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Editor: Janet Searls

Content Manager:
Victoria Thomas
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Lveryone aL 8eglon 12 has a loL Lo be Lhankful
for, 2013 has been a banner year! 1he number
of nauonal wlnners LhaL come ouL of our reglon
ls amazlng and Lhls seems Lo be Lhe sLandard, no
mauer whaL Lhe dlsclpllne ls rlghL across Lhe
1he 8eglon 12 Champlonshlp Show was Lhe
largesL reglonal champlonshlp show ln Lhe
counLry and wlLhouL a doubL Lhe group of
volunLeers LhaL work hard Lo make sure LhaL we
dellvered a quallLy evenL Lo one and all, really
needs Lo be congraLulaLed once agaln. Cur
volunLeers are un8LA1A8LL!
WhaL's new for 2014? Well, l would ask LhaL you
all Lake a momenL and check ouL our new
webslLe. We are sull
worklng on lL, buL for Lhose of you LhaL wanL Lo
[ump ln and paruclpaLe, we are accepung ads
from larms and relaLed servlces, l8LL. We wanL
Lo really do our parL Lo help 8eglon 12 members
Lo geL Lhelr lnformauon ouL Lo Lhe resL of Lhe
Check ouL Lhe LaLesL news 1ab, so LhaL you can see whaL we are already dolng. We are
maklng lL a prlorlLy Lo connecL Lo Lhe ouLslde world and be as user frlendly as posslble. Also
for all amllaLe clubs, please leL us help you adveruse your upcomlng shows, rldes or speclal
1he 2014 8eglon 12 rlze LlsL, ls belng nlshed up Lhls week, lL wlll be posLed on our webslLe
by Lhe mlddle of Lhls monLh and ln Lhe mall by Lhe end of !anuary. Call Lynn Clover,
478-933-3030 or !aneL Searls, 737-433-7480, lf you have any quesuons or concerns.
1he 8eglon 12 SpoLllghL rogram wlll be launchlng Lhe very rsL SpoLllghL SLalllon 8ow,
sLalllon owners who are wanung Lo paruclpaLe ln Lhls very successful program please reach
ouL Lo erl Wllson, rogram SecreLary aL 407-402-2116.
ln closlng, as we all gear up for 2014, l would ask LhaL we all remember LhaL change sLarLs ln
our own backyards rsL. Can you lmaglne whaL would happen, lf we all made an new years
resoluuon Lo reach ouL and brlng one brand new person lnLo our world! Share Lhe passlon
LhaL you have for Lhe Arablan horse wlLh a sLranger, you [usL mlghL end up ln maklng a brand
new frlend!
My besL, !aneL Searls, 8eglon 12 vlce ulrecLor
1&$2/" ,32$ 1$$."4
2014 nomlnaung
g. 2
2014 8eglonal
Show PlghllghLs
g. 4
44Lh APAl
g. 6-7
CenLral ledmonL
Arablan Porse
8eglon 12
ulsLance 8lde
g. 11
Modern Arablan
Porse ubllcauon
aL a Clance
g. 11
g. 13
Region 12 December Newsletter
December 2013 Volume 13, Issue 12
Page 2 Region 12 December 2013 Newsletter
5678 9"+2%& 75 :%;2&#*&+ <%;;2=""4 >% -%. ?&%@ !%;"%&" ,3#, 2$
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Cn behalf of Lhe nomlnaung Commluee l would llke Lo Lhank you for your condence ln selecung us
Lo serve you.
lL ls our responslblllLy Lo obLaln Lhe names and quallcauons of members, of a 8eglon 12 amllaLed
club, who are wllllng and qualled Lo serve as, 8eglonal ulrecLor, 8eglonal vlce-ulrecLor, and sLaLe
ulrecLors. ln May of 2014, Lhe elecuon wlll be held for 8eglonal ulrecLor and 8eglonal vlce-ulrecLor for
Lhe Lerm of 2014 Lhrough 2016 and Lhe annual elecuon of sLaLe ulrecLors.
