDin& at me with a co($ an$ stern (ooD on her ?ace < I (ooDe$ 'p ?rom the co'nter which I ha$ @een starin& at an$ ma$e eye contact with her an$ co'($nKt he(p my se(? @y smi(e an immense smi(e. Samantha (ooDe$ con?'se$ at ?irst an$ a?terwar$ &a%e me the (ooD that a (itt(e &ir( wo'($ &i%e a (ost p'ppy that ha$ somehow ?o((owe$ her home 3 she @e&an to twir( a (ocD o? her hair an$ (ooDe$ as i? she were won$erin& i? I ha$ ?ai(e$ to notice her @ein& o? Israe(i race $'e to her &o($en hair co(or < a?terwar$s she t'rne$ 'p ha(? o? her mo'th in what appeare$ to @e a con?'se$ ?ee(in& o? com?ort at my presense which ha$ @een the 'neFpecte$ res'(t o? not @ein& reacte$ to with hatre$ or apathy when she approache$ me ?ace to ?ace at the sa(es $esD. I $o not remem@er what she p'rchase$ @'t I @e(ie%e that it may ha%e @een @atteries. Samantha pai$ in cash. I remem@er ?ee(in& as i? this woman was an anima( %ery m'ch (iDe my se(? an$ that her ne'ro(o&y eFpresse$ a rare Din$ o? person %ery simi(ar to my se(? in 'ncommon ways that portraye$ a person whom was o? a near(y i$entica( spirit as my se(? < I ha%e ne%er 's'a((y ?e(t this way in my (i?e an$ I was ama>e$ that I ha$ eFperience$ the eFistence o? two peop(e s'ch as herse(? an$ 0mi(y Is(es within the same time ?rame o? my (i?e 5 this was ama>in& @'t ma$e the ?o((owin& years m'ch har$er to $ea( with. I $i$ in ?act mention wor$s s'ch as these $escri@in& Samantha ;ernstein to a sma(( n'm@er o? in$i%i$'a(s o%er the neFt ?ew months. :hat $e?inite(y ca'&ht the 0man'e(esK attention howe%er3 was 0$ ,arrachi :arren panicDin& 'pon si&ht o? Samantha ;ernstein an$ her ma(e companion. A?ter Samantha ;ernstein ha$ (e?t the store 3 I wa(De$ to the o??ice o? the store which was (ocate$ in the stocD room re&ion an$ ca'&ht 0$ :arren rep(ayin& the sec'rity camera recor$in& o? what ha$ J'st transpire$. 0$ ,arrachi :arren reacte$ @y statin& ner%o's(y 3A:hat is thisM :ho was thatM :hat ... are yo' &i%in& her the care @ear stareMA < to which I rep(ie$3 A1hat is the most @ea'ti?'( woman I ha%e e%er seen3 is who that is.A. 0$ (ooDe$ at me ca'tio's(y 3 I rep(ie$ to this statin& A-eah 3 I Dnow. SheKs Hewish. .@%io's(y. Haha. SheKs sti(( the most @ea'ti?'( woman I ha%e e%er seen.A . 0$ rep(ie$ to my statement re&ar$in& SamanthaKs @ea'ty 3 statin& 5 A-eah 'h... thatKs a nice (ooDin& @roa$.A. I was at ?irst ass'min& that 0$ ,arrachi :arren may ha%e @een worrie$ a@o't the i$entica( (on& @(acD coats Samantha an$ her ma(e companion ha$ @een wearin& an$ the ?act that they were Hewish 3 possi@(y that he consi$ere$ them to possi@(y worD ?or Mossa$ < I now @e(ie%e that 0$ an$ =ittorio were a(rea$y aware o? Samantha ;ernsteinKs an$ A$am ;ernsteinKs i$entity prior to my e%er e%en meetin& Samantha.

ApproFimate(y one month a?ter SamanthaKs appearance at ,ami(y 2o((ar 3 I (earne$ Samantha ;ernsteinKs name a?ter taDin& a wa(D to the 0(m Street 7iti>ens ;anD in Manchester NewHampshire an$ asDe$ to speaD to c'stomer ser%ice. I remem@er ca((in& ;ren$an P(ace a@o't this a?terwar$s ?rom 9enneth H'$$Ks home te(ephone (ine at o'r apartment to te(( him that I ha$ J'st (earne$ her name an$ that it was a stran&e coinci$ence o? ?ate @eca'se I ha$ not inten$e$ to necessari(y wa(D into 7iti>ens ;anD on 0(m Street when I went ?or a wa(D that $ay an$ that there was a 7iti>ens ;anD across the parDin&(ot ?rom ,ami(y 2o((ar an$ that I $i$ not nee$ to &o to the 0(m Street 7iti>ens ;anD (ocation ?or any reason. Short(y a?ter the Samantha ;ernstein ha$ ma$e an appearance at the store 3 (ater that weeD 5 some ita(ians whom appeare$ (iDe(y to @e ma?ia ?ami(y a@o't ! years o($er than my se(? came in to the store @rie?(y aro'n$ that same time o? ni&ht. I am not s're i? they were re(ate$ to the &'ys that I was worDin& with @ein& that 0$ an$ the other &'y were @oth o? Ita(ian ancestry3 @'t they $i$ not appear to @e physica( re(ati%es. .ne o? them (ooDe$ re(ate$ to 2onato Genti(e whom I met years (ater at the Gemini Ho'se on :a(n't St. in Manchester New Hampshire. Another stran&e e%ent which occ'rre$ in%o(%in& 0$ :arren aro'n$ 20055 he approache$ me an$ p(ace$ 'pon the retai( co'nter what (ooDe$ (iDe a micro transistor or rese%oir component tape$ to a ce(('(ar micro @attery @y a wa$ o? e(ectrica( con$'cti%e copper tape. 0$ ,arrachi :arren smi(e$ e%i((y at me. 1his was imme$iate(y a?ter 0$ ,arrachi :arren an$ Anthony 2e,eo ha$ @een $isc'ssin& 'sin& =erchips as /.M to co'p(e the =erichip with a p'sher s'ch as 7e(( Phone 2e%ice or A/G.S G(o@a( Positionin& System Imp(ant s'ch as a Pet 1a& or a ;io(o&istKs S'r&ica( Imp(ant. 2'rin& the year 2008 3 a si&n was p(ace$ on the win$ow o'tsi$e o? ! 2ays MarDet where an Iranian man an$ a PaDistani man ?reI'ent(y worDe$ 5 this si&n was a$%ertisin& AMicrochip Pet Imp(antsA. In ;e$?or$ NewHampshire 3 there is a strip c('@ ca((e$ Go($ 7('@ which 'se$ to @e ca((e$ MarDKs Showp(ace 5 this strip c('@ is c(ose @y a =eteranianKs 7(inic an$ a Ne'roSpine Instit'te ?or Ne'ro(o&y as we(( as a new Hote( an$ a new Apartment 7omp(eF as we(( as 2o& 9enne(s which seeme$ to @e c(ose$ constant(y. I ha%e @een to($ that this >one @ecame a s(a%e $en. 1his was on the 2.:. Hi&hway. 1he men ?rom ! 2ays MarDet are c'rrent(y missin& an$ seem to @e rep(ace$ @y men whom (ooD (iDe Ita(ians who ha%e 'n$er&one =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy to (ooD (iDe an Iranian an$ a Hor$anian. 7'rrent(y 3 there are MISSING 2.G si&ns a(( o%er New 0n&(an$ with what appear to @e comp(eF $escriptions an$ mo@i(e ce(('(ar te(ephone n'm@ers 5 these MISSING 2.G posters $escri@e the $o&s as AMicro7hippe$A o?ten. 1he mornin& that 0$ ,arrachi :arren p(ace$ this rese%oir component con$'ctor tape$ to a @attery on the ta@(e5 was aro'n$ the time that 0$ :arren was ta(Din& a@o't microchips. I notice$ whi(e stocDin& c(eanin& chemica(s in the @acD (e?t o? the store 3 that 0$ was p(ayin& with a paper towe( t'@e an$ a paper towe( 5 0$ state$ whi(e $oin& this 3 A1his wi(( maDe her stop @itchin&.A. 0$ ?o($e$ a paper towe( insi$e o? the paper towe( t'@e an$ sI'ee>e$ the paper towe( t'@e narrow 5 0$ ,arrachi :arren sai$ AHey Ian... A an$ (ooDe$ to his (e?t at me whi(e ho($in& the paper towe( insi$e the t'@e ... AwhatKs thisMA

a?ter which he p'she$ the paper towe( o't o? the t'@e an$ onto the ?(oor where it 'n?o($e$. 0$ smi(e$ an$ (a'&he$ an$ sai$ A-o'K%e &ot no i$eaLA. Aro'n$ the $ate that 0$ $i$ this3 he attempte$ to ?rame a ta(( Israe(i man wearin& a @(acD trench coat whom ha$ @een comin& into the store to ta(D to me 5 a?ter the man (e?t 0$ spi((e$ a paper @a& o? =erichips on the @acD she(? an$ @ro'&ht one to me asDin& me AHey... Ian.... whatKs thisM I ?o'n$ it in the @acD o? the store. 1hereKs a who(e @a& o? them spi((e$ @acD there.A It was a =erichip3 there was a @a& o? =erichips spi((e$ in the @acD. Aro'n$ this time Samantha ;ernstein may ha%e @een a@$'cte$. Shannon ;'rston to($ me that 0$ :arren to($ her to te(( me A-o'r &ir(?rien$ &ot hit @y a tr'cD.A . 1his so'n$e$ (iDe a re?erence to the openin& scene o? the %i$eo&ame Syn$icate which I ha$ @een p(ayin& on my comp'ter 5 $'rin& which a pe$estrian is hit @y a %ehic(e whom intentiona((y hit them prior to a@$'ctin& them ?or p'rpose o? (ater t'rnin& them into a semi @io(o&ica( an$roi$ s(a%e so($ier to worD ?or a ,ascist 7rime Syn$icate. Samantha ;ernstein ha$ J'st appeare$ at ,ami(y 2o((ar approFimate(y one month @e?ore 0$ ma$e the paper towe( JoDe. Possi@(y one month prior 3 my roommate Scot H'nter was c(ippe$ @y a car ?rom @ehin$ whi(e wa(Din& to the @ar < Scot H'nter was a(so assa'(te$ @y ?ema(es at the @ar aro'n$ this time whom accor$in& to him went to the 313 to A@ash &aysA 5 he ca((e$ them ?ema(e &ay @ashers. 1hese were (iDe(y to @e re(ate$ to a series o? attempts at hospita(i>in& in$i%i$'a(s ?or p'rpose o? S'r&ica((y Imp(antin& ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces an$ Ne'ro7irc'its in their sD'((s. 2'rin& the time that a(( o? this was happenin&3 I was rea$in& a(ot a@o't scienti?ic a$%ancements reporte$ in ma&a>ine artic(es as we(( as on the internet. I ha$ rea$ artic(es a@o't :ire(ess ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces @ein& 'se$ to remote contro( rats to enter an$ eFp(ore @'rnin& @'i($in&s in or$er to ?in$ trappe$ %ictims 5 the Ne'ro7irc'it was p(ace$ on the ratKs @rains c(ose eno'&h to the occ'(ar ner%e to see thro'&h to ratKs eyes on a comp'ter monitor an$ was wire$ to a ro'ter o? some Din$ imp(ante$ in the ratKs @o$y as we(( as was a sma(( power so'rce. 1he ro$ent was pi(ote$ thro'&h a ma>e as we(( as thro'&h an o@stac(e co'rse. A(so< a scientist ha$ $e%e(ope$ a prosthetic arm an$ han$ which (ooDe$ i$entica( to the one ?rom the mo%ie 1he 1erminator3 it was capa@(e o? @ein& powere$ @y the e(ectricity o? the h'man @o$iesK own .r&anic Ne'ro7irc'itry an$ &ra?te$ $irect(y into the ner%es. 1he most $ist'r@in& scienti?ic $isco%ery aro'n$ this time was a ne'roscience eFperiment which ha$ pro%en that a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace prosthetic Ne'ro7irc'it co'($ @e 'se$ to $ecei%e a canineKs @rain3 creatin& a contro((e$ sensory co&niti%e $istortion o? rea(ity capa@(e o? tricDin& the $o&Ks @rain into i$enti?yin& a comp(ete(y ?orei&n h'man as the petKs trainer. 1he part o? the @rain which ana(y>es sha$ow contrast an$ shape is the part o? the @rain which i$enti?ies an in$i%i$'a( an$ attri@'tes i$entity to this in$i%i$'a( < this part o? the @rain primari(y ana(y>es ?aces5 apparent(y it is easy to $ecei%e this part o? the @rain 'sin& e(ectro ma&netics. 1hese st'$ies ha%e @een repro$'ce$ in h'mans an$ ha%e shown i$entica( res'(ts as (on& as the ?orei&n ?ace is o? simi(ar eno'&h shape an$ comp(eFion in comparison to the Dnown ?ace. 1his is a weapon o? eFtreme potentia( 5 %ictims with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace Ne'ro7irc'its &ra?te$ on their @rain are not e%en

a@(e to te(( the $i??erence @etween their own spo'se an$ a ?orei&ner when so?tware is 'se$ to con?'se them as s'ch. I mentione$ these thin&s in ?ront o? 0$ :arren3 whom ha$ o@%io's(y @een watchin& my internet st'$ies as was his hacDer an$ the person wire tappin& my phoneca((s to 0mi(y Is(es whom is a(so %ery inte((i&ent < in ?act3 moreso than my se(?. 1he Ne'roScience So?tware which was 'se$ in the con?'sin& o? the canineKs @rain 3 @ein& 'se$ in conJ'nction with =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy < is compari@(e to 2a%i$ IcDeKs shapeshi?tin& a(ien $oppe(&an&er Aconspiracy theoryA propa&an$a 5 which c(aims that the ;ritish /oya( ,ami(y3 ;aracD .@ama3 Geor&e ;'sh3 ;i(( 7(inton3 an$ 2icD 7heney are shape shi?tin& /epti(ian 2raconian A(iens ?rom a p(anet neFt $oor to o'rs in another $imensiona( rea(ity whom are here to ens(a%e h'manity an$ conI'er the earth permanant(y. 2a%i$ IcDeKs ?icticio's a(ien species can shapeshi?t at wi(( 3 $oppe(&an&in& h'man@ein&s. In the year 200! < a?ter I met the ?act'a( 0(i>a@eth Hano%er 3 9ate Hano%er 3 an$ :i((iam Hano%er whom a(( @o'&ht ?oo$ an$ @e%era&e ?rom me at 2'nDin 2on'ts in the Ma(( o? NewHampshire $'rin& the s'mmer season 5 an imposte'r 0(i>a@eth Hano%er was a$mitte$ to a Psychiatric Unit in Nash'a NewHampshire where I ha$ spent a weeD $'rin& (ate No%em@er. It seeme$ as i? she was a$mitte$ to the 'nit to see i? she wo'($ pass ?or 0(i>a@eth Hano%er 'sin& the Ne'roScience So?tware an$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace which ha$ @een @ein& 'se$ on me. She c(aime$ her name was 0(i>a@eth 1'$or @'t was o@%io's(y attemptin& to present herse(? as 0(i>a@eth Hano%er an$ was wearin& S'mmer /ose MacPhersonKs @('e straw hat. 2'rin& this @rie? stay in the Psychiatric Unit 3 there was a man that arri%e$ whom ha$ a (aptop with a US; U@ertooth an$ a US; /,I2 Scannin& Unit which was a white sI'are. I @e(ie%e that the /a$io ,reI'ency I$enti?ication 2e%ice Scannin& Unit is ?or the p'rpose o? $etectin& the G(o@a( Positionin& System 2e%ice 3 the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 3 an$ any possi@(e S'r&ica( Imp(ant in my ?orearm +s'ch as a =erichip8 that was imp(ante$ in the So'thern /e&iona( NewHampshire Me$ica( 7enter in Nash'a NewHampshire whi(e at the 0mer&ency /oom with my A'nt 4es(ie when a man worDin& as the N'rse st'cD a $e%ice $eep into my arm. 1he man whom $i$ this appeare$ to @e Ita(ian with :e(sh an$ Irish 2NA =ira( =ector Gene 1herapie$ to (ooD simi(ar to A(an A%eri(( whom I ha$ J'st emai(e$ on MySpace.7om. A(an A%eri(( is Irish an$ is the %oca(ist an$ (yricist as we(( as a son& writer ?or the Irish M'sica( ;an$ 5 Primor$ia(. 1he man whom st'cD the $e%ice in my ?orearm p't his ?oot 'p on a car an$ p(ace$ his e(@ow on his Dnee whi(e maDin& a pinDy ?in&er in$eF ?in&er han$ si&n (iDe he was posin& ?or a @an$ photo&raph. I @e(ie%e %ery ?irm(y that the 0man'e(es an$ the 0%o(as are p(annin& to /ep(ace @y Imposte'r the Hano%er ,ami(y as we(( as possi@(y the Norwe&ian /oya( ,ami(y an$ any other /oya( ,ami(y that they can /ep(ace @y Imposte'r with in$i%i$'a(s (oya( to the Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate. 1he (ast time I spoDe to the &ir( who to($ me that her name was A0mi(y Is(esA 3 she to($ me that her mother was not her Mother @'t that there was a woman in her ho'se who was preten$in& to @e her Mother an$ (ooDe$ eFtreme(y simi(ar to her Mother. She to($ me AI $onKt thinD that I am &oin& to &et o't o? this a(i%e.A to which I respon$e$ with AP(ease &et to a nei&h@orKs ho'se an$ ca(( the po(ice or a ho'se in a $i??erent

nei&h@orhoo$ an$ ca(( the po(ice i? the nei&h@orKs ho'se isnKt sa?e.A 1he (ast thin& that A0mi(yA e%er to($ me was AI (o%e yo'.A. 2'rin& the months @e?ore the $isappearance o? this ?ema(e whom I ha$ Dnown as A0mi(y Is(esA 3 n'mero's $i??erent ?ema(esK photo&raphs ha$ @een sent to me ?rom this ScreenName 'n$er the &'ise that they were A0mi(y Is(esA 5 the screen name which A0mi(y Is(esA ha$ @een 'sin& on America .n 4ine Instant Messa&er (ooDe$ simi(ar to A@@ey 0t(in&erKs o($ A...4. Instant Messa&er screen name. Username /ich 7onesc' eFp(aine$ to me that ;arry :einstein was the /a@@i that I ha$ met whi(e worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar an$ that /ich Dnew him. I @e(ie%e that $'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 3 @oth 9risten Nassar an$ Samantha ;ernstein worDe$ ?or a 7iti>ens ;anD @ranch in Manchester NewHampshire. It has since this time @ecome apparent that 0mi(y Is(es was a@$'cte$. I @e(ie%e that Samantha ;ernstein is (iDe(y to ha%e @een a@$'cte$ aro'n$ the same $ate as my co'sin 9risten Nassar whom was /ep(ace$ @y an Imposte'r as is it (iDe(y that Samantha ;ernstein was < aro'n$ the time o? 9ristenKs 'nnotice$ $isappearance3 /ich 7onesc' in?orme$ me that ;arry :einsteinKs $a'&hter was missin&. :hi(e I was worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar3 I notice$ approFimate(y * c'stomers with what appeare$ to @e Ne'ro Prosthesis &ra?te$ into their sD'((s. 1wo o? these appeare$ to @e 7och(ear 0ar Imp(ants3 the other two were em@e$$e$ in the sD'(( an$ ?it (iDe hea$@an$s. .ne o? the (ast $ays that I was worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n St Manchester NH3 0$ :arren came into the store ret'rnin& ?rom his ('nch @reaD an$ (ooDe$ at me an$ sai$ A:hat3 are yo' &oin& to @e the (ast one &oin& $own into the (a%aMA an$ ma$e so'n$s ?rom the 1erminator 2 mo%ie in re?erence to the scene where Arno($ Schwar>ene&&er 1 100 &oes $own into the (a%a to $estroy the (ast 1erminator Ariti?icia( Inte((i&ence microchip so that the 1erminator co'($ not @e in%ente$ in the ?'t're. A?ter sayin& this3 he shooD his hea$ an$ (a'&he$ sayin& A-o'K%e &ot no i$eaLA . .ne $ay a?ter the 1erminator 2 3 ;rain Microchip comment 5 0$ :arren was wa(Din& aro'n$ the store maDin& ro@ot so'n$s 3 (iDe his (im@s were ro@otic contro((e$ ro@ot parts with piston hy$ro(ics. 2'rin& the year 2005 3 whi(e ta(Din& to Anthony 2e,eo < 0$ :arren eFp(aine$ that =ittorio 0man'e(e when he was yo'n&er was &oin& 50N50 on Initiation 7rimes with a man ?or p'rpose o? @'i($in& @(acD mai( @etween the two an$ 7rimina( 1r'st. :hen 0$ ,arrachi :arren eFp(aine$ this to Anthony 2e,eo 3 he (eap ?ro&&e$ his han$s o%er one another repeate$(y 5 eFp(ainin& that these were Ah'r$(esA. 0$ :arren (ater eFp(aine$ that ,i( 0man'e(e ha$ $one the same thin& with another man. Anthony 2e,eo cam @acD statin& that ,i(Ks o($er @rother 7hris ha$ $one the same thin& an$ that they ha$ tra$e$ the e%i$ence with eachother an$ that 7hrisKs e%i$ence was sto(en. 0$ :arren @ecame wi$e eye$ an$ sai$ 3 A2'$e they sto(e itLMA an$ trace$ the in%erte$ pentac(e shape in the air with his ?in&er an$ sai$ A1hey sto(e itMA. Anthony 2e,eo respon$e$ with a ner%o's no$ o? AyesA. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs 50N50 7rime Partner is $e?inite(y somehow within Gerry

AHerryA 2KAmicoKs socia( networD 3 2inoKs socia( networD 3 the socia( networD o? the man who owne$ the Ho(i$ay Inn in Mar(@oro Massach'settes $'rin& 2000 3 is pro@a@(e to ha%e some Din$ o? 2r'& 7arte( 7onnections in 7o(om@ia 3 is pro@a@(e to ha%e a SeF 1ra??icDin& 7onnection in ;ra>i( an$ Ar&entina 3 is pro@a@(e to ha%e SeF 1ra??icDin& connections in UDraine an$ /'ssia s we(( as New -orD 7ity U.S.A. 3 an$ ha$ a connection to the owner o? 7('@ Manray in ;oston Massach'settes $'rin& 2003. 2'rin& the winter o? the year 2011 a (ar&e Ser%er 7omp'ter was set 'p in the (o@@y area o? the con$emne$ an$ c(ose$ Ho(i$ay Inn in Mar(@oro Massach'settes 5 this Ser%er 7omp'ter co'($ @e seen thro'&h the win$ow an$ (it 'p the win$ow an$ room with a @('e (i&ht. this Ho(i$ay Inn is primari(y a secon$ ?(oor Hote( an$ has a $ri%e 'p $rop o?? area 'n$erneath ha(? o? the secon$ ?(oor which han&s o%er the 'n$erpass. 1he Ho(i$ay Inn in Mar(@oro Massach'settes is near a &rocery store 3 is imme$iate(y o?? the hi&hway 3 an$ is in ?ront o? a m'ch (ar&er Hote(. 1his Ho(i$ay Inn is %ery sma(( an$ (ooDs (iDe it 'se$ to @e a @anD in the 1"80Ks. 2'rin& 200* an$ 2005 < I ha$ rea$ artic(es a@o't Ne'roScience whi(e on the internet 5 one o? these artic(es $escri@e$ a s'ccess?'( eFperiment in%o(%in& the 'sin& o? a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace to re pro&ram the part o? the canine @rain that i$enti?ies ?ace3 sha$ow reco&nition3 an$ i$entity. 1his is a we(( $e%e(ope$ science as the a@i(ity to $o this to $o&sK @rains was $isco%ere$ o%er ten years a&o3 the metho$s $isco%ere$ pro$'ce$ repeate$ s'ccess?'( res'(ts as we(( as were the res'(ts in$i%i$'a( speci?ic in that the canineKs @rain was a@(e to @e tricDe$ to i$enti?y an in$i%i$'a( as a speci?ic $i??erent in$i%i$'a( s'ch as the $o&Ks trainer ?or instance. 1his certain(y worDs with a h'man @rain in a %ery simi(ar manner as it $i$ with the canineKs @rains. It is (o&ica( to s'rmise that in h'mans3 a certain amo'nt o? hypnosis is in%o(%e$ < @'t as I ha%e (earne$ recent(y3 ;rain 1o ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces ori&ina((y inten$e$ ?or te(epathic te(ephone con%ersation o%er internet connection an$ so?tware 5 ha%e @een 'se$ to hypnotise the %ictims @y ta(Din& $irect(y into their @rain near the a'$ia( ner%e. Ne'roScience 1e(epathy so?tware ena@(es 'sers to speaD into the h'man min$ as a menta( %oice simi(ar to the inner %oice which or&ani>es a@stracts into the ?orm o? (in&'istic concepts an$ or&ani>es the thinDin& an$ ana(ysis @y ta(Din& o't (o'$ in si$e o? the @rain as oppose$ to speaDin& a'$i@(y %oca((y. =is'a( ima&ery in the ima&ination sector o? the @rain is a(so capa@(e o? @ein& 'se$ an$ it $o'@t(ess(y has < the other way which this wo'($ @e $one in%o(%es store$ memory ima&e reco&nition an$ the process @y which it is accesse$ in the @rain. N'm@ers an$ wor$s can @e presente$ to the %ictim within the %ictimKs @rain3 on(y %isi@(e to the min$s eye an$ @are(y acDnow(e$&a@(e when it is not the %ictimKs own wi(( which ha$ conJ're$ this ima&es into the min$. As I ha%e pre%io's(y state$3 $'e to the h'man @rain an$ ne'ropathways @ein& o? a ma&netic nat're 5 micro@atteries an$ prosthetic Ne'ro7irc'its can ro@ot the entire h'man ?orm 'sin& ro@otics animation so?tware $esi&n ?or Ne'roScience p'rposes . I am s're e%en min'te sections o? the @rain can @e ro@otica((y contro((e$ as we((. It seems pro@a@(e that the 0man'e(e 0%o(a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate c'rrent(y has a $e?acto monopo(y on hea(thcare instit'tions in m'(tip(e re&ions as we(( as comm'nications an$ entertainment ser%ices in m'(tip(e re&ions o? North America thro'&h metho$ o? p'rchase o? properties 'sin& :ea(th /etainers to ho($ the properties or stocD shares in their own names. I? =ittorio 0man'e(e in%este$ (a'n$ere$ money in hospita(s3 internet ser%ice pro%i$ers3 te(ephone networD pro%i$ers3 an$ ca@(e te(e%ision networD pro%i$ers 5 the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icate wo'($ c'rrent(y ha%e contro( o%er (ar&e portions o? the

comm'nications networD as we(( as hospita(s an$ $irect access to Ser%ers. Access to hea(thcare ?aci(ities ena@(es the 0man'e(esK terrorist a&ents to Ne'roS'r&ery their %ictims whi(e they are as(eep in hea(thcare ?aci(ities either $'rin& a s'r&ery or as an inpatient. A ?ew months a?ter the 0man'e(esK hacDin& assa'(t on my comp'ter ha$ @e&'n in ear(y 200* 3 I was ?reI'ent(y p(ayin& two o($ %i$eo&ames 'sin& 0m'(ators on my comp'ter5 these were a S0GA G0N0SIS /.M tit(e$ Sha$ow/'n an$ a SUP0/ NIN10N2. /.M tit(e$ Syn$icate. I was p'rpose(y p(ayin& %i$eo &ames re(ate$ to 7omp'ter HacDin& an$ .r&ani>e$ 7rime ?or the p'rpose o? $isco%erin& i? 0$ :arren wo'($ mention the content topic o? the %i$eo &ames at worD e%ent'a((y. ;oth o? these &ames are 7y@erp'nD 1heme$ an$ in%o(%e hacDin& an$ ne'roscience cy@er prosthesis. Syn$icate @e&ins with an animation seI'ence $'rin& which a car is pi(ote$ to intentiona((y hit a pe$estrian an$ an .r&ani>e$ 7rime Syn$icate 'ses Ne'roS'r&ery on the wo'n$e$ pe$estrian3 t'rnin& them into a remote contro((e$ ro@ot terrorist cy@or& so($ier o? a corporati%ist 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate. 1he other &ame3 Sha$owr'n < in%o(%es a pri%ate in%esti&ator who has a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace in his sD'(( which is networDe$ to a comp'ter hacDin& 'nit ca((e$ a A2ecDA. 1he pri%ate in%esti&ator is an associate o? m'(tip(e 7rime Syn$icates3 7orporate 0spiona&e A&ents3 7omp'ter HacDers3 an$ 1echno(o&y PhreaDers. 1he Sha$owr'n &ame an$ no%e( settin& is (oose(y @ase$ on :i((iam Gi@sonKs no%e(s3 the most pop'(ar o? which @ein& Ne'romancer. G'i(t o?ten presents itse(? in the ?orm o? mi($ tra'ma3 which compo'n$s e%ery time a crime is committe$ which is simi(ar to the crime that ha$ initia((y ca'se$ the @ase ?ee(in& o? &'i(t. Sometimes< psycho(o&ica( pro?i(ers wi(( ?in$ that a repeat o??en$erKs crimina(ity e%o(%e$ into a (i?e o? crime a?ter eFperiencin& an o%erwhe(min& sense o? &'i(t to which they respon$e$ @y compo'n$in& that &'i(t eFponentia((y as an emotiona( $e?ense mechanism in an attempt to o%ercome their own @rainsK chemica( pro$'ction o? the emotion that is GUI41. =ittorio 0man'e(e @e&an sta(Din& my se(? imme$iate(y a?ter I wrote to Henry MaDow o? SA=01H0MA40S.7A 5 some o? his a&ents may ha%e a(rea$y @een watchin& my IP A22/0SS ?or a whi(e $'e to the ?act that I ha$ @een 'sin& the internet comm'nity ?or in%esti&ati%e research concernin& P/.H071 M9U41/A an$ the AI44UMINA1IA G(o@a( 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate as we(( as was my Mother a SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim o? =ittorioKs 7rime Syn$icate when she was a chi($ an$ her ?rien$Ks $a'&hter Sam G'ay a@$'cte$ in 2002 @y =ittorioKs 7rime Syn$icate. My Mother was ?rien$s with Samantha G'ayKs mother an$ my co'sin Shei(a was Samantha G'ayKs motherKs @est ?rien$. Samantha G'ayKs a'nt or co'sin was a(so a SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim when she was yo'n&er 3 o? the same 7rime Syn$icate that h'rt my Mother when she was a chi($. 1he 0man'e(es seem to attacD the same ?ami(ies repeate$(y 'nti( the ?ami(iesK entire (ines are eFtinct. 1he mention o? A-o'r &ir(?rien$ &ot hit @y a tr'cD. 0$3 to($ me to te(( yo'. IKm not s're what he meant.A @rin&s to min$ the openin& scene animation seI'ence o? the &ame Syn$icate. 1he (on& haire$ Hewish woman in the (on& @(acD coat whom ha$ ma$e an appearance at ,ami(y 2o((ar with her ma(e companion one ni&ht was (ater mentione$ to me @y a man whom was apparent(y worDin& ?or =ittorio 0man'e(e 3 @ein& re?erre$ to as A,rench Hews in @(acD trench coat.A 5 I am not s're i? Samantha is racia((y ?rench at a(( @'t she was $e?inite(y o? Israe(i race. I @e(ie%e Samantha ;ernstein was a@o't 1N* 2e'tsche(an$er an$ 3N* Israe(i < her ma(e companion appeare$ to @e 1N2 ,ranDic an$ 1N2 Israe(i. I ha%e since @een in?orme$ that Samantha was a@$'cte$ an$ that another %ictim was ?orce$ to 'se her I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s an$ she was ?orce$ to 'se yet another %ictimKs I.2. 7re$entia(s. MarD C'cDer@er& appeare$ at ,ami(y 2o((ar in 2005

an$ is pro@a@(e to ha%e @een ass'me$ @y =ittorio to @e a Hewish 2e?ense 4ea&'e connection o? mine 5 MarD C'cDer@er&Ks sister was tar&ette$ @y ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e m'ch the same as Samantha ;ernstein was 3 the /a@@i ;arry :einsteinKs 11 year o($ $a'&hter H'(ie :einstein was tar&ette$ 3 =a(erie .(son was tar&ette$ 3 0mi(y Is(es was tar&ette$ 3 Gr't(e 9Je((sonKs sister was tar&ette$ 3 a(( 3 o? my sisters were tar&ette$ 3 ,ranchesca Gon>a(e> was tar&ette$ 3 an$ other %ictims o? the Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icateKs Genoci$a( :ar /apes an$ H'man 1ra??icDin&. In the %i$eo&ame Syn$icate 5 the 7y@or& 2roi$ s(a%es wear @(acD (on& coats. 0$ :arren ma$e n'mero's re?erances to Sha$ow/'n 3 Syn$icate 3 M'tant 4ea&'e ,oot@a(( 3 Mi&ht an$ Ma&ic 3 an$ other &ames I was p(ayin& on my comp'ter $'rin& the years that he was watchin& my 7omp'ter acti%ities 'sin& 1'rDoJan So?tware. 1'rDoJan So?tware ena@(es the hacDer to access an$ manip'(ate the tar&et comp'ter m'ch in the same way that :in$ows /emote Assistance worDs. A?ter my comp'ter ha$ @een hacDe$ 'sin& 1'rDoJan so?tware an$ set 'p ?or 0$ :arren to watch it3 0$ :arren @e&an maDin& M'tant 4ea&'e ,oot@a(( 7oach noises at me at worD an$ ta'ntin& me $'e to his arro&ant @e(ie? that I $i$ not Dnow that I was @ein& hacDe$. I ?ei&ne$ i&norance (on& eno'&h to &ather a(ot o? in?ormation an$ to ('re 0$ :arren into speaDin& (o'$(y in ass'mption that I was i&norant < 0$ :arrenKs h'@ris pro%e$ to @e eFtreme eno'&h that he recor$e$ ?'(( Dnow(e$&e o? near(y the entirety o? the 0man'e(esK an$ the Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icateKs 1errorism an$ .r&ani>e$ 7rime 5 this was recor$e$ %er@a((y into 15 impro%ise en&ineere$ recor$in& $e%ices which 0$ :arren himse(? ha$ positione$ a@o%e the Styro?oam 7ei(in& Pane(s at the reI'est o? =ittorio 0man'e(e. 1hese $e%ices were ca((e$ o%er internet an$ mo@i(e ce(('(ar te(ephone towers an$ acti%ate$ 3 this was recor$e$ into a comp'ter o%er internet. 0$ :arren was recor$e$ @y ,ami(y 2o((ar sec'rity cameras insta((in& these recor$in& $e%ices as we(( as was his position 'n$erneath them recor$e$ @y sec'rity cameras. A?ter 0$ :arren was S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace consistin& o? a Ne'ro7irc'it an$ an A/G.S G.P.S. $e%ice < his position was recor$e$ @y G.P.S. 3 his s'rro'n$in&s an$ actions were recor$e$ @y his transmitte$ Ne'ro(o&y inc('$in& si&ht an$ so'n$ 3 an$ his tho'&hts were recor$e$ @y transmitte$ Ne'ro(o&y 5 these recor$in&s are a(( accessi@(e @y Mi(itary Inte((i&ence an$ ,;I as we(( as 7IA an$ ?orei&n in%esti&ations reI'estin& re(e%ant in?ormation re&ar$in& 7rimes A&ainst H'manity. ,ami(y 2o((ar Sec'rity 7ameras are transmitte$ e(ectronica((y to Home .??ice. .ne $ay 0$ ,arrachi :arren came into worD sin&in& the theme son& to the mo%ie A4i?e o? ;rianA 3 which I ha$ @een watchin& the ni&ht prior to this. I ha$ @een maDin& an e??ort to stay awaDe a(( ni&ht 3 e%ery ni&ht3 ?or the p'rpose o? Psy :ar?arin& the 7y@er Sta(Ders 5 I $eci$e$ to @reaD $own 0$ :arrenKs psycho(o&y with mo%ies3 %i$eo &ames3 history (ect'res3 an$ n'mero's ho'rs o? ima&es o? thin&s s'ch as ?at (a$ies. A(( 3 whi(e not a((owin& him to s(eep ?or e%en a $ay. 0%ent'a((y 3 $'e to (acD o? s(eep < 0$ :arren @e&an to ta(D in ?ront o? cameras constant(y 5 0$ :arrens connections were eFpose$ to sec'rity cameras at (east 15 times3 on n'mero's occaisions their p(ans were open(y $isc'sse$ in ?ront o? sec'rity eI'ipment. 0$ :arren was e%en recor$e$ han$in& stacDs o? money to &an&sters an$ terrorists. 0$ :arren recei%e$ n'mero's te(ephone ca((s ?rom =ittorio 0man'e(e on the ,ami(y 2o((ar store te(ephone $'rin& 200* an$ 2005 3 0$ :arren a(so recei%e$ n'mero's te(ephone ca((s ?rom =ittorio 0man'e(e $'rin& 200* an$ 2005 on his mo@i(e ce(('(ar te(ephone 3 0$ :arren open(y $isc'sse$ meetin& =ittorio 0man'e(e ?or pi>>a at PappyKs Pi>>a 3 0$ :arren $isc'sse$ (itera((y e%erythin& on recor$in& an$ a(so whi(e S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace. AItKs Not .%er Unti( 1he ,at 4a$y Sin&sA worDe$ %ery we((. 2'rin& 200* 5 7ara Samson an$ 4'cas An&i'(ini p'rchase$ some items at ,ami(y

2o((ar on 4inco(n St in Manchester. A?ter they (e?t the store3 0$ :arren asDe$ me who they were an$ acDnow(e$&e$ that he co'($ te(( ?rom the way that I was (ooDe$ at them that I Dnew them @oth. 1here are c'rrent(y two in$i%i$'a(s 'sin& 7ara SamsonKs 2'p(icate$ I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. 7ara Samson is o? miFe$ Israe(i an$ American ethnicity 3 I @e(ie%e that she may ha%e @e&'n @ein& sta(De$ @y =ittorio an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(esK a&ents $'e to her @ein& o? Israe(i race as we(( as $'e to the ?rien$s she Dnew. A7ara SamsonA c'rrent(y has two ?ace@ooDs 5 7ara Samson an$ ACe((a P(i&htA . As another attempt to ?rame ASatanismA ?or the Ho(oca'st o? the 1"*0Ks 3 =ittorio 0man'e(eKs SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ his sonsK SeF .??enses3 an$ H'man =i%isection 5 the imposte'r o? 7ara Samson was intro$'ce$ to the sin&er o? a Hea%y Meta( m'sica( @an$ whom is a mem@er o? the AHoys o? SatanA or&ani>ation. 1his @an$ wears masDs on sta&e. 1hey opene$ ?or the 2imm' ;or&ir concert at the Pa((a$i'm in :orcester Massach'settes $'rin& the year 200". =ittorio 0man'e(eKs o@session with ?ramin& ASatanismA ?or his own 1errorist H'man 1ra??icDin& 7rime Syn$icateKs crimes an$ the A6IS seems to ha%e $ri%en him to in%o(%e himse(? thro'&h 7rimina( A&ents o? his with ASatanistA or&ani>ations o%er the past *0 years. =ittorio 0man'e(e 'sin& 7rimina( A&ents in attempts to tempt the ASatanistA comm'nity into @ecomin& in%o(%e$ in .r&ani>e$ 7rime is $e?inite. =ittorio 0man'e(e @ein& ca((e$ the Anti 7hrist @y He?? /ense in 200* on his we@site a?ter comm'nicatin& with Henry MaDow 3 is no mere coinci$ence. 1here is an imposte'r 'sin& /yan McInteeKs 2'p(icate$ I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s whom is c'rrent(y in the USA. /yan McIntee %isite$ me at my apartment $'rin& 200* 3 we @oth Dnew 7ara Samson. 1he man preten$in& to @e /yan McIntee is 100Q Ita(ian 5 /yan McIntee is act'a((y o? miFe$ Gae(ic an$ Ita(ian race. A?ter /yan McIntee %isite$ me at my apartment3 a man name$ Aaron ran$om(y messa&e$ me on A.4 Instant Messa&er 5 I (ater ?o'n$ o't that this man was one o? =ittorioKs sons whom ha$ @een a$opte$ @y a mem@er o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(eman in Massach'settes. I @e(ie%e that Aaron was chosen to contact me $'e to the ?act that (iDe /yan3 Aaron is &ay an$ it is (ess eFpecte$ ?or a &ran$son o? A$o(? Hit(erKs nephew to @e a homoseF'a(. I ha%e not seen the act'a( /yan McIntee in o%er ! years 5 the man whom I recent(y ha%e seen who has @een 'sin& his I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s is not him. 2'rin& 200* 200E Aaron ha$ a MySpace.7om acco'nt with pict'res o? himse(? wearin& a hoo$e$ sweatshirt an$ sittin& on a coin operate$ horse as we(( as other photos s'ch as himse(? in a tanD top with a pompa$o'r which was parte$ on the si$e3 I @e(ie%e that he a$$e$ my roommate Scott H'nter an$ his ?rien$ 1ony Grassetti as ?rien$s on another Socia( NetworDin& site as we((. I a(so @e(ie%e that AaronKs MySpace.7om ha$ photo&raphs o? 2anie( Hames on it. /yan McIntee (i%e$ in Mi(?or$ NewHampshire an$ share$ m't'a( ?rien$s an$ acI'aintances with 1ony /oton$o an$ Hoey Marini whom were @oth o? Mi(?or$ NewHampshire as $i$ /yan McIntee share n'mero's ?rien$s in common with my se(?. 7'rrent(y Ho((y 2eManche whom was a ?rien$ o? mine since o'r ear(y teena&e years3 is missin& an$ has @een /ep(ace$ @y Imposte'r. 2'rin& 20055 Hosh Hooper o? Manchester NewHampshire was somehow /ep(ace$ @y Imposte'r < this was notice$ @y 4'cas An&'i(ini in 200!. 4'cas an$ I met in 2000 an$ ha%e Dnown many o? the same peop(e 5 @etween the years 200* an$ 2013 3 most o? these peop(e seem to ha%e @een /ep(ace$ @y Imposte'r. I am not Dnow(e$&ea@(e as to whether or not 4'cas An&'i(ini has @een /ep(ace$ @y Imposte'r 3 @'t it is $e?inite that he is a tar&et as is it $e?inite that 4'cas witnesse$ n'mero's in$i%i$'a(s @etween the years 200! an$ 2010 whom were not who they c(aime$ to @e. 4'cas An&'i(ini went to hi&hschoo( with Hosh Hooper in Manchester NewHampshire an$ ha$ Dnown the ?act'a( Hosh'a Hooper since chi($hoo$. 4'cas ca((e$ the Hosh'a Hooper

Imposte'r a A?er$aisiA an$ eFp(aine$ to me that A?er$aisiA is an Ita(ian wor$ ?or an AImposte'r 3 conni%er 3 or a ro'seA < 4'cas trie$ to re?resh my memory concernin& whom the ?act'a( Hosh'a Hooper ha$ @een an$ it now seems (o&ica( to @e(ie%e that 4'cas An&'i(ini may ha%e @een rea(ity testin& in attempt to $iscern whether or not I ha$ @een rep(ace$ as we((. I met the ?act'a( Hosh'a Hooper in 2002 an$ ?ai(e$ to reco&ni>e that the Imposte'r was a ?aDe an$ was not Hosh. 2'rin& the year 200E 3 the imposte'r o? Hosh Hooper state$ somethin& re&ar$in& a AHewse?? Men&e(steinA in a h'mo'ro's or sarcastic re?erence to Hoseph Men&e(e. 2'rin& the year 200! 3 when I near(y $ie$ o? m'(tip(e poisonin&s 5 n'mero's emp(oyees in the 0((iot Hospita( where n'mero's mem@ers o? my ?ami(y ?ormer(y worDe$ @e?ore they were rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs < were =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tate$ imposte'rs posin& as Hewish 2octors. A(( o? these A$octorsA to($ me that I was comp(ete(y hea(thy when I so'&ht $ia&nosis an$ treatment ?or ;(acD Mo($ Poisonin& 3 In&este$ /a$iation Poisonin& 3 an$ another ?orm o? poisonin&. 1he ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace Ne'ros'r&ica((y attache$ to my @rain an$ networDe$ o%er an Internet NetworDin& Protoco( @y metho$ o? an A/G.S G(o@a( Positionin& System 2e%ice @ein& 'se$ as an Impro%ise$ /o'ter 5 $e?inite e(ectronica((y transmitte$ Ne'ro(o&ica( proo? o? these poisonin&s as we(( as the time an$ (ocation o? these Hospita( =isits an$ these $octorKs (ocations an$ name ta&s. .n one occaision 3 whom I @e(ie%e was 7hris 1homas 5 was wearin& a white $octors 'ni?orm coat an$ some@o$y e(seKs nameta&. I @e(ie%e that I reco&ni>e$ one o? the other $octors ?rom a SeF .??en$er re&istry (ist. 2'rin& the year 200! 3 when I was transporte$ ?rom So'thern /e&iona( NewHampshire Me$ica( 7enter to NewHampshire Hospita( where I was S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 5 the $octor who checDe$ my %ita(s an$ or$ere$ a 'rine an$ @(oo$ test was an Ita(ian man who (ooDe$ re(ate$ to the 2KNapo(i ?ami(y 3 @'t was =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tate$ with what appeare$ to @e He?? 2a%isKs Israe(i 2NA. He?? 2a%is was a ha(? Israe(i who @ecame a mem@er o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen @'t was not a((owe$ to @ecome a Pa&e 3 which meant that he was not a((owe$ to @ecome an o??icia( Aristocrat o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 5 in the year 1"""3 I o%erhear$ /o@ert /o$on te((in& 7hristopher /o$on that this was @eca'se He?? 2a%is was ha(? Hewish an$ he was not tr'ste$ @y A=ictorA as a res'(t o? his @ein& o? Israe(i race. I ha%e met an imposte'r o? He?? 2a%is $'rin& the year 200!. 2'rin& the year 2005 3 two ?ema(es wa(Din& into the store were ta(Din& < one o? which state$ 3 A1heyKre &oin& to try to ?rame some@o$y ?or thisL 1hey are :ar 7rime SeF .??ensesL 2o yo' e%en 'n$erstan$ how serio's this isM 1his is the st'pi$est thin& they co'($ e%er $o.A . 1his statement was (ater echoe$ @y 1wy(a 2 years (ater 3 who state$ somethin& eFtreme(y simi(ar o%er the te(ephone to some@o$y. 1wy(a was the $a'&hter o? a woman name$ 2e@@ie who was recor$e$ ta(Din& to 0$ :arren in 2005 @y the recor$in& $e%ices in the @acD o? the sa(es area at ,ami(y 2o((ar < they were ta(Din& a@o't AAye ayeA 3 AAye aye ayeA 3AHi hiA 3 an$ A=ictorA 5 these @ein& co$e wor$s ?or =ittorio 0man'e(e II 3 =ittorio 0man'e(e III 3 A$o(? Hit(er 3 an$ =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e. 2'rin& 2005 3 0$ :arren state$ to Anthony 2e,eo 5 A:hatM 2i$ they p't a sniper on the roo? o%er there 3 $'$eMA this was a %ery pec'(iar statement. ;etween 200* an$ 200E3 whi(e worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar 5 it @ecame o@%io's that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs an$ =ittorio 0man'e(eKs A&ents ha$ sprea$ r'mo'rs amon&st the comm'nity c(aimin& that I was a :hite S'premacist an$ an eFtreme(y hate?'( racist. 1he 0man'e(esK A&ent Pro%ocate'rs ?a(se(y $ec(are$ to mem@ers o? the comm'nity that I

@e(ie%e$ in a ,ascist State wherein which the ,e$era( Go%ernment $ictate$ to ,ema(es eFact(y whom speci?ica((y they were to @e marrie$ to 5 I ha%e no s'ch @e(ie? in any ,ascist State or any ?orce$ arran&e$ marria&e. 1he entire comm'nity aro'n$ me was to($ that I was a worshipper o? A$o(? Hit(er. M'ch o? the comm'nity was incorrect(y to($ that my ancestors were P(antation .wners whom owne$ s(a%es in the So'thern re&ions o? the U.S.A. an$ that my ancestors were s'ppose$(y So'thern 7on?e$erates an$ 9'9('F9(ansmen 5 my ?act'a( ancestry are (ower c(ass A-anDeesA ?rom the Northern re&ions o? the U.S.A. whom were $escen$ants o? ;ritish 7o(onists that ?o'n$e$ the U.S.A. an$ 7ana$ians whom were ;ritish 4oya(ists $'rin& the /e%o('tionary :ar as we(( as A@enaDis 3 MiImaDs 3 Mahicans 3 Irish immi&rants 3 an$ B'e@ecois. .ne thin& that is important to rea(i>e is that Hason ;e((emore o? MerrimacD NewHampshire 3 whom ha$ atten$e$ MerrimacD Hi&hschoo( $'rin& the same years as my se(? 5 was the co'sin o? a 9ni&ht o? Aosta who is now either a 9ni&ht o? Aosta or a 9ni&ht o? Sa%oy 3 an$ Hason ;e((emore has n'mero's other connections s'ch as mem@ers o? the :or($ 7h'rch o? the 7reator :hite S'premacist .r&ani>ation. Hason ;e((emore state$ on more than one occaision that he may ha%e @een a co'sin o? A$o(? AHit(erA 3 whene%er it was mentione$ that A$o(? Hit(er was ?act'a((y Ita(ian an$ A'strian. It is $e?inite that there were n'mero's others in the MerrimacD NewHampshire comm'nity an$ the s'rro'n$in& re&ion who ha$ mo%e$ to the U.S.A. a?ter the $e?eat o? the A6IS ?or reason o? escapin& the N'rem@'r& 1ria(s. 0ntire (ines o? ?ami(ies ha%e @een Genoci$a((y 0Fterminate$ in North America since the secon$ $e?eat o? the A6IS 3 it is the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ their a((ies whom ha%e assassinate$ these ?ami(ies 5 the Ho'se o? Sa%oy seem pro@a@(e to ha%e %owe$ to eFterminate the North American /aces a?ter the en$ o? the Secon$ :or($ :ar 3 when they immi&rate$ to North America. At the en$ o? the war 3 the U.S.A. $e?eate$ the A6IS an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy went into eFi(e 5 the Ho'se o? Sa%oy contin'e$ their &enoci$a( acti%ities in North America. It is pro@a@(e that Hason ;e((emoreKs patri(inea( ?ami(y Di((e$ a ?ami(y an$ tooD their name on paperworD 3 when they immi&rate$ to the U.S.A. < n'mero's ?ami(ies o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e An&(o SaFon s'rnames or other names o? (an&'a&es nati%e to North America 5 these ?ami(ies ha%e @een attempte$ to hi$e themse(%es within the ho'seho($s o? other ?ami(ies 3 an$ ha%e @e&'n to 'se ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces an$ =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy to ai$ themse(%es in stea(in& the i$entities o? their %ictims an$ $is&'isin& themse(%es as them. Machia%e((i 3 was a man who escape$ the $eath which his enemies ha$ p(anne$ ?or him @y metho$ o? Di((in& an$ @'ryin& another man o? simi(ar appearance to himse(? 3 in a co??in casDet with Machia%e((iKs name on it 5 many o? the A6IS ,ami(ies ha%e @een $isc'ssin& $oin& this soon3 some o? them a(rea$y ha%e. Some o? these in$i%i$'a(s ha%e (ocDe$ innocent men in prison an$ taDen their I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s 5 these innocent men ha%e @een =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tate$ to @are a resem@(ance to a :ar 7rimina( whom (e?t them with their own I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s or the most pre%io's I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s which they ha$ sto(en the ?irst time they AMachia%e((iK$A as they ha$ @een ca((in& it. It is a $e?inite threat that the @o$ies o? peop(e s'ch as the Ara@ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime 4or$ A.sama ;in4a$enA 3 ha%e @een $ispose$ o? @y s'ch metho$s as m'(chin& the @o$y into the ocean 5 these @o$ies nee$ to @e Dept as empirica( ?orensic e%i$ence 5 in the @e&inin& o? A1he :ar on 1errorA 3 the tar&et 0nemy 7om@atant ,action was Athe A6IS o? 0%i(A. 1he :ar on 1error (ater chan&e$ when A.sama ;in4a$enKsA i$entity was contin'o's(y $escri@e$ as a $e%o't M's(im Hiha$ist Mi(itant /e(i&io's 0Ftremist 3 in the stea$ o? Ara@ian A6IS ,action. It is $e?inite that the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs 7o%ert Mi(itant Acti%ity an$ Genoci$e in North America $'rin& the :ar on 1error 3 is no matter o? ran$om chance coinci$ence. 2'rin& 200* a propa&an$a campai&n @e&an which $eni&rate$ an$ $e?ame$ the

Asatr' /e(i&ion an$ Asatr' /e(i&io's 7omm'nity horri@(y @oth p'@(ica((y an$ on internet. Asatr' was portraye$ as @ein& a A/acist ;'n$tA to peop(e in the Manchester NewHampshire comm'nity @y in$i%i$'a(s associate$ with =ittorio 0man'e(e. .n the internet 3 ?a(se pro?i(es were create$ in attempts to promote a :hite S'premacist 7ypher =ersion o? the Asatr' /e(i&ion to maDe it appear as i? the Asatr' /e(i&ion is non eFistant re(i&ion an$ as i? Asatr' is a ?aca$e co%er ?or an or&ani>ation simi(ar to the :or($ 7h'rch o? the 7reator. Asatr' is the tra$itiona( Germanic 0thnic ,o(D /e(i&ion. S(an$ero's we@sites promote$ 'nrea(istic %ersions o? history 3 e%en < s'ch as one we@site which incorrect(y c(aime$ that the A=estmanJarA mentione$ in the Sa&as o? the Ice(an$ers an$ other Sa&as were AGae(sA an$ A2arD Haire$ Peop(eA whom the Asatr'ars consi$ere$ A/acia((y In?eriorA an$ chaine$ to hea%y o@Jects an$ ens(a%e$ 'sin& a %est o? chains (ocDe$ in the mi$$(e @y an enormo's (ocD 5 this was a c(aim that the AMen o? the :estA s'ch as An&(o SaFons 3 ,ranDs 3 :est Goths 3 Norse Gae(s 3 Gae(s 3 Ga'(s 3 an$ other peop(e whom (i%e$ :est o? the /hine < were somehow ?orce$ to wear AS(a%e =estsA or AS(a%e =estments.A. =estri in .($ Norse (an&'a&e means Ain a :estern(y $irectionA 3 A=estA in .($ Norse (an&'a&e means A:estA 3 AManJarA in .($ Norse (an&'a&e means AmenA 3 A=isi GothsA means A:est Ga'tsA which is to say A1he peop(e o? Ga't ?rom the :est o? the /hine /i%erA. Ga't is one o? .$inKs names. Nor$ri 3 means ANorthA < S'$ri 3 means ASo'thA 3 an$ A.striA means A0ast. .stro Goths is to say the A0ast Ga'tsA. .sterreich 3 which is the name o? A'stria 5 means Athe 0astern 9in&$omA 5 A'strians are Ga((o an$ 0ast Ga't. 1he ima&e o? the %est o? chains is ?rom an 'nDnown ori&in an$ is (iDe(y to ha%e @een a%est 'se$ to restrain a &ori((a ?or a Coo or possi@(y an incre$i@(y (ar&e crimina( in a prison. A?ter 200*5 peop(e in the Asatr' comm'nity were @ein& approache$ at e%ents s'ch as the 0ast 7oast 1hin& an$ were @ein& to($ that they were Anot racia((y (oya( eno'&hA an$ that their Asatr' ?aith was not @'i(t eno'&h 'pon concepts o? A/acia(ist (oya(tiesA. It is o@%io's that in 200*3 the Asatr' comm'nity ha$ @ecame a tar&et o? ,i((i@erto an$ =ittorio 0man'e(esK Ita(ian A6IS terrrorist ?action an$ some o? the n'mero's associate$ ?ascist or&ani>ations which they are a??i(iate$ with 5 a campai&n o? $e?amation an$ s'@%ersion @e&an which hit the Asatr' 7omm'nity eFtreme(y har$ 3 the e%i$ence o? which can @e st'$ie$ thro'&h e(ectronic recor$s on the internet. Mem@ers o? the Asatr' 7omm'nity are a(so c'rrent(y missin& 3 some o? whom ha%e o@%io's(y @een m'r$ere$ an$ rep(ace$ @y ,i((i@ertoKs an$ =ittorioKs A&ents whom are hi$in& in their homes c'rrent(y. 1his stea(in& o? Americans an$ 7ana$ians physica( i$entities has @een happenin& since 200* an$ has a ?ew speci?ic 1ar&ette$ 7omm'nities with a sin&(e 7ata&orica( Imperati%e an$ a sin&(e moti%atin& ?actor. A?ter 200* 5 ,i( 0man'e(eK an$ =ittorio 0man'e(eKs paranoia at @ein& $isco%ere$ to @e A$o(? Hit(erKs @io(o&ica( ?ami(y &rew to s'ch &reat eFtremes that their ?action ha%e @e&'n to eFterminate the &(o@a( Asatr' comm'nitiesK ?ami(ies. 1he Asatr' comm'nity an$ the Hewish comm'nity ha%e @oth @een str'cD @y this &enoci$a( attacD. N'mero's Asatr'ars ha%e @een Di((e$ an$ rep(ace$ @y Imposte'rs whom ha%e @een =ira( =ector Gene 1herapie$ to (ooD simi(ar eno'&h ?acia((y to carry the $ea$ ?ami(iesK I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s which has pre%ente$ any in%esti&ation into these crimes. N'mero's Asatr'ars whom I ha%e Dnown ha%e @een m'r$ere$ an$ rep(ace$ 3 some o? them reporte$(y ha%e @een poisone$ at ;(ot an$ S'm@(e @y imposte'rs whom arri%e$ an$ ha%e @een rep(ace$ @y more imposte'rs. Photo&raphs o? ?ami(ies on ,ace;ooD.7om are c(ear e%i$ence that this has happene$ 3 n'mero's in$i%i$'a(s ha%e @een missin& an$ ha%e @een rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs whom (ooD %ery (itt(e (iDe the ori&ina( in$i%i$'a(s 5 the chi($ren o? these ?ami(ies appear terri?ie$ in recent photo&raphs which ha%e @een poste$ on the internet. 1he ?irst Asatr'ars tar&ette$ @y the 0man'e(es were 0mi(y Is(es o? .ntario

7ana$a 3 4ance Minsha(( o? .ntario 7ana$a 3 my se(? o? NewHampshire USA 3 /a&nar 9ar(son o? NewHampshire USA an$ Ice(an$ 3 ;erry 7anote #Swain :o$enin&) o? 1eFas USA 3 Michae( Hohnston o? Massach'settes USA 3 Stacy Sea@'ry o? Massach'settes an$ New Hersey USA 3 7athryn ;'rDe o? New Hampshire an$ New Hersey USA 3 MiDe Smith o? New Hampshire an$ Massach'settes USA 3 /on ;oar$man o? Massach'settes an$ NewHampshire USA 3 4i((y P(aise o? Massach'settes an$ NewHampshire USA 3 Stephanie 7onro$ o? New Hampshire an$ New Hersey USA 3 9enneth H'$$ o? New Hampshire an$ New Hersey USA 3 Ste%e McNa((en o? USA 3 4ars A=ar&A =iDernes o? Norway3 7ami((a an$ Arnt> ,(aten o? Norway3 He?? 7a@ra( o? NewHampshire USA 3 2an .ropa((o o? New Hersey US 3 an$ possi@(y Peter Stee(e o? New Hersey USA whom was p'@(ica((y 'n$ec(are$ @'t was %ery c(ose ?rien$s with many Asatr'ars ?rom New Hersey an$ atten$e$ ;(ot an$ S'm@(e on more than one occaision. 1his (ist has eFpan$e$ an$ the sta(Din& an$ attacD on these in$i%i$'a(s an$ their ?ami(ies has @een s'ccessi%e an$ eFpan$in&. .? the Hewish 7omm'nity 3 the sta(Din& an$ attacDs @e&an in New0n&(an$ an$ .ntario 5 @e&inin& with the ;ernstein ?ami(y o? A$am an$ Samantha ;ernstein 3 Pa'( Mi((er an$ his co'sin Miret> 3 ;ra$ Sa@(e an$ his ?ami(y 3 an$ other re(ate$ ?ami(ies as we(( as ?ami(ies with miFe$ Israe(i ?ami(y an$ Hewish co'sins s'ch as my eF &ir(?rien$ Min$y 9ernKs ?ami(y. 1he sta(Din& o? these ?ami(ies has @een con$'cte$ primari(y @y internet hacDers ?irst an$ ?o((owe$ 'p @y the 0man'e(es as we(( as Ita(ian A6IS 7rime 'nits. Most o? the Hea(th7are ,aci(ities s'ch as Hospita(s an$ /eha@i(itation 7(inics in the North 0ast B'a$rant o? North America ha%e @een p'rchase$ @y =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ ,i( 0man'e(eKs properties stea$ ho($ers an$ ha%e @een 'se$ to S'r&ica((y Imp(ant ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace Ne'roGra?ts wire$ to A/G.S networDe$ S'r&ica( Imp(ant /o'ters tacDe$ to the %ictimsK Jaw ca%ity. 1hese $e%ices are @ein& 'se$ to manip'(ate 3 tracD 3 (ocate 3 an$ m'r$er the %ictims co%ert(y < these are a(so @ein& 'se$ to recor$ the (i?etime in?ormation o? these in$i%i$'a(s. ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces are a(so @ein& 'se$ @y the Imposte'rs in conJ'nction with Speech 1herapy animation so?tware to mimmicD the %oices o? the s(ain ci%i(ians whom are @ein& impersonate$ @y co%ert a&ents. N'mero's Asatr' Din$re$s in nations o'tsi$e o? North America seem to ha%e @een e??ecte$ @y this &enoci$e 5 n'mero's 9in$re$s are missin& ?rom the 0($arin& 3 the /in& o? 1roth 3 the Asatr' ,o(D Assem@(y 3the Asatr' A((iance 3 the .$inic /ite 3 an$ other Asatr' /e(i&io's Associations 3 the Societa 2e .$inista o? 4om@ar$i Ita(ia are missin& ?rom the .$inic /iteKs (ists an$ their we@site is missin& ?rom the internet entire(y 5 it is pro@a@(e that the 4om@ar$s own Din& m'r$ere$ them a(( $'rin& this attacD on Asatr'. I @e(ie%e that the portraya( o? =ittorio 0man'e(e 3 7esare 3 an$ 0$ ,arrachi :arren as 7atho(ic 0Ftremists was ?or the p'rpose o? potentia((y creatin& an A(i@i Psycho(o&ica( Pro?i(e ?or (ater as a (ast resort e??ort to $etach themse(%es ?rom speci?ic I$entities which they ha$ p(anne$ to em@e$ 1errorist A&ents amon&st < they ha$ in ?act @e&an startin& r'mo'rs that Mosta?a I@nSa'$ ha$ Joine$ Anton 4a=eyKs 7h'rch o? Satan. 2'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 < I was asDe$ @y two peop(e whi(e worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar i? I ha$ a co'sin in .ntario 7ana$a name$ An$re /oy. An$re /oy is the eF h's@an$ o? my co'sin 2onna Martinea' whom is my ,atherKs co'sin on my GranMother Pr'$ence Giro'F MacPhersonKs si$e o? the ?ami(y. An$re /oy is my co'sin Marco /oyKs @io(o&ica( ,ather. An$re /oy is a(so Am@er /oyKs 'nc(e on her @io(o&ica( ,atherKs si$e o? the ?ami(y. Am@er /oy was a@$'cte$ ?rom .ntario 7ana$a @y ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate. She was (ast seen in Manchester NewHampshire in 2010 (i%in& on Green Street. My co'sin on my ,atherKs si$e o? the ?ami(y on my Gran$,ather Norman MacPhersonKs si$e o? the ?ami(y ha%e @een attacDe$ in .ntario as

we((. Most o? these in$i%i$'a(s ha%e @een /ep(ace$ ;y Imposte'rs. It is pro@a@(e that MarcoKs Gran$,ather Marce( Martinea'Ks si$e o? the ?ami(y in P'erto /ico was attacDe$ as we((. My MotherKs entire si$e o? the ?ami(y has @een attacDe$ an$ a(most a(( o? them are missin& or $ea$ an$ ha%e @een /ep(ace$ ;y Imposte'rs. 1his is a 7o%ert Attempt at 1ota( Genoci$e. 1his is a Ho(oca'st. 2'rin& the year o? 2005 3 I @ecame ?rien$s with a &ir( %ery @rie?(y with whom I went to Manray with ?or the Gothic Ni&ht a ?ew times. At Manray I reconnecte$ with a woman whom I ha$ met $'rin& the year 2003 who was 'sin& the name ASam G'ayA. 2'rin& the year 2003 3 I was 'naware that this was a SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim whom was a@$'cte$ ?rom a $i??erent re&ion an$ swappe$ with a ?ema(e ?rom this re&ion e(sewhere. :hen I was a chi($ 3 I met the ?act'a( Samantha G'ay as a res'(t o? my co'sin whom I re?erre$ to as AA'nt Shei(aA $'e to her a&e. My co'sin Shei(a was @est ?rien$s with Sam G'ayKs mother as we(( as 7hristine 2ionKs mother. 2'rin& the year 2002 3 Samantha G'ay $isappeare$ 5 n'mero's peop(e were to($ that she mo%e$. Samantha G'ay ha$ @een ?rien$s with 7hristine 2ion 5 whoKs ?ather worDe$ at a 2airy B'een 3 an imposte'r who has @een in%o(%e$ in S'ci$eGir(s.7om an$ SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 an$ an imposte'r who has @een actin& as a Property Stea$ Ho($er o? the 0man'e(esK in the re&ion o? So'thern NewHampshire an$ Massach'settes. My ?rien$ 4in$sey Garo?ano an$ the ?act'a( Sam G'ay were ?rien$s with 7hristine 2ion as we(( as with my co'sin Monica MosesDi whom was Shei(aKs $a'&hter an$ 7hristineKs an$ SamKs chi($hoo$ @est ?rien$. Since the year 2005 Monica has @een missin& < since the year 2008 3 4in$say Garo?ano has @een missin& an$ rep(ace @y an imposte'r. /'mo'rs sprea$ that Sam G'ay mo%e$ @e?ore the en$ o? hi&hschoo( to possi@(y 1eFas3 it was act'a((y 4in$say whom ?act'a((y mo%e$ to 1eFas. Samantha G'ay went to Hi&hschoo( in Manchester NewHampshire. 4in$sey Garo?ano an$ Ste%e A=inceA Parish mo%e$ to 1eFas a?ter Hi&hschoo(. A?ter Ste%e Parish mo%e$ to 1eFas 3 7hristine 2ion was a@$'cte$ 5 Ste%e Parish ha$ @een $atin& 7hristine 2ion @rie?(y @e?ore he $eci$e$ to mo%e to 1eFas with 4in$say Garo?ano. Ste%e A=inceA Parish a(ways c(aime$ to @e An&(o American an$ Swe$ish 3 @'t has a simi(ar appearance to a 4om@ar$ic Ita(ian who is 1N* ,ranDic racia((y. 2'rin& the years 2002 or 2003 < 7hristine 2ion to($ Ste%e A=inceA Parish what her ?ather was an$ a@o't what ha$ happene$ to my se(? an$ herse(? $'rin& o'r chi($hoo$ when we were 7hi($ Porno&raphe$ @y 7hris 1homas +0man'e(e8 whom was =ittorioKs son an$ ,i((i@ertoKs o($er @rother 5 Ste%e A=inceA Parish $ate$ 4in$say Garo?ano n'mero's times thro'&ho't the years @etween 1""8 an$ 2008. I @e(ie%e it is entire(y possi@(e that Ste%e ParishKs ?ather may possi@(y @e a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ an 0spiona&e A&ent o? the Ita(ian Ho'se o? Sa%oy who $oes not a$mit his racia( ori&in as a res'(t o? his S(eeper A&ent stat's < it is a(so possi@(e that @y now 3 Ste%e A=inceA Parish has @een rep(ace$ @y an imposte'r who is an espiona&e a&ent o? the 0man'e(esK as a res'(t o? his se(? @ein& to($ @y 7hristine 2ion what ha$ happene$. A 2NA 1est wo'($ pro%e this ?act'a( or not. I? 7hristine 2ion a$mitte$ to Ste%e Parish what ha$ happene$ to 's 3 he may ha%e to($ his ,ather. I ha%e witnesse$ n'mero's in$i%i$'a(s in the North 0ast o? the U.S.A. who ha%e @een 'sin& $'p(icates o? I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o? ci%i(ians who ?ormer(y (i%e$ in the North 0ast re&ion o? the U.S.A. 3 an$ ha%e @een rep(ace$ @y in$i%i$'a(s who are not them 5 it is pro@a@(e that the ?act'a( peop(e whoKs i$enti?ication cre$entia(s ha%e @een Di((e$. 4in$sey Garo?ano is possi@(y &'i(ty o? ha%in& worDe$ ?or the 0man'e(es as we(( is it possi@(e that she is their %ictim an$ has @een s(ain @y them or a@$'cte$ an$ seF tra??icDe$. 2'rin& the year 200* 3 whi(e I was (i%in& at my Gran$motherKs in MerrimacD NewHampshire at the te(ephone n'm@er E03 *2* 5!0E 5 4in$sey Garo?ano or an imposte'r ca((e$ preten$in& to @e 4in$sey Garo?ano 3 c(aimin& that 4in$sey ha$ @een

imprisone$ an$ was on Ho'se Arrest as we(( as was ?or@i$$en ?rom (ea%in& the state o? 1eFas $'e to %an$a(ism. A4in$sey Garo?anoA c(aime$ that she smashe$ the win$ow o? an S.U.=. an$ that her ?rien$ spray painte$ a swastiDa on the S.U.=. as a ?orm o? ci%i( $iso@e$ience a&ainst the (acD o? a @an on %ehic(es which pro$'ce toFic emissions. It is pro@a@(e that the ?act'a( 4in$say Garo?ano was a@$'cte$ or s(ain aro'n$ the same $ate that the ?act'a( 7hristine 2ion was rep(ace$ @y an imposte'r. In the year 2011 3 I met an imposte'r o? 4in$sey Garo?ano who c(aime$ to ha%e taDen a p(ane to NewHampshire ?rom 1eFas an$ met me at the 4on$on$erryNManchester NewHampshire Airport. It is possi@(e that 4in$seyKs ?ami(y were (oya( to the 0man'e(es < it is a(so possi@(e that 4in$sey was a@$'cte$ or s(ain as a res'(t o? her @ein& ?rien$s with Samantha G'ay 3 7hristine 2ion 3 an$ my se(?. 2'rin& this same time perio$ 3 I was ca((e$ on the te(ephone @y a ?ema(e who ha$ approache$ me at worD < she so'n$e$ simi(ar to the ?ema(e that I ta(De$ to in 1""! who (i%e$ in North 7aro(ina < they ha$ a simi(ar so'n$in& %oice 3 I am not s're i? they were the same in$i%i$'a(. It is o@%io's that I was @ein& A7y@er Sta(De$A @y the 0man'e(esK 7omp'ter HacDers $'rin& 2003. :hen (i%in& with Hohn Ga??ey an$ NicD McMacDin at 11 7rown Street Nash'a NewHampshire < I was contacte$ @y a stran&e person ?a(se(y c(aimin& to @e a ,ema(e 5 this person spoDe in the 3r$ Person as i? speaDin& a@o't another person an$ $escri@in& them 3 simi(ar to what has @een ca((e$ AGorian 4i?esty(eA on internet we@sites an$ in internet artic(es. 1his person a(so asDe$ me i? I @e(ie%e$ in A1he 9ristA an$ $escri@e$ the 0man'e(esK 3 Hit(erKs 3 an$ H'(i's 0%o(aKs ?a(se %ersion o? Ma$ame ;(a%atsDyKs Germanische 7hristos Prophecy. I can not remem@er this personKs American .n(ine Instant Messen&er Screen Name 3 @'t I @e(ie%e that this personKs America .n(ine Instant Messen&er UserName may ha%e @een somethin& with the wor$ 2eathAn&e( in it. 1he in$entity seeme$ ?aDe an$ it is pro@a@(e that the photo&raph which was 'se$ to represent a person that $i$ not eFist was act'a((y a photo&raph o? a ?act'a( &othic woman ?rom another re&ion. 1his person c(aime$ to @e a ?ema(e that (iDe &othic m'sic 3 &othic ni&ht c('@s 3 an$ &othic c(othin&. 2'rin& the year 200* < my pre%io's roommate Hohn Ga??ey was attacDe$ @y two hispanics 3 one a Mesti>o an$ one a :hite who was ha(? Ita(ian. 1hese men @eat him se%ere(y. He @e(ie%e$ that he o%erhear$ one o? them mention that his name was A2ia@(oA. 1his occ'rre$ in Nash'a in the parDin& (ot o? the 7hristmas 1ree Shop. .ne o? these men may ha%e @een a ;ra>i(ian. My co'sin Me(issa ha$ J'st @een impre&nate$ @y a ;ra>i(ian that mo%e$ @acD to ;ra>i( $'rin& the imme$iate ?o((owin& months < the man ?rom ;ra>i( sai$ that it was Atoo co($ to worD.A an$ that it was Atoo co($ to (i%e here.A an$ mo%e$ @acD to ;ra>i(. .n the ;'r>'m..r& ?or'm I ma$e sarcastic responses to this 3 statin& sarcastica((y that it was the MeFicans ?rom $own so'th who $i$ it to me an$ that I was the A@ar@arian ?rom the ?ro>en co($ northern waste(an$sA ?rom the Ice:in$ 2a(e 2 Instr'ction Man'a( 5 the 0man'e(esK hacDers ha$ @een watchin& me p(ay Ice:in$ 2a(e 2 an$ my character was a ;ar@arian with a 7haracter Portrait that (ooDe$ simi(ar to my se(?. 1he imposte'r c'rrent(y (i%in& as A$am ;ernstein is worDin& a@o%e a ;ra>i(ian Store c'rrent(y. 2'rin& 200* 5 I was ta(Din& ?reI'ent(y with my ?rien$ 4a'ren :e((s an$ her sister Hi((ary :e((s who pre%io's(y $te$ my ?rien$ Hohn Ga??ey 5 the :e((s ?ami(y were a Hewish ?ami(y that (i%e$ in MerrimacD NewHampshire. 1hey ha%e $e?inite(y @een tar&ette$ @y the 0man'e(es. 2'rin& 2003 < I met the woman whom was since 2003 (i%in& in Manchester NewHampshire an$ was @ein& ?orce$ to 'se Samantha G'ayKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s 5 we met at Manray in 7am@ri$&e Massach'settes on a Gothic Ni&ht that was hoste$ at 7('@ Manray. 1he imposte'r o? Samantha G'ay ha$ @een ta(Din& to my ?rien$ 2anie( 4e;(anc. It is o@%io's now that Sam G'ay was swappe$ in 2003 with this ?ema(e an$

that this ?ema(e an$ Sam G'ay were @oth SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims o? the same networD that ha$ tar&ette$ @oth my Mother when she was a chi($ an$ my Nana. 1hese SeF 1ra??icDers ha$ accomp(ices whom worDe$ in the Po(ice 2epartment < e%ery time that my Mother an$ my Nana wo'($ try to escape 3 the Po(ice .??icers whom the SeF 1ra??icDers Dnew wo'($ picD them 'p an$ @rin& them @acD to his property in the Po(ice 7ar. 1he imposte'r Samantha G'ay $i$ not ?it the Physica( 2escription nor $i$ she ?it the Me$ica( /ecor$s o? the ?act'a( Samantha G'ay whom (i%e$ in Manchester NewHampshire @e?ore her 5 in or$er ?or it to ha%e @een possi@(e ?or Samantha G'ayKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s to @e in the possession o? a $i??erent ?ema(e an$ ?or that ?ema(e to @e re&istere$ as her with the state < Genoci$a( 7rimina( A&ents worDin& within the ,e$era( Go%ernment ha$ to ha%e @een in%o(%e$. 1he SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim whom was @ein& ?orce$ to 'se the I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o? Samantha G'ay was a ,irst Nations Nati%e American whom (ooDe$ to @e o? the same race as my Mother. I @e(ie%e that this Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate tar&ette$ entire /eser%ations o? ,irst Nations Nati%e Americans in North America an$ has @een systemica((y SeF 1ra??icDin& an$ eFterminatin& their ?ami(ies as we(( as $i$ this Internationa( 1errorist .r&ani>ation tar&et other impo%erishe$ pop'(ations in North America as we(( 5 this 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate ha%e a (on& history o? Di((in& entire ?ami(ies whom are re(ate$ to their SeF 1ra??icDin& %ictims. 1he ?act'a( Samantha G'ay was ,ranDic American an$ Irish 3 the imposte'r Samantha G'ay was a$mitte$(y ,irstNations Nati%e American an$ ,ranDic American. My Nana an$ my Mother are ,irstNations Nati%e American an$ ,ranDic American. 2airy B'een in New 0n&(an$ was @ein& r'n @y some o? the same peop(e as the S'ici$eGir(s.7om we@site < I hate$ this we@site ?or reason that I ?e(t that this A@'sinessA was SeF 1ra??icDin& my entire pop'(ation &ro'p 5 most o? the ?ema(es ?rom S'ici$eGir(s.7om worDe$ at 2airyB'een /esta'rants in the New 0n&(an$ re&ion o? the U.S.A. an$ were aro'n$ my a&e &ro'p as we(( as were many o? them my race or re(ate$ races . Many o? the &ir(s whom ha%e @een on this we@site are c'rrent(y missin& an$ ha%e @een swappe$ with SeF 1ra??icDin& %ictims whom ha%e @een =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy 2NA M'tate$ to ha%e simi(ar appearance to the %ictim whom they ha%e /ep(ace$ as Imposte'r. .n n'mero's occaisions 3 the Imposte'rs ha%e @een reporte$ to the Po(ice 2epartments in the re&ion < the Po(ice in the re&ion 3 many o? whom seem to ha%e &i%en imm'nities to certain ma?ia ce((s 5 $i$ not respon$ to :itness Statements nor were these crimes an$ missin& peop(es in%esti&ate$ proper(y. In Nash'a NewHampshire < I was to($ @y a Po(ice .??icer that he $i$ not Dnow where I co'($ report 7rimes A&ainst H'manity 3 H'man =i%isection 3 Genoci$e 3 an$ 1errorism. 1he imposte'r o? Samantha G'ay who was at Man/ay 3 was at Man/ay with a &ro'p o? peop(e inc('$in& an Ar&entinian name$ MiDa who seeme$ to Dnow some Ita(ians an$ a ma(e that I $i$ not reco&ni>e. A?ter meetin& the &ir( whom was c(aimin& to @e Sam G'ay in the year 2003 at Manray a&ain in the year 2005 < I @e&an spen$in& (eis're time with her a?ter worD ?or a ?ew months. 0%ent'a((y 3 this woman an$ I (ost contact $'e to the ?act that I (ost SamanthaKs phone n'm@er $'rin& the mo%e ?rom 38" Haywar$ Street to 155 Map(e Street in Manchester. I ha%e not @een a@(e to spen$ any time with this woman whom I @ecame ?rien$s with since the year 2005. In the year 200! 3 I saw her at a &ra%eyar$ in Manchester < she was (ooDin& at a &ra%estone 5 she (ooDe$ $epresse$. I am eFtreme(y worrie$ a@o't this woman. 2'rin& the year 2005 < she (i%e$ in Manchester near the ?ire $epartment near So'th Main Street. She rente$ an apartment in a ho'se owne$ @y 7hristine 2ionKs ?ather. I am positi%e that this woman is a SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim whom was swappe$ with the ?act'a( Samantha G'ay in 2003 < Sam G'ay $'rin& 1""" when I (ast saw her 3 was pa(e comp(eFione$ an$ o? a somewhat %o('pt'o's ?i&'re as we(( as was she ,ranDic American an$ Irish 5 the Samantha G'ay that I @ecame ?rien$s with in

2003 was the same woman whom I @e&an spen$in& time with $'rin& 2005 < this woman was o@%io's(y ,irst Nations Nati%e American 3 ,ranDic American 3 an$ possi@(y somewhat Israe(i. It is pro@a@(e that the ASamantha G'ayA that I met in 2003 an$ a&ain in 2005 is ?rom somep(ace (iDe B'e@ec possi@(y or another re&ion o? the U.S.A. < she may a(so @e ?rom .ntario ori&ina((y. 1he ?act'a( Samantha G'ay Dnew 7hristine 2ionKs ?ami(y 3 they were ?rien$s. :hen I reconnecte$ with the woman whom was preten$in& to @e Sam G'ay $'rin& 2005 5 she was (i%in& in an apartment which was possi@(y owne$ @y the imposte'r o? 7hristine 2ionKs ?ather who was the property mana&er o? this property. 1he imposte'r o? 7hristine 2ion ne%er mentione$ to any@o$y that Sam G'ay was missin& an$ that this woman was not Samantha G'ay 3 my se(? an$ 7hristine Dnew the ?act'a( Samantha G'ay ?rom o'r chi($hoo$. 1he imposte'r o? 7hristine 2ion ?ormer(y worDe$ at 2airy B'een 3 I @e(ie%e that the imposte'r o? her ?ather may ha%e possi@(y owne$ the 2airy B'een that she worDe$ at as a Stea$ Ho($er ?or the 0man'e(es . .? stran&e coinci$ence to this 5 Mo$e(s ?rom the S'ci$eGir(s.7om :e@Site whom (i%e$ in the New 0n&(an$ /e&ion a(( seeme$ to worD at the 2airyB'een /esta'rants in the area. S'ici$eGir(s.7om was $e?inite(y @ein& mana&e$ @y SeF 1ra??icDin& Associates o? a 7rime Syn$icate. I @e(ie%e that the imposte'r o? 7hristine 2ionKs ?ather Dnew Gera($ AHerryA 2KAmico. :hen I asDe$ the Samantha whom I ha$ met in 2003 3 why she $i$ not (ooD at a(( (iDe the Samantha G'ay that I ha$ Dnown when I was yo'n&er 5 she state$ that she was her an$ that she ha$ J'st (ost wei&ht an$ (ooDe$ $i??erent with a&e. I @e(ie%e that the imposte'r o? 7hristine 2ionKs ?ather is in%o(%e$ in a SeF 1ra??icDin& 7rime Syn$icate an$ that Gera($ AHerryA 2KAmico is one o? his accomp(ices as we(( as is possi@(y Mario Napo(itano. Gera($ AHerryA 2KAmico is one o? =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime So($iers an$ a Properties Stea$ Ho($er ?or th 0man'e(es. 1he ,ather o? 7har(es 2es/ochiers 3 whom was in%o(%e$ in the a@$'ction o? my sister Sheena Nico(e MacPherson < 7har(es 2esrochierKs ,ather Dnew the imposte'r o? 7hristine 2ionKs ?ather. Mario Napo(itano3 whom Dnew these peop(e was associate$ somehow with a man name$ 2ino whom was o@%io's(y connecte$ to a SeF 1ra??icDer an$ Dnew ,i( 0man'e(e 5 2ino ha$ a 1! year o($ homoseF'a( P'erto /ican ma(e on his arm $'rin& the year 2005 when my se(? an$ my roommate met him. 2ino 3 $'rin& this time was approFimate(y *5. 2'rin& the year 2005 3 n'mero's 1ransSeF'a( SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims were si&hte$ in Manchester NewHampshire 5 this contin'e$ into the year 200"3 a?terwhich these in$i%i$'a(s were either mo%e$ or were m'r$ere$. 2ino seeme$ $r'nD an$ intro$'ce$ e%ery@o$y at the @ar to his 1! year o($ A@oy?rien$A 3 this was at the 7('@ 313 @ar $own the roa$ ?rom my apartment 5 7assy :hite an$ Sam Grimes were sittin& at the @ar on the @ar stoo(s neFt to me when this occ'rre$. Scot H'nter an$ two others were sittin& at a near@y ta@(e. 2'rin& the approFimate year 2005 < a mo%ie or te(e%ision series aire$ $'rin& which a man $resse$ as 2ino who was wearin& the same p'rp(e @'tton 'p shirt that he wears 3 with his @(on$ hir c't the same 5 rapes a minor $'rin& the mo%ie. 1his is simi(ar to many o? the threats that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e has ma$e as we(( as is it simi(ar to =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs attempts to ?rame peop(e s'ch as Mosta?a I@nSa'$ who he has Dnown. =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs psycho(o&y is o?ten present in cinemato&raphy as is ,i(Ks 5 thro'&h the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen an$ other connections o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 they o?ten ha%e script an$ p(ot s'&&este$ to or pro%i$e$ to Pro$'cers an$ Script :riters. I @e(ie%e it pro@a@(e that some@o$y in ;onnie 2amonKs ?ami(y is connecte$ $irect(y to .r&ani>e$ SeF 1ra??icDin& an$ =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rimina( Associates. 2'rin& 2005 5 ;onnie 2amon appeare$ at ,ami(y 2o((ar to @'y somethin& 3

0$ ,arrachi :arren was to($ somethin& @y Anthony 2e,eo whom whispere$ in his ear < a?ter which 0$ :arren state$ A$'$e... she mo(este$ him 3 &'yM No won$er whyLA . :hat ha$ occ'rre$ $'rin& 1""03 was @ein& $isc'sse$ at the store @y c'stomers whom I ha%e ne%er seen @e?ore. 2'rin& 1""0 5 I was to($ @y my ,ather not to e%er &et in a car with ;onnie 2amon an$ that she an$ my 'nc(e ;ryant ha$ @roDen 'p < he state$ that a?ter ;ryant @roDe 'p with ;onnie she threatene$ to A&et a &'nA an$ Ashoot the (itt(e @astar$A meanin& my se(? an$ a?terwar$ shoot herse(?. I ha%e a memory o? ;onnie seF'a((y a@'sin& me once when I was a %ery yo'n& chi($ the year that this threat ha$ @een ma$e < ;onnie ha$ @ro'&ht me into the @athroom whi(e she was @a@ysittin& me an$ p't my ?ace in her %a&ina in the @athroom when the $oor was sh't. I @e(ie%e that she was $r'nD an$ ha$ possi@(y @een 'sin& some Din$ o? $r'&s. :hat was a(so $isc'sse$ at the store @y c'stomers whom I $i$ not Dnow < was ;onnie 2amonKs ,atherKs m'r$er. ;onnieKs ,ather was shot in the chest @y a pisto( $'rin& what I @e(ie%e was either 1""" or 2002 5 apparenty some peop(e were worrie$ that ;onnie may ha%e shot her ,ather ?or reason that her ,ather ha$ @een in%o(%e$ in SeF 1ra??icDin& an$ her Mother $eci$e$ to taDe the @(ame ?or it so that ;onnie co'($ ?inish raisin& her $a'&hter ;ritni whom was sti(( yo'n&. It was @e(ie%e$ that one o? her ,atherKs SeF 1ra??icDin& Accomp(ices ha$ SeF'a((y A@'se$ ;onnie ?or a (on& time when she was a chi($. I @e(ie%e this to @e the tr'th. ;onnie 2amonKs ?ather was an acI'aintance o? =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs. I @e(ie%e that the SeF 1ra??icDin& 7rime Syn$icate that has ai$e$ in this 1errorist AttacD is the same 7rime Syn$icate that ;onnieKs ,ather ha$ @een in%o(%e$ in $'rin& his (i?e < an entire 'nit o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs Ita(ian A6IS ,action seems to @e the SeF 1ra??icDin& 7rime Syn$icate o? which Gera($ AHerryA 2KAmico is a mem@er. It is possi@(e that ;onnie ha$ @een or$ere$ @y =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e to $o what she $i$ to me as an Initiation 7rime 3 =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ many o? his sons are $is&'stin& SeF .??en$ers an$ as a res'(t 3 $o not tr'st in$i%i$'a(s who ha%e not committe$ crimes with them. 2'rin& the year 2002 a?ter she ha$ $isappeare$ 3 r'mo'rs were sprea$ a@o't Samantha G'ay 5 statin& that she s'ppose$(y ha$ rape ?antasies an$ that she ?etishi>e$ the i$ea o? @ein& rape$. 2'rin& these r'mo'rs @ein& sprea$ 3 Samantha G'ay s'ppose$(y mo%e$ ?ar away. 2'rin& 2003 5 I met the ?irst Imposte'r I ha$ e%er met < this woman seeme$ to @e a SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim an$ was ?or some reason @ein& ?orce$ to 'se the name Sam G'ay. 1he r'mo'rs in the year 2002 concernin& Sam G'ay s'ppose$(y ha%in& a ?etish ?or rape an$ ?antasi>in& a@o't @ein& rape$ 3 were %ery $escripti%e 5 the (ie was that Sam G'ay ha$ state$ that she wante$ to @e a@$'cte$ DicDin& an$ screamin& @y ?o'r &'ys in sDi masDs 3 picDe$ 'p in an SU= 3 an$ rape$ at &'n point. 1his so'n$s (iDe a &an& initiation ?or a %ery serio's 7rime Syn$icate in%o(%e$ in 1errorism an$ SeF 1ra??icDin& 5 this has repeate$ n'mero's times in this re&ion. Sam G'ay was what wo'($ @e ca((e$ a A&oth &ir(A < she was a ?an o? Gothic S'@ 7'(t're an$ was in%o(%e$ in the Gothic Art 7o((ecti%e an$ Ni&ht 4i?e. 2'rin& the year 1""" 3 my ?rien$ Me(in$a A($ritch whom was a(so a A&oth &ir(A was p'((e$ into the woo$s @y ?o'r men whi(e wa(Din& past Gree(ey ParD in Nash'a NewHampshire (ate at ni&ht 5 these * men rape$ her %io(ent(y. My Mother when she was in her (ate teena&e years 3 was p'((e$ into a car @y * men an$ rape$ < this happene$ a&ain a year (ater when she was carrie$ into the woo$s. 9y(e Howar$ 3 whom was a $r'& $ea(er that so($ har$ narcotics an$ har$ street $r'&s @e&inin& $'rin& his teena&e years 5 ha$ committe$ the same SeF .??enses 'pon my sister Sheena an$ a &ir( $own the roa$ name$ A@@y Asai. 9y(e Howar$Ks attacD on my sister in%o(%e$ a Dni?e to the throat 3 the attacD on A@@y Asai in%o(%e$ him recr'itin& 3 other ma(es an$ $opin& my se(? an$ A@@y with rohipna( in @oo>e he ha$ &i%en 's. 1he attacDs in the re&ion seem to ha%e a sin&(e in$i%i$'a(Ks Psycho(o&ica( Pro?i(e thro'&ho't the psycho(o&y o? the other in$i%i$'a(s 5 I @e(ie%e these are a (on&

history o? 7rime Initiations. 2'rin& what I @e(ie%e was the year 1""8 3 whi(e (i%in& in MerrimacD NewHampshire < A@@y Asai was SeF'a((y Assa'(te$ @y 9y(e Howar$ 3 ;ea' SDinner 3 Hoe( 4am@ert 3 an$ this was witnesse$ @y 9enny Sche%ey who $i$ not testi?y 5 I was present an$ 'nconscio's when this occ'rre$. 1he &ro'p o? 's were wa(Din& to a $irt @iDe pit $own a $irt roa$ at ni&ht $'rin& the year 1""8. A@@y Asai an$ my se(? ha$ @een han$e$ a @ott(e o? a har$ a(choho(ic (iI'or an$ I ha$ $ranD what I @e(ie%e was pro@a@(y $isso(%e$ /ohipna( in the a(choho( @ott(e. :e wa(De$ $own the roa$ to a $irt @iDe pit an$ @e&an wa(Din& aro'n$ the $irt @iDe pit $rinDin& 3 I passe$ o't an$ ?e(( on the &ro'n$. I remem@er Hoe( 4am@ert asDin& me somethin& a(on& the (ines o? AIan3 $o yo' want in on thisMA an$ I awoDe %ery @rie?(y an$ rep(ie$ ANo. IKm s(eepin&.A. I am not s're how (on& we were at the 2irt ;iDe Pit 3 @'t I @e(ie%e that it was pro@a@(y ?or a@o't an ho'r that I ha$ @een passe$ o't 'nconcio's. :hi(e we were wa(Din& @acD to 9y(e Howar$Ks or 9enny Sche%eyKs ho'se 3 Hoe( 4am@ert sai$ 5 A1hat was ?or Pear( Har@or.A. A@@y Asai eFp(aine$ to me (ater 3 that they ha$ rape$ her. Hoe( 4am@ertKs comment 3 A1hat was ?or Pear( Har@o'r.A < was e%i$ent(y a pro$'ct o? Hoe( 4am@ertKs @e(ie? that he ha$ Joine$ a ANa>i &an&A an$ that this ha$ @een an Initiation 7rime 5 I o%erhear$ 9y(e Howar$ recr'itin& Hoe( 4am@ert ?or a ANa>i &an&A when Hoe( 4am@ert was 13 years o($ an$ I was 12 years o($. I o%erhear$ Hoe( 4am@ert sayin& AIs itM .h yeahL ;eca'se weKre that here 3 @eca'se we are the Americans an$ this is o'r nation.A 9y(e Howar$ ha$ apparent(y @een to($ that the 7rime Syn$icate that recr'ite$ him was A(iDe a na>i &an&A when he was 12 years o($. 1he 7rime Syn$icate that recr'ite$ 9y(e Howar$ at an eFtreme(y yo'n& a&e is not act'a((y a U.S.A. Nationa( 7rime Syn$icate 3 it is in ?act the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs A6IS 7rime Syn$icate an$ is a ,action which is an enemy o? the U.S.A. . 9y(e Howar$ @e&an se((in& $r'&s ?or ;rian 7ase an$ another in$i%i$'a( when he was 13 years o($ an$ met =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e approFimate(y 8 years (ater. 2'rin& 1""5 3 Hoe( 4am@ert was or$ere$ to physica((y attacD me ?rom @ehin$ an$ p't me in a hea$ (ocD < as an Initiation 7rime. Hoe( attacDe$ me whi(e I was p(ayin& with /o@ot Action ,i&'res in a San$ ;oF at ;ea' SDinnerKs ho'se. He was on(y 1 year o($er than me 3 Hoe( was on(y 13 years o($. 2'rin& the a't'mn o? 1""53 9y(e Howar$Ks Initiation 7rimes @e&an with %io(ence an$ he was e%ent'a((y or$ere$ to commit SeF .??enses. At Hi&hSchoo( 5 MiDe Picco(o ha$ @een to($ @y who I @e(ie%e was NicD Ma&&iore 3 that I was an accomp(ice in the rape < A@@y Asai c(ari?ie$ (ater that it was the other * an$ that I was 'nconscio's on the &ro'n$ an$ ha$ ?a((en $own an$ passe$ o't. 1he other * @oys ha$ to ta(D to Po(ice .??icers 3 none were con%icte$. :hat is important to acDnow(e$&e here is that NicD Ma&&iore was ?rien$s with Hohn ;o&&ia 3 Hohn ;o&&ia ha$ $roppe$ o?? "0 ;eers in the ?orm o? 3 30PacDs o? /e$ 2o& @eer at 9y(e Howar$Ks ho'se as a rewar$ ?or 9y(e an$ ha$ @een instr'cte$ to $o so @y some mem@er o? =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs &an&. NicD Ma&&iore was a(so acI'aintances with Sara Asai an$ MiDe Picco(o as we(( as $i$ he worD ?or =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e $irect(y as a 7rime So($ier3 an$ ?o((owe$ or$ers ?rom him witho't I'estion. NicD Ma&&iore threatene$ 9e%in 3 2ennis 3 an$ =a(erie .(sonKs entire ?ami(y $'rin& the year 1""! as the res'(t o? =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e or$erin& him to $o so. 2'rin& the year 200E 3 I witnesse$ a Po(ice .??icer in MerrimacD NewHampshire maDe a stop whi(e I was in the car 5 he checDe$ I$enti?ication 7ar$s an$ asDe$ me i? I ha$ atten$e$ MerrimacD Hi&hschoo( 3 I to($ him yes. I checDe$ his @a$&e an$ it state$ N. Ma&&iore. 1his man ha$ a sha%e$ hea$ an$ (ooDe$ simi(ar to NicD Ma&&iore @'t was $e?inite(y not NicD Ma&&iore. NicD Ma&&iore was o($er than me an$ we $i$ not atten$ hi&hschoo( to&ether as a res'(t o? it. 2'rin& the year 200! 3 I a(so saw an imposte'r o? Hason ;e((emore wearin& a Po(ice

.??icer Uni?orm in NewHampshire. ;ea' SDinnerKs mother An&ie Dnew =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ ,i((i@erto 3 it is $e?inite that 9y(e Howar$ an$ ;rian 7ase recr'ite$ ;ea' SDinner to worD ?or the 0man'e(esK 7rime Syn$icate at times as a 7rime So($ier 5 they tar&ette$ an$ corr'pte$ ;ea' SDinner at a %ery yo'n& a&e. ;ea' SDinner was $rinDin& a(choho( an$ smoDin& mariJ'ana @e?ore I was 3 he was on(y 11 years o($ 5 9y(e Howar$ s'pp(ie$ $r'&s an$ a(choho( to ;ea' SDinner. 1his m'ch .r&ani>e$ /ape @ein& committe$ 'pon a pop'(ation o? peop(e is :ar /ape < this 7rime Syn$icate is the Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist ,action an$ their associate$ .r&ani>e$ 7rime Syn$icate as we(( as associate$ crimina(s whom they recr'it who are 's'a((y SeF 1ra??icDers. 2'rin& the year 200" 3 I met the 1st Imposte'r o? 7(arissa ;erry 5 this Imposte'r ha$ state$ that A2anA whom was s'ppose$(y the man that 7(arissa (e?t me ?or < (iDe$ to watch Arape porno&raphyA 3 A%io(ent sm'tA 3 an$ A%i$eos o? men in sDi masDs rapin& an$ @eatin& women at &'n pointA . =i$eos s'ch as these are proo? to 1errorist 7rime ,inancers that the crimina(s whom theyK%e hire$ ha%e $one as they were instr'cte$ < which is 's'a((y to commit in$i%i$'a( components o? 1errorist :ar 7rime 7ampai&ns 5 hirin& irre&'(ar mercenary war crimina(s s'ch as these is a $irect %io(ation o? the Gene%a 7on%ention. 1his is a G(o@a( .r&ani>e$ 1errorist A6IS 7rime Syn$icate 5 =ittorio 0man'e(e has ha$ connections in the North 0ast o? North America his entire (i?e < =ittorio 0man'e(eKs ?ather an$ H'(i's 0%o(a esta@(ishe$ this networD $'rin& their (i?etimes. 1he AAnti7hristA was $escri@e$ as Aa Man o? SinA 3 which wo'($ @e a 7rime 4or$ 5 H'(i's 0%o(aKs propa&an$a was that the Anti 7hrist was &oin& to conI'er the wor($ an$ ens(a%e h'manity 'sin& S'r&ica( Imp(ants 3 as we(( as eFterminate entire races. 1his propa&an$a was co'ntere$ @y ApropheciesA that a 2n$ Messiah wo'($ $e?eat 0%o(aKs pre$icte$ Anti 7hrist3 o? which the Anti 7hrist was o@%io's(y 0%o(a himse(? or his s'ccessor as a 7rime 4or$ p(annin& G(o@a( 7onI'est. 1he /oman I$entity which H'(i's 0%o(a ha$ was /oman 0mperor 3 this I$entity inc('$es the =atican as a m'se'm (iDe trophy. 2'rin& Genoci$es 3 /ape @ecomes a rampant(y occ'rant crime 5 this is ca((e$ :ar /ape. In the past 3 /oman 7atho(ic 7(er&y wo'($ sometimes o??er Sanct'ary to crimina(s whom pro?esse$ @e(ie? in 7atho(icism 5 it is possi@(e that the SeF .??en$ers whom were worDin& within the =atican 7h'rches may ha%e @een the res'(t o? this /oman I$entity 1errorist .r&ani>e$ 7rime Syn$icate which has eFiste$ ?or a %ery (on& time an$ has @een in%o(%e$ in SeF 1ra??icDin& the entire time 3 possi@(y since the in%ention o? what some ha%e ca((e$ /oman Spintria 7oina&e an$ the /oman ;rothe(s. 1he A6IS was ?o'n$e$ @y an eFtremist /oman I$entity which was essentia((y an Aristocratic 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate o? primari(y Me$iterranean re&iona( ori&in whom @e(ie%e$ in the comp(ete reconstr'ction o? the /oman 0mpire. 1he /oman 0mpire cr'ci?ie$ o%er a mi((ion ci%i(ians thro'&ho't the history o? itKs eFistence 3 the most ?amo's o? which @ein& -esh'a the /a@@i whom is Dnown to most as Hes's 7hrist. 1he cr'ci?ier was Dnown as the Anti 7hrist in the past < 0%o(a was a Masc'(ist an$ a /oman eFtremist as we(( as a Scientist whom st'$ie$ Ne'ro(o&y an$ 7hemistry @oth eFtensi%e(y 5 it is pro@a@(e that H'(i's 0%o(a 3 (ate in his (i?e worDe$ with the concept o? 'sin& a power s'pp(y with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace to ro@otica((y ens(a%e (i%in& or&anisms an$ may ha%e eFperimente$ on womenKs @rains. H'(i's 0%o(a was $e?inite(y a 1errorist 7rime 4or$ prior to an$ a?ter the ?a(( o? the 1hir$ /eich. 1he 0man'e(es or$er Aristocrats o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy to commit to speci?ic tasDs o?ten < it is pro@a@(e that m'ch o? H'(i's 0%o(aKs worD was $irecte$ @y the or$ers o? =ittorio 0man'e(e III an$ his son. It is a pro@a@i(ity that m'ch o? the APoint o? =iew 7amera Porno&raphyA recor$in&s which ha%e @een p'@(ishe$ to the internet ha%e @een recor$in&s o? ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace Ne'ro(o&ica( recor$in&s o? peop(e who were 'naware that they ha$ @een s'r&ica((y imp(ante$ with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces.

2'rin& the year 200E < my se(? an$ 7(arissa ;erry ate $inner at 1he -ar$ /esta'rant with who I tho'&ht was Cach An$rosDi an$ Mo((y Go$$ar$ 3 @'t I ha%e since (earne$ were imposte'rs 5 whi(e we were eatin& $inner 3 I notice$ 2an ;o&&ia at sittin& at a ta@(e near @y. 2an ;o&&ia was (ooDin& at me with a terri?ie$ (ooD on his ?ace 3 as i? he were ?ear?'(. 2an ;o&&iaKs ?ami(y are re(ate$ to 9ni&hts o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 some o? them are 9ni&hts o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy < 2an ;o&&iaKs ,ami(y an$ the ?ami(ies re(ate$ to his ?ami(y are Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS S(eeper 7e((s. 2an ;o&&ia is the man who intro$'ce$ my se(? to =a(erie .(son 3 when we were chi($ren. Hason He??rey @e&an worDin& ?or =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate as a 7rime So($ier $'rin& the year 2000. 2'rin& the year 200* whi(e I was at the Stran&e@rew 1a%ern3 Hason He??rey h'mo'ro's(y state$ that his &an& was ca((e$ Athe A$o(? Hit(erKsA 5 a?ter which I state$ A1he A$o(? Hit(ahsLA with an in&eni'ne ;oston Massach'settes accent ?rom Ho((ywoo$ Mo%ies an$ American 7inemato&raphy. ;oston Accent on te(e%ision an$ in mo%ies is eFtreme(y eFa&&erate$ an$ is not necessari(y a New 0n&(an$ re&iona( accent. I a(so state$ AMy &an& is ca((e$ 1he A$o(? Hit(ahsLA with an accent that was s'ppose$ to so'n$ (iDe the nei&h@or who when I was a chi($ @a@ysat 2anie( Hames 5 who was ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs yo'n&er @rother 3 the son o? A$o(? Hit(erKs Gran$ Nephew =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e 3 the 9in& o? Sa%oy o? Ita(ia . 2'rin& the year 2005 3 Hason He??rey @e&an $isc'ssin& with me G(o@a( 7onI'est 5 asDin& me i? I tho'&ht that it wo'($ e%er @e possi@(e. I eFp(aine$ to Hason He??rey that I $i$ not thinD that it was pro@a@(e @'t that it was possi@(e to achie%e 3 @'t eFtreme(y impro@a@(e to @e a@(e to ho($ as conI'ere$ territory. Hason He??rey to($ me that he @e(ie%e$ that it wo'($ @e eFtreme(y easy to achei%e 3 @'t wo'($ reI'ire eFtreme amora(ity $'e to the necessity to commit eFtreme(y immora( acts to achei%e it I'icD(y eno'&h ?or it to @e a he($ conI'est. Hason He??rey a(so to($ me that he an$ some ?rien$s o? his were consi$erin& it. It so'n$e$ as i? he were ta(Din& a@o't ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ some o? ,i((i@ertoKs an$ Hason He??reyKs m't'a( ?rien$s. 7'rrent(y 3 there are tho'san$s o? ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces in the crani'ms o? 7iti>ensK as we(( as 7o%ert ,orei&n Mi(itant 0nemy 7om@atantsK in the U.S.A. < it is a $e?inite ?act that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy want to $is&'ise an$ e(iminate Dnow(e$&ea@(e parties concernin& this 5 ?or this p'rpose the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS are $e?inite(y consi$erin& Di((in& the entirety o? the Ma(e Pop'(ation on the North American 7ontinent an$ rep(acin& them with A6IS 7o%ert A&ents ho($in& their I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s as 7o%ert Impost I$entities. ,or the p'rpose o? sec'rin& this secret an$ sec'rin& their a@i(ity to @e a@(e to s'r%i%e a?ter committin& these 7rimes A&ainst H'manity 3 the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS are pro@a@(e to attempt comp(ete e(imination o? ma(e pop'(ation an$ are p(annin& to $e(ete a(( Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2ata ?or p'rpose o? permanant(y erasin& a(( 0mpirica( ,orensic 0%i$ence o? their most heino's o? crimes. 2'rin& the year 2005 < 0$ :arren was ca((in& the capt're o? what I Dnow @e(ie%e was a Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence ;ase 3 a Ato'ch $ownA. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy 'n$erstan$ Psycho(o&y %ery we(( 3 7rimina( Psycho(o&y 3 Hosta&e 7risis Psycho(o&y 3 an$ Mi(itant Psycho(o&y 3 as we(( as ;(acD Mai(.

3uring the year ABB> 2 the ,ouse of Sa'oy determined that ! &as intended to belie'e that Tony Grasseti and his father disco'ered +illiberto and 4ittorio Emanueles0 lans to co'ertly Surgically !m lant ;rain$Com uter$!nterfaces and Global Positioning System de'ices in Ci'ilians in North America and Euro e for the ur ose of attem ting to e#terminate : (illion Ci'ilians in North America and re lace them &ith 4iral$4ector

Gene$Thera ied indi'iduals from Euro e &hom are their Terrorist Crime$Associates that ha'e ta)en the !dentification Credentials of the 4ictims0 as &ell as Se#$Traffic)ing 4ictims &hom they ha'e abducted and mo'ed to North America to co'er u the Genocide- A co'ert attac) of this e#tremity has far too many 'ictims and is far too destructi'e to go unnoticed 1 according to recordings &hich +illiberto Emanuele0s Com uter ,ac)ers made by acti'ating Com uter (icro hones on Scot ,unter0s com uter and Tony Grasseti0s com uter as &ell as illegal recording de'ices lanted in homes 2 it &as e# ected by Tony Grasseti that these lans to use ;rain$Com uter$ !nterfaces and Global Positioning System 3e'ices &ould ine'itably cause the !talian$ A*!S +action to get caught in the act and &ould ine'itably re'eal the other +actions of Terrorist Crime$Syndicates &ith &hich they &ere mutually aligned- ! &as e# ected to belie'e that for reason of morality 2 Tony Grasseti of the ,ouse of Sa'oy told eo le about these lans &hich he and his +ather had disco'ered and &arned eo le not to tal) too loudly about it- ! &as e# ected by the ,ouse of Sa'oy to belie'e that Tony Grasseti e# ected to e'entually be able to ha'e the 7a&$Enforcement officers arrested &hom &or)ed &ith the !talian$A*!S Terrorist Crime$Syndicate- ! &as e# ected by the ,ouse of Sa'oy to belie'e that Tony Grasseti had informed Scot ,unter of the Emanueles0 genocidal lans during the same a ro#imate date that the first ;rain$Com uter$ !nterfaces &ere Surgically !m lanted in human ci'ilians " this &as around the date that Samantha ;ernstein and my ste $cousin 8ristin Nassar &ere abducted by the Emanue 0 Terrorist Crime$Soldiers- Unfortunately for the Emanueles " according to recordings obtained by Pri'ate !n'estigators and Com uter ,ac)ers from the Ser'ers &hich the Emanueles ha$ 'se$ to access the Impro%ise$ Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone /ecor$in&
2e%ices an$ wire tap te(ephones an$ comp'ter microphones 5 the 0man'e(es intention to catch 1ony Grasseti $isc'ssin& their p(ans with my roommate were so o@%io's(y a pro$'ct o? conspiracy that the 0man'e(esK ?act'a( intentions were ma$e eFtreme(y o@%io's @y the recor$in&s themse(%es. 2'rin& the year o? 200! 5 an imposte'r o? 1ony Grasseti was intro$'ce$ to me as A1ony GrassetiA whi(e at a @ar in Manchester NewHampshire 3 this man was $e?inite(y not 1ony Grasseti. I ha$ o%erhear$ part o? 1ony GrassetiKs con%ersation with Scot H'nter concernin& this $'rin& the year 2005 5 in 200! I was i((e&a((y $etaine$ @y Po(ice worDin& in MerrimacD NewHampshire an$ @ro'&ht to a hospita( an$ trans?erre$ to Sherri? that transporte$ me to a hospita( in 7oncor$ NewHamphire where I was 'nDowin&(y se$ate$ an$ Ne'roS'&erie$ in my s(eep inc('$in& the S'r&ica( Imp(antation o? a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace consistin& o? a Prosthetic Ne'ro7irc'it an$ an A/G.S G.P.S. 2e%ice impro%ise$ to ser%e the secon$ary ?'nction o? wire(ess ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace NetworDin& /o'ter. 1ony Grasseti was one o? my A'nt 2ianneKs c(ients an$ 'se$ to &et his hair c't @y her at her hair sa(on in Manchester NewHampshire 3 this is a ?act that was pro@a@(y $isco%ere$ @y the 0man'e(es a?ter they ha$ instr'cte$ a mem@er o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(eman to recr'it 1ony as a (iason to escort my se(? to a (ocation to meet ,i( 0man'e(e in 200* < 1ony Grasseti was o@%io's(y chosen ?or the ?act that we ha$ a(ot in common with one another 5 it may ha%e a(so @een 'nDnown to the 0man'e(es that 1ony Grasseti was ?rien$s with Nina Hansen in the past 3 $'rin& the years that ,i( ha$ @een rapin& her. It is pro@a@(e that the 0man'e(es Di((e$ 1ony Grasseti an$ his ?ami(y prior to the GrassetiKs @ein& a@(e to warn the USAmerican 2epartment o? 2e?ense o? the 0man'e(esK Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist ,actions &enoci$a( p(ans in North America. It is pro@a@(e that Nina Hansen was one o? ,i( 0man'e(es ?irst tar&ets ?or &enoci$e $'e to the o@%io's ?act that she was on(y 15 when he ha$ @e&'n rapin& her an$ co'($ sti(( testi?y $'e to this on(y @ein& 5 years (ater. It was $isco%ere$ @y Anthony

2e,eo in 200* 3 that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e ha$ $eci$e$ that Nina Hansen an$ my se(? were to @e m'r$ere$ $'rin& o'r 2!th year 5 ,i( 0man'e(e was a(most 2! when he rape$ Nina Hansen. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs rapin& o? Nina Hansen was an initiation crime that was reI'ire$ o? him ?or reason that he was to @e e(e%ate$ in stat's within his ?ami(yKs H'man 1ra??icDin& 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate 5 Nina was on(y 15. 2'rin& 20003 ,i( 0man'e(e was wa(Din& past a car that Nina Hansen was sittin& in the @acD seat o? < ,i( 0man'e(e 3 'pon noticin& Nina Hansen in the car 5 opene$ the $oor an$ sat $own in the passen&er seat. Mosta?a I@nSa'$ whom was in the USA ?or a ?ew weeDs %isitin& ?rien$s 3 state$ to ,i( thro'&h the win$ow A,i( 3 yo'Kre a sicD ?reaD. 4ea%e the (itt(e &ir( a(one.A. Nina ye((e$ o't the win$ow to Mosta?a A1hanD yo'3 yo'Kre niceLA. I @e(ie%e that this was the $ay that I ha$ @een sittin& in the @acD seat o? HasonKs car with Nina Hansen an$ the ?ront seat ha$ @een %acant ?or a ?ew ho'rs whi(e we were waitin& to picD 'p 0mi(y McPherson. Hason He??rey was shocDe$ @y ,i( 0man'e(e &ettin& into the car an$ was (a'&hin& a@o't it a?terwar$s < statin& that ,i( was insane an$ st'pi$ to &et into the car o? some@o$y he ha$ ne%er e%en met @e?ore 3 'nanno'nce$. Nina to($ me that the man was ,i( 3 whom she ha$ ear(ier to($ me a@o't an$ that he was the rapist whom ha$ @een enterin& her home with some Din$ o? spare Dey an$ ha$ rape$ her n'mero's times. 2'rin& 2000 < Hason He??rey ha$ a Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone 3 Nina Hansen ha$ a Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone 3 ,i( 0man'e(e ha$ a Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone 3 as $i$ Mosta?a I@nSa'$ ha%e a Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone 5 Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone recor$s which are Dept @y the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartmentKs 7omp'ters 3 ha%e G(o@a( Position System $ata recor$e$ into these comp'ters an$ are permanant recor$s o? the (ocation an$ tra%e( path o? Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephones as we(( as the con%ersations which ha%e occ'rre$ o%er these te(ephones inc('$in& teFt $ata an$ other ?orms o? $ata transmitte$. 0(ectronic 0%i$ence o? this occ'rance eFists. 1ony Grasseti an$ Nina Hansen were ?rien$s in 2000 3 1ony Grasseti was sti(( ?rien$s with her in 200*. It is a pro@a@i(ity that =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ his son ,i((i@erto so eFtreme(y worrie$ a@o't e%ent'a((y @ein& con%icte$ ?or their n'mero's SeF .??enses 3 7rimes A&ainst H'manity 3 an$ :ar 7rimes that they $eci$e$ to attempt to &enoci$a((y eFterminate an$ SeF 1ra??icD the entire pop'(ation o? the North 0ast o? North America in attempt to e(iminate cre$i@(e witnesses an$ %ictims o? their crimes. 1his is the Din$ o? paranoia which is pro$'ce$ @y an eFtreme amo'nt o? &'i(t that is incompari@(e to any other h'man &'i(t in history 5 this is compo'n$e$ @y the ?act that the 0man'e(es are =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs $escen$ants 3 that =ittorio 0man'e(e III was A$o(? Hit(erKs ha(? @rother 3 an$ that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e was accomp(ice to H'(i's 0%o(aKs 1errorist .r&ani>e$ 7rime an$ H'man 1ra??icDin& in his (i?etime. 1he /oya( 0man'e(e ,ami(y o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy are A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(ia( re(ati%es. 1he paranoia o? these 1errorist SeF .??en$ers is so &reat that they ha%e $i(('siona((y committe$ the most arro&ant an$ h'@ris?'( series o? 1errorist AttacDs 3 H'man =i%isections 3 an$ SeF .??enses in history 5 the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces which they themse(%es S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ in their ci%i(ian tar&ets 3 recor$e$ the Me$ica( ,orensic an$ 0(ectronic ,orensic e%i$ence o? the 0man'e(esK 1errorist ,actionKs 7rimes A&ainst H'manity $irect(y into the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 7omp'ters o? possi@(y the entire P(anet 0arthKs Mi(itaries ?or reason that the ro'ter is an A/G.S G(o@a( Positionin& System 2e%ice that is NetworDe$ o%er an Internet NetworD Protoco(. 2'e to the USA P.A.1./.I...1. Act < a(( e(ectronic recor$s re(e%ant to the 0man'e(es o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 the 0%o(as o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 the H'man 1ra??icDers whom are their accomp(ices 3 an$ a(( 1errorist 7rimina(s whom they are associate$ with are (e&a((y a@(e to @e in%esti&ate$ in ?'(( $etai( @y Mi(itary Inte((i&ence an$ other $epartments o? the ,e$era( Go%ernment o? the USA as we(( as the a((ies o? the USA an$ e%en some nations whom are ne'tra( to the USA. Since the " 11 1errorist AttacDs < the 0man'e(es ha%e @een ?'n$in& propa&an$a an$ po(iticians in

attempts to cease the ?'n$e$ o? the USA 2epartment o? 2e?ense as we(( as repea( the USA PA1/I.1 Act 3 @oth o? which they are terri?ie$ wi(( ena@(e in%esti&ators in the USA to arrest them. 0%ery (ocation on 0arth has an eFact G(o@a( Positionin& System A$$ress re(ati%e to 4attit'$e an$ 4on&it'$e coor$inates. 0%ery (ocation which (on& ran& 0(ectronic 2ata is recei%e$ at is G.P.S. (ocate$ a(rea$y @y the ,e$era( 7omm'nications 7ommission 3 the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartment 3 as we(( as other ,e$era( 2epartments. Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephones 'se a techno(o&y that is re(iant on G(o@a( Positionin& System techno(o&y an$ the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces c'rrent(y imp(ante$ in USA 7iti>ens crani'ms are 'sin& an A/G.S G.P.S. 2e%ice as an Impro%ise$ NetworDin& /o'ter 5 ?or this reason 3 e%ery phone ca(( ma$e @y one o? these in$i%i$'a(s is permanant(y recor$e$ as is the ?act'a( i$entity o? the in$i%i$'a(s maDin& the te(ephone ca((s an$ their (ocations. Home te(ephone A4AN 4inesA.

* 0%ent'a((y < I mo%e$ ?rom the (ocation that I was (i%in& at to a new (ocation one @(ocD away3 mo%in& ?rom 38" Haywar$ Street AptR3 to 155 Map(e Street AptR2 . I &ot a new Jo@ to escape the constant harrassment at ,ami(y 2o((ar an$ @e&an worDin& at New Hampshire Precision in 4on$on$erry NewHampshire. ;y this time I was &ettin& %ery ?r'strate$ with the (oca( socia( en%ironment an$ a(so was $ea(in& with a(ot o? ?ami(y iss'es. My Mother was sti(( in New Hampshire Hospita( at 7(inton Street in 7oncor$ at the time #?or psychiatric p'rposes in%o(%in& Post 1ra'matic Stress 2isor$er) an$ the man whom I ha$ tho'&ht was my ,ather @'t was pro@a@(e to ha%e @een rep(ace$ @y the ?irst man that was (i%in& as imposte'r o? my ,ather 3 ha$ @een a@'sin& my sisters ?or some time. 1he man who ori&ina((y owne$ the apartment @'i($in& that I mo%e$ in to at 155 Map(e Street Apartment R 2 was name$ ;arry 4e;(anc < a?ter approFimate(y 5 months (i%in& at this (ocation 3 Gera($ AHerryA 2KAmico o? ,(eetMaster 2e%e(opment @o'&ht this @'i($in& 5 this is eFtreme(y important to notice ?or reason that Gera($ AHerryA 2KAmico Dnew Nina HansenKs ?ormer (an$(or$ 3 the 0man'e(es 3 an$ was a Properties Stea$ Ho($er o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs as we(( as possi@(y =ittorioKs son 7hris 1homasKs. :hi(e I was (i%in& at 155 Map(e Street Apartment R2 3 Gera($ AHerryA 2KAmico insta((e$ impro%ise$ A'$io /ecor$in& 2e%ices @'i(t o? Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone parts in the wa((s o? the apartment @'i($in& 5 these were simi(ar $e%ices to the a'$io recor$in& $e%ices insta((e$ a@o%e the styro?oam cei(in& pane(s at ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n Street in Manchester. Gera($ AHerryA 2KAmico painte$ the stairs on the @acD si$e o? the apartment @'i($in& at 155 Map(e Street Apartment R2 the same co(or @('e as a Po(ice 2epartment Ho($in& 7e(( 5 this seems pro@a@(e to ha%e @een the co(or instr'cte$ @y an 0man'e(e. 1here are n'mero's stairs 3 entry ways 3 an$ $oors o? apartment @'i($in&s in the North 0ast o? North America painte$ this co(or @etween 200* an$ 2012 5 these @'i($in&s seem to @e owne$ @y or were pre%io's(y owne$ @y the 0man'e(esK Properties Stea$ Ho($ers. :hen I ha$ ?irst mo%e$ to 155 Map(e Street AptR3 3 I was sti(( $atin& Min$y 9ern. :hi(e I was $atin& Min$y 9ern < her mo'th @e&an mo%in& whi(e we were s(eepin&. .ne ear(y mornin& 3 I awoDe to Min$y speaDin& a@o't A;('e ;'sesA 5 'pon awaDenin& 3 I notice$ that Min$y was cryin& an$ that she was cra$(in& my hea$ an$ entire 'pper torso in her arms. Min$y was speaDin& to me repeate$(y 3 A2onKt &et on the @('e @'s h'nny3 $onKt &et on the @('e @'s.A . I awoDe asDin& her what was wron& at hearin& this3 she to($ me that she awoDe to herse(? hypnoti>in& me in her s(eep an$ that her mo'th was

mo%in& on itKs own 5 Min$y to($ me not to e%er &et on a @('e @'s. Apparent(y 3 accor$in& to Min$y 9ern 5 i? I &ot onto a @('e @'s 3 I was hypnoti>e$ to t'rn into a homoseF'a(. Min$y 9ern was in co((e&e $'rin& the time that we were $atin& 5 whi(e we were $atin&3 Min$y 9ern met ,i( 0man'e(e. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e si&ne$ Min$y 9ernKs note@ooD A,I4A. Min$y 9ern recei%e$ $eath threats written on paper which were $e(i%ere$ @y @ein& p(ace$ @etween the pa&es o? her note@ooD whi(e she was in co((e&e < these $eath threats @e&an @ein& $e(i%ere$ imme$iate(y a?ter ,i( 0man'e(e ha$ si&ne$ her note@ooD with A,I4A in capita( (etters. 1he $eath threats inc('$e$ the wor$ AP(easantA in them. 2'rin& the en$ o? o'r re(ationship 5 Min$y 9ern an$ I were sittin& in the parDin& (ot at ;'r&er 9in& near So'th Main Street in Manchester NewHampshire $'rin& the winter o? 2005 or ear(y 200E < this was a?ter Min$yKs mo'th ha$ starte$ mo%in& as a res'(t o? a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace ha%in& @een p't in her sD'(( $'rin& the year o? 2005. :hi(e sittin& in the ;'r&er 9in& parDin& (ot 3 Min$y 9ern t'rne$ to me an$ asDe$ me i? I @e(ie%e$ some@o$y co'($ possi@(y S'r&ica((y Imp(ant e(ectronic $e%ices in h'man @o$ies ?or the p'rpose o? @ein& a@(e to p'sh a @'tton an$ eFterminate an entire race that the &'i(ty party $eci$e$ that they wante$ to eFterminate 5 I to($ her that to $o so wo'($ @e a@so('te(y $is&'stin& an$ that I @e(ie%e$ that the peop(e who wo'($ $o this nee$ to @e ?o'n$ an$ tort're$ se%ere(y. 1here was a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace in Min$y 9ernKs sD'(( a(rea$y $'rin& ear(y 200E 5 this is a ?'(( year @e?ore the 0man'e(es or$ere$ Ita(ian A6IS A&ents em@e$$e$ within the MerrimacD Po(ice 2epartment to apprehen$ me an$ ha%e me p't in a hospita( ?or a weeD where I was i((e&a((y S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace Ne'ro7irc'it an$ /o'ter. :hi(e I was $atin& Min$y 9ern 3 Min$y asDe$ me AH'nnyM :ho is Samoth SrichM He messa&e$ me on the internet the other $ay an$ sai$ that he Dnows yo'. 2o yo' Dnow himMA . At the time I $i$ not Dnow that 7hris 1homas ha$ @een 'sin& the 7ypher ?or his name ASamoth SrichA. I $o not speaD with 7hris 1homas. :e are not ?rien$(y. A?ter my se(? an$ Min$y 9ern @roDe 'p 3 I @e&an (ooDin& ?or a roommate on the internet. I poste$ a pro?i(e on a we@site / an$ was contacte$ @y a woman aro'n$ my a&e. :hen the woman arri%e$ to (ooD at the apartment 3 I rea(i>e$ that she was a SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim. 1he woman was /'ssian an$ was a AstripperA. She (ooDe$ aro'n$ the apartment an$ (e?t. I ta(De$ to this /'ssian woman on the te(ephone once a?ter this an$ she so'n$e$ scare$ an$ was not a((owe$ to ta(D to me. A?ter this occ'rre$ 3 Gera($ AHerryA 2KAmico @o'&ht the apartment @'i($in& an$ @e&an threatenin& me. 2'rin& the (ate sprin& o? the year 200E < Hoe Mc7arthy an$ my se(? $ro%e to ,oFwoo$s 7asino in his car. :hi(e at ?oFwoo$s 3 I passe$ @y a yo'n& woman more than once whom appeare$ approFimate(y 1" whom Dept smi(in& at me. She was approFimate(y 5K*A 3 ha$ @(on$e hair 3 ha$ (i&ht eyes 3 an$ (ooDe$ to @e ,ranDic American an$ Gae(ic American. I (ater saw $'rin& the year 200! 3 that this woman whom (ooDe$ on(y 1" ha$ a persona( pay per %iew we@site that ha$ @een on the internet since may@e the year 2005. I reco&ni>e$ her ?ace imme$iate(y. 1he man whom I saw her with was at the ,oFwoo$s 7asino with the same &ro'p as her was the same Ita(ian ma(e whom (ooDe$ a year o($er than my se(? an$ seeme$ to @e re(ate$ to the ?ami(y that owne$ 7iaoKs Pi>>a on Amherst Street in Amherst NewHampshire 5 $'rin& the year 2003 < when I ha$ app(ie$ ?or a Jo@ at this Pi>>a /esta'rant 3 this man (ooDe$ at whom I @e(ie%e was his o($er co'sin an$ state$ A-o' aint &oin& to hire him are yo'M HeKs a ?'cDin& McLA. I mentione$ this possi@(y in ?ront o? 0$ ,arrachi :arren or Anthony 2e,eo an$ whi(e in ?ront o? my own comp'ter in my @e$room that ha$ @een 7omp'ter HacDe$ which res'(te$ in the microphone @ein& acti%ate$ an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e (ater (istenin& to my con%ersations is pro@a@(e to ha%e res'(te$ in the

0man'e(es reconnectin& with an o($ .r&ani>e$ 7rime connection which =ittorio 0man'e(e ?ormer(y ha$ in the past ?or reason o? hirin& this in$i%i$'a( an$ his .r&ani>e$ 7rime Syn$icate as SeF 1ra??icDers 3 @o$y &'ar$s 3 hire$ com@atants 3 or what e%er e(se it was that he hire$ them to $o. :hen this man ha$ appeare$ at ,ami(y 2o((ar 3 he was wearin& a @(acD an$ &ray AGottiA (on& s(ee%e$ shirt an$ ha$ a @ea'ti?'( ?ema(e with him 5 he was approFimate(y 5K "A an$ possi@(y 220(@s 3 an$ ha$ short c'r(y hair < the woman with him was approFimate(y 5K11A 3 was Gae(ic an$ ,ranDic Metis American 3 an$ was approFimate(y 180(@s . 2'rin& the year 200! < I saw this woman on a we@site tie$ 'p an$ @ein& tort're$ an$ rape$ with tears in her eyes 3 the in$i%i$'a(s $oin& so ha$ p't stran&e rape $e%ices aro'n$ her sD'(( which he($ her mo'th open as we(( as her other ori?ices 5 I @e(ie%e that this was part o? a series o? photo shoots inten$e$ to ?rame the Ho'se o? Sa'$ ?or =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs SeF 1ra??icDin& 7rime Syn$icate as we(( as =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ H'(i's 0%o(aKs past history concernin& SeF 1ra??icDin&. 1he menKs sDin tone in these photos whoKs han$s co'($ @e seen 3 appeare$ to (ooD somewhat Ara@ic @'t (ooDe$ m'tate$ an$ 'nnat'ra((y pi&mente$. A man whom a (ater &ir(?rien$ o? mine 3 7(arissa ;erry < s'ppose$(y $ate$ @'t ha$ in act'a(ity pro@a@(y @een a@$'cte$ @y 3 $'rin& the year 200E 5 was 'sin& the I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o? 2an ;isset whom I @e(ie%e was ?act'a((y $ea$ an$ the imposte'r o? 2an (ooDe$ on his MySpace Pro?i(eKs photo&raphs to @e =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tate$ in ha(? way transition with what appeare$ to @e Moroccan 2NA o? sDin 3 hair3 an$ (ips3 on top o? what was ori&ina((y nat'ra((y Ita(ian 2NA. 1he photo&raphs on A2an ;issetKsA MySpace Pro?i(e showe$ some e%i$ence o? 2NA Pro&ression < tho'&h most o? these photo&raphs were o? the pro@a@(e imposte'r o? A2an ;issetA3 a ?ew o? these photo&raphs were o? other men which he c(aime$ were himse(?. 1he ?act'a( 2an ;isset was a man ?rom Nash'a NewHampshire who ha$ $ate$ my ?rien$ A(isha 7ote in the past. A?ter seein& the man ?rom 7iaoKs Pi>>a at ,oFwoo$s 7asino wa(Din& aro'n$ an$ p(ayin& 1eFas Ho($Kem in the @asement3 Hoe Mc7arthy an$ my se(? $ro%e to /ho$e Is(an$ to atten$ a party in /ho$e Is(an$. 1his party was happenin& in a trai(er that was (ocate$ in a stran&e (ocation in the mi$$(e o? the city. 1here was approFimate(y 100 peop(e cramme$ into the trai(er partyin& with eFtreme(y (o'$ m'sic p(ayin& an$ entire re?ri$&erators ?'(( o? *0 o'nce @eer @ott(es. :omen were $ancin& on woo$en ta@(es ?or reason that there was (acD o? space in the @'i($in& an$ were stompin& eFtreme(y (o'$. 1he party was eFtreme(y (o'$. 1he peop(e who hoste$ the party state$ that Athe mo@ pai$ o?? the po(ice.A an$ that Athe po(ice &a%e the mo@ imm'nitiesA. Since the year 200E 3 n'mero's peop(e ?rom New 0n&(an$ $isappeare$ whi(e they were %isitin& what was poste$ on their ,ace@ooD Pro?i(es as @ein& /ho$e Is(an$ @'t a(so what they to($ ?rien$s o%er the te(ephone was /ho$e Is(an$. 7esare 3 whom was re%ea(e$ to @e a &ran$son o? H'(i's 0%o(aKs whom is associate$ $irect(y with ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e < was &rante$ Po(ice Imm'nities ?or a perio$ o? time whi(e in New Hampshire3 (on& eno'&h ?or 1ony Gon>a(e> to @e a@$'cte$ an$ (e?t with 7esareKs 1st set o? sto(en I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s as we(( as 7esareKs pen$in& crimina( char&es a?ter @ein& ?e$ =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy %ir's c'(t're$ in hemo&(o@in o? 7esareKs 2NA. Po(ice Imm'nities were somehow achei%e$ @y metho$ o? re(ocatin& em@e$$e$ Ita(ian A6IS S(eeper A&ents to conso(i$ate$ re&iona( positions as we(( as /ep(acin& @y Imposte'r the ?act'a( Po(ice .??icers with an A&ent 'sin& their I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. 2'rin& the year 200E whi(e I was (i%in& at 155 Map(e St. in Manchester NewHampshire 3 a hacDer e$ite$ the te(e%ision pro&rammin& an$ e$ite$ a scene o? A1hat !0Ks ShowA to portray two o? the characters $isc'ssin& A.ran&e H'iceA an$ $isc'ssin& somethin& that ha$ happene$ to some@o$y which was a(most a paraphrase$ I'ote. 1here was a(so possi@(y a hacDer e$it o? the te(e%ision show AAre -o' ;ein& Ser%e$MA

which containe$ a I'ote o? a con%ersation that my se(? or my roommate ha$ with some@o$y in the apartment. :hi(e worDin& at New Hampshire Precision Meta( ,a@rication in the years 200E G 200! < we ha$ one $ay @een $isc'ssin& S'r&ica( Imp(ants which transmit e(ectronic $ata3 one o? these @ein& the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 5 $'rin& this con%ersation I mentione$ that these e(ectronic S'r&ica( Imp(ants nee$e$ to @e o't(awe$ an$ acti%e(y searche$ ?or @y $octors an$ Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence $'e to the ?act that these can @e 'se$ to see thro'&h a personKs eye on a comp'ter screen as we(( as can they @e 'se$ to rea$ their tho'&hts as teFt an$ that i? this were to @e p't in Mi(itary Sec'ritiesK @rains that this wo'($ res'(t in the worst mi(itary sec'rity @reach in history. 1his con%ersation may ha%e @een ea%es$roppe$ 'pon or recor$e$. It is pro@a@(e that 2on$i McMahon3 whom was worDin& at the $esD @ehin$ the one neFt to mine < was at some point /ep(ace$ @y Imposte'r. N'mero's peop(e ha%e @een /ep(ace$ @y Imposte'r since the year 200E when I ha$ @een worDin& at NewHampshire Precision Meta( ,a@rication. 1he man whom ha$ rep(ace$ 2on$i ha$ o@%io's(y 'n$er&one =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy 5 his hair &ene (ooDe$ Ara@ic 3 his iris 2NA (ooDe$ (iDe 7(arissa ;erryKs @('e eyes &enes @'t his eyes (ooDe$ p(astic (iDe an$ &(ossy $'e to recent m'tation 3 the rest o? his 2NA (ooDe$ entire(y nat'ra((y or&anic Ita(ian 2NA. 1he Imposte'r o? 2on$i McMahon has a $i??erent sD'(( shape than 2on$i ha$ an$ is shape$ s(i&ht(y $i??erent. 2'rin& the year 200E 3 whi(e I was worDin& at New Hampshire Precision Meta( ,a@rication in 4on$on$erry NewHampshire < =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs 9ni&ht ;r'ce @e&an worDin& at NewHampshire Precision Meta( ,a@rication. ;r'ce was a ?rien$ o? 7hristopher /o$onKs parents /o@ert an$ 4ynn. ;r'ce was wearin& the same two pocDete$ @'r&'n$y short s(ee%e po(o shirt that Mosta?a I@nSa'$ o?ten wears an$ was seen wearin& $'rin& a scene in a mo%ie. ;r'ce is a@o't the same hei&ht as Mosta?a I@nSa'$ an$ is somewhat wi$er. 2'rin& the year 200" 3 I witnesse$ ;r'ce he(pin& a @(in$ woman cross the street in Manchester NewHampshire 5 this yo'n& woman was pro@a@(y one o? the women that the Sa%oy A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate restraine$ with rope 3 @(in$e$ 3 poisone$ with $r'&s 3 an$ %io(ent(y rape$ an$ tort're$. 1his woman (ooDe$ i$entica( to one o? the ?ema(es whoKs photo&raphs was p'@(ishe$ on A0mi(y Is(esKsA MySpace Acco'nt. ;r'ceKs han$(in& o? her @a& an$ @(in$ sticD (ooDe$ (iDe an eFtreme(y $e(i@erate attempt to (ooD as i? he care$ a@o't her sa?ety an$ was an hono'ra@(e an$ chi%a(ro's man who $e?en$s ?ema(es an$ (itt(e &ir(s. 1his woman (ooDe$ to @e a@o't 2 years yo'n&er than my se(? an$ (ooDe$ (iDe one o? the yo'n& (a$ies whoKs photo&raphs were sent to me in the year 2005 as A0mi(y Is(esA a?ter who I @e(ie%e was =ittorio 0man'e(e comman$eere$ her America .n(ine Instant Messen&er Screen Name. It is pro@a@(e that ;r'ce a(rea$y Dnew who this in$i%i$'a( ?ema(e was 5 he ha$ an eFtreme(y ner%o's (ooD on his ?ace an$ appeare$ eFtreme(y worrie$ an$ stress?'(. 2'rin& the year 1""E 3 whi(e we were sittin& in his car 5 /o@ /o$on to($ his son 7hristopher that he an$ his co'sin ha$ ?o'n$ o't that =ittorio 0man'e(e III was the patri(inea( ha(? @rother o? A$o(? Hit(er as we(( as $i$ /o@ /o$on say that he ?in$ o't ?rom his co'sin who was a(so a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ his sons 7hris an$ ,i((i@erto were in%o(%e$ in SeF 1ra??icDin& an$ were 7rime Associates o? a NAM;4A 7rime Syn$icate. /o@ /o$on then state$ that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy may en$ 'p with a new /oya( ,ami(y ?or reason o? this an$ that it was pro@a@(e that ha(? o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy were &oin& to @e arreste$ soon. /o@ /o$on was my @est ?rien$ 7hris /o$onKs ?ather. .ne year a?ter this 3 we were in%ite$ to =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs ;irth$ay Party at Pen'cheKs ;ar an$ /esta'rant in North An$o%er Massach'settes 5 there 3 4ynn /o$on was to($ to say somethin& speci?ica((y to me @y =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e. She state$ his name 3 as in A=ictor to($ me to te(( yo'...A prior

to statin& what he to($ her to say < it is pro@a@(e that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e to($ /o@ert /o$on to $isc'ss he an$ his sons @ein& SeF 1ra??icDin& 7rime Accomp(ices o? a NAM;4A 7rime 4or$ ?or reason o? $iscernin& whether or not I Dnew that they were that. /o@ert /o$on either $i$ not @e(ie%e that the 9in& o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy was that an$ @e(ie%e$ that =ittorio co'($ possi@(y @e (ooDin& ?or in?ormation re&ar$in& a speci?ic in$i%i$'a( 3 or /o@ert Dnew that the 0man'e(es were in%o(%e$ in SeF 1ra??icDin& an$ /o@ $i$ not ha%e a pro@(em with this. 2'rin& the year 1""" 5 7hris /o$onKs ?ather mo%e$ to Massach'settes. 1he man who (i%e$ in the apartment neFt $oor to his own was name$ He??erson 2a%is. It is @e(ie%e$ that the @'i($in& that He?? 2a%isKs apartment was in was @o'&ht @y a Properties Stea$ Ho($er o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ his sonsK. He?? 2a%is was a mem@er o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen an$ was ha(? Israe(i. /o@ /o$on @ecame acI'ainte$ with He?? 2a%is at the reI'est o? =ittorio 0man'e(e who instr'cte$ him to @eha%e as i? they were ?rien$s. /o@ert /o$on eFp(aine$ to 7hris /o$on as we(( as 7hris /o$onKs @rother Matt /o$on 3 whi(e in my presense 5 that He?? 2a%is was not yet promote$ to the ranD o? Pa&e in the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen ?or reason that he was not tr'ste$ @y Asome@o$yA. It was (ater $etermine$ that =ittorio 0man'e(e wo'($ not promote him to the position o? Pa&e or any position o? tit(e @eca'se He?? 2a%is was ha(? Israe(i an$ ha$ a Hewish ?ami(y on one si$e o? his ?ami(y. /o@ /o$on c(aime$ that he was 'ns're why He?? 2a%is ha$ not yet @een promote$ to the position o? Pa&e an$ sai$ that it wo'$ (iDe(y happen e%ent'a((y. /o@ert /o$on was o?ten %ery in&eni'ne when $isc'ssin& thin&s with his son in the presense o? others3 /o@ert o?ten (ie$ a@o't certain thin&s whi(e speaDin& to his son in the presense o? my se(? or other peop(e who were not Ita(ian. /o@ c(aime$ that there was pro@a@(y an in$i%i$'a( in He?? 2a%isKs ?ami(y who the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha$ in the past ha$ a con?(ict with an$ 'se$ the eFc'se that He?? 2a%isKs Ita(ian ha(? o? his ?ami(y was pro@a@(y where this in$i%i$'a( was. 2'rin& the year 2000 < whi(e in /o@ert /o$onKs car with 7hristopher /o$on 3 whi(e I was sittin& in the @acD seat an$ 7hristopher /o$on was seate$ in the ?ront passen&er seat 5 /o@ert /o$on state$ to 7hristopher /o$on 3 A1hey are Di((in& a(( o? the ma(es. 1he women are J'st &oin& to @e rape$. It is @etter to @e rape$ than $ea$ 3 isnKt itMA. 7hris /o$on respon$e$ @y sayin& A:hy are yo' te((in& me thisMA to which /o@ /o$on rep(ie$ 3A7hristopher 3 thatKs war. an$ itKs so?t s(a%ery. It co'($ @e worse.A. I o%erhear$ this an$ notice$ 7hris (ooDin& in the mirror at me an$ (ooDin& at his ?ather irritate$. I was acc'stome$ to the chi($ren o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ their re(ati%es as we(( as re(ati%es o? the 9ni&hts o? Aosta that immi&rate$ to the North American continent re?'sin& to answer any I'estions o? mine 3 that I e%er asDe$ them 5 they wo'($ a(ways te(( me that it was not my con%ersation. /o@ /o$on ha$ ma$e a physica( &est're that seeme$ as i? he were ta(Din& a@o't ,irst Nations Nati%e Americans 3 when 7hris (ooDe$ in the mirror ?or a secon$ he &est're$ towar$s me an$ asDe$ A:hyMA 5 /o@ert /o$on sai$ with his han$ 'pt'rne$ A:hat $o yo' thinDMA. 7hristopher sai$ somethin& I co'($ not hear an$ /o@ert respon$e$ with 3$ others. -eah. 4iDe I sai$ 3 thatKs war.A . 1his con%ersation was repeate$ @y the imposte'rs o? Cach An$rosDi an$ 9eith Hammon$. :hen /o@ /o$on mentione$ this 3 it so'n$e$ possi@(y (iDe he was ta(Din& a@o't ,irst Nations Nati%e Americans an$ possi@(y the USAmericans. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs 1errorist ,action rape Nati%e Americans as an Initiation 7rime. My sisters were a(( chi($ren when they were rape$ @y 1errorist So($iers o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. My Mother was SeF 1ra??icDe$ @y Sa%oy So($iers an$ their 7rime Associates when she was 5 years o($ 'nti( she was a@o't 1*. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy o@sessi%e(y tar&ets ,irst Nations Nati%e Americans 3 An&(o SaFons 3 Gae(s 3 an$ Israe(is. Hosh ;'rns who (i%e$ $own the roa$ ?rom my ho'se at EE ;ean /oa$ 3 was An&(o SaFon USAmerican < he was ?rien$s with

Aaron 0man'e(e 5 HoshKs ?ami(y ha%e @een tar&ette$ an$ may @e comp(ete(y eFterminate$ an$ rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs 3 it is a possi@i(ity that his yo'n&er sister is a SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim as we((. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e m'r$ere$ an$ rape$ their c(osest ?rien$s 5 they are &'i(ty o? 1reason an$ :ar 7rimes. H'man 1ra??icDin& is a :ar 7rime an$ is a 2ec(aration o? :ar 'pon a Nation o? peop(e. It seems pro@a@(e that =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 'n$erstan$in& o? Mora(e was ta'&ht to him @y his ?ather 3 this Mora(e seems to @e ?o'n$e$ 'pon the concept o? G'i(t. 1he Initiation 7rimes o? the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS are pro@a@(e to @e en&ineere$ ?or the p'rpose o? pro$'cin& a speci?ic Din$ o? &'i(t < this is the Din$ o? &'i(t that res'(ts in a constant ?ear o? the crimina( @ein& eFpose$ ?or the speci?ic crimes which they are &'i(ty o? 5 this is a pro@a@(e pro$'ct o? the Ita(ian Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs 7o%ert Mi(itant .perations in North America an$ e(swhere 3 m'ch o? which has res'(te$ in the Genoci$a( 0Ftermination o? entire ?ami(ies an$ entire races o? ,irst Nations North American /aces. ,a(se ?(a&&in& o? the i$entity o? the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS Mi(itant ,action as @ein& somethin& other than what it is 3 has occ'rre$ o?ten 5 this has @een 'se$ to pro%oDe war?are @etween ne'ra( nations o? which @oth are tar&ets o? the A6IS or the Ita(ian Ho'se o? Sa%oy. ;y metho$ o? or$ere$ S(eeper 7e((s an$ .r&ani>e$ 7rime Units to repeate$(y commit the same crimes as we(( as repeate$(y attacD the same tar&ets 5 @y this metho$ 3 the Ita(ian Ho'se o? Sa%oy pre%ents $e?ection o? S(eeper A&ents 3 2epop'(ation o? Nationa( /ace $estroys the raceKs a@i(ity to ?ie($ an army as we(( as e%ent'a((y eFterminates the entire race which (ea%es no pre$ecessor with ri&hteo's c(aimancy to the (an$ as a /acia( Home(an$ 3 tar&ettin& o? Nati%e /aces ?or Genoci$a( 0Ftermination an$ SeF 1ra??icDin& e(iminates sympathy ?or the tar&ette$ race @y metho$ o? a@so('te $eni&ration which res'(ts in the (oss o? the o@ser%ance o? the tar&ette$ raceKs h'manity. 2'rin& the year 200* or 2005 5 0$ :arren sai$ to Anthony 2e,eo whi(e at ,ami(y 2o((ar 3 A2i$ yo' hear what /o@ sai$ to his son a@o't....MA an$ state$ somethin& I co'($ not hear. Anthony sai$ somethin& I co'($ on(y partia((y hear which was 3 AA@o't the... no3 whatMA to which 0$ :arren rep(ie$ 3 A-eah. He ca((e$ it KSo?t S(a%eryK . 1hat aint so?t 3 $'$e. 1hatKs a @r'ta( ?orm o? s(a%ery. I $onKt thinD there is a more @r'ta( ?orm o? s(a%ery.A /o@ert /o$on Dnew Mr. Sa(%o 3 the SeF .??en$er Mastrico(a Mi$$(e Schoo( 1eacher who rape$ the 2 yo'n& &ir(s with 2 a$'(t ma(es he (et into the c(assroom. /o@ /o$on Dnew who those two ma(es were. /o@ert /o$on is a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. /o@ert /o$on has possi@(y swappe$ I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s with what he in the past has ca((e$ a Achan&e(in&A 3 which is an imposte'r 5 it is possi@(e that 7hris /o$on has a(so $one this 3 I ha%e seen an imposte'r o? him. /o@ert /o$on in the past has ma$e ins'(tin& JoDes a@o't my race @ein& a A7ry ;a@y /aceA o? A.nes who (ostA an$ Athe ones who (ost the warA. /o@ert /o$onKs ?ami(y immi&rate$ to the U.S.A. with the Ho'se o? Sa%oy as a res'(t o? the $e?eat o? the A6IS . /o@ert /o$onKs ?ami(y is an A6IS ,ami(y. A$o(? Hit(erKs @ooD AMein 9amp?A 3 which was pro@a@(y written @y H'(i's 0%o(a < states the @e(ie? that the a pop'(ation within the Nationa( Pop'(ation that is o? the /ace that ?o'n$e$ the Nation 3 m'st remain o? (ar&e eno'&h pop'(ation an$ o? so(e(y the 2NA o? the /ace which ?o'n$e$ the Nation or the Nation wi(( e%ent'a((y @e conI'ere$ ?rom within @y a Nation who is 5 this is @e(ie%e$ @y the A6IS who (i%e in North America an$ So'th America 3 @'t are o? neither (an$s an$ are a(most a(( o? A6IS race eFc('si%e(y or primari(y. 0Ftermination o? the An&(o SaFon 3 Gae(ic 3 ,irst Nations Nati%e American 3 A?riDDi$ American 3 ,ranDic American 3 New Ho((an$er American 3 7ana$ian 3 an$ MeFican races 5 is a $e?inite &oa( o? the A6IS an$ they wi(( achei%e this &oa( @y any metho$s possi@(e. In the North 0ast o? North America 3 the 7ens's $oes not e%en proper(y co'nt the n'm@ers o? the %ario's races that (i%e in the North 0ast 5 there are possi@(y a mi((ion peop(e who ha%e Imposte'r I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s an$ ha%e 'n$er&one =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tation o? appearance to appear o? same

appearance as the peop(e whoKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s they are 'sin& ?or p'rpose o? (i%in& as imposte'r o?. :hen the A6IS is i$enti?ie$ @y the 2epartment o? 2e?ense as a res'(t o? in%esti&ations an$ the PA1/I.1 Act < it is pro@a@(e that it wi(( res'(t in what wi(( appear to @e a 7i%i( :ar 5 the A6IS are $e?inite to ha%e Mi(itary Gra$e ,irearms @'rie$ in co%ert (ocations 3 n'mero's A6IS So($iers emp(oye$ within the 2epartment o? 2e?ense 3 n'mero's 2isin?ormation A&ents rea$y to sa@ota&e in%esti&ations an$ the criteria o? what is consi$ere$ an A6IS 0nemy 7om@atant S(eeper A&ent or A6IS 0nemy 7om@atant S(eeper 7e(( 3 n'mero's A6IS A&ents em@e$$e$ within Po(ice an$ In%esti&ations 3 as we(( as n'mero's A6IS A&ents em@e$$e$ within the 2epartment o? 2e?ense waitin& an$ rea$y to Di(( the (oya( emp(oyees o? the 2epartment o? 2e?ense who remain (oya( an$ $o their Jo@s. 1he tr'th is that the A6IS ,action ha%e @een i&nore$ since the secon$ open mi(itary $e?eat o? the A6IS an$ ha%e 'se$ 0spiona&e A&ents an$ A&ent Pro%ocate'rs to insti&ate $istr'st o? the So%iet Union an$ (ater /'ssia an$ 7hina $'rin& an$ a?ter the s'ppose$ A7o($ :arA that ne%er e%en rea((y eFiste$. 1he A7o($ :arA was a ?a@rication o? the A6IS ,action worDin& within the USAmerican Go%ernment < the sit'ation with 7'@a armin& themse(%es with weapons with that the U.S.A. an$ MeFico ha%e is simi(ar to the sit'ation with Iran armin& themse(%es with weapons that Israe( an$ the U.S.A. a(rea$y possess 5 the ?ear o? 7'@a an$ Iran @ein& arme$ is $e?inite(y a pro$'ct o? the propa&an$a an$ pro%ocation which the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,action has promote$. 1he Unite$ So%iet Socia(ist /ep'@(ic was an AA((ie$ ,orcesA Nation $'rin& @oth o? the past open mi(itary con?(icts with the A6IS ,action < it is $e?inite that 7'(t'ra( /e(ati%ity m'st @e practice$ 3 when $e?en$in& a nation ?rom itKs potentia( enemies an$ a(( potentia( threats 5 the A6IS ha%e $i??erent %a('es an$ stan$ar$s o? :ar?are 0thic than the U.S.A. has an$ it is $e?inite that the A6IS ,action @e(ie%e it accepta@(e to insti&ate an$ pro%oDe :ar?are @etween two a((ie$ nations as we(( as $isarm @oth Mi(itary an$ 7i%i(ian pop'(ations o? any nation which they ha%e tar&ette$ 3 witho't e%en presentin& themse(%es as the party which has committe$ the action o? $oin& so. /ecent(y 3 in 2013 < I ha%e (ocate$ the wire @ehin$ the (e?t ear(o@e 3 @eneath the sDin 5 on the s'r?ace o? the carti(a&e3 on the @acD o? the ear. 1he wire is eFtreme(y thin an$ seems as i? it wo'($ @e easy to c't with a pen Dni?e or sca(pe( 5 I ha%e $eci$e$ to (ea%e it connecte$ ?or the present time an$ possi@(y ?or the rest o? my (i?e 3 ?or p'rpose o? recor$in& the rest o? my (i?e into the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartments 7omp'ters ?or the p'rpose o? &atherin& more 0mpirica( ,orensic 0%i$ence concernin& who it is that has $one this an$ any assai(ant that they may comman$ to attacD me $'rin& the neFt ?ew years whi(e I attempt to &et this :itness 1estimonia( to U.S.A. 2epartment o? 2e?ense an$ ,orei&n Mi(itary. 2'rin& either the year 200* or the year 2005 3 whi(e ;enJamin 4in$@er& was shoppin& at the ,ami(y 2o((ar Store on 4inco(n Street in Manchester NewHampshire < he state$ in response to some statement a@o't ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces 3 AI $onKt thinD so. 4ooD at his peircin&s. 1hatKs carti(a&e. He can han$(e it. He is J'st &oin& to c't the wire an$ &et o't an$ te(( some@o$y an$ pro%e it. I ha%e ?aith that he wi(( $o that.A . 1his was aro'n$ *pm in the a?ternoon. :ithin that some month 3 a Mesti>o o? So'th American race who may ha%e @een part Sici(ian sai$ somethin& simi(ar to a So'th American Mesti>o who (ooDe$ ha(? Ita(ian < whi(e p'rchasin& items at my re&ister. A man who may ha%e @een re(ate$ to ;en 4in$@er& or another 2e'tsche ?ami(y (i%in& in the U.S.A. 3 p'rchase$ items at my re&ister an$ (ooDe$ o%er my sho'($er @e?ore sayin& AI thinD heKs &oin& to $o it. I @et he wi(( $o it with a Hammer on his necD to. +re?erence to MJo((nir8 3 yo' canKt $o this. ItKs wron&. ItKs &oin& to @e stoppe$. I thinD heK(( stop it.A. 1his man (ooDe$ to @e ha(? 2e'tsche an$ possi@(y Irish an$ Swe$ish. I ha%e since this time 3 with some assistance 5 (ocate$ the wire @ehin$ my ear (o@e an$ ha%e ma$e p(ans to c't the wire with a pen Dni?e i? the attacDs transmitte$ to the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 2e%ice

@ecome too se%ere an$ I can not &et the U.S.American 2epartment o? 2e?ense to respon$ to these attacDs as we(( as ?orei&n nations to respon$ with Mi(itary Ai$ an$ :ar 7rimes In%esti&ations. 1he pro@(em with c'ttin& the wire o? the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace is that the A/G.S G(o@a( Positionin& System 2e%ice wi(( ine%ita@(y remain acti%e as a res'(t o? the @attery @ein& permanant(y physica((y attache$ to the G.P.S. 2e%ice 3 which Deeps it networDe$ to the Internet NetworDin& Protoco( re&ar$(ess o? the (acD o? 0(ectro0ncepha(oGraph tranmission 5 the G(o@a( Positionin& System 2e%ice tracDs the %ictim who is S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with this $e%ice re&ar$(ess o? the (acD o? 0(ectro0ncepha(oGraph $ata transmission. A sDi((e$ 7omp'ter HacDer who 'n$erstan$s the science o? :ire(ess 2e%ice 7omp'ter HacDin& can 'se these G.P.S. S'r&ica( Imp(ants to ?in$ the Internet NetworDin& Protoco( in the 7omm'nications an$ Internet Ser%er an$ report the eFact Internet NetworDin& Protoco( an$ Internet Protoco( A$$ress o? the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 2e%ices an$ the Ne'roScience 1ransmissions. It is $e?inite(y possi@(e ?or a 7omp'ter HacDer to ?in$ the path o? $ata trans?errance thro'&h the Ser%er 7omp'ter an$ stea( a(( o? the so?tware ?rom the Ne'roScience 1erroristsK 7omp'ters. 1he Ne'roScience So?tware @ein& 'se$ @y the Ne'roScience 1errorists can @e sto(en an$ 'se$ to Di(( an$ $isa@(e 0nemy 7om@atants who ha%e wi((in&(y a((owe$ themse(%es to @e S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces an$ ha%e 'n$er&one =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tation which has @een 'se$ to stea( I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o? Genoci$e =ictims. I? a Po(ice .??icer is S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace an$ is not carryin& his own proper I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s as a res'(t o? his stea(in& o? a %ictimsK I$entiication 7re$entia(s an$ Po(ice ;a$&e who was a Po(ice .??icer 5 the imposte'r Po(ice .??icer is an 0nemy 7om@atant an$ can @e A/et'rn ,ireK$A 'pon @y a ci%i(ian 'sin& the same weapon that the 0nemy 7om@atant Mi(itant ,action has @een 'sin&. A 7o%ert In%asion is sti(( an In%asion 5 when they enemy is $e?eate$ an$ the Mi(itary is a@(e to proper(y in%esti&ate these :ar 7rimes an$ the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,action is a@(e to @e arreste$ @y in%esti&ators an$ 2e?ense 0mp(oyees 'sin& their ri&ht?'( I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s < there can not @e any char&es presse$ 'pon ci%i(ians $e?en$in& themse(%es $'rin& an in%asion. Un?ort'nate(y 3 $'e to the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS an$ their a((ie$ 0nemy 7om@atant ,actionsK $ecision to 7o%ert(y In%a$e the U.S.A. an$ Genoci$a((y Assassinate the 7i%i(ian Pop'(ation as we(( as m'ch o? the 4aw 0n?orcement an$ 2epartment o? 2e?ense in %ario's re&ions 3 stea(in& their I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s 5 it is sti(( possi@(e to @e arreste$ @y 0nemy 7om@atants wearin& U.S.A. Po(ice Uni?orms 3 char&e$ with 7rimes @y H'$&es seate$ in U.S.A. 7o'rt/ooms 3 an$ imprisone$ in Prisons @ein& sta??e$ @y 0nemy 7om@atants arme$ with the I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o? the ri&ht?'( Prison G'ar$s. 1he psycho(o&y o? this 7o%ert In%asion 3 is the :or($ =iew that the U.S.A. is not a (e&itimate Nation State an$ that the %ario's races o? North America $o not ha%e a ri&ht to physica( (i?e. ,or reason that a (ar&e n'm@er o? 7hi($ Mo(ester SeF .??en$ers are worDin& within the ranDs o? the 0nemy 7om@atant ,action an$ ha%e &aine$ an eFtreme amo'nt o? power an$ a new set o? I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s with which they can (i%e 'nharrasse$ an$ 'nDnown as @ein& SeF .??en$ers 5 this is $e?inite(y &oin& to @e %ery ?ew 2e?ectors amon&st the 0nemy 7om@atant ,action that ha%e si(ent(y 2ec(are$ :ar 7o%ert(y 'pon the U.S.A. an$ possi@(y MeFico an$ 7ana$a. It is pro@a@(e that Hispanic ,ascistas ?rom Spain an$ %ario's re&ions o? the Americas ha%e in?i(trate$ MeFico ?or p'rpose o? stea(in& the i$entities o? the Go%ernment 3 4aw 0n?orcement 3 an$ 2epartment o? 2e?esne o? MeFico an$ achei%in& 1ota( 7orr'ption o? the &o%ernment o? MeFico in the ?orm o? 7o%ert 7o'p 2e 0tat /e&ime. North America is the tar&et. Aro'n$ the year 2005 3 ;en 4in$@er& wa(De$ into ,ami(y 2o((ar an$ was o%erhear$ mocDin& =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e statin& sarcastica((y 3 AIs he s'ppose$ to @e the 9in& o? the Na>isM Is he then the 9in& o? a(( the Na>isM Is he then the 9in& o? a((

NationsM He m'st @e the Messiah Hes's 3 he is the 9in& o? the who(e wor($.A . ;enJamin 4in$@er& ha$ $e?inite(y hear$ somethin& a@o't ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces $'rin& the year 2005 < there is c'rrent(y a photo&raph on ;enJamin 4in$@er&Ks ,ace@ooD.7om Pro?i(e o? what appears to possi@(y @e an imposte'r o? ;enJamin 4in$@er&. ;en 4in$@er& Dnew a ?ew A6IS ,ami(ies inc('$in& some o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs ,ami(ies in the U.S.A. an$ at (east one ?ami(y o? a 9ni&ht o? AostaKs as we(( as possi@(y an I@nSa'$ re(ati%e. ;enJamin 4in$@er& may ha%e a(so Dnown a Hewish ?ami(y an$ a(so an in$i%i$'a( in%o(%e$ in a :hite Power /acia(ist Po(itica( I$entity. It is pro@a@(e that ;enJamin 4in$@er& has either @een m'r$ere$ @y the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ?or reason o? his Dnow(e$&e concernin& the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs &enoci$a( p(ans in North America as we(( as the 0man'e(e ,ami(y @ein& A$o(? Hit(erKs ;io(o&ica( ,ami(y an$ the ?act that A$o(? Hit(er was ?act'a((y 4om@ar$ic Ita(ian 3 which wo'($ ha%e occ'rre$ aro'n$ the year 200! < or was somehow @(acDmai(e$ into swappin& I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the Ita(ian A6IS ,action ha%e $e?inite(y @een p(annin& a 1ota( Genoci$e o? North American /aces < ,irst Nations Nati%e North Americans 3 the ,o'n$in& /aces o? the North American Nations 3 as we(( as e%ent'a((y A?riDDi$ Americans 5 /o@ert /o$on $isc'sse$ with 7hristopher /o$on in the year 2000 3 that the A6IS was 7o%ert(y 2ec(arin& :ar on the U.S.A. an$ 7ana$a 3 an$ was p(annin& to Genoci$a((y 0Fterminate ,irst Nations Nati%e Americans an$ SeF 1ra??icDin& the ,ema(es. 1he /acia( 1ar&ettin& is ?or p'rpose o? eFterminatin& any /ace that e%er ?o'n$e$ an eFistant Nation in North America prior to the Ita(ians an$ the Ita(ian Ho'se o? Sa%oy immi&ratin& to North America. /o@ert /o$on was to($ @y my ,ather $'rin& the year 1""E 3 that o'r Sici(ian co'sin H'(iannaKs ?ami(y was eFterminate$ @y the Ho'se o? Sa%oy in Sici(y ?or reason that they Dnew that A$o(? Hit(er was =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs patri(inea( ha(? @rother an$ that H'(i's 0%o(a wrote a(( o? A$o(? Hit(erKs speeches. /o@ert /o$on was to($ that H'(ianna ta(De$ an$ was Di((e$ @y the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 this con%ersation @e&an when /o@ert /o$on asDe$ my ?ather 5 A2o yo' any@o$y who is o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oyMA an$ a?ter my ,ather eFp(aine$ this 3 /o@ert /o$on state$ to my ,ather AI am a Pa&e o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy3 my co'sin is a 9ni&ht. I am @ecomin& a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy soon. I wi(( ha%e to (ooD into this.A /o@ert /o$on (ie$ to my ,ather. My ?ather /'sse(( Ma'rice MacPherson was somehow m'r$ere$ an$ rep(ace$ @y an imposte'r (ess than ten years a?ter this. ;etween the years 1""E an$ 200" 5 a&ents o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy spoDe (ies to n'mero's peop(e that I was Aan A$o(? Hit(erA 3 Aan A$o(? Hit(er worshipperK 3 that I A@e(ie%e in the same thin&s as A$o(? Hit(erA 3 an$ that I hate$ the Israe(i /ace an$ was an Amora(ist. 2'rin& the year 1""* 3 1""5 3 1""E 3 an$ 1""! 5 I witnesse$ /o@ert /o$on eFp(ain to his sons that A$o(? Hit(er was =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs @io(o&ica( ?ami(y an$ that H'(i's 0%o(a $esi&ne$ most o? the i$entity o? the 3r$ /eich an$ was A$o(? Hit(erKs an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs c'rrier $'rin& the Secon$ :or($ :ar 5 comm'nicatin& @etween =ittorio 0man'e(e III an$ A$o(? Hit(er. 2'rin& 2005 3 He?? 2a%is was rep(ace$ @y an imposte'r an$ his entire ?ami(y as we(( as n'mero's other Hewish ?ami(ies in the North 0ast o? North America ha%e @een m'r$ere$ an$ rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs. He?? 2a%is has @een missin& ?or a (on& time an$ has @een rep(ace$ @y an imposte'r who has @een worDin& in the Manchester NewHampshire re&iona( Menta( Hea(th In$'stry. 1he tar&ettin& o? Hewish ?ami(ies @e&an with the tar&ettin& o? the entire ?ami(ies o? Hewish 4awyers s'ch as ;arry :einstein an$ A$am ;ernstein 3 the entire ?ami(ies o? mem@ers o? the Hewish 2e?ense 4ea&'e 3 any Hewish ?ami(y in the North 0ast o? North America who ha$ wea(th 3 an$ Hewish ?ami(ies who were internationa( ?ami(ies that were marrie$ to ?ami(ies ?rom other nations. Since this time 3 /o@ert /o$on mo%e$ to 1eFas USA 3 n'mero's ?ami(ies ?rom 1eFas ha%e a(so @een assassinate$ an$ rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs

5 these ?ami(ies were primari(y ?ami(ies o? Asatr'ars in%o(%e$ in the /'ne G'i($ an$ Asatr'ars who were ?rien$s with Swain :o$enin& 3 Stacy Sea@'ry 3 /on ;oar$man 3 4i((y P(aise 3 Michae( Hohnston 3 as we(( as Hewish ?ami(ies (i%in& in 1eFas re(ate$ to Hewish ?ami(ies ?rom the New 0n&(an$ re&ion. 2'rin& the @e&inin& o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs tar&ettin& o? ?ami(ies 3 races 3 an$ re(i&io's comm'nities in North America < the presi$ent o? the USA 3 Geor&e ;'sh 5 was a 1eFan who was c(ose ?rien$s with a MeFican man. 1he possi@i(ity o? the ?ormer U.S.A. Presi$ent Geor&e ;'shKs ?ami(y @ein& attacDe$ an$ rep(ace$ in 1eFas @y =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tate$ co%ert a&ents o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy is an eFtreme threat to the Unite$ States o? America 5 this is an e%en &reater threat i? this occ'rre$ $'rin& the (ast years o? Presi$ent Geor&e ;'shKs presi$ency. 2'rin& the year 2005 < Hanet Napo(itano was e(ecte$ to a presti&io's position 3 imme$iate(y a?ter which she state$ 5 A:e m'st e%er @e wary o? the $an&ero's rise o? Nati%ism in the Unite$ States o? America.A. Hanet Napo(itanoKs position within the USA Go%ernment has in%o(%e$ /acia( Pro%ocation ?oc'se$ at Nati%e North American Nationa( I$entity Po(itic. 1his is simi(ar to 1om 1ancre$o who promote$ A:estern 7i%i(i>ationA A6IS /oman I$entity as a A:ar on 1errorA 3 Nationa(ist Po(itic at 7o((e&e 7amp'ses in North America. 2'rin& the year 1""E < /o@ /o$on was o?ten ta(Din& to his son 7hris /o$on a@o't the mo%ie Athe 7han&e(in&A an$ 'sin& it as a metaphoric cypher topic to $isc'ss somethin& concernin& my se(? 3 statin& that Athe chan&e(in& is a horror mo%ie @ase$ 'pon 7e(tic mytho(o&y. I thinD yo'K$ (iDe it a(ot.A e%ery time I asDe$ them a@o't what it was that they were ta(Din& a@o't. 7'rrent(y 5 the /o$ons ha%e swappe$ I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s with what appears to @e Ita(ians ?rom Ita(ia. 1he /o$ons were Ita(ian on their ,atherKs si$e < an$ their racia( 2NA on their motherKs si$e was Ita(ian 3 A'strian 3 an$ An&(o American. :hi(e worDin& at NewHampshire Precision in 4on$on$erry NewHampshire 3 I ha$ @een $atin& a woman name$ Min$y 9ern. 2'rin& the year 2011 5 an imposte'r o? Min$y 9ern @o'&ht meat at Stop N Shop whi(e I was worDin& at the 2e(i in the Stop N Shop on the @or$er o? ;e$?or$ NewHampshire an$ Manchester NewHampshire. 1his woman was approFimate(y 3 inches ta((er than Min$y an$ was %ery thin3 she was a(so (acDin& o? any Israe(i &enetics 5 the ?act'a( Min$y 9ern was Israe(i 3 An&(o Gae(ic American 3 2e'tsche 3 an$ A'strian. 2'rin& 200E5 ,i( 0man'e(e si&ne$ Min$yKs note@ooD at some point A,I4A J'st as he ha$ $one with Sahn$raKs in the year 200* < $'rin& 200E3 Min$y a(so recei%e$ a $eath threat ?rom an anonymo's in$i%i$'a( whom was $e?inite(y ,i(. 1his $eath threat was a (etter that was t'cDe$ into Min$yKs note@ooD whi(e at schoo( at 7hester 7o((e&e in 7hester NewHampshire 5 I @e(ie%e it was $e(i%ere$ @y Anthony /oton$o. ,i( si&ne$ the (etter AP(easant(y -o'rsA. ,i( has a ten$ency to repeat his crimes o@sessi%e(y to the point o? it @ein& o@%io's that it was his psycho(o&y @ehin$ the crimes AP(easantA is a wor$ which has @een seen in n'mero's anonymo's $eath threats to peop(e I ha%e Dnown $'rin& the past " years 3 AMo'nt P(easant ApartmentsA in ;i((ericca Massach'settes is a (ocation which ,i( ha$ 'se$ to ho($ 1ra??icDin& =ictims hosta&e whom he ha$ imp(ante$ with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces 5 0mi(y Is(es ha$ trie$ to ca(( me on a $r'& $ea(er o? ,i(Ks ce(( phone ?rom this (ocation $'rin& 200E when she ca((e$ my ce(( phone whi(e I was worDin& at NewHampshire Precision Meta( ,a@rication in 4on$on$erry NewHampshire 3 AP(easant StreetA is a(so the street which the o($ a@an$one$ ,o'n$ry in :i(ton is at the en$ o?. 1he o($ ?o'n$ry in :i(ton was reporte$ to @e a (ocation where ,i( 0man'e(e ha$ he($ n'mero's SeF 1ra??icDin& %ictims hosta&e in the @asement. ,i( ha$ access to a cotta&e across the ri%er ?rom the ?o'n$ry which was on a hi(( on a street ca((e$ somethin& (iDe AShore Hi(( /$A3 I @e(ie%e the a$$ress n'm@er o? the cotta&e was R25 5 this (ocation is $irect(y 'p the hi(( an$ neFt to the :i(ton NewHampshire Po(ice 2epartment. :hen I ha$ recei%e$ a %oice mai( on my mo@i(e ce(('(ar te(ephone in 200!

which state$ that 0mi(y Is(es ha$ @een a@$'cte$ an$ that she was @ein& he($ hosta&e in ;i((ericca Massach'settes at a ho'sin& $e%e(opment ca((e$ Mo'nt P(easant Apartments 5 the en$ o? the messa&e was c't short an$ I $i$ not &et the eFact a$$ress 3 I was in s'ch a panic that I acci$ent(y $roppe$ the phone an$ the messa&e was $e(ete$. 2'rin& this time 3 my ?rien$ 0$$ie 4a&es ha$ ma$e p(ans to ?in$ the p(ace an$ we were &oin& to try to &et her o't o? the @'i($in& an$ &et Po(ice in%o(%e$ i? possi@(e 5 imme$iate(y a?ter this occ'rance3 I was p't in the New Hampshire Hospita( in 7oncor$ NewHampshire an$ Ne'roS'r&erie$ with the S'r&ica( Imp(antation o? the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace which is c'rrent(y in my sD'(( an$ the /o'ter which is wire$ to it an$ tacDe$ to the insi$e o? my Jaw ca%ity. 2'rin& 200* 3 my 2a$Ks ?rien$ ;o@ McG'ire whom was the 7hie? o? Po(ice in :i(ton NewHampshire was ?ire$ an$ rep(ace$ 5 I @e(ie%e that ;o@ McG'ire may ha%e @een rep(ace$ @y an Imposte'r soon a?ter. I worDe$ with ;o@ McG'ire at NewHampshire Precision Meta( ,a@rication $'rin& 200E whi(e I was $atin& Min$y 9ern 5 $'rin& this time it appeare$ that 2on$i McMahon may ha%e @een m'r$ere$ an$ rep(ace$. 1he imposte'r o? 2on$i McMahon to($ me whi(e at worD A:hat e%er yo' $o3 $o not &et sicD. 2o not &o to a hospita(. :hat $o yo' $o when the ,ire 2epartment @'rns $ownMA . 1he Imposte'r o? 2on$i McMahon a(so state$ whi(e $isc'ssin& e(ectronic S'r&ica( Imp(ants AI thinD G.P.S. $e%ices are oD to S'r&ica((y Imp(ant in SeF .??en$ers... @'t thatKs it.A . A(so $'rin& this time 3 the ('nch tr'cD $ri%er sai$ to me A1r'$y ... tr'$y ... tr'$y... ne%er sho'($ ha%e (e?t that /eser%ation.A. My Great Gran$?atherKs name was Hohn 1r'$ea' 3 he was 100Q ,irst Nations Nati%e American. My ,ather worDe$ at NewHampshire Precision Meta( ,a@rication an$ was the one who &ot me hire$. 2'rin& 2011 5 whi(e worDin& at Stop N Shop3 an Imposte'r o? 9ar( ,e'$ner @o'&ht meat ?rom the 2e(i which I worDe$ at < this man appeare$ to @e 4om@ar$ic Ita(ian. 1he ?act'a( 9ar( ,e'$ner was ha(? MiImaD an$ ha(? 2e'tsche(an$er. ,'rthermore 3 AP(easant StreetA is the street in Manchester NewHampshire 'pon which the /a$isson Hote( on 0(m Street is on the corner o?. 1his /a$isson Hote( has two $o& stat'es in the ?ront o? it that ,i( 0man'e(e ha$ @een mocDe$ in ?ront o? @y his ?rien$ whom ha$ @een with him the $ay that 1ony Grasseti an$ I met ,i( in Manchester NewHampshire. ,i(Ks ?rien$ $irect(y h'mo'ro's(y ins'(te$ him whi(e we were stan$in& in ?ront o? these stat'es < the ins'(t was in re(ation to ,i( 0man'e(eKs statement concernin& his ?ootwear. ,i( ha$ @roDen his ?oot the $ay @e?ore as a res'(t o? ha%in& a menta( @reaD$own an$ DicDin& a rocD in a ?it o? an&er 5 ,i( 0man'e(e se(? a$mitte$(y has an an&er mana&ement pro@(em. 2'e to ,i( @reaDin& his ?oot 3 ,i( was wearin& :a$in& Shoes ?or the p'rpose o? ha%in& (ess press're on the ?ront o? his ?oot where he ha$ @roDen it as res'(t o? p'ntin& a %ery (ar&e rocD. ,i( ha$ commente$ 'pon his ?ootwear 3 statin& Athey (ooD (iDe $o& ?eetA. ,i(Ks ?rien$ 3 whom I @e(ie%e was name$ Hason state$ 5 A-o' DicDe$ a rocDM :hy the he(( wo'($ yo' DicD a rocDM ArenKt those ?(atsM Gir(s wear those.A 1his p'@(ic (ocation was (ater 'se$ @y 7esare to taDe p'@(ic ha(? n'$e pro%ocati%e photo&raphs o? a 1* year o($ eFposin& herse(? to him 5 this &ir( was H'(ie :einstein whom ha$ @een a@$'cte$ 3 years prior to these photos @ein& taDen. I @e(ie%e that the reason ?or 7esare taDin& these photos in p'@(ic 3 on the si$e o? the roa$ atop a * ?oot wa(( was ?or the reason that $'rin& 200* 5 I ha$ to($ ,i( 0man'e(e that my A&reatest pet pee%e which an&ere$ me the mostA was Ac(oset ?a&&ots whom a@'se an$ $eni&rate women horri@(y < so horri@(y that they wi(( rape them in p'@(ic 3 ?orce them to eat ?eces 3 ?orce them to ha%e seF with other men 3 @eat them 3 ?orce them to $rinD 'rine 3 ?orce them to per?orm seF acts in p'@(ic or porno&raphy 3 an$ p'@(ica((y h'mi(iate them 5 these men are c(oset ?a&&ots whom hate women ?or the reason that these men @(ame ?ema(es ?or their own (acD o? romantic inc(inations towar$s women. 1hese men nee$ to J'st come

o't o? the c(oset an$ &et o%er the ?act that they were @orn &ayA. I @e(ie%e that these photo&raphs o? H'(ie :einstein were emai(e$ to 0$ ,arrachi :arren an$ ,i(i@erto 0man'e(e @y 7esare 3 4'cas An&'i(ini ha$ written a witness statement concernin& this to Manchester Po(ice 2epartment as ha$ Sha'n ,air@anDs. 2'rin& 200" < my sister S'mmer /ose MacPhersonKs ?eet starte$ mo%in& the eFact same as ,i( 0man'e(e ha$ mo%e$ his ?eet in 200* to (ooD at his shoes when he state$ that they (ooDe$ (iDe $o&Ks ?eet 5 9yra G'sta%son asDe$ S'mmer A:hat are yo' $oin&MA to which S'mmer rep(ie$ A1hey (ooD (iDe $o&Ks ?eet.A. S'mmer /ose MacPherson has ha$ a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace in her sD'(( since 200E. :hi(e wa(Din& home ?rom worD $'rin& 200E 5 I was wa(Din& past the :areho'se @'i($in& on the roa$ the passe$ @y the airport. As I was wa(Din& passe$ the :arho'se @'i($in& with the ye((ow meta( stee( wa((s 3 i hear$ the so'n$ o? a si(ence$ pisto( @ein& ?ire$ an$ the so'n$ o? the @'((et hittin& the stee( wa(( an$ $entin& it pierce$ the air. I (ooDe$ to the (e?t an$ saw a row o? $ents a(on& the @ottom o? the stee( wa(( o? the wareho'se @'i($in& 3 I ha$ ?e(t the @'((et p'sh the win$ a@o't an arms (en&th ?rom my ?ace in ?ront o? me. I wa(De$ ?aste$ an$ &ot o't o? the re&ion imme$iate(y. It is possi@(e that a man who ha$ in?i(trate$ the Home(an$ Sec'rity an$ Airport Sec'rity at the 4on$on$erry Manchester Airport ha$ ?ire$ this shot an$ misse$ 5 it is pro@a@(e that this man has @een (i%in& as an imposte'r o? a $ea$ &enoci$e %ictim. ;oth ;o@ 7hapman an$ 0$ /occio worDe$ at the Airport in 4on$on$erry 5 o? the two 3 at (east ;o@ 7hapman has @een rep(ace$ @y an imposte'r. In the year 2005 3 0$ :arren ha$ sai$ to Anthony 2e,eo whi(e worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar 5 K:hatM 2i$ they p't a sniper on the roo? o%er there 3 &'yMA. 1he entire roa$ s'rro'n$in& the 4on$on$erry Airport has @een reconstr'cte$ an$ remo$e(e$ since this time. A ?ew weeDs a?ter @ein& misse$ @y this @'((et 3 I was S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace whi(e in the NewHampshire Hospita( in 7oncor$ NewHampshire. As I ha%e mentione$ 3 my ?ami(y an$ the 2ion ?ami(y ha%e Dnown a(ot o? in?ormation a@o't the 0man'e(e ?ami(y o'r entire (i%es < m'ch o? this co'($ &et the 0man'e(es arreste$ ?or SeF 1ra??icDin& o? minors an$ arreste$ ?or 1errorism 5 ?rom what I ha%e hear$ 3 it was the 0man'e(es o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy who or$ere$ their /oya( Assassins to Assassinate the ?ormer presi$ent Hohn ,it>&era($ 9enne$y an$ attempte$ to ?rame 7omm'nists ?or the assassination. My 'nc(e A( Io$ice was the &ran$ son o? an Ita(ian A6IS S(eeper A&ent 0spiona&e A&ent who was pro@a@(y a 9ni&ht o? Sa%oy 3 HacD 2ion was a(so o? a simi(ar ori&in an$ was the son o? an Ita(ian 0spiona&e S(eeper A&ent. It is $e?inite that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy attempte$ to @(acD mai( a(( o? the Ita(ian 0spiona&e S(eeper A&ents in North America a?ter the /ichar$ NiFon Presi$entia( A$ministration ?or p'rpose o? pre%entin& them ?rom $e?ectin& 5 i? an Ita(ian 0spiona&e S(eeper A&ent $e?ecte$ 3 the res'(tant in%esti&ation wo'($ (ea$ to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate in North America an$ &(o@a((y. :ater&ate in%esti&ations a(most (ea$ to the in%esti&ation o? the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS in North America as a res'(t o? Presi$ent /ichar$ NiFon an$ 7IA 2irector /ichar$ He(ms worDin& with A6IS S(eeper 7e((s an$ were Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS a&ents themse(%es. My ?ami(y Dnew the $escen$ants o? Ita(ian 0spiona&e S(eeper A&ents an$ one o? them marrie$ into my ?ami(y 5 A( Io$ice. It is a(so tr'e that my ?ami(y has Dnown that A$o(? Hit(er was ?act'a((y the ha(? @rother o? =ittorio 0man'e(e III o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 5 my co'sin H'(ianna who was ?rom Sici(y 3 in?orme$ 's a(( o? this. I ha%e @een to($ that HacD 2ionKs ?ather was one o? the assassins who ?ire$ at Hohn ,it>&era($ 9enne$y an$ that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e ha$ or$ere$ him to $o it 3 I ha%e a(so @een to($ that one o? my a'ntKs eF h's@an$ A( Io$iceKs ?ami(ia( re(ati%es may ha%e @een the other shooter or Dnew the other shooter. 1he roa$ past the Airport has @een $rastica((y restr'ct're$ since the @ri$&e an$ hi&hway on ramp @ehin$ the airport was @'i(t 3 the ye((ow stee( wareho'se @'i($in& is no (on&er in the same (ocation neFt to the 0Fec'ti%e

,itness 7('@. 1his @'((et that was ?ire$ at me < was $e?inite(y shot @y a pisto( with a si(encer on it 3 an$ was ?ire$ ?rom a (on& $istance 5 approFimate(y one month (ater 3 I was S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace whi(e 'nDnowin& an$ 'nconcio's in a hospita( in 7oncor$ NewHamphshire. 2'rin& the year 200* 3 G(enn AA2an>i&A Ana>a(oneKs @rother approache$ me at the re&ister whi(e I was worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar an$ (ooDe$ inI'isiti%e(y o%er my sho'($er at 0$ an$ Anthony an$ then (ooDe$ at the Sec'rity 7ameras 3 a?ter which he (ooDe$ me in the eyes an$ narrowe$ his eyes as i? consi$erin& somethin&. Anthony 2e,eo @ecame eFtreme(y ner%o's at si&htin& an An>a(one an$ state$ 5A1hatKs one o? the An>a(one @oys... what is he $oin& hereM 1his isnKt &oo$ 3 0$. 1his isnKt &oo$ at a((.A. G(enn A2an>i&A An>a(one o? NewHerseyKs ?ami(y a(so ha%e re(ation to this networD o? Ita(ian A6IS ?ami(ies who ha$ (i%e$ in the U.S.A. an$ ha%e o@%io's(y hear$ simi(ar r'mo'rs 5 it is present in G(enn A2an>i&A An>a(oneKs ear(ier m'sic (yrics. 7hristine 2ion was a $istant co'sin o? Herry an$ 2oy(e o? G(enn A2an>i&A An>a(oneKs ?ormer @an$ A1he Mis?itsA 3 possi@(y a *th co'sin. M'ch o? 1he Mis?its ear(ier (yrics were metaphoric re?erences to the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS in North America. G(enn A2an>i&A An>a(oneKs @rother wa(De$ into ,ami(y 2o((ar to see who I was in 200* an$ 2005 3 he is recor$e$ @y cameras at the store 5 Anthony 2e,eo state$ A1hatKs one o? the An>a(one @oys. :hatKs he $oin& hereM 1his is not &oo$ 3 0$.A . It is e%i$ent ?rom G(enn A2an>i&A An>a(oneKs (yrics on the ear(y Mis?its a(@'m AStatic A&eA an$ A:a(D Amon& UsA 3 that he Dnew a(ot a@o't the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS Mi(itant 7e((s in North America an$ that he Dnew a(ot a@o't what happene$ to Hohn ,it>&era($ 9enne$y an$ who it was that tar&ette$ the 9enne$y ,ami(y. 1he son& A;'((etA is a@o't the Hohn ,it>&era($ 9enne$y assassination an$ =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ his Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS accomp(ices who or$ere$ the assassination 3 &an& rapin& HaI'e(ine 9enne$y a?terwar$s an$ threatenin& her to stay si(ent a@o't it. =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e has &an& rape$ n'mero's ?ema(es in his (i?etime 3 many o? them chi($ren 5 he or$ers his 1errorist 7rime So($iers to commit &ro'p rapes o? a ?ema(e as an Initiation 7rime 3 many o? these ?ema(es are chi($ren or menKs wi%es. It is a stron& pro@a@i(ity that the AMis?itsA son& A1heme ?or a HacDa(A is a@o't =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e @ein& in%o(%e$ in SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 @ein& a Pe$orast who rapes (itt(e &ir(s 3 an$ @ein& a Seria( 9i((er who Di((s entire ?ami(ies o? his %ictims. In the Ho(y ;i@(e 3 the Ason o? the HacDa(A is a metaphor which $escri@es the Anti 7hrist. =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e or$ere$ his son 7hris 1homas to poison HacD 2ion with 2isassociati%e 2r'& an$ Se$ati%es an$ Porno&raph HacD 2ionKs $a'&hter 7hristine 2ion when she was on(y 5 years o($. I ha%e @een to($ that HacD 2ionKs ?ather was one o? the shooters that shot at Hohn ,it>&era($ 9enne$y an$ that two other men were ?rame$ ?or it an$ were p'rpose(y positione$ where they co'($ &et ca'&ht an$ arreste$ (ater. 2'rin& the year 2005 3 two imposte'rs o? G(enn A2an>i&A An>a(one were p'@(ishe$ to the internet in %i$eos an$ photo&raphs. .? re(ation to =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e @ein& consi$ere$ 1he Anti 7hrist 5 $'rin& the year 200* < He?? /ense o? /ense.7om p'@(ishe$ an artic(e $ec(arin& =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e to @e the AN1I7H/IS1 3 AAnti7hristA was printe$ across a photo&raph o? =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs ?ace. It is $e?inite that 7hristine 2ion was rep(ace$ @y an imposte'r $'rin& the year 200* an$ may ha%e @een a@$'cte$. It is a(so pro@a@(e that the An>a(one ?ami(y o? NewHersey may ha%e Dnown a $istant co'sin o? my a'nt 4es(ieKs eF h's@an$ A( Io$ice who is the ?ather o? my co'sins Michae( Io$ice an$ 7hristopher Io$ice as we(( $i$ they pro@a@(y Dnow a $istant co'sin o? my 'nc(e ;ryant MacPhersonKs eF &ir(?rien$ ;onnie 2amonKs in NewHersey. It is pro@a@(e that the Ita(ian ?ami(ies in NewHersey who were attacDe$ @y the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS $'rin& the past 10 years 3 ha%e @een assassinate$ as we(( as a@$'cte$ an$ SeF 1ra??icDe$ < an$ were tar&ette$ ?or

reason that they are not any (on&er in%o(%e$ in the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS 1errorist Acti%ity an$ .r&ani>e$ 7rime on North American Soi( 3 @'t Dnow eFact(y where the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the Ita(ian A6IS S(eeper 7e(( ,ami(ies are. N'mero's other ?ami(ies in NewHersey ha%e a(so @een attacDe$ @y the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS since 200*. 7athryn ;'rDeKs ?ami(y 3 Stacy Sea@'ryKs ?ami(y 3 Stephanie 7onro$Ks ?ami(y 3 an$ other ?ami(ies re(ate$ to in$i%i$'a(s o? the Asatr' 7omm'nity who (i%e$ in NewHersey 5 are a(( %ictims o? these attacDs. My ?rien$ Henni?er 4inco(n 3 who ?ormer(y (i%e$ in NewHersey < was i((e&a((y 'nDnowin&(y S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 5 I @e(ie%e that this occ'rre$ whi(e she was (i%in& in NewHersey an$ may ha%e a(so @een $one to her ?rien$ =a(erie SchanD. I ha%e met a ?ema(e who was ?orce$ to 'se =a(erie SchanDKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s 3 she (ooDe$ re(ate$ to Hohn ,it>&era($ 9enne$y 5 I met her $'rin& the year 200!. A?ter I ha$ @roDen 'p with Min$y 9ern3 I (ater @e&an $atin& a woman name$ 9atie 7ameron. 9atie 7ameron an$ I @roDe 'p 3 she went to 2'rham ?or co((e&e 5 we remaine$ ?rien$s. I @e(ie%e that $'rin& the year 200E 3 9atie 7ameron was S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 5 one $ay her mo'th @e&an mo%in& an$ sayin& to me 3 A1he American 2ream is $ea$. 1he American 2ream is o%er. It sai$ it on the 1e(e%ision ri&ht in ?ront o? me the other $ay. 1here is nothin& I can $o. 1he American 2ream is o%er.A. 2'rin& 200! 3 9atie 7ameron was /ep(ace$ ;y Imposte'r. A?ter $atin& 9atie 7ameron 3 7(arissa ;erry an$ my se(? @e&an a re(ationship. :hi(e I was at worD 5 two men 'n(ocDe$ the $oor to my apartment an$ wa(De$ into the (ocDe$ apartment 3 picDe$ 7(arissa ;erry 'p o't o? my @e$ 3 carrie$ her screamin& $own the stairs o'tsi$e 3 an$ carrie$ her into the a@an$one$ 2enta( 7(inic o??ice neFt $oor < these two men tie$ her 'p an$ rape$ her @r'ta((y. 1hese men were $escri@e$ as 7esare an$ a ma(e whom was E ?eet ta((. Imme$iate(y prior to my se(? $atin& 7(arissa ;erry 3 Gera($ AHerryA 2KAmico whom was the (an$(or$ threatene$ me twice in the apartment an$ twice o%er the te(ephone 5 sayin& AI Dnow where yo' (i%eA in an eFtreme(y threatenin& an$ o%ert(y intimi$atin& tone o? %oice. Gera($ AHerryA 2KAmico 3 was the (an$(or$ < he o@%io's(y Dnew where I (i%e$. Gera($ AHerryA 2KAmicoKs Property Mana&ement @'siness was ca((e$ A,(eetMaster 2e%e(opementA. Gera($ AHerryA 2KAmico wa(De$ into my apartment 'nanno'nce$ n'mero's times 3 'sin& the Dey to 'n(ocD my @acD $oor. My ?rien$ Hoanne whom was Sha'n ,air@anDKs eF &ir(?rien$ ha$ @een rape$ as ha$ other ?ema(es 3 whi(e (i%in& at 1"5 ;ri$&e Street in Manchester NewHampshire < the Mo$'s .peren$i was the same 5 same mo$e o? entry 3 same men 3 same attacD. 2'rin& the year 2013 3 I rente$ a room at 1"5 ;ri$&e Street ?or p'rpose o? (ooDin& aro'n$ the property ?or some time 5 the paint on the stairs is i$entica( to the paint which Gera($ AHerryA 2KAmico 'se$ to paint the @('e staircase on the @acD o? the property at 155 Map(e Street $'rin& 200E. 1he @('e on these @'i($in&sK steps (ooDs (iDe Po(ice Ho($in& 7e(( @('e < this seems psycho(o&ica((y si&ni?icant to the 0man'e(es who pro@a@(y or$ere$ Gera($ AHerryA 2KAmico to paint the steps these co(ors 3 Herry was a Properties Stea$ Ho($er ?or the 0man'e(es an$ Dnew ,i( an$ =ittorio %ery we((. 1he $ay that Herry AGera($A 2KAmico ha$ painte$ the stairs 3 I pai$ him rent an$ he to($ me that I co'($ pay him (ater $'rin& the $ay @eca'se he was J'st &oin& o%er to the Aother property o%er on the other si$e o? townA to ?inishin& paintin& somethin& there. Gera($ AHerryA 2KAmico is EK1A ?eet ta((. 1he men whom ha%e @een committin& these rapes ha%e ha$ Deys to a(( o? the apartments o? the %ictimsK some how. 1he ?irst Imposte'r o? Sheena Nico(e MacPherson 3 to($ me that Gera($ AHerryA 2KAmico was acti%e(y in%o(%e$ in SeF 1ra??icDin& o? yo'n& ?ema(es which inc('$e$ e%en some o? his tenants. Sha'n ,air@anDs was one o? 7esareKs (o'$est enemies whom wo'($ ye(( APe$ophi(e.A 3 APe$orast.A 3 A7hi($ Mo(ester.A 3 an$ A/apistA at 7esare e%ery time he saw him. At some point $'rin&

200E 3 Hoanne was S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 5 $'rin& 200! < e%ery time Hoanne wo'($ sit $own or (ay $own 3 her (e& wo'($ @e&in DicDin& (iDe a $o&Ks (e& DicDs when itKs @e((y is patte$.

?hile ! &as li'ing at <>> (a le Street A artment A in (anchester Ne&,am shire Jason ;onano got a 6ob at Ne&,am shire Precision (etal +abrication,e as)ed me if ! &anted to do something after &or) e day- ! belie'e &e &ent to the mall and e'entually ic)ed u one of his friends in Salem or ?indham- Jason also had a friend &hom li'ed in 3erry- Jason0s father loo)ed ossibly related to Gerald .Jerry. 30Amico as if they could ossibly be some )ind of cousinsJason ;onano identified to somebody a girl named .Emily. &ho loo)ed alot li)e Emily !sles &ho he said &as staying &ith somebody in ?ilton Ne&,am shire at the location &here he had decided to buy a bag of mari6uana 2 this apartment comp(eF was @y the
ri%er $own @y the @anD o? the ri%er3 J'st @e?ore the @ri$&e that (ea$s to the Po(ice 2epartment. Hason ;onano intro$'ce$ me to a yo'n& woman who (ooDe$ re(ate$ to 4i> 7hristensen who appeare$ on the co%er o? a Nationa( 1e(e&raph NewsPaper $'rin& 1""8 or 1""". 4i> 7hristensen was in a photo&raph with my se(? 3 2anie((e 4e;(anc 3 4i> Pratt 3 an$ 7ait(in B'inn 5 a(most a(( o? these ?ema(es are rape %ictims o? ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs. It is pro@a@(e that Hason ;onano was or$ere$ to Deep tracD o? the Swe$ish &ir( who was pro@a@(y re(ate$ to 4i> 7hristensen an$ (i%e$ in HenniDer NewHampshire. Hason ;onano ha$ a Hewish ?rien$ nicDname$ A1oa$A who is pro@a@(y missin& an$ $ea$ < it is $e?inite that Hason ;onano an$ his ?ather were 'se$ as tracDers @y =ittorio A=ictor 0man'e(e. 2'rin& the year 2005 3 whi(e in co((e&e < =a(erie .(son was &oin& to @e somehow ('re$ to st'$y a@roa$ in Ita(ia 5 0$ ,arrachi :arren was o%erhear$ statin& ASheKs &oin& to @e o%er there st'$yin& a@roa$ 3 theyKre &oin& to @e o%er there st'$yin& a @roa$L -o' Dnow what I meanMA . 0$Ks statement $'rin& the years 200* or 2005 was not then Dnown to concern =a(erie .(son @'t has now @een $etermine$ to @e a statement in re&ar$s to =a(erie. 2'rin& the year 2005 < Mosta?a I@nSa'$ was intro$'ce$ to an imposte'r o? =a(erie .(son whom pose$ ?or photo&raphs with Mosta?a I@nSa'$ 3 a Hon$'ran who was impersonatin& an A(@anian with whom he ha$ pro@a@(y tra$e$ I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s with 3 an$ an Ita(ian ma(e whom (ooDe$ (iDe he was (iDe(y to @e the @io(o&ica( @rother or ?irst co'sin o? the man whom ha$ 'se$ =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 7re$it 7ar$ at ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n Street in Manchester NewHampshire to @'y c(eanin& pro$'cts. 1he Hon$'ran posin& as an imposte'r A(@anian ma(e was wearin& =a(erie .(sonKs A1he SmithsA @an$ t shirt an$ was (ater proporte$(y p(annin& to marry the imposte'r o? =a(erie .(son. I $o not @e(ie%e that Mosta?a I@nSa'$ rea(i>e$ that =a(erie .(son was rep(ace$ @y an imposte'r < I $i$ not at ?irst rea(i>e it my se(?. :hen I met Mosta?a I@nSa'$ ?or the secon$ time in ;oston 3 he to($ me not to te(( ,i( 0man'e(e his te(ephone n'm@er or his wherea@o'ts 5 ?or reason that Mosta?a ha$ $isco%ere$ that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e was a rapist. Mosta?a I@nSa'$ was ?rien$s with my ?rien$s /yan Har%ey 3 7har(es =ar&era 3 1ai :y@an 3 2a%e 4ee 3 an$ 4a'ra 4'$wicDowsDi. A?ter my se(? an$ Min$y 9ern stoppe$ $atin& eachother. :hom I tho'&ht was =a(erie .(son an$ my se(? reconnecte$. 1he ?irst Imposte'r o? =a(erie .(son whom (ooDe$ near(y i$entica( an$ so'n$e$ i$entica( %oca((y has now @een rea(i>e$ to ha%e @een a /'ssian ?ema(e < I ha%e notice$ that ?or reason that her an$ I &ot a(on& %ery we(( 3 the /'ssian imposte'r whom was o@%io's(y a H'man 1ra??icDin& =ictim was swappe$ with a secon$ in$i%i$'a( @e?ore I co'($ &et in?ormation o't o? her concernin& the rea( =a(erieKs wherea@o'ts an$ why she has @een ?orce$ to preten$ to @e my ?irst

(o%e =a(erie .(son. 1he secon$ =a(erie .(son imposte'r was cr'e( an$ impossi@(e to &et a(on& with. 2'rin& my ear(y teena&e years < =a(erie .(son an$ I were insepera@(e 5 when we were not $atin& 3 =a(erie an$ I were @est ?rien$s. ,i( 0man'e(e state$ $'rin& 200* whi(e in Manchester NewHampshire the wor$s A I hate (o%e A 3 =a(erie .(son an$ my se(? were Dnown to a(most e%ery person whom either o? 's ha$ e%er Dnown as @ein& comp(ete(y 'nchan&ea@(y in (o%e with eachother. 7'rrent(y 3 there is a 3r$ =a(erie .(son imposte'r on her ,ace@ooD Pro?i(e. 1he ?act'a( =a(erie .(son was (ast con?irma@(y seen in 2005. 1he photo&raph o? her sittin& on the @each an$ $rawin& what (ooDs (iDe a NewGran&e Spira( in ?ront o? her in the san$ 3 is the ?act'a( =a(erie .(son. :hi(e at Hampton ;each $'rin& 200* with ,i( 0man'e(e 3 1ony Grasseti 3 an$ the others whom were with 's 5 ;ren$an P(ace ha$ asDe$ me a h'mo'ro's I'estion a@o't a ?ema(e that ha$ wa(De$ past 's. I ha$ state$ that the ?ema(e was not near(y as @ea'ti?'( as =a(erie .(son. 1he h'mo'r (e$ to =a(erie @ein& ca((e$ the on(y A10A on a sca(e o? A1A to A10A that there is. As I ha%e mentione$ < ,i( 0man'e(e state$ that he hate$ (o%e (ater that month3 with an hate?'( (ooD 'pon his ?ace. 7'rrent(y < there eFists a strip c('@ ca((e$ 1ens at Sa(is@'ry ;each which is where we ha$ wa(De$ to $'rin& the con%ersation concernin& =a(erie .(son. 1here is a(so a @ar ca((e$ A:icDe$A. 2'rin& 200E< the imposte'r =a(erie .(son to($ me that she ha$ @een rea$in& the @ooD A:icDe$A whi(e in Ita(ia. A:icDe$A is otherwise Dnown as Athe Unto($ Story o? the :itches o? .>A3 it is @ase$ 'pon ,ranD ;a'mKs A:i>ar$ o? .CA. 1he SDin o? the A:icDe$ :itchA 0(pha@a. 1he :icDe$ :itch 0(pha@a is cite$ as ha%in& @een @orn with &reen sDin $'e to her @io(o&ica( ?ather $rinDin& a @ott(e o? &reen e(iFer. =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy has @een @ein& 'se$ since at (east 200* to m'tate the 0man'e(esK %ictimsK 2NA 3 chan&in& their appearance. 2'rin& 200E 3 the imposte'r o? =a(erie .(son ha$ atten$e$ :ine 1astin&s with =a(erie .(sonKs mother < this was poste$ on her MySpace.7om Pro?i(e as we(( as her ,ace;ooD Pro?i(e in (ater years. 2'rin& 2005 5 a poster was tape$ to win$ows in either ;oston or Manchester NewHampshire a$%ertisin& A1he :ines o? .CA which was a :ine 1astin& e%ent. It is pro@a@(e that this was hoste$ @y a mem@er o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(eman 3 a re(ati%e o? a mem@er o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(eman 3 or some other associate o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 5 this wo'($ ha%e @een so ?or the p'rpose o? =ittorioKs A&ents meetin& in$i%i$'a(s in the re&ion an$ tar&ettin& in?('entia( ?ami(ies as we(( as ini$i%'a(s re(ate$ to =ittorioKs Sta(Din& =ictims. I @e(ie%e it possi@(e that my ?ather atten$e$ A1he :ines .? .CA :ine 1astin& e%ent with his &ir(?rien$. 2'rin& the Ha((oween Party o? 1"88 at my ho'se in MerrimacD NewHampshire3 $'rin& which =ittorio 0man'e(eKs son 7hris 1homas was present an$ ha$ arri%e$ with my 'nc(e A( Io$ice 5 my mother $resse$ as 0(pha@a the Green SDinne$ :itch o? the :est an$ 7hristine 2ion $resse$ as a :itch cost'me as we((. 2'rin& the year 2005 3 I witnesse$ a woman wa(D into ,ami(y 2o((ar whom (ooDe$ i$entica( to =a(erie .(son that ha$ a Genetic Here$itary SDin 2isease which pro$'ces what appears to @e enormo's pinD mo(es a(( o%er the sDin. 1hese pinD mo(es are the si>e o? mar@(es. It is entire(y possi@(e to 'se =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy to m'tate any Genetic 2NA o? a person < c'rin& $iseases 3 or ca'sin& here$itary &enetic $iseases. 1he woman whom (ooDe$ i$entica( to =a(erie .(son an$ may ha%e @een the ?act'a( =a(erie .(son ha$ enormo's pinD mo(es a(( o%er her ?ace an$ a(( o%er her @o$y3 she (ooDe$ %ery sa$. 2'rin& the co'rse o? the @roa$way m'sica( an$ @ooD A:icDe$A < the anima(s o? .C (ose their a@i(ity to speaD to one another 5 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e 3 =ittorio 0man'e(e 3 an$ their &enoci$a( Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces in the sD'((s o? H'man 7i%i(ians an$ Acti%e 2'ty Mi(itary @oth < many o? these peop(e were pre%ente$ ?rom @ein& a@(e to speaD or to speaD to speci?ic

in$i%i$'a(s 3 one o? these @ein& my 10 year o($ sister whom was a@$'cte$. 1he ?act'a( =a(erie .(son is racia((y Norwe&ian on her ?atherKs si$e an$ Gae(ic 7ana$ian on her motherKs si$e o? the ?ami(y < the imposte'rs ha%e a(( appeare$ to @e $i??erent races. 2'rin& 2005 3 I witnesse$ a ,ema(e wa(D into ,ami(y 2o((ar who was (ooDin& stran&e(y at me 5 she (ooDe$ i$entica( to A@@ey 0t(in&er @'t ha$ @een =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tate$ to (ooD (iDe a M'(atto. A@@ey 0t(in&er is Israe(i an$ 2e'tsche(an$er. 1here is c'rrent(y a ?ema(e who has @een 'sin& A@@ey 0t(in&erKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s who is not her. 1he act o? 'sin& =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy to m'tate h'man &enetics to chan&e the appearance an$ shape o? h'man @ein&s 3 chan&in& comp(eFion an$ shape as we(( as maDin& it appear as i? the personKs race m'tate$ into a $i??erent race or the sDin o? the person m'tate$ to &row toa$ (iDe mo(es a(( o%er their sDin is reminiscent o? the concept o? a ,airey 1a(e :icDe$ :itch who casts spe((s on h'mans t'rnin& them into a ?ro& 3 a mo'se 3 chan&in& their sDin co(or 3 &i%in& them c'rses 3 &i%in& them $iseases 3 or a(terin& their (i?e in some other way to maDe them misera@(e. =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate reI'ire that their 1errorist 7rime So($iers commit speci?ic Initiation 7rimes that inc('$e SeF .??enses an$ =io(ence 'pon chi($ren an$ a@$'ction o? chi($ren whom are so($ to SeF 1ra??icDers 5 my Mother was a repeate$ %ictim o? =ittorioKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icateKs crimes @etween the a&es o? 5 an$ 1*. 2'rin& the Ha((oween Party o? 1"88 5 my Mother an$ HacD 2ionKs $a'&hter @oth $resse$ 'p in :itch cost'mes. 1he n'm@ers 1* an$ 88 ha%e @ecome n'merica( acronymsto the :hite Power 7omm'nity in North America an$ other re&ions o? the wor($ 3 meanin& 5 A:e M'st Sec're the 0Fistence o? o'r /ace an$ a ,'t're ?or :hite 7hi($renA which are 2a%i$ 4aneKs A1* :or$sA an$ 88 which is AH.H.A which means AHai( Hit(erA. 1he 0man'e(e ?ami(y may try to 'se the ?act that some o? their crimes were committe$ $'rin& 1"88 an$ the ?act that my Mother was their 7rime Syn$icateKs %ictim ?or " years 3 which en$e$ at a&e 1* 'nti( she (ater @ecame their %ictim a&ain 5 as a ?a@ricate$ a(i@i3 c(aimin& that it is ?a@ricate$ an$ is a s(an$ero's conspiracy a&ainst their ?ami(y ?or reason that they are the Ita(ian /oya( ,ami(y o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the n'm@ers were 1* an$ K88. 1he ?act that these n'm@ers ha%e @ecome re(e%ant to the :hite Power comm'nity an$ the ?act that Ha((oween is a(so Dnown as ASamhainA 3 ASamhainA a(so @ein& the name o? the @an$ which G(enn A2an>i&A An>a(one ?o'n$e$ $'rin& the 1""0Ks 5 these ?acts o@%io's(y maDe =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e paranoi$ that peop(e may possi@(y Dnow what his ?ami(y has $one. 7'rrent(y 3 in the North 0ast o? North America < there arre h'n$re$s o? ?ami(ies missin& 5 most o? them ha%e @een rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs whom are Ita(ian an$ are carryin& the Americans I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. /e$ an$ Green are the co(ors o? the Nationa( ,(a& o? Ita(ia 5 my mother was 3N8 ,irst Nations Nati%e American an$ painte$ her sDin Green $'rin& Ha((oween o? 1"88 3 when she $resse$ as 0(pha@a the :icDe$ :itch o? the :est ?rom ,ranD ;a'mKs :i>ar$ o? .>. A racia( s(an& termino(o&y ?or a ,irst Nations Nati%e American is A/e$ SDin.A. HacD 2ion painte$ a S.S. 1oten9op? masD on his wi?e S'eKs ?ace 3 with a cracD in the ?orehea$ 5 S'e 2ion was $resse$ in a @(acD we$$in& &own. HacD 2ion 3 whoKs &ran$?ather was an Ita(ian A6IS 0spiona&e S(eeper A&ent an$ whoKs ?ami(y Dnew the 0man'e(es < $ec(are$ in ?ront o? =ittorioKs son 7hris 1homas that his p(ain c(othes were his cost'me. I was $resse$ as a Pirate3 the Sh't>Sta??e( 1oten9op? was the ASD'(( an$ 7rosse$ ;onesA Ho((y /o&er insi&nia. 1he Sh't>Sta??e( were most(y Nationa(ists that ser%e$ in the A6IS ,orei&n 4e&ion 3 'nDnowin& that their Nation was a@o't to @e in%a$e$ @y the (e&ions which the A6IS ?rom e(sewhere. My Mother an$ ,ather were @oth o? Nati%e American races 5 my Mother was ,irst Nations Nati%e American 3 ,ranDic American 3 an$ Gae(ic < my ?ather was An&(o Gae(ic USAmerican 3 B'e@ecois 3 an$ An&(o Gae(ic 7ana$ian. =ittorio 0man'e(eKs son 7hris 1homas $r'&&e$ a(( o? the a$'(ts at the party an$ 7hi($ Porno&raphe$ a(( o? the chi($ren

present inc('$in& HacD 2ionKs 2a'&hter 3 my co'sins 3 my se(? 3 Samantha G'ay 3 an$ my 1 year o($ in?ant sister who he st'cD his ?in&ers insi$e o? to tra$e ;(acD Mai( Photo&raphs with a 7rime 4or$ in%o(%e$ in SeF 1ra??icDin& o? 7hi($ren an$ NAM;4A. 1he NAM;4A 7rime 4or$ SeF 1ra??icDer appeare$ at my ho'se at EE ;ean /oa$ MerrimacD NewHampshire in 1""E or 1""! an$ attempte$ to @(acD mai( my ,ather 'sin& the name A2o'&(as PierceA 5 this man was not 2o'&(as Pierce o? the @an$ 2eath in H'ne3 @'t 'se$ his name as an a(ias more than once in New Hampshire an$ ;oston Massach'settes. My ,ather ha$ a (o'$ ar&'ment on the te(ephone with this man which conc('$e$ with my ,ather screamin& AI wi(( not s'@mit to @(acD mai(LA a?ter which he h'n& the phone 'p so %io(ent(y that he @roDe the phone. =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ his sons are o@sesse$ with their own &'i(t an$ ha%e a %ery $e(icate Psycho(o&y which is sensiti%e to speci?ic concepts an$ react with Psycho(o&ica( eFtremities to speci?ic concepts. Since the ?a(( o? the 3r$ /eich 3 the 0man'e(es an$ m'ch o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e @een (i%in& the the USA as a res'(t o? their ?ami(ies ?(eein& the N'rem@'r& Ho(oca'st In%esti&ations as a res'(t o? their &'i(t < their :ar 7rimes 'pon races o? peop(es an$ 7rimes A&ainst H'manity ha%e contin'e$ on North American Soi( as we(( as in re&ions s'ch as ;ra>i( an$ since the ?a(( o? the 3r$ /eich 3 they ha%e @een (i%in& as 0nemy 7om@atant 0nemies o? the State an$ @are(y a%oi$e$ $etection thro'&ho't the history o? their ?ami(ies (i%es in the Americas. M'ch o? the 0man'e(es an$ the /oya( ;(oo$e$ ?ami(ies o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e (i%e$ in Massach'settes 3 /ho$e Is(an$ 3 New -orD 3 New Hersey 3 New Hampshire 3 an$ other (ocations c(ose to these re&ions o? the USA. 1he A4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emenA is ?act'a((y the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 1he 1st imposte'r =a(erie .(son was (i%in& in an apartment in ;oston with an Irish Gae(ic woman whom &rew 'p in Massach'settes. 1he 1st imposte'r =a(erie .(son was s'ppose$(y arran&e$ to marry an A(@anian. 1he imposte'r o? =a(erie .(sonKs roommate (ie$ an$ c(aime$ that she was s'ppose$(y $atin& Mosta?a I@nSa'$ an$ was en&a&e$ to e%ent'a((y possi@(y marry him. 2'rin& the year 2011 5 I met a man c(aimin& to @e ;rian Mason whom c(aime$ to @e ?rien$s with =a(erie .(son < this man was an imposte'r whom was ?rien$s with the 3r$ imposte'r. 1his man preten$in& to @e ;rian Mason appeare$ as i? he may ha%e ori&ina((y @een an imposte'r o? 2o'& Smith 3 whom I worDe$ with at ,ami(y 2o((ar. ,or in%esti&ati%e p'rposes < $'rin& 2005 an$ 200E 3 I ha$ 'se$ my Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone to ca(( the imposte'r o? =a(erie .(son whom I ha$ @e(ie%e$ was =a(erie at that time. 1he Imposte'r o? =a(erie .(sonKs Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone was $e?inite(y 'se$ to ca(( /ache( an$ possi@(y at some point 'se$ @y /ache( to ca(( Mosta?a I@nSa'$. It is a(so pro@a@(e that this womanKs Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone was 'se$ to ca(( some@o$y c(ose(y connecte$ to ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e or =ittorio 0man'e(e. 2'e to this woman ha%in& some@o$yKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s whom is possi@(y $ea$ an$ a &enoci$e %ictim 3 the USA P.A.1./.I...1. Act is app(ica@(e an$ a(( o? this womanKs 0(ectronic /ecor$s are (e&a((y accessi@(e to in%esti&ations. 2'rin& what was approFimate(y Septem@er o? 200! < whi(e %isitin& Ste%e ,it>&era($ in Nash'a NewHampshire 3 I saw 2ennis .(son at Ste%e ,it>&era($Ks apartment 5 2ennis was %isitin& /o@ ;ishop3 Ste%e ,it>&era($Ks roommate at the time. 2ennis .(son is =a(erie .(sonKs @rother. 2ennis (ooDe$ s'rprise$ to see me an$ state$ A-o' 'se$ to $ate my sisterA an$ (ooDe$ happy to see me @'t con?'se$ a@o't somethin& concernin& his sister =a(erie. I @e(ie%e 2ennis .(son ha$ a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace in his sD'(( a(rea$y in Septem@er o? 200!. I ha$ a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace in my @rain $'rin& May o? 200!. It is possi@(e that Ste%e ,it>&era($ has @een rep(ace$ @y an

imposte'r now. Ste%e ,it>&era($ was (i%in& in Somer%i((e Massach'settes with 2a%e 2o$son 3 Hosh 4an&@er& 3 an$ Hosh ;arnes. In 200" 3 Hosh ;arnes to($ me that he met Aaron 0man'e(e at a Gay 7('@ in ;oston an$ that Aaron ha$ a$mitte$ to @ein& A$o(? Hit(erKs Great Gran$Nephew. Hosh ;arnes a(so sai$ that Aaron 0man'e(e was in%o(%e$ in SeF 1ra??icDin& o? 1ransSeF'a(s. Aaron 0man'e(e Dnew my eF &ir(?rien$ Nina Hansen when they were yo'n&er. Aaron 0man'e(e to($ me that he &rew 'p in /an$o(ph Massach'settes. 2a%e 2o$son 'se$ to Dnow 2anie( Myer o? Ha'Jo@@ 3 one o? my ?a%orite @an$s. 2'rin& the year 200" < whi(e my se(? an$ some ?rien$s were at 7enter?o($s Strip 7('@ in ;oston Massach'settes 3 a son& ?rom the a(@'m Po(arity was p(aye$ whi(e a 0rotic 2ancer Stripper per?orme$. Ha'Jo@@ is not somethin& that wo'($ e%er @e p(aye$ at a Strip 7('@ 3 it was a(so somethin& I ha$ J'st recent(y @een (istenin& to. Ste%e ,it>&era($ seems to ha%e @een rep(ace$ @y an imposte'r. In 200" 3 this imposte'r ma$e $is&'stin& pe$orastic seF'a( comments a@o't the (itt(e &ir( who has @een (i%in& as imposte'r o? my sister 7he(sey. I @e(ie%e that this (itt(e &ir( is pro@a@(y An&(o Gae(ic an$ ,ranDic 3 she (ooDs %ery m'ch (iDe my sister 7he(sey @'t is not o? ,irst Nations Nati%e American race. 1his (itt(e &ir( has @een threatene$ repeate$(y an$ I @e(ie%e that she has @een rape$ repeate$(y 5 she is 'nwi((in& to ta(D a@o't who she is an$ has @een ?orce$ to 'se my sister 7he(seyKs name. She (ooDs re(ate$ to one o? the @(in$ ?ema(es that I saw wa(Din& in Manchester NewHampshire that ha$ @een @(in$e$ @y the 0man'e(esK Sa%oy A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate an$ rape$ as an initiation crime. 1he woman who she (ooDs re(ate$ to appears to @e An&(o Gae(ic an$ Norwe&ian 5 it is a possi@i(ity that these ?ema(es are o? an An&(o Gae(ic an$ ,ranDic 7ana$ian ?ami(y that marrie$ Norwe&ians in 7ana$a. It is a possi@i(ity that I was (ie$ to a@o't Gr't(e 9Je((sonKs sister @ein& a@$'cte$ 3 7he(seyKs imposte'r to($ me that she ha$ a As'@stit'te teacherA name$ Ms. 9Je((son. It is possi@(e that 4ars %iDernes has co'sins in 7ana$a or that these are =a(erie .(sonKs co'sin or e%en $istant co'sins o? my own ?rom 7ana$a. 1he woman that (ooDe$ re(ate$ to the H'man 1ra??icDin& =ictim that has @een ?orce$ to (i%e as imposte'r o? my sister 7he(sey is @(on$e an$ (ooDs to @e approFimate(y the same a&e as my se(?. 1he ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace that was p't in my sD'(( 3 was p't in my sD'(( an$ &ra?te$ to my @rain on the same weeD that my wrist s'r&ery ha$ occ'rre$ at Mass Genera( Hospita( in ;oston Massach'settes. 4a'ra 4'$wicDowsDi ha$ @een in ;oston Massach'settes when a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace was S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ $'rin& 200E an$ she ha$ attempte$ to te(( me as we(( as Po(ice 2epartment. 1he car acci$ent which occ'rre$ on MotherKs 2ay $'rin& the year 2000 ha$ res'(te$ in my wrist @ein& impa(e$ @y a tree @ranch $'rin& the a'tomoti%e acci$ent 5 a?ter n'mero's s'r&eries which occ'rre$ $'rin& the ?o((owin& two weeDs 3 my ?in&ers were reconstr'cte$ an$ my wrist was &ra?te$ with a &ra?t o? sDin that was taDen ?rom my (ower hip < this (e?t what has the appearance o? a sti&mata wo'n$ on my wrist. A Sti&mata wo'n$ is a wo'n$ that (ea%es what (ooDs (iDe a 7r'ci?iFion scar 5 $'rin& the year 200* 3 He?? /ense p'@(ishe$ an artic(e on his we@site /ense.7om wherein which he $ec(are$ =ittorio 0man'e(e I= to @e the Anti7hrist. He?? /enseKs artic(e was p'@(ishe$ a?ter he recei%e$ an emai( ?rom an associate o? Henry MaDowKs whom ha$ @een to($ the tr'th a@o't A$o(? Hit(erKs @io(o&ica( parents 5 $'rin& 200* 3 I ha$ emai(e$ Henry MaDow te((in& him the tr'th a@o't A$o(? Hit(erKs @io(o&ica( parents an$ was con?ronte$ imme$iate(y an$ threatene$ @y ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ his @rother 2anie( Hames as we(( as sta(De$ @y his ?ather =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ his other @rother whom was a(so a$opte$ @y a 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen ?ami(y in the U.S.A. who is name$ Aaron. =ittorio was in?'riate$ a?ter He?? /enseKs artic(e was p'@(ishe$ as we(( as was =ittorio 'ncom?orta@(e a@o't a statement which was ma$e @y a 7atho(ic c'stomer

whom approache$ my re&ister whi(e at ,ami(y 2o((ar concernin& my scars which was A:ow 3 a rea( sti&mataL Now I Dnow I ha%e seen e%erythin&LA. My ri&ht han$ is a(so scarre$ 3 it has a meta( p(ate ho($in& the rin& ?in&erKs meta carpa( to&ether 5 the meta( p(ate has * pins in it 3 ho($in& it to the @one which ha$ @een @roDen in ha(? $'rin& the year 2000 @y an inJ'ry. 1he (e?t wrist is scarre$ an$ the ri&ht han$ has a one inch scar on it. H'(i's 0%o(a 3 whom ha$ tar&ette$ my A'nt H'(iannaKs entire ?ami(y ?or eFtermination @e?ore they ?(e$ Sici(y 5 was the /oman Aristocratic ;(oo$e$ ;aron o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy whom was r'mo're$ to @e a $escen$ant o? the 7aesar Israe(i whom earne$ the tit(e 7aesar Israe(i 'pon conI'erin& Israe( as we(( as the $escen$ant o? a /oman 0mperor. H'(i's 0%o(a was the $esi&ner o? the 3r$ /eichKs I$entity an$ was a /oman Imperia( /econstr'ctionist 0Ftremist whom was en&ineerin& i$entities ?or A6IS pop'(ations an$ was an eFtreme(y hi&h ranDin& mem@er o? the Sh't>Sta??e( whom worDe$ ?or the Ahnener@e. I @e(ie%e that the weeD o? my s'r&ery at ;oston Mass Genera( Hospita( in 2000 was p'rpose(y $eci$e$ @y =ittorio 0man'e(e or ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e to @e the weeD that I wo'($ @e &ettin& i((e&a((y hospita(i>e$ @y Po(ice .??icers an$ S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace which consists o? a Ne'ro7irc'it &ra?te$ to the ;rain 3 which is wire$ to a ro'ter @eneath the ear(o@e @ehin$ the ear$r'm 3 the /o'ter an$ Micro ;attery are tacDe$ insi$e the Haw 7a%ity o? the MaFi((o?acia( re&ion near the @ase o? the wis$om tooth at the corner o? the Jaw. 2'rin& the weeD o? 1hanDsGi%in& in No%em@er o? 200! 3 =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e ca((e$ 1ay(aKs an$ 1wy(aKs &ran$?ather an$ or$ere$ him to ha%e his $a'&hter 2e@@ie poison me with ;(acD Mo($ in a 7o??ee 7'p. 1he 7o??ee 7'p which was 'se$ was the same 4ar&e P(astic 7o??ee 7'p that :i((iam Hano%er ha$ or$ere$ a 2'nDin 2on'ts co??ee at my re&ister ?rom me J'st prior to this whi(e I was worDin& at 2'nDin& 2on'ts. =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e are %ery sym@o(ic in their attacDs an$ pyscho(o&y. My mother is ,irst Nations Nati%e American an$ a Mesti>o o? a(so ,ranDic American an$ Irish Gae(ic race 3 my ?ather is An&(oGae(ic American an$ ,ranDic 7ana$ian 5 1hanDs&i%in& is an American Ho(i$ay which is inten$e$ to @e a $ay o? respect an$ appreciation ?or s'stainance an$ home(an$ 3 the tra$ition @ein& starte$ @y 7o(onia( Americans an$ ,irst Nations Nati%e Americans whom were their nei&h@ors < the partic'(ar 7o(onia( Americans with whom the ,irst Nations Nati%e Americans ha$ eaten their 1hanDsGi%in& 2inner with were ;ritish 7o(onists whom were sti(( ;ritish 7iti>enry. AM'r$ere$ ;y the Monarchy 5 I(('minati 3A was (ater create$ an$ attri@'te$ to 2a%i$ IcDe 3 wherein s(an$ero's statements are ma$e which s'&&est that the ;ritish Monarchy m'r$ere$ some@o$y < the 0man'e(eKs attempte$ ;(acD Mo($ Poisonin& ?ai(e$ when HosephKs $a'&hter 2e@@ie &a%e to me the (ar&e 2'nDin 2on'ts P(astic 7'p with MaFwe(( Ho'se co??ee in it an$ @(acD mo($ in the @ottom. I recei%e$ a teFt messa&e (ater that ni&ht which was 5 A2i$ yo' say A.Ni&erMA this @ein& a re?erence to Asper&i(('s Ni&er or ;(acD Asper&i(('s 3 the mo($ was act'a((y Stachy@otrys. 1ay(aKs &ran$?ather Hoe owne$ a &ray SharDsDin s'it that (ooDe$ (iDe a Pee :ee Herman s'it ma$e o? SharD SDin. 1ay(a ca((e$ it his KPee :ee Herman S'itK . Pee:ee Herman is o? re(e%ance to what happene$ at the Ha((oween Party o? 1"88 an$ what 7hris 1homas $i$ to 7hristine 2ion an$ my se(?. 2'rin& 2ecem@er o? 200!3 a (ar&e nee$(e with a p('n&er on it was 'se$ to inJect some Din$ o? S'r&ica( Imp(ant into my ?orearm whi(e at So'thern /e&iona( NewHampshire Me$ica( 7enter in Nash'a NewHampshire 5 this $e%ice WW 0N10/ /,I2 S7AN H0/0 XX is either a /a$io ,reI'ency I$enti?ication 2e%ice or a G(o@a( Positionin& System 2e%ice < this is the same (ocation that Prisoner N'm@ers were tattooe$ on Ho(oca'st =ictimsK ,ore Arms $'rin& the 1"*0Ks in 0'rope. AMarD o? the ;eastA means the AMarD o? the ;east o? 4a@orA 5 a A;east o? 4a@orA is a @east o? @'r$en that is a h'man < in other wor$s3 a s(a%e with no h'man ri&hts. It was Apre$icte$A @y a ;osnian seeress

$'rin& H'(i's 0%o(aKs (i?e that the AAnti7hristA wo'($ $o this. I @e(ie%e that this is a(( techno(o&y that H'(i's 0%o(a was researchin& < ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces 'se$ with Ne'roScience So?tware to ro@ot an$ ens(a%e h'man @ein&s permanant(y @y contro((in& the entire e(ectro ma&netics o? their ne'ro(o&y as we(( as research in%o(%in& /a$io ,reI'ency techno(o&ies 'se$ with S'r&ica( Imp(ants s'ch as those ;io(o&ists 'se on non h'man anima(s. 2'rin& 200* 3 I worDe$ with a ;osnian woman at worD 5 whi(e we were worDin& < 3 Ser@ian terrorists came into the store an$ stare$ hate?'((y at me 3 an$ a?terwar$s wa(De$ o't. I @e(ie%e that $'rin& H'(i's 0%o(aKs (i?e 3 he set 'p a ,ascist 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate in Ser@ia 5 Me$J'&orJe is in ;osnia which is neFt to Ser@ia. It is pro@a@(e that a $e?ector whom was a Ser@ian 7atho(ic ?o'n$ o't a@o't what ha$ @een p(anne$ @y H'(i's 0%o(a an$ sn'cD the in?ormation into ;osnia. 1he Ser@ian :ar 7rimina(s whom ha%e @een committin& 7rimes A&ainst H'manity 'pon ;osnians as we(( as Ser@ians 3 seem to @e SeF 1ra??icDers an$ ha%e @een 1ra??icDin& the ,ema(es o? the ?ami(ies which they ha%e @een eFterminatin&. Most o? the ;osnians whom mo%e$ to 2e'tsche(an$ an$ the USA $'rin& the past 20 years ha%e @een re?'&ees. 2'rin& the year 200E < /yan Har%ey an$ 4a'ra 4'$wicDowsDi were @oth somehow S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace $e%ices. 4a'ra 4'$wicDowsDi attempte$ n'mero's times to write witness statements an$ $e(i%er :itness Statements to Po(ice in ;oston Massach'settes. 4a'ra 4'$wicDowsDi was pre%ente$ ?rom @ein& a@(e to ta(D ?or a (on& time an$ ?or (on& perio$s o? time. 4a'ra attempte$ to write A4A/-NGI1ISA on a paper car$ an$ $e(i%er the :itness Statement to Po(ice in ;oston Massach'settes as we(( as other re&ions. Hen 4inco(n trie$ to $o the eFact same thin&. 2'rin& 200* 3 a te(e%ision series aire$ which inc('$e$ an episo$e that in%o(%e$ a Seria( 9i((er an$ a 7rime Syn$icate whom were S'r&ica((y Imp(antin& Ne'roGra?ts on the Me$'(a .@(on&ata an$ ;rain Stem re&ion o? their H'man 1ra??icDin& =ictims an$ contro((in& them (iDe ro@ots 'sin& ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces. 2'rin& the year 200* < a te(e%ision show aire$ $'rin& which an episo$e ca((e$ A4aryn&itisA was sche$'(e$. 1he A4aryn&itisA episo$e in%o(%e$ n'mero's crimes @ein& reporte$ @y peop(e whom co'($ not ta(D an$ wrote A4aryn&itisA on paper an$ wrote :itness Statements. 2'rin& the month that 4a'ra 4'$wicDowsDi attempte$ to $e(i%er the :itness Statement n'mero's times < 4a'raKs mo'th starte$ mo%in& an$ state$ 5 AHa%e yo' e%er hear$ o? a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aceM ItKs a Ne'roScience $e%ice that connects a @rain to a comp'ter. I saw a ?i(m in c(ass the other $ay. 2'rin& this ?i(m the Ne'roScientists connecte$ a $o&Ks @rain to a comp'ter an$ connecte$ it to so?tware that ena@(e$ the $o& to speaD thro'&h the speaDers. 1he $o& $i$ not speaD to peop(e as i? it were speaDin& at peop(e3 @'t the $o&Ks tho'&hts spoDe thro'&h the comp'ter speaDers.A I asDe$ 4a'ra 3 A:hat $i$ it ha%e to sayMA to which 4a'ra rep(ie$ 3 ANot m'ch important3 it was J'st %ery annoyin&.A. 1his re?erence to $o&s 3 is o@%io's(y reminiscent o? the Psycho(o&ica( Pro?i(e o? ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e since the $ay $'rin& 200* that 1ony Grasseti an$ I met him in Manchester NewHampshire 5 $'rin& this $ay ,i( 0man'e(e ha$ instr'cte$ his ?rien$ to asD the I'estion A:o'($ yo' Di(( 3 mi((ion ci%i(ians to pre%ent the $eath o? 20 mi((ion o? yo'r peop(eM I wo'($.A < 1ony Grasseti ha$ worn an e(ectronic recor$in& $e%ice an$ recor$e$ this 3 a?terwar$s recor$in& ,i(Ks ?rien$ a$mittin& that ,i( ha$ to($ him to say it. It appears $e?inite that ,i( 0man'e(eKs Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS HacDers sto(e the e(ectronic ?i(e ?rom 1ony GrassetiKs on(ine $ata stora&e we@ space 3 which res'(te$ in ,i( 0man'e(e (istenin& to the entire recor$in&. A(so3 re(e%ant concernin& $o&s is the Science artic(e which ha$ @een p'@(ishe$ that was a@o't Ne'roScience $isco%eries in%o(%in& ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces an$ 7anine 1est S'@Jects which were tricDe$ into @e(ie%in& a

?orei&n stran&er was their trainer @y metho$ o? con?'sin& the @rainKs sha$ow reco&nition an$ other i$enti?yin& ?actors. 1his may ha%e @een $isc'sse$ with 0$ :arren @'t was certain(y $isc'sse$ at my apartment on Haywar$ Street which seeme$ to @e somehow constant(y @ein& recor$e$ < I Dnow this ?or reason that the 1e(e%ision was $'@@e$ constant(y to inc('$e statements @ein& I'ote$ an$ concepts @ein& portraye$ which were resem@(ant o? $isc'ssion content. 2'rin& the year 1"88 < ,i((i@ertoKs o($er @rother 7hris 1homas p't a $o& co((ar an$ a (eash on my co'sin Monica MosesDy an$ o'r ?ami(y ?rien$ Samantha G'ay an$ ?orce$ them to participate in 7hi($ Porno&raphy that he photo&raphe$. 1ony Grasseti ha$ a(so $e(i%ere$ the recor$in&s o? o'r meetin&s with ,i( 0man'e(e to m'(tip(e Po(ice 2epartments $'rin& the year 200*. .? re(e%ance to $o&s < there are two $o& stat'es in ?ront o? the /a$isson 5 ,i( 0man'e(e was @e(itt(e$ an$ mocDe$ @y his ?rien$ in the %icinity o? these $o& stat'es neFt to P(easant Street in Manchester NewHampshire across the street ?rom the =eteranKs ParD :or($ :ar 2 Memoria(. At this (ocation 3 I to($ ,i( 0man'e(e that I (o%e$ 0mi(y Is(es an$ con?ronte$ him a@o't his JoDe that he ha$ ma$e statin& that he was &oin& to AShit $own her throat an$ rape it a?terwar$sA. ,i(i@erto 0man'e(e is A$o(? Hit(erKs &reat &ran$nephew 5 4a'ra 4'$wicDowsDi an$ /yan Har%ey were to($ this $'rin& 200*. :hi(e 4a'ra 4'$wicDowsDi was S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace whi(e (i%in& in ;oston 3 n'mero's thin&s happene$. ;oston Po(ice .??icer Sean Gannon3 was arran&e$ to ?i&ht A?rican American crimina( 9im@o S(ice in a @asement &ara&e 5 9im@o S(ice (ot the ?i&ht $'e to Sean Gannon who p't 9im@o S(ice in a &'i((otine choDe ho($. Sean Gannon was the on(y Gae(ic ma(e present an$ was eFtreme(y o'tn'm@ere$ @y A?rican Americans an$ some other races o? peop(e. 2'rin& the year 1"8" 3 when =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs son 7hris 1homas was assa'(te$ @y my three year o($ co'sin Michae( Io$ice 5 Michae( Io$ice acc'se$ 7hris 1homas o? rapin& him in his s(eep. Michae( ye((e$ at 7hris 1homas a?ter @itin& his han$ 3 p'nchin& him 3 an$ DicDin& him AI hate yo' 7hris 1homasL -o'Kre meanL 4ast ni&ht yo' p't somethin& in meLA to which 7hris 1homas rep(ie$3 ANo I $i$nKt. It was thermometer. It was a ci&arette.A a?ter which Michae( Io$ice ye((e$ 3ANo it wasnKt 3 it was (ar&eL It wasnKt no thermometerLA. My 'nc(e Scot 7arty wa(De$ 'p to 7hris 1homas an$ &ra@@e$ the @acD o? 7hris 1homasKs hea$ an$ p'((e$ it $own 3 p'ttin& him in a &'i((otine choDe ho($. 2'rin& the year 2003 3 7hristine 2ion ma$e a JoDe a@o't her hat @ein& a ACe($a HatA < $'rin& the year 200E 3 A((ysa G'sta%son ma$e the same JoDe a@o't her hat. 1he ACe($a HatA was the same hat that the possi@(e imposte'r o? Mosta?a I@nSa'$ was wearin&. It is a Dnit cap ma$e @y 99 4o%e Int(. 7ompany. 2'rin& the year 1"8" 3 I mentione$ to 7hris 1homasKs @rother who is another ha(? @rother o? ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs < that I ha$ &otten to Gannon on Ce($a an$ that some@o$y $e(ete$ my KSa%eK 5 Gannon is the name o? the ;oss Monster in the Ninten$o %i$eo &ame 1he 4e&en$ o? Ce($a. Sean Gannon 3 the Irish ;oston Po(ice .??icer =S. 9im@o S(ice 3 the re?orme$ 7rimina( t'rne$ M's(im ;oFer 5 (ooDs (iDe a /ace :ar @asement &ara&e @oFin& match on %i$eo that was poste$ to -o'1'@e.7om . 2'rin& the year 2000 3 /o@ert /o$on to($ his son that they were eFterminatin& the Nati%e North American /aces soon an$ rapin& as we(( as SeF 1ra??icDin& a(( o? the ?ema(es soon 5 my co'sin Michae( Io$ice was 3N1E ,irst Nations Nati%e American 3 (iDe my se(?. Michae( Io$iceKs mother was my MotherKs sister 4es(ie 4a=oie. 4es(ie 4a=oie 3 was 3N8 ,irst Nations Nati%e American (iDe my Mother. Michae( Io$ice was 3 1N2 years o($ when he awoDe to 7hris 1homas rapin& him ana((y an$ co%erin& Michae(Ks mo'th with his han$. 1he Shie($ 7rest ?rom the 4e&en$ o? Ce($a 3 (ooDs simi(ar to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy Shie($ 7rest. 2'rin& the year 2005 an a&ain $'rin& 2011 5 two po(ice o??icers with =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tation were si&hte$ 3 these

men @oth (ooDe$ (iDe the actor MarD :a(@'r&. MarD :a(@'r& o?ten p(ays the ro(e o? a ;oston Po(ice .??icer in n'mero's mo%ies. 2'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 3 the mo%ie A1eam AmericaA was pro$'ce$ A $'rin& this mo%ie 3 the U.S.A. was $e?en$e$ @y the ,i(m Actors G'i($ + the ,AG 8 who @etray an$ near(y $estroy the U.S.A. . 2'rin& the year 2005 3 2a%e 4ee an$ my se(? ma$e JoDes a@o't my se(? @ein& 7ammie ?rom the %i$eo &ame Street ,i&hter 3 an$ 2a%e 4ee @ein& 7h'n 4ee ?rom the %i$eo &ame Street ,i&hter 3. 1he Ser@ian that wa(De$ into ,ami(y 2o((ar an$ stare$ threatenin&(y at me in 2005 3 (ooDe$ (iDe the character 1i&er ?rom the %i$eo&ame Street,i&hter 3. 2'rin& the year 200! 3 4a'ra an$ A/yanA were marrie$ an$ mo%e$ to 7a(i?ornia an$ (ater to 9ansas < 4a'ra is ?rom 9ansas 5 the :i>ar$ o? .> character 2orothy is ?rom 9ansas 3 =ittorio 0man'e(e was ca((e$ Athe 7owar$(y 4ionA in 200* @y his son Aaron whom contacte$ my se(? an$ my roommates. Aaron was raise$ @y a ?ami(y in /an$o(ph Massach'settes whom were mem@ers o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen. I @e(ie%e /yan Har%ey was at some point $'rin& 200E 3 taDen into c'sto$y @y ;oston Po(ice 2epartment an$ switche$ with an Imposte'r whom ha$ 'n$er&one =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy ?or p'rpose o? $i&'isin& themse(%es as /yan. 1he Imposte'r /yan Har%ey preten$e$ to hate =a(erie .(son ?or some reason. I @e(ie%e that the woman whom I saw that ha$ the sDin $isease may ha%e @een seen at ,ami(y 2o((ar in 2005 at some point < there is an o($ woman in Manchester NewHampshire whom has the same sDin $isease whom is pro@a@(e to ha%e &one to hospita(s an$ possi@(y psychiatric 'nits where her 2NA co'($ ha%e easi(y ha%e @een co((ecte$. I @e(ie%e that the ?act'a( =a(erie .(son was the yo'n&er woman with the same sDin $isease as the o($er woman an$ that she was recor$e$ @y sec'rity cameras at ,ami(y 2o((ar in 2005. I @e(ie%e /yan Har%ey is rep(ace$ @y an imposte'r 3 his eye socDets (ooD wi$er an$ he (ooDs an inch or two inches ta((er than /yan Har%ey. 2'rin& the year 200E or 200! 3 who I @e(ie%e was possi@(y an imposte'r o? /yan Har%ey 5 &a%e me what was $e?inite(y 7orey 2a(eyKs 2ANCIG 1 shirt ?rom Hi&hschoo( statin&3 Athis is my o($ 2an>i& t shirt ?rom Hi&hschoo( 3 yo' can ha%e it.A. It was $e?inite(y 7orey 2a(eyKs 3 it ha$ the eFact same ho(es in it. 7orey 2a(ey Dnew ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e3 ;rian 7ase3 9y(e Howar$3 an$ 7hris 7hase. 7orey 2a(ey was the $ri%er o? the a'tomo@i(e that I was seate$ in the rear passen&er seat o? $'rin& the year 2000 when I was inJ're$ in a car acci$ent. 2'rin& the year 200E < three newspaper artic(es were printe$ in papers in the Unite$ States o? America which $escri@e$ three simi(ar e%ents occ'rin& in%o(%in& o%ens 3 microwa%e o%ens 3 an$ h'mans @ein& p't into these o%ens. I @e(ie%e that these assai(ants an$ their %ictims are ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace =i%isection 1errorist AttacDs. In one case 3 an A?rican American woman p't her in?ant in a microwa%e o%en an$ cooDe$ the @a@y in the microwa%e 5 she sai$ she $i$nKt remem@er $oin& it an$ $escri@e$ the e%ent as i? she ha$ @een hypnoti>e$. 1he other two artic(es were a@o't a man p'ttin& his wi?e in the o%en an$ a women p'ttin& her h's@an$ in the o%en. 1here were a(so two @a@ysitters arreste$ ?or @oi(in& two @a@ies to $eath in @atht'@s. 2'rin& the Ho(oca'sts o? the 1"*0Ks 3 H'man 1ra??icDin& =ictims ens(a%e$ at (a@or camps 5 were systemica((y e'thani>e$ @y means o? steamin& them to $eath with chemica(s an$ incineratin& the @o$ies in o%ens. :hi(e worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar $'rin& the 200* < a man o? Sici(ian 3 Ita(ian 3 an$ GreeD race name$ Geor&e 7atsopo'(os whom was approFimate(y EK1A an$ 250(@s 5 was

trans?erre$ as a res'(t o? my reportin& @ein& seF'a((y harrasse$ @y this man twice. 1his man somehow Dnew Anthony 2e?eo an$ 0$ :arren whom were trans?erre$ to the store a?ter he an$ G(enn were trans?erre$ to another (ocation. Geor&e is reporte$ to me @y a pri%ate in%esti&ator as possi@(y ha%in& @een recr'ite$ as a so($ier @y 0$ :arren an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e $'e to his per%erse $epra%ity an$ his a@i(ity to AtaDe a p'nchA. 2'rin& the year 200* < 0$ :arren mentione$ Geor&e 7atsopo'(os whi(e ta(Din& to Anthony 2e,eo 3 statin& 5 AHey Anthony... yo' Dnow who wo'($ @e &oo$ ?or thisM Geor&e.A to which Anthony 2e,eo rep(ie$ 3 A7atsopo'(osM I $onKt Dnow 3 0$... heKs rea( sicD. Are yo' s're that yo' want to open that can o? wormsM Geor&e is the on(y person whom I ha%e e%er met that re?ers to himse(? in the 3r$ Person.A Geor&e was possi@(y 'se$ as an imposte'r Mosta?a I@nSa'$ $'e to his si>e < the on(y other possi@(e imposte'r so ?ar @ein& a ta(( 4om@ar$ic Ita(ian man whom worDe$ at NewHampshire Precision Meta( ,a@rication in 4on$on$erry NewHampshire $'rin& 200E. 1hese in$i%i$'a(s co'($ easi(y impersonate Mosta?a I@nSa'$ as imposte'rs on camera wearin& a sDi masD on %i$eo recor$in& i? they 'n$erwent =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tation o? sDin co(or an$ chin shape. 2'rin& 2005 5 0$ :arren p't a hat on his hea$ an$ st'cD a c'r(y haire$ hair eFtension o't o? the @acD o? the hat a?ter t'cDin& it into the hat < this (ooDin& (iDe 0$ :arren ha$ a ponytai( 3 he (a'&he$ a@o't this an$ wa(De$ aro'n$ ?or a ?ew min'tes with it on his hea$. 0$ a(so $i$ this with a c'r(y wi&. I @e(ie%e that they &ot this i$ea ?rom a /asta?arian Ha((oween 7ost'me which ha$ a /asta 9nit 7ap with ?aDe 2rea$ 4ocDs sewn to it 5 the /asta?arian concept is (ater mentione$ more than once. 1he 'se o? womenKs horri?ic pain an$ s'??erin& as propa&an$a to ?rame the /oya( Ho'se o? Sa'$i Ara@ia 3 Satanists 3 an$ their co'sin Mosta?a I@nSa'$ is ?or the o@%io's p'rpose o? creatin& an intense p'@(ic o'tra&e which wo'($ create an instant reaction ?rom the p'@(ic with (ess ana(ysis in%o(%e$ in $ecisions ma$e $'rin& perio$ o? p'@(ic ra&e an$ shocD 5 the Ho'se o? Sa'$ was picDe$ as the %ictim to ?rame $'rin& the year 200* an$ the year 2005 < 0$ ,arrachi :arren was o%erhear$ con%ersin& with Anthony 2e,eo a@o't it whi(e worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar. 1his con%ersation sho'($ ha%e @een recor$e$ @y the 15 recor$in& $e%ices 0$ ,arrachi :arren p(ace$ a@o%e the styro?oam cei(in& pane(s which were positione$ there on reI'est o? =ittorio 0man'e(e whom wante$ to recor$ any possi@(e con%ersation I co'($ ha%e concernin& A$o(? Hit(erKs @(oo$(ine. ,or p'rpose o? ?ramin& the Ho'se o? Sa'$ ?or the Ita(ian A6ISK ?actionKs crimes in North America since the en$ o? the 2n$ :or($ :ar 3 the 0man'e(es are pro@a@(e to ha%e p(anne$ to intentiona((y %io(ate e%ery sort o? h'man stan$ar$ $eci$e$ 'pon at the Gene%a 7on%ention < intentiona((y committin& e%ery Din$ o? 7rime A&ainst H'manity ?or the p'rpose o? ?ramin& the Ho'se o? Sa'$ ?or these crimes $'rin& the :ar on 1error an$ (inDin& it to the Ita(ian A6IS ?actionKs past 7rimes A&ainst H'manity an$ .r&ani>e$ 7rime in North America. 1he 0man'e(esK intent $'rin& the year 2005 was to (inD the 1a(i@an to their own 7rime NetworD an$ this c'rrent &enoci$a( terrorist attacD in%o(%in& ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces as we(( as ?rame the Ho'se o? Sa'$ ?or this 3 somehow (inDin& Mosta?a I@nSa'$ o? Morrocco to this series o? crimes an$ ?ramin& the Sa'$i Ara@ian roya( ?ami(y ?or this. 1he 0man'e(es an$ their a&ents state$ the @e(ie? that i? they co'($ si(ence entire networDs o? ci%i(ians @y eFterminatin& them an$ ?rame some@o$y e(se ?or a(( o? their crimes 3 it was @e(ie%e$ @y them that they co'($ e%ent'a((y rec(aim the crown o? Ita(ia ?or the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ reinstate their stat's as Aristocrats as we(( as hi$e the eFistence o? their 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate an$ the 7rimes A&ainst H'manity which they ha%e committe$ 'pon 7i%i(ians an$ Mi(itary Personne( a(iDe in North America. I? the 0man'e(esK co'($ (inD their attacDs to .sama ;in4a$en 3 they co'($ maDe it appear as i? the man whom $i$ this was a(rea$y $ea$. 1hese pse'$o mora( J'st?ications ?or these attacDs seem to ha%e @een an eFc'se ?or the 0man'e(es to attempt to hi$e the ?act that they are 7rime 4or$s o? a SeF 1ra??icDin&

7rime Syn$icate whom ha%e @een in%o(%e$ in SeF 1ra??icDin& an$ H'man =i%isections o? which a(most ha(? o? the %ictims seem to @e chi($ren. 1he 0man'e(esK &oa( was to commit a series o? 7rimes A&ainst H'manity3 (ea%in& e%i$ence o? it a(( 3 an$ ?rame some@o$y e(se ?or it 5 creatin& a history teFt @ooD i$entity that in the ?'t're wo'($ @e %iewe$ as A:orse than A$o(? Hit(erA. 1he 0man'e(es @e(ie%e$ that @eca'se the ?ami(ies o? their %ictims wo'($ @e ?o'n$ to @e comp(ete(y eFterminate$ 3 that the e%i$ence o? the 7rimes A&ainst H'manity committe$ 'pon the %ictims co'($ @e presente$ as $oc'mentary photo&raphs 3 %i$eo&raphs 3 an$ ?orensic e%i$ence (eaDe$ to the p'@(ic to @ecome $oc'mentary materia(. 2'rin& 200* an$ 2005 3 whi(e worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar 5 0$ :arren an$ Anthony 2e,eo $isc'sse$ =ittorio 0man'e(eKs p(an to eFterminate the entire A@enaDi race an$ @(ame some@o$y e(se ?or it 3 an$ possi@(y eFterminate other ,irst Nations Nati%e American races as we(( as possi@(y the Nati%e USAmerican pop'(ation an$ @(ame some@o$y e(se ?or it. 2'rin& the 2ec(aration o? :ar 'pon a(( 1errorist .r&ani>ations whom ha%e tar&ette$ the Unites States o? America an$ o'r A((ies 3 G(o@a((y 5 Presi$ent Geor&e :. ;'sh 3 $ec(are$ the war to @e the G(o@a( :ar on 1error a&ainst the AFis o? 0%i(. 2'rin& the 1""0Ks 3 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e was a(rea$y acti%e(y in%o(%e$ in his ?atherKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate. 1he 0man'e(esK 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate are &'i(ty o? the Genoci$a( 0Ftermination o? entire ?ami(ies 3 SeF 1ra??icDin& the ?ema(es o? the ?ami(ies which they ha%e tar&ette$ ?or Genoci$a( 0Ftermination 3 H'man =i%isection 0Fperiments 3 0m@e$$in& 7o%ert 1errorist 7rime So($iers within 4aw 0n?orcement an$ In%esti&ations 3 an$ sec'rin& ownership o? properties @y means o? Properties Stea$ Ho($ers 5 these Properties Stea$ Ho($ers pro%i$in& copies o? the tenantsK Deys an$ the Deys to the @'i($in&s o? ?aci(ities p'rchase$ @y the 0man'e(esK 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate. 2'rin& the year 1""" < Nina HansenKs (an$(or$ pro%i$e$ ,i( 0man'e(e with the ?ront $oor Dey to her home 3 a?terwhich he @e&an repeate$(y rapin& her 5 her ?ather spoDe with the (an$(or$ who $enie$ this as we(( as $i$ Nina Hansen an$ her ?ather speaD to Po(ice who intentiona((y ?ai(e$ to apprehen$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e. ,i( 0man'e(e to($ Nina Hansen that he wo'($ contin'e to rape an$ tort're 'nti( she stoppe$ ca((in& the Po(ice 5 Nina $escri@e$ ,i( 3 statin& AHeKs psychotic. He thinDs that I am his s(a%e. 4itera((y.A ,i( 0man'e(eKs an$ his ?ather =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime So($iers are reI'ire$ to commit Initiation 7rimes that are ,e(onio's SeF .??enses an$ eI'ate to :ar /ape o? the pop'(ation an$ Genoci$a( 1errorism < many o? their initiation crimes are commite$ 'pon minors inc('$in& (itt(e chi($ren. Nina Hansen was 15 in the year 1""" 3 when ,i( 0man'e(e @e&an SeF'a((y Assa'(tin& her 5 this @e&an a?ter ,i( a@$'cte$ her 3 tie$ her 'p 3 poisone$ her with M2MA 3 an$ tort're$ Nina ?or a@o't 12 ho'rs < a?ter which ,i( %io(ent(y rape$ Nina Hansen. A(( o? ,i(Ks associates crimes are the same as his own. 1here is an 'n$er(yin& psycho(o&y to the :ar /ape SeF .??enses which the 0man'e(e 0%o(a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate reI'ire o? their 1errorist So($iers as initiations an$ Atr'st ?a((sA to pro%e their (oya(ty an$ si(ence. 1he repeate$ rapin& o? ?ema(e %ictims is committe$ in synchroni>e$ cohesion with the &enoci$a( assassination o? the ma(es o? the racia( pop'(ations which the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate ha%e tar&ette$ ?or eFtermination an$ ens(a%ement. 2'rin& the year 1""E < Nina HansenKs ?ami(y 3 my own ?ami(y 3 Samantha G'ayKs ?ami(y 3 an$ other ?ami(ies were tar&ette$ ?or &enoci$e an$ SeF 1ra??icDin& 5 this @e&an with the SeF 1ra??icDin& o? the ?ema(es whom were a@$'cte$ one a?ter another or @e&an @ein& repeate$(y SeF'a((y Assa'(te$ as i? it were $one ?or the p'rpose o? preparin& them ?or a (i?e as SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims o? 7onc'@ina( 0ns(a%ement. Nina Hansen @e&an @ein& repeate$(y rape$ @y ,i( 0man'e(e in either 1""8 or 1"""3 Sam G'ay was a@'cte$ in 20023 my Mother was hospita(i>e$ in 1""" in a psychiatric instit'tion as a res'(t o? a s'ici$e attempt an$ Post 1ra'matic Stress 2isor$er 3 my sister Sheena ha$ @e&'n recei%in& $eath threats in 1""". In 1""E <

/o@ert /o$on whom ha$ J'st @ecome a mem@er o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen 3 was instr'cte$ to report to the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen with the in?ormation re&ar$in& my (ocation an$ wherea@o'ts. 2'rin& the year 1""" 3 my @irth$ay party was he($ at 7hris /o$onKs MotherKs ho'se on ;ean roa$ in MerrimacD NewHampshire. 7hris /o$on 3 his @rother Matt 3 an$ their mother mo%e$ in with his Step ,ather imme$iate(y $own the roa$ ?rom my ho'se 5 on ;ean /oa$ 3 a?ter 4ynn marrie$ a man name$ Marty. 7hris /o$onKs @irth$ay was on(y a weeD or so apart ?rom my own 3 we $eci$e$ to ha%e o'r @irth$ay parties on the same $ay. 2'rin& the month o? 2ecem@er o? the year 2000 < I was $atin& Nina Hansen3 who was a rape %ictim o? ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs an$ was one o? his intitiation crime %ictims 5 $'rin& the e%enin& o? this @irth$ay party3 Nina Hansen an$ my se(? went o'tsi$e with 7orey 2ai(ey an$ sat in his car ?or the p'rpose o? smoDin& a ci&arette. :hi(e Nina Hansen an$ my se(? were sittin& in the @acD seat o? 7orey 2ai(eyKs S.U.=. 3 7orey reache$ @acD an$ @e&an caressin& Nina HansenKs inner thi&h an$ reachin& towar$ her %a&in < the two o? 's @e&an p'nchin& 7orey 2ai(ey repeate$(y 3 a?terwhich he $ro%e in a circ(e aro'n$ the $ea$ en$ c'( $e sac repeate$(y 3 maDin& 's $i>>y. :hen he @e&an $ri%in& aro'n$ the 7'( 2e Sac 3 he p(aye$ the son& A2e%i( ManA @y the @an$ A:hite Com@ieA eFtreme(y (o'$ 5 =ittorio 0man'e(e is an eFtra in a mo%ie 3 $resse$ as a 1ricD .r 1reater wearin& a 2e%i( Ha((oween 7ost'me. =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e a(so to($ my nei&hor An&ie SDinner who was ;o@ SDinnerKs wi?e at E* ;ean /oa$ in MerrimacD NewHampshire that I was a A2e%i( 7hi($ 3 He((Spawn 3 Spawn o? Satan.A an$ to Deep me away ?rom 2.H. when she @a@ysat him $'rin& 1"8". A?ter this occ'rre$ my se(? an$ 7orey 2ai(ey $i$ not socia((y interact m'ch 'nti( the $ay o? MotherKs 2ay $'rin& the year 2000 3 when he near(y Di((e$ me in a car acci$ent. 2'rin& the year 1""" 3 whi(e with 7orey 2ai(ey < I met ?rien$s o? ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs in Massach'settes who 7orey 2ai(ey was ?rien$s with. 7orey 2ai(ey was an acI'aintance o? ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs. 1he (ast time 7hris /o$on an$ my se(? ha$ ce(e@rate$ o'r @irth$ay party on the same $ay at his ho'se was in the year 1""! 3 we ha$ J'st t'rne$ 13 years o($ an$ I ha$ J'st @e&'n $atin& =a(erie .(son an$ she was present. 1he 1""! party was at the con$omini'm at :e@ster Green in MerrimacD NewHampshire that his parentKs (i%e$ at @e?ore they $i%orce$. A?ter the car acci$ent on MotherKs 2ay in the year 2000 < 7orey 2ai(ey @e&an $atin& =a(erie .(son ?or a ?ew months 3 a?ter which he $ate$ =a(erieKs step sister Ash(ey who was a ,reshman in Hi&hschoo( ?or a ?ew months. 2'rin& the year 2001 3 7hris /o$on an$ his ?rien$ Scot 7or$ero @e&an picDin& 'p my sister Sheena MacPherson an$ @rin&in& her ?or ri$es in Scot 7or$eroKs car 5 $'rin& this year 3 I ha$ spent time in a $etention a?ter schoo( an$ saw 7hris /o$onKs co'sin Shannon on the @'s on the way home an$ ma$e p(ans to $o somethin& a?ter schoo( with her. Shannon was 15 years o($3 I was 1E years o($. 7hris /o$on an$ Scot 7or$ero were 1E an$ 1! years o($ 3 my sister Sheena was 13 years o($. A?ter maDin& p(ans with 7hris /o$onKs co'sin Shannon ;an&s 3 7hris /o$on contacte$ me on the internet 'sin& his screen name /at9in& an$ to($ me to stay away ?rom his co'sin Shannon. In the year 2002 or 2003 3 a?ter I ha$ sent 7hris /o$on a @irth$ay car$ < I contacte$ 7hris /o$on on the internet 'sin& America .n(ine Instant Messen&er 3 a?ter which he to($ me that I $i$ not (i%e 'p to the set o? mora(s that he @e(ie%e$ in 5 a?ter statin& this he (iste$ the " No@(e =irt'es o? the Asatr' ,o(D Assem@(y. It seems possi@(e that this was ,i( 0man'e(e 'sin& 7hris /o$onKs ScreeName. 2'rin& the year 1"""3 my ?rien$ 2anie((e 4e;(anc was $atin& a man name$ 2a%e Marsha(( whom was an Asatr'ar an$ was 3N* An&(o American an$ 1N* Israe(i. 2a%e Marsha((Ks co'sins were Hewish. In the past 3 2anie((e 4e;(anc ha$ @een rape$ m'(tip(e times @y ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e < 2a%e Marsha(( was aware o? this 5 whi(e I was at 2a%eKs ho'se one e%enin& 3 he mentione$ ,i( 0man'e(e to me an$ that ,i( 0man'e(e ha$ $one

this. 2anie((e 4e;(anc a(so eFp(aine$ to me that ,i( 0man'e(e ha$ seF'a((y assa'(te$ her an$ that she ha$ @een restraine$ with rope an$ tort're$ prior to @ein& rape$. I met 2a%e Marsha((Ks yo'n&er sister Me&an on one o? these e%enin&s that I was at 2a%e Marsha((Ks ho'se with 2anie((e 4e;(anc. Me&an (ooDe$ near(y i$entica( to one o? the * ?ema(es that was presente$ to me as @ein& 0mi(y Is(es in photo&raphs $'rin& the year 2005 3 when =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e ha$ comp'ter hacDe$ an$ ha$ @een 'sin& 0mi(y Is(esKs America .n(ine Instant Messen&er Acco'nt. It is a possi@i(ity that this ScreenName was act'a((y inten$e$ to appear to @e simi(ar to A@@ey 0t(in&erKs A.4 ScreenName an$ that the &ir(s in the photo&raphs were a(( Asatr'ars an$ Hews who (ooDe$ simi(ar to one another 5 this wo'($ mean that the A0mi(y Is(esA who I ta(De$ to on the te(ephone an$ internet was a SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim who was ?orce$ to ta(D to me an$ was &i%en a (ist o? thin&s to $isc'ss whi(e @ein& spie$ on an$ (istene$ to @y the 0man'e(es. 1his wo'($ @e ?or the o@%io's p'rpose o? pro%i$in& an i$entity an$ a ?ema(e %oice ?or my se(? to speaD with on a $ai(y @asis whi(e I was worDin& an a%era&e o? E5 ho'rs a weeD at ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n Street in Manchester NewHampshire. 1here was a pict're o? a yo'n& @(on$e ?ema(e in a pinD shirt with her @oy?rien$ 3 they were @oth wearin& MJo(nir 1horKs Hammer pen$ants on their necDs 5 this ?ema(e (ooDe$ (iDe Me&an Marsha(( an$ the man that A0mi(y Is(esA c(aime$ was A4anceA (ooDe$ i$entica( to an Asatr'ar that I met @rie?(y in ;oston Massach'settes at an Irish theme$ p'@ in Massach'settes whi(e I was with /yan Har%ey 3 4a'ra 4'$wicDowsDi 3 2a%e 4ee 3 Heremy PastricD 3 an$ Gre& 2a'(ton. It seems to @e a $e?inite ?act that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e tar&ette$ an$ attacDe$ entire (ists o? ?ami(ies in North America 3 &enoci$a((y eFterminatin& them an$ SeF 1ra??icDin& n'mero's mem@ers o? these ?ami(ies. .? stran&e coinci$ence to 7hris /o$onKs ?ather3 /o@ert /o$on < @ein& an Aristocrat o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ 7orey 2ai(ey an$ /o@ert /o$on @oth Dnowin& Nina Hansen 5 $'rin& the year 2001 3 a 2isD HocDey o? a Gothic Ni&htc('@ in NorthHampton Massach'settes name$ /o@ert A2.H. 2KArcAn&e(A contacte$ me on America .n(ine Instant Messa&er an$ asDe$ me how my re(ationship was $oin& with Nina Hansen an$ my se(?. 2.H. 2KArcAn&e( to($ me that he was instr'cte$ @y the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen to asD I'estions a@o't my se(? an$ Nina Hansen3 I chan&e$ the s'@Ject an$ @e&an $isc'ssin& my $is&'st ?or Pe$ophi(es with him. A @oy my own a&e3 Matt ;e('ar$o < ha$ @een instr'cte$ @y the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy to $o the same as 2.H. 2KArcAn&e(. 1he p'rpose o? Initiation 7rimes amon&st .r&ani>e$ 7rime Syn$icates ser%es the same p'rpose as Atr'st ?a((sA an$ (oya(ty tests as we(( as mora(ity testin& within a 4aw A@i$in& .r&ani>ation possessin& o? secrets < this is simi(ar to the psycho(o&y in%o(%e$ in the process @y which one pro%es tr'stworthiness whi(e earnin& $e&rees o? responsi@i(ity which (ea$ to hi&h sec'rity c(earance positions in &o%ernment 5 the $i??erence in the Psycho(o&y that is reI'ire$ to pro%e tr'stworthiness to an or&ani>ation s'ch as this in comparison to an or&ani>ation s'ch as the 2epartment o? 2e?ense or the ,e$era( ;'rea' o? In%esti&ations is o@%io's(y se(? e%i$ent an$ is presente$ in the o@%io's eFtremity o? 7rimina(ity inherent in the @'siness which this sort o? 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate en&a&es in . A 1errorist 7rime So($ier whom is soon to @e worDin& with a %eteran 1errorist 7rime 4or$ whom has m'r$ere$ entire ?ami(ies 3 or$ere$ the m'r$er o? tho'san$s o? innocent in$i%i$'a(s 3 so($ h'man chi($ren as 7onc'@ina( SeF S(a%es as we(( as a$'(ts 3 pro%i$e$ H'man test s'@Jects to H'man =i%isectionist Scientists 3 an$ en&a&e$ in campai&ns o? 1errorism an$ 0spiona&e within m'(tip(e nations inc('$in& ,a(se ,(a&&in& o? :ar 7rimes which they ?act'a((y committe$ themse(%es 5 in or$er ?or a 7rime So($ier to @e tr'ste$ @y these in$i%i$'a(s 3 the 7rime So($ier m'st pro%e ones se(? tr'stworthy to the 1errorist 7rime 4or$ @y ?'((?i((in& a series o? 7rimina( Initiations which are 's'a((y $esi&ne$ @y the 1errorist 7rime 4or$ themse(? $'e to the ?act that they are

the &'i(tiest o? the entire ,action < are possessin& o? the most paranoi$ an$ $e(icate o? Psycho(o&ies an$ (ose tr'st easi(y in in$i%i$'a(s whom they associate with that (earn o? their a@horrent crimina( acti%ities. 1hese Initiation 7rimes o?ten @are a Psycho(o&ica( Pro?i(e e%i$ent o? whom $esi&ne$ them an$ o? the eFact nat're o? the in$i%i$'a(Ks own &'i(t concernin& their (i?etime o? crime as we(( as the eFtent o? the crimina(ity eFpecte$ o? the 7rime So($iers which they recr'it. 1he c'rrent Psycho(o&ica( Pro?i(e o? the Initiation 7rimes o? the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate is pres'me$ to @e a compo'n$ Psycho(o&ica( Pro?i(e o? H'(i's 0%o(aKs 3 =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs 3 an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs which is comprise$ o? their co((ecti%e &'i(t that has @een a$$e$ to past Initiation 7rimes which has c'(minate$ in the c'rrent (ayers o? crimes reI'ire$ to @e initiate$ thro'&h the series o? (ayers o? initiation which m'st @e achei%e$ to &ain the 0man'e(esK an$ the 0%o(asK tr'st in the crimina( an$ ens're that the crimina( wi(( not testi?y a&ainst the who(e or&ani>ation. 2'rin& the year 2000 or the year 2001 5 I was instant messa&e$ on America .n(ine @y ,i( 0man'e(e who threatene$ me an$ state$ that he Dnew 7orey 2ai(ey an$ 9y(e Howar$. I was a(so Instant Messa&e$ @y 7hris /o$onKs ScreenName which was A2a/at9in&A an$ to($ to stay away ?rom 7hrisKs co'sin who I ha$ spoDen with. 7hris /o$on an$ his ?rien$ Scot 7or$eiro were picDin& my sister 'p in ScotKs car a@o't twice a weeD an$ taDin& her p(aces with them. I @e(ie%e that this person who to($ me to AStay away ?rom my co'sin.A was one o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs sons 'sin& 7hris /o$onKs A...4. Instant Messa&er UserName. 2'rin& the year 1"88 < 7hris 1homas ha$ 7hi($ Porno&raphe$ my se(? 3 HacD 2ionKs $a'&hter 3 Sam G'ay 3 an$ 3 o? my co'sins. My ?ather was to($ a year (ater a@o't this 3 ,ran McG'ire was to($ @y someone that =ittorio A=ictorK 0man'e(e ha$ or$ere$ his son 7hris 1homas to $o this to A;ir$ 2o&A +;(acD Mai(8 my ?ather 5 this was o@%io's(y an eFc'se. 1he 0man'e(eKs 'se SeF .??ense an$ attempt to 'se SeF .??ense to ;(acD Mai( their =ictimKs ?ami(ies as we(( as their 7rime So($iers an$ 0spiona&e A&ents 3 or in the case o? HacD 2ion an$ A( Io$ice 5 the Ho'se o? Sa%oys A6IS 0spiona&e S(eeper A&entKs sons an$ AssassinKs sons. My Mother was one o? =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icateKs repeate$ Initiation 7rimes =ictims. =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e is a $is&'stin& SeF .??en$er an$ has raise$ n'mero's o? his sons to @e $is&'stin& SeF .??en$ers. 2'rin& the years 1""" 3 2000 3 an$ 2001 5 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ 2a%i$ Marsha(( o? :o@'rn Massach'settes ha$ an ar&'ment o%er the Internet an$ possi@(y the 1e(ephone a?ter ,i( 0man'e(e an$ one o? his ?rien$s rape$ 2anie((e 4e;(anc. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e threatene$ 2a%e Marsha(( an$ I @e(ie%e that ,i( 0man'e(e threatene$ 2a%e Marsha((Ks (itt(e sister. 2a%e Marsha((Ks sister is possi@(y one o? the ?ema(es whoKs photo&raphs I was sent on the internet $'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 5 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e threatene$ me $'rin& the year 200* as $i$ 1ony Grasseti. 2anie((e 4e;(anc showe$ me the Instant Messa&e con%ersation wherein ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e threatene$ 2a%e Marsha(( an$ 2a%e Marsha((Ks yo'n&er sister. 2a%e Marsha(( showe$ me one o? the Instant Messa&e ar&'ments which he ha$ with ,i( 0man'e(e 3 2anie((e 4e;(anc showe$ me one o? the ar&'ments which 2a%e Marsha(( ha$ with ,i( 0man'e(e an$ Instant Messa&e$ it to me $'rin& the years 2000 an$ 2001 3 an$ ,i( 0man'e(e threatene$ me on A.4 Instant Messa&er $'rin& the years 2000 an$ 2001 5 ,i( 0man'e(e a(so mentione$ 2a%e Marsha(( an$ ca((e$ 's A=iDin& ,a&&otsA. 2'rin& his ar&'ment with ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e 3 2a%e Marsha(( mentione$ the " No@(e =irt'es o? Asatr' as we(( as possi@(y H'$aism an$ Mora(ity 5 I @e(ie%e that it was ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e that 'se$ his 9ni&htKs 7hristopher /o$onKs acco'nt in the year 2002 an$ preten$e$ to @e 7hris /o$on 3 statin& to me that he ?e(t @etraye$ an$ (iste$ the " No@(e =irt'es. :hen ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e threatene$ me @y metho$ o? A...4. Instant Messa&e comm'nication 5 he

state$ AI hear$ yo'K%e @een ta(Din& shit a@o't my @oy 7orey 2ai(ey.A. 7orey 2ai(ey was at 7hris /o$onKs an$ my ;irth$ay Party in the year 1""". At o'r @irth$ay party 3 7orey 2ai(y SeF'a((y Assa'(te$ Nina Hansen whi(e we were seatin& in the @acD seat o? his S.U.=. smoDin& ci&arettes 5 7orey reache$ 'p her sDirt an$ &rope$ her inner thi&h an$ near %a&ina. Nina Hansen was a(so rape$ @y ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e $'rin& the years 1""" an$ 2000. It is e%i$ent that $'rin& the year 2000 3 9y(e Howar$ sto(e one o? my ?ami(yKs ho'se Deys an$ &a%e it to someone who &a%e it to ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e or &a%e it to him $irect(y himse(?. At some point some@o$y entere$ the ho'se an$ $r'&&e$ my ?ami(yKs ?oo$ in the re?ri$&erator. I @e(ie%e that 9y(e Howar$ m'st ha%e wa(De$ past the ho'se3 checDe$ to see i? we were eatin& $inner3 an$ contacte$ ,i( 0man'e(e or one o? his 7rimina( 1errorist Accomp(ices who was with him. :hi(e eatin& $inner I notice$ that my ?ami(y seeme$ $r'&&e$ an$ I @e&an to $isassociate ?rom the $isassociati%es in o'r ?oo$ that ha$ @een poisone$ 5 whi(e I was eatin& 3 the $oor @ehin$ me opene$ an$ I was to($ to p't my hea$ $own. My ,ather sai$ 3 AP't yo'r hea$ $own. H'st p't yo'r hea$ $own.A . I ?e(t the @arre( o? a &'n a&ainst the @acD o? my hea$ as my hea$ was p'she$ $own onto the $inner ta@(e. :hat so'n$e$ (iDe three men wa(De$ past the man who was ho($in& what ?e(t (iDe a &'n to the @acD o? my hea$. I hear$ one o? the men speaDin& to my mother ?or a ?ew min'tes. 2'e to what was o@%io's(y $isassociati%e $r'&s 3 on(y ?ra&ments o? my memory o? this are reco((ecta@(e. I remem@er seein& a scene in a mo%ie which resem@(e$ this c(ose(y an$ is pro@a@(e to ha%e @een p(ot s'&&este$ to a pro$'cer @y ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e or his ?ather < ?or the p'rpose o? maDin& the %ictims appear as i? they are schi>ophrenics i? they report the crime an$ it is resem@(ent o? a scene in a mo%ie which ha$ not yet @een re(ease$. It is a(so pro@a@(e that a scene s'ch as this in a mo%ie is ?or the p'rpose o? co%ert(y threatenin& the in$i%i$'a(s who committe$ the crimes. I remem@er one o? the men sayin& somethin& a@o't a Dni?e an$ my motherKs throat 3 this same in$i%i$'a( @e&an asDin& my mother 2e@ra 4a=oie MacPherson 5 A :hat co(or are my eyesMA 3 A:hat co(or is the trimMA 3 A:hat co(or is the sh'ttersMA. A1hatKs the co(or yo' are paintin& yo'r ho'se.A. My mother answere$ the I'estions 5 A@(in$.A 3 Awhite.A3 A@(acD.A. A?ter a ?ew ?ai(e$ attempts. 1he man was apparent(y wearin& A;(in$ 0yesA co(or 7ontact 4enses witho't the tinte$ p'pi(s. A;(in$ 0yesA are the Din$ o? contact (enses that are ?or theater p'rpose an$ &enera((y maDe eye irises an$ p'pi(s (ooD @(in$. 1he A;(in$A co(or is an eFtreme(y pa(e &ray that has a @('e tint an$ is near(y white 5 these typica((y ha%e a pa(e tint that co%ers the p'pi( to maDe it appear @(in$ 3 this person so'n$e$ as i? he was wearin& the same Din$ o? contact (enses @'t with open @(acD p'pi(s. H'st prior to these men (ea%in& 3 my memory was @(acD o't ?or what seems (iDe it was pro@a@(y an ho'r. 9y(e Howar$ DnocDe$ on the $oor a ?ew ho'rs a?ter $inner an$ asDe$ me i? I wante$ to &o o%er to ;ea' SDinnerKs ho'se with him. .n MotherKs 2ay o? the year 2000 < my Mother painte$ the ho'se a pa(e @('e &ray 3 painte$ the sh'tters @(acD 3 an$ painte$ the win$ow trim white. 1he stairs at n'mero's apartment @'i($in&s that Gera($ AHerryA 2KAmico painte$ in Manchester NewHampshire are the same @('e as a Po(ice 2epartment Ho($in& 7e(( in MerrimacD NewHampshire an$ is a common @('e ?or Po(ice 2epartment Ho($in& 7e((s. Gera($ AHerryA 2KAmico is sometimes a Properties Stea$ Ho($er ?or the 0man'e(es an$ was possi@(y instr'cte$ @y =ittorio or ,i((i@erto to paint the stairs on these apartments this co(or. 1he psycho(o&y o? the $ecision to choose the paint ?or these thin&s is %ery m'ch the same Din$ o? psycho(o&y. 2'rin& the approFimate year 2000 3 9y(e Howar$ seeme$ to @e $oin& a(ot o?

