05 May 2012

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The International Prophetic Voice for the Endtimes

MAY 2012$4.75

Demonization of Bankers & Jews

Pg. 12


The Thief, the Law

and the Soul Four Questions Global Conspiracy

Pg. 31

A Spiritual Priority List
Pg. 20

Don't Attack the Messenger

Pg. 17

The incredible doctrine of the return of Christ commands us to investigate The Great Mystery of the Rapture.


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Author: Jerry Robinson

ITEM# 2244 272 pgs. Paperback





Welcome to the End of an Empire
Surrounded by a host of political and social problems, America stands at the crossroads of a devastating economic crisisthe size and scope of which demand immediate action, while instability and debt loom over the future. America is the greatest debtor nation in history. The value of the dollar is at tremendous risk. Inflation is about to become a huge reality. Crippled by personal debt, local and state governments facing revenue losses, and the federal government struggling to bail out segments of the economy, many Americans are suddenly afraid and uncertain of what the future may bring. Many worry if the United States can even recover from this crisis. Will you and your family financially survive and even thrive during this turbulent time?

hen the last one from among the Gentiles is added to the Church, then something remarkable is going to transpire: Jesus will come for His own: For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). Thats our future, our hope, and thats why I wrote the book, The Great Mystery of the Rapture. It is a book you need to read, a message of great comfort, the comfort we need in these times.

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Building the Temple: Part I

By Dr. Roger Liebi
The Second Temple was an architectural miracle of Antiquity. The technical possibilities and the available materials of that time were wisely employed, in order to produce a work which bore witness to Gods honor and glory far beyond Israels borders.

Dutch Scientists Create Killer Virus

Want Social Justice? Raise Taxes

$ 12 Money: Ends and Trends Demonization of Bankers & Jews

By Wilfred Hahn
As has often occurred down through the past two millennia in many countries around the world, Jews have ended up being convenient but hated scapegoats during difficult economic times. The love of money and hatred of the Jew have frequently proven mutually evil.

27 UK
Computers to the Rescue for Psychiatric Disorder


28 VATICAN Dont Attack the Messenger

By Dr. Ron J. Bigalke

Amos demonstrated that there is a cause and effect relationship between experiencing blessing and judgment. All nations are responsible for injustices and unrighteousness, and judgment is inevitable without accountability to God for actions, attitudes, and motives.

Pope Warns Against Gay Marriage


20 A Spiritual Priority List

By Norbert Lieth

We all know what a priority list is and how important this is when planning work, our personal lives, family lives, etc. In 1 Timothy 2, Paul had a list of priorities, and he expected the same of Timothy. We can learn much from this regarding priorities for the modern day church.

Rebuilding the Tower of Babel?


30 USA
Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By Peter Malgo

* 31

American Doctors Terrified of Litigation

Letters to the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By Arno Froese THE THIEF, THE LAW AND THE SOUL...FOUR QUESTIONS...GLOBAL CONSPIRACY

Important: The address for Midnight Call Ministries has changed. It is now: PO Box 84309, Lexington, SC 29073

Midnight Call
MAY 2012



The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him
(Psalm 34:7).
B y P e t e r M a l g o
the Lord. This is none other than Jesus Christ Himself. Probably the best known appearance of an angel in the Old Testament is recorded in Numbers 22:31: Then the Lord opened the eyes of Balaam, and he saw the angel of the LORD standing in the way, and his sword drawn in his hand. The light which suddenly radiated from heaven around Saul of Tarsus on his way to Damascus, is also a direct intervention of Jesus Christ. Here, there is no mention of the angel of the Lord, because the Lord reveals Himself with the words, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest (Acts 9:5). The Bible also reports about the service of angels to men who believe in Jesus Christ. Thus, Peter was twice delivered out of prison by the hand of angels (Acts 5:19; 12:7). And why did this happen? Because there were people who interceded for him! But prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him (Acts 12:5). The liberation of Paul and Silas from the prison in Philippi is also such an event (Acts 16:26). Some may object that they were freed because of the earthquake. But

To intercede means: to send an angel to someone. This is how Martin Luther explained the meaning of intercession. The effect of this prayer is often underestimated and hence neglected. However, intercession should be a foundation pillar of our prayer life. The Apostle writes: I exhort therefore that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men (1 Timothy 2:1). Verse 4 then makes it clear that we should do this because it is the expressed will of God that all men are to be helped in coming to the knowledge of the truth. Therefore, the prayer of intercession has such a highly valued position because it also concerns salvation from eternal death. We cannot tell from these few words whether Martin Luther thought of saved or not yet saved people, to whom the service of angels can be imparted by intercession. But in the Bible, we most certainly are informed of angels who appeared to keep people away from the wrong path. And often, this angel is identified as the angel of



The Prophetic Voice for the Endtimes

was it not angels who caused such an earthquake, in exactly the right place, at exactly the right time, and at the exactly correct intensity? Such service of angels still takes place today in full reality, even though mostly no longer so directly. For example, someone misses the scheduled flight. Later, we learn that it was exactly this plane which crashed. Accident? The Prussian General George von Viebahn tells us: One night a mother was awakened by her child sleeping beside her, who excitedly told her, Mommy, there in the door of the living room stands an angel who keeps beckoning to me with his hand. May I get up and go to him? The mother, who believed that a dream had excited the child, tried to calm her and persuade her to fall back asleep. But very soon the little one called again, Dear Mother, the beautiful angel keeps beckoning to me again; Im really not dreaming but see him quite clearly. Please let me go to him! Now the mother thought that it would calm her little daughter best if she complied with her wish and showed her in the next room that no one was there. Therefore, she warmly wrapped the little one and carried her into the living room. But no sooner had both arrived there that a loud crash frightened them. In the bedroom the tile stove had collapsed and had buried the little childs bed under its ruins.With what feelings the mother pressed her darling to her heart, and how deep was her prayer of thanks for the miracle which the Lord had done for them! In Psalm 34:7 we read: The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him. With the prayer of intercession, we have a means in our hand to cause the Lord to send His angels as the object of our prayers. Yes, intercession means: To send an angel to someone. The most beautiful thing in this is that the blessing of the intercession will fall back on us. This becomes clear with Job: And the LORD turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends (Job 42:10). MC

ISSN 10948600


Published 12 times a year by


PO Box 84309 Lexington, SC 29073 Physical Location: 4694 Platt Springs Road West Columbia, SC 29170

Founder Dr. Wim Malgo (1922 92) International Editor Peter Malgo Executive Editor Arno Froese Contributing Authors Norbert Lieth, Marcel Malgo, Wilfred Hahn, Dr. Ron J. Bigalke, Reinhold Federolf, Samuel Rindlisbacher, Ernst Kraft and Thomas Lieth
Layout Designers: Michelle Kim and Lisa Dixon Text Typist: Lynn Jeffcoat Copy Editor: Kimberly Farmer Customer Service: Kathy Roland and Debbie Hale Production Manager: Simon Froese Pressroom: Wade Haygood, Dwight Mims and Chad Vining Post Press: Dana Hale, Teresa Vining, Melissa Martin, Andrea Hamilton and Brian Corbett Special Order: Ruth Froese German-English Translators: Ann Fankhauser and Ellen Myers


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M AY 2 0 1 2


A Song of Ascents. Of Solomon. Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain. Psalm 127:1 [ESV]





View from the northeast to the Temple District.

he Second Temple was an architectural miracle of Antiquity. The technical possibilities and the available materials of that time were wisely employed, in order to produce a work which bore witness to Gods honor and glory far beyond Israels borders. In many passages of the NT, the edifice of the Church is described as the house of God. It should be noted, however, that the Holy Scriptures speak about the building of the Church as the house of God in principally two different ways: on the one hand it is spoken of how God builds his Temple and will ultimately bring it as a perfect work to completion. In this aspect the perfect will of God is emphasized which, despite all resistance, will one day reach its goal. On the other hand, the building of the Temple is also presented as a work of people. From this aspect the responsibility of the builders is emphasized. Whenever people build, blunders and damage can ensue. Ultimately, this requires Gods intervention and judgment so that the irrevocable will of the Eternal One, despite all evil, nevertheless comes to completion.

God as Builder of the Church The Building of the Church threatened by the Gates of Hades
According to Matthew 16, the Messiah himself is the Builder of his universal Church: Simon Peter answered, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. Jesus replied, Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build [1st pers. sg., future I of oikodome] my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it (vv. 16-18, NIV).

