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What's his/her name?

I. Part. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions according to it.

Hi every ody. !y name is "im ly White# I'm $% year's old and I'm a student. I'm from &osta Rica# &entral 'merica# ut I live in Paris with my whole family. I'm in (th grade. !y favourite )* program is )wo and a half men. )hey are so funny I can't stop laughing. I was orn in 'ugust %nd. !y phone num er is +(,-.$%/. I don't have a oyfriend yet. I studied at Paris High 0chool. I want you to mee my cousin 1iego 'ndr2s !essi. He's from !23ico. 4ow# He lives in Palmares# &osta Rica. He's two years younger than me. He was orn in !ay %5th. He haste two and a half men# ut loves )he 6ig 6ang )heory. We aren't from 70'# ut we oth spea8 9nglish. He has many friends in his group -.+. He doesn't have a cell phone. His email is He is a ig fan of 0aprissa. He en;oys playing video games# and listening to romantic music. He goes to 0aint Patric8 Primary 0chool Complete this registration Form according to the reading above.

First name: Surname:

First Name: Last Name:

Place of birth:

Place of Birth

4ationality< 'ge< !arital 0tatus< Date of birth: Email: School: Phone number: Level:

4ationality< 'ge< !arital 0tatus< Date of Birth: email: School: Phone number: Level:

II. Part. Read the text a ain about !imbl" and Die o and choose the alternative that best ans#ers each o$tion. %hoose &'& if the statement is true or &F& if it is false.
(. 'he" are siblin s.

' F
). !imbl" is French. F ' *. +e is ten "ears old.

' F
,. Die o lives in Paris.


-. .nl" Die o s$ea/s En lish.

' F
0. Die o1s number is 22234()*. ' F 5. Die o is "oun er than !imbl". ' F 2. 6hite has an email. ' F 3. Die o hates video ames.

' F
(7. +e li/es 'he Bi Ban 'heor".



Diana is a in Chris is a in John is a . in He likes Bessie is a . . .

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years old. She's from years old. He's from and lives in

and lives and lives

. She likes He likes years old. He's from the years old. She's from

and lives

She likes . She likes . She likes . . He likes He likes

She lives in Sydney and is 1 years old. Her name is She lives in D!blin and is " years old. He lives in &ondon and is 1' years old. Diana is from (reland. Her name is His name is He lives in #e$ %ork and is 11 years old. His name is

likes dancing

Bessie is from )!strala. Johan is from the *S). Chris is from +ngland. Sydney is a city in D!blin is a city in #e$ is a city %ork in &ondon is a city in

likes horseriding likes

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