?a%o'rs ?or what seems to ha%e @een a 'nit o? the 0man'e(esK 7rime Syn$icate in the So'thern NewHampshire re&ion. 9y(e Howar$ ha$ mentione$ 'sin& a (i&ht @oF at his @oar$in& schoo( the $ay prior to my sister recei%in& a $eath threat in her (ocDer at schoo(. Accor$in& to ,.;.I. 3 the $eath threat was written in the han$ writin& o? 3 $i??erent in$i%i$'a(s. 9y(e Howar$ was $oin& ;ea' SDinnerKs homeworD in eFchan&e ?or somethin& 3 possi@(y sto(e a note@ooD o? mine 3 an$ co'($ ha%e easi(y taDen a piece o? a han$ writin& samp(e ?rom a thir$ person. 1he arri%a( a?ter the threat in the ho'se was a(so simi(ar to an instance that 9y(e Howar$ s(i$ a $eath threat written to my sister into the $oor ?rame 3 I @e(ie%e that this $eath threat was written (iDe a han& man &ame or somethin& simi(ar (ooDin& 5 9y(e Howar$ DnocDe$ on the $oor a ha(? ho'r (ater an$ @e&an ta(Din& to me 3 I imme$iate(y s'specte$ him @'t he wo'($ not a$mit it. 2'rin& the year 2000 < 7orey 2ai(ey ca((e$ me $'rin& MotherKs 2ay an$ in%ite$ me to &o to 7ano@ie 4aDe ParD with him an$ three &ir(s we Dnew. My Parents were paintin& the ho'se an$ ar&'in& < so I $eci$e$ to &o wi&h 7orey 2ai(ey 3 7ait(in A7.H.A 2es/ochiers 3 0riDa 2es/ochiers 3 an$ ;reanne G'rDy to 7ano@ie 4aDe ParD. 7orey 2ai(ey was spee$in& on the way to 7ano@ie 4aDe ParD an$ $ri%in& J'st o%er 100MPH < we a(( ye((e$ at 7orey ?or the entirety o? the $ri%e to 7ano@ie 4aDe ParD 3 te((in& him to s(ow $own the entire way to the 7ano@ie 4aDe ParD. 7orey 2ai(ey was ye((e$ at @y a (i&ht @('e con%erta@(e top cor%ette or th'n$er@ir$ that spee$ 'p to 's 3 ?rom which a man an$ his wi?e ye((e$ at him to s(ow $own. .n the way home ?rom 7ano@ie 4aDe ParD that e%enin& 3 7orey 2ai(ey han$e$ me a ci&arette 5 I ?e(( as(eep a?ter smoDin& the ci&arette 3 it seems that it was pro@a@(e pow$ere$ or $ippe$ with some Din$ o? se$ati%e. 1his is simi(ar to what occ'rre$ $'rin& the year 200! < ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e mana&e$ to poison me with a ci&arette poisone$ with a 2isassociati%e $r'&. 2'rin& the year 2000 3 a?ter I ha$ ?a((en as(eep in the @acD seat 5 we &ot into a car acci$ent. It seems pro@a@(e that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs Initiation 7rimes @e&an @etween the years 1""5 1""8 an$ were his sta&es o? initiation into his ?ather =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate 5 it is $e?inite that he contin'e$ a streaD o? sa$ism a?terwar$. =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e $e?inite(y raise$ ,i( 0man'e(e an$ his other sons to @e Socia( 2arwinist 1errorist 7rime 4or$s an$ miso&ynist SeF 1ra??icDers. ,i( 0man'e(eKs Initiation 7rimes eFhi@it e%i$ence o? =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs Psycho(o&ica( Pro?i(e an$ are representati%e o? =ittorioKs crimes as we(( as =ittorioKs reI'irement o? ,i( 0man'e(e to commit a series o? speci?ic sty(es o? crimes in or$er ?or =ittorio to tr'st that ,i( 0man'e(e wo'($ not te(( a'thorities o? the eFtent o? =ittorioKs per%erse an$ inh'mane crimina(ity. =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e committe$ his Initiation 7rimes in his yo'n& a$'(thoo$ 3 $'rin& the era that it is pro@a@(e that H'(i's 0%o(aKs psycho(o&y was in?('entia( in $eterminin& the eFact nat're o? the Initiation 7rimes which H'(i's 0%o(a may ha%e a(so choreo&raphe$ an$ en&ineere$ himse(? 5 =ittorio 0man'e(eKs Initiation 7rimes are echoe$ thro'&ho't the c'rrent yo'n&er &enerationsK Initiation 7rimes an$ many o? them ha%e an$ are @ein& repeate$ as Initiatory 7rimes as we(( as has a secon$ (ayer @een a$$e$ since ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs &enerationKs initiation.

!n the year <=== 1 +il Emanuele abducted Nina ,ansen & &as at the time only <> years old" &hile +il &as almost AK years of age- +illiberto tied and restrained Nina ,ansen &ith ro e " oisoned her &ith (3(A " and tortured her for hours " after &hich he e'entually ra ed her brutally- This initiation$crime has been seen numerous times in North$America " 'ideos of these attac)s ha'e been u loaded all o'er the ?orld ?ide ?eb of internet on &ebsites 2 these &ebsites on the internet are used as e'idence by the mas)ed men in these 'ideos &ho dis lay the e'idence on the internet to

the rest of their Terrorist Crime$Syndicate that they ha'e committed the !nitiation$Crime and that the targetted &oman has been attac)ed in the s ecific manner that &as re5uired of them- +il Emanuele stal)ed Nina ,ansen after this attac) and attac)ed her re eatedly " ra ing her 1 for a ro#imately : years after the initia( attacD ha$ occ're$ 5 ,i( 0man'e(e
ha$ o@taine$ a copy o? the Dey to Nina HansenKs ho'se an$ ha$ repeate$ in%a$e$ her home an$ rape$ her. Nina Hansen ca((e$ the Po(ice 2epartment repeate$(y as we(( as her (an$(or$ 3 the Po(ice an$ the 4an$(or$ wo'($ not he(p her 5 ,i( 0man'e(e repeate$(y attacDe$ her an$ to($ her not to ca(( the Po(ice 2epartment e%er a&ain. 1he 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icate em@e$ mem@ers o? their AIta(ian A6ISA 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate in Po(ice 2epartments 3 these Po(ice are 'se$ to pro%i$e imm'nities @y metho$ o? sa@ota&in& in%esti&ations which ena@(es the 0man'e(e 0%o(a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate to commit Initiation 7rimes witho't (e&a( reperc'ssions as we(( as ens're that their .r&ani>e$ 7rime is not $isco%ere$ or impe$e$ in any way 5 these has @een pro%en to ha%e ena@(e$ mem@ers o? the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate to commit heino's SeF .??enses 'pon e%en minors which ha%e &one 'ncon%icte$. :hen my mother 2e@ra 4a=oie was a chi($ o? @etween 5 an$ 1* years o($ 3 she was @ein& SeF 1ra??icDe$ @y a man name$ 7har(es A7h'cDA 2o'&(as whom was a associate o? a SeF 1ra??icDin& 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate whom were em@e$$e$ within the ,e$era( Go%ernment o? the U.S.A. an$ were capa@(e o? ha%in& her an$ her mother arreste$ @y 'ni?orme$ Po(ice an$ ret'rne$ to the ho'se that 7har(es A7h'cDA 2o'&(as ha$ @een Deepin& them at a?ter he ?orce$ my Nana Hoanne 1r'$ea' to marry him on paperworD 5 A7h'cDA was SeF 1ra??icDin& my nana Hoanne 1r'$ea' 7arty an$ my mother 2e@@ie 4a=oie MacPherson ?or " years which @e&an when my mother was 5. 2'rin& 1""" an$ 'nti( the approFimate year o? 2002 5 a wea(th retainer o? =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs was Nina HansenKs (an$(or$. :hen Nina Hansen was ?irst rape$ @y ,i( 0man'e(e 3 he was a(most 2! years o($. Nina was 15. ,i( repeate$(y rape$ her ?or 3 years a?ter the initia( attacD. 2'rin& the year 200* < it ha$ @een $isc'sse$ that =ittorio 0man'e(e was &oin& to arran&e ?or my se(? an$ Nina Hansen to @e m'r$ere$ @y o'r 2!th year. Nina Hansen an$ my se(? are approFimate(y E months apart in a&e3 Nina is approFimate(y E months o($er than my se(?. =ittorioKs 1errorist A&ents ha%e poisone$ me n'mero's times since 200* 3 I ha%e @een ('cDy eno'&h to ha%e s'r%i%e$ a(( o? the poisonin&s an$ attacDs inten$e$ to en$ my (i?e. It is pro@a@(e that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e ?irst rape$ a chi($ at the a&e o? 2! 3 which wo'($ ha%e @een the tra'matic reasonin& ?or his psycho(o&ica( attri@'tion o? the a&e 2! to when ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e was eFpecte$ to commit an Initiation 7rime in%o(%in& an eFtreme SeF .??ense 'pon a minor. :hen my mother 2e@@ie was aro'n$ 5 or E years o($ 3 n'mero's men ?orce$ her to per?orm ?e(atio 'pon them whi(e ho($in& a Dni?e to her throat < this is a $e?inite 'se o? a chi($ ?or Initiation 7rimes 5 my Mother was possi@(y chosen ?or this @eca'se o? her in$i&eno's ,irst Nations Nati%e American race. 1his is pro@a@(e to ha%e @een an Initiation 7rime $esi&ne$ @y =ittorio 0man'e(e ?or the p'rpose o? @'i($in& an Amora(ist 7rimina( 1errorist /e&ime in North America 3 $e%oi$ o? any mora(ity an$ @(acD mai(e$ to ?o((ow any or$ers. My MotherKs ?ather /ona($ 4a=oie was pro@a@(y approFimate(y 1N8 ,irst Nations Nati%e American. 1his attacD was committe$ 'pon my sister Sheena MacPherson whom was 8 years o($ at the time 5 a chi($ the a&e o? 12 3 name$ 9y(e Howar$ < was recr'ite$ to commit this attacD as a Initiation 7rime. 9y(e Howar$ earne$ eno'&h respect ?rom these sorts o? attacDs to @e &rante$ crimina( networDs which pro%i$e$ him with Heroin 3 4.S.2. 3 M.2.M.A. 3 MariJ'ana 3 7ocaine 3 9etamine 3 Methamphetamines 3 an$ Percosets 5 9y(e Howar$ was se((in& har$ $r'&s at the a&e o? 1* o't o? his &ara&e. 1he a&e o? the initiate in this instance was recr'ite$ to @e c(oser to

the tar&ette$ (itt(e &ir(Ks a&e 3 ?or reason that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e $i$nKt want to appear to @e a Pe$ophi(e 7hi($ Mo(ester whom was repeate$(y tar&ettin& the same ?ami(y. 1he a&e $i??erence @etween 9y(e Howar$ an$ Sheena Nico(e MacPherson is the eFact same a&e $i??erent @etween my mother an$ ?ather < 9y(e Howar$ is a $arD &o($ @(on$e hair co(or 3 (iDe my ?ather /'sse(( MacPhersonKs hair an$ =ittorio 0man'e(eKs own hair 5 my ?ather is approFimate(y * years o($er than my mother. :hen 9y(e Howar$ was a chi($ 3 his $r'& connections were most(y o($er ma(es o? Ita(ian race. It is a(most $e?inite that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e was one o? the men who rape$ my mother when she was a (itt(e &ir( an$ was sta(Din& o'r ?ami(y as a res'(t o? it 5 n'mero's times thro'&ho't my (i?e < ?rien$s an$ acI'aintances o? mine o? whom ha$ ?ami(y mem@ers that were mem@ers o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen 3 were sta(De$ to more easi(y Deep tracD o? my ?ami(y $'e to the ?act that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e Dept tracD o? the 4ea&'e o? the Ita(ian Gent(emen. It is a $e?inite pro@a@i(ity an$ has @een reporte$ to me that 9y(e Howar$ was intro$'ce$ to =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ the imposte'r o? HacD 2ion @oth @etween 200* an$ 200E. 1here is c'rrent(y a man on the internet 'sin& ,ace;ooD c(aimin& to @e 9y(e Howar$ who (ooDs %ery (itt(e (iDe 9y(e Howar$ 5 I @e(ie%e that this man may possi@(y @e an imposte'r o? 9y(e Howar$ who was =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tate$ to (ooD more (iDe 9y(e Howar$. It is pro@a@(e that =ittorio 0man'e(e ?orce$ some o? his 7rime So($iers to switch I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s with each other to eFert more contro( o%er them 3 it is a(so possi@(e that 9y(e Howar$ ta(De$ a@o't somethin& to some@o$y that an&ere$ =ittorio 0man'e(e. 2'rin& the year 2002 5 Samantha G'ay was a@$'cte$ @y 5 men in a ;oF Shape$ =an. 1he man whom was $ri%in& the %an was $escri@e$ as a @('e eye$ e($er(y man with a short @ear$ &rown in. 1he @oF shape$ %an was $escri@e$ as ha%in& tinte$ win$ows in a(( @'t the ?ront win$ows 5 the * men in the @acD were wearin& sDi masDs. It is a(most $e?inite that this was =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e $ri%in& a %an to a@$'ct Samantha G'ay whoKs a'nt he ha$ SeF 1ra??icDe$ when she was a (itt(e &ir(. Samantha G'ayKs mother was @est ?rien$s with my co'sin an$ ?rien$s with my Mother 5 Samantha G'ay to($ me that her a'nt or her co'sin whom she ca((e$ Aa'ntA ha$ @een SeF 1ra??icDe$ @y the same peop(e as my Mother who $i$ the same thin&s to her. Samantha G'ay was a@$'cte$ in the year 2002 an$ was rep(ace$ @y an imposte'r $'rin& the year 2003 5 $'rin& 20033 I met the SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim whom was ?orce$ to impersonate Samantha G'ay. :e @ecame c(ose ?rien$s %ery I'icD(y @'t she wo'($ ne%er te(( me her rea( name or where she was ?rom. 1his woman was rentin& ?rom the imposte'r o? HacD 2ion3 the imposte'r o? the ?act'a( Samantha G'ayKs ?rien$Ks ?ather. SamanthaKs imposte'r was ?orce$ to swor$ swa((ow a ?oot an$ a ha(? (on& (o& o? ?eces 5 this was Apop 'pA $isp(aye$ 'sin& 1'rDoJan so?tware 3 to me on my comp'ter monitor screen on the weeD o? 1hanDsGi%in& when I was poisone$ with ;(acD Mo($ in a co??ee c'p. 1he 7o??ee 7'p was a (ar&e p(astic $'nDin $on'ts Ice$ 7o??ee 7'p with what taste$ (iDe MaFwe(( Ho'se 7o??ee in it 5 I so($ :i((iam Hano%er o? the ;ritish /oya( ,ami(y an ice$ co??ee in the same type o? c'p J'st a month prior to this attacD 3 =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e was o@%io's(y eFtreme(y Jea(o's when he ca((e$ 1ay(aKs an$ 1wy(aKs &ran$?ather to or$er him to maDe the AhitA. 1ay(aKs mother 2e@@ie ha$ pre%io's(y spoDen with 0$ :arren a@o't A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(y $'rin& 2005 3 in the @acD o? the ,ami(y 2o((ar store. N'mero's o? these poisonin& attacDs were ma$e 'pon American /acia( types $'rin& 1hanDsGi%in& the year o? 200!. .n the topic o? the Psycho(o&ica( Pro?i(e o? the a@$'ction o? an$ attacD on Samantha G'ay 5 she was ?o'n$ on the internet in a %i$eo &raphe$ recor$in& 3 with her hair $ye$ @(acD < she was tie$ 'p @y a(ot o? rope 3 was s'spen$e$ ?ace $own 3 an$ was @ein& tort're$ @y a man with a sDi masD on. 1his %i$eo o? Samantha G'ay was ?o'n$ @y a ?rien$ o? Hason He??reyKs in 200* 3 who reco&ni>e$ her ?rom Manchester NewHampshire. 0ither =ittorio 0man'e(e 3 7hris 1homas 3 or ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e ha%e a sa$istic ?etish

?or rapin& Gothic APrincessesA 5 @oth Samantha G'ay as we(( as Nina Hansen wore Gothic 2arD /ennaissance sty(e c(othin&3 consistin& o? thin&s s'ch as 2arD /omantic (ooDin& sDirts an$ corsets as we(( as other Din$s o? tops an$ $resses. =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs SeF 1ra??icDin& accomp(ice whom has @een (i%in& as an imposte'r o? HacD 2ion3 7hristine 2ionKs ?ather 5 has a connection to S'ici$eGir(s.7om as $oes the imposte'r o? 7hristine 2ion. 2'rin& the years 2000 2001 1e(e%ision $oc'mentary AG.1H S06A 5 the %i$eo&raphe$ $oc'mentary ?a(se(y presente$ the Gothic Art 7o((ecti%e an$ S'@7'(t're as Masochists who ha%e /ape ,etishes < there was approFimate(y two ma(es in the entire $oc'mentary an$ 5 ?ema(es. 1he $oc'mentary $e?ame$ horri@(y the Gothic 7o((ecti%e 7omm'nity an$ presente$ the comm'nity as accepta@(e tar&ets ?or rape 5 this was pro@a@(y ?'n$e$ an$ pro$'ce$ @y SeF 1ra??icDers with 7rime So($iers whom operate$ in the ;on$a&eG2ominance Sa$oMasochist Swin&ers 7omm'nity 3 'sin& it as a ?ront or a ?aca$e ?or a@'si%e SeF 1ra??icDin&. It is a $e?inite ?act that the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icate tar&ette$ an$ a@$'cte$ AGoth &ir(sA @etween the years 1""" an$ 200" a(( o%er the USA an$ possi@(y 7ana$a 3 the choice o? tar&ets ?or a@$'ction an$ SeF'a( Assa'(t Initiation 7rime attacDs shows o@session with AGoth &ir(sA. 1he imposte'r o? HacD 2ion whom is a SeF 1ra??icDin& Accomp(ice o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs3 has a connection to S'ici$eGir(s.7om < he a(so emp(oye$ many o? the n'$e mo$e(s ?rom this we@site as we(( as rente$ apartments to them which in many cases was act'a((y J'st to maDe paperworD ?or the p'rpose o? hi$in& the SeF 1ra??icDin& NetworD. HacD 2ionKs imposte'r who has rep(ace$ him on paperworD an$ sto(en his I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s is a $e?inite accomp(ice in the a@$'ction o? Samantha G'ay in 2002 an$ the a@$'ction o? the SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim whom was ?orce$ to (i%e as her imposte'r in the year 2002 3 as we(( as the $isappearance o? the ?act'a( HacD 2ion an$ his $a'&hter 7hristine as we(( as 7hristineKs mother. 1he imposte'r o? HacD 2ionKs $a'&hter 3 7hristine 2ion 5 has pose$ in n'mero's n'$e photo&raphs ?or S'ici$eGir(s.7om an$ other we@sites. She is too thin to @e 7hristine 3 @'t (ooDs simi(ar to 7hristine. 7hristine ha$ @roa$er sho'($ers 3 a @roa$er ?ace 3 @roa$er hips 3 an$ was physica((y more m'sc'(ar. 1he imposte'r o? 7hristine has @een in%o(%e$ in n'$e mo$e(in& an$ is pro@a@(y a SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim. 2'rin& the year 200!3 the imposte'r o? 7hristine 2ion p'@ica((y h'mi(iate$ Samantha G'ayKs imposte'r $'rin& a party which she in%ite$ this %ictim to3 $'rin& which she ye((e$ at an$ c'rse$ at the SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim whi(e te((in& her that she was imposte'r in ?ront o? the entire pop'(ation at the party. No one e(se at the party i$enti?ie$ 7hristin 2ionKs imposte'r to @e an imposte'r 3 tho'&h one in$i%i$'a( sai$ A7hristine (ooDs stran&e an$ is actin& $i??erent.A. 1he imposte'r o? 7hristine 2ion intentiona((y p'@(ica((y h'mi(iate$ the SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim who was ?orce$ to (i%e as imposte'r o? Samantha G'ay with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace in her @rain ?or " years 3 ?or the p'rpose o? h'rtin& her emotiona((y 5 this is pro@a@(e to ha%e @een or$ere$ @y the 0man'e(es. In year 200* < the imposte'r o? 7hristine 2ion ha$ @een to($ that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e was A$o(? Hit(erKs Gran$ Nephew. 7hristine 2ionKs imposte'r was to($ the tr'th o? A$o(? Hit(erKs @(oo$(ine @y 2a%e 4ee. :hi(e I was in ;oston with Sahn$ra St. .n&e who ha$ mentione$ to 2a%e 4ee 3 /yan Har%ey 3 an$ 4a'ra 4'$wicDowsDi that we ha$ @een @ein& sta(De$ @y =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e. 2'rin& approFimate(y the year 1""8 < 7hris 7hase an$ 3 other ma(es attacDe$ Me(in$a A($ritch whi(e she was wa(Din& past Gree(ey ParD in Nash'a NewHampshire on 2.:. Hi&hway at ni&ht3 J'st a?ter s'nset. She was @r'ta((y rape$ @y these * in$i%i$'a(s. It was @e(ie%e$ @y many that this was an Initiation 7rime ?or the * o? these men. 7hris 7hase was the on(y in$i%i$'a( whom Me(in$a A($ritch co'($ i$enti?y. 7hris 7hase was ne%er con%icte$ ?or this crime @'t was soon a?ter this sentence$ to a Prison Sentence o?

approFimate(y 2 years ?or a $i??erent crimina( char&e. Me(in$a A($ritch $ie$ in a car acci$ent in the year 1""". Me(in$a A($ritch was a @ea'ti?'( teena&e yo'n& (a$y whom $resse$ in Gothic sty(e c(othin&. Me(in$a A($ritch was approFimate(y 15 when she was SeF'a((y Assa'(te$ @y * ma(es. 1he SeF'a( Assa'(t 'pon a ?ema(e @y * ma(es at once is $e?inite(y an Initiation 7rime o? the 0man'e(e 0%o(a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate. 9y(e Howar$3 whom was o@%io's(y initiate$ into this crime networD at an eFtreme(y yo'n& a&e < ha$ or&ani>e$ the rape o? A@@y Asai whom was on(y 15 when it occ're$. 15 seems to @e the a&e at which this is 's'a((y $one. Nina Hansen was 15 when ,i( 0man'e(e ?irst a@$'cte$ an$ SeF'a((y Assa'(te$ her a?ter restrainin& her with rope an$ tort'rin& her ?or ho'rs. :hen A@@y Asai was assa'(te$ 3 A@@y an$ my se(? were han$e$ a @ott(e o? @oo>e @y 9y(e Howar$ 5 the @ott(e o? (iI'or pro%e$ to @e tainte$ with somethin& s'ch as /ohipna(3 I passe$ o't entire(y 'nconcio's a?ter $rinDin& a &oo$ amo'nt o? it. I ?o'n$ o't months (ater 3 that A@@y Asai ha$ @een SeF'a((y Assa'(te$ @y * o? the ma(es that were with 's. :hen my mother 2e@@ie 4a=oie MacPherson was 15 5 she was a@$'cte$ @y * ma(es twice 5 once she was carrie$ into the ?orest an$ rape$ @y * ma(es < the secon$ time3 it was an a'tomo@i(e with * ma(es in it that a@$'cte$ her an$ rape$ her. 2'rin& the year 200E 3 approFimate(y ei&ht ?ema(es were rape$ @y a set o? * men each < these attacDs 'pon the a@$'cte$ ?ema(es were %i$eo&raphe$ an$ 'p(oa$e$ to the internet as i? it were porno&raphy 5 this is to pro%e the initiation crime was committe$ to the rest o? the 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate. .? these 8 ?ema(es3 2 o? them were rape$ @y a tota( o? 8 ma(es to&ether an$ were ?orce$ to (ooD into eachothers eyes whi(e they $i$ it. 1hese women a(( ha$ @een S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces $'rin& the years ?o((owin& 200* an$ their entire Ne'ro(o&y was transmitte$ @y the A/G.S G.P.S. 2e%ices which were 'se$ to NetworD the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace o%er the internet an$ G(o@a( Position System NetworD to the Ne'roScience 7omp'ter So?t:are which was 'se$ to tort're an$ ens(a%e these women @y metho$ o? contro((in& an$ manip'(atin& the 0(ectroMa&netic Ne'ro7irc'itry o? their @rains an$ entire Ne'ro(o&y. In the year 2000 or 2001 < my sister Sheena MacPherson was SeF'a((y Assa'(te$ @y ;ea' SDinner 3 his step @rother #or his ?atherKs &ir(?rien$Ks son) 1re%or 7hapman3 9y(e Howar$ 3 an$ another ma(e 5 they &ot her $r'nD an$ ?orce$ her to per?orm ?e(atio 'pon a(( * o? them as they stoo$ aro'n$ her in a circ(e. I @e(ie%e that this was the res'(t o? 9y(e Howar$ attemptin& to recr'it ;eay SDinner into the 7rime Syn$icate that recr'ite$ 9y(e Howar$ when he was 12 thro'&h ;rian 7ase 3 who was an o($er ma(e. 1his is $e?inite(y the same series o? Initiation 7rime SeF .??enses @ein& committe$ @y =ittorio 0man'e(eKs sons an$ is $e?inite(y a rec'rrant crime c'(t're that ?its the eFact patho(o&y o? the .r&ani>e$ 7rime Syn$icate that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e inherite$ an$ @'i(t $'rin& his (i?etime 5 the 0man'e(esK 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate are in%o(%e$ in a(ot o? SeF 1ra??icDin& an$ other H'man 1ra??icDin& as we(( as 0spiona&e an$ 1errorism 3 their Initiation 7rimes in%o(%e seI'entia( (e%e(s o? eFtremity o? %io(ent seF o??enses. As is 's'a( ?or a 7rime Syn$icate 3 the Sa%oyKs 7rime Syn$icate ha%e access to 2r'&s 5 i((e&a( 2r'&s can o?ten @e 'se$ @y them to rewar$ certain @eha%ior in their accomp(ices an$ as a way o? testin& peop(e ?or crimina(ity prior to tr'stin& them as accomp(ices to simp(e crimes. 1he 0man'e(esK 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate is the c'(mination o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs co((ecti%e m'(ti &enerationa( e??orts o? 0spiona&e A&ents 3 Assassins 3 an$ other .r&ani>e$ 7o%ert Acti%ities which a&ents in%o(%e$ in co%ert acti%ities on the @eha(? o? a (on& stan$in& Aristocracy en&a&e in. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e @'i(t one o? the most eFtreme espiona&e networDs in the history o? H'man ci%i(i>ations an$ ha%e mana&e$ to a%oi$ $etection ?or most o? their acti%ities thro'&ho't most o? history 3 their espiona&e networD is eFtreme(y crimina( an$ is comprise$ primari(y o? a 7rime Syn$icate which sti(( en&a&es in H'man 1ra??icDin& s'ch as SeF 1ra??icDin&

an$ H'man =i%isection. 2'rin& the year 2000 3 1re%or 7hapman to($ me that he witnesse$ 9y(e Howar$ sticD a I tip in my in?ant sister S'mmer /ose MacPhersonKs %a&ina. 9y(e Howar$ was ha(('cinatin& on 4.S.2. an$ wa(De$ into my parentKs room where in?ant sister was s(eepin&. 1his woDe her 'p an$ she @e&an screamin&. 1his was the same @e$room that my sister Sheena Nico(e MacPherson ha$ @een s(eepin& in $'rin& the 1"88 Ha((oween Party when 7hris 1homas ha$ $one somethin& simi(ar with his ?in&ers an$ ha$ taDen a pict're. It is $e?inite that 9y(e Howar$ was or$ere$ to commit this crime as an initiation crime an$ was $is&'ste$ 3 @'t $eci$e$ to 'se 4.S.2. an$ a B 1ip < an$ commit the heino's crime anyways. 9y(e ran o't o? the ho'se a?ter maDin& a stran&e so'n$. 9y(e Howar$ has $e?inite(y Dnown ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e 3 7hris 1homas 3 an$ =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e < he has a(so Dnown the 0man'e(esK 7rime So($ier ;rian 7ase ?or a %ery (on& time. 1he Initiation 7rimes o? the 0man'e(esK 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate are simi(ar in psycho(o&y to a N.A.M.;.4.A. Pe$ophi(e SeF 1ra??icDin& 7rime Syn$icate @'t ha%e racia( tar&ets an$ are more %io(ent. 2'rin& the year 20053 0$ :arren was o%erhear$ $isc'ssin& with Anthony 2e,eo A(im@o to @arA in a metaphor to the &ame (im@o where a @ar is (owere$ an$ a participant m'st pass 'n$erneath the @ar witho't hittin& it < this @ein& a (im@o concernin& a&e 5 0$ :arren was $isc'ssin& one o? the 0man'e(es an$ their 7rime Accomp(ice when he state$ this. 0$ :arren ha$ sai$ that the 0man'e(e an$ his 7rime Accomp(ice compete$ ?or Initiation 7rimes 3 repeate$(y taDin& t'rns increasin& the eFtremity o? the crime when a(ternate$(y s'&&estin& the crime 5 this is simi(ar to a crimina( tr'th or $are where the 7rime 4or$s @(acD mai( eachother to @'i($ 7rimina( 1r'st an$ 'se these (ater as Initiation 7rimes. 2'rin& the year 2001 5 9y(e Howar$ wa(De$ to ;ea' SDinnerKs (ate at ni&ht whi(e $r'nD an$ @e&an ye((in& to ;ea'Ks ?ather whi(e in tears AHere is the Dni?e. I to($ yo' I $i$ it. -o' can Di(( me i? yo' want. I $i$ it. 1his is the Dni?e. 1his is it. I $onKt $eser%e to (i%e. -o' can Di(( me i? yo' want.A. ;o@ SDinner to($ 9y(e Howar$ that he was cra>y an$ $r'nD an$ to &o home an$ s(eep. 2'rin& the year 200! < 1'rDoJan * Go($ was 'se$ @y 7omp'ter HacDers to Pop 'p %i$eos an$ we@sites with ima&es on my comp'ter screen. 1he two ?ema(es that (ooDe$ i$entica( to Samantha ;ernstein an$ 0mi(y Is(es were @ein& rape$ @y 8 Ita(ian Ma(es an$ were he($ in mirror ima&e$ synchroni>e$ position whi(e @ein& ?orce$ to stare at eachothersK ?aces an$ Diss eachother $'rin& the a@'se. 1he positionin& o? these women $'rin& the rape was mirror synchroni>e$ 3 they were %i$eo&raphe$ as we(( as were their Ne'ro(o&y @ein& manip'(ate$ an$ Ne'ro/o@otica((y contro((e$ as we(( as were their ne'ro(o&y recor$e$. 1he Position which the two ?ema(es were he($ in was simi(ar to @ein& cr'ci?ie$ hori>onta((y 3 this (ea$s me to @e(ie%e that this was inspire$ @y a partic'(ar AScan$ina%iaA @'mper sticDer which was pro$'ce$ $'rin& 200* an$ the =in(an$ ?(a& which is a(so a Nor$ic 7ross ,(a&. 1he Scan$ina%ia @'mper sticDer was an ima&e o? a Swe$en ?(a& ?(yin& neFt to a Norway ?(a& ?acin& in opposite $irections 3 this (ooDin& (iDe the hea$ o? two crosses ?acin& eachother < the =in(an$ ?(a& which is o?ten associate$ with North Americans whom are o@ser%ant o? the Asatr' re(i&ion is a &reen ?(a& with a @(acD Nor$ic cross o't(ine$ in white an$ has @een 'se$ @y Peter Stee(e o? 1ype . Ne&ati%e as part o? his @an$Ks (o&o. Peter Stee(e < whom was o? miFe$ Scan$ina%ian3 Gae(ic3 an$ S(a%ic race &rew 'p in New Hersey an$ was ?rien$s with Asatr'ars ?rom the New Hersey area an$ New 0n&(an$ area as we(( as was he in the same socia( networD as G(enn 2an>i& as was pre%io's(y mentione$ an$ ;o@@y Stee(e whom were @oth o? New Hersey as we(( as Michae( Moynihan whom ha$ n'mero's ?rien$s in the New Hersey area an$ Stacy Sea@'ry whom was my !th Gra$e 0n&(ish teacher an$ an Asatr'ar whom was ?rien$s with m'ch o? the Asatr' comm'nity. :hen I wrote to Henry MaDow 3 I mentione$

/omans once 5 /omans 7r'ci?ie$ Asatr'ars an$ Hews @oth 3 neither o? whom were /omans. 1he 0man'e(e 0%o(a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate are :ar /apists an$ Genoci$a( H'man 1ra??icDers en&a&e$ in an eFtreme amo'nt o? SeF 1ra??icDin&. PPPPPPPP******** PSYCHO O!IC" P#O$I IN! O$ %H& "SS"I "N%S' !(I %"SSOCI"%IONS : Poste$ on the internet in 2012 3 were photo&raphs o? a )ungeon in a *asement in Ontario Cana)a. 1his $'n&eon was a ?o'r wa((e$ rein?orce$ room @'i(t in a @asement that ha$ @een painte$ white an$ was empty eFcept ?or a @ench + a ,ug of -ater 3 an$ chains hanging from the ceiling. 1he chains han&in& ?rom the cei(in& (ooD to @e the Din$ o? chains that wo'($ @e 'se$ to (ocD an.lemancles to the @ottom an$ -rist-mancles towar$s the top o? the chain 3 more imme$iate(y han&in& ?rom the cei(in& < it is pro@a@(e that a manacle-*ar was 'se$ at the anD(es to Deep the feet sprea) apart as we(( as were the an.le-manacles chaine) to the *ottom of the chain. 1his p'ts the %ictim in the stan)ing position with their arms @ein& sprea$ an$ he($ 'p in a /surren)er/ position an$ the an.les *eing force) apart at a specific )istance 3 whi(e a(so chaine$ to the same chain as the -rist-manacles. 1he ,ugs of -ater which were ?o'n$ are pro@a@(e to ha%e @een 'se$ to )issol0e 121" in a -ater-*ottle. 1he NeuroCircuit o? which ha(? o? the Brain-ComputerInterface is comprise$ 3 is wire$ to an "#!OS !3P3S3 2e0ice that is networDe$ o%er internet an$ is the impro%ise$ #outer4Batter5 as we(( as ser%es the ?'nction o? !lo*al Positioning 5 this $e%ice is capa@(e o? sen$in& an$ recei%in& si&na( e%en whi(e in a Su*-a5 %ransit %unnel3 this $e%ice is capa@(e o? recei%in& an$ sen$in& !3P3S3 Signal e0en -hile at sea. 1he psycho(o&y o? the position which the %ictims in this $'n&eon were o@%io's(y he($ in 3 is the psycho(o&y o? some@o$y $eman$in& s'rren$er ?rom a nation o? peop(e 5 the position the in$i%i$'a( was he($ in is most $e?inite(y to ha%e @een a stan$in& 'p 3 han$s raise$ 3 position o? $isarme$ s'rren$er. An$ers ;rei%iD o? Norway who is pro@a@(e to ha%e @een a %ictim o? these ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace Ne'roScience H'man =i%isections whom was 'se$ to s(ay 80 o? his own peop(e 3 is reporte$ to ha%e p't $own &'ns an$ stoo$ with his ?eet apart an$ han$s raise$ in s'rren$er to the Norwe&ian Po(ice3 whom accor$in& to 2010 artic(es on the internet 5 ha$ ?o'n$ An$ers in the woo$s. It is pro@a@(e that the women (ocDe$ in this white wa((e$ $'n&eon in .ntario 3 may ha%e @een 'se$ to en&ineer so?tware an$ recor$in&s o? Ne'ro(o&y that co'($ @e 'se$ to transmit a /a$io ,reI'ency recor$in& o? the Ne'ro(o&y o? the %ictims 3 in o%er(appin& (ayers < which co'($ ?orce some@o$y to Stan$ At S'rren$er with the p'sh o? a @'tton.It is a pro@a@i(ity that An$ers ;rei%iD was S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace whi(e on a @rie? %acation in San Antonio 1eFas U.S.A. . It is r'mo're$ that An$ers ;rei%iD met ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs @rother 7(int +0man'e(e8 in San Antonio 1eFas an$ a(so that 4orie +Poten>a8 was worDin& at the Hote( that An$ers ;rei%iD spent the ni&ht at whi(e in San Antonio 1eFas U.S.A. . 1he A=ir&inia 1ech Shootin&A at the =ir&inia 1echnica( 7o((e&e in the year 2005 or 200E 3 occ'rre$ in the same re&ion that 7(int +0man'e(e8 (i%e$ in 5 7(int 0man'e(e (i%e$ in 2'm@arton =ir&inia. 1hese shooters ha%ein& ;/ain 7omp'ter Inter?aces S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ in their @rains is pro@a@(e < it is a(so $e?inite that these $e%ices ha%e @een @ein& S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ in ci%i(iansK @rains in .hio U.S.A. an$ 7o(ora$o U.S.A. . 1hese $e%ices can @e 'se$ to animate an$ contro( the Ne'ro(o&y o? the H'man ;o$y 3 an$ ro@otic pi(ot the h'man @o$y to picD 'p a &'n an$ shoot the &'n acc'rate(y 5 Ne'roScience So?tware 3 G.P.S. /a$io ,reI'ency 7onnection 3 an$ a (ow %o(ta&e e(ectro ma&netic power s'pp(y is a(( that is nee$e$ to t'rn a H'man ;rain G ;o$y into a ro@ot contro((e$ @y a comp'ter. 1he -hite )ungeon-cell in the photo&raphs o? the Ontario 2ungeon is near(y eFact(y the same in appearance as the white $'n&eon ce(( wherein the man ?rom /6 !u5 6 7ar/ $ie$. 1he man ?rom the /6 !u5 6 7ar/ %i$eo is $e?inite to ha%e @een a %ictim o?

the Brain-Computer-Interface Human-8i0isections an$ the c'rrent &enoci$e that @e&an imme$iate(y a?ter the 9-66 %errorist "ttac.s3 an$ was ?'((y 'n$erway in 200*. It is possi@(e that the man who $ie$ an$ was %i$eo&raphe$ as /6 !u5 6 7ar/ was re(ate$ @io(o&ica((y to Samantha Bernstein's companion whom she arri%e$ at ,ami(y 2o((ar with in 200* < that may ha%e @een her @oy?rien$. 2'rin& the /6 !u5 6 7ar/ 0i)eo which was p'@(ishe$ to the internet in 200! < a naDe$ man is stan$in& in a -hite--alle) )ungeon room 5 he picDs 'p a !lass 1ason-7ar an$ inserts it into his anus 3 a?ter which the !lass 1ason-7ar shatters an$ impa(es the insi$e o? his rect'm with (ar&e shar$s o? @roDen &(ass. %he man *lee)s to )eath. 2'rin& 2003 < I ate $inner with the $ree1asons at the #ising Sun o)ge in Nash'a NewHampshire 3 that was the Masonic 4o$&e which my Great Gran$?ather ha$ atten$e$ an$ e%ent'a((y attaine$ the :;< of the Scottish #ite of $ree1asonr53 8ittorio &manuele in ;==> < state$ to $il &manuele o%er the phone 3 whi(e $ri%in& $own So'th :i((ow Street in Manchester NewHampshire /I'm a*out to shit a mountain of *ro.e-*ac.A 3 when he rea(i>e$ that I was 2e@@ie 4a=oieKs son an$ that I ha$ to($ a mem@er o? the Hewish comm'nity the tr'th re&ar$in& A$o(? Hit(erKs @io(o&ica( (inea&e. A$o(? Hit(er was o? the (ine o? 4om@ar$i Sa%oy an$ Aosta @oth 3 his ?ather was =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs ?ather3 =ittorio 0man'e(e III was his @io(o&ica( ha(? @rother3 an$ his mother was a woman o? miFe$ Ita(ian an$ A'strain race with Aosta (inea&e 5 A$o(? Hit(er was the pro$'ct o? the 9in& o? Ita(iaKs (o%e a??air an$ marita( in?i$e(ity. :hen asDe$ what the phrase /a mountain of *ro.e-*ac./ means 5 =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e state$ to ,i( 0man'e(e that /it means -hen 5ou shit 5our self so *a) that 5ou fill 5our -hole pants -ith shit?/ 3 2'rin& 200* < ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e ha$ ma$e a JoDe with 2anie( Hames a@o't writin& a homose@ual lo0e-stor5 ca((e$ Bro.e*ac. 1ountain 5 it is pres'me$ that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e 'se$ 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen connections to &et this mo%ie pro$'ce$3 it is possi@(e that "aron &manuele he(pe$ write it as a &host writer. 2'rin& 200* < "nthon5 2e$eo I'ote$ the 2on Hertzfel)t /#e,ecte) Cartoons/ 3 whi(e at worD 5 statin& /15 anus is *lee)ing? &0er5*o)5 )ance? Ya5?/. I ha$ @een watchin& 2ont Hertzfel)t's #e,ecte) Cartoons on my comp'ter 'sin& the internet the $ay prior to this. :hi(e worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar 3 I ha$ ?reI'ent(y Dept my han$ in my pocDet on my *o@-cutter 5 at some point 3 "nthon5 2e$eo ha$ ma$e a Clint &ast-oo) re?erence. 2'rin& 2005 5 my se(?3 Aach "n)ros.i3 an$ one o? CachKs ?rien$Ks he($ an impro%ise$ )eath-metal Jam session at his ?rien$Ks rente$ rehearsa( space at the Mi((s near 7ana( St. in Manchester NewHampshire. 2'rin& this impro%ise$ Jam session < I opene$ a glass-*ottle o? Ne-Castle Bro-n "le on the e$&e o? a floor tom-)rum 3 this res'(te$ in the shattering i? the corner o? the $rinDin& spo't o? the &(ass @ott(e 5 I $ranD the @ott(e o? Ne-Castle re&ar$(ess o? the *ro.en glass which ha$ ?a((en into the @ott(e an$ in&este$ shar)s of glass. I mentione$ this to &) Barren the ?o((owin& $ay. I ha$ a(so @een $isc'ssin& $ree1asons o?ten $'rin& 200* an$ 2005 as we(( as $i$ I ha%e $inner at the #ising Sun 4o$&e $'rin& 2003 which was in Nash'a NewHampshire. 1he #ising Sun 4o$&e was the 1asonic %emple that my Great Gran$?ather ha$ atten$e$ ?reI'ent(y thro'&ho't his (i?e an$ $'rin& his achei%in& the :;O of the Scottish #ite o? the ,raterna( .r$er o? the $ree1asons. 1he name 1ason-7ars inc('$es the wor$ 1ason 5 a(so3 m'ch o? my ?ami(y 'se Mason Hars an$ recyc(e Pasta-Sauce 1ason-7ars ?or 'se as ) I @e(ie%e that the /6 !u5 6 7ar/ %i$eo was p(anne$ an$ eFec'te$ @y the same in$i%i$'a(s whom p(anne$ an$ eFec'te$ what was the /; !irls C Nails/ %i$eo as we(( as the /; !irls 6 Cup/ %i$eo which was a recor$e$ rapin& o? ; females *5 C Italian males whi(e the ?ema(es were 'na@(e to physica((y contro( their own @o$ies $'e to Bio-#o*otics Soft-are contro((in& their entire @rain an$ ne'ro(o&y a?ter s'r&ica( imp(antation o? a Brain-Computer Interface &ra?te$ to their @rains with the Surgical Implant micro-router tacDe$ to their JawKs m'sc'(at're. 1his so?tware

connects o%er the internet. ;e?ore I ha$ @roDen 'p with her an$ "lisha Cote 5 Sahn)ra St3Onge was 'sin& my comp'ter to p(ay Super 1ario Brothers+ Super 1ario Brothers is a si$e scro((in& &ame which in%o(%es ; Italian Plum*ers has n'mero's sta&es in%o(%in& running on Clou)s which are co%ere$ in turtle-monsters that $o nothin& @'t ,ump an$ thro- hammers. 0$ :arren @e&an re?errin& to &mil5 Isles as /Princess Peach/ an$ the Samantha Bernstein whom I ha$ @een %i$eo recor$e$ @ein& %isi@(y awe str'cD @y the presense o? as /Princess %oa)stool/ an$ /Henrietta/3 Beautiful 7e-ish $emales in the (S" are often calle) /7e-ish "merican Princesses/3 1his occ'rre$ a?ter a se&ment aire$ on a te(e%ision series $'rin& 200* which was @roa$caste$ on Comcast in North America 5 this te(e%ision se&ment $escri@e$ the 0n&ineerin& o? an Internet-Controlle) #o*ot 3 this ro@ot in partic'(ar @ein& a #emoteControl a-n-1o-er capa@(e o? @ein& pi(ote$ to mow the entire @(ocDKs (awns ?rom the 7omp'ter .??ice /oom @y way o? internet an$ camera mounte) on the la-n-mo-er. 1he termino(o&y /aroun) the *loc./ is typica((y 'se$ to )isrespectfull5 )escri*e a female whom has ha$ numerous se@ual partners in her (i?etime. %he Comcast Net-or.'s Ser0ers were @ein& 'se$ @y 7omp'ter HacDers to access my persona( comp'ter as we(( as Scott H'nterKs an$ 9enneth H'$$Ks personal computers 3 the 7omcast Ser%ers were hacDe$ an$ 'se$ to @roa$cast Ps5ch-Barfare "ssaults 'pon the %ele0ision Screen when my se(? an$ my roommates were watchin& the 1e(e%ision. It is pro@a@(e that $'rin& the remo)eling of the apartment *elo- ours 3 illegal Impro0ise) #ecor)ing 2e0ices were p(ante$ within the wa((s 5 we (i%e$ on the 3r$ ?(oor. .? re(e%ance to 1ario Brothers3 ?ro&s3 princesses3 an$ t'rt(es throwin& hammers 5 $ree1asons 'se a ceremonial 1ason's Hammer as we(( as ceremonial measurement tools 3 &mil5 Isles was an "satruar an$ we o?ten wear %hor's Hammer pen)ants as re(i&io's sym@o(s o? ?aith 3 the t'rt(es in the 1ario Brothers &ame throhammers an$ ,ump 'p an$ $own on clou)s 3 0mi(y was penpa(s with ars A8arg' 8i.ernes an$ ?o'n$ my ScreenName an$ 0mai( A$$ress on the Burzum ,or'm 3 the 7e-ish la)5 ha$ a s(i&ht(y ?ranDic appearance an$ may ha%e ha$ a sma(( amo'nt o? ancestors o? $rench race 3 I am ha(? ,ranco American my se(? an$ the /$rog-Prince/ is the '&(y /$rog/ which the princess .isses an$ t'rns into a @ea'ti?'( Prince3 A,ro&A is a racia( s('r ?or a $rench person 3 Sahn)ra St3 Onge was ha(? $ranco-"merican as was her Step ,ather 3 Cha) !rolsch was an A(sacian Name$ $ranco-"merican whom was a mem@er o? the Borl) Church of the Creator Bhite Po-er organization $'rin& 200* when 8ittorio &manuele *egan his -itch-hunting for -hom e0er e@pose) his secret to /%he 7e-s/3 .? re(e%ance to Mario ;rothers 3 the &ame $'rin& which the p(ayerKs character is one o? t-o Italian Plum*ers 5 co((ection o? a star &rants in0inci*ilit5 3 whi(e 7e-s' were &i%en stars $'rin& the Holocaust to marD them as 7e-s prior to e@termination. 1he Star o? 2a%i$ is the religious s5m*ol of 7e-ish $aith an$ is on the ?(a& o? Israel. 2'rin& 200! 5 I was i((e&a((y $etaine$ @y Police Officers in MerrimacD NewHampshire 3 @ro'&ht to a hospita( in Nash'a NewHampshire 3 threatene$ in re(ation to 7e-s an$ the :r) #eich 3 i((e&a((y @ro'&ht to the Psychiatric Hospita( in the NewHampshire 7apita( 7ity o? 7oncor$ @y metho$ o? a Sherrif's -agon in chains as i? I ha$ m'r$ere$ some@o$y 3 an$ i((e&a((y Surgicall5 Implante) with a Brain-Computer Interface wire$ to a Surgical Implant #outer 4 Batter5 similar to a 8erichip @y s'r&ica( metho$ o? 1icro-%rephaning an$ aproscopic Cosmetic Surger5. 1he =erichips which ha$ @een $'mpe$ in the @acD o? the store 3 were $'mpe$ there in a rippe$ paper @a& @y 0$ :arren a?ter a 7e-ish man ha$ %isite$ me at worD. I @e(ie%e it was 0$ :arren who @e&an ca((in& the Hewish man with the Kosher 1o*ile Cellular %elephone. 1he Hewish woman whom I ha$ @een recor$e$ %isi@(y in awe o? on camera may

ha%e @een re(ate$ to the Hewish man that appeare$ at ,ami(y 2o((ar a ?ew times to ta(D to me who may ha%e @een a co'sin o? A$am ;ernsteinKs whoKs new 4aw .??ice is (ocate$ on the same street as the the St3 Patric.'s Cathe)ral which has %BO C#OSS&S on the spires as we(( as a thir) on the (ower roo? which is a Solar-Cross. " month or t-o *efore &) Barren watche$ the 0i)eo recor)ing o? my se(? %isi@i(y appearin& to @e in lo0e with the 7e-ish -oman Samantha Bernstein whom ha$ appeare$ at the store one ni&ht 5 I ha$ @een in a %riune-1ono!amous Committe)#elationship -ith t-o females + *oth of -hom ha) $ranco-"merican Surnames3 I ha0e a stigmata-li.e scar on m5 -rist -hich loo.s similar to a crucifi@ion -oun) from a )ri0en nail : the Aesir name$ ;a($r 3 is sometimes re(ate$ to in re?erence to the Syncretic /omani>ation o? @oth -esh'a the /a@@i an$ the re(i&ion ta'&ht @y the Gothi which were the Asatr' priest. Bal)r's a((e&orica( (ore re(ates to the sun3 as we(( as )5ing an) re*irth similar to 7esus3 as we(( as was O)in impale) to a tree *5 his o-n spear3 &mil5 Isle's Ne0er-inter Nights Character often use) a spear3 15 Ne0erNights Character -as name) %'rell : the /%irell House/ is neFt to the @'i($in& with the sign Cin)erella 1o)eling Stu)io which is *ehin) Papp5's Pizza which is the resta'rant that &) Barren ate )inner -ith 8ittorio &manuele a?ter sta(Din& Samantha Bernstein to her p(ace o? worD3 &mil5 an) Samantha -ere force) to participate in a /%-o !irls One Cup/ 0i)eo that -as pu*lishe) to internet in ;==D )uring -hich the t-o of them -ere force) to )rin. urine from a transparent high-heel /glass slipper/ an) eat feces from a )i@ie-cup size) glass3 .n the same roa$ as the 1ire(( Ho'se 3 the ?ormer 7in$ere((aKs Mo$e(in& St'$io @'i($in& 3 an$ PappyKs Pi>>a is the 1ental Health Center an$ 1e)usa Salon : )uring ;==> + 8ittorio &manuele appeare) on m5 tele0ision screen t-ice as the result of a computer E 8ittorio sai) /I )i) not )o this to 5ou?/3 1he comp'ter hacDer $isp(aye$ an$ presente$ this recor$e$ an$ animate$ se&ment $'rin& a commercia( @reaD which happene$ whi(e the 69F='s Clash of the %itans was airin& an$ Perseus was $isp(ayin& the 1irrorShiel) to the 1e)usa3 15 1other -as 0ictim )uring the 69F='s + -hen she -as a chil)3 1he t-o females who are rape$ @y C Italian 1ales are he($ in synchroni>e$ mirror position 3 this represents a mirrore) crucifi@ion. &mil5 Isles ca((e$ me in a panic $'rin& 2005 3 te((in& me that her 1other was missin& an$ that there was a woman in the ho'se whom loo.e) nearl5 i)entical to her Mother that was chasin& her possi@(y tryin& to Di(( her 5 8iral-8ector !ene-%herap5 has @een 'se$ to rep(ace entire ?ami(ies in North America with 7o%ert 1errorist A&ents (oya( to 8ittorio &manuele's %errorist Crime-S5n)icate3 these are most(y Ita(ians with minorities o? "GIS re(ate$ ?actions s'ch as Ser@ians an$ Sa'$i Ara@ians. the man c(aimin& to @e/")am Bernstein/ c'rrent(y worDs with t-o half-Italians at his (aw o??ice on %emple Street 1he man c(aimin& to @e ")am Bernstein has cease$ to accept a ?ew speci?ic Din$s o? co'rt cases which he ?ormer(y wo'($ ha%e taDen an$ $e?en$e$ @ein& that A$am was an eFce((ent la-5er 5 it is (iDe(y that the man c(aimin& to @e A$am ;ernstein is in ?act an Ita(ian A6IS (oya(ist whom has @een 'sin& A$am ;ernsteinKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s an$ has 7osmetic =ira( =ector Gene 1herapie$ himse(? to (ooD (iDe A$am. A$am was ta((er an$ ha$ @roa$er sho'($ers3 his hair was &o($ @(on$e whi(e this manKs hair is o?ten a ye((ow @(on$e3 his comp(eFion was Israe(i whi(e this manKs comp(eFion (ooDs Ita(ian3 an$ A$amKs nose was AshDena>ic whi(e this manKs nose (ooDs Sici(ian. A$amKs sDe(eta( str'ct're was AshDena>ic 5 the man in A$am ;ernsteinKs o??ice has narrower wi$th o? sho'($er an$ his sD'(( is more ro'n$e$ whereas A$amKs was more an&'(ar an$ typica( o? "sh.enazic ?eat'res which are 's'a((y ta((er3 thinner3 (on&er (im@e$3 an$ @roa$er ?rame$. 1he 7e-ish -oman whom I was %isi@(y in awe o? whom ha$ p'rchase$ an item at my re&ister whi(e I %isi@(y appeare$ to @e in (o%e with her which was ")am Bernstein's sister+ Samantha. "sh.enazic was a wor$ which I ha$

?o'n$ on the internet $'rin& 200* whi(e I was researchin& an$ st'$yin& H'$aism an$ Israe(i history a @it. Burzum has an "l*um tit(e$ "SK& which was one o? the ?irst ;'r>'m a(@'ms I ha$ e%er p'rchase$3 I @e(ie%e AS90 means "shes in Nor-egian. ")olf Hitler's Criminal %errorist #egime *urnt ,e-s in incinerators simi(ar to the Sta.e-Burnings o? 7oan )' "rc3 peop(e whom were (a@e(e$ -itches an$ heretics $'rin& the #oman Catholic InHuisitions in $rance an) Spain3 as we(( as in Salem 1asschusettes where peop(e were acc'se$ o? -itch-craft an$ @'rnt 'pon (ar&e woo$en po(e staDes simi(ar to what was 'se$ $'rin& a Crucifi@ion. 1here is a son& on a (ater a(@'m ca((e$ Bal)r's %o) is a son& written @y ars /8arg/ 8i.ernes o? which the theme is Bal)r's )eath *efore his re*irth when Honir resc'es him ?rom He( 'sin& Sleipnir which is .$inKs &ight- egge) horse3 which is O)in's -ar-mount @ein& a horse ha0ing t-ice as man5 legs as a re&'(ar horse S(eipnir is the fastest of all horses. &) Barren ha$ an incre$i@(y cr'$e sense o? h'mo'r3 most o? his JoDes @ein& $is&'stin&(y o??ensi%e an$ o? a seF'a( nat're. 1he termino(o&ies /mount/ an$ /fast girls/ are seF'a( re(ate$ s(an& inn'en$os. 0$ :arren mentione$ the gas Nitrous whi(e at worD 5 $'rin& 200* an$ 2005 3 Nitrous tanDs were @ein& 'se$ incre$i@(y ?reI'ent(y @y $r'& a@'sers in North America ?or p'rpose o? h'??in& an$ &ettin& hi&h. Nitro's pro$'ces in some peop(e 3 'ncontro((a@(e (a'&hter an$ eFtreme e'phoria. Nitrous in automo*iles an automo*ile accelerate much faster3 Soon a?ter her appearin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar 5 Samantha ;ernstein whom I ne%er e%en saw a&ain3 was @ein& re?erre$ to as my A&ir(?rien$A @y 0$ :arren an$ e%ent'a((y co worDers $'e to 0$ :arrenKs statements. 0$ :arren (ater state$ AIs(es ?or mi(es3 I &ot is(es ?or mi(es3 I want my is(es ?or mi(es3 I want to taDe is(es ?or a ?ew mi(es.A a metaphoric inn'en$o re?errin& to a'tomo@i(es or horses meanin& possi@(y that he wante$ to a@$'ct her an$ rape her. 4iDe the &ame S5n)icate 3 which in%o(%es intentional in,uring o? ci%i(ians ?or p'rpose o? surgicall5 turning the in,ure) ci0ilian into a remote-controlle) c5*org-ro*ot -hile in the hospital : 0$ :arren to($ me thro'&h a co worDer that my /girlfrien)/ ha$ @een /hit *5 a truc./ 3 this was the same weeD that 0$ :arren ?o($e$ a piece o? paper towe( insi$e o? a paper towe( t'@e an$ ma$e re?erences to microchips an$ tampons sayin& Athis wi(( stop her @itchin&A. 1he ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace c'rrent(y in my sD'(( which is &ra?te$ to my @rain is wire$ to an attache$ /o'ter an$ ;attery A/G.S G.P.S. S'r&ica( Imp(ant com@ination an$ was inserte$ 'sin& a so?t an$ ?(eFi@(e p(astic t'@e whi(e the /o'ter G ;attery is a(rea$y attache$ on the other en$ which han&s o't o? the t'@e 5 this (ooDs (iDe a tampon app(icator an$ the Si(D @ase$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace ?o($s insi$e the t'@e to ?it it as non in%asi%e(y as possi@(e into the sD'(( ca%ity3 a?terwhich it 'n?o($s when it is &ent(y p'she$ o?? the en$ @y the wire an$ the t'@e is remo%e$ < this is ?o((owe$ @y the S'r&ica( Impantin& o? the /o'ter G ;attery which is encase$ in S'r&ica( P(astic an$ is imp(ante$ 'sin& too(s which are simi(ar to 4aproscopic 1oo(s an$ 7osmetic P(astic S'r&ery 1oo(s as we(( as ;o$y Mo$i?ication 1oo(s which are 'se$ to winch the /o'ter G ;attery S'r&ica( Imp(ant $own into the Jaw ca%ity ?rom @ehin$ the ear an$ to s't're tacD it to the m'sc'(at're a(on& the insi$e o? the Haw 7a%ity. %he positioning of the t-o females in the ; !irls C Italian 1ales 0i)eos -hich -ere )isco0ere) on the internet )uring late ;==F is the same positioning as /the Cu*ano-Italiano's/ torture-trauma sessions -hich he calle) /Bitch-%raining/ : the right leg e@ten)e) )irectl5 *ac. *ehin) the form E in these 0i)eos the -omen -ere *eing s5nchronize) rape) in a mirrore) position -hile paire) up -ith > Italian males each3 I ha0e since recognize) these t-o females an) can i)entif5 them3 I ha0e also possi*l5 locate) t-o of the males in the North &ast of the (3S3"3 3 S(eipnir < .$inKs 8 (e&&e$ horse 3 was mentione$ @y 0$ :arren inc('$in& a re?erence to /o@ot horses 3 ro@ots 3 an$ A?ast @itchesA < as we(( as 8 (e&s @ein& twice as

many (e&s than one ?ema(e horse 5 two women were (ater rape$ @y 0$ :arrenKs associates in re(ation to these statements. Some o? these concepts may ha%e @een $isc'sse$ in ,i(Ks /ap A(@'m. ;o@ Sha&o'ry 'se$ to post his m'sic to Star%in&Artists.7om $'rin& the years 200* 3 2005 3 200E 3 an$ 200!. It is pro@a@(e that ,i(Ks a(@'m was poste$ there. Mat Mi((Ks o? Manchester NewHampshire owne$ a copy o? ,i( 0man'e(eKs rap a(@'m entit(e$ A,i(A. It is pro@a@(e that committin& attacDs 'pon Ne'roScience ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace H'man =i%isection =ictims @y metho$ o? 'sin& the Ne'roScience So?tware which the 0man'e(esK an$ their 1errorist Accomp(ices ha%e en&ineere$ as a means o? manip'(atin& an$ contro((in& the Ne'ro(o&y an$ the m'sc'(at're o? the %ictimsK to ?orce them to $o thin&s 5 speci?ic Din$s o? attacDs re(ate$ to the 'se o? ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace is pro@a@(e to ha%e @een committe$ as Initiation 7rimes @y the &'i(ty 1errorist :ar 7rimina(s whom ha%e to pro%e that they are tr'stworthy 3 @e?ore they are a((owe$ to 'se the Ne'roScience S(a%ery So?tware to contro( the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace H'man =i%isection =ictim whom has @een H'man 1ra??icDe$. $e?inite that a&es 3 a&e $i??erences @etween %ictims an$ assai(ants3 season o? year 3 metho$ o? rape 3 an$ other $etai(s are Dey ?actors in i$enti?yin& an 'n$er(yin& Psycho(o&ica( Pro?i(e in the en&ineerin& o? the 7eremonia( /ape Initiation 7rimes. It is pro@a@(e that many o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs psychotic SeF .??enses an$ metho$s o? Seria( 9i((in&s ha%e @ecome Initiation 7rimes ?or their 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate 5 these ha%e o@%io's(y @een (ayere$ o%er the sta&es o? Initiation 7rimes which were present $'rin& H'(i's 0%o(aKs &eneration. 1he 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate o? the 0man'e(es an$ the 0%o(as o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 is in%o(%e$ in an eFtreme amo'nt o? SeF 1ra??icDin&. 1ho'&h this 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate o?ten en&a&e in other a%en'es o? .r&ani>e$ 7rime 3 H'man 1ra??icDin& 3 an$ 1errorism 5 SeF 1ra??icDin& to the eFtent o? it @ein& a :ar 7rime an$ &enoci$a( eFtermination o? the %ictimsK ?ami(ies 3 seems to @e the most common 7rimina( Acti%ities which this or&ani>ation en&a&es in. 1he %ictims o? the maJority o? the 0man'e(e 0%o(a AIta(ian A6ISA 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate are primari(y ?ema(es 3 many o? whom are minors inc('$in& yo'n&er chi($ren 5 it is pro@a@(e that this tar&ettin& o? ?ema(es ?or @r'ta((y cr'e( Initiation 7rimes is ?or reason that this 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate so o?ten en&a&e in the acti%ity o? SeF 1ra??icDin& an$ the Initiation 7rimes are $esi&ne$ to $eni&rate ,ema(es as a &en$er an$ $e&ra$e the i$entity o? the ,ema(e Gen$er in the min$ o? the 7rimina( Intitiate. A 7rime Syn$icate whom se(( ,ema(e H'mans as a pro$'ct 3 $o not respect ,ema(es < these men @ecome sa$istica((y a@'si%e towar$s ,ema(es an$ o?ten seeD to recr'it other Ma(es whom are sa$istica((y a@'si%e towar$s ,ema(es an$ %iew ,ema(es as a@so('te in?eriors to Ma(es 5 in H'(i's 0%o(aKs Phi(osophica( 4iterat're3 his Miso&ynism an$ a@so('te $isrespect o? ,ema(es was thoro'&h(y eFpresse$ . It is $e?inite that the 7rimina( Initiates in =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate are (itera((y 'ncon%icte$ /epeat .??en$er /apists whom ha%e rape$ ,ema(es o? pro&ressi%e(y yo'n&er a&e as s'ccessi%e Initiation 7rimes 3 which e%ent'a((y res'(t in the (itera( /ape o? 7hi($ren an$ a@$'ction o? 7hi($ren as we(( as SeF 1ra??icDin& o? 7hi($ren 5 ?or the reason that this 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate tar&ets chi($ren 3 harmin& o? chi($ren is $e?inite to @e inc('$e$ in m'(tip(e (ayers o? the Initation 7rimes ?or reason that 1errorist 7rime 4or$s $o not want to @e con%icte$ @y an accomp(ice that testi?ies a&ainst them. As with m'ch o? the other Initiation 7rimes < the committin& o? the crime is o?ten %i$eo&raphe$ an$ photo&raphe$ as we(( as is ?orensic e%i$ence co((ecte$ an$ pro%i$e$ to pro%e to the 1errorist 7rime 4or$ that the crime was committe$ 5 this wo'($ @e an item o? 'n$er&arments 3 ?or instance. ,or p'rpose o? ena@(in& the Initiation 7rimes to @e committe$ witho't crimina(

char&es @ein& ?i(e$ 'pon the 1errorist 7rimina( < it is $e?inite that m'ch o? the Initiation 7rimes occ'r in (ocations where the 0man'e(e 0%o(a AIta(ian A6ISA 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate ha$ em@e$$e$ n'mero's 7rimina( A&ents in the Po(ice 2epartment an$ in ,e$era( In%esti&ations 2epartments 3 ?or the p'pose o? sa@ota&in& in%esti&ations an$ pre%entin& the arrest o? the 1errorist 7rimina( Initiates. 2'e to the ?act that the 0man'e(e 0%o(a AIta(ian A6ISA 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate commit the maJority o? their Initiation 7rimes in re&ions where they ha%e em@e$$e$ 7rimina( A&ents in the 4aw 0n?orcement 2epartments 3 it is easy ?or their Initiate$ 7rimina(s to seeD positions o? emp(oyment within 4aw 0n?orcement an$ (ater e%en ,e$era( In%esti&ations $'e to some o? them comp(ete(y (acDin& any crimina( recor$. A?ter the ?a(( o? the 3r$ /eich < =ittorio 0man'e(e III 3 H'(i's 0%o(a 3 an$ possi@(y A$o(? Hit(er hi$ their @(oo$(ines in the (east (iDe(y o? p(aces 5 this @ein& the Americas. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e has at (east two @rothers 5 2anie( Hames an$ Aaron < @oth o? whom I ha%e met. 1he state o? NewHampshire o? the U.S.A. was one o? the ?o'n$in& states o? the U.S.A. an$ one o? the ?irst to $ec(are in$epen$ence ?rom ;ritain 5 I @e(ie%e that it was ?or this reason that =ittorio 0man'e(e a$opte$ his sons to ?ami(ies in NewHampshire an$ Massach'settes 3 the ?o'n$in& re&ion o? the U.S.A. . It is pro@a@(e that other Sa%oy @(oo$(ines were hi$$en in North America with the intention o? corr'ptin& an$ $estroyin& the U.S.A. 3 MeFico 3 an$ 7ana$a ?rom within an$ crimina((y conI'erin& the North American continent ?or the p'rpose o? e%ent'a((y conI'erin& the 0arth. 7aesar 3 whom is H'(i's 0%o(aKs &ran$son was raise$ in 7'@a an$ is Dnown there as A2ia@(oA $'e to the series o? %io(ent rapes he ha$ committe$ in 7'@a. It is a pro@a@i(ity that A$o(? Hit(erKs @(oo$(ine was sm'&&(e$ into the U.S.A. as we(( $'e to the U.S.A. @ein& the (east (iDe(y p(ace that any enemy o? A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(y wo'($ e%er (ooD ?or his @(oo$(ine. 2'rin& the year 200E 5 the ('nch $e(i%ery tr'cD $ri%er at New Hampshire Precision Meta( ,a@rication (ooDe$ (iDe he was (iDe(y to @e =ittorio 0man'e(eKs imme$iate co'sin < on one partic'(ar occaision 3 this man spoDe to me the wor$s A1r'$y... 1r'$y... 1r'$y... ne%er sho'($ ha%e (e?t that /eser%ationA shaDin& his hea$ in the AN.A $irection an$ re?errin& to my NanaKs ,ather Hohn 1r'$ea' whom was a ,irst Nations Nati%e American who was @orn at a /eser%ation. 7'rrent(y 5 =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e seem to @e eFterminatin& my entire pop'(ation on @oth si$es o? my racia( ?ami(y < the tar&et is my physica( race. 1here are not many ,irst Nations pop'(ations (e?t 5 the ,irst Nations peop(es are misconstr'e$ to @e a sin&(e race o? peop(e when in ?act there are many races o? ,irst Nations Nati%e Americans < North America was home to m'(tip(e races o? what are now ca((e$ ,irst Nations Nati%e American peop(es. 1here are not many A@enaDi 3 MiImaD 3 or Mahican peop(es (e?t 5 tota( pop'(ation seems to ha%e stea$i(y $ec(ine$ since the 1st :or($ :ar < percenta&e ratio in terms o? tota( nationa( pop'(ation co'nt has certain(y $ec(ine$ in comparison to other races o? peop(e whom (i%e in North America @'t in some cases the tota( n'm@er itse(? has $ec(ine$. A?ter the ?a(( o? the 3r$ /eich 3 the 0man'e(es an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy re(ocate$ to the USA an$ @e&an co%ert(y H'man 1ra??icDin& an$ Genoci$a((y 0Fterminatin& the North American races in preperation ?or a comp(ete conI'est o? North America pre empti%e(y @e?ore a 1hir$ :or($ :ar an$ thir$ attempt at G(o@a( 7onI'est that has @een $escri@e$ @y the Seeress o? Me$J'&orJe ;osnia as Athe Anti 7hristA. =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e a(so seem to ha%e secret(y $ec(are$ /ace :ar 'pon the An&(o Gae(ic race an$ the imme$iate races re(ate$ to it as we(( as the Israe(is an$ a ?ew others s'ch as the Norwe&ians an$ possi@(y Sici(ians whom they ha%e in the past eFterminate$ entire ?ami(ies o?. 1he c'rrent pop'(ation where I am sittin& ri&ht now as I write this is primari(y Ita(ians whom ha%e ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces

in their @rains an$ are carryin& Americans I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s 5 n'mero's Po(ice $epartments are c'rrent(y comp(ete(y in?i(trate$ in the North 0ast o? North America. 1he c'rrent (e%e( o? corr'ption is irre%ersa@(e witho't mi(itary inter%ention ?rom the a((ies o? the U.S.A. as we(( as mi(itaries sta??e$ @y the act'a( races o? peop(e whom are tar&ette$ 5 the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs (oya(ists are wearin& o'r 'ni?orms with o'r ?(a& on it whi(e Di((in& o'r peop(es. Hessica Gi@son 3 an A?rican American ?ema(e whom I went to Hi&hschoo( with was &i%en my phone n'm@er @y my se(? in 200* 5 she is c'rrent(y missin& an$ her ?ace@ooD has a photo&raph o? a $i??erent A?riDDi$ ?ema(e on it. :i((iam Hama( PattersonKs ,ace@ooD says AHamar PattersonA an$ the man whom I met that was ca((in& himse(? AHamarA was a Hapa M'(atto #ha(? Asian ha(? A?riDDi$ or possi@(y ha(? Hawaiin an$ ha(? A?riDDi$) he was certain(y not Hama( an$ his ?aDe I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s were e%en spe((e$ incorrect(y as an ins'(t to the imposte'rKs racia( herita&e which one o? the 0man'e(es or 0%o(as m'st ha%e ?o'n$ h'mo'ro's. AHamarA ta(De$ a@o't spies an$ spy mo%ies %ery o?ten. 2'rin& the year 2005 3 Hason He??rey was %isitin& me at my apartment on Haywar$ Street in Manchester NewHampshire. :hi(e %isitin& me 3 Hason He??rey @e&an to con%erse with me a@o't G(o@a( 7onI'est. I to($ Hason He??rey that I $i$ not @e(ie%e that G(o@a( 7onI'est was a &oa( that was achei%a@(e 3 an$ that e%en i? the most immora( means o? conI'est were emp(oye$ 5 it wo'($ @e impossi@(e to ho($ the conI'ere$ territories permanant(y 3 they wo'($ e%ent'a((y $ec(are in$epen$ence thro'&h re%o('tion. Hason He??rey $eci$e$ that it was $e?inite(y achei%a@(e @y the most immora( means possi@(e an$ in?orme$ me that ?rien$s o? his were (itera((y p(annin& G(o@a( 7onI'est an$ ha$ the connections an$ startin& reso'rces to achei%e G(o@a( 7onI'est. Hason He??rey $isc'sse$ this once whi(e at my apartment a secon$ time 3 in the presense o? 1ony Grasseti. 1hey @oth Dnew ,i( 0man'e(e. Hason He??rey was a 7rime So($ier o? =ittorio an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs 7rime Syn$icate. :hi(e $isc'ssin& this 3 an asian man name$ Hama( who appeare$ on the te(e%ision intro$'ce$ himse(? as AHamarLA an$ ca'se$ Hason He??rey to (a'&h. 1his is how the Hapa M'(atto 0spiona&e A&ent who was ta(Din& to me a@o't Spies name$ AHamarA Patterson misspe((e$ his name on his 2'p(icate I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s an$ his ,ace;ooD Pa&e which is c'rrent(y on my ?rien$s (ist. ;aracD H'ssein .@ama was reporte$ to ha%e @een @orn in Hawaii an$ he is a M'(atto < in the mo%ie 7onan the ;ar@arian 3 Arno($ Schwar>ene&&erKs character 7onan is the a$%ersary o? a man who tooD his peop(e as S(a%es an$ 1ra??icDe$ them a(( 5 this character was p(aye$ @y the actor Hames 0ar( Hones who was a Hawaiin M'(atto A?riDDi$ American. 2'rin& the year 200" 3 I rea$ an artic(e on the internet that $escri@e$ ;aracD H'ssein .@ama as a 7onan the ;ar@arian ?an 5 a ;aracD H'ssein .@ama 7omic ;ooD was printe$ an$ was ca((e$ A;aracD the ;ar@arian.A 0$ :arren 'se$ to chant A;ar@arian. ;ar@arian. ;ar@arian.A when e%er I was aro'n$ him at worD. An$ A=ictorio's. =ictorio's. =ictorio's.A a?ter e%ery time he ta(De$ to =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an ret'rne$ to worD. 1his was reminiscent o? 9in& /ichar$Ks ,aire 3 the Me$ie%a( Anachronist ,aire 1heme ParD in Massach'settes 5 where there are $i??erent chants ?or the com@atants in the @att(e?ie($ com@atant shows. 2'rin& the year 200E 3 whi(e (i%in& at 155 Map(e Street Apartment 2 < I @ecame ?rien$s with an$ was near(y $atin& a ,irst Nations Nati%e American woman name$ Hen ;ea'$in. Hen ;ea'$in ?e(( in (o%e with me an$ I was not rea$y ?or a serio's re(ation at the time @'t was intereste$ in possi@(y @ein& with her in the near ?'t're. Hen ;ea'$in @e&an spen$in& time with some@o$y e(se an$ e%ent'a((y $isappeare$. I ha%e @een 'na@(e to ?in$ her since 200!. 1he (ast Dnown (ocation o? where she was 3 was /ich$a(eKs con%ienient store on ;ri$&e Street $'rin& 200! when I saw her wa(D into the store as I passe$ the store in a %ehic(e. Hen ;ea'$in an$ my se(? spoDe on the internet

as we(( as $i$ she spen$ the ni&ht at my apartment a ?ew times 5 Gera($ AHerryA 2KAmico ha$ positione$ Impro%ise$ /ecor$in& 2e%ices @ehin$ the wa((s in the apartment whi(e he was ?iFin& thin&s an$ 'p&ra$in& some o? the trim an$ ?rames as we(( as paintin&. 1he 0man'e(es hacDers are pro@a@(e to ha%e notice$ my se(? an$ Hen ;ea'$in ta(Din& ?reI'ent(y. Hen ;ea'$inKs (icense p(ate n'm@er an$ re$ tr'cD are pro@a@(e to ha%e @een written $own @y Gera($ AHerryA 2KAmico. =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icates /acia( 1ar&ettin& o? ,irst Nations Nati%e American races is $e?inite 5 in the (ate 1""0Ks 3 Hosh'a 2KNapo(i rape$ Stephanie 4amarine as an initiation crime. My co'sin Marco /oy ha$ witnesse$ part o? this an$ was an&ry with Hosh ?or a (on& time. Stephanie 4amarine was one o? the on(y other ,irst Nations Nati%e Americans in the entire state o? NewHampshire 3 @esi$es my mother an$ my si@(in&s 3 an$ a %ery sma(( n'm@er o? other ?ami(ies that n'm@er (ess than ten ?ami(ies in tota(. It is a(most $e?inite that a co'sin o? Hosh 2KNapo(iKs was the man who $is&'ise$ himse(? as a Hewish $octor $'rin& the year 200! 3 when I was ?orce?'((y @ro'&ht to the So'thern NewHampshire /e&iona( Me$ica( 7enter in Nash'a NewHampshire @y a&ents o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy who ha$ impersonate$ Po(ice .??icers an$ taDen the MerrimacD Po(ice 2epartment. I @e(ie%e that Hosh'a 2KNapo(i is re(ate$ to the ?ami(y that attempte$ to m'r$er me with @(acD mo($ in a 2'nDin 2on'ts 7o??ee 7'p imme$iate(y a?ter I so($ a 2'nDin 2on'ts 7o??ee to the Prince :i((iam Hano%er. 1ay(a A4aw%erA whoKs s'rname has chan&e$ n'mero's times an$ whoKs Mother was 'sin& the name A2e@@ie 2'montA 3 to($ me that her Gran$,ather Hoe Dnew A2rac'(aA G'&(ie(mo persona((y an$ =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e persona((y. :hi(e I was at 1ay(aKs Gran$,atherKs ho'se. I ha%e seen a man who (ooDs eFtreme(y @io(o&ica((y re(ate$ to this ?ami(y worDin& in the Nash'a NewHampshire Po(ice 2epartment. 1he 0man'e(esK a&ents o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen 3 a&ents o? their 7rime Syn$icate 3 Ita(ian A6IS 0spiona&e A&ents 3 an$ 1errorist a&ents o? theirs 5 or$er their chi($ren to te(( n'mero's schoo( chi($ren that I was an AA$o(? Hit(er worshipperA thro'&ho't my entire chi($hoo$ an$ into my a$'(t a&e. 2'rin& the year 200E 5 whi(e (i%in& at 155 Map(e Street Apartment 2 3 two women contacte$ me on MySpace an$ @e&an asDin& me to ha%e we@cam con%ersations with them < ?or some reason these women @oth @e&an showin& me their @are @reasts on the internet an$ ?(irtin& with me. 0riDa H'&hes was the name o? one o? these two women whom (i%e$ in ,(ori$a an$ is somehow re(ate$ to one o? the Gam@ino ?ami(ies 5 $'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 3 0$ ,arrachi :arren mentione$ AH'&hesA n'mero's times. 1he other o? these two women whom was @eha%in& I'ite the same (i%e$ in New Hersey an$ Dnew 1wy(a 3 HosephKs &ran$ $a'&hter an$ 1ay(aKs sister. 2'rin& the year 2005 < 1wy(aKs mother 2e@@ie appeare$ at ,ami(y 2o((ar to ta(D to 0$ ,arrachi :arren a@o't =ittorio 0man'e(e II 3 A$o(? Hit(er 3 =ittorio 0man'e(e III 3 an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e =I 5 these @ein& ca((e$ A= Aye AyeA 3 A Hi HiA 3 A= Aye Aye AyeA3 an$ A=ictorA. I @e(ie%e that the woman in New HerseyKs name was a(so 0riDa. 1ay(aKs mother 2e@@ie A2'montA spoDe to 0$ :arren o?ten $'rin& the years o? 200* an$ 2005 5 they $isc'sse$ Mosta?a I@nSa'$ more than once < ca((in& him AUmis'miA 3 AUmsa'$A 3 an$ AImsa'$A. It is $e?inite that they were in%o(%e$ in some Din$ o? conspirin& a&ainst Mosta?a I@nSa'$ 3 who Dnew ?or ?act that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e was a rapist. 2'rin& the year 2000 3 Mosta?a I@nSa'$ ha$ @e&'n to ?i&'re o't some thin&s a@o't ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e 3 when ,i( 0man'e(e J'mpe$ into Hason He??reyKs car he state$ 5 A,i(3 yo'Kre a sicD ?reaDL Get o't o? the car an$ (ea%e the (itt(e &ir( a(oneLA . 2'rin& the year 200E 5 a &ir( c(aimin& to @e name$ AA@@ey 1ai(orA contacte$ me on MySpace.7om an$ @e&an ta(Din& to me. I trie$ to $e(ete her an$ she wo'($ not stop ta(Din& to me. I s'specte$ that this person was some@o$y re(ate$ to 0$ :arren. 0$

:arrenKs @io(o&ica( s'rname is ,arrachi 5 when my sister Sheena MacPherson was a@$'cte$ an$ switche$ with an imposte'r 3 an A0$ ,arrachiA ha$ &i%en her his @'siness car$ whi(e she was worDin& at She(( Gaso(ine Station in Nash'a NewHampshire. :hen Sheena $isappeare$ 3 it was c(aime$ that she was &oin& on %acation to ,(ori$a with 7har(ie 2es/ochiers. 1he pro?i(e c(aime$ to @e (ocate$ in ,(ori$a. 1he photo&raph o? this &ir( was a photo&raph o? her sittin& neFt to a man that (ooDe$ (iDe he co'($ @e 0$ :arrenKs ha(? @rother or co'sin. 2'rin& the year 2005 3 I @e&an worDin& at NewHampshire Precision ,'(( 1ime an$ ,ami(y 2o((ar Part 1ime 5 $'rin& my part time empoyment at ,ami(y 2o((ar 3 Geor&e Sa'n$ers showe$ me somethin& that 0$ :arren ha$ shown him an$ I'estione$ me a@o't what I tho'&ht it co'($ mean. 0$ :arren ha$ ma$e a sD'(( shape with his (e?t han$ an$ 'se$ his in$eF ?in&er to mimmicD ne'ro s'r&ery imp(antation o? the ;rain 7omp'er Inter?ace. :hi(e (i%in& at 155 Map(e Street in Apartment 2 $'rin& 200E in Manchester NewHampshire 5 an imposte'r o? Cach An$rosDi appeare$ an$ @e&an (i%in& as i? he was Cach An$rosDi. Mo((y An$rosDi was /ep(ace$ @y Imposte'r as we((. :hi(e at my apartment 5 the imposte'r Cach An$rosDi whom I ha$ not yet rea(i>e$ was an Imposte'r3 p(ace$ what (ooDe$ (iDe a micro transistor or rese%oir component tape$ to a ce(('(ar micro @attery @y a wa$ o? e(ectrica( con$'cti%e copper tape on the ta@(e in ?ront o? me an$ &rinne$ e%i((y. 1his resem@(e$ eFact(y what 0$ ,arrachi :arren ha$ $one in 200* or 2005 whi(e stan$in& in ?ront o? the re&ister co'nter at ,ami(y 2o((ar one mornin&. 1he Imposte'r Cach An$rosDi ha$ $ri%en me to :o(?@oro to picD 'p 7(arissa ;erry once. .? re(e%ance to this is the apartment I was (i%in& in when he appeare$3 this @ein& 155 Map(e Steet Apartment 2 which was @o'&ht @y Gera($ AHerryA 2KAmico a?ter I ha$ @een (i%in& there @rie?(y. In 200! < I hear$ a r'mo'r at the ma(( that a &ir( was a@$'cte$ ?rom my apartment @'i($in& $'rin& 200E @y assai(ants whom 'n(ocDe$ the $oor an$ wa(De$ into the apartment an$ picDe$ her 'p o't o? her @oy?rien$Ks @e$ where she was s(eepin& whi(e he was at worD 3 these men carrie$ her to the c(ose$ 2enta( 7(inic @'i($in& on the corner o? Map(e Street an$ Har%ar$ Street an$ wa(De$ into the @'i($in& 5 a?ter these men ha$ re(ocate$ the &ir( to the c(ose$ 2enta( 7(inic @'i($in& they tie$ her 'p an$ rape$ her @r'ta((y ?or ho'rs. 1he &ir( whom this t'rne$ o't to @e was my eF &ir(?rien$ 7(arissa ;erry 3 the year prior to peop(e ta(Din& a@o't it e%erywhere in Manchester. 7(arissa ;erry ha$ ne%er in?orme$ me that this ha$ happene$ 3 she @roDe 'p with me an$ stoppe$ ta(Din& to me 5 I ne%er saw her a&ain. 1here is c'rrent(y an Imposte'r o? 7(arissa ;erry whom is o@%io's(y 4om@ar$ic Ita(ian < 7(arissa ;erry was An&(o Gae(ic American an$ ,ranDic American. :hen 7(arissa @roDe 'p with me3 it was c(aime$ on her MySpace Pro?i(e that she @e&an $atin& a man name$ 2an ;isset whoKs MySpace acco'nt I tooD a (on& (ooD at more than once 5 there was a photo&raph on this manKs MySpace Pro?i(e o? my ?rien$ Cach An$rosDi ho($in& a t'rt(e < this was a photo&raph o? the ?act'a( Cach An$rosDi. 2'rin& 2008 5 the Imposte'r whom was @ein& ?orce$ to preten$ to @e my sister Sheena Nico(e MacPherson 3 to($ me that Gera($ AHerryA 2KAmico was a SeF 1ra??icDer who SeF 1ra??icDe$ women who rente$ apartments ?rom him an$ that she Dnew %ictims o? his. 2'rin& the year 200E Gera($ AHerryA 2KAmico was my (an$(or$. I @e(ie%e that $'rin& 2005 3 an imposte'r rep(ace$ 2an ;isset 5 I @e(ie%e that this imposte'r was an accomp(ice o? Gera($ AHerryA 2KAmicoKs 3 the imposte'r o? HacD 2ion 3 an$ =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs SeF 1ra??icDin& 7rime Syn$icate. 1he ?act'a( 2an ;isset (i%e$ in Nash'a NewHampshire an$ was one o? A(isha 7oteKs eF @oy?rien$s. It is a possi@i(ity that the imposte'r who rep(ace$ 2an ;isset was somehow re(ate$ to 0$

,arrachi :arren. 1his man has @een 'sin& the I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o? 2an ;isset whom I @e(ie%e was ?act'a((y $ea$ an$ the imposte'r o? 2an (ooDe$ on his MySpace Pro?i(eKs photo&raphs to @e =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tate$ in ha(? way transition with what appeare$ to @e Moroccan 2NA o? sDin 3 hair3 an$ (ips3 on top o? what was ori&ina((y nat'ra((y Ita(ian 2NA. 1he photo&raphs on A2an ;issetKsA MySpace Pro?i(e showe$ some e%i$ence o? 2NA Pro&ression < tho'&h most o? these photo&raphs were o? the pro@a@(e imposte'r o? A2an ;issetA3 a ?ew o? these photo&raphs were o? other men which he c(aime$ were himse(?. Some o? these photo&raphs showe$ what appeare$ to @e mi$ pro&ression m'tation o? 2NA ?rom =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy that (ooDe$ (iDe an 'n?inishe$ m'tation that ha$ @e&'n to occ'r. 2an ;isset was a $istant co'sin o? A2r. 7h'$A ?rom the New Hersey @an$ A1he Mis?itsA. 2'rin& the year 200E 3 when I @e&an $atin& 7(arissa ;erry 5 her MySpace.7om Pro?i(e was name$ AAryan Go$$essA. A?ter a weeD o? 's $atin& 3 7(arissaKs MySpace.7om Pro?i(e was chan&e$ to A7(arissa ;erryA. My MySpace Pro?i(e was name$ AIanA 3 AIan MacPhersonA3 an$ (ater APo(ter&eistA. 2an ;issetKs MySpace Pro?i(e was a$$e$ to 7(arissa ;erryKs MySpace.7om ,rien$s 4ist $'rin& 200E an$ his pro?i(e name was A2aNo:a/A. 2an ;issetKs MySpace Pro?i(e ?a(se(y c(aime$ to @e an American o? miFe$ ,ranDic an$ Gae(ic race as we(( as miFe$ Ita(ian an$ Norwe&ian race < he a(so c(aime$ ?or a $ay to @e an Asatr'ar 5 his entire i$entity was ?aDe. AMano:arA is a @an$ ?rom NewHersey whom are primari(y a(( o? Ita(ian race. I @e(ie%e that this man may ha%e @een ?rom Ita(ia. 1he imposte'r o? /yan McIntee appears to @e 100Q Ita(ian an$ (ooDs re(ate$ to Gera($ AHerryA 2KAmico @'t co'($ @e ?rom Ita(ia < it is possi@(e that these are co'sins o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate in the Americas @'t were (i%in& in Ita(ia prior to mo%in& to the USA to impersonate Genoci$e =ictims an$ commit attacDs.1he ?act'a( 2an ;isset was An&(o Gae(ic American 3 Ita(ian 3 Sici(ian 3 an$ B'e@ecois.

9ach Andros)i" (olly Goddard" Rob Greene" and Tanya ?ood&orth came to 'isit me at &or) more than once during the years ABBF and ABB> &hile ! &as &or)ing at +amily 3ollar- This caught Ed ?arren0s attention- ! belie'e that +il Emanuele and others may ha'e begun stal)ing 9ach and his t&in$brother Nate" this &ould be because of their name being Polish- ,enry (a)o&0s name is a Pols)a honic name- (olly Goddard became an immediate target because she &as one of my best friends and &e &ere 'ery close- (olly Goddard0s e#$boyfriend Ray came to +amily 3ollar one time and ! belie'e that he b me a target as &ell- 9ach " Nate " and Ray &ere all three (esti/o +irst$Nations Nati'e$ American of mi#ed Anglo$Gaelic and +ran)ic race as &ell 1 &ith the e#ce tion of Ray &hom &as half Abena)i and ha'e AngloGaelic &ithout any +ran)ic race- (olly Goddard &as entirely AngloGaelic- Rob Greene &as AngloGaelic and +ran)ic- Tanya ?ood&orth &as entirely AngloGaelic- The entire grou of them ha'e been Re laced$by$!m osteurs &hom can not ass a 3NA test3uring either the year ABBA or ABB: " my friends (olly Goddard and Amanda &aited in (olly Goddard0s car &hile ! &al)ed into a ,otel to chec) rices 2 as ! &as &al)ing in " 4ittorio .4ictor. Emanuele &al)ed ast me and &as noticed by (olly and Amanda as ha'ing stared at me and loo)ed bac) re eatedly- (olly and Amanda mentioned it to me and told me that it &as e#tremely cree yMo((y Go$$ar$ an$ Hosh NaDa&owa pose$ to&ether in a photo&raph stan$in& with their @acDs to&ether 3 the photo&raph was taDen ?rom the si$e. 1his was the same

pose as the photo&raph o? Mosta?a I@nSa'$ an$ /ache( stan$in& to&ether in a photo&raph. 1he photo ?rom the year 200E was o? Mosta?a I@nSa'$ an$ a &ir( name$ /ache( that was (i%in& with the imposte'r o? =a(erie .(son. 2'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 3 0$ :arren who is a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 5 recor$e$ themse(%es with their own impro%ise$ a'$io recor$in& $e%ices that they insta((e$ in the cei(in& themse(%es3 p(ottin& to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa'$ ?or :ar 7rimes. 2'rin& (ate 200E 5 my sister Sheena Nico(e MacPherson was worDin& in Nash'a NewHampshire at the She(( &aso(ine station near the 7hristmas 1ree Shop. 2'rin& her time o? emp(oyment at this (ocation3 a man whom was o@%io's(y a 7hi($ A@$'cter an$ a SeF 1ra??icDer was sta(Din& her3 e%ent'a((y he $roppe$ o?? a @'siness car$ a$%ertisin& a APhoto&rapher ?or Swims'it an$ N'$e Mo$e(sA5 his name was 0$ ,arrachi on the @'siness car$ 3 this is 0$ :arrenKs @io(o&ica( s'rname < :arren is 0$ ,arrachi :arrenKs step ?atherKs s'rname. Aro'n$ this time she met 7har(es 2es/ochiers3 whom @ro'&ht her with him to ,(ori$a 'n$er ass'mption that this was a romantic $ate. An Imposte'r o? Sheena Nico(e MacPherson was @ro'&ht to NewHampshire when 7har(es 2es/ochiers ret'rne$ ?rom what he sai$ was ,(ori$a. SheenaKs (i?e(on& @est?rien$ 0$$ie 4a&es $i$ not @e(ie%e that it was Sheena who came @acD ?rom ,(ori$a an$ he sti(( $oes not3 I a&ree with him. 1he &ir( whom was preten$in& to @e my sister Sheena has narrower hips an$ m'ch wi$er an$ ta((er eye socDets. She (ooDs to @e the same ethnic pop'(ation as my se(? @'t she $oes not (ooD (iDe Sheena. I @e(ie%e she is a SeF 1ra??icDin& %ictim whom is $oin& what she is to($ an$ has a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace S'r&ica( Impant. My Gran$,ather /ona($ 4a%oie Sr. 3 was (i%in& in ,(ori$a at the time. In the months prior to this3 there was a woman who ha$ contacte$ me on myspace name$ 0riDa H'&hes who (i%e$ near my Gran$?ather /ona($ 4a%oie Sr.< this woman contacte$ me aro'n$ the same time as a woman ?rom New Hersey an$ I @e(ie%e they @oth ha%e a ?ami(ia( connection somehow to the woman who poisone$ my co??ee with @(acD mo($. 1hese peop(e are somehow in 0$ :arrenKs eFten$e$ networD o? associates. Since ASheenaA has @een @acD ?rom ,(ori$a 5 she has not spoDen to her @est ?rien$s an$ se($om ta(Ds to her ?ami(y. Her @est ?rien$s were 2anie((e Mayo3 Anthony McMenemy3 an$ 0$$ie 4a&es. I @e(ie%e they are 'sin& this woman as a p(aceho($er ?or SheenaKs i$enti?ication car$ an$ socia( sec'rity n'm@er < this woman has since ?aDe$ a chi($@irth an$ has p't my sisterKs name on the @irth certi?icate. I @e(ie%e that since this time3 my ?ormer s'per%isor at worD 9im =i&eant 5 was o??ere$ a ?ree photo&raphy session @y this same man3 c(aimin& that he Dnew her eF @oy?rien$ 7hris 1re%ino whom was possi@(y an imposte'r o? 7hris 1re%ino who was worDin& with the imposte'r o? MiDe 1re%ino that my missin& co'sin 2ominiI'e Amarrie$A on ,ace;ooD.7om. 9im approache$ me whi(e I was worDin& at 2'nDin 2on'ts an$ o??ere$ me a Jo@ at It> A P'>>(e in the Ma(( o? NH. 0$$ie 4a&es notice$ that n'mero's peop(e were @ein& rep(ace$ in the re&ion 5 peop(e @e&an to ca(( him Schi>ophrenic 3 I am worrie$ that 0$$ie 4a&es may ha%e @een rep(ace$ @y a Sici(ian or A(@anian 'sin& his &enes as camo'?(a&e with =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy. 0$$ie 4a&es was Mesti>o o? Mayan3 Incan3 an$ A>teca race as we(( as MeFican Hispanic an$ possi@(e ;ra>i(ian 4atino. 1he ?act'a( 7hris 1re%ino an$ MiDe 1re%ino were c(ose ?rien$s o? my co'sins H'(ianna Ga'$ette an$ MiDe

Ga'$ette < MiDe 1re%ino an$ 7hris 1re%ino were Samantha 7ase((aKs co'sins an$ were ?rien$s with the Picco(o ?ami(y an$ =a(erie .(sonKs o($er @rothers. 2'rin& 200E 3 9e%in .(son was rep(ace @y an imposte'r on MySpace.7om < this manKs pro?i(e $isp(aye$ 1rans?ormers /o@ot pict'res 5 7hris 1homasKs yo'n&er @rother ha$ a @oF o? ro@ot toys $'rin& 1"88 an$ 1"8" when I met him. 2'rin& 2013 5 I recent(y met a secon$ imposte'r o? my sister. 1his ?ema(e (ooDs to @e o? entire(y $i??erent race an$ =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tate$ to (ooD simi(ar to my sister. 2'rin& 2008 5 Genoci$e Propa&an$a @e&an @ein& p'@(ishe$ which attempte$ to con%ince the wor($ that the Mayan race was sche$'(e$ ?or permanant eFtinction @y Go$Ks $ecision 5 this is a pre empti%e propa&an$a striDe an$ is the pro$'ction o? /oman ,ascist propa&an$ists whom are easi(y Psycho(o&ica((y Pro?i(e$ ?or reason o? the &oa( an$ the metho$ o? con%incin& a peop(e that Go$ has pre $etermine$ their permanant tota( eFtinction < this was H'(i's 0%o(aKs metho$ when he pre$icte$ the comin& o? the Anti 7hrist as a tri'mphant G(o@a( 7onI'eror 3 the Anti 7hrist @ein& H'(i's 0%o(aKs /oman ,ascist 1errorist 7rime Syn$icateKs p(anne$ 7o%ert Genoci$e. I thinD 0$$ie 4a&es is now missin&. 2'rin& 200" 3 it was $etermine$ that 7har(ie 2es/ochierKs ?ather is an acI'aintance o? =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e. I ha%e hear$ that A=ictor McMannA is 'se$ sometimes to h'mo'ro's(y c(aim to @e re(ate$ to =ince McMahon3 o? which whom it is r'mo're$ is in%o(%e$ in a SeF 1ra??icDin& networD. I am ?air(y certain that I saw =ince McMahon at MarDKs Showp(ace in ;e$?or$ NH when I went o't ?or $rinDs ?or the ?irst time a weeD a?ter my 21st @irth$ay. MarDKs Showp(ace is now ca((e$ the Go($ 7('@. 1his was imme$iate(y a?ter this @e&an< the o$$s o? this occ'rrin& are %ery s(im as I ha%e on(y @een to a strip c('@ three times 3 I ?in$ the en%ironment $is&'stin& ?or o@%io's reason that it is a camo'?(a&e$ s(a%e $en ?i((e$ with $is&'stin& SeF 1ra??icDers whom hi$e amon&st the ran$om peop(e who show 'p. I am re(ati%e(y certain that it was =ince McMahon an$ that he has connections in this re&ion as we(( as connections to A=ictorA whom is =ittorio 0man'e(e. I @e(ie%e that =ittorio 0man'e(e is attemptin& to tact?'((y $e?(ect p'@(ic Dnow(e$&e o? his actions onto =ince McMahon @y way o? wor$ o? mo'th3 'sin& a simi(ar so'n$in& a(ias A=ictor McMannA an$ a simi(ar a(i@i =ince McMahon 5 an a(i@i whom is a(so o? Ita(ian ethnicity. =ince McMahon is approFimate(y 3N* Ita(ian3 =ittorio 0man'e(e is approFimate(y 3N* Ita(ian. =ittorio 0man'e(e a(so has a hatre$ o? Gae(ic peop(es3 whom were one o? the peop(es that $e?eate$ his ?ami(y $'rin& the Secon$ :or($ :ar3 ca'sin& his ?ami(yKs eFi(e. 1he 0man'e(esK c'rrent Genoci$a( 1actic which they are 'sin& to attempt to @'i($ a re&ime pop'(ation in%o(%es Ne'roScience ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces an$ recr'itment o? @(acD mai(e$ in$i%i$'a(s an$ seF o??en$ers whom they re(ocate an$ &i%e new i$entities to which are o?ten the I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o? $ea$ &enoci$e %ictims 5 this is Psycho(o&ica( Pro?i(e e%i$ence o? their $esire to p'(( other in$i%i$'a(s into 0Fi(e with them an$ into 'n?or&i%ea@(e amo'nt o? the most heino's Din$s o? sins an$ crimes. =ittorio 0man'e(e is a(so $e?inite(y in%o(%e$ in a seF tra??icDin& networD as we(( as other or&ani>e$ crime. A=ictor McMannA @ein& 'se$ as an a(ias is somethin& that =ittorio

0man'e(e wo'($ want to co%er 'p with am@i&'osities. 1he man whom was at MarDKs Showp(ace may ha%e @een =ince McMahon or may ha%e a(so @een an associate o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs whom (ooDs incre$i@(y simi(ar to =ince McMahon whom possi@(y 'ses the same type o? a(ias. 1his is the eFact same Din$ o? a(ias that AA$o(? Hit(erA 'se$ 5 his ?act'a( name was not A$o(? Hit(er. .? socia( re(ation to =ince McMahon is Hesse =ent'ra whom was ?ormer(y a pro?essiona( wrest(er 5 it is pro@a@(e that Hesse =ent'ra worDs ?or =ittorio 0man'e(e3 Hesse =ent'raKs 7onspiracy 1heory show that was @roa$caste$ on 7omcast $'rin& 2005 was $e?inite(y ri?e with what was $e?inite(y Ita(ian A6IS propa&an$a. 2'rin& 200E or 200! 3 whi(e worDin& at NewHampshire Precision Meta( ,a@rication 5 0mi(y Is(es ca((e$ me ?rom a ce(( phone she ha$ sto(en ?rom a &an&ster whi(e he($ hosta&e at Mo'nt P(easant Apartments or Mt. P(easant Apartments in ;i((ericca Massach'settes. 2'rin& 200* 5 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e state$ that he was &oin& to A;roDe ;acD Mo'ntainA my A;est?rien$Ks ?aceA 3 this @est ?rien$ @ein& 0mi(y Is(es o? .ntario 7ana$a. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e $escri@e$ ;roDe ;acD Mo'ntainin& o? a womanKs ?ace to mean that he was &oin& to Ashit $own her throat an$ rape her throat a?twerwar$sA. 2'rin& 200* an$ 2005 3 a ,e$era( 0mp(oyee approache$ me n'mero's times whi(e at worD to in?orm me that my te(ephone ca((s were @ein& i((e&a((y wire tappe$ ?rom within a ,e$era( 2epartment an$ that 0mi(y was a(so @ein& tar&ette$. She was a@$'cte$ imme$iate(y a?ter the i((e&a( wire tappin& occ'rre$ 3 $'rin& which te(ephone con%ersations 0mi(y Is(es an$ my se(? ha$ ma$e p(ans to @e to&ether as (o%ers e%ent'a((y an$ atten$ 7o((e&e to&ether. :hen 0mi(y Is(es ca((e$ me 3 she (e?t me a %oice mai( on my mo@i(e te(ephone 5 0mi(y state$ that she was trappe$ in an apartment @'i($in& at Mo'nt P(easant Apartments in ;i((ericca Massach'settes an$ that there were other ?ema(es there 5 she state$ that she was a@$'cte$ an$ that the others were a@$'ctees as we((. I $i$nKt &et to reso(%e this prior to a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace @ein& p't in my @rain an$ @ecomin& home(ess. 1he Po(ice 2epartments in the North 0ast o? North America ha%e @een 'nresponsi%e to reports o? SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 Genoci$e 3 A@$'ctions 3 7hi($ A@'se 3 Missin& Persons 3 .r&ani>e$ 7rime 3 I$entity Imposte'rs 3 an$ anythin& e(se that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e ha$ p(anne$ in 200* an$ 2005 since these thin&s ha%e @e&'n. 2'rin& the NiFon A$ministration when my Mother was a (itt(e &ir( < my Mother was the %ictim o? SeF 1ra??icDin& NetworD whom ha$ a networD o? 7rime So($iers em@e$$e$ within the Po(ice 2epartments whom worDe$ with the corr'pt 7IA A&ents 3 Ita(ian A6IS 3 the Ma?ias 3 an$ other H'man 1ra??icDers @esi$es themse(%es. :hen my Mother trie$ to r'n away ?rom the SeF 1ra??icDer whom ha$ ?orce$ my Nana to marry him a?ter her $i%orce < a Po(ice .??icer picDe$ her 'p 3 c'??e$ her 3 an$ @ro'&ht her @acD to the man n'mero's times 5 this seems pro@a@(e to @e the same &enoci$a( SeF 1ra??icDers whom were acti%e $'rin& the NiFon A$ministration an$ ha$ Ita(ian A6IS connections. My Mother 2e@ra Ann 4a%oie MacPherson was SeF 1ra??icDe$ @etween the a&es o? 5 to 'nti( she was 1* years o($. My Nana trie$ to escape with her $'rin& this time an$ was not a@(e to &et o't with her witho't the Po(ice .??icer whom the SeF 1ra??icDer Dnew &ra@@in& them an$ @rin&in& them @acD.

A?ter 0mi(y Is(esK a@$'ction in 2005 5 the 0man'e(es an$ the Ita(ian A6IS @e&an attacDin& the entire Asatr' 7omm'nity &(o@a((y 3 0mi(y Is(esK re(i&io's comm'nity as we(( as my own re(i&io's comm'nity. 0mi(y Is(esK &enes were 'se$ to =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy the ?acia( shape o? the yo'n& ?ema(e that 7aesar was wa(Din& aro'n$ Manchester NewHampshire on a $o& (eash with a $o& co((ar $'rin& the years 2005 an$ 200E 5 this was $isc'sse$ @y 7aesar an$ 0$ :arren on recor$in& at ,ami(y 2o((ar ri&ht in ?ront o? me 3 I (ater rea(i>e$ what they were $isc'ssin& < this yo'n&er ?ema(e was at (east 3 years yo'n&er than 0mi(y an$ was at ?irst &i%en ,ranchesca Gon>a(e>Ks I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s which were (ater &i%en to 0mi(y Is(es an$ now may ha%e @een &i%en to a thir$ SeF 1ra??icDin& %ictim an$ H'man =i%isection tort're %ictim. I @e(ie%e that this (itt(e &ir( was H'(ie :einstein. H'(ie :einstein seeme$ aro'n$ the a&e o? 10 to 12 when I saw her &ettin& into her ?atherKs SU= 5 H'(ieKs ,ather was a /a@@i whom I ha$ spoDen to whi(e at worD. A(( o? these women an$ (itt(e &ir(s were S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace $e%ices 'sin& trephanin& techniI'es an$ a$%ance$ (aproscopic as we(( as p(astic s'r&ery techniI'es to tacD the ro'ter to the Jaw an$ sea( @eneath the ear (o@e where the incision was ma$e3 as were the ma(e %ictims. It is a(so $e?inite that this is the same eI'ipment in%o(%e$ in the monitorin& an$ manip'(ation o? their 7rimina( A&ents which they ha%e recr'ite$. It is $e?inite that this is the same G(o@a( H'man 1ra??icDin& 7rime Syn$icate that has @een acti%e(y committin& crimes o? H'man =i%isection &(o@a((y since prior to e%en Hose? Men&e(e worDin& ?or them. 1his is primari(y the Ita(ian A6IS 7rime Syn$icate with ?orei&n arms in n'mero's re&ions that ha%e recr'ite$ other H'man 1ra??icDin& Units an$ 7rimina( Scientists. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ 7esare @oth are o@sesse$ with the historica( Machia%e((i 5 $'rin& the year 2005 3 ,ami(y 2o((ar was se((in& a 1'Pac ShaI'r Machia%e((i poster. In 2005 7esare ha$ Machia%e((iK$ himse(? @y taDin& the I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o? a man name$ 7aesar who Dnew ;rian 7ase. 7'rrent(y 5 7aesar is on his 3r$ or *th set o? Sto(en I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s an$ =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy a(tere$ appearance ?or $is&'ise. 7esare (e?t 1ony Gon>a(e> in prison ?or his own crimes a?ter a@$'ctin& 1ony an$ m'tatin& 1ony Gon>a(e> 'sin& =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy which was c'(t're$ in hemo&(o@in that was ?e$ to 1ony Gon>a(e> as his on(y ?oo$ so'rce in mi(D an$ on chicDen patties an$ white cast(e @'r&ers. I @e(ie%e that the terrorists that @ecame em@e$$e$ within the Po(ice 2epartments in the North0ast o? North America 3 are pro@a@(e to @e =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tate$ SeF .??en$ers who were recr'ite$ as we(( as Ita(ian A6IS A&ents whom are on Missin& Persons (ists as we(( as simp(y no (on&er acco'nte$ ?or. Machia%e((i tactic was (iDe(y 'se$ to &et these peop(e into their positions < stea(in& ?act'a( Po(ice i$entities the who(e way. 2'rin& the year 200! 3 I met a secon$ imposte'r o? Samantha G'ay who was a(so a SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim. She a(so appeare$ to @e a ,irst Nations Nati%e American who was ha(?,ranDic. 2'rin& the year 20003 /o@ert /o$on who is a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy < state$ to his son 7hristopher /o$on 5 that they were &oin& to @e eFterminatin& the ,irst Nations Nati%e American /aces an$ others . 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy

p(anne$ the 1ota( Genoci$e o? the North American /aces < the Genoci$a( 0Ftermination o? the Ma(es an$ the SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 /ape 3 an$ Permanant 0ns(a%ement o? the ,ema(es. 2'rin& the year 200E 3 my sister 7he(sey MacPherson to($ me whi(e cryin& that she ha$ microchip in her @rain an$ that she was a?rai$ she was &oin& to t'rn into a ro@ot. 7he(sey sai$ that the microchip was ta(Din& to her an$ that it was t'rnin& her into a ro@ot. 7he(sey MacPherson was on(y " years o($. 2'rin& what I @e(ie%e was Apri( o? 200! 5 my two yo'n&est sisters 3 a man who I ha$ mistaDen(y tho'&ht was my ?ather 3 an$ my se(? ha$ $ri%en to Hampton ;each in NewHampshire. :hom I ha$ tho'&ht since 2005 was my ?ather 3 &ot o't o? the car at a &as station to A&et a co??eeA. A Ser@ian man $resse$ eFact(y the same as my A?atherA whom I co'($ te(( was a Ser@ 3 &ot into the car. He appeare$ to @e =ira( =ector Gene 1herapie$ with my ?atherKs 2NA @'t sti(( (ooDe$ Ser@ian. A?ter we ha$ @een $ri%in& ?or a ?ew min'tes 3 I t'rne$ an$ notice$ the Ser@ian an$ remem@ere$ the Ser@ians whom ha$ come into the store at ,ami(y 2o((ar. 0$ :arren attempte$ to maDe it appear as i? the ta((est Ser@ian was 4ars A=ar&A =iDernes statin& A:oah. He m'st @e on one o? them weeDen$ ?'r(o'&hsA < the Ser@ian was possi@(y 5 inches ta((er than 4ars A=ar&A =iDernes an$ (ooDe$ nothin& (iDe him. I (ooDe$ $own at my ;'r>'m 1 Shirt an$ remem@ere$ the Ser@ian that ha$ come into ,ami(y 2o((ar as we(( as my ;osnian coworDer A$mira statin& that the man was a Ser@ian. A$mira an$ I ha$ J'st @een $isc'ssin& Me$J'&orJe an$ Athe MarD o? the ;eastA 5 A$mira ori&ina((y (i%e$ not ?ar ?rom Me$J'&orJe ;osnia @e?ore her ?ami(y ?(e$ the Genoci$es in ;osnia $'e to her ?ami(y @ein& tar&ette$ @y the Genoci$a( ,action ?rom Ser@ia. :hen this Ser@ian notice$ me starin& at him with narrowe$ eyes he (ooDe$ ner%o's. I &rippe$ my Dni?e han$(e an$ @e&an to rea$y my Dni?e. I @e&an ye((in& at the man that he was not my ?ather an$ that I co'($ te(( that he was a $e?inite Ser@ian. I to($ him that he is not the Na>i in this co'ntry 3 that this is not his Nation 3 an$ that his ?action are $is&'stin& SeF 1ra??icDers an$ Genoci$a( 7rimina( 1errorists. I @e(ie%e that the switch in the @athroom at 2'nDin 2on'ts was recor$e$ @y Sec'rity 7amera an$ that they switche$ c(othin& or that they switche$ in the @acD stocD room. 1he Gas Station was ca((e$ =a(ero. I now rea(i>e that the man who showe$ 'p at ,ami(y 2o((ar in 2005 was not my ?ather. I @e(ie%e my ,ather may ha%e @een missin& since 2000 or 2002. I ha%e since 200! 3 seen 3 $i??erent men impersonatin& my ?ather. 1he man preten$in& to @e my ?ather $ro%e to /ye ;each instea$ o? Hampton ;each 3 we &ot o't o? the car an$ he wo'($ not ?ace 's. He stoo$ with his ?ace to the ocean an$ his @acD to 's. 0%ent'a((y he asDe$ me a@o't Pa'( Mi((erKs neice Miret>. I to($ the man that he was $e?inite(y not my ?ather 3 that I wo'($ not &i%e him any in?ormation a@o't my ?ami(yKs Hewish ?rien$s 3 an$ that he $i$ not ha%e the ri&ht to e%en @e in my co'ntry. He or$ere$ 's into the car as i? he was the man whoKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s he ha$ @een &i%en. He sai$ that he wo'($ ca(( the Po(ice i? we $i$nKt &et into the car 3 my (itt(e sisters &ot into the car so I J'mpe$ into the car. I ar&'e$ the who(e way @acD to

MerrimacD with him 3 threatenin& to Di(( him. He to($ me that he was &oin& to ca(( the po(ice i? I $i$ anythin& %io(ent an$ that he ha$ his I$enti?ication on him an$ co'($ pro%e that that is who he is. 7he(sey /ain MacPhersonKs mo'th mo%e$ 3 statin& 5 AStop ar&'in&. H'st stop ar&'in&.A 3 then state$ AI $i$nKt mean to say that. H'st p'nch him.A an$ she sai$ Amy mo'th mo%e$ on itKs ownLK an$ starte$ cryin&. 0%ent'a((y he con%ince$ me that I ha$nKt s(ept in a (on& time an$ that I m'st @e schi>ophrenic. Soon a?ter this 3 I was i((e&a((y taDen @y Po(ice to So'thern /e&iona( NewHampshire Me$ica( 7enter an$ p't in the NewHampshire Hospita( in 7oncor$ NewHampshire i((e&a((y $'rin& which time the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace was S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ in my sD'((. /ye NewHampshire was the (ocation that I 'neFpecte$(y met a&ain with =ittorio 0man'e(eKs son ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e $'rin& 200* 5 I ha$ not met ,i( since 2000 3 an$ @e?ore that 1""!. 7he(sey /ain MacPherson was /ep(ace$ @y Imposte'r 5 a $i??erent 10 year o($ &ir( was p(ace$ in the ho'seho($ an$ to($ that she ha$ to preten$ to @e 7he(sey. 7he(sey was (ast seen in the Ma(( o? NewHampshire parDin& (ot with a Sici(ian man whom was approFimate(y E0 years o? a&e an$ * chi($ren other than 7he(sey /ain MacPherson o? which she was one o? the o($est.

5 Imme$iate(y a?ter ret'rnin& home ?rom /ye NewHampshire 5 I wa(De$ $own into the @asement o? my ,atherKs ho'se. A?ter @ein& in the @asement ?or a short perio$ o? time3 I wa(De$ @acD 'p the stairs an$ saw that the man preten$in& to @e my ?ather was @athin& my sister S'mmer whom was ! years o($. I reporte$ to the MerrimacD Po(ice 2epartment that my ?ather ha$ mo(este$ my sister in 2001 an$ that he was sti(( seF'a((y a@'sin& her. I ma$e the report the neFt $ay 3 which was MotherKs $ay 200!. .n MotherKs 2ay May 1*th o? 200! 3 I reporte$ that my ?ather was seF'a((y a@'sin& my sister. Upon enterin& the po(ice $epartment3 I notice$ a(ot o? new ?aces 5 some o? which may ha%e possi@(y @een trans?ers as a res'(t o? interna( a??airs. It is important to consi$er the ?act that these peop(e co'($ a(( ha%e @een Ita(ian A6IS A&ents worDin& ?or =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ crimina(s whom he ha$ recr'ite$ or @(acD mai(e$ < 1ony Grasseti $'rin& 200* 3 ha$ $e(i%ere$ an 0(ectronic /ecor$in& o? o'r meetin& with ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e which was recor$e$ @y an e(ectronic recor$in& $e%ice that 1ony Grasseti ha$ worn. 1ony Grasseti ha$ $e(i%ere$ the recor$in&s o? the 0(ectronic /ecor$in& $e%ice to @oth the MerrimacD Po(ice 2epartment an$ the 4on$on$erry Po(ice 2epartment in NewHampshire an$ written a short :itness Statement at @oth Po(ice 2epartments 5 1ony Grasseti a(so $e(i%ere$ to the Po(ice o? NewHampshire 3 the e(ectronic recor$in& $e%ice which he ha$ worn as e%i$ence o? the recor$in& @ein& &en'ine. I @e(ie%e it pro@a@(e that =ittorio 0man'e(e 3 7hris 1homas 3 an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e or$ere$ their a&ents to in?i(trate the New Hampshire Po(ice 2epartments an$ any other Po(ice 2epartments to which 1ony Grasseti may ha%e $e(i%ere$ the recor$e$ e%i$ence that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e ha$ a$mitte$ to @ein& A$o(? Hit(erKs &reat &ran$nephew an$ that ,i( 0man'e(e ha$ threatene$ minors an$ or$ere$ some@o$y to maDe a statement re&ar$in& his wi((in&ness to eFterminate 3 mi((ion ci%i(ians. 1ony Grasseti was (ater witnesse$ $is&'ise$ as a Po(ice .??icer 3 m'tate$ with =ira( =ector

Gene 1herapy to ha%e @(on$e hair an$ @('e eyes as we(( as an An&(o Gae(ic comp(eFion o? sDin < an$ was statione$ em@e$$e$ amon&st Po(ice 2eparments in NewHampshire an$ other near@y re&ions. 1ony Grasseti 'se$ the i$entities o? $ea$ Po(ice .??icers as his i$entity. I ha%e since seen a woman whom was $resse$ as an acti%e $'ty Po(ice .??icer on May 1*th o? 200! at the MerrimacD Po(ice 2epartment 5 soon a?terwar$s she ha$ @een preten$in& to @e Mo((y Go$$ar$ An$rosDi. A secon$ Imposte'r rep(ace$ Mo((y Go$$ar$ An$rosDi in 200!. I ha%e a(so seen two $i??erent .??icer St. 7yrs 3 one o? which is $e?inite(y ?act'a((y an A'strian. 1he A'strian wo'($ @e o? psycho(o&ica( re(e%ence to the 10/MINA1./ 2 JoDes which 0$ :arren ha$ ma$e at ,ami(y 2o((ar 5 Arno($ Schwar>ene&&er is an ethnic A'strian3 the other ro@otic h'manoi$ is $resse$ as a P.4I70 .,,I70/ in the mo%ie. It is a pro@a@i(ity that the A'strian is re(ate$ to the Ho'se o? Aosta an$ is pro@a@(e to @e a 9ni&ht o? Aosta whoKs ?ami(y ha%e connections to @oth the Ho'se o? Aosta an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. It is pro@a@(e that the Ho'se o? Aosta is &'i(ty 3 it is impossi@(e ?or the Ho'se o? Aosta to @e 'naware o? the (ocation o? their 9ni&hts an$ their associations. =ittorio 0man'e(e is the 9in& o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ is o? some amo'nt o? an Aosta @(oo$(ine as we(( < =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs wi?e is o? the Ho'se o? Aosta an$ is o? a miFe$ Ita(ian an$ A'strian race as we(( 3 o? @oth the Ho'se o? Aosta an$ Sa%oy (inea&e. I ne%er &ot to ?inish maDin& a ?'(( report on May 1*th3 I (e?t the * pa&e report at the o??ice o? the MerrimacD Po(ice 2epartment inten$in& to ret'rn (ater in or$er to write a (on&er statement. I ha$ to (ea%e my Jo@ @eca'se the man now preten$in& to @e my ?ather worDe$ there an$ ha$ taDen o't a temporary restrainin& or$er c(aimin& that I threatene$ him an$ my se(?. 1he * pa&e :itness 1estimonia( Statement that I (e?t at the MerrimacD NewHampshire Po(ice 2epartment was a written statement concernin& a crime that ha$ @een committe$ 'pon my yo'n&est sister S'mmer /ose MacPherson 3 who at the time was approFimate(y 3 years o($. 1his was $'rin& what I @e(ie%e was the year 2001 3 this crime (e$ to n'mero's ?i&hts @etween my ?ather an$ men who ha%e rep(ace$ my ?ather in the ho'seho($ as imposte'rs $'e to the ?act that my ?ather Dnew a@o't some o? =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs an$ his sonsK crimes as we(( as their eFistence in the U.S.A. an$ the eFistence o? the Ita(ian A6IS in North America. A man who I @e(ie%e may ha%e @een the ?irst imposte'r o? my ?ather 3 who ha$ J'st recent(y @een promote$ at worD an$ ha$ @e&'n tra%e(in& ?or worD to $i??erent (ocations 5 seF'a((y assa'(te$ my sister S'mmer /ose MacPherson. 2'rin& what I @e(ie%e was 2001 3 my ?ather was rep(ace$ @y the ?irst imposte'r o? many who ha%e @een 'sin& his I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s < I ha%e attempte$ to report this to a'thorities in the North 0ast o? the U.S.A. 3 @'t the re&ion is so hea%i(y in?i(trate$ @y Ita(ian A6IS 7o%ert A&ents that they wi(( not arrest their own A&ents e%en i? they are SeF .??en$ers an$ Pe$ophi(es or SeF 1ra??icDers. 4ate one ni&ht whi(e I was sittin& on the porch at ;ea' SDinnerKs ho'se across the street ?rom my ho'se at EE ;ean /oa$ MerrimacD NewHampshire. 9y(e Howar$ came wa(Din& 'p the $ri%eway an$ sai$ to me A-o' $onKt e%en want to Dnow what I J'st saw. -o' $o not want to &o o%er there. He ha$ his $icD in her mo'th.A . I wa(De$ across the street to my ho'se on EE ;ean /oa$ < when I wa(De$ into the ho'se aro'n$ what

was pro@a@(y a@o't "530 PM at ni&ht 3 what I @e(ie%e was the ?irst imposte'r o? my ?ather was sittin& on the ?(oor with his @acD a&ainst the co'ch wearin& my ?atherKs &reen @ath ro@e. .n the ?(oor neFt to him was a &(ass o? re$ wine. He was seate$ on the ?(oor with my sister S'mmer MacPherson (ai$ across his (e& 5 he ha$ his penis in her mo'th. She (ooDe$ mi($(y se$ate$ an$ possi@(y 2isassociate$. :hen I wa(De$ in an$ saw this he mo%e$ her I'icD(y an$ picDe$ 'p the wine &(ass to $rinD. I was in a@so('te shocD an$ $is@e(ie? at what I ha$ J'st witnesse$ 5 I wa(De$ into the Ditchen passe$ him an$ e%ent'a((y in $is@e(ie? an$ tra'mati>e$ $enia( 3 wa(De$ $own into the @asement. 0%ent'a((y 3 soon a?ter this 5 we @e&an &ettin& into physica( a(tercations a@o't this ?reI'ent(y. I $i$ not @e(ie%e that this man was my ?ather 3 he (ooDe$ s(i&ht(y physica((y $i??erent < at the time 3 I $i$ not Dnow that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e ha$ @een 'sin& =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy to m'tate imposte'rs to (ooD (iDe my ,ather an$ other peop(e who he ha$ tar&ette$ s'ch as HacD 2ion. 1o this $ate 3 I ha%e witnesse$ possi@(y * tota( imposte'rs o? my ?ather. I ha%e @een in%o(%e$ in n'mero's physica( a(tercations with at (east 2 o? these in$i%i$'a(s an$ ha%e @een incarcerate$ 1 time as a res'(t o? it. I am not a((owe$ to see my sister c'rrent(y an$ Sheena Nico(e MacPherson as we(( as 7he(sey /ain MacPherson are rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs who ha%e @een ?orce$ to (i%e as them 'sin& their I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. 1here is a @a@y who (ooDs (iDe =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e that has @een ;irth 7erti?icate Si&ne$ at a hospita( in NewHampshire as ha%in& @een @orn ?rom my sister Sheena Nico(e MacPherson when in ?act it $e?inite(y was not. My ?ather was rep(ace$ @y what I @e(ie%e was the ?irst imposte'r a@o't a year or two a?ter picDin& 'p Nina Hansen n'mero's times with me in his S.U.=. $'rin& the year 1""" 5 Nina Hansen was a rape %ictim o? ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs. It was a stran&e coinci$ence that I @e&an $atin& her. ,i( 0man'e(e rape$ her as an Initiation 7rime. .n the te(e%ision in the 4i%in&/oom was ima&es o? a History 7hanne( te(e%ision $oc'mentary a@o't the /oman 0mpire. Anthony 2e,eo mentione$ this at ,ami(y 2o((ar $'rin& the year 2005 a?ter which 0$ :arren state$ 5 AIt was /oman History month 3 &'yM No won$er whyLA. Somehow 0$ :arren an$ Anthony 2e,eo Dnew a@o't this happenin&. 1he ima&e ?rom the poster ?or A1he :ines o? .CA 3 a wine e%ent which =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e was present ?or 5 ha$ an ima&e o? what (ooDe$ (iDe the eFact same sty(e wine &(ass an$ it is ?i((e$ the eFact some amo'nt 3 a &reen han$ o? 0(pha@a the :icDe$ :itch o? the :est is ho($in& it. I ha%e @een into MerrimacD NewHampshire in the past 2 years an$ the Po(ice .??icers picDe$ me 'p an$ @ro'&ht me to the Po(ice 2epartment an$ (ocDe$ me in the ho($in& ce(( ?or no reason at a((. 1heir $escription o? why this was $one to me 3 was %ery %a&'e < an$ in%o(%e$ my se(? sen$in& mai(. I was (ocDe$ in the ho($in& ce(( at the Po(ice 2epartment ?or sen$in& mai( at the MerrimacD Posta( .??ice. 1hree o? the Po(ice .??icers at the Po(ice 2epartment (ooDe$ to @e $e?inite imposte'rs 3 the other two < I was 'ncertain o? whether not they ha$ 'n$er&one =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy an$ @een &i%en othersK I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. A?ter I reporte$ my ?ather or what was most pro@a@(y his imposte'r 3 I @ecame

home(ess a&ain imme$iate(y an$ my sisters were p't in the c'sto$y o? my MotherKs Mom #Hoanne 1r'$ea' 7arty) in Ma($en Massach'settes. A?ter stayin& a ?ew $ays with them3 the APo(iceA ?rom MerrimacD New Hampshire ca((e$ my NanaKs ho'se an$ ye((e$ at my MomKs @rother Scot 3 an&ri(y $eman$in& that my sisters @e ret'rne$ to New Hampshire. :e were ?orce$ to @rin& them to the Po(ice 2epartment where they were &i%en into the c'sto$y o? my ,atherKs Mother who then was i((e&a((y to($ to @rin& them @acD to my ,atherKs ho'se @y Po(ice. 1hey were p(ace$ @acD into my A,atherKsA c'sto$y witho't e%en @ein& a((owe$ to write a :itness Statement themse(%es or it e%en @ein& @ro'&ht to tria(. .ne weeD (ater I recei%e$ a phoneca(( ?rom my Nana3 Hoanne 1r'$ea' 7arty 5 statin& that the APo(iceA wante$ to ta(D to me a@o't what happene$ an$ that I sho'($ ca(( the MerrimacD Po(ice 2epartment in New Hampshire. I ha$ @een stayin& with my ?rien$ 9im :ein&art in 2erry NewHampshire ?or a weeD. :hen I ca((e$ the MerrimacD Po(ice 2epartment < the te(ephone was &i%en to an .??icer ASaint 7yrA who so'n$e$ (iDe he was 'sin& a ?aDe %oice 5 a @a$ immitation o? the %oice o? a sDinhea$ that I 'se$ to @e ?rien$s with name$ Hoe 4e;aron whom ,i( 0man'e(e ha$ @een sta(Din&. Hoe 4e;aronKs wi?e 7he(sea A%i(as 4e;aron worDe$ at S'n7oast =i$eos in the Pheasant 4ane Ma(( in Nash'a NewHampshire. 2'rin& the year 200! < 7he(sea ha$ to($ Hoe n'mero's times that a &'y name ,i( whom she $escri@e$ as Aa pro@a@(e c(oset homoseF'a(A ha$ @een sta(Din& her an$ that he was $e?inite(y the &'y ?rom American I$o( name ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e. :hi(e on the te(ephone with .??icer St.7yr 3 the Po(ice .??icer sai$ that I nee$e$ to answer some I'estions a@o't what I ha$ recent(y reporte$. I tooD a taFi ca@ to the Po(ice 2epartment in MerrimacD NewHampshire ?rom 2erry New Hampshire. Upon arri%in&3 I was @ro'&ht into the @acD room an$ inter%iewe$ @rie?(y @y an A.??icer St. 7yrA who $i$ not appear to (ooD ,ranDic American at a((. He act'a((y (ooDe$ A'strian. He was 5K"A3 ha$ (ar&e @('e eyes3 pa(e sDin3 $arD hair3 an$ sha%e$ hea$ < he was a thin man whom appeare$ to @e pro@a@(y aro'n$ 185(@s. I ha%e since then met an .??icer St. 7yr in this re&ion whom act'a((y $oes (ooD ,ranco American 5 this man is approFimate(y EK1A 3 has &o($ hair3 an$ a(mon$ shape$ eyes which are a ha>e( &reen @('e < he (ooDe$ approFimate(y 210(@s. 1he A.??icer St. 7yrA present at MerrimacD Po(ice 2epartment $'rin& the year 200! 5 to($ me that I nee$e$ to @e @ro'&ht to the hospita( to maDe s're I was Anot 'n$er the in?('ence o? any $r'&sA an$ that my report a@o't my ?ather was Aacc'rateA. I was not rea$ miran$a ri&hts an$ was han$c'??e$ to a @e(t aro'n$ my waist. A?terwhich 3 I was $irecte$ to &et in the Po(ice 7ar an$ I was @ro'&ht to the So'thern /e&iona( New Hampshire Me$ica( 7enter on Main st. in Nash'a NewHampshire. :hi(e sittin& in the waitin& room neFt to .??icer St.7yr 3 a recor$e$ con%ersation @etween my se(? an$ an eF &ir(?rien$ o? mine < a con%ersation which wo'($ ha%e occ'rre$ at the 155 Har%ar$ Street a$$ress 5 was somehow $'@@e$ o%er a Soap .pera that was p(ayin& on the te(e%ision in the waitin& room (o'n&e area. 1his was a woman whom I was pre%io's(y $atin& a year @e?ore this an$ whom was o? part(y Israe(i ancestry. I am not s're how these Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS A&ents mana&e$ to accomp(ish a(( this @'t I am ass'min& that they ha%e ha$ 'neFpecte$ he(p ?rom .r&ani>e$ 7rime within the

Unite$ States &o%ernment itse(? or Ita(ian A6IS A&ents em@e$$e$ within the 7omcast corporation com@ine$ with peop(es whom they co'($ ha%e @(acDmai(e$ an$Nor pai$ moneys to $o thin&s no I'estions asDe$ s'ch as $is&'stin& SeF .??en$ers whoKs 7rimina( /ecor$ is p'@(ic an$ (ocations wo'($ otherwise @e Dnown on SeF .??en$er /e&ister. 0Fpert 7omp'ter HacDers were $e?inite(y in%o(%e$. 1he man who was attemptin& to impersonate an .??icer St.7yr was $e?inite(y o? entire(y A'strian race < it is $e?inite that the Ho'se o? Aosta an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e $one this 5 an A'strian an was impersonatin& Hason ;e((emore an$ ha$ taDen his I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s an$ o@taine$ emp(oyment as a Po(ice .??icer in MerrimacD NewHampshire. Hason ;e((emore was raise$ an$ atten$e$ Mastrico(a Mi$$(eSchoo( an$ MerrimacD Hi&hSchoo( in MerrimacD NewHampshire 5 Hason ;e((emore is the co'sin o? a 9ni&ht o? Aosta an$ e%ent'a((y @ecame a 9ni&ht o? Aosta himse(?. Accor$in& to what Hason ;e((emore ha$ state$ when he was yo'n&er 3 he was possi@(y A$o(? AHit(erKsA co'sin. A$o(? AHit(erA was the &ran$son o? =ittorio 0man'e(e II 3 was the ha(? @rother o? =ittorio 0man'e(e III 3 an$ A$o(?Ks mother was the $a'&hter o? a 9ni&ht who ha$ @oth Ita(ian Sa%oy (inea&e an$ A'strian Aosta (inea&e. I was then escorte$ to the 0mer&ency/oom @y .??icer ASt. 7yrA. :hi(e waitin& in the 0mer&ency /oom 3 a ?ew %ia(s o? @(oo$ was $rawn ?rom my arm. At one point 3 I notice$ that .??icer St. 7yr was starin& an&ri(y at me an$ sI'ee>in& his c('@ han$(e. I notice$ that this @aton was an incorrect @aton an$ that it was a @o@@y sticD in the stea$ o? a ton?a sticD which was s'ppose$ to the stan$ar$ iss'e Po(ice ;aton in the U.S.A. . Important to notice here is that An$ers ;rei%iD reporte$(y ha$ two crania( s'r&eries whi(e in the U.9. as we(( as $oes a Goo&(e Ima&e Search pro%e that there has @een * $i??erent men presente$ on the internet in photo&raphs c(aime$ to @e An$ers ;rei%iD since 200". A?ter I notice$ .??icer St.7yr &rippin& the @aton 5 I asDe$ him what the c('@ was ?or. He state$ < A1hatKs in case yo' try to r'n.A. 1he neFt I'estion was ASo how $o yo' ?ee( a@o't the 3r$ /eichMA. I @e(ie%e that this man was picDe$ ?or this3 @eca'se he (ooDs %ery o@%io's(y o? A'strian race. ASt. 7yrA which is a@@re%iate$ ?orm o? Saint 7yr 5 is a ,rench name3 @'t the man (ooDe$ entire(y A'strian. 1he mo%ie 10/MINA1./ 2 < which 0$ :arren ha$ mentione$ 5 in%o(%es an A'strian actor #Arno($ Schwar>ene&&er) as a /o@ot H'manoi$ So($ier an$ his a$%ersary which is another /o@ot H'manoi$ So($ier whom is $resse$ in a Po(ice .??icerKs 'ni?orm ?or the maJority o? the mo%ie. 1erminator 3 ha$ J'st @een sche$'(e$ on H;. $'rin& 2005 when this sta(Der ha$ @een hacDin& 9enneth H'$$Ks 7.M7AS1 trip(e p(ay networD ?rom n'mero's (ocations3 inc('$in& @(anD IP A$$resses which wo'($ in$icate the most (iDe(y (ocation to @e the 7.M7AS1 ser%er itse(?. 2'rin& the year 200* < ,i( 0man'e(e 3 state$ to his ?rien$ whom ha$ met 1ony Grasseti an$ my se(? in Manchester NewHampshire 5 Ait was not a hacDer 3 we checDe$ the ser%erA when asDe$ i? ,i( was a@so('te(y certain that I was the in$i%i$'a( who emai(e$ Henry MaDow a@o't A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ather @ein& the 9in& o? Ita(ia whom ha$ an a??air. 1he 9in& o? Ita(ia was ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs Great Gran$?atherKs ,ather 5 this means that A$o(? Hit(er was =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs ha(? @rother. M'(tip(e con%ersations in 200* re&ar$in& A$o(? Hit(erKs @(oo$(ine 3 ,i( 0man'e(eKs @(oo$(ine 3 an$ my emai(s to Henry MaDow 3 as we(( as

He?? /enseKs artic(e ca((in& =ittorio 0man'e(e I= Athe AN1I7H/IS1A 5 were recor$e$ an$ $e(i%ere$ at MerrimacD Po(ice 2epartment in 200*. Soon a?ter the I'estionin& re&ar$in& the A1hir$ /eichA3 a ?at man with c'r(y @rown hair entere$ the room with his @a$&e t'rne$ aro'n$ ?or o@%io's reason that the name was non %isi@(e. 1his man (ooDe$ to @e o? miFe$ Israe(i an$ possi@(y Po(ish as we(( as Ita(ian race @'t appeare$ =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tate$ to appear as s'ch 5 c'rrent(y 3 he is worDin& in ;oston Po(ice 2epartment an$ (ooDs entire(y racia((y Ita(ian @'t shows si&ns o? ha%in& m'tate$ in the past. A?ter enterin& he @e&an sayin& in a weir$ creepy %oice A4et me to'ch yo'r @e((yA AI nee$ to checD yo'r @e((yA 3 an$ he AchecDe$A me ?or (i%er cancer or somethin&. 1his was an eFact I'ote o? Min$y 9ern $'rin& the year 200E 3 whi(e we were a(one sittin& in my (i%in& room at 155 Map(e Street Apartment 2 5 Min$y an$ my se(? ha$ @een JoDin& an$ I ha$ &ra@@e$ her stomach with my han$ whi(e speaDin& in a h'mo'ro's I'eer so'n$in& %oice (iDe a So'th ParD 7haracter name$ ;i& Gay A(. I @e(ie%e this was ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs o@sessi%e hatre$ ?or Hews 3 my se(? 3 an$ women 5 ,i( is pro@a@(e to ha%e or$ere$ his A&ents to p't what wo'($ appear to @e a Hewish man in a o??ensi%e position 3 a?ter contin'o's(y %io(atin& my ?'n$amenta( h'man ri&hts an$ in$irect(y acc'sin& me o? @ein& in the 1hir$ /eich which is an a@s'r$ thin& to acc'se an ethnic American o? $'rin& 200! whom was on(y 23 years o? a&e. Min$y 9ern propose$ marria&e to me 3 I ha$ accepte$ 5 ,i( 0man'e(e pro@a@(y ha$ an a'$io recor$in& o? this. Min$y 9ern was 1N8 racia((y Israe(i. ,i( 0man'e(e is A$o(? Hit(erKs Great Gran$nephew 5 ,i( si&ne$ Min$yKs note@ooD A,I4A in 200E 3 whi(e she was at a ?rien$Ks ho'se $'rin& her perio$ o? enro((ment in 7hester 7o((e&e in 7hester NewHamphire. ,i( 0man'e(e 'n$o'@te$(y has a (ar&e pop'(ation o? Sa%oy 4oya(ists who wi(( ?o((ow or$ers 'nerrin&(y e%en when they are a@so('te(y crimina(. ,i( 0man'e(e is a(so eFtreme(y crimina((y insane an$ o? the Din$ o? psycho(o&y that is reI'ire$ to @e a@(e to manip'(ate other crimina(s. I @e(ie%e that ,i( 0man'e(e is a SocioPath an$ a Me&a(oManiac 5 it is a(most $e?inite(y certain that ,i(i@erto 0man'e(e choreo&raphe$ most o? these Pyscho(o&ica( :ar?are assa'(ts. A?ter my stomach was AchecDe$A3 I was ma$e to &i%e a 'rine samp(e. 1he 'rine samp(e c'p remin$e$ me o? 0$ ,arrachi :arren $eman$in& me to ?i(( c'ps ?or n'mero's 'rine tests whi(e worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar. A ta(( Germanic woman o? possi@(y @oth An&(o American an$ Swe$ish race entere$ the room an$ asDe$ me i? I ha$ pro@(ems with In$ians as i? she ha$ J'st hear$ that I was a :hite S'premacist 5 to which I rep(ie$ the tr'th 3 ANo3 I $o not ha%e pro@(ems with In$ians at a((A . A?ter @ein& asDe$ this I'estion3 one o? my motherKs ?ormer $octors 5 2r. -oa$ati3 entere$ the room with somethin& some@o$y e(se ha$ written an$ to($ me that I nee$e$ to taDe CypreFa 3 witho't e%en @ein& $ia&nose$ with anythin&. 2r. -oa$ati state$ that I nee$e$ to @e hospita(i>e$ ?or at (east a weeD. I ha$ shown no si&ns o? Menta( Hea(th pro@(ems an$ was $ia&nose$ with nothin&. 1his was o@%io's(y a Psych :ar?are A&ent in action 5 In$ia was AFis $'rin& the Secon$ :or($ :ar $'e to their $esire ?or in$epen$ence ?rom the U9. 1he USA was not a((ie$ to the AFis3 nor $i$ ha%e we e%er ha$ an A6IS ?action that is (oya( to the USA. 7onI'erin& North America is one o? the primary &oa(s o? the ?o'n$in& in$i%i$'a(s o? the A6IS ,action. 1he act'a( ?o'n$in& in$i%i$'a(s o? the A6IS ,action were Aristocrats3

In%estors3 an$ wea(thy 1errorist 7rime 4or$s. Ita(y was A6IS $'rin& @oth :or($ :ars. My Gran$?atherKs @rother A(@ert MacPherson was USA Mi(itary $'rin& :or($ :ar 2 an$ was $ep(oye$ in 0'rope in the Army 5 their ?ather was $ep(oye$ in 0'rope $'rin& :or($ :ar 1 in the USA Army as we((. A(so5 I ha$ ne%er @een $ia&nose$ with any psycho(o&ica( $isor$ers3 I $i$ not ha%e a nee$ ?or me$ication nor was there (e&a( @asis ?or me to @e me$icate$. I @e(ie%e some@o$y han$e$ 2r. -oa$ati ?a(si?ie$ paperworD. 1he Sherri??s arri%e$3 chaine$ my anD(es an$ wrists to&ether an$ @ro'&ht me in a wa&on to the New Hampshire Hospita( in 7oncor$ New Hampshire on 7(inton St3 where my mother was a(rea$y hospita(i>e$ at the time $'e to Post 1ra'matic Stress 2isor$er. My mother an$ her mother were seF tra??icDin& %ictims $'rin& her chi($hoo$ an$ they (i%e$ in this re&ion 5 I @e(ie%e that the 7rimina( 1errorist ,action whom ha%e committe$ this series o? attacDs o%er the past ten years is the same 7rime Syn$icate which ha$ attacDe$ my Mother as a chi($. My Mother an$ my Nana were %ictims o? a man who 'se$ the name 7har(es A7h'cDA 2o'&(as an$ a 7rime Syn$icate whom he worDe$ with crimina((y. I am not e%en s're i? his rea( name was 7har(es or i? he was e%en an American at a((. I ha%e hear$ the entirety o? what these men $i$ to my Mother an$ my Nana. It is o@%io's that this manKs 7rime .r&ani>ation ha$ connections to the Ma?ia as we(( as $i$ they ha%e connections to some o? /ichar$ He(mKs 7rime Syn$icate $'rin& the /ichar$ NiFon A$ministration which is when m'ch o? my MotherKs chi($hoo$ oc'rre$. ,or some reason A7h'cDA was ne%er con%icte$ with anythin& whene%er he wo'($ &o into a co'rtroom an$ the po(ice o??icers that he Dnew wo'($ a(ways @rin& my mother an$ my nana @acD to him when they trie$ to r'n away. 1hese $etai(s were mentione$ to ,i( 0man'e(e when $isc'ssin& the men whom worDe$ in the 7IA ?or ProJect M9U41/A an$ their connections to .r&ani>e$ SeF 1ra??icDin& an$ /ichar$ He(ms $'rin& the /ichar$ NiFon A$ministration. H'man =i%isection is a ?orm o? H'man 1ra??icDin& as we(( as is SeF 1ra??icDin& 5 Ne'roScience H'man =i%isection is the act o? 'sin& a (i%in& H'man as a scienti?ic test s'@Ject ?or research p'rposes an$ eFperimentin& 'pon them a&ainst their wi((. My Mother an$ my Nana were SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims. My yo'n&est sister was on(y 5 years o($ in 200* an$ c'rrent(y has a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace in her sD'(( as $i$ o'r sister 7he(sey whom was swappe$ with a H'man 1ra??icDin& %ictim an$ o'r sister Sheena whom is c'rrent(y possi@(y $ea$ an$ has @een rep(ace$ @y an Imposte'r. 1his is the *th consec'ti%e &eneration that my ?ami(y ha%e @een %ictims o? 1ra??icDin& 5 I @e(ie%e that this is the eFact same 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate whom ha%e $one this an$ that they ha%e tar&ette$ entire (ists o? ?ami(ies since they ha%e come to my home(an$. 0%en with =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e $irect(y in%o(%e$ now < the assai(ants are sti(( the same networDs o? peop(e whom were attacDin& ?ami(ies in this re&ion in the past 5 the &'i(ty parties are a(most a(( o? Ita(ian race. ;e?ore 7he(sey was Di$nappe$ 5 she @e&an comp(ainin& that her mo'th was ta(Din& at her in the mirror an$ was cryin& one $ay @eca'se her ton&'e was mo%in& on itKs own. 1here ha%e @een n'mero's Imposte'rs preten$in& to @e my ,ather /'sse(( MacPherson o%er the past 8 years. =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ ,i(i@erto 0man'e(eKs Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate ha%e @een 'sin& Impro%ise$ 1echno(o&y an$ Sciences ?or their terrorism inc('$in& =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy to match ?in&erprints as we(( as ?acia( shape3 co(or an$ teFt're o? sDin3 co(or an$ teFt're o? hair3 an$ co(or o? eye iris < Impro%ise$ S'r&ica( Imp(ant 0(ectronic 1ransmittors ha%e @een man'?act're$ an$ @'i(t ?rom A/G.S NetworDe$ micro ro'ters ?or the p'rpose o? networDin& ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace Ne'ro7irc'its o%er Internet on A/G.S re(ate$ networD s'ch as ;io(o&ists 'se. 1he 0man'e(es an$ their 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate ha%e @een spyin& on ci%i(ians an$

recor$in& them 'sin& Impro%ise$ /ecor$in& 2e%ices @'i(t ?rom Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone parts which can @e $ia(e$ 'sin& Goo&(e Phone an$ other internet app(ications as we(( as @y wirin& a Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar Phone a'$io o't to 7omp'ter. Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are Assa'(ts ha%e @een committe$ @y metho$ o? sp(icin& wire into car speaDers as we(( as other speaDers an$ A'$io 2'@@in& s'@t(e threats ?or p'rpose o? Psych :ar?are ha%e a(so @een 'se$ on ci%i(ians. Impro%ise$ :eapons ha%e @een 'se$ $'rin& this 1errorist 7ampai&n @etween the year o? 2005 to 2013 5 one o? these is a /a$iation ;eam &enerator that is ma$e ?rom Microwa%e .%en Parts. ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces ha%e @een i((e&a((y S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ in ci%i(ians sD'((s whi(e they are as(eep in hea(thcare ?aci(ities. .ther Impro%ise$ 1echno(o&ies an$ Sciences ha%e @een 'se$ as we((. P'@(ishe$ to the internet @etween the years o? 200! an$ 2013 5 are n'mero's ci%i(ian reports o? these thin&s happenin& in the USA3 7ana$a3 an$ the U.9. . :e@sites (iDe Ma&n's .(ssonKs 3 7ha$ 9isterKs 3 an$ 2a%i$ IcDeKs seem to ser%e as $isin?ormation too(s to $iscre$it the witnesses whom are act'a((y $isc'ssin& ?act'a( occ'rances on the internet an$ reportin& them to 4aw 0n?orcement whom in many cases are corr'pt. It is important to acDnow(e$&e the ?act that 7har(es A7h'cDA 2o'&(asKs name or ass'me$ a(ias on paperworD was the name o? a ;ritish Aristocrat 5 this is important ?or reason that =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e ha%e p(anne$ since 200* to attempt to ?rame another Aristocratic Ho'se whom are not in eFi(e ?or their own crimes 5 the Ho'se which they ori&ina((y chose was the /oya( ,ami(y o? Sa'$i Ara@ia an$ their $istant co'sin Mosta?a I@nSa'$ whom $'rin& 200* was (i%in& in Morrocco an$ %isitin& the USA on occaision. I(('minati III 5 M'r$ere$ @y the Monarchy was pro$'ce$ imme$iate(y a?ter a series o? m'r$ers were committe$ in North America which 'n$o'@te$(y were ,i( 0man'e(eKs an$ =ittorio 0man'e(eKs $oin& < a?ter or$erin& a Ma?ia So($ier whom 0$ :arren was acI'ainte$ with to poison me with ;(acD Mo($ 5 the 0man'e(es attempte$ to ?rame 0(i>a@eth Hano%er an$ :i((iam Hano%er ?or it 3 attemptin& to en&ineer a ?'t're scenario to present wherein I was s'ppose$(y acc'se$ o? @ein& Irish /ep'@(ican Army an$ m'r$ere$ as a res'(t o? the mis'n$erstan$in&. 2'rin& the NiFon A$ministration 3 H'(i's 0%o(a an$ the 0man'e(es ha$ a(rea$y associate$ themse(%es with n'mero's crimina( networDs in North America as we(( as were Ita(ian A6IS A&ents a(rea$y in the USA. Psycho(o&ica( Pro?i(e can $i??er $rastica((y ?rom ,ather to Son or @etween Accomp(ices 5 it is a(so reasona@(e to acDnow(e$&e that the Psycho(o&ica( Pro?i(e o? an in$i%i$'a( can repeat e(ements o? the Psycho(o&ica( Pro?i(e o? their pre$ecessors. Psycho(o&ica((y Pro?i(ea@(e 0%i$ence eFists which was presente$ $'rin& the ho'r or so at So'thern /e&iona( New Hampshire Me$ica( 7enter in Nash'a NewHampshire as we(( as at New Hampshire Hospita( in 7oncor$ New Hampshire 5 whi(e stan$in& neFt to me in the 0mer&ency /oom 3 the man ca((in& himse(? .??icer St. 7yr (ooDe$ at me an$ sai$ AIan... Get with the Pro&ram.A in an eFtreme(y an&ry so'n$in& %oice. 2'rin& 200* 3 when =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs Ita(ian A6IS A&ents @e&an i((e&a((y recor$in& me 5 I ha$ written (yrics ?or a son& which I ha$ inten$e$ to compose an$ recor$ 'sin& my 9or& Synthesi>er an$ ,r'ity4oops 7omp'ter 2i&ita( A'$io :orDstation 3 the son& was ca((e$ A2e(ete the Pro&ramA. 1he theme o? the (yrics in%o(%e$ the AMarD o? the ;eastA an$ 0(ectronic S'r&ica( Imp(ants 3 G(o@a(i>ation an$ Mass Psycho(o&y 3 ,ascism 3 an$ the Anti 7hrist 5 a samp(e o? a woman so'n$in& (iDe a schoo( teacher sco($in& a st'$ent ?or not payin& attention in c(ass was &oin& to @e 'se$ wherein the ?ema(e teacher wo'($ @e statin& an&ri(y A Ian... &et with the pro&ramLA . 1he rest o? the (yrics containe$ re?erences to ;INA/- comp'ter (an&'a&e 3 the in?amo's ;e$(am Psychiatric Hospita( 3 Massi%e Pop'(ation ;eha%iora( Mo$i?ication or AMin$ 7ontro(A3 an$ a hacDer $e(etin& a so?tware pro&ram.

ApproFimate(y May 151H 200! at the New Hampshire Hospita( on 7(inton Street in 7oncor$ 5 the ?irst ni&ht I was a$mitte$ to the hospita(3 I @e(ie%e I was possi@(y on UnitR 2 or UnitR 0. 1he peop(e checDin& me in acc'se$ me o? @ein& a :hite S'premacist 3 which I am not. I trie$ to eFp(ain to them what Asatr' is an$ my re(i&ion was recor$e$ as A.$inistA in their ?i(es3 I was &i%en se$ati%es in the ?orm o? pi((s an$ a (iI'i$ that was s'ppose$ to @e a potassi'm s'pp(ement an$ I was @ro'&ht to a room to s(eep. 1he neFt mornin& I ha$ awoDen an$ hear$ three mechanica( so'n$in& hi&h pitche$ tones in my ri&ht ear < I a(so ha%e a memory o? some@o$y ?or some reason whisperin& near my ear whi(e I was as(eep A7och(ear 0ar Imp(antA as i? there was some@o$y e(se in the room that I ha$ @een @ro'&ht to whom ha$ @een &ettin& a s'r&ery in%o(%in& a 7och(ear 0ar Imp(ant. 2'rin& 200* 5 I ha$ rea$ a@o't ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces an$ Prosthetic Ne'ro7irc'it Gra?ts3 I was I'icD(y aware o? the ?act that they ha$ imp(ante$ one in my sD'(( 3 &ra?te$ to my @rain. I awoDe near(y e%ery mornin& remem@erin& that there was a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace in my sD'(( 3 a?ter which I was I'icD(y hypnoti>e$ somehow an$ ma$e to ?a(( as(eep a&ain which res'(te$ in my waDin& 'p 'naware that it was there. .n more than one occaision I eFperience$ ne'ro prosthesis phantom (im@ o? other %ictims whom ha$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces in their @rains as we(( as $i$ I see Green AS7I ?ont ho%erin& in ?ront o? my %ision on more than one occaision 5 once te((in& me that it was my ?rien$ 0mi(y an$ that she nee$e$ he(p 3 the cr'e(ty o? this scenario is o@%io's. I ha%e since @een to($ that 0mi(y $oes in ?act ha%e one o? these in her @rain an$ that she was a@$'cte$ @y ,i( 0man'e(e 3 7esare3 0$ :arren 3 =ittorio 0man'e(e3 an$ SeF 1ra??icDer associates o? theirs. :hen I awoDe the mornin& a?ter stayin& the ?irst ni&ht at the NewHampshire Hospita( 5 there was a %eteran my a&e name$ 1y(er as(eep on the other @e$ in the room. I was to($ he was there ?or P1S2 treatment. 1he entirety o? the ?irst mornin& that I was at this hospita(3 I ?e(t (iDe I was in a $r'&&e$ state o? concio'sness. 1he mornin& a?ter the s'r&ery3 I was repeate$(y to($ not to scratch the @acD o? my ri&ht ear or p'(( on it @y a sta?? woman who seeme$ to @e a@o't 30 years o($. 1he sta?? woman whom worDe$ at the hospita( sai$ to me that i somehow c't @ehin$ my own ear in my s(eep. I ha$ no sharp imp(ements with which to $o so. I o%erhear$ a con%ersation @etween a ?ew o? the sta?? at the hospita(3 the statement was AUm... :eKre &oin& to @e &oin& o%er to 9isterKs a?ter this.A ;etween 2011 an$ 2013 3 there was a we@site on the internet ca((e$ 7ha$ 9ister name$ ?or 7ha$ 9ister. 7ha$ 9ister state$ on his we@site that he ha$ a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace imp(ante$ in his @rain which he ca((e$ a Amicrochip @rain imp(antA. 7ha$ 9isterKs we@site c(aime$ that the Po(ice in .hio were ,ascist 1errorists3 1he sta?? woman was incre$i@(y @ea'ti?'(3 ha$ $ye$ @'r&'n$y hair3 &reen eyes3 an$ was a@o't 5K10A o? hei&ht 5 she appeare$ to @e 30 years o? a&e. It is pro@a@(e this woman was a H'man 1ra??icDin& =ictim whom ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs SeF 1ra??icDin& 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate ha$ a@$'cte$ an$ tort're$ 'nti( she comp(ie$ with their or$ers. It is $e?inite that this woman has the same ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace in her sD'(( as was p't in my own. 2'rin& the co'rse o? the ?irst $ay she asDe$ me 5 A Ha%e yo' e%er hear$ o? 1a%istocDMA to which I answere$ with a I'estion3 Athe 7orporationMA . 1he @ea'ti?'( (a$y whom ha$ asDe$ me this I'estion contin'e$ $isc'ssin& a p(ace in 0n&(an$ ca((e$ 1a%istocD. 1his con%ersation occ'rre$ short(y a?ter she sai$ to me AIKm An&(o SaFon too.A which was spoDen the eFact same way that 9en$ra ;rowne(( ha$ state$ to me that she was An&(o SaFon when she saw Swain :o$enin&s @ooD 5 Hammer o? the Go$s 3 on my @e$room ?(oor $'rin& 200*. Simi(ar(y to the $octor speaDin& A4et me to'ch yo'r @e((yA which was a recor$in& o? my se(? an$ my eF &ir(?rien$ Min$y 9ern JoDin& with eachtother < the &reen

eye$ (a$y spoDe 9en$ra ;rowne((Ks eFact wor$s 5 9en$ra is an eF &ir(?rien$ o? mine ?rom @e?ore I ha$ e%er e%en met ,i(. 9en$ra %isite$ me at my Haywar$ Street apartment in Manchester NewHampshire $'rin& 200* an$ 2005 < somehow she was recor$e$. I remem@ere$ this @ea'ti?'( woman hypoti>in& me the ni&ht @e?ore waDin& 'p with the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace in my sD'(( 5 I @e(ie%e she ha$ @een @ein& 'se$ as a p'ppet @y these terrorists to hypnoti>e ci%i(ians prior to H'man =i%isectin& them. 2'rin& the year 200E 3 I app(ie$ ?or a Jo@ with the U.S.A. 2epartment o? 2e?ense < an$ in the year 200! 3 i was S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 'nDnowin&(y an$ a&ainst my wi((. 2'rin& the year 2002 5 9en$ra ;rowne(( sai$ to me AMy Mom to($ me to te(( yo' that there is no stat'te o? (imitations ?or :ar 7rimes an$ that yo' sho'($ @e care?'(. -o' ha%e to @e care?'( when yo'Kre $oin& yo'r research an$ in%esti&atin& thin&s Ian. 1here is no Stat'te o? 4imitations ?or :ar 7rimes an$ the p'nishment is tort're an$ $eath. 1he peop(e who $o those thin&s $o not want to @e con%icte$ an$ wi(( $o a(most anythin& to &et o't o? it. My Mom an$ Heremy to($ me to warn yo'. 1hey m'st ha%e hear$ somethin&.A . 2'rin& the year 2002 3 Samantha G'ay was a@$'cte$ < $'rin& the year 2003 3 7hristine 2ion was a@$'cte$ 5 @oth were rep(ace$ @y SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims. 2'rin& the year 2002 3 9en$ra ;rowne(( @e&an (ea%in& the &as pi(ot on the cooDin& o%en on as she (e?t ?or worD. I awoDe n'mero's times in the mornin& to the o%en sto%e top (eaDin& &as an$ the entire apartment sme((in& o? &as. 9en$ra 4ei&h ;rowne((Ks ?ami(y has some Din$ o? connection to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. I @e(ie%e that 9en$raKs ?ami(y are @oth An&(o American an$ 4om@ar$ic Ita(ian re(ate$ to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. A?ter Samantha G'ay was a@$'cte$ 3 9en$ra @e&an sayin& horri@(e thin&s a@o't her. :hen 0mi(y Is(es was a@$'cte$ 3 I recei%e$ a (etter ?rom her that was written @y an imposte'r 5 the name on the (etter was A0mma 4ei&h O(esA. .ne o? Matt ;rowne((Ks ?rien$s was the son o? a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 9en$ra 4ei&h ;rowne(( attempte$ to @(ame a A&hostA ?or herse(? (ea%in& the cooDin& sto%e top &as pi(ot on < 9en$ra 4ei&h ;rowne(( state$ to me 3A1hereKs a &host in the ho'se. My mommy sai$ that the other $ay somethin& happene$ in the attic an$ that it was the &host a&ain. It starte$ a ?ew years a&o.A. 2'rin& the year 2002 3 9en$raKs ?rien$ Heremy whoKs s'rname may ha%e possi@(y @een /o$ri&'e> 5 was witnesse$ (ooDin& at a we@site which $isp(aye$ %i$eos an$ ima&es o? women tie$ with rope 3 @o'n$ with rope 3 restraine$ to racDs 3 @a(( &a&&e$ 3 @(in$ ?o($e$ 3 an$ @ein& @r'ta((y tort're$. Heremy was (ast seen at the strip c('@ AMarDKs Showp(aceA. 2'rin& the year 200* 3 Hason He??rey showe$ me a %i$eo an$ ima&es on the internet o? a woman @ein& tort're$ @r'ta((y 5 an$ sai$ to me ASome@o$y sai$ to me that yo' may Dnow this &ir(. 2o yo' reco&ni>e herMA. 1he woman (ooDe$ (iDe Samantha G'ay 3 with her hair $ye$ @(acD. I @e(ie%e that 9en$ra ;rowne(( 3 Hason He??rey 3 an$ Heremy /o$ri&'e> are a(( connecte$ to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy somehow. Hason He??rey an$ 9en$ra ;rowne(( were @rie?(y in%o(%e$ somehow 3 whi(e I was with her 5 an$ it seeme$ that she may ha%e @een cheatin& on me with him. Heremy /o$ri&'e> was (ast seen at AMarDKs Showp(aceA with 7hristine 2ion. 1wo ?rien$s o? 9en$ra ;rowne((Ks are missin& 3 Hen 4inco(n an$ 7ait(in 4'rch. It is possi@(e that they ha%e @oth @een rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs. I ha%e hear$ that 7ait(in 4'rch was a@$'cte$ @y the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs SeF 1ra??icDers. 2'rin& the year 2002 3 my eF &ir(?rien$ 9en$ra ;rowne((Ks a'tomo@i(e was %an$a(i>e$ @y a &ro'p o? men. .ne o? these men appeare$ at her p(ace o? emp(oyment n'mero's times harrassin& her 3 an$ ha$ &ra@@e$ her @reast at a party a ?ew months

prior. Hason ;ri$&ewater 3 the man who &ra@@e$ her @reast state$ AIt was seF'a( assa'(t an$ I wi(( $o it a&ain.A :e e%ent'a((y reporte$ these men to the Po(ice 2epartment in Manchester NewHampshire. 1he Po(ice .??icer we spoDe to to($ 's 3 A1his is not a Po(ice iss'e 3 what she $oes with her @o$y is her own @'siness.A 5 this so'n$e$ (iDe somethin& that a NAM;4A Mem@er wo'($ say a@o't a chi($. 9en$ra an$ my se(? were 18 years o($. In 2001 an$ 2002 3 7hristine 2ion @roDe the si(ence a@o't the 0man'e(esK SeF 1ra??icDin& an$ 7hi($ Porno&raphin& 5 in 2002 or 2003 3 she was rep(ace$ @y an imposte'r an$ has @een missin& since this time. 2'rin& the ?irst ?'(( $ay at the NewHampshire Hospita(3 I was @ro'&ht into a me$ica( room a n'm@er o? times an$ eFamine$ @y ma(e n'rses whom appeare$ to @e Aryans ?rom In$ia. .ne o? them howe%er was not comp(ete(y In$ian 3 I can 's'a((y te(( the $i??erence < this man appeare$ to @e o? miFe$ Aryan race o? more than one nationa(ity 5 he was certain(y Iranian as we(( as possi@(y another Aryan ethnic nationa(ity. I thinD he was a s'r&eon an$ I am ?air(y certain that he was once a $entist or an ortho$ontist. He was a@o't EK1A in hei&ht3 c(ean sha%en3 an$ (ooDe$ to @e a@o't mi$ 30Ks o? a&e3 he ha$ short @(acD hair on the si$es an$ (on&er hair on the top that was a ?ew inches (on&. His sDin was a coppery @rown. His eyes were @rown. He was o? (i&ht @'i($. I remem@ere$ this manKs ?ace wearin& a s'r&ica( masD ?rom the ni&ht @e?ore an$ per?ormin& a s'r&ery on my sD'((. I @e(ie%e it pro@a@(e that this man S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ these $e%ices in the crani'ms o? n'mero's .rtho$onta( Patients whom 'n$erwent :is$om 1ooth 0Ftraction. It is pro@a@(e that this man was a SeF 1ra??icDin& 1errorist 7rime So($ier with connections to the AIta(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icateA o? the 0man'e(esK an$ the 0%o(asK that para((e(s m'ch o? the Ita(ian A6IS Socia( networD o? in$i%i$'a(s an$ ce((s that sti(( eFists 3 it is a(so pro@a@(e that this man is an accomp(ice o? the 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate that para((e(s the .ttoman A6IS 7onnections that sti(( eFist an$ is a mem@er o? some Aryan Ara@ic SeF 1ra??icDin& 7rime Syn$icate that is networDe$ thro'&ho't a ?ew nationa( home(an$s an$ the Ser@ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate that has @een committin& Genoci$a( :ar 7rimes in ;osnia an$ 'pon ;osnians since the Ser@ian A6IS massacre$ Ser@ians an$ conso(i$ate$ itKs power in Ser@ia 5 the .ttoman re&iona( or&ani>ation seems to @e the twin or&ani>ation that operates in synchronic cohesion with the 0man'e(e 0%o(a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate that para((e(s the Ita(ian A6IS 3 it is pro@a@(e that the networD ha%e n'mero's in$i%i$'a( 1errorist 7rime So($iers who ser%e as networDers. It is entire(y pro@a@(e that this is one 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate which has m'(tip(e arms an$ that it was ?o'n$e$ $'rin& the ear(y 1800Ks @y an a((iance @etween H'(i's 0%o(a &ran$?atherKs 1errorist H'man 1ra??icDin& 7rime Syn$icate an$ a H'man 1ra??icDin& 7rime Syn$icate that was networDe$ thro'&ho't the .ttoman 0mpire3 this a(so @ecame the 0man'e(esK 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate o? which they are c'rrent(y a ?ew o? a sma(( n'm@er o? 1errorist 7rime 4or$s 5 Henry MaDow 3 my se(? 3 an$ others o?ten re?erre$ to this as Athe I(('minatiA $'e to reason that it is a G(o@a(ist 1errorist Socia( 2arwinist 7rime Syn$icate an$ ?or reason o? H'(i's 0%o(aKs in%o(%ement an$ his phi(osophy o? ASo(ar Masc'(inityA. 1his networD is pro@a@(e to operate primari(y ?rom Ita(ia to North America 3 Ita(ia to So'th America 3 across the Americas 3 Ita(ia to the U9 3 Ita(ia to A'stra(ia 3 Ita(ia to 2enmarD 3 Ita(ia to A(@ania 3 Ita(ia to Ser@ia 3 Ser@ia across the ;a(tic an$ into /'ssian UDrainian /e&ion 3 /'ssia to USA < an$ is networDe$ @y a twin or&ani>ation which operates primari(y ?rom Morocco to Sa'$i Ara@ia3 Sa'$i Ara@ia to A?&hanistan3 A?&hanistan to Iran3 Iran to PaDistan3 an$ PaDistan to In$ia. 1his is a G(o@a( 1errorist .r&ani>e$ 7rime Syn$icate an$ itKs networDs. N'mero's we@ sites on internet $isp(ay photos an$ %i$eos o? In$ian women @ein& a@'se$ horri@(y in the same manner o? a@'se as the American an$ 7ana$ian women whom were a@$'cte$ an$ @r'ta((y a@'se$ @y the AIta(ian A6IS

1errorist 7rime Syn$icateA in North America. It is $e?inite that the 0man'e(es an$ their 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate ma$e p(ans to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa'$ an$ a (on& (ist o? other peop(e ?or their own 1errorism 3 ?or in%o(%ement in " 11 3 an$ .r&ani>e$ 7rimes A&ainst H'manity s'ch as the H'man 1ra??icDin& that they ha%e @een in%o(%e$ in $'rin& the :ar on 1error in attempt to escape con%iction ?or :ar 7rime (e%e( SeF 1ra??icDin& an$ Genoci$e. 2'rin& the years o? 200E to 200" < n'mero's Ita(ians who were =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tate$ to (ooD simi(ar to Moroccans a@$'cte$ 3 tort're$ 3 an$ :ar /ape$ women in the North 0ast o? North America5 these in$i%i$'a(s were 1errorist SeF 1ra??icDers recr'ite$ @y ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e 3 these were their Intitiation 7rimes. ,or p'rpose o? attemptin& to ?rame innocent in$i%i$'a(s 3 other crimina(s 3 an$ other or&ani>ations ?or worDin& with the 1a(i@an an$ .sama ;in4a$en $'rin& the :ar on 1error an$ $'rin& the " 11 1errorist AttacDs 5 n'mero's 7rimes A&ainst H'manity inc('$in& &enoci$a( eFtermination o? ?ami(ies 3 SeF 1ra??icDin& o? chi($ren an$ a$'(ts 3 H'man =i%isection o? chi($ren an$ a$'(ts 3 assassinations 3 an$ other crimes were ?a(se ?(a&&e$ as $i??erent i$entities < ?or this reason 3 it is pro@a@(e that the 0man'e(es an$ the 0%o(as co'($ ha%e connections to an or&ani>ation $irect(y associate$ with the or&ani>ation that orchestrate$ the " 11 1errorist AttacD as we(( as $o they ena&e$ in 1errorist .r&ani>e$ 7rime with an or&ani>ation ?rom the ?ormer(y .ttoman Imperia( re&ions that is o@%io's(y the twin or&ani>ation to their own. 1he other s'r&eon whom worDe$ $irect(y with the Aryan man 3 was an Ita(ian. A(most a(( o? the &'i(ty party ha%e @een Ita(ian ma(es. ,or the entire $'ration o? my stay I was I'estione$ a@o't AracismA an$ acc'se$ o? @ein& a mem@er o? the 1h'(e Society3 the /osicr'cians3 the ,reeMasons#o? which my &reat &ran$?ather was one)3 acc'se$ o? @ein& racist ?or rea$in& the ;ooD o? 0noch #which is act'a((y a @ooD ?rom H'$aism) 3 an$ ta(De$ most(y to a /asta?arian who worDe$ there who repeate$(y ca((e$ me names s'ch as AHe>@o((ah ;a$ ;oyA an$ A0ee ranA. 1he /asta?arian was name$ 7hris an$ was ?rom Manchester NewHampshire. 7hris is c'rrent(y missin& an$ has @een /ep(ace$ @y Imposte'r. I @e(ie%e that 7hris was to($ that I was a :hite S'premacist @eca'se the ,action that $i$ this are the Ita(ian A6IS whom are attemptin& to ?rame some@o$y an$ a(so @eca'se 7hris was ?rom Manchester NewHampshire. I ha$ recent(y (o&&e$ on to a ;(acD Nationa(ist we@site an$ was rea$in& a@o't ;(acD Nationa(ism an$ /asta?arianism 5 this we@site was primari(y a Socia( networDin& :e@site ?or ;(acD Nationa(ists. A(so 5 I 'se$ to (i%e with a M's(im @rie?(y name$ HaDim whom I ha$ @ecome ?rien$s with. 7hris was apparent(y to($ that I was an AFis :hite S'premacist M's(im whom worDe$ ?or He>@o((ah an$ ha$ an Iranian connection. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e ha$ $eci$e$ in 200* to attempt to ?rame the Sa'$i Ara@ian /oya( ,ami(y an$ their Morroccan co'sin Mosta?a I@nSa'$ ?or a(( o? their own 1errorism an$ .r&ani>e$ 7rime. 0%ent'a((y 7hris the /asta?arian an$ my se(? ha$ a con%ersation a@o't /e(i&ion 5 7hris the /asta?arian @e&an to ca(( /e(i&io's Sym@o(s ASym@o(s o? PowerA. 1his con%ersation remin$s me o? the con%ersation I ha$ with the imposte'r o? Cach An$rosDi 3 @e?ore I rea(i>e$ that he was an imposte'r 5 $'rin& the year 200E 3 the imposte'r o? Cach An$rosDi to($ me that he ha$ a ha(? Nati%e American ha(? sister who ha$ @een @ein& seF'a((y a@'se$ @y his @io(o&ica( mother an$ her @oy?rien$ since his ha(? sister was @orn an$ that her motherKs @oy?rien$ rape$ her 'nti( she was 1! an$ she presse$ char&es an$ tooD him to co'rt. 1he imposte'r o? Cach An$rosDi then to($ me that his sisterKs assai(ant he($ a Go($ 7ross Pen$ant on a &o($ chain 'p in ?ront o? him an$ shine$ it an$ his sister an$ she (ost the a@i(ity to speaD. 1his ?a@ricate$ story so'n$s (iDe somethin& that 7hris 1homas wo'($ say or =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e wo'($ say 5 this is $e?inite(y a re(e%ant topic. My sisters ha%e @een attacDe$ @y the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS an$ their associate$ 7rime So($iers repeate$(y there entire (i%es < c'rrent(y 3 two o? them are

missin& an$ ha%e @een swappe$ with another two %ictims an$ the thir$ whom is the yo'n&est is trappe$ in the ho'se at EE ;ean /oa$ in MerrimacD NewHampshire with an imposte'r. 2'rin& the year 200! < an artic(e was p'@(ishe$ to the internet that $isp(aye$ an ima&e o? a 1risDe(ion 3 which is a sym@o( o? $i%inity 5 an$ (a@e(e$ it A1he G(o@a((y /eco&ni>e$ Sym@o( o? the ;on$a&e 3 2ominance 3 an$ Sa$oMasochism 7omm'nity G(o@a((y. 1his was a $e?inite ins'(t 3 I ha%e worn a 1risDe(ion on my necD ?or many years an$ c'rrent(y ha%e one o? them on my @e(t @'cD(e 5 I was wearin& a 1risDe(ion pen$ant when =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ 7hris 1homas wa(De$ into ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n Street in Manchester NewHampshire an$ @e&an sta(Din& me on a re&'(ar @asis3 $'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005. I @e(ie%e that 7hris the /asta?arian was inten$e$ to @e presente$ as a possi@(e a(i@i somehow 3 I ha%e @een to($ that $'rin& the year 2005 5 my co'sin 9ristin Nassar an$ Samantha ;ernstein were @oth a@$'cte$ ?rom a /e&&ae 7oncert at the 1rain Station ;ar on 0(m Street in Manchester NewHampshire. .? re(ation to the ASym@o(s o? PowerA an$ a (itt(e &ir( not @ein& a@(e to speaD in a co'rtroom 3 my sister S'mmer has @een ?orce$ to remain si(ent a@o't imposte'rs (i%in& in the ho'se with her ?or a (on& time an$ I ha%e @een 'na@(e to &et the Po(ice 2epartments or Mi(itary in the North 0ast re&ion o? the U.S.A. to respon$ to this 5 I am c'rrent(y tra%e(in& to %ario's re&ions o? the U.S.A. whi(e I am writin& this 3 in hopes that he(p wi(( @e sent soon. 1he name Sha&o'ry was p't on a $oor in the Unit o? the NewHampshire Hospita( which I ha$ @een a$mitte$ to. 1his is the s'rname o? a man whom was one o? my @est ?rien$s $'rin& 200* 5 ;o@ Sha&o'ry. ;o@ was o? @oth 4e@anese an$ Syrian race < ;o@Ks ?ami(y was most(y M's(im. 1his name si&n was 'se$ a&ain (ater on a $oor in the Psychiatric :ar$ on Amherst Street in Nash'a New Hampshire $'rin& the year 200! a&ain. ;o@ Sha&o'ry is c'rrent(y missin& 5 the man 'sin& ;o@ Sha&o'ryKs 2'p(icate$ I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s appears to @e a Sa'$i Ara@ian. 2'rin& 200* < ;o@ Sha&o'ry an$ MarD SDinner ha$ @een with my se(? when we met with 1ony Grasseti an$ Aaron 0man'e(e in Manchester NewHampshire 5 Aaron is ,i(i@ertoKs @rother whom was a$opte$ to a ?ami(y in /an$o(ph Massach'settes. Imme$iate(y @e?ore ;o@ Sha&o'ry %anishe$ an$ was rep(ace$ @y an imposte'r 3 we ha$ @een $isc'ssin& the pro@a@i(ity that A6IS S(eeper A&ents were em@e$$e$ within the Mi(itary Inte((i&ence 2epartment o? the USA whom were promote$ into these positions @y S(eeper A&ents worDin& in this $epartment who mana&e$ to rep(ace themse(%es a(most 1echnocratica((y since the ?a(( o? the 3r$ /eich an$ the /ichar$ NiFon A$ministration 5 an$ that these &ro'ps o? Ita(ian A6IS S(eeper A&ents ha$ pro@a@(y intentiona((y &i%en the USA 2epartment o? 2e?ense ?a(se an$ mis(ea$in& inte((i&ence in?ormation ?or the p'rpose o? ?ramin& Sa$$am H'ssein < to ca'se eFpen$it're o? s'r&ica( @om@in& miss(es s'ch as the @'nDer @'sters which were 'nwise(y 'se$ to $emo(ish an e%ac'ate$ ;a&h$a$ 3 to ca'se the eFpen$it're o? wea(th reso'rces prior to p(anne$ USA economic recession @y metho$ o? economic sa@ota&e 3 to sa@ota&e internationa( ?orei&n re(ations @y $isrep'tin& the USA @y metho$ o? con%incin& the 2epartment o? 2e?ense to p'@(ica((y an$ &(o@a((y $emo(ish a city witho't reasona@(e ca'se to $o so 3 an$ to eFpen$ reso'rces which co'($ ha%e @een 'se$ to @etter armor o'r troops an$ %ehic(es an$ @etter arm o'r troops with more a$%ance$ techno(o&y that co'($ ha%e sa%e$ (i%es whi(e .sama ;in4a$en (e$ o'r troops thro'&h a trappe$ en%ironment which (e$ to the $eaths o? tho'san$s o? USAmerican 2epartment o? 2e?ense emp(oyees. 1he chasin& o? .sama ;in4a$en thro'&h a trappe$ en%ironment whi(e he e%a$e$ physica( com@at $ep(ete$ the n'm@ers o? the $ep(oya@(e ?orces o? the USA 2epartment o? 2e?ense an$ &reat(y inJ're$ the mora(e o? the USA an$ o'r so($iers $'e to the maimin&s which occ'rre$ as a res'(t o? the Impro%ise$ 0Fp(osi%e 2e%ices. It was a(so $isc'sse$ that Sa$$am H'ssein ha$ a $istant co'sin who was A6IS ,action a(i&ne$ an$ ha$ pro@a@(y I'it the A6IS 5 an$ that this is pro@a@(y what res'(te$ in the

tar&ette$ o? IraI an$ the entire H'ssein ?ami(y @y ,a(se ,(a& .peration " 11 1errorist AttacD ?or p'rpose o? ens'rin& that the U.S.A. wo'($ Di(( Sa$$am H'sseinKs ?ami(y. It is pro@a@(e that the hiJacDers o? the Airp(anes ha$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ in their sD'((s an$ were manip'(ate$ into committin& the attacDs. 1he $emo(ishin& o? ;a&h$a$ @y means o? eFp(osi%e @'nDer @'ster &ro'n$ penetratin& missi(es ma$e cre$i@(e the c(aim that the ;'sh 7heney /'ms?e($ /oa%e a$ministration insta((e$ 2emo(itions 0Fp(osi%es an$ 0(ectronic 2etonators in the 1win 1owers in New-orD 7ity themse(%es 5 the ?act that the USA 2epartment o? 2e?ense ne%er mentione$ the 2emo(itions 0Fp(osi%es that ha$ o@%io's(y @een 'se$ to $emo(ish the 1win 1owers 3 ma$e it seem as i? these two occ'rrances were (inDe$ in a way that the USA Go%ernment co((ecti%e(y ha$ p(anne$ @oth e%ents. It is pro@a@(e that 7o%ert A&ents o? the Ita(ian A6IS an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy $i$ in ?act p(an the 2emo(ishin& o? the 1win 1owers an$ the 2emo(ishin& o? ;a&h$a$ an$ were worDin& in cohesion with the A6IS that .sama ;in4a$en was $isco%ere$ to ha%e @een in%o(%e$ with 5 the i$entity o? Is(amic /e(i&ion has since this time @een @(ame$ ?or this 3 the A6IS is not a ,action ?o'n$e$ 'pon re(i&io's %a('es. Pre empti%e Sa@ota&e is a Stan$ar$ 1actic o? :ar ,are which the Ita(ian A6IS an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e 'se$ n'mero's times thro'&ho't the past wars. 1he me$ia in the U.S.A. e??ects the wor($ &reat(y as a res'(t o? the immi&ration rate 3 the pop'(ation $i%ersity 3 an$ the (an&'a&e o? 0n&(ish which is 'n$erstoo$ @y m'ch o? the wor($. M'ch o? the me$ia in the U.S.A. has misrepresente$ the ?acts an$ misappropriate$ i$entities to actions which they $i$ not tr'e(y commit. 1he Ara@ian A6IS ,action is not the Hiha$ist 3 tho'&h the U.S.A. Me$ia has presente$ them as s'ch 5 it is easy ?or the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,action in the U.S.A. to manip'(ate writers as we(( as write their own news artic(es an$ ?'n$ their own me$ia an$ in%esti&ations. 1hro'&h metho$ o? ,a(se ,(a&&in& attacDs 3 the A6IS are capa@(e o? 'sin& 2i%i$e G 7onI'er strate&y to manip'(ate others into ?i&htin& their way ?or them. A Mi(itant Hiha$ist is an arme$ com@atant 3 the U.S.A. Mi(itary is a ,action o? arme$ com@atants < there is more than one ?action o? Mi(itant Hiha$ists an$ i? the U.S.A. Mi(itary can @e manip'(ate$ into $ec(arin& war 'pon the Mi(itant Hiha$ist in the stea$ o? the A6IS which has co%ert(y em@e$$e$ a&ents amon&st the Hiha$ist ,actions 5 the U.S.A. Mi(itary an$ the Hiha$ist ,action can @e manip'(ate$ into a con?(ict with one another. 1his res'(ts in the S(eeper A&ents worDin& within the 2epartment o? 2e?ense an$ the S(eeper A&ents em@e$$e$ within the Hiha$ist Mi(itant ,action < ha%in& comp(ete a@i(ity to $irect the :ar?are in n'mero's ways s'ch as chosin& the @att(e?ie($s which the com@atants meet 'pon an$ sa@ota&in& the war?are ?or @oth 7om@atant ,actions 5 this e??ecti%e(y $e?eats @oth a$%ersaries as we(( as can @e 'se$ to ?orce a Ne'tra( ,action to ?i&ht the war ?or the A6IS 3 witho't the A6IS s'??erin& any cas'a(ties themse(%es. It is a pro@a@i(ity that 2ona($ /'ms?e($ was an A6IS ,action A&ent or was c(ose(y associate$ with one 5 it is pro@a@(e that $'rin& 1he :ar on 1error 3 m'(tip(e A6IS A&ents s'ccee$e$ in Heirarcha((y 2ecapitatin& %ario's $epartments o? state s'ch as %ario's $epartments within the 2epartment o? 2e?ense. :hat is more pro@a@(e that 2ona($ /'ms?e($ @ein& an A6IS A&ent 3 is that U.S.A. Mi(itary Inte((i&ence was Heirarcha((y 2ecapitate$ $'rin& the years 1""" to present $ay. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy are the Aristocracy o? the A6IS an$ they (i%e in the U.S.A. an$ ha%e (i%e$ in the U.S.A. since the 2n$ $e?eat o? the A6IS. .n the ?o'rth $ay whi(e in the Hospita( < I was @ro'&ht into a room o? $i%erse pop'(ation which inc('$e$ no Nati%e Americans whatsoe%er an$ I'estione$ in ?ront o? approFimate(y 1* peop(e a@o't racism. 2r. 2esnesnere was the one $oin& the I'estionin&. I ?ee( that this was eFtreme(y tra'matic an$ was intentiona((y racia((y stress?'( ?or the p'rpose o? attemptin& to ca'se Psycho(o&ica( Stress. 1his was

Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are a&ain < some@o$y whom has @een sta(Din& me an$ Psycho(o&ica((y Pro?i(in& me orchestrate$ this. 2'rin& the year 200* 3 the 0man'e(e ?ami(y @e&an a Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are campai&n o? tra'ma 'pon my se(? 5 the p'rpose o? intentiona((y tra'mati>in& a person is to ca'se repression o? memories to ca'se them to ?or&et in?ormation 3 or to $isa@(e an$ harm the person sa$istica((y. 1he 0man'e(e ?ami(ies intentiona( tra'mati>in& o? my se(? has contin'e$ ?or many years in m'(tip(e ways. 1his is a :ar 7rime. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy are a Mi(itant ,action 3 they are an Aristocratic 2ynasty 5 an Aristocracy has men at arms s'ch as 9ni&hts an$ others 3 it is a Mi(itant ,action. 1hey are 0nemy 7om@atants. Most o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ?o((ow or$ers ?rom =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e as i? he is a Mi(itary Genera( an$ his or$ers are in?a((i@(e. .n the 3r$ $ay that I was at the hospita( 5 a man c(aimin& to @e a A7atho(ic ,atherKs /i&hts Acti%istA was somehow a$mitte$ to the hospita(. 1his man was 5K3A o? hei&ht3 @rown hair3 @rown eyes3 &roome$ his ?acia( hair as a short @ear$3 an$ was o? $e?inite Ita(ian race. He I'estione$ me a@o't what I reporte$ my ?ather ha$ $one. 1he 'se o? A7atho(ic ,atherKs ri&hts Acti%ist who J'st &ot in an ar&'ment with his wi?eA as a 7o%ert A(ias I$entity shows e%i$ence o? the Psycho(o&y o? 7hris 1homas an$ his ?ather =ittorio 0man'e(e 5 this is ?or reason that my ?ather was a 7atho(ic an$ that 7hris 1homas attempte$ to 'se the photo&raphs that he tooD o? the chi($ren on Ha((oween ni&ht at the Ha((oween Party as a way to ;(acD Mai( my ?ather. 1he photo&raphs were taDen in my ,atherKs (i%in& room. A(so 3 Hames HJ'Da 7o'(t're is o? interest $'e to the ?act that the @acD co%er o? the @ooD Germanic Heathenry @y Hames HJ'Da 7o'(t're states that he is a ?atherKs ri&hts acti%ist an$ I ha$ recent(y or$ere$ an$ @e&an rea$in& this @ooD. A(so3 Michae( Smith o? the U(?ar o? Hera 1heo$ o? Hi((s@oro or :ashin&ton NewHampshire Dnew Hames HJ'Da 7o'(ter whoKs ?ami(y was ?rom NewHersey. Hames HJ'Da 7o'(t're seems to @e missin& an$ rep(ace$ @y an Ita(ian 5 his ?ace@ooD pro?i(eKs photo&raphs are o? an Ita(ian. HacDers @ein& in%o(%e$ in this is $e?inite $'e to my recent @ooD or$er ?rom Ama> @ein& sa%e$ in my emai(. 1his Ita(ian man is the other ma(e whom I reco&ni>e$ ha$ @een wearin& s'r&eon masD an$ ha$ s'r&erie$ me whi(e hypnoti>e$ an$ $r'&&e$ 5 when I met him whi(e he was preten$in& to @e a patient at the hospita( < he was wearin& &rey sweat pants an$ a &rey shirt. A(tho'&h the A7atho(ic ,atherKs ri&hts acti%istA ?aca$e was $e?inite(y an inco&nito i$entity < the 7atho(ic 0Ftremist ?rin&e is %ery m'ch an e(ement connecte$ to the A6IS $'e to the ?act that the ancient /oman Aristocratic power str'ct're is sti(( somewhat present in the /oman 7atho(ic =atican as we(( as is there a /oman I$entity sometimes in%o(%e$ in the /oman 7atho(ic =atican an$ the A6IS @oth. ,ascism is one ?orm o? /oman I$entity 0Ftremism < e%en the Ita(ian Nationa( ,ascist Party ha$ an amo'nt o? /oman Imperia( I$entity amon&st them 3 tho'&h they were not the /oman ,ascists that H'(i's 0%o(a associate$ more $irect(y with. 7atho(ic I$entity is a(so sometimes 'se$ as a camo'?(a&e ?or an in$i%i$'a(Ks crimes 5 the core o? the A6IS is tr'e(y an apo(itica( 3 &(o@a(ist 3 Socia( 2arwinist 3 7rime Syn$icate . Many .r&ani>e$ 7rime Syn$icates present themse(%es as 7hristians a(tho'&h they are 4i?eSty(e 7rimina(s.

A?ter ?i%e $ays< I met with a man who c(aime$ to @e a Mr. /eyno($e3 the A&ro'n$sDeeperA or AcaretaDerA o? the hospita(. 1his man ma$e me si&n papers in or$er to @e re(ease$. I was sti(( ?ee(in& $r'&&e$ an$ ha>y at that point an$ when he &ot c(ose to me I ?e(t (iDe I was &oin& to ?aint. 1he a?ternoon @e?ore I was re(ease$ I met with my A(awyerA who seeme$ to ha%e no i$ea what was &oin& on or who I was. I was in?orme$ that I ha$ to ta(D to a J'$&e in

or$er to @e re(ease$ ?rom the hospita( as i? it were co'rt or$ere$ which it was not. He was a ta(( Hewish &ent(eman who ha$ somethin& that my A?atherA s'ppose$(y wrote in his han$s when he entere$ the hospita( win&. He sai$ to me in a con?'se$ %oice AIt says here that yo'r ?ather reporte$ that yo' ha%e a ?ear o? ,rench Hews in @(acD 1rench 7oats an$ that yo' @e(ie%e that they are &oin& to come o't o? the te(e%ision an$ Di(( yo'M an$ that yo' threatene$ to &et a &'n an$ shoot him an$ then shoot yo'rse(?MA 1his manKs statement is important to ana(y>e ?or reason that 0$ ,arrachi :arren attempte$ to ?rame one o? the Hewish &ent(emen whom ha$ @een comin& to the store to ta(D to me. 1his man was approFimate(y 5K11A in hei&ht an$ ?reI'ent(y wore a @(acD trench coat an$ carrie$ a @(acD @rie? case. I @e(ie%e he may ha%e @een a (awyer. 0$ ,arrachi :arren attempte$ to maDe it appear as i? this man ha$ $'mpe$ a @a& o? =erichips in the @acD o? the store. 0$ :arren was ner%o's o? this man. A(so < Samantha ;ernstein an$ her companion 3 were @oth wearin& 4on& ;(acD :oo( 7oats when they came to the store. 2'rin& the year 200* 5 =ittorio 0man'e(e was %i$eo $'@@e$ onto the 1e(e%ision on 7omcast NetworDs transmissions < o%er$'@@in& the sche$'(e$ pro&ramme @rie?(y to present his ?ace animate$ on an animate$ en%ironment whi(e sayin& AI $i$ not $o this to yo'.A whi(e $rac'(a han$s were mo%in& at the si$es o? the screen. 1his was in?('ence$ @y a con%ersation @etween MarD SDinner 3 my se(? 3 an$ ;o@ Sha&o'ry that in%o(%e$ the %i$eo&ame 7ast(e%ania5Symphony o? the Ni&ht an$ the 2rac'(a en$ @oss. MarD an$ my se(? ha$ inten$e$ to maDe a h'mo'ro's come$ic %ersion o? a ;(air :itch mo%ie %i$eo tape$ Point o? =iew 7amera @y wearin& the camera on a he(met < a?terwar$s animatin& character in%entory screens an$ pa'se screens as i? it were a %i$eo &ame. A(so < $isc'sse$ @y my se(? an$ Sahn$ra whi(e ta(Din& a@o't Henry MaDowKs we@site an$ M9U41/A 5 was3 1ra'ma ;ase$ eFtreme Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are 0Fperiments in%o(%in& H'man =i%isection. Samantha ;ernstein an$ the Hewish man in the @(acD trench coat ha$ @oth appeare$ at ,ami(y 2o((ar aro'n$ this time. A(so o? re(e%ancy to the Hews in ;(acD 1rench 7oats < a woman whom I ha$ Dnown name$ 7ara Samson ha$ appeare$ on Sec'rity 7amera recor$in&s at ,ami(y 2o((ar with 4'cas An&i'(ini 5 7ara Samson was wearin& a (on& @(acD woo( coat an$ was o? miFe$ An&(o American 3 ,ranDic American 3 an$ Israe(i race. 7ara Samson has @een rep(ace$ @y two Imposte'rs since this time. 1he ta(( ma(e whom ha$ accompanie$ 7ara Samson was an Ita(ian ma(e3 not a Hew 5 an$ it was o@%io's that I Dnew them $'e to my %isi@(e acDnow(e$&ment o? their presense in the store. In the %i$eo&ame S-N2I7A10 3 which I was p(ayin& on my comp'ter a?ter emai(in& Henry MaDow 5 the two ri%a( ,ascist 7rime Syn$icates ha%e ;(acD 1rench 7oats an$ the other 3 Green 1rench 7oats. It is pro@a@(e that this stoo$ o't in =ittorio 0man'e(eKs worrie$ min$ @'t it is more (o&ica( that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e pai$ 7omp'ter HacDers to p't his ?atherKs ?ace on the te(e%ision. .? re(e%ance to a(( mention o? &'ns an$ 7ha$ 9ister o? .hio 5 a 4aDota with the s'rname :eise shot his &ran$?ather as we(( as other 4aDota an$ a?terwar$s committe$ s'ici$e. 1his was a?ter postin& on the 4i@ertarian Nationa( Socia(ist Green messa&e@oar$ which was ori&ina((y a pan nationa(ist we@site . I ha$ mentione$ this

we@site in an emai( to Henry MaDow $'e to the nat're o? the we@site @ein& Pan Nationa(ist. Pan Nationa(ism is the i$ea that Nationa(ism worDs ?or e%ery nationa(ity o? peop(e an$ that a(( peop(es are %a(i$ an$ $eser%in& o? a nationa( eFistence. 1he tyrannica( i$ea o? the G(o@a(i>ation o? state an$ the ho(oca'sts that G(o@a( Assimi(ationism has ca'se$ are @oth inaccepta@(e. I @e(ie%e that :eise was one o? the ?irst %ictims o? this ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace attacD an$ that .hio is pro@a@(e to @e one o? the tar&ette$ re&ions. :eiseKs screen name on the messa&e @oar$ was Hose? Men&e(eKs nicD name 3 A$eath an&e(A or Ato$esen&e(A. I @e(ie%e that :eise was pro@a@(e to ha%e @een hypnoti>e$ an$ remote pi(ote$ @y Ne'roScience So?tware to commit the s(ayin&s. An$ers ;rei%eD showe$ si&ns o? ha%in& @een tar&ette$ @y Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are A&ents an$ manip'(ate$ o%er years @y Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are operati%es. Accor$in& to what IK%e rea$3 his @e(ie?s chan&e$ somewhat an$ e%ent'a((y he (ost his &rip on rea(ity which c'(minate$ in his s(ayin& a (ar&e n'm@er o? the peop(e o? his own nation. An$ers was apparent(y an o'tspoDen nationa(ist who was %oca((y s'pporti%e o? the contin'e$ eFistence o? Israe(. It is possi@(y that he was $isco%ere$ on a Pan Nationa(ist we@site. It was recor$e$ that An$ers ;rei%iD ha$ two crania( s'r&eries $'rin& time which he spent in the U9. 1he (awyer which ha$ @een appointe$ to me &ot me $ischar&e$ ?rom the Hospita( on MA- 21st 200!. 1he o??icia( $ischar&e physician was 2octor $eNesnera. 2'rin& one o? the (ast $ays which I spent in the Psychiatric Unit at NewHampshire Hospita( on 7(inton Steet in 7oncor$ NewHampshire 3 a yo'n& woman name$ 9ate 7hristiano was a$mitte$ to the Psychiatric Unit. 9ate was aro'n$ my a&e3 was Ita(ian 3 ha$ @('e eyes 3 (i&ht comp(eFion 3 @(acD hair 3 was a@o't 5KEA 3 an$ (ooDe$ to wei&h approFimate(y 1E0(@s. It is pro@a@(e that 9ate was S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace that was p't in her sD'(( a&ainst her wi(( 'nDnowin&(y J'st as ha$ happene$ to my se(?. :hi(e in the hospita( 3 she asDe$ me i? I Dnew A=ictorA an$ $escri@e$ him as her ,atherKs co'sinKs ?rien$. I to($ 9ate that I $i$ not Dnow any@o$y name$ =ictor. 2'rin& the year 200* < a ?aDe i$entity Instant Messa&e$ me whi(e on the internet ?rom an A.4 Instant Messen&er Acco'nt 5 my A.4 Instant Messa&er acco'nt ScreenName was 4'&h2e2anaan. 1his person c(aime$ to @e a 1! year o($ ma(e whom ha$ 'n$er&one SeF /eAssi&nment S'r&ery 3 whoKs ,ather ha$ s'ppose$(y pai$ ?or it. 1his 1! year o($ ma(e s'ppose$(y ha$ @reast imp(ants an$ a seF reassi&nment which inc('$e$ the rep(acement o? the penis with a %a&ina. 1he person whom was preten$in& to @e a 1! year o($ 1rans Gen$ere$ in%i$'a( sent me a photo&raph o? what (ooDe$ (iDe 9ate 7hristiano whom I (ater met in 200!. 1his person ha$ a(so Instant Messa&e$ Scot H'nter on his screenname He(iwr 5 this was the eFact same metho$ o? contact which Aaron 0man'e(e ha$ 'se$ to contact @oth Scot an$ my se(?. I @e(ie%e that this is pro@a@(e to ha%e @een ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e. 1he photo&raph which I was sent 'neFpecte$ @y this stran&e in$i%i$'a( I am a(most certain was a photo&raph o? the top ha(? o? 9ate 7hristianoKs ?ace ?rom a photo&raph which ha$ @een croppe$. It is pro@a@(e that 1ony GrassetiKs an$ 9ate 7hristianoKs comp'ters ha$ @een hacDe$ @y the Ita(ian A6IS 1errorists 5 1ony GrassetiKs .n(ine 2ata Stora&e is pro@a@(e to ha%e @een hacDe$

@y 7omp'ter HacDers whom I @e(ie%e sto(e the recor$in& which 1ony Grasseti ha$ ma$e $'rin& 200*. I met 9ate 7hristiano an$ her ?ather $'rin& 1""5 whi(e I was with the /o$ons at the Grocery Store 5 7hrisKs ?ather /o@ert /o$on 3 is a a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ o? a ?ami(y which is re(ate$ to the 7hristianosK ?ami(y @io(o&ica((y. 2'rin& 200* 3 whi(e in /ye NewHampshire < ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e asDe$ his yo'n&er @rother 2anie( Hames ASo 3 are yo' &oin& to see 9ateMA < to which 2.H. rep(ie$ 3 AUm.. whoMA which ,i( ?o((owe$ 'p with Athe 7hristianosMA an$ 2.H. state$ AI $onKt thinD so. IKm not s're what $a$ has p(anne$ ?or the weeDen$.A 1his sho'($ ha%e @een recor$e$ @y 1ony GrassetiKs recor$in& $e%ice. I? this was not recor$e$3 this wo'($ mean that 1ony Grasseti t'rne$ o?? the recor$in& or ha$ not t'rne$ it on yet 5 I Dnow ?or a ?act that this was state$ $'rin& o'r wa(D to /ye ;each. 9ate 7hristiano was mentione$ $'rin& 200*. 1he eyes in the photo&raph which ha$ @een 'se$ to preten$ to @e the stran&e 1! year o($ in$i%i$'a( whom contacte$ me a?ter ,i( ha$ threatene$ 0mi(y Is(es whom I ha$ tho'&ht was 1E statin& that he was &oin& to Ashit $own her throat an$ rape it a?terwar$sA. (ooDe$ i$entica( to 9ate 7hristianoKs eyes whom I met in 200! 3 when she was 1" an$ I was 23. 9ate 7hristiano is eFact(y 0mi(y Is(esKs a&e an$ my sister Sheena Nico(e MacPhersonKs a&e. ,i( 0man'e(e tar&ette$ m'(tip(e 1E year o($s $'rin& 200* < $'rin& 200*3 I was 20 an$ 2anie( Hames was 1!. 9ate 7hristiano whom was 1E was Dnown to them as a res'(t o? her co'sinKs in%o(%ement in the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen. :hen 9ate 7hristiano was a$mitte$ to 7oncor$ Hospita( 3 she was incorrect(y p't on the H'%eni(e Unit an$ incorrect(y $escri@e$ as @ein& 1! a(tho'&h she was in ?act 1". 9ate 7hristiano so'n$e$ worrie$ when she asDe$ me i? I Dnew =ictor whom was in ?act =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e. I (ater $isco%ere$ that A=ictorA was =ittorio 0man'e(e when I wa(De$ past 9ate whi(e she was eatin& at a restara'nt an$ she mentione$ A=ictor He(pin& =ictorA when $escri@in& =eterans He(pin& =eterans which was @ein& r'n @y =ittorio 0man'e(e whom was apparent(y taDin& portions o? the $onations as we(( as apparent(y writin& $own (ists o? American =eterans ?ami(ies names. 9ateKs 'nmistaDa@(e %oice state$ A-o' mean =ictor he(pin& =ictorM Uh...+so'n$ o? $is&'st8 my $a$ Dnows him.A I met =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e ?or possi@(y the 5th time whi(e settin& 'p a =eterans He(pin& =eterans 1a@(e on ;rown A%en'e with the 1st Imposte'r whom was preten$in& to @e my sister Sheena Nico(e MacPherson. 1he Imposte'r o? my sister $i$ not (iDe ,i( 0man'e(e an$ $i$ not (iDe =ittorio 0man'e(e. 1he (ie in AMein 9amp?A that was to($ to the peop(e o? 2e'tsche(an$ ?or the p'rpose o? co%erin ?or 10 years o? AA$o(? Hit(erKsA missin& (ocation an$ was that A$o(? Hit(er ha$ @een a home(ess =eteran ?or 10 years a?ter the 1st :or($ :ar an$ ha$ not @een @een recor$e$ e%er eFistin&. 9ate 7hristiano is pro@a@(y a sta(Din& %ictim o? ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs an$ 2anie( HamesKs. I @e(ie%e that the @('e eyes which were s'rro'n$e$ in @(acD eye sha$ow were 9ate 7hristianoKs eyes ?rom a photo&raph ?rom 200*. 1he 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(eman are the Pa&es 3 0rrants 3 an$ 9ni&hts o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 1he 0man'e(es ha%e ?reI'ent(y 'ti(i>e$ the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian

Gent(emen to assist the 0man'e(es Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate 'n@eDnownst to most o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen whom typica((y $i$ not en&a&e in 7rimina( Acti%ity. 1he 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen are eFpecte$ to ?o((ow or$ers 'nerrin&(y an$ witho't I'estion < this has @een 'se$ n'mero's times @y the 0man'e(es to assist their 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate @y pro%i$in& in$i%i$'a(s to carry o't actions which are (e&a( an$ 's'a((y o? a (aw?'( nat're s'ch as in?ormation &atherin& 3 assistance in proc'rin& properties witho't the 0man'e(esK names @ein& present on the $ee$ o? sa(e or the property re&istration 3 as we(( as socia( networDin& ?or the 0man'e(es inc('$in& in$i%i$'a(s in%o(%e$ in %ario's ?ie($s o? pro?ession s'ch as me$ia pro$'ction companies an$ man'?act'rin& @'siness or in%estments. :hen I was a yo'n& chi($ 3 my @est ?rien$ was 7hristopher /o$on. My ?rien$ 7hristopherKs ?ather /o@ert @ecame a mem@er o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen as a res'(t o? his co'sin @ein& a mem@er o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen. .ne o? /o@ert /o$onKs ?irst tasDs which he was &i%en as a mem@er o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen was to Dnow where I was at a(( times 5 this was wor$e$ to him in s'ch a manner as to so'n$ @eni&n an$ harm(ess 3 as i? he was simp(y pro%in& his a@i(ity to @e responsi@(e ?or some other h'man @ein& other than his own chi($ren in the way that he was eFpecte$ to @e responsi@(e ?or a chi($ as an a$'(t < a$%ancement in the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen reI'ires the initiates to pro%e that they are responsi@(e an$ wi(( @e $e$icate$ to the or&ani>ation. 1he 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen is ?act'a((y the Pa&es 3 0rrants 3 an$ 9ni&hts o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 2'rin& the approFimate year o? 1""* < it was mentione$ to 7hristopher /o$on that his ?ather /o@ert /o$onKs tasD was to Deep recor$ o? my (ocation < AI nee$ to Dnow where he is. I nee$ to Dnow where he is 3 maDe s're heKs ?e$ 3 an$ maDe s're heKs hea(thy an$ that he is ha%in& a &oo$ time. ItKs (iDe ha%in& a chi($3 @'t I a(rea$y ha%e two. ItKs to pro%e responsi@i(ity o? somethin&. It is (iDe as i? they were to &i%e me an app(e an$ eFpect that eFact app(e to @e &i%en @acD to them in monthKs time. It is to pro%e responsi@i(ity an$ (e%e( o? $e$ication 3 this is J'st a @e&innin& test.A 3 /o@ert was to($ that the p'rpose ?or this was to pro%e responsi@i(ity an$ $e$ication. 1he o@%io's tr'th that is now eFpose$ is that =ittorio 0man'e(e was a 7rime 4or$ o? a SeF 1ra??icDin& 7rime Syn$icate 'n@eDnownst to most o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen whom typica((y are not in%o(%e$ $irect(y in .r&ani>e$ 7rime or 1errorism 5 =ittorio 0man'e(e himse(? is (itera((y $irect(y in%o(%e$ in .r&ani>e$ 7rime 3 H'man 1ra??icDin& 3 an$ 1errorism < =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ his son ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e are A6IS 1errorist 4or$s. 1he str'ct're o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen is or&ani>e$ in s'ch a way that the Aristocrats o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy can easi(y 'ti(i>e the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen as a networD o? peop(e ?or p'rpose o? assistin& their own 1errorist A6IS 7rimina( &oa(s < no matter how crimina( these &oa(s are 3 it is possi@(e ?or the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen to assist in the achei%ement o? these &oa(s @y assistin& in means which are typica((y (acDin& o? crimina(ity. 1he 0man'e(es are capa@(e o? 'ti(i>in& socia( networDs amon&st the &(o@a( Ita(ian peop(es comm'nity in s'ch a way that the most (aw a@i$in& o? in$i%i$'a(s can @e 'se$ to assist in e%en the most crimina( o? acti%ities witho't their e%en @ein& aware o? this. 2'rin& the year 1""5 3 I to($ 9y(e Howar$ a@o't my Mother s(eep wa(Din& $own the stairs to the re?ri$&erator an$ eatin& an onion < she awoDe eatin& an onion 3 rea(i>in&

that she ha$ $reame$ that she ha$ @een eatin& an app(e. 1wo $ays a?ter this happene$ 3 7hris /o$on to($ me AMy Mother 'se$ to eat onions as i? they were app(esA. I ha$ to($ some@o$y what ha$ happene$. I to($ 7hris /o$on a@o't my Mother s(eep wa(Din& $own the stairs an$ eatin& an onion 3 a?ter 7hris /o$on mentione$ to me that his Mother Ain the past wo'($ eat onions as i? they were app(esA < 7hris respon$e$ to this @y sayin& 3 A1hatKs what my mom $i$ 3 too.A. 7hris /o$on was to($ to say this @y the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 2'rin& the year 1""5 < my sister Sheena s(eep wa(De$ $own the stairs to the Ditchen an$ (ai$ $own @eneath the ta@(e 3 speaDin& (o'$(y 5 AMomL Ian $i$ my ho'se an$ now the room is ha(? 'se$LA. ,or some reason < 9y(e Howar$ repeate$ this ?or n'mero's years 3 (a'&hin& a@o't it whi(e speaDin& o? it. Prior to my $ischar&e ?rom the New Hampshire Hospita( on 7(inton St in 7oncor$ New Hampshire I was ma$e to si&n paperworD statin& that I ha$ @een interre$ at the hospita( an$ that I was &oin& to owe the hospita( money. 1he man who ma$e me si&n the paperworD was name$ /eyno($e. /eyno($e was a name that I ha$ ?o'n$ on the internet prior to the man c(aimin& to @e .??icer St. 7yr i((e&a((y sen$in& me to the hospita( in 7oncor$ < this name was on a (ist o? names on a we@site (a@e(e$ ASatanic ;(oo$(ines o? the I(('minatiA 5 the (ist o? names was a (ist o? most(y Norman names ?rom 0n&(an$ an$ ,rance as we(( as (ists o? names s'ch as roya( an$ no@(e ?ami(ies ?rom those re&ions. 1his was not Henry MaDowKs we@site 3 this was a we@site which was ?o'n$ on a search en&ine 'sin& the wor$ AI(('minatiA. It is pro@a@(e that this names were AmericansK names an$ was a hit (ist o? the 0man'e(esK. AI(('minatiA is a wor$ which is o?ten 'se$ in 7onspiracy 1heory artic(es to $escri@e G(o@a(ist ,ascists or H'(i's 0%o(aKs 7rime Syn$icate. 1he Mr. /eyno($e that ha$ me si&n paperworD (ooDe$ re(ate$ to the AHaco@ /oths7hi($sA that I was intro$'ce$ to at NewHampshire Precision Meta( ,a@rication in 4on$on$erry NewHampshire < this man ha$ @een stocDin& the Pepsi Machine 3 the same Pepsi Machine is c'rrent(y at 23 1emp(e St. Nash'a NewHampshire where I @rie?(y (i%e$ at $'rin& 2012 5 this man $i$ not (ooD (iDe his name wo'($ @e /othschi($ an$ he prono'nce$ it entire(y incorrect(y. A/othschi($sA are typica((y $escri@e$ @y ,ascists to @e the Hewish ;anDers whom are s'ppose$(y secret(y p(ottin& to taDe o%er the wor($. 1he man whom intro$'ce$ me to this AHaco@ /othschi($sA is whom I @e(ie%e was the ?irst imposte'r o? my ?ather 3 I ha$ @een estran&e$ ?rom my ?ather ?or a year an$ se($om associate$ with him $'rin& the years (ea$in& 'p to this 5 $'rin& 2005 < when I @e&an ta(Din& to him a&ain 3 I $i$ not notice that it was an imposte'r. :hi(e (ea%in& the New Hampshire Hospita( on 7(inton Street in 7oncor$ New Hampshire 3 I came to the rea(i>ation that a(( o? the 0Fit Si&ns ha$ @een chan&e$ to Green Si&ns instea$ o? /e$ 0Fit Si&ns. 1he 4i@ertarian Nationa( Socia(ist Green we@site ha$ Green ?(a&s on it which (ooDe$ i$entica( to the 3r$ /eich ?(a&s eFcept they were &reen. A?ter this3 I checDe$ wiDipe$ia 5 which c(aime$ that Green 0Fit Si&ns are common in 0'rope @'t not 's'a((y 'se$ e(sewhere. I @e(ie%e that this was intentiona(3 'se$ to tri&&er imme$iate tho'&ht o? the 4NSG we@site @eca'se o? ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs an$ =ittorio 0man'e(eKs h'nt to ?in$ the party whom ha$ to($ A1he HewsA a@o't =ittorio

0man'e(e IIIKs ha(? @rother @ein& A$o(? Hit(er. 1he 4NSG we@site was a startin& point ?or the 0man'e(esK sta(Din& o? peop(es in an attempt to co%er 'p their ?ami(iesK connection 5 this was where they ?o'n$ He?? :eise 3 I ha$ sent Henry MaDow a (inD to this we@site as we(( as others3 an$ An$ers ;rei%iD most (iDe(y ha$ a contact whom ha$ 'se$ the messa&e@oar$ on this we@site $'rin& 200*. A common theme on the 4i@ertarian Nationa( Socia(ist Green we@site was that the A$eni&rationA o? c'(t'res3 nations3 an$ races < was immora( an$ 'n%a('a@(e 3 co'nter pro$'cti%e to nationa(ism3 an$ nee$e$ to @e a%oi$e$ $'rin& po(itica( acti%ity. 1he 0man'e(esK seem to ha%e ma$e an e??ort to se%ere(y $eni&rate their chosen enemies< attemptin& to portay them a(( as ?i(thy 3 corr'pte$3 an$ so ?o'( as to @e 'nworthy o? respect. 1he wor$ A$eni&rationA itse(? 3 is o? importance $'e to my $escription o? that which I hate most in (i?e 5 this thin& which I $espise more than anythin& in (i?e is men whom hate women an$ $eni&rate ?ema(es horri@(y. I spoDe the wor$ A$eni&rateA to ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e when I $escri@e$ this to him 5 this was recor$e$ @y the /ecor$in& 2e%ice which 1ony Grasseti wore one o? the $ays $'rin& which we ha$ met with ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e in NewHampshire. I am a(most $e?inite(y certain that $'rin& 200E 3 Ne'r1oFins were 'se$ to taint ci%i(ians @e%era&es < $ep(etin& their Potassi'm an$ other 0(ectro(ytes so se%ere(y that their heart @eat wo'($ @ecome irre&'(ar 3 their Ne'roSystem @ecome irre&'(ar 3 an$ their car$io%asc'(ar ?'nction @ecome irre&'(ar 5 this maDin& them appear schi>ophrenic an$ at times res'(tin& in their hospita(i>ation. A?ter I was $ischar&e$ ?rom N.H.Hospita( 5 a@o't * weeDs (ater 3 I was tra'mati>e$ @y ho'rs o? e(ectronic assa'(t transmitte$ to the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aceKs ro'ter which is to say that my @rain itse(? was @ein& assa'(te$ @y a m'(ti me$ia o? Ne'roScience 1ransmissions. I @ecame an eFperiment o? whom I @e(ie%e was ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ his accomp(ices. 1he .peratin& System o? the H'man ;rain is @inary itse(? 3 ma&netics 5 i? an in$i%i$'a(sK @rain is ne'ro p(asitici>e$ to Ne'roScience So?tware < e%en an ho'r (on& recor$in& o? @inary ne'ro(o&y recor$in&s can @e transmitte$ to the ro'ter @y way o? recor$e$ ra$io ?reI'ency wa%e?orms themse(%es. 1he in$i%i$'a( with the Ne'ro7irc'it &ra?te$ to their @rain 3 the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 5 wi(( eFperience the e%ents o? this recor$e$ ho'r as i? it were a ?(ash@acD or s'per impose$ o%er their own (i%in& eFperience. At one point3 an in$i%i$'a( 'sin& a Ne'roScience comp'ter system @e&an ta(Din& to me thro'&h my own mo'th an$ ta'ntin& me 5 this in$i%i$'a( (ater i$enti?ie$ himse(? as ,i(. I wa(De$ ?or 5 $ays strai&ht that weeD a?ter somehow @ein& stran$e$ in /ye. 1his tra'ma ca'se$ me to repress m'ch o? the memories which I ha$ ?rom the year 200E an$ 200! < I (ater ha$ to retrace my steps to remem@er these thin&s. At one point 3 I ha$ wa(De$ to Nash'a an$ sat $own on a @ench across ?rom a ?ema(e that (ooDe$ (iDe an A0mi(y Is(esA whom ha$ @een @(in$e$ . ,i( Jo&&e$ 'p to the @enches an$ sat at the @ench neFt to 0mi(y &rinnin&. ,i( sat at the @ench ?or a@o't ?i?teen min'tes an$ (ater &ot 'p an$ (e?t. I wa(De$ away a?ter not e%en rea(i>in& that the woman I ha$ @een worryin& a@o't a((

$ay was sittin& across ?rom me on the other @ench. I was so tra'mati>e$ that I @(acDe$ o't at the si&ht o? the two o? them sittin& neFt two eachother an$ I e%ent'a((y passe$ o't. ,i((i@erto has t'rne$ the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 3 a me$ica( $e%ice< into a $e%astatin& weapon an$ is c'rrent(y en&a&e$ in a Genoci$a( 7o%ert 7ampai&n a&ainst the USA 3 7ana$a 3 the An&(o Gae(ic race 3 the ,irst Nations Nati%e American race 3 Israe(i 3 an$ a (on& (ist o? other peop(es. 2'rin& the years o? 2003 'nti( 2013 3 the 0man'e(es @(in$e$ a (on& (ist o? ?ema(e SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims whom they ha$ a@$'cte$ 5 I @e(ie%e that they ma$e this an Initiation 7rime ?or their 1errorist 7rime So($iers so that they co'($ rape them witho't them @ein& a@(e to testi?y to the i$entity o? the rapists. I a(so @e(ie%e that these women were 'se$ as ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace H'man =i%isection eFperiment %ictims < as $o I @e(ie%e that they are @ein& tracDe$ thro'&h the Pri%ate(y .wne$ Hea(th7are In$'stry which the 0man'e(es an$ their Properties Stea$ Ho($ers own m'ch o?3 an$ are inten$e$ to @e 'se$ as H'man =i%isection eFperimenta( test s'@Jects ?or p'rpose o? Si&ht /eco%ery ?rom ;(in$ness. 1he 0man'e(es ha%e in%este$ a(ot o? money in the Hea(th7are In$'stry an$ own m'ch o? the ?aci(ities an$ (a@oratories in%o(%e$ as we(( as ?actories which pro$'ce Hea(th7are Pro$'cts an$ too(s < it is a(so $e?inite that =ittorio 0man'e(e III was A$o(? Hit(erKs ha(? @rother ?rom the (ine o? the same ,ather 5 H'(i's 0%o(a 3 A$o(? Hit(er 3 an$ Hose? Men&e(e were in%o(%e$ in a(ot o? H'man =i%isection 'pon h'man test s'@Jects who were 'nwi((in& %ictims. 2'rin& the (ate Sprin& Season o? the year 200! < ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e mo%e$ my mo'th n'mero's times 3 ins'(tin& an$ ta'ntin& me whi(e e%en a$mittin& to it an$ who he was to me thro'&h my mo'th. A ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace is capa@(e o? /o@otica((y contro((in& a personKs mo'th to maDe them speaD. 2'rin& the year 200" 3 I awoDe ?rom s(eepin& n'mero's times to what were @asica((y 1ransmitte$ Ne'ro(o&ica( ,(ash@acDs o? other ci%i(iansK tort're. It is %ery $an&ero's ?or these peop(e to @e contin'in& to (i%e 'n$etaine$ @y Mi(itary 3 there is a &oo$ chance that they are 'sin& H'man ;ein&s as Hypnosis P'ppets an$ 1ra'ma P'ppet$ an$ are 'sin& the recor$in&s o? these peop(esK s'??erin& to transmit to others their Ne'ro(o&ica( S'??erin& ?or p'rpose o? tra'mati>in& an$ hypnoti>in& other %ictims o? ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace in their s(eep. 2'rin& the year 200" 3 I was contacte$ @y a ,ace;ooD Pro?i(e that state$ that it was my sister 7he(sey an$ that she ha$ @een m'tate$ an$ $i$ not (ooD the same @'t that it was her. 2'rin& the year 200" 3 I was contacte$ @y a ,ace;ooD Pro?i(e that state$ that she was 0mi(y Is(es an$ that she was @(in$e$ an$ was ha%in& some@o$y e(se assist her with typin&. I $o not Dnow what happene$ to these ,ace;ooD Pro?i(es. 1here has to @e some@o$y in (oca( &o%ernment $irect(y in%o(%e$ in capit'(atin& with terrorists in or$er ?or a(( o? this to ha%e happene$. I @e(ie%e it possi@(e that ,ranD G'inta was taDin& or$ers ?rom =ittorio 0man'e(e as we(( as n'mero's Po(ice .??icers in re&ions s'ch as /ye NewHampshire 3 Hampton NewHampshire 3 an$ Sa(is@'ry NewHampshire $'rin& the year 200* < these re&ions (ater chan&in& to Nash'a 3 MerrimacD 3 Manchester 3 7oncor$ 3 an$ e(sewhere o%er the ?o((owin& years. 2'rin& the

year 200! < what appeare$ to @e State Po(ice in Mi(itary 7amo'?(a&e 3 were $oc'mente$ @y NewsPaper Artic(es an$ 1e(e%ision News as ha%in& p'rs'e$ a man into the woo$s whom was s'ici$a( 5 these AState Po(iceA were arme$ with Assa'(t /i?(es an$ arri%e$ in ;e$?or$ NewHampshire in State Po(ice =ehic(es. A Me$ica( He(icopter was $escri@e$ as @ein& 'se$ @y this camo'?(a&e$ 'ni?orme$ Unit. I @e(ie%e that this was the year that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs Ita(ian A6IS ,action an$ their recr'ite$ Irre&'(ar Mercenaries co%ert(y $ep(oye$ in the USA. Accor$in& to the News 5 there was approFimate(y 20 o? these mi(itants $is&'ise$ as Po(ice. 1he story which the p'@(ic were &i%en was that a man ha$ to($ his wi?e that he was s'ici$a( an$ was &oin& to Di(( himse(? 5 he a((e&e$(y to($ his wi?e that he was s'ici$a( an$ ha$ a &'n. .ne o? the Imposte'rs whom ha%e /ep(ace$ my ,ather wrote a ,a(se :itness Statement c(aimin& that I s'ppose$(y threatene$ him 3 statin& AI am &oin& to &et a &'n. I am &oin& to Di(( yo'. I am &oin& to Di(( my se(? a?terwar$s.A 5 this :itness Statement was pro%i$e$ to me @y the 4awyer which was pro%i$e$ to me whom was Hewish. 1he 4awyer whom I ha$ contracte$ to he(p me with a case in 200* < was Hewish 5 his name was A$am ;ernstein 3 Samantha ;ernsteinKs @rother. Samantha ;ernstein an$ her companion ha$ @een wearin& (on& @(acD coats $'rin& 200* 3 when they appeare$ at ,ami(y 2o((ar 5 $'e to my o%ert(y (o%in& reaction to her presense an$ the ?act that my 4awyer was her @rother 3 ,i( 0man'e(e m'st ha%e ass'me$ that we Dnew eachother. 1he secon$ ha(? o? the ,a(se :itness Statement c(aime$ AHe @e(ie%es that Hews in @(acD trench coats are sta(Din& him an$ that they are &oin& to come o't o? the 1e(e%ision an$ Di(( him.A. 0$ ,arrachi :arren 3 was watchin& the Sec'rity 7ameras at ,ami(y 2o((ar $'rin& the year 200* an$ ca'&ht me smi(in& at Samantha (o%in&(y. ;o@ Sha&o'ry 3 my se(? 3 an$ MarD SDinner $'rin& the year 200* were recor$e$ $isc'ssin& Socia( 2arwinist Amora(ist Genoci$a( Imperia(ists @ein& the most eFtreme ?orm o? terrorist that co'($ possi@(y 'se somethin& norma((y @eni&n an @eyon$ the rea(m o? mi(itary camo'?(a&e 5 these @ein& thin&s s'ch as an icecream tr'cD 3 Po(ice emp(oyment 3 ,ire 2epartment emp(oyment 3 ci%i(ian c(othin& 3 ,e$era( 0Fpress Uni?orm 3 Pi>>a 2e(i%ery Ho@ 3 18 :hee(er 2e(i%ery 1r'cD 3 Am@'(ance an$ 0mer&ency Me$ica( 1echnician Uni?orm 3 Me$ica( He(icopter 3 other 0mer&ency =ehic(es 3 7a@(e 7ompany 1r'cDs 3 7onstr'ction =ehic(es 3 an$ others. 1his sort o? thin& was $one with 1he A9i(( 2o>erA which was p'@(ishe$ to -o'1'@e.7om < Po(ice 3 Am@'(atory 3 Hospita(s 3 Po(iticians 3 Stat's as 4an$(or$s 3 an$ 7omm'nications In$'stry were 'se$ in this attacD. 7hris 1homas 3 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e 3 an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e are Socia( 2arwinists an$ are Genoci$a( SeF .??en$ers with a(ot o? money 3 Properties Stea$ Ho($ers 3 an Aristocratic Ho'se 3 an$ Ita(ian A6IS 4oya(ists whom ?o((ow their or$ers 'nerrin&(y. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs /oya( ,ami(y ha%e a(ot o? money an$ since the creation o? the P.A.1./.I...1. Act 3 they ha%e in%este$ an increase$ amo'nt o? money in properties stea$ ho($ers. It is pro@a@(e that the 0man'e(es an$ their Properties Stea$ Ho($ers co'($ own a (ar&er n'm@er o? properties than eFpecte$ < this is eFtreme(y $an&ero's $'e to the o@%io's ?act that the 0man'e(es are Seria( 9i((ers 3 SeF 1ra??icDers 3 Seria( /apists 3 an$ are 7rime 4or$s o? a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate. 1he 0man'e(esK 1errorist 7rime Syn$icateKs

Initiation 7rimes inc('$e the home in%asion an$ rape o? chi($ren an$ %ictims o? the same ?ami(ies repeate$(y < many o? these %ictims are o?ten a@$'cte$. 2'rin& the year 200! 3 $'rin& the month o? octo@er 5 a p(astic ha((oween sD'(( @e&an ta(Din& at me when I entere$ a store an$ I'ote$ somethin& that ha$ @een sai$ to my sister S'mmer @y my se(? once. 1his p(astic sD'(( was an e(ectronic $ecoration that mo%es itKs mo%e an$ speaDs 3 it was o@%io's(y repro&ramme$ @y circ'it @en$in& an$ an e(ectronics en&ineer < it was o@%io's(y tri&&ere$ to speaD the same way that a wire(ess A$ia( 'pA $etonator ma$e ?rom Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone parts $etonate an eFp(osi%e. 1his is an impro%ise$ Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are weapon constr'cte$ @y metho$s o? Impro%ise$ 0(ectronics 0n&ineerin&. Aro'n$ the year o? 2005 3 which was when these i((e&a( co%ert ne'ro s'r&eries @e&an happenin& 5 there was a come$ic %i$eo circ'(atin& o%er the internet on we@sites s'ch as -.U1U;0.7.M which was Dnown as the AS9U44 ,U79INGA H.90. 1he %i$eo was a recor$in& o? a man a$$ressin& a crow$ in a co'rt room< it was $'@@e$ o%er to maDe it seem as i? the man was &i%in& a $e@rie?in& which inc('$e$ a $escription o? %i%isectionists trephanin& ho(es into peop(esK sD'((s in or$er to ha%e seF with their sD'((s. It was a@o't rapists $ri((in& ho(es in peop(esK sD'((s in or$er to rape the ho(es seF'a((y. 1he ori&ina( 'p(oa$ ?or this is tracea@(e an$ the e(ectronic ?orensic si&nat're o? the initia( 'p(oa$ sho'($ @e a@(e to $etermine approFimate(y which Din$ o? so?tware was 'se$ in the maDin& o? the %i$eo as we(( as comp'ter system speci?ics. 1his Din$ o? tactic is inten$e$ to @e a psych war?are assa'(t 'pon the tar&ette$ ci%i(ian %i%isection %ictims< ?or the p'rpose o? ren$erin& them ?ear?'((y para(y>e$ @y the open an$ &(o@a( p'@(ic ri$ic'(e an$ the ?ee(in& that the assai(ants are a(( power?'( an$ omni potent(y in contro( o? their entire en%ironment3 a@(e to whimsica((y $estroy them i? the %ictim $oes not s'@mit entire(y. 1he SD'(( ,'cDin& re(e%ance to this series o? ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace =i%isections is o@%io's3 0$ :arren ma$e a(('sions to these ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces in%o(%in& these @ein& 1ampons ?or :omenKs @rains to stop ?rom comp(ainin& 3 A1his wi(( maDe her stop @itchin&.A he sai$ 5 the t'@e which is 'se$ to insert these ;.7.I. 2e%ices is somewhat (iDe a tampon app(icator. 1he ;.7.I. is ?o($e$ insi$e o? the t'@e3 the wire han&s o't the other en$ with a /o'ter G ;attery Attachment connecte$ to it. It is on the ri&ht si$e o? my sD'(( J'st to the rear o? the ear$r'm that the incision was ma$e @ehin$ the ear(o@e < where the ear(o@e carti(a&e meets the sD'(( itse(?. 1his was the ?irst part o? the s'r&ery. I am an insomniac an$ was eFperiencin& more insomnia than 's'a( $'rin& 200! < I am a(so near(y imm'ne to hypnosis 3 's'a((y I wi(( eFperience a PanicD AttacD imme$iate(y prior to reachin& a state o? hypnoia 5 this 's'a((y res'(ts in my se(? waDin& 'p comp(ete(y ('ci$. I remem@er most o? the hypnosis which occ'rre$ a?ter the n'rse &a%e me a Apotassi'm s'pp(imentA prior to my se(? @ein& (e$ to the hospita( @e$. 1he woman whom I tho'&ht was eFtreme(y @ea'ti?'( woDe me 'p with her hypnosis attempt < her mo'th was mo%in& an$ wor$s were comin& o't o? it3 hypnoti>in& me 5 it $i$ not worD comp(ete(y 3 @'t it worDe$ to an eFtent. A?ter hypnoti>in& me 3 she he(pe$ me to stan$ 'p an$ (e$ me to another room < when I &ot to the other room3 I was to($ to taDe I'arter steps an$ t'rn in p(ace to the A('((a@y son&A which (e$ to ?'rther $eeper (ayers o? hypnosis. I was ma$e to (ay $own on a s'r&ery @e$ s'ch as was in the

n'rsesK station $own the ha((. Upon enterin& the n'rsesKs room 3 there was s'r&ery eI'ipment o't on the ta@(e. I remem@er a?ter (ayin& $own that the two ?aces which were the s'r&eons were a short Ita(ian ma(e whom (ooDe$ 4om@ar$ic Ita(ian an$ a ta(( Aryan ma(e whom was o? miFe$ nationa(ity @'t seeme$ Iranian. I rea(i>e$ who these men were o%er the neFt ?ew $ays when the Ita(ian ma(e was a$mitte$ as a s'ppose$ patient an$ the Aryan man was a n'rse whom I thinD I reco&ni>e$ ?rom a 2enta( .??ice or an .rtho$ontist in Manchester NewHampshire. 1he s'r&eons c't open the sDin at the @ase o? the ear(o@e3 separatin& it ?rom the hea$ s(i&ht(y. Usin& a trephanin& too(< a sma(( piece o? sD'(( was remo%e$ in a tapere$ shape an$ $ri((e$ with two sma(( ho(es simi(ar to a shirt @'tton. 1he ;.7.I. is a so?t @o$ie$ ;7I3 simi(ar to the new ?(eFi@(e circ'it @oar$s an$ (ooDs simi(ar to a sticDer < an$ it was imp(ante$ ro((e$ 'p s(i&ht(y insi$e the insertion t'@e an$ was &'i$e$ to &ra?t site 'sin& this so?t @o$ie$ co((apsa@(e t'@e ?or the insertion with the wire han&in& o't the en$ an$ the /o'ter G ;attery com@ination on the en$ o? the wire 'nsea(e$. A $enta( air $ryer was 'se$ to sea( the ro'ter pacDa&e an$ the @acD o? the ear a?ter the ro'ter casin& is inserte$ into the Jaw ca%ity an$ tacDe$ to the Jaw m'sc'(at're as we(( as sea( the ear which was &('e$ with a s'r&ica( &('e simi(ar to cra>y &('e. 1his (ooDe$ %ery simi(ar to 0$ ,arrachi :arrenKs JoDe which he ma$e in 200* an$ 2005 a?ter Samantha ;ernstein ha$ appeare$ at ,ami(y 2o((ar an$ I was ass'me$ @y the 0man'e(es an$ 0$ ,arrachi :arren to ha%e Dnown her $'e to my o@%io's ?acia( eFpression o? (o%e. 1his JoDe was3 AHey Ian... whatKs thisM -o' ha%e &ot no i$eaLA as the paper towe( was p'she$ o't o? the en$ o? the t'@e an$ it 'n?o($e$ on the &ro'n$ a?ter 0$ ,arrachi :arren ha$ sai$ A2'$e... it (ooDs (iDe a tampon.1his wi(( maDe her stop @itchin&.A. 7esare ha$ a(so commente$ in the ,ami(y 2o((ar store on 4inco(n Street in Manchester $'rin& 2005 3 A2'$e3 I saw it. It (ooDe$ (iDe a tampon. 2'$e yo' can maDe some@o$yKs mo'th mo%e with that shitA. 1he transmitterNrecei%er is a com@ination o? a micro@attery ri&&e$ to a $ata p'sher capa@(e o? A/G.S networDin& G(o@a( Positionin& System 5 this $e%ice sti(( recei%es an$ sen$s si&na( in a S'@way 1'nne( 'n$er New -orD an$ ;oston. 1he too(s 'se$ ?or this s'r&ery are a(most entire(y cosmetic p(astic s'r&ery too(s3 (aproscopic s'r&ery too(s3 an$ ne'ros'r&ery too(s. 2'e to 7ortica( an$ Ne'ra( P(asticity3 these $e%ices ha%e apparent(y @een a@(e to &ra$'a((y contro( peop(e (iDe marionettes thro'&h so?tware an$ mo@i(e internetNce((phone towers. It 'ses @inary e(ectro ma&netics to ana(y>e an$ reor&ani>e the @rainKs ?'nctions. It is a Si(D @ase$ A$hesi%e Patch 'pon which is printe$ a Ne'ro7irc'it which is wire$ at the en$ to the ro'ter which processes simp(e @inary $ata 5 this @ein& simp(e e(ectro ma&netic positi%e an$ ne&ati%e char&es. 1he si(D @ase$ component to the Ne'ro7irc'it is coate$ in a @io or&anic p(astic that assimi(ates simi(ar(y as $o $isso(%a@(e stitches< I am not s're how this wo'($ e%er @e remo%a@(e. I am ass'min& that the Ita(ian A6IS networD whom ha%e @een worDin& ?or =ittorio 0man'e(e 3 7hris 1homas 3 an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e ha%e @een creatin& so?tware @ase$ 'pon the constant connection @etween this $e%ice an$ my @rain as we(( as othersK @rains 5 con$'ctin& a scienti?ic eFperiment 'pon h'man @ein&s whom are 'nwi((in& or 'nDnownin& is ca((e$ a H'man =i%isection 3 this is a :ar 7rime an$ is one o? the most %i(e an$ ins'(tin& o? a(( :ar 7rimes. 1he Ita(ian A6IS ,ascist 7rime Syn$icate an$ their

Irre&'(ar Mercenaries are em@e$$e$ within m'(tip(e corporations3 m'(tip(e crime syn$icates3 as we(( as a ?ew nationa( &o%ernments 5 0$ ,arrachi :arren3 $escri@e$ this as Athe &'ys in the &'ys 3 $'$eLA whi(e worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar in Manchester NewHampshire on 4inco(n Street. It is $e?inite that they are worDin& acti%e(y within the Ita(ian &o%ernment a&ain @ein& that there is a $e?inite imperia(ist Ho'se o? Sa%oy (oya(ist connection in%o(%e$ in this as Ita(ian A6IS 4oya(ists. 2'e to the reason that this ,action is the core ,action o? what ?o'n$e$ the entire A6IS ,action 5 this 1errorist G(o@a(ist entity ha%e connections to other A6IS ,actions as we(( as n'mero's H'man 1ra??icDin& NetworDs G(o@a((y. I am a@so('te(y positi%e that =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ his sons ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ 7hris 1homas are in%o(%e$ in seF s(a%ery 5 SeF 1ra??icDin& as we(( as other H'man 1ra??icDin& networDs &(o@a((y. 2'rin& the year 200" 5 whi(e in Somer%i((e Massach'settes < my ?rien$ Hosh'a ;arnes to($ his roommates a@o't AAaron 0man'e(eA ?rom the AGay @ar in ;ostonA whom is AA$o(? Hit(erKs Great Gran$NephewA an$ is Dnown to the (oca( 4G;1 7omm'nity as a hate crimina( an$ a A1ranny 1ra??icDerA. Aaron is %iew @y some as a Hate 7rimina( $'e to his SeF 1ra??icDin& o? 1ransGen$ere$ in$i%i$'a(s. Hosh'a ;arnes was con%ince$ that Aaron 3 whom he ha$ met 5 was A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(y an$ ,i( 0man'e(eKs @rother. =ittorio 0man'e(eKs son 7hris 1homas +0man'e(e8 has in the past @een in%o(%e$ with N.A.M.;.4.A. SeF 1ra??icDers in ;oston Massach'settes. 1his is %ery reminiscent o? what happene$ within the 7IA operation M9U41/A $'rin& the /ichar$ NiFon A$ministration as we(( as other ,e$era( 2epartments. /ichar$ He(ms o'tso'rce$ n'mero's research st'$ies to 7rime Syn$icates an$ H'(i's 0%o(aKs Scienti?ic /esearch 7rime Syn$icate whom were H'man 1ra??icDers as we(( as H'man =i%isectionists an$ SeF 1ra??icDers 5 /ichar$ NiFon an$ /ichar$ He(ms are wi$e(y @e(ie%e$ to ha%e @een Ita(ian A6IS S(eeper A&ents an$ the chi($ren o? Ita(ian A6IS S(eeper A&ents. =ittorio 0man'e(e has @een in%o(%e$ with .r&ani>e$ 7rime most o? his (i?e. :hen I met ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e in /ye NewHampshire 3 he state$ to me that he wo'($ @e in the area ?or a perio$ o? time in%esti&atin& peop(esK reactions to his ?ami(y @ein& eFpose$ as A$o(? Hit(erKs @io(o&ica( re(ati%es 5 ,i( state$ that $'rin& this time3 he wo'($ in%esti&ate what happene$ in M9U41/A an$ itKs connections to H'(i's 0%o(aKs networD. 1he networD which ,i( $escri@e$ has @een re%ea(e$ thro'&h his an$ his ?atherKs actions to ha%e @een the 0man'e(esK 7rime Syn$icate which when it is acti%e in 1errorism is a G(o@a( 1errorist .r&ani>ation. 1he Ita(ian A6IS crimina( terrorist networD tar&ette$ this re&ion in the past ?or reason that this is the ,o'n$in& /e&ion o? the Unite$ States o? America which ?o'n$e$ the ?irst o? what @ecame the 13 1ra$itiona( States o? the Unite$ States o? America. Upon hacDin& Henry MaDowKs emai(s an$ rea$in& emai(s @etween himse(? an$ others < my emai( acco'nt was $isco%ere$ as was my i$entity3 A(so o? importance< in Massach'settes USA3 the 1i(era 7orporation has pro$'ce$ a 100 7./0 Processor which is 100 in$i%i$'a( ti(e$ cores 5 an$ the corporation which en&ineere$ it3 1I40/A. 1his Processin& Unit is eFtreme(y power?'( an$ can han$(e a Process 4oa$ o? n'mero's pro&rams r'nnin& sim'(taeneo's(y 5 this is %ery 'se?'( with 4in'F .peratin& System. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e 3 7hris 1homas 3 an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e ha%e spent ha(? o? their time in NewHampshire an$ Massach'settes o%er the past 10 years as were 2 sons o? =ittorio

0man'e(es raise$ @y 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen ?ami(ies in this re&ion. It is possi@(e that the 7omp'ter HacDers whom are o? Ita(ian A6IS (oya(ties may ha%e p'rchase$ 1i(era Processors or sto(en some @y act o? @'r&(ary ?or 'se with 7y@er :ar?are 3 7omp'ter HacDin& 3 as we(( as Ne'roScience So?tware 0n&ineerin& 3 an$ the 0n&ineerin& o? a Ne'roScience S(a%e System which reI'ires a(ot o? Processin& 7apa@i(ity. 1i(era Processors are eFtreme(y 'se?'(. 1his ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace $e%ice an$ itKs attache$ S'r&ica( Imp(ant /o'ter can @e ?o'n$ 'sin& ;acD1racD So?tware 3 other 4in'F :ire(ess HacDin& So?tware 3 AirSnort So?tware 3 9ismet So?tware 3 U@er1ooth Har$ware 3 an$ US; /,I2 2etector. 1he so?tware which is necessary to ?in$ these is a c'stom so?tware which scans a(( possi@(e ?reI'encies an$ (ocates any $e%ices compati@(e with ;('e1ooth 3 :i,i 3 GPS 3 /,I2 3 Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar Si&na( 3 or any other /a$io ,reI'ency s'ch as A/G.S. HacDers3 7irc'it;en$ers3 an$ PhreaDers in%o(%e$ in 7'stom 0(ectronics 0n&ineerin& o?ten Dnow how to @'i($ these $e%ices as we(( as (on& ran&e si&na( Jammin& $e%ices or other /a$io ,reI'ency 1ransmitters 5 HacDin& So?t:are 0n&ineers 'n$erstan$ how to pro&ram the proper $e%ice $ri%ers an$ so?tware necessary ?or these to operate proper(y. Some o? these can @e ?o'n$ on the internet 5 it is necessary ?or these to @e ma$e more rea$i(y a%ai(a@(e to the p'@(ic ?or the p'rpose o? resc'in& these %ictims an$ $etectin& 0nemy 7om@atants whom ha%e these $e%ices in their @rains an$ may @e 'sin& them to manip'(ate other h'man @ein&s @y e(ectronic comm'nication with the 7omp'ter 'pon which is ho'se$ the Ne'roScience So?tware that has @een @ein& 'se$ @y the Ita(ian A6IS whom S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ these $e%ices in o'r sD'((s. It is c'rrent(y possi@(e to ?in$ 7o%ert A&ents whom ha%e these ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace $e%ices imp(ante$ in their @o$ies ?or p'rpose o? 'ti(i>in& Ne'roScience so?tware in or$er to maDe certain that their (aryn&ea(3 pharyn&ea(3 esopha&ea(3 an$ to'n&'e m'sc'(at're ?'nction proper(y to impersonate the speci?ic %oice o? the in$i%i$'a(s whom they ha%e @een attemptin& to impersonate an$ ha%e sto(en the I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o?. 0%en i? the $e%ice has @een sh't o?? on the main ser%er which the 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate has @een 'sin& 5 it is sti(( possi@(e ?or this $e%ice to @e insta((e$ as a $e%ice on yo'r comp'ter as so (on& as one possesses the proper so?tware an$ har$ware nee$e$ which can @e ?o'n$ at on(ine hacDer stores. 1he transmissions o? these $e%ices ha%e a(so a(( @een recor$e$ as /a$io ,reI'ency :a%e,orms @y Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence as we(( as 7omm'nications an$ Internet Ser%ers. 1hese recor$in&s are @acDe$ 'p permanant(y on the A's7anN>U9US networD which is the Si&na(s Sec'rity NetworD o? the ;ritish 7ommon:ea(th3 USA3 an$ New Cea(an$. 1his is a share$ networD3 other share$ networDs s'ch as this eFist. Usin& US; :i,i A$apters as eFtensions < the p(antin& o? U@er1ooths an$ other :i,i 2on&(es @ehin$ wa((s is 'se$ to connect comp'ters in apartment @'i($in&s to %ictimsK ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces witho't the %ictims e%er @ein& a@(e to report it $'e to (acD o? 4on& /an&e 0(ectronic 1ower 1ransmissions 5 these $e%ices are @ein& 'se$ ?or p'rposes o? S(a%ery3 1ort're3 H'man =i%isections3 In?ormation Gatherin&3 an$ Genoci$e. SeF 1ra??icDin& is S(a%ery as is H'man =i%isection or any other ?orm o? H'man 1ra??icDin&. I? one o? these transmittin& $e%ices is o't o? reach an$ a %ictim is (ocDe$ @ehin$ @ars3

@ehin$ a wa((3 in a room3 or in a ca&e 5 it is impossi@(e ?or her to &et to the /o'ter $e%ice to t'rn it o??. :omen ha%e @een @ein& ens(a%e$ @y this G(o@a( 1errorist .r&ani>ation ?or p'rposes o? /epro$'cti%e 1ra??icDin& 3 SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 H'man =i%isection 1ra??icDin& 3 an$ possi@(y .r&an 1ra??icDin&. 1he Ita(ian 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate whom ha%e committe$ these :ar 7rimes are Seria( /apists an$ are A6IS 4oya(ists 3 (oya( to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 5 many o? their a((ies are A6IS (oya(ists an$ other 7rime Syn$icates. 1hese men ens(a%e women an$ tort're women as we(( as $o they eFterminate entire ?ami(ies re(ate$ to these women. 1his is a G(o@a( 1errorist Genoci$a( ,action.1his @e&an $'rin& the G(o@a( :ar on 1error an$ is pro@a@(e to @e the other ha(? o? the or&ani>ation which en&ineere$ an$ eFec'te$ the " 11 1errorist AttacDs.

E A?ter re(ease ?rom NH Hospita( I was home(ess an$ staye$ ?or a ?ew weeDs with the Imposte'rs o? Mo((y Go$$ar$ an$ Cach An$rosDi. 2'rin& this time 3 my mo'th Dept mo%in& sayin& AI $onKt @e(ie%e in (o%e. 4o%e $oes not eFist.A I Dept ar&'in& with this in my hea$ 3 AI (o%e peop(e 3 I (o%e a(ot o? peop(e. 1here is no way (o%e $oes not eFist 'n(ess I am the on(y person who ?ee(s (o%e an$ I am insane. I (o%e 7(arissa ;erry. I (o%e =a(erie .(son. I (o%e my sisters. I (o%e my mom. I (o%e my ?ami(y. I (o%e Min$y 9ern. I (o%e 9atie 7ameron. I (o%e my ?rien$s. I ?e(t (o%e ?or that Hewish &ir( Samantha ;ernstein whom I met that I ha%e not @een a@(e to ?in$ since then. I? I can ?ee( (o%e ?or some@o$y I $o not e%en Dnow 3 o@%io's(y I @e(ie%e in (o%e.A I @e(ie%e that this was ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e 'sin& Ne'roScience So?tware to o@tain a (ist o? the peop(e whom I (o%e the most. 2'rin& 200* 3 whi(e in Manchester NewHampshire with 1ony Grasseti an$ my se(? < ,i( 0man'e(e state$ AI hate (o%e.A. :hi(e (i%in& at the apartment @rie?(y at :e((in&ton Hi(( with the Imposte'r Mo((y Go$$ar$ an$ Imposte'r Cach An$rosDi 3 an Imposte'r 9atie 7ameron %isite$ me < she seeme$ entire(y ?orei&n. 2'e to the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace @ein& in my @rain 3 I $i$nKt notice that these peop(e were not who they to($ me that they were. :hi(e in the car one $ay < the 1st Imposte'r Mo((y Go$$ar$ (ooDe$ at Imposte'r Cach An$rosDi an$ sai$ to him AI (iDe to o($ Cach @etter.A this echoe$ what my sister S'mmer MacPherson ha$ sai$ to the Imposte'r 7he(sey MacPherson 5 AI want the rea( 7he(sey @acDA. 2'rin& the year 200! 3 the man whom was impersonatin& Cach An$rosDi as imposte'r < went $eep ?ishin& with Stan Go$$ar$ 3 whom was Mo((y Go$$ar$Ks ?ather. It is pro@a@(e that Stan Go$$ar$ was thrown o%er@oar$ or a@$'cte$ on the way to the 2eep Sea ,ishin& ;oat :ar?. 1here is c'rrent(y an imposte'r o? Stan Go$$ar$. Stan Go$$ar$ was a 7hristian Minister an$ Pastor. I @e(ie%e it pro@a@(e 3 that this metho$ o? Di((in& Stan(ey was chosen ?or the reason o? the a$a&e A Hes's 7hrist was a ?isher o? men.A as we(( as ?or the reason that -esh'a the /a@@i whom @ecame Dnown as the 7hrist 3 was a ?isherman @y pro?ession as we(( as a carpenter. A carpenter is a(so o?ten a(so a @oat @'i($er < it is pro@a@(e that Stan(ey Go$$ar$ 3 was $isc'ssin& this $'rin& his 4ect're an$ Sermon at the 7h'rch the ?irst weeDen$ a?ter he ha$ @een S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with a Ne'ro7irc'it an$ A/G.S G.P.S. ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace. N'mero's re(i&io's tar&ets ha%e @een hit @y the 0man'e(e 0%o(a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate 5 the

/a@@i ;arry :einstein an$ his ?ami(y 3 Gothar an$ Gythiar o? the Asatr' 7omm'nity an$ their ?ami(ies 3 as we(( as many other tar&ets < the 0man'e(es are recor$e$ as ha%in& p(anne$ to @(ame Is(am ?or this attacD 3 as a re(i&ion an$ networD o? re(i&io's comm'nities. In 200* 5 =ittorio 0man'e(e was $ec(are$ to @e the Anti7hrist @y He?? /ense o? /ense.7om 3 whom p'@(ishe$ an artic(e which was accompanie$ @y a photo&raph o? =ittorio 0man'e(e that sai$ AAnti7hristA across it in re$. 0%ent'a((y I @e&an stayin& with my A'nt 4es(ie ;ryan in Manchester NewHampshire on Gray Street. I rente$ a room 'pstairs in her ho'se that my co'sin 7hristopher Io$ice ha$ ?ormer(y (i%e$ in. Michae( Io$ice was sti(( (i%in& at home at this time an$ was worDin& at 0((iot Hospita( as we(( as Macys an$ atten$in& c(asses in 7o((e&e. 2'rin& this time Michae( Io$ice met Aaron 0man'e(e in ;oston Massach'settes an$ mentione$ to me that Aaron 0man'e(e ha$ mentione$ Dnowin& me to Michae(. I ne%er mentione$ to any o? the 0man'e(es that I ha$ co'sins whom were ha(? Ita(ian 3 nor $i$ I mention to them the names o? these co'sins. 2'rin& this time I @e&an worDin& at 2'nDin 2on'ts in the Ma(( o? NewHampshire. :hi(e I was worDin& at 2'nDin 2on'ts (ocate$ insi$e the Ma(( o? New Hampshire3 in Manchester New Hampshire< an Ita(ian man wearin& a c'stom tai(ore$ s'it an$ @owtie who (ooDe$ as i? he may ha%e J'st &otten o?? o? a p(ane ?rom Swit>er(an$5 wa(De$ 'p to the re&ister co'nter3 p't his han$s on his hips3 rocDe$ @acD on his hee(s an$ (a'&he$ I'iet(y at me< he then t'rne$ an$ wa(De$ away witho't @'yin& anythin&. He was approFimate(y 5K"A3 2!0 (@s3 was wearin& a c'stom tai(ore$ s'it an$ tie with a pocDet watch. He ha$ the appearance o? a wea(thy in%estor @'t ha$ the $emeanor o? a sa$istic crimina(. 1he s'it was o? a me$i'm tone co(oration with m'(tip(e co(ors o? pin stripes an$ was eFtreme(y we(( tai(ore$ an$ ha$ an 1800Ks appearance. 1his was aro'n$ the time that the U;S in%estments scan$a( happene$. Mi((ions o? $o((ars worth o? s'pp(ies $isappeare$ $'rin& the :ar on 1error < $e(i%ery tr'cDs carryin& s'pp(ies were reporte$ to ha%e $isappeare$. 1he 0man'e(esK 'se o? 7omp'ter HacDers at Ser%ers themse(%es pro%e the pro@a@i(ity that 7omp'ter HacDers an$ 7'stom 0n&ineere$ 7omp'ter HacDin& So?tware @ase$ 'pon what was ori&ina((y ,orensics So?tware ha%e @een 'se$ to a$$ n'm@ers in comp'ters :ea(th ?a(se(y portrayin& :ea(th that $oes not eFist as we(( as 7re$it that $oes not eFist 5 n'm@ers @ein& a$$e$ sim'(taeneo's(y @y 7omp'ter HacDers worDin& ?or 1he :or($ ;anD an$ U;S as we(( as other ;anDs an$ e%en the ,e$era( /eser%e o? the Nationa( 1reas'ry can sim'(taeneo's(y a$$ n'm@ers that $o not eFist an$ circ'm%ent @ein& ca'&ht on A'$it @y metho$ o? the A'$iter position @ein& ?i((e$ @y a 1errorist ,action A&ent < these are 0conomic Sa@ote'rs. 1his was the month $'rin& which my sister 7he(sey was Di$nappe$ 5 this was approFimate(y the month o? .cto@er o? the year 200!3 at the Ma(( o? NewHampshire in Manchester NewHampshire. 2'rin& this month I was approache$ @y a man whom (ooDe$ entire(y Ita(ian an$ $resse$ as i? he were a wea(thy Internationa( ;anDer 5 wearin& eFpensi%e %inta&e c'stom tai(ore$ s'it an$ @ow tie as we(( as eFpensi%e shoes an$ a pocDet watch 3 a(( appearin& to (ooD simi(ar to 1800Ks &ent(emanKs appare(. 1he Ita(ian @anDer p't his han$s on his hips an$ rocDe$ @acD on his hee(s (a'&hin& e%i((y with his

to'n&'e han&in& s(i&ht(y o't o? his mo'th. 1his same month < a man wearin& a sha& wi& parte$ on the si$e 3 whom appeare$ to (ooD near(y i$entica( to my ,ather 5 approache$ 2'nDin 2on'ts an$ stoo$ near the trash cans in the @acD o? the (o@@y 3 this man was smi(in& an$ (a'&hin& e%i((y at me. 1his man I (ater saw impersonatin& my ?ather 5 he (ooDs to @e a miFe$ Ser@ian an$ ;osnian race3 I @e(ie%e that these two men are in%o(%e$ in Internationa( SeF 1ra??icDin& an$ ,inancin& o? 1errorism. 1his is an A6IS 1errorist ,action. It is entire(y possi@(e that a 1errorist Sponsorin& Nation has p'rchase$ n'mero's I$enti?ication Pro$'ction Machines capa@(e o? man'?act'rin& i$entica( I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. 2'rin& the year o? 200!3 whi(e I was worDin& at 2'nDin 2on'ts < 4in$sey Garo?ano tra%e((e$ with Ste%e A=inceA Parish to NewHampshire ?rom 1eFas to %isit her o($ ?rien$s whi(e Ste%e A=inceA Parish mo%e$ @acD to NewHampshire. Ste%e ParishKs sister was (i%in& in 2erry at !3 0ast ;roa$way where I (ater &ot an apartment $'rin& the year o? 2010. :hi(e %isitin& ?rom 1eFas 3 4in$sey went o't to Un:ine$ the wine resta'rant with my se(? an$ Ste%e to socia(i>e @e?ore she ret'rne$ to 1eFas. Since this time 3 I ha%e met an Imposter whom 4in$sey Garo?ano seems to ha%e @een rep(ace$ @y. 2'rin& the year 2011 < this Imposte'r whom /ep(ace$ 4in$sey Garo?ano came to NewHampshire to %isit me. She was not 4in$sey. 2'rin& the year 200! 5 Ste%e Parish an$ his sister hoste$ a MasI'era$e ;a(( at the 4ions 7('@ in what I @e(ie%e was A((enstown 3 i? I remem@er correct(y. It is important to remem@er that $'rin& the year 2002 3 Ste%e A=inceA Parish to($ me that the Ita(ian Ministry o? 2e?ense an$ the Mi(itary Inte((i&ence 2epartment o? the Ita(ian Ministry o? 2e?ense ha$ @een Heirarcha((y 2ecapitate$ @y A&ents (oya( to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. Ste%e eFp(aine$ to me that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ?o'n$e$ the A6IS an$ that the entire networD o? A6IS is either s'@ser%ient to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 s'@or$inate to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 or Accomp(ice to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ that it is an Aristocratic 7rime Syn$icate. Ste%e A=inceA Parish was at this time $atin& 7hristine 2ion 3 who was sti(( (i%in& in Manchester NewHampshire an$ ha$ not @een rep(ace$ @y an imposte'r yet 5 Ste%e A=inceA Parish to($ me that the " 11 1errorist AttacD was pro@a@(e to ha%e @een accomp(ishe$ @y the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ an Ara@ian A6IS ,action 3 an$ that the 1e(e%ision Me$ia was not comp(ete acc'rate. Ste%e A=inceA Parish to($ me I sho'($ @e care?'( @eca'se there was pro@a@(y &oin& to @e tro'@(e soon. 1his was the same year that 9en$ra ;rowne(( to($ me that there was a threat o? :ar 7rimina(s Di((in& my se(? in the near ?'t're 3 an$ that :ar 7rimina(s were tar&ettin& American ,ami(ies soon 5 9en$ra ;rowne((Ks wor$s so'n$e$ (iDe a threat. I ha$ 'n$erstoo$ what Ste%e A=inceA Parish was ta(Din& a@o't 3 @'t $i$ not tr'st him < so I $i$ not respon$ with %ery m'ch con%ersation. I @e(ie%e that Ste%e A=inceA ParishKs ?ami(y ha%e some connection to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ are a miF o? An&(o SaFon American an$ Ita(ian. Genoci$e is c'rrent(y occ'rrin& in the U.S.A. an$ not a sin&(e Ita(ian has reporte$ it to 2epartment o? 2e?ense 3 A((ies o? the U.S.A. 3 or the U.N. . 1he Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,ami(ies in the North 0ast o? the U.S.A. s'rro'n$e$ the ?ami(ies o? their %ictims 3 preten$e$ to @e ?rien$s with the %ictims an$ their ?ami(ies 3 ha$ in&en'ine romantic re(ations with some o? the %ictims 3 an$ Dept the %ictims i&norant o? the &oa(s o? the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS as we(( as

teste$ them ?or Dnow(e$&e @y s'@t(e mentionin& o? the ?act that a threat may possi@(y eFist. 1he Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS is the most $ishono'ra@(e G(o@a( 1errorist .r&ani>ation in the history o? H'manity. ;e?ore 7hristine 2ion was rep(ace$ @y an imposte'r 3 she to($ a n'm@er o? peop(e that the Ita(ian Mi(itary Inte((i&ence 2epartment ha$ @een Heirarcha((y 2ecapitate$ @y A6IS A&ents (oya( to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ that entire networDs within the Ita(ian Mi(itary were A6IS So($iers (oya( to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 7hristine 2ion eFp(aine$ to some peop(e that the A6IS an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha$ occ'pie$ so many positions within the Ita(ian Mi(itary that the Sa%oy A6IS were capa@(e o? technocratica((y rep(acin& their a&entsK positions with other A6IS So($iers. Accor$in& to 7hristine 2ion3 whoKs ?ather HacD 2ion was an Ita(ian A6IS S(eeper A&ent an$ the son o? a Sa%oy A6IS So($ier who was an Assassin < the Ita(ian Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 whom ha%e mo%e$ to the U.S.A. 5 are the A6IS. 1he A6IS is ?act'a((y the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs operations o'tsi$e o? Ita(ia an$ in$i%i$'a(s whom are Dnow(e$&ea@(e o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs &oa( o? G(o@a( 7onI'est an$ are accomp(ices to this &oa(. Accor$in& to 7hristine in the year 2002 < entire (ists o? ?ami(ies in North America were tar&ette$ @y the Sa%oy A6IS an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e @een 'sin& Ita(ian Mi(itary reso'rces since the secon$ $e?eat o? the A6IS 3 to accomp(ish their &oa(s re&ar$(ess o? their $e?eat. Most o? the ?ami(ies that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e tar&ette$ ?or eFtermination are not &'i(ty o? anythin& 3 they are aware o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs eFistence in the U.S.A. an$ are somewhat aware that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy are the A6IS. Many o? these tar&ets are act'a((y racia( tar&ets an$ the tar&ettin& in%o(%e$ $epop'(ation o? races o? peop(e in their own home(an$s 3 (an$s ?orei&n to Ita(ia as we(( as ?ami(ies Dnow(e$&ea@(e o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs wherea@o'ts an$ their crimes. 2'e to the eFtreme $i%ersity o? pop'(ation in the U.S.A. 3 the U.S.A. 2epartment o? 2e?ense nee$s a Specia( Nationa( .perations Unit comprise$ o? entire(y peop(e o? so(e(y USAmerican race s'ch as An&(o Gae(ic American 3 ,ranDic American 3 ,irst Nations Nati%e American 3 A?rican American 3 New Ho((an$er American 3 A?riDDi$ American 3 an$ Hawaiin American 5 this is necessary ?or the p'rpose o? ens'rin& that the U.S.A. 2epartment o? 2e?ense wi(( a(ways maintain itKs a@i(ity to per?orm a Mi(itary 7o'p 2e 0tat 'pon the U.S.A. Go%ernment 3 2epartment o? 2e?ense 3 7.I.A. 3 ,.;.I. 3 or e%en a Po(ice Unit i? a sit'ation s'ch as a Heirarcha( 2ecapitation or a 7omp(ete In?i(tration an$ 1ota( 7orr'ption o? a 2epartment o? Pro%incia( /e&ion sho'($ occ'r. 1he creation o? a Specia( Nationa( .perations Unit is a@so('te(y necessary to pre%ent &enoci$e in the U.S.A. an$ preempti%e cripp(in& o? the U.S.A. prior to a :ar ?or 7onI'est. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ their Aosta re(ati%es mo%e$ to the U.S.A. as A6IS S(eeper 7e((s 3 ?or the p'rpose o? preempti%e crip(in& o? the U.S.A. an$ e%ent'a( 7onI'est o? North America. ,or the p'rpose o? ens'rin& the i$entity o? the U.S.A. Specia( Nationa( .perations Unit < a 2.N.A. 1est an$ ,ami(y 1ree History /esearch is necessary as we(( as an interro&ation with an 0(ectro0ncepha(oGraph He(met on the hea$ 3 ?or p'rpose o? ens'rin& a@so('te (oya(ty. 7'rrent(y 3 there are ?ar too many Ita(ians an$ A'strians in the North 0ast /e&ion o? the U.S.A. < where m'ch o? these :ar 7rimes ha%e occ'rre$ an$ the maJority o? the pop'(ation is missin& 5 ?or this not to @e a 7o%ert Mi(itary .peration o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the Ho'se o? Aosta. It is $e?inite that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy was in%o(%e$ in

p(annin& the " 11 1errorist AttacDs 3 it is a(so $e?inite that A$o(? AHit(erA was primari(y o? Ita(ian Sa%oy Aristocratic ethnic stocD an$ o? some amo'nt o? Aosta A'strian (inea&e 5 this was @ein& $isc'sse$ @y n'mero's peop(e $'rin& 200*3 when the c'rrent Genoci$e was p(anne$ @y the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the p(ans to ?rame the Ho'se o? Sa'$ ?or these :ar 7rimes were ?orm'(ate$. 1hese :ar 7rimes 3 SeF .??enses 3 an$ Genoci$a( Assassinations were committe$ $'rin& Athe :ar on 1errorA < ?or this reason 3 the Ho'se o? Sa%oy $eci$e$ to attempt to ?rame the Ho'se o? Sa'$ ?or their crimes. In the North 0ast o? the U.S.A. < the ?irst tar&ets were the Hewish 2e?ense 4ea&'e an$ re(ate$ ?ami(ies 3 the U.S.American ?ami(ies o? so($iers $ep(oye$ in IraI an$ A?&hanistan 3 ?ami(ies who Dnew in$i%i$'a(s who were o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the Ho'se o? Aosta @'t were o? no @io(o&ica( re(ation to these ?ami(ies themse(%es 3 ?ami(ies o? Po(ice .??icers an$ ,e$era( In%esti&ators 3 an$ ?ami(ies o? SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims. 2'rin& the year 200! 5 a n'm@er o? ?aDe we@sites were poppe$ 'p on my comp'ter screen whi(e I was on the internet that was an 'p c(ose ima&e o? my sister Sheena $ea$ with an enormo's $i($o sticDin& o't o? her throat an$ her hea$ ti(te$ @acD (ooDin& 'p in the position which G(a$iators in the /oman G(a$iatori'm were ?orce$ to Dnee( in prior to ha%in& swor$s sho%e$ $own their throat an$ into their hearts to impa(e them. 2'rin& the year 200! < a(so o? re(e%ance to this were ima&es o? what (ooDe$ (iDe the Imposte'r o? Samantha G'ay 3 the Imposte'r o? Samantha whom I ha$ @ecome emotiona((y c(ose with in 2005 5 in the same /oman G(a$iator position @ein& ?orce$ to Aswor$ swa((owA a two ?oot (on& (o& o? h'man ?eces comin& o't o? a manKs an's. ;oth my sister Sheena Nico(e MacPherson an$ the Imposte'r o? Samantha G'ay were o? ,irst Nations Nati%e American race. A(so $isp(aye$ in ?ront o? my ?ace $'rin& 200! @y a hacDer 'sin& 1'rDoJan So?tware < were ima&es o? Samantha ;ernstein an$ one o? the woman who I was to($ was 0mi(y Is(es @ein& rape$ @y 8 Ita(ian Ma(es 3 a %i$eo c(ip o? a woman @ein& ?orce$ to 2e?eate$ G(a$iator position an$ ?orce$ to A&'>>(eA h'man ?eces as it was $e?ecate$ into her mo'th (iDe a @eer ?'nne(in& 3 an$ a %i$eo o? 7esare tort'rin& H'(ie :einstein. .ne o? these pa&es was ca((e$ ASweet HannahA. Sweet HannahKs on the corner o? the main st o? the @o'((e%ar$e at Hampton ;each an$ 9 Street at Hampton ;each is a 7an$y Shop. I am ?air(y certain that H'(ie :einstein was he($ hosta&e at the apartment on the top ?(oor o? the same @'i($in& that Sweet HannahKs 7an$y Shop is at 5 H'(ie :einstein was a@$'cte$ at the approFimate a&e o? 12 @y ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate an$ &i%en to 7esare as a s(a%e. .ther women were he($ hosta&e in the top ?(oor apartment o? the @'i($in& on the corner o? 9 Street at Hampton ;each. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs Ita(ian A6IS ,action ha%e @een acti%e(y attemptin& to 0Fterminate m'(tip(e races in North America whi(e SeF 1ra??icDin& a(( o? the ?ema(es o? these races to $eath 5 these racia( tar&ets are o@%io's(y An&(o SaFons 3 Gae(s 3 ,irst Nations Nati%e Americans 3 A?rican Americans o? A?rican American race 3 ,ranDs 3 Israe(is 3 Norwe&ians 3 Ho((an$ers 3 MeFicans 3 /'ssians 3 Swe$es 3 an$ ;osnians in North America. It seems pro@a@(e that the p'rpose has @ecome the 1ota( Genoci$e o? these races an$ North American 7onI'est @y Ita(ian A6IS. A?ter 0mi(y Is(es ca((e$ me an$ to($ me that her mother ha$ @een /ep(ace$ @y Imposte'r 3 I $i$ not hear ?rom her a&ain 'nti( I recei%e$ a %oice mai( on my mo@i(e

ce(('(ar phone in 200! which state$ that she ha$ @een a@$'cte$ an$ that she was @ein& he($ hosta&e in ;i((ericca Massach'settes at a ho'sin& $e%e(opment ca((e$ Mo'nt P(easant Apartments 5 the en$ o? the messa&e was c't short an$ I $i$ not &et the eFact a$$ress 3 I was in s'ch a panic that I acci$ent(y $roppe$ the phone an$ the messa&e was $e(ete$. 2'rin& this time 3 my ?rien$ 0$$ie 4a&es ha$ ma$e p(ans to ?in$ the Mo'nt P(easant Apartments an$ we were &oin& to try to &et her o't o? the @'i($in& an$ &et po(ice in%o(%e$ 5 imme$iate(y a?ter this occ'rance3 I was p't in the New Hampshire Hospita( in 7oncor$ NewHampshire an$ Ne'roS'r&erie$ with the S'r&ica( Imp(antation o? the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace which is c'rrent(y in my sD'(( an$ the /o'ter which is wire$ to it an$ tacDe$ to the insi$e o? my Jaw ca%ity. 0" 200! I tooD a wa(D ?rom my A'ntKs ho'se to the Mc2ona($s on Hano%er St. an$ was met ha(? way @y a man whom was preten$in& to @e Hosh'a Hooper. Hosh'a Hooper is an American whom has @een missin& ?or some time. 1he man whom I met that was 'sin& Hosh'a HooperKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s was a Moro @(oo$e$ Sici(ian. I met the rea( Hosh'a Hooper in 2002 when I went to the @each with 4'cas An&'i(ini. 2'rin& this same month in 200! < 4'cas An&'i(ini an$ I were sittin& at the -ee 2ynasty on So'th :i((ow St. in Manchester New Hampshire an$ the Imposte'r o? Hosh'a Hooper @e&an ta(Din& to 4'cas an$ I 5 4'cas (ater ca((e$ AHoshA a A?er$aisiA 3 A?er$aisiA meanin& imposte'r or a in&en'ine person in Ita(ian (an&'a&e. .n the $ay $'rin& which the ?aDe Hosh'a Hooper met me on the way to the Mc2ona($s resta'rant 5 AHoshA @e&an $isc'ssin& /ace with me. Accor$in& to the ?aDe Hosh'a3 Ara@ians were &oin& to eFterminate a(( o? o'r race an$ the on(y nationa(ities that were &oin& to s'r%i%e wo'($ @e races (iDe Ita(ians an$ Spanish whom ha%e $ea(t with Ara@ians @e?ore an$ were iso(ationists accor$in& to AHoshA. 1his so'n$e$ rehearse$ as i? some@o$y to($ him to rehearse it prior to speaDin& it to me 5 this remin$s o? ,i( 0man'e(eKs ?rien$ ?rom Manchester whom @e(ie%e may ha%e @een name$ Hason 3 @ein& to($ to speaD to me the statement a@o't a &enoci$e o? 3mi((ion ci%i(ians @ein& accepta@(e. 1he Sici(ian whom was the Imposte'r o? Hosh Hooper was portrayin& himse(? as what he @e(ie%e$ Hosh Hooper was 3 which was an American SDinHea$. 2'rin& 200* 5 it may ha%e @een mentione$ to ,i( 0man'e(e or he may ha%e o%erhear$ on an i((e&a( recor$in& which was ma$e whi(e his A&ents were sta(Din& me or hacDin& my comp'ter < that I was ?rien$s with an American SDinHea$. AHoshA (ater state$ that a &enoci$e was &oin& to @e necessary ?or Ao'r peop(eA to waDe 'p to rea(ity. I to($ AHoshA that the Ara@ians ha$ $one ?ar (ess $ama&e to my race than the Ita(ians an$ that the nation o? Ita(ia has in the past @een in%o(%e$ in more &enoci$e @y ?ar than any Ara@ian nation< this ?act @ein& o@%io's consi$erin& the history o? the /oman 0mpire3 the Ho'se o? Sa%oy3 ,ascism3 the Ho(oca'st3 the Ita(ian Ma?ias eFterminatin& ?ami(ies in Sici(y an$ the USA3 A$o(? AHit(erA3 ;enito M'sso(ini3 an$ H'(i's 0%o(a. I to($ Hosh Hooper that the Ita(ians racia( attacDs 'pon Sici(ians3 Gae(s3 ,irst Nations Nati%e Americans3 An&(o SaFons3 Hews3 an$ women o? Nor$ic race were @y ?ar more se%ere than anythin& Ara@s ha$ $one in the past inc('$in& e%en the .ttoman 0mpireKs eFpansion which (e?t e%ery conI'ere$ pop'(ation (i%in& as we(( as the .ttomanKs a((iance to the A6IS which $i$ (ess $ama&e than the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 1he

statements spoDen @y the man preten$in& to @e Hosh'a Hooper seeme$ to @e rehearse$ 3 &i%en to him to speaD @y some@o$y whom ha$ written it ?or him (iDe a script 5 7esare wa(De$ past me that $ay an$ sho'te$ ins'(ts at me a?ter passin& @y me in the Mc2ona($s restroom. I ha%e since this time 3 rea(i>e$ 5 that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e 3 7hris 1homas 3 an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e seem to ha%e @een hirin& Moro @(oo$e$ Sici(ians to $o m'ch o? their crime. My A'nt H'(ianna to($ me when I was a chi($ that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha$ @e&'n to hire Sici(ian crimina(s to attacD the Sici(ian ,ami(ies which the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha$ tar&ette$. H'(i's 0%o(a 3 whom ha$ inherite$ what was then the stat's o? ;aron o? Sici(y 5 was not racia((y Sici(ian. 0%o(a is a 4atin name an$ is o? /oman Aristocratic ori&in < H'(i's 0%o(aKs ancestors were /oman Aristocrats3 /oman 7aesars3 an$ in some cases /oman 0mperors. H'(i's 0%o(a was /omano Ita(ian an$ @asica((y as p're @re$ /omano Ita(ian as a person co'($ @e in the 1"*0Ks an$ 1"50Ks. Accor$in& to my step co'sin whom I ca((e$ AA'ntA H'(ianna 5 H'(i's 0%o(a @e&an hirin& Sici(ians as mercenaries to attacD his own tar&ets to p't the ?ace o? their own race on the crime instea$ o? his own 3 ?or reason o? attemptin& to hi$e who he was. 1he man whom approache$ me $'rin& the year 2005 an$ spoDe 3 AI in%ente$ the @oar$ &ame Scr'p(es 3 ha%e yo' e%er hear$ o? meMA was a Moro ;(oo$e$ Sici(ian 5 Moro ;(oo$e$ Sici(ians are Sici(ians whom ha%e some amo'nt o? ancestry ?rom the Moroccan pop'(ation that ha$ conI'ere$ Sici(y prior to the Norman conI'est o? Sici(y. Most Moro ;(oo$e$ Sici(ians ha%e what I wo'($ $escri@e as possi@(y 10Q Moroccan 2NA. 1he Moroccan 2NA seems to show in the shape o? their nose 3 somewhat aro'n$ the eyes 3 an$ %ery s(i&ht(y in sDin teFt're 5 these Sici(ians ha%e a $istinct ?ace shape that is $istinct(y Sici(ian an$ is o@%io's(y the Moro ;(oo$e$ Sici(ian. 1ay(aKs Gran$,ather is a(so a Moro ;(oo$e$ Sici(ian. My co'sin H'(ianna was not a Moro ;(oo$e$ Sici(ian @'t she was 100Q Sici(ian whom was @orn in Sici(y. 2'rin& ear(y 20133 the short e($er(y man whom (i%e$ in the apartment a@o%e me was a Moro ;(oo$e$ Sici(ian 5 this man was instr'cte$ @y some@o$y worDin& ?or =ittorio 0man'e(e to han& a stereo o't the win$ow an$ p(ay a'$io c$s which were ;ase@a(( oriente$ an$ $escri@e$ what I ha$ @een $oin& at the time 3 this was Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are that he was instr'ctin& this man to $o. 1he imposte'r Hosh'a HooperKs ?ather was a Moro ;(oo$e$ Sici(ian. 1he e($er(y man whom transporte$ the chi($ren ?rom the Ma(( o? NewHampshire to what I thinD was Massach'settes was a Moro ;(oo$e$ Sici(ian. 2'rin& the year 200* 5 =ittorio 0man'e(e 3 7hris 1homas 3 an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e $eci$e$ that they were &oin& to attempt to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa'$ o? Morocco an$ the Sa'$i Ara@ian /oya( ,ami(y ?or a(( o? the 0man'e(esK 3 the 0%o(asK 3 an$ the Ita(ian A6IS ,actionKs 7rimes A&ainst H'manity an$ other 1errorism. ,or the p'rpose o? ?ramin& the Sa'$i Ara@ian /oya( Ho'se o? Sa'$ 5 It seems pro@a@(e that the 0man'e(es hire$ a (ar&e n'm@er o? Moro ;(oo$e$ Sici(ian Ma?iosa in attempt to ?rame the Sa'$i Ara@ian /oya( ,ami(y ?or worDin& with .sama ;in4a$en an$ somehow the Sa'$i /oya( ,ami(yKs Moroccan co'sin Mosta?a I@nSa'$3 the Moroccan ma?ia 3 an$ .sama ;in 4a$en post mortem ?or s'ppose$(y hirin& Moro ;(oo$e$ Sici(ian Ma?iosa as mercenaries. It seems (o&ica( 3 J'$&in& ?rom ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs 3 7hris 1homasKs 3 an$ =ittorio 0man'e(eKs patho(o&y as we(( as 0$ ,arrachi :arrenKs st'pi$ity < that the three

o? them @e(ie%e$ that they co'($ ?rame the Moro ;(oo$e$ Sici(ians ?or s'ppose$(y @ein& I@nSa'$ 4oya(ists whom @e(ie%e$ in the /oya( Ho'se o? Sa'$ as their own /oya( Aristocracy. My co'sin whom i re?erre$ to as AA'ntA H'(iannaKs ?ather was a 9in&$om o? Sici(y 4oya(ist who was a Nationa(ist that @e(ie%e$ in Sici(yKs 2ec(aration o? In$epen$ence an$ the reinstatement o? the Aristocracy o? the 9in&$om o? Sici(y as was esta@(ishe$ @y the Normans. My co'sin H'(iannaKs ?ami(y in Sici(y was near(y eFterminate$ entire(y on @oth si$es a?ter the ?a(( o? the 3r$ /eich @y assassins worDin& ?or whom they e%ent'a((y i$enti?ie$ to @e H'(i's 0%o(a an$ some o? the 0man'e(es < H'(iannaKs ?atherKs ?ami(y were one o? the ?ami(ys in Sici(y that ?o'n$ o't who A$o(? Hit(erKs ha(? @rother was 3 which was =ittorio 0man'e(e III the 9in& o? Ita(ia. 2'rin& the year o? 2005 at the ,ami(y 2o((ar Store on 4inco(n Street in Manchester NewHampshire 5 7esare A2ia@(oA arri%e$ $'rin& the $ay(i&ht ho'rs one $ay an$ mentione$ a p(an o? his an$ ,i((i@erto A,i(A 0man'e(eKs to 0$ :arren < this p(an in%o(%e$ a p(an to copy Machia%e((iKs metho$ o? escape @y ?aDin& ones own $eath an$ @'ryin& a $ea$ imposte'r o? ones se(?3 ass'min& a new i$entity a?terwar$. 7esare A2ia@(oA c(aime$ to ha%e a(rea$y $one this once an$ c(aime$ to @e 'sin& the I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o? another man with the same ?irst name as himse(?. 7esare mentione$ once whi(e on camera an$ stan$in& 'n$er one o? the 15 recor$in& $e%ices in the ,ami(y 2o((ar cei(in& that he ?or&ot the recor$in& $e%ices were there 5 he state$ AoopsL ohL yeah I ?or&ot a@o't the recor$in&sLA. 7esare was recor$e$ speaDin& a@o't his p(an to (ocD a man in a @asement3 a?terwhich he $eci$e$ that he wo'($ =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy the a@$'ction %ictim to m'tate the in$i%i$'a( to (ooD (iDe i$entica( to 7esare. 7esare p(anne$ to a?terwar$s (ea%e him with 7esareKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. 7esare $i$ this to 1ony Gon>a(e> 3 whom ha$ @een worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar $'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005. It is a pro@a@i(ity that the 0man'e(es or$ere$ Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are Specia(ists 1ony Gon>a(e> was a@$'cte$ an$ (ocDe$ in a @asement in the re&ion o? the 1renton Street an$ 7hesn't Street intersection in Manchester NewHampshire. I @e(ie%e this @'i($in& was owne$ @y one o? =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs Properties Stea$ Ho($ers < either HacD 2ion 3 Gera($ 2KAmico 3 or another o? his Properties Stea$ Ho($ers. 1ony Gon>a(e> was (ocDe$ in the @asement o? this @'i($in& an$ ?e$ san$wiches an$ mi(D which ha$ @een tainte$ with %ir's c'(t're$ in hemo&(o@in ?or p'rpose o? m'tatin& him to appear to (ooD i$entica( to 7esare. A?ter 7esare ha$ m'tate$ 1ony Gon>a(e> 3 he ?e$ him se$ati%es an$ (e?t the @'(Dhea$ open 5 1ony Gon>a(e> awoDe to ?in$ (i&ht streamin& into the @asement an$ ran 'p o't o? the @'(Dhea$ < my se(? 3 my co'sin 2'stin 4a%oie 3 an$ Sean ,air@anDs witnesse$ 1ony Gon>a(e> r'n 'p o't o? the @asement an$ ?a(( on his ?ace in the $irt. 1ony (ooDe$ aro'n$ 3 &ot 'p an$ ran. Sean ,air@anDs (ater ta(De$ to 1ony an$ others @e?ore Manchester Po(ice 2epartment arreste$ 1ony Gon>a(e> as i? he was 7esare. 7esare was spotte$ @y my se(? an$ Sean ,air@anDs (ater that month 3 wa(Din& $own 0(m Street in $ay(i&ht 5 Sean ,air@anDs notice$ 7esareKs scar an$ that he (ooDe$ eFact(y the same as he $i$ prior to 1ony Gon>a(e> @ein& m'tate$ 3 eFcept that 7esareKs sDin was now eFtreme(y pa(e. Sean ,air@anDs ye((e$ at 7esare 3 A:hat3 is this white 7esare nowM I hear$ what yo' $i$ to that &'y yo' (ocDe$ in that @asement an$ I Dnow what yo' $i$ to that &ir( yo' 'se$ to ha%e aro'n$. -o' sti(( (ooD eFact(y the same to me.

