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The International Prophetic Voice for the Endtimes

Pg. 43
18-30Year Olds
Pg. 34
The International Prophetic Voice for the Endtimes
MAY 2009$4.75
Pg. 19
TheDaysof OneWorld,
Pg. 28
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By Norbert Lieth
The environmental crisis, international terrorismand
the worldwide financial crisis are driving our world
toward unity and in the direction of a last "world
giant" prophesied of in the Bible. Today, the stage is
being set for the coming antichristian world
kingdomand its leader.
Posttribulationism Part II
by Dr. Ron J. Bigalke Jr.
28 Money: Ends and Trends
The Days of OneWorld, One Crisis
By Wilfred Hahn
The recent shakings of the false gods of global prosperity have struck
fear into the remotest parts of the globe. In the midst of the chaos, we
are seeing something very remarkable: Never before has the entire
world behaved so much as one monolithic culture.
Midnight Call
MAY 2009
Foreign Secretary
Clinton Urges China
to Help
39 UK
Britain Accused of
Failing Children
40 USA
Worst Financial
Crisis in
Sixty Years
Marriages and
Adoptions Okayed
4 Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .By Arno Froese
34 Missions Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By Remsen Beitel, Jr.
43 Letters tothe Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .By Arno Froese

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4 M I D N I G H T C A L L
Seek ye the LORD, all ye
meek of the earth,
which have wrought his judgment; seek righteousness, seek
meekness: it may be ye shall be hid in the day of the LORD'S
anger (Zephaniah 2:3).
B y A r n o F r o e s e
here is no more appropriate
study of Scripture than the
prophets, who proclaim severe
judgment upon the people of Israel
generally and Judah in particular. This
is fitting for our global world.
For the first time, we are experiencing a
truly global recession. Some prognostica-
tors predict a full-fledged depression, al-
though no one really knows. What is
evident is that the signs of the times for the
world are definitely negative. But we must
not overlook the fact that the majority of
the people in the industrialized world are
still doing very well. Those who really hurt
are the poorest. That, doubtless, was the
case during the times of the prophets in the
land of Israel.
When we studied some of the other
prophets previously, we noticed how se-
verely the people of Israel treated the poor
amongst them (see Amos 2:6-7; 4:1; 5:11,
etc.). But when the judgment of God
comes, riches will no longer help. We saw
this in chapter 1, verse 18: Neither their
silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver
them. This warning is also given in the
New Testament: Go to now, ye rich men,
weep and howl for your miseries that shall
come upon you. Your riches are corrupted,
and your garments are motheaten. Your
gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of
them shall be a witness against you, and
shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have
heaped treasure together for the last days
(James 5:1-3). Note particularly the words,
the last days. The obsession for more
possessions is playing a major role in these
end times.
Here is what it says in Zephaniah 2:1-2:
Gather yourselves together, yea, gather to-
gether, O nation not desired; Before the de-
cree bring forth, before the day pass as the
chaff, before the fierce anger of the LORD
come upon you, before the day of the
LORDS anger come upon you. Who is
this nation not desired? It is Israel collec-
tively, and Judah, in particular. Why should
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MAY 2009 5
Published 12 times a year by
4694 Platt Springs Road
W. Columbia, SC 29170 USA
Founder Dr. Wim Malgo (192292)
Editor Arno Froese
Contributing Authors Norbert Lieth,
Marcel Malgo, Dr. Thomas Ice,
Wilfred Hahn, Dr. Ron J.
Bigalke, Reinhold Federolf,
Samuel Rindlisbacher and
Thomas Lieth
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Jeffcoat Copy Editor: Kimberly Farmer Customer Service:
Kathy Roland and Debbie Hale Production Manager:
Simon Froese Pressroom: Doug Bond, Joseph Howell and
Stephen Somogyi Post Press: Ralph Hutson, Dana Hale,
Teresa Vining, Melissa Martin, Joyce Hagins and Chad Vining
Special Order: Ruth Froese
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Midnight Call Ministries is a nonprofit missionary organization,
dedicated to proclaiming the entire Bible as the unfailing and
eternal written Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and the
unerring guide for the Christian faith.
The object of Midnight Call is to call people everywhere to
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Christians for His coming, and to uphold the faith and warn of
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WE BELIEVE in the divine inspiration of the whole Bible and
therewith the infallibility of the Holy Scripture, which is Gods
Word, and in the eternal Triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
WE BELIEVE Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was conceived of the
Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, and shed
His blood to save mankind. He died and arose bodily the third
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WE BELIEVE that the Lord Jesus Christ died in the place of
each individual sinner and that all who believe in Him as their
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become children of God.
WE BELIEVE that Israel is Gods chosen people, and that the
restoration of the Jews to their own land is the fulfillment of
the Word of God.
WE BELIEVE in the pretribulational appearance of Jesus Christ
for the Rapture of His Church (all born again believers).
WE BELIEVE in the immortality of our souls and the resurrection
of our bodies, and in the resurrection of the just and the unjust, the
everlasting blessedness of the saved and the everlasting punishment
of the lost.
The Pr ophet i c Voi ce f or t he Endt i mes PRINTED IN 12 LANGUAGES
ISSN 10948600
they gather themselves together? God is giving them the opportunity to
change before judgment comes. Here something marvelous is being said;
namely, Gods wonderful grace and mercy breaks through in the midst of
judgment. Note the word before. What are they to do before the Lords
fierce anger? Verse 3 answers: Seek ye the LORD, all ye meek of the earth,
which have wrought his judgment; seek righteousness, seek meekness: it
may be ye shall be hid in the day of the LORD'S anger. Quite apparently,
there is a remnant within the land of Judah who are admonished to seek
the Lord, to seek righteousness, to seek meekness. These are the ones who
would escape the destructive judgment that was to come upon the land.
The next verse reminds us of the place the worlds media is alarmed
about: For Gaza shall be forsaken, and Ashkelon a desolation: they shall
drive out Ashdod at the noonday, and Ekron shall be rooted up (verse 4).
Gaza is one of the oldest cities in the world. Biblically, she has been associ-
ated with Israels fiercest enemy, the Philistines. The cities of Ashkelon and
Ashdod have been newly established by the State of Israel in the same an-
cient place. The desolation and destruction are testified of by some ancient
ruins now uncovered by archaeologists.
Woe unto the inhabitants of the sea coast, the nation of the
Cherethites! the word of the LORD is against you; O Canaan, the land of
the Philistines, I will even destroy thee, that there shall be no inhabitant
(verse 5).The Mediterranean coast was virtually deserted without inhabi-
tants, until the Jews returned to the land of Israel and rebuilt the country.
The second largest city in Israel, Tel Aviv today, was established in 1909.
The city was literally built on sand dunes. Today the Tel Aviv metropolitan
area has a population of approximately 3,200,000. The virtually miracu-
lous success of the Jews in the land of Israel has become the envy of the
Arab world, and has contributed to their fierce hatred.
But that is fulfillment of prophecy. In spite of severe judgment, in spite
of total destruction and desolation, there is a remnant: And the sea coast
shall be dwellings and cottages for shepherds, and folds for flocks. And
the coast shall be for the remnant of the house of Judah; they shall feed
thereupon: in the houses of Ashkelon shall they lie down in the evening:
for the LORD their God shall visit them, and turn away their captivity
(verses 6-7). Indeed, Ashkelon is a modern-day miracle; it is a thriving,
prosperous city. Driving to Ashkelon from Tel Aviv or Jerusalem, one is
confronted with another miracle, namely the restoration and the resur-
rection of agriculture in the land of Israel. Before the Jews came, the land
of Israel was nothing more than a semi-desert, definitely unsuitable for
Next, the prophet turns to Israels neighbors. Let us read this very care-
fully: I have heard the reproach of Moab, and the revilings of the children
of Ammon, whereby they have reproached my people, and magnified
themselves against their border. Therefore as I live, saith the LORD of
hosts, the God of Israel, Surely Moab shall be as Sodom, and the children of
Ammon as Gomorrah, even the breeding of nettles, and saltpits, and a per-
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petual desolation: the residue of my people shall spoil them, and the rem-
nant of my people shall possess them (verses 8-9). When reading these
verses, we are almost shocked at an apparent change of Gods attitude. The
chapter started with the degrading statement, O nation not desired.
Luther translated it, You are a nation of enemies. But now judgement is
pronounced against Israels neighbors. We must keep in mind that this is
between God and His people. The surrounding nations such as Moab and
Ammon had no right to reproach my people. Three times we read the
words my people in these two verses. God is watching over His own. He
will fulfill His promises in full in due time for His people. Actually, He con-
demns those who rejoice over Israels misfortune, although Israel had
brought it upon themselves.
This is an extremely important issue we need to discuss a little further. It
is a prophecy yet to be fulfilled. Although there are believers in every na-
tion of the world, the overwhelming majority rejects Jesus. The Bible
prophesies that one day, all will have to acknowledge Jesus. Here is what
Philippians 2:10-11 says: That at the name of Jesus every knee should
bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;
And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory
of God the Father.
Next, a brief mention is made of Ethiopia: Ye Ethiopians also, ye shall
be slain by my sword (verse 12). No more is said. Ethiopia plays a signifi-
cant role in the Bible. The queen, for example, came to King Solomon in
Jerusalem and confessed that the God of Israel is the God of heaven and
earth. Later, we read of the Ethiopian finance minister who came to Israel
to the temple to worship. On his way back to Ethiopia, the Spirit of God
caused Philip to preach unto him that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. The
Ethiopians heart was opened; he received the truth and asked, What doth
hinder me to be baptized? (Acts 8:36). And Philip said, If thou believest
with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that
Jesus Christ is the Son of God (Acts 8:37). There is a clear relationship be-
tween Ethiopia and Israel. Even in modern times, tens of thousands of
Ethiopians were accepted as Jews and became Israeli citizens in recent
Another nation is specifically mentioned, and that is Assyria. Here is
what we read: And he will stretch out his hand against the north, and de-
stroy Assyria; and will make Nineveh a desolation, and dry like a wilder-
ness. And flocks shall lie down in the midst of her, all the beasts of the
nations: both the cormorant and the bittern shall lodge in the upper lintels
of it; their voice shall sing in the windows; desolation shall be in the
thresholds: for he shall uncover the cedar work. This is the rejoicing city
that dwelt carelessly, that said in her heart, I am, and there is none beside
me: how is she become a desolation, a place for beasts to lie down in! every
one that passeth by her shall hiss, and wag his hand (verses 13-15). The
epitome of rebellion and sin against God is exposed with their own words,
I am, and there is none beside me. This reminds us of the church of the
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6 M I D N I G H T C A L L
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MAY 2009 7
Laodiceans, where she exclaims, I am rich and increased with goods, and
have need of nothing.
What a fitting picture of our days. Churchianity is suffocating in riches
and luxuries, while members of the true Church are oppressed, disre-
garded, rejected, mocked, and sometimes persecuted. I take this opportu-
nity to call your attention to our brothers and sisters who are in deep
tribulation and extreme persecution in countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan,
and recently in Gaza. While we support Israels fight for freedom and secu-
rity, we must not overlook that our Lord who has stated, I will build my
church also has His children in the midst of the chaos of Gaza. From con-
fidential sources, we receive reports that many fear for their lives. The gen-
eral attitude is that the Church is visibly manifested to the world.
Subsequently, it is believed that the Church is somehow limited to Chris-
tianized Europe and the new countries. I venture to say that this is a great
mistake. While Christian activity is virtually monopolized by the European
world, or as we call it, the Western World, that in no way means that there
alone is the Church. I venture to say that if all churches were closed tomor-
row, that if all mission organizations with their respective work, missionar-
ies, radio, television, publishing houses, etc., were closed, it would do no
damage to His Church. While this work is important and we must do our
utmost in the propagation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people, never
must we be so highminded as to assume that God depends on us. Remem-
ber, Jesus says, I will build my church. We can therefore assume that
when the Rapture takes place, the surprise will be overwhelming in rela-
tionship to church activity. It may well be that a relatively small number
will be raptured from the so-called Christian world, and surprisingly,
great numbers from the Muslim, Hindu, and communist world. If such is
the case, then we can understand how religious unity will be solidly estab-
lished among the Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc. That will
add to the foundation for the fulfillment of Revelation 13:8: And all that
dwell upon the earth shall worship him [the Antichrist].
Everything else is in the full swing of preparation. The politicians, finan-
cial managers and global economists are feverishly busy to establish a uni-
fied world: one that is controlled, regulated, and readily prepared for one
person to rule, and that is Antichrist. MC

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Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.
Brethren, pray for us (1 Thessalonians 5:24-25).
We are thankful that our Lord has enabled us to bring Midnight Call
magazine back to its 52 pages, although the magazine will be reduced for
the July issue. We enlist your continuous prayer so we will have the re-
sources to continue uninterrupted, ever abounding in the work of the
Lord during 2009.
Thankfully United in His Service,
Your Midnight Call Ministries
The Mark of the Beast
has long been the
subject of heated
debate and even
While people can only speculate about
the details of what it will be and howit will
be implemented, there is no disputing at
least one fact: The execution of the mark
described in Revelation 13 will be an
unprecedented landmark event in human
Did you knowthat the world is being
prepared nowfor its implementation?
In every aspect of life on this earth
fromeconomy and government to
religionthere are strong indications that
we are closer than ever to the time when a
worldwide identification systemis a
likelihood rather than a wild impossibility.
ITEM# 1061 240 pgs. Hardcover
$16.95 $10
Author: Arno Froese