Any member of 8eglon 12 ls welcome Lo recommend someone who Lhey belleve Lo be qualled and
wllllng Lo serve ln any of Lhese posluons. A member of Lhe nomlnaung Commluee wlll conLacL Lhe
lndlvldual suggesLed Lo assure Lhey are wllllng and able Lo serve ln Lhe posluon Lhey have been
recommended for. Aer Lhe names have been gaLhered and Lhe quallcauons of Lhe candldaLe have
been revlewed, lL ls Lhe responslblllLy of Lhe nomlnaung Commluee Lo submlL a llsL of candldaLes Lo
Lhe members of 8eglon 12. 1hls llsL wlll be submlued Lo Lhe membershlp, no less Lhan slxLy (60) days,
prlor Lo Lhe elecuon whlch ls held aL our May meeung, ln con[uncuon wlLh our reglonal horse show.
lf you have any suggesuons for a candldaLe, for any of Lhese posluons, and/ or, are wllllng Lo serve ln
one of Lhese posluons yourself, please conLacL one of Lhe members of Lhe nomlnaung Commluee
wlLh Lhe lnformauon of Lhe person recommended. 1he members of Lhe nomlnaung Commluee, and
Lhelr conLacL lnformauon, are as follows,
Agaln, Lhank you for your condence ln us and your help ln selecung candldaLes who wlll help gulde
8eglon 12 ln Lhe fuLure.
8especuully Submlued
8en SmlLh, Chalrman of Lhe nomlnaung Commluee
8en SmlLh 830-682-3133 smlLh.ben491[
8oxanne ParL 332-391-4661 rohara[wlndsLream.neL
8lll lalrchlld 770-367-0347 allLhlngsequlne[
Molly McCraw 203-669-6893 mLmcgraw[bellsouLh.neL
nancy 8aker 828-303-4023 nnbaker[
Page 3 Region 12 December 2013 Newsletter
Page 4 Region 12 December 2013 Newsletter
As we enLer lnLo 2014, 8eglon 12's Show Commluee ls busy gemng ready Lo send ouL Lhelr omclal
2014 Show rlze LlsL. Cur Champlonshlp Show wlll be showcased aL Lhe Ceorgla nauonal lalrgrounds
& AgrlcenLer on May 3-10, 2014. Arablan Clobal wlll once agaln be on grounds Lo provlde llve
sLreamlng servlces Lo boLh of our maln rlngs, 8eeves and SuLherland, Lhe goal ls Lo be able Lo share
wlLh Lhe ouLslde world all of Lhe acuon from all dlsclpllnes LhaL are belng represenLed aL our
champlonshlp show. 8e sure Lo check ouL our show calendar, we have some new double qualler
opporLunlues for people LhaL are llvlng ln sLaLes ouLslde of 8eglon 12.
1he SpoLllghL rogram conunues Lo ourlsh, be waLchlng for updaLes on Lhe Aucuon and on Lhe brand
new SLalllon 8ow LvenL. Cur maln rlng [udges for 8eeves Arena for 2014 are: Llz 8enLley, SLeve uady,
van !acobsen and 1odd Plckerson. 1he !udges for Lhe SuLherland 8lng are: lauma awlenko-kranz
and 1homas aullne. Cur PunLer [udge wlll be announced very soon. 1he 2014 Show Commluee ls
made up of Lhe followlng people, Lynn Clover, !ack 1homas, 8en SmlLh, Audrey ChaLas, 1ed Carson,
8oberL Cbermlller and 8eLh Salamy.
Lrlc Wolfe, 8eglon 12 ulrecLor and !aneL Searls, 8eglon 12 vlce ulrecLor wlll conunue Lo work along
slde Lhe Show Commluee, Lo provlde Lo all auendees Lhe very besL show posslble!
1he 2014 rlze LlsL wlll be posLed on our new webslLe, by mld !anuary.
CommenLs or suggesuons are always welcomed.