IKm ca((in& the cops 7esare. -o'Kre a pe$ophi(e rapist 3 $onKt e%en ca(( me a rat.A. 1ony Gon>a(e> was (ater seen on te(e%ision @eaten eFtreme(y @a$(y < his ?ace was @eaten so @a$(y that it was @an$a&e$ entire(y across his who(e ?ace 5 the p'rpose ?or this @ein& that 1ony Gon>a(e> o@%io's(y $i$ not ha%e 7esareKs scars 3 was 2 inches ta((er than 7esare 3 an$ was yo'n&er @y approFimate(y 1! years. 1o co%er the ?act that 1ony Gon>a(e> $i$ not ha%e 7esareKs scars 5 a &ro'p o? men were instr'cte$ @y a &an&ster associate$ with ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e to @eat 1ony Gon>a(e>Ks ?ace 'nti( it was @roDen. 1he imposte'r o? 7aesar who was ca((in& himse(? A7esareA has a scar that is (ocate$ @esi$e his nose @ri$&e 3 $own @esi$e his mo'th 3 to the corner o? his chin. :hen Sean ,air@anDs an$ my se(? saw 7esare (ater $'rin& 200! 5 7esare (ooDe$ eFact(y the same as he $i$ in 2005 3 @'t he ha$ &rown his @(acD c'r(y hair (on& an$ ha$ &rown a so'( patch on his chin as we(( as ha$ he =ira( =ector Gene 1herapie$ his sDin to (ooD pa(e white 5 7esare wa(De$ cro'che$ $own to (ooD three inches shorter than his 's'a( hei&ht. 1his means that his act'a( hei&ht is 3 inches ta((er than what is on his c'rrent I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. 7esare is approFiate(y 5K ".5A. 1he man whom was r'mo're$ to ha%e @een Gene 1herapie$ to (ooD (iDe 7esare was 1ony Gon>a(e>. 1ony Gon>a(e> was ori&ina((y a @('e eye$ MeFican man whom I 'se$ to worD with at ,ami(y 2o((ar in Manchester NewHampshire on 4inco(n Street. 1ony Gon>a(e> has @een imprisone$ as 7esare 3 1ony Gon>a(e>Ks sister was a@$'cte$ @y ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs an$ 7esareKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate. .ne o? the ?ema(es whom I ha$ @een to($ was 0mi(y Is(es was (e?t with her I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s a?ter m'(tip(e years o? @ein& seF'a((y a@'se$ an$ assa'(te$ @y 7esare an$ ,i(Ks &an& which res'(te$ in what was the pre me$itate$ (aser @(in$in& o? her eyes with %ice mo'nte$ (aser pointers. At (east one o? the woman whom I was to($ were 0mi(y Is(es was (e?t with ,ranchesca Gon>a(e>Ks I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s as her on(y proo? o? i$entity in the U.S.A. an$ her I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s were c'rrent(y in the han$s o? another 1ra??icDin& =ictim whom I hear$ r'mo'r was a Ser@ian woman. N'mero's %ictims o? the 0man'e(esK 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate ha%e @een @(in$e$ an$ ha%e @een @ein& eFperimente$ 'pon with Ne'roScience ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces. In 200* 3 2anie( Hames was ta(Din& a@o't @(in$in& women an$ rapin& them. 1his $e?inite(y @ecame one o? their Initiation 7rimes. It is important to remem@er that $'rin& 200* 5 /yan Har%ey 3 4a'ra 4'$wicDowsDy 3 an$ my se(? wa(De$ to meet 2a%e 4ee on 0(m Street near 1renton Street where 2a%e 4ee ha$ @een %isitin& what I @e(ie%e was an imposte'r o? 7hristine 2ion at a ho'se a ?ew @(ocDs ?rom the corner o? 1renton Street an$ 7hestn't Street. :hi(e %isitin& 7hristine 2ion 3 2a%e 4ee to($ her that he ha$ @een in?orme$ o? whom A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(y was an$ that =ittorio 0man'e(e ha$ @e&'n sta(Din& his ?rien$ Ian MacPherson an$ IanKs &ir(?rien$ Sahn$ra St..n&e. 7hristine 2ionKs ?ather HacD 2ion was an acI'aintance o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs < HacD has @een rep(ace$ @y an imposte'r in%o(%e$ in SeF 1ra??icDin& who is an accomp(ice o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate. I @e(ie%e that 7hristine 2ion mentione$ to her ?ather what 2a%e 4ee ha$ to($ her an$ $i$ not te(( 2a%i$ 4ee that her ?ather Dnew =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e. 1he re&ion aro'n$ 7hestn't Street an$ 1renton Street was the (ocation o? a %acant ho'se that was 'se$ to ho($ hosta&es in the @asement 5 7esare an$ ,i( 0man'e(e 'se$ this (ocation to ho($

hosta&es. It is $e?inite that these attacDs are ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e 3 =ittorio 0man'e(e 3 7esare3 an$ 0$ ,arrachi :arren < an$ that these attacDs ha%e their Psycho(o&ica( Pro?i(e 'pon them (iDe a ?in&erprint. 2'rin& the year 200* < I ha$ ma$e a h'mo'ro's comp(iment a@o't Gre& 2a'(tonKs %oca(s 3 statin& that his %oca(s were Aa@so('te(y ama>in&. His %oca(s are (iDe a com@ination o? /y'Ks Ha$'Den an$ the roar o? the .&re ?rom :ar 7ra?t at the same time.A this was in?('entia( to a ?ew JoDes which 2a%e 4ee ma$e aro'n$ this $ate. 2'rin& approFimate(y the year 1""* < my co'sin 2'stin an$ my se(? met ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs @rothers 2anie( Hames at Hampton ;each in NewHampshire at the ;o'((e%ar$e Arca$es. 1he &ame we met them at was the 1eena&e M'tant NinJa 1'rt(es Arca$e Game Machine. ,i(Ks @rothers Aaron an$ 2anie( Hames were a$opte$ to two ?ami(ies whom were ?ami(ies o? 9ni&hts o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen. It is a stran&e coinci$ence that the 0man'e(es ha% e @een 'sin& =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy to $is&'ise the i$entities o? their %ictims an$ $is&'ise the i$entities o? their 1errorist 7rimina( A&ents. ;e&inin& in 200! < 2a%i$ IcDeKs Internet :e@Site @(ame$ Shape Shi?tin& /epti(ian Space A(iens 3 the 1eena&e M'tant NinJa 1'rt(es are /epti(ian Anthropomorphic M'tants. :hi(e I was worDin& at 2'nDin 2on'ts3 the hacDer whom ha$ sto(en a photo&raph o? my se(? ?rom either my own or 0mi(yKs comp'ter an$ 'se$ it to create a ?aDe pro?i(e on a &ay $atin& we@site3 poste$ another ?aDe pro?i(e to another &ay $atin& we@site a&ain < whi(e worDin&3 a &ay man came in to my worD to ta(D to me thinDin& that I was the man ?rom the we@site an$ (e?t a?ter he rea(i>e$ that some@o$y ha$ ma$e a ?aDe pro?i(e with my ?ace on it. 1his man was ca((in& me Mr. ,'nnyMan or Mr. ,'nG'y. ,'n G'y so'n$s (iDe ,'n&i which is what Asper&i(('s Ni&er an$ Stachy@otrys are3 ?'n&'s. ;(acD Mo($. 1his is a ;io(o&ica( :eapon. :hi(e worDin& at 2'nDin 2on'ts at the Ma(( o? NewHampshire in Manchester NewHampshire 3 two ?ema(es @e&an ta(Din& to me o?ten whi(e I was at worD. :e @ecame ?rien$s. 1hese two were name$ Nico(e /oy an$ 1ay(a 3whoKs s'rname I am 'na@(e to remem@er. 1ay(aKs mother @e&an in%itin& me o%er to 1ay(aKs &ran$parentsK ho'se ?or $inner. 2'rin& this time 3 the American ;ase@a(( :or($ Series was sche$'(e$ aro'n$ $inner time 5 we were watchin& @ase@a(( $'rin& A't'mn o? 200!. 2'rin& the 200! American ;ase@a(( :or($ Series 5 what seeme$ (iDe a 7omp'ter HacD Animation 2'@ was $isp(aye$ on the te(e%ision screen in ?ront o? me whi(e at 1ay(aKs Gran$,atherKs ho'se < this was a short commentary se&ment o? a @(on$e Ita(ian man whom (ooDe$ %ery s(i&ht(y German an$ Israe(i as i? he ha$ =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tate$ his comp(eFion o? hair an eyes as we(( as his nose an$ (ips shape with my eF &ir(?rien$ Min$y 9ernKs 2NA. 1his man (ooDe$ %ery simi(ar to the Ita(ian man whom was $resse$ in the c'stom tai(ore$ s'it that wa(De$ 'p to the co'nter an$ ha$ (a'&he$ cr'e(y at me < eFcept that his hair was pa(e @(on$e 3 his sDin was pa(e 3 an$ his nose an$ (ips (ooDe$ (iDe my eF &ir(?rien$ Min$y 9ernKs. 1he man whoKs ?ace was on a photo&raph portrait on the wa(( which sai$ Athis is my hospita(A at the So'thern /e&iona( NewHampshire Me$ica( 7enter was name$ Gi'(iani an$ (ooDe$ simi(ar to this man < it may ha%e @een the same &'y an$ it is possi@(e that he @ecame a Properties

Stea$ Ho($er ?or ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e. 1his man appeare$ on the te(e%ision screen commentin& a@o't Papa(@on who was $ancin& a Ji& whi(e wearin& a Di(t on the @ase@a(( &reen. I ha$ seen this hacD on the te(e%ision screen whi(e at 1ay(aKs &ran$ parentsK ho'se in Manchester NewHampshire. I @e(ie%e this man is one o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs Properties Stea$ Ho($ers an$ that German an$ Israe(i &enetics are the res'(t o? =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy $'e to the incon&r'ency o? his &eometrics an$ his comp(eFion with his &eometrics. 1he =oice Actin& o? this Animation 2'@ so'n$e$ i$entica( to a G.I. Hoe P.S.A. on -o'1'@e which was come$ica((y A'$io o%er $'@@e$ < this an animate$ cartoon P'@(ic Ser%ice Anno'ncement which aire$ $'rin& the 1"80Ks thay inc('$e$ a short se&ment o? a G.I. Hoe cartoon wherein a G.I. Hoe Sear&ent is a'$io o%er $'@@e$ to speaD in an incre$i@(y homo seF'a( so'n$in& %oice whi(e statin& A.hL 4ooD at a(( the $i??erent co(ore$ hatsLA whi(e chi($ren are ri$in& sDate@oar$s in a sDate@oar$ parD near@y. 1he man whom (ooDs (iDe the So'thern /e&iona( NewHampshire Me$ica( 7enter hospita( owner s'rname$ Gi'(iani 5 state$ with this same %oice A.h what is wearin&L 4ooD at him &oL 4ooD at his (itt(e $anceLA. 1his so'n$e$ (iDe somethin& 1ammy 1horne or some@o$y sittin& near her ha$ spoDen $'rin& 200* at :o(?yKs ;ar in Nash'a NewHampshire $'rin& the &oth ni&ht which ha$ @een @rie?(y hoste$ at :o(?yKs ;ar. Aro'n$ the $ate o? the ;(acD Mo($ Poisonin& 3 which was aro'n$ the $ate o? 1hanDs&i%in& < 1wy(a was on the te(ephone an$ state$ 5 A1hese are :ar 7rime SeF .??enses. 1hey are tryin& to ?rame some@o$y ?or :ar 7rime SeF .??enses. No@o$y is &oin& to Deep their mo'ths sh't a@o't this. 2o yo' Dnow how serio's this isM :ar 7rime SeF .??enses.A Aro'n$ this time 3 I ha$ @e&an worDin& at N'cast in 4on$on$erry NewHampshire. :hi(e worDin& here 3 I mentione$ to the two men whom were the Imposte'r 9eith Hammon$ an$ the Imposte'r Cach An$rosDi that the USA Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartment is networDe$ to the A's7anN>UDUs NetworD which is the Mi(itary Si&ina(s Inte((i&ence NetworDKs A&reement with the nations o? the ;ritish 7ommonwea(th an$ NewCea(an$. 1his was $isc'sse$ whi(e $isc'ssin& G(o@a( Positionin& System 0(ectronic S'r&ica( Imp(ants an$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces. I ha$ mentione$ that the USA Mi(itary ha%e access to this in?ormation an$ can in%esti&ate recor$e$ /a$io ,reI'ency 1ransmissions ?or ?orensic e%i$ence ?or p'rpose o? con%ictin& 0nemy 7om@atants as we(( as (ocatin& an$ en&a&in& 0nemy 7om@atants on American Soi( in%o(%e$ in %io(ent con?(ict. :ar 7rimes can a(so @e in%esti&ate$ @y the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartment 5 /a$io ,reI'ency transmits @inary. 2'rin& the year 200! 5 I mentione$ to the Imposte'r o? 9eith Hammon$ 3 that the A's7anN>U9US NetworD an$ a(( associate$ Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartments recor$e$ an$ store$ a(( e(ectronic comm'nications an$ transmissions in North America as we(( as o't(yin& (ocations 3 these @ein& cata(o&'e$ permanant(y o??(ine in I'arantine$ $ata stora&e (i@raries < an$ that a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace transmits a(( Ne'ro(o&ica( in?ormation as Un0ncrypte$ ;inary transmission as $oes an A/G.S GPS transmit Un0ncrypte$ 4ocation 2ata. 1his was mentione$ in ?ront o? the Imposte'r o? Cach An$rosDi. :ithin one month o? mentionin& this 3 =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e ma$e a phone ca(( to 1ay(aKs Gran$,ather an$ I was ?e$ ;(acD Mo($ in a co??ee c'p at the reI'est o? =ittorio A=ictorK 0man'e(e which near(y res'(te$ in my $eath 5 this is another %io(ation o? the Gene%a 7on%entionKs (aws. 1he weeD that I was ?irst in%ite$ to 1ay(aKs ho'se ?or $inner @y her ?ami(y 5 I ha$

@een ta(Din& to a yo'n& (a$y on the internet whom messa&e$ me on MySpace.7om an$ (ater America .n(ine Instant Messa&er c(aimin& that she (i%e$ at a ,irst Nations /eser%ation. 1his woman wante$ me to MSN =i$eo 7on%ersation with her 5 whi(e $oin& this I was ?or some time wearin& a G'y ,awDes masD which I ha$ p'rchase$ ?rom a Ha((oween Store at the Ma(( o? NewHampshire3 this masD @ein& (a@e(e$ a A= is ?or =en$ettaA masD. A= is ?or =en$ettaA is a mo%ie $'rin& which a man s'ccess?'((y accomp(ishes what the terrorist G'y ,awDes co'($ not 5 the tota( $emo(ition o? the Par(iament ;'i($in&s in the U.9. @y metho$ o? eFp(osi%es. 2'rin& the weeD that I was poisone$ with ;(acD Mo($ 5 I ha$ @een %iewin& /'sse(( MeansK (ect'res an$ speeches on the internet. I @e(ie%e that since this time 5 /'sse(( Means may ha%e @een tar&ette$ as we(( as was H'&o 7ha%e>. It has @ecome apparent that the ,irst Nations Nati%e Americans ha%e @ecome a primary racia( &enoci$e tar&et o? the Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rimina( Syn$icate a&ain. 1he weeD o? 1hanDsGi%in& in No%em@er I was near(y Assassinate$ when =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e ca((e$ a Ma?iosa with whom I ha$ @ecome acI'ainte$ $'rin& which con%ersation =ictor or$ere$ him to poison me with ;(acD Mo($. I @e(ie%e that 1ay(aKs Gran$,ather owe$ =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e a pretty serio's ?a%o'r. 2'rin& this time my comp'ter was hacDe$ an$ n'mero's %i$eos an$ ima&es o? women who (ooDe$ (iDe the &ir(s that I ha$ @een to($ were A0mi(y Is(esA @ein& a@'se$ pop 'ppe$ on my screen < the $ay a?ter this 3 =ittorio ma$e a phone ca(( to my acI'aintancesK &ran$ ?ather an$ or$ere$ them to ha%e me poisone$ with ;(acD Mo($ in a co??ee. 1ay(aKs mother ha$ han$e$ her ?ather Hoe the phone 3 sayin& A2a$3 =ictorKs on the phoneA. 1ay(a to($ me that =ictor was the A9in& o? Ita(iaA an$ that her ?ami(y were ?rien$s with him whi(e stan$in& on the porch o'tsi$e at some point that month. I ha$ o@%io's(y a(rea$y met =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ his son ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e whom 1ay(a re?erre$ to as A,i((i ;'tt,'cDA an$ A,i((i $eer ;am@iA. I @e(ie%e that c'rrent(y 1ay(aKs ?ami(y ha%e @een /ep(ace$ @y Imposte'rs as the res'(t o? 1ay(a ca((in& ,i( 0man'e(e a ?a&&ot. Accor$in& to ;aracD .@amaKs wiDipe$ia entry in the year 20115 ;aracD .@ama s'ppose$(y ma$e it i((e&a( to say A,a&&otA. 1ay(a ha$ state$ in ?ront o? me whi(e so'n$in& eFtreme(y irritate$ 5 A;(it>9rie& o? 2iFie 7'ps... I $onKt Dnow i? i @e(ie%e this3 I $onKt want to @e(ie%e this... @'t I thinD that I $o @e(ie%e this.A 1he $ay a?ter 1ay(aKs Gran$,ather spoDe to A=ictorA < 1ay(aKs mother 2e@@ie han$e$ me a 4ar&e P(astic 2'nDin 2on'ts 7o??ee 7'p which she c(aime$ that she @o'&ht ?or me at 2'nDin 2on'ts 5 I $ranD ha(? o? this @e?ore po'rin& it o't @eca'se o? @(acD o@Jects ?(oatin& in it < it was (ater $isco%ere$ this was ;(acD Mo($. 1ay(aKs mother was the woman whom ha$ spoDen to 0$ ,arrachi :arren $'rin& 2005 a@o't A$o(? Hit(er3 =ittorio 0man'e(e II 3 =ittorio 0man'e(e III 3 an$ =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e whom wo'($ @e the *th i? he 'se$ the I= on his name. 0$ :arren an$ 1ay(aKs Mother whoKs name is 2e@@ie < 'se$ AAye AyeA to mean =ittorio 0man'e(e the 2n$ $'e to the /oman N'mera(s 3 AAye Aye AyeA as =ittorio 0man'e(e III 3 AHi HiA to mean A$o(? Hit(er 3 an$ A=ictorA or A= aye =A to mean =ittorio 0man'e(e whom is ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs ?ather. 2'rin& the weeD that I was poisone$ 3 when the 7omp'ter HacDers ha$ 'se$ 1'rDoJan* to pop 'p %i$eos an$ ima&es o? some o? the &ir(s that I ha$ @een to($ were A0mi(y Is(esA an$ Samantha ;ernstein @ein& SeF'a((y A@'se$ 5 a %i$eo o? whom was s'ppose$ to @e Mosta?a I@nSa'$ was ?o'n$ 3 I @e(ie%e %ery stron&(y that this %i$eo was act'a((y a hoaF an$ was ma$e ?or the p'rpose o? attemptin& to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa'$ (ater an$ the Ho'se o? Sa'$ ?or ,i(i@erto 0man'e(eKs an$ =ittorio 0man'e(eKs war crimes in the USA an$ 7ana$a. I ha%e met one imposte'r o? Mosta?a I@nSa'$ in ;oston < the man (ooDe$ Ita(ian 3 m'tate$ with some o? Mosta?a I@nSa'$Ks Ara@ian $ Moroccan 2NA Proteins. Mosta?a I@nSa'$Ks ,ather was an A6IS ,action 1errorist 7rime So($ier

Accomp(ice o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ a $e?inite accomp(ice to the " 11 1errorist AttacDs which he an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e he(pe$ $esi&n. =ittorio 0man'e(eKs Ara@ian A6IS 7onnections were the same as Mosta?a I@nSa'$Ks ,atherKs. It is pro@a@(e that the I@nSa'$ ?ami(y who (i%e$ in Massach'settes U.S.A. an$ were ?rien$s o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 5 are $ea$ an$ ha%e @een rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs 3 ?or the p'rpose o? hi$in& =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs Ara@ian A6IS ,action connections an$ the 0man'e(esK cooperati%e comp(icity ?or the " 11 1errorist AttacDs an$ the so(e en&ineerin& o? the -29 ;'& ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace Genoci$e which ?o((owe$ a?terwar$s whi(e the U.S.A. was $istracte$ ?i&htin& @oth Ara@ian A6IS ,action an$ Is(amic Hiha$ists. 1his ha$ @een $isc'sse$ @y 0$ ,arrachi :arren an$ Anthony 2e?eo in 200* an$ 2005 5 Mosta?a I@nSa'$ o? Morocco an$ his co'sins the Ho'se o? Sa'$ o? Sa'$i Ara@ia < were inten$e$ to @e ?rame$ ?or the Ita(ian A6IS :ar 7rimes co((ecti%e(y ?rom the 1"50Ks to present time 2010Ks an$ were inten$e$ to @e (inDe$ @etween the Moroccan Ma?ia 3 Ita(ian Ma?ias 3 Ita(ian American Ma?ia 3 Sici(ian 7osa Nostra3 an$ Sici(ian American 7osa Nostra 3 an$ the 1a(i@an as we(( as possi@(y A( Bae$a or He>@o((ah @oth. ,i(Ks an$ =ittorioKs i$ea was to 'se the :ar .n 1error as an a(i@i ?or their &enoci$e o? mi((ions o? ci%i(ians in the North 0ast B'a$rant o? North America in an attempt to si(ence the ?ami(ies in North America whom Dnew the tr'th o? A$o(? Hit(erKs @(oo$(ine an$ H'(i's 0%o(aKs in%o(%ement in the Ho(oca'st3 this is a contin'ation o? the &enoci$es which occ'rre$ in Sici(y $'rin& the 1"50Ks a?ter the ?a(( o? the 3r$ /eich3 a contin'ation o? the Ho(oca'st o? the 1"*0Ks 3 an$ a contin'ation o? the Ho(oca'sts in North America o? which n'mero's races an$ nationa( pop'(ations o? ,irst Nations Nati%e Americans were eFterminate$. It is a(so $e?inite that ?ramin& the Ho'se o? Sa'$ ?or the Ita(ian A6ISKs 7o%ert :ar 7rimes an$ 7rimes A&ainst H'manity $'rin& the :ar on 1error is an a(i@i in itse(? ?or ?ramin& the Ho'se o? Sa'$ ?or the n'mero's SeF .??enses which =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ his son ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e committe$ in North America $'rin& their (i?etime as we(( as their @ein& acti%e in .r&ani>e$ SeF 1ra??icDin&. I @e(ie%e it possi@(e that =ittorio 0man'e(e ha$ inten$e$ to maDe it appear as i? the Ho'se o? Sa'$ were tryin& to ?rame him an$ his son ,i(i@erto 0man'e(e ?or their own :ar 7rimes in North America < this @ein& a psycho(o&ica( rea(ity $'e to the constant presense o? mirrors in their n'mero's attacDs as we(( as the concept o? portrayin& their %ictims as themse(%es to the p'@(ic 5 ?or instance3 $'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 ,i( 0man'e(eKs A&ents an$ =ittorio 0man'e(eKs A&ents to($ the entire comm'nity aro'n$ Manchester NewHampshire that I was an A$o(? Hit(er worshipper an$ a :hite S'premacist ,ascist whom @e(ie%e$ that it was the ,e$era( Go%ernmentKs responsi@i(ity to $etermine ?or a woman whom she co'p(e$ with an$ @re$ with as we(( as marrie$. .@%io's(y I am not A$o(? Hit(er nor $o I @e(ie%e in a ,ascist &o%ernment or any sort o? (aws re&ar$in& Amisce&enationA or Ahy&enic @ree$in&A 5 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs ?ather =ittorio 0man'e(e is $escen$e$ ?rom =ittorio 0man'e(e III whom was A$o(? Hit(erKs ha(? @rother. I @e(ie%e that the 0man'e(esK ?omentin& o? racia( stri?e in North America is ?or the p'rpose o? e%ent'a((y eFterminatin& An&(o SaFons 3 Gae(s 3 ,ranDs 3 a(( ,irst Nations Nati%e Americans 3 A?rican Americans 3 Israe(is 3 MeFicans 3 New Ho((an$ers 3 an$ systemica((y any@o$y e(se whom co'($ possi@(y (ay c(aimancy to the (an$ o? North America as a /acia( Nationa( Home(an$ which the Ita(ian A6IS ,action re?'ses to accept is not their home(an$. 1he Ita(ian race is ?orei&n to North America entire(y < the Ita(ian A6IS mo%e$ to North America passi%e(y as immi&rants an$ imme$iate(y @e&an @'i($in& a networD o? Genoci$a( 1errorist 7rimina(s (oya( to the Ita(ian A6IS an$ =ittorio 0man'e(eKs @(oo$(ine

as what can on(y @e consi$ere$ to eI'ate to G(o@a( /oya(ty s'perce$in& a(( Peop(es an$ other Aristocrats e%en within their own home(an$s 5 this is the same 7rime Syn$icate which ,i( 0man'e(e ha$ $escri@e$ $'rin& 200* whi(e in /ye NewHampshire as AH'(i's 0%o(aKs 7rime Syn$icateA which in act'a(ity is a(so the 0man'e(eKs 1errorist Ita(ian A6IS 7rime Syn$icate. 2e'tsche;anD is the @anD that the A6IS 'se$ to store a@o't ha(? o? the wea(th which they p('n$ere$ ?rom the pop'(ations o? Ho(oca'st %ictims. 2'rin& 200! < 2e'tsche;anD Gi?t7ar$s were p(ace$ on the co'nter at 2'nDin 2on'ts in the Ma(( o? NewHampshire. 2'rin& the year 200* 3 A we@site was a(tere$ to state that Athere are peop(e in the Hi&h(an$s o? Scot(an$ that ha%e @een ?o'n$ who are imm'ne to the AI2S %ir'sA. I @e(ie%e that it is entire(y possi@(e that =ittorio an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs Properties Stea$ Ho($ers may ha%e p'rchase$ hospita(s an$ me$ica( eI'ipment ?actories re(ate$ to Hea(thcare In$'stry in the U9 an$ North America ?or the p'rpose o? &enoci$e. 2'rin& the year 200!3 a?ter I was i((e&a((y %i%isecte$ an$ S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace in a Hospita( in 7oncor$ NewHampshire 5 I was poisone$ repeate$(y @y Ita(ians on American soi(. 2'rin& the time $'rin& which I was poisone$ with ;(acD Mo($3 I repeate$(y so'&ht he(p at Hea(thcare ,aci(ities in the New0n&(an$ re&ion o? the USA 5 none o? the m'(tip(e Hospita(s which I so'&ht he(p ?rom &a%e me any res'(ts to any test which I reI'este$3 I was ne%er re?erre$ to a 1oFico(o&ist3 I 'n$erwent n'mero's me$ica( hea(th screenin&s an$ none o? the res'(ts to these screenin&s were ma$e a%ai(a@(e to my se(?. I was to($ that I was not physica((y i((3 I was to($ that I was menta((y i((3 an$ that e%en my ?eces which sme((e$ toFic an$ was chan&in& co(ors e%ery $ay was hea(thy. My stoo( chan&e$ co(or ?o'r times < startin& with &reen3 chan&in& to @(acD3 chan&in& to white3 chan&in& to m'star$ co(ore$ 5 it sme((e$ (iDe paint. 2'rin& this time3 I staye$ in Psychiatric Hea(thcare ,aci(ities approFimate(y 5 times 5 e%ery 0mer&ency 7(inic %isit which I @e(ie%e tota((e$ approFimate(y 10 %isits3 res'(te$ in the stan$ar$ @(oo$ $rawin& with a stint an$ ?i((in& o? @(oo$ %ia(s. .ne o? these stints was (a@e(e$ with a MA20 IN 1H0 U9 (a@e(3 I (i%e in the USA an$ it is a@norma( ?or a stint which is 'se$ to $raw @(oo$ to @e man'?act're$ in a ?orei&n nation. 1he artic(e which c(aime$ that A1here are peop(e who ha%e @een ?o'n$ in the Hi&h(an$s o? Scot(an$ who are imm'ne to the AI2S %ir'sA was most pro@a@(y a hacD an$ was most pro@a@(y poste$ @y one o? the 1errorists whom ha$ tar&ette$ my entire ?ami(y an$ associate$ networD on the @eha(? o? =ittorio 0man'e(e. It is entire(y possi@(e that =ittorio 0man'e(e3 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e3 an$ the 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate ha%e intentiona((y &i%en ma(es o? Gae(ic /ace AI2S ?or the p'rpose o? eFterminatin& them. 1he Ita(ians in the New 0n&(an$ comm'nity ha%e attacDe$ Gae(ic peop(e as one o? their primary /acia( 1ar&ets. It is most pro@a@(e that the en$ o? their Genoci$a( :ar in North America is &oin& to res'(t in a North American Union an$ the ?'rther in%asion o? North America @y 7o%ert Genoci$a( 1errorist 7e((s o? Ita(ian 3 A(@anian + Ser@ian3 an$ Armenian /ace ?or the p'rpose o? eFterminatin& a(( o? the North American peop(es an$ 7o(oni>in& North America ?or =ittorio 0man'e(eKs ?ami(y as we(( as the 0%o(as whom ha%e @een in hi$in&. 7'rrent(y 3 the maJority o? the 7rimina( 1errorists who the 0man'e(es ha%e recr'ite$ a(( seem to @e Pe$ophi(e SeF .??en$ers who they &a%e the I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o? many o? their %ictims to < these in$i%i$'a(s an$ the %ictims @oth 3 are S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces. :ithin the past 50 years3 there was a Genoci$a( Ho(oca'st that @e&an in Ser@ia an$ sprea$ into ;osnia Her>&o%ina 5 the 1errorist 7rimina(s whom the 0man'e(es are worDin& with seem to ha%e some connection to a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate ?rom the re&ion o? Ser@ia 3 ;osnia 3 an$ 7roatia. :ithin the past 50 years < there has a(so @een a Genoci$a( Ho(oca'st in Armenia 5 it is a pro@a@i(ity that these co'($ @e ,actions re(ate$ to the

0man'e(esK. I checDe$ some me$ica( interest @(o& we@sites on the internet ?or in?ormation a@o't in&estion o? ra$ioacti%e s'@stances 5 what I ?o'n$ was other peop(e insistin& that this ha$ happene$ to them or some@o$y they Dnew3 as we(( as $isin?ormation a&ents po(icin& the we@sites maDin& statements s'ch as A-o' canKt irra$iate ?oo$3 i$iotLA. Irra$iation o? materia(s can easi(y occ'r when these s'@stances are comprise$ o? e(ectro(ytic compo'n$s or meta(oi$s 5 so$i'm3 io$ine3 potassi'm3 ca(ci'm3 an$ iron are ?o'n$ in many ?oo$s an$ can %ery we(( @e irra$iate$. :hi(e at my &ran$motherKs an a'$io o%er $'@@in& o? AmericaKs ,'nniest Home =i$eos occ'rre$ $'rin& which 1om ;er&eronKs mo'th state$ A H'st wait 'nti( yo' meet o'r (awyers.A . 1his occ'rre$ a?ter I ha$ (ooDe$ 'p Me$ica( Ma( Practice 'sin& the internet. I ha$ &athere$ me$ica( ma( practice (awyers names $'e to the ?act that the hospita(s ha$ @een te((in& me that there was nothin& wron& with my se(?. 2'rin& the time that I was s'??erin& the e??ects o? the toFic @(acD mo($ an$ possi@(e ra$iation poisonin&3 my $epartment at worD was possi@(y @ein& in%esti&ate$ @y an 'n$erco%er ,e$era( In%esti&ator 5 it is a(so possi@(e that this man was preten$in& to @e this. 1his man was o? o@%io's 2e'tsche 3 Ita(ian 3 an$ A'strian race 5 he was @(on$e 3 thin 3 a@o't 5K"A3 an$ ha$ short hair with a thinnin& pattern on the @acD o? his hea$. He worDe$ in the :ash .'t 2epartment (iDe I $i$. 1his man was wearin& 0$ :arrenKs &o($en cross necD(ace. A?ter I ha$ in&este$ what was most (iDe(y an irra$iate$ san$wich3 this man wa(De$ 'p to me an$ threw a ?einte$ a p'nch at my so(ap(eF's 5 narrow(y stoppin& short o? my stomach. He a(most acte$ (iDe it was a JoDe. 1his is o? eFtreme importance @eca'se whome%er this man was ?o((owin& or$ers ?rom 3 Dnew 0$ :arren an$ was &i%in& this man $irections. It seems $e?inite that this man Dnew =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ was a Sa%oy A6IS S(eeper So($ier. It is $e?inite that this man was in the same networD as 0$ :arren @eca'se when he arri%e$ he was wearin& 0$ :arrenKs &o($en cross pen$ant on a &o($ chain. :home%er this man was worDin& ?or $e?inite(y ha$ a connection to the 0man'e(e ?ami(y as we(( as 0$ :arren. 1his man to($ me AI 'se$ to @e a Sniper in the U.S. Mi(itary.A 3 an$ asDe$ me i? I Dnew 0rin /'ther?or$ 5 0rin /'ther?or$ went to Hi&hSchoo( with my se(?. 1hat weeD3 whi(e in 9eithKs car 5 9eith was maDin& JoDes to Cach sayin& A I (iDe 2opp(e&an&er Cach @etter than o($ Cach. 2oppe(&an&er Cach is way more ?'n. .($ Cach was @orin&.A He (ater mentione$ somethin& a@o't the UDraine3 he a(so (ater mentione$ a mo%ie $'rin& which ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces were 'se$ to $isp(ay 7omp'ter Generate$ Ima&es inter(ace$ with the occ'(ar ner%esK sensory in?ormation. 1his was $escri@e$ as opaI'e A&host writin&A an$ a(so as opaI'e tar&ettin& ?rames simi(ar to the mo%ie the 1erminator. :hi(e sittin& in 9eithKs car 5 a ra$io host @e&an $isc'ssin& his opinion that peop(e who hate Hews are A/e(i&ionistsA an$ that it AisnKt /acism to hate HewsA 3 @eca'se AHews arenKt a race o? peop(eA. It is incre$i@(y o@%io's that this socia( tactic is en&ineere$ ?or the p'rpose o? e%ent'a((y ca'sin& the state o? Israe( to appear to @e i((e&itimate @y metho$ o? sprea$in& $isin?ormation. H'$aism is the ?o(D re(i&ion o? the Israe(i ?o(D3 H'$aism @ecame a &(o@a( re(i&ion when the pop'(ation o? Israe( was $ri%en o't o? Israe( into $iaspora 5 the re(i&ion tra%e(s where the peop(e tra%e(3 it is a ?o(D re(i&ion. Amon&st other thin&s3 Socia( 0n&ineerin& in%o(%es manip'(ation o? pop'(ar opinion as we(( as what is common con%ersationa( topic. 1his Socia( 0n&ineerin& is eFtreme(y s'spicio's $'e to the ?act that within the past ten years 5 =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy an$ Ne'roScience ha%e @e&'n @ein& 'se$ ?or terrorist p'rposes inc('$in& the rep(acement o? in$i%i$'a( mem@ers an$ pop'(ation pocDets o? society with espiona&e a&ents an$ tra??icDin& %ictims as p(aceho($ers. 2enia( o? the ?act that the race o? Israe( eFists ser%es the p'rpose o?

e(iminatin& the Dnow(e$&e o? recor$e$ Israe(i Genetics an$ Israe(i 2NA Hap(o&ro'ps 5 this wo'($ maDe possi@(e the e%ent'a( e(imination o? the Nation State o? Israe( as an in$epen$ent state an$ a(( o? the $iaspora o? Israe(i peop(e &(o@a((y3 comp(ete i&norance o? the ?act that Israe(i 2NA e%er eFiste$ wo'($ maDe it appear as i? they simp(y a(( J'st con%erte$ to other re(i&ions or @ecame atheist. Israe(i is a race o? peop(e. :hi(e I was (ooDin& at a news anchor on the te(e%ision3 his mo'th was animate$ to mo%e $i??erent(y an$ the ima&e @ehin$ him was animate$ to @e the scene ?rom Monty PythonKs 1he 4i?e o? ;rian $'rin& which the son& A1he ;ri&ht Si$e o? 4i?eA was @ein& s'n& @y cr'ci?ie$ Israe(is. A con%ersation @etween my se(? an$ 7(arissa ;erry was mentione$ when the anchorKs %oice was o%er $'@@e$ with a %oice actor whom sai$ A4etKs not ar&'e a@o't whoKs a pessimist or an optimist3 sha(( weMA. my se(? an$ what I was not aware was an imposte'r o? =a(erie .(son a(so watche$ this mo%ie when I ha$ tho'&ht that she ha$ ret'rne$ ?rom st'$yin& a@roa$ in Ita(y. ;oth o? these instances were recor$e$ whi(e I was (i%in& at 155 Map(e St R2 Manchester NewHampshire. 0$ :arren an$ his associates were hacDin& my comp'ter an$ watchin& my comp'ter $'rin& the month that I ?irst p'rchase$ the $%$ 4i?e o? ;rian whi(e I was sti(( (i%in& at 38" Haywar$ street in Manchester New Hampshire. 0$ :arren came into worD one $ay sin&in& the theme son&. 2'rin& the year 200! < whi(e I was worDin& at NU7AS1 in 4on$on$erry NewHampshire 5 I mentione$ the A's.7an.NC.U9.US Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence A&reement to imposte'rs o? Cach An$rosDi an$ 9eith Hammon$ who pro@a@(y Dnew that I ha$ a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace in my @rain3 an$ who o@%io's(y ha$ one in their @rains themse(%es. Soon a?ter this was state$ 3 n'mero's assassination attempts occ'rre$. :hi(e worDin& at N'cast with the Imposte'r Cach An$rosDi < I ha$ @een ta(Din& a@o't in%entin& a S'@marine San$wich @ase$ on a sa(mon maDi ro(( 5 an ita(ian s'@ with a$$e$ smoDe$ sa(mon 3 (ett'ce 3 peppers3 tomotoes3 pro%o(one3 mayonaise3 an$ Hapanese $ressin&. I ha$ @een or$erin& it ?rom a 1e$eschiKs marDet witho't the sa(mon an$ s'@stit'tin& the Hapanese $ressin& ?or ?rench $ressin&. I @e(ie%e that I remem@er some@o$y maDin& a JoDe a@o't my MaDi S'@marine /o(( i$ea3 intentiona((y ins'(tin& my se(? as we(( as Hapan 5 ca((in& it the AN'De S'@A. 2'rin& the weeD that I was ?e$ the irra$iate$ s'@marine ro(( ?rom 1e$eschiKs 5 I was worDin& at N'cast in 4on$on$erry New Hampshire. :hi(e at worD < the man whom has @een c(aimin& to @e 9eith Hammon$ mentione$ the Ita(ian S'@ an$ ca((e$ it a A7hreno@(iA 3 statin& 5 AI? a n'c(ear s'@ me(ts is it a 7hreno@(eM :hat i? it is an Ita(ian N'c(ear S'@M 2oes that maDe it a 7hreno@(iMA. 1he ni&ht prior to this statement @ein& ma$e3 I ha$ @een rea$in& an artic(e a@o't a Satte(ite which ha$ ?a((en ?rom itKs or@it 5 I ha$ a(so $eci$e$ to $o research a@o't the ?'e( which are 'se$ ?or the Satte(ites. 0ar(y $'rin& the mornin& when I ha$ arri%e$ at worD3 I was $rinDin& an ener&y $rinD 5 the man whom has @een 'sin& 9eith Hammon$Ks i$entity as an a(ias (ooDe$ at me an$ sai$ A1hatKs rocDet ?'e(A. 4ater that $ay I was ?e$ an irra$iate$ s'@ ro(( when I or$ere$ an Ita(ian S'@ ?rom 1e$eschiKs. 1he wor$ A7hreno@(iA was 'se$ (ater $'rin& a psych war?are attacD $'rin& which a mo%ie on a $%$ was e$ite$. 2'rin& the time that I was ?ee(in& i(( ?rom the mo($ poisonin&3 some co worDers o? mine an$ my se(? were &ettin& ('nch whi(e on @reaD at a 1e$eschiKs shop in 4on$on$erry New Hampshire. 1wo thin&s I notice$ whi(e there< a man who (ooDe$ (iDe 1om 1ancre$o stan$in& o'tsi$e in a ?(i&ht JacDet3 an$ a man stan$in& in the $oorway sentine( (iDe starin& me $own whi(e wearin& a U;S in%estments ?irm win$@reaDer JacDet. I ha$ recent(y emai(e$ 1om 1ancre$o on myspace a@o't the North American Union3 to which

he rep(ie$ 5 AI am oppose$ to it3 an$ I am %otin& to @(ocD it.A 2'rin& the time that I was worDin& at N'cast in 4on$on$erry NH. 1om 1ancre$o seems to ha%e @een in char&e o? pri%ate in%esti&ations in%o(%in& the same tar&ets that the 7.inte(Pro em@e$$e$ a&ents ha$ @een tar&ettin&3 these @ein& I$entity Po(itic &ro'ps. Accor$in& to news so'rces3 he was a(so a Persona Non Grata $'rin& the Geor&e ;'sh a$ministration. 1he em@e$$in& o? Pri%ate In%esti&ators amon&st I$entity Gro'ps o? any Din$ is a tactic which my co'sin H'(ianna ha$ $escri@e$ that H'(i's 0%o(a 'se$ in Sici(y to contro( the Sici(ians an$ to i$enti?y those which he tar&ette$. 1om 1ancre$o spoDe at a ra((y that the 4ea&'e o? the So'th an$ the 7e(tic ;rotherhoo$ were present at. It is a $e?inite pro@a@i(ity that A6IS So($iers are em@e$$e$ within the 9'9('F 9(an an$ that they are em@e$$e$ in the 9'9('F 9(an ?or the p'rpose o? in?i(tratin& the U.S.A. Go%ernment $'rin& an A6IS Mi(itary 7o'p $e 0tat that the 9'9('F 9(an reta(iate a&ainst @y metho$ o? 7o'p $e 0tat on the A6IS occ'pie$ U.S.A. Go%ernment. 1he 9'9('F in the name A9'9('F 9(anA re?ers to a 7hicDen 7oop an$ the termino(o&y 7o'p $e 0tat. I? the A6IS mi(itari(y or otherwise 2ecapitate$ an$ occ'pie$ the U.S.A. Go%ernment < a Nationa(ist ,action wo'($ ha%e to 7o'p $e 0tat the &o%ernment ?or the p'rpose o? pre%entin& the A6IS ,action ?rom eFterminatin& the North American /aces. 1he A6IS $e?inite(y in?i(trate$ the 9'9('F 9(an an$ ha%e a(so create$ (ists o? their ?ami(ies. I ha%e hear$ that the ma&a>ine A1he Ins'r&entA which was a ?a%orite o? Geor&e 4inco(n /ocDwe((Ks 3 occaisiona((y printe$ 7ypher 7omm'nications ?or A6IS So($iers to rea$ < these A6IS So($iers were enemies o? the U.S.A. an$ S(eeper A&ents that were em@e$$e$ within the 9'9('F 9(an 3 theA American Na>i PartyA 3 an$ other Nationa(ist or&ani>ations as we(( as :hite /acia(ist or&ani>ations ?or p'rpose o? tar&ettin& American Nationa(ist ,action an$ I$entity ?or the p'rpose o? pre%entin& them ?rom recapt'rin& the U.S.A. Go%ernment $'rin& an A6IS ,action co'p $e etat o? the U.S.A. &o%ernment. It is a pro@a@i(ity that the AAmerican Na>i PartyA an$ other A6IS 1heme$ /acia(ist I$entity .r&ani>ations were ori&ina((y ?o'n$e$ ?or the p'rpose o? ('rin& the 9'9('F 9(an to speaD with them so that the A6IS co'($ (earn the names an$ i$entities o? the 9'9('F 9(an. It is possi@(e that this was 1om 1ancre$o 3 the airport is on(y one mi(e ?rom this (ocation 5 it is a(so possi@(e that this was an Ita(ian (ooD a(iDe hire$ @y =ittorio 0man'e(e to commit this attacD or e%en stan$ near@y whi(e it was committe$. 1hat $ay3 9eith Hammon$ ca((e$ o'r or$er in at 1e$eschiKs 5 I or$ere$ an Ita(ian s'@ 3 which 9eith or$ere$ 'sin& his own ce(( phone as Aan Ita(ian S'@ with one picD(e3 one o(i%e3 one tomato3 an$ one (ett'ce.A. As we were (ea%in& the 1e$eschiKs &as station 3 I 'nwrappe$ my s'@ an$ @e&an to taDe a @ite 5 my $enta( ?i((in&s ?e(t (iDe I ha$ @it $own on tin?oi( an$ a(most (iDe they were %i@ratin&. /a$ioacti%e Io$ine $isso(%e$ in water has in the past @een 'se$ to /a$iation Poison po(itica( tar&ets3 ci%i(ian tar&ets3 an$ mi(itary tar&ets5 ?or instance < $isso(%e$ irra$iate$ io$ine co'($ @e @aste$ with a @r'sh onto the s'@ ro(( which is then (e?t in ?ront o? a so'rce o? ra$iation ?or a $ay or so< it wo'($ then @e @ro'&ht to a san$which shop an$ pacDe$ with co($ c'ts. 2etection @y sec'rity cameras wo'($ @e attempte$ thro'&h a%oi$ance o? %i$eo recor$in&5 this wo'($ @e achei%e$ @y ?irst p'rchasin& a san$wich to &o3 (ater ret'rnin& with the s'@ro(( in the san$wich @a& 'n$er pretense that it was ma$e incorrect(y3 a new s'@ wo'($ @e ma$e an$ the irra$iate$ s'@marine ro(( wo'($ @e (e?t in tin?oi( ?or the p'rpose o? (ater ?ee$in& it to a speci?ic tar&et c'stomer. 1his is simi(ar to the 2irecte$ /a$iation :eapons @ein& 'se$ co%ert(y on ci%i(ians in @oth North America an$ the Unite$ 9in&$om o? Great ;ritain an$ Northern Ire(an$. It is pro@a@(e that parts ?rom microwa%e o%ens3 we($in& too(s3 e(ectrica( en&ineerin& too(s3 ce(( phones3 an$ toaster o%en parts are 'se$ in the constr'ction o? one o? these $e%ices 5 they are (ater p(ante$ @ehin$ a'tomo@i(e $ash@oar$s3 apartment wa((s3 an$ e(sewhere < soon to @e acti%ate$ @y an anonymo's phone ca((. 1hese $e%ices ca'se irra$iation o? meta(s 5 ca'sin& them

to heat3 irra$iation o? @io(o&ica( (i?e?orms 5 ca'sin& interna( ra$iation $ama&e3 an$ mi($ ra$io inter?erence. I? the %ictim was s'r&ica((y &ra?te$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace Ne'ro7hip or Ne'roPatch 5 the transmissions ?rom the impro%ise$ ro'ter $e%ices which ha%e @een @ein& 'se$ wo'($ pro%e that the @o$y was @ein& e??ecte$ @y ra$iation $ama&e. 0%en tho'&h a Ne'roPatch 7omp'ter Inter?ace is re(ati%e(y sma((3 resi$'a(s o? the entire Ne'roSystem are transmitte$ an$ so?tware can @e 'se$ to amp(i?y the (ess %isi@(e portions o? the Ne'roSystem. /a$io acti%e io$i>e$ hea%y water was (iDe(y to ha%e @een 'se$ a the res'(t o? my (i%in& with my A'nt 4es(ie 4a%oie ;ryan an$ my co'sin Michae( Io$ice 5 Io$i>e so'n$s (iDe Io$ice. My A'nt 4es(ieKs eF h's@an$Ks ?ami(y may possi@(y @e a tar&et 5 Michae( an$ his @rother 7hristopherKs ?atherKs name is A( Io$ice. 2'rin& 200* 5 prior to their $i%orce3 A( Io$ice was (i%in& at 4inco(n St. in Manchester New Hampshire with my A'nt 4es(ie as we(( as my co'sins Michae( an$ 7hristopher. 2'rin& 200! 3 whi(e I was poisone$ with ;(acD Mo($ 5 the imposte'r o? 9eith Hammon$ state$ A9ris 3 with a 9 3 ?rom 9ent'cDy.... with G(asses 3 no thanDs J'st one 3 an$ @ear$. ItKs a monoc(e.A this was an o@%io's re?erence to =ittorio 0man'e(eKs son 7hris 1homas @ein& ma$e $irect(y in ?ront o? me. 2'rin& the year 200! 5 the imposte'r o? 9eith Hammon$ ma$e a JoDe A1astey M'tatesLA an$ AI? some@o$y ?ee$s yo' somethin& in yo'r mi(D that maDes yo' m'tate3 $oes that mean that yo' moo tate$MA 2'rin& the approFimate year 200! 3 the imposte'r Cach An$rosDi ma$e a stran&e comment. 1he imposte'r o? Cach An$rosDi state$ that he ha$ a ha(? sister who ha$ @een @ein& rape$ thro'&ho't her entire (i?e since she was an in?ant @y her motherKs @oy?rien$ 5 he sai$ that the man ha$ $one somethin& to her in%o(%in& hypnosis an$ that when she ?ina((y was o($ eno'&h to press char&es herse(? an$ &et him arreste$ < when it &ot to co'rt 3 the man J'st shine$ a &o($ cross pen$ant at her an$ she was hypnoti>e$ an$ @ecame 'na@(e to ta(D in co'rt. He c(aime$ that this pre%ente$ her ?rom testi?yin&. 1his statement was $i&'stin& an$ eFtreme(y simi(ar to what happene$ to my Mother an$ my Sisters. 1his resem@(e$ 7hris 1homasKs attacDs on my sister Sheena MacPherson an$ his ?ather =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs an$ his 7rime So($ier A7h'cDKsA attacDs on my mother when she was a (itt(e &ir(. :hen my mother as a yo'n& chi($ 3 my Nana was ?orce$ to marry a man on paperworD an$ was @ein& SeF 1ra??icDe$ as we(( as was my Mother < @y a man who (i%e$ in New0n&(an$ in a town that ha$ on(y a ?ew Po(ice .??icers. 1he Po(ice .??icers in the town were 7rime So($iers o? the 7rime Syn$icate that was SeF 1ra??icDin& my Mother @etween the a&es o? 5 to 1* years o($ < she was not a@(e to escape ?or " years 3 her mother co'($ not &et away ?rom the man ?or (on& eno'&h to &et her chi($ren an$ herse(? to sa?ety 5 they were 'se$ as Initiation 7rime =ictims. 2'rin& my ?ami(iesK 1"88 Ha((oween Party 3 7hris 1homas committe$ an Initiation 7rime 'pon e%ery in$i%i$'a( at the party 5 7hris 1homas $r'&&e$ the ,r'it P'nch ;ow( 3 han$e$ peop(e $r'&&e$ 7i&arettes 3 an$ $r'&&e$ the MariJ'ana ci&arettes with 2isassociati%e Ne'ro1oFin < as we(( as $i$ he $r'& HacD 2ionKs @eer with a se$ati%e. A?ter $r'&&in& the a$'(ts 7hris 1homas porno&raphe$ the chi($ren at the Ha((oween Party 3 who were on(y 5 an$ E years o($ 5 whi(e the maJority o? the a$'(ts were o'tsi$e at the @on?ire sittin& in chairs incoherent an$ $isassociate$. 1he most $is&'stin& thin& 7hris 1homas $i$ was taDe a photo&raph o? his ?in&ers insi$e o? my s(eepin& 1year o($ sister SheenaKs an's an$ %a&ina. 2'rin& the S'mmer season o? the year 1"8" < my ,ather 3 my se(? 3 ,ran McG'ire 3 9eith McG'ire 3 an$ my 'nc(e Scot 7arty 5 $ro%e to /ichmon$ =ir&inia to meet 'p with

7(int +0man'e(e8. 1his was 2 $ays prior to the *th o? H'(y. 2'rin& the co'rse o? the e%enin& we wa(De$ past the Scottish /ite Masonic 4o$&e that is in /ichmon$ =ir&inia an$ 9eith McG'ire remarDe$ 'pon how interestin& (ooDin& the @'i($in& was. 2'rin& the co'rse o? the ni&ht we $isc'sse$ the m'sician G.G. A((in 3 my 'nc(e Scot 7arty to($ 7(int +0man'e(e8 that Scot @e(ie%e$ that 7(intKs @rother 7hris 1homas was psychotic an$ $is&'stin& an$ @e(on&e$ in a Psychiatric Instit'tion 3 an$ they smoDe$ a MariJ'ana 7i&arette. 2'rin& the ear(y A't'mn o? the year 1"8" < my ,ather 3 my se(? 3 my co'sin 2'sty 3 my sister Sheena 3 my 'nc(e Scot 3 an$ my Mother $ro%e to /ichmon$ =ir&inia to &o to a party. :hi(e at the party 3 my co'sin 2'sty an$ I spent most o? my time p(ayin& with /o@ot Action ,i&'res with a @oy name$ somethin& (iDe Haco@ 3 Sean 3 or Hosh'a 5 whi(e we were p(ayin& with /o@ots 3 the @oys @rother came home. As the @oyKs @rother was wa(Din& into the ho'se 3 he @e&an to te(( me that he hate$ his @rother an$ that his @rother was act'a((y a$opte$ an$ was Jea(o's o? him. He to($ me that his @rother was act'a((y an a$'(t an$ was a$opte$ 3 @'t that his o($er @rother hates him e%en tho'&h he is a chi($. :hen his @rother wa(De$ into the ho'se an$ e%ent'a((y into his room 3 I ?o'n$ o't that his @rother was 7hris 1homas. I acci$ent(y ca((e$ 7hris 1homas the name A9e%inA an$ he &ot eFtreme(y an&ry < a?terwar$s 3 I was to($ that he is a(ways eFtreme(y an&ry. 4ater that a?ternoon 3 the a$'(ts ha$ wante$ @eer an$ were (ow on so$a < my se(? 3 my co'sin 2'sty 3 my 'nc(e Scot 3 an$ my ,ather 5 wa(De$ to a store to @'y ;eer an$ So$a. .n the way to the store < my ?ather mentione$ o%erhearin& the man whoKs ho'se we were at 3 ta(Din& to a A=ictorA 5 he sai$ to Scot 3 AMan... $i$ yo' hear that assho(e ta(Din& to him on the phoneM 1hatKs =ictor. I $o not (iDe =ictor. He is an assho(e. I hear$ what he sai$. He sai$ that he wante$ to see more te(e%ision shows an$ mo%ies o? American In$ians @ein& s(a'&htere$ 3 @eca'se they comp(ain so m'ch it sho'($ @e (o'$er an$ on te(e%ision a(( the time. He is an assho(e. 1hat man sho'($ @e Di((e$. 1here are a(most no Nati%e Americans (e?t anywhere in North America an$ my wi?e an$ chi($ren are that an$ are in his ho'se. He @etter not come o%er. :e sho'($ J'st (ea%e. I $onKt thinD I tr'st any o? these peop(e.A . 1he neFt $ay we ?o'n$ o't that whi(e we were wa(Din& to &et so$a an$ @eer 3 an$ ta(Din& a@o't what =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e ha$ sai$ on the phone to 7hris 1homasKs a$opti%e ,ather 5 7hris 1homas an$ his a$opti%e ?ather ha$ poisone$ my motherKs @e%era&e with 2isassociati%e 2r'& 3 he($ a Dni?e to her throat an$ my 2 1N2 year o($ sister SheenaKs throat 3 an$ $eman$e$ that my Mother p't her han$ in my sister SheenaKs $iaper so that they co'($ taDe a photo&raph. 1hey Dept the photo&raph a?terwar$s. My Mother $i$nKt remem@er anythin& 'nti( the neFt $ay < that ni&ht she ha$ tho'&ht that she ha$ $ranD to m'ch an$ @(acDe$ o't 3 @'t she $i$nKt $rinD any a(choho( 'nti( she ha$ a /'m G 7oDe @e?ore her ;eer. :hen she to($ my $a$ 3 he was ?'rio's an$ $i$ not Dnow how to han$(e the sit'ation 5 he ha$ o%erhear$ =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e ins'(tin& my MotherKs race an$ eFp(aine$ what he ha$ hear$ to my Mother < my Mother @ecame eFtreme(y $epresse$ a?ter hearin& that their ?ami(y wishe$ ?or my MotherKs race to @e As(a'&htere$A. She p't her hea$ on the win$ow an$ crie$. 2'rin& the S'mmer season o? the neFt year my ,ather ?o'n$ o't ?rom ,ran McG'ire that 7hris 1homas poisone$ e%eryone at the 1"88 Ha((oween Party with 2isassociati%e Ne'ro1oFin an$ ha$ porno&raphe$ a(( o? the chi($ren 3 ,ran McG'ire was to($ this @y HacD 2ion who ha$ @een in?orme$ o? this 5 the =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ 7hris 1homas c(aime$ that these photo&raphs were ?or the p'rpose o? ;(acD Mai(in& HacD 2ion 3 A( Io$ice 3 an$ my ,ather. 2'rin& =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs 1""! ;irth$ay Party 3 HacD 2ion an$ my se(? were @oth in%ite$ o%er the te(ephone @y name 5 HacD 2ion on his own home te(ephone 3 an$ my se(? in%ite$ to /o@ert /o$on o%er his te(ephone. At =ittorioKs 1""! ;irth$ay Party < =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e to($ HacD 2ion a ?a@ricate$ story a@o't a (itt(e Di$ p'ttin& his han$ in a @a@ies $iaper at a 7hristmas Party 3 ten min'tes a?ter this 5

=ittorio &ot HacDKs attention an$ pointe$ at me 3 sayin& A:e((M IsnKt that the Di$M ,rom.. the 7hristmas partyMA to which HacD 2ion rep(ie$ ANo that $i$nKt happen an$ yo' Dnow that. -o' Dnow who he is. -o' in%ite$ me here 3 ?or thisM -o' a(rea$y Dnow who he is. -o' Dnow I Dnow his parents. -o' 9N.: that isnKt what happene$. 1hat (itt(e &'y $i$nKt $o anythin&.A. HacD 2ion 3 S'e 2ion 3 an$ 7hristine 2ion 5 ha$ atten$e$ my ?ami(yKs 7hristmas Party $'rin& the approFimate year 1""2 or 1""*. It has @ecome apparent that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ his son 7hris 1homas ha%e an o@session with 7hi($ Porno&raphy 3 SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 ;(acD Mai(in& the ?ami(ies o? Ita(ian 0spiona&e A&ents who Dnow who the 0man'e(e ?ami(y are 3 attemptin& to ?rame innocent peop(e ?or their own crimes 3 an$ an intense hatre$ o? ,irst Nations Nati%e Americans as we(( as An&(o Gae(ic Americans. It is pro@a@(e that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e raise$ 7hris 1homas in s'ch an o@sessi%e manner that he s'ccee$e$ at &roomin& 3 rewar$in& 3 an$ $iscip(inin& 7hris 1homas to @ecome eFact(y the same as himse(? in a(most e%ery way < inc('$in& =ittorio 0man'e(eKs sins3 %ices3 an$ crimes. :hi(e sittin& in the @acD seat o? the imposte'r o? 9eith Hammon$s car with the imposte'r o? Cach An$rosDi 3 the two o? them @e&an ta(Din& a@o't Aaron 0man'e(e an$ his ?ami(yKs A&an&A 5 they $i$nKt rea(i>e that I co'($ hear them. 1hey mentione$ SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims name$ 0mi(y 3 1ia 3 an$ =a(erie. 1hey a(so mentione$ $own(oa$in& a %iewin& the %i$eos AGir( 9i@@ies 3 4e& 9icDs (iDe $o&A 3 A Gir( rape$ 'nti( @(ee$in&A 3 A&ir( ?orce$ to $eep throat a t'r$A 3 Atwo 1* year o($ &ir(s ?'cDin& on the ?(oor at a partyA 3 A&ir( with stran&e &rowths on ?ace h'mi(iate$ 3 shit on 3 %omite$ on 3 an$ @'DDaDe$A3 an$ A/ocDy Mo'nt Gir(A . 1hese %i$eos were $escri@e$ as AAaron 0man'e(eKs @rotherKs &an&A an$ Athe &ir(s ?rom the 0man'e(es partyA. 1hese %i$eos were %iewe$ an$ $own(oa$e$ @y the imposte'rs o? Cach An$rosDi an$ 9eith Hammon$ 3 whi(e Cach An$rosDiKs imposte'r was (i%in& at E*0 So'th Porter Street Manchester NewHampshire :HISP0/ING M0A2.:S. 1hese are e%i$ence o? :ar 7rimes. 1hese %i$eos are recor$in&s o? the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6ISKs :ar 7rimes 'pon the ci%i(ians o? the U.S.A. an$ their ?ami(ia( as we(( as racia( tar&ets in North America. Cach An$rosDiKs imposte'r 'se$ 02onDey to $own(oa$ these 3 /e$1'@e.7om 3 ;it 1orrent 3 an$ other ?i(eshares. 2'rin& 200! 5 @roa$caste$ on the ra$io in 9eith Hammon$Ks car which was @ein& $ri%en @y an imposte'r o? 9eith Hammon$ was a $isc'ssion se&ment $'rin& which the ra$io host state$ 5 AHatre$ o? Hews is re(i&ionist 3 itKs not racist. H'$aism isnKt a race 3 itKs a re(i&ion.A 1his statement is a@s'r$ an$ $etracts ?rom the ?act that eFterminatin& Hewish pop'(ation eFterminates a speci?ic physica( race o? peop(e in the process. H'$aism is a ,o(D /e(i&ion 5 H'$aism is the ,o(D /e(i&ion o? the Israe(i race. I? a ,o(D /e(i&ion is tar&ette$ ?or Genoci$e 3 it res'(ts in the eFtermination o? a race. A ,o(D is a /ace o? Peop(e. 2'rin& the year 200! 3 a?ter the imposte'r o? 9eith Hammon$ ha$ asDe$ the imposte'r o? Cach An$rosDi Awhat was it that yo' were sayin& to me the other $ay a@o't peop(e &ettin& rape$MA the imposte'r Cach An$rosDi was o%erhear$ sayin& to the imposte'r o? 9eith Hammon$ 5 A1heyKre J'st p'ttin& these in their @rains an$ (ettin& them rape them. 1heyKre J'st Di((in& the ma(es. IsnKt it @etter to &et rape$ an$ @e a((owe$ to (i%e than @e Di((e$ an$ @e $ea$M 1heyKre &oin& to @e ?'cDin& (iDe their (i%es $epen$ on it... @eca'se they $o.A. Since this time 3 there has @een si&hte$ a secon$ imposte'r o? 9eith Hammon$. 1he secon$ imposte'r o? 9eith Hammon$ is 5K11A in hei&ht 3 9eith Hammon$ was act'a((y on(y 5K!A. 9eith Hammon$ was An&(o Gae(ic USAmerican an$ 7ana$ian. He is pres'me$ to ha%e @een Di((e$ $'rin& 200E an$ rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs 'sin& his I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s.

:hi(e he was (i%in& at E*0 So'th Porter Street :hisperin& Mea$ows apartments 3 the imposte'r o? Cach An$rosDi who was (i%in& with the imposte'r o? Mo((y Go$$ar$ An$rosDi 3 $own(oa$e$ as we(( as %iewe$ on /e$1'@e.7om < the e%i$ence o? ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs 3 7hris 1homasKs 3 2anie( HamesKs 3 an$ =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icateKs Initiation 7rimes which ha$ @een recor$e$ an$ p'@(ishe$ to internet we@sites an$ ?i(e sharin& we@sites an$ ser%ers s'ch as 02onDey 5 as i? they were porno&raphy. He an$ the imposte'r o? 9eith Hammon$ 3 $isc'sse$ this. 2'rin& the year o? 200! 5 the imposte'rs o? Cach An$rosDi an$ 9eith Hammon$ ha$ $isc'sse$ watchin& a porno&raphic %i$eo o? a (itt(e &ir( @ein& rape$ ana((y whi(e her mo'th was stitche$ sh't @y either @(acD ?ishin& (ine or me$ica( stitchin&. A hacDer who worDs with the Pri%ate In%esti&ator whom I ha%e @een speaDin& to to($ me that this may ha%e @een a re(ati%e o? mine who was a@$'cte$ an$ swappe$ with another (itt(e &ir(. 2'rin& the year o? 200! 5 the imposte'r o? Cach An$rosDi mentione$ to the imposte'r o? 9eith Hammon$ that he ha$ seen a ApornoA %i$eo on the internet wherein a @(in$ woman was @a(ancin& pennies on her eye(i$s whi(e per?ormin& $o& tricDs s'ch as @a(ancin& a $o& @isc'it on her nose @ri$&e an$ snappin& her hea$ @acD to catch it in her mo'th 3 the same tricD was per?orme$ with a @eer pon& @a((. 1he @(in$ woman was a(so ?orce$ to s'@mit seF'a((y to * men whi(e @ein& ?orce$ to @a(ance pennies on her eye(i$s. 1he %ictimKs assai(ants were Ita(ians. I @e(ie%e that this %i$eo may ha%e @een 1'rDoJan pop 'p $isp(aye$ on my $esDtop whi(e I was on the comp'ter $'rin& the a't'mn o? 200! an$ I c(ose$ the win$ow in $is&'st $'e to the cr'e(ty o? the %i$eo. 1he pennies on the eye(i$s in this %i$eo remin$s me o? 7hristine 2ion screamin& AItKs Pee:eeKs P(ayHo'seLA an$ $ancin& eFcite$(y when the woman with the pennies ?or eye(i$s appeare$ on the te(e%ision screen $'rin& o'r 1"88 Ha((oween Party 5 this was the ni&ht that =ittorioKs son 7hris 1homas chi($ porno&raphe$ 7hristine 2ion an$ my se(? as we(( as Samantha G'ay an$ my co'sins a?ter $r'&&in& the entire party. It is pro@a@(e that the @(in$ woman in the %i$eos who was @ein& ?orce$ to s'@mit seF'a((y to * men an$ per?orm $o& tricDs whi(e @a(ancin& pennies on her eyes 3 was @ein& threatene$ @y &reen teFt @y ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace .c'(ar Ner%e 1eFt So?tware an$ was @ein& Ne'ro /o@otic Animate$ to position herse(? a speci?ic way an$ per?orm speci?ic physica( actions. 2'rin& the year 200! 3 the imposte'rs o? Cach An$rosDi an$ 9eith Hammon$ were o%erhear $isc'sin& a %i$eo on the internet wherein a (itt(e &ir( is rape$ @y a o($er man who Deeps repeate$(y sayin& A/ocDy Mo'ntA 5 the o($ man was $escri@e$ as ha%in& sores on his penis that (ooDe$ (iDe SeF'a((y 1ransmitte$ 2iseases < I ha%e @een to($ that his (itt(e &ir( was a co'sin o? mine an$ that the o($ man was a SeF .??en$er that the 0man'e(e ,ami(y o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha$ recr'ite$ an$ &i%en a %ictimKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s to an$ has @een @ein& 'se$ as an Assassin an$ an 0spiona&e A&ent as we(( as a P(ace Ho($er ?or the I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. A?ter the ra$iation poisonin& ha$ occ'rre$ an$ I was sti(( ?ee(in& eFtreme(y i(( ?rom the ;(acD Mo($ poisonin& < whi(e I was $ri%in& in my car3 ?ee(in& the eFcr'ciatin& pain o? the @(acD mo($ an$ the irra$iate$ s'@marine ro(( 5 the ra$io was set to "1.5 ,M at UMASS 4owe((3 the on(y station I 's'a((y (isten to. 1he ra$io commentary was a'$io $'@@e$ to say that the (ast tracD was an e(ectronic artist name$ /a$ioacti%e San$wich. AI want some more san$wich3 what $o yo' wantM I $onKt Dnow what $o yo' want to p(ayM I thinD weK(( p(ay somethin& e(se instea$.A itKs o@%io's that the a'$io $'@@in& is (ayere$ with the act'a( transmission (ea%in& o?? where some@o$y is a@o't to picD 'p the con%ersation an$ say somethin& incre$i@(y typica(. I (ooDe$ 'p this @an$ on Myspace < to ?in$ that the man ha$ a myspace ca((e$ /a$ioacti%e San$wich 3 that the m'sic was compose$ entire(y with ,r'ity4oops 2i&ita(

A'$io :orDstation3 an$ that the photo&raph o? the artist (ooDe$ incre$i@(y ?ami(iar to me an$ appeare$ to @e a photo ?rom some@o$yKs ?ace@ooD which was photoshoppe$ an$ eFtreme(y e$itte$ with e??ects to hi$e the i$entity o? the ori&ina( in$i%i$'a( in the photo. 1he photo&raph (ooDe$ (iDe a photo&raph o? ;o@ Sha&o'ry e$ite$ with specia( e??ects ?rom photo e$itin& so?tware. Any@o$y can 'p(oa$ a tracD onto a co((e&e stationKs comp'terKs p(ay(ist an$ reI'est it3 any@o$y can maDe a ?ree myspace ?or an ima&inary @an$ that $oes not eFist3 a(so 5 I $onKt thinD any@o$y wo'($ e%er name their @an$ /a$ioActi%e San$wich. It is a(so possi@(e to wire a transmittin& $e%ice to speaDer wire that is ma$e o? Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone parts. ;ein& that =ittorio 0man'e(eKs ?ami(y has tar&ette$ entire re&iona( pop'(ations3 ?ami(ies3 re(i&io's comm'nities3 an$ e%en in$i%i$'a(s ?or &enoci$e 5 it is (o&ica( that the imp(ante$ GPS tracDin& $e%ices an$ S'r&ica( Imp(ant Ne'ro7irc'it ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces are ena@(in& the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icate to carry o't a si(ent &enoci$e thro'&h tact?'( app(ication o? Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are 3 para(y>in& the in$i%i$'a( an$ cripp(in& the comm'nities response @y ?ramin& the Genoci$e =ictims as schi>ophrenic th's $iscre$itin& them as witnesses to their own &enoci$e. I? the in$i%i$'a( can not cry ?or he(p witho't @ein& p't in the Psychiatic Unit o? the Hospita( which the Genoci$a( ,action owns3 the comm'nity can not he(p the tar&ette$ in$i%i$'a(s 5 the Nationa( 2e?ense is cripp(e$. I? no a'thorities wi(( $e?en$ the ci%i(ians as a res'(t o? a(( o? the 4aw 0n?orcement Positions @ein& ?i((e$ entire(y @y mem@ers o? the Genoci$a( ,action < the ci%i(ians wi(( $ie si(ent(y. I? the witness statement is p(ace$ in the han$s o? the &'i(ty ?action3 they wi(( throw it away or a(ter it in some way. 1his terrorist ?action3 is an Ita(ian A6IS ,action (oya( to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the 0man'e(e 0%o(a 7rime Syn$icate. .n a si$e note < re(ate$ to the $isappearance o? =a(erie .(son whom was (ast seen in 2005 an$ recor$e$ @y Sec'rity 7ameras a?ter enterin& ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n Street in Manchester NewHampshire with some Here$itary Genetic 2isease that she $i$ not ori&ina((y ha%e 5 the imposte'r o? 9eith Hammon$ possi@(y mentione$ her to the imposte'r o? Cach An$rosDi in 200! whi(e I was worDin& at N'7ast. 9eithKs imposte'r asDe$ Cach 3 A2i$ yo' see the one with the &ir( with the &rowths a(( o%er her ?aceM She ha$ what (ooDe$ (iDe nasty wart (ooDin& mo(es a(( o%er her ?ace an$ they @'DDaDeK$ her 3 %omitte$ on her 3 an$ shit on her ?ace.A this may ha%e @een pop 'ppe$ @y a hacDer 'sin& 1'rDoJan* Go($ 3 the ni&ht @e?ore I was poisone$ with ;(acD Mo($ aro'n$ 1hanDsGi%in&. N'mero's %i$eos o? women @ein& a@'se$ were pop 'ppe$ @y hacDers $'rin& No%em@er 200! in Manchester NewHampshire 3 $isp(aye$ to ?rien$s an$ (o%e$ ones o? the %ictimsK who were ?ema(es that =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs Ita(ian A6IS ,action a@'se$ horri@(y on camera an$ %i$eo&raphe$ as we(( as (oa$e$ onto the internet. 1hese women are :ar /ape =ictims an$ Genoci$e =ictims o? the Ita(ian A6IS ,action. A?ter @ein& poisone$ with ;(acD Mo($ 3 I (ost my Jo@ an$ @ecame home(ess. I @e&an (i%in& in my car. 2'rin& the Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are that ha$ occ'rre$ a?ter I ha$ @een poisone$ < I $eci$e$ to checD in to a Psychiatric Unit ?or an attempte$ rest ?or p'rpose o? reha@i(itatin& my se(? physica((y. Upon re&isterin& at the 0mer&ency /oom at the So'thern /e&iona( NewHampshire Me$ica( 7enter < I was temporari(y (e$ to an 0mer&ency /oom in the @asement o? the hospita( to await @(oo$ tests an$ me$ica( e%a('ation.

I was transporte$ to Amherst Street in Nash'a where there is a psychiatric 'nit. :hi(e a$mitte$ there3 some imposte'r A;ritishA peop(e came in an$ %isite$ $'rin& a @ea$in& session. .ne o? the two o? these peop(e were o@%io's(y inten$e$ to appear as i? she was 0(i>a@eth Hano%er < I ha$ a(rea$y so($ an 0n&(ish ;reaD?ast 1ea to 0(i>a@eth Hano%er 3 whom ha$ 'se$ her cre$it car$ to p'rchase it at my re&ister. I ha%e a photo&raphic memory. 1he ?aDe 0(i>a@eth Hano%er was wearin& a re$ haire$ wi& an$ my sister S'mmerKs @('e straw hat. She sai$ AMy name is 0(i>a@eth 1'$or3 I was raise$ a 7atho(ic an$ I am an 0piscopa(ian.A 1he theme o? the psycho(o&ica( war?are in the Amherst Street Psychiatric :ar$ was ?oc'se$ on /e(i&io's I$entity 5 m'ch o? the Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are o? the 0man'e(esK Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate. 1he A7hap(ainA o? the ?aci(ity was preten$in& to @e a Protestant 7hristian an$ posin& as imposte'r o? an ethnic An&(o SaFon. As I was @ein& escorte$ to (ea%e3 some@o$y ha$ written I./.A. on my (ocDer. I asDe$ the A7hap(ainA why it sai$ I./.A. on my (ocDer3 to which he rep(ie$ AIsnKt that yo'r name ri&ht thereMA in a creepy %oice. IKm not an Irish 7atho(ic an$ my name is (in&'istica((y Scottish. IKm American an$ an Asatr'ar. .n(y some parts o? the ,ranco American si$e o? my ?ami(y are 7atho(ic. 1his was a&ain < psycho(o&ica( war?are A&ent Pro%ocate'r operations ?or the p'rpose o? attemptin& to maDe me ?ear my own &o%ernment3 my own peop(e3 an$ my own s'rro'n$in&s3 as we(( as ?rien$(y nations< an$ to possi@(y pro%oDe %io(ence. I am not s're how this one was accomp(ishe$ @'t it seeme$ (iDe =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e ha$ rep(ace$ a n'm@er o? Go%ernment .??icia(s an$ that ,ranD G'inta as we(( as others in the re&ion were worDin& ?or them. 1his was a @reach o? patient con?i$entia(ity an$ a %io(ation o? my h'man ri&hts. 1he 7y@er 1errorist Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are a&ent ha$ aro'n$ this time e$ite$ a wiDipe$ia o? ;i(( 7(inton an$ another o? 0(i>a@eth Hano%er3 c(aimin& that they are o? ?ami(ia( re(ation. +Psycho(o&ica( Pro?i(e 5 A$o(? AHit(erA is the c'rrent =ittorio 0man'e(eKs &ran$?atherKs ha(? @rother8 .ne o? the i((e&a( %isitors that staye$ @rie?(y at the Psychiatric Unit whi(e I was in the psychiatric 'nit on Amherst Street in Nash'a (ooDe$ simi(ar to ;i(( 7(inton an$ ha$ a (aptop with him whi(e he staye$ there as a ApatientA. He was @(on$e3 5K10A3 an$ appeare$ ha(? An&(o SaFon. 1his man an$ I were stan$in& in the $inin& area (ooDin& at the te(e%ision when a $oc'mentary a@o't 0(i>a@eth Hano%er @e&an to @roa$cast on the History 7hanne(. It was a(most (iDe it was time$ per?ect(y @y some@o$y worDin& in 7omcast. 1he woman preten$in& to @e 0(i>a@eth (ooDe$ 7ana$ian an$ spoDe in a ?aDe ;ritish accent 5 it is a pro@a@i(ity that this woman was a re(ati%e o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs whom ha$ =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tate$ parts o? her ?ace an$ comp(eFion in attempt to (ooD (iDe B'een 0(i>a@eth. An artic(e on the internet o? o@%io's connection to this was an artic(e concernin& a M's(im man whom ha$ proporte$(y ma$e threats 'nto the ;ritish Monarchy < this artic(e sai$ that these threats were meant to scare an$ not to harm 3 it is o@%io's that this artic(e was part o? the 0man'e(esK propa&an$a campai&n which was accompanie$ @y AM'r$ere$ ;y the Monarchy I(('minati IIIA an$ was ?or the inten$e$ p'rpose o? ?ramin& the ;ritish Aristocracy ?or m'r$er. 2'rin& 200* 3 Henry MaDow o? Sa%e1heMa(es.7aKs imposte'r < p'@(ishe$ an artic(e $ec(arin& A$o(? Hit(er to @e a ;ritish A&ent. 1hese peop(e were recor$e$ @y sec'rity camera3 which I @e(ie%e transmitte$ to a centra( h'@ stora&e $e%ice @y way o? ra$io ?reI'ency transmission. Anythin& that is e%er e(ectronica((y transmitte$ is retrie%a@(e @y ,e$era( an$ Mi(itary in%esti&ations. A(( o? the 0man'e(esK terrorist attacDs are %io(ations o? the Gene%a 7on%ention $'e to the ?act that the tar&ets are a(most entire(y 7i%i(ians3 many o? their attacDs in%o(%e H'man =i%isection s'ch as Ne'roScience ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace H'man =i%isection an$ =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy =ira( :ar?are3 :ar /ape o? chi($ren an$ women3 Genoci$e3 an$ attempts

to ,a(se ,(a& their attacDs as other ,actions an$ Nations o? peop(e. :ith a(( o? these %io(ations o? h'man ri&hts an$ @reaches o? sec'rity3 it seems $e?inite that n'mero's 7IA A&ents ha%e @een worDin& ?or the ?action that has $one a(( o? these thin&s. 4eon Panetta was in the 7IA at this time an$ may ha%e some Dnow(e$&e which co'($ (ea$ to an arrest in%o(%in& this. ,ranD G'inta was the mayor o? Manchester New Hampshire at this time. Hanet Napo(itano was the 2irector o? Home(an$ Sec'rity. /'$y Gi'(iani may ha%e @een mayor in New -orD. 1he two 0M1s that @ro'&ht me ?rom the So'thern New Hampshire /e&iona( Me$ica( 7enter to the psychiatric war$ on Amherst street in Nash'a New Hampshire c(aime$ to @e Po(ice ?rom Manchester an$ state$ that they were o'tsi$e o? their J'ris$iction 5 they @oth ha$ @(on$e hair3 @('e eyes 3 an$ @oth (ooDe$ An&(o Gae(ic as we(( as 2e'tsche. 1he stereotypica( @(acD G white %a('es in%o(%e$ in this seems typica( o? a co%ert operation tryin& to co%er their tracDs with scape&oats as we(( as was most o? this attempts at 'sin& I$entity Po(itics ca'se a 2esta@(i>e$ Psycho(o&y an$ a potentia( attacD @etween pop'(ation &ro'ps. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs A&ent Pro%ocate'r 1actics ha%e @een eFtreme $'rin& the past ten years. I @e(ie%e that =ittorio 0man'e(e has @een or$erin& the Ho'se o? Sa%oy to pro%oDe terrorist attacDs an$ that he has em@e$$e$ a&ents o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy within USA an$ Ita(ian Mi(itary Inte((i&ence ?or the p'rpose o? &atherin& in?ormation to ai$ in the 0man'e(esK 1actics o? Pro%ocation. .ne eFamp(e o? what I @e(ie%e was an 0man'e(e 1actic o? Pro%ocation was the stacDin& o? o%er twe(%e m's(ims in a stacD (iDe a (o&pi(e naDe$ an$ the photo&raphin& o? this which occ'rre$ $'rin& the year 2005 5 this act o? in$encency was pro@a@(y committe$ at the or$er o? =ittorio 0man'e(e who inten$e$ to 'se it to incense the M's(im pop'(ation a&ainst the USA an$ ?or the p'rpose o? $e(e&itimi>in& the USA an$ the Gene%a 7on%ention in the eyes o? the &(o@a( p'@(ic. 1his is a Sa@ota&in& o? Internationa( ,orei&n /e(ations an$ 2ip(omacy 3 this was an act o? 2e?amation ?or the p'rpose o? 2ip(omatic Sa@ota&e. I @e(ie%e that it is a(so possi@(e that =ittorio 0man'e(e or$ere$ an ini$i%i$'a( to s'&&est the A:ater ;oar$in&A which occ'rre$ $'rin& 200! that was %iewe$ as a =io(ation o? the Gene%a 7on%ention @y the USA Mi(itary ?or the p'rpose o? 2ip(omatic Sa@ota&e an$ (ater attemptin& to ?rame AM's(im =en&eanceA ?or the 0man'e(esK 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate A0nema ;(astin&A women in the ?ace with other womenKs ?eces as Initiation 7rimes 5 ?ramin& the M's(ims ?or it 3 ?or the p'rpose o? escapin& con%iction ?or 7rimes A&ainst H'manity in the USA 'pon the American Peop(es. 0nema ;(astin& is :ater ;oar$in& with ?eces 5 a Pri%ate In%esti&ator has in?orme$ me that this is one o? the 0man'e(esK 1errorist 7rime Syn$icateKs new Intiation 7rimes which they commit 'pon American ,ema(es. =ittorio 0man'e(e has @een or$erin& the assassination o? ?ami(ies o? Asatr'ars an$ has proporte$(y @een p(annin& to attempt to ?rame Is(am ?or the assassination o? Asatr' ?ami(ies an$ Asatr'ars in North America. 2'rin& 2002 5 7hristine 2ion to($ me that she @e(ie%e$ that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha$ Heirarcha((y 2ecapitate$ the Ita(ian Mi(itary Inte((i&ence 2epartment comp(ete(y an$ ha$ em@e$$e$ so many A&ents amon&st the $epartment that they were near(y r'nnin& the $epartment themse(%es. She ha$ a(so mentione$ this to Ste%e A=inceA Parish. It is pro@a@(e that @oth o? these in$i%i$'a(s ha%e @een rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs. 1he 0man'e(es ha%e @een tryin& to co%er 'p an eFtreme amo'nt o? 7rimes A&ainst H'manity 3 SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 an$ 1errorism. 7'rrent(y < it seems pro@a@(e that Ita(ian Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are 2i%ision or Sa%oy A6IS Ita(ians who ha%e @een traine$ @y a Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are 2i%ision 3 are on American soi( an$ are worDin& in cohesion with comp'ter hacDers an$ others in attempts to pro%oDe a 1errorist AttacD.

2'rin& the year 200! 5 I was in?orme$ o? a r'mo'r that there were women @ein& he($ hosta&e in :i(tion NewHampshire. .? re(e%ance to :i(ton NH an$ the pro@a@i(ity that ;ren$an P(aceKs te(ephone was @ein& wire tappe$ or recor$e$ @y metho$ o? a comp'ter hacDer hacDin& the comm'nication ser%er 5 I was to($ @y Hason /o$&ers that in 200E he ha$ hear$ that some@o$y ha$ @een Deepin& a &ir( hosta&e in a @asement in :i(ton which was (ocate$ at the en$ o? P(easant St. in a con$emne$ ,o'n$ry @'i($in& @esi$e the ri%er an$ that @y the time peop(e checDe$ it she was &one an$ there was e%i$ence that some@o$y ha$ @een Dept hosta&e there. I a(so was to($ @y a ?rien$ that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e ha$ access to a ho'se at an a$$ress which was somethin& (iDe 25 Shorehi(( /oa$ which is (ocate$ imme$iate(y across the ri%er ?rom the con$emne$ ,o'n$ry @'i($in& at the en$ o? P(easant Street on Main Street neFt to the ri%er an$ is imme$iate(y 'p the hi(( ?rom the Po(ice 2epartment on the ri&ht si$e o? the street hea$in& 'phi((. 1his (ocation was $escri@e$ @y ,i( to my ?rien$ as A1his is J'st one o? my ?ami(yKs properties.A 1here are a(so r'mo'rs o? some@o$y @ein& he($ hosta&e at the con$emne$ mansion on ;'rns /oa$ in Mi(?or$ NewHampshire which some ca(( the ;'rns Ho'se 5 some peop(e 'se$ to ca(( this p(ace ;'rns Manor an$ c(aime$ that it was ha'nte$. It is pro@a@(e that this (ocation wo'($ @e 'se$ to ho($ a %ictim o? a@$'ction. 2'rin& the approFimate year 2001 or 2002 < whi(e in ;irmin&ham A(a@ama with Hason /o$&ers an$ 7hristina ,aerio(o 5 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e met 's in the city $'rin& the ni&ht. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e to($ me that he was &oin& to eFterminate the entirety o? the ,irst Nations Nati%e American /aces 3 the An&(o SaFons 3 the Gae(s 3 an$ the ,ranDic Americans. ,i( to($ me that he was &oin& to see to it that the women an$ chi($ren o? my peop(e were &oin& to @e ?orce$ to s'cD his peop(esK $icDs an$ &et rape$ ana((y @y his peop(e 'nti( they are eFterminate$. 2'rin& the neFt $ay 3 Hason /o$&ers an$ myse(? were wa(Din& 'p a street to meet 'p with 7hristina at her car < Hason /o$&erKs mo'th starte$ mo%in& an$ sai$ AHason 3 this is ,i(. I p't a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace in yo'r sD'((. 1hat is how I can mo%e yo'r mo'th. 4ast ni&ht yo' ca((e$ me a pe$ophi(e. I am a@o't to show yo' what A6IS $oes when it striDes. My ?ami(y pai$ ?or an eFperimenta( weapon to @e $esi&ne$ an$ ha$ it s'nD into the G'(? o? MeFico 5 it is an anchore$ $e%ice that re(eases @o'ys with @om@s attache$ to them. :hen the @'oy rises to the s'r?ace o? the water 3 a comp'ter is 'se$ to $etonate the @om@ which ca'ses it to e%aporate a (ar&e amo'nt o? the water 5 creatin& a torrentia( $ownpo'r e(sewhere. I J'st $i$ this J'st now. I ha%e the e(ectronic re(ease mechanism an$ e(ectronic $etonator on an Internet NetworDin& Protoco(. ItKs a@o't to hit. 2onKt say I $i$nKt warn yo'.A a?ter this statement 3 a hea%y ?(oo$in& torrentia( $ownpo'r hit an$ ?(oo$e$ the re&ion. 2an /o@icha'$ o? Massach'settes 3 whom is o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ has Aosta ancestry 5 to($ me in 2001 A1he 0man'e(es are insane. 1hey pai$ money to ha%e an eFperimenta( weapon anchore$ an$ s'nD to the @ottom o? thr G'($ o? MeFico. It re(eases (ocDe$ @'oys which ?(oat @om@s to the s'r?ace o? the water... the @om@s are 'se$ to e%aporate the water. It is (iDe &i%in& the sDy an enema. .nce the water hits the co($ ?ront 3 it tra%e(s 'p the co($ ?ront into A(a@ama. 1hey are p(annin& on 'sin& it $'rin& a H'rricane to see what wi(( happen.A 2an /o@icha'$ (ater state$ that he @e(ie%e$ that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ 7(int 1homas +0man'e(e8 'se$ this $e%ice $'rin& the H'rricane 9atrina to ca'se the eFtreme ?(oo$in& an$ ts'nami that @roDe the (e%y an$ ca'se$ the H'rricane 9atrina to @ecome one o? the worst Nat'ra( 2isasters in the history o? the U.S.A. . 2an sai$ that they 'se$ n'mero's @om@s in seI'ence 3 $'rin& the @e&inin& o? the storm. 1his has @een ca((e$ the K:eather :ars :eaponA 5 it is on an Internet NetworDin& Protoco( G(o@a( Positionin& System Si&na( somewhere in the mi$$(e o? the G'(? o? MeFico. 2'rin& the torrentia( $ownpo'r 3 Hason /o&ers an$ myse(? tooD re?'&e 'n$er an o%erhan& o? a retai( store ?ront an$ attempte$ to $ry p'r c(othin& an$ socDs somewhat 5

$'rin& this time 3 the A'strian A6IS So($ier em@e$$e$ within the MerrimacD Po(ice 2epartment in 200! $ro%e 'p to 's. He ha$ on a name @a$&e that sai$ AMayA. 1his was approFimate(y the year 2001. 1he Po(ice I$enti?ication that this man was 'sin& may ha%e ori&ina((y @e(on&e$ to a re(ati%e o? /o@ MayKs an$ Peter MayKs 5 /o@ an$ Pete Dnew 7ha$ Gro(sche an$ /ache( Gar%ey 3 @oth o? whom ha$ @een o%erhear$ $isc'ssin& A$o(? Hit(erKs Ita(ian SA=.- (inea&e @y Sa%oy an$ Aosta (i%in& the U.S.A. . /ache( Gar%ey was threatene$ n'mero's times when we were chi($ren 3 as a res'(t o? her speaDin& the tr'th a@o't A$o(? Hit(erKs @(oo$(ine @ein& the ha(? @rother o? =ittorio 0man'e(e III an$ the son o? a woman whom was o? @oth Sa%oy Ita(ian an$ Aosta A'strian race 3 who ha$ pro$'ce$ a chi($ ?or =ittorio 0man'e(e III. .ne time $'rin& 1"""3 /ache( Gar%ey ?e(t as i? she ha$ @een poisone$ $'rin& Hi&hSchoo( 4'nch in the 7a?eteria 3 she went to the N'rses .??ice with a se%ere hea$ache an$ eFtreme na'sea 5 the N'rse p't a ;an$ Ai$ on /ache( Gar%eyKs ?orehea$ an$ to($ her A-o'Kre a(ri&ht now. 1his wi(( he(p.A. I @e(ie%e that this N'rse ha$ an Ita(ian name an$ was 3N* o? Ita(ian race 5 this is o? the eFact same psycho(o&y as what happene$ to myse(? at Hospita(s an$ Hea(thcare ,aci(ities a(( o%er NewHampshire $'rin& the year 200! 3 when I ewas poisone$ with ;(acD Mo($ an$ other toFic metho$s o? poisonin&.

Cy hered messages ha'e been disco'ered numerous time o'er the ast ten yearsT&o Cy hered (essages that ! ha ened to find are ossibly in relation to a series of crimes &hich had been committed around the time eriod during &hich ! &as oisoned &ith To#ic ;lac) (old- These t&o cy hered messages &ere found on &i)i edia- %ne used the bandname Stachy;otrys as a &i)i edia for a band that may or may not e#ist " the other used the bandname Pig+arm as a &i)i edia for a band that may or may not e#istStachybotrys is a dar)$colored mold that is highly to#ic and usually fatal &hen ingested " this can easily be mista)en for As ergillus Niger- .3id you say A- NigerE. &as &hat Tayla0s mother te#ted me around the date &hen they oisoned me &ith ;lac) (old in coffee after 4ittorio .4ictor. Emanuele called Tayla0s grandfather0s house and as)ed Jose h to do him a fa'or- Stachybotrys in'ol'ed a cy hered message on a &i)i edia around this time- The name associated &ith Stachy;otrys &as a name Chad 4on CleeseChad Grolsch &as the +rench American man &hom ! used to tal) to &ho &as a member of the ?orld Church of the Creator" he had an Alsacian name 2 sometimes Chad &ould 6o)ingly refer to himself as Chad 4on Grolsch because it sounded e'en more German than his already Alsacian surname- Chad &as of +ran)ic race " it is most li)ely that 4ittorio Emanuele &ould not trust Chad near his o&n agents &hom &ere also in the ?orld Church of the Creator 2 Chad &as most robably a target of 4ittorio Emanuele for this reason and the reason that he has s o)en &ith me- ;eing that Alsace is a region that changed hands re eatedly " Chad0s 3NA should be not only +rench but also some&hat German- ! belie'e that similar e'ents may ha'e befallen Chad Grolsch during this time eriod" 4ittorio &ould ha'e attem ted to ortray the assailant as an !sraeli or as the Je&ish Community- An old farm is &here the Anthra# from the ABBF Anthra# Scare had been found" ;ascillus Anthra#us &as a ;log$UserName on the ;ur/um +orum &here had been osting under the name 7ugh3e3anaan &hen my com uter" ;ur/um +orum account" Email" and A!( had been hac)ed during the year ABBF- A Pig+arm &as also &here S&ine +lu &as found 2 it is entirely ossible that the S&ine +lu &as engineered for the ur ose of causing a anic and an increase in 'accinations- The ur ose for the increase in 'accinations is to s read 4iral$4ector Gen hera y materials of 7ombardic and s ecifically 4ittorio Emanuele0s families genetics 2

this &ould ma)e e'entual esca e easier due to their ability to scramble the o ulations 3NA and 4iral$4ector Gene$Thera y their o&n families0 genetics some&hat- S&ine +lu also caused an increase in the number of hos ital 'isits 1 this &ould ha'e been used as a co'er for abuse of the ,ealthCare industry for the ur ose of committing co'ert acts of genocide and fratricide as &ell as re lacing families &ith 4iral$4ector Gene$Thera ied and Cosmetic Surgeried indi'iduals" Pig +arms and Slaughter ,ouses ha'e also been used in the ast to dis ose of cor ses- The same science that created 4iral$4ector Gene$ Thera y can also be used to create a ne& strain of a 'irus or e'en synthetic$engineered 3e#tro Nucleic Acids" this is true of 'irus as &ell &hich can be synthetically nano$ engineered at the le'el of synthetic aligned roteins- 3uring the year ABBK " ABBG " and ABB= 2 numerous cases of .S&ine +lu. &ere recorded that could ha'e actually been camouflage for Assassinations by Poisoning committed by the ,ouse of Sa'oy and the !talian A*!S Soldiers 2 numerous 4eterans " Acti'e 3uty (ilitary " and indi'iduals of North American races &ere re orted to ha'e died of .Cyto)ene Storm. as a result of .S&ine +lu !nfection. that could ha'e ossibly 6ust been lied about in a Sa'oy o&ned ,os ital- According to internet re orts " a .Cyto)ene Storm. occurs as a result of the human body0s reaction to the .S&ine +lu. 1 and as a result " the immune system becomes o'eracti'e and results in the dro&ning of the lungs in blood and mucus 2 there e#ists numerous oisons &hich cause bleeding and flooding of the lungs &ith blood and mucus3uring the early ABBB0s 1 the ,ouse of Sa'oy began cons iring to steal the identities of the +orbes <BB ?ealthiest Peo les 7ist and the +ortune >BB ?ealthiest Peo les 7ist 2 this has definitely begun and the ,ouse of Sa'oy as &ell as their Crime$Associate Pro erties Stead$,olders ha'e urchased numerous ,os itals and ,ealthCare +acilities?hen ! &as oisoned &ith ;lac) (old in my coffee 2 the ma6ority of the doctors &hom ! sa& during the first fe& days had !sraeli a earances- !t is ossible that these men &ere set u by an agent &ho &as ca able of erfectly timing the entire e'ent- !t is more robable that these men had undergone 4iral$4ector Gene$Thera y mutation to disguise themsel'es Je&s &hom they had slain- 7ab Technicians &hom ha'e been Surgically !m lanted &ith ;rain$Com uter !nterfaces and &ere ossibly 'ictims of either Traffic)ing or torture and ;eha'ioral$(odification Programming &ould be e#tremely easy to tell to gi'e false negati'e results- The other ossibility is that none of these men &ere !sraeli at all and that these men ha'e been missing 2 their families could ha'e been targetted by 4ittorio Emanuele" &ho0s agents are currently slee ing in their beds and &earing their genetics due to 4iral$4ector Gene$Thera y and Cosmetic Plastic Surgery;laming the Je&s is definitely a goal 4ittorio Emanuele &ould go to e#treme efforts to achei'e 2 it is ossible that he attem ted to ortray to Chad Grolsch similar e'ents for the same ur ose- Chad Grolsch0s Aol !nstant (essenger ScreenName &hich &as 9%GCRUS,ERGG had been hac)ed numerous times 2 ! could tell this because of a change in ersonality traits and &riting style- (y A-!-(- ScreenName 7ugh3e3anaan as &ell as !anTi&a/ had been hac)ed numerous times as &ell" Emily !sle0s A-!-(ScreenName &as as &ell- ! ha'e since seen one of these men in ;oston 1 he is em loyed

as a Police %fficer " he seems to ha'e 4iral$ 4ector Gene$Thera ied the incongruent genetics bac) to &hate'er they had original been- ,e is !talian;et&een ABBC and AB<< 2 ,os itals in the Ne&England region &ere rumoured to ha'e been gi'ing s ecific atients absolutely false results and a clean bill$of$health on a er and in their com uters- This ha ened to me during this time!n (anchester Ne&,am shire at the ne& Ri'erSide Elliot ,os ital 1 blood&or) should ha'e sho&n a dermal$'irus &hich had infected s)in on my faceAt 7atho(ic Me$ica( 7enter Manchester NewHampshire < m'(tip(e sta&es o? @(oo$worD3 a@$omina( '(traso'n$3 ?'(( @o$y M./.I.N7.A.1. scan3 stoo( samp(e3 physician %isits < a(( res'(te$ in ?a(se ne&ati%e res'(ts. -et 2r. ;iJoy 9'n$' prescri@e$ me me$ication $'rin& the time when I was poisone$ with @(acD mo($ an$ in&esti%e ra$iation poisonin&. .? the two me$ications which ;iJoy 9'n$' ha$ prescri@e$ inc('$e$ 2onnato( 3 a $an&ero's @e((a$onna @ase$ me$ication which can @e $ea$(y in conJ'nction with other synthetic me$ications or @otanica(s. She prescri@e$ me me$ications witho't $ia&nosin& me as ha%in& any partic'(ar ai(ment. In Manchester NewHampshire at the 0((iot Hospita( on 1 0((iot :ay < m'(tip(e sta&es o? @(oo$worD an$ M./.I.3 a(( res'(ts were ?a(se ne&ati%es whi(e I was s'??erin& ?rom @(acD mo($ poisonin& an$ in&esti%e ra$iation poisonin&. In Nash'a NewHampshire whi(e at Saint HosephKs Hospita( < @(oo$worD an$ M./.I.3 a(( res'(ts were ?a(se ne&ati%es whi(e I was s'??erin& ?rom @(acD mo($ poisonin& an$ in&esti%e ra$iation poisonin&. :hi(e in 7oncor$ NewHampshire in 7oncor$ Me$ica( Hospita( < @(oo$worD an$ other tests a(( ?a(se(y inconc('si%e whi(e I s'??ere$ ?rom the e??ects o? @(acD mo($ poisonin& an$ ra$iation poisonin&. I ha$ seen a ?ew o? the peop(e in%o(%e$ in these hospita(s in%o(%e$ in other terrorist an$ psych war?are re(ate$ acti%ities in the re&ion. 1he I.7.U. 4e%ine 7(inic at Me(rose :aDe?ie($ Hospita( in Me(rose Massach'settes to($ my ?ami(y that my motherKs @(oo$ test res'(ts an$ 'rina(ysis were c(ean @'t a n'rse there to($ me in a whispere$ %oice that my mother ha$ @een hea%i(y $r'&&e$ with se$ati%es an$ psychiatric me$ications which pro$'ce se$ati%e e??ects. It has @ecome o@%io's that this terrorist ?action are Genoci$a( an$ are the Ita(ian A6IS ,action as we(( as the 0man'e(e 0%o(a 7rime Syn$icate < I @e(ie%e that this co%ert &enoci$e an$ s(eeper ce(( in%asion has @een p(anne$ ?or a (on& time. 1he 0man'e(eKs are assassinatin& the ci%i(ian pop'(ation. Psych :ar?are has @een 'se$ to $esta@i(i>e the psycho(o&y o? the &enoci$e tar&ets3 pre%ent them ?rom s(eepin&3 an$ ?a(se(y $ia&nose them as menta((y i(( as we(( as $ri%e them into menta( i((ness ?or the p'rpose o? 2iscre$itin& 1he :itness.

:hi(e I was waitin& to &et my hea(th checDe$ in 7oncor$ at the Me$ica( Hospita( a?ter @ein& poisone$ with ;(acD Mo($ aro'n$ 1hanDsGi%in& 2ay < prior to @ein& a$mitte$ to the 0mer&ency /oom or Intensi%e 7are Unit o? the 7oncor$ Me$ica( Hospita( 3 I was eFamine$ @y a n'rse who was o@%io's(y =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tate$ to appear to @e o? Irish race 5 this man ha$ in his han$ an enormo's syrin&e which was ?i((e$ with a @rown ?i(thy ?('i$3 an$ asDe$ me i? I nee$e$ a A1etnis =accinationA. A?ter I was escorte$ to the 0mer&ency /oom 3 a @(on$e &'y wa(De$ in with a ?resh(y choppe$ AHit(erA hairc't an$ a cow@oy (ooDin& mo'stache. He sai$ in a creepy %oice A:e can ?ee$ yo'LA an$ o??ere$ me a san$wich3 which i re?'se$ @eca'se I was a(rea$y ?ee(in& the interna( poisonin& o? the Asper&i(('s Ni&er or Stachy@otrys in my entire $i&esti%e tracD an$ or&ans thro'&ho't my entire @o$y. I $i$ not tr'st that this man $i$ not poison this san$wich. :hi(e I was at the 0((iot Hospita( in Manchester New Hampshire 3 I was checDin& in at the receptionist @ooth in the 0mer&ency /oom < the speaDers @e&an to p(ay the A4'((a@y an$ Goo$ni&htA Son& 5 I @(acDe$ o't3 t'rne$ ha(? steps to the (e?t an$ t'rne$ in p(ace3 spinnin& s(ow(y in a circ(e ?or the maJority o? the $'ration o? the son&. 1his is concrete e%i$ence that I was hypnoti>e$ at the New Hampshire Hospita( on 7(inton Street in 7oncor$ New Hampshire. 1his happene$ to me a&ain one sin&(e time a?ter this3 a?ter which I was $esensiti>e$ to the hypnotic resi$'a(s o? the son&. 1his was recor$e$ @y Sec'rity 7ameras. 0%ent'a((y three years (ater 3 I ?o'n$ o't ?rom a USA mi(itary %eteran who was ha(? An&(o Gae(ic American an$ ha(? 2e'tsche(an$er an$ approFimate(y 30 years o? a&e that I ha$ @een poisone$ @y some Din$ o? @(acD mo($. Asper&i(('s Ni&er is a ?orm o? mo($ that is @(acD in co(or. A2i$ yo' say A. Ni&erMA was the teFt I ha$ recei%e$ ?rom 1ay(aKs mother a?ter the poisonin& ha$ occ're$. I ha$ ne%er seen this man @e?ore3 nor ha%e I seen him since. He was %ery care?'( how he wor$e$ his eFp(anation3 an$ I am s're that some@o$y $i$ I'ite a @it o? in%esti&atin& aro'n$ the time that this occ'rre$ to ?in$ o't what happene$ to me as a res'(t o? n'mero's emai(s that I sent o't $'rin& the time that I ?e(t near $eath. 2'rin& the year 200! 5 I was Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are Assa'(te$ @y what appeare$ to @e an 4om@ar$ic Ita(ian Jo&&in& past my car with a Hit(er mo'stache3 @o@@in& his hea$ (iDe Ni&ht at the /oF@'ry 5 this was i$entica( to a c(ip ?rom -1MN2.7om that I ha$ (a'&he$ at once or twice whi(e (i%in& in the apartment @'i($in& 2KAmico owne$ at 155 Map(e St R2 Manchester New Hampshire USA on the corner o? Har%ar$ street. 2'rin& the year 200! 3 whi(e worDin& at N'cast in 4on$on$erry NewHampshire. Cach An$rosDiKs imposte'r state$ 5 AI saw a man Jo&&in& yester$ay that (ooDe$ eFact(y (iDe A$o(? Hit(er. He Jo&&e$ passe$ me an$ was @o@@in& his hea$ (iDe Ni&ht at the /oF@'ryL He ha$ the mo'stache an$ e%erythin&L It was hi(ario'sLA. 1his occ'rre$ whi(e I was poisone$ an$ reco%erin& ?rom a near ?ata( ;(acD Mo($ Poisonin& an$ /a$iation Poisonin& $'rin& which the ?ema(e emp(oyees at the Hospita(s to($ me that nothin& was wron& with me @'t that I was not a((owe$ to ha%e a copy o? my 4a@oratory 1est /es'(ts an$ that I was not a((owe$ to see any o? the 4a@oratory 1est /es'(ts a?ter I 'n$erwent n'mero's ?orms o? me$ica( screenin& inc('$in& tota( @o$y 7.A.1. Scan 3 tota( @o$y M./.I. Scan 3 a@$omina( U(tra So'n$ 3 ,eca( Stoo( 0Famination 3 ;(oo$ 1ests 3 an$ 6 /ays.

1he 'se o? ;(acD Mo($ an$ other poisonin& s'@stances is re(e%ant to the psycho(o&y o? an Aristocrat. .n the internet 5 within the span o? one yearKs time @oth H'&o 7ha%e> an$ /'sse(( Means were reporte$ to ha%e $ie$ o? 7ancer. H'&o 7ha%e> an$ /'sse(( Means were @oth Nati%e Americans an$ In$i&eno's Peop(esK /i&hts Acti%ists. 2'rin& the @e&innin& o? her emp(oyment as 2epartment o? Home(an$ Sec'rity 2irector < Hanet Napo(itano ma$e a statement a@o't what she ca((e$ the A2an&erio's /ise o? Nati%ismA in the USA. 1he wor$in& o? this was partic'(ar(y s'spicio's . Imme$iate(y $'rin& this year 3 an Ita(ian A6IS Genoci$a( 1errorist ,action @e&an assassinatin& ci%i(ians in the USA an$ S'r&ica((y Imp(antin& ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace Ne'ro7irc'its an$ re(ate$ $e%ices in ci%i(ians sD'((s as we(( as imp(ante$ some Din$ o? /,I2 e(ectronic $e%ice in ci%i(iansK ?orearms. I ha%e notice$ on the @ooD she(%es o? the ;arnes an$ No@(e ;ooDstore3 @ooDs a@o't .r&anic Poisons an$ ;otanica( PoisonerKs Han$@ooD. Apparent(y there are some poisons which are 7arcino&enic an$ taDe e??ect eFtreme(y I'icD(y as 7arcino&ens3 @'t are s(ow in e??ect in comparison to other chemica( toFic poisons. Some o? these 7arcino&enic poisons are speci?ic m'shrooms which can @e prepare$ with a mea(3 chemica(s which can @e 'se$ to po(('te $rinDin& ?('i$s3 an$ chemica(s which can @e 'se$ to po(('te ?oo$. /oya( ,ami(ies o?ten ha%e /oya( 1aste 1esters ?or the p'rpose o? checDin& ?oo$ ?or poisons < these in$i%i$'a(s wo'($ @e tr'ste$ @otanists an$ chemists we(( %erse$ in the science o? poisons 5 a@(e to $etect poisons in ?oo$ @y mere(y tastin&3 sme((in&3 or eFperiencin& the e??ects o? the poisons in min'te amo'nts. /'sse(( Means an$ H'&o 7ha%e> @oth3 ha%e @een o'tspoDen a&ainst G(o@a(i>ation an$ ha%e spoDen in ?a%or o? h'man ri&hts ?or in$i&eno's peop(es. ;oth o? these in$i%i$'a(s were in the eFten$e$ socia( po(itica( networD o? 4a =o> $e A>t(an when =ittorio 0man'e(e @e&an sta(Din& my se(? 3 I ha$ emai(e$ 4a =o> 2e A>t(an $'rin& the time that my comp'ter ha$ @een @ein& hacDe$. I? /'sse(( Means an$ H'&o 7ha%e> are @oth $ea$3 it is (o&ica( that the timin& an$ metho$ o? their $yin& are re(ate$ to the Ita(ian A6IS ,actionKs terrorist attacDs 'pon tar&ette$ i$entities. I? /'sse(( Means an$ H'&o 7ha%e> are @oth sti(( a(i%e < the metho$ o? the me$ia eFpos're o? their $yin& o? cancer is $irect(y corre(ate$ to the ta@(oi$ an$ ma&a>ine artic(es a@o't PatricD Sway>e whom was reporte$(y $yin& o? (ate sta&e pancreatic cancer ?or E months3 was reporte$(y sti(( smoDin& ci&arettes3 an$ a&ainst a(( (o&ic < was incorrect(y reporte$ to ha%e ma$e a mirac'(o's ?'(( reco%ery. 1he mention o? this in artic(es across m'(tip(e ma&a>ines3 ta@(oi$s3 an$ me$ia ?ormats is re(ate$ to an animation an$ a'$io o%er $'@ which I witnesse$ on the 7omcast te(e%ision @roa$castin& networD 5 $'rin& which what I @e(ie%e was Sat'r$ay Ni&ht 4i%e or MA2 1= was inter'pte$ @y an animation seI'ence o? =ittorio 0man'e(e stan$in& (ooDin& at a camera sayin& AI $i$ not $o this to yo'LA whi(e 2rac'(a han$s were ?(oatin& neFt to him on the screen. 1he weeD $'rin& which I ha$ @een poisone$ with @(acD mo($ < I ha$ @een ?reI'ent(y watchin& %i$eos o? /'sse(( MeansK speeches on the internet3 as we(( as rea$in& his we@sites artic(es. =ittorio 0man'e(eKs Properties Stea$ Ho($ers ha%e p'rchase$ Hospita(s in the U.S.A. 3 these hospita(s ha%e not @een re?errin& peop(e to toFico(o&ists nor ha%e they @een $ia&nosin& 5 a(so

p'rchase$ @y =ittorio 0man'e(eKs Properties Stea$ Ho($ers < ha%e @een 0rotic Strip 7('@s 3 Porno&raphy In$'stry 3 ;anDs an$ other ,inancia( Instit'tions 3 Science In$'stry 3 Hea(thcare ,aci(ities 3 /esi$entia( Properties 3 /esta'rants 3 A'tomoti%e /epair Shops 3 an$ /esort Sites. A(ot o? $ama&e can @e $one @y wea(thy &enoci$a( terrorists 'sin& these a%en'es < these are a(so a%en'es which may @e 'se$ ?or H'man 1ra??icDin& an$ H'man =i%isection. A(so o? re(ation to .r&anic Poisons @ein& 'se$ to assassinate ci%i(ians3 I met a man 'sin& the name A/epoA Si(%a whom a$$e$ me on ,ace;ooD. /epo is a ma?ia a??i(iate$ crimina( who was (i%in& in Manchester. In his possession he ha$ an i((e&a( pet scorpion. 1he scorpion $i$ not ha%e itKs %enom sac remo%e$. 1he scorpion that /epo owne$ was rare3 ha$ ?(ippers on itKs @e((y (iDe a (o@ster3 was eFtreme(y poisono's3 an$ was i((e&a(. I @e(ie%e that this scorpion was in$i&eno's to 0&ypt an$ Ara@ia. 1he poison ?rom this scorpion may ha%e @een 'se$ in m'(tip(e poisonin&s in%o(%in& or&anic poison compo'n$s create$ ?rom the mi(De$ scorpionsK %enom as we(( as other @otanica( toFins. 1here are a(so @iDer &an&sters a??i(iate$ with the ma?ia an$ terrorist connections that /epo Si(%a has. /epo was (i%in& at 5* ;rown A%e. in Manchester New Hampshire. 2'rin& this time3 /epo ha$ mentione$ Genetic =ira( :ar?are 5 (a'&hin& a@o't @a@ies @ein& @orn with n'mero's ?ai(e$ Genetics3 ?ai(e$ or&ans3 an$ ?ai(e$ ?eta( $e%e(opment. /epoKs Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone n'm@er in 2011 was 508 *05 !380. .r&anic 1oFins in the ?orm o? Ne'ro1oFins @ein& 'se$ in conJ'nction with ;(oo$ 1hinners s'ch as me$ication ?or hi&h @(oo$ press're 3 Aspirin 3 or other @(oo$ thinners co'($ possi@(y ca'se Heart ,ai('re. Aro'n$ 200! a man in New Hampshire name$ A$am Aries $ie$ o? s'spicio's ca'ses 5 his heart stoppe$ @eatin&. 1he story o? how he $ie$ chan&e$ n'mero's times. 1he story was simi(ar to how Peter Stee(e $ie$ an$ it was $'rin& the same ?ew years that they $ie$. A hospita( can easi(y ?or&e (a@ res'(ts. Peter Stee(eKs @an$ 'se$ a =in(an$ ?(a& ?or their a(@'m artworD an$ associate$ appare( 3 this ?(a& is (oose(y associate$ with Asatr' as we(( as other i$entities 5 the Asatr' re(i&io's comm'nity is a tar&et o? =ittorio 0man'e(esK 3 tar&ette$ ?or &enoci$e < there ha%e @een n'mero's Asatr'ars m'r$ere$ an$ a@$'cte$ whoKs 2'p(icate$ I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s are now in the han$s o? 7o%ert 1errorist A&ents whom ha%e ass'me$ the i$entities o? the in$i%i$'a(s whoKs car$s they are carryin&. Peter Stee(e was a ?rien$ o? Stacy Sea@'ry whom Dnew many o? my o($er ?rien$s within the Asatr' comm'nity. New Hersey an$ the Asatr' 7omm'nity were @oth two maJor tar&ets o? these Genoci$a( AttacDs. It is pro@a@(e that Peter Stee(e was poisone$. Most o? the Asatr' 7omm'nity an$ the re(ate$ ?ami(ies in New Hersey ha%e @een assassinate$ an$ /ep(ace$ ;y Imposte'r. A$am Aries was ?rom So'thern New Hampshire an$ ha$ n'mero's ?rien$s in New -orD3 /ho$e Is(an$3 Massach'settes3 NewHersey3 an$ New Hampshire 5 it is entire(y possi@(e that he Dnew a networD o? peop(e whom were Di((e$ $'e to their potentia( Dnow(e$&e o? A$o(? Hit(erKs @(oo$(ine. I was tar&ette$ ?or the reason that I to($ Henry MaDow who A$o(? Hit(erKs @io(o&ica( ?ami(y was 3 as ha$ @een to($ to me @y my co'sin H'(ianna who was ?rom Sici(y 5 I was a(so tar&ette$ ?or the reason that my Mother was a chi($hoo$ %ictim o? the SeF 1ra??icDin& 7rimina( NetworD in this re&ion o? which are =ittorio 0man'e(eKs associate$ a&ents.

1he poisonin& which was ;(acD Mo($ Poisonin& an$ In&esti%e /a$iation Poisonin& was eFtreme(y pain?'( < ?or a@o't 3 months 5 my esopha&'s was spasmin& intermittant(y 3 my stomach was spasmin& constant(y 3 an$ it ?e(t (iDe my stomach (inin& ha$ $eteriorate$ to the point that a(( o? the m'c's mem@rane (inin& the insi$e o? my stomach ha$ @een remo%e$ entire(y an$ my stomach (inin& was she$$in&. I ?e(t ?or a@o't ! months 3 pain when I ate 5 'pon eatin& 3 I co'($ ?ee( the ?oo$ which I ha$ in&este$ as it mo%e$ thro'&h my stomach into my intestines. I co'($ ?ee( it mo%in& thro'&h my intestines. 1his was eFr'ciatin&(y pain?'( ?or approFimate(y ! months3 I co'($ ?ee( e%erythin& I ate mo%in& thro'&h my @o$y. 2'rin& the :hi(e I was poisone$ an$ s'??erin& in eFcr'ciatin& pain3 I was (i%in& home(ess in my a'tomo@i(e an$ ha$ @een attemptin& to &et the poisonin& $ia&nose$ at e%ery hospita( in New Hampshire that I co'($ &et to 5 I a(so staye$ at a Psychiatric :ar$ n'mero's times ?or a ?ew months @e?ore I was p(ace$ in a Ha(?way Ho'se. I am a@so('te(y certain that the res'(ts o? my me$ica( tests were intentiona((y (ie$ a@o't @y Ita(ian A6IS A&ents worDin& within the Hospita(s in the re&ion as we(( as whom I @e(ie%e were SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims who ha$ @een %ictims o? H'man =i%isection in%o(%in& ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace Ne'roSciences 5 my stoo( samp(e sho'($ ha%e shown $e?inite res'(ts 3 my stoo( %isi@(y (ooDe$ (iDe &'acamo(e as we(( as was it the teFt're oi( paint an$ sme((e$ (iDe paint ?or two months. A?ter my ?eces cease$ @ein& &reen 3 it @ecame ye((ow an$ sme((e$ (iDe r'sty iron an$ @(oo$ as we(( as $i$ it ha%e spon&y so(i$s in it. A?ter my ?eces t'rne$ ye((ow < my so(ar p(eF's ?e(t (iDe it ha$ @een @r'ise$ an$ ha$ scar tiss'e @ehin$ the @ottom ri@ca&e that was constant(y @r'isin&. I ha$ tho'&ht that e%ent'a((y I wo'($ @e sent to a 1oFico(o&ist 3 @'t this ne%er occ'rre$. 2'rin& my time whi(e home(ess 3 (i%in& in an a'tomo@i(e 3 an$ in eFcr'ciatin& pain 5 whi(e I was waitin& to &et my stomach checDe$ in 7oncor$ at the 7oncor$ Me$ica( Hospita( 5 a @(on$e man wa(De$ into the 0mer&ency /oom with a ?resh(y choppe$ messy A$o(? Hit(er hairc't an$ a cow@oy (ooDin& mo'stache simi(ar to the Stetson Man ?rom the Stetson A$%ertisements. He sai$ in a creepy %oice A:e can ?ee$ yo'LA an$ o??ere$ me a san$wich3 which i re?'se$ $'e to the reason that I @e(ie%e$ that this o@%io's Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are A&ent was tryin& to ?inish the Jo@ @y poisonin& me ?'rther. 1his man was wa(Din& with A$o(? Hit(erKs mannerisms an$ it was o@%io's that he was actin& with A$o(? Hit(erKs @o$y (an&'a&e intentiona((y ?or the p'rpose o? attemptin& to striDe ?ear into my se(?. Stephanie ,ors(in$ was present. A(so < whi(e I was at the 0((iot Hospita( in Manchester New Hampshire 5 I was checDin& in at the receptionist @ooth in the 0mer&ency /oom when the speaDers @e&an to p(ay the A4'((a@y Son&A. :hen this son& @e&an to p(ay3 I @(acDe$ o't an$ t'rne$ ha(? steps to the (e?t in p(ace 5 spinnin& s(ow(y in a circ(e ?or the maJority o? the $'ration o? the son&. 1his is concrete e%i$ence that I was hypnoti>e$ at the New Hampshire Hospita( on 7(inton Street in 7oncor$ New Hampshire. 1his was recor$e$ @y Sec'rity 7amera at the 0((iot Hospita(. 1his happene$ to me a&ain one sin&(e time a?ter this at the same (ocation3 a?ter which I was $esensiti>e$ to the hypnotic re(e%ance o? the son&. 2'rin& this time I checDe$ in to a psychiatric ?aci(ity in Nash'a NewHampshire thro'&h the So'thern /e&iona( New Hampshire Me$ica( 7enter in Nash'a NewHampshire. :hi(e checDin& in at the So'thern /e&iona( Me$ica( 7enter3 a ma(e

n'rse approache$ me to $raw @(oo$. 1he nee$(e that he 'se$ was an enormo's nee$(e with a p('n&er that was presse$ in with the th'm@ in or$er to $raw @(oo$ < a syrin&e with a p('n&er that is capa@(e o? $rawin& @(oo$ when it is p'she$ in 3 ?'nctions 'pon a %ac''m mechanic 5 this is the sort o? $e%ice which is pro@a@(e to inJect a so(i$ o@Ject into a %esse( 3 $rainin& ?('i$ ?rom the %esse( as a res'(t o? the eFchan&e o? press're within the %ac''m . It (ooDe$ %ery m'ch (iDe the hypo$ermic nee$(e in the photo&raph with the =erichip sticDin& o't o? it that ha$ @een circ'(atin& on(ine3 eFcept that it was m'ch (ar&er. A&ain3 a possi@(e psych war?are operation. I ha%e @een %oca((y o'tspoDen a&ainst the =erichip 7orporationsK i$eas ?or many years now. 1here are a(so A/G.S G(o@a( Positionin& System S'r&ica( Imp(ants that are near(y i$entica( to =0/I7HIP /,I2 imp(ants which can @e imp(ante$ into an anima(Ks @o$y. He p't the nee$(e in the center o? my ?orearm an$ p'she$ the p('n&er $own3 ?i((in& it to the ha(? way marD with @(oo$. 1his was o$$ ?or reason that stints are 's'a((y 'se$ to $raw @(oo$ an$ the @(oo$ is 's'a((y $rawn ?rom the inner e(@ow< a(so3 the nee$(e (ooDe$ (iDe the &a'&e that wo'($ @e 'se$ on an 0(ephant ?or p'rpose o? inJectin& %accination or innoc'(ation. It is entire(y possi@(e that I co'($ c'rrent(y ha%e an A/G.S networDe$ G(o@a( Positionin& System $e%ice imp(ante$ in my ?orearm ri&ht now. 1here is a Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone app(ication that was on the marDet aro'n$ 20053 this app(ication a((owe$ the 'sers to tracD one another on their ce(( phoneKs MapI'est GPS. I? s'r&ica((y imp(ante$ with an impro%ise$ GPS $e%ice5 1ra??icDin& =ictims3 Genoci$e 1ar&ets3 A'toMo@i(es3 an$ ;(acD MarDet Shipments are capa@(e o? @ein& tracDe$ on a Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone GPS with a map. A/G.S GPS3 =eteranarian GPS S'r&ica( Imp(ants3 an$ GPS ta&&in& co((ar $e%ices remo%e$ ?rom the co((ar5 can p't imp(ante$ in h'mans3 hi$$en co%ert(y insi$e ci%i(iansK @oot so(es3 hi$$en in e(ectronic $e%ices whi(e ?orD wire$ to the power so'rce3 hi$$en in ('&&a&e3 or s'r&ica((y imp(ante$ co%ert(y in peop(esK pets. :hi(e I was in the 0./. in So'thern NewHampshire /e&iona( Me$ica( 7enter < a man sha%e$ two ch'nDs o? sDin ?rom my arm with what I @e(ie%e was a 2NA Scrape too( ?or scrapin& sDin to &et 2NA. 1his man (ooDe$ (iDe a 4om@ar$ =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tate$ with ;ritish An&(o Gae(ic 2NA. 1his sho'($ ha%e @een recor$e$ on camera an$ was $e?inite(y recor$e$ @y the Ne'ro(o&ica( /ecor$in& transmittin& ?rom the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace s'r&ica((y imp(ante$ in my crani'm 3 coinci$enta((y eno'&h. 1hie scapes this man tooD (e?t to sma(( open &ashes which were @(ee$in&. 2'rin& the year 2012 < accor$in& to the internet ;.;.7. news3 the ma?ia in Ita(ia ha%e @een $'mpin& the corpses o? ho'se pets in pon$s in Ita(y. I @e(ie%e these pets were Di((e$ in or$er to remo%e Apet tracDin&A G(o@a( Positionin& System S'r&ica( Imp(ant 2e%ices < to 'se ?or imp(antation in h'man %ictims. =erichips an$ Ar&os can 'se$ @oth in 7.NHUN71I.N :I1H AN.1H0/ 20=I70 AS IMP/.=IS02 /AM ,./ ;INA/2A1A PUSH. %his ma5 possi*l5 in0ol0e the -rapping of an "#!OS !PS-chip implant ne@t to an #$I2-chip -ith a sil. BCI neuro-patch aroun) them *oth+ the encasing of the )e0ice in a plastic surgical implant an) the -iring of the sil.*ase) *ci to the other sil.-*ase) *ci at the en)3 Cellphone mini antennaIrouterparts+ micro *atteries+ an) copper tape are also use) for this purpose3 I ha0e

recentl5 notice) comments a*out /cats an) )ogs/ on $aceBoo. "ccounts *elonging to frien)s of mine -hom ha0e *een impersonate) *5 imposteurs using 2uplicate) I)entification Cre)entials of these people : if the 1afia has *een hire) to pro0i)e a !enoci)al $action -ith !PS Surgical Implants such as "#!OS Surgical Implants that *iologists use+ the5 ha0e *ecome a !enoci)al %errorist $action3 1an5 of the $aceBoo. accounts associate) -ith the &manuele-&0ola %errorist Crime S5n)icate's $&1" & 8IC%I1S ha0e su*title) names relate) to concepts of *eing &n)angere) such as /Plight/ /2anger/ or ha0e ha) comments such as /Bomen li.e 5ou are an en)angere) species/ poste) on their $aceBoo. "ccounts3 - Species has *een a))e) as a /li.e/ on face*oo. *5 numerous females *efore the5 )isappear an) are replace) *5 imposteurs3 - It is pro*a*le that some of the Sa0o5's "gents in the (S" 1ilitar5 are using the e@cuse that the Brain-Computer-Interface 2e0ices are net-or.e) *5 -a5 of "#!OS !3P3S3 #outer o0er the Internet an) )ue to the fact that these are accessi*le to all nations + the (S" 1ilitar5 can not allo- foreign nations to .nothat this is happening *ecause the ci0ilians -oul) *e in too 0ulnera*le a position to the -orl)'s militaries3 %here are currentl5 thousan)s of %errorist "gents in the (S" using the I)entification Cre)entials of (S" Citizens3 %his is an emergenc5 + it has *ecome a Holocaust + an) the House of Sa0o5's "gents are -ithin our National 1ilitar5 an) a- &nforcement3 %his is a foreign terrorist faction in the (S" + using our o-n resources to .ill us3 15 entire famil5 seems to ha0e *een replace) *5 8iral-8ector !ene-%herap5 mutate) Italians -hom are o*0iousl5 Italian *ut are )isguise) as m5 famil5 an) are carr5ing their I)entification Cre)entials3 15 sister Summer 1acPherson is the last famil5 mem*er that I ha0e left *esi)es m5 gran)mother Pru)ence an) I can not get Summer out of the house that she is trappe) in -ith the italian -ho is li0ing as if he is m5 father #ussell 1acPherson an) using his i)entification cre)entials3 8ittorio &manuele *ought numerous hospitals in the region an) I can not e0en trust them to gi0e me honest results for 2N" tests regar)ing the multiple imposteurs -ho I ha0e met that ha0e claime) to *e m5 father3 It is pro*a*le that the &manueles are tr5ing to e@terminate a large num*er of "mericans an) ta.e the I)entification Cre)entials of an "merican $amil5 an) mo0e else-here -ith them as if the5 are them3

2'rin& the year 200! < 2a%i$ IcDeKs @i>>are c(aims concernin& the ;ritish Monarchy3 po(iticians3 MarD C'cDer@er&3 an$ others as a(( @ein& shape shi?tin& repti(ian a(iens #(iDe in the 1"80Ks Science ,iction mo%ie =) @e&an @ein& &(o@a((y p'@(ishe$. Anti American an$ Anti ;ritish propa&an$a @e&an @ein& p'@(ishe$ on we@sites s'ch as Prison P(anet an$ A@o%e 1op Secret < these we@sites ma$e n'mero's c(aims eFpo'n$in& 'pon the (ies o? Hesse =ent'ra an$ his 7onspiracy 1heory te(e%ision series 5 these (ies ?oc'sin& on ho(oca'st an$ concentration camp re(ate$ themes3 pre empti%e(y @(amin& the nations o? the :.:.2 A((ie$ ,orces ?or an 'pcomin& ho(oca'st an$ concentration prison an$ $eath camps in North America. 1he ;'sh 7heney

A$ministration was @(ame$ ?or m'ch o? this< another po(icitian who was @(ame$ ?or the s'ppose$ crimina( ca@a( contro((in& the USA &o%ernment was ;i(( 7(inton who was inacc'rate(y reporte$ as @ein& 0(i>a@eth Hano%erKs co'sin 5 this @ein& incre$i@(y re(e%ent ?or the reason that whi(e I was stayin& @rie?(y at a psych war$ in Nash'a N.H. $'rin& my s'??erin& ?rom @(acD mo($ poisonin& 3 an imposte'r 0(i>a@eth Hano%er was a((owe$ into the war$ to %isit an 'nDnown patient. 1his imposte'r 0(i>a@eth Hano%er was a((owe$ %isitation $'rin& the same $ay as a man was a$mitte$ with a (aptop which he ha$ set 'p in the hospita( @e$room across the ha(( ?rom my room. A(( o? this was o@%io's(y i((e&a( < an$ whi(e stan$in& neFt to him in ?ront o? a te(e%ision3 a History 7hanne( specia( @roa$cast aire$ a@o't 0(i>a@eth Hano%er 5 I t'rne$ an$ sai$ to the man AIK%e &ot ;ritish Ancestry. SheKs a %ery nice (a$y 3 I (iDe her.A 3 to which he ner%o's(y sai$ AMe too. I $o too.A an$ he (ooDe$ terri?ie$ an$ ner%o's. ApproFimate(y one month prior to this3 I ha$ J'st ser%e$ 0(i>a@eth Hano%er tea twice whi(e worDin& at 2'nDin 2on'ts at the ma(( near the airport in Manchester N.H. . A(( o? these in$i%i$'a(s sho'($ @e recor$e$ e(ectronica((y. 2a%i$ IcDeKs Ashape shi?tin& repti(ian a(ienA Hano%er ,ami(y whom were reporte$(y p(ottin& to Microchip an$ 0ns(a%e P(anet 0arth < t'rne$ o't to @e an imposte'r 0(i>a@eth Hano%er3 a terrorist crime syn$icate c'rrent(y 'sin& $'p(icate$ i$entity car$s an$ paperworD o? Americans3 an$ i$eas sto(en ?rom Ste%e HacDson Games as we(( as mo%ies. I ha%e met at (east 10 terrorists in this re&ion whom are impersonatin& citi>ens whom they ha%e $'p(icate$ the paperworD an$ i$entities o? < inc('$in& one whom was preten$in& to @e Hi((ary ;ri&ham one month prior to meetin& 'p with the ?act'a( Hi((ary ;ri&ham at a /ite Ai$ in Nash'a. 1he ?aDe Hi((ary ;ri&ham /i%ers has narrower hips an$ is thinner as we(( as 2 inches ta((er. Hi((ary ;ri&hamKs imposte'r was 'sin& the mo@i(e ce(('(ar te(ephone n'm@er E03 "*3 0*!0. 1here are photo&raphs o? the imposte'r o? Hi((ary ;ri&ham with a U.S.American Marine < this is eFtreme(y $an&ero's 5 when I attempte$ to $e(i%er a :itness Statement to the ;oston Massach'settes Arme$ ,orces /ecr'iters .??ice 3 a ha(? Ita(ian$ ha(? 2e'tsche /ecr'iter with the name AGeise(A intercepte$ the :itness Statement @e?ore I co'($ &i%e it to the M'(atto U.S.American ,ema(e that I attempte$ to &i%e the :itness Statement to. 1his :itness Statement has @een intercepte$ n'mero's times an$ the U.S.A. is systemica((y @ein& in?i(trate$ an$ corr'pte$. 1he 0nemy 7om@ation ,action are the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ their A6IS accomp(ices 5 thro'&h means o? corr'ption o? state an$ S'r&ica( Imp(antation o? ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 3 they are ens(a%in& comp(ete(y Athe 4an$ o? the ,reeA. 1here are c'rrent(y a (ar&e n'm@er o? terrorists in my re&ion whom are impersonatin& a n'm@er o? peop(e whom are missin& entire(y an$ I @e(ie%e they these missin& peop(es may ha%e @een m'r$ere$ as we(( as so($ to seF tra??icDers 5 their i$enti?ication paperworD an$ (i?esty(es @ein& taDen o%er @y co%ert crimina( terrorists. =ittorio 0man'e(e has ma$e s'ch tact?'( 'se o? 1a@(oi$ me$ia an$ a(ternati%e press that his ?a(se p'@(ications in pop'(ar me$ia are now @ein& accepte$ as pro@a@(e ?act whi(e a(( other p'@(ications an$ news are @ein& reJecte$ @y society as ?act'a(. A ?ew times3 my a'ntKs comcast $i&ita( ca@(e was hacDe$ an$ I was psych war?are$ %ia te(e%ision o%er $'@s an$ wor$s which were switche$ on the the te(e%ision screen ?rom m'(tip(e choice se(ections $'rin& a &ameshow. Some o? the cata&ories were

chan&e$ to s'@Jects that I ha$ recent(y @een st'$yin& %ia internet research. 1his wo'($ @e incre$i@(y easy to $o with animation so?tware3 a 100 7ore 1I40/A Processor racD mo'nt 'nit3 4INU63 an$ =irt'a(;oF so?tware ?or other .peratin& Systems. I? the hacDer ha$ connections in the 7omcast corporation an$ a sDi((e$ 4INU6 pro&rammer< a seria( ca@(e3 ?irewire3 or other $irect (ine co'($ @e 'se$ to $irect p('& a hacDin& 'nit into the ser%er. 1I40/A processors ha%e @een on the marDet ?or a ?ew years now an$ they are eFtreme(y ?ast3 this co'p(e$ with c'stom ma$e so?tware co'($ easi(y o't per?orm what it is that these cy@er terrorists ha%e @een $oin&. A &oo$ hacDerNso?tware en&ineer co'($ 'p(oa$ imposte'r microso?t 'p$ates3 imposte'r Ja%a app 'p$ates3 imposte'r patch ?i(es3 an$ troJan em@e$$e$ cooDies to the tar&et comp'ter with the a@i(ity to troJan hacD an$ =irt'a(;oF the tar&et P.7. on their hacDin& 'nit as soon as the %ictim connects to the internet< th's mimicDin& Microso?t /emote Assistance with a =irt'a(;oF (iDe so?tware pro&ram. 1his c'stom en&ineere$ /emoteAssistanceN=irt'a(;oF 4INU6 pro&ram wo'($ in ?act @e capa@(e o? win$ow ?ramin& a tar&etKs ca@(e te(e%ision on the 7y@erA&entKs 'nit3 a((owin& the 7y@erA&ent to not on(y %iew what is @ein& watche$ @'t a(so (i%e e$it it. M'(tip(e times3 whi(e watchin& the te(e%ision < I witnesse$ anomo(ies o? @oFes ?(ashin& an$ @(acD @oFes o%er peop(esY mo'ths. ! I spent near(y a year home(ess an$ reco%erin& ?rom @(acD mo($ poisonin& whi(e (i%in& in a car 3 a?ter which I @e&an to stay at a psychiatric reha@i(itation ha(? way ho'se in Manchester NewHampshire ca((e$ the Gemini Ho'se. A ?ew months a?ter @e&innin& my stay at the Gemini Ho'se 3 a man was spotte$ o'tsi$e whom I ?ormer(y worDe$ with at N'7ast in 4on$on$erry NewHampshire. 1his man ha$ a camera in his han$s an$ was taDin& pict'res o? the Gemini Ho'se. 1he man parDe$ in the mini %an was a@o't 5K10A3 ha$ a short @(acD chin @ear$ 3 short @(acD hair 3 approFimate(y 210 (@s 3 was wearin& a @ase@a(( cap 3 an$ was $ri%in& a &reen co(ore$ mini %an. A?ter a@o't 5 months o? (i%in& at the Gemini Ho'se3 a %eteran o? the USAmerican Mi(itary name$ 1y(er 5 1y(er was the %eteran who was present at the NewHampshire Hospita( in 7oncor$ NewHampshire on 7(inton Street when I was i((e&a((y Ne'roS'r&erie$. An Ita(ian American name$ Hames 9i(ey whom was a ?rien$ o? 7rysta( Gi((s ?atherKs who was Haneen Harrin&Ks ?rien$ as we(( as a Dnown associate o? the He((Ks An&e(s. Hames 9i(ey @ecame 1y(erKs sponsor ?or A(choho(ics Anonymo's meetin&s. 2onato Genti(e 3 whom was a(so a Dnown associate o? the He((Ks An&e(s an$ the Ita(ian Ma?ia was a(so @e(ie%e she has ?ami(y in @oth the Ita(ian Ma?ia an$ the He((Ks An&e(s 5 Pete Poten>a is a Dnown associate o? the He((s An&e(s an$ Mi(?or$ G 7ompany. Hanet Poten>aKs neice has a(so @een stayin& in contstant contact with my (itt(e sister S'mmer MacPherson ?or a@o't ?o'r years3 ca((in& her e%ery $ay an$ @ecomin& an&ry when she spen$s time with other ?rien$s 5 she has @een %ery contro((in&. Hanet Poten>a was the co'nse(or in Manchester NH who sai$ to me A1here are microchips now that ?it on the @rain3 the si>e o? a sticD o? &'m. Interestin& 3 h'hMA. ,or a (on& time3 Pete Poten>a was 2ana Um@roKs @est ?rien$ as we(( as was Pete Poten>a ?rien$s with 0$ :arren. :hi(e (i%in& at the Gemini Ho'se in Manchester NewHampshire 3 Hames 9i(ey sai$ AI? a person sees &reen (etters in ?ront o? their eyes te((in& them to $o somethin& 3 an$ they $o

it 5 they are st'pi$.A. It is possi@(e that these men co'($ Dnow the SeF 1ra??icDers who a@$'cte$ Samantha G'ayKs imposte'r 5 $'rin& the year 200* 3 Samantha G'ayKs imposte'rs @rie?(y worDe$ at M...M.s Motorcyc(es o? Manchester in Manchester NewHampshire. :hi(e (i%in& at the Gemini Ho'se in Manchester NewHampshire on :a(n't Street < I %isite$ the Ma(( o? NewHampshire n'mero's times an$ witnesse$ emp(oyees o? the U.S.A. 2epartment o? 2e?ense actin& stran&e. .ne o? these men who appeare$ to @e Ita(ian an$ 2e'tsche 3 t'rne$ towar$ me whi(e I was wa(Din& passe$ him an$ stare$ at me with an intimi$ate$ (ooD whi(e c(enchin& his ?ists 5 stan$in& @esi$e me was 2onato Genti(e 3 who sai$ A:oahL :hatKs this &'yMA. A(so witnesse$ whi(e at the Ma(( o? NewHampshire in Manchester NewHampshire was 3 a &ro'p o? ma(es wearin& U.S.A. Mi(itary Uni?orms @eha%in& as i? their 'ni?orms were the sDate@oar$in& shoes that yo' are not a((owe$ to wear witho't @ein& ri$ic'(e$ @y sDate@oar$ers 5 these men notice$ ci%i(ians wearin& ;.2.U. c(othin& or camo'?(a&e print c(othin& an$ ri$ic'(e$ them with a tren$ wor$ A7.I.U. A which meant A7i%i(ian in Uni?ormA 3 JoDin& an$ ri$ic'(in& the ci%i(ians. 1his happene$ twice. .ther &ro'ps o? U.S.A. 2epartment o? 2e?ense 0mp(oyees were witnesse$ wa(Din& thro'&h the Ma(( o? NewHampshire 3 (a'&hin& an$ ri$ic'(in& ci%i(ians. 2'rin& the year 2008 3 I %ote$ ?or ;aracD H'ssein .@ama. 1his was on(y a year a?ter I was S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace. ;aracD H'ssein .@ama was &i%en a No@e( Peace Pri>e. :hen I %ote$ 3 I ?e(t (iDe my han$ was mo%e$ to write A;A/A79 .;AMAA with a @(acD sharpie pen. I ?e(t (iDe my $ecision ha$ @een ma$e ?or me an$ my han$ mo%e 'nwi((in&(y. 1his co'($ ha%e possi@(y @een $one $'rin& the e(ection o? ;ishop Hoseph /at>in&er as Pope ;ishop o? /ome. 1he p'rpose ?or this 5 a(i&n a series o? i$entities to ser%e as an a(i@i ?or =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy $'rin& a Ho(oca'st 5 n'mero's mem@ers o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e @een o%erhear$ speaDin& a@o't their p(ans to Genoci$a((y 0Fterminate a(( o? the ,irst Nations Nati%e Americans permanant(y as we(( as a (ist o? other races whom inha@ite$ North America @e?ore the Ita(ian pop'(ation immi&rate$ to North America 5 this is the Apre eFistin& con$itionA. ;aracD H'ssein .@ama is pro@a@(y inten$e$ to @e represente$ as the Satanic M's(im %ersion o? /ichar$ NiFon an$ Pope Hoseph /at>in&er o? ;a%aria is pro@a@(y inten$e$ to @e presente$ as the Anti 7hrist ;a%arian Pope o? the Satanic I(('minati. 1his is an attempt @y the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 to create a mirror ima&e o? the A6IS an$ present it as the &'i(ty ,action 3 ena@(in& the Ho'se o? Sa%oy to escape an Internationa( :ar 7rimes 1ri@'na(. Hoseph /at>in&er was en(iste$ in the -o'th ;ri&a$e $'rin& the A6IS .cc'pation o? 2e'tsche(an$ 3 when A$o(? AHit(erA was the S'preme 2ictator o? a Heirarcha((y 2ecapitate$ Mi(itari>e$ State. 2'rin& the year 200* 3 =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e ha$ p(anne$ to rep(ace ;aracD H'ssein .@ama with an imposte'r or two 5 'sin& =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy to $is&'ise the in$i%i$'a(s. 2'rin& Henry MaDowKs associateKs in%esti&ations3 Henry p'@(ishe$ artic(es a@o't the SeF 1ra??icDin& operations associate$ with the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icate # whom he

re?erre$ to as Athe I(('minati ) most o?ten tar&ette$ entire ?ami(ies ?or m'(tip(e &enerations 5 repeate$(y o@tainin& %ictims ?rom the same pop'(ation &ro'ps. 1he tar&ettin& o? the tra??icDin& %ictimsK pop'(ation &ro'ps is systemic < a(so3 $'e to the ?act that the (owest price$ seF tra??icDin& %ictims are the on(y ones $isco%ere$ an$ arreste$ 3it @ecame o@%io's that these crimina( a&ents were worDin& ?or some@o$y with connections within &o%ernment an$ in%esti&ations. 4ow price$ prostit'tes are 'se$ as $ecoys3 whi(e the hi&her price$ seF tra??icDin& %ictims are si(ence$ ?rom p'@(ic Dnow(e$&e a(most entire(y. 1he %ictimKs are arreste$ an$ p'@(ic(y $eni&rate$ as Aprostit'tesA whi(e the SeF 1ra??icDers contin'e their @'siness o? s(a%ery. In the North 0ast o? North America 5 the maJority o? the seF tra??icDin& ce(( are Ita(ian Ma?ia A??i(iate$ as we(( as o?ten Ho'se o? Sa%oy a??i(iate$. Many o? these peop(e wo'($ @e in%o(%e$ with or emp(oy the crimina(s an$ terrorists whom Henry MaDow co$e wor$e$ an$ re?erre$ to as AI(('minati Han$(ersA. 1hese networDs o? SeF 1ra??icDin& 'nits are o?ten m'(tip(e 'nits o? one co((ecti%e or&ani>ation < this or&ani>ation is in%o(%e$ in m'(tip(e ?orms o? H'man 1ra??icDin& s'ch as seF s(a%ery3 (a@or s(a%ery3 or&an tra??icDin&3 an$ h'man %i%isection. 1he networD o? seF tra??icDers which c(aime$ my Nana an$ her chi($ren as %ictims when my mother was a chi($ were $e?inite(y associate$ with the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icate3 the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icate @ein& the e(ite 'nit a@o%e a(( other or&ani>ations which they emp(oy. P :hi(e wa(Din& past a @asDet@a(( co'rt near ;ri$&e St. in Manchester New Hampshire 3 I witnesse$ ,I((i@erto 0man'e(e p(ayin& @asDet@a(( with a &ro'p o? peop(e. ,I((i@erto or APhi(A < has ma$e a ha@it o? As('mmin& itA in re&ions s'ch as New -orD3 Massach'settes3 New Hersey3 an$ New Hampshire. He has ma$e n'mero's &an& connections an$ 'ses the a(ias APhi(.A an$ A,i(A . - :hi(e %isitin& my mother at the NewHampshire Hospita( in 7oncor$ NewHampshire on 7(inton Street < a man sa('te$ me with a /oman Sa('te. I ha$ $ri%en my car to the hospita( to picD my mother 'p in or$er to @rin& her to Ma($en Massach'settes to %isit her mother ?or the weeDen$ 5 whi(e I was waitin& at the $oor < a man wa(De$ to the $oor3 /oman Sa('te$ me3 a?ter which he (ai$ $own in ?ront o? the $oor (iDe a we(come carpet. A n'rse attempte$ to mo%e the man @'t he was 'nresponsi%e an$ ?or the rest o? my time at Unit 23 he (ai$ in that eFact spot immo%a@(e. It was as i? he co'($ not mo%e himse(? at a((3 as i? he were 'n$er the in?('ence o? hypnosis. As my mother an$ I were (ea%in&3 the man was sti(( (ayin& on the ?(oor in ?ront o? the entry way 5 where there wo'($ c'stomari(y @e a we(come carpet. 1his sit'ation @rin&s to min$ the o($ a$a&e3 A/o((in& o't the re$ carpet.A P ;etween the years 200* an$ 200" 3 my mother was a$ministere$ n'mero's 0.7.1. 0(ectro 7har&e 1herapy Sessions 3 in other wor$s 5 0(ectric ShocD 1herapy. I am s're that ?or this p'rpose 3 sa?ety consent ?orms were si&ne$ in%o(%in& 0(ectricity an$ ;rain 1herapy. I @e(ie%e that the my Mother may ha%e @een one o? the ?irst %ictims o? the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace Ne'ro Science H'man =i%isections in NewHampshire. - I starte$ worDin& at a new retai( Jo@ in the Ma(( o? NewHampshire. 1he Jo@ was at a no%e(ty store ca((e$ It> A P'>>(e. My secon$ $ay o? worD3 I was sittin& on a @ench o'tsi$e the store @e?ore openin& time 5 waitin& ?or my @oss to arri%e with the Dey. As I

was waitin& ?or 9im to arri%e 5 a man came wa(Din& in thro'&h an emp(oyee entrance< wa(De$ 'p to me3 an$ starte$ ta(Din& to me. A?ter a ?ew min'tes he o??ere$ to @'y me a co??ee3 I ha$ a@o't an ho'r to wait so I $eci$e$ to accept his o??er. A?ter @'yin& co??ee at the 2'nDin 2on'ts I 'se$ to worD at < as we were sittin& $own $rinDin& co??ee3 he @e&an to ta(D to me a@o't re(i&ion. A?ter the re(i&io's con%ersation ha$ en$e$3 he to($ me that he was ?rom So'th A?rica an$ that he worDe$ ?or ,ireye 7orporation 5 apparent(y he was in the re&ion %isitin& the (oca( ,ireye (ocation. I @e(ie%e this manKs name may ha%e possi@(y @een G'y. 1wo years (ater3 I @e&an $atin& my eF &ir(?rien$ 2aphen 5 whoKs mother was at worDin& ?or ,ireye. :hi(e (i%in& at the Gemini Ho'se one $ay a &'y who was (i%in& there name$ 2onato !entile #prono'nce$ Genti((y 3 as in the name !io0anni !entile< a possible choice of agent due to obvious SURNAME reasons in relation to the Father of Modern Italian Fascism) asDe$ me i? I wante$ to taDe a ri$e to the ma(( with him. :hi(e we were at the Ma(( o? NH3 a man in a Unite$ States Mi(itary Uni?orm t'rne$ towar$ me an$ starte$ starin& me at me threatenin&(y. 2onato sai$ to me Awoah woah woah... whatKs thisMA 1he &'ar$sman tooD a step towar$s me3 c(enchin& his ?ists3 (iDe he was a@o't to attacD. His $ri(( sear&ent sai$ somethin& to him to &et his attention an$ I t'rne$ an$ wa(De$ away. I ha%e ne%er seen this man @e?ore or a?ter this e%ent nor $o I ha%e any Dnow(e$&e o? why he wo'($ ha%e $one this. 1he terrorist perpetrators o? this co%ert war?are campai&n in North America o@%io's(y wante$ my se(? to @e ?ear?'( o? my own mi(itary. Another reason ?or =ittorio an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e choosin& 2onato Genti(e as an a&ent is the name o? the North 0ast /e&iona( 7ommissioner o? the 7(an MacPherson Association who (i%es in New -orD 3 his name is 2ona($ MacPherson Genti(e 5 2ona($ in Ita(ian is 2onato3 MacPherson is the re&iona( commissionerKs motherKs mai$en name. 2onato Genti(e to($ me that his motherKs mai$en name was SticDney3 I @e(ie%e that this was a (ie which ,i((i@erto to($ him to te(( 5 4acey SticDney who is a (on& time ?rien$ o? mine3 ha$ her win$ow shot o't whi(e her car was parDe$ o'tsi$e o? my apartment at 155 Map(e St. in Manchester New Hampshire. 1he 7(an MacPherson Association is a ?orma( association ?or the 7(an MacPherson an$ 7(an 7hattan < this association o? which my ?ather an$ I are car$ carryin& mem@ers 3 has a we@site as we(( as month(y Jo'rna(s. It is easy to o@tain (ists o? the 7(an MacPherson associations mem@ers. /'pert M'r$och is a(so o? the 7(an 7hattan an$ has @een sta(De$ @y the 0man'e(esK a&ents whom ha%e pai$ hacDers in an attempt to ?rame him ?or sta(Din& the Ho'se o? Hano%er. /'pert M'r$ochKs corporationKs internet connection was 'se$ n'mero's times $'rin& worD ho'rs @y a &ro'p o? hacDers whom were emp(oye$ @y his corporation3 the tar&ets o? these hacDers were mem@ers o? the U9 Ho'se o? 4or$s3 mem@ers o? the U9 Par(iament3 an$ the Hano%er ?ami(y 5 the =ittorio an$ ,I((i@erto 0man'e(e attempte$ to ?rame /'pert M'r$och as the a(i@i. P =ittorio an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e ha%e @een attacDin& networDs o? ?ami(ies3 re(i&io's comm'nities3 an$ ?raterna( or$ers. 7(an 7hattan is $e?inite(y a networD o? ?ami(ies which the 0man'e(es ha%e tar&ette$. In 200* the tr'th o? A$o(? Hit(erKs @(oo$(ine was p'@(ishe$ on Henry MaDowKs we@site Sa%e1heMa(es.7A. =ittorio 0man'e(e III was eFpose$ p'@(ica((y as @ein& A$o(? Hit(erKs ha(? @rother whoKs ?ather ha$ sire$ A$o(? ?rom the (ine o?

=ittorioKs ?o'rth co'sin3 a(so o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 2'rin& this time3 I was in contact with Henry MaDow an$ ha$ @een ?reI'ent(y %isitin& the 7(an MacPherson we@site. My ?ather has @een a car$ carryin& mem@er o? the 7(an MacPherson Association since I was a yo'n& chi($. My emai(s were present in Henry MaDowKs in@oF when =ittorio 0man'e(eKs a&ents hacDe$ HenryKs emai( acco'nt. -"roun) ;==9: the (oca( te(e%ision news networD @roa$caste$ %ia 7omcast networD that a tro'pe o? men with mi(tary camo'?(a&e an$ mi(itary &ra$e assa'(t weapons were seen in ;e$?or$ New Hampshire $ep(oye$ ?rom what appeare$ to @e New Hampshire State Po(ice =ehic(es an$ New Hampshire State Po(ice N Am@'(atory He(icopter. %H& I& that the local Ne-sPapers later printe) -as that the local Police 2epartment -as looking for a man who was feeling suicidal3 - 2uring the appro@imate 5ear ;==C + 8ittorio /8ictor/ &manuele's son Chris %homas : -as sighte) in a Hospital -earing a -hite la* coat3 He pro*a*le stole 2N" Samples from this hospital for purpose of using it for 8iral-8ector !ene%herap5 2N" 1utation3 Other places -here these ma5 ha0e *een stolen from are Bloo) 2ri0es + Hospitals + Ortho)ontal Clinics + 2entists + !5nocologists + an) stolen 2N" samples from la*oratories -ith la*els3 ----C----- %-o Years aterE I mo%e$ in to an apartment on the top ?(oor o? ParD =iew Apartments at 2E1 Pine St R *1 in Manchester near 9a(i%as ParD an$ neFt to the Scorpion 7a?e. "fter si@ months of li0ing there I starte) hearing cellphones 0i*rating insi)e m5 li0ingroom an) *e)room -alls3 &0entuall5 some*o)5 e@plaine) to me that cellphones can *e hac.e)Iphrea.e) an) use) as recor)ing )e0ices ,ust *5 calling them from googlephone account -ith a computer an) recor)e) using soft-are3 Imme)iatel5+ I realize) that apparentl5 some*o)5 ha) forgotten to turn the phones on silent an) not 0i*rate3 I recall hearing sa-ing soun)s coming from -hat soun)e) li.e it -as possi*l5 )o-nstairs or some .in) of mezzanine *et-een the apartments *efore this ha) occurre)3 * !oogle-Phone can *e use) in con,unction -ith an Internet "pplication to fa.e Phone Num*ers+ Caller I)entification s5stems an) Cell Phone Num*er #ecognition S5stems to i)entif5 the caller's num*er as a )ifferent num*er these applications can *e use) in con,unction -ith 0oice immitations for espionage3 %he 1ilitar5 Signals Intelligence 2epartment can still i)entif5 the original callers num*ers an) locations3 - At this time my ce(( phone n'm@er was E03 858 3123 . 1he GPS (ocations o? the impro%ise$ recor$in& $e%ices p(ante$ within the wa((s were most o?ten at the same (ocation as my se(?3 there were at (east two p(ante$ recor$in& $e%ices @'i(t ?rom mo@i(e ce(('(ar te(ephones. 1wo @(ocDs ?rom my apartment at 2E1 Pine St. R *1 Manchester New Hampshire3 there

was a con%enience store ca((e$ Se%en 2ays MarDet. .n the win$ow o'tsi$e o? Se%en 2ays MarDet there was an a$%ertisement poste$ 5 a %eternarian was a$%ertisin& G(o@a( Positionin& System Micro7hip S'r&ica( Imp(ants A?or yo'r petsA. Coo Anima( Pet /.,.I.2. S'r&ica( Imp(ant ta&s were si&hte$ in hospita(s. U.S.;. /a$io ,reI'ency I$enti?ication 2e%ice rea$ers ha%e @een si&hte$ in Hospita(s in the North 0ast o? the U.S.A. @etween the years 200* an$ 2012. 1wo mo$e(s o? these ha%e @een seen < the ?irst one @ein& a (ar&e white ?(at sI'are 3 the secon$ @ein& a sma(( 's@ rectan&'(ar @(acD rectan&(e. P 2'rin& the time I (i%e$ at 2E1 Pine St in Manchester3 I was $atin& a woman name$ 4a'ren ,rench 5 4a'ren ,rench an$ o'r ?rien$s Hen 4inco(n an$ An&e(iI'e ;oy$ @e&an to @e sta(De$ @y ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ another in$i%i$'a(. It is a possi@i(ity that 4a'ren ,renchKs mother was a co'sin o? 7hristine 2ionKs. Another o? 7hristine 2ionKs co'sins may possi@(y ha%e @een 2an /o@icha'$Ks &ir(?rien$s Aman$a A/oseA 7i@otti. My ,atherKs &ir(?rien$ 7heri 7i@ottiKs eF h's@an$Ks ?ami(y may possi@(y ha%e @een re(ate$ to Aman$a AMan$a /oseA 7i@otti. Aman$a AMan$a /oseA 7i@otti 'se$ to $ate a man name$ 2an /o@icha'$ who was a ?rien$ o? mine. P 2'rin& the approFimate year 2000 3 2an /o@icha'$ an$ his &ir(?rien$ Aman$a in%ite$ me to stay at one o? their ho'ses in Massach'settes near ;e$?or$ or ;oy(ston Massach'settes. Aman$a ha$ @o'&ht mariJ'ana ?rom ,i(Ks ?rien$ Hason an$ a ?rien$ o? his 5 they ha$ $'ste$ an$ %apor coate$ the MariJ'ana with a 2isassociati%e 2r'&. :e smoDe$ the mariJ'ana an$ $isassociate$. None o? 's remem@ere$ what happene$ a?terwar$s ?or ho'rs. 1he neFt $ay 2an /o@icha'$ attempte$ to &et his money @acD ?rom Hason at his ho'se a?ter &ettin& his phone n'm@er ?rom Aman$aKs ?rien$ 3 2an a(most &ot into a physica( a(tercation with ,i(Ks ?rien$ Hason. Hason (i%e$ in a p(ace near either Merrimac Massach'settes or North Mar(@oro'&h Massach'settes. P 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs in%o(%ement in $r'& sa(es seems to @e ?or the p'rpose o? $estroyin& the U.S.A. @y $esta@(i>in& the other pop'(ations o? peop(e. It is $e?inite that they miF eFperimenta( Ne'ro1oFins an$ eFperimenta( 2r'&s with the $r'&s that they se(( to recreationa( $r'& 'sers. P 2'rin& the year 2005 3 I o%erhear$ some@o$y eFp(ainin& that they ha$ hear$ ,i( 0man'e(e say AI am &oin& to win the :ar on 1error. I am &oin& to @e the most s'ccess?'( terrorist e%er.A. P :hi(e I was $atin& 4a'ren ,rench. :e went to 2ennyKs in Nash'a NewHampshire to ha%e co??ee one ni&ht. Some peop(e whom I Dnew ?rom the Gothic Ni&ht at the Ni&ht 7('@ were there. Apparent(y 3 Nata(ie whom my se(? an$ 2ana Um@ro ?ormer(y worDe$ with at ;icD?or$s ,ami(y /esta'rant in Nash'a NewHampshire ha$ @een a@$'cte$ whi(e she was away ?rom post ?rom the Nationa( G'ar$. Accor$in& to the $isc'ssion that they were ha%in& < Nata(ie was a@$'cte$3 tie$ 'p3 poisone$ with $r'&s3 tort're$ 3 an$ repeate$(y rape$. /o@ert 9ersey state$ that he ha$ ?o'n$ an e(ectronic $e%ice s'r&ica((y imp(ante$ in her whi(e testin& :ire(ess HacDin& $e%ices3 e%ent'a((y he

$etermine$ that it was a G.P.S. 2e%ice. 2'rin& Septem@er or .cto@er o? the year 2013 3 I met an imposte'r o? Nata(ie in Manchester NewHampshire who was ta((er an$ ?at an$ ha$ a $i??erent shape$ sD'((. I a(so met an imposte'r o? /o@ 9ersey in Manchester NewHampshire $'rin& the same e%enin&. P :hen I met 4a'ren ,rench 3 she was co%ere$ in @r'ises an$ ha$ a @'rn on her @reast. She to($ me that a man ha$ tie$ her to a racD an$ tort're$ her ?or ho'rs se%er(y as we(( as %io(ent(y rape$ her. 4a'ren to($ me that this man &a%e her a ci&arette an$ that she $i$nKt remem@er m'ch a?terwar$s eFcept ?or @ein& tort're$. P An o($ ?rien$ o? mine name$ Sara ;ea're&ar$ %isite$ me whi(e I was (i%in& at 2E1 Pine Street Apartment R *1 at ParD =iew Apartments 5 it is pro@a@(e that she has @een tar&ette$ @y =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate as ha%e ;ra$ Sa@(e an$ 1ara Powe(( 3 a(( three o? whom are o? Israe(i race an$ mem@ers o? Hewish ?ami(ies. P .ther ?rien$s o? mine whom ha$ %isite$ me whi(e at 2E1 Pine St. that wo'($ @e tar&ets now $'e to the I((e&a( /ecor$in& 2e%ices @ein& p(ante$ @ehin$ the wa((s are Hason /o&ers3 MarD SDinner3 Mat Mi((s3 7hris Scho((er 3 CacD Hohnson3 ;ecDy :i(mot3 ;ren$an P(ace3 Anthony McMenemy3 Am@er SDinner3 0$$ie 4a&es3 Hay 1harp3 an$ Me(o$y 4a'&ini&er. Me(o$y 4a'&ini&er possi@(y mentione$ on recor$in& that she ha$ met a man whom was preten$in& to @e Heremiah AProphetA ?rom :i(ton NewHampshire 5 this man was (i%in& in Nash'a NewHampshire an$ was 'sin& HeremiahKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s @'t was ?ar yo'n&er an$ was racia((y 4om@ar$ic Ita(ian which Heremiah AProphetA was not. Hason /o&ersK wi?e3 his co'sin 9ara3 Heremy MaDi3 7ara Samson3 an$ otherKs associate$ with peop(e ?rom :i(ton an$ Mi(?or$ are most (iDe(y to ha%e @een attacDe$ or are @ein& sta(De$ c'rrent(y. Ho((y 2emanche is (iDe(y to @e a c'rrent tar&et $'e to her @ein& an eF (o%er o? mine an$ a (on& time ?rien$ o? mine as we(( as is she ,irst Nations Nati%e American Metis an$ 0thnic American 3 @oth o? which seem to @e priority tar&ets o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate an$ the Ita(ian Ma?iaKs. ,or some reason 'n$etermina@(e3 my co'sin 2'stin 4a%oie was reJecte$ ?rom Joinin& the Nationa( G'ar$. He 'se$ to @e in /.17 $'rin& hi&hschoo(3 he ha$ J'st eFp'n&e$ his mis$emeanor crimina( recor$3 an$ ha$ a c(ean @i(( o? hea(th. He was to($ n'mero's reasons why he was not a((owe$ to Join. I witnesse$ =ittorio 0man'e(e wa(Din& into a &as station on ;rown A%e3 some@o$y wa(Din& past him ca((e$ him A=ictorA. I witnesse$ =ittorio 0man'e(e wa(Din& aro'n$ at a 'se$ car a'ction3 many peop(e there Dnew him as A=ictorA. Some@o$y mentione$ that A=ictorA ha$ @een A?(ippin& propertiesA 3 which means @'yin& an$ se((in& properties ?or pro?it 5 within New -orD 7ity. * Bhile m5 self an) 7oe5 -ere at 7oe5 1arini's house in 1ilfor) Ne-Hampshire : 7oe5 )eci)e) to -atch a mo0ie -hich -as On 2eman) on Comcast3 1ostafa I*nSau) appeare) in this mo0ie -ith a gang arme) -ith 1ilitar5-!ra)e $ire"rms

an) )resse) as himself3 2uring this film+ /1ostafa I*nSau)/ appeare) )resse) in his usual attire an) arme) -ith an assault rifle3 His character -as an e@tra character in the *ac.groun) an) -as of no importance to the plot of the mo0ie3 His character -as a %errorist !angster+ I recognize) him from photos an) o*0ious 0i)eo recor)ings3 He is most often seen -earing a )ou*le-poc.ete) casual collare)-shirt+ fitting ,eans+ an) has long curl5 *ro-n hair : he is o0er si@ feet tall an) is of an incre)i*l5 muscular *uil)3%his scene -as mentione) *5 7oe5 to inclu)e 1ostafa I*nSau) + 7oe5 laughe) an) state) /Imagine pla5ing 5ourself in a mo0ie3 %hat's a Sau)i-"ra*ian gangster from 1orocco3 He is pla5ing his self as his self3 "re the cre)its going to sa5 1ostafa as 1ostafaJ/3 I ha0e met 1ostafa I*nSau) multiple times : he is not a gangster3 %his Scene -as later )epicte) on the Internet on a 2epartment of 2efense Be*site -hich I accesse) at the i*rar5 in Nashua Ne-Hampshire in ;=6; : this scene -as of eon Panetta getting out of a Secret Ser0ice car -ith multiple men -iel)ing uzis an) acting li.e gangsters3 %his is an o*0ious pro)uct of Ps5chological Barfare *eing -age) upon "merican Ci0ilians3 2uring this time : numerous -e*sites -ere altere) to inclu)e incorrect a))resses concerning $3B3I3 + C3I3"3+ 2epartment of 2efense+ an) foreign Nations' 2efence 2epartments as -ell as in0estigations3 * "t this )ate + 7oe5 1arini's mo*ile cellular telephone num*er -as K=:-C=6-9C=F 3 I am not entirel5 sure ho- 7oe5 1arini .ne- -ho 1ostafa I*nSau) -as : I *elie0e that 7oe5 mentione) that his cousin .ne- one of 1ostafa /I*nSau)'s/ frien)s an) criminal associates3 I *elie0e this -as the particular cousin of 7oe5's -hom li0es near Ne- Yor. Cit5 an) tol) 7oe5 a*out the /*rain microchips that ma.e the -omen ha0e se@3/3 It is a possi*ilit5 that 7oe5 1arini is )ea) an) that this in)i0i)ual -as factuall5 an imposteur3 %here are : imposteurs of 7oe5 1arini in 1anchester Ne-Hampshire currentl53 * Bhile li0ing at ;: %emple Street in 1anchester Ne-Hampshire + ; #azors of mine -ere stolen an) 6 tooth-*rush3 It is possi*le that these -ere ta.en for the purpose of collecting 2N"3 15 2N" -as pro*a*l5 also collecte) from *loo)-tests )one at hospitals in Ne-Hampshire o0er the past 6= 5ears3 * Bhile li0ing at ;: %emple Street + I -itnesse) t-o -omen aroun) that loo.e) familiar *ut ha) *een 8iral-8ector !ene-%herap5 mutate) toha0e Blon)e Hair an) Blue &5es E the5 -ere o*0iousl5 not using their o-n I)entification Cre)entials an) -ere 8ictims : one of these -omen loo.e) li.e Cali 1c!uire3 %here is a large population in the region -ho )o not currentl5 ha0e their o-n I)entification Cre)entials + the ma,orit5 of -hich are Italians -ho ha0e 8iral-8ector !ene-%herap5 1utate) themsel0es to appear as a ci0ilian -ho's life the5 ha0e stolen as -ell as their 8ictims -ho ha0e *een force) to )o the same3 - 7oe5's frien) : "nthon5 #oton)o E mentione) .no-ing m5 e@-girlfrien) + 1in)5

Kern3 "nthon5 #oton)o's *rother someho- .ne- m5 cousin 2ustin a0oie's halfsisters Bran)i an) #osa3 Both Bran)i an) #osa -ere li0ing in Nashua NeHampshire3 %he5 are 2ustin's half-si*lings on his mother's si)e of the famil53 %here is an in)i0i)ual from Italia currentl5 in the (3S3"3 using 7oe5 1arini's I)entification Cre)entials3 I ha0e seen this in)i0i)ual on t-o occaisions3 7oe5 -as a Sicilian3 %on5 #oton)o an) his *rother ha0e someho- *een sha)o-ing targets of $illi*erto &manuele's3 Numerous people seem to *e replace) *5 in)i0i)uals from Italia or ha0e )ou*les in the region3 " man name) 7eremiah /Prophet/ has *een missing for a fe- 5ears : )uring ;=6: the man -hom has *een preten)ing to *e him+ mo0e) into the *uil)ing at ;: %emple St3 %he man preten)ing to *e 7eremiah /Prophet/ is 5ounger *5 at least F 5ears an) is shorter than 7eremiah+ this man also appears to *e om*ar)ic Italian3 I met 7oe5 1arini in the !emini House : these entire net-or.s of people are -ithin arms reach of the 1ental Health an) HealthCare institutions in Ne- &nglan) + Ontario+ Ne- Yor.+ an) Ne7erse53 7oe5 1arini an) "nthon5 #oton)o *oth ha0e cousins in the 1afia : 7err5 2'"mico -hom is o*0iousl5 1afia+ is one of the men -hom plante) illegal Impro0ise) #ecor)ing 2e0ices *ehin) ci0ilian target's -alls in 1anchester NeHampshire an) else-here3 %his entire net-or. is "GIS Italian+ Italian 1afia+ Sau)i "GIS+ Ser*ian "GIS 1afia+ an) other Criminal-"GIS connections3 - Aro'n$ 7hristmas< a man whom I ha$ @ecome acI'ainte$ with name$ Hoseph Marini open(y ma$e n'mero's $eath threats a&ainst my se(? an$ my ?ami(y. I reporte$ this to the po(ice in Manchester< whom 'pon hearin& his name re?'se$ to in%esti&ate e%en tho'&h I in?orme$ them that I ha$ teFt messa&e recor$s3 recor$e$ %oice mai(s3 an$ witnesses. I ha%e ha$ this pro@(em @e?ore at Manchester NewHamphire Po(ice 2epartment 5 an eF &ir(?rien$ o? mine an$ my se(? ha$ @oth @een threatene$ @y a &ro'p o? ma(es who were threatenin& to Di(( 's an$ threatenin& 's with %io(ence on more than one occaision3 this eF &ir(?rien$ o? mine ha$ her a'tomo@i(e win$ow smashe$ o't @y these men as we(( < e%ent'a((y we reporte$ the threats an$ the win$ow @ein& smashe$ to the po(ice an$ we were to($ @y two po(ice o??icers that it was not an iss'e that sho'($ @e reporte$ to po(ice. :hi(e (i%in& at 2E1 Pine St. Apt. R*1 5 I went to a concert in 7am@ri$&e with A(isha 7ote an$ her ?rien$ 3 a?terwhich we went to a trashy strip c('@ in ;oston ?or $rinDs. A(isha ha$ ?ree passes. Imme$iate(y a?ter I or$ere$ a $rinD5 my ?a%orite @an$ Ha'Jo@@ 3 @e&an p(ayin& on the speaDers an$ a woman @e&an $ancin& on the sta&e. Ha'Jo@@ is a(most 'nhear$ o? in the USA3 they are a German 0(ectronics ;an$ 5 not a sin&(e stripper that I ha%e e%er hear$ o? wo'($ strip to a son& @y Ha'Jo@@. I am positi%e(y certain that the SeF 1ra??icDer at this c('@ was aware o? my presence an$ c'e$ the son& 'p ?rom an MP3 $own(oa$. 1he name o? the c('@ was 7enter?o($s in ;oston. ,I((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e ha%e ha$ $irect contact with the owner o? 7enter,o($s in ;oston 5 the c'ein& o? Ha'Jo@@ was no coinci$ence3 some@o$y Dnew where A(isha an$ I were. P In 200" I :as in?orme$ @y a man who was possi@(y my ?rien$ Anthony McMenemy that

he ha$ temporari(y Joine$ the 7rips &an& an$ that he ha$ met ,i( 0man'e(e. I @e(ie%e that this was an Imposte'r o? Anthony McMenemy who ha$ 7rips 1attoos tattooe$ on his han$ 5 Anthony ne%er Joine$ the 7rips. Anthony was a P'rp(e Heart =eteran in the USA Arme$ ,orces. 1he imposte'r o? Anthony McMenemy In?orme$ me that ,i( ha$ tatooe$ his name on two ?ema(esK @'ttocDs3 that ,i( ha$ $e?ecate$ $own these womenKs throats 3 that ,i( was A$o(? Hit(erKs &reat &ran$ nephew 3 that ,i( ha$ amasse$ a n'm@er o? crime connections an$ was con$'ctin& eFperiments on women whom his th'&s ha$ capt're$ 5 these eFperiments res'(te$ in the s'r&ica( imp(antin& o? ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces in these womanKs @o$yKs < these women were @ein& ?orce$ to ha%e seF on the ?(oor at De& parties an$ were @ein& 'se$ as a prop (iDe a (a%a (amp that ,i( wo'($ ?(icD ci&arettes at an$ $'mp @eer on. Anthony was ?'rio's an$ $is&'ste$ when he to($ me the $etai(s concernin& these attacDs an$ others. Many o? ,I(Ks associates in ;oston were sai$ to @e 7rips3 @'t I Dnow that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e ?act'a((y has a (ar&er n'm@er o? Ma?ia associates an$ that the 0man'e(es are ?act'a((y 7rime 4or$s o? their own 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate. ;etween the years 200* an$ 200" 5 ,I((i@erto 0man'e(eKs propa&an$ists ha$ sprea$ misin?ormation a(( o%er the internet statin& that Israe( ?'n$e$ the 7rips 3 the 2o& Po'n$ Gan& 3 an$ 2eath/ow /ecor$s. In the year 200! 3 a we@site ca((e$ 9i@@'(> an$ ;it> was p'@(ishe$ which $epicte$ %i$eo&raphe$ recor$s o? :ar /apes @ein& committe$ 'pon Israe(i3 7ana$ian 3 an$ American women as racia( tar&ets. 9i@@'(> an$ ;it> was a p'n on the termino(o&y A9i@@'t>A. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs ?action are :ar 7rimina(s 3 :ar /apists3 an$ :ar 7rimina( SeF 1ra??icDers 5 Genoci$a( H'man 1ra??icDers en&a&e$ in a campai&n o? &enoci$a( seF tra??icDin& 3 &enoci$a( m'r$er o? entire ?ami(ies 3 an$ h'man %i%isection. 1hese men are eFtreme(y $eni&ratory o? c'(t're an$ o? re(i&ion < what (ooDe$ (iDe it may ha%e @een H'(ie :einstein @ein& ?orce$ to act as A0mi(y Is(esA was ?orce$ to taDe o?? a MJo(nir 1horKs Hammer Pen$ant3 Samantha ;ernstein an$ H'(ie :einstein were tar&ette$ @eca'se she was o? Israe(i race an$ Hewish re(i&io's tra$ition. Anthony to($ me that ,i( or$ere$ one o? his &'ys to $e?ecate $own the throat o? a Hewish woman < this (ater res'(te$ in the womanKs $eath $'e to toFicosis. .ther women were attacDe$ in the same manner 3 most (i%e$ an$ sho'($ @e a@(e to testi?y. P In 200" 5 a?ter Anthony to($ me a@o't ,i( 0man'e(eKs acti%ities in the ;oston re&ion an$ e(sewhere 3 I recei%e$ ca(( on my ce(('(ar mo@ie te(ephone ?rom a man c(aimin& to @e ,i( 5 AI hear$ yo' @een ta(Din& a@o't m'y crew. I s'&&est yo' $onKt $o that.A to which I rep(ie$ A I am sorry3 I $o not Dnow who yo' are. -o' m'st ha%e the wron& n'm@er.A. Anthony is now missin& an$ there is e%i$ence o? photo e$ittin& on his ,ace@ooD.7om acco'nt. B'otes ha$ @een poste$ @y hacDers on his ,ace@ooD as we(( an$ there is e%i$ence that he was @ein& sta(De$ @y ,i( an$ ,i(Ks A&ents. P It is important to remem@er that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs @rothers were a$opte$ @y mem@ers o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen. 1he 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen are the Pa&es 3 0rrants 3 an$ 9ni&hts 3 o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. ,or reason that the maJority o? the ma(es o? the 0man'e(e ?ami(y themse(%es are SeF 1ra??icDers 3 many o? these men are in%o(%e$ in seF tra??icDin&. SeF 1ra??icDers most o?ten a@$'ct the most %'(nera@(e ?ema(es that they can ?in$3 e%en o?ten $o they a@$'ct chi($ren. 2'rin& 200* ,i( 0man'e(e state$ that his ?ami(y ha$ 7omcast emp(oyees who were (oya( eno'&h to (et

the Ho'se o? Sa%oy wa(D in an$ checD recor$s $irect(y on Ser%ers as we(( as HacD 7omp'ters $irect(y ?rom Ser%ers. ,i( has state$ that they ha%e a man who $oes this < their hacDers most $e?inite(y ha%e @een matchin& ?aces ?rom cata(o&&e$ internet ima&es which they ha%e hacDe$ an$ retrie%e$ ?rom the Ser%er ?rom ,ace@ooD $ata stora&e. 1hese ?aces can @e matche$ 'p 'sin& so?tware. 1he peop(e that I ha%e notice$ whom the missin& ci%i(ians ha%e @een switche$ with o?ten seem to @e seF tra??icDin& %ictims whoKs ?aces ha%e a near(y i$entica( shape to the ?aces o? the other %ictims 3 their @o$y shapes howe%er are o?ten eFtreme(y $i??erent. =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy seems to ha%e p(aye$ a (ar&e ro(e in the camo'?(a&in& o? this &enoci$e which has @e&'n an$ in some re&ions s'ch as NewHampshire ha%e @een near tota(3 the a&ents are @ein& como'?(a&e$ to (ooD (iDe te %ictims which they ha%e Di((e$. 1he i$ea o? the Secret Ser%ice an$ the Presi$ent or the 2epartment o? 2e?ense @ein& swappe$ with A&ents is a terri?yin& concept 5 it is pro@a@(e that they wi(( try 3 many o? the hospita(s in North America are owne$ @y 0man'e(eKs a&ents an$ Properties Stea$ Ho($ers 5 this maDin& it easier ?or the enemy to $estroy o'r pop'(ation co%ert(y. Un$er preteFt that she ha$ a((e&e$(y threatene$ her own ?ami(y %ia emai(s to her co'nse(or< which a comp'ter hacDer ha$ ?or&e$ themse(?3an$ whi(e her co'nci(or was on %acation5 a stan$ in co'nci(or was presente$ an$ my mother was a@$'cte$ ?rom her co'nci(in& appointment in the Ma($en Massach'settes re&ion. She was in a coma when I arri%e$ at the Me(rose :aDe?ie($ I7U that the stan$ in co'nci(or ha$ @ro'&ht her to. 1he n'rse to($ me in a whispere$ %oice that she o%er$ose$ on ;en>o$ia>epines an$ somethin& e(se that I can not remem@er the name o?3 an$ that she ha$ @een @ro'&ht ?rom her appointment to the hospita( @y an am@'(ance. My Nana ha$ waite$ ?or ho'rs ?or my mother to &et o't o? her appointment that $ay. I &'ess my Mother was @ro'&ht o't the @acD $oor o? the co'nse(in& center. 1he neFt $ay my entire ?ami(y was to($ that my motherKs @(oo$ an$ 'rine tests were c(ean an$ that nothin& was at a(( wron& with her... which was impossi@(e @eca'se @oth s'@stances were o? the type that is processe$ thro'&h the (i%er an$ wo'($ show 'p on 'rine an$ @(oo$ tests. 1he neFt $ay3 I $ro%e my car @acD to the hospita( an$ %isite$ my mother in the e0ine Clinic a&ain at Me(rose :aDe?ie($ Hospita( #a&ain< a possi@(e psycho(o&ica( war?are operation @eca'se $amil5 2ollar -as starte) *5 a 7e-ish famil5 -ith the name e0ine an$ I pre%io's(y worDe$ ?or ,ami(y 2o((ar. 1he $oor o%er the I7U sai$ 40=IN0 74INI73 most (iDe(y @eca'se o? )onations to the hospital. I ?ee( this (ocation was intentionall5 chosen @y psycho(o&ica( war?are operati%es as an attempt to ca'se miso H'$aic ?ee(in&s an$ possi@(y a %io(ent reaction ?rom my se(?3 which per 's'a( $i$ not occ'r. A&ent Pro%ocate'r Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are A&ents with 7i%i(ian 1ar&ets) my mother was in a hea%i(y se$ate$ state as i? she ha$ @een inJecte$ with a hea%y $osa&e o? (ora>ipam. P 2'rin& this time3 I wrote to the :or($ Hea(th .r&ani>ation an$ recei%e$ no rep(y. My mother was @ro'&ht to Best-oo) o)ge in Massach'settes whom to($ my ?ami(y ?or I'ite a (on& time that they wo'($ not AConfirm or 2en5 whether or not there was a

2e@ra Ann 4a%oie MacPhersonA at the ?aci(ity or i? there e%er ha$ @een. Soon a?ter she was s'ppose$(y checDe$ in there3 I saw on the te(e%ision that one o? the sta?? who worDe$ there was arreste$ ?or gun charges. My mother is a Metis3 I am worrie$ a@o't the connection @etween this an$ what co'($ possi@(y @e happenin& $own so'th with ProJect G'n/'nner an$ the tra??icDin& o? mi(itary &ra$e ?irearms in this nation in re&ions with mesti>o in$i&eno's pop'(ations near@y who co'($ @e @ein& tar&ette$ @y the &ps $e%ices that apparent(y were on the ?irearms when they were i((e&a((y so($ across the MeFican @or$er3 a(so that ?orei&n non MeFican a&ents co'($ @e p'rchasin& them ?rom the mo(es #em@e$$e$ co%ert operati%es) within the USA &o%ernment. I @e(ie%e that an Internationa( 1errorist A??i(iate$ .r&ani>e$ 7rime Syn$icate3 worDin& ?rom within the Unite$ States &o%ernment somewhere3 may @e responsi@(e ?or many o? these re(ate$ e%ents an$ may possi@(y @e within o'r nations @or$ers an$ ai$in& those who are attemptin& to ?oment ins'r&ent (iDe ?orces an$ con?(icts in North America. It a(most seems (iDe this operation has a mathematica( approach as to how these po(itica( cata(ysts are @ein& accomp(ishe$ @y these a&ents. I am worrie$ a@o't this possi@(y @ein& connecte$ to po(itica( a&ents o? the propose$ North American Union an$ pre%io's attempts at !lo*alization of the State an$ insti&ation o? &(o@a( wars. :hi(e my ?ami(y were @ein& to($ that my mother was in :estwoo$ (o$&e in Massach'settes < I trie$ to contact the North American Hea(th .r&ani>ation 3 the :or($ Hea(th .r&ani>ation3 %ario's &o%ernment a&encies3 an$ interpo(. Not one o? these a&encies respon$e$. My emai(s ha%e a(( @een @ein& @(ocDe$< my ?rien$ MiDe Smith trie$ ?or two months to emai( me an$ a(( o? his emai(s were @o'nce$ @acD 'n$e(i%era@(e3 an$ the North 0ast Asatr' 4ist stoppe$ @ein& $e(i%era@(e to my emai( acco'nt. 0%en now< I am writin& this witness statement to m'(tip(e state a&encies3 internationa( comm'nities an$ or&ani>ations3 nations a((ie$ to the USA3 an$ nations ne'tra( to USA 5 none o? my emai(s seem to @e &ettin& $e(i%ere$ at a((. I ha%e ma$e n'mero's emai( acco'nts an$ sti(( none o? my emai(s are @ein& respon$e$ to. A(tho'&h on(y a@o't ha(? o? my emai(s &et ret'rne$ to me as 'n$e(i%era@(e3 none o? them at a(( are respon$e$ to. I ha%e mai(e$ n'mero's copies o? this witness statement3 none o? them ha%e @een respon$e$ to. It on(y seems (o&ica( that a s(eeper ce(( is in p(ace c'rrent(y interceptin& mai( an$ @(ocDin& emai(s5 this wo'($ @e capa@(e o? @ein& $one i? a speci?ic co%ert ce(( was acti%e sim'(taneo's(y whi(e in the proper positions o? &o%ernment in synchronic emp(oyment < a(so3 the emai(s wo'($ @e capa@(e o? @ein& @(ocDe$ entire(y or rero'te$ i? a terrorist ce(( tooD a (oca( $epartment o? 7y@er7omman$NSi&na(s Inte((i&ence or 7IA. Mai( is intercepta@(e @y 7IA3 ,;I3 Mi(itary Po(ice3 ;om@ SI'a$s3 an$ sometimes Home(an$ Sec'rity. I? a 1ar&ette$ In$i%i$'a( is i((e&a((y @ein& tar&ette$ an$ tracDe$ @y the $irector o? a $epartment whom has mana&e$ to ?i(( the $epartmentKs seats with co%ert operati%es (oya( to the acti%ate$ s(eeper a&ent3 in the $ecapitatin& position as $irector 5 there wo'($ @e (itt(e to no a@i(ity ?or an interna( a??airs in%esti&ation to remo%e the acti%ate$ co%ert s(eeper ce(( ?rom the $epartment @ein& that it is the entire $epartment an$ the citi>ens @ein& tar&ette$ ha%e &ps (ocation an$ possi@(e Ne'roScience $ata @ein& transmitte$ ?rom the ci%i(ian showin& e%en what they are thinDin&3 ena@(in& so?tware manip'(ation o? their $ecision maDin& an$ pre empti%e p(annin& on the part o? the &enoci$a( enemy terrorist ?action.

I stoppe$ @y my motherKs ?atherKs cotta&e at hampton @each to ta(D to him a@o't my mother. I arri%e$ 'neFpecte$ %ery ear(y in the mornin& an$ there was a man there who was not my Grampy who was $resse$ simi(ar(y an$ was attemptin& to @eha%e (iDe him @'t (ooDe$ nothin& (iDe him. My Grampy is /ona($ 4a%oie Sr.< a ,ranco Gae(ic Metis3 the man who was there was not. I am not s're how to eFp(ain this to peop(e3 @eca'se they wi(( say that I am ima&inin& thin&s. I ha%e seen my act'a( Grampy since then once3 @'t this man on this partic'(ar $ay was not. He (ooDe$ to @e o? miFe$ /'ssian an$ miFe$ Sici(ian ancestry 5 it is (o&ica( to ass'me that his I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s were ?aDe when he entere$ the co'ntry an$ that he has m'(tip(e i$entities as we(( as ?reI'ent(y 'n$er&oes =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy ?or p'rpose o? 'sin& the m'(tip(e i$entities in m'(tip(e nations. 1his man (ooDs physica((y re(ate$ to the Ita(ian ;anDer whom ha$ approache$ me at 2'nDin 2on'ts in 200! an$ (a'&he$ sa$istica((y at me 5 $'rin& the month that my 10 year o($ sister 7he(sey /ain MacPherson was Di$nappe$ ?rom the Ma(( o? NewHampshire where the 2'nDin 2on'ts was. 1he Sici(ian man whom was seen with 7he(sey /ain MacPherson was a(so seen in the company o? 3 other chi($ren. My Gran$?atherKs winterhome was near :est Pa(m ;each ,(ori$a3 I @e(ie%e that 0$ :arren has connections in the re&ion o? ,(ori$a as we(( as $o the Gam@inos o? the Ita(ian Ma?ia whom may @e connecte$ to some o? these in$i%i$'a(s. Aro'n$ the time that my mother was p't in the 4e%ine 7(inic in the Me(rose :aDe?ie($ Hospita( 5 there was a (ist o? names poste$ in the .@it'aries in the newspapers in New Hersey an$ Pennsy(%ania. 1he (ist o? names were names o? some o? my ?ami(y mem@ers. 1hey were /ona($ 4a%oie Hr. #my motherKs @rother) 3 /ose #my motherKs a'nt) 3 2e@ra A 4a%oie #my mother) 3 HacDie He'ser#my motherKs co'sin) 3 Hansen #a &'y my Grampy 'se$ to worD ?or) . I @e(ie%e that this (ist in the New Hersey an$ Pennsy(%ania News Paper .@it'aries was a cyphere$ hit (ist. Since this time3 I ha%e seen more than one imposte'r o? my mother who c(aim that they are my mother @'t (ooD (iDe they are ?orei&n an$ ha%e ha$ =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tation to (ooD J'st (iDe my mother. She is o@%io's(y not my mother3 she $oesnKt e%en Dnow my motherKs (i?e history. A 2N" test wo'($ pro%e which one is my mother #i? she is in a hospita( sti(() @eca'se her mother is ha(? Nati%e American #,irst Nations) an$ ha(? ,rench #co(onia( american)< her ?ather is a@o't 1N* nati%e #,irst Nations) an$ the rest is ,rench an$ Irish. .? the women c(aimin& to @e my mother3 there is one that is o@%io's(y Ita(ian A(@anian miFe$ ethnicity3 one that is Ita(ian3 an$ one that is miFe$ ,rench Ita(ian. .ne o? these women accompanie$ me to a co'rt hearin& an$ sat neFt me in co'rt. My (awyers name was Hoe 1essier an$ my socia( worDer associate$ with the case was name$ Scott ;rennan 5 'pon hearin& the name Scott ;rennan3 the woman preten$in& to @e my Mother sai$ A.h ScottM I went to hi&hschoo( with him. I want to ta(D to him3 I ha%enKt seen him in a (on& time.A I a((owe$ the imposte'r o? my Mother to accompany me to a co'rt hearin& $'rin& which Scott ;rennan was present 5 the p'rpose ?or this was ?or her ima&e to @e %i$eo recor$e$ an$ permanant(y $oc'mente$ @y the state whom Deeps these recor$in&s. My mother ne%er went to schoo( with Scott ;rennan 5 she is a@o't e(e%en years o($er than him. ;ein& that there are m'(tip(e women 'sin& my motherKs paperworD< it is possi@(e that they may ha%e sto(en more than one %ictimKs i$entity paperworD. I @e(ie%e these peop(e are attemptin& to hi$e their ?ami(y insi$e o? the USA 3 'sin& the i$enti?ication paperworD o? their %ictims.

My MotherKs (ast Dnown (ocation was :est:oo$ 4o$&e in :est:oo$ Massach'settes 5 m'ch o? my ?ami(y ha%e @een Psych :ar?are Assa'(te$ an$ threatene$ to remain si(ent3 some o? them are c'rrent(y missin& as we(( as ha%e some @een possi@(y eFchan&e$ with other hosta&es as we(( as SeF 1ra??icDe$. 0Fchan&e o? Hosta&es @etween two parties o? %ictims whom are 'na@(e to contact one another is a Psych :ar?are metho$ wherein the ?ami(ies in%o(%e$ sti(( maintain hope that the in$i%i$'a(s are sa?e an$ a(i%e3 @e(ie%in& that i? they $o as they are to($ the in$i%i$'a(s in%o(%e$ wi(( @e a((owe$ to (i%e at the en$ o? the hosta&e scenario 5 as psycho(o&ica( co((atera(3 the eFchan&e$ %ictims are %isi@(y a(i%e an$ in the presense o? the ?ami(y whom are missin& in$i%i$'a( mem@ers o? their ?ami(y 'nit. I @e(ie%e =ittorio 0man'e(e may ha%e p'rchase$ most o? the hospita(s in the re&ion 'sin& 'nno??icia( A/oya( /etainersA 5 p'ttin& the p'rchase in some@o$y e(ses name3 with some@o$y e(ses si&nat're on it. I? he has contro( o%er some o? the hospita(s3 me$ica( recor$s co'($ easi(y @e ?or&e$. 1he materia(s necessary to create %ia(e$ Hemo&(o@in ;atches o? =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy are a%ai(a@(e to hospita( (a@oratories 5 in the past ten years3 =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy has @een 'se$ ?or p'rposes o? espiona&e $is&'ise. 7osmetic S'r&eons are a(so rea$i(y a%ai(a@(e at hospita(s an$ can ?or&e ?a(si?ie$ a$mittance paperworD. A@o't 5 years a&o whi(e %isitin& my Gran$mother in Ma($en Massach'settes 5 she to($ me AIan3 there is more than one 2e@@ie. I $onKt Dnow how to eFp(ain it. Some times she is 2e@@ie3 sometimes it is not 2e@@ie. So ?ar I ha%e seen three 2e@@ies. She (ea%es sometimes 5 I $onKt Dnow where she &oes3 an$ when she comes @acD it isnKt her. 1his isnKt &oo$ Ian3 @e care?'( oDMA .ne o? the three women preten$in& to @e my mother is $e?inite(y &'i(ty< I @e(ie%e she may @e an i((e&itimate 0man'e(e or an 0%o(a. She has @roa$ sho'($ers an$ %ery narrow hips< as we(( as a (ar&e ?orehea$. She $oes not (ooD at a(( (iDe my mother. She is $e?inite(y a(most entire(y Ita(ian. She (ooDs (iDe Gi'(io 7esare 0%o(a3 I @e(ie%e it possi@(e that he may ha%e @een her &ran$?ather or &ran$ 'nc(e an$ it (ooDs as i? one o? her &ran$parents was ha(? a(@anian. 1he 0man'e(es an$ the 0%o(as tooD care to hi$e a n'm@er o? their @(oo$(ines ?or the p'rpose o? ens'rin& the s'r%i%a( o? their (inea&e sho'($ they ?ai( in their &oa( o? G(o@a( 7onI'est3 res'(tin& in possi@(e &'i((otine @ehea$in& o? their ?ami(ies. 1he other two women impersonatin& my Mother may possi@(y @e tra??icDin& %ictims @ein& 'se$ as p(ace ho($ers ?or i$entity paperworD at speci?ic (ocations. %his *rings to min) &) Barren's statement to "nthon5 2efeo in the mi))le of the store near the greeting car)s+ -hen he state) /%his is going to *e li.e in0asion of the *o)5 snatchers+ )u)e3/ an) the fact that the 1anchester Ne-Hampshire 2epartment of 1otor 8ehicles -as in0estigate) )ue to the crimes committe) *5 emplo5ees -ho ha) *een printing )uplicate i)entification car)s for terrorists to use as aliases3 - "fter I returne) from in0estigating -hat ha) happene) to m5 1other an) to other people3 I notice) that m5 "partment ha) *een entere) an) that some*o)5 ha) *een using m5 computer3 " $ruit5 oops "u)io $ile that I ha) e@porte) as a 3mp: file ha) *een seperate) into D; sections an) a file ha) *een uploa)e) to the &l)er Scrolls O*li0ion game files : the uploa) -as an animate) face -hich replace) the face of one of the characters in the game3 %he animate) face that replace) the face of the character from the game -as an animation of the face of a

Con0icte) Se@-Offen)er -ho -as sighte) in Hospitals in the Ne-Hampshire an) 1assachusettes region + -ith 8ittorio &manuele's son Chris %homas3 %he character in the game -as an "ssassin 1on. -ho -as a mem*er of an "ssassins' !uil) calle) /the 2ar. Brotherhoo)/3 Bhile li0ing at ;: %emple Street in Nashua Ne-Hampshire + I -itnesse) the #e) Oa. Propert5 1anagement 1aintainance man to Pete Potenza an) Bernie : this man is a Crime-Sol)ier of the Italian Sa0o5-"GIS $action an) is )efinitel5 a Con0icte) Se@-Offen)er from 1anchester Ne-Hampshire -hom the5 8iral-8ector !ene-%herap5 mutate) to appear of similar appearance as the man -ho's I)entification Cre)entials he has *een using3 I ha0e seen him on a #egistr5 ist3 8ittorio /8ictor/ &manuele an) his sons ha0e foun) numerous -a5s of o*taining .e5s to tenant's front-)oors to their homes3 %he &manuele famil5 often purchase properties an) ha0e Properties Stea)-Hol)ers sign the paper-or. for them + for reason of putting the O-ner's 2ocuments in a )ifferent persons name or names : these in)i0i)uals are then or)ere) to gi0e a cop5 of e0er5 .e5 to the &manuele famil5 of the House of Sa0o5 + an) the5 act as Propert5 1anagers for the properties3 %he Italian Sa0o5-"GIS $action ha0e a series of initiation-crimes that a person must commit *efore the5 are truste) + most of these are Se@-Offenses an) inclu)e Se@-Offenses upon Chil)ren an) e0entuall5 Bar-Crimes3 #epeate) Home In0asion an) #ape is one of these crimes3 It is also important to mention that Impro0ise) "u)io-#ecor)ing 2e0ices constructe) of 1o*ile Cellular %elephone Parts -ere illegall5 installe) -ithin the -alls of m5 apartment at at ;K6 Pine Street "partment L >6 at Par. 8ie"partments 3 * Currentl5 in 1anchester : there is an imposteur of m5 (ncle Scot Cart5 -ho is raciall5 Italian3 15 uncle Scot Cart5 is factuall5 at least 6I> $irst-Nations Nati0e "merican + at least 6I> $ran.ic-"merican + an) )i) not .no- -hat his *iological $ather's 2N" -as *ecause m5 !ran)1other 7oanne %ru)eau Cart5 -as rape) *5 Scot Cart5's *iological father3 Scot Cart5 loo.e) pro*a*l5 6I> Hispanic an) it is pro*a*le that his *iological father -as half Spanish3 2uring the month that I sathe imposteur Scot Cart5 in 1achester Ne-Hampshire in ;=6: + I sa- t-o pure*re) racial Italians attempting to loo. li.e "ra*ian racial-t5pes : using 8iral-8ector !ene-%herap5 to appear raciall5 "ra*ic3 One of these in)i0i)uals loo.e) as if he -as attempting to appear to *e an "ra*ian man -ho use) to )rin. *eers at the #"GG Billiar)s Bar -ho use) to -ear a leather /In)ians/ Base*all %eam leather, an) ha) long curl5 hair3 %he other man loo.e) li.e a pure-*re) Sicilian -ho -as 8iral-8ector !ene-%herap5 mutate) to loo. li.e he -as inten)e) to loo. half "ra*ic raciall5 : the 2N" -hich he -as -earing li.e a costume E loo.e) to *e ta.en primaril5 from Nic. Panneton + Bo* Shagour5 + an) Sau)i-"ra*ian 2N"3 * 2uring the 5ear ;==9 + 2aphen Cona-a5's cop5 of the film /%he Punisher/ on 282 -as e)itte) an) au)io-)u**e) to inclu)e the name /7ac. 2ion/ instea) of the name /$ran. Castle/3

* 2uring ;==K + 2aphen .ne- 1i.e Shac.lefor) : apparentl5 1i.e Shac.lefor) met $il &manuele3 1i.e Shac.lefor) -ent to school in 1errimac. Ne-Hampshire an) 1anchester Ne-Hampshire -hile he -as in Highschool3 P 2'rin& this time3 my eF &ir(?rien$ 2aphen mentione$ that on her way to worD she hear$ her son Cachary sayin& AIKm hereA thro'&h the speaDers o? her car. He was enro((e$ in Din$er&arten at the time. Her car ha$ recent(y @een hit an$ she ha$ taDen it to a mechanic< somehow3 some@o$y m'st ha%e @een a@(e to &et into the a'tomoti%e repair &ara&e an$ p(ante$ an impro%ise$ mo@i(e phone $e%ice sp(ice$ into the speaDer wire @ehin$ the $ash@oar$ or in the $oor ?rame an$ p(aye$ a recor$in& o? him sayin& he((o to me #which wo'($ ha%e @een recor$e$ @y the phreaDe$ ce(( phone @'& in the wa(() when they ha$ come to %isit me. A mo@i(e phone has a(ot o? the parts necessary ?or this to @e $one easi(y an$ it co'($ @e ca((e$ %ia comp'ter phone #&oo&(ephone ?or instance) an$ recor$e$ into a comp'ter @y so?tware. At this time she was worDin& in @oston ?or the posta( ser%ice an$ she ha$ to taDe a @'s ?rom the parDin& (ot to her Jo@. .@%io's(y these psy war terrorist operati%es ha%e Ita(ian Ma?ia connections in the re&ion an$ are 'sin& them to &et most o? their worD $one. In or)er to *uil) one of these cell-phone )e0ices a terrorist agent -oul) onl5 nee) a Cell-Phone+ Circuit-Ben)ing %ools+ Spea.erBire 8oltage-Con0erter+ &lectrical %ape+ Bire+ an) CapsE the )e0ice -oul) *e splice--ire) into the of the automo*ile an)Ior theater-au)io s5stem3 * !oogle-Phone can *e use) in con,unction -ith an Internet "pplication to fa.e Phone Num*ers+ Caller I)entification s5stems an) Cell Phone Num*er #ecognition S5stems to i)entif5 the caller's num*er as a )ifferent num*er these applications can *e use) in con,unction -ith 0oice immitations for espionage3 %he 1ilitar5 Signals Intelligence 2epartment can still i)entif5 the original callers num*ers an) locations3 P :hen I ha$ ?irst met 2aphen3 she was worDin& at the =ista ,oo$s S'permarDet which 'se$ to @e in the same parDin& (ot as the ,ami(y 2o((ar that I ha$ @een worDin& at. 0$ :arren an$ my se(? 'se$ to &o into the &rocery store in the mornin& to &et co??ee @e?ore worD. I was 20 years o($. I am c'rrent(y 2" years o? a&e. I @e(ie%e 2aphen was tar&ette$ @y 0$ :arren who &a%e her in?ormation to ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e 3 7hris 1homas 3 an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e. 1hey ha%e @een o@sessi%e(y sta(Din& my se(? an$ a(( o? my acI'aintances since 200*3 I met 2aphen in 2005. :hi(e he was in pre schoo( $'rin& the year 200E or 200! 2aphenKs son Cachary Michae( 7onnaway somehow somewhere was s'r&ica((y imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace. 1he comp'ter %i$eo &ame A;'((yA ha$ J'st @een re(ease$ on the marDet. Some@o$y was 'sin& Cachary 7onaway as a p'ppet @oFer an$ was maDin& him physica((y assa'(t the other (itt(e Di$s at the preschoo(. Cachary 7onaway was eFpe((e$ ?rom Pre Schoo( as a res'(t o? this. 2'rin& the year 200" 3 whi(e I was $atin& 2aphen 7onaway an$ he(pin& her raise her son 5 I ta'&ht him to stop attacDin& peop(e @y pinchin& his ca(? e%ery time he p'nche$ 3 @it 3 scratche$ 3 DicDe$ 3 or eye &o'&e$

some@o$y. 0%ent'a((y Cachary stoppe$ @ein& %io(ent. :hat I notice$ was that imme$iate(y a?ter this 3 CacharyKs arms wo'($ @e&in to mo%e an$ he wo'($ p'(( them $own to himse(? < his (e& wo'($ @e&in to DicD an$ he wo'($ t'rn himse(?. His mo'th ?reI'ent(y ma$e comments re(ate$ to ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs statements in the past 3 s'ch as A;roDe ;acD Mo'ntain ,aceLA AStinDy ;'tt ,aceLA etc. Cachary @e&an comp(ainin& that his mo'th was mo%in& on itKs own an$ that he $i$ not inten$ ?or his arms to mo%e when he hit some@o$y. He sai$ that he $i$ not Ate((A his @rain to $o it 3 an$ that some@o$y e(se Ato($A his @rain to $o it. 1he mo%ie that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e may ha%e cameo appeare$ in @rie?(y as an o($ man Ha((oween 1ricDK.rK1reater $resse$ as a 2e%i( carryin& a Pitch?orD 5 was possi@(y the mo%ie Pro@(em 7hi($ 2. :hi(e I was $atin& 2aphen 3 Cachary to($ me that men with A;(acD SDi MasDsA entere$ the ho'se the ni&ht pre%io's 3 statin& 5 AI hope the men with the @(acD sDi masDs $onKt come in here a&ain an$ scare me.A . Samantha G'ay was a@$'cte$ @y a =an ?'(( o? men with @(acD sDi masDs an$ an o($ man $ri%er who was wearin& a sca((y cap an$ ha$ &rown his ?acia( hair scr'??y 3 who ha$ @('e eyes an$ resem@(e$ =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e. Since 200* I ha%e seen what appeare$ to @e a penci(e$ $rawin& o? ,i((i@erto APhi( McMannA 0man'e(eKs ?ace on the te(e%ision an$ on the internet 5 m'(tip(e times3 the $rawin& was the ?ace o? a s'spect in more than one witness report in%o(%in& a rape. 1hese rapes occ'rre$ in the USA an$ 7ana$a. It is possi@(e that ,i((i@erto has @een attemptin& to rape an$ impre&nate women a(( o%er the wor($ ?or the p'rpose o? pre%entin& his @(oo$(ine ?rom @ecomin& eFtinct. 1he paranoia o? @ein& eFpose$ as A$o(? Hit(erKs @io(o&ica( ?ami(y wo'($ create a ?rantic reaction ?rom a ?ami(y in%o(%e$ in years o? terrorism an$ or&ani>e$ crime < I @e(ie%e that it was this paranoia that $ro%e the eFi(e$ roya( 0man'e(e ?ami(y to the eFtremes that ha%e c'(minate$ in the o%ert eFpos're an$ ?'t're arrest o? their ?ami(y. In the past ten years5 (aw en?orcement an$ in%esti&ati%e a&encies (ocate$ on the entire 0ast 7oast o? North America ha%e reporte$ n'mero's $'n&eons @ein& ?o'n$3 ?ema(e hosta&es @ein& ?o'n$3 'ni$enti?ie$ remains o? ?ema(es @o$ies3 an$ accomp(ices to crimes @ein& con%icte$ whom are somehow psycho(o&ica( capa@(e o? (yin& an$ ho($in& their si(ence a@o't the &'i(ty party in%o(%e$ in the crimes. In n'mero's o? these $escriptions he was $escri@e$ as wearin& a hoo$e$ sweatshirt an$ a%iator s'n&(asses. Many o? these occ'rre$ in New Hampshire 3 =ermont 3 Massach'settes 3 Maine 3 an$ other re&ions near New0n&(an$. I mo%e o't o? the apartment an$ mo%e in with my eF &ir(?rien$ e(sewhere. :hi(e at a Mc2ona($s reta'rant 3 I saw a &ir( that (ooDe$ a(ot (iDe my sister 7he(sey MacPherson. She was (ooDin& at me. It may ha%e @een the ?act'a( 7he(sey. A ,ace@ooD pro?i(e attempte$ to a$$ me $'rin& the approFimate year 200" 3 c(aimin& to @e 7he(sey 5 this pro?i(e c(aime$ that they were 7he(sey an$ ha$ @een m'tate$ to (ooD $i??erent. I (ost contact with this pro?i(e 3 I thinD some@o$y @(ocDe$ o'r pro?i(es ?rom eachother in the ,ace;ooD Ser%er. 1here was a photo&raph o? her that (ooDe$ (iDe it was taDen in the 2'm@arton =ir&inia 4i@rary. A short $arDhaire$ ita(ian man whom was a po(ice o??icer in the New -orD Po(ice

2epartment an$ was c'rrent(y worDin& ?or homelan) securit5 at the local airport near the cit5 of 1anchester NH at the time3 (i%e$ $irect(y @eneath 's. He to($ me his name was ,ranD @'t I @e(ie%e that his mai(@oF sai$ 0$ /occio. i.e &) Barren+ he to($ me on more than one occaision that he @e(ie%e$ that "N11 was an Ainsi$e Jo@A an$ that it was the USA &o%ernmentKs A/eichsta& ,ireA< @(amin& it on Geor&e ;'sh an$ 2icD 7heney. I $e@ate$ it with him a @it an$ then I J'st stoppe$ ta(Din& to him @eca'se I ?e(t that he was attemptin& to promote Se$ition. #eichstag *urning reference: ")olf /HitlerShic.legru*er/ *urne) )o-n the !erman go0ernment parliament-office an) *lame) the #ussians+ using the /arson/ as an e@cuse to in0a)e Polan)3 15 h5pothesis is that 8ittorrio &manuele has a guilt-mechanism in0ol0e) in his )ecision an) the or)ers he gi0es to his agents on american soil+ -hich lea0es an e@tremel5 e0i)ent psych-profile "fingerprint" e0er5 time3 P =ittorio 0man'e(eKs psycho(o&ica( reaction to &'i(t is compari@(e to a person ho($in& a mirror in ?ront o? them when con?ronte$ with e%i$ence o? their crimes @y an acc'ser. 1his comparison o? &'i(t is o?ten accompanie$ with a ?a(se proc(aimation that a(( other peop(e wo'($ $o the same in a simi(ar sit'ation. 1his has @een seen in n'mero's propa&an$a pieces which ha%e @een p'@(ishe$ to the internet in the past 10 years 5 these statements were o? the nat're that they $ec(are$ that a(( peop(es ha%e committe$ acts o? &enoci$a( ho(oca'st in the past3 that a(( peop(e ha%e committe$ crimes which wo'($ ?a(( 'n$er the Ahate crimesA (e&is(ation3 that the Israe(is are racist eFtremists3 that Israe(is ha%e a(ways @een racist eFtremists whom eFterminate$ n'mero's nations $'rin& the process o? esta@(ishin& the Nationa( Home(an$ o? Israe( $'rin& the ;.7. era 3 that a(( peop(es are racist eFtremists3 that Germans @eha%e (iDe A$o(? Hit(er an$ are A$o(? Hit(erKs peop(e3 that Asatr' is somehow re(ate$ to A$o(? Hit(er3 that Swe$es are racist imperia(ists3 that Norwe&ians are secret(y $escen$ants o? the ?o'n$ers o? the 3r$ /eich3 that ?o(D re(i&ion is racist3 that A?o(D ismA is a racist AismA an$ that ha%in& a peop(e is racist eFtremism 3 that nati%ism is a racist AismA an$ that @ein& nati%e is racist3 an$ that a(( peop(e are hypocrites3 that In$iaKs caste system is racist 5 the reason ?or this @ein& that =ittorio 0man'e(e has a heirarchy o? A&ents @eneath him an$ is a G(o@a( 1errorist 7rime 4or$ whoKs Gran$ Unc(e was (itera((y A$o(? Hit(er. A$o(? Hit(er was a ?aDe name3 A$o(? Hit(er was a 4om@ar$ Ita(ian o? the /oya( (ine o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 5 A$o(? was the i((e&itimate son o? the 9in& o? Ita(y whom ha$ pro$'ce$ a chi($ ?rom an a??air with his co'sin whom was o? the (ines o? Ita(ian Sa%oy an$ Aosta o? A'stria an$ 4om@ar$i. Many o? the p(ans o? the 3r$ /eich were a(rea$y ?orm'(ate$ an$ en&ineere$ prior to the ,irst :or($ :ar < in ?act3 the Secon$ :or($ :ar was act'a((y an impro%ise$ attempt at reconstr'ctin& the @e((i&erant A6IS ,orces o? the ,irst :or($ :ar into the e%ent'a( ?orm an$ str'ct're which ha$ @een p(anne$ to eFist prior to the ,irst :or($ :ar sho'($ it ha%e @een a s'ccess. 1ar&ette$ @y this G(o@a(ist Imperia(ist ,action were ,o(D /e(i&ions3 Nationa(ist .r&ani>ations an$ In$i%i$'a(s3 /aces o? peop(es whom were (ar&e(y represente$ within comm'nities o? Nationa(ists s'ch as Cionist Israe(is3 an$ races o? peop(e whom co'($ @e easi(y conI'ere$ an$ $ra?te$ as shocD troops 5 s'ccess @y any means possi@(e was the ethic o? the A6IS prior to :or($ :ar .ne3 $'rin& the p(annin& phases o? 1ota( G(o@a( Uni?ication an$ 7onI'est. 1he ethic o? the A6IS was that it was accepta@(e to eFert tota(

contro( o? printin& presses3 wor$ o? mo'th $isc'ssions an$ pop'(ar opinion3 &(o@a( propa&an$a an$ me$ia3 (yin& was accepta@(e3 as we(( as contro((in& an$ in?('encin& the wor$s spoDen ?rom the mo'ths o? &o%ernment an$ re(i&io's (ea$ers < these wea(thy crimina(s @e(ie%e$ that these crimes were J'sti?ie$ @y the en$ res'(t3 which was the esta@(ishment o? G(o@a( Uni?ication in one series o? consec'ti%e actions. 1he scape &oats o? the A6IS whom they @(ame$ their &oa(s ?or G(o@a( Uni?ication 'pon were the Cionist Israe(i Nationa(ists3 the Hews3 the German Nationa( Socia(ist 4a@or Party3 the 1h'(e Society3 Ma$ame ;(a%atsDy3 an$ 7omm'nists. ;etween 200* 200" n'mero's artic(es were p'@(ishe$ to the internet $e?amin& ,o(D /e(i&ions proc(aimin& that A1he I(('minati SeF Han$(ersA an$ the 7IA ProJect M9U41/A were contin'e$ @y a &ro'p o? Satanic ;(oo$(ines in%o(%e$ in SeF 1ra??icDin&3 H'man =i%isection3 Genoci$e3 as we(( as Ne'ro(o&y 0Fperiments an$ that these ASatanic ;(oo$(inesA were 7e(tic an$ Germanic with 3r$ /eich 7onnections 5 it was p'@(ishe$ that this ASatanic 7a@a(A 'se$ APa&an Sym@o(ismA an$ tatooe$ themse(%es an$ their %ictims with APa&an Sym@o(ismA as we(( as wore APa&an Sym@o(ismA 55 the 1risDe(ion3 a ho(y sym@o( 3 was (ater misappropriate$ as a sym@o( o? the ;2SM 7omm'nity. 1hese entire campai&n was an attempt @y =ittorio 0man'e(e to ?rame the Asatr' 7omm'nity an$ other ,o(D /e(i&ions ?or the crimes o? his own an$ his associates in%o(%in& SeF 1ra??icDin&3 the in?i(tration o? 7IA ProJect M9U41/A @y /ichar$ He(ms3 H'man =i%isection3 Genoci$e3 0(ectronic :ar?are3 Ne'ro(o&y 0Fperiments3 his Gran$?ather =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs inheritance o? the A6IS3 an$ the ?act that =ittorioKs Gran$ Unc(e was A$o(? Hit(er. Ita(ian 7rime Syn$icates 'se 7hristian Ima&ery< in the USA 5 the MA,IA has connections to the He((Ks An&e(s whom ha%e s'@si$aries name$ Satanic so'n$in& names3 n'mero's crimina( &an&s in North America a(so 'se a Star .? 2a%i$ in their ta&&in&. A7or'na SacraA means the ASacre$ 7rownA which re(ates to the 7rown o? 1horns which Hes's was ?orce$ to wear @y the /omans the $ay he was cr'ci?ie$. =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate as we(( as some o? his 'n$oc'mente$ 7o'sins attacDe$ the Asatr' comm'nity &(o@a((y $'e to ?ear that they may ha%e @een part o? the networD o? peop(e whom were to($ o? =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs physica( ?ami(ia( re(ation to his Ha(? ;rother A$o(? Hit(er. =ittorio 0man'e(e @(ames his %ictims ?or his own crimes 3 @(ame his %ictims ?or their own %ictimi>ation3 an$ @(ames his %ictims ?or his own crimina( associations. =ittorio 0mane'e(eKs psycho(o&y is the psycho(o&ica( patho(o&y o? a seria( rapist an$ a seria( Di((er. 1he maintanance &'y ?or the @'i($in& $'rin& the time that I (i%e$ in 2erry a@o%e 0$ /occhioKs apartment 5 (ooDe$ miFe$ Iranian an$ 4e@anese3 or Iranian an$ Syrian. 1here was another maintainance man on the &ro'n$s occaisiona((y whom was Ita(ian an$ seeme$ to Dnow 0$ /occhio. I @e(ie%e it (iDe(y that one o? these three in$i%i$'a(s Dnows a mem@er o? the 0man'e(e 0%o(a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icateKs a((iance with an .ttoman A6IS ,action whom en&ineere$ an$ orchestrate$ the "N11 1errorist AttacDs an$ (ater @(ame$ the USA3 te((in& 's that we $i$ it to o'rse(%es. It is a(so (o&ica( that the hiJacDers were the ?ami(y mem@ers o? potentia( hosta&es taDen @y a 1errorist .r&ani>ation we(( e$'cate$ ?rom ?irst han$ eFperience in 4i?e 4on& Hosta&e 7risis Psycho(o&y o? SeF 1ra??icDin&. SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims are most o?ten 4i?e 4on& Hosta&es. AttacDin& an entire nation with @oF c'tters eFhi@its the psycho(o&y o? $esperation 5 it is (iDe(y that the hiJacDers were not on(y assai(ants @'t were a(so %ictims whom were Dnown to the

0man'e(e 0%o(a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate whom ha%e @een tryin& to re@'i($ the A6IS an$ pre empti%e(y $estroy their percei%e$ enemies. I was ta(Din& a@o't this hypothesis $'rin& 200* when =ittorio 0man'e(e @e&an sta(Din& me an$ 0$ :arren was trans?erre$ to my worDp(ace at ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n St. in Manchester NewHamsphire. - Bhile at his .in)ergarten+ m5 e@-girlfrien)'s son -as tol) *5 a classmate that there -as a man -ho li0e) in his apartment *uil)ing that -as going to enter his apartment -hile he -as sleeping an) .ill his mother's *o5frien)3 %he chil) at school tol) her son that the man -ho li0e) in the *uil)ing ha) a gun an) that he -as not going to .ill him an) his mother+ *ut that he -as going to .ill his mother's *o5frien)3 I sta5e) a-a.e for three -ee.s an) -aiting at the li0ing-room )oor3 2'rin& the time that I was (i%in& with 2aphen an$ her son in 2erry 3 her son @e&an to ta(D a@o't a man name$ APhi(A. Since 200* when she worDe$ at =ista ,oo$s on 4inco(n st in Manchester New Hampshire < 2aphen ha$ met a APhi(A n'mero's times. I @e(ie%e that this was ,i((i@erto ?or reason that I ha%e seen him in Manchester m'(tip(e times. A 2=2 was psy war e$ite$ an$ o%er$'@@e$ whi(e we were (i%in& there an$ whi(e I was watchin& it3 it happene$ to @e $'@@e$ o%er with somethin& stran&e re?errin& to AIrishA peop(e an$ A:i&sA. 1he mo%ie was 2o$&e@a((. I (ater hear$ some@o$y on the ?irst ?(oor who (i%e$ towar$ the en$ o? the ha(( sayin& somethin& a(on& the (ines o? Ayo' J'st (e?t it 'p thereM now i am &oin& to ha%e to &o @acD 'p there a&ainLA. 2aphen an$ I went to the 0((iot Hospita( in Manchester NH #where my a'nt ?ormer(y worDe$) to &et her Dnee eFamine$. 1he patient i$enti?ication @race(et they &a%e her ha$ the n'm@er KKK printe$ on it< this is o? re(e%ence $'e to the ?act that the ni&ht @e?ore this3 we ha$ @een $isc'ssin& the /mar. of the *east/ as Heho%aKs :itnesses ca(( it an$ that it co'($ @e =erichips3 GPS chips3 an$ ;7IKs #;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace Microchips). It was the e%enin& o? what has recent(y @een $ec(are$ the IN%&#N"%ION" 2"Y O$ P&"C& an$ we were tar&ette$ ?or psych war?are the neFt $ay in a pri%ate(y owne$ hospita( on o'r own American soi(. 1he man who was the $octor that $ay wore a nameta& that sai$ AP'rin&tonA. P 2octor P'rin&ton ha$ an An&(o SaFon name an$ an 0n&(ish appearance. 2octer P'rin&tonKs @eha%ior seeme$ s(i&ht(y 'nnat'ra( an$ he ha$ a s(i&ht(y 'nnat'ra( (ooD a@o't him. As 2octor P'rin&ton eFamine$ 2aphenKs Dnee ?or si&ns o? permanant inJ'ry3 he @(ocDe$ the (e& a@o%e the Dnee Joint an$ p'((e$ the ha(? o? (e& @e(ow the Dnee (e?t an$ ri&ht %ery ro'&h(y 5 I @e(ie%e this man may ha%e ca'se$ ?'rther inJ'ry to her Dnee. It is possi@(e that 2octor P'rin&ton may ha%e @een rep(ace$ @y the in$i%i$'a( wearin& his nameta& 5 n'mero's mem@ers o? my ?ami(y as we(( as in$i%i$'a(s o? other ?ami(ies whom I ha%e Dnown 'se$ to worD in the Hea(thcare In$'stry in Manchester New Hampshire 3 most o? these in$i%i$'a(s ha%e @een rep(ace$ as we(( as tar&ette$ @y the or&ani>ation whom ha%e committe$ these attacDs in o'r re&ion. 1he ni&ht prior to this occ'rrin& 5 my ?rien$ an$ I were $isc'ssin& the MarD o? the ;east an$ the A6IS as we(( as 1he 1imes o? 1ro'@(es in Ire(an$ an$ the U9 < it is entire(y pro@a@(e that the An&(o SaFon name P'rin&ton was chosen $'e to 2aphenKs s'rname @ein& Irish Gae(ic an$ my own @ein& Scottish Gae(ic. 1his was a Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are assa'(t. Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are

assa'(ts s'ch as these are most pro@a@(y occ'rrin& on a &(o@a( sca(e. P:hen I was a chi($ there was a /1e),ugor,e/ prophecy circ'(atin& within the 7atho(ic comm'nity that pre$icte$ that the AAnti 7hristA wo'($ create a Aone wor($ &o%ernmentA #&(o@a(i>e$ state) an$ that $'rin& this there wo'($ @e multiple holocausts aro'n$ the wor($< the s'r%i%ors wo'($ recei%e the /mar. of the *east/ M*east of la*or+ as in a sla0eN microchip an$ @ecome s(a%es to the anti christ $'rin& which there wo'($ @e /Hell On &arth/ an$ a !lo*al &mpire 'nti( the /secon) coming/ o? 7hrist when Hes's 7hrist wo'($ ret'rn an$ create the &(o@a( ADin&$om o? &o$A ?reein& whate%er s(a%es ha$ s'r%i%e$. 1he Heho%aKs :itnesses ta'&ht their peop(e to re?'se to @e microchippe$ @eca'se it wo'($ @e the $eath o? manDin$. A9in&$om o? Go$A wo'($ s'&&est a M.NA/7H-. I @e(ie%e this MeJ'&ory AprophecyA was 7ulius &0ola's propa&an$a MBaron 7ulius &0ola of the SS "hnener*e an) the #o5al House of Sa0o5N an$ a prempti%e propa&an$a striDe a&ainst a(( nations. 1he A0n$ 1imeA they pre$icte$ is the Aen$ o? nationsA an$ the @e&innin& o? a &(o@a( imperia( state< simi(ar to the propagan)a an$ ?a(se prophecy that the 1a5an c'(t're wo'($ en$ on ;=6;3 which is impossi@(e i? the MA-AN P0.P40 sti(( eFist physica((y as an ethnic pop'(ation. %he purpose of this t5pe of propagan)a is to preempti0el5 con0ince the target nation an) people to su*mit to a foreign in0a)er+ for the reason that it causes them to *elie0e that their o-n e@tinction -as pre-or)aine) *5 a )i0ine an) hol5 )ecision3 * It is li.el5 that ;=6; -as an acti0ation 5ear for the foreign "GIS SleeperCells Co0ertl5 em*e))e) in multiple nations of South "merica3 %he *roa)casting of the ;=6; 1a5an &@tinction /Prophesies/ on tele0ision coinci)e) -ith the "lien Species Propagan)a such as "ncient "liens -hich co0ere) for Human8i0isections committe) glo*all5 *5 7ulius &0ola's International Crime-S5n)icate3 %his is all su*mission propagan)a an) is a pre-empti0e Ps5chological Barfare Stri.e inten)e) to *e phase) in to a culture o0er a generational time-span : this is an ancient #oman passi0e-aggressi0ist militar5 tactic engineere) to cripple the ps5cholog5 of the targette) nation + con0incing them to su*mit pre-empti0el5 *efore a genoci)al stri.e3 In the 5ear ;=6; + m5 frien) 1ar. S.inner+ -ho's $ather mo0e) to the (3S3"3 from Colom*ia *efore 1ar. -as *orn E -as 0isiting his cousins in Colom*ia + 1ar. ne0er returne) from Colom*ia3 %here has *een a man using 1ar. S.inner's I)entification Cre)entials -hom loo.s e@tremel5 similar to 1ar. + *ut is not him3 %his man loo.s to ha0e *een Plastic Surgerie) an) 8iral8ector !ene-%herapie) to *len) -ith the role3 His genetics an) facial features are incongruent3 I *elie0e this man an) the man -hom is preten)ing to *e ance 1inshall are *oth of the same %errorist Crime-S5n)icate an) ha0e *een gi0en neI)entification Cre)entials as -ell as a genoci)e-0ictim's i)entit5 as an alias for the purpose of hi)ing from Bar-Crime in0estigations3 I *elie0e these men are Ser*ians -hom in the past -ere lo5al to 7ulius &0ola's famil5 as their superiors : in other -or)s E these are &ast #oman "@is I)entit53 2uring the -inter of ;=6= : I -itnesse) a man -hom loo.e) almost i)entical &) Barren + stan)ing on the corner of 1ar. S.inner's street ,ust outsi)e of his apartment3 %his man -as possi*l5 ; inches taller than &) Barren + -as -earing glasses + an) -as -earing a 5n5r) S.5n5r)

tshirt -ith *lue ,eans3 I *elie0e that this man ma5 possi*l5 *e currentl5 using &) Barren's I)entification Cre)entials an) &) Barren ma5 possi*l5 *e using either forge) I)entification Cre)entials or a )ea) 8ictim's I)entification Cre)entials3 2uring the ;==D + it ha) *een mentione) that 1ar.'s father .ne- a South "merican man name) Charlie Belle0er)e in the Boston area3 2uring the 5ear ;==D+ 1ar. S.inner's father mentione) something a*out "GIS $ascistas in Colom*ia3 Since the ;=6; : a -oman -hom has *een using m5 1other's I)entification Cre)entials has *een )ating this man + I *elie0e this man is a South "merican $ascista3 He is of *oth Hispanic an) Italiano race3 * It is a pro*a*ilit5 that the &manueles planne) in ;==> to e0entuall5 s-itch &) Barren an) #o* #o)on to )ifferent I)entification Cre)entials an) lea0e them in a specific position as a ;n) Chance "li*i for the purpose of allo-ing mem*ers of the House of Sa0o5 to *e con0icte) in the stea) of the King an) his $amil5 : this -oul) ma.e it appear that there -as a Conspirac5 from -ithin the House of Sa0o5 that -as not the #o5al $amil5 of the House of Sa0o5 itself3 8ittorio /8ictor/ &manuele an) his sons )efinitel5 treat the Knights of the House of Sa0o5 as if the5 are their famil5's propert5+ an) the5 treat the Knights as if the House of Sa0o5 is still in goo) Honoura*le stan)ing -ith the Nation of people to -hich the5 -ere once "ristocrac5 : as if the Knights are honour-*oun) to )efen) the King at an5 cost3 8ittorio /8ictor/ &manuele an) his sons are not Honoura*le an) there is no Honoura*le oath that coul) e0er *e rightfull5 consi)ere) a *in)ing oath *et-een their famil5 an) an5 Knight : the5 are e@tremel5 criminal an) are terrorists3 I @e(ie%e that my 'nc(e ;ryant MacPherson was a(so a tar&et o? a psycho(o&ica( war?are operation. He was home(ess ?or * years. His @est ?rien$ was Pa'( Mi((er3 a Jewish man whoKs ?ami(y s'r%i%e$ the ho(oca'st o? the the 1"*0Ks. My 'nc(e committe$ a series o? petty crimes an$ the (oca( a'thorities went to Pa'( Mi((erKs home a ?ew times (ooDin& ?or my 'nc(e ;ryant. 4ast year I went to %isit him in the NewHampshire Hospita( 7(inton St 7oncor$ NH 3 where he was a$mitte$ ?or psychiatric pro@(ems. :hen I went in to %isit him3 the man who was in there sayin& he was ;ryant was not him. His hea$ was narrower than my 'nc(eKs an$ his eyes were not @('e (iDe my 'nc(eKs are3 they were a ha>e( &reenN&ray co(or instea$. :e ha%e now @een to($ that he has PI7S $isease an$ that he is $yin&. .$$ coinci$ence how Scots ha%e PI71 ancestry. Now I am not e%en s're i? my rea( 'nc(e is in there c'rrent(y or how they swappe$ him with some@o$y that one time. I ha%e not @een there since. I am consi$erin& the possi@i(ity that =ittorio 0man'e(e ?'n$e$ a ?action o? in%estors to @'y a(( o? the hospita(s in this re&ion with (a'n$ere$ money3 a hor$e o? wea(th that his ?ami(y has i((e&a((y acc'm'(ate$. 1he man whom on this $ay was preten$in& to @e ;ryant MacPherson (ooDe$ ?ami(iar to me ?rom my stay in 1he NewHampshire Hospita( on 7(inton st in 7oncor$ NewHampshire 3 I @e(ie%e that he was one o? 2octor 2esnesnereKs patients. I ha%e seen a Sici(ian man wa(Din& aro'n$ who was $resse$ an$ &roome$ i$entica( to Pa'( Mi((er 3 I am worrie$ that this man may ha%e $'p(icate$ copies Pa'( Mi((erKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s 5 the maJor $i??erences @etween this man an$ Pa'( are that Pa'(Ks sho'($er wi$th is narrower an$ he

is shorter. * 2uring the 5ear ;=6; : an article -as poste) on the internet that )escri*e) Surgical Implants *eing foun) in Israel in the *o)ies of 8ictims as -ell as -hat -as reporte) to *e e@plosi0es that seeme) to *e inten)e) to *e )etonate) *5 Surgical Implant 2ata %ransmitters3 ++ eFp(ain @reaD 'p an$ @e&inin& home(essness 3 imposte'r He?? 7a@ra( G ;o@ Sha&o'ry 88 ,i( DicDe$ a rocD $'rin& a ?it o? an&er an$ @roDe his ?oot < this occ're$ a?ter meetin& me ?or the secon$ time which was in hampton nh. :hen we met ,i( in Manchester 3 he was wa(Din& on a @roDen ?oot. :hi(e on P(easant Street near the /a$isson 5 ,i( state$3 whi(e (ooDin& at his ?eet < A1hey (ooD (iDe $o&Ks ?eet.A . ,i(Ks ?rien$ whom I @e(ie%e was name$ Hason 3 ha$ (ooDe$ at ,i( incre$'(o's(y an$ mocDe$ ,i( < statin& AArenKt those ?(atsMA to which ,i( rep(ie$ Ano... they are wa$in& shoesA to which Hason respon$e$ AGir(s wear those.... ,(ats.A this was on P(easant Street. Since this time ,i( 0man'e(e ha$ @een committin& attacDs an$ maDin& threats which inc('$e the wor$ AP(easantA. 1here were $o& stat'es in the @acD&ro'n$ @ehin$ ,i( which were stat'es o? anatomica((y correct ma(e $o&s. ,i( was wearin& ?(ats as a res'(t o? DicDin& a (ar&e rocD3 Hason ma$e a mocDin& statement s'ch as A:hy wo'($ yo' DicD a @o'($erMA < ,i( an&ri(y rep(ie$ with the statement AIt wasnKt a @o'($er3 it was a (ar&e rocDL ;o'($ers are the si>e o? carsLA Hoey Marini (ater DicDe$ a rocD in the same eFact manner an$ @roDe his ?oot < a?terwar$s3 Hoey state$ somethin& %ery simi(ar. Hoey Marini ha$ a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace in his @rain. 1he wor$ AP(easantA an$ the concept o? $o&s an$ $o& peop(e has @een rec'rrent thro'&ho't these attacDs. A?ter @reaDin& his ?oot DicDin& a @o'($er an$ @ein& mocDe$ ?or it in ?ront o? the /a$isson 3 ,i( 0man'e(e seems to ha%e $e%e(ope$ an o@sessi%e ra&e pro@(em in re(ation to this series o? e%ents.8 At some time 3 ,i( mistaDen(y ca((e$ his inJ'ry a Ahammer toe inJ'ryA. ,i( si&ne$ @'tt cheeD o? m'(tip(e %ictims A,i(A an$ tatooe$ it there (iDe it was a cow @ran$ . @ran$e$ it on a ?armerKs steer to marD his property ?or p'rpose o? (ocatin& it i? it escapes. 1his was mentione$ @y He?? 7a@ra( in 200! 3 a?ter he met ,i(. 1his was a(so mentione$ @y ,i( 0man'e(eKs 1errorist A&ents whom were $is&'ste$ with him an$ the crimes that the 1errorist ,action ha$ @een committin& < o@%io's(y they ha$ $isco%ere$ these crimes a?ter they ha$ @een recr'ite$ into what they tho'&ht was J'st a crimina( &an& 5 these two 1errorist A&ents were the imposte'rs o? Anthony McMenemy an$ Hason 1harp 3 whom ha$ @ecome eFtreme(y $is&'ste$ with the 0man'e(esK actions concernin& the 0man'e(esK treatment o? women an$ yo'n&er ?ema(es.