The temple to Caesar at Caesarea Philippi

The dialogue conveyed in these verses took place in Caesarea Philippi (Mt 16:13). The scenic back-

ground is in close connection with this dialogue.1 There was, at the time, a temple to Caesar in Caesarea Philippi, erected by Herod the Great.2 It lay at the foot of the massif from which the Banias Spring, a main source of the Jordan River, rose.3 The confession of Jesus being the Messiah, i.e. the King over every king, contains extraordinary explosiveness in view of this idolatrous edifice: it was not Caesar in Rome who had the last word over this world, but the Messiah from the people of Israel. The emperor had himself honored by the masses as the son of the gods. These gods were imaginary inventions which did not correspond to reality (cf. Acts 17:29). The gods of Rome were dead.4 Peter, full of faith, testified to the truth that the Messiah Jesusin contrast to the emperor of Romeis the Son of the living God (Mt 16:16). From ancient times, the god Pan was honored in the large cave of the Banias Spring.5 Herod the Great built the inner sanctuary of the temple to Caesar into Pans Cave.6 This means, however, that a spring rose in that house or the rock floor of the inner sanctuary, whose waters flowed down the Jordan and into the Dead Seacorresponding to the vision of the eschatological Temple in Ezekiel 47.7 The temple to Caesar was nothing other than a satanic perversion of the divine plans for the Third Temple! Yet the waters from Ezekiels Temple will one day waken to life the water of the Dead Sea. The water from Banias, on the other hand, changed nothing concerning the fate of death which characterizes the sea in the Arava Plain to this day.
M AY 2 0 1 2 7

Building the Temple: PART I

Fig. 156 The original street along the Western Wall of the Temple. The surface area of these paving stones is 1 18m2.11

Fig. 157 In the Western Wall Tunnel: The first and second position of the building stones. The second building block was moved back by c. 2cm in order to build the wall slightly aslope, so that it would appear straight in a reassuring illusion to the observer on the street running alongside it. (1) = boss (2) = margin (3) = gap of c. 2cm

The victorious Church on the massif

The Lord Jesus pronounced the promise that the gates of Hades, i.e. the power of death, would never overpower the Church which he himself would build. This encouragement has proved itself to be true: the Ecclesia has remained in existence according to Gods will despite all the bloody and cruel persecution under the Roman emperors from Nero till Diocletian. Countless actually died as martyrs. Yet the Church never perished. Persecution leading to death was also the portion of the redeemed in later centuries, up to the third millennium. Most Christians were murdered during the 20th century, many especially in persecution by the Communists and Islamists. Yet the gates of Hades could not defeat the Church (Mt 16:18). The Church is still in existence as before. She triumphs in Christ and is spreading the Gospel to all five continents of the world. These wonderful facts are directly connected to Jesus Christ himself being the Builder of the Church. He gave the promise of Matthew 16:18 and, because he is the invincible rock foundation, his statements can never lapse, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.

The Building according to 1 Peter 2

In 1 Peter 2:3-5, too, the building of the Church is spoken of. Whoever comes to Jesus Christ, the living stone, will be built on him: if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious. Coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious, you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ (NKJV).

The growing Temple according to Ephesians 2

In the closing verses of Ephesians 2, it likewise deals with the building of the Temple in the hands of God. From Ephesians 2:19-22, we learn that redeemed men from Israel and from the Gentile nations are being built up on the doctrinal foundation of the apostles and the New Testament prophets in a continuousand even after almost 2000 years not yet completedprocess, and actually so that Jesus Christ determines the alignment of the entire architectural work: Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fel-



low citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built [oikodomeomai] on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together [synarmologeomai], grows8 into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together [epoikodomeomai] for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit (NKJV).

Lead between the building stones

Through archaeological work on the Temple Mount, it has been ascertained that lead was placed between the building blocks. This confirms the relevant reference by Josephus.12 What should that mean? No mortar was actually used, but lead instead? Since the building blocks of the Temple weighed 1-580 tons, or even more, according to size, the danger arose continually in construction that stones in a certain position would be damaged or even destroyed by the deadweight of the new ones laid on top. In order to avoid this, lead was placed on the building block. Whenever the next row was laid, the individual building blocks at first had to press the lead flat slowly, in slow motion so to speak, before they reached the desired position. Much damage was avoided by this painstaking work!13

Fitly framed together

Here it is expressed that the building stones are built up in a perfect and harmonious way: fitly framed together.9 This is wonderfully illustrated by the work done to the Second Temple during the Herodian period: as we have explained earlier, no mortar was used in construction. The stones had, therefore, to be hewn so exactly that they could be laid precisely and fit well together. In the so-called Rabbinic Tunnel on the west side of the Temple Mount, many building stones have been maintained in extraordinarily good condition, since they were protected from erosion by the Islamic building over them on this site over many centuries.10 There we can see how the building stones were laid upon each other with the greatest of care. Furthermore, visitors can also tell how each position of the building stones was moved back by c. 2cm in contrast to the ones lying below (cf. Fig. 157). Why so? A street led along the wall on the west side of the Temple precinct (Fig. 156). If a massive wall were built absolutely straight, it would convey the impression to the observers below it that the construction was overhanging. By this Temple wall being built deliberately aslope to a minor degree, it came across as quite straight, reassuringly to the pedestrians.

From quarry to Temple precinct

To transport the building materials from the quarry to the Temple precinct, great numbers of teams of oxen were employed, which pulled the hewn stones over rolling blocks.14 To some extent giant wooden wheels were installed around the building blocks so that they could be rolled to their destination.15 Furthermore, cranes were used which worked with the tried and tested principle of block and tackle.16 What people were in a position to achieve with all these means, produces wonderment and astonishment in modern observers, despite all the technical possibilities which are available in the 21st century. The weight of the building blocks at the Pyramids of Giza generally amounts to some 2.8 tons, yet in Jerusalem quite different measurements were used to some extent! In order to be able to attach the stones to towing ropes, they were hewn so that a jutting out projection remained on the sides. As soon as these building blocks were taken to their destination, these projections were knocked off and beautifully prepared the boss at this point. Sometimes, however, the knocking off of the projection was forgotten. Even today such forgotten projections can be discovered time and again amongst the remains of the surrounding walls.
M AY 2 0 1 2 9

A play of shadows
Thanks to the margin and boss, a beautiful exchange of light and shadow occurred depending on how the sunlight fell. Thus, this avoided the Temple walls being seen from a distance as if they had been clumsy concrete walls. This aesthetically pleasing interplay gave the walls a less monotonous appearance.

Building the Temple: PART I

Fig. 160 Building material left incomplete. Beams of wood should be inserted into the prepared gap which would cause a crack after having water poured over them so that two building blocks could have been made from this block of rock.

Liberation of the stones from being attached to the bedrock

The building blocks were hewn from the massif in a quarry located to the north of Mount Zion. The building blocks were firstly preformed with hammer and chisel, and only partially released from the attachment to the rock. Afterwards, beams of wood were inserted into the gaps. Water was poured over the wood, so that it expanded and powerfully cracked apart the building blocks from their attachment to the bedrock (cf. Fig. 160). The stones liberated in this way were hewn in perfect beauty on the spot in the quarry with margin and boss.22

Constructing the surrounding wall

In constructing the surrounding wall, the free space between the natural mountain slope and the wall was filled in with earth on the inside after the placement of each stone. By doing this, each layer of stones could be laid once more at zero level.17 This proceeded up to the point where the height of the Court of the Gentiles was reached. In the west, the surrounding wall reached a height of some 32m in the area of Robinsons Arch. Up to the level of the Court of the Gentiles there were roughly 19m. On top of this came a further c. 13m which together resulted in a total of 32m.18 Up to the height of the Court of the Gentiles the surrounding walls were called supporting walls, since they had to withstand the pressure of the filling behind them. The thickness of the supporting wall was built up with up to three rows of stones lying next to each other so that they came to a width of c. 5m in total.19 This gave the construction an uncommonly high stability. A further secret of the walls stability was in laying the foundation building blocks always directly onto the rock floor.20 According to the modern standard of knowledge, the ratio between the height and breadth should amount to 4:1 in supporting walls.21 The builders of the Temple in those days had no access to modern text books. Nevertheless, they built them exactly according to physical requirements.

Building the Church today

Lessons for the building of the Church can be illustrated vividly and plausibly by means of the way in which the Temple was constructed:

Evangelism in the quarry

The work in the quarry corresponds to the evangelistic work of proclaiming the word of God.23 In this way people are released from their connection to sin and the world. By instruction in the faith, some things can be cut correctly afterwards in light of the Holy Scriptures, so that the stones can be integrated into the Church in a way that honors God.