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8 M I D N I G H T C A L L 8 M I D N I G H T C A L L
Three world crises are forcing the world toward unity: the envi-
ronmental crisis, international terrorism and the financial crisis.
Somebody has said in this connection, We are being bombed,
hystericalized over the climate changes, and crashed into the
new world order. The most recent crisis to come upon us is
the worldwide financial crisis
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efore we concern ourselves with a
very difficult theme, that of James
5:1-9, let me emphasize that
riches are not forbidden on principle.
In the Bible there was the wealthy
man, Philemon, the rich patriarchs
and the billionaire, David. If my
calculations are correct, David, for
instance, possessed 3,400 tons of
gold and 34,000 tons of silver,
which he donated toward the build-
ing of the temple (1 Chronicles
22:14). He did not even become any
poorer for this! The Bible does not forbid
riches. It warns of the dangers associated
with them, however, and it condemns
the ungodly use of them (Mark 4:19, Luke 12:15,
Acts 5:4, Colossians 3:5-6, 1 Timothy 6:9, 10 & 17
and 2 Peter 2:14-15).
Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days
(James 5:3).
The prophetic Word of God brings the last days in
connection with the world of finance. The financial
sector will play a significant part and be a major theme
in the last days. I do not think that James 5 is only refer-
ring to individual rich people, such as there have always
been, but to a world that has become rich, and finan-
cially rich nations such as we have today. It is about the
financial world of the last days.
The following are a few examples of this:
The last time
Love not the world, neither the things that are in
the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Fa-
ther is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of
the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is
not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world
passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the
will of God abideth for ever. Little children, it is the last
time: and as ye have heard that antichrist
shall come, even now are there many an-
tichrists; whereby we know that it is the
last time (1 John 2:15-18).
Our time is determined as never
before by feelings, images and
boastful demonstrations of money
and power. Heinz Schumacher
explains the term, the pride of
life, in his Bible translation,
Boasting of that which we have,
are and can do in our earthly
It is certainly not without significance
that John connected the financial world
and its coming downfall with the last
time and the coming antichrists. John is also the
writer of the book of Revelation, in which he speaks re-
peatedly of this last time and a worldwide, antichristian
union and the downfall of an economic Babylon (Reve-
lation 18:10,17 & 19).
The history of Jeroboam begins in 1 Kings 11. He
was a bad influence on the people as no other before
him. So he is a type of Antichrist. Israel at that time is
symbolic of a people who allowed themselves to be
deceived in the last time. Jeroboam instigated a rebel-
lion, divided the kingdom and took control over ten
tribes of Israel. He erected golden calves in Bethel and
Dan as an ungodly counterpart to the ministry in the
temple. Jeroboam introduced a false priesthood and
even changed the time of the Feast of Tabernacles.
For he rent Israel from the house of David; and they
made Jeroboam the son of Nebat king: and Jeroboam
drave Israel from following the Lord, and made them
sin a great sin (2 Kings 17:21).
Jeroboams deeds were so deplorable that the Bible
speaks thereafter of the sins of Jeroboam. Interestingly
enough, it says of him, And the man Jeroboam was a
mighty man of valor; and Solomon seeing the young
man that he was industrious, he made him ruler over all
It is certainly not without significance that John connected the
financial world and its coming downfall with the last time and the
coming antichrists.
MAY 2009 9
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the charge of the house of Joseph (1 Kings
A last Jeroboam will arise over Israel and
this world, and this man also will be very con-
cerned with finances.
The wrath of God for the sake of
Mortify therefore your members which are
upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordi-
nate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetous-
ness, which is idolatry: for which things sake the
wrath of God cometh on the children of disobe-
dience (Colossians 3:5-6).
The wrath of God here is not a reference to the day of
judgment, but to the coming Tribulation of Revelation,
which the prophet Isaiah also connects with the end-
times Babylon (Isaiah 13:1 & 9-13, compare Zephaniah
2:2-3, Romans 1:18 and Revelation 6:16-17).
What will the idolatry be that is spoken of fre-
quently in Revelation, and that people do not repent of
(Revelation 9:20-21)? Will people worship figures of
stone or wood again, or will it be something more mod-
ern? When we think that the letter to the Colossians
calls covetousness idolatry, and emphasizes that the
wrath of God will come upon the children of disobedi-
ence for the sake of this also, then we know what idola-
try is: namely, the dance around the golden calf in the
end-times (personified in the financial world). Put to
death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly na-
ture: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and
greed, which is idolatry (New International Version).
Apparently, the storing up of money and the ostenta-
tious use and display of it, are a particular phenomenon
of the last times.
Ye have heaped treasure together for the last
daysye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been
wanton; ye have nourished your hearts, as in a day of
slaughter. Ye have condemned and killed the just; and
he doth not resist you (James 5:3 & 5-6).
While the complete fulfillment of verse 6 will only
take place in the coming Great Tribulation, we are expe-
riencing today already what is described in verses 3 and
5. The region of ancient Babylon will become a new
Babylon. Think of the developments in Dubai. This re-
gion is a demonstration before the eyes of the whole
world of just how topical the Bible is.
Since the 1990s the term oligarchy has been in fre-
quent use. The word comes from the Greek at the time
of Plato (427-347 B.C.) and describes the lawless rule
of the rich, who are only concerned with their own in-
terests. It refers, like aristocracy, to the rule of the few,
whereby aristocracy, in contrast to oligarchy, is looked
upon as a lawful rulership for the good of the commu-
It is interesting that since the 1990s this word has
become significant again in Russia. It describes busi-
nessmen of whom the general public assumes that
they came to great riches and political influence in the
chaotic time after the end of the Soviet Union through
dubious means.
I also read the following statement on this subject:
In only 10 years a few Russians ascended overnight to
the league of the super-rich. They unscrupulously took
advantage of the change from the Communist system to
a newly arising capitalist system to ensure themselves
the prime cut of the Russian economy at a minimum
10 M I D N I G H T C A L L
The region of ancient Babylon will become a new Babylon. Think of
the developments in Dubai. This region is a demonstration before the
eyes of the whole world of just how topical the Bible is.
The luxury resort of Madinat Jumeirah
with the Burj Al Arab looming in the
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MAY 2009 11
The sudden financial collapse is an example of the Day of the Lord,
which will come upon the world like a thief in the night. It was in the
middle of an economic boom when everyone was optimistic that the
present financial crisis came. Disaster struck the financial world.
price. These so-called oligarchs are the winners in a gi-
gantic monopolythe old Soviet managers proved
themselves to be very adaptable, who threw ideology
overboard and privatized their state concerns, putting
the money into their own pocketsThe bankers of the
first hour earned millions without taking any great
risks with state money, speculation and trading de-
vices. Credits were hardly obtainable from them, how-
ever. The bankers formed the elite of the oligarchs in
the first half of the
ninetiesthe possession of the
state concerns was dispersed
amongst the people in the first
phase through shares. At least
theoretically, for the old man-
agers and the newly rich had
soon gained the concerns for
themselves. The hyperinflation
and the crisis made it possi-
Ye have heaped treasure
together for the last days!
The wrong use of money and power
Behold, the hire of the laborers who have reaped
down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud,
crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are en-
tered into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth (James 5:4).
The average income of a citizen of Dubai is 2,400
per month. That of a foreigner who works 15 hours a
day in a temperature of 40, on the other hand, is only
100 a month. These are the present day slaves.
The oligarchy, the lawless rule of the rich, is driven
by personal wealth and does not seek the good of all.
Major banks that made a profit of billions fired and
are firing thousands of employees.
At the end of November 08 the EU decided upon
a drastic reduction of support for European farmers,
whereby important income was lost which they needed
for the survival of their farms.
The economic collapse is
Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your
miseries that shall come upon you. Your riches are cor-
rupted, and your garments are motheaten. Your gold
and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a
witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were
fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days
(James 5:1-3).
The sudden financial
collapse is an example of
the Day of the Lord,
which will come upon
the world like a thief in
the night. It was in the
middle of an economic
boom when everyone
was optimistic that the
present financial crisis
came. Disaster struck the
financial world. Large ar-
eas of industry (the auto-
mobile industry, for example) are in a desolate
condition, and many banks are becoming insolvent.
Even the richest countries have faced recession and de-
pression overnight. Individual millionaires and their
families lost their fortunes within a few days. The global
economy and the whole financial system have become
unstable. This is all merely the beginning, however, for
the actual judgment of the Tribulation is yet to come.
The imminent return of the Lord is mentioned three
times in James 5:7-9 in direct connection with the
worldwide economic crisis:
Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of
the Lord (James 5:7).
Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the com-
ing of the Lord draweth nigh (James 5:8).
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12 M I D N I G H T C A L L
Grudge not one against another, brethren, lest ye be
condemned: behold, the judge standeth before the
door (James 5:9).
First, we are told twice that the coming of the Lord is
near, and that after this the Judge is standing at the door.
Jesus is coming to rapture His own, and afterwards as
Judge. The developments in the Tribulation are already
judgments of this Judge.
The world is rebelling increasingly against God and
His Anointed One (Psalm 2). It does not want Christ,
and it does not want Christianity. Christians and all that
is Christian are being ever more clearly rejected. And do
you know what? God will take them away! The Rapture
will remove true Christianity so that the Antichrist finds
room (2 Thessalonians 2:5-12). God will give this world
what it desires: Saul instead of David, Barabbas instead
of Jesus, the Antichrist instead of Christ. The return of
the Lord is near and the Judge is standing at the door.
The environmental crisis, international terrorism and
the worldwide financial crisis are driving our world to-
ward unity and in the direction of a last world gi-
ant prophesied of in the Bible. In an edition of the
Christian magazine Factum I read, The signs of
the times make us sit up and remind us of the fact
that we are living in the last phase of human history.
In the six so-called seals of judgment, political, so-
cial, economic and military upheavals are prophe-
sied, which remind us of the present-day
The Bible speaks clearly of the fact that there will
be a worldwide unity, which will be led by an an-
tichristian giant, for the dragon will give him his
power and his throne and great authority (Revela-
tion 13:2). And the ten horns which thou sawest are
ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet;
but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
These have one mind, and shall give their power and
strength unto the beast (Revelation 17:12-13).
Is it surprising that the German Federal President,
Horst Khler, said he wished the governments would
elect a few wise menwho would confer on the
rules for a global world?
Or that Kofi Annan empha-
sized that the crisis can only be solved globally?
We have already become accustomed to terms like
world financial peak, world financial system, world
financial order, world economic ministry and world
economic forum, and recently even the term multi-
national super-administration.
It is clear that the things described in the last book
of the Bible must be fulfilled, and that they will be
fulfilled suddenly. Today the stage is being set. There
must be a platform for the coming antichristian
world kingdom and its leader. Therefore there must
be unity. And through a massive deception, a new
economic boom has to come.
The depression of the 1930s in Germany brought
the end of parliamentary democracy in that country.
Hitler rose to power. As a result of lies, deception, se-
God will give this world what it desires: Saul instead of David,
Barabbas instead of Jesus, the Antichrist instead of Christ. The return of
the Lord is near and the Judge is standing at the door. The
environmental crisis, international terrorism and the worldwide
financial crisis are driving our world toward unity and in the direction
of a last world giant prophesied of in the Bible.
Mc0509FINALrvsd.qxd:MC0306 1A1B 4/2/09 8:44 AM Page 12
duction and a new economic boom, the Germans
galloped into the catastrophe of the dictatorship, the
Second World War, the persecution of the Jews, and
ultimately the total downfall of the so-called Third
Reich. The present crises appear to prepare for the
events of Revelation. They call, at least, for a new re-
liable security, a new world order; they are speeding
up globalization and calling for a strong man, a
world giant.
Examples from the media
Romano Prodi, former Prime Minister of Italy and
former President of the European Union, said, We
have no alternative to the formation of the United States
of Europe.
The German newspaper Die Zeit regretted in an
article that no suitable global leader was in sight,
and expressed the opinion that Barack Obama would
be the right world president for the 21st century.
The Swiss news program 10 to 10 reported on No-
vember 7th on the theme Barack, the Redeemer.
Worldwide press reports about him were euphoric.
He was called The Messiah more and more often.
At the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, 200,000 people
celebrated his appearance, although hardly any of
them knew anything of his agenda. President George
W. Bush, who called himself a Christian, was
mocked, hated and demonized, but the same masses
cried for a man they did not even really know. This is
all a fitting example for the future. The individual
person may be intelligent, but the masses are always
gullible. History is proof of this, and developments
are alarming.
The former American Under-Secretary of State
for Economic Affairs, Professor Richard N. Cooper,
said as far back as 1984: For the next century I
would suggest a radical alternative: the creation of a
common currency for all industrial democracies with
a common currency policy and a common bank for
the establishing of monetary strategiesHow can in-
dependent states achieve this? They must give the
control of the currency politics to an international
In this connection the statement of Nicolas
Sarkozy, President of France, is not surprising: We
have attempted for years to achieve something. The cri-
sis must be used as a chance so that history does not re-
peat itself. We need the functioning of a human market
economy. This does not just happen with rules. The
rules must be found in a global frameworkwe need a
global answer to a global crisis.
The Brazilian newsmagazine Veja lamented the
lack of a suitable political world leader; the right states-
man is necessary.
The economic crisis is preparing the world for the
coming world giant.
Grudge not one against another, brethren, lest ye be
condemned: behold, the judge standeth before the
door (James 5:9).
Every person will be judged, but God will not forget
anything. For we must all appear before the judgment
seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things
MAY 2009 13
The depression of the 1930s in Germany brought
the end of parliamentary democracy in that
country. Hitler rose to power. As a result of lies,
deception, seduction and a new economic boom,
the Germans galloped into the catastrophe of the
dictatorship, the Second World War, the
persecution of the Jews, and ultimately the total
downfall of the so-called Third Reich.
Adolf Hitler (left), standing up behind Hermann
Gring at a Nazi rally in Nuremberg, 1928.
Mc0509FINALrvsd.qxd:MC0306 1A1B 4/2/09 8:44 AM Page 13
14 M I D N I G H T C A L L
done in his body, according to that he hath done,
whether it be good or bad (2 Corinthians 5:10).
Some mens sins are open beforehand, going be-
fore to judgment; and some men they follow af-
ter (1 Timothy 5:24).
Just opposite our offices there is a very nice ho-
tel. It has been renovated inside and out, partially
rebuilt, added to and newly furnished. The colors
are fresh and the service is good. It has a large
new wellness area and an excellent restaurant. It
has a very good reputation. Some time ago some-
thing very strange happened. In the parking lot of
the hotel, the ground sank, making a hole large
enough for a truck to find room in it. The cause
was a concealed filled septic tank, which nobody
had known of and was not shown in any plans. A
2-meter layer of earth had covered this tank,
which went down to 4.5 meters below ground
level. The tank had clearly not been in use for a
very long time, and its contents had not been
drained. As liquid sewage is caustic, over the
course of the years it had eaten away at the con-
crete ceiling and caused it to collapse. There were
still 70 cubic meters of sewage in it, which was
pumped out by a special contractor and taken
away in two large tank trucks. In place of the
sewage, 70 cubic meters of good solid material
was left in the pit and the problem was solved.
An engineer said, The fact that the tank had
never been emptied and the contents not removed
is ecologically speaking a great mistake, and is
taking its revenge today. Nobody knows how
much sewage flowed into the water supply, as the
water level is higher there than the lower level of
the tank.
Is this not a striking example for us humans?
Outside a beautiful hotel and inside a septic tank!
Outwardly everything makes a good impression,
but concealed in its depths is a pit of sin that has
not been dealt with. It has a caustic effect on our
lives and can do great damage. Whoever allows it
to be removed by Jesus, who then fills us with His
gifts, experiences, If we walk in the light, as he is
in the light, we have fellowship one with another,
and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us
from all sin. If we say that we have no sin, we de-
ceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we
confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive
us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unright-
eousness (1 John 1:7-9). MNR0209/331
1 Heinz Schumachers German language translation of the New Testa-
ment, Hnssler, p.916, note 28.
3 Ibid.
5 Israel heute April 2008.p.28
6 Factum4/2008, p.28
7, October 11, 2008
8 October 11,
9 NZZ November 20, 2008, International, p.7
10 Factum 8/2008, p.6
11 Topic, October 2008, p.5
12 Mitschrift Pressekonferenz: Pressekon-
ferenz Bundeskanzlerin Merkel und Prsident Sarkozy, October 12,
13 Editorial, outburo de 2008
Every person will be judged, but
God will not forget
anything. For we must all
appear before the
judgment seat of Christ;
that every one may
receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath
done, whether it be good or bad (2 Corinthians 5:10).
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4-6 October 2009
Landmark Resort Hotel
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Arno Froese
Mike Gendron
Dave Hunt
Wilfred Hahn
Remsen Beitel
Norbert Lieth
Mc0509FINALrvsd.qxd:MC0306 1A1B 4/2/09 8:44 AM Page 15
Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new
things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of
them (Isaiah 42:9).
The above Scripture expresses the absolute reliability of
the prophetic Word. Prophecy has been fulfilled, is being ful-
filled and will be fulfilled in the future.
In view of the present global commotion, particularly
where the economy and finances are concerned, some may
ask, Are these signs relating to fulfillment of Bible prophecy?
We are convinced they are. Thus our general theme for the At-
lantic Coast Prophecy Conference is The Accelerating Fulfill-
ment of Bible Prophecy.
One thing is undeniable. The world, no matter how diverse,
is coming closer together. Therefore, the cardinal question to
ask is, Are we approaching the fulfillment of Revelation 17:13,
These have one mind, and shall give their power and
strength unto the beast?
In case you have not yet registered, may I urge you to do
so now to participate in the two and one-half days of intensive
study of the prophetic Word.
This fine facility, in the heart of Myrtle Beach, of-
fers extremely favorable rates for con-
ference participants. There are various
categories of rooms and suites available. Some
have full kitchen facilities, but all rooms are
equipped with a kitchen sink, refrigerator and mi-
crowave oven.
The hotel is located directly on the oceanfront. There are a
number of restaurants close by on Ocean Boulevard. Only
two blocks away is the famous Kings Highway. Here you will
find several restaurants and shops for your convenience.
We encourage you to take advantage of our pre-
registration offer at only $49 per person. This
rate will only be valid until 31 July 2009, after
which the regular registration fee of $59 will take effect. Of
course, as always, the registration fee is 100% refundable
should you be hindered from attending the conference.
Although the hotel offers over 400 rooms for your selec-
tion, they are available only on a first-come-first-serve
basis. Therefore, we recommend that you make your reser-
vations early.
16 M I D N I G H T C A L L
October 2009
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
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4-6 October 2009
Landmark Resort Hotel
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
ARNO FROESE is the executive director of
Midnight Call Ministries and editor-in-chief of
the critically-acclaimed prophetic magazines
Midnight Call and News From Israel. He has
authored a number of well-received books,
and has sponsored many prophecy conferences in the U.S.,
Canada, and Israel. His extensive travels have contributed to his
keen insight into Bible prophecy, as he sees it from an inter-
national perspective.
MIKE GENDRON is the director of Proclaiming
the Gospel Ministry. Mike works through local
churches equipping the saints to effectively
and faithfully communicate the Gospel of grace.
He has taught the students and faculty at The
Masters Seminary, Dallas Theological Seminary, Moody Bible
and Tyndale Theological Seminary. Mike is the author of Prepar-
ing Catholics for Eternity and Roman Catholicism: Scripture vs.
Tradition, along with other resources that make the Gospel clear
to those who are trapped in religious deception. Since gradu-
ating from Dallas Theological Seminary in 1991, Mike has con-
ducted short-term missions trips and taught in hundreds of
churches throughout the world.
DAVE HUNT is an internationally known author
and lecturer who has written several dozen
books with a combined sale of over 4 million
copies. Some of his bestsellers include: A
Woman Rides the Beast; The Seduction of
Christianity; A Cup of Trembling; In Defense of the Faith and
Judgment Day!
WILFRED HAHN is known for his writings and
insights on present-day world economic and
money trends, viewed from a Biblical per-
spective. He has global investment industry
experience spanning three decades, having
held various executive positions from Director of Research
for a major Wall Street firm, to Chairman of Canadas largest
global investment group. At one time also a top-ranked global
analyst and strategist, he continues to write and work as a Chief
Investment Officer. The Mulberry Ministry, founded in 1995 with
his wife, Joyce, publishes and distributes Eternal Value Review
and over 40 books and booklets. For the past eight years he has
been a contributor to Midnight Call magazine.
REMSEN BEITEL is the founder of RADIO
New Hope, a Christian satellite and Internet
radio network broadcasting the Word of God
throughout Europe and the Middle East. Rem-
sen and his wife Ellen (a Messianic Jew) went
to Germany as missionaries in 1994, and ministered there for 14
years. In 2006 RADIO New Hope merged with Midnight Call and
its broadcast studio was moved to Zurich, Switzerland. At the
end of 2007 Remsen and Ellen returned to the US, where he
serves as the Director of US Operations for RADIO New Hope.
They live in Tulsa, OK.
NORBERT LIETH is a graduate of Midnight
Call Bible School in Montevideo/Uruguay. He
has served as Midnight Calls missionary in
several South American countries. Norbert
Lieth is the lead speaker for Midnight Call
Ministries throughout Europe. He has authored 18 books, and
many have been translated into several languages. He and his
wife Elke, and their four daughters reside in Switzerland.
MAY 2009 17
Mc0509FINALrvsd.qxd:MC0306 1A1B 4/2/09 8:45 AM Page 17
Dave Hunt
The Accelerating Growth of Evil
Wilfred Hahn
Approaching Terminus:
The 10 Kings and Global Babylon
Arno Froese
Why Rome Must Rule
Mike Gendron
The Pending Death of Discernment
Remsen Beitel
How Globalism, Terrorism, Mammonism,
and Socialism Are Changing the
Face of Missions in These End Times
Norbert Lieth
To Be Announced
Dave Hunt
Trashing God's Word from Within the
Arno Froese
The Exclusive Church
Mike Gendron
The Emerging Religion of
Norbert Lieth
To Be Announced
Dave Hunt
False Gospels in the Church
Wilfred Hahn
Globalism Driven by Crisis: How to
Keep Your Heart
To Be Announced
Questions & Answers
Norbert Lieth
To Be Announced
Arno Froese
End Time Deceptions
Break Break
Lunch Lunch
Evening Banquet
2009 Atlantic Coast Prophecy Conference
4-6 October 2009
Registration Fee: $59 per person ($49 before 31 July)
# in party: ______x $49 Total Registration $
# Banquet: ______x $35 Total for Banquet $
Total Enclosed $
Participant's Name: Attending Banquet?
1._____________________________ Yes__ No__
2._____________________________ Yes__ No__
3._____________________________ Yes__ No__
Your Name:________________________________________
o Check o Visa/MC/Disc/AMEX
Mail to: 2009 ACPC
P.O. Box 280008,Columbia, SC 29228
Registration by phone:
(800) 8452420 or (803) 755-0733
Fax: (803) 755-6002
# in party:
Mail to: Atlantic Coast Prophecy Conference, Landmark Resort Hotel,
1501 South Ocean Blvd., Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
Reservations: (800) 845-0658 or Fax (843) 445-7274
Please mention group code MCM to receive the special reduced room rate.
Arrival Date: Departure Date:
o Interiorview Hotel Rooms $40/night o Oceanview Hotel Rooms $50/night
o Oceanfront Hotel Rooms $58/night o King Angle Oceanview Suites $58/night
o Double Angle Oceanview Suites $60/night o Oceanfront Suites $65/night
o Deluxe Oceanfront Suites $68/night
$ /night x nights = $
*Plus 12% accommodations tax $
*Plus $3.78 resort fee per night $
Total for Accommodations $
Your Name:________________________________________
oCheck o Visa/MC/Disc/AMEX
MC05/09 MC05/09
Time Sunday, 4 October Monday, 5 October Tuesday, 6 October
18 M I D N I G H T C A L L
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by Dr. Ron J. Bigalke Jr.
Part 1 of this article explained and critiqued three variations of posttribulationism:
classic, semiclassic, and futuristic [January MC 2009]. Part 2 of this article will provide an
extended discussion and critique of dispensational posttribulationism, which is an
entirely unique (but persuasive) defense of that doctrine. The view was articulated first
by Robert H. Gundry in The Church and the Tribulation (1973). The importance of
understanding the distinctive features of Gundrys eschatology is due to his use of
arguments that have never been employed in defense of posttribulationism.
MAY 2009 19
Mail to: Atlantic Coast Prophecy Conference, Landmark Resort Hotel,
1501 South Ocean Blvd., Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
Reservations: (800) 845-0658 or Fax (843) 445-7274
Please mention group code MCM to receive the special reduced room rate.
Arrival Date: Departure Date:
o Interiorview Hotel Rooms $40/night o Oceanview Hotel Rooms $50/night
o Oceanfront Hotel Rooms $58/night o King Angle Oceanview Suites $58/night
o Double Angle Oceanview Suites $60/night o Oceanfront Suites $65/night
o Deluxe Oceanfront Suites $68/night
$ /night x nights = $
*Plus 12% accommodations tax $
*Plus $3.78 resort fee per night $
Total for Accommodations $
Your Name:________________________________________
oCheck o Visa/MC/Disc/AMEX
Mc0509FINALrvsd.qxd:MC0306 1A1B 4/2/09 8:45 AM Page 19
20 M I D N I G H T C A L L
Gundry is a respected conservative and premil-
lenarian scholar, who serves in residence at West-
mont College in Santa Barbara, California.
Assuming the validity of posttribulationism, he has
presented basic premises in his works in such a
manner that only his view could be correct. Gundry
has several fundamental aspects of his arguments in
defense of dispensational posttribulationism.
The Doctrine of Imminence
Gundrys first premise was to redefine the doctrine of
imminence. He wrote:
We should first of all note a lack of identity between belief
in imminence on the one hand and pretribulationism on the
other. By common consent imminence means that so far as
we know no predicted event will necessarily precede the
coming of Christ. The concept incorporates three essential el-
ements: suddenness, unexpectedness or incalculability, and a
possibility of occurrence at any moment. But these elements
would require only that Christ might come before the tribula-
tion, not that He must. Imminence would only raise the possi-
bility of pretribulationism on a sliding scale with mid- and
The problem with Gundrys definition of imminence
is the two words necessarily and possibility.
cording to Gundry, imminence means that Christ will
return at any moment after the tribulation. In
Matthew 24:36, Jesus declared, But of that day and
hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor
the Son, but the Father alone.
Gundry had to reinter-
pret this verse to mean, The element of uncertainty is
there, but it is slight.
Believers will know the approxi-
mate time, not the exact time of Christs return. The
shortening of the tribulation thus enables us to resolve
general predictability and specific unpredictability with-
out rending the exhortations to watch from their post-
tribulational context and without minimizing the
function of signaling events by resorting to the histori-
cal [preterist] view with its vagaries.
Gundrys defini-
tion of imminence means only believers in the tribula-
tion will be watchful until prophetic events begin. Even
when such events occur, believers shall not know ex-
actly; rather the attitude is to know approximately.
Imminence is redefined to expectancy.
Redefining the Tribulation
The second premise upon which Gundry bases his
posttribulationism is the belief that the tribulation is the
wrath of Satan, not the wrath of God. This argument is
one of the most critical arguments that must be true for
non-pretribulational systems. Gundry gave great atten-
tion between divine wrath and the tribulation, and Rev-
elation 3:10. Gundry believes Revelation 3:10 to teach
that God will preserve [believers] through the tribula-
tion. In the case of Gundry, this would mean, preserve
through the seal and trumpet judgments, or Satanic
wrath of the tribulation. Gundry wrote, There is no dif-
ficulty for posttribulationism, however, when we prop-
erly understand +qp: :i [threw ek] as protection
issuing in emission.
Gundrys definition of imminence means only believers in the tribulation
will be watchful until prophetic events begin. Even when such events
occur, believers shall not know exactly; rather the attitude is to know
approximately. Imminence is redefined to expectancy.
Mc0509FINALrvsd.qxd:MC0306 1A1B 4/2/09 8:45 AM Page 20
The promise given to the church at Philadelphia was
that Christ will keep them from the hour of testing
(or tribulation; cf. Matt 13:21; Mark 4:17; Luke 8:13).
This promise is noteworthy, since many pretribulation-
alists refer to it. Although it is common to hear Revela-
tion 3:10 cited as proof of a pretribulational rapture,
there are problems with such references. However, such
issues do not prove a posttribulational rapture. Robert
Thomas explained:
The statement does not refer directly to the rapture. What
it guarantees is protection from the scene of the hour of trial
while that hour is in progress. This effect of placing the faithful
in Philadelphia (and hence, the faithful in all the churches; cf.
3:13) in a position of safety presupposes that they will have
been removed to another location (i.e., heaven) at the pe-
riods beginning.
It is best then to understand Revelation 3:10 as
promising the church in Philadelphia a first century de-
liverance from the tribulation period, but also extend-
ing that promise in a general manner to the church
throughout the centuries (cf. Rev 3:13). Thomas was
correct that the passage does not directly teach the pret-
ribulational rapture. However, this is not to say that the
passage does not relate to the rapture of the church. It is
as Walvoord stated: If the rapture had occurred in the
first century preceding the tribulation which the book
of Revelation described, they were assured of deliver-
The phrase kept from the hour of temptation is
significant for several reasons. For instance, |wras
[hour] designates deliverance not only from the
trial but also deliverance from the period of time in
which the trial exists. Ryrie commented, In the Septu-
agint translation the ek [from] indicates an external,
not internal preservation. Ek also is used in the same
way of external protection in Joshua 2:13 and in Psalm
33:19; 56:13.
If the author of Revelation had intended
to teach preservation through (rather than from) the
tribulation, the correct grammar would be to use the
Greek preposition en (in). Significantly, John stated,
ek ths Jwras (:i +q po). Gundry wrote, First, if
: i [ek] ever occurs without the thought of emergence,
it does so very exceptionally. This fact incapacitates
Revelation 3:10 as a proof-text for pretribulationism.
Indeed, the issue concerning the temporal force of ek
is repeated often as a posttribulational argument.
Gundry asserted that the preposition ek must mean
emergence. Gundry asserted his argument as follows:
Fv [en] would have placed all the emphasis on pres-
ence within. Aio [dia, through] would have distrib-
uted the emphasis between entrance, presence within,
and emergence. As it is, :i [ek] lays all the emphasis on
emergence, in this verse on the final, victorious out-
come of the keeping-guarding.
Although Gundry
provided several reasons for his case of a posttribula-
tional emergence in Revelation 3:10, the main force of
his view is a twofold grammatical argument. Gundry
wrote, Essentially, : i [ek], a preposition of motion
concerning thought or physical direction, means out
from within.
Two pages later, he wrote, the preposi-
tion : i [ek] appears in Johns writings approximately
336 times, far more often than in the writings of any
other NT author. There is not a single instance where
the primary thought of emergence, or origin, cannot fit,
indeed, does not best fit the thought of the context.
Gundry has disregarded the collective thought of the
entire semantic structure by making the usage of ek the
center of his attention. His limited semantic considera-
tion of ek is evident in the statement that it is essentially
a preposition of motion concerning thought or physi-
cal direction.
Gundrys statement is correct generally;
however, if :i [ek] is used in relationship to a noun or if
it is controlled by a verb that does not contain motion,
then the preposition will be governed by a non-motion
verb (e.g. +qp: [threw, to keep] in Revelation 3:10);
it will not essentially indicate motion. The problem is
that Gundry accepted a far too simplistic view of ek
without giving full consideration of the connection to
+qp: , which does not contain motion. His analysis of
ek is used in separation of its verb.
As a matter of example, the preposition eis (into)
is the spatial opposite of ek. In his section of Motion,
State, Prepositions, and Verbs, Wallace wrote, :i
[eis] generally has the meaning of movement into from
without. However, when it is used with a stative verb,
such as +qp: [threw, to keep], io 0qoi [katJhmai,
to sit], :i i [eimi, I am], etc., the idea of motion is
negated by the stative nature of the verb [cf., e.g., +qp:
:i [threw eis, kept in] in Acts 25:4; io0qoi :i
[katJhmai eis, sitting on] in Mark 13:3. . . . Stative
verbs override the transitive force of prepositions. Almost
always, when a stative verb is used with a transitive
preposition, the prepositions natural force is neutral-
ized; all that remains is a stative idea.
MAY 2009 21
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22 M I D N I G H T C A L L
The point is that a non-motion verb, such as
+qp:, used with ek in Revelation 3:10 actually ar-
gues against Gundrys posttribulationism. However,
even if a motion verb, such as swzw (to save),
were used with ek in Revelation 3:10, this still
would not prove Gundrys position. It cannot be
said that ek means emergence out from within def-
If the Apostle John meant to teach a post-
tribulational rapture, he would have used a motion
verb rather than a stative verb, or he would have
changed the usage of ek to en (in) or dia
(through) (with genitive). The stative verb, threw,
used with ek indicates that the individuals ad-
dressed in Revelation 3:10 will be kept out of,
from the hour of testing. In other words, the
promise includes exclusion not only out of, from
the hour, but also into the hour. The individuals
addressed will be in a state that is out of, from the
hour of testing. Gundrys argument that every Johan-
nine usage of ek is a primary meaning of emer-
gence, or origin, is far too myopic. Indeed, the
normal usage of ek conveys the thought of emer-
gence. However, Gundrys assertion that this mean-
ing is the primary meaning in every Johannine
passage is an overstatement.
Robertson provided
six usages of ek as follows (all of which are Johan-
nine usage): (1) to designate place; (2) to designate
time; (3) to designate separation; (4) to designate
origin or source; (5) to designate cause or occasion;
and, (6) to designate partitive usage.
Even if Gundry was correct about the usage of
ek, his argument would still be of no consequence
to the interpretation of Revelation 3:10. For
Gundrys statement to be correct, several other fac-
tors would also have to be true. If ek is to mean
emergence, then the church in Philadelphia must
be placed into the reach of the hour of testing be-
fore Christ will remove them from that period.
Gundrys view is that Christ will preserve the
church within the tribulation before He removes
them from the hour of testing. For Gundry to
maintain his position of emergence (out from
within), he would have to believe some rather ex-
treme events must occur. For instance, at some fu-
ture period Christ will resurrect the first century
church at Philadelphia, which have long since died,
and place them into the tribulation for the purpose
of bringing them out from within the hour of test-
ing. Indeed, the pretribulational view is consistent
with the grammar. The promise of Revelation 3:10
is that every generation of the church, including the
church at Philadelphia, will be kept out of, from
the reach of the tribulation.
The Day of the Lord
Gundrys basic argument regarding the Day of
the Lord is that it begins at the Battle of Armaged-
don, when God outpours His wrath upon the un-
saved and raptures the saints.
The Old Testament
teaches that there would be a time of wrath in the
future prior to Israel turning to faith in the Messiah
and God upholding her to a place of glory in the
world. Deuteronomy 4:30 said that when Israel was
in tribulation even in the latter days, that she
would turn to God and be obedient unto His voice.
The word distress or tribulation is the same as
that used by Zephaniah. The prophet spoke of the
period as a time of Gods wrath.
A day of wrath is that day, a day of trouble and distress, a
day of destruction and desolation, a day of darkness and
gloom, a day of clouds and thick darkness (1:15).
Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to deliver
them on the day of the LORDs wrath; and all the earth will be
devoured in the fire of His jealousy, for He will make a com-
plete end, indeed a terrifying one, of all the inhabitants of the
earth (1:18).
Jesus called the last three-and-one-half years of this
period great tribulation, such as has not occurred since
the beginning of the world until now, nor ever shall
(Matt 24:21). Daniel called it a time of distress such as
Gundrys basic argument regarding the Day of the Lord is that it begins
