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The International Prophetic Voice for the Endtimes

JANUARY 2012$4.75

Living Godly in an Ungodly Age

Pg. 12


Calvinism Mid-Acts Dispensation Global Bailout?

Great GreekTragedy of the Revived Roman Empire Pg. 15

Pg. 36

World Conspiracy in Light of the Bible PARTVII

Pg. 22

The Difference between Doctrines and Doctrine

Pg. 24

Fulfilled: Rumors ofWar Rising The

Pg. 21

Judgment World Conspiracy

before the in Light of the Bible of

Pg. 18


Judgment Seat

Swift Word Membership and much more!

He sendeth forth his commandment upon earth: his word runneth very swiftly (Psalm 147:15).
The word globalism means different things to different people, whether good or bad. Nationalists are vehemently opposed to any kind of globalism, for it entails the possibility of losing ones own sovereignty. Others welcome globalism as an avenue to create cooperation between the nations, which contributes to national economies and results in increased prosperity. Church a holy nation. And the Apostle Paul declares, Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all (Colossians 3:11). This holy nation is indestructible. Jesus guaranteed, I will build my church. How does this relate to Swift Word Membership? Swift Word transcends all borders, cultures, and languages. Swift Word detects and reports selected events from around the world, clearly showing how the world at large is uniting. But thats not all. Each report concludes with a biblical analysis, emphasizing the process of Bible prophecy fulfillment. Swift Word members receive updated, international news with biblical commentary six days a week. Below are some recent Swift Word reports you have missed in 2011: World Bank Shames EU on Money Laundering Is Britain Flying into a Bright Future? Simulated Mars Mission Lands Back on Earth Two Giants Heading Toward Airplane Emission War? Unelected Officials to Take Over Government Brussels to Unveil Credit-Rating Clampdown Ireland Closes Vatican Embassy Chief Rabbi Criticizes the Late Steve Jobs Chinese Lambast EU Sloth, Indolence Sarkozy Threatens Switzerland on Tax Evasion

The Global Church

Scripture clearly teaches that the nations of the world will unite for the sake of prosperity, but as we know from Scripture, it will end in the greatest catastrophe everthe Great Tribulation. The devilalso called the prince of darkness and god of this worldis the master liar, the great deceiver, the performer of lying signs and wonders. Yet the one thing he cannot do is create. Thus, he imitates a certain group of people: the Church of Jesus Christ, his most despised enemies. That is the only true global nation on planet Earth. The Apostle Peter calls the

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The Judgment before the Judgment Seat of Christ

By Thomas Lieth
We believers also will have to give account of our lives at a judgment. This is exclusively about our reward, however, and not condemnation for our sins. Our guilt is atoned for once and for all through the precious blood of the Lord Jesus, which He shed for us on Calvarys cross.

Baby Bust Spells Trouble for Rich Nations


Living Godly in an Ungodly Age 31 CHINA

Wal-Mart in Dispute Over Alleged Unpaid Rent

By Dr. Ron J. Bigalke

Those who would live godly often encounter unyielding opposition to the commands and doctrines of Scripture. If the godly are to be victorious, they must call upon the Lord, because only He can protect the godly when they are the minority among the ungodly.

$ 15 Money: Ends and Trends Great Greek Tragedy of the Revived Roman Empire
By Wilfred Hahn

Record Grain Harvest Expected


World Conspiracy in Light of the Bible PART VII

By Johannes Pflaum
The book of the Revelation shows us in a unique way the glory of the Lord Jesus. He is the Lamb who is worthy and the Lion of the tribe of Judah. He opens the book with the seven seals and determines the events that take place on this earth and has control of them.

34 USA
Occupy Wall Street Protests


The Difference between Doctrines and Doctrine

Now Collecting Fingerprints for Visa Applications

By Norbert Lieth
The Bible only knows one doctrine. This should teach us holy reverence toward the Word of God and how important it is in our expounding to find this doctrine and represent it, and not to teach anything else.


Fellow Laborers

By Arno Froese


Saudi Royal Offers $900,000 to Kidnap Israeli Soldier

Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By Peter Malgo


Letters to the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By Arno Froese CALVINISM...MID-ACTS DISPENSATION...GLOBAL BAILOUT?

Midnight Call



Thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children

(Deuteronomy 6:7).
B y P e t e r M a l g o

Now, finally he was set free, Gilad Shalit, the Israeli soldier, in exchange for over 1,000 Palestinian prisoners! Sources close to Hamas claimed for years that Israel was postponing the release of Shalit on purpose. This was picked up with gusto by a Dutch-Islamic website, which improved the news by speaking of the prisoner of war Gilad Shalit. However, the truth is that Shalit was by no means involved in military actions and battles, but was definitely kidnapped. A Palestinian terror commando had advanced by a subterranean tunnel into an Israeli area and had attacked a post stationed there. In doing so, two soldiers of the Israeli army were killed, four more were wounded, and Shalit, also wounded, was dragged away beyond the line of demarcation and brought to an unknown place in the Gaza Strip. The media and the worldwide public in general love to report about a suffering Palestinian population, and at the same time to portray Israel as the guilty party and the aggressor. The other sidefor example, all

the many rockets which the Palestinians continually fire at Israeli targetsis overlooked. In effect, the view is completely unchallenged that Israel is responsible for it all. Thus, the thesis, The Jews bear the guilt is quasi declared a fact. And hardly anyone still dares to defend Israel, much less will anyone bring to mind what sufferings the Jewish people themselves had to endure. For many, the notion Holocaust has already become a foreign word. When the trial against the Nazi thug John Demjanuk took place in Munich in 2009, the former vice president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany said: It is right and important that this trial takes place One must fight the beginnings. In Germany there are many signs that these beginnings are again increasing. This trial will show where this is leading. The magazine Die Welt confirmed: No state is seen with as much criticism in Germany as Israel. Although it is the only democracy in the Near East, people see the Jewish state as the greatest threat to world peace. Besides, they believe that it commits crimes against the Palestinians which are comparable to the



The Prophetic Voice for the Endtimes

crimes of the Nazis against the Jews. Whence comes this explicitly bad image? The foundations for it are probably already laid in the schools. All the three large German schoolbook publishers, Klett, Westermann and Cornelson, offer detailed materials on the Near East conflict, and a completely onesided view of this seat of crises is provided which makes Israel the culprit and the Palestinians the victim. These three publishers together dominate 90% of the entire German market. Todays generation grows up with a completely topsy-turvy view of the facts. A poll among Americans showed that many dont even know any more what the Holocaust is! And in the social networks Israel is most shamefully abused. What can we do against this development? What God the Lord ordered His people Israel already at the time of their wandering in the desert: parents and grandparents (Deuteronomy 4:9) are to teach their children and grandchildren His commandments, These words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house And when thy son asketh thee in time to come, saying, What mean the testimonies, and the statutes, and the judgments, which the LORD our God hath commanded you? Then thou shalt say unto thy son, We were Pharaohs bondmen (Deuteronomy 6:6-7, 20-21). Parents and grandparents should never forget this commandment of the Lord! They should testify to the children how the Lord saved them out of Egypt, from the power of darkness, when He died on the cross for their sins. This is not merely a matter of speaking, but especially of exemplary living. The personal relationship of the parents to Jesus opens the childrens hearts for the greatest Son of Israel and for His earthly people, and they learn to distinguish between truth and lie. MC

ISSN 10948600


Published 12 times a year by


PO Box 280008 Columbia, SC 29228 Physical Location: 4694 Platt Springs Road West Columbia, SC 29170

Founder Dr. Wim Malgo (1922 92) International Editor Peter Malgo Executive Editor Arno Froese Contributing Authors Norbert Lieth, Marcel Malgo, Wilfred Hahn, Dr. Ron J. Bigalke, Reinhold Federolf, Samuel Rindlisbacher, Ernst Kraft and Thomas Lieth
Layout Designers: Michelle Kim and Lisa Dixon Text Typist: Lynn Jeffcoat Copy Editor: Kimberly Farmer Customer Service: Kathy Roland and Debbie Hale Production Manager: Simon Froese Pressroom: Wade Haygood, Dwight Mims and Chad Vining Post Press: Dana Hale, Teresa Vining, Melissa Martin, Andrea Hamilton and Brian Corbett Special Order: Ruth Froese German-English Translators: Ann Fankhauser and Ellen Myers


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J A N U A RY 2 0 1 2


before the

Judgment Seat



For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad (2 Corinthians 5:10).

he second letter to the Corinthians was written to Christians, to born-again people, who will one day be with the Lord. And yet 2 Corinthians 5:10 speaks of a coming judgment, For we must all, it says, appear before the judgment seat of Christ. The apostle Paul specifically includes himself here, by saying, we. At first glance this appears to be a contradiction, especially when we call to mind the words of Jesus in John 5:24, where it says, Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. This is no contradiction, however; it merely means that there are various judgments. Paul mentions a completely different judgment in his letter to the believers in Corinth from that in Johns Gospel. We believers also will have to give account of our lives at a judgment. This is exclusively about our reward, however, and not condemnation for our sins. Our guilt is atoned for once and for all through the

precious blood of the Lord Jesus, which He shed for us on Calvarys cross. For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctifiedand their sins and iniquities will I remember no more (Hebrews 10:14 & 17). Colossians 2:13-15 speaks of the fact that the Lord has blotted out our transgressions and triumphed over death. And in 2 Corinthians 2:14, it says, Thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ. Where would the victory be if a Christian could ultimately still be lost? What kind of victory would that be if the almighty God, who did not spare His own Son, would let His chosen and redeemed children be snatched away again by Satan? That would not be a victory. We are victors already now, however, through Him, Thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:57). Our guilt is atoned for, once and for all; our sins will not be remembered. The handwriting of ordinances (Colossians 2:14), the list of our sins, has



Before the judgment seat of Christ, we will not be judged according to our acting ability, but our sincere faithfulness.
been blotted out, and not simply laid aside. There is nothing more that can accuse the redeemed children of God. We will never be judged in this connection, therefore, He that believeth on him is not condemned (John 3:18). every deed that serves to glorify and praise the name of God is a good work. The thief on the cross did not have any opportunity to do good as a child of God, but his confession aloneAnd we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss (Luke 23:41)was a good work, because through this the name of the Lord Jesus was glorified. When I, as a preacher, proclaim the Word, and the congregation comes to the conclusion that I am a super speaker, then my sermon was certainly not a good work, because I apparently distracted them from the real issue, instead of pointing them to Him. If the congregation comes to the conclusion, What a great God we have, what a wonderful Redeemer! Praise be to the Lord Jesus!then this sermon was a good work. What is the aim of your work? Is it to please men, to draw attention to yourself, or is it to praise the wonderful name of the Lord Jesus? Each one of us has the responsibility of using the gifts entrusted to us for the glory of our great and almighty God. It is less about how much we have done, however, but with what devotion and faithfulness we have served Him. Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful (1 Corinthians 4:2). God does not expect any great, extraordinary or heroic deeds. He expects our sincere faithfulnessno more, but no less! One thing we need to remember is that the Lord knows our hearts. We cannot make any pretence before Him. How easy it is to say, All for the Lord, all for the glory of God, while our hearts speak a different language. Before the judgment seat of Christ, we will not be judged according to our acting ability, but our sincere faithfulness. Everything that a Christian possesses in his life is a gift of God. The more that is entrusted to us, the more we will have to give account for. The measure is not whether we have made
J A N U A RY 2 0 1 2 7

What is the judgment before the judgment seat of Christ about? How are we to understand this? Every
comparison falls short of the reality, of course, but I would like to compare it to an Oscar award ceremony. All those who are invited to this can participate as chosen and privileged guests, and they will not be ridiculed or rebuked. And many of them will be praised, awarded with Oscars, receive a bouquet of flowers, a kiss on the cheek, etc. But not everyone will win an Oscar. Many a person may be disappointed that they did not receive an Oscar, while this or that starlet did, but in the end they are all happy to be able to help themselves at the buffet, according to the motto, Taking part is everything! Ultimately everyone has a good time, even if with different joys and awards. In 2 Corinthians 5:10, it says, that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. So it is about our works and what we have done with the gifts that were entrusted to us. What fruit have we, as Gods servants, produced; what seeds have we sown? These things will be revealed before the judgment seat of Christ, and we will receive the corresponding reward. A Christian is told to bring forth fruit, and not merely to be content with his or her salvation; to serve the Lord with good works and to give Him joy. This is our task, For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them (Ephesians 2:10). What are these good works? They are the deeds and words that serve to glorify the name of God, Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven (Matthew 5:16). Have we understood this correctly? Every word and

