Drinking Games

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California Kings

Spread cards face-down around a large cup. Draw in clockwise order. A drink is a normal sip. - Ace Social He/she who draws proposes a toast and everyone drinks. - 2-6 Black (Clubs & Spades) TAKE the cards value in drinks. - 2-6 Red (Hearts & Diamonds) GIVE the cards value in drinks. The total may be split-up between multiple players. - 7 Waterfall EVERYBODY begins to CHUG. You cant stop until the person to your RIGHT has stopped. He/she who draws may stop first. - 8 Thumb Master He/she who draws puts his/her thumb on the table. The last person to do so drinks. - 9 Rhyme He/she who draws says a sentence. The person to his/her LEFT must rhyme with the last word in the original sentence. This continues in clockwise order. Rhyming words may not be repeated. If you repeat a word or cant think of one, you drink. - 10 Category He/she who draws thinks of a category, like Simpsons Characters. Then, he/she says one, like Homer. Then, the person to his/her LEFT must think of another one, like Bart. This continues in clockwise order. If you repeat an item or cant think of one, you drink. - Jack Guys drink A toast is often included. - Queen Ladies drink A toast is often included. - King We dont call it kings for nothing. He/she who draws the first, second and third king pours some of his/her drink into the large cup AND comes up with a rule that must be obeyed for the rest of the game, like no showing your teeth or no saying drink, drank or drunk.

Anyone in violation of a rule drinks. He/she who draws the fourth king must POUND the contents of the large cup. Drawing the fourth king marks the end of the game. Note: Drawing the fourth king is a FATE WORSE THAN DEATH if there are a combination of beverages in the large cup, like beer, wine cooler and vodka. In fact, some players insist that only beer be poured into the cup; but they dont have the love for the game.

Kings Cup
Shuffle a deck of cards and deal one at a time, face-up to each player. The first person to be dealt a king chooses a liquor, the second who receives a king picks a mixer, the third makes (or buys) the drink, and the fourth drinks it. This can continue as long as necessary!

Write down the rules for the cards on a piece of paper. They are as follows: Twos are for you - you pick another player to drink. Threes are for me - you drink. Fours for whores - all girls drink. Fives is jive - you must create a dance move, while the player to your left imitates that move and adds a second. The player to his left follows the first and second and adds a third. This continues until a player messes up, and they drink. Sixes is dicks - all guys drink. Sevens is thumbs - the last player to put their thumb on the table drinks. Eights is 'never have I ever' - all players hold up three fingers and the player who drew the cards names something he has never done. If the player has done it, he must drop one finger. Once all fingers are down the player must drink. Nines is bust a rhyme - the player who drew must say a word. The player to his left rhymes another word with the first word. This continues until someone cannot come up with a rhyme. Tens is Snake Eyes - every person the player has eye contact with must drink.

This continues until another ten is drawn, and gives the power to the new player. Jacks is categories - the player creates a category (example, hockey teams) and players go around the circle. The first to mess up drinks. Queens is questions - the first player asks a question to the player on his left, who answers and asks a new question to the person on their left. Kings is King's Cup - beer is added to a large cup in the middle. The person who draws the fourth king must drink the entire cup. Aces is waterfall - the player who drew the ace starts drinking, then the player to his left starts, then the next player, et cetera. The second player can only stop drinking once the first does, and this continues down the line.

Everyone sits with their beer in a circle. One player goes first and chooses a celebrity. The rest of the players go around the circle asking the leader yes or no questions. If the answer is 'yes', they can make another player drink. The game ends when someone guesses the celebrity.

Player 1 rolls the dice. If they roll anything but a 7, 11, or doubles they pass the dice to the person on their left. If he rolls a 7, 11, or doubles they can choose which player must drink. Whoever is chosen to drink grabs a cup from the middle and chugs it as fast as they can. Player 1 keeps rolling the dice. If they roll another 7, 11, or doubles before the other player is finished with their drink, they must drink another cup.

Indian Poker
Every player is dealt one card face-down that they may not look at. They must place the card on their forehead so that everyone else can see their card. The dealer begins and bets a number of drinks that his is the highest card. Players who don't think they can win may fold and take as many drinks as they bet. The losing player must drink the total number of bets.

Questions I

Questions is sort of like Truth or Dare but without the dare. Each player takes a turn being the questioner. The questioner addresses another player by name and poses a yes/no question, which he/she must answer without hesitation. The answerer then becomes the questioner and must ask another player a question immediately. Repeating questions are not allowed. Laughing before answering or asking is not allowed. Any violation of these rules is punished, obviously, with drinking.

Questions II
You look at the person of your choice and ask them a question, they must answer your question with a question and it keeps going until someone screws up. Eg. What is going on? Why do you touch yourself? You dont have to question the person who questioned you either. Make sure to make eye contact.

The first person gives a topic/category and in rotation, everyone else must give a kind. Ex: Toothpaste, Crest, Colgate, Mentadent, etc.

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