at the Battle of Armageddon, when God outpours His wrath upon the
unsaved and raptures the saints.
The Old Testament teaches that there
would be a time of wrath in the future prior to Israel turning to faith in the
Messiah and God upholding her to a place of glory in the world.
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never occurred since
there was a nation until
that time (12:1b). The
same Hebrew word
(Ts`r`h) that contains
the concept of tribula-
tion or trouble is used
for both Daniels de-
scription and the Day of
the Lord in Zephaniah
1:15. The New Testa-
ment equivalent of trou-
ble and tribulation (Ts^r
and Ts`r`h) is the Greek word thlipsis, which is trans-
lated wrath or tribulation in 1 Thessalonians 1:10. Isaiah
called the Day of the Lord the time of the Lords strange
work; it is an alien or foreign deed because it is Gods
wrath against His people (Isa 28:21). This suffering will
ultimately end in deliverance, though. The deliverance
is compared to birth pangs which birthed (brought)
deliverance at the end of a process (Isa 21:3; 26:17-18;
66:7; Jer 4:31; 30:6; Mic 4:10). The concept of birth
pangs bringing forth what was promised is familiar in
Matthew and Marks Gospel.
Joel (2:1-2, 11) also iden-
tifies the Day of the Lord as a time of judgment. Jere-
miah referred to the Day of the Lord, or tribulation, as
the time of Jacobs distress (30:7). Paul associated the
period of the tribulation with the day of wrath and rev-
elation of the righteous judgment of God (Rom 2:5; cf.
The Reward of Believers and Great White Throne
Another of Gundrys arguments was to equate the
reward of believers with the second coming.
The sim-
ple manner to answer this proposition is that the
church is already adorned in robes in order to descend
with Christ at His return to earth (Rev 3:5, 18; 19:8).
This event would have to occur somewhere between
the rapture and the second coming, which should be
understood as the judgment seat of Christ (cf. 1 Cor
3:10-15; 2 Cor 5:10). When the armies which are in
heaven follow Christ, they are adorned as Christs
bride clothed in fine
linen. Jude 23 exhorts
the church to hate
even the garment pol-
luted by the flesh. The
emphasis is upon moti-
vation and the excel-
lence of things done in
the body. The passage
refers not to the right-
eousness of Jesus Christ
with which believers are
clothed for salvation
(Isa 61:10); the garments mentioned are those of good
works (fruitfulness) in the life of a Christian who has
persevered with a profitable result. Just as rewards may
be gained, there may also be loss of rewards to the
Christians shame when Christ returns for His church in
the rapture (1 Cor 3:11-16; 4:1-5; 9:24-27; Tit 3:8; 1
John 2:28; 2 John 1:8). Following the judgment seat of
Christ will be the marriage of the Lamb. This event will
occur in heaven before the second coming of Christ to
earth and after the rapture of the church. This is appar-
ent in Revelation 19:7 (His bride has made herself
ready). John the Baptist declared, He who has the
bride is the bridegroom (John 3:29). The bride has
made herself ready, which is apparent by the fine
linen of good works.
Inadequate Application of the Olivet Discourse
As already stated, Gundry rejected the imminency of
the rapture by equating it with the second coming of Je-
sus Christ. He demanded that the three essential ele-
ments of suddenness, unexpectedness, and the
possibility of a prophetic event at any moment must oc-
cur simultaneously in a biblical passage for an event to
be imminent. Gundry contended that the words for ex-
pectancy alone will not resolve questions of imminence
or non-imminence, so that the contexts are the deciding
Concerning admonitions to watch, he wrote, The
phraseology [of watchfulness] and the parables are al-
most identical to those in the Olivet Discourse. . . . The
MAY 2009 23
John the Baptist declared, He who has the bride is the bridegroom
(John 3:29). The bride has made herself ready, which is apparent by
the fine linen of good works.
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strongest and most extensive warnings to watch in the
entire NT appear in the Olivet Discourse (Matt. 24:32-
25:30; Mark 13:28-37; Luke 21:28-36).
Rejecting the
distinctive Jewish nature of the Olivet Discourse,
Gundry believed that it is primarily applicable to the
church. He wrote, There Jesus gives not the slightest
hint of a pretribulational rapture in the chronological
outline of events which occupies the first section of His
discourse. Yet a very full description of the posttribula-
tional Parousia forms the climax.
This writer would
agree with the statement that there is no mention of a
pretribulational rapture in the Olivet Discourse and a
posttribulational coming of Christ to earth forms the
climax (i.e. the rapture and second coming are distinct
events). Gundry assumed that an imminent coming be-
fore the tribulation is not possible since the same admo-
nitions to watch in the Epistles are similar to those in
the Olivet Discourse. Similarities of admonition for the
rapture and the second coming do not prove sameness,
Entering the Millennium
A major problem for posttribulationists is who
will enter the millennium, since they equate the
rapture with the second coming. If the rapture oc-
curs at the end of the tribulation, then all believers
will receive glorified bodies prior to Christ ever set-
ting foot on earth. In this scenario, there will be no
believers on the earth, but unbelievers only. The un-
believers certainly will not enter the millennium,
which means there will be no believers to enter the
millennium in their natural bodies. Since there are
no people to enter the millennium in natural bod-
ies, then no one will be capable of procreation,
which means there would be no unbelieving off-
spring to participate in the final rebellion at the end
of the millennium. If the judgment was at the begin-
ning of the millennium, this would not serve a pur-
pose either, since the sheep and goats would have
already been separated in the rapture. Douglas Moo
admitted the problem, that a posttribulational
scheme cannot explain how nonglorified individu-
als enter the Millennium. He continued, I find
this argument the most difficult to handlenot
only because the argument presents a difficulty for
the posttribulational view, but also because the rele-
vant evidence is both sparse and complex.
problem does not merely prove pretribulationism
correct, since even Gleason Archer used this argument
in favor of a midtribulational rapture.
Gundry attempted to solve the problem by moving
the sheep and goat judgment to the end of the millen-
With this move, unbelievers can enter the mil-
lennium with natural bodies. This does not provide any
solutions to the posttribulational system; rather, it
brings more problems. For instance, Matthew 25:35-39
commends those who minister to these brothers of
Mine (the Jews) when they were hungry . . . thirsty . . .
naked . . . and in prison. These would certainly be odd
conditions for the Jews during the millennium, since
Isaiah (60:5-7, 11, 13-17) prophesies that the Gentiles
will bring the wealth of the nations to Israel. Further-
more, Matthew 25:31 states that this judgment will oc-
cur when the Son of Man comes in His glory, which is
an obvious reference to the second coming at the begin-
ning of the millennium.
Gundry assumed he solved the problem by allowing
unbelieving Jews to enter the kingdom in natural bod-
ies. Thus, the 144,000 will include both men and
women who will populate and replenish the millennial
kingdom of Israel.
He believes the 144,000 will be un-
believers (orthodox Jews) and the reason for their seal-
ing is for special protection from the wrath of God and
the persecution of the Antichrist.
When Christ re-
turns to earth, the 144,000 will be saved in order to en-
ter the millennium in their natural bodies and will
father children in the millennium. Contrary to Gundrys
position, Revelation 7:3 states that the 144,000 are the
bond-servants of our God. Revelation 14:4 adds even
clearer details that make it impossible for the 144,000 to
be unbelievers (These are the one who have not been
defiled with women, for they have kept themselves
chaste. These are the ones who follow the Lamb wher-
ever He goes. These have been purchased from among
men as first fruits to God and to the Lamb). Since it is
obvious that the 144,000 are believers, then they would
experience the supposed posttribulational rapture,
which would then provide them with glorified bodies
and make it impossible for them to father children.
Posttribulational Rapture
Scripture declares that the instantaneous change at
the rapture will occur at the last trumpet (en th es-
cath salpingi). The only indication of time regarding
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this translation is at the last
trumpet. Interestingly, the
Jewish understanding regard-
ing the last trumpet is that it
will be seventh in a series of
trumpet blows resulting in
the dead being raised and
clothed with immortality in
order to stand before the
Throne of Glory.
In the future the Holy One, blessed be He,
will resurrect the dead. How will He do it? He
takes the Great Shofar and blows it seven times. At
the first blast, the whole world shakes and suffers pangs
like a woman in childbirth. At the second, the dust is scat-
tered and the graves open. At the third, the bones gather
together. At the fourth, the limbs are stretched out. At the
fifth, skin comes into being. At the sixth, spirits and souls
enter the bodies. At the seventh, they live and stand up on
their feet in their clothes [Rabbi Akiba, Pesiqta Hadta, BhM
The noun trumpet (salpingi) is used eleven
times in the New Testament (Matt 24:31; 1 Cor 14:8;
15:52; 1 Thess 4:16; Heb 12:19; Rev 1:10; 4:1; 8:2, 6,
13; 9:14) and the verb to sound a trumpet
(salpizw) is used twelve times in the New Testament
(Matt 6:2; 1 Cor 15:52; Rev 8:6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13; 9:1,
13; 10:7; 11:15). The four noun usages and ten verb
usages in Revelation 811 are in reference to the
seven trumpet judgments of the tribulation. The
noun usage in Matthew 24:31 is in reference to a
great sound of the trumpet following Christs coming
in the clouds following the tribulation of those
days. The trumpet mentioned in the Olivet Dis-
course gathers the elect who have survived the tribu-
lation and have been scattered throughout the earth
as a result of the horrors of this period. In the previ-
ously mentioned passages, there is no mention of
translation or resurrection in connection with the
trumpets. First Corinthians 15:52 and 1 Thessaloni-
ans 4:16, conversely, do
not have any reference
to judgment; rather, they
refer to the resurrection
and translation. There is
an obvious dissimilarity.
First Thessalonians 4:16
emphasizes the trumpet of
God that would seem to be
logically equated with the last
trumpet in 1 Corinthians 15:52.
Both passages speak of a resurrection of
believers who are in Christ Jesus. The purpose
of this coming of Christ is not to judge and then
reign, but rather to meet His saints in the air and to
have them changed. Therefore, it is perfectly logi-
cal to understand that this last trumpet is referring
to the end of the dispensation of the church. It is
best identified as referring to the rapture of the
church prior to the tribulation, since the trumpets
mentioned in the tribulation concern the coming of
Christ in judgment to establish His visible kingdom
on earth. Some equate the last trumpet with the
seventh trumpet in Revelation 11:15 and the trum-
pet in the Olivet Discourse (Matt 24:29-31). One of
the arguments given by posttribulationalists is that
the resurrection passages make no reference to an
earlier, separate resurrection of all believers, but
place the resurrection of all believers at a point prior
to the millennium (cf. 1 Cor 15:23-24; Rev 20:1-4).
The simplest explanation is that this is because the
rapture of the church is a mystery doctrine (1 Cor
15:51) that was previously unrevealed. In the New
Testament, the sense of mystery is that of a doc-
trine not revealed in the Old Testament (cf. Matt
13:11; Mark 4:11; Luke 8:10; Rom 11:25; 16:25-27;
1 Cor 2:1, 7; 4:1; 13:2; 14:2; Eph 1:9-10; 3:1-12;
5:22-33; 6:19-20; Col 1:24-29; 2:2-3; 4:3; 2 Thess
2:7; 1 Tim 3:9, 16; Rev 1:20; 10:7; 17:5, 7). The sec-
ond coming was not a mystery (something unre-
MAY 2009 25
The trumpet mentioned in the Olivet Discourse gathers the elect who
have survived the tribulation and have been scattered throughout the
earth as a result of the horrors of this period. In the previously mentioned
passages, there is no mention of translation or resurrection in connection
with the trumpets.
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vealed in the Old Testament); therefore, the rapture
and the second coming are distinguished in Scrip-
Gundry firmly believes the last trumpet of 1
Corinthians might have looked back to the trum-
pet at the end of the age in the oral tradition of Je-
sus discourse on the Mount of Olives. According
to Gundry, the superintendence of the Holy Spirit
would have brought about a harmony of meaning
between the trumpet references in the Olivet Dis-
course, 1 Corinthians 15:52, and the seven trum-
pets of Revelation.
Certainly, it is theoretically
possible that the last trumpet of 1 Corinthians 15
could later be connected with the seven trumpets of
Revelation. God does, indeed, reveal things progres-
The problem in arguing that God connected the
last trumpet of 1 Corinthians with later revelation
has to do with the context. The Corinthians would
have understood Paul as speaking of an imminent
return (in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye)
of their Lord at the last trumpet. There is nothing
in the context of 1 Corinthians that would indicate
a time of intense tribulation upon the whole world
that would precede the return of their Lord. Post-
tribulationalists are interpreting the passage by forc-
ing the content of Revelation into what is clearly a
rapture passage. The interpretation of the last trum-
pet in 1 Corinthians would be changed by the later
revelation of the seventh trumpet in Revelation.
The issue concerns whether or not last is lim-
ited only to a given chronological sequence. The us-
age of the word last is not limited to the last in a
given chronological sequence; it can also refer to the
end of a specific period (age, epoch, or dispensa-
Therefore, last can refer to the end of
something chronologically, as in the seven trumpets
of Revelation, or to the end of a specific period (e.g.
the dispensation of the church). Gerald Stanton
rightly stated, the fact of subsequent trumpets is no
problem for a pretribulational interpretation of 1
Corinthians 15:52.
Even amillennialist Barnes noted,
The word last here does not imply that any trumpet
shall have been before sounded at the resurrection, but
is a word denoting that this is the consummation or
close of things; it will end the economy of this world; it
will be connected with the last state of things.
though Gods programs for Israel and the church are
distinct, both programs appear to end with the sound-
ing of a trumpet. However, these trumpets are not
identical. The last trumpet of 1 Corinthians 15:52 is
not a reference to the last in any preceding sequence,
but is related to the end of a specific age, namely, the
dispensation of the church.
The significance of the last trumpet in verse
15:52 may be twofold. First, the last trumpet may
be a technical phrase denoting the end of the dispen-
sation of the church. The word last is quite com-
mon when referring to events surrounding the end of
the church age (Acts 2:17; 2 Tim 3:1-5; Heb 1:2; Jas
5:3; 1 Pet 1:5, 20; 1 John 2:18; Jude 18). Second, last
trumpet may also be a technical phrase indicating
the gathering together of the church. E. Schuyler
English noted that the sounding of a trumpet in
Numbers 10 was to gather an assembly of the people.
Therefore, last trumpet would be a rallying call
indicating that the church is changing locations,
much like Israel changed camps in the wilderness (1
Cor 15:23).
The resurrection of Christ made Him
the firstfruits, that is, the first resurrected from the
dead. Christs resurrection is the firstfruits of many to
be raised. Consequently, those who are Christs at
His coming can be divided into four groups: (1) the
resurrection of church age saints (the dead in
Christ and those who are alive, and remain) at the
rapture (1 Thess 4:16-17); (2) the resurrection of all
martyred (Jewish and Gentile) tribulation saints in
connection with the second coming (Rev 20:4); (3)
the resurrection of Old Testament (Jewish and Gen-
tile) saints in connection with the second coming
26 M I D N I G H T C A L L
Therefore, last trumpet would be a rallying call indicating that the
church is changing locations, much like Israel changed camps in the
wilderness (1 Cor 15:23).
The resurrection of Christ made Him the
firstfruits, that is, the first resurrected from the dead. Christs
resurrection is the firstfruits of many to be raised.
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(Dan 12:2; Isa 26:19), and; (4) the resurrection of all
millennial believers after that period (Rev 20:5).
This brief examination of the four prevailing vari-
eties of posttribulationism has demonstrated that the
essential characteristics of the views are contrary to the
true interpretation of Scripture and should therefore be
rejected as false.
1 Robert H. Gundry, The Church and the Tribulation (Grand Rapids: Zonder-
van, 1973), 29.
2 Gundry attempted to offer an alternative definition of imminence that, in
essence, argued against the rapture as an imminent (hence pretribula-
tional) event, but still he sought to describe the coming of Christ as immi-
nent. By limiting imminence to mean belief in necessarily preceding
eventsbefore the Lords return only confuses issues. Basically, the defini-
tion that Gundry provided would only make posttribulationism correct.
The attack upon the return of Christ as not imminent, yet imminentis
hardly understandable. Gundrys argument against imminence is not
uncommon among non-imminence writers. For instance, D. A. Carsons
view of imminence is similar to Gundry, for imminence can mean at any
momentafter the tribulation,at any timebut not at any moment,or at
any timebut not at any momentbefore others things positively. Carson
wrote,The other problem concerns the meaning of the word imminent
itself as used in theologicalespecially evangelicaldiscussion. A dictio-
nary defines it as impending: as applied to Christs return, an imminent
return of Christ would then mean Christs return was near, impending.
Hardly anyone uses imminent that way but understands it in a special-
ized, theological sense to mean at any time:the imminent return of
Christ then means Christ may return at any time. But the evangelical writ-
ers use the word divide on whether imminent in the sense of at any time
should be pressed to mean at any second or something looser such as at
any period or in any generation(D. A. Carson,Matthew,in The Expositors
Bible Commentary, 12 vols., ed. Frank E. Gaebelein [Grand Rapids: Zonder-
van, 1984], 8:490).
3 Of course, if the rapture of the church is not even mentioned in the Olivet
Discourse, and the prophecies of those chapters are teaching truths con-
cerning the tribulation and second coming only, which culminate in the
millennial kingdom, then Gundrys argument here is entirely meaningless.
4 Gundry, Church and Tribulation, 43.
5 Ibid.
6 This is similar to the pre-wrath rapture argument: The Lords coming
is not imminentany moment. It is expectantit could happen in
any generation. Marvin J. Rosenthal, The Churchs Trojan Horse
[article online] (Zions Fire, MarchApril 1997, accessed 17 November
2008) available from <>
7 Gundry, Church and Tribulation, 59.
8 Robert Thomas, Revelation 17 (Chicago: Moody Press, 1992), 288.
9 John Walvoord, The Revelation of Jesus Christ (Chicago: Moody Press,
1966), 87.
10 Charles Ryrie, Come Quickly, Lord Jesus (Eugene, OR: Harvest House,
1996), 133.
11 Gundry, Church and Tribulation, 56.
12 Ibid., 57.
13 Ibid., 55.
14 Ibid., 57.
15 Ibid., 55.
16 Daniel B. Wallace, Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics (Grand Rapids:
Zondervan, 1996), 359.
17 Second Corinthians 1:10 is a good example. The motion verb, rJuomai,
is used with ek, and refers to Gods deliverance of Paul from death.
18 Cf. John 9:24; Revelation 2:10; 3:9; John Beverage, The Preposition
Fi in Johannine Literature,Th.M. thesis, Dallas Theological Semi-
nary, 1953; Ludwig Radermacher, Neutestamentliche Grammatik, 2nd
ed. (1911; reprint, Tbingen: Mohr, 1925).
19 A. T. Robertson, A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of
Historical Research (Nashville: Broadman Press, 1934), 596-99.
20 Gundry, Church and the Tribulation, 94-95.
21 J. Randall Price, Old Testament Tribulation Terms in When the Trum-
pet Sounds, eds. Thomas Ice and Timothy Demy (Eugene, OR: Harvest
House, 1995), 61.
22 Gundry, Church and the Tribulation, 169.
23 Ibid., 33.
24 Ibid., 33-34.
25 Douglas J. Moo, Response, in The Rapture: Pre-, Mid-, or Post-Tribula-
tional, ed. Richard R. Reiter (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1984), 161.
26 Gleason A. Archer, Mid-Seventieth-Week Rapture, in ibid., 120-22.
27 Gundry, Church and the Tribulation, 166.
28 Ibid., 82.
29 Ibid., 82-83.
30 Quoted in Raphael Patai, The Messiah Texts (Detroit: Wayne State Uni-
versity Press, 1979), 203.
31 Gundry, Church and the Tribulation, 149-50.
32 J. Dwight Pentecost, Things to Come (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1964),
33 Gerald B. Stanton, Kept from the Hour (Miami Springs: Schoettle Pub-
lishing, 1991), 194-95.
34 Albert Barnes, Notes on the First Epistle to the Corinthians (London:
Gall & Inglis, 1847), 386.
35 E. Schuyler English, Re-Thinking the Rapture (Neptune, NJ: Loizeaux
Brothers, 1978), 109.
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For more perspectives and resources on world economic and financial trends of interest to Christians,
visit Wilfreds website for additional resources and subscribe to the free
newsletter Eternal Value Review: Money Monitor & Global Trends Report.
The Days of One World,
One Crisis
Huge developments are sweeping the entire world in recent times like tidal
waves. First, a globalization bubble unfolded over the past several
decadesone that was popularly thought would never endthen followed
by the biggest and most rapid bust of world financial and real estate wealth
since the 1930s (in fact, even worse).
B y W i l f r e d H a h n
ext, the most invasive and
coordinated intervention of
governments has occurred
around the world as they attempt to
resuscitate plunging economies and
bail out failing companies. In tan-
dem, a desperate bout of money manip-
ulation has unfolded.
Crucially, none of these developments
were expected by the worlds policymakers
or societies at large even a year ago. It all
happened rapidly like a sudden trap. No
doubt, these are treacherous times where
the unsuspecting are being herded from
one disaster to another. Just how can the
average household either anticipate or navi-
gate through such see-saw conditions? It
can be seen as an early sign of the times
the global period of trouble and anxiety
where faith runs cold (Matthew 24:12).
What next? As grim as it might seem in
some parts of the world, it is not yet the end
for the world, nor has the apocalypse be-
Signs of the Times
No doubt, we are witnessing important
signs of various endtime trends. Consider
that never before in historyeven than
during the two world wars of the past cen-
turyhas global opinion been so galva-
nized and unified to a common view. From
Iceland to Vietnam, from rural China to
downtown Zrich, whether business peo-
ple or consumers, all are battening down
the hatches in response to the global finan-
28 M I D N I G H T C A L L
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The Days of One World, One Crisis
cial heart attack that has crippled
the world recently.
The recent shakings of the false
gods of global prosperity have
struck fear into the remotest parts
of the globe. Filipino guest work-
ers in the Arab Emirates are flock-
ing home, running away from
debts and obligations. Possibly as
many as 20 million Chinese have
lost their jobs in recent times. The
evidence is everywhere. In international
policymaking circles, harried meetings are
being held to find solutions to economic
and financial ail. What we see is something
very remarkable: Never before has the en-
tire world behaved so much as one mono-
lithic culture.
To illustrate, according to a first-ever
worldwide poll
on the current financial cri-
sis, 49% of the respondents believed that
the economic situation would worsen in
the next three months. In Canada and the
United States, 61% and 46%, respectively,
felt that it would get worse. Only 8% of citi-
zens in G8 countries thought that things
might get better. Such a one-sided consen-
sus opinion is a significant. It shows that
the entire world has been affected as one.
The unified responses of world policymak-
ers, consumers and businesses (at least to
this point) is unprecedented.
Crucially, we now recognize that the
economic and financial conditions of the
world have come to the point where man-
made events can impact the sentiment of
the entire world almost instantaneously.
This is new. It would be one thing if the
mood of the entirety of mankind were to
suddenly change in response to a nuclear
winter or the blotting out of the sun. How-
ever, a mass global response to an economi-
cally-related impulse is of a different order
in several ways. For one, it is generated by
the non-physical actions of humanity itself
(an emotional event). Secondly, it reveals a
common set of affections a universal re-
liance upon the prosperity of mankinds
global commercial systems.
This alone is a realization of one of the
expected signs of the times of the last
days. From Scripture, we know that certain
economic conditionsfrom food inflations
(Revelation 6:6), to systemic collapses
(Chapter 18), to commercial controls
(13:17) and other phenomenawill be
able to affect the entire world. This is what
we already see today. The entire world,
from peasant to king, is under the influence
of common commercial developments.
Unified for Global Judgment
In Isaiahs Apocalypse (Isaiah 24-27), we
read of the globality of Gods final judg-
ments and punishments. Though much of
these chapters refers directly to Israel and
the Jews, many of the judgments men-
tioned apply to the entire world. For exam-
ple, The earth will be completely laid
waste and totally plundered (Isaiah 24:3).
Also, The earth reels like a drunkard, it
sways like a hut in the wind; so heavy upon
it is the guilt of its rebellion that it falls
never to rise again (verse 20). In fact, em-
phasizing the global span of these events,
the word earth is mentioned 17 times in
chapter 24 alone.
Of course, it only follows that a global
judgment must and will apply to a global-
ized mankind, one that is characterized by
a unified rebellion against God. If that were
not so, why would the entire world be
judged and no nations spared? God, who is
The recent
shakings of
the false gods
of global
have struck
fear into the
remotest parts
of the globe.
Chinese migrant
workers are returning
by the millions to the
industrial region near
Guangzhou but many
are unable to find work.
(Tim O'Rourke for The
New York Times)
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compassionate but just, was even will-
ing to spare Sodom if only 10 godly peo-
ple could be found. Therefore, as
revealed prophetically, mankind will
choose to move to an ever more global,
monolithic culture of godlessness.
In that vein, we must note the current
longing expressed by many leaders and
policymakers to build and pursue global
organization and solutions. It is a nat-
ural extension of [...] the cravings of
sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the
boasting of what he has and does (1
John 2:16). One doesnt need to spin
great conspiracy theories involving ca-
bals of demon-possessed people to bring
about this result. We see this innate hu-
man impulse to pursue greatness and
power at work everywhere. In the cor-
porate world, firms conglomerate into
ever larger entities seeking a broader
global footprint in their respective in-
dustries (executives aspiring to be big
fish in an ever smaller global pond).
The same hegemonic impulse is
shared by politicians, churchmen and
global policymakers. There is a natural,
fleshly appeal to greater celebrity; to rul-
ing over ever larger domains even the
entire world. Interestingly, all of these
corporate captains, policymakers and
Christian reconstructionists see times of
world crisis as signaling great global op-
portunity. To them, it is an opportune
moment to satisfy the lust of the eyes.
Documenting this yearning, here are
several excerpts from comments by se-
lected global policymakers.
What is needed is a large worldwide
fiscal stimulus to counteract falling pri-
vate demand. [] the world must also
build the institutions for the twenty-first
century economy. Any crisis is an op-
portunity. This crisis has demonstrated
that the destinies of countries around
the world are linked. Policy coordina-
tion and a global strategy that instills
confidence and creates hope will bring a
quicker and stronger recovery to us all.
(Kemal Dervi & Juan Somavia of the
United Nations Development Program)
What I am saying is that a crisis is an
event which can force democratic gov-
ernments to make difficult decision like
those that will be required to create a
North American Community. Its not
that I want another 9/11 crisis, but hav-
ing a crisis would force decisions that
otherwise might not get made.
Robert A. Pastor)
2009 will be a year of learning the
lessons of the financial crisis; a year
where its reach in terms of time and
scope becomes more evident; a year that
calls for a new financial architecture to
be shaped. At the same time, it will be a
year that will test the resolve and will-
ingness of world leaders to collaborate
and take action to move beyond this cri-
sis. 2008 has proven the extent to which
the world is subject to global risks; let
2009 be the year where the world finds a
common agenda to begin mitigating
their impact.
(Klaus Schwab, founder
of the World Economic Forum)
[] the very unsettled nature of the
international system generates a unique
opportunity for creative diplomacy. The
nadir of the existing international finan-
cial system coincides with simultaneous
political crises around the globe. Never
have so many transformations occurred
at the same time in so many different
parts of the world and been made glob-
ally accessible via instantaneous com-
munication. The alternative to a new
international order is chaos. An interna-
tional order can be permanent only if its
participants have a share not only in
building but also in securing it. In this
manner, America and its potential part-
ners have a unique opportunity to trans-
form a moment of crisis into a vision of
(Henry Kissinger)
In that vein,
we must note
the current
expressed by
many leaders
to build and
pursue global
and solutions.
It is a natural
extension of
[...] the
cravings of
sinful man, the
lust of his
eyes and the
boasting of
what he has
and does (1
John 2:16).
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The Days of One World, One Crisis
Countless more such comments
could be quoted. Times of crisis are seen
as an ideal environment to hasten the re-
solve to build a global ark of man.
Global Arrogance Revealed
Despite the apparent chaos and fears of
the current times, we then see an additional
condition on clear display: It is the pride
and self-determination of mankind. This is
evident at both national and global levels.
Despite the clear and painful repercussions
of past folliesincluding materialism, un-
bridled greed, economic oppression, poor
stewardship, and consumption excesses
one does not discern even a hint of contri-
tion being reported in the popular media.
Actually, quite the opposite is true. While
overpaid bankers are the object of much
blame these days, the general idea still pre-
vails that there need not be any conse-
quence for past sins.
Also, consider that macro-economists
and policymakers have yet to offer any
apologies for the massive failure of their
theories (these really not any different from
sorceries). With very few exceptions, none
foresaw or warned that the worlds enor-
mous financial imbalances would lead to a
systemic heart attack. They were all blind
guides, more greedy for gain than honest
and forthright. Yet, they are not shy to offer
new solutions today. It reveals that macro-
economics is not a science, but rather a
fraudulent religion. It is not capable of deal-
ing with the heart of man. On that topic,
the Bible is clear: The heart is deceitful
above all things, and desperately wicked:
who can know it? (Jeremiah 17:9).
Yet, the world is resolute in healing its
problems without recognizing the underly-
ing spiritual diseases. The Bible gives us
clear evidence as to the outcome of such
human arrogance. Not only are the experi-
ences of Israel and other nations docu-
mented in the Old Testament for our
benefit, the consequences of the future
choices of global man are also foretold. A
willful rebellion against God is revealed
a stiff-necked independence and spirit of
humanist self-determination. To illustrate,
lets briefly review a few prophecies from
the Old Testament. But first, we should be
reminded of the indictments against Israel.
Many Economic Sins
About Israel, Scripture tells us: [] Be-
cause you have rejected this message, relied
on oppression and depended on deceit, this
sin will become for you like a high wall,
cracked and bulging, that collapses sud-
denly, in an instant (Isaiah 30:12-13). A
point often overlooked is that
economic sins feature promi-
nently in the list of allegations
against Israel. There are seem-
ingly countless references to
these in the Scriptures. But,
what was Israels response?
It was similar to what
we observe today.
[] Ephraim
and the inhabitants
of Samariawho
say with pride and
arrogance of heart,
The bricks have
fallen down, but
we will rebuild
with dressed stone; the fig trees have been
felled, but we will replace them with
cedars (Isaiah 9:9-10). Edom also be-
trayed a similar humanist defiance:
Though we have been crushed, we will re-
build the ruins. But this is what the LORD
Almighty says: They may build, but I will
demolish (Malachi 1:4). A similar attitude
prevails today: Hah! We will not be repri-
manded nor reproved. We will rebuild big-
ger and better!
Says Thomas Friedman, the high-profile
opinion columnist, America still has the
right stuff to thrive. We still have the most
creative, diverse, innovative culture and
Despite the
chaos and
fears of the
current times,
we then see
an additional
condition on
clear display: It
is the pride
and self-deter-
mination of
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32 M I D N I G H T C A L L
open societyin a world where the ability
to imagine and generate new ideas with
speed and to implement them through
global collaborations is the most important
competitive advantage. [] the 21st cen-
tury is still up for grabs.
This is surely a hopeful thought. But it is
human hubris.
Paul Volcker, the chairman of the US
Federal Reserve from 1979-1987, in an arti-
cle entitled We Have the Tools to Manage
the Crisis (Oct 10, 2008, Wall Street Jour-
nal) claims that the world has the tools to
overcome the financial excesses of the past.
He says: Fortunately, there is also good rea-
son to believe that the means are now avail-
able to turn the tide. Financial authorities,
in the US and elsewhere, are now in a posi-
tion to take needed and convincing action
to stabilize markets and to restore trust.
[] the needed tools to restore and main-
tain functioning markets are there. Now is
the time to use them. Lately, Mr. Volcker is
not so confident. Yet, though a respected
central banker, his ideas reflect humanist
self-determination. These propping up
policies may indeed prove to hold up finan-
cial systems for a timeeven leading to
what will seem to be global solutionsyet
in the end, they will not solve the problem
of the corrupt human heart.
Indeed, mankind is in a position today
where global solutions will seem possible.
Rather than stopping to consider the ways
and counsels of the Lord, the global arm of
man is invoked. We will rise above God
we will make our own future, reflects
the sentiment of our times. A similar spirit
appeared evident in speeches given by the
previous president, George Bush, following
9/11 and Hurricane Katrina. After the New
Orleans flood, he is quoted as saying:
Every time, the people of this land have
come back from fire, flood, and storm to
build anewand to build better than what
we had before. Americans have never left
our destiny to the whims of nature, and we
will not start now.
President Obama af-
firmed the same spirit, declaring, We will
rebuild, we will recover, and the United
States of America will emerge stronger than
What does God think of such an atti-
tude? To Israel He said: Cursed is the one
who trusts in man, who depends on flesh
for his strength and whose heart turns away
from the LORD (Jeremiah 17:5).
Though God has made man in His im-
age and given him the power of creativity,
we are still counseled to put our trust in
God, not in armies or the arm of man.
There is no lack of guidance as to where
our real confidence should lie. Blessed is
that man that maketh the LORD his trust,
and respecteth not the proud, nor such as
turn aside to lies (Psalms 40:4, KJV). Put
not your trust in princes, nor in the son of
man, in whom there is no help (Psalms
Thoughts to Ponder
Are people just to lay back, totally listless
and without work and discipline, and just
rely upon God to do everything for us? Of
course not. When it rains, we are not faith-
less in having the good sense to use an um-
brella. Isaiah provides us with Gods view as
to where the separation lies between our
achievement and the glory that is attribut-
able to Him:
Listen and hear my voice; pay attention
and hear what I say. When a farmer plows
for planting, does he plow continually?
Does he keep on breaking up and harrow-
ing the soil? When he has leveled the sur-
face, does he not sow caraway and scatter
cummin? Does he not plant wheat in its
place, barley in its plot, and spelt in its
field? His God instructs him and teaches
him the right way. Caraway is not threshed
with a sledge, nor is a cartwheel rolled over
cummin; caraway is beaten out with a rod,
and cummin with a stick. Grain must be
ground to make bread; so one does not go
Though God
has made
man in His
image and
given him the
power of
creativity, we
are still
counseled to
put our trust in
God, not in
armies or the
arm of man.
There is no
lack of
guidance as
to where our
should lie.
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The Days of One World, One Crisis
on threshing it forever. Though he drives
the wheels of his threshing cart over it, his
horses do not grind it. All this also comes
from the Lord Almighty, wonderful in
counsel and magnificent in wisdom (Isa-
iah 28:23-29).
Here we see that the creator of all tech-
nological possibility was He who created
all things. This is true whether it concerns
the necessary technique of breaking up the
soil to plant seeds, or building $1-billion
clean rooms to manufacture microproces-
sor chips. Humanists, however, refuse to
recognize the existence of a Creator, arro-
gating to themselves the ability of self-de-
termination and authorship of knowledge
and technology. They doggedly cling to a
belief in godless human progress, despite
the setbacks of recurring world wars, nat-
ural disasters, repeated human atrocities
and the toppling idols of monetary and eco-
nomic systems.
All of mans achievements: his technol-
ogytechniques of production, increases
in productivityand his heaping of wealth,
are not of his own making and determina-
tion alone. God is the author of all creation,
its cycles, its natural properties, both what
is in the world and under the earth, and all
the possibilities of technology. Technology
and financial systems have their good uses.
Rather, it is the heart of man that is the
problemthe idolatrous attitude of self de-
termination and independence from God.
Ultimately, mankinds choices will be
judged. A period of tribulation lies ahead.
After that comes restoration. Isaiah con-
firms some of the conditions after that
time. For example, the Babylonian-based
money system will be destroyed and will
never be inhabited or lived in through all
generations (Isaiah 13:20); the rule of
elites and the wicked will be finished (Isa-
iah 14:5); peaceful conditions will prevail
(verse 7); and, no rapacious industry will
raze the earth in its quest for profits (Isa-
iah 14:8).
Those who believe in the God of Israel
and accept the gift of salvation through His
Son, in loud voices will sing: Worthy is the
Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and
wealth and wisdom and strength and honor
and glory and praise! (Revelation 5:12).
1 The Globe and Mail/Worldwide Independent Network
of Market Research Survey.This is made up of an inter-
national group of pollsters who have created the WIN
Crisis Index to monitor citizens perceptions in their
country, which surveyed 14,555 people in 17 countries
during the fall of 2008.
2 One Crisis, One Worldby Kemal Dervi & Juan Somavia
of the United Nations Development Program and the
International Labor Organization respectively.
t.asp?newsIdx=38298> Accessed Jan 22, 2009.
3 Dr. Robert A. Pastor, December 15, 2006.
4 Klaus Schwab, Foreword to Global Risks Report 2009,
World Economic Forum.
5 Henry Kissinger, The chance for a new world order.
Herald Tribune, January 12, 2009.
Accessed January 16, 2009.
6 Thomas Friedman, New York Times Op Ed, December 24,
7 George W. Bush, Sept. 15, 2005, <>
8 Barrack Obama, February 24, 2009, Associated Press.
and financial
systems have
their good
uses. Rather, it
is the heart of
man that is the
idolatrous atti-
tude of self
and indepen-
dence from
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18-30 Year Olds
The Global Generation
By Remsen Beitel, Jr. (Founder & Director, RADIO New Hope)