The Judgment before the Judgment Seat of Christ

Man is and remains a selfish and egoistic being. We not only see this in the disciples, but also in ourselves.
ourselves popular with men with our gifts, whether they esteem us and praise us, but whether we have put the gifts that are entrusted to us at the Lords disposal, with faithful and sincere hearts. Have you been given the gift of speaking? Then do not use it to entertain your audience, but proclaim the risen Lord Jesus Christ! Have you been given the gift of writing? Then do not write lengthy philosophical articles which are to no avail, but write for the Lord! Have you the gift of giving? Then do not throw your money away but give it to the Lord. Have you the gift of serving? Then do not serve secular organizationsLet the dead bury their dead!but serve the Lord! Have you the gift of working with your hands? Then do not build a house on the sand, but on the Rock which is Jesus! There is surely no church or mission that is not glad of help, whatever form it takes. Many capacities in us Christians lie idle because we have become lazy and we have no courage to serve. And so Christians slumber with their gifts. We can no longer speak of hibernation, but of an all year round sleep! Just imagine, if every child of God were to put his or her gifts utterly and completely in the service of the Lord, what an enormous amount of energy that would produce on earth! Instead of this, however, the churches are scratching each others eyes out! We only see what divides us, and waste time and energy on useless fights instead of putting the Lord Jesus in the center of our activities together. In 1 Corinthians 3:11-15, it says, For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble; every mans work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it

shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every mans work of what sort it is. If any mans work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. If any mans work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved, yet so as by fire. The foundation of the Christian is Jesus Christ. This foundation is laid by the grace of God. It is a gift. Let us compare this with a house. The foundation is the same for all Christians. Every Christian begins to build a house on this foundation. This is our works. Now the important question arises: will the house be able to withstand the tests that lie ahead of it? Storms, hailstones, or even fire? The person whose work will stand, which has been built on the foundation of Christ, will receive a reward, If any mans work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward (1 Corinthians 3:14, cf. 2 Timothy 4:8). The one whose works will be burned, however, will suffer loss (verse 15), but the foundation itself will remain unharmed. This means that the salvation that is built on the foundation will not be lost, He himself shall be saved, yet so as by fire (verse 15). Think again of the Oscar awards. The invitation is there, irrevocable, and the person who receives it will be there at the ceremony. Perhaps he has been nominated for an Oscar, but he does not receive one. This does not mean that he will be thrown out of the auditorium, however, or laughed at. We must be careful when we make such comparisons, that we do not think all too humanly. With all these things regarding the future, we must be clear that we are speaking of things which surpass our powers of imagination, and all our reasoning will result in ad absurdum. Humanly speaking, such a person could think, To be there is not bad, better than not being invited, but why go for the Oscar? The main thing



As in a race, we should also use all our strength for the Lords business. Not for a reward from man or our own praise; that would be a corruptible crown. No, in our battle it is about an incorruptible crown, and for this it is truly worth being well prepared and employing all our gifts with great motivation to serve the Lord and to carry out our task.
is to be saved! Another thinks, How terrible it must be before the judgment seat of Christ, to see what a reward I could have had and how little I actually received. I do not know how it will be before the judgment seat of Christ, but we should be conscious of the fact that this judgment is not about punishment but about rewards, and yet simultaneously we must think how ashamed we will be if it is revealed that we have grieved the Lord. And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming (1 John 2:28). Somebody once said, Whoever exaggerates the sad aspect of the judgment seat of Christ makes heaven to be hell. Whoever neglects the sad aspect of the judgment seat of Christ, however, underestimates the significance of faithfulness.

How can we receive a reward before the judgment seat of Christ? Even the apostles concerned themselves with
the question, who would be the greatest, and who would be allowed to sit at the right and left hand of the Lord (Matthew 20:20ff. and Mark 9:33ff.). Man is and remains a selfish and egoistic being. We not only see this in the disciples, but also in ourselves. We often talk about doing things for the Lord, and yet we seek our own glory, recognition, praise and a reward. This is why our fear of man is often greater than the fear of God. Why do you want to go to heaven? Some want to go to heaven so that they do not have to go to hell. Others want to go to heaven because they expect to find their deceased partner there. And others want to go to heaven to receive an Oscar. Each of these three motives is highly selfish. Is there anyone who says, I want to go to heaven to serve my great God and Savior? I want to go to heaven to thank Him? The greatest reward for us may be that we are saved, have eternal life and will see God face to face. This is all promised us through faith in the risen Son of God, and nobody can take it from us. We will be there at the Oscars ceremony, and our admission

ticket is the shed blood of the Lord Jesus! The reward, however, which is at stake before the judgment seat of Christ, is symbolized in the Bible by crowns (James 1:12, 1 Peter 5:4 and Revelation 3:11). Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain. And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible. I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air: but I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway (1 Corinthians 9:24-27). As in a race, we should also use all our strength for the Lords business. Not for a reward from man or our own praise; that would be a corruptible crown. No, in our battle it is about an incorruptible crown, and for this it is truly worth being well prepared and employing all our gifts with great motivation to serve the Lord and to carry out our task. Here on earth it is about being prepared to serve, and this will surely not go unrewarded. What did the Lord Jesus say to His disciples? Whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister: and whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all (Mark 10:43-44). An athleteto return to Pauls examplewill not get drunk before a race and fill his belly. He will be moderate and stick to a healthy diet. Why do we not do this too? Moderation means laying aside unJ A N U A RY 2 0 1 2 9

The Judgment before the Judgment Seat of Christ

Even if we do not know exactly how life in the presence of God will be, I believe we can say that at least one important part will be worship and service.
with the Lord in prayer and in his service for Him. And so it was possible that his body did not rule him, but he ruled over it. The more you pray, the more you read in the Bible, and in this way let the Lord speak to you, the less time you will have for silly and immoral thoughts. The Holy Spirit wants to change you. He wants to change you into the image of the Lord Jesus. The question is whether you give the Holy Spirit the necessary space and time. Salvation has been given us. We cannot give the Lord anything for it, because salvation cannot be earned (Hebrews 10:18). The only thing we owe the Savior and can bring Him is a life of devotion and complete faithfulness, and also to bring Him our bodies as a living, holy and acceptable sacrifice (Romans 12:1-2). This devotion, this complete giving of ourselves to Him, will surely not go unrewarded.

necessary and burdening junk foodrenouncing the sins which keep us from living a sanctified life, and instead feeding on healthy spiritual food. What is healthy food for a Christian? Not energy bars and drinks, but the Word of God and the doctrine of Jesus Christ. Paul knew that we need to renounce all worldly things in order to gain an incorruptible crown, to receive the whole reward, and to stand one day in privileged service for the Lord, lestwhen I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway (1 Corinthians 9:27). Paul had no fear concerning his salvation. He had assurance of salvation, an assurance that every Christian should have. He was not afraid for the salvation of his soul, but he knew of the fact of the reward that he could lose. And so every child of God is warned, not to fear losing his salvation, but of losing the reward, Let no man beguile you of your reward (Colossians 2:18). The reward has nothing to do with salvation. Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward (2 John 8). We can, therefore, lose some of the reward, but here again, it is not about salvation. Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown (Revelation 3:11). This crown also belongs to the reward and not salvation. Paul also had his battles, just like each one of us, but he was able to say, But I discipline my body, and bring it into subjection (1 Corinthians 9:27, NKJV). How was Paul able to do this? Through the power of the Holy Spirit. He was continually united

What is the reward at the judgment seat of Christ?

And whatever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ. But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons (Colossians 3:23-25). All for the Lord! The sooner you pursue this goal, the greater your reward will be. Even if we do not know exactly how life in the presence of God will be, I believe we can say that at least one important part will be worship and service. I want to go to heaven to serve my great God and Savior. Yes, I believe that ultimately it will come down to this. Could it be that our reward lies in the degree of our service? Not, The greater my reward, the less I will have to serve, but exactly the other way round: The greater my reward, the more I may serve my Lord and Savior. Many may think now, Serve? I dont want to go to heaven to serve. Id rather play the harp! Just a moment, however! We read in Revelation 22:3, And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him. Who are the ser-



The handwriting of ordinances (Colossians 2:14), the list of our sins, has been blotted out, and not simply laid aside. There is nothing more that can accuse the redeemed children of God. We will never be judged in this connection, therefore,He that believeth on him is not condemned (John 3:18).
vants of God and the Lamb? The redeemed who will one day be with the Lord! Consequently the highest fulfillment, the greatest reward, lies in service for the Redeemer. This service in eternity will have nothing to do with service or even slavery as we know it, however. We are called servants on the one hand, but we are also called priests and kings, brothers and friends of Jesus, and Gods children and heirs. It says in Revelation 21:7, for instance, He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. It even says that we shall reign with Him. According to Revelation 22:5, the servants who serve God will reign for ever and ever. This reigning is also service, for we are not reigning for ourselves but for the Lord and with the Lord. Notice that Revelation 22:4 speaks of the fact that we shall see His face, and His name will be on our foreheads. His name, His holy name, will be on our foreheads. This means: we are His property. Nothing can separate us from the love and presence of God and the Lamb. We are His forever and ever. What a privilege it is to be able to serve in the direct present of the holy and almighty Creator, of which it says in Revelation 21, The tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with themand God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain (verses 3-4). To be in favor with the holy and almighty Creator God, to belong to His inner circle, to be continually in the presence of the Redeemeris that not a goal worth striving for? We can truly speak of a privileged service which Paul strove after and which will be the cause for overwhelming joy. It will be a service of complete fulfillment, without care and wantin the literal sense, a heavenly service. Even if we cannot truly fathom this with our limited understanding, there will be nothing better, and we will not have experienced anything better, than to live in the direct presence of God, to serve Him and to be able to worship Him. We can only begin to describe what we will one day experience in the presence of God, what it will mean to reign with Him, to be His children and His heirs, and simultaneously to serve Him.

The fact that every believer will one day stand before God and give account for his life should encourage
us to be faithful and to ask ourselves how our works, our words and deeds, will one day be judged in eternity. Not the eulogy at our funeral should be our hymn of praise, but Gods words before the judgment seat of Christ, when our Lord and Savior judges our works. One thing is sure: our joy will surpass all, because we will have eternal life, see the Lord face to face, and enter into indescribable glory. That will be our reason for joy and worship. And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming (1 John 2:28). But with all our justified joy, let us encourage one another to serve the Lord with all our hearts and to be faithful stewards, so that we are not ashamed at his coming. Praise the Lord for His love and faithfulness which He shows us. And we also want to be faithful, out of love for the One who first loved us, who is faithful, and who gave everything for us (1 John 4:9-11, 14-16 & 19). (MR1011/470)
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Living Godly in an Ungodly Age

By Dr. Ron J. Bigalke

salm 12 was written for the choir director; upon an eight-stringed lyre. The Hebrew phrase, al-hashminith (according to the eighth; Vulgate, for the octave), is also provided in the superscription of Psalm 6. In 1 Chronicles 15:21, the phrase occurs and is prefaced by the verb to lead with lyres tuned. The lyre is indicated as the instrument, and the phrase according to the eighth would seem to indicate the voice range (i.e., the instrument is tuned for the bass singers).1 Psalm 12 was likely sung in worship on the eighth day (a Sabbath) of the Feast of Tabernacles.2 During the Feast of Tabernacles,3 the Israelites dwelt in booths (Lev 23:42; cf. Zech 14:16), which pictured the final harvest and rest when Israel will dwell securely, and was a reminder of the temporal dwellings of the Israelites as they sojourned in the wilderness (Lev 23:43). Psalm 12 is a reminder of Gods protection for His people, as they live in the midst of an ungodly society. David composed this psalm in recognition of the solemn reality that believers are often outnumbered

in this fallen world. Jesus said, Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it (Matt 7:13). Consequently, those who would live godly often encounter unyielding opposition to the commands and doctrines of Scripture. If the godly are to be victorious, they must call upon the Lord, because only He can protect the godly when they are the minority among the ungodly. The content of Psalm 12 is vigorous, and reflects the same confidence in God as Psalm 11. The voices of the godly and ungodly are alternated, with emphasis upon the promise of God. Psalm 12 was composed in reverse parallel (chiastic structure).
A God is addressed: the godly ceases to be (vv. 1-2) B God is referenced (the boasts of the ungodly) (vv. 3-4) C God spoke with certainty (v. 5) B God is referenced (the promises of God) (v. 6) A God is addressed: the ungodly exalt vileness (vv. 7-8)


Living Godly in an Ungodly Age

As always true with regard to a promise of God, it was given with certainty, I will set him in the safety for which he longs.
Wickedness increases when the moral are the minority (A and A). The primary contrast in Psalm 12 is between godless speech, which is false and flattering, and the Word of God, which is pure and trustworthy (B and B). The godly are to trust God as their defense (C). THE CHRISTIANS DISTRESS (12:1-2) The moral absolutes of Gods revealed Law formed the basis for the godly society in which David lived. He cried to the Lord for help, because this once godly society in which he lived was declining rapidly. All manner of ungodliness was prevalent in the absence of Gods Word, and prayer to Him. Believers found themselves the minority in society and questioned how to live godly in an ungodly society. Godliness and faithfulness were vanishing, as a consequence of the preponderance of falsehood spoken with flattering lips. Godliness was disappearing, society was disintegrating, truth discounted, and sin dominant. In such perilous and treacherous times, David indicated that believers must trust in the promises and protection of God to possess the strength to live in this ungodly era. It is a maxim that nature abhors a vacuum; therefore, what occurs when Gods Word and prayer are rejected?
disappearance of godliness disintegration of society discounter of truth dominance of sin

corrupt. The people spoke arrogantly and defied accountability to God, saying, who is lord over us? THE CHRISTIANS DEFENSE (12:5) When overwhelmed by ungodliness, the believers defense is God. The Lord will alleviate the devastation of the afflicted and the groaning of the needy. As a consequence of being the minority, the godly were afflicted and needy from the actions of the ungodly. The psalmists prayer was answered directly by God (the first psalm to contain an answering oracle; cf. Ps 60, 81, 95). As always true with regard to a promise of God, it was given with certainty, I will set him in the safety for which he longs. The Lord knows the difficulties His people experience for faithfulness to Him, and therefore promises, Now I will arise. THE CHRISTIANS DELIVERANCE (12:6) The drastic contrast between human speech and the promises of God is that the Lord speaks with pure words; as silver tried in a furnace on the earth, refined seven times. Gods words are pure and trustworthy. The comparison of Gods words to silver indicates there is no dross of falsehood, which is reinforced by the phrase refined seven times (a figure of completeness). Gods Word is pure, unalloyed silver, which indicates the quality of His promises. God does not speak with falsehood. Every word of God is tested; He is a shield
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THE CHRISTIANS DEPENDENCE (12:3-4) The use of bene adam (sons of men) in verse 1 indicates the universal content of this Psalm. David, therefore, was dependent upon God to remove the source of falsehood: all flattering lips and the tongue that speaks boastfully, which arise from a double [perverted] heart. The tongue is a formidable force of destruction, because whoever controls the dominant form of communication will influence public opinion. The psalmist lamented that the once godly nation had become