" 2'rin& the year 2011 < He?? 7a@ra(Ks I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s were checDe$ in at a S'@stance A@'se /eha@i(itation 7(inic. 2'rin& the year 2011 < I met an imposte'r o? He?? 7a@ra( who was accompanie$ @y an imposte'r o? ;o@ Sha&o'ry. ;o@ Sha&o'ry was racia((y ha(? 4e@anese an$ ha(? Syrian < the man preten$in& to @e him in 2011 was Sa'$i

Ara@ian an$ was 3 inches ta((er than the ?act'a( ;o@ Sha&o'ry. 1he man c(aimin& that he was He?? 7a@ra( (ooDe$ i$entica( to He?? 7a@ra( @'t was ta((er @y an inch an$ ha$ @roa$er sho'($ers. Since possi@(y 200* 3 /a&nar 9ar(son has @een missin& < the ,ace;ooD Pro?i(e o? /a&nar 9ar(sonKs has @een misspe((e$ A/a&nar 9ar(ssonA with two ASKsA. 1he man c(im@in& the mo'ntain ho($in& the c(im@in& picDs (ooDe$ near(y i$entica( to the man preten$in& to @e He?? 7a@ra( in 2011. /a&nar 9ar(sson has @een missin& ?or some time an$ I ha%e @een 'na@(e to &et the man 'sin& his ?ace@ooD to respon$ at a((. It is $e?inite that the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate at some point in the past ma$e an a((iance with a Ser@ian 7rime Syn$icate. It is pro@a@(e that the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate shepher$e$ in many ways < the 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate which eFists in Ser@ia 3 in eFpectation that the Ser@ian 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate co'($ e%ent'a((y @e 'se$ to in?i(trate an$ s'@%ert the Ser@ian &o%ernment an$ mi(itary to ser%e as a S'@or$inate /e&ime to the p(anne$ Ita(ian /e&ime. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs 3 7hris 1homasKs 3 an$ =ittorio 0man'e(eKs Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate are pro@a@(e to ha%e p'rchase$ Hea(thcare ,aci(ities s'ch as Hospita(s3 /eha@i(itation 7enters3 an$ Psychiatric Instit'tions in Ser@ia 'sin& Properties Stea$ Ho($er to proc're s'ch ?aci(ities 'n$er the names an$ tit(es o? other in$i%i$'a(s whom ho($ these properties in their own names < it is @e(ie%e$ that at these ?aci(ities3 the 0man'e(esK 1errorist 7rime So($iers ha%e @een s'r&ica((y imp(antin& ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces inthe crani'ms o? the Ser@ians who ha%e @een i$enti?ie$ in North America. Ser@ia is in the same re&ion as Me$J'&orJe ;osnia 3 where the Seeress o? Me$J'&orJe (i%e$ 5 this woman prophesie$ the e%ent'a( arri%a( o? the Man o? Sin who wo'($ @e the Anti 7hrist. 1he Seeress o? Me$J'&orJe (i%e$ $'rin& the same era as H'(i's 0%o(a an$ $escri@e$ the comin& Anti 7hrist as a Genoci$a( 1errorist 7rime 4or$ possessin& o? the same I'a(ities an$ corr'ptions as H'(i's 0%o(a as we(( as o? the same &(o@a( ami@ition an$ inh'manity. H'(i's 0%o(a %iewe$ Ser@ia 3 ;osnia 3 an$ 7roatia as the 0astern Imperia( Pro%ince o? the /oman 0mpire an$ as /oman Irre$entia 5 H'(i's 0%o(a @e(ie%e$ himse(? to @e the ri&ht?'( inheritor o? this re&ion an$ others as Imperia( /oman 1erritory an$ S'@Jects o? the /oman Aristocracy. 2'rin& the year 200" < my ?rien$ Me(o$y 4a'&ini&er poste$ on ,ace;ooD 5 AI ha%e notice$ that many o? yo' are not who yo' say that yo' are. -o' are carryin& the I.2.Ks o? peop(e I &rew 'p with an$ ha%e Dnown my entire (i?e. I ha%e asDe$ many o? yo' I'estions concernin& this an$ yo' wi(( not answer my I'estions. -o' so'n$ (iDe the peop(e I ha%e Dnown. It so'n$s as i? yo' ha%e practice$ 'sin& their %oices 3 @'t yo' are not them. I am mo%in& e(sewhere. 1a(D to me when yo' are rea$y to answer I'estions a@o't where my ?rien$s are an$ why yo' a(( ha%e their I.2.Ks an$ wi(( not answer I'estions a@o't who yo' are.A 2'rin& the year 200" 3 Ita(ians on ,ace;ooD Dept postin& comments re(ate$ to A/atsA an$ A7heeseA < an$ A7a%eat 0mptor 5 @'yer @eware 3 once yo' ha%e @o'&ht that cheese yo' can not ret'rn itA. My (itt(e sister S'mmer ha$ a hat that was shape$ (iDe a 7heese :e$&e an$ tie$ 'n$er her chin. S'mmer wore the 7heese :e$&e Hat o?ten ?or

a month. I am not s're why she wore this hat. 2'rin& this time 3 it seeme$ as i? there were two imposte'rs (i%in& in the ho'se at EE ;ean /oa$ MerrimacD NewHampshire < preten$in& to @e my ,ather. A7heese Hea$A is a strin& cheese that Sahn$ra St..n&e 'se$ to @'y. 1he A;H. H.;LA JoDe @ecame a JoDe re(ate$ to a A7heese Hea$A JoDe @rie?(y. .ne o? these men (ooDe$ near(y i$entica( to my ,ather @'t ha$ the sD'(( shape o? a ser@o croat. He $resse$ i$entica( to the way my ?ather $resses 5 his hair an$ @ear$ were &roome$ eFact(y the same as my ,atherKs. He (ooDe$ possi@(y ha(? Ser@ian an$ ha(? ;osnian. 1his Ser@ian (ooDin& man ha$ a wo'n$ on his ?ace. 1his man wa(De$ 'p to me 5 to($ me that i ha$ somethin& on my ?ace < tooD his ?in&er an$ @r'she$ to the (e?t an$ ri&ht o? my nostri(s on my ?ace3 then sai$ it was &one. 1wo $ays (ater my ?ace @roDe o't in sma(( hi%es near where he ha$ to'che$ my ?ace. I went to a hospita( to &et checDe$ ?or Shin&(es an$ Costers 3 $'rin& which I was to($ that there was nothin& at a(( wron& with me. 1his @reaD o't has occ'rre$ twice since this time3 in the same two spots on my ?ace. 1his @rin&s to min$ the A/atsA comments on ,A70;..93 @ein& that these @(emishes maDe it (ooD (iDe I ha$ whisDers torn o't ?rom my ?rom my ?ace. I @e(ie%e this was intentiona(. :hi(e (i%in& at the apartment on Har%ar$ st3 my @irth recor$s an$ i$enti?ication recor$s were a(( sto(en an$ I @e(ie%e that it may ha%e @een Herry 2KAmico that sto(e them. 1his man is most (iDe(y a 1errorist 7rimina( associate o? the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icate 3 the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 an$ an Ita(ian Ma?ia. /'inin& my ?ace @y maDin& it (ooD (iDe rat whisDers ha$ @een torn o't o? my ?ace 3 is eFtreme(y simi(ar to a tactic which was 'se$ @y a terrorist in /'ssia 5 who I @e(ie%e was Gor@eche%3 was campai&nin& ?or re e(ection when he was intentiona((y poisone$ @y a toFin which ma$e his sDin weep &reen p'st'(ant m'c's. His ?ace was r'ine$ ?or the e(ection $'e to an o@%io's $erma( in?ection. Der Erwige ude was an anti Israe(i propa&an$a %i$eo which was co'p(e$ with anti Israe(i p'@(ications $'rin& the time o? itKs $isp(ay in theatres 5 thro'&ho't the p(ot o? this ?i(m as we(( as within the pa&es o? the printe$ anti Israe(i p'@(ications 3 Israe(is were o?ten re?erre$ to as Rats. I wo'($ @e re?erre$ to as a rat $'e to =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an&er 'pon seein& me smi(in& at the ?ema(e Hewish c'stomer who was Samantha ;ernstein in the (on& @(acD coat. Another whis!ered anima( o? which 0man'e(eKs associates ha%e possi@(y re?erre$ to me as is a cat ?or reason o? 7(an 7hattan @ein& 1he 7(an o? the 7at3 possi@(y $escen$e$ ?rom 7hatti o? the In&%aeones 5 1he 7(an o? the 7at o? the 7(an o? the Sons o? In&%ae3 o? whom possi@(y &a%e the ori&ina( meanin& o? what is Gae(ici>e$ (in&'istica((y to @e In%ernesshie or In&%aeshire. 2'e to i((e&a( recor$in&s3 0man'e(e wo'($ ha%e hear$ me ta(Din& a@o't this.1he thir$ whis!ered anima( which these peop(e ha%e re?erre$ to me as is the 7airn 1errier 1oto3 the $o& ?rom ,ranD ;a'mKs 5 1he :i>ar$ o? .>. In the past I ha$ $ate$ a re$ haire$ woman with a Scottish s'rname < she 'se$ to ,rench ;rai$ her hair (iDe 2orothy Ga(e3 the yo'n& (a$y ?rom 9ansas in the story o? the :i>ar$ o? .>. 1he :i>ar$ o? .C is re(e%ant to my sin&in& o? the 7owar$(y 4ionKs "ing #f $he Forest into a microphone at the comp'ter hacDers which ha$ @een hire$ to sta(D me @y =ittorio an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e. 2'rin& Ha((oween o? 1"88 5 my MotherKs cost'me was the &reen sDinne$ :icDe$ :itch o? the :est 3 0(pha@a < 7hristine 2ionKs cost'me was a witch as we((. A?ter my ?irst o't@reaD ?rom this %ir's 5 I went to the 0((iot Hospita( at /i%erSi$e in

Manchester an$ &ot @(oo$worD $one3 the n'rses to($ me that I was ha%in& an a((er&ic reaction an$ that my @(oo$worD was entire(y c(ean. I ha%e ha$ two o't@reaDs since then an$ I @e(ie%e these n'rses may @e comp(ete(y 'n$er the contro( o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs somehow. 1his wo'($ @e the res'(t o? Hosta&e 7risis Psycho(o&y3 @eha%iora( mo$i?ication techniI'es in%o(%in& tort're an$ a@'se o? the women who worD at these hospita(s possi@(y in @asements a?ter they ha%e @een a@$'cte$3 an$ Ne'ro Science So?tware 'se$ with the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace. 2'rin& the years 200E an$ 200! 3 whi(e in MerrimacD NewHampshire watchin& the news on the te(ei%ision < it was reporte$ on the news that n'mero's $'n&eons ha$ @een ?o'n$ in @asements 3 ho'ses 3 an$ Denne(s 3 a(( $own the east coast o? North America an$ that it was @e(ie%e$ that women ha$ @een (ocDe$ in them. 2'rin& the year 200! 3 a?ter @ein& @(acD mo($ poisone$ @y 1ay(aKs &ran$?ather an$ mother who were or$ere$ to $o so @y =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e 5 I attempte$ to seeD $ia&nosis an$ treatement at the hospita(s in So'thern NewHampshire 3 the women worDin& in these hospita(s wo'($ not $ia&nose me. I? a terrorist ?action owns or has a@so('te access to a(( o? the hospita(s3 the entire re&ion s'rro'n$in& these hospita(s are hosta&es. .? re(e%ence to the Ser@o 7roat ;a(tic re&ion 5 in the past twenty years3 n'mero's re?'&ees ha%e mo%e$ to the USA ?rom the ;osnian re&ion as a res'(t o? a &enoci$e. 1he e(ectronic $e%ices that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate ha%e S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ in ci%i(ians are ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces consistin& o? a Prosthetic Ne'ro7irc'it an$ an A/G.S G.P.S. $e%ice 'se$ as an impro%ise$ ro'ter o%er %ari's Internet NetworDin& Protoco(s 5 these $e%ices can in?('ence an$ contro( the ne'ro(o&y o? (i%in& or&anisms 'sin& e(ectro ma&netics an$ ne'ro science so?tware an$ can easi(y (ocate the %ictims 'sin& G(o@a( Positionin& System an$ the Ne'ro(o&y o? the %ictims 3 this is eFact(y what the Seeress o? Me$J'&orJe ;osnia ca((e$ A1he MarD o? the ;eastA an$ $escri@e$ as the weapon o? the Anti 7hrist that wo'($ ens(a%e H'manity. 2'rin& the year 200* < He?? /ense p'@(ishe$ an artic(e that =ittorio 0man'e(e was the Anti 7hrist an$ p'@(ishe$ a photo&raph o? =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs ?ace with the wor$s AN1I7H/IS1 written across it. 2'rin& the year 2003 or 200* 3 I ha$ in?orme$ Henry MaDow that A$o(? Hit(er was =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs @io(o&ica( patri(inea( ha(? @rother. =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ his sons ha%e @een in%o(%e$ in SeF 1ra??icDin& an$ other ?orms o? H'man 1ra??icDin& their entire (i%es. 2'rin& the year 200* 3 A7esareA A2ia@(oA whom ha$ sto(en 7aesarKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s state$ to 0$ :arren that he was A;itch 1rainin&A or A2o& 1rainin&A women an$ (itt(e &ir(s 5 this man was (ater seen with a $o& co((ar an$ (eash on H'(ie :einstein3 wa(Din& her aro'n$ Manchester NewHampshire. H'(ie :einstein was yo'n&er than 13 years o($. 1he ?act'a( 7aesar was a ?rien$ o? Hen Po((ar$Ks an$ ;rian 7aseKs. ;rian 7ase was one o? =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs 7rime So($iers. A2ia@(oA 'se$ 7aesarKs 2NA to m'tate himse(? to (ooD (iDe 7aesar an$ 'se$ the name A7esareA whi(e 'sin& 7aesarKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. Henry MaDow @e(ie%e$ that the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ha$ somethin& to $o with the en&ineerin& o? the " 11 1errorist AttacD. 2'rin& the past years o? my (i?e < ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ other sons o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e poisone$ me with 2isassociati%e 2r'&s in ?oo$ 3 @e%era&e 3 an$ smoDes 5 as we(( as ha%e 7rime So($iers o? theirs eFperimente$ hypnosis on my 'nDnowin&(y. It is possi@(e that the terrorists who

coman$eere$ the Air P(anes that hit the 1win 1owers $'rin& the " 11 1errorist AttacDs 3 were &'i$e$ to $o so @y some ?orm o? Psycho(o&ica( 7oersion in%o(%in& 'nwittin& poisonin& with 2isassociati%e 2r'&s an$ Ne'ro 4in&'istic Pro&rammin& Hypnosis. 1his co'($ @e achei%e$ @y metho$ o? &'i$e$ ('ci$ $reamin& with hypnosis an$ repeate$ Psycho(o&ica( Pro?i(in& o? the tar&et ?o((owe$ @y repetitio's 'nwittin& hypnosis ai$e$ @y 'nDnowin& poisonin& with a 2isassociati%e s'ch as the $r'& that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e poisons peop(e with. 1he part o? the @rain that in%o(%es the ?ee(in&s o? what is ca((e$ A2eJa ='A co'($ possi@(y @e accesse$ @y metho$ o? Ne'ro4in&'istic Pro&rammin& an$ @e in?('ence$ @y Hypnotic Manip'(ation o? the section o? the @rain re(ate$ to Post 1ra'matic Stress 2isor$er which ca'ses 2isassociation an$ memory A,(ash@acDA. In the year 200"3 my Mother was i((e&a((y @ro'&ht to a /eha@i(itation 7(inic in :estwoo$ Massach'settes a&ainst her wi(( 5 since this time3 I ha%e met * $i??erent women with my MotherKs appearance whom ha%e @een 'sin& her I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. 1he /eha@i(itation 7(inic was ca((e$ :estwoo$ 4o$&e. Hoe 4e;aron went to a /eha@i(itation 7(inic in the year 200! < since this time3 I ha%e met an imposte'r preten$in& to @e Hoe 4e;aron whom (ooDs o? ha(? Ita(ian race an$ ha(? German race 5 Hoe 4e;aron was ,ranDic American an$ German. 1he Hoe 4e;aron imposte'rKs mo@i(e ce(('(ar te(ephone n'm@er was E03 *"3 11** . 1he Imposte'r that /ep(ace$ Hoe 4e;aron (i%e$ at 22 Har%ar$ Street Nash'a NewHampshire on the 3r$ ,(oor $'rin& the year 2010. .? stran&e coinci$ence to this is the ?act that I was 22 years o? a&e when I mo%e$ ?rom 38" Haywar$ Street Apartment R3 to 155 Map(e Street Apartment R2 which was on the corner o? Map(e Street an$ Har%ar$ Street. ;etween the years 2008 an$ 2012 3 the Imposte'r Hoe 4e;aron attempte$ to $own(oa$ a 1erra@yte eFterna( har$$ri%e worth o? Porno&raphy 'sin& his nei&h@orKs :i,i which he :0PDey cracDe$ an$ i((e&a((y accesse$. 1his 1erra@yte worth o? Porno&raphy is (iDe(y to contain ho'rs worth o? %i$eo recor$s o? ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs 1errorist ,actionKs SeF .??enses an$ :ar 7rimes 5 many o? the women in these recor$in&s are pro@a@(e to @e his %ictims. It is not necessary to possess this har$$ri%e to in%esti&ate these $own(oa$s 3 the constant stream o? $own(oa$s was accesse$ at this one (ocation an$ was $own(oa$e$ primari(y 'sin& 02onDey 3 ;it1orrent 3 an$ other ,i(eShare metho$s 5 the $own(oa$ history o? a(( Internet pro%i$e$ to the (ocations (oca( to 22 or 23 Har%ar$ Street is recor$e$ @y ,e$era( 7omm'nications 7ommission 3 ,.;.I. 3 Internet Ser%ers 3 an$ Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence Ser%er as we(( as the past approFimate E years o? recor$e$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace ra$io transmissions ?rom the Imposte'r Hoe 4e;aronKs @rain. :hi(e at the imposte'r Hoe 4e;aronKs apartment in 20103 @e?ore I rea(i>e$ he was an imposte'r 5 i witnesse$ an episo$e o? a te(e%ision $oc'mentary a@o't SeF 1ra??icDin& $'rin& which the ,irst Nations Nati%e American woman who was (i%in& as Samantha G'ayKs imposte'r was recor$e$ steppin& into a @(acD (imo'sine. 1his @(acD (imo'sine was in a state other than NewHampshire. 1he woman was o? ,ranDic an$ either Machican 3 A@enaDi 3 or MiIMaD race. 1he 0man'e(es an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy are eFterminatin& these races o? peop(e. In my &ran$mother Hoanne 1r'$ea' 7artyKs

(i?etime 3 a(most her entire race has @een eFterminate$ < it is the Ho'se o? Sa%oy that $i$ it. :hi(e the imposte'r o? Hoe 4e;aron was on the te(ephone with some@o$y 3 he state$ AI saw yo'r ?rien$ the other $ay at 2ennyKs... no 'h ShortyKs... he (ooDe$ (iDe shit. He (ooDe$ (iDe he ha$ a spray on oran&e tan. I a(so saw 9irstie A((ie3 she (ooDs (iDe shit. SheKs on 1.=. 3 it (ooDs (iDe shit. -o'Kre not &oin& to @e a@(e to pass this one.A :hi(e at the apartment o? Hoe 4e;aronKs imposte'r 3 $'rin& the year 2010 in Nash'a 5 Hoe 4e;aronKs imposte'r state$ to me AI ha%e a matress an$ a ta@(e in my attic J'st in case I ha%e to hi$e a chi($ mo(estin& seria( Di((er.A 1his man a(so @e&an ta(Din& a@o't ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces 3 micro comp'ters 3 an$ nano techno(o&y. 1he imposte'r o? Hoe 4e;aron mentione$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces to me an$ sai$ to me 5 A1he other $ay a man to($ me a@o't a story some@o$y ha$ to($ him that in%o(%e$ a &'y who ha$ one o? those in his @rain. Peop(e were Di((in& e%ery sin&(e person that he Dnew @eca'se he Dnew somethin& a@o't the peop(e $oin& it 3 an$ they were &oin& to $o it anyways e%ent'a((y which is @asica((y what he Dnew 5 an$ he s'r%i%e$ an$ was (e?t a(i%e 3 writin& a :itness Statement ?or the rest o? his (i?e 'nti( the $ay he $ie$.A Some@o$y mentione$ A$am San$(er (ooDin& stran&e an$ possi@(y @ein& an imposte'r. A$am San$(erKs ?ami(y are ?rom Manchester NewHampshire an$ are pro@a@(e to ha%e @een tar&ette$ @y the Ho'se o? Sa%oy $'rin& the year 200*. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e $isc'sse$ $'rin& the year 200* < that he enJoys cha((en&in& himse(? an$ settin& increasin&(y $i??ic'(t &oa(s that he eFpects himse(? to achei%e 5 ,i( ca((e$ this AH'mpin& H'r$(esA an$ $isc'sse$ settin& increasin&(y hi&her h'r$(es ?or himse(? to J'mp. ,i(Ks eFpectation o? @ein& capa@(e o? ?ramin& an innocent scape&oat ?or his ,actionKs crimes < @ein& capa@(e o? or$erin& a ,action o? 1errorist 7rimina( A&ents co%ert(y em@e$$e$ within mi(itary an$ 4aw 0n?orcement In%esti&ations to con%ict an innocent scape&oat ?or the 0man'e(esK own ,actionKs crimes 'pon @ein& or$ere$ to $o so 3 when there eFists an eFtreme amo'nt o? 0mpirica( ,orensic 0%i$ence that Scienti?ica((y pro%es the 0man'e(esK &'i(t 5 is e%i$ence in itse(? that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs 3 7hris 1homasKs 3 an$ =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 1errorist ,action are attemptin& to @'i(t an A@so('te 2ictatorship so $espotic that the $ictator an$ his o(i&archa( s'@or$inate /e&ime 4or$s wi(( @e imm'ne to a(( 4aw 0n?orcement an$ sec're in s'ch a position that no wor$ o? their crimes wi(( e%er reach p'@(ic Dnow(e$&e or p'@(icate$ $oc'mentation3 ,i(Ks p(anne$ campai&n o? terrorism an$ atrocio's :ar 7rimes are a test that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e himse(? en&ineere$ ?or the p'rpose o? testin& his ,actionKs 'nerrin& o@e$ience to his e%ery or$er re&ar$(ess o? any ?actor or mora( ana(ysis. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e is a me&a(omaniaca( sa$ist3 an amora(ist3 an$ a @r'ta( seF o??en$er. 1he 0man'e(es are attemptin& to @'i($ a co%ert 7rimina( /e&ime < occ'pyin& a(( cr'cia( positions o? &o%ernment 3 mi(itary3 an$ (aw en?orcement 5 technocratica((y $ominatin& these $epartments 'n@eDnownst to the p'@(ic. 2'rin& the year 2010 < I met a woman who was 'sin& the name 1ia 4'$wicD whi(e at Hampton ;each who remin$e$ me a(ot o? my missin& ?rien$ 0mi(y. 1ia was (i%in& in 4eominster Massach'settes at this time. 1ia an$ I @ecame I'icD ?rien$s @'t

(ooDin& at her ?ace@ooD now3 it is apparent that there are ?o'r $i??erent peop(e c(aimin& to @e A1ia 4'$wicDA. 1here are three $i??erent peop(esK ?aces on her ?ace@ooD an$ it seems to @e comman$eere$ @y some@o$y e(se. 1he woman on the @each with me in the photos on my ?ace@ooD is not the same woman as the one on the c'rrent 1ia 4'$wicD ?ace@ooD. I @e(ie%e that she may @e a tar&ette$ %ictim an$ that she may @e re(ate$ somehow to Michae( Hohnston She was wearin& Michae( MoynihanKs (eather necD(ace3 @'t his S'nna:en$i #S'n:hee() was missin& ?rom the cor$5 instea$3 there was a stee( antiI'e washer rin& on it. A1ia 4'$wicDA seems (iDe an a(ias that was most (iDe(y picDe$ ?or her 5 Michae( Moynihan o? the ;oston @an$ ;(oo$ AFis writes ?or 1-/ H.U/NA4 an$ he is ?rom Massach'settes. H.44-:..2 incorrect(y portrays the ;oston accent as prono'ncin& /Ks as i? they are an 0AH so'n$. Accor$in& to H.44-:..2 stereotypes3 1yr wo'($ @e prono'nce$ 100AH in ;oston. 4'$wicDowsDi was my ?rien$Ks mai$en name @e?ore she marrie$ one o? my @est ?rien$s /yan Har%ey. is a(so a we@site that was 'se$ to p'@(ish m'ch o? ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs 1errorist ,actionKs %i$eo&raphe$ SeF'a( Assa'(ts onto the internet. 4'$wicD a(so maDes m'sic eI'ipment3 /yan Har%ey was in a ;oston area $eathmeta( @an$ ca((e$ Sco'r&e. A1iaA (ooDs simi(ar to one o? the &ir(s who I ha$ @een to($ was 0mi(y Is(es3 she a(so (ooDs re(ate$ to /yan Har%eyKs motherKs si$e o? the ?ami(y. 1iaKs &(asses were the same shape as /yanKs &(asses ?rom hi&hschoo(. 1he imposte'r Cach An$rosDi mentione$ that he wante$ to &et a tattoo on his @acD o? a 1ri,orce o? :is$om ?rom the &ame Ce($a. He a(so state$ that he wante$ to &et a tattoo o? Unti( 2eath 2o Us Part in a @(acD si((ho'ette o? trees on his @acD. 1ia 4'$wicD ha$ these tattoos when I met her. /yan Har%ey an$ 4a'ra 4'$wicDowsDi seem to @e missin& < there are photo&raphs o? two imposte'rs on their ,ace;ooD.7om Pro?i(es. 1wo years prior to meetin& 1ia 3 I ha$ $rawn a pict're o? 1yr # the Aesir ) ho($in& a spatha. 1he spatha was thematica((y $esi&ne$ < ha%in& a tri?i$ic 1iwa> @in$ r'ne on the @ase o? the @(a$e as we(( as a SUNNA:0N2I on the pomme( &a'r$ 5 (iDe the S'n:hee( pen$ant Michae( Hohnston was wearin& when he came into ,ami(y 2o((ar. My $epiction o? 1yr a(so ha$ a (on& Unc(e SamKs Aso'( patchA an$ a 1iwa> r'ne tattooe$ o%er the (e?t eye. Psycho(o&ica( pro?i(in& o? the entire e%ents s'rro'n$in& these %i%isections an$ tra??icDin& %ictimi>ations re%ea(s the o@%io's ?act that the &'i(ty party can see thro'&h the (e?t eye o? the %ictims $'e to the p(acement o? the Ne'ro7hip ;.7.I. 5 the p(acement o? the 1iwa> r'ne most (iDe(y str'cD ?ear into the min$ o? the &'i(ty party whom I @e(ie%e was most (iDe(y to @e =ittorio an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e themse(%es (ooDin& thro'&h my (e?t eye. :hen I was poisone$ with ;(acD Mo($ an$ what was most (iDe(y a /a$ioacti%e San$wich5 the &'i(ty party was @eyon$ a $o'@t in?'riate$ @y the ?act that e%en a?ter ! months o? eFcr'tiatin& pain3 my @o$y starte$ hea(in& on itKs own witho't proper me$ication. :hi(e at the :arpe$ 1o'r in Mans?ie($ Massach'settes < 1ia 4'$wicD @e&an to ca(( me :o(%erine3 I @e(ie%e she is one o? their tra??icDin& %ictims 5 wo(%erine is a Mar%e( 7omics character possessin& o? the capa@i(ity to re&enerati%e(y hea( eFtreme(y ?ast an$ he has meta( c(aws3 I ha%e a meta( p(ate in my ri&ht han$. 1he &'i(ty party most (iDe(y ha$ @e&'n to maDe ins'(tin& JoDes a@o't 1hor re?errin& to 1hor as Anothin& @'t a Mar%e( 7omics character.A an$ maDe JoDes a@o't how I m'st @e A:eapon 6 materia( in

or$er to hea( so ?ast3 an$ with that meta( p(ate...A etc. 1he character :o(%erine is a H'man =i%isection %ictim o? a crimina( or&ani>ation worDin& within the 7ana$ian Mi(itary /esearch 2epartment 'sin& their ?'n$in& ?or eFperiments on (i%e h'mans. :hen I was 1E3 I @roDe my han$ an$ a meta( p(ate ha$ to @e s'r&ica((y attache$ to my Meta7arpa(. :hi(e at the :arpe$ 1o'r in Mans?ie($ Massach'settes3 1ia 4'$wicD an$ I arri%e at a speci?ic sta&e 5 imme$iate(y a?ter which3 the @an$ @e&an to p(ay the son& ASDinhea$3 yo'Kre a(ot (iDe meA an$ the @ass p(ayer #who coinci$ent(y (ooDs re(ate$ to New Hersey Ita(ian Ma?ia) notice$ 's imme$iate(y an$ was &rinnin& e%i((y at me. His eFpression portraye$ that he was Ain the DnowA a@o't somethin& an$ that he c(ear(y reco&ni>e$ 1ia 4'$wicD. :e were stan$in& eFtreme(y ?ar away ?rom the sta&e an$ we were at the si$e entrance to the theatre. :hi(e worDin& with 0$ :arren3 $'e to a(( o? his (ies 5 n'mero's peop(e in the comm'nity were ca((in& me the Neo Na>i SDinhea$ 0Ftremist with the 4on& Hair. 1he timin& o? this $i$ not at a(( seem coinci$enta( 5 a@o't an ho'r a?ter this3 1ia @e&an to show %isi@(e si&ns o? psycho(o&ica( $iscom?ort an$ wante$ to (ea%e. A1A is the 1iwa> r'ne in ,'tharD a(pha@etics 3 the A1A JoDe in re?erence to the 10/MINA1./ wo'($ ha%e come o't o? the mo'ths o? the &'i(ty party a?ter seein& my $rawin& thro'&h my own 7omp'ter Inter?ace$ .cc'(ar Ner%eKs ma&netic resi$'a(s presente$ on their comp'ter screen in the ?orm o? a Point .? =iew camera o? my 40,1 0-0 =ISI.N. My A.4 Instant Messan&er screenname 'pon the $ate o? the poisonin& was IAN1I:AC. 0$ :arren 2005 5 1erminator 2 re?erence AAre yo' &oin& to @e the (ast one &oin& $own into the (a%aMA a 1ri,i$ic ;in$/'ne is a si&i( o? three o%er(ayin& r'nes3 10/MINA1./ 3 aire$ repeate$(y on H;. $'rin& 2005 when I was @ein& sta(De$ @y hacDers an$ 9enneth H'$$Ks 7.M7AS1 1/IP40 P4A- was @ein& hacDe$. 1here are 3 $i??erent woman on A1iaKsA ?ace@ooD acco'ntKs photos. 0%ent'a((y I happene$ to meet a secon$ A1iaA that is not in the ,ace;ooD photos. A month a?ter the :arpe$ 1o'r3 I $ro%e to 4eominster to %isit A1iaA. I picDe$ her 'p at the ma((. :e $ro%e aro'n$ ?or a ?ew ho'rs a?ter which she to($ me that she nee$e$ to ta(D to her A&ran$?atherA. I was to($ that her &ran$?ather has a &ara&e ri&ht neFt $oor to 4eominster. :e $ro%e to a &ara&e3 I met a Sici(ian man who (ie$ to me3 c(aimin& that he was her @io(o&ica( &ran$?ather 5 which he certain(y was not. A?ter spen$in& a@o't ten min'tes at the &ara&e3 we $eci$e$ to (ea%e. I wa(De$ o'tsi$e to start the car. A?ter waitin& approFimate(y ten min'tes3 A1iaA came o't o? the &ara&e an$ &ot into my car. I @e&an $ri%in& an$ 'pon (ooDin& to my ri&ht3 I notice$ that it was a $i??erent ?ema(e entire(y wearin& the same c(othes. 1his yo'n& (a$y (ooDe$ a@o't 1" an$ remin$e$ me o? Michae( Hohnston physica((y 3 so m'ch that it may ha%e @een a re(ati%e o? his. A1ia 4'$wicDA (ooDe$ a@o't 25. She asDe$ me to $rop her o?? at the ma((. 1he pro&rammer contro((in& the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace NetworD3 somehow hypnoti>e$ me to imme$iate(y ?or&et that she wasnKt 1ia 5 this @rin&s to my min$ the Science Ma&a>ine artic(e a@o't the eFperiments in%o(%in& the $o&Ks @rain an$ %is'a( i$entity reco&nition. 1he yo'n&er (a$yKs ?ace seeme$ to twitch s(i&ht(y an$ her necD m'sc'(at're seeme$ s(i&ht(y ro@otic in re?(eFi%e reaction to some ?orei&n imp'(se 5 it was as i? her necD was @ein& steere$ @y a HoysticD an$ Arrow 9eys on a Dey@oar$3 (iDe a sentry camera. She @e&an to ta(D to me a@o't her chi($hoo$. Her (i?e story was simi(ar to my motherKs. Her mother was a seF tra??icDin& %ictim o? a @iDer &an&3 an$ she seeme$ to @e tar&ette$ @y

the ma?ia ?or seF tra??icDin& %ictimi>ation herse(?. Her motherKs @oy?rien$ 'se$ to a@'se her horri@(y. I to($ her that my mother ha$ @een thro'&h somethin& simi(ar an$ that @eca'se I 'n$erstan$ the sit'ation3 she co'($ ta(D to me a@o't thin&s that she ?ee(s 'ncom?orta@(e ta(Din& to others a@o't. I then $roppe$ her o?? at the ma((. I am certain that she was Dnow(e$&a@(e that she ha$ some Din$ o? comp'teri>e$ $e%ice connecte$ to her @rain< @'t was too ?ri&htene$ to ta(D a@o't it $irect(y 3 @ein& that she $i$ not Dnow me at a((. 1his &ir( (ooDe$ eFact(y (iDe a &ir( my sister S'mmer 'se$ to @e ?rien$s with whom she met at an Anime 7on%ention in Massach'settes. 1he name S'mmer to($ 's was 0mi(y an$ her ?rien$ was a@o't 5 years o($er than her. I @e(ie%e the Ma(( near 4eominster possi@(y may ha%e @een the ,oF/'n Ma(( in Newin&ton Massach'settes. Phone n'm@ers associate$ with 1ia are "!8 53! 2"0"3 508 82E !8"33 an$ a thir$ n'm@er which I ha%e since (ost @'t wi(( @e in the e(ectronic recor$s ?rom 20115 ce((phone3 internet3 an$ otherwise. 1he ho'se in 4eominster was s'ppose$(y 1iaKs &ran$?atherKs ho'se 5 this sit'ation is too simi(ar to @e i&nore$ 3 it is the same sit'ation as 1ay(a (i%in& with her Gran$,ather $'rin& the time when her Mother poisone$ me with @(acDmo($ in an ice$co??ee. 1he $i??erence is that none o? these ?ema(es are Ita(ians. 1he o($ man (ooDe$ to @e o? $irect ?ami(ia( re(ation to 1ay(aKs &ran$?ather< an$ (ooDin& @acD now3 I @e(ie%e they may @e co'sins. I @e(ie%e that this yo'n& (a$y is a Di$nap %ictim. 1he (ast time that I saw the secon$ A1iaA was a?ter the ma((. She c(aime$ to ha%e mo%e$ in to an apartment with a ?rien$3 whom was in the Arme$ ,orces< the apartment @ein& in what I thinD was ,ranD(in3 7he(ms?or$3 or 1yn&s@oro Massach'settes. I am not entire(y s're o? the (ocation @'t it a(so may ha%e @een Meth'en. 1his is store$ in the e(ectronic recor$s o? my o($ ce(( phones as we(( as the internet recor$s ?rom my ?atherKs ho'se. 1he apartment was @are 5 on(y her @e$room was ?'rnishe$ with a @e$3 a c(oset ?i((e$ with c(othin&3 an$ @ooDs. .n the ?(oor in one o? the rooms< there was a pi(e o? mi(itary iss'e c(othin&3 a @e$ro((3 a mi(itary @acDpacD3 as we(( as a (ar&e Dni?e which was not mi(itary iss'e 5 these thin&s were proporte$ to @e(on& to her roommate. At one point3 she went to the apartment 'pstairs in or$er to ta(D to some@o$y. :hen A1iaA came @acD $own to her apartment3 it was the secon$ A1iaA. She spent the rest o? the $ay p(ayin& G'itarHero. I (e?t con?'se$3 tryin& to ?i&'re o't which one was which. 1he secon$ A1iaA < the yo'n&er o? the two 5 remin$e$ me a(ot o? my sisterKs ?rien$ A0mi(yA ?rom Massach'settes. She met her ?rien$ A0mi(yA at an Anime con%ention in Massach'settes. I @e(ie%e A0mi(yA sho'($ @e aro'n$ 20 years o($ ri&ht now3 S'mmer ha$ (ie$ a@o't her ?rien$Ks a&e @y a@o't 5 years. 1he man who came to picD her 'p ?rom my sisterKs ho'se ! years a&o was the Mi(?or$ G 7o. N He((Ks An&e(Ks associate that has @een %isitin& my c'rrent neFt $oor nei&h@or. I am positi%e that this man is re(ate$ to Hanet Poten>aKs ?ami(y. -et a&ain3 this @rin&s to min$ 0$ :arrenKs statement to Anthony 2e?eo in the mi$$(e o? the store near the &reetin& car$s3 when he state$ A1his is &oin& to @e (iDe in%asion o? the @o$y snatchers3 $'$e.A an$ the ?act that the Manchester NewHampshire 2epartment o? Motor =ehic(es was in%esti&ate$ $'e to the crimes committe$ @y emp(oyees who ha$ @een printin& $'p(icate i$enti?ication car$s ?or terrorists to 'se as a(iases. A1iaA ha$ a ?rien$ name$ ASa(sa ;ie(A whom (ooDe$ re(ate$ to a woman name$

9e(sey who was my ?rien$ Hoe 4e;aronKs eF wi?eKs @est ?rien$. Hi((ary ;ri&ham was a(so Hoe 4e;aronKs eF wi?eKs @est?rien$. 1here is an impersonator whom has @een preten$in& to @e Hi((ary ;ri&ham 5 this impersonator has @een 'sin& the names Hi((ary /i%ers an$ Hi((ary MarI'a$t. HoeKs eF wi?eKs name was 7he(sea A%i(as. 1here seems to @e a man 'sin& Hoe 4e;aronKs I$enti?ication c'rrent(y as we((. 1he man preten$in& to @e Hoe 4e;aron is sma((er3 has a narrower Jaw3 has a sma((er chest3 has (ess hair than Hoe3 he a(so may ha%e a c(ean @(oo$ test 5 Hoe 4e;aron ha$ Hepatitis 7 an$ was (ast Dnown to @e in a /eha@ 7(inic 3 possi@(y e%en :estwoo$ 4o$&e which was the same c(inic my mother was @ro'&ht to @e?ore she went missin& an$ these impersonators ha%e @een wa(Din& aro'n$. 1he man 'sin& Hoe 4e;aronKs 2'p(icate$ I$enti?ication a(so has a (on&er an$ narrower nose than Hoe. ;etween 200E 2013 < the man preten$in& to @e /on ;oar$man in 1roy NewHampshire has ha$ m't'a( ?rien$s on his ,ace;ooD acco'nt share$ with the A1ia 4'$wicDA ,ace;ooD Acco'nt. Most o? these m't'a( ?rien$s are Ita(ians whom the ?aDe /on ;oar$man c(aime$ was his A;ran&aA si$e o? the ?ami(y. He has @een c(aimin& to @e ha(? Ita(ian on his motherKs si$e. He is entire(y Ita(ian o? 4om@ar$ic race. /on ;oar$man was An&(o SaFon 5 he was an Asatr'ar < the ?act'a( /on ;oar$man was a ?rien$ o? my !th Gra$e 0n&(ish teacher Stacy Sea@'ry3 o? the a'thor Swain :o$enin& whom is ;erry 7anote o? 1eFas3 an$ o? n'mero's Asatr'ars in North America. 1he ,.6/UN Ma(( is in Newin&ton Massach'settes J'st o%er the @or$er ?rom Portsmo'th New Hampshire ;'sStation 5 there is a @'s which r'ns ?rom Portsmo'th to Newin&ton Massach'settes. I @e(ie%e that @oth Michae( Hohnston an$ my se(? ha%e ha$ ?ami(y an$ ?rien$s who (i%e$ in the Portsmo'th re&ion o? New Hampshire. It is entire(y pro@a@(e that the yo'n&er A1ia 4'$wicDA whom was seen at the ,oF/'n Ma(( is a co'sin o? my own or Michae(Ks. It is a(so pro@a@(e that @'sses ?rom 4eominster 3 1yn&s@oro3 Portsmo'th3 ;oston3 7oncor$3 an$ Newin&ton ha%e @een 'se$ to transport in$i%i$'a(s. Ma((s are a(( on a @'s ro'te as are airports an$ cities. 2'rin& the year 2011 5 I was s'ppose$ to mo%e in to an apartment with a &'y name$ /7amar/ Patterson whom contacte$ me on ?ace@ooD. I 'se$ to Dnow a Billiam 7amal Patterson when I was in hi&hschoo( an$ I was ass'min& that this was the same Hama(. I am now thinDin& that Hamar Patterson was a possi@(e ass'me$ a(ias o? some@o$y e(sesK @eca'se the man was physica((y sma((er than Hama( an$ (ooDe$ racia((y ha(? Asian3 the act'a( Hama( Patterson is 100Q A?rican American. I @e(ie%e the namin& o? the espiona&e a&ent AHamarA was a racia((y moti%ate$ snie$ ins'(t $'e to his @ein& racia((y ha(? asian m'(atto. 7hinese speaDers sometimes ha%e tro'@(e $iscernin& the 4 an$ / prono'nciations when they ?irst (earn 0n&(ish (in&'istics an$ o'r a(pha@etics. At this time3 I was %isitin& the apartment @e?ore I $eci$e$ whether or not to mo%e in < an$ the $%$ that my se(? an$ amar%s roommate A;rian MasonA were watchin& was somewhat %i$eo e$ite$ an$ a'$io o%er $'@@e$< re?errin& to Gae(ic ,o(D /e(i&ion that speci?ica((y re(ates to screennames an$ internet han$(es that I ha%e 'se$ in the past3 re?ers to an eF&ir(?rien$ o? mine who was in co((e&e whi(e I was (i%in& at the apartment that 2KAmico owne$3 an$ re?ers to a sDinhea$ whom I was ?rien$s with at that eFact time

in my (i?e. A scene was e$itte$ into the mo%ie $'rin& which a &ro'p o? men entere$ a room ho($in& a can o? an ener&y $rinD an$ sai$ A:e Dnow a@o't the 7hreno@(iA . It was a @'rne$ copy o? a mo%ie that ?act'a((y has nothin& at a(( to $o with any o? these thin&s. My ce(( phone at the time was E03 203 E023 an$ I ha$ @een in contact with these peop(e @y way o? ce(( phone. It is now possi@(e to ?aDe a te(ephone n'm@er with a hacDe$ so?tware app(ication o%er the internet with G..G40 PH.N03 which con?'ses the te(ephone ser%er comp'ter into marDin& the ca((er as a speci?ie$ n'm@er on ca((er I.2. . It is a(so possi@(e now to re ro'te a te(ephone ca(( ?rom a corporate or pri%ate(y owne$ ser%er comp'ter to a persona( comp'ter 'se$ ?or ca((Ncomm'nications interception. 1he (ast (ocation I Dnew o? the act'a( :i((iam Hama( Patterson was #ho)e Islan) USA. 1he mention o? A1he 7hreno@(iA is a re?erance to the irra$iate$ s'@marine ro(( which I was ?e$ when I ha$ or$ere$ an Ita(ian S'@ san$wich ?rom the $e(i at the 1e$eschiKs &as station store in 4on$on$erry New Hampshire 5 the man whom has @een c(aimin& to @e 9eith Hammon$ re?erre$ to the irra$iate$ s'@ as a A7hreno@(iA 3 in re?erence to the 7hreno@(e N'c(ear Power P(ant. 1he man preten$in& to @e Hamar PattersonKs Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone n'm@er was E03 80" E182. AHamarA ha$ a ?rien$ whom was 'sin& the name A't'mn 7or$e((o. :hen I met A't'mn3 it was o@%io's that she ha$ at some point 'n$er&one cosmetic s'r&ery 'pon her ?ace. A't'mn c(aime$ that she was the sister o? Hason 4eesKs wi?eKs sister in (aw. Hason 4ees was my s'per%isorKs @oss when I worDe$ at N'cast in 4on$on$erry NewHampshire in 200!. 1he woman 'sin& the name A't'mn 7or$e((o was (i%in& in a ho'se in 2eer?ie($ New Hampshire < she was a@o't 5K!A 3 @(on$e3 1!0(@s3 @('e eyes 5 she (ooDe$ to @e o? possi@(y Swe$ish Nationa( 0thnic an$ $e?inite(y ha$ a p(astic s'r&erie$ nose. AHamarA c(aime$ that A't'mn was a pro?essiona( mor&'e worDer. Mor&'e :orDers are (iDe(y to ha%e @een @ein& emp(oye$ ?or p'rpose o? remo%in& ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces an$ /o'ter S'r&ica( Imp(ants co%ert(y. At AHamarKsA apartment was one o? my ?ormer roommate Scott H'nterKs chairs. It was a @('e c(oth can%as chair with a meta( ?rame. 1his chair was in the (i%in& room o? the apartment we (i%e$ in at 38" Haywar$ St. Apt.3 in Manchester NewHampshire $'rin& 200* 5 this was the year that =ittorio 0man'e(e came to my p(ace o? worD. 1his chair was $ama&e$ an$ not worth Deepin& 3 it sti(( ha$ the same $ama&e in 2010. 1his chair was pro@a@(y picDe$ 'p o? the si$e o? the roa$ when Scot an$ 9enneth mo%e$ o't o? the apartment or was taDen a?ter =ittorio 0man'e(esK Properties Stea$ Ho($er @o'&ht the @'i($in&. :hi(e at AHamarA PattersonKs an$ A;rianA MasonKs apartment3 I was stan$in& in ;rianKs room as the news was on the te(e%ision. An asian news anchorwoman @e&an to speaD an$ her wor$s imme$iate(y chan&e$ an$ were a'$io o%er $'@@e$ to so'n$ (iDe she was sayin& chan&e to the system an$ somethin& co'($ &et n'De$3 (iDe Hiroshima or Na&asaDi.A 1his was eFtreme(y tra'matic. ,rom a ?ew years o? st'$yin& =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 3 7hris 1homasKs 3 an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs psycho(o&ica( patho(o&y 5 I am a?rai$ that it is (iDe(y that =ittorio an$ ,i((i@erto may try to hit the U.S.A. an$ 7ana$a with @rie?case n'Des i? not $ea(t with proper(y. =ittorio 3 7hris 1homas 3 an$ ,i((i@erto are o@sesse$ with e(iminatin& a(( e%i$ence o? their crimes whi(e sim'(taeneo's(y committin& ore o? them an$ &atherin& a (ar&er ,action o? 7rimina(

1errorists &'i(ty o? the same :ar /apes as themse(%es. ;rian MasonKs wor$s echoe$ @oth the imposte'r o? Me&an McG'ire an$ the Ita(ian S'r&eon in NH Hospita( in 7oncor$ NewHampshire. 1he man c(aimin& to @e A;rian MasonA whom (ooDe$ ha(? Sici(ian 5 'se$ the wor$s AI J'st &ot o't o? Jai( 5 I was arreste$ ?or =er@a( Assa'(t. A 3 there is no s'ch crime as A=er@a( Assa'(tA in the USA. 1hese wor$s were 'se$ @y one o? the S'r&eons whom =i%isecte$ my se(? in the NewHampshire Hospita( in 7oncor$ NewHampshire 5 this partic'(ar S'r&eon was primari(y o? Ita(ian race. .? re(ation to 2.H. an$ Me&an McG'ire ;rian Mason acc'se$ me o? A,omentation o? /acia( /iotsA which is what AMe&an McG'ireA c(aime$ that her ;rother was arreste$ ?or in :orcester Massach'settes. 1here is no s'ch (aw in the USA 5 a(( o? these (aws so'n$ to @e trans(ate$ ?rom Ita(ian. A(( o? the in$i%i$'a(s mentionin& these (aws ha%e @een o? Ita(ian race. A(so o? re(ation to 2.H. an$ AMe&an McG'ireA 5 AHamarA whom was a m'(atto hapa an$ was preten$in& to @e Hama( Patterson 3 a woman preten$in& to @e A't'mn 7or$e((o who appeare$ to @e a 1ra??icDin& =ictim3 as we(( as the man preten$in& to @e ;rian Mason whom was o@%io's(y ha(? Sici(ian < or$ere$ a Me$itteranean Pi>>a. 1he ni&ht this pi>>a was or$ere$3 a mo%ie ha$ @een A'$io 2'@@e$ an$ =i$eo 2'@@e$ to show an Ann'(aKs Me$itteranean Pi>>a in a Pi>>a ;oF which was @ein& opene$ whi(e the wor$s AH'st (iDe a poisone$ pi>>aA were spoDen in a ;ritish accent @y an o($ (a$y. I $i$ not eat the Me$itteranean Pi>>a 3 I @e(ie%e that it was s'ppose$ to ha%e @een poisone$ 5 I $i$ not tr'st these peop(e3 I $i$ not eat the Pi>>a. AHamarA whom was o@%io's(y not A?rican American eno'&h to @e Hama( Patterson $'e to his o@%io's Hapa race 3 which is a Ha(? Asian 5 ha$ mentione$ n'mero's times ASpiesA. Aro'n$ this time ;rian Mason ha$ or$ere$ a Me$iterranean Pi>>a ?rom Ann'(aKs Pi>>a in Manchester New Hampshire3 he $i$nKt eat any o? it an$ simp(y (e?t the @oF open. 1his is the Din$ o? pi>>a I ha$ share$ with 2.H. an$ a woman ca((in& herse(? Me&an McG'ire in Manchester NewHampshire on Pine Street $'rin& the 200! 5 the A2.H.A that Me&an Dnew t'rne$ o't to @e ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs @rother 2anie( Hames. Me&an McG'ire was the name o? ,ran McG'ireKs &ran$ $a'&hter. .ne o? the McG'ireKs ca((e$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e a pe$ophi(e $'rin& my 'nc(e A( Io$iceKs mo%in& party in the approFimate year 1""* < I @e(ie%e that this was 2a%i$ McG'ire. ,i( 0man'e(e ha$ sai$ AItKs @een a whi(e since IK%e hear$ that one.A as a remarD o? seF'a( h'mo'r a?ter sayin& somethin& to which 7a(i ha$ respon$e$ to. A?ter hearin& this3 2a%i$ McG'ire sai$ 5 A1hatKs how I Dnow yo'Kre a pe$ophi(e. -o' maDe comments (iDe that at (itt(e &ir(s. SheKs on(y 12.A 3 to which 9eith McG'ire interJecte$ an$ state$ 3 ASheKs act'a((y on(y 11... act'a((y 10 3 sheKs on(y a year o($er than Ian.A 1his party in approFimate(y 1""* was in MerrimacD NewHampshire at one o? the Mc&'ire ?ami(yKs ho'ses. My co'sins 3 the Io$ice ?ami(y < were mo%in& to 4o'isianna. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ his @rother 7hris 1homas were present. ,i( ha$ sai$ somethin& a@o't 7a(i McG'ire that ha$ 'pset her 'nc(e 2a%i$ McG'ire. 1his party was in the same nei&h@orhoo$ as ;rian 7onnin&tonKs ho'se 3 who was my ?rien$ $'rin& chi($hoo$. 1he Ita(ian ?ema(e who ha$ @een 'sin& sto(en I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o? the

name Me&an McG'ire 5 was witnesse$ sayin& A0speaD yo' areMA an$ AS.P.B./.MA to peop(e who she wa(De$ past in Manchester NewHampshire. S.P.B./. is a s(o&an o? the /oman Imperia( Mi(itary that was o?ten presente$ on /oman AI'i(a ;att(e Stan$ar$s. 1his is o@%io's proo? that an Ita(ian S(eeper 7e(( NetworD has @een (i%in& the U.S.A. an$ worD $irect(y ?or the 0man'e(es. AMe&an McG'ireA Dnew 2anie( Hames who is ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs @rother who was a$opte$ to =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs co'sin near Sa(is@'ry NewHAmpshire an$ Sa(is@'ry Massach'settes. 1he ?act'a( Me&an McG'ire whom I Dnew when I was yo'n&er 3 was ,ran McG'ireKs &ran$ $a'&hter 5 she was yo'n&er than this ?ema(e. AS.P.B./.A is the name o? an Ita(ian :hite Power ;an$ who ha$ a MySpace.7om acco'nt in the year 200E 5 this pro?i(e I'ote state$ AS.S.A an$ the A@an$A was $resse$ as the U.S.A. Presi$entia( Secret Ser%ice. .ne o? the A@an$ mem@ersA (ooDe$ (iDe 0$ :arren. 1hey were stan$in& near a @(acD (imosine. 2'rin& the year 200*3 I ma$e a JoDe a@o't AAryan ;rotherhoo$ Gan&sta /apA which m'st ha%e somehow @een hear$ @y ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e. Some@o$y create$ an a(@'m ca((e$ A,i(A that Matt Mi((s was &i%en . It was s'ppose$(y ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs Gan&sta /ap that was inten$e$ to @e the most o??ensi%e /ap a(@'m e%er recor$e$. .n this a(@'m 3 one o? ,i(Ks (yrics was A1he Secret Ser%ice wi(( @e my Sh't>Sta??e(.A. 2'rin& the year 200* 3 whi(e 0$ :arren o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the 0man'e(e ?ami(y were hacDin& my comp'ter constant(y 5 Sahn$ra St..n&e an$ my se(? ha$ @een maDin& a JoDe a@o't a speaD impe$iment an$ sayin& A;h. Ho;LA o%er the internet as we(( as to eachother as a JoDe that was pro@a@(y a'$io recor$e$. ;aracD H'ssein .@ama an$ Hoe ;i$en are r'mo're$ to @e the res'(t o? this A;h. Ho;LA JoDe # ;.H... H...;. ) an$ are r'mo're$ to @e A(iDe a /ichar$ NiFonA 5 A&ents o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy who Heirarcha((y 2ecapitate$ the U.S.A. Go%ernment. 1hree $ays (ater a?ter this 5 HamarKs roommate ;rian Mason acc'se$ me o? racism3 %er@a((y ins'(te$ my re(i&ion with acc'sations that my re(i&ion Apreaches rape an$ pi((a&eA as a re(i&io's %a('e 3 an$ acc'se$ me o? @e(ie%in& in Apro%ocation o? racist riotsA. 1he Asatr' /e(i&ion $oes not (acD Mora( =a('es or 1ra$itiona( Mora( 0thics. I chose to remain home(ess an$ contin'e$ (i%in& in my car ?or some months more. A ?rien$ o? 1ay(aKs name$ Sean 7ase was worDin& at Stop N Shop $'rin& the time which I was emp(oye$ there3 I o%erhear$ him maDin& con%ersation a@o't @(each poisonin& some@o$y to $eath. Sean 7ase is MA,IA ?ami(y. 1his man trie$ to maDe me (ooD anti H'$aic3 as a partic'(ar woman was approachin& the co'nter< Sean 7ase sai$5 AShhhh... @e care?'(3 sheKs Hewish. 1his (a$y comin& here is Hewish... shhhhh @e care?'(.A within earshot o? the woman. 2'rin& this month I saw 1ay(a wa(Din& $own the street with a man whom (ooDe$ (iDe an imposte'r ,ranD 7arroccino 5 a man I was ?rien$s with $'rin& hi&hschoo(. 1his is $an&ero's $'e to the ?act that I was recor$e$ ta(Din& to ,ranDKs @rother 9y(e 7arroccino whi(e I was worDin& at SDri%anos ,ami(y 7orporationKs 2'nDin 2on'ts in the Ma(( o? NewHamsphire. My sister S'mmer /ose MacPhersonKs @est ?rien$ 9yra G'sta%sonKs o($er sister A(yssa G'sta%son is &oo$ ?rien$s with ,ranD an$ 9y(eKs yo'n&er @rother /yan 7arroccino. 1he man who intro$'ce$ my se(? to =a(erie .(son when we were chi($ren is the yo'n&er @rother o? Hohn ;o&&ia3 who is the eF

@oy?rien$ o? She((y 7arroccino. 9yra an$ A(yssaKs ?ather is a po(ice o??icer in Manchester New Hampshire 5 .??icer G'sta%son. 2'rin& the year 1""" < ,ranD 7arroccino p'rchase$ mariJ'ana $'ste$ an$ possi@(y crysta((i>e$ with 2isAssociati%es @y means o? a =apori>er machine 5 this is the eFact same $r'& that ,i( 0man'e(eKs o($er @roth 7hris 1homas 'se$ to $r'& a(( o? the a$'(ts at my ?ami(yKs 1"88 Ha((oween Party as we(( as the chi($ren who he @(ew smoDe in the ?ace o?. ,ranD 7arroccino p'rchase$ this tainte$ mariJ'ana thro'&h Hohn ;o&&ia. 1he 7arroccino ,ami(y were one o? the ?ami(ies that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e ha$ or$ere$ to watch HacD 2ion an$ his ?ami(y as we(( as my se(?. 1he ;o&&ia ,ami(y an$ the Ma&&iore ,ami(y were two ?ami(ies which the 0man'e(es Sa%oy A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate worDe$ c(ose(y with an$ or$ere$ to watch speci?ic peop(e an$ in?('ence them. 2'rin& the year 1""" < ,ranD 7arroccino an$ his &ir(?rien$ Hei$i ,rit> 3 whom was my @est ?rien$ $'rin& my ?irst year o? hi&hschoo( 5 arri%e$ at my ho'se $'rin& the a?ternoon. Imme$iate(y a?ter they arri%e$ 3 ,ranD 7arroccino s'&&este$ that we smoDe pot in the woo$s. :hi(e smoDin& the mariJ'ana which ,ranD 7arroccino pro%i$e$ 3 Hei$i an$ my se(? $isassociate$ entire(y. 1he (ast thin& that I remem@er @e?ore $isassociatin& was that ,ranD 7arroccino to($ Hei$i ,rit> to Diss me an$ she $i$. A@o't an ho'r an$ ha(? (ater 3 we were $ri%in& $own the roa$. ,ranD was $ri%in& 3 Hei$i was ha(? as(eep in the ?ront seat 3 an$ I was in the @acD seat. I rea(i>e$ we were in an a'tomo@i(e an$ asDe$ ,ranD 7arroccino how (on& we ha$ @een $ri%in& an$ where we were. ,ranD acte$ s'rprise$ an$ sai$ AI $onKt Dnow. :eir$ 3 h'hMA a?ter which Hei$i awoDe an$ sai$ A:eKre in a carLM :hat happene$LMA . I to($ ,ranD 7arroccino that the MariJ'ana that he ha$ @o'&ht was $e?inite(y (ace$ with somethin& 3 Hei$i a&ree$ with me an$ @e&an ye((in& at him. ,ranD sai$ that he $i$ not Dnow 3 a&ree$ that it may ha%e @een 5 an$ ,ranD to($ 's that he ha$ p'rchase$ the MariJ'ana ?rom Hohn ;o&&ia. Hohn ;o&&ia was $e?inite(y or$ere$ @y the 0man'e(es to carry o't speci?ic tasDs ?or them n'mero's times < on one occaision 3 Hohn ;o&&ia was or$ere$ to $e(i%er "0 ;eers to 9y(e Howar$Ks ho'se in MerrimacD NewHampshire as a rewar$ ?or somethin& 9y(e Howar$ ha$ $one 5 this was $'rin& the @e&inin& o? my ,reshman -ear o? Hi&hSchoo(. I @e(ie%e that 7hris 1homas an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e p'rpose(y ma$e some %er@a( or$ers to some peop(e an$ arran&e$ ?or the MariJ'ana with 2isAssociati%es to @e smoDe$ with me 11 years a?ter Ha((oween o? 1"88 3 this @ein& 1""" 5 this wo'($ ha%e @een ?or the p'rpose o? checDin& to see i? I ha$ ta(De$ a@o't what ha$ happene$ $'rin& 1"88 or the 0man'e(esK connection to the SeF 1ra??icDin& o? my Mother 3 her Si@(in&s 3 an$ my Nana $'rin& the NiFon A$ministration. :hen Hei$i an$ I asDe$ ,ranD 7arroccino I'estions a@o't what ha$ happene$ 3 ,ranD sai$ that he or$ere$ 's to Diss eachother an$ that Hei$i an$ I starte$ Dissin& an$ $i$nKt stop ?or an ho'r < an$ that ,ranD J'st Dept smoDin& pot an$ e%ent'a( 2Jar'm c(o%e ci&arettes. It is a pro@a@i(ity that the $r'&s that the 0man'e(esK ha$ (ace$ the MariJ'ana with were @oth a 2isAssociati%e an$ a Hypnotic. I @e(ie%e it pro@a@(e that ,ranD was or$ere$ to $o this @y an 0man'e(e 3 it is a(so pro@a@(e that it was s'&&este$ to ,ranD that he @reaD 'p with Hei$i a year (ater an$ to ?in$ an Ita(ian &ir(?rien$ who was not at a(( Hewish 5 Hei$i was ha(? Hewish. As has @een state$ @e?ore 3

He?? 2a%is Joine$ the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen @'t was not promote$ to a 1it(e @earin& Position o? e%en a Pa&e 5 this was ?or the reason that He?? 2a%is was o? ha(? Israe(i race . 1he 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen are the 9ni&hts 3 Pa&es 3 an$ 0rrants o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy < =ittorio a((owin& a person o? ha(? Israe(i race to @ecome a mem@er whi(e $enyin& him a 1it(e @earin& Position 3 is $e?inite proo? that the 0man'e(e ?ami(y ha%e @een attemptin& to a%oi$ in%esti&ation 5 i? yo' are not o? an Aristocratic ?ami(y an$ are not a person o? an 1it(e @earin& No@i(ity 3 yo' are not o? the Aristocratic Ho'se o? Sa%oy e%en i? they $o technica((y a((ow yo' to @ecome a mem@er o? the A4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emenA. It seems $e?inite that the ;ritish Aristocracy an$ the Hano%er ,ami(y are tar&ets o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy whom are pro@a@(y &oin& to attempt to rep(ace them with imposte'rs (oya( to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy3 with intentions o? marryin& them to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy in the ?'t're. 1his seems pro@a@(e to @e tr'e as we(( 3 ?or the Aristrocracy o? Norway as we(( as 2enmarD. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy are sti(( p(annin& G(o@a( 7onI'est an$ are sti(( the A6IS. 2'rin& the year 200* 3 whi(e I was worDin& at Stop NK Shop < there was an Ara@ic man worDin& at the Stop NK Shop who seeme$ to Dnow Sean 7ase. 1his manKs name ta& rea$ Anthony Stone. :hi(e worDin& at this (ocation3 a woman that (ooDe$ re(ate$ to the women whom 2ana Um@ro an$ 0$ :arren were marrie$ to in the year 2005 < @o'&ht meat an$ cheese at the $e(i. Aro'n$ the time that I ha$ starte$ worDin& at Stop NK Shop3 I witnesse$ on the te(e%ision news whi(e at my A'nt 4es(ieKs ho'se at 285 Gray Street in Manchester NewHampshire < that man was ?o'n$ ma'(e$ to $eath @y 4ions near the Great P(ains /e&ion. In the area s'rro'n$in& his corpse there was an assortment o? opene$ ca&es3 a n'm@er o? $ea$ (ions3 an$ anima( tracDs. It was reporte$ on the te(e%ision news that n'mero's (ions ha$ escape$ ?rom the h'ntin& parties that were $ep(oye$ to tracD them $own < it was a(so $escri@e$ that there was a monDey amon&st them. It was reporte$ on the te(e%ision that n'mero's (ions ha$ escape$ ?rom these h'ntin& parties 'nharme$ an$ that there was a monDey amon&st them. 1he news se&ment on the te(e%ision screen was ca((e$ A4ions 3 1i&ers 3 an$ ;earsA 5 in re?erence to the :i>ar$ o? .> scene $'rin& which the 7owar$(y 4ion is intro$'ce$3 the A9in& o? the ,orestA se&ment o? the A-e((ow ;ricD /oa$A. Aro'n$ the year 200! < there was a resta'rant in the U.S.A. 5 in%esti&ate$ $'e to the resta'rant i((e&a((y ser%in& 4ion Meat in the U.S.A. . 2'rin& the year 200* < when Henry MaDow an$ He?? /ense eFpose$ in a p'@(ication =ittorio 0man'e(e III as A$o(? Hit(erKs patri(inea( ha(? @rother 3 I ha$ @een sin&in& A1he 7owar$(y 4ionKsA theme son& A9in& o? the ,orestA thro'&h the microphone on my comp'ter monitor screenKs to the comp'ter the race. I @e(ie%e that Anthony 2e?eo mentione$ ha%in& the Bizar) of Oz so'n$tracD on %iny( recor$. It is possi@(e that these anima(s ha$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace Ne'roGra?ts3 4on&/an&e /o'terG;attery S'r&ica( Imp(ants3 an$ possi@(y A/G.S GPS S'r&ica( Imp(ants 5 the p'rpose ?or this wo'($ ha%e @een to pi(ot the anima(s to commit ma'(in&s ?or the p'rpose o? 'ntracea@(e terrorism. I remem@er /on Pa'( speaDin& $'rin& an inter%iew3 with tears in his eyes< eFp(ainin& that there was on(y

one anima( (e?t to &et an$ that it was the monDey 5 he wo'($ nee$ to @e tranI'i(i>er $arte$ an$ p't @acD where he @e(on&s. My opinion is that the mi(itary sho'($ se$ation &as canister an$ tranI'i(i>er $art ,i((i@erto an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e a?ter which they sho'($ @e he($ in a mi(itary psychiatric prison 'nit ?or ?i?teen years with an 0(ectro0ncepha(oGraph He(met on ?or p'rpose o? &ent(y eFtractin& a(( in?ormation ?rom their @rains pertainin& to a(( o? their crimes an$ crimina( associates as we(( as terrorist associates. A Ne'roScience team at ;erD(ee 7a(i?ornia Uni%ersity $'rin& the 1"E0Ks an$ 1"!0Ks scienti?ica((y pro%e$ that @y &ra?tin& a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace Microchip onto the @rain o? a cat it was possi@(e to %iew the catKs %ision on a 7omp'ter Monitor3 e%ent'a((y it was pro%en that 7himpan>ees co'($ @e pi(ote$ to mo%e with remote contro(s3 an$ in the 1"80Ks Ne'roGra?t Prosthesis were in testin& phases. ions are a particularl5 suspicious ps5chological concept concerning the past ten 5ears of *eing stal.e) *5 8ittorio &manuele3 &mil5 Isles an) m5 self -ere )iscussing the #omans an) the ions in the !la)iatorium -hen m5 phone con0ersations -ere *eing hac.e) an) illegall5 recor)e)3 Be ha) *een )iscussing the pro*a*ilit5 that the #oman Senate ha) )eci)e) to propagate to the populace that the Christians use) to *e fe) to lions3 %he #oman &mpire ha) ,ust man)ate) Christianit5 as the Imperial #eligion an) all of the #omans -ere .neeling to a statue of a #a**i -ho ha) *een pu*licl5 e@ecute)3 Yeshua -as crucifie)+ li.e all non-#omans un)er #oman ,uris)iction -oul) ha0e *een for insu*or)inate *eha0ior an) re*ellion3 %he #oman &mpire *ecame an Oligarchal 1onarchist %heocratic Imperial #epu*lic earl5 )uring it's e@pansion : a %heocrac5 so e@treme that the5 *egan cutting out the toungues of 2rui)s -ho refuse) to con0ert to the #oman S5ncretic #eligion an) e0entuall5 crucif5ing priests of other faiths for refusal to con0ert to #oman S5ncretic #eligion3 %hese in)igenous fol. priests -ere .no-n to the Caesars as /paganus/ an) /heathens/ : 7esus -as a #a**i3 It -as not legal to crucif5 ethnic #omans nor -as it legal to crucif5 #oman Citizens of full-fle)ge) long-stan)ing citizenship3 %he capital punishment for #oman Citizens -as !la)iatorium com*at+ often in0ol0ing ions if the5 -ere sentence) to a*solute )eath3 %he stor5 of Christians *eing fe) to lions -as most li.el5 to ha0e *een propagan)a use) for the purpose of num*ing the effect of the guilt of oppressing foreign populations *eing that the5 -ere all *egining to .neel to a foreign priest -hom -as e@ecute) *5 their pre)ecessors for practicing his faith -hich ha) *een outla-e) in Israel un)er their occupation3 I also )iscusse) this -ith m5 roommate Scot an) e0entuall5 m5 gran)mother Pru)ence 1acPherson -ho is a Catholic3 %hese con0ersations -ere someho- recor)e) *5 8ittorio an) $illi*erto &manuele : this -as pro0en -hen I entere) a hospital in 1anchester )uring the time -hen I -as suffering from the effects of *lac.mol) poisoning + upon -hich a recor)ing of m5 !ran)mother's music *o@ -as pla5e) o0er the lou)-spea.ers3 I recognize) this recor)ing as *eing from the )a5 that I ha) *een to her a*out the ions in the #oman gla)iatorium3 %he el)erl5 man -hom I assume) -as a CI" emplo5ee -ho ha) come to $amil5 2ollar to in0estigate -ho I -as + has as.e) me -ho -iretappe) m5 phoneline : later stating that I -as illegall5 -iretappe) once to &mil5 Isles in Cana)a an) that it -as going to *e in0estigate)3 I *elie0e this -as

-hen some of the &manuele-&0ola S5n)icate's illegal usage of our go0ernment's a*ilit5 to -ire-tap stoppe) an) their pri0ate -ire-tapping using Communications Ser0ers an) (nits *egan in this region3 * 2uring ;==> appro@imatel5 one month after I sang into the computer microphone for 8ittorio &manuele's hac.ers to hear /%he King of $orest : Co-ar)l5 ion %heme Song of the Bizar) of Oz 1usical/ : I opene) a 5outu*e3com 0i)eo -hich -as title) /Ken5a+ Ken5a+ Ken5a/ or /Bhere can 5ou see lions/ of -hich -as an animate) cartoon music-0i)eo of a song -ith the l5rics /Bhere can 5ou see lionsJ Onl5 in Ken5a3 Come to Ken5a + -e'0e got lions3 Bhere can 5ou see lionsJ Onl5 in Ken5a3 Come to Ken5a+ -e'0e got lions3 Bhere the giraffes are333 an) the ze*ras333 Ken5a+ Ken5a+ Ken5a3 Oh Ken5a3 Come to Ken5a?/ 3 %his song an) animate) cartoon music-0i)eo -ere pro)uce) *5 the same people -hom pro)uce) the song /Ba)ger+ Ba)ger+ 1ushroom+ 1ushroom+ Sna.e/3 * 2uring ;=66 + some of the Italians in the Ne-Hampshire region an) 1assachusettes region ha) *een using some .in) of e@perimental han)-hel) -eapon that -as capa*le of causing Knee-ligament Spasms -hich )islocate) .nees an) cause) ci0ilians to fall an) *rea. their .nee-,oint3 Numerous ci0ilians -ere hospitalize)3 %his -eapon -as use) on me t-ice an) I poppe) m5 .nee *ac. into place *oth times3 I -itnesse) a -oman fall on the groun) + -hile at Stop'N'Shop3 %-o 8eterans -ere seen using crutches + -ith the same si)e .nee in,ur53 Numerous in)i0i)uals -ere hospitalize)3 I *elie0e that this )e0ice is pro*a*l5 an &lectro1agnetic S-eep -eapon of or of &lectro1agnetic -ith Sonic #a)iation3 %he three in)i0i)uals -hom I notice) ha) *een stan)ing in front of the 0ictims -hen this happene) + ha) a han) in one of their poc.ets3 %his seem lie. the5 -oul) *e e@perimental #iot-Control Beapons that -ere )eeme) illegal )ue to their )estructi0e capa*ilit5 to permanantl5 )amage ci0ilians .nees an) *o)ies3 * Of rele0anc5 to topic of ion-han)lers+ ion-*ree)ers+ Biologists+ NeuroScientists+ Organize) Crime-S5n)icates+ an) BrainComputer Interfaces : *et-een the 5ears of ;==K - ;=66+ multiple restaurants in the (S" an) one in South "frica -ere reporte) to ha0e *een ser0ing ion 1eat on a secret menu3 If NeuroScience e@periments -ere illegall5 *eing con)ucte) upon ions -hom -ere *eing surgicall5 grafte) -ith Brain-Computer-Interface )e0ices an) ong-#ange Surgical Implant #outers : it is pro*a*le that )ue to the e@pense in0ol0e) in .eeping lions as pets + the o-ners -oul) *e intereste) in recouperating the losses *5 selling the ion meat as an e@otic )elicac53 Biologists -oul) *e necessar5 for the purpose of procuring such rare an) e@otic animals as pets + as -oul) a *iologist *e necessar5 for the purpose of rare an) e@otic animals using "#!OS !lo*al-Positioning-S5stem Surgical Implants : these "#!OS !3P3S3 Surgical Implant )e0ices loo. incre)i*le similar to 8erichips an) are implante) 0er5 similarl5+ it is a )efinite possi*ilit5 that I ha0e one of these in m5 right forearm currentl5 an) that others ha0e *een implante) -ith these )e0ices as -ell3 %he "#!OS !3P3S3 Surgical Implant -oul) most li.el5 mar. the Human as some

sort of Sea!ull or Pi)geon : the "#!OS Implant -oul) *e use) in the case of the *atter5 in the Brain-Computer-Interface )e0ice's associate) #outer Surgical Implant losing it's charge an) the B3C3I3 going offline inclu)ing the !3P3S3 position of the B3C3I3 3 %his -oul) pre0ent the B3C3I3 Implante) in)i0i)ual from escaping3 %hese particular Biologists -oul) )efinitel5 *e close associates of the &manueles as -ell as -oul) the5 potentiall5 ha0e a connection to a 8eternarian Clinic or multiple 8eternarian Clinics -here surgical implantation of )e0ices occurs on a regular *asis3 If either the &manueles or 1ostafa I*nSau)'s famil5 o-n a AOO or ha0e pai) another in)i0i)ual to #etain a AOO un)er their o-n name : the #etainer -oul) ha0e access to Biologists on a regular *asis+ it is most pro*a*le that these associate) Biologists -or. -ith a AOO that the &manueles famil5 are associate) -ith3 * Bhile I -as at Stop'N'Shop + an imposteur of 2an Buc.le5 -al.e) into the store an) seeme) to *e -ith an imposteur of Chris #o)on3 %he imposteur of Chris #o)on loo.e) entirel5 Italian E the factual Chris #o)on -as of mi@e) Italian + "merican + an) "ustrian race3 2uring the 5ear 699K + )uring Fth gra)e : 2an Buc.le5 ga0e a classroom presentation on /")olf Hitler/ as an Imminent Peoples' 2a5 Pro,ect that he -as instructe) to report *5 his $ather an) some*o)5 -ho -as a mem*er of the eague of Italian !entlemen of the House of Sa0o53 Someho- + Christina $aeriolo .ne- a*out this pro,ect an) as.e) me a*out it E it is possi*le that 2aniel Buc.le5's parents .ne- Christina $aeriolo's famil5 someho-3 %he ps5cholog5 of 2aniel Buc.le5 *eing instructe) to )ress as ")olf Hitler for the /Imminent People's 2a5/ pro,ect is of e@treme importance -orth noting + 2aniel Buc.le5's ")olf Hitler costume -as a costume of professional Cinematograph5 Hualit5 : costumes -ere present on Hallo-een of 69CC + -hile 8ittorio/8ictor/ &manuele's son Chris %homas -as present at m5 house an) ha) )rugge) the a)ults at the Hallo-een Part5 an) pornographe) the chil)ren -hile the a)ults -ere una-are3 %he ps5chological importance of this is the fact that m5 mother 2e*ra a8oie 1acPherson -as a 8ictim of 8ittorio /8ictor/ &manuele's an) the Sa0o5-"GIS %errorist Crime-S5n)icate -hen she -as a chil) + she -as use) as a repeate)-0ictim for initiation crimes as -ell as -as she an) her mother an) si*lings .ept as 8ictims in the home of a man name) Charles /Chuc./ 2ouglas -ho -as one of 8ittorio /8ictor/ &manuele's %errorist CrimeS5n)icate Crime- Sol)iers3 On Hallo-een of 69CC + m5 mother -as )resse) as &lpha*a the Bic.e) Bitch of the Best E 7ac. 2ion's )aughter -as )resse) as a -itch as -ell3 %he num*er /CC/ often represents /Hail Hitler/ in Bhite #acist Street-!angs : 8ittorio /8ictor/ &manuele's son Chris %homas + -as present at the 69CC Hallo-een Part53 * 2uring the 5ear 699K+ m5 Imminent Peoples 2a5 pro,ect presentation -as a presentation a*out the Siou@ #e0olutionar5 !eneral -ho's name -as Craz5 Horse3 %he teacher at school -ho's name -as 1rs3 1ahone5 + *ecame angr5 -ith m5 selection of a hero of a $irst Nations Nati0e "merican #ace as the topic for m5

report : 1rs3 1ahone5 state) cruel5 an) angril5 to me + /I )on't .no- -h5 5ou are so prou) of that3 I )on't .no- -h5 5ou are prou) of *eing that3 Nati0e "mericans are laz53 Nati0e "mericans )o not -or.3 Nati0e "mericans are gi0en cars *5 the (nite) States go0ernment+ their oil *ills an) gasoline is pai) for them+ the5 ha0e *een gi0en Casinos that people from all o0er the -orl) pa5 mone5 to gam*le in+ an) their chil)ren go to college for free3/ after stating this + she pointe) to the %i-az $uthar. #une pen)ant on m5 nec.lace an) sai) /You shoul) *e prou) of that3 You shoul) *e prou) of that heritage3/ as if I -as ashame) of m5 $ather's Nor)ic heritage an) the name 1acPherson3 1s3 1ahone5 then attempte) to e@plain to me that Craz5 Horse -as not an e@cepti*le Imminent Person *ecause he -as a.ota + accor)ing to 1s3 1ahone5 : Craz5 Horse -as an enem5 of the (3S3"3 an) an a)0ersar5 of /that flag/ O-hich she sai) -hile pointing at the (3S3"merican $lagP + 1rs3 1ahone5 sai) this to me t-o pro,ects after 2aniel Buc.le5 ha) ,ust gi0en his report presentation a*out /")olf Hitler/ in an /")olf Hitler/ theatre costume3 1rs3 1ahone5 loo.e) to *e om*ar)ic Italian + an) "ustrian : her name -as not *iological an) I *elie0e that her hus*an) -as actuall5 Italian an) 2eutsche3 $irst Nations Nati0e "mericans )o not get a Stimulus Chec. for *eing $irst Nations Nati0e "mericans + )o not get Scholarships for *eing a !enoci)e Sur0i0or or a National #acial 1inorit5 in their o-n #acial Homelan) + nor are -e gi0en properties as a simple result of our race3 His entire life + 8ittorio /8ictor/ &manuele has *een plotting the e@termination of the $irst Nations Nati0e "merican #aces for reason that he has ha) a Sa)istic $etish for raping an) incre)i*l5 5oung $irst Nations Nati0e "merican girls : 8ittorio /8ictor/ &manuele inherite) all of his -ealth an) position in life+ an) ha) to -or. for nothing3 8ictor is a Pe)arast %errorist 1ilitant Crime- or) an) the King of the House of Sa0o53 8ittorio /8ictor/ &manuele ma)e it an Initiation Crime for the Italian Sa0o5-"GIS to Chil)-Pornograph $irst Nations Nati0e "merican Chil)ren + Se@uall5-"ssault Nati0e "merican Infants + a*)uct "merican's )aughters + an) massacre "merican $amilies3 I ha%e ne%er e%en met a ,irst Nations Nati%e American who owns a 7asino3 nor ha%e I e%er Dnown o? one. 1he ,irst Nations Nati%e American peop(es $o not co((ect 1ri@'te ?rom 1aF 2o((ars ?or @ein& o? a ,irst Nations Nati%e American /ace. ,irst Nations Nati%e American peop(es are not &i%en wea(th 3 are not &i%en a'tomo@i(es 3 are not ?ree reso'rces 3 are not &i%en anythin&. 1he ,irst Nations Nati%e American /aces are sti(( @ein& eFterminate$ @y Ita(ians an$ their 7rime Associates who worD ?or the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy sti(( tar&et ,irst Nations Nati%e American ,ami(ies an$ SeF 1ra??icD their women an$ &ir(s as we(( as m'r$er their men an$ sons. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy are not American 3 they $o not @e(on& in North America 3 they are a ?orei&n race an$ are a ,orei&n 1errorist ,action o? G(o@a(ist Imperia(ists. 1he (ies which Mrs. Mahoney was speaDin& are the (ies o? a ?orei&n race o? peop(e who are not o? the continent that has @een (a@e(e$ North America @y the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ Ameri&o =esp'cci. Mrs. Mahoney (ooDe$ to @e o? some 4om@ar$ic Ita(ian 2NA. She state$ that her s'rname was her h's@an$Ks name 3 I @e(ie%e that she a(so state$ that her h's@an$ was o? miFe$ Ita(ian race as we(( as Irish. Mrs. MahoneyKs ?ami(y are $e?inite(y somehow

connecte$ to some@o$y who Dnew =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e. A(most a(( o? the ,irst Nations Nati%e American peop(es are impo%erishe$. 7'rrent(y < the &enoci$e in North America is tar&ettin& ,irst Nations Nati%e American /aces 3 An&(o SaFons 3 Gae(is 3 ,ranDs 3 Israe(is3 an$ A?rican Americans 5 the ?orei&n race that is eFterminatin& my peop(e is Ita(ian an$ the 0nemy 7om@atant ,action is the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,action an$ their a((ies. P 2'rin& the approFimate year o? 2002 3 whi(e I was with 7hristina ,aerio(o at her ho'se near :i(ton NewHampshire in what was either 4yn$@oro'&h or Green%i((e 5 Hason /o$&ers 3 7hristina ,aerio(o 3 an$ my se(? smoDe$ mariJ'ana that ha$ @een %apor coate$ in crysta((i>e$ 2isassociati%e 2r'&. 7hristina ,aerio(o $i$ not in?orm 's that the mariJ'ana was $'ste$ an$ %apori>e$ with 2isassociati%e. A?ter we ha$ smoDe it < ,i( 0man'e(e 3 2anie( Hames 3 an$ ,i(Ks ?rien$ Hason wa(De$ into 7hristina ,aerio(oKs yar$ an$ @e&an ta(Din& to 's 5 2.H. $istracte$ Hason an$ @e&an te((in& him that he was a &ray space a(ien 3 ,i( 0man'e(e han$e$ me a ci&arette an$ to($ me a?ter I ha$ (it it an$ @e&an smoDin& it A1hereKs a 2isassociati%e in that.A 3 an$ ,i(Ks ?rien$ Hason wa(De$ 7hristina away an$ @e&an mast'r@atin& her with his han$. A ?ew $ays a?ter this happene$ 3 I was with Hason /o$&ers an$ 7hristina ,aerio(o at 7hristinaKs ho'se near :i(ton NewHampshire in what was possi@(y 4yn$@oro'&h or Green%i((e NewHampshire < 7hristina an$ Hason smoDe$ pot 3 a?ter which 7hristina to($ Hason AHason... a ?ew $ays a&o when I @o'&ht pot ?rom my ?rien$... it ha$ st'?? in it that maDes yo' 2isassociate. 1hree &'ys wa(De$ 'p the $ri%e way an$ @e&an ta(Din& to 's. I ha%e to ta(D to yo' a@o't this.A a?ter this 3 Hason /o$&ers asDe$ her A7hristina we J'st smoDe$ the same st'?? 3 why $i$nKt yo' te(( me this @e?oreM :hy are yo' $oin& this to meMA. 7hristina ,aerio(o sai$ to Hason /o$&ers 3 A/emem@er when I to($ yo' that my ?atherKs 'nc(e was a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oyMA a?terwhich she sh't the $oor an$ I co'($ not hear the rest o? the con%ersation.

* It is a pro*a*ilit5 that the Primate -hom -as B3C3I3 NeuroScience 1icroChippe) -as pilote) to open the cages of the ions -hom -ere pilote) to loo. in the opposite )irection until the Primate -as far enough a-a5 not to get eaten+ the man -hom the5 foun) )ea) near the cages -as most li.el5 another 0ictim -hom possi*l5 also ha) a B3C3I3 in his *rain as -ell3 * "t the en) of the In0asion of i*5a+ an image of m5 frien) Bo* Shagour5's face -as animate) on to the hea) of a i*5an re0olutionar5 fighter -ho -as cele*rating his 0ictor53 %his -as )one o0er the comcast net-or. in 1anchester3 %he 0i)eo clip loo.e) li.e a recor)ing of his face )uring one of his hip-hop performances3 Bo* Shagour5 -as one of m5 *est frien)s in ;==> -hen this starte)+ he -as one of the first targets in the region -ithin the same line of targetting as m5 self3 I ha0e since this time met an "ra*ian man -ho -as claiming to *e Bo* Shagour5 : Bo* Shagour5 is actuall5 of *oth e*anese an) S5rian National &thnic+ he is not of "ra*ian National &thnic3 2uring m5 sta5 in the NeHampshire Hospital in Concor) Ne- Hampshire on Clinton St+ the name Shagour5

-as put on the )octor's )oor3 %his name-sign -as again seen in a )ifferent hospital later3 I *elie0e that Bo* Shagour5 ma5 possi*l5 *e missing3 %here has *een a )ifferent man's face on his $aceBoo.3Com account3 :hi(e &i%in& a coworDer name$ Matt a ri$e home3 he t'rne$ to me an$ sai$ A1hey ?o'n$ a c're ?or AI2S 3 itKs in the MA1/I6. 1hey ?o'n$ a c're ?or AI2S in the MatriF.A I asDe$ him what he meant an$ who to($ him that 3 he rep(ie$ A1hey ?o'n$ a c're ?or AI2S in the MatriF3 I $onKt Dnow. 1hey J'st ?o'n$ a c're ?or AI2S in the MatriF.A I ha%e a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace MI7/.7HIP &ra?te$ to my @rain. :hen this sta(Din& @e&an in 200*3 I was ?reI'ent(y p(ayin& the S0GA G0N0SIS an$ SUP0/NIN10N2. &ame SHA2.:/UN on my comp'ter 5 in one o? the &ames I was p(ayin& as a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace$ 7omp'ter HacDer $'rin& the time that my comp'ter was @ein& hacDe$ to psycho(o&ica((y p'nD the hacDers3 in this &ame the p(ayer hacDs the internet matriF with a their @rain p('&&e$ in to a comp'ter. My roommates at the time ha$ Sha$owr'n PenGPaper &amin& materia(s an$ were watchin& the MatriF mo%ies ?reI'ent(y on 7omcast. My roommates at the time were &ay. I *elie0e Sean Case tol) 1att to sa5 this3 2'rin& these two months3 I notice$ ! peop(e in Manchester with $ama&e$ Dnees. 1wice3 some@o$y approache$ me an$ my (e?t Dneecap &a%e o't. I ha$ to pop my Dnee @acD into p(ace. I @e(ie%e the terrorists amon&st the comm'nity here ha%e &ot their han$s on an e(ectronic $e%ice which &enerates a p'(sin& 0(ectro Ma&netic ;ass /esonance Sweep which p'(ses the Dneecap o't o? p(ace. 1his $e%ice was most (iDe(y inten$e$ to @e 'se$ ?or /iot 7ontro( p'rposes3 @'t was ?o'n$ to @e too $ama&in& an$ inh'mane to @e 'se$ ?or s'ch. 1here was a woman who ran$om(y ?e(( to the ?(oor whi(e shoppin& at Stop n Shop. She sai$ her Dnee &a%e o't an$ she $i$nKt Dnow why. 2'rin& the year 2010 3 I %isite$ my ?rien$ 7athryn ;'rDe in :ashin&ton NewHampshire 5 7at o@%io's(y ha$ a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace in her @rain an$ state$ to me 3 AIan... I thinD in ima&es 3 scents 3 an$ so'n$s.A as she were a $o&. 7athryn ;'rDe a(so state$ to me 3 AIan... $o yo' ha%e a comm'nityM As a comm'nity o? peop(eMA this echoe$ the wor$s at the hospita( which ha$ @een asDe$ o? me when I state$ that my re(i&ion was AAsatr'A an$ they recor$e$ it as A.$inistA in their recor$ @ooDs. 7athryn ;'rDe an$ my se(? ha%e e%erythin& in common an$ are not %ery ?ar apart in a&e 5 we are o? the same comm'nity 3 there is no (o&ica( reason why she wo'($ e%er asD this. 7athryn ;'rDe (iDes a(( o? the same thin&s that I $o an$ is a(so an Asatr'ar 3 she a(so Dnew in$i%i$'a(s o? many o? the same socia( networDs o? peop(e that I Dnew. A Pri%ate In%esti&ator who c'rrent(y wishes to remain anonymo's has in?orme$ me that the ?act'a( MiDe Smith has @een missin& ?or a (on& time an$ has @een rep(ace$ @y n'mero's imposte'rs < an$ has in?orme$ me that 7at ;'rDe has @een horri@(y a@'se$ @y the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS A&ents whom the 0man'e(es or$ere$ to S'r&ica((y Imp(ant a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace in her @rain an$ a@$'ct her. 7athryn ;'rDe mentione$ to me $'rin& the year 200" that she went to schoo( with Ita(ian A6IS ?ami(ies in NewHersey. Hason He??reyKs ha(? @rother (i%e$ in NewHersey an$ New-orD an$ worDe$ ?or

=ittorio A=ictorK 0man'e(eKs 7rime Syn$icate as a 7rime So($ier. - Bhat I *elie0e -as an imposteur copE the /Saint C5r/ from ;==F M-ho possi*l5 stole the actual Officer St3 C5r's *a)ge for a -ee.N -al.e) through the store once an) I sa- him3 I *elie0e this man ma5 possi*l5 ha0e *een transferre) to 1errimac. Police 2epartment in ;==F *5 an Internal "ffairs 2epartment3 It -as no- ;=663 His hair ha) gro-n out to the length of the %-6=== in the mo0ie %&#1IN"%O# ;3 %his is of rele0ance )ue to &) Barren's o*0ious mention of /the last one going )o-n into the la0a/ an) also the mention in the Science 1agazine -hich I ha) *een rea)ing concerning the article of interest -hich I ha) mentione) to &) that -as a report of a ne- Brain-Computer-Interface NeuroScience technolog5 *eing use) to ena*le reco0er5 from *rain-)amage an) reco0er5 of fine motor-s.ills relate) to lar5ngeal+ phar5ngeal+ tongue+ mouth+ an) speech : it possi*le to emulate a specific human 0oice -ith the reco0ering in)i0i)ual's musculature in or)er to train them to spea. again3 %his -as achie0a*le )ue to neural cortical-plasticit5 an) the *rain's a*ilit5 to train a health5 section of the *rain to function in the stea) of the )amage) section+ replacing the )amage) section of the *rain -hich originall5 go0erne) the neural processes -hich -ere lost : this is ho- people -ith memor5 loss regain the a*ilit5 to store an) recall information3 (sing this in con,unction -ith computer animation allo-s a BrainComputer-Interface) in)i0i)ual to emulate specific 0oices for espionage purposes3 I ha) mentione) espionage to Henr5 1a.o- )uring the -ee. that ")olf Hitler's famil5 hac.e) his email account3 8ittorio &manuele+ the gran)son of ")olf Hitler's half *rother arri0e) at m5 place of -or. imme)iatel5 after this ha) occurre)3 Aro'n$ this same $ate3 one o? my coworDers who was an Ita(ian American a @it yo'n&er than me ma$e some statements AGAIN in an attempt to maDe me (ooD anti H'$aic in ?ront o? whom he apparent(y percei%e$ to @e a ?ema(e Hewish c'stomer whi(e I was preparin& to 'se the Dosher meat s(icer to c't her some meat. 1here are $e?inite(y terrorists as we(( as an a&ent pro%ocate'r within the (oca( Ita(ian comm'nity. My @est &'ess is that it is either a ,ascist 4oya(ist or a SA=.- 4.-A4IS1 with Ma?ia connections. 1he most (iDe(y possi@i(ity is :or($ :ar 1 Ita(ian Imperia( 4oya(ist connections to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the Ita(ian roya( ?ami(y N /oman roya( @(oo$(ine 3 the $escen$ents o? =ittorio 0man'e(e II an$ H'(i's 0%o(aKs ?ami(y. :hi(e worDin& at Stop N Shop 3 a man appeare$ in the store whom was o@%io's(y preten$in& to @e an ?ormer c(assmate o? mine ?rom my chi($hoo$ whom was one o? my ?rien$s when I was yo'n&. 1his man appeare$ to @e 100Q Ita(ian. 1he man whom he was preten$in& to @e was name$ 7hris /o$on 5 7hris was on(y ha(? Ita(ian3 his mother @ein& American. P 7hrisKs ?ather an$ @rother /o@ert an$ Matthew 3 ha$ mo%e$ to 1eFas in 200E. A ?rien$ o? mine name$ 4in$sey Garo?ano ha$ a(so mo%e$ to 1eFas a year prior to this3 4in$sey has @een missin& an$ a $i??erent Ita(ian ?ema(e has @een preten$in& to @e her 5

this Ita(ian ?ema(e ha$ %isite$ me in NewHampshire $'rin& 2011. ;erry 7anote whom is a(so Dnown @y his pen name Swain :o$enin& 3 was a(so (i%in& in 1eFas $'rin& this time an$ is $e?inite(y a tar&et o? the terrorist ?action which has attacDe$ 's. /o@ has since possi@(y re(ocate$ to 4o'isianna an$ Swain has re(ocate$ to what I @e(ie%e to @e Misso'ri. In 2011 3 I met a 4in$say Garo?ano imposte'r 5 her mo@i(e ce(('(ar te(ephone n'm@er was 832 E5" "0E2 . P 2'rin& the 1""0Ks /o@ was @rie?(y acI'ainte$ with Swain :o$enin&3 /on ;oar$man3 Stacy Sea@'ry 3 an$ 4i((y P(aise whom /o@ert /o$on ha$ met at a /ennaisance ,aire. P 2'rin& the 1""0Ks 5 /o@ /o$onKs co'sin was a mem@er o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen. /o@ ha$ $escri@e$ this or&ani>ation as one that tests itKs initiate$ mem@ers ?or responsi@i(ity < &i%in& the initiate$ mem@ers simp(e tasDs to see i? they co'($ @e tr'ste$ with increasin& amo'nts o? responsi@i(ity3 he $escri@e$ it as e%ent'a((y @ein& simi(ar to A(iDe @ein& a 9ni&htA. 1his was $'rin& the 1""0Ks when I was ?rien$s with his son 7hris. =ittorio 0man'e(eKs son Aaron ha$ @een a$opte$ to a mem@er o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen. It is possi@(e that =ittorio 0man'e(e 'ses the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(eman as Pa&es an$ 9ni&hts3 in?ormation &atherers an$ e%ent'a((y @o$y &'ar$s. 2'rin& 1""5 3 I o%erhear$ /o@ /o$on eFp(ainin& to his son that =ittorio 0man'e(e III was A$o(? Hit(erKs ha(? @rother. /o@ /o$on a(so eFp(aine$ to his son that =ittorio 0man'e(e I= an$ his son were in%o(%e$ in SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 .r&ani>e$ 7rime 3 an$ ha$ @ecome NAM;4A a??i(iate$. /o@ /o$on state$ that he $i$ not @e(ie%e that m'ch o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy was &oin& to @e (e?t stan$in& a?ter on&oin& in%esti&ations o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs SeF 1ra??icDin& an$ NAM;4A connections were ?inishe$ 3 ?or reason that m'ch o? the ma(es o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs imme$iate ?ami(y ha$ @een s'specte$ to @e in%o(%e$. ,or a time (ast s'mmer 3 I worDe$ at Stop N Shop @rie?(y. 1he Ita(ian Americans there were repeatin& thin&s I ha$ sai$ to my se(? whi(e $ri%in& a(one in my car3 within earshot o? me seemin&(y intentiona((y... which @ro'&ht to my attention that some@o$y ha$ a p(ante$ A@'&A (istenin& $e%ice somewhere in my car. I @e&an teFtin& my own phone in hopes that it wo'($ @e (o&&e$ in 0che(on or Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence e(sewhere3 J'st in case somethin& happene$. 1here was a recor$in& $e%ice somewhere in my car. I teFte$ my se(? ... ... #Morse co$e ?or S...S.) an$ the neFt $ay a man came in to Stop n Shop an$ sai$ to me whi(e I was worDin& A1hey (e?t yo' to man a s'@marine a(( @y yo'rse(?3 h'hMA #I was not a(one3 an$ I was not maDin& s'@marine ro(( san$wiches). Mo@i(e phones can easi(y @e re en&ineere$ to @e 'se$ as $ia( 'p (istenin&Nrecor$in& $e%ices an$ can a(so @e sp(ice$ into speaDer wire. - Bhile at %7's Bar in 1anchesterE a Sicilian-"merican man in his late t-enties -ith a Ne- Yor. accent approache) me an) intro)uce) himself as /Hatsopoulos/+ a name that is relate) to the C5*er.inetics corporation an) is a !ree. name an) not Sicilian3 C5*er.inetics is a neuroscience corporation in0ol0e) in the pro)uction of *rain computer interfaces+ neuroscience soft-are+ neuro patches+ an) microchip neuroscience me)ical-oriente) )e0ices for human

an) animal *rains3 %his man pronounce) the name Hatsopoulos incorrectl53 :hi(e &i%in& 7oe5 1arini a ri$e home ?rom 1HKs ;ar 5 7oe5 1arini to($ me a stran&e story a@o't Aectop(asmA 3 statin& that Asometimes whi(e a person is sleeping their ectop(asm sp(its o?? ?rom their @o$y3 $'p(icatin& itse(? 5 it @ecomes another yo'3 it (itera((y @ecomes a secon$ h'man o? yo'rse(? an$ &ets 'p an$ wa(Ds away. .ne person e%en sai$ that they ?o'n$ a p(ace that the ectop(asm se(? ha$ a(rea$y @een3 statin& that e%ery@o$y there Dnew them a(rea$y.A 1his imme$iate(y remin$e$ me o? the ?act that a(( o? my i$enti?ication paperworD an$ i$enti?ication car$s ha$ @een sto(en ?rom me at 155 Map(e St Apt R2 Manchester NH < as we(( as 0$ :arrenKs statement to Anthony 2e?eo in the mi$$(e o? the store near the &reetin& car$s3 when he state$ A1his is &oin& to @e (iDe in%asion o? the @o$y snatchers3 $'$e.A an$ the ?act that the Manchester NewHampshire 2epartment o? Motor =ehic(es was in%esti&ate$ $'e to the crimes committe$ @y emp(oyees who ha$ @een printin& $'p(icate i$enti?ication car$s ?or terrorists to 'se as a(iases. My car was hit an$ $ama&e$ in an a'toacci$ent. I I'it the Jo@3 e%ent'a((y starte$ worDin& e(sewhere3 an$ @rie?(y staye$ at a ?rien$Ks home an$ worDe$ temporari(y with him at a ?actory in P(aistow New Hampshire. A?ter I ha$ ?inishe$ worDin& with my ?rien$ in P(aistow an$ my car was repaire$3 I ret'rne$ to (i%in& in my car. Aro'n$ this time3 I happene$ to meet an imposte'r ca((in& himse(? Aach "n)ros.i. He c(aime$ to @e Cach An$rosDi an$ ha$ a %ery simi(ar appearance @'t $i$ not rea(i>e that Cach An$rosDi was a$opte$. 1he rea( Aach "n)ros.i is act'a((y &enetica((y An&(o Gae(ic Metis. His a$opti%e ?ather was a man with a Po(ish name3 he was not act'a((y Po(ish himse(?. 1he man impersonatin& Cach An$rosDi on this $ay c(aime$ that he was Po(ish when I asDe$ him what his ethnicity was3 Cach An$rosDi is not &enetica((y Po(ish5 he was a$opte$. 1he man preten$in& to @e Cach (ooDe$ to @e $e?inite(y somethin& (iDe ha(? 7hechen an$ ha(? /'ssian or ha(? UDrainian. It is possi@(e that he was Ser@ian o? miFe$ race inc('$in& another S(a%ic racia( type 5 the ;a(tic re&ion is a(most entire(y o? miFe$ S(a%ic race. 1his man ha$ in his possession a crate o? what appeare$ to @e mi(itary &ra$e ?irearms. 1he act'a( Cach An$rosDi was recor$e$ on camera at ,ami(y 2o((ar when he came in to %isit me with Mo((y Go$$ar$ in 2005. 1he Cach An$rosDi A$opp(e&an&erA a(so ha$ in his possession a sma(( e(ectronic component tape$ to a ce(('(ar micro @attery @y a wa$ o? e(ectrica( con$'cti%e copper tape3 I am not I'ite s're what the $e%ice $oes @'t it (ooDe$ simi(ar to a circ'it @oar$ micro transistor or rese%oir component. 4ater that $ay3 I meet a ?aDe Nate An$rosDi who (ooDe$ simi(ar. Nate An$rosDi has re$ @(on$e hair3 is a@o't 5K10A3 an$ is Cach An$rosDiKs twin @rother. 1he imposte'r Nate An$rosDi is 5K10A3 has re$ @(on$e hair @'t has a sI'arer Jaw 5 he ha$ the same tattoos as Nate An$rosDi an$ pose$ ?or photo&raphs which were e%ent'a((y poste$ on ANateKsA ?ace@ooD. I @e(ie%e he was the one with the @an$ana co%erin& his ?ace3 ho($in& the &'ns @etween 200! 2011. 1he $ecision to ha%e him pose ?or photo&raphs an$ post them on Nate An$rosDiKs ?ace@ooD was (iDe(y to ha%e @een ma$e @y =ittorio

0man'e(e5 who was psycho(o&ica((y reactin& to the ?ear that he ?e(t when he saw the Israe(i American on myspace ! years prior3 wearin& a @('e tactica( wet s'it whi(e aimin& a sniper ri?(e in a @asement. I @e(ie%e that the rea( An$rosDis are missin&. I mana&e$ to o@tain the mo@i(e ce(('(ar te(ephone n'm@ers o? the an$rosDi imposte'rs 5 these n'm@ers were E03 !1E 3103 an$ E03 !03 3825 . . P :hen I met the imposte'r Cach An$rosDi 5 he mentione$ his ha(? sister @rin&in& to co'rt a SeF .??en$er ?or the p'rpose o? con%ictin& him 5 $'rin& the tria(3 the SeF .??en$er was mentione$ as AShinin& a Go($ 7rossA at his sister which Dept her mo'th sh't3 'na@(e to speaD as i? she was hypnoti>e$. Cach An$rosDi $i$ not ha%e a sister that I ha$ e%er Dnown o?. 1he man preten$in& to @e Cach An$rosDi whom $i$nKt Dnow the (i?e story o? Cach An$rosDi3 c(aime$ that the man ha$ @een rapin& his sister since she was yo'n&. 1he mention o? AGo($ 7rossA is an a(('sion to the ;'r>'m ,or'm which I ha$ poste$ on when I @e&an to @e sta(De$ @y 7y@er 1errorists an$ the 0man'e(e 0%o(a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate whom pai$ hacDers to 7y@er Sta(D an$ 1errori>e my se(? an$ others. :hen my sister 7he(sey /ain MacPherson was Di$nappe$ @y Sici(ians ?rom Massach'settes an$ swappe$ with a (ooD a(iDe 5 a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace was 'se$ to Deep her mo'th sh't so she co'($ not scream ?or he(p. 1he weeD that I ha$ mentione$ the AGo($ 7rossesA on the ;'r>'m ,or'm was aro'n$ the same month as another 'serKs acco'nt was 'se$ to post an artic(e tit(e$ A1he /ite o? He>@o((ahA which was a s(an$aro's artic(e a@o't /a@@is 5 this artic(e c(aime$ that a(( 7hassi$s mo(est (itt(e @oys. 1his was most (iDe(y to ha%e @een poste$ @y an a&ent o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs @ein& that =ittorio 0man'e(e is a 7atho(ic which ?its the psych pro?i(e o? the entire seI'ence o? e%ents. A?ter this artic(e was poste$5 =ittorio 0man'e(eKs son whom he ha$ &i%en to a$option in Massach'settes < a homseF'a( man name$ Aaron 3 contacte$ me on Myspace an$ A.4 Instant Messen&er. 2'rin& this year I was o?ten (istenin& to MP3Ks o? @an$s s'ch as 2eath In H'ne an$ 4'?twa??e on my comp'ter 5 these @an$s 'se a(ot o? AFisGA((ies re(ate$ ima&ery in their artworD3 2o'&(as Pierce o? 2eath in H'ne is a HomoSeF'a( Ma(e. .ne o? 2eath in H'neKs repeate$ ima&es which is common(y 'se$ is a Gay Pri$e ,(a& with a 1oten9op? an$ the n'm@er E neFt to it 5 at the time3 one o? my room mates was a homoseF'a( ma(e <5 I @e(ie%e this am@i&'o'sity @othere$ =ittorio 0man'e(e immense(y. P Mo((y Go$$ar$3 Mo((yKs mother3 my A'nt 4es(ie3 my A'nt 2onna3 my co'sin Michae(3 an$ my co'sin 9risten a(( worDe$ in Manchester New Hampshire at the Hospita(s $'rin& the past 10 years. Genoci$a( 1errorists in%o(%e$ in the 2'p(ication o? I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s an$ the rep(acement o? in$i%i$'a(s are most (iDe(y to tar&et positions within society which they can 'se to achei%e their &oa(s. 1hese positions inc('$e Hea(thcare3 4aw 0n?orcement3 In%esti&ations3 Sec'rity3 an$ i? possi@(e 5 mi(itary positions. Soon a?terwar$s< whi(e (i%in& in my car3 my stereo speaDers starte$ p(ayin& threats $'@@e$ o%er the m'sic I was (istenin& to %ia MP3 p(ayer. I was ass'min& that some@o$y sp(ice$ in a $e%ice ?orDe$ into the speaDer wire somehow. 7oinci$ent(y3 I ha$ (e?t a copy o? my Dey in a ?ew $i??erent p(aces on a ?ew $i??erent occasions. 1he threats were psy war?are attempts aime$ at maDin& me @e(ie%e that I was @ein& watche$ on a sDycam

an$ that I ha$ @een hear$ ta(Din&. #a&ain... aime$ at pro$'cin& ?ear o? oneKs own &o%ernment an$ home en%ironment in or$er to pro%oDe $issention or ins'rrection an$ ins'r&ency) .@%io's(y3 impro%ise$ terrorism techno(o&y was @ein& 'se$ to $o this< the techno(o&ies in%o(%e$ wo'($ @e internet3 mo@i(e phone3 c'stom hacDe$ $e%ice $ri%ers3so($erin& Dit3 e(ectronic en&ineerin& ?ro&s an$ rewires3 speaDerwire G sp(itters3 an$ comp'ters. Upon wa(Din& into a Mc2ona($Ys /esta'rant3 a man an$ his wi?e whom were sittin& at a ta@(e imme$iate(y @e&an ta(Din& a@o't 1e),ugor,e. 1he man then (ooDe$ $irect(y at me an$ I'ote$ somethin& that 1ay(aYs Gran$,ather ha$ sai$ 5 ZGo$ &i%es yo' two chances[ he warns yo'[ an$ then yo'Y(( @e &oo$L\ his tone o? %oice was incre$i@(y cr'e( an$ he was (ooDin& an&ri(y at me. 1his man was 100Q Ita(ian an$ (ooDe$ to @e o? 4om@ar$ic as we(( as Sici(ian ancestry. P 1his threatenin& stare is the same threatenin& stare that my Mother wo'($ o?ten &et ?rom this manKs comm'nity whi(e she was o't at $inner3 at the &rocery store3 or e(sewhere. 1he peop(e in the re&ion whoKs ?ami(ies were in%o(%e$ in the SeF 1ra??icDin& networD that was here wo'($ o?ten stare at her threatenin&(y an$ maDe threatenin& &est'res in her $irection when no@o$y e(se was payin& any attention to their actions. Many o? these peop(e are in%o(%e$ in other ?orms o? H'man 1ra??icDin& as we(( as other crime3 some o? them ha%e crimina( associates who worD in (aw en?orcement an$ in%esti&ations. It is most pro@a@(e that these in$i%i$'a(s an$ &ro'ps o? in$i%i$'a(s ha%e connections to Ita(ian A6IS 7o%ert 7e((s in%o(%e$ in .r&ani>e$ 7rime. 1he mention o? the Anti 7hrist here is eFtreme(y re(e%ent ?or the ?act that the prophetic propa&an$a that my Mother was ta'&ht 5 the Anti 7hrist was pre empti%e(y portraye$ as a &(o@a( crimina( tyrant with immense wea(th an$ power whoKs so($iers were &oin& to s'r&ica((y imp(ant e(ectronic $e%ices in the arm3 han$3 an$ hea$ o? the h'man race <5 there is &oin& to @e m'(tip(e ho(oca'sts @e?ore the en$ o? his war an$ at the en$ o? his assa'(t 'pon h'manity3 a &(o@a( state wo'($ eFist an$ the s'r%i%ors wo'($ @e his s(a%es 'nti( the secon$ arri%a( o? 7hrist when the s(a%es wo'($ @e ?ree$. 2i??erent %ersions o? the Anti 7hrist N Secon$ Arri%a( o? 7hrist story were ta'&ht to peop(e in $i??erent nations 5 a(( o? these stories mentione$ a &(o@a( state 3 a &(o@a( crimina( tyrant 3 &enoci$e 3 an$ a messiah. 1hese stories are o@%io's(y @(asphemy 3 mass psycho(o&ica( A6IS propa&an$a 3 as we(( as reactionary propa&an$a an$ prophecy to the pre empti%e Psych :ar?are o? the 0%o(as o? the Ita(ian A6IS. 1he Ho(y ;i@(e has @een mo$i?ie$ n'mero's times in the ear(y history o? itKs eFistence 5 the ;i@(e was 'se$ @y the /omans as propa&an$a3 n'mero's attempts ha%e @een ma$e since the ?a(( o? the /oman 0mpire to reconstr'ct the ori&ina( story o? -esh'aKs (i?e in ?act'a( $etai(. H'(i's 0%o(aKs i$entity was that o? a /oman 0mperor an$ his (inea&e was (itera((y ancient /oman Imperia( /oya(ty. 1he possi@i(ity o? my MotherKs race soon @ein& a %ictim o? a@so('te 7omp(ete an$ 1ota( Genoci$e is %ery (iDe(y. My Mother is o? the pre co(onia( race o? ,irst Nations peop(es who once pop'(ate$ the North 0astern re&ion o? the North American 7ontinent 5 cens's co'nts ha%e @een $roppe$ @y an eFtreme percenta&e mar&in stea$i(y in the past 150 years. 1he peop(e who tar&ette$ my Nana an$ my Mother ?or SeF 1ra??icDin& %ictimi>ation when she was a chi($ are $e?inite(y in%o(%e$ in a &enoci$a( &(o@a(

or&ani>ation worDin& $irect(y ?or the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icate 5 in this re&ion3 the primary tar&ets seem to ha%e @een racia( tar&ets s'ch as the ,irst Nations peop(es an$ the ?o'n$in& pop'(ations o? 0thnic 7ana$ians an$ the Nationa( 0thnic American pop'(ation that ?o'n$e$ the USA. .ther tar&ets o? these peop(es were the Gae(ic immi&rants who were (ate arri%a(s to the new(y co(oni>e$ re&ions o? North America as we(( as A?rican Americans an$ /'ssians. 1hese tar&ets seem to @e re(ati%e o? where this or&ani>ation is acti%e 5 in ;ra>i( the tar&ets were primari(y Mayans3 Incans3 ;ra>i(ian Nationa( 0thnics3 an$ Po(ish Israe(is whom were transporte$ to ;ra>i( @y SeF 1ra??icDers. In :estern 0'rope5 the primary tar&ets seem to @e /'ssians3 UDrainians3 Israe(is3 ;osnians3 ,rench3 Germans3 A(@anians3 an$ Swe$es. 1he connection that these men share is a &enoci$a( networD. 0%ent'a((y I went to the 0/ @rie?(y at Nash'a So'thern /e&iona( Me$ica( 7enter. Upon @ein& escorte$ to the 0/ room3 the man who initia((y approache$ me to checD my hea(th3 was o@%io's(y hi$in& his ethnic or nationa( ori&in @eca'se it is e%i$ent that is eyes were $arDer than the so(i$ pa(e @('e contact (enses he was wearin& an$ that his sDin was c'rrent(y $ye$ $arDer than it nat'ra((y is an$ that his nose ha$ @een cosmetica((y a(tere$ @y way o? p(astic s'r&ery. I co'($ not e%en te(( @y (ooDin&3 what his nationa( ori&in was inten$e$ to appear as or what it e%er ori&ina((y e%en was. 1he p(astic s'r&ery was $one eFtreme(y we(( as to hi$e the persons ori&ina( appearance an$ i$entity3 I am consi$erin& the possi@i(ity that these a&ents may @e eFperimentin& with =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy /esearch ?or aesthetic p'rposes o? espiona&e $is&'ises s'ch as %ira( &ene rep(acement o? hair an$ sDin $na as we(( as m'tation o? nose shape3 sca(p pattern3 an$ ear. =ira( %ector Gene 1herapy in%o(%es a simp(e process o? 2NA eFtraction an$ imp(antation in%o(%in& an en&ineere$ strain o? %ir's which ca'ses a rep(acement o? a sin&(e 2NA @(ocD on a @ar o? m'(tip(e 2NA. A(so3 sDin @(eaches an$ sDin $yes ha%e eFiste$ ?or a %ery (on& time an$ are c'rrent(y common(y 'se$ in p(aces s'ch as In$ia an$ e(sewhere. 1here is a possi@i(ity that =ira( Gene 1herapy /esearch co'($ @e 'se$ not on(y ?or aesthetic &ene rep(acement therapy @'t ?or %ira( war?are as we((3 @y ?ee$in& %ira( m'tant strains to %ictims in ?oo$ or mi(D ?or instance or @y %accinatin& %ictims intentiona((y with m'tant %ira( strains ?or the p'rpose o? $estr'cti%e(y a(terin& the ci%i(ians 2NA. =ira( Gene 1herapy co'($ @e 'se$ as a weapon to permanant(y physica((y $estroy a pop'(ation in a matter o? on(y a ?ew &enerations. An i$entity system with a hap(o&ro'pN$na an$ ?ami(y tree $ata@ase co'($ @e he(p?'( in i$enti?yin& when an$ where this occ'rs as we(( as i$enti?yin& possi@(e s(eeper a&ents with ?a(se i$entities inc('$in& imposte'rs (i%in& in their %ictimsK homes.

P =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy co'($ possi@(y @e 'se$ repeate$(y to a(ter ?in&erprints an$ stea( an in$i%i$'a(Ks ?in&erprints i? their @io(o&ica( 2NA materia(s are Dept in a (a@oratory 5 this wo'($ reI'ire m'(tip(e &ene m'tations inc('$in& sDin3 sDe(eta( m'sc'(at're3 han$ sDe(eta(3 ?in&er nai(s3 an$ @o$yhair pattern3 this wo'($ a(so reI'ire a ?ew weeDs o? m'tation whi(e the sDin ce((s she$.

P :hi(e I was insi$e o? the hospita(3 i @e&an to see (etters in some Din$ o? 3r$ space in my @rain. I ?e(t (iDe I ha$ a prosthetic eFtra eye. I co'($ see some@o$y typin& AHeKs here. :eKre ?'cDe$. HeKs here. HeKs here.A I co'($ a(most $iscern the rest o? the con%ersation @'t the screen wo'($nKt ?oc's. A?ter I (e?t I @e&an seein& the (etters on my occ'(ar ner%e3 ho%erin& on the s'r?ace o? my si&ht as i? I ha$ a transparent screen with (e$ @acD(i&htin& printin& neon &reen (etters physica((y on my %ision. P I notice$ whi(e in the Hospita( that the ori&ina( 0mer&ency 7(inic $oor ha$ @een remo%e$ an$ re(ocate$ to an 0./. room in the @asement (e%e( where the 0mer&ency 7(inic is. 1he entire 0mer&ency 7(inic has @een remo$e(e$ since the $ate o? the H'man =i%isections associate$ with the hospita(.

- 2uring this time+ the neuroscience )e0ice that -as grafte) to m5 *rain triggere) in a strange -a5 )ue to a computer s5stem *eing hac.e) an) possi*l5 some nesoft-are *eing uploa)e)3 I *egan seeing "SCI-green te@t font in front of m5 e5es3 It *ecame some-hat )ifficult to )ri0e )ue to the letters3 It loo.e) li.e an opaHue neon green floating ,ust *arel5 in front of m5 0ision3 Bhile par.e)+ I coul) -rite into the s5stem : some*o)5 -as to me li.e it -as a te@t messaging s5stem3 %he soft-are -or.s the same as thought-to-te@t soft-are -or.s for a Hua)rapalegic -ith a *rain-computer-interface E the )ifference is that the e5es s.ip aroun) rapi)l5 -hile the letters are *eing t5pe) in front of them -hereas the thought-to-te@t that a Hua)rapalegic uses is on a monitor screen3 In or)er to t5pe into the s5stemE all an in)i0i)ual has to )o is concentrate an) thin. the letters+ e0en entire -or)s can *e thought into the s5stem li.e a te@t *o@3 %his )e0ice is )efinitel5 not the space-alien magic that 2a0i) Ic.e -rites a*out+ nor is it a nein0ention3 " num*er of Brain Computer Interface microchipsE -ere )efinitel5 stolen from C5*er.inetics+ Braingate+ 2ean Kamen+ or Neuros.5 : this ha) *een surgicall5 implante) an) grafte) onto m5 *rain at the Ne- Hampshire Hospital on Clinton Street in Concor) Ne- Hampshire3 %here is a soft+ fle@i*le+ sil.-*ase) BCI openl5 on the : it a)heres to the cur0es of the *rain as the film co0ering it )issol0es an) is assimilate) into the *o)ies natural structure+ similar to )issol0a*le stiches3 1an5 of these )e0ices are in e@perimental phases an) there is usuall5 not alot of them ma)e : in or)er for some*o)5 to ha0e ma)e the num*er of Brain Computer Interfaces that seem to ha0e *een use) in this region + the5 ha) to ha0e *een some-hat .no-le)ga*le of -hat the5 -ere going to *e use) for3 %he machines that usuall5 ma.e these )e0ices are sel)om use)+ -hich is -h5 Brain Computer Interfaces are e@pensi0e3 %he pro)uct itself costs 0er5 little to ma.e as the materials use) are relati0el5 ine@pensi0e3 It is possi*le that a *iologist -as use) to reHuest a specific num*er of Neuro 1icrochip Interfaces ma)e E after -hich + the Italian 1afia *ro.e into the factor5 of an &manuele associate an) stole the shipment *o@es *efore the5 -ere shippe) out3 8ittorio &manuele )efinitel5 has the lo5al connections to get this )one3 %here is a -ireless transmitter-recei0er implante) near m5 throat ,ust insi)e m5 ,a- near m5 lar5n@ on the right si)e an) it is recei0ing mo*ile internet ra)io-freHuenc5 signal3 %his connects the same -a5

that a -ireless remote-controlle) ro*ot -or.s+ pilote) *5 computer o0er the internet : similar to the remote-control la-nmo-er e@periment that aire) on tele0ision in ;==D3 I ha0e *een ha0ing flash*ac.s of the surger5 that ha) occurre) -hile I -as unconcious at the Ne-Hampshire Hospital In Concor) NeHampshire3 I remem*er a female h5pnotist sa5ing something a*out m5 ,a- after surger53 I ha0e *een )oing alot of research on this+ tr5ing to figure out -hat to )o3 It is nearl5 impossi*le to e@plain to an5*o)5 *ecause fe- people *esi)es electronics engineering professors an) neuroscience professors un)erstan) -hat these are capa*le of )oing+ -hat these people are capa*le of creating in terms of neuroscience compati*le har)-are an) soft-are+ or that some of these suici)e *om*ings I genoci)al suici)e-comman)os ma5 literall5 *e people surgicall5 implante) -ith these neuroscience )e0ices an) -hom are possi*l5 h5pnotize) prior to *eing ro*otic-pilote) -ith soft-are similar to a first-person shooter3 Brain computer interface soft-are an) neuroscience BCI microchips are compati*le -ith custom engineere) animation an) ro*otics-animation soft-are3 Brain Computer Interface microchips are use) to control ro*otic prosthesis an) -ith the a))ition of a micro*atter5+ the entire *rain can *e ro*otic controlle) *5 a computer as if the *rain itself is the prosthesis : -ith a router attache) to the neurochip+ the computer )oesn't ha0e to *e in the same location as the 0ictim+ it connects *5 -a5 of -ireless ra)io freHuenc53 Soft-are programs can *e collage-or.e) together into a single program or e0en custom programme) *5 e@perience) computer programmers an) electronics engineers3 %he surgicalimplant router 4 *atter5 uses a cellphoneI-ireless mo*ile internet freHuenc5E it uses cell-phone to-ers 4 ser0ers+ mo*ile internet to-ers 4 ser0ers+ an) neuroscienceIro*otics-animation soft-are transmitte) o0er ra)io freHuenc5 mo*ile internet much the -a5 that a s.5pe is possi*le or a 0i)eo-game is pla5a*le on a laptop -ith a longrange mo*ile signal3 #o*ots+ remote-control cars+ an) remote-control la-nmo-ers+ are all capa*le of *eing -irelessl5 controlle) *5 a computer -ith a ,o5stic. an) monitor-screen3 2"#P"-$(N2&2 &&! H& 1&%S -ere also stolen for this purpose3 It is possi*le that these can *e uploa)e) to an application on a 3N&% + 3 CO1 + or 3O#! E it can also *e installe) on a net-or.e) ser0er as a )e0ice an) not ,ust simpl5 uploa)e) to the cellphone ser0ers on a )atapush3 %he5 are )etecta*le *5 1ilitar5 Signals Intelligence+ &chelon+ on the "(SC"NNA(K(S net-or. or e0en -ith an altere) 0ersion of Seti or SetiQhome installe) on militar5 communications interception eHuipment3 S&%I transmitte) from Sattelite+ aime) at communications sattelites: ma5 possi*l5 *e a*le so someho- intercept Neuro%ransmissions from regions outsi)e of our area3 &0en if 0ictims ha0e *een .ille)+ 1I I%"#Y SI!N" S IN%& I!&NC& 2"%"B"S&S H"8& P&#1"N"N% #&CO#2S O$ " O$ %H&I# N&(#O-SYS%&1S %#"NS1ISSIONS through the signals to-ers an) can create custom soft-are to anal5ze all of the recor)e) signals in or)er to gather au)io+ 0isual+ neurochemical+ neurological+ an) te@t-*ase) e0i)ence of the 0ictims' i)entities an) the criminal part5's i)entit5 as -ell3 Bith a po-erful enough processor Mli.e a %I &#" processor for instanceN computer soft-are can *e use) in con,unction -ith S%O#&2 1I I%"#Y SI!N" S

IN%& I!&NC& 2"%"B"S& #&CO#2S to search-engine an) catagorize all of the recor)e) transmissions an) fin) all of the 0ictims' recor)ings3 " har)-are Sorter(nit -ith a po-erful enough processer can *e installe) on t-o SI!IN% 2ataStorage units as a har)-are-)e0ice+ )irect-line) *et-een a *ac.up 2ataStorage Ser0er-(nit an) an empt5 2ata"nal5sis (nit+ -ith a uniHue net-or.interacti0e OperatingS5stemE an) can *e easil5 use) to sort an) catagorize all store) SI!IN% 2"%" compresse)-files li.e a filter+ filtering the files to the users specifications an) fol)er-cataloging them appropriatel5 in search-engine accessi*le format3 2ea) or ali0e+ the 0ictims' li0es are still accessi*le an) -ith the proper soft-are the militar5 -ill easil5 *e a*le to pla5 the store) electronic )ata from the Brain-Computer-Interface transmissions as if it -ere an animation pla5ing on a screen3 Bith the right BCI soft-are+ an &&! helmet can *e use) to spea. to the 0ictims Msuch as m5 selfN an) ma.e their mouth mo0e in or)er to e@plain to them -hat happene) an) that help is on the -a53 (nfortunatel5+ these &lectro &ncephalo!raph Helmets can also *e use) -ith a Brain-to-Brain Computer Interface soft-are to magnetic-telepathicall5 control an) influence the Neuro-Chippe) 0ictims3 %he 0ictims' *rains are permanantl5 attache) to BrainComputer Interface 1icrochips that are *eing use) in con,unction -ith customengineere) N&(#O-ro*otics soft-are com*ine) -ith custom engineere) neuroanimation soft-are to animate a human *o)5 in or)er to force it to )o specific things )ue to the magnetics in the *atter53 %his )e0ice is *eing use) for S&G%#"$$ICKIN! purposes as -ell as other forms of %&##O#IS1 in 0iolation of the !&N&8" CON8&N%ION3 1agnetics+ la5ere)-h5pnosis+ neural-linguistic programming+ "rtificial Intelligence-*ase) neuroscience soft-are+ an) Imageassociating neuroscience soft-are is *eing use) to control human *eings3 * %hese )e0ices can *e foun) using Custom &ngineere) #outers an) other )e0ices -hich can scan for a*normal Blue%ooth + hi))en Blue%ooth + a*normal BI$I + a*normal #outers+ an) other a*normal -ireless )e0ices3 Custom &ngineere) soft-are an) )ri0ers e@ist for these )e0ices3 - "ccor)ing to internet-ne-s agencies+ "n)ers Bra)en Brei0i. proporte)l5 ha) /t-o cranial surgeries/ prior to the genoci)al shooting of his o-n people in Nor-a5 an) )etonating of a 0ehicle la)en -ith e@plosi0es3 On the internet+ there are three )ifferent faces in photographs -hich are reporte) to *e "n)ers Brei0i.'s face3 Surgical implantation of a B3C3I3 reHuires a cranial surger5+ *ut t-o of these men are )efinitel5 not "n)ers Brei0i.3 %here -as a photograph of -hat appeare) to *e a mem*er of the Nor-egian #o5al $amil5 in his $reemasonic (niform an) "pron on the internet falsel5 la*ele) as "n)ers Brei0i.3 %his man -as also in a photograph -earing a *lue tactical outfit that loo.e) li.e a -etsuit+ he -as poise) aiming a sniper rifle -hile through the scope : I *elie0e this -as a photoshoppe) image3 Bhile I -as using m5space+ I notice) that m5 frien) ha) a))e) a ne- frien) an) that he -as 7e-ish an) -as possi*l5 a mem*er of the 7e-s $or the Preser0ation of $irearms O-nership "ssociation : he -as -earing a *lue tactical outfit that loo.e) li.e a -etsuit+ he -as poise) aiming a sniper rifle -hile through the scope3 I ha) 0ie-e) his m5space *riefl5 an) -as consi)ering a))ing him as a frien)3 I *elie0e that 8ittorio &manuele -as o*sesse) -ith the fact that I ha) *een in *rief contact -ith Henr5 1a.o- )uring the time that Henr5 ha) poste) the article a*out 8ittorio &manuele III ha0ing a half-*rother from a )ifferent mother+ name) ")olf -ho later *ecame ")olf Hitler3 * "n)ers Brei0i. -as reporte) to ha0e *een in the (K )uring one of his /facial surgeries/3 * "fter the attac.s : "n)ers Brei0i. -as reporte) to ha0e *een gi0en > )iffering )iagnoses *5 Ps5chological Profilers in Nor-a5 + it -as state) that each time the results -ere )ifferent3 %his is 0er5 a*normal an) ma5 sho- e0i)ence of ps5chological manipulation *5 metho) of ong-#ange Brain-Computer Interface NeuroScience technolog53 * "fter the attac.s : -hat -as proporte)l5 "n)er Brei0i.'s -orl)-0ie- an) e@tremist agen)a -hich ha) *een poste) to the internet o0er multiple 5ears time -as gathere) *5 in0estigators an) release)3 Some of this information ma5 *e incorrect )ue to the o*0ious amount of computer hac.ers currentl5 in0ol0e) in these attac.s3 8ittorio &manuele an) his sons as -ell ha0e piece) together an international para-militar5 C5*er-Barfare )i0ision -hom are lo5al to them3 * Bhile ha0ing *loo) )ra-n in one of the local hospitalsE I notice) on the pac.age that the stint -as manufacture) in the (K3 I li0e in the (S"+ I )on't *elie0e it's 0er5 logical that eHuipment that small -hich nee)s to *e .ept sterile -oul) *e importe) to the (S"3 * %he (K an) Nor-a5 ha0e *oth *een targette) E *oth the (K an) Nor-a5 ha0e refuse) unification -ith the &uropean (nion3 - It is on the right si)e of m5 s.ull ,ust to the rear of the ear)rum that the incision -as ma)e *ehin) the earlo*e an) the surger5 occurre)3 %he surgeons cut open the the *ase of the earlo*e+ separating it from the hea) slightl53 (sing a trephaning toolE a small piece of s.ull -as remo0e) in a tapere) shape an) )rille) -ith t-o small holes similar to a *utton3 %he B3C3I3 is a soft-*o)ie) BCI+ similar to the ne- fle@i*le circuit-*oar)sE an) it -as implante) rolle) up slightl5 using a soft-*o)ie) h5goformic collapsa*le tu*e for insertion Msimilar to the )ental tool use) for 0acuuming+ onl5 much larger an) in a flat o0al shapeN -ith the -ire hanging out the en)3 %he transmitterIrecei0er is a com*ination of a micro*atter5 rigge) to a mini cell-phone router encase) in an "#!OS 8erichip-li.e surgicalimplant -ith the -ire connecte) through a plastic en) that is seale)E others coul) *e "#!OS chip com*ine) -ith a custom-engineere) )atastorage )e0ice3 %he tools use) for this surger5 are almost entire cosmetic plastic surger5 tools+ laproscopic surger5 tools+ an) neurosurger5 tools3 2ue to Cortical an) Neural Plasticit5+ these )e0ices ha0e apparentl5 *een a*le to gra)uall5 control people li.e marionettes through soft-are an) mo*ile internetIcellphone to-ers3 It uses *inar5 electro-magnetics to anal5ze an) reorganize the *rain's functions3 It is a Sil.-*ase) Neural Implant -hich assimilates similarl5 as )o )issol0a*le stitchesE I

am not sure ho- this -oul) e0er *e remo0a*le3 I am assuming that -home0er )i) this to me M1ost )efinitel5 8ittorio &manuele's terrorist net-or.N ha0e *een creating soft-are *ase) upon the constant connection *et-een this )e0ice an) m5 *rain as -ell as others' *rains3 %he terrorist operation that is )oing this is em*e))e) -ithin multiple corporations+ multiple crime-s5n)icates+ as -ell as a fe- national go0ernments3 It is )efinite that the5 are -ithin the Italian go0ernment again *eing that there is a )efinite imperialist House of Sa0o5 lo5alist connection in0ol0e) in this3 I am positi0e that 8ittorio &manuele is in0ol0e) in se@-sla0er5 E human net-or.s glo*all5+ an) that this is his criminal-terrorist net-or.3 %his is 0er5 reminiscent of -hat happene) -ithin the CI" operation 1K( %#"3 $rom -hat I ha0e rea)+ the So0iet (nion -as also researching implanta*le electronic microchip )e0ices an) e@perimente) on animals -ith them as earl5 as the K='s in or)er to remote control the animal3 Henr5 1a.o- ha) mentione) that ")olf /Hitler/ -as in truth of )efinite House of S"8OY ro5al om*ar)ic lineage+ -as the King of Italia's son -ith a mistress Mnot his -ifeN of -hom -as his thir) cousin E this means that the current preten)er to the Italian ro5al cro-n+ 8ittorio &manuele+ is literall5 ")olf /Hitler's/ half-*rother's gran)son3 His criminal-terrorist net-or. targette) this region upon Henr5 1a.o-'s emails an) rea)ing emails *et-een himself an) others3 "lso+ in 1assachusettes is the %ilera 6==CO#& ProcessorM6== in)i0i)ual tile)-coresN an) the corporation -hich engineere) it+ %I &#"3 I am positi0e that the surgeons -ho )i) this -ere the Persian-"r5an /nurse/ an) the Italian /father's rights acti0ist/ -earing *lue )ustmas.s that -ere at the NH Hospital in Concor) NH K 5ears ago as I ha0e *een ha0ing flash*ac.s of the e0ent an) I remem*er -hat clearl5 -as the t-o of them3 I am fairl5 certain that the man use) to *e either a )entist or an ortho)ontist in this region3 I *elie0e that this Persian man -as most li.el5 recruite) *5 a -ealth5 "ra*ian crime-s5n)icate from the Sau)i-"ra*ianI1orrocan net-or.+ this ma5 *e a connection *et-een one mem*er of the I*n Sau) famil5 an) 8ittorio &manuele or one of 7ulius &0ola's un)ocumente) gran)sons3 Brain Computer Interface Soft-are is apparentl5 capa*le of pro)ucing su*liminals into the su*concious min) in a -a5 that is similar to the /*rain-to-*rain computer interface/ *ut -ith s5m*ols an) 0isual associations3 %he soft-are 8ittorio &manuele's net-or. are using functions similarl5 to -hat is on the -ith the e@ception *eing that the 0ictim is not informe) of the implantation of this )e0ice nor is the soft-are in0ol0e) in this as archaic in comparison to -hat is currentl5 openl5 on the mar.etE the effects of this are to h5pnosis at times an) I *elie0e that the 0ictims are suffering from constant la5ere) )eep h5pnosis3 "t NeuroScience institutes+ Brain-to-Brain Computer Interface soft-are is use) to simulate telepath5 electronicall5 -ith computers an) neuroscience o0er the internet3

* %his Brain-Computer Interface )e0ice an) it's attache) Surgical Implant #outer

can *e foun) using custom engineere) soft-are an) a custom engineere) Blue%ooth 2ongle or custom long-range (SB Bi$i antenna-router3 %he soft-are -hich is necessar5 to fin) these is a custom soft-are -hich scans all possi*le freHuencies an) locates an5 )e0ices compati*le -ith Blue%ooth or Bi$i : some of these are e0en capa*le of fin)ing other -ireless )e0ices as -ell such as Cellphones an) "rgos3 Hac.ers+ CircuitBen)ers+ an) Phrea.ers in0ol0e) in Custom &lectronics-&ngineering often .no- ho- to *uil) these )e0ices : SoftBare &ngineers un)erstan) ho- to program the proper )e0ice-)ri0ers an) soft-are necessar5 for these to operate properl53 Some of these can *e foun) on the internet : it is necessar5 for these to *e ma)e more rea)il5 a0aila*le to the pu*lic for the purpose of rescuing these 0ictims + man5 of -hom are 0ictims an) genoci)e targets3 It is also currentl5 possi*le to fin) Co0ert "gents -hom ha0e these Brain-Computer Interface )e0ices implante) in their *o)ies for purpose of utilizing NeuroScience soft-are in or)er to ma.e certain that their lar5ngeal+ phar5ngeal+ esophageal+ an) toungue musculature function properl5 to impersonate the specific 0oice of the in)i0i)uals -hom the5 ha0e *een attempting to impersonate an) ha0e stolen the I)entification Cre)entials of3 &0en if the )e0ice has *een shut off on the main ser0er -hich the %errorist CrimeS5n)icate has *een using : it is still possi*le for this )e0ice to *e installe) as a )e0ice on 5our computer as so long as one possesses the proper soft-are an) har)-are nee)e) -hich can *e foun) at online stores3 %he transmissions of these )e0ices ha0e also all *een recor)e) as #a)io-$reHuenc5 Ba0e$orms *5 1ilitar5 Signals Intelligence as -ell as Communications an) Internet Ser0ers3 %hese recor)ings are *ac.e) up permanantl5 on the "(SC"NNA(K(S net-or. -hich is the Signals Securit5 Net-or. of the British CommonBealth+ (S"+ an) Ne- Aealan)3 %his is a share) net-or.+ others net-or.s such as this e@ist3 %he planting of these Blue %ooth Bifi 2ongles an) impro0ise) #outers *ehin) -alls is use) to connect computers in apartment *uil)ings to 0ictims Brain-Computer Interfaces -ithout the 0ictims e0er *eing a*le to report it )ue to lac. of ong#ange &lectronic %o-er %ransmissions : these )e0ices are *eing use) for purposes of S "8&#Y+ %orture+ Human-8i0isections+ Information !athering+ an) !enoci)e3 is Sla0er5 as is Human-8i0isection or an5 other form of Human %raffic.ing3 If one of these transmitting )e0ices is out of reach an) a -oman is loc.e) *ehin) *ars+ *ehin) a -all+ in a room+ or in a cage : it is impossi*le for her to get to the #outer )e0ice to turn it off3 %he Italian %errorist Crime-S5n)icate -hom ha0e committe) these Bar-Crimes are Serial-#apists an) are "GIS o5alists + lo5al to the House of Sa0o5 : man5 of their allies are mem*ers of Crime-S5n)icates an) "GIS $actions -ho happen to *e Se@-Offen)ers an) Se@%raffic.ers3 Numerous Se@-Offen)ers ha0e *een sighte) amongst the population of the House of Sa0o5's Imposteur "gents an) "ssassins -ho the5 ha0e emplo5e) to -or. -ithin Hospitals + li0ing in homes -ith chil)ren -ho are 0ictims + an) -ithin the Police 2epartments in the North &ast of the (3S3"3 3 &) Barren calle) these

men /hitters/ + in a reference to ine-Bac.ers -ho hit an) tac.le opponents )uring a game of foot*all3 %hese men are sa)istic rapists an) serial-.illers3 %hese men are going to *e use) to attempt to )ecapitate an) completel5 infiltrate Bar-Crime In0estigations to sa*otage the in0estigation an) pre0ent the House of Sa0o5 an) their associates from *eing arreste) for their crimes3 * %here are -e*sites on the internet -hich ha0e pu*lishe) instructions on ho- to *uil) an internet-controlle) ro*ot : a remote-controlle) ro*ot pilote) using a computer an) an internet signal3 %his is the .in) of technolog5 -hich has *een use) in the manipulation of these Brain-Computer Interfaces long-range3 %he neHON2" "SI1O is a humanoi) ro*ot -hich is controlle) using an &lectro&ncephalo!raph Helmet : the pilot -ears the &3&3!3 Helmet an) controls the "simo using their thoughtsE causing the full-range-of-motion ro*ot to -al.+ pic. up o*,ects+ or other tas.s3 %he 2e0ice 2ri0er for this NeuroScience pilote) ro*ot as -ell as the soft-are relate) is capa*le of *eing reprogramme) to control a human using a Brain-Computer Interface3 In con,unction -ith "nimationSoft-are+ this technolog5 is capa*le of the ro*otic control of a human *eing's *rain3 %he human *rain anal5zes an) controls the human *o)53 Bireless signals are use) to transmit information capa*le of millions of computers to pla5 comple@ 0i)eo-games+ net-or. mo*ile-phone computers+ net-or. ser0ers+ net-or. sattelites+ net-or. animals thet *iologists ha0e tagge) -ith "#!OS or B3C3I3+ an) pilot ro*ots at long )istance3 Hon)a "simo is ,ust one e@ample of &lectro&ncephalo!raph-pilote) ro*otics amongst man5 : a three person team comprise) of a s.ille) &lectronics &ngineer+ Soft-are &ngineer+ an) a NeuroScientist is all that is nee)e) to custom re-engineer sciences an) pro)ucts alrea)5 in e@istence an) often on the + ne- technologies are often create) as -ell3 It is possi*le to create soft-are -hich utilizes "rtificial Intelligence for the purpose of creating an e@act full5-functional "nimation-match of a ro*otics s5stem : this it entirel5 possi*le to o0er-ri)e an Internet or an5 other Bireless controlle) ro*ot3 (sing the proper custom-engineere) long-range router : it is capa*le of *eing )one e@tremel5 easil53 %he "rtificial Intelligence -oul) ha0e to *e a*le to anal5ze the functional properties of each ro*otic component an) create an animate) map of the entire ro*otic net-or. inclu)ing -hat it is capa*le of : this -oul) *e capa*le of mapping out the circuitr5 an) of a )rone an) match it to a series of animations an) shapes3 %his can *e )one using soft-are -hich anal5zes )e0ices an) utilizes "rtificial Intelligence to create multiple possi*le compati*le 2e0ice 2ri0ers as -ell3 * "roun) the time )uring -hich I -as li0ing in m5 car E a police officer pulle) me o0er for ha0ing a hea)light out3 %his -as aroun) the region -here Nashua NeHampshire crosses into Broo.lineIHollis region3 "s he approache) the car it *ecame clear to me that he -as -earing e5e-contacts an) that his natural e5e color -as most li.el5 *ro-n3 His contacts -ere a pale *lue3 He -as a tall man -ith a sha0e) hea)3 He loo.e) li.e he -as most li.el5 to *e naturall5 )ar. haire)3 He loo.e) to *e of possi*l5 Sicilian as -ell as 2anish or &nglish ethnicit53 %his police

officer's e5es -ere s.ipping aroun) an) it Huic.l5 *ecame apparent that he ha) one of these )e0ices in his *rain as -ell3 %his -as the )a5 )uring -hich I starte) seeing the neon-green "SCI-font letters in front of m5 e5es an) ha) *een using it to con0erse -ith a computer hac.er3 "s the police officer -as approaching the car + the green letters t5pe) /Is that 5ou up thereJ/ : I replie) /Yeah this is me3/3 "s the police-officer approache) I ga0e him m5 license an) registration+ acting as if I ha) not ,ust *een t5ping to some*o)53 I ignore) the green "SCI in m5 0ision an) focuse) on -ith the police officer : -ho's e5es -ere still s.ipping aroun) t5ping to some*o)53 He ma5 ha0e *een one of the local 0ictims an) coul) ha0e *een to the same people as I -as3 %he other possi*ilit5 is that he is one of their accomplices an) is not the person -ho's i)entit5 he has ta.en3 If the original in)i0i)ual -as a $ranco-"merican or something similar+ the )oppleganger coul) ha0e *een an Italian-1afia sol)ier from 2enmar. -ho -as half-2ane3 It is also incre)i*l5 possi*le that this police officer coul) *e half-2ane an) half-Sicilian : an) line) up to *e mur)ere) an) replace) *5 a Cosa-Nostra sol)ier from a crime unit operating near the re)light )istrict of "mster)am3 2enmar. is a straight line from ItaliaE through 2eutschelan)+ *5 -a5 of the auto*ahn3 If the (S"+ Cana)a+ an) 1e@ico 2N"-teste) their entire populations E an) the nations of the &uropean (nion+ Nor-a5+ an) the (K 2N"-teste) their entire population+ the results coul) easil5 match-up the missing peoples an) their replacements3 In or)er for this .in) of a large scale 2N"-test to *e carrie) out there -oul) nee) to *e a strict series of chec.s an) *alances+ strict au)iting measures+ an) a computer s5stem E the *iological samples also -oul) nee) to *e properl5 )ispose) of as -ell as all of this nee)s to *e recor)e) on camera an) transmitte) to National Securit5 2ata*ases )uring the process of these tests *eing )one3 " 2N"-test for purpose of i)entification E )ue for rene-al once a 5ear + -oul) catch in)i0i)uals preten)ing to *e an5 of these 0ictims imme)iatel53 #ecor)ing of $amil5-tree an) 2N"-testing of citizens for reason of compiling alpha-numeric information for purpose of i)entification shoul) start -ith multiple teams repeate)l5 collecting information of all emplo5ees of 2epartment of 2efense E follo-e) *5 all emplo5ees of $3B3I + C3I3"3 + Police + an) Homelan) Securit5 E: after-hich all $e)eral &mplo5ee's recor)s shoul) *e au)ite) for accuranc5 an) 2N"-testing of ci0ilians )uring criminalarrests shoul) *egin3 "s soon as 2N"-testing of arreste) in)i0i)uals processe) at Police 2epartments *egins + 2N"-testing of Citizenr5 shoul) *egin soon after3 It is far too )angerous to let this .in) *reach of international securit5 to continue : this *reach of international securit5 is )ue to a)0ances in 8iral-8ector !ene Science an) NeuroScience in0ol0ing ne- long-range ra)io technolog5 an) &lectronic %ransmissions3 * "n)ers Bra)en Brei0i. -as reporte) to ha0e *een -earing a police-officer's uniform )uring the attac. in Nor-a53 * I -as *rought to the hospital *5 uniforme) police-officers : one of -hich ma5 ha0e not originall5 *een a police officer3 * Of strange coinci)ence: I -as pulle) o0er *5 a female police officer for a hea)light out3 %he police officer -as -earing e5e contacts that loo.e) the same

colors as m5 o-n e5esE *ut from her genetic ma.eup + I coul) tell her e5es -ere most li.el5 *lue *ehin) the contacts3 %his -as aroun) the region -here "mherst meets the Nashua line3 * %he reason for the ,umping of the focal-point of the retina -hile t5ping using optical Brain-Computer Interface soft-are is that the OpticalNer0e an) Ocular section of the *rain are on the front of the *rain E -hereas the section of the *rain -hich regulates smooth motor-functions an) smooth transitions in mo0ement is at the *ase of the stem : -ithout the stem+ mo0ement -oul) *e rigi) an) chic.en-li.e3 - C5*er-%errorists are using stolen cellphones an) anon5mous unregistere) mo*ile cell phone ser0ices Msuch as S%#"I!H%" KN to tether internet+ connecting laptops an) other units anon5mousl53 8ocal &ffects Processors an) human*eings using NeuroChip BCI an) Neuro-"nimation soft-are are capa*le of the mo*ile phone users' 0oices to soun) li.e )ifferent in)i0i)uals+ fa.e recor)e) con0ersations using google-phone an) soft-are com*inations+ an) internet tethering )oes not reHuire 0ocal in0ol0ement3 (SB )e0ices are currentl5 on the an) can also easil5 *e engineere) for the purpose of using cell phones as -ireless routers3 Neuro-"nimation soft-are can *e use) for multiple purposes inclu)e) *luescreen animation -ith ner0es as contact-points+ control an) sculpt the musculature of the in)i0i)uals -ho ha0e BCI-NeuroChip *rain implants+ an) fire specific muscle-groups in animate) seHuence3 2uring ;==> there -as an article in a Science 1agazine -hich )escri*e) the uses of Brain Computer Interface %echnolog5 an) NeuroScience Soft-are in assisting a *rainin,ur5 patient or a ner0e-in,ur5 patient -ith reco0ering their a*ilit5 to spea. again an) use their tongue+ phar5n@+ an) lar5n@3 I ha) rea) this article aroun) the time that 8ittorio &manuele came in to $amil5 2ollar E I ha) mentione) this article to m5 roommates as -ell as possi*l5 "nthon5 2e$eo an) &) Barren at -or.3 "pparentl5 this NeuroScience Speech-#eco0er5 1e)ical %echnolog5 can *e use) to train a person's musculature to immitate specific 0oices much the -a5 that a 0oco)er effects 0ocal s5nthesis in music+ ena*ling the person to cop5 the e@act soun) of another in)i0i)ual's 0oice3 - "non5mous Hac.ers ha0e hac.e) the terrorists' net-or. an) mirrore) the transmission3 "lsoE )ifferent soft-are has *een uploa)e) an) no signal sent to m5 min) is su*concious an5more3 15 mouth is mo0ing an) the comman)s an) -or)s -hich ha0e *een su*liminal ha0e *een coming out 0er*all53 Before the soft-are -as altere)E the su*concious comman)ing statements -ere all te@t-tothought Mre0erse of thought-to-te@tN or *rain-to-*rain Ms5nthetic telepath5 -hile -earing &&! helmetN+ or animation pilote)3 %urning %e@t to thought-to-thought can *e achei0e) *5 changing the font size an) opacit5 to specifics that can not *e registere) *5 the occular ner0e+ *ut are still registere) *5 the su*concious min) as the s5m*ols that the5 are3 Bor)s are organize) a*stracts+ in the form of concrete s5m*ols3 %here are also t-o other in)i0i)uals -ho are connecte) to the same *ci net-or.+ the5 are apparentl5 *oth in hospitals an) an "non5mous

computer apparentl5 leeche) the soft-are from the terrorists' computer an) can see through m5 left e5e on their computer monitor+ -hich sho-s that the Neuro BCI Patch Mor CHIPN is close to m5 OCC( "# N&#8& an) is a longer neural-patch than -hat is usuall5 seen in neuroscience facilities3 "pparentl5 -ith this neuroscience technolog5 an) soft-are 5ou can ro*ot animate a person's entire *rain an) *o)5E inclu)ing their mouth+ )iaphramic muscle+ an) lar5n@Iphar5n@3 %he human *rain an) ner0ous s5stem is a series of magnetic functions -hich control the *o)5 -ith a lo- 0oltage of electricit53 %he original person -ith the soft-are is still capa*le of mo0ing m5 lim*s+ there seem to *e a fe- groups of them an) one of them claime) to *e in a corporate office en0ironment3 It soun)s li.e SCI&NC&-$IC%ION + I .no-3 (nfortunatel5 It's not+ an) I am not sure -hat to )o 5et3 People on the internet ha0e *een claiming that it is the (nite) States an) (nite) King)om go0ernments an) that it is the H""#PE *ut it is actuall5 1o*ile Internet+ Cell-Phone %o-ers+ an) " Sattelites *eing use) in con,unction -ith Brain Computer Interface Neurochips an) Neuroscience Soft-are : it is 8ittorio &manuele's criminal-terrorist s5n)icate3 "ccor)ing to the "NONY1O(S H"CK&#S -ho ha0e repeate)l5 contacte) m5 self+ the ma,orit5 of the 0ictims of this )e0ice are 0ictims an) genoci)etargets3 Bith soft-are on a computer+ this )e0ice is *eing use) to *lue-screen animations to the shape of a person's mouth+ in or)er to ps5ch--arfare people -ith altere) tele0ision *roa)castsE i am -orrie) a*out the recent of the emergenc5 *roa)cast s5stem M a)5 !aga -as pla5e) o0er the &mergenc5 Broa)cast S5stem three 5ears agoN an) the possi*ilit5 of some*o)5 false-flagging a natural )isaster or camouflaging a CO8&#% IN8"SION *5 altering a presi)ential a))ress -ith animation soft-are an) o0er)u**ing3 Being that there is a small *atter5 connecte) to the implante) transmitterIrecei0er+ the Brain Computer Interface can *e use) to ro*ot-control the human *rain an) *o)53 %he Brain Computer Interface an) Soft-are is also capa*le of intensi0e controlling of cogniti0e faculties capa*le of pro)ucing specific strategic cogniti0e )istortionsE manipulation of specific regions of the *rain is possi*le inclu)ing the precise regions -hich i)entif5 in)i0i)ual people's i)entities+ go0ern emotional relati0it5+ neurological patterns lin.e) to -or) association+ image association+ impulsi0it5+ an) -orl)-0ie-3 %his Brain Computer Interface 2e0ice 4 Soft-are is also capa*le of *eing use) for the purpose of intensi0e )eep multi-la5ere) h5pnosis3 I am -orrie) that some 0ictims ma5 *e pilote) to self-)etonate *om*s+ to )eli0er *rief-case or to assault othersE in or)er to false-flag the i)entit5 of the %&##O#IS% $"C%ION that ha0e )one this3 %his series of terrorist attac.s has all *een the -or. of the &manuele&0ola S5n)icate an) their associate) allies3 * Neuro- inguistic Programming+ #orschac. Sha)o- Bor)-"ssociation+ ImageBor) "ssociation+ an) H5pnosis can *e use) to reprogram the su*concious comple@ neural path-a5s of the human *rain3 (sing a Brain-Computer Interface + this can *e )one using soft-are e0en -hile a person is unconscious3

- Numerous altere) photos as -ell as photos of impersonators -ere a))e) to the internet3 " 0irus -as uploa)e) to a ser0er -hich ha) scram*le) man5 of the faces of people on the internet3 %his 0irus -oul) ha0e hit something li.e a !OO! & 2ata-Storage for 3B1P an) 3PN! as -ell as other image files3 "lso E photos of impersonators -ere uploa)e) on the $ace*oo.s of %argette) In)i0i)uals3 15 frien) Cathr5n Bur.e's $ace*oo. -as uploa)e) -ith a photo of a foreign female : the impersonator loo.e) Italian + she ha) *leache) hair an) *ro-n e5es -heareas Cat is naturall5 *lon)e an) her e5es are naturall5 *lue -ith an occaisional tint of green3 Currentl5 : some*o)5 has comman)eere) her $ace*oo. as -ell as her hus*an)'s E the onl5 photos on their $ace*oo. photo al*ums are CO &!&-"!& photos of the t-o of them an) photos of their .i)s3 %here is also one photo of a Sla0ic man preten)ing to *e m5 frien) 1i.e Smith+ Cat's hus*an)3 Cathr5n -as a school-teacher in Concor) an) 1i.e -or.e) near the Be)for) Police 2epartment in a Pa5roll 2epartment for a *usiness of some .in)3 %he5 are *oth of the "satru communit53 "roun) the same time as this happening : some of m5 photos -ere face-e)ite) replacing m5 face -ith the faces t-o )ifferent Italian males+ m5 mother's face*oo. photo -as replace) -ith the face of a Sicilian -oman+ an) -hat appeare) to *e a photo-merger of m5 o-n face -ith 7eff Beise's face -as uploa)e) to m5 face*oo. photo al*ums in replacement of the one that -as there3 %here is an internet -e*site application -hich allo-s the user to uploa) photographs of their face an) a cele*rit5 face+ their face an) a lo0ers face+ or their face an) an animals face : for the purpose of merging the t-o images into one face3 %he -e*site is a facemorph tool3 %he photo of the man on 1i.e Smith's face*oo. -ho is not 1i.e appears to possi*l5 *e a Ser*ian or some other mi@e) Sla0ic National &thnic3 -:hi(e $ri%in& aro'n$ Mar(@oro'&h Massach'settes3 I notice$ an enormo's ser%er comp'ter with @('e (i&hts on it thro'&h the win$ow o? a con$emne$ hote( @'i($in& that was c(ose$. - Some represse) memories from the h5pnosis that the 0i0isectionist put me through came *ac.3 %he -oman -ho the5 use) as a h5pnotist -as an angloamerican female3 She -as a*out D'6=/+ )5e) re) hair+ green e5es+ e@tremel5 *eautiful+ an) loo.e) to *e a*out :=3 I *elie0e she -as a BCI-0i0isection 0ictim -ho's mouth the5 -ere using -ith ro*otics soft-are so that the reco0ere) memories -oul) *e of an anglo-american female h5pnotist in or)er to ma.e the american -oman loo. li.e satan3 "fter the original Henr5 1a.o- )isappeare)+ there -as an article poste) on his -e*site stating: /the anti-christ is ali0e an) -ell3 She is in america an) she has green e5es3/ 3 - I chec.e) in *riefl5 at a ps5chiatric reha*ilitation center : the C5press Center in 1anchester Ne- Hampshire3 2uring the -ee. -hile I -as at the center + a nurse )i) something e@tremel5 suspicious -hile I -as sitting in a chair near the office3 %he nurse -heele) out a cart of -hat appeare) to *e ten 5ears of recor)s : after

shutting the office )oor+ she loo.e) at me an) spo.e to me as if she -as to a )octor3 %he e@act -or)s she sai) -ere /I'0e got those recor)s that 5ou reHueste)3/ I am -orrie) that these -ere m5 1other's ten 5ears of recor)s from the Ne- Hampshire Hospital in Concor) Ne- Hampshire on Clinton Street3 2uring this *rief sta5 at the C5press Center+ I -as spo.en to *5 a man -hom loo.e) nearl5 i)entical to the 7ogging-Hitler )oing the Night-"t-%he-#o@*ur5 hea)-*o* : this man prescri*e) me Bloo)-%hinners an) "nti-2epressants+ neither of -hich I ha0e e0er *een prescri*e) nor )o I ha0e a )iagnosis -hich reHuires such3 $or a *rief perio) of time+ *efore m5 1other -as a*)ucte) from her counciling appointment in 1assachusettes an) )isappeare) into Best-oo) o)ge : m5 1other -as *riefl5 prescri*e) these same me)ications3 I *elie0e that this is the mi))le of a Co0ert Holocaust an) possi*l5 the en) of the %otal !enoci)e of m5 1other's race : m5 1other is a 1etis of "merican an) $irst-Nations race from the North-&ast of North "merica3 Bhile li0ing at 6DD 1aple Street in 1anchester Ne-Hampshire + 1in)5 Kern an) m5 self ha) )iscusse) the pro*a*ilit5 of Organic Neuro-%o@ins an) Organic Bloo)-%hinners *eing the stan)ar) metho) of poisoning assassinations of an assassin3 It is possi*le that "spirin com*ine) -ith an organic Bloo)-%hinner + an) an Organic Neuro-%o@in capa*le of *eing misse) *5 "utops5 $orensics : has *een *eing use) to assassinate people *5 metho) of causing heart-failure for a long time3 %here is a list of people -ho ha0e *een prescri*e) "nti-2epressants an) Bloo)-%hinners in Hospitals an) other Healthcare $acilities that ha0e )ie) of heart-failure -ithin the past ten 5ears3 Peter Steele of Ne-7erse5 an) %5pe-ONegati0e + Pierce of the National 8anguar) + ")am "ries of Ne-Hampshire + an) other reporte)l5 )ie) of Heart-$ailure -hile prescri*e) some .in) of "nti2epressants an) Bloo)-%hinners3 It is a pro*a*ilit5 that the martial-artist Bruce ee )ie) as a result of an assassination *5 poison E the poison *eing a com*ination of organic *loo)-thinners + aspirin + an) an organic neuro-to@in : a com*ination that coul) cause heart failure3 %he )octor at the C5press Center -ho prescri*e) me Bloo)-%hinners an) "nti-2epressants )uring the 5ear ;=66 in 1anchester Ne-Hampshire loo.e) almost entirel5 om*ar)ic Italian #ace an) possi*l5 a 0er5 small amount of "ustrian 2N"3 %he man later mutate) his comple@ion of an) e5es to loo. li.e an "r5an : the 2N" loo.e) In)ian or Pa.istani3 I *elie0e that this )octor -or.s for the House of Sa0o53 2uring the 5ear ;=66 E an Italian *ought pro)ucts at the 2eli in the Stop'N'Shop in Be)for) Ne-Hampshire + -here I ha) *een : this man -as stan)ing ne@t to a -oman -ho loo.e) Italian an) $ran.ic -ho ha) *een 8iral-8ector !ene-%herap5 1utate) to loo. of "r5an comple@ion of + hair + an) e5es3 I *elie0e that the man purchase) 7alapeno Cheese3 It is a pro*a*ilit5 that the House of Sa0o5 ha0e possi*l5 mur)ere) In)ians + Pa.istanis + Iranians : an) stolen their I)entification Cre)entials3 2an Buc.le5 + -ho's famil5 are Knights of the House of Sa0o5 an) Christina $aeriolo's cousin : -al.e) into Stop'N'Shop -ith -hat -as o*0iousl5 an imposteur of Chris #o)on +

-ho's father -as also a Knight of the House of Sa0o53 %he House of Sa0o5 ha0e *een stealing the I)entification Cre)entials of assassinate) ci0ilian families an) tra)ing them *et-een !enoci)al %errorist Crime-Sol)iers + Organize) Crime Sol)iers + &spionage "gents + 8ictims + "ristocrats of the House of Sa0o5 + an) possi*l5 foreign 1ilitar5 Intelligence Sol)iers an) Co0ert "gents engage) in Co0ert Operations in North "merica3 Aro'n$ this time3 I @e&an eFperiencin& repeate$ ?(ash@acDs o? the a@'se that I witnesse$ a pro@a@(e imposte'r o? my ?ather $o to my sister. I p'nche$ what was $e?inite(y an imposte'r o? my ,ather in the ?ace whi(e %isitin& my sisters in MerrimacD NH an$ &ot arreste$ a?terwar$s. 1his is the secon$ time I ha%e @een arreste$ ?or assa'(tin& him as a res'(t o? this an$ @esi$es these e%ents my crimina( recor$ is c(ean. 2'rin& my @rie? stay in the Hi((s@oro'&h 7orrectiona( ,aci(ity on =a((ey St in Manchester NH 20123 I (ost my car to a s'@contracte$ impo'n$ (ot ca((e$ 9inneyKs A'tomoti%e an$ 1owin&< which sol) it imme)iatel5 :I1H.U1 1H0 1I140 e%en tho'&h I Dept in contact an$ i wrote to them3 I ha0e since seen the car at an automoti0e shop near 1ain Street in Nashua Ne- Hampshire+ it -as *eing /re-.itte)/ to loo. li.e a )ifferent mo)el an) it is entirel5 possi*le the5 someho- fa.e) the 8IN num*er3 %he name of the automoti0e shop -as Certifie) "utomoti0e Solutions3 %he transmissions of the plante) recor)ing )e0ice that -as in m5 car can easil5 *e o*taine) *5 $&2&#" an) 1I I%"#Y signals intelligence in0estigations E K=:-;>F-CCKC -as m5 mo*ilephone num*er at the time+ *5 -hich m5 location in m5 car -as constantl5 logge) ! OB" POSI%ION" Y *5 -a5 of m5 pre0ious cellphone+ I also passe) through tolls a couple of times3 %he !PS location for the illegal impro0ise) #ecor)ing an) Broa)casting )e0ices are nearl5 i)entical to m5 former mo*ile-phone's an) the *roa)castingItransmitting of the )ata -ill sho- irregularities3 %he imposteur of m5 $ather -hom I punche) )i) not e0en arri0e at court to represent himself as m5 $ather e0en E he -as represente) *5 another imposteur preten)ing to *e m5 father + -hom I ha) not e0en punche)3 %here -ere t-o )ifferent men )uring the multiple court hearings that follo-e) *5 incarcerstion in ,ail3 %he ,u)ge )i) not e0en notice an) *elie0es that I am schizophrenic as a result of the &manueles' attempts to 2iscre)it m5 self as a Bitness to their crimes3 - If the (nite) Nations can in0estigate the Italian an) "ustrian 1ilitar5 Signals Intelligence #ecor)s of the House of Sa0o5 an) their Criminal "ccomplices E as -ell as the recor)s of the "us3Can3NA3(K3(S3 Nations : the !lo*al %errorist $action guilt5 of these crimes can *e entirel5 arreste)3 %he House of Sa0o5 is guilt53 8ittorio /8ictor/ &manuele an) his sons $illi*erto &manuele + 2aniel 7ames + Chris %homas + Clint + an) their accomplices engineere) this genoci)al attac. an) this co0ert in0asion3 - I spent t-o an) a half months in the Hills*orough 2epartment of Corrections 8alle5 St 7ail in 1anchester Ne- Hampshire3 15 1,olnir pen)ant -as collecte) upon entering *ut )uring m5 sta5 I -as mo0e) from one cell*loc. to another an) the -or) *O)inist -as scratche) into the paint on the floor in futhar. outsi)e the

last ,ail cell the5 put me in *efore I -as e0en *rought to the cell3 No*o)5 that I .no- of in Ne- Hampshire refers to themsel0es as O)inist Mthat's usuall5 more of a terminolog5 from Britain or other parts of the "mericas an) a fe- specific places in &uropeNE -e all either use the terms "satru+ Heithni+ or Heathen an) there are 0er5 fe- of us in this region3 *O)inist -as the same thing the5 recor)e) as m5 religion at the Ne-Hampshire HOSPI%" on Clinton St3 in Concor) Ne- Hampshire+ -hen I tol) them I -as an "satruar an) ha) to e@plain to them -hat it -as3 Ps5ch--arfare operati0es+ again3 * Bhile I -as ,ail E a man -ho -as Cu*an + Puerto-#ican + an) Italian : -as in a cell ne@t to mine an) -as "rnol) Sch-arzenegger soun)s at me constantl53 %his man -al.e) into $amil5 2ollar an) ma)e comments -hich referre) to fat -omen an) pornograph5 as -ell as the statement /I hear) he chuc. off to that shit/ -hich translates to /I hear) that he mastur*ates to that stuff/3 %his man -as )efinitel5 -atching m5 computer at times -ith &) Barren : -hile .no-le)gea*le that &) Barren -as -atching m5 computer + I )ispla5e) hours of nu)e fat la)ies on m5 computer screen3 P A?ter I was re(ease$ ?rom Jai(3 I ha$ co'rt re%iew hearin&s which I ha$ to atten$. 2'rin& these hearin&s3 a socia( worDer name$ Scott ;rennan was in%o(%e$ in the re%iew hearin&s. .ne time3 one o? the women who ha%e @een preten$in& to @e my Mom accompanie$ me to the co'rt hearin&. :hi(e at co'rt she c(aime$ that she went to hi&hschoo( with Scott ;rennan. My Mother is act'a((y approFimate(y 12 years or so o($er than this man3 Scott ;rennan 5 it is an impossi@i(ity that my Mother went to hi&hschoo( with this man. I asDe$ Scott ;rennan where he went to hi&hschoo(3 he to($ me that he went to schoo( in Nash'a 5 my mother went to hi&hschoo( in MerrimacD New Hampshire. 2'rin& these hearin&s 3 A man who was not my ?ather was present in the co'rtroom < c(aimin& to @e my ?ather. He is recor$e$ @y %i$eo camera. He ha$ a wi$er sD'(( than my ?ather an$ thicDer hair. - I ha0e *een tol) that m5 Nana M15 gran)mother on m5 mother's si)e of the famil5N has *een )enie) her reHuest for )isa*ilit5 Hualification3 She has osteoperosis3 has ha$ n'mero's @roDen @one inJ'ries in her (i?etime @oth past an$ recent3 in her past she s'??ere$ a@'se as a tra??icDin& %ictim3 an$ she is in her !0Ks. It is impossi@(e ?or her to not @e consi$ere$ $isa@(e$. I was to($ a man showe$ 'p at her co'rt $ate with a photo&raph ?rom ,..2MAS10/ in Ma($en Massach'settes o? her picDin& 'p a (oa? o? @rea$3 a?ter she ha$ ?a((en an$ @roDen her entire hip. She has osteoperosis. I @e(ie%e that this has a connection to the pop'(ation o? peop(e who ha%e tar&ette$ my ?ami(y an$ that the owner may act'a((y @e a ma?ia associate. She (i%e$ in Ma($en Massach'settes an$ was a Nati%e American Metis. Ma($en Massach'settes is neFt to ;oston. 1he entire North0ast o? the USA is in?este$ with Ita(ian MA,IA. My Nana has @een threatene$ to Deep her mo'th sh't n'mero's times a@o't her past. She has a(so @een assa'(te$. She has @o(ts in @oth o? her 'pper arms< which were @roDen in the past3 when she was assa'(te$. Her anD(e has @een @roDen3 as we(( as her wrist3 an$ some o? her ri@s. /ecent(y < Ma?ia seems to @e @reaDin& peop(esK wrists an$

Dneecappin& innocent peop(e. I @e(ie%e this N0U/. S7I0N70 PS- :A/,A/0 attacD is simi(ar to what was $one to 7effre5 Beise an$ "n)ers Brei0e.. .ther tar&ets co'($ @e political acti0ists 3 human 0ictims+ a$%ersaries o? G(o@a(i>ation or =ittorio 0man'e(e< a(so to enemies o? 7rime Syn$icates #s'ch as 7osa Nostra3 Ita(ian Ma?ias3 0astern 0'ropean Ma?ias o? miFe$ 0astern 0'ropean Nationa(ity $'e to pre%io's eFpansion o? the So%iet state3 Sa'$i Ma?ia3 etc) @ein& that it seems that .r&ani>e$ 7rime Syn$icates ha%e @een 207API1A102 @y this G(o@a(ist 10//./IS1 ,A71I.N an$ ha%e @een $oin& their crimina( worD witho't asDin& I'estions. A(( Nationa(ists re&ar$(ess o? Nationa(ity3 /e(i&ion3 or 0conomic @e(ie? are a tar&et to these peop(e $'e to the o@%io's ?act that =ittorio 0man'e(e is a G4.;A4IS1 061/0MIS1 an$ some o? the %ictims 'n?ort'nate(y co'($ ha%e @een pro%oDe$ to commit acts o? %io(ence . An eFamp(e o? how o*0ious it is that these are &(o@a(ist eFtremist psy war?are a&ents are n'mero's internationa( connections. A cr'cia( psych pro?i(in& point o? interest is the ?act that a %horSteiner shop was opene$ which the ?inancer o? the shop ha$ name$ ABre0i.A. It is %ery o@%io's that the (ocation o? this partic'(ar shop has some 0ast 2e'tsch(an$ S1ASI P.4I70 connections #Stasi Po(itsei era circa 1"50 1"80)in the (oca( %icinity. 2'e to the necessary a&e o? the ?inancer3 in or$er ?or the in$i%i$'a( to ha%e c(ear(y remem@ere$ an e%ent ?rom this era< I @e(ie%e that =ittorio 0man'e(e is $irect(y responsi@(e ?or this an$ has 'se$ a mi$$(e man as a Property Stea$ Ho($er as a 1it(e Ho($er to the shop.

- I am incre)i*l5 -orrie) a*out the connection *et-een this )e0ice an) the females *eing a*)ucte) in the (S" as -ell as else-here3 %he %errorist Crime S5n)icate guilt5 of these attac.s upon the (S"+ the British CommonBealth+ an) Nor-a5 are se@-traffic.ers an) are most li.el5 using a*)ucte) females to *ree) sons of their o-n3 $rom -hat I ha0e *een hearing on the tele0ision ne-s *roa)casts an) rea)ing in the ne-s papers+ a*out >= *lon)e haire) an) *lue e5e) "merican females ha0e *een reporte) missing in the south aroun) the "la*ama region in the past K 5earsE half of them infants+ half of them aroun) := 5ears of age3 Some of these -omen -ere reporte) to ha0e -al.e) out the front )oor of their homes+ ne0er to *e seen again3 It is possi*le that these -omen -ere 0ictims of this 0i0isection an) that the5 -ere h5pnotize) )uring their )eparture from their home+ to *e pic.e) up *5 an 0ehicle3 Neuro-H5pnotic &ngineering com*ine) -ith NeuroScience Brain-Computer Interface technolog5 it possi*le to transmit a fe- processes of *inar5 an) cause a person to ph5sicall5 animate in an e@act animation seHuence+ imme)iatel5 enter h5pnotic-state+ as -ell as *ecome suscepta*le to remote-piloting *5 Brain-Computer Interface3 %here is also a large num*er of mestizo Mof $irst Nations + Colonial "mericanI1e@ican mi@e) ancestr5N females missing from the south -est an) 1e@ico3 "nother North "merican hu* for a*)uction-relate) seems to *e the area aroun) 1ontreal3 " person of mi@e) "nglo-Sa@on+ Rue*ecois+ 1e@ican+ 1etis+ an) !aelic ancestr5 loo.s North "merican regar)less of their other ancestral genetic origins3

Being that this %errorist Crime S5n)icate is in0ol0e) in E it is o*0ious that the reason for the targetting of the aforementione) specific ethnic populations is the *ree)ing of male agents -ho ha0e an appearance more suita*le to the purpose of co0ertl5 planting /sleeper/ criminal-terrorist agents in the North "merican region an) else-here3 * 2uring ;==9 : an Italian man -as past me on Pine St3 in 1anchester NeHampshire an) ma)e a )uc.-li.e soun) at a female past3 She loo.e) at him an) smir.e)+ confuse)3 He turne) to me an) sai) /You ,ust -ait+ soon that noise ma.e them come to 5ou an) the5 -ant it3 She aint got that 5et3/3 %his man -as later seen on &lm Street in 1anchester Ne-Hampshire + gra**ing the an.les of "merican -omen an) lifting their legs up *ehin) them3 - "*out K 5ears ago+ I sa- a ne-s *roa)cast on the tele0ision -hich reporte) that numerous /)ungeons/ ha) *een foun) on the east-coast of the (nite) States of "merica an) that -omen -ere foun) chaine) an) cage) in a fe- of them. /ecent(y3 there has a(so @een a $isco%ery in Ontario in%o(%in& a home which ha$ @een %acate$ ?or 3 years. In the @asement3 there was a room ?o'n$ which ha$ @een painte$ entire(y white. 1here were chains han&in& ?rom the cei(in&3 a @ench3 an$ a ?ew J'&s o? water. 1he $oor was a@(e to @e @arre$ ?rom the o'tsi$e3 to pre%ent a prison escapin&. :hite paint is o?ten 'se$ in m'(tip(e thicD coats at a crime scene to co%er 'p possi@(e ?orensic e%i$ence. 1he (ocation o? this ho'se was state$ to @e 1*0 7oncession /oa$ ! in PicDerin& .ntario 5 it was near the -orD an$ 2'rham (ine. I? I remem@er correct(y3 0mi(y Is(es ha$ ?ami(y in PicDerin& as $i$ 4ance. I a(so @e(ie%e that PicDerin& is c(ose to my co'sinsK home as we(( as my $istant co'sin HPKs (o& ca@in in northern =ermont. Some o? the a$'cte$ women ?rom /'ssia seem to ha%e @een @ro'&ht to New -orD an$ he($ there @y cooperati%e ma?ias worDin& internationa((y. 1he man who was arreste$ in connection to @'i($in& this $'n&eon seems to ha%e ma$e 'p an e(a@orate story in%o(%in& why he was ca'&ht on the property 5 it seems the woman in%o(%e$ in the story has co%ere$ his story3 whether she was threatene$ or not is 'nDnowa@(e at this point. 1here was no connection to him an$ the arson which $estroye$ the e%i$ence. 1he man is proporte$(y an ethnic Scot @'t he (ooDs possi@(y 7roatian3 @'t he $e?inite(y $oes not (ooD Scottish. 1he newspaper artic(e inter%iewe$ the man ?or ?i%e pa&es3 this is comp(ete(y a@norma(. 1he photo&raph o? the ho'se in PicDerin& .ntario (ooDe$ i$entica( to a ho'se that my co'sin Marco /oyKs ?atherKs si$e o? the ?ami(y owne$ in .ntario < aro'n$ the time when =ittorio 0man'e(e ha$ sta(De$ me to my p(ace o? emp(oyment at ,ami(y 2o((ar in Manchester New Hampshire 3 some@o$y ha$ asDe$ me i? I ha$ a co'sin name$ An$re /oy who (i%e$ in .ntario. Marco /oyKs co'sins on his ?atherKs si$e o? the ?ami(y (i%e in .ntario. I @e(ie%e that I ha%e met his ?atherKs neice or co'sinKs $a'&hter recent(y in Manchester New Hampshire3 she seeme$ to @e in some Din$ o? potentia( tro'@(e with the ma?ia an$ she $i$nKt Dnow who I was. 1he mention o? H'&s o? :ater is simi(ar to the statement that one o? the imposte'r 4ars A=ar&A =iDernes ha$ sai$ $'rin& the ?i(m Unti( the 4i&ht 1aDes Us re&ar$in& A(i?tin& J'&s o? water to stay in &oo$ physica( ?itnessA 5 (iDe the arson ?or which 4ars A=ar&A =iDernes was con%icte$3 the @'i($in& where the $'n&eon was ?o'n$ was @'rnt to the &ro'n$. A po(ice o??icer was I'ote$ as possi@(y ha%in& ?oreDnow(e$&e that the @'i($in& was &oin& to @e hit @y arsonists. 0mi(y I(es 3 whom was

4ars A=ar&A =iDernesK penpa( 5 (i%e$ %ery c(ose to PicDerin& .ntario. My Gran$,atherKs co'sins as we(( as my Gran$MotherKs ?ami(yKs co'sins a(so (i%e$ near PicDerin& .ntario. Henry MaDow a(so (i%e$ in 7ana$a an$ possi@(y ha$ aI'aintances in .ntario. P Marco /oyKs ?ema(e co'sins ?rom his ?atherKs si$e o? the ?ami(y whom are s'rname$ /oy ha%e @een tar&ette$ an$ in some cases a@$'cte$ an$ SeF 1ra??icDe$ @y =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime So($iers. I @e(ie%e Am@er /oy may @e one o? these in$i%i$'a(s an$ that she may ha%e @een tra??icDe$ @y a man associate$ to a Mario Napo(itano whom has ?reI'ent(y @een seen in Manchester New Hampshire. Mario Napo(itano is associate$ with Herry 2KAmico an$ the Ita(ian Ma?iosa whom worDs in the o??ice o? the @'i($in& wherein I am c'rrent(y (i%in& as I am writin& this at 23 1emp(e St. Apt. R108 Nash'a New Hampshire in the USA. 1here are more than one %ictim in this @'i($in& with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace permanant(y s'r&ica((y &ra?te$ to their @rain an$ a S'r&ica( Imp(ant ro'ter G @attery imp(ante$ in their Jaw3 these %ictims are racia((y American 5 one is Gae(ic American race an$ ?ema(e3 two are a ma(e an$ a ?ema(e o? A?rican American race3 there are others as we((. 1here are n'mero's crimina( associates o? =ictorKs (i%in& in this @'i($in& as we(( 3 most o? which are Ita(ian Ma?ia or Ma?ia a??i(iate$ an$ ha(? racia((y Ita(ian. P 2'rin& the time that I was worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n st. on one o? the $ays that =ittorio 0man'e(e ha$ come in to the store 3 a c'stomer asDe$ me i? I ha$ a co'sin in .ntario name$ An$re that (i%e$ in 7ana$a. I $o not ha%e a co'sin name$ An$re @'t I $o ha%e a thir$ co'sin name$ Marco /oy who has a ?ather name$ An$re. An$re /oy is my co'sin 2onna Martinea'Ks eF h's@an$. An$re ha$ a @rother or a co'sin who owne$ a ho'se in PicDerin& .ntario that (ooDe$ i$entica( to the ho'se in the photos o? the $'n&eon ?o'n$ in PicDerin& .ntario. 1hey 'se$ to Deep motorcyc(es as we(( as (i%estocD in the @arn. My co'sin Marco ha$ a %i$eo recor$in& o? a 1hanDs&i%in& $inner &atherin& at this (ocation. 1he ho'se was either the same ho'se which ha$ @een so($ or it was o? i$entica( architect're. I @e(ie%e that I may ha%e met An$reKs neice in Manchester New Hampshire 3 she $i$nKt Dnow who I was an$ she $i$nKt ta(D m'ch @'t it seeme$ o@%io's that she was in some Din$ o? tro'@(e with the ma?ia. - %he arson in Ontario -hich occurre) after the me)ia e@posure of the *asement )ungeon foun) in a con)emne) house sho-s suspicious rele0enc5 to this entire series of e0ents3 " police officer+ -hen Huestione) a*out it+ sho-e) possi*le .no-le)ge foresha)o-ing the arson3 Intentional foresha)o-ing of crimes is pre0ailant in the Italian 1afia communities+ -here it is intentionall5 )one for the purpose of lea0ing ps5chological scars on the communit5 so the5 are feare) an) face less opposition3 "nother rele0ant pattern in0ol0ing crime-tra)ition in0ol0es ritual slaughter of 0ictims+ -hich is the act of inclu)ing metaphoric s5m*olism in the mo)alit5 of specific mur)ers an) in the intentional 0isual aesthetic of the crime-scene3 8ittorio &manuele seems to a*use *oth a0enues of po-erE the po-er of corrupting go0ernment an) la- as -ell as the po-er of the crime -orl)3

2'rin& the year 2011 3 I met a an who (ooDe$ (iDe he ha$ @een (i%in& as an imposte'r o? Scot H'nter whom ha$ o@%io's(y 'n$er&one cosmetic $enta( reconstr'ction to ha%e $enta(s which appeare$ simi(ar. 1his man was 'sin& ;rian ,'rta$oKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. It is a pro@a@i(ity that my ?ormer roommate Scott H'nter an$ his (i?e partner 9enneth H'$$ are $ea$. 1his man ha$ the same @roDen an$ cappe$ tooth as Scot H'nter 3 it is pro@a@(e that it was ?i(e$ $own ?or p'rpose o? cappin& it simi(ar(y to impersonate Scot H'nter. 1eeth can easi(y @e $ri((e$ an$ ?i(e$ to ha%e i$entica( ca%ities as a person whom an 0spiona&e A&ent is @ein& or$ere$ to imposter 5 this ca%ities can @e ?i((e$ with the same ?i((in&s as we(( as can entire mo'th ?'((s o? prosthetic teeth @e imp(ante$. 2'rin& the year 2011 5 I a$$e$ a Socia( NetworDin& pa&e on ,ace;ooD.7om that was ?or ,irst Nations Nati%e Americans. 1his we@site was AA$$ this pa&e i? yo' are Sio'FN4aDota or any Nati%e American.A . 1he A$ministrator o? this pa&e poste$ n'mero's statements an$ photo&raphs o? peop(e who they were statin& were imposte'rs an$ were attemptin& to (i%e near them preten$in& to @e Nati%e Americans. 1he peop(e in the photo&raphs were Ita(ians. 1he ,irst Nations Nati%e American 4aDotah were warnin& the other peop(e 'sin& the ,ace;ooD Socia( NetworDin& Pa&e that these peop(e were SeF .??en$ers an$ to stay away ?rom them an$ report them to po(ice i? they approach yo'r chi($ren. Many o? the ,irst Nations on this pa&e were o? the Pine /i$&e 4aDota /eser%ationKs pop'(ation 3 where :eise ha$ shot his peop(e an$ himse(? 5 which was pro@a@(y $'e to manip'(ation @y the 0man'e(esK eFperimentin& with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces. :eiseKs s'ppose$ 'ser name on 4NSG../G was A1o$esen&(eA which is 2eath An&e( 5 Hose? Men&e(eKs nicDname. 2'rin& the year 1""" 3 an artic(e was p'@(ishe$ in 1ime Ma&a>ine that was tit(e$ A2ia( Up 2etonatorsA < this was imme$iate(y prior to the " 11 1errorist AttacDs 3 $'rin& which it seems pro@a@(e that A2ia( Up 2etonatorsA were 'se$ to $etonate 2emo(itions 0Fp(osi%es that ha$ @een positione$ in the twin sDy scrapers that the airp(anes were pi(ote$ to crash into. 2'rin& the same perio$ o? time as the A2ia( Up 2etonatorsA artic(e 3 2 artic(es were p'@(ishe$ in a Science Ma&a>ine as we(( as in an e$ition o? Science Ma&a>ine that are o? eFtreme importance 5 the ?irst o? these artic(es were a@o't ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 3 Ne'roScience Mechanics 3 G Ne'roProsthesis < an$ the secon$ was a@o't the A-29 ;UGA which was an insi$e JoDe to the Ita(ian Ho'se o? Sa%oy A6IS an$ their 7rimina( 1errorist A((ies 3 who 'se$ this p'@(ication as a cypher comm'nication @y which to arro&ant(y &(oat a@o't their 'pcomin& terrorist attacD. 2'rin& the year 2000 3 Samantha 7asse((a woDe 'p comp(ainin& a@o't the si$e o? her hea$ ?ee(in& stran&e an$ her ha%in& sticDy &('e (iDe s'@stance a(( o%er the @ase o? her ear(o@e an$ in her hair. 1his was $e?inite(y a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace. N'mero's other ?ema(es comp(aine$ o? the same thin& in the ?o((owin& * years 5 0(i>a@eth Pratt o? :o@'rn Massach'settes $'rin& the year 2002 3 2anie((e 4e;(anc o? :o@'rn Massach'settes $'rin& the year 2002 3 7ait(in 4'rch an$ her sister whoKs name I @e(ie%e was either 4in$sey 4'rch or Mea&an 4'rch o? ;e$?or$ NewHampshire $'rin& the year 2002 3 Henni?er 4inco(n o? Manchester NewHampshire $'rin& the year 2002 3 Aman$a

4an$ry o? H'$son NewHampshire $'rin& the year 2003 3 9e(sey McNanny o? 2erry NewHampshire $'rin& the year 2003. 1he Ita(ian Ho'se o? Sa%oy A6IS < p'@(ish artic(es an$ pro$'ce other ?orms o? me$ia ?oresha$owin& an$ preempti%e(y $epictin& scenarios on what appears to @e ,ictiona( on 1e(e%ision 3 @'t is ?act'a((y a portraya( o? p(anne$ attacDs or e%ents which ha%e recent(y occ'rre$ that the Ita(ian Ho'se o? Sa%oy A6IS orchestrate$ themse(%es an$ a%oi$e$ arrest ?or $'e to @(acD mai(e$ Po(ice .??icers an$ Po(ice 2epartments which are entire(y corr'pte$ ?rom within. 1he Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS a(so p'@(ish me$ia which they %iew as h'mo'ro's 3 @'t te(( none what the h'mo'r is a@o't. .n the internet 3 $'rin& the year 2005 < a ASD'(( ,'cDer 0pi$emicA %i$eo was poste$ that was a mimmicD o? AProJect 2isc(os'reA 5 AProJect 2isc(os'reA was a hoaF $oc'mentary a@o't AA(ien A@$'ctions G the U.S.A. Go%ernment secret(y in contact with a(iensK 3 ASD'(( ,'cDer 0pi$emicA was a come$ic hoaF %i$eo $oc'mentary a@o't a &an& o? SeF .??en$er Seria( 9i((ers whoKs s(ayin&s in%o(%e the 1/0PHANING o? a ho(e into the S9U44S o? their %ictimsK an$ the /APING o? their %ictimsK sD'((s. .? re(ation to AA(ien SpeciesA an$ KShape Shi?tin& 7hame(eon A(iensA 5 $'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 < 0$war$ :arren was o%erhear$ an$ hope?'((y recor$e$ $isc'ssin& AIn%asion o? the ;o$y SnatchersA 3 =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tation ?or I$entity 1he?t 3 an$ the ?'n$in& an$ s'pport o? a ?'t're Presi$entia( 7an$i$ate name$ A;aracD H'ssein .@amaA ?or p'rpose o? stea(in& his i$entity an$ rep(acin& him with at (east one =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tate$ Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS So($ier ?or p'rpose o? (a'&hin& a@o't the name meanin& A;(it> 9rie& .K 2iFie +7'ps8A. I @e(ie%e that the ?irst %ictims in my imme$iate socia( networD were my ,ather in 2000 3 my Mother in 2000 3 Hason /o&ers possi@(y in 2000 3 Samantha 7ase((a in 2000 3 the ?ema(es ?rom Massach'settes $'rin& 2001 to 2003 3 Sheena Nico(e MacPherson possi@(y 200* 3 7he(sey /ain MacPherson possi@(y 200* 3 S'mmer /ose MacPherson possi@(y 200* 3 9ristin Nassar possi@(y 200* 3 Sahn$ra St. .n&e possi@(y 200* 3 Samantha Grimes possi@(y 200* 3 Scot H'nter possi@(y in 20053 Min$y 9ern in the year 200E 3 7(arissa ;erry in the year 200E 3 4a'ren ,rench in year 2008.

10 A?ter my @rie? incarceration in Manchester NewHampshire at the Hi((s@oro'&h 2epartment o? 7orrections =a((ey Street Hai( 3 I mo%e$ to a 2ormitory Sty(e Apartment ;'i($in& at 23 1emp(e Street Apartment 108 in Nash'a NewHampshire. N'mero's times3 whi(e (i%in& at 23 1emp(e Street Apartment 108 in Nash'a NewHamphire 5 I $isco%ere$ 'pon ret'rnin& that my $oor ha$ @een opene$ an$ (e?t either aJar or 'n(ocDe$ . 1his happene$ a@o't 8 times $'rin& the year o? 2012. I a(ways (ocD the $oor. At the @e&innin& o? my thir$ month at this (ocation < the Ita(ian man in the o??ice attempte$ to char&e me E80V ?or a monthKs rent. 1he a$%ertise$ rate was 100V a weeD < con%ersation $isc'ssin& rent res'(te$ in my se(? payin& 520V a month. A?ter ?o'r months o? (i%in& at 23 1emp(e Street Apartment 108 in Nash'a NewHampshire3 I @e&an to hear peop(e scrapin& aro'n$ insi$e the wa((s as i? some@o$y was remo%in& recor$in& $e%ices ?rom a ?ew o? the rooms3 In the past3 I ha$ hear$ that the 2ormitory Apartments at 23 1emp(e Street Apartment 108 ha$ occasiona((y @een 'se$ as a @rothe(. 2'rin& my time (i%in& at 23 1emp(e Street Apartment 108 3 I notice$

two $e?inite SeF 1ra??icDin& %ictims (i%in& in the @'i($in& as permanant resi$ents. 2'rin& the year that I (i%e$ at 23 1emp(e Street Apartment 108 3 intr'$ers poisone$ ?o'r J'&s o? mi(D in my re?ri$&erator with hemo&(o@in nanoen&ineere$ 'sin& =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy metho$s ?or the p'rpose o? $ama&in& my &enetics 5 my 2NA m'tate$ %isi@(y m'(tip(e times whi(e (i%in& at 23 1emp(e Street Apartment 108 in Nash'a NewHampshire. ApproFimate(y * other tenants m'tate$ %isi@(y whi(e I was (i%in& at 23 1emp(e Street Apartment 108 5 a ?ema(eKs hair 3 eye iris 3 an$ sDin comp(eFion chan&e$ co(or < two ?ema(es noses m'tate$ an$ chan&e$ shape 3 an$ a manKs iris co(or chan&e$. My nose @ri$&e chan&e$ shape $rastica((y an$ &rew a sma(( @'mp 3 my @row ri$&e chan&e$ shape s(i&ht(y ?(attenin& a @it 3 my hair sca(p pattern thinne$ in m'(tip(e p(aces 3 my hair @e&an &rowin& thin 3 an$ my sDin m'tate$ to a $i??erent comp(eFion which ?a$e$ to ?recD(es at the sho'($ers an$ chest. 2'rin& 200* < 1ony Grasseti ha$ mentione$ $'rin& a con%ersation with my roommate Scot H'nter 3 that Aaron 0man'e(e ha$ en&ineere$ a 'niI'e 2NA &ene that m'tates the sDin o? a h'man to a s(i&ht(y oran&e comp(eFion which is $arDest on the ?ace an$ at the han$s @'t ?a$es to ?recD(es at the 'pper arms 3 sho'($ers 3 an$ across the chest 5 accor$in& to 1ony Grasseti 3 Aaron 0man'e(e $'mpe$ a %ia( o? hemo&(o@in in his ?rien$Ks mi(D carton which ha$ containe$ strains o? %ir's carryin& this 2NA protein. 1his ca'se$ his ?rien$Ks 2NA to m'tate 3 this metho$ is Dnown as =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy. Accor$in& to 1ony Grasseti 3 ,i((i@ertoKs @rother Aaron ha$ @een tryin& to en&ineer a A$esi&ner &eneA that wo'($ start as sma(( ?recD(es at the @o$yKs eFtremities an$ chan&e &ra$'a((y to A$oe spotsA at the sho'($ers an$ across the chest. My cheeD @ones mo%e$ to the si$es o? my sD'((. My ?ace &rew a sin's po'ch an$ a ?at composite @e(ow where my cheeD @ones were. 1here were sec'rity cameras in the @'i($in& at 23 1emp(e Street Apartment 108 in Nash'a NewHampshire 3 @'t the peop(e whom committe$ these crimes m'st not ha%e eFpecte$ these cameras to @e transmittin& any recor$in&s to an internet ser%er or internet $ata stora&e. As mentione$ 3 whi(e I was (i%in& at 23 1emp(e Street Apartment 108 < the @ri$&e o? my nose m'tate$ an$ @e&an &rowin& a @'mp3 strai&ht away ?rom my ?ace. 1o the si$es o? the @ri$&e o? my nose< I seem to @e &rowin& ca(ci'm on my ?ace @e(ow my eyesK tear $'cts. Ha(? o? my hair ?e(( o't an$ chan&e$ teFt're 5 ha(? o? my hair @e&an &rowin& in @(on$e3 the @(on$e hairs e%ent'a((y ?e(( o't entire(y 3 an$ now the top o? my hea$ is thinne$ in a pattern that is 'nnat'ra( ?or my ?ami(yKs &enetics. 1he pi&ment an$ oi(s o? my sDin seem to ha%e chan&e$ s(i&ht(y3 my comp(eFion now seems to @e simi(ar &enetica((y to an A(@anian &ene. My 'pper Jaw @one an$ cheeD @ones m'tate$ an$ mo%e$ towar$s the si$e o? my sD'((. 1his Haw ;one an$ 7heeD ;one (ooDs simi(ar to Mosta?a I@nSa'$Ks. My sDinKs oi(s an$ comp(eFion nat'ra((y re?(ecte$ my &enetics which are A@enaDi3 Gae(ic3 MiIMaD3 An&(o SaFon3 an$ ,ranDic. ,irst NationsK sDin comp(eFion an$ oi(s are not e%en simi(ar to A(@anian nor $o they (ooD the same. 1he pi&ment o? my sDin is now this $arDer an$ somewhat oran&e pi&ment which chan&es a@o%e the e(@ow to ?recD(es 5 this 2NA &ene is o? the eFact appearance that 1ony Grasseti $escri@e$ Aaron 0man'e(eKs $esi&ner &ene to m'tate a personKs sDin to appear. In the past i ha$ a thicD hea$ o? hair3 'n(iDe my ?ather who ha$ a rece$in& hair(ine 5 I inherite$ my sca(p an$ hair &enes most(y ?rom my motherKs ,irst Nations &enetics an$

I ha$ a ?'(( hea$ o? $arD hair whereas my ?ather is @(on$e an$ has a rece$in& hair(ine pattern. 1he pattern in which my hair has now rapi$(y thinne$ is 'nnat'ra( an$ is not e%en (iDe my ?atherKs 5 it is a $i??erent pattern @a($ness &ene entire(y3 an$ is $e?inite(y ?rom a $i??erent nationa( ethnic hap(o&ro'p. I inherite$ some o? my ?atherKs @(on$e hair 2NA an$ m'ch o? my @ear$ &rows @(on$e < the hair on my sca(p &rowin& in @(on$e @rie?(y @e?ore it thinne$ (ea$s me to @e(ie%e that this &ene was a @a($ pattern ?rom a man with &o($ co(ore$ hair whoKs hea$ is @a($ on the top in the center an$ ca'ses thinnin& in the ?ront when it is not present in com@ination with a secon$ pattern @a($ness &ene. I inherite$ my ,atherKs 'nc(e A(@ert MacPherson Hr.Ks @o$y hair patternin& an$ in p(aces my @o$y hair &rows in @(on$e 5 c'rrent(y some o? my @o$y hair has @e&'n &rowin& in $arDer3 shorter3 sparser3 an$ it ?ee(s 'nnat'ra(. 1he hair on my hea$ has thinne$ to the point where it now (ooDs (iDe $o(( hair 3 it has a p(astic (iDe teFt're3 an$ there is a spot towar$s the ?ront o? the center o? my hea$ where it &rows short 5 it (ooDs (iDe A$o(? Hit(erKs hair &ene. 1his same sca(p m'tation happene$ to my ?rien$ /yan Har%ey whi(e he was (i%in& in ;oston $'rin& 2005 < $'rin& this same year 3 accor$in& to a woman whom was (i%in& with =a(erie .(sonKs imposte'r in a ;oston s'@'r@ 5 this ha$ a(so happene$ to Mosta?a I@nSa'$. Accor$in& to /ache( < Mosta?aKs A?rien$A ha$ $'mpe$ a %ia( o? hemo&(o@in containin& =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy nano en&ineere$ %ir's in Mosta?a I@nSa'$Ks @eer 3 which ca'se$ Mosta?aKs hair to thin in a stran&e pattern an$ a (ocD in the ?ront to &row shorter. :hen I met Mosta?a in 200* 3 his hair was approFimate(y as (on& as my own < $'rin& the year 2005 or 200E when I met Mosta?a a secon$ time 3 Mosta?aKs hair was sti(( the same (en&th as it ha$ @een in 200* 3 I $i$ not notice i? it ha$ thinne$. 1his poisonin& o? @e%era&es with Nano 0n&ineere$ =ir's c'(t're$ in Hemo&(o@in carryin& 2NA Proteins in the same str'ct're as =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy metho$s 3 is eFact(y what 1ony Grasseti ha$ $escri@e$ Aaron 0man'e(e ha$ $one to a ?rien$ o? his $'rin& 200*. It has @een $etermine$ that @oth =a(erie .(sonKs imposte'r ?rom the year 200E as we(( as her roommate whom I @e(ie%e was name$ /ache( 3 were S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with Ne'roScience ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces $'rin& possi@(y the year 200*. It has @een pro%en that amon&st the &'i(ty 1errorist 7rimina( ,action o? in$i%i$'a(s whom ha%e committe$ this attacD an$ these Ne'roScience H'man =i%isections 3 there are a ?ew in$i%i$'a(s whom ha%e @een manip'(atin& the %ictims to speci?ic wor$s at speci?ic times. 1he science 'se$ $'rin& these attacDs is the same science as =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy. 1his metho$ o? Genetic M'tation is ca'se$ @y an a(teration o? a %ira( or&anism at the microscopic (e%e(3 this is achei%e$ @y metho$ o? nano en&ineerin& which in%o(%es imp(antin& &enetic 2NA proteins into the %ir's which ca'ses the &enetic 2NS to rep(ace the eI'i%i(ant &enetic 2NA on the or&anismKs Genetic 2NA str'ct're. Usin& =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy science ?or p'rpose o? m'tatin& 'neFpectin& %ictims or sprea$in& here$itary &enetic $iseases amon&st a pop'(ation o? peop(e 3 is =ira( :ar?are 5 this is a 7rime A&ainst H'manity an$ is a :ar 7rime3 an in$i%i$'a( or ,action which has committe$ this sort o? an attacD is an 0nemy 7om@atant as a res'(t o? this crime. :hi(e (i%in& at 23 1emp(e Street in Nash'a NewHampshire 3 I witnesse$ 2 $i??erent men show 'p ?or co'rt hearin&s in MerrimacD NewHampshire c(aimin& to @e my

?ather /'sse(( MacPherson. 1his sho'($ @e recor$e$ @y Sec'rity 7amera at the MerrimacD NewHampshire 7o'rtHo'se. A@o't 3 $ays a?ter I mo%e$ into the @'i($in& 5 I opene$ my $oor to ?in$ that a man o? Ita(ian an$ 2e'tsche ancestry who seeme$ most pro@a@(y to @e o? Swiss Nationa(ity was stan$in& o'tsi$e the room. 1his man was approFimate(y 5K8A3 was wearin& Jeans 3 a co((are$ short s(ee%e shirt 3 an$ Ita(ian (eather @oots simi(ar to 7ow@oy ;oots. I am ass'min& that this man was a mem@er o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen. :hen I opene$ the $oor3 this man ha$ a notepa$ in his han$s an$ was writin& on it whi(e (ooDin& in the $irection o? my $oor 5 he seeme$ start(e$ %ery s(i&ht(y 3 when I opene$ the $oor. 1his notepa$ remin$e$ me o? 0$ ,arrachi :arren an$ his recor$in& o? (icense p(ate n'm@ers as we(( as times an$ $ates $'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 3 whi(e we were at worD 5 0$ a(ways seeme$ to @e reportin& in?ormation re&ar$in& speci?ic c'stomers to =ittorio 0man'e(e. 2'rin& this ?irst weeD o? my (i%in& at this (ocation 5 an e($er(y Sici(ian man who (i%e$ on the secon$ ?(oor in the apartment a@o%e mine to($ me that he was A7oachKs sonA. A7oachA was the nicDname o? one o? the men who worDe$ in the o??ice. 1he man who c(aime$ to @e 7oachKs son appeare$ to @e approFimate(y 20 years o($er than him. :hi(e I was (i%in& at this apartment in Nash'a NewHampshire $'rin& 2012 3 a woman arri%e$ at my $oor ?o'r times preten$in& to @e my mother 5 this woman was not my mother an$ was incre$i@(y ?ri&htene$ when I con?ronte$ her a@o't it. She was terri?ie$. I thinD that she was a SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim. I am not s're where this woman is ?rom. She has now @een rep(ace$ with a woman who is $e?inite(y Ita(ian. My mother 2e@ra 4a%oie MacPherson was o? ,irst Nations Nati%e American 3 ,ranDic American 3 an$ Irish race. I am eFtreme(y worrie$ a@o't my Mother as we(( as am I worrie$ a@o't this woman who was @rie?(y @ein& ?orce$ to (i%e as imposte'r o? my Mother. 1he imposte'r o? my Mother who appeare$ to @e an a@'se %ictim < $i$ not seem to speaD 0n&(ish %ery ?('ent(y 3 @'t her accent a(most matche$ my MotherKs 5 there was a point when her %oice sai$ ASwipperA instea$ o? Swi??er. I am a?rai$ that this woman may @e $ea$3 that she may ha%e trie$ to r'n to &et he(p3 an$ a(so that this woman may possi@(y @e o? a race that is tar&ette$ ?or 1ota( Genoci$e 5 as my MotherKs race is o@%io's(y tar&ette$ ?or 1ota( Genoci$e @y ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e whom ha%e committe$ horri@(e 7rimes A&ainst H'manity in the re&ion an$ are attemptin& to e(iminate a(( e%i$ence o? these crimes as we(( as e(iminate a(( in%esti&ations in%o(%in& their SeF 1ra??icDin& which is $e?inite(y a 7rime A&ainst H'manity. :hi(e (i%in& in Nash'a NewHampshire 3 I attempte$ to contact the ,e$era( ;'rea' o? In%esti&ations 'sin& my Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone 5 the te(ephone ca(( was intercepte$ an$ a recor$in& o? my se(? ta(Din& to a te(emarDeter was a'$io $'@@e$ as i? the ,e$era( ;'rea' o? In%esti&ations was respon$in& to me with my ha(? o? the a'$io tracD. My ha(? o? this a'$io tracD was a recor$in& o? my se(? ta(Din& to a 1e(emarDeter who ha$ @een repeate$(y ca((in& my ?ather /'sse(( MacPhersonKs ho'se 3 9ennethKs H'$$Ks home te(ephone at the Haywar$ Street A$$ress 3 an$ my Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone $'rin& my re(ationship with Min$y 9ern < this te(emarDeter imme$iate(y @e&an

their sa(es pitch a?ter I answere$ the phone 3 to which I imme$iate(y inter'pte$ an$ rep(ie$ AIKm sorry sir a whatLM a whatLM Um... no I am not intereste$.A. Min$y tho'&ht that this was hi(ario's @eca'se I was imme$iate(y eFtreme(y r'$e to the te(emarDeter an$ spoDe in a %oice that was %ery 'ncharacteristic o? my se(?. 1his recor$in& was 'se$ to intercept my phone ca(( to ,.;.I. in :ashin&ton 2.7. when I attempte$ to ca(( ?rom my Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone in Nash'a NewHampshire. 1he en$ part o? the con%ersation was a short piece o? a simi(ar %oice that state$ AI am sorry 3 I am &oin& to ha%e to p't yo' on ho($.A . I attempte$ to ca(( the ,e$era( ;'rea' o? In%esti&ations approFimate(y 10 times in the year 2012 3 an$ the te(ephone con%ersation was c't o?? at the comm'nications ser%er. 1he ?act that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy can interr'pt an$ intercept te(ephone con%ersations at the 7omm'nications Ser%ers is an eFtreme(y $an&ero's ?act < this com@ine$ with the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS So($ier in the Po(ice ,orce an$ H'$icia( System 3 has @een @ein& 'se$ ?or p'rposes o? Genoci$e an$ 2isa@(in& o? 1ar&ette$ ,ami(ies @y means o? Unri&hteo's 7on%iction. I? a tar&et is incarcerate$ in a Jai( or prison ?aci(ity3 the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS is capa@(e o? interr'ptin& te(ephone con%ersations at the 7omm'nications Ser%er @y metho$ o? 7omp'ter HacDin& < the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS is a(so capa@(e o? comp(ete(y in?i(tratin& entire Hai( or Prison ?aci(ities with in$i%i$'a(s whom are possessin& o? sto(en I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s an$ ha%e 'n$er&one =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tation ?or P'rpose o? 2i&'ise 5 the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,action are c'rrent(y eFterminatin& (ists o? ?ami(ies in North America an$ ha%e a@'se$ the I$enti?ication System as we(( as $ominate$ a(( $isc'ssion o? Nationa( I$enti?ication in the U.S.A. 3 Hanet Napo(itano has not he(pe$ the U.S.A. with this pro@(em. .? eFtreme $an&er 3 is the ?act that Hai( Me$ica( ,aci(ities an$ Prison Me$ica( ,aci(ities can @e easi(y emp(oye$ ?or 2e%io's P'rpose @y 7o%ert A&ents worDin& ?rom within the 4aw 0n?orcement an$ Prison 0mp(oyment. 1he Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,action is an Amora(ist ,action 3 which is @asica((y an Aristocratic G(o@a(ist Mi(itant 7rime Syn$icate 5 their ,actionKs &oa( is e%ent'a( G(o@a( 7onI'est. 2'e to their Amora(ist =a('es 3 the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,action ha%e @een a@(e to easi(y (ie a@o't e%en the meanin& o? the termino(o&y A6IS < the A6IS i$entity is an Amora(ist G(o@a(ist Neo /oman Imperia(ist I$entity 3 the wor$ Me$i1erranean means Ao? the 7enter or Mi$$(e (ocation o? the 0arthA 5 $'rin& the hei&ht o? itKs eFpansion 3 the /oman 0mpire encompasse$ a(( o? the Me$iterranean Shore(ine. 1he /oman 0mpire an$ A(eFan$er the Great are mentione$ n'mero's times in the @ooD AMein 9amp?A as we(( as in H'(i's 0%o(aKs writin&s. 2e'tsche Nationa(ism is not tr'e(y the A6IS I$entity. A$o(? Hit(er was a 7o%ert A&ent whom was the patri(inea( ha(? @rother o? =ittorio 0man'e(e III an$ was primari(y o? 4om@ar$ic Ita(ian /ace an$ o? a sma(( amo'nt o? Aosta @io(o&ica( re(ation on his @io(o&ica( MotherKs si$e o? the ?ami(y. 2'rin& the A't'mn o? the approFimate year 1""5 3 whi(e in Home/oom $'rin& the mornin& at Mastrico(a Mi$$(e Schoo( in MerrimacD NewHampshire < /ache( Gar%ey was $isc'ssin& with Hason ;e((emore his hairc't 3 which was a (on& ?a'F hawD that ?(oppe$ on the si$e 5 Hason ;e((emore to($ /ache( Gar%ey ASome@o$y sai$ it (ooDs simi(ar to A$o(? Hit(erKs hair c't 3 @'t I $onKt thinD so. I (iDe it.A to which /ache( Gar%ey

rep(ie$ A I $onKt thinD that i (ooDs simi(ar to A$o(? Hit(erKs hair c't. -o'Kre not Ita(ian anyways. 1he name is German 3 @'t he was act'a((y 4om@ar$ic Ita(ian. He was the ha(? @rother o? the 9in& o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy o? Ita(y. -o'Kre American.A. 1o which Hason ;e((emore respon$e$ AMy ,ather Dnows =ictor. HeKs the 9in& o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy.A an$ /ache( Gar%ey asDe$ him 3 AAre yo' o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy.A which res'(te$ in Hason ;e((emoreKs rep(y 3 ANo act'a((y. Aosta. Not me. IK%e &ot the @(oo$(ine. ItKs A'strian. My 3r$ 7o'sin on my MotherKs si$e is Aosta. HeKs a (itera( 9ni&ht o? Aosta. I J'st ha%e an ancestor who was a 9ni&ht o? Aosta. IKm act'a((y A'strian. 1he name is in my 2a$Ks ,ami(y @'t he is act'a((y more than ha(? A'strian 3 too. So... he co'($ ha%e @een a co'sin o? mine. Um... A$o(? 3 that is.A . /ache( Gar%ey then sai$ to Hason ;e((emore 3 A:e(( 3 yo' ha%e a nice name Hason ;e((emore. ItKs an American name 3 yo' sho'($ @e pro'$.A a?ter which Hason ;e((emore sai$ somethin& simi(ar to AI am pro'$. ... an$ yo' sho'($ @e care?'( what yo' say.A a?terwhich he wa(De$ away. Hason ;e((emoreKs s'@t(e threat to /ache( Gar%ey 3 a?ter her mentionin& o? A$o(? Hit(erKs @io(o&ica( ?ami(y @ein& ?act'a((y the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 5 was spoDen simi(ar(y to how 1ony Grasseti speaDs a threat. A?ter Hason spoDe this s'@t(e threat to /ache( Gar%ey < he wa(De$ o't o? the c(assroom an$ /ache( Gar%ey p't her hea$ $own on the $esD an$ @e&an to cry ?or a moment. N'mero's peop(e asDe$ /ache( what was wron& an$ i? she was a(ri&ht 3 @'t she wo'($ not rep(y with any in?ormation < she simp(y to($ them 3 ANothin&. ItKs nothin&. I am ?ine. He $i$nKt say anythin&. ItKs a(ri&ht.A. A(so in this c(assroom at the time was 0riDa ,ein&o($ an$ Henna H'$son 5 the two o? them hea$ this an$ I'estione$ /ache( Gar%ey a@o't it (ater. I ha%e notice$ on the ,ace;ooD Pro?i(es o? the two o? them that there are photo&raphs o? imposte'rs posin& as 0riDa ,ein&o($ an$ Henna H'$son. 0riDe ,ein&o($Ks an$ Henna H'$sonKs ?ami(ies are $e?inite(y tar&ets o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy now. It is $e?inite that Hason ;e((emore who (i%e$ in MerrimacD NewHampshire 3 was a $istant co'sin o? A$o(? Hit(er. It is a(so $e?inite that within one year time span o? the " 11 1errorist AttacD 3 /o@ert /o$on to($ 7hristopher /o$on that AtheyA were &oin& to @e Genoci$a((y 0Fterminatin& the entirety o? the North American ,irst Nations /aces an$ that the Ma(es were &oin& to @e m'r$ere$ an$ the ?ema(es were &oin& to @e /ape$ an$ SeF 1ra??icDe$. /o@ert /o$on is a Genoci$a( 1errorist < $'rin& my chi($hoo$ 3 I @e(ie%e$ that his son 7hristopher /o$on was my A;est ,rien$A 5 I (ater $isco%ere$ that the /o$on ?ami(y was or$ere$ @y the Ho'se o? Sa%oy to tracD my se(? an$ my ?ami(y. 1he year @e?or this 3 when I was in the 5th Gra$e at the /ee$s,erry 0(ementary Schoo( in MerrimacD NewHampshire 3 /ache( Gar%ey an$ my se(? were in the same 0(ementary Schoo( 7(ass < Mrs. Hoo$ 3 &a%e a History 4esson e$'catin& 's a@o't :or($ :ar 2 an$ Athe Na>isA which res'(te$ in her cryin& speaDin& AI $onKt Dnow why I ha%e to teach yo' these thin&s 3 chi($ren. IKm sorry.A an$ she contin'e$ to state that 3 A1he Na>is wo'($ not (et yo' (i%e 'n(ess yo' ha%e ;(on$e Hair an$ ;('e 0yes. 1hey Di((e$ e%eryone who $i$ not ha%e ;(on$e Hair an$ ;('e 0yes. 1hey @e(ie%e$ in the Aryan /ace %ery stron&(y an$ Di((e$ anyone who was not p're@re$ Aryan.A. 2'rin& this (ect're 3 /ache( Gar%ey who was an American Gir( who ha$ ;(on$e Hair an$ ;('e 0yes < state$ A1hatKs act'a((y not tr'e. 1he Germans are Germanic (iDe me. My 2a$ eFp(aine$ it to me that the @ooD is wron&. 1he Aryans are peop(e who (ooD (iDe the peop(e in In$ia. A$o(? Hit(erKs hair

wasnKt @(on$e an$ he $i$nKt ha%e @('e eyes.A a?ter which I state$ 3 AMy 2a$ is an Aryan. .h may@e not. HeKs a =iDin& 3 he has ;(on$e Hair an$ ;('e 0yes.A to which /ache( Gar%ey respon$e$ 3 AItKs not Aryan 3 (isten to what I J'st sai$.$ thatKs @eca'se yo'r $a$ is the same race as me. ItKs Germanic. Gae(ic is (iDe that too @'t itKs part 7e(tic. ItKs not Aryan.A. /ache( Gar%ey was an eFtreme(y inte((i&ent person. It is pro@a@(e that /ache( Gar%eyKs ?ami(y Dnew the same thin&s my ?ami(y an$ my co'sin H'(iannaKs ?ami(y Dnew a@o't the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the A6IS. It is $e?inite that /ache( Gar%eyKs ?ami(y are a /acia( 1ar&et o? the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS an$ it is $e?inite that @eca'se o? her eFpression o? Dnow(e$&e concernin& what A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(y was an$ the ?act that Hason ;e((emoreKs 7o'sin is a 9ni&ht o? Aosta whoKs ?ami(y mo%e$ to the U.S.A. with the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs /oya( ?ami(y when A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(y ?(e$ the N'rem@'r& 1ria(s 5 is the reason why /ache( Gar%ey an$ her ?ami(y are $e?inite(y c'rrent(y tar&ette$ @y them ?or Genoci$e. Hason ;e((emoreKs ?ami(yKs name may ha%e @een sto(en ?rom a Genoci$e =ictimsK ,ami(y in North America 3 it is a(so possi@(e that it may @e that his patri(inea( (inea&e is ?act'a((y An&(o SaFon USAmerican. Hason ;e((emore (ooDe$ possi@(y 3N* A'strian an$ possi@(y a miF o? some other races 3 which were pro@a@(y Ita(ian 3 2e'tsche 3 an$ An&(o SaFon. 2'rin& the year 200! 3 a man with his I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s an$ name was wearin& a NewHampshire Po(ice 2epartment Uni?orm an$ was worDin& ?or the MerrimacD NewHampshire Po(ice 2epartment 3 or the ;e$?or$ NewHampshire Po(ice 2epartment 3 or possi@(y Nash'a or Amherst. 1his man was 'sin& Hason ;e((emoreKs name an$ was worDin& in the Po(ice 2epartment near MerrimacD NewHampshire. 2'rin& the year 1""8 or 1""" 3 /o@ May to($ my se(? an$ Hason He??rey that he J'st ?o'n$ o't that /o@Ks an$ his @rother Peter MayKs ?rien$ 7ha$ Gro(sch J'st &ot to($ @y his ?rien$ that 7ha$Ks ?rien$Ks co'sin was a 9ni&ht o? Aosta an$ (i%e$ in the North 0ast /e&ion o? the U.S.A. < this was 7ha$ Gro(schKs ?rien$ who was Hason ;e((emoreKs co'sin. /o@ May eFp(aine$ to 's that in this same weeD 3 /o@ MayKs co'sin to($ his e($er @rother that his ?rien$ who was /ache( Gar%eyKs co'sin eFp(aine$ to him that /ache( Gar%ey was threatene$ @y Hason ;e((emore when she eFp(aine$ to some@o$y that A$o(? Hit(er was o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ was o? some Aosta ?ami(ia( an$ @io(o&ica( re(ation. /o@ May to($ Hason He??rey an$ my se(? that he was &ettin& ner%o's an$ that he was a?rai$ that he was &oin& to @e Di((e$ ?or (earnin& what he ha$ J'st (earne$. 2'rin& the year 2005 3 an imposte'r 'sin& 7ha$ Gro(schKs America .n(ine Instant Messa&er Acco'nt + C.G7/USH0/88 8 instant messa&e$ me an$ sent me a photo&raph o? an imposte'r o? Pete May ho($in& a si&n. 1he man (ooDe$ simi(ar to Pete May an$ I was to($ that he was Pete May 3 @'t was not Pete May 5 he was ho($in& a racist si&n. In the year 1""" or 2000 3 whi(e in Mr.Gotsi((Ks c(ass < I was assi&ne$ the proJect o? writin& a report a@o't Martin 4'ther 9in& Hr.Ks (i?e 3 $'rin& this report I eFp(aine$ that some peop(e ha$ acc'se$ Martin 4'ther 9in& Hr. o? p(a&iari>in& one o? 9ar( MarFKs essays $'e to his paraphrasin& o? the same %a('es. 2'rin& the year 2005 < what I s'spect was an imposte'r 'sin& 7ha$ Gro(schKs A...4. I.M. ScreenName Co&7r'sher88 3 sent me a photo&raph o? what was inten$e$ to appear to @e himse(? ho($in& a si&n that sai$ on it AMartin 4'ther 9in& Hr. :as a 7omm'nist.A 5 it is $e?inite that Mr.Gotsi(( Dnew He??erson 2a%is persona((y an$ was ?rien$s with him an$ possi@(y $istant co'sins 3 He?? 2a%is

@ecame a mem@er o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen @'t was not a((owe$ to @ecome an Aristocrat o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy $'e to his @ein& ha(? Israe(i. I @e(ie%e that it was /o@ /o$on that (ie$ to He?? 2a%is an$ to($ him that I was Aan A$o(? Hit(er worshipperA. It is pro@a@(e that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e or$ere$ NicD Ma&&iore to arran&e ?or an imposte'r o? 7ha$ Gro(sch to ho($ A/acist PicDet Si&nsA with him an$ han$ the imposte'r o? 7ha$ Gro(sch one that rea$ AMartin 4'ther 9in& Hr. was a 7omm'nist.A. 1here was at (east one in$i%i$'a( who was a re(ati%e o? a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy as we(( as at (east one in$i%i$'a( who was a re(ati%e o? a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Aosta 3 in Mr.Gotsi((Ks c(assroom $'rin& the same c(ass as my se(? $'rin& the year 1""" or 2000. Hason ;e((emore may ha%e @een present $'rin& this c(ass. 7ha$ Gro(sch was ?rien$s with Pete May 3 /o@ May 3 an$ A((ison 7'nni&ham o? MerrimacD NewHampshire. It is &oin& to @e necessary ?or the U.S.A. an$ 7ana$a to &rant Amnesty to a sma(( n'm@er o? ,ami(ies re(ate$ to the A6IS ,ami(ies 3 ?ami(ies re(ate$ to A6IS S(eeper 7e((s 3 an$ ?ami(ies re(ate$ to the Ita(ian Ho'se o? Sa%oy thro'&h marria&e < as we(( as the A'strian Ho'se o? Aosta thro'&h marria&e 5 this Amnesty wo'($ @e necessary to &reat on the con$ition that they testi?y a&ainst the &'i(ty parties concernin& their ,orei&n 4oya(ity to a Mi(itant Genoci$a( 1errorist ,action o? :ar 7rimina(s whom are ,orei&n to North AmericaKs soi(. 1his con$itiona( &rantin& o? Amnesty is ?or the p'rpose o? ai$in& in%esti&ations 3 @ein& a@(e to enact a meritocratic stan$ar$ o? Amnesty is ?or the p'rpose o? ena@(in& the U.S.A. Go%ernment to /ePatriate Innocent ,ami(ies o? @io(o&ica( re(ation to A6IS S(eeper 7e(( ,ami(ies who are non comp(iant with in%esti&ations @y reason o? $enia( o? Dnow(e$&e. An entire ?ami(y with Dnow(e$&e o? the eFistence o? a Genoci$a( ,action 3 that ?or some reason can not @e con%icte$ 5 m'st @e /ePatriate$ to their Nationa( Home(an$. I? a ?ami(y o? A6IS /ace $enies Dnow(e$&e o? their @io(o&ica( ?ami(yKs eFistence as a S(eeper 7e(( ,ami(y 3 they m'st @e /ePatriate$ $'e to re?'sa( to capit'(ate with the U.S.A. 2epartment o? 2e?ense ?or p'rpose o? protectin& the North American /aces ?rom 1ota( Genoci$e. An in$i%i$'a( who testi?ies a&ainst a Genoci$a( 1errorist ,action sho'($ @e &rante$ Amnesty on an in$i%i$'a( @asis 3 as an in$i%i$'a( person. 1he U.S.A. 2epartment o? 2e?ense may (acD the a@i(ity to 2ec(are :ar 'pon the Ho'se o? Sa%oy as a res'(t o? Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS A&ents worDin& ?rom within the 2epartment o? 2e?ense 3 the Po(ice 2epartments 3 the ,e$era( ;'rea' o? In%esti&ations 3 the 7entra( Inte((i&ence A&ency 3 the U.S.A. Posta( Ser%ice 3 an$ the 0Fec'ti%e ;ranch o? &o%ernment. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e taDen a$%anta&e o? the Pop'(ation 2i%ersity o? the U.S.A. an$ ha%e committe$ acts o? Genoci$e since they immi&rate$ to the U.S.A. 3 witho't @ein& ca'&ht ?or reason that the tar&ets are o?ten racia( tar&ets an$ ?ami(iies < an$ the pop'(ation ratio is so $i%erse that the &enoci$e is camo'?(a&e$ @y the contin'e$ eFistence o? %ario's other races an$ ?ami(ies. It is a $e?inite threat that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy co'($ Geno$ica((y 0Fterminate the North American /aces 3 eFpan$ the @or$ers o? U.S.A. to a North American Union @y %ote 3 an$ a n'm@er o? &enerations (ater 'se the $i%ersity to in?i(trate %ario's nations with 7rimina( 0spiona&e S(eeper A&ents as we(( as $ra?t a mi(itary o? racia((y $i%erse pop'(ation an$ emp(oy them to act co%ert(y as ,(as ,(a& Mi(itant Specia( .perations Assa'(t 1eams. 1he Sh't>Sta??e( was comprise$ o? a

(on& (ist o? Nations with their own Sh't>Sta??e( 4e&ions. A$o(? AHit(erA was a 7o%ert A&ent worDin& ?or the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ was the @io(o&ica( patri(inea( ha(? @rother o? =ittorio 0man'e(e III. 1he " 11 1errorist AttacDs were ?o((owe$ @y a 7o%ert Genoci$e which has @een committe$ an$ Dept co%ert @y Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS S(eeper So($iers in North America. It is $e?inite that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e Ara@ian A6IS connections sti(( as we(( as connections to Ara@ian ?ami(ies who are ?rom the same re&ions as the hiJacDers < Mosta?a I@nSa'$ 3 whom they attempte$ to ?rame ?or H'man =i%isection an$ Genoci$e 5 is ha(? Moroccan an$ ha(? Sa'$i Ara@ian3 is the co'sin o? the 9in& o? Sa'$i Ara@ia 3 an$ has (i%e$ in the Massach'settes re&ion in the U.S.A. most o? his (i?e. It is a $e?inite ?act that the /oya( ,ami(y o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy are Dnow(e$&ea@(e concernin& who committe$ the " 11 1errorist AttacDs 3 who pro%i$e$ the 2emo(itions 0Fp(osi%es an$ :ire(ess A2ia( UpA 2etonators en&ineere$ ?rom Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone Parts 3 as we(( as the ?act'a( (itera( i$entity o? A.sama ;in4a$enA an$ his Ara@ian A6IS networD to which they are partnere$. 1he ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces which are c'rrent(y S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ in H'man crani'ms in North America an$ e(sewhere are networDe$ to %ario's Internet NetworDin& Protoco(s inc('$in& Shippin& G ,rei&ht Internet NetworDin& Protoco( 5 Airp(anes carry shipments which are ta&&e$ with G(o@a( Positionin& System 2e%ices that are networDe$ to Shippin& G ,rei&ht Internet NetworDin& Protoco( on a G(o@a( Positionin& System. 1he ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace is capa@(e o? contro((in& a h'man @o$y as a /o@ot. It is possi@i(ity that S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces were 'se$ to /o@ot the Airp(ane HiJacDers to HiJacD the Airp(ane < it is a(so possi@(e ?or them to ha%e @een con%ince$ to $o this @y ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace interaction with their @rain whi(e they were 'naware that this ha$ @een occ'rrin&. 1his $e%ices /o'ter is a G(o@a( Positionin& System A/G.S 2e%ice an$ is ?'((y ?'nctionin& on airp(anes 3 on mo'ntains 3 'n$er s'@ ways 3 'n$er water 3 in ?orests 5 an$ it stays networDe$ re&ar$(ess o? weather con$itions. It is a(so tr'e that these $e%ices are @ein& 'se$ @y SeF 1ra??icDers 3 SeF 1ra??icDers 'n$erstan$ Hosta&e 7risis Psycho(o&y %ery we(( an$ wo'($ @e capa@(e o? taDen ?ami(ies as hosta&e anonymo's(y with SDi MasDs on an$ 'sin& ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces to contro( the reactions o? some o? the ma(es o? the ?ami(ies which were taDen hosta&e < $'rin& which Hosta&e 7risis 3 they co'($ ha%e $eman$e$ ?rom the sons o? the ?ather o? the ?ami(y or the ?athers 5 that they 9amiDa>ee an AirP(ane ?i((e$ with ci%i(ians at @'i($in&s ?i((e$ with ci%i(ians an$ $eman$e$ to see it on te(e%ision. Some o? the ,ami(ies that mo%e$ to the U.S.A. who co'($ @e potentia((y A6IS 3 are in ?act not A6IS @'t ?(e$ Genoci$e ?rom Nations with A6IS ,actions. My co'sins 1y(er MacPherson an$ 2e%on MacPherson were 1N* A'strian < their &ran$mother Irma was ?rom A'stria 3 she marrie$ my 'nc(e 1roy MacPhersonKs ,ather in 4aw Hames Hemeon who was an American that was 1N* Irish an$ 3N* An&(o Gae(ic American. IrmaKs ?ami(y (e?t A'stria @eca'se o? tra'matic memories a?ter the Secon$ :or($ :ar 3 when she was a chi($. Irma Hemeon ha$ Post 1ra'matic Stress 2isor$er which she acI'ire$ $'rin& an in%asion 5 she ha$ memories o? the city that she (i%e$ in @ein& hit @y mortar ro'n$s an$ @om@s 3 ?ire 3 an$ ci%i(ians a(( aro'n$ her $yin&. Her ?ami(y ?(e$ the city $'rin& the A6IS in%asion an$ her memories were o? ha%in& to r'n ?rom the city with her parents 3 whi(e

e%erythin& was on ?ire an$ ci%i(ians a(( aro'n$ her were $yin&. Irma seeme$ incre$i@(y A&orapho@ic 3 she was %ery care?'( wa(Din& o't$oors 3 in the wi($s < an$ e%en in$oors 3 steppin& o%er entry ways into rooms an$ wa(Din& $own stairs. Irma was a =ictim o? the Ho(oca'st an$ the A6IS .cc'pation o? A'stria 3 herse(?. It seems (o&ica( that the A6IS was an Aristocratic /e@e((ion a&ainst the Mo$ern Par(iament 3 concepts o? Nationa(ism 3 :orDin& 7(ass 4a@o'r Party Socia(ist 0conomics. H'(i's 0%o(a wrote a@o't A1ra$itiona( Aristocratic =a('esA o?ten an$ wrote a@o't the /oman 0mpire o?ten < H'(i's 0%o(aKs phi(osophy was simi(ar to /oman Phi(osophy 3 it was o?ten syncretic an$ o? a com@ination o? m'(tip(e pre eFistant Phi(osphies an$ Sciences co((ecti%e(y. H'(i's 0%o(a wrote a@o't the Sh't>Sta??e( in a speci?ic manner that was ?or the p'rpose o? ?(atterin& the N.S.2.A.P. 3 to pro%i$e a $istraction in his (iterat're to those who were a(i&ne$ with 2e'tsche Nationa(ists an$ were not o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oys 7o%ert S(eeper 7e((s in 2e'tsche(an$ who in?i(trate$ the N.S.2.A.P. an$ Heirarcha((y 2ecapitate$ the 2e'tsche Go%ernment as we(( as the Mi(itary o? 2e'tsche(an$ an$ per?orme$ a Mi(itary 7o'p $e 0tat which (ater res'(te$ in the Genocia( 0Ftermination o? mi((ions o? ci%i(ians 5 most o? whom were citi>ens o? 2e'tsche(an$ whom were o? 2e'tsche 3 Israe(i 3 an$ miFe$ 2e'tsche an$ Israe(i race. 1he 1errorist 7rimina( Mi(itant ,action in North America that is c'rrent(y co%ert(y committin& massi%e pop'(ation Genoci$e is the Ho'se o? Sa%oy who immi&rate$ to the U.S.A. a?ter the 2n$ $e?eat o? the A6IS < as we(( as a sma(( n'm@er o? ,ami(ies o? the Ho'se o? Aosta whom were @io(o&ica((y re(ate$ to A$o(? Hit(er that immi&rate$ to North America a?ter the 2n$ $e?eat o? the A6IS an$ ha%e since m'(tip(ie$ 3 other Sa%oy Aosta miFe$ ?ami(ies who ?o'n$e$ the A6IS 3 .r&ani>e$ 7rime Syn$icates hire$ as Mercenaries @y the Ho'se o? Sa%oy in North America 3 an$ other A6IS S(eeper 7e(( ,ami(ies worDin& ?or the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,action whom are the core ?o'n$in& or&ani>ation that create$ the A6IS ,action. A(tho'&h it is a stran&e occ'rrance < it is $e?inite that some o? the 9ni&hts o? the Ho'se o? Aosta ha%e $e?ecte$ to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ ha%e somehow mana&e$ to Deep their stan$in& with the Ho'se o? Aosta as 9ni&hts 3 e%en tho'&h they ha$ to ?(ee the N'rem@'r& 1ria(s to the U.S.A. . An Aristocratic Ho'se $oes not typica((y in%a$e their own nation 3 A'stria was $e?inite(y in%a$e$ @y the A6IS an$ there was certain(y 9ni&hts o? Aosta as we(( as @io(o&ica( re(ati%es o? 9ni&ht o? Aosta whom ?o'n$e$ the A6IS ,action with &(o@a( Aristocratic 7rime Syn$icate that primari(y consists o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 2'rin& the year 2010 < an imposte'r o? MiDe Smith o? the U(?ar o? Hera 1heo$ appeare$ in NewHampshire 5 Michae( Smith whom was my ?rien$ 3 was an Asatr' Gothi. 2'rin& this time perio$ 3 an imposte'r o? /on ;oar$man o? the New An&(ia 1heo$ rep(ace$ /on ;oar$man as we((. 1here c'rrent(y appears to @e an imposte'r o? ;erry 7anote posin& in photo&raphs on ;erry 7anoteKs ,ace@ooD pro?i(e 5 ;erry 7anote was the &othi o? the Mercin&a /ice 1heo$ an$ an Asatr' (iterary a'thor whom wrote @ooDs pertainin& to the Asatr' /e(i&ion an$ c'stoms eFc('si%e to An&(o SaFon 1ra$itiona( ,o(D /e(i&ion. 0mi(y Is(es o? the .ntario Asatr' 9in$re$ is missin& an$ is @e(ie%e$ to ha%e @een a@$'cte$ @y ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ his @rother 2anie( Hames. 0mi(y Is(esKs @oy?rien$ 4ance has @een missin& an$ there is an imposte'r o? 4ance on 4ance Minsha((Ks ?ace@ooD < the imposte'r o? 4ance (ooDs to @e o? a S(a%ic race 3 possi@(y

Ser@ian. 2'rin& the years 200* 2010 5 0mi(y Is(eKs MySpace was ca((e$ 0mo1a'r. 1he Asatr' comm'nity has o@%io's(y @een tar&ette$ @y this operation. It seems that /e(i&io's pop'(ations an$ partic'(ar(y ,o(D /e(i&ions s'ch as Asatr' 3 H'$aism 3 Sanatana 2harma #Hin$'st%a) 3 Shinto 3 ,irst Nations 3 Serer re(i&ion 3 an$ the =o$o' comm'nity are tar&ets. 1he i$entity o? this terrorist ?action is G(o@a(ist Socia( 2arwinist 7rimina( Me&a(omaniacist an$ is (acDin& o? any i$ea( @esi$es (imit(ess sa$istic se(? empowerment < the maJority o? these 1errorist 7rimina(s are SeF 1ra??icDers 3 Pe$orast 7hi($ Mo(esters @y tra$e3 an$ H'man =i%isectionists 5 this ?action en&a&es in or&ani>e$ crimina( H'man 1ra??icDin& as a (i?esty(e. 1he c'rrent attacD 'pon the Asatr' comm'nity has shown o@%io's te(( ta(e si&ns that it has @een in?('ence$ @y H'(i's 0%o(aKs psycho(o&y < his essay AA&ainst the Neo Pa&ansA has @een in?('entia( in the 'nappropriate (a@e(in& o? ,o(D /e(i&ion as ANeo Pa&anismA an$ has @een in?('entia( in eFtremist circ(es o? 1errorist 7rimina(s whom ha%e @een committin& Genoci$a( :ar 7rimes 'pon pop'(ations o@ser%ant o? ,o(D /e(i&ions. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy connection to this &(o@a( assa'(t on o'r re(i&io's comm'nities is $e?inite 5 =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e I= is a 1errorist 7rime 4or$ o? the same 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate o? which H'(i's 0%o(a was a(so a 1errorist 7rime 4or$. 1he other o@%io's primary ?actor in%o(%e$ in this comp(eF scenario is =ittorio 0man'e(eKs ?ear o? @ein& eFpose$ as the son o? A$o(? Hit(erKs nephew an$ a pe$orast SeF 1ra??icDer @oth. 2'rin& the year 2011 5 on ,ace;ooD.7om < Michae( SmithKs an$ 7athryn ;'rDeKs ,ace;ooD Pro?i(es $roppe$ me ?rom their ?rien$s (ist. A(( o? their recent photos ha$ @een remo%e$ ?rom their photo a(@'ms< on(y co((e&e pict'res o? themse(%es are sti(( poste$ a(on&si$e the newer photos o? imposte'rs who are preten$in& to @e them. 1here is a pict're o? a man who appears to @e S(a%ic3 preten$in& to @e MiDe Smith on his ,ace@ooD. 2'rin& the 2013 Pa&anPri$e 2ay3 there was an imposte'r o? MiDe Smith with two chi($ren whom were approFimate(y 5 years yo'n&er than Si&ny an$ 1iarnan. Pa&anPri$e 2ay is a re(i&io's ?esti%a( ?or %ario's ,o(D /e(i&ions < $'rin& the 200! Pa&an Pri$e 2ay 3 MiDe Smith con$'cte$ a seminar $'rin& which he &a%e an e$'cationa( (ect're re&ar$in& Asatr' an$ Germanic ,'tharD a(pha@et. 1here is an imposte'r on /on ;oar$manKs ?ace@ooD now3 the man in some o? the photos appears to @e 100Q 4om@ar$ic Ita(ian. 1he man that I met $'rin& 2011 that was (i%in& in /on ;oar$manKs home in 1roy NewHampshire was an imposte'r who was preten$in& to @e /on ;oar$man 3 this man was $e?inite(y entire(y 4om@ar$ic Ita(ian an$ (ooDe$ possi@(y @io(o&ica((y re(ate$ to =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e < the ?act'a( /on ;oar$man was entire(y An&(o Gae(ic USAmerican. I @e(ie%e that =ittorio 0man'e(e @ecame paranoi$ that the Asatr' 7omm'nity ha$ @ecome an entire(y Dnow(e$&ea@(e socia( networD concernin& =ittorio 0man'e(e III @ein& A$o(? Hit(erKs ha(? @rother. 1he attacDs 'pon the Asatr' comm'nity @e&an with the 0man'e(esK attacDs 'pon 0mi(y Is(es 3 0mi(yKs @oy?rien$ 4ance 3 Michae( Moynihan 3 my se(? 3 /a&nar 9ar(son 3 Swain :o$enin& 3 Stacy Sea@'ry 3 /on ;oar$man 3 4i((y P(aise 3 Michae( Smith 3 Hames HJ'Da 7o'(t're 3 7athryn ;'rDe 3 ZGr't(e 9Je((sonKs sister\ 3 Stephen McNa((en 3 an$ the ?ami(ies o? a(( o? these in$i%i$'a(s. 2'rin& the year 2012 < an imposte'r pro?i(e o? my ?rien$ /a&nar 9ar(son was p'@(ishe$ on ?ace@ooD. 1here was a pict're o? some@o$y on his ?ace@ooD whom is o? an entire(y $i??erent race 3 the ?act'a( /a&nar 9ar(son is Ice(an$ic. /a&narKs s'rname was

spe((e$ incorrect(y as we(( 5 9ar(sson was spe((e$ with two SKs. 2'rin& the year 2012 3 It seeme$ that there was a pro@(em with the internet ser%er to which the Nash'a P'@(ic 4i@rary was connecte$ in Nash'a NewHampshire. 2'rin& 20123 I was 'sin& the internet at the (i@rary $'rin& attempts to sen$ my :itness 1estimonia( re&ar$in& this series o? 7rimes A&ainst H'manity 5 most o? my emai(s were @(ocDe$3 'na@(e to @e recei%e$3 or @o'nce$ @acD ret'rne$. 1here seems to ha%e @een a pro@(em at the Internet Ser%er. M'ch o? the mai( that I attempte$ to sen$ o't $'rin& the year 2012 was ret'rne$ 'n$e(i%era@(e or was (ost. 2'rin& 2012 < it seeme$ pro@a@(e that a$$ress on the internet were a(tere$ to $isp(ay incorrect a$$resses. 1he 7entra( Inte((i&ence A&ency emai( contact ?orm on the 7.I.A. :e@site was @roDen an$ ha$ not @een worDin& ?or the entire year o? 2012. 2'rin& the year 2012 3 I attempte$ to contact the 7entra( Inte((i&ence A&ency an$ ,e$era( ;'rea' o? In%esti&ations o??ices @y way o? te(ephone on(y to ?in$ that the te(ephone ser%er comp'ter ha$ @een hacDe$ an$ 'se$ to $isconnect me as soon as I @e&an to speaD to someone. I @e(ie%e that the 0man'e(esK con%einient(y 'se$ the Anonymo's Mo%ement as a smoDescreen ?or their own 0(ectronic 1errorist :ar?are an$ Sa@ota&e o? 7omm'nication. 2'rin& the year 2012 < It @ecame eFtreme(y o@%io's that Ita(ian A6IS S(eeper 7e(( A&ents an$ so($iers o? the 0man'e(e 0%o(a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate ha%e sto(en i$entity $ata inc('$in& photo&raphs3 ha%e 'se$ ?acia( reco&nition so?tware to ?in$ potentia( swap %ictims to 'se as rep(acement imposte'rs3 may ha%e sto(en sec'rity so?tware 3 an$ ha%e $e?inite(y in?i(trate$ the Unite$ States o? America 2epartment o? Motor =ehic(es ?or p'rpose o? ?or&in& I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. It is o@%io's that this ,action has a(so 'se$ MySpace.7om an$ ,ace;ooD.7om to match ?aces in comparison to in$i%i$'a(s who (i%e in entire(y $i??erent (ocations inc('$in& ?orei&n nationa(s that ha%e @een taDen hosta&e an$ 'se$ to rep(ace in$i%i$'a(s o? appearance simi(ar to their own as imposte'rs to ho($ their I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s ?or reason that they are easier to contro( 5 this tactic eFhi@its the psycho(o&y o? a SeF 1ra??icDer. 2'rin& the year 2012 5 I atten$e$ a Psychiatric 7o'nci(in& appointment with a Psychiatric 7o'nci(or name$ 1om ;'rwe((. 2'rin& this appointment < 1om ;'rwe(( I'ote$ wor$ ?or wor$3 somethin& that Hoe 4e@aron ha$ sai$ whi(e sittin& on my co'ch in my ?ormer apartment at 2E1 Pine Street Apartment R *1 at ParD =iew Apartments in Manchester NewHampshire5 where i((e&a( Impro%ise$ /ecor$in& 2e%ices en&ineere$ ?rom Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone Parts ha$ @een positione$ @ehin$ the wa((s an$ ha$ @een %i@ratin& a&ainst the wa(( constant(y e%ery time the 0man'e(esK terrorist a&ents recor$e$ me @y way o? an internet app(ication (iDe Goo&(ephone an$ 7omp'ter. 1his is eFact(y what wa(Dy ta(Dy an$ intercom components as we(( as tr'cD ra$io parts an$ ?i(m ree( a'$io recor$ers were 'se$ ?or $'rin& the /ichar$ He(ms MDU(tra an$ the :aterGate Scan$a( o? Presi$ent /ichar$ NiFonKs A$ministration. A?ter writin& to n'mero's &o%ernment a&encies 3 ?raternities 3 po(ice $epartments 3 m'(tip(e nations o? peop(es 3 an$ to the (ea$ers o? %ario's re(i&io's comm'nities < on 12N20N2012 at approFimate(y 1500 PM a po(ice o??icer name$ .??icer 2e@is> arri%e$ at my apartment to speaD to me. I was in?orme$ @y .??icer 2e@is> that I am not a((owe$ near

the Masonic property o? the /isin& S'n 4o$&e per reI'est o? A/o@ert PorterA $'e to the ?act that I 'se$ the $rop@oF to $e(i%er a copy o? my :itness 1estimonia( to the ,reeMasons. 1he /isin& S'n 4o$&e was my &reat &ran$?ather A(@ert MacPhersonKs (o$&e3 which was part o? the reason ?or my writin& to them < the other reason @ein& that the ,reeMasons try to @e &oo$ hono'ra@(e an$ charita@(e caretaDers o? their comm'nities. A@o't a ha(? ho'r (ater I wa(De$ to the po(ice $epartment to speaD with the o??icer concernin& what he was to($ a@o't my (etter an$ as to whether or not the po(ice chie? was &i%en the (etter I ha$ (e?t ?or him with the woman who worDs in the o??ice. 1hese (etters were on a 72 /om 2=2 in :or$Pa$ ?ormat. :ith these (etters I ha$ @een inc('$in& some cross re?erence$ in?ormation re&ar$in& this attacD an$ these $e%ices. :ith .??icer 2e@is> I (e?t another copy o? the (etter an$ the in?ormation. :hi(e I was at the Nash'a Po(ice 2epartment 3 .??icer 2e@is> asDe$ me a ?ew I'estions which echoe$ the I'estions that a Gestapo or an 0insat>&r'ppen wo'($ ha%e @een $irecte$ to asD @y A$o(? Hit(erKs3 Heinrich Himm(erKs3 an$ H'(i's 0%o(aKs @o$y&'ar$s. 1hese I'estions were (itera((y A2o yo' Dnow peop(e who are o? the Hewish comm'nityMA an$ A2o yo' Dnow ,reeMasonsMA I am a(most entire(y positi%e that .??icer 2e@is> ?ormer(y worDe$ in Hampton an$ /ye on the seacoast o? NewHampshire an$ that he was in%o(%e$ in the harassment an$ 'nconstit'tiona( $etainment o? n'mero's American 7i%i(ians3 many o? whom are o? ?ami(ies who are now missin& as we(( as many o? which ha%e @een rep(ace$ @y A&ent Imposte'rs 3 themse(%es. :hi(e (i%in& at 23 1emp(e Street in Nash'a NewHampshire 5 I witnesse$ two $i??erent A.??icer 2e@is>A worDin& on $'ty as Po(ice .??icers $'rin& two $i??erent shi?ts3 'sin& the same I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. 2'rin& the year 2012 5 artic(es were p'@(ishe$ to the internet which @(ame$ Asatr' ?or $r'& a@'se an$ %io(ence an$ state$ that Asatr' was a re(i&ion that promote$ s'@stance a@'se an$ %io(ence. 2'rin& the year 2012 3 the same Din$ o? artic(es were p'@(ishe$ concernin& Is(am. 2'rin& the year 2005 3 ,i( 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime So($ier 7esare A2ia@(oA whom was a &ran$son o? H'(i's 0%o(as < to($ me to my ?ace twice that my re(i&io's comm'nity was &oin& to P'r&atory @eca'se Asatr' is not 7atho(icism 5 P'r&atory is $escri@e$ as a p(ace o? a@so('te si(ence 3 a@so('te $arDness 3 an$ a@so('te (one(y iso(ation (iDe a Sensory 2epri%ation So(itary 7on?inement Prison 7e((. 2'rin& approFimate(y the year 200E3 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ his @rother 2anie( Hames < tie$ 'p m'(tip(e ?ema(es an$ @(in$e$ them with (aser pointers. Many o? the tar&ets o? the 0man'e(esK an$ the 0%o(asK ha%e @een Asatr'ars 3 Hews 3 an$ M's(ims as we(( as racia( tar&ets s'ch as ,irst Nations Nati%e Americans 3 Israe(is 3 Gae(s 3 Scan$ina%ians 3 ,ranDs 3 an$ An&(o SaFons. 2'rin& the year 200* 3 =ittorio 0man'e(e was ca((e$ the Anti 7hrist @y a man who p'@(ishe$ an Artic(e a@o't him 5 this man was name$ He?? /ense. 1he artic(e was p'@(ishe$ on /ense.7om. Since this time 3 this Anti 7hrist an$ his son ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e ha%e attempte$ to @(ame /e(i&ion ?or their 1errorist ,actionKs crimes < this has c'(minate$ in the 0man'e(esK p(an to @(ame Is(am an$ Ara@ian race ?or their 7rimes A&ainst H'manity3 as a res'(t o? attemptin& to 'ti(i>e the :ar .n 1error as a eFc'se o? con%einience. 1he Asatr' comm'nity an$ the Hewish comm'nity @ecame tar&ette$ /e(i&io's 7omm'nities o? the 0man'e(esK Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate a&ain $'rin& the year 200* an$ Is(am was p(anne$ to @e 'se$ as an eFc'se ?or the 0man'e(esK &enoci$a( tar&ettin& o? re(i&io's comm'nities as we(( as racia( comm'nities s'ch as the ,irst Nations Nati%e American races an$ others. 12N22N12 2'rin& the ?ew months that I spent in Jai(3 a man name$ A.>A an$ some others @e&an ca((in& me AHacD ;(acDA an$ was te((in& the others in the Jai( that my name was

AHacD ;(acDA. .n Sat'r$ay 2ecem@er 22< a man that (i%es in the @'i($in& that I (i%e in starte$ ca((in& me AHacD ;(acDA an$ @e&an a con%ersation with my se(? re?errin& to the ,reeMasons3 So(omon3 the Ao??iceA o? 0noch3 an$ mentione$ o??icer 2e@is>. 1his is the thir$ time this has happene$ to me o'tsi$e o? Jai(< I ne%er 'se a pse'$onym ?or any reason an$ it was stran&e that this man ha$ mentione$ the po(ice o??icer in the way that he ha$. .> ha$ a constant(y twitchin& eye on the si$e o? the ?ace that the ;7I is on. 2'rin& the year 200! 5 ,i%e months a?ter re(ease ?rom NH Hospita( in 7oncor$3 I ha$ atten$e$ an appointment at Manchester Menta( Hea(th on 0(m street in Manchester New Hampshire with Hanet Poten>a. :hi(e sittin& in a chair with my ri&ht si$e to the wa((3 I (eane$ ?orwar$ an$ hear$ the so'n$ o? ?ee$@acD ?rom her comp'ter speaDer when my ear &ot c(ose to the comp'ter. A ?ew min'tes a?ter this Hanet Poten>a sai$ to me A1here are microchips that ?it on the @rain now3 they are the si>e o? a sticD o? &'m. Interestin&3 h'hMA. =ittorio 0man'e(e may has recr'ite$ some eFtra A/oya( /etainersA in or$er to p'rchase hospita(s an$ properties in the Unite$ States o? America 'n$er other peop(esK names< I a(so @e(ie%e that he has @een 'sin& seF tra??icDin& %ictims as money (a'n$erin& m'(es. Hanet Poten>aKs neice has @een incessant(y Deepin& tracD o? my sister S'mmer ?or a@o't E years now3 ca((in& her e%ery sin&(e $ay 3 &ettin& an&ry when she spen$s time with other ?rien$s 5 she is %ery contro((in&. 1heir ?ami(y ha%e Ma?ia connections as we(( as He((Ks An&e(s connections an$ connections to =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 1errorist SeF 1ra??icDin& 7rime Syn$icate. A man whom I @e(ie%e is Hanet Poten>aKs @rother Pete Poten>a ha$ @een %isitin& my new nei&h@or a@o't ?o'r times a weeD3 this man is $e?inite(y in%o(%e$ with a s'@si$iary &an& o? the He((Ks An&e(s ca((e$ Mi(?or$ an$ 7ompany an$ seems to @e in%o(%e$ in SeF 1ra??icDin&. 1his ?ami(y is $e?inite(y one o? the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icateKs connections in the New 0n&(an$ re&ion. 1he other man who %isite$ my nei&h@or was a man who was worDin& ?or /e$ .aD Property Mana&ement when I was (i%in& at 2E1 Pine St. Apt.R*1 Manchester NewHampshire 5 this man was approFimate(y 5K11A 220(@s3 ha$ a white chin @ear$ an$ mo'stache3 @'>>e$ hairc't3 an$ he (ooDe$ 100Q 4om@ar$ic Ita(ian. 1he man that worDe$ ?or /e$ .aD trie$ to hi$e his ?ace ?rom me e%ery time he entere$ the @'i($in& that i (i%e$ in. 1he ;iDer (ooDe$ 100Q Ita(ian3 ha$ (on& &rayin& hair3 was a@o't 5K10A 200(@s3 an$ is $e?inite(y a Poten>a 5 I @e(ie%e he may @e one o? Hanet Poten>aKs @rothers name$ Peter Poten>a. 1hese men an$ my neFt $oor nei&h@or at this (ocation o?ten ha$ in their company a woman who was approFimate(y 25 years o($ whom I ha%e seen in Manchester ?reI'ent(y ?or the past " years 5 she has @een ?orce$ to preten$ to $atea sma(( n'm@er o? 50 year o($s ?or the past 8 years an$ recent(y she has @een &roome$ to appear o($er than her act'a( a&e3 I @e(ie%e she is a hosta&e o? some Din$ whom they pass aro'n$. 1his woman (ooDs re(ate$ to one o? the yo'n& (a$ies whoKs photo&raph was sent to me as A0mi(y Is(esA. 2'rin& c'rrent(y (i%in& in Nash'a NewHampshire at 23 1emp(e Street R108 3 a(( o? the crimina(s here ha%e @een recor$e$ @y sec'rity cameras. In the past year < there ha%e @een two other &ro'ps o? crimina(s associate$ with =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e who ha%e staye$ in this @'i($in& 5 @ein& that these crimina(s $o not seem to interact with eachother $irect(y3 it is o@%io's that A=ictorA has ma$e n'mero's crimina( contacts in the re&ion an$ that his Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rimina( ,action ha%e @een 'sin& some o? them as Mercenaries. :hi(e I was (i%in& at 23 1emp(e Street R108 5 on 1'es$ay 1530 PM 0* 23 2013 3 the ;iDer Poten>a arri%e$ in the passen&er seat o? a Grey Merce$es which parDe$ on Sprin& Street o'tsi$e. He entere$ the @'i($in& aro'n$ 1515 PM 3 he eFite$ the @'i($in& aroin$ 1535 PM 5 as he sat $own in the car passen&er seat 3 he han$e$ the $ri%er what appeare$ to @e a @a& o? heroin. 1his manKs motorcyc(e 4icense P(ate n'm@ers were EE!1" an$ his @iDe was a @(acD an$ ye((ow Har(ey Motorcyc(e. ,rom what I ha%e hear$

?rom n'mero's peop(e 3 this man is in%o(%e$ in SeF 1ra??icDin& an$ is a transporter o? ?ema(es whom has in the past a@$'cte$ minors. I ha%e once seen him with a minor that was certain(y not re(ate$ to him 3 &ettin& into a tr'cD < this &ir( was (ater si&hte$ as the yo'n&er o? the A1iaKsA . Heroin an$ M2MA are the two most common(y associate$ $r'&s with SeF 1ra??icDers. :hi(e eFitin& the @'i($ at 23 1emp(e Street 3 I notice$ a man sittin& on the steps who (ooDe$ near(y i$entica( to =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e. He was smoDin& a 7apone ci&ar. It is pro@a@(e that this was =ittorio 3 that he ha$ @een =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tate$ at some point to a(ter his appearance an$ ha$ J'st m'tate$ it @acD 3 an$ that he was maDin& a s'@t(e threat to me < he has sta(De$ me my entire (i?e 3 I ha%e seen him at (east once a year in p(aces that were o@%io'(y arran&e$ somehow. 1his man has Dnown where I am at a(( times 3 my entire (i?e. It is a(so possi@(e that this was an imposte'r that he p(ans to 'se as a @o$y $o'@(e when he escapes J'stice 3 (ea%in& him with his I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s an$ re(ocatin& to another re&ion. :hi(e (i%in& in Nash'a NewHampshire 3 I witnesse$ * A(@anians (i%in& as imposte'rs o? P'erto /icans < wearin& their c(othin& 3 $ecoratin& their a'tomo@i(e with the P'erto /ican ?(a& 3 an$ 'sin& P'erto /icans I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. It is important to mention that at some point in the past 3 I can reca(( ,i( an$ 2anie( Hames statin& that the USA wo'($ @e Acame( spi$ere$A. 1he imposte'rs o? Cach an$ 9eith $isc'sse$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces in ?ront o? my se(? an$ ha$ state$ that they @e(ie%e$ that the USA 2epartment o? 2e?ense wo'($ @e $e?ense(ess a&ainst a wi$e sprea$ massi%e pop'(ation ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace attacD ?or reason that the USA Mi(itary wo'($ @e easy to con%ince that in?ormin& the wor($Ks mi(itaries wo'($ @e s'ici$e $'e to the entire pop'(ation o? ci%i(ians @ein& $e?ense(ess to the entire wor($Ks mi(itaries ha%e access to their @rains. 1his means that a Genoci$a( 1errorist ,action worDin& ?rom within the USA In%esti&ations an$ 2epartment o? 2e?ense co'($ con%ince the Go%ernment to ?ai( to react in time an$ co'($ sta(( them (on& eno'&h to eFterminate the entire pop'(ation o? the North American 7ontinent an$ ens(a%e the pop'(ations that are spare$ $eath. In the year 2012 3 I renewe$ my I$enti?ication 7ar$ at the Nash'a NewHampshire 2epartment o? Motor =ehic(es 5 this ?or the ?irst time in my (i?e reI'ire$ no proo? o? i$enti?ication an$ the woman at the co'nter chan&e$ my eye co(or to ;/.:N on my I$enti?ication 7ar$ 3 my eye co(or is G/00N primari(y. My eyes are &reen with an oran&e @rown rin& aro'n$ the p'pi( an$ a &ray rin& aro'n$ the &reen insi$e o? a thin @(acD rin& 5 the most easi(y reco&ni>a@(e co(or @ein& a so(i$ (ea? &reen. My pre%io's I.2. sai$ Green an$ the pre%io's one @e?ore it sai$ Ha>e( as a res'(t o? the miFe$ co(ors. 1his woman $i$ not e%en asD to chan&e the eye co(or nor $i$ she asD ?or any ?orm o? I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. My ?rien$ Hen 4inco(n $'rin& the year 200" 3 mentione$ this an$ mentione$ a (ar&e pop'(ation o? imposte'rs (i%in& in New Hersey. 2'rin& the S'mmer o? 2012 5 My Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone was ca((e$ ?rom itKs own Phone N'm@er < this co'($ on(y possi@(y @e the pro$'ct o? an in$i%i$'a( 'sin& a Goo&(e Phone HacD App(ication which can @e ?o'n$ on the internet that ena@(es Goo&(ePhone to immitate any te(ephone n'm@er $etermine$ @y the Goo&(ePhone 'ser. 0*N12N2013 5 .n ,ri$ay 12 2013 3 I tooD a @'s to ;oston Massach'settes. I $e(i%ere$ this

entire (etter to the 2epartment o? 2e?ense at the Army /ecr'iters .??ice. It was (a@e(e$ as A0M0/G0N7- 5 I ha%e (aryn&itis3 sorry. 1his is an emer&ency. P(ease $e(i%er this to the Mi(itary 7rimina( In%esti&ations3 ,;I3 7IA3 Si&na(s Inte((i&ence3 an$ the NSA.A I a(so wrote 0M0/G0N7- in (ar&e (etters across the top o? the en%e(ope. 1his (etter was han$e$ to an A?rican American M'((ato ,ema(e 5 the woman whom I han$e$ this (etter to (ooDe$ at it con?'se$ an$ sai$ to me AIKm sorry 3 I $onKt Dnow what to $o with this.A she then han$e$ it @acD to me. 1hree ma(e emp(oyees approache$ me3 I wa(De$ towar$ the An&(o Gae(ic American Ma(e @'t another ma(e tooD the initiati%e to recei%e the (etter. 1he ma(e who recei%e$ the (etter ha$ a 2e'tsche s'rname with the spe((in& Giese( in it somewhere < he (ooDe$ to @e o? Ita(iano3 2e'tsche3 an$ possi@(y An&(o American ethnicity 5 he sai$ that he co'($ &i%e the (etter to the ,;I an$ that they were $irect(y $own the roa$3 @'t that he co'($ not &et it to any@o$y e(se. 1his in?ormation nee$s to @e rea$ @y Mi(itary Inte((i&ence3 Mi(itary Po(ice3 an$ emp(oyees o? the Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 5 th's ?ar3 it has pro%en impossi@(e to &et this in?ormation past the peop(e whom I am ass'min& are &'i(ty o? treason. 1his is a(( ?act'a( in?ormation an$ there is nothin& $i(('siona( a@o't any o? this3 nor is any o? this witness statement i((o&ica(. A?ter $roppin& the (etter o?? at the USA 2epartment o? 2e?ense Army /ecr'iter .??ice 3 I wa(De$ to the ,;I o??ice. 1he ,;I o??ice is on the Eth ,(oor o? 1 7enter P(a>a 5 'pon enterin& the entry ha(( o? the ,e$era( ;'rea' o? In%esti&ation 3 I was to($ @y two emp(oyees that I was not a((owe$ to $rop o?? a witness statement at the ,;I o??ice or any in?ormation an$ that I am reI'ire$ to mai( it. 1he two men in the entry ha(( were two $i??erent ethnicities 5 one (ooDe$ ha(? Ita(iano an$ ha(? miFe$ 0'ropi$ nationa(ity3 the other man (ooDe$ A'strian an$ possi@(y 2e'tsche. A?ter @ein& t'rne$ away at the ,;I o??ice3 I mai(e$ this witness statement to the ,;I 7omp(aints o??ice $irect(y as a certi?ie$ mai( pacDa&e. I am &oin& to contin'e to &i%e this witness statement to emp(oyees o? the 2epartment o? 2e?ense. 0*N15N2013 ,ace@ooD was hacDe$3 a(( comm'nications on ,ace@ooD @ecame impossi@(e. Goo&(eMai( was hacDe$3 a(( comm'nications on Goo&(eMai( @ecame impossi@(e. 0*N1!N2013 .n a :e$nes$ay3 I $eci$e$ wa(De$ to MerrimacD New Hampshire ?or the p'rpose o? mai(in& my witness statement in or$er to see i? this witness statement co'($ maDe it to a'thorities ?aster ?rom a $i??erent (ocation. A?ter mai(in& three witness statement ?rom the MerrimacD Post .??ice 5 I was wa(Din& @acD towar$s Nash'a New Hampshire an$ was stoppe$ @y a Po(ice 7ar. I asDe$ the .??icer ?or his name an$ @a$&e n'm@er 5 he pointe$ to his @a$&e an$ on the .??icerKs @a$&e was printe$ AS. Ma&'ire R12A. I asDe$ the .??icer what his ?irst name was an$ he wo'($ not te(( me3 he sai$ his name was A.??icerA 5 repeate$(y3 he $i$ this an$ wo'($ not te(( me his ?irst name. 1he man (ooDe$ ,ranDic3 2e'tsche3 an$ Ita(iano 5 he (ooDe$ a@o't 32 years o($3 he was a@o't 1"0(@s3 he ha$ $arD ha>e( eyes an$ (i&ht @rown hair. 1he .??icer asDe$ me i? I ha$ @een at the Post .??ice ear(ier an$ asDe$ to search me. I was searche$ @y the po(ice o??icer. :hi(e he was I'estionin& me a@o't what I ha$ mai(e$3 two other po(ice o??icers arri%e$ in a secon$ Po(ice 7ar. I &a%e them a copy o? this witness statement an$ a (ist o? I.P. A$$resses associate$ with a(( o? my (ocations where at my comp'ters ha$ @een cy@er sta(De$ an$ hacDe$. A?ter they a&ain searche$ me as we(( as my @acDpacD3 I was to($ that I ha$ to @e taDen into c'sto$y an$ I was not &i%en a reason. I was taDen to the MerrimacD Po(ice 2epartment. At the MerrimacD Po(ice 2epartment3 I was to($ that I was &oin& to ha%e to answer I'estions a@o't what I ha$ mai(e$ at the Post .??ice. I to($ the .??icers that I ha$ mai(e$ the witness statement which I ha$ &i%en them a copy o?. I si&ne$ my Miran$a /i&hts car$ an$ state$ that I wo'($ not answer any more I'estions witho't a (awyer present. ,o'r o? the ?i%e o? the Po(ice .??icer present were o? Ita(ian

Nationa( 0thnic. 1here was a ?i?th man present whom was possi@(y s'ppose$ to @e .??icer Goo$rich3 the man (ooDe$ simi(ar to .??icer Goo$rich @'t (ooDe$ (iDe his Jaw ha$ @een @roDen an$ hea(e$ recent(y or ha$ 'n$er&one s'r&ery. 1he man who (ooDe$ simi(ar to .??icer Goo$rich ha$ a wi$er Jaw at the @ottom o? his Jaw than the .??icer Goo$rich that I remem@er3 his comp(eFion a(so (ooDe$ s(i&ht(y $i??erent than .??icer Goo$richKs @'t it may ha%e @een o?? that $ay. It is $i??ic'(t to $etermine which o? these Po(ice .??icers are ho($in& (e&itimate I$entities now that the re&ion has @een ?(oo$e$ with in$i%i$'a(s 'sin& 2'p(icate$ I$enti?ication PaperworD 5 the other reason ?or the $i??ic'(ty in $eterminin& whether or not there are men impersonatin& Po(ice Units is the ?act that some crimina(s ha%e @een pai$ recent(y to $'mp Hemo&(o@in =ia(s o? =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy in ci%i(iansK $rinDs3 ca'sin& their ?acia( ?eat'res to m'tate s(i&ht(y. I ha%e watche$ m'tation occ'r to a ?ew in$i%i$'a(sK ?aces recent(y. It m'st @e remem@ere$ that the An$ers ;rei%iD attacD in%o(%e$ a man impersonatin& a Po(ice .??icer. 7a'sin& ran$om 2NA m'tations o? 2NA ?acia( &enetics wo'($ a((ow co%ert a&ents to @(en$ in with a pop'(ation o? peop(e whoKs ?aces seem s(i&ht(y $i??erent than they 'se$ to. =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy co'($ a(so possi@(y @e 'se$ repeate$(y to a(ter ?in&erprints an$ stea( an in$i%i$'a(Ks ?in&erprints i? their @io(o&ica( 2NA materia(s are Dept in a (a@oratory 5 this wo'($ reI'ire m'(tip(e &ene m'tations inc('$in& sDin3 sDe(eta( m'sc'(at're3 han$ sDe(eta(3 ?in&er nai(s3 an$ @o$yhair pattern3 this wo'($ a(so reI'ire a ?ew years o? m'tation whi(e the sDin ce((s she$. :hi(e at the MerrimacD Po(ice 2epartment 5 three times3 I was (ocDe$ in a ho($in& ce(( 55 this occ'rre$ a?ter @ein& to($ that I was on(y &oin& to @e I'estione$ an$ was permitte$ to (ea%e a?ter. A?ter the ?irst time3 I was to($ that I was &oin& to ha%e to @e p(ace$ 'n$er arrest 5 when I asDe$ ?or the speci?ic o? what the char&e was ?or which I was @ein& arreste$3 I was to($ that he $i$ not Dnow an$ he (ocDe$ me in the ce(( anyways. A?ter @ein& re(ease$ the secon$ time3 there was a man who (ooDe$ simi(ar to an .??icer 2esmon$ whom ?ormer(y worDe$ at the MerrimacD Po(ice 2epartment an$ may possi@(y sti(( worD there 5 as I pre%io's(y state$3 peop(e ha%e @een 'sin& Po(ice Uni?orms an$ =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy has @een recent(y 'se$ ?or espiona&e an$ war?are. I was to($ @y this o??icer that there were recent @om@in&s in ;oston3 that there was some s'@stance ca((e$ /icin @ein& mai(e$3 an$ that threats were @ein& mai(e$ an$ ma$e a&ainst the Presi$ent ;aracD .@ama. 1he man c(aimin& to @e .??icer 2esmon$ a(so I'ote$ a statement which ha$ @een ma$e $'rin& a Psych :ar?are assa'(t which was $'@@e$ o%er the 7omcast 7a@(e NetworD ! years a&o in MerrimacD New Hampshire 5 A-o' may ha%e to &o ta(D to Mrs. Scarey.A which he sai$ whi(e his han$ was $own t'rne$ with his wrist an$ e(@ow @ent (iDe a $o&. 1his Psych :ar?are attacD which was @roa$caste$ was an intermittant se&ment on the te(e%ision which portraye$ a ;rown 2o& ta(Din& with itKs arm o't as i? it wante$ to shaDe paws3 it spoDe the wor$s which .??icer 2esmon$ I'ote$. 2'rin& the time which this aire$ my sisters 7he(sey an$ S'mmer were sittin& on the co'ch with me. 7he(sey @ecame ?ear?'( an$ sai$ that she ha$ @een ta(Din& a@o't the son& A=oices 7arryA the $ay prior3 whi(e in the car with o'r ,ather 5 7he(sey state$ that she tho'&ht the son& on the ra$io was AMrs. ScareyA an$ ?o'n$ o't ?rom o'r ,ather that the son&Ks name was A=oices 7arryA. 1hat $ay I ha$ @o'&ht a Sm'ttyNose ;rewery ;rown 2o& A(e pacDa&e o? @ott(es. 1his wo'($ ha%e @een witnesse$ @y 7he(sey who most (iDe(y ha$ a ;.7.I. in her @rain ?rom somep(ace3 my ?ather who possi@(y ha$ a ;.7.I.3 or recor$e$ in my ,atherKs a'tomo@i(e which ha$ apparent(y @een co%ert(y eI'ippe$ with i((e&a( recor$in& $e%ices. 1he p'rpose o? this eFtremity o? Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are is to tra'mati>e the tar&ette$ %ictims in or$er to para(y>e them with ?ear or $esta@i(i>e their psycho(o&y eno'&h to pa%(o%ian mo$i?y the tar&etsK @eha%ior thro'&h terrorism. 1his was $'rin& the year 200E3 7he(sey was " years o($. 1his is one o? the (ast thin&s 7he(sey wo'($ remem@er @e?ore she was Di$nappe$ @y Sici(ians. I ha$ @een te((in& my ,ather

that there were i((e&a( recor$in&s @ein& ma$e3 that my comp'ter was @ein& hacDe$3 an$ that I ha$ @een threatene$ @y Ma?ia 5 I ma$e s're to remin$ him o? the e%ents that occ'rre$ $'rin& :A10/GA10 3 he to($ me I was schi>ophrenic. 7he(sey to($ my ,ather that the te(e%ision was BU.1ING S.M01HING ,/.M HIS AU1.M.;I403 my ?ather to($ 's that we were schi>ophrenics an$ to($ 's that he $i$ not @e(ie%e 's concernin& the te(e%ision @ein& hacDe$ an$ psych war?are @ein& @roa$caste$ at 's. I? the on(y other a$'(t witness is $enyin& witnessin& the crime that was witnesse$ @y @oth an$ wi(( testi?y that somethin& $i$ not happen3 there is a(most no way to report a crime 5 ?or " years my ,ather has @een in%a(i$atin& e%erythin& that my se(? an$ my sisters ha%e @een a %ictim to an$ ha%e witnesse$. I @e(ie%e that my ,ather may ha%e a ;.7.I. in his @rain @y now. It is o@%io's that =ittorio 0man'e(e is &oin& to &reat (en&ths to ens're that his ?ami(y is not reporte$ as @ein& in the area an$ that they are not reporte$ as @ein& in%o(%e$ in terrorism an$ that they are (itera((y A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(y. I @e(ie%e that S'mmer has @een threatene$ ?or the past " years an$ that she can not ta(D a@o't what has @een happenin&. 1he .??icer 2esmon$ to($ me that I (ooDe$ s'spicio's @eca'se I was $resse$ in &ray an$ @(acD as we(( as @eca'se I ha$ a @(acD @acDpacD 5 I was to($ that I can not @e mai(in& (etters3 that my mai(in& o? (etters was s'spicio's3 that no crimina( char&es were @ein& presse$ @'t that I sho'($ thinD a@o't what I ha%e $one. I was ta(De$ to as i? I ha$ $one somethin& wron&. I am not s're i? the MerrimacD Po(ice 2epartment intercepte$ my mai(e$ 72 /.M inc('$in& my witness statements3 which ha$ @een mai(e$ to the Po(ice 2epartments o? the Manchester NewHampshire Po(ice 2epartment an$ two others. 1he man c(aimin& to @e .??icer 2esmon$ asDe$ me how many sisters I ha$3 where they (i%e$3 how o($ they were3 an$ what their names were. I was to($ that I was @ein& re(ease$ to a Socia( :orDer name$ Scott ;rennan. I ha%e met with this Socia( :orDer in the past a ?ew times. :hen I was processe$ at the Po(ice 2epartment 3 I to($ the Po(ice .??icer that I was ,irst Nations Nati%e American as we(( as :hite USAmerican 5 the Po(ice .??icer J'st recor$e$ my se(? as A:hiteA. My eyes on my I$enti?ication 7ar$ ha%e @een incorrect(y recor$e$ as we((. 1he woman at the 2epartment o? Motor%ehic(es se(ecte$ A;rownA ?or my eye co(or 3 my eyes are primari(y Green an$ I wrote Green on the paperworD. 11 In the year 2012 3 I renewe$ my I$enti?ication 7ar$ at the Nash'a NewHampshire 2epartment o? Motor =ehic(es 5 this ?or the ?irst time in my (i?e reI'ire$ no proo? o? i$enti?ication what so e%er an$ the woman at the co'nter chan&e$ my eye co(or to ;/.:N on my I$enti?ication 7ar$ 3 my eye co(or is G/00N primari(y. My eyes are &reen with an oran&e @rown rin& aro'n$ the p'pi( an$ a &ray rin& aro'n$ the &reen insi$e o? a thin @(acD rin& 5 the most easi(y reco&ni>a@(e co(or @ein& a so(i$ (ea? &reen. My pre%io's I.2. sai$ Green an$ the pre%io's one @e?ore it sai$ Ha>e( as a res'(t o? the miFe$ co(ors. 1his woman $i$ not e%en asD to chan&e the eye co(or nor $i$ she asD ?or any ?orm o? I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. 1his is the most 'n$erhan$e$ an$ $e%io's A6IS in%asion to e%er occ'r 5 I am comp(ete(y an$ 'tter(y $is&'ste$ @y the A6IS entire(y as a res'(t an$ I ?ee( that we sho'($ $ec(are war on the Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist ,action imme$iate(y @e?ore they eFterminate more races o? peop(e. 2'rin& the year 2013 3 a son& was p(ayin& on the ra$io o%er the speaDer at the /ite Ai$ store 5 this son& containe$ (yrics AMy @rother an$ my sistersA an$ a&ain 3 the 1errorist ,action that has @een committin& these Psy :ar AttacDs $'@@e$ o%er the m'sic a %oice sayin& AMy @rothers an$ my sistersA that so'n$e$ i$entica( to S'mmer /ose MacPherson speaDin& at the 2005 1hanDs&i%in& 2inner at her ho'se in MerrimacD NewHampshire. :hen it was S'mmerKs t'rn to say what she was thanD?'( ?or 3 she

spoDe AI am thanD?'( ?or my @rother an$ my sisters.A prior to $inner. 2'rin& the year 2013 3 in Septem@er at :i((yKs @ar 5 a Gothic Ni&ht that ha$ occ'rre$ at this @ar in 200* was choreo&raphe$ an$ rema$e eFact(y the way it ha$ occ'rre$ in 200* 3 with the eFception that the Sec'rity 7ameras were not present. 1he entire e%enin& was choreo&raphe$ to appear eFact(y the same as it was in the year 200* 5 the peop(e present ha$ %ery o@%io's(y @een =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tate$ to ?it the eFact appearance o? the peop(e who were present that same ni&ht " years prior 3 they were wearin& the eFact same c(othes 3 they spoDe the eFact same con%ersations 3 an$ $ance$ to the same eFact son&s. 1his was $e?inite(y the pro$'ct o? a Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are 2i%ision. A(most a(( o? the in$i%i$'a(s present $'rin& this ni&ht appeare$ to @e =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tate$ Ita(ians attemptin& to appear to @e Americans an$ other races o? peop(es. It is $e?inite that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy co((ecte$ the 2NA o? e%ery sin&(e person who was present that ni&ht in 200* 3 o%er the past " years. In the year 200! 5 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e ha$ sent 2anie( Hames on ASca%en&er H'ntsA to co((ect speci?ic items to 'se ?or the p'rpose o? e(iminatin& e%i$ence an$ creatin& ?or&ery %ersions o? past recor$s s'ch as =HS /ecor$in&s. 1he 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen +the Ho'se o? Sa%oy8 are pro@a@(e to ha%e sent their peop(e on Sca%en&er H'nts o%er the past " years to co((ect these items. 1he entire I$enti?ication System in the USA an$ 7ana$a has @ecome comp(ete(y o@so(ete an$ the Ita(ians taDin& or$ers ?rom the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the 0man'e(e ?ami(y ha%e @een sen$in& imposte'rs to North America 5 these imposte'rs ha%e @een eFterminatin& entire (ists o? American ,ami(ies. 1his is a $e?inite Ho(oca'st. It is a@so('te(y necessary ?or a new Nationa( I$enti?ication System to @e imp(emente$ which reI'ires 2NA 0%i$ence o? a personKs i$entity. 1his system sho'($ reI'ire a series o? m'(tip(e e%i$ences ?rom ,e$era( Hospita(s an$ Pri%ate(y .wne$ Hospita(s which ha%e to @e 'se$ to pro%i$e res'(ts which can @e a'$ite$ ?or acc'racy an$ honesty. A(( 2NA has Hap(o&ro'ps which represent Nationa(ity an$ /ace as we(( as can it @e 'se$ to $etermine where missin& mem@ers o? ?ami(ies are 5 the Nationa( I$enti?ication System m'st a(so Deep ,ami(y 1ree recor$s o? in$i%i$'a(s an$ @ea hi&h sec'rity c(earance position. 80Q o? the $epartment nee$s to @e sta??e$ @y an eI'a( n'm@er o? peop(e who are racia((y o? An&(o Gae(ic or ,ranDicNHo((an$er USAmerican race3 ,irst Nations Nati%e American /ace3 A?rican American /ace 3 Hawaiin /ace 3 an$ P'erto /ican /ace 5 as we(( as $oes it nee$ to imp(ement strict pop'(ation $i%ersity stan$ar$s ?or the other 20Q o? the pop'(ation o? emp(oyees sta??e$ in this $epartment to maDe s're that a sma(( n'm@er o? e%ery ?orei&n pop'(ation present in the nation are represente$. 1o some peop(e this so'n$s racist < @'t3 It is impossi@(e to ens're the sa?ety o? Americans otherwise. 1he 0man'e(eKs are the same ?ami(y that &a%e the or$ers that eFterminate$ 20 Mi((ion 7i%i(ians in the past 5 they are not h'mane 3 they $o not @e(ie%e in yo'r in?ant chi($Ks ri&ht to (i?e or ?ree$om 3 nor wi(( they e%er a@i$e @y yo'r Gene%a 7on%ention 4aws. A1ar&ette$ In$i%i$'a(sA we@sites ha%e @een $escri@in& the Pers'a$otron weapon ?rom the &ame Syn$icate :ars as the weapon that has @een ca'sin& the Ne'ro(o&ica( si&na(s to ci%i(iansK @rains. 1he tr'th is that it is ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace consistin& o? Ne'ro7irc'it an$ A/G.S G.P.S. networDe$ @y /a$io ,reI'ency to an Internet NetworDin& Protoco( 'sin& some Din$ o? Shippin& G ,rei&ht an$ A/G.S ;io(o&ist GPS So?tware with Ne'roScience So?tware to manip'(ate h'man @ein&s.

It is $e?inite that the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS possess some Din$ o? Ne'roScience So?tware which is capa@(e o? $isp(ayin& animation o? m'(tip(e (ayers o? the H'man ;o$y s'ch as the sDin ne'ro(o&y 3 or&ans 3 the %asc'(ar system 3 the m'sc'(at're an$ m'sc'(at're ne'ro(o&y 3 the entire Ne'ro7irc'itry o? the h'man @o$y 3 the sDe(eta( o't(ine 5 an$ contro( the %ario's ?'nctions o? the H'man ;o$y as a /o@ot 3 which is a@(e to @e contro( ?'(( ran&e o? motion @y animations on a 7omp'ter So?tware Pro&ram that are mo%e$ with a mo'se as we(( as ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace interaction an$ other %ario's metho$s. 1he Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS has this so?tware an$ is capa@(e o? contro((in& H'mans with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ in their crani'ms 3 an$ ha%e ma$e o? these peop(e s(a%e 5 H'man 1ra??icDin& =ictims o? %ario's ?orms o? H'man 1ra??icDin& inc('$in& SeF 1ra??icDin&3 as we(( as ha%e they Genoci$a((y 0Fterminate$ (ar&e portions o? the peop(e whom they ha%e $one this to. 1he U.S.A. 2epartment o? 2e?ense co'($ easi(y re%erse en&ineer this so?tware < it is pro@a@(e that a So?t:are P'ppet is animate$ on the Monitor Screen in the So?t:are an$ respon$s ?'(( ran&e o? motion to 0(ectro0ncepha(oGraph an$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 5 a((owin& a H'man to contro( another H'manKs @o$y an$ %ario's parts o? their Ne'ro(o&y 'sin& the power o? tho'&ht 3 a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace or 0(ectro0ncepha(oGraph He(met 3 an$ %ario's contro((er $e%ices. 1his so'n$s (iDe Science ,iction 3 @'t the ?act is that A$%ance$ Ne'roScience has eFiste$ since the 1"!0Ks an$ has now reache$ an eFtreme hei&ht in potentia(. 2'rin& the year 2013 3 I mo%e$ into Apartment R2E at 1"5 ;ri$&e Street in Manchester NewHampshire 0310* 5 a?ter mo%in& in to this apartment room 3 I notice$ that the c'rtains are ?rom my ?ami(yKs home at EE ;ean /oa$ MerrimacD NewHampshire 0305*. 1hese are the c'rtains that my Mother picDe$ in 1""" an$ are sti(( @'rne$ in one spot ?rom my sister Sheena Nico(e MacPhersonKs ci&arette which @'rne$ them. A(so in this apartment room R2E 5 the Microwa%e is the microwa%e which was ?ormer(y at my ,atherKs ho'se at EE ;ean /oa$. 1here is a(so two chairs in the room that are pre%io's(y ?rom my Grampy /ona($ 4a=oieKs cotta&e at Hampton ;each. It is $e?inite that one o? the imposte'rs o? my ?ather who was (i%in& at EE ;ean /oa$ 3 &a%e these o@Jects to whome%er it was that was pre%io's mana&in& this property $'rin& the year 200E 5 this man wo'($ pro@a@(y @e Gera($ AHerryA 2KAmico or his ;'siness Partner. 2012 2013 5 I ha%e witnesse$ n'mero's peop(e wa(Din& with @(in$ tapper sticDs who are not @(in$ 3 wa(Din& in the same re&ions as the ;(in$ :omen that the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS @(in$e$ 3 @r'ta((y tort're$ 3 an$ rape$ repeate$. It seems that they ha%e or$ere$ these men to wa(D aro'n$ with these @(in$ tapper sticDs an$ wa(D the same paths that the @(in$ women wa(De$. 1his has occ'rre$ in Manchester NewHampshire3 Nash'a NewHampshire 3 an$ ;oston Massach'settes. 11N12N2012 7'rrent(y < !0Q o? the pop'(ation o? NewHampshire is 4om@ar$ic Ita(ian 3 10Q are Sici(ian Ita(ians an$ other Ita(ians 3 there is c'rrent(y an A'strian ?(a& on e%ery secon$ary ?(a& po(e in Manchester NewHampshire. 1he 0man'e(e ?ami(y are the /oya( ,ami(y o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 5 they are a &ro'p o? in$i%i$'a(s who are a(( o? a miF o? Ita(ian race an$ A'strian race @oth. Many o? the Ita(ians in the re&ion are 'sin& USAmerican I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. 11N01N2013 5 1he emp(oyees at the Ha(a( /esta'rant on 0(m Street in Manchester NewHampshire a(( (ooD (iDe Ita(ians who ha%e @een =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tate$ to (ooD (iDe 4e@anese 3 @'t ha%e not m'tate$ eno'&h o? their 2NA to pass ?or 4e@anese. 1hey sti(( (ooD Ita(ian.

11 2013 5 I was poisone$ in a @e%era&e somehow 3 with =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tation =ir's that ca'se my cheeD@one an$ 'pper Jaw @one to m'tate a(ot. My cheeD @ones $ri?te$ ?'rther to the si$es o? my sD'(( an$ near the temp(e an$ Jaw Joint 3 the @one &rew a ri$&e. 1his occ'rre$ whi(e I was (i%in& at 1"5 ;ri$&e Street in Manchester NewHampshire. 1he Apartment n'm@er was R2E. 11 2013 5 I was to($ that the imposte'r o? my sister 7he(sey was arreste$ an$ ?in&erprinte$ @y Po(ice 2epartment somewhere in NewHampshire. 11 25 2013 5 An imposte'r o? Hohn 4ynch 3 the ?ormer &o%ernor o? NewHampshire 5 was witnesse$ wa(Din& on 0(m Street in Manchester NewHampshire. 1his man was $e?inite(y an Ita(ian tryin& to (ooD (iDe Hohn 4ynch who is An&(o Gae(ic American. Airport 1ra%e((er /ecor$ Ana(ysis Sotware is nee$e$ to ?in$ recor$ o? Passports that (e?t the nation an$ $i$ not ret'rn or passports that entere$ the nation an$ $i$ not (ea%e. 1his wo'($ @e he(p?'( to ?in$ instances o? one man (ea%in& the nation on an airp(ane with n'mero's Passports in his pocDets or ('&&a&e 3 ?or p'rpose o? &i%in& them to imposte'rs who are 'sin& them to enter the U.S.A. . 11 2E 2013 5 I witnesse$ an imposte'r o? Shannon ;'rston 3 an An&(o Gae(ic American woman who worDe$ at ,ami(y 2o((ar $'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 5 shoppin& at the 2o((ar 1ree in Manchester NewHampshire. M'(tip(e imposte'rs ha%e @een si&hte$ o? peop(e who may not @e $ea$ 3 @'t may ha%e mo%e$ to another re&ion an$ ha%e @een rep(ace$ in the North 0ast re&ion o? the U.S.A. @y imposte'rs 'sin& 2'p(icate$ I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. I ha%e seen * Hoey Marini in the past 8 months. this is %ery $an&ero's. ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace an$ =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy co'($ easi(y @e 'se$ to rep(ace ;aracD H'ssein .@ama with an imposte'r or two who are m'tate$ to (ooD i$entica( an$ Ne'roScience Mechanica((y Ne'ro(o&ica((y contro((e$ to so'n$ eFact(y (iDe ;aracD H'ssein .@ama. 2'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 < 0$ :arren spoDe to Anthony 2e,eo an$ 1ay(a 4aw%erKs G 1wy(aKs mother 2e@@ie A2'MontA 5 a@o't =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e picDin& a man with the initia(s ;.H... to ?'n$ the campai&n o? to maDe certain that a man with H...;. initia(s wo'($ @e the presi$ent an$ %ice presi$ent o? the U.S.A. . 0$ :arren state$ somethin& to 1ay(aKs an$ 1wy(aKs mother 2e@ a@o't ;aracD H'ssein .@ama @ein& rep(ace$ @y two imposte'rs e%ent'a((y an$ ca((e$ it ;ho;ho Ho@ the /o$eo 7(own. It is @e(ie%e$ that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy may ha%e a(rea$y m'r$ere$ an$ rep(ace$ the ori&ina( ;aracD H'ssein .@ama with an imposte'r or two 5 it is $e?inite that they ha%e p(anne$ to $o this. 11N28N2013 5 ApproFimate(y E5*5 PM 5 I witnesse$ an imposte'r o? one o? 2an ;o&&iaKs co'sins who was a(so a co'sin o? Hameson MaschinoKs 3 wa(Din& thro'&h the @'i($in& I am (i%in& in. 1his man atten$e$ MerrimacD Hi&hschoo( $'rin& the years 1""" 3 2000 3 an$ 2001. 1he ?act'a( man was Sici(ian 3 Ita(ian 3 an$ 2e'tsche. 2'rin& the year 2000 3 Hameson Maschino /oman Sa('te$ the USAmerican ,(a& $'rin& the P(e$&e o? A((e&iance. 1his manKs ?ami(y are pro@a@(e to ha%e @een 9ni&hts o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy as we(( as an A6IS S(eeper 7e(( 5 it seems pro@a@(e that their ?ami(y ha%e swappe$ I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s with 7rimina(s whoKs con%ictions are more se%ere than their own 7rimina( /ecor$s 3 who they ha%e recr'ite$ as A6IS Mercenaries @y metho$ o? pro%i$in& a c(ean set o? I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s $e%oi$ o? a 7rimina( /ecor$. 2'rin& the year 2000 3 Hason ;e((emore /oman Sa('te$ the USAmerican ,(a& $'rin& the P(e$&e o? A((e&iance at the MerrimacD Hi&hSchoo( as we((.

