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May 29 - June 3, 2009

Total N = 683
White N = 385
Black N = 184
Results are based on the total city-wide sample unless otherwise noted.
An asterisk indicates registered respondents.



9. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Michael Bloomberg is handling his job as Mayor?

Approve Disapprove DK/NA

6/4-9/02 48 26 26
8/25-29/02 47 31 22
10/12-16/02 47 41 12
1/11-15/03 31 53 16
6/6-11/03 24 65 11
7/13-27/03 25 67 8
8/31-9/4/03 32 57 11
4/16-21/04 38 46 16
8/20-25/04 40 49 11
2/4-13/05 43 45 12
6/21-26/05 50 35 15
8/22-28/05 59 31 11
10/21-26/05 67 23 10
8/23-27/06 63 22 15
6/6-11/08 67 28 5
5/29-6/3/09 60 34 6
White 64 32 5
Black 53 39 7

13. How would you rate the condition of the New York City economy these days? Is it very
good, fairly good, fairly bad, or very bad?

Very Fairly Fairly Very

good good bad bad DK/NA
9/29-10/3/93 2 30 40 25 3
3/1-6/97 6 53 25 12 4
8/5-12/01* 12 66 13 5 4
10/6-9/01* 5 55 27 8 5
10/27-11/1/01* 4 54 30 9 2
6/4-9/02 4 46 34 12 4
1/11-15/03 2 28 42 24 3
6/4-11/03 2 22 43 30 3
4/16-21/04 2 43 33 19 3
8/20-25/04 3 44 32 19 2
2/4-13/05 3 51 27 17 2
6/21-26/05 4 51 28 14 2
8/22-28/05 4 55 25 13 4
5/29-6/3/09 2 34 38 25 1
White 2 29 47 21 1
Black 4 42 26 28

14. Compared to a year ago, do you think New York City's economy is getting better, getting
worse, or is it staying about the same?
Better Worse Same DK/NA
5/29-6/3/09 12 53 35 1
White 7 59 33 1
Black 17 48 35

17. Do you think what you are currently paying for housing is more than you can afford,
about as much as you can afford, or could you afford more if you wanted?

More than As much as Could afford Not paying

can afford can afford more for housing DK/NA
2/4-13/05 32 50 14 2 2
6/6-11/08 35 53 10 1 1
5/29-6/3/09 39 47 9 3 1
White 31 51 13 3 1
Black 43 51 1 2 2

20. Is your opinion of Michael Bloomberg favorable, not favorable, undecided, or haven't
you heard enough about Michael Bloomberg yet to have an opinion?

Not Haven't
Favorable favorable Undecided heard enough Refused
8/5-12/01* 26 16 26 31 1
10/6-9/01* 26 16 27 29 2
10/27-11/1/01* 37 15 30 17 1
6/4-9/02* 39 13 18 30 -
1/11-15/03 26 30 28 15 1
8/31-9/4/03 21 39 28 9 2
4/16-21/04 28 33 23 13 3
8/20-25/04 28 34 24 13 1
2/4-13/05* 41 34 22 2 1
6/21-26/05* 48 33 17 1 -
8/22-28/05* 50 28 19 2 -
10/21-26/05* 52 23 21 2 2
6/6-11/08* 56 23 13 7 -
5/29-6/3/09 48 26 19 5 1
White 55 24 18 3
Black 38 33 23 5 1

25. Is your opinion of Archbishop Timothy Dolan favorable, not favorable, undecided, or
haven't you heard enough about Archbishop Dolan yet to have an opinion?

Favorable Not favorable Undecided DK enough Refused

5/29-6/3/09 20 6 16 56 3
Catholics 35 2 16 46 1

Some people are registered to vote and others are not. Are you registered to vote in the
election district where you now live, or aren't you?

Yes No DK/NA
5/29-6/3/09 83 16 -

38. Do you feel things in New York City are generally going in the right direction or do
you feel things have pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong track?