t the end of 2007 my wife and I re-
turned to the US after spending 14
years in Germany as missionaries
to be nearer our children and grandchil-
dren, but also to represent RADIO New
Hope (RNH) in the US, the satellite radio
ministry we founded there. During that
time we started two Christian satellite and
Internet radio stations: one broadcasting
throughout Western and Eastern Europe,
reaching over 97 million households; and
the other throughout the Middle East, in-
cluding northern Africa, southern Russia,
Turkey, Iraq, and Iran, reaching over 47.5
million households. This was the most
exciting and challenging experience in
our lives!
In my new role as Director of US Oper-
ations in Tulsa, Oklahoma, my primary
responsibilities for RNH include raising
funds to help keep both radio stations on
the air and developing new foreign lan-
guage program partners for broadcast
over RNH. These responsibilities require
that we spend a great deal of time travel-
ing around the US introducing RNH to in-
dividuals, churches and mission
organizations committed to proclaiming
the Gospel to the lost around the world as
commanded by Christ in Matt. 28:18-20
and Acts 1:8. This has been an eye-open-
ing experience for us, because so much
has changed in the Christian church in
America while we were gone.
One of the first things we noticed dur-
ing our travels was that many churches
were no longer having Wednesday and
Sunday night worship services, as was the
norm back in the early 90s. The reason
we heard most often was that congrega-
tions gradually just stopped attending.
We also learned about the sharp decline
in congregational interest in attending
mid-week Bible studies and annual mis-
sion conferences, ministries that were
once the backbone of most local
churches. We found it interesting that
these changes in the American church
took place during a period when it be-
came popular for churches to adopt
Madison Avenue marketing techniques
in an attempt to grow their congregations.
It was during this period of secular ex-
perimentation that the focus of many
churches was on growing big in the
manner of Willow Creek and often at the
expense of sound biblical doctrine. In-
stead of teaching the Word of God and re-
lying on the Holy Spirit to grow Christs
Body, as He deemed fit, it became fashion-
Remsen Beitel is the
founder of RADIO New
Hope, a Christian satellite
and Internet radio network
broadcasting the Word of
God throughout Europe
and the Middle East. Rem-
sen and his wife Ellen (a
Messianic Jew) went to
Germany as missionaries
in 1994, and during the
subsequent 14 years they
started RADIO New Hope,
taught Bible studies, and
ministered to the spiritual
needs of believing nation-
als. In 2006 RADIO New
Hope merged with Mid-
night Call and its broad-
cast studio was moved to
Zurich, Switzerland. At the
end of 2007 Remsen and
Ellen returned to the US,
where he serves as the
Director of US Operations
for RADIO New Hope, re-
sponsible for station fund
raising and for developing
new and maintaining ex-
isting foreign language
program partners. They
live in Tulsa, OK and can
be contacted at: rem-
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MAY 2009 35
able for churches to offer people a positive
or memorable emotional experience
without the necessity of dealing with their
sin problem. And still many other
churches sought to attract the
unchurched (a new culturally accept-
able term for the spiritually lost in our so-
ciety today) with Christian rock music
and songs that reflected todays pop cul-
ture. As a consequence, many of our
churches became better known for their
entertainment, or places to go on Sunday
to feel good, rather than citadels of bib-
lical truth where people are confronted
with the real spiritual issues in their
The result of all these changes on the
American Church over time has been the
loss of interest in biblical evangelism, for-
eign missions, and genuine spiritual
growth where peoples lives are changed
to the point of wanting to serve the Living
God, before whom we will all have to give
an account (2 Cor. 5:10). It seems that
pastors and elders of many churches have
forsaken their spiritual responsibility to
shepherd the flock entrusted to them.
Could it be because they no longer fear
the One before whom Scripture says, all
things are naked and openedwith
whom we have to do (Heb. 4:13)?
Generally speaking, the Christian
Church today is in a very sad spiritual
state and not unlike the church that will
exist in the world during the End Times
described for us in Revelation! Given the
terrible economic turmoil that the US
and the world are presently experienc-
ing, many evangelicals believe that the
Rapture and the Tribulation are
closer than most Christians think. Per-
sonally, this writer believes the world is
experiencing the beginning birth
pangs leading up to those dramatic and
catastrophic events. Meaning, believers
today aught to be watching and antici-
pating Christs Coming for His Church at
any time (1 Thess. 4:13-18)!
Another phenomenon that caught our
attention as we traveled around our coun-
try last year was the absence of the 18-30
year-old generation in our churches.
This has recently attracted the attention
of some church leaders, as evidenced by
their growing concern for those they are
depending on to fill the pews and offer-
ing plates in the future. Sadly, their anxi-
ety seemed to be more economical than
spiritual, further illustrating my earlier
comment regarding the churchs coolness
today toward biblical evangelism and
missions. When I say biblical evangelism
and missions, I mean the kind that
demonstrates a genuine concern for the
spiritually lost in their community and
the world, and not just an interest in
warm bodies to grow their church. Im
afraid that many pastors and elders have
forgotten that it is Christ who builds His
Church, as they are faithful to teach His
Word and shepherd His Flock. Unfortu-
nately, most talk and act like it is their
church and their flock!
Since the primary goal of RADIO New
Hope is to proclaim the Gospel to the lost
of all ages worldwide, my personal interest
in the 18-30 generation is to learn how we
can effectively communicate with them.
This is also the desire of our program part-
ners who air their radio programs on
RNH. But before we can do that, we must
first understand why they left the church.
And it was for this reason that I began to
inquire of people and organizations that
track and research such trends in Chris-
While the question is a complex one
and may indeed have multiple answers,
the one that sounds most plausible to me,
given the times we live in, can best be il-
lustrated by the Internet and the cell
phone we have all become so dependent
Missions Update