/ecent(y 3 n'mero's photo&raphs o? imposte'rs o? ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e ha%e @een 'p(oa$e$ to the internet. I type$ A,i((i@erto 0man'e(eA into a Goo&(e Ima&e Search an$ ?o'n$ on(y 2 photo&raphs o? the ?act'a( ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e amon&st more than ten imposte'rs. 12 02 2013 5 I was in?orme$ @y a 7omp'ter HacDer who has @een in%esti&atin& this &enoci$e 3 that /ache( Gar%ey has a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace in her crani'm. 2'rin& her yo'th 3 she was threatene$ @y Hason ;e((emore a?ter she spoDe the tr'th that she ha$ @een to($ that A$o(? AHit(erA was =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs ha(? @rother an$ was ?rom the (inea&e o? a Mother whoKs (inea&e was Sa%oy o? Ita(ia an$ Aosta o? A'stria @oth. Hason ;e((emore ha$ to($ her that he was possi@(y A$o(? Hit(erKs co'sin 3 that his co'sin was a 9ni&ht o? Aosta an$ that he was @ecome one e%ent'a((y 3 an$ that /ache( Gar%ey sho'($ @e care?'( what she says. Hason ;e((emore ha$ threatene$ her an$ (e?t the room 3 it is a possi@i(ity that he ma$e a te(ephone ca(( ?rom somep(ace in Mastrico(a Mi$$(eschoo( to some@o$y a@o't it a?terwar$s. 12 02 2013 5 I notice$ an o@%io's imposte'r o? the actor :I(( ,arre( on the co%er o? a ma&a>ine 5 this is the thir$ ce(e@raty that has @een represente$ @y imposte'rs in ma&a>ines so($ in NewHampshire U.S.A. . 1his seems (iDe it wo'($ @e a JoDe o? the 0man'e(esK $'e to the mo%ie Coo(an$er in%o(%in& the hypnoti>in& o? the main character to assassinate the Prime Minister o? Ma(aysia5 the hypnoti>in& is $one @y :i(( ,arre(Ks character. 12 03 2013 5 I am at a ;'s Station in ;oston Massach'settes < I ha%e @een watchin& the peop(e arri%in& on the @'sses 3 watche$ to see i? any o? my peop(e are sti(( a(i%e in the re&ion. 1here is no was ?or my se(? to con?irm what the I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o? any o? these in$i%i$'a(s state that their names are. I ha%e not seen e%en one Gae( 3 An&(o SaFon 3 ,irst Nations Nati%e American 3 Israe(i 3 ,ranDic American 3 or New Ho((an$er American. 1here ha%e @een a sma(( n'm@er o? A?rican Americans at the ;'s Station to$ay. Most o? the peop(e who ha%e arri%e$ on @'sses here or (e?t on @'sses here ha%e @een Ita(ian 3 Spanish 3 A'strian 3 ?orei&n A?ricans 3 an$ $i??erent races o? Asians. It has @een 8 years since I ha%e seen a /a@@i at this ;'s Station. 1his is a $e?inite con?irme$ Genoci$e. =ittorio 0man'e(eKs son 7hris 1homas was si&hte$ in Hospita(s in New Hampshire at the 7oncor$ Me$ica( Hospita( 3 the 7atho(ic Me$ica( 7enter 3 the So'thern /e&iona( NewHampshire Me$ica( 7enter 3 an$ the two 0((iot Hospita(s < he was wearin& a white 2octorKs 4a@ 7oat. A(so si&hte$ at these hospita(s was a con%ice$ SeF .??en$er < this man is a@o't 5K"A 3 is a@o't 235 (@s 3 wears &(asses 3 an$ his hair has appeare$ to @e m'tate$ an$ (ooDs 'nnat'ra( with his comp(eFion. He appears to @e 4om@ar$ic Ita(ian 3 2e'tsche 3 an$ Spanish. Some@o$y i$enti?ie$ him as a 7on%icte$ SeF .??en$er 3 @'t I ha%e ?or&otten his name which they ha$ to($ me 5 he has @een 'sin& =ictimsK I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. 12 05 2013 5 APP/.6IMA104- 8515 AM 5 :hi(e seate$ on a @ench at the /ichmon$ AM1/A9 Station in 2'm@arton =ir&inia < I o%erhear$ two anoma(ies on the 1e(e%ision. 1here is a (ar&e 7.M7AS1 H0A2BUA/10/S in the re&ion 3 it is pro@a@(e that these a'$io $'@ e$its which occ'rre$ on the te(e%ision were the pro$'ct o? a 7omp'ter HacDer at the 7.M7AS1 H0A2BUA/10/S or hacDin& the 0ntertainment NetworD Ser%er at the 1e(e%ision 7a@(e Internet NetworDin& Protoco( an$ a'$io $'@@in& a'$io o%er it. It is pro@a@(e that the metho$ @ein& 'se$ is a mirror o? the transmission in

the ser%er simi(ar to 1U/9.HAN So?tware that mirrors the $ata reI'ests ?rom the Internet Ser%er to the Persona( 7omp'ter 'sin& the 1'rDoJan So?tware an$ a((ows the 7omp'ter HacDerKs Persona( 7omp'ter to taDe prece$ent position o%er the Ser%er 7omp'terKs Internet 2ata. 1his a((ows a 7omp'ter HacDer with m'(ti me$ia so?tware to e$it the te(e%ision @roa$cast an$ =oca( Speech Synthesi>ers an$ a'to t'ne pitch correction are 'se$ to $'@ a'$io o%er the re&'(ar 1e(e%ision 1ransmission. 1his is proo? that there was a ci%i(ian tar&et in the re&ion that this was inten$e$ to Psycho(o&ica((y 1ra'mati>e 5 this is a ?orm o? Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are. 12 05 2013 5 ApproFimate(y "500 AM. :hi(e stan$in& o'tsi$e o? the 2'm@arton 4i@rary in 2'm@arton =ir&inia 3 I notice$ that many o? the imposte'rs on ,ace;ooD ha$ taDen photo&raphs here. Some o? the photo&raphs o? at (east two o? the imposte'rs on ?ace@ooD seeme$ to @e taDen in the mi$$(e o? the 1ree Gar$en in the ?ront o? the 4i@rary. In ?ront o? the 2'm@arton 4i@rary there is aro'n$ 12 or 1* sma(( he$&e trees that &row o't o? sI'are $irt p(ots in the @ricD G concrete rectan&(e 3 creatin& an enc(os're. Aro'n$ the tree tr'nDs are Iron ?rames that are o? an artistic eFpression o? nat're 3 they are c't o't (iDe &rates an$ ?it to&ether with an open circ(e in the center 5 these two pieces are a(( i$entica( on e%ery one an$ are an ima&e o? %ines with (ea%es &rowin& ?rom them. .n the iron 3 it says ANeenah ,o'n$ry 7o.A 5 Nina is the name o? one o? my eF &ir(?rien$s who was a repeate$ rape %ictim o? ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e < who poisone$ her with $r'&s an$ ne'rotoFins ?reI'ent(y 3 in%a$e$ her home when she was home a(one3 an$ rape$ her. Her name was Nina Hansen. 1he &ir( c(aimin& to @e 7he(sey MacPherson that (ooDe$ (iDe she may ha%e @een my sister 7he(sey m'tate$ to (ooD (iDe a MeFican tooD a pict're at the 2'm@arton 4i@rary 3 one o? the &ir(s c(aimin& to @e 1ia 4'$wicD tooD a pict're at the 2'm@arton 4i@rary 3 an imposte'r o? 4in$sey Garo?ano tooD a pict're at the 2'm@arton 4i@rary 3 an$ possi@(y 2 or 3 other imposte'rs on ,ace;ooD.7om Pro?i(es ha%e 'se$ photo&raphs which they tooD at the 2'm@arton 4i@rary. 12 05 2013 5 2'rin& the e%enin& 3 whi(e in 2'm@arton =ir&inia I notice$ three important thin&s ... the ,irst 5 the imposte'r o? Cach An$rosDi an$ imposte'r o? 9eith Hammon$ ha$ @een there in the past < the Secon$ 5 a (in&erie store an$ stripper o't?its store ca((e$ Prisci((a Mc;ri$e was imme$iate(y $own the roa$ ?rom the A1a@ooA SeF Store an$ Mc2ona($s ,ast ,oo$. At one time these were $e?inite(y owne$ @y the Properties Stea$ Ho($ers o? the 0man'e(e ,ami(y 3 this is the eFact same psycho(o&y as the 0man'e(e who p(ace$ A1he Sa'sa&e 9in&A resta'rant with an Ita(ian ,(a& on the si&n across the street ?rom A1he Pe$$(erKs 2a'&hterA Irish 1heme$ P'@ which was opene$ aro'n$ the same year that my 10 year o($ sister 7he(sey MacPherson was a@$'cte$ an$ Gae(ic ?ami(ies a(( o%er North America were Genoci$a((y 0Fterminate$ an$ SeF 1ra??icDe$. 12 0E 2013 5 9ate 7hristiano possi@(y witnesse$ sittin& in passen&er seat o? cor%ette with 106AS 4icense P(ates $ri%in& thro'&h 2'm@arton =ir&inia (ate at ni&ht. A?ter seein& this 3 I wa(De$ past A0Ftra ;i((yKsA /esta'rant 5 A0Ftra ;i((yKsA /esta'rant was mentione$ $'rin& the year 2005 @y 0$ :arren as @ein& a p(ace in =ir&inia that he met his associates at. 12 0E 2013 5 I p'rchase$ a 7oca 7o(a in 2'm@arton =ir&inia ?rom a &rocery store ca((e$ MartinKs near where 7(int an$ 7hris 1homas (i%e$ an$ the ho'se were they Dept chi($ren as hosta&es. 1he 7oca 7o(a I p'rchase$ taste$ (iDe it ha$ @een tainte$ with somethin& s'ch as a miF o? M'((e$ Spices 3 7innamon 3 7orian$er 3 an$ Gin&er <

this taste$ (iDe the spices ?rom :inter 4a&er A(e or P'mpDin A(e @'t witho't the P'mpDin 5 it seems pro@a@(e that there was some Din$ o? poisonin& re&ent in this that reI'ires another chemica( @e?ore it @ecomes a toFin. 1he entire re&ion is on(y 1N5 the pop'(ation that it 'se$ to @e an$ many peop(e ha%e the I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o? USAmericans @'t are o? Ita(ian an$ A'strian race. 12 08 2013 5 *535 AM 5 North 7aro(ina 3 7har(otte 3 AmtracD Station 5 A comp'ter hacDer e$ite$ the $ia(o& 3 ima&es 3 an$ so'n$s on the te(e%ision n'mero's times. 1he @roa$cast was inter'pte$ n'mero's times @y these Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are assa'(ts. 1his remin$s me o? somethin& that /o@ert /o$on 3 9ni&ht o? Sa%oy < $i$ to his son 7hristopher /o$on when he was a chi($ $'rin& the year 1""5 5 /o@ert /o$on p(ace$ a Han$ /a$io :a(Dy 1a(Dy 'n$er 7hristopher /o$onKs @e$ an$ a?ter he ?e(( as(eep 3 awoDe 7hristopher @y ta(Din& (iDe 2rac'(a into the :a(D 1a(Dy Han$ /a$io. 12 0" 2013 5 :hi(e at the AM1/A79 Station in North 7aro(ina < I notice$ photo&raphs on the wa(( o? peop(e who once worDe$ at the AM1/A79 Station. .ne o? these in$i%i$'a(s was An&ie SDinnerKs an$ Pete Poten>aKs co'sin 3 4orie. I @e(ie%e that An&ie SDinnerKs s'rname may possi@(y @e Poten>a now that she has @een $i%orce$ ?rom ;o@ SDinner. 1he Poten>a ?ami(y are An&ie SDinnerKs co'sins. An&ie (i%e$ at E* ;ean /oa$ $'rin& most o? my chi($hoo$. 4orieKs sDin was =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tate$ to (ooD (iDe an A?riDDi$ :omanKs sDin 3 @'t the rest o? her 2NA (ooDe$ eFact(y the same as she pre%io's(y ha$ appeare$. It (ooDe$ (iDe she was in the process o? =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy $is&'isin& herse(? to (ooD (iDe an A?rican American. 1his woman is an 'ncon%icte$ SeF .??en$er who is a SeF 1ra??icDer an$ an Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS S(eeper A&ent. I @e(ie%e that their ?ami(y is act'a((y re(ate$ to Pete Poten>aKs an$ Hanet Poten>aKs ?ami(y 3 an$ that HanetKs an$ PeteKs neice An&ie Poten>a is act'a((y name$ a?ter An&ie Poten>a SDinner. 1he Poten>aKs ha%e @een a@$'ctin& an$ 1ra??icDin& yo'n& ?ema(es ?or a %ery (on& time. ! years a&o 3 I witnesse$ Pete Poten>a picD 'p a (itt(e &ir( that was not a ?ami(y mem@er o? his < she was An&(o Gae(ic. 2'rin& the approFimate year 1""5 < ;ea' SDinner ha$ mentione$ that his co'sin 4orie ha$ a 7onc'@ina( SeF S(a%e that (i%e$ in her ho'se who was An&(o SaFon 3 2e'tsche 3 an$ Gae(ic 5 ;ea' SDinner to($ me that the s(a%e which his co'sin 4orie was Deepin& hosta&e was on(y a %ery yo'n& teena&e &ir(. Since the year 200* 3 the Poten>a ?ami(y has Dept tracD o? my sister S'mmer /ose MacPherson the same way that /o@ert /o$on Dept tracD o? my se(? my entire (i?e < ?or the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 5 we are their Genoci$e 1ar&ets an$ 1ra??icDin& 1ar&ets. 4orie < who is Pete Poten>aKs co'sin 3 An&ie Poten>aKs co'sin 3 an$ Hanet Poten>aKs co'sin 5 ha$ somethin& to $o with the $isappearance an$ pro@a@(e Genoci$a( S(ayin& o? @oth ;o@ Sha&o'ry an$ ;ra$ Sa@(e @oth 3 who ha%e @een rep(ace$ on I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s @y imposte'rs who appear to @e Ita(ian an$ Ara@ian. 1he A'strian Aosta A6IS So($ier that em@e$$e$ himse(? within the MerrimacD Po(ice 2epartment was reporte$ to ha%e @een in%o(%e$ in the $isappearance an$ pro@a@(e Genoci$a( S(ayin& o? ;ra$ Sa@(e an$ was an accomp(ice o? 4orieKs. 4orie +Poten>a8 is a Genoci$a( 1errorist an$ a SeF 1ra??icDer whoKs SeF 1ra??icDin& is to the eFtreme eFtent that it is a :ar 7rime. 4orie +Poten>a8 is an accomp(ice to the S'r&ica( Imp(antin& o? ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces in the crani'ms o? ci%i(iansK sD'((s in re&ions s'ch as A(a@ama 3 Geor&ia 3 So'th 7aro(ina 3 North 7aro(ina 3 Massach'settes 3 NewHampshire 3 New Hersey 3 an$ New -orD < an$ 4orie +Poten>a8 is accomp(ice to Genoci$e in a(( o? these re&ions. .? stran&e coinci$ence to 7har(otte North 7aro(ina 5 when I was a ten year o($

chi($ 3 I ha$ a 7har(otte Hornets ;asDet@a(( 1eam Hat. I ha%e @een to($ @y a Pri%ate In%esti&ator that some@o$y @ro'&ht my sister 7he(sey thro'&h North 7aro(ina an$ that /o@ert 2KAn&e(o is an accomp(ice to the men that $i$ it 5 /o@ert 2KAn&e(o is a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 an$ it is $e?inite that his Aristocracy $e?inite(y $i$ this. /o@ert 2KAn&e(o ha$ n'mero's connections in North 7aro(inia $'rin& the 1""0Ks an$ ear(y 2000Ks. My Mother who was S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace at some point 3 was $ia&nose$ with somethin$ ca((e$ 2isassociati%e I$entity 2isor$er 5 my Mother ha$ no Menta( I((ness eFcept ?or Post 1ra'matic Stress 2isor$er. :hi(e S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 3 my Mother somehow was $ia&nose$ as ha%in& $e%e(ope$ m'(tip(e a(ter persona(ities 3 which I ha%e ne%er seen e%i$ence o? an$ I %isite$ her %ery o?ten. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ his ?ami(y ha%e @een poisonin& my ?ami(y most o? my (i?e 3 with 2isassociati%e Ne'ro 1oFin which ca'ses a person to 2isassociate A((e&e$(y 3 my MotherKs AA(tersA where $i??erent hats which $esi&nate which a(ter is present. I ha%e ne%er e%en once witnesse$ my Mother chan&e persona(ities or $i(('siona((y @e(ie%e that she is somethin& that she is not 3 I ha%e spent a(ot o? time with my Mother in my (i?etime she is %ery important to me. 1here is e%i$ence in North 7aro(ina as we(( as the 0(ectronic 1ransmissions /ecor$s o? North 7aro(ina @etween 200* an$ 2013 3 that pro%e that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy were $irect(y in%o(%e$ in SeF 1ra??icDin& in the North 7aro(ina re&ion an$ that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy a@$'cte$ my sisters 3 an$ swappe$ them with other %ictims whom they =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tate$ to $is&'ise them as my sisters. 7'rrent(y 3 I am one o? the on(y mem@ers o? my ?ami(y is (ocata@(e 3 an$ I am possi@(y the (ast one a(i%e. :hen I was a chi($ 3 An&ie +Poten>a8 SDinnerKs co'sin 4orie +Poten>a ,ami(y8 seF'a((y assa'(te$ me. 2'rin& what was the year 1"8" < 4orie in%ite$ my ?ather /'sse(( Ma'rice MacPherson an$ my se(? to her ho'se to p(ay car$s. My ?ather tho'&ht that we were &oin& to @e p(ayin& car$s with 4orie 3 4orieKs h's@an$ 3 an$ some other peop(e. :hen we arri%e$ at 4orieKs ho'se < on(y a @(on$e teena&e &ir( 3 4orie 3 an$ 4orieKs h's@an$ were present. 4orie ha$ or$ere$ a Pi>>a 3 the Pi>>a was on the ta@(e an$ was coo(in&. :hi(e we were waitin& ?or the Pi>>a to coo( 3 4orie an$ her h's@an$ @e&an smoDin& ci&ars. :e (ater $isco%ere$ that the 7i&ars were coate$ in a 2isassociati%e Ne'ro1oFin. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e has to($ me n'mero's times in the past that his ?ami(y $e%e(op an imm'nity to this 2isassociati%e Ne'rotoFin as we(( as $o they ha%e Dnow(e$&e o? an anti$ote that co'nter acts to Ne'ro1oFin. 4orie is a $a'&hter o? a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy whom was a SeF 1ra??icDer an$ an Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,action 1errorist So($ier. 4orie is a SeF 1ra??icDer as we(( 3 an$ has a@$'cte$ an$ Dept @(on$e teena&e &ir(s as 7onc'@ina( SeF S(a%es. A?ter 4orie an$ her h's@an$ smoDe$ their ci&ars an$ ?i((e$ the room with smoDe < 4orie @e&an seF'a((y assa'(tin& the @(on$e &ir( in the room. A?ter a ?ew min'tes 3 she p'((e$ $own my pants an$ @e&an to'chin& my penis3 an$ p't her (ips aro'n$ it. My ,ather @ecame coherant an$ &ot 'p o't o? his chair < he picDe$ me 'p o?? the &ro'n$ an$ p'((e$ my pants 'p. He then carrie$ me towar$s the $oor an$ @e&an to eFit 4orieKs home 3 statin& 5 A:eKre (ea%in&. 4etKs &et o't o? here. 1hese peop(e are $is&'stin& an$ sicD. 2onKt shoot me in the @acD on my way o't the $oor. I thinD I Dnow who yo' are now. Stay away ?rom my ?ami(y 3 yo' @itch.A. 4orie is the $a'&hter o? a man whom was a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. An&ieKs ?ather Dnew =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e 3 %ery we((. 1he Poten>a ?ami(y an$ the SDinner ?ami(y ha%e @a@y sat =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs son 3 2anie( Hames more than once in the past. An&ie +Poten>a8 SDinner 3 sai$ to my ,ather $'rin& 1"8" 5 ANow 3 IKm not &oin& to say anythin& a@o't what 4orie $i$ to yo'3 @eca'se she is stran&e /'sse((. SheKs $one

some stran&e thin&s to some peop(e. :hat was it that she $i$M I mean... $i$ she t'rn yo' $own ?or a $ateM :hat was it that ha$ happene$M :hy $i$ yo' (ea%e so ear(yM She sai$ yo' &ot an&ry an$ (e?t..A to which my ,ather rep(ie$3 ANo3 she $i$ not t'rn me $own ?or a $ate. IKm marrie$. I went to her ho'se to p(ay car$s. She in%ite$ me an$ Ian to p(ay car$s with her an$ her h's@an$. I $onKt e%en Dnow how to eFp(ain to yo' what she $i$ 3 we &ot there an$ they were smoDin& ci&ars an$ there was a (itt(e teena&e &ir( there...A An&ie interr'pte$ an$ sai$ 3 A:hat $o yo' mean there was a &ir(M Are yo' sayin& my co'sin has a pro@(em with ?ema(es 3 /'sse((M I can ass're yo' that she is no (es@ian 3 /'sse((. 2i$ yo' (ea%e @eca'se yo' tho'&ht she was a (es@oM ;eca'se 3 I can ass're yo' that sheKs not.A My ?ather /'sse(( Ma'rice MacPherson 3 then sai$ 5 A-o' Dnow who she is. -o' Dnow what she is. I $o not @e(ie%e that yo' $o not Dnow what she is. -o' Dnow 7hris 1homas. -o' Dnow 7(int. -o' were @a@ysittin& 2.H. J'st the other $ay an$ I thinD he is their re(ati%e. Are these yo'r co'sinsM :hat is this ?ami(yM H'st the other $ay 3 yo' were ca((in& Ian the chi($ o? Satan3 An&ie. Are yo' a SatanistM He is a chi($ An&ie. Are yo' a SatanistMA. 2'rin& the year 1""0 3 my ?ami(y went to /enee ;ea'$inKs ho'se in H'$son NewHampshire ?or a chi($Ks ;irth$ay Party 5 whi(e at the ;irth$ay Party 3 c(owns arri%e$ to entertain the party. I wa(De$ o'tsi$e an$ sat in the car an$ (ocDe$ the $oors. I staye$ in the car the entire party. 1he A7(ownsA attempte$ to ('re me o't o? the car to ta(D to them. I staye$ in the car. 1he A7(ownsA went @acD into the party to entertain the party. A?ter the @irth$ay party 3 my parents ta(De$ to me a@o't what I staye$ in the car < I to($ them I $i$ not want to @e at the party. :hi(e he was $ri%in& < my ,atherKs eyes poppe$ wi$e open an$ he &aspe$ 3 statin& to my Mother 5 A2e@@ie 3 $o yo' Dnow who that wasM 1hat was 4orie 3 2e@@ie. 1heyKre sta(Din& 's an$ o'r ?rien$s 3 2e@@ie. I thinD theyKre a(( re(ate$ 2e@@ie. I thinD itKs a ?ami(y. 1hey may @e Satanists 3 @'t I thinD theyKre somethin& e(se. Some o? them may @e re(ate$ to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 2e@@ie... the peop(e who $i$ that to H'(iannaKs ?ami(y in Sici(y. 1hat was 4orie $resse$ as a 7(own 3 2e@@ie. I thinD these ?ami(ies may @e re(ate$ to A$o(? Hit(er or H'(i's 0%o(a 3 2e@@ie. I? thatKs who they are 3 they Di((e$ a(( o? H'(iannaKs co'sins ?ami(ies in Sici(y 2e@@ie.A. to which my Mother rep(ie$ 3 ASeeL I to($ yo'L 1heyKre SatanistsLA an$ she @e&an sin&in& the son& AMy @oy?rien$s @acD an$ there is &oin& to @e tro'@(e.A a?terwhich my 2a$ (ooDe$ at her an$ sai$ 3 A2e@@ie they $r'&&e$ yo'. 1hey $i$ it a&ain. 1hey $i$nKt &et me @eca'se I on(y ha$ one so$a an$ I ha$ it in my han$ the who(e time. -o' ha$ more than one an$ yo' went to the @athroom a ?ew times 3 I thinD they $r'&&e$ yo'r so$a. 7hris 1homas $i$ this to 's at the Ha((oween Party. 1hese peop(e are $e?inite sicD 3 2e@@ie.A I remem@er the %oice o? the c(own 3 the c(own (a$y was $e?inite(y 4orie. She was sta(Din& my ?ami(y. 2'rin& the year 1""5 3 ;ea' SDinner to($ my se(? an$ 9y(e Howar$ that his AA'nt 4orieA was a per%ert. ;ea' to($ 9y(e an$ I that he went to his AA'nt 4orieKsA ho'se ?or A0Ftra 1hanDsGi%in&A an$ that there was a @(on$e &ir( there who was on(y 13 years o($. ;ea' sai$ that the (itt(e &ir( (ooDe$ An&(o SaFon 3 Gae(ic 3 an$ 2e'tsche. ;ea' to($ 's that his AA'nt 4orieA to($ him that the &ir( was her s(a%e. 4orie may ha%e @een (i%in& in Geor&ia or So'th 7aro(ina at this time. 2'rin& the years 200* 3 2005 3 200E 3 an$ 200! 5 4orie was witnesse$ at the North 7aro(ina AM1/A79 Station 3 the Sa%annah Hote( near At(ana Geor&ia 3 an$ Hospita(s in NewHampshire. At the AM1/A79 Station in North 7aro(ina 3 4orie was witnesse$ interactin& with /o@ 2KAn&e(o an$ the A'strian whom is ass'me$ to @e a

9ni&ht o? Aosta that was sent to the U.S.A. to Genoci$a((y 0Fterminate =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs tar&ets 3 ?or p'rpose o? protectin& AostaKs rep'tation @eca'se =Ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs wi?e is o? the Ho'se o? Aosta. 1he A'strian posin& as a Po(ice .??icer in MerrimacD NewHampshire $'rin& the year 200! 3 was witnesse$ i((e&a((y $etainin& a Hewish man in 7har(otte North 7aro(ina. 1hese in$i%i$'a(s were a(so witnesse$ in the re&ion o? At(anta Geor&ia. .n 12N18N2013 5 whi(e in%esti&atin& San Antonio 1eFas 3 I si&hte$ what appeare$ to @e an a'tomo@i(e ?ormer(y owne$ @y /oh 2KAn&e(o < parDin& in the parDin&(ot o? 4aw .??ice o? a Stan(ey ;ernstein an$ a He??rey ;ernstein 5 two potentia( co'sins o? Samantha ;ernstein an$ A$am ;ernstein whom are @oth missin& an$ ha%e @een rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs. 1he ;ernstein 4aw .??ice in 1eFas was 2511 North Saint MaryKs St. . :hi(e wa(Din& past this 3 approFimate(y three @(ocDs (ater I notice$ a @'siness ca((e$ AMe$ina .@stetricians an$ .c'(ar 2octorA 5 this was an 0ye 2octorKs o??ice with the wor$ AMe$inaA on it. 1he Go($ene Me$ina is a proper no'n pertainin& to Cionism 5 Israe(i Nationa(ism. ;etween the years 200* an$ 2013 5 1he Sa%oy A6IS 1errorist ,action maime$ an$ @(in$e$ an eFtreme(y (ar&e n'm@er o? ?ema(es in the U.S.A. 3 an$ a?terwar$s rape$ them n'mero's times an$ tort're$ them. Many o? these women were Hewish. =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ his sons are 'sin& the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace an$ these :ar 7rimes as a way o? intentiona((y recor$in& their accomp(ices &'i(t into the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartmentsK comp'ters ?or the p'rpose o? @(acD mai(in& their accomp(ices into ;(it>Drie&in& the USA 2epartment o? 2e?ense an$ occ'pyin& the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartment 3 $resse$ as U.S.A. Mi(itary an$ =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tate$ to appear the (iDeness o? the o??icers which they are rep(acin& 5 this has a(rea$y worDe$ on entire ?ami(ies in the U.S.A. as we(( as entire re&ions. 1his is a 20,INI10 G0N.7I20. 2'rin& the year 2003 3 2ana Um@ro mentione$ to me that he Dnew a woman who was in%o(%e$ in SeF 1ra??icDin& who Dept 7onc'@ina( SeF S(a%es in her home sometimes 5 woman he $escri@e$ so'n$e$ (iDe Pete Poten>aKs co'sin 4orie who is co'sins with ;ea' SDinnerKs an$ Am@er SDinnerKs mother 3 An&ie. 2ana Um@ro state$ that he Dnew a man who was in%o(%e$ in SeF 1ra??icDin& that he @e(ie%e$ was pro@a@(y the 4or$ o? the SeF 1ra??icDin& NetworD < 2ana Um@ro state$ that he was not happy a@o't what the man was in%o(%e$ in an$ what he was p(annin& in the ?'t're 5 2ana Um@ro to($ me that there was racia( tar&ets an$ that An&(o SaFons an$ ,irst Nations Nati%e Americans are two o? them. 2ana Um@ro seeme$ somewhat a?rai$ to ta(D a@o't this. 2ana Um@ro Dnew the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ his wi?e ;onnie Um@ro ha$ Aosta ancestry an$ possi@(y Sa%oy ancestry. 12 1" 2013 5 :hi(e in San Antonio 1eFas 3 the Swine ,(' 0pi$emic was (ie$ a@o't in on the 1e(e%ision News. 1he 1e(e%ision News c(aime$ that the Swine ,(' 0pi$emic occ'rre$ in 200" < the Swine ,(' 0pi$emic @e&an in 200! an$ contin'e$ 'nti( 200". It is near(y $e?inite that the Ita(ian SA=.- A6IS ,action 'se$ the Swine ,(' 0pi$emic to camo'?(a&e their poisonin&s an$ assassinations o? USAmerican 7i%i(ians an$ others in North America 3 whi(e re?'sin& them $ia&nosis in a Hospita(. 7hris 1homas +0man'e(e8 an$ a 7on%icte$ SeF .??en$er were seen in the 7atho(ic Me$ica( 7enter 3 the 0((iot Hospita( 3 an$ the 7oncor$ Me$ica( 7enter < a(( in NewHampshire 5 $'rin& the years 200! 3 2008 3 an$ 200". More than one person that I Dnow ha%e @een poisone$ @y pro$'cts on she(%es ?rom stores $'rin& those years 3 as we(( as were peop(e poisone$ at restara'nts an$ at $inner parties. 2'rin& the year 200* 3 ;o@ Sha&o'ry an$ myse(? $isc'sse$ the $an&er that the A6IS co'($ attempt to poison entire pop'(ations 'sin& ,oo$ Pro$'ction ,actories an$ @ar co$e$ Shippin& G 1racDin&to poison comm'nities

that they $i$ not (i%e in @y pro%i$in& poisone$ pro$'cts to the she(%es. 1he 0man'e(e ?ami(y @ecame o@sesse$ with ;o@ Sha&o'ry a?ter 1ony Grasseti met him 5 the name Sha&o'ry was p(ace$ on $oors twice which I was in Hospita(s 3 @oth times I was I'estione$ a@o't re(i&ion& an$ re?erre$ to as AHe>@o((ah ;a$;oyA 3 a Neo Na>i 3 an$ AIranA. ;o@ Sha&o'ryKs ?ami(y was a M's(im ?ami(y. 1he 0man'e(esK A6IS Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are A&ents attempte$ to maDe it appear as i? the U.S.American ,e$era( Go%ernment an$ Mi(itary were in%esti&atin& me an$ sta(Din& me as the res'(t o? an in%esti&ation. 1hese were ,a(se ,(a&&e$ Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are attacDs. 12 20 2013 5 In San Antonio 1eFas 3 a News Paper Artic(e has J'st @een p'@(ishe$ that is @(amin& MeFico an$ AUn$oc'mente$ MeFicansA ?or A7hi($ Sm'&&(in&A as we(( as a AMeFican 7arte(A ?or A7hi($ Sm'&&(in&A. 1his is $e?inite(y an artic(e that has @een in?('ence$ @y 7(int +0man'e(e8. 2'rin& the year 2000 3 Hason He??rey tooD me ?or a $ri%e $own to 2'm@arton =ir&inia to picD 'p some marJi'ana ?rom 7(int < when arri%e$ at 7(intKs apartment in 2'm@arton 3 we ha$ to picD him 'p an$ $ri%e a@o't 3 min'tes 'p the roa$ to a ho'se that his ?ami(yKs Properties Stea$ Ho($er owne$. 1his ho'se was neFt to the 4i&htho'se ;aptist 7h'rch across the street ?rom R5!11 on the same street an$ is near Stap(es Mi(( /enta( 1ownhomes. 1he Ho'se ha$ an$ sti(( has -e((ow si$in& paint 3 :hite painte$ trim 3 a $oor that is painte$ a so?t pistachio co(or 3 an$ is a 3 ?(oor @'i($in&. :hen we $ro%e 'p the $ri%eway to this ho'se to &o &et the mariJ'ana ?rom 7(intKs ?rien$ 3 A2ia@(oA was in the parDin&(ot with two other ma(es an$ a MeFican &ir( who (ooDe$ to @e a@o't ! years o($. I asDe$ 7(int i? she was an a@'ction %ictim an$ i? he was a pe$ophi(e. A ?ew months (ater 3 Hason He??rey Joine$ 7(int an$ ,i((i@ertoKs 7rime Syn$icate as a 7rime So($ier an$ con?irme$ that the (itt(e &ir( was an a@$'ction %ictim an$ that they ha$ @een rapin& an$ chi($ porno&raphin& her. ,o'r years a?ter this 3 0$ :arren ma$e the comment A2'$e... $own in MeFico 3 them &'ys wi(( se(( yo' their 12 year o($ $a'&hter. 1heyKre $irty 3 $'$e.A an$ this comment was ma$e approFimate(y * years a?ter I ha$ seen 7(int with the ! year o($ &ir( 5 ! T * S 11 3 one year (ess than 12. A Unite$ Nations :ar 7rimes in%esti&ation in North America is an imme$iate necessity. 1his :ar 7rimes in%esti&ation nee$s to in%esti&ate recor$in&s o? ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces at the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartmentKs ;ases an$ the Impro%ise$ A'$io /ecor$in& 2e%ices that were co%ert(y insta((e$ in n'mero's (ocations @y the Ho'se o? Sa%oys so($iers 3 simi(ar to what they ha$ $one $'rin& the /ichar$ NiFon A$ministration a?ter the 2n$ 2e?eat o? the A6IS an$ the immi&ration o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs /oya( ,ami(y an$ n'mero's ?ami(ies o? Sa%oy 9ni&hts to the U.S.A. with their Aosta 9ni&ht co'sins. It seems $e?inite that the A6IS that create$ the 3r$ /eich was tr'e(y comprise$ o? Aristocrats who were in re@e((ion a&ainst the concepts o? Par(iamentary 2emocracy 3 Nationa(ism 3 an$ Socia(ism 5 the Secon$ :or($ :ar @e&an with the in?i(tration an$ Heirarcha( 2ecapitation o? the Nationa( Socia(ist German 4a@o'r Party @y A$o(? AHit(erA an$ so($iers o? Sa%oy an$ their a((ies 3 this contin'e$ with the 7o'p 2e 0tat o? the 2e'tsche &o%ernment entire(y an$ the e(imination o? the Par(iament a?ter they @'rne$ $own the Par(iament o??ice an$ @(ame$ the So%iet Union an$ (ater the 2e'tsche peop(e themse(%es 3 an$ c'(minate$ in a war ?or G(o@a( 7onI'est an$ the Genoci$a( 0Ftermination o? mi((ions o? ci%i(ians o? 2e'tsche an$ Israe(i race as we(( as others. My co'sin H'(ianna who was ?rom Sici(y Dnew this an$ spoDe these tr'ths (o'$(y her entire (i?e ?or reason that her ?ami(yKs co'sins were a(( assassinate$ an$ massacre$ in Sici(y @y the Ho'se o? Sa%oy who str'cD them @eca'se they were o@ser%e$ ta(Din& a@o't the tr'th concernin& A$o(? AHit(erKs Sa%oy an$ Aosta (inea&e an$ H'(i's 0%o(aKs writin& o? a(( o? A$o(? Hit(erKs speeches as we(( as his $esi&nin& o? m'ch o? the p(ans o? the A6IS 3 /ache( Gar%ey Dnew these thin&s an$ wrote a@o't them in Hi&hschoo( reports as we(( as ta(De$ a@o't them 3 my ,ather a(so 'n$erstoo$ these thin&s as we(( an$ he is

missin& an$ has @een rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs since approFimate(y 2001. It is $e?inite that so($iers o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the Ho'se o? Aosta ha%e em@e$$e$ themse(%es within the U.S.A. Po(ice 2epartments 3 the U.S.A. ,e$era( ;'rea' o? In%esti&ations 3 an$ the U.S.A. 2epartment o? 2e?ense 5 these 7o%ert So($iers ha%e th's ?ar mana&e$ to sa@ota&e in%esti&ations 3 re?'se$ to in%esti&ate 3 re?'se$ to accept :itness 1estimonia( Statements 3 an$ ha%e thwarte$ 7i%i(ians attempts to report to the necessary $epartments that this &enoci$e is occ'rrin& < they ha%e intentiona((y thwarte$ 7i%i(ians attempts to report the Genoci$e 3 the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces other 7rimes A&ainst H'manity occ'rrin& in the Hospita(s in the North 0ast o? the U.S.A. 3 an$ ha%e thwarte$ the U.S.A. 7i%i(ians an$ =isitors attempts to seeD ai$ an$ ens're that the U.S.A. an$ ?orei&n Nations in%esti&ate these crimes an$ $ec(are war 'pon these :ar 7rimina(s. 1his is a G(o@a( 1errorist threat an$ is $e?inite a contin'ation o? the Genoci$a( attacDs 'pon the U.S.A. that initiate$ the :ar on 1error. Hospita(s 3 .rtho$onta( 7(inics 3 an$ other Hea(thcare ,aci(ities are @ein& 'se$ ?or Genoci$e c'rrent(y < @y the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the Ho'se o? Aosta. .? eFtreme $an&er is the ?act that the 1e(e%ision News A&encies ha%e reporte$ that Hepatitis A 3 Hepatitis ; 3 an$ Hepatitis 7 ha%e @een contracte$ @y %ictims who contracte$ these $iseases in Hospita(s a(( o%er North America < a(so reporte$ are $iseases s'ch as these sprea$in& ?rom ,ast ,oo$ /esta'rants 5 the ?act that nee$s to @e st'$ie$ is that a ,ast ,oo$ /esta'rant is an 'ncon?irma@(e so'rce o? most %ira( in?ections an$ $isease in?ections $'e to the ?act that the maJority o? the ?oo$ 'se$ is thrown away imme$iate(y an$ these resta'rants Deep %ery (itt(e o%erstocD in the ?ree>er. A(so reporte$ that may @e o? $'@io's ori&in 3 the Swine ,(' that was reporte$ as @ein& two $i??erent strains o? ?(' $'rin& the year 200! 5 this ASwine ,('A Di((e$ peop(e a(( o%er the U.S.A. 3 @'t was contracte$ @y n'mero's peop(e who s'??ere$ no i((ness other than co($ symptoms an$ (oose @owe(s. 2'rin& the year 200! 3 I was poisone$ n'mero's times @y Ita(ians < a?ter 3 poisonin&s inc('$in& ;(acD Mo($ In&estion 3 Irra$iate$ ,oo$ In&estion 3 an$ some Din$ o? toFin in a $rinD that an imposte'r o? 9eith Hammon$ ca((e$ A/ocDet ,'e(A 5 these poisonin&s res'(te$ in my se(? eFperiencin& stomach spasms 3 esopha&o's spasms 3 stomach an$ intenstina( pain 3 pain in (i%er 3 pain in pancreatic re&ion 3 pain in Di$neys 3 pain in my so(ap(eF's re&ion 3 pro$'ction o? &'acamo(e co(ore$ stoo( that was the teFt're o? paint 3 pro$'ction o? spon&e (iDe stoo( that was $ischar&e$ with (oose waste that (ooDe$ (iDe m'star$ 3 an$ pro$'ction o? @(acD an$ white ?eces. A?ter attemptin& to %isit n'mero's hospita(s 3 I was to($ @y n'rses an$ $octors in the hospita(s that nothin& was wron& with my se(? < I was in eFcr'ciatin& pain ?or approFimate(y ! months 5 si&hte$ at the hospita(s were 2 con%icte$ an$ re&istere$ SeF .??en$ers 'sin& I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s which were not their own 3 an$ a(so si&hte$ at the hospita(s twice was =ittorio 0man'e(eKs son 7hris 1homas. 7hris 1homas is A$o(? Hit(erKs &reat &ran$ nephew an$ a son o? =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e I=. 2'rin& this time 3 n'mero's ?ami(ies $isappeare$ ?rom the re&ion o? the North 0ast o? North America an$ h'n$re$s o? ci%i(ian %ictims attempte$ to report that they ha$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces in their 7rani'ms a(( o%er the North 0ast o? the U.S.A. < c'rrent(y 3 the North 0ast is hea%i(y $epop'(ate$ an$ tho'san$s o? peop(e ha%e I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s which are not their own. 2'rin& this time the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS were assassinatin& an$ ens(a%in& entire (ists o? ?ami(ies in North America an$ they ha%e not yet @een arreste$ 5 it is $e?inite that this has occ'rre$. 2'rin& my attempts to seeD he(p at the hospita(s in the North 0ast o? North America 3 n'mero's Hewish 2octorsK I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s were @ein& 'se$ @y men who ha$ =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tate$ themse(%es to appear o? Israe(i race 5 three o? these men attempte$ to con%ince me that I was @ein& re?'se$ Me$ica(

Assistance ?or reason that I am a ANa>iA 3 @eca'se my po(itic is a Nationa(ist po(itic. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy attempte$ to ,a(se ,(a& this Genoci$a( 1errorist AttacD an$ on&oin& attempt to @'i($ a 7o%ert 7rimina( 1errorist /e&ime in North America < as an Israe(i Mossa$ 7o%ert .peration. 1hey a&ain trie$ in the yeat 200! 3 the con%ince me that I was @ein& a((owe$ to $ie @eca'se I was AIrish /ep'@(ican ArmyA an$ it o??en$e$ the Unite$ 9in&$om o? Great;ritain an$ Northern Ire(an$. I am a Nationa(ist an$ my home(an$ is New 0n&(an$. Israe( is my nationKs a((y. I am not a 7rimina( 3 there?or I am not a 1errorist. An eFtreme(y $an&ero's possi@i(ity is that the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS are poisonin& 7i%i(ians @y 'sin& ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 3 Poisone$ Pro$'cts on she(? at Grocery Stores which are 'ni?orm pacDa&e$ an$ a@(e to @e $e(i%ere$ at precise timin& an$ 7i%i(ians manip'(ate$ into picDin& speci?ic pacDa&es < an$ are re?'sin& them ai$ 3 an$ are taDin& the corpses to Mor&'es an$ (yin& $'rin& a'topsy when poisonin& is re%ea(e$. 1he entirety o? the &'i(ty ?action that is here committin& these crimes th's ?ar ha%e @een the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 some 9ni&hts o? Aosta 3 SeF 1ra??icDers 3 an$ SeF .??en$ers which the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,action ha%e recr'ite$ ?rom hospita(s. 1he ?act that ci%i(ians are ret'rnin& home ?rom Hospita( 7are an$ other Hea(thcare stays 3 with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace $e%ices S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ in their crani'ms 5 is a@so('te e%i$ence that the 0man'e(e ,ami(y an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy as we(( as their A6IS Accomp(ices ha%e p'rchase$ most o? the hospita(s in the North 0ast o? North America an$ in other re&ions. =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ his Aristocratic Ho'se an$ ,ami(y are Genoci$a( 0nemy 7om@atants o? the U.S.A. an$ are c'rrent(y attemptin& to permanant(y Heirarcha((y 2ecapitate the U.S.A. 2epartments o? State as we(( as comp(ete(y corr'pt entire(y the U.S.A. 3 MeFico 3 7ana$a 3 the U.9. 3 A'stra(ia 3 New Cea(an$ 3 2e'tsche(an$ 3 ;ra>i( 3 an$ other nations which are not their own s'ch as Ser@ia 3 ;osnia 3 an$ Iran. 2'rin& the year 200* < my ?rien$ ;o@ Sha&o'ry an$ my se(? $isc'sse$ the threat o? the A6IS taDin& the hospita(s an$ ?a(se ?(a&&in& attacDs as Israe( 3 Iran 3 4e@anon 3 an$ other nations ?or the p'rpose o? ca'sin& war?are @etween ne'tra( parties 5 a(so $isc'sse$ was the threat o? A1he MarD o? the ;eastA ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces 3 G(o@a( Positionin& System 0(ectronic S'r&ica( Imp(ants 3 an$ =erichips @ein& 'se$ to commit 7o%ert Systemic Genoci$e o? 7i%i(ians in North America an$ the threat o? the A6IS @ein& in a position to Heirarcha((y 2ecapitate the U.S.A. 2epartment o? 2e?ense. ;o@ Sha&o'ry was o? ha(? 4e@anese an$ ha(? Syrian race an$ the son o? a M's(im < ;o@ Sha&o'ry $isco%ere$ that A.sama ;in4a$enA was an a(ias an$ was not the tr'e ?act'a( name o? the 1errorist Mi(itant 4or$ Dnown as A.sama ;in4a$enA 3 ;o@ Sha&o'ry state$ that he ?o'n$ o't ?rom some M's(ims he Dnew that A.sama ;in4a$enA was ?act'a((y an A6IS So($ier o? a Sa'$i Ara@ian A6IS ,action. ;o@ Sha&o'ry a(so state$ that he @e(ie%e$ that Sa$$am H'sseinKs co'sin ha$ resi&ne$ ?rom an A6IS ,action an$ that the A6IS were 'sin& 2ona($ /'ms?e($ to striDe IraI in re%en&e an$ ?or the p'rpose o? $iscre$itin& Sa$$am H'ssein as a so'rce o? Mi(itary In?ormation re&ar$in& the wherea@o'ts o? the A6IS ,actions who ha%e @een co%ert(y attacDin& n'mero's nations. Accor$in& to ;o@ Sha&o'ry 3 Sa$$am H'ssein was ?rame$ ?or what the A6IS ha$ $one. I @e(ie%e it an$ I @e(ie%e$ the same thin& a(rea$y. :hi(e ci%i(ians were @ein& $enie$ assistance in Hospita(s an$ the ASwine ,(' 0pi$emicA was sprea$in& 3 the Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are A&ents o? the Ita(ian Ho'se o? Sa%oy were ,a(se ,(a&&in& their i$entities as Hewish 2octors. 1he 7i%i(ians who ha%e @een he(pin& these A6IS 1errorists are pro@a@(e to ha%e @een corr'pte$ @y metho$ o? tort're in con?inement 3 ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 'se$ to corr'pt the Psycho(o&y o? the =ictimsK 3 recr'ite$ @y metho$ o? physica((y pi(otin& them to commit crimes @y metho$ o? ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace an$ (ater ;(acD Mai(in& the 7i%i(ian as the res'(t o? the action 3 poisone$ with 2isassociati%e Ne'ro1oFins or other Ne'ro1oFins an$ Pi(ote$ to commit heino's :ar

7rimes whi(e contro((e$ @y ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace NetworD. ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces are capa@(e o? networDin& Si&ht Ne'ro(o&y 3 A'$ia( Ne'ro(o&y 3 an$ M'sc'(at're Ne'ro(o&y to s(eepin& h'man @ein&s 5 the Ita(ian Ho'se o? Sa%oy are pro@a@(e to attempt to NetworD the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace NetworD to entire chain (inD we@s o? m'(tip(e ci%i(ians ?or p'rpose o? 'sin& the psycho(o&y o? a s(eepin& person to commit %io(ence attacDs @y in?('encin& the Psycho(o&y an$ Ne'ro(o&ica( Mechanics o? the other =ictimsK 3 'naware that the A2reamA was a /ea(ity. Usin& a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace to insti&ate Physica( 7om@at whi(e a =ictim is $reamin& is 061/0M04SIMP40 5 Physica( 7on?(ict is instincti%e an$ is a simp(e ?'nction o? ,i&ht or ,(i&ht an$ threat i$enti?ication. 1he a(i@i that the wor($ is A$reamin& itse(? to $eathA 3 the main street in Manchester NewHamphire is ca((e$ 0(m Street 3 I ?e(( in (o%e with a Hewish :oman name$ Samantha ;ernstein who worDe$ at a ;anD on 0(m Street 5 I $i$ not Dnow her persona((y 3 @'t it was notice$ @y the Ho'se o? Sa%oy imme$iate(y. AA Ni&htMare on 0(m StreetA is a mo%ie a@o't a Seria( 9i((er Ghost who Di((s 2reamers whi(e they are s(eepin&. 2'rin& 200E 3 9atie 7ameronKs mo'th mo%e$ an$ sai$ to me A1he American 2ream is $ea$. 1he American 2ream is o%er.A 3 it seeme$ that her mo'th was mo%in& as a res'(t o? a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace mo%in& her mo'th. I was @ein& sta(De$ @y the Ho'se o? Sa%oy my entire (i?e 3 =ittorio A=ictorK 0man'e(e is a 7hi($ Porno&rapher 3 a SeF 1ra??icDer o? 7hi($ren 3 an$ a Genoci$a( 1errorist who tar&ette$ @oth my MotherKs an$ my ,atherKs races $'rin& their chi($hoo$ an$ SeF 1ra??icDin& my mother 2e@ra Ann 4a=oie when she was a yo'n& chi($ ?or approFimate(y 10 years o? her (i?e as we(( as 7hi($ Porno&raphe$ my se(? an$ other chi($ren $'rin& the 1"80Ks. My Mother ne%er Dnew that the ?ami(ies that $i$ these thin&s were the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 an$ that they were A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(y an$ the eFi(e$ Ita(ian Aristocracy 5 she tho'&ht that she ha$ met ASatanistsA an$ that she Dept meetin& ASatanistsA. In the year 2003 3 when I o@taine$ emp(oyment at ;icD?or$s in Nash'a NewHampshire 3 my @oss 2ana Um@ro was a 7rime So($ier o? the Ita(ian Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs 7rime Syn$icate whoKs wi?e was o? @oth Sa%oy an$ Aosta (inea&e. In the year 200* 3 when I @e&an worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n Street in Manchester NewHampshire 5 my @oss was a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ I ha$ J'st @een ca'&ht @y the Ho'se o? Sa%oy in?ormin& a Hewish man @y metho$ o? internet who A$o(? Hit(erKs ,ami(y were. 2'rin& the year 200* 3 Samantha ;ernstein wa(De$ into my p(ace o? worD an$ I was ca'&ht on sec'rity camera smi(in& at her an$ (ooDin& at her in awe o? her @ea'ty 5 I ca'&ht 0$ :arren watchin& a rep(ay o? her @rie? entrance an$ wa(D thro'&h the store. 0$ :arren is a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ a 1errorist 7rime So($ier o? the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS. Samantha ;ernstein worDe$ at 7iti>ens ;anD on 0(m Street in Manchester NewHampshire. It is pro@a@(e that it is &oin& to @ecome a necessity ?or Israe( 3 ,rance 3 the U.9. 3 A'stra(ia 3 7ana$a 3 MeFico 3 Norway 3 an$ /'ssia to sen$ ,rien$(y Mi(itary Inte((i&ence S(eeper A&ents to the U.S.A. with or$ers to in%esti&ate the A6IS in the U.S.A. < @oth within the Nationa( Go%ernment an$ positions s'ch as Hea(thcare In$'stry 3 7omm'nication In$'stry 3 1echno(o&ies In$'stry 3 an$ 1ransportation In$'stry. It may ha%e @ecome an 'n?ort'nate necessity to reI'est that A((ie$ Nations sen$ to the U.S.A. 3 S(eeper A&ents whom are not 'n$er the $irection o? the U.S.A. Mi(itary Inte((i&ence 5 this is ?or the p'rpose o? ens'rin& that the U.S.A. is not Genoci$a((y 0Fterminate$ @y 0nemy 7om@atant S(eeper 7e((s ?rom ,orei&n Nations. 1his is to @e accepte$ @y In%itation .n(y an$ is on(y to @e reI'este$ ?or reason o? speci?ic ?actions s'ch as the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,action which are an eFtreme threat to the U.S.A. who i? 'n$erestimate$ 3 wi(( easi(y conI'er North America an$ Genoci$a((y 0Fterminate the North American 7ontinent. It m'st @e eFp(aine$ that 2.N.A. 1estin& o? the A((ie$ S(eeper A&ent Mi(itary Inte((i&ence

A&ents @ein& sent to the U.S.A. 5 m'st @e pro%en to @e o? the physica( Nations o? Peop(e to whom we are a((ie$ ?or p'rpose o? pre%entin& the A6IS ,action ?rom $ecapitatin& the a((ie$ nationKs Mi(itary Inte((i&ence 2epartmentKs in%esti&ati%e operation. 1he PA1/I.1 Act m'st remain in e??ect an$ pro@a@(y nee$s to @e ammen$e$ 3 this is a(so tr'e o? the Gene%a 7ompacts 5 ammen$ments nee$ to @e ma$e to m'ch o? the Gene%a 7on%entionsK A&reements. /eta(iatory Mi(itary Specia( .perations s'ch as 1ar&ette$ A@$'ctions 3 1ar&ette$ 7omp'ter HacDin& .perations 3 an$ 1ar&ette$ Assassinations 5 this 3 ?or p'rpose o? pre%entin& Genoci$e. A new system o? Nationa( I$enti?ication is &oin& to @e necessary 3 ?or the p'rpose o? ens'rin& that citi>ens ha%e the correct I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s 3 this system is &oin& to nee$ to in%o(%e 2NA 1estin& an$ the creation o? a 2NA /ecor$ 2ata@ase inc('$in& I$enti?ication 3 7ens's 3 Hea(th 3 an$ Sa?tey So?tware. ,or this to worD proper(y 3 two ,e$era((y .wne$ an$ ,e$era( 0mp(oyee Sta??e$ hospita(s as we(( as two pri%ate(y owne$ hospita(s 5 are &oin& to @e necessary ?or citi>ens to 2NA 1est at to ens're acc'racy < an A'tomate$ Arti?icia( Inte((i&ence A'$itin& So?tware is &oin& to @e neccessary ?or the p'rpose o? ens'rin& the acc'racy o? I$enti?ication /ecor$s as we(( as is m'(tip(e teams o? 2NA /ecor$s A'$itors &oin& to @e a neccessity. 1he I$enti?ication System is &oin& to nee$ a ,ami(y 1ree 2ata@ase as we(( as a Point o? .ri&in an$ P(ace o? ;irth 2ata@ase 5 a pop'(ation o? this si>e it is necessary to @e a@(e to Dnow ?or a ?act 3 the i$entity o? 7iti>ens an$ =isitors. 1he 2NA 7ens's Hea(th G Sa?ety So?tware is capa@(e o? @ein& co'p(e$ with an A'tomate$ Arti?icia( Inte((i&ence Ana(ysis So?tware that co'($ @e capa@(e o? $etectin& a 7o%ert Genoci$e sho'($ one occ'r. It is a(so &oin& to @e necessary ?or a person who 'n$er&oes =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tation 3 to re&ister with the state 5 their =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tation o? 2NA.

+or the ur ose of in'estigating this Global Terrorist %rgani/ation and the ;rain$ Com uter$!nterface 3e'ices recorded transmissions that ha'e been recorded in (ilitary Signals !ntelligence Com uters 1 it is a neccessity that all races of eo le are re resented by (ilitary Em loyees of their o&n hysical race &earing their res ecti'e (ilitary Uniforms " this is a definite genocide- +irst Nations Nati'e Americans " Anglo$Gaelic Americans " +ran)ic and ,ollander Americans " and African Americans need to be re resented by the U-S-A- 3e artment of 3efense as themsel'es during this in'estigation to ensure the com lete lac) of a foreign A*!S +action infiltrator- !t &ould be e#tremely useful for the United Nations to be in'ol'ed in this in'estigation- !t &ould also be e#tremely useful to mandate that one (arine be resent to re resent each National (ilitary &ith a ;rain$Com uter$!nterface in their brain " transmitting to (ilitary Signals !ntelligence 3e artment Com uters by means of ARG%S G-P-S- on a s ecific (ilitary !nternet Net&or)ing Protocol 2 this " during the international in'estigation of as many (ilitary Signals !ntelligence ;ases as ossible- All Nations effected " should be re resented during this in'estigation- The most reasonable Nations to start this in'estigation are the U-S-A- " Canada " (e#ico " !reland " the U-8- " !talia " Austria " 3eutscheland " Nor&ay " ;ra/il " Colombia " Argentina " Australia " Ne&9ealand " Jamaica " South 8orea " !ndia " +rance " S ain " Saudi$Arabia " !srael " !ran " South Africa " Ja an" 8enya " Greece " ;osnia " Serbia " Russia " and (orrocco- These in'estigations can be conducted from &ithin the (ilitary Signals !ntelligence 3e artment ;ases of their res ecti'e Nations " coo erati'ely- The resense of ;rain$Com uter$ !nterface Surgically !m lanted (arines during these in'estigations is necessary and they should be &atched by (ilitary Signals !ntelligence 3e artment of their o&n nation0s for

ur ose of ensuring that none assassinate the in'estigators 2 a 3-N-A- test of all (ilitary Personell in'ol'ed in these in'estigations should be re5uired " for ur ose of ensuring that these eo le are &ho they say they are- This is an !nternational Global CrisisRe5uiring races of eo le to be re resented &ithin their o&n Nati'e (ilitary during a genocide in'estigation is 'ery im ortant- The !talian Sa'oy$A*!S is an e#tremist Anti$ Nati'ist Genoc l Criminal +action12N1"N2013 5 I $isco%ere$ to$ay that my ?act'a( sister 7he(sey /ain MacPherson was he($ hosta&e @y 7(int +0man'e(e8 an$ 7hris 1homas 3 an$ that whi(e they were in San Antonio 1eFas < 7(int was intro$'ce$ to An$ers ;rei%iD whi(e in the presense o? my sister. 1his was possi@(y $'rin& the year 200!. 7he(sey MacPherson an$ Stephanie Hohnston were @oth si&hte$ with 7(int +0man'e(e8 $'rin& 200! 3 in San Antonio 1eFas. It is @e(ie%e$ that An$ers ;rei%iD may ha%e @een s'r&ica((y imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace here. 1he 0man'e(e ?ami(y ha%e attacDe$ the entirety o? the Nor$ic races in North America an$ e%en the entire Asatru community- ! &as told that my sister and

Ste hanie Johnston " tal)ed to Anders about Asatru Religion and told him that their brothers &ere Asatruars- (i)e Johnston is a Asatruar &ho li'ed in (assachusettes and is currently missing- Anders ;rei'i) &as a Nationalist and may ha'e been iloted to slay GB Nor&egian su orters of the 7abour Party- The N-S-3-A-P- &as the Nationalist 7abour Party of 3eutscheland that &as targetted by Adolf ,itler and the ,ouse of Sa'oy " ,eirarachally 3eca itated " and used as a camouflage to militarily Cou 3e Etat the 3eutsche Go'ernment<AJABJAB<: 2 ! 6ust disco'ered today that many of the !talians &ho ha'e undergone 4iral$ 4ector Gene$Thera y and ha'e occu ied the osition of U-S-Americans !dentification Credentials as im osteurs in the U-S-A- 1 belie'e that they &ere (ilitarily 3rafted by the !talian (inistry of 3efense and ha'e been calling it a .(ilitary !ntelligence 3raft.- This is definitely illegal and is a GEN%C!3E- They ha'e been confronted and refuse to ans&er 5uestions- There are missing children no&- %n of my sister0s best friends &ho &as half Nor&egian and half S&edish race " loo)s to ha'e been re laced by an !talian &ho has undergone 4iral 4ector Gene Thera y to change her hair to red 2 she does not loo) li)e the same erson at all- This is no& a GEN%C!3E %+ C,!73REN- ! ha'e deli'ered a hundred of these letters and emailed o'er a hundred emails " ! ha'e recei'ed no re lyThe rumour is that the ,ouse of Sa'oy and the !talian (ilitary ha'e lans to occu y the ositions of the AusCanN9U8US (ilitary Signals !ntelligence ;ases and delete all of the stored data records2$2 +!N3!NG T,E ,%USE %+ SA4%Y 2$2
1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy can @e easi(y (ocate$ @y 'sin& the reso'rces a%ai(a@(e to the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2eparment o? the 2epartment o? 2e?ense as we(( as @y man$atin& 2NA 1est ?or p'rpose o? a man$ate$ Nationa( 7iti>en I$enti?ication 7ar$. 1he ?irst ro'n$s o? 2NA 1estin& sho'($ @e con$'cte$ within 2epartment o? 2e?ense an$ positions o? Go%ernment ?irst 3 an$ cooperati%e(y with the Unite$ Nations so as to ens're

acc'racy an$ ?or p'rpose o? co((ectin& an$ testin& m'(tip(e samp(es o? 2NA. 1hese 2NA 1ests sho'($ @e renewe$ e%ery year an$ there sho'($ @e a man$atory 'p$ate i? an in$i%i$'a( p'rpose?'((y 'n$er&oes =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy Genetic M'tation treatement ?or a $isease 3 ?ai(e$ 2NA 3 or ?or aesthetic cosmetic p'rposes. Many o? the ?ami(ies o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy are re(ate$ to the Ho'se o? Aosta as we(( as are a(most o? the ?ami(ies o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy @io(o&ica((y re(ate$ to each other in a seI'entia( (ine away ?rom the /oya( ,ami(y o? Sa%oy 5 the 0man'e(e ?ami(y. =ittorio 0man'e(e has a$opte$ most o? his sons to the ?ami(ies o? 9ni&hts o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy < some o? these sons @ein& 7hris 1homas 3 2anie( Hames3 7(int whoKs s'rname is possi@(y 1homas or 1ay(or 3 an$ Aaron whom I @e(ie%e is an A0man'e(eA on his paperworD an$ was raise$ near Mar(@oro'&h Massach'settes in possi@(y /an$o(ph Massach'ssettes or somep(ace near@y. Many o? the ?ami(ies who =ittorio a$opte$ his sons to are his $istant(y re(ate$ @io(o&ica( co'sins. 1he Grasseti ?ami(y are the co'sins o? the 0man'e(e ?ami(y an$ 1ony Grasseti is a $escen$ant o? =ittorio 0man'e(e II as we(( as $oes he ha%e Aosta (inea&e o? A'strian race. 9ate 7hristiano is a co'sin o? 1ony GrassetiKs an$ is a $escen$ant o? =Ittorio 0man'e(e I possi@(y as we(( as $oes she pro@a@(y ha%e a sma(( amo'nt o? Aosta (inea&e o? A'strian race as $oes most o? her ?ami(y. 2an ;'cD(eyKs ?ami(y are co'sins o? the Poten>a ?ami(y 3 the ,aerio(o ?ami(y 3 an$ 2KAn&e(o ?ami(y < a(( three o? which ?ami(ies are the ?ami(ies o? 9ni&hts o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 5 the ,aerio(o ?ami(y are o? Sa%oy Ita(ian race an$ Aosta A'strian race 3 the others are a(most entire(y Ita(ian race which the eFception o? a ?ew in$ii%i$'a(s whom are o? Aosta (inea&e as we((. Hason ;e((emore is o? the Ho'se o? Aosta an$ is o? A'strian race 5 Hason ;e((emore is the &ran$son o? A$o(? Hit(erKs co'sin. 2ana Um@roKs wi?e 3 ;onnie Um@ro is o? Sa%oy Ita(ian race as we(( as Aosta A'strian race 3 she is a(so Hason ;e((emoreKs co'sin. /o@ert /o$on is o? Ita(ian race an$ is a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 5 /o@ert /o$on is a $escen$ant o? =ittorio 0man'e(e I. /o@ert /o$onKs eF wi?e is a(so o? Ita(ian Ho'se o? Sa%oy race 3 she is a(so @io(o&ica( $escen$ant o? a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Aosta. =ittorio 0man'e(e is o? @oth Ita(ian an$ A'strian (inea&e an$ is the 9in& o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy as we(( as a $escen$ant o? Aosta No@i(ity o? A'stria < =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs wi?e Mona 3 is o? the Ho'se o? Aosta o? A'stria an$ is o? @oth A'strian an$ Ita(ian race 3 ha%in& an amo'nt o? (inea&e o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy as we(( as her Aosta @io(o&ica( (inea&e. 1he A'strian who was 'sin& the name ASt.7yrA within the Po(ice 2epartments in the U.S.A. 3 is r'mo're$ to ha%e @een a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Aosta that was reI'este$ to ai$ =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs terrorist &oa(s an$ has @een in contact with ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ 7(int +0man'e(e8 n'mero's times in the past. Aman$a 7i@otti is a $escen$ant o? an Ita(ian A6IS 0spiona&e S(eeper A&ent an$ other than her o@%io's Ita(ian racia( 2NA 3 Aman$a has Aosta (inea&e. 2an /o@icha'$3 whom was Aman$a 7I@ottiKs @oy?rien$ 5 is o? @oth Ita(ian Sa%oy an$ A'strian Aosta (inea&e as we(( as $oes he possi@(y ha%e 2e'tsche an$ ,ranDic 2NA. 7hristine 2ion is o? Ita(ian (inea&e an$ is a $escen$ant o? an Ita(ian A6IS 0spiona&e S(eeper A&ent an$ an Assassin o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 my 'nc(e A( Io$ice was the same 5 @oth are pres'me$ to @e $ea$ an$ rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs 5 my twin Io$ice co'sins seem to ha%e @een rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs. NicD Ma&&iore is a $escen$ant o? a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ an Ita(ian A6IS S(eeper A&ent. Ita(ian A6IS S(eeper So($iers were raise$ to

@e(ie%e that e%ent'a((y a race war is &oin& to occ'r in North America 3 $'rin& which they wi(( conI'er the U.S.A. ?rom within. I? they escape into hi$in& 3 'sin& the I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o? others < the (ines o? comm'nication o? the Ita(ian Ho'se o? Sa%oy wi(( @e easy to ?in$. 2'rin& the ear(y 2000Ks 3 the Ita(ian Ho'se o? Sa%oy ma$e p(ans to 'se =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy an$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces to ai$ in the &enoci$a( assassination o? the ,or@es 100 :ea(thiest Peop(es 4ist as we(( as the ,ort'ne 500 :ea(thiest Peop(es 4ist 5 ?or the p'rpose o? stea(in& the wea(thy ?ami(ies I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s an$ 'sin& them as a(ias i$entities an$ ?or p'rpose o? stea(in& a(( o? their wea(th. I? the entire ,or@es 4ist an$ the ,ort'ne 500 4ist are in%esti&ate$ @y Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 3 an e%ent'a( (ine o? comm'nication @etween these i$entities 3 the Ho'se o? Aosta 3 the Ho'se o? I@nSa'$ 3 the Ita(ian Ma?ia 3 an$ speci?ic in$i%i$'a(s an$ (ocations < wo'($ pro%e the wherea@o'ts o? the Ita(ian Ho'se o? Sa%oy 5 2NA 1estin& wi(( pro%e that i$entities o? these in$i%i$'a(s to @e ?act'a((y imposte'rs an$ wi(( pro%e that they are the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 as wi(( Mi(itary Interro&ation with an 0(ectro 0ncepha(oGraph He(met on the hea$. I? the Ita(ian A6IS an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy s'ccee$ at stea(in& the 2NA 3 I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s 3 an$ :ea(th o? the ,or@es 100 :ea(thiest Peop(e (ist < the U.S.A. Mi(itary 3 Israe(i Mi(itary 3 U9 Mi(itary 3 or others are &oin& to ha%e to con$'ct a ;(acD .peration 'sin& a Specia( .perations team to stea( this wea(th ?rom them entire(y $'rin& the process o? ,ree>in& the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs own Assets ?or G0N.7I2A4 10//./ISM an$ 1/0AS.N 5 to ens're that they $o not escape or 'se the wea(th to hire irre&'(ar crimina( mercenaries 3 ?'n$ constr'ction o? impro%ise$ terrorist weapons 3 an$ escape or physica((y s(ay the entire U.S.A. (oya( Mi(itary. 7omm'nications @etween Ita(ian Mi(itary Inte((i&ence 3 Ita(ian Ma?ia an$ Ita(ian American Ma?ia 3 the Ho'se o? Aosta 3 the Ho'se o? Monocco 3 the GreeD Aristocracy 3 the Sa'$i Aristocracy 3 an$ peop(e in the Unite$ States o? America 5 co'($ @e ana(y>e$ an$ 'se$ to ?in$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy in hi$in&. 0%i$ence o? the Genoci$e in North America eFists in Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 7omp'ters &(o@a((y < %i$eos o? :ar /apes committe$ @etween 2000 an$ 2013 'p(oa$e$ to internet ha%e @een permanant(y recor$e$ @y e%ery Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 7omp'ters on 0arth < ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 0(ectronic 0(ectro0ncepha(oGraph an$ G(o@a( Positionin& System 0(ectronic 1ransmissions in the U.S.A. ha%e @een recor$e$ @y e%ery Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 7omp'ter connecte$ to the A's7anNCU9US Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence NetworD o? the nations o? A'stra(ia 3 7ana$a 3 New Cea(an$ 3 the Unite$ 9in&$om o? Great ;ritain an$ Northern Ire(an$ 3 an$ the Unite$ States o? America < any ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace that has (e?t the U.S.A. has @een recor$e$ @y the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 7omp'ters o? the nations o? whom 'pon which soi(3 the %ictims $isem@arDe$ 'pon a?ter arri%a( @y whate%er means o? transportation they chose. Any Mi(itary on 0arth can 7omp'ter HacD an$ access any Internet NetworDin& Protoco( ?rom any (ocation on 0arth at any time. 1he attempte$ co%er 'p an$ permanant si(encin& o? the tr'th o? this Genoci$e is occ'rrin& an$ is @ein& recor$e$ e(ectronica((y. 12 N.10S N.10S N.10S N.10S

:-: Brain-Computer-Interface + NeuroScience + Prosthetic NeuroCircuits :-: -* IN"CC&SSIB & B#"IN-CO1P(%&# IN%&#$"C& #"2IO-$#&R(&NCY BI$I N&%BO#KIN! 2&8IC&S (S&2 %O CON%#O %#"PP&2 8IC%I1S : 1he same 7'stom 0n&ineere$ US; /o'ter Antennae which can @e 'se$ in conJ'nction with HacDer So?tware s'ch as Spooph1ooph 3 can a(so @e attache$ to a :i,i US; to US; 2e%ice A$apter an$ mo'nte$ @ehin$ a wa(( 5 this a((ows the :i,i connectin& o? a 7omp'ter 'sin& a US; :i,i US; to US; A$apter 2e%ice. 1his ena@(es SeF 1ra??icDers an$ H'man =i%isectionists to ro@otica((y contro( woman an$ tort're them witho't them @ein& capa@(e o? reachin& the $e%ice an$ t'rnin& it o?? or @reaDin& the comp'ter. 1his a(so a((ows H'man =i%isectionists an$ SeF 1ra??icDers to eFperiment 'pon an$ Ne'ro ;io/o@otic 7ontro( the women whom they ha%e @een SeF 1ra??icDin&. In most cases these women can not e%en mo%e their own mo'ths to cry ?or he(p. 1his sort o? a wire(ess networD is o?? o? the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence NetworD an$ has @een 'se$ to pro$'ce recor$e$ res'(ts on 0Fterna( Har$$ri%es 3 $iscs can @e 'se$ to physica((y mo%e the res'(ts ?rom one (ocation to another. M'ch o? these res'(ts wi(( e%ent'a((y en$ 'p @ein& poste$ an$ co%ert(y mis(a@(e$ on ,i(e Sharin& :e@Sites an$ Ser%er Pro&rams. A(so 5 m'ch o? these eFperiments ha%e @een a$%ertise$ on APorno&raphicA we@sites which a$%ertise the s'ccesses o? these Ne'roScience 1ra??icDin& =i%isection eFperiments an$ sometimes attempt to maDe money ?rom them. Some o? these %i$eos may possi@(y @e recor$e$ thro'&h the ma(e %ictimsK an$ ma(e assai(antsK eyes as AP...=. 7ameraA which means APoint .? =iew 7ameraA as i? the =is'a( Ne'roScience comp'ter trans(ation an$ recor$in& is a camera. 1he races o? my peop(e an$ o'r a((ies are tar&ette$ ?or &enoci$e an$ a@so('te s(a%ery @y this Ita(ian AFis 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate an$ their Sa'$i Ara@ian a((ies. M'ch o? the res'(ts o? these eFperiments are recor$e$ @y re&'(ar %i$eo camera 3 some are a(so recor$e$ @y =oye'r Spy 7amera 'sin& the same connection metho$ to connect to comp'ters which are recor$in& the res'(ts to eFterna( har$$ri%es 5 many o? these in the past ha%e transmitte$ wire(ess(y an$ are recor$e$ permanant(y @y Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 3 the newer res'(ts o? which ha%e sometimes @een poste$ on APorno&raphicA we@sites on the internet s'ch as 1IA=A.7.M which o?ten hosts the res'(ts o? n'mero's o? these eFperiments as we(( as (inDs to their we@sites. .? re(e%ance to this we@site is the name 1IA 4U2:I79 @ein& that 1IA is the ?irst 3 (etters o? 1IA=A 3 =A is the ?irst to (etters o? =a(erie .(son 3 4'$wicD is either the type o? $r'mset or type o? &'itar amp(i?ier that my sister 7he(sey /ain MacPherson ha$3 an$ 4'$wicD is the ?irst part o? the mai$en name o? one o? my @est ?rien$sK wi?e whom is 4a'ra 4'$wiDowsDi. A1ia 4'$wicDKsA MySpace Acco'nt is somehow connecte$ to the 4om@ar$ic Ita(ian man preten$in& to @e /on ;oar$man @y way o? other pro?i(es which ha%e in the past @een on @oth o? their ?rien$s (ists as we(( as ?rien$s o? their A?rien$sA. It is pro@a@(e that Pri%ate .wne$ Ser%ers 'sin& Impro%ise$ 7'stom 4on& /an&e :I,I Miniat're 1owers on roo?s or in attics near hea%i(y pop'(ate$ >ones an$ inner cities wi(( pro@a@(y eFist somep(ace ?or p'rpose o? co%ert H'man 1ra??icDin& 'sin& ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace NetworDs connecte$ @y a pri%ate Intranet as oppose$ to Internet 5 this is aDin to the /a$io ,reI'ency ?ence aro'n$ a ?ami(y resi$ence which tri&&ers a $o&Ks shocD co((ar to ?orce it to t'rn aro'n$ as oppose$ to r'nnin& o't o? the yar$ an$

into the street. 1his type o? networD wo'($ @e (iDe(y to @e 'sin& c'stom $e%ice $ri%ers ?or the c'stom miniat're @roa$cast tower which is in ?act an incre$i@(y (on& ran&e :I,I ro'ter < it wo'($ reI'ire hacDer too(s simi(ar to SP..PH 1..PH or 7A=I1- S0A/7H to ?in$ these si&na(s an$ i$enti?y the Din$ o? $e%ice which is @ein& 'se$. 1his is an incre$i@(y 061/0M04- 2ANG0/.US 1H/0A1. It is necessary to ha%e si&na(s inte((i&ence tether points on te(ephone po(es. A Pri%ate .wne$ 4oca( Ser%er 'se$ ?or H'man 1ra??icDin& an$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?acin& wo'($ (iDe(y in%o(%e 1ra??icDers passin& c$ roms containin& S(a%e So?tware to the Pri%ate Ser%er .wner whom is in%o(%e$ in H'man 1ra??icDin&. 1hese Miniat're 1owers wo'($ @e (iDe(y to ha%e Am@ient Arti?icia( Inte((i&ence an$ S(a%e Pro?i(es (oa$e$ into the A.I. System. 1his can on(y @e ?o'n$ @y a Si&na(s Sweep o? a(( /a$io ,reI'ency in a re&ion. 1his system wo'($ @e simi(ar to the In Ho'se /esi$entia( ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace NetworD which was p'@(ishe$ in a Science Ma&a>ine $'rin& the 1""0Ks 5 a Scientist with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace &ra?te$ to his @rain as we(( as a :ire(ess 2e%ice connecte$ to it 3 pro&ramme$ his entire home to respon$ to his tho'&hts inc('$in& a(( (ocDs 3 app(iances 3 thermostat 3 entertainment centers 3 re?ri$&erator 3 an$ water ?a'cets < this is eI'a((y a threat as is the Pri%ate 4oca( Ser%er Intranet. A SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim wo'($ @e (iDe an app(iance to these men 3 a (i%e in s(a%e. A'tomo@i(es now ha%e internet as we(( an$ can @e pro&ramme$ to connect to internet as we(( as other wire(ess $e%ices an$ @('etooth as soon as the a'tomo@i(e i&nition is starte$. 1hese are (iDe(y to @e 'se$ at 0rotic Strip 7('@s 3 SeF 1ra??icDin& Par(o'rs an$ ;rothe(s 3 Hote(s3 as we(( as at Hea(thcare ,aci(ities an$ /esi$entia( ;'i($in&s. It is pro@a@(e that the S(a%e Masters wi(( @e&in to ha%e these imp(ante$ in their own sD'((s 3 &ra?te$ to their own @rains < ?or p'rpose o? contro((in& the %ictims witho't an 0.0.G. He(met on < the wire(ess 1ransmitter /ecei%er wo'($ (iDe(y @e S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ in the same (ocation as the 1ra??icDin& =ictimsK 3 @'t wo'($ inc('$e a s'@$erma( sh't o??Nt'rn on @'tton. It is pro@a@(e that $'rin& his (i?e 3 H'(i's 0%o(a eFperience$ an$ witnesse$ the most a$%ance$ Scienti?ic St'$ies o? his time 5 these @ein& re(ate$ to Ne'roScience 3 ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces 3 /o@otics 3 ;io /o@otics 3Ne'ro /o@otics3 ;io Mechanica( Prosthesis 3 Genetic /esearch 3 =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy 0Fperiments 3 7himera 0Fperiments 3 In=itro ,erti(i>ation an$ 2esi&ner Gene eFperiments 3 7omp'ter /o@otics eFperiments 3 Mi(itary Sciences eFperiments 3 ;o$y Mo$i?ication 0Fperiments 3 S'r&ica( Imp(ants eFperiments 3 Psychiatry an$ Pharmace'tica(s eFperiments 3 ;eha%iora( Mo$i?ication eFperiments 3 an$ 7omp'ter 1echno(o&y. 2'e to competiti%e capita(ist economics 5 it is pro@a@(e that the Scienti?ic a$%ancements which H'(i's 0%o(a witnesse$ 3 were not seen on the marDet or in 1eFt ;ooDs 'nti( the (ate 1""0Ks. P :-: San "ntonio %e@as :-: 4i@rary in San Antonio 1eFas has a staircase (iDe architect're on part o? the o'tsi$e o? it3 this is reminiscent o? a scene ?rom the mo%ie 1he 4a@yrinth. 2'rin& the years 2000 to 2005 3 my sister S'mmer /ose MacPhersonKs ?a%orite mo%ie was 1he 4a@yrinth. 2'rin& the year 2001 3 Hason /o&ers ha$ @een 'nDnowin&(y S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 5 $'rin& this year 3 S'mmer MacPherson to($ him that her ?a%orite mo%e was the 4a@yrinth an$ that she @o'&ht 2a%i$ ;owie a 2on't

?rom 2'nDin 2on'ts. ,I((i@erto 0man'e(e 3 Hason ;e((emore 3 an$ 2anie( Hames i((e&a((y entere$ my @asement $'rin& the year 2001 an$ threatene$ my ?ami(y to my ?ace 3 te((in& me that they were &oin& to Di(( my entire race an$ my entire ?ami(y i? I to($ anyone that they were A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(y 5 they to($ me themse(%es that they were A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(y. 2'rin& the year 200* 3 when 4a'ra 4'$wicDowsDi was i((e&a((y S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace < 4a'ra 4'$wicDowsDi was (i%in& in ;oston. 1here is a @'i($in& in ;oston that has an architect're that appears to @e an in%erte$ stair case on the si$es o? the @'i($in&. My ?ather tooD S'mmer to see this @'i($in& in 2000. I @e(ie%e that my ,ather was rep(ace$ @y an imposte'r $'rin& 2001 an$ that it was the imposte'r who mo(este$ my sister S'mmer an$ ?orce$ me o't o? the ho'se. 1here has @een at (east 5 imposte'rs o? my ?ather /'sse(( Ma'rice MacPherson since 2001. In the city o? San Antonio 1eFas 3 there is a 2ry7(eanin& Ser%ice ca((e$ 4a'raKs 2ry7(eanin& that has an .w( on a si&n ?or a si&n. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs @rother 7(int has spent a(ot o? time in San Antonio. 2'rin& the mo%e 1he 4a@yrinth 3 2a%i$ ;owieKs character A1he Go@(in 9in&A a@$'cts a @a@y a?ter enterin& a room in the shape o? an .w(. 2'rin& the year 2005 3 the mo%ie A1he *th 9in$A was re(ease$ 5 this mo%ie $epicte$ an A(ien Species that a@$'cte$ h'man @ein&s an$ 'se$ .w(s to spy on the h'mans. =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ his sons ha%e ?reI'ent(y 'se$ .w(s ?or thin&s which they ha%e $one. In the year 2011 3 a hacDer e$it on the te(e%ision inter'pte$ the sche$'(e$ pro&rammin& an$ $isp(aye$ a scene $'rin& which a Snowy .w( appeare$ on the 1= an$ spoDe. 2'rin& the year 2001 3 Henni?er .K2onne(( was rape$ @y a teena&e ma(e who entere$ her home. She was 1!. 1his ma(e was pro@a@(e to ha%e @een committin& an Initiation 7rime ?or ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs Sa%oy A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate. Hen .K2onne((Ks America .n(ine Instant Messa&er Screen Name was A;owieH.A. Hen .K2onne(( was a &ir( I $ate$ an$ was in%o(%e$ with romantica((y. 7he(sey /ain MacPherson an$ Stephanie Hohnston @ro'&ht to San Antonio @y 7(int an$ rape$ @y 7(int. 7he(sey /ain MacPherson an$ Stephanie Hohnston @ro'&ht to the top o? a hi&h rise tower in San Antonio 1eFas an$ threatene$ @y 7(int an$ an imposte'r o? MiDe 1re%ino who may ha%e @een Mosta?a I@nSa'$Ks pre%io's imposte'r. 7he(sey /ain MacPherson an$ Stephanie Hohnston met An$ers ;rei%iD in San Antonio 3 whi(e 7(int 0man'e(e was @rie?(y intro$'ce$ to An$ers ;rei%iD o? Norway @y a 2e'tsche(an$er that he Dnew. An$ers ;rei%iD r'mo're$ to ha%e staye$ at the In$i&o Hote( an$ was $r'&&e$ an$ S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace @y 4orie +Poten>a8 an$ two s'r&eons who sn'cD into his room. * :-: %he House of Sa0o5 :-: A?ter the Secon$ :or($ :ar 3 the Ho'se o? Sa%oy mo%e$ to the U.S.A. m'ch o? the /oya( ,ami(y an$ m'ch o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs ?ami(ies s'ch as the ?ami(ies o? 9ni&hts an$ other Aristocrats o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 1he p'rpose ?or this is e%i$ent 5 A$o(? Hit(er was ?act'a((y the ha(? @rother o? =ittorio 0man'e(e III an$ H'(i's 0%o(aKs ?ace was %isi@(e in 2e'tsche(an$ $'rin& the Secon$ :or($ :ar 3 present amon&st the A6IS

an$ presente$ as his own ?act'a( i$entity. A?ter the $e?eat o? the A6IS $'rin& the Secon$ :or($ :ar 3 m'ch o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy re(ocate$ to North America an$ contin'e$ to @'i($ a 7rimina( /e&ime in North America an$ contin'e$ to @'i($ networDs o? S(eeper 0spiona&e 7e((s 3 with the 9in& o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy as the 1errorist 7rime 4or$ o? the 1errorist 7rimina( Mi(itant ,action. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy are a 1errorist Mi(itant ,action . A 9ni&ht is an Aristocratic ;o$y G'ar$ o? a 4or$ o? some Din$ < in this case 3 the 9ni&hts o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy are the 9ni&hts o? the 9in& o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the ;aron o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. A?ter the secon$ ?ai('re o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs p(ans ?or &(o@a( imperia( eFpansion3 the Ho'se o? Sa%oy re(ocate$ most o? their ?ami(ies to the North American continent an$ @e&an the process o? corr'ptin& the &o%ernments o? the USA 3 7ana$a 3 an$ MeFico. 2'rin& the past *0 years < =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ most o? his sons ha%e (i%e$ in the New 0n&(an$ re&ion o? the USA in Massach'settes 3 NewHampshire 3 =ermont 3 Maine3 an$ near@y re&ions s'ch as New-orD an$ /ho$e Is(an$. =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ his sons ha%e en&a&e$ in n'mero's p(ots to @(acDmai( a (ar&e eno'&h networD o? crimina(s to @'i($ a re&ime in North America ?or the p'rpose o? in?i(tratin& the &o%ernment an$ co%ert(y conI'erin& North America with a corr'pt crimina( re&ime. 1his has @een a (on& attempt at co%ert conI'est an$ has in%o(%e$ n'mero's ?orms o? crimina(( @(acDmai( in attempt to contro( pop'(ations o? crimina( so($iers. 1he 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen is comprise$ o? many o? the Pa&es 3 0rrants 3 an$ 9ni&hts o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. * :-: &0i)ence of Bar-#ape + %errorism + Crimes-"gainst-Humanit5 + an) !enoci)e planne) *5 the Italian-"GIS prior to ;==> :-: * :-: Criminal Ps5chological Patholog5 of the Italian-"GIS %errorist CrimeS5n)icate :-: * pro@a@(e that this is &(o@a( internationa( 0%o(a terrorist crime syn$icate which @e&an prior to 1st wor($ war ] masc'(ism 3 sa$ism 3 a@'se o? ?ema(es ] &(o@a( conI'est 3 a crimina( &oa( 3 h'man tra??icDin& ] the crimina(ity o? 2ictatorship an$ .(i&archa( 2espotism 5 the str'ct're o? a 7rime Syn$icate ] P :-: "ttac.s on the 7e-ish Communit5 :-: In 200* Henry MaDow o? Sa%e1heMa(es.7a was emai(e$ a@o't A$o(? Hit(erKs @(oo$(ine. Henry MaDow was to($ thro'&h emai( that A$o(? Hit(erKs ?act'a( @io(o&ica( parents were o? 4om@ar$ic Sa%oy Ita(ian /oya(ty on his ,atherKs Si$e +?ather was 9in& o? Ita(ia8 an$ that A$o(?Ks mother was a woman o? Aosta No@(e A'strian an$ Ita(ian @(oo$. Henry MaDow contacte$ others a@o't this emai(. Henry MaDowKs we@site has chan&e$ so $rastica((y that it is o@%io's that he has @een rep(ace$ @y an imposte'r. 1he new we@ site is ca((e$ HenryMaDow.7om. In 200* He?? /ense p'@(ishe$ an artic(e a@o't =ittorio 0man'e(e. :ith the artic(e a@o't =ittorio 0man'e(e was the wor$s Anti7hrist across a photo&raph o? =ittorio in re$ teFt. Since this time 3 He?? /enseKs we@site has chan&e$ $rastica((y. He has

pro@a@(y @een rep(ace$ @y an imposte'r. :-: Samantha Bernstein :-: In 2005 5 Samantha ;ernstein was a@$'cte$ 3 her ?ami(y @e&an to @e /ep(ace$ @y Imposte'rs. Her @rother A$am ;ernstein3 was my 4awyer in 200*. P Accor$in& to a Pri%ate In%esti&ator whom I ha%e spoDen with < the ?act'a( Samantha ;ernstein was a@$'cte$ an$ Ne'roS'r&ery &ra?te$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace an$ s'r&ica((y imp(ante$ ro'terG@attery 3 ?orce$ to swap i$enti?ication with another in$i%i$'a(3 e%ent'a((y Gene 1herapie$ to appear o? a $i??erent comp(eFion an$ ?acia( str'ct're 3 threatene$ 3 ?orce$ to strip 3 an$ seF tra??icDe$. 1eFt to %is'a( 3 ne'ro ro@otics3 etc. ?'(( ran&e o? Ne'roScience So?tware 5 was 'se$ to threaten her an$ contro( her. P It is $e?inite that m'ch o? Samantha ;ernsteinKs ?ami(y ha%e @een rep(ace$ @y A6IS A&ents an$ SeF 1ra??icDin& %ictims. 1his is the same that happene$ to 0mi(y Is(es an$ others 3 this seems to ha%e @e&'n to happen to my ?ami(y 5 n'mero's in$i%i$'a(s an$ pocDets o? pop'(ation within my entire ?ami(y ha%e @een rep(ace$. 1hese a&ents are a(( (oya( to Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate or are tra??icDin& %ictims whom they contro(. P ,rom what I ha%e @een to($3 $'rin& 200E 5 Samantha ;ernstein was @ein& ?orce$ to strip in Massach'settes at the Mac 2 4o'n&e an$ e(sewhere in Massach'settes as we(( as New -orD. 0mi(y Is(es may ha%e @een ?orce$ to strip @e?ore she was e%en o? a&e 5 her I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s @e(on&e$ to some@o$y e(se an$ she was @ein& ?orce$ to carry the i$entity whi(e hers was &i%en to a Ser@ian woman whom ha$ @een transporte$ to .ntario 7ana$a an$ tra??icDe$. P 2'rin& 200E or ear(y 200! 3 I recei%e$ an incomp(ete =oiceMai( ?rom what so'n$e$ (iDe 0mi(y Is(es. 1his =oiceMai( eFp(aine$ that she was @ein& he($ hosta&e @y SeF 1ra??icDers in ;i((ericca Massach'settes at Mt. P(easant Apartments an$ that there was another ?ema(e there. I @e(ie%e she sai$ that this womanKs name was Samantha. P 2'rin& 200! 5 ,i( ?reI'ent(y ha$ in his company a woman whom he re?erre$ to as A;ethA. 1his woman was o? o@%io's Israe(i herita&e an$ was @ein& a@'se$ horri@(y @y ,i(. Peop(e @e&an to ca(( ,i(i@erto A,i(thA as a res'(t o? his treatment o? this woman. 1his woman was somehow ?orce$ to remain in his presense. She seeme$ to @e a tra??icDin& %ictim. P In 2005 200E 5 my step co'sin 9risten Nassar was rep(ace$ @y an Ara@ian (ooDin& woman whom is (iDe(y to @e a SeF 1ra??icDin& %ictim. 9ristin was worDin& at 7iti>ens ;anD in Manchester New Hampshire which was not ?ar ?rom the 7iti>ens ;anD that Samantha ;ernstein was worDin& at. Samantha ;ernstein was a(so a@$'cte$ $'rin& this year. I saw the imposte'r o? 9risten at 12 ;anDNorth an$ tho'&ht that it was her @eca'se I ha$ not seen her in a (on& time. She has since @een rep(ace$ on ,ace;ooD @y photo&raphs o? what appears to @e a woman o? Israe(i an$ ,rench race or somethin& simi(ar. It seems that the 0man'e(es 7rime Syn$icate are rotatin& their 1ra??icDin& =ictims as we(( as their Associates an$ A&ents. P I was witnesse$ @y 0$ ,arrachi :arren on camera an$ recor$e$ @y camera seein& Samantha ;ernstein ?or the ?irst time when she appeare$ at ,ami(y 2o((ar < I ?e(t (iDe I ha$ ?a((en in (o%e with her J'st ?rom her presense a(one 3 my ?ace showe$ this %isi@(y. 0$ :arren asDe$ me who she was an$ a I to($ him she was Athe most @ea'ti?'( woman in the entire wor($A. :hen I met ,i(i@erto 0man'e(e in 200* 5 a?ter ,i( to($ me that he was re(ate$ to A$o(? Hit(er < he threatene$ me s'@t(e(y 3 warnin& me not to e%er te(( any@o$y e%er a&ain that his ?ami(y was A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(y. 2'rin& this time 3 I ha$ state$ that the thin& which I (oathe most in (i?e or in s(an& termino(o&y < the thin& which is my Apet pee%eA. I ha$ state$ that the thin& which @other me most in (i?e are

A7(oset ?a&&ots whom are so hate?'( towar$s women an$ @(ame women ?or their own (acD o? romantic inc(inations towar$s women < these men a@'se an$ $eni&rate women so @a$(y that they wi(( rape them 3 rape them in ?ront o? peop(e 3 p'@(ica((y h'mi(iate them 3 ?i(m them @ein& a@'se$ 3 r'@ ?eces a(( o%er them an$ ?orce them to eat ?eces 3 @eat them 3 p'@(ica((y ins'(t them 3 an$ treat them as i? they ha%e $one somethin& wron& ?or @ein& @orn ?ema(e.A Samantha ;ernstein was a@$'cte$ an$ a@'se$ @y ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate. P In 2005 5 1'rDoJan* Go($ so?tware was 'se$ to Pop 'p a :e@ Site on the internet which $isp(aye$ photo&raphs o? what (ooDe$ (iDe Samantha ;ernstein an$ 0mi(y Is(es @ein& ?orce$ to ?i(m a A2 Gir(s 1 7'pA 3 they were posin& on their han$ an$ Dnees ?acin& towar$s eachother in near(y mirror ima&e$ pose. P ,i( 0man'e(eKs A;roDe ;acD Mo'ntainA comment re?erre$ to somethin& that ,i(Ks ?ather3 =ittorio 0man'e(e ha$ sai$ ear(ier that $ay as a res'(t o? @ein& worrie$ 5 A I am a@o't to @e a mo'ntain o? @roDe @acDA the termino(o&y A@roDe @acDA meanin& to $e?ecate oneKs se(?. 1his comment is (iDe(y to ha%e @een in re(ation to what starte$ as a $is&'stin& h'mo'ro's statement re&ar$in& my respect ?or women an$ what was recor$e$ on camera as mine an$ Samantha ;ernsteinKs ?irst meetin& which occ'rre$ at my p(ace o? worD a?ter her @rotherKs name ha$ @een poste$ 'n$er my ;'r>'m..r& acco'nt 5 this JoDe pro@a@(y @ein& that Samantha ;ernstein an$ my se(? were the Mi&hty Macca@ee =s. the Iron SheiD wrest(in& match which occ'rre$ $'rin& the ear(y 1"80Ks. :hen ,i( 0man'e(e ha$ state$ that I remin$e$ him %ery m'ch o? Mosta?a I@nSa'$ the $ay @e?ore 3 when we were in /ye NewHampshire < I asDe$ him a ?ew I'estions concernin& Mosta?a 3 one o? which was re(ate$ to Mosta?aKs taste in m'sic 5 I am &'essin& that ,i( an$ 2H ma$e JoDes (ater 3 re?errin& to Ara@ic Hea%y Meta( as Iron SheiD. S'ch as 5 A2oes he (iDe the hea%y meta(MA A Ah yes 3 he (iDes the Iron SheiD.A 0$ :arren was re?erre$ to @y many as Stone 7o($ Ste%e A'stinKs Mini Me. A?ter 0$ :arren to($ me that there were cameras in the @athroom 5 I @e&an &i%in& the mi$$e ?in&er to the camera which co'($ possi@(y @e @ehin$ the mirror or @ehin$ the cei(in& ?an 3 which were the on(y two (ocations where they co'($ ha%e @een (ocate$. I a(so ma$e wrest(er ?ace at the mirror 3 J'st in case it was a two way mirror an$ ma$e r'$e &est'res. Some@o$y ha$ ma$e a JoDe concernin& my han$ inJ'ry an$ the ?act that my ?in&ers $o not a(( strai&hten comp(ete(y 3 ca((in& my han$ Athe 7ame( 7('tch.A. 1he Iron SheiD ha$ a ?amo's statement in the 1"80Ks an$ 1""0Ks which was AI wi(( p't him in the s'p(eF 3 &i%e him the came( c('tch 3 @reaD his @acD 3 then ?'cD his ass 3 maDe him h'm@(eA. 1his was $e?inite(y an Iron SheiD an$ I am c'rio's as to whether or not the 0man'e(es in%este$ in the mo%ie A;roDe ;acD Mo'ntainA as an insi$e JoDe $'e to the ?act that two o? my roommates were &ay an$ to @e a Amo'ntain o? @roDe @acDA means to $e?ecate oneKs se(? to the eFtent that yo'r entire pants are ?i((e$ with ?eces. In 200! 5 n'mero's we@ pa&es were 1'rDoJan* pop 'ppe$ on my comp'ter whi(e on the Internet 3 these portraye$ ima&es o? what appeare$ to @e Samantha ;ernstein 3 0mi(y Is(es 3 my sister Sheena MacPherson 3 an$ another yo'n& Hewish woman other than Samantha @ein& horri@(y a@'se$ < some o? this in%o(%e$ ?eces as we(( as choDin&. I @(acDe$ o't ?rom the tra'ma o? ha%in& witnesse$ this 5 it occ'rre$ when I was not eFpectin& it. Mo'nt Cion is the name o? a mo'ntain in Israe( ?or which Cionism was name$. Mt. Cion3 ;roDe ;acD Mo'ntain3 2 Gir(s 1 7'p3 H.A.P. Hewish American Princess3 an$ 1he Iron SheiD seems to ha%e ha$ a(ot to $o with ins'(ts an$ JoDes re&ar$in& women (iDe Samantha ;ernstein. P 1he c(ocD tower across ?rom Samantha ;ernsteins ?ormer p(ace o? worD 3 7iti>ens ;anD on 0(m Street in Manchester NewHampshire < (ooDs iDe a cast(e tower

?rom a :a(t 2isney cartoon an$ is (it 'p at ni&ht. 1his may @e the ori&ina( reason why 0$ ,arrachi :arren @e&an re?errin& to 0mi(y Is(es an$ Samantha ;ernstein an$ Athe PrincessesA . Across ?rom the Manchester Menta( Hea(th 7enter there is a @'i($in& with a si&n on the roo? that says 7in$ere((a Mo$e(in& St'$io 5 this is a @'i($in& where 0mi(y Is(es @rie?(y staye$ $'rin& the time that she was ?orce$ to (i%e in Manchester NewHampshire @(in$ with ,ranchesca Gon>a(e>Ks I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. P Names which Samantha was ?orce$ to 'se as Stripper an$ A0scortA a(iases were re(ate$ to the =ir&in Mary 3 which portrays the o@%io's Dnow(e$&e that she was Hewish @y the 1ra??icDers themse(%es 5 these names were Marie 3 Mary 3 Maria 3 an$ others. =ittorio an$ ,i(i@erto 0man'e(eKs A6IS 7rimina( a&ents an$ :ea(th /etainers seem to ha%e p'rchase$ n'mero's Hospita(s as we(( as ha%e emp(oye$ A&ents within the 2epartment o? Motor =ehic(es 5 a((owin& them to pro$'ce $'p(icate ;irth 7erti?icates an$ $'p(icate I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s ?rom the 2.M.=. < this (ater (ea$in& to $'p(icate Socia( Sec'rity 7ar$s an$ Passports 3 (ea$in& to comp(ete rep(acement o? the in$i%i$'a( on Me$ica( /ecor$ an$ within society as a who(e. 1his is an enormo's pro@(em an$ can on(y @e so(%e$ @y accessin& Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence /ecor$s an$ taDin& 2NA 1ests Nation :i$e to pro%e i$entity. P :hi(e in /ye NewHampshire with 1ony Grasetti an$ Sahn$ra St..n&e in 200* 5 racia( re(ations in the re&ion were mentione$ @rie?(y < $'rin& which se&ment o? con%ersation I state$ the ?act that I $onKt 's'a((y ha%e any pro@(ems with peop(e o? $i??erin& race ?rom my own with the eFception o? Ita(ians whom I o?ten seem to ha%e pro@(ems with 3 e%en tho'&h I am &oo$ ?rien$s with a co'p(e o? Ita(ians. A?ter I ha$ state$ this 3 ,i( state$ A:e(( IK%e &ot to a$mit yo'Kre pretty honest 3 weK%e &ot yo' o'tn'm@er ri&ht now * to 1A a?ter which I state$ 5 A4iDe I sai$3 I ha%e ne%er ha$ a pro@(em with 1ony 3 we &et a(on& ?ine. A 1his n'm@er ratio was (ater seen in a rape scene which was recor$e$ o? what appeare$ to @e 0mi(y Is(es an$ Samantha ;ernstein < this was ?o'n$ whi(e researchin& on the internet ?or e%i$ence concernin& SeF 1ra??icDin& an$ H'man 1ra??icDin& NetworDs as we(( as ;eha%iora( Mo$i?ication H'man =i%isection. 2'rin& 200! < 1'rDoJan * Go($ was 'se$ @y 7omp'ter HacDers to Pop 'p %i$eos an$ we@sites with ima&es on my comp'ter screen. 1he two ?ema(es that (ooDe$ i$entica( to Samantha ;ernstein an$ 0mi(y Is(es were @ein& rape$ @y 8 Ita(ian Ma(es an$ were he($ in mirror ima&e$ synchroni>e$ position whi(e @ein& ?orce$ to stare at eachothersK ?aces an$ Diss eachother $'rin& the a@'se. 1he positionin& o? these women $'rin& the rape was mirror synchroni>e$ 3 they were %i$eo&raphe$ as we(( as were their Ne'ro(o&y @ein& manip'(ate$ an$ Ne'ro/o@otica((y contro((e$ as we(( as were their ne'ro(o&y recor$e$. 1he Position which the two ?ema(es were he($ in was simi(ar to @ein& cr'ci?ie$ hori>onta((y 3 this (ea$s me to @e(ie%e that this was inspire$ @y a partic'(ar AScan$ina%iaA @'mper sticDer which was pro$'ce$ $'rin& 200* an$ the =in(an$ ?(a& which is a(so a Nor$ic 7ross ,(a&. 1he Scan$ina%ia @'mper sticDer was an ima&e o? a Swe$en ?(a& ?(yin& neFt to a Norway ?(a& ?acin& in opposite $irections 3 this (ooDin& (iDe the hea$ o? two crosses ?acin& eachother < the =in(an$ ?(a& which is o?ten associate$ with North Americans whom are o@ser%ant o? the Asatr' re(i&ion is a &reen ?(a& with a @(acD Nor$ic cross o't(ine$ in white an$ has @een 'se$ @y Peter Stee(e o? 1ype . Ne&ati%e as part o? his @an$Ks (o&o. Peter Stee(e < whom was o? miFe$ Scan$ina%ian3 Gae(ic3 an$ S(a%ic race &rew 'p in New Hersey an$ was ?rien$s with Asatr'ars ?rom the New Hersey area as we(( as was he in the same socia( networD as G(enn 2an>i& as was pre%io's(y mentione$ an$ ;o@@y Stee(e whom were @oth o? New Hersey as we(( as Michae( Moynihan whom ha$ n'mero's ?rien$s in the New Hersey area an$ Stacy Sea@'ry whom was my !th Gra$e 0n&(ish teacher an$ an Asatr'ar whom was ?rien$s with m'ch o? the Asatr' comm'nity. :hen I wrote to Henry MaDow 3 I mentione$

/omans once 5 /omans 7r'ci?ie$ Asatr'ars an$ Hews @oth 3 neither o? whom were /omans. ******** PSYCHO O!IC" P#O$I IN! O$ %H& "SS"I "N%S' !(I %"SSOCI"%IONS : 1here is a %i$eo on the internet tit(e$ /6 !u5 6 7ar/ that was $e?inite(y pro$'ce$ @y =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate. 1he /6 !u5 6 7ar/ %i$eo portrays a man 'n$er some eFtreme hypnosis 5 this %i$eo @e&ins with the man insertin& a glass 1ason-7ar ?'((y into his rect'm an$ c(enchin& his rect'm a?ter insertion 3 shattering the Jar an$ *lee)ing to $eath a?terwar$s. 1his is the type o? recor$in& which is 'se$ to a$%ertise an$ $isp(ay an eFtreme eFamp(e o? $ominance to the most eFtreme o? crimina((y min$e$ me&a(omaniacs. 1he /6 !u5 6 7ar/ %i$eo is an eFamp(e o? an a$%ertisement o? Beha0ioral 1o)ification Sciences which ha%e @een $e%e(ope$ @y means o? H'man =i%isection. 1here is no way that the man in this %i$eo was wi((in& to commit this act o? se(? $estr'ction. 1he /6 !u5 6 7ar/ %i$eo was pro$'ce$ a?ter 200* < $'rin& 200* an$ 20053 whi(e my comp'ter was @ein& incessant(y i((e&a((y accesse$ @y =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 7omp'ter HacDers 5 I ha$ repeate$(y watche$ the 2on Hertzfel)t Internet =i$eo ca((e$ /#e,ecte) Cartoons/. A/eJecte$ 7artoonsA inc('$es an animate$ se&ment $'rin& which a Clou)-Person is J'mpin& an$ %er@a((y eFpressin& eFtreme happiness 5 $'rin& this se&ment the Clou)-Person @e&ins statin& /15 "nus is Blee)ing? 15 "nus is Blee)ing?/ as i? he is eFtreme(y happy. 1he AAn's is ;(ee$in&A se&ment en$s with the 7(o'$ Person happi(y @(ee$in& to $eath thro'&h his an's. 2'rin& 2005 5 my se(?3 Aach "n)ros.i3 an$ one o? CachKs ?rien$Ks he($ an impro%ise$ )eathmetal Jam session at his ?rien$Ks rente$ rehearsa( space at the Mi((s near 7ana( St. in Manchester NewHampshire. 2'rin& this impro%ise$ Jam session < I opene$ a glass*ottle o? Ne-Castle Bro-n "le on the e$&e o? a floor tom-)rum 3 this res'(te$ in the shattering i? the corner o? the $rinDin& spo't o? the &(ass @ott(e 5 I $ranD the @ott(e o? Ne-Castle re&ar$(ess o? the *ro.en glass which ha$ ?a((en into the @ott(e an$ in&este$ shar)s of glass. I mentione$ this to &) Barren the ?o((owin& $ay. I ha$ a(so @een $isc'ssin& $ree1asons o?ten $'rin& 200* an$ 2005 as we(( as $i$ I ha%e $inner at the #ising Sun 4o$&e $'rin& 2003 which was in Nash'a NewHampshire. 1he #ising Sun 4o$&e was the 1asonic %emple that my Great Gran$?ather ha$ atten$e$ ?reI'ent(y thro'&ho't his (i?e an$ $'rin& his achei%in& the :;O of the Scottish #ite o? the ,raterna( .r$er o? the $ree1asons. 1he name 1ason-7ars inc('$es the wor$ 1ason 5 a(so3 m'ch o? my ?ami(y 'se Mason Hars an$ recyc(e Pasta-Sauce 1ason-7ars ?or 'se as ) I @e(ie%e that the /6 !u5 6 7ar/ %i$eo was p(anne$ an$ eFec'te$ @y the same in$i%i$'a(s whom p(anne$ an$ eFec'te$ what was the /; !irls C Nails/ %i$eo as we(( as the /; !irls 6 Cup/ %i$eo which was a recor$e$ rapin& o? ; females *5 C Italian males whi(e the ?ema(es were 'na@(e to physica((y contro( their own @o$ies $'e to Bio-#o*otics Soft-are contro((in& their entire @rain an$ ne'ro(o&y a?ter s'r&ica( imp(antation o? a Brain-Computer Interface &ra?te$ to their @rains with the Surgical Implant micro-router tacDe$ to their JawKs m'sc'(at're. 1his so?tware connects o%er the internet. ;e?ore I ha$ @roDen 'p with her an$ "lisha Cote 5 Sahn)ra St3Onge was 'sin& my comp'ter to p(ay Super 1ario Brothers+ Super 1ario Brothers is a si$e scro((in& &ame which in%o(%es ; Italian Plum*ers has n'mero's sta&es in%o(%in& running on Clou)s which are co%ere$ in turtle-monsters that $o nothin& @'t ,ump an$ thro- hammers. 0$ :arren @e&an re?errin& to &mil5 Isles as /Princess Peach/ an$ the 7e-ish la)5 whom I ha$ @een %i$eo recor$e$ @ein& %isi@(y awe str'cD @y the presense o? as /Princess %oa)stool/ an$ /Henrietta/3 1his occ'rre$ a?ter a se&ment aire$ on a te(e%ision series $'rin& 200* which was @roa$caste$ on Comcast in North America 5 this te(e%ision se&ment $escri@e$ the 0n&ineerin& o? an Internet-Controlle) #o*ot 3 this ro@ot in partic'(ar @ein& a #emote-Control a-n-1o-er capa@(e o? @ein& pi(ote$ to mow the entire @(ocDKs (awns ?rom the 7omp'ter .??ice /oom @y way o?

internet an$ camera mounte) on the la-n-mo-er. 1he termino(o&y /aroun) the *loc./ is typica((y 'se$ to )isrespectfull5 )escri*e a female whom has ha$ numerous se@ual partners in her (i?etime. %he Comcast Net-or.'s Ser0ers were @ein& 'se$ @y 7omp'ter HacDers to access my persona( comp'ter as we(( as Scott H'nterKs an$ 9enneth H'$$Ks personal computers 3 the 7omcast Ser%ers were hacDe$ an$ 'se$ to @roa$cast Ps5ch-Barfare "ssaults 'pon the %ele0ision Screen when my se(? an$ my roommates were watchin& the 1e(e%ision. It is pro@a@(e that $'rin& the remo)eling of the apartment *elo- ours 3 illegal Impro0ise) #ecor)ing 2e0ices were p(ante$ within the wa((s 5 we (i%e$ on the 3r$ ?(oor. .? re(e%ance to 1ario Brothers3 ?ro&s3 princesses3 an$ t'rt(es throwin& hammers 5 $ree1asons 'se a ceremonial 1ason's Hammer as we(( as ceremonial measurement tools 3 &mil5 Isles was an "satruar an$ we o?ten wear %hor's Hammer pen)ants as re(i&io's sym@o(s o? ?aith 3 the t'rt(es in the 1ario Brothers &ame thro- hammers an$ ,ump 'p an$ $own on clou)s 3 0mi(y was penpa(s with ars A8arg/ 8i.ernes an$ ?o'n$ my ScreenName an$ 0mai( A$$ress on the Burzum ,or'm 3 the 7e-ish la)5 ha$ a s(i&ht(y ?ranDic appearance an$ may ha%e ha$ a sma(( amo'nt o? ancestors o? $rench race 3 I am ha(? ,ranco American my se(? an$ the /$rog-Prince/ is the '&(y /$rog/ which the princess .isses an$ t'rns into a @ea'ti?'( Prince3 A,ro&A is a racia( s('r ?or a $rench person 3 Sahn)ra St3 Onge was ha(? $ranco-"merican as was her Step ,ather 3 Cha) !rolsch was an A(sacian Name$ $ranco-"merican whom was a mem@er o? the Borl) Church of the Creator Bhite Po-er organization $'rin& 200* when 8ittorio &manuele *egan his -itch-hunting for -hom e0er e@pose) his secret to /%he 7e-s/3 .? re(e%ance to Mario ;rothers 3 the &ame $'rin& which the p(ayerKs character is one o? t-o Italian Plum*ers 5 co((ection o? a star &rants in0inci*ilit5 3 whi(e 7e-s' were &i%en stars $'rin& the Holocaust to marD them as 7e-s prior to e@termination. 1he Star o? 2a%i$ is the religious s5m*ol of 7e-ish $aith an$ is on the ?(a& o? Israel. 2'rin& 200! 5 I was i((e&a((y $etaine$ @y Police Officers in MerrimacD NewHampshire 3 @ro'&ht to a hospita( in Nash'a NewHampshire 3 threatene$ in re(ation to 7e-s an$ the :r) #eich 3 i((e&a((y @ro'&ht to the Psychiatric Hospita( in the NewHampshire 7apita( 7ity o? 7oncor$ @y metho$ o? a Sherrif's -agon in chains as i? I ha$ m'r$ere$ some@o$y 3 an$ i((e&a((y Surgicall5 Implante) with a Brain-Computer Interface wire$ to a Surgical Implant #outer 4 Batter5 similar to a 8erichip @y s'r&ica( metho$ o? 1icro-%rephaning an$ aproscopic Cosmetic Surger5. 1he =erichips which ha$ @een $'mpe$ in the @acD o? the store 3 were $'mpe$ there in a rippe$ paper @a& @y 0$ :arren a?ter /Saul/ ha$ %isite$ me at worD. I @e(ie%e it was 0$ :arren who @e&an ca((in& the Hewish man with the Kosher 1o*ile Cellular %elephone ASa'(A. 1he Hewish woman whom I ha$ @een recor$e$ %isi@(y in awe o? on camera may ha%e @een re(ate$ to ASa'(A as we(( as was possi@(y a re(ati%e o? A$am ;ernsteinKs whoKs new 4aw .??ice is (ocate$ on the same street as the the St3 Patric.'s Cathe)ral which has %BO C#OSS&S on the spires as we(( as a thir) on the (ower roo? which is a Solar-Cross. " month or t-o *efore &) Barren watche$ the 0i)eo recor)ing o? my se(? %isi@i(y appearin& to @e in lo0e with the 7e-ish -oman whom ha$ appeare$ at the store one ni&ht 5 I ha$ @een in a %riune1ono!amous Committe)-#elationship -ith t-o females + *oth of -hom ha) $ranco-"merican Surnames3 I ha0e a stigmata-li.e scar on m5 -rist -hich loo.s similar to a crucifi@ion -oun) from a )ri0en nail : the Aesir name$ ;a($r 3 is sometimes re(ate$ to in re?erence to the Syncretic /omani>ation o? @oth -esh'a the /a@@i an$ the re(i&ion ta'&ht @y the Gothi which were the Asatr' priest. Bal)r's a((e&orica( (ore re(ates to the sun3 as we(( as )5ing an) re*irth similar to 7esus3 as we(( as was O)in impale) to a tree *5 his o-n spear3 &mil5 Isle's Ne0er-inter Nights Character often use) a spear3 0mi(y Is(es ca((e$ me in a panic $'rin& 2005 3 te((in& me that her Mother was missin& an$ that there was a woman in the ho'se whom

(ooDe$ near(y i$entica( to her Mother that was chasin& her possi@(y tryin& to Di(( her 5 =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy has @een 'se$ to rep(ace entire ?ami(ies in North America with 7o%ert 1errorist A&ents (oya( to =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate3 these are most(y Ita(ians with minorities o? A6IS re(ate$ ?actions s'ch as Ser@ians an$ Sa'$i Ara@ians. the man c(aimin& to @e/")am Bernstein/ c'rrent(y worDs with t-o halfItalians at his (aw o??ice on %emple St. 1he man c(aimin& to @e ")am Bernstein has cease$ to accept a ?ew speci?ic Din$s o? co'rt cases which he ?ormer(y wo'($ ha%e taDen an$ $e?en$e$ @ein& that A$am was an eFce((ent la-5er 5 it is (iDe(y that the man c(aimin& to @e A$am ;ernstein is in ?act an Ita(ian A6IS (oya(ist whom has @een 'sin& A$am ;ernsteinKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s an$ has 7osmetic =ira( =ector Gene 1herapie$ himse(? to (ooD (iDe A$am. A$am was ta((er an$ ha$ @roa$er sho'($ers3 his hair was &o($ @(on$e whi(e this manKs hair is o?ten a ye((ow @(on$e3 his comp(eFion was Israe(i whi(e this manKs comp(eFion (ooDs Ita(ian3 an$ A$amKs nose was AshDena>ic whi(e this manKs nose (ooDs Sici(ian. A$amKs sDe(eta( str'ct're was AshDena>ic 5 the man in A$am ;ernsteinKs o??ice has narrower wi$th o? sho'($er an$ his sD'(( is more ro'n$e$ whereas A$amKs was more an&'(ar an$ typica( o? "sh.enazic ?eat'res which are 's'a((y ta((er3 thinner3 (on&er (im@e$3 an$ @roa$er ?rame$. 1he 7e-ish -oman whom I was %isi@(y in awe o? whom ha$ p'rchase$ an item at my re&ister whi(e I %isi@(y appeare$ to @e in (o%e with her which was recor$ on %i$eo camera was o? what is 's'a((y consi$ere$ "sh.enazic Israe(i race. "sh.enazic was a wor$ which I ha$ ?o'n$ on the internet $'rin& 200* whi(e I was researchin& an$ st'$yin& H'$aism an$ Israe(i history a @it. Burzum has an "l*um tit(e$ "SK& which was one o? the ?irst ;'r>'m a(@'ms I ha$ e%er p'rchase$3 I @e(ie%e AS90 means "shes in Norwe&ian. ")olf Hitler's Criminal %errorist #egime *urnt ,e-s in incinerators simi(ar to the Sta.eBurnings o? 7oan )' "rc3 peop(e whom were (a@e(e$ -itches an$ heretics $'rin& the /oman 7atho(ic InI'isitions in ,rance an$ Spain3 as we(( as in Sa(em Massch'settes where peop(e were acc'se$ o? -itch-craft an$ @'rnt 'pon (ar&e woo$en po(e staDes simi(ar to what was 'se$ $'rin& a 7r'ci?iFion. 1here is a son& on a (ater a(@'m ca((e$ Bal)r's %o) is a son& written @y ars A8arg/ 8i.ernes o? which the theme is Bal)r's )eath *efore his re*irth when Honir resc'es him ?rom He( 'sin& Sleipnir which is .$inKs 0i&ht 4e&&e$ horse3 which is O)in's -ar-mount @ein& a horse ha0ing t-ice as man5 legs as a re&'(ar horse S(eipnir is the ?astest o? a(( horses. 0$ :arren ha$ an incre$i@(y cr'$e sense o? h'mo'r3 most o? his JoDes @ein& $is&'stin&(y o??ensi%e an$ o? a seF'a( nat're. 1he termino(o&ies /mount/ an$ /fast girls/ are seF'a( re(ate$ s(an& inn'en$os. 0$ :arren mentione$ the gas Nitrous whi(e at worD 5 $'rin& 200* an$ 2005 3 Nitrous tanDs were @ein& 'se$ incre$i@(y ?reI'ent(y @y $r'& a@'sers in North America ?or p'rpose o? h'??in& an$ &ettin& hi&h. Nitro's pro$'ces in some peop(e 3 'ncontro((a@(e (a'&hter an$ eFtreme e'phoria. Nitros in automo*iles an automo*ile accelerate much faster3 Soon a?ter her appearin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar 5 the Hewish woman whom I ne%er e%en saw a&ain3 was @ein& re?erre$ to as my A&ir(?rien$A @y 0$ :arren an$ e%ent'a((y co worDers $'e to 0$ :arrenKs statements. 0$ :arren (ater state$ AIs(es ?or mi(es3 I &ot is(es ?or mi(es3 I want my is(es ?or mi(es3 I want to taDe is(es ?or a ?ew mi(es.A a metaphoric inn'en$o re?errin& to a'tomo@i(es or horses meanin& possi@(y that he wante$ to a@$'ct her an$ rape her. 4iDe the &ame S5n)icate 3 which in%o(%es intentional in,uring o? ci%i(ians ?or p'rpose o? surgicall5 turning the in,ure) ci0ilian into a remote-controlle) c5*org-ro*ot -hile in the hospital : 0$ :arren to($ me thro'&h a co worDer that my /girlfrien)/ ha$ @een /hit *5 a truc./ 3 this was the same weeD that 0$ :arren ?o($e$ a piece o? paper towe( insi$e o? a paper towe( t'@e an$ ma$e re?erences to microchips an$ tampons sayin& Athis wi(( stop her @itchin&A. 1he ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace c'rrent(y in my sD'(( which is &ra?te$ to my @rain is wire$ to an attache$ /o'ter an$ ;attery S'r&ica( Imp(ant com@ination an$ was inserte$ 'sin& a so?t

an$ ?(eFi@(e p(astic t'@e whi(e the /o'ter G ;attery is a(rea$y attache$ on the other en$ which han&s o't o? the t'@e 5 this (ooDs (iDe a tampon app(icator an$ the Si(D @ase$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace ?o($s insi$e the t'@e to ?it it as non in%asi%e(y as possi@(e into the sD'(( ca%ity3 a?terwhich it 'n?o($s when it is &ent(y p'she$ o?? the en$ @y the wire an$ the t'@e is remo%e$ < this is ?o((owe$ @y the S'r&ica( Impantin& o? the /o'ter G ;attery which is encase$ in S'r&ica( P(astic an$ is imp(ante$ 'sin& too(s which are simi(ar to 4aproscopic 1oo(s an$ 7osmetic P(astic S'r&ery 1oo(s as we(( as ;o$y Mo$i?ication 1oo(s which are 'se$ to winch the /o'ter G ;attery S'r&ica( Imp(ant $own into the Jaw ca%ity ?rom @ehin$ the ear an$ to s't're tacD it to the m'sc'(at're a(on& the insi$e o? the Haw 7a%ity. %he positioning of the t-o females in the ; !irls C Italian 1ales 0i)eos -hich -ere )isco0ere) on the internet )uring late ;==F is the same positioning as /the Cu*ano-Italiano's/ torture-trauma sessions -hich he calle) /Bitch-%raining/ : the right leg e@ten)e) )irectl5 *ac. *ehin) the form E in these 0i)eos the -omen -ere *eing s5nchronize) rape) in a mirrore) position -hile paire) up -ith > Italian males each3 I ha0e since recognize) these t-o females an) can i)entif5 them3 I ha0e also possi*l5 locate) t-o of the males in the North &ast of the (3S3"3 3 S(eipnir < .$inKs 8 (e&&e$ horse 3 was mentione$ @y 0$ :arren inc('$in& a re?erence to /o@ot horses 3 ro@ots 3 an$ A?ast @itchesA < as we(( as 8 (e&s @ein& twice as many (e&s than one ?ema(e horse 5 two women were (ater rape$ @y 0$ :arrenKs associates in re(ation to these statements. PP A$am ;ernsteinKs (aw o??ice which was ori&ina((y on Main St. in Nash'a NewHampshire wo'($ ha%e @een sta(De$ @y =ittorio 0man'e(e3 this is o@%io's $'e to the hacDer postin& on my ;'r>'m Acco'nt that A$am ;ernstein was my (awyer an$ ?a(se(y c(aimin& that A$am ha$ o??en$e$ me as i? the hacDer were my se(?. A$am ;ernsteinKs 4aw .??ice is now on 1emp(e St. as is Saint PatricDKs 7athe$ra( 7atho(ic 7h'rch. 1he re(e%ancy o? St. PatricDKs 7athe$ra( in%o(%es the ima&ery o? the 7athe$ra( an$ itKs c(ose proFimity to Main St. in Nash'a NewHampshire an$ the =,: Ha(( which is the =eterans o? ,orei&n :ars Ha((. =ittorio 0man'e(e is $irect(y associate$ with the A=eterans He(pin& =eteransA charity or&ani>ation in New 0n&(an$ which is an association that he 'ses to ?a(se(y portray A=ictor McMannA as a charita@(e in$i%i$'a(. 1he St. PatricDKs 7athe$ra( is o@%io's(y re(e%ant to =ittorio 0man'e(eKs hate?'( tar&ettin& o? the Gae(ic race an$ o? Irish peop(e 5 St. PatricDKs 7athe$ra( is a(so o? Psycho(o&ica( 0%i$ence in @ein& that it has two &o($ crosses on the spires an$ a sin&(e so(ar cross on the mi$$(e roo?. Go($ crosses were somethin& that I ha$ mentione$ on the ;'r>'m.or& ,or'm 5 =ittorioKs a&ent wo'($ ha%e notice$ this as wo'($ ha%e =ittorio. 0$ :arren an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e ha%e a sicDenin& sense o? h'mo'r 3 it is possi@(e that 0$ :arren an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e ha$ @een maDin& JoDes re&ar$in& the roo? o? Saint PatricDKs 7athe$ra( statin& somethin& in%o(%in& the two crosses @ein& Atwo ?ema(es &ettin& nai(e$ @y * /oman nai(sA an$ the mi$$(e one possi@(y @ein& my se(? who is yet to &et nai(e$ $'e to the ?act that I s'r%i%e$ m'(tip(e poisonin& attempts. 1his is o? re(e%ance to the A2 Gir(s 1 7'pA we@sites an$ mo%ies 5 1 we@site o? which was in the past possi@(y $isp(ayin& ?aces o? %ictimKs whom I may @e a@(e to i$enti?y. A2 Gir(s 8 Nai(sA wo'($ @e a ;4ASPH0M.US re?erence to 7atho(icism as is A2 Gir(s 1 7'pA i? it is %iewe$ in the (i&ht o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ 0$ :arrenKs sense o? h'mo'r 5 the c'p @ein& the cha(ice which contains the trans s'@stanciation @(oo$ wine o? the 7atho(ic 7h'rch. 1here is an enormo's parDin& (ot across the street ?rom Saint PatricDKs 7athe$ra( which is $own the roa$ ?rom the =eterans o? ,orei&n :ars Ha((3 this parDin& (ot is o?ten 'se$ as an o%er?(ow parDin& (ot. It is neFt to the Post .??ice. =ittorio 0man'e(eKs @(asphemy is most pro@a@(y a

psycho(o&ica( too( which he 'ses to re(ie%e ?ee(in&s o? &'i(t $'e to his inheritance o? the 4or$ship o? A6IS 7rime Syn$icate a?ter H'(i's 0%o(a $ie$ 5 maDin& =ittorio 0man'e(e3 the AAnti 7hristA o? ;osnian Me$J'&orJe (e&en$. 1he /omans nai(e$ the 7hrist. 1he %i$eo recor$e$ rapin& o? the two ?ema(es @y the 8 Ita(ian ma(es which ha$ transmitte$ as two Ne'roScience 1ransmissions an$ has @een recor$e$ @y Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 3 was a(so $isp(aye$ on the internet as i? it were porno&raphy 5 the scene en$s with the two ?ema(es @ein& ro@otte$ to Diss as a heart shape c(oses in on the center o? the ?rame where their ?aces are. 2'rin& the time that =ittorio 0man'e(e ha$ @e&'n sta(Din& me 3 I was @rie?(y $atin& 2 ?ema(es 5 we were in a mono&amo's tri'ne re(ationship. .ne o? my (o%ers was name$ A(isha 7ote 5 the three o? 's @roDe 'p $'e to A(isha @ein& (ie$ a@o't an$ incorrect(y state$ as ha%in& cheate$ on 's with a Hewish man name$ MiDe Go($stein. 1wo years (ater in 200E 5 MiDe Go($steinKs car was %an$a(i>e$ @y a Sici(ian c(aimin& that his name was Hosh Hooper an$ that he ha$ pre%io's @een @rie?(y marrie$ to A(isha 7ote <5 the AHosh HooperA was preten$in& to @e a SDin Hea$ whom I @e(ie%e in ?act once (i%e$ in Manchester New Hampshire an$ may ha%e @een ?rien$s with Aaron :ar$ whom was a(so a SDinHea$ @'t was not a /acist at a((. MiDe Go($steinKs ?ami(y may ha%e @een re(ate$ to some o? the Hewish comm'nity that my ?ami(y ha$ Dnown. P A?ter =an$a(i>in& MiDe Go($steinKs car 5 the imposte'r Hosh Hooper 3 ca((e$ me an$ to($ me that he was at a party an$ that Po(ice .??icers with AHason MasDsA # HocDey MasDs (iDe Hason =orhees ?rom ,ri$ay the 13th ) 5 this was his a(i@i. :hen my comp'ter was @ein& 7omp'ter HacDe$ $'rin& the year 200* an$ the year 2005 3 I ha$ ma$e the A7h...7h...7h...7h...A so'n$ ?rom the mo%ie A,ri$ay the 13thA that is p(aye$ when Hason =orhees is a@o't to appear 5 into the microphone that was acti%ate$ @y 7omp'ter HacDers. P .? possi@(e re(ation to =ittorio 0man'e(eKs psycho(o&y an$ his in%estin& money in properties (ocate$ in the North 0ast o? the USA an$ 0astern 7ana$a 5 1he restara'nt the Sa'sa&e 9in& in Nash'a New Hampshire has an Ita(ian ?(a& ?or a si&n an$ is $irect(y across the street ?rom the Pe$$(erKs 2a'&hter Irish theme$ p'@ which has an Irish ?(a& an$ a womanKs ?ace on the si&n. A pe$$(er is a (ower c(ass sa(esman < my ?ami(y is %ery (ower c(ass an$ =ittorioKs A&ents a@$'cte$ an$ swappe$ two o? my sisters3 7he(sey an$ Sheena 5 with two other %ictims whom are a(so a@$'cte$ ?ema(es. 7'rrent(y there are m'(tip(e men 'sin& my ?atherKs $'p(icate$ I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s 5 one o? whom has a ha(? Ser@ian an$ ha(? ;osnian (ooDin& racia( appearance3 another whom I ha%e recent(y seen (ooDs a(most i$entica( to my ?ather @'t is somewhat physica((y (ar&er an$ has s(i&ht(y $arDer @o$y hair. 2own the roa$ is a -o&'rt /estara'nt that se((s Ita(ian co??ee 3 this resta'rant is ca((e$ -o&'rt In 4o%e 5 when =ittorio ca((e$ in the hit ?rom the MA,IA an$ or$ere$ them to poison me with ;(acD Mo($ in a co??ee3 I @are(y s'r%i%e$ an$ ha$ @een eatin& nothin& @y &a((ons o? yo&'rt ?or months. I ha$ to($ n'mero's peop(e a@o't this an$ the ?act that I @e(ie%e that the Proto>oan ;acteria( c'(t're$ in the -o&'rt may ha%e sa%e$ my (i?e @y cons'min& the J'st eno'&h o? the toFins pro$'ce @y the ;(acD Mo($ ?or my @o$y to e%ent'a((y hea( 5 I was in eFcr'ciatin& pain ?or approFimate(y ! months. 1he %i$eo recor$e$ rapin& o? the two ?ema(es @y the 8 Ita(ian ma(es which ha$ transmitte$ as two Ne'roScience 1ransmissions an$ has @een recor$e$ @y Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 3 was a(so $isp(aye$ on the internet as i? it were porno&raphy 5 the scene en$s with the two ?ema(es @ein& ro@otte$ to Diss as a heart shape c(oses in on the center o? the ?rame where their ?aces are. 2'rin& the time that =ittorio 0man'e(e ha$ @e&'n sta(Din& me 3 I was @rie?(y $atin& 2 ?ema(es 5 we were in a mono&amo's tri'ne re(ationship. .ne o? my (o%ers was name$ A(isha 7ote 5 the three o? 's @roDe 'p $'e to A(isha @ein& (ie$ a@o't an$ incorrect(y state$ as ha%in& cheate$ on 's with a Hewish man name$ MiDe Go($stein. 1wo years (ater in 200E 5 MiDe Go($steinKs car was %an$a(i>e$ @y a Sici(ian c(aimin& that his name was Hosh Hooper an$ that he ha$

pre%io's @een @rie?(y marrie$ to A(isha 7ote <5 the AHosh HooperA was preten$in& to @e a SDin Hea$ whom I @e(ie%e in ?act once (i%e$ in Manchester New Hampshire an$ may ha%e @een ?rien$s with Aaron :ar$ whom was a(so a SDinHea$ @'t was not a /acist at a((. MiDe Go($steinKs ?ami(y may ha%e @een re(ate$ to some o? the Hewish comm'nity that my ?ami(y ha$ Dnown. P It seems pro@a@(e that =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e are prone to eFtreme ?its o? ra&e an$ an&er as we(( as $o they pro@a@(y ha%e an o@sessi%e contro( i$entity comp(eF. - * Of rele0ance to ;==> an) !ene-%herap5 an) "nti-Israeli #acism * - I ha$ $one research on a we@site maintaine$ @y an or&ani>ation within the Hewish 7omm'nity ?or the ?'nction o? e$'catin& the Hewish 7omm'nity a@o't Gene 1herapy 3 Israe(i Genetics 3 Genetic 2isor$ers Here$itary within the &(o@a( Israe(i pop'(ation 3 an$ Here$itary Genetics in &enera(. I ha$ ?o'n$ this we@site @y way o? Goo&(e.7om Search 0n&iner 5 this :e@site was %ery interestin& to me ?or reason that most peop(e o? Genti(e race seeme$ to mis'n$erstan$ that H'$aism was a ?o(D re(i&ion an$ that here$itary Hews were the race o? Israe(. Cionism 3 which is o?ten ?a(se(y $escri@e$ @y misappropriate$ %a('es which in ?act represent the /oman Imperia(ism o? the A6IS 5 is act'a((y Israe(i Nationa(ism3 the Po(itic o? the or&anic race o? the Israe(i peop(eKs nee$ ?or a Nation State in a Nationa( Home(an$. I ha$ @een st'$yin& Nationa(ist Po(itic ?or a time an$ ?o'n$ that I a&ree$ with Nationa(ist Po(itic entire(y 3 @'t I ?o'n$ that Nationa(ist Po(itic seeme$ to @e a &reat(y mis'n$erstoo$ po(itic $'e to A$o(? Hit(erKs $ecapitation o? the Nationa(ist Party o? 2e'tsche(an$ which was not e%en his own home(an$ 5 this $ecapitation @ein& ?or the tactica( reason o? comp(ete(y $istractin& the German peop(e ?rom the ?act that their Nation State ha$ J'st @een comp(ete(y 2ecapitate$ @y a re&ime o? ?orei&ners< this 1ota( Heirarcha( 2ecapitation res'(te$ in the &enoci$e o? mi((ions o? ci%i(ians &(o@a((y an$ the (on& term misappropriation o? the termino(o&y ANa>iona(ischteA or what is ANa>iA in short han$. ANa>iona(ischteA in German trans(ates to ANationa(istA in 0n&(ish 5 a Nationa(ist Po(itic is a Po(itic that promotes the @e(ie? in an .r&anic Peop(e comprisin& a physica( nationa( entity o? peop(e whom are $eser%in& o? a Nationa( Home(an$ an$ are o@(i&ate$ to sec're a Nationa( Home(an$ $'e to comm'na( reponsi@i(ity ?or the we(?are o? the ?'t're &enerations o? their Nation o? Peop(e. Nationa(ist Phi(osophy an$ Nationa(ist Po(itic are o? an entire(y $i??erent reasonin& than that o? the reasonin& which pro$'ces Imperia(ist Po(itic 5 Imperia(ist Po(itic @ein& that which in%o(%es the acc'm'(ation o? ?orei&n 0thnic Nationa(ities an$ their Nationa( Home(an$s as acc'm'(ate$ conI'ere$ pop'(ation an$ territories. It is o@%io's that the constant acc'sations o? /acist 0Ftremism which I ha%e ha$ to to(erate since 200* ha%e @een the pro$'ct o? an A6IS Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are 7ampai&n ?or the p'rpose o? pre%entin& me ?rom %er@a((y eFp(ainin& that the ?orei&n 7o%ert Imperia(ist ,action on American soi( is a 7o%ert Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist S(eeper 7e(( an$ that =ittorio 0man'e(e is A$o(? Hit(erKs Gran$ Nephew 5 =ittorioKs a&ents pre empti%e(y str'cD ?irst 3 ra((yin& an entire pop'(ation o? peop(e a&ainst my se(? as i? I was the (ea$er o? some Din$ Genoci$a( 1errorist ,action when in ?act I am the ?'n$amenta( tar&et. A ?orei&n 7o%ert Imperia(ist entity within another peop(esK Nationa( Home(an$ is the epitomy o? the $e?inition o? /acist 0Ftremism ?or reason that the ,orei&n Pop'(ation Gro'p en&a&e$ in 7o%ert Acti%ities on a nationKs soi( are acti%e(y p'rs'in& the &oa( o?

sa@ota&in& the we(?are an$ sta@i(ity o? the nati%e peop(e whoKs Nationa( Home(an$ they are co%ert(y em@e$$e$ amon&st 5 the tar&et is the nati%e race o? peop(e in their own Nationa( Home(an$ < here this wo'($ @e the ,irst Nations Nati%e American peop(es3 the m'(tip(e pop'(ations o? 7o(onia( American peop(es whom ha%e @ecome the nati%e North American Nationa( 0thnic pop'(ations3 as we(( as the A?rican American peop(es whoKs Nationa( Home(an$ is now North American soi(. ,irst Nations Nati%e American peop(es an$ A?rican Americans as we(( as Noor$ Ho((an$ers whom are the $escen$ant o? 2'tch 7o(onia(s are c'rrent(y in 2iaspora $'e to a (acD o? representati%e Nation State ?or their Nationa( Home(an$ in North America. It seems (o&ica( that =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ his a&ents may ha%e @e&'n st'$yin& =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy ?or 'ses o? espiona&e $'rin& 200* when I ha$ @een recor$e$ @y his 7omp'ter HacDers as ha%in& researche$ Hewish Israe(i Genetics on internet we@sites 5 this was aro'n$ the $ate 'pon which the Hewish woman whom I ha$ @een recor$e$ smi(in& at appeare$ on camera when she entere$ the store accompanie$ @y a ma(e companion whom was a(so Hewish3 @oth o? whom were wearin& (on& @(acD woo( coats. 1he eFpression o? (o%e on my ?ace when I saw the @ea'ti?'( Hewish woman apparent(y in?'riate$ =ittorio 0man'e(e when he (ater %iewe$ the sec'rity s'r%ei((ance recor$in&. I @e(ie%e that it was the sty(e o? $ress as we(( as the spee$ at which the Hewish co'p(e ha$ swi?t(y wa(De$ $irect(y to the @acD o? the store that ha$ terri?ie$ 0$ :arren whom was in the @acD o? the storeKs Mana&ement .??ice sittin& in ?ront o? the Sec'rity 1e(e%ision. %he 7e-ish Communit5's e)ucational -e*site concerning Israeli 2N" an) !enetics -as hac.e) )uring ;==>-;==K3 I @e(ie%e that the 7omp'ter HacDer whom ha$ tar&ette$ this we@site ha$ a(tere$ the we@site to state that the Israe(i 7omm'nity ha$ the same n'm@er o? Here$itary Genetic 2iseases as the eFact n'm@er 2NA Strains in a Genetic 2o'@(e He(iF .? 2NA an$ /NA Proteins. 1his is eFtreme ins'(tin& racism 5 this is an ins'(t which (itera((y is sayin& that @ein& o? Israe(i race is a $isease. 1his hacDer was $e?inite(y o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs. In 200E 5 an imposte'r o? A@@ey 0t(in&er was si&hte$ wa(Din& aro'n$ in NewHampshire an$ (i%in& as i? she were A@@ey 0t(in&er. 1he was the year that peop(e were intro$'ce$ to =a(erie .(sonKs imposte'rs. A@@ey 0t(in&er was one o? mine an$ =a(erieKs @est ?rien$s 3 A@@ey was Hewish. In 2005 5 H'(ie :einstein was a@$'cte$ an$ &i%en to 7esare. She was pro@a@(y aro'n$ 12 years o($. 1he :einsteinKs are pro@a@(e to ha%e @een attacDe$ an$ /ep(ace$ @y Imposte'rs since this time. H'(ie :einstein was seF'a((y a@'se$ @y 7esare. 7esare 'se$ =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tation to chan&e his co(or o? sDin an$ nose shape < 7esare a@$'cte$ 1ony Gon>a(e> an$ poisone$ him with hemo&(o@in in mi(D an$ =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tate$ 1ony Gon>a(e> to (ooD (iDe himse(? a?ter which Manchester Po(ice 2epartment arreste$ 1ony Gon>a(e> as 7esare. P 2'rin& 200* 3 a /a@@i p'rchase$ items at my re&ister < this man was wearin& a ?ine(y tai(ore$ %est 3 nice ?orma( attire 3 an$ a yarm'(De Dippah. I to($ this man that he ha$ a nice %est an$ we con%erse$ ?or a @rie? perio$ o? time. I mentione$ to this

man that I ha$ @een rea$in& some @ooDs an$ that I ha$ @een st'$yin& H'$aism a @it to which he rep(ie$ that he was a /a@@i. 1his man ha$ a wi?e an$ three chi($ren. He $ro%e an S.U.=. %ehic(e. I @e(ie%e I may ha%e witnesse$ 0$ ,arrachi :arren write $own this manKs (icense p(ate n'm@er on a ye((ow pa$ o? paper. P A@o't E months a?ter this 5 /ich 7onesc' 3 whom was Hewish < mentione$ to me that he hear$ that I met the :einsteins . /ich sai$ that the :einsteins $a'&hter was missin&. I @e(ie%e this /a@@is name may ha%e @een ;arry :einstein an$ that his e($est $a'&hter whom was 13 may ha%e @een the one whom was a@$'cte$ < this &ir( is (iDe(y to ha%e @een the &ir( that 7esare ha$ @een p'@(ica((y a@'sin& an$ ha$ a $o& co((ar an$ (eash on 5 this is the ?irst &ir( whom was &i%en 1ony Gon>a(e>Ks sister ,ranchesca Gon>a(e>Ks I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. /ich 7onesc' is c'rrent(y missin& an$ seems to ha%e @een rep(ace$ @y an Ita(ian. M'ch o? the Hewish 7omm'nity ?rom the North 0ast o? the U.S.A. is missin&3 many o? these peop(e ha%e @een rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs. 2'rin& the year 2005 3 n'mero's photo&raphs were miFe$ in with 0mi(y Is(esKs photo&raphs on the internet 5 these (ooDe$ (iDe photo&raphs o? ?ema(es who (ooDe$ to @e re(ate$ to Samantha ;ernstein as we(( as one who was $e?inite(y Scan$ina%ian. P 0$ ,arrachi :arren is (iDe(y to ha%e a(so written $own other Hewish ?ami(iesK (icense p(ate n'm@ers whom ha$ come into the store s'ch as MarD C'cDer@er&Ks 3 Samantha ;ernsteinKs 3 an$ others. In 2005 5 an imposte'r o? Pa'( Mi((er was met @y m'(tip(e peop(e. 1his imposte'r (ooDe$ Sici(ian an$ possi@(y Ita(ian an$ GreeD. He (ooDe$ %ery m'ch (iDe Geor&e 7atsopo'(os an$ is (iDe(y to ha%e @een Geor&e 7atsopo'(os. He was seen $rinDin& Gro(sch @eer. 1he :hite S'premacist that I spoDe with in 200* was name$ 7ha$ Gro(sch 5 7ha$ Gro(sch was a mem@er o? the :or($ 7h'rch o? the 7reator that Sahn$ra St..n&e to($ a@o't =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ his sons sta(Din& 's a?ter I to($ a Hewish man the tr'th a@o't A$o(? Hit(er @ein& =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs @io(o&ica( ha(? @rother. In 200" 5 /ich 7onesc'Ks ,ace;ooD Pro?i(e @e&an postin& thin&s that it ha$ poste$ in the past. In 2012 an imposte'r o? /ich 7onesc' was met whom (ooDs Ita(ian. P 200E /ich 7onesc' poste$ on MySpace.7om that he ha$ J'st ?o'n$ o't that A=ictorA was =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ that A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(y practica((y (i%e$ in New 0n&(an$ now. /ich state$ that he was $is&'ste$ that there was nothin& that he co'($ $o a@o't this an$ that he sho'($nKt ha%e to (i%e in the same co'ntry as A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(y. 1here is c'rrent(y a man preten$in& to @e /ich 7onesc' at the Pheasant 4ane Ma(( in Nash'a NewHampshire 5 /ich 7onesc' is Hewish an$ is a@o't 3N* Israe(i 3 the man preten$in& to @e /ich 7onesc' is not. I ass'me$ that the Hewish 2e?ense 4ea&'e wo'($ ha%e &otten the wor$ o't ear(ier that A$o(? Hit(er was =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs ha(? @rother3 @'t apparent(y they ?or some reason ?ai(e$ to re(ay the messa&e I'icD(y eno'&h 5 I am certain that a n'm@er o? Hewish 2e?ense 4ea&'e ?ami(ies are $ea$ an$ a(so missin& now as a res'(t o? this. 1he ?act'a( Henry MaDow was somehow a??i(iate$ with the Hewish 2e?ense 4ea&'e < he has @een rep(ace$ @y a =ira( =ector Gene

1herapie$ Imposte'r. P 1his was poste$ more than once @y /ich 7onesc' < a?ter the secon$ time 3 /ichKs pro?i(e @e&an to post statements re&ar$in& the USA PA1/I.1 A71 5 these statements c(aime$ that the PA1/I.1 A71 ha$ a((owe$ 1errorist A&ents an$ 7rimina( A&ents to Unwarrante$ :ire1ap American 7i%i(ians3 this @ein& impossi@(e $'e to itKs app(ication on(y @ein& possi@(e in re&ar$s to 0nemy 7om@atants an$ 1errorist S'spects. 1hese Din$s o? statements ha%e @een ma$e ?rom the ,ace@ooD Pro?i(es o? n'mero's Imposte'rs. 2'rin& 200* an$ 2005 5 =ittorio 0man'e(eKs a&ents wiretappe$ my own an$ 0mi(y Is(esKs te(ephone con%ersations 'nwarrante$ < this was reporte$ to me @y a ,e$era( 0mp(oyee whi(e I was worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar imme$iate(y prior to her @ein& a@$'cte$. I @e(ie%e the propa&an$a in%o(%in& the USA PA1/I.1 A71 is an o@%io's portraya( o? &'i(t an$ a res'(t o? =ittorioKs an$ ,i((i@ertoKs &'i(t concernin& the sta(Din& o? American ,ami(ies 3 Genoci$e in North America 3 an$ the a@$'ction o? minors an$ SeF 1ra??icDin& o? ?ema(es in North America. =ittorio an$ ,i(i@erto ?ear the PA1/I.1 A71 ?or reason that it wi(( ena@(e Mi(itary an$ ,e$era( in%esti&ators to access recor$s o? a(( o? their e(ectronic comm'nications which ha%e e%er occ'rre$ in North America or are c'rrent(y occ'rrin& < this inc('$e Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence /ecor$s. In 2008 5 imposte'r photo&raphs o? MarD C'cDer@er& were ?o'n$ in a A1imeA Ma&a>ine in Manchester NewHampshire. MarD C'cDer@er& shoppe$ at ,ami(y 2o((ar once an$ p'rchase$ items at my re&ister. MarD C'cDer@er&Ks sister Arie( met some o? my ?rien$ /yan Har%eyKs roommatesK ?rien$s whi(e they were in co((e&e in ;oston Massach'settes $'rin& 2005. P In 2005 5 MarD C'cDer@er& @o'&ht some items at my re&ister an$ may ha%e @een accompanie$ @y a possi@(e mem@er o? the Hewish 2e?ense 4ea&'e. It is pro@a@(e that heis a tar&et $'e to this as we(( as $'e to his wea(th an$ his a@i(ity to access ,ace;ooD which is a Socia( NetworDin& :e@site that contains in?ormation re&ar$in& the mi((ions o? ci%i(ians whom the 0man'e(es ha%e tar&ette$. In 2010 5 imposte'r photo&raphs o? A$am San$(er an$ A( Pacino were ?o'n$ in an AUsA ma&a>ine. A$am San$(er was ?rom Manchester NewHampshire an$ some o? his ?ami(y sti(( resi$e$ in the Manchester NewHampshire re&ion $'rin& 200*. 2005 to 2012 5 n'mero's Hewish ?ema(es were si&hte$ in porno&raphic ?i(ms on the internet an$ a(so ?i(ms on the internet which were %i$eo&raphe$ recor$in&s o? Hewish ?ema(es @ein& rape$ an$ tort're$. /ape occ'rin& $'rin& a &enoci$e or m'(tip(e &enerations o? rape %ictims in the same ?ami(y with a racia((y moti%atin& ?actor an$ a n'mero's pop'(ation o? assai(ants is :ar /ape. /apes @ein& committe$ @y 0nemy 7om@atants 'pon the pop'(ation they are atacDin& is :ar /ape. 2005 200" 5 n'mero's Hewish ?ema(es were seen at strip c('@s. 2012 5 the maJority o? the Hewish peop(e in Nash'a NewHampshire an$ Manchester NewHampshire ha%e @een /ep(ace$ @y Imposte'rs. 200E 5 Sarah 9at(er ?rom 4owe(( Massach'settes an$ her ?ami(y $isappeare$. 200! 5 4a'ren :e((s whoKs ?ami(y was Hewish an$ ?rom NewHampshire stoppe$ respon$in& to messa&es on the internet. It seems (iDe her ,ace;ooD Pro?i(e is

@ein& contro((e$ @y an Arti?icia( Inte((i&ence /o@ot as $o n'mero's Hewish peop(es ?rom this re&ion. * :-: 1atters relate) to 7e-ish 2efense eague :-: P ;e&inin& in 2005 5 ,i( 0man'e(e an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e as we(( as 0$ :arren seeme$ to @ecome in%o(%e$ in some sort o? internationa( A6IS 1errorist Sanct'ary Pro&ram. N'mero's Ser@ian war crimina(s were si&hte$ in the North 0ast o? the U.S.A. an$ 7ana$a an$ seem to ha%e @een &i%en AmericanKs an$ 7ana$ianKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. Many o? the women whom these men ha%e Dept with them as s(a%es seem to @e SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims an$ ha%e @een &i%en the I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o? Americans 3 these women ha%e @een ?orce$ to 'n$er&o =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy ?or reason o? aesthetic $is&'ise @y m'tation. I ha%e seen a woman m'tate o%er the co'rse o? two weeDs. Some o? the men in this re&ion whom these terroristsK &an&ster a??i(iates associate with seem to ha%e &ir(?rien$s or tra??icDin& %ictims whom are 20 years yo'n&er than them. ,i( has a??i(iate$ a (ar&e 7rip &an&ster 'nit to these A6IS 1errorists as we(( as has ,i( a??i(iate$ So'th American an$ 7'@an A6IS ,ascist Units to these terrorists. Some o? the A6IS 1errorists whom ,i( has hi$$en in New 0n&(an$ ha%e @een 7'@an an$ 7o(om@ian ,ascistas an$ A6IS Ma?ia3 these in$i%i$'a(s are 'sin& m'(tip(e ?ami(iesK an$ in$i%i$'a(sK I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. ,i(Ks psycho(o&ica( pro?i(e is seen on a ?ew internet posts an$ p'@(ications re&ar$in& 7rips 5 these propa&an$a pieces were p'@(ishe$ @etween 2005 an$ 200" an$ c(aim that Israe( an$ the Hewish 2e?ense 4ea&'e ?'n$e$ an$ sponsore$ the 7rips &an&. Aro'n$ 200" 3 Snoop 2o&& recor$e$ himse(? &i%in& a speech concernin& the 7rips an$ his &an&ster acti%ities 5 Snoop 2o&& state$ that he ha$ J'st $isco%ere$ that the men whom were pro%i$in& his peop(e the $r'&s to se(( 3 &'ns 3 an$ other crimina( s'pp(ies an$ connections were act'a((y A6IS ,ascists an$ worDe$ with A6IS ,ascists whom worDin& within the Unite$ States o? AmericaKs &o%ernment. * :-: Blac. 1ol) "ttac. on %han.s!i0ing :-: %he night *efore %han.s!i0ing : 8ittorio &manuele calle) %a5la / a-0er's/ gran)father 7oe an) or)ere) 7oe to ha0e his )aughter 2e**ie /2umont/ poison me -ith Blac. 1ol)3 1he same month that the man with the s'it an$ tie ha$ approache$ me an$ ma(icio's(y (a'&he$ at me whi(e I was worDin&3 a man with a ;a(tic appearance came into the ma(( an$ tooD a (on& (ooD at me ?rom @ehin$ the (ine o? c'stomers. He (ooDe$ %ery simi(ar to my ?ather an$ $resse$ simi(ar(y @'t was wearin& a sha& wi& parte$ on the si$e. 4ater that month< I saw a &ir( who (ooDe$ i$entica( to my sister 7he(sey /ain MacPherson wearin& a ;osnian hea$ &ar(an$3 @ein& (e$ o't o? the ma(( @y a Sici(ian man towar$s a car in the parDin& (ot o? the Ma(( o? New Hampshire5 it a(most (ooDe$ (iDe her wrists were @o'n$ in ?ront o? her as her han$s were in a prayin& position. She (ooDe$ terri?ie$. I (ater ?o'n$ o't that 7he(sey was swappe$ with another %ictim who has @een preten$in& to @e 7he(sey 'n$er threats ?rom =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 1errorist Syn$icate. I ha%e o%erhea$ my ?ather twice 3 so'n$in& incre$i@(y 'ncom?orta@(e whi(e ta(Din& to a A=ictorA on his ce(( phone. =ictor Mann3 =itorrio 0man'e(e3 an$ =ictor McMann are three a(iases =ittorio 0man'e(e 'ses an$ occaisiona((y has on his cre$it car$s. 7he(sey was ten years o($.

1wo years prior to this the 2epartment o? Motor =ehic(es in Manchester New Hampshire was in%esti&ate$ an$ some o? the emp(oyees were arreste$ ?or printin& $'p(icate I$enti?ication 7ar$s with terroristsK ?aces on car$s containin& the act'a( i$enti?ication in?ormation o? ci%i(ians who (ooD simi(ar to the p'rchaser. 1his was aro'n$ the eFact $ate that a ma?ia ?ami(y poisone$ my co??ee with @(acD mo($. 1he 2'nDin 2on'ts ?ranchise that I was worDin& ?or was owne$ @y the S9/I=AN.S ,AMI4- 7./P./A1I.N< whi(e I was worDin& ?or them3 2'nDin 2on'ts starte$ printin& 20U1S7H0;AN9 &i?tcar$s. 1here is no 20U1S7H0;AN9 in the USA5 20U1S7H0;AN9 was the @anD that A$o(? Hit(er 'se$ to store ha(? o? the wea(th that he tooD ?rom the Hews as we(( as the other %ictims in 2e'tsche(an$ in the 1"*0Ks3 coinci$ent(y it was the on(y ha(? o? the pi((a&e$ wea(th which was e%er reco%era@(e. A(so o? note< the Ita(ian Ma?ias as we(( as the 0man'e(e Syn$icate ha%e @een worDin& with a terrorist crime syn$icate in%o(%e$ in &enoci$e an$ h'man tra??icDin& near the re&ion s'rro'n$in& Me$J'&orJe 5 Ser@ia3 ;osnia3 7roatia. A ?ew years a?ter this 5 I o%erhear$ S'mmer sayin& to the imposte'r 7he(sey AI miss the o($ 7he(sey. I want the rea( 7he(sey @acD. -o'Kre not 7he(sey.A . I ha%e @een consi$erin& the possi@i(ity that the &ir( (i%in& at my ,atherKs ho'se with S'mmer is not o'r sister3 7he(sey. I @e(ie%e the &ir( @ein& (e$ thro'&h the ma(( an$ o't into the parDin&(ot to a %ehic(e @y a stran&e (ooDin& man3 was 7he(sey. 1he &ir( preten$in& to @e 7he(sey is most (iDe(y Di$nappe$ ?rom e(sewhere. 1his is a $e?inite co%ert ho(oca'st. 1he 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icate has @een in%o(%e$ in H'man 1ra??icDin& 3 1errorism3 Genoci$e3 an$ in?i(tration o? Go%ernments ?orei&n to their own ?or 150 years. =ittorio 0man'e(e has a connection to a Ser@ian terrorist or&ani>ation in%o(%e$ in &enoci$e whom ha%e committe$ n'mero's war crimes 'pon the ;osnians as we(( as tar&ette$ Ser@ian ?ami(ies< I @e(ie%e that he has @een sneaDin& them in to the USA to hi$e them3 to (ater 'se them as a &an& an$ as co%ert a&ents within &o%ernment. ;e?ore his we@site was taDen $own an$ his i$entity was taDen o%er @y an imposte'r 'sin& a new we@site. P 1he 'se o? a chi($Ks (i?e as a hosta&e ?or Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are p'rposes is a metho$ o? psycho(o&ica( a@'se that is o? the most eFtreme metho$s o? a@'se. 1his is aDin to a sa$istKs res'(ts whi(e st'$yin& anima( psycho(o&y $'rin& which the mother is he($ in a ca&e whi(e the c'@s are tort're$ within %iew an$ a'$ia( ran&e o? the mother. 1he Ita(ians3 Ser@ians3 an$ Sa'$i Ara@ians whom ha%e @een en&a&e$ in a war?are o? &enoci$e 'pon my peop(e ha%e shown a@so('te $isre&ar$ to the h'manity o? my peop(e whom are their %ictims. 1he Ita(ian terrorist or&ani>ation that is on American soi( is the same 7rimina( 1errorist 7e(( which ha$ SeF 1ra??icDe$ my Mother an$ my Nana when my Mother was a (itt(e &ir( an$ are the same 7rimina( 1errorist 7e(( whom $ecapitate$ m'(tip(e ?'nctions o? &o%ernment $'rin& the /ichar$ NiFon a$ministration 5 many o? their a&ents 'sin& names which their ?ore?athers ha$ attri@'te$ to their ?ami(yKs as a(ias i$entities< /ichar$ AHe(msA 3whom was o@%io's(y 3N* Sici(ian <5 was one o? these in$i%i$'a(s. 1his ass'min& o? nati%e names as a(ias is incre$i@(y common amon&st co%ert a&ents. It is a we(( Dnown ?act that $'rin& his (i?e3 /ichar$ He(ms associate$ with n'mero's mem@ers o? the 7o%ert 7e(( which ha$ in?i(trate$ an$ $ecapitate$ the NS2AP prior to the Secon$ :or($ :ar an$

the $ecapitation o? the German &o%ernment @y ?orei&n in?i(trators (oya( to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 1he 'se an$ a@'se o? innocent chi($ren is not to @e 'neFpecte$ o? an or&ani>ation whom systemica((y m'r$ere$ 20 mi((ion ci%i(ians within nationa( home(an$s which were not their own5 e%en 9ar( Maria :I(i&'t< whom was ha(? Sici(ian3 (ie$ a@o't his Nationa( 0thnic ori&in. 1he core o? this ?action were an$ sti(( are an Ita(ian 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate in a((iance with a Sa'$i Ara@ian 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate3 this cooperati%e entity has ?omente$ &(o@a( war?are twice in an attempt to achei%e &(o@a( conI'est. A?ter the terrorist attacDs o? "N11 3 it was a state$ &oa( o? .sama ;in4a$enKs A6IS ,action to $estroy the economy o? the USA < other ?actions imme$iate(y en&a&e$ in &enoci$a( acti%ities in North A?rica3 the ;a(tic3 the Mi$$(e 0ast3 an$ the Americas 5 it is not 'n(iDe(y that these &enoci$a( ?actions were a(rea$y poise$ to striDe in pre emption o? a ?ina( war ?or &(o@a( conI'est. It is o@%io's that the commona(ities @etween an Ita(ian &enoci$a( terrorist ?action3 a Ser@ian &enoci$a( terrorist ?action3 &enoci$a( terrorist ?actions in North A?rica an$ the Mi$$(e 0ast < a(( o? these ?actions @ein& in%o(%e$ in 1errorism an$ .r&ani>e 7rime inc('$in& H'man 1ra??icDin& an$ H'man =i%isection 5 are in ?act networDs o? an A6IS ,action ?or they wo'($ ha%e nothin& e(se in common. P 1he A'strian Po(ice .??icer St.7yr Imposte'r ha$ an improper Po(ice ;aton < this @aton was a @o@@y sticD c('@ an$ not a ni&ht sticD ton?a c('@. 2'rin& 200! 3 whi(e poisone$ with ;(acD Mo($ < my @(oo$ was $rawn ?rom a stint that was man'?act're$ in the Unite$ 9in&$om. An$ers ;rei%iD is reporte$ to ha%e @een s'r&erie$ twice whi(e in the Unite$ 9in&$om. 1he ;ritish Nationa( Party ha%e reporte$ @ein& harrasse$ @y Po(ice in the Unite$ 9in&$om. N'mero's Hews an$ other in$i%i$'a(s ha%e reporte$ @ein& harrasse$ @y ,ascists an$ attacDe$ @y stran&e eFperimenta( e(ectronic $e%ices whi(e in the Unite$ 9in&$om 5 we@sites ha%e @een p'@(ishe$ to internet concernin& this as ha%e n'mero's $isin?ormationa( we@sites. P M'r$ere$ @y the Monarchy 5 I(('minati 3 < attempte$ to assert that the ;ritish Monarchy was m'r$erin& peop(e an$ was in the I(('minati. 1his was aro'n$ the same time that =ittorio 0man'e(e ca((e$ a Ma?ia hit on me an$ ha$ my co??ee poisone$ with @(acD mo($. 1he co??ee c'p which I was han$e$ was a 4ar&e P(astic 2'nDin 2on'ts 7'p which is the same c'p that :i((iam Hano%er or$ere$ when he or$ere$ a 4ar&e 7o??ee at my re&ister whi(e I was worDin& at 2'nDin 2on'ts $'rin& 200!. 2'rin& the poisonin& 3 I was a$mitte$ to a Psychiatric :ar$ in Nash'a NewHampshire near Amherst Street that is associate$ with So'thern /e&iona( NewHampshire Me$ica( 7enter < whi(e here3 I was intro$'ce$ to an Imposte'r 0(i>a@eth Hano%er whom c(aime$ to @e A0(i>a@eth 1'$orA3 this was ?or the o@%io's p'rpose o? ?ri&htenin& me. 2'rin& my stay in this Psychiatric :ar$ 3 a man was a$mitte$ entry whom ha$ a (aptop with him which was eI'ippe$ with a US; U@er1ooth an$ a US; /,I2 scanner. =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e ha%e @een 'sin& the Hospita(s in the North 0ast o? the U.S.A. to ta& h'man @ein&s with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces 3 =erichips 3 an$ A/G.S G.P.S. S'r&ica( Imp(ants the way that a ;io(o&ist ta&s anima(s. P Norwe&ians an$ An&(o Gae(s are &(o@a((y @oth a racia( tar&et o? the Ita(ian A6IS ?or reason o? their re?'sa( to Join the 0'ropean Union an$ ?or reason o? their presense in North America as a pre eFistin& pop'(ation with c(aimancy to the (an$ as home(an$. Many peop(e ha%e state$ that their nation was ?orce$ into the 0'ropean Union @y a

series o? threats an$ m'r$ers which were ma$e to appear to @e $eath @y nat'ra( ca'ses < this has @een state$ @y n'mero's peop(es o? n'mero's nationa(ities 5 the &oa(s o? the A6IS were ori&ina((y 'ni?ication o? a(( o? the nations o? the entire Me$itteranean Shore 4ine 3 'ni?ication thro'&h conI'est an$ mer&er o? a(( 0'ropean nations 3 mer&er with the .ttoman Imperia( Nations 3 an$ e%ent'a( G(o@a( 7onI'est. 1he Ita(ian A6IS ha%e e%er @een $eceit?'( (iars an$ ha%e historica((y (ie$ to e%en those whom seeme$ to @e their c(osest o? a((ies < the c'rrent 0'ropean Union is a &oa( o? the A6IS an$ the Ita(ian A6IS are 'n$o'@te$(y mo%in& into position to tota( 7o%ert Heirarcha( 2ecapitation with e%ent'a( re enstatement o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy as the Monarchs an$ Aristocracy o? Ita(ia. In 2008 5 I ha$ @(oo$ $rawn at two hospita(s in NewHampshire which I notice$ 'se$ AMa$e in U9A nee$(e stints to p'nct're my %ein an$ $raw my @(oo$< An$ers ;rei%iD o? Norway was reporte$ to ha%e 'n$er&one two crania( s'r&eries3 at (east one o? which s'r&ery was $one whi(e in the U9 5 An$ers ;rei%iD was (iDe(y to ha%e @een ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace$ an$ hypnoti>e$ repeate$(y as we(( as pi(ote$ to commit the s(ayin&s 'pon his own peop(e @y Ita(ian A6IS 3 an anonymo's hacDer whom is worDin& as a pri%ate in%esti&ator has to($ me that An$ers ;rei%iD was in ?act a %ictim o? a S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace an$ that this is pro@a@(y a(so tr'e o? 9asa@ whom attacDe$ in In$ia an$ o? :eisse o? the 4aDota whom attacDe$ his own peop(e. It has @een reporte$ to me that Me$ica( ;(acD(ists ha%e @een ma$e with (ists o? names o? racia( tar&ets on them which are (ists o? %ictims whom are not a((owe$ to @e $ia&nose$ whi(e seeDin& treatments at hospita(s. 2'rin& 200! 5 whi(e poisone$ with ;(acD Mo($ 3 not a sin&(e hospita( in New Hampshire wo'($ $ia&nose me or re?er me to a 1oFico(o&ist. It has @een reporte$ to me that m'(tip(e ?ema(es in NewHampshire an$ Massach'settes $ie$ o? toFicity whi(e hospita(s &a%e them a $ia&nosis o? Aper?ect hea(thA an$ re?'se$ to re?er them to a toFico(o&ist3 toFicity reports were not &i%en to them. 2'rin& 200! 3 the res'(ts to my n'mero's (a@ tests were not presente$ to me < when asDe$3 the n'rses re?'se$ an$ to($ me that it was not a((owe$. Some o? the N'rses in these hospita(s appear to @e SeF 1ra??icDin& %ictims 3 hacDer worDin& as pri%ate in%esti&ator has in?orme$ me that many o? these ?ema(es were a@$'ction %ictims whom were (ocDe$ in ca&es an$ @asement $'n&eons an$ tort're$ ?or o%er a year 5 the stip'(ation to their re(ease @ein& that the women worD in Hospita(s 3 Strip 7('@s 3 an$ ser%e as 7onc'@ina( SeF S(a%es < many ha%e a(so @een or$ere$ to m'r$er. 1he ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace an$ Ne'roSo?tware was 'se$ to tort're the %ictims whi(e they were imprisone$. P .n more than one occaision 7aesar wa(De$ in to ,ami(y 2o((ar an$ @e&an to $isc'ss imme$iate(y 3 p(ans which he an$ ,i( 0man'e(e has en&ineere$ which wo'($ p(ace me in a sit'ation $'rin& which I wo'($ see a ?ema(e @ein& a@'se$ horri@(y an$ wo'($ @ecome %io(ent as a res'(t o? it 5 ?or three years this seeme$ to @e a p(an o? theirs an$ this %io(ence was o@%io's(y inten$e$ to @e $irecte$ at 7aesar himse(? ?or some reason. .ne $ay 7aesar entere$ ,ami(y 2o((ar an$ state$ Awe &ot a &ir( who is yo'n&er than his &ir( @y at (east two yearsA as he @e&an r'@@in& his han$s3 ?(eFe$ his ?in&ers3 an$ c(appe$ his han$s to&ether < a?terwhich he sai$ A1his shit is hot 3 I (iDe itL :eKre &oin& to 2NA her ?ace to (ooD (iDe his &ir( too an$ then he see her an$ he wi(( &et rea((y an&ry an ye(( yaaaaar&hL yaaaar&hL yaaar&hL an$ smash shit an$ want to ?i&htA . A year (ater 7aesar was wa(Din& a &ir( aro'n$ Manchester NewHampshire on a (eash e%ery $ay

whom (ooDe$ (iDe Samantha ;ernstein @'t ha$ 0mi(y Is(esK ?acia( str'ct're an$ (ooDe$ to @e a@o't 1* 5 this an$ reports o? this seeme$ to @e i&nore$ @y Po(ice .??icers in Manchester NewHampshire ?or a@o't 3 years. 1his was most(y $'rin& ,ranD G'intaKs position as Mayor o? Manchester NewHampshire. 2'rin& the year 200* 5 the 0man'e(esK 1errorist ,action ha$ hospita(s an$ (a@oratories accessi@(e to them3 inc('$in& Nano 0n&ineerin& Genetic 4a@oratories accessi@(e to them. P 2'rin& 200! 5 a?ter @ein& poisone$ with ;(acD Mo($ an$ attemptin& to seeD he(p at the So'thern /e&iona( NewHampshire Me$ica( 7enter in Nash'a NewHampshire < two @(on$e men whom appeare$ o? An&(o Gae(ic American an$ 2e'tsche(an$er miFe$ racia( ancestry were pro%i$e$ as the escort $ri%ers o? the Am@'(ance with which they transporte$ me 3 one o? these men state$ A:eKre ?rom Manchester3 weKre o't o? o'r J'ris$iction.A an$ it was o@%io's that they ha$ @een instr'cte$ @y some@o$y to $o so. I @e(ie%e this to ha%e @een a (ie an$ that these men are mem@ers o? an AFis 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate. P 2'rin& 200! 5 a?ter @ein& poisone$ with ;(acD Mo($ an$ attemptin& to seeD he(p at the So'thern /e&iona( NewHampshire Me$ica( 7enter in Nash'a NewHampshire < two @(on$e men whom appeare$ o? An&(o Gae(ic American an$ 2e'tsche(an$er miFe$ racia( ancestry were pro%i$e$ as the escort $ri%ers o? the Am@'(ance with which they transporte$ me 3 one o? these men state$ A:eKre ?rom Manchester3 weKre o't o? o'r J'ris$iction.A an$ it was o@%io's that they ha$ @een instr'cte$ @y some@o$y to $o so. I @e(ie%e this to ha%e @een a (ie an$ that these men are mem@ers o? an AFis 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate. Aro'n$ the time that I ha$ @een postin& on a @(o&site ca((e$ ;('tUn$;o$en.com3 I ma$e a statement re&ar$in& the @'rnin& o? a city in ,rance @y rioters pro%oDe$ @y terrorist a&ent pro%ocate'rs< I a(so ma$e a statement re&ar$in& the hypocrisy o? the peop(es in%o(%e$ in what is eFtreme(y o%ert Ita(ian Na>ism in the USA. My A?rien$A 1ay(aKs mother &a%e me an Ice$ 7o??ee ?rom 2'nDin 2on'ts with ('mps o? ;(acD Mo($ in the @ottom. I $ranD ha(? o? it @e?ore I notice$ it taste$ stran&e an$ that it ha$ @(acD ch'nDs in it. 1hat ni&ht3 Her motherKs Sici(ian ?ather showe$ me his &rey sharDsDin s'it an$ to($ me he A'se$ to @e a (e& @reaDer in @oston ?or the ma?iaA. He a(so asDe$ me i? I ha$ any ?ami(y in ;oston. My Nana (i%e$ J'st o'tsi$e o? ;oston in Ma($en. 1ay(a an$ her Gran$parents (i%e$ on Somer%i((e St. in Manchester. H'st prior to poisonin& my co??ee 5 1ay(aKs mother han$e$ her ?ather the te(ephone state$ A2a$3 =ictorKs on the phoneA. 1ay(a a(so mentione$ that her &ran$?ather Dnew the A9in& o? Ita(iaA an$ his sons. P 1he e%enin& @e?ore I was poisone$ with @(acD mo($3 1ay(aKs ?ami(y ha$ in%ite$ me o%er ?or $inner. 1ay(aKs &ran$?ather3 whoKs name I was to($ was Hoe< p'((e$ his pant (e& 'p an$ showe$ me a sma(( scar whi(e statin& AI &ot this scar $'rin& :or($ :ar 2 in Ita(y. 1ay(a ma$e a JoDe re?erence to her Gran$?atherKs name @ein& Hoe. 1his is how I &ot my p'rp(e heart.A. 1here is no way that 1ay(aKs &ran$?ather is o($ eno'&h to ha%e @een $ra?te$ $'rin& the secon$ :or($ :ar3 he is act'a((y the a&e o? a =ietnam :ar %eteran. My &ran$?ather NormanKs @rother was $ep(oye$ in ,rance $'rin& the secon$ :or($ :ar3 his name was A(@ert MacPherson Hr. A(so< there was a woo$en Star .? 2a%i$ on Gi'seppiKs DitchenKs wa(( with a cross insi$e o? it. I @e(ie%e this was an o%ert eFa&&eration

o? an attempte$ A((ie$ ,orces persona which psycho(o&ica((y shows an incre$i@(y &'i(ty past. 1ay(aKs ?ami(y ha%e connections to a crime syn$icate in So'th America which co'($ possi@(y @e the c'rrent ?ami(ies o? past A6IS war crimina(s. A?ter the secon$ :or($ :ar3 AFis war crimina(s ?(e$ to So'th America an$ tooD 'p resi$ency there 5 'sin& ass'me$ a(iases3 hi$in& with the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icateKs connections in So'th America. A ?rien$ o? 1ay(aKs name$ Sean 7ase was worDin& at Stop N Shop $'rin& the time which I was emp(oye$ there3 I o%erhear$ him maDin& con%ersation a@o't @(each poisonin& some@o$y to $eath. Sean 7ase is MA,IA ?ami(y. I @e(ie%e this ?ami(y may possi@(y @e eFten$e$ ?ami(y o? an o($ coworDer o? mine name$ 2ana Um@ro as we(( as eFten$e$ ?ami(y o? 0$ :arrenKs. I o%erhear$ 1ay(aKs &ran$?ather mentionin& that he 'se$ to Dnow A2rac'(aA G'&(ie(mo. .ther ?ami(ies these may possi@(y @e re(ate$ to are 2eMeo3 Um@ro3 2KAmico3 Napo(itano3 2e,eo3 Gam@ino3 Santa&ati3 Poten>a3 an$ ;onanno. 1he 1re%ino ?ami(y marrie$ into my ?ami(y < (ast time I checDe$ my co'sin 2ominiI'eKs ?ace@ooD3 the photos o? her $i$nKt (ooD anythin& (iDe her. 2ominI'e is ha(? B'e@ecois an$ ha(? MeFican < she was a citi>en o? the USA an$ my co'sin3 it is possi@(e the photos on her ?ace@ooD may not @e her. A?ter I ha$ @een poisone$3 a(( o? my posts on the ;('tUn$;o$en ?or'm were $e(ete$ 5 @ein& rep(ace$ @y ........ ........... ....... .............. ...... . ............ ...... ..... .... ...... ......... .... ...... ................. .... ..... .... ...... ......... .... ...... ................. ...... . ...... ............. ...... .......... +nothin& @'t ...8. P :hi(e worDin& at 2'nDin 2on'ts with 2an =a($row 5 2an =a($row mentione$ that Aaron 0man'e(e ha$ recent(y ca((e$ a (itt(e &ir( a Achi($ mo(esterA an$ a Ape$ophi(eA. 1his so'n$s eFact(y what I ha$ witnesse$ happenin& to my sister S'mmer in 200E. S'mmerKs an$ 7he(seyKs mo'ths were mo%in& in 200E an$ their own mo'ths were speaDin& to them 5 S'mmerKs mo'th state$ that she ha$ a AGhost ?rien$A an$ 7he(sey @e(ie%e$ that it was a comp'ter chip that was t'rnin& her into a ro@ot. S'mmerKs AGhost ,rien$A ca((e$ itse(? A=icDy.A. S'mmer comp(aine$ that the &host A=icDyA was seF'a((y mo(estin& her with her own han$s @y mo%in& her own han$s. It is (o&ica( that 2an =a($row may ha%e Dnown Aaron 0man'e(e 5 I ha%e a co'sin whom has met Aaron at a c('@ in ;oston3 a ?rien$ in Somer%i((e whom has met Aaron3 an$ I ha%e met Aaron in Manchester NewHampshire when I was han&in& o't with 1ony Grassetti whoKs ?ather was a mem@er o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen. A(so 5 the woman whom hypnoti>e$ me @e?ore my s'r&ery 3 a?ter I ha$ @een $r'&&e$ with se$ati%es an$ hypna&o&ics < $i$ not seem a@(e to mo%e her mo'th on her own3 she seeme$ as i? some@o$y e(se was mo%in& her mo'th. A(( 3 o? my sisters were somehow imp(ante$ with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces @etween the years o? 200* an$ 200!. In 200E 3 7he(sey was cryin& an$ comp(ainin& that e%ery time she (ooDe$ in the mirror in the mornin& < her mo'th wo'($ start ta(Din& to her. 1he Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS who ha%ce $one this are eFtreme(y sa$istic towar$s chi($ren. 7he(sey was Di$nappe$ $'rin& 200! an$ swappe$ with another %ictim o? simi(ar appearance @'t o? somewhat $i??erent race 5 7he(sey is a Metis o? @oth ,irst Nations an$ 7o(onia( American race3 the &ir( whom has @een (i%in& as 7he(sey appears to ha%e no ,irst Nations race at a((. .ne $ay she was cryin& an$ was scare$ that she was At'rnin& into a /o@otA3 she sai$ that she ha$ KmicrochipK in her @rain that was mo%in& her mo'th

an$ ta(Din& 5 te((in& her that she was t'rnin& into a ro@ot. 7omp'ter Ne'roScience So?tware can contro( a h'man @ein&Ks Ne'ro(o&y an$ mo%e their mo'th (iDe a ro@ot as we(( as their (arynF an$ pharynF. Aaron 0man'e(e was si&hte$ at the Ma(( o? NewHampshire in Manchester New Hampshire $'rin& .cto@er o? 200!. .? simi(ar re(e%ance < 2an =a($rowKs ?ormer @est ?rien$ 9im :ein&art 3 was the ?ormer (o%er o? a man name$ 7hris who may @e a co'sin o? Sean 7ase whom I worDe$ with $'rin& 2011 at Stop NK Shop. Sean 7ase has a connection to the Ita(ian A6IS 7rime Syn$icate as we(( as the Ita(ian Ma?ia. 2'rin& this time 3 2an =a($ow a(so mentione$ Aaron 0man'e(e ?ee$in& a (itt(e &ir( Ap('mper &enesA ?rom A&enes ?rom nationa(ities a(( o%er the wor($3 sheKs a m'tant.A 2an =a($row was (a'&hin& a@o't Aaron 0man'e(e an$ his $ecisions o?ten. I met 2an =a($row $'e to a m't'a( ?rien$ship which we share$ with a woman name$ 9im :ein&art. 9im ha$ a @oy?rien$ name$ 7hris 7ase when I met her. I am ?air(y certain that this 7hris 7ase is a re(ati%e o? Sean 7ase wom I worDe$ with at Stop n Shop in 2010 an$ whom I notice$ was an associate o? ,ascists an$ or&ani>e$ crime so($iers. P Some ;('tUn$;o$en Am@ioriF posts may ha%e @een my own whi(e others may ha%e @een poste$ @y hacDers. My po(itica( phi(osophy is primari(y In$i&eno's3 Nationa(ist3 Socia( 7apita(ist3 0n%ironmenta(ist3 an$ 4a@or Socia(ist. I $o not @e(ie%e in the G(o@a( Union o? a G(o@a(i>e$ State3 4i@ertarianism3 or M'(ti Nationa( Unions res'(tin& in the (oss o? Se(? 2etermination which wo'($ @e eFperience$ @y sma((er Nationa( 0thnic Pop'(ation Gro'ps. Some o? my posts ha%e @een hacDe$ ca'sin& them to @e %iewe$ as irre(i&io's < I am not irre(i&io's3 my re(i&ion is Asatr' 5 I $o not act'a((y ha%e any hatre$ o? 7atho(ics or M's(ims 3 my $is@e(ie? in the Uni?ication o? 0'rope an$ the mer&er with an e%ent'a( reconstr'cte$ .ttoman 0mpire in the ?orm o? an .ttoman Union is not a pro$'ct o? my re(i&ion. I $o not @e(ie%e in the North American Union which a sma(( n'm@er o? wea(thy an$ treasono's in$i%i$'a(s ha%e p(anne$ ?or 's 5 this North American Union wo'($ e%ent'a((y res'(t in the mer&er o? the entire 0arth. I notice$ on ;('tUn$;o$en that my acco'nt ha$ poste$ that MeFico was not a cohesi%e eno'&h nationa( pop'(ation to maintain or$er an$ sta@i(ity 5 this is a statement which I 's'a((y maDe concernin& the pop'(ation ratio o? the USA an$ the (oya(ty ration in the USA 3 MeFico is 's'a((y a nation which I ?ee( is more cohesi%e $'e to the (ar&er n'm@er o? In$i&eno's /ace an$ Nationa( 0thnic Pop'(ation. In re?erence to Nationa( Pop'(ation 7ohesi%eness3 I was I'ote$ as sayin& the opposite o? what I @e(ie%e concernin& MeFico 5 this contin'e$ with an attempt to /ace ;ait me @y another UserName Acco'nt which state$ that 0n&(ish as a USA Nationa( 4an&'a&e was o??ensi%e to ,irst Nations whom wo'($ ha%e to (earn 0n&(ish to which I respon$e$ the tr'th <5 that the A/eser%ationsA were So%erei&n Nations 'nto themse(%es an$ that 0n&(ish wo'($ the secon$ (an&'a&e there3 with the ,irst Nations (an&'a&e as /e&iona( Secon$ 4an&'a&e in the s'rro'n$in& re&ion which is USA. P 1he $ecision to poison me with @(acD mo($ was most $e?inite(y a $ecision ma$e @y =ittorio 0man'e(e. 1his $ecision was ma$e at the same time as =ittorioKs $ecision to ha%e the Ma?ia Di$nap my ten year o($ sister 7he(sey. 7he(sey has @een missin& since 200!3 when she was Di$nappe$ @y a Sici(ian man worDin& ?or the 0man'e(es an$

swappe$ with another %ictim. 1he (ast (ocation 7he(sey was seen at was the Ma(( o? NH in Manchester New Hampshire in the A't'mn o? 200!. 1he Sici(ians whom ha%e @een in%o(%e$ in the Di$nap o? my sister ha%e $e?inite(y @een Di$nappin& other minors as we(( as %ery yo'n& women. 1he Sici(ian that Di$nappe$ 7he(sey in the ear(y A't'mn o? 200! is i$entica( to the o($ Sici(ian man who has @een in%o(%e$ in the SeF 1ra??icDin& o? the three or ?o'r A1ia 4'$wicDKsA whom were (i%in& in 4eominster3 ,ranD(in3 ,oF@oro3 an$ 7he(ms?or$ 5 this man was c(aimin& to @e 1iaKs Gran$ ,ather3 none o? these ?ema(es are Sici(ian at a((. 1hese men are $e?inite(y connecte$ to 7har(es 2es/ochiers. 7har(es 2es/ochiers tooD my sister Sheena on %acation to ,(ori$a an$ ret'rne$ with another ?ema(e who has @een preten$in& to @e Sheena3 these woman re?'ses to a$mit that she is not my sister. 1he two (ooD simi(ar @'t they certain(y $o not (ooD i$entica(. 7har(es 2es/ochiers an$ his ?ather worD with =ittorio 0man'e(e $oin& %ario's thin&s. 7har(es 2es/ochiers worDs with a ?'n$raiser ca((e$ A=eterans He(pin& =eteransA 5 @y some o? the Ita(ians in the comm'nity3 this ?'n$raiser has @een ca((e$ A=ictor He(pin& =ictorA. As I ha%e pre%io's(y state$3 A=ictorA is an An&(ophon o? =ittorio an$ is =ittorio 0man'e(eKs a(ias in the USA. :hen 7har(es 2es/ochiers an$ Sheena (e?t ?or ,(ori$a3 Sheena ha$ a @a& o? c(othin& with her in the car. 1his @a& o? c(othin& containe$ o($ c(othin& o? SheenaKs 3 o($ c(othin& o? her ?rien$ 2anie((e MaioKs3 an$ some other c(othin& 5 she ha$ J'st &i%en a ?ew artic(es o? c(othin& to my mother an$ was &oin& to @e &i%in& to rest to Goo$:i((. 2'rin& 2012 5 a woman was @e&'n stayin& at the @'i($in& in which I was (i%in& at 23 1emp(e St. in Nash'a New Hampshire. 1his womanKs hair3 sDin3 an$ eyes ha%e chan&e$ co(or since she starte$ (i%in& here 5 it (ooDe$ as i? she ha$ J'st @e&'n m'tatin& when she @e&an stayin& here. Here eyes chan&e$ ?rom Ha>e( to ;('e3 her hair ?rom (i&ht @rown to @(on$e3 an$ her sDin ?rom (i&ht o(i%e with ?recD(es to pa(e an$ ?('sh. She (ooDs Gae(ic o? primari(y Irish ori&in an$ (ooDs as i? her c'rrent &enetic composition is 'nnat'ra(. I ha%e seen this woman wearin& artic(es o? c(othin& ?rom the @a& which my sister ha$ with her in 7har(es 2es/oschierKs car when they went to ,(ori$a. She a(so has @een wearin& an o($ pair o? my sisterKs an$ my motherKs earrin&s. 1his woman most (iDe(y inherite$ this @a& o? c(othin& $own in ,(ori$a ?rom a (ocation where SeF 1ra??icDers were Deepin& women. I reco&ni>e this woman ?rom a trip which I ha$ taDen to /ho$e Is(an$ in 200E with my ?rien$ Hoseph Mc7arthy 5 we went to a party in /ho$e Is(an$ a?ter a trip to ,oF:oo$s 7asino. 1his party $i$ not e%en &et in%esti&ate$ @y po(ice3 I o%erhear$ the person whoKs party it was state that the Ma?ia ha$ pai$ the po(ice to i&nore the party 5 this party was eFtreme(y (o'$ an$ there was not a sin&(e so@er person there3 it was a(so in the center o? a city in a (ocation that wo'($ ha%e norma((y $rawn a(ot o? attention. 1he man I ha%e seen her with is Ita(ian. A(( o? the men with these 1ra??icDin& =ictims are o? Ita(ian Nationa( 0thnic 5 a(tho'&h some o? them are o? miFe$ race s'ch as two who are ha(? American 3 the commona(ity @etween these men a(( seems to @e primari(y Sici(ian or 4om@ar$ic race as we(( as occaisiona((y other Ita(ian ori&ins. 1hese men are a(( connecte$ to =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ what was H'(i's 0%o(aKs crime syn$icate 5 their associates o?ten seem to @e ;ra>i(ians o? miFe$ 0thnic Nationa(ity < these miFe$ race ;ra>i(ians a(ways seem to @e o? part(y Spanish3 Po(ish3 or Ita(ian miFe$ race which wo'($ @e o? o@%io's pro@a@i(ity $'e to their A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate ?ami(y a??i(iations an$ the ?act that the ;ra>i(ian A6IS 7rime Syn$icate was not o? ;ra>i(ian ori&in. 1he woman preten$in& to @e Sheena has in her possession a =HS %i$eo tape that is an e$ite$ recor$in& o? a ?ami(y 0aster $inner ?rom when my sister an$ I were chi($ren 5 this %i$eo has a ?ace e$ite$ o%er A( Io$iceKs ?ace which is not his own. A( Io$ice was my twin co'sinsK ?ather 5 the man in the %i$eo is s(i&ht(y ta((er3 %ery s(i&ht(y (ar&er3 an$ has @'shy eye@rows. He $oes not (ooD (iDe A( Io$ice. /ep(acin& a ?ace on a %i$eo tape is easi(y accomp(ishe$ 'sin& a comp'ter with %i$eo&raphy so?tware an$ eFtreme(y a$%ance$

animation so?tware with Sha$ow an$ Shape /eco&nition 7ontact Point Animation3 a(( that is nee$e$ is an o($ =HS tape 5 an o($ =HS tape co'($ easi(y @e ?o'n$ at a yar$ sa(e3 ?(ea marDet3 r'mma&e sa(e3 or @y payin& a &an& to &o on a sca%en&er h'nt ?or a (ist o? items. P It is pro@a@(e that =ittorio tar&ette$ =eterans ?or the p'rpose o? /ep(acement ;y Imposte'r with the intention o? (ater 'sin& their ?ami(yKs (on& stan$in& m'(ti &enerationa( mi(itary ser%ice to in?i(trate the U.S.A. mi(itary an$ $ecapitate %ario's ?'nctions o? the 2epartment o? 2e?ense an$ &ain access to Sec'rity 7(earance. P In 08 2013 3 I was intro$'ce$ to a secon$ Imposte'r posin& as Sheena Nico(e MacPherson. P In 200" 5 7har(es 2es/ochiers asDe$ me i? I Dnew NicD Ma&&iore. B "CK 1O 2 POISONIN! E %H& PSYHO O!Y O$ " #OY" %"S%&-%&S%&# an) a #OY" B&" %H #&%"IN&# : .n the internet 5 within the span o? one yearKs time @oth H'&o 7ha%e> an$ /'sse(( Means were reporte$ to ha%e $ie$ o? 7ancer. H'&o 7ha%e> an$ /'sse(( Means were @oth Nati%e Peop(esK /i&hts Acti%ists. 2'rin& the @e&innin& o? her emp(oyment as 2epartment o? Home(an$ Sec'rity 2irector < Hanet Napo(itano ma$e a statement a@o't the A2an&erio's /ise o? Nati%ismA in the USA. 1he wor$in& o? this was partic'(ar(y s'spicio's . I ha%e notice$ on the @ooD she(%es o? the ;arnes an$ No@(e ;ooDstore3 @ooDs a@o't .r&anic Poisons an$ ;otanica( PoisonerKs Han$@ooD. Apparent(y there are some poisons which are 7arcino&enic an$ taDe e??ect eFtreme(y I'icD(y as 7arcino&ens3 @'t are s(ow in e??ect in comparison to other chemica( toFic poisons. Some o? these 7arcino&enic poisons are speci?ic m'shrooms which can @e prepare$ with a mea(3 chemica(s which can @e 'se$ to po(('te $rinDin& ?('i$s3 an$ chemica(s which can @e 'se$ to po(('te ?oo$. #o5al $amilies o?ten ha%e #o5al %aste%esters ?or the p'rpose o? checDin& ?oo$ ?or poisons < these in$i%i$'a(s wo'($ @e tr'ste$ @otanists an$ chemists we(( %erse$ in the science o? poisons 5 a@(e to $etect poisons in ?oo$ @y mere(y tastin&3 sme((in&3 or eFperiencin& the e??ects o? the poisons in min'te amo'nts. /'sse(( Means an$ H'&o 7ha%e> @oth3 ha%e @een o'tspoDen a&ainst G(o@a(i>ation an$ ha%e spoDen in ?a%or o? h'man ri&hts ?or in$i&eno's peop(es. ;oth o? these in$i%i$'a(s were in the eFten$e$ socia( po(itica( networD o? 4a =o> $e A>t(an when =ittorio 0man'e(e @e&an sta(Din& sta(Din& my se(? 3 I ha$ emai(e$ 4a =o> 2e A>t(an $'rin& the time that my comp'ter ha$ @een @ein& hacDe$. I? /'sse(( Means an$ H'&o 7ha%e> are @oth $ea$3 it is (o&ica( that the timin& an$ metho$ o? their $yin& are re(ate$ to the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icatesK terrorist attacDs 'pon tar&ette$ i$entities. I? /'sse(( Means an$ H'&o 7ha%e> are @oth sti(( a(i%e < the metho$ o? the me$ia eFpos're o? their $yin& o? cancer is $irect(y corre(ate$ to the ta@(oi$ an$ ma&a>ine artic(es a@o't PatricD Sway>e whom was reporte$(y $yin& o? (ate sta&e pancreatic cancer ?or E months3 was reporte$(y sti(( smoDin& ci&arettes3 an$ a&ainst a(( (o&ic < was incorrect(y reporte$ to ha%e ma$e a mirac'(o's ?'(( reco%ery. 1he mention o? this in artic(es across m'(tip(e ma&a>ines3 ta@(oi$s3 an$ me$ia ?ormats is re(ate$ to an animation an$ a'$io o%er $'@ which I witnesse$ on the 7omcast te(e%ision @roa$castin& networD 5 $'rin& which what I @e(ie%e was Sat'r$ay Ni&ht 4i%e or MA2 1= was inter'pte$ @y an animation seI'ence o? =ittorio 0man'e(e stan$in& (ooDin& at a camera sayin& AI $i$ not $o this to yo'LA whi(e 2rac'(a han$s were ?(oatin& neFt to him on the screen. 1his remin$s me o? somethin& that /o@ert /o$on 3 9ni&ht o? Sa%oy < $i$ to his son 7hristopher /o$on when he was a chi($ $'rin& the year 1""5 5 /o@ert /o$on p(ace$ a Han$ /a$io :a(Dy 1a(Dy 'n$er 7hristopher /o$onKs @e$ an$ a?ter he ?e(( as(eep 3 awoDe 7hristopher @y ta(Din& (iDe 2rac'(a into the :a(D 1a(Dy Han$ /a$io. 2'rin& the year 2000 3 I o%erhear$ /o@ert /o$on $isc'ssin& with 7hristopher /o$on that a AtheyA were &oin& to @e eFterminatin& a(( o? the ,irst Nations North American Nati%e /aces an$ SeF 1ra??icDin& a(( o? the

,ema(es o? the ,irst Nations North American Nati%e races as we(( as a (ist o? other racia( tar&ets. 1he weeD $'rin& which I ha$ @een poisone$ with @(acD mo($ < I ha$ @een ?reI'ent(y watchin& %i$eos o? /'sse(( MeansK speeches on the internet3 as we(( as rea$in& his we@site artic(es. =ittorio 0man'e(eKs :ea(th /etainers ha%e p'rchase$ Hospita(s in the U.S.A. 3 these hospita(s ha%e not @een re?errin& peop(e to toFico(o&ists nor ha%e they @een $ia&nosin& 5 a(so p'rchase$ @y =ittorio 0man'e(eKs wea(th retainers < ha%e @een 0rotic Strip 7('@s 3 Porno&raphy In$'stry 3 ;anDs an$ other ,inancia( Instit'tions 3 Science In$'stry 3 Hea(thcare ,aci(ities 3 /esi$entia( Properties 3 /esta'rants 3 A'tomoti%e /epair Shops 3 an$ /esort Sites. A(ot o? $ama&e can @e $one @y wea(thy &enoci$a( terrorists 'sin& these a%en'es < these are a(so a%en'es which may @e 'se$ ?or H'man 1ra??icDin& an$ H'man =i%isection. P .r&anic Poisons ha%e @een @ein& 'se$3 I met a man 'sin& the name A/epoA Si(%a whom a$$e$ me on ,ace;ooD. /epo is a ma?ia a??i(iate$ crimina( who was (i%in& in Manchester. In his possession he ha$ an i((e&a( pet scorpion. 1he scorpion $i$ not ha%e itKs %enom sac remo%e$. 1he scorpion that /epo owne$ was rare3 ha$ ?(ippers on itKs @e((y (iDe a (o@ster3 was eFtreme(y poisono's3 an$ was i((e&a(. I @e(ie%e that this scorpion was in$i&eno's to 0&ypt an$ Ara@ia. 1he poison ?rom this scorpion may ha%e @een 'se$ in m'(tip(e poisonin&s in%o(%in& or&anic poisonin& compo'n$s create$ ?rom the mi(De$ scorpionsK %enom as we(( as other @otanica( toFins. 1here are a(so @iDer &an&sters a??i(iate$ with the ma?ia an$ terrorist connections that /epo Si(%a has. /epo was (i%in& at 5* ;rown A%e. in Manchester New Hampshire. 2'rin& this time3 /epo ha$ mentione$ Genetic =ira( :ar?are 5 (a'&hin& a@o't @a@ies @ein& @orn with n'mero's ?ai(e$ Genetics3 ?ai(e$ or&ans3 an$ ?ai(e$ ?eta( $e%e(opment@. /epoKs Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone n'm@er in 2011 was 508 *05 !380. P Aro'n$ 200! a man in New Hampshire name$ A$am Aries $ie$ o? s'spicio's ca'ses 5 his heart stoppe$ @eatin&. 1he story o? how he $ie$ chan&e$ n'mero's times. 1he story was simi(ar to how Peter Stee(e $ie$ an$ it was $'rin& the same ?ew years that they $ie$. A hospita( can easi(y ?or&e (a@ res'(ts. Peter Stee(eKs @an$ 'se$ a =in(an$ ?(a& ?or their a(@'m artworD an$ associate$ appare( 3 this ?(a& is (oose(y associate$ with Asatr' as we(( as other i$entities 5 the Asatr' re(i&io's comm'nity is a tar&et o? =ittorio 0man'e(esK 3 tar&ette$ ?or &enoci$e < there ha%e @een n'mero's Asatr'ars m'r$ere$ an$ a@$'cte$ whoKs 2'p(icate$ I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s are now in the han$s o? 7o%ert 1errorist A&ents who ha%e ass'me$ the i$entities o? the in$i%i$'a(s whoKs car$s they are carryin&. A$am Aries was ?rom So'thern New Hampshire an$ ha$ n'mero's ?rien$s in New -orD3 /ho$e Is(an$3 Massach'settes3 an$ New Hampshire 5 it is entire(y possi@(e that he Dnew a networD o? peop(e whom were Di((e$ $'e to their potentia( Dnow(e$&e o? A$o(? Hit(erKs @(oo$(ine. Peter Stee(e was ?rien$s with my !th Gra$e 0n&(ish 1eacher Stacy Sea@'ry < Stacy was an Asatr'ar an$ was ?rien$s with most o? the Asatr' 7omm'nity in the North 0ast o? North America3 Stacy Sea@'ry an$ my se(? ha$ m't'a( ?rien$s. Stacy Sea@'ry Dnew Stephanie 7onro$ an$ 7athryn ;'rDe as we(( as ha$ she met MiDe Smith. Stacy Sea@'ry was a(so ?rien$s with /on ;oar$man 3 4i((y P(aise 3 an$ Swain :o$enin&. * :-: Bar Crimes in0ol0ing Bar-#ape an) !enoci)e :-:

P It has @een an i&nore$ ?act that the tr'e a'thor o? Mein 9amp? was pro@a@(y H'(i's 0%o(a who within the pa&es o? Mein 9amp? wrote somethin& a(on& the (ines o? 5

A1he racia( p'rity o? a nation m'st @e maintaine$ an$ preser%e$ at any an$ a(( cost < i? the racia( p'rity o? the nation is (ost3 the nation wi(( co((apse entire(yA . 1he terrorist ?action acti%e(y en&a&e$ in war?are a&ainst the USA3 the ;ritish 7ommonwea(th Nations3 MeFico3 ,rance3 Norway3 Israe(3 /'ssia3 an$ o'r a((ies < are a ?action o? crimina( terrorists (oya( to A$o(? Hit(erKs (itera( ?ami(y 5 the ?ami(y o? =ittorio 0man'e(e. Many o? H'(i's 0%o(aKs an$ A$o(? Hit(erKs i$ea(s are share$ amon&st these in$i%i$'a(s 3 this is pro%en @y their actions 5 this enemy is &enoci$a( 3 eFterminatin& the racia( p'rity o? a nationa(ity o? peop(e is a (itera( &oa( o? theirs. 0(iminatin& the racia( p'rity o? a &enoci$e tar&et e??ecti%e(y e(iminates the se(? $etermination o? the enemy nation3 e%ent'a((y ?orcin& it into permanant mer&er an$ anneFation < i? there is no pop'(ation &ro'p with the nationa( pop'(ation which is (acDin& o? ?orei&n &enetics 3 the nationa(ity can @e easi(y assimi(ate$ an$ e(iminate$. 1heir metho$ o? racia( war?are in%o(%es rape. Many o? the %ictims o? this networD o? terrorists are m'(ti &enerationa( %ictims o? seF tra??icDin&3 rape3 an$ sta(Din& re(ate$ to what was p'@(ica((y re%ea(e$ $'rin& the :A10/GA10 scan$a( $'rin& /ichar$ NiFonKF A$ministration. In the Unite$ States o? America 5 the main tar&ets o? =ittorio 0man'e(e3 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ their a((ies are racia( tar&ets s'ch as Gae(s3 An&(o SaFons3 Israe(is3 ,irst Nations Nati%e Americans 3 ,ranDs 3 A?rican Americans3 Norwe&ians3 an$ /'ssians 5 the war?are tactics emp(oye$ @y the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs 0man'e(es are 'ncon%entiona( 3 co%ert 3 an$ ha%e in%o(%e$ &enoci$a( e(imination o? the ma(e co'nterpart o? these races whi(e rapin& the ?ema(es o? the tar&ette$ race. ;etween the years 200* an$ 2012 < a@$'ction an$ :ar /ape in the North 0ast re&ion o? the U.S.A. @ecame an eFtreme(y ?reI'ent occ'rance 3 this coinci$e$ with the attempte$ 1ota( Genoci$e o? the ?ami(ies o? the :ar /ape %ictims. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ 0$ ,arrachi :arren as we(( as other accomp(ices o? theirs %i$eo&raphe$ the tort're an$ rape o? ?ema(e American 7i%i(ians in the North 0ast o? North America as we(( as re?'&ees an$ 7ana$ian ?ema(es whom they ha$ a@$'cte$ ?rom 7ana$a an$ transporte$ into the U.S.A. . :ar /ape is a crimina( war?are tactic 'se$ ?or the p'rpose o? e(iminatin& the race o? the &enoci$e tar&et @y metho$ o? impre&nation 3 $emora(i>in& the enemy racia( tar&et psycho(o&ica((y 3 sometimes ?or p'rpose o? sprea$in& $isease3 an$ ?or pro?it when seF tra??icDin& is concerne$. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e3 =ittorio 0man'e(e3 an$ their associate$ 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate ha%e show a (ar&e $e&ree o? Psycho(o&ica( Sa$ism in these attacDs an$ ha%e eFpresse$ a Psycho(o&ica( Patho(o&y that portrays the o@%io's Psycho(o&ica( Pro?i(e o? a Seria( 9i((er an$ %io(ent sa$istic Seria( /apist. P 1he p'rpose o? the Ita(ian A6IS :ar /apin& the :omen o? the races which they ha%e tar&ette$ is ?or the p'rpose o? permanant(y tra'mati>in& the tar&ette$ racia( pop'(ation 3 eFterminatin& the pop'(ation systemica((y 3 an$ ?orcin& the rape$ pop'(ation to (i%e in ?ear o? the Ita(ian race an$ their a((ies which ha%e rape$ these :omen in their home(an$s. :ar /ape is an eFtreme(y tra'matic ?orm o? 1errorism 3 the p'rpose is e%ent'a( &enoci$e. 1he crimina( pro?i(e o? the 0man'e(e 0%o(a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate is %ery speci?ic 5 e%i$ence eFists which portrays two ?ema(e racia( tar&ets @ein& rape$ @y ei&ht men o? Ita(ian race3 this concept is re(ate$ to cr'ci?iFion o? pa&an races $'rin& which three nai(s are 'se$ to 7r'ci?y an in$i%i$'a( 5 i? a p(acar$ s'ch as IN/I were to @e nai(e$ a@o%e the 7r'ci?ie$ in$i%i$'a(Ks hea$3 a ?o'rth nai( was reI'ire$. Pri%ate In%esti&ators ha%e ?o'n$ that the two ?ema(e %ictims o? this attacD were %i$eo recor$e$ an$ $isp(aye$ on the internet 3 these women were not e%en physica((y capa@(e o? sayin& ANoA$'e to the ?act that @oth o? them were S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces which ha$ @een S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ in the crani'm with the Ne'ro7irc'it &ra?te$ to their @rains 3 an$ wire$ to a S'r&ica( Imp(ant ho'sin& a /o'ter an$ ;attery com@ination 5 this S'r&ica( Imp(ant was i((e&a((y an$ 'nDnowin&(y imp(ante$ whi(e the %ictims were 'nconcio's in an .rtho$onta( 7(inic an$ possi@(y a Hospita( a?ter an a'tomoti%e

acci$ent. .ne o? these ?ema(es was Hewish 3 the secon$ was an Asatr'ar 5 @oth o? these women ha$ @een tar&ette$ @y the 0man'e(e 0%o(a 7rime Syn$icate. 7r'ci?iFion was the /oman ?orm o? eFec'tion which was the sentencin& ?or in$i%i$'a(s o? Pa&an /aces #races whom were not o? /oman race)whom were (i%in& in their home(an$s $'rin& perio$s o? /oman Imperia( occ'pation 5 0thnic /omans were eFempt ?rom 7r'ci?iFion3 whi(e Pa&an's /aces were 7r'ci?ie$ ?or minor in?ractions o? the (aw s'ch as re?'sa( to cease re(i&io's acti%ities. A 7r'ci?iFion is a &r'esome ?orm o? eFec'tion $'rin& which the wrists o? the eFec'te$ in$i%i$'a(s are nai(e$ to a cross @eam3 the ?eet o? the in$i%i$'a(s are nai(e$ to a %ertica( @eam3 an$ the (im@s are (ashe$ aro'n$ the nai(s to the crosse$ @eams 5 $'rin& the 7r'ci?iFion o? -esh'a3 the ra@@i -esh'a was 7r'ci?ie$ with a p(acar$ nai(e$ a@o%e his hea$ 'pon which was state$ A1he 9in& o? Israe(A $'e to the ?act that he was i((e&a((y ser%in& the re(i&io's ?'nctions o? the comm'nity 'pon the steps o? the r'ine$ 1emp(e o? 9in& So(omon. 2'rin& the /oman occ'pation o? Israe( < as with the /oman occ'pation o? any Pa&an home(an$3 the ?o(D re(i&ion o? the pa&an nation ha$ @een o't(awe$. H'(i's 0%o(a was o@sesse$ with his /oman Imperia( /oya( (inea&e an$ his ?ami(y ha%e @een associate$ with h'man tra??icDers ?or a %ery (on& time. Many o? these rapes ha%e @een $isp(aye$ on the internet as Aporno&raphyA 3 simi(ar to scenes $eni&ratin& the ?ema(e %ictims o?ten to the point o? their @ein& co%ere$ in ?eces or e%en ?orce$ to eat ?eces whi(e 'n$er hypnosis an$ the e??ects o? ?ear or Ne'ro(o&ica((y /o@otica((y Animate$ to $o so @y metho$ o? ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace an$ Ne'roScience So?tware. .ther rapes eFpressi%e o? the crimina( pro?i(e o? the same psycho(o&y o? the 0man'e(e 0%o(a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate o? the Ita(ian A6IS ,action an$ their a((ies in%o(%e the rape an$ &enoci$e in ;osnia near Me$J'&orJe. M'ch o? the e%i$ence concernin& these crimes has @een p'@(ishe$ to the internet in the past or transmitte$ e(ectronica((y to comp'ters @y /a$io ,reI'ency $'e to the (on& ran&e ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace NetworD 5 these recor$s can @e ?o'n$ on the recor$e$ internet $ata stora&e o? the ,e$era( Go%ernment as we(( as Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartmentsK comp'ters &(o@a((y. 1he %i$eo recor$e$ rapin& o? the two ?ema(es @y the 8 Ita(ian ma(es which ha$ transmitte$ as two Ne'roScience 1ransmissions an$ has @een recor$e$ @y Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 3 was a(so $isp(aye$ on the internet as i? it were porno&raphy 5 the scene en$s with the two ?ema(es @ein& Ne'ro /o@otica((y 7ontro((e$ @y Ne'roScience so?tware an$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace s'r&ica((y imp(ante$ in their sD'((s to Diss as a heart shape c(oses in on the center o? the ?rame where their ?aces are. 2'rin& the time that =ittorio 0man'e(e ha$ @e&'n sta(Din& me 3 I was @rie?(y $atin& 2 ?ema(es 5 we were in a mono&amo's tri'ne re(ationship. .ne o? my (o%ers was name$ A(isha 7ote 5 the three o? 's @roDe 'p $'e to A(isha @ein& (ie$ a@o't an$ incorrect(y state$ as ha%in& cheate$ on 's with a Hewish man name$ MiDe Go($stein whom she was ?rien$s with. 1wo years (ater in 200E 5 MiDe Go($steinKs car was %an$a(i>e$ @y a Sici(ian c(aimin& that his name was Hosh Hooper an$ that he ha$ pre%io's @een @rie?(y marrie$ to A(isha 7ote < the AHosh HooperA was preten$in& to @e an American whom I @e(ie%e in ?act once (i%e$ in Manchester New Hampshire. 1he imposte'r o? Hosh Hooper incorrect(y portraye$ Hosh Hooper as a SDinHea$ < Hosh'a Hooper was not in ?act a SDinHea$ 3 he simp(y Depthis hea$ sha%e$. :hen I met the imposte'r o? Hosh Hooper3 I was not e%en aware that he was impersonatin& the Hosh'a Hooper whom I ha$ met $'rin& 2002 that was ?rien$s with 4'cas An&'i(ini. MiDe Go($steinKs ?ami(y may ha%e @een re(ate$ to some o? the Hewish comm'nity that my ?ami(y ha$ Dnown3 ;arry :einsteinKs ?ami(y3 the 7onesc' ?ami(y 3 or the ;ernstein ?ami(y. Anonymo's HacDers an$ Pri%ate In%esti&ators ha%e in?orme$ me that they ha%e $isco%ere$ that the 0nemy 7om@atant 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ ,i(i@erto 0man'e(eKs ha%e @een postin& their :ar /apes on Internet APorno&raphyA we@sites a(( o%er the internet. Many o? these :ar /ape /ecor$in&s ha%e @een taDien o??

o? the Internet 3 n'mero's recor$in&s ha%e @een 'p(oa$e$ a $ay ?or the past " years. It is pro@a@(e that many o? these recor$in&s an$ photo&raphs ha%e @een re 'p(oa$e$ to the internet in (ocations other than the ori&ina(( (ocation where they ha$ @een p'@(ishe$. ;etween 200* an$ 20123 Ita(ian A6IS HacDers ha$ 'se$ 1'rDoJan So?tware to hacD the comp'ters o? the (o%e$ ones o? the %ictims an$ $isp(ay the rapes to them whi(e they were 'sin& the comp'ter 3 as i? they were we@sites that ha$ Apop 'pA appeare$ on their comp'ter monitor screen. M'ch o? the :ar /apes which ha%e @een poste$ to the internet are recor$in&s o? women whom ha%e @een S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces an$ Ne'ro7irc'it prosthetic &ra?ts an$ wire(ess internet ro'ter an$ @attery S'r&ica( Imp(ants. 1he $ata transmissions ?rom these ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces an$ :ar /ape recor$in&s are present in the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence recor$s as we(( as internet ser%ers. 2e(ete$ or a(tere$ Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2ata (ea%es permanant e%i$ence 5 a(( that wo'($ @e neccessary to maDe $isco%ery o? a 2ata Sa@ota&e is an 0(ectronic ,orensics 0Fpert 5 $e(etin& o? $ata (ea%es e%i$ence. 1he 'se o? ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces to Ne'ro /o@otica((y contro( 7onc'@ina( SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims 'sin& Ne'roScience is %ery reminiscent o? what happene$ within the ranDs o? 7IA ProJect M9U41/A 3 $'rin& which time /ichar$ He(ms is @e(ie%e$ to ha%e @een i((e&a((y 'sin& 7entra( Inte((i&ence A&ency ?'n$in& to con$'ct m'ch o? H'(i's 0%o(aKs science research an$ h'man %i%isections in secret at the $irection o? H'(i's 0%o(a which ha$ @e&'n $'rin& the 3r$ /eich. It is pro@a@(e that this connection was one o? the series o? :ar 7rimes which mem@ers o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha$ committe$ that =ittorio 0man'e(e so'&ht to e(iminate a(( e%i$ence o? @y metho$ o? ?ramin& a(( o? his associates3 partners3 an$ accomp(ices ?or the ?'(( eFtent o? a(( o? the crimes as eFc('si%e parties seperate ?rom himse(? as we(( as ?ramin& innocent parties s'ch as Mosta?a I@nSa'$ an$ the Sa'$i Ara@ian /oya( ,ami(y ?or committin& these crimes at the @ehest o? .sama ;in4a$en. I ha$ o%erhear$ 0$ :arren an$ Anthony 2e,eo $isc'ssin& the nee$ ?in$ a scape&oat ApatsyA a(i@i ?or =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs crimes. ,rom what 0$ ,arrachi :arren an$ Anthony 2e,eo ha$ @een $isc'ssin& 3 it is pro@a@(e that =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ the Ita(ian A6IS ,action were somehow accomp(ices to the " 11 1errorist AttacD < it is possi@(e that they p(ante$ $emo(itions char&es which they $etonate$ 'sin& Impro%ise$ /a$io ,reI'ency 2etonators @'i(t ?rom Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone parts 3 these ha%e @een ca((e$ A2ia( Up 2etonatorsA an$ were written a@o't in a 1IM0 MAGACIN0 Artic(e in 1""" imme$iate(y prior to the " 11 1errorist AttacDs. STU /%ur.o,an/ Soft-are use) to /Pop-up/ photographs an) 0i)eos of Bar-#ape on the computer monitor-screens of the lo0e)-ones of Bar-#ape 8ictims *et-een the 5ears ;==> an) ;=6; an) associate) Bar-#ape "ttac.s -itnesse) *5 0ictims of Computer Ps5chological Barfare %errorist "gents -: ;etween 200* an$ 2012 5 my (ocation was ?o((owe$ @y 7omp'ter HacDers emp(oye$ @y =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e 3 these 7omp'ter HacDers Dnew 7esare an$ 0$ ,arrachi :arren as we(( as $i$ they Dnow ,i( 0man'e(e. 7esare mentione$ twice to 0$ :arren A1'rDoJanA so?tware an$ comp'ter hacDers @ein& 'se$ to $isp(ay &r'esome rapes o? the (o%e$ ones o? one o? the tar&ets on their tar&etKs comp'ter monitor screen which was $escri@e$ as @ein& ?or the p'rpose o? 1errorist Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are. O*;==>-;==D*P * !lass-Slipper ) urine + eating feces 3 mimmic. of ; girls 6 cup * the factual Samantha !ua5 -ith her hair )5e) *lac. *eing torture) an) rape) * --- 3 %oilet!irls3Com -e*site pop-up 6 of 0ictims loo.e) li.e m5 cousin

7en Southern -ho is currentl5 replace) *5 imposteur an) marrie) to Chris Bo-le5 -ho is pro*a*l5 imposteur that has threatene) me on $aceBoo. )uring ;=6= + other %oilet!irls3Com 0ictims loo. li.e regional population + girls force) to eat feces off of toilet *o-ls + lic. feces off of toilet *o-ls + s-allo- feces + s-allourine + )rin. 0omit + pro*a*le BCI 0ictims O*;==K*P * tall re)-haire) gaelic fran.ic-metis -oman + on tur.o,an -e*site *eing cruel5 torture) -ith *izarre implements in mouth+ e5es+ anus+ 0agina+ restraine) + torture) + rape) - hear) later a*out man in s.i-mas. a*)ucting a -oman -ho -as from Be)for) Commons to Cum*erlain $arms at night to get cigs through path through -oo)s + house of pizza *eing a an) a*)ucter + -oman -as at $amV in ;==D -ith man -ho -or.e) at Ciao's Pizza amherst st nashuaIamherst *or)er 3 * other females similarl5 torture) tur.o,an pop-ups + emil5 similarl5 torture) tur.o,an soft-are pop-up + -e*sites *egan to appear such as /e5e-torture/ + /forceps torture/ + /torture)/ + /*rutalize)/+ /h5pnotize)/ + /throat rape)/ + /throat fuc.e)/ + /gaping/ + /0omit/ + /cr5ing/ + /impale)/ + etc * tur.o,an popup -hat loo.e) li.e 7en Beau)in in hotel room possi*l5 loo.e) li.e a Super C Hotel room + on *e) in 5oga position male K':/ Italian -*lac.4-hite 0i)eo recor)ing at )istance that loo.e) li.e hi))en camera similar to -hat -oul) ha0e *een at $amV in *athroom3 7en Beau)in )isappeare) )uring ;==F + last seen at #ich)ale's Con0einience Store -hich after-ar)s change) name to WWWWWWW3 * m5 little sister Summer -as aroun) -ith a hat on her hea) that loo.e) li.e a cheese--e)ge3 2uring ;=6= + on $aceBoo. : poste) from Italian's $aceBoo. account profiles -ere numerous comments a*out /#ats an) Cheese/3 O*;==F-;==C*P * Ser*ian 88!% mutate) to loo. li.e a *lac. affri.i) man + 0i)eographe) stan)ing up raping a female until she *le)3 her leg -as Neuro#o*otte) to .ic. li.e a )og's leg3 Aach's imposteur an) Keith's imposteur mentione) it in car3 Aach's imposteur ha) )o-nloa)e) this + the a*use of 8alerie Olson + the a*uses of 7ulie Beinstein + the a*uses of &mil5 Isles + an) the other 0ictims onto his computer -hile li0ing at WWWWWWWWWWWW3 * em 4 samantha rape) *5 C italians : ; girls C italian nails- imposteur .eith an) imposteur zach getting into car near Saint Patric.'s Cathe)ral state) /7esus -as a faggot3 He got naile) > times3 Bas it > #oman Nails or > Italian NailsJ Or -as it > Italian malesJ Oh? hahahaha?/ * 7ulie Bernstein tie) up an) *eing torture) *5 Cesare /S-eet Hannah's/ pop-up * 8alerie Olson mutate) co0ere) in large moles + co0ere) in feces + 0omit + an) *u..a.e + later foun) )ea) - )escri*e) *5 imposteur Keith in car )uring ;==F + &1% )uring ;==C -ho foun) *o)5 + tur.o,an pop-up )uring ;==F * nati0e american -oman imposteur of sam gua5 force) to s-or)-s-allo;-foot log of feces photo tur.o,an pop-up : resulte) in *lac. out from trauma at seeing this on %han.s!i0ing * 7en Per.ins from m5 highschool class rape) on camera terrifie) tur.o,an pop-up * secretar5 at mental health center tur.o,an pop-up *eing se@uall5 a*use) *5 metho) of BCI * t-o 5oung females -ho loo.e) li.e a pro*a*le cousin of mine an) another female *eing force) to )efeate)-gla)iator position an) force) to s-allo-

feces %ur.o,an pop-up * &mil5 Isles *eing throat rape) tur.o,an pop-up * /continuation of 1K( %#" BCI's Brain Computer Interface *eing use) for min) control )og an) -oman/ )og an) -oman 0i)eo BCI - pri0ate in0estigator an) inter0ie-e) in)i0i)uals state) that $il )e0elope) the i)ea to )o this )uring ;==> an) *egan hol)ing a*)ucte) -omen in the *asement of the Bilton $oun)r5 an) torture) them as -ell as *egan filming -hat he referre) to as /1K(ltra Propagan)a/ )uring ;==>3 $il )escri*e) to a person the house on Shore Hill 2r3 near the Bilton Police 2epartment -hich is currentl5 on the internet la*ele) Burns Hill #)3 as /this is one of m5 famil5's properties/3 Italian-"GIS pro*a*le to ha0e replace) entire Bilton Police 2epartment )uring ;==> + Bilton ha) small num*er of Police Officers an) is incre)i*l5 -oo)e) area -ith lo- population3 * imposteur of 1ostafa I*nSau) on internet 0i)eo loo.e) li.e it coul) ha0e *een a man the size of !eorge Catsopoulos + Bruce + or possi*l5 another Italian the size of Bruce or !eorge Catsopoulous -ho I met once -ho is that size -ith s.i-mas. on an) -ig hanging un)er s.i-mas. as &) Barren ha) )one at $amil5 2ollar in ;==> : pop-up torturing -hat loo.e) li.e re)-hea)e) gaelic fran.ic-metis -oman from $amV -ith Ciao's man3 -as 6 other 0ictim * italian-sicilian 4 fran.ic -oman from 2onuts at 8IS%" $oo)s near $amV from ;==> + -here &) $arrachi Barren got his coffee3 ;==F pop-up her *eing force) to eat )og feces off of si)e-al. an) off of tea saucer : &) Barren spo.e -ith her e@tremel5 often prior to 8IS%" $oo)s *uil)ing *eing )emolishe) an) Stop'N'Shop *eing *uilt3 * pop-up of a man -hom loo.e) an) soun)e) li.e $il's frien) 7ason *ringing a female to sil0er springs )ela-are E this female ma5 possi*l5 ha0e *een 6F an) *eing force) to carr5 some*o)5 else's I)entification Cre)entials an) accor)ing to internet search results+ hac.ers + an) pri0ate-in0estigators : she -as *rought to 6 hotel in e0er5 state of the (S" an) filme)3 * tur.o,an popup of an italian man ha0ing se@ -ith m5 sister sheena on a couch + imme)iatel5 after this on %han.!i0ing : tu.o,an popup Sheena )ea) -ith /*rutal )il)o/ -hich is -ine-*ottle size) )il)o + )o-n her throat 3 she -as in a /)efeate)-gla)iator/ position -ith her hea) *ac. up an) her e5es rolle) *ac. )ue to *eing .ille) -ith a )il)o that -as use) to possi*l5 cho.e her + impale her+ or collapse her -in)pipe3 i *lac.e) out from the trauma of ha0ing sighte) this3 8ittorio &manuele got -ithin )angerousl5 close pro@imit5 of me )uring ;==9 after a faile) assassination attempt )uring ;==F + I sur0i0e) Blac. 1ol) poisone) -hich ha) occurre) on %han.s!i0ing 2a53 * Stop'N'Shop &mplo5ee + $irst Nations Nati0e "merican an) Puerto-#ican mestizo : )og 1K(ltra 0i)eos of $ils3 $ilme) *eing a*use) horri*l5 an) ro*oticall5 controlle) *5 BCI to ta.e specific )og-li.e position an) stic. out toungue li.e !ene Simmons in s5ncronicit5 -ith 2og's toungue out O*;==9 P * fin) sa0e) search results on computer at father's house of female in torture-rac.s *eing torture) + la*els inclu)e) -or)s such as /cuc.ol)ing/3 )isgusting photos an) 0i)eos in search histor53 man -as )efinite imposteur3 > possi*le imposteurs + the5 )o not let me see m5 sister Summer3 Imposteur Chelse5 currentl53 2efinite Chil) Crime-S5n)icate of Italian-"GIS3 #eporte) to Police + Police in 1errimac. ha0e all *een replace) *5 imposteurs3 Italian-"GIS %errorist Crime-S5n)icate attempting to ta.e state of NH3 (sing chil)ren as *ait in attempt to lure famil5 to commit attac.s to arrest them after an) charge them3 Brongfull5 la*ele) Schizophrenic after BCI implant in ;==F3 1ost

important to sa0e nation from genoci)e3 Italian-"GIS o*0ious Chil)-Se@%raffic.ers+ Se@-%raffic.ers+ an) all other Human-%raffic.ing3 O*;=6;-;=6:*P * -oman )ancing nu)e in apartment a*o0e S-eet-Hannah's on K-Street at Hampton Beach Boar)Bal. Boulle0ar)e 3 loo.e) similar to &mil5 Isles3 )efinite top-floor apartment a*o0e /S-eet Hannah's/ Can)5 Shoppe3 Bar-#ape ;==D-;==C * Aro'n$ the eFact $ate $'rin& which I was poisone$ with ;(acD Mo($ in Manchester NewHampshire3 n'mero's recor$in&s o? :ar /apes an$ SeF .??enses ha$ @een p'@(ishe$ to the internet 5 many o? the %ictims o? these rapes were peop(e I ha$ Dnown. HacDers p'rpose(y eFpose$ me to e%i$ence in the ?orm o? %i$eos an$ photo&raphs o? my ?rien$ 0mi(y Is(es @ein& rape$ 3 Samantha ;ernstein @ein& rape$ 3 my ?atherKs ?rien$Ks neice Miret> @ein& rape$ 3 an$ a(( three o? them @ein& ?orce$ to choDe on penises as we(( as eat an$ swa((ow ?eces. /'mo'rs were circ'(atin& in New 0n&(an$ that two o? these women $e%e(ope$ 1oFicity $'e to @ein& ?orce$ to $i&est a manKs ?eces3 a(so r'mo'rs were sprea$in& that these women ha$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 2e%ices &ra?te$ to their @rains @eneath their sD'((s an$ that these were wire$ to a mini ro'ter which was tacDe$ to their Jaws. 1his ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace was r'mo're$ to ha%e @een 'se$ in conJ'nction with so?tware that ha$ @een $e%e(ope$ eFp(icit(y ?or 7onc'@ina( SeF'a( S(a%ery. 1he %i$eo which ha$ @een ?orwar$e$ to me containin& a scene $'rin& which a ?ema(e was @ein& rape$ @y ?i(Ks ?rien$ 7esare the A7'@ano Ita(ianoA whom ha$ @een ?reI'ent(y recor$e$ at ,ami(y 2o((ar in Manchester NewHampshire 5 this scene in%o(%e$ his p(acin& his in$eF ?in&ers on her to'n&'e (iDe a me$ica( compressor an$ te((in& her A-o'Kre &oin& to taste the penis ri&ht here.A he contin'e$ ta(Din& to her (iDe she was his s(a%e as we(( was her mo'th @ein& ?orce$ to mo%e @y the comp'ter an$ speaD the wor$s A-es Master.A a?ter she ha$ J'st to($ him that she $i$ not want to ha%e seF with him. 1he ?ema(e (ooDe$ simi(ar to 0mi(y Is(es an$ H'(ie :einstein @oth. 0mi(y an$ who seeme$ to @e the Hewish :oman ?rom 200* were @oth rape$ @y 8 Ita(ian ma(es $'rin& one o? these recor$in&s 3 n'mero's photo&raphs an$ %i$eos o? 0mi(y an$ the Hewish 4a$y cryin& an$ (ooDin& at cameras whi(e choDin& on penises an$ (o&s o? ?eces were $isp(aye$ on my comp'ter monitor screen @y metho$ o? APop 'pA $isp(ays create$ @y 1'rDoJan so?tware. 1hese photo&raphs an$ %i$eos were incre$i@(y tra'matic to witness. I ha%e not hear$ o? any in%esti&ations in%o(%in& these since then 3 nor ha%e I hear$ o? any in%esti&ations in%o(%in& Miret>Ks a@$'ction an$ rape. 1hese %i$eos an$ photo&raphs seem to most(y ha%e @een remo%e$ ?rom the (i%e internet since this time @'t ,e$era( /ecor$s ?rom .cto@er 200! to ,e@r'ary 2008 wi(( show these recor$s. P 2'rin& 2010 a %i$eo o? who appeare$ to possi@(y @e 0mi(y Is(es $ancin& naDe$ in @e$room s'r?ace$ on the internet. 1his @e$room was i$enti?ie$ as the 3r$ ?(oor apartment a@o%e ASweet HannahKsA on 9 Street at Hampton ;each in New Hampshire. ASweet HannahA was the name o? one o? the %i$eo recor$in&s o? 0mi(y @ein& rape$. 2'rin& 200! 5 whi(e I was at Hampton ;each with 7he(sey A%i(as an$ her ?rien$ 9e(sey < a P'erto /ican man to($ me that he J'st ?o'n$ o't that a @ea'ti?'( woman was @ein& Dept hosta&e in the 3r$ ,(oor apartment a@o%e Sweet HannahKs on 9 Street. ;etween 200! an$ 2013 5 %i$eos o? women per?ormin& seF acts an$ $ancin& n'$e ha%e @een ?o'n$ poste$ on the internet which were recor$e$ at this (ocation. 1his ?ema(e may ha%e a(so @een a Hewish woman whom I ha%e met or the Ser@ian woman whom was ho($in& 0mi(y Is(esKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s 5 it was ?o'n$ $'rin& a (en&thy on&oin& Pri%ate In%esti&ation. P 2'rin& 200! 5 at (east two %i$eos were poste$ on the internet in%o(%in& woman @ein& ?orce$ to swa((ow ?eces who(e which was @ein& $e?ecate$ $own their throats. 1his was

simi(ar(y $one as ASwor$ Swa((owin&A 5 $'rin& one o? these %i$eos3 one o? the women was ma$e to Dnee( in the position which G(a$iators were ?orce$ to in the /oman 7o((ise'm prior to @ein& impa(e$ @y the tra$itiona( swor$ $own the throat < the woman was ma$e to swa((ow ?eces who(e as i? she were @eer ?'nne(in&. 1hese %i$eos were recor$e$ in the 'n?inishe$ ASea SprayA in Hampton NewHampshire neFt to 9 Street ASweet HannahKsA. ASea SprayA was the name o? a 2o'che 2eo$eri>er Pro$'ct that I ha$ ma$e a JoDe to 0$ :arren a@o't $'rin& the approFimate $ates which H'(i's 7aesar 0%o(aKs a((e&e$ &ran$son 7esare Athe 7'@ano Ita(ianoA ha$ appeare$ at the store to ta(D to 0$ :arren. 7esare Athe 7'@ano Ita(ianoA ha$ ma$e a(('sions to H'(i's 0%o(aKs (iterary p'@(ications an$ state$ A I Dnow what my &ran$?ather was3 he was a ,ascist. I am not st'pi$. He says in his @ooDs that he was not @'t I Dnow @etter.A I ass'me$ 7esare was (yin& an$ was J'st tryin& to manip'(ate 0$ an$ my se(? $'e to r'mo'rs an$ acc'sations o? racism which ha$ @een inthe comm'nity 3 it (ater was $isco%ere$ that 7esare was the 0%o(a that ,i((i@erto ha$ to($ me that he ha$ Dnown in 7'@a 5 ,i(Ks 7'@an A6IS connection. I ha%e since met a 7'@ano Ita(iano 'sin& $'p(icate I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o? Hoey MariniKs whom was a Sici(ian ?rom Mi(?or$ NewHampshire. Since 200* 5 the Ita(ian A6IS ha%e attacDe$ n'mero's Sici(ian ?ami(ies an$ ha%e pai$ Sici(ian 7osa Nostra to attacD Sici(ians an$ their ?ami(ies. My co'sin H'(ianna 3 whom is missin& an$ has apparent(y @een rep(ace$ @y a ,i((ipino Ita(iano Hapa 5 was a 1st &eneration Sici(ian immi&rant to the U.S.A. which was the res'(t o? her ?ami(y ?(eein& a &enoci$e in Sici(y that ha$ @een the pro$'ct o? H'(i's 0%o(aKs hit(ist. My AA'nt H'(iannaA ha$ ta'&ht me e%erythin& a@o't H'(i's 0%o(a 3 A$o(? Hit(erKs tr'e ori&ins3 the &(o@a(ist /oman Imperia( i$entity @ehin$ the 3r$ /eich3 an$ H'(i's 0%o(aKs ?ami(yKs e%i(s in Sici(y 5 when I was yo'n& . P In 200* an$ 2005 the 7'@ano Ita(iano whom 0$ :arren was ?rien$s with 3 mentione$ A;itch 1rainin&A to 0$ :arren in ?ront o? n'mero's peop(e an$ cameras. He $escri@e$ his new ?o'n$ a@i(ity to tie a womanKs anD(e 3 (e&3 torso 3 arm3 an$ wrist to restrainers an$ ho($ her in a speci?ic position < a?terwhich she was ?e$ M2MA ?rom a water @ott(e whi(e @(in$?o($e$ an$ ear p('&&e$. 1hese sessions were $escri@e$ as ho'rs o? seF'a( tort're which res'(te$ in the e%ent'a( a@i(ity ?or this man to simp(y enter a room the woman (i%es in an$ &ent(y (i?t her anD(e an$ (e& @ehin$ her 3 ca'sin& her to or&asm an$ $issassociate. 1here was * sta&es to this ne'ro(o&ica( mo$i?yin& tort're. 1his man has @een r'mo're$ to ha%e @een a@$'ctin& women an$ sta(Din& them years (ater in (i?e3 assai(in& them whi(e their h's@an$s are at worD 5 $'e to his contro( o? their ne'ro(o&y 3 they are $escri@e$ as @ein& he(p(ess a&ainst his assa'(ts. A P'erto /ican woman at ,ami(y 2o((ar name$ /osa 3 state$ that this man was a $is&'stin& SeF .??en$er whom ha$ some@o$y e(seKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s < an$ that he was s'ppose$ to @e a re&istere$ SeF .??en$er @'t ha$ escape$ $'e to ?aDe I.2. . I @e(ie%e this man is the A7'@an A6ISA that ,i((i@erto ha$ $escri@e$ when I met him in /ye New Hampshire in 200*. Accor$in& to ,i( 3 this man was o? the 0%o(a connection. 1he rape which 7esare A2ia@(oA committe$ resem@(e$ eFtreme(y c(ose(y 3 the rape which ,i( 0man'e(e committe$ 'pon Nina Hansen in 1""" an$ ha$ repeate$ a&ain in 2000. P /osa MorenoKs statements a@o't Athe 7'@ano Ita(ianoA seeme$ to possi@(y @e (ies 3 she re?erre$ to a man as AHa%ierA which in Spanish is spe((e$ 6a%ier. I @e(ie%e that this 6a%ier was re(ate$ to the ?act'a( 7aesar 6a%ier an$ that this man was aware that some@o$y e(se ha$ taDen 7aesarKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s < /osa Moreno seeme$ to Dnow. She was notice$ ta(Din& to 7esare A2ia@(oA on more than one occaision an$ mentione$ to me that the ?ami(y that @'i(t the ,ami(y 2o((ar 7orporation were a Hewish ,ami(y name$ A4e%ineA. 1he photo&raph o? the man name$ A4e%ineA that I was shown (ooDe$ ha(? A'strian. 1here was a man name$ ;rian who worDe$ at the ,ami(y 2o((ar

who (ooDe$ to @e ha(? An&(o Gae(ic an$ ha(? A'strian who may ha%e ha$ a connection o? some Din$ to the Ho'se o? Aosta < he was si&hte$ in 2012 in Nash'a NewHampshire wa(Din& into MarthaKs 0Fchan&e. 1his man was a@o't EK1K 3 was in his mi$ 30Ks an$ sho'($ @e in his mi$ *0Ks now3 ha$ me$i'm copper @rown hair 3 an$ ha$ &reen @('e eyes 5 he was o? thin @'i($ an$ was (on& (im@e$. At one point whi(e worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar 3 ;rian sai$ to me AIan... yo'Kre An&(o IrishM I ha$ no i$ea. IKm sorry. I am so sorry.A a?ter which 0$ :arren (ie$ an$ sai$ that ;rian was ?ire$ ?or sayin& somethin& that he was not s'ppose$ to say 5 I @e(ie%e that ;rian was trans?erre$. 0$ :arren may ha%e to($ ;rian some (ies an$ to($ him to say speci?ic thin&s. ;rian $i$nKt seem to Dnow m'ch a@o't what was happenin&. 0$ :arren seeme$ to @e ?o((owin& $irect or$ers ?rom =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ was (yin& to the comm'nity a@o't my i$entity an$ a(ot o? it in%o(%e$ I20N1I1- P.4I1I7S. 1his was aro'n$ the time that APro?essor ;rian SyDesA I$entity Po(itic Propa&an$a was pro$'ce$ in many (ocations on the internet in%o(%in& An&(o SaFon 3 An&(o Gae(ic 3 Gae(ic 3 an$ Norse Gae(ic I$entity Po(itic 5 his propa&an$a is most(y (ies ?orm'(ate$ 'pon the concept o? ;ritish an$ Irish 2NA a(( @ein& one sin&(e /acia( i$entity instea$ o? m'(tip(e inter@re$ races < an$ the 2NA o? the ;ritish 3 ManF 3 an$ Irish peop(es is s'ppose$(y ANot Ga'(ish an$ Germanic 3 it is most(y somethin& e(se entire(y. Somethin& that is re(ate$ to I@erianA. It is a pro@a@i(ity that Hispanic ,ascistas are c'rrent(y @ein& prepare$ to assassinate ;ritish 3 ManF 3 an$ Irish ?ami(ies an$ rep(ace them with themse(%es as imposte'r a?ter eFterminatin& these ?ami(ies. P 2011 Ita(ians &ot o?? o? airp(anes in North America an$ committe$ 7rimes A&ainst H'manity acts o? :ar /apes 'pon Americans. P In 2005 3 7esare an$ a re(ati%e o? his @oth to($ me that I was &oin& to P'r&atory 5 the p(ace where non 7atho(ics &o a?ter $eath i? they are not e%i( peop(e. Accor$in& to 7esare 3 a sin(ess man who is not a 7atho(ic $oes not maDe it to hea%en a?ter $eath < instea$ he is cast into P'r&atory. P'r&atory is o?ten $escri@e$ @y catho(ics as @ein& a p(ace o? a@so('te $arDness an$ the state o? @ein& a@so('te(y a(one 5 comp(ete an$ permanant sensory $epri%ation. I was to($ that this was &oin& to @e the ?ate o? my re(i&io's comm'nity. 1his was aro'n$ the $ate that 0mi(y was a@$'cte$. 7esare an$ another 7atho(ic @oth to($ me that I was a &oo$ man an$ that I ha$ a ?aith @'t that it was the wron& ?aith an$ I an$ my peop(e were &oin& to P'r&atory. 0mi(y has now @een @(in$e$ @y 7esare an$ ,i( whom tie$ her 'p an$ pointe$ (a>er pointers into her eyes which they statione$ %ice &rippe$. P 2'rin& 2005 5 7esare entere$ ,ami(y 2o((ar store to speaD to 0$ :arren an$ mentione$ $oin& some horri@(e thin&s to a partic'(ar woman that some@o$y (o%e$. It so'n$e$ as i? he was ta(Din& a@o't rapin& a manKs wi?e or ?i(min& her cheatin& on her h's@an$ with 7esare. 7esare c(aime$ to 0$ that he was &oin& to p'@(ish this to the internet an$ ha%e hacDer 'se a pro&ram (iDe 1'rDoJan to pop 'p the pro&ram on the screen o? the inten$e$ tar&et. 1he p'rpose o? this was ?or the p'rpose o? $ri%in& the man cra>y to commit acts o? %io(ence. I now @e(ie%e that this was the @e&inin& o? 7esareKs p(annin& to $ri%e me insane an$ to %io(ence. ,or a@o't 2 years a?ter this 3 7esare was witnesse$ in the company o? a m'ch yo'n&er ?ema(e whom he was constant(y a@'sin& an$ treatin& (iDe a conc'@ina( s(a%e < this &ir( was H'(ie :einstein 3 $'e to my con?(ict a%oi$ance concernin& 7esare an$ E0T ho'r a weeD worD sche$'(e I $i$ not ha%e the a@i(ity to i$enti?y her an$ protect her ?rom 7esare. I @e&an ha%in& pro@(ems with 7esare @e?ore I e%en cease$ worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar. Unti( 200! < ,i(i@erto Dept an imposte'r pro?i(e an$ presense o? 0mi(y Is(es on the internet 3 I @e(ie%e$ that she was sti(( sa?e 'p in .ntario an$ that she ha$ J'st @een too @'sy to ta(D to me ?or a whi(e.

P 200! 2008 5 the imposte'r Cach An$rosDi an$ imposte'r 9eith Hammon$ were witnesse$ (a'&hin& a@o't $is&'stin& rape %i$eos which ha$ @een recor$e$ an$ emai(e$ to Cach An$rosDi $'rin& 200! an$ 2008 at E*0 S Porter Street in Manchester New Hampshire 3 many o? these ?i(es were trans?erre$ to ACach An$rosDiKsA comp'ter @y way o? 0 2onDey ,i(e Sharer 7(ient an$ accor$in& to (a@e(s o? $own(oa$e$ ?i(es inc('$e$ e%en minors @ein& rape$ an$ tort're$. 1he $escriptions o? what these men were $isc'ssin& so'n$e$ (iDe :ar /ape an$ other :ar 7rimes an$ the names Miret> an$ 0mi(y were mentione$ as we(( as a (itt(e &ir( @ein& rape$ to $eath @y a @(acD man 3 her @(ee$in& @ein& ca((e$ A7herry Sa'ceA @y the man impersonatin& 9eith Hammon$ < this Acherry sa'ceA @ein& the @(oo$ she was @(ee$in& ?rom her torso an$ %a&ina when she was rape$ to $eath @y a m'ch (ar&er a$'(t ma(e. P 2'rin& 200! 5 a we@site was APop UpA $isp(aye$ on my 7omp'ter Screen @y a hacDer. 1his we@site portraye$ a ?ew women I Dnew 3 Samantha ;ernstein whom I ha$ @een (o%e str'cD @y in 200*3 0mi(y Is(es whom I (o%e$ 3 an$ Hewish ?ema(es ?rom m'(tip(e (ocations < a(( @ein& ?orce$ to per?orm ?e(atio 3 @ein& choDe$ @y penises 3 @ein& rape$ in the mo'th whi(e cryin& 3 an$ @ein& a@'se$ in &enera(. As an ins'(t to Cionism an$ the nation o? Israe( 3 this we@site was ca((e$ A9i@@'(> An$ ;itsA < name$ a?ter the termino(o&y A9i@@'t>A which is a wor$ that re?ers to ear(y Israe(i Nationa( Socia(ist 7o(onies which were Cionist 7omm'na( Socia(ist 7o(onies. P 2'rin& 200! 5 a -o't'@e %i$eo ca((e$AM9U41/A P/.., AN2 0=I20N70A was poste$ on -o'1'@e.7om. 1his %i$eo was the c'(mination o? ,i( 0man'e(eKs attempts to create a hoaF $oc'mentary o? AsecretA re(ease$ Ain%esti&ations ?i(esA o? M9U(tra eFperiments contin'e$ @y a $i??erent $epartment. 1his was an attempt o? ,i( 0man'e(eKs to ?rame the USA Go%ernment ?or his own SeF .??enses 3 7rimes A&ainst H'manity 3 an$ :ar 7rimes 'pon the American peop(e. I11&2I"%& Y "$%&# 2ISCO8&#IN! %HIS 8I2&O : 8I%%O#IO /8IC%O#/&1"N(& & + 1"2& " PHON&-C" %O %"Y "'S !#"N2$"%H&# "N2 O#2&#&2 HI1 %O POISON 1Y CO$$&& BI%H B "CK 1O 2 "#O(N2 %H"NKS!I8IN!3 I 1I#"C( O(S Y S(#8I8&23 * 2uring ;==9 : 2373 an) his frien) 1egan 1c!uire *egan hanging out -ith /$ranchesca/ *riefl5 + I sa- them from a )istance at the li*rar5 an) )i) not recognize the -oman that -as -ith them3 I later foun) out from a Ps5chiatric Healthcare &mplo5ee that 2373 trie) to poison her -ith an orange-,uice -ith something in it3 I -as tol) that the -oman sur0i0e) the poisoning an) I later saher3 I later foun) out that this ma5 ha0e *een !rutle K,ellson's sister + the sister of !rutle K,ellson of the *an) &nsla0e) an) that 1s3 K,ellson an) &mil5 Isles -ere *oth *eing force) to carr5 $ranchesca !onzalez's I)entification Cre)entials an) ta.e turns using the I323 Car) as -ell as -ere the5 *lin)e) *5 %he &manueles' %errorist Crime-S5n)icate committing of Initiation-Crimes3 2aniel 7ames -as *eing e@tremel5 cruel to her -hen I sa- them3 * 2uring ;=6=: I -as informe) *5 a frien) -hile at %373s *ar that !rutle's sister -as a*)ucte) *5 > Italians -hile near the Yee 25nast5 )o-n South Billo- St in 1anchester Ne-Hampshire3 I -as tol) that these > Italians in a Hon)a ha) rape) her an) later pushe) her out the -in)o- of the mo0ing 0ehicle near the #ite-"i) an) use) "utomoti0e 2ealership near Rueen's cit5 *ri)ge an) South Billo- St3 3 I am )isguste) to .no- that no*o)5 testifie)3 Currentl5 + "nglo-Sa@on an) !aelic are racial targets of the "GIS as -ell as are Nor-egians : these Italian thugs are most li.el5 $ili*erto's "GIS Sol)iers + he has recruite) gang-units into the "GIS3 P 2'rin& what was approFimate(y 200! 5 Cach An$rosDi was rep(ace$ somehow @y an imposte'r. I am not aware o? how this occ're$ 3 @'t I am a@so('te(y positi%e that

this man is an associate o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ m'(tip(e SeF 1ra??icDers in the USA an$ 7ana$a. 1he imposte'r preten$in& to @e Cach An$rosDi has ma$e more than one re?erence to ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces 3 women A?'cDin& (iDe their (i%es $epen$ on itA c(aimin& A@eca'se their (i%es $o $epen$ on itA 3 has ma$e m'(tip(e mentions o? Israe( 3 has ma$e m'(tip(e mentions o? speci?ic SeF 1ra??icDin& an$ A@$'ction =ictims 3 has @een in possession o? an$ has transporte$ mi(itary &ra$e armaments 3 a(so ha$ he ma$e n'mero's remarDs a@o't my race 5 his comments concernin& my race ha%e inc('$e$ thin&s s'ch as A7ryin& a@o't sma(( poF in?este$ @(anDetsMA. 1his man has ma$e n'mero's statements which were am@i&'o's @'t easy to con?'se as h'mo'r 3 concernin& chi($ mo(estation 5 his h'mo'r seems to re%o(%e aro'n$ concepts o? rape o? chi($ren 3 &enoci$e 3 transseF'a(s 3 hermaphro$ites 3 an$ rape o? a@$'ctees. 1his man (ooDs incre$i@(y simi(ar to the ?act'a( Cach An$rosDi an$ has CachKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s 3 @'t this man is certain(y a $i??erent nationa(ity 5 I @e(ie%e it pro@a@(e that he co'($ @e a co'sin o? the man whom has @een preten$in& to @e /on ;oar$man. /on ;oar$man has @een missin& an$ a 4om@ar$ic Ita(ian has @een (i%in& as him in 1roy NewHampshire < this 4om@ar$ic Ita(ian has mentione$ =ittorio 0man'e(e II n'mero's times an$ appears to pro@a@(y @e his $escen$ant. 1he ,ace;ooD Pro?i(e A1ia 4'$wicDA has in the past @een associate$ with in$i%i$'a(s an$ other ,ace;ooD Pro?i(es which are connecte$ to =ittorio 0man'e(e 3 =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 7onc'@ina( SeF 1ra??icDin& 7rime Syn$icate 3 the imposte'r preten$in& to @e Cach An$rosDi an$ his ,ace;ooD pro?i(e 3 the imposte'r preten$in& to @e /on A;ran&aA ;oar$man an$ his ,ace;ooD Pro?i(e 3 Mario Napo(itano an$ SeF 1ra??icDers associate$ with him3 an$ ,ace@ooD Pro?i(es re(ate$ to the pro?i(es on A/on ;oar$manKsA AMotherKs si$e o? the ?ami(yA ,ace;ooD pro?i(es. 1hese men ha%e @een a@$'ctin& ?ema(es o? Gae(ic race an$ ha%e @een m'r$erin& entire ?ami(ies o? American ci%i(ians 3 ena@(in& Genoci$a( 1errorists to rep(ace the in$i%i$'a(s an$ ?ami(ies which they ha%e Di((e$ . Since 200* I ha%e seen what appeare$ to @e a penci(e$ $rawin& o? ,i((i@erto APhi( McMannA 0man'e(eKs ?ace on the te(e%ision an$ on the internet 5 m'(tip(e times3 the $rawin& was the ?ace o? a s'spect in more than one witness report in%o(%in& a rape. 1hese rapes occ'rre$ in the USA an$ 7ana$a. It is possi@(e that ,i((i@erto has @een attemptin& to rape an$ impre&nate women a(( o%er the wor($ ?or the p'rpose o? pre%entin& his @(oo$(ine ?rom @ecomin& eFtinct. 1he paranoia o? @ein& eFpose$ as A$o(? Hit(erKs @io(o&ica( ?ami(y wo'($ create a ?rantic reaction ?rom a ?ami(y in%o(%e$ in years o? terrorism an$ or&ani>e$ crime < I @e(ie%e that it was this paranoia that $ro%e the eFi(e$ roya( 0man'e(e ?ami(y to the eFtremes that ha%e c'(minate$ in the o%ert eFpos're an$ ?'t're arrest o? their ?ami(y. In the past ten years5 (aw en?orcement an$ in%esti&ati%e a&encies (ocate$ on the entire 0ast 7oast o? North America ha%e reporte$ n'mero's $'n&eons @ein& ?o'n$3 ?ema(e hosta&es @ein& ?o'n$3 'ni$enti?ie$ remains o? ?ema(es @o$ies3 an$ accomp(ices to crimes @ein& con%icte$ whom are somehow psycho(o&ica( capa@(e o? (yin& an$ ho($in& their si(ence a@o't the &'i(ty party in%o(%e$ in the crimes. 1an5 people *elie0e that /PO#NO!#"PHY+ S%#IP-C (BS+ &SCO#% S&#8IC&S+ an) N(2& 1O2& S are -illing participants as Sex Workers3/ %he truth is that PO#NO!#"PHY is often 0i)eo recor)e) e0i)ence of ne-l5 recruite) se@-traffic.ers -ith their accomplices' 0ictims is a -a5 to ensure the traffic.ers' lo5alt5 M)ue to their superior's a*ilit5 to *lac.-mail them for .i)nappings an) threatsN an) as a -a5 to ensure that the 0ictim is 0ie-e) as a -illing participant in the pu*lic e5e3 1an5 of the men in pornograph5 are in0ol0e) in organize) crime or espionage3 S%#IP-C (BS are often locations -here Human-%raffic.ers socialize an) a)0ertize their 0ictims3 Pri0ate lap-)ances are one -a5 that the traffic.ers use the 0ictims to laun)er mone5 in the form of cash han)e) to them out of pu*lic 0ie-3

Strippers .eep less of their o-n mone5 than people assume3 Strippers are often se)uce) into )rug a))iction an) *u5 their )rugs from their *osses associates+ most strippers pa5 rent to their *osses associates -hom the5 rent their apartments from+ strippers usuall5 Huic.l5 *ecome 0ictims an) ha0e to pa5 their *osses associates for /*o)5guar) protection/+ an) strippers often *u5 or lease their automo*iles from their *osses associates3 &SCO#% S&#8IC&S X %he /escort/ is stal.e)+ *ullie)+ )rugge)+ threatene)+ famil5 is threatene)+ an) ensla0e) *5 Human-%raffic.ers3 /escort ser0ices/ are liasons3 N(2& 1O2& S -ho pose for pornograph5 photographers X /Nu)e mo)els/ are often actuall5 e@tremel5 e@pensi0e 0ictims use) as mone5 laun)ering mulesE the5 are controlle)+ .ept silent+ an) manipulate) *5 net-or.s of criminal-terrorist associates3 %he photographs of these 0ictims are often co0ert a)0ertisements for the -omens' /ser0ices/ 3 1"I -O#2&# B#I2& B&BSI%&S X " *usiness from -hich a person can purchase a -ife through a mail catalog is a Sla0e tra)e3 /Se@-Bor.ers/ X "lthough in some nations+ /Prostitutes/ are 0ie-e) as criminals or as /Se@-Bor.ers/ : almost all prostitutes are sla0es3 is sla0er5 + prostitution is almost ne0er a -illful act + is rape an) often in0ol0es freHuent threats3 %he families of the 0ictims of are often targette) for genoci)e + the 0ictim is usuall5 tol) that their famil5 -ill get hurt if she tal.s3 Being Se@-%raffic.e) is not a profession+ it is sla0er53 Se@-%raffic.ers often -or. for an) -or. -ith net-or.s of -ealth5 financers -ho often ha0e corrupt connections in la- an) in0estigations + the associates of se@traffic.ers 0ar5 *et-een street-criminals an) street-pimps to !lo*al %errorist Organizations in0ol0e) in Organize) Crime3 a*eling the the criminal is *laming the 0ictim for the criminal's actions3 STU S&G-%#"$$ICKIN! : %he ma,orit5 of net-or.s seem to *e net-or.e) glo*all53 Numerous 0ictims from places as far off as #ussia+ $rance+ an) Brazil can *e foun) stripping an) performing se@-acts in places Ne- Yor. or Ne0a)a in the (S" or e0en in 1ontreal in Cana)a : *eing that some of the 0ictims ha0e *een transporte) from the other si)e of the planet an) man5 of the 0ictims from the Ne- &nglan) region are missing+ there is o*0iousl5 a glo*al net-or.3 Se@-%raffic.ers are Se@-Offen)ers3 %he ps5cholog5 of a Se@Offen)er is )ifferent from that of other t5pes of personalities E Se@-Offen)ers are often Social-2ar-inists + meaning : Se@-Offen)ers *elie0e that 1ight is #ight3 %he )ecision to commit a self-empo-ering or self-gratif5ing act is anal5ticall5 measure) in regar)s to the possi*ilit5 of *eing arreste) for it + the )ecision is not )eci)e) upon an anal5tical measurement of the moral or ethical *asis for the action3 &ntire families are )estro5e) *5 these in)i0i)uals an) criminal organizations of in)i0i)uals3 Criminal Organizations engage) in the criminal in)ustr5 of are often engage) in other forms of such as Infant-"*)uction an) "*)uction an) a* an) #epro) : Crime Organizations in0ol0e) in the sale of humans as propert5 are the .in) of organizations -hom -oul) commit an5 act of %errorism for an amount of -ealth+ -eapons+ an) connections3 2ue to the o*0ious criminalit5 of "*solute !lo*al ConHuest + *e it *5 co0ert or o0ert means : a ca*al of -ealth5 in)i0i)uals in0ol0e) in force) !lo*alization of State an) InterNational !lo*al Co0ert "cti0ities

-oul) )efinitel5 ha0e net-or.e) all of the Criminal Organizations in0ol0e) in *egining o0er a hun)re) 5ears ago+ prior to e0en the $irst Borl) Bar3 %he relia*ilit5 of these organizations is guarantee) : a Criminal Organization in0ole) in are e@tremel5 co0ert -ith their acti0ities )ue to )efinite pu*lic outrage an) )isgust -hich -oul) follo- shoul) the5 *e )isco0ere)3 %hese organizations -ill al-a5s remain in a strict silence a*out relate) acti0ities -hen in0ol0ing e@treme 0iolations of human-rights + e@treme Crimes "gainst Humanit5+ glo*al sla0er5 in form of e0er5 sort of Human relia*le )eli0er5 of -eapons of an5 .in)+ relia*le )eli0er5 of an5 illegal pro)uct inclu)ing )rugs or other-ise+ or an5 other co0ert acti0it5 : not e@clu)e) from this list of crimes is Ps5chological as -ell as 8iolent %errorism3 %o these .in)s of criminals + a human life is a pro)uct that is for sale : to them+ all human suffering is irrele0ant3 %he possi*ilit5 of m5 1other's race soon *eing a 0ictim of a*solute Complete an) %otal !enoci)e is 0er5 li.el53 15 1other -as of the pre-colonial race of $irstNations peoples -ho once populate) the North &astern region of the North "merican Continent : census counts ha0e *een )roppe) *5 an e@treme percentage margin stea)il5 in the past 6D= 5ears3 %he people -ho targette) m5 Nana an) m5 1other for 0ictimization -hen she -as a chil) are )efinitel5 in0ol0e) in a genoci)al glo*al organization )irectl5 for the &manuele-&0ola S5n)icate : in this region+ the primar5 targets seem to ha0e *een racial targets such as the $irst-Nations peoples an) the foun)ing populations of National &thnic Cana)ians an) the National &thnic "merican populations that foun)e) the (S" an) Cana)a3 Other targets of these peoples -ere the !aelic immigrants -ho -ere late arri0als to the ne-l5 colonize) regions of North "merica as -ell as "frican "mericans an) #ussians3 %hese targets seem to *e relati0e in relation to -here this organization is acti0e : in Brazil the targets -ere primaril5 1a5ans+ Incans+ Brazilian National &thnics+ an) Polish Israelis -hom -ere transporte) to Brazil *5 Se@-%raffic.ers3 In &urope: the primar5 targets seem to *e #ussians+ (.rainians+ Israelis+ Bosnians+ $rench+ !ermans+ "l*anians+ S-e)es+ an) recentl5 again the Irish an) the British3 %he connection that these men share is a genoci)al net-or.3 Bhen an arm of this genoci)al %errorist Crime-S5n)icate reaches into a region an) settles there + *ecomes rampant an) entire families are .ille) : the ne@t follo-ing effect al-a5s seems to *e )estruction of local economic sta*ilit5 follo-e) *5 more of the same + )estruction of local population an) the sale of their flesh an) *loo)3 Bhat has *een calle) Gorian Lifestyle an) )iscusse) to *e an alternati0e form of an interpersonal relationship has sho-n the true purpose of the promotion an) instigation of B2S1 an) S41 in -hat -oul) normall5 *e a health5 an) free societ53 "lmost as if the5 are completel5 una-are of their )ecision+ S41 an) B2S1 enthusiasts are engaging in -hat has come to *e .no-n as Gorian Lifestyle as a form of an interpersonal relationship *et-een a master an) a /-illing/ sla0e -ho speaks in the third person3 Bhat -as once a fractional population minorit5 -ithin an "rt Collecti0e has no- *een influence) an) su*0erte) into *ecoming a future sla0e population for se@-traffic.ers3 %he prospect of these Brain Computer Interfaces *eing use) to control people -ith these metho)s is )isgustingl5 terrif5ing3 Self-1utilation+ Bo)5 Nullification 0i)eos an) photographs a)0ertise e@treme human Beha0ioral-1o)ification test-su*,ects -hile un)er the influence an) control of Neuro-H5pnosis &ngineering Scientists : this scenes are recor)s of the results+ )ispla5ing gruesome results such as humans *rutall5 remo0ing entire

lim*s an) other *o)5-parts -hile completel5 unaffecte) *5 the self-mutilation3 Beha0ioral 1o)ification 1in) Control &@periments ha0e culminate) in the ro*otic controlling of humans *5 controlling their *rains an) the magnetics of their neuro path-a5s : Neuro-H5pnotic &ngineering in0ol0es traine) flash*ac. an) neuro-memor5 much the -a5 that muscle-memor5 -or.s an) Post-%raumatic Stress 2isor)er in0ol0es memor5-flash*ac.s + the neuro-path-a5s are traine) to react the same e0er5 time *5 creating neuro-paths of least resistance an) repetition3 It is also )efinite to control the human *o)5 as a ro*ot E using BrainComputer-Interface an) computers o0er a -ireless ra)io-freHuenc5 connection3 %he e@perimental research+ pa0lo0ian training+ ps5chose@ual a*use+ an) ps5chotropic h5pnosis sessions are recor)e) an) often calle) /pornograph5/ for the purpose of camouflaging the e@periments an) their en) results3 &n)-results of Beha0ioral 1o)ification science e@periments are 0ie-a*le on -e*sites such as the Two Girls One Cup -e*site3 Be*sites li.e Two Girls One Cup are use) for the purpose of glo*al pu*lic humiliation an) reinforcement of the terrorist net-or.'s )ominance o0er these people3 Be*sites such as Two Girls One Cup are also use) as an e@hi*ition in or)er to entice other megalomaniacs to ,oin their faction *5 e@pressing a*solute asculism an) their a*solute control o0er the -oman as an inherent a!solute inferior3 %his -oul) *e similar to a terrorist telling a crimeassociate of theirs that the5 .no- the organization -ho ma)e the ol) "aces of #eath 0i)eos+ for the purpose of impressing them3 Other topic-hea)ings on /pornographic/ -e*sites -hich contain 0i)eographe) recor)s of a*uses relate) to -hat happene) -ithin an) -ithout 1K( %#" )uring the NIGON "21INIS%#"%ION an) is currentl5 happening again in0ol0ing crime-s5n)icate relate) $eha%ioral odification ind Control &xperiments inclu)e topic la*els such as: "#rugged"+ /#runk" '"(ypnoti)ed"' "Choked"' "$eaten"' "*aped"' "&lectrocuted"' "Gang-*aped"' "Tortured"' "*estrained"' "*acked"' "Chained"' "Tied-+p"' "Caged"'"Training"'"$eastiality"' ",omiting"' "#eathgasm"'"-issing"' "&ating Shit"' ".illed on Camera"'"One Guy one /ar"' "Leg .icking Like 0 #og"' "Screaming"' "Throatfucked"' "&nema $lasted" ' "Co%ered in Shit" ' "&ye Tortured"' "Cum 1n &yes" '" achine "ucked"' "Gaping"' "Sla%e" ' "#ogTraining"' "$eastiality"' "Self- utilating"' "Crying"' "-oint of ,iew"' " ""' "$leeding"' "#ungeon"' " anacles"' "-2O2,2"' "&ats Shit and #ies"' "#eath on Camera"' and "(umiliated" 2 OST O" T(&S& 0*& W0*-*0-&S *&CO*#&# O3 C0 &*0 03# 0*& 0 ,1OL0T1O3 O" T(& G&3&,0 CO3,&3T1O32 T(& 0/O*1T4 O" T(&S& -&O-L& 0*& O" "0 1L1&S T(0T (0,& $&&3 G&3OC1#0LL4 &5T&* 130T&# O* T0*G&TT&# "O* G&3OC1#&2 The 1talian Sa%oy-051S "action use War-*ape as 1nitiation Crimes to pro%e their loyalty to the 1talian Sa%oy-051S "action as well as to engineer the psychology of their Soldiers2 any of these men li%e in the +2S202 and other nations outside of 1talia2

*:-: PSYCH-P#O$I IN! O$ %H& 1( %IP & K&NN&2Y $"1I Y "SS"SSIN"%IONS : &1"N(& &-&8O " SYN2IC"%& :-: 1he propa&an$a $isseminate$ amon&st p'@(ic a'$iences in%o(%in& the assassination o? Hohn ,it>&era($ 9enne$y ?its the Mo$'s .peren$i o? the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icate 5 the %ario's parties @(ame$ were Cionists3 7omm'nists3 the &o%ernment o? the USA3 ,rench

&an&sters3 the /'ssians3 an$ American so'therners. 1he moti%atin& ?actor was ne%er $isc'sse$ witho't $i%er&in& ?rom the $ic'ssion < the $isc'ssion a(ways @ein& re$irecte$ to a $isc'ssion a@o't tri%ia(ities s'ch as min'tae $etai(s re&ar$in& @a((istics ?orensic e%i$ence. Hohn ,it>&era($ 9enne$y has not @een the on(y 9enne$y m'r$ere$. .ther 9enne$ys ha%e @een m'r$ere$ @y %ario's means3 inc('$in& what was possi@(y a sta&e$ p(ane crash @'t in act'a(ity was the act o? a sa@ote'r. Pa&er3 GPS3 an$ 7e(( Phone techno(o&y can @e 'se$ to create a (on& ran&e wire(ess $etonator 1N8 the si>e o? a ce(( phone witho't the casin&3 co'p(e$ with a @om@ the si>e o? a mar@(e 5 this @ein& e(ectrica( tape$ to speci?ic wires within one o? the airp(aneKs interior mechanica( compartments co'($ possi@(y create a sma(( therma( eFp(osion o? intense heat capa@(e o? me(tin& the wires. An A/G.S GPS 2e%ice com@ine$ with Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone parts in the 1""0Ks co'($ $etonate a sma(( eFp(osi%e in an airp(ane en&ine compartment. 1his wo'($ ca'se the en&ine to sh't o??3 a non e(ectrica( component co'($ @e $estroye$ @y means o? this metho$ as we((. 1he moti%atin& ?actor that I @e(ie%e has @een i&nore$ is the possi@i(ity o? somethin& re(ate$ to the 9enne$y @ein& connecte$ to in%esti&ations in%o(%in& P/.H071 M9U41/A 3 which the NiFon A$ministration (ater attempte$ to co%er 'p. 1his recent series o? &enoci$a( attacDs has the same Mo$'s .peren$i as /ichar$ NiFon an$ /ichar$ He(msK i((e&a( sta(Din& an$ recor$in& o? Americans that c'(minate$ in the :A10/GA10 S7AN2A4. It is pro@a@(e that the 9enne$ys were in%o(%e$ in in%esti&ations concernin& the A6IS an$ the 0man'e(e ,ami(y as we(( as the 0%o(a ,ami(y. It is a(so pro@a@(e that HaI'e(ine 9enne$yKs ?ami(y was tar&ette$ @y the 0man'e(esK SeF 1ra??icDin& 7rime Syn$icate. G(enn A2an>i&A An>a(oneKs (yrics when he was yo'n&er containe$ (yrica( content re(ate$ to A6IS S(eeper 7e((s in North America 3 A6IS Genoci$a( M'r$er SI'a$s in North America 3 Ita(ian A6IS SeF 1ra??icDers in North America 3 H'(i's 0%o(a 3 an$ the assassination o? Hohn ,it>&era($ 9enne$y as we(( as HacDie .nassis @ein& threatene$ an$ possi@(y rape$ a?terwar$s. G(enn A2an>i&A An>a(oneKs (yrics ?rom the ear(y Mis?its era when the a(@'m Static A&e was written ha%e a(ot o? (yrica( content re&ar$in& Ita(ian A6IS in North America. G(enn A2an>i&A An>a(one was @orn an$ raise$ in New Hersey USA. 2'rin& 2005 5 G(enn An>a(oneKs @rother or co'sin appeare$ at ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n Street in Manchester NewHampshire an$ eFamine$ the store an$ whom was present. * :-: Purpose of the &manueles' Ps5chological-Barfare Campaign an) Ps5chological Profile of the Ps5-Barfare "gents :-: 1he Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are campai&n o? the 0man'e(esK is ?oc'se$ primari(y 'pon the concept o? tra'mati>in& the tar&ets 3 repeate$(y psycho(o&ica((y pro?i(in& them ?o((owe$ @y repeate$ attempts to tra'matica((y a(ter the @eha%ior an$ i$entity o? the tar&ets . 1he psycho(o&ica( war?are is primari(y con$'cte$ in settin&s where the tar&et ci%i(ian %ictim can not ?i&ht nor ?(ee 5 settin&s s'ch as worDp(ace 3 (i%in& room te(e%ision %iewin& 3 @e$ room te(e%ision %iewin& 3 internet %iewin& 3 te(ephone con%ersin& 3 $'rin& $etainment @y (aw en?orcement whom are (oya( to the 0man'e(es 3 or in hospita(s an$ other hea(thcare ?aci(ities. 1ra'ma is create$ @y metho$ o? o%ert(y eFposin& the ?act that the %ictimsK are @ein& sta(De$ 'sin& o%er $'@@e$ a'$io to I'ote co%ert(y recor$e$ con%ersations an$ %i$eo (i%e e$itin& to present concepts re(e%ant to co%ert(y recor$e$ con%ersations. Another ?orm o? Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are which the 0man'e(esK terrorist ?action ha%e en&a&e$ in in%o(%es mo@@in& %ictims in their worDp(aces with an&ry hor$es o? &ossip $ri%en acc'sers 3 hirin& o? &an&s to sta(D an$ attacD %ictims physica((y an$ seF'a((y 3 emp(oyment o? Ita(ian A6IS A&ents (aw en?orcement an$ their a((ies to intentiona((y sa@ota&e a tar&ette$ %ictimsK a@i(ity to thri%e @y metho$ o? a@'sin& (aw en?orcement

o??icersK a@i(ity to $etain ci%i(ians an$ e??ect co'rtroom $ecisions in%o(%in& pena(ty as we(( as ?ramin& ci%i(ians ?or crimes which they $i$ not commit s'ch as $r'& possession that $i$ not ?act'a((y eFist. An o@%io's &oa( o? the 0man'e(esK Psy :ar?are A&ents is to Psycho(o&ica((y 0n&ineer a psycho(o&ica( para$i&m in their %ictims that is ?oc'se$ on the @e(ie? that the Psy :ar?are A&ent is an oppressor actin& on @eha(? o? the %ictimKs own Nationa( Go%ernment. In act'a(ity3 the S(eeper 7e(( in%o(%e$ in the 7o%ert ;(acD .ps Psy :ar?are is a networD o? in$i%i$'a(s em@e$$e$ amon&st comm'nications corporations 3 in%esti&ations $epartments 3 recor$ Deepin& $epartments 3 (aw en?orcement $epartments 3 me$ia pro$'ction or&ani>ations 3 an$ psychiatric hea(thcare ?ie($ o? emp(oyment. It is easier ?or S(eeper 7e((s to s'r%i%e $etection i? their tar&ets ?ear the &o%ernment o? their own nation an$ are a?rai$ to contact in%esti&ations an$ mi(itary or at (east (aw en?orcement. Uni?orms o? ,e$era( 0mp(oyment are o?ten 'se$ an$ a@'se$ ?or p'rpose o? incitin& ?ear o? ,e$era( A&ents in the min$s o? the ci%i(ians whom they are s'ppose$ to @e protectin&. * :-: &mil5 Isles an) !rutle K,ellson's Sister :-: P .%er the years3 1'rDoJan* pop 'ps o? ima&es an$ %i$eos o? 0mi(y Is(eKs a@'se were pop 'ppe$ on my comp'ter screen n'mero's times which res'(te$ in tra'mati>in& o? my se(? an$ n'mero's @(acD o't $isassociations $'e to eFtreme psycho(o&ica( tra'ma $'e to the amo'nt o? (o%e I ha%e ?or 0mi(y Is(es. ;etween the years 200E an$ 20103 0mi(y Is(es internet ?rien$ whom was Gr't(e 9Je((sonKs sister (ooDe$ ?or me a(( o%er Manchester NewHampshire whi(e @(in$e$ 5 'sin& her tapper sticD to tra%e( Manchester asDin& peop(e i? theyK$ seen me. Gr't(eKs sister hire$ a Pri%ate In%esti&ator an$ was &i%en my a$$ress3 she 'se$ 0mi(y Is(esKs name in hopes that i wo'($ ta(D to her. Gr't(e 9Je((sonKs sister an$ 0mi(y Is(es were ?rien$s an$ ha$ @een speaDin& on the internet an$ possi@(y on te(ephone $'rin& 200*. I saw her n'mero's times whi(e she was (ooDin& ?or me an$ was $isassociate$ ?rom tra'ma @y the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace in my @rain e%ery time 5 ,i( 0man'e(e was sa$istica((y tort'rin& 's @oth. Ms. 9Je((son sat neFt to me at a @ar an$ p't her ?oot on my Dnee3 $ata was sent to the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace which ca'se$ me to $isassociate. Gr't(eKs sister is the most @ea'ti?'( woman I ha%e e%er seen an$ she has @een @r'ta((y maime$ an$ repeate$(y assa'(te$ physica((y an$ seF'a((y 5 these are :ar 7rimes that were committe$ 'pon her. I ha%e not @een a@(e to ?in$ 0mi(y anywhere since 2005. P 1he toi(et in the Manchester 4i@rary says the company name A1.1.A on it. ,i( 0man'e(eKs A&ents were o%erhear$ ca((in& me 1oto an$ statin& that AIanKs race is toi(et ?i(th.A . 2'rin& 200! 5 I witnesse$ the ?ema(e who was r'mo're$ to @e Gr't(e 9Je((sonKs sister whom was then @(in$ 3 at the 4i@rary with 2H an$ his ?rien$ Me&an whom ha$ a$$e$ me on MySpace. Me&anKs MySpace.7om acco'nt $isp(aye$ a photo&raph o? her wearin& a $octorKs $'stmasD simi(ar to the s'r&eonKs masD that was worn @y the s'r&eons whom I remem@er the ?aces o? ha%in& Ne'ro S'&erie$ me with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace whi(e in 7oncor$ NewHampshire. 1he we@site Atoi(et &ir(sA is (iDe(y to ha%e @een the %ictims o? the 0man'e(esK. P 2'rin& 200E or ear(y 200! 3 I recei%e$ an incomp(ete =oiceMai( ?rom what so'n$e$ (iDe 0mi(y Is(es. 1his =oiceMai( eFp(aine$ that she was @ein& he($ hosta&e @y SeF 1ra??icDers in ;i((ericca Massach'settes at Mt. P(easant Apartments an$ that there was another ?ema(e there. P 2'rin& 200" 3 my I.P.S. 7o'nci(or Mea&han Hohns ?rom Manchester Menta( Hea(th at 1555 Main St. in Manchester NewHampshire in?orme$ me that she Dnew A,ranchesca Gon>a(e>A an$ that ,ranchesca was tryin& $esperate(y to &et in contact

with my se(?. Mea&han ha$ @een he(pin& me to (ooD ?or a Jo@ aro'n$ this time. I was misin?orme$ @y a thir$ party other than Mea&han Hohns that A,ranchesca Gon>a(e>A whom was in ?act A0mi(y Is(esA ha$ @een stayin& at the :e@ster Ho'se on :e@ster St in Manchester 3 that she was stayin& at 0aster Sea(s one @(ocD away ?rom :e@ster Street in Manchester 3 an$ that she was stayin& at 7rochet Mo'ntain in Manchester NewHampshire in Main st. I ha$ wa(De$ past a(( o? these (ocations with ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e in 200*. A@o't a month a?ter Mea&han Hohns ha$ to($ me a@o't ,ranchesca (ooDin& ?or me 3 I witnesse$ an emp(oyee at 2'nDin 2on'ts on :e@ster St. attempt to poison Mea&han Hohns (atte. :hen she recei%e$ her (atte 3 the cream ha$ c'r$(e$ to teFt're o? cotta&e cheese. She threw away her (atte a?ter we (e?t. In 200" I was a(so in?orme$ @y /o&er Hen$re>JewsDi an$ 2aphen 7onaway that ,ranchesca was (ooDin& ?or me a(( o%er Manchester. 2aphen ca((e$ A,ranchescaA myAincre$i@(y @ea'ti?'( sta(DerA with me. I trie$ to &et to 0mi(y @'t I eFperience$ @(acD o'ts an$ ?eintin& a(most e%ery time that I trie$. It seems (iDe some@o$y was monitorin& my actions. Aro'n$ the $ate that Mea&hanKs co??ee creamer ha$ @een ser%e$ eFtreme(y c'r$(e$3 this was pro@a@(t a poisonin& attempt. Mea&han Hohns has in?orme$ me that there were ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces in the comm'nityKs @rains. I ha$ J'st s'r%i%e$ a ?ew s'ccess?'( poisonin& attempts in 200!3 one o? which @ein& @(acD mo($ which was $'mpe$ into my co??ee. /oya( ,ami(ies ha%e /oya( 1aste 1esters to pre%ent poisonin&. :hen ta(Din& to ;ren$an P(ace 5 I state$ that I wo'($ @e happy e%en (i%in& in a I'iet an$ sec('$e$ comm'nity s'ch as :i(ton NH as (on& as I was with 0mi(y Is(es 3 I co'($ not &row @ore$ o? speaDin& with her no matter ?or how (on& we spoDe. P In 200* 3 a?ter 0mi(y Is(es recor$e$ herse(? per?ormin& the son& A:arA @y ;'r>'m 5 0$ :arren at worD the neFt $ay was o%erhear$ statin& to Anthony A2'$e... that @itch so'n$e$ (iDe she was &ettin& rape$.A Soon a?ter this3 0mi(y was a@$'cte$. ,i( 0man'e(e an$ his Ita(ian A6IS terrorist ?action ha%e committe$ a series o? :ar /apes in North America. P 2'rin& 200* 5 I to($ 0mi(y Is(es that I was in (o%e with her < 0mi(y Is(es respon$e$ @y te((in& me honest(y that she the eFact same way an$ that she was worDin& 'p the co'ra&e to @reaD 'p with her (on& time @oy?rien$. I ha$ recent(y @roDen 'p with Sahn$ra. 0mi(y $eci$e$ that I sho'($ mo%e to 7ana$a to @e with her. I $eci$e$ that she was correct an$ that this was the proper thin& to $o. Imme$iate(y a?ter we eFchan&e$ AI (o%e yo'sA 3 the Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are assa'(ts @y me$i'm o? HacDe$ 1e(e%ision ;roa$casts 3 HacDe$ Internet an$ 1'rDoJan*K$ Internet Pa&es 3 threats at worD 3 sta(Ders 3 an$ other metho$s o? Psy :ar @e&an. I @e&an @in&e $rinDin& an$ 0mi(y was soon a?ter a@$'cte$. I @ecame $epresse$ an$ @e&an $atin& a woman name$ Min$y 9ern 3 $'rin& which re(ationship I s'@concio's(y attempte$ to mo($ her a?ter 0mi(y Is(esK persona(ity. 2'rin& my re(ationship with Min$y 9ern 3 the Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are Assa'(t contin'e$ which c'(minate$ in the e%ent which occ'rre$ when I was sittin& in So'thern NewHampshire /e&iona( Me$ica( 7enter with the A'strian (ooDin& Po(ice .??icer 'sin& ASt.7yrKsA @a$&e ?rom one o? the two Po(ice 2epartments where 1ony Grasseti ha$ $roppe$ o?? his e(ectronic recor$in&s o? ,i( 0man'e(e. As my se(? an$ o??icer sat in the waitin& room < a con%ersation @etween my se(? an$ Min$y 9ern which ha$ @een i((e&a((y recor$e$ at 155 Map(e st apartmentR2 was I'ote$ eFact(y wor$ ?or wor$ $'@@e$ @y a comp'ter hacDer o%er a soap opera or possi@(y a(tho'&h %ery 'n(iDe(y 3 written into the te(e%ision soap operaKs script. P 0mi(y innocent has sinne$ a&ainst no one 3 taDen an$ @(in$e$ 3 (ooDe$ ?or me ?or 5 years with a tapper sticD 3 Athat sticD wi(( @ecome his mist(etoe i? he hasnKt commit s'ici$e or &one o't with a @an& @y thenA 3 =ittorioKs an$ ,i(Ks &'ys ca((e$ me 1oto the $o& 3 Si&'r$ 3 Atti(a3 an$ ;a($r in re?erence to an ima&e o? 3 crosses an$ the so(ar cross 3 Am'st thinD heKs ?aster than a spee$in& @'((etA 5 S'perman 5 9ryptonite . =ittorioKs an$

,i(Ks a&ents #inc('$in& a man whom ,i( $escri@e$ as H'(i's 0%o(aKs 7'@an &ran$son 3 7esare) prepare$ (ayers o? preme$itate$ terror to s'ccee$ at ca'sin& s'ici$e sho'($ a(( other metho$s ?ai(. I wi(( not a((ow my se(? to $ie 'n$er any circ'mstances3 I owe it to 0mi(y to see to it that this witness statement con%icts e%ery sin&(e one o? the assai(ants an$ their war crimina( associates < these crimes are a(( war crimes. 0mi(y was my si@(in& in ?aith3 ethnicity3 an$ in the Dinship o? c(ose ?rien$ship < re&ar$(ess o? the c(ose ?ee(in&s o? Dinship 3 it was o@%io's to n'mero's peop(e that I was ?a((in& in (o%e with her ?rom a?ar. 2'rin& 200* 3 0mi(y ha$ @e&'n ta(Din& a@o't in%itin& me to mo%e to 1oronto to (i%e with her an$ atten$ Uni%ersity with her. 0mi(yKs (ast wor$s to me @e?ore she was a@$'cte$ were A I (o%e yo'.A 5 5 Gr't(e 9Je((sonKs sister 5 5PPP It is entire(y pro@a@(e that the woman wa(Din& aro'n$ @(in$ in Manchester NewHampshire c(aimin& to @e 0mi(y Is(es was in ?act Gr't(e 9Je((sonKs sister. 2'rin& 200E 3 Gr't(eKs @an$ A0ns(a%e$A to're$ North America. 2'rin& 200* < 0mi(y Is(es ha$ state$ that she was ta(Din& to Gr't(e 9Je((sonKs sister on the internet. A hacDer ha$ sent me a photo&raph c(aimin& that it was 0mi(y Is(es ?rom either 0mi(yKs AIM or 0mai( Acco'nt < the photo&raph was a @ea'ti?'( woman whom (ooDe$ a year o($er than my se(? an$ appeare$ to @e Norwe&ian an$ Swe$ish. I @e(ie%e that this may ha%e @een another sister o? Gr't(e 9Je((sonKs or his co'sin. 2'rin& 200! < a?ter the 0ns(a%e$ North American to'r 5 I was to($ that Gr't(e 9Je((sonKs sister has @een a@$'cte$ $'rin& the North 0ast USA portion o? the to'r. I was to($ this @y a man name$ A0ric SmithA who 'se$ the name A0riD Schmi$tA as a nicDname on(ine $'e to it @ein& the name o? the Goo&(e.7om ?o'n$er possi@(y < this manKs screen name was Morty+?o((owe$ @y n'm@ers8. It is $e?inite that there are %ictims o? this Ne'roScience H'man =i%isection 1errorist AttacD an$ har%estin& o? H'man 1ra??icDin& =ictims in Norway. 1he Ita(ian A6IS has mana&e$ to in?i(trate Norway an$ has possi@(y @ro'&ht Ser@ians with them. I @e(ie%e that Gr't(eKs sister may ha%e @een a@$'cte$ ?rom the Hote( 'p the roa$ ?rom MarDKs Showp(ace 3 across the street ?rom the Ne'roSpine Ne'ro(o&y Instit'te. I? Gr't(eKs sister ha$ remem@ere$ my name ?rom ta(Din& to 0mi(y Is(es 3 it is pro@a@(e that she may ha%e @e&'n 'sin& 0mi(y Is(eKs name whi(e (ooDin& ?or me $'e to her rea(i>ation that she was in Manchester NewHampshire. It is a possi@i(ity that 0mi(y Is(es was @ro'&ht to 0'rope an$ so($ to SeF 1ra??icDers an$ 'se$ as a test s'@Ject ?or Ne'roScience eFperiments. 2'rin& 2005 3 i recei%e$ a series o? postcar$s that state$ that they were ?rom A0mi(y Is(esA. 1hese postcar$s were mai(e$ ?rom a(( o%er 0'rope. 1he (ast car$s recei%e$ were ?rom Greece. A?ter recei%in& these car$s 3 I recei%e$ a (etter ?rom cana$a that was tit(e incorrect(y as 0mma 4ei&h O(es as in A0mi(y 0ye(essA. * :-: %on5 !rasseti :-: P In 200* 3 a?ter meetin& ,i( 0man'e(e in Manchester 5 1ony Grassetti ca((e$ ,i( 0man'e(e ?rom the home phone (ine in Manchester NH at Haywar$ St on 9enneth H'$$Ks te(ephone n'm@er with 7omcast which I @e(ie%e was E03 *13 821". ,i( 0man'e(e $i$ not answer the te(ephone ca(( an$ 1ony (e?t a messa&e on the %oicemai( 3 $'rin& this messa&e was state$ 5 A,i( itKs 1ony. I J'st ?o'n$ o't that yo'r A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(y. I $onKt want yo' to thinD I am not &oin& to @e yo'r ?rien$. IK(( @e yo'r ?rien$. :eK(( @e yo'r ?rien$s. IKm not scare$ o? yo' or anythin&... we(( may@e I am. H'st $onKt Di(( a(( o? 's. 2onKt Di(( e%ery@o$y 3 thatKs a((. :eK(( @e yo'r ?rien$s. -o' sho'($ $rinD @eers with 's or come o't to the c('@ with 's some time. 2onKt worry a@o't the JoDe a@o't the &ay thin&3 I Dnow

yo'Kre not &ay ... we $onKt ha%e pro@(ems with &ays anyways. I am sittin& neFt to one ri&ht now. Gi%e me a ca(( @acD some time.A. 1his was o@%io's(y a JoDe @etween 1ony an$ ,i(. 1ony Grasseti is a $escen$ant o? a 9in& o? Ita(ia an$ is a /oya( ;(oo$e$ 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 1ony Grasseti an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e ha%e Dnown eachother ?or their entire (i%es. 1ony Grasseti is ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs co'sin. * :-:1egan 1c!uire :-: Me&an McG'ire In 200! 5 a woman messa&e$ me on MySpace.7om who was name$ Me&an McG'ire. 2espite the name3 this woman was o? o@%io's Ita(ian race. :hi(e I was %isitin& a AMe&an McG'ireA 3 who (i%e$ on Pine St. in Manchester New Hampshire 5 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eYs ha(? @rother 2.H. was %isitin& Me&an 3 he c(aime$ that he nee$e$ an o($ @(anD =HS tape ?or a sca%en&er h'nt. AMe&an McG'ireYsA MySpace an$ ,ace;ooD acco'nt was ca((e$ Gerar$ 1he /ain@ow 2icDe$ :on$er 3 she was ?ormer(y on my ?rien$s (ist 5 she was wearin& a $octorYs $'st masD an$ ha$ her hair @rai$e$. 1he $'st masD was a(most the eFact same Din$ o? $'st masD which ha$ @een worn $'rin& the Ne'roScience =i%isection S'r&ery that ha$ occ're$ $'rin& 200! where'pon I ha$ @een S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace. .n the $ay when 2.H. was asDin& Me&an i? she ha$ an o($ @(anD =HS tape 5 I share$ a Me$iterranean Pi>>a with the two o? them which I ha$ p'rchase$ ?rom .(ymp's Pi>>a in Manchester New Hampshire. At the time 3 I $i$ not Dnow that 2.H. was ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs ha(? @rother 5 now I Dnow this is the ?act'a( tr'th. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs ha(? @rother 2.H. mentione$ that he @e(ie%e$ some@o$y wo'($ @e A7ame( Spi$erin&A the USA soon. A 7ame( Spi$er is a creat're that wi(( J'mp onto the @e((ies o? 7ame(s 5 it inJects itKs n'm@in& anaesthesia into the 7ame(Ks ?(esh3 a?ter which it eats the (i%in& 7ame(Ks ?(esh 'n@eDnownst to the 7ame(. P 2'rin& the @rie$ perio$ o? time that I ha$ @een acI'ainte$ with AMe&an McG'ireA 5 Me&an c(aime$ that her A;rotherA was a :hite Power Neo Na>i an$ that he ha$ @een ;ANN02 ,/.M 0N10/ING MASSA7HUS0110S P0/MANAN14- $'e to A,omentation o? a /acia( /iotA. 1his (aw A,omentation o? a /acia( /iotA $oes not eFist in the USA. A,omentationA is the 4e&a( 1ermino(o&y 'se$ in 2e'tsche(an$ 3 A'stria 3 an$ Ita(ia 5 when concernin& insti&ation o? racia( %io(ence 3 s'ch as a %io(ent riot which tar&ets a racia( pop'(ation or a pro$'ct o? the insti&atin& o? a racia( pop'(ation. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ Aaron 0man'e(e were raise$ in Massach'settes. P :hi(e wa(Din& 0(m St. in Manchester NewHampshire with AMe&an McG'ireA 5 Me&an (ooDe$ at a ran$om passer@y an$ asDe$ AHey3 $o yo' &ot I.2.MA to which the ran$om passer@y respon$e$ with AUm... yeah3 $o yo' nee$ smoDesM I mean 3 $o yo' ha%e I.2MA. 1o this AMe&anA respon$e$ 5 ANo thanDs 3 IK%e &ot some@o$y e(ses I.2. a(rea$y. Sorry3 I tho'&ht yo' were some@o$y e(se.A APPA/0N14- A2. -.U G.1 I.2.MA M0ANS IN A6IS 7.20 4ANGUAG0 5 AA/0 -.U U1I4ICA1ING 1H0 I20N1I,I7A1I.N 7/020N1IA4S ., AN AM0/I7AN 7I=I4IAN 1A/G01102 ,./ G0N.7I20 AN IMP.S10 I20N1I1-MA P :hi(e at AMe&an McG'ireKsA on Pine St. in Manchester NewHampshire 5 AMe&an McG'ireA an$ A2.H.A 0man'e(e were eatin& 7hoco(ate 7hip 1e$$y ;ear 7ooDies3 these cooDies come in a @('e >ip (ocD @a& an$ are so($ at ShawKs S'permarDet 5 these were one o? my sister 7he(sey /ain MacPhersonKs ?a%orite cooDies which she

'se$ to eat a(( the time since she was a (itt(e &ir(. 2'rin& this month3 my sister 7he(sey was Di$nappe$ @y Sici(ians an$ Ita(ians. 2.H. @it the hea$ o?? o? a 1e$$y ;ear 7ooDie an$ c(aime$ he A$ecapitate$A it < Me&an @it the arm o?? o? a 1e$$y ;ear 7ooDie an$ c(aime$ that she ha$ $isarme$ it. 1his was $'rin& the mentionin& o? the A7ame( Spi$erin& o? the USAA. P Me&an McG'ire c(aime$ to @e o? the same race as my ?rien$ 7athryn ;'rDe 5 c(aimin& to @e Gae(ic American an$ ;e(&ian as we(( as Irish. 7athryn ;'rDe is American3 Irish3 an$ ;e(&ian. Me&an was o@%io's(y entire(y Ita(ian. Soon a?ter this mentionin& 5 7athyrn ;'rDe an$ MiDe Smith were &i%en a Si@erian H'sDy which ha$ the same eye pi&ment as A2.H.A 0man'e(eKs 3 ha%in& (i&ht @('e eyes with a @rown specD(e in one. 1his was &i%en to MiDe an$ 7at @y an acI'aintance o? thiers in New Hersey who c(aime$ they Dnew /on ;oar$man an$ 4i((y P(aise as we(( as other ?rien$s o? MiDeKs an$ 7atKs. /on ;oar$man has @een missin& an$ a 4om@ar$ic Ita(ian whom I @e(ie%e is an o't o? we$(ocD $escen$ant o? =ittorio 0man'e(e IIKs has @een 'sin& his i$entity an$ (i%in& in 1roy NewHampshire. M'ch o? 7athrynKs ?ami(y (i%e$ in NewHersey as $i$ one o? my ?ormer schoo( teacherKs name$ Stacy Sea@'ry whom Dnew /on ;oar$man an$ 4i((y P(aise. P 2.H. c(aime$ to worD at he worDe$ at a :a(mart near Sea;rooD. P 2'rin& the year 200" 5 a hispanic man an$ an ita(ian man @e&an ta'ntin& me whi(e i was o'tsi$e o? ! 2ays MarDet sayin& A,ranchesca... mmm thatKs some &oo$ ,ranchesca. ,ranchescaKs s'ch &oo$ p'ssy mmm.A an$ (ooDin& at me an$ sneerin& e%i((y. I $i$ not Dnow at this time that 0mi(y Is(es ha$ @een a@$'cte$ an$ (ater $'mpe$ o?? wih an I.2. 7ar$ that sai$ ,ranchesca Gon>a(es. ,rom what I ha%e hear$ 3 0mi(y was (e?t wan$erin& @(in$ at the HooDsett :a(mart a?ter 7esare an$ ,i((i@erto tie$ an$ racDe$ her an$ @'rnt her eyes o't 'sin& (aser pointers mo'nte$ with %ice &rips. ,rom what I ha%e hear$ ?rom n'mero's so'rces an$ ?rom what I ha%e eFperience$ whi(e (i%in& in n'mero's cities 5 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e has recr'ite$ an incre$i@(y (ar&e crime syn$icate consistin& o? 7rips 3 SeF .??en$ers 3 SeF 1ra??icDers 3 Ita(ian Ma?ia 3 7'@an Ma?ia 3 ,ascistas 3 an$ Ser@ian Ma?ia < many o? these crimina(s are eFtreme(y m'r$ero's an$ seF'a((y %io(ent. P In 2005 3 7esare an$ a re(ati%e o? his @oth to($ me that I was &oin& to P'r&atory 5 the p(ace where non 7atho(ics &o a?ter $eath i? they are not e%i( peop(e. Accor$in& to 7esare 3 a sin(ess man who is not a 7atho(ic $oes not maDe it to hea%en a?ter $eath < instea$ he is cast into P'r&atory. P'r&atory is o?ten $escri@e$ @y catho(ics as @ein& a p(ace o? a@so('te $arDness an$ the state o? @ein& a@so('te(y a(one 5 comp(ete an$ permanant sensory $epri%ation. I was to($ that this was &oin& to @e the ?ate o? my re(i&io's comm'nity. 1his was aro'n$ the $ate that 0mi(y was a@$'cte$. 7esare an$ another 7atho(ic @oth to($ me that I was a &oo$ man an$ that I ha$ a ?aith @'t that it was the wron& ?aith an$ I an$ my peop(e were &oin& to P'r&atory. P 2'rin& 200" 5 citi>ens (i%in& in the city o? Manchester were constant(y in?ormin& me that my ?rien$ A,ranchescaA was (ooDin& ?or me a(( o%er Manchester an$ that she was @(in$ an$ I sho'($ ?in$ her to maDe s're she is oD. I $i$ not Dnow who ,ranchesca was3 the on(y ,ranchesca I ha$ e%er met was a MeFican American woman whom was my co worDer ?rom ,ami(y 2o((arKs sister 5 his name was 1ony Gon>a(es3 I @e(ie%e that

0mi(y was (e?t with ,ranchesca Gon>a(esK I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. I am ?air(y certain that ,ranchesca worDe$ on the same street that 7esare was (i%in& on 5 Spr'ce Street at A1he :ay HomeA. 1ony Gon>a(es was a MeFican American Hispanic whom was ?rien$s witrh 2an .ropa((o an$ He?? 7a@ra( 3 @oth o? whom were Asatr'ars. I (ater $isco%ere$ that ,ranchesca was my missin& @est ?rien$ 0mi(y Is(es whom I (o%e %ery m'ch 3 miss immense(y 3 an$ am eFtreme(y worrie$ a@o't. 0mi(y was temporari(y p(ace$ in a &ro'p home c(ose to this (ocation an$ may ha%e @een a@$'cte$ @y 7esare whi(e at this (ocation a?ter ha%in& @een @(in$e$. I @e(ie%e that 7esare has n'mero's connections within the USA Go%ernment whom are (oya( to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 which was his pro@a@(e &ran$?ather H'(i's 0%o(aKs ho'se. 7esare seems to ha%e a(ot o? Po(ice connections in New Hampshire 3 Massach'settes 3 an$ /ho$e Is(an$. P In 2005 3 7esare an$ a re(ati%e o? his @oth to($ me that I was &oin& to P'r&atory 5 the p(ace where non 7atho(ics &o a?ter $eath i? they are not e%i( peop(e. Accor$in& to 7esare 3 a sin(ess man who is not a 7atho(ic $oes not maDe it to hea%en a?ter $eath < instea$ he is cast into P'r&atory. P'r&atory is o?ten $escri@e$ @y catho(ics as @ein& a p(ace o? a@so('te $arDness an$ the state o? @ein& a@so('te(y a(one 5 comp(ete an$ permanant sensory $epri%ation. I was to($ that this was &oin& to @e the ?ate o? my re(i&io's comm'nity. 1his was aro'n$ the $ate that 0mi(y was a@$'cte$. 7esare an$ another 7atho(ic @oth to($ me that I was a &oo$ man an$ that I ha$ a ?aith @'t that it was the wron& ?aith an$ I an$ my peop(e were &oin& to P'r&atory. P 2'rin& 200" 5 2.H. an$ his ?rien$ Me&an McG'ire @e&an han&in& o't with A,ranchescaA @rie?(y 3 I saw them ?rom a $istance at the (i@rary an$ $i$ not rea(i>e that the woman with them was 0mi(y. I (ater ?o'n$ o't that 2.H. poisone$ 0mi(y. I was to($ that 0mi(y s'r%i%e$ the poisonin&. P 2'rin& 20105 I was in?orme$ @y a ?rien$ whi(e at 1.H.s @ar that 0mi(y was a@$'cte$ @y * Ita(ians whi(e wa(Din& near the -ee 2ynasty $own So'th :i((ow St in Manchester NewHampshire. I was to($ that these * Ita(ians in a Hon$a ha$ rape$ her an$ (ater p'she$ her o't the win$ow o? the mo%in& %ehic(e near the /ite Ai$ an$ 'se$ A'tomoti%e 2ea(ership near B'eenKs city @ri$&e an$ So'th :i((ow St. . I am $is&'ste$ to Dnow that no@o$y testi?ie$. 7'rrent(y 3 An&(o SaFon an$ Gae(ic are racia( tar&ets o? the A6IS 5 these Ita(ian th'&s are most (iDe(y ,i(i@ertoKs A6IS So($iers 3 he has recr'ite$ &an& 'nits into the A6IS. 1&!"N 1C!(I#& B"S %H& N"1& O$ %H& !#"N2-2"(!H%&# O$ 1Y $"%H&#'S $#I&N2 $#"N 1C!(I#& O$ 1&##I1"CK N&BH"1PSHI#&3 * :-: 7ason 7effre5 :-: P In 200* 5 Hason He??rey picDe$ me 'p ?rom Haywar$ st in Manchester NewHampshire to &o p(ay poo( at a @i((iar$s @ar. .n the way to the @i((iar$s @ar 3 Hason He??rey asDe$ me A2'$e... $i$ yo' Dnow that A$o(? Hit(er was Ita(ianMA an$ starte$ (a'&hin& an$ sai$ AItKs so o@%io's he was Ita(ian 3 I $onKt Dnow why peop(e ne%er notice$. He so'n$s (iDe a pisse$ o?? pi>>a che? ye((in& at some@o$y in German. 4isten to this %oice.A an$ starte$ p(ayin& a recor$in& o? A$o(? Hit(er speaDin& in Germany. 1his recor$in& was ?rom a ,ein$?('& a(@'m3 which is a @an$ ?rom Germany that we @oth (iDe a(ot 5 this @an$ is act'a((y not a racist @an$ at a((3 nor are they A6IS. Hason He??rey then state$ that A$o(? Hit(er e%en (ooDe$ Ita(ian an was sti(( (a'&hin& a@o't how stran&e it is

that no@o$y notice$. Hason state$ that he is ha(? Ita(ian himse(? an$ that he e%en (ooDs (ess Ita(ian than A$o(? Hit(er $i$. Hason is possi@(y a tar&et o? ,i(Ks now that this ha$ occ'rre$. Hason an$ I ha%e not h'n& o't since 200* so I am not s're i? anythin& has occ'rre$ in%o(%in& ,i( 0man'e(eKs attacDs in the North 0ast o? North America.

