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Digbeth Residents Association

Minutes of Meeting

Paragon Hotel


Monday 7th September 2009 at 7pm


Adam Crossley Chair and Digbeth Resident

PC Phil Bates Digbeth Neighbourhood Officer

PC Kate Ollis Digbeth Neighbourhood Officer

PC Lee Mulvale Digbeth Neighbourhood Officer

Andy Sheppard Neighbourhood Manager

5 Digbeth Residents!


Sgt Gary Chantrey Digbeth Neighbourhood Sergeant

The Hostel on Alcester Street at Cheapside is not going ahead; it for the moment is
staying as Luxury Apartments. Residents will be kept informed if any new plans are

Friday 2nd October – there is a fundraising event at the White Swan. Mick
O’Loughlin explained his role on the St Patricks Festival Committee and the
fundraising in the area. It’s a karaoke evening and is £5 per ticket, available from
White Swan, Mick O’Loughlin or Kate Ollis.

Kate looked at spare parking in the area and phoned around – at present no spaces

Phil spoke with Taxi Liaison regarding the noise from taxis in the early hours; advice
from liaison is for the police to ticket the offending taxis and then details passed to
Taxi Liaison.

Andy Sheppard the new Neighbourhood Manager introduced himself and outlined his
role in the Digbeth community, he covers Digbeth/Highgate and St Andrews.

Andy believes that no neighbourhood management exists at the moment in the area
and he aims to change this by getting the service providers / agents working together
with the residents to improve the area and its services. To look at the issues and
devise action plans. He wants to get a neighbourhood board together, and would like
to have a representative from the Digbeth residents association on the board.

Andy is employed by Birmingham City Council and wants to make sure the voices of
the residents are heard and actioned.

Adam said he has put his name forward to be added to the list to get emails for any
developments in the area, yet to date this has not happened. Andy will put out
information and send out information by email.

The Police boundaries are changing to coincide with the council boundaries /
constituencies. The definite plans are yet to be decided but should be in place by
April 2010.

Phil – Crime figures for August. 64 Crimes recorded in the area. If residents see
anyone or anything suspicious please do notify the police.

999 in emergency, 0845 113 5000 for non emergencies. Use extension 7868 6047 to
speak with a Digbeth Neighbourhood Officer.

Lee Mulvale introduced himself as a new member of the Neighbourhood Team

covering the Digbeth area.

Next meeting to be held on Monday 5th October 2009, 7pm at Paragon Hotel.

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