Living Godly in an Ungodly Age

Now you know well that every wise workman takes his tools away from the work from time to time, that they may be ground and sharpened; so does the only-wise Jehovah take his ministers oftentimes away into darkness and loneliness and trouble, that he may sharpen and prepare them for harder work in his service4 [cf. Phil 1:12-14].
him, seeking in things that are not there the help he cannot find in those that are, though none can help, since this infinite abyss can be filled only with an infinite and immutable object; in other words by God himself (Penses 148 [428]).6 The godly are promised the protection of the Lord from the ungodly society in which they may live. Conversely, the ungodly assume they are not accountable to God, and vileness is exalted among the sons of men. The repetition of sons of men (12:1, 8) emphasizes the mortality of the ungodly, in contrast to the hope of the psalmist in the eternal (covenantal) God. The psalm concludes with the ungodly still honoring the worthless among men, but reveals that God is sovereign over the affairs of the world. As believers live in an ungodly society, they are not to follow the majority but to focus their dependence upon Gods Word and prayer as the means to living victoriously. He will set the godly in the safety for which he longs and preserve him (12:5, 7), because, The words of the LORD are pure words (12:6). MC

to those who take refuge in Him (Prov 30:5). Jesus prayed for His disciples to be sanctified in the truth and stated the truth is the words of Scripture (John 17:17). Trusting in God will never disappoint the godly, because Gods infallible and inerrant Word promises their defense. Gods servants are not exempt from the crucible that removes the dross in their lives (cf. Ps 66:10; Prov 17:3). THE CHRISTIANS DISPOSITION (12:7-8) David restated his dependence upon God. The psalmist confessed confidently, You, O LORD, will keep them; You will preserve him from this generation forever. Peace is the disposition of the godly among tumultuous times. Davids lament is brought to a peaceful conclusion. Such peace, of course, is the blessing of knowing and therefore trusting God. Augustine wrote famously, . . . you have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless until they can find peace in you (Confessions 1.1).5 Pascal wrote similarly, What else does this craving, and this helplessness, proclaim but that there was once in man a true happiness, of which all that now remains is the empty print and trace? This he tries in vain to fill with everything around

1 For the view that the phrase refers to the instrument, see HansJoachim Kraus, Psalms 1-59: A Continental Commentary, trans. Hilton C. Oswald (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1993) 31. 2 3 4 The feast is also called the Feast of Ingathering (Exod 23:16) because it was associated with harvesting. For more information, see the discussion in John A. Lamb, The Psalms in Christian Worship (London: Faith Press, 1962) 12-17. Andrew A. Bonar, The Life and Remains, Letters, Lectures and Poems of the Rev. Robert Murray McCheyne (New York: Robert Carter & Brothers, 1849) 157. 5 6 Augustine, The Confessions of Saint Augustine, trans. Rex Warner (New York: Penguin, 2001) 1. Blaise Pascal, Penses, trans. A. J. Krailsheimer (New York: Penguin, 1995) 45.


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Great Greek Tragedy of the Revived Roman Empire

B y W i l f r e d H a h n

It is interesting to reflect on the significance of this fact: Of all the countries of the European Union (EU) today, that Greece should be the catalyst to the possible dissolution of a unified Europe. After all, back in 1981, Greece was the 10th nation to have joined the EU [then called the European Common Market (ECM)]. At the time, this advent drove prophecy observes into a tizzy.
nderstandably, many were absolutely sure that the 10-nation revival of the Roman Empire was at hand. As it turned out, only five years later, both Portugal and Spain joined, pushing ECM membership to 12. Membership has since expanded to 27 nations. There are additional interesting facts. The Greece of today, which includes the ancient Macedonia and other city states of old, was the nexus of the first worldpower to come from the region we today call Europe. The Macedonian, Alexander the Great, not only unified Greece, but also conquered the then-known

world of his time. The previous worldruling powers that the Bible records had all been from the Middle East, these having included Egypt, Assyria, Babylon and Medo-Persia. Another Europeanbased power followedthis being depicted as the sixth head on the beast shown in Revelation 12, 13 and 17 the Roman-led era. All of these, six plus one more, are represented in the image of the beast with 7 heads, shown a number of times in Scripture (about which we will explain more shortly). But there is one even more interesting curiosity. All but one of the 7 world-ruling empires represented by the 7-headed beast were exposed to at least one offiJ A N U A RY 2 0 1 2 15


demonstrated the power of the one true God to Nebuchadnezzar more than once. God then directly dealt with Nebuchadnezzar through his 7-year ordeal in the wilderness. He finally recognized the one and only God, saying: Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and exalt and glorify the King of heaven, because everything he does is right and all his ways are just. And those who walk in pride he is able to humble (Dan 4:37). The prophet Daniel also delivered a demonstration of the power of the God of the Hebrews to Darius, the ruler of Medo-Persia. God miraculously protected him in the lions den, a punishment that Darius had decreed. Seeing the evidence of the Hebrews God, he proclaimed to his entire empire: For he is the living God and he endures forever; his kingdom will not be destroyed, his dominion will never end. He rescues and he saves; he performs signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth (Daniel 6:26-27). This last of the seven heads to receive a witness of God to date was the sixth, the Roman Empire. It was visited by Jesus Christ Himself and His disciples. They had many opportunities to testify of the Gospel before magistrates and Roman officials. Yet, mysteriously, there is no account in the Bible of any of Gods prophets having delivered a proclamation of God to Greece not one. All that we have are extra-biblical accounts involving Alexander the Great and the Seleucid kings that followed. The only record of a contact with Alexander the Great, is found in the writings of Flavius Josephus, the Jewish historian. Apparently, Alexander visited Jerusalem following his conquest of Gaza. We see that Greece is the only kingdom represented by one of the seven heads of the beast that did not have a prophet visit them. Could it be that

We see that Greece is the only kingdom represented by one of the seven heads of the beast that did not have a prophet visit them. Could it be that Greece will indeed yet be visited by a prophet in the future?

cial introduction to the God of the Hebrews. All but Greece. Is this more than a coincidence? For those not familiar with the symbolism of the beast (most infamously depicted in Revelation 17 with the scarlet-robed mother of all prostitutes riding on its back), its seven heads (in this writers view) are represented by Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome and the final 10-king (10 horns) revived global Roman Empire. These represent the sequential (and existing) Gentile world reign that oppresses Israel. These are the kings (and nations) about which Daniel says, In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people (Daniel 2:44). The Nations Know God Rules Lets briefly recount the national encounters with the God of the Hebrews. Beginning with the first of the ancient powers in the story of Israel, Egypt surely encountered the superior power of this God, the Jehovah of the Hebrews. It was demonstrated in no uncertain terms to the Pharaoh through Moses, who was dispatched to represent God to this mighty kingdom. Following the miraculous exodus of the Hebrews through the parted Red Sea, the entire world of that time feared the God of the Hebrews. Assyria, in turn, was visited by the reluctant prophet Jonah. He visited Nineveh, the capital city of the Assyrian Empire, preaching a message of repentance. Hearing Jonahs warnings from God, the king of Nineveh promptly declared Let everyone call urgently on God. Let them give up their evil ways and their violence. The entire nation repented at least, for a time. Later, Daniel and his three colleagues, (Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego)

Great Greek Tragedy of the Revived Roman Empire

Greece will indeed yet be visited by a prophet in the future? We can only speculate. What we do know is that one more visitation of prophets will be made, and this one during the Antichrists rule. Two Witnesses will provide a demonstration of Gods power during the Tribulation period. This will occur during the time of the 8th king (possibly also the time of the 7th head, which is comprised of the 10 kings). But today, we are still living in the time of the 6th head. Could modern-day Europe yet play a significant role in the formation of the 7th head the head with 10 horns? Modern Day Grecian Financial Tremors Ever since the first financial restructuring for Greece was arranged in 2010, Europe has been front-page news. In recent times, instabilities have escalated to the point where the survival of the Euro (the common currency of 17 member countries of the Eurozone) was being questioned. In fact, will the European Union (EU) even survive in its current form? It remains a valid question no matter the occasional optimistic agreements and pronouncements of Europes leaders. Many analysts are extremely pessimistic about the fate of Europe longerterm. They conclude that the current monetary and government budget arrangements of the individual EUmember nations, and that of the broader, supra-European institutions such as the European Central Bank (ECB), and lately the EFSF (European Financial Stability Facility), are incompatible and are sure to lead to financial disaster and break-up of the currency

No doubt, there

union as well as the European Union (comprised of 27 nations). No doubt, there exist very serious debt imbalances and economic sustainability issues within the current membership of the European monetary union. Indeed, the present situation is not sustainable, nor are any of the solutions proposed to date. Economicallystrong nations such as Germany and the Netherlands, have generally been reliant upon their more profligate Eurozone member countries for export demand such as Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal and others which have been running trade deficits. This is only possible if nations with trade surpluses such as Germany are also willing to provide what amounts to vendor financing to these other buyers of their goods. After all, it only follows that for every borrower there must be a lender. Incidentally, this is the same type of imbalance that has emerged between China (including other Asian export nations) and the United States. America is able to buy Chinese goods so long as China in turn buys U.S. bonds (debt), or facilitates the purchase of U.S. debt by other surplus nations. For a time, the anguished focus of financial markets is upon Europe. However, once the European conflagrations have been (at least) temporarily quieted, the focus of the global financial community will again turn to the shaky finances of the U.S.

exist very serious debt imbalances and economic sustainability issues within the current membership of the European monetary union. Indeed, the present situation is not sustainable, nor are any of the solutions proposed to date.

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any accurate forecasts about the possible detailed sequence of events ahead. However, Bible prophecy does allow us to draw several conclusions. The Bible on Europe Here is what we do know: The current 27-nation configuration of the European Union will not last. How can we be sure? Because there will only be 10 member nations in the final global power coalition, according to the Bible. Readers will be familiar with the 10 kings (mentioned or pictured in at least 5 prophecies found in both the Old and New Testaments) that come together in the last days to form a world-ruling coalition. We have published a number of articles on this topic in the past. (See the 3-part article series titled Searching for the Last-day 10 Kings, published in this column October to December 2006.) The 10 kings are shown as 10 horns in Revelation 12, 13 and 17. The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom [] (Revelation 17:12). They are also shown as 10 toes on the statue described in Daniel 2, and again as 10 horns in Daniel 7. The ten horns are ten kings (Daniel 7:24). As such, we can know that the final configuration of the Revived Roman Empire will be a coalition of 10 nations, and not 27. Furthermore, we can be reasonably sure that at least some of the member nations (if not all) of the final 10 kings will be from modern-day Europe. We can surmise this from statements in the Bible. In previous articles, we had outlined 13 Biblical clues and characteristics of the final identity and composition of the 10 kings. This analysis concluded that such views that all 10 kings will come from the Islamic Middle East, for example, are highly unlikely to be correct. It is also argued that at least some

The current 27nation configuration of the European Union will not last. How can we be sure? Because there will only be 10 member nations in the final global power coalition, according to the Bible.

and its states (i.e., Wisconsin, California etc.). As it is, there is no shortage of other potential crisis hotspots in the world, including Japan, China and the perennial geopolitical eruptions in the Middle East. We can expectthough not precisely predictthat a state of rolling crisis, rotating between different countries and regions of the world, will remain a sign of our times. However, back to Europe: Here, the deficit countries had continued to be net importers, thanks to the funding of the exporting nations in Europe. That this state of affairs could not last was never a surprise. In this type of system, the chasm between the lenders and borrowers becomes so large that the debts in relation to the servicing capability of the debtor nation become unsupportable and the whole merry-go-round comes to a panicked stop. This, in short, explains the main structural impossibility that underlies the current Eurozone as well as recent financial market calamities. But, what next? Some economic analysts are sure that the current Common Europe project is finished and unsalvageable. The European Union is certain to break up. A few European politicians have made even darker speculations, suggesting that if Europes financial instabilities are not solved, and the euro is abandoned, it will again lead to war. Since the main objective behind the European Union was peace, then its break- up is certain to be tragic. Said Angela Merkel, German Chancellor, Nobody should take for granted another 50 years of peace and prosperity in Europe ... thats why I say: If the Euro fails, Europe fails. We could continue here with an economic and financial analysis and attempt to make some predictions of our own. Frankly, it is impossible to make

Great Greek Tragedy of the Revived Roman Empire

of the member-nations of this coalition will be from Europe. Could all 10 members come from Europe? What Can Be Concluded from Recent Financial Crises In view of the above-mentioned perspectives, it only follows that a new group of 10 kings must yet form. The current 27-member union of the European Union must therefore give way to a new power coalition. Can anything more be concluded from the events of crisis in Europe, on the final form of the future Revived Roman Empire revealed in the Bible? Frankly, no. That may seem surprising to readers, given the near-unanimity among many Bible prophecy students on this matter. The view that all of the final members of the 10 nation coalition will come from modern-day Europe, is virtually considered to be fact. We cannot yet assign a 100% probability to this outcome. Yes indeed, it may very well occur that all 10 kings will come from Europe, as it is a very plausible theory. But it remains exactly that a theory. While the current and future extension of the ancient Roman Empire is indeed verified by Scripture, the identity of the 10 nations and their geographic location is not. Therefore, while this theory is not precluded, at the same time it cannot be proven nor deduced from Scripture. There are other possible outcomes. Daniel 9:26b says the following: The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. This confirms that the final Ruler (the Antichrist) will come from the Roman-type peoples. Today, 47 nations are located (fully or at least partially) in the geographic area of the Roman Empire of approximately 2 millennia ago. Though some people