:-: the %ia u)-ic.s :-: P I met a woman name$ 1ia 4'$wicD whi(e at Hampton ;each who remin$e$ me a(ot o? my missin& ?rien$ 0mi(y. 1ia was (i%in& in 4eominster Massach'settes at this time. 1ia an$ I @ecame I'icD ?rien$s @'t (ooDin& at her ?ace@ooD now3 it is apparent that there are ?o'r $i??erent peop(e c(aimin& to @e A1ia 4'$wicDA. 1here are three $i??erent peop(esK ?aces on her ?ace@ooD an$ it seems to @e comman$eere$ @y some@o$y e(se. 1he woman on the @each with me in the photos on my ?ace@ooD is not the same woman as the one on the c'rrent 1ia 4'$wicD ?ace@ooD. I @e(ie%e that she may @e a tar&ette$ %ictim an$ that she may @e re(ate$ somehow to Michae( Hohnston. She was wearin& Michae( HohnstonKs (eather necD(ace3 @'t his S'nna:en$i #S'n:hee() was missin& ?rom the cor$5 instea$3 there was a stee( antiI'e washer rin& on it. A1ia 4'$wicDA seems (iDe an a(ias that was most (iDe(y picDe$ ?or her 5 Michae( Moynihan o? the ;oston @an$ ;(oo$ AFis writes ?or 1-/ H.U/NA4 an$ he is ?rom Massach'settes. H.44-:..2 incorrect(y portrays the ;oston accent as prono'ncin& /Ks as i? they are an AeahA so'n$. Accor$in& to H.44-:..2 stereotypes3 1yr wo'($ @e prono'nce$ A1eeahA in ;oston. 4'$wicDowsDi was my ?rien$Ks mai$en name @e?ore she marrie$ one o? my @est ?rien$s /yan Har%ey. 4'$wicD a(so maDes m'sic eI'ipment3 /yan was in a ;oston area $eathmeta( @an$ ca((e$ Sco'r&e. 1ia (ooDs simi(ar to 0mi(y Is(es3 she a(so (ooDs re(ate$ to /yanKs motherKs si$e o? the ?ami(y. 1iaKs &(asses were the same shape as /yanKs &(asses ?rom hi&hschoo(. 1he imposte'r Cach An$rosDi mentione$ that he wante$ to &et a tattoo on his @acD o? a 1ri,orce o? :is$om ?rom the &ame Ce($a. He a(so state$ that he wante$ to &et a tattoo o? Unti( 2eath 2o Us Part in a @(acD si((ho'ette o? trees on his @acD. 1ia 4'$wicD ha$ these tattoos when I met her. PP 1wo years prior to this3 I ha$ $rawn a pict're o? 1yr # the Aesir ) ho($in& a spatha. 1he spatha was thematica((y $esi&ne$ < ha%in& a tri?i$ic 1iwa> @in$ r'ne on the @ase o? the @(a$e as we(( as a SUNNA:0N2I on the pomme( &a'r$ 5 (iDe the S'n:hee( pen$ant Michae( Hohnston was wearin& when he came into ,ami(y 2o((ar. My $epiction o? 1yr a(so ha$ a (on& Unc(e SamKs Aso'( patchA an$ a 1iwa> r'ne tattooe$ o%er the (e?t eye. Psycho(o&ica( pro?i(in& o? the entire e%ents s'rro'n$in& these %i%isections an$ tra??icDin& %ictimi>ations re%ea(s the o@%io's ?act that the &'i(ty party can see thro'&h the (e?t eye o? the %ictims $'e to the p(acement o? the Ne'ro7hip ;.7.I. 5 the p(acement o? the 1iwa> r'ne most (iDe(y str'cD ?ear into the min$ o? the &'i(ty party whom I @e(ie%e was most (iDe(y to @e =ittorio an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e themse(%es (ooDin& thro'&h my (e?t eye. P :hen I was poisone$ with ;(acD Mo($ an$ what was most (iDe(y a /a$ioacti%e San$wich5 the &'i(ty party was @eyon$ a $o'@t in?'riate$ @y the ?act that e%en a?ter ! months o? eFcr'tiatin& pain3 my @o$y starte$ hea(in& on itKs own witho't proper me$ication. :hi(e at the :arpe$ 1o'r in Mans?ie($ Massach'settes < 1ia 4'$wicD

@e&an to ca(( me :o(%erine3 I @e(ie%e she is one o? their tra??icDin& %ictims 5 wo(%erine is a Mar%e( 7omics character possessin& o? the capa@i(ity to re&enerati%e(y hea( eFtreme(y ?ast an$ he has meta( c(aws3 I ha%e a meta( p(ate in my ri&ht han$. 1he &'i(ty party most (iDe(y ha$ @e&'n to maDe ins'(tin& JoDes a@o't 1hor re?errin& to 1hor as Anothin& @'t a Mar%e( 7omics character.A an$ maDe JoDes a@o't how I m'st @e A:eapon 6 materia( in or$er to hea( so ?ast3 an$ with that meta( p(ate...A etc. 1he character :o(%erine is a H'man =i%isection %ictim o? a crimina( or&ani>ation worDin& within the 7ana$ian Mi(itary /esearch 2epartment 'sin& their ?'n$in& ?or eFperiments on (i%e h'mans. :hen I was 1E3 I @roDe my han$ an$ a meta( p(ate ha$ to @e s'r&ica((y attache$ to my Meta7arpa(. P :hi(e at the :arpe$ 1o'r in Mans?ie($ Massach'settes3 1ia 4'$wicD an$ I arri%e at a speci?ic sta&e 5 imme$iate(y a?ter which3 the @an$ @e&an to p(ay the son& ASDinhea$3 yo'Kre a(ot (iDe meA an$ the @ass p(ayer #who coinci$ent(y (ooDs re(ate$ to the 1re%ino ?ami(y) notice$ 's imme$iate(y an$ was &rinnin& e%i((y at me. His eFpression portraye$ that he was Ain the DnowA a@o't somethin& an$ that he c(ear(y reco&ni>e$ 1ia 4'$wicD. :e were stan$in& eFtreme(y ?ar away ?rom the sta&e an$ we were at the si$e entrance to the theatre. :hi(e worDin& with 0$ :arren3 $'e to a(( o? his (ies 5 n'mero's peop(e in the comm'nity were ca((in& me the Na>i SDinhea$ with the 4on& Hair. 1he timin& o? this $i$ not at a(( seem coinci$enta( 5 a@o't an ho'r a?ter this3 1ia @e&an to show %isi@(e si&ns o? psycho(o&ica( $iscom?ort an$ wante$ to (ea%e. P A1A is the 1iwa> r'ne in ,'tharD a(pha@etics 3 the A1A JoDe in re?erence to the 10/MINA1./ wo'($ ha%e come o't o? the mo'ths o? the &'i(ty party a?ter seein& my $rawin& thro'&h my own 7omp'ter Inter?ace$ .cc'(ar Ner%eKs ma&netic resi$'a(s presente$ on their comp'ter screen in the ?orm o? a Point .? =iew camera o? my 40,1 0-0 =ISI.N. My A.4 Instant Messan&er screenname 'pon the $ate o? the poisonin& was IAN1I:AC. 0$ :arren 2005 5 1erminator 2 re?erence AAre yo' &oin& to @e the (ast one &oin& $own into the (a%aMA a 1ri,i$ic ;in$/'ne is a si&i( o? three o%er(ayin& r'nes3 10/MINA1./ 3 aire$ repeate$(y on H;. $'rin& 2005 when I was @ein& sta(De$ @y hacDers an$ 9enneth H'$$Ks 7.M7AS1 1/IP40 P4A- was @ein& hacDe$. 1here are 3 $i??erent woman on A1iaKsA ?ace@ooD acco'ntKs photos. 0%ent'a((y I happene$ to meet a secon$ A1iaA that is not in the ,ace;ooD photos. P A month a?ter the :arpe$ 1o'r3 I $ro%e to 4eominster to %isit A1iaA. I picDe$ her 'p at the ma((. :e $ro%e aro'n$ ?or a ?ew ho'rs a?ter which she to($ me that she nee$e$ to ta(D to her A&ran$?atherA. I was to($ that her &ran$?ather has a &ara&e ri&ht neFt $oor to 4eominster. :e $ro%e to a &ara&e3 I met a Sici(ian man who (ie$ to me3 c(aimin& that he was her @io(o&ica( &ran$?ather 5 which he certain(y was not. A?ter spen$in& a@o't ten min'tes at the &ara&e3 we $eci$e$ to (ea%e. I wa(De$ o'tsi$e to start the car. A?ter waitin& approFimate(y ten min'tes3 A1iaA came o't o? the &ara&e an$ &ot into my car. I @e&an $ri%in& an$ 'pon (ooDin& to my ri&ht3 I notice$ that it was a $i??erent ?ema(e entire(y wearin& the same c(othes. 1his yo'n& (a$y (ooDe$ a@o't 1" an$ remin$e$ me o? Michae( Hohnston physica((y 3 so m'ch that it may ha%e @een a re(ati%e o? his. A1ia 4'$wicDA (ooDe$ a@o't 25. She asDe$ me to $rop her o?? at the ma((. 1he pro&rammer contro((in& the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace NetworD3 somehow hypnoti>e$ me to imme$iate(y ?or&et that she wasnKt 1ia 5 this @rin&s to my min$ the Science Ma&a>ine artic(e a@o't the eFperiments in%o(%in& the $o&Ks @rain an$ %is'a( i$entity reco&nition.

1he yo'n&er (a$yKs ?ace seeme$ to twitch s(i&ht(y an$ her necD m'sc'(at're seeme$ s(i&ht(y ro@otic in re?(eFi%e reaction to some ?orei&n imp'(se 5 it was as i? her necD was @ein& steere$ @y a HoysticD an$ Arrow 9eys on a Dey@oar$3 (iDe a sentry camera. She @e&an to ta(D to me a@o't her chi($hoo$. Her (i?e story was simi(ar to my motherKs. Her mother was a seF tra??icDin& %ictim o? a @iDer &an&3 an$ she seeme$ to @e tar&ette$ @y the ma?ia ?or seF tra??icDin& %ictimi>ation herse(?. Her motherKs @oy?rien$ 'se$ to a@'se her horri@(y. I to($ her that my mother ha$ @een thro'&h somethin& simi(ar an$ that @eca'se I 'n$erstan$ the sit'ation3 she co'($ ta(D to me a@o't thin&s that she ?ee(s 'ncom?orta@(e ta(Din& to others a@o't. I then $roppe$ her o?? at the ma((. I am certain that she was Dnow(e$&a@(e that she ha$ some Din$ o? comp'teri>e$ $e%ice connecte$ to her @rain< @'t was too ?ri&htene$ to ta(D a@o't it $irect(y 3 @ein& that she $i$ not Dnow me at a((. 1his &ir( (ooDe$ eFact(y (iDe a &ir( my sister S'mmer 'se$ to @e ?rien$s with whom she met at an Anime 7on%ention in Massach'settes. 1he name S'mmer to($ 's was 0mi(y an$ her ?rien$ was a@o't 5 years o($er than her. P I @e(ie%e the Ma(( near 4eominster possi@(y may ha%e @een the ,oF/'n Ma(( in Newin&ton Massach'settes. Phone n'm@ers associate$ with 1ia are "!8 53! 2"0"3 508 82E !8"33 an$ a thir$ n'm@er which I ha%e since (ost @'t wi(( @e in the e(ectronic recor$s ?rom 20115 ce((phone3 internet3 an$ otherwise. 1he ho'se in 4eominster was s'ppose$(y 1iaKs &ran$?atherKs ho'se 5 this sit'ation is too simi(ar to @e i&nore$ 3 it is the same sit'ation as 1ay(a (i%in& with her Gran$,ather $'rin& the time when her Mother poisone$ me with @(acDmo($ in an ice$co??ee. 1he $i??erence is that none o? these ?ema(es are Ita(ians. 1he o($ man (ooDe$ to @e o? $irect ?ami(ia( re(ation to 1ay(aKs &ran$?ather< an$ (ooDin& @acD now3 I @e(ie%e they may @e co'sins. I @e(ie%e that this yo'n& (a$y is a Di$nap %ictim. P 1he (ast time that I saw the secon$ A1iaA was a?ter the ma((. She c(aime$ to ha%e mo%e$ in to an apartment with a ?rien$3 whom was in the Arme$ ,orces< the apartment @ein& in what I thinD was ,ranD(in3 7he(ms?or$3 or 1yn&s@oro Massach'settes. I am not entire(y s're o? the (ocation @'t it a(so may ha%e @een Meth'en. 1his is store$ in the e(ectronic recor$s o? my o($ ce(( phones as we(( as the internet recor$s ?rom my ?atherKs ho'se. 1he apartment was @are 5 on(y her @e$room was ?'rnishe$ with a @e$3 a c(oset ?i((e$ with c(othin&3 an$ @ooDs. .n the ?(oor in one o? the rooms< there was a pi(e o? mi(itary iss'e c(othin&3 a @e$ro((3 a mi(itary @acDpacD3 as we(( as a (ar&e Dni?e which was not mi(itary iss'e 5 these thin&s were proporte$ to @e(on& to her roommate. At one point3 she went to the apartment 'pstairs in or$er to ta(D to some@o$y. :hen A1iaA came @acD $own to her apartment3 it was the secon$ A1iaA. She spent the rest o? the $ay p(ayin& G'itarHero. I (e?t con?'se$3 tryin& to ?i&'re o't which one was which. 1he secon$ A1iaA < the yo'n&er o? the two 5 remin$e$ me a(ot o? my sisterKs ?rien$ A0mi(yA ?rom Massach'settes. She met her ?rien$ A0mi(yA at an Anime con%ention in Massach'settes. I @e(ie%e A0mi(yA sho'($ @e aro'n$ 20 years o($ ri&ht now3 S'mmer ha$ (ie$ a@o't her ?rien$Ks a&e @y a@o't 5 years. 1he man who came to picD her 'p ?rom my sisterKs ho'se ! years a&o was the Mi(?or$ G 7o. N He((Ks An&e(Ks associate that has @een %isitin& my c'rrent neFt $oor nei&h@or. I am positi%e that this man is re(ate$ to Hanet Poten>aKs ?ami(y. -et a&ain3 this @rin&s to min$ 0$ :arrenKs statement to Anthony 2e?eo in the mi$$(e o? the store near the &reetin& car$s3 when he

state$ A1his is &oin& to @e (iDe in%asion o? the @o$y snatchers3 $'$e.A an$ the ?act that the Manchester NewHampshire 2epartment o? Motor =ehic(es was in%esti&ate$ $'e to the crimes committe$ @y emp(oyees who ha$ @een printin& $'p(icate i$enti?ication car$s ?or terrorists to 'se as a(iases. P A1iaA ha$ a ?rien$ name$ ASa(sa ;ie(A whom (ooDe$ re(ate$ to a woman name$ 9e(sey who was my ?rien$ Hoe 4e;aronKs eF wi?eKs @est ?rien$. Hi((ary ;ri&ham was a(so Hoe 4e;aronKs eF wi?eKs @est?rien$. 1here is an impersonator whom has @een preten$in& to @e Hi((ary ;ri&ham 5 this impersonator has @een 'sin& the names Hi((ary /i%ers an$ Hi((ary MarI'a$t. HoeKs eF wi?eKs name was 7he(sea A%i(as. 1here seems to @e a man 'sin& Hoe 4e;aronKs I$enti?ication c'rrent(y as we((. 1he man preten$in& to @e Hoe 4e;aron is sma((er3 has a narrower Jaw3 has a sma((er chest3 has (ess hair than Hoe3 he a(so may ha%e a c(ean @(oo$ test 5 $'rin& 200E3 Hoe 4e;aron ha$ c(aime$ to ha%e Hepatitis 7 an$ was (ast Dnown to @e in a /eha@ 7(inic 3 possi@(y e%en :estwoo$ 4o$&e which was the same c(inic my mother was @ro'&ht to @e?ore she went missin& an$ these impersonators ha%e @een wa(Din& aro'n$. 1he man 'sin& Hoe 4e;aronKs 2'p(icate$ I$enti?ication a(so has a (on&er an$ narrower nose than Hoe. P ;etween 200E 2013 1he man preten$in& to @e /on ;oar$man in 1roy NewHampshire has ha$ m't'a( ?rien$s on his ,ace;ooD acco'nt share$ with the A1ia 4'$wicDA ,ace;ooD Acco'nt. Most o? these m't'a( ?rien$s are Ita(ians whom the ?aDe /on ;oar$man c(aime$ was his A;ran&aA si$e o? the ?ami(y. He has @een c(aimin& to @e ha(? Ita(ian on his motherKs si$e. He is entire(y Ita(ian o? 4om@ar$ic race. /on ;oar$man was An&(o SaFon 5 he was an Asatr'ar < /on ;oar$man was a ?rien$ o? my !th Gra$e 0n&(ish teacher Stacy Sea@'ry3 o? the a'thor Swain :o$enin& whom is ;erry 7anote o? 1eFas3 an$ o? n'mero's Asatr'ars in North America. 1he ,.6/UN Ma(( is in Newin&ton Massach'settes J'st o%er the @or$er ?rom Portsmo'th New Hampshire ;'sStation 5 there is a @'s which r'ns ?rom Portsmo'th to Newin&ton Massach'settes. ;oth Michae( Hohnston an$ my se(? ha%e ha$ ?ami(y an$ ?rien$s who (i%e$ in the Portsmo'th re&ion o? New Hampshire. It is entire(y pro@a@(e that the yo'n&er A1ia 4'$wicDA whom was seen at the ,oF/'n Ma(( is a co'sin o? my own or Michae(Ks. It is a(so pro@a@(e that @'sses ?rom 4eominster 3 1yn&s@oro3 Portsmo'th3 ;oston3 7oncor$3 an$ Newin&ton ha%e @een 'se$ to transport in$i%i$'a(s. Ma((s are a(( on a @'s ro'te as are airports an$ cities. I @e(ie%e it possi@(e that the man preten$in& to @e /on ;oar$man has sto(en his I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s an$ may act'a((y @e =ittorio 0man'e(eKs co'sin 3 $escen$ant o? =ittorio 0man'e(e II. * :-: "ttac.s on the "satru Communit5 :-: P A(so o? re(e%ance to Asatr'3 New Hersey3 an$ this in%esti&ation is the ?act that the attacDs on the Asatr' comm'nity in%o(%e$ n'mero's attacDs on New Hersey ?ami(ies re(ate$ to the Asatr' comm'nity an$ the eFtensions o? their ?ami(ies e(sewhere 5 7athryn ;'rDe 3 MiDe Smith 3 2an .ropa((o 3 Stacy Sea@'ry 3 ;erry 7anote 3 Stephanie 7onro$ 3 an$ n'mero's other Asatr'ars in the North 0ast re&ion ha%e ?ami(y whom were (i%in& in New Hersey @etween 200* 2013 an$ most pro@a@(y ha%e @een attacDe$. My (on& time ?rien$ Hen 4inco(n was (i%in& in New Hersey $'rin& 2005 an$ mentione$ that $'rin& 200!

peop(e @e&an to arri%e in New Hersey whom appeare$ to @e entire(y ?orei&n an$ possi@(y p(astic s'r&erie$ 5 these peop(e seeme$ we(( pracitice$ at preten$in& to @e American an$ so'n$ American @'t were o@%io's(y not ?irst (an&'a&e 0n&(ish speaDers nor were they the in$i%i$'a(s whom they c(aime$ to @e < Hen 4inco(n mentione$ that it seeme$ pro@a@(e that these peop(e were carryin& American peop(esK I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s an$ were impersonatin& them ?or p'rpose o? espiona&e. Peter Stee(e $ie$ soon a?ter pro$'cin& the a(@'m A2ea$ A&ainA with his @an$ 1ype . Ne&ati%e < this @ein& the res'(t o? what appeare$ to @e an 'neFp(aine$ heart attacD simi(ar to ;r'ce 4eeKs $eath. I @e(ie%e that the photo&raph ?or the co%er o? A2ea$ A&ainA is a photo&raph o? /asp'tin3 the /'ssian Seer whom prophesie$ the comin& o? the Anti7hrist 5 in 200*3 He?? /enseKs we@site p'@(ishe$ an artic(e a@o't =ittorio 0man'e(e which inc('$e$ a photo&raph o? =ittorio 0man'e(e with the tit(e AAN1I7H/IS1A printe$ across it. In 2010 3 I notice$ a @ooD ca((e$ A1he .r&anic PoisonerKs Han$@ooDA on a she(? at ;arnes an$ No@(e. 2'rin& 200* I or$ere$ a @ooD ?rom S-ain Bo)ening tit(e$ &ammer of the 'ods ( Anglo)Sa*on +aganism in Modern $imes Second Edition 3 my or$er was p(ace$ o%er the internet 'sin& Ama> to p(ace the or$er. 1he hacDers whom were watchin& my comp'ter wo'($ ha%e notice$ this. 2'e to =ittorioKs paranoia3 it is possi@(e that =ittorio an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e @e&an sta(Din& Swain :o$enin& #whoKs rea( name is ;erry 7anote) an$ his associate$ networD o? Asatr'ars a(( the way to New 0n&(an$. Swain ha$ ?rien$s in New 0n&(an$. Swain :o$enin& Dnew /on ;oar$man3 an o($ schoo(teacher o? mine ?rom when I was a yo'th3 Michae( Moynihan3 mem@ers o? the /'ne G'i($3 an$ ha$ met Michae( Smith on more than one occasion. - 1ichael Smith #:riter3 Gothi o? the U(?ar o? Hera 1heo$) came in to the store one time to @'y a (i&ht@'(@. 1his was two years @e?ore I &ot to Dnow him. He ha$ come to the store to see who I was @eca'se he hear$ there was an Asatr'ar worDin& in Manchester New Hampshire 5 a short $ri%e ?rom where he worDe$ in ;e$?or$ New Hampshire3 neFt to the ;e$?or$ Po(ice Station. MiDe worDe$ in an o??ice ?or a payro(( $epartment near the ;e$?or$ Po(ice 2epartment an$ the ;e$?or$ ,;I o??ice. MiDe may ha%e @een tar&ette$ @y the same peop(e as I3 aro'n$ this time. His MJo(nir was open(y worn in an$ was %isi@(e on camera. - * !lo*al 2enigration of "satru in Pu*lication an) Promotion of &@tremities of Hatre) Concerning "satru * - * 2'rin& 2005 5 an eFtremist &(o@a( socia( en&ineerin& campai&n @e&an which was starte$ ?or the intention o? $estroyin& the Asatr' comm'nity entire(y. :hi(e worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar 3 a month a?ter =ittorio 0man'e(e ha$ ma$e his secon$ or thir$ appearance 5 Anthony 2e,eo sai$ to 0$ :arren whi(e they were stan$in& @ehin$ me $'rin& @'siness ho'rs A I thinD this is &oin& to @ecome a rea( re(i&ion A meanin& that Anthony @e(ie%e$ that Asatr' was &oin& to @ecome a reco&ni>e$ wor($ re(i&ion in contrast to what it was at the time 3 @ein& on(y o??icia((y reco&ni>e$ @y the nation o? Ice(an$. 0$ :arren rep(ie$ to this sayin& A.h3 not it aint. Not i? I can $o somethin& a@o't it.A . 2'rin& this time 5 n'mero's internet posts @y Asatr'ars whom were comm'nicatin& 'sin& ?or'ms on the internet an$ n'mero's we@sites concernin& history an$ archaeo(o&y were attacDe$ @y 7omp'ter HacDers 3 these attacDs in%o(%e$ the

$e?amation o? the Asatr' re(i&ion @y metho$ o? @(atant (ies an$ $isin?ormation as we(( as the $eni&ration o? Germanic races o? peop(e. A we@site artic(e concernin& the termino(o&y A=estmanJarA was a(tere$ to maDe it appear as i? Germanic peop(es %iewe$ the Irish an$ ;ritish as i? they were a@so('te in?eriors ?it ?or nothin& @'t the harshest possi@(e con$itions o? s(a%ery 5 A=estmanA was $escri@e$ as meanin& AMan o? the =estA an$ a %est o? chains was presente$ with an enormo's (ocD in the center 3 this (ooDe$ (iDe a possi@(e prisoners %est ?rom the 1800Ks which wo'($ ha%e @een worn @y a m'r$erer whom was @ein& @ro'&ht to tria(. A=estmanA means A:est ManA or AMan o? the :estA 5 the Germanic peop(es (i%in& in the re&ion o? ;ritain3 Mann3 an$ Ire(an$ were re?erre$ to as A=estmanJarA @y the ANor$manJarA whom were the AMen o? the NorthA. .? simi(arity 5 A=isi GothsA means A:est Ga'tsA an$ wo'($ ha%e @een =estri Ga'tar prior to 4atini>ation o? the prono'nciation as we(( as wo'($ ha%e A.stro GothsA meant A0ast Ga'tsA an$ ha%e @een A'stri Ga'tar which are the GothKs o? A'stria < the name o? A'stria @ein& 0astri an$ the .sterreich @ein& the 0ast 9in&$om. Ga't is one o? .$inKs names3 Gothi or Ga'ti @ein& a name ?or the Priest whom ser%es the re(i&io's comm'nitiesK nee$s $'rin& ;(ot an$ S'm@(e as we(( as other /e(i&io's /ites an$ nee$s o? the comm'nity 5 Ga'ti corre(ates to the name Ga't an$ $escri@es a I'ai(ity o? @ein& Aone o? .$inKsA. .ther artic(es ha%e @een e$ite$ in the past to portray the Asatr' comm'nity as an 'n(aw?'( an$ crimina( comm'nity o? rapists3 m'r$erers3 an$ $r'nDs prone to acts o? %io(ence. N'mero's Asatr'arKs acco'nts on messa&e @oar$s were hacDe$ res'(tin& in the sta(Din& o? entire comm'nities o? Asatr'ars 5 acco'nts were a(so ?a(se ?(a&&e$ ?or the p'rpose o? ?omentin& a /eactionary 4ynch Mo@ o? an&ry paranoi$ sta(Ders 3 these peop(e were eFpose$ to n'mero's (ies which were cra?te$ in attempt to portray the Asatr' comm'nity as the en&ineers an$ orchestrators o? the 3r$ /eich an$ the Ho(oca'sts. 1hese an&ry hate?'( mo@s were manip'(ate$ into a reactionary hysteria which res'(te$ in harrassment3 rapes3 an$ m'r$ers in some p(aces 5 entire ?ami(ies seem to @e missin& c'rrent(y. :hen I wrote to Henry MaDow in 200* 3 J'st prior to his postin& o? A$o(? Hit(erKs Aristocratic 0man'e(e an$ Aosta (inea&e 5 I ha$ mentione$ /omans an$ their 7onc'@ina( SeF 1ra??icDin& o? massi%e pop'(ations o? Germanic an$ Ga'(ish women3 I ha$ a(so mentione$ h'mo'ro's(y the i$ea that the Germans an$ Ga'(s sho'($ ha%e a((ie$ to the Israe(is an$ Di((e$ the /omans. A ?ew weeDs a?ter this emai( which I ha$ written to Henry MaDow 5 an artic(e was poste$ on Henry MaDowKs which $isp(aye$ the /oman AI'i(a ;att(e Stan$ar$ with the 4a're( :reath aro'n$ the hooDe$ cross o? the German 0mpire shape$ as a swastiDa in itKs center which ha$ @een p(ace$ in the han$s o? the $ra?te$ German ma(es $'rin& the 3r$ /eich. 1he sym@o(ism o? this AI'i(a ;att(e Stan$ar$ is the assimi(ation o? Germany an$ itKs Germanic race into the /oman Imperia( i$entity an$ e%ent'a((y race 5 the 4a're( 4ea%es o? the 0mperor are @o'n$ as a May Po(e :reath3 the AI'i(a is toppe$ @y an NS2AP in p(ace o? the S.P.B./. inspire$ @y the Senate Pop'('s B'ota /ep'@(ic o? the /oman 0mpire an$ an IN/I inspire$ p(acar$ o? simi(ar sym@o(ism as the /oman cr'ci?iFion o? Hes's 7hrist < the /oman AI'i(a ;att(e Stan$ar$ is s'percessant(y o%er(aye$ 'pon the German 0mpireKs ?(a& which is hooDe$ into a SwastiDa shape. I @e(ie%e that it was ?or this reason that =ittorio 0man'e(e ass'me$ that I was the one whom to($ Henry MaDow an$ the Pri%ate In%esti&ators associate$ with him who A$o(?

Hit(erKs ?ami(y was 5 @eca'se I ha$ mentione$ /omans. Germany ha$ @een $ra?te$ @y the Ho'se o? Sa%oy as an Imperia( 4e&ion o? their Neo /oman Imperia(ist G(o@a( ,action. In Germany 3 peop(e were @ein& &i%en n'm@ers simi(ar to the ancient /oman Imperia( Aparthei$ist System3 the new sa('te in Germany was a /oman Sa('te3 an$ H'(i's 0%o(a was tryin& to re%erse a(( e??ects which /omantic Nationa(ism ha$ achie%e$ concernin& the restoration o? Germanicism in the Nationa( Home(an$ o? the peop(e o? 2e'tsche(an$ 5 this was @ein& $one thro'&h psycho(o&y meas'res 3 primari(y in%o(%in& the p'@(ic $isp(ay o? ima&ery which $epicte$ the Nor$ic Germanic Ma(e as the AG(o@a((y S'perior /aceA ?or the p'rpose o? $istractin& Germany ?rom the ?orei&n /oman Sa('te which they were sa('tin& to a ?orei&n $ictator o? a ?orei&n nationa( race o? peop(e. A$o(? Hit(er an$ a(( o? this @o$y &'ar$s were 'sin& pse'$o nyms an$ I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s which were ?or&eries 5 most o? them whom were photo&raphe$ appear to @e o? miFe$ Ita(ian race an$ other 0'ropean nationa(ities ?rom the re&ion3 the a((ies o? the 3r$ /eich were in ?act primari(y peop(e whom were open(y /oman ,ascists as we(( as .ttoman 4oya(ists an$ Nationa(ists ?rom :estern 0'rope3 North A?rica3 an$ the Mi$$(e 0ast whom ha$ @een (ie$ to an$ recr'ite$ into ,orei&n 4e&ions (a@e(e$ Sh't>Sta??e( (e&ions. 1he I@nSa'$ /oya( ,ami(yKs 0mpire were a((ies o? the 3r$ /eich. Since 200* 5 Anti H'$aism in the conteFt o? 7hristian (ect're has @een present in me$ia an$ in p'@(ic en%irons $escri@in& -es' 7hristi as the Hewish /a@@i whom the Hews themse(%es tort're$ an$ 7r'ci?ie$ < 7r'ci?iFion was speci?ica((y the /oman ?orm o? 7apita( P'nishment ?or those o? (ower Aparthei$ Strata 3 /omans p(ace$ a crown o? thorns to -esh'a the /a@@iKs hea$ 3 /omans a(so nai(e$ a p(acar$ to his cross with an acronym statin& A1he 9in& o? Israe(.A3 7aesar Israe(i was the tit(e earne$ @y the 7aesar whom ha$ conI'ere$ Israe(. 1his same metho$ o? $eni&ration has @een 'se$ 'pon others recent(y inc('$in& the Asatr' comm'nity whom ha%e @een (a@e(e$ as @ein& /apists 3 a APi((a&erA threat to their own comm'nity3 a A,orei&n /e(i&ionA in their own ,o(DKs Home(an$s3 a threat to A/e(i&io's Peop(eA 3 an$ a A,ictiona( /e(i&ionA. .ther p'@(ications intentiona((y pro$'ce$ ?or the p'rpose o? $e?amin& an$ $eni&ratin& Asatr' as a re(i&ion an$ the Asatr' comm'nity ha%e contin'e$ to @e p'@(ishe$ to internet as we(( as printe$ in NewsPapers. N'mero's attempts ha%e @een ma$e to a(i&n Asatr' with what has @een $escri@e$ as ANeo Na>ismA 3 this ANeo Na>ismA in ?act @ein& nothin& @'t an AFis Aesthetic to a &ro'p o? /acist I$entities 5 Asatr' is co'nter c'(t're to the A6IS /oman ,ascist I$entity which was an assimi(ati%e syncretic /oman I$entity with an imperia( a&en$a. 1he p'rpose ?or the Ho(oca'st was the e(imination o? ?'t're ins'r&ents 5 Israe( was %iewe$ as a race o? ?'t're ins'r&ents $'e to the Israe(i Nationa(istsK open $ec(aration o? their p(ans ?or Israe(i Nationa( In$epen$ence as a Nation State in the Home(an$ o? the Israe(i ,o(D which ha$ c'rrent(y @een occ'pie$ @y the .ttoman 0mpire $'rin& :or($ :ar 1. 1he .ttoman /oya( ,ami(y were acI'aintances o? H'(i's 0%o(aKs ?ami(y as we(( as $i$ they @ecome a((ies o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy prior to the 1st :or($ :ar an$ remaine$ as s'ch ?or some time a?terwar$s. 1he eFtermination o? the Hewish ,o(D was not a res'(t o? their Hair an$ 0ye &enetics 3 it was Po(itica((y A(i&ne$ /acist 0Ftremism 5 the Hewish peop(e were %iewe$ as pop'(ation which co'($ not @e assimi(ate$ @y a G(o@a( 0mpire as were a(( Nationa(ists whom the

A6IS tar&ette$ ?or $ra?tin& as cannon ?o$$er. 4iDe H'$aism3 Asatr' is a ,o(D /e(i&ion 5 n'mero's attempts ha%e @een ma$e to (a@e( Asatr' as A,o(DishA an$ to seperate a pop'(ation ?rom the Asatr'ars @y metho$ o? (a@e(in& them AUni%ersa(istA < A,o(DishA Asatr'ars are here$itari(y Germanic an$ @ein& that Asatr' is a ,o(D /e(i&ion 3 this is an attempt at $estroyin& the i$entity o? the pop'(ation itse(?. ;e&inin& in 200* 5 Asatr' was @ein& $escri@e$ to %ario's peop(e as the A/acist ;'n$tA that create$ A$o(? Hit(er3 c'stomers whom ?reI'ent(y p'rchase$ items at my p(ace o? worD $'rin& 2005 were ye((in& acc'sations o? /acia( 0Ftremism at me on a $ai(y @asis an$ co worDers acc'se$ me o? @ein& a /acist 0Ftremist whom %enerate$ A$o(? Hit(er. I was acc'se$ o? hi$in& /A7ISM @ehin$ re(i&ion. 2'rin& this time 5 Israe( was (a@e(e$ an Aparthei$ist State 3 Hewish peop(es were (a@e(e$ /acist 0Ftremists3 an$ Nati%e Americans @e&an to @e attacDe$ @y Genoci$a( Ita(ian ,ascist ,actions. A ,o(D /e(i&ion is the tra$itiona( here$itary re(i&ion o? a race o? peop(e. It seems incre$i@(y (iDe(y that the mo@@in& at my worD an$ the %ariio's ins'(ts @ein& thrown at me ?rom @ehin$ the co'ntair was ,i((i@erto 0mane'(eKs $oin&. Most o? these ins'(t were acc'sations o? racism 3 acc'sations that I was in a Aracist @'n$tA 3 an$ acc'sations that I @e(ie%e$ in 0thnic 7(eansin& non whites an$ worshippe$ A$o(? Hit(er. 2'rin& the year 2005 < a nasty Socia( 0n&ineerin& 1actic was 'se$ 5 the :or($ 7h'rch o? the 7reator @e&an pro$'cin& an$ presentin& what they ca((e$ /aHo:a Hammers which were a $e?amati%e an$ mis(ea$in& %ersion o? the MJo(nir < this p'@(ication an$ %is'a( a$%ertisement was 'se$ as a propa&an$a piece 3 a too( o? socia( pro%ocation 3 an$ as a too( ?or $emoni>ation to incite a witch h'nt ?or racist witches. 1he Asatr' comm'nity was attacDe$ partia((y as a res'(t o? this 3 in some cases physica((y. 1his act'a((y was 'se$ to pro%oDe Hate 7rimes 'pon the Asatr' comm'nity. I @e(ie%e that it was ,i( 0man'e(e an$ others o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy whom were showin& Gan&sters 3 Anti,a 3 7o((e&e St'$ents 3 2r'& a@'sers 3 an$ other city ?o(D this we@site $'rin& these * month ?or the p'rpose o? insti&atin& attacDs 'pon the Asatr'ars in the re&ion an$ others. Some o? the ?ear mon&erin& s'rro'n$in& =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs campai&n o? $e?amation an$ $eni&ration 'pon the Asatr' comm'nity res'(te$ in e%en some mem@ers o? the Hewish 7omm'nity @ein& ?ear?'( o? 's5 there were Hewish c'stomers whom whi(e I was worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar3 were a?rai$ to e%en si&n 7re$it S(ips that I was han$in& them a?ter their p'rchase ha$ @een re&istere$. 2'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 < the :or($ 7h'rch o? the 7reator we@site promote$ the i$ea( o? 4atin as the G(o@a( 4an&'a&e 3 an$ this @e&inin& with the con%ersion o? the A:hite /acesA to a(( speaD 4atin. 1he :or($ 7h'rch o? the 7reator is (acDin& in any i$entity an$ is @asica((y a Materia(ist G(o@a(ist :hite S'premacist .r&ani>ation. I @e(ie%e that this or&ani>ation is 'se$ to ?i(ter /oman ,ascists into another or&ani>ation as we(( as recr'it ?or the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the Ho'se o? Aosta peop(e whom pro%i$e $istractions ?rom the Ho'se o? Aosta an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy.

:-: "ttac.s on the !othic "rt-Collecti0e Communit5 :-:

* :-: Katie Cameron :-: P Sine 200! 7o%ert A&ents Impersonatin& Cach An$rosDi an$ 9eith Hammon$ ha%e @een (i%in& in CachKs an$ 9eithKs homes preten$in& to @e them. 1he imme$iate ?ami(ies o? these two in$i%i$'a(s ha%e @een rep(ace$ @y 1errorist A&ents an$ 1ra??icDin& =ictims 5 the eFten$e$ ?ami(ies o? these peop(es are certain to @e tar&ets o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs. 1he man preten$in& to @e Cach An$rosDi is an inch ta((er than the act'a( Cach An$rosDi3 has o@%io's(y 'n$er&one 7osmetic =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy to (ooD (iDe Cach An$rosDi3 an$ has @ro'&ht what is possi@(y a 1ra??icDin& %ictim with him which he has 'se$ as an imposte'r wi?e to impersonate Mo((y Go$$ar$ < there is a(so a secon$ Mo((y Go$$ar$ imposte'r whom was present in 200! on May 1*th when I ?i(e$ a report at the MerrimacD Po(ice 2epartment. 1his occ'rre$ aro'n$ 200! 5 which was the year that the i((e&a( imp(antation o? the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace c'rrent(y &ra?te$ to my @rain occ're$. Mo((y Go$$ar$ was an inch shorter than the woman whom has @een preten$in& to @e her 3 her ?ace was shape$ $i??ent(y 3 an$ her eyes were not the pa(e aI'a co(or o? this womanKs 5 Mo((yKs eyes were @('e. 2'rin& the year o? 200! 3 I met a woman preten$in& to @e 9atie 7ameron < the woman preten$in& to @e 9atie was ?ar too narrow o? hips an$ sho'($er wi$th to @e 9atie3 her eyes were a(so pa(e aI'a whi(e 9atie 7ameronKs eyes were in ?act two sha$es o? &reen 5 @ein& a so(i$ &reen with a rin& o? @ri&ht &reen aro'n$ the p'pi(. Cach An$rosDi an$ Mo((y Go$$ar$ were recor$e$ @y Sec'rity S'r%ei((ance 7ameras at ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n St. in Manchester NewHampshire $'rin& 200* an$ 2005. 9eith Hammon$ was a c(ose ?rien$ o? Mo((yKs an$ CachKs. 1he man whom has @een impersonatin& 9eith Hammon$ has a $i??erent shape$ Jaw an$ hair(ine than 9eithKs an$ is two inches @roa$er. 9eith Hammon$ may @e on Sec'rity 7amera %i$eo recor$s with Mo((y An$rosDi3 Cach An$rosDi3 /o@ Greene3 1anya :oo$worth3 an$ MiDe 4e%esI'e. 1he men preten$in& to @e Cach An$rosDi an$ 9eith Hammon$ ha%e o@%io's Ma?ia connections as we(( as connections to other SeF 1ra??icDers an$ Mi(itary Gra$e :eapons 1ra??icDers whom were inten$e$ to appear to @e associate$ with Mosta?a I@nSa'$ an$ not =ittorio 0man'e(e3 @'t ha%e @een worDin& ?or =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ his sons. A man has recent(y rep(ace$ Cach An$rosDiKs @io(o&ica( twin @rother Nate An$rosDi 5 this man has a $i??erent shape$ Jaw an$ sD'(( than nate3 is an inch ta((er as we(( as is @roa$er o? sho'($er 3 an$ has &otten inDe$ in a(( o? NateKs tattoos. A /'ssian woman whom Dnows the imposte'r 9eith Hammon$ an$ may possi@(y @e a 1ra??icDin& =ictim o? this networDKs was worDin& at the Hi((ianKs Sports@ar in Manchester NewHampshire 5 4i> /osmo%it>Ks ?ace was temporari(y poste$ on my Norwe&ian Pen Pa(Ks ?ace on ,ace;ooD3 this Norwe&ian :oman @ein& name$ 7ami((a ,(aten whom I ha$ met on the Asatr' Nationa(ist 0n%ironmenta(ist ;(o& Site ;('tUn$;o$en.7om . P 2'rin& the past ten years the 0mer&ency ;roa$cast NetworD3 n'mero's te(e%ision @roa$castin& networDs3 news @roa$casts3 an$ AMN,M ra$io @roa$casts 5 ha%e @een HacDe$ an$ a'$io o%er$'@@e$ as we(( as animation e$ite$. Most ci%i(ians eFpect the &o%ernment o? the U.S.A. to ha%e comp(ete J'ris$iction o%er the AM ,M ra$io @roa$casts3 te(e%ision @roa$casts3 an$ internet transmissions < a terrorist ha%in& the a@i(ity to repeate$(y threaten a ci%i(ian tar&et on their own te(e%ision screen3 internet

acco'nt3 an$ car ra$io 7.MP40104- 7/IPP40S the tar&et ci%i(ian with ?ear 5 (ea%in& them she(( shocDe$ an$ ?ee(in& (itera((y $e?ense(ess. ,ort'nate(y3 $'e to 10N -0A/S ., 0=I20N70 ., 1HIS < this ?a((s 'n$er the :A/ 7/IM0S AGAINS1 7I=I4IANS HU/IS2I71I.N an$ wi(( @e in%esti&ate$ @y mi(itary 'sin& the Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2ata@ase an$ 0(ectronic ,orensics teams o? the 2epartment o? 2e?ense. In 200* < o? re(e%ance to the come$ic te(e%ision series which ha$ @een hacDe$ an$ animate$ with =ittorio 0man'e(e appearin& as the ?ina( 2/A7U4A ?rom 7AS140=ANIA Symphony o? the Ni&ht sayin& AI $i$ not $o this to yo'LA 5 this te(e%ision series ha$ a come$y sDit $'rin& which 7H/IS ,A/40- an$ PA1/I79 S:A-C0 appeare$ as a $ancin& team h'mo'ro's(y immitatin& ma(e strippers an$ Michae( ,(at(ey o? 4or$ o? the 2ance. 1he p'rpose o? this sty(e o? psych war?are is to tra'mati>e the tar&et so se%ere(y that they wi(( not e%en acDnow(e$&e the assai(ant in their presense when they are stan$in& $irect(y in ?ront o? themse(%es 3 Hose? Men&e(e an$ H'(i's 0%o(a con$'cte$ ne'ro science eFperiments which wo'($ ha%e in%o(%e$ ?ear tests an$ psycho(o&ica( tra'ma research re(ate$ to this. =ittorio 0man'e(e $e?inite(y has access to the 7.M7AS1 H0A2BUA/10/S in MAN7H0S10/ N0:HAMPSHI/0. 1his te(e%ision series was either MA2 1= or Sat'r$ay Ni&ht 4i%e. Since 200* 5 my se(? an$ others ha%e @een tar&ets o? a PS-7H :A/,A/0 campai&n whch has @een con$'cte$ ?or the eFp(icit p'rpose o? tra'mati>in& 3 in$'cin& ?ear3 an$ in$'cin& repression o? memories in the psycho(o&y o? the %ictimsK. 2'rin& 200E 5 9atie 7ameron o? ;e$?or$ NewHampshire to($ me that whi(e @a@ysittin& the ;o'rDeKs an$ Nie(ieKs chi($ren < a stran&e (ooDin& o($ man appeare$ on the 1e(e%ision 3 this se&ment (ooDin& (iDe a &(itch <5 this man sai$ AI $i$ not $o this to yo'LA an$ one o? the yo'n&sters ye((e$ at the te(e%ision 3 A.h3 -es yo' $i$LA 1his remin$s me o? somethin& that /o@ert /o$on 3 9ni&ht o? Sa%oy < $i$ to his son 7hristopher /o$on when he was a chi($ $'rin& the year 1""5 5 /o@ert /o$on p(ace$ a Han$ /a$io :a(Dy 1a(Dy 'n$er 7hristopher /o$onKs @e$ an$ a?ter he ?e(( as(eep 3 awoDe 7hristopher @y ta(Din& (iDe 2rac'(a into the :a(D 1a(Dy Han$ /a$io. P An internet app(ication eFists which a((ows a &oo&(e phone or other internet phone 'ser to masD their ca((er i$entity with any phone n'm@er that they wish to ?a(se ?(a& their i$entity as. 1his hacD app(ication a((ows the 'ser to simp(y type a phone n'm@er in on the app(ication ens'rin& that the te(ephone the 'ser is ca((in& ?rom wi(( @e ca((er i$enti?ie$ as the n'm@er which they ha%e chosen. 1his a((ows ce(( phones or home phones with ca((er i$enti?ication to @e $ecei%e$. ,rom any comm'nications ser%er3 a sDi((e$ hacDer can $isconnect or intercept any phone ca(( @ein& ma$e in the %icinity. I? the hacDer is $irect (ine$ into a ce(('(ar phone companiesK ser%er3 any phone on the networD can @e accesse$5 maDin& possi@(e interception3 $isconnection3 or manip'(ation o? phone ca((s. 1his has @een $one to n'mero's peop(es an$ there are peop(e whom I @e(ie%e$ I was ha%in& a con%ersation with who $i$ not e%en picD 'p the phone when I ca((e$ 5 some o? these peop(e were 9atie 7ameron3 7ara Samson3 Mo((y Go$$ar$ An$rosDi3 :i((iam Hama( Patterson3 /yan McIntee3 an$ /on ;oar$man. A(( o? these peop(e are (iDe(y to @e tar&ets or ha%e possi@(y @een rep(ace$ @y an a&ent with 2'p(icate$ I$entity 7re$entia(s. P 2'rin& 200! 3 9atie 7ameron was a@$'cte$ an$ has since @een missin&. 1here ha%e @een 3 imposte'rs o? 9atie 7ameron since this time. An imposte'r o? 9atie

7ameron &a%e @irth to a chi($ an$ si&ne$ 9atieKs name on the @irth certi?icate. 9atie 7ameron (i%e$ in ;e$?or$ NewHampshire.

:-: 7ulie Beinstein :-: P 2'rin& 2005 5 7esare was recor$e$ on camera an$ a'$io at ,ami(y 2o((ar 3 ta(Din& to 0$ ,arrachi :arren a@o't an a@$'ction %ictim which he was &oin& to @e =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tatin& with the &enetics o? a ?ema(e he ca((e$ Ahis &ir(A an$ re?erre$ to a &'y whom he was &oin& to attempt to ('re into a con?(ict. 7aesar a(so state$ Athis &ir( is e%en yo'n&er. I (iDe it 3 this is hot.A an$ c(appe$ his han$s to&ether 3 r'@@in& his han$s to&ether a?terwar$s. 7esare was (ater si&hte$ a(( o%er Manchester wa(Din& a 1* year o($ ?ema(e aro'n$ on a (eash whom appeare$ to ha%e @een =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tate$ with 0mi(y Is(esKs ?acia( &enetics. 1his yo'n& ?ema(e (ooDe$ a(ot (iDe the $a'&hter o? a /a@@i whom I ha$ spoDen with $'rin& 200*3 whom ha$ @een shoppin& at the ,ami(y 2o((ar store. I ha$ to($ this /a@@i that he ha$ a nice %est an$ ha$ spoDen with him @rie?(y 5 I @e(ie%e his s'rname may ha%e @een :einstein an$ that his $a'&hterKs name may possi@(y ha%e @een H'(ie. I @e(ie%e 0$ ,arrachi :arren wrote $own this manKs (icense p(ate n'm@er as he was p'ttin& his chi($ren into his S.U.=. an$ his wi?e an$ he were &ettin& into the %ehic(e. 0$ :arren was ?reI'ent(y writin& times 3 $ates3 an$ n'm@ers in a ye((ow note pa$ he Dept in his pocDet. P A7esare ha$ @een ca((in& this &ir( A,ranchescaA 3 the secon$ A,ranchescaA seeme$ to @e 0mi(y Is(es who was @(in$e$ an$ was si&hte$ aro'n$ Manchester wa(Din& with a @(in$ sticD. 1he ?act'a( ,ranchesca Gon>a(e> was 1ony Gon>a(e>Ks sister. 2'rin& 200! 5 7esare was o%erhear$ in p'@(ic sayin& AMy ,ranchesca ha$ a &rowth sp'rt 3 she has &rown * inches. My ?irst ,ranchesca is a(( &rown 'p an$ has to mo%e on to &reater thin&s now.A. P 7esare spoDe to 0$ :arren at ,ami(y 2o((ar a@o't 1'rDoJan* @ein& 'se$ to Pop Up 0mi(y Is(es in ?ront o? me on the comp'ter screen @ein& SeF'a((y Assa'(te$ ?or p'rpose o? ca'sin& me to @ecome %io(ent(y an&ry. 7esare (ater wa(De$ past me with what (ooDe$ (iDe the &ir( I ass'me is name$ AH'(ie :einsteinA on a (eash whom he was ca((in& ,ranchesca Gon>a(e> an$ was ta'ntin& me. Sean ,air@anDs @e&an ye((in& APe$ophi(eA at 7esare an$ writin& witness statements 3 as $i$ others 5 the Manchester Po(ice ?ai(e$ to react to these :itness Statements. H'(ie ha$ ,ranchesca Gon>a(e>Ks I$enti?ication 7ar$ an$ was ?orce$ to show it to po(ice < she was 15 3 the ?act'a( ,ranchesca was 21. P 0$ ,arrachi :arren was seen writin& $own n'm@ers on a ye((ow pa$ o? paper n'mero's times < at ?irst it appeare$ as i? he was taDin& notes to remin$ himse(? to $o thin&s 3 now it is o@%io's that he was writin& $own (icense p(ate n'm@ers an$ te(ephone n'm@ers. P ;etween 200E an$ 200" 5 a ?ema(es corpse was ?o'n$ in Massach'settes 3 it was @'rne$ an$ charre$ @a$(y. 1here was a rin& on the ?in&er o? the sDe(eton. 1his was @roa$caste$ on the p'@(ic news on te(e%ision. I am worrie$ that this may ha%e @een H'(ie :einstein < 7aesar &a%e the &ir( he ha$ a@$'cte$ an en&a&ement rin& to am'se himse(? an ?orce$ her to wear it. P In the year 200! < a?ter I was $ischar&e$ ?rom 7oncor$ NewHampshire

Hospita( in NewHampshire 5 =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e was present in the MerrimacD 7o'rtroom on the same $ay that I was present ?or a hearin&. =ictor ha$ @een in%o(%e$ in an a'tomoti%e acci$ent. =ictorKs name was misprono'nce$ @y a Po(ice .??icer whom prono'nce$ it A=ictor 0hman way ('hA3 ?or which =ictor correcte$ him an$ state$ that it was 0man'e(e. Scott ;rennan whom was present was o%erhear$ ta(Din& to a Po(ice .??icer a@o't 7esareKs a@'ction o? an$ seF'a( a@'se o? H'(ie :einstein whom was sti(( (ess than 1E years o($ in 200! an$ other ?ema(es 3 statin& A1he &'y ha$ can$y man scars on his ?ace. Ima&ine @ein& a@'se$ @y a man with scars (iDe thatM 1hat m'st ha%e @een aw?'(.A Scot ;rennan was stan$in& on(y E ?eet away ?rom =ittorio 0man'e(e when this was state$ an$ is (iDe(y to @e a c'rrent tar&et as a res'(t o? this an$ his in%o(%ement with (aw en?orcement in the North 0ast /e&ion o? North America. 1ony Gon>a(e> was (ater (ocDe$ in the NewHampshire State Prison in 7esareKs stea$ 5 this was accomp(ishe$ @y means o? =ira( =ector Gene 1herapyin& 1ony Gon>a(e> with 7esareKs 2NA < 7esare was si&hte$ $'rin& (ate 200! in Manchester NewHampshire as we(( as ear(y 2013 in Nash'a NewHampshire a?ter 1ony Gon>a(e> was imprisone$ in his stea$3 7esare appeare$ as i? he ha$ =ira( =ector Gene 1herapie$ his 2NA with my co'sin H'(iannaKs 2NA an$ now ha$ pa(e white sDin an$ a nose shape$ more (iDe H'(iannaKs. A Po(ice .??icer in the 7o'rt /oom ca((e$ =ittorio 0man'e(e A0(pha@aA statin& 3 AI thinD 0(pha@a o%er there has a (itt(e @it o? an 'n$erstan$in& what happene$ o%er in Manchester.A. 1he car acci$ent that was $escri@e$ in this co'rt room has @een repeate$ @y in$i%i$'a(s who ha%e @een imp(ante$ with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces n'mero's times 5 the same eFact se%en car acci$ents seem to Deep re occ'rin& in Manchester NewHampshire an$ in near@y re&ions as i? some@o$y has pi(ote$ them to occ'r n'mero's times the eFact same way that they ha$ a(rea$y occ're$. Hen 4inco(n 3 4a'ren ,rench 3 Hoey Marini 3 an$ my se(? were a(( manip'(ate$ to &et into these eFact same car acci$ents. P 1he ;('tUn$;o$en .7om or ..r& we@site has @een rep(ace$ entire(y since 200!3 @een rep(ace$ @y a :hiteS'premacist we@site < this is the eFact same thin& that occ'rre$ with the .$inist.7om we@site in 200*. ;('tUn$;o$en was a tar&et o? the 0man'e(esK 5 n'mero's acI'aintances o? 0mi(y Is(es an$ my own 'se$ this we@site < n'mero's 'ser acco'nts were hacDe$ $'rin& 200E an$ 200!. My acco'nt 3 AM;I./I6 < was hacDe$ whi(e 'sin& this we@site. 7ami((a ,(aten 3 whom was my internet ?rien$ in Norway 5 is a $e?inite sta(Din& %ictim as a res'(t o? this. P Many o? my posts on ;('tUn$;o$en marDe$ the eFact $ate $'rin& which I was 'sin& my comp'ter whi(e 1'rDoJan* was 'se$ @y hacDers to Pop Up &r'esome ima&es o? my sister SheenaKs corpse when she was rep(ace$ @y an Imposte'r 3 0mi(y Is(es @ein& rape$ 3 Samantha ;ernstein @ein& rape$ an$ tort're$ 3 an$ H'(ie :einstein @ein& a@'se$. P :hi(e I was @ein& hacDe$ $'rin& 200! 5 I was 'sin& a So?tware which was a HacDer Shie($ that &athere$ the I.P. A$$resses o? HacDers < there was approFimate(y 12 a$$resses in one weeD an$ a @(anD I.P A$$ress which I am ass'min& means that the hacDers was accessin& my comp'ter ?rom the Internet Ser%ice Pro%i$erKs Ser%ers $irect(y.

8 ,or m'(tip(e years 3 it was i&nore$ @y the Manchester NewHampshire Po(ice ?orce that 7esare ha$ @een wa(Din& aro'n$ a 12 an$ e%ent'a((y 15 year o($ ?ema(e on a (eash. P .n more than one occaision 7aesar wa(De$ in to ,ami(y 2o((ar an$ @e&an to $isc'ss imme$iate(y 3 p(ans which he an$ ,i( 0man'e(e has en&ineere$ which wo'($ p(ace me in a sit'ation $'rin& which I wo'($ see a ?ema(e @ein& a@'se$ horri@(y an$ wo'($ @ecome %io(ent as a res'(t o? it 5 ?or three years this seeme$ to @e a p(an o? theirs an$ this %io(ence was o@%io's(y inten$e$ to @e $irecte$ at 7aesar himse(? ?or some reason. .ne $ay 7aesar entere$ ,ami(y 2o((ar an$ state$ Awe &ot a &ir( who is yo'n&er than his &ir( @y at (east two yearsA as he @e&an r'@@in& his han$s3 ?(eFe$ his ?in&ers3 an$ c(appe$ his han$s to&ether < a?terwhich he sai$ A1his shit is hot 3 I (iDe itL :eKre &oin& to 2NA her ?ace to (ooD (iDe his &ir( too an$ then he see her an$ he wi(( &et rea((y an&ry an ye(( yaaaaar&hL yaaaar&hL yaaar&hL an$ smash shit an$ want to ?i&htA . A year (ater 7aesar was wa(Din& a &ir( aro'n$ Manchester NewHampshire on a (eash e%ery $ay whom (ooDe$ (iDe Samantha ;ernstein @'t ha$ 0mi(y Is(esK ?acia( str'ct're an$ (ooDe$ to @e a@o't 1* 5 this an$ reports o? this seeme$ to @e i&nore$ @y Po(ice .??icers in Manchester NewHampshire ?or a@o't 3 years. 1his was most(y $'rin& ,ranD G'intaKs position as Mayor o? Manchester NewHampshire. P 2'rin& 200! 5 a?ter @ein& poisone$ with ;(acD Mo($ an$ attemptin& to seeD he(p at the So'thern /e&iona( NewHampshire Me$ica( 7enter in Nash'a NewHampshire < two @(on$e men whom appeare$ o? An&(o Gae(ic American an$ 2e'tsche(an$er miFe$ racia( ancestry were pro%i$e$ as the escort $ri%ers o? the Am@'(ance with which they transporte$ me 3 one o? these men state$ A:eKre ?rom Manchester3 weKre o't o? o'r J'ris$iction.A an$ it was o@%io's that they ha$ @een instr'cte$ @y some@o$y to $o so. I @e(ie%e this to ha%e @een a (ie an$ that these men are mem@ers o? an AFis 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate. * :-: "nthon5 1c1enem5 :-: P Some@o$y hacDe$ Anthony McMenemyKs ,ace@ooD pro?i(e an$ poste$ as i? they were him a ?ew times. 1his has happene$ n'mero's times now on his ,ace;ooD acco'nt. He is a p'rp(e heart %eteran o? the IraI an$ A?&hanistan con?(ict. 1he (ast time I ta(De$ to Anthony3 he c(aime$ that he was (i%in& in /ho$e Is(an$. 1he (ast time I was in /ho$e Is(an$ was 200E. It seeme$ that the po(ice ?orce was @ein& contro((e$ entire(y @y =ittorio 0man'e(e @ein& that the Ma?ia ha$ near(y a@so('te imm'nity ?rom Po(ice in /ho$e Is(an$ 5 my ?rien$ Hoe Mc7arthy an$ I went to a party that was so eFreme(y (o'$ that it sho'($ ha%e @ro'&ht in po(ice3 @'t accor$in& to a party &oer the po(ice were Apai$ o?? @y the Ma?iaA. 1he party was in the center o? 7ranston /ho$e Is(an$. 1his was a?ter we went to the casino3 ,oFwoo$s. 1he hacDer o? which whom ha$ hacDe$ Anthony McMenemyKs ?ace@ooD acco'nt poste$ a I'ote$ statement which m'st ha%e @een recor$e$ when he ha$ %isite$ me at my apartment at 2E1 Pine Street Apartment R *1 at ParD =iew Apartments 5 this comment was a JoDe we ha$ ma$e re&ar$in& the te(e%ision series Hersey Shore3 mocDin&(y s'&&estin& we sho'($ maDe a stereotypica( ;oston Shore. I ha%e not seen nor hear$ ?rom Anthony since he went $own to /ho$e Is(an$. I?

an in$i%i$'a( has a 2'p(icate I$entity 7ar$ with Anthony McMenemyKs i$enti?ication in?ormation on it an$ ha%e somehow a(tere$ their appearance to impersonate Anthony McMenemy 3 a me$ica( screenin& an$ a 2NA test wo'($ pro%e that their i$entity is ?a(se 5 Anthony McMenemy has scars ?rom shrapne( wo'n$s 3 shrapne( em@e$$e$ thro'&ho't his entire @o$y which has @een 'na@(e to @e me$ica( operate$ 'pon3 an$ is a P'rp(e Heart =eteran. P Since 200! 3 I ha%e seen 5 imposte'rs o? Anthony McMenemy. 1 o? these imposte'rs I spoDe with $'rin& 200". 2'rin& 200" 3 the imposte'rs o? Anthony McMenemy an$ Hason 1harp ta(De$ to me a@o't A,i(Ks &an&A which they $escri@e$ as a &an& o? Ita(ian ma(es. ,i( was $escri@e$ as ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e whom was A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(yan$ a $escen$ant o? the eFi(e$ 9in& o? Ita(ia. ,i( 0man'e(eKs an$ his &an&s attacDs on women were $escri@e$ to me @y the two o? them. 1hey $escri@e$ in $etai( the tort're an$ rape o? women. 1his was recor$e$ @y i((e&a( impro%ise$ recor$in& $e%ices which were positione$ within the wa(( @y a maintainance man whom ?or&et to sh't o?? the %i@ration 5 I rea(i>e$ that there were impro%ise$ recor$in& $e%ices @'i(t ?rom mo@i(e ce(('(ar te(ephones. 1hese men $escri@e$ ,i( 0man'e(eKs a@'se o? women 5 women @ein& ?orce$ to ha%e seF with eachother on the ?(oor at parties whi(e (it ci&arettes were thrown at them 3 @eer was $'mpe$ on them 3 they were pisse$ on 3 an$ ?orce$ to eat ?eces. Some o? these women were Di((e$ in &rostesI'e ways. :omen were $escri@e$ as @ein& m'r$ere$ with ?eces 3 impa(e$ with (ar&e o@Jects thro'&h their ori?ices 3 m'tate$ with =ira( =ector Gene m'tation that was ?e$ to them 3 @eaten 3 (a'&he$ at 3 tort're$ pain?'((y 3 psycho(o&ica((y tort're$ 3 @'rnt 3 an h'mi((iate$. * :-: "ttac.s on the $irst Nations Nati0e "mericans :-: - $oresha)o-ing : 8ittorio &manuele's -or)s + &) Barren's -or)s + #o*ert #o)on's -or)s+ school-teachers - 7eff or &ri. Beise of the Nation of a.ota Mname )epen)ing on pu*licationN - 15 mother + m5 sisters + m5 cousins - Stephanie a1arine + 7ohn a1arine - Karl $eu)ner an) his famil5 - 7en Beau)in - Kenneth Sche0e5 an) his neice I his famil5 - &lena Perez - Chris S-an poisone) - $irst Nations Nati0e "merican 1otorc5clist in 1anchester Ne-Hampshire replace) *5 an imposteur * :-: "ttempte) intentional use of un-ante) !enetic 1utation to create camouflage :-: - Sa0o5 intentionall5 inflicte) un*orn fetus -ith "utism 0ia 8iral 8ector !ene %herap5 1utation E imposteurs of assassinate) ci0ilians pro)ucing high rate of "utistic *a*ies3 Coul) *e use) for e@cuse that !enetic 1utation -as occurring at ran)om as result of en0ironmental to@ins3 Coul) *e printe) in Ne-s Papers later3 - Sa0o5 intentionall5 hit ran)om ci0ilians -ith 8iral 8ector !ene %herap5 strains of

0irus + causing !enetic 1utation at ran)om3 - Sa0o5 intentionall5 mutate) their !enoci)al "ssassins an) Bar-#apists to ha0e am*iguous 2N" + "ra*ian 2N" + an) 2N" similar to targets races3 * :-: /Kristian/ / ars/ /8arg/ 8i.ernes : Burzum :-: P 4ars A=ar&A =iDernes o? ;'r>'m 5 $'rin& 200* an$ 2005 3 0mi(y Is(es was penpa(s with 4ars =iDernes whi(e he was imprisone$ in Norway in either 1romso or 1ron$heim. T 0mi(y was a@$'cte$ in 2005 5 it is pro@a@(e that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e contin'e$ writin& (etters to 4ars =iDernes preten$in& to @e 0mi(y Is(es. T Upon his re(ease 3 4ars =iDernesK a(@'ms chan&e$ $rastica((y an$ hear$ on many o? them are a'$io samp(es o? my se(? p(ayin& instr'ments as we(( as 0mi(y Is(es < these @ein& recor$e$ somehow i((e&a((y o@%io's(y@y Impro%ise$ /ecor$in& 2e%ices an$ comp'ter hacDers acti%atin& microphones on comp'ters or stea(in& a'$io recor$in&s. T In 200* 5 0mi(y Is(es recor$e$ herse(? p(ayin& an$ sin&in& A:arA @y ;'r>'m an$ sent it to me @y way o? internet. 0mi(y p(aye$ &'itar. T Since 200* 5 photo&raphs o? 10 $i??erent imposte'r 4ars =iDernes were poste$ to internet in %ario's (ocation. M'(tip(e in$i%i$'a(s tooD inter%iews preten$in& to @e 4ars =iDernes an$ wrote artic(es preten$in& to @e 4ars A=ar&A =iDernes. I @e(ie%e it pro@a@(e that 4ars =iDernes is $ea$. In the ?i(m AUnti( the 4i&ht 1aDes UsA 5 the imposte'r whom was inter%iewe$ who preten$e$ to @e 4ars =iDernes I'ote$ my se(? an$ 0mi(y Is(es n'mero's times < these I'otes @ein& ?rom te(ephone con%ersations o? my own an$ 0mi(y Is(es as we(( as con%ersations which I ha$ with my ?ather which wo'($ ha%e @een recor$e$ in his a'tomo@i(e @y Impro%ise$ /ecor$in& 2e%ice p(ante$ @ehin$ the $ash@oar$ aro'n$ the $ate that 0mi(y Is(es ca((e$ me ?rom a ce(( phone she ha$ sto(en ?rom a &an&ster whi(e he($ hosta&e at Mo'nt P(easant Apartments or Mt. P(easant Apartments in ;i((ericca Massach'settes. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e state$ that he was &oin& to A;roDe ;acD Mo'ntainA my A;est?rien$Ks ?aceA 5 this @est ?rien$ @ein& 0mi(y Is(es o? .ntario 7ana$a. She was a@$'cte$ a?ter the i((e&a( wire tappin& occ'rre$ 3 $'rin& which te(ephone con%ersations 0mi(y Is(es an$ my se(? ha$ ma$e p(ans to @e to&ether as (o%ers e%ent'a((y an$ atten$ 7o((e&e to&ether. A?ter 0mi(y Is(esK a@$'ction in 2005 5 the 0man'e(es an$ the Ita(ian A6IS @e&an attacDin& the entire Asatr' 7omm'nity &(o@a( 3 0mi(y Is(esK re(i&io's comm'nity as we(( as my own re(i&io's comm'nity. 0mi(y Is(esK &enes were 'se$ to =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy the ?acia( shape o? the yo'n& ?ema(e that 7aesar was wa(Din& aro'n$ Manchester NewHampshire on a $o& (eash with a $o& co((ar $'rin& 2005 an$ 200E 5 this was $isc'sse$ @y 7aesar an$ 0$ :arren on recor$in& at ,ami(y 2o((ar ri&ht in ?ront o? me 3 I (ater rea(i>e$ what they were $isc'ssin& < this yo'n&er ?ema(e was at (east 2 years yo'n&er than 0mi(y an$ was at ?irst &i%en ,ranchesca Gon>a(e>Ks I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s which were (ater &i%en to 0mi(y Is(es an$ now may ha%e @een &i%en to a thir$ SeF 1ra??icDin& %ictim an$ H'man =i%isection tort're %ictim. A(( o? these woman were S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace $e%ices 'sin& trephanin& techniI'es an$ a$%ance$ (aproscopic as we(( s p(astic s'r&ery techniI'es to tacD the ro'ter to the Jaw an$ sea( @eneath the ear (o@e where the incision was ma$e.

T ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ 7aesar @oth are o@sesse$ with the historica( Machia%e((i 5 $'rin& 2005 3 ,ami(y 2o((ar was se((in& a 1'Pac ShaI'r Machia%e((i poster < it is pro@a@(y that 7aesar &ot the i$ea to Machia%e((i 4ars A=ar&A =iDernes M'sic a?ter Di((in& 4ars A=ar&A =iDernes whom may now @e /ep(ace$ ;y Imposte'r. In 2005 7aesar ha$ Machia%e((iK$ himse(? @y taDin& the I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o? a $ea$ man name$ 7esare. 7'rrent(y 5 7aesar is on his 3r$ or *th set o? Sto(en I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s an$ =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy a(tere$ appearance ?or $is&'ise. P ;e&innin& $'rin& 2005 an$ contin'in& 'nti( present(y 5 4ars A=ar&A =iDernes has @een represente$ @y imposte'rs an$ has @een misrepresente$ as I'otin& H'(i's 0%o(aKs opinions re&ar$in& A?riDDi$s as we(( as paraphrasin& H'(i's 0%o(aKs opinions re&ar$in& A?riDDi$s. 4ars A=ar&A =iDernes has not @een represente$ @y imposte'rs e%en in photo&raphs an$ %i$eo&raphe$ inter%iews since 2005. 0%en the man in the ?i(m Unti( 1he 4i&ht 1aDes Us is not 4ars =iDernes. Since 2005 5 a(( o? 4ars =iDernesK termino(o&ies re&ar$in& A?riDDi$Ks as a race are termino(o&ies which were p'@(ishe$ in H'(i's 0%o(aKs (iterary worDs which H'(i's 'se$ to $escri@e A?riDDi$ peop(es an$ concepts which he associate$ with that which he ca((e$ Ne&ri$ or Ne&roi$. H'(i's 0%o(a was a :hite S'premacist whom @e(ie%e$ that the Aryan race o? the :hite /ace was the S'perior /ace o%er e%en the :hite /ace in terms o? 7reati%ity an$ Inte((i&ence as we(( as $i$ he @e(ie%e that the 0thnic /omans were the S'perior /ace o%er e%en the other Aryan /acia( 1ypes 5 /omans @ein& Aryo Mace$onians $escen$e$ ?rom the /oman in%a$ers whom conI'ere$ a re&ion o? Ita(ia an$ tooD Sa@ines as /epro$'cti%e S(a%es.

:-: "ttac.s on the $oun)ing Peoples of the (S" an) Cana)a :-:

* :-: "NI1"%ION O8&#- "YIN! "N2 "(2IO O8&#-2(BBIN! (S&2 $O# PSYCH B"#$"#& :-: 2'rin& the time when I @e&an to @e sta(De$ @y ,i((i@erto an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e < my ?rien$ MarD SDinner an$ I were maDin& p(ans to maDe a h'moro's amate'r mo%ie 5 'sin& animation so?tware to com@ine the mo%ie with concepts s'ch as the ;4AI/ :I17H an$ 74.=0/,I042 mo%ies 3 ,I/S1 P0/S.N SH..10/ =I20.GAM0S3 an$ 7AS140=ANIA S-MPH.N- ., 1H0 NIGH1. 1he h'mo'r was in the ?act that many peop(e aro'n$ so'thern New Hampshire te(( &host stories re(ate$ to n'mero's o($ ho'ses an$ cemetaries that are tr'e(y @eni&n an$ ha%e no rea( specters ha'ntin& them whatsoe%er < these stories o?ten &et reiterate$ @y peop(e m'ch the same as the te(ephone &ame in%o(%es reiterate$ statements 'nti( they come o't s(i&ht(y $i??erent at the en$ o? the (ine o? peop(e whisperin& the ori&ina( statement into one anotherKs ears. 1hese 'r@an (e&en$s are o?ten to($ ?rom ?irst person perspecti%e @'t the stories chan&e %ery (itt(e 3 maDin& it eFtreme(y apparent whom the (iars in the comm'nity are @eca'se they te(( a story as i? it is their own (i?e eFperience which has a(rea$y @een to($ in the same manner n'mero's times @e?ore. .'r i$ea was to animate an in%entory screen into the ;(air:itch (iDe eFp(oration o? the Aha'nte$ ho'sesA an$ Aha'nte$ &ra%eyar$sA o? New Hampshire 5 showin& the eI'ippin& o? ?(ash(i&hts3 @ase@a(( @ats3 monDey wrenches3 hammers3 pry @ars3 an$ &rano(a @ars3 cameras3 an$ 'm@re((as. 1he amate'r %i$eo wo'($ @e ma$e in sections 'sin& a recor$in& hea$ set. MarD SDinner an$ my se(? ha$

@een ta(Din& to /ich 7onesc' a@o't this ?reI'ent(y ?or two years $'e to /ichKs wea(th o? Dnow(e$&e concernin& comp'ter techno(o&y. 2'rin& the time =ittorio 0man'e(e @e&an sta(Din& my se(?3 I was spen$in& a(ot o? time with my ?rien$ MarD SDinner as we(( as occaisiona((y /ich 7onesc' an$ ;o@ Sha&o'ry. A(( three o? these in$i%i$'a(s (ater met =ittorio 0man'e(e 'n$er the a(ias A=ictorA at p(aces (iDe a'to a'ctions an$ twice at car c('@ a'moti%e enth'siast meet 'ps. =ittorio 0man'e(e < ha%in& access to comm'nications corporationsK ce(( phone ser%ers 3 7.M7AS1 entertainment an$ comm'nicationsK ser%ers3 an$ n'mero's crimina( HacDers an$ PhreaDers 5 @e&an a campai&n o? 0(ectronic 1errorism an$ Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are across a(( o? the North 0ast o? North America. 1his terrorist campai&n o? 0(ectronic 1errorist Psych :ar?are rose to the (e%e( o? G(o@a( 1errorism an$ H'man =i%isection in%o(%in& < ;io /o@otics Ne'roScience eFperiments3 Psycho SeF'a( A@'se Ne'roScience eFperiments3 ;eha%iora( Mo$i?ication Ne'roScience eFperiments3 an$ pi(ote$ s(ayin&s res'(tin& in &enoci$e. 2'rin& the past ten years the 0mer&ency ;roa$cast NetworD3 n'mero's te(e%ision @roa$castin& networDs3 news @roa$casts3 an$ AMN,M ra$io @roa$casts 5 ha%e @een HacDe$ an$ a'$io o%er$'@@e$ as we(( as animation e$ite$. Most ci%i(ians eFpect the &o%ernment o? the U.S.A. to ha%e comp(ete J'ris$iction o%er the AM ,M ra$io @roa$casts3 Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone transmission3 1e(e%ision ;roa$cast 1ransmissions3 an$ Internet 1ransmissions < a terrorist ha%in& the a@i(ity to repeate$(y threaten a ci%i(ian tar&et on their own te(e%ision screen3 internet acco'nt3 an$ car ra$io 7.MP40104- 7/IPP40S the tar&et ci%i(ian with ?ear 5 (ea%in& them she(( shocDe$ an$ ?ee(in& (itera((y $e?ense(ess. 1hese threats are o?ten eFtreme(y s'@t(e @'t at times can @e $irect(y o%ert s'ch as one threat which was ma$e whi(e I was in a room in the company o? m'(tip(e peop(e < this threat was the a'$io $'@@in& an$ animatin& o? a manKs mo'th on the te(e%ision to say Aew3 $onKt &et a s'@$'ra( hematoma.A an$ a(so (ater 5 Athe (ast I'estion o? the ni&ht is 3 where is Noe( &oin&MA when ANoe(A #which was the tar&et %ictimKs pse'$onym in ,rench 4an&'a&e c(ass whi(e in schoo() was a@o't to wa(D o't the $oor. ,ort'nate(y3 $'e to 10N -0A/S ., 0=I20N70 ., 1HIS < this ?a((s 'n$er the :A/ 7/IM0S AGAINS1 7I=I4IANS HU/IS2I71I.N an$ wi(( @e in%esti&ate$ @y mi(itary 'sin& the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartment an$ 0(ectronic ,orensics teams o? the 2epartment o? 2e?ense3 7.I.A.3 an$ ,.;.I. . .? re(e%ance to the i$ea$ which MarD SDinner an$ my se(? ha$ $isc'sse$ concernin& the creation o? an amater come$ic mo%ie 5 a come$ic te(e%ision series was (ater hacDe$ an$ animate$ with =ittorio 0man'e(e appearin& as the ?ina( @oss 2/A7U4A ?rom 7AS140=ANIA Symphony o? the Ni&ht sayin& AI $i$ not $o this to yo'LA 5 this te(e%ision series ha$ a come$y sDit $'rin& which 7H/IS ,A/40- an$ PA1/I79 S:A-C0 appeare$ as a $ancin& team h'mo'ro's(y immitatin& ma(e strippers an$ Michae( ,(at(ey o? 4or$ o? the 2ance. 1he p'rpose o? this sty(e o? psycho(o&ica( war?are is to tra'mati>e the tar&et so se%ere(y that they wi(( not e%en acDnow(e$&e the assai(ant in their presense when they are stan$in& $irect(y in ?ront o? their %ictim 3 it is pro@a@(e that Hose? Men&e(e an$ H'(i's 0%o(a con$'cte$ ne'ro science eFperiments which wo'($ ha%e in%o(%e$ ?ear tests an$ psycho(o&ica( tra'ma research re(ate$ to this. =ittorio 0man'e(e $e?inite(y has access to the 7.M7AS1 H0A2BUA/10/S in MAN7H0S10/ N0:HAMPSHI/0. Another ?orm o? this a'$io $'@@in& seems to taDe p(ace in commercia( @'siness >ones s'ch as ma((s or stores s'ch as a /ite Ai$ which my se(? an$ others ha%e eFperience$ this at. .ne time3 a?ter enterin& the /ite Ai$ on 4inco(n Street in Manchester < neFt $oor to ,ami(y 2o((ar an$ the (ot where =ista ,oo$s was ?ormer(y (ocate$ that 2aphen 7onaway worDe$ at 5 the m'sic p(ayin& on the speaDers @e&an p(ayin& a @acD masDe$ %er@a( threat that was so s(oppy an$ horri@(y @acD masDe$ that it

was a'$i@(y noticea@(e. 1he threat was miFe$ with the act'a( m'sic to so'n$ (iDe it was part o? the (yrics3 @'t it stoo$ o't so c(ear(y that it was noticea@(e o%er the ori&ina( (yrics. 1his type o? a Psych :ar?are assa'(t co'($ @e easi(y tri&&ere$ 'sin& G.P.S. (ocation o? the %ictimsK ce(( phones3 impro%ise$ @roa$castin& $e%ices ma$e ?rom ce(( phone parts sp(ice$ into the wirin& o? the storeKs a'$io speaDers3 an$ comp'ters networDe$ o%er a ser%er networD 'sin& persistent r'nnin& so?tware monitorin& G.P.S. (oca(s an$ tri&&erin& $ia( 'p @roa$cast transmissions a'tot'ne$ an$ %oca(oi$e$ to ?it the en%iron. 1his is ca((e$ Am@ient Arti?icia( Inte((i&ence. A 2i&ita( A'$io :orDstation with c'stom en&ineere$ =S1 p('&in pro&rams 'sin& /ewire co'($ @e capa@(e o? $oin& this %ery easi(y 'sin& two impro%ise$ ce(( phone $e%ices < one recor$in& $e%ice p(ante$ @ehin$ the wa((3 one transmitter wire$ into the speaDer wire 5 the recor$in& ce(( phone wo'($ @e recor$e$ into the 2i&ita( A'$io :orDstation as a (ine in an$ the transmission ce(( phone wo'($ a'$io $'@ the speech processe$ recor$in&s with a matche$ tona( pitch an$ a =oca( Synthe>iser. 1he (ine in can @e m'te$ an$ ana(y>e$ @y a p('& in comp'ter so?tware which matches the tona( pitch an$ me(o$y o? the synthesi>e$ accompaniment . A =oca(oi$ or other =oca( Synthesi>er so?tware can @e 'se$ to pro$'ce s(i&ht(y @acD masDe$ (yric o%er$'@s 5 the p'rpose ?or this is psych war?are an$ ?or reasons o? shocDin& the tar&et3 the @acDmasDin& o? the (yrics are intentiona((y a'$i@(e eno'&h to @e conscio's(y notice$. 2'rin& the year 200" < Cachary 7onaway @e&an comp(ainin& that the te(e%ision was threatenin& him. 2'e to the parts 'se$ in the creation o? these $e%ices3 Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence Array NetworDs can @e 'se$ to search ?or (ocations where ce(( phone GPS ha$ remaine$ stationary ?or (on& perio$s o? time 5 i? a ce(( phone GPS (ocation has remaine$ stationary at a commercia( (oca(e s'ch as a &rocery store or pharmacy3 it is %ery o@%io's that the $e%ice is an impro%ise$ @roa$cast too( < i? a GPS is stationary at a resi$entia( (ocation3 it is easy to $isco%er itKs eFistance $'e to constant stationary GPS (ocation @ehin$ a wa((. My A'nt 4es(ieKs ?ormer p(ace o? resi$ency was on 4inco(n Street3 one @(ocD ?rom the ,ami(y 2o((ar where I was worDin& when =ittorio 0man'e(e wa(De$ in. 2'rin& the time that my A'nt 4es(ie was (i%in& at the ho'se on 4inco(n Street in Manchester New Hampshire < my mother was (i%in& as in patient at the New Hampshire Hospita( in 7oncor$. =ittorio an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e somehow &aine$ access to this hospita( an$ itKs emp(oyees < I am consi$erin& the possi@i(ity that some o? the emp(oyees were rep(ace$ @y co%ert $opp(e&an&ers whi(e many o? the others ha%e pro@a@(y @een @(acDmai(e$. I @e(ie%e my mother was a@'se$ whi(e in this hospita( an$ most (iDe(y eFperimente$ 'pon. A(( o? these Din$s o? 'neFpecte$ Psych :ar?are 'pon ci%i(ians comp(ete(y $iscre$it the tar&ette$ ci%i(ians as witnesses to terrorism an$ co%ert &enoci$e 5 maDin& them appear as schi>ophrenic in the eyes o? the i&norant non tar&et pop'(ation3 ena@(in& &ra$'a( an$ systemic &enoci$a( terrorism o? entire re&iona( pop'(ations. 1his 7haracter Assassination an$ Psych :ar?are worDe$ so we(( in the New 0n&(an$ re&ion that when I trie$ to en(ist in the Army at the recr'itersK o??ice 5 I was mocDe$ an$ (a'&he$ at @y Army emp(oyees who ma$e re?erences to A&oose steppin&A an$ AA$o(? Hit(erA as i? I was somehow an A6IS :ar 7rimina(3 I sti(( ha%e no i$ea why this happene$ at the A/M- recr'itin& o??ice o? the USA 2epartment o? 2e?ense. I @e(ie%e that =ittorio 0man'e(e may ha%e imme$iate(y @e&'n 1ota( In?i(tration o? this re&ionKs positions o? ,e$era( 0mp(oyment $'rin& 200*. P I? co%ert terrorist a&ents are i$enti?ia@(e to ci%i(ian pop'(ation who are capa@(e o? testi?yin& a&ainst them in co'rt 3 psycho(o&ica( war?are can @e 'se$ to 2IS7/02I1 AS A :I1N0SS the ci%i(ian tar&ets. Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are is 'se$ with the intent o? psycho(o&ica((y $esta@(i>in& tar&et pop'(ations as we(( as manip'(atin& an$ contro((in& their @eha%ior. I? a $ia&nosis has @een recor$e$3 a witness is eFtreme(y easi(y

$iscre$ite$ 5 a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate in ownership o? m'(tip(e hea(thcare ?aci(ities has the a@i(ity to $iscre$it their own %ictims easi(y3 'sin& their hea(thcare ?aci(ities to $o so an$ may e%en ha%e em@e$$e$ a&ents within the North American Hea(th .r&ani>ation as we(( as the :or($ Hea(th .r&ani>ation to attempt to c'rtai( in%esti&ations as their (ast (ine o? $e?ense. Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are an$ Genoci$e @ecome eFtreme(y easy when a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate possess contro( o%er the ?ac'(ties o? (i?e an$ $eath comp(ete(y < ?or p'rpose o? hi$in& e%i$ence concernin& ca'se o? $eath 5 7o%ert 1errorist A&ent can @e emp(oyee$ as morticians an$ mor&e worDers . P /ecent 4i%e 0$its o? 1e(e%ision 1ransmissions ha%e inc('$e$ News 1ransmissions @ein& e$ite$ 3 ;aracD .@amaKs sDin tone an$ ?acia( ?eat'res @ein& e$ite$ 3 Hohn 9erryKs ?acia( str'ct're @ein& e$ite$ 3 an$ News 7o%era&e o? the :ar in 4i@ya @ein& e$ite$ to appear as i? it were part o? the mo%ie AI$iocracyA.

:-: ;==D 7"N&% N"PO I%"NO an) Statements regar)ing /N"%I8IS1/ :-: * - In 2005 3 a?ter the assassination o? H'$&e 4e?ow 5 H'$&e Hanet Napo(itano was somehow e(ecte$ to rep(ace the 2irector o? the 2epartment o? Home(an$ Sec'rity. 1he ori&ina( 2irector o? Home(an$ Sec'rity 3 whom was per?ormin& his $'ties %ery we(( 5 was ha(? Israe(i. Upon her @ein& appointe$ as the 2irector o? Home(an$ Sec'rity 5 Hanet Napo(itano ma$e a speaD which inc('$e$ the wor$s A:e m'st @e e%er wary o? the 2an&ero's /ise o? Nati%ismA. 1he 2omestic 1errorist 4ist @e&an to increase in n'm@er &reat(y an$ the tar&ets o? in%esti&ations @e&an to o?ten @e A?a(se a(armsA 3 n'mero's M's(ims were tar&ette$ whom were $escri@e$ as AM's(im eFtremistsA as oppose$ to their act'a( (itera( 0nemy 7om@atant ,action 3 I$entity Po(itic @e&an to @ecome a tar&et o? Anti 1errorist In%esti&ations simi(ar to what happene$ $'rin& the NiFon A$ministration within 7.IN104P/. operations. MeFicans3 the 9' 9('F 9(an3 Nati%e Americans3 the AMin'te MenA ;or$er Patro(s3 an$ the Nation o? Is(am ;(acD Panthers were a(( $escri@e$ @y the new stan$ar$s an$ $e?initions o? 2omestic 1errorism as P.10N1IA4 NA1I=IS1 061/0MIS1 2.M0S1I7 10//./IS1S. A&ent Pro%ocate'rs insti&ate$ n'mero's con?(icts in North America $'rin& this time which ha%e now res'(te$ in $eaths o? entire ?ami(ies an$ the co%ert in%asion o? North America @y whom appear to @e Ita(ians 'sin& 7o%ert metho$s o? ,a(se I$enti?ication an$ .ttoman A6IS (oya(ists. Imperia(ism in%o(%es the 7o(oni>ation o? entire Nationa( Home(an$s an$ Nationa( 0thnic /aces o? peop(e 5 the Nati%e peop(es are %iewe$ as a threat @y the Imperia( occ'pyin& ?action an$ itKs pop'(ation. H'Ftaposition Propa&an$a has @een 'se$ ?or the p'rpose o? manip'(atin& the po(itica( c(imate an$ ai$in& the en&ineerin& o? what has @ecome a &enoci$a( 7o%ert 0Fpansionist Imperia(ist ,action 5 MeFicans an$ ,irst Nations Peop(es were pro%oDe$ an$ portraye$ in me$ia as 7ontinenta( 0Fpansionists 3 the common phrase @ein& A:e Are the In$i&eno's Peop(es o? this 7ontinentA. 1he phrase A:e Are the In$i&eno's Peop(es o? this 7ontinentA was portraye$ in me$ia to @e an o??ensi%e s(o&an an$ a @att(e cry ?or what was ?a(se ?(a&&e$ as MeFican Imperia(ism. H'man 1ra??icDin& in the U.S.A. has @ecome an eFtreme pro@(em a&ain 5 MeFicans @ein& one o? n'mero's primary tar&ets in North America ?or 1ra??icDin&. 4a@or 1ra??icDin& ha$ @een occ'rrin& o? which the i((e&a((y transporte$ 1ra??icDin& =ictims were @ein& %iewe$ as the crimina( o??en$er in the stea$ o? the act'a( crimina( whom was the H'man 1ra??icDer. 4a =o> 2e A>t(an was a we@site in 200* 3 I ha$ written a h'mo'ro's emai( or two to the co('mnists o? the 4a =o> 2e A>t(an we@site 5 this occ'rre$ aro'n$ the eFact $ate that =ittorio 0man'e(e ha$ appeare$ at ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n St. a?ter his a&ents ha$ hacDe$ my 0mai( Acco'nt. 1he 4a =o> 2e A>t(an we@site is an A>teca Nationa(ist :e@site 5 the A>teca are a Nation o? peop(e whoKs home(an$ is historica( in the northern ha(? o? what is now MeFico an$ the So'th :estern re&ion o? what is now the U.S.A. . An A>teca is a

North American ,irst Nations person. :or$s which ha%e @e&'n to @e 'se$ as ne&ati%e $escriptors in me$ia an$ s(an& con%ersation in n'mero's peop(esK presense are Nati%e 3 Nationa( 3 2omestic 3 In$i&eno's 3 A@ori&ina( 3 Pa&an 3 an$ ;ar@arian 5 this termino(o&ies o?ten @ein& paire$ with the s'??iF ism 3 it is a ?orei&n entity which wo'($ portray these wor$s as ne&ati%e concepts. ;etween 2005 200" 5 n'mero's news paper artic(es 3 news me$ia comments3 an$ internet posts an$ p'@(ications were ma$e which $escri@e$ MeFicans as AGoths an$ =an$a(s @an&in& at the &ates o? the /oman 0mpireA 3 A;ar@arians in%a$in& the /oman 0mpireA 3 Athe same @ar@arian in%asion that $estroye$ the /oman 0mpireA. ;etween 200! 2013 5 ,o(D /e(i&ions @e&an to @e p'@(ica((y $eni&rate$ in News Me$ia an$ other p'@(ications < o?ten @ein& $escri@e$ as the @ar@aric pa&ani>ation o? the Unite$ States o? America. 1his was o?ten $escri@e$ as i? this was the (ate 7hristian perio$ o? the /oman 0mpire an$ @ar@arians were maDin& ?i(thy the /oman 0mpire. Hin$'s ha%e @een written a@o't in an o??en$e$ conteFt3 as i? Hin$' /e(i&io's /ites are somehow o??ensi%e. 1his has @een @(ame$ on American 7hristians tho'&h many o? the peop(e whom ha%e @een p'@(ishin& these statements as we(( as speaDin& them ha%e @een o? associations connecte$ to 0man'e(eKs networD o? 1errorist 7rimina(s 3 A6IS 4oya(ists3 an$ ,ascists. 2'rin& 200! 5 an internet news so'rce reporte$ that a 4o'isianna Senator was open(y $isc'ssion AMicro7hippin&A MeFican Nationa(s in the U.S.A. with G(o@a( Positionin& System S'r&ica( Imp(ants. ;etween 200! 2012 5 accor$in& to internet news me$ia so'rces 3 n'mero's H'$&es in Ita(ia were arreste$ ?or @ein& in%o(%e$ in .r&ani>e$ 7rime. 1hese J'$&es were $escri@e$ as @ein& Ma?ia 5 I am ?air(y certain that this is in ?act A6IS ,a(se ,(a&&in& as nothin& @'t Apo(itica( .r&ani>e$ 7rime when in ?act it is an AFis G(o@a( 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate. * :-: 1atters concerning "frican "mericans :-: /ecent(y 3 there ha%e @een n'mero's A?rican American si&hte$ whoKs mo'ths ha%e @een @ein& Ne'ro/o@otic Animate$ to ar&'e with them. 1his is an o@%io's 1a(D ;ot AI 3 paire$ with Ne'roScience So?tware. In .hio 3 racia( con?(ict has @een intentiona((y create$ @etween the years o? 200* an$ 2013. In the so'th recent(y 3 A&ent Pro%ocate'rs ha%e @een attemptin& to ca'se 9' 9('F 9(ansmen an$ A?rican Americans to ?i&ht physica((y. 1his is a(so @een incite$ @etween Nationa(ists whom are not e%en consi$era@(y o??ensi%e an$ A?rican Americans 5 this is the o@%io's acti%ity o? an A&ent Pro%ocate'r whom is eFtreme(y racist an$ consi$ers A?riDDi$s to @e a ANation $estroyin& e(ementA 3 this opinion is o? H'(i's 0%o(aKs psycho(o&y. 1hese A&ent Pro%ocate'rs are $e?inite(y Ita(ian A6IS an$ hate An&(o SaFons an$ Gae(s with an eFtreme contempt. It is $e?inite that this A&ent Pro%ocate'r wo'($ attempt to pro%oDe con?(ict @etween A?rican American Nationa(ists an$ Nationa(ists in North America o? 0'ropi$ races whom are a(so nati%e to North America. 2'rin& 200E < an A?rican American women cooDe$ her in?ant in a microwa%e o%en 5 this was o@%io's(y the res'(t o? a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace Ne'ro1errorism attacD which was the res'(t o? hypnosis an$ Ne'ro/o@otics. It is $e?inite that h'man @ein&s were Di((e$ in incinerator o%ens an$ chemica( steam cham@ers $'rin& the Ho(oca'sts o? the 1"*0Ks. * :-: Bhite-#acialist Communit5 :-: Storm$ront3O#! + NS1CC + Borl) Church of the Creator + an) the Ku Klu@ Klan :-: P N'mero's acco'nts were ma$e on Storm,ront..r& @etween the years 200* an$ 200! which containe$ photo&raphs o? @ooDco%ers ?rom my @ooD co((ection an$

0mi(y Is(esK @ooD co((ection as we(( as ima&e$ ?rom Ne%er:inter Ni&hts which was a &ame that 0mi(y Is(esK an$ I 'se$ to p(ay on(ine to&ether. 1he @ooD ima&es were ?rom 2a%i$ 0$$in&Ks no%e(s as we(( as others. Sahn$ra may ha%e rea$ some o? these @ooDs whi(e I was at worD an$ $isc'sse$ them with ?rien$ on(ine or e%en with 0mi(y Is(es. Sahn$ra @e&an ta(Din& to 0mi(y on(ine a?ter we ha$ @roDen 'p as a res'(t o? her Jea(o'sy. P 2'rin& 200E 5 a Storm,ront..r& 'ser poste$ A0%ery@o$y nee$s to stop postin& on the internet. 1his is %ery serio's. :e canKt e%en $isc'ss on the internet. I am $yin& an$ the hospita(s are not he(pin& me. I am $yin& o? somethin& an$ I @e(ie%e it is poisonin& an$ the hospita(s wi(( not he(p me 3 they J'st Deep sen$in& me home. I thinD some@o$y @o'&ht the hospita(s an$ is Di((in& peop(e. A WW .? re(e%ence to this 5 0$ :arren ha$ $isc'sse$ somethin& in the @acD o? the store with 1ay(aKs mother whom was a @(on$e (a$y o? ha(? Sici(ian race which in%o(%e$ AAye AyeA an$ AAye Aye AyeA an$ A=ictorA an$ A= Aye AyeA. 1his con%ersation in 2005 was o@%io's(y a re?erence to =ittorio II 3 =ittorio III 3 an$ =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ their physica( re(ation to A$o(? Hit(er who was o? =ittorio IIIKs ?atherKs @(oo$(ine an$ o? an Aosta matri(inea(. 1ay(aKs mother is recor$e$ as te((in& 0$ :arren AI wi(( ha%e to ta(D to my ?ather a@o't it3 I wi(( &et @acD to yo'.A . 1his woman Dnew 0$ somehow. 1ay(aKs sister 1wy(a came into the store (ater on. 1wy(aKs ?rien$ may ha%e (ater met Mosta?a I@nSa'$ an$ I @e(ie%e she may ha%e @een in%o(%e$ in an attempt to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa'$ ?or =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 3 7hris 1homasKs 3 an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs 7rimes A&ainst H'manity as we(( as the Ho'se o? Sa'$ ?or A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(yKs an$ H'(i's 0%o(aKs 7rimes A&ainst H'manity in North America a?ter the 2n$ :or($ :ar an$ $'rin& the NiFon A$ministrationXX In 200! when I was poisone$ with ;(acDMo($ an$ (ater /a$ioActi%e Io$ine < n'mero's hospita(s in NewHampshire to($ me that I was comp(ete(y hea(thy. =Ittorio 0man'e(eKs :ea(th /etainers ha%e p'rchase$ n'mero's Hea(th7are ,aci(ities in North America 5 $'rin& 200E 3 the Imposte'r o? 2on$i McMahon to($ me A2o not &et sicD. No matter what yo' $o 3 $o not &o to a hospita(. :hat $o yo' $o when the ,ire2epartment ;'rns 2ownMA P 1here was a 'ser on Storm,ront../G whoKs screen name was A$o(ph's Hit(eri's as we(( as A$o(pho 0man'e(e an$ others who may ha%e Dnown o? A$o(? Hit(erKs @io(o&ica( (inea&e an$ may ha%e poste$ it on Storm,ront../G. P 2'rin& 200* an$ 2005 5 a non racist 9('F :e@ Site was poste$ which was the :e@Site o? a 9'9('F9(an ?action that chan&e$ their i$ea(o&y to Pan Nationa(ism an$ was promotin& M'(ti /acia(ism an$ M'(ti Nationa(ism ?or the 0arth in opposition to Mono Nationa( G(o@a(ism an$ G(o@a( Assimi(ationism. It is possi@(e that this was percei%e$ as a threat to the 0man'e(es @ein& that I ha$ %isite$ the :e@Site a ?ew times whi(e @ein& hacDe$. I a(so %isite$ the :e@Site o? a Persian Nationa(ist or&ani>ation whom promote$ the /e Instatement o? /e>a Pah(a%iKs crown 3 the renamin& o? Iran to the 9in&$om o? Persia once a&ain 3 ne'tra( po(icy towar$s Israe( 3 an$ a Nationa(ist an$ Socia(ist &o%ernment with a Par(iament inc('$in& more seats ?or Coroastrians an$ a $ec(aration o? a Coroastrian Ho(i$ay as a Nationa( Ho(i$ay. ;oth o? these we@sites are c'rrent(y missin& as is 1he Pan Nationa(ist we@site as we(( as the ori&ina( 4NSG we@site. I @e(ie%e it pro@a@(e that =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e %iewe$ these we@sites an$ there associate$ or&ani>ations an$ in$i%i$'a(s as potentia( threats an$ potentia( e%ent'a( mo'ths o? the tr'th concernin& A$o(? Hit(erKs ?act'a( 0man'e(e Sa%oy an$ Aosta @(oo$(ine. He?? /enseKs we@site was notice$ within one month o? ha%in& poste$ the artic(e $ec(arin& =ittorio 0man'e(e the Anti7hrist3 this wo'($ @e impossi@(e witho't watchin& He?? /enseKs we@site as a res'(t o? his @ein& Hewish 2e?ense 4ea&'e a??i(iate$. P It is possi@(e that the (itt(e &ir(s ?rom the m'sica( act APr'ssian ;('eA are %ictims o? /ep(acement ;y Imposte'r an$ that their parents were once mem@ers o? the

9'9('F9(an 'nit that went anti /acist pro Nationa(ist an$ pan Nationa(ist with their po(itics. It is pro@a@(e that these (itt(e &ir(s parents were m'r$ere$ an$ rep(ace$ @y Imposte'rs worDin& ?or the 0man'e(es < aro'n$ 2005 3 they were ma$e to sin& an$ recor$ racist chi($renKs son&s as we(( as some hit(er worship anthems that (e$ to m'(tip(e comm'nities writin& them (etters te((in& them to mo%e. I $o not @e(ie%e that the parents o? these (itt(e &ir(s are in ?act sti(( a(i%e < I @e(ie%e it pro@a@(e that =ittorio or$ere$ their ?ami(y m'r$ere$ a rep(ace$ an$ the creation o? the Pr'ssian ;('e a(@'m. APr'ssian ;('eA is a re?erence to the Pr'ssian 0mpire an$ the @('e stains (e?t in A'schwit> an$ other 7oncentration 7amps @y the chemica(s which were 'se$ to Gas mi((ions o? Hews 3 2e'tsche(an$ers 3 an$ other Ho(oca'st %ictims. It is 'n(iDe(y that a 9'9('F9(ans ?ami(y o? An&(o Gae(ic American race wo'($ @e so (o'$ as to $isp(ay their $a'&hters as A1he ,ace o? /acism in AmericaA when they are on(y * an$ 5 years o($ 5 the 999 hi$e their ?aces < An&(o Gae(s are a(so c'rrent(y =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs Primary Genoci$e 1ar&et in North America a(on& with ,irst Nations Nati%e Americans an$ Israe(is as we(( as those o? Hewish or Asatr' ?ami(y. 1he 999 are a(so Protestant 7hristians whom once preache$ a@o't a G(o@a( Imperia( Anti 7hrist o? /oman ori&in which was secret(y conspirin& to conI'er the 0arth an$ was (i%in& amon&st the Americans. =ittorio an$ ,i( are o@sessi%e(y tryin& to ri$ the wor($ o? their @ein& consi$ere$ A1he Anti 7hristA. Min$y 9ernKs ?ather whom was a ;aptist 7hristian an$ an American o? miFe$ German Israe(i @(oo$ on his ?atherKs si$e @e(ie%e$ that H'(i's 0%o(a was the Anti 7hrist an$ o? the same ho'se as 7aesar Israe(i who sacDe$ Israe( an$ cr'ci?ie$ Hes's 7hrist who was -esh'a the /a@@i. P 2'rin& 200E 5 He?? Shoep o? NSM88 was ?a(se(y portraye$ @y a we@site as ha%in& @een con%icte$ o? SeF .??enses 3 this ne%er tr'e(y occ'rre$. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ 7aesar to&ether co((ecti%e(y ha%e committe$ at (east h'n$re$s o? SeF .??enses in North America @etween 200* an$ 2013. It is pro@a@(e that =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e were consi$erin& attemptin& to ha%e He?? Shoep rep(ace$ @y a $i??erent i$entity < it is a(so pro@a@(e that 7ha$ Gro(sch Dnew He?? Shoep persona((y. 7ha$ Gro(sch whom was a mem@er o? the :or($ 7h'rch o? the 7reator was a ?rien$ o? Sahn$ra St. .n&eKs an$ an acI'aintance o? mine whom I spoDe with n'mero's times o%er the internet. 7ha$ Gro(sch was ?rien$ with a 9ni&ht o? the Ho'se o? Aosta. P 2'rin& 200* an$ 2005 5 a we@site was p'@(ishe$ to the internet which was a white pa&e with @(acD teFt an$ a photo&raph $epictin& a Ser@ian A9'9('F9(an UnitA . 1he 9'9('F9(an is a Protestant or&ani>ation ?or An&(o SaFon an$ Gae(ic Americans primari(y an$ other An&(o Gae(ic pop'(ation secon$ari(y < most Ser@ians are 7atho(ics an$ the c'rrent :ar 7rimina( ,action in Ser@ia are Ita(ian A6IS a??i(iate$ an$ are a the res'(t o? an .r&ani>e$ 7rime Syn$icate with ,ascist connections @ein& Aproppe$ 'pA as some ca(( it < or in (itera( termino(o&y 3 ?'n$e$ @y ?orei&n connections 5 which are in this case (iDe(y to ha%e @een H'(i's 0%o(a $'rin& his (i?etime. Ser@ia is ri&ht neFt to Me$J'&orJe ;osnia an$ is in ?ormer(y 0ast /oman Pro%ince o? the /oman 0mpire re&iona( territory 5 this territory @ein& the territory which was (ost $'e to Ati((a ;'$(asonKs in%asion an$ comp(ete $estr'ction o? the maJority o? the /oman conscripte$ mi(itary which was &arissone$ there 3 Ser@o 7roatia was a tar&et o? 0%o(aKs in his (i?etime ?or this reason. I? H'(i's 0%o(a was p(annin& to 'se Ne'roScience to ens(a%e entire races o? ?ema(es an$ eFterminate entire races o? ma(es 5 it is (iDe(y that a Ser@ian ,ascist was to($ o? H'(i's 0%o(aKs p(ans an$ that one o? his associates sn'cD the in?ormation into ;osnia as an attempt to pre%ent it. 1he woman in Me$J'&orJe ;osnia whom prophesie$ the comin& the Anti 7hrist 3 the MarD .? the ;east3 an$ the Secon$ Messiah was a 7atho(ic ;osnian. Ser@ians o?ten ha%e (i&hter comp(eFione$ sDin 3 hair 3 an$ eyes in comparison to Ita(ians < Ser@ians are a(so o? 7e(tic S(a%ic miFe$ racia( ori&in an$ co'($ easier pass ?or An&(o Gae(ic a?ter 'n$er&oin& =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy o? ?acia( shapes an$

comp(eFion o? hair 3 eyes 3 an$ sDin 5 it is pro@a@(e that this is a photo&raph o? Ser@ians posin& in in 9'9('F9(ans /o@es an$ a cyphere$ messa&e meant ?or some@o$y in partic'(ar to see in the U.S.A. . Many o? the 0man'e(eKs connections in Ser@ia are a 7rime Syn$icate 3 some o? whom are c'rrent(y wante$ ?or :ar 7rimes 5 it is $e?inite that the 0man'e(es ha%e sn'cD many o? these in$i%i$'a(s into North America ?or reason o? hi$in& them an$ in ret'rn these in$i%i$'a(s ha%e promise$ to Deep their mo'th sho't a@o't the %ictims whoKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s they ha%e 'se$ in p(aces (iDe 7ana$a an$ the U.S.A. as we(( as ser%e as 7rime So($iers o? the 0man'e(e an$ 0%o(a ?ami(iesK connections. P 2'rin& 200* to 200! there seeme$ to @e 3 $i??erent persona(ities 'sin& 7ha$ Gro(schKs Ao( Instant Messa&er acco'nt 5 on(y one o? these seeme$ (iDe(y to @e 7ha$ Gros(ch. It was a(so e%i$ent that his A.4 IM Acco'nt was occaisiona((y ;otK$ 5 this is to say that a So?t:are Arti?icia( Inte((i&ence was @ein& 'se$ to screen his con%ersations an$ contacts possi@(y witho't his Dnow(e$&e. 7ha$ Gro(schKs AIM ScreenName was C.G7r'sher88. 7ha$ was in contact with a ?ew o? the mem@ers o? NSM88 an$ a(so a mem@er o? a /acia(ist .r&ani>ation whom 'se$ an Asatr' Aesthetic simi(ar to the way the 9'9('F9(an 'ses a 7hristian Aesthetic 5 this or&ani>ations was ca((e$ the Pa&an ,ront. ;oth the NSM an$ the Pa&an ,ront 'se A6IS 1heme$ Aesthetics 3 Pa&an ,ront 'ses Asatr' Aesthetics @'t are not an Asatr' or&ani>ation in any way. He?? Shoep himse(? as an in$i%i$'a( may possi@(y @e an Asatr'ar 3 se%era( o? the :hite Power associate$ Nationa(ists in 2e'tsche(an$ are < Asatr' itse(? is a re(i&ion an$ has no Po(itica( A??i(iation o? any sort whatsoe%er. In 2e'tsche(an$ < there is a hi&her instance o? Asatr' /e(i&ion amon&st Nationa(ists 3 many o? whom are st'cD a(on& si$e what is an A6IS Aesthetic app(ie$ to a Pan In$o 0'ropean /acism that is in no way Nationa(ist Po(itic. 1here is a ?ar hi&her instance o? Asatr' amon&st act'a( Nationa(ists than there is amon&st /acists < what is consi$ere$ /acism @y most in$i%i$'a(s is in no way accepta@(e to Nationa(ism nor is it accepta@(e to the ethica( stan$ar$s o? an Asatr'ar. Most o? the Asatr'ars whom ha%e @een in%o(%e$ in any :hite Power or&ani>ation in the past ten years are (iDe(y to ha%e @een attacDe$ @y the 0man'e(es an$ the Ita(ian A6IS or are (iDe(y to @e attacDe$ in the near ?'t're 5 it is (iDe(y that /ep(acement ;y Imposte'r whi(e occ'r with these in$i%i$'a(sK I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s @ein& &i%en to M'r$erers an$ 7on%icta@(e or 7on%icte$ SeF .??en$ers whom the 0man'e(es ha%e @(acDmai(e$ < this /ep(acement ;y Imposte'r is @ein& ca((e$ A;ara@asKin&A @y many peop(e who ha%e notice$ that it has happene$3 the 0man'e(es an$ the 0%o(as are ca((in& it AMachia%e((iKin&A. P :-: Borl) Church of the Creator :-: 1he :or($ 7h'rch o? the 7reator has chan&e$ itKs i$entity m'(tip(e times 3 promotin& itse(? p'@(ica((y as a n'm@er o? %ast(y $i??erent i$entities. 2'rin& 200* 5 this or&ani>ation was @ein& promote$ as a G(o@a( :hite S'premacist .r&ani>ation which was ?o'n$e$ in 7roatia @y a man with a German name 3 A;en 9(assenA . Min$y 9ern @e(ie%e$ this to ha%e @een a cypher 5 A;enA in He@rew means A.?A 3 in one ?orm o? Ara@ic (in&'istics this is A;inA < the ASSA in 9(assen m'st @e remo%e$ 3 this is ASSA as in A6IS ,orei&n 4e&ion < the A0A in A9(aenA m'st @e remo%e$ to @e A9(anA 3 this is 9' 9('F 9(an < the A0A is A0astA ?or A0ast /omanA3 which was where 7roatia is as we(( is it A0A ?or 0%o(a. A;in Sa'$A is eI'i%i(ant to I@nSa'$ 3 the /oya( ,ami(y o? the .ttoman 0mpire. 1he 7rown on the :or($ 7h'rch o? the 7reator is toppe$ @y a Ha(o an$ is a@o%e a A:A 3 this is the 7rown o? the :est 5 this 7rown o? the :est @ein& A:est /omanA. 1his :est /oman @ein& H'(i's 0%o(a. H'(i's 0%o(aKs 9in& was =ittorio 0man'e(e III 3 whoKs Gran$ Son inherite$ a portion o? H'(i's 0%o(aKs responsi@i(ities an$ associate$ connections as 7rime 4or$ o? an A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate. 1he :or($ 7h'rch o? the 7reator :e@site has @een 'se$ n'mero's times to p'@(ish 7yphere$ Messa&es to the Internet.

Aro'n$ the year 200* 5 H'$&e 4e?Dow was assassinate$ @y men o? an A0astern 0'ropean appearanceA whom were a((e&e$(y mem@ers o? the :or($ 7h'rch o? the 7reator. 2'rin& 200* 5 A 7atho(ic 9' 9('F 9(an 'nit p'@(ishe$ itKs eFistence to the Internet < this or&ani>ation was presente$ a 7atho(ic 9' 9('F 9(an 'nit <5 this is e%i$ence that Sa%oy A&ents ha$ in the past in?i(trate$ the 9' 9('F 9(an on American soi(. 1he 9' 9('F 9(an ori&ina((y @e(ie%e$ that a /oman G(o@a( 7onspiracy was (i%in& in the =atican 7o'nci( o? the /oman 7atho(ic 7h'rch an$ that these conspirators @e(ie%e$ in G(o@a( 7onI'est @y any means necessary 3 this was %iewe$ as ine%ita@(y res'(tin& in the physica( e(imination o? a(( Nationa(ities as $istinct Nationa( 0thnics an$ the e(imination o? a(( Nation States which were p(anne$ to @e assimi(ate$ @y a G(o@a( /oman 0mpire 5 this is the reason ?or the ori&ina( 9(ansmen namin& their or&ani>ationa( positions a?ter the ;easts o? /e%e(ations Hy$ras o? m'(tip(e 2ra&on Hea$s. Many Hews an$ 7hristians ha%e historica((y @e(ie%e$ that these 2ra&on Hea$s $epicte$ in the ;ooD o? /e%e(ations represent /oman 2ynastic Aristocratic ,ami(ies an$ ,e$erate$ /oya( ,ami(ies (oya( to the reconstr'ction an$ &(o@a(i>ation o? the /oman 0mpire res'(tin& in a@so('te G(o@a( 7onI'est @y the /omans 5 these Aristocratic ,ami(ies ?e(( ?rom their No@(e positions when the /oman 0mpire was conI'ere$ 3 this is @e(ie%e$ to @e cyc(ica( prophecy in the ;i@(e. 1he ori&ina( 9' 9('F 9(an str'ct're$ their or&ani>ation as a @(asphemy an$ a sarcastic anti thesis to what they @e(ie%e$ to @e a new @(asphemo's In%isi@(e /oman 0mpire on American soi(. Most 7hristians an$ Hews @e(ie%e that the /oman 0mpire ?e(( $'e to the wi(( o? Go$ @eca'se they were corr'pt 5 7hristians speci?ica((y3 @eca'se o? the sin which the /omans committe$ when they cr'ci?ie$ the /a@@i -esh'a the Messiah o? Israe( < whom is otherwise Dnown as -es' 7hristi or Hes's 7hrist. 2'rin& the year 200* 5 a we@site was p'@(ishe$ to the internet which inc('$e$ a photo&raph o? Ser@ian 7atho(ics $resse$ as 9' 9('F 9(ansmen 3 stan$in& on @(eachers < this we@site (a@e(e$ these in$i%i$'a(s A1he Ser@ian 9' 9('F 9(anA . I @e(ie%e that this A6IS Unit most pro@a@(y Di((e$ an entire 9' 9('F 9(an Unit an$ rep(ace$ the entire Unit on paperworD an$ in ,e$era( 7omp'ters as we(( as on Me$ica( /ecor$ 5 =ittorio 0man'e(eKs :ea(th /etainers p'rchase$ n'mero's Hospita(s a?ter 200* an$ @e&an S'r&ica((y Imp(antin& G.P.S. A/G.S 1ransmitters in AmericanKs ?orearms as we(( as $i$ they Ne'ro S'r&ica((y Gra?t ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces to ci%i(ians @rains in m'(tip(e re&ions &(o@a((y. =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy has @een 'se$ to aesthetica((y impersonate ci%i(ians @y metho$ o? Genetic M'tation com@ine$ with 7osmetic S'r&ery 5 &enetic materia( can @e easi(y o@taine$ ?rom %ictims pre empti%e(y at Hospita(s3 .rtho$onta( 7(inics3 an$ e(swhere. Stem 7e((s can @e o@taine$ @y metho$ o? :is$om 1ooth retrie%a( 5 &enetic materia(s can a(so @e o@taine$ @y pap smear 3 @(oo$ $ri%e 3 @(oo$ tests 3 an$ tooth remo%a(. P 1he Ser@ian A6IS ,action seems to @e s'@or$inate to the Ita(ian A6IS ,action 5 it seems pro@a@(e that the 0%o(as an$ (ater the 0man'e(es ma$e connections to this 7rimina( ,action a ?ew &enerations prior to the ,irst :or($ :ar < ?or the p'rpose o? recr'itin& a((ies in the eastern reaches o? the Me$iterranean Sea 3 where the 0astern Pro%ince o? the (ater /oman 0mpire once eFiste$. It is (iDe(y that H'(i's 0%o(aKs pre$ecessor hire$ the most e%i( crimina(s that he co'($ ?in$ in the re&ion o? Ser@ia < this wo'($ ha%e @een in the era o? the .ttoman rei&n $'rin& which Ser@ia was a pro%ince o? the .ttoman 0mpire. It is (o&ica( that 0%o(a wo'($ ha%e nee$e$ to hire a crime syn$icate ?or the p'rpose o? in?i(tratin& an$ e%ent'a((y $ecapitatin& the Ser@ian &o%ernment entire(y 5 this crime syn$icate wo'($ ha%e ha$ to ha%e @een wi((in& to commit treason 3 m'r$er 3 an$ any other crime that it wo'($ taDe to $ecapitate the Ser@ian &o%ernment entire(y. 1he most heino's o? a(( crime syn$icates are those which a@'se women an$ chi($ren 3 these crime syn$icates are seF tra??icDers an$ other h'man tra??icDers whom wi(( o?ten &o as ?ar as to m'r$er entire ?ami(ies to maintain their a%oi$ance o? $etection 5 this is $'e to

their seF o??enses an$ crimes a&ainst h'manity which are the most heino's o? a(( crimes on 0arth 3 any comm'nity on 0arth wo'($ h'nt these types o? men wiith ?'ry sho'($ they @ecome aware o? their eFistence in the comm'nity. 1his re&ion was 0ast /ome $'rin& the era $'rin& which the /oman 0mpire was r'(e$ as two pro%inces 3 one :est /ome an$ one 0ast /ome. 2'rin& 200* 2005 5 the :or($ 7h'rch o? the 7reator we@site chan&e$ $rastica((y an$ @e&an to ha%e a po(itica( an$ reconstr'ctionist &oa( < this &oa( @ein& the A/econstr'ction o? the Ho(y /oman 0mpireA an$ state$ that Athis was a Germanic entityA. 1he Ho(y /oman 0mpire was a semi 1heocratic 0mpire which eFiste$ prior to the German 0mpire an$ share$ itKs &o%ernance @etween the German /oya( ,ami(y an$ the ;ishop o? /ome 3 the Pope. 1he Ho(y /oman 0mpire was the 1st /eich 5 the ?irst s'ccess?'( near reconstr'ction o? the /oman 0mpire3 attempts to mer&e this Imperia( State with the 9in&$om o? Ita(ia an$ others ?ai(e$. 1his was the phase o? i$entity which state$ that 4atin was to @e ta'&ht to Athe :hite /aceA an$ that 4atin was to @ecome the G(o@a( 4an&'a&e. 7ha$ Gro(sch 3 whom was my @rie? contact within the :or($ 7h'rch o? the 7reator 5 was a Nor$icist whom @e(ie%e$ in maDin& @a@ies with other Germanic peop(e an$ ha$ a Germanic ,ranDic Norman i$entity with an A(sacian s'rname< $'rin& ear(y 20053 7ha$ Gro(sch was rep(ace$ @y an in$i%i$'a( who @e&an 'sin& 7ha$Ks A.I.M. ScreenName. 1his in$i%i$'a( occaisiona((y seeme$ to 1a(D ;ot the A.4 I.M. acco'nt to speaD at 7ha$ Gro(schKs contacts 3 seemin&(y &atherin& in?ormation 5 the in$i%i$'a( i((e&a((y 'sin& 7ha$ Gro(schKs acco'nt c(aime$ that ANor$icism is &ayA3 this statement was ma$e @rie?(y a?ter I ha$ spoDen with =ittorio 0man'e(eKs homo seF'a( son Aaron whom was raise$ @y an a$opti%e ?ami(y near Mans?ie($ Massach'settes an$ ha$ a$$e$ me on MySpace as a ?rien$. Aaron ha$ n'mero's photo&raphs o? himse(? with a si$e parte$ Pompa$o'r as we(( as himse(? with a &rey stripe$ sweatshirt preten$in& to ri$e on a coin operate$ ro@ot horse. S(eipnir < .$inKs 8 (e&&e$ horse 3 was (ater mentione$ @y 0$ :arren inc('$in& a re?erence to /o@ot horses 3 ro@ots 3 an$ A?ast @itchesA 3 as we(( as 8 (e&s @ein& twice as many (e&s than one ?ema(e horse 5 two women were (ater rape$ @y 0$ :arrenKs associates in re(ation to these statements. Aro'n$ this time 5 my ,atherKs @est ?rien$ ;o@ 7hapman @e&an worDin& ?or Home(an$ Sec'rity an$ Airport Sec'rity at the Airport in Manchester NewHampshire < since this time 3 ;o@ 7hapman has @een rep(ace$ @y a man whom has @een 'sin& his I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s an$ is c'rrent(y (i%in& in his ho'se in ;e$?or$ NewHampshire. 1he man whom has rep(ace$ ;o@ 7hapman appears to @e 100Q Ita(ian an$ o? /oman race < ;o@ 7hapman was ha(? Ita(ian an$ ha(? American. 1he A6IS ha%e em@e$$e$ S(eeper A&ents in 9'9('F 9(an 'nits a(( o%er the North American continent 3 ?or the p'rpose o? pre%entin& a 9'9('F 9(an 7o'p 2e 0tat 3 i? the A6IS 7o'p 2e 0tats the U.S.A. an$ 7ana$ian &o%ernments. 1he A6IS is a ?orei&n entity. 1he (itera( A6IS is ?orei&n to North America an$ are 0nemy 7om@atants o? o'r peop(es. * :- #"C& B"# -: %he concept of /#ace Bar/ is a misnomer an) is often misun)erstoo)3 %he Italian Sa0o5-"GIS $action consists primaril5 of families of Italian #ace + families of mi@e) "ustrian-Italian race + an) families of mi@e) !erman-Italian race + as -ell as Organize) Crime 1ercenaries3 1ost of the Nation-States on &arth + are populate) primaril5 *5 the #ace -hich is Nati0e to the National %erritories : this *eing the #aces that -ere li0ing in the National %erritor5 -hen the Nation-State -as foun)e) + an) also the #ace that foun)e) the Nation3 If a -ar -ere to occur *et-een $rance an) 2enmar. + the militaries of *oth $rance an) 2enmar. -oul) *e primaril5 comprise) of in)i0i)ual of $rench an)

2anish race3 1ost nations on earth ha0e a 1a,orit5 Nati0e Population Count #atio3 Sleeper-Cells in the (3S3"3 an) else-here are all /#ace-Cells/ *ecause the5 all consist of 1ilitant $actions3 1ilitant $actions t5picall5 *egin -ith a Nation of People -ho *uil) a militar5 or organize a 1ilitant $action3 If a Sleeper-Cell Net-or. is )isco0ere) an) e0entuall5 arreste) + it results in the massi0e population arrest of -hat is an e@tremel5 large population of one single race of people3 %his is a fact3 Currentl5 + the "GIS Sleeper-Cells in North "merica are .illing all nati0e North "merican #aces -ho ha0e e0er foun)e) a Nation on North "merican Soil3 * :-: Barac. Hussein O*ama :-: Soon a?ter this con%ersation an$ other con%ersations concernin& M9U41/A in%esti&ations which ha$ a(so @een $isc'sse$ with ,i( < ,i( 3 0$ 3 =ittorio 3 7esare 3 an$ their crimina( connections @e&an a@'sin& women horri@(y an$ pro$'cin& thin&s s'ch as a 2 Gir(s .ne 7'p we@site. 0mi(y Is(es was ca((e$ A0mi(y o? the Is(es 3 o? the 0mera($ Is(esA @y Anthony 2e?eo < A2iFie 7hicDsA were mentione$ an$ 2iFie 7'ps were mentione$ 3 as we(( as was the 2iFie Son& o? A(a@ama. 1his (ea$s me to @e(ie%e that ,i(Ks rap a(@'m whi(e s'ppose$(y (i%in& as a mem@er o? a 7rips 'nit in Massach'settes which was pro@a@(y poste$ e(ectronica((y somewhere on the internet as A,I4A 3 which mentione$ A1he Secret Ser%ice :i(( ;e My Sch't>sta??e(A in ,i(Ks (yrics 5 was the prec'rsor to the Sa%oy 7rime Syn$icateKs connectin& themse(%es to ;aracD H'ssein .@ama somehow 3 as their can$i$ate o? choice an$ sha$owin& him with in$i%i$'a( A&ents. 1he Ita(ian A6IS A&ents in the North 0ast ha%e @een o%erhear$ n'mero's times ca((in& ;aracD .@ama A;(it>9rie& .? 2iFie 7'psA. ;aracD means A4i&htnin&A in Ara@ic 3 we were at :A/ with H'ssein 3 an$ .@ama so'n$s (iDe .K;ama which wo'($ @e Irish ?or .? ;ama or .? A(a@ama which is (itera((y ca((e$ 2iFie. 2iFie 7'ps are han$e$ o't at hospita(s < I was $r'&&e$ with a 2iFie 7'p o? ?('i$ @e?ore the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace was p't in my @rain with an 'nDnown se$ati%e an$ hypnotic that was miFe$ with an oran&e creamsic(e tastin& mi(D which they c(aime$ was APotassi'mA 3 Sasha ;aron 7ohen ha$ J'st recent(y per?orme$ the 9a>aDhstan APotassi'mA Nationa( Anthem on H;. on his A4I G Show. 0$ :arrenKs sense o? h'mor comp(iments =ittorioKs an$ ,i(Ks sense o? h'mo'r in a speci?ic way that (ea%es a speci?ic psycho(o&ica( ?in&er print on their crimes. I ha%e seen photo&raphs on the internet o? a ?aDe ;aracD .@ama that appear to @e o? an in$i%i$'a( whom is o? miFe$ Ita(ian an$ ;ra>i(ian mesti>o &enetics < howe%er3 these photo&raphs are on the internet an$ may ha%e @een the pro$'ct o? a pro&ram which I @e(ie%e was ca((e$ somethin& (iDe ,aceMorph or ,aceMash. It is possi@(e that they ha%e @een sta(Din& ;aracD .@ama 3 in ?act it is (o&ica( < B'een 0(i>a@eth3 :i((iam Hano%er 3 an$ 9ate Hano%er are sta(Din& %ictims o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ ,i( 0mane'e(eKs as is the 9in& o? Norway an in$i%i$'a( whoKs ?aces @e&an to appear as ?aDe$ photo&raphs o? An$ers ;rei%iD o? Norway. 1he 9in& o? Sa'$i Ara@ia was a(so @(ame$ ?or =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ ,i( 0man'e(eKs connections to ,.6 M02IA 5 n'mero's internet artic(es ha%e @een poste$ which portraye$ the 9in& o? Sa'$i Ara@ia 3 9in& I@nSa'$Ks co'sin 3 an$ other re(ati%es o? 9in& I@nSa'$ as ha%in& comp(ete contro( o%er ,.6 M02IA an$ ownin& near(y a(( o? the stocD in ,.6 M02IA @y metho$ o? A/oya( /etainersA. I @e(ie%e it possi@(e that ;i(( .K/ei((y may ha%e @een pai$ to @e stern a@o't Is(am in &enera( $'rin& what was s'ppose$ to @e 1he :ar .n 1error an$ A1he A6IS o? 0%i(A. It seems o@%io's that =ittorio 0man'e(eKs Properties Stea$ Ho($ers own m'ch o? the Me$ia Pro$'ction in the USA. I @e(ie%e ;aracD .@amaKs speech writer an$Nor emai( writer may @e taDin& pay to write speci?ic wor$s into his hea(thcare p(an3 speeches3 an$ more speci?ica((y his emai(s.

1hese wor$s inc('$e the wor$ A7HIPA as many times as possi@(e an$ seem to a(('$e to M02I7A4 7HIPS #=7HIP =0/I7HIP < S7HIP SIGNA4S 7HIP3 SI49 7HIP3 S.,1:A/0 7HIP3 etcM) o@%io's(y s(an$erin& the Unite$ States Presi$ent this @a$(y is a way to ca'se chaos an$ $isor$er in the Unite$ States o? America which wo'($ (ea$ to eFtreme incohesi%eness an$ e%ent'a((y $e?ense(essness. 0mai( statements ?rom his emai( campai&n inc('$e thin&s s'ch as A2i$ yo' 7hip inMA . ;aracD .@ama @ein& ?a(se(y $epicte$ as A?rican American in me$ia an$ on internet artic(es inc('$in& :iDipe$ia 5 is (iDe(y to @e ?or reason o? ?omentin& $istr'st o? the entire U.S.A. Go%ernment @ein& that ;aracD .@ama is act'a((y 9enyan American on his ,atherKs si$e an$ Nationa( 0thnic American on his MotherKs. A(( o? the 7han&in& ,ace propa&an$a associate$ with ;aracD .@amaKs campai&n an$ presi$ency as we(( as the ne&ati%e campai&nin& seems to @e s'@t(y in?('ence$ @y the A6IS 1errorist ,action ?or p'rpose o? $etracte$ ?rom the (e&itimacy o? :itness Statements s'ch as this. 0$ :arren mentionin& A:e &ot a &'y ?rom a (ist 3 heKs name$ ;aracD H'ssein .@ama. :eKre 'sin& the name. :eK%e &ot a &'y rea$y to taDe his position.A 0$ :arren mentione$ A;ho;ho the c(own 3 thereKs &oin& to @e two twin imposte'rsA 0$ :arren mentione$ A;h. Ho;LA 1hree in$i%i$'a(s wa(De$ into ,ami(y 2o((ar m'tate$ to (ooD (iDe M'(atto 3 @'t were sti(( reco&ni>a@(e an$ were recor$e$ on Sec'rity 7amera 5 these were two Hewish ,ema(es name$ 0riDa ,ein&o($ an$ A@@ey 0t(in&er 3 an$ a $istant co'sin o? HacD 2ionKs an$ my ,atherKs &ir(?rien$ 7heriKs eF h's@an$ whoKs s'rname was 7i@otti 5 her name was Aman$a +possi@(y 7i@otti8 an$ she was 2an /o@icha'$Ks &ir(?rien$. A@@ey 0t(in&er asDe$ me i? I reco&ni>e$ her an$ to($ me her name was A@@ey 3 at the time I $i$ not reco&ni>e her. /ichar$ NiFon an$ /ichar$ He(ms were Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS So($iers who Heirarcha((y 2ecapitate$ the 0Fec'ti%e ;ranch an$ the U.S.A. 7.I.A. . 1his was $isc'sse$ @y /o@ert /o$on 3 7hristopher /o$on 3 an$ my se(? $'rin& the year 2000. 1his was a(so $isc'sse$ @y Henry MaDow o? Sa%e1heMa(es.7A whom p'@(ishe$ n'mero's artic(es a@o't it. * :-: #ichar) Ni@on + Batergate + 1K(ltra+ "GIS + %us.eegee 2iscusse) :-:

* :-: 7( I(S &8O " :-: A44 PH.1.G/APHS ., 1H0 ;A/.N ., SI7I4- 3 HU4IUS 0=.4A < IN HIS S7HU1CS1A,,04 UNI,./M HA=0 ;00N /0M.=02 ,/.M 1H0 IN10/N01 0N1I/04-. 1he photo&raphs o? H'(i's 0%o(a3 =ittorio 0man'e(e III3 A$o(? AHit(erA3 an$ ;enito M'sso(ini < a(( stan$in& with the pope o? the 1"*0Ks3 ha%e @een remo%e$ ?rom the internet entire(y as ha%e photo&raphs o? them with the ?ormer Prince o? Ser@ia. =ittorio 0man'e(eKs wiDipe$ias ha%e @een o@sessi%e(y e$ite$ n'mero's times as ha%e H'(i's 0%o(aKs. H'(i's 0%o(aKs en&(ish (an&'a&e wiDipe$ia has no mention whatsoe%er o? his ancient roya( (inea&e3 at times it a(so ?ai(s to mention him @ein& the ;aron o? Sici(y 'nti( it is correcte$ a&ain where'pon it seems that some@o$y mar&ina(i>es his aristocratic @(oo$(ine. H'(i's 0%o(aKs ita(ian (an&'a&e wiDipe$ia $enies his racism entire(y ?rom time to time3 'nti( it is correcte$. H'(i's 0%o(a was o@sesse$ with /oman Aristocratic =a('es an$ most (iDe(y was act'a((y the physica( heir an$ preten$er to the throne o? the /oman 0mpire. #See5 H'(i's 0%o(a Men Amongst the Ruins, H'(i's 0%o(a $i$ not @e(ie%e in the (e&itimacy o? Ita(ia as a nation state3 @ein& that it was o? AMo$ernA $eca$ence an$ (acDe$ AAristocratic =a('esA< instea$ he @e(ie%e$ in the (e&itimacy o? the /oman 0mpire an$ his ?ami(iesK (e&itimacy as the heirs to the throne o? the /oman Imperia( Monarchy &(o@a((y. In or$er to @rin& a@o't the reconstr'ction o? the /oman 0mpire as a G(o@a(i>e$ 0ntity

?'((y rea(i>e$ in itKs a@so('te ori&ina( heirarcha( str'ct're the core %a('es o? the s'rro'n$in& c'(t'res in their p'rest ?orms ha$ to @e s'@%erte$ an$ restr'ct're$ into a syncretic ?ormat with a mo@i(e assimi(ationist process occ'rrin& sim'(taeneo's(y3 &(o@a((y3 an$ permanant(y < e(iminatin& a(( other c'(t'res3 nations3 an$ tra$itions o? %a('e as conten$ers ?or &(o@a( s'periority. 1his @e&an with the tar&ettin& o? ancient a$%ersaries s'ch as the Germanic peop(es as we(( as Israe( an$ c'(minate$ in the pre empti%e in?i(tration o? res'r&ent &ermanic ?o(D tra$ition an$ re(i&io's st'$ies in the ?orm o? the ori&ina( 1h'(e Society < e%ent'a((y to @e s'@%erte$ somewhat towar$ a /omani>e$ imperia(ist i$entity 3 the pre empti%e in?i(tration an$ e%ent'a( $ecapitation o? the Nationa( Socia(ist 2e'tsche 4a@or Party< e%ent'a((y to @e ?ormatte$ into a ?e$erate$ #See5 =isiGoths in Hispa < ,oe$erati) imperia( (e&ion with /oman AI'i(a an$ /oman ;att(e Stan$ar$s in their han$s3 an$ the attempte$ permanant e(imination o? the Israe(i peop(e< pre empti%e(y ?ramin& the Israe(i peop(e ?or the G(o@a(ist Imperia( &oa(s o? H'(i's 0%o(aKs ?ami(y. It is now reporte$ that his ?ami(y $oes not eFist an$ that he $ie$ 'nmarrie$3 sirin& no o??sprin&. 7ertain ?ami(ies o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e @een Dnown ?or strate&ica((y hi$in& i((e&itimate @(oo$(ines $'rin& times o? war3 in case o? 's'rpation or @ehea$in& o? their ?ami(ies. It wo'($ @e on(y (o&ica( that a 1yrant Monarch wo'($ hi$e i((e&itimate @(oo$(ines o? his own in m'(tip(e (ocations prior to attemptin& a &(o@a( conI'est ?or the reasona@(e ass'mption that his ?ami(y wo'($ @e eFec'te$ 'pon $e?eat. =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs &ran$?ather is the most (iDe(y o? the Sa%oyKs to ha%e $one this to a (ar&er eFtent3 hi$in& n'mero's @(oo$(ines in m'(tip(e (ocations 5 those ?ami(ies remainin& networDe$ e%en 'nti( present $ay. * %H& SI! H"I - %he #oman Salute of /"2O $ HI% &#'s/ !erman5 %H& BO#2P"#% SI!: SP#O%O-!&#1"NIC- "ssociate) -ith -or)s correlating to ,1CTO*426 %H& $O#N"1& 8I%%O#IO: Italian form of the forname 8IC%O# S8ictorious oneU 8I%%O#IO &1"N(& & III /Hail 8ictor5 + Hail 8ittorio/ 1he sa('te which was &i%en to the 7aesar o? Germania was the /oman Sa('te. 1hro'&h psych war?are < mass psycho(o&y thro'&h contro((e$ me$ia s'ch as (iterat're3 newspapers3 an$ ?i(m 5 H'(i's 0%o(a re en&ineere$ the Imperia( /oman i$entity o? the ear(y /oman 0mpire an$ ha$ @e&'n to phase it into the min$s o? the peop(e o? 2e'tsche(an$ witho't them e%en @ein& a((owe$ to @e aware o? the tr'th. Un$er pen names< an$ with other writerKs ?aces on his worDs 5 H'(i's 0%o(a re wrote sections o? G'i$o =on 4istKs worDs an$ ?a(se(y attri@'te$ it to 9ar( Maria :i((i&'tKs penhan$. ,rie$rich Niet>che was not spare$ ?rom post mortem type e$itin& either< H'(i's 0%o(a re wrote sections o? ,rie$rich Niet>cheKs worDs 5 'pon the $isco%ery o? this a?ter the secon$ &(o@a( con?(ict3 H'(i's 0%o(a ma$e certain that this was @(ame$ on Niet>cheKs sister. 9in& =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs ha(? @rother 3 A$o(? < was ma$e 7aesar o? Germania 5 this @ein& Dept a secret ?rom the peop(e o? 2e'tsche(an$ 3 whi(e H'(i's 0%o(a was ma$e the in%isi@(e /oman 0mperor. 1he ?ormer ?(a& o? the German 0mpire was sp'n into the shape o? a s'n an$ p(ace$ in the center o? the 4e&io Germania AI'i(a o? /ome 5 the /oman AI'i(a ;att(e Stan$ar$ o? a ?orei&n (e&ion in their own home(an$. 1he p(an which was $e%ise$ in the 1800Ks @y =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ H'(i's 0%o(aKs pre$ecessors 5 was impro%isationa((y set @acD in motion3 comp(ete(y i&norin& the ?act that the A6IS ha$ (ost the ?irst time. 2e'tsche(an$ was anneFe$ whi(e comp(ete(y 'naware. 1he 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icate (ie$ to the wor($. P H'(i's 0%o(a %iewe$ the entire wor($ as a@ori&ina( pop'(ations an$ his own peop(e as G(o@a( /oman 7onI'ista$ores < (iDe the characat'res o? ,irst Nations American Peop(es 3 =iDin& 7haracat'res an$ misappropriation o? tra$itiona( Germanic %a('es were 'se$ in rep(acement o? tr'e 2e'tsche Nationa( I$entity an$ tr'e Germanic 0thnic I$entity. 1he =iDin& 4e&ionsK i$entity was a phi(osophica( characit're o? the warrior ethic an$ tra$itiona( Aesir %a('es o? the Har( c(ass o? tra$ition Germanic society 5 =iDin&s were Northern Germanic co(onists (i%in& a tra$itiona( Germanic ,o(D /e(i&ion an$ 1ra$itiona(

Germanic ,o(D 7'(t're. A characit're %ersion o? :otanKs :a(ha(( was 'se$ to promote the i$ea o? &oin& ?orth an$ $yin& in @att(e whi(e a Germanic (ooDin& -esh'a was presente$ as 7hrist the Messiah. 1he 2e'tsche Nationa( I$entity @ecame a characit're o? what it ori&ina((y was3 G'i$o =on 4istsK worDs pertainin& to Asatr' were @astar$i>e$ an$ per%erte$ to @e re iss'e$ 'n$er the name o? 9ar( Maria :i(i&'t inDe$ in H'(i's 0%o(aKs penhan$ 3 an$ a /oman I$entity was phase$ in as 2e'tsche I$entity @ecame nothin& @'t a mascot ?or the re&iona( /oman Imperia( 4e&ion. In$i%i$'a(s an$ or&ani>ations (oya( to the past /oya( ,ami(y o? the Ho(y /oman 0mpire an$ ear(ier 2e'tsche(an$ were ta'&ht that the new ima&ery was re(ate$ to the Ho(y /oman 0mpire an$ the German 0mpire when in ?act the new /oya( ,ami(y which were (itera((y present were A$o(? AHit(erA an$ H'(i's 0%o(a 3 @oth o? the Ita(ian Ho'se o? Sa%oy 5 A$o(? @ein& part(y o? A'strian Sa%oy (inea&e. P :-: %he *oo. E /1ight is #ight/ *5 : /#agnar #e)Bear)/ :-: 1he @ooD AMi&ht is /i&htA 3 attri@'te$ to an a'thor whoKs ?act'a( name was 'nDnown @'t ha$ taDen the Germanic name A/a&nar /e$;ear$A 5 is a phi(osophica( worD which $escri@es the phi(osophy o? Socia( 2arwinism ?rom the perspecti%e o? one who (i%es as a Socia( 2arwinist @y (i?e phi(osophy 3 a(most as i? it is a set o? re(i&io's %a('es. Socia( 2arwinism is a Phi(osophy which concerns a Stan$ar$ o? 7on$'ct an$ mora( ethic 5 it is an Amora(ist Phi(osophy which $escri@es a Stan$ar$ o? 7on$'ct that p(aces the Preser%ation 3 7om?ort 3 an$ 0mpowerment o? the In$i%i$'a( Se(? to @e the so(e reason ?or the Stan$ar$ o? 7on$'ct. 1he phi(osophy o? Socia( 2arwinism accepts that the a@i(ity to commit an action 3 is an in$i%i$'a(Ks ri&ht to commit to an action 5 an$ that the a@i(ity to $eny the committin& o? a crime an$ e(iminate e%i$ence 3 is a stren&th that an in$i%i$'a( has the ri&ht to eFert. Socia( 2arwinist Phi(osophy $escri@es (aw an$ mora(ity as pro$'cts o? weaDness an$ weaD in$i%i$'a(s who eFpect others to cooperati%e(y assist them 3 an$ tr'st as a ?orm o? weaDness that can easi(y @e a@'se$ to the a$%anta&e o? the one whom is tr'ste$. Socia( 2arwinists are o?ten 4i@ertarians 3 Imperia(ists 3 an$ wea(thy 7rime 4or$s. H'man 1ra??icDers are a(most a(ways Socia( 2arwinists. 1he Phi(osophy o? a Socia( 2arwinist is simi(ar to the @eha%ior in action o? a Sociopath. Socia( 2arwinism is Hono'r(ess. Psycho(o&ica( Pro?i(in& o? the @ooD an$ the time perio$ $'rin& which it was written pro%es that it is pro@a@(e that the writer was some@o$y (iDe =ittorio 0man'e(e II an$ that these were some o? his phi(osophica( memoires that were (ater p'@(ishe$ @y an 0%o(a in 0n&(ish an$ other (an&'a&es 'n$er the PenName A/a&nar /e$;ear$A . 1he ?irst 9in& o? Ita(ia was the 9in& o? the 4an&o@ar$s 3 a name which (itera((y means A4on& ;ear$sA. 1he 9in& o? the 4an&o@ar$s conI'ere$ Ita(ia Nar@onensis an$ $e?eate$ the /oman 0mpire imme$iate(y prior to the Me$ie%a( 0ra. A concept o? Germanic /e(i&ion 5 /a&naroD is the name o? the :ar @etween the Aesir an$ the ?orces o? or$er an$ $i%inity a&ainst the ?orces o? chaos. A (on& /e$ ;ear$ 3 ?(ows in the win$ an$ @(ows in the win$. 1he /oman inspire$ ?(a& o? the A6IS in 2e'stche(an$ 3 as we(( as other re&ions o? :estern an$ 7entra( 0'rope 5 was a re$ ?(a& which represente$ a mi(itant ?action $'rin& a war o? whom one o? the primary S'preme Genera( 7omman$ers was a 4on&o@ar$ 'sin& a Germanic name AA$o(? Hit(erA whoKs ?act'a( @io(o&y was the 4om@ar$ic /oya( ,ami(y on his ,atherKs si$e o? the ?ami(y at (east an$ whoKs mother was pro@a@(e to ha%e @een o? no@(e (inea&e an$ the $a'&hter o? a 9ni&ht o? Sa%oy whom was o? 4om@ar$ic as we(( as Aosta race. H'(i's 0%o(a was o?ten re?erre$ to as Athe /e$ ;aronA < the re$ ?(a& which ?(ew in A6IS 2e'tsche(an$ an$ other re&ions $'rin& the 1"*0Ks 3 'pon the mi$$(e o? which a white so(ar $isc an$ @(acD so(ar swastiDa was $isp(aye$ was a(so ca((e$ Athe /e$ ;aronA at times 3 H'(i's 0%o(aKs an$ A$o(? Hit(erKs ?a%orite st'nt pi(ot who was $ra?te$ an$ conscripte$ to ?(y ?or the 4'?twa??e was a(so ca((e$ Athe /e$ ;aronA.

It is a possi@i(ity that the (iterary worD AMi&ht is /i&htA @y A/a&nar /e$;ear$A was ?act'a((y written @y A$o(? Hit(er @'t was attri@'te$ to another in$i%i$'a(. P 5 5 1he Psycho(o&y o? the A7ome to the New :or($A posters an$ paper (ea?(ets $istri@'te$ a(( o%er 0'rope prior to the :estwar$ 0Fpansion an$ wa%es o? immi&ration to the U.S.A. 3 A2e?en$ yo'r Nation 5 Hoin the Sh't>sta??e(A posters an$ paper (ea?(ets $istri@'te$ a(( o%er 0'rope. 5 5 Imme$iate(y prior to the A:estwar$ 0Fpansion o? the U.S.A.A 3 h'n$re$s o? paper (ea?(ets a$%erti>in& that there were an eFtreme(y n'mero's amo'nt o? Jo@s a%ai(a@(e in the U.S.A. 3 tho'san$s o? acres o? empty (an$ ?or sa(e 3 an$ near(y 'n(imite$ wea(th an$ reso'rces 5 were $istri@'te$ a(( thro'&ho't 0'rope an$ other parts o? the wor($. A?ter this paper (ea?(ets an$ posters were $istri@'te$ 3 h'n$re$s o? mi&rants were so($ &'ns an$ ?oo$ s'pp(ies an$ recr'ite$ to tra%e( westwar$ as A7o(onistsA an$ APioneersA when in ?act they ha$ J'st @een recr'ite$ to @ecome Genoci$a( Mara'$ers. 1here were no Jo@s in Athe New :or($A o? the U.S.A. < @'t there was ?oo$ 3 &'ns 3 amm'nition 3 wa&ons 3 an$ s'pp(ies ?or sa(e. As soon as the mi&rants arri%e$ ?rom 0'rope an$ other p(aces 3 the USAmericans @e&an comp(ainin& imme$iate(y that a conspiracy a&ainst the USA ha$ @e&'n an$ that this was the @e&inin& o? a conspiracy the create a &(o@a( state 5 m'ch o? this worry a@o't a &(o@a( state (e$ to the creation o? the 7on?e$eracy an$ the 7i%i( :ar 3 J'st prior to the :estwar$ 0Fpansion. Imme$iate(y prior to the :estwar$ 0Fpansion o? the USA < pirates @e&an se((in& s(a%es ?rom :estern /e&ion o? A?rica to (an$ owners in the Americas 5 it is a pro@a@i(ity that these pirates were ?'n$e$ @y the 0man'e(es. 1he 0man'e(es ha%e @een in%o(%e$ in H'man 1ra??icDin& ?or a (on& time 3 inc('$in& SeF 1ra??icDin&. A?ter the :estwar$ 0Fpansion 3 the economy o? the USA was sa@ota&e$ @y 1errorist /acDeteers who were $irecte$ to repeate$(y ro@ the Pri%ate(y .wne$ ;anDin& Instit'tions 'nti( the Pri%ate(y .wne$ ;anDin& Instit'tions ha$ to taDe (oans ?rom the Nationa( ;anD. 0%ent'a((y 3 the 1errorist /acDeteers ro@@e$ the @anDs a secon$ an$ thir$ time which res'(te$ in the Nationa( ;anD @ecomin& @anDr'pt as a res'(t o? itKs ina@i(ity to co((ect on (oans. 1he 0man'e(es o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e em@e$$e$ n'mero's o? their 1errorist 7rimina( A&ents within the Po(ice 2epartments o? the USA 5 it is a pro@a@i(ity that part o? the money co((ecte$ ?rom the /acDeteers was 'se$ to pay Po(ice .??icers to i&nore the ;anD /o@@eries an$ that the 1errorist /acDeteersK Jo@ was to ro@ the ;anD an$ @rin& the money to a speci?ic in$i%i$'a( who $i%i$e$ it @etween himse(? an$ the ;anD /o@@ers3 &i%in& them their portion o? the (oot. A 1errorist /acDeteer is a Pi((a&er 5 Pi((a&in& is a ?orm o? 0conomic Sa@ota&e. Imme$iate(y prior to the Secon$ :or($ :ar 5 paper (ea?(ets an$ posters were $istri@'te$ an$ poste$ a(( o%er 0'rope 3 an$ thro'&ho't the n'mero's nations which ha$ ?ormer(y @een pro%incia( territories o? the .ttoman 0mpire 5 a$%ertisin& 3 A2e?en$ yo'r Nation 5 Join the Sh't>sta??e(. 1he So%iet 0mpire is in%a$in&.A Imme$iate(y a?ter tho'san$s o? peop(e en(iste$ in the Sh't>sta??e( < A$o(? Hit(er 3 H'(i's 0%o(a 3 an$ others @'rne$ $own the 2e'tsche Par(iament Ho'se an$ @(ame$ the So%iet Union ?or it 5 a?ter @'rnin& $own the 2e'tsche Par(iament Ho'se 3 A$o(? Hit(er an$ his &(o@a(ist co conspirators sent the Nationa(ists who ha$ en(iste$ in the Sh't>sta??e( to attacD So%iet Union an$ conI'er nations in 7entra( 0'rope. 1he 4e&ion o? Saint Geor&e < which the was the U.9. Sh't>sta??e( 4e&ion 3 ne%er $ep(oye$ 5 this was the res'(t o? the Unite$ 9in&$om an$ ,rance @ein& attacDe$ @y the A6IS ,orces imme$iate(y a?ter the $ep(oyment o? the ,rench Sh't>sta??e(.

1he Psycho(o&y o? these occ'rances are i$entica(. It is pro@a@(e that @oth o? these tactics were en&ineere$ @y an 0man'e(e o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. * :-: Samantha !ua5 :-: Samantha G'ayKs co'sin AA'ntA Samantha G'ay an$ my co'sin Monica Samantha G'ayKs mother 3 my mother 3 my co'sin AA'nt Shei(aA 3 7hristine 2ionKs mother Samantha G'ay 3 7hristine 2ion 3 my se(? 3 my co'sin Monica MosesDy 3 my co'sin Marco /oy 3 my co'sin 2'sty 4a=oie 5 =itorrio 0man'e(eKs son 7hris 1homas 5 Ha((oween 1"88 Samantha G'ay a@$'cte$ @y 5 men in a @oF shape$ %an with tinte$ win$ows $'rin& approFimate year o? 2002. Samantha G'ayKs @est ?rien$s an$ ?ami(y a@$'cte$ Samantha G'ay on internet 3 tie$ 'p with rope 3 @ein& tort're$ Samantha G'ayKs imposte'r @ein& tort're$ * :-: 8alerie Olson :-: 2'rin& 200" 5 I ?o'n$ a me$ica( a$%ice we@site 'pon which =a(erie .(son ha$ poste$ I'estions re&ar$in& a sDin con$ition. .n this @(o& messa&e @oar$ 3 she has poste$ pro&ressi%e photo&raphs o? her ?ace $e%e(opin& re$ @(otches an$ e%ent'a((y mar@(e si>e$ pinD mo(es. 1his sDin con$ition was intentiona((y in?(icte$ 'pon =a(erie .(son @y the 0man'e(esK Genetic =ira( :ar?are 7ampai&n in the Americas an$ possi@(y 0'rope as we(( < @etween 200* an$ 20133 =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy has @een @ein& 'se$ ?or p'rpose o? war?are 5 it is $e?inite that this is part o? the 0man'e(esK campai&n to e(iminate pop'(ations an$ $estroy the sta@i(ity o? other pop'(ation &ro'ps whom they %iew as competitors 3 $'rin& this campai&n they inten$ to ?rame the Sa'$i Ara@ian /oya( ,ami(y an$ others ?or these 7rimes A&ainst H'manity so that they can en&ineer an i$entity ?or p'rpose o? creatin& a Amore hate$ than A$o(? Hit(erA. =a(erie .(son was @r'ta((y tort're$ an$ rape$ in the ?o((owin& years a?ter this Genetic =ira( :ar?are attacD 3 she was (e?t (acDin& an I$enti?action 7ar$ an$ $ea$ co%ere$ in ?i(thy @o$i(y $e?ecation an$ eFcretions. =a(erie .(son @ecame an imme$iate tar&et o? ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs @eca'se she was my chi($hoo$ ?irst (o%e. 1he 0man'e(es ma$e certain to Ne'roS'r&ery =a(erie .(son with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace $'rin& what I @e(ie%e was 2005. 1here has since @een * imposte'rs o? =a(erie .(son. * :-: Clarissa Berr5 :-:

:-: Illegal (nBarrante) Bire-%apping :-: P 2'rin& 200* an$ 2005 3 the 4AN 4ine 1e(ephone 7on%ersations at the Home 1e(ephone at 38" Haywar$ St Apt 3 Manchester New Hampshire was :ire 1appe$ @y ,e$era( 0mp(oyees as we(( as 7omp'ter HacDers hacDin& ?rom 7omcast o??ices $irect(y. 1his 4AN 4ine was 'n$er 9enneth H'$$Ks name. 1he primary tar&ets were my se(? an$ 0mi(y Is(es in Missasa'&a .ntario 7ana$a an$ Hami(ton .ntario 7ana$a. 2'rin& this time 4eon Panneta may ha%e @een emp(oye$ within 7.I.A. an$ Hanet Napo(itano was a S'preme 7o'rt H'$&e 5 @oth o? these in$i%i$'a(s somehow mana&e$ to rise to positions o? a@so('te prominence within the ,e$era( Go%ernment o? the USA. I ?ee( that these two were Ita(ian A6IS A&ents whoKs Jo@ it was to Heirarcha((y 2ecapitate the U.S.A.

&o%ernment. Ita(ian A6IS in?i(trate$ the USA &o%ernment @e?ore 3 $'rin& the NiFon a$ministration 5 this (e$ to the :aterGate Scan$a( an$ the interna( in%esti&ations o? 7IA ProJect M9U41/A an$ others o? simi(ar orientation. P 5 5 Ita(ian A6IS Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs intentiona( promotion o? pop'(ation $i%ersi?ication an$ manip'(ation o? 7ens's 7o'nt ?or p'rpose o? eFterminatin& the North American /aces an$ creatin& 7amo'?(a&e Pop'(ation ?or this p'rpose 5 5 P A:hiteA 7ens's S not a((owe$ to co'nt Nationa( /aces an$ Nationa( 0thnic /aces P North American /aces not co'nte$. P A;(acDA 7ens's S not a((owe$ to co'nt Nationa( /aces an$ Nationa( 0thnic /aces P AHispanicA 7ens's S not a((owe$ to co'nt Nationa( /aces an$ Nationa( 0thnic /aces P AAmerican In$ianA 7ens's S incorrect termino(o&y 3 o??ensi%e misappropriation o? i$entity 3 not a((owe$ to co'nt Nationa( /aces an$ Nationa( 0thnic /aces o? ,irst Nations North American Nati%e /aces P G4.;A4 MI7/.7.SM P.PU4A1I.N 0N,./702 ,./ PU/P.S0 ., 0610/MINA1ING N./1H AM0/I7AN /A70S AN2 S-S10MI7A44- 04IMINA1ING A77U/A10 /07./2 ., .77U/AN70 ., 1.1A4 G0N.7I20 AN2 /A7IA4 P.PU4A1I.N /0P4A70M0N1. P P.PU4A1I.N /A1I. SA;.1AG0 5 Intentiona( promotion o? A/acia( 2i%ersi?icationA o? n'mero's speci?ic /acesK /acia( Home(an$s ?or p'rpose o? sa@ota&in& speci?ic Nationa( 0thnic /acesK a@i(ity to eFist @y $enyin& these speci?ic races the a@i(ity to Po(ice their own 7omm'nities 3 Go%ern their own Pop'(ation 3 sta?? their own 2epartment o? 2e?ense 3 sta?? their own Hea(thcare ,aci(ities 3 ?arm their own crops an$ pro$'ce their own ?oo$s 5 this is the intentiona( esta@(ishment o? these /acesK Home(an$s as $esi&nate$ (i%in& space ?or a(( ,orei&n /aces o? peop(e 3 an$ ine%ita@(y ?or on(y ,orei&n /aces o? peop(e ?or reason o? the ?act that this is in action the ?orce$ intentiona( esta@(ishment o? a pop'(ation ratio which is comprise$ o? (ess that 20Q Nati%e /aces o? an 0N1I/0 7.N1IN0N1 . 1his is a ratio o? 2 5 8 at the most where 2 represents the tota( co'nt o? a(( An&(o Gae(ic USA Americans an$ 7ana$ians 3 ,ranDic Americans an$ 7an$ians 3 MeFicans in North America 3 a(( Nationa( /aces o? ,irst Nations Nati%e North Americans 3 A?rican Americans 3 an$ New Ho((an$er Americans 5 an$ 8 represents the tota( n'm@er o? ,orei&n /acia( Pop'(ation in comparison to the 20Q o? the pop'(ation that the North American /aces co((ecti%e(y are a((owe$ to share the pop'(ation co'nt o? . 1he Ita(ian A6IS Sa%oy Pop'(ation are primari(y comprise$ o? in$i%i$'a(s who are 100Q Ita(ian /ace 3 1N2 Ita(ian /ace 1N2 other /ace 3 3N* Ita(ian /ace 1N* other /ace 3 an$ %ery se($om 1N* Ita(ian /ace 3 3N* other /ace 5 %ery se($om $o these ?ami(ies marry o'tsi$e o? A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate S(eeper 7e(( ?ami(ies 3 Ita(ian Mi(itary Inte((i&ence 0spiona&e S(eeper 7e(( ,ami(ies 3 the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 the Ho'se o? Aosta 3 an$ So'th American Hispanic Ita(iano A6IS ,ami(ies. * :-: 15 sisters Summer 1acPherson + Chelse5 1acPherson + Sheena 1acPherson :-: P I went on ,ace;ooD 5 some@o$y on my ?rien$Ks (ist poste$ AI (iDe this $ressA . :ith the post3 there was a photo&raph o? a yo'n& woman wearin& a @(acD $ress< a white cross on a si(%er chain was aro'n$ her necD 3 with &o($s &emstones set in it. 1he $ress (ooDe$ (iDe a Hot 1opic cata(o& $ress3 the cross was i$entica( to a necD(ace a Hewish &ir( ha$ &i%en me when I was a teena&er. :hen I was 153 my ?rien$ Sara 9at(er &a%e me a necD(ace i$entica( to this eFcept the cross was si(%er an$ the &emstones were re$. I? the

photo was c'rrent3 7he(sey wo'($ @e 15 $'rin& the time o? the photo. She is 1E now. 1he &ir( in the ho'se with my ?ather an$ S'mmer is o@%io's(y not 7he(sey. 1he ?irst time I saw her3 S'mmer (ater that $ay sai$ to her A-o'Kre not 7he(sey. I want the o($ 7he(sey @acD.A. I (ooDe$ 'p the photo&raph o? the $ress on Goo&(e ima&e search 5 the ori&ina( photo&raph was a photo&raph o? a mo$e( name$ A$e(. 1he person who photoshoppe$ this ima&e 3 'se$ the same techniI'e that an 18th cent'ry painter wo'($ 'se to paint a portrait 5 the area aro'n$ the ?ace was air@r'she$3 a?ter which the 'nmistaDa@(e ?ace o? my sister 7he(sey was photo e$ite$ into the air@r'she$ space. 1he &ir( who has @een sayin& she is 7he(sey is a nice &ir(3 @'t she is not my sister. I @e(ie%e that =ittorio 0man'e(e swappe$ the two o? them to 'se them as hosta&es3 to Deep the ?ami(ies ?rom ta(Din& to a'thorities. 1he &ir( preten$in& to @e 7he(sey (ooDs ha(? 0n&(ish an$ a miF o? 0astern 0'ropean. &) Barren's : /%his is going to *e li.e in0asion of the *o)5 snatchers+ )u)e3/ * :-: "m*er #o5 :-: P Marco /oyKs ?ema(e co'sins ?rom his ?atherKs si$e o? the ?ami(y whom are s'rname$ /oy ha%e @een tar&ette$ an$ in some cases a@$'cte$ an$ SeF 1ra??icDe$ @y =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime So($iers. I @e(ie%e Am@er /oy may @e one o? these in$i%i$'a(s an$ that she may ha%e @een tra??icDe$ @y a man associate$ to a Mario Napo(itano whom has ?reI'ent(y @een seen in Manchester New Hampshire. Mario Napo(itano is associate$ with Herry 2KAmico an$ the Ita(ian Ma?iosa whom worDs in the o??ice o? the @'i($in& wherein I am c'rrent(y (i%in& as I am writin& this at 23 1emp(e St. Apt. R108 Nash'a New Hampshire in the USA. 1here are more than one %ictim in this @'i($in& with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace permanant(y s'r&ica((y &ra?te$ to their @rain an$ a S'r&ica( Imp(ant ro'ter G @attery imp(ante$ in their Jaw3 these %ictims are racia((y American 5 one is Gae(ic American race an$ ?ema(e3 two are a ma(e an$ a ?ema(e o? A?rican American race3 there are others as we((. 1here are n'mero's crimina( associates o? =ictorKs (i%in& in this @'i($in& as we(( 3 most o? which are Ita(ian Ma?ia or Ma?ia a??i(iate$ an$ ha(? racia((y Ita(ian. P 2'rin& the time that I was worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n st. on one o? the $ays that =ittorio 0man'e(e ha$ come in to the store 3 a c'stomer asDe$ me i? I ha$ a co'sin in .ntario name$ An$re that (i%e$ in 7ana$a. I $o not ha%e a co'sin name$ An$re @'t I $o ha%e a thir$ co'sin name$ Marco /oy who has a ?ather name$ An$re. An$re /oy is my co'sin 2onna Martinea'Ks eF h's@an$. An$re ha$ a @rother or a co'sin who owne$ a ho'se in PicDerin& .ntario that (ooDe$ i$entica( to the ho'se in the photos o? the $'n&eon ?o'n$ in PicDerin& .ntario. 1hey 'se$ to Deep motorcyc(es as we(( as (i%estocD in the @arn. My co'sin Marco ha$ a %i$eo recor$in& o? a 1hanDs&i%in& $inner &atherin& at this (ocation. 1he ho'se was either the same ho'se which ha$ @een so($ or it was o? i$entica( architect're. I @e(ie%e that I may ha%e met An$reKs neice in Manchester New Hampshire 3 she $i$nKt Dnow who I was an$ she $i$nKt ta(D m'ch @'t it seeme$ o@%io's that she was in some Din$ o? tro'@(e with the ma?ia. - %he arson in Ontario -hich occurre) after the me)ia e@posure of the *asement )ungeon foun) in a con)emne) house sho-s suspicious rele0enc5 to this entire series of e0ents3 " police officer+ -hen Huestione) a*out it+ sho-e) possi*le .no-le)ge foresha)o-ing the arson3 Intentional foresha)o-ing of crimes is pre0ailant in the Italian 1afia communities+ -here it is intentionall5 )one for the purpose of lea0ing ps5chological scars on the communit5 so the5 are feare) an)

face less opposition3 "nother rele0ant pattern in0ol0ing crime-tra)ition in0ol0es ritual slaughter of 0ictims+ -hich is the act of inclu)ing metaphoric s5m*olism in the mo)alit5 of specific mur)ers an) in the intentional 0isual aesthetic of the crime-scene3 8ittorio &manuele seems to a*use *oth a0enues of po-erE the po-er of corrupting go0ernment an) la- as -ell as the po-er of the crime -orl)3 "m*er #o5's father -as either a Hells "ngel or an associate of the Hells "ngels3 It is pro*a*le that 8ittorio &manuele or)ere) his "gents in the Hells "ngels to mur)er targette) "merican an) Cana)ian Hells "ngels families an) Se@%raffic. their )aughters3 %his has happene) in the past3 "m*er #o5 is m5 cousin 1arco #o5's uncle 7ohn's )aughter3 2uring the 5ears ;==> an) ;==D + -hile I -as at $amil5 2ollar in 1anchester Ne-Hampshire E in)i0i)uals -ho -ere of 8ittorio /8ictor/ &manuele's e@ten)e) social-net-or. as.e) me if I ha) cousins name) /7ohn #o5/ an) /"n)re #o5/ up in Ontario Cana)a : I )enie) that the5 -ere m5 cousin's father's si)e of his famil5 + *ecause 8ittorio /8ictor/ &manuele ha) or)ere) &) Barren to install Impro0ise) "u)io-#ecor)ing 2e0ices in the ceiling3

:-: 1ostafa I*nSau) :-:

2'rin& the year 200E < 1he woman whom was the roommate o? the imposte'r o? =a(erie .(son was s'ppose$(y $atin& Mosta?a I@nSa'$ 3 I am a(most certain that this womanKs name was /ache(. Mosta?a wo'($ perio$ica((y %isit her in ;oston Massach'settes. =a(erieKs Imposte'rKs roommate was an Irish American woman whom was 5K8A 3 thin 3 @(on$e 3 ha$ c'r(y hair 3 an$ @('e eyes. I @e(ie%e that their apartment was either in A(ston3 Somer%i((e3 or 7am@ri$&e. /ache( ha$ mentione$ that whi(e in Ita(ia3 a ?rien$ o? Mosta?a I@nSa'$Ks ha$ $'mpe$ somethin& in his @e%era&e which ca'se$ some o? his hair to ?a(( o't o%erni&ht an$ ca'se$ hair thinnin&. /ache( @e(ie%e$ that it was the Ita(ian man whom Mosta?a I@nSa'$ was ?rien$s with whom ha$ $one it. She state$ that Mosta?a ha$ @e&'n 'sin& =itamin 0 SDin .i( in his hair an$ on his sca(p in an e??ort to pre%ent it ?rom ?a((in& o't comp(ete(y. 2'rin& the year 2012 < 1his is eFact(y what happene$ to me at 23 1emp(e St. in Nash'a New Hampshire 5 $'rin& this time my apartment ha$ @een @roDen into n'mero's times an$ my mi(D J'& in my re?ri$&erator ha$ @een mo%e$ 3 it is o@%io's that =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy Hemo&(o@in %ia(s o? %ira( &enetic materia( taDen ?rom a ?ew speci?ic peop(e ha$ @een $'mpe$ in my mi(D. 2'rin& 200* or 2005 3 /yan Har%eyKs hair thinne$ an$ &rew in an A$o(? Hit(er pattern. In 200* an$ 2005 5 two mo%ies aire$ on 7omcast $'rin& which Mosta?a I@nSa'$ appeare$ as an eFtra. In @oth o? these mo%ies 3 Mosta?a was caste$ as a Gan&ster 1errorist type character. Mosta?a was ro(( ca((e$ $'rin& the caste (istin& as AMosta?a I@nSa'$ as Mosta?a I@nSa'$A. 1his aire$ on 7omcast on 9enneth H'$$Ks 7omcast acco'nt. 9enneth H'$$ (a'&he$ an$ sai$ AMosta?a I@nSa'$ as Mosta?a I@nSa'$L :here ha%e I seen that name @e?oreMA

1he &'ns in the mo%ies that Mosta?a I@nSa'$ an$ others were wei($in& were (ater seen in Manchester NewHampshire in a Green P(astic 1ote 7rate p'rchase$ at :a( Mart 5 the imposte'rs o? Cach An$rosDi an$ his ?raterna( twin @rother Nate An$rosDi were @oth in possession o? these mi(itary &ra$e ?irearms an$ a pisto(. 1he imposte'r o? Nate An$rosDi pose$ in photo&raphs on ,ace;ooD with these ?irearms with an in$i%i$'a( whom I @e(ie%e is an imposte'r o? Hohn Sa(i%a. 1hese photo&raphs were poste$ aro'n$ the year 200". 1hese ?irearms were ?irst seen in their possession $'rin& 200!. 2'rin& the year 200* 5 2anie( Hames mentione$ to ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e whi(e wa(Din& to /ye ;each in /ye NewHampshire < A,i(M 2i$nKt yo' &et Mosta?a a ro(e in a mo%ie recent(yMA to which ,i( 0man'e(e rep(ie$ 3 AI am not s're yet 3 I am &oin& to ha%e to checD on that soon. I ha%enKt hear$ @acD a@o't it yet.A P A(so o? re(e%ance to ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs Ho((y:oo$ Me$ia 7onnections 5 the mo%ie ;roDe;acD Mo'ntain. 1he Mo%ie ;roDe;acD Mo'ntain is a &ay (o%e story which is a homoseF'a( romance. 1his mo%ie was pro$'ce$ in 2005. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e has the Din$ o? Ho((ywoo$ Me$ia 7onnections an$ 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen connections that can &et a section o? $ia(o& script &i%en to a mo%ie $irector or $ia(o& script writer 3 a tit(e an$ p(ot &i%en to a pro$'cer an$ t'rne$ into a mo%ie simp(y @y in%estin& in the mo%ie an$ an a&ent s'&&estin& it 3 an$ in$i%i$'a(s whom ,i((i@erto is associate$ with &i%en mo%ie ro(es < ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e ha%e acI'aintances whom are Ho((ywoo$ Me$ia A&ents whom are %ery &oo$ at networDin&. 2'rin& 200* 5 ,i( 0man'e(e state$ that AIKm a@o't to @e a Mo'ntain o? ;roDe ;acDA is what his ,ather =ittorio 0man'e(e ha$ sai$ to him o%er the te(ephone whi(e =ittorio was $ri%in& $own So'th :i((ow Street in Manchester NewHampshire 3 an$ that this meant Ato shit ones se(? so m'ch that yo'r entire pants are ?i((e$ with shit an$ co%ere$ in shitA. ,i(Ks homoseF'a( @rother 3 Aaron 0man'e(e < contacte$ my se(? an$ my roommates a month a?ter meetin& his @rothers ,i( an$ 2.H. . My roommates were &ay. It is pro@a@(e that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ his @rother 2anie( Hames s'&&este$ the name ;roDe;acD Mo'ntain ?or a HomoSeF'a( 4o%e Story Mo%ie @eca'se the s(an& termino(o&y A@roDe @acDA or to A@reaD @acDA means to $e?ecate ?eces. I ha$ mentione$ $'rin& 200* whi(e wa(Din& to /ye ;each with ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e that my most (oathe$ thin& in (i?e was men whom a@'se women terri@(y an$ went into &raphic $etai( a@o't what Din$ o? men these were an$ ca((e$ them Ac(oset ?a&&ots whom a@'se women so horri@(y that they wi(( rape them in p'@(ic 3 intentiona((y h'mi(iate them in p'@(ic 3 @eat them 3 tort're them 3 ?orce them to eat ?eces 3 co%er them in %omit 3 p(ay &en$er war in ?ront o? their ma(e ?rien$s 5 these men are c(oset ?a&&ots an$ @(ame women ?or their own (acD o? romantic inc(inations towar$s women. 1hese men are an&ry @eca'se they were @orn &ay an$ they hate it an$ @(ame women ?or it. 1hey a@'se women as i? the woman has $one somethin& wron& ?or @ein& @orn ?ema(e.A. ,i( state$ $'rin& 200* whi(e at Hampton ;each that he was &oin& to A;roDe ;acD Mo'ntain ,aceA my @est ?rien$ which he sai$ meant to Ashit $own her throat an$ rape it a?terwar$sA. I ha$ ma$e a h'mo'ro's a(('sion that ,i( may possi@(y @e a homoseF'a( ear(ier that $ay 3 a?ter this statement ha$ @een ma$e a@o't A;roDe ;acD Mo'ntain ,acin&A my @est ?rien$ 5 I ma$e a h'mo'ro's a(('sion that ,i( may possi@(y @e a ,eca( 4o%er an$ a Pe$orast.

P Pre 0mpti%e Attempts to ,rame Mosta?a an$ $epict him as mem@er o? the :or($ :i$e 7h'rch o? Satan o? Anton 4a=ey 5 $'rin& the year 20053 a woman whom appeare$ to @e a (iDe(y SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim entere$ ,ami(y 2o((ar an$ eFc(aime$ eFtreme(y (o'$ whi(e in ?ront o? my re&ister 5A1he 7h'rch o? Satan J'st recr'ite$ Mosta?a I@nSa'$L 1hey are &oin& to &et so @i&. Mosta?aKs co'sin is Sa'$i Ara@ian roya(tyLA 1his was recor$e$ %isi@(y an$ a'$i@(y. 1his occ'rre$ a?ter =ittorio 0man'e(e ma$e n'mero's appearances at the store an$ his cre$it car$ was 'se$ @y a man whom was o? an eFtreme(y simi(ar appearance to the Ita(ian man who Dnew Mosta?a I@nSa'$ an$ ha$ possi@(y $'mpe$ a %ia( o? %ir's (a$en hemo&(o@in in Mosta?aKs @e%era&e. 1his ita(ian man appeare$ in a photo&raph o? Mosta?a with what has now @een $isco%ere$ to ha%e @een an imposte'r o? =a(erie .(son an$ an A(@anian wearin& a A1he SmithsA t shirt which ha$ @een =a(erieKs. P 2'rin& the year 200* 3 whi(e in /ye NewHampshire 5 whi(e wa(Din& to the @each 3 ,i( 0man'e(e to($ me that he ha$ an Ara@ic ?rien$ whom remin$e$ him o? me. He sai$ that Mosta?a an$ my se(? were o? simi(ar mannerism 3 &roome$ o'rse(%es simi(ar(y 3 an$ ha$ a simi(ar so'n$in& %oice. ,i( sai$ that my se(? an$ Mosta?a ha$ a(ot in common as we((. I @e(ie%e that ,i(Ks $ecision to attempt to ?rame Mosta?a ?or his A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icates :ar /apes 3 H'man =i%isections 3 an$ Arms 1ra??icDin& in North America was $'e to my resem@(in& a racia((y North American %ersion o? the Ara@ian Mosta?a I@nSa'$. Mosta?a an$ my se(? @oth typica((y Deep o'r hair (on& an$ Deep si$e @'rns 3 a(tho'&h I 's'a((y Deep a chin @ear$ < Mosta?a an$ my se(? a(so $ress somewhat simi(ar(y an$ seem to ha%e some simi(ar taste in some thin&s accor$in& to ,i( 0man'e(e an$ the photo&raphs I ha%e seen o? Mosta?a as we(( as Mosta?a himse(? appearin& at a @ar in ;oston once which I @rie?(y stoppe$ at. P 2'rin& 200* an$ 2005 5 0$ :arren an$ Anthony 2e?eo ma$e it o@%io's that they were tryin& to attempt to ?rame some@o$y as a patsy ?or =ittorio 0man'e(eKs :ar 7rimes in North America concernin& he an$ H'(i's 0%o(aKs crimes in re(ation to what happene$ with 7IA ProJect M9U41/A 3 :ater&ate 3 an$ other Ita(ian A6IS ,ascist 7rime Syn$icate re(ate$ :ar 7rimes an$ /.I.7... %io(ations in North America. 1he :ar 7rimes which =ittorio an$ ,i( were tryin& to $istance themse(%es ?rom seeme$ to inc('$e somethin& in%o(%in& the " 11 1errorist AttacD. .? re(ation to ?ramin& Mosta?a I@nSa'$ is the 1a(i@an connection with ,i( seems to @e connecte$ to. ,i( 0man'e(e ma$e it o@%io's in 200* that he has n'mero's A6IS connections 3 one o? these @ein& the 1a(i@an. Mosta?a is Ara@ic an$ re(ate$ Sa'$i an$ .ttoman roya(ty 3 ,i( 0man'e(e o@%io's(y $eci$e$ that Mosta?a wo'($ maDe the per?ect a(i@i. .? re(ation to ,i( 0man'e(eKs an$ =ittorio 0man'e(eKs conspiracy to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa'$ is a con%ersation which I ha$ with 0$ :arren concernin& ;aphomet an$ HacI'es 2eMo(ay o? the 1emp(ar 9ni&hts 5 $'rin& this con%ersation I eFp(aine$ that the ori&ina( meanin& o? the ;aphomet was a Semitic ;a@y(onian 2eity an$ that the c'rrent Pope $'rin& his (i?e was in$e@te$ to HacI'es 2eMo(ay an$ the 1emp(ar 9ni&hts ?inancia((y $'e to n'mero's ?a%o'rs which they ha$ $one ?or the Pope an$ ?or Pi(&rims in (e' o? char&e3 the Pope an$ a n'm@er o? in$e@te$ Aristocrats ?rame$ HacI'es 2eMo(ay with acc'sations o? A$e%i( worshipA c(aimin& that HacI'es 2eMo(ay an$ his Dni&hts ha$ ?a((en to worship o? ;aphomet an$ other $e%i(s.

;aphomet has @een 'se$ as a sym@o( o? Satan an$ 4'ci?er ?or a (on& time 3 @'t ;aphomet is in ?act a Semitic ;a@y(onian $eity whoKs ima&e has @een per%erte$ somewhat an$ s(an$ere$ pro?'se(y. 1he $emoni>ation o? ;aphomet is simi(ar to the $emoni>ation o? 7ern'nnos which res'(te$ in the ?ictiona( 9ramp's which is a character 'se$ as a a$%ersary o? the ?ictiona( Santa 7(a's in 0'rope3 this is a $emoni>ation o? the ?act'a( 7e(tic an$ Ga'(ish $eity 7ern'nnos. ;ein& that in 200* an$ 2005 the USA were at war in IraI an$ A?&hanistan an$ the ?act that accor$in& to 0$ :arren an$ Anthony 2e?eo 3 ,i( 0man'e(e an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e ha$ $eci$e$ to ?rame some@o$y e(se ?or their crimes @y connectin& them to the c'rrent 0nemy 7om@atant ,action which they ha$ a connection to $'e to their A6IS A(i&nment 5 the :or($ :i$e 7h'rch o? Satan whom 'se the ;aphomet ima&e as a sym@o( were chosen a(on& with Mosta?a I@nSa'$ whom is o? .ttoman /oya( @(oo$ as a(i@i 3 ;a@y(on was where c'rrent $ay IraI an$ A?&hanistan eFist. Sa$$am H'sseinKs ?ather was reporte$ to ha%e @een a mem@er or s'pporter o? the ;aath Party which was a m'(ti nationa( Nationa(ist associate$ party o? Ara@ic a??i(iate$ po(iticians. 1he ;aath Party was ?o'n$e$ imme$iate(y a?ter the Secon$ :or($ :ar an$ the ?a(( o? the 3r$ /eich which res'(te$ in the 0Fi(e o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. Portrayin& I$entity Po(itic as we(( as /e(i&io's Po(itic as the ori&in o? A6IS :ar 7rime 3 A6IS .r&ani>e$ 7rime 3 A6IS 7o%ert Mi(itary .perations an$ 1errorism < is a constant o? the A6IS 3 this was ma$e o@%io's a?ter Sa$$am H'ssein was capt're$ an$ he was han&e$ 5 prior to his eFec'tion 3 Sa$$am H'ssein praye$ to his &o$ A(K(ah an$ was $ec(are$ in U.S.American P'@(ic Me$ia as @ein& an Is(amic 0Ftremist Hiha$ist in secret whom at his $eath was ?ina((y re%ea(e$ to tr'e(y @e a Is(amic Hiha$ist. I @e(ie%e it $e?inite that Sa$$am H'ssein was ?rame$ @y the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS an$ their Ara@ian A6IS co'nterpart 3 ?or their :ar 7rimes < this is pro@a@(e ?or the reason that Sa$$am H'ssein is a(most $e?inite to ha%e ha$ a $istant co'sin who was Ara@ian A6IS ,action a(i&ne$ an$ ha$ $eci$e$ to resi&n ?rom the A6IS ,action an$ $isconnect himse(? ?rom it 5 ?or this reason 3 it is pro@a@(e that he was ?rame$ ?or the p'rpose o? e(iminatin& his entire ?ami(y. =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e an$ his sons are c'rrent(y m'r$erin& ?ami(ies who ha%e Dnown them an$ are Genoci$a((y 0Fterminatin& entire pop'(ations in North America. A.sama ;in4a$enA was presente$ in me$ia in @oth the U.S.A. an$ the Ara@ian re&ions as ha%in& @een a Mi(itant Is(amic Hiha$ist < ?act'a((y 3 this can not @e pro%en @eyon$ a reasona@(e $o'@t 5 it seems pro@a@(e that A.sama ;in4a$enA was an a(ias an$ the man was an Ara@ian A6IS ,action Mi(itant 1errorist 7rime 4or$. It is pro@a@(e that Mosta?a I@nSa'$Ks ?ather an$ =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e Dnow the A.sama ;in4a$enKsA ?act'a( name. *-:-* Ps5chological #easons for $il to attempt to frame 1ostafa I*nSau) P Mosta?a I@nSa'$ is re(ate$ physica((y to Sa'$i Ara@ian roya(ty an$ is a $escen$ant o? .ttoman /oya(ty. P Mosta?a I@nSa'$ is o? a $i??erin& re(i&ion than 7atho(ic 7hristianity. P Mosta?a I@nSa'$Ks ?ami(y ha%e past re(ations with A6IS ?actions $'e to their re(ation to .ttoman /oya( stat's. P Mosta?a I@nSa'$ is o? a race o? peop(e whom ha%e in the past ha$ A6IS a??i(iations an$ are not Ita(ian. P 4iDe the Hano%er ?ami(y3 the Pah(a%i ?ami(y3 an$ the Norwe&ian /oya( ,ami(y 5

Mosta?a I@nSa'$Ks co'sinKs roya( ?ami(y co'($ @e a so'rce o? ,i(Ks ?ather =ittorioKs Jea(o'sy an$ en%y. 1hese /oya( ,ami(ies ha%e a(ot o? p'@(ic s'pport. P Mosta?a I@nSa'$ was at =ittorio 0man'e(eKs @irth $ay $inner party in 1""E or 1""! an$ %er@a((y $e?en$e$ me ?rom =ittorioKs cr'e( comments.

:-: Ba5ne !ac5 references :-: 9at McMahon 3 my roommate ?rom 200E < was @ein& sta(De$ @y =ittorio 0man'e(e at her p(aces o? worD. :hi(e worDin& at StopKnKShop S'permarDet 3 9at ha$ @een ?orma((y intro$'ce$ to =ittorio 0man'e(e @y his own $oin&. He (ater @ro'&ht her a rose. 9at McMahon o@taine$ new emp(oyment at the Pict're Peop(e in the Ma(( o? NewHampshire< a?ter which3 =ittorio 0man'e(e contin'e$ to sta(D her. 9at came home ?rom worD one $ay an$ to($ me that she ha$ seen a man $resse$ 'p as :ayne GacyKs Po&o the 7(own. She sai$ it (ooDe$ (iDe =ittorio 0man'e(e $resse$ as Po&o the 7(own. It was (ater mentione$ to me ?rom n'mero's so'rces that there was a :ayne Gacy Acopy catA whom was mimmicDin& :ayne GacyKs c(own cost'me an$ was @reaDin& into ho'ses an$ mo(estin& chi($ren. My ?rien$ 1ammyKs co'sinKs $a'&hter was a %ictim o? this manKs. It is possi@(e that this co'($ ha%e @een =ittorio or one o? his co'sins or e%en a SeF .??en$er he recr'ite$ ?rom a racia((y 4om@ar$ic Ita(ian pop'(ation. 2'rin& 200* an$ 2005 5 Anthony 2e,eo was ta(Din& a@o't the mo%ie GA7- whi(e at worD at ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n Street in Manchester NewHampshire.

:-: 8ittorio &manuele :-: 2'rin& 200* 3 =ittorio 0man'e(e @e&an sta(Din& me. He was witnesse$ starin& o't the ?ront store win$ow o? a c(ose$ store (ate at ni&ht 3 on 0(m Street in Manchester NewHampshire. 1he n'm@er o? this @'i($in& was E1 0(m Street. Sahn$ra an$ my se(? ha$ wa(De$ past the @'i($in& on o'r way to meet 1ony Grasseti on 0(m Street an$ passe$ it a&ain whi(e ret'rnin&. 2'rin& 200* < an ita(ian man 'se$ =ittorio 0man'e(eKs cre$it car$ at ,ami(y 2o((ar to @'y c(eanin& pro$'cts. 2'rin& 2005 < =ittorio 0man'e(e intro$'ce$ himse(? to me whi(e I was at worD. 2'rin& 200* an$ 2005 < =ittorio 0man'e(e ma$e n'mero's te(ephone ca((s to 0$ :arren on 0$Ks mo@i(e ce(('(ar te(ephone an$ the store te(ephone. 2'rin& 200* < =ittorio 0man'e(e or$ere$ 0$ :arren to position 15 Impro%ise$ /ecor$in& 2e%ices a@o%e the cei(in& pane(s in ,ami(y 2o((ar < these were recor$e$ $irect(y into the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartments 7omp'ters as a res'(t o? these @ein& ca((e$ o%er internet to recor$ on a comp'ter. 2'rin& 200E < =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e were si&hte$ at the ;ra$y S'((i%an ;'i($in& in Manchester NewHampshire. 2'rin& 200! < =ittorio 0man'e(e catere$ a ?ew $inners at 1he -ar$ /esta'rant. 2'rin& 200" < =ittorio 0man'e(e was si&hte$ worDin& with K=eterans He(pin& =eteransA which 9ate 7hristiano $escri@e$ as A=ictor He(pin& =ictorA. 2'rin& 200" < =ittorio 0man'e(e was si&hte$ at a &as station on ;rown A%en'e. P A?ter I ha$ @een ca'&ht on camera smi(in& at a Hewish woman whom ha$ come to my p(ace o? worD 5 I (ater ?o'n$ this woman worDin& at 7iti>ens ;anD when I ha$ &one in to the 7iti>ens ;anD on 0(m Street ?or the p'rpose o? or$erin& a new $e@it car$3

Samantha was c'stomer ser%ice. Her @rother happene$ to @e my (awyer 3 A$am ;ernstein. :hi(e worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar3 I ha$ @een ca'&ht smi(in& at her @eca'se I tho'&ht Samantha was @ea'ti?'( an$ ?e(t (iDe I ha$ ?a((en in (o%e with her the moment I met her 5 0$ :arren was ca'&ht watchin& rep(ays on the sec'rity camera in the o??ice o? the store. I @e(ie%e that 0$ :arren may ha%e written $own Samantha ;ernsteinKs (icense p(ate n'm@er $'rin& that ni&ht or $'rin& a $ay that I ha$ o?? ?rom worD. A?ter meetin& her at 7iti>ens ;anD3 I h'mo'ro's(y remarDe$ to my ?rien$ ;ren$an that I ha$ mirac'(o's(y ?o'n$ this woman an$ that it was an act o? ?ate that (e$ me there that $ay consi$erin& the ?act that I 's'a((y worDe$ ! $ays a weeD an$ there was a 7iti>ens ;anD across the parDin&(ot ?rom my p(ace o? worD which was @y ?ar more con%einient than the 0(m St. (ocation. A?ter meetin& Samantha that secon$ time 3 she $isappeare$ ?rom 7iti>ens ;anD an$ the (oca( en%ironment entire(y. I am con?i$ent that this was the res'(t o? A6IS 7rimina( 1errorists worDin& within the ranDs o? ,e$era( Go%ernment whom ha$ @e&'n :ire 1appin& my 1e(ephone warrant(ess an$ i((e&a((y. SamanthaKs ?ami(y ha$ a(rea$y @een tar&ette$ $'e to whom was pro@a@(y her @rother 3 A$am ;ernstein < @ein& my (awyer o? choice in 2003 an$ 200*. =ittorio 0man'e(e state$ to me at my re&ister at ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n Street in Manchester New Hampshire 5 AI hear yo'K%e ha$ (e&a( tro'@(es recent(y. I ha$ a (itt(e @it o? that my se(?. I ha$ a ?i&ht with my co'sin.A. I (ater saw A=ictor 0man :ay 4'hA whom correcte$ the o??icer @y statin& AItKs act'a((y 0man'e(eA 3 in a New Hampshire co'rtroom in re(ation to a A'toMoti%e Acci$ent which I @e(ie%e tooD p(ace aro'n$ 200!. I @e(ie%e this occ'rre$ aro'n$ the same $ate as the i((e&a( imp(antation o? the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace which ha$ @een s'r&ica((y &ra?te$ to my @rain whi(e as(eep at the New Hampshire Hospita( on 7(inton St in 7oncor$ NewHampshire where I spent one weeD as a patient. ,rom what I ha%e @een to($ @y a Pri%ate In%esti&ator 5 Samantha ;ernstein was a@$'cte$ in (ate 2005 or ear(y 200E a?ter ha%in& @een somehow %i%isecte$ an$ s'r&ica((y imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace an$ :ire(ess /N, 1ransmitter. She was ?e$ =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy whi(e he($ hosta&e 3 m'tatin& her sDin an$ hair &enetics 5 chan&in& her appearance s(i&ht(y. Samantha was &i%en another womanKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s an$ was ?orce$ to Strip at Strip 7('@s s'ch as Mac 2 in ;i((erica Massach'settes an$ others in Massach'settes3 the s'rro'n$in& New 0n&(an$ re&ion3 an$ New -orD. I was to($ that she was a(so SeF 1ra??icDe$. Apparent(y the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace $e%ice was 'se$ to maDe constant threats an$ manip'(ate her reactions as we(( as remote(y ne'ro ro@otica((y contro( her ne'ro(o&ica( @o$y 3 contro((in& her m'sc'(at're. She @ecame an eFperiment o? theirs. I ha%e @een to($ that this is the same horri@(e treatment that 0mi(y Is(es an$ other %ictims o? the Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate ha$ en$'re$ an$ that most o? these %ictims are sti(( a(i%e 3 tho'&h some o? them ha%e possi@(y $ie$. - 8I%%O#IO &1"N(& & IS SO1&BH"% S(P&#S%I%IO(S - 8ittorio &manuele III + ")olf Hitler+ 7ulius &0ola -ere *lasphemers3 A?ter what he has $one with his (i?e< most 7hristians3 especia((y the ones who @e(ie%e in the Me$J'&orJe seeressesK prophecy 5 wo'($ c'rrent(y @e(ie%e that he is the (itera( anti christ. He recr'ite$ a 7rime Syn$icate ?rom the re&ions s'rro'n$in& Me$J'&orJe ?or the

p'rpose o? &(o@a( terrorism < which is why the ;a(tic3 S(a%ic3 an$ 7a'ca'sis ?aces are o?ten on his crimes. 1his s'perstition $e?inite(y has (e$ to an o@sessi%e amo'nt o? hatre$ in =ittorio 0man'e(eKs heart an$ min$ 3 ?oc'se$ on my se(? an$ Henry MaDow as we(( as others. S'perstitio's an$ re(i&io's themes @oth p(ay into his o@sessi%e hatre$ in%o(%in& my se(? an$ others. =ittorio 0man'e(e &rew 'p with the secret Dnow(e$&e that his ?ami(y were A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(y 5 he is the Gran$ Son o? the eFi(e$ 9in& o? Ita(ia whom was eFi(e$ $'e to his ?ami(yKs in%o(%ement in the Ho(oca'st o? the 1"*0s3 his ?ami(yKs cooperation in the ?o'n$in& o? the A6IS3 an$ his own comp(icity. =ittorio 0man'e(eKs @(asphemy is most pro@a@(y a psycho(o&ica( too( which he 'ses to re(ie%e ?ee(in&s o? &'i(t $'e to his inheritance o? the 4or$ship o? A6IS 7rime Syn$icate a?ter H'(i's 0%o(a $ie$ 5 maDin& =ittorio 0man'e(e3 the AAnti 7hristA o? ;osnian Me$J'&orJe (e&en$. 1he /omans nai(e$ the 7hrist. 1he phi(osophica( no%e( 3 A1he Anti 7hristA < which ha$ @een written ori&ina((y @y ,rie$rich Neit>sche an$ was a(tere$ $'rin& the 1"*0Ks @y H'(i's 0%o(a whom ha$ a(so a(tere$ sections o? Neit>scheKs A1he :i(( to PowerA which was an 'n?inishe$ worD in pro&ress re&ar$in& Neit>scheKs attempt a $escri@in& the ret'rn to a hea(thy wor($%iew an$ psycho(o&y @y an in$i%i$'a( whom ha$ ?a((en into A@so('te Nihi(ism 3 $epression 3 an$ amora(ity < other worDs o? Neit>scheKs a(tere$ @y H'(i's 0%o(aKs pen han$ were A0cce HomoA an$ A1he Genea(o&y o? Mora(sA which $isc'ss Mora(ity. 1he AAnti 7hristA @ein& the name o? a (iterary worD which H'(i's 0%o(a ha$ a(tere$ himse(? < as we(( as the ?act that H'(i's 0%o(aKs Aristocratic /oman ancestors ha$ cease$ @ein& Dne(t to @y a pop'(ation whom sti(( Dne(t to the e??i&y o? a Hewish /a@@i whom their pre$ecessors ha$ 7r'ci?ie$ < Hes's 7hrist3 in the /oman 7atho(ic 7h'rch 5 (e$ to H'(i's 0%o(a 'sin& the termino(o&y AAnti 7hristA in his re(i&io's theme$ propa&an$a an$ attempts at 'sin& 7atho(icism ?or G(o@a( Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are an$ Socia( 0n&ineerin&. A 7atho(ic seeress ?rom ;osnia @ecame the prophet whom pre$icte$ the sim'(taeneo's 1errorist Acti%ation o? the 7o%ert A6IS S(eeper 7e((s an$ A6IS 7rime Syn$icates &(o@a((y 3 which ha$ @een p(anne$ @y H'(i's 0%o(a $'rin& his (i?etime as a G(o@a( 7rime 4or$ a?ter his 0Fi(e an$ (oss o? his 1it(e o? No@i(ity. * I ha0e a S%I!1"%" SC"# on m5 left -rist ?rom @ein& impa(e$ @y a 1/00 ;/AN7H $'rin& a 7A/ A77I20N1 on M.1H0/KS 2A- in the -0A/ 2000 when I was 1E 5 the same a&e that 0mi(y Is(es was when the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icate @e&an sta(Din& 's. 1his wo'n$ was the si>e o? a 2 si>e$ @attery an$ was patche$ with a S9IN G/A,1 o? my own ?(esh3 taDen ?rom the sDin o? my (e?t hip. 1he site o? the wo'n$ is c(ear(y %isi@(e an$ (ooDs as i? it ha$ @een cr'ci?ie$. I was ('cDy eno'&h to @e @ro'&ht to Massach'ssettes Genera( Hospita( in ;oston where Gins'n& :an& ha$ @een worDin& at the time 5 he is an ama>in& s'r&eon. He has since mo%e$ his practice to Manchester New Hampshire. :hen I ?irst spoDe with the po(ice at the MerrimacD Po(ice 2epartment ?rom which they (ater @ro'&ht me to the hospita( 3 (ater to @e ne'ro s'r&erie$ an$ microchippe$ 5 it was M.1H0/KS 2A- o? 200!. Aro'n$ the $ate that I ha$ @een emai(in& Henry MaDow 3 I emai(e$ Pope Pi's Hohn Pa'( < writin& to him a@o't a co%ert or&ani>ation which ha$ p(ans ?or &(o@a( $ominion an$ &(o@a( monoc'(t'ra( assimi(ationist imperia(ist conI'est 5 ca((in& it the I44UMINA1I which at this time was @ein& @(ame$ on the -avarian #rder of the Illuminati which on(y eFiste$ $'rin& the en(i&htenment. 1he 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icate ha$ @een 'sin& this other Illuminati as an a(i@i. A?ter writin&

to Pope Pi's3 Pope ;ene$ict was e(ecte$ Pope. Hoseph /at>in&er o? ;a%aria whom ha$ @een raise$ $'rin& A$o(? Hit(erKs occ'pation o? 2e'tsche(an$ as $ictator < raise$ in the H'&en$ Staat 3 the @oysco'ts o? Hit(erKs Germany 5 was e(ecte$ pope. Hoseph /at>in&er 'n$erstan$s %ery we(( what happene$ in his home(an$ $'rin& the $ictatorship o? the 1"*0Ks an$ he is a(so speci?ica((y ;a%arian3 this ;a%arian connection 'n$o'@te$(y p't =ittorio 0man'e(e in a ra&e when he saw on the te(e%ision that Hoseph /at>in&er o? ;a%aria ha$ @een e(ecte$ the ;ishop o? /ome. Henry MaDow p'@(ishe$ his artic(e a@o't A$o(? Hit(erKs @(oo$(ine to the internet a ?ew weeDs a?ter I ha$ written to him mentionin& /omans in the same para&raph as ancient SeF 1ra??icDin& in /ome. Near the city o? /ome< there was a conc'@ina( I'arter where the /omans Dept SeF S(a%es taDen most(y ?rom 7e(tic an$ Germanic pop'(ations. 1hese s(a%es were not a((owe$ to to'ch the money o? ?ree peop(e3 instea$ they were &i%en Spintria coina&e. 1hese womenKs o%aries were ca'teri>e$ 'sin& heate$ nee$(es. 1he 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icate ha%e @een &'i(ty o? SeF 1ra??icDin& as we(( as H'man =i%isection < I @e(ie%e =ittorio 0man'e(e @ecame eFtreme(y paranoi$ a?ter rea$in& the /oman re(ate$ emai( to Henry MaDow 3 $'e to 0man'e(eKs own &'i(t. 2'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 < the Ho'se o? Sa%oy were watchin& my comp'ter whi(e comp'ter hacDin& it 5 it is $e?inite that the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs hacDers witnesse$ me emai( the Pope Hohn Pa'(. It is a possi@i(ity that ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces were 'se$ to in?('ence the Pope Hoseph /at>in&erKs e(ection 3 it is a(so possi@(e that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 'se$ their in?('ence to &et a ;a%arian Pope who was a H'&en$Staat AHit(er -o'thA e(ecte$ ?or p'rpose o? portrayin& the i$entity that S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces in North AmericanKs crani'ms to possi@(y @e a 2e'tsche(an$ A6IS pop'(ation when in ?act it was Ita(ians worDin& ?or the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. P Concerning "llfather O)in : .$in han&s himse(? to -&&$rasi((3the 1/00 connectin& the " wor($s< ?or " ni&hts5 pierce$ @y his own spear5 I ha%e a sti&mata wo'n$ on my wrist ?rom a tree @ranch which impa(e$ my wrist $'rin& an a'tomoti%e acci$ent. .$in (ea%es one o? his eyes in the :e(( o? Mimir in or$er to &ain the wis$om o? Mimir an$ the :e(( 5 apparent(y a @rain comp'ter inter?ace &ra?te$ towar$s the ?ront o? either si$e o? the @rain ena@(es comp'ter so?tware to $iscern on screen eFact(y what the correspon$in& eye is seein&. .$in is o?ten the choser o? the %ictorio's in war?are or in a con?(ict @etween Din&s3 he is a(so a p'nisher o? the wicDe$ 5 more o?ten than not3 wicDe$ men in positions o? power s'ch as tyrannica( Din&s an$ (or$s . H'(i's 0%o(aKs i$ea was to phase in the ASi& Hai(LA in 2e'tsche(an$ $'e to the reason o? the /oman Sa('te @ein& the physica( accompanyin& sa('te 5 this wo'($ e%ent'a((y eI'ate to 9in& =ittorio 0man'e(e III +=ictor 0man'e(e in 0n&(ish8 as a /oman Sa('te an$ AHai( =ictorLA . Si&ism'n$ was the (ast Din& in the re&ion to ha%e ha$ SIG within his name. SIG is a Proto Germanic wor$ an$ wor$part corre(atin& to concepts o? =ictory an$ S'ccess3 this is o?ten ?o'n$ in names. H'(i's 0%o(a @e(ie%e$ that Pyscho(o&ica( Archetypes were possessin& o? a Din$ o? ma&ic an$ that this Din$ o? ma&ic e??ecte$ Massi%e Pop'(ation Psycho(o&y 5 it wo'($ @e easy to phase ASIGA o't o? the /oman Sa('te an$ e%ent'a((y phase in A=ittorioA instea$ < c'rrent(y =ittorio 0man'e(e is technica((y =ittorio 0man'e(e I= 3 it is a common name in the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs ma(e monarch (ine. 1he (ine o? the =o(s'n& ?ami(y was the (inea&e o? a ?ami(y $escen$e$ ?rom an A%atar o? .$in < a hero o?

a $i%ine so'( ?rom .$inKs essence5 their names were most o?ten SIG re(ate$ names. Si&'r$ =o(s'n& was a Din& whoKs Din&$om eFiste$ a(on& the @anDs o? the /hine /i%er. Si&'r$ =o(s'n&Ks (i?e para((e(e$ At(i ;'$(ason < Ati((a o? the H'ns 5 %anI'isher o? the ?orces o? the /oman 0mpireKs 0astern Pro%ince. Si&'r$ =o(s'n& s(ayin& the $ra&on ,a?nir an$ conI'erin& the re&ion o? ;'r&'n$y occasiona((y @y some peop(e can @e consi$ere$ re(ate$ to the $e?eatin& o? %ario's /oman 4e&ions in the area s'rro'n$in& the /hine4an$. .@%io's(y 3 the 1hir$ /eich (ost their war 5 this @ein& as s'ch3 the /oman 0mpire was ne%er re@'i(t an$ a@so('te &(o@a( $ominion was ne%er esta@(ishe$. I? the 1hir$ /eich ha$ emer&e$ %ictorio's $'rin& the Secon$ :or($ :ar < the entire wor($ co'($ %ery we(( @e &i%in& a /oman Sa('te to the 0mperor o? /ome 1erra ,irma =ittorio 0man'e(e I=. =ittorio 0man'e(e o@%io's(y has Dnow(e$&e o? H'(i's 0%o(aKs %iew o? Germanic peop(es as a@ori&ina(s an$ o? his 'se o? psycho(o&ica( archetypes an$ &ermanic re(i&ion in his min$ contro( campai&n o? mass psycho(o&y. 1he concept o? re(i&ion seems to arise o?ten in the @acD&ro'n$ o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs acti%ities. H'(i's 0%o(aKs an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs partners @(aspheme$ Asatr' an$ 7hristianity as we(( as Ma$ame ;(a%atsDyKs prophesies in an attempt to syncretica((y assimi(ate the c'(t'res o? 0'rope into a /oman c'(t're 5 this process was &oin& to @e attempte$ &(o@a((y. * 1a)ame Bla0ats.5 E the seeress whoKs prophecy was corr'pte$ an$ per%erte$ @y the wor$s o? H'(i's 0%o(a< who p'@(ishe$ a(tere$ %ersions o? her worDs an$ wor$s 5 ori&ina((y prophesie$ that a 'ermanische .hristos wo'($ @e @orn o? lowl/ station in life0 @orn ?rom the wom@ o? a (ower c(ass woman who ha$ once (i%e$ (iDe a s(a%e. 1his man wo'($ @rin& a@o't the ret'rnin& o? the ancient races to the wor($ 5 this $escri@e$ the res'r&ence o? the wor($s ,o(D /e(i&ions < the 'n$erstan$in& o? the &iants3 e(%es3 $war%es3 an$ (an$spirits. 1his $escri@es the res'r&ence o? Asatr' as a wi$e(y practice$ ,o(D /e(i&ion amon&st the many Germanic peop(es. :hen I thinD o? Ma$ame ;(a%atsDyKs prophesy3 it @rin&s to my min$ S%ein@Jorn ;einteinsson. =ittorio 0man'e(e may ha%e attri@'te$ this 'ermanische .hristos to my se(? 3 in the @acD o? his min$ 5 $'e to the ?act that Asatr' is the 1ra$itiona( Germanic ,o(D /e(i&ion 3 I ha%e a sti&mata scar ?rom a tree3 as we(( as the ?act that H'(i's 0%o(a3 =ittorio 0man'e(e III3 an$ their partners attempte$ to misappropriate the %a('e o? the 'ermanische .hristos to A$o(? Hit(er. 1his s'@conscio's core(ation o? ;(a%atsDy to my se(?3 wo'($ ca'se rec'rrent @itter resentment in =ittorioKs min$. I ha%e a s'spicion that =ittorio 0man'e(e @e(ie%es that my emai(s (e$ to his ?ami(y @ein& $isco%ere$ as @ein& the ?ami(y o? A$o(? AHit(erA an$ the ?ami(y who contin'e$ to worD with H'(i's 0%o(a a?ter the ?a(( o? the 1hir$ /eich. It was act'a((y pri%ate in%esti&ators worDin& with in$i%i$'a(s in%o(%e$ in Mossa$ an$ most (iDe(y German mi(itary that $isco%ere$ A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(ia( ori&in. =ittorio 0man'e(e seems to @e o@sesse$ with the concept o? the Anti 7hrist an$ I @e(ie%e it possi@(e that the man may ha%e str'&&(e$ with the &'i(t o? possi@(y @ein& the (itera( Anti 7hrist his entire (i?e. H'(i's 0%o(a inherite$ the p(ans to an$ en&ineere$ the i$entity o? the 1hir$ /eich < attempte$ to systemica((y phase in a G(o@a( /oman Imperia( ,ascist Monarchy3 p'@(ishe$ his @astar$i>e$ per%ersion o? what was ori&ina((y G'i$o =on 4istKs worDs 'n$er the paraphrase$ worDs o? 9ar( Maria :i((i&'t 5 :i((i&'t @ein& cre$ite$ ?or 0%o(aKs creation $'e to H'(i's 0%o(aKs nee$ to p't a Germanic Pen Name on m'ch o? his p'@(ications in 2e'tsche(an$. H'(i's 0%o(a wrote three I'arters o? Mein 9amp? 5 attri@'tin& it to the ro(e

that A$o(? was p(ayin& as .aesar 'ermanicus AHit(erA 3 H'(i's 0%o(a a(tere$ sections o? ,rie$rich Niet>cheKs worDs 5 re wrote sections o? the most pop'(ar phi(osopher in 2e'tsche(an$ $'rin& the 1"*0Ks an$ (ater @(ame$ it on Niet>cheKs sister. 1he /oman 7aesar whom conI'ere$ Israe( cr'ci?ie$ Hes' 5 -esh'a the /a@@i. Since 1"503 many peop(e ha%e re?erre$ to A$o(? AHit(erA as the Anti 7hrist. A?ter =ittorio 0man'e(e tar&ette$ 0mi(y Is(es an$ my se(? < an attacD on the entire Asatr' comm'nity @e&an. ;y the a&e o? 1E< 0mi(y Is(es was a(rea$y the most (earne$ Asatr'ar I ha$ e%er spoDen to. 0mi(yKs Dnow(e$&e o? Asatr' was the eI'i%a(ent o? a priestess< an Asatr' '/thia. =ittorio 0man'e(e in his paranoia o@%io's(y @e(ie%e$ that 0mi(y ha$ @een to($ his ?ami(iesK secret an$ may ha%e to($ others within the &(o@a( Asatr' comm'nity. A$o(? Hit(erKs @o$y&'ar$s a(most a(( ha$ ?or&e$ I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. 1hese in$i%i$'a(s were a(most a(( entire(y o? miFe$ Ita(ian race an$ were So($iers o? the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Internationa( .r&ani>e$ 7rime Syn$icate. 9ar( Maria :i(i&'t3 Heinrich Himm(er3 Hoseph Goe@e(s3 an$ others were a(( o? miFe$ Ita(ian Sici(ian as we(( as other Nationa( 0thnic race. 1hese i$entities were ;irth 7erti?icates sto(en ?rom in$i%i$'a(s whom were (ater m'r$ere$ an$ rep(ace$ @y the 7o%ert 1errorist A&ents whom pro$'ce$ a(tere$ %ersions o? the sto(en ;irth 7erti?icates an$ I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s 5 @'rnin& the ori&ina( 4e$&ers an$ /ecor$s Dept @y the German Go%ernment as we(( as the A'strian Go%ernment3 to rep(ace the ori&ina( recor$s with their a(tere$ ?or&eries. H'(i's 0%o(a o?ten 'se$ these menKs ass'me$ i$entities as Pen Names ?or his (iterary worDs3 news paper artic(es3 an$ other propa&an$a pieces ?or the p'rpose o? p'ttin& a German or A'strian name on them. 1he p'rpose ?or this @ein& $one was to hi$e the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs en&ineerin& o? this Mi(itary 7o'p an$ 1ota( 2ecapitation o? State 5 =ittorio 0man'e(e was A$o(? Hit(erKs ha(? ;rother an$ H'(i's 0%o(a was open(y o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy as we(( as was H'(i's 0%o(a speech writer ?or a(( o? A$o(? Hit(erKs speeches an$ AHit(erKsA ?ictiona( @io&raphy AMein 9amp?A. A$o(? Hit(er was @orn o't o? we$(ocD ?rom an a??air 3 th's he co'($ not inherit a 1it(e o? No@i(ity 5 his ?ather arran&e$ ?or him to e%ent'a((y appear as i? he ha$ earne$ his 1it(e o? No@i(ity an$ /anD thro'&h conI'est 3 risin& ?rom a home(ess %eteran to a 9in& o? Germany <5 the ori&ina( 1h'(e Society which ha$ @een in?i(trate$ an$ $ecapitate$ @y Ho'se o? Sa%oy A&ents were o?ten ?ans o? /o@ert 0. Howar$Ks 7onan Series o? no%e(s an$ short stories @ein& that /o@ert 0. Howar$ @ase$ m'ch o? his worDs on Iron A&e 7'(t'res o? 0'rope an$ s'rro'n$in& re&ions. /o@ert 0. Howar$Ks @ooDs a(so containe$ re(i&ions @ase$ 'pon n'mero's ,o(D /e(i&ions o? 0'ropean peop(es as we(( as Semitic peop(es an$ other races o? peop(es 5 the ?o(D (ore concernin& U(tima 1h'(e was pre%e(ant in /o@ert 0. Howar$Ks worDs $'rin& the ear(y 1"00Ks. 1he ori&ina( 1h'(e Society was ?o'n$e$ $'rin& the 1800Ks @y a &ro'p o? in$i%i$'a(s whom were $e$icate$ to the re esta@(ishment o? the ,o(D /e(i&ions o? the 0'ropean peop(es an$ others 5 this or&ani>ation consi$ere$ the era prior to the esta@(ishment o? the /oman 0mpire to @e the Spirit'a( Go($en A&e o? 0'rope. 1he ori&ina( 1h'(e Society was an or&ani>ation which attracte$ o@ser%ant peop(es o? n'mero's ,o(D /e(i&ions3 Anthropo(o&ists3 Spirit'a(ists3 an$ others 5 it is pro@a@(e that @oth /o@ert 0. Howar$ an$ H.P. 4o%ecra?t were mem@ers o? a North American ?raterna( @ranch o? the ori&ina( 1h'(e Society an$ that the 1h'(e Society were some o? the ?irst in$i%i$'a(s to e%er recei%e copies o? /o@ert 0. Howar$Ks 7onan no%e(s prior to many o?

them e%en maDin& mass pro$'ction print. /o@ert 0. Howar$Ks 7onan no%e(s containe$ ta(es o? a (ocation inspire$ @y the (ore re&ar$in& U(tima 1h'(e < a 7ity State ?ar to the north across an eFpanse o? arctic c(imate s'rro'n$e$ @y an en%ironment o? a@so('te per?ect c(imate. In his (iterat're H'(i's 0%o(a re(ate$ the 1h'(e SocietyKs a((e&orica( (ore re&ar$in& U(tima 1h'(e to the (iDeness o? a man sca(in& Mo'nt 0%erest 5 a(tho'&h H'(i's 0%o(a $rew occaisiona((y 'pon so'rces re(e%ant to the 1h'(e Society3 his ?ami(y were hate?'( an$ an&ere$ @y itKs eFistence. 1he p'rpose o? H'(i's 0%o(aKs (iterat're was primari(y Syncretic Assimi(ation o? n'mero's Nationa( I$entities thro'&h metho$ o? Syncretic Assimi(ation o? their Phi(osophies an$ ,o(D 7'stoms inc('$e their ,o(D /e(i&ions 5 this was the Imperia( Metho$ o? Syncretic /oman Assimi(ation o? pa&an c'(t'res an$ nationa(ities. 1he ori&ina( 1h'(e Society was entire(y oppositiona( to the &oa(s o? the 2ynastic /oman Aristocratic ,ami(ies 3 the /oya( 0man'e(e ,ami(y o? 4om@ar$i 3 an$ the 1errorist G(o@a(ist 7rime Syn$icate which they ha$ cooperati%e(y ?o'n$e$ with other G(o@a( Imperia(ists in%o(%e$ in .r&ani>e$ 7rime. Anthony 2e?eo an$ 0$ :arren may ha%e @een recor$e$ ta(Din& a@o't this 5 it is a(so possi@(e that Anthony 2e?eo $isc'sse$ this with 0$ :arren 'nDnowin&(y eFposin& his Dnow(e$&e concernin& the 0man'e(e ?ami(y @ein& A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(y an$ the tr'e ori&ins o? the A6IS as we(( as H'(i's 0%o(aKs the 0%o(a ?ore?athersK contri@'tion to what @ecame the 3r$ /eich. 0$ :arren worDs $irect(y ?or =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ is a So($ier o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 1errorist A6IS 7rime Syn$icate 5 this is a ?act that Anthony 2e?eo may possi@(y ha%e ?ai(e$ to reco&ni>e whi(e worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n St. in Manchester NewHampshire @etween the years o? 200* an$ 200E. 0$ :arren may ha%e @een testin& Anthony to see i? Anthony wo'($ ta(D a@o't the past :ar 7rimes an$ c'rrent e%ents re&ar$in& =ittorio 0man'e(eKs ?ami(y as we(( as the 0%o(as an$ Mosta?a I@nSa'$5 these 1errorist :ar 7rimes an$ connections to the A6IS @ein& in%esti&ate$ @y Henry MaDowKs associate$ Pri%ate In%esti&ations Unit 3 their associates 3 my se(? 3 an$ what they incorrect(y percei%e$ were my own connections within the Asatr' an$ the Hewish comm'nity $'e to the simp(e ?act that these were ?rien$s an$ acI'antainces o? mine.

P .? re(ation to Anthony 2e?eoKs comments whi(e at worD 5 an e($er(y man name$ Geor&e ha$ spoDen the wor$s that ha$ @een mis attri@'te$ to Me( Gi@son p'@(ica((y a?ter Gi@sonKs @ein& tar&ette$ @y =ittorio 0man'e(e. Me( Gi@son was most pro@a@(y tar&ette$ @y =ittorio 0man'e(e $'e to 4a =o> 2e A>t(anKs appreciation o? Me( Gi@son an$ =ittorioKs o@sessi%e hatre$ o? any contact o? mine ?o'n$ in my 0mai( 4'&h2e2anaan^My:ay.7om Sent ;oF 3 o@%io's $'e to =ittorioKs paranoia at @ein& &(o@a((y eFpose$ as A$o(? Hit(erKs Gran$ Nephew. My 4'&h2e2anaan^ emai( acco'nt containe$ in itKs Sent ;oF a h'mo'ro's emai( which I ha$ sent to 4a =o> 2e A>t(an. ASheKs pro@a@(y &oin& to wa(D o't the $oor an$ &et rape$ @y a pacD o? wi($ ni&&ers.A which1 were #ld Man 'eorge%s1 wor$s recor$e$ $'rin& 200* 5 were the wor$s attri@'te$ to Me( Gi@son whom was a((e&e$(y ye((in& them at his wi?e. 0$ :arren ha$ ?o'n$ Geor&eKs statement hi(ario's an$ was (a'&hin& ?or ?o'r $ays a@o't it. 1his statement wo'($ not ha%e &otten Geor&e in any ?orm o? tro'@(e3 tho'&h I am positi%e that Geor&eKs ?ami(y are now pro@a@(y sta(Din& %ictims o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs. 1he $isc'ssion which may ha%e &otten Geor&e tar&ette$ @y =ittorio 0man'e(e was re&ar$in& the ?act

that the Nationa( Socia(ist German 4a@or Party reI'ire$ &enerations o? ;irth /ecor$s3 proo? o? German 7iti>enship3 an$ proo? o? 2e'tsche 0thnic Nationa(ity which were reI'ire$ ?rom app(icants in or$er to @ecome an o??icia( mem@er 5 A$o(? Hit(er was open(y $isc'sse$ as ha%in& 'se$ ,or&e$ I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s an$ ,or&e$ ;irth /ecor$s ?or p'rpose o? Joinin& the NS2AP 3 as we(( as was it $isc'sse$ that A$o(? Hit(er $i$ s'pp(y these necessary too(s o? espiona&e to the 1errorist 7o%ert A&ents whom were his @o$y &'ar$s an$ crimina( so($iers 55 Geor&e was ta(Din& a@o't this ?or a month. Geor&eKs ?ami(y may now @e sta(Din& %ictims $'e to his (o'$ $isc'ssion o? these ?acts 5 I am not certain o? Geor&eKs s'rname @'t ?acts which I can pro%i$e concernin& his i$entity are his race which was proporte$(y ,ranco American 3 Po(ish 3 H'n&arian 3 an$ Ita(ian. A(so o? Dnow(e$&e to my se(? was that Geor&e was in his E0Ks o? a&e3 was a@o't 5KEA3 an$ o?ten wore a @each hat simi(ar to a Gi((i&an Hat 5 this @ein& the same sty(e o? hat which Hoey Marini was constant(y wearin& @etween 200! 200". 1hese $isc'ssions were a(( recor$e$ @y Sec'rity S'r%ei((ance 0I'ipment which 'p(oa$e$ to internet an$ transmitte$ e(ectronica((y 'pon @ein& sent to Home .??ice 5 these sec'rity transmissions 3 as we(( as any i((e&a( Impro%ise$ /ecor$in& 2e%ices which =ittorio 0man'e(e ha$ pai$ 0$ :arren to insta(( at the Manchester NewHampshire 4inco(n St. ,ami(y 2o((ar (ocation 5 a(( transmitte$ e(ectronica((y an$ were accessi@(e to 7omp'ter HacDers as we(( as are they accessi@(e to Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartments which ha$ recor$e$ this 0(ectronic 1ransmission an$ ha$ 'n$o'@te$(y store$ them in their (i@rary. It is pro@a@(e that =ittorio 0man'e(e3 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e3 an$ their associates o@sessi%e(y watche$ these recor$in&s an$ o@sessi%e(y (istene$ to con%ersations 5 this res'(te$ in the sta(Din& an$ &enoci$a( tar&ettin& o? n'mero's ?ami(ies an$ networDs o? ci%i(ian pop'(ation. P At some point $'rin& the years 200* an$ 2005 5 it was $isc'sse$ that the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs A&ents in 2e'tsche(an$ an$ A$o(? Hit(er $'rin& the 1"*0Ks 3 @e&an assassinatin& a(( o? the 2e'tsche(an$ers who were o? (on& stan$in& an$ presti&io's position or ranD within the Nationa( Socia(ist 2e'tsche 4a@o'r Party an$ (ie$ a@o't why these in$i%i$'a(s were Di((e$. A$o(? 0ichmann was assassinate$ ?or the s'ppose$ reason that he was 1N8 Israe(i < which he ?act'a((y was 3 @'t was one o? the most respecte$ mem@ers o? the NS2AP an$ one o? the (on&est stan$in& mem@ers o? the party. /'$o(? Hess ?(ew to the U.9. to warn the U.9. o? A$o(? Hit(erKs re&ime < he we &i%en pri%ate I'arters 3 a?terwhich he was assassinate$ @y some A&ent o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy that han&e$ him in the room he ha$ @een a((owe$ to s(eep in 5 /'$o(? Hess was a we(( respecte$ an$ (on& stan$in& mem@er o? the NS2AP. Gerhar$t /home was assassinate$ ?or the s'ppose$ reason o? treason an$ $e?ection to the So%iet Union. P 2'rin& the year 200* an$ 2005 3 it was $isc'sse$ that A$o(? Hit(er may ha%e @een swappe$ with a @o$y $o'@(e an$ escape$ ?rom 2e'tsche(an$ @y metho$ o? a Amachia%e((iA 5 this eFact metho$ @ein& the &roomin& o? a crimina( ?rom a prison in Ita(ia to (ooD i$entica( to A$o(? Hit(er 3 the transportation o? this crimina( ?rom the prison in Ita(ia to the ;'nDer in ;er(in 3 the $ressin& o? this 'nconscio's crimina( in A$o(? Hit(erKs 'ni?orm 3 an$ the shootin& o? this imposte'r in the hea$ with a pisto( to maDe it appear as i? A$o(? Hit(er ha$ committe$ s'ici$e. 1his scenario is %ery pro@a@(e an$ it is a pro@a@i(ity that he sha%e$ his ?ace an$ hair an$ escape$ into Ita(ia. 1he story that A$o(? Hit(er resc'e$

;enito M'sso(ini ?rom Prison in Ita(ia twice is i((o&ica( an$ near(y an impossi@i(ity 5 it is pro@a@(e that A$o(? Hit(er may ha%e e%en @een (ocDe$ in the %ery prison that the crimina( ha$ @een transporte$ ?rom who was 'se$ to Machia%e((i him. 2epen$in& 'pon the physica( (ocation o? the Prison 3 a Prison is not necessari(y an 'nsa?e p(ace $'rin& a mi(itary in%asion $'e it @ein& an 'nnecessary tar&et to striDe. ;enito M'sso(ini was (oya( to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ it is pro@a@(e that his ?ami(y were 9ni&hts o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 5 it is impro@a@(e that ;enito M'sso(ini was e%er imprisone$ $'rin& the Secon$ :or($ :ar. It is a $e?inite possi@i(ity that the ?(aye$ corpse o? A;enito M'sso(iniA which was $isp(aye$ to the p'@(ic was ?act'a((y a crimina( ?rom a prison 5 the @o$y was so ?(aye$ @y ra>ors that it was $i??ic'(t to i$enti?y an$ it is a pro@a@i(ity that the A?(ayin& o? M'sso(iniA was sta&e$ ?or p'rpose o? a%ertin& in%esti&ation into the Ho'se o? Sa%oy $'rin& the 'pcomin& Mi(itary :ar 7rimes 1ri@'na( that occ'rre$ at N'rem@'r&. M'ch o? this theory wo'($ eFp(ain the 0man'e(esK o@session with M'r$er 2ec(are$ as S'ici$e an$ Machia%e((i. In the year 1""" 3 7ait(in B'inn an$ 2anie((e 4e;(anc ha$ $isc'sse$ this with me. P A r'mo'r $'rin& 200* was that the AShro'$ o? 1'rinA which was s'ppose$(y the A;'ria( Shro'$ o? 7hristA was act'a((y an attempt to $is&'ise the ?act that A$o(? Hit(erKs ?act'a( ?ina( restin& p(ace was a cemetary in 1'rino Ita(ia. A?ter H'(i's 0%o(a an$ A$o(? Hit(er misappropriate$ Ma$ame ;(a%atsDyKs prophesy to A$o(? Hit(erKs i$entity $'rin& the 3r$ /eich 3 A$o(? Hit(er was occaisiona((y ca((e$ AGermanische 7hristosA. P .? possi@(e re(ation to =ittorio 0man'e(e a$mittin& to ha%in& a &ay son in Massach'settes name$ Aaron whom was a$opte$ to a ?ami(y in Massach'settes 5 .($ Man Geor&e ma$e a statement which re(ate$ to this3 AHa%e yo' e%er pisse$ o?? a &ay 3 IanM I mean3 pisse$ them o?? so m'ch that they hate yo' an$ want to $estroy e%erythin& a@o't yo'M 1hey are catty3 they ?i&ht (iDe women 5 they are passi%e a&&ressi%ist an$ they wi(( stop at nothin& to $estroy yo'r (i?e.A P Another thin& Geor&e ha$ sai$ which re(ate$ to these e%ents 5 AHa%e yo' e%er hear$ o? the ;oy :ho 7rie$ :o(? 3 IanM .ne $ay yo' wi(( remem@er .($ Man Geor&e an$ remem@er that I sai$ this.A - Since the *eginning of 8ittorio &manuele's o*sessi0e hatre) of m5 self: I ha%e s'r%i%e$ m'(tip(e poisonin&s an$ attempte$ poisonin&s. It has @een ma$e eFtreme(y o@%io's that =ittorio 0man'e(e is o@sesse$ with the concept o? poisonin& his a$%ersaries3 witho't e%er showin& his ?ace as the &'i(ty party. I ha%e hear$ nicDnames which his peop(e ha%e @een re?errin& to me @y 3 these @ein& < 1oto #the 7airn 1errier ?rom 1he :i>ar$ o? .C5 a 7airn @ein& a @ree$ ?rom Scot(an$) 3 n'mero's re?erences to At(i ;'$(ason + Atti(a the H'n 8 3 Athe Sit'ationA3 an$ re?erences to Si&'r$ =o(s'n&. =ittorio 0man'e(e seems to ha%e an o@session with the Sa&a o? the =o(s'n&s + the Ni@e('n&en(ie$ 8 in partic'(ar the ?act that Si&'r$Ks son is the ?irst =o(s'n& to e%er @e s'scepta@(e to poison. Atti(a ;'$(ason was a(so ?ata((y poisone$ < the /oman 0mperor pai$ a s(a%e woman to poison At(i3 taintin& his wine an$ ?oo$ with the poisone$ @(oo$ o? his own two sons 5 the mea( was ?e$ to him in @ow(s ma$e ?rom his own sonsK sD'((s. .nce3 some@o$y attempte$ to poison me with poison in my mea$< &o($en h'e$ home@rewe$ mea$ which ha$ the appearance o? @(oo$ ?(oatin& in it. A(so< (iDe Si&'r$

an$ Si&&eir 3 one o? 0man'e(eKs a&ents attempte$ to poison me with poisone$ A(e 5 ?ort'nate(y I spat it o't an$ $'mpe$ the rest o? the @ott(e3 near(y ?aintin& a?terwar$s ?rom (i&hthea$e$ness. Si&'r$ =o(s'n& an$ At(i ;'$(ason are @oth part o? Asatr' (ore an$ appear in the same stories. Si&'r$ is a re(ate$ concept in%o(%in& the An$ers ;ra$en ;rei%iD attacD < I @e(ie%e An$ers was a %ictim o? the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icateKs Ne'roScience =i%isections an$ PS-7H :A/,A/0 campai&n. :hen my yo'n&est sisters were seperate$ < 7he(sey was 10 an$ S'mmer was 8 soon to @e " 5 7he(sey was taDen hosta&e @y Ita(ians an$ possi@(y Ser@ians worDin& ?or =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ swappe$ with another %ictim. 1his Grimnisma( is o? sym@o(ic re(e%ance $'e to =ittorio 0man'e(eKs hatre$ o? Asatr'3 0mi(y Is(es3 an$ my ?ami(y. 1he Grimnisma( te((s the story o? 9in& Geirro$ o? the Goths < who was 8 when he sent his @rother to sea on a @oat with no oars3 (ater to @ecome Din& ahea$ o? him. He is ?o'n$ to @e tyrannica( an$ is inhospita@(e towar$ a wan$erin& o($ man name$ Grimnir3 (ooDin& ?or she(ter $'rin& the winter < who (ater re%ea(s himse(? to @e .$in 5 a?terwhich 9in& Geirro$ is s(ain @y his own ?ate when he ?a((s on his own @(a$e an$ $ies< $'e to the hospita(ity o? his son3 his son @ecomes Din& instea$.1he (ine o? =o(s'n& an$ At(i ;'$(ason @oth @ein& roya(ty mirrors =ittorioKs o@session with his position in (i?e5 0mi(y Is(es an$ my se(? were @oth st'$yin& Asatr' 4ore aro'n$ the time when =ittorio tar&ette$ 's. It is eFtreme(y apparent that the hate?'( an$ Jea(o's =ittorio 0man'e(e has a(so tar&ette$ 0(i>a@eth Hano%er an$ her ?ami(y. * Chelse5+ ta.en *5 the &manuele-&0ola S5n)icate : 1e),ugor,e an) the significance of the Bosnian Hea) !arlan) -: :hi(e I was emp(oye$ @y 2'nDin 2on'ts at the Ma(( o? NewHampshire in Manchester NewHampshire5 a ?at Ita(ian man with c'stom tai(ore$ &ent(emanKs ?inery approache$ me an$ ma(icio's(y (a'&he$ at me whi(e I was worDin&. He was wearin& an eFtreme(y eFpensi%e %inta&e sty(e c'stom tai(ore$ s'it3 an eFpensi%e %inta&e (ooDin& tie3 an$ a &o($ pocDet watch. A?ter this ha$ occ'rre$ < a man o? ;a(tic ethnicity came into the ma(( an$ tooD a (on& (ooD at me ?rom @ehin$ the (ine o? c'stomers. He (ooDe$ as i? he was tryin& to (ooD %ery simi(ar to my ?ather an$ $resse$ simi(ar(y @'t was wearin& a sha& wi& parte$ on the si$e. 4ater that month< I saw a &ir( who (ooDe$ i$entica( to my sister 7he(sey /ain MacPherson wearin& a ;osnian hea$ &ar(an$3 @ein& (e$ o't o? the ma(( @y a man towar$s a car in the parDin& (ot o? the Ma(( o? New Hampshire5 it a(most (ooDe$ (iDe her wrists were @o'n$ in ?ront o? her as her han$s were in a prayin& position. She (ooDe$ terri?ie$. I @e(ie%e 7he(sey was swappe$ with another %ictim who has @een preten$in& to @e 7he(sey 'n$er threats ?rom =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 1errorist Syn$icate. I ha%e o%erhear$ my ?ather twice 3 so'n$in& incre$i@(y 'ncom?orta@(e whi(e ta(Din& to a A=ictorA on his ce(( phone. =ictor Mann3 =itorrio 0man'e(e3 an$ =ictor McMann are three a(iases =ittorio 0man'e(e 'ses an$ occaisiona((y has on his cre$it car$s3 1wo years prior to this the 2epartment o? Motor =ehic(es in Manchester New Hampshire was in%esti&ate$ an$ some o? the emp(oyees were arreste$ ?or printin& $'p(icate I$enti?ication 7ar$s with terroristsK ?aces on car$s containin& the act'a( i$enti?ication in?ormation o? ci%i(ians who (ooD simi(ar to the p'rchaser. 1his was aro'n$ the eFact $ate that a ma?ia ?ami(y poisone$ my co??ee with @(acD mo($. 1he 2'nDin 2on'ts ?ranchise that I was worDin& ?or was owne$ @y the S9/I=AN.S ,AMI4- 7./P./A1I.N< whi(e I

was worDin& ?or them3 2'nDin 2on'ts starte$ printin& 20U1S7H0;AN9 &i?tcar$s. 1here is no 20U1S7H0;AN9 in the USA5 20U1S7H0;AN9 was the @anD that A$o(? Hit(er 'se$ to store ha(? o? the wea(th that he tooD ?rom the Hews as we(( as the other %ictims in 2e'tsche(an$ in the 1"*0Ks3 coinci$ent(y it was the on(y ha(? o? the pi((a&e$ wea(th which was e%er reco%era@(e. A(so o? note< the Ita(ian Ma?ias as we(( as the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icate ha%e @een worDin& with a terrorist crime syn$icate in%o(%e$ in &enoci$e an$ seF tra??icDin& near the re&ion s'rro'n$in& Me$J'&orJe 5 Ser@ia3 ;osnia3 7roatia. A ?ew years a?ter this 5 I o%erhear$ S'mmer sayin& to the imposte'r 7he(sey AI miss the o($ 7he(sey. I want the rea( 7he(sey @acD. -o'Kre not 7he(sey.A . I ha%e @een consi$erin& the possi@i(ity that the &ir( (i%in& at my ,atherKs ho'se with S'mmer is not o'r sister3 7he(sey. I @e(ie%e the &ir( @ein& (e$ thro'&h the ma(( an$ o't into the parDin&(ot to a %ehic(e @y a stran&e (ooDin& man3 was 7he(sey. I @e(ie%e that =ittorio 0man'e(e has @een 'sin& her to Deep my ,atherKs mo'th sh't a@o't what has @een happenin& aro'n$ here. 1he &ir( preten$in& to @e 7he(sey is most (iDe(y Di$nappe$ ?rom e(sewhere. ;y swappin& the %ictims3 the two ?ami(ies can easi(y @e contro((e$ @y the 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate. 1his is a 1/A,,I79ING H.S1AG0 SI1UA1I.N. 1he 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icate has @een in%o(%e$ in H'man 1ra??icDin& 3 1errorism3 Genoci$e3 an$ Heirarcha( 2ecapitation o? Go%ernments ?orei&n to their own ?or 150 years. 1he 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icate worDs with a ?ami(y re(ate$ to the I@n Sa'$ ?ami(y o? Sa'$i Ara@ia 5 a re(ate$ wea(thy ?ami(y in%o(%e$ in a 1errorist 7orporati%ist 7rime Syn$icate with connections in A?rica3 the Mi$$(e 0ast3 an$ e(sewhere. =ittorio 0man'e(eKs ?ami(y a(so worDs with a ?ami(y re(ate$ to the /oya( ,ami(y o? Ser@ia < a re(ate$ wea(thy ?ami(y in%o(%e$ in a 1errorist 7orporati%ist 7rime Syn$icate in the ;a(tic re&ion as we(( as 0astern 0'rope. 1he ;osnian hea$ &ar(an$ is o? re(e%ance $'e to the ?act that Me$J'&orJe is in ;osnia < my entire (i?e3 my mother has @een warnin& me o? the comin& o? the Anti 7hrist as &(o@a( conI'eror an$ o? the MarD o? the ;east3 a Ahe(( on earthA s(a%e system in%o(%in& e(ectronic s'r&ica( imp(ants $'rin& itKs creation m'(tip(e ho(oca'sts wo'($ occ'r &(o@a((y 5 she sai$ this prophecy was ?rom Me$J'&orJe. It is possi@(e the Ita(ians an$ Ser@ians co'($ ha%e @ro'&ht her to Me$J'&orJe ?or a time< I $onKt Dnow where she is now. Yet again+ this *rings to min) &) Barren's statement to "nthon5 2efeo in the mi))le of the store near the greeting car)s+ -hen he state) /%his is going to *e li.e in0asion of the *o)5 snatchers+ )u)e3/ * Si@ #oman Horns : 1he same year $'rin& which the poisonin& (ater occ'rre$3 approFimate(y ?i%e s'spicio's (ooDin& in$i%i$'a(s wearin& Ita(ian /oman Horn Pen$ants approache$ me whi(e I was worDin& at 2'nDin 2on'ts. I a(so met an in$i%i$'a( wearin& one o? them at an acI'antainces apartment in Manchester3 his name was 2.H. 1his ma$e a tota( o? siF horns 5 I saw a !th horn in Nash'a $'rin& 2012 at the So'p 9itchen when a man sat $own at the ta@(e I was sittin& at. 1his was a(( in one monthKs time $'rin& 200!3 which was the same month that my ?rien$ Michae( Smith was &i%in& an e$'cationa( Asatr' seminar at Pa&an Pri$e $ay in Manchester New Hampshire. 2.H. (ooDe$ re(ate$ to a man I 'se$ to ta(D to on A.I.M. whom ran$om(y contacte$ my se(? an$ ha$ sent me his Myspace Pro?i(e 4inD aro'n$ 200* 5 the manKs name was Aaron an$ he c(aime$ to (i%e in Mans?ie($ Massach'settes. Aaron an$ 2.H. @oth physica((y (ooDe$ to @e ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs (itera( ha(? @rothers < their @irth$ates coinci$e with the approFimate

time perio$ $'rin& which H'(i's 0%o(a ha$ $ie$ an$ imme$iate(y a?terwar$3 their a&es @ein& approFimate(y 2E to *5. Aaron ha$ to($ me $'rin& an A.4 Instant Messa&er con%ersation a?ter he ha$ a$$e$ me as a ?rien$ on MySpace that he was a$opte$ in the North 0ast re&ion o? the USA @y a mem@er o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen 5 'pon maDin& one o? his appearances at ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n st. in Manchester NewHampshire < =ittorio 0man'e(e a$mitte$ to me that Aaron was his son an$ that Aaron was &ay. 2.H. was a(so a$opte$ @y a ?ami(y in North America. Aaron ne%er to($ me how it was that he ?o'n$ my screenname. Henry MaDow an$ his &'ys occaisiona((y wrote artic(es a@o't the AHi$$en ;(oo$(ines o? the I(('minatiA 5 whi(e preparin& ?or G(o@a( 7onI'est< a shrew$ s'r%i%a(ist wo'($ (o&ica((y hi$e n'mero's heirs to their throne3 ?or the p'rpose o? a%ertin& comp(ete eFec'tion o? their ?ami(y sho'($ they @e $e?eate$ in their &oa( o? G(o@a( 7onI'est. H'(i's 0%o(a wo'($ ha%e a(so $e?inite(y hi$$en some o? his own s'ccessors. ,i((i@erto has @een Dnown to 'se the name Phi( an$ Phi((ip whi(e in the Unite$ States o? America. He has sta(De$ n'mero's ?rien$s an$ acI'aintances o? mine3 'sin& the name Phi(. 7he(sea A%i(as met him whi(e he was 'sin& the a(ias APhi(A as we(( as 7har(es 2es/ochiers whom Dnew him as APhi(.A 7har(es 2es /ochiersKs ?ather is an associate o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs who Dnows him @y the name A=ictorA. 7har(ie went to ,(ori$a E years a&o with my sister Sheena < when he came @acD3 the woman he ha$ with him who has since @een c(aimin& to @e Sheena an$ has her i$enti?ication paperworD is not my sister. 1his woman (ooDs somewhat (iDe Sheena @'t her hips are narrower an$ her eye socDets are m'ch (ar&er an$ ro'n$er 5 she (ooDs to @e the same race as my ?ami(y. 1he woman c(aimin& that she is Sheena has @een a?rai$ to te(( 's who she is. My ?ather has @een on the phone with A=ictorA in the past an$ so'n$e$ scare$. I co'($ hear him in the other room sayin& to =ictor I'iet(y A:hy isnKt she @acD yetM She has @een &one ?or a (on& time. 1his is not oD. :hen is she &oin& to @e &ettin& @acDMA. At the So'p 9itchen in Nash'a NewHampshire 3 where I ha$ @een &ettin& ?oo$ ?or a year 5 n'mero's con%ersations which ha$ occ'rre$ @etween my se(? an$ /o@ =an Horn ha$ @een I'ote$ @y a %o('nteer at the So'p 9itchen an$ a man whom ?reI'ent(y eats $inner there < my 'nc(e ;ryant ha$ a(so ?reI'ent(y eaten $inner at the So'p 9itchen in Nash'a whi(e home(ess. ;ryantKs @est ?rien$ was Pa'( Mi((er whom was Hewish 5 Pa'( Mi((er has possi@(y @een rep(ace$ @y a Sici(ian whom has @een preten$in& to @e Hewish. Pa'( Mi((erKs &ran$ parents an$ parents ha$ s'r%i%e$ the Ho(oca'st an$ ha$ Prisoner N'm@er 1attoos on some o? their ?orearms. Pa'( ?ormer(y (i%e$ in Nash'a. NewHampshire. My a'nt 2ianneKs mother Irma 3 was A'strian 5 her entire (i?e she ha$ Post 1ra'matic Stress 2isor$er an$ A&orapho@ia $'e to @om@in&s which ha$ occ'rre$ $'rin& the 3r$ /eichKs conI'est o? A'stria. IrmaKs ?ami(y (e?t A'stria imme$iate(y a?ter the ?a(( o? the 3r$ /eich $'e to @e eFtreme(y tra'mati>e$ @y the war. It is pro@a@(e that $'rin& their sta(Din& o? my ?ami(y 5 these ?acts an&ere$ =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ his ?ami(y $'e to their ina@i(ity to contro( the en%ironment an$ $isc'ssion o? s'ch ?acts concernin& the 3r$ /eich. * 2373's Bolf Pen)ant : :hen I met A2.H.A 0man'e(e 3 he was wearin& two pen$ants on si(%er chains 5 this pen$ant was a sma(( wo(?Ks hea$ %iewe$ ?rom the top o? the hea$ 3 ha%in& @oth ears at the top an$ the nose pointe$ $ownwar$. I @e(ie%e that this :o(? Pen$ant may ha%e represente$ I (ater saw this :o(? Hea$ Pen$ant han&in& ?rom a tacD

on the wa(( at a manKs apartment in Manchester 5 I asDe$ him where he &ot it3 he to($ me it was his ?rien$Ks necD(ace. 1he man whom (ater ha$ this pen$ant on his wa(( a(so ha$ an i((e&a((y owne$ scorpion in a tanD which was eFtreme(y poisono's an$ was possi@(y ?rom 0&ypt or Sa'$i Ara@ia. * 2373 ha) light *lue e5es -ith a *ro-n spec.le in one e5e3 In 200! whi(e I was %isitin& Me&an McG'ire3 who (i%e$ on Pine St. in Manchester New Hampshire 5 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eYs ha(? @rother 2.H. was %isitin& Me&an 3 he c(aime$ that he nee$e$ an o($ @(anD =HS tape ?or a sca%en&er h'nt. Me&an McG'ireYs MySpace an$ ,ace;ooD acco'nt was ca((e$ Gerar$ 1he /ain@ow 2icDe$ :on$er 3 she was ?ormer(y on my ?rien$s (ist 5 she was wearin& a $octorYs $'st masD an$ ha$ her hair @rai$e$. .n the $ay when 2.H. was asDin& Me&an i? she ha$ an o($ @(anD =HS tape 5 I share$ a Me$iterranean Pi>>a with the two o? them which I ha$ p'rchase$ ?rom .(ymp's Pi>>a in Manchester New Hampshire. At the time 3 I $i$ not Dnow that 2.H. was ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs ha(? @rother 5 now I Dnow this is the ?act'a( tr'th. 1he e%enin& that I met 2.H. < Michae( Smith ha$ &i%en a (ect're a@o't /'nes an$ Asatr' at Pa&an Pri$e 2ay in the parD across ?rom the Manchester New Hampshire P'@(ic 4i@rary ear(ier $'rin& the same $ay. As I pre%io's(y state$3 2.H. ha$ (i&ht @('e eyes with a @rown specD(e in one iris 5 this is worth mentionin& $'e to the stran&e series o? coinci$ences which occ'rre$ a?terwar$s. 1his was aro'n$ the approFimate $ate that Me&an was ta(Din& to Army /ecr'iters. ApproFimate(y two months (ater 3 MiDe Smith an$ 7athryn ;'rDe were &i%en a si@erian h'sDy @y a ?rien$ ?rom New Hersey 3 they name$ the H'sDy /'na. /'naKs eyes were the typica( pa(e @('e o? a Si@erian H'sDy < one eye howe%er3 ha$ a @rown specD(e on the iris in the same (ocation as 2.H.Ks @rown specD(e$ iris. 1he $onation o? the $o& to MiDe an$ 7at seeme$ to @e intentiona(3 a(most as i? some@o$y in the 0man'e(e ?ami(y ha$ han$ picDe$ the $o& an$ &i%en or$ers to some@o$y c(ose to MiDe an$ 7at to &i%e to them /'na as a &i?t. =ittorio 0man'e(e seems to (iDe to portray himse(? as i? he has eyes an$ ears e%erywhere. Aro'n$ the eFact same $ate < my co'sin 7hristopher Io$ice was &i%en a @rown eye$ Si@erian H'sDy the eFact same a&e as /'na which may ha%e @een ?rom the same pacD somehow. My co'sin 7hristopher an$ his twin @rother Michae( are @oth ha(? ita(ian an$ ha%e @rown eyes3 their ?ather A( Io$ice is o? a %ery /oman ethnic stocD 5 =ittorio 0man'e(e 3 noticin& this < wo'($ ha%e imme$iate(y tho'&ht o? /om'('s an$ /em's3 the twin ?o'n$ers o? /ome who were raise$ as in?ants in the ?orest @y a ?ema(e wo(?. I @e(ie%e 2.H. was AaronKs ha(? @rother an$ that he an$ Aaron are re(ate$ to ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e $irect(y5 possi@(y ha(? @rothers. 2.H. was wearin& an Ita(ian /oman Horn pen$ant3 as were n'mero's sta(Ders o? mine 5 a(( recor$e$ @y sec'rity cameras at this time. Me&an < the woman who intro$'ce$ me to 2.H. 5 (ie$ to me a@o't her ethnicity 3 te((in& me that she was ;e(&ian an$ Gae(ic. Me&an was $e?inite(y Ita(ian. 7athryn ;'rDe is ethnic An&(o Gae(ic American as we(( as ethnic ;e(&ian. .n the ;('tUn$;o$ @(o& ?or'ms < my screen name was Am@ioriF 3 name$ a?ter 9in& Am@io o? the ;e(&ae. 7athryn ;'rDe is a(so ori&ina((y ?rom New Hersey. 1here is a(so a woman who has @een preten$in& to @e An&e(iI'e ;oy$ 5 she (ooDs A(@anian3 Ita(ian3 an$ 2e'tsche. An&e(iI'e ;oy$ is An&(o Gae(ic American an$ ,ranco American. An&e(iI'e ;oy$ mentione$ meetin& a ?rien$ o? her eF @oy?rien$Ks name$ APhi(A 3 APhi(A was $escri@e$ as @ein& o@sesse$ with appearin& @etter than any other person in his

presense 5 ha%in& the nee$ to Aone 'pA anyone any time that they state somethin& re(atin& to their accomp(ishments or har$ships in (i?e3 statin& that his ha%e @een one step &reater or one step more $i??ic'(t. 1his woman may @e a re(ati%e o? theirs somehow3 an associateKs $a'&hter3 or e%en a &ran$$a'&hter o? H'(i's 0%o(aKs. 1hese peop(e are tryin& to hi$e their @(oo$(ine in the homes o? their %ictims. As I ha%e state$ 5 the 2epartment o? Motor%ehic(es in Manchester New Hampshire was ca'&ht printin& ?a(se i$enti?ication car$s ?or crimina(s. An&e(iI'e ;oy$Ks mother has a(so @een hospita(i>e$ in the same hospita( as my se(? in the past. 2'rin& the year 200! 5 Me&an McG'ire c(aime$ that she was attemptin& to en(ist in the Army. 2'rin& this time3 2.H. c(aime$ that he was worDin& at a :a(Mart. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs ha(? @rother 2.H. mentione$ that he @e(ie%e$ some@o$y wo'($ @e A7ame( Spi$erin&A the USA soon. A 7ame( Spi$er is a creat're that wi(( J'mp onto the @e((ies o? 7ame(Ks 5 it inJects itKs n'm@in& anaesthesia into the 7ame(Ks ?(esh3 a?ter which it eats the (i%in& 7ame(Ks ?(esh 'n@eDnownst to the 7ame(. * %-ice in ;==D : I notice$ an ita(ian (ooDin& man wa(Din& thro'&h the ,ami(y 2o((ar store I 'se$ to worD at who Dept (ooDin& o%er his sho'($er at me. He was a@o't 313 ha$ a @'>>c't 5 sha%e$ on the si$es an$ short on the top3 an$ a so'( patch @e(ow his (ip. He ha$ a tattoo on his @icep. I ha%e since reco&ni>e$ this man as the pict're o? Hosh'a ;'cD(ey in the 1-/ H.U/NA4 R3 . 1he pict'res in 1-/ Ho'rna( R1 an$ R2 $o not (ooD (ooD (iDe the &'y who came into ,ami(y 2o((ar at a(( < 1-/ Ho'rna( R3 (ooDs i$entica(. Sometimes photo an&(es can chan&e a(ot a@o't a personKs appearance3 @'t Hosh'a ;'cD(ey $i$ not write an artic(e in 1yr Ho'rna( R3. He was ori&ina((y ?rom the 7onnectic't re&ion3 near New Hersey 5 $'e to the (ar&e n'm@er o? peop(e c'rrent(y missin& in this re&ion 3 %a(i$atin& an in$i%i$'a(Ks i$entity is eFtreme(y important with this happenin&. * &0entuall5+ in ;==F E I attempte$ to &et @acD into contact with my @rie? penpa( < a Hewish man in 7ana$a name$ Henry MaDow 5 @y way o? emai(. His response to my emai( was wor$e$ eFact(y the same as the wor$s which I ha$ spoDen to the Sici(ian man who ha$ come into ,ami(y 2o((ar pretending to @e Henry MaDow. 1o me this man ha$ sai$ AI in%ente$ the @oar$ &ame Scr'p(es3 ha%e yo' e%er hear$ o? meMA to which I rep(ie$ 3 AI am sorry... I $o not Dnow who yo' are.A . 1his o($er Sici(ian man was o@%io's(y sent @y the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icate to maDe a s'@t(e threat @y mentionin& Henry MaDow3 who $i$ in ?act in%ent the &ame Scr'p(es3 an$ @y han$in& me a 7hristian ;roch're 's'a((y han$e$ o't @y +rosl/ti2ing .hristians $own the roa$ ?rom where my Gran$?ather /ona($ 4a%oieKs cotta&e is at &ampton -each. 1he wor$s which I spoDe to him were %ery simi(ar to the wor$s spoDen to esus in the &ol/ -ible 3 $'rin& the scene @e?ore his 7r'ci?iFion when some o? his acI'antainces $enie$ Dnowin& him prior to H'$as eFposin& his (ocation to the /oman Mi(itary Po(ice. 1his seems @e?ittin& o? =ittorioKs re(i&io centric s'perstitio's paranoia 3 @ein& that I apparent(y spoDe these eFact wor$s to the cr'ci?ier himse(?. :hat is stran&e is the ?act that two years (ater5 the imposte'r operatin& the Henry MaDow we@site sti(( remem@ere$ my name an$ spoDe the eFact wor$s to me which I ha$ spoDen to the man impersonatin& Henry MaDow3 the man who was 'n$o'@te$(y in ?act a Ma?iosa worDin& ?or the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icate.