Submlued by: !aneL Searls. 8eglon 12 vlce ulrecLor, 737-433-7480
5678 9"+2%&#C <3#;I2%&$32I !3%@ J2+3C2+3,$
Contact Jenn Trickey at 803.331.3946 - jenn,
Page 5 Region 12 December 2013 Newsletter

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Page 6 Region 12 December 2013 Newsletter
44th AHAF Thanksgiving Show
AnoLher 1hanksglvlng show down ln our record books as belng one of Lhe mosL fun shows l can remember. We are already
gearlng up for nexL year as lL wlll be our 43
Annlversary. uon'L know where Lhe ume les.
We had loads of new exhlblLors and, as always, we loved Lo see our regulars en[oy our greaL llorlda weaLher. Cnly one chllly
day. 8rr. l am sure our greaL panel of [udges and omclals would love Lo be back ln llorlda Lhls week!
Cur 1hanksglvlng ulnner LxLravaganza and parLy were hosLed by CaLhy erryman and CounLry CaLerers agaln Lhls year.
1hese lovely people go all ouL Lo make our 1hanksglvlng loads of fun, lncludlng Caslnlo games, mechanlcal bull, gaLor slldes,
[ousung and Lrlke raclng. A crowd favorlLe was when Lhe [udges made Lhelr own game by [ousung on Lrlkes. l laughed so
hard my sldes were sore. 1hank you CounLry CaLerers for hosung a greaL parLy for a huge group!
Cn lrlday evenlng, everyone headed over Lo lnnovauon Arablans LLC for a wonderful barn parLy feaLurlng food, fun, frlends
and someLhlng called beer pong! Who knew?
SaLurday evenlng we were Lhankful Lo have 2 of Mark Mlllers' rlders grace us wlLh Lhe ag presenLauon and Lee kldd
knocked Lhe nauonal AnLhem ouL of Lhe park.
1he Arablan Porse Assoclauon would llke Lo lnvlLe everyone down Lo warm and sunny llorlda nexL year for a rsL-hand
?ours 1ruly,
La8ue Allen
Page 7 Region 12 December 2013 Newsletter
44th AHAF Thanksgiving Show
Page 8 Region 12 December 2013 Newsletter
Seasons Best to You and Yours from Rohara
Page 9 Region 12 December 2013 Newsletter
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SomeLhlng exclung ls happenlng ln Lhe ledmonL" (an area locaLed ln Lhe cenLer of boLh 8eglon 12 and norLh & SouLh Carollna).
LasL monLh, a small, buL enLhuslasuc group of people goL LogeLher and lgnlLed a spark of deslre Lo re-launch Lhe CenLral
ledmonL Arablan Porse Assoclauon (CAPA).

AlLhough Lhere ls a vlbranL horse communlLy ln our area of Lhe counLry, lL seems LhaL Lhere ls a lack of local camaraderle among
Arablan horse enLhuslasLs. 1he CAPA, once a hlghly acuve club, was nearly dlsbanded due Lo lack of paruclpauon. Many local
Arablan horse owners have [olned oLher, more acuve clubs, buL have falled Lo auend meeungs or paruclpaLe due Lo dlsLance.
CLhers have been saused Lo have no club amllauon aL all.

Cur deslre Lo re-launch Lhe CAPA lncludes a vlslon for more Lhan [usL an APA membershlp dlscounL. We see lL as an opporLunlLy
for Arablan horse enLhuslasLs Lo come LogeLher Lo share ldeas, acuvlues, experlences and dreams. Cur Leam of leaders ls already
worklng Lo organlze several horse shows for Lhe 2014 show season, an exLenslve ?ouLh program, as well as ample opporLunlues
for our members Lo promoLe Lhelr farms, sale horses and breedlng sLalllons.