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36 M I D N I G H T C A L L
on. In his book titled The World is Flat,
Thomas L. Friedman says that the inven-
tion and growth of the Internet has en-
abled people worldwide, rich and poor
alike, to communicate with each other
and to compete on equal terms. He says
that the communication revolution that
weve witnessed over the last 20 years is
responsible for the globalization efforts
undertaken by national governments and
multinational companies, and the devel-
opment of the global community being
spoken about today in the major media.
Today, whether you travel
to an industrialized or
third-world country, peo-
ple from all economic
strata in society have three
things in common: a satel-
lite dish, access to the In-
ternet, and a cell phone!
Friedman concludes in his
book (which is well worth
reading if you havent al-
ready) that the 18-30 gen-
eration are products of the
globalization revolution
that has slowly but in-
evitably taken place as a
result of the technological
advances made in mass
And it is this global
communication revolution that has
changed the way many young people view
themselves today, and which has particu-
larly impacted the 18-30 generation! Not
surprisingly, they see themselves more as
belonging to a global community, rather
than a local one. A manifestation of this
fact is reflected in the young people we
see walking around shopping malls today
listening to their iPods while e-mailing
and text messaging their friends on their
cell phones. As they do so, they are just as
likely to be communicating with someone
they have never met face to face living in
another city, state, or country. Through
websites like Facebook, this younger gen-
eration is developing relationships with
their peers all over the world, and are
quick to share with them their cultural
and political views, moral values, and
their personal lives without the social re-
straint characteristic of earlier genera-
tions. This 18-30 generation has found
that websites like YouTube give them un-
paralleled opportunities to express them-
selves publically, and it seems without
shame or embarrassment, as never imag-
ined earlier.
As shocking as those revealing websites
might be to those of us considered the
older generation, church leaders appear
more concerned that the 18-30 generation
no longer considers their local church
very relevant today. They are especially
unimpressed with the appearance of the
brick and mortar facilities that their
parents take so much pride in. To this 18-
30 generation, relationships are far more
important than appearances, as demon-
strated by their dress habits. Furthermore,
focus groups have revealed that this gen-
eration is far more interested in theologi-
cal matters than previously thought, but
they are equally concerned about social
equality and justice, the poor, and our
worlds pressing environmental issues.
And anyone interested in getting their at-
tention must understand their complexi-
ties! Equally important is the fact that
their concerns in those social areas are not
just theoretical, but also practical. Simply
stated, they want action taken by our soci-
ety on these important social issues, and
not just meaningless dialog and promises.
Perhaps that is why many of them voted
for President Obama, because he
promised them hope and change.
Concerned church leaders and youth
pastors around the country are starting to
address the practical and spiritual impli-
cations that the 18-30 generation poses to
A manifestation of
this fact is
reflected in the
young people we
see walking
around shopping
malls today
listening to their
iPods while e-
mailing and text
messaging their
friends on their
cell phones.