* CONC&#NIN! :'s: %H& & 2&# Y 1"$IOS" whom ha$ 'ns'cess?'((y impersonate$ Henry MaDow (ooDe$ re(ate$ to 1A-4AKS G/AN2,A1H0/ as we(( as the o($ Sici(ian ma?iosa preten$in& to @e 1IAKs G/AN2,A1H0/ 5 1H0 1H/00 4..9 4I90 ;/.1H0/S. 1he Sici(ian preten$in& to @e 1iaKs Gran$?ather (ooDe$ i$entic(e to the man who wa(De$ o't the $oors o? the ma(( with who I (ater $isco%ere$ was (itera((y my sister3 7he(sey MacPherson. 1his is o@%io's(y a si&n o? =ittorio 0man'e(e tryin& to war$ o?? his Paranoi$ S'perstition @ein& that the 7(an MacPherson has @een Dnown in the past as the .lan of the $hree -rothers0 my ,ather has two @rothers3 my ,atherKs ?ather ha$ two @rothers as we(( < a(so3 .$in has two @rothers =i(i an$ =e. 1here are a(so three Norns 5 Ur$3 =er$an$i3 an$ SD'($. :hen =ittorio 0man'e(e met me ?ace to ?ace 5 I was wearin& a 1risDe(ion pen$ant on a chain necD(ace aro'n$ my necD. 1he American @orn 2e'stche(an$er that I Dnew ?rom schoo(3 h'mo'ro's(y &a%e me a n'm@er 3 in his mocD racist heirarcha( pecDin& or$er 5 he on(y &a%e the Ita(ians a 5. 0$ :arren was ca((in& ;en Athe 1 2 3 9i$A aro'n$ the same time that he was wa(Din& aro'n$ chantin& A=ictorio's3 =ictorio's3 =ictorio'sA an$ o?ten maDin& marchin& so'n$s simi(ar to a /oman (e&ionaire. I now ha%e a 1risDe(ion @e(t @'cD(e on a DnotworD @e(t ?rom Ire(an$3 I was wearin& this aro'n$ the time $'rin& which I was worDin& at 2'nDin 2on'ts 5 it was c(ear(y %isi@(e @eca'se my shirt was t'cDe$ in. 1ay(aKs &ran$?ather tooD two te(ephone ca((s ?rom =ictor a?ter he ha$ in%ite$ me o%er to his ho'se. * OB S : I ha$ @een postin& ?or a@o't a year an$ a ha(? on ;('tUn$;o$en.7om . I was in%ite$ to post on this messa&e @oar$ @y a certain internet persona(ity 5 A0ric Smith aDa 0riD Schmi$tA proporte$(y o? A(a@ama. Hi$ screenname was Morty ?o((owe$ @y some n'm@ers3 he c(aime$ to @e o? Hewish an$ ;ritish ancestry. Interestin&(y eno'&h3 0ric Schmi$t is the name o? the man who ?o'n$e$ G..G40. Aro'n$ this time3 some@o$y ha$ poste$ what appeare$ to @e a possi@(e %i$eo recor$in& o? a ;4.1 /I103 recor$e$ at ni&ht with the ?ire c(ear(y %isi@(e. 1his wo'($ mean that some@o$y was @ein& recor$e$ per?ormin& re(i&io's rites. 1he person postin& this may ha%e @een a hacDer 'sin& one o? the 'serpro?i(es. I poste$ @e(ow this %i$eoc(ip3 sarcastica((y commentin& in re?erence to paranoi$ ;ohemian Gro%e 7onspiracy 1heories re&ar$in& the .:4 S1A1U0 A1 ;.H0MIAN G/.=0 @ein& Satan an$ the ;aphomet o? ;a@y(on @ein& Satan. I ne%er act'a((y watche$ the who(e %i$eo. A ?ew years (ater < a?ter s'r%i%in& n'mero's poisonin&s3 the te(e%ision @roa$castin& was o%er $'@@e$ an$ animation screene$ 5 a SN.:- .:4 with oran&e eyes appeare$ on the te(e%ision an$ whispere$ AShhh.... hey.... pay attention.A a?terwhich the oran&e eyes t'rne$ ye((ow 3 a?ter the chan&e o? the eye co(or the .w( then sai$ AI (o%e yo'.A . 2'rin& the weeD prior3 I ha$ h'moro's(y poste$ on ,ace;ooD statin& that I wante$ to Gene1herapy my hair white an$ my eyesK irises ye((ow < aro'n$ this time a $r'nDen ;ritish woman to($ me she (o%e$ me an$ I &a%e her a Diss. I respon$e$ to this PS-7H :A/,A/0 attacD as 's'a( 5 I poste$ a :hite Snowy .w( on my ?ace@ooD3 it has ye((ow eyes. A(so < the (i@rary on Pine Street in Manchester NewHampshire where I saw 2anie( Hames an$ the imposte'r o? AMe&an McG'ireA with a @(in$ woman that (ooDe$ i$entica( to 0mi(y Is(es 5 has an ow( stat'e a@o%e the $oor. 1he toi(et in the @athroom at the Manchester 4i@rary says A1otoA on it 3 1oto is the $o& ?rom the :i>ar$ o? .C.A

P %he Hol5 Bi*le - *e%elations : :hen I was a chi($5 my ,ather to($ me n'mero's times that he @e(ie%e$ that the ;ooD o? /e%e(ations was a prophecy $escri@in& the ?ina( $estr'ction an$ $e?eat o? the cr'ci?ier5 1he /oman 0mpire. He a(so to($ me that time was cyc(ica( an$ that simi(ar e%ents occ'r in cyc(es. H'(i's 0%o(a @e(ie%e$ that he co'($ hasten the comin& en$ o? the 9a(i -'&a an$ conI'er 0arth entire(y 3 @rin&in& a@o't a tota(itarian G(o@a( /omani>ation. =ittorio 0man'e(eKs constant i((e&a( recor$in& o? my se(? at more than one point wo'($ ha%e recor$e$ moments $'rin& which I was $isc'ssin& this. 1he mention o? the /oman 0mpire wo'($ ha%e in?'riate$ him imme$iate(y $'e to o@%io's reasons concernin& my emai( interactions with Henry MaDow< the Hewish man in 7ana$a who p'@(ishe$ to his we@site an artic(e eFp(ainin& A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(ia( ties to his ha(? @rother who was =ittorio 0man'e(eKs &ran$?ather. 1he /omans conI'ere$ Israe( 5 $'rin& which they $emo(ishe$ the 1emp(e o? 9in& So(omon < (ater to cr'ci?y the /a@@i -esh'a ?or contin'in& his /a@@inica( 2'ties 'pon the steps o? the r'ine$ 1emp(e o? 9in& So(omon3 an act which the /oman 0mpire ha$ o't(awe$. 1he /a@@i -esh'a was cr'ci?ie$ 'sin& a cross 'pon which a p(aI'e @earin& the mocDin& phrase A9in& o? the HewsA was nai(e$ $'e to the (ocation o? the /a@@iKs (ect'res < the $emo(ishe$ 1emp(e o? 9in& So(omon3 which was (ater to @e re@'i(t as the /oman 1emp(e at Go(&otha. ;ein& that the Israe(is were 'n$er /oman H'ris$iction o? (aw 5 /oman 4aw was c'rrent(y @ein& en?orce$ 'pon them. Un$er the (aws o? the /oman 0mpire 5 0thnic Pa&ans or Heathens< or in other wor$s 3 pop'(ations o? non /oman ethnic stocD <5 were to @e cr'ci?ie$ ?or re@e((ion a&ainst the esta@(ishe$ /oman .r$er. /oman 7iti>ens o? /oman ethnic stocD 3 were not cr'ci?ia@(e 'n$er /oman (aws 5 instea$ they were sent to prison or the G(a$iatori'm. -esh'a an$ a(( o? the Hews atten$in& 1emp(e were cr'ci?ie$ @esi$e the steps o? the $emo(ishe$ 1emp(e o? So(omon 5 a?ter which the /oman 1emp(e at Go(&otha was @'i(t ?rom the r'@@(e. 1he IN/I 'pon the e??i&y o? the 7r'ci?iFion o? Hes's represents this. %he recurrent Italian #oman Horn Pen)ants : I ha%e recent(y seen another /oman Horn pen$ant. 1his sym@o(ism @rin&s to min$ the possi@i(ity that =ittorio 0man'e(e is sti(( tryin& to appear omnipotent to my se(? as we(( as others who %iew the n'mero's recor$s o? e%i$ence concernin& these e%ents. In the @ooD o? /e%e(ations 5 it is written that the one o? the ;easts o? /e%e(ations is a $ra&on with m'(tip(e hea$s (iDe a hy$ra3 the hea$s o? which ha%e on(y one horn an$ a crown on most < on(y a ?ew o? which ha%e two horns an$ a crown. 1hese crowns co'($ possi@(y represent /oman $ynastic aristocratic no@(e @(oo$(ines as we(( as two non /oman $ynastic roya( @(oo$(ines. 1o Gi'(io 7easar 0%o(a < re(i&ion an$ the s'@concio's min$s o? the masses were a so'rce o? ma&ic 3 which he manip'(ate$ an$ wie($e$ in an attempt to conI'er the 0arth. 1o him< 1he Ho(y ;i@(e an$ the mo'ths o? the =atican were a /oman so'rce o? this ma&ic. * 1ICH"& 1OYNIH"N'S %#"NS "%IONS O$ SO1& O$ 7( I(S &8O "'s BO#KS+ "N%HONY 2&$&O 1&N%IONIN! 7( I(S &8O " "% BO#K+ m5 self 1&N%IONIN! #O1"NS O$%&N "N2 %H& CO(N% S%3 !&#1"IN $O K O#&- An o($ 0'ropean a((e&orica( ?o(Dta(e most (iDe(y to ha%e @een ?irst to($ @y wan$erin& GypsieKs 5 the story o? the 7o'nt St. Germain is the ta(e o? the man who pierce$ 7hristKs si$e with the spear o? /ome <5 this man was c'rse$ with immorta(ity an$ @a$ ?ate3 @eca'se he tooD part in the cr'ci?iFion i? -esh'a. 1he 7o'nt St. Germain was c'rse$ ?or piercin& 7hristKs arms to his

si$es an$ sta@@in& him with a spear 5 the a((e&ory @ecame the story o? 4on&in's an$ 7o'nt St. Germain was to($ to @e the immorta( ?orm o? 4on&in's <5 c'rse$ to wa(D ?ore%er 'nti( the Secon$ 7omin& o? 7hrist when the Messiah ret'rns to a%en&e -esh'a an$ the 7o'nt St. Germain $ies. 4on&in's is an a((e&ory re?errin& to the marria&e o? the /oya( Ho'se o? 4om@ar$iKs ?ami(y into a ?ami(y o? /oman No@i(ity3 creatin& the Ita(ian Ho'se o? Sa%oy 5 the /oman No@(e Aristocracy are the reason ?or 7hristKs 7r'ci?iFion as they were the ones who or$ere$ it $one. St. Germain is a 7atho(ic ,ranDish name ?rom an era when ,ranDs were 7hristiani>in& their names 5 @ein& that the ,ranDish Mero%in&ian (ine marrie$ into a 4om@ar$ic Sa%oy ?ami(y 3 7har(emai&neKs $escen$antsK co'sins new ?ami(y were re?erre$ to as the 7o'nt o? St. Germain <5 this new ?ami(y @ein& an eFtension o? the ?ami(y who ha$ cr'ci?ie$ the /a@@i. =ittorio 0man'e(e ha$ @een maDin& i((e&a( recor$in&s at ,ami(y 2o((ar in the sa(es area o? the store3 the stocD room3 an$ apparent(y the @athrooms 5 these recor$in&s com@ine$ with the i((e&a( recor$in&s ma$e at my apartments an$ the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icateKs i((e&a( hacDin& o? comm'nications ser%ers as we(( as i((e&a( wire tappin& $e?inite(y recor$e$ me speaDin& a@o't 1he 7o'nt Saint Germain on n'mero's occasions <5 this 'n$o'@te$(y an&ere$ =ittorio an$ ,i((i@erto. 1he a?termath o? this an&er @ein& e%i$ent in their ?ami(iesK me$$(in& in pop c'(t're3 pop'(ar me$ia3 news me$ia3 internet me$ia3 an$ ?rin&e me$ia 5 script pieces ha%e @een pri%ate(y commissione$ to @e a$$e$ to mo%ies an$ @ooDs3 their ?ami(y ha%e @een attemptin& to $eni&rate the Hano%er ?ami(y as we(( as other /oya( Ho'ses 3 an$ the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icate ha%e a&ain @een acti%e(y $eni&ratin& the USA an$ o'r a((ies inc('$in& the U9 an$ Israe(. I @e(ie%e that ,i((i@erto or his ?ather may @e secret(y a?rai$ that their ?ami(y are tr'e(y in ?act the Anti 7hrist 5 e%en tho'&h their ?ami(yKs associate 3 H'(i's 0%o(a < create$ the p(ans which were ?irst (eaDe$ an$ eFpose$ in the Me$J'&ory re&ion o? the ;a(tic (an$s. ;ein& that I ha%e an interest in the (i?e o? ,(a%i's 7(a'$i's H'(ian's < whom H'(i's 0%o(a st'$ie$ scr'tini>in&(y an$ %iewe$ as the (itera( in%erse o? his a@so('te se(? 3 =ittorio an$ ,i((i@erto wo'($ ha%e @een insane(y paranoi$ a@o't my connection to Michae( Moynihan $'e to his trans(ation o? two o? H'(i's 0%o(aKs worDs . 1he Spear o? 4on&in's 3 or A1he Spear o? 2estinyA 5 an possession which A$o(? Hit(er o@sessi%e(y co%ete$3 was the Ancestra( ;(a$e o? A$o(?Ks < it was tr'e(y the Spear o? the 9in& o? the 4om@ar$s an$ in ?act was not /oman. *N&B &N! "N2 "N2 N&B YO#K "S %H& #&!ION" %"#!&%- %he reason for the targetting of Ne- &nglan) an) Ne- Yor. as regional targets for co0ert in0asion is s5m*olic : this region -as the *egining of the (S"3 7ulius &0ola's actions -ere al-a5s e@tremel5 s5m*olic+ 8ittorio &manuele seems to ha0e ta.en upon himself this ha*itual trait3 If the &manuele-&0ola S5n)icate coul) *ring a*out a conHuest of North "merica+ the *egining of the en) for the (S" -oul) start -here the (S" *egan3 %he original targets of the Italian %errorist-Criminals in this region -ere al-a5s lo-er-class "mericans E *egining ,ust prior to Borl) Bar 6 + a )epopulation of Nati0e "mericans occurre) in the North-&ast region of the (S" : man5 of the $irst Nations Nati0e "mericans as -ell as man5 of the mi@e) $irstNationsI"merican population -as targette) *5 Human-%raffic.ers an) -ere s5stemicall5 traffic.e) to point of genoci)e3 %his continue) throughout m5 mother's entire generation3 %he Italian "GIS cells in this region )o not the nati0e peoples of the North "merican continent as legitimatel5 nati0e : nor )o the5 the e@istence of the (S"+ Cana)a+ or 1e@ico as legitimate Nations3 %hese people 0ie- the "merican Nationals as &nglish+ Scottish+ Irish+ Belsh+ $rench+ an) 2utch : the5 0ie- the "merican Nationalit5 as foreign to it's o-n nation+ the (S"3 %hese Italian "GIS %errorist-Criminals also 0ie- the $irst Nations peoples as nothing *ut a ph5sical animal conten)er in the North &ast region of North "merica an) it is a conten)er that the5 ha0e *een co0ertl5 e@terminating3 Since 7ohn Pierpont 1organ's )a5s+ criminals in the North &ast region ha0e targette) $irst Nations Nati0e "mericans : man5 of the $irst Nations peoples -ere also a*or-%raffic.e) to )eath+ -or.e) to )eath in mines as -ell as other locations3 %his genoci)e has continue)3 15 mother 2e*ra a0oie 1acPherson an) m5 nana 7oanne %ru)eau Cart5 -ere *oth 0ictims of a net-or. in the Ne- &nglan) region : this net-or. -as *eing operate) *5 Italian oriente) in)i0i)uals+ man5 of -hom ha) fa.e names E some of these in)i0i)uals -hom -ere emplo5e) *5 la--enforcement -ere co0ertl5 emplo5e) for the tas. of returning the 8ictims shoul) the5 run a-a5 as -ell as pre0enting in0estigations from occurring3 15 Nana is half Nati0e "merican an) half $ran.ic "merican National3 15 mother's torture) treatment at these peoples' han)s *egan -hen she -as D 5ears ol) an) continue) until she -as 6> E *oth her an) her mother -ere Se@-%raffic.e)+ freHuentl5 *eaten as -ell as rape)+ an) often )rugge) )uring their a*use3 "t the time E m5 Nana ha) ,ust recentl5 )i0orce) m5 !ran)father an) ha) *een tr5ing to raise her three chil)ren + of -hom m5 1other -as the ol)est : the5 -ere literall5 targette)+ attac.e)+ an) .i)nappe) *5 Se@%raffic.ers3 15 Nana -as force) to marr5 a man name) Charles /Chuc./ 2ouglas on paper to ma.e it loo. legitimate3 /Chuc./ ha) associates in a Crime-S5n)icate as -ell as a--&nforcement : as a result of his connections -ithin the laenforcement agencies+ an5 time he -as *rought in to court on charges he -oul) someho- manage to get the charges )roppe)3 In front of m5 1other+ this man ha) *ro.en multiple *ones in m5 Nana's *o)5 : she has ha) *olts in her upper arms her entire life since then3 ast time I sa- m5 1other+ she tol) me that m5 Nana ha) applie) for Social Securit5 2isa*ilit5 Income E she is in her F='s + has ha) numerous *ro.en *ones all o0er her *o)5+ an) no- has osteoperosis : somehoshe -as )enie) co0erage3 Since this time: three )ifferent in)i0i)uals using m5 1other's I)entification Car)s ha0e arri0e) at m5 apartment + preten)ing to *e m5 1other3 "ll of these in)i0i)uals -ere half Italian+ one of -hom -as )efinitel5 half "l*anian an) half Italian3 %hese -omen ha0e )uplicate) I)entification Paper-or. an) Car)s -ith m5 1other's i)entification on it3 %he local 2epartments of 1otor 8ehicles -ere in0estigate) numerous times in the past in connection to 2uplication of I2 Car)s an) one of them -as the site of an arrest as a result of this3 %his same thing has happene) in Irelan)+ numerous I)entification Paper-or. has *een forge) an) place) in the han)s of %errorist Criminals -hom assume) the i)entities of Irish peoples an) mo0e) to the (K3 Bhen these people -ere later foun) an) arreste)+ the5 claime) to *e of #ussian origin : I *elie0e this to *e a possi*le co0er for their factual origin -hich is most li.el5 to ha0e *een Ser*ia3 I

ha0e since this time met o0er ten in)i0i)uals hol)ing )uplicate i)entification -hom ha0e *een using assume) i)entities+ preten)ing to *e "merican Nationals3 If m5 famil5 is e@terminate) E it is possi*le that the other $irst-Nations families in the regions are as -ell+ this -oul) mean that a %otal Holocaust has occurre) an) the "merican go0ernment an) me)ia ha0e ignore) this entirel53 %he other target in the region is )efinitel5 "merican Nationals+ of -hom I ha0e -itnesse) numerous imposteurs -hom ha0e assume) the i)entities of3 I ha0e also met t-o in)i0i)uals of foreign origin preten)ing to *e "frican "mericans3 %he "merican is literall5 the target for #acial !enoci)e an) the $irst Nations are targette) for %otal Holocaust3 %he ma,orit5 of the in)i0i)uals using the fa.e I)entification metho) of in0asion seem to *e primaril5 om*ar)ic-Italian E the rest seem to *e other Italians+ Ser*ians+ "ra*ians+ other North-"fricans+ as -ell as -omen -hom are most li.el5 to *e 0ictims3 %hese are all "GIS-affiliate) points of origin3 " me)ia *lac.out has occurre) an) I ha0e *een una*le to get la- enforcement or fe)eral in0estigators to in0estigate this+ I am concerne) that the region ma5 *e )ecapitate) entirel53 If enough of the original Police Officers ha0e *een replace)+ it is possi*le that $e)eral "gents ma5 ha0e *een replace) as -ell3 %his is -hat happens -hen a Co0ert Sleeper-Cell acti0ates3 I ha0e attempte) to -rite to foreign nations in reHuest for help an) I ha0e recei0e) no repl53 1uch of m5 mail has *een someho- intercepte) from *eing recei0e) at the inten)e) locations3 * %he Hol5 Bi*le: %he 2ea) -ill Bal.+ Bara*as - =ittorio 0man'e(eKs ?ami(y ha%e ?or a (on& time hi$ their crimes @ehin$ their ?a(se ima&e as a $e%o't 7atho(ic ?ami(y. N'mero's Americans ri&ht now are tar&ets o? =ittorio an$ ,i((i@ertoKs crimina( terrorist networD. 1hese ?ami(ies o? peop(e are @ein& rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs ?rom other re&ions o? the wor($ whom are @ein& p't thro'&h a series o? &ene therapy3 cosmetic s'r&ery3 an$ speech (essons to pass ?or the Americans whom 0man'e(eKs crime or&ani>ations ha%e Di((e$ or a@$'cte$. Many o? these peop(e are wante$ crimina(s in other nations whom they are o??erin& a secon$ chance at (i?e3 some o? them are wante$ &an&sters ?rom other re&ions o? the wor($3 many o? them are seF tra??icDin& %ictims which means that some o? them are a(so seF o??en$ers3 some o? them are i((e&itimate heirs ?rom 0man'e(e @(oo$(ines which were hi$$en @e?ore :or($ :ar .ne as we(( as a?ter :or($ :ar 1wo3 an$ some are a$'ctees whom ha%e @een taDen ?rom their (i%es to @e 'se$ as temporary p(ace ho($ers ?or o? peop(e whoKs i$enti?ication paperworD =ittorio 0man'e(e has p(anne$ to 'se in the ?'t're. Henry MaDow ha$ @een $isc'ssin& these @(oo$(ines with his associates< @ein& that they are A$o(? Hit(erKs (itera( ?ami(y an$ ?or the reason that A$o(? Hit(er was an i((e&itimate heir to the crown o? Sa%oy3 @orn o't o? we$(ocD ?rom an a??air. 1here are c'rrent(y in$i%i$'a(s who may possi@(y @e $ea$ whoKs in$enti?ication paperworD is @ein& he($ an$ 'se$ @y imposte'rs who are wa(Din& in their shoes an$ (i%in& in their homes < ;ara@as was a m'r$erer whom the /omans re(ease$ ?or the p'rpose o? ha%in& one eFtra cross with which to eFec'te Hes's. H'(i's 0%o(a was a renowne$ @(asphemer in his (i?etime3 =ittorio 0man'e(e is no $i??erent. It seems (o&ica( that the 0man'e(e an$ 0%o(a ?ami(ies $eci$e$ ear(y in the (i?espan o? the USA that they wo'($ sen$ (itera((y ha(? o? the crimina(s in the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs reach to the USA ?or the

p'rpose o? @'((yin& a networD o? crimina(s into position to ser%e as a @'(warD ?or ?'t're 7o%ert S(eeper 7e((s an$ terrorist a&ents 5 the $estr'ction o? the USA economy an$ the systemic $epop'(ation o? ,irst Nations Peop(es an$ ethnic American Nationa(s was a res'(t o? these 7rimina( 1errorists. 1hese are a&ents o? sa@ota&e.

* #O1"N I2&N%I%Y : Since the ?a(( o? the /oman 0mpire 5 /oman 2ynastic Aristocratic ,ami(ies ha%e attempte$ to re@'i($ the /oman 0mpire thro'&h acI'isition o? reso'rces3 $ecapitation o? ?orei&n states3 mer&er 'ni?ication o? m'(tip(e nations3 imperia( conI'est3 as we(( as the storm an$ stress mass psycho(o&ica( phi(osophy. 1he entire i$entity o? the 3r$ /eich was mo$e(e$ 'pon the c'(t're o? the =isi&othKs nation $'rin& a perio$ o? ,oe$erati Stat's with the /oman 0mpire 5 the =isi &oths @ein& the :est Goths whom sett(e$ in Spain an$ e%ent'a((y $ec(are$ in$epen$ence ?rom the occ'pyin& /oman ,orces. A'stria is the 9in&$om o? A'stri or the .ster/eich o? the .stro Goths or 0ast Goths 5 Goth @ein& a mo$erni>e$ 4atini>ation o? Ga'ts 3 or Athe peop(e o? Ga'tA which is another name o? .$inKs. 1he str'ct're o? the /oman 0mpire $'rin& itKs eFistence was eFtreme(y o(i&archa( 3 @ein& ?o'n$e$ in the re&ion o? Ita(ia Nar@onensis @y a sin&(e (e&ion o? ma(es whom were eFi(e$ ?rom some $istant Aryan Din&$om to the east 5 these ma(es $i$ not share their power as the heirarcha( e(ite with the rest o? the conI'ere$ pop'(ation an$ th's with e%ery ?ew &enerations3 another aparthei$ s'@or$inate$ caste o? pop'(ation was create$. 2'e to the sma(( n'm@er o? the conI'erin& o(i&archs an$ their ?orei&n ori&in to the s'rro'n$in& pop'(ations which they conI'ere$ 5 the /oman 0mpire was @'i(t 'pon an 'nnat'ra( Aparthei$ 7aste System to pre%ent the e(ite pop'(ation ?rom @ecomin& physica((y assimi(ate$ into conI'ere$ peop(es. 1his i$entity o? the /oman as an e(ite o(i&archa( race contin'e$ to $ri%e s'@ c'(t'ra( po(itic in Ita(ia ?or &enerations e%en 'nti( o'r c'rrent time perio$ 5 7hristopher 7o('m@'s was one o? on(y a han$?'( o? Ita(ian na%a( o??icers on a &a((eon sai(e$ primari(y @y Spanish an$ Port'&e'se 3 Ameri&o =esp'cci was one o? on(y a han$?'( o? Ita(ian na%a( o??icers on a &a((eon sai(e$ primari(y @y Spanish an$ Port'&e'se 3 Napo(ean ;onaparte was one o? on(y a han$?'( o? Ita(ian mi(itary o??icers (ea$in& a pop'(ation o? mi(itant ,rench Imperia(ists 55 the /oman I$entity was the &'i$in& han$ @ehin$ a(( o? these e%ents an$ others. Simi(ar(y < the man with the ?aDe @irth certi?icate name$ A$o(? Hit(er as we(( as his @o$y &'ar$ an$ his Socia( 0n&ineer H'(i's 0%o(a 3 were a sma(( (e&ion o? Ita(ian ma(es (e$ @y a ?ew men o? Aristocratic Sa%oy (inea&e s'ch as A$o(? o? 4om@ar$i an$ Aosta as we(( as H'(i's 0%o(a. A$o(? Hit(erKs @o$y&'ar$s were most(y men o? miFe$ Ita(ian race 3 @ein& primari(y o? Ita(ian miFe$ with other 0'ropi$ Nationa( 0thnic race. 1hese men ha$ ?aDe @irth certi?icates3 o?ten were the pro$'ct o? a SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictimKs impre&nation3 o?ten were e(ite mem@ers o? secreti%e 7rime Syn$icates3 an$ were 'se$ as 7o%ert A&ents. 1hro'&h 0spiona&e3 the nation o? 2e'tsche(an$ was $ecapitate$ an$ ,e$erate$ to a /oman I$entity. =ittorio 0man'e(e3 @ein& o? 4om@ar$ic roya( (inea&e 5 &rew 'p as a c(ose associate to n'mero's /oman 2ynastic Aristocratic ,ami(ies s'ch as H'(i's 0%o(aKs ?ami(y. H'(i's 0%o(a 'n$o'@te$(y create$ n'mero's secret heirs 'sin& /epro$'cti%e 1ra??icDin& =ictims as conc'@ines as $i$ =Ittorio 0man'e(e I 3 =ittorio 0mane'e(e II3 an$ other partners o? their ?amiies 5 i? G(o@a( 7onI'est were to @e attempte$ an$ ?ai(e$3 the ine%ita@i(ity o? their ?ami(ies @ein& eFec'te$ was o@%io's. /oman I$entity is pro@a@(y a

psycho(o&ica( tri&&er o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ $'e to his coinci$ence o? @irth3 he is constant(y s'rro'n$e$ @y it. My mention o? /omans an$ SeF 1ra??icDin& to Henry MaDow was pro@a@(y the cata(yst to =ittorio 0man'e(eKs intense hatre$ an$ paranoia o? my se(? an$ my socia( acI'aintainces. ;ein& that =ittorio 0man'e(e is 4om@ar$ic3 hatre$ o? Asatr' sho'($ @e 'nnat'ra( ?or him $'e to the partia( Germanic racia( ancestry o? the peop(e o? 4om@ar$i 5 /omans are mentione$ occaisiona((y in Asatr' re(ate$ historica( (ore 3 the 7hristian ;i@(e an$ H'$aism ha%e occaisiona( mention o? /omans as we((. As it s(ippe$ in Mein 9amp? < A$o(? Hit(erKs act'a( racia( i$entity was 4om@ar$ic 3 not SaFon 5 Athe achei%ement o? my ancestors o? which I am the pro'$est is the topp(in& an$ $e?eat o? the /oman 0mpire3 which was the stron&est 0mpire to e%er eFist.A a(tho'&h Atti(a an$ the H'ns were the ?orce which $e?eate$ most o? the /oman mi(itary 3 it was the 4om@ar$s whom str'cD the ?ina( @(ow an$ $e?eate$ the /oman 0mpire. It is ?or this reason that it is (o&ica( to @e(ie%e that H'(i's 0%o(aKs ?ami(y ha$ @een co'rtin& the 4om@ar$ic /oya( ,ami(y ?or &enerations in attempt to win their ?a%or in re@'i($in& the /oman 0mpire. St'$yin& o? writin& sty(e an$ psycho(o&ica( pro?i(in& o? H'(i's 0%o(aKs worDs shows concrete e%i$ence that H'(i's 0%o(a was e$'cate$ @y his ,ather an$ other /oman 0($ers3 as we(( as $i$ he write Mein 9amp? an$ en&ineer (iterary worDs which were attri@'te$ to other writers with Germanic Pse'o$onyms whom were heiracha( e(ites o? the 3r$ /eich. H'(i's 0%o(a o@%io's(y Dnew o? =ittorio 0mane'e(e IIIKs re(ation to A$o(? Hit(er an$ o? A$o(? Hit(erKs tr'e name. 2'e to sit'ations in the 1"*0Ks @ein& @eyon$ =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ his son ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs contro( 3 as we(( as their ha%in& to (i%e with the eFtreme &'i(t o? their ancestors an$ the inheritance o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs ,atherKs G(o@a( 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate 5 it is pro@a@(e that =ittorio an$ ,i((i@erto @oth ha%e the persona( ?(aw o? an o@session with contro( simi(ar to an eFtreme persona(ity $isor$er.

* %he Spear of onginus A1he Spear o? 2estinyA @e(on&in& to a /oman name$ 4on&in's whom ha$ Apierce$ 7hristKs si$eA ?or the p'rpose o? mercy s(ayin& Hes's to cease his misery an$ pain is eFtreme(y 'n(iDe(y to @e the tr'th 5 the 9in& o? the 4om@ar$s whom ha%e otherwise @een Dnown as the 4an&o@ar$s 3 was (iDe(y to ha%e ha$ a spear which ha$ @ecome a re(ic o? his ?ami(y a?ter his s'ccess?'( conI'est o? Ita(ia an$ $e?eat o? the /oman 0mpire. In the @ooD Mein "ampf 5 the character o? A$o(? Hit(er which H'(i's 0%o(a ha$ cra?te$ ?or the /eichKs ,'hrer 3 A$o(? 3 whom was his /eF 7aesar ha$ not on(y $escri@e$ the A&reatest accomp(ishmentA o? his ancestors as @ein& the Acomp(ete $estr'ction o? the /oman 0mpire3 which was the &reatest 0mpire to e%er eFistA <5 this wo'($ mean that A$o(? was a 4om@ar$ or a 4an&o@ar$. A$o(? Hit(er was reporte$(y o@sessi%e(y protecti%e o? the ASpear o? 4on&in'sA 3 this spear @ein& his heri$itary ancestra( @(a$e 5 typica( o? Germanic 7'stom 3 many men inherite$ the ancestra( @(a$e o? a ?ore?ather. A$o(? @ein& the secret Ha(? ;rother o? the 9in& o? Ita(ia whom was p(ace$ in Germany to earn a tit(e3 %iewe$ this spear as eFact(y what H'(i's 0%o(a ha$ proc(aime$ that it was 5 a sacre$ re(ic that wo'($ @rin& him %ictory. 1he /eF MaFim's o? the A6IS was =ittorio 0man'e(e III. 8ittorio /8ictor/ &manuele an) School in the (3S3"3 :-

A?ter the $e?eat o? the A6IS ,action at the en$ o? the Secon$ :or($ :ar 5 =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e 3 the /oya( ,ami(y o? Sa%oy o? Ita(ia 3 ha(? o? the Aristocracy o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 an$ some ?ami(ies re(ate$ to ?o'n$in& in$i%i$'a(s o? the A6IS ,action ?rom the Ita(ian re&ion an$ A'stria re(ocate$ to the U.S.A. . 1his res'(te$ in =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e ha%in& to atten$ Schoo( in the U.S.A. an$ sit in an American c(ass room an$ rea$ American 1eFt ;ooDs inc('$in& American History 1eFt ;ooDs whi(e s'rro'n$e$ @y the $i%erse pop'(ation o? the citi>enry o? the U.S.A. an$ the American Peop(es. It seems $e?inite that the chi($hoo$ o? =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e 3 tra'mati>e$ him psycho(o&ica((y an$ in a ?ew speci?ic ways. =ittorioKs i$entity was $e?inite(y mo($e$ @y this. =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e was Dnow(e$&ea@(e o? his /oya( 4inea&e 3 the ?act that the A6IS ha$ J'st @een $e?eate$ 3 the ?act that the 9in&$om o? Ita(ia was A6IS 3 an$ the ?act that a Ho(oca'st ha$ J'st occ'rre$ which in%o(%e$ the $eaths o? mi((ions o? peop(e. 1he ?act that A$o(? Hit(er was =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs ha(? @rother 3 =ictorKs Gran$ ,atherKs ha(? @rother 5 was possi@(y somethin& that tra'mati>e$ =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e to (earn o?. It is pro@a@(e that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e was not to($ that A$o(? Hit(er was re(ate$ to his ?ami(y @io(o&ica((y 'nti( he was an a$'(t. ,rom what I ha%e @een to($ 5 $'rin& the year 1""E 3 the MerrimacD NewHampshire Mastrico(a Mi$$(e Schoo( 1eacher Mr. Sa(%o opene$ the $oor $'rin& Sat'r$ay 2etention an$ (et =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e into the c(assroom an$ they rape$ two st'$ents o? which one may ha%e @een a &ir( who I was $atin& $'rin& that year an$ another st'$ent. 1he &ir( that I was $atin& $'rin& the year 1""E 3 was a &ir( name$ 2anie((e 7'shmann. 2anie((e was o? miFe$ race 5 2e'tsche 3 Israe(i 3 an$ ,ranDic American. 2anie((e ha$ Hewish co'sins. 1he rape $'rin& the Sat'r$ay 2etention was eFpresse$ (ater in a mo%ie as AMr. Sa(%atoreA in the come$y mo%ie AHi&hSchoo( M'sica(A. :hen Hason He??rey 3 Nina Hansen 3 an$ my se(? were waitin& o'tsi$e o? the Hi&hSchoo( in Mar(@oro Massach'settes < ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e &ot into the car an$ attempte$ to threaten an$ intimi$ate my &ir(?rien$ Nina Hansen3 who was my &ir(?rien$ at the time $'rin& the year 5 we were waitin& ?or 0mi(y MacPherson to &et o't o? Sat'r$ay 2etention. 2'rin& the year 200! 3 a hacDer ca'se$ a porno&raphy we@site to pop 'p on my comp'ter screen 5 the woman on the we@site (ooDe$ to @e Samantha ;ernstein 3 she was $resse$ as a schoo( teacher an$ was stan$in& in a c(ass room. =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e ?o'n$ o't a@o't my A(o%e at ?irst si&htA reaction to Samantha ;ernstein when I was worDin& with 0$ :arren at ,ami(y 2o((ar $'rin& the year 200*. :hen I was in Mastrico(a Mi$$(e Schoo( an$ MerrimacD Hi&hSchoo( in MerrimacD NewHampshire 3 some@o$y sprea$ r'mo'rs that I was Aan A$o(? Hit(erA. * :-: $illi*erto &manuele :-: P 2'rin& 200* 5 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e pose$ in ?ront o? the Picco(a Ita(ia /esta'rant 3 the Ita(ian ?(a& han&in& in ?ront as the @acD $rop to the photo&raph < his

?rien$ whom ha$ accompanie$ him tooD the photo&raph. 1ony Grasseti an$ my se(? ha$ witnesse$ this. In 200!3 three years a?ter witnessin& this 5 I met an imposte'r 1ony Grasseti at the 313 Ni&htc('@ 3 whi(e o't ?or @eers with my ?rien$ A(isha 7ote. 1he Imposte'r 1ony Grassetti was 3 inches ta((er than 1ony. P In 200" I :as in?orme$ @y my ?rien$ Anthony McMenemy that he ha$ temporari(y Joine$ the 7rips &an& an$ that he ha$ met ,i( 0man'e(e. Anthony in?orme$ me that ,i( ha$ tatooe$ his name on two ?ema(es @'ttocDs3 ha$ $e?ecate$ $own these womenKs throats 3 that ,i( was A$o(? Hit(erKs &reat &ran$ nephew 3 that ,i( ha$ amasse$ a n'm@er o? crime connections an$ was con$'ctin& eFperiments on women whom his th'&s ha$ capt're$ 5 these eFperiments res'(te$ in the s'r&ica( imp(antin& o? ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces in these womanKs @o$yKs < these women were @ein& ?orce$ to ha%e seF on the ?(oor at De& parties an$ were @ein& 'se$ as a prop (iDe a (a%a (amp that ,i( wo'($ ?(icD ci&arettes at an$ $'mp @eer on. Anthony was ?'rio's an$ $is&'ste$ when he to($ me the $etai(s concernin& these attacDs an$ others. Many o? ,I(Ks associates were 7rips. ,I((i@erto 0man'e(Ks propa&an$ists ha$ sprea$ misin?ormation a(( o%er the internet statin& that Israe( ?'n$e$ the 7rips 3 the 2o& Po'n$ Gan& 3 an$ 2eath/ow /ecor$s. In 200! 3 a we@site ca((e$ 9i@@'(> an$ ;it> was p'@(ishe$ which $epicte$ %i$eo&raphe$ recor$s o? :ar /apes @ein& committe$ 'pon Israe(i3 7ana$ian 3 an$ American women as racia( tar&ets. 9i@@'(> an$ ;it> was a p'n on the termino(o&y A9I@@'t>A. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs ?action are :ar 7rimina(s 3 :ar /apists3 an$ :ar S(a%ers 5 Genoci$a( H'man 1ra??icDers en&a&e$ in a campai&n o? &enoci$a( seF tra??icDin& an$ h'man %i%isection. 1hese men are eFtreme(y $eni&ratory o? c'(t're an$ o? re(i&ion < 0mi(y Is(es was ?orce$ to taDe o?? her 1horKs Hammer 3 Samantha ;ernstein was tar&ette$ @eca'se she was o? Israe(i race an$ Hewish re(i&io's tra$ition. Anthony to($ me that ,i( or$ere$ one o? his &'ys to $e?ecate $own the throat o? a Hewish woman < this (ater res'(te$ in the womanKs $eath $'e to toFicosis. .ther women were attacDe$ in the same manner 3 most (i%e$ an$ sho'($ @e a@(e to testi?y. P In 200" 5 a?ter Anthony to($ me a@o't ,i( 0man'e(eKs acti%ities in the ;oston re&ion an$ e(sewhere 3 I recei%e$ ca(( on my ce(('(ar mo@ie te(ephone ?rom a man c(aimin& to @e ,i( 5 AI hear$ yo' @een ta(Din& a@o't m'y crew. I s'&&est yo' $onKt $o that.A to which I rep(ie$ A I am sorry3 I $o not Dnow who yo' are. -o' m'st ha%e the wron& n'm@er.A. Anthony is now missin& an$ there is e%i$ence o? photo e$ittin& on his ,ace@ooD.7om acco'nt. B'otes ha$ @een poste$ @y hacDers on his ,ace@ooD as we(( an$ there is e%i$ence that he was @ein& sta(De$ @y ,i( an$ ,i(Ks A&ents. P It is important to remem@er that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs @rothers were a$opte$ @y mem@ers o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen 5 a AGent(emenKs 7('@A is a termino(o&y which re?ers to a strip c('@ or a seF par(o'r. I @e(ie%e many o? these men to @e in%o(%e$ in seF tra??icDin&. SeF 1ra??icDers most o?ten a@$'ct the most %'(nera@(e ?ema(es that they can ?in$3 e%en o?ten $o they a@$'ct chi($ren. ;ein& that 7omcast emp(oyees are o@%io's(y (oya( eno'&h to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy to (et them wa(D in an$ ,i( has state$ that they ha%e a &'y checD who $oes this < their hacDers most $e?inite(y ha%e @een matchin& ?aces ?rom cata(o&&e$ internet ima&es which they ha%e hacDe$ an$ retrie%e$ ?rom the Ser%er ?rom ,ace@ooD $ata stora&e. 1hese ?aces can @e matche$ 'p 'sin& so?tware. 1he peop(e that I ha%e notice$ whom the missin& ci%i(ians ha%e @een switche$ with o?ten

seem to @e seF tra??icDin& %ictims whoKs ?aces ha%e a near(y i$entica( shape to the ?aces o? the other %ictims 3 their @o$y shapes howe%er are o?ten eFtreme(y $i??erent. =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy seems to ha%e p(aye$ a (ar&e ro(e in the camo'?(a&in& o? this &enoci$e which has @e&'n 3 the a&ents are @ein& como'?(a&e$ to (ooD (iDe the %ictims which they ha%e Di((e$. 1he i$ea o? the Secret Ser%ice an$ the Presi$ent or the 2epartment o? 2e?ense @ein& swappe$ with A&ents is a terri?yin& concept 5 it is pro@a@(e that they wi(( try 3 many o? the hospita(s in North America are owne$ @y 0man'e(eKs a&ents an$ wea(th retainers 5 this maDin& it easier ?or the enemy to $estroy o'r pop'(ation co%ert(y. P 2'rin& his (i?e 3 ,i( has ?'n$e$ 7rips 'nits an$ has e%en interacte$ with mem@ers o? the 2o& Po'n$ Gan& an$ 2eathrow /ecor$s. P Hoe 4e@aron went to a reha@ c(inic in 200!. In 20103 a man @e&an (i%in& as AHoe 4e@aronA in Nash'a NH who is not physica((y Hoe 4e@aron. HoeKs eF wi?e who was then his spo'se3 7he(sey A%i(as < mentione$ meetin& A,i( ?rom American I$o(A 3 Hoe sai$ that ,i( was not a threat to his re(ationship @eca'se he can te(( that ,i( is act'a((y a c(oset homoseF'a( an$ he is s're o? it 5 this statement was (ater ma$e @y Hoe 4e@aron to ,i( to his ?ace. .ne weeD (ater HoeKs apartment was somehow $estroye$ an$ he was p't in co'rt or$ere$ reha@i(itation c(inic < two weeDs (ater the same Po(ice 2epartment p't me in a hospita( i((e&a((y an$ s'r&ica((y imp(ante$ a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace in my @rain. In 20103 my mother was @ro'&ht i((e&a((y to :estwoo$ 4o$&e a?ter hacDers ?or&e$ a $eath threat s'ici$e note which inc('$e$ (yrics to a poem i ha$ written on my comp'ter ca((e$ A2eath is Sa(%ationA . My Mom was p't in :estwoo$ 4o$&e which was a reha@ c(inic3 since this time there ha%e @een * $i??erent A$e@@iesA a(( seem to @e Ne'roGra?te$ with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces3 3 o? these women ha%e @een o@%io's(y ita(ian 5 i @e(ie%e that one o? these in$i%i$'a(s is pro@a@(y an 0man'e(e or an 0%o(a an$ the others are pro@a@(y tra??icDin& %ictims with a hosta&e crisis comp(eFity o? psycho(o&y which is pre%entin& them ?rom cryin& ?or he(p. 2'rin& my motherKs (i%in& at :estwoo$ 4o$&e < the te(e%ision news portraye$ that a N'rse was @'ste$ ?or &'n tra??icDin& at :estwoo$ 4o$&e3 there has @een no recor$ on the internet o? this arrest. ,i( ha$ &i%en 7he(sea A%i(as his ce(('(ar mo@i(e te(ephone n'm@er. P Some months @e?ore Hoe 4e@aron $isappeare$ into a /eha@i(itation 7(inic < there was a te(ephone con%ersation which occ'rre$ @etween Hoe 4e@aron an$ his wi?e 7he(sea A%i(as 4e@aron whi(e 7he(sea was a worD. 2'rin& this con%ersation 3 7he(sea in?orme$ Hoe that ,i( ha$ J'st arri%e$ to a&ain %isit her whi(e she was at worD. 7he(sea mentione$ ,i( $oin& this on more than one occaision 3 mentione$ maDin& ?'n o? him ?or @ein& on American I$o( 3 as we(( as $i$ Hoe 4e@aron mention that he ha$ hear$ ?rom ,i( that ,i( was re(ate$ to A$o(? Hit(er. Hoe 4e@aron a(so mentione$ that he hear$ that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e has $e?ecate$ $own the throat o? at (east two women an$ that he a?terwar$s tatooe$ his name on @oth o? their @'ttocDs. Hoe $i$ not (iDe ,i( an$ o?ten re?erre$ to him as Athat ?a&&otA. P It has @ecome eFtreme(y o@%io's that ,i( an$ =ittorio ha%e $e%e(ope$ an o@session with attemptin& to portray Henry MaDowKs an$ He?? /enseKs ori&ina( artic(es

?rom 2000 200* as 1a@(oi$ Materia( or in otherwor$s P'(p ,ictiona( 1a@(oi$ Ma&a>ine Me$ia pro$'ce$ ?or simp(e entertainment %a('e 5 eFamination o? Henry MaDowKs an$ He?? /enseKs artic(es @etween the years o? 2000 to 200* pro%es this to @e ?a(se. Howe%er 3 =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ his son ,i( $e?inite(y ha%e shown their han$ in the 1a@(oi$ Ma&a>ine in$'stry in more than one way < they ha%e a(so shown their han$ in P'(p ,ictiona( 1a@(oi$ 4iDe 7onspiracy 1heory $isin?ormationa( me$ia s'ch as 2a%i$ IcDe. 1he 0man'e(eKs attempt to $e?ame the ;ritish Monarchy was e%i$ent as was their attempt to ?rame /'port M'r$och as ha%in& @een the one whom was sta(Din& the ;ritish /oya( Monarchy 3 this was $one 'sin& hacDers whom were accessin& internet an$ $ia(in& 'p impro%ise$ recor$in& $e%ices as we(( as hacDin& ser%ers ?rom an o??ice owne$ @y /'port M'r$och whom is here$itari(y o? 7(an 7hattan. P :hi(e in /ye NewHampshire 3 ,i( 0man'e(e threatene$ me sayin& AAs (on& as yo' $o not e%er attri@'te to my ?ami(y an icon o? e%i( e%er a&ain3 we sho'($nKt ha%e any more pro@(ems.A this was state$ a?ter ,i( a$mitte$ to @ein& re(ate$ to A$o(? Hit(er an$ state$ ASo I &'ess that he was my co'sin or somethin&3 I ha$ hear$ a@o't it ... I $i$nKt Dnow too m'ch a@o't it 3 @'t it is tr'e. 2o yo' Dnow anythin& a@o't thatMA 2.H. then state$ AHa%e yo' e%er hear$ o? Henry MaDowMA #incorrect(y prono'ncin& it Maca' 3 (iDe the @ir$) a?ter which we ha$ $isc'sse$ my 3 emai(s to Henry MaDow. My emai( to Henry MaDow which ca'&ht the attention o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy was as ?o((ows 5 AA$o(? Hit(er was o? the (ines o? 4om@ar$i Sa%oy an$ Aosta @oth < his ?ather @ein& the 9in& o? Ita(ia an$ his mother o? the (ine o? Aosta. He was @orn o? an a??air.A 1wo sentences emai(e$ to a Hewish Man concernin& the ?act'a( parentin& o? A$o(? Hit(er res'(te$ in the Ho'se o? Sa%oy sta(Din& my ?ami(y an$ associate$ socia( networDs. 1his was insti&ate$ @y a simp(y artic(e poste$ on He?? /enseKs we@site /ense.7om < He?? /ense @ein& in contact with Henry MaDow. A(( o? this is recor$e$ e(ectronica((y as are the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace transmissions o? n'mero's witnesses 3 tar&ets 3 an$ %ictims which ha%e recor$e$ their memories an$ eFperiences concernin& the A6IS 7rimina( 1errorism in the North 0ast. Anthony McMenemyKs ?ami(y may ha%e @ecome a tar&et aro'n$ the year 200!. :hi(e in Massach'settes 3 Anthony @ecame a??i(iate$ with the 7rips 'nit that ,i( 0man'e(e was associate$ with. ,i( ha$ @een ?'n$in& a 7rips 'nit 3 (en$in& money to the 7rips 'nit which was e%ent'a((y to @e pai$ @acD in ?'(( with interest < this is @asica((y (iDe @ein& a Ma?ia @anDer 3 Ma?ia @anDers o?ten re?rain ?rom .r&ani>e$ 7rime themse(%es ?or p'rpose o? a%oi$in& $etection as .r&ani>e$ 7rime ,inancers. ,i( %ery I'icD(y cease$ @ein& simp(y a @anDer ?or the &an& 'nit an$ @ecame a 7rip. ,inancin& .r&ani>e$ 7rime is common amon&st ,ascists 3 whom o?ten en&a&e in @anDin& an$ other passi%e a&&ressi%e in%o(%ement in .r&ani>e$ 7rime < ,i( an$ his ?ather =ittorio ha%e n'mero's ,ascist a??i(iates an$ associates &(o@a((y. 2'rin& 200" an$ 2010 < whi(e at my apartment at 2E1 Pine Street Apartment R *1 at ParD =iew Apartments 5 Anthony McMenemy mentione$ meetin& ,i( an$ Ahis &an& o? Ita(iansA in Massach'settes. Anthony $escri@e$ ,i( as ha(? A'strian an$ ha(? Ita(ian < he $escri@e$ ,i(Ks 7rip 'nit as a(most entire(y comprise$ o? Ita(ian ma(es. Accor$in& to Anthony 3 these men ha$ thrown n'mero's parties in Massach'settes J'st o'tsi$e o? ;oston an$ ha$ @een a@'sin& the women o?

the (oca( re&ion horri@(y 5 these a@'ses inc('$e$ physica((y rapin& them %io(ent(y 3 ?orcin& the women to ha%e seF on the ?(oor at the parties whi(e their &an& threw (it ci&arettes as we(( as $'mpe$ @eer on them an$ 'rinate$ on the women 3 other a@'ses inc('$e$ ?orcin& these women to eat $o& ?eces o?? o? the si$e wa(D as we(( as eat an$ $i&est eachotherKs ?eces 5 m'ch o? the a@'ses these women s'??ere$ inc('$e$ @ein& eFperimente$ on with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces an$ 7'stom 0n&ineere$ Ne'roScience So?tware which was $e%e(ope$ 'sin& these women as test s'@Jects an$ was $e%e(ope$ ?or the p'rpose o? contro((in& comp(ete(y the @rains an$ @o$ies o? SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims. Hoey Marini mentione$ these ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces @ein& imp(ante$ in :omensK sD'((s 3 &ra?te$ on their @rains as the Amicrochip on the @rain that maDes the women ha%e seF.A 5 HoeyKs &an& a??i(iate$ co'sin ha$ @een shown e%i$ence o? this an$ mentione$ this to Hoey @eca'se he was $is&'ste$ an$ terri?ie$. Hoey has @een missin& since 2010 3 I ha%e seen * imposte'rs o? Hoey Marini in the past 3 years. A?ter these thin&s ha$ @een $isc'sse$ at my apartment at 2E1 Pine St. R*1 in Manchester New Hampshire3 ,i( $eci$e$ to ca(( me ?rom a mo@i(e ce(('(ar te(ephone an$ threaten me 5 ,i(Ks statement was AIan this is ,i(. I hear$ that yo'K%e @een ta(Din& shit a@o't my crew.A to which I rep(ie$ 3 AI $onKt Dnow who yo' are. :ho $i$ yo' say yo' wereM.A,i(Ks response to this was 3 AIan 3 yo' Dnow who I am. 1his ,i(. 2onKt preten$ yo' $onKt Dnow me.A to which I rep(ie$ 3 A-eah yo'K%e rea((y &ot the wron& n'm@er3 yo' $onKt e%en Dnow who I am. 2onKt worry a@o't it assho(e 3 yo'K%e $e?inite(y &ot the wron& n'm@er.A. 1his con%ersation may ha%e @een recor$e$ ?rom m'(tip(e $irections s'ch as the i((e&a( recor$in& $e%ices in the wa((3 the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace &ra?te$ to my @rain3 an$ the two mo@i(e ce(('(ar te(ephones themse(%es. 1he a@'ses o? the women ?rom the North 0ast re&ion o? the USA an$ other re&ions re(ate$ to ,i(Ks acti%ities were %i$eo&raphe$ an$ $isp(aye$ on internet as Aporno&raphyA in some cases (a@e(e$ as thin&s s'ch as AGir( ,'cDe$ 9i@@ies 4iDe 2o&A 200! 3 A9i@@'t> an$ ;itsA 200! 3 A9i@@'(> an$ ;its 2.P.G. Pro$'ctionA 200!3 AM9U41/A e%i$ence ;.7.I.A 200! 3 one o? the ?ew ori&ina( A1wo Gir(s .ne 7'pA we@sites in 20053 some o? what ,i( has $one @ecame A;an& ;'sA episo$es an$ some o? the peop(e on A;an& ;'sA he worDe$ with3 AGir( ;ro'&ht 50 States /oa$tripA 200E 3 ASweet HannahA 200!.

* *

:-: 2aniel 7ames M&manueleN :-: :-: "aron &manuele :-:

* :-: Italian "GIS :-: 1he po(itica( &oa( o? these tyrants seems to @e a !lo*al (nion thro'&h anneFation an$ mer&ers< e(imination o? speci?ic ethnic pop'(ations as we(( as speci?ic %a('es ?rom society s'ch as ?ema(es ci%i( ri&hts3 (a@or socia(ism3 re(i&io's ?ree$om3 nationa(ism3 an$ nationa( a'tonomy G in$epen$ence. It is eFtreme(y apparent that these are the &oa(s consi$erin& that this ?action has a(rea$y @(ame$ nationa(ists in the past s'ch as the Cionists who were #an$ ?reI'ent(y sti(( are) @(ame$ ?or the G(o@a( Unionists &oa(s as we(( as the

NS2AP who were in?i(trate$ @y the G(o@a(ist a&ents (oya( to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ a?terwar$s were @(ame$ ?or the actions o? the G(o@a(ists who tooD o%er their party3 were han&e$ at N'rem@'r& whi(e the Ho'se o? Sa%oy #inc('$in& H'(i's 0%o(a) wa(De$ away with (itera((y no char&es whatsoe%er. 1his wo'($ @e the ?action that o't(ine$ their own &oa(s in the 4earne$ Protoco(s o? the 0($ers o? Cion an$ @(ame$ the Cionist ?or them3 preempti%e(y p'ttin& the (a@e( Cion on their own &oa(s to $istract the other Nationa(ists whom the Cionist nat'ra((y sympathi>e$ with $'e to the Cionist &oa( o? nationa( a'tonomy ?or Israe( an$ re?'sa( to mer&e with the soon to @e propose$ :estern Imperi'm N .ttoman Imperi'm 'ni?ie$ state. ,or the USA3 MeFico3 an$ 7ana$a < it seems this ?action has a(rea$y p(anne$ ?or 's a North American Union simi(ar to the 0'ropean Union. 1he en$ pro$'ct wo'($ e%ent'a((y (ooD (iDe a $e%o(%e$ &(o@a( ?e$era( &o%ernment o? ?i%e re&iona( states an$ the reesta@(ishment o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy as monarchs which their (oya(ists ha$ a(rea$y p(anne$ in the past when they attempte$ to c(aim the thrones o? Spain3 ,rance3 2e'tsch(an$3 A'stria ?or =ittorio 0man'e(e III an$ H'(i's 0%o(a %ia anneFation $'rin& the Secon$ :or($ :ar. * %H#&"% O$ %O%" B&"PONS B"N - N'mero's Po(itica( A&ents an$ Po(itica( .r&ani>ations ha%e @een promotin& the i$ea that there is a nee$ ?or a 1ota( ,ireArms ;an. 1his is in $irect %io(ation o? o'r 7onstit'tiona( ;i(( o? /i&hts as we(( as o'r ?'n$amenta( 'na(iena@(e H'man /i&hts. Se(? 2e?ense is a H'man /i&ht. N'mero's 7rimina(s as we(( as the 7rimina( 1errorist or&ani>ation which ha%e co%ert(y entrenche$ themse(%es on American Soi( ha%e stocDpi(e$ mi(itary &ra$e ?irearms an$ wi(( a(ways contin'e to $o so. ,orei&n Nations pro%i$e 1errorist A&ents with mi(itary &ra$e ?irearms an$ wi(( a(so o?ten co%ert(y transport mi(itary &ra$e ?irearms into a nation ?or the p'rpose o? armin& the most $an&ero's an$ 'npre$icta@(e e(ements o? the crimina( wor($ with mi(itary &ra$e assa'(t weapons ?or the p'rpose o? ca'sin& massi%e amo'nts o? $estr'ction in%o(%in& ci%i(ian (i?e 5 $'e to the n'm@er o? 'narme$ ci%i(ians3 a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate can sprea$ ci%i(ian cas'a(ities co%ert(y @y metho$ o? armin& 'npre$icata@(e crimina(s. Pri%ate yachts3 ?ishin& %esse(s3 row @oats3 s'@mersi%e %esse(s3 (i?e @oats3 oFy&en tanDe$ swimmers p'((in& ?(oatin& crates3 hot air @a((oons3 remote contro((e$ weather @a((oons on A/G.S systems pi(ote$ o%er the internet3 ho%er cra?ts3 shipments to meta( ?a@rications ?actories3 hi$$en in ?r'it shipments3 $ama&e$ o't meta( ?a@rications pro$'cts3 an$ ?aDe$ $ama&e$ o't weapons pro$'ctions (ines 5 can a(( @e 'se$ ?or the p'rpose o? ,ire Arms 1ra??icDin& an$ Mi(itary Gra$e ,ireArms 1ransportation. N'mero's times thro'&ho't history 3 prior to In$'stria( Genoci$e 5 :eapons ;ans ha%e @een inacte$ to $isarm pop'(ations o? peop(es whom are tar&ette$ ?or eFtermination. In the 1"*0Ks $'rin& Hit(erKs an$ 0%o(aKs re&ime3 re&ions o? 0'rope were $isarme$ entire(y prior to systemic &enoci$e occ'rin&. In 2e'tsche(an$3 the on(y peop(e with ?irearms were the peop(e @ein& $ep(oye$ to in%a$e other nations < the others were $ra?te$ @y the mi(itary o? a ?orei&n $ictator an$ were 'se$ as in?orcers o? a systemic &enoci$e an$ ens(a%ement o? ci%i(ians within 2e'tsche(an$. A $isarme$ ci%i(ian is a tar&et. H'man 1ra??icDin& as we(( as sa(es o? i((e&a( pro$'cts s'ch as $r'&s ena@(es terrorist crimina(s to hor$e wea(th o?? o? Dnown ?inancia( recor$s 5 this ena@(es co%ert a&ents to p'rchase an$ stocDpi(e mi(itary &ra$e weapons as we(( as techno(o&ies necessary ?or espiona&e an$ terrorism witho't the eFistance o? any recor$ o? the money 'se$ $'rin& the p'rchase. It is pro@a@(e that a 1ota( ,ireArms ;an$ wo'($ res'(t in the acti%ation o? n'mero's A6IS S(eeper 7e((s ?rom the .ttoman re&ions an$ Ita(ia 5 these networDs o? in$i%i$'a(s wo'($ most pro@a@(y 'nearth hi$$en stocDpi(es o? mi(itary &ra$e ?irearms an$ m'nitions < it is pro@a@(e that this wo'($ c'(minate in open war?are on North American soi( with arme$ com@atants camo'?(a&e$ as ci%i(ians an$ (ater as ?e$era( emp(oyees 3 (ater to @e rein?orce$ @y o%ert mi(itary in%asion. 1his tactic is simi(ar to A1he 1roJan HorseA. 1he potenia( o? these 0nemy 7om@atants @ein& Genoci$a( is an a@so('te

?act an$ the threat o? 1ota( Genoci$e is an imme$iate pro@(em. 1hese are most pro@a@(y Ita(ian Imperia( (oya(ists as we(( as associate$ mercenary ?actions. 0$ :arren was an associate o? an Armenian with A6IS (oya(ities whom (i%e$ in the USA 5 this Armenian man ha$ connections to ;iDer Gan&sters somehow as we(( as some Din$ o? Ma?ia an$ a terrorist or&ani>ation3 I @e(ie%e that the Armenian Genoci$a( 1errorist ,action o? the past is sti(( acti%e an$ is networDe$ with the Ser@ian Genoci$a( 1errorist ,action as we(( as the Ita(ian A6IS (oya(ists in @oth North America an$ 0'rope. 7i%i(ians m'st remain a potentia( threat to a Genoci$a( 1errorist ,action 5 ci%i(ians ha%e the @asic h'man ri&ht to Se(? 2e?ense. M'(tip(e (e%e(s o? 7i%i(ian Gra$e ,ire Arms an$ other armaments nee$ to @e ma$e present in society 5 (icensin& to $etermine weapons responsi@i(ity an$ pro?iciency is not a @a$ i$ea nor is it 'nconstit'tiona(3 what is a&ainst o'r ;i(( o? /i&hts is the (oss o? /i&ht to ;ear Arms as a 7i%i(ian < a$J'stments nee$ to @e ma$e to (e&a(ities concernin& 7i%i(ian Armaments3 it is a&ainst the ;i(( o? /i&hts an$ a(( H'man /i&hts to o't(aw Mi(itia an$ Persona( 7i%i(ian Armaments. It is pro@a@(e that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ?'n$e$ Piracy $'rin& the ear(y years o? the USA an$ are $'rin& the @e&inin& o? the S(a%e 1ra$e o? :est A?ricans in the Americas. 2'rin& the 1"!0Ks 3 1"80Ks 3 1""0Ks 3 an$ 2000Ks 5 the Ho'se o? Sa%oy seem to ha%e @een in%o(%e$ in an attempt to c(aim that the 2'tch @e&an the S(a%e 1ra$e o? :est A?ricans. Many $escen$ants o? 2'tch co(onists in North America are B'aDers an$ Amish peop(es who $ress simi(ar(y to 7hassi$ic Hews 3 or are their $escen$ants 5 n'mero's artic(es on the internet ha%e attempte$ to s'&&est that the 2'tch @e&an the s(a%e tra$e o? :est A?ricans 3 some e%en s'&&este$ that the Hews were in%o(%e$. 2'rin& the year 200E 3 it was s'&&este$ on an internet artic(e that the Hews were were in%o(%e$ in the s(a%e tra$e o? :est A?ricans an$ ha$ ?'n$e$ the S(a%e 1ra$e o? :est A?ricans. 4o'is ,arraDhan @e(ie%e$ ?or a ?ew years 3 that the Hews ha$ @een in%o(%e$ in the S(a%e 1ra$e o? :est A?ricans. 4o'is ,arraDhan (ater retracte$ this statement an$ met with mem@ers o? the ;KNai ;K/ith in &oo$ ?aith. 1his @(amin& o? the 2'tch an$ Hews ?or the :est A?rican S(a%e 1ra$e is simi(ar to the @(amin& o? the Nationa( Socia(ist 2e'tsche 4a@o'r Party an$ the Cionist 7o(onies ?or the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs conspirin& to conI'er the p(anet 0arth. 1he 4earne$ Protoco(s o? the 0($ers o? Cion an$ the @ooD AMein 9amp?A @oth @(ame$ the incorrect parties ?or the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs conspirin& to conI'er the p(anet 0arth < the ?irst @(ame$ the Israe(i Nationa(ists 3 the (atter mentione$ @(ame$ the Hews an$ the Israe(i Cionists as we(( as attri@'te$ the i$entity o? a 2e'tsche Socia(ist Nationa(ist to a ?ictiona( AA$o(? Hit(erA whom was in ?act the ha(? @rother o? =ittorio 0man'e(e III 5 AMein 9amp?A was written @y H'(i's 0%o(a an$ intentiona((y portraye$ to @e the AA'to@io&raphyA o? AA$o(? Hit(erA. 1eFt @ooDs in the USA $'rin& the 1""0Ks were printe$ to incorrect(y misappropriate the %a('es o? G(o@a(ist Imperia(ism to Nationa(ist Socia(ism an$ $escri@e$ ANationa( Socia(ismA as 5 Aa ?orm o? &o%ernment with an eFpansionist po(icy an$ an a@so('te $ictator.A an$ o?ten incorrect(y state$ that Nationa(ism has a &oa( o? G(o@a( 7onI'est an$ G(o@a( /acia( S'periority. 1he attri@'tion o? the %a('e o? Amora(ist G(o@a( 7onI'est to the %a('e o? Nationa( Socia(ism is pro@a@(y the pro$'ct o? an intentiona( misappropriation o? %a('es an$ o? intentiona( ?a(se an$ inacc'rate in?ormation 3 ?or the p'rpose o? mis(ea$in& in%esti&ations an$ e(iminatin& the possi@i(ity o? nationa( mi(itaries i$enti?yin& the conspirin& ?action whom ha%e @een p(annin& G(o@a( 7onI'est. 1he Ita(ian A6IS an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e @een eFtreme(y mis(ea$in&

concernin& their state$ &oa(s an$ their $ip(omatic re(ations with other nations o? peop(es. 2'rin& the time perio$ prior to the Secon$ :or($ :ar < the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs a&ents presente$ themse(%es as mem@ers o? the 2e'tsche mi(itary an$ par(iament 3 an$ (ie$ to Hapan a@o't what they portraye$ to @e an 'pcomin& G(o@a( Mi(itary 7on?(ict with an 0Fpansionist So%iet 0mpire an$ itKs a((ies who wishe$ ?or &(o@a( 'ni?ication o? state at the en$ o? the war. 1he Nationa( Socia(ist 2e'tsche 4a@o'r Party was a Socia(ist Nationa(ist Po(itica( Party that was @(ame$ a?ter the war ?or the actions o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs A6IS /e&ime whom in?i(trate$ an$ Heirarcha((y 2ecapitate$ the N.S.2.A.P. an$ e%ent'a((y the entire &o%ernment an$ mi(itary o? the nation o? 2e'tsche(an$ 3 prior to the heirarcha((y $ecapitate$ mi(itary o? 2e'tsche(an$ enactin& a system o? $ictatoria( martia( (aw. 1he res'(t o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs (ies to the Aristocracy o? the nation o? Hapan 3 was the nation o? Hapan $ec(arin& war 'pon possi@(y 5 nations which was o? a (o&ica( coinci$ence that is worth notin& 5 there are * is(an$s o? Hapan an$ Hawaii was to maDe 'p a 5th or Eth as territories that were once he($ @y Hapan. 1he nations which Hapan $ec(are$ war 'pon were (ar&er than Hapan an$ it is e%i$ent that Hapan ha$ @een manip'(ate$ into ca'sin& a $istraction to the A((ie$ ,orces which $ec(are$ war on the eFpansionist A6IS 0mpire in the Me$iterranean /e&ion. 2'rin& the 2n$ :or($ :ar 3 citi>ens o? the USA who were o? Hapanese race as we(( as %isitors o? the USA who were o? Hapanese race < were $etaine$ an$ he($ in $etainment camps ?or reason o? their race. I ha%e seen photo&raphs o? Hapanese peop(es in $oc'mentary @ooDs a@o't ANati%e AmericansA that were printe$ in the 1"E0Ks. N'mero's races o? ,irst Nations Nati%e Americans are eFtinct an$ many o? them are c'rrent(y @ein& eFterminate$ as we(( as are @ecomin& a@sor@e$ into the $i%erse ?orei&n pop'(ation in North America that has them o'tn'm@ere$ se%ere(y 5 the treaties which were @roDen @y 1errorist 7rimina(s worDin& within the &o%ernment an$ mi(itary o? the Unite$ States o? America ?or some ?orei&n ?action 'sin& the reso'rces o? the USA Go%ernment an$ Mi(itary 3 an$ the $etainment o? Hapanese race in North America $'rin& the 2n$ :or($ :ar are o? stran&e(y simi(ar coinci$ence ?or reason that the $etainment o? Hapanese $'rin& the 2n$ :or($ :ar was ne%er $oc'mente$ proper(y an$ the eFtermination o? entire races o? ,irst Nations Nati%e Americans is pro@a@(e to ha%e contin'e$ $'rin& the 2n$ :or($ :ar at some o? these (ocations which ha%e ne%er @een proper(y $oc'mente$. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e ha$ n'mero's a&ents an$ 1errorist 7rimina( NetworDs in a(( o? the Americas since prior to the 7i%i( :ar o? the USA. .? coinci$in& synchronic occ'rrance with the $etainment o? Hapanese in the USA an$ the Ho(oca'st o? mi((ions o? ci%i(ians in 0'rope is the testin& o? two eFperimenta( prototype N'c(ear ;om@s 'pon the cities o? Hiroshima an$ Na&asaDi. It seems that it was eFpecte$ that the A6IS wo'($ contin'e to attempt G(o@a( 0Fpansion an$ that these weapons wo'($ pre%ent the A6IS in other re&ions ?rom achei%in& %ictory 3 @'t that ?or some reason < the A6IS in 0'rope s'rren$ere$ a?ter the conI'est o? 2e'tsche(an$ @y the A((ie$ ,orces o? the U.S.A. 3 U.9. 3 an$ the So%iet Union 5 a?ter this conI'est 3 the Ho'se o? Sa%oy re(ocate$ ha(? o? the Aristocracy to the Unite$ States o? America an$ @ro'&ht with them the /oya( ,ami(y o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ ha(? o? their i((e&itimate @(oo$(ines whom they a$opt to their co'sins an$ to the ?ami(ies o? the 9ni&hts o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy a$opt their /oya( @(oo$e$ chi($ren to ?ami(ies

re(ate$ to the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS 1errorist ,action an$ a$opt them to tr'ste$ a&ents o? their networD who a$opt some o? their own chi($ren to a&ents o? (esser tr'stworth to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e has n'mero's ha(? @rothers in %ario's re&ions o? the Americas. 2'rin& the Secon$ :or($ :ar 3 the 4e@ens@orn ProJect was sei>e$ @y the A6IS which tooD contro( o? itKs positions o? $irectin& ?ac'(ty an$ cease$ to ser%e itKs inten$e$ p'rpose an$ @e&an ?'nctionin& as a SeF 1ra??icDin& A&ency re(ate$ to what has @een reporte$ to ha%e @een ca((e$ the Hoy 2i%ision as we(( as is it pro@a@(e that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy a@'se$ the 4e@ens@orn Nata( S'rro&acy G A$option A&ency ?or p'rpose o? impre&natin& women with the o??sprin& o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. In n'mero's photo&raphs an$ paintin&s3 the ;aron H'(i's 0%o(a ha$ an Irmins'( pin on his JacDet < which was a sym@o( chosen to represent the 4e@ens@orn Nata( S'rro&acy G A$option A&ency3 the ;aron H'(i's 0%o(a a(so ass'me$ heirarcha( $ominance o%er other $epartments re(ate$ to 7'(t're an$ Hea(th as we(( as 0$'cation an$ the A6IS. H'(i's 0%o(a an$ a&ents o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy a(so sei>e$ contro( o? the 1h'(e Society < sa@ota&e$ an$ $estroye$ the or&ani>ation entire(y 3 @'rnin& the co((ection o? archae(o&ica( arti?acts an$ re(ics o? sacre$ importance to the ,o(D /e(i&ions o? %ario's re&ions o? 0'rope in the :ewe(s@'r& arson an$ $emo(ition that H'(i's 0%o(a an$ Heinrich Himm(er carrie$ o't themse(%es 3 this is o? psycho(o&ica( re(e%ance to the 2emo(ition o? 9in& So(omonKs 1emp(e which the /oman 0mpire ha$ $emo(ishe$ $'rin& a perio$ o? /oman occ'pation o? the nation o? Israe(. * :-: Hac.ers 4 Stal.ers :-: M'(tip(e ,ace@ooD Acco'nts @e(on&in& to my ?ami(y an$ ?rien$s were hacDe$ @etween 2010 2013 5 these in$i%i$'a(s were Anthony McMenemy3 He?? 7a@ra(3 ;o@ Sha&o'ry whom a(so 'ses the name 8;i>>aG3 Hoseph Mc7arthy whom a(so 'ses the name Aster :i($e an$ may c'rrent(y ha%e an impersonater whom is carryin& a 2'p(icate o? his I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s3 An&e(iI'e ;oy$ whom ha$ two ?ace@ooDs an$ possi@(y has an impersonator carryin& a 2'p(icate o? her I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s3 Hen 4inco(n3 7(arissa ;erry3 /yan Har%ey3 4a'ra 4'$wiDowsDi Har%ey3 0mi(y ;ar@o'r3 4a'ren ,rench3 Cach An$rosDi3 9eith Hammon$3 CacD Hohnson3 ;rian Parent3 Hosh'a He@ert3 Hessica Haco@s3 4a'ren :e((s3 ;rian Sweet3 Gre& 2a'(ton3 2a%i$ 4ee3 7har(es =er&ara3 /ich 7onesc'3 MarD SDinner3 ;ra$ Sa@(e whom a(so 'ses the name ;ra$?or$ I((3 7herie He@ert3 2aphen 7onnaway3 1ai :y@an3 my sister Sheena MacPherson whom has an imposte'r carryin& her i$entity an$ has @een missin& since 200!3 an$ my mother 2e@ra 4a%oie whom c'rrent(y has possi@(y 3 women 'sin& 2'p(icate I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o? hers 5 my MotherKs (ast Dnown (ocation was :est:oo$ 4o$&e in :est:oo$ Massach'settes in 2010 < a(( o? these in$i%i$'a(s are (iDe(y to @e tar&ets. My own acco'nt was a(so hacDe$ n'mero's times. 1his is o@%io's(y a co%ert attacD on American 7i%i(ians3 I'ite the same as the "N11 1errorist AttacDs were @ro'&ht a@o't @y a series o? co%ert acti%ities 5 it is pro@a@(e that the in$i%i$'a(s whom are rep(acin& the pop'(ations o? ma(es which ha%e @een tar&ette$ an$ tra??icDin& the ?ema(es ha%e ?'t're p(ans ?or a terror striDe. I? this ?'t're p(an in%o(%es the rep(acement an$ ass'min& o? i$entities o? 'ni?orme$ &o%ernment o??icia(s s'ch as Po(ice .??icers or S:A13 this co'($ @e a $e%astatin& co%ert attacD. =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy can m'tate the entire microscopic shape o? a h'man ?orm inc('$in& e%en the iris co(or o? the eyes3 the comp(eFion an$ oi(s

the o? sDin3 an$ the hair teFt're an$ co(or. :hi(e at my a'ntKs ho'se in Manchester NewHampshire 5 :estwoor$ 4o$&e was $isp(aye$ on a 1e(e%ision News Me$ia ;roa$cast as ha%in& @een in%esti&ate$ an$ a man whom worDe$ there @ein& arreste$ ?or ,ireArms 1ra??icDin&. I co'($ not ?in$ recor$ o? this arrest a?terwar$3 this may ha%e @een a cyphere$ @roa$cast create$ @y a hacDer with so?tware. It is $e?inite that this ?action ha%e o@taine$ emp(oyment within o'r Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartments. Anonymo's Pro@5 Ser0ers are @ein& 'se$< simi(ar to the we@site AN.N-1O(S& which rero'tes yo'r $ata path to an anonymo's ser%er to maDe it appear as i? yo'r comp'terKs I.P. A$$ress is (ocate$ in a $i??erent re&ion o? the wor($ entire(y. =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 1errorist .r&ani>ation are a@(e to 1ar&et In$i%i$'a(s @y way o? comm'nications an$ entertainment corporations< 'sin& their own access to pri%ate(y owne$ internet an$ ca@(e te(e%ision networDs to (earn more a@o't their tar&et. Another area o? a@'se concernin& Pri%ate an$ 7orporate ownership o? properties is in the @'siness o? comm'nications< s'ch as connectin& eFterna( $e%ices s'ch as comp'ters to comm'nications ser%ers in or$er to (isten3 intercept3 an$ sometimes e%en impersonate te(ephone con%ersations. 1his connection can @e ma$e 'sin& seria( ca@(e3 ?irewire3 networD ro'ter3 US;3 or 1/.HAN H./S0 wire(ess connection< A %I &#" racD mo'nt can @e 'se$ in conJ'nction with IN(G as we(( as Custom &ngineere) Operating S5stems an) Soft-are simi(ar to 8I#%(" BOG in or$er to win$ow the Hac.e) Ser0er an$ itKs .peratin& System on the $esDtop o? the 1erroristKs own Ser0er Computer as i? it were MI7/.S.,1 /0M.10 ASSIS1AN70. M'(tip(e 10//A;-10 eFterna( har$ $ri%es connecte$ to a 1o*ile (nit r'nnin& on a c'stom en&ineere$ .peratin& System can @e 'se$ to hacD3 a(ter3 access3 an$ a(so (eech the contents o? a ser%er. 7'rrent(y< one o? the most a$%ance$ 1o*ile (nits wo'($ @e a com@ination o? a 100 7./0 1I40/A racD mo'nt 'nit with a c'stom en&ineere$ .peratin& System3 a 4aptop with a c'stom en&ineere$ .peratin& System G set o? 2e%ice 2ri%ers insta((e$ as a $e%ice on the 1I40/A racD mo'nt 'nit3 an$ a set o? 10//A;-10 eFterna( har$ $ri%es. .ther metho$s o? tracDin& that this or&ani>ation is 'ses inc('$e5 7e(( Phone GPS @y way o? ser%er3 So?twareHacDe$ 7e(( Phone3 HacDe$ 7e(( Phone G(o@a( Positionin& System App(ications3 HacDe$N7'stom /e0n&ineere$ NetworD Ser%er .peratin& Systems 'p(oa$e$ $'rin& maintainance3 HacDe$ 7omp'ters3 HacDe$ 7e(( Phone 1owersNSer%ers3 an$ HacDe$N=ir's Up(oa$e$ Satte(ites. A(( the in$i%i$'a( nee$s is the personKs phone n'm@er an$ it is easy eno'&h to &et that @y simp(y ?ri&htenin& the s'rro'n$in& comm'nity with (ies that the person is some Din$ o? threat. A7an I @orrow yo'r phoneMA wo'($ @e a common tactic 'se$3 wherea?ter the a&ents phone wo'($ @e ca((e$3 (ea%in& the n'm@er o? the tar&et. 1he tar&ette$ in$i%i$'a( wo'($ @e S1ASIe$3 sta(De$3 assa'(te$3 or a@$'cte$. Another way to tar&et a person is @y $ata minin& ?or I.P. A$$resses on comm'nity messa&e @oar$s3 porno&raphic we@sites3 co%ert pro&rammin& within we@site app(ications3 an$ %i$eo &amin& ser%ers. I ha%e rea$ reports that other nations ha%e H"CK&# "#1I&S3 A ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace$ HacDer wo'($ @e IN7/02I;4- $i??ic'(t to tracD %ia IP A$$ress3 they co'($ 'p(oa$ so?tware to the ser%er that their imp(ante$ BCI transmission $e%ice recei%es a

@inary transmission p'(( ?rom an$ then 'se the so?tware to hacD the entire networD near(y 'n$etecta@(y whi(e mo@i(e in a %ehic(e. A terrorist or crimina( ?inancer co'($ easi(y ha%e entreprene're$ a mo@i(e phone corporation or s'@si$iary ?or the p'rpose o? &ainin& access to /, si&na(s ser%ers an$ towers. Many eastern e'ropean &an&sters are eFtreme(y &oo$ with techno(o&y as we(( an$ some o? those not on(y ha%e connections to the comm'nistsNeF D&@ @'t a(so ha%e connections to or&ani>ations s'ch as the 1a(i@an an$ A( Bae$a3 these are the Din$s o? internationa( connections that =ittorio 0man'e(e seems to @e attracte$ to hirin&. ;7I @ase$ comp'ter hacDin& can @e $one 'sin& a(tere$ so?twareN c'stom ma$e reen&ineere$ operatin& systems3 @('etooth tetherin&3 ce((phone tetherin&3 (aptop tetherin&3 an$ (on& ran&e wire(ess ro'ter attachments. I am worrie$ a@o't =itorrio 0man'e(eKs operati%es @ein& em@e$$e$ within the Anonymo's Mo%ement. /'ssiaKs &o%ernment @ein& co%ert(y em@e$$e$ with operati%es ?rom A6IS 7rime Syn$icates in the s'rro'n$in& re&ion is a(so a threat re(ate$ to this3 speci?ica((y with the ties @etween the So%iet re&iona( Ma?ias an$ the Ita(ian Sici(ian Ma?ias entrenche$ an$ s(eepin& here in the Unite$ States. 1heir So($iers (ie a@o't what they are in%o(%e$ in. #?or instance5 Aro'n$ the year o? 2005 there was man who sto(e the stea(th @om@er co($ en&ine p(ans an$ so($ them to a 7hinese espiona&e oriente$ crime syn$icate. 1his man in partic'(ar ha$ an Aryan so'n$in& name #Possi@(y a name o? In$ian ori&in)< @'t ?rom the photo&raphs I ha%e seen3 his ?ace (ooDe$ to @e o? S(a%onic an$ 7a'ca'sis (inea&e with a sDin $ye Jo@ an$ a spray on tan. I a(so remem@er an Ita(ian man $oin& somethin& %ery simi(ar. It is possi@(e that this man was worDin& ?or some@o$y other than 7hina as a s(eeper ce(( a&ent an$ $eci$e$ to stea( the stea(th @('e prints ?or cash to ?'n$ another or&ani>ationKs terrorism. Ina$%ertant(y as a res'(t3 c'rrent(y the co($ en&ine t'r@ine co'($ @e @ein& 'se$ as part o? a stea(th I7;M) /ecent(y there ha%e e%en @een a s(ew o? arrests in%o(%in& spies. Some o? these A/'ssianA espiona&e a&ents co'($ e%en potentia((y @e worDin& ?or A6IS 7rimina( operati%es within the /'ssian &o%ernment. 1he other pop'(ation connection a(ot o? these operati%es seem to ha%e wo'($ @e Ita(ian Imperia( c(an$estine ce((s (e?to%er ?rom :or($ :ars 1 an$ 2. - %errorist Operati0es are also a*le to hac. )igital-ca*le ser0ers using %I &#" eHuipment+ tele0ision transmissions+ an) e)it the soun) an) 0i)eo -ith soft-are3 %his coul) most easil5 *e )one from a go0ernment office+ a Comcast corporate office+ or else-here -ith militar5-gra)e eHuipment using non-microsoft technolog5+ 81B"#&+ an) 8I#%(" BOG an5 operating s5stemN %I &#" 6==-Core Processor coul) perform these tas.s -ith ease an) *5 no- these terrorists coul) ha0e something e0en more a)0ance) than that3 " -ireless BrainComputerInterface coul) )o alot of this easil5 -ithout )etection an) )ue to Neural-Plasticit5 Mor Cortical-Plasticit5N the )e0ice ma5 e0en possi*l5 e0entuall5 *e completel5 controlle) *5 something *e5on) *inar5 that -oul) loo. more li.e IChing s5m*ols MHua)-*ase) macro-li.e programmingN + =-9+ =3==6 - 63===+ or e0en ,ust ra)io-a0es themsel0es3 Bo)5-1o)ification e@perts an) Cosmetic-Surgeons are *eing use) to hi)e routers an) *lue-tooth )e0ices in's an) sla0e's *o)ies3 (sing 0ocal anal5zers+ speech processers+ animation frames+ animation programs+ an) animation s.ins ta.en )irectl5 from 0i)eo footageE c5*er-terrorist ps5-operati0es are using programme) macros to )o these things almost instantl5

an) seemlessl53 %he ner0e-en)ings of the on the face are *eing use) li.e a *lue-screen contact-point an) animate) o0er -ith ease an) on hac.e) tele0ision *roa)casts3 %his is *eing )one for the purpose of PSY-B"# against ci0ilians3 I ha0e freHuentl5 -itnesse) pi@elate) )igital anomolies of *lac. *o@s or flashing *o@s on )igital ca*le tele0ision an) some times the5 ha0e e0en change) -or)s printe) on screen )uring game-sho-s3 H'man 1ra??icDers are a@(e to sta(D their %ictims an$ tracD them %ia hacDin& an$Nor ce((phones as we((. 2'e to these psy operati%es an$ possi@(e mo(esN em@e$$e$ ce((s within my (oca( re&iona( &o%ernment< I ha%e attempte$ to report this to the (oca( ,;I an$ they were non comp(iant3 so I am instea$ reportin& this to :ashin&ton 2.7. ,;I an$ e(sewhere. I am sti(( tryin& to $etermine how to &et a si(D ;7I $etecte$ on FrayNcatscanNor mri #yo' canKt eFact(y J'st &o into a hospita( an$ te(( them that yo' are the %ictim o? a h'man %i%isection that inc('$e$ a @rain comp'ter inter?ace microchip an$ that yo' were ostraci>e$ ?or @ein& an e%i( Ana>iA the entire time< yo' wi(( J'st &et thrown into a psychiatric ?aci(ity). Un?ort'nate(y< here in the Unite$ States o? America3 most peop(e ?or&et that we ha%e enemies. It is near(y impossi@(e to eFp(ain to any@o$y that certain peop(e co'($ potentia((y @e an a&ent o? a s(eeper ce((3 mo(e3 espiona&e a&ent3 or a &enoci$a( terrorist. I was a(so horri@(y mis$ia&nose$ @y a $octor who wo'($nKt (isten to anythin& I was sayin&. He (a@e(e$ me schi>ophrenic #$'e to some@o$y with an 00G He(met 'sin& @rain to @rain comp'ter inter?ace ne'roscience so?tware to te(( me to carry o't simp(e comman$s s'ch as ApicD the spoon 'pA A&o @'y ci&arettesA etc) a?ter this ;7I was s'r&ica((y attache$ to my @rain. I ha%e since @een re$ia&nose$ with J'st P1S2. %he purpose for the ps5ch--arfare is no- o*0ious : to )iscre)it me as a -itness to the fact that 8ittorio &manuele -as mentione) to *e ")olf Hitler's half-*rother's gran)son on Henr5 1a.o-'s -e*site + that 8ittorio &manuele stal.e) me to m5 place of -or. multiple times+ that 8ittorio &manuele's cre)it car) -as use) multiple times in 1anchester Ne- Hampshire+ that /8ictor/ is 8ittorio &manuele+ an) that the &manuele-&0ola Crime $amilies ha0e *een m5 famil53 7eff Beise of a.ota an) "n)ers Brei0i. of Nor-a5 -ere *oth ma)e to appear mentall5 ill after -hat -as )one to them3 %he purpose for this -oul) *e to co0er up the reasona*le cause to in0estigate the 1ilitar5 Signals Net-or. an) the )ata store) on the Internet Ser0ers : -ith this reasona*le cause the entire -orl)--i)e -e*+ store) ra)io-signals )ata+ an) all other electronic transmissions coul) *e in0estigate) *5 an5 militar5 for e0i)ence of #a)io$reHuenc5 NeuroScience %ransmissions3 * !oogle-Phone can *e use) in con,unction -ith an Internet "pplication to fa.e Phone Num*ers+ Caller I)entification s5stems an) Cell Phone Num*er #ecognition S5stems to i)entif5 the caller's num*er as a )ifferent num*er these applications can *e use) in con,unction -ith 0oice immitations for espionage3 %he 1ilitar5 Signals Intelligence 2epartment can still i)entif5 the original callers num*ers an) locations3

* :-: Cesare :-: WTX %"B OI2S : 1a@(oi$s are most o?ten ?i((e$ with ?ictiona( news artic(es immitatin& campy 'r@an (e&en$s an$ 'nrea(istic scenarios in%o(%in& po(itics an$ re(i&ion. A(most in synchronicity3 ta@(oi$s @e&an printin& $e?amati%e ?a(se stories a@o't the U9 Monarchy3 the U9 Ho'se o? 4or$s3 an$ the U9 Par(iament. At this eFact moment 3 terrorists were 'sin& comp'ters at a corporate o??ice owne$ @y /'pert M'r$och an$ his associates 5 these terrorists were 'sin& these comp'ters in or$er to hacD ce(( phones o? ;ritish /oya( ,ami(y an$ the U9 Par(iament3 acti%ate p(ante$ impro%ise$ recor$in& $e%ices3 hacDin& comm'nications ser%ers ?or p'rpose o? wire tappin& ce(( phones3 an$ hacDin& comm'nications ser%ers accessin& emai( acco'nts. 1he 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icate attempte$ to ?rame /'pert M'r$och ?or this. 1his hacDin& occ'rre$ two years a?ter Henry MaDowKs we@site was t'rne$ into an internet ta@(oi$ 5 this was $one ?or the p'rpose o? $iscre$itin& Henry MaDowKs p'@(ishe$ artic(e a@o't A$o(? AA$o(? Hit(erA 0man'e(e3 the new writer is not Henry MaDow. 1he new we@site has c(aime$ that A$o(? Hit(er was an a&ent worDin& ?or the ;ritish /oya( ,ami(y 5 =ittorio 0man'e(e hates the Hano%er ?ami(y. In one o? these ta@(oi$s3 a U9 No@(eman was ?a(se(y portraye$ as ha%in& a na>i 'ni?orm ?etish an$ was $e?ame$ &(o@a((y in ta@(oi$s. 1his coinci$e$ with the o%ert(y o??ensi%e $ecision to @'(( $o>e 1ara Hi(( an$ a(so coinci$e$ with attempts @y A&ent Pro%ocate'r 7omp'ter HacDers to pro%oDe racia( stri?e @etween Gae(s an$ An&(o SaFons on messa&e@oar$s an$ internet @(o&s inc('$in& an Asatr' socia( networDin& we@site ca((e$ $he Althing $'rin& 200! which &enera((y catere$ to what is the more Nationa(ist po(itic amon&st the Asatr' comm'nity3 7onspiracy 1heory we@sites were a(so 'se$ ?or the p'rpose o? pro%oDin& racia( stri?e @etween Gae(s an$ An&(o SaFons. In approFimate(y the year 200" 5 rep(ica pen$ants o? MJo(nir 1horKs Hammers which ha$ @een ?o'n$ in re&ions o? the U.9. @y archaeo(o&ists 3 were remo%e$ ?rom the internet entire(y an$ were no (on&er @ein& so($. 1his was synchronic with 2a%i$ IcDeKs p'@(ishin& o? artic(es a@o't the ;ritish Monarchy c(aimin& that they are shape shi?tin& inter$imensiona( repti(ian space a(iens an$ that they are p(annin& to microchip h'man @ein&s in the near ?'t're ?or the p'rpose o? conI'erin& p(anet earth < MarD C'cDer@er& 5 who is a(so a wea(thy tar&et 3 was a(so mentione$. 1he threat o? =ittorio 0man'e(e 'sin& =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy to rep(ace peop(e s'ch as :i((iam Hano%er an$ MarD C'cDer@er& is eFtreme(y $an&ero's 5 ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace an$ speech reco%ery ne'ro trainin& so?tware co'($ @e 'se$ to stea( their %oca( m'sc'(at're an$ %oice patternin&. I? this occ'rre$ 3 the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icate wo'($ possess an eFtreme amo'nt o? wea(th an$ &(o@a( in?('ence as we(( as an immense a@i(ity to ?'rther in?i(trate the ;ritish 7ommon:ea(th Nations3 the USA3 an$ e%en Israe(. Po(iticans were a(so (iste$ as inter$imensiona( repti(ian space a(iens. Amon&st Henry MaDow an$ his co((ea&'es< a(( mention o? A2/A7.NIANSA once re?erre$ to a &(o@a( ca@a( o? powermon&ers acti%e(y en&a&e$ in a co($ @(oo$e$ an$ r'th(ess co%ert str'&&(e ?or G(o@a(i>ation o? State an$ e%ent'a( G(o@a( .(i&archa( 2ominance. 2raco is the name o? a star system3 2raconians are a(so a race o? repiti(ian space tra%e(ers in a Ste%e HacDson ta@(etop war strate&y &ame. Ste%e HacDson is the man who in%ente$ the car$ &ame ca((e$ I(('minati3 Henry MaDowKs @ooD was ca((e$ I(('minati as we((. =ittorio 0man'e(eKs comm'nications ha%e shown a re?(eFi%e cypherin& a metaphoric cypherin&

o? past comm'nications in%o(%in& in%esti&ations concernin& his 7rimina( 1errorist acti%ities. .n we@sites s'ch as A@o%e 1op Secret 5 scenarios which were $e?amati%e an$ psycho(o&ica((y tra'mati>in& were p'@(ishe$ which portraye$ secret concentration camps in the USA that were s'ppose$(y @'i(t @y the ;'sh 7heney a$ministration ?or the p'rpose o? $etainin& an$ re e$'catin& ?ami(ies as we(( as orchestratin& systemic &enoci$e. 1he "N11 1errorist AttacDs were a(so @(ame$ on the ;'sh an$ 7heney ?ami(ies as i? they were a 1errorist 7rime ,ami(y. A(( o? this propa&an$a has the same psycho(o&ica( patho(o&y an$ is %ery ?oc'se$ on ho(oca'st an$ anti Israe(i sentiment as we(( as anti USA an$ anti U9 sentiment. .n :iDipe$ia it was poste$ that ;i(( 7(inton was 0(i>a@eth Hano%erKs co'sin 5 this occ'rre$ two months a?ter I ser%e$ 0(i>a@eth Hano%er an 0n&(ish ;reaD?ast 1ea twice at 2'nDin 2on'ts in Manchester New Hampshire near the ManchesterN4on$on$erry AirPort. Imme$iate(y a?ter this was poste$ I was Psych :ar?are assa'(te$ ?or ?o'r consec'ti%e $ays an$ $ri%en into a psychiatric c(inic. :e(( at the psychiatric c(inic on Amherst St. in Nash'a New Hampshire3 an imposte'r 0(i>a@eth Hano%er was a$mitte$ an$ intro$'ce$ herse(? as A0(i>a@eth 1'$orA 5 this occ'rre$ imme$iate(y a?ter a @(on$e man whom (ooDe$ simi(ar to ;i(( 7(inton was i((e&a((y a$mitte$ to the war$ with a (aptop which he set 'p in the room across the ha(( ?rom mine. A (aptop comp'ter was 'se$ to connect the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace to the G(o@a( Internet whi(e I was at the New Hampshire Hospita( on 7(inton Street in 7oncor$ New Hampshire. 7'rrent(y there are a %ery (ar&e n'm@er o? terrorists in my re&ion whom are 'sin& 2'p(icate$ I$enti?ication paperworD in or$er to impersonate Americans 5 in some cases3 entire ?ami(ies seem to ha%e @een rep(ace$. 1o camo'?(a&e this assa'(t< the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icate ha%e 'se$ .r&ani>e$ 7rime Units3 7rimina( 4ocDsmiths3 an$ a(so possi@(y Pri%ate In$'stry pro$'ce$ seria( n'm@ere$ @arco$e$ =accinations ?or the p'rpose o? sprea$in& 2NA m'tation @y metho$ o? =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy which can @e in&este$ in ?orm o? hemo&(o@in %ia(s 'se$ to taint $rinDin& s'pp(ies or inJecte$ 'sin& %ira( %accination metho$s. I ha%e witnesse$ m'(tip(e peop(esK ?aces m'tate in the past E years.

* :-: NeuroScience %errorism an) :-: STU NeuroScience+ Brain-Computer Interface %echnolog5+ &lectronics &ngineering an) Soft-are &ngineering : Ne'roScience can @e 'se$ ?or me$ica( prosthesis3 ro@otics3 war3 s(a%ery3 an$ terrorism. In com@at 5 Ne'roScience can @e 'se$ to interact with weaponry3 $rones3 an$ other comp'teri>e$ systems. ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces ha%e @een 'se$ to ro@otici>e an$ remote pi(ot cocDroaches3 rats3 cats3 cows3 $o(phins3 an$ monDeys to the $e&ree o? contro( that it is simi(ar to contro((in& a remote contro((e$ ro@ot3 %ehic(e3 or a ?(i&ht sim'(ator on a comp'ter. ,or s(a%ery an$ terrorism 5 Ne'roScience can @e 'se$ to comp(ete(y contro( a h'man @rain 3 th's ena@(in& another h'man @ein& to 'se a comp'ter to contro( the @o$y3 physica( actions3 chemica(s3 an$ eFperiences o? the ens(a%e$ h'man@ein&. A(( that is neccessary to in?('ence an$ contro( 0(ectro Ma&netic patterns on the s'r?ace o? the h'man @rain is a (ow %o(ta&e power so'rce s'ch as a micro @attery an$ a sma(( eno'&h ro'ter to @e S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ that can process simp(e @inary. A ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace is a Ne'roGra?t Patch simi(ar to a Micro7hip

that is &ra?te$ to the @rain3 this Ne'roGra?t Patch interacts with positi%e an$ ne&ati%e e(ectroma&netic char&es 5 ;inary is a series o? ne&ati%es in the ?orm o? 0Ks an$ positi%es in ?orm o? 1Ks. 1he entire h'man ner%o's system an$ a(( thin&s e(ectroma&netic are a@(e to @e con%erte$ to @inary. 00101011010100100101010010010010101101101011001010101010101010101 is an$ eFamp(e o? a strin& o? ;inary. ;inary is the @asic component o? 7omp'ter Pro&rammin& 4an&'a&e. P ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 'se$ ?or Synthetic 1e(epathy an$ Hypnosis 5 ;rain 1o ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace So?tware can @e 'se$ ?or Synthetic 1e(epathy simi(ar to 1ho'&ht to 1eFt an$ 1eFt to ;rain So?tware. 1he teFt can @e ma$e opaI'e3 pre%entin& it ?rom @ein& seen 5 this ena@(es Synthetic 1e(epathy @y way o? two ;rain 1o ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace$ in$i%i$'a(s an$ so?tware. 1his is capa@(e o? @ein& $one (on& ran&e 'sin& 7omp'ter So?tware. I? an in$i%i$'a( is a %ictim o? a Ne'roScience =i%isection inc('$in& the imp(antation o? a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 2e%ice s'ch as a ;rainGate or a 7y@er9inetics ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace &ra?t 5 the %ictim wi(( @e 'nDnowin& 'pon awaDenin& that the $e%ice was imp(ante$ in their sD'((. 2'e to the %ictim @ein& comp(ete(y 'nDnowin& o? the imp(antation 3 it is possi@(e ?or the 1errorist 7rimina( to ta(D an$ thinD tho'&hts into the %ictimKs @rain. 1his so'n$s as i? there is a secon$ interna( $ia(o& 5 it is $i??ic'(t ?or the %ictim to $ecypher i? the secon$ interna( $ia(o& eFists which maDes it possi@(e to entire(y hypnotise an$ s'@concio's(y contro( the %ictims. 1he res'(ts are simi(ar to an in%isi@(e %entri(iI'ist with a marionette. 2'e to the 0man'e(e 0%o(a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icateKs associates an$ retainers owne$ hospita(s an$ hea(thcare ?aci(ities 5 it is simp(e a simp(e tasD ?or the %ictim to @e intentiona((y mis$ia&nose$ with a psychiatric $isor$er3 this is $one as an attempt to $iscre$it them as a witness an$ c'rtai( their h'man ri&hts. P ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace Use$ ,or 7o%ert Gatherin& .? Mi(itary Inte((i&ence 5 I((e&a( 7o%ert S'r&ica( Imp(antation o? ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace Ne'roGra?ts an$ (on& ran& S'r&ica( Imp(ante$ /o'ters co'($ possi@(y @e @ein& 'se$ to &ather in?ormation ?rom 2e?ense 0mp(oyees as we(( as 4aw 0n?orcement an$ In%esti&ations emp(oyees. A(( o? these transmissions wo'($ show 'p on past Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence Store$ 2ata as we(( as c'rrent Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence transmissions. M'ch o? these transmissions are internet3 the so?tware in%o(%e$ in the Ne'roScience transmissions an$ ca(c'(ations is physica((y ho'se$ on a 7omp'ter Har$2ri%e. 1he possi@i(ity o? these transmissions not @ein& in%esti&ate$ imme$iate(y is 061/0M04- 2ANG0/.US. %HIS IS "N &G%#&1& Y 2"N!&#O(S SCI&NC&: -:: N&(#O-#OBO%ICS O$ " I8IN! BIO O!IC" O#!"NIS1 ::Ne'ro /o@otics Animation 5 Ne'ro /o@otics is the /o@otic 7ontro( o? a ;io(o&ica( .r&anism @y means o? Ne'roScience an$ a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace or any other e(ectronic components inter?ace$ with the Ne'ro(o&y o? the ;io(o&ica( .r&anism. Ne'ro Science 0(ectro0ncepha(oGraphy an$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace can @e 'se$ to manip'(ate animation so?tware on a comp'ter. Animation so?tware encompassin& 3 $imensiona( wire ?rame animation capa@(e o? ?rame an$ intersect stretchin& @y tho'&ht

a(one3 sDe(eta( animation capa@(e o? ?'(( ran&e o? motion pi%otin& an$ &yroscopic eFtension which can @e contro((e$ @y tho'&ht a(one3 as we(( as @ranch an$ ?('i$ animation with the capa@i(ity o? each @ranch path o? ?('i$ animation @ein& chosen @y concentration an$ $ecision a(one. A'tomate$ animation so?tware can @e 'se$ in conJ'ction with these animation techno(o&ies3 me$ica( Ne'roScience so?tware3 an$ ro@otics so?tware to t'rn a h'man @ein& into a ro@otic s(a%e. 1he @rain o? the h'man @ein& ana(y>es3 e??ects3 an$ contro(s the entire @o$y 5 th's a comp'ter can @e 'se$ to pro&ram the h'man @o$y to mo%e ro@otica((y in a seI'ence o? animations. A comp'ter can a(so ro@ot the h'man @o$y to per?orm a series o? tho'san$s o? short chain animation seI'encies chosen @y Arti?icia( Inte((i&ence in Synchronicity with an 0(ectro 0ncepha(oGraph He(met :earerKs @rain3 this can a(so @e $one with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace Gra?te$ in$i%i$'a(Ks @rain. Usin& 1ho'&ht to 1ho'&ht ;rain 1o ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace so?tware com@ine$ with an Arti?icia( Inte((i&ence oriente$ 1a(D ;ot 3 an arti?icia( tho'&ht process in a h'man @rain which appears as a secon$ inner %oice can @e pro&ramme$ in conJ'nction with ;io /o@otics 1a(D ;ot so?tware to o%er ri$e the :i(( o? the H'man Min$ 5 this is entire(y $i??erent ?rom hypnosis in that yo'r conscio's state o? o? min$ is comp(ete(y an$ tota((y aware3 a(( sensory perception is comp(ete an$ tota( <5 the entire @rain an$ @o$y @esi$es the conscio's awareness howe%er3 are tota((y an$ comp(ete(y contro((e$ ro@otica((y. 1he conscio's awareness has no contro( whatsoe%er o%er any ?ac'(ty @esi$es co&niti%e awareness 5 a(( the in$i%i$'a( can $o is eFperience what is happenin&3 thinD3 o@ser%e3 an$ ?ee( the sensory o? their ne'ro(o&ica( @o$y. 1he in$i%i$'a( can not $isassociate @eca'se the @rain is Dept entire(y conscio's. 1his is the c'(mination o? research that @e&an 100 years a&o with in$i%i$'a(s in%o(%e$ in a G(o@a( 1errorist .r&ani>e$ 7rime Syn$icate3 (ater contin'e$ @y H'(i's 0%o(a an$ Hose? Men&e(e3 a?ter the $e?eat o? the 3r$ /eich @y /ichar$ He(ms an$ the crimina(s em@e$$e$ within 7IA P/.H071 M9U41/A3 an$ now e%ent'a((y the 0man'e(e 0%o(a G(o@a( 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate an$ their associate partners. A 1I40/A 100 7./0 1i(e$ Processor paire$ with 4in'F 'sin& c'stom so?tware inc('$in& e%en =irt'a(;oF i? necessary is capa@(e o? processin& mi((ions o? animation seI'ences sim'(taeneo's(y. 1wo ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces &ra?te$ to the h'man @rain are a(( that is nee$e$ to Ne'ro P(astici>e the entirety o? the @rain in synchronicity with so?tware ca(i@ration3 contro((in& the entirety o? the @rain. A(( that is necessary is ?or the entire @rain to @e contro((e$ is ?or the (e?t si$e ;.7.I. to @e imp(ante$ @ehin$ the ear(o@e3 towar$s the @acD o? the @rain < an$ ?or the ri&ht si$e ;.7.I. to @e imp(ante$ @ehin$ the ear(o@e3 towar$ the ?ront o? the @rain 55 each ;.7.I. wo'($ @e wire$ to two wire(ess networDin& $e%ices tacDe$ insi$e the Jaw ca%ity. 1hese wire(ess networDin& $e%ices are a /o'ter an$ ;attery S'r&ica( Imp(ant that wires 'p @eneath an$ @ehin$ the ear(o@es into the @rain ca%ity3 connectin& the ;.7.I. to the 4on& /an&e /a$io ,reI'ency /o'ter. 1he Ne'roScience so?tware wo'($ on(y reI'ire a seperation o? p('&in so?tware app(ication 5 seperatin& the P('& In So?tware App(ications to /i&ht ;.7.I. an$ 4e?t ;.7.I. 3 the entirety o? the ;rain an$ ;o$y is contro((e$ @y a 7rimina( 1errorist H'man 1ra??icDer 'sin& a Ne'roScience :orDStation. A so?tware animate$ 3$imensiona( h'man ro@ot on a comp'ter can @e remote(y contro((e$ 'sin& an 0.0.G. He(met3 a ;.7.I.3 or compositions o? animation seI'ence. 1his wo'($ ha%e the appearance o? a h'man ima&e on a comp'ter screen

which can @e mo%e$ (iDe a marionette. 1his marionette h'man ima&e can @e paire$ 'p with the h'man ner%o's system in 3$imensiona( wire ?rame 'sin& wire?rame intersections as connection points ?or the h'man ne'ro pathways. 7o(or co$in& o? wire ?rame an$ connection o? the intersection points is possi@(e to ena@(e this. 1hese so?twares a(rea$y eFist an$ a sDi((e$ so?tware en&ineer co'($ easi(y piece to&ether the %ario's so?tware components. 1his wo'($ (ooD aDin to a so?tware %ersion o? a Hon$a Asimo 5 (iDe a %irt'a( Hon$a Asimo. Ne'ro 4in&'istic Pro&rammin& 5 1eFt to 1ho'&ht So?tware p(antin& wor$ teFt in the ?ar peripheria( space in the s'@conscio's3 1eFt to A'$ia( p(antin& so'n$ in the s'@concio's o? the min$3 an$ physica( @io ro@otics so?ware animatin& the h'man %oca( m'sc'(at're to ta(D $'rin& s(eep are m'(tip(e metho$s o? 7y@er 0(ectronic Ne'ro 4in&'istic Pro&rammin&. 2eep Hypnotic Ne'ro 4in&'istic Pro&rammin& e??ects m'(tip(e (ayers o? psycho(o&y s'ch as wor$ associations to a@stract concepts3 ima&es3 an$ sensations. Ne'ro 4in&'istic Pro&rammin& can @e 'se$ to pro&ram another h'mans ne'ro(o&y entire(y. .ther ?actors which Ne'ro 4in&'istic Pro&rammin& can comp(ete(y re en&ineer are concept associate$ physica( ne'ro(o&ica( reactions in the h'man @o$y an$ concept re(ate$ chemica( reactions in the h'man ne'ro(o&y an$ &(an$s in the @rain. A(( h'man@ein&s ha%e Ne'ro 4in&'istic Heirarcha( 7ata&orica( Imperati%e. Shapes ha%e archetypa( meanin&s in the s'@concio's min$3 these meanin&s can @e reassi&ne$ 'sin& ne'ro (in&'istic pro&rammin& com@ine$ with e(ectro ma&netics an$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace. M'sic has a 'niI'e e??ect on ne'ro(o&y an$ can a(so @e 'se$ in com@ination with Ne'ro 4in&'istic Pro&rammin&. Ne'ro 4in&'istics can @e 'se$ in conJ'nction with e(ectroma&netic manip'(ation o? the Sha$ow /eco&nition section o? the @rain ?or the p'rpose o? @(ocDin& the @rainKs i$enti?ication o? in$i%i$'a(s3 $enyin& i$enti?yin& ?actors to the @rain entire(y or e%en misappropriatin& ?actors attri@'tin& a ?a(se i$entity to an in$i%i$'a(. 1ransmission o? /ecor$e$ /a$io :a%e,orms 5 /ecor$e$ /a$io :a%e,orms can @e @roa$caste$ to the ;.7.I. ro'ter in or$er to create speci?ic e??ects within the @rainKs ne'ro(o&y 3 tri&&erin& $r'& e??ects. 1his can a(so @e 'se$ to %ario's meas'res in or$er to pa%o(o%ian train a h'man @ein&3 creatin& ne'ro(o&ica( ?(ash@acDs to en&ineer an$ $iscip(ine the ne'ro(o&y o? the %ictimsK. Nat'ra((y occ'rrin& processes are recor$e$ an$ can @e tri&&ere$ in or$er to pa%(o%ian $iscip(ine the ne'ro(o&y o? the %ictim as we((. ,rien$(y Mechani>e$ /o@otics 5 0.0.G. an$ ;.7.I. can @e 'se$ to pi(ot a h'manoi$ mechani>e$ ro@ot with ?'(( ran&e o? motion 'sin& nothin& @'t tho'&ht an$ concentration 5 one eFamp(e o? this is the Hon$a Asimo. Un?ort'nate(y ?or h'man @ein&s3 a h'man with a ;.7.I. can @e pi(ote$ m'ch the same as a Hon$a Asimo 5 as can a %irt'a( so?tware ro@ot which can (ater @e paire$ 'p with a physica( mechani>e$ ro@ot or a @io ro@otici>e$ or&anism. 0(ectro0ncepha(oGraphy :orDs ;oth :ays 5 2'rin& the past ten years 5 a corporation in Hapan re(ease$ in?ormation that 0(ectro0ncepha(oGraphy not on(y e??ects the e(ectro ma&netics in the 0.0.G. he(met an$ the comp'ter3 it a(so e??ects the e(ectro ma&netics on the s'r?ace o? the @rain. 1he p'@(ishe$ st'$y which ha$ @een con$'cte$

showe$ e%i$ence that a man co'($ contro( a woman to mo%e (iDe a ro@ot whom ha$ an 0(ectro0ncepha(oGraph He(met on her hea$ o?ten $'rin& other st'$ies3 the man simp(y 'se$ a JoysticD. 1he speci?ic 0.0.G. he(met which they ha$ @een eFperimentin& with worDe$ simi(ar(y to a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace Microchip that &ra?ts to the @rain s'r?ace. Am@ient Arti?icia( Inte((i&ence 5 Arti?icia( Inte((i&ence which respon$s to en%ironmenta( stim'(i is ca((e$ Am@ient Arti?icia( Inte((i&ence. Am@ient Arti?icia( Inte((i&ence so?tware @ein& 'p(oa$e$ to the H'man 1ra??icDin& ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace networD that has @een create$ @y =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ his sonsK 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate wo'($ @e eFtreme(y $an&ero's 5 this so?tware wo'($ @e capa@(e o? tri&&erin& contro((e$ %io(ence ?rom ci%i(ians who are 'naware o? the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace that is &ra?te$ to their @rain. Acti%e Manip'(ation o? ;.7.I.K$ In$i%i$'a( 5 ;y metho$ o? ro(ep(ayin& %er@a((y 'sin& ;rain 1o ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace So?tware 3 an in$i%i$'a( wearin& an 0(ectro0ncepha(oGraphy He(met co'($ manip'(ate an in$i%i$'a( whom is 'nDnowin& o? the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace which has co%ert(y @een S'r&ica((y Gra?te$ to their @rain. SpeaDin& into the %ictimKs @rain in 1st Person Perspecti%e as i? they are the %ictim thinDin& 3 the 1errorist :ar 7rimina( is capa@(e o? con?'sin& an$ o%er powerin& the interna( $ia(o& o? the %ictimKs own @rain. 1his ena@(es the 1errorist :ar 7rimina( wearin& the 0(ectro0ncepha(oGraph He(met to manip'(ate an$ contro( the %ictimKs $ecision maDin& process an$ mo%ements. UN4I90 1H0 H.N2A ASIM. :HI7H IS 7.MP40104- ;0NIGN AN2 0N10/1AINING 3 N0U/. /.;.1I7S IS 061/0M04- 2ANG0/.US SI1UA1I.N 5 1HIS N002S 1. ;0 IN=0S1IGA102 ;- MI4I1A/- IN1044IG0N70 IMM02IA104-. 1H0 =.41AG0 ., 1H0 HUMAN N0/=.US S-S10M IS 7.MPA1I;40 :I1H S.M0 MI7/. 107HN.4.G- :HI7H IS 7APA;40 ., P.:0/ING 04071/.NI7 7.MP.N0N1S 3 S.M0 ., 1H0S0 04071/.NI7 7.MP.N0N1S MA- P.SSI;4;0 A;40 1. P.:0/ A MI7/. /.U10/ 5 1his wo'($ mean that e%ent'a((y a @attery wi(( not @e necessary to power a ;.7.I. an$ a (on& ran&e /o'ter. A44 1HA1 :I44 ;0 N070SSA/- IS A ;I. M07HANI7A4 /0S0=.I/ 7.MP.N0N1 5 4i%in& or&anisms trans?er ener&y an$ pro$'ce their own e(ectricity @y way o? cons'mption o? materia(s s'ch as e(ectro(ytes an$ proteins. 7'rrent(y these $e%ices 'se micro @atteries. P /o@otics Animation so?tware 'se$ with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace science ?or espiona&e an$ crimina( p'rposes ena@(es a h'man to copy an eFact si&nat're an$ han$writin& samp(e 5 as we(( as can a ro@otic arm o@%io's(y $o the same. /o@itics Animation So?tware in com@ination with =oca( 4in&'istics ;rain2ama&e /eco%ery Ne'roScience so?tware 3 a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace can @e 'se$ to train the m'sc'(at're o? a h'man throat an$ to'n&'e to impersonate an eFact h'man %oice o? a person other than themse(%es. 1hese sciences com@ine$ with =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy 'se$ ?or cosmetic an$ ?in&erprint p'rposes 3 as espiona&e an$ crimina( $is&'ise 5 are an eFtreme threat that has c'rrent(y @een i&nore$ an$ is @ein& 'se$ a&ainst 's. It is possi@(e that on(y 15 or so &enes are nee$e$ to @e rep(ace$ to impersonate a h'man @ein& comp(ete(y 3 inc('$in& ?in&erprints. =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tation occ'rs

I'icD(y. It is re(ati%e(y easy to ?in$ a match ?or a @(oo$ type as we(( as is it easy to ?in$ a match ?or hei&ht 5 2NA testin& is &oin& to @e necessary ?or the p'rpose o? pro%in& i$entity as we(( as is a care?'( system o? $ata co((ection3 recor$ Deepin&3 an$ a'$itin&. 1his is &oin& to ha%e to in%o(%e m'(tip(e teams o? h'man $ata co((ectors3 recor$ Deepers3 an$ a'$itors 5 as we(( as more than one comp'ter system. 1his i$enti?ication is &oin& to ha%e to in%o(%e a system simi(ar to the IS. stan$ar$s ?o'n$ in pro$'ction ?actories3 to ens're that no one is misse$. It may e%en @e possi@(e to test a h'man @ein& ?or a&e. A 2NA test ?or p'rpose o? i$enti?ication < $'e ?or renewa( once a year 3 wo'($ catch in$i%i$'a(s preten$in& to @e any o? these %ictims imme$iate(y. /ecor$in& o? ,ami(y tree an$ 2NA testin& o? citi>ens ?or reason o? compi(in& a(pha n'meric in?ormation ?or p'rpose o? i$enti?ication sho'($ start with m'(tip(e teams repeate$(y co((ectin& in?ormation o? a(( emp(oyees o? 2epartment o? 2e?ense < ?o((owe$ @y a(( emp(oyees o? ,.;.I 3 7.I.A. 3 Po(ice 3 an$ Home(an$ Sec'rity <5 a?terwhich a(( ,e$era( 0mp(oyeeKs recor$s sho'($ @e a'$ite$ ?or acc'rancy an$ 2NA testin& o? ci%i(ians $'rin& crimina( arrests sho'($ @e&in. As soon as 2NA testin& o? arreste$ in$i%i$'a(s processe$ at Po(ice 2epartments @e&ins 3 2NA testin& o? 7iti>enry sho'($ @e&in soon a?ter. It is ?ar too $an&ero's to (et this Din$ @reach o? internationa( sec'rity to contin'e 5 this @reach o? internationa( sec'rity is $'e to a$%ances in =ira( =ector Gene Science an$ Ne'roScience in%o(%in& new (on& ran&e ra$io techno(o&y an$ 0(ectronic 1ransmissions. Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence ;ases an$ Array NetworDs &(o@a((y < ha%e recor$e$ an$ (i@rary store$ e%i$ence o? e%ery sin&(e Ne'roScience ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace ra$io ?reI'ency e(ectronic transmission to e%er occ'r o%er any me$i'm o? transmission which inc('$es any Internet Ser%er3 1e(ephone Ser%er3 0ntertainment Ser%er3 2ata G 7omm'nications 1ower3 2ata G 7omm'nications Satte(ite. Many o? these transmissions occ'rre$ o%er the internet 3 th's most Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence Ser%ers ha%e store$ a(( in?ormation re&ar$in& these Ne'roScience 1ransmissions. 2'e to this ?act 5 it is pro@a@(e that =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate an$ their associate$ partners wi(( imme$iate(y attempt to co%ert(y &ain emp(oyment within Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartments &(o@a((y ?or p'rpose o? eFaminin& the e%i$ence which has acc'm'(ate$ concernin& the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace H'man =i%isections which they ha%e committe$ an$ other e(ectronic e%i$ence concernin& a(( o? their crimes. 2'e to the metho$ @y which a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace worDs 5 the entire Ne'ro(o&y o? the entirety o? the h'man @o$y transmits trans(ate$ into @inary comp'ter (an&'a&e < an eFact animate$ mo$e( o? the the h'man @o$y an$ a(( o? itKs components an$ processes can @e animate$ 'sin& so?tware 3 which a((ows rea( time rep(ay as we(( as a(ter time rep(ay o? a(( /a$io ,reI'ency Ne'roScience 1ransmissions. 1he @inary transmission o? Ne'ro(o&y a(so a((ows ?or Ne'roScience So?tware to ana(y>e the @rainKs tho'&hts thro'&h teFt as we(( as sensory perception thro'&h prosthesis o? speaDers as recor$e$ a'$ia( ner%e 3 comp'ter monitor oc'(ar optica( ner%e %ision3 as we(( as e%ent'a( chemica( ana(ysis o? taste an$ sme((. -* IN"CC&SSIB & B#"IN-CO1P(%&# IN%&#$"C& #"2IO-$#&R(&NCY BI$I N&%BO#KIN! 2&8IC&S (S&2 %O CON%#O %#"PP&2 8IC%I1S : 1he same 7'stom 0n&ineere$ US; /o'ter Antennae which can @e 'se$ in conJ'nction with

HacDer So?tware s'ch as Spooph1ooph 3 can a(so @e attache$ to a :i,i US; to US; 2e%ice A$apter an$ mo'nte$ @ehin$ a wa(( 5 this a((ows the :i,i connectin& o? a 7omp'ter 'sin& a US; :i,i US; to US; A$apter 2e%ice. 1his ena@(es SeF 1ra??icDers an$ H'man =i%isectionists to ro@otica((y contro( woman an$ tort're them witho't them @ein& capa@(e o? reachin& the $e%ice an$ t'rnin& it o?? or @reaDin& the comp'ter. 1his a(so a((ows H'man =i%isectionists an$ SeF 1ra??icDers to eFperiment 'pon an$ Ne'ro ;io/o@otic 7ontro( the women whom they ha%e @een SeF 1ra??icDin&. In most cases these women can not e%en mo%e their own mo'ths to cry ?or he(p. 1his sort o? a wire(ess networD is o?? o? the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence NetworD an$ has @een 'se$ to pro$'ce recor$e$ res'(ts on 0Fterna( Har$$ri%es 3 $iscs can @e 'se$ to physica((y mo%e the res'(ts ?rom one (ocation to another. M'ch o? these res'(ts wi(( e%ent'a((y en$ 'p @ein& poste$ an$ co%ert(y mis(a@(e$ on ,i(e Sharin& :e@Sites an$ Ser%er Pro&rams. A(so 5 m'ch o? these eFperiments ha%e @een a$%ertise$ on APorno&raphicA we@sites which a$%ertise the s'ccesses o? these Ne'roScience 1ra??icDin& =i%isection eFperiments an$ sometimes attempt to maDe money ?rom them. 1he races o? my peop(e an$ o'r a((ies are tar&ette$ ?or &enoci$e an$ a@so('te s(a%ery @y this Ita(ian AFis 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate an$ their Sa'$i Ara@ian a((ies. M'ch o? the res'(ts o? these eFperiments are recor$e$ @y re&'(ar %i$eo camera 3 some are a(so recor$e$ @y =oye'r Spy 7amera 'sin& the same connection metho$ to connect to comp'ters which are recor$in& the res'(ts to eFterna( har$$ri%es 5 many o? these in the past ha%e transmitte$ wire(ess(y an$ are recor$e$ permanant(y @y Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 3 the newer res'(ts o? which ha%e sometimes @een poste$ on APorno&raphicA we@sites on the internet s'ch as 1IA=A.7.M which o?ten hosts the res'(ts o? n'mero's o? these eFperiments as we(( as (inDs to their we@sites. .? re(e%ance to this we@site is the name 1IA 4U2:I79 @ein& that 1IA is the ?irst 3 (etters o? 1IA=A 3 =A is the ?irst to (etters o? =a(erie .(son 3 4'$wicD is either the type o? $r'mset or type o? &'itar amp(i?ier that my sister 7he(sey /ain MacPherson ha$3 an$ 4'$wicD is the ?irst part o? the mai$en name o? one o? my @est ?rien$sK wi?e whom is 4a'ra 4'$wiDowsDi. A1ia 4'$wicDKsA MySpace Acco'nt is somehow connecte$ to the 4om@ar$ic Ita(ian man preten$in& to @e /on ;oar$man @y way o? other pro?i(es which ha%e in the past @een on @oth o? their ?rien$s (ists as we(( as ?rien$s o? their A?rien$sA. 1he * ?ema(es whom ha%e @een ?orce$ to 'se the name A1ia 4'$wicDA are a(( 1ra??icDin& =ictims an$ Hosta&es. P 1he 0man'e(es an$ the 0%o(as most pro@a@(y ha%e 'se$ the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace networD which they ha%e set 'p wire(ess(y an$ &(o@a((y to scare their %ictims into committin& crimes o? increasin& eFtremities < these c'(minatin& in the e%ent'a( committin& o? crimes s'ch as m'r$er3 treason3 an$ rape 5 a?ter committin& these crimes3 it is (iDe(y that they ha%e 'se$ the o@%io's threat o? the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartment ha%in& a(( o? the recor$s o? the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace transmissions as a incenti%e pro%ocation to sp'rn the new(y $irtie$ crimina(s to he(p them in conI'est o? the U.S.A. an$ 7ana$a ?rom within. 1he psycho(o&y o? this is the 'se o? an or&anisms ?i&ht or ?(i&ht response an$ instinct ?or s'r%i%a( response to in?ormationa( stim'(i.

:-: 8iral-8ector !ene-%herap5 :-: =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy is an ama>in& science < @'t it is a science that nee$s to @e contro((e$ $'e to itKs potentia( 'ses ?or co%ert war?are an$ espiona&e. =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy co'($ @e 'se$ ?or p'rposes o? crimina( war?are to pro$'ce ?ai(e$ &enetics in entire pop'(ations o? peop(es3 this inc('$es in?ants an$ e%en ?et's. =ira( =ector Gene

1herapy can a(so @e 'se$ ?or the p'rpose o? A@so('te I$entity 1he?t @y eFchan&in& &enetics @etween a pair o? in$i%i$'a(s3 ca'sin& m'tation o? proteins an$ aci$s on the microscopic sca(e o? the h'man &enetic @o$y 5 this is in t'rn3 ca'ses %isi@(e m'tation an$ re&eneration o? the h'man @o$y. =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy eFperiments in%o(%e c'rin& here$itary $iseases in anima(s or c'rin& here$itary &enetic $iseases in h'man @ein&s. 2'rin& 200* 5 =ittorio 0man'e(eKs son Aaron whom was a$opte$ @y an$ raise$ @y a ?ami(y in /an$o(ph Massach'settes < mentione$ to me on the internet that he ha$ cystic ?i@rosis in his ('n&s. It was (ater mentione$ to 1ony Grasseti an$ Scot H'nter that Aaron was st'$yin& Gene 1herapy in co((e&e an$ on his own. 7ystic ,i@rosis is a@(e to @e c're$ 'sin& =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy. 1he Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate is c'rrent(y 'sin& =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy ?or the p'rpose o? %isi@(y m'tatin& h'man @ein&s aesthetic appearance. 1his m'tation is ?or the p'rpose o? impersonatin& %ictims ?or p'rpose o? 'sin& their I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s to hi$e the ?act that these &enoci$e %ictims are $ea$ or ha%e @een taDen as SeF 1ra??icDin& S(a%es an$ ?orce$ to ass'me the i$entities o? other in$i%i$'a(s whom are %ictims. ,or reason o? the occ'rance o? this &enoci$e an$ recent a$%ances in science 3 it is now a@so('te necessity that 2NA testin& @e ma$e a man$atory process o? proo? o? i$enti?ication. It is pro@a@(e that it is necessary that the res'(ts o? these 2NA tests @e (o&&e$ ann'a((y @y an I$enti?ication 2epartment ?or the p'rpose o? not on(y i$enti?yin& in$i%i$'a(s< @'t a(so ?or the p'rpose o? monitorin& 2NA ?or si&ns o? Genetic =ira( :ar?are as we(( as recor$in& 2NA an$ Gene 1herapy res'(ts ?or the p'rpose o? maintainin& c'rrent recor$s o? @oth peop(esK i$entities an$ e%o('tion o? h'man 2NA 5 this system com@ine$ with m'(tip(e teams o? a'$itors as we(( as m'(tip(e comp'ter systems 'se$ ?or a'tomate$ a'$itin& wo'($ @e capa@(e o? i$enti?yin& an$ pre%entin& &enoci$e as we(( as ?in$in& e%i$ence o? Genetic =ira( :ar?are. A system s'ch as this co'($ a(so @e 'se$ to compi(e res'(ts concernin& Here$itary Genetic 2isor$ers $'e to ?ai(e$ &enes that are inherite$ 5 a @io en&ineere$ &ene can @e create$ ?rom the ?ai(e$ &ene @y metho$ o? a(terin& the &eneKs physica( str'ct're in or$er to pro$'ce hea(thier res'(ts ?rom the same &enetic ori&in 3 =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy can then @e 'se$ to ca'se m'tation o? the here$itari(y $e?ecti%e &ene which ca'ses it to store hea(thy proteins. 1he recor$in& o? 2NA ?or i$enti?ication p'rposes is ?ar (ess intr'si%e than retina( scans3 (ess intr'si%e than s'r&ica( imp(ants s'ch as =erichip3 sa?er than G.P.S. I$enti?ication systems3 an$ sa?er than so(e(y 'sin& ?in&erprints. 1he year(y recor$s Dept on ?i(e wo'($ @e a series o? n'm@ers an$ (etters which represent correspon$in& 2NA (o&&e$ in m'(tip(e systems an$ @acDe$ 'p on I'arantine$ $ata stora&e 5 there wo'($ @e no @io(o&ica( materia(s Dept on ?i(e an$ 2NA 1estin& wo'($ on(y nee$ to @e 'p$ate$ once a year3 a?ter 'n$er&oin& Gene 1herapy3 i? m'tation is notice$3 or 'pon contract serio's i((ness. ,or the p'rpose o? sec'rity an$ hea(th 5 it may @e necessary ?or the USA to @'i($ a Nationa( ,e$era( Hospita( which wo'($ @e a state owne$ hospita( @'i(t in e%ery capita( city as we(( as other (ocations $etermine$ @y pop'(ation $ensity an$ $istance. Nationa( ,e$era( Hospita(s wo'($ not e(iminate Pri%ate Hea(thcare In$'stry3 they wo'($ simp(y a$$ to the sa?ety o? the Nationa( Pop'(ation an$ to the sa?ety o? Nationa( Sec'rity. P :is$om 1eeth3 Mo(ars3 Pap Smears3 ;(oo$ 2ri%es3 2rawn ;(oo$ can a(( @e 'se$ to stea( 2NA samp(es ?or p'rpose o? =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy or =ira( =ector Gene M'tation ?or $is&'ise. .rtho$ontists3 Gynoco(o&ists3 an$ other Hea(th7are worDers or Hospita( .wners are $e?inite(y acti%e(y in%o(%e$ in the 1errorist 7rimina( Syn$icate o? which =ittorio 0man'e(e is an e(ite mem@er. .rtho$ontists who p'(( wis$om teeth as we((

as other Hea(th7are pro?essiona(s whom are ?reI'ent(y in contact with Unconscio's 7i%i(ians are most pro@a@(y the Hea(th7are pro?essiona(s in%o(%e$ in the S'r&ica( Imp(antation an$ Gra?tin& o? ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces. 1his s'r&ery in%o(%es a Micro 1rephanin& o? the SD'(( as we(( as 7osmetic P(astic S'r&ery aro'n$ the site o? s'r&ica( imp(antation @ehin$ the ear an$ 4aproscopic :inchin& o? the S'r&ica( Imp(ante$ /o'ter G ;attery which is tacDe$ J'st insi$e o? the Jaw3 near the throat. P 2'e to mo$ern techno(o&y an$ the recent economic co((apse in the USA < entire ?ami(ies in the USA co'($ @e on the Genoci$e 4ist ?or ?'t're rep(acement @y =ira( =ector Gene 1herapie$ in$i%i$'a(s with 7osmetic S'r&ery an$ not ha%e a sin&(e re(ia@(e hospita( ?or the ?ami(y to 2NA 1est at $'e to c'rrent ownership o? n'mero's hospita(s @ein& in the han$s o? =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ his wea(th retainers 5 0$ :arren $i$ mention AIn%asion o? the ;o$y SnatchersAan$ $'rin& the a@'ses which were occ'rin& within the 7.IN104P/. o? the USA &o%ernment3 (ists o? entire ?ami(ies were ma$e @y a&ents worDin& within the In%esti&ations an$ Inte((i&ence $epartments o? the USA. =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy ena@(es an a&ent to $is&'ise themse(%es as another race o? person entire(y5 it is possi@(e to m'tate the sDin3 han$s3 nose3 eyes3 hair3 an$ comp(eFion o? an in$i%i$'a( entire(y chan&in& their appearance. 1here are a(so other ways that this networD ha%e o@taine$ (ists o? ?ami(ies s'ch as Socia( NetworDin& :e@Sites3 ran$om s'r&ica( imp(antation o? (on&ran&e ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace3 or a&ents worDin& within Hospita(s or $epartments o? state where copies o? ;irth 7erti?icates are store$. 1he economic co((apse ca'se$ Americans to (ose so m'ch o? their wea(th an$ economic sta@i(ity < $'e to this there is an incre$i@(y (iDe(y pro@a@i(ity o? ?orei&n a&ents @'yin& a(( o? o'r hospita(s3 ?'n$in& their chi($rensK co((e&e a((owin& them to o@tain emp(oyment within &o%ernment ahea$ o? Americans3 ?orei&n a&ents p'rchasin& hea(thcare in$'stry3 p'rchasin& o? science in$'stry an$ (a@oratories3 an$ ?orei&n a&ents p'rchasin& comm'nications an$ entertainment in$'stry 5 these thin&s are eFtreme(y (iDe(y to @e occ'rin&. P It is possi@(e that teams o? 1errorist 7rimina(s are swappin& I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s ?or m'(tip(e years at a time an$ taDin& on the othersK i$entity on an inter continenta( sca(e 5 this wo'($ @e $one ?or the p'rpose o? committin& crimes s'ch as the m'r$er o? competitors3 (aw en?orcement3 terrorist attacDs3 or the tar&ette$ ?ami(ies o? %ictims < an$ committin& these crimes witho't (ea%in& ?orensic e%i$ence. P A(most a(( &enes in a h'man @o$y can @e a(tere$ @y metho$ o? m'tation 5 there are on(y a ?ew which may ca'se $eath i? m'tation. 2'e to the o@%io's ?act that o%er the past ten years n'mero's $'n&eons ha%e @een ?o'n$ on the east coast o? North America 5 it is pro@a@(e that =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy has @een 'se$ to ai$ in the eFchan&in& o? I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s @etween %ictims an$ assai(ants. I witnesse$ * in$i%i$'a(Ks ?aces an$ comp(eFions m'tate in Nash'a New Hampshire $'rin& the year 2012 5 I (i%e$ near@y their p(ace o? resi$ency an$ notice$ the shape o? their ?aces m'tate3 their sDin an$ hair m'tate3 an$ one in$i%i$'a(Ks irises chan&e$ co(or to a so(i$ @('e. 1he prospect o? the (oca( Po(ice ?orce @ein& in?i(trate$ is eFtreme(y (iDe(y an$ is an eFtreme threat. 1he (oca( pri%ate(y owne$ hea(thcare ?aci(ities ha%e @een 'se$ ?or %ario's crimina( p'rposes o%er the past nine years 5 this is not to @e 'neFpecte$ o? terrorists as wea(thy as =ittorio 0man'e(e3 this has occ'rre$ in the past $'rin& the a@'se o? the research $epartment within the 7IA whom ha$ @een a@'sin& the a((ocation o? reso'rces ?or ProJect M9U41/A. 7'rrent(y3 a&ents o? this 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate are hi$in& in the homes o? their %ictimsK 5 these in$i%i$'a(s co'($ come ?rom as ?ar away as Ita(ia3 A(@ania3 an$ Ser@ia or as c(ose as 7a(i?ornia. =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy3 /o@otics3 an$ Ne'roScience @ein& 'se$ ?or 7o%ert 1errorism so'n$s (iDe Science ,iction @'t it is

a@so('te ?o((y to $ismiss these occ'rrances as s'ch. Un$er estimation o? the potentia( o? the enemy $'rin& a time o? war an$ co%ert con?(ict is h'@ris an$ wi(( a(ways res'(t in e%ent'a( $estr'ction. P I? a series o? nationa( mer&ers were to occ'r 3 res'(tin& in an e%ent'a( G(o@a( Union 5 it wo'($ @e a necessity to 2NA test the entire G(o@a( Pop'(ation 5 i? the e%i( o? a &enoci$e were to e%er occ'r 3 the po(icin& ?orce which wo'($ @e the sa(%ation o? the &enoci$e %ictimsK can not @e o? the same ethnic nationa(ity as the assai(ant pop'(ation &ro'p whom are en&a&e$ in a war?are o? &enoci$e 'pon another peop(e. 1he pop'(ation o? the U.S.A. has near(y @ecome a microcosm o? the &(o@a( pop'(ation 5 c'rrent(y3 in the re&ion I am (i%in& in 5 the maJority o? the ,e$era( In%esti&ations an$ the Po(icin& ?orce seem to @e Ita(ians. I ha%e trie$ to report these war crimes an$ I ha%e @een con?ronte$ @y men in 'ni?orm whom ha%e e%en &one as ?ar as to te(( me that I am not a((owe$ to ta(D to the Hewish comm'nity or the ,reemasons a@o't what is happenin&. ;eca'se o? the c'rrent 7o%ert Genoci$es which are occ'rrin& in m'(tip(e (ocations 5 2NA testin& an$ an I$enti?ication 2epartment in%o(%e$ in 2NA testin& an$ recor$in& as we(( as other ?orms o? physica( recor$in& s'ch as physica( a&e tests an$ '(traso'n$ ima&in& o? scars is a necessity i? we are to pre%ent o'r own &enoci$e $'e to =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy an$ 2'p(icate$ I$entities. P It is possi@(e that =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy in conJ'nction with 7osmetic P(astic S'r&ery has @een @ein& 'se$ ?or p'rposes o? 0spiona&e an$ 7o%ert :ar?are since the 1""0Ks. ;etween 1""0 an$ 2013 5 there ha%e @een n'mero's reports o? m'r$ers occ'rin& 3 a?terwhich the &'i(ty party state$ that they came home ?rom a %acation to ?in$ that their ?ami(y was rep(ace$ @y other simi(ar (ooDin& in$i%i$'a(s whom were not their ?ami(y an$ were re?'sin& to answer I'estions concernin& their i$entities. 1he typica( story which was printe$ in the NewsPapers concernin& these Din$s o? m'r$ers 3 a(ways res'(te$ in the in$i%i$'a( m'r$erer @ein& $ec(are$ Schi>ophrenic. M'ch o? the :ar 7rimes committe$ 'pon ci%i(ians in the USA $'rin& the NiFon A$ministration in%o(%e$ mem@ers o? 7IA ProJect M9U41/A as we(( as 1errorist 7rimina(s worDin& within Hea(thcare 2epartments inc('$in& @oth Hospita(s an$ Psychiatric Instit'tions. It is $e?inite that these ?ami(ies were tar&ette$ @y the same ?action whom are c'rrent(y 'sin& =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy an$ Sto(en I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s to stea( the i$entities o? Americans an$ 7ana$ians whom they ha%e either m'r$ere$ or SeF 1ra??icDe$ 5 this ?action is A6IS an$ is c'rrent(y primari(y consistin& o? Ita(ian an$ Ser@ian A6IS (oya(ist ?actions in%o(%e$ in 1errorist .r&ani>e$ 7rime as we(( as n'mero's SeF .??en$ers who they ha%e recr'ite$. :ar 7rimes ha%e no stat'te o? (imitations an$ it is o?ten tr'e that @eca'se o? this neccessary (acD o? stat'te o? (imitations3 :ar 7rimina(s o?ten attempt to Di(( a(( Dnow(e$&a@(e parties an$ in$i%i$'a(s re(ate$ to the %ictims 5 this a(ways res'(ts in &enoci$e. ;ein& that the p'rpose o? m'r$er o? Dnow(e$&a@(e parties concernin& :ar 7rimes is to e(iminate the possi@i(ity o? @ein& arreste$ or h'nte$ @y mi(itary ?or the crimes 3 the remo%a( o? e%i$ence is o?ten co%ert an$ in%o(%es the co%ert e(imination o? inJ're$ parties whom co'($ s'e ?or reparations an$ te(( mi(itary o? the :ar 7rimina( ?actionKs crimes which wo'($ ca'se them to @e h'nte$ @y acti%e mi(itary. =ittorio 0man'e(e3 his sons3 an$ their entire or&ani>ation co((ecti%e(y is an eFtreme(y wea(thy networD o? crimina(s. * 2'rin& 2012 5 at So'thern New Hampshire /e&iona( Me$ica( 7enter 3 there was a portrait on the wa(( o? a man whoKs &enetics ha$ an incre$i@(y 'nnat'ra( appearance. ;e(ow the manKs pict're it sai$ 5 A1his is my Hospita(.A an$ the name Gi'(iani was $isp(aye$. 1he manKs appearance (ooDe$ to @e an 'nnat'ra( composition o? Sici(ian3 Ita(ian 3 German3 /'ssian3 an$ Israe(i 2NA 5 ha%in& the appearance as i? his 2NA ha$

@een m'tate$ an$ a(tere$ repeate$(y ?rom the ori&ina( composition o? his 2NA. P 1ota( 1he?t o? I$entity @y metho$ o? =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy concernin& an in$i%i$'a( as wea(thy as .prah :in?rey3 MarD C'cDer@er& o? ,ace;ooD.7om3 0ric Schmi$t o? Goo&(e.7om3or 2ona($ 1r'mp is an enormo's threat. A@so('te the?t o? these in$i%i$'a(sK i$entities an$ ass'mption o? their i$entity wo'($ ena@(e the A6IS 1errorist ,action to stea( a(( o? their wea(th entire(y an$ in%est it imme$iate(y in 1errorism an$ .r&ani>e$ 7rime as we(( as :ar 7rimes. 2'e to this imme$iate increase in wea(th 5 the 1errorist A6IS ,action wo'($ @e pro@a@(e to attempt to ?ie($ an enormo's Hi&h 1ech Mi(itary in North America @y metho$ o? p'rchasin& Pro$'ction ,actories an$ p'rchasin& Science 4a@oratories. P S(eipnir < .$inKs 8 (e&&e$ horse 3 was mentione$ @y 0$ :arren inc('$in& a re?erence to /o@ot horses 3 ro@ots 3 an$ A?ast @itchesA < as we(( as 8 (e&s @ein& twice as many (e&s than one ?ema(e horse 5 two women were (ater rape$ @y 0$ :arrenKs associates in re(ation to these statements. 1his was $'rin& the month that 0mi(y Is(es was Di$nappe$ an$ rep(ace$ @y a Ser@ian SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim an$ 7o%ert A&ents rep(ace$ 0mi(y Is(esKs ?ami(y. 0$ :arren @e&an sin&in& AIs(es ?or mi(es3 I want my Is(es ?or mi(es3 I want to taDe Is(es ?or a ?ew mi(esA one ni&ht $'rin& this time perio$. 2'rin& this season3 what happene$ to @e two Ser@ian :ar 7rimina(s approache$ my re&ister an$ stare$ at me whi(e a ;osnian woman was stan$in& @ehin$ me at the other re&ister. 1hese men were 1errorist A6IS 7rime So($iers. Aro'n$ this time 5 my ,atherKs @est ?rien$ ;o@ 7hapman @e&an worDin& ?or Home(an$ Sec'rity an$ Airport Sec'rity at the Airport in Manchester NewHampshire < since this time 3 ;o@ 7hapman has @een rep(ace$ @y a man whom has @een 'sin& his I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s an$ is c'rrent(y (i%in& in his ho'se in ;e$?or$ NewHampshire. 1he man whom has rep(ace$ ;o@ 7hapman appears to @e 100Q Ita(ian an$ o? /oman race < ;o@ 7hapman was ha(? Ita(ian an$ ha(? American. 1he man preten$in& to @e ;o@ 7hapman appears to @e the @io(o&ica( @rother o? one o? the women whom ?or a whi(e ha$ @een preten$in& to @e my Mother3 these two appear to @e $e?inite @io(o&ica( $escen$ants o? H'(i's 0%o(a. ;o@ 7hapman was ha(? Ita(ian an$ ha(? American 3 the man whom has @een preten$in& to @e him seems to @e o? entire(y Ita(ian race. 1he man preten$in& to @e ;o@ 7hapman appears to @e the @io(o&ica( @rother o? one o? the women whom has @een preten$in& to @e my Mother3 these two appear to @e $e?inite @io(o&ica( $escen$ants o? H'(i's 0%o(a. ;o@ 7hapman (i%e$ three roa$s ?rom 2ean 9amenKs ho'se in ;e$?or$ NewHampshire USA < 2ean 9amen @ecame a tar&et o? this G(o@a( 1errorist A6IS 7rime Syn$icate in 2005 3 when he appeare$ at ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n St. in Manchester NewHampshire an$ 0$ :arren notice$ me speaDin& @rie?(y to him. 2ean 9amen ha$ @een con$'ctin& Ne'roScience research an$ /o@otics 0n&ineerin& research ?or the Unite$ States o? America 3 this was 2.A./.P.A. ?'n$e$ Mi(itary research. I @e(ie%e that 0$ :arrenKs associates sto(e 2ean 9amenKs research an$ possi@(y ha%e tar&ette$ him ?or remo%a( an$ rep(acement @y a 7o%ert A&ent. ;o@ 7hapman has a(rea$y @een remo%e$ an$ rep(ace$ as has possi@(y @een my ?ather 3 o? whom I ha%e met an imposte'r o? more than once who was o? ;a(tic race an$ appeare$ to @e 1N2 Ser@ian an$ 1N2 ;osnian. 1hese men are $e?inite(y in%o(%e$ in 7onc'@ina( SeF 1ra??icDin& as we(( as e%ery other ?orm o? H'man 1ra??icDin& that I

ha%e @een a@(e to ?in$ a $e?inition o? 5 this inc('$es H'man =i%isection. P 2'rin& the 1""0Ks at (east 2 ?ami(ies in the U.S.A. were reporte$ to ha%e @een s(ain @y a yo'n&er ma(e mem@er o? the ?ami(y 5 @oth o? these m'r$erers c(aime$ that they ret'rne$ home ?rom a ?ew $ays o? %acation an$ ?o'n$ that their ?ami(y ha$ @een entire(y rep(ace$ an$ that the peop(e c(aimin& to @e their ?ami(y were not answerin& I'estions to them a@o't whom they were 3 these peop(e were reporte$ to (ooD near(y i$entica( to their ?ami(ies @'t ha$ s(i&ht(y $i??erent ?eat'res an$ incon&r'ent shapes to their ?aces s'ch as is (e?t ?rom cosmetic p(astic s'r&ery or %ira( &enetic m'tation. It is possi@(e that this metho$ o? &enoci$e 5 M'r$er /ep(ace G 1ra??icD 3 has @een 'se$ @e?ore.

* :-: 8i)eo !ames an) 1e)ia Influential to $illi*erto an) 8ittorio &manuele regar)ing this Co0ert !enoci)al %errorist "ttac. :-: * Sha)o-#un : Sega !enesis * S5n)icate : PC + Pla5Station + an) Super Ninten)o YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY * :-: Italians an) "ustrians in me)ia *ecame population ma,orit5 in 1agazines + %ele0ision + an) ")0ertisement :-: ;===-;=6: : %he North "merican Continent has *ecome e@tremel5 )epopulate) of "nglo-Sa@on + !aelic + $ran.ic + Hollan)er + an) $irst Nations Nati0e "mericans E -e are almost ne0er seen in an5 form of me)ia at all an5more3 Begining in the 5ear ;=== E the (S"merican 1e)ia *ecame ma,orit5 populate) *5 Italians + )uring the 5ear ;==9 + "ustrians *egan to *ecome e@tremel5 common in the North &ast region of the (3S3"3 as -ell as in the 1e)ia3 %he "merican population seems to ha0e *een co0ertl5 e@terminate)3 I attempte) to -arn people a*out the Brain-Computer-Interface an) !lo*al-Positioning-S5stem surgical implants for a 0er5 long time + no*o)5 has respon)e) to this threat properl53 *:-: %he &manueles' "GIS Propagan)a in Internet 1e)ia+ iterature+ Cinematograph5+ an) %ele0ision 1e)ia :-: -* I%" I"N-"GIS $(N2&2 1&2I" IN NO#%H "1&#IC" :: ;e&inin& in 200* 3 =ittorio 0man'e(eKs AFis 4oya(ist ,action @e&an to increase the amo'nt o? money which they ha$ @een in%estin& in me$ia pro$'ction 5 this ?actionKs in%estment in the pro$'ction o? me$ia has @een primari(y ?or the p'rpose o? pro$'cin& socia( en&ineerin& propa&an$a with the intent to $emora(i>e3 con?'se3 $isor&ani>e3 an$ $esta@(i>e3 the pop'(ations o? the nations tar&ette$ @y this campai&n. M'ch o? this propa&an$a is a(so ?or the speci?ic p'rpose o? $iscre$itin& the witnesses to n'mero's e%ents re&ar$in& terrorist attacDs3 war crimes3 (ocation an$ i$entities o? speci?ic in$i%i$'a(s3 as we(( as co%ert acti%ities. 2isin?ormation has @een p'@(ishe$ an$ presente$ on a Massi%e Pop'(ation Sca(e 5 the content o? these pro$'ctions o? me$ia are inten$e$ to manip'(ate an$ mo$i?y the @eha%ior o? tar&ette$ Pop'(ation Gro'ps @y metho$ o? intentiona( portraya( o? s'@t(y mis(ea$in& in?ormation presente$ strate&tica((y amon&st in?ormation which is o%ert(y an$ @(atant(y tr'th?'( < this sty(e o? propa&an$a is

en&ineere$ to contain o?ten a sin&(e eFtreme(y o%ert (ie which can not @e %a(i$ate$ or in%a(i$ate$ an$ is ma$e more @e(ie%a@(e $'e to the s'@t(ety o? the $econstr'ction o? the wor($ %iew an$ rea(ity para$i&m o? the tar&et a'$ience. 2eni&rati%e Propa&an$a has @een 'se$ in conJ'nction with promotiona( propa&an$a m'ch the same way that po(itica( campai&ns ha%e synchroni>e$ positi%e campai&nin& an$ ne&ati%e campai&nin& propa&an$a 5 eFtreme(y s'@t(e (on& term $eni&ration o? Nationa( 0thnic Pop'(ations 3 In$i&eno's Nati%e Pop'(ations3 an$ other tar&ette$ 0thnic Pop'(ations has occ'rre$ in sim'(taeneo's cohesion with (on& term o%ert &(ori?ication o? speci?ic 0thnic Pop'(ations ?or p'rpose o? e%ent'a( e(imination an$ possi@(e tota( &enoci$e o? the tar&ette$ pop'(ation &ro'ps. G(ori?ication o? the Ita(ian Ma?ia has @een e%er present in North American Me$ia 3 this increase$ in scope $'rin& 200* 5 other ?orms o? &(ori?ication o? race ha%e inc('$e$ the portraya( o? the Ita(ian A6IS as @eni&n3 the constant portraya( o? Ita(ians in the American Me$ia. Ita(ian AFis pro$'ce$ me$ia has tar&ette$ the ,irst Nations Nati%e Americans3 An&(o SaFons3 an$ Gae(s as races 'nworthy o? respect as has it &(ori?ie$ the Ita(ian race. 1his me$ia has a(so ?a(se(y portraye$ the American 7'(t'res3 incorrect(y representin& o'r nations o? peop(e with misappropriate$ %a('es an$ 'nrea(istic stereotypes. 2eni&ration o? the ma(e component o? the 1ar&ette$ 0thnic Pop'(ation Gro'p is one o? the most common components to Ita(ian A6IS propa&an$a3 as is ?a(se portraya( o? the $eni&ratin& party whom are o?ten misrepresente$ as 0thnic Nationa(ities $i??erent ?rom &'i(t party whom are tr'e(y o? Ita(ian race. A?ter the Secon$ :or($ :ar 5 the Ita(ian A6IS propa&an$a campai&n in North America has o?ten inc('$e$ a s'@t(e $eni&ration o? speci?ic %a('es an$ mora(s in or$er to e(iminate them ?rom tar&et pop'(ation &ro'ps ?or p'rpose o? ne'tra(i>in& the possi@i(ity o? mora( J'$&ement concernin& to acti%ities o? the Ita(ian A6IS ?action 5 this is tr'e o? the Ita(ian A6ISK socia( an$ p'@(ic Promotion o? 7rimina(ity as a 7'(t'ra( =a('e in North America 3 this Promotion o? 7rimina(ity @ein& ?or the p'rpose o? e(iminatin& a(( possi@i(ity o? J'$&ement ?rom the societies which the Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate an$ their 7o%ert S(eeper A&ents ha%e em@e$$e$ themse(%es amon&st. 1he ?act that the Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate ha%e en&a&e$ in a :ar 7rimina( amo'nt o? SeF 1ra??icDin&3 Arms 2ea(in&3 H'man =i%isection3 0conomic Sa@ota&e3 an$ 7o%ert Genoci$e in North America is a ?act that has @een comp(ete(y i&nore$ in me$ia as we(( as in most ,e$era( an$ Mi(itary In%esti&aions. Ita(ian A6IS 7o%ert S(eeper A&ents ha%e a(so en&a&e$ in the sa(e o? Narcotics ?or the $'e( p'rpose o? ?'n$in& terrorism an$ $emora(i>in& the tar&et pop'(ations as we(( as $e&ratin& the hea(th an$ psycho(o&ica( sta@i(ity o? the tar&et pop'(ations3 sa@ota&in& the we(?are o? the tar&ette$ Nationa( Pop'(ations. Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist A&ents in North America ha%e operate$ in syncretic cohesion with the A6IS a(i&ne$ 1errorist ,ascist 7rime Syn$icate in So'th America that has @een em@e$$e$ in the So'th American re&ions since the 1800Ks $'rin& which time it in?i(trate$ m'(tip(e tar&ette$ nations in So'th America. 4iDe the Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate in North America 5 the A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate in So'th America ?'n$s itKs acti%ities an$ itKs increase in pop'(ation as a ?action @y means o? SeF 1ra??icDin&3 Arms 2ea(in&3 Narcotics 1ra??icDin&3 /acDeteerin&3 an$ other ?orms o? H'man 1ra??icDin&. Promotion o? 7rimina(ity has @een 'se$ ?or p'rpose o? $esensiti>in& the pop'(ation to the presense o? 1errorist 7rime Syn$icates an$ e(iminatin& the potentia( ?or Mi(itary In%esti&ations. ;y metho$ o? ?'n$e$ Me$ia 5 the ?a(se portraya( o? speci?ic ?actors concernin& the A6IS has ena@(e$ the A6IS ,action to contro( an$ manip'(ate the :or($ =iew o? tar&ette$ nations 5 this res'(te$ in the cease o? Mi(itary Inte((i&ence acti%ities re&ar$in& the A6IS ,action an$ the :ar 7rimina(s in%o(%e$ < e%en a?ter the Ho(oca'st3 the :ar 7rimes committe$ $'rin& the A6IS a??i(iate$ $ecapitation o? M9U41/A3 the n'mero's con?(icts with ,ascist ?actions in So'th America re(ate$ to the acti%ities o? the A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate3 an$ the "N11 1errorist AttacDs 5 the

crimina( nat're o? these terrorists an$ the ?act that these occ'rrances are the acti%ities o? a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate ha%e @een i&nore$. 7'rrent(y3 MeFico is @ein& promote$ in North American me$ia as i? they are the so'rce o? the pro@(ems which pro$'ce$ what ha$ @een pre%io's(y (a@e(e$ the :ar on 2r'&s 5 this an$ the i&norance o? the H'man 1ra??icDin& which ha$ @een (a@e(e$ AHirin& o? i((e&a(sA 3 are the pro$'cts o? A6IS Me$ia 7ampai&n an$ S(eeper A&ents em@e$$e$ within the USA &o%ernment. 1he nation o? MeFico an$ itKs peop(es as a Nationa( 0thnic are an o@%io's tar&et o? this ?action 5 c'rrent(y North American Nationa(ities3 Israe(3 the U93 Ire(an$3 ,rance3 /'ssia3 an$ Norway seem to @e the primary tar&ets. Since 200* 5 the manip'(ation in%o(%e$ in the Me$ia representation o? e%ents in%o(%in& these nationa(ities o? peop(es has increase$ to an eFtreme $e&ree. STU %H& #"1BO CHIP * 2a0i) Ic.e an) others ha0e currentl5 *een calling the Brain-Computer Interface the /#am*o Chip/3 Potential reasons for this -oul) *e 7eff Beise : a a.ota $irstNations Nati0e "merican -ith a 2eutsche Surname -ho ma5 ha0e *een pilote) to commit genoci)al sla5ings of his o-n race+ Kasa* : a man -ho ma5 ha0e *een pilote) li.e a first-person shooter to commit genoci)al sla5ings of his o-n race + "n)ers Bre0i. : a man -ho un)er-ent at least t-o cranial surgeries an) ma5 ha0e *een pilote) to commit genoci)al sla5ings of his o-n race + as -ell as possi*l5 others -hom -e )on't .no- a*out3 In the mo0ie #am*o : S5l0ester Stallone pla5s the role of a $irst-Nations Nati0e "merican -ho is enliste) in the (nite) States 1arine Corps+ the character #am*o is half-!erman3 I ha0e *een surgicall5 0i0isecte) an) grafte) -ith one of these Brain-Computer Interface 2e0ices m5 self+ as ha0e numerous people I ha0e met3 Bhen the illegal Neuro-Surger5 occurre) at the NH Hospital on Clinton St in Concor) Ne- Hampshire + the man -hom -as also lo)ge) in the same room as m5 self 0eteran of the arme) forces aroun) m5 age -hom ha) P%S2 : he ma5 currentl5 ha0e one of these grafte) to his *rain3 8ittorio &manuele is associate) -ith a charit5 organization calle) /8eterans Helping 8eterans3/ amongst other "merican Charit5 organizations -hich he uses as an attempt to portra5 himself as an innocent "merican : he uses the name /8ictor 1c1ann/3 STU 1agnus Olsson of 1IN2CON%#O 3S& * %he S-e)ish -e*site 1IN2CON%#O 3S& is run *5 a man proporte)l5 name) 1agnus Olsson3 /1agnus Olsson's/ -e*site is a compilation of information inclu)ing articles a*out NeuroScience + articles a*out Beha0ioral 1o)ification &@periments+ articles a*out legitimate Human 8i0isections+ as -ell as articles that seem to *e -ritten for the purpose of )isinformation in or)er to )iscre)it the 0ictims an) -itnesses of the ongoing Human 8i0isections in0ol0ing NeuroScience microchips3 1agnus Olsson's lo5alities are har) to )iscern E although he is possi*l5 half S-e)ish + he appears to possi*l5 *e of mi@e) om*ar)ic lineage3 It is possi*le that he is actuall5 om*ar)ic Italian+ !erman+ an) $rench3 Bhether or not he has international connections is not mentione)3 S-e)en is currentl5 a region of the &uropean (nion + a fact that is har) to ignore -hen )ealing -ith the fact that the terrorist com*atants in the (S" are of Italian "GIS as -ell as other affiliate) Ottoman-regional "GIS lo5alities E Human 8i0isection+ Bar #ape+ an) !enoci)e are certainl5 Bar-Crimes3 ConHuest of &urope -as a goal of the "GIS E the resultant National-%erritor5 -as to *e the entiret5 of &urope an) e0entuall5 the merger of the &uropean state -ith the Ottoman state : currentl5 there are people still a*out this in -hat is alrea)5 the &uropean (nion3 1agnus Olsson's -e*site is e@tremel5 factual *ut there are man5 mislea)ing articles -hich ma5 *e

)eli*erate )isinformation for the purpose of )iscre)iting the -itnesses an) 0ictims to NeuroScience relate) Human-8i0isections an) terrorist attac.s3 %he ps5cholog5 of the terrorist attac.s committe) *5 7eff Beise+ Kasa*+ an) "n)ers Brei0i. in0ol0e) genoci)al attac.s committe) *5 the 0ictims' o-n race : the purpose for this is to traumatize the 0ictims' communities *5 portra5ing the 0ictims' o-n race as the assailant -ith a *elief in Nationalism for the people of their nation an) relate) nationalities E this porta5al of the National &thnic as the enem5 of the in)igenous race traumatizes the 0ictim population effecti0el5 causing them to *elie0e that those of their o-n nation -hom *elie0e in National In)epen)ence an) #ight to Self-2etermination are the imme)iate genoci)al threat to their o-n ph5sical nationalit53 If NeuroScience )e0ices -ere use) to pilot the presente) assailant )uring these attac.s+ -hich I *elie0e it is e@tremel5 e0i)ent that the5 -ere : 1agnus Olsson's statement that these )e0ices are *eing use) *5 a t5rannical organization is correct E the organization in particular -hich is certainl5 in0ol0e) is a !lo*al Criminal %errorist organization -ith "GIS origins an) an Imperialist !lo*alist agen)a+ not a Nationalist3 1agnus Olsson's -e*site ma5 *e either the *est -e*site there currentl5 is in relation to this su*,ect + or it coul) *e use) as a pre-empti0e attempt to )iscre)it 0ictims an) -itnesses *5 means of orchestrating a hoa@3 I *elie0e 1agnuss Olsson's -e*site ma5 possi*l5 *e sincere+ *ut I also *elie0e that some of the contri*uting -riters ma5 *e preempti0el5 attempting to steer the )irection of the -e*site to-ar)s hoa@ : this -oul) )iscre)it -itnesses attempting to report Human-8i0isection an) !enoci)al %errorism3 * Pu*lic 2enigration of the 0ictims is intentional for the purpose of portra5ing our -omen as the un)esira*le image of filth in or)er to a0ert in the min)s of the -omans' population the )esire of rescuing the 0ictim3 %his )enigration is sometimes to )irecte) upon males -hom the5 ha0e an intense hatre) for E the ps5cholog5 of a masculist is 0er5 specific in comparison to other .in)s of criminal i)entities3 1uch of this pu*lic )enigration in0ol0es )ispla5 of the 0ictim as the5 are co0ere) in feces+ semen+ 0omit+ or other filth E as -ell as images of them *eing rape) *5 specificall5 four males or e0en *eing attracte) to lechers3 Pu*lic humiliation in normal societal en0ironments is intentionall5 engineere) as -ell E these forms of pu*lic humiliation in0ol0e pu*lic o0ert ps5chological a*use an) attempts to cause communal )enigration of an in)i0i)ual3 &ntire families are often targette) *5 these people an) continue to *e targette) for multiple generations E is usuall5 a famil5 *usiness as -ell as is an) human-0i0isection : crime connections such as these are often inherite)3 * Charles 1anson an) the people associate) -ith the Spahn #anch -ere 0ictims of 1K( %#" Beha0ioral 1o)ification e@periments+ as -ere the 0ictims of the 7onesto-n 1assacre+ an) 0ictims of %imoth5 ear5's e@periments -hich -ere largel5 influence) *5 7ulius &0ola an) the &manueles' e@periments : cop5-cat e@periments occurre) after-ar)3 %he chemist "le@an)er Shulgin create) numerous e@perimental )rugs -hich ha0e *een use) for Beha0ioral 1o)ification e@periments in com*ination -ith other su*stances+ he -as a su*contracte) chemist relate) to 1K( %#" an) the &manuele-&0ola S5n)icate's e@periments an) net-or.3 1uch of these crimes against humanit5 occurre) an) are occurring in specific regions+ one of these regions is the North &ast of the (S" an) &astern Cana)a E the other region is the South Best of the (S"3 Ber.ele5

California has *een an ongoing target + specificall5 the (ni0ersit5 of California in Ber.ele5 California -here numerous NeuroScience an) Brain-Computer Interface research has in the past *een con)ucte)3 It is pro*a*le that the massacre at Spahn #anch -as the result of H5pnosis + 2is"ssociati0es + an) Hallucinogens e@periments at the Spahn #anch an) that Charles 1anson -as H5pnotize) into car0ing a S-asti.a in his forehea) an) the *lame after the rest of the 0ictims .ille) each other an) themsel0es3 It is possi*le that the )amage )one to Charles 1anson's *rain left him partiall5 h5pnotize) for the rest of his life3 %imoth5 ear5 met 7ulius &0ola )uring his lifetime an) Huote) his literar5 -or.s numerous times3 T 2isin?ormationa( me$ia is @ein& c'stom tai(ore$ an$ pro$'ce$ on a &(o@a( sca(e5 a(ternate %ersions o? a(( in?ormation a%ai(a@(e are @ein& pro$'ce$ ?or e%ery ?orm o? me$ia across a(( p(at?orms an$ %en'es < the e??ect o? this @ein& a@so('te $iscre$itation o? a(( so'rces o? in?ormation creatin& an in?ormation an$ Dnow(e$&e @(acD o't. 0%ery ?or'm ?or tr'th is @ein& ?i((e$ with (ies which can not @e scienti?ica((y $ispro%en 5 (ayers o? a(ternate para$i&m are @ein& pro$'ce$ ?or the p'rpose o? $isp(ayin& an a(ternate an$ ?a(se ?orm o? rea(ity < an entire(y incorrect Asecon$ tr'thA3 @e(ie%e$ @y massi%e pop'(ation &ro'ps. STU 8ittorio &manuele's 1e)ia an) Press is intentionall5 fille) -ith lies an) propagan)a : * Blon)e-Haire) + Blue-&5e)+ "merican $emale+ 7iha)ist : 7iha) 7"N&3 %he metho) of the me)ia-e@posure of the /7iha) 7ane/ sho-s e0i)ence of the ps5cholog5 of 8itorrio &manuele: ;(on$e hair T ;('e 0yes T ,ema(e T American T Hiha$ist T Ara@ 4e&ion o? the Sch't>sta??e( S AHIHA2 HAN0A 7o%ert S(eeper A&entKs chi($ T =itorrio 0man'e(e associate$ networD T ,ema(e T Ita(ian A6IS S A6IS HAN01 NAP.4I1AN.M 1he News Me$ia 0Fpos're o? AHiha$ HaneA was eFtreme(y &eare$ towar$s settin& con%ersationa( socia( tren$. In the past ten years3 the me$ia has @een $isp(ayin& in an 'nhea(thy (i&ht o? h'mo'r5 thin&s which are not h'mo'ro's at a((3 a(most as i? to $esensiti>e the p'@(ic. ,or instance< the mo%ie Iron SDy3 which is a h'mo'ro's ?i(m a@o't hi$$en A6IS ,./70S in%a$in& P4AN01 0A/1H ?rom the mi(itary @ase on the M..N which they ha$ @een hi$in& in. 1he A6IS ,./70S to which the M..N is re(e%ant were the .11.MAN 0MPI/03 whoKs ?(a& was simi(ar to what is now seen in 1'rDey. 1he ;a(tic re&ion was a(most entire(y .11.MAN territory as was the Ara@ic re&ion3 these two re&ions are where some o? these co%ert s(eeper a&ents are comin& ?rom< the rest o? these a&ents seem to @e ?rom pre%io's I1A4IAN IMP0/IA4 terrority an$ the Ser@ian re&ion. It seems that this is a(( the pro$'ct o? a (on&term socia( en&ineerin& campai&n which was $esi&ne$ to in%a(i$ate %ictimsK reports o? what is happenin&. It has @ecome apparent that the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icate ha%e p'rchase$ me$ia re(ate$ @'sinesses in North America an$ 0'rope. 1hese @'sinesses inc('$e with them 5 the a@i(ity ?or the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icate to write speci?ic newpaper artic(es3 s'&&est speci?ic phrases to emp(oyees3 s'&&est p(ot (ine3 s'&&est script $ia(o&3 an$ e%en sometimes pro$'ce their own ?i(ms entire(y. 1here is a(so a possi@i(ity that =ittorio 0man'e(e has a Hanet Napo(itano imposte'r rea$y to attempt to rep(ace her. I? Hanet Napo(itano is en$an&ere$ @y the threat a =ira( =ector Gene 1herapie$ an$ 7osmetic S'r&erie$ imposte'r taDin& her position in (i?e3 the entire nationKs Home(an$ Sec'rity is c'rrent(y threatene$ @y this action taDin& p(ace 5 i? this were to happen3 we wo'($ @e comp(ete(y he(p(ess ?rom within Home(an$ Sec'rity an$ other $epartments as we(( $'e to the o@%io'sness o? the scope o? the wi$th o? this attacD. It is most (iDe(y that more than one Go%ernment .??icia( wo'($ @e tar&ette$ at one time 5 the most $an&ero's o? which @ein& the hea$ o? $epartments

s'ch as Home(an$ Sec'rity3 the 2epartment o? 2e?ense3 the ,;I3 the Po(ice ,orce3 an$ the 7IA. 0%en a rooDie Po(ice .??icer @ein& rep(ace$ @y a =ira( =ector Gene 1herapie$ 7osmetic S'r&erie$ in$i%i$'a( 'sin& their i$entity as an ass'me$ a(ias is an enormo's threat to the USA. A(so on the (ist co'($ @e Senators an$ 7on&ressPersons whom are easi(y tracDe$ @y their name an$ internet acti%ities. It is a(so possi@(e that Hanet Napo(itano is a 7o%ert A&ent worDin& ?or =ittorio 0man'e(e. *2a0i) Ic.e an) /Shape-Changing "liens/ 0spiona&e A&ents are 'sin& the Dead 3ill 3al! tactic #espiona&e s(eeper a&ents stea(in& the paperworD i$entities o? m'r$ere$ an$ $ispose$ o? ?ami(ies) this is e%i$ence o? H'(i's 0%o(aKs psycho(o&ica( pro?i(e < 'sin& ;i@(ica( Prophetic Propa&an$a to smo!escreen ?or his parami(itary @(acD ops. #See5 1he Ho(y ;i@(e .hapter ( Revelations 0 END $IMES Me$J'&orJe Prophetic News4etters o? the 1"80Ks3 an$ H'(i's 0%o(a Ride the $iger , 2'rin& the 1""0Ks an$ we(( into the 2000Ks 5 New:or($.r$er re(ate$ in?ormation sharin& we@sites were warnin& o? a ?'t're ?a(se ?(a&&e$ A(ien In%asion $'rin& which the G(o@a(ists were &oin& to 'se it as an eFc'se to 'ni?y 0arth as a sin&(e nation state. 2'rin& 200* 3 7ha$ Gro(sch whom was a mem@er o? the :or($ 7h'rch o? the 7reator < mentione$ Dnowin& mem@ers o? a :hite Power .r&ani>ation that 'ses a Pa&an Aesthetic as oppose$ to what is typica((y a 7hristian aesthetic 5 this or&ani>ation is ca((e$ the Pa&an ,ront3 'pon their we@site is p'@(ishe$ a s(o&an which states A1r'st No A(iensA. 1he Pa&an ,ront is not an act'a( Asatr' .r&ani>ation at a((3 nor is it re(i&io's in any way 5 it is act'a((y J'st a /acist :hite Power .r&ani>ation with an A6IS aesthetic an$ a APa&anA aesthetic. :hi(e I was $isc'ssion this or&ani>ation with 7ha$ Gro(sch an$ ha$ (ooDe$ at their we@site 5 my comp'ter was @ein& re(ent(ess(y hacDe$ @y what was apparent(y =ittorio 0man'e(eKs A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate. 0$ :arren soon a?terwar$ mentione$ at worD A2'$e3 this is &oin& to @e (iDe in%asion o? the @o$y snatchers3 &'y. 1his is &oin& to @e (iDe in%asion o? the @o$y snatchers3 $'$e.A 5 this @ein& an o@%io's re?erance to space a(iens ?rom a 1"80Ks mo%ie an$ te(e%ision series tit(e$ In%asion o? the ;o$y Snatchers. 2'rin& 200* 5 =ittorio 0man'e(e eFperience$ an eFtreme amo'nt o? stress when his ?ami(iesK physica( @(oo$ re(ation to A$o(? Hit(er was eFpose$ an$ p'@(ica((y p'@(ishe$ to the internet on m'(tip(e we@sites inc('$in& Henry MaDowKs Sa%e1heMa(es.7A 55 I @e(ie%e it pro@a@(e that tra'ma ?rom this partic'(ar weeD was the reason ?or =ittorio 0man'e(eKs $ecision to 'se an A(ien aesthetic ?or his 0spiona&e an$ :ar 7rimina( 1errorist AttacDs. It seems that =ittorio 0man'e(e p(anne$ an$ has @een eFec'tin& a &(o@a( tar&ettin& an$ assassination o? networDs o? ci%i(ians 5 'sin& =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy to m'tate his A&ents as we(( as 'sin& 2'p(icate$ I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s to masD their i$entities entire(y as (itera( peop(e whoKs (i%es they ha%e ass'me$. P2a0i) Ic.e calling /Hano0erian (K #o5al-$amil5 are Shape-Shifting #eptilian "liens/ Draconian .onspirac/ was 'se$ as a co$ewor$ ?or the in%esti&ation into the crimina( acti%ities o? the H.US0 ., SA=.- #H'(i's 0%o(aN=ittorio 0man'e(e) a?ter the Ho(oca'st o? the 1"*0s. Henry MaDow 'se$ this termino(o&y ?reI'ent(y prior to the comman$eerin& o? his we@site. 1he :e(sh ?(a& a(so has a $ra&on on it. A(so< =ittorio an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs a&ents ha%e @een sta(Din& /'pert M'r$och3 1he /oya( Ho'se o? Hano%er3 an$ mem@ers o? the U9 Ho'se o? 4or$s an$ Par(iament. In 20103 I p'rchase$ ?rom 2044 7.MPU10/SK :0;SI10 a comp'ter ?rom the A4I0N:A/0 :0;SI10 that has si$e pane(s o? 402s an$ a Grey A(ien ?ace on the ?ront. 1he A(ien ,ace has 402s @ehin$ it an$ the 402s can @e pro&ramme$ @y a $e%ice $ri%er on the pacDa&e insta((e$ with the .peratin& System 3 pro&rammin& the 402s to M./PH 7.4./S (iDe an 402 7hristmas 1ree. 1he 'ser can pro&ram speci?ic co(ors 3 morphin&3 ?a$in&3 ?(ashin&3

intensity3 etc. DRA.#NIANS are a reptilian alien species in a table)top game made b/ S$E4E A."S#N 'AMES ( .reator of the I55UMINA$I .ARD 'AME 6 &enr/ Ma!ow codeworded the Emanuele)Evola S/ndicate and their co)conspiring Aristocratic .rime) S/ndicates as the DRA.#NIANS0 calling their globalist agenda A DRA.#NIAN .#NS+IRA.7 #F .#5D)-5##DED RU$&5ESSNESS8 7hame(eonKs are repti(es3 their sDin morphs in patternin& tint an$ co(or in or$er to camo'?(a&e them. My sistersK ?a%orite show on the 7artoon NetworD 'se$ to ha%e a character on the cartoon that was a Shape shi?tin& $oppe(&an&er repti(ian chame(eon inter$imensiona( space a(ien. 1his character co'($ ass'me the i$entities o? peop(e ?or the p'rpose o? strate&ica((y manip'(atin& peop(e. I? a &'i(ty party was tar&ettin& my ?ami(y 5 a(( three o? my sisters are %ery yo'n&3 this co'($ pro$'ce &'i(t in the s'@concio's o? the crimina( patho(o&y o? the min$ o? the perpetrator o? these crimes. / 8 /was the name o? a te(e%ision series in the 1"80Ks 1""0Ks in%o(%in& repti(e space a(iens that $is&'ise$ themse(%es as h'mans. 1his was one o? 8a(erie .(sonKs ?a%orite te(e%ision series when she was a (itt(e &ir(. =a(erie an$ her @rothers owne$ this series on =HS. /8 is for 8en)etta/ in%o(%es terrorist attacDs on the &o%ernment o? the U.9. an$ a G'y ,awDes masD which (ooDs (iDe 8ittorio 0man'e(e II $'e to simi(arities o? G'y ,awDes an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e IIKs ?acia( hair. 1he "NONY1O(S H"CK%I8IS% CO &C%I8& ha%e @een 'sin& GU- ,A:90S masDs an$ a ?(a& which (ooDs eFtreme(y simi(ar to the 4i@ertarianNationa(Socia(istGreen ?(a&. ;o@ Sha&o'ry was possi@(y recor$e$ ta(Din& to me on the phone a@o't A2raconianA conspiracy theories an$ JoDin& a@o't the mo%ie $he -rother From Another +lanet which in%o(%e$ a s(a%e who escape$ ?rom a space co(ony an$ crash (an$e$ on earth 5 the A?riDi$ (ooDin& space a(ien hi$es amon&st the A?ro American pop'(ation an$ e%ent'a((y the S(a%ers whom are /epti(ian space a(iens whom ha%e $is&'ise$ themse(%es as 0'ropi$ (ooDin& men @e&in chasin& the ;rother 3 in an attempt to capt're him. * %he internet has )eclare) Cha) Kister to *e a Schitzophrenic -ho thin.s $ascist %errorists put a microchip in his *rain an) that e0er5*o)5 aroun) him is a fascist terrorist out to get him personall53 %he %#(%H is that Cha) Kister is @ein& 'se$ as a $isin?ormation a&ent @y the same ?action as 2a%i$ IcDe3 they are @oth pro@a@(y %ictims o? H'man =i%isection an$ are %ictims o? Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are. Hesse =ent'ra3 an$ other 0%o(aN0man'e(e oriente$ $isin?ormation operations in North America. 1his is either @eca'se he has @een recr'ite$3 or @eca'se he has @een psych war?are$ into his c'rrent wor($ %iew ?or reasons o? possi@(y ?ramin& him as ha%in& a connection to somethin& speci?ic. I @e(ie%e the attempt to ?rame him wo'($ inc('$e ?ramin& the a(ternati%e press we@site 4i@ertarian Nationa( Socia(ist Green which was a @(o&space ?or 0n%ironmenta(ists3 Socia(ists3 an$ Nationa(ists3 as we(( as SDin Hea$s A&ainst /acia( Pre$J'$ice. 1he p'rpose o? the we@site was to teach 0n%ironmenta(ist Nationa(ist 4a@or po(itic3 racia( harmony3 an$ the ?o((y o? @oth &(o@a(i>ation an$ (i@ertarianism thro'&h &SO%&#ICS 5 the tar&et a'$ience are Nationa(ists who ha%e @een stasi psych war?are$ into @ein& racist eFtremists. I @e(ie%e that 7ha$ 9isterKs home (ocation @ein& in c(ose proFimity to the +ine Ridge 5a!otah Reservation is no coinci$ence. Cha) Kister is an en%ironmenta(ist in%o(%e$ in Green Peace. I remem@er rea$in& o($er artic(es aro'n$ the time when the shootin& ha$ occ'rre$ at Pine /i$&e< these artic(es ha$ mentione$ somethin& a@o't :eise ha%in& ar&'ments with a &host or some Din$ o? $emon ta(Din& to him thro'&h his own mo'th3 this 0oice -as sai) to soun) /)og-li.e/3 1he c'rrent artic(es on the internet seem to (acD the amo'nt o? in?ormation that the o($er artic(es $i$ not. S'spicio's concept here5 1he anti-christ has @een re?erre$ to in metaphor as /%he Son of the < i? 8ittorio &manuele was 'sin& Ne'roscience Animation So?tware ?or the p'rpose o? animatin& He?? :eiseKs mo'th an$ (aryn&ea( m'sc'(at're to mo%e in or$er to maDe it so'n$ (iDe a HacDa( was speaDin& to him thro'&h his own mo'th3 the HacDa(Ks son wo'($

@e ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e. 1his wo'($ @e in (ine with 7ulius &0ola's psycho(o&ica( pro?i(e an$ his "nti-Christ &n)-%imes propagan)a< this wo'($ a(so @e in (ine with (itera( rea(ity @ein& that $illi*erto &manuele is inheritin& ?rom his ?ather the rei&ns to a G(o@a( 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate. H'(i's 0%o(aKs 'n$oc'mente$ &ran$sons are a(so inheritin& the he(m o? this or&ani>ation. I ha%e rea$ that H'(i's 0%o(a ha$ an An'@is /it'a( MasD5 An'@is @ein& the 0&yptian $eity re(e%ant to concepts o? $yin& an$ passin&< the sym@o(ic ima&e o? An'@is @ein& o? a man #an inte((i&ent an$ wi((?'( sentient (i?e?orm) with the hea$ o? a HacDa( #an in$i&eno's anima( to $esert en%irons near 0&ypt3 one which wo'($ o?ten eat peop(e tra%e(in& near the $esert) this &o$ is what an anthropo(o&ist wo'($ ca(( a psychopomp. KIS%&# co'($ ha%e @een picDe$ ?or this $'e to his in%o(%ement in GreenPeace3 his Dnowin& o? some@o$y in partic'(ar in the re&ion o? .hio an$ a(so @eca'se o? the simi(arities @etween his name 5 Kister an$ the name H-S10/. H5ster was the name that the /'ssian seer5 /asp'tin< AsawA in a prophetic %ision a@o't the ?'t're anti christ which was $escri@e$ as a &(o@a( seria( Di((er who wi(( attempt a G(o@a( 7onI'est ine%ita@(y @rin&in& &reat s'??erin& an$ &enoci$e. I @e(ie%e that this AHysterA wo'($ in ?act @e the e(ement o? Hysteria3 @'t 7ha$ 9ister so'n$s simi(ar to Hyster . A(so o? note 5 some@o$y ha$ s'&&este$ to the NSM88 that they ho($ a p'@(ic Protest PicDet in 1o(e$o .hio in response to a racist &an& @eatin& $'rin& which a white ma(e was physica((y assa'(te$ @y &an&sters an$ ca((e$ racia( s('rs. I @e(ie%e that the person who ca'se$ this e%ent thro'&h a networD o? associates3 intentiona((y p(ace$ these i$entities near the PIN0 /I2G0 /0S0/=A1I.N @eca'se o? the 4i@ertarian Nationa( Socia(ist Green we@site o? which He?? :eise #a 4aDota) ha$ @een postin& on. I @e(ie%e that =ittorio an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e ha$ a /etainer p'rchase a hospita( in the Pine /i$&e re&ion ?or the p'rpose o? per?ormin& Ne'ro Science H'man =i%isection S'r&eries an$ that there ha%e @een n'mero's %ictims o? this networD o? terrorists in the past ten years. A(so o? re(e%ance here is 2A=I2 I790 @rie?(y c(aimin& to @e the Secon$ 7omin& o? 7hrist.I @e(ie%e that =ittorio 0man'e(e is schi>ophrenic an$ may possi@(y @e(ie%e himse(? to @e the Anti 7hrist < $'e to this he may @e compo'n$in& his &'i(t in an e??ort to n'm@ the emotiona( re?(eFi%e &'i(t mechanism an$ committin& n'mero's more heino's crimes than he pre%io's has in the past 5 @ein& that he notice$ my sti&mata (iDe wo'n$3 my 'n$erstan$in& o? /oman history3 my 'n$erstan$in& o? Asatr'3 my 'n$erstan$in& o? Ma$ame ;(a%atsDy3 an$ my 'n$erstan$in& o? the horri$ crimes which his ?ami(y an$ their crime associates ha%e committe$ <5 It seems o@%io's that his paranoi$ &'i(t has $ama&e$ his psycho(o&y an$ he may ha%e an Anti 7hrist comp(eF. Prophets an$ their @e(ie%ers o?ten ina$%ertant(y create se(? ?'((?i((in& prophecies < propa&an$ists an$ those who @e(ie%e they ha%e the ri&ht to (ie as propa&an$a o?ten ?'((?i(( the ro(es o? their own pre$icte$ ?'t're scenarios 5 H'(i's 0%o(a an$ the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icate ha%e @een p(annin& &(o@a( conI'est3 one o? their associates in the ;a(tic (eaDe$ the in?ormation that they were &oin& to @e&in AMicrochippin&A peop(e with the Mar! of the -east an$ that they wo'($ conI'er the entire earth. Me$J'&orJe was where a 7atho(ic seeress (i%e$ who prophesie$ that this wo'($ @e the comin& o? the anti christ3 a &(o@a( 7rime 4or$ in%o(%e$ in &(o@a( conI'est3 s(a%ery3 an$ &enoci$e. I @e(ie%e that this woman may ha%e @een %o('nteere$ as a martyr to present the (eaDe$ in?ormation to the &(o@a( p'@(ic in or$er to Deep the i$entity o? the speci?ic 0man'e(e 0%o(a associate whom ha$ con?esse$ to the Dnow(e$&e o? these p(ans an anonymo's i$entity. Since this in?ormation was (eaDe$3 the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icate ha%e @een on a &(o@a( witch h'nt (ooDin& ?or ima&inary traitors. * Statements pu*lishe) to the internet -hich are relate) to the information on Cha) Kister's Be*site )escri*e false Brain-Computer Interface remo0al proce)ures -hich instruct the NeuroScience 8i0isection 0ictim to insert a scalpel into their nasal ca0it5+ up into their *rain+ an) cut the Brain-Computer Interface out

of their *rain3 Cha) Kister's photographs -ere falsel5 )ispla5e) as sho-ing a 8erichip @-ra5 image super-impose) on the top of a S.ull 1#I Scan + it is a possi*ilit5 that his -e*site -as hac.e) after he reporte) the Human-8i0isections to authorities : )ue to Cha) Kister's location+ it is an incre)i*l5 logical possi*ilit5 that he is no longer ali0e an) has *een replace) *5 an imposteur -hom has un)ergone 8iral-8ector !ene-%herap5 an) Cosmetic Plastic Surger5 as -ell as has *een gi0en a )uplicate) cop5 of Cha) Kister's I)entification Cre)entials3 * %H&#& IS " I& CI#C( "%IN! %H"% %H& P"%#IO% "C% !I8&S &1P OY&&S O$ %H& (S" !O8&#N1&N% %H& #I!H% %O B"##"N% &SS BI#&%"PPIN!+ %H& #I!H% %O B"##"N% &SS S&"#CH "N2 S&IA(#&+ "N2 %H& #I!H% %O 1"K& B"##"N% &SS "##&S%S3 S'perior an$ S'preme 7o'rt H'stices ha%e i((e&a((y iss'e$ warrants ?or i((e&a( search an$ sei>'res where e%i$ence was p(ante$3 i((e&a( wiretaps3 warrants iss'e$ to ena@(e conspiracy to @e committe$ witho't any char&es @ein& (e%ie$ a&ainst the crimina(s in%o(%e$. 1he PA1/I.1 A71 was 'se$ as a patsy ?or the crimes committe$ @ehin$ the $oors o? the 7orr'pt H'$&es o??ices. Hanet Napo(itano may ha%e possi@(y @een one o? these J'$&es. 7IA emp(oyees wo'($ ha%e a(so @een in%o(%e$ in ?a(se ?(a&&e$ in%esti&ations an$ were reI'estin& S'perior an$ S'preme 7o'rt warrants an$ persona( recor$s. Hanet Napo(itano has possi@(y @een recor$e$ @y sec'rity cameras at the p(aces o? emp(oyment o? some o? the c'rrent %ictims o? Ne'roScience %i%isections in the USA 5 i? itKs not Hanet Napo(itano3 it is a near(y i$entica( imposte'r. 1here ha%e @een n'mero's imposte'rs 'sin& $'p(icate$ I$enti?ication 7ar$s an$ paperworD. =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e p'rchase$ hospita(s an$ hea(thcare ?aci(ities in the USA 'sin& 'nno??icia( A/oya( /etainersA in or$er to p'rchase them in some@o$y e(seKs name< it is these hospita(s an$ hea(thcare ?aci(ities where these Ne'roS'r&eries ha%e occ'rre$ an$ these ;rain7omp'terInter?aces were s'r&ica((y attache$ to the cortica( s'r?ace o? ci%i(iansK @rains i((e&a((y. It is a(so in these hospita(s that ;io(o&istsK S'r&ica( Imp(ant GPS A/G.S $e%ices were i((e&a((y imp(ante$ in the ?orearms o? ci%i(ians tar&ette$ ?or Genoci$e an$ Genoci$a( H'man 1ra??icDin& in the USA. P ;etween 200* 2013 5 n'mero's artic(es were p'@(ishe$ to the internet3 in ma&a>ines3 as we(( as in news papers which state$ that the 7omcast 7orporation as we(( as others ha$ si&ne$ contracts with the USA &o%ernment a&reein& that they wo'($ a((ow emp(oyees o? the 2epartment o? Home(an$ Sec'rity 'n(imite$ access o? the Persona( 7omp'ters an$ .n(ine Acco'nts o? American 7i%i(ians witho't a warrant. Statements simi(ar to these were ma$e on the internet3 in newspapers3 an$ in ma&a>ines concernin& the PA1/I.1 A71 an$ s'ppose$ A:arrant(ess :iretaps o? 7i%i(iansA that the PA1/I.1 A71 a((e&e$(y &rante$ to ,e$era( 0mp(oyees. =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 7o%ert A&ents em@e$$e$ within the 7.I.A. an$ e(sewhere as we(( as the 7omcast 7orporation an$ other 7omm'nications 7orporations were acti%e(y :iretappin& American an$ 7ana$ian ci%i(ians te(ephone con%ersations3 hacDin& American an$ 7ana$ian ci%i(ians persona( comp'ters3 accessin& 7omm'nications an$ 0ntertainment Ser%ers an$ acco'nts re(ate$ to American an$ 7an$ian ci%i(ians comm'nications. 0mi(y Is(es an$ my se(? were i((e&a((y wiretappe$ in 200* 5 a?terwhich a ,e$era( 0mp(oyee o? the USA %isite$ me at ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n St. in Manchester New Hampshire whi(e at worD to speaD with me a@o't it. 1he ,e$era( emp(oyee o? the USA state$ A:ho tappe$ yo'M IKm &oin& to ha%e to (ooD into this.A 3 A1hey &ot yo' &oin& across state (ines... internationa( (ines that is. 7ana$a. It $oesnKt maDe sense 3 yo' are @oth so yo'n&. I am &oin& to ha%e to (ooD into this.A 3 AAUS7ANNCU9US3 yo' sho'($ (ooD it 'pA. ,or reason that 0$ :arren was present when this occ'rre$ 5 this man is most pro@a@(y a tar&et o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs. Imme$iate(y a?ter this i((e&a( wire tappin& o? mine an$ 0mi(yKs te(ephone con%ersations

occ'rre$ 3 Hanet Napo(itano was somehow e(ecte$ to rep(ace the 2irector o? Home(an$ Sec'rity 5 the actions o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 7o%ert A&ents were camo'?(a&e$ @y the @(amin& o? the PA1/I.1 A71 ?or i((e&a( warrant(ess wiretaps an$ 7omcast ?or a((e&e$(y si&nin& contracts with the USA ,e$era( Go%ernment a((owin& warrant(ess access to a(( comm'nications an$ persona( comp'ters. Hanet Napo(itano3 a ?ormer H'$&e 5 was e(ecte$ as 2irector o? Home(an$ Sec'rity short(y a?ter the assassination o? H'$&e 4e?Dow @y 7o%ert 1errorist A&ents ?a(se ?(a&&e$ as :or($ 7h'rch o? the 7reator mem@ers o? the 7reati%ity Mo%ement. 1hese in$i%i$'a(s were $escri@e$ as A0astern 0'ropeanA (ooDin& an$ most pro@a@(y were Ser@ian A6IS (oya(ists or other A6IS 1errorist 7rime So($iers worDin& ?or =ittorio 0man'e(e. 1he corre(ation @etween H'$&e 4e?DowKs assassination3 the :or($ 7h'rch o? the 7reator3 =ittorio 0man'e(e3 an$ H'$&e Napo(itano @ein& e(ecte$ as 2irector o? Home(an$ Sec'rity is no mere coinci$ence 5 =ittorio 0man'e(e has ?reI'ent(y @(ame$ Search :arrants an$ 1he PA1/I.1 A71 ?or the possi@i(ity o? his @ein& ca'&ht ?or his terrorism an$ has ma$e attempts to pre empti%e(y repea( the PA1/I.1 A71 entire(y prior to his @ein& ca'&ht ?or his crimes. 1he PA1/I.1 A71 &rants the 7.I.A. an$ ,.;.I. Joint terrorist tasD ?orce the a@i(ity to access an$ worD with Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence ?or p'rpose o? in%esti&atin& 1errorism on American soi( 5 these in%esti&ations sho'($ c'rrent(y @e occ'rrin& an$ sho'($ @e in%esti&atin& =ittorio 0man'e(eKs :ar 7rimes in North America inc('$in& the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace H'man =i%isections3 :ar /apes3 an$ Genoci$e which is c'rrent(y occ'rrin&. 2'e to =ittorio 0man'e(eKs A&ents @ein& em@e$$e$ within 4aw 0n?orcement an$ In%esti&ations in the USA an$ 7ana$a3 these in%esti&ations are @ein& c'rtai(e$ as his a&ents are re?'sin& to 'pho($ the oaths which they ha%e taDen to the nations o? the USA an$ 7ana$a an$ a(( o? their citi>ens. P Bealth5 %errorist Crime-S5n)icates in0ol0e) in fun)ing of %errorism ha0e to -orr5 a*out the $reezing of "ssets+ )ue to the P"%#IO% "C%. 1he PA1/I.1 A71 ena@(es the USA Go%ernment to permanant(y ?ree>e the wea(th assets o? in$i%i$'a(s an$ &ro'ps o? in$i%i$'a(s ?'n$in& terrorism or Dnown to @e in%o(%e$ in terrorism. At m'(tip(e points the NH Granite State 7re$it Union in 7an$ia New Hampshire ha$ ?ro>en my eF &ir(?rien$Ks acco'nt 5 I am consi$erin& the possi@i(ity that =ittorio 0man'e(e or some partner o? his may possi@(y ha%e :ea(th /etainers in%este$ in comp(ete ownership o? the 7re$it Union3 otherwise I am not s're how this wo'($ @e possi@(e. It is $e?inite3 howe%er 5 that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e has sta(De$ 2aphen 7onaway in the past. She has met APhi(A more than once. I met 2aphen 7onaway in 200* 3 whi(e @'yin& 7.,,00 ?rom 2UN9INK 2.NU1S at =IS1A ,..2S in MAN7H0S10/ N0:HAMPSHI/0 on the corner o? =A440- S1. an$ 4IN7.4N S1. . =ittorio 0man'e(e is pro@a@(y pre empti%e(y striDin& in what he percei%es to @e reta(iation $'e to his ina@i(ity to a$mit his &'i(t @eca'se o? his psycho(o&ica( %ictimi>ation comp(eF. .n n'mero's internet (ect'res an$ artic(es < APre empti%e striDin&A was $epicte$ as a AHewish 1raitA @y propa&an$a a&ents most pro@a@(y re(ate$ to his own acti%ities. 1his is simi(ar to =ittorio 0man'e(eKs A&ents pro%oDin& the entire comm'nity o? Manchester New Hampshire to ca(( me a AracistA an$ to attacD Gae(s an$ An&(o SaFons as thron&s o? witch h'nters ?rantica((y ca((in& them a(( AracistA whi(e =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime So($iers were @'sy eFterminatin& 3 war rapin& 3 war rape seF tra??icDin& 3 an$ committin& other racia( war crimes 'pon An&(o Gae(ic an$ ,irst Nations pop'(ation whi(e ca((in& them racist. 1he 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icateKs H'man =i%isections ha%e now reache$ the A?rican American pop'(ation 5 I Dnow ?or a ?act that there are A?rican Americans with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces &ra?te$ to their @rains that are transmittin&. 1he 0man'e(e 0%o(a A&ents ha%e a&ain @een p'@(ishin& (iterat're an$ (ect'res c(aimin& that Hews are racist eFtremists an$ the Israe( is an aparthei$ state < they ha%e a(so @een c(aimin& p'@(ica((y that Nor$ic peop(es are

Arapists an$ pi((a&ersA as we(( as ha%e p'@(ishe$ news artic(es c(aimin& that Asatr' is a racist re(i&ion which promotes $r'& a@'se an$ a(choho(ism. =ittorio 0man'e(e apparent(y seems to @e(ie%e that pre empti%e(y striDin& his enemies with a :ar 7rime pre%ents himse(? an$ his peop(e ?rom @ein& str'cD with the same weapon an$ metho$ o? assa'(t 5 this is @e(ie%e$ to @e $'e to the ?act that his enemies ha%e @een str'cD @y it an$ wi(( not want to striDe with it3 it @ein& his arsena( o? 'ncon%entiona( war?are. As is 's'a( with A6IS propa&an$a 5 7omm'nist 7onspirators wi(( most pro@a@(y @e @(ame$. *B&"%H&# B"#S 3CO1 nee)s to *e chec.e) for c5phere) commucations an) metaphor c5pher communications from ;==F + ;==C 3 *B"#"CK OB"1" /B&"%H&#1&N %&##O#IS% CONN&C%ION is BeatherBars3Com c5pher + /Storm %rooper/ /#a)io "ir-Ba0es/ #a)io $reHuenc5 Brain-Computer-Interface3 *1I%% #O1N&Y /1O#1ON 1"$I" &1B&AA &1&N% CONSPI#"CY/ : the potential lies is that "non5mous sources ha0e reporte) that 1itt #omne5 -as in0ol0e) in mone5-laun)ering an) em*ezzelment schemes in0ol0ing millions of )ollars : an) reporte) that he -as a mem*er of a 1ormon 1afia3 1ormons ha0e multiple -i0es sometimes + 1itt #omne5 coul) ha0e *een use) for purpose of mis)irecting in0estigations into connections to Italian Sa0o5-"GIS %errorism *5 metho) of these accusations3 In 200E 5 a pri%ate(y owne$ hea(thcare a&ency ?ra'$'(ant(y char&e$ the ,e$era( Go%ernmentKs M02I7AI2 an$ M02I7A/0 pro&rams ?or hea(thcare recipients recei%in& ser%ices that $i$ not occ'r. 1he hea(thcare recipients were reporte$ to ha%e recei%e$ psychiatric care at an a&ency3 in tr'th it was hea(thcare ser%ices they ne%er recei%e$. 1his may possi@(y coinci$e with what happene$ $'rin& the U;S In%estments ,irm scan$a(3 the Ita(ian man in the c'stom tai(ore$ &ent(emanKs s'it who (a'&he$ at me whi(e I was stan$in& @ehin$ the co'nter at the MA44 ., NHKs 2UN9IN 2.NU1S3 an$ the p(acement o? the S9/I=AN.S 20SIGN02 20U1S7H0;AN9 GI,1 7A/2S on the co'nter. 1his is simi(ar to 7orporate 0spiona&e Scenarios < ?or instance 5 1he Hon$a N 1oyota reca((s $'rin& 200E 200" may ha%e possi@(y @een the res'(t o? 7orporate 0spiona&e $'e to a 7rimina( 1errorist In%estor ?inancin& crimina(s in%o(%e$ in 7orporate Pro$'ct Sa@ota&e ?or the p'rpose o? $estroyin& a(( sa(es competition. 1his occ'rance wo'($ ha%e coinci$e$ with crimina( in%estors @'yin& stocD. 1he stocD in%este$ in wo'($ @e a pre$icta@(y pop'(ar pro$'ct3 s'ch as the thir$ p(ace position in terms o? sa(es to 7ar 7('@ a'tomo@i(e enth'siasts. S'@ar' ?or instance< @ecame more pop'(ar amon&st 7ar 7('@ a'tomo@i(e enth'siasts than the pre%io's(y $ominant @ran$s 3 Hon$a an$ 1oyota. 1his wo'($ in%o(%e the same Din$ o? in%esti&ation as the in%esti&ation into the Ho'sin& ;'@@(e 7risis which $estroye$ the economy o? the USA. 1he (ast time this was $one intentiona((y was prior to :or($ :ar 2 3 which was a secon$ phase o? 0conomic Sa@ota&e ?o((owin& the ,irst :or($ :ar 5 prior to which the economy o? the USA as we(( as other tar&et nations were intentiona((y cripp(e$. 1hir$ Party Propa&an$ists ?'n$e$ campai&ns an$ co%ert(y pro%i$e$ speci?ic Ne&ati%e 7ampai&nin& scenarios to mainstream Po(itica( 7'(t're in the USA ?or the p'rpose o? PS-:A/ 7'(t're ShocD 5 (ea%in& the pop'(ation in psycho(o&ica( $enia( o? their own (acD o? contro( o%er c'rrent a??airs. A(i@is are o?ten so'&ht ?or acti%ities s'ch as these5 (ies3 power o? s'&&estion3 as we(( as monetary rewar$ are 'se$ to promote a(i@i s'pporti%e scenarios into p'@(ic me$ia. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 the A6IS 3 an$ the Ho'se o? Aosta ha%e @een in%o(%e$ somehow in the U.;.S. In%estments ,irm Scan$a(. I @e(ie%e that this is the Unite$ ;anD

o? Swit>er(an$. 2"8I2 ICK&'S I (1IN"%I : /1(#2&#&2 BY %H& 1ON"#CHY/ H'st Prior to the MA,IA @ein& pai$ @y =ittorio 0man'e(e to poison my se(? with ;(acD Mo($ in 200! 5 0(i>a@eth Hano%er @o'&ht an 0n&(ish ;reaD?ast tea an$ a ;('e@erry Scone ?rom me whi(e I was worDin& at a S9/I=AN.S ,AMI47./P./A1I.N owne$ 2UN9IN 2.NU1S ?ranchise in the Ma(( o? NH 3 Manchester NH USA. :i((iam Hano%er an$ 9ate Hano%er @o'&ht an Ice$ 7o??ee an$ a ;a&e(. 1his wo'($ ha%e @een aro'n$ Septem@er. A?ter I s'r%i%e$ the ;(acD Mo($ poisonin& as we(( as a possi@(e poisonin& @y irra$iate$ ?oo$5 I staye$ @rie?(y at a psychiatric ?aci(ity in Nash'a Nh on Amherst st. Somehow two in$i%i$'a(s were i((e&a((y a$mitte$ entrance to the ?aci(ity 5 a woman attemptin& to impersonate an inco&nito 0(i>a@eth Hano%er wearin& my sister S'mmerKs @('e straw hat an$ a re$hea$e$ wi& < the other in$i%i$'a( was a @'r(y o($er ma(e wearin& a p(ai$ shirt. I @e(ie%e these peop(e were ?rom 7ana$a. =ittorio 0man'e(eKs a(i@i ?or attemptin& to &enoci$a((y eFterminate entire networDs o? ?ami(ies @ecame 0(i>a@eth Hano%er. I44UMINA1I 3 MU/20/02 ;- 1H0 M.NA/7H- 5 is =ittorio 0man'e(eKs pre empti%e propa&an$a $e?ense< $esi&ne$ prior to 2a%i$ IcDeKs re(easin& o? it3 ?or the p'rpose o? ?ramin& the Hano%er ?ami(y ?or the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icateKs crimes. P ;etween 200* 200" there was a hoaF re(ease$ o%er the internet ca((e$ ProJect 2isc(os're. 2'rin& this hoaF presentation n'mero's in$i%i$'a(s ?a(se(y c(aimin& to @e emp(oyees o? the &o%ernment o? the USA &a%e ?a(se reports that the &o%ernment o? the USA was in contact with space a(iens an$ was Dnowin&(y a((owin& space a(iens to %i%isect h'man @ein&s in the USA an$ e(sewhere. 2'rin& this presentation which was @roa$caste$ &(o@a((y on the internet3 the actors ?a(se(y c(aime$ that the &o%ernment o? the USA were Dnowin&(y a((owin& space a(iens to microchip h'man @ein&s with min$ contro( $e%ices an$ &ps tracDin& $e%ices. 2'rin& this time the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icate s'r&ica((y &ra?te$ tho'san$s o? ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace $e%ices to the @rains o? %ictims in the USA an$ e(sewhere3 attachin& wire(ess ro'ter $e%ices to these ;.7.I.s an$ imp(antin& them in the %ictimKs Jaw ca%ity. 1hese $e%ices were then insta((e$ on a comp'ter 'sin& a c'stom en&ineere$ :I,I ro'ter on a (oca( wire(ess ?reI'ency an$ 'sin& c'stom en&ineere$ $e%ice $ri%ers simi(ar to a ;('e1ooth $e%ice $ri%er an$ the $e%ice $ri%er which the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace wo'($ norma((y 'se 5 a?ter which the $e%ice was connecte$ o%er the p'@(ic internet to pri%ate ser%ers. 1he si&na( an$ the @inary in?ormation ?rom these $e%ices transmitte$ o%er the mo@i(e phone towers an$ ser%ers3 across the internet towers an$ ser%ers3 an$ was ina$%ertant(y recor$e$ &(o@a((y @y Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence NetworDs. A(( o? the e%i$ence that this has occ'rre$ is permanant(y in the han$s o? the mi(itaries o? the entire 0arth. 1he metho$ @y which the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aceKs ro'ter is (ocate$ is the same as a ce(( phone G(o@a( Positionin& System. P My co worDer $'rin& 200! 2an =a($row 5 may ha%e Dnown Aaron 0man'e(e 'n$er a $i??erent name. AaronKs @io(o&ica( s'rname is 0man'e(e 3 tho'&h it is not necessari(y present on his I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. Aaron may ha%e @een si&hte$ $'rin& 200! at the Ma(( o? NewHampshire in Manchester NewHampshire. P 1he 4ar&e 2'nDin 2on'ts Ice$ 7o??ee 7'p which 1ay(aKs mother an$ HoeKs $a'&hter 2e@@ie A2'montA 'se$ to poisone$ me with ;(acD Mo($ was the eFact si>e an$ mo$e( o? 2'nDin 2on'ts 4ar&e Ice 7o??ee 7'p that I ser%e$ :i((iam Hano%er a co??ee in. =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e are o@scene(y Jea(o's o? :i((iam Hano%er an$ were ?ear?'( o? @ein& $isco%ere$ @y the MIE as ha%in& @een in%o(%e$ in Internationa( G(o@a( 1errorist Syn$icate$ .r&ani>e$ 7rimina( Acti%ities. 1his was a possi@(e attempt to ?rame 1he Ho'se o? Hano%er o? the U.9. /oya( Monarchy

?or m'r$er. Statements on the internet -ere use) for c5pher communication : it -as state) that /8arg/ 8i.ernes' father -or.e) in IraH for a fe- 5ears )e0eloping a soft-are program for Sa))am HusseinE -here 8i.ernes li0e) -ith him as a chil) for three 5ears3 %his is )efinitel5 not the truth an) -as a c5pher communication3 8i).un Ruisling is ars /Kristian/ /8arg/ 8i.ernes' gran)father3 Isn't fact3 It is relate) to a c5pher-communication3 "n imposteur /8arg/ 8i.ernes -as inter0ie-e) for the )ocumentar5 (ntil the ight (s3 1he ?act'a( m'sician o? the @an$ ;'r>'m 3 who was arreste$ in the 1""0Ks ?or s'ppose$(y m'r$erin& his @est ?rien$ 5 was not inter%iewe$ $'rin& the ?i(min& o? Unti( the 4i&ht 1aDes Us . Unti( the 4i&ht 1aDes Us was scripte$ an$ ?i(me$ @y two in$i%i$'a(s ?orei&n to Norway. 1h's ?ar< there ha%e @een approFimate(y ! $i??erent in$i%i$'a(s on the internet an$ in p'@(ic me$ia3 c(aimin& to @e A=ar&A =iDernes3 who is possi@(y ?act'a((y name$ 4ars. 1hese imposte'rs ha%e 'se$ his name an$ cra?te$ a ?a(se i$entity o? his rep'tation3 writin& artic(es an$ participatin& in inter%iews as i? they were =iDernes himse(?. I Dnow o? possi@(y two speci?ic in$i%i$'a(s who were I'ote$ wor$ ?or wor$ $'rin& the A=ar& =iDernesA inter%iew that was ?i(me$ ?or Unti( the 4i&ht 1aDes Us. 1hese two in$i%i$'a(s are $e?inite(y tar&ets an$ were (itera((y I'ote$ $'rin& the se&ments which mentione$ the A;('e HammerA an$ the se&ment which mentione$ /e(i&io's 0Ftremism near(y e(iminatin& a(( ?o(D re(i&ions &(o@a((y. 1hese statements were I'otes o? thin&s sai$ in the %icinity o? i((e&a( impro%ise$ a'$io recor$in& $e%ices insta((e$ in wa((s an$ a@o%e cei(in& pane(s $'rin& the years 2005 3 200E 3 an$ 200! < as we(( as in the presense o? peop(e with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ in their sD'((s. Since the appearance o? 5 to ! =ar& =iDernesK imposte'rs3 the possi@(e $isappearance o? the ?act'a( =iDernes3 the $isappearance o? 0mi(y Is(es3 the re(easin& o? two ?aDe$ ;'r>'m a(@'ms 5 the emai( a$$ress ?reme$ehen%en$e(ser^ &mai(.com is associate$ with =ar& =iDernesK name an$ his a((e&e$ -o'1' acco'nt which has nothin& @'t ,rench Heep sty(e %ehic(es o?? roa$ trai( treDDin& in a ?oreste$ area some p(ace. I @e(ie%e these %i$eos may possi@(y ha%e @een ?i(me$ in ,rance. :hen I was inJ're$ $'rin& the car acci$ent which res'(te$ in my sti&mata (iDe wrist wo'n$ 3 ?rom a tree @ranch impa(in& my wrist 5 the $ri%er o? the a'tomo@i(e was a man name$ 7orey 2ai(ey < 7orey 2ai(ey (iDe$ o?? roa$in& in woo$e$ areas an$ $irt pits with Jeeps an$ other %ehic(es3 he a(so @rie?(y $ate$ =a(erie .(son as we(( as one o? her step sisters (ater. I @e(ie%e that =ittorio 0man'e(e @e&an sta(Din& =ar& =iDernes3 his ?ami(y3 an$ his ?rien$s < in the year 200* 3 when 0mi(y Is(es whom was =iDernesK penpa( was tar&ette$. 0mi(y Is(es ?o'n$ my emai( an$ A.4 Instant Messan&er Screen Name on the ori&ina( ;U/CUM messa&e @oar$ ?or'm < my @(o& han$(e was 4'&h2e2anaan 5 the a(@'m ;e('s is a 4atini>e$ %ersion o? the name ;e(i or ;e(enos whom was the ,ather o? 4'&os. 1racDs E an$ 8 @e&in with a so'n$ c(ip o? my se(? p(ayin& my 9or& MS2000 at my o($ apartment at 38" Haywar$ Street in Manchester NewHampshire3 on tracD 8 it is $et'ne$ 5 the tracD I was &oin& to attempt to recor$ was s'ppose$ to so'n$ (iDe symphonic orchestrate$ @om@er t'r@ines an$ prope((ers ?rom a 1"*0Ks era ;om@in& rai$. It is possi@(e that =ittorio or ,i((i@erto ha$ some@o$y swich the c$ at my apartment a?ter i @o'&ht it < they ha%e $one this with 2=2s @e?ore. * B(#A(1 : 1#3 BOO!&2Y : "N2 C "#ISS" B&##Y - In ;==K : I was $atin& a woman name$ 7(arissa ;erry. Photo&raphs o? my se(? an$ 7(arissa ;erry were poste$ to my Acco'nt wherein I was wearin& a ;'r>'m H(i$sDJa(? 1 Shirt. 2'rin& the

weeD that these photo&raphs were taDen @y 7(arissa 3 we ha$ watche$ mo%ies 5 one o? the mo%ies I p'((e$ 'p on -o'1'@e.7om was an o($ 2isney mo%ie which we ha$ $eci$e$ to watch ?or reason that we ha$ ta(De$ a@o't it @ein& on te(e%ision when we were (itt(e Di$s an$ it ne%er @ein& mentione$ a&ain. 1his mo%ie was ca((e$ Mr. ;oo&e$y. 2'rin& this mo%ie there are two characters s'rname$ ;artho(ow an$ /a??erty that %ery we(( may ha%e @een name$ /o@ert ;artho(ow an$ Mary /a??erty. 2'rin& the months that I was $atin& 7(arissa ;erry 3 9atie 7ameron ha$ @een ?reI'ent(y ca((in& my Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone 5 this was maDin& 7(arissa an&ry an$ she ha$ to($ me repeate$(y that I was not a((owe$ to answer my phone. I was @ein& i((e&a((y recor$e$ at this (ocation @y means o? an Impro%ise$ /ecor$in& 2e%ice en&ineere$ ?rom Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone Parts3 an acco'stic microphone3 an$ what I @e(ie%e was a Goo&(ePhone transmission ?rom an$ to a comp'ter. 2'rin& 2012 3 my apartment at 23 1emp(e St. R108 has @een @roDen into m'(tip(e times @y an I((e&a( 1resspasser 5 this tresspasser has a(tere$ my witness statement to inc('$e the name$ /o@ert ;artho(ow an$ Mary /a??erty in p(ace o? M9U41/A < this was a(tere$ on my persona( comp'ter n'mero's times as we(( as $i$ the i((e&a( trespasser po'r m'(tip(e %ia(s o? Hemo&(o@in into my Mi(D H'& containin& =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy (a@oratory en&ineere$ =ira( strains which res'(te$ in &enetic m'tation o? my nose @ri$&e3 'n$er @row sDin3 one sDin &ene pro$'cin& $i??erent oi(s an$ s(i&ht(y a(tere$ comp(eFion3 a thinnin& @a($in& pattern3 an$ a p(astic (iDe teFt're to my @o$y hair. I ?o'n$ the names Mary /a??erty an$ /o@ert ;artho(ow on a wiDipe$ia artic(e a@o't H'man =i%isection concernin& Ne'roScience H'man =i%isection in 2012. 2'rin& 20103 a?ter I ha$ emai(e$ whom I tho'&ht wo'($ @e 4ars A=ar&A =iDernes at ,reme$ehen=en$e(ser^&mai(.com 5 I ?o'n$ that the ;'r>'m a(@'m which I p'rchase$ a year (ater containe$ a samp(e o? the ;oo&e$y Man ?rom Mr.;oo&e$y how(in& in the @acD&ro'n$. :hen I ha$ emai(e$ 4ars A=ar&A =iDernes3 I was (i%in& at 2*5 Pine St. Apt. R*1 in Manchester NewHampshire 5 my apartment ha$ @een @roDen into the same weeD that my Mother was a@$'cte$ ?rom her co'nci(in& appointment an$ (ater ?rom the 40=IN0 74INI7 at M04/.S0 :A90,I042 H.SPI1A4 5 an m'sic a(@'m recor$e$ @y the @an$ 1AA90 which I ha$ 'p(oa$e$ to my comp'ter was e$ite$ an$ a @oin&in& so'n$ o? a sprin& was $'@@e$ onto one o? the tracDs. It so'n$e$ (iDe a &iant mo'th harp 'se$ ?or 2isney 7artoons or 4ooney 1oons. 0wen 7ameron is another name improper(y associate$ with Ne'roScience H'man =i%isection in%o(%in& M9U41/A which has @een 'se$ on :I9IP02IA.7.M as an attempt to $etract ?rom /ichar$ NiFonKs an$ /ichar$ He(msKs (oya(ties to the Ita(ian Ho'se o? Sa%oy3 the Ita(ian an$ Sici(ian ancestry o? /ichar$ NiFon as we(( as /ichar$ He(ms3 an$ their associations with H'(i's 0%o(a. 0wen 7ameron is $escri@e$ as @ein& a 7ana$ian 3 0mi(y Is(es an$ Henry MaDow as we(( as n'mero's co'sins o? mine are 7ana$ians 5 my co'sin Marco /oyKs ?atherKs si$e o? the ?ami(y is 7ana$ian. 1he name 7ameron was chosen to $epict the &'i(ty party as an ethnic 7ana$ian3 whi(e a(so was chosen ?or reason that A=A1A/ was create$ @y a 7ameron. 9atie 7ameron ha$ a(so %isite$ me at 2*5 Pine St. R*1 an$ was apparent(y recor$e$ whi(e there. /ichar$ NiFonKs presi$ency res'(te$ in war crimes @ein& committe$ 'pon American 7i%i(ians inc('$in& H'man =i%isections 3 m'r$ers 3 %ira( war?are eFperiments3 an$ SeF 1ra??icDin& war crimes which res'(te$ in the :A10/GA10 S7AN2A4 $'e to their attempt to hi$e these crimes. 1he :ar 7rimes which occ'rre$ prior to the :A10/GA10 Scan$a( were committe$ @y the same ?action as the c'rrent :ar 7rimes which ha%e @een committe$ an$ are o? the eFact same Psycho(o&ica( 7rimina( Pro?i(e. 0wen 7ameron is a name re(ate$ to the mo%ie A=A1A/ which is the (ast mo%ie I ha$ watche$ with my Mother @e?ore she was a@$'cte$ ?rom her co'nci(in& appointmeny an$ ?rame$ @y hacDers as ha%in& emai(e$ a threatenin& emai( concernin& my sisters. =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate has a@$'cte$ two o? my three sisters an$ has eFhan&e$ them with two other hosta&es 3 the 0man'e(eKs an$ their

1errorist 7rime Syn$icate are a &enoci$a( threat to my sisters3 my entire ?ami(y3 my race3 my nation3 an$ o'r a((ies. I ha$ watche$ the mo%ie A=A1A/ with my mother $'rin& 2010 whi(e at the (ocation o? 2*5 Pine St. R*1 in Manchester NewHampshire. ;oth my Mother an$ 7(arissa ;erry are %ictims o? 1errorist 7rimina(s whom ha%e 2'p(icate$ their I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s an$ ass'me$ their i$entities 5 a(( o? the m'(tip(e in$i%i$'a(s posin& as my Mother appear to @e Ita(ian or A(@anian3 the imposte'r posin& as 7(arissa ;erry on ,ace;ooD appears to @e 4om@ar$ic Ita(ian an$ has =ira( =ector Gene 1herapie$ her sDin to (ooD (iDe 7(arissaKs comp(eFion inc('$in& ?recD(es. I ha%e a(so met a woman impersonatin& 9atie 7ameron once whi(e in Manchester NewHampshire 3 this woman is an inch shorter than 9atie an$ has ?ar narrower hips an$ sho'($ers 5 her eyes were a(so a pa(e aI'a co(or 3 9atieKs are act'a((y p're &reen. 9atie 7ameron an$ 7(arissa ;erry are a(so o? the racia( tar&ets o? the Ita(ian 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate whom ha%e committe$ these crimes 5 9atie 7ameron is racia((y American as we(( as Irish an$ Norwe&ian3 7(arissa ;erry is racia((y American as we(( as Irish an$ ;ritish. My ?ami(y are a(so o? the racia( tar&ets which this Ita(ian Genoci$a( 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate 5 my ?ami(y is o? ,irst Nations Nati%e American race as we(( as American race an$ Irish race. 1he U.9. an$ Norway ha%e re?'se$ to Uni?y with the 0'ropean Union3 Ire(an$ has @een eFtreme(y re('ctant3 the USA an$ 7ana$a were @oth A44I02 ,./70S which $e?eate$ the Ho'se Sa%oy twice $'rin& their attempts at G(o@a( 7onI'est 3 another A44I02 ,./70S nation whoKs ?ema(es ha%e @een tar&ette$ @y the 0man'e(e 0%o(a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate ?or s(a%ery as a race is /'ssia. 1he ta(( ita(ian ma(e whom worDs in the o??ice at the @'i($in& where I ha%e @een (i%in& attempte$ to $eman$ eFtra money ?rom me attemptin& to char&e me 1!0V more than what this apartment costs 3 which was E"0V 5 VE"0 @ein& the eFact price o? the rent at 155 Map(e St. Apt. 2 @e?ore Herry 2KAmico i((e&a((y raise$ the rent twice an$ @e&an threatenin& me in my @e$room $oorway which he ha$ $one twice as we(( as twice o%er the phone threatenin& me 3 te((in& me that he Dnew where I (i%e$. :hen I ?irst mo%e$ in to this apartment3 the short e($er(y sici(ian man (i%in& in the apartment a@o%e mine was sittin& o'tsi$e neFt to the ;rown :a((et which ha$ @een sto(en ?rom my apartmentKs (i%in& room whi(e I was s(eepin& when I (i%e$ at 155 Map(e St. Apt. 2 which ha$ @een p'rchase$ a?ter I mo%e$ there @y Herry 2KAmico. 1his o($er sici(ian man (ie$ to me an$ to($ me that he was A7oachKs SonA 3 A7oachA is a man whom worDs in the o??ice that is 20 years yo'n&er than this Sici(ian man. 1his Sici(ian man who (i%es in the room 'pstairs ?rom my se(? recent(y han&e$ a @oom @oF o't his win$ow which ha$ @een wire$ to an Impro%ise$ ;roa$castin& 2e%ice$ en&ineere$ ?rom Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone an$ @roa$caste$ a Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are assa'(t $irecte$ at my se(? persona((y. 1his man is a 1errorist Ma?iosa. It has @ecome o@%io's that the Ita(ian Ma?ias ha%e @een recr'ite$ @y the 0man'e(e 0%o(a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate an$ are (itera((y taDin& $irect or$ers ?rom =ittorio 0man'e(e whom is the eFi(e$ 9in& o? Ita(iaKs &ran$ son an$ the &ran$ nephew o? A$o(? Hit(er. 1hese AIta(ian Ma?iasA ha%e a&ain @ecome internationa( Genoci$a( 7(an$estine 1errorist 7e((s3 this has happene$ in the past. I @e(ie%e that amon&st a(( o? these 7rime Syn$icates eFist a sin&(e Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist Genoci$a( H'man 1ra??icDin& 7rime Syn$icate which em@e$s itKs A&ents within as many or&ani>ations as possi@(e 3 these men are in%o(%e$ in SeF 1ra??icDin&. 8I%%O#IO &1"N(& & -ants the -orl) to *elie0e that /%H& 7&BS CON%#O %H& 1&2I"/: 2'rin& 200* 3 Me( Gi@son was reporte$ to ha%e spoDen an an&ry series o? ins'(ts concernin& Israe(is an$ was arreste$ @y Po(ice in the USA. Me( Gi@son may ha%e @een Arace @aite$A3 %oca( synthesi>er impersonate$3 an$ ?rame$ < or Me( Gi@son may ha%e @een impersonate$ o%er te(ephone @y an in$i%i$'a( 'sin& their own ;rain 7omp'ter

Inter?ace 2e%ice an$ Ne'roScience So?t:are to chan&e the so'n$ o? their %oice 5 he may e%en c'rrent(y @e /ep(ace @y an Imposte'r. Me( Gi@sonKs ?ami(y is USAmerican an$ 7ana$ian. Ita(ian an$ A'strian Po(ice .??icers were in%o(%e$ in the a@$'ction o? n'mero's ?ami(ies in the USA an$ 7ana$a. It is possi@(e that Me( Gi@son has @een rep(ace$ @y an imposte'r. Simi(ar(y re(ate$ to mentionin& o? Hews in the me$ia < some o? the actor A$am San$(erKs ?ami(y (i%e$ in Manchester NewHampshire $'rin& 200* when this @e&an. A$am San$(er (ooDs to @e possi@(y rep(ace$ @y an imposte'r. A$am San$(erKs ?ami(y were ?rom Manchester NewHampshire. P 1he Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS propa&an$a campai&n a&ainst Israe( pro$'ce$ artic(es which in 200E $escri@e$ Israe( as ha%in& 'se$ :hite Phosphoro's Incen$iary 7('ster ;om@s on tho'san$s o? ci%i(ians 3 the tr'th is that the $emo(itions char&es p(ante$ prior to the " 11 AttacDs which were $etonate$ in New -orD 'sin& $ia( 'p $etonators were comprise$ o? simi(ar incen$iaries. 1he 0man'e(eKs an$ 0%o(aKs connections in New -orD are (iDe(y to ha%e @een what opene$ the $oor ?or their a&ents whom p(ante$ to $emo(itions eFp(osi%es in conJ'nction with the 1a(i@an3 whom are their A6IS a((ies. A(so ?a(se(y state$ in me$ia was that the Israe(i Air,orce ha$ @een attacDin& the Unite$ Nations @ases3 that the Israe(i Air?orce ha$ @een attacDin& chi($renKs schoo( @'sses in s'rro'n$in& inha@ite$ re&ions3 an$ a(so that the A,e$eration o? ScientistsA ha$ Aproo?A that Israe( ha$ i((e&a((y o@taine$ N'c(ear :arhea$s @y tricDin& the ,rench an$ the Norwe&ians to pro%i$e Hea%y :ater an$ 0nriche$ Urani'm. 1hese statements are a(( a(most entire(y comp(ete(y an$ tota((y inacc'rate. - On the ne-s an airplane pilot -as reporte) to ha0e ha) a panic.-attac. a*out a *om* *eing on the airplane3 %he pilot -as claiming that the terrorists coul) t5pe green letters on his e5es3 Aro'n$ the year $'rin& which these i((e&a( co%ert ne'ro s'r&eries were happenin&3 there was a JoDe %i$eo circ'(atin& o%er the internet on we@sites s'ch as -.U1U;0.7.M which was Dnown as the AS9U44 ,U79INGA H.90. 1he %i$eo was a recor$in& o? a man a$$ressin& a crow$ in a co'rt room< it was $'@@e$ o%er to maDe it seem as i? the man was &i%in& a $e@rie?in& which inc('$e$ a $escription o? %i%isectionists trephanin& ho(es into peop(esK sD'((s in or$er to ha%e seF with their sD'((s. 1he ori&ina( 'p(oa$ ?or this is tracea@(e an$ the e(ectronic ?orensic si&nat're o? the initia( 'p(oa$ sho'($ @e a@(e to $etermine approFimate(y which Din$ o? so?tware was 'se$ in the maDin& o? the %i$eo as we(( as comp'ter system speci?ics. 1his Din$ o? tactic is inten$e$ to @e a psych war?are assa'(t 'pon the tar&ette$ ci%i(ian %i%isection %ictims< ?or the p'rpose o? ren$erin& them ?ear?'((y para(y>e$ @y the open an$ &(o@a( p'@(ic ri$ic'(e an$ the ?ee(in& that the assai(ant are a(( power?'( an$ omni potent(y in contro( o? their entire en%ironment3 a@(e to whimsica((y $estroy them i? the %ictim $oes not s'@mit entire(y. 1he SD'(( ,'cDin& re(e%ance to this series o? ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace =i%isections is o@%io's3 0$ :arren ma$e a(('sions to these ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces in%o(%in& these @ein& 1ampons ?or :omanKs @rain 5 the t'@e which is 'se$ to insert these ;.7.I. 2e%ices is somewhat (iDe a tampon app(icator. 1he ;.7.I. is ?o($e$ insi$e o? the t'@e3 the wire han&s o't the other en$ with a /o'ter G ;attery Attachment connecte$ to it. I am a(most a@so('te(y positi%e that the networD &'i(ty o? these crimes are contro((in& internet search hits %ia search @ots thro'&h comp'ters accessin& Goo&(e3-ahoo3 etc. 1he @ot contro(s the propa&an$a an$ news access on the search en&ines thro'&h repeat hits an$ searches on speci?ic sites which &enerates more tra??icD

to these sites $'e to pop'(arity.1his $estroys the e??ecti%eness o? ?ree$om o? in?ormation an$ they can contro( o'r nationKs >eit&eist3 'r@an po(itics3 an$ po(itica( c(imate. A(ot o? these a&ent pro%ocate'rs may As(eepin&A within comm'nities that they attempt to eFert passi%e a&ressi%e contro( o%er< s'ch as the &(o@a( anarchist co((ecti%e3 (i@ertarian or&ani>ations3 socia(ist or&ani>ations3 re(i&io's comm'nities3 or e%en or&ani>ations s'ch as Anti,a which they wo'($ in?i(trate ?or the p'rpose o? promotin& &(o@a(i>ation thro'&h passi%e a&&ressi%ist PS-:A/. 1he Anonymo's Mo%ement is a(so a s'@Ject o? interest in re(ation to this as they are most $e?inite(y @ein& 'se$ as a smoDe screen to camo'?(a&e =ittorio 0man'e(eKs terrorist hacDers. =ittorio 0man'e(e most pro@a@(y wants to see to it that a(( HacDers whom he is not a??i(iate$ with are $etaine$ an$ imprisone$ 5 this ser%es the p'rpose o? pre%entin& his a&ents ?rom @ein& $isco%ere$ an$ his 0(ectronic :ar?are terrorist attacDs ?rom @ein& stoppe$ or reta(iate$ a&ainst. STU " I&N &GC(S&S Since the 1"50Ks Space A(iens ha%e @een 'se$ as an eFc'se ?or crimina( H'man =i%isection networDs3 seF tra??icDin& a@$'ction an$ transportation networDs3 or&an tra??icDin& networDs3 an$ co%ert &enoci$a( terrorism. P Memories o? (i&hts ?rom space ships are hypnotic screens 5 thro'&h hypnosis an$ repeate$ tra'ma3 (i&ht @oFes which $isp(ay speci?ic a(ternatin& patterns are $isp(aye$ to %ictims whom are i((e&a((y a@$'cte$ @y ?a(se ?(a&&e$ po(ice o??icers3 home in%a$ers3 an$ h'man %i%isectionists at hea(thcare ?aci(ities. I? p'((e$ o%er @y po(ice3 a pattern o? co(ore$ (i&hts @ein& $isp(aye$ as the po(ice wa(D towar$s yo' to AarrestA3 wo'($ (ea%e tra'matic hypnotic scars on the psycho(o&y o? the %ictim. P Since the in%ention o? mo@i(e phone cameras < Aspace a(iensA ha%e cease$ to @e photo&raphe$3 'ni$enti?ie$ ?(yin& sa'cers or U,.Ks ha%e cease$ to @e photo&raphe$3 an$ $isin?ormation scenarios ha%e @een p'@(ica((y @roa$cast @y te(e%ision shows s'ch as AAncient A(iensA. A(ien in%a$ers ?rom o'ter space ha%e @een an a(i@i ?or h'man %i%isectionists3 h'man tra??icDers3 an$ co%ert &enoci$a( terrorists since the 1"50Ks. P 2'rin& the 1""0Ks an$ ear(y 2000Ks 5 te(e%ision pro&rams immitatin& $oc'mentaries ?a(se(y portaye$ me$ie%a( an$ rennaisance paintin&s $epictin& ,(yin& Sa'cers an$ Space A(iens 3 many o? these in%o(%e$ ;i@(ica( themes. Some o? these te(e%ision shows an$ e%en ma&a>ine artic(es ?a(se(y portraye$ other ima&es s'ch as the tom@ o? the ancient 0&yptian pharoah name$ a?ter the &o$ .siris 5 this tom@ proporte$(y @ein& ?i((e$ with ancient mo$e(s o? he(icopters3 ?(yn& sa'cers3 an$ ce(('(ar te(ephones. .ther te(e%ision series $epicte$ ca%e $rawin&s o? Space A(iens. .rwe((ian Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are me$ia was pro$'ce$ s'ch as the AMcPherson 1apeA which $epicte$ A(iens a@'ctin& ?ami(ies $'rin& ?ami(y &ame ni&ht. HoaF me$ia has @een 'se$ ?or the $o'@(e p'rpose o? creatin& a psycho(o&ica( ?i(ter screen ?or rea(ity as we(( as ?or the p'rpose o? co%ert comm'nications @etween 7o%ert A6IS 7e((s on American soi(. Many mo$ern Astronomers sti(( 'se the /oman 0mpireKs names ?or many o? the P(anetoi$s s'rro'n$in& the S'n an$ p(anet 0arth 5 /oman 7rimson was the co(or o? the AI'i(a ;att(e Stan$ar$ which was p(ace$ in the han$s o? a $ra?te$ Germany $'rin& the 1"*0Ks 3 a(so to @ecome the ?(a& o? A6IS occ'pie$ (an$s thro'&ho't 0'rope an$ e(sewhere. 1he ,(a& o? A6IS Germany an$ others has a So(ar sym@o( in the center o? a /oman 7rimson sDy 5 it is (itera((y the SwastiDa3 which is the S'n < on a white s'n $isc an$ a /oman 7rimson sDy as a @acD&ro'n$. Mars was the name o? the Syncretic /oman 2eity associate$ with acts o? or&ani>e$ war?are. M'ch o? this propa&an$a has now e%o(%e$ into an$ in?('ence te(e%ision pro&rams s'ch as AAncient A(iensA. P NIB&#( - P "N&% G :: A Anew p(anetA @ein& $isco%ere$ has @een 'se$ as a co$e wor$ ?or e%ents to come 5 these e%ents are most pro@a@(y re(ate$ to 7omp(ete Acti%ation o? a(( 7o%ert S(eeper 7e((s on North American soi(. Ni@er' is state$ as @ein& the ca'se o? AG(o@a( 2isasterA3 $estr'ction o? AG(o@a( 7omm'nicationsA $'e to Ama&netics an$

&ra%ityA3 an$ Ni@er' is c(aime$ to ca'se A1i$a( :a%esA. 1his is asserte$ to @e synchronica((y time$ with a ASo(ar ,(areA so (ar&e that it ca'ses A/a$iation an$ Ma&neticsA which A2estroy the 7omm'nications Gri$A. In A(ien A6IS 7ypher Ni@er' is c(aime$ to @e a Mother Ship Satte(ite Home:or($3 arti?icia( homewor($ ?or the space a(iens that are &oin& to e%ent'a((y co(oni>e p(anet 0arth. 1he ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace NetworD an$ the networD o? Ar&os S'r&ica( GPS Imp(ants which ha%e c'rrent(y @een assem@(e$ @y the Ita(ianNSa'$i 7o.perati%e A6IS ?action has in the past @een ca((e$ A1he MarD o? the ;eastA in ;i@(ica( 7ypher. A(( o? these cyphers can @e cata&ori>e$ as /oman 7ypher $'e to the o@%io's ?actor o? the mass pro$'ction o? the Ho(y ;i@(e @ein& o? /oman ori&in an$ the names o? the p(anets @ein& primari(y the names o? /oman Syncretic 2eities an$ other 4atinoPhonic names. 1he core o? the A6IS i$entity is /oman. 1he Ita(ian 0mpire o? the 0man'e(es an$ 0%o(as @ein& :est /ome an$ the .ttoman 0mpire o? the I@nSa'$s @ein& 0ast /ome. A So(ar ,(are is most (iDe(y to mean an A6IS striDe in%o(%in& eFp(osions3 a N'c(ear ;om@ ca'ses a sp(ittin& o? Atomic Partica(s as we(( as a wa%e o? 0(ectroMa&netics which $ist'r@ a(( e(ectronics an$ e(ectro ma&netic processes in itKs path 5 this $estroys comp'ter circ'itry an$ a(( e(ectronics in itKs path. ;rie?case N'Des < or miniat're n'c(ear @om@s3 'se$ to @e ca((e$ 2ooms2ay 2e%ices 5 these were ?reI'ent(y @(ame$ on the So%iets when in ?act many o? them were an$ possi@(y sti(( are in the possession o? A6IS S(eeper 7e((s. 0(ectro0ncepha(oGraphy a(so in%o(%es 0(ectro Ma&netics3 this inc('$es ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace techno(o&y 5 (on& ran&e transmission occ'r o%er what are ca((e$ AAir :a%esA @y way o? /a$iation ca((e$ /a$io ,reI'ency. P ANACI U,.A Ha'ne@' photos eFist. 1hese photo&raphs are either a hoaF or are photo&raphs o? an ear(y mo$e( o? a mi$ a(tit'$e ho%er cra?t. Propa&an$a has ?a(se(y c(aime$ that the Germans attempte$ to re%erse en&ineer the ,(yin& Sa'cer o? Space A(iens who s'ppose$(y worDe$ with the German. It is most pro@a@(e that i? this proto type $i$ eFist 5 it was inten$e$ to @e 'se$ ?or $e(i%ery o? crates o? s'pp(ies s'ch as morter ro'n$s3 =2 warhea$s3 an$ amm'nition crates. 7onsi$erin& the (iDe(iness that the name has a meanin& in the =/I4 (an&'a&e 3 which accor$in& to 'r@an (e&en$ was one o? the cypher co$e (an&'a&es o? the A6IS 5 it is most (iDe(y that the Ha'ne@' ne%er eFiste$ an$ is most pro@a@(e that it has @een a piece o? propa&an$a which has @een 'se$ to smoDescreen the A6IS cypher comm'nications as we(( carry a cyphere$ messa&e. M'ch o? the A6IS 7ypher comm'nications is @oth metaphoric an$ cyphere$ comm'nication 5 this ?'(?i((s the p'rpose o? maDin& the $isco%ery o? s'ch appear as schi>ophrenic. * It -as -ritten on the internet )uring ;==9 that in "ustria E there currentl5 e@ists an " I&N C( % that AteachA the A'strians that they were (e?t on 0arth @y an A(ien Species as co(onists an$ that their mission is to conI'er the p(anet ?or the neFt wa%e o? co(onists ?rom the A(pha 7enta'ri star system. A(pha @ein& the ?irst3 7enta'ri @ein& the 7enta'rion < the ?irst 7enta'rion e%er was the /oman. 1he A'strian is Ata'&htA to @e(ie%e that the Nor$ic race are hy@ri$ racia(s o? the Nor$ic A(ien 7enta'rion. A p're @re$ Nor$ic person who maDes a chi($ with a p're @re$ Ara@ian has I'ite a simi(ar appearance to a /oman 5 H'(i's 0%o(a was the AS'?i o? /omeA 3 the ancestors o? H'(i's 0%o(a co'rte$ @oth the 0man'e(e an$ the I@n Sa'$ ?ami(y ?or the p'rpose o? creatin& a &(o@a( imperia( monarchy. Metaphor is o?ten 'se$ ?or the p'rpose o? transmittin& or p'@(ishin& cyphere$ messa&es. 1he a(iens ?rom A(pha 7enta'ri an$ Ceta /etic'(i are most pro@a@(y co$e$ cyphere$ concepts. 1he A6IS s(eeper ce((s that ha%e @een em@e$$e$ within the USA seem to ha%e come primari(y ?rom Ita(ia3 the p'rpose o? Ateachin&A the A'strians that they are a Nor$ic A(ien hy@ri$ ?rom another p(anet is o@%io's 5 within these A'strian c'(t (iDe pocDets o? society are ?'t're s(eeper ce(( recr'its. 1he A(pha 7enta'ri whom they are Aco(oni>in&A ?or are most (iDe(y the ?'t're wa%e o? Ita(ian A6IS s(eeper ce((s. A'stria was

chosen as a nation ?or recr'itment $'e to =ittorio 0man'e(eKs co'sinsK connections in the A'strian si$e o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy which ha$ marrie$ the co'sins o? the Ho'se SaFo Gotha. A$o(? 0man'e(eKs mother was o? part(y A'strian race. 1hese co%ert Aco(onistsA are most (iDe(y sche$'(e$ to @e stea(in& the I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o? American ci%i(ians or 7o(onian American /ace as we(( as possi@(y other tar&ets inc('$in& Metis /ace ?ami(ies3 other tar&ets co'($ possi@(y @e pocDete$ ?ami(ies whom ha%e a sma(( ?ami(y tree 5 these ?ami(ia( tree maps are capa@(e o? @ein& $ata mine$ 'sin& socia( networDin& sites (iDe ,ace@ooD as we(( as co((ecte$ 'sin& :hite Hat HacDers &atherin& in?o ?rom an$ Ser%ers. A(( in?ormation that is transmitte$ o%er the internet is accessi@(e @y ?orei&n mi(itary5 especia((y i? it poste$3 p'@(ishe$3 or emai(e$. 1his A(ien 7'(t has a :hite S'premacist a??i(iation an$ is $e?inite(y A6IS oriente$. It is pro@a@(e that any co%ert ce((s em@e$$e$ within the USA ?rom A'stria an$ Ita(ia wo'($ @e times synchronica((y with ce((s ?rom p(aces (iDe Morrocco3 A(@ania3 Sa'$i Ara@ia3 Armenia3 Ser@ia3 or other nations where they may ha%e recr'ite$ a crimina( arm. 2'e to mo$ern techno(o&y an$ the recent economic co((apse in the USA < entire ?ami(ies in the USA co'($ @e on a (ist ?or ?'t're rep(acement @y =ira( =ector Gene 1herapie$ in$i%i$'a(s with 7osmetic S'r&ery 5 0$ :arren $i$ mention AIn%asion o? the ;o$y SnatchersAan$ $'rin& the a@'ses which were occ'rin& within the 7.IN104P/. o? the USA &o%ernment3 (ists o? entire ?ami(ies were ma$e @y a&ents worDin& within the In%esti&ations an$ Inte((i&ence $epartments o? the USA. =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy ena@(es an a&ent to $is&'ise themse(%es as another race o? person entire(y5 it is possi@(e to m'tate the sDin3 han$s3 nose3 eyes3 hair3 an$ comp(eFion o? an in$i%i$'a( entire(y chan&in& their appearance. 1here are a(so other ways that this networD ha%e o@taine$ (ists o? ?ami(ies s'ch as Socia( NetworDin& :e@Sites3 ran$om s'r&ica( imp(antation o? (on&ran&e ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace3 or a&ents worDin& within Hospita(s or $epartments o? state where copies o? ;irth 7erti?icates are store$. 1he economic co((apse ca'se$ Americans to (ose so m'ch o? their wea(th an$ economic sta@i(ity < $'e to this there is an incre$i@(y (iDe(y pro@a@i(ity o? ?orei&n a&ents @'yin& a(( o? o'r hospita(s3 ?'n$in& their chi($rensK co((e&e a((owin& them to o@tain emp(oyment within &o%ernment ahea$ o? Americans3 ?orei&n a&ents p'rchasin& hea(thcare in$'stry3 p'rchasin& o? science in$'stry an$ (a@oratories3 an$ ?orei&n a&ents p'rchasin& comm'nications an$ entertainment in$'stry 5 these thin&s are eFtreme(y (iDe(y to @e occ'rin&. P 1he 0'ropean Union ?(a& is @('e with a circ(e o? ye((ow stars 5 in the past3 AMen ?rom the starsA was a termino(o&y 'se$ to re?er to Space A(iens. A6IS oriente$ 7rime Syn$icates an$ 7o%ert 7e((s sti(( eFist within m'(tip(e re&ions o? the wor($ inc('$in& the 0'ropean Union. 1he 0'ropean Union was ori&ina((y the i$ea o? the A6IS prior to :or($ :ar 1 an$ was to @e a prec'rsor state to the 'ni?ication o? the :estern an$ 0astern 0mpires 3 the /oman 0mpire an$ the .ttoman 0mpire. 1he A:estern Imperi'mA is a termino(o&y o?ten 'se$ @y :hite Nationa(ists to re?er to the 0'ropean Union. :ithin many o? these :hite Nationa(ist or&ani>ations are em@e$$e$ A6IS a&ents3 these a&ents are worDin& ?or the same G(o@a(ist ?action that the ori&ina( A6IS was ?o'n$e$ @y. PHacDers ha%e @een 'se$ as cy@er sta(Ders to &ather in?ormation a@o't Nationa(ists whom ha%e @een tar&ette$ @y Psych :ar?are A&ents. 1he Psych :ar?are a&ents &oa( seems to @e to $e?ame an$ $e(e&itimi>e Nationa(ism &(o@a((y ?or the p'rpose o? e%ent'a( e(imination o? the eFistence o? the represente$ Nationa( State. A wea(thy 1errorist 7rime 4or$ who is a G(o@a(ist has certain(y $one this in the past an$ it is certain(y happenin& a&ain. - 1&%"PHO#IC CYPH&#S O$ I%" I"N-"GIS C& S 2ooms2a5 - Acti%ation o? A(( S(eeper 7e((s as &enoci$a( 7rimina( 1errorist Units on

North American soi( 5 attempts at mi(itary co'p. 1his may @e %iewe$ as reta(iation ?or what has @een Dnown as 2 2ay3 May 2ay3 or the In%asion o? Norman$y o? the 1"*0Ks. 2ooms2a5 2e0ice - N'c(ear ;om@3 ;rie?case N'De3 other weapons o? mass $estr'ction3 etc. %he &n) %imes - G(o@a( Acti%ation o? A6IS s(eeper ce((s. "liens - A6IS ,action Planet &arth North America an$ So'th America as we(( as possi@(y other A6IS in?i(trate$ >ones. 1ars or 1artians - ,orei&n A6IS s(eeper a&ents. Mars3 the re$ p(anet has a re$ atmosphere inc('$in& a re$ sDy. 1he s'n an$ the moon in the Martian sDy are in a re$ sDy. Martians conI'erin& the 0arth is a common(y 'se$ Metaphoric 7ypher that has ?reI'ent(y (eaDe$ into entertainment me$ia. In the 2ar. - 1he state o? @ein& i&norant o? the A6ISK &oa(s an$ cyphers. In the ight - 1he Dnow(e$&a@(e parties concernin& the A6ISK c'rrent &oa(s an$ cyphers. 1he S'n o? the :estern Imperi'm o? the A6IS an$ the Moon o? the 0astern Imperi'm o? the A6IS are @oth the :hite S'n on the /e$ SDy ?(a& o? the :estern A6IS as we(( as the :hite Moon on the /e$ SDy ?(a& o? the .ttoman. 1he S'n an$ the Moon are @oth so'rces o? (i&ht in the sDy. H'(i's 0%o(aKs phi(osophy o? So(ar Masc'(inity is in ?act the entirety o? his Secret SocietyKs metaphoric cyphers an$ phi(osophica( teachin&s 5 the 0mperor o? the /oman 0mpire was %iewe$ as the em@o$iment o? the S'n Go$ which to the /oman who was in ?act Atheist 5was nothin& @'t an a((e&ory. 1he /oman o? the /oman 0mpire was (acDin& o? any re(i&ion3 the /oman APa&anismA was act'a( a Syncretic Assimi(ati%e %ersion o? e%ery re(i&ion they enco'ntere$. 1he act'a( Pa&ans or Heathens a(( ha$ ?o(D re(i&ions. H'(i's 0%o(aKs essay AA&ainst the NeoPa&ansA 5 was his assertin& o? $ominance an$ s'perior Dnow(e$&e o%er the pop'(ations o? the peop(e AIn the 2arDA < this wo'($ inc('$e e%en the Germans whom he consi$ere$ nai%e ;ar@arians ?it ?or nothin& @'t conscription as a /oman 4e&ion. ,or the p'rpose o? 'n$erstan$in& Metaphoric A6IS 7ypher 3 or in otherwor$s 7o%ert A6IS 7omm'nications 5 H'(i's 0%o(a3 the /oman 0mpire3 the ;i@(e3 Is(am3 an$ 1"30Ks 1"!0Ks Sci ,iction 7'(t're m'st @e st'$ie$. 1o H'(i's 0%o(a an$ his Secret Society an$ e%ery Nationa( Party in 0'rope ?or Pa&ans an$ possi@(e ?'t're Ins'r&ents a&ainst the ?'t're reconstr'cte$ /oman 0mpire an$ e%ent'a( G(o@a( State. 1he peop(e In 1he 4i&ht3 or In 1he 9now as some ca(( it3 in%o(%in& c'rrent A6IS &oa(s 5 em@e$ themse(%es within e%ery or&ani>ation possi@(e 3 ?or the p'rpose o? monitorin& an$ s'@%ertin& or $e?eatin& a$%ersaries pre empti%e(y. 1o the ?o'n$in& parties in%o(%e$ in the G(o@a( 1errorism that is 1he A6IS3 $ecapitation o? oppositiona( parties an$ pre empti%e striDes are a necessity ?or the achei%ement o? G(o@a( 7onI'est. 1his is tr'e e%en to$ay 5 thro'&h eFtremist passi%e a&&ressi%ist means as we(( as ?a(se ?(a&&e$ eFtreme %io(ence attri@'te$ to other i$entities 3 war has @een insti&ate$ @etween ne'tra( parties which wo'($ ine%ita@(y @ecome a((ies sho'($ a war ?or &(o@a( conI'est @e&in o%ert(y <5 this may ha%e possi@(y @een the sit'ation with Sa$$am H'ssein3 who was an o@%io's enemy o? n'mero's ?actions in the re&ion. Sa$$am H'ssein was a M's(im whoKs po(itic was a Sec'(ar Nationa(ist IraIi po(itic. Solar or Sun - 5 o? the A6IS. /e?ers to SwastiDa on the /e$ ,(a&. %he #apture - In A0n$ 1imesA ;i@(ica( A6IS Metaphoric 7ypher 5 the /apt're re?ers to a remo%a( o? pop'(ation. 1he Aso'(sA o? the Arapt're$A in$i%i$'a(s A&o to @e with &o$ an$ Jes'sA @eca'se they are ho(y an$ ha%e not sinne$. 1his means that the peop(e whom are m'r$ere$ an$ rep(ace$ @y Di((ers are $ispose$ o? witho't any trace o? the corpse @ein& (e?t 5 the m'r$erers ass'me their i$entity 'sin& their I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s <5 this is ma$e possi@(e $'e to the eFistence o? pri%ate owne$ hospita(s that can ?a(si?y me$ica( e%i$ence as we(( as 7osmetic S'r&ery an$ =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy in$i%i$'a(s to ha%e the same appearance as the tar&ets.