Right direction Wrong track DK/NA

10/21-26/05 63 28 8
6/6-11/08 37 56 7
5/29-6/3/09 40 51 9
White 42 49 9
Black 37 53 9

39. Regardless of your overall opinion of Michael Bloomberg, what s the BEST thing he has
done since he became mayor?
4/16- 2/4- 6/21- 10/21- 6/6- 5/29-
21/04 13/05 26/05 26/05* 11/08 6/2/09
Controls spending/handling of finances 6 8 4 5 5 6
Handles government like a business 1 1 1 3 5 4
Social promotion change/Board of Ed 2 - 1 1 - -
Smoking law 4 3 2 2 1 2
Taxes 1 6 1 3 2 2
Jobs/unemployment 1 2 1 4 1 2
Dealings with the NYPD 2 2 2 1 1 1
Crime/safety 3 3 10 13 5 8
Transportation 1 2 - 1 2 2
World Trade Center/9-11 1 1 3 3 2 -
Education 14 7 17 19 5 8
General quality of life 1 3 1 3 4 2
Starting the 311 system 1 - 1 3 2 2
Rent/Affordable housing - - 1 4 1 -
Improved city 3 2
Building services/cranes - -
Congestion pricing 2 -
Nice guy/pleasant to people 2 1
Everything - - - 1 -
Nothing 7 4 5 3 4 3
Other 4 6 2 5 10 18
DK/NA 48 49 39 26 42 37

40. Regardless of your overall opinion of Michael Bloomberg, what s the WORST thing he has
done since he became mayor?
4/16- 2/4- 6/21- 10/21- 6/6- 5/29-
21/04 13/05 26/05 26/05* 11/08 6/2/09
Handling of finances 3 3 1 1 4 1
Social promotion change/Board of Ed 2 - - 1 - 1
Smoking law 9 3 2 3 1 1
Taxes 9 7 8 6 7 9
Jobs/unemployment 2 3 5 5 - 2
Dealings with the NYPD 2 1 1 2 3 2
Crime/safety - - - 1 3 1
Transportation 3 6 3 1 3 3
World Trade Center/9-11 - - - 1 1 -
Ticket blitz/ticketing in general 4 2 3 3 2 1
Education 9 7 8 6 4 5
Dealings with the FDNY 4 3 2 3 - 1
General quality of life - 1 1 1 1 -
Welfare/poor 2 2 1 1 - 1
Rent/Affordable housing 1 2 2 3 3 1
New stadiums 1 7 13 7 2
The middle class - 1 1 1 1
Congestion pricing 4 2
Building services/crane problems 3 1
Term limit change 11
Nothing 2 1 3 2 3 1
Other 5 8 7 7 5 13
DK/NA 39 40 35 44 50 42

41. Looking ahead about four years, if it were entirely up to you, would you want to be
living where you are now, or would you want to be living somewhere else in New York City,
or outside the city?

Living Elsewhere in Outside

where now in NYC NYC DK/NA
4/27-5/3/85 44 15 40 1
8/5-12/01 42 21 35 3
10/6-9/01 55 12 31 2
6/4-9/02 47 16 34 3
8/25-29/02 40 17 42 1
1/11-15/03 38 17 42 3
6/6-11/03 42 13 42 3
8/31-9/4/03 40 11 47 3
4/16-21/04 43 14 41 2
8/20-25/04 40 12 47 2
2/4-13/05 41 16 41 2
6/21-26/05 47 14 38 2
8/22-28/05 46 14 38 1
6/6-11/08 44 16 39 1
5/29-6/3/09 58 9 29 4
Varied wording: Looking ahead about four years, if it was entirely up to you, would you want to be living in New
York City, or would you want to be living somewhere else?

In NYC Somewhere else DK/NA

12/7-14/81 48 48 4
1/5-10/85 54 42 4
6/17-20/90 38 59 3
11/2-12/91 37 60 3
3/1-6/97 49 47 4
8/5-12/01 62 35 3
10/6-9/01 67 31 2
6/4-9/02 63 16 3
8/25-29/02 57 43 1
1/11-15/03 55 42 3
6/6-11/03 55 42 3
8/31-9/4/03 51 47 3
4/16-21/04 57 41 2
8/20-25/04 52 47 2
2/4-13/05 57 41 2
6/21-26/05 60 38 2
8/22-28/05 60 38 1
6/6-11/08 60 39 1

IF OUTSIDE NYC, ASK: What's the main reason you want to leave New York City?