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Missions Update

MAY 2009 37
the future of the church. Some misguided
church leaders are focusing their efforts
on trying to get this generation back
into the church. I say misguided because
they fail to understand the paradigm shift
that has taken place as a result of the
communication revolution that I de-
scribed earlier. I believe it is a mistake
and a waste of time and resources for
church leaders to think that they can im-
plement some new program to bring
the 18-30 generation back into the
church. In my opinion they are focusing
on the wrong solution! Instead, they
need to hire the right youth pastors and
empower their youth leaders by giving
them the tools, resources, and freedom to
meet the 18-30 generation where they
are: physically, mentally, and spiritually.
That means, going where they go and us-
ing websites, text messaging, e-mails, and
podcasting to communicate with them on
the spiritual, moral, and social issues that
concern them. And to do so takes time
and money!
To do so effectively, youth pastors and
leaders need to begin the process by con-
ducting meaningful focus group inter-
views with their high school students
early to learn what approaches and tech-
niques will work best in their community.
The good news is that when the above
methods are used properly, the 18-30
generation returns to the churches they
left after they get married and start hav-
ing children, because they want their
children to be raised in homes and
churches that care about them.
Presently I am working with churches,
mission organizations, and our program
partners to show them how they can uti-
lize satellite radio, the Internet, and their
individual websites combined with pod-
casting and text messaging to develop
meaningful relationships with their di-
verse audiences. I dont believe it is a co-
incidence that the Lord has given us
these mass communication tools at this
particular point in time to overcome the
political, social, and religious barriers
that exist around the world preventing
the Gospel from being proclaimed to all
nations, tribes, and peoples. However, to
take advantage of these new technologies,
it will be necessary for church organiza-
tions to think outside the box and
change the way they communicate with
the younger generation, as well as how
they administer their evangelism and
mission programs.
We at RADIO New Hope are also show-
ing churches and mission organizations
how they can partner with us to reach the
billions of spiritually lost people in Eu-
rope, the Middle East, India, and Russia,
including the Caucuses, who have not yet
heard the Good News of Jesus Christ, us-
ing our satellite and Internet radio net-
work. If you are interested in joining with
us in this endeavor, you can contact me at
Mail to: Midnight Call Ministries, P.O. Box 280008, Columbia, S.C. 29228
rAfter prayerful consideration, I/we have decided
to support
ryearly r monthly rone time $_______.
I understand that 100% of my donation will be forwarded
to the missionaries and/or project designated above.
Credit Card:____________________________________
With credit card ready, call 800-845-2420
or fax: (803)755-6002

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I certainly do think that
the Chinese govern-
ment and central bank are mak-
ing a smart decision by
continuing to invest in Treasury
bonds, she said during an inter-
view with the popular talk show
One on One. Its a safe invest-
ment. The United States has a
well-deserved financial reputa-
To boost the economy, the
U.S. has to incur more debt, she
said, shortly before departing for
Washington. It would not be in Chinas interest if we
were unable to get our economy moving, Clinton
said. So by continuing to support American Trea-
sury instruments, the Chinese are recognizing our
interconnection. We are truly going to rise or fall to-
gether. We are in the same boat and, thankfully, we
are rowing in the same direction.
Our economies are so intertwined, the Chinese
know that to start exporting again to their biggest
market, namely the United States, the United States
has to take some very drastic measures with this
stimulus package, which means we have to incur
more debt.
Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi responded that
China wants to see its foreign exchange reserves
the worlds largest at $1.95 trillion invested safety
and to continue working with the United States.
Clinton and Yang said regular dialogue on eco-
nomic issues would now include terrorism and other
security issues. We have every reason to believe
that the United States and China will recover and to-
gether we will help lead the world recovery, she told
reporters at a news conference with Yang., 22 February 2009
Who would have thought a couple of
decades ago that communist China would
have the financial capability to keep capi-
talist U.S.A. from sinking further? This
article originates with the Associated
Press, which naturally tries to soften the
embarrassment, but a Chinese newspaper
bluntly stated, China responds gener-
ously to Americas plea for financial aid.
For Bible students, this should not be
surprising. Communist China, with the
worlds largest population, must become
an equal partner in the developing of the
global world. Thus we see the power
structure shifting in a more favorable
balance between capitalism and commu-
nism. 3459
Foreign Secretary Clinton Urges China to Help

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton wants China to

continue investing in the United States because the two
countries financial futures are closely tied together.
38 M I D N I G H T C A L L
0 500 1000 1500 2000
New Zealand
Great Britain
Freedom of
Workers Repre-
sented by Yearly
Working Hours
Source: Wikipedia 3446
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One Step Closer to
Global Financial
Europe needs new bodies to
monitor systemic risk and co-
ordinate oversight of financial
institutions across the regions
patchwork of supervision, a
European Commission task-
force urged.
It recommended the establishment of a
body under the auspices of the European
Central Bank to develop policy and provide risk
warnings to European Union supervisors. It also
proposed another body to coordinate the decen-
tralized network of supervisors monitoring indi-
vidual institutions and markets.
Pointing out that the EUs crisis manage-
ment infrastructure had been demonstrably
inadequate, Taskforce chief Jacques de
Larosiere said that the 27-country bloc faced a
choice, Chacun pour soi [each for himself] so-
lutions or an enhanced, pragmatic sensible
European cooperation for the benefit of all.
But in the City of London there was skepti-
cism over whether the enhanced role for Euro-
pean institutions would prove acceptable.
Well have a hard time getting to
agreement politically on how we
cede powers, said Bob Penn fi-
nancial services partner at law
firm Allen & Overy.
The report recommends a Euro-
pean Systemic Risk Council to col-
late and analyze issues and information
relating to systemic risk and financial stability.
Mr. de Larosiere also is proposing a new
European System of Financial Supervisors,
providing central coordination for regulators,
but leaving day-to-day supervision to member
-Financial Times, 20 February 2009, pg. 1
It is evident that disagreements exist
and some opinions are diametrically op-
posed to others, but in the end, a resolu-
tion of unity will come forth, and that
agreement will then become a model for
the rest of the world to follow. 3453
Britain Accused of Failing Children
The UK has been accused of failing its children, as it comes
bottom of a league table for child well-being across 21 indus-
trialized countries.

Unicef looked at 40
indicators from the
years 2000-2003 including
poverty, family relation-
ships, and health.
One of the reports au-
thors told the BBC that un-
der-investment and a
dog-eat-dog society were
to blame for Britains poor
The government says its
policies have helped to im-
prove child welfare.
Unicefthe United Na-
tions childrens organiza-
tionsays Child Poverty in
Perspective: An Overview
of Child Well-being in Rich Countries is the
first study of childhood across the worlds
industrialized nations.
In its league table the Netherlands came
top, followed by Sweden, Denmark and Fin-
The UK government said its initiatives in
areas such as poverty, pregnancy rates,
teenage smoking, drinking and risky sexual
behavior had helped improve childrens
Welfare reform minister Jim Murphy said
the Unicef study was important, although it
used some data which was now out of date.
Hopefully, it leads to a wider conversa-
tion about what more we can do to eradi-
cate poverty, he said.
The Childrens Commissioner for Eng-
land, Professor Sir Al Aynsley-Green, said:
We are turning out a generation of young
people who are unhappy, unhealthy, engag-
ing in risky behavior, who have poor rela-
tionships with their family and their peers,
who have low expectations and
dont feel safe.
Colette Marshall, UK di-
rector of Save the Children,
said it was shameful to
see the UK at the bottom of
the table.
These findings deliver a devastating
blow to conservative opinions, who in-
sist stricter rules and enforcement will
improve the well-being of children. But
of the top 10 nations, five are ex-
tremely liberal, even forbidding the
corporal punishment of children in
their own homes. These findings will
contribute toward the outlawing of
scriptural instruction such as Proverbs
22:15: Foolishness is bound in the
heart of a child; but the rod of correc-
tion shall drive it far from him.