Integration of the stones

The route from the quarry to the Temple Mount is therefore very important.24 People should not simply come to faith. The converted must be integrated into the local Church. This is, perhaps, a sensitive phase of continuation which often demands great spiritual skill. Just as the Temple was built of stones of varying size, so the Church consists of quite different people according to Gods plan.25 The Church, according to Gods plan, is never an inter-



est group for e.g. believing police officers, students or housewives, etc. No, in the Church it should be demonstrated that Gods power can unite an unmanageable variety of people in Christ, and that the preprogrammed difficulties arising from this can be overcome by subjection to the authority of the Bible and the guidance of the Holy Spirit and resolved in a God-honoring way. In this way, every single person should take their place and task in the Church, fitly joined together, as an individual within the collective. By the redeemed standing together, the light of the Temple should be a testimony to the world: the One God and the One Sacrifice should be so effectively testified about for the salvation of as many people as possible from every nation, tribe and language.

ever, that behind these dead concepts and figures of the gods there lay hidden real powers of darknessdemons, fallen angels (cf. 1 Cor 10:20). The gods of Rome served as masks for Satans demonic host. 5 6 7 The Arabic word form Banias is derived from the Greek name for the god Pan. SHKOLNIK: Banias and Tel Dan, p. 10. The river from Ezekiels Temple will rise out of the rock of the Holy of Holies (cf. Ezek 47). The history of Israel began with water from the rock (Ex 17:1ff.) and will end with water from the rock. 8 Gk auxan. Here, surprisingly, we find a term in an architectural context which belongs to the field of biology. But we should not be surprised at all: shortly before, Paul spoke of the Church as the body of Christ (Eph 2:15-16). The various aspects of the Church (body of Christ, house of God, bride of Christ, etc.) belong so closely together that repeatedly in the treatment of one aspect nevertheless other aspects are mixed into the same context (cf. e.g. Eph 4:16; 5:25, 30). 9 Gk synarmologeomai; cf. the same word in Eph 4:16 and Col 2:19 where it does not deal with the house of God, but about the body of Christ. 10 After the Islamic conquest of Jerusalem in 638 the Temple Mount became an important sanctuary to the Muslims. This led to many wanting to live as close as possible to the rock in the Dome. So the west side was built over chaotically with many houses (cf. the model of the Temple in the Western Wall Tunnel, by which this overbuilding can be reproduced effectively). It was through this that large parts of the Temple Mounts supporting walls were removed from sight until the Israeli Antiquities Authority brought them to light again through excavations under these houses (after 1967). 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 BEN-DOV: In the Shadow of the Temple, p. 107. JOSEPHUS: Ant. 15.11.3. BEN-DOV/NAOR/ANER: Die Westmauer, pp. 218-220. BEN-DOV: Herods Mighty Temple Mount, p. 45. Ibid., p. 45. RITMEYER: Quarrying Stones for Herods Temple Mount, p. 47. Ibid., p. 48. BEN-DOV: In the Shadow of the Temple, p. 92. Ibid., p. 84 and 90-91. Ibid., p. 87. Ibid., p. 90. BEN-DOV: Herods Mighty Temple Mount, p. 45. cf. also: 1 Kgs 5:15-18; 2 Chr 2:2; Ezra 3:7. cf. 1 Kgs 5:17. cf. Acts 6:1 (Hebrews and Hellenists); 8:4-25 (Samaritans); 1 Cor 12:13 (Jews and Greeks,slaves and freemen,man and woman); Col 3:11 (Greek and Jew,Circumcision and foreskin, Barbarian,Scythian,slave,freeman).

The light of the Temple

We have seen that the Temple testifies of Jesus Christ, the Light of the world (Jn 8:12). Yet Jesus Christ himself taught his disciples: You are the light of the world (Mt 5:14, NIV). Today, the Son of God is the glorified Man in heaven (Mk 16:19). From then on the redeemed have the task, as the Temple of God, to spread the divine light in a morally dark world. Through the Church the One true God and his Good News of the atonement through the Sacrifice of Golgotha should be proclaimed credibly. We continue with Part II in the next issue, on The Construction of the Temple as Mans Responsibility. From The Messiah in the Temple: The Symbolism and Significance of the Second Temple in Light of the New Testament (497) ENDNOTES
1 2 3 THIEDE: Funde, Fakten, Fhrten, Suche, Spuren des frhen Christentums in Europa, pp. 2-5. JOSEPHUS: War I.21.3. Today the water no longer rises in the Banias Cave in the massif. During the course of millennia the spring has moved to the south (SHKOLNIK: Banias and Tel Dan, p. 10). 4 It is a fact that the gods of Rome were pure invention. These mythological persons never existed. We should keep clearly in mind, how-

M AY 2 0 1 2



For resources on endtime economics and to subscribe to the free newsletter, Eternal Value Review, visit Wilfreds website www.eternalvalue.com or contact him at: staff@eternalvalue.com

Demonization of Bankers & Jews

B y W i l f r e d H a h n

The Economist magazine earlier this year published a most curiouslyentitled article: The Dangers of Demonology (January 7, 2012). Since this is a widely respected global business magazine, we wondered just what this article would really be about. As it turned out, the message of the article was this: Hatred of bankers is one of the worlds oldest and most dangerous prejudices. This caught our attention. The oldest and most dangerous prejudice is the hatred of bankers? Just who are these bankers that are so hated, and does this qualify as demonology?

t proved to be a most misleading article, in our view. Yet, to the discerning, it packed an ominous warning.

Quoting the Economist further on this point:

Anger is understandable. The financial crisis of 2007-08 has produced the deepest recession since the 1930s. Most of the financiers at the heart of it have got off scot-free. The biggest banks are bigger than ever. Bonuses are flowing once again. The old saw about bankersthat they believe in capitalism when it comes to pocketing the profits and socialism when it comes to paying for the lossesis too true for comfort.

Spiritually-Blind Media Just what did the Economist article say? To begin, it commented upon the social uprisings around the world, specifically the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement and its various offshoots that are claiming that a malign 1% [the rich], many of them bankers, are ripping off the virtuous 99% [poor].

Demonization of Bankers & Jews

Indeed, this is all too true. In fact, many prominent Wall Streeters themselves would agree. We have long lamented the growing corruption and hugely imbalanced incentives in the worlds money-related industries. What we see are the natural lusts of mankind playing out; the condition of the human heart being at fault. As societies have taken more liberal stances (for better or worse) and the external constraints of law, regulations, and accountability are removed, the unbridled impulses and lusts of humanity become all too apparent. Since the day of Creation, the key worldly vulnerabilities and desires of mankind have remained the same. For everything in the worldthe lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of lifecomes not from the Father but from the world (1 John 2:16). Just as the force of the earths gravity will always exert a constant downward pull on mass, so money lures humans to particular actions. The capstone of these mentioned proclivities is the innate lure and obeisance to Mammon, which is the love of money. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil (1 Timothy 6:10). As such, oversized compensation incentives in any business will test the ethical fortitude of its executives, no matter how virtuous they may be. In the case of enterprises involved in the industry of credit and debtthese being closest to the ancient metaphysical furnaces of Mammonthe collateral damage of greed and corruption is much larger. Malfeasance in money industries casts a much wider swathe of damage; credit creates its own destruction if it is allowed to run rampant. It is always surprising how few career bankers even realize this fact. When the inevitable forces of over-indebtedness strike, particularly in the present era of a one worldwide monetary system, the results are catastrophic and sudden. Not only is hardship imposed on a large number of households (deserving or not), massive transfers of wealth take place. Invariably, these sudden wealth shifts feed the powers of an emerging class of elites. Unfairly Deserved There is a belief that democratic societies get the politicians and governments that they deserve. Therefore, the same must also apply to a societys financial systems and the demeanor of its business enterprises. It follows that societies then deserve the destruction that results from systemic financial corruption. Why? Because the human societal values that allow or create the conditions for such unbridled corruption to occur, do not happen in a vacuum. These occur only because they are accepted. The subtle changes in values are shifts away from eternal values to the increasing adoption of the humanist creed. The only difference in this parallel we draw between democracy and wealth stratification is that one can vote politicians out of office, but not corrupt financial elites (to take one example), nor an extremely imbalanced wealth skew. Generally, those that become rich (whether righteously or not) do not willingly give up their advantageous positions. Viewing history, whenever such conditions of extreme wealth distribution have become critiM AY 2 0 1 2

Just as the force of the earths gravity will always exert a constant downward pull on mass, so money lures humans to particular actions.