Too expensive 9
Taxes too high 2
Too noisy 1
Want more space 2
Not safe 1
Want more land -
Better jobs 3
Better weather -
Quality of life 2
Other 8

42. Do you think Michael Bloomberg has performed his job as Mayor well enough to deserve
re-election, OR do you think it's time to give a new person a chance?

Deserves re-election Time for new person DK/NA

4/16-21/04 27 64 9
8/20-25/04 27 67 7
6/21-26/05* 48 44 7
8/22-28/05* 52 44 5
5/29-6/3/09 40 55 5
White 49 48 3
Black 28 66 6

43. Do you think the New York City economy is something a Mayor can do a lot about, or is
that beyond a Mayor's control?

Mayor can Beyond control Some, not a lot DK/NA

1/11-15/03 53 32 11 4
6/4-11/03 58 27 7 9
5/29-6/3/09 59 29 8 3
White 60 27 9 4
Black 57 35 6 2

44. How satisfied are you with the way city officials having been managing the response to
the H1N1 or swine flu outbreak? Are you very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, not too
satisfied, or not at all satisfied?

Very Somewhat Not too Not at all DK/NA

5/29-6/3/09 27 43 18 8 5

45. How satisfied are you with the information city officials have been providing about
the H1N1 or swine flu outbreak? Are you very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, not too
satisfied, or not at all satisfied?

Very Somewhat Not too Not at all DK/NA

5/29-6/3/09 36 37 18 7 2

46. How concerned are you that you or someone in your household could get the H1N1 or
swine flu — very concerned, somewhat concerned, not very concerned, or not at all

Very Somewhat Not too Not at all DK/NA

5/29-6/3/09 34 29 21 15 1

48. The city's term-limits laws, which went into effect eight years ago, restrict city
officials, including the mayor and members of the city council to eight years in office.
Some people say term limits are a GOOD idea that keep public officials from staying in
office too long and losing touch with the concerns of average voters. Others say term
limits are a BAD idea that put inexperienced people in office and prevent voters from re-
electing capable legislators. What do you think? Are term limits a good idea, or a bad
Good idea Bad idea DK/NA
4/16-21/041 63 30 7
6/6-11/082 67 27 6
5/29-6/3/09 72 22 6
White 68 26 6
Black 83 13 4

1 Question read: The city's term-limits laws, which went into effect three years ago . . .
2 Question read: The city's term-limits laws, which went into effect seven years ago . . .

49. As you may know, last fall, the City Council extended term limits from two terms to
three terms for New York City elected officials. Do you approve or disapprove of this
extension of term limits?

Approve Disapprove DK/NA

5/29-6/3/09 37 58 5
White 39 58 4
Black 34 62 4

50. Are you generally satisfied with the quality of public schools in New York City, or
are you not satisfied?
Satisfied Not satisfied DK/NA
5/10-14/93 14 72 13
9/29-10/3/93 13 73 14
6/12-15/94 20 71 12
3/1-6/97 21 67 13
10/13-18/97* 13 76 11
8/5-12/01* 15 73 12
10/27-11/01* 22 61 17
6/4-9/02 20 68 12
1/11-15/03 20 66 14
4/16-21/04 16 72 12
2/4-13/05* 16 68 15
6/21-26/05 24 64 12
8/22-24/05 28 59 13
10/21-26/05 30 55 15
5/29-6/3/09 31 54 15
White 28 51 21
Black 32 61 7

51. Is your opinion of Bill Thompson favorable, not favorable, undecided, or haven't you
heard enough about Bill Thompson yet to have an opinion?
Not Haven't
Favorable favorable Undecided heard enough Refused
6/6-11/08 12 6 16 64 2
5/29-6/3/09 13 2 13 72 1
White 9 4 13 73 -
Black 20 1 15 64 1

53. Do candidates who use their own money to pay for their election campaigns bother you
or not? IF YES, ASK: Does it bother you a lot, some, just a little, or not at all?

Lot Some A little Not at all DK/NA

8/5-12/01* 11 9 4 75 1
10/27-11/1/01* 13 7 5 75 1
10/21-26/05* 16 9 4 69 2
5/29-6/3/09 13 10 4 71 2
White 15 11 4 69 1
Black 11 5 6 75 4

54. How much do you think Michael Bloomberg cares about the needs and problems of people
like yourself — a lot, some, not much, or not at all?