%he 1an of Sin+ the "nti-Christ - 1he Man o? Sin is the G(o@a( 7rime 4or$ whom is the o%erseer o? a speci?ic networD o? an Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate 5 in the past3 this was H'(i's 0%o(a3 now this wo'($ ha%e passe$ on to a ?ew other in$i%i$'a(s. 1he opposite o? 7hrist was the men who nai(e$ him to the cross an$ eFec'te$ him as we(( as the man who sentence$ him to @e p'@(ica((y eFec'te$ 5 these are the /omans. 1he Armies o? the Anti 7hrist are the A6IS (e&ions o? the G(o@a( /oman In$entity. %he 1ar. of the Beast - 1he A@east o? (a@orA is a termino(o&y which means As(a%eA. 1he MarD o? the ;east is to @e &i%en to those o? non A6IS ?action. 1he ma(es are to @e Di((e$ 5 the ?ema(es who are a((owe$ to (i%e are conc'@ines who (i%e as SeF 1ra??icDin& %ictims. 1he MarD o? the ;east is the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace3 the A/G.S S'r&ica( Imp(ant GPS chip3 an$ other ?orms o? tracDin& which inc('$e yo'r G(o@a( Positionin& System in yo'r pocDet which is yo'r Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone that can @e GPS tracDe$ @y the corporation which owns yo'r 7omm'nications Ser%er 3 as we(( as yo'r ;anDin& Acti%ity which can @e tracDe$ @y m'(tip(e means. #eptile "liens - As in the Science ,iction mini series A=A3 the /epti(e A(ien is the one who ass'mes the i$entity o? an in$i%i$'a( 'sin& a scienti?ic $is&'ise. =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy can an$ has @een 'se$ to m'tate the han$s o? an in$i%i$'a(3 th's chan&in& their ?in&erprints 5 it can a(so @e 'se$ to m'tate sDin3 hair3 eyes3 comp(eFion3 nose3 ears3 chin3 @row ri$&e3 nose @ri&e3 eye socDet3 eye (i$3 an$ other @o$i(y ?eat'res. 7'rrent(y 5 there is no Socia( ,e$era( /ecor$ o? 2NA with which to i$enti?y citi>ens. A(( that is nee$e$ ?or $e?ense a&ainst this is an I$enti?ication 2epartment which co((ects 2NA recor$s ann'a((y an$ a'$its ?reI'ent(y as we(( as ?or Gene 1herapie$ in$i%i$'a(s to imme$iate(y re&ister their new 2NA. ;=6; &n) of the 1a5an Culture - 1he 2ate o? Acti%ation o? &enoci$a( 7o%ert A6IS S(eeper 7e((s in So'th America. Bestern Imperium - 1he :estern /oman 0mpire 5 c'rrent(y this is the 0'ropean Union. 1en from the Stars Mspace aliensN - 1he ?actions sti(( in the 0'ropean Union. A(pha 7enta'ri 3 Ceta /etic'(i 3 2raconis 5 a(( re?er to n'm@er o? 4e&ion an$ Nationa( (ocation. "r5an #ace as $oun)er of "ll Cultures - /oman A6IS i$entity. A $iaspora o? Aryan ma(es @'i(t the ?ort in Ita(ia Nar@onensis which (ater @ecame the ?irst /oman city state. 1he a&e a?ter the ?a(( o? the /oman 0mpire was ca((e$ A1he 2arD A&esA or the Me$i0%a( era. 1o H'(i's 0%o(aKs /oman 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate 5 the /oman 0mpire was the pre$ecessor o? e%ery Din&$om which eFiste$ anywhere that was once /oman Imperia( territory. A6IS propa&an$a in%o(%in& co$e$ cyphere$ metaphors o?ten has $o'@(e meanin&3 the (ie was $isp(aye$ to co%er the o@%io's $o'@(e meanin& with a @(atant a@s'r$ity 5 this @(atant a@s'r$ity has @een that the Aryan /oman ha$ ;(on$e Hair an$ ;('e 0yes3 in act'a(ity H'(i's 0%o(a %iewe$ these peop(e as ;ar@arians. H'(i's 0%o(a3 A$o(? Hit(er3 Heinrich Himm(er3 9ar( Maria :i(i&'t3 Hose? Men&e(e3 =ittorio 0man'e(e III3 ,rancisco ,ranco3 ;enito M'sso(ini3 Gio%anni Genti(e3 the I@n Sa'$ ?ami(y3 A( Amin H'sseini3 as we(( as others a(( ha$ ;rown Hair an$ most ha$ $arD eyes. Aryan races are me$i'm comp(eFione$ peop(es 5 the Persians3 Iranians3 A>er@aiJanis3 In$ians3 PaDistanis3 some o? the Hor$anians3 the ;'rmese3 some o? the 1hai(an$ers3 some o? the Nepa(i3 the /oma &ypsies3 the /omans3 an$ others are the act'a( Aryan races. 1&2I%&##"N&"N "N2 /HO OB-&"#%H %H&O#Y/ .? re(e%ance to the /oman 0mpire an$ the A6IS 5 the /oman 0mpire was esta@(ishe$ a(on& the shores o? the Me$itteranean 3 e%ent'a((y esta@(ishin& conI'est o? the entire Me$itteranean. 1he meanin& o? the wor$ Me$i1erraNean comes ?rom three Mace$onian root wor$s 5 Me$i 3 meanin& center or centra( point < 1erra @ein& a /oman wor$ ?or 0arth 3 an$ Nean ha%in& corre(ation to the concept o? @ein& o? a (ocation. N'mero's pa&es o? propa&an$a ha%e @een pro$'ce$ which ha%e @een (a@e(e$ AHo((ow 0arth 1heoryA. 1hese ?a(se ?(a&&e$ 7onspiracy 1heories are in ?act a camo'?(a&e ?or

A6IS 7ypher an$ Metaphor which is 's'a((y 'se$ in SpoDen 7on%ersation. the 0pi7enter o? the A6IS is the Me$iterranean Sea an$ the /oman 0mpire 3 the North @ein& the Ita(ian race amon&st whom are the ?o'n$ers an$ creator race o? the /oman 0mpire < the So'th @ein& the Sa'$i Ara@ian race whom ?o'n$e$ the .ttoman 0mpire which ha$ conI'ere$ an$ he($ within itKs possession3 the territories o? the 0astern Imperi'm o? the /oman 0mpire as we(( as $i$ they esta@(ish $ominion o? one o? the (ar&est Imperia( 1erritories e%er to eFist. 9ar( Maria :I((i&'t is ?a(se(y attri@'te$ a @e(ie? that the 0arth is ho((ow 5 ANa>i Ho((ow 0arth 1heoryA $escri@es a ca%e entrance to the center o? the 0arth which 9ar( Maria :i((i&'t sent A6IS Na%y to co(oni>e. H'(i'a 0%o(a ?or&e$ 9ar( Maria :i((i&'tKs @ooDs ?rom his a(terations o? G'i$o =on 4istKs ori&ina( worDs 5 G'i$o =on 4ist @ein& an Asatr'ar an$ Phi(osopher o? 2e'tsche 0thnic Nationa(ity whoKs worDs 0%o(a %iewe$ as s'@%ersi%e (iterat're $'e to itKs In$i&eno's Pa&an Nat're. .? re(e%ance to this an$ the mo%ie AIron SDyA which $epicts ANa>is ?rom the Moon;aseA 5 the .ttoman ,(a& ha$ a Moon an$ star on it < space a(iens re(ates to the A=ri( SocietyA. 8ril Societ5 an) the Haune*u : 1he concept o? a A=ri( SocietyA eFistin& is $isin?ormation 5 the p'rpose o? the A=ri(A propa&an$a is to camo'?(a&e what is (iDe(y to @e an A6IS 7ypher 4an&'a&e which H'(i's 0%o(a an$ his A&ents create$. It is possi@(e that the cypher co$e is em@e$$e$ within these stories an$ ?a(se ?(a&&e$ A7onspiracy 1heoriesA. It may @e pro@a@(e that A=ri(A says 1h'(e with an accent or some other re(ate$ wor$ 5 cyphers o?ten create a non phonetic arran&ement o? a(pha@etics simi(ar to Gae(ic 3 ?or instance < which is not entire(y phonetic @ein& spe((e$ in the (ate /oman A(pha@et which is the Phonecian a(pha@et we c'rrent(y 'se ?or 0n&(ish. Speci?ic (etters neFt to eachother chan&e the prono'nciation o? the ori&ina( so'n$ o? the sin&'(ar (etter. 1he Ha'ne@' was portraye$ to @e the ?a@(e$ A,oo ,i&hterA which was a ,(yin& Sa'cer a((e&e$(y @'i(t @y A6IS Scientists 5 the Ha'ne@' was 'n(iDe(y to e%er eFist3 tho'&h I ha%e seen ?a(se @('eprints o? this $e%ice which appears to possi@(y (e%itate (iDe a ho%ercra?t in @('e print. I @e(ie%e that most A7onspiracy 1heoriesA re&ar$in& Ha'ne@' ,(yin& Sa'cers 3 Green Men 3 Martians 3 an$ /epti(ian Shape Shi?tin& A(iens a(( seem to @e re(ate$ to the 7ypher 7omm'nications 'se$ on 7onspiracy 1heory Pa&es ?o'n$ with Goo&(e.7om which are o?ten p'@(ishe$ temporari(y. Green Men3 ?or instance < co'($ re?er to the s(an& AGreenA which mens ANewA or A/ooDieA3 as we(( as co'($ it mean other thin&s. AHo((ow 0arth 1heoryA p'@(ications has in the past $escri@e$ ,(yin& Sa'cers ?rom the 7enter o? the 0arth 5 A(ien Space Ships s'ch as ,(yin& Sa'cers ha%e @een $epicte$ to @e in%o(%e$ in A@$'ction o? H'man ;ein&s an$ H'man =i%isections3 these comm'nications are (iDe(y to @e re(ate$ to A6IS H'man 1ra??icDin& NetworDs an$ 7o%ert S(eeper 7e((s. 1he Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartments o? a(( Mi(itary Inte((i&ence 2epartments ha%e permanant recor$s o? A44 IN10/N01 PU;4I7A1I.NS AN2 1/ANSMISSI.NS G4.;A44- as $o most ,e$era( In%esti&ations 2epartments 5 these 7yphere$ A6IS 7omm'nications are a(( 4i@rary 7ata(o&&e$ @y Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 0mp(oyees as are a(( Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar Phone 1ransmissions3 G(o@a( Positionin& System transmissions3 an$ a(( Ne'roScience ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 1ransmissions which ha%e @een recor$e$ p're ?ee$ /a$io ,reI'ency @y Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence with an$ witho't so?tware transmissions as seperate ?ee$s o? $ata. - O$ #& &8"NC& %O %H& "(S%#I"N " I&N "GIS C( % 7'rrent(y in the 0'ropean Union3 there eFists an or&ani>ation which is proporte$(y Nationa(ist @'t is in act'a(ity most pro@a@(y a G(o@a(ist AFis ?ront. 1his or&ani>ation 'ses a /e$ an$ Green shie($ as itKs em@(em with a So(ar 7ross in the center an$ is a 0'ropean Unionist :hite Nationa(ist or&ani>ation. 1hese types o? or&ani>ations in%o(%e (ayers o? recr'itment an$ heirarchy amon&st the mem@ers. Many or&ani>ations s'ch as

these are recr'itin& &ro'n$s ?or o'tsi$e or&ani>ations whether peop(e rea(i>e it or not an$ are o?ten 'se$ a %ei(e$ (ayer o? another or&ani>ation. 1his or&ani>ation is reminiscent o? H'(i's 0%o(aKs psycho(o&ica( patternin& in that there is a So(ar 7ross in the center to which H'(i's 0%o(a wo'($ ha%e misappropriate$ an inne'n$o meanin& re(atin& it to his eFtremist masc'(ist concept o? So(ar Masc'(inity3 the em@(em is a shie($ with a cross which is a re(ate$ concept to the Sa%oy shie($ on the Ita(ian Imperia( ?(a&3 an$ the co(or scheme is Ita(ian theme$ which is c(ose(y re(ate$ to the /oman I$entity. 1his icono&raphy is so eFtreme(y re(ate$ to the So(ar Masc'(inity o? the Ita(ian 0mpire that it is a(most $e?inite that this or&ani>ation (itera((y has em@e$$e$ within it3 a&ents o? the 0man'e(e an$ 0%o(a ?ami(ies who worD with I@n Sa'$. A(tho'&h these are :hite Nationa(ists3 this or&ani>ation is 0'ropean Unionist an$ within itKs ranDs are 'n$o'@te$(y a sma((er n'm@er o? (itera( G(o@a( A6IS a&ents whom are intereste$ in G(o@a(i>ation o? the State 5 (iDe the A'strian A(ien A6IS 7'(t3 the statements ma$e within these or&ani>ations ha%e $o'@(e meanin&s which o?ten inc('$e co%ert or$ers ?or speci?ic in$i%i$'a(s whom are in the Dnow(e$&a@(e ?action in%o(%in& p(ans ?or G(o@a(i>ation o? State. 1hese or&ani>ations are in $irect opposition to Nationa(ism @ein& that they are oppose$ to Nationa( In$epen$ence. P 1he A(ien 7'(t in the 0'ropean Union has possi@(y @een 'se$ as a co%er ?or ?orce$ $ep(oyment an$ anonymo's i((e&a( $ra?tin& o? co%ert parami(itary. 1his i((e&a( $ra?tin& is pro@a@(e $'e to the n'm@er o? in$i%i$'a(s arri%in& with $'p(icate$ USA 7iti>en I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. Pri%ate(y owne$ hospita(s ha%e @een 'se$ as =i%isection Sites ?or the p'rpose o? i((e&a((y s'r&ica((y imp(antin& ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces an$ 4on&/an&e :ire(ess S'r&ica( /o'ter G ;attery Imp(ants. 1hese ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces ha%e the capa@i(ity o? @ein& 'se$ with m'(tip(e ?orms o? so?tware 5 the possi@i(ities o? what these can $o are a(most (imit(ess. I? a 1errorist .r&ani>er 'se$ these $e%ices an$ 1eFt to =ision So?tware 5 Psych :ar?are was most (iDe(y 'se$ to scare the in$i%i$'a(s in%o(%e$ in rep(acin& American ?ami(ies 'sin& 2'p(icate$ I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. A psych war?are assa'(t in%o(%in& the A(ien 7'(t an$ these ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces wo'($ most (iDe(y in%o(%e shocD an$ terror 5 this is most pro@a@(y @ein& con$'cte$ 'sin& 1eFt to =ision So?tware an$ the typin& o? Green 1061 (etters statement somethin& terri?yin& s'ch as A -o' are now @ein& $ra?te$ @y the mi(itary o? the :estern Imperi'm. -o' m'st report to Ce@'(on o? the Ceta /etic'(i3 a?ter which yo' are &oin& to @e $ep(oye$ to A(pha 2raconi *A. A?ter this Din$ o? statement @ein& type$ 1eFt 1o =ision 'pon the recr'ite$ %ictimsK oc'(ar ner%e3 the $ra?te$ %ictim wo'($ most (iDe(y @e instr'cte$ to meet an anonymo's (iason ?or the p'rpose o? recei%in& 2'p(icate$ I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s3 passport3 an$ p(ane ticDets. A?ter arri%in& in the USA3 these peop(e wo'($ wire(ess(y comm'nicate$ to 'sin& 1eFt to =ision So?tware an$ instr'cte$ to meet with the rest o? the i((e&a((y $ra?te$ parami(itary co%ert networD. 1he :estern Imperi'm is the name which An$ers ;rei%iD proporte$(y mention on a @(o& site 5 the pro@a@i(ity o? his comp'ter @ein& hacDe$ an$ his @ein& misI'ote$ is $e?inite. 1he :estern Imperi'm is the name ?or the 0'ropean Union that has @een ?reI'ent(y 'se$ @y A6IS 4oya(ists in :estern 0'rope since the ?a(( o? the 1hir$ /eich 3 as was pre%io's(y mentione$ 5 the 0astern Imperi'm is the ?ormer .ttoman Imperia( territory. 1his Psych :ar?are metho$ is a(so possi@(y @ein& 'se$ on Nationa( 0thnics o? ?ormer .ttoman pop'(ations within the 0'ropean Union3 I ha%e meet a Moroccon M'(atto an$ a Sa'$i Ara@ian @oth c(aimin& to @e USA 7iti>ens whom they are not an$ ha%e 2'p(icate I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o? this in$i%i$'a(s. P Psycho(o&ica( /ea(ity Screens an$ /ea(ity ,i(ters 'se$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace wo'($ in%o(%e creatin& a secon$ rea(ity 'sin& an a(ternate set o? Ne'ro 4in&'istic =a('es acti%ate$ @y (ayere$ hypnotic pro&rammin& which co'($ inc('$e a series o? (a@e(e$ %a('es creatin& an a(ternate rea(ity. /eco&nition o? h'mans as $i??erin& A(ien Species

co'($ pro%oDe eFtreme %io(ence3 eFtreme passi%ity3 eFtreme ma(ea@i(ity3 or any other easi(y manip'(ate$ %a('e. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ * :-: 1etho)s of #ecruitment :-: ;rain to ;rain comp'ter inter?aces are @ein& 'se$ to @(acDmai( crime syn$icates into a heirarcha( pecDin& or$er #the 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate can rea$ the crimina(sK tho'&hts on a comp'ter screen 'sin& tho'&ht to teFt so?tware3 th's they Dnow o? a(( o? their crimes). 1hese eFtremists m'st @e connecte$ to @oth imperia(ists an$ seF tra??icDers as we(( as internationa( corporations emp(oyin& em@e$$e$ operati%es &'i(ty o? h'man %i%isections. I? the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icate arran&es 7rime Syn$icates3 7orporations3 Pri%ate ;'siness .wners3 In$i%i$'a( 7rimina( A&ents3 Street Gan&s3 1errorist .r&ani>ations3 Po(itica( A&ents3 an$ in$i%i$'a(s associate$ with Me$ia Pro$'ction in a sin&(e heirarcha( pecDin& or$er with their 7o%ert A&ents em@e$$e$ within each (e%e( o? heirarchy 5 thro'&h crime an$ terror they co'($ s'ccee$ in acti%ities s'ch as 7o%ert Genoci$e3 AnneFation o? entire Nations3 an$ %ario's means o? Sa@ota&e. I @e(ie%e this is what the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icate was a(rea$y in%o(%e$ in J'st prior to :or($ :ar 1. =ittorio 0man'e(e seems to @e maDin& one ?ina( attempt. * :-: Se@-%raffic.ers an) Se@-Offen)ers :-: #ecruitment of Se@ Offen)ers E " )angerous possi*ilit5 : As a res'(t o? =ittorio an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(esK me&a(omaniaca( o@session with esta@(ishin& a@so('te contro( o%er their &(o@a( en%ironment 5 /ecr'itment o? SeF .??en$ers < as we(( as =ittorio an$ ,i((i@erto @ein& Seria( /apist /epeat .??en$ers is o? an eFtreme pro@a@i(ity an$ is $e?inite ?act'a( threat. 0ns'rin& that a(( his a&ents are &'i(ty o? the same crimes as his se(? 3 =ittorio 0man'e(e 'ses 7o((ecti%e G'i(t to contro( the entire pop'(ation o? his accomp(ices to ens're that not a sin&(e in$i%i$'a( o? his ?action $e?ect to the Unite$ States o? America or an a((ie$ nationa( state. It is pro@a@(e that initiation :ar 7rimes 3 SeF .??enses3 an$ Hate 7rimes are reI'ire$ o? his accomp(ices ?or p'rpose o? pro%in& their re(ia@i(ity to remain si(ent. It is $e?inite that =ittorio 0man'e(eKs Genoci$a( 1errorist A6IS 7rime Syn$icate ha%e maintaine$ Dnow(e$&e concernin& the (ocations an$ acti%ities o? ?ami(ies which they ha%e o??en$e$ ?or p'rpose o? si(encin& entire ?ami(ies o? witnesses an$ %ictims systemica((y witho't @ein& $etecte$ as a Genoci$a( 1errorist ,action @y the Unite$ States 2epartment o? 2e?ense. 1his has o@%io's(y @een achei%e$ @y means o? networDs o? Ita(ians in the U.S.A. an$ 7ana$a whom re(ay in?ormation @y wor$ o? mo'th 3 p'@(ishe$ cyphere$ an$ metaphoric comm'nications 3 comp'ter hacDers 3 the Ma?ias 3 a&ents within the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen 3 an$ s(eeper a&ents in &o%ernment . Many o? the ?ami(ies tar&ette$ in the 1800Ks an$ the ear(y 1"00Ks ha%e contin'e$ to @e str'cD @y the same &enoci$a( ?action 3 this contin'e$ thro'&ho't the NiFon A$ministration an$ now into 2013 . 2'e to their hea%y in?('ence an$ eFtreme contro( o%er the me$ia in the U.S.A. as we(( as the constant presense o? S(eeper A&ents within 7.I.A. an$ ,.;.I. < the 7o($ :ar with the Ita(ian A6IS has ne%er @een acDnow(e$&e$ e%en 'nto 2013. 7o%ert Genoci$e in%o(%es m'r$er an$ tra??icDin& o? ?ami(ies inc('$in& women an$ chi$ren 5 this eFtremity o? crimina( @eha%ior is reI'irin& o? the most $is&'stin& o? crimina(s3 $e%oi$ o? a(( mora( conscience an$ emotiona( attachment to h'manity <5 these in%i$'a(s are sa$ists3 sociopaths3 pe$arasts3 seria( Di((ers3 seF tra??icDers3 or&an

tra??icDers3 ?eta( tra??icDers3 an$ h'man %i%isectionists. .ne o? the possi@(e tar&ets ?or recr'itment @y the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icate ?or the p'rpose o? rep(acin& 1ar&ette$ In$i%i$'a(s are SeF .??en$ers. SeF .??en$ers are easy to ?in$ 5 they are re&istere$ an$ (ocatin& them is a simp(e tasD $'e to the o@%io's ?act that (ists o? them can @e o@taine$ an$ $'e to the o@%io's ?act that the some o? the hospita(s in entire re&ions are owne$ @y /etainers who are worDin& ?or the 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate whom are the &'i(ty party. 1he (i?e o? a con%icte$ SeF .??en$er is iso(ate$ an$ (acDin& in potentia( ?or societa( a$%ancement 5 i? recr'ite$ a?ter s'r&ica( imp(antation o? a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 3 SeF .??en$ers wo'($ @e the (east (iDe(y to m'tiny. 1he 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate whom are the &'i(ty party here ha%e ?or at (east 150 years @een in%o(%e$ in InterNationa( SeF 1ra??icDin& an$ other ?orms o? H'man 1ra??icDin&. SeF .??en$ers3 @ein& &rante$ the chance at a secon$ (i?e 5 wo'($ a(most certain(y taDe the (eap o? ?aith necessary to a((ow someone to =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy their ?ace3 comp(eFion3 an$ @o$y < as we(( as p(astic s'r&ery them an$ teach them a new (an&'a&e inc('$in& train their %oca(s an$ speech patterns with ;rain 7omp'ter Inte?ace techno(o&y. 1hese SeF .??en$ers wo'($ @e &i%en another personKs 2'p(icate$ I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s an$ they wo'($ rep(ace this person3 (i%in& in the (i?e o? the person they rep(ace$ as i? they were them 5 the chance at ha%in& a new (i?e an$ @ein& connecte$ to SeF 1ra??icDin& is $e?inite(y somethin& that a SeF .??en$er wo'($ most (iDe(y ?ee( is a 'n$enia@(e &i?t. 1he potentia( that we co'($ ha%e h'n$re$s o? SeF .??en$ers ?rom other nations on o'r soi( c'rrent(y is an enormo's threat to o'r comm'nity. Usin& =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy 3 an in$i%i$'a( (ocDe$ in a $'n&eon co'($ @e ?e$ Hemo&(o@in =ia(s o? =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy an$ ?in$ that when they are a((owe$ to eFit the $'n&eon an$ see their appearance in a mirror 5 their ?ace an$ @o$y ha%e m'tate$ into a $i??erent in$i%i$'a(Ks ?orm. 1hese m'tate$ in$i%i$'a(s wo'($ most (iDe(y @e Di((e$ an$ (e?t as a corpse to @e ?o'n$ (ater or swappe$ with a SeF .??en$er an$ (ater poisone$ 3 @ein& prono'nce$ A2ea$ .? Nat'ra( 7a'sesA at a hospita( owne$ @y an 0man'e(e 0%o(a /etainer or an associate$ in$i%i$'a( s'ch as an a((y o? Mosta?a I@n Sa'$Ks. =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy %ictim (ocDe$ in a $'n&eon an$ (ater (e?t as a @'rnt corpse3 co'($ possi@(y pass a 2NA test $one ?or the p'rpose o? i$enti?yin& the $ea$ in$i%i$'a( 5 ca'sin& the in$i%i$'a( to @e i$enti?ie$ as a person whom is sti(( a(i%e e(sewhere 'sin& the new(y $ea$ personKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. A$o(? Hit(erKs ?ami(y wo'($ certain(y attempt to 'se this metho$ to e%ent'a((y escape $eath themse(%es 5 this @ein& as s'ch3 =ittorio 0man'e(e most pro@a@(y a(rea$y has create$ n'mero's =ector Gene 1herapie$ @o$y $o'@(e $opp(e&an&ers whom he may ha%e recent(y re(ease$ ?rom hospita(s an$ $'n&eons. 1hese m'tate$ in$i%i$'a(s wo'($ most pro@a@(y eFist as a co%er ?or himse(? an$ his imme$iate ?ami(y as we(( as ?or some o? the 0%o(as whom ha%e @een in hi$in& ?or the past * &enerations. 1ests can @e 'se$ to $etermine i? an in$i%i$'a( has 'n$er&one m'tation an$ was ori&ina((y ho($in& a $i??erent I$enti?ication 3 these tests inc('$e 5 physica( a&e tests3 @(oo$ type3 ?in&er print3 ?oot print3 0.0.G. he(mete$ interro&ation3 2NA tests3 Gene tests3 ?ami(ia( 2NA tests3 ?ami(y tree research3 hair ?o((ica( test3 hair 2NA test3 ?in&ernai( 2NA test3 Stem 7e(( 2NA test3 tooth 2NA test3 or i$enti?ication @y Mi(itary Si&na(s re(ate$ In%esti&ations i? the in$i%i$'a( has ha$ a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace &ra?te$ 'pon their @rain the entire time. A ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace transmittin& (on& ran&e ra$io ?reI'ency wo'($ 'n$o'@te$(y ha%e transmitte$ the entirety o? the Ne'roSystemKs responses an$ creation o? the m'tations themse(%es as we(( as the @rainKs an$ ne'ro systemKs ana(ysis o? the @o$yKs m'tations. I? a person has m'tate$ an$ they ha%e ha$ a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace in their @rain the entire time3 their m'tation has @een recor$e$ an$ can @e ana(y>e$ with so?tware which can (itera((y animate a (i?e (iDe %ersion o? the person @e?ore3 $'rin&3 an$ a?ter m'tation on a comp'ter. =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy in m'(tip(e treatments com@ine$ with a co'p(e o?

other Me$ica( Sciences has the a@i(ity to re&enerate missin& appen$a&es s'ch as ?in&ers 5 this occ'rs $'e to m'tation which can @e &'i$e$ 'sin& speci?ic proteins3 e(ectrica( an$ ma&netic stim'(ation3 an$ a(ternate$ repeate$ m'tation o? &enetics. M9U41/A in%o(%e$ the i((e&a( 'se$ o? Hea(th7are ?aci(ities ?or p'rposes o? H'man =i%isection an$ SeF 1ra??icDin& @y Syn$icate$ 7rimina( 1errorists re(ate$ to the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icate 5 the recr'itment o? SeF .??en$ers ?or p'rpose o? creatin& an entire(y (oya( 7rimina( A&ent wi((in& to commit acts o? 1errorism is %ery (o&ica( an$ wo'($ @e carrie$ o't @y A&ents in%o(%e$ in Psychiatric 7o'nse(in& an$ Hea(th7are ,aci(ities where they co'($ @e =ira( =ector Gene 1herapie$ an$ 7osmetic P(astic S'r&erie$. SeF .??en$ers imme$iate(y seeD co'nse(in& an$ hospita(i>ation a?ter re(ease ?rom Prison. I? the pop'(ation o? the USA is systemica((y rep(ace$ with entire pocDets o? ;(acD Mai(e$ pop'(ation permanant(y in$e@te$ to an$ at the mercy o? a 1errorist .r&ani>e$ 7rime Syn$icate 5 an eFtreme(y o(i&archa( heirachy wi(( @e possi@(y permanant(y em@e$$e$ within North America 3 ha%in& a co%ert 1ota( 2ictator. Blac.-1aile) In)i0i)uals as 1ortuar5 "ssistants : ;(acD Mai(e$ in$i%i$'a(s are most (iDe(y to @e 'se$ as Mort'ary Assistants an$ A'topsy Assistants ?or the p'rpose o? attemptin& to remo%e the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces an$ S'r&ica( Imp(ants ?rom the %ictims 3 'n$etecte$. 1he In$entity o? corpses is most (iDe(y to @e hi$$en @y these in$i%i$'a(s3 imposte'r corpses are most (iDe(y to @e 'se$. /ecr'itment o? crimina(s an$ manip'(ation o? the crimina(s to commit acts o? :ar 7rimes is most pro@a@(e to @e 'se$ to create a ?ee(in& o? 7o((ecti%e G'i(t amon&st them which wi(( ca'se them to s'@mit to @(acDmai( an$ =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icates $irections. 2uring ;=6= + a photograph of the imposteur of m5 cousin Ba5ne 1artineau's imposteur -as )eli0ere) to m5 !ran)1other's "partment at :: Co0entr5 Court in 1errimac. Ne-Hampshire an) is currentl5 amongst the photographs3 %his man pre0iousl5 ha) a )ifferent set of I)entification Cre)entials an) -as a nurse or )octor in a hospital in ;==F3 I am almost entirel5 positi0e that this man is a Se@-Offen)er -hom the5 recruite)3 Ba5ne 1artineau -as last seen )ri0ing a %a@i-Ca* in 1anchester Ne-Hampshire )uring the 5ear ;==D3 * Se@ P :oman whom ha%e @een a@$'cte$ are c'rrent(y rep(ace$ @y women o? simi(ar appearance 5 these women a(( seem to ha%e APorn NamesA on their ,ace;ooD pro?i(es an$ are missin& or are photoshoppe$ to appear as s'ch an$ their ,ace;ooD Acco'nts are contin'o's(y @ein& hacDe$. A(( o? these names are re?erences to the concept o? @ein& 0n$an&ere$ 3 A/G.S S'r&ica( Imp(ants are S'r&ica( Imp(ant G(o@a( Positionin& Systems encase$ in s'r&ica( p(astic 5 these are typica( 'se$ @y ;io(o&ists to tracD 0n$an&ere$ Species. 1he ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace which is c'rrent(y &ra?te$ to my @rain is transmittin& wire(ess(y $'e to a @attery an$ ro'ter imp(ante$ near my throat 3 insi$e o? my Jaw 5 an A/G.S S'r&ica( Imp(ant wo'($ @e pro@a@(e to @e 'se$ ?or the p'rpose o? tracDin& the %ictims in the case o? a %ictim remo%in& the ro'ter ?rom the Jaw or ma&neti>in& the ro'ter 3 $ama&in& it @eyon$ repair. I? a %ictim sho'($ $estroy the ro'ter3 the A/G.S S'r&ica( Imp(ant wo'($ tracD the %ictim maDin& it possi@(e to rep(ace the ro'ter or Di(( the 1ar&ette$ In$i%i$'a(. 1he womenKs names so'n$ simi(ar to APorn StarA names is o@%io's that the 1ra??icDers are 'sin& their ,ace;ooD Pro?i(es. Names s'ch as A2an&ersA an$ AP(i&htA are @ein& p't in parenthesis on ,ace;ooD Pro?i(es as s'rnames 5

many o? the in$i%i$'a(s on these ,ace;ooD Pro?i(es ha%e @een missin& an$ m'(tip(e peop(e ha%e @een seen 'sin& 2'p(icate$ I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. P In?ormation c'rrent(y on the internet states that the Hoy 2i%ision o? the A6IS ?orces $i$nKt eFist an$ was J'st part o? a ?ictiona( no%e(. 1he Hoy 2i%ision was a &ro'p o? @rothe(s r'n @y the A6IS5 where women were @ro'&ht to @e he($ as s(a%es3 Dept ?or SeF 1ra??icDin& p'rposes. 1here are c'rrent(y n'moro's APorno&raphicA we@sites containin& the wor$ AH.-A within the name o? the :e@site as we(( as an or&ani>ation ca((e$ Athe Hoys o? SatanA. P Samantha G'ay was a@$'cte$ $'rin& 2002. I met an imposte'r o? Samantha G'ay whom was a SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim $'rin& 2003. Samantha G'ay an$ this woman were @oth %ictims o? the same networD that SeF 1ra??icDe$ my Mother an$ my Nana when my Mother was 5 years o($ to 1* years o($. Samantha G'ay ha$ to($ me in 1""" that her A'nt o? 7o'sin was a %ictim o? the same thin& as my Mother. Samantha G'ayKs Mother Dnew my Mother an$ was @est ?rien$s with my co'sin Shei(a. Samantha G'ay was ?rien$s with my co'sin Shei(aKs $a'&hter Monica. 1he imposte'r o? 7hristine 2ionKs ,ather who appeare$ $'rin& 200* has @een in%o(%e$ in SeF 1ra??icDin& ?or a (on& time an$ is a Property Stea$ Ho($er o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs. * :-: Social Be*sites E $aceBoo.+ 15Space+ Blut (n) Bo)en:-: I ha$ a ,ace@ooD penpa( name$ Ho>e Men$o>a who (i%e$ in MeFico. Ho>e was a ;'r>'m ?an an$ an in$i&eno's american3 his ?ace@ooD pro?i(e photo was a pict're o? him in a ;'r>'m tshirt. I @e(ie%e his pro?i(e was tar&ette$ a?ter we starte$ speaDin& on ?ace@ooD $'e to his A>tecN1o(tec herita&e an$ the ?act that he was wearin& a ;'r>'m tshirt. Short(y a?ter I ha$ @e&'n ta(Din& to him3 a MeFican pro?i(e 'sin& the name 1e>a Moreno a$$e$ me on ,ace@ooD < I soon notice$ that two o? the A1eresaKsA on the pro?i(e were women whom ha$ @een c'stomers when I worDe$ at ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n st. 1here are ?o'r $i??erent womenKs pict'res on the pro?i(e c(aimin& to @e 1eresa 7(a'$io Moreno. Aro'n$ this time a pro?i(e ?rom the is(e o? 7ypress #which I @e(ie%e is somewhere c(ose to 7rete) ran$om(y sent me a ?rien$ reI'est as we((. 1his shows a stron& connection to the &'i(ty an$ ?ear?'( conscience o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ possi@(y H'(i's 0%o(aKs i((e&itimate &ran$ son3 whom I @e(ie%e a(so sta(De$ me to my worD a?ter I ha$ @e&'n eFchan&in& emai(s with Henry MaDow. 1he MeFicans wo'($ ha%e @een a tar&et o? his $'e to my @rie? emai( contact with an A>teca aro'n$ this time an$ @rie? acI'aintin& with an A>teca in the (oca( comm'nity. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs o($er @rother 7(int +1ay(orM8 has a $e?inite rec'rrent patho(o&y in that he tar&ets MeFican ,ema(es an$ SeF 1ra??icDs them 5 inc('$in& (itt(e &ir(s o? MeFican race an$ other Mesti>o races s'ch as my sister 7he(sey /ain MacPherson. 1his pro?i(e is eFtreme(y simi(ar to the 0mi(y Is(es pro?i(e a?ter it was taDen @y the 0man'e(es a?ter they a@$'cte$ 0mi(y Is(es 3 Me&an Marsha(( 3 an$ the other ?ema(es whoKs photo&raphs were presente$ as 0mi(y Is(es. =ittorio 0man'e(e is a sa$istic Pe$ophi(e SeF 1ra??icDer an$ has raise$ the maJority o? his sons to @e the same. :hi(e I was worDin& at the ,ami(y 2o((ar in 2005 3 the AC107A Man who ?reI'ent(y shoppe$ at the s&tore mentione$ that he ha$ o%erhear$ 0$ :arren p(annin& to 'se ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces ?or Genoci$e an$ state$ that he tho'&ht 0$ :arren

was A6IS ,action. Another pro?i(e o? interest which trie$ to a$$ me on ,ace@ooD was a pro?i(e 'sin& the name Mia Pia Sch'mann. :hi(e home(ess< my ce(( phone recei%e$ a teFt ?rom an anonymo's so'rce 'sin& the n'm@er E1! 5"5 11EE3 this anonymo's person was interestin& in ta(Din& to me on ,ace@ooD an$ a$$e$ me to their pro?i(e ?rien$ (ist which was name$ MIA PIA Sch'mann. Mia Pia is a Dnown name o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e @een Dnown to repeate$(y 'se a sma(( (ist o? the same names3 when namin& their chi($ren. * :-: Imposteurs :-: P :hi(e I was worDin& at Stop n Shop 3 an Armenian (ooDin& man approache$ the $e(i co'nter to asD me a I'estion. It was apparent that this man was attemptin& to (ooD (iDe 9ar( ,e'$ner. 9ar( ,e'$ner was an ?ormer co worDer o? mine whom I worDe$ with at New Hampshire Precision Meta( ,a@rication in 4on$on$erry New Hampshire. 9ar( ,e'$ner was a ,irst Nations Nati%e American whom was ha(? German3 he was a MiIMaD. 1he Armenian (ooDin& man ha$ the same tattoo on his arm that 9ar( ,e'$ner ha$3 he was the same hei&ht3 an$ his hair was the same $arD @(on$e. I am certain that this man was attemptin& to appear to @e 9ar( ,e'$ner an$ most (iDe(y has a $'p(icate I$entity 7ar$ o? his. Some o? these $'p(icate I$entity 7ar$s ha%e the ?aces o? the imposte'rs on them in the stea$ o? the ?act'a( ownersK ?ace on it. I ha%e since this time seen m'(tip(e peop(e attemptin& to preten$ to @e peop(e I went to hi&hschoo( with whom may or may not sti(( @e a(i%e 5 the imposte'rs were ass'min& the i$entities o? NicD Sti(es 3 7ara Samson3 Hi((ary ;ri&ham3 MiDe ;annon3 an$ 9y(e ,ie($s. 1hey were a(( $i??erent @o$y shape3 o? incorrect physica( a&e3 or o? s(i&ht(y $i??erent comp(eFion 5an$ the one preten$in& to @e 9y(e ,ie($s appeare$ to @e an Ara@ic M'(atto. :ith a(( o? these peop(e 5 it seeme$ that the match was ma$e with the i$enti?ication paperworD in min$ an$ the ?acia( photo&raph o? the I$enti?ication 7ar$ in min$. It is a pro@a@i(ity that some o? these in$i%i$'a(s are tra??icDin& %ictims an$ that there are 1errorist 7rimina(s amon&st them. As was pre%io's(y state$ 3 the 2epartment o? Motor =ehic(es was in%o(%e$ in the i((e&a( sa(e o? ,or&e$ an$ 2'p(icate$ I$entiti?ication 7ar$s 5 there ha%e a(so @een hospita(s in%o(%e$ in many o? these crimes3 maDin& it is stron& possi@i(ity that ,or&e$ an$ 2'p(icate$ ;irth 7erti?icates ha%e @een so($. P :hi(e worDin& at Stop n Shop 5 a Sici(ian man whom (ooDe$ incre$i@(y simi(ar to 1om 1ancre$o @'t was s(i&ht(y ta((er an$ ha%in& @('e co(ore$ irises o? eyes < approache$ the $e(i accompanie$ @y a ?ema(e whom ha$ o@%io's(y 'n$er&one 7osmetic =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy ?or Aesthetic 2is&'ise < she appeare$ ,rench an$ Ita(ian 3 @'t seeme$ to ha%e Aryan sDin 2NA ?rom either In$ia 3 ;'rma 3 or PaDistan. P 2'rin& the 1""0Ks an$ ear(y 2000Ks 3 n'mero's news artic(es were p'@(ishe$ which reporte$ ?ami(ies @ein& m'r$ere$ @y a mem@er o? the ?ami(y who ret'rne$ home ?rom a %acation to ?in$ that the ?ami(y in their home ha$ @een rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs who (ooDe$ near(y i$entica( to their ?ami(y @'t were $e?inite(y not their ?ami(y. 1his scenario was $escri@e$ n'mero's times an$ is pro@a@(y a metho$ which the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 'ses to rep(ace ?ami(ies that they ha%e tar&ette$ ?or &enoci$e 3 rep(acin& them with

@(acD mai(e$ crimina(s an$ SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims < 'sin& =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tation an$ 7osmetic S'r&ery to a(ter the appearance o? the imposte'rs to match the %ictimsK physica( appearance. It is possi@(e that this has @een 'se$ to occ'py seats in Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence ;ases 5 hospita(s are owne$ @y Properties Stea$ Ho($ers o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs.

:-: 7oe eBaron :-: Hoe 4e;aron went to a /eha@i(itation 7(inic in 200! 5 since this time < I ha%e met an imposte'r preten$in& to @e Hoe 4e;aron3 this man (ooDs ha(? Ita(ian an$ ha(? German <5 Hoe 4e;aron was ,ranDic American an$ German. 1he Hoe 4e;aron imposte'rKs mo@i(e ce(('(ar te(ephone n'm@er was E03 *"3 11** . A(( o? these in$i%i$'a(s are peop(e whom =ittorio 0man'e(e wo'($ ?ear ha%e Dnow(e$&e o? his ?ami(ia( @(oo$ re(ation to A$o(? Hit(er3 whom was =ittorio 0man'e(eKs &ran$?atherKs ha(? @rother. 1he Imposte'r whom /ep(ace$ Hoe 4e;aron (i%e$ at 22 Har%ar$ Street Nash'a NewHampshire on the 3r$ ,(oor $'rin& 2010. ;etween 2008 an$ 2012 3 the Imposte'r Hoe 4e;aron attempte$ to $own(oa$ a 1erra@yte eFterna( har$$ri%e worth o? Porno&raphy 'sin& a nei&h@orKs :i,i which he i((e&a((y accesse$. 1his 1erra@yte worth o? Porno&raph is (iDe(y to contain ho'rs worth o? %i$eo recor$s o? ,i(i@erto 0man'e(eKs SeF .??enses an$ :ar 7rimes 5 many o? these women re pro@a@(e to @e his %ictims. It is not necessary to possess this har$$ri%e to in%esti&ate these $own(oa$s 3 the constant stream o? $own(oa$s was accesse$ at this one (ocation an$ was $own(oa$e$ primari(y 'sin& 02onDey 3 ;it1orrent 3 an$ other ,i(eShare metho$s 5 the $own(oa$ history o? a(( Internet pro%i$e$ to the (ocations (oca( to 22 or 23 Har%ar$ Street is recor$e$ @y ,e$era( 7omm'nications 7ommission 3 ,.;.I. 3 Internet Ser%ers 3 an$ Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence Ser%er as we(( as the past approFimate E years o? recor$e$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace ra$io transmissions ?rom the Imposte'r Hoe 4e;aronKs @rain.

:-: 7eff Ca*ral :-: P 2'rin& 2011 He?? 7a@ra( checDe$ in to a /eha@i(itation 7(inic. 1he neFt time that I saw AHe??A a?ter this3 he was with the man whom has @een ?a(se(y c(aimin& to @e ;o@ Sha&o'ry. ;o@ Sha&or'ry was racia((y 4e@anese an$ Syrian 5 the man preten$in& to @e him in 2011 was Sa'$i Ara@ian an$ was 3 inches ta((er. 1he man c(aimin& that he was He?? 7a@ra( (ooDe$ i$entica( to He?? 7a@ra( @'t ta((er @y an inch. .n /a&nar 9ar(sonKs ?ace @ooD 3 A/a&nar 9ar(ssonA 5 there was a photo&raph o? an 0astern 0'ropean (ooDin& man c(im@in& a mo'ntain. 1he man c(im@in& the mo'ntain ho($in& the c(im@in& picDs (ooDe$ near(y i$entica( to the man preten$in& to @e He?? 7a@ra(. /a&nar 9ar(sson has @een missin& ?or some time an$ I ha%e @een 'na@(e to &et the man 'sin& his ?ace@ooD to respon$ at a((. =ittorio 0man'e(e 3 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e3 an$ the other sons o? =ittorioKs m'st ha%e ma$e a cooperati%e partner o? an 0astern 0'ropean re&iona( 7rime Syn$icate somewhere an$ @ro'&ht them on @oar$ ?or their c'rrent p(ans. =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy co'($ ha%e @een 'se$ to maDe the 0astern 0'ropean manKs ?ace (ooD more (iDe He?? 7a@ra(Ks 5 it is most pro@a@(e that the manKs ?ace was simi(ar in

appearance to @e&in with. He?? 7a@ra( was racia((y Swe$ish an$ Port'&e'se. /eha@i(itation 7(inics3 .rtho$onta( 7(inics3 Psychiatric Hea(th7are ,aci(ities3 an$ Hospita(s seem to @e the most common(y 'se$ ?aci(ities in%o(%e$ in the 0man'e(e 0%o(a I@nSa'$ Syn$icateKs terrorism. In 20103 my Mother was i((e&a((y @ro'&ht to a /eha@i(itation 7(inic in :estwoo$ Massach'settes a&ainst her wi(( 5 since this time3 I ha%e met * $i??erent women with my MotherKs appearance whom ha%e @een 'sin& her I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. * :-: Brazil :-: :hi(e in ;ra>i( $'rin& 2002 3 2003 3 or 200* < my ,atherKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s were sto(en. 1he 0man'e(es $e?inite(y ha%e a connection in ;ra>i(. Mem@ers o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen in ;ra>i( as we(( as mem@ers o? the Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate in ;ra>i( ha%e a networD o? $r'& sm'&&(ers an$ SeF 1ra??icDers that worD thro'&ho't the So'th American nations an$ the USA an$ 7ana$a. 2'rin& the N'rem@'r& 1ria(s 3 n'mero's A6IS :ar 7rimina(s who worDe$ with the 0man'e(e 0%o(a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate that ha$ taDen o%er the 2e'tsche Nationa( Go%ernment a?ter in?i(tratin& the N.S.2.A.P. 5 escape$ to So'th America to a%oi$ :ar 7rimes 1ri@'na( 7o'rt an$ han&in& ?or their crimes $'rin& the Ho(oca'st 3 $'rin& which 20 Mi((ion 7i%i(ians were &enoci$a((y eFterminate$ an$ 7i%i(ians were SeF 1ra??icDe$ 3 4a@or 1ra??icDe$ 3 an$ H'man =i%isecte$. * :-: the !onzalez $amil5 :-: -$ranchesca -%on5 * :-: Imposteurs on rotation :-: 1he 7o%ert A&ents who ha%e @een (i%in& as the %ictims as imposte'rs 3 ha%e @een taDin& shi?ts impersonatin& &enoci$e %ictims ?or what seems to @e an a%era&e o? three years o? so @e?ore they rotate position with another a&ent. I ha%e seen ?o'r $i??erent in$i%i$'a(s impersonate one missin& person o%er the past nine years < this howe%er 3 is an eFtreme case 5 in most cases 3 so ?ar 3 it seems that one or two a&ents ha%e @een taDin& o%er the i$entity o? the missin& person. 1hese missin& peop(e can not @e easi(y reporte$ as missin& $'e to the =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tation that has @een @ein& 'se$ to m'tate the imposte'rs to (ooD i$entica( to the %ictims 5 the hair 3 eyes 3 ?in&er prints 3 sDin 3 nose ears 3 cheeD @ones 3 chin 3 @row ri$&e 3 eye shape 3 an$ hair (ine o? a person can easi(y @e m'tate$ as can the co(or o? these thin&s.

:-: !uilt5 Police :-: P N'mero's Po(ice in the North 0ast o? the U.S.A. ha%e @een si&hte$ o't o? their J'ris$iction 3 'sin& Po(ice cars that are marDe$ ?or e(sewhere whi(e participatin& in what appear to @e Po(icin& acti%ities < n'mero's Po(ice 7ars ha%e a(so @een si&htin& which are painte$ with 'ncon%entiona( paint Jo@s s'ch as @(acD an$ &o($ e%en tho'&h o'r Po(ice 7ars are s'ppose$ to @e 'ni?orm. N'mero's Po(ice .??icers ha%e @een si&hte$

who ha%e =ira( =ector Gene 1herapie$ 2NA 3 a (ar&e n'm@er o? peop(esK :itness Statements ha%e @een i&nore$ entire(y @y the (oca( Po(ice an$ In%esti&ators whomha%e $one nothin& to in%esti&ate the these 7rimes A&ainst H'manity. P Hospita(s 3 7o((e&es 3 an$ Uni%ersities owne$ @y the 0man'e(es an$ their associate$ 7rimina( 1errorist A6IS A??i(iate$ In%estors an$ :ea(th /etainers as we(( as in?i(trators in the U.S.A. ,e$era( Go%ernment can ?aDe ;irth /ecor$s 3 Me$ica( /ecor$s 3 Atten$ance /ecor$s 3 Gra$'ation /ecor$s 3 an$ Po(ice /ecor$s. 1hese can @e ?aDe$ as we(( as o@taine$ or a(tere$ < i? an entire State Po(ice ,orce is $ecapitate$ < a hacDer a$mitte$ to the po(ice $epartment can a(ter comp'ter recor$s3 Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence .??icers can easi(y o@taine$ the ori&ina( recor$s ?rom the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 7omp'ters. I? a Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence @ase is $ecapitate$ @y a comp(ete in?i(tration 3 the AUS7ANNCU9US NetworD can %eri?y whether or not e(ectronic ?i(es ha%e @een a(tere$ or tamperin& with e%i$ence has occ'rre$. 2'rin& the ;aracD .@ama campai&n 3 some peop(e were $eman$in& that the Inte((i&ence 7omm'nity con$'ct an intensi%e ;acD&ro'n$ 7hecD on ;aracD .@amaKs ori&in < statin& that ;aracD .@ama was a ?aDe name an$ a ?aDe i$entity @ein& 'se$ ?or the p'rpose o? $ecapitatin& the U.S.A. Go%ernment m'ch the same as A$o(? Hit(er $i$. 2'rin& the year 2005 3 0$ :arren $isc'sse$ with n'mero's peop(e that a man ha$ @een ?o'n$ on a (ist o? names who was name$ A;aracD .@amaA an$ that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy was &oin& to secret(y ?'n$ his campai&n an$ rep(ace him with two imposte'rs =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tate$ to (ooD (iDe ;aracD H'ssein .@ama an$ manip'(ate$ with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace to so'n$ an$ mo%e eFact(y the same as ;aracD H'ssein .@ama. P 1he (ast time I spoDe to 0mi(y Is(es 3 she to($ me that her mother was not her mother @'t that the woman in her ho'se was preten$in& to @e her mother an$ (ooDe$ eFtreme(y simi(ar. She to($ me AI $onKt thinD that I am &oin& to &et o't o? this a(i%e.A to which I respon$e$ with AP(ease &et to a nei&h@orKs ho'se an$ ca(( the po(ice or a ho'se in a $i??erent nei&h@orhoo$ an$ ca(( the po(ice i? the nei&h@orKs ho'se isnKt sa?e.A 1he (ast thin& 0mi(y e%er to($ me was AI (o%e yo'.A. P .? re(e%ance to :i(ton NH an$ the pro@a@i(ity that ;ren$an P(aceKs te(ephone was @ein& hacD tappe$ @y metho$ o? comm'nications ser%er or wire tappe$ 5 I was to($ @y Hason /o$&ers in 200E that he ha$ hear$ that some@o$y ha$ @een Deepin& a &ir( hosta&e in a @asement in :i(ton which was (ocate$ at the en$ o? P(easant St. in a con$emne$ ,o'n$ry @'i($in& @esi$e the ri%er an$ that @y the time peop(e checDe$ it she was &one an$ there was e%i$ence that some@o$y ha$ @een Dept hosta&e there. I a(so was to($ @y a ?rien$ that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e ha$ access to a ho'se at an a$$ress which is 25 Shorehi(( /$. which is (ocate$ imme$iate(y across the ri%er ?rom the con$emne$ ,o'n$ry @'i($in& at the en$ o? P(easant st. on Main st. neFt to the ri%er an$ is imme$iate(y 'p the hi(( ?rom the Po(ice 2epartment on the ri&ht si$e o? the street hea$in& 'phi((. 1his (ocation was $escri@e$ @y ,i( to my ?rien$ as A1his is J'st one o? my ?ami(yKs properties.A 1here are a(so r'mo'rs o? some@o$y @ein& he($ hosta&e at the con$emne$ mansion on ;'rns /$. in Mi(?or$ NewHampshire 5 some peop(e 'se$ to ca(( this p(ace ;'rns Manor an$ c(aime$ that it was ha'nte$. P ;etween 200* 2013 Ita(ian A6IS Sa%oy 4oya(ists ha%e @een wa&in& an o@%io's co%ert

war o? ParaMi(itary ;(acD .ps .r&ani>e$ 7rimina( 1error on North American soi( ?or the p'rpose o? e(iminatin& a(( parties consi$ere$ possi@(y Dnow(e$&ea@(e concernin& the 0man'e(es o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy @ein& A$o(? Hit(erKs @io(o&ica( ?ami(y as we(( as ?or the p'rpose o? committin& ?'rther 7rimes A&anst H'manity simi(ar to the crimes committe$ $'rin& /ichar$ NiFonKs presi$ency an$ /ichar$ He(ms emp(oyment within the 7IA 5 this time ?ramin& an a(i@i patsy ?or it an$ there@y re(ie%in& =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs Ita(ian A6IS connections ?rom possi@(e ?'t're in%esti&ations concernin& :ar 7rimes 3 /.I.7... %io(ations 3 7rimes A&ainst H'manity 3 an$ 0spiona&e in%esti&ations in North America. 1he patsy to @e ?rame$ seems to ha%e @een the Ho'se o? I@nSa'$ an$ Mosta?a I@nSa'$. N'mero's SeF .??en$ers seem to ha%e @een recr'ite$ ?or p'rpose o? systemica((y rep(acin& the 3 mi((ion tar&ette$ ci%i(ians on paperworD 3 e(iminatin& 3 mi((ion possi@(e Dnow(e$&ea@(e ci%i(ians @y metho$ o? co%ert &enoci$e an$ /ep(acement ;y Imposte'r. SeF .??en$ers are @ein& recr'ite$ ?rom @oth SeF 1ra??icDin& .r&ani>e$ 7rime Units an$ Psychiatric :ar$s ?or SeF .??en$ers recent(y re(ease$ ?rom prisons an$ in transition 5 ,i(Ks A6IS terrorist ?action m'st ha%e ?o'n$ it easy to s'r&ica((y imp(ant a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace in an instit'tiona(i>e$ in patient Psychiatric PatientKs @rain an$ anonymo's(y comm'nicate with them @y metho$ o? &reen teFt comm'nications 'pon optica( oc'(ar ne'ro(o&y in %ision or @y metho$ o? speaDin& to the %i%isection %ictim thro'&h the %ictimsK mo'ths. Anonymo's recr'itment o? a con%icte$ an$ re&istere$ SeF .??en$er wo'($ ha%e pro%en an easy tasD $'e to the o??en$ersK nee$ ?or a new i$enti?ication in or$er to (i%e a (i?e witho't SeF .??en$er /e&istration stat's. It is incre$i@(y o@%io's that SeF .??en$ers ha%e @een 'se$ to rep(ace Po(ice ,ami(ies in many cases 3 these o??en$ers @ein& positione$ strate&ica((y with A6IS Sa%oy (oya(ists within n'mero's $epartments o? ,e$era( 0mp(oyment s'ch as 4aw 0n?orcement an$ In%esti&ations 5 this has @een ma$e o@%io's @y the ?act that n'mero's Po(ice .??icers 3 2etecti%es 3 an$ In%esti&ators ha%e to($ American ci%i(ians A:e $o not accept :itness Statements.A. 1he statement which has @een ma$e n'mero's times to %ictims whom ha%e written :itness 1estimonia(s has @een 3 A:e $o not accept :itness Statements.A. I was to($ @y a 'ni?orme$ Po(ice .??icer in a Po(ice 2epartment in ;oston Massach'settes 3 A:e $o not accept :itness Statements.A this was (ess than a ha(? ho'r ?rom a (ocation where ,i( an$ his 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate ?ormer(y he($ parties which 's'a((y res'(te$ in horri@(e a@'se o? women. 1he :itness 1estimonia(s which ha$ @een reporte$ ha%e inc('$e$ n'mero's reports concernin& SeF .??enses s'ch as SeF'a( Assa'(ts an$ SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 a(( o? which seem to ha%e @een i&nore$ as we(( as re?'se$ at the $esDs o? (aw en?orcement an$ in%esti&ations in the North 0ast I'a$rant o? North America. P 1he ;rain 7omp'ter Inte?aces s'r&ica((y imp(ante$ in the @o$yKs o? the ci%i(ian %ictimsK an$ the co%ert a&entsK ha%e @een paire$ with (on& ran&e ro'ters connecte$ o%er internet 5 these ?in$ si&na( @y means o? G(o@a( Positionin& System an$ $'e to this ?act are (ocata@(e on Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence recor$s at a(( times an$ can @e paire$ at any time an$ (ocation $'rin& the history o? itKs transmission with Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone (ocations 3 Internet 7omp'ter 'sa&e (ocations 3 Pa&ers (ocations 3 :ire(ess Mo@i(e Internet (ocations 3 Airp(ane ?(i&ht (ocations 3 1ransit ;'s (ocations 3 1e(ephone 4an 4ine (ocations 3 Home 7a@(e 1e(e%ision (ocations 3 Garmin GPS MapB'est 2e%ices 3 A/G.S transmissions (ocations 3 Hospita( 4ocations 3 Me$ica( He(icopter 4ocations 3 Po(ice

7r'iser 4ocations3 1rain 1ransit 4ocation 3 1ractor 1rai(er Shipment 2e(i%ery 1r'cDs on GPS 3 an$ any e(ectronic si&na(s transmissions (ocations at a(( which are G(o@a( Positiona@(e. P In 200* 5 my se(? an$ Sahn$ra St..n&e were sittin& in my @e$room an$ JoDin& a@o't 2ana Um@ro ha%in& a speech impe$iment. 2ana Um@ro was an emp(oyee o? ;icD?or$s $'rin& 2003 when I worDe$ with him at ;icD?or$s ,ami(y /esta'rant in Nash'a NewHampshire. 2'rin& 2003 5 2ana $eci$e$ to stea( my $r'mset an$ ha$ @een on a m'sic eI'ipment thei%in& spree. 2ana Um@ro ha$ a speech impe$iment an$ sometimes prono'nce$ the (etter 4 as a A-A so'n$. I ma$e a h'moro's comment statin& that 2ana was so st'pi$ that he ro@s 1" year o($s at the a&e o? *0 an$ can not e%en prono'nce the name o? his own Nationa( 0thnicity 3 that @ein& AItayinA. Sahn$ra St..n&e an$ I @e&an maDin& JoDes a@o't misprono'nciations o? wor$s with A4A in them 5 Sahn$ra 3 (a'&hin& < sai$ A;ho Ho@A. A;ho Ho@A @ecame a JoDe ?or the $ay. 7'rrent(y the USA is $ecapitate$ @y an o@%io's ,ascist A6IS ?action whom are pre%entin& %ictims ?rom reportin& ,i((i@erto an$ =ittorio 0man'e(esK Ita(ian A6IS ,actionKs :ar 7rimes an$ 7rimes A&ainst H'manity 5 we are a(( @ein& to($ @y Po(ice .??icers A:e $o not taDe witness statementsA. ;aracD H'ssein .@amaKs @irth certi?icate was reporte$ p'@(ica((y to ha%e @een a ?aDe 3 his initia(s are ;.H... an$ Hoe ;i$enKs are H...;. S ;H. H.;. ;aracDS4i&htnin& H'sseinSwho we are at :A/ with .@amaS .? ;AMA Ao? 2iFieA .? 2iFie 7'ps as in 2iFie 7'ps in Hospita(s. ;aracD .@amaKs AHea(thcare /e?orm PacDa&eA states that no A7hi($A can @e $enie$ $'e to a Apre eFistin& con$itionA. Ita(ian A6IS %iew ,irst Nations Nati%e Americans 3 An&(o SaFons 3 Gae(s 3 ,ranDs 3 A?rican Americans 3 an$ Noor$ Ho((an$ers as P/0 06IS1ING 7.N2I1I.N $'e to o'r P/0 06IS1ING 74AMAIN7- 1. N./1H AM0/I7A AS .U/ IN2IG0N.US H.M04AN2. 2'rin& the year 2005 5 0$ :arren $isc'sse$ that a man name$ ;aracD H'ssein .@ama ha$ @een $isco%ere$ an$ was &oin& to @e ?'n$e$ to @ecome Presi$ent 3 0$ :arren $isc'sse$ that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy p(anne$ to rep(ace the A;aracD H'ssein .@amaA with A;ho;ho Ho@ the 7(ownA which was to @e two i$entica( imposte'rs =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tate$ to appear i$entica( to ;aracD H'ssein .@ama an$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace imp(ante$ an$ Ne'ro(o&ica((y contro((e$ to so'n$ i$entica( to ;aracD H'ssein .@ama. 1he A6IS is entire(y ?orei&n to North America. ;aracD .@amaKs AHea(thcare PacDa&eA 'ses the termino(o&ies A= 7hipA an$ AS 7hipA 3 the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace AMicrochipA is a SI49 ;.7.I. which a$heres an$ $isso(%es to the @rain permanant(y 5 this is the S 7hip. 1he = 7hip is a =eternarian S'r&ica( Imp(ant that is 'se$ ?or G.P.S. tracDin& o? pets an$ has @een 'se$ to G.P.S. tracD the 0man'e(eKs Genoci$e tar&ets. 7hi($ren not @ein& $enie$ $'e to the APre 0Fistin& 7on$itionA means that the American woman are a@(e to @e /epro$'cti%e 1ra??icDe$ as o'r ma(es are 0610/MINA102. N'mero's ma(es ha%e @een poisone$ to $eath an$ /ep(ace$ ;y Imposte'rs. 2'rin& 2010 5 I staye$ ?or a weeD at a psychiatric ?aci(ity. 2'rin& this time I saw a woman whee( o't a cart o? what appeare$ to @e ten years o? my MotherKs psychiatric recor$s ?rom her years o? co'nci(in& ?or her se%ere Post 1ra'matic Stress 2isor$er. 1here is c'rrent(y an Ita(ian woman preten$in& to @e my Mother whom has not @een to co'nci(in& at a(( an$ has not e%en @een preten$in& to ha%e Post 1ra'matic Stress 2isor$er 3 my Mother was re(ease$ ?rom the Hospita( on a 7on$itiona( 2ischar&e $'e to

her se%ere 2epression. My Mother was a SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim as a 7hi($3 her an$ my Nana Hoanna 1r'$ea' 7arty were %ictims o? a man whom ha$ ?or some years ?orce$ my Nana to marry him an$ was SeF 1ra??icDin& the two o? them. 1his man whom 'se$ the name A7h'cD 2o'&(asA 3 ha$ Po(ice connections an$ other connections within &o%ernment whom were corr'pt an$ seem to ha%e ha$ the same connections as /ichar$ He(ms < this was $'rin& the /ichar$ NiFon A$ministration an$ occ'rre$ $'rin& the a@'se o? power within the 7IA ProJect M9U41/A an$ other crimes re(ate$ to :A10/GA10. I @e(ie%e that this SeF 1ra??icDin& 7rime Syn$icate are (iDe(y to @e the same 7rime Syn$icate that =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e are a??i(iate$ with 5 in ?act I @e(ie%e that it is their ?ami(yKs an$ the 0%o(aKs 7rime Syn$icate. 1his 7rime Syn$icate is (iDe(y to @e the 7rime Syn$icate which A$o(? Hit(er an$ H'(i's 0%o(a 'se$ as @o$y&'ar$s to $ecapitate the German &o%ernment prior to the creation o? the 3r$ /eich. Prior to the 2n$ :or($ :ar 5 the German economy an$ the American economy were @oth $estroye$ < $'e to the economic co((apse in Germany3 the pop'(ar party was the Nationa( Socia(ist German 4a@o'r Party $'e to the 4a@o'r PartyKs Socia(ist 0conomic an$ Nationa(ist po(icies re&ar$in& immi&ration (imitations an$ protection o? Nationa( 0thnic Pop'(ation ratio to ens're that ?orei&n pop'(ations $i$ not p'rchase a(( properties in Germany which wo'($ ha%e comp(ete(y $enie$ the German peop(e o? their nation an$ in$i&eno's ethnic nationa( home(an$. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy tooD a$%anta&e o? the 0conomic 7o((apse an$ $ecapitate$ the pop'(ar party prior to e(ection 5 a?ter the ine%ita@(e e(ection o? the N.S.2.A.P. 3 A$o(? Hit(erKs an$ H'(i's 0%o(aKs re&ime mi(itari(y co'pe$ the German Nationa( Go%ernment in sim'(taneo's cohesion with ;enito M'sso(iniKs an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs mi(itary co'p o? the Ita(ian Nationa( Go%ernment an$ ,rancisco ,rancoKs mi(itary co'p o? the Spanish Nationa( Go%ernment 5 this was the @e&inin& o? the St'rm Un$ 2ran& phases which were inten$e$ to e%ent'a((y res'(t in the ?ormation o? the 3r$ /eich which was inten$e$ to @e the reconstr'ction o? the /oman 0mpire. 1he str'ct're o? the German &o%ernment $'rin& the 2n$ :or($ :ar was that o? a ,e'$a(ist Imperia( Pro%incia( State new(y conscripte$ as an Imperia( 4e&ion < the Ita(ian an$ Spanish re&ions were &o%erne$ I'ite the same 3 the &o%ernance o? these $e ?acto pro%incia( states @ein& the eI'i%i(ant o? three 7aesars &o%ernin& what was a war time ?e'$a(ist imperi'm 5 =ittorio 0man'e(e III 3 @ein& the $e ?acto emperor o? the A6IS an$ H'(i's 0%o(a actin& as $e ?acto imperia( a$%isor an$ in p(ace o? what was ori&ina((y the ear(ier %ersion o? the /oman Imperia( Pope. H'(i's 0%o(aKs ?ather han$e$ to him the p(ans ?or St'rm Un$ 2ran& or /i$e the 1i&er /omani>ation o? the A6IS3 these p(ans H'(i's 0%o(a comp(ete$ ?orm'(atin& $'rin& his (i?etime which shows in his (iterat're. 1hese ?acts were not entire(y misse$ @y historians @'t ha%e @een near(y p'r&e$ ?rom teFt @ooDs an$ history (ect'res since the 1"E0Ks 5 in Sici(y 3 entire ?ami(ies were eFterminate$ $'rin& the $eca$es ?o((owin& the ?a(( o? the 3r$ /eich < these &enoci$es contin'e$ in the USA $'rin& the NiFon A$ministration an$ ha%e contin'e$ since. 7'rrent(y 3 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ his Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist 7rimina( ,ascist ?action ha%e tar&ette$ 3 mi((ion ci%i(ians in North America ?or &enoci$e. :hat @e&ins as a co%ert &enoci$e o? 3 mi((ion ci%i(ians can easi(y @ecome 20 mi((ion $'e to attempts to si(ence witnesses an$ e(iminate e%i$ence 5 in Germany $'rin& the 1"*0Ks 3 German ci%i(ians were re(ocate$ to what was ori&ina((y @e(ie%e$ to @e worD camps ?or p'rpose o? (a@orin&

an$ pro$'cin& war time s'pp(ies < these man'?act'rin& camps (ater @ecame &enoci$e camps where 12 mi((ion German ci%i(ians $ie$ inc('$in& ! mi((ion Israe(i racia( tar&ets. 1he women o? the 4e@ens@orn ProJect were rape$ @y H'(i's 0%o(aKs Sch't>sta??e( 5 the tr'e p'rpose o? the 4e@ens@orn ProJect was the esta@(ishment o? a Germanic a$option a&ency in 0'rope3 not to pro%i$e /epro$'cti%e 1ra??icDin& %ictims an$ SeF 1ra??icDin& %ictims to ,ascist 1yrants. .'tsi$e o? Germany approFimate(y 8 mi((ion ci%i(ians $ie$. 7'rrent(y 3 mi((ion ci%i(ians in North America are the tar&ets an$ ha%e @een tar&ette$ ?or " years. H'man 1ra??icDin& @ecame rampant $'rin& the 3r$ /eich5 German an$ Po(ish women were SeF 1ra??icDe$3 German an$ Po(ish ci%i(ians were 4a@or 1ra??icDe$3 Germans an$ other nationa( races were =i%isection 1ra??icDe$ inc('$in& tho'san$s o? Israe(is whom were eFperimente$ 'pon prior to @ein& &enoci$a((y s(ain 3 mi((ions o? Israe(is were tar&ette$ ?or racia( &enoci$e $'e to Israe(Ks po(itica( stance o? Nationa( In$epen$ence which stoo$ in starD contrast to the p(anne$ Me$iterarnean Uni?ication o? the /oman Imperia( I$entity o? the A6IS. In?i(tration o? the 1h'(e Society @y H'(i's 0%o(aKs a&ents res'(te$ in the s'@%ersion o? the 1h'(e SocietyKs ori&ina( p'rpose which was the re esta@(ishment o? ,o(D /e(i&ions as the c'(t'ra( stan$ar$ in 0'rope 3 res'(te$ in the &enoci$e o? the maJority o? the 1h'(e SocietyKs @rothers an$ sisters 3 an$ res'(te$ in the acc'm'(ation o? ha(? o? 0'ropeKs arti?acts concernin& the 0'ropean AGo($en A&eA in :ewe(s@'r& 7ast(e ?or p'rpose o? A/eichsta&&in& the :ewe(s@'r&A ?or p'rpose o? $estroyin& a(( e%i$ence o? non /oman 0'ropean 0thnic ,o(D 7'(t're co%ert(y @(amin& it on the A((ie$ ,orces. 1he @'rnin& o? :ewe(s@'r& 7ast(e was @(ame$ on the A((ie$ ,orces an$ Heinrich Himm(erKs poor J'$&ement when in act'a(ity it was H'(i's 0%o(aKs or$er to $estroy it an$ his p(ans ?or permanant &(o@a( /omani>ation as moti%. H'(i's 0%o(aKs p(an was G(o@a( Assimi(ationist /oman i$entity thro'&h phases o? ?orce$ assimi(ation o? ethnic c'(t're $'rin& perio$s o? stress 'sin& psycho(o&ica( catharsis to p'r&e nati%e nationa( i$entity an$ pro$'ce homo&eno's &(o@a( imperia( i$entity an$ e%ent'a((y homo&eno's &(o@a( imperia( race. 1he Nor$ic peop(es o? 0'rope were (ie$ to an$ p'rpose(y ta'&ht incorrect Anthropo(o&ica( termino(o&y3 (a@e((in& AGermanicA as AAryanA ?or p'rpose o? e%ent'a((y physica((y assimi(atin& the Germanic an$ Aryan macro races into one nationa( ethnic pop'(ation 5 these @ein& the physica( races o? the Germanic peop(es o? :estern 0'rope an$ the physica( races o? the races o? Greater In$ia an$ the Persian SpeaDin& Aryans in Iran an$ s'rro'n$in& re&ions in the .ttoman Imperia( home(an$s. ,i( 0man'e(eKs ?ami(yKs connections to the A6IS were (itera((y the ?o'n$in& in$i%i$'a(s as we(( as their associates 5 some o? his ?ami(y @ein& o? @oth parties as we(( as 3r$ Party associates. ,i( 0man'e(eKs ?ami(y are a(so o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the Ho'se o? Aosta 5 Sa%oy @ein& @oth H'(i's 0%o(aKs an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs Aristocratic Ho'se an$ Aosta as we(( as Sa%oy @oth @ein& A$o(? Hit(erKs @io(o&ica( ?ami(y. P 1he Ita(ian A6IS ,action3 their a((ies3 an$ a(( who $o @'siness ?or them are 0nemy 7om@atants an$ m'st ha%e their Assets ,ro>en 3 sei>e$ @y the USA Mi(itary. A(( means o? pro$'ction o? me$ia 3 ?inancia( assets 3 properties 3 man'?act'rin& in$'stry 3 retai( in$'stry 3 in$'stry o? research 3 weapons 3 weapons in$'stry 3 comm'nications in$'stry 3 means o? transportation an$ shippin& in$'stry 3 an$ means o? comm'nication m'st @e ?ro>en an$ a(( &'i(ty parties an$ capit'(ators m'st @e apprehen$e$ @y mi(itary

in%esti&ators. 1his is in comp(iance with the P.A.1./.I...1. A71 an$ is entire(y stan$ar$ protoco(. 2'e to Ita(ian A6IS S(eeper 7e((s em@e$$e$ within 4aw 0n?orcement an$ In%esti&ations 3 this has ?ai(e$ to happen an$ n'mero's %ictims ha%e @een to($ to their ?ace @y Po(ice an$ In%esti&ators that the Po(ice or the In%esti&ati%e A&ents $o not accept witness statements. A:e $o not accept :itness Statements.A 1he c'rrent &enoci$e is @ein& co%ert(y $is&'ise$ on paperworD 3 hi$$en ?rom me$ia 3 hi$$en ?rom in%esti&ations 3 an$ hi$$en ?rom e(ectronic recor$s @y means o? /0P4A70M0N1 ., 0610/MINA102 P.PU4A1I.N 5 1he eFterminate$ pop'(ation @ein& rep(ace$ @y 7rimina( 1errorist A&ents whom ha%e p'rpose?'((y 'n$er&one =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tation ?or p'rpose o? m'tatin& their comp(eFion 3 hair 3 ?acia( ?eat'res 3 an$ han$s to (ooD entire(y (iDe the $ea$ %ictims whom they are ho($in& the I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o? an$ match their ?in&er prints on Po(ice /ecor$ eno'&h to not @e $etecte$ when Processe$ or when Po(ice are ,in&er Printe$. 2NA 1ests MUS1 ;0 A2MINIS10/02 IMM02IA104- an$ MUS1 7.IN7I20 :I1H ,AMI4- 1/00 /07./2 /0S0A/7H ., 7I=I4IANS AN2 MI4I1A/- A4I90. Strict A'$itin& is &oin& to @e necessary to pre%ent a@'se o? this process an$ a co operati%e H'man an$ 7omp'ter system is &oin& to @e necessary ?in$ an$ match 'p Missin& ,ami(y an$ match ?in$ in$i%i$'a(s whom ha%e /ep(ace$ 0Fterminate$ Pop'(ation. 1hese AG0N1S are Genoci$a( 1errorist S(eeper A&ents 3 Genoci$a( SeF 1ra??icDers 3 an$ SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims @ein& 'se$ to ho($ i$entities an$ ?(oat I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. N'mero's Po(ice ,ami(ies ha%e @een rep(ace$ in the North 0ast B'a$rant o? North America. 1he Ita(ian A6IS ha%e p(anne$ a 3 Mi((ion Person ci%i(ian Genoci$e 3 a North American 7ontinenta( :i$e Unitary Nation State 3 an$ comp(ete $ecapitation o? the Nationa( Go%ernment ?o((owe$ @y e%ent'a( comp(ete eFtermination o? a(( ,irst Nations Nati%e Americans an$ An&(o SaFons in North America. 1hese ,o'n$in& Peop(es are APre 0Fistin& 7on$itionsA. Gae(s 3 ,ranDs 3 Ho((an$ers 3 an$ A?rican Americans are a(so peop(es with Pre 0Fistin& 7(aimancy to North American re&ions as their Home(an$s. 7oncernin& the 3 Mi((ion Genoci$e 1ar&ets 5 e%ery sin&(e in$i%i$'a( tar&ette$ ?or &enoci$e has some@o$y who (o%es them eno'&h to testi?y that the person was m'r$ere$ 3 that the person is tar&ette$ ?or &enoci$e 3 that the person was a@$'cte$ an$ SeF 1ra??icDe$ 3 or that the person was a %ictim o? H'man =i%isection 5 in 10 years time 3 3 Mi((ion Genoci$e 1ar&ets wi(( easi(y @ecome " Mi((ion Genoci$e =ictims $'e to Si(encin& o? 9now(e$&ea@(e Parties whom are :i((in& 1o 1esti?y. P 7he(sey MacPherson was a@$'cte$ at the a&e$ o? 10 an$ swappe$ with another yo'n& &ir(. 1here ha%e @een two $i??erent /'sse(( MacPherson imposte'rs in the ho'seho($ since 200! < the ?irst was a Ser@ian 3 the secon$ a 4om@ar$ic Ita(ian. My connections concernin& Pri%ate In%esti&ations an$ A6IS a??i(iate$ in$i%i$'a(s ha%e in?orme$ me that my sister was p(ace$ with a 4ea&'e .? Ita(ian Gent(emen ?ami(y whom was physica((y /ep(ace$ @y Imposte'rs $'e to their re?'sa( to capit'(ate with 1ota( Genoci$e. It was reporte$ to me that my sister 3 7he(sey MacPherson < was physica((y $is?i&'re$ permanant(y @y =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy which Aaron 0man'e(e an$ ,i( 0man'e(e ?e$ her repeate$(y in her so'p 3 mi(D 3 an$ J'ice 5 this ca'sin& her to m'tate ?or the past siF years ?rom the a&e o? 10 to 1E 3 they ?e$ her &enes ?rom n'mero's (ocations on 0arth which ca'se$ her @o$y to &row $isproportionate(y an$ @ecome ?at retainin&.

7he(sey MacPherson was the most athe(etic o? my 3 sisters an$ was more athe(etic than my se(? an$ inte((ect'a((y my eI'a( 5 7he(sey was the si@(in& o? mine whom physica((y resem@(e$ my se(? the most 3 @ein& a practica( mirror ima&e o? my se(?. I @e(ie%e that the 0man'e(es picDe$ her to m'tate$ an$ tort're $'e to her o@%io's physica( re(ation to my se(? an$ her respect ?or her peop(e < these peop(e @ein& the ,irst Nations Nati%e Americans as we(( as the ?o'n$in& peop(es o? the U.S.A. an$ 7ana$a 5 my sister 7he(sey MacPherson 'se$ to wear a 7(an MacPherson shirt e%ery $ay that it was c(ean 3 asDe$ me ?reI'ent(y a@o't my ?aith 3 'se$ to rea$ thro'&h my ?atherKs Ur(ar 7(an MacPherson p'@(ications 3 was intereste$ in my ?ather an$ motherKs @ooDs concernin& ,irst Nations Nati%e American Anthropo(o&y 3 an$ wo'($ show a smi(e an$ a &(immer in her eye e%ery time she saw my S'm@(e Horn. 7he(sey was a@$'cte$ @y Ita(ian A6IS 7rimina( 1errorist networD an$ swappe$ with another 10 year o($ ?ema(e 3 ?or this reason it is o@%io's that the 0man'e(es ha%e 7hi($ SeF 1ra??icDin& a??i(iates an$ are (iDe(y to ha%e @een associate$ with the networD o? 7hi($ SeF 1ra??icDers whom tra??icDe$ my Mother when she was a chi($ 5 the I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o? the ?ami(y whom she was p(ace$ with are (iDe(y to ha%e @een a 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen ,ami(y re(ate$ somehow to 1ony GrasettiKs ?ami(y. 1ony Grasetti (e?t his AwireA recor$in& o? my an$ ,i( 0man'e(eKs meetin& at @oth the Po(ice 2epartment in MerrimacD NewHampshire an$ 4on$on$erry NewHampshire 5 this (e$ to the comp(ete in?i(tration o? the MerrimacD Po(ice 2epartment which is the 2epartment which was 'se$ to @rin& me to the hospita( i((e&a((y to imp(ant the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace in my @rain 3 an A'strian @ein& 'se$ as the co%ert a&ent ?or o@%io's reason o? p'ttin& an A'strian ?ace 'pon the Sa%oyKs terrorism. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy are a racia((y miFe$ No@(e Ho'se 3 these races @ein& primari(y the Germano Ga((o Mace$onians o? 4om@ar$i 3 the Ga((o Mace$onians o? the Aosta @(oo$(ines that marrie$ into the ?ami(y 3 an$ the Aryo Mace$onian @(oo$ o? the /omano Ita(ian Aristocrats o? the /oman 0mpire that achei%e$ No@(e 1it(e an$ stat's a?ter the ?a(( o? the /oman 0mpire 5 since the ?o'n$in& o? the A6IS 3 the Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e 'se$ the Nor$ic race as the a(i@i ?or their acti%ities $'e to the p(ans o? the A6IS @ein& o? /oman Imperia( ori&in an$ $esi&n as we(( as the ?o(D c'(t're o? the Nor$ic peop(es @ein& a sta(wart eFamp(e o? 0'ropean ,o(D 7'(t'res an$ the Go($en A&e o? AntiI'ity which was %a('e$ @y the ori&ina( 1h'(e Society an$ hate$ @y the /oman ,ascists who so'&ht to cr'sh pre /oman 0'ropean c'(t're an$ Hewish Israe(. 2'rin& 200* 5 whi(e in Manchester NewHampshire with 1ony Grasetti 3 ,i( 0man'e(e 3 an$ a ?rien$ o? ,i(Ks 5 ,i(Ks ?rien$ t'rne$ to me an$ spoDe AI? yo' ha$ to Di(( 3 mi((ion peop(e to pre%ent a war that wo'($ ca'se the $eath o? 20 mi((ion o? yo'r peop(e3 wo'($ yo'MA to which I rep(ie$ 3 ANo 3 I $o not @e(ie%e in Di((in& ci%i(ians at a(( $'rin& a time o? war or any other 5 thatKs 20 mi((ion m'r$ers. How $o yo' Dnow that the war is ine%ita@(e M I mean... what is it that wo'($ ca'se the war to e%en occ'rM :hat is it that can not @e a%oi$e$ or a%erte$ thro'&h $ip(omatic meansMA an$ ,i(Ks ?rien$ answere$ AI wo'($. 2onKt e%er te(( me that 3 mi((ion (i%es are not worth 20 mi((ion o? my peop(e.A . 4ater 3 a?ter ,i( ha$ (e?t < it was re%ea(e$ to me @y ,i(Ks ?rien$ that he ha$ @een instr'cte$ @y ,i( eFact(y what to say an$ was ma$e to rehearse it 5 ,i(Ks ?rien$ was con%ince$ that ,i( was in ?act A$o(? Hit(erKs &reat &ran$ nephew. 1ony Grasseti recor$e$ this on an

e(ectronic recor$in& $e%ice which he ha$ c(ippe$ to the insi$e o? his shirt. 1his e(ectronic recor$ was soon a?ter $e(i%ere$ to the MerrimacD Po(ice 2epartment an$ the 4on$on$erry Po(ice 2eparment @y 1ony Grasetti as we(( as possi@(y $e(i%ere$ to New Hampshire ,.;.I. 5 1ony Grasetti a(so 'p(oa$e$ this recor$in& to Internet 2ata Stora&e an$ it is permanant(y retrie%a@(e @y ,e$era( In%esti&ations or Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence ?rom I'arantine$ store$ $ata ?rom 200* an$ 2005. 1his is a cr'cia( piece o? e%i$ence as it is a'$io recor$ o? ,i( 0man'e(eKs p(ans to eFterminate 3 mi((ion ci%i(ians in North America. 20 mi((ion is the approFimate n'm@er o? $oc'mente$ tota( ci%i(ian cas'a(ties $'rin& the Ho(oca'st in 0'rope $'rin& the 1"*0Ks. 1he in?i(tration o? the MerrimacD Po(ice 2epartment @y the 0man'e(eKs A&ents as we(( as %ario's Po(ice 2epartments in New 0n&(an$ re&ion is o@%io's(y ?or the p'rpose o? retrie%in& this an$ attemptin& to co%er ,i(Ks tracDs @y e(iminatin& a(( e%i$ence a&ainst him as we(( as :itness Statements s'ch as my own an$ 0mi(y Is(esKs 3 ,ranchesca Gon>a(e>Ks 3 1ony GrasettiKs 3 an$ other witnessness an$ %ictims. In ;e$or$ New Hampshire a(on& 2.:. Hi&hway 5 within one ha(? a mi(e ?rom one another there is a Ne'roSpine Ne'roS'r&ery Instit'te 3 a =eternarians 7(inic 3 two Hote(s 3 an$ a Strip 7('@ ca((e$ the Go($ 7('@. 1his is o? eFtreme importance concernin& Psycho(o&ica( Pro?i(in& @ein& that m'ch o? this attacD was p(anne$ in New 0n&(an$ an$ the New -orD New Hersey re&ion 5 Ne'roSpine Ne'roS'r&ery Instit'tes ha%e access to ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace techno(o&ies an$ Ne'roScience So?tware which they can easi(y p'rchase 3 =eternarian 7(inics ha%e access to G.P.S. Ar&os S'r&ica( Imp(ants an$ other imp(ants s'ch as Me$ica( /,I2 ta&s 3 Hote(s are o?ten 'se$ as (ocations ?or (iasons with SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims as we(( as are o?ten 'se$ as ;rothe(s @y Hote( .wners whom are in%o(%e$ in .r&ani>e$ 7rime 3 an$ Strip 7('@s are o?ten 'se$ as a ?ront to $is&'ise SeF 1ra??icDin&. Many o? the ?ami(ies whom ha%e @een tar&ette$ ?or &enoci$e seem to ha%e (ost many o? their $a'&hters to SeF 1ra??icDers in the past ten years < their I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s @ein& swappe$ @etween themse(%es an$ other %ictims as we(( as ,i( 0man'e(eKs an$ =ittorio 0man'e(eKs 7o%ert A&ents whom are 'sin& these I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s ?or p'rposes o? 0spiona&e an$ .r&ani>e$ 7rime as we(( as contro((in& SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims @y a(terin& their physica( characteristics an$ ?eat'res 'sin& =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy an$ (ea%in& them with another womanKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. 2'rin& 200* an$ 2005 5 0$ :arren mentione$ at ,ami(y 2o((ar n'mero's times AAye AyeA whom was in ?act a re?erance to A I I A which is a re?erance to =ittorio 0man'e(e II < he a(so mentione$ AAye Aye AyeA whom was in ?act a re?erance to AI I IA which was a(ways a re?erance to =ittorio 0man'e(e III. 0$ :arren spoDe to Anthony 2e?eo whi(e at worD n'mero's times a@o't the p(ans which he an$ =ittorio as we(( as ,i( an$ 7aesar ha$ ma$e 5 these p(ans in%o(%e$ em@e$$in& a&ents within a n'm@er o? or&ani>ations which they ha$ not yet em@e$$e$ a&ents amon&st3 0$ :arren re?erre$ to these a&ents as A1he G'ys in the G'ysA . 0$ :arren ?reI'ent(y mentione$ A1he G'ys in the G'ysA < statin& thro'&h co$e$ metaphors an$ han$ sym@o(s that they ha$ AG'ysA in the 9' 9('F 9(an which he $escri@e$ @y ?ormin& a trian&(e o%er his hea$ with his han$s3 that they ha$ &'ys in the He((s An&e(s an$ the .'t(aws @oth @y maDin& Motorcyc(e Gas /e(ease

han$(e @ar twists with his han$s 3 that they ha$ &'ys within the Po(ice @y maDin& sym@o(s re(ate$ to Po(ice @a$&es3 that they ha$ &'ys in the Ma?ia @y maDin& han$ &est're re?erences to @'rnt pa(ms an$ his %eins 3 an$ a(so that they were the Ho'se o? Sa%oyKs &'ys @y maDin& a &est're o? a 7rown o%er his hea$ an$ rin& on his ?in&er. A(( o? these connections an$ these 0m@e$$e$ S(eeper A&ents which 0$ :arren mentione$ are Ita(ian A6IS A&ents or /oman ,ascists. 2'rin& this time 1ay(a 4aw%erKs mother came in to the store to ta(D to 0$ :arren an$ $isc'sse$ with him his nee$ ?or a connection to &et a Jo@ $one ?or AI I IA 3 1ay(aKs mother sai$ that she wo'($ ta(D to her ?ather ?or 0$ 5 2 years (ater3 I was poisone$ @y 1ay(aKs mother a?ter =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e ca((e$ her ?ather whi(e I was at their ho'se in Manchester. P I @e(ie%e 0$ :arren a(so state$ A:eKre &oin& to &et the GU-S in the GU-S 3 $'$eLA whi(e maDin& another crown shape o%er his hea$ an$ rin& shapes on a(( o? his ?in&ers 5 this is pro@a@(e to ha%e meant that the 0man'e(es 3 some o? the 0%o(as 3 an$ 0$ ,arrachi :arren 3 as we(( as other 1errorist 7rimina( Associates o? theirs are p(annin& to /ep(ace :ith Imposte'rs 3 the /oya( ,ami(ies o? 0'rope 3 the ;ritish 7ommon:ea(th 3 an$ other nations as we(( 5 this 3 ?or the p'rpose o? G(o@a( Heirarcha( 2ecapitation. ,or many years the :i(ton NewHampshire 7hie? o? Po(ice was my ?atherKs ?rien$ Hoe McG'ire. In 2005 3 Hoe McG'ire was ?ire$ an$ rep(ace$. In 200E < there were a((e&ations that ,i( 0man'e(e was Deepin& ?ema(e capti%es in the @asement o? the ?o'n$ry at the en$ o? P(easant St in :i(ton NewHampshire $own the roa$ ?rom the Po(ice 2epartment. ,i( 0man'e(e ha$ access to an apartment 'p the hi(( ?rom the :i(ton Po(ice 2epartment on Shore Hi(( /oa$ 'p the Hi(( imme$iate(y @ehin$ the :i(ton Po(ice 2epartment. :hen asDe$ a@o't the property @y a m't'a( acI'aintance3 ,i( 0man'e(e state$3 it is o? my ?ami(ies propertiesA. Pri%ate In%esti&ators ha%e to($ me that ,i( 0man'e(e ?i(me$ what appeare$ to @e eFtreme @on$a&e porno&raphy in the @asement o? this con$emne$ ?o'n$ry @asement an$ that he a@an$one$ the proJect $'e to the rea(i>ation that the settin& was an eFtreme(y 'n(iDe(y settin& to 'se ?or ?i(min& what was apparent(y s'ppose$ to @e ;eha%iora( Mo$i?ication 0Fperiments inten$e$ to @e 'se$ as =i$eoGraphic e%i$ence to ?rame some (ater $eci$e$ thir$ party ?or his crimes. P 1he :omen o? a race o? peop(e are the most important mem@ers o? that race < witho't the mothers whom &i%e @irth to the %ery race o? peop(e whom yo' are 3 yo' wo'($ not e%en eFist 5 :ar 7rimes tar&et ma(es ?or eFtermination an$ women ?or ?orce$ impre&nation o?ten as we(( as o?ten rape ?or the a(ternate p'rpose o? pre%entin& them ?rom e%en repro$'cin& $'e to ?ear o? men. :ar /ape is &enoci$e. 1he past ten years o? attacDs ha%e systemica((y seperate$ the ,ema(e mem@ers o? the 1ar&et /acia( Pop'(ation Gro'ps ?rom the Ma(es o? these Pop'(ation Gro'ps with the intention an$ carryin& o't o? what has @een a systemic series o? %io(ent rapes 'pon the ?ema(es o? these races an the m'r$er o? the ma(es an$ rep(acement o? these ma(es @y imposte'r Genoci$a( ,orei&n A&ents whom are now carryin& their I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s an$ ?orcin& the women to swap I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s with other women whoKs appearances they ha%e @een ?orce$ to ass'me. In a(most a(( cases the women are @ein& co%ert(y SeF 1ra??icDe$ < Ma(e Po(ice .??icers in ;oston Massach'settes an$ Nash'a NewHampshire are te((in& ci%i(ians A:e $o not accept :itness StatementsA an$ they are

te((in& 's not to ta(D to the Hewish 7omm'nity a@o't these crimes. P 7'rrent(y in ;oston < there are ;i((@oar$s promotin& comp(ete Assa'(t :eapons ;an . 1hese @i((@oar$s an$ the or&ani>ations which seeD to $isarm the American peop(e are @ein& ?'n$e$ @y Ita(ian A6IS A??i(iate$ wea(th retainers an$ are inten$e$ to e%ent'a((y (ea$ to comp(ete $isarmament o? a(( American 7i%i(ians. 1he ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace which is imp(ante$ in the @rains o? the Ita(iansK many tar&ets ?or racia( &enoci$e is capa@(e o? ro@otic contro( o? the %ictimsK ne'ro(o&y which (itera((y creates a ro@ot o? the %ictimsK @o$y. 1he %ictims are 'na@(e to pre%ent the eFterna( ro@otic contro( o? their @o$y3 this has ena@(e$ the Ita(ians to rape the %ictims an$ in many cases anonymo's(y rape an$ impre&nate %ictims. Many o? the A&ents which the Ita(ian A6IS ha%e recr'ite$ are SeF .??en$ers ?rom Menta( Hospita(s whom they s'r&ica((y imp(ante$ with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces an$ o??ere$ a Asecon$ chance at (i?eA to an$ the I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o? a %ictim 5 at the cost o? their (oya(ty to the Ita(ian A6IS which they are to($ is a A&an&A an$ nothin& @'t a 7rime Syn$icate. Many o? these pe$orasts an$ rapists are or$ere$ to commit m'r$ers 3 a@$'ctions 3 as we(( as ha%e they @een p't in ho'seho($s where there are chi($ren whom they are or$ere$ to impersonate the parents o? 3 as we(( as are some o? them 'n$o'@te$(y @ein& 'se$ to rep(ace (e&itimate (aw en?orcement. 0ntire Po(ice 'nits in New 0n&(an$ ha%e @een rep(ace$ 3 the si&ns o? this @ein& o@%io's @y the amo'nt o? Po(ice .??icers in New Hampshire whom ha%e o@%io's(y 'n$er&one =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy M'tation o? their ?aces 3 comp(eFion 3 sDin3 hair 3 eyes 3 an$ ?in&ers ?or p'rpose o? maDin& them appear to @e the in$i%i$'a(s whoKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s they are c'rrent(y in the possession o? an$ whoKs (i%es they ha%e sto(en. P 1he Imposte'rs whom ha%e @een impersonatin& Cach an$ Nate An$rosDi in New Hampshire ha%e @een tra??icDin& assa'(t weapons. 2'rin& 200" 3 :estwoo$ 4o$&e in Massach'settes which my mother was a$mitte$ in when she $isappeare$ an$ was rep(ace$ was aire$ on te(e%ision as ha%in& @een the site o? an in%esti&ation whi(e she was in :est:oo$ 4o$&e 5 this in%esti&ation proporte$(y (e$ to the arrest o? one o? the sta?? ?or ,ireArms 1ra??icDin& < i? this was a ?a(se report on the te(e%ision3 it co'($ on(y @e a hacDe$ comm'nication which was $'@@e$ o%er the news ?or cypher comm'nicati%e p'rposes. N'mero's :omen an$ 7hi($ren ha%e @een rape$ @y many o? the Ita(ians whom ha%e rep(ace$ Americans whom are missin& an$ (iDe(y to @e $ea$ < :itness Statements an$ 1estimonia(s ha%e @een reporte$ to Po(ice .??icers in New 0n&(an$ 3 many o? these Po(ice .??icers ha%e @een statin& to ci%i(ians Awe $o not accept :itness Statements.A whi(e many others ha%e re?'se$ to process the :itness Statements or ?orwar$ the 1estimonia(s an$ Statements to ,;I 3 2epartment o? 2e?ense 3 7IA3 or Home(an$ Sec'rity. 1he so?tware which is @ein& 'se$ with the %ictimsK ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces is @ein& 'se$ to /o@otica((y 7ontro( the Ne'ro(o&y o? the @o$ies o? the %ictims which in most cases is 'se$ to ?orce the %ictimsK into seF'a( position 3 ?orce them to strip $ance 3 ?orce them to a prone position in s'@mission 3 ?orce them to $rop weapons3 ?orce them to wa(D to a (ocation 3 tort're the %ictims @y metho$ o? m'sc'(ar contrictions an$ spasms 3 ?orce the mo'ths o? the %ictimsK to ta(D 3 as we(( as in many cases ?orce the %ictims to ?i&ht an$ Di(( one another. 1he so?tware which is @ein& 'e$ on the %ictims is a(so 'se$ to hypnoti>e 3 tra'mati>e 3 an$ $istort the psycho(o&y o? the %ictims as we(( as

is it 'se$ to tri&&er $r'& (iDe e??ects 3 ?orce %ictimKs to ?a(( as(eep 3 an$ type threats on the s'r?ace o? the %ictimsK %ision 'sin& &reen AS7I type ?ont. 1he 7o%ert A&ents which the Ita(ian A6IS ha%e 'se$ ha%e most(y a(so @een imp(ante$ with the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace @'t are 'sin& the so?tware ?or a $i??erent p'rpose which in most cases has @een ?or p'rpose o? typin& an$ speaDin& comm'nications 3 ?or p'rpose o? conto'rin& m'sc'(ator an$ trainin& the mo'th an$ %oca( m'sc'(at're as we(( as the to'n&'e to so'n$ America an$ o?ten (iDe a speci?ic in$i%i$'a( whom they ha%e rep(ace$. P In NewHampshire 5 ma&a>ines an$ news artic(es are $escri@in& an attacD committe$ @y a man name$ 7astro in .hio whom (ocDe$ three ?ema(es in a ho'se an$ SeF'a((y A@'se$ an$ 1ort're$ them. 1his story in%o(%es 2o& 7o((ars. I @e(ie%e that this man may ha%e @een instr'cte$ to commit this attacD in a speci?ic manner an$ may ha%e @een intentiona((y reporte$ @y Ita(ian A6IS A&ents whom he was worDin& ?or in attempt to create$ a smoDe screen ?i(ter in me$ia to pre%ent the :itness Statements which ha%e @een i&nore$ @y Ita(ian Po(ice in American Uni?orms in the North 0ast o? USA. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs associate 7aesar whom is ?rom 7'@a is an escape$ SeF .??en$er ?rom 7'@a whom was &i%en a set o? sto(en I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s with another ma(es i$entity whom coinci$enta((y was name$ 7esare. 7aesar is proporte$(y a $escen$ant o? H'(i's 7aesar 0%o(aKs an$ is ha(? 7'@ano Meti>o an$ ha(? Ita(ian. 7'rrent(y < a man is incarcerate$ with 7esareKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s an$ is ser%in& time ?or his crimes in Manchester NewHampshire 3 this man @ein& 1ony Gon>a(e> whom was a@$'cte$ @y 7aesar @rie?(y @e?ore 7aesar was &oin& to @e arreste$ ?or his crimes 5 1ony was (ocDe$ in a @asement in Manchester NewHampshire in a ho'se o?? o? North Main Street < $'rin& this time 1ony Gon>a(e> was ?e$ $iFie c'ps o? mi(D which ha$ @een tainte$ with =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy strains o? =ir's containin& 7aesarKs own &enetics ?or his sDin 3 hair 3 eyes 3 ?acia( str'ct're 3 an$ comp(eFion. A?ter two months o? @ein& he($ in the @asement 3 1ony was re(ease$ @'t ha$ an appearance eFtreme(y simi(ar to 7aesarKs < he was (ater apprehen$e$ ?or 7aesarKs crimesan$ 7aesar whom ha$ =ira( =ector Gene 1herapie$ himse(? with another personKs &enetics to appear to @e a ha(? Sici(ian ha(? P'erto /ican was ?ree with another personKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. 1ony was ?orce$ to ser%e time ?or 7aesarKs crimes. :hi(e in prison 3 1ony Gon>a(e> was attacDe$ @y Ita(ians an$ @eaten horri@(y 5 these men were or$ere$ to attacD him to $ama&e his ?ace permanant(y to hi$e the ?act that he $i$ not ha%e 7aesarKs scar. 7aesar 3 whi(e sti(( (i%in& in 7'@a < ha$ @een attacDe$ @y a &ro'p o? yo'n&er ma(es whom car%e$ into his ?ace with a Dni?e 3 (ea%in& what peop(e in Manchester 'se$ to re?er to as A7an$y Man ScarsA 5 7aesar was attacDe$ @y these ma(es $'e to his @ein& wante$ @y Po(ice in 7U;A ?or crimes s'ch as A&&ra%ate$ ,e(onio's SeF'a( Assa'(t on a minor whom was a nei&h@or o? 7aesarKs co'sinKs that 7aesar ha$ @een @r'ta((y rapin& since she was 8 years o($. 1ony Gon>a(e> is 2 inches ta((er than 7aesar. P My ,atherKs @est ?rien$s Hoe McG'ire an$ ,ran McG'ire were @rothers o? the ?ormer :i(ton 7hie? o? Po(ice ;o@ McG'ire < $'rin& 2005 3 ;o@ was ?ire$ ?rom the :i(ton Po(ice ?orce which was the res'(t o? a possi@(e ?a(se ?(a&&e$ Po(ice In%esti&ation. I @e(ie%e that ;o@ was pro@a@(y a@$'cte$ @y men in Po(ice Uni?orm 3 a?terwar$s to @e rep(ace$ @y an Imposte'r. :hen ;o@ McG'ire was ?ire$ ?rom the :i(ton Po(ice 2epartment 3 he was char&e$ with a MariJ'ana Possession char&e. .? importance 3 is the ?act that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e was witnesse$ as @ein& in%o(%e$ in ho($in& SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictims in the @asement o? the con$emne$ :i(ton ,o'n$ry which is %ery c(ose to the :i(ton Po(ice 2epartment. 2'rin& the year 1"88 3 when 7hris 1homas poisone$ the a$'(ts an$ the chi($ren at the Ha((oween Party with $r'&s an$ 7hi($

Porno&raphe$ the chi($ren 5 my ?ather /'sse(( Ma'rice MacPherson ha$ @een emp(oye$ in a ,o'n$ry as a ,o'n$ry :orDer. My ,ather was (ai$ o?? $'rin& the year 1"8" 3 an$ it is pro@a@(e that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e may ha%e or$ere$ some@o$y to ?ire him. 1here is a (ar&e A6IS ,action 1errorist S(eeper A&ent NetworD in the North 0ast o? the U.S.A. an$ =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy is $e?inite(y the A6IS 9in&. A(so o? re(e%ance to :i(ton NewHampshire is the ?act that 7hristina ,aerio(oKs eF @oy?rien$ Hason /o$&ers (i%e$ in :i(ton NewHampshire 3 7hristina ,aerio(o is o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy as we(( as possi@(y Aosta 5 her ,ather is o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ her mother is A'strian an$ possi@(y a $escen$ant o? a 9ni&ht o? Aosta. She is 2an ;'cD(eyKs co'sin. 2'rin& the year 1""! 3 2anie( ;'cD(ey $resse$ as A$o(? AHit(erA ?or Hi&hSchoo( an$ presente$ his report on A$o(? AHit(erA an$ the @ooD Mein 9amp? 5 2anie( ;'cD(ey $i$ this @eca'se =ittorio 0man'e(e or$ere$ his ?ather to or$er him to. P 2'rin& 200E < r'mo'rs @e&an to sprea$ that there were ?ema(es @ein& (ocDe$ in the @asement o? a con$emne$ ,o'n$ry @'i($in& at the en$ o? P(easant St. in :i(ton New Hampshire which is imme$iate(y aro'n$ the corner an$ $own the roa$ ?rom the :i(ton Po(ice 2epartment. A m't'a( acI'aintance o? my se(? an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs to($ me that ,i( re?erre$ to a (ocation 'p the hi(( ?rom the :i(ton Po(ice 2epartment on Shore Hi(( r$ which is a hi(( on the ri%er@anD neFt to the Po(ice 2epartment < this roa$ crosses into 4yn$@oro'&h. I @e(ie%e the n'm@er o? the @'i($in& was 253 it is a sma(( @('e cotta&e on the hi(( o%er(ooDin& the ri%er. I was in?orme$ @y another in$i%i$'a( that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e was 'sin& this (ocation to ?i(m the women whom were @ein& a@'se$ in the @asement o? the ,o'n$ry which was to @e 'se$ as propa&an$a %i$eo Ae%i$enceA o? the Ho'se o? Sa'$Ks a@'se o? American ,ema(es $'rin& the :ar .n 1error an$ what was s'ppose$ to appear to @e the contin'ance o? ;eha%iora( Mo$i?ication 0Fperiments which ha$ @een carrie$ o't 'pon SeF 1ra??icDin& %ictims @y /ichar$ He(ms an$ his A6IS a??i(iate$ 7rimina( Associates $'rin& the NiFon A$ministration. 2'e to the ?act that the H'man =i%isections which were occ'rrin& $'rin& the NiFon A$ministration were the res'(t o? the Ita(ian A6IS &ainin& emp(oyement within the 7.I.A. an$ the A6IS A??i(iate$ .r&ani>e$ 7rime Syn$icate in%o(%e$ in Scienti?ic /esearch an$ H'man =i%isection whom were sti(( a(i%e an$ acti%e @ein& emp(oye$ within the U.S.A. @y H'(i's 0%o(a an$ Ita(ian A6IS a&ents worDin& within the 7.I.A. 5 m'ch o? the reso'rces a((ocate$ to 7IA P/.H071 M9U41/A were o'tso'rce$ to pri%ate (a@oratories 3 hea(thcare ?aci(ities 3 an$ pri%ate researchers < m'ch o? this en$e$ 'p in the han$s o? .r&ani>e$ 7rime in%o(%e$ in SeF 1ra??icDin& an$ H'man 1ra??icDin& in &enera(. P 1he 7'@an Ita(ian man whom has @een preten$in& to @e Hoey Marini has in his possession3 a(tere$ photo&raphs o? what is s'ppose$ to appear to @e Hoey MariniKs ?ami(y. 1he man in the photo&raphs whom is preten$in& to @e HoeyKs ?ather is an Ita(ian. HoeyKs ?ami(y are Sici(ians3 not Ita(ians. 1his 7'@ano $i$ not rea(i>e thay Hoey was Sici(ian an$ not Ita(ian. He wi(( not answer I'estions as to who he is 5 he maintains that he is Hoey an$ that Hoey is Ita(ian. He was wearin& 1ay(a 4aw%erKs @('e I1A4IA hoo$e$ SweatShirt. He is $atin& a woman whom appears to @e the $a'&hter o? the ,acsista Po(ice .??icer in ;oston5 this woman is preten$in& to @e a woman name$ A>aria whom has @een missin&. P It seems $e?inite that Sa%oy re(ate$ ?ami(ies o? the Ho'se o? Aosta ha%e in?i(trate$ the U.S.A. Po(ice ,orce an$ other $epartments within &o%ernment 3 an$ ha%e @een Genoci$a((y 0Fterminatin& (ists o? ci%i(ians 5 assassinatin& ?ami(ies 3 an$ rep(acin& them with in$i%i$'a(s ho($in& their I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s an$ (i%in& in their homes.

P It is %ery pro@a@(e that the corr'pte$ Sa%oy A6IS Po(ice .??icers ha%e @een 'se$ to en?orce the committin& o? Initiation :ar 7rimes @y in$i%i$'a(s o? re(ation to Sa%oy A6IS ,ami(ies 3 these in$i%i$'a(s ha%e @een &rante$ Po(ice Imm'nities in many cases an$ ha%e @een rewar$e$ ?or their committin& o? :ar 7rimes 3 /o@@eries 3 an$ SeF .??enses. I? the Sa%oy A6IS 7rime So($iers re?'se to commit an act 3 it is pro@a@(e that they (ose Po(ice Imm'nities imme$iate(y.

:-: 7ulianna :-: 1"*" 2013 Si(encin& o? Ita(ian an$ Sici(ian ?ami(ies in Ita(ia 3 Sici(ia 3 an$ the USA has contin'e$ a?ter the ?a(( o? the 1hir$ /eich 5 these ?ami(ies @ein& ?ami(ies whom ta(De$ a@o't A$o(? Hit(erKs Sa%oy @(oo$(ine an$ H'(i's 0%o(aKs in%o(%ement in the A6IS as the en&ineer o? the St'rm Un$ 2ran& phases o? i$entity which were inten$e$ to @e phase$ in $'rin& the on&oin& war which was to e%ent'a((y res'(t in an assimi(ate$ cohesi%e Imperia( /oman I$entity amon&st the 'ni?ie$ A6IS nations. 0ntire Sici(ian ?ami(ies were eFterminate$ a?ter the Secon$ :or($ :ar 3 my co'sin H'(iannaKs ?ami(y was eFterminate$ which res'(te$ in her imme$iate ?ami(y 'nit ?(eein& to the USA. H'(iannaKs ?ami(y were Sici(ian Nationa(ists whom were in opposition to the A6IS an$ $esire$ in$epen$ence ?rom the Ita(ian 0mpire. P 2'rin& G'&(ie(moKs rei&n o? terror in the New -orD re&ion3 the @'tcher Dnown on the streets as A2rac'(aA eFterminate$ entire ?ami(ies 'n$er the &'ise that these were reta(iatory inter Ma?ia striDes when in act'a(ity some o? these were A6IS tar&ette$ ?ami(ies. H'(ianna to($ me as a chi($ that H'(i's 0%o(aKs assassins @e&an hirin& Sici(ian Ma?ia to Di(( ?ami(ies in Sici(y ?or the p'rpose o? p'ttin& a Sici(ian ?ace on the :ar 7rime so that the p'rpose o? their si(encin& o? the ?ami(y was ma$e $i??ic'(t to in%esti&ate an$ pro%e 5 H'(iannaKs ?ami(yKs on(y a$%ersaries were the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 3 A$o(? Hit(erKs 0man'e(e ?ami(y an$ the ?ami(y o? H'(i's 0%o(a. 2'rin& the Secon$ :or($ :ar 3 H'(i's 0%o(a was $irect(y in%o(%e$ in m'(tip(e /esearch 2i%isions an$ /esearch 2epartments within the 3r$ /eichKs ranDs 5 m'ch o? this research in%o(%e$ h'man %i%isection an$ other crimes. H'(i's 0%o(a was so $e%io's as to ha%e p'rpose(y ?i((e$ :ewe(s@'r& 7ast(e with a(( o? western 0'ropeKs Apa&anA arti?acts o? 0'ropean Go($en A&e which were precio's to the 1h'(e Society an$ intentiona((y @'rn $own :ewe(s@'r& 7ast(e to p'rpose(y $estroy archaeo(o&ica( e%i$ence o? non /oman 0'ropean c'(t're 5 Heinrich Himm(er was or$ere$ @y H'(i's 0%o(a to $emo(ish an$ @'rn $own :ewe(s@'r& 7ast(e 3 the A/eichSta&A eFc'se was that the An&(o ,ranDic A44I02 ,./70S were comin& to conI'er it < this eFc'se @ein& comp(ete(y a@s'r$ as the arti?acts stores in :ewe(s@'r& 7ast(e were %a('a@(e to @oth ?orces an$ the 1h'(e Society ha$ @oth An&(o Gae(ic an$ ,ranDic mem@ers. * :-: Ohio in the Ne-Hampshire 1e)ia :-: 1he c'rrent Arie( 7astro story in the me$ia seems to mirror what 7esare $i$ in NewHampshire an$ Massach'settes with the eFception that here in NewHampshire 3 7esare (ocDe$ 'p a man whom is possi@(y 1ony Gon>a(e> in his stea$. 1he simi(arities are $o& (eashes @ein& 'se$ 3 Arie( 7astroKs treatment o? the ?ema(es 3 7astroKs 7'@an

herita&e 3 an$ the names o? the ?ema(es 5 Gina 2eHes's S Sheena MacPherson #2eHes's S .? Hes's 3 MacPherson S Son .? the 7hristian Parson) Aman$a ;erry S 7(arissa ;erry an$ her yo'n&er sister a;c ;erry c4A/ISSA Aman$a 2'rin& 200E 3 Sarah 4or$s $isappeare$ ?rom Nash'a NewHampshire. I @e(ie%e that one o? Arie( 7astroKs %ictims was name$ Miche((e 9ni&ht. Hoe 4e;aronKs sister may a(so @e name$ Miche((e. M. 9. are a(so Min$y 9ernKs initia(s. 1wo o? the three %ictims in .hio are o? o@%io's Ita(ian race. 1he assai(ants in New0n&(an$ 3 New -orD 3 .ntario 3 an$ New Hersey are Ita(ian A6IS whom are Ita(ians o? miFe$ Ita(ian race s'ch as ,i( 0man'e(e whom is Ita(ian an$ A'strian an$ 7esare whom is Ita(ian an$ 7'@ano. .? re(e%ance to possi@(e me$ia propa&an$i>in& o? Arie( 7astroKs crimes 5 in New0n&(an$ on te(e%ision an$ in news papers Arie( 7astro was sentence$ to 1000 4i?e Sentences p'@(ica((y in me$ia < the correct an$ tr'th?'( termino(o&y is A4i?e :itho't Paro(eA.

:-: Bilton Ne-Hampshire :-: P .? re(e%ance to :i(ton NH an$ the pro@a@i(ity that ;ren$an P(aceKs te(ephone was @ein& hacD tappe$ @y metho$ o? comm'nications ser%er or wire tappe$ 5 I was to($ @y Hason /o$&ers in 200E that he ha$ hear$ that some@o$y ha$ @een Deepin& a &ir( hosta&e in a @asement in :i(ton which was (ocate$ at the en$ o? P(easant St. in a con$emne$ ,o'n$ry @'i($in& @esi$e the ri%er an$ that @y the time peop(e checDe$ it she was &one an$ there was e%i$ence that some@o$y ha$ @een Dept hosta&e there. I a(so was to($ @y a ?rien$ that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e ha$ access to a ho'se at an a$$ress which is 25 Shorehi(( /$. an$ is (ocate$ imme$iate(y across the ri%er ?rom the con$emne$ ,o'n$ry @'i($in& at the en$ o? P(easant st. on Main st. neFt to the ri%er an$ is imme$iate(y 'p the hi(( ?rom the Po(ice 2epartment on the ri&ht si$e o? the street hea$in& 'phi((. 1his (ocation was $escri@e$ @y ,i( to my ?rien$ as A1his is J'st one o? my ?ami(yKs properties.A 1here are a(so r'mo'rs o? some@o$y @ein& he($ hosta&e at the con$emne$ mansion on ;'rns /$. in Mi(?or$ NewHampshire. ,or many years the :i(ton NewHampshire 7hie? o? Po(ice was my ?atherKs ?rien$ Hoe McG'ire. In 2005 3 Hoe McG'ire was ?ire$ an$ rep(ace$. In 200E < there were a((e&ations that &ir(s were @ein& (ocDe$ in the @asement o? the ?o'n$ry at the en$ o? P(easant St in :i(ton NewHampshire $own the roa$ ?rom the Po(ice 2epartment. ,i( 0man'e(e ha$ access to an apartment 'p the hi(( ?rom the :i(ton Po(ice 2epartment on Shore Hi(( /oa$ 'p the Hi(( imme$iate(y @ehin$ the :i(ton Po(ice 2epartment. :hen asDe$ a@o't the property @y a m't'a( acI'aintance3 ,i( 0man'e(e state$3 it is o? my ?ami(ies propertiesA. Pri%ate In%esti&ators ha%e to($ me that ,i( 0man'e(e ?i(me$ what appeare$ to @e eFtreme @on$a&e porno&raphy in the @asement o? this con$emne$ ?o'n$ry @asement an$ that he a@an$one$ the proJect $'e to the rea(i>ation that the

settin& was an eFtreme(y 'n(iDe(y settin& to 'se ?or ?i(min& what was apparent(y s'ppose$ to @e ;eha%iora( Mo$i?ication 0Fperiments inten$e$ to @e 'se$ as =i$eoGraphic e%i$ence to ?rame some (ater $eci$e$ thir$ party ?or his crimes. My ,atherKs @est ?rien$s Hoe McG'ire an$ ,ran McG'ire were @rothers o? the ?ormer :i(ton 7hie? o? Po(ice ;o@ McG'ire < $'rin& 2005 3 ;o@ was ?ire$ ?rom the :i(ton Po(ice ?orce which was the res'(t o? a possi@(e ?a(se ?(a&&e$ Po(ice In%esti&ation. I @e(ie%e that ;o@ was pro@a@(y a@$'cte$ @y men in Po(ice Uni?orm 3 a?terwar$s to @e rep(ace$ @y an Imposte'r. P 2'rin& 200E < r'mo'rs @e&an to sprea$ that there were ?ema(es @ein& (ocDe$ in the @asement o? a con$emne$ ,o'n$ry @'i($in& at the en$ o? P(easant St. in :i(ton New Hampshire which is imme$iate(y aro'n$ the corner an$ $own the roa$ ?rom the :i(ton Po(ice 2epartment. A m't'a( acI'aintance o? my se(? an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs to($ me that ,i( re?erre$ to a (ocation 'p the hi(( ?rom the :i(ton Po(ice 2epartment on Shore Hi(( r$ which is a hi(( on the ri%er@anD neFt to the Po(ice 2epartment < this roa$ crosses into 4yn$@oro'&h. I @e(ie%e the n'm@er o? the @'i($in& was 253 it is a sma(( @('e cotta&e on the hi(( o%er(ooDin& the ri%er. I was in?orme$ @y another in$i%i$'a( that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e was 'sin& this (ocation to ?i(m the women whom were @ein& a@'se$ in the @asement o? the ,o'n$ry which was to @e 'se$ as propa&an$a %i$eo Ae%i$enceA o? the Ho'se o? Sa'$Ks a@'se o? American ,ema(es $'rin& the :ar .n 1error an$ what was s'ppose$ to appear to @e the contin'ance o? ;eha%iora( Mo$i?ication 0Fperiments which ha$ @een carrie$ o't 'pon SeF 1ra??icDin& %ictims @y /ichar$ He(ms an$ his A6IS a??i(iate$ 7rimina( Associates $'rin& the NiFon A$ministration. 2'e to the ?act that the H'man =i%isections which were occ'rrin& $'rin& the NiFon A$ministration were the res'(t o? the Ita(ian A6IS &ainin& emp(oyement within the 7.I.A. an$ the A6IS A??i(iate$ .r&ani>e$ 7rime Syn$icate in%o(%e$ in Scienti?ic /esearch an$ H'man =i%isection whom were sti(( a(i%e an$ acti%e @ein& emp(oye$ within the U.S.A. @y H'(i's 0%o(a an$ Ita(ian A6IS a&ents worDin& within the 7.I.A. 5 m'ch o? the reso'rces a((ocate$ to 7IA P/.H071 M9U41/A were o'tso'rce$ to pri%ate (a@oratories 3 hea(thcare ?aci(ities 3 an$ pri%ate researchers < m'ch o? this en$e$ 'p in the han$s o? .r&ani>e$ 7rime in%o(%e$ in SeF 1ra??icDin& an$ H'man 1ra??icDin& in &enera(. P ,i( ha$ $eci$e$ in 200* that the Ho'se o? Sa%oy nee$e$ an a(i@i < I am now con?i$ent that =ittorio 0man'e(eKs ?ather was in%o(%e$ $irect(y in H'(i's 0%o(aKs 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate in @oth the North an$ So'th Americas < these in$i%i$'a(s typica((y @ein& re?erre$ to as ,ascistas an$ sometimes as Ma?ia $'e to their in%o(%ement in .r&ani>e$ 7rime s'ch as SeF 1ra??icDin& 3 H'man =i%isection 3 Arms 1ra??icDin& 3 an$ other crimina( enterprises. 1he :ar on 2r'&s in So'th America has (ar&e(y misse$ the tar&et as has the :ar on 1error in the Mi$$(e 0ast $'e to o'r mis'n$erstan$in& o? eFact(y what the epicenter o? the 0nemy ,action is 5 that @ein& the (itera( A6IS. 2'e to this 0nemy ,action @ein& primari(y comprise$ o? Ita(ian an$ Ita(o Hispanic ,ascistas as we(( as .ttoman A6IS 4oya(ists 3 the U.S.A. has ?reI'ent(y tar&ette$ this co%ert networD o? enemies incorrect(y < the misrepresentation o? the A6IS ,action in me$ia as @ein& a Germanic entity has ca'se$ this. 1he core o? the A6IS was ?o'n$e$ @y the 0%o(as o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy whom so'&ht since the ?a(( o? the /oman 0mpire to re@'i($ the /oman 0mpire 3 the A6IS has @een a mo$ern attempt at acc'm'(atin& eno'&h ?orces to maDe this

possi@(e with aims ?or an e%ent'a( attempt at G(o@a( 7onI'est. 2'rin& 2011 5 an imposte'r Min$y 9ern @o'&ht meat at Stop N Shop whi(e I was worDin& at the 2e(i in the Stop N Shop on the @or$er o? ;e$?or$ NewHampshire an$ Manchester NewHampshire. 1his woman was approFimate(y 3 inches ta((er than Min$y an$ was %ery thin3 she was a(so (acDin& o? any Israe(i &enetics 5 Min$y 9ern was Israe(i 3 An&(o Gae(ic American 3 2e'tsche 3 an$ A'strian. 2'rin& 200E5 ,i( si&ne$ Min$yKs note@ooD at some point A,I4A< $'rin& 200E3 Min$y a(so recei%e$ a $eath threat ?rom an anonymo's in$i%i$'a( whom was $e?inite(y ,i(. 1his $eath threat was a (etter that was t'cDe$ into Min$yKs note@ooD whi(e at schoo( at 7hester 7o((e&e in 7hester NewHampshire 5 I @e(ie%e it was $e(i%ere$ @y Anthony /oton$o. ,i( si&ne$ the (etter AP(easant(y -o'rsA. ,i( has a ten$ency to repeat his crimes o@sessi%e(y to the point o? it @ein& o@%io's that it was his psycho(o&y @ehin$ the crimes AP(easantA is a wor$ which has @een seen in n'mero's anonymo's $eath threats to peop(e I ha%e Dnown $'rin& the past " years 3 AMo'nt P(easant ApartmentsA in ;i((ericca is a (ocation which ,i( ha$ 'se$ to ho($ 1ra??icDin& =ictims hosta&e whom he ha$ imp(ante$ with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces 5 0mi(y Is(es ha$ trie$ to ca(( me on a $r'& $ea(er o? ,i(Ks ce(( phone ?rom this (ocation $'rin& 200E when she ca((e$ my ce(( phone whi(e I was worDin& at NewHampshire Precision Meta( ,a@ricators in 4on$on$erry NewHampshire 3 AP(easant StreetA is a(so the street which the ,o'n$ry in :i(ton is at the en$ o?. 1he o($ ?o'n$ry in :i(ton was proporte$(y a (ocation where ,i( 0man'e(e ha$ he($ n'mero's SeF 1ra??icDin& %ictims hosta&e in the @asement. ,i( ha$ access to a cotta&e across the ri%er ?rom the ?o'n$ry which was on a hi(( on a street ca((e$ somethin& (iDe AShore Hi(( /$A3 I @e(ie%e the a$$ress n'm@er o? the cotta&e was R25 5 this (ocation is $irect(y 'p the hi(( an$ neFt to the :i(ton NewHampshite Po(ice 2epartment. 2'rin& 200* 3 my $a$Ks ?rien$ whom was the 7hie? o? Po(ice in :i(ton NewHampshire was ?ire$ an$ rep(ace$ 5 I @e(ie%e that ;o@ McG'ire may ha%e @een rep(ace$ @y an Imposte'r soon a?ter. I worDe$ with ;o@ McG'ire at NewHampshire Precision Meta( ,a@rication $'rin& 200E whi(e I was $atin& Min$y 9ern 5 $'rin& this time it appeare$ that 2on$i McMahon may ha%e @een m'r$ere$ an$ rep(ace$. 2on$i McMahon to($ me whi(e at worD A:hat e%er yo' $o3 $o not &et sicD. 2o not &o to a hospita(. :hat $o yo' $o when the ,ire 2epartment @'rns $ownMA . A(so $'rin& this time 3 the ('nch tr'cD $ri%er sai$ to me A1r'$y ... tr'$y ... tr'$y... ne%er sho'($ ha%e (e?t that /eser%ation.A. * :-: 1anchester Ne-Hampshire :-: - &1ail 1a.o- 1eet -ith $il - 8ittorio - crime rate e@plo)es - BCIs e0er5-here - "ssassins poisoning ci0ilian 0ictims an) la--enforcement as -ell as others - list 0ictims - hospitals corrupte) - 2'"mico + Napolitano + 2ino + Bonano + an) N"1B " Boston somehoconnecte) to &manueles an) - Cesare /2ia*lo/ &) Barren connections

- rapes - police Italian-"GIS + refusing to )o ,o* + pla5ing )um* - Sleeper-"gent Police currentl5 replace) *5 imposteurs - airport controlle) *5 Italian-"GIS + 1anchester staging point for in0asion - Bosnians 0anishe) + Ser*s in 1anchester - Italian-"GIS rapists 88!% to hi)e * :-: Boston 1assachusettes :-: - aura u)-ic.o-s.i + aura -rites "#YN!I%IS on note-car) an) attempts to gi0e -itness statement to Boston Police Malso name of t0 episo)e a*out BCIsN +- tol) #5an + aura + an) 2a0e - Imposteur 8alerie Olson - #5an Har0e5 possi*l5 replace) *5 imposteur * :-: Ne- 7erse5 :-: - list of families targette) an) musicians targette) * :-: Ne-Hampshire Hospital on Clinton Street in Concor) Ne-Hampshire (S" :-: P /o@ert 2esNesnere $i$ not seem to @e a nat'ra( h'man @ein& < he seeme$ $is&'ise$3 possi@(y =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy 2NA M'tate$ 3 an$ possi@(y ha$ a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace in his sD'(( which ma$e his %oice so'n$ $i??erent. P 2r. 4'rhmann ha$ a 2e'tsche s'rname @'t he (ooDe$ GreeD *:-: #umours concerning "n)ers Brei0i. + Kasa* + %imoth5 1c8eigh + 7eff or &ri. Beise :-: - &lectronic 2ata-%ransmitting Surgical Implants * :-: Possi*le Poisonings :-: P In 200!3 I near(y $ie$ ?rom a ?orm o? or&anic poison 5 ;(acD Mo($. ;etween 200E 2008 3 n'mero's ?ema(e %ictims o? this networD in the U.S.A. are reporte$ to ha%e $ie$ o? 1oFicity 5 a physica( state which is typica((y pro$'ce$ @y ?orms o? or&anic poisonin&. .? re(e%ance to the Norwe&ian ?(a& 5 0mi(y Is(es was pen pa(s with =ar& =iDernes whi(e he was in prison in Norway 3 prior to his @ein& rep(ace$ @y n'mero's writers3 internet imposte'rs3 imposte'r m'sicians3 an$ approFimate(y 11 physica( imposte'rs to $ate whom ha%e pose$ in photo&raphs preten$in& to @e 4ars A=ar&A =iDernes. A$am Aries my Mother Peter Stee(e ?eces poisonin& * :-: #o5al $amilies %argette) :-: -:- 8I%%O#IO &1"N(& & IS OBS&SS&2 BI%H 2&S%#OYIN! %H& B#I%ISH 1ON"#CHY -:=ittorio 0man'e(e has ?'n$e$ news me$ia an$ internet me$ia ?or the p'rpose o? $e?amin& the ;ritish Monarchy. Since 200E 3 =ittorio 0man'e(e has ma$e n'mero's attempts to ?rame the ;ritish Monarchy. I @e(ie%e one o? his a&ents poste$ on a @(o& we@site 'sin& the screenname 1H./S;/.1H0/ an$ asserte$ that the ;ritish Monarchy may ha%e /it'a( Sacri?ice$ the woman ?o'n$ $ea$ on the /oya( 0state. 1his womanYs remains were (e?t near the shootin& &ro'n$s. 1he p(acement o? the @o$y near the Hano%ersK 0stateKs tar&et practice &ro'n$s is worth notin& 5 $'rin& 200E 2icD 7heney was acci$ent(y wo'n$e$ $'rin& a h'ntin& session with Geor&e ;'sh an$ 9ar( /o%e. Since =ittorio 0man'e(eYs o@session with the ;'shN7heney a$ministration5 his

psycho(o&y echoes " 11 propa&an$a3 A6IS war crimes3 Henry MaDowYs we@site3 an$ his sta(Din& o? my ?ami(y as we(( as others. =ittorio 0man'e(e has a(so tar&ette$ the Asatr' comm'nity ?or $e?amation an$ e%en in some cases m'r$er. It seems (o&ica( that his Jea(o'sy an$ hatre$ o? the Ho'se o? Hano%er has c'(minate$ in his psychotic patternin&. Since =ittorio 0man'e(eKs an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs a&ent tooD o%er Henry MaDowYs we@site SA=01H0MA40S.7A < there has @een no mention o? A$o(? Hit(er @ein& his &ran$?atherYs ha(? @rother an$ ?i?th co'sin. Since Henry MaDow re%ea(e$ A$o(? ZHit(er\ 0man'e(e to @e ?rom the (ine o? =ittorio 0man'e(e II3 =ittorio 0man'e(e has @een sta(Din& an$ attemptin& to $e?ame the ;ritish Monarchy3 peop(e aro'n$ Me$J'&orJe3 my ?ami(y3 the Asatr' 7omm'nity3 an$ Israe(is (i%in& in the North 0ast re&ion o? North America. =ittorio 0man'e(eYs psycho(o&ica( pro?i(e can @e ?o'n$ within the p(ot o? 2a%i$ IcDeYs3 7hris 0%erar$Ys3 an$ Hon 9in&Ys I44UMINA1I =.4UM0 III 5 MU/20/02 ;- 1H0 M.NA/7H-. 1he Monarch SeF S(a%e networD Henry MaDow an$ my se(? were researchin& 3 which Henry MaDowYs associates ha$ @een in%esti&atin&< is the SeF 1ra??icDin& an$ H'man =i%isection NetworD o? the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icate 5 the ZMonarchs\ @ein& =ittorio an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e as we(( as H'(i's 0%o(a an$ his c'rrent s'ccessors. I @e(ie%e that at one time this networD was 'sin& a speci?ic @'tter?(y tattoo on the (ower @acD to marD their s(a%es3 as we(( as other s'@t(e marDers. 1he @'tter?(y (ooDs to @e @(acD an$ @('e an$ p'rp(e is pro@a@(e to represent the a?ter cocoon sta&e o? ;'tter?(y (ar%a < a?ter the @'tter?(y &rows win&s an$ is no (on&er a worm caterpi((ar 5 @'tter?(ies wrap themse(%es in we@@in&. 1he 0man'e(e SeF 1ra??icDin& 7rime Syn$icate tie 'p woman 3 racD women 3 an$ tort're them ?or ho'rs prior to rapin& them 5 it seems pro@a@(e that this is to terrori>e the ?ema(es into s'@mission so that they $o not resist the SeF 1ra??icDers an$ ?o((ow or$ers (iDe s(a%es. 1he @'tter?(y is the woman whom has @een tort're$ (on& eno'&h that she no (on&er says ANoA 3 no (on&er tries to escape 3 an$ $oes not resist their or$ers an$ $eman$s. 1his has $e?inite(y @een happenin& ?or at (east *0 years an$ this is part o? the $e?inite Mo$'s .peren$i or Mo$e o? .peration o? the SeF 1ra??icDin& 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate which the 0man'e(esK are some o? a sma(( n'm@er o? 7rime 4or$s o? networD o? terrorist crimina(s. 7esare is recor$e$ as statin& to 0$ ,arrachi :arren at ,ami(y 2o((ar in 2005 3 that 7esareKs ?orm o? tort'rin& ?ema(es in%o(%e$ tyin& them 'p with rope an$ tort'rin& an$ rapin& them < 7esare 'se$ M2MA $'rin& his tort're to $esta@i(i>e the womanKs Ne'ro(o&y an$ Psycho(o&y 5 7esare ca((e$ this A@itch trainin&A. 1he networD o? 1errorist 7rimina( SeF 1ra??icDers who a@$'cte$ Samantha G'ay 3 tie$ her 'p an$ tort're$ her ?or ho'rs 5 some o? these tort're sessions were 'p(oa$e$ to the internet $'rin& 200*. 2isp(ayin& the tort're o? these ?ema(es to their (o%e$ ones whi(e they are on the internet @y hacDin& their comp'ter an$ eFposin& it to them is a $e?inite Psycho(o&ica( Mo$'s .peren$i o? the 0man'e(esK 1errorist SeF 1ra??icDin& 7rime Syn$icate. 1his SeF 1ra??icDin& NetworD were crimina( associates o? the terrorist a&ents worDin& within the 7IA ProJect M9U41/A $'rin& the NiFon A$mininstration. 2a%i$ IcDeKs MU/20/02 ;- 1H0 M.NA/7H- is ?i((e$ with Anti Hano%erian propa&an$a that is entire(y resem@(ant o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs psycho(o&y an$ possi@(y may ha%e e%en @een written @y =ittorio himse(? 5 'n(ess 2a%i$ IcDe is one o? the Ne'roScience =i%isection %ictims3 there is no reasona@(e eFp(aination ?or his schi>oi$ propa&an$a other than tota( s'@%ersion @y 0man'e(eKs 1errorist ,action. 1he I44UMINA1US 1/I4.G- a(so shows e%i$ence o? @ein& in?('ence$ @y =ittorio 0man'e(e 5 psych pro?i(in& the p(ot (ine o? the series shows possi@(e in?('ence. 1here eFist other propa&an$a that seem to @e possi@(y ?i((e$ with co$e$ messa&es o? which are most pro@a@(y =ittorio 0man'e(eKs networDKs $oin& 5 these statements (a@e( the ;ritish /oya( ,ami(y AShape Shi?tin& A(iensA as we(( as others. 2'e to mo$ern techno(o&y an$ the recent economic co((apse in the USA < entire ?ami(ies in the USA are on a (ist ?or ?'t're rep(acement @y =ira( =ector Gene 1herapie$

in$i%i$'a(s with 7osmetic S'r&ery 3 this means 1ota( Genoci$e 5 0$ :arren $i$ mention AIn%asion o? the ;o$y SnatchersAan$ $'rin& the a@'ses which were occ'rin& within the 7.IN104P/. o? the USA &o%ernment3 (ists o? entire ?ami(ies were ma$e @y a&ents worDin& within the In%esti&ations an$ Inte((i&ence $epartments o? the USA. =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy ena@(es an a&ent to $is&'ise themse(%es as another race o? person entire(y5 it is possi@(e to m'tate the sDin3 han$s3 nose3 eyes3 hair3 an$ comp(eFion o? an in$i%i$'a( entire(y chan&in& their appearance. 1here are a(so other ways that this networD ha%e o@taine$ (ists o? ?ami(ies s'ch as Socia( NetworDin& :e@Sites3 ran$om s'r&ica( imp(antation o? (on&ran&e ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace $e%ices co'p(e$ with A/G.S G.P.S. impro%ise$ ro'ters3 or a&ents worDin& within Hospita(s or $epartments o? state where copies o? ;irth 7erti?icates are store$. 1he economic co((apse ca'se$ Americans to (ose so m'ch o? their wea(th an$ economic sta@i(ity < $'e to this there is an incre$i@(y (iDe(y pro@a@i(ity o? ?orei&n a&ents @'yin& a(( o? o'r hospita(s3 ?'n$in& their chi($rensK co((e&e a((owin& them to o@tain emp(oyment within &o%ernment ahea$ o? Americans3 ?orei&n a&ents p'rchasin& hea(thcare in$'stry3 p'rchasin& o? science in$'stry an$ (a@oratories3 an$ ?orei&n a&ents p'rchasin& comm'nications an$ entertainment in$'stry 5 these thin&s are eFtreme(y (iDe(y to @e occ'rin&. * &liza*eth Hano0er was in the re&ion an$ stoppe$ in at the Manchester Ma(( o? New Hampshire to @'y a tea. 1here is an airport ?i%e min'tes $own the roa$ ?rom the Ma(( o? New Hampshire in 4on$on$erry. She 'se$ her cre$it car$ at my re&ister5 $'e to this happenin& this is e(ectronica((y %eri?ie$. She @o'&ht an 0n&(ish ;reaD?ast tea. :i((iam an$ 9ate stoppe$ in (ater an$ @o'&ht an ice$ co??ee an$ a @a&e(. 1he 2'nDin 2on'ts that I was worDin& at was owne$ @y the SDri%anos ,ami(y 7orporation. 1here were sec'rity cameras present at the store an$ in the ma((. 1his coinci$e$ with the hacDin& in%o(%in& comp'ters owne$ @y /'pert M'r$och3 who has @een ?rame$ ?or this possi@(y $'e to the ?act that 7(an M'r$och is a here$itary sept o? Clan Chattan as is 7(an MacPherson an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e is hate?'( towar$s me @eca'se I was one o? the ?ew in$i%i$'a(s who rea$ Henry MaDowKs artic(e a@o't the rea( name o? A$o(? AHit(erA 0man'e(e. /'pert M'r$ochKs corporationsK comp'ters were 'se$ to access ce(( phone @'&s imp(ante$ in wa((s in the U93 hacD persona( comp'ters @e(on&in& to the U9 Ho'se o? 4or$s as we(( as the U9 Par(iament3 an$ were a(so 'se$ to hacD comm'nications ser%ers in the U9. 1he Ho'se o? Hano%er were a(so @ein& sta(De$ aro'n$ this time3 I @e(ie%e that this was $'e to the Jea(o'sy o? =ittorio 0man'e(e whom has yet to recin$ his c(aimancy to the 7rown o? the Ita(ian 0mpire an$ @(ames the ;ritish Monarchy ?or part o? his ?ami(iesK c'rrent position in (i?e. As :i((iam an$ 9ate were wa(Din& towar$s my re&ister3 I $roppe$ a s'&ar pacDet an$ Dne(t $own to picD it 'p 5 as I Dne(t3 9ate eFc(aime$ with a @('sh A.h3 he Dnee(e$LA an$ a smi(e. Accor$in& to some so'rces3 :i((iam was $ec(are$ the neFt in (ine ?or the throne a short perio$ o? time (ater than this. =ittorio an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e were certain(y sti(( sta(Din& me aro'n$ this time 5 i? =ittorio an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e witnesse$ this3 it 'n$o'@te$(y in?'riate$ them. It was imme$iate(y a?ter this that the n'mero's re(ate$ internet $e?amation assa'(ts 'pon the U9 ;ritish Monarchy @e&an. - %"#" HI : I#& "N2 : - 1ara Hi(( in Ire(an$ was a sacre$ site < ho(y &ro'n$s 'pon which many roya( (ines were crowne$. 1his site has @een the (ocation o? co'nt(ess re(i&io's rites since the primor$ia( ori&ins o? the is(an$Ks inha@itants < the site o? n'mero's coronations 3 n'mero's namin& ceremonies3 ?'nerary rites were carrie$ o't at

1ara Hi(( as o%er the $eca$es hono're$ so'(s were (ai$ to rest at this (ocation. ,i((i@erto an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e ha%e @een in%estin& their wea(th @y way o? crimina( :ea(th /etainers simi(ar to /oya( /etainers whom /oya(ty o?ten 'se to hi$e some o? their wea(th 5 @e&innin& in 2005 3 1ara Hi(( was tar&ette$ ?or permanant $estr'ction. I? a 9in& or B'een were to e%er @e crowne$ a&ain in Ire(an$ 5 1ara Hi(( wo'($ ha%e @een the site o? this coronation. I @e(ie%e that it is certain witho't any reasona@(e $o'@t that =ittorio 0man'e(e 3 in his Jea(o'sy o? a(( that is no@(e < thro'&h a&ents @oth co%ert an$ o%ert 5 $esire$ to 'se 1ara Hi(( as a cata(yst to $ri%e a ?'rther ri?t @etween the peop(e o? the /ep'@(ic o? Ire(an$ an$ the peop(e o? the Unite$ 9in&$om o? Great ;ritain an$ Northern Ire(an$. A?ter @ein& poisone$ @y a Ma?ia So($ierKs $a'&hter whom ?e$ me ;(acD Mo($ in a co??ee 3 a ra$ioacti%e s'@ ro(( @aste$ with ra$io acti%e io$i>e$ hea%y water3 an$ ha%in& @een (ie$ to at m'(tip(e Hospita(s in New Hampshire concernin& my hea(th 5 I was a&ain poisone$ @y metho$ o? a tainte$ @e%era&e which pro$'ce$ the res'(ts o? my ?eces t'rnin& &reen ?or a month 3 this was $'rin& the month o? Saint PatricDKs 2ay. I @e(ie%e that the p'rpose ?or this was an attempt to pro%oDe an attacD an$ ?ee(in&s o? ?ear?'( $esperation concernin& a paranoi$ Irish /ep'@(ican Army witch h'nt which ne%er occ're$. 1his attacD coinci$e$ %ery c(ose(y with my meetin& some o? the Hano%er ?ami(y 3 whom I ha$ so($ a tea an$ a co??ee to n'mero's times at 2'nDin 2on'ts at the Ma(( o? NewHampshire in Manchester NewHampshire. I ser%e$ 0(i>a@eth Hano%er an 0n&(ish ;reaD?ast tea an$ a ;('e@erry Scone twice 3 as we(( as $i$ I ser%er :i((iam Hano%er an$ 9ate Hano%er a 4ar&e Ice$ 7o??ee as we(( as a ;a&e( once 5 this was act'a((y recor$e$ on camera as we(( as was it recor$e$ @y the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace which is in my @rain an$ has @een transmittin& @y way o? internet. A 4ar&e 2'nDin 2on'ts ice$ co??ee c'p is what was 'se$ to ?ee$ me ;(acD Mo($ in a co??ee which was s'ppose$ to @e 2'nDin 2on'ts co??ee @'t t'rne$ o't to @e MaFwe(( Ho'se 7o??ee. A?ter @ein& poisone$ with @(acD mo($ 5 an 0(i>a@eth Hano%er imposte'r whom (ooDe$ nothin& (iDe 0(i>a@eth Hano%er at short $istance 3 %isite$ me in a psychiatric war$ (ocate$ on a roa$ which is on Amherst St. in Nash'a NewHampshire. A?ter the imposte'r 0(i>a@eth Hano%er %isite$ an$ intro$'ce herse(? as A0(i>a@eth 1'$orA who was Araise$ a 7atho(ic an$ is an 0piscopa(ianA 5 I was acc'se$ o? @ein& I./.A. @y a man whom wrote I./.A. on my (ocDer. Soon a?ter this 3 2a%i$ IcDe an$ others p'@(ishe$ a propa&an$a piece which was tit(e$ AM'r$ere$ ;y the MonarchyA 5 a(so3 Henry MaDowKs comman$eere$ we@site contin'e$ p'@(ishin& artic(es c(aimin& that A$o(? Hit(er was ;ritish. =ittorio 0man'e(e or$ere$ these hits himse(? 5 since at (east 200* 3 =ittorio 0man'e(e hates the ;ritish /oya( ,ami(y an$ has @een attemptin& to insti&ate war ?are an$ inter racia( stri?e @etween Irish an$ ;ritish pop'(ations @y way o? internet an$ ?a(se ?(a&&e$ attacDs. In 200E 5 it was reporte$ @y n'mero's Irish peop(e that men o? an 0astern 0'ropean appearance were seen ?(eein& ?rom the site o? the (ast @om@in& that ha$ @een attri@'te$ to the I./.A. 3 this was $isc'sse$ on the internet an$ is permanant(y recor$e$. .n a warrant re(ate$ to e%i$ence (inDe$ to a ce(( phone3 an Irish man was arreste$ in connection to this attacD. It was (ater ?o'n$ that this man was not &'i(ty an$ he was re(ease$ ?rom a prison in 0n&(an$. 7e(( phone e%i$ence can easi(y @e ?or&e$ @y way o? hacDin& comm'nications tower ser%ers3 corporate comm'nications ser%ers3 an$ crimina( a(teration o? $ata @y a co%ert a&ent emp(oye$ within a comm'nications corporation. I

@e(ie%e it pro@a@(e that this attacD was a ?a(se ?(a&&e$ A6IS operation in%o(%in& =ittorio 0man'e(eKs Ita(ian A6IS an$ ;a(tic A6IS ,actions whom ha$ J'st recent(y ret'rne$ to :estern 0'rope ?rom operations in /'ssia which ha$ reI'ire$ them to =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy their ?aces. 2a%i$ IcDeKs we@site has @een ?reI'ent(y p'@(ishin& propa&an$a an$ cyphere$ comm'nications concernin& AShape Shi?tin& A(iensA whom are AMicrochippin& Peop(esK ;rains.A an$ ens(a%in& h'manity. 0(i>a@eth Hano%er3 MarD C'cDer@er&3 Geor&e ;'sh3 an$ 2icD 7heney 5 were a(( (iste$ on 2a%i$ IcDeKs a(ien propa&an$a as @ein& AShape Shi?tin& /epti(e A(iensA. 2a%i$ IcDe is pro@a@(y an A6IS a&ent. 1he poisonin& attacD which pro$'ce$ &reen ?eces coinci$e$ with not on(y Saint PatricDKs 2ay @'t a(so the @'(( $o>in& o? the Hi(( o? 1ara. A(so tar&ette$ in re(ation to this attacD are the Norwe&ians whom I was in contact with $'rin& 200E 200" as we(( as the Norwe&ian Monarchy. 7ami((a ,(atenKs ;('tUn$;o$en.7om Acco'nt was hacDe$ an$ a Green SwastiDa ?(a& was poste$ on her acco'nt. 7ami((a ,(aten was my internet penpa( in Norway. 7ami((a ,(atenKs ?ace@ooD acco'nt has @een hacDe$ n'mero's times as has her @rotherKs 3 Arnt> ,(aten. 7ami((a ,(aten is a $e?inite tar&et o? this ?action whom are most pro@a@(y &oin& to attempt to a@$'ct her. A?ter the An$ers ;rei%iD attacD in Norway 3 an attacD which I @e(ie%e was the res'(t o? An$ersK @ein& S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace an$ pi(ote$ to &enoci$a((y assa'(t his own peop(e 5 the 9in& o? NorwayKs ?ace was poste$ n'mero's times an$ ta&&e$ as AAn$ers ;rei%iDA. N'mero's o? these photos were retrie%a@(e @y Goo&(e Ima&e Search $'rin& 2010 2013 5 one o? these was the 9in& o? NorwayKs ?ace on the @o$y o? a Hewish man whom ha$ @een wearin& a @('e tactica( wet s'it an$ ho($in& a sniper ri?(e3 this Hewish man ha$ @een a MySpace ?rien$ o? my ?rien$ ;ren$an P(ace $'rin& 200*. Another o? these ?aDe$ photo&raphs was possi@(y a photo&raph o? the 9in& o? Norway weain& a Masonic S'it an$ Apron o? the ,reeMasons or was possi@(y his hea$ on a ,reeMasonKs photo&raph. My Great Gran$?ather A(@ert MacPherson was a 32o Scottish /ite ,reeMason < $'rin& 200!3 a?ter =ittorio 0man'e(e or$ere$ a Ma?ia So($ier to ha%e his $a'&hter poison me with ;(acD Mo($ 5 I attempte$ to emai( n'mero's (etters to ,reeMasons $'rin& the time when the (oca( hospita(s were re?'sin& to $ia&nose my i((ness. 1hese hospita(s ha%e @een p'rchase$ @y =ittorio 0man'e(eKs :ea(th /etainers an$ this re&ion has @een ?(oo$e$ with his 1errorist 7rimina( Syn$icateKs so($iers. Intimi$ation has @een 'se$ to @'((y %ario's nations into wi((in&(y Joinin& the 0'ropean Union 5 an e%ent'a( nation state p(anne$ @y the pre$ecessors o? ,i((i@erto an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e 3 the 0man'e(e an$ 0%o(a ?ami(ies which attempte$ to c(aim a(( o? this territory ?or their crown. 2'e to their re?'sa( to s'@mit to a@so('te 'ni?ication3 the U9 an$ Norway ha%e @oth @een tar&ette$ @y the 0man'e(e 0%o(a syn$icate. 7o%ert a&ents ha%e en&a&e$ in acts o? terrorism3 sa@ota&e3 assassination3 an$ s'@%ersion ?or the p'rpose o? e%ent'a((y ?orcin& 'ni?ication o? state 'pon the peop(es o? the U9 an$ Norway 5 this is the same co%ert ?action that ha$ pre%io's(y tar&ette$ @oth Ire(an$ an$ 2enmarD ?or reason o? their re('ctancy to Join the 0'ropean Union. ,omentation o? war?are @etween two opponents is an ancient /oman :ar?are tactic ca((e$ 2I=I20 AN2 7.NBU0/ 5 ?omentation o? war?are @etween Ire(an$ an$ the U9 co'($ @e achei%e$ @y a thir$ party 'sin& metho$ica( ?a(se ?(a&&in& o? a terrorist attacD ?or the p'rpose o? pro%oDin& possi@(e

reta(iatory striDes a&ainst the percei%e$ assai(ant @y the %ictims. Historica((y3 since the $ays o? .(i%er 7romwe(( 5 re(ations @etween m'(tip(e pop'(ations on the is(an$ o? Ire(an$ ha%e eFperience$ perio$s o? con?(ict res'(tin& in Ire(an$Ks $ec(aration o? in$epen$ence ?rom the U9. I @e(ie%e that these a&ents3 seen r'nnin& ?rom the scene o? the attacD in U(ster 5 were most (iDe(y to ha%e @een a&ents o? the 0man'e(e 0%o(a syn$icate. 1hro'&h the pen an$ inD o? 2a%i$ IcDe3 the $emo(ition eI'ipment hea$e$ towar$ 1ara Hi((3 an$ ?a(se ?(a&&e$ terrorist attacDs 5 =ittorio 0man'e(e has shown his han$ thro'&h attempts to $estroy Ire(an$ an$ the U9 @oth. I @e(ie%e his c'rrent &oa( is to $e?ame an$ $estroy the ;ritish Monarchy 3 e%ent'a((y p'ttin& a ;ritish ?ace on the assai(antsK in a manner simi(ar to the -astielle Da/ of the French Revolution. ,or reaso o? their sta(wart in$epen$ence3 the Norwe&ians an$ the Monarchy o? Norway are $e?inite(y %iewe$ @y =ittorio 0man'e(e as his a@so('te a$%ersary. 0I'a((y his a$%ersary 3 the possi@i(ity o? an Ire(an$ a((ie$ to the U9 5 with an Irish monarchy new(y crowne$ at 1ara Hi((. 1his Ire(an$ wo'($ remain sta(wart in their resistance to the eFpansion o? the crown o? Sa%oy3 sho'($ =ittorio 0man'e(e rec(aim the throne o? Ita(ia an$ attempt to ?orce 'ni?ication 'pon 0'rope. Ire(an$3 Norway3 the U93 an$ 2enmarD wo'($ certain(y stan$ their &ro'n$ in resistance to the a$%ances o? the A6IS 0mpire which =ittorio 0man'e(e3 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e3 an$ the Ita(ian A6IS ,action ha%e p(anne$. I @e(ie%e that =ittorio seeDs to permanant(y $estroy any /oya( ,ami(y or Aristocracy whom re?'se to s'@mit to his 1errorist ,actions &(o@a(ist eFtremism. *15 email to "lan "0erill of the *an) Primor)ial - In late ;==F : I emai(e$ A(an A%eri(( on 3 asDin& him a@o't 1ara Hi((. As I ha%e mentione$ prior to this5 at this time3 my comp'ter was @ein& hacDe$ ?reI'ent(y. 2a%i$ IcDeKs mentionin& o? Ashape shi?tin& a(iensA an$ Ashape shi?tin& $opp(e&an&ersA in%o(%in& microchippin& an$ the ;ritish Monarchy @e&an $'rin& 200!. A?ter I ha$ @een poisone$ @y the MA,IA 3 which was most certain(y at the @ehest o? ,i((i@erto an$ =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e 5 I went to the So'thern /e&iona( New Hampshire Me$ica( 7enter in or$er to checD in to a psychiatric hea(thcare ?aci(ity. :hi(e waitin& in the 0./. ?or the n'rse to checD my %ita( si&ns < a n'rse approache$ me with the intention o? $rawin& @(oo$. 1he nee$(e that he 'se$ was an enormo's nee$(e with a p('n&er that was presse$ in with the th'm@ in or$er to $raw @(oo$. It (ooDe$ %ery m'ch (iDe the hypo$ermic nee$(e in the photo&raph with the 8erichip sticDin& o't o? it that ha$ @een circ'(atin& on the internet3 eFcept that it was m'ch (ar&er. 1he n'rse was o@%io's(y @ein& 'se$ as a PS- :A/ a&ent ?or reason o? his appearance 5 a(tho'&h ta((er an$ (anDier 3 the n'rse was ha(? &ae(ic an$ ha$ a simi(ar appearance to A(an A%eri((. He (ooDe$ to @e possi@(y Ita(ian3 An&(o SaFon3 an$ Gae(ic. :hi(e he was (ea%in& the room3 the n'rse (eane$ on his Dnee an$ pose$ (iDe he was posin& ?or a rocD @an$ photo&raph. A?ter this3 whi(e at the psychiatric ?aci(ity on Amherst street in Nash'a New Hampshire USA 5 an imposte'r A0(i>a@eth Hano%erA was a$mitte$ entry an$ sat neFt to me $'rin& a &ro'p session. 2'rin& the &ro'p session5 we were asDe$ to state o'r names3 the re(i&ion we were raise$ as3 an$ the re(i&ion we o@ser%e$ c'rrent(y. 1he ?aDe 0(i>a@eth 3 whom was wearin& my sisterKs @('e hat3 state$ 5 AMy name is 0(i>a@eth 1'$or3 I was raise$ a 7atho(ic an$ I am an 0piscopa(ian.A < my t'rn was neFt $'rin& which I state$ 3 AMy name is Ian MacPherson3 I was raise$ a

7atho(ic3 an$ my re(i&ion is Asatr'.A . At the en$ o? the weeD3 as I was (e$ to a (ocDer where my @oots an$ @e(t were Dept 5 the A7hap(ainA @ro'&ht me to a (ocDer which sai$ I/A on it. 1his is o? re(e%ancy $'e to the o@%io's terrorist nat're o? this an$ the o@%io's ?act that I mentione$ to A(an that the @'(($o>in& o? 1ara Hi(( may ha%e @een re(ate$ to somethin& in%o(%in& an I/A attacD. 1he 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icate are o@%io's(y responsi@(e ?or 5 the (ast U(ster @om@in& as we(( as the hacDin& o? comm'nications ser%ers in%o(%in& ce(( phones which were 'se$ to sta(D the ;ritish Monarchy 3 sta(D the Ho'se o? 4or$s3 an$ attempt to ?rame /'port M'r$och o? 7(an 7hattan o? which the 7hie?tan is a 9ni&ht < Sir :i((iam o? 7('ny MacPherson. =ittorio 0man'e(eKs &'i(ty conscience in%o(%in& the ?a(se ?(a& @om@in&3 my @rie?(y ser%in& 0(i>a@eth Hano%er a scone an$ a tea which was recor$e$ @y camera at 2'nDin 2on'ts when she eFc(aime$ A.h3 what a nice yo'n& &ent(emanLA 3 =ittorio 0man'e(e sta(Din& the ;ritish Monarchy an$ ?ramin& /'pert M'r$och o? 7(an 7hattan3 the 0man'e(e 0%o(a crime syn$icate Di$nappin& 7he(sey /ain MacPherson an$ swappin& her with another %ictim a?ter para$in& her thro'&h the ma(( $resse$ as a ;osnian rin& @earer at a we$$in&3 =ittorio 0man'e(eKs hacDers a@'sin& comm'nications an$ entertainment networDs 5 a(( o? =ittorio 0man'e(eKs &'i(t has @een eFpresse$ thro'&h the pen an$ inD o? 2a%i$ IcDe3 7ha$ 9ister3 the 0man'e(e 0%o(a Syn$icateKs comman$eerin& o? Henry MaDowKs we@site3 an$ thro'&h the wor$s an$ actions o? other H'man =i%isection %ictims as we(( as 0man'e(eKs accomp(ices. * :-: 1orges (se) for Co0ert-2isposal of Corpses an) #emo0al of BrainComputer-Interfaces :-: 1he mor&es in the North 0ast re&ion o? the U.S.A. ha%e $e?inite(y @een 'se$ @y the Genoci$a( G(o@a( 1errorist .r&ani>ation that has S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces in the crani'ms o? the pop'(ations in the re&ion o? the North 0ast o? the U.S.A. . ,or p'rpose o? remo%a( o? a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 3 a(( that is necessary is ?or the Mor&e A'topsy S'r&eon to ha%e a ?ema(e assistant who is S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace an$ is a SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim to assist him with the co%ert remo%a( o? the 0(ectronic S'r&ica( Imp(ants 5 otherwise 3 at (east two ma(es whom are worDin& ?or the Ita(ia Sa%oy A6IS wo'($ @e nee$e$ ?or this tasD. It is important to remem@er that the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces ha%e @een S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ in Hospita( Patients in Psychiatric Hospita(s an$ that occaisiona((y SeF .??en$ers (i%e in these hospita(s @rie?(y imme$iate(y a?ter @ein& re(ease$ ?rom Prison ?or their crimes. ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces can @e 'se$ to contro( a H'man @o$y as i? it is a /o@ot 3 e??ecti%e(y this maDes it an or&anic ro@ot 5 these %ictims can @e 'se$ as /o@otic S'r&eons. 1he remo%a( o? the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces ?rom the crani'ms o? the %ictimsK prior to $iscernin& 7a'se o? 2eath 3 i? necessary 5 is ?or the p'rpose o? hi$in& Assassination 3 Genoci$e 3 an$ H'man =i%isection. 1he emp(oyment position as Mor&e S'r&eon is a 'se?'( position ?or a Genoci$a( G(o@a( 1errorist .r&ani>ation 3 ?or reason that it ena@(es the G(o@a( 1errorist .r&ani>ation to hi$e the 7a'se o? 2eath @y metho$ o? (yin& on paperworD. 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e p'rchase$ n'mero's Hospita(s in the re&ion o? the U.S.A. .

P 5 5 SA=.- 7.MMUNI7A1I.NS S0/=0/ 7.MPU10/ 7.PI02 2A1A 5 5 1he Ho'se o? Sa%oy ha%e @'i(t thir own Impro%ise$ Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 7omp'ters in North America 5 they ha%e @een payin& Ser%er Maintainance 1echnicians who worD ?or 7omm'nications an$ 0ntertainment coporations 3 to 'se 0(ectronic ,orensic So?tware to copy the entire contents o? Ser%er 7omp'ters $'rin& maintainance at p(aces s'ch as 7omcast Hea$I'arters 3 =eri>on 3 an$ ,air Point 7omm'nications 5 an$ Deep entire years worth o? 7omm'nictions 2ata copie$ on 2ata Ser%ers @e(onin& to the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e a$mitte$ this $'rin& the year 200E. * :-: 1irrors + "*use + 1e)usa + 1anchester :-: * 2'rin& 200* 3 0$ :arren met =ittorio 0man'e(e ?or $inner at PappyKs Pi>>a on 0(m Street in Manchester NewHampshire. I @e(ie%e on this ni&ht they ma$e p(ans to a@$'ct Samantha ;ernstein an$ ha$ stoo$ o'tsi$e the 7iti>ens ;anD on 0(m Street in Manchester NewHampshire where Samantha ;ernstein ha$ @een worDin& $'rin& 200*. =ittorio ha$ commente$ 'pon the tower across the street3 c(aimin& that it (ooDe$ (iDe a :a(t 2isney Mo%ie 7ast(e 1ower an$ that it m'st @e the Hewish American PrincessKs Pa(ace. PappyKs Pi>>a is neFt to a @'i($in& 'pon the roo? o? which is an o($ si&n that says A7in$ere((a Mo$e(in& St'$ioA an$ one @(ocD $own the roa$ on the opposite si$e o? ;rooD Street. 2'rin& 2008 < the @(in$ woman whom was tryin& to maDe contact with me who ha$ I @een to($ was 0mi(y Is(es that ha$ @een (e?t with ,ranchesca Gon>a(e>Ks I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s s'ppose$(y ha$ (i%e$ in this 7in$ere((a @'i($in& @rie?(y a?ter she s'r%i%e$ @ein& @(in$e$ an$ thrown o't o? a @oF shape$ %an that ha$ (e?t her in the :a(mart parDin& (ot in HooDsett NewHampshire. 1he @'i($in& neFt to the 7in$ere((a @'i($in& is now ca((e$ the 1irre(( Ho'se. 2'rin& 200* 5 0mi(y Is(es an$ I ha$ @een p(ayin& Ne%erwinter Ni&hts on the internet an$ my character was name$ 1Kre(( an$ 0mi(yKs was 0mi(y. in mirrors 3 ta(Din& to %ictims to scare them mirrors 'se$ to seF'a((y a@'se %ictims an$ watch thro'&h eye 7(ash o? the 1itans 3 me$'sa perse's 3 =ittorio HacD AI $i$ not $o this to yo'LA Manchester SeF 1ra??icDin& Princesses 3 Nina Hansen an$ 0mi(y McPherson Ahi&hschoo( &othic princessesA Nina met Aaron when she was yo'n&er an$ possi@(y ,i( P 5 5 MA/IHUANA 7HA/G0S 5 5 2'rin& the year 200* < Geor&e 7atsopo(o's was acc'se$ o? ha%in& SeF .??ense char&es on his recor$ an$ was ca((e$ a Pe$ophi(e whi(e at worD @y a c'stomer who was shoppin& at the store. 2'rin& the year 2005 < ;o@ McG'ire was arreste$ ?or s'ppose$ Possession o? MariJ'ana an$ ?ire$ ?rom his position as :i(ton 7hie? o? Po(ice. He seems to ha%e @een possi@(y rep(ace$ @y an imposte'r since this time. He was a(so acc'se$ o? ha%in& @een a@'si%e towar$s his wi?e 3 ?or which no char&es were ?i(e$. 2'rin& the year 200E 3 n'mero's peop(e ha%e reporte$ that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e was ho($in& hosta&es in the ,o'n$ry ;asement in :i(ton NewHampshire an$ that he was ?reI'ent(y stayin& at a cotta&e on the hi(( at Shorehi(( 2ri%e across the ri%er ?rom the con$emne$ ,o'n$ry in :i(ton which is near the Po(ice 2epartment. 1he :i(ton Po(ice ,orce was rep(ace$ in the

year 2005 3 200E 3 an$ 200!. 2'rin& the year 1"88 3 my ,ather worDe$ in a ,o'n$ry with two men o? the McG'ire ,ami(y. 2'rin& the year 200! < the imposte'r o? Me&an McG'ire 3 to($ me that she ha$ no crimina( recor$ eFcept ?or a MariJ'ana 7har&e. She attempte$ to en(ist in the Mi(itary with the ?act'a( Me&an McG'ireKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s an$ to($ a recr'iter that she ha$ no crimina( recor$ eFcept ?or a MariJ'ana 7har&e. 7hrist 1homas 3 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e 3 an$ ,i(Ks @est ?rien$ Hason 5 ha%e so($ peop(e MariJ'ana on n'mero's occaisions which they ha%e intentiona((y $'ste$ an$ %apor coate$ with 2isassociati%e 2r'& which ca'ses the smoDer to 2isassociate comp(ete(y an$ A@(acD o'tA. 2'rin& the year 2005 or 200E < A@@ey 0t(in&er an$ 0riDa ,ein&o($ 3 who ha$ @een m'tate$ to (ooD simi(ar to M'(attos in comp(eFion an$ hair 5 were 'n(aw?'((y arreste$ @y Manchester Po(ice 2epartment who 'se$ a =an to arrest them 3 with acc'sations that they were A;oth wante$ on o'tstan$in& warrant ?or MariJ'ana 7har&esA there were n'mero's witnesses. P 5 5 1he ;(in$in& o? @ea'ti?'( women as an initiation crime o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the Ita(ian A6IS 5 5 1he ;ra%erman 1erry .0I 0ye Associates Si&n in San Antonio 106AS. A0 I 0 I .A +.($ Mac2ona($8 0mi(y Is(es 3 0mi(y MacPherson 3 A0Fce((ence in 0ye 7are. 4aser 7enter. .c'(ar S'r&ery. .ptica( 2ispensary. ;0/NS10IN 4A: .,,I70 . San Antonio 1eFas. Samantha ;ernstein. /o@ 2KAn&e(oKs o($ car possi@(y so($ to imposte'r worDin& at San Antonio 1eFas ;0/NS10IN 4A: .,,I70. SIGN AMe$ina .c'(ar Ser%iceA G.420N0 M02INA CI.NISM. P 5 5 SA=.- P4ANS 1. ASSASSINA10 0N1I/0 /A70S 5 5 /o@ 2KAn&e(o eFp(aine$ to some@o$y 'sin& a chess @oar$ 3 the concept o? the entire team o? 7hess Pieces @ein& in%isi@(e assassins that can taDe any piece an$ are not %isi@(e 'nti( they ha%e a(( str'cD. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs @rother 2anie( Hames mentione$ this to Me&an McG'ireKs imposte'r $'rin& the year 200!. * :-: Statements coming out of Brain-Computer-Interface NeuroScience Human-8i0isection 8ictims' mouths that the &manueles ma)e in the past 4 actions *eing committe) -hich are the e@act same as actions -hich the &manueles committe) in the past :-: P An$rew 2o'&(as whi(e $ri%in& his car in Manchester NewHampshire state$ in the presense o? my se(? 3 Hoey Marini 3 2onato Genti(e 3 an$ ,re$$ie :eise 5 AIKm a@o't to @e a Mo'ntain o? ;roDe ;acDLA this was state$ on So'th :i((ow Street in the same (ocation that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e ha$ state$ that his ?ather ha$ sai$ this to him whi(e they were on the Mo@i(e 7e(('(ar 1e(ephone. P An$rew 2o'&(as state$ whi(e $ri%in& $own 0(m Street AIKm a &one &et me a ;ho Ho;LA as a JoDe re?erence to ?e(atio. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs ?ather ca((s ?e(atio a A;ho Ho@%iA to so'n$ simi(ar to the name o? the m'sician A;on Ho%iA when he JoDin&(y re?ers to A@(ow Jo@sA. 2'rin& 200* 3 Sahn$ra St..n&e an$ my se(? were recor$e$ @y the

0man'e(eKs comp'ter hacDers in the mi$st o? mocDin& an$ maDin& JoDes a@o't a man name$ 2ana Um@ro ?or ha%in& a speech impe$iment an$ not e%en @ein& a@(e to prono'nce his own Nationa(ityKs name 5 2ana prono'nces 4Ks (iDe -Ks. .'r JoDe @ecame A;yo Ho@LA A;ho Ho@LA AIKm &oin& to &et me a ;ho Ho@LA. ;H. is ;aracD H'ssein .@amaKs initia(s. H.; is H.e ;i$enKs initia(s near(y. HoDe re?erences ha%e @een o%erhear$ @ein& ma$e a@o't this. .n one occaision $'rin& 200* 5 Sahn$ra St. .n&e A.4 Instant Messa&e$ me an$ sai$ he((o 3 to which I rep(ie$ A;ho Ho;LA which ma$e Sahn$ra (a'&h an$ say A;ho Ho@eeA Cach 7onaway screamin& A;roDe @acD Mo'ntain ,aceLA an$ the 2005 =i$eoGame ;U44S'mmer statin& A1hese are $o& ?eetA 3 son& AMy @rother an$ my sistersA thanDs&i%in& An$rew 2o'&(as A;ho Ho@A mo'th mo%in& on itKs own 3 apparent(y ha$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace in his sD'(( Hoey Marini @reaDs ?oot DicDin& rocD an$ tree $'rin& ?it o? an&er A ?ate so c'rse$ that e%en rocDs attacD yo'A 3 same inJ'ry an$ metho$ o? inJ'ry that ,i( s'staine$ in 200* P 5 5 Meetin& the 0man'e(es 1ime(ine 5 5 1"8E =ittorio 0man'e(eK son 3 7hris 1homas came campin& with my ?ami(y. He Dnew my 'nc(e A( Io$ice. 1"8! =ittorio 0man'e(eKs son 3 7hris 1homas came campin& with my ?ami(y. He Dnew my 'nc(e A( Io$ice. 1"88 7hris 1homas atten$e$ my ?ami(yKs Ha((oween Party in 1"88. He poisone$ the a$'(ts with $r'&s 'neFpecte$(y < p'ttin& $isassociati%es in the MariJ'ana an$ P'nch ;ow( 3 an$ poisonin& HacD 2ionKs @eer with se$ati%es. 7hris 1homas chi($ porno&raphe$ my se(? an$ HacD 2ionKs $a'&hter 7hristine 2ion as we(( as my co'sins with Samantha G'ay3 an$ possi@(y tooD a pict're o? his ?in&ers insi$e o? my in?ant sister. 1"8" 2'rin& the s'mmer 3 I met 7hris 1homas an$ he &a%e me a Dni?e. 4ater that weeD 3 7hris 1homas or an o($er @rother o? his who (ooDe$ simi(ar an$ was wearin& the same re$ hoo$e$ sweatshirt %isite$ my 'nc(e A( Io$ice whi(e he was at my ho'se an$ to($ me that his name was A9ris with a 9 ?rom 9ent'cDy.A 1""* :hi(e %isitin& my co'sins in A((enstown 3 we met ,i( an$ 2.H. an$ Aaron . 1""5 :hi(e %isitin& my co'sins in ;arnstea$ 3 we met ,i( an$ 2.H. an$ Aaron . :hi(e on %acation with 7hris /o$onKs ?ami(y in either Massach'settes or New-orD 3 7hrisKs ?ather /o@ /o$on intro$'ce$ 's to =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e who was at the @ar in the Hote(. 0$ :arren an$ ;r'ce may ha%e @een in the @ar with =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e. 1he ni&ht @e?ore this 5 the /o$on ,ami(y 3 my se(? 3 the ;an&s ,ami(y 3 an$ one other ?ami(y atten$e$ some Din$ o? per?ormance which may ha%e possi@(y @een a m'sica( per?ormance o? A(a$$in. It is possi@(e that a sma(( n'm@er o? the 0man'e(e ,ami(y were present. 4ater that ni&ht 3 /o@ert /o$on met with the Ho'se o? Sa%oy an$ the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen somep(ace near this Hote( in what was either New-orD or Massach'settes 5 which was pro@a@(y New-orD. 1here were others present inc('$in& an I@nSa'$ 3 there were other A6IS ,ami(ies present. It is possi@(e that some o? the p(ans ?or the " 11 1errorist AttacD 3 assassins which occ'rre$ @e?ore an$ a?terwar$s 3 an$ the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace AttacDs were p(anne$ this e%enin&. 7hris /o$on an$ my se(?

p(aye$ the 2r'nD 2ri%er 7ar$ Game3 UN.3 an$ Strate&o most o? the Dni&ht. 1""E Mastrico(a Mi$$(e Schoo( 3 Sa(%o (et =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ ,i( 0man'e(e into Sat'r$ay 2etention whi(e my &ir(?rien$ 2anie((e 7'shman was in Sat'r$ay 2etention. ,i( an$ Mosta?a %isite$ ;ea' SDinnerKs an$ Am@er SDinnerKs o($er sister at E* ;ean /oa$ MerrimacD NewHampshire whi(e their mother An&ie was there < An&ie SDinner intro$'ce$ me to ,i( an$ Mosta?a I@nSa'$. /o@ert /o$on intro$'ce$ me to =ittorioA=ictorA0man'e(e whi(e I was with his sons an$ their parents at the Ma(( o? NewHampshire in Manchester NewHampshire. 7hris /o$on an$ my se(? met =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e whi(e worDin& ?or a ;('es ,esti%a( with 7hrisKs mother 4ynn /o$on. 1""! :hi(e at the &rocery store with the /o$ons 3 /o@ intro$'ce$ my se(? to the 7hristiano an$ reintro$'ce$ his sons to the 7hristiano ?ami(y whom they ha$ a(rea$y met. I met =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e ?or the thir$ time3 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e ?or the thir$ time3 an$ Mosta?a I@nSa'$ $'rin& =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(eKs @irth$ay at Pen'cheKs in North An$o%er Massach'settes < which the /o$ons ha$ @een in%ite$ to an$ A7hrisKs @est ?rien$ Ian MacPherson3 an$ Matthew can @rin& a ?rien$ too.A /o@ $i$nKt in?orm me that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e is he Din& o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy. 1""" :hi(e with 7orey 2ai(ey in Massach'settes 3 7orey intro$'ce$ me to ,i(. 2000 :hi(e with Nina Hansen an$ Hason He??rey in Mar(@oro Massach'settes 3 ,i( 0man'e(e &ot into HasonKs car an$ threatene$ Nina Hansen < Mosta?a I@nSa'$ ye((e$ at ,i( A,i( 3 yo' are a sicD ?reaD. Stay away ?rom the (itt(e &ir(.A . :hi(e with Matt ;e('ar$o 3 I was intro$'ce$ to 2anie( A2.H.A Hames whi(e at A&way in Sa(is@'ry NewHampshire. 2001 :hi(e with 2anie((e 4e;(anc an$ 7ait(in B'inn at the ,oF@oro Massach'settes Ma(( 3 I was intro$'ce$ to 1ony Grasseti. :hi(e at 2anie((e 4e;(ancKs @oy?rien$ 2a%e Marsha((Ks ho'se 3 2anie((e an$ 2a%e $isc'sse$ with me that ,i( 0man'e(e ha$ rape$ 2anie((e. 2002 :hi(e at 2anie((e 4e;(ancKs ho'se in :o@'rn Massach'settes 3 2anie((e (ooDe$ o't the win$ow as a car $ro%e @y < ner%o's that it may ha%e @een ,i( 0man'e(e an$ si&he$ in re(ie? that it was not. Apparent(y3 ,i( ha$ sti(( @een rapin& her perio$ica((y an$ ha$ &one 'narreste$. 200* I met ,i(3 2.H.3 Aaron3 an$ 1ony n'mero's times 5 /ye NewHampshire 3 Hampton NewHampshire 3 an$ Manchester NewHampshire. 2005 =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e approache$ me whi(e worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar at (east twice 3 7hris 1homas @o'&ht items at my re&ister 'sin& his cre$it car$. A man p'rchase$ items ?or =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e 'sin& his cre$it car$. 0$ :arren #,arrachi) @e&an worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar. 200! :a(Din& thro'&h Manchester Nico(e an$ my se(? were approache$ @y ,i( an$ 2.H. who $isc'sse$ 2isAssociati%es with 's a?ter 1ay(a ha$ J'st &i%en 's a ci&arette which ha$ somehow @een pacDe$ with $isassociati%es. :hi(e I was at the apartment o? Me&an McG'ireKs imposte'r 3 2.H. %isite$ her. =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e at the -A/2 whi(e ?rien$ was worDin& 3 he asDe$ me i? I remem@ere$ him an$ i? I Dnew his son Aaron. 200" I was intro$'ce$ to =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e whi(e at a &as station with whom was apparent(y an imposte'r o? my sister Sheena MacPherson. 1he 0man'e(esK Ne'roScience So?tware was 'se$ to con%ince me that Sheena MacPhersonKs imposte'r

was ?act'a((y my sister 3 tho'&h her hips were too narrow an$ her sho'($er wi$th was too narrow. 1his happene$ twice at &as stations. * :-: Bra) Sa*le :-: P In 200* 3 a?ter my se(? an$ some ?rien$s ha$ met 2anie( Hames an$ ,i(i@erto 0man'e(e 5 ;ra$ Sa@(e $ro%e to ,ami(y 2o((ar on 4inco(n st in Manchester New Hampshire 3 to picD me 'p a?ter worD. A?ter ;ra$ entere$ the store 3 I p'nche$ o't on the time c(ocD an$ we (e?t. As we were wa(Din& to ;ra$Ks car in the parDin& (ot 3 2.H. an$ a ?rien$ o? his accompanie$ @y ,i((i@erto approache$ 's in the parDin& (ot. ,i((i@erto I'icD(y eFp(aine$ that he ha$ some p(aces to &o @'t that 2.H. an$ his ?rien$ were sticDin& aro'n$ the area. It t'rne$ o't that 2.H.Ks ?rien$ (i%e$ on(y 2 or 3 @'i($in&s $own ?rom my a'nt 4es(ie an$ her ?ami(y 5 her eF h's@an$ A( Io$ice an$ his sons Michae( Io$ice an$ 7hristopher Io$ice. I @e(ie%e that =ittorio 0man'e(eKs wea(th retainers @o'&ht this @'i($in& an$ others in the re&ion 5 it is @e&inin& to seem (iDe they own J'st a@o't ha(? o? the properties in the North 0ast o? North America. A?ter a@o't 35 min'tes o? @ein& aro'n$ 2.H. an$ his ?rien$ 3 2.H. an$ my se(? were near(y to the point o? ?ist ?i&htin& $'e to o'r $i??erences in persona(ity an$ con?(ict o? interests 5 I $eci$e$ that ;ra$ an$ I sho'($ (ea%e. Upon (ea%in& 3 ;ra$ eFp(aine$ to me that he was concerne$ that they were &oin& to attacD 's a?ter we eFite$ ,ami(y 2o((ar an$ that he was s'rprise$ that they $i$ not. ;ra$ contin'e$ to remin$ me that ,i((i@erto ha$ a$mitte$ to @ein& re(ate$ to A$o(? Hit(er that the (ast time that we ha$ seen them 3 they ha$ @e&'n to @ecome r'$e towar$s 's < ;ra$ a(so remin$e$ me that he was Hewish an$ o? an incre$i@(y noticea@(y Israe(i @(oo$(ine. It is pro@a@(e that the 0man'e(esK wiretappe$ the 4AN 4ine at 38" Haywar$ Street an$ (istenin& to my con%ersations with ;ra$ 3 this wo'($ @e how they Dnew that ;ra$ was comin& to picD me 'p on a certain $ay at a speci?ic time. 0mi(y Is(es was a(so a %ictim o? this wire tappin&. 0mi(y was (ater a@$'cte$ ?rom her home an$ her ?ami(y was rep(ace$ @y A&ents inc('$in& a Ser@ian SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim whom they initia((y &i%en her I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s to. ho'se ?ire met ,i( 3 2J 3 2Js ?rien$ write to ;en Netanyah' ;ra$ rep(ace$ @y imposte'r P 5 5 2ana Um@ro 5 5 AcI'ainte$ with 5 Pete Poten>a 0$ ,arrachi :arren Geor&e 7atsopo'(os 7hris 7hase =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e 7aesar Gera($ AHerryA 2KAmico Mario Napo(itano 2ino

some@o$y in Hason ;onanoKs ?ami(y ;rian 7ase An&ie Poten>a SDinner P 5 5 Haneen Harrin& G 7rysta( Gi(( 5 5 HaneenKs ?ather G 7rysta(Ks ?ather Dnew ;ernie who was Pete Poten>aKs ?rien$ with the missin& ?oot ?rom 23 1emp(e Street in Nash'a NewHampshire 2012 who ha$ the yo'n& @(on$e (a$y SeF 1ra??icDin& =ictim o? " years in his room constant(y. HaneenKs ?ather an$ 7rysta((Ks ?ather Dnew Him 9i(ey. P Haneen may ha%e $ate$ 0$ ,arrachi :arrenKs nephew or co'sinKs son $'rin& 200*

* :-: %H& 1"N P#&%&N2IN! %O B& #ON BO"#21"N :-: A ?ew years a&o3 a man impersonatin& /on ;oar$man mo%e$ to New Hampshire. 1his man c(aimin& to @e /on ;oar$man has a(so sai$ that ;oar$man was his motherKs mai$en name3 an$ that his ?atherKs s'rname was ;ran&a5 c(aimin& that he chose to 'se his motherKs mai$en name ?or reasons that it is a name o? 0n&(ish (in&'istics. 1his shows o@%io's &'i(t in%o(%in& Dnow(e$&e concernin& Michae( Hohnston 5 in 2005 3 a (ie was poste$ to wiDipe$ia on the internet c(aimin& that Michae( Hohnston was Michae( Moynihan o? ;(oo$ AFis 3 this was @ein& 'se$ as a cypher comm'nication an$ the statement meant somethin& to some@o$y who 0$ :arren ws worDin& with ?or =ittorio 0man'e(e. ;oth o? these in$i%i$'a(s are missin&. Michae( Moynihan &rew 'p in the same re&ion as Michae( Hohnston an$ this is where my Gran$mother Hoanne 1r'$ea' 7arty3 my Step Gran$,ather 0'&ene 7arty3 an$ my Unc(e Scot resi$e$ 5 Ma($en Massach'settes3 the re&ion aro'n$ ;oston Massach'settes. 1he man preten$in& to @e /on ;oar$man $oes not appear to ha%e any 0n&(ish ancestry at a(( 5 he (ooDs entire(y 4om@ar$ic3 ha%in& an eFtreme(y simi(ar appearance to =ittorio 0man'e(e II. He co'($ easi(y @e one o? =ittorio 0man'e(e IIKs i((e&itimate $escen$ants3 he appears to ha%e ha$ on(y minor cosmetic s'r&ery. 1his man was (i%in& in 1roy New Hampshire 5 he was somewhat i&norant o? the ways o? Asatr'3 comp(ete(y 'n(iDe /on ;oar$man < an$ he was eFtreme(y cr'$e h'mo're$ as we(( as racist. 1he rea( /on ;oar$man was comp(ete(y Dnow(e$&ea@(e o? the Asatr' re(i&ion3 Dnew ;erry 7anote +Swain :o$enin&8 persona((y3 an$ was a respect?'( &ent(eman. /on ;oar$man was a(so not a racist. /on ;oar$man ha$ ?rien$s in the Asatr' comm'nity a(( o%er the USA < the ?act'a( /on ;oar$man co'($ speaD some o($ An&(o SaFon3 whereas the imposte'r is on(y ha(? as Dnow(e$&a@(e concernin& /onKs (i?e(on& st'$ies. 1he te(ephone n'm@ers associate$ with the man whom has @een preten$in& to @e /on ;oar$man are E03 313 52E0 which was his mo@i(e ce(('(ar te(ephone n'm@er an$ E03 2*2 300" which was his home te(ephone n'm@er 5 this man was (i%in& in 1roy NewHampshire. * :-: "GIS :-: %he &arth Spins on it's /"GIS/ + the &arth re0ol0es aroun) it's /"GIS/3 1e)iterranean is a -or) that means /of the center or mi))le point of the an) or

&arth/ : this 1e)itteranean is a Sea that the #oman culture *elie0e) -as the Center of their Borl)3 %he #oman Salute is the salute of the "GIS3 %he "GIS -as foun)e) *5 a 1e)iterranean "ristocratic Crime-S5n)icate3 %he goal of the "GIS has al-a5s *een : &0entual &sta*lishment of a (nifie) 1e)iterranean ImperialState + &@pansion + Heirarchall5 2ecapitation of an5 nation possi*le + an) !lo*al ConHuest3 %he onl5 I)entit5 -hich is a constant amongst the "GIS is a t5pe of Ne#oman i)entit5 + an) much of this is factuall5 materialist : most of the "GIS is factuall5 a collection of -ealth5 "ristocratic 1ilitant %errorist Organize) Crimeor)s3 %he House of Sa0o5's goal is )efinitel5 !lo*al ConHuest + their in0ol0ement in Human is ,ust as e@treme3 * :-: 7"I )uring ;=66 :-: "l Pacino imposteur )ancing )uring interlu)e + pro*a*le : singing 2un.accino song3 Imposteur loo.s Italian an) Spanish as -ell as possi*l5 a 0er5 slight amount of "ustrian3 (pon release from 7ail + I notice that Stephanie amarine is posing in a photograph hol)ing a 2un.accino3 Stephanie a1arine seems to ha0e since this time + *een replace) *5 an imposteur in man5 of her $aceBoo. Photos3 Stephanie a1arine is a $irst Nations Nati0e "merican3 2uring the 5ear ;==F + I -as poisone) -ith Blac. 1ol) in a coffee that -as gi0en to me *5 an Italian : this -as the -ee. of the holi)a5 + %han.s!i0ing3 2uring the 5ear ;===+ #o*ert #o)on -as o0erhear) to his son Chris #o)on a*out the House of Sa0o5's plans to &@terminate $irst Nations Nati0e "mericans an) rape all of the females3 - 'O)inist' scratche) into paint outsi)e m5 7ail Cell3 1,olnir Pen)ant Nec.lace -as collecte) on the -a5 in an) put in a loc.er3 "satru is m5 faith3 - Italians near m5 7ail cell taunte) me3 - Italian + Sicilian + Cu*ano : 2e**ie 2umont's associate an) &) Barren's associate + present in 7ail3 %al.e) a*out /chuc. off/ an) / -hile through $amil5 2ollar )uring the 5ear ;==D + tal.e) freHuentl5 a*out 'mutation'3 - Italians in ,ail trie) to instigate fights *et-een m5 self an) others3 One of the Italians in ,ail stare) at me hatefull5 freHuentl5 + as if he -as going to attac. *ut ne0er )i)3 * :-: 1Y $"%H&# + #(SS& 1"(#IC& 1"CPH&#SON :-: - $ather's "GIS "cHuaintance - $ather's frien)s 1c!uire $amil5 + 7ac. 2ion + !ino + etc3 - $ather Blac.-1aile) *5 Italian House of Sa0o5-"GIS - 699K $ather Yells at person on telephone /I -ill not su*mit to *lac.mail?/ - ;=== to ;==6 + $ather someho- mur)ere) an) replace) *5 imposteur3 - Imposteurs 0iolent to-ar)s me an) cruel+ )o not a)mit to *eing imposteurs + e@pell me from househol) + sel)om let me 0isit m5 sisters3 - 15 sisters are a*)ucte) an) s-appe) -ith other 0ictims3 - ;==; to ;=6: + $ather replace) *5 numerous imposteurs3 - $ather's entire famil5 targette) *5 "GIS + possi*l5 almost completel5 mur)ere)

an) replace) *5 imposteurs3 $ather's 2N" -as !aelic + "nglo-Sa@on + an) $ran.ic3 * :-: &) $arrachi Barren :-: - gol) cross entrance + hateful - tur.o,an + -atching m5 computer + not o0er til fat la)5 sings - spea.s on reccor)ings + must ha0e forgotten he installe) them - pro*a*le BCI + ru**ing un)er,a- /tagge) li.e an alligator + cric. in the nec./ - /i li.e them *arel5 legals + gu5?/ + mentione) 6; an) 6: 5ear ol) me@ican girls 4 se@-traf in con0o /those girls )a)s sell them/ )isgusting e@cuse - cesare + fil + 0ittorio + .ne- )ana um*ro + -as ) -ith for a -hile after -or. -mone5 to gangsters - /gu5s in the gu5s )u)e/ - ser*ian connection - mafia connection *:-: %ele0ision &)its an) %ur.o,an Computer-1onitor Pop(ps :-: 2'rin& the time when I @e&an to @e sta(De$ @y =ittorio 0man'e(e < my ?rien$ MarD SDinner an$ I were maDin& p(ans to maDe a h'moro's amate'r mo%ie 5 'sin& animation so?tware to com@ine the mo%ie with concepts s'ch as the ;4AI/ :I17H an$ 74.=0/,I042 mo%ies 3 ,I/S1 P0/S.N SH..10/ =I20.GAM0S3 an$ 7AS140=ANIA S-MPH.N- ., 1H0 NIGH1. 1he h'mo'r was in the ?act that many peop(e aro'n$ so'thern New Hampshire te(( &host stories re(ate$ to n'mero's o($ ho'ses an$ cemetaries that are tr'e(y @eni&n an$ ha%e no rea( specters ha'ntin& them whatsoe%er < these stories o?ten &et reiterate$ @y peop(e m'ch the same as the te(ephone &ame in%o(%es reiterate$ statements 'nti( they come o't s(i&ht(y $i??erent at the en$ o? the (ine o? peop(e whisperin& the ori&ina( statement into one anotherKs ears. 1hese 'r@an (e&en$s are o?ten to($ ?rom ?irst person perspecti%e @'t the stories chan&e %ery (itt(e 3 maDin& it eFtreme(y apparent whom the (iars in the comm'nity are @eca'se they te(( a story as i? it is their own (i?e eFperience which has a(rea$y @een to($ in the same manner n'mero's times @e?ore. .'r i$ea was to animate an in%entory screen into the ;(air:itch (iDe eFp(oration o? the Aha'nte$ ho'sesA an$ Aha'nte$ &ra%eyar$sA o? New Hampshire 5 showin& the eI'ippin& o? ?(ash(i&hts3 @ase@a(( @ats3 monDey wrenches3 hammers3 pry @ars3 an$ &rano(a @ars3 cameras3 an$ 'm@re((as. 1he amate'r %i$eo wo'($ @e ma$e in sections 'sin& a recor$in& hea$ set. MarD SDinner an$ my se(? ha$ @een ta(Din& to /ich 7onesc' a@o't this ?reI'ent(y ?or two years $'e to /ichKs wea(th o? Dnow(e$&e concernin& comp'ter techno(o&y. 2'rin& the time =ittorio 0man'e(e @e&an sta(Din& my se(?3 I was spen$in& a(ot o? time with my ?rien$ MarD SDinner as we(( as occaisiona((y /ich 7onesc' an$ ;o@ Sha&o'ry. A(( three o? these in$i%i$'a(s (ater met =ittorio 0man'e(e 'n$er the a(ias A=ictorA at p(aces (iDe a'to a'ctions an$ twice at car c('@ a'moti%e enth'siast meet 'ps. =ittorio 0man'e(e < ha%in& access to comm'nications corporationsK ce(( phone ser%ers 3 7.M7AS1 entertainment an$ comm'nicationsK ser%ers3 an$ n'mero's crimina( HacDers an$ PhreaDers 5 @e&an a campai&n o? 7y@er Psych :ar?are across a(( o? the North 0ast o? North America. 1his terrorist campai&n o? 7y@er Psych :ar?are rose to the (e%e( o? &(o@a( Impro%ise$ 1echno 1errorism an$ H'man =i%isection in%o(%in& < Ne'ro /o@otics Ne'roScience eFperiments3 Psycho SeF'a( A@'se Ne'roScience eFperiments3 ;eha%iora( Mo$i?ication Ne'roScience eFperiments3 an$ pi(ote$ s(ayin&s inc('$in& &enoci$e. 2'rin& the past ten years the 0mer&ency ;roa$cast NetworD3 n'mero's te(e%ision @roa$castin& networDs3 news @roa$casts3 an$ AMN,M ra$io @roa$casts 5 ha%e @een HacDe$ an$ a'$io

o%er$'@@e$ as we(( as animation e$ite$. Most ci%i(ians eFpect the &o%ernment o? the U.S.A. to ha%e comp(ete J'ris$iction o%er the AM ,M ra$io @roa$casts3 te(e%ision @roa$casts3 an$ internet transmissions < a terrorist ha%in& the a@i(ity to repeate$(y threaten a ci%i(ian tar&et on their own te(e%ision screen3 internet acco'nt3 an$ car ra$io 7.MP40104- 7/IPP40S the tar&et ci%i(ian with ?ear 5 (ea%in& them she(( shocDe$ an$ ?ee(in& (itera((y $e?ense(ess. 1hese threats are o?ten eFtreme(y s'@t(e @'t at times can @e $irect(y o%ert s'ch as one threat which was ma$e whi(e I was in a room o? a ?ew peop(e < this threat was the a'$io $'@@in& an$ animatin& o? a manKs mo'th on the te(e%ision to say A@e care?'( not to &et a s'@$'ra( hematomaA or Athe (ast I'estion o? the ni&ht is 3 where is Noe( &oin&MA when ANoe(A #which was the tar&et %ictimKs pse'$onym in ,rench 4an&'a&e c(ass whi(e in schoo() is a@o't to wa(D o't the $oor. ,ort'nate(y3 $'e to 10N -0A/S ., 0=I20N70 ., 1HIS < this ?a((s 'n$er the :A/ 7/IM0S AGAINS1 7I=I4IANS HU/IS2I71I.N an$ wi(( @e in%esti&ate$ @y mi(itary 'sin& the Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2ata@ase an$ 0(ectronic ,orensics teams o? the 2epartment o? 2e?ense. .? re(e%ance to the come$ic te(e%ision series which ha$ @een hacDe$ an$ animate$ with =ittorio 0man'e(e appearin& as the ?ina( 2/A7U4A ?rom 7AS140=ANIA Symphony o? the Ni&ht sayin& AI $i$ not $o this to yo'LA 5 this te(e%ision series ha$ a come$y sDit $'rin& which 7H/IS ,A/40- an$ PA1/I79 S:A-C0 appeare$ as a $ancin& team h'mo'ro's(y immitatin& ma(e strippers an$ Michae( ,(at(ey o? 4or$ o? the 2ance. 1he p'rpose o? this sty(e o? psych war?are is to tra'mati>e the tar&et so se%ere(y that they wi(( not e%en acDnow(e$&e the assai(ant in their presense when they are stan$in& $irect(y in ?ront o? themse(%es 3 Hose? Men&e(e an$ H'(i's 0%o(a con$'cte$ ne'ro science eFperiments which wo'($ ha%e in%o(%e$ ?ear tests an$ psycho(o&ica( tra'ma research re(ate$ to this. =ittorio 0man'e(e $e?inite(y has access to the 7.M7AS1 H0A2BUA/10/S in MAN7H0S10/ N0:HAMPSHI/0. Another ?orm o? this a'$io $'@@in& seems to taDe p(ace in commercia( @'siness >ones s'ch as ma((s or stores s'ch as a /ite Ai$ which my se(? an$ others ha%e eFperience$ this at. .ne time3 a?ter enterin& the /ite Ai$ on 4inco(n Street in Manchester < neFt $oor to ,ami(y 2o((ar an$ the (ot where the =ista ,oo$s 'se$ to @e that 2aphen worDe$ at 5 the m'sic p(ayin& on the speaDers @e&an p(ayin& a @acD masDe$ %er@a( threat that was so s(oppy an$ horri@(y @acD masDe$ that it was a'$i@(y noticea@(e. 1he threat was miFe$ with the act'a( m'sic to so'n$ (iDe it was part o? the (yrics3 @'t it stoo$ o't so starD that it was noticea@(e o%er the ori&ina( (yrics. 1his type o? a Psych :ar?are assa'(t co'($ @e easi(y tri&&ere$ 'sin& G.P.S. (ocation o? the %ictimsK ce(( phones3 impro%ise$ @roa$castin& $e%ices ma$e ?rom ce(( phone parts sp(ice$ into the wirin& o? the storeKs a'$io speaDers3 an$ comp'ters networDe$ o%er a ser%er networD 'sin& persistent r'nnin& so?tware monitorin& G.P.S. (oca(s an$ tri&&erin& $ia( 'p @roa$cast transmissions a'tot'ne$ an$ %oca(oi$e$ to ?it the en%iron. A 2i&ita( A'$io :orDstation with c'stom en&ineere$ =S1 p('&in pro&rams 'sin& /ewire co'($e @e capa@(e o? $oin& this %ery easi(y 'sin& two impro%ise$ ce(( phone $e%ices < one recor$in& $e%ice p(ante$ @ehin$ the wa((3 one transmitter wire$ into the speaDer wire 5 the recor$in& ce(( phone wo'($ @e recor$e$ into the 2i&ita( A'$io :orDstation as a (ine in an$ the transmission ce(( phone wo'($ a'$io $'@ the speech processe$ recor$in&s with a matche$ tona( pitch an$ a =oca( Synthe>iser. 1he (ine in can @e m'te$ an$ ana(y>e$ @y a p('& in comp'ter so?tware which matches the tona( pitch an$ me(o$y o? the synthesi>e$ accompaniment 3 a =oca(oi$ or other =oca( Synthesi>er so?tware can @e 'se$ to pro$'ce s(i&ht(y @acD masDe$ (yric o%er$'@s 5 the p'rpose ?or this is psych war?are an$ that @ein& as s'ch3 the @acDmasDin& o? the (yrics are intentiona((y a'$i@(e eno'&h to @e conscio's(y notice$. 2'e to the parts 'se$ in the creation o? these $e%ices3 Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence Array NetworDs can @e 'se$ to search ?or (ocations where ce(( phone GPS ha$ remaine$ stationary ?or (on& perio$s o? time 5 i? a ce(( phone GPS (ocation has remaine$ stationary at a commercia( (oca(e s'ch

as a &rocery store or pharmacy3 it is %ery o@%io's that the $e%ice is an impro%ise$ @roa$cast too( < i? a GPS is stationary at a resi$entia( (ocation3 it is easy to $isco%er itKs eFistance $'e to constant stationary GPS (ocation @ehin$ a wa((. My A'nt 4es(ieKs ?ormer p(ace o? resi$ency was on 4inco(n Street3 one @(ocD ?rom the ,ami(y 2o((ar where I was worDin& when =ittorio 0man'e(e wa(De$ in. 2'rin& the time that my A'nt 4es(ie was (i%in& on 4inco(n Street in Manchester New Hampshire < my mother was (i%in& in New Hampshire Hospita( in 7oncor$ 5 =ittorio an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e somehow &aine$ access to this hospita( an$ itKs emp(oyees < I am consi$erin& the possi@i(ity that some o? the emp(oyees were rep(ace$ @y co%ert $opp(e&an&ers whi(e many o? the others ha%e pro@a@(y @een @(acDmai(e$. I @e(ie%e my mother was a@'se$ whi(e in this hospita( an$ most (iDe(y eFperimente$ 'pon. A(( o? these Din$s o? 'neFpecte$ Psych :ar?are 'pon ci%i(ians comp(ete(y $iscre$it the tar&ette$ ci%i(ians as witnesses to terrorism an$ co%ert &enoci$e 5 maDin& them appear as schi>ophrenic in the eyes o? the i&norant non tar&et pop'(ation3 ena@(in& &ra$'a( an$ systemic &enoci$a( terrorism o? entire re&iona( pop'(ations. 1his 7haracter Assassination an$ Psych :ar?are worDe$ so we(( in the New 0n&(an$ re&ion that when I trie$ to en(ist in the Army at the recr'itersK o??ice 5 I was mocDe$ an$ (a'&he$ at @y Army emp(oyees who ma$e re?erences to A&oose steppin&A an$ AA$o(? Hit(erA as i? I was somehow an A6IS :ar 7rimina(3 I sti(( ha%e no i$ea why this happene$ at the A/M- recr'itin& o??ice o? the USA 2epartment o? 2e?ense. P I? co%ert terrorist a&ents are i$enti?ia@(e to ci%i(ian pop'(ation who are capa@(e o? testi?yin& a&ainst them in co'rt 3 psycho(o&ica( war?are can @e 'se$ to 2IS7/02I1 AS A :I1N0SS the ci%i(ian tar&ets. Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are is 'se$ with the intent o? psycho(o&ica((y $esta@(i>in& tar&et pop'(ations as we(( as manip'(atin& an$ contro((in& their @eha%ior. I? a $ia&nosis has @een recor$e$3 a witness is eFtreme(y easi(y $iscre$ite$ 5 a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate in ownership o? m'(tip(e hea(thcare ?aci(ities has the a@i(ity to $iscre$it their own %ictims easi(y3 'sin& their hea(thcare ?aci(ities to $o so an$ may e%en ha%e em@e$$e$ a&ents within the North American Hea(th .r&ani>ation as we(( as the :or($ Hea(th .r&ani>ation to attempt to c'rtai( in%esti&ations as their (ast (ine o? $e?ense. Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are an$ Genoci$e @ecome eFtreme(y easy when a 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate possess contro( o%er the ?ac'(ties o? (i?e an$ $eath comp(ete(y 5 morticians an$ mor&e worDers. P =ittorio 0man'e(eKs most common(y 'se$ Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are techniI'e is a metho$ o? tra'mati>in& the tar&et %ictim in a manner which ca'ses them to eFperience 2isAssociation 'pon si&ht o? his ?ace 5 this ca'ses the tar&et %ictims to $isassociate 'pon p'@(ic or pri%ate si&ht o? him an$ imme$iate(y repress a(( memory o? the occ'rance o? meetin& or si&htin& him. =ittorio accomp(ishes this Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are Assa'(t @y metho$ o? showin& his ?ace on the te(e%ision whi(e sim'(taneo's(y presentin& c(ear e%i$ence that the tar&et %ictim has @een sta(De$ an$ i((e&a((y recor$e$ 'sin& sym@o(ism an$ I'ote$ statements ?rom pri%ate moments 5 his statement o? AI $i$ not $o this to yo'.A is sai$ ?or the p'rpose o? tra'mati>in& the tar&et with eFtreme psycho(o&ica( in%a(i$ation simi(ar to the e??ect o? a rape %ictim @ein& to($ A-o' $i$ this to yo'rse(?A or AI $i$ not $o this to yo'A $'rin& the rape <5 this eFtremity o? Psycho(o&ica( In%a(i$ation $'rin& an eFtreme(y tra'matic e%ent ca'ses an o%erwhe(min& ?ee(in& o? he(p(essness which permanant(y $ama&es the psycho(o&y an$ ne'ro(o&y o? the %ictim. 1his is the metho$ @y which =ittorio 0man'e(e maintains in%isi@i(ity amon&st pop'(ations o? his %ictims < 'pon si&ht o? his ?ace in a crow$ or in person 3 his %ictims $isassociate an$ repress the memory. =ittorio 0man'e(eKs psycho(o&y is the psycho(o&y o? a seria( rapist 5 his Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are techniI'es are the o@%io's pro$'ct o? a (i?etime o? tria( an$ error

scienti?ic metho$. 9atie 7ameron3 oran&e J'ice 3 %ittorio ?ace3 @a@ysittin& 9at witnesse$ Psy :ar on t% are yo' @ein& ser%e$ an$ that !0Ks show ;rown $o& Mrs. Scary @rown $o& a(e 3 %oices carry a@o't &ir( @ein& rape$ 3 %oices carry mentione$ (ater @y (a'ren #en$ o? mo%ie3?in$ o't &ir( was rape$ 3 4a'ren ;7IK$ mo'th mo%in&) &ameshow internet wiDis a@c$ cr'ci?ie$ (i?e o? @rian Awhere is noe( &oin&A Await ti( yo' meet o'r (awyersA tom @er&eron CacD an$ Nate :ante$ 1errorists Ain 1a(i@anA 1= hacD ;o@ Sha&o'ry ?aces on 4i@ya In%asion 3 I$iocracy (i@yan re%o('tionaries machine &'n sDy S 1I40/A 100 7./0 P/.7 4INU6 ANIMA1I.N S.,1:A/0 4ions a(( $ea$ 1 monDey (e?t soap opera ta(Din& a@o't A'stra(ia 5 5 (S" (NI$O#1 (S&2 $O# P(#POS& O$ PSYCHO O!IC" B"#$"#& :-: 1he Uni?orm o? 4aw 0n?orcement3 the Uni?orm o? In%esti&ations3 the Uni?orm o? Mi(itary3 an$ the Uni?orm o? Hea(thcare 5 a(( can @e an$ ha%e @een 'se$ as weapons o? Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are. .n this Uni?orm is o'r ?(a& < this 'ni?orm represents o'r Nation3 o'r Nation represents o'r Peop(e. 1he 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate which has @een en&a&e$ in a campai&n o? terror 3 corr'ption3 &enoci$e3 as we(( as s'@%ersion a&ainst the American Peop(es an$ o'r Nation ha%e 'se$ o'r own Uni?orm a&ainst 's in this (on& term crimina( campai&n. Po(ice Uni?orms ha%e @een 'se$ to a@'se Americans an$ tra'mati>e yo'n&er &enerations o? Americans 5 it is tra'mati>in& to see yo'r own ?(a& on the Po(ice Uni?orm o? a SeF 1ra??icDer who has @een in%o(%e$ in chi($ a@$'ction an$ has not @een char&e$ with a sin&(e crime as a res'(t o? his wearin& yo'r 'ni?orm3 the Uni?orm @e(on&s to the Peop(e. 2'rin& her (i?e as a chi($ < my mother was han$ c'??e$ @y two po(ice o??icers an$ ret'rne$ to the ho'se o? a SeF 1ra??icDer that she ha$ @een attemptin& to escape ?rom. In my own (i?etime 3 I ha%e @een a %ictim o? crimina(s in the same Uni?orm 5 the Uni?orm o? the Po(ice o? the USA is s'ppose$ to represent those who Protect an$ Ser%e o'r Peop(e < this Uni?orm has @een intentiona((y 'se$ @y a 7rime Syn$icate en&a&e$ in a war?are a&ainst the USA an$ itKs Peop(es. 1here are Po(ice .??icers in the re&ion o? the North 0ast o? the USA whom are o? ?ami(ia( re(ation to the SeF 1ra??icDers an$ associate$ 1errorist 7rimina(s whom ha%e @een acti%e in this re&ion 5 these are Po(ice .??icers re(ate$ to the perpetrators o? crimes which occ'rre$ $'rin& the NiFon A$ministration3 7IA ProJect M9U41/A < an$ are a&ain occ'rrin& now in%o(%in& a@$'ction o? chi($ren3 terrorism3 m'r$ers3 or&ani>e$ crimina( acti%ities3 co%ert $estr'ction o? entire American ?ami(ies3 espiona&e3 an$ h'man %i%isection. 2'rin& my chi($hoo$3 yo'n& a$'(thoo$3 as we(( as recent(y < in New Hampshire 5 I ha%e $ea(t with m'(tip(e po(ice o??icersK racism when consi$erin& my @ein& o? miFe$ ,irst Nations an$ American race 5 these po(ice o??icers ha%e a(( @een o? ha(? Ita(ian Nationa( 0thnic race. 1hree times3 in my (i?e < I ha%e reporte$ to a Po(ice 2epartment in New Hampshire that crimina(s ha$ threatene$ my se(?3 my ?ami(y3 an$ other (o%e$ ones with $eath 5 I was to($

e%ery time that it was not a matter ?or Po(ice to @e concerne$ with. N'mero's times3 I ha%e @een harrasse$ @y Po(ice ?or no reason at a(( 5 these Po(ice most (iDe(y Dnew my Mother an$ what ha$ occ'rre$ $'rin& her chi($hoo$ an$ into her a$'(thoo$ 3 these wo'($ @e the ?ami(yKs o? &'i(ty parties. A(( three times concernin& the $eath threats which the Po(ice wo'($ not in%esti&ate3 the threats were ma$e @y Ita(ians. 1he p'rpose o? ens'rin& wi$e sprea$ Imm'nity ?rom the Po(ice ,orce is o@%io's(y ?or the reason o? maintainin& the 'n$isr'pte$ acti%ity o? a 1errorist 7rimina( 0ntity. =ittorio 0man'e(eKs A&ents 'se the (itera( American ,(a& as we(( as emp(oyment within American positions o? 'ni?orme$ ser%ice as a ?orm o? camo'?(a&e ?or the p'rpose o? ?a(se ?(a&&in& their acti%ities. ,rom the years 200! 2013 55 Items which ha%e @een taDen ?rom me @y Uni?orme$ Po(ice .??icers o? the MerrimacD Po(ice 2epartment inc('$e 5 @ase@a(( @at3 pocDet Dni?e3 escrima sticD3 hammer3 machete3 campin& s'pp(ies. 1hese items are not i((e&a(3 these items are not weapons3 these items ha%e @een taDen ?rom me an$ he($ as i? they are e%i$ence o? some sort o? crime or as i? they were i((e&a( weapons. I am not a con%icte$ ?e(on3 nor are these c(assi?ie$ as weapons. 2'rin& the entirety o? my (i?e whi(e interactin& with some o? the men at the MerrimacD Po(ice 2epartment3 I ha%e ne%er @een respecte$ nor ha%e I @een a??or$e$ ?'(( h'man ri&hts @y the men wearin& these 'ni?orms.1he men whom are &'i(ty o? these %io(ations o? h'man ri&hts are acti%e(y in%o(%e$ in a networD in%o(%in& other men emp(oye$ as Po(ice .??icers o? the 4aw 3 some o? these men worD in other (oca( Po(ice 2epartments s'ch as Manchester New Hampshire as we(( as (ocations in /ho$e Is(an$ an$ Massach'settes. 1he MerrimacD Po(ice 2epartment is the Po(ice 2epartment which i((e&a((y tooD c'sto$y o? my sisters a?ter they ha$ @een p(ace$ in the protecti%e c'sto$y o? my Nana in Ma($en Massach'settes 5 imme$iate(y a?ter this3 )uring the 5ear ;==F at the age of %&N 5ears ol) Chelse5 -as gi0en to a Sicilian 1afiosa -hom is acti0el5 in0ol0e) in in 1assachusettes3 Chelse5 #ain 1acPherson is still currentl5 missing an) m5 father is still in custo)5 of the replacement hostage -hich has *een use) as a threat for the purpose of forcing him to remain silent a*out 8ittorio &manuele's famil5 in Ne- Hampshire an) 1assachusettes3 %he replacement hostage has *een force) to preten) to *e Chelse5 #ain 1acPherson+ the last .no-n -herea*outs of Chelse5 #ain 1acPherson is the 1all of Ne- Hampshire $oo)Court Par.inglot )uring the earl5 "utumn of ;==F3 %he last .no-n -herea*outs of the Sicilian man -ho -as seen -ith her is a garage a*out ten minutes from the $o@#un 1all in 1assachusettes as -ell as a house in eominster 1assachusettes3 =ittorio 0man'e(e is the &ran$ son o? =ittorio 0man'e(e III 3 A$o(? Hit(er was =ittorio 0man'e(e IIIKs ha(? @rother ?rom the (ine o? the same ?ather an$ the (ine o? the A'strian si$e o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 5 A$o(? 0man'e(e 3 a(so Dnown as AA$o(? Hit(erA <5 A$o(? Hit(er was approFimate(y 2EN32 Ita(ian o? /oya( an$ No@(e @(oo$ o? the Ho'se o? Sa%oy3 the rest @ein& 1N32 ,rench an$ 5N32 A'strian. =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ his sons ha%e n'mero's associates an$ a&ents in the North 0ast o? North America as we(( as in m'(tip(e (ocations in the USA. =ittorio 0man'e(e has n'mero's sons whom he has a$opte$ to ?ami(ies ?or the p'rpose o? hi$in& his @(oo$(ine3 many o? these ?ami(ies are o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen <5 two o? these sons are name$ 2.H. an$ Aaron3

@oth o? whom were raise$ in p(aces s'ch as 7onnectic't an$ Massach'settes @y ?ami(ies whom ha%e Ma?ia re(ations as we(( as ?ami(y in =ermont3 New Hampshire3 New -orD3 New Hersey3 ,(ori$a3 the 7aro(inas3 1eFas3 Ita(ia3 7ana$a3 an$ e(sewhere. 2.H.Ks (ast Dnown (ocations are Manchester New Hampshire an$ 2o%er New Hampshire. ,i((i@ertoKs (ast si&htin& in New Hampshire was in Manchester New Hampshire. =ittorioKs (ast si&htin& in New Hampshire was ;rown A%en'e at a 1o Go GasStation in Mancheser New Hampshire3 he was 'sin& the name A=ictor McMannA. AaronKs (ast Dnown (ocation is Mans?ie($ Massach'settes. 1he crimina( a&ents whom worD with these men are o?ten seen within $an&ero's proFimity o? the %ictims < c'rrent(y one o? them has mo%e$ in to the neFt $oor nei&h@orin& apartment o? one o? the %ictimKs @rothers. At (east ?o'r o? these 1errorist 7rimina( accomp(ices whom are in%o(%e$ in a@$'ction o? minors are He((Ks An&e(s &an& associate$ in$i%i$'a(s3 one o? whom is we(( Dnown to the Mi(?or$ G 7ompany motorcyc(e &an&. A Dnown associate is not a mem@er o? a &an& 5 it is an a??i(iate$ in$i%i$'a(. .ne o? 1errorist 7rimina( a&ents whom worDs $irect(y ?or =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ is in ?reI'ent $irect contact with the man whom a@$'cte$ 7he(sey /ain MacPherson is 1ay(aKs an$ 1wy(aKs Sici(ian &ran$?ather Hoe who (i%es in Manchester New Hampshire. 1his man has ?'(( Dnow(e$&e that the man whom has a@$'cte$ 7he(sey as we(( as other minors has @een seen in 4eominster3 7he(ms?or$3 1yn&s@oro3 ,ramin&ham3 an$ Ma($en a(( o? which are (ocate$ in Massach'settes 5 Hoe has ?'(( Dnow(e$&e that these a@$'ctions ha%e occ'rre$. Hoe is a Ma?ia So($ier. 7har(ie 2es/ochiers 3 ?ormer(y o? MerrimacD St In Manchester NewHampshire 5 is ?'((y aware o? his in%o(%ement with A=ictor McMannA . 2'rin& 200!3 7har(ie 2es/ochiers was in%o(%e$ in the a@$'ction o? my sister Sheena Nico(e MacPherson who was the a&e o? 1" when she was a@$'cte$ on the way to ,(ori$a3 he has since attemptte$ to co%er 'p the a@$'ction @y c(aimin& to @e marryin& my sister Sheena3 whom is in act'a(ity another tra??icDin& %ictim entire(y. :hen 7har(ie 2es/ochiers ret'rne$ ?rom his A,(ori$a %acation with SheenaA 3 another woman was with him who was o? simi(ar appearance to my sister an$ was in possession o? SheenaKs I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s 5 this woman is not Sheena. 1hese in$i%i$'a(s are o? the same crimina( networD that was in%o(%e$ in the a@$'ction o? 0mi(y Is(es in .ntario 7ana$a 5 0mi(y was rep(ace$ @y a Ser@ian tra??icDin& %ictim whom was ho($in& her I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s an$ c(aimin& to @e her. 7'rrent(y3 @oth 0mi(y Is(es an$ the Ser@ian womanKs (ocations are 'nDnown. 1he Ser@ian woman is o? simi(ar appearance to 0mi(y Is(es3 @'t not i$entica( 5 the S(a%ic man whom has rep(ace$ 0mi(yKs ?ormer @oy?rien$ is 'sin& 4ance Minsha((Ks ,ace;ooD acco'nt an$ has p't his ?ace on it. 4ance Minsha(( has @een missin&3 a S(a%ic manKs ?ace is on his ,ace;ooD an$ has @een 'sin& his i$entity 5 the S(a%ic man c(aimin& to @e 4ance Minsha(( (ooDs ha(? Ser@ian. 2'rin& the year 2003 5 I ha$ stoppe$ at 7iaoKs Pi>>aria on Amherst Street in Nash'a New Hampshire to app(y ?or a Jo@. 1he si&n o'tsi$e o? the restara'nt state$ ANow Hirin&3 App(y :ithinA. I entere$ the store to app(y ?or a Jo@. 1here were two men present3 a man a@o't ?o'r years o($er than my se(? an$ what was most (iDe(y his 'nc(e or co'sin. ;oth o? these men were Ita(ian. 1he o($er man to($ me that he $i$ not ha%e any app(ications ?or emp(oyment an$ that I sho'($ write my name an$ te(ephone n'm@er on a piece o? paper 3 which he han$e$ to me with a pen. Upon seein& my name written

'pon the paper 5 the yo'n&er man state$ < A-o'Kre not &oin& to hire him 3 are yo'M HeKs a ?'cDin& Mc.A. Mc @ein& a racia( s('r ?or a Gae(. Americans are An&(o Gae(ic. Most ,irst Nations peop(es are o? miFe$ race inc('$in& American an$ 7ana$ian as we(( as ,irst Nations. 7ana$ians are a(so An&(o Gae(ic. 2'rin& the year 200* 5 this man @o'&ht a sin&(e @a&Ks worth o? items at my re&ister whi(e worDin& at ,ami(y 2o((ar < with him was a ,ranDic Gae(ic woman who was o@%io's(y a tra??icDin& %ictim. 1his woman was an American. In 200E3 I witnesse$ this yo'n&er man at the ,oF:oo$s 7asino in the company o? what was o@%io's(y a SeF 1ra??icDin& %ictim. 1hat ni&ht3 my ?rien$ an$ I stoppe$ at a party not ?ar ?rom ,oF:oo$s 7asino in /ho$e Is(an$ 5 this party was in the mi$$(e o? a city in /ho$e Is(an$. 1his party was o@%io's(y ?'e(e$ @y not on(y a(choho( @'t copio's amo'nts o? $r'&s 3 it was a(so eFtreme(y crow$e$ an$ (o'$ 5 the Po(ice 2epartment i&nore$ the party entire(y. 1his party (aste$ 'nti( the mornin&. My ?rien$ asDe$ i? there was reason to @e a?rai$ o? Po(ice arri%in& 5 he was to($ that the Ma?ia ha$ a $ea( with the Po(ice an$ that they (e?t them a(one. Since this time3 I ha%e (ost contact with n'mero's ?rien$s whom ha$ &one to /ho$e Is(an$ 5 many o? them ha%e not @een @een (ocata@(e since 3 others seem to ha%e @een rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs 'sin& their I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s. I @e(ie%e that it was this manKs connections which were 'se$ to Deep tracD o? Mosta?a I@nSa'$ ?rom a $istance witho't Mosta?a @ein& ma$e aware that ,i( an$ =ittorio were Deepin& c(ose watch on him 5 0$ an$ Anthony ha$ @een o%erhear$ $isc'ssin& =ittorioKs crimes an$ the ?act that he wi(( nee$ a patsy @(ame$ as his a(i@i. It is (o&ica( that ,i( an$ =ittorio wo'($ try to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa'$ as the A6IS 7rime 4or$.

2'rin& the year 200! 5 I was i((e&a((y @ro'&ht to a hospita( in a MerrimacD New Hampshire Po(ice 7ar 3 c'??e$ to a @e(t @y a man 'sin& the name ASt. 7yrA whom may possi@(y not ha%e @een the ?act'a( Po(ice .??icer St. 7yr whom I ha%e since met. 1his was $one 'n$er the &'ise that the Po(ice at MerrimacD New Hampshire wante$ me to answer some I'estions concernin& a recent witness statement that I ha$ ?i(e$ with the MerrimacD Po(ice. 1he Po(ice to($ me that I ha$ to taDe a $r'& test to maDe certain that I was not A'n$er the in?('enceA3 I am so@er an$ $o not 'se $r'&s 5 the eFtent o? my s'@stance 'se is @eer. I was @ro'&ht to a hospita( an$ i((e&a((y Ne'roS'&erie$ with a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace. Since this time there ha%e @een n'mero's attacDs re(ate$ to this e%ent which occ'rre$. 1he 1errorist 7rimina( or&ani>ation which has committe$ these crimes an$ or&ani>e$ these atrocities is an A6IS or&ani>ation (oya( to the ?ami(y o? =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ the ?ami(y o? the now $ecease$ H'(i's 0%o(a. 4ater that year 5 my ten year o($ sister 7he(sey /ain MacPherson was Di$nappe$ @y a Sici(ian who somehow (e?t a yo'n& &ir( at my ,atherKs ho'se whom has @een preten$in& to @e 7he(sey /ain MacPherson. It is possi@(e that the Po(ice in MerrimacD New Hampshire who was 'sin& the name ASt. 7yrA who may or may not ha%e @een name$ St. 7yr 3 ha$ somethin& to $o with this 5 my sisters were i((e&a((y taDen in to c'sto$y o? Po(ice in MerrimacD New Hampshire an$ p(ace$ @acD with my ,ather. 1he &ir( who has @een swappe$ with 7he(sey is another %ictim o? this networD 5 threats ha%e @een 'se$ to Deep her an$ my ,ather I'iet. 1here is at (east one man with an incre$i@(y simi(ar appearance to my ,ather whom has @een 'sin& 2'p(icate$ I$entity 7re$entia(s o? my ,atherKs 5 this man

(ooDs to @e most (iDe(y ha(? Ser@ian an$ ha(? ;osnian 3 he has @een ?reI'ent(y in the re&ion. =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy co'($ @e 'se$ to m'tate this manKs ?in&erprints an$ his ?ace shape to camo'?(a&e his appearance as more (iDe my ,atherKs 5 this man nee$s to @e apprehen$e$ @e?ore this is necessary. 7rimina(s ha%e @een poisonin& peop(e with $ea$(y toFins as we(( as ha%e @een poisonin& peop(e with Hemo&(o@in @atches o? =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy en&inere$ %ira( strains carryin& /NA 2NA Proteins which permanant(y $ama&es or a(ters &enetics 5 (iDe ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces 3 this is 's'a((y 'se$ ?or me$icina( p'rposes. =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy 0n&ineere$ =ir's was $'mpe$ @y way o? Hemo&(o@in ;atch in my mi(D possi@(y * or 5 times whi(e I was (i%in& at 23 1emp(e St. Apt 108 in Nash'a NewHampshire in 2012 5 my $oor ha$ @een opene$ n'mero's times. 1his ha$ @een reporte$ to Nash'a Po(ice 5 a?terwhich .??icer 2e@is> an$ .??icer 4om@ar$i @e&an harrassin& me with ?aDe citations $eman$in& that I $o not ta(D to the Hews at the 1emp(e ;eth A@raham in Nash'a. I ha%e hear$ n'mero's comp(aints a@o't .??icer 2e@is> ?rom the Hampton 3 /ye 3 Sea@rooD re&ion 5 these comp(aints most(y comin& ?rom Hewish peop(es an$ other peop(es whom I ha%e Dnown who ha%e @een ?rien$(y with Hewish ?ami(ies in the comm'nity. 2anie( Hames &rew 'p in the Sea@rooD an$ Sa(is@'ry re&ion ?or some time when he was yo'n&er 3 I ha%e share$ m't'a( ?rien$s with 2anie( Hames in the past 5 2anie( Hames is ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs @rother whom was a$opte$ @y a mem@er o? the 4ea&'e o? Ita(ian Gent(emen as was Aaron3 another o? his @rothers. I @e(ie%e I act'a((y met 2.H. when I was a chi($ at the @each arca$es with my co'sin 2'stin 4a%oie 3 2.H.Ks a$opti%e ?ami(y ha$ a cotta&e near the Hampton ;each an$ ha$ &i%en 's ?ree>e pops. Hoe Mc7arthy an$ Matt ;e('ar$o met 2.H. $'rin& what I @e(ie%e was the year 2000 3 at what is now Sea@rooDKs 4owes @'t at the time may ha%e @een another store. 1he ?irst time I saw .??icer 2e@is> was in 200! in /ye NewHampshire. It is possi@(e that there is an imposte'r o? .??icer 2e@is> c'rrent(y 3 @'t it is not $e?inite. 2'rin& 2012 3 I met an imposte'r o? Hi((ary ;ri&ham as we(( as the ?act'a( Hi((ary ;ri&ham who I ha$ not seen in many years. *:-: "ttempts to *loc. emails + *loc. letters + *loc. -itness statements + an) silence cries for help :-: I ha%e @een tryin& to &et emai(s o't to a ?ew tr'ste$ nations @'t many o? them seem to Deep &ettin& @(ocDe$ or ret'rne$ as 'n$e(i%era@(e< some o? these @ein& emai(s that I sent to MeFico3 Hapan3 ,rance3 Israe(3 U93 2e'tsche(an$3 an$ Norway. ,o'r o? my (etters were a(so ret'rne$ as 'nc(aime$< one ?rom Israe(3 one ?rom 7ana$a3 one ?rom MeFico3 an$ another ?rom Hapan. I am Deepin& ?aith that they wi(( e%ent'a((y @e $e(i%ere$. Some o? my photo&raphs on my ?ace@ooD pa&e seem to ha%e @een e$ite$ within the (ast two years< the ?aces the hacDers p't on my ?ace an$ on the ?ace o? my mother (ooD photo e$ite$ to a$$ the ?aces ?rom photos o? Ita(ians. My ?ami(y is not Ita(ian3 I ha%e two ha(? ita(ian co'sins @'t their ?ather is no re(ati%e o? mine. 1he photo on my motherKs ?ace@ooD is not my mother3 it is a pict're o? some sici(ian woman. 1his woman who is preten$in& to @e my mother is ta(Din& to some man with the s'ppose$ s'rname A4in$@er&A on ,ace;ooD in Norway. 1he manKs name is not Norwe&ian3 itKs 2e'tsche an$ I $o not @e(ie%e that the man is act'a((y here$itari(y a 4in$@er&. 1he name is ?ami(iar

to me @eca'se o? an o($ c(assmate ?rom when I was a chi($. 1he (ast time I saw him was when I worDe$ at ,ami(y 2o((ar3 he came in an$ @o'&ht a ?ew thin&s an$ ma$e a mocDin& re?erance a@o't the thir$ reich in $e'tsche @eca'se e%ery@o$y in the entire re&ion was @ein& (ie$ to a@o't my s'ppose$ connection to the thir$ reich #which o@%io's(y $oes not eFist) an$ he Dnew that I ha$ no connection to that. ;en 4in$@er& was a(so o%erhear$ mocDin& =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e 3 ri$ic'(in& him ?or @e(ie%in& that he is Athe 9in& o? the Na>isA < statin& that =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e m'st @e(ie%e that he is Go$ an$ Hes's i? he is Athe Din& o? a(( the na>ionsA. ;enJamin 4in$@er& a(so state$ somethin& one time which showe$ that he ha$ Dnow(e$&e that ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 2e%ices were &oin& to @e S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ in 7i%i(iansK crani'ms 5 ;en 4in$@er& was hear$ sayin& AIt wi(( not worD. I ha%e ?aith that he wi(( c't the wire an$ &et o't o? the co'ntry an$ report it.A. *:-: (sing Hospitals for Co0ert !enoci)e :-: 1he possi@i(ity o? =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ his associate$ ?action 'sin& hospita(s to commit &enoci$e is eFtreme(y (o&ica( 5 a(tho'&h it is happenin&3 $'e to the i(('sion o? sa?ety which many Americans ha%e 3 these crimes ha%e @een camo'?(a&e$. In the past the crimina( terrorist s(eeper a&ents em@e$$e$ within the 7IA ProJect M9U41/A as we(( as the a&ents within m'(tip(e $epartments o? &o%erment $'rin& the 1'sDee&ee Syphi(('s 0Fperiments an$ others were a(( connecte$ to the pre$ecessors an$ s'ccessors o? some o? the A6IS oriente$ re&imes in 0'rope. Hose? Men&e(e was an a&ent o? this G(o@a( 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate. 1he ?act that this is happenin& an$ that witnesses are @ein& ?a(se(y $ia&nose$ Schi>ophrenic is entire(y (o&ica( an$ acc'rate 5 this is not $e('siona( thinDin&. Hospita(s can @e 'se$ to o@tain @irth recor$s3 can @e 'se$ to a(ter me$ica( an$ @irth recor$s3 can @e 'se$ to per?orm cosmetic s'r&eries3 an$ can @e 'se$ to per?orm =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tations. Most hospita(s a(so ha%e he(icopter pa$s an$ can @e 'se$ as an e??ecti%e 'neFpecte$ metho$ o? tra%e(. Usin& hospita(s 3 Genoci$a( 1errorist A&ents can rep(ace pop'(ation with imposte'r pop'(ation @y metho$ o? a(terin& me$ica( $oc'ments an$ immitatin& the %ictimsK me$ica( recor$s with cosmetic s'r&eries as we(( as immitatin& their appearance e%en 'n$er microscope @y metho$ o? =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tation. *:-: orie O the Potenza's cousin orie 4 "ngie Potenza S.inner's cousin orie P :-: :-69C9 :- In0itation to m5 $ather an) m5 self to pla5 car)s -ith her an) her hus*an) - Cigars -ith 2isassociati0e Neuro-%o@in coate) to*acco an) paper + the5 clou)e) the room -ith smo.e - orie poure) me so)a an) -e -aite) for the pizza to cool3 - Se@ual #ape of chil)ren an) teenage girl -ho -as present that seeme) to possi*l5 *e an a*)uction 0ictim3 - orie starte) touching m5 penis + m5 $ather *ecame luci) an) realize) -hat -as happening an) pic.e) me up an) sai) /Come on3 Be're getting out of here3 %hese people are )isgusting3 2on't put a *ullet in m5 *ac. on the -a5 out the )oor3/

- "ppro@imatel5 699> : &@tra %han.sgi0ing orie tol) Beau that the *lon) teenage girl at her house -as her sla0e3 Beau laughe) an) )i)n't *elie0e her /5our sla0es are -hiteJ/ 3 &0entuall5 he tol) K5le Ho-ar) a*out this -hile I -as present E Beau e@plaine) to K5le that his cousin orie is a Bi-Se@ual an) that she .eeps a %eenage female Concu*inal Se@-Sla0e in her home -ith her3 orie is a Pe)orast an) is "GIS $action3 Beau S.inner sai) that the *lon)e teenage girl -ho -as orie's Concu*inal Se@-Sla0e -as of "nglo-Sa@on an) !aelic race3 - 12 0" 2013 5 :hi(e at the AM1/A79 Station in North 7aro(ina < I notice$ photo&raphs on the wa(( o? peop(e who once worDe$ at the AM1/A79 Station. .ne o? these in$i%i$'a(s was An&ie SDinnerKs co'sin 4orie. I @e(ie%e that An&ie SDinnerKs name may possi@(y @e Poten>a now that she has @een $i%orce$ ?rom ;o@ SDinner. 4orieKs sDin was =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tate$ to (ooD (iDe an A?riDDi$ :omanKs sDin 3 @'t the rest o? her 2NA (ooDe$ eFact(y the same as she pre%io's(y ha$ appeare$. It (ooDe$ (iDe she was in the process o? =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy $is&'isin& herse(? to (ooD (iDe an A?rican American. 1his woman is an 'ncon%icte$ SeF .??en$er who is a SeF 1ra??icDer an$ an Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS S(eeper A&ent. I @e(ie%e that their ?ami(y is act'a((y re(ate$ to Pete Poten>aKs an$ Hanet Poten>aKs ?ami(y 3 an$ that HanetKs an$ PeteKs neice An&ie Poten>a is act'a((y name$ a?ter An&ie Poten>a SDinner. 1he Poten>aKs ha%e @een a@$'ctin& an$ 1ra??icDin& yo'n& ?ema(es. ! years a&o 3 I witnesse$ Pete Poten>a picD 'p a (itt(e &ir( that was not a ?ami(y mem@er o? his < she was An&(o Gae(ic. 1he Poten>aKs Dept tracD o? my sister S'mmer /ose MacPherson that same way that /o@ert /o$on Dept tracD o? my se(? my entire (i?e < ?or the Ho'se o? Sa%oy 5 we are their Genoci$e 1ar&ets an$ 1ra??icDin& 1ar&ets. 4orie < who is Pete Poten>aKs co'sin 3 An&ie Poten>aKs co'sin 3 an$ Hanet Poten>aKs co'sin 5 ha$ somethin& to $o with the $isappearance an$ pro@a@(e Genoci$a( S(ayin& o? @oth ;o@ Sha&o'ry an$ ;ra$ Sa@(e 3 who ha%e @een rep(ace$ on I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s @y imposte'rs who appear to @e Ita(ian an$ Ara@ian. 1he A'strian Aosta A6IS So($ier that em@e$$e$ himse(? within the MerrimacD Po(ice 2epartment was in%o(%e$ in the $isappearance an$ pro@a@(e Genoci$a( S(ayin& o? ;ra$ Sa@(e.

*:-: ")0ice :-: 1he Ita(ian A6IS ,action whom ha%e en&ineere$ this attacD ha%e in%este$ a(ot o? money into Ne'roScience /esearch an$ So?t:are 0n&ineerin& as we(( as ha%e they p'rchase$ Hea(th7are ,aci(ities. 1he Hea(th7are ,aci(ities which they p'rchase$ ha%e @een p'rchase$ ?or the p'rpose o? per?ormin& Ne'roS'r&eries on 'nDnowin& 'nconcio's %ictims. ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e @roDe his ?oot in 200* an$ is pro@a@(e to ha%e spent a (on& time immo@i(i>e$ a?ter wa(Din& on a @roDen ?oot ?or a ?ew weeDs < it is pro@a@(e that ,i( create$ a (ist o? thin&s re(ate$ to .r&ani>e$ 7rime an$ 1errorism that ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces connecte$ to comp'ters o%er /a$io ,reI'ency can @e 'se$ ?or. 2'rin& the past nine years < ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e3 =ittorio 0man'e(e3 an$ the

Ita(ian A6IS ,action are pro@a@(e to ha%e manip'(ate$ n'mero's in$i%i$'a(s in s'ch a way that these in$i%i$'a(s committe$ to speci?ic actions in synchronicity with others whom were a(so %ictims o? these H'man =i%isections. It is pro@a@(e that the Ita(ian A6IS ,action 'se$ the contro( an$ in?('ence which they eFerte$ o%er pop'(ations o? peop(e whom ha$ @een Ne'roS'r&ica((y Gra?te$ with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces to in?('ence an$ manip'(ate 1ar&ette$ In$i%i$'a(s @y metho$ o? contro((in& an$ manip'(atin& processes in the%ictimsK @rains3 create$ economic $isaster ?or 1ar&ette$ ,ami(ies an$ 1ar&ette$ ;'sinesses @y in?('encin& their in%estments an$ other $ecisions3 ca'se$ $eaths that appeare$ to @e acci$enta(3 incite$ con?(ict @etween in$i%i$'a(s an$ &ro'ps o? peop(e3 in?('ence$ =oters an$ Po(iticians $ecisions3 in?('ence$ 1reas'ry an$ other ,e$era( Go%ernment emp(oyees3 spie$ on 4aw 0n?orcement emp(oyees whom were %ictims o? these Ne'roS'r&ery H'man =i%isections3 spie$ on In%esti&ations3 spie$ on 2epartment o? 2e?ense 0mp(oyees whom were %ictims o? these Ne'roS'r&ery H'man =i%isections< an$ $i$ a(( o? this 'sin& so?tware which they ha$ en&ineere$ ?rom m'(tip(e Ne'roScience So?tware components3 Animation So?tware components3 an$ /o@otics So?tware components 5 it is pro@a@(e that the 0man'e(es an$ the Ita(ian A6IS in?('ence$ an$ insti&ate$ 1errorist AttacDs 'sin& these ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces an$ Ne'roScience Sotware. It is pro@a@(e that thro'&h metho$ o? Ne'roScienti?ic 7oersion3 the 0man'e(esK an$ the Ita(ian A6IS ,action whom ha%e en&ineere$ an$ committe$ these attacDs ha%e s'@concio's(y con%ince$ Po(iticians an$ =oters to p'rs'e a $ecrease o? spen$in& in 2e?ense ;'$&et ?or p'rpose o? ca'sin& a $ecrease in the n'm@er o? 2epartment o? 2e?ense 0mp(oyees which wo'($ ena@(e the Ita(ian A6IS ,action an$ their a((ies to easier meet the n'm@ers o? A&ents reI'ire$ to comp(ete(y in?i(trate an$ $ecapitate entire $epartments an$ 'nits thro'&h metho$ o? /ep(acement @y Imposte'r. 1he most pro@a@(e tar&ets ?or /ep(acement @y Imposte'r concernin& the 2epartment o? 2e?ense wo'($ @e Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence .??icers an$ re(ate$ emp(oyees 3 Mi(itary Inte((i&ence .??icers an$ re(ate$ emp(oyees 3 2e?ense Sec'rity 7(earance .??icers 3 an$ Mi(itary Po(ice 3 as we(( as 2e?ense 0mp(oyees whom wo'($ @e a%ai(a@(e to the p'@(ic that ci%i(ians wo'($ report these attacDs to. :hen an attacD s'ch as this is committe$ < m'(tip(e nations whom are a((ie$ to the in?i(trate$ nation nee$ to @e represente$ $'rin& in%esti&ation o? 2e?ense 0mp(oyees 2NA an$ their ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace Ne'ro(o&y to $etermine their ?act'a( i$entity 5 this wo'($ @e ?or the p'rpose o? arrestin& the 0nemy 7om@atants whom ha%e in?i(trate$ the 2epartment o? 2e?ense @e?ore they are capa@(e o? ?a(se ?(a&&in& the $etainment o? (oya( 2e?ense 0mp(oyees whom they ha%e i((e&a((y imprisone$ as i? they were the &'i(ty party < this m'st @e a%erte$ at a(( costs3 otherwise the entire nation wi(( @ecome $ecapitate$ @y enemy com@atants. ,or p'rpose o? cross a'$itin& emer&ency I$enti?ication 2etermination < the entirety o? the Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2epartment o? the 2epartment o? 2e?ense can @e emp(oye$ to sim'(taeneo's(y rea$ ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace 1ho'&ht to 1eFt in?ormation concernin& the tho'&hts an$ Dnow(e$&e as we(( as emotiona( ne'ro(o&y an$ other ne'ro(o&y o? 2epartment o? 2e?ense 0mp(oyees ?o'n$ to @e m'tate$ @y =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy or Ne'roS'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace

Ne'roProsthesis. It is (o&ica( that the sa?est i$ea is to create a Nationa( I$enti?ication 2epartment which wo'($ 2NA test the entire pop'(ation 3 checD 2NA res'(ts an$ Hap(o&ro'ps a&ainst ?ami(y tree recor$s o? citi>ens an$ %isitors 3 'se so?tware an$ a'$itin& teams to ,raternity 7hecD the 2NA o? a(( citi>ens an$ %isitors to $etermine @io(o&ica( re(ation ?or p'rpose o? ens'rin& ?act'a( i$entity < an$ in the ?'t're re&ister =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tations 3 cosmetic 2NA m'tations 3 an$ other m'tations o? &enetics 5 it wo'($ @e sa?est to con$'ct I$enti?ication 2NA 1estin& e%ery two years. 1his is the sa?est $eterrant to terrorist an$ &enoci$a( ?actions as we(( as espiona&e a&ents 3 'sin& an$ ?orm o? 7osmetic 2NA M'tation ?or $is&'ise. I? 0nemy 7om@atants are ?o'n$ to ha%e these (on& ran&e ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces in their sD'((s3 attache$ to their @rains 5 it is $e?inite that the 2epartment o? 2e?ense can emp(oyee Ne'roScientists to worD with Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence an$ other Mi(itary Inte((i&ence to 'se Ne'roScience So?t:are ?or p'rpose o? $isarmin& an$ $isa@(in& those in$i%i$'a(s whom are pro%en to @e 0nemy 7om@atants an$ ha%e intentiona((y ha$ these $e%ices &ra?te$ to their @rain or $e?ecte$ to the enemy $'e to reason o? threats or @e(ie? that $e?eat was ine%ita@(e. A1hose who $o not wish to ?i&ht 3 $o not $eser%e to (i%e.A is a $irect I'ote taDen ?rom AMein 9amp?A which is the ;io&raphy attri@'te$ to A$o(? Hit(er 5 the ?action whom ha%e committe$ these attacDs are the Ita(ian Sa%oy A6IS ,action an$ their a((ies < it is $e?inite that this ?action is 'nmerci?'(. 1he USA P.A.1./.I...1. Act was $esi&ne$ to a((ow Mi(itary Inte((i&ence In%esti&ations an$ ,e$era( ;'rea' o? In%esti&ations to access Mi(itary Si&na(s Inte((i&ence 2ata concernin& the comm'nications 3 ?inancia( transactions 3 tra%e( recor$s 3 an$ other e(ectronic re(ate$ in?ormation concernin& 0nemy 7om@atants an$ associates o? 0nemy 7om@atants in s'ch a manner that an entire 7o%ert NetworD o? 0nemy 7om@atants co'($ more easi(y @e ?o'n$. Since 200* < the Ita(ian A6IS ,action has @een ?'n$in& an$ en&ineerin& propa&an$a in attempts to con%ince the peop(e o? the U.S.A. to repea( the Patriot Act in attempts to pre%ent their 1errorist 7rime Syn$icate o? 0nemy 7om@atants ?rom @ein& $isco%ere$ @y USAmerican Mi(itary. 2'rin& 2010 to 2012 3 in Manchester NewHampshire < Ita(ian A6IS 1errorists were wa(Din& aro'n$ the comm'nity 'sin& some Din$ o? pocDet si>e$ e(ectro ma&netic weapon that was capa@(e o? poppin& o't Dnee caps somehow 5 it seeme$ (o&ica( that this weapon was (iDe(y to @e mi($(y e(ectric'tin& Dnee re&iona( (i&at're3 ca'sin& the m'sc'(at're @eneath the Dnee cap to spasm an$ $is(ocate the Dnee cap. 1his ca'se$ n'mero's inJ'ries on in$i%i$'a(s (i%in& in Manchester NewHampshire. 1his weapon was 'se$ on me twice in Manchester NewHampshire 3 once whi(e worDin& at StopKnKShop in 2010 an$ a secon$ time whi(e wa(Din& past a yo'n& Ita(ian ma(e at ;arnes an$ No@(e. I poppe$ my Dnee cap @acD in @oth times. 1he weeD that this occ're$ at StopKnKShop < a womanKs Dnee &a%e away an$ she co((apse$ near the ?ro>en ?ish section3 a man was seen on cr'tches with a @roDen Dnee3 a woman was in the 0mer&ency /oom ?or ?a((in&

$own the stairs $'e to her Dnee &i%in& away3 an$ a home(ess %eteran was si&hte$ with a Dnee @race. I? there is no s'ch weapon as this < the 1errorist ,action whom S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ these ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces in 7i%i(ians ;rains m'st ha%e o@%io's(y ?i&'re$ o't how to ca'se a Dnee (i&ament spasm an$ $is(ocate a Dnee whi(e a person is stan$in& an$ their wei&ht is app(yin& press're on the Dnee. It is $e?inite that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e an$ =ittorio 0man'e(e ?orm'(ate$ the p(ans ?or these terrorist attacDs $'rin& 200* 5 Psycho(o&ica( Pro?i(in& o? propa&an$a on the internet re(ate$ to the c'rrent H'man =i%isections s'ch as Ma&n's .(ssonKs we@site an$ others 3 $escri@e the Pers'a$atron :eapon ?rom the %i$eo &ame Syn$icate as @ein& the techno(o&y 'se$ ?or AMin$ 7ontro(A p'rposes. Syn$icate was a %i$eo &ame which I was p(ayin& on my comp'ter $'rin& 200* 3 whi(e 7omp'ter HacDers were watchin& me incessant(y. 1he %i$eo &ame Syn$icate a(so inc('$es the concept o? ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces an$ Ne'ro/o@otics @ein& 'se$ on 'nwi((in& %ictims ?or p'rpose o? t'rnin& them into 7y@or& So($iers whom thro'&h Ne'roScience an$ Prosthetic /o@otics are contro((e$ @y comp'ters an$ or$ere$ to commit terrorist attacDs as we(( as ?i&ht other 1errorist ,ascist 7rime Syn$icates. 1he Pers'a$atron is $escri@e$ on Propa&an$a we@sites which $escri@e the c'rrent 1errorist AttacDs as AMa&netic ;eam :eapons which in?('ence an$ rea$ tho'&htsA an$ AMa&netic ;eam min$ contro( weaponsA. In the =i$eo Game Syn$icate 3 the APers'a$atronA is a ray &'n which AMin$ 7ontro(sA ci%i(ians 'sin& e(ectro ma&netic rays. 1his is o@%io's(y ?or the p'rpose o? maDin& the reports o? these attacDs appear to @e Science ,iction. In rea(ity3 the weapon 'se$ in this c'rrent terrorist attacD is comprise$ o? (on& ran&e /a$io ,reI'ency comm'nications @ein& 'se$ to connect a ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace which is a com@ination o? a Ne'ro7irc'it &ra?te$ to the @rain an$ a S'r&ica( Imp(ant /o'ter G ;attery which is wire$ to the Ne'ro7irc'it an$ is S'r&ica((y 1acDe$ to the inner Jaw to a comp'ter. 1hese are connecte$ to the 1errorist ,actionKs comp'ter o%er the internet 'sin& (on& ran&e /a$io ,reI'ency. 1he Amin$ contro(A which these terrorists ha%e eFerte$ o%er h'man @ein&s is not the res'(t o? the Pers'a$atron ?rom the %i$eo &ame Syn$icate3 it is the res'(t o? Ne'roScience @ein& 'se$ ?or terrorist p'rposes an$ 7o%ert Genoci$e o? North American /aces an$ other tar&ets. * :-: P#OB"B & "S%-#&SO#% SC"P&-!O"% " IBIS O$ 8I%%O#IO &1"N(& & 4 SONS :-: MMMP A1hey m'tate$ themse(%es to (ooD (iDe 'sLA 1"80Ks 7artoons 7ome$ic /e(ie? Psycho(o&ica( Pro?i(e)))(e?t hoar$ o? m'tate$ $oppe&an&ers c(aimin& they were ?rame$ tota( $ecap 3 innocent &enoci$e tar&ets imprisone$ as assai(ants 3 (ies &ets 'sa in%a$e$ @y hoar$s i? terrorists an$ rapists ?rom a(( o%er the wor($ 3 (ea$in& pacD o? seria( Di((in& seF o??en$ers across continent hi$es as @(acDs in co'ntry with no mi( si&3 secret 'n$er&ro'n$ (a@ an$ %i((a&e m'a$ $i@ $esert @(on$e women harem trie$ to hi$e amon&st tra??icDin& trans s'r%i%ors m'tate$ to (ooD (iDe $i??erent race S1A/1S ANG/- M.; A2NA 10S1ING IS NACISLA A74U ANG/- /AG0,U4 /I.1S AS07/01 HI140/ 1/I79 USA G.= IS HI140/A

:I1N0SS S1A10M0N1 .U14IN0 + ?iF 0mi(y Is(es @(in$e$ re?erence to Gr't(e 9Je((sonKs sister whom was ?rien$s with 0mi(y Is(es o%er internet an$ possi@(y te(ephone or (etters $'rin& 200* an$ 2005 3 0mi(y Aeye(essA (etter in mai( a?ter e'ropean ?ami(y %acation postcar$s 3 0mi(y pro@a@(e to a(so @e @(in$ an$ @e e(sewhere 8

1 5 IN1/.2U71./- 06P4AINA1I.N AN2 SUMMA/- + a(most ?inishe$ 3 nee$s /a$io,reI R 8 2 5 0mai( to Henry MaDow .N / Anti 7hrist Artic(e .N Geor&e 7atsopo'(os SeF'a((y Harrasse$ me at worD. N ,i( G 2H at /ye NH. N ,i( G 2H at Hampton .N =ittorio on 0(m St .N ,i( in Manchester.N te(( /yan 3 4a'ra 3 an$ 2a%e 4ee in ;oston . +0man'e(es me$ia connections 5 @roDe @acD mo'ntain was possi@(y a p(ot so($ to man @y 0man'e(es whom ?'n$e$ mo%ie thro'&h retainers or possi@(y in%este$ in the mo%ie an$ pai$ the man to name it A;roDe @acD Mo'ntainA. 2anie( Hames 200* Awhat $i$ $a$ say to$ay that ma$e yo' (a'&h so har$MA ,i( at /ye in 200* A.h... I ca((e$ him an$ he so'n$e$ worrie$ a@o't somethin&... so I asDe$ him i? he was worrie$3 an$ he sai$ 5 IKm a@o't to @e a mo'ntain o? @roDe @acD. So I asDe$ him3 what the he(( is thatM He sai$ to me 5 thatKs when yo' shit yo'rse(? so @a$ that yo'r entire pants are ?'(( o? shitLA. + In 200* 5 I starte$ psycho(o&ica((y p'nDin& the 7omp'ter HacDers whom ha$ @een hacDin& my comp'ter an$ the peop(e whom ha$ @een watchin& my comp'ter as a res'(t o? it. I $isco%ere$ I'icD(y that 0$ :arren was one o? the in$i%i$'a(s whom ha$ @een watchin& my comp'ter an$ p(aye$ $'m@ (on& eno'&h to $isco%er that 0$ worDe$ ?or A=ictorA whom was =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ that these recor$in& $e%ices a@o%e the styro?oam pane(s o? the cei(in& were p(ante$ there on A=ictorKsA @eha(?. I am a(most certain that a(( o? the i((e&a( recor$in& $e%ices which were co%ert(y positione$ within the wa((s o? apartment @'i($in&s a(( aro'n$ New0n&(an$ were insta((e$ @y in$i%i$'a(s worDin& on @eha(? o? =ittorio 0man'e(e an$ ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e. 0Famp(es to eFp(ain 5 @acD&ro'n$ S1.P HA79ING M- ,U79ING 7.MPU10/ 3 anima( so'n$s 3 $isp(ayin& naDe$ ?at (a$ies constant(y 3 $isp(ayin& $is&'stin& %i$eos o?ten 3 mentionin& stran&e thin&s when microphone was acti%e. M'tant 4ea&'e ,oot@a(( 5 0$ :arren ma$e so'n$s ?rom the &ame3 I preten$e$ not to notice. Mi&ht an$ Ma&ic 2 m'sic 3 0$ mo%in& (iDe monster character an$ maDin& m'sic so'n$s < I preten$e$ not to notice. A-o'K%e &ot no i$eaLA 3 I preten$e$ to ha%e no i$ea. Sahn$ra p('&&e$ microphone @acD into comp'ter 3 I ma$e 7h7h7h7h so'n$s (iDe Hason =orhees intro m'sic ?rom ,ri$ay 13th . Sahn$ra p('&&e$ microphone in a&ain 3 I ma$e $o& so'n$s into the microphone ?or a whi(e. 8 3 5 ;'r>'m.or&. N 0$ :arren. N 0mi(y Is(es. N =ittorio at ,ami(y 2o((ar.N 7esare 3 7'@an AFis recap.N p(an to ?in$ patsy.N Mosta?a I@nSa'$ mentione$ recap. N Mosta?a I@nSa'$ AsatanistA comment.N ,AMI4- 2.44A/ 0$ ,arrachi :arren wa$s o? cash to m'(tip(e crime 'nits .N A(ast one

&oin& $own into (a%aA .N 7esareKs threats an$ statements concernin& P'r&atory .3 p(ans o? anta&onism to incite ra&e . 3 7esare an$ H'(ie :einstein 3 @ench smashin& N 0Ftreme Psych:ar?are ?or p'rpose o? ;eha%iora( Mo$i?ication r'mo'rs an$ acc'sations o? /acist 0Ftremism 5 Pro%ocation re&ar$in& re(i&ion an$ attempt to portray themse(%es as $e%o't 7atho(ics with a 7r'sa$er (iDe i$entity res'(tant a?ter my mentionin& o? HaI'es 2e Mo(ay an$ emai(in& o? the Pope concernin& AI(('minatiA 5 I$entity Po(itic acc'sations o? eFtremism with sim'(taeneo's portraya( o? themse(%es as 7atho(ic 0Ftremists . N 0$ :arren now rea(ise$ to ha%e @een writin& $own (icense p(ate n'm@ers o? peop(e whom were percei%e$ to ha%e %isite$ me at the store.N SAM GUA-+'n?inishe$M8 . +,INISH028 + con%incin& imposte'r /'sse(( MacPherson 2005 swtiche$ with Ser@ian in 2'nDin 2on'ts @athroom on @or$er o? Hampton ;each ;o'((e%ar$e an$ Sa(is@'ry at =a(ero 5 I @ecame in?'riate$ 3 he e%ent'a((y con%ince$ me that i was schi>ophrenic e%en with 7he(sey statin& AP'nch himL $o somethin&LA Ayo'Kre s'ch a JerD 3 ianA an$ then Amy mo'th J'st sai$ it on itKs own3 i $i$nKt e%en mo%e itA I AM 10//I,I02 ., 1H0 P.SSI;I4I1- 1HA1 1HIS ,A71I.N 7.U42 HA=0 IN,I41/A102 AN2 7.//UP102 .1H0/ /0GI.NS 3 I, I HA2 9I4402 1H0 MAN :H.M A;2U7102 M- SIS10/S AN2 I :H0N H0 G.1 IN1. M- ,A1H0/KS AU1.M.;I40 AN2 ;0GAN 2/I=ING < 1H0 H.SPI1A4S :0/0 PU/7HAS02 AN2 7.U42 HA=0 0ASI4- 4I02 1. ,020/A4 IN=0S1IGA1./S 2U/ING 2NA 10S1S ,A4S04- /0P./1ING 2NA /0SU41S A,10/ M- SIS10/S AN2 I 1.42 1H0M 1HA1 H0 :AS AN IMP.S10U/. A,10/ I /0P./102 :H.M I ;04I0=0 MA- HA=0 ;00N M- ,A71UA4 ,A1H0/ ./ 0=0N 1H0 ,I/S1 IMP.S10U/ ,./ S06 .,,0NS0S 3 7H04S0- :AS S.M0H.: S:APP02 :I1H AN.1H0/ ,0MA40 AN2 I :AS I440GA4- 201AIN02 ;M0//IMA79 P.4I70 20PA/1M0N1 :H0/0 1.N- G/ASS01I HA2 204I=0/02 HIS /07./202 0=I20N70 ., ,I4 0MANU040KS P4ANS 1. 7.MMI1 G0N.7I20 IN N./1H AM0/I7A AN2 HIS A2MI11AN70 1. ;0ING A2.4, HI140/KS ;I.4.GI7A4 ,AMI4IA4 /04A1I=0 5 1H0S0 P.4I70 .,,I70/S ;/.UGH1 M0 1. A H.SPI1A4 3 4A10/ ;7I. I, I HA2 9I4402 1H0 S0/;IAN ./ AN- ., 1H0 IMP.S10U/S P/010N2ING 1. ;0 M- ,A1H0/3 I ;04I0=0 1HA1 1H0 0MANU040SK I1A4IAN A6IS 10//./IS1 AG0N1S :.U42 HA=0 MA20 I1 APP0A/ AS I, I MU/20/02 M- ,A1H0/. M- SIS10/ SH00NA :AS 9I4402 A/.UN2 1HIS 1IM0 AN2 IMAG0 ., H0/ 20A2 :AS 1U/9.HAN P.P UPP02 .N M- 7.MPU10/ S7/00N IN ,/.N1 ., M- ,A70 :HI40 .N 1H0 IN10/N01 IN 200!. 1H0 0MANU040S HA=0 .;=I.US4- 1A/G01102 A NUM;0/ ., ,AMI4I0S AN2 A/0 P4ANNING 1. MA7HIA=044I 1H0I/ 0N1I/0 ,AMI4- AN2 IN10/NA1I.NA4 G4.;A4 10//./IS1 ,A71I.N I, P.SSI;40. HA4, ., M- ,AMI4- IS MISSING AN2 /0P4A702 ;- IMP.S10U/S. PH.1.G/APH :A-N01S 2.71./ ,/.M H.SPI1A4. PH.1.G/APH :A-N02SUN/07.GNIC02 M.MS* IMP.S10U/S ., M.M S. ,A/. 2A2 S A1 40AS1 3 IMP.S10U/S S. ,A/. 0N1I/0 M.1H0/KS SI20 ., ,AMI4- /0P4A702 ;- IMP.S10U/S. 7H SP/.;A;4- =I11./I.KS ;A;- 3 4..9S I20N1I7A4 1. =I11./I.. 0610/MINA1ING M- /A70 A110MP1ING 1. ,/AM0 A4I;I AN2 MA7HIA=044I ,AMI4-. .;=I.US 7HI42 S06 1/A,,I790/S. 8 * 5 NewHampshire Precision . N /ho$e Is(an$ party 3 ma?ia oriente$ partiers state$ that

Amo@ ha$ cops pai$ o??A Amo@ ha$ po(ice imm'nitiesA . N Min$y 9ern3 Min$y ;('e ;'s $e?inite ;.7.I. asDs me I'estion in car a@o't ;.7.I. @(owin& 'p races o? peop(e3 $eath threats in note@ooD3 ,I4 written on note@ooD 3 P40ASAN1 mentione$. N 3 =a(erie .(sons ret'rn ?rom Ita(ia 3 photos o? Mosta?a I@nSa'$. N 7(arissa ;erry. N Hen ;ea'$inKs $isappearance. N Gir( ?rom NewHersey whom Dnew 1wy(a .N 0riDa H'&hes .N Cach Imposte'r Intro$'ce$ .N r'mo'rs a@o't 7esare a@$'ctin& &ir( an$ rapin& in $enta( c(inic o??ice or I'eens city a'to@o$y @acD room 3 a @'i($in& to which he somehow &ot a Dey. N =oice Mai( ?rom 0mi(y ?rom Mo'nt P(easant or Mt. P(easant Apartments in ;i((ericca Massach'settes.N at hampton @each 3 $a$ &ets co??ee 3 Ser@ian (ooDin& &'y &ets in car whom (ooDs near(y i$entica( to ?ather ==G1 2NA m'tate$ an$ so'n$s i$entica( 3 i start ye((in& an$ con?ront the ser@ian . + ,INISH02 8 Min$y 9ern + ;7I statements an$ ,I4 re(ate$ s'@Jects AI thinD some@o$y J'st opene$ Pan$oraKs ;oF on North AmericaA + 9at McMahon was @ein& sta(De$ @y =ittorio $'rin& 200E. =ittorio repeate$(y appeare$ at StopKnKShop an$ one time &a%e 9at a rose. :hen 9at McMahon &ot a new Jo@ at the Pict're Peop(e in the Ma(( o? NH 3 =ittorio @e&an appearin& at the Pict're Peop(e to sta(D 9at. 2'rin& this time 9at McMahon mentione$ seein& a man $resse$ as a c(own that (ooDe$ (iDe the c(own :ayne Gacy $resse$ 'p as an$ that it was creepy. Anthony 2e,eo mentione$ the mo%ie AGacyA an$ the ?act'a( Gacy 8 + $isc'ss " 11 1errorist AttacD A2ia( Up 2etonatorsA artic(es (ate "0Ks in ma&a>ines J'st prior to attacD an$ mo%ie on t% mi$ "0Ks a@o't same Din$ o? attacD 3 ?oresha$owin& 5 0man'e(es &i%e scripts an$ i$eas to me$ia a&ents o?ten3 wea(th retainers 3 etc < $emo(itions char&es pro@a@(y sn'cD in @y (ea%in& them in $'mpster o'tsi$e an$ swappe$ with trash in whee(in& @'cDet o? on cart in @oF an$ re(aye$ to &'y who to($ others was $r'&s 3 p(ante$ 'sin& e(e%ators h%ac p('m@in& e(ectrician insi$e &(ass win$ow c(eaners etc I1 Specia(ist or some other person in @'i($in&. mai(man or payro(( or somethin& (iDe a cop. %ittorio A?(ips propertiesA in USA 8 5 5 200! H.SPI1A4 3 SU/GI7A4 IMP4AN1 ., ;.7.I. /.U10/ 3 ?aDe cop t 1000 +,INISH028 +A'strian ASt.7yrA han$c'??e$ me an$ (ocDe$ the han$c'??s to what (ooDe$ (iDe a pa(e @rown wei&ht (i?tin& @e(t shape$ (iDe a :or($ :rest(in& ,e$eration 7hampionship ;e(t that ha$ a stee( p(ate with a U @ar @o(te$ to it 3 simi(ar to manac(es that @o(t to a c'r%e$ @ar on a wa(( or Aa @on$a&e rin&A. 1his is eFtreme(y 'northo$oF an$ is not the stan$ar$ @e(t ?or transportin& a prisoner. I was to($ that he was han$c'??in& my han$s in ?ront o? me to transport me to the So'thern /e&iona( NewHampshire Me$ica( 7enter in Nash'a NewHampshire an$ that @eca'se I was @ein& co operati%e 3 I $o not ha%e to @e han$c'??e$ @ehin$ my @acD. I was han$c'??e$ to this imme$iate(y o'tsi$e the Po(ice car. ;o@@y sticD was not stan$ar$ iss'e 1on?a @aton. 1hese were o@%io's(y in?i(trators o? NewHampshire Po(ice 2epartments whom in?i(trate$ the Po(ice 2epartments ?or p'rpose o? $estroyin& 1ony GrassetiKs recor$e$ e%i$ence o? o'r meetin& with ,i((i@erto 3 $estroyin& e%i$ence o? the 0man'e(esK in%o(%ement in SeF 1ra??icDin& s'ch a :itness 1estimonia( Statements an$ =ictimsK 1estimonia( Statements 3 an$ e(iminatin& the a@i(ity o? the re&iona( %ictims o? the c'rrent &enoci$e to testi?y to Po(ice 2epartments an$ ,e$era( ;'rea' o? In%esti&ations concernin& the &enoci$e an$ the SeF 1ra??icDin& o? the chi($ren an$ women o? the tar&ette$ ?ami(ies. It is eFtreme(y pro@a@(e that :i(ton Po(ice

2epartment was in?i(trate$ an$ the 7hie? o? Po(ice was 'n(aw?'((y arreste$ @y in?i(trators whom ?rame$ him 5 this is pro@a@(e to ha%e res'(te$ in ;o@ McG'ire @ein& rep(ace$ @y an imposte'r. ;o@ McG'ire @e&an worDin& at NewHampshire Precision Meta( ,a@rication $'rin& 2005 as a res'(t o? him @ein& ?ire$ ?rom :i(ton Po(ice 2epartment. Accor$in& to Pri%ate In%esti&ators 3 =ictims 3 an$ :itnesses 5 :i(ton NewHampshire was the (ocation that ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e @ro'&ht ?ema(e hosta&es to in 200E 3 many o? these hosta&es were @ro'&ht into the ;asement o? the con$emne$ ?o'n$ry in :i(ton at the en$ o? P(easant Street. It ha$ @een notice$ @y a person whom was a ?rien$ o? ,i(Ks @etween 2005 an$ 200! 3 that ,i((i@erto ha$ @een @eha%in& stran&e(y aro'n$ this time an$ that the month $'rin& which he is @e(ie%e$ to ha%e (ocDe$ women in the @asement o? the ,o'n$ry in :i(ton NewHampshire 5 ,i((i@erto 0man'e(e was actin& simi(ar to the main character ?rom the mo%ie ,erris A;'e(erKs 2ay .??A . 1hese %ictims were %i$eo&raphe$ @ein& tort're$ an$ rape$ 5 ,i((i@erto ha$ commente$ to a ?rien$ o? his that he ha$ i((e&a((y %i$eo&raphe$ in the @asement o? the :i(ton ,o'n$ry an$ that he $i$ not (iDe the (i&htin& o? the settin&. I @e(ie%e that this may ha%e @een the (ocation o? the %i$eos an$ photo&raphs which were taDen $'rin& the tort're an$ rape o? the re$ haire$ Gae(ic ,ranDic Metis American women whom the man who worDe$ at 7iaoKs Pi>>a ha$ appeare$ at ,ami(y 2o((ar with in 200* an$ 2005. 2'rin& 200! 3 emp(oyees at NewHampshire Precision Meta( ,a@rication @e&an to @e rep(ace$ @y imposte'rs whom were =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy m'tate$ to appear (iDe the %ictims whom ha$ @een m'r$ere$ an$ rep(ace$ 3 most o? these imposte'rs were S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces J'st as the %ictims ha$ @een. I? ;o@ McG'ire ha$ not @een rep(ace$ @y an imposte'r $'rin& 2005 3 it is pro@a@(e that he was $'rin& 200!. 1he McG'ire ?ami(y were my ?atherKs @est ?rien$s an$ are $e?inite to ha%e @een an imme$iate tar&et o? the Ita(ian A6IS 1errorist ,action. 8 E 5 200! a?ter Hospita( .3 4in$sey Garo?ano %isits ?rom 1eFas when Ste%e Parish mo%es @acD. 3 poisone$. 3 t'rDoJan*K$ pop 'ps. 3 hospita(s whi(e poisone$. 3 home(ess 3 Hoe 4e;aron &oes to reha@ 3 r'mo'rs o? &ir(s in :i(ton on P40ASAN1 S1 in 7.N20MN02 ,.UN2/- ;AS0M0N1 3 7esare witnesse$ photo&raphin& H'(ie :einstein posin& pro%ocati%e(y on wa(( parapet neFt on P(easant st neFt to &a>e@o in ?ront o? /a$isson where 2o& Stat'es are that ,i( saw a?ter (osin& his temper an$ smashin& a parD @ench into n'mero's pieces an$ throwin& the peices whi(e screamin& Ayaaaar&hLA#witnesse$ @y my se(? 3 4'cas An&'i(ini 3 an$ Sha'n ,air@anDs) 3 1ony Gon>a(e> ==G1 m'tate$ to (ooD (iDe 7esare ,i( ma$e phoneca((s to ha%e 1ony Gon>a(e> @eaten se%ere(y to permanant(y $ama&e his ?ace to ens're that his ?ace wo'($ @e comp(ete(y co%ere$ in @an$a&es an$ &a'>e to pre%ent 1onyKs comp(ete (acD o? 7esareKs ?acia( scars ?rom @ein& notice$ &an&sters attacDe$ 1ony in Jai( repeate$(y an$ @eat him se%ere(y + 200! 1'rDoJan pop 'p c(aimin& to @e a A7in$ere((a Mo$e(in& St'$ioA in /'ssia portraye$ to @e a /'ssian 1een a&e Mo$e(in& St'$io. Poppe$ 'p whi(e I was (ooDin& at /'ssian Mai( .r$er ;ri$e :e@site ?or p'rpose o? in%esti&atin& ?'rther the possi@i(ity that the networD which ha$ h'rt my mother may @e &(o@a(. 4o&o (ooDe$ simi(ar to a si&n on the roo? o? a @'i($in& across the street ?rom Manchester Menta( Hea(th neFt to the ha(? way ho'se 3 @ehin$ the PappyKs Pi>>a 3 which is on the opposite si$e o? the street as Me$'sa Sa(on.

7in$ere((a Mo$e(in& St'$io was (on& a&o mo%e$ to B'een 7ity A%en'e. Me$'sa was on the te(e%ision $'rin& 200* 5 $'rin& the weeD that =ittorio 0man'e(eKs ?ace was animate$ @y 7omp'ter HacDers at 7omcast to speaD the wor$s AI $i$ not $o this to yo'.A as i? speaDin& to the %iewers 5 the ori&ina( 7(ash o? the 1itans was on 7omcast 7a@(e 1e(e=ision. Mirrors ha%e @een 'se$ n'mero's times $'rin& the 0man'e(esK attacDs as has the concept o? mirrors @een present 5 the A'$io o%er $'@s an$ Animation se&ments inc('$in& a'$io which the 7omp'ter HacDers e$ite$ onto the 1e(e%ision @y metho$ o? hacDin& 7omcast Ser%ers an$ interr'ptin& the si&na( 3 were I'ote$ con%ersationa( pieces an$ con%ersationa( re(e%ant topics which intentiona((y portraye$ the ?act to the %ictims that they ha$ @een @ein& sta(De$ an$ co%ert(y recor$e$ @y i((e&a( recor$in& $e%ices positione$ co%ert(y near@y. I @e(ie%e that 0$ :arren went to PappyKs Pi>>a with =ittorio 0man'e(e whom he ca((e$ A=ictorA $'rin& 200* an$ wo'($ ha%e $ri%en past this roa$. My co'sin Shei(a an$ 2iane $i$ mo$e(in& ?or a whi(e $'rin& the 1"80Ks. Shei(a Dnew 7hristine 2ionKs ,ather an$ was @est ?rien$s with Sam G'ayKs Mother an$ Sam G'ayKs a'nt < when we were 1E 5 Samantha mentione$ that she Dnew my co'sin Shei(a an$ that her mother was Shei(aKs @est?rien$ 3 Samantha a(so mentione$ that her a'nt ha$ in the past pose$ as a mo$e( ?or the same mo$e(in& a&ency as my co'sin Shei(a. .? re(e%ance to the si&n across the street ?rom the Manchester Menta( Hea(th 7enter on the roo? o? the @'i($in& neFt to what is now the 1ire(( Ho'se is itKs re(ation to the woman whom was @(in$e$ an$ was &i%en ,ranchesca Gon>a(e>Ks I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s whom ha$ sai$ that she was 0mi(y Is(es an$ ha$ @een (ooDin& ?or me whi(e @(in$e$ 5 when 0mi(y Is(es an$ my se(? were p(ayin& Ne%erwinter Ni&hts on the internet to&ether 3 my character was a 2row name$ 1Kre((. Sahn$raKs character when she p(aye$ this &ame was name$ A'rora3 which is the name o? the Princess in S(eepin& ;ea'ty. 0$ ,arrachi :arren ha$ @een maDin& JoDes with some@o$y o'tsi$e o? worD a@o't APrincessesA 3 I @e(ie%e that ,i( 0man'e(e ha$ @een maDin& these JoDes ?irst 5 H.A.P. is an acronym ?or Hewish American Princess 3 which is what Samantha ;ernstein was. 0mi(y Is(es was sta(De$ an$ attacDe$ @y ,i(Ks AcrewA as he ca((e$ it in 200" 3 when he ca((e$ my te(ephone an$ ma$e a threat o%er the phone at me < I @e(ie%e that ,i( was eFperimentin& with Ne'roScience So?tware ?or p'rpose o? contro((in& the comm'nity. +200! 5 I hear$ a r'mo'r that the 9enne(s $own the roa$ ?rom the Strip 7('@ ha$ @een 'se$ to ho($ hosta&es whom were recor$e$ @ein& rape$ a?ter @ein& s'r&ica((y imp(ante$ with ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?aces an$ were (ater =ira( =ector Gene 1herapie$ an$ ?orce$ to strip an$ were seF tra??icDe$ . 2U/ING 200! 5 I o%erhear$ some@o$y on a te(ephone statin& A1heyKre war crime seF o??ensesL 2o yo' Dnow how serio's those char&es areM 1heyKre tryin& to ?rame some@o$y ?or it. No@o$y is &oin& to Deep their mo'th sh't a@o't that. 1hatKs eFtreme(y serio's.A I @e(ie%e that it was 1wy(a who sai$ this. 1wy(aKs mother was the (a$y ta(Din& to 0$ a@o't AHi HiA. It was either 1wy(a or a woman whom I @e(ie%e was name$ /ache( who was roommates with =a(erie .(sonKs Imposte'r in either A(ston or Somer%i((e Massach'settes J'st o'tsi$e o? ;oston. 8 !N85 7ypress center met Joey marini 3 Gemini Ho'se 3 It>AP'>>(e 3 Hames 9y(ie mentione$ A I? yo' (isten to Green 4etters in ?ront o? yo'r eyes te((in& yo' to $o somethin& yo' are an i$iot. -o' $onKt e%en Dnow who it is.A when ta(Din& to 1o$$ Mai(hoit

a@o't somethin&. 2E1 Pine Street Apartment R *1 at ParD =iew Apartments N Hen 4inco(n wrote 4A/-NGI1IS on a car$ whi(e sittin& at my $inner ta@(e at Pine st ParD =iew Apartments 3 wrote a witness statement 3 ta(De$ a@o't AJ's sayinsA 3 was to($ @y Po(ice A:e $o not accept :itness StatementsA in ;oston 3 o'r ?rien$ An&e(iI'e who was HenKs roommate $isappeare$ an$ was swappe$ with Ita(ian ?ema(e N 4a'ren ,rench sayin& she was attacDe$ 5 tie$ 'p an$ tort're$ an$ rape$ @y a man whom ha$ an arsena( o? ?ire arms 3 she ha$ a ci&arette @'rn in her @reast where some@o$y ha$ p't o't a ci& an$ was co%ere$ in @r'ises when i met her < I ?e(( in (o%e with 4a'ren an$ we starte$ $atin& N An&e(iI'e rep(ace$ @y imposte'r whom (ooDs ita(ian 3 Hen 4inco(n mentions Imposte'rs AH'sK SayinKsA in New Hersey 3 they $onKt Dnow how to $o anythin& inc('$in& their Jo@s an$ can @are(y speaD 0n&(ish @'t so'n$ o? American accent somehow N imposter o? Hoe 4e;aron ret'rns ?rom reha@ N imposte'r Hay 1harp mentions ,i( 0man'e(eKs &an&Ks m'r$er o? a &ir( name$ =a(erie @y choDin& her to $eath with a $i($o whoKs name may ha%e @een ?act'a((y a $i??erent name < Anthony McMenemy spoDe a@o't &ir(s in @oston @ein& a@'se$ horri@(y @y ,i(Ks &an& whom were ?orcin& them to p'@(ica((y ha%e seF at parties an$ were throwin& (it ci&s 3 p'ttin& ci&s o't on them 3 $'mpin& @eer on 3 an$ pissin& on them as we(( as ?orcin& them eat ?eces 5 Anthony hear$ ,i(Ks ?rien$ whom he ha$ met Di((e$ ?ema(e @y shittin& $own her throat a (o& o? ?eces that he ha$ state$ he Asa%e$ 'p ?or three $aysA N ,i( ca((s me an$ ye((s at me AIan 3 this is ,i(. I hear$ that yo'K%e @een ta(Din& shit a@o't my crew. 2onKt te(( me that yo' $onKt Dnow me3 Ian. 1his is ,i(. Ian yo' Dnow me an$ I Dnow yo'.A N 2aphen 3 @(in$ ,ranchesca r'mo'rs 3 r'mo'rs t'rn o't to @e tr'e 3 @(in$ ,ranchesca t'rns o't to @e 0mi(y Is(es N ?irst imposte'r o? Sheena state$ that A,i(Ks ?rien$A whom is A7har(ieKs ?atherKs ?rien$ =ictorKs sonA ?orce$ two women to eat ?eces an$ they @oth $e%e(ope$ 1oFicosis I met A=ictorA whi(e with SheenaKs 1st imposte'r at a &as station settin& 'p a =eterans He(pin& =eterans 1a@(e 3 A=ictorA was =Ittorio 0man'e(e N 2aphen typin& on MsPaint 3 S'mmer typin& on MsPaint 3 ;.7.I. 1errorist ta(Din& to them mo%in& their han$s ta(Din& on MsPaint in $i??erent co(or N mo%e o't ?rom 2aphenKs 3 He?? 7a@ra( &oes to /eha@ N PA,(a@@y ,aceA the c(own # si&ny^/on;r$mnIMP.S10U/ Ayo' (ooD (iDe ?(a@@y ?ace.A < # 9ristinKs IMP.S10U/Ks $a'&hter 7hristina mentione$ @y 2'stin ^ me A7hristina sai$ somethin& the other $ay a@o't seein& a c(own that came into the ho'se. :hat Din$ o? a c(own has a @('e @ottom to the paint on the ?ace3 a white top ha(? o? the ?ace 3 @i& re$ circ(es aro'n$ the eyes 3 an$ a re$ noseMA TTT what he $escri@e$ was Anthony 2e?eoKs $escription o? :ayne Gacy in the mo%ie GA7- which ha$ J'st @een pro$'ce$. :ayne Gacy was a chi($ mo(ester rapist an$ a seria( Di((er who $resse$ 'p as a c(own to mo(est (itt(e chi($ren an$ Di(( their ?ami(ies. 1his $escription o? the :ayne Gacy mo%ie was recor$e$ @y the 15 recor$in& $e%ices which =ittorio 0man'e(e ha$ pai$ 0$ :arren to p't in the cei(in&. :hat 7rimina( Psycho(o&ists ca(( A7opy catsA $o eFist 5 a Acopy catA is a crimina( who mimmicDs the eFact or near eFact patho(o&y o? another crimina(s crimes 3 ?ictiona( or ?act'a(. Accor$in& to Sahn$ra St..n&e in 200E < o'r ?rien$ 1ammy 1horneKs yo'n&er co'sin ha$ @een @ein& mo(este$ @y a c(own cost'me$ home in%a$er << :ayne Gacy mimmicD copy cat $escri@e$ @y 9at McMahon as (ooDin& eFact(y (iDe =ittorio A=ictorA 0man'e(e N P Cachary 7onaway A;roDe @acD Mo'ntain ,ace LA ^ /oFanne 7onaway ACacharyL

:hatKs &otten into yo'M 2onKt speaD (iDe that at a (a$yLA ^ Cachary 7onaway AI $i$nKt L My mo'th sai$ it on itKs ownLA ^ /oFanne 7onaway AHow co'($ yo'r mo'th mo%e witho't yo'r @rain te((in& it toMA ^ Cachary 7onaway AI $i$nKt te(( it to3 my mo'th J'st $i$ itLA TTT ,i(Ks ;roDe;acD Mo'ntain shit $own 0mi(yKs throat comment to A;reaD ;acDA means to $e?ecate in yo'r pants ;roDe;acD Mo'ntain the Gay (o%e story ?i(m was pro$'ce$ in 2005 < Gay 7ow@oysS whi(e worDin& with Anthony 2e,eo #&ay) at ,amV whi(e (i%in& with &ay roommates 3 %isitors at the store whom %isite$ me ha$ cow@oy hats on5 Cach An$rosDi @(acD cow@oy hat3 MiDe Hohnston ha$ cow@oy hat once 3 tanya ha$ cow@oy hat once3 c'stomers ha$ cow@oy hats N P Cachary 7onaway :hen Cachary was 3 years o($ 3 he was DicDe$ o't o? Pre Schoo( ?or attacDin& other Di$s p'nchin& an$ DicDin& as we(( as throwin& thin&s at them. 1he P7 GAM0 A;'((yA was J'st re(ease$ in 2005 5 $'rin& this &ame 3 the p(ayer ro(e p(ays the character o? the ;'((y in an e(ementary schoo(. 2aphenKs $a'&hter pro@a@(y ,i( 0man'e(eKs. 2aphen ta(Din& to some@o$y typin& to her @y mo%in& her han$s an$ writin& teFt 'sin& MSPaint. 2aphen pro@a@(y ;7IK$ in Maternity :ar$ a?ter &i%in& @irth to Cachary 7onaway. + 2H an$ a &an& o? ,i( 0man'e(eKs repeate$(y rape$ a @(in$ @(on$e woman at e%ery (ocation she was mo%e$ to 3 it was as i? they ha$ the Deys to the entire comm'nityKs ?rom $oors. 1he @(in$ @(on$e woman (ooDe$ ?or me whi(e @(in$ 3 ?or 3 years c(aimin& that she was 0mi(y Is(es < $'rin& which time she was p'((e$ into a car @y * men an$ rape$ as we(( as was she hit @y a car. Mea&han Hohns in?orme$ me o? this 5 Mea&han was I.P.S. 7o'nci(or ?or my se(? an$ the @(in$ @(on$e woman @oth 3 Mea&han tho'&ht her name was 0mi(y Is(es a?ter @ein& to($ that ,ranchesca Gon>a(e> was not her rea( name. I @e(ie%e that this was possi@(y a Ms. 9Je((son was 'sin& the name 0mi(y Is(es hopin& that I wo'($ @e(ie%e that 0mi(y Is(es was in the re&ion an$ ?in$ Ms. 9Je((son. I? this woman is not Gr't(e 9Je((sonKs sister 3 she is another %ictim whom is $e?inite to ha%e Dnown 0mi(y Is(es an$ was a $e?inite %ictim o? ,i((i@erto 0man'e(eKs @rother 2anie( Hames.8 "5 Home(ess N meet imposte'r 7ara Samson 3 notice secon$ ?aDe on ,ace;ooD3 spen$ time tryin& to &et to Dnow imposte'r 7ara Samson whom (ooDs Israe(i TTTimposte'r 7ara H.-S o? Satan .r&ani>ation Hoy2i%ision SeF1ra??icDin& =ictim N ;ryant whi(e home(ess an$ repeate$(y &ettin& arreste$ ?or minor crimes 3 @e&an repetitio's(y speaDin& cyc(es o? same con%ersations 3 mentione$ ,emHoy :e@SiteN Apsst pay attention... PcricDetsP i (o%e yo'A at imposte'r Hoe 4e;aronKs apartment N imposte'r 4in$sey Garo?ano %isits ?rom 1eFas N start spen$in& time with 7heri He@ert3 possi@(y @ecomin& roommates N imposte'r He?? 7a@ra( preten$in& to @e He?? with imposte'r ;o@ Sha&o'ry an$ imposte'r ;rian ,'rta$o N home(ess 3 (i%in& in car 3 ?i&ht with possi@(y ?aDe ?ather 3 Jai( 3 tort're$ in Jai( ;7I 3 re(ease$ ?rom Jai( 105 Nash'a 3 1emp(e St 3 meet 2n$ Hason /o$&ers 3 0an :eismannKs ,ace;ooD photo chan&e$ (ooDs (iDe a 4om@ar$ic Ita(ian with a @a@y in his han$s that has a hat on his hea$ that has an ita(ian ?(a& on the hat N Hampton ;each 3 Manchester home(ess checDin& co'nci(in& 3 Manchester ;ri$&e st apartment writin& witness statement

10.5 5 1"88 S'mmer 7hris 1homas at A(Ks in Manch he (ater came campin& with a(( o? 's 3 Ha((oween at my ho'se A( in%ites 7hris 1homas 0man'e(e 7hris smoDes pot with $isassociati%es an$ @(ows $isassociati%es in o'r ?aces chris maDes 's maDe chi($ porn an$ taDes photo&raphs whi(e a$'(ts are o'tsi$e an$ JacD is as(eep 3 &ir(s snort (iDe pi&&ies 3 9ni?e ?rom 7hris 1homas 0man'e(e 1"8" at same a&e mom ha$ Dni?e he($ to her throat a(most $e?inite that =ittorio &a%e this Dni?e to 7hris to &i%e to me an$ that it was that Dni?e 3 115 en$ with c(osin& statement 5 ,i( 0man'e(e is A$o(? Hit(erKs &reat &ran$nephew an$ is a pe$orast as we(( as a seria( Di((er an$ a terrorist en&a&e$ in a &(o@a( campai&n o? terror. ,i( 0man'e(e is acti%e(y con$'ctin& Ne'roScience /esearch @y means inc('$in& H'man =i%isection. ,i(Ks an$ =ittorioKs 1errorist .r&ani>e$ 7rime Unit are SeF 1ra??icDers. 1he 0man'e(esK terrorist Ita(ian A6IS A&ents ha%e in?i(trate$ the U.S.American Go%ernment in n'mero's (ocations an$ at n'mero's positions ?or p'rposes o? 0spiona&e 3 Sa@ota&e 3 2isin?ormation 3 an$ Pre%entin& In%esti&ations. It is pro@a@(e that the 0man'e(es wi(( try to Machia%e((i themse(%es an$ ass'me the I$enti?ication 7re$entia(s o? a ?ami(y which they ha%e m'r$ere$ < ha(? o? my ?ami(y is c'rrent(y missin& an$ I ha%e met n'mero's imposte'rs o%er the past " years. It is necessary ?or 2NA testin& to @e a$ministere$in conJ'nction with a newer I$enti?ication System s'ch as a system which inc('$es ?ami(y tree in?ormation in a Nationa( I$enti?ication System which wo'($ @e represente$ @y a scana@(e I$enti?ication 7ar$ simi(ar to a 2e@it 7ar$ which wo'($ inc('$e a(so yo'r 2NA n'm@ers an$ (etters. =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy sho'($ ha%e to @e re&istere$ with the Nationa( Go%ernment in an I$enti?ication System. I @e(ie%e that witho't this 3 the 0man'e(eKs wi(( m'r$er the entire (aw a@i$in& comm'nity o? the 0arth an$ wi(( e%ent'a((y conI'er the 0arth 'sin& a(i@is 3 ?a(se ?(a& operations 3 =ira( =ector Gene 1herapy 3 Ne'roScience 3 7y@er1errorism 3 Psycho(o&ica( :ar?are 3 H'man 1ra??icDin& 3 an$ .r&ani>e$ 7rime. 125 N.10S 5 7.N70/NING 7U//0N1 Ita(ian A6IS P/.PAGAN2A3 M01H.2 ., A11A79 ;.1H PH-SI7A4 AN2 P/.PAGAN2A 3 7U//0N1 PS-7H P/.,I40 ., A6IS 3 7herto??Ks ?atherKs mi$$(e name possi@(y ;ar'ch ara@ic ;aracD choice o? ;aracD .@amaKs name 'se$ ?or PS- :A/ propa&an$a $'rin& &enoci$a( ;7I attacD 4i&htnin& :ar o? 2iFie 7'ps ;(it>9rie& .K2iFie 7'ps. 7herto??Ks ?ami(ies comm'nity attacDe$ &enoci$a((y in @oth race an$ re&ion #@oth Hews as we(( as NewHersey re&ion) 3 Hanet Napo(itano comments 3 possi@(e %isits at ,ami(y 2o((ar an$ (ater 2'nDin 2on'ts N postin& on po(itica( we@sites 3 rea$in& po(itica( we@sites 3 :eise o? 4aDota possi@(e ;.7.I. %ictim . 0$ :arren $isc'sse$ in the year 2005 3 that =ittorio 0man'e(e or$ere$ the Ho'se o? Sa%oy to promote ;aracD H'ssein .@ama ?or presi$ency an$ or$ere$ the to prepare to rep(ace him with two i$entica( twin imposte'rs. 1o U.S.A. 2epartment o? 2e?ense an$ any Nation o? the AUS.7AN.NC.U9.US. A&reement 5 P(ease Sen$ the comp(ete $ata recor$ o? the Ne'ro Science 2ata 1ransmission Ian MacPherson 285 Gray Street Manchester NewHampshire

o? the ;rain 7omp'ter Inter?ace that has @een S'r&ica((y Imp(ante$ in my crani'm since 200! 3 to a(( Mi(itaries G(o@a((y < to ens're 2013 that they ha%e Ne'ro(o&ica( Me$ica( 0mpirica( ,orensic 0(ectronic 0%i$ence o? the Genoci$e o? my /ace as we(( as the peop(e who (i%e$ in this re&ion 3 an$ a(so the recor$s o? my Dnow(e$&e o? who the &'i(ty ,action an$ in$i%i$'a(s are. 1o ,orei&n Mi(itaries 3 P(ease /eI'est this In?ormation ?rom the U.S.A. 2epartment o? 2e?ense.

03103 USA S.S.N. 5 001 !8 00"" 2ecem@er 23

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