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Maricris O.

Braza 4AM SCL9

ACTIVITY 1: Activity on Human Development and Marriage What did you discover about... a. Maturity Maturity is a continuous process that happen through new experiences as we grow; a period of ones life where there is a transition from a stage of a ones life to another. Personally, I am trying my best to learn to love and understand myself so I could readily mature to an adult. Right now, I am visiting my biological family for the Christmas (since I am adopted) so I could stop questioning why I am adopted, learn about my true identity and learn to accept myself and my life as it is now. Where you are along the continuum of human development? I am a self-actualizer, and I find myself always in that position where I want to fix my life in order to grow by actualizing our human potential. I do that by resolving every problem that arrives, and not running away from it. Right now, I am in that stage where I am moving from young adult to adulthood where I begin to think of having a partner yet deal with my issues as a young adult. how one should be acting at the period of maturity? At period of maturity, one must try to meet all his/her needs in order to be at the right side of the table in Maslows Hierarchy of Needs (i.e. if the need is met, the person feels). If met, one learns to love/trust the self and others, and desire to grow more and more to reach the best one could be. the time for real, authentic love? The way I see it, real and authentic love may come in any time of life. Maybe now, maybe tomorrow. We may not be ready at that time, but we can wait to be. Firstly, both parties must grow as individuals and learn to love oneselves before trying to shower love to the other person. In life, we meet a lot of people but there will come a point where we look at our significant other and not think of just cuddling or sex, etc., but a life lived together in many years not just in utter happiness and completion; It is when we realize that we are ready to face life challenges as partners, through whatever. about decisions regarding Marriage and Family Real, authentic love is needed for a successful life in marriage and family. One must not decide to marry just because he/she is lonely. One needs to know completely the self, the significant other, and the dreams and goals one wants in life. It comes when we are ready, not when we are scared to grow old lonely.





ACTIVITY 2: Parents' POV on marriage



at what age did they decide to marry My father passed away when I was young so I asked my mom regarding this activity. According to her, she decided to marry my father when she was 25. Since my father was a disabled man because of his foot (she did not explain this completely), my mother made sure to focus on her studies first and have a stable job before marrying and adopting me. what were the indicators that made them decide to get married at that age

Maricris O. Braza 4AM SCL9

Real love is important, because having such teaches you to embrace the significant others flaws. In their position, my mom accepted my father as he is. She was even ready to work for their living in case my father couldnt and take care of him throughout their life together. by that time, was marriage seen more as a vocation or contract According to her, it was an agreement/contract. A contract that serves as a constant reminder of their love for each other that they would stay together as long as they live. Even though my father passed early, I have not seen my mom look at any other guy. Maybe it is because love sealed this contract. What is for them the meaning of "the giftedness of each other's body" My mom and I had trouble understanding this question, and we guessed this is not just about the pleasure of making love. But considering the making love part as a gift, she supposed that it must be shared to a sole partner only to the one she has given her whole heart to. Conversely, in their relationship this gift means not having to be alone, because you and your partner will always be there for mutual support, thus, each others bodies.



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