likely to reform the financial industry around the world and to reprimand those companies and individuals that were clearly involved in illegal and criminal activities. So far in the continuing Global Financial Crisis (GFC), this has not happened, at least not in a major way. But when it does, it will likely unfold in a very dangerous fashion. How so? We must first understand that the worlds entire monetary system (this being based upon a fraudulent fractional reserve system) is a corruption from the start. It imparts enormous powers upon policymakers and its elites. In a time when European banks are in dire straits, with most of them technically insolvent, vested interests will not rock the boat. They will seek to validate the status quo and to protect as many cronies in this system as possible. Next, the article in The Economist gives us a further clue, opening the door to an ancient phenomenon as shown at length in the following quote:
Throughout history, moneylenders have been persecuted. Ethnic minoritiesmost obviously the Jews in Europe and America but also the Chinese in Asiahave clustered in the financial sector first because they were barred from more respectable pursuits and later because success begets success. At times, anti-banking prejudice has acquired a strong tinge of ethnic hatred. In medieval Europe Jews were persecuted not only because they were not Christians but also because killing them was a quick way to expunge debts. [] The forgers of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion wanted people to believe that Jewish financiers were engaged in a fiendish global conspiracy. Louis McFadden, the chairman of the United States

We must first understand that the worlds entire monetary system (this being based upon a fraudulent fractional reserve system) is a corruption from the start. It imparts enormous powers upon policymakers and its elites.

cal, eventually social unrest occurs and sometimes a complete societial overturn such as occurred in the French Revolution or during the 1950s in Cuba. Financial Elites Deserve Immunity Let us return to modern-day money lending and The Economist. The article takes the view that since money lending is linked with the prosperity of societies, we should not be prejudiced against bankers. Demonizing them will risk undermining the very foundations of the standards of living that we enjoy today. This analysis betrays an incorrect focus. Yes, money lending and the other pure capital formation functions that Wall Street and its sister industries around the globe may create are not bad in and of themselves. The validity of these functions is not being contested. It is the corruption of individuals to the highest levels within these businesses that is protested, as well as the subservience of households and entire real economies to the enterprises of financial speculation, money manager capitalism and rapacious capital (raffendes Kapital according to old classical German economists). If the world and its politicians were not bought off and given over to the spirit of Mammon, they would be more

Demonization of Bankers & Jews

House Committee on Banking and Currency in the 1930s, claimed that the Gentiles have the slips of paper while the Jews have the lawful money. The same canards have been used against Chinese minorities across Asia. This is not to say that the [OWS] protesters are guilty of ethnic prejudice: they belong to a class and a generation that is largely free from such vices. But demonization can easily mutate into new forms.

Anti-Semitism is rising sharply in North American and many other countries around the world from Spain to Japan. Other Anti-Semitic Voices Gain Credence An Op-Ed article that recently appeared in the Financial Times by Mahathir Mohamad entitled West needs to go back to capitalist basics, sounds some similar alarms, at least for those who know something about this man (January 11, 2012, www.ft.com). We admired Mahathir for the economic policies that he enforced during his time as President of Malaysia during the Asian Financial Crisis of the late 1990s, although his policies were very controversial at the time. (I remember that time clearly, as many millions in Malaysian investments that I was responsible for as Chief Investment Officer of a large international investment institution were frozen.) Although his policies were eventually vindicated, there is strong reason to be suspicious of his religious bias. The perspectives Mahathir expresses in the Op-Ed article are not entirely without merit. He argues that the western world, not able to compete in goods trade with the rest of the world, opted instead to promote the alchemies of financial markets. As he states in the article, Getting greedy, they abused the system, manipulating the market for greater profits. We would not vigorously disagree with this statement. Then he comes to the nub of his analysis, as we see it; he claims that currency trading is at the root of the problem. While some might think that these are the rantings of an 86-year-old man who is reliving the glories of the time in 1998, in which he rebuked cross-border investors (so-called currency traders) that he believed were driving down the
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Even further, for the nations that rage against God (Acts 4:25) to disprove or invalidate the promises and prophecies of God, they must neutralize the Jewish race.

Is the Economist correct to take such a non-alarmist view? We think not. The balance of history suggests that the demonization will in fact not mutate into new forms and that people are not free of such vices and hates. Yes, the Chinese diaspora to the rest of Asia in response to the political instabilities in China during this past century, does carry some similarities with the fate of Jews; however, there are key differences. Firstly, the Chinese diaspora has taken place over a little more than a century. For the Jews, on the other hand, this persecution has spanned a time period that is 20 times longer and has involved virtually every nation in the world. Secondly, the Jews are a people set apart from the rest of the nations of the world (the Gentiles) by God (Leviticus 20:24). Thirdly, a godless world, ruled by the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2), will continue to persecute the Jews. Even further, for the nations that rage against God (Acts 4:25) to disprove or invalidate the promises and prophecies of God, they must neutralize the Jewish race. Mainly as consequence of these factors, Jews have repeatedly and unjustifiably been the scapegoats during the difficult economic periods of many countries. As such, we should not be coaxed to take the non-alarmist perspective that the Economist promotes.



would even print an Op-Ed written by this man. Thoughts to Ponder Concluding, we again quote the Economist article:
Railing against the 1%particularly when so many of them work for companies with names like Goldman Sachs and N.M. Rothschildcan unleash emotions that are difficult to cage. A survey in the Boston Review in 2009 found that 25% of non-Jewish Americans blamed Jews for the financial crisis, with a higher percentage among Democrats than Republicans. [] Today, the combination of hard times and harsh rhetoric could also produce something nasty.

As has often occurred down through the past two millennia in many countries around the world, Jews have ended up being convenient but hated scapegoats during difficult economic times. The love of money and hatred of the Jew have frequently proven mutually evil.

ringgit (Malaysias currency), there is much more behind his euphemism of currency traders. Just who specifically does Mahathir mean when he assigns the blame to currency traders? Allow us to quote from some of his statements in the past. In late 1997, Mahathir claimed to have definite information that financier George Soros, whom he identified as a Jew, was responsible for Malaysias currency problems. He stated: We do not want to say that this is a plot by the Jews, but in reality it is a Jew who triggered the currency plunge, and coincidentally Soros is a Jew. It is also a coincidence that Malaysians are mostly Moslem. Indeed, the Jews are not happy to see Moslems progress. If it were Palestine, the Jews would rob Palestinians. Thus this is what they are doing to our country. In his 1970 book The Malay Dilemma, Mahathir wrote: Jewish stinginess and financial wizardry gained them commercial control of Europe and provoked anti-Semitism which waxed and waned in Europe throughout the ages. He also wrote that the Jews for example are not merely hook-nosed, but understand money instinctively (Sydney Morning Herald, October 17, 1997). Mahathir also has made utterly reprehensible statements that have suggested that the periodic persecutions and killings of the Jews are deserved. On October 16, 2003, in a speech to the Tenth Islamic Summit Conference in Putrajaya, Malaysia, he said The Muslims will forever be oppressed and dominated by the Europeans and the Jews. The Financial Times (a blue-blood Anglo publication with huge international influence) makes no mention of Mahathirs religious bias, though these are well known and public. Given his virulently anti-Semitic and anti-European statements, we wonder why the Financial Times (headquartered in Britain)

What would be nasty? The Bible and history tell us. I will pursue them with the sword, famine and plague and will make them abhorrent to all the kingdoms of the earth, a curse and an object of horror, of scorn and reproach, among all the nations where I drive them (Jeremiah 29:18). As has often occurred down through the past two millennia in many countries around the world, Jews have ended up being convenient but hated scapegoats during difficult economic times. The love of money and hatred of the Jew have frequently proven mutually evil. We urge readers to read Chapter 10 in our most recent book, Global Financial Apocalypse Prophesied: Preserving True Riches in an Age of Deception and Trouble. [Please consider ordering this book from Midnight Call Ministries at 1-800845-2420.] Anti-Semitism is surging dangerously. Christians need to be aware of the agendas underway and the ancient plot that has played out repeatedly over the millennia. Christians should have no part in this; even more, we are obliged to pray for and protect our brother the Jew. MC