We'd llke Lo exLend an lnvlLauon Lo you, your frlends and famlly Lo [oln us for our rsL re-launch evenL, Lhe CAPA Pollday
Celebrauon, SaLurday, uecember 28Lh aL 1 M. 1he parLy wlll be held aL my home, locaLed ln fronL of our Lralnlng faclllLy aL
ulamond Plll Arablans ln Waxhaw, nC.

Many of you, llke my famlly, have had your horses for years and have so much Lo conLrlbuLe! lease conslder [olnlng us as we
work LogeLher Lo grow Lhe local Arablan horse communlLy. lor more lnformauon or Lo 8Sv Lo Lhe parLy, please conLacL
klmberly Suuon: 803-326-1380 or klmberly[

?ours 1ruly,
!ack LapolnLe
resldenL, CA
CPAHA Restart Team
From left to right: Kimberly
Sutton, Lisa Giovanniello,
Anne Sperte, Mitch Sperte,
Jacques Lapointe, Dan
Regan, Donna Conklin, Ann
Lapointe, Dellaney Erb,
Janet Parnie, Don Dawson.
Page 10 Region 12 December 2013 Newsletter
Exciting opportunity to join the new and reinvented CPAHA. New Board of Directors dedicated
to the local AHA community! Regional, local and Class A shows, community events, clinics,
organized trail rides. Come meet your local AHA and join the excitement!
1:00PM 1:00PM
WAXHAW, NC 28173 WAXHAW, NC 28173
Please come enjoy light appetizers Please come enjoy light appetizers
,drinks, horses and friends! ,drinks, horses and friends!
Please RSVP to Lisa Giovanniello
at 704-264-4941 or
Page 1 Region 12 December 2013 Newsletter Page 11 Region 12 December 2013 Newsletter
9"+2%& 75 >2$,#&M" 92/2&+ 2$ LC2A" Q R"CC 2& 567SP
1he 8ed 8arn 8un Lndurance 8lde hosLed Lhe 567S LJL 975 T6 U2C" N&/.)#&M" <3#;I2%&$32I$ ln ChesLer, CA
ln March. We had a LoLal of 17 horses ln Lhe Lwo dlvlslons and for Lhe ll8S1 ume, Lhere were more Palf/Anglo
Arablans Lhan purebreds! Pere are Lhe resulLs along wlLh phoLos of Lhe Champlons, 8esL Condluon and llrsL
!unlor, 1aylor WhlLe of SouLh Carollna.
J#CG L)#H2#& >2A2$2%& V W $,#)*&+0 X M%;IC"*&+0 R2&&2&+ Y2;"4 8457 T6 U1DN!
<3#;I2%& 8asha 8ada 8lng Lynn kenelly - !"#$ &'()*+'(
9"$")A" !eLs Caellc SLorm !ody 8ogers-8uuram
Y%I F2A" kabrls uakoLa Mellssa A. PamllLon
Y%I F2A" Snake Lyes Leroy SamanLha ?aLes
Y%I F2A" SpoLless Summer Maglc 1aylor WhlLe - ,*-#$ ./(*'-
L)#H2#& >2A2$2%& V X $,#)*&+0 X M%;IC"*&+0 R2&&2&+ Y2;"4 8456 T6 U1DN!
<3#;I2%& syches 1raveler ueborah McClary
9"$")A" Wleago Sudl LenharL
Y%I F2A" 8onaparLe C8 1erry Wyau - !"#$ &'()*+'(
Y%I F2A" 88 !ubalelgh 8ecky 8unnell
Y%I F2A" nazeefs lnoL nolr Cheryl van ueusen
Y"&,#*A" D%M#*%&$ G%) 5678 >2$,#&M" <3#;I2%&$32I$
812 APA 100 Mlle Lndurance Champlonshlps - lun ln Lhe Sun Lndurance lesuval, lL (March)
812 APA 30 Mlle Lndurance Champlonshlps - ?ellow Pammer (AL) CcLober
812 APA C18 Champlonshlps - Aer CL8A rldes, CA, !une
U%/")& L)#H2#& J%)$" K.HC2M#*%& #, # (C#&M"P
Check ouL whaL Lhe feaLures sLorles are aL Lhe Modern Arablan Porse
?our 8reed Magazlne, CLlCk PL8L!
