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Poseidon The Responsibility of Water I. Introduction a. Anecdote b. Facts c.

. Thesis The Greek gods each have there on job over the world. Childhood a. His father Chronos tried to eat him and his brothers Zeus and Hades. b. Family c. Choosing what to rule. d. Learning how to rule it. Adulthood a. He got the power to rule Atlantis. b. He controlled water and made earthquakes with his trident. c. He married a sea nymph called Amphitrite d. He created bulls and horses His career ruling Atlantis A. He ruled Atlantis B. He ruled all the atlantics C. He ruled all sea life ,monster or fish. D. He also can speak to horses with his mind. The rules of being a god a. Having the console b. Not do anything with humans c. Having all the gods being related to you d. If any god or goddess is in trouble the other gods have to help. Conclusion a. The Greek gods each have there on job over the world. b. The concluding statement.






Poseidon The Responsibility of Water Right now youre in the car driving to Mexico and all of a sodden your car flips, thats Poseidon who caused the earthquake with his Triton. Now imagine Poseidon is your dad. Your walking around and you get angry you may cause and cause and earthquake, you may have to battle demons or monsters. But you also may never see your dad, because he is off saving the world. Some gods may want to kill you because they hate your dad like Ares the god of war may hate Poseidon and try to kill you. Poseidon is the god of the sea and he controls everything in it. The Greek gods have the world split up into different parts; they each have one job and one job only, for which they are fully responsible. Zeus has the sky, Ares has war, Athena has intellect, and Poseidon is fully responsible for water and anything in it.

Poseidons childhood was treacherous. Poseidons childhood deeply affected his adulthood here are the reasons. It should him that his mother had somewhat a heart, and his dad has no heart what so ever. I will show you in these two paragraphs

He was born full grown along with his brothers Hades and Zeus but as a kid there dad Chronos tried to eat them because he knew one of them was going to be more powerful them him so he ate all of them beacause he didnt want to take any chances. But there mom hid Zeus and tricked his dad into drinking

something that made him through them up. When they where battle his father the Cyclopes gave Zeus his lighting bolts, Hades his cloak of invisibility and Poseidon his Trident. They held a lottery each got their own part of the world, Zeus got the sky, Hades got the underworld, and Poseidon got the sea and when that was done they agreed on sharing the earth.. Growing up and learning how to control the water, who to use his trident because it can cause Earth quake maker, Rain god, and cloud gather. Before he learned who to use his trident he caused a whole lot of trouble like random earthquakes, whirl pools or floods. But when he learned how to use it ,he was magnificent with it like it was meant to be he used as well as a person who has been training all there life. I think the trident also let him communicate with sea animals. But everyone else says it is a gift since he one control over everything in the sea. What do you think the trident or a gift.

In his adulthood he was able to a lot more things than he did when he has younger. Like building Atlantis. He built it out of out of seashells, sand and sea rock. So he is responsible for atlantes and the attics. Poseidon also has to protect all the oceans from Indian to artic he has to protect all the oceans. He caused the largest earthquakes the ones that destroy a whole city and the mightiest whirlpools with one jab of his trident. A sea nymph is one of the fifty

the daughters of Nereus and Doris. Poseidon married a beautiful sea nymph named Amphitrite. When Poseidon first asked her to marry him, she
fled him, and hid herself away near Atlas () in the Ocean stream

at the far ends of the earth. The dolphin-god Delphin ( ) eventually tracked her down and persuaded her to return to wedding the sea king( ). They also call the sea nymph the fish god. But she also helps Poseidon rule Atlantic. At one point he desired Demeter. To put him off Demeter asked him to make the most beautiful animal that the world had ever seen. So to impress her Poseidon created the first horse. In some accounts his first attempts were unsuccessful and created a variety of other animals in his quest. By the time the horse was created his passion for Demeter had cooled. But he created horses out of sea foam. Since he created them he can telepathically speak with horses, Pegasuses, and Hippocampis.

Poseidon ruled Atlantice with and with an iron fist. But with such a big town comes very big responsibility. First you have to build it witch is very hard. He also had to make an army out of fish and merpeople, so thats a ton of training to some creaters that know how to fight and others that dont know who to fight and others that dont. But he has the Atlantics respect so they will help train and fight. Also he has their help to build Atlantice. So that cuts the time down a lot. He rules all the sea life from monsters to fish he ruled them. He can only speak with them so monsters still attack them. But with the army Poseidon has trained those monster have no chance of destroying atlantice or harming any of the army. Like I said he can communicate with any type of horse. So when ever he needs a ride if it is on land he can ride a regular horse, in water he can ride a hippocampi, and in air he can ride a pegus. The reason they get there so fast is they here

Poseidon telepathically speaking to him/her they galp to server their dad, grandfather or great grandfather well you get the drift Poseidon is all the horses master no matter what their doing if they are caring their owner they would hit them off and run towards Poseidon. I think thats why horses jump in the air because they still believe that Poseidon is alive so they here his voice in their head and they spring up and launch. The responsibilities of being a god is hard. The god console they all have a big meeting once a season to decide a big thing. Like to argue with Chrones about who gets to has all the power, or how to defend or attack the Chrones army. The Greek gods have nothing to do with humans. They cant expose they are a god. They may look like a human but thats just the mist, but monsters still attack and Poseidon most defend himself and his love one so he exposed his power and we may talk about it on Facebook or instagram. So he may be hunted down and killed. But since Poseidon was one of the three of the originals he will be related to all the gods wither it is his ness or grandson or even brother. So your going to fight and when you fight especially gods someone is going to be hurt and not just the gods. There could be a tsunami from Poseidon and he could kill hundreds of people. There could be a horrible lighting storm that could kill many. Would the gods care, no because as long as there not ruing there land then they dont care what so ever. But if a god/goddess is in trouble all the gods have to help. So lets say that Artims is in the woods hunting and a monster is about to kill her the gods most come wither it is by air,water, or land. They most help one another.

But if their in trouble but they can handle their self the gods may just leave them to handle them self. S Like I said greek gods have there own job over the world they have it split up into different pieces. Like Athena has smarts, Ares has war, Aphroditre has beauty, Hades has the underworld, Atriums has hunting, Zeus has skys/heavons, Apollo is the god of music, and healing, Hermes the messenger of the gods, and Poseidon lord of the water. All of the gods have different jobs over the world.

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