Dont Attack the Messenger

Amos 36 exposes the apathy and hypocrisy of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. Each of the three sermons begins with the formula, Hear this word (3:1; 4:1; 5:1).
By Dr. Ron J. Bigalke

mos 3 emphasized that significant privilege necessitates tremendous responsibility, which is true not only for Israel but also for all nations. Israel was especially accountable to God because the nation was chosen to know Him in a special and unique manner. All nations are responsible for injustices and unrighteousness, and judgment is inevitable without accountability to God for actions, attitudes, and motives (Rom 1:18-20). The truth of this universal responsibility was difficult to comprehend for those who had experienced Gods blessing and privilege. Amos demonstrated that there is a cause and effect relationship between experiencing blessing and judgment.
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Does a lion roar in the forest when he has no prey? Does a young lion growl from his den unless he has captured something? (Amos 3:4). A lion will roar or growl for a reason: prey has been captured. Consequently, the judgment of God will not be without a reason.
THE MESSAGE (6:1-14) Does a lion roar in the forest when he has no prey? Does a young lion growl from his den unless he has captured something? (Amos 3:4). A lion will roar or growl for a reason: prey has been captured. Consequently, the judgment of God will not be without a reason: individuals and nations have not practiced justice and righteousness (5:23-24). The judgment prophesied in chapter 3 would be severe. Following the judgment, the People will stagger from sea to sea and from the north even to the east; they will go to and fro to seek the word of the LORD, but they will not find it (8:12). The second sermon demonstrated that there is a causal relationship between social inequities and spiritual injustice. Amos depicted the women of Israel in an unflattering manner. They were cows of Bashan who were well-nourished and sought to be the focus of attention at all the socialite parties; in the process of their revelry, the women oppressed the poor, crushing the needy for the sake of their partying (4:1). The spiritual sins of the people were regarded with irony (4:4-5). As opposed to true worship that seeks to praise God, the people decided to satisfy their need for enjoyment by gathering together to continue sinning in a religious setting (which was the historical situation in the northern religious centers of Israel). The lack of repentance resulted in Gods dreaded therefore. As a consequence of both social and spiritual sin, the people must prepare themselves to meet their God in judgment (4:12). The final address of chapters 36 concludes Gods response to the nations apathy toward social inequities and vacuous religiosity. The apathy is expressed as a consequence of the luxurious position of the dignitaries. Wealth can never provide lasting security to a people who do not obey and worship

God. Banquets are not inherently sinful, which is evident in the fact that Jesus often attended such social occasions. Sinful parties, however, make a mockery of God. Amos portrayed the luxury as the expression of spiritual laxity, which pervaded the city and allowed moral corruption to continue (cf. Esth 1:112; Isa 28:1-3; Dan 5). The carefree and self-confident would be the first to experience captivity because they did not seek the Lord (6:1-6). Chapter 6 abounds with lessons concerning the futility of misguided confidence. The vain trust that is described in this chapter is an obvious contrast to the gentle and humble proffer that Christ offers to sinners in Matthew 11:28-30. The message of chapter 6 is a warning against false security. A nation or people cannot continue to live in peace and security, yet mock God with corruption and immorality. History is replete with fallen empires of the past, including ancient Rome and the 20th century Soviet Union. What God asked of ancient Israel is appropriate for any nation: Are they better than these kingdoms? (6:2). The visions reported in chapter 7 illustrate the truthfulness of Amos message.

Doom, gloom, and judgment of sin are never a popular message, especially if the words are directed against us. The message of Amos was direct, and therefore uncomfortable for his listeners.
Verses 10-17 of chapter 7 form a historical interlude, which describes the reception of Amos in Bethel when he proclaimed the warning that God had given him. The priest of Bethel reported to the king that the words of impending judgment were a burden to the people (7:10). Amaziah demonstrated complete disregard for Gods divinely appointed spokesman. The priest confronted Amos and commanded him to stop bothering the north, and return instead to his home in the southern kingdom of Judah (7:13). Doom, gloom, and judgment of sin are never a popular message, especially if the words are directed against us. The message of Amos was direct, and therefore uncomfortable for his listeners. As opposed to heeding the message of God, the people forsook His Word and attempted to silence and oppose the messenger. The message of judgment against the house of Jeroboam was offensive to the king, and Amos was commanded to return home and make his livelihood there (7:12-13). Amos replied that he was not speaking because it was his desire (7:14-15). Amos was not motivated by personal benefit in proclaiming his message, but confessed that the only reason for his proclamation was the command of the Lord God. The refusal of the people to hear and heed Gods Word would result in judgment (7:16-17). Proclaiming Gods truth to a sinful world is never a popular thing to do. However, the message of Gods Word is unambiguous against any who would squelch His truth. The fate will be the same for any nation or people who attempt to hinder or silence Gods Word. May it not be true of you and me, but let us humbly seek good and not evil so we may live joyful and blessed lives (5:13-15).

THE MESSENGER (7:1-17) The first three visions were recorded together because they appear to parallel the messages that Amos proclaimed in chapters 12.1 The progression of the first in a series of visions (which are concluded in chapter 9) helps to explain Amos words in chapters 12. The first two visions prophesy with regard to a plague of locusts (7:1-3) and a drought caused by fire (7:4-6). Both visions are symbolic of impending judgment. The intercession of the prophet Amos for his people, and judgment being averted, followed both visions. The third vision depicted God standing beside a wall with a plumb line in His hand. The portrayal is whether the wall was straight and able to remain, or if not, the wall would need to be destroyed and rebuilt. Amos was unable to intercede for his people this time, which means that judgment was not averted. God would spare His people no longer(7:8). The people were measured by Gods absolute standard; therefore, the full extent of judgment would be upon them. The sequence of these three visions is an appropriate answer to those who heard the sermons of chapters 12 and asked whether God had pity and was merciful. Verses 1-9 of chapter 7 reveal that God has already demonstrated His pity by mercifully forestalling judgment.

1 John D. W. Watts, Studying the Book of Amos (Nashville: Broadman Press, 1966) 28-31.

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In his first letter to Timothy, the apostle Paul tells him how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. Read here Part 5.

n 1 Timothy 2:1, Paul begins with the words, I exhort therefore, that, first of all. We all know what a priority list is and how important this is when planning work, our personal lives, our family lives, the bringing up of children, leadership of a business, the reaching of goals we have set for ourselves, etc. Some things come first and others can wait, or we will make no progress. Paul had a list of priorities, and he expected the same of Timothy, and that he would put it into practice. Paul had his priorities in his prayer life, his decisions, in where he went, in his preaching, in his visiting churches.

1st priority: His prayer life and the proper order,

supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks (verse 1). Above all other things, before all new tasks or work, prayer has the first place. We should remember that the letter to Timothy is a letter to the church. In it we find orders for the church. The sequence of the four kinds of prayer is striking: supplications, prayers, intercessions and giving of thanks. In many churches this sequence is not adhered to, and so the priorities are wrong. With Paul, the giving of thanks came last. In many church services, thanksgiving or worship is given first place.


We all know what a priority list is and how important this is when planning work, our personal lives, our family lives, the bringing up of children, leadership of a business, the reaching of goals we have set for ourselves, etc. Some things come first and others can wait, or we will make no progress.
Supplications refers to needs that we can and should bring to the Lord in prayer. With prayers he is speaking of the general, continual attitude of prayer which we should have in our hearts in the sense of Pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). With intercession we bring the needs of others to God; we join with them in their prayers and pray for others. In the giving of thanks we express our trust in our Lord, we thank Him in faith for that which He has done, we praise His power, etc. Today, in my opinion, people have the wrong idea of worship. They overlook the fact that this sequence of prayer is already an expression of worship. When I come to Jesus with prayers and supplications, for instance, then I am already bringing Him praise and glory because I am trusting Him alone. is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth (verses 14). For all men. This means that nobody may be excluded from our prayers and that there are no limits. There is no ex-communication in intercession. God Himself sets the priorities, for as far as God wants all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth, thus far our prayers must go. Nobody is excluded by God. With Him there are no buts. He does not have any limits; therefore, nobody may be excluded from our prayers. For kings, and for all that are in authority. This refers to those who govern us, from heads of states to local politicians, and certainly to police and military servicemen. At that time, the young church was often persecuted by those in authority. Up to the present day Christians suffer worldwide persecution. Nevertheless they are called upon to bless the government, to submit to it and to obey it. Paul hints at the power of prayer with the words, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all
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2nd priority: The order of precedence in our