Can anything more be concluded from the events of crisis in Europe, on the final form of the future Revived Roman Empire revealed in the Bible? Frankly, no. That may seem surprising to readers, given the nearunanimity among many Bible prophecy students on this matter.

of that ancient Roman Empire have since migrated to populate the New World, it would be reasonable to assume that at least some of the final 10 kings would come from todays Europe. But not only this: A number of the nation members of the group of ten could also come from the New World. Many nations in the New World are Roman offshoots for example, the US, Canada, Australia, Argentina, and many others. As history has shown, many Roman-type peoples have moved to form new nations in other parts of the world. It is very plausible that Europe breaks apart into several sub-groups of countries. For example, one economic research firm holds the view that a group of northern nations headed by Germany will split off. They would have their own currency (dubbed the neuro). Southern European nations will also form their own group (these generally being the countries with deficits), as they desperately will want their own currency that they can then devalue (this currency being dubbed the sudo). Other

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We can definitely see that debt-related issues are proving to be a prime catalyst behind global geopolitical shifts. The prophet Habakkuk (according to our interpretation) in fact even reveals that the final ruling structure of the world will in fact be an indebted one. Will not your debtors suddenly arise? Will they not wake up and make you tremble? Then you will become their victim (2:7). While the European project will eventually give way to the final 10king power coalition, crises are most certainly to play a role in this evolution. The same has proven to be a catalyst for globalism overall. Anything is possible at this stage. It may very well occur that a smaller group of 10 nations will now emerge. Thoughts to Ponder Just what is the solution to Europes problems? The reality to see is that policymakers are bankrupt of ideas as to how to rectify current troubles. Recent meetings of the G20 and the IMF (International Monetary Fund) have come up with empty pronouncements and lots of hand-wringing. Taking a Biblical worldview, the spirit we clearly see spanning the globe today is that of the materialistic pagan. The supposed happiness that humanity has been collectively seeking through materialistic satiation, has rather sadly been undermined by the very same, but unbridled, pursuit. The influences of human greed, lack of love (i.e., pure motivations behind economic actions), self interest, and the pursuit of false gods have been the culprits. By mankinds own choice, these

groups could splinter off as well. While smaller groups could emerge, these still may not represent the final 10. Crisis and Debt Play a Role Behind Necessary Geopolitical Shifts As it was, crises had been considered a necessary part of the Europe project. After all, it is only during crisis that urgency generates the collective will-power to move further towards a unified Europe. Each step closer to this outcome involves an unpopular whittling down of the individual sovereign powers of each of the individual nations. For example, the southern European nations of Spain, Portugal, Greece (and perhaps soon Italy) are effectively already under the financial oversight of the northern European nations. This realization that crisis must play a role in this process was always in the minds of the leaders behind the Common Europe movement. For example, said Romano Prodi, EU Commission President in December 2001: I am sure the Euro will oblige us to introduce a new set of economic policy instruments. It is politically impossible to propose that now. But some day there will be a crisis and new instruments will be created. Readers may not realize that extreme wealth imbalances and high indebtedness are in fact prophesied as being endtime conditions (See James 5:1-6). Very definitely, such unequal distributions have occurred before throughout history in various places and times. What is different today is that these phenomena are worldwide, applying to the entire global distribution of wealth.

This realization that crisis must play a role in this process was always in the mind of the leaders behind the Common Europe movement. For example, said Romano Prodi, EU Commission President in December 2001: I am sure the Euro will oblige us to introduce a new set of economic policy instruments. It is politically impossible to propose that now. But some day there will be a crisis and new instruments will be created.

Great Greek Tragedy of the Revived Roman Empire

forces are indelibly leading the world to the final last-day conditions that the Bible foretells. This is a crucial point. We must not take the view that mankind is hostage to prophecies that what the Bible prophesies therefore has condemned mankind to folly and disaster. No. In these matters, Bible prophecy is only telling us the choices of mankind in advance. It is a completely different perspective. We are living in unprecedented times, in which the raw emotions of materialistic people and the desperate strong arm tactics of the worlds policymakers can lead to some very extreme and rapid outcomes. The span of outcomes range from a broad collapse of financial economies to new, and perhaps sudden, power structures. Without doubt, as the Bible does tell us, a group of 10 nations will come together in the very last days. For a brief period of time, they will rule the world. They usher in the rulership of the Antichrist. These kings [] for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast (Revelation 17:12-13). The appearance of the final 7th head of the beast is very near. For those people who are fixated on the appearance of the Antichrist, or speculating about the advent of the Antichrists signing of a peace treaty with Israel (See Daniel 9:27), they look in the wrong direction. The 10 kings come first. Daniel tells us that The ten horns are ten kings who will come from this [Roman] kingdom. After them another king will arise, different from the earlier ones [] (Daniel 7:24). To repeat, only after the appearance of the 10 kings, will the 8th king (the Antichrist) arise. [] but when he does come, he must remain for a little while. The beast who once was, and now is not, is an eighth king. He belongs to the seven and is going to his destruction (Revelation 17:10-11). We are today witnessing the birth pangs that will lead to the emergence of this last 10-king global power coalition. Will the world miss these events? No. Because it will not be a secret conspiratorial power arrangement, or some type of vague association of nations that will be invisible to the world and the CNN news network. Why? God never fulfills his prophecies in secret. He wants the world to know beyond a doubt that He alone is the one and only True God who foretells the future. Similarly, Jesus also warned that his Second Comingthis also being an essential fulfillment of prophecy and a great validation to the world of his Godhoodwill also not occur in secret. He said: So if anyone tells you, There he is, out in the desert, do not go out; or, Here he is, in the inner rooms do not believe it. For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man (Matthew 24:26-27). With little doubt, we can say that the world will soon see a miraculous emergence of a 10-king power structure. The world today is at the cusp of the transition from the reign of the 6th headthe Roman Erato the 7th (second from last) 10-king global regime. The reign of this last 10-horned rulershipwhat we have in the past called the Global 10King Power Coalitionwill be very brief. The 10 kings will not emerge as a secret cabal run from a smoky back room or in a distant remote spot in the world. It will come into play suddenly as with lightning. The great crisis that we see today in Europe very likely will play a role in this eventual emergence. MC

God never fulfills his prophecies in secret. He wants the world to know beyond a doubt that He alone is the one and only True God who foretells the future.

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World Conspiracy in Light of the Bible

Johannes Pflaum What does the Bible say about world conspiracy theories? Do they belong to the prophetic Word? In this series, we go into this and other connected questions. Read here Part 7.

ven in Revelation 1:1, the whole theme of the book is made clear: The Revelation of Jesus Christ. The book of the Revelation shows us in a unique way the glory of the Lord Jesus. He is the Lamb who is worthy and the Lion of the tribe of Judah. He opens the book with the seven seals and determines the events that take place on this earth and has control of them. In Revelation 4:5, we read, And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices. With this, it becomes quite clear once again: God is not a passive onlooker, who ultimately allows some secret organization to be in charge for decades, but He is the active One. All the judgments which come upon the earth, come from His throne upon an unprepared humanity. Whether they be the seals of judgment, the trumpet judgments or the vials of wrath, it is the ex22

alted Christ who gives the command and thereby overthrows all the plans of mankind. In Revelation 6, Heand not some secret brotherhoodgives the rider on the white horse the victory. He takes peace from the earth. Heand not the FED or the Bilderbergerssends famines and economic crises. He allows the powers of darkness, death and hell to invade. Even at the sixth seal, there is nothing to be seen of a conspiracy or steering by humans. The mighty men of the earth attempt to hide from the wrath of the Lamb in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains. Then in Revelation 8 and 9, the seven trumpet judgments of the seven seals develop. Once again, mankind is completely taken by surprise by the first four trumpet judgments. At the fifth trumpet, another invasion by the powers of darkness takes place. In chapter 9:6, it becomes apparent how mankind loses all control. The people want to die

World Conspiracy in Light of the Bible Part VII

Allow me the question again: who is the target in the majority of these conspiracy theories? It is the USA, the Freemasons, the Bilderbergersall systems which allegedly are controlled in the background by world Judaism.

and cannot. Also, the collision of the armies of this earth at the sixth trumpet does not come from any secret conspiracy plan, but from the judgment acts of God. This same thing applies to the seven judgments of the bowls. They are Gods judgment, which men and their mighty leaders can do nothing against. Now to Revelation 13 and the appearance of the beast. We know that this beast, the Antichristian empire, will arise out of the sea of nations. The Bible does not give us any clear hint, however, that this arising is preceded by a decades-long or centuries-long master plan of a secret organization. Think of Hitler again, the forerunner of the Antichrist, who did not even take ten years to arise and develop his power out of the chaos of the Weimar Republiceven against the political trend of that time, which appeared to be driving Germany rather in a Socialist direction. In Revelation 13:1, the beast (as also the other beasts in Daniel 7:3) arises out of the sea. In Isaiah 51 it is about Gods mighty acts in history. This chapter makes it clear how, in spite of all people and powers, He is carrying out His plan, I am the Lord thy God, that divided the sea, whose waves roared: The Lord of hosts is his name (Isaiah 51:15). In the first place, it is about Gods power and magnitude, which are demonstrated for us in the so incalculable powers of nature. The roaring sea is a picture for the world of nations in the books of the prophets. In Revelation 13:1, it is clear who stands above the arising of the Antichristian kingdom and holds the strings in His handseven if Satan, according to Revelation 12:17 and 13:2, attempts to play his last trump card through this. If there is any mention of a conspiracy, then this is only in three places. Once in Revelation 13:11. There another beast is spoken of, the false prophet, who seems to confirm the rule of the Antichrist through false signs and wonders. The second place is in Revelation 16:13-16. Through the deception of

demonic spirits, the worlds armies are gathered for the battle of Armageddon. Finally, in Revelation 17:12-13, there is mention of ten kings who give their power and strength to the beast. But all this, including the worship of the beast and the dragon by mankind, takes place after the appearing of the beast and not in a long-term plan in stages. When we read Revelation 12 and 13 together, there is something further we need to note. The woman in Revelation 12, who gives birth to the Lord Jesus, is Israel. The dragon attempts to deal with her and destroy her. He is not able to do this. And so he pulls out all the stops in Revelation 13. All the promises of the first and second coming of our Lord are inseparably connected with the land and people of Israel. If the devil were able to destroy both, God would be a liar. Allow me the question again: who is the target in the majority of these conspiracy theories? It is the USA, the Freemasons, the Bilderbergersall systems which allegedly are controlled in the background by world Judaism. Against whom does the dragonthrough the beast in Revelation 13fight? After a time of deception, ultimately to do away with Israel, the eternal trouble-makers and bringers of misfortune of world history. Just as Hitler did this. Do you understand my question any better now, what these conspiracy theories are about, when the Antichrist ultimately (like Hitler) appears on the scene as the great exterminator against the alleged Jewish conspirators? The conclusion we come to from the books of Daniel and Revelation is the following: in the time preceding the Antichristian empire, we find no trace of a decades-long conspiracy or master plan of any kind of secret brotherhood. God remains the sovereign One on this earth, in spite of all the apostasy and the influence of the powers of darkness which precede the appearing of the Antichrist.

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In his first letter to Timothy, the apostle Paul shows how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth (1 Timothy 3:15). Read here Part 2.

t is striking that every time false doctrines (doctrines of devils and strange doctrines) are mentioned which do not correspond with the teaching of the Holy Scriptures, the word doctrine is written in the pluraldoctrines. Where the doctrine of the Holy Scriptures is spoken of, the word doctrine is always written in the singular, with the clear instructions to teach no other doctrine. Strange doctrines against sound doctrine (1 Timothy 1:3 & 10, cf. 1 Timothy 4:1 & 6 and 1 Timothy 6:3); this principle is also found throughout the other epistles of the New Testament (for instance, Hebrews 13:9). This means that the Bible only knows one doctrine. This should teach us holy reverence toward the Word of God and how important it is in our expounding to find this doctrine and represent it, and not to teach anything else. We know various interpretations, but basically there is only one true doctrine where every realm of life and the Church, spiritual history, Israel, sin and justification, eternal life, election, law and grace, the Holy Spirit, eschatology (the Rapture, the millennium, the Bride), etc. are concerned.

1 Timothy 1:7 admonishes us in this connection, that we can teach some things as though they are certain, without having understood them. Desiring to be teachers of the law; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm. We can in full conviction pass the truth by. We may think we are doing the right thing, and yet be completely wrong. The true doctrine can best be found through earnest Bible study, and by means of the scarlet thread that runs through the Bible, so that ultimately there is no contradiction. This takes much prayer, careful study, reverence, and the closest possible proximity to the Bible. An example of this can be found in Acts 18:24-28, And a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man, and mighty in the scriptures, came to Ephesus. This man was instructed in the way of the Lord; and being fervent in the spirit, he spake and taught diligently the things of the Lord, knowing only the baptism of John. And he began to speak boldly in the synagogue: whom when Aquila and Priscilla had heard, they took him unto them, and expounded unto him the way of God more perfectly.


In the New Testament, however, we are no longer concerned about our ancestors, but about our calling, faith and conversion.
In Apollos, the Lord shows us a man who is able to learn and be taught. Simultaneously, we see in him a man who later on adhered strictly to the guidelines of the Word of God, and did not go beyond what the Scriptures teach clearly. And these things, brethren, I have in a figure transferred to myself and to Apollos for your sakes; that ye might learn in us not to think of men above that which is written, that no one of you be puffed up for one against another (1 Corinthians 4:6).