A lot Some Not much Not at all DK/NA

7/13-27/03 10 26 27 32 6
4/16-21/04 11 32 30 24 3
2/4-13/05* 15 35 28 19 3
10/21-26/05* 21 43 21 12 3
6/6-11/08 25 42 18 12 2
5/29-6/3/09 24 38 23 13 2
White 26 37 24 13 -
Black 21 37 23 14 5

55. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Mayor Bloomberg pays too much
attention to Manhattan and not enough to the other boroughs.

Agree Disagree DK/NA

12/7-14/811 54 36 10
6/6-11/03 62 28 10
6/21-26/05* 67 24 9
5/29-6/3/09 57 35 7
White 52 41 8
Black 61 32 7

1 Question read: “Now I’m going to read you a few statements and for each one I’d like you to tell me whether
you agree or disagree. Mayor Koch . . .”
56. Since Michael Bloomberg became Mayor, do you think the overall quality of life in New
York City has gotten better, gotten worse, or stayed about the same?

Better Worse Same DK/NA

2/4-13/05* 23 23 53 2
6/21-26/05* 27 16 54 3
5/29-6/3/09 37 17 42 4
White 38 17 41 4
Black 36 18 42 4

57. Since Michael Bloomberg became Mayor, do you think crime in New York City has
increased, decreased or stayed about the same?

Increased Decreased Same DK/NA

2/4-13/05* 17 35 45 3
6/21-25/05* 13 39 46 3
5/29-6/3/09 13 36 48 3
White 12 33 51 4
Black 12 37 45 5

58. Since Michael Bloomberg became Mayor, have your city taxes gone up, gone down or
stayed about the same?

Gone up Gone down Same DK/NA

2/4-13/05* 54 2 35 9
6/21-26/05* 55 2 33 10
5/29-6/3/09 58 4 29 9
White 61 4 27 8
Black 56 6 28 9

59. Since Michael Bloomberg became Mayor, do you think subway and bus service has gotten
better, gotten worse or stayed about the same?

Better Worse Same DK/NA

2/4-13/05* 6 44 41 9
6/21-26/05* 13 35 45 7
5/29-6/3/09 16 41 37 6
White 18 35 40 7
Black 14 47 33 7

60. Since Michael Bloomberg became Mayor, do you think the amount of affordable housing
has increased, decreased, or stayed about the same?

Increased Decreased Same DK/NA

6/21-26/05* 27 45 22 6
5/29-6/3/09 26 38 26 11
White 17 43 25 14
Black 37 35 22 6

61. How much confidence do you have in Michael Bloomberg's ability to bring new jobs to
New York City — a lot, some, not much or none at all?

A lot Some Not much None DK/NA

5/29-6/3/09 20 44 22 11 2
White 21 46 24 9 -
Black 18 42 19 15 7

62. Do you happen to know if Michael Bloomberg is a Democrat, a Republican, an independent

or something else?

Democrat Republican Independent Something else DK/NA

5/29-6/3/09 9 27 32 7 25
White 9 23 36 9 22
Black 7 31 34 6 23

63. Michael Bloomberg may spend $80 million or more of his own money on his campaign this
year. Does the fact that he is spending so much make you more likely to vote for him, less
likely to vote for him, doesn't it make much difference either way?

More likely Less likely No difference DK/NA

5/29-6/3/09 6 24 69 1
White 5 25 69 1
Black 6 26 68

67. How would you rate the financial situation in your household these days? Is it very
good, fairly good, fairly bad, or very bad?

Very good Fairly good Fairly bad Very bad DK/NA

5/29-6/3/09 8 56 20 14 1

68. In the last year, would you say the financial situation in your household has gotten
better, gotten worse, or has it stayed about the same? IF STAYED SAME, ASK: Are you
satisfied or dissatisfied with that?

Better Worse Same, satisfied Same, dissatisfied DK/NA

6/6-11/03 11 39 25 24 1
5/29-6/3/09 12 39 28 20 1

69. Think about your household income, would you say that it is more than enough to pay
your bills and obligations, just enough to pay your bills and obligations, or is it not
enough to pay your bills and obligations?