prayers: for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this

Prayer is more powerful than the power of governments. It can result in us leading a quiet and peaceable life, in which we can come together to worship God unhindered. God moves the hearts of the leaders through the prayers of His children.
godliness and honesty. Prayer is more powerful than the power of governments. It can result in us leading a quiet and peaceable life, in which we can come together to worship God unhindered. God moves the hearts of the leaders through the prayers of His children. We apply this prayer far too little and expect so little of it. This prayer is explicitly ordered by God, For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour (verse 3). Moreover, we should remember that God has everyone in view and that we should therefore pray for all people, Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth (verse 4). It is not God who excludes men from salvation; His will stands firm, but man excludes himself through his self-will. We find an example of this in Matthew 23:37, O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! And Peter declares in 2 Peter 3:9, The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. If it is stated what God wants and what He does not want, how can people say that He has predestined some to be saved and others to be lost? Our inner conviction should never include predestination; we should not set any limits. If everything was predestined, we would not be able, as is required of us in verse 1, to pray for all men. Then, everything would already be decided. God does not make fools of us. If it is His will to save all men, then we should pray for all men. Verses 5-6 refer again to this fact, the man Christ Jesus; who gave himself a ransom for all. be testified in due time. Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle, (I speak the truth in Christ, and lie not;) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity (verses 5-7). The reality of the incarnation of Jesus: Paul emphasizes in the first sentence three alternatives, namely God, men and the man Christ Jesus. If the man Christ Jesus as an individual person is emphasized in contrast with all other people, this highlights His incarnation in a special way. And this again emphasizes His divinity and the fact that as true God He became true man, in order to be able to be the mediator between God and man. Only the perfect God-man could combine God and man (John MacArthur). Among the thousands of beliefs, there is in reality no other possibility for man to come into contact with God than alone through the incarnate God, Jesus Christ. Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? (Mark 8:37). What does the mediation of Jesus mean in my life? God is constantly present in Jesus, and I am continually with God through Jesus. Does the Lord Jesus only become my mediator when I call upon His name, when I pray? Is He only my mediator when I repent and confess my transgressions? Is He only mediator when I want to approach God the Father? No. We understand the mediation of the Lord the wrong way around if we reduce it to certain situations, opportunities or actions. Jesus is the continual and constant mediator for us. Always and at all times He is in the middle, between us and the Father. There is no exception. This means that the Father always sees us in and through Jesus. Our life is hid with Christ in God (Colossians 3:3). Perhaps we are often so despondent for this reason, because we do not have this truth before our eyes. We only look at our shortcomings and are continually miserable because our lives cannot suffice the holy demands of God. Many among us live, therefore, under the impression that God continually looks down on our lives scowling, because He is not pleased. The truth is, though, that God looks upon

3rd priority: Jesus alone, For there is one God, and

one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; who gave himself a ransom for all, to

Our inner conviction should never include predestination; we should not set any limits. If everything was predestined, we would not be able, as is required of us in verse 1, to pray for all men.
us through Jesus, and thus He has His Son before His eyes. Therefore, He is also pleased with us. Just as we fell in Adam, so we are exalted in Jesus. If we do not doubt the first, we should not doubt the second. When will I have reached a stage where I can say of myself, Now the Lord is completely pleased with my life; now I have tried so hard, now my behavior is so good that it could not be better? Before this happens, we will have fallen flat on our faces a hundred times again. And every time we have fallen flat on our faces, do we need Jesus as our mediator? No, He is continually the mediator. This glorious truth does not lead us to a careless lifestyle, but on the contrary, it encourages us to walk with Jesus and to lead a sanctified life in complete obedience. The result of His incarnation: who gave himself a ransom for all (verse 6). Here it must be mentioned that it does not say that He was given or sacrificed, but that He gave Himself. Our redemption rests alone and exclusively on the initiative of God. It is His act of salvation for us. The Lord Jesus paid the whole price alone. Man could not do anything toward this, and nothing was expected of man. Jesus gave Himself as a ransom; not a part of Himself, not something of Himself or a lot of Himself, but His whole self. He did not keep anything back. He paid the whole price with His whole life. The term ransom in the Bible has three different meanings. From this we see how all-embracing the work of redemption of Jesus Christ is: 1. It describes the covering of a debt through a substitution (ransom). If there be laid on him a sum of money, then he shall give for the ransom of his life whatsoever is laid upon him (Exodus 21:30). 2. A slave was bought free with a ransom (Leviticus 25:51-55). 3. A ransom was paid for a condemned life, that is for a life destined for death, in order to save it, i.e. redeem it (Numbers 3:44-51 and Exodus 21:32). Exodus 21:32 says that if an ox killed a slave, a compensation of 30 shekels of silver had to be paid. This reminds us of the 30 pieces of silver that Jesus was betrayed for (Zechariah 11:12 and Matthew 26:15). We know that the Lord Jesus did not pay the ransom with silver or gold, but with His precious blood
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We have the privilege of living at this particular time, in the age of evangelism, the age of grace, the age of the Church. Now our task is to use this time and to set priorities, redeeming the time (Colossians 4:5 and Ephesians 5:16)in prayer for all people and in the spreading of sound doctrine (1 Timothy 1:10).
(1 Peter 1:18-19). The ransom was paid for all men, not just for a selection of them (verse 6). All men are under the divine counsel of salvation; nobody is excluded. The connection between verse 1 and verse 4 (all) makes this clear. We are called upon to pray for all men because all men are the object of His redemption. God wants all men to be saved, and therefore He paid the price for them all. How does this compare with the statement in Mark 10:45? For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. The price has been paid for all, but only for those who claim redemption for themselves personally is the ransom valid. There are further statements about the sacrifice of Jesus and the effect on diverse groups. In Ephesians 5:25 it says, Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it. Ephesians 5:2 says, And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour. And in Galatians 2:20 it says, I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. Jesus work of redemption is for all men, but only those who take advantage of it become partakers of it. For it (the Church), for us (those who claim it), for me (personally). The testimony of the incarnation of Jesus: to be testified in due time. Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle, (I speak the truth in Christ, and lie not;) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity (verses 6-7). To what does the testimony in due time refer? To the statements mentioned in this connection, namely: God has become our Savior (verse 3), God wants all men to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth (verses 1,4, 6; cf. also 4:10).

There is only one God and mediator between God and man (verse 5), The Lord Himself paid the price of redemption for all. This is the testimony in due time that Paul was ordained to proclaim as a teacher and apostle, particularly for the Gentiles, because these were now also included in the term all men (Galatians 2:7-8; Acts 22:15). What is meant by this to be testified in due time? In particular our age of grace, to which all the above-mentioned things apply and which have been fulfilled in Jesus. Parallel to this Paul wrote in his second letter to Timothy, Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began, but is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel: whereunto I am appointed a preacher, and an apostle, and a teacher of the Gentiles (2 Timothy 1:9-11). In Galatians 4:4 Paul states, When the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law. And in Romans 5:6, For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. We have the privilege of living at this particular time, in the age of evangelism, the age of grace, the age of the Church. Now our task is to use this time and to set priorities, redeeming the time (Colossians 4:5 and Ephesians 5:16)in prayer for all people and in the spreading of sound doctrine (1 Timothy 1:10). Paul emphasizes in this connection how important it is to stand by this doctrine in faith and in truth. It must fill our own hearts, and when we proclaim it or pass it on in any other way, it must be the one true doctrine, the sound doctrine (MR1110/422) (1 Timothy 1:10 & 4:6).


Dutch Scientists Create Killer Virus

Ron Fouchier, a giant of a man at L more than two meters tall (66), has

Should scientists be allowed to create extremely aggressive and highly infectious influenza viruses? Dutch virologists have done it and, in the process, triggered a fierce debate over the risks of bioterrorism and the potential release of deadly viruses.
Scientists at Philipp University in Marburg, Germany, conduct research in a lab with the highest so-called biosafety level, or BSL-4. Some virologists have called for research involving bird flu viruses to be conducted under such conditions. DAPD

dark circles under his eyes. His life has been stressful lately. They want to paint me as a homicidal idiot, he says heatedly. He is referring, most of all, to a powerful institution from the United States, the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity (NSABB). In his work Fouchier, a virologist, uses the methods of a branch of research that is as booming as it is controversial. Synthetic biology employs targeted manipulation through genetic engineering to construct new organisms. The 45-year-olds research has even set off alarm bells at the World Health Organization (WHO). Fouchier will appear before an international panel of experts at the WHO to explain his experiments. Fouchier is attracting so much attention because he has created a new organism. And although it is tiny, if it escaped from his laboratory it would claim far more human lives than an exploding nuclear power plant. The pathogen is a new mutation of the feared bird flu virus, H5N1. In nature, this virus, which kills one of every two people infected, has not yet been transmitted from humans to humans. So far, a relatively small number of people have caught the virus from poultry, and 336 people have died. But now Fouchiers experiments have given the research community a wake-up call. The scientist performed only a few targeted manipulations on the genetic material of the ordinary H5N1 virus and, to make the virus even more dangerous, he repeatedly trans-

mitted it from one laboratory animal to the next. In the end, the virus became airborne, the Dutch scientist explains. From then on Fouchiers ferrets, animals that most closely resemble humans when it comes to influenza, transmitted the virus to each other without direct contact, through tiny droplets of saliva and mucus. The scientific community anxiously anticipated learning about the details of the experiments. How had Fouchier manipulated the bird flu virus? And, most of all, must the medical community now fear that the natural bird flu virus will develop in similar ways? Scientists hoped to find answers to these questions in findings that were to be published in the scientific magazines Nature and Science. But the articles were not published. Officials from the NSABB had called the magazines executive editors to prevent their publication. The NSABB censorship came as a shock to most influenza researchers. Ive never seen anything like this, says Hans-Dieter Klenk, an influenza expert in the German city of Marburg. His colleague Stephan Ludwig, a virologist at the