And when he was disposed to pass into Achaia, the brethren wrote, exhorting the disciples to receive him: who, when he was come, helped them much which had believed through grace: for he mightily convinced the Jews, and that publicly, shewing by the scriptures that Jesus was Christ. Apollos was an eloquent man and mighty in the Scriptures of the Old Testament. He was educated and fervent in the Spirit. Moreover, he taught diligently concerning the Lord, but he lacked New Testament instruction and orientation. Aquila and Priscilla took him under their wing and expounded the Word of God to him more thoroughly. After this, he was able to preach the Word of the Lord all the more intensely. The work of Aquila and Priscilla was the same as the work of a good New Testament commentary. Some of our contemporaries think they do not need a commentary, but this example shows us the opposite. It shows us how much the Holy Spirit wants to lead us deeper into the Word of God. For a child of God, there is never an end to learning. We should continually read the Bible and study it, learn to understand the spiritual connections, and pass them on to others. We also need to read commentaries, attend Bible studies or go to Bible schools. We can only pass on what we have learned and understood ourselves.

If, according to 1 Timothy 1:3-11, there are strange doctrines, then there must, of a necessity, also be a sound and accepted doctrine. There is a unique, divine doctrine and other strange, human doctrines. If there is a sound doctrine, there must also be one that makes us sick. The sound doctrine strengthens us, the strange ones weaken us. False doctrines confuse; the true doctrine gives assurance. What characterizes strange, unbiblical doctrines? Strange doctrines are mainly concerned with secondary things. They want to bind people to people or their organizations. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them (Acts 20:30). This is the origin of all sects and all groups with sectarian traits. They concern themselves with legends, myths, fables and fantasies. Their content is often esoteric or philosophical. They are extra-Biblical, human additions to the Word of God. Timothy was told to see that no strange doctrines were spread, in 1 Timothy 1:3-4, As I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus, when I went into Macedonia, that thou mightest charge some that they teach no other doctrine, neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do (cf. Titus 1:14). Where the genealogies are concerned, this probably refers to the Jews desire to find out from
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The law teaches us three lessons: we should, we havent, we cant.

The law is good (cf. Romans 7:12), if a man use it lawfully (1 Timothy 1:8). This means, if we look at it and use it for the purpose it was given us. Nobody is justified through the law. The law brings a curse. The law gives us recognition of sin. The law provides protective borders. The law is not of faith. The law leads, however, to faith in Jesus. The law is a schoolmaster to lead us to Christ. The law was not given us as a means of justification, but it leads to justification (Galatians 2:16 & 21, 3:10-13 & 23-25, and Romans 3:20). Somebody rightly said, The law teaches us three lessons: we should, we havent, we cant. In these things, the law is good. Those who use it in this way and through this grasp the grace in Jesus Christ, will be justified. And because they have been justified, the law has lost its validity for them. It has served its purpose. The law is, according to the Scriptures, clearly and unmistakably for the conviction of the lawless, We know that the law is good, if a man use it lawfully; knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, for whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine (1 Timothy 1:8-10). Lawless people are unsaved people, who do not live according to the law. The coming Antichrist is described as the lawless one in 2 Thessalonians 2:8 (NIV). Disobedient people are those who openly rebel against the will of God. With ungodly and sinners, unholy and profane, everything is described that comes from a life without God. Those who are murderers of fathers and mothers are breaking the fifth commandment, Thou shalt honour thy father and thy mother. Those who are manslayers are breaking the sixth commandment, Thou shalt not kill. Whoremongers are adulterers. Adultery is all sexual relationships outside of marriage. Jesus made it clear that He was in favor of the marriage relationship when He spoke to the Samaritan woman at Ja-

which patriarchs they descended. This did not play any further part, however, in the New Testament. But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain (Titus 3:9). Genealogies often play an important part today in sects, as for instance, with the Mormons. In the New Testament, however, we are no longer concerned about our ancestors, but about our calling, faith and conversion. Strange doctrines are usually aggressive; they cause quarrels and disputes and do not serve as divine edification. They are often about certain secondary things which are made of primary importance. It is difficult to have a dialogue with the representatives of such doctrines. False teachers always seem opinionated, arrogant, unyielding, and they ignore every biblical argument. It is impossible to have an edifying conversation with them; it usually ends in futile talk or even quarrels (cf. 1 Timothy 1:6). A typical sign of a false teacher is that they make the law to be the main thing without regarding the fact that this has been fulfilled (cf. Galatians 1:610 and 3:1-5). It is striking that they speak with great assurance and represent their doctrines as being irrefutable, whereas in reality they have not understood the biblical doctrine of justification. A person who has been justified through the Gospel of Jesus does not have to obey any law. The directions in the New Testament fulfill everything, and obedience to these directions is a sign of justification. Thus, in the first letter to Timothy there are more than 30 personal commandments.

Whoremongers are adulterers. Adultery is all sexual relationships outside of marriage. Jesus made it clear that He was in favor of the marriage relationship when He spoke to the Samaritan woman at Jacobs Well.
cobs Well. The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband: for thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly (John 4:17-18). The woman was living with a man she was not married to. Them that defile themselves with mankind is a reference to homosexuality as it is described in 1 Corinthians 6:9. Menstealers is a reference to slave driving and kidnapping, and can certainly also be applied to sects. Liars and perjured people are those who do not speak the truth, who resist it. Everything which contradicts the sound doctrine weakens the body of Christ and makes it sick. On the one hand legalism must not be proclaimed, and on the other hand sin may not be called harmless. Paul warns us of legalism as well as of lawlessness.

What characterizes the sound doctrine? 1 Timothy

1:5 says, Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned. We could say here, The goal of the law or instruction, because Paul is talking here about instruction, doctrine or message. The Amplified Bible even translates this verse, The object and purpose of our instruction and charge is love, which springs from a pure heart. So, these words are meant to portray what the difference is between the pure, good and sound doctrine and the strange doctrines. There are four characteristics: 1. Pure love. We do not act selfishly but with the aim of edifying others. 2. A pure heart. We do not have any false motives. 3. A good conscience. The word conscience is mentioned three times in 1 Timothy (1:5, 19 and 4:2). Chapter 1:5-6 tells us that whoever turns away from the pure doctrine, has also turned away from a good conscience. According to verse 19, a good conscience testifies to the fact that we are following the sound doctrine and have not gone astray. And, according to chapter 4:2, the false teachers are

seared in their conscience, even if they teach their doctrines as certain. I do not believe, for instance, that a person can deny the divinity of Jesus with a good conscience. 4. Pure faith. Sound doctrine is characterized further in that it is in accordance with the apostolic Gospel, According to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which was committed to my trust (1 Timothy 1:11). The apostle to the Gentiles was entrusted with a special Gospel, which he repeatedly called my Gospel (Romans 2:16 and 16:25). What was his Gospel? We must not reduce the word Gospel to a purely evangelistic message. The Gospel that Paul received is the whole doctrine that he passes on in his letters. Thus, Paul calls, for instance, the profound epistle to the Romans Gospel: Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began (Romans 16:25, cf. Galatians 1:8-9). It is the Gospel of the blessed God that Paul was entrusted with. What does blessed God mean? God is in Himself blessed. He does not need anyone; He possesses everything in Himself. The Word means, endowed with divine favor and protection. He does not need us, then. And yet He loves us and wants to win us for Himself through the Gospel. God is not more blessed with us, but we are drawn into His bliss. Everyone who believes in Him is drawn into divine (MR0810/419) peace and blessed.
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Timotheus, our brother, and minister of God, and our fellow labourer
in the gospel of Christ, to establish you, and to comfort you concerning your faith (1 Thessalonians 3:2).
B y A r n o F r o e s e

he center of a ministry for the believer is revealed in this short verse, highlighted with the words, establish you, and to comfort you concerning your faith. The Apostle Paul places great value on the spiritual growth of the Christian. One would assume that during the early days of the Church, Paul would encourage the believers to do everything in their power to spread the Gospel to all people as quickly as possible, but that he does not do. When we continue to read, we note that the apostle is not speaking so much in a positive way of the new life in Christ, or experiencing victories, but rather speaks of tribulation, That no man should be moved by these afflictions: for yourselves know that we are appointed thereunto. For verily, when we were with you, we told you before that we should suffer tribulation; even as it came to pass, and ye know (verses 3-4). Briefly analyzing these words, we note that the Christian life goes deep; suffering, affliction and tribulation are part of it. Although time and space do not allow me to go into details, I can assure you that

our missionaries are quite often in deep distress; sometimes this is due to physical health, at other times there is the financial burden. We recently read in a report from our missionaries, Werner and Ursula Beitze in Guatemala, that the government has burdened them with excessive tax on all literature sold in their Bible bookstore. Werner writes: The new law, effective immediately, burdens us with 31% tax on our entire inventory. Needless to say, this is a devastating blow to our already shaky financial situation. We did bring it before the Lord in prayer. When the responsible officer from the taxation department came, he only asked to see the Bibles in the store and did not request to see the storage facility. Praise and thanks be to our Lord! From our missionaries in Argentina, Erich and Jutta Schfer, we received the following report:

Camp Meeting in Susques

This was a special event; over 170 people participated, mainly young people. But several elderly took the long journey, traveling over 150 km on a freight truck, to


Participants listening to the Word of God in Susques, Argentina

Then, during the last evening service, the second son also surrendered his life to the Lord. The father could barely grasp this wonderful act of grace. It encouraged him greatly in his ministry to reach out even more to people everywhere in the town of Susques.

spend one week at the camp hearing Gods Word proclaimed. How thankful we are for the 26 souls who decided to follow Jesus, receiving Him as their Lord and Savior. An additional 11 members rededicated their life to Christ. Our Lord Himself proved to be the Almighty when opposition to the proclamation of His Word became apparent; we were told to vacate the school building. The local Christians continued in prayer for one purpose, and that was to have His Word proclaimed freely. Only later we found that the local priest had sent a group of young people, who were supposed to disinfect the school facilities, to the place of our meetings. They ordered all people to leave. This issue was brought before the director of the school; although not a believer, he was a very pleasant person who thought it best for the young people to hear spiritual instruction. He then authorized the disinfection process to be limited to the restroom facilities, being closed for about 3 hours. Thus, we were not hindered to proclaim the Good News to all who came. One event needs to be mentioned, namely the work of our Lord Jesus in the family of a local pastor. One of their sons made a public decision to follow Christ. Then, during the last evening ser-

vice, the second son also surrendered his life to the Lord. The father could barely grasp this wonderful act of grace. It encouraged him greatly in his ministry to reach out even more to people everywhere in the town of Susques.

We continue to receive reports here at our office that are both heartbreaking and cause for rejoicing, but in the midst of all the turmoil, confusion, and insecurity, our Lord Jesus Christ continues to build His Church, using each of us as suitable tools in His hand. You too can become a FELLOW LABORER with your continuous and persistent prayer supportnot only for our missionaries, but also for all who proclaim the wonderful Gospel of salvation to people everywhere around the globe. While we still can, and there is still time, we may dedicate ourselves, our resources, and our time into His service, And the Lord make you to increase and abound in love one toward another, and toward all men, even as we do toward you (1 Thessalonians 3:12). MC

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Baby Bust Spells Trouble for Rich Nations

The worlds richest nations are approaching a baby bust. Its a bear market for newborns and the effects could spell economic and social dislocation in the next 20 years, according to some analysts.
As demographers debate the dangers and benefits of the earths population reaching seven billion on October 31, advanced economies in Europe, East Asia and even the US are facing declining birth rates. With senior citizens making up a larger proportion of the population, countries are worried that there will be too many retirees receiving healthcare and social security payments and too few workers to support them. The costs of supporting the elderly are generally met through taxes, Madeleine Sumption, an analyst with the Migration Policy Institute in Washington, told Al Jazeera. Without any reforms to current working and spending patterns, the costs are expected to grow to unsustainable levels in many wealthy countries, particularly in very rapidly ageing countries such as Japan and Italy. With a lower fertility rate, the ageing of the population is inevitable, said Roderic Beaujot, a demographer at the University of Western Ontario in Canada. You have less people at the bottom of the [age] pyramid and with people living longer you have more people at the top of the pyramid. In the UK, for example, the number of people over 70 will increase by more than 50 percentfrom 6.2 million today to 9.6 million in 2030according to government forecasts. Facing a steep demographic decline, Russia initiated a policy known as mother capital where women are paid about $10,000 to have more than one child. It seems to have had a small effect, but the general trend regraphics. Forty-three percent of Muslim American women hold college degrees, compared with 29 percent of American women overall, making them the second-best educated religious group following American Jews, according to a 2009 Gallup poll. From the perspective of national interest, Canadas immigration policieswhich prioritize skilled workIn the UK, the number of people over 70 years old will ers and investorsmay offer the increase by 50 percent by 2030 [GALLO/GETTY] best model. In proportion to its population, mains dismal for the worlds largest country Canada naturalizes the most people in the by territory. world by far, Janoski said. Canadian immiThe other option, immigration, is not popu- gration policy is really focused on economic lar in East Asia and is becoming less appe- growth, where immigrant investors or skilled tizing for some Europeans. Japan has one of workers are given preference over family rethe lowest naturalization rates in the world, unification which drives the model in the US Janoski said. Japan and Korea will be the and other countries, he said. odd cases, but with China sitting on their That is why they came up with the policy border, they will have an incentive to keep for Chinese entrepreneurs. When Hong Kong their economies strong, as they dont want to [formerly a British colony] went back to the become vassal states of China, he told Al Chinese, they [Canada] gave relatively quick Jazeera. citizenship to businessmen. Traditionally a sender of emigrants to the Recently, Filipinos have become one of US, Canada, Australia and other regions, Canadas largest immigrant groups, with widespread immigration into Europe began many first arriving as domestic helpers or after World War II, as large numbers of temporary healthcare workers before gaining mostly low-skilled laborers from Turkey, citizenship. North Africa and the UKs former colonies in The employment rate for foreign-born citiSouth Asia were encouraged to come in zens of Canada is actually higher than for search of work. native-born Canadians, the Globe and Mail In contrast to Europe, Muslims in the US newspaper reported. By 2031, one in three are among the most highly educated demo- workers in Canada is projected to be foreign(continued next page)