MAY 2009 39
Foreign Secretary Clinton Urges China to Help
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Beijing Undergirds
Russia with $25bn in
Exchange for Oil
Russia has won $25bn in loans from
China in return for agreeing to supply oil
from new fields in eastern Siberia for the next 20
years as Moscow seeks funds to see its oil in-
dustry through the financial crisis.
Igor Sechin, Russias energy tsar and first
deputy prime minister, told reporters as he left
Beijing after the deal was signed that Russia
agreed to supply China with 300,000 barrels of
oil a day, for the next 20 years.
The deal, the largest trade financing agree-
ment between the two countries, alleviates the
severe refinancing needs of Russias two state
energy groups as they seek to weather the
credit crisis with the country facing its first re-
cession in 10 years. It will also provide China,
the worlds number two oil importer, with an im-
portant new secured supply of oil to fuel eco-
nomic growth.
Oil output from Talakan and Vankor, two big
new Siberian fields, is intended to fill the east-
bound pipeline being built by Transneft, which will
have a capacity of 600,000 barrels a day, and have
a spur to China as well as to a hub on the Pacific.
Valery Nesterov, energy analyst at Troika Di-
alog, estimated the pipeline monopoly would
need about $600m to build the spur to the Chi-
nese border.
-Financial Times, 18 February 2009, pg. 2
This report is nothing short of sensa-
tional. Russia, liberated under Gor-
bachev from collective Soviet communism,
now finds itself in the straight jacket of
economic freedom and needs a bailout
from communist China. Oil is the adhesive
that holds the industrial world together,
without which the worlds industry would
collapse. How much oil is left? No one re-
ally knows. Russia, by far the worlds
largest country at 17.07 million sq. km.
(USA 9.82 sq. km.) has resources no one
really knows about. Russias renewed
friendship with China draws the Far East to
the West, thus forging a more solid com-
mercially necessitated union. 3460
Worst Financial Crisis in Sixty Years
The current financial crisis was precipitated by a bubble in the
US housing market. In some ways it resembles other crises
that have occurred since the second world war at intervals
ranging from four to 10 years.

40 M I D N I G H T C A L L
However, there is a profound difference:
the current crisis marks the end of an
era of credit expansion based on the dollar as
the international reserve currency. The periodic
crises were part of a larger boom-bust process.
The current crisis is the culmination of a super-
boom that has lasted for more than 60 years.
Boom-bust processes usually revolve
around credit and always involve a bias or
misconception. This is usually a failure to rec-
ognize a reflexive, circular connection be-
tween the willingness to lend and the value of
the collateral.
That created a system of asymmetric in-
centives also known as moral hazard, which
encouraged ever-greater credit expansion. It
was so successful that people came to be-
lieve in what former US president Ronald
Reagan called the magic of the marketplace
and I call market fundamentalism.
But market fundamentalism emerged as
the dominant ideology in the 1980s, when fi-
nancial markets started to become globalized
and the US started to run a current account
Globalization allowed the US to suck up
the savings of the rest of the world and con-
sume more than it produced. The US current
account deficit reached 6.2 percent of gross
national product in 2006. The financial markets
encouraged consumers to borrow by introduc-
ing ever more sophisticated instruments and
more generous terms.
Credit expansion must now be followed by a
period of contraction, because some of the new
credit instruments and practices are unsound
and unsustainable. The ability of the financial
authorities to stimulate the economy is con-
strained by the unwillingness of the rest of the
world to accumulate additional dollar reserves.
So the current financial crisis is less likely
to cause a global recession than a radical re-
alignment of the global economy, with a rela-
tive decline of the US and the rise of China
and other developing countries.
The danger is that the resulting political
tensions, including US protectionism, may
disrupt the global economy and plunge the
world into recession or worse.
-Financial Times, 16 December 2008, pg. 1
(originally published 22 January 2008)
This article was written by George
Soros, considered to be an expert in
global finances. Note the date, 22 Jan-
uary 2008. In the meantime, his predic-
tion of a recession has materialized,
not only in the United States, but also
in most countries of the world.
What next? The answer lies in more
regulation instead of deregulation. A
new global financial order has to be es-
tablished. It will weld the worlds fi-
nancial and commercial system into an
inseparable global unity.
Quite obviously, Americas heyday
of spending foreign money will come
to an end, and the dominance of the US
dollar will take a thrashing. With this
new alignment, the world is being pre-
pared for the final rulership of a one-
world government that will be capable
of exerting total control. 3465

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MAY 2009 41
Picture this:
prospective parents
excitedly clicking
through an online catalog,
ticking off the optimal mix of
traits for their yet-to-be-con-
ceived child.
Will they opt for blue eyes or brown? Per-
haps green, for a touch of originality? What
color skin? And do they want a boy or a girl?
Are they aiming for an Olympian athlete, or will
they stack the deck in favor of intellectual
prowess? Why not both?
For some people, this would be a dream come
true. For others, a nightmare of widening inequality
touching on eugenics.
For biologists, it raises acute questions about
The principle of species change through nat-
ural selection was set down by Charles Darwin,
who was born 200 years ago on 12 February.
But what natural selection means when it
comes to Homo sapiens is hard to define. It has al-
ready been challenged by medicine, habitat, diet
and other factors that affect lifespan, re-
production and survivability.
Genetic selection means our
species evolutionary path would
be even more radically changed.
We are not there yetbut this
vision clearly does not belong to the
hazy future of science fiction.
Dozens of clinics in the United States, one of
the least regulated markets for fertility services, al-
ready provide would-be parents in-depth profiles of
potential sperm and egg donors.
Atlanta-based Xytex Corporation, for example,
offers a long list of genetically-coded physical at-
tributes, right down to the length of eyelashes, the
presence of freckles and whether ear lobes are de-
The pressure to change genes will probably
come from parents wanting to guarantee their child
is a boy or a girl, or to endow them with beauty, in-
telligence, musical talent or a sweet nature, notes
Peter Ward, a scientist at the University of Wash-
ington and author of Future Evolution.
For now, germ-line therapy is out of reach. But
were science to master the genome, the tempta-
tion to tweak it to increase smarts, looks and
longevity would be overwhelming, Ward argued in
One day, we will have it in our power to bring a
new human species into this world, he said. (Copy-
right AFP 2009), 7 February 2009
God created man in His own image.
Now man wants to create according to his
own imagination. Before the world was de-
stroyed in the flood, we read in Genesis 6:5:
And GOD saw that the wickedness of man
was great in the earth, and that every imagi-
nation of the thoughts of his heart was only
evil continually.
Later when man wanted to build his own
global society in Babel, the Lord God made
this statement: And the LORD said, Be-
hold, the people is one, and they have all
one language; and this they begin to do: and
now nothing will be restrained from them,
which they have imagined to do (Genesis
11:6). The prophet Jeremiah documents the
testimony of the people of Judah: And they
said, There is no hope: but we will walk af-
ter our own devices, and we will every one
do the imagination of his evil heart (Jere-
miah 18:12). This shows that man will con-
tinue to strive to fulfill his own imagination,
and that is evil continuously. 3444
World Law in
the Making
Intel, the worlds
largest chipmaker,
lost a legal skir-
mish with an-
titrust regulators
in Brussels, which had held
up the long-running probe
into the companys business
The ruling against Intel by one of Europes
highest courts means that the investigation
is now likely to move ahead immediately, and could
pave the way for a final decision by EU regulators
on whether Intel used illegal marketing practices to
squeeze AMD, its main competitor out of the mar-
This year, Neelie Kroes, EU competi-
tion commissioner, had beefed up the Eu-
ropean Commissions charges against the
US group, by alleging that the company used re-
bates to persuade a retailer to sell only Intel-
based personal computers, as well as doing
illegal deals with PC manufacturers.
But, in a highly unusual move, the company re-
sponded by filing a complaint with the Luxembourg-
based Court of First Instance.
However, the CFI issued a keenly awaited ruling
in the commissions favor and threw out the com-
panys request. The application for interim relief is
dismissed, it said.
Intel, meanwhile, said that it was disappointed
and considering its options.
Intel has now missed the legal deadline for re-
sponding to the commissions new charges against
it. However, many lawyers believe that Brussels will
still permit the company to submit a defense.
-Financial Times, 28 January 2009, pg. 18
From other international court cases and
verdicts, it becomes more and more evident
that the law will go forth from Brussels. But
from biblical perspectives, it contradicts Gods
intention as proclaimed by the prophet Isaiah:
And many people shall go and say, Come ye,
and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD,
to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will
teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his
paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law,
and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem
(Isaiah 2:3). 3449

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42 M I D N I G H T C A L L
Marriages and
Adoptions Okayed
Norway has become the sixth
country in the world to give
homosexuals the legal right to
marry, with all the benefits
previously given only to het-
erosexual couples. The new
marriage law also allows ho-
mosexuals to adopt children
and permits lesbians to be ar-
tificially inseminated.
Norway began allowing same-sex civil
unions in the 1990s and since then its
heterosexual-marriage rates have plummeted
and its out-of-wedlock birthrate skyrocketed to
80 percent for firstborn children; but the provi-
sion allowing homosexuals to adopt children is
of gravest concern. In 2006, Irelands highest
court rejected a lesbian couples demand to
have their Canadian marriage recognized in
Ireland, citing harm to children
as one of the determining fac-
tors in the ruling.
An interview by Zenit news
service with Dale OLeary, a
writer and researcher for the
Catholic Medical Association
discussed the dangers of same-
sex couples adopting children.
OLeary explained that a same-
sex couple has, by definition,
two persons at high risk for psy-
chological disorders. The studies published in
the Archives of General Psychiatry found that
persons self-identified as homosexual in com-
parison to the general public had almost double
the rate of suicidal ideation or attempts, sub-
stance abuse problems and psychological disor-
ders. One of the studies found that 78.6 percent
of the gay, lesbian, or bisexual group suffered
from multiple disorders., 14 June 2008
The Catholic Church is in the forefront
in opposing homosexual marriages. The
evangelical world follows
closely behind.
What does the Bible
say? We read in 1 Timo-
thy 4:3: Forbidding to
marry, and commanding
to abstain from meats,
which God hath created
to be received with
thanksgiving of them
which believe and know
the truth. Forbidding to
marry goes in the opposite direction. It
actually points toward the long established
ordinances of the Catholic Church in for-
bidding marriage for priests and nuns.
This issue becomes more complicated
when we look at the details. Marriage, in
general, is on the decline in the European
world. Divorce is on the increase, with the
U.S.A. leading. Living together unmarried
has become socially and in many cases, re-
ligiously acceptable. Thus, the tendency
toward forbidding to marry is well on
its way. 3443
Just 14 percent
of Estonians an-
swered positively to the
question: Is religion an
important part of your
daily life? according to a
poll released by Gallup.
Estonia is followed
by Nordic countries
Sweden and Denmark, where 17 and 18 percent of
those asked answered positively to the same ques-
The Czech Republic comes fifth at 21 percent,
just after Norway (20%), while France is ninth with
a quarter of French people declaring religion im-
portant in their daily life.
The UK, Finland, the Netherlands, Lithuania,
Latvia and Bulgaria were also among the countries
where most people did not consider religion to be
such an important part of their lives.
By contrast, Italy, Portugal, Poland, Romania
and Greece emerged as the EUs most religious
However, no EU country has made it into the top
10 of the worlds most religious states, led by
Egyptwhere all of those asked responded posi-
tively to the question, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka
(each on 99%).
The US, where two thirds of those asked replied
positively, is the most religious rich-world country,
with Mississippi being its most devout state (85%)
and Vermont the least so (42%).
The survey was carried in 143 countries, with an
average of eight people out of 10 saying religion was
an important part of their lives., 11 February 2009
Religion is here to stay. As a matter of
fact, it will increase. Religion, commerce,
and politics are being solidified into one
powerful global structure. This mixture is
described for us in Revelation 18:3: For all
nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath
of her fornication, and the kings of the earth
have committed fornication with her, and
the merchants of the earth are waxed rich
through the abundance of her delicacies.
There is only one way to escape this
global religious-political-economic system,
and that is by heeding the invitation of the
Son of God: Jesus saith unto him, I am the
way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh
unto the Father, but by me (John 14:6). 3447

Estonians Least Religious in the World
Five EU members figure among the worlds top 10 least religious
countries, with Estonia leading the list, a new poll has shown.

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2020 Rapture?...
Anglo Israel...

Address letters for publication to: Letters to the Editor, Midnight Call, P.O. Box 280008,
Columbia, SC 29228. Include full name, address, and daytime phone number. Without name
and address, letters will be discarded unread. All material is subject to editing. Midnight Call
assumes all publishing rights on letters sent to the Editor.
2020 Rapture?
I have a subscription to Midnight
Call magazine, and enjoy reading
each issue.
A few years ago, I came across a de-
scription of a vision in the Bible that
the prophet Esdras had, which ap-
pears to contain two Bible verses
which can be used to calculate the ex-
act year, give or take a few months,
when the Second Coming of Jesus
will take place. They are verses 45 and
46 in chapter 10 in the book II Es-
dras, in the Apocrypha. (The prophet
Esdras in the Apocrypha is the same
person as the prophet Ezra in the Old
Testament). The verses state that
3,000 years passed until King
Solomon built the city of Jerusalem,
and started making animal sacrifices.
There is a theory that 7,000 years
are allocated for mankind. Suppos-
edly, the creation of the world, or
some other significant event, took
place at the beginning of this time pe-
riod, and the Second Coming will
take place at the end of the first 6,000
years. Fundamentalist Christian the-
ologians generally agree that the
world was created approximately
4,000 B.C. (If this is true, then we are
very close to the end of the 6,000-year
time period).
King Solomon embarked on his
building campaign in the 10th cen-
tury B.C. This is approximately 3,000
years after 4,000 B.C. So, it seems that
the point in time from which 3,000
years are counted out is the time of
the supposed creation of the world. If
this is true, then we know that the
midpoint of the 6,000 years is in the
10th century B.C. So, we can calculate
when the endpoint of the 6,000 years
MAY 2009 43
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44 M I D N I G H T C A L L

will be, by adding 3,000 years

to the date when King Solomon
first started making animal sac-
rifices at his Jerusalem temple.
I have calculated that the day of
the dedication of the temple
(when sacrifices were started)
was in 937 B.C. or 938 B.C.
Starting at these two dates, I ad-
vanced 3,000 years and came
up with the year A.D. 2020 or
A.D. 2021 for the endpoint of
the 6,000-year time period and
the year when the Second
Coming will take place.
I took into account the fact
that there is no 0 B.C. or A.D.
0, and also the fact that Bible
prophecies involving years re-
fer to years of 360 days each,
rather than years of 365.2422
days each. I am interested in
finding out what your opinion
of my logic is.
-David Lee Toney, IN
Answer: These numbers are certainly
fascinating, and we are familiar with
the theory. However, we must reject it
based on the words of our Lord:
Therefore be ye also ready: for in
such an hour as ye think not the Son
of man cometh (Matthew 24:44). Je-
sus then proceeds to praise the wait-
ing servant and condemn the one
who said, My Lord delayeth his com-
ing, with the words we find in verse
51: And shall cut him asunder, and ap-
point him his portion with the hyp-
ocrites: there shall be weeping and
gnashing of teeth.
Any theory that delays my waiting
for Him, I must consider a false teach-
ing. I am waiting for Him today, and if
He doesnt come, I will wait for Him to-
Anglo Israel
Dear Mr. Froese,
While you and your contem-
poraries have done a good job
of expounding on the salvation
that is available to us through
Christ, your interpretation of
his prophecies leaves much to
be desired. Your taken out-of-
context passages to prove your
point of view is neither schol-
arly or correct. Your continual
admonition to others to study
is a piece of advice you could
use. You should stick to teach-
ing Christ crucified and the
gospel of salvation.
The last days prophecies of
Jacob for all twelve of his sons
are given in Genesis Chapter
49. And, as you can read in
verse 28, All these are the
twelve tribes of Israel. There
is no mention of Manasseh in
this passage. What is missing
from this passage is a crucial part
of understanding Bible prophecy
that you and your fellow work-
ers have overlooked, along with
so much of your prophetic dis-
sertations. Whereas Joseph is not
only mentioned and blessed
above all his brethren, that bless-
ing did not fall on Joseph per se,
nor was it intended to. It was
intended for Josephs two sons,
Manasseh and Ephraim, who
were adopted by Jacob as being
his own sons. Read Chapter
48:5, And now your two sons,
Ephraim and Manasseh, which
were born unto thee in the land
of Egypt before I came unto
Over and over in the Scriptures the Lord says that the
house of Israel are His chosen people (not the Jews,
whom He has cast off until they admit they were wrong
and recognize Christ as their Messiah). Even Jesus com-
manded that His apostles seek the lost sheep of the
house of Israel (Matthew 10:6). He said that He came
only to the lost sheep of Israel (Matthew 15:14), and
that the Jews were not His sheep (John 26:10).
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thee into Egypt, are mine; as
Reuben and Simeon, they shall
be mine. This is a vital passage
for the future, since it makes
them above all the other tribes.
This passage alone increases
the tribes to thirteen. The only
thing that reduces the thirteen
tribes back to twelve is the
proclamation that the Levite
priests are not to be recipients
of any land when they come to
Canaan. In other words, there
are twelve tribes of landowners,
but a total of thirteen.
There are two other aspects
of Chapter 48 that you have not
recognized in your writings. In
verse 16 of this chapter, Israel
proclaims that his name is
named upon these two sons,
and the name of [his] fathers
Abraham and Isaac; and let
them grow into a multitude in
the midst of the earth. That
wording explicitly passes on
the inheritance of all the
promises made to Abraham,
Isaac and Jacobjust as Abra-
ham gave all to Isaac, and Isaac
gave all to Jacob, Jacob gave the
inheritance to Manasseh and
The name of Israel is not
given to any other of his sons,
and of greatest importance,
never to Judah. That is the rea-
son that the ten tribes, which
included Ephraim and Man-
asseh, retained the name Israel
when they split from the rule of
Judah. The land of Judah and
Benjamin was never, ever called
anything but Judah or Judea for
about a thousand years. It was-
nt changed until Roman Em-
peror Hadrian changed it to
Palestine in 135 A.D. (after the
final dispersion of the Jews).
The bottom line is that Israel
and Jew are not synonymous
in meaning.
The other critical aspect of
Jacobs blessing and prophecy
to Josephs two sons is found
in verses 17-19, when Jacob
crossed his hands in blessing
the boys. He then says that
Manasseh shall be a great na-
tion and Ephraim shall be-
come a multitude of nations
(Jacob had been told that a
nation and a company of na-
tions shall be of thee, Genesis
35:11). This never happened to
Israel or the Jews, but it did
happen to Manasseh and
Ephraim. Manasseh is the
United States and Ephraim be-
came the British Common-
wealth, a multitude of nations.
They alone have received all the
blessings promised to Jacob,
through Isaac, from Abraham.
Those Christian Caucasian na-
tions comprise only 6% of the
earths people but own more
than 50% of all the worlds as-
sets and resources. If we add the
Christian Caucasian nations of
Europe, which comprise the
other eight tribes of the house
of Israel, we total 12% of the
people of earth who own 70%
of all the worlds assets. (It used
to be more, but we are well on
our way to our downfall as
Think about this. The Lord
prophesied that He would sift
the house of Israel through all
the nations like corn through a
sieve (Amos 9:9), and other
prophecies say that He will
bring them back together
again in a land you know
nota land of your own (not
Canaan) safe from your old
enemiesand they will spread
abroad to the north, south,
east and west (Genesis 28:14).
The USA is the only nation in
history that was made up of
people from all different na-
tions of different languages to
become the greatest nation in
the history of the world, and
the British Commonwealth be-
came the largest Empire in the
history of the world. Quite a
doing for such a small percent-
age of the worlds population.
The Lord has kept all of His
promises to those ancient Fa-
Over and over in the Scrip-
tures the Lord says that the
house of Israel are His chosen
people (not the Jews, whom
He has cast off until they ad-
mit they were wrong and rec-
ognize Christ as their
Messiah). Even Jesus com-
manded that His apostles
seek the lost sheep of the
house of Israel (Matthew
10:6). He said that He came
only to the lost sheep of Israel
(Matthew 15:14), and that the
Jews were not His sheep (John
-Richard Walbrun, WI
Answer: You are making the assump-
tion that the Europeans, and specifi-
cally the British and Americans, are
the master race. That fits pretty close
to the Mormon religion and their in-
terpretation of the Bible. Incidentally,
a similar teaching was presented dur-
ing Hitlers Germany, which led to the
MAY 2009 45
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46 M I D N I G H T C A L L