More than enough Just enough to pay bills Not enough to pay bills DK/NA
5/29-6/3/09 13 59 27 1

70. Are you currently employed, or are you temporarily out of work but wanting to work, or
are you not in the market for work at all? IF EMPLOYED, ASK: Are you self employed or do
you work for someone else? IF NOT IN MARKET FOR WORK, ASK: Are you currently retired,
or not?
Employed, work for someone else 43
Employed, self employed 5
Temporarily out of work 17
Not in the market for work 14
Retired 19

71. (IF NOT EMPLOYED AND WORKING FOR SOMEONE ELSE) Did you lose a job in the past 12

Yes No
5/29-6/3/09 8 92

12 months, have there been layoffs at your place of work?

Yes No DK/NA
5/29-6/3/09 53 44 3

73. How concerned are you that in the next 12 months you or someone else in your household
might be out of work and looking for a job — very concerned, somewhat concerned, or not
concerned at all?

Very Somewhat Not at all DK/NA
5/29-6/3/09 38 24 35 2

79. How concerned are you about not having enough money for retirement —- very concerned,
somewhat concerned, or not at all concerned?

Very concerned Somewhat concerned Not at all concerned DK/NA

5/29-6/3/09 53 27 18 1

80. In the last 12 months, was any adult in your household out of work and actively
looking for a job? IF YES, ASK: Did this unemployment have a serious effect on the
family's standard of living, or not so serious an effect?

Unemployment, Unemployment
serious effect not serious effect No unemployment DK/NA
5/29-6/3/09 22 13 62 3

90. These last few questions are for background only. Are you or any other member of your
household - that is, any other adult living in your home or apartment - a member of a labor
union? IF YES, ASK: Is that person you or someone else?

Yes, respondent or Yes, someone

respondent & else else No DK/NA
5/29-6/3/09 23 7 69 1

91. Do you or does any other member of your household work for the City of New York? IF YES,
ASK: Is that person you or someone else?

Yes, respondent or Yes, someone

respondent & else else No DK/NA
5/29-6/3/09 12 9 79 -

Are you the parent or guardian of a child under 18 that lives with you?

Yes No
5/29-6/3/09 31 69

92. IF PARENT, ASK: Are your children currently enrolled in public school, or private
school or parochial school?
Public Not
Public Private Parochial & other School age Other
5/29-6/3/09 53 18 9 2 16 1

Are you now married, widowed, divorced, separated, or have you never been married?

Married Widowed Divorced Separated Never married DK/NA

5/29-6/3/09 41 9 10 5 35 1

Generally speaking, do you usually consider yourself a Republican, a Democrat, an

Independent, or what?

Republican Democrat Independent Other DK/NA

5/29-6/3/09 11 60 21 21 5

How would you describe your views on most political matters? Generally do you think of
yourself as liberal, moderate, or conservative?

Liberal Moderate Conservative DK/NA

5/29-6/3/09 34 37 22 7

What is your religious preference today?

Protestant Catholic Jewish Muslim Other None DK/NA

5/29-6/3/09 30 36 8 2 5 16 4

What was the last grade in school you completed?

Not a Some College

H.S. grad H.S. grad college grad Post grad Refused
5/29-6/3/09 7 35 29 15 13 1

How old are you?

18-29 30-44 45-64 Over 64 Refused
5/29-6/3/09 21 25 33 19 2

Are you of Hispanic origin or descent, or not?

Hispanic Not Hispanic Interviewed in Spanish DK/NA

5/29-6/3/09 19 77 3 1

Are you white, black, or some other race?

White Black Asian Other Refused

5/29-6/3/09 48 31 4 14 3

Was your total family income, that is your household income before taxes, in 2008 UNDER or
OVER $50,000?? IF UNDER, ASK: Was it under $15,000, or between $15,000 and $30,000, or over
$30,000? IF OVER, ASK: Was it between $50,000 and $75,000, or between $75,000 and $100,000 or
was it over $100,000?

Under $15,000- $30,000- $50,000- $75,000- Over

$15,000 $29,999 $49,999 $74,999 $100,000 $100,000 Refused
5/29-6/3/09 10 18 19 18 12 15 9

Male Female
5/29-6/3/09 45 55


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