Baby Bust

(continued from page 30)

Wal-Mart in Dispute Over Alleged Unpaid Rent

The Wanguo Shopping Plaza Co. in the northeastern coastal city of Dalian said Wal-Mart has not paid rent since mid-2002 when a building with a floor area of 16,508 square meters was transferred to the retailer for use.
The company said the two parties signed a 15-year lease at a rate of over 10 million yuan ($1.6 million) a year. The Wal-Mart subsidiary in Dalian had applied to terminate the contract in 2003 and 2005 on allegations including delayed construction, illegal delivery, a lack of housing ownership certificate and unfinished projects. The China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, however, rejected its contract termination demands in 2005 and 2008. The retailer never opened a store at the building due to the allegations, and, instead, opted to open a new store at another location in Dalian and started construction at that location in June 2010. The arbitral rulings, like final court verdicts, are law-abiding and, therefore, the lease contract is still in effect, said Yu Zhou, a judge at the Municipal Intermediate Peoples Court in Dalian. The court is pushing for the dispute to be settled in accordance with relevant laws after Wal-Mart failed to abide by the arbitral rulings over the past few years, according to the judge. This case is the most recent dispute that could tarnish Wal-Marts image. In October, 13 Wal-Mart stores in the southwestern city of Chongqing were shut down by local authorities for 15 days for selling incorrectly labeled pork products. The Wal-Mart stores in Chongqing were fined 2.69 million yuan for the incident, according to the Municipal Government of Chongqing, which said it had previously penalized the chain 21 times since 2006 for exaggerated advertising and selling expired and substandard food. Scott Price, president and CEO of Wal-Mart Asia, said the corrective actions of the Chongqing WalMart stores will help the company provide better goods and services to customers., 2 November 2011

born, according to government statistics. This trend should cushion the country from the baby bust. For Europe and Japan in particular, the choice seems stark. Countries that do not wish to open their doors to immigration will be forced to rely more on other policies to shoulder the burden of population ageing, Sumption, from the Migration Policy Institute, said. For example, retirement ages may have to rise faster and tax burdens may have to increase., 30 October 2011

Customers wait at the customer service desk at a Wal-Mart Store in Beijing, capital of China, Jan. 27, 2011. (Xinhua File Photo)

to customers. Although extremely successful in the United States, Wal-Mart had to withdraw from Germany due to alleged complications. Communist China is a different case. They have now become world exporter number one, and aim to displace the United States as the worlds second largest economy after the European Union. In the meantime, we see the U.S.A. burdened under virtually insurmountable debt, and the European Union reeling due to the financial crisis in Greece, Portugal, Ireland, and others. In face of the global economic and financial commotion, communist China is gathering more steam for its economy and hoarding even more foreign currency reserves. This tendency will continue in order to bring about an equalization of the nations, where the super-rich, the rich, and the socalled emerging nations will meet on a more even playing field. This is all part of the development leading to world unity, eventually led by one manthe An4230 tichrist.
(For more on the Antichrist, read Who Is the Antichrist?, Item 2254.)

More old people and less newborns spell disaster for the rich nations. It seems that Canada has adopted a win-win strategy. However, that will result in one-third of its population being foreign born, compared to the US at 13 percent and Switzerland at 24 percent. From a biblical viewpoint, we must quote Psalm 127:4-5, As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate. That is the blessing for the family. What will the future bring for the nations? Immigration will be one avenue by which the internationalization of nations becomes a reality. With the information explosion, immigrants continue to keep close association to their home country. This is quite different from olden days when immigrants said goodbye to their home country and, in virtually all cases, they never had the opportunity to return. 4233
(For more on the changing, progressive world, read Democracy Invades Islam,

The worlds largest retail store thrives under the motto, provide better goods and services

Item 1072.)

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Anti-Gay Nations to Be Punished, Says Cameron

David Cameron has threatened to withhold UK aid from governments that do not reform legislation banning homosexuality.

The Commonwealth must have strong values, David Cameron says

The UK prime minister said he raised the issue with some of the states involved at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Perth, Australia. Mr. Cameron says those receiving UK aid should adhere to proper human rights. Ending the bans on homosexuality was one of the recommendations of an internal report into the future relevance of the Commonwealth. Mr. Camerons threat applies only to one type of bilateral aid known as general budget support, and would not reduce the overall amount of aid to any one country. Malawi has already had some of its budget support suspended over concerns about its attitude to gay rights. Concerns have also been raised with the governments of Uganda and Ghana. Mr. Cameron told BBC Ones Andrew Marr Show that British aid should have more strings attached. This is an issue where we are pushing for movement, we are prepared to put some money behind what we believe. But Im afraid that you cant expect countries to change overnight. Britain is one of the premier aid givers in the world. We want to see countries that receive our aid adhering to proper human rights.

Mr. Cameron said he had spoken with a number of African countries and that more pressure had been applied by Foreign Secretary William Hague, who deputized for him during parts of the summit. Some 41 nations within the 54-member Commonwealth have laws banning homosexuality. Many of these laws are a legacy of British Empire laws. Malawi recently had 19m of budget support suspended following various infractions including poor progress on human rights and media freedoms and concern over the governments approach to gay rights, the Department for International Development spokesman said. Besides the homosexuality rights issue, Sri Lankas human rights conduct also came under scrutiny at the summit. The country will host the next head of governments meeting in two years time. Sri Lankas army has been accused of war crimes during the civil war with the Tamil Tigers. Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has said he will boycott the 2013 summit unless there are major reforms in the country. In earlier comments, Mr. Cameron said there had to be a proper, independent exercise to look into the whole issue of what happened, and whether there were war crimes, and who is responsible in Sri Lanka. BBC correspondent Nicholas Witchell said the summit had been seen as a watershed for the organization as it struggles to demonstrate its relevance, particularly on human rights., 30 October 2011

one fellow came in to sojourn, and he will needs be a judge: now will we deal worse with thee, than with them. And they pressed sore upon the man, even Lot, and came near to break the door. 4223
(For more on prophetic judgment, read the tract, Signs of the Times, Item 9103.)


Record Grain Harvest Expected

Russias grain harvest in the bunker weight is estimated at 97.5 million tons this year, Agriculture Minister Yelena Skrynnik told a rural youth forum in the Pushkin district of St. Petersburg.
The aforesaid amount will be sufficient to meet the domestic and export demands in grain. The latter indicator is estimated at about 25 million tons, she said, reaffirming that this year Russian farmers gathered record high harvests of sugar beet, sunflower, rapes and soy beans. Russia has powerful reserves for agricultural development, which is able not only to guarantee domestic [food] security, but also to become the worlds biggest food exporter, the minister said. We hope that we can guarantee export of VAT-products [meat and milk], but not only of grain, Skrynnik added. Proceeding from earlier reports, the countrys grain net harvest is estimated at 92-93 million tons this year, said Russian First Deputy Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov. As of November 1, 2011, the countrys grain harvest in the bunker weight (or before cleaning and drying) slightly topped 97 million tons. Besides, Zubkov stressed that the budget assistance to the agricultural sector grew by more than 50 percent in 2008-2011. It was dis(continued next page)

The primary issue relating to human rights is now to reverse the ban on homosexuality. Countries that do not comply will miss out on Britains foreign aid package. Presently, the UK is number 9 on the list of the most generous foreign aid countries (U.S. #14). In the Old Testament, we read of the Sodomites insisting on their rights and preference, in Genesis 19:9, And they said, Stand back. And they said again, This




Finance Chief Joins Vatican Attack on Markets

Frances top financial regulator has told bishops he shares the Vaticans view that financial markets are out of control and need central regulation.
Jean-Pierre Jouyet, the head of the French Financial Markets Authority, laid out his views at a yearly meeting of 24 senior Roman Catholic bishops in Brussels, a few hours after EU leaders finished their anti-crisis summit up the road. He described derivatives markets as a vast, opaque structure which has lost touch with reality and which is eroding fundamental values. He added: More seriously, states have increasingly fallen under the control of markets, as this crisis shows. We have to constantly react to market expectations, to reassure the markets ... States, politics must regain control of things. The EU should strengthen the powers of its new banking and insurance regulatorsthe Paris-based Esma, the EBA in London and the

Frankfurt-based Eiopa. He backed European Commission proposals to gag ratings agencies and to create a tax on financial transactions. And he said banks should be split into normal lenders and speculators. He explicitly endorsed Vatican ideas on how to deal with traders and globalization.In this regard, the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace is right to emphasize in its latest report the need to strengthen global governance, Jouyet said. The Vatican report urged the G20 and the UN to create a kind of central world bank to discipline markets and, later on, a world government or public authority with universal jurisdiction to promote peace. The Vatican paper said: The crisis has revealed behaviors like selfishness, collective greed and the hoarding of goods on a great scale ... The negative effects that will follow on the social, political and economic level will be destined to create a climate of growing hostility and even violence. It added that the primacy of politics, which is responsible for the common good should be restored over the economy and finance., 28 October 2011

Here we see the power of the Vatican demonstrated. The Vatican urges the creation of a central world bank. That, incidentally, is almost logical. All nations of the world desire to live in peace, security and prosperity. Today, it is becoming more and more obvious that this goal must be reached and a closer unity must be created in the not-too-distant future. We see here another giant step toward the global world society. However, ultimately it will collapse, as reported in the book of Revelation, For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies (Revelation 18:3). 4227
(For more on the financial aspect of the endtimes, read Global Financial Prophesied,

Apocalypse Item 1068.)


(continued from page 32)

bursed 635.5 billion roubles [USD 1 = RUB 31.06] to farmers in the period under review, instead of the targeted funds of 421.3 billion roubles, he said. In 2012, the government plans to keep all effective assistance measures for agriculture, the first deputy prime minister said. In particular, 3.5 billion roubles will be assigned for the development of animal-breeding programs. Subsidies for investment loans will go up by seven billion roubles to reach 52 billion roubles. Representatives of the small business in the rural territories will receive 6.3 billion rou-

bles, which is 400 million roubles more than in 2010. Strange as it seems, effective agriculture seems to function only under the auspices of socialism subsidies. This is widely practiced not only in the former communist Soviet Union, but is also very effectively implemented in Europe and America. The continent of Africa operates their agriculture the old-fashioned, capitalist way, and the result is quite often shortage of food. 22 November 2011

Here in South Carolina, the farm industry is subsidized with tax money at the rate of $100 million a year. Yet, one thing seems forgotten by the entire agricultural industry, namely the blessing from aboverain, without which no subsidies, no technology, no science could help. If rain were to be withholden, life on planet Earth would cease to exist.
(For more on creation, read Cosmos, Creator and Human 2251.) Destiny, Item

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public protests in Israel, where great numbers forced the government policies to change relating to the gap between the super-rich and the working class. In Greece, the protesters claim that they Occupy Wall Street is on the moveuptown. are being punished for the mismanagement of the wealthy. While there are inProtesters affiliated with Occupy Wall Street moved numerable opinions uptown to demonstrate expressed in the meoutside of some of New Yorks richest residents dia, one thing seems homes. clear: the ultra-rich are (Photo: Mario Tama, Getty Images the recipients of entitlements in the form of Why uptown? Because thats where the foreign banking, tax credits, and exorbitant rich folks live! bonuses, even to those who are the cause of Community groups and progressive organiza- the financial crisis. All is going to be more tions that have been working with the broader regulated in the future, it seems. Occupy Wall Street movement marched to the In the end, whether rich or poor, there is homes of JP Morgan Chase (JPM, Fortune 500) no salvation except for CEO Jamie Dimon, billionaire David Koch, those who place their hedge fund honcho John Paulson, Howard Miltrust in Jesus Christ, stein, and News Corp (NWSA, Fortune 500) the Crucified One. 4219 CEO Rupert Murdoch. The millionaires and billionaires were targeted (For more on what it means for what event organizers called a willingness to to be a Christian, read Seven hoard wealth at the expense of the 99%. Signs of a Born Again Person, Making their way up 5th Ave., the protesters Item 1030.) relatively modest in numberchanted we are the 99%, and banks got bailed out, we got sold E U R O P E out. Organizers declined to estimate how many protesters would attend. A Facebook event page dedicated to the march had a modest number of confirmed attendees. Just over 300 people said The EU started collecting fingerthey would attend. prints of visa applicants in north New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg African countries, as part of a also a billionairesaid that Occupy Wall Street new data base connecting all 25 protesters could stay in Zuccotti Park indefinitely, countries that are part of the borso long as they obeyed the rules. der-free Schengen zone. The sysThe bottom line is people want to express tem should be rolled out in all EU themselves, and as long as they obey the laws, consulates around the world by 2014, but is already two years bewell allow them to, Bloomberg said.