University of Mnster in northwest Germany, sees the move as a threat to scientific freedom. A door has been pushed open here that wont be so easy to close again, he says. To buy some time in the face of so much opposition, 39 influenza researchers from around the world began a 60-day moratorium on all research related to controversial viruses at the end of January. We realize that organizations and governments around the world need time to find the best solutions for opportunities and challenges that stem from the work, the scientists wrote in an open letter published in Nature. Most virologists feel that the risks are justifiable. We have set up a laboratory here that has three separate physical barriers, Fouchier insists. The core of the laboratory consists of wardrobe-sized boxes outfitted with glass windows, each containing four cages of ferrets. Nevertheless, not even Fouchier can deny that pathogens have escaped from highly secure laboratories. The Russian flu of 1977 may have been triggered by a lab virus. SARS, a respiratory disease, almost returned when laboratory workers became infected with the coronavirus
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Want Social Justice? Raise Taxes

Achdut, a member of the Economics and L Management Department at the Ruppin Academic Center, a member of the Economics and Society Program team at The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute and former deputy head of the National Insurance Institute, is also part of the Israel 2021 endeavor. Asked about the social protest, Achdut agrees that the government needs to change its priorities, but warns against Israel losing its economic achievements. Some of the protesters belong to the richer classes yet still feel short of money. Will their situation improve? In Scandinavia, social solidarity takes the form of the richer paying more tax, benefiting the poor and middle class. Right now, there is no vision in Israel for how things should be, Achdut says. But thats okay. The murkiness will drive processes. When did the welfare state disappear? The extent of a welfare state is measured in public expenditure as a function of GDP. Israel

Leah Achdut cautions against Israel losing its economic achievements in a populist wave.

began reducing that ratio in 1985, Achdut says. It had to be done because public expenditure had reached 70% of GDP; but by the start of this millennium, that ratio had been reduced to 50%. What is our situation today relative to the world? Today, public expenditure as a function of GDP has fallen to 42%. In practice, excluding defense costs and interest payments, disposable income for spending on services to citizens has fallen to 33%, compared with the OECD average of 40%, Achdut answers. International comparisons show that countries that spend a lot and also collect a lot of taxes dont grow any less than countries that charge little tax and spend little, she said. The Scandinavian countries grow perfectly well with high expenditure and taxation. During the last two years Israels prosperity filtered down through job creation: unemployment is very low, which is good for all. Yet one cannot ignore that much of GDP originates in capital and profits, while the proportion generated by labor has been shrinking, Achdut says. During the past 10 years, inflation-adjusted wages have barely increased. The tycoons earn more and pay less tax, which is why inequality has increased, she notes. bomb, but only one nation has made use of it. What will happen in this case, creating a highly infectious influenza virus, is anybodys guess. Will such viruses be part of the final judgment? With assurance, we can say no. Why? Because endtime judgment, as described in the Apocalypse, is God initiated. Things will occur on Earth which are literally out of this world. We read, for example, in Revelation 9:3-6, And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads. And to them it was given that

What could be done in the short run of a few years, and what is the long-term solution? Since public expenditure as a function of GDP has shrunk so much, theres room to increase it without imperiling the economy, she says. Immediate steps can be taken regarding tax, such as canceling the tax cuts Netanyahu planned by 2016. We need the tax income to pay for services. So dont lower corporate tax to 18%, which would be the lowest rate in Europe. Dont lower income tax, because that would help only the richest.
-haaretz.com, 22 August 2011

A word of explanation: the word welfare is not equal to the meaning ascribed to it in the U.S. To be a welfare state means that everyone fares reasonably well. When it comes to statistics on human rights, healthcare, the environment, workers rights, etc., Scandinavian and northern European nations virtually always occupy the top 10 places. Israel is different. Although considered a welfare state until the late 1980s, Israel has drifted to the right in the political/economic arena. Professor Leah Achdut rightly says, The tycoons earn more and pay less tax. The recent occupy Tel Aviv stock exchange and other mass protests throughout
(continued next page)

Killer Virus

(continued from page 25)

during their work. A scientist in Chicago even died of SARS in 2009. Hundreds of new virus laboratories have been established worldwide in recent years, and highly dangerous pathogens are used in a large share of these laboratories. The risk of a virus being released accidentally is considerable, says critic Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University.
-www.spiegel.de, 17 February 2012

Man continues to do research in his unending quest to uncover some of Gods mysteries of creation. One of the major inventions has been weapons of war, and man has made use of it especially for the past 150 years. The most horrendous of mans creations was the atomic

they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man. And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them. What is the end result? Verse 21 answers, Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their 4323 thefts.
(For more on this subject, read Revelation 13: Satans Last Victory,

Item 1067.)




Computers to the Rescue for Psychiatric Disorder

Computer programs can be taught to select between brain scans of healthy young people and scans showing adolescents who are at higher risk of developing mental disorders such as anxiety and depression, scientists said.

Combining machine learning and neuL roimaging, we have a technique which

The researchers found the computer program predicted significantly higher risk probabilities for young people who were found in follow-up to have developed psychiatric disorders than for those who remained healthy at follow-up. Mary Phillips of Pittsburgh University in the United States, who also worked on the study, said since most mental disorders begin in adolescence or early adulthood, early detection and treatment could delay or even prevent future illness. Anxiety and mood disorders can have a devastating effect, she said in a statement. If we are able to identify those individuals at greatest risk early-on, we can offer early and appropriate interventions to delay, or even prevent, onset of these terrible conditions.
-www.reuters.com, 15 February 2012

shows enormous potential to help us identify which adolescents are at true risk of developing anxiety and mood disorders, especially where there is limited clinical or genetic information, said Janaina Mourao-Miranda of University College London, who led the study. Depression and other psychiatric disorders are a major cause of death, disability and economic burden worldwide. The World Health Organization predicts that by 2020, depression alone will be the second leading contributor to the global burden of disease across all ages. Two studies published late last year found that up to 40 percent of Europeans suffer from mental and neurological illnesses each year, and the annual cost of brain disorders is almost 800 billion euros. But experts think that being able to diagnose potential problems earlier, and intervene to help at-risk young people, could significantly reduce the damage caused by psychiatric disorders and help ward off serious or recurrent illness. A family history of bipolar disorder, for example, confers a 10 percent risk of future bipolar disorder, but also a 10 to 25 percent risk of conditions like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), major depression and anxiety disorders and it is impossible to say which, if any, is more likely.

This reveals another step toward man attempting to control the scientifically unidentifiable spirit-soul of a person. Will they be successful? The answer is yes. As science increases with the additional knowledge about the infrastructure of man, the realization that man is a living soul and that life originates with God will decrease. It stands to reason that scientists will increasingly ignore the Author and Creator of life and depend more on their own achievements. From the prophetic standpoint, we know that the ultimate goal is to control every human being on planet Earth. It is the great imitation of Satan, who by deception will unite humanity and create a counterfeit to the real perfect unity of the true Church of Jesus Christ on Earth.

Israel are beginning to move Israel somewhat to the left of the scale, but the bottom line will always be paying more taxes to implement more social justice. About 3,000 years ago, we read of Israels rebellion against the king. The people came to Rehoboam, the son of Solomon with this request, Thy father made our yoke grievous: now therefore make thou the grievous service of thy father, and his heavy yoke which he put upon us, lighter, and we will serve thee (1 Kings 12:4). The common people recognized that they were paying too much in taxes. They were the ones who made the king rich. We read the testimony in chapter 10, So king Solomon exceeded all the kings of the earth for riches and for wisdom (verse 23). Solomon was the richest king on earth, and his son Rehoboam was the heir. The people simply wanted a tax break. What was the answer of Rehoboam? And the king answered the people roughly, and forsook the old mens counsel that they gave him; And spake to them after the counsel of the young men, saying, My father made your yoke heavy, and I will add to your yoke: my father also chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions (verses 13-14). That broke the kingdom into two, JudahBenjamin and the ten tribes. Never again did Israel experience the glory of the past. Prophetically speaking, todays world operates in the reverse direction: not the breaking up of nations and groups, but the opposite. The voice of democracy, the masses of the people, insist on more equality; they want all the world to be ONE. In the end, this will lead to global democracy, and finally the entire earth will enthusiastically applaud their greatest leader Antichrist. 4335
(For more on this

Social Justice

(continued from page 26)

(For more on this subject, read Preparing for the Mark of the Beast, Item 1061.)

subject, read


Democracy Will Elect the Antichrist, Item 1064.)

