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Merchandising is a global process through which products are sourced, price fixed, produced & distributed all over the world. Therefore, merchandiser have the leadership for the below chain work : 1. Product development . Pricing !. "rder confirmation & collection of P" , Master #$%. &. 'pproval of fabric & accessories. (. 'pproval of samples ). 'pproval of wash standard, print, embroider* etc. +. 'rrange to open back to back #$% ,. Procurement of all approved materials -. .ollow/up production of order with '0# 11. 2hipment of product on time. 1. Product Development 3t includes the following works : 4eceiving product package including spec sheet. %alculate cost of fabric, accessories, wash, print & embroider* %alculate garments ."5$ %6. cost Produce developmet sample 7Proto $ conter$ seal sample8 .inal order confirmation

!. Pr"c"n# .abric cost 9 .abric consumption in *ds x fabric price $ *ds 'ccessories cost 9 'll accessories including thread , button, labels, pol* etc. :ash cost 9 %ost depends on wash like garments wash, stone wash , en;*me wash. Print cost 9 cost depends on design & color <mbroider* cost 9 %ost depends on number of stitch of the design Total =arments ."5 cost 9 .abric > 'ccessories > :ash > Print > <mbroider* > %M > Profit > others $. Order con%"rm&t"on ' collect"on o% PO( M&)ter *C : 5u*er will place order after confirmation of garments ."5 price, seeing proto sample & aggrement of garments shipment schedule. 5u*er will provide P" & Master #%. Then need to proceed booking of fabric & accessories from different sources & to proceed fit sample for approval.

+. Approv&l o% %&,r"c ' Acce))or"e) : 5u*er will provide fabrication & fabric construction. Most of the bu*er has their nominated fabric supplier where the* alread* approved the fabric ?ualit*. :hen bu*er do not have an* nomination , merchandiser have to provide fabric swatch to approval of fabric ?ualit* from their fabric source. 'ccessories is the same procedure as fabric. -. Approv&l o% )&mple) : .it is the primar* sample which need to approve before start bulk production. 6ext is pre production 7PP8 sample to be made b* the production floor where this particular st*le order will produce. .. Approv&l o% /&)0 )t&nd&rd1 pr"nt1 em,ro"der2 etc : 3f garments has wash need to establish wash hand feel & color approval. 3f it is heav* wash need to establish wash shade band approval before bulk production. .or print & embroider* , need to take color & design approval from bu*er. 3. Arr&n#e to open ,&c4 to ,&c4 *C : 6eed to arrange open back to back #% for fabric & accessories , local items from Master #% received from bu*er. 5. Procurement o% &ll &pproved m&ter"&l) : To follow/up shipment of imported items as per schedule & deliver* of local items, all must reach in/ house before bulk production 4eceive store inventor* report & to tall* short $ excess ?t* & act accordingl*. 6. Follo/ 7up product"on o% order /"t0 A8* : 5efore start production need a pre/production meeting with bu*er@s 0%, production incharge, cutting incharge , finishing incharge, production 0%, merchandiser & central 0%. Auring production garments ?ualit* must be ensure with the help of central ?ualit* people to be maintain as per bu*er@s '0# level. To keep record of da* to da* production ?uantit* so that shipment schedule should not fail. 19. S0"pment o% t0e #&rment) : 5efore .inal 'udit b* bu*er@s 0% , central 0% will do pre/final audit as per bu*er@s '0# standard. :hen find satisfactor* should invite bu*er@s 0% for final audit. 5efore final audit *ou should book space to 5u*er@s consolidator shipping agent to ship goods in time with appropriate feeded vessel to catch Mother vessel at 2ingapore to reach goods at destination on time. To collect inspection certificate from bu*er@s local office & submit to export section to make shipping documents.

Sourc"n# ' procurement o% F&,r"c1 Acce))or"e)

.our sourcing & procurement of fabric & accessories merchandiser must do following: 1. . !. &. (. ). +. ,. -. 2election of source To check the past performance & market reputation of the source #ead time taken b* the source 2ampling & testing facilities 0ualit* control done b* the source %o/operation & ?uick response b* the source Production capabilit* of the source To check the available ?ualit* of the product %ommunication facilit* available with the source

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