Occupy Wall Street Protests

Schengen visas will also include fingerprints (Photo: EUs attempts)

Now Collecting Fingerprints for Visa Applications

visa, so as to avoid fraud. Having a shared data base on visa applications will also allow governments to check if the person is not also applying for visas or has already been denied entry in another Schengen statesomething that cannot be verified at the moment. From now on, foreigners wishing to visit the EU will benefit from clearer, more precise, transparent and fairer visa application rules. The new system will also allow visas to be issued and verified in a more efficient and secure way, home affairs commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom said in a statement. The European Commission admits, however, that for the new system to deliver on its advertised goals, some two more years have to pass until the system is rolled out in all the 2,500 Schengen consulates around the world. According to a decision taken by interior ministers in 2009, after the first countries where the new system is being rolled outAlgeria, Egypt, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisiathe VIS will then be rolled out in the Gulf region and Asia, but an exact calendar has yet to be established. Unlike the US, VIS is not linked automatically with other data collection programs such as the Schengen Information System listing cross-border crime suspects and stolen goods. Police and intelligence services in Schengen states can access the data only if they have a specific case going on. British, Irish and Cypriot police are excluded, as their countries are not part of the Schengen area. Romanian and Bulgarian authorities have their national systems ready for VIS deployment, once they are accepted as Schengen members., 11 October 2011, 11 October 2011

hind schedule.
The Visa Information System (VIS) connects fingerprints to digital pictures and personal information of each applicant for a Schengen

While this protest is not related to the Arab Spring, it does remind one of the

The original Schengen Agreement Treaty was signed on 14 June 1985 in Schengen, Luxembourg. This was intended for the then 10 members of the European Economic Community. Schengen was separate from the EU structures
(continued next page)




until 1997, when the Amsterdam Treaty incorporated Schengen into European Union law. Today, Schengen consists of 25 countries, covering over 400 million people, with open borders so all can travel without a passport. This is quite an achievement for Europe, the most diverse continent, with tradition, cultures, and languages reaching back over 2,000 years. We believe this is setting a precedent for the rest of the worldnot to build impregnable borders, fences, and walls, but to allow freedom of movement throughout the world. While this does not directly relate to fulfillment of Bible prophecy, we do realize that the tendency toward the building of a truly global economy is in the works, led by Europe which, according to Scripture, represents the last Gentile power structure, according to the book of Daniel. It is called the fourth kingdom, distinctly different from all others, as recorded in Daniel 2:41-43: And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay. And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken. And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. What do the iron and the clay represent? Iron quite obviously identifies the fourth kingdomthe Roman Empire, the European world. The clay, however, presents a strange and foreign ingredient, something that is unnatural. The identity of the clay is revealed in the sentence, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men. Furthermore, the Jews confess in Isaiah 64:8, But now, O LORD, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand. Israel is supposed to be different; she is not part of the nations of the world, but is destined


(continued from page 34)

to be above all nations, For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God, and the LORD hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself, above all the nations that are upon the earth (Deuteronomy 14:2). That is Gods intention with Israel. From the book of Samuel, we learn of Israels first democratic rebellion. The people said, Behold, thou art old and thy sons walk not in thy ways, now make us a king to judge us like all the nations (1 Samuel 8:5). Samuel pleaded with the people, revealing the disadvantage of having a king rule over them, yet verses 19-20 read, Nevertheless the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel; and they said, Nay; but we will have a king over us; That we also may be like all the nations; and that our king may judge us, and go out before us, and fight our battles. About 3,100 years later, on 14 May 1948, Israel again expresses her desire to be a nation just like the Gentiles. In paragraph 10 of Israels Declaration of Independence, we read, It is moreover the self-evident right of the Jewish people to be a nation as all other nations in its own sovereign state. Toward the end of the document it says, We appeal to the United Nations to assist the Jewish people in the building of its State and to admit Israel into the family of nations. Recent polls in Israel indicate that over 70% of Israelis would welcome membership in the European Union. That is the mixing of the iron with the clay, the Jews wanting to be Gentiles. In a similar fashion, we see the other holy nationthe Church of Jesus Christ following that direction as well. The question no longer is, How can I come closer to Jesus, but rather, How close can I walk with the world and still be a Christ4218 ian?
(For more on the lifestyle of a believer, read How to Walk with God, Item 1003.)

Saudi Royal Offers $900,000 to Kidnap Israeli Soldier

A member of Saudi Arabias royal family has offered a $900,000 reward for the capture of an Israeli soldier.
After landing in an IDF base, Gilad Shalit was reunited with his father, Noam

The offer, made by Prince Khaled bin Talal on a national television channel, comes days after prominent Saudi cleric Sheik Awadh al-Qarani floated a $100,000 offer for capturing an Israeli soldier. The prince said the captured Israeli soldier would be traded for Arab prisoners held in Israeli jails, according to news service reports. The offer comes after Israel agreed to release more than 1,000 Palestinian prisoners in exchange for the freedom of captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit., 31 October 2011

Saudi Arabia is Americas closest Arab ally. For a member of the ruling family to publically and on national television encourage and even offer to reward kidnappers, is virtually unbelievable. One would think the nations of the world would condemn in strongest terms such barbaric statements, but not so. After searching diligently, very little was to be found in the media that opposes such blatant human rights violations. Once again, we see Israel standing alone, not to be counted among the nations. Here we see a shadow of prophecy: Saudi Arabia, as the super-rich country with oil from below, against tiny Israel where the oil from above was poured out in Jerusalem. Thats a very obvious distinction and reason for Israels isolation by the world. 4225
(For more on the oil problem, read The Coming Oil Storm, Item 2248.)

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Address letters for publication to: Letters to the Editor, Midnight Call, P.O. Box 280008, Columbia, SC 29228. Include full name, address, and daytime phone number. Without name and address, letters will be discarded unread. All material is subject to editing. Midnight Call assumes all publishing rights on letters sent to the Editor. Note: All letters will be answered by the Executive Editor, Arno Froese.

Calvinism... Mid-Acts Dispensation... Global Bailout?

Calvinism Mr. Froese, I have been receiving Midnight Call, CDs and books from you for a number of years. I am a dispensational Calvinist. In my view, the weakness in Reformed theology is prophecy. I am not a follower of John Calvin, but he and others rescued the Gospel from where it was buried in the Roman Catholic Church. If he had never been born, the doctrines of grace would still be before our eyes in the Scripture. Calvin and Luther were men of their day and not perfect, but it grieves me terribly to see them reviled today when the church owes so much to them. I said all of this to say that I dont think it is wise for your ministry to be involved in this conflict. You must know that many of your supporters would be termed Calvin36

ists. In promoting Dave Hunts book, you place yourself in his camp. I used to read everything Dave wrote, but after he started his war against many of Gods saints I could no longer support him. When the Reformation occurred and doctrines of Gods grace spread across Europe, England and Scotland, thousands if not millions were saved. How could anyone say these doctrines hinder evangelism? It is only when people become extreme and become hyper-Calvinists that this might become a valid criticism. Dave entitled his book, What Love Is This? This is an unfortunate title, as many liberals today make love Gods primary attribute. As someone has said, the angels around Gods throne are not singing Love, love, love, but Holy, Holy, Holy!
-C. Watson, AL


Answer: Granted, we have different views when it comes to understanding Calvinism. However, your statement, He started his war against many of Gods saints is strong and needs to be supported by showing errors in his book. Generality and opinions do not suffice. I agree that John Calvin, Luther, and others were great men of God who impacted the Church significantly, but I venture to add that without them and without us, Jesus would still build His Church as promised. Our task as believers, among other things, is to stand in defense of doctrine clearly understandable in Scripture. Our constant strive must be to identify this true doctrine, and when detecting errors, we are duty-bound to point them out. The assumption that God created billions of people on earth predestined for Hell is contrary to His statement, For God so loved the world. Of course, there are ample supportive Scriptures for Predestination, but that is always based on the pre-knowledge of God. Ephesians 1:4 says, He hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world. That God is the Author and Finisher of our faith is not in question, and He does know even before man is born whether he/she will reject or accept Gods offer of free salvation to all.

I dont believe I have ever read of your views on this subject. Do you have one? If not, why not? I await your reply.
-D. Lish, MO

Answer: Pauls teachings do not reveal, nor are they intended to be a separate dispensation. I believe all 66 books fall under the category of 2 Timothy 3:16, All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. Unfortunately, time does not permit me to research or debate the MidActs Dispensation.

least one component of the revised SPIV: that which foresees public investment from third parties into the EFSF (European Financial Stability Facility) can now be safely forgotten, bringing us back to page one and the entire 5x levered CDO structure which, as has been explained numerous times, is Dead on Arrival. There is, however, one loophole. Mantega said Brazil would be willing to provide financial help via the international Monetary Fund. Which is rather laughable, considering that by IMF , one typically refers to, at least in polite society, Uncle Sam.
-C. Basham, TN

Mid-Acts Dispensation Dear Editor, I am a current support of your ministry. I have emailed you twice regarding your views on Pauls teachings. My question is, is it a separate dispensation? Sometimes it is referred to as MADMid-Acts Dispensation.

Global Bailout? Editor, About a year ago, we speculated that as part of the ongoing currency warfare between Brazil and the developed world, its finance minister Guido Mantega would keep his trade surplus trump card until the moment of biggest impact. That moment has come, after the financial head just told Europe to take a hike. I believe that European countries do not need funds from Brazil to buy bonds. Brazil is not considering it, Mantega told reporters in Brasilia. They have to find solutions to the European problems within Europe. And with Brazil out, it is certain that China will not step up over fears of appearing weak and needing to provide vendor financing to its biggest export partner. Unfortunately for Europe, this means that at

Answer: If I understand your expressed thought, it would mean the United States (Uncle Sam) is the IMF and the only one able to bail out Europe. In actual fact, its just the opposite; the world, under the leadership of communist China, is trying to bail out the USA. The British publication, The Economist, 22 October 2011 shows the US having a $711.1 billion trade balance deficit. Compare that with the worlds most expensive labor force Europe. Their trade balance deficit for the same period is listed at only $33 billion. Now someone may ask, why do we publish such information? Simply to show that globalism is a reality and will continue to progress. Middle and lower economies will rise, and the so-called rich countries will drop a step down, to accommodate more equality among the nations. That is on level with Bible prophecy,
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predicting a unified global world in the end stages of the end times.

Helping Israel Dear Editor Froese, I read with interest your response to a readers letter in the October 2011 issue of Midnight Call regarding Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein. I thought you may have come down on the Rabbi and his followers a little harshly. With all the hatred in the world directed towards the Jews, I thought any effort to reconcile the Jews and any other group would be a positive thing. Whether there has been any reconciliation of Christians and Jews or not is a matter of opinion, I guess. Mainly, however, I take exception to your statement that there is no need to try to bridge the gap between Christians and Jews. Chapter 40 and following chapters of Isaiah begin by saying: Comfort, yes, comfort My people! says your God. To whom is God speaking? If one group is Gods people, the Jews, it would hardly be likely He is asking His people to bring comfort to His people. Surely He would not be asking the nations (the world) to bring comfort. They arent likely to bring comfort to anyone. That only leaves one group, us the Church. We are supposed to be bringing comfort to those returning Jews to Israel today. God still deeply loves and cares for His people, the Jews. We come in a distant second. You failed to mention one verse

in your quote from Romans 11, verse 21: For if God did not spare the natural branches, he may not spare you either. You seem to be saying there is no gap to bridge between Christians and Jews. I think that there is. I enjoy your magazine, especially the letters and your response to them. I look forward to your response to mine.
-B. Smith, Jr., MS

Answer: You must have misread my answer, which deals with the issue of building the bridge. That, as I mentioned, can only be done through Jesus Christ our Lord. As to Rabbi Eckstein and his International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, I can say wholeheartedly that he is doing a fantastic job. I wish there were more like him. What I find strange is Christians not using the Bible as a guideline. For example: As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith (Galatians 6:10). We, as believers, should always do good, but note the words, especially to the household of faith. In this case, that is Jewish believers in Israel. Romans 15:26 makes it even clearer, For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem. That means from the saints outside Israel to the saints in Jerusalem. After the Yom Kippur War in 1973, Dr. Malgo and his board of directors established the Action for Israel fund. Money was collected and 100% handed over to those in need in Israel.

It was specifically emphasized that this was a love gift from Christians. That is our testimony; we comfort Israel in the name of Jesus. Incidentally, there are many wonderful Christian organizations that indeed assist Christians in Jerusalem and Israel. They feed, clothe, and comfort Jews, but the important difference is in the name of Jesus, the Messiah of Israel and the Savior of the world. A short story: Some 35 or more years ago, when we were headquartered in Hamilton, Ohio, we received funds from our readers designated for Action for Israel. A local tax consultant informed me that these funds cannot be sent directly to Israel, but must be placed preferably with a Jewish nonprofit organization, operating in Israel. That is what we did. After informing Dr. Malgo about our action, he only answered, Where is the testimony for Jesus? Hope this helps.