Page 12 Region 12 December 2013 Newsletter
Page 1 Region 12 December 2013 Newsletter Page 13 Region 12 December 2013 Newsletter
!3%@ L&&%.&M";"&,$
!"#$ &#'( )#(*+ ,,- announces Lhe Show ?our Porse All Arab A ConcurrenL Cne
uay Show on !an. 1 2014 ln newberry lL. lease vlslL Lhe webslLe for more
SouLh llorlda Porse Show Assoclauon announces Lhe Comblned Arab & PA/AA
Cual Cne uay Show on leb. 1, 2014 ln Mlaml lL. lease vlslL Lhe webslLe for more
SouLheasL Porse Shows announces Lhe !ubllee Cf 8reeds on leb. 7-9 2014 ln
newberry lL. lease vlslL Lhe webslLe for more lnformauon.
Champlon Arablans announces Lhe CenLral llorlda Arablan WlnLer Classlc on leb. 23-24 2014, ln new Smyrna 8each,
lL. lease vlslL Lhe webslLe for more lnformauon.
CAPA announces Lhe CCALA 19Lh Annual AmaLeur Show on March 13-16 2014, ln Ccala, lL.
Alabama Arablan Porse Assoclauon, lnc. announces Lhe Alabama All Arablan A ConcurrenL on March 28-30 2014, ln
8alnsvllle, AL. lease vlslL Lhe webslLe for more lnformauon.
SouLheasL Porse Shows announces 1he Arablan Celebrauon A ConcurrenL on March 28-30 2014, newberry, lL. lease
vlslL Lhe webslLe for more lnformauon.
Loulslana Arablan Porse Assoclauon announces Lhe Magnolla Classlc A ConcurrenL on Aprll 4-6 2014, ln Conzales, LA.
lease vlslL Lhe webslLe for more lnformauon.
WesLer Carollnas Arablan Porse Assoclauon announces Lhe WesLern Carollnas Sprlng Show A ConcurrenL on Aprll 4-6
2014, ln endleLon, SC. lease vlslL Lhe webslLe for more lnformauon.
8eglon 12 Arablan Porse Assoclauon announces Lhe 8eglon 12 Champlonshlp on May 6-10 2014, ln erry CA. lease
vlslL Lhe webslLe for more lnformauon.
8eglon 12 Arablan Porse Assoclauon announces Lhe 8eglon 12 ?ouLh !amboree on !une 20-21 2014, ln endleLon SC.
lease vlslL Lhe webslLe for more lnformauon.
>2$,#&M" 92/" L&&%.&M";"&,$
LC#H#;# Z"CC%@3#;;") K2%&"") TT U2C" N&/ 92/" - CcL. 2nd 2014 ln Peln, AL - vlslL Lhe webslLe for more lnfo.
LC#H#;# Z"CC%@3#;;") K2%&"") [T U2C" N&/ 92/" - CcL. 3rd 2014 ln Peln, AL - vlslL Lhe webslLe for more lnfo.
LC#H#;# Z"CC%@3#;;") K2%&"") T6 U2C" N&/ 92/" - CcL. 3rd 2014 ln Peln, AL - vlslL Lhe webslLe for more lnfo.
LC#H#;# Z"CC%@3#;;") K2%&"") T6 U2C" N&/ 92/" - CcL. 4Lh 2014 ln Peln, AL - vlslL Lhe webslLe for more lnfo.
9"+2%& 75 T6 U2C" N&/ <3#;I2%&$32I 92/" - CcL. 4Lh 2014 ln Peln, AL - vlslL Lhe webslLe for more lnfo.
lease submlL your lnformauon Lo !aneL Searls aL [aneLsearls[cox.neL before Lhe 28Lh of !anuary.
lease send phoLos ln Lhe hlghesL resoluuon posslble.

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