declaration of the Meisterrasse and the

persecution of the Jews.
The Bible recognizes only 12 tribes
of the children of Israel, and those 12
tribes are Jews. Why? Because they
found their identity in the tribe of Ju-
dah, the royal tribe: Behold, the Lion
of the tribe of Judah, the Root of
David, hath prevailed (Revelation 5:5).
The tribe of Judah is the manifesta-
tion of the 12 tribes of Israel. Daniel,
the Jew, prayed: whiles I was speak-
ing, and praying, and confessing my
sin and the sin of my people Israel
(Daniel 9:20). Another Jew, Peter, ad-
dresses the Jews in Jerusalem with
the words, Ye men of Israel (Acts
3:12). Any group of people or nation
who consider themselves to be Israel,
hence Jews, are exposed in Revelation
2:9: I know the blasphemy of them
which say they are Jews, and are not,
but are the synagogue of Satan.
Dear Midnight Call,
I know this is an old issue,
but your previous responses
have come across as weak and
deliberate excuses without
any real substance, as if you are
trying to fulfill a promise made
to a Saint of by-gone days, and
publish all Scripture quotations
in KJV no matter what. There
also seems to be little or no in-
dication of any willingness to
make this small, but useful and
beneficial adjustment thus far.
I enjoy Midnight Call immensely
it really is a great up-to-date
modern Christian publication.
Everything about it is first
class, except one thingmixed
Let me explain: The average
Midnight Call article requires
the reader to alternate between
two different, but similar lan-
guages, multiple times within
any given article (current-day
English and King James Eng-
lish). This is a challenging task
for most of those whom we
need to reach today (todays
generation). I think we all be-
lieve that Gods written Word
should provide an avenue for
clear understanding, not con-
fusing, marginal, or non-exis-
tent word usage! It is any
wonder why readers (especially
young ones) have difficulty
comprehending what we are
trying to teach, when we un-
necessarily complicate and con-
found their normal everyday
Some Midnight Call articles
already use words beyond the
average understanding (Dr. Ice
for instance is. Im not sure
who some authors think their
audience is. Readers of Mid-
night Call do not need more
things to confuse them. Easy
to comprehend, consistent and
common up-to-date language is
always a great asset with any
publication. Selah!
Im in my late 60s and have
very little problem with the
original (or revised) KJV. I grew
up with it and use it inter-
changeably with a few other
good translations. But when
writing articles for present day
circulation with imbedded
Scripture quotes, consistent
language is much preferred
over an alternating archaic and
modern mixture. I always use
written quotes of the NKJV for
public distribution. It is up-to-
date, and yet retains the ca-
dence and structure of the orig-
inal KJV without the
encumbrance of non-existent
words. For the many younger
readers who did NOT grow up
with the KJV, the non-existent
words and backward-phrasing of
the KJV is a significant road-
block to a clear understanding of
the most precious book on the
A case in point is your article
on Spiritual Realities in the
November 2006 issue. Notice
the section entitled The Heav-
enly Book. In paragraph 2 you
use the proper and understand-
able term Holy Spirit, and then
go on to quote the KJV, which re-
flects the improper (actually
wrong) term Holy Ghost. In
todays language the term
Ghost is a blasphemous way of
referring to the precious Holy
Spirit of the triune Godhead.
The current meaning of the
word Ghost seems to be best
summarized as the soul (spirit)
of a dead personwhat a pa-
thetic way to refer to the true
and living Holy Spirit of God!
I would love to recommend
Midnight Call to our children
and grandchildren and to ALL
young folks, but due to this in-
consistency of language use and
the confusion caused thereby, it
is difficult to recommend, or
give free subscriptions to much
of the younger generation. Per-
haps it is time to make this small
but meaningful translation ad-
justmentall of us older folks
can adjust in this direction much
easier than the younger folks can
adjust backwards.
Mc0509FINALrvsd.qxd:MC0306 1A1B 4/2/09 8:45 AM Page 46


Are we fearful of the criti-
cism of a few hard-core KJV
folks (very few indeed) at the
expense of an entire genera-
tion that we have an obligation
to reach for our Lord and Sav-
ior? No other articles in news-
papers, magazines, textbooks,
etc., are published in two in-
termixed languagesso why
good stuff like Midnight Call?
Is it any wonder the younger
generation spends more time
in other books besides good
material like Midnight Call?
-Dick Woods, IA
Answer: Your KJV translation cri-
tique is well done and clearly docu-
mented. But, I personally dont think
it is necessary to use consistently up-
dated modern communication lan-
guage in order to convey the
message of Holy Scripture. After all,
to a non-believer, any translation is
simply literature consisting of words
and phrases. As a born-again person,
one may read any translation and
gain much. I have difficulty compre-
hending your invitation to replace
the KJV translation, due to some out-
dated use of the English language. It
really does not interfere with the
message conveyed in its full context.
Scholars may argue which English
word is most appropriate to use to
fully express certain words from the
Hebrew or Greek, but such does not
change the meaning in its context.
Would you consider changing
Shakespeare and a number of other
classical works because of outdated
In our case, there are some appar-
ent inconsistencies in expression,
which is primarily due to translation
from the German into English. Such is
the case with Norbert Lieth and Mar-
cel Malgo, who also communicates in
his mother tongue, Dutch. The April
message was by Reinhold Federolf, a
missionary from Germany to Brazil,
who communicates primarily in Por-
tuguese. Furthermore, these mes-
sages are translated by our sister Ann
Fankhauser, originally from England,
but who has lived most of her life in
Switzerland. So when it comes to lan-
guages, the Midnight Call staff is well
versed in many of them. Besides, the
magazine is published in 12 different
Obviously, the translation contro-
versy will continue until the very end.
Those of us who know more than one
language are fully aware that there is
no perfect solution when it comes to
translating. In the meantime, I will
continue to use the KJV in English and
the Luther in German for the days or
years I have left.
Dear Brother Froese,
I first want to thank you and
everyone responsible for your
efforts in the ministry and
monthly publication of Mid-
night Call. Our Lord has blessed
you and many through you,
I not being the least. I greatly
respect you as a man of God,
which is why I have chosen you
to answer a question that has
really been bothering me. How
can I know for certain that
I have received the baptism of
the Holy Spirit? I received Jesus
at an early age and was baptized
by water. Shortly after that
I went back to my old way of
living, which was far from what
the Lord expects. Later on in
life, I started attending church
(Assembly of God) with my
wife. I went forward to rededi-
cate my life to Jesus, and for
some reason, was baptized
again. I know today that my
faith and my salvation are gen-
uine. Here is my concern: I be-
lieve it was Paul that said right
after water baptism, the elders
should come forth and lay their
hands on the one baptized. It
was at that time that they re-
ceived the Holy Spirit. I have
not experienced this. Also, both
times I received baptism in the
name of the Father, Son and
Holy Spirit. Didnt Paul specify
in the name of Jesus?
Although I belong to a Bap-
tist church, I dont agree 100
percent with their beliefs.
I dont agree that once saved,
always saved. I just recall
how far I had backslidden at
one time. I certainly was not
a candidate for heaven. My
Bible quite often mentions the
laying on of hands, which I do
believe in. Ive never known
this to be practiced in a Bap-
tist church. I most certainly
do not wish to criticize any-
one. I only wish to live and do
as my Bible states I should. It
is very important to me to
know if I have received the
Holy Spirit, especially after
reading Romans 8:9. It cer-
tainly frightens me to think
that if I did indeed have the
Holy Spirit, I wouldnt ques-
tion whether or not I do have
it! Since I believe strongly in
you being a servant of Jesus
Christ and being led by the
Spirit of God, I anxiously await
your reply.
MAY 2009 47
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48 M I D N I G H T C A L L

I thank and praise our pre-

cious Lord and Savior for you
and all the staff at Midnight
-Michael Passons, MS
Answer: You are treading on a dan-
gerous road when you seek tangible
manifestation of your faith. If it is true
what you write, My faith and my sal-
vation are genuine, then you need
no additional confirmation. Second
Timothy 1:12 says: For I know
whom I have believed, and am per-
suaded that he is able to keep that
which I have committed unto him
against that day. The assurance of
salvation is also hindered by your
constant search for a church accord-
ing to your definition of Bible doc-
What will happen to a person who
deliberately misuses the liberty in
Christ? Here 1 Corinthians 3:15 an-
swers: If any man's work shall be
burned, he shall suffer loss: but he
himself shall be saved; yet so as by
When the deacons were chosen in
Jerusalem, they were ordained by
prayer and the laying on of hands by
the 12 apostles. The Samaritans,
when they believed, received the
Holy Spirit by the laying on of hands
of Peter and John. Pauls helper, Timo-
thy, was ordained by the elders, with
the laying on of the hands of the
presbytery (1 Timothy 4:14). This be-
longs to the foundation of the
Church, under the authority of the
Holy Spirit. In each case, there was a
specific purpose. This does not be-
long to the perfecting of the saints,
but to the functionality of the
Church, ordained by God. Paul warns
in 1 Timothy 5:22: Lay hands sud-
denly on no man, neither be partaker
of other men's sins: keep thyself pure.
When we lay hands on someone, we
do identify with that person. Do we
really know who that person is?
Hebrews gives this admonishment:
Therefore leaving the principles of
the doctrine of Christ, let us go on
unto perfection; not laying again the
foundation of repentance from dead
works, and of faith toward God, Of the
doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on
of hands, and of resurrection of the
dead, and of eternal judgment (chap-
ter 6:1-2). I suggest that you prayer-
fully read Romans chapter 8, keeping
in mind that you are flesh and blood,
but within you dwells your born again
Spirit, which you received at the mo-
ment you believed, according to Eph-
esians 1:13.
13 Tribes
Dear Editor,
I enjoy your magazine; keep
up the good work. I read most
of the articles and letters in
each edition.
I do, however, have some-
thing to say about your reply to
a letter in the article, 13
Tribes, January 2009. In a way,
there were 13 tribes. When the
land was divided among the
sons of Jacob, Joseph, being the
firstborn of Rachel, got a dou-
ble portion, and his sons,
Ephraim and Manasseh, each
became a tribe (Numbers 1:10,
16). However, Levi, who was
still a tribe, was given portions
among the other tribes. Hence,
there were 13 tribes (Numbers
I have read many explana-
tions for the omission of the
tribes of Dan and Ephraim from
the list of tribes given in Reve-
lation 7; however, they seem to
lack substance. I doubt that
this section was originally writ-
ten by the Apostle John this
way, and I prefer to think that
scribal error in the text is more
responsible for the problem.
A good example of handed
down scribal error, is where the
Greek text used for the ASV,
NASB and NIV, omits the word
new from the verses regard-
ing the new covenant in
Matthew 26:28 and Mark
14:24. Jesus would never have
left out this word when He
spoke of the new covenant in
His blood. The KJV and NKJV
are from a different Greek text
and are okay in this regard.
-Dick Watt, AR
Answer: The Old and New Testament
clearly establish the 12-tribe Israel. We
find them listed in six books of the
Old Testament and five books in the
New Testament, concluding with Rev-
elation 21:12, And had a wall great
and high, and had twelve gates, and at
the gates twelve angels, and names
written thereon, which are the names
of the twelve tribes of the children of
Why is Dan not mentioned? Be-
cause he rejected his ordained inheri-
tance. This is evident from Joshua
19:47: And the coast of the children of
Dan went out too little for them:
therefore the children of Dan went up
to fight against Leshem, and took it,
and smote it with the edge of the
sword, and possessed it, and dwelt
therein, and called Leshem, Dan, after
the name of Dan their father.
If you are unsure of certain words
in your translation, consult the text
nearest to the original and do a word
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study. Will that really help? I person-
ally dont think so, because we already
have the Bible translated into thou-
sands of different versions and hun-
dreds of different languages. When
you read a translation in its full con-
text, the message is clear, but when
you doubt and think, as you write, that
there are scriptural scribal errors,
then you are placing your translation
in the category of unreliable litera-
ture, and your faith becomes vain.
The Bible is the perfect inerrant
document authored by the Holy
Spirit, and is not subject to critique.
Translations, however, are done by
man and are subject to error.
Nevertheless, I would agree that
some translations have gone beyond
the true meaning of certain words,
and of such, I will make no use. As pre-
viously states, the KJV translation is
one of the most accurate in the Eng-
lish language.
Eternal Being
Thank you for your fine
magazine. I have been a long-
time subscriber and enjoy it
very much.
Your answer in the Decem-
ber 2008 issue to Shirley J. Kol-
berg is incorrect, I believe. You
answered that he (man) is an
eternal being. Only God is eter-
nal because each man, woman,
and child had a beginning; he is
therefore not eternal.
That man was made for eter-
nity is clear in Ecclesiastes
3:11: He hath made every
thing beautiful in his time: also
he hath set the world in their
heart, so that no man can find
out the work that God maketh
from the beginning to the end.
That is the difference.
Thank you for your consid-
eration of your response.
-J Lieske, IL
Answer: Lets read a different transla-
tion: He has set eternity in their
heart, without which man cannot
find out the work that God makes
from the beginning, even to the
end. However, you did make an ex-
cellent point by mentioning our be-
ginning. God alone is from eternity
to eternity, but man is from his be-
ginning to eternity. Thank you for
sharing your thoughts.
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The incredible doctrine of the
return of Christ commands
us to investigate The Great
Mystery of the Rapture.
Jesus promised:I will come again and receive you unto
myself, that where I am, there ye may be also (John 14:3).
And angels told the disciples,this same Jesus, which is
taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like
manner as ye have seen him go into heaven (Acts 1:11).
There is no doubt about it: Jesus must and will come
When the last one from among the Gentiles is added
to the Church, then something remarkable is going to
transpire: Jesus will come for His own:For the Lord
himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the
voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and
the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive
and remain shall be caught up together with them in the
clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever
be with the Lord (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). Thats our
future, thats our hope, and thats why I wrote the book,
The Great Mystery of the Rapture. It is a book you need to
read. It is a message of great comfort, the comfort we
need in these days.
ITEM# 1038 368 pgs.
Author: Arno Froese
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