Understanding Revelation Arno Froese, Thank you for your answer to Kings of the East in the 911 issue. Well-meaning Christian teachers and evangelists consistently take this out of context. In Revelation 16 (Vial Judgment), the Euphrates is mentioned only because it dries up for the Kings of the East to march. Naming the countries involved is speculation, not Scripture. Okay to speculate, if you dont call it fact. In Revelation 9 (Trumpet Judgment), the Euphrates is not dried up, and is only mentioned because today, as you and I write and read, 4 angels are bound underneath who will


one day be loosed and garner 200 million troopssent by a voice before the altar, not the East. None of us, myself included, is so holy that we can arbitrarily take 200 million (or anything else) out of a trumpet judgment and put it in a vial judgment. This is constantly done by many who say they take the Bible literally, then change it because they cannot get out of theI believe the current term is boxof current technology. To me, Revelation is not hard to understand; it is hard, by current technology, to believe. But in the tribulation, we are dealing not with what we have seen but things to come which we have not seen. Lets not limit Gods way to our ways but have faith that He will bring it about. To quote the late Oliver Greene, He said what he meant and meant what he said. Putting the number 200 million in chapter 16 of Revelation is adding to Scripture, and that is not permissible according to the Holy Spirit, who told men of old what to write. Some even say the horses of Revelation 19 are not horses but tanks. Really? Would someone tell me why, at the Supper of the Great God, God would call animals to eat tanks? And why, in Revelation 12 the Man Child is said to be Christ, who from birth was the very God and never caught up when born, but taken to Egypt to fulfill prophecy? So who is it? Yes, Christ will rule with a rod of iron; so will the church at Thyatira as will the present church during the millenniumsince we are to rule and reign under Christs directions. Notice in chapter 14, all of a sudden the 144,000 are not on earth but with Christ. How did they get there? My opinion: birthed by Israel (envisioned as a woman with 12 stars), the 144,000 were caught up. Revelation is prophecy, not history.
-S. Martin, OH

cant. Yes, we must take the words literally, but when they are meant to convey something unearthly, then we must take it spiritually as such.

Answer: Appreciate your additional thoughts on the items relating to the judgment as recorded in the Book of Revelation. When studying prophecy, particularly the Book of Revelationmany different opinions, some based on speculation and others on logicare revealed. My advice is to read the first two verses of Revelation 4, which speak of John being raptured into heaven; he was in the spirit. That means, past, present and future become one. He does not report from earth things that come out of heaven, but in the opposite direction; he sees from heaven the things transpiring on earth. When we read, for example, in chapter 1 the description of Jesus our Lord, then we should not picture Him literally having eyes as a flame of fire and the twoedged sword emerging out of His mouth. In chapter 5, we see Him as a lamb that was slain, and in chapter 14, He rides a white horse. These are definitions from heaven to earth and therefore must be understood spiritually, For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Whatever these horses are, they can fly; earthly horses

Christian Nation Dear Arno, I enjoy reading your scriptural responses in Letters to the Editor. You give good and insightful answers to many challenging inquiries, which helps believers like me along this pilgrim journey. However, in the August 2011 issue, you stated, America or any other country on planet Earth is a political identity, governed by the god of this world. Your reply was to M. Monaghan about God being disgusted with America (founded as a Christian nation). Much confusion has resulted over the phrase, America is a Christian nation. I agree that only Israel is destined to be the head and not the tail of all nations, not America or any other nation. However, I dont think this means that all Gentile nations are governed by the god of this world as you seem to suggest. Israel fell into sin and unbelief repeatedly over her history, with only a few brief times of spiritual revival. Yet, Israels future is gloriously promising. Before 1776, The New World (America) was blessed by pioneering, devout pilgrims, preachers like Jonathan Edwards, John Wesley, George Whitfield and many adventurous, praying Christians who had fled tyranny and persecuJ A N U A RY 2 0 1 2 39


tion experienced in their Old World. But the slithering devil has worked the minds of pleasure-seeking modern Americans. The good news promised to us is: Many nations shall be joined to the Lord (Zechariah 2:11). When? The government shall be upon his (Christs) shoulder (Isaiah 9:6). Who will be there? The redeemed out of every nation (Revelation 5:9). Am I right? About Bethlehems manger, we read, And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations (Revelation 12:5). Dont you think this will include the U.S.A.?
-W. Shuttleworth, FL

Answer: The Bible is our only authority. We read, He that committeth sin is of the devil. Since all have sinned, all are of the devil. That is why Satan is called the god of this world. It does not matter how much we try to paint our country, or for that matter, any other country, with a Christian brush; it is still a Luciferian identity. That will only change when Jesus returns and makes an end of the powers of darkness, which rule the nations of the world. He will then herald the Thousand Year Kingdom of Peace, during which He rules with a rod of iron. The only two exceptions are Israel (Gods earthly people) and the Church of Jesus Christ. To call any nation a Christian nation borders on mockery. It presupposes that we can establish a Christian nation out of our own strength. The true Church of Jesus Christ, consisting of born-again believers, constitutes the real Christian nation. Peter writes, But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy

nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light (1 Peter 2:9). Note, no political power. The Vatican attempted to create Christian nations by authorizing political governments, but failed. Unfortunately, many dear Christians are following unwittingly in the footsteps of such doctrine. It is interesting that nowhere in Scripture do we read that Jesus or the apostles proudly exclaimed, We are the greatest nation on earthOur nation was founded by GodWe are specially chosen and blessed. Paul gives his testimony and confidently lists the advantages of being Israeli (see Philippians 3:4-6), but when it comes to the real nation, belonging to the Church of Jesus Christ, he says in verse 8, Ido count them but dung. So much for national pride!

Christian Globalism? Dear Mr. Froese, Frankly, I was stunned when I read the referenced article in the July issue of Midnight Call magazine. When an article about globalism appears in a Christian magazine, written by a Christian scholar/author, I expect it to provide biblical, scholarly insight(s) regarding the trend toward globalism as a negative end-time-signnot a positive movement as you seem to suggest. A disbelieving, radical environmentalist couldnt have written an article with a more worship the creation rather than the Creator slant. Perhaps you really are a politically motivated left-leaning scholarthey seem to exist en

masse in many ivory tower environments. Among the questionable or misleading statements in your article, you cite the fact that we use a disproportionate amount of energy per person as clear evidence we are not a progressive society (read liberal society). First of all, I know of nowhere in the Bible where the amount of energy allowed per person is specified, although we are to be good stewards, of course. Second, we have been blessed with a unique combination of a high standard of living (no sin in and of itself) and a large land area. Thus, we justifiably need more energy per person than other developed countries with a similar high standard of living but a much smaller country. Third, we do have the oil we need (as opposed to Europe, for example, and regardless of what you seem to think) to maintain our own high standard of living, and its not a sin to use it for that purpose. Vast oil reserves are known to exist in Alaska (e.g., ANWR), under South Dakota, and under an area bounded by Wyoming, Colorado, and Nebraskaand, of course, in usable oil sands in nearby Canada. We also have a tremendous amount of oil reserves locked up in oil shale, which could/should be available if it becomes economically viable. Fourth, implying that the difficulty in getting offshore oil means it is not economically viable is simply misleading. Also, offshore drilling is extremely




safe (the BP spill was a singular, unique event in the Gulf and, as with the Exxon Valdez oil spill several years back, is not producing the long-term ecological disaster some predicted). Fifth, coal and natural gas resources are also available in abundance in the U.S. (God blessed this nation richly), and along with oil offer us the potential for relatively cheap energy for numerous decades to come. You simply cannot honestly dispute this fact. There are many other energy factors that could be cited (e.g., nuclear power use), but the crux of my argument here is that there is simply no real shortage of oil supply to the U.S. (only a manufactured shortage), or of any other relatively inexpensive fossil fuel. Therefore, there is really no need to panic about our oil usage for the foreseeable future, or to condemn the use thereof. Because of so-called climate change, many of our secular, anti-Christian leaders militate against using our own inexpensive resources, choosing instead to keep us dependent on risky and expensive foreign sources. They want to scare us off fossil fuels and on to renewables. But unfortunately, renewables just arent practical yet, and certainly are not economically viable, even when compared to the expense and difficulties associated with offshore drilling. Even the extraction of oil from oil shale and the subsequent land reclamation necessary may be more cost effective. Our leaders probably cant force us to use renewables in abundance, but they apparently are going to try (further evidence of our collective insanity). Doing so can certainly drive us into economic ruin, which many progressives apparently think would be okay. I personally do not believe in manmade global warming and think it is part of a plan to eventually control the masses. At best, we seem to be destroying ourselves now so we dont destroy ourselves later. My overall point is that our current problems are not because we are not conforming to the rest of the world, but because we are turning our backs on God.
-R. Lau, CO

Answer: Although you present some legitimate issues, you seem to ignore the Bibles definition of a believer (the Church). Scripture says, the whole world lieth in wickedness. We have to be redeemed from this present evil world, not integrated. If, however, you insist that America has a Christian heritage, then you are following the philosophy of the Vatican and the Islamic religion, which proclaim the inseparable unity between church and state. But the Bible documents that all the world is subject to the god of this world. There is one exceptionIsrael. For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God, and the LORD hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself, above all the nations that are upon the earth (Deuteronomy 14:2). The other exception is the Church. Paul states, But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the

world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world (Galatians 6:14). The WORLD cannot be Christian; only the Church is Christian. The Bible makes no provision for the existence of a Christian nation. If you believe that our government, the oil executives, and the elite business and banking leaders are causing manufactured shortage, then you are supporting a global conspiracy theory of which millions of intellectuals, scientists, politicians, and especially investigative news reporters, are totally unaware. Of course, I agree that global warming is not manmade, although it may contribute to it. From Scripture, we know that the real global warming is yet to come; its God-made. The last sentence of your letter is the primary reason why we, as Christians, and Midnight Call in particular, proclaim loudly and clearly, We are in the world, but not of the world. Our problem is not the political and economic circumstances of our country or any other, but the refusal of believers to be separate from the world through and by the cross. Paul prayed, That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death (Philippians 3:10). Your letter is saturated with the words weusour, but you make no distinction between the political identity, under the auspices of the god of this world, and the identity of His Church, under the auspices of the Holy Spirit. Mixing these diametrically opposed identities could one day lead to a spiritual catastrophe of immeasurable tragedy, when the Lord shall denounce many Christians, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. MC
J A N U A RY 2 0 1 2 41

Midnight Calls
January Resource Guide
The Unbelievable Story
he story in Matthew reads,And they said unto him, In Bethlehem of Judaea: for thus it is written by the prophet, And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Juda, art not the least among the princes of Juda: for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel (Matthew 2:5-6). Who were these people, who gave the information and were the source of that information? The people are identified in verse 4,the chief priests and scribes of the people. Those were the experts, the theologians or seminary professors, the Bible scholars. They received that information from the prophet Micah. Apparently, they quoted this Scripture by memory or by paraphrasing; we know they gave a precise answer to the question,Where is He that is born King of the Jews? Yet when reading Micah 5:2, we note that they left out a very important statement, whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting. This clearly shows the priests and the Bible scholars did wait for a king to rule Israel, but not one who is from everlasting; that would be God appearing in the flesh. There are probably many reasons for that sentence not to be included in the testimony of the chief priests, but one thing is crystal clear: nowhere do we read that the scribes and the chief priests took it upon themselves to investigate whether the prophecy was fulfilled. The shepherds who heard the message said,Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass (Luke 2:15). The religious intellectuals in Jerusalem were well versed in Scripture, but it did not help. They believed the Scriptures but not the fulfillment. Thats where we stand today. The Church of Jesus Christ is racing toward its completion. Innumerable thousands around the globe are coming to Jesus and being born again of the Spirit of God. Jesus is fulfilling His promise,I will build my Church. Now after almost 2,000 years, the Church nears its final days on earth. Thus, the question: What will happen next? For the Church, the answer is plain:Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed (1 Corinthians 15:51-52). But with the absence of the Church, what will take place on earth? Acts 15:16 has this to say,After this I will return, and will build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen down; and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it up. What is the purpose of the rebuilding of the tabernacle of David? Answer: the preparation for the coming of the Lord to earth; to be precise, when His feet shall stand on the Mount of Olives. However, in order for that fulfillment to take place, the Jews have to be in Jerusalem. Thus, the return of the Jews to Israel is part of the rebuilding of the Tabernacle of David in preparation for the Lords coming. That is the real reason for the whole world to be upset with Israel. Some declare publically that the Zionist entity should be wiped off the map; others pay lip service and have signed peace treaties with Israel. The rest of the world in general is somewhat sympathetic toward Israel, but only within limited territory.

to defend Jerusalem or help Jews return to the land of Israel. That is well taken care of by the Jews themselves. However, to testify that the Word of God is identical with the Son of God can only be done by those who are born again of the Spirit of God. With our help, we can point Israel to promises such as Isaiah 40:9, O Zion, that bringest good tidings, get thee up into the high mountain; O Jerusalem, that bringest good tidings, lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid; say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God!

Zechariahs Prophetic Vision for the New World

We heartedly recommend Norbert Lieths book with the above title to read more about Gods plan for the Church and for Israel.

International Prophecy Congress

Please reserve the dates 20-22 October 2012 for our International Prophecy Congress in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Further information will be published in the February 2012 issue of Midnight Call magazine.

Promised Land Prophecy Tour

This once-in-a-lifetime Promised Land Tour is scheduled to take place in the month of May in 2013, in conjunction with a Prophecy Congress in Jerusalem. Although we have not pinpointed the exact time, make your plans early to be part of this wonderful event.

Fellow Laborers
Midnight Call Ministrys Missionary Outreach began in the late 1950s. Since that time, many missionaries have gone into the world and established work in many parts of the globe. Missionaries in various European countries and in South and Central America are supported 100 percent by Midnight Call International. Other missionaries, on all continents, receive assistance on various levels. Become an active member of our Fellow Laborer program and support the fulfillment of HIS commission, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15). See pgs. 28-29 for details.

Good News Messenger

You can participate in sending forth the precious Word of God to your family, relatives and friends by sending a gift subscription to those you prayerfully select to receive Midnight Call magazine. Gift subscriptions are free; you only pay $9.95 for postage and registration for each subscription.

Action for Israel

That is what Action for Israel is all about. We speak frankly: We comfort Israel in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. We dont interfere in the political process




Questions That Need Answers

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