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Kyle Knox EDU 5170 Lesson Plan for Micro-lesson 1) Subject: 10th Grade World History Topic: Geography

of the World, Connectedness of Nations 2) Standards:


A) New York State i) understand the development and connectedness of Western civilization and other civilizations and cultures in many areas of the world and over time ii) define culture and civilization, explaining how they developed and changed over time. Investigate the various components of cultures and civilizations including social customs, norms, values, and traditions; political systems; economic systems; religions and spiritual beliefs; and socialization or educational practices

B) ISTE i) Creativity and Innovation: -Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. a) Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes b) Create original works as a means of personal or group expression c) Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues d) Identify trends and forecast possibilities ii) Research and Information Fluency -Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. a. Plan strategies to guide inquiry b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media c. Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks d. Process data and report results

3) Learning Objectives: Students will be able to A) Use Microsoft Publisher to create a brochure for a nation of their choosing. B) Acquire information on other countries in the world through the online quiz provided to the class 4) Learning Activity -At the beginning of the lecture, I will ask the class to name as many countries as they can that they have vacationed to. From there they will open up Microsoft Publisher and construct a brochure for one of the countries they have named: on this brochure they will include: geographical information, population information (nationalities within the nation, population size/density, etc.), a brief economic overview (1-2 sentences), and a brief overview of the government in that nation (1-2 sentences). This brochure should include an image from Google of a map of the country and several images of cultural things from that nation (food, music, festivities, etc.). (5 minutes) -Asking the students about a time when they were on vacation helps to spur interest in the subject. After this activity is completed, students will break up into groups of two (2) and play the nation information quiz provided on my website. Students will and pick the continent that their vacation spots were located in (ex: If a student went on vacation to Ireland, they will pick Europe). The first time they play the game should take between 2-5 minutes, so if students should finish early then they will play the game again just picking a different continent. Students should take their time with this activity and not rush it since there is a quiz score at the activity that the computer gives the students (5 minutes) -Going back to the standards of the NYS curriculum, students will understand the development and connectedness of Western civilization and other civilizations and cultures in many areas of the world and over time. The idea of this activity is to get students to look at boundaries of countries and have a discussion on what they used to be (Ex: Countries within the Commonwealth of England, the Roman Empire, the Empire of Japan, Soviet Union, etc.) which will be motivated by myself after the second round of the quiz. To do so, I will open up a copy of the online quiz and perform the activity stopping at specific countries. Several terms in this discussion will include isolationism, neutrality, imperialism, industrialization, militarization, and nationalism. To understand the information provided above about the terms, the class will be broken up into the two groups again. One group will focus on the history of the Roman Empire from the sources provided on my website, and the other will do the same with the British Empire. They will open up a document in Microsoft Word and answer this question: Based on the information you have acquired on your respective empire, what in your opinion is the main reason why your empire ended/declined and why is this most important?

5) Information: Isolationism: the process of a nation pulling away from being economically, politically, or socially involved in the affairs of other nations/the world based on the prospective of working internally or staying neutral in situations. (Ex: United States after World War I, China before American Involvement, etc.) Neutrality: staying uninvolved in conflicts between belligerents in order to protect interests by not engaging in active/passive warfare. Imperialism: a policy of extending a country's power and influence through economic superiority or warfare. Industrialization: the process of a nation in moving from a pre-industrial society to an industrial one: creating a system where the main forces behind economic superiority are created through mechanization and the creation of various technologies to facilitate activates. Militarization: the process by which a society organizes itself for military conflict and violence. Nationalism: the act of a group of people becoming identified with a nation as opposed to a tribe, kingdom, or settlement. Can also mean becoming attached to ones nation, like patriotism. 6) Practice: a) With the use of Microsoft Publisher, students will have the chance to work individually in order to create their own brochure of a vacation spot they are familiar with. b) Through the activities with the World Map quiz, and the Microsoft Word/Resource assignment, students will be able to show that they can work in groups in acquiring information on a location assigned to them during the class period. 7) Knowledge of the Results: a) Verbal feedback: -As the class is going through the assignments provided, I will be walking around the classroom and observe exactly what students have done so far. Throughout this time I will also be asking them if they need help/have any questions on the assignments. Students can answer freely to say how far they are with the assignment and ask any questions that they have at any time. b) Written feedback: -During the online geography quiz, I will ask students to record the scores that they have at the end of the assignment and mention any information they gathered about their continent they were quizzed on. Its based on a percentage grade (0-100%).

8) Review of activity: a) At the end of the assignment, students should have a general idea of how their respective empire fell in the end. Relating this back to the terms discussed beforehand, I will ask students to figure out which terms most closely describe their empire and why do they think so (ex: Was the Roman Empire created through imperialism? Why did it last for so long? England was an industrialized nation; in what ways would this have affected the size and scale of British influence in the world theater?) 9) Method of Assessment: a) The terms discussed in todays lecture will be on the upcoming test during next week. b) There will be an essay question comparing and contrasting the Roman Empire to the British Empire on the test. In order for all of the students to understand this, the homework assignment for tonight will be to go into my website and look at the resources for the other empire provided and do a small paragraph analysis to be handed in next class. (If one group did the Roman Empire during class, they will be required to provide an analysis of the British Empire for next class, and vice-versa)

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