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First Chinese Car Plant in Europe

It used to be that European carmakers opened plants to assemble their cars in China. Now the Chinese have turned the tables with the opening of their first factory in Bulgaria, an EU country with low labor costs and taxes. Increasingly, Chinese carmakers are setting their sights on the European and American automobile markets.

For years, European carmakers like L Volkswagen have established large joint ventures in order to gain footholds in the Chinese market, but now the tables appear to be turning. Stepping on the European market is our strategy, Great Wall CEO Wang Fengying said at the opening festivities. Within three to five years, the company plans to produce an entire line of models in Bahovitsa to be sold in Europe, she said. Test assembly of the Voleex C10 and the Steed 5 pick-up truck, which sell for 16,000 to 25,000 leva ( 8,200 to 12,800), began already in November. In the midterm, Great Wall plans to assemble around 50,000 automobiles per year at the 500,000 square meter plant. The number of workers is expected to grow from the current total of 120 to 2,000. Initially, the company plans to sell its vehicles primarily in Bulgaria and neighboring Eastern European countries like Serbia and Macedonia, but it

later plans to expand into other EU countries. Bulgaria, the EUs poorest country, is attractive as a labor market because it is an oasis of cheap wages and low taxes. Workers are considered well educated and the country is ideal as the site for a company like Great Wall to launch. Given that wages for factory workers have risen considerably in China in recent years, assembly sites abroad have become increasingly attractive for some manufacturers. Other Chinese carmakers are also expanding, but they are adopting diverse strategies in their push into Europe. Automobile-maker Geely, for example, purchased Swedish carmaker A Chinese Volvo from Ford in beachhead into Europe: Employees 2010. And Chinas stand next to an largest homegrown assembly line of the new Great Wall carmaker, Chery, toMotor car plant in gether with Italys the Bulgarian DR Motor, bought a village of Bahovitsa. Fiat plant in Termini AFP Imerese in Sicily. It is a way for them to make progress in quality levels, analyst Yann Lacroix of credit insurance firm Euler Hermes told French news agency Agence France Presse.
-www.spiegel.de, 22 February 2012

This is just another stepping stone toward an egalitarian world society. Countries that used to be called third world, poverty stricken, and seemingly hopeless are now arising. This shows again how Bible prophecy is being fulfilled, how the nations are coming closer through the avenue of merchandising (read Revelation 18).

(For detailed information about our increasingly global world, we suggest Democracy Invades Islam, Item 1072.)


Pope Warns Against Gay Marriage

The Pope warned of powerful political L and cultural currents seeking to alter the legal definition of marriage. He also urged the bishops to emphasize to their church that premarital sex and cohabitation was gravely sinful and damaging to the stability of society. Sexual differences cannot be dismissed as irrelevant to the definition of marriage, the Pope said. He acknowledged during the speech that his point of view may sound countercultural, especially to young people. But the Pope stressed that the bishops should do what they could to ensure traditional marriage would be defended from every possible misrepresentation of their true nature. Timothy Dolan, the New York archbishop who was recently made a cardinal by the
(continued next page)

Pope Benedict XVI has denounced gay marriage in a speech to US bishops visiting Vatican City.

Communist China, representing the worlds strongest economy, is outsourcing jobs to Europe, home of the most expensive workforce in the world. For Bulgaria, this is a shot in the armthe poorest European Union country, plagued with corruption, has become the open door for China to the worlds largest economy. Expert observers are not surprised; although China has a long way to go to catch up with Europe, they are on the right track. Most importantly, China is the great giant with pockets full of cash, thus experiencing only minimal opposition in their goal to acquire an ever-larger slice of European industry.




Rebuilding the Tower of Babel?

Earlier this year, the Malaysian Ministry of Defense unveiled its glossy new website, designed to show off its military prowess and high standards to the world. Unfortunately, nobody had bothered to check the English translations.

Scientists have been trying to automatically translate languages for almost as long as computers have been in existence. So why is it so hard? SPL

One section said that the Malaysian governL ment had taken drastic measures to in-

crease the level of any national security threat after the countrys independence in 1957. Another page suggested women should not wear items that poke out the eye, an apparent translation of a rule that women should not wear revealing clothing. The episode was embarrassing for the Malaysian ministry, but it also provides an object lesson in the limitations of todays machine translation technology, which despite billions of pounds of research and massive demand from businesses, politicians and the military, not to mention tourists, is still only stuttering along. So why is it so hard to automatically translate texts? Scientists and academics have been trying to automate translation for almost as long as computers have been in existence. In the 1940s and 1950s it

was widely assumed that once the vocabulary and the rules of grammar of a language had been codified, it would make automated translation easy, according to Dr Blunsom. But attempts to make computers learn languages in this way over the next forty years were largely unsuccessful, unless the range of words they were expected to translate was very limited. The main problem is that language is too complex, explains Philipp Koehn, a machine translation researcher at the University of Edinburgh School of Informatics. Language is always ambiguous, so you cant always use rules, and new vocabulary is always coming in, so you need someone to continually maintain those rules. What it boils down to is that there are simply too many possible rules for them all to be written down, and there are also too many exceptions to those rules, he adds.
-www.bbc.com, 6 March 2012

Mans attempt to bridge over Gods division of the languages is in full swing. Will he succeed? As the article indicates, accurate translation from one language into another seems all but impossible.

A recent vivid example occurred in our family. A person who is unjustifiably afraid is called a chicken in English. In German, however, it is a frog (sei kein Frosch). To program this knowledge into a computer and turn the chicken into a frog violates basic definition rules. Nevertheless, from the Bible we know that a manmade instrument (image) will be able not only to speak but also to distinguish whats in the mind of the person (mind reading); thus we read, Saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beastthat the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed (Revelation 13:14-15). That will be the end result, the crown of mans scientific achievement; his own manufactured image will become the ultimate authoritya manmade god. 4327
(For more on this subject, read One World, Item 2203.)

Gay Marriage

(continued from page 28)

Pope Benedict XVI has long supported traditional marriage between a man and a woman Reuters

tate a national conflict between Church and state of enormous proportions.

-bbc.co.uk, 9 March 2012

Pope, spoke out during 2011 against the spread of same-sex marriage laws. In September 2011, shortly after New York passed legislation, he wrote to President Obama criticizing a decision not to support a federal ban on same-sex marriage. In the letter, the then-Archbishop Dolan said the White Houses policy could precipi-

Archbishop (now Cardinal) Dolans statement highlights the potential conflict between Church and state, from political/religious perspectives. But what the Bible says is decisive for Christians. We read in Romans 1:26-28, For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leav-

ing the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient. 4332
(For more on this subject, read Signs of the Times, Item 9103.)

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American Doctors Terrified of Litigation

Imagine that you are floating in a small raft, in the middle of the ocean, with a fiery sun beating down on your back. There is one other person in the raft, who is thirsty, so you give him the only bottle of water available. He chokes on the water and develops pneumonia. When you are rescued two days later, your companion goes to your boss, and tells him you should be fired and they compensated.

Welcome to the world of medical malL practice.

Not much is supposed to scare the modern American physician. After all, they work in a complex environment of growing specialization, within an ever-changing practice landscape. They deal with matters of life and death on a daily basis. Despite statistics by the WHO that put the overall US healthcare ranking among the lowest for western democracies, American physicians are widely regarded as the best in the world, with excellent use of the latest medical evidence in their practice. Yet, there is something that is on the mind of every American physician, every single day the threat of litigation. In some counties in the US, if a physician is found guilty of malpractice, the prosecution can go after their assets, including savings and homes. Malpractice suits also affect the ability to get on staff at other hospitals, referrals from insurance companies, and licensing in other states. One or two successful lawsuits, whether justified or not, can destroy a physicians career. At the very least, these lawsuits change the prism through which the physician views patient care. Against this backdrop, one can easily understand where the term defensive medicine comes from. It is impossible for a physician in

the US to examine and diagnose even a single patient without considering the possibility of litigation. This fear of lawsuits permeates every aspect of medicine. Physicians document patient visits, knowing that a judge can subpoena their clinical notes. They are careful when corresponding with patients or their peers via e-mails or text messages, knowing that these can also be subpoenaed. The effect this might have on patient care is hard to know. So what, you ask? Well, the patient then learns that invasive testing and procedures are the only valid way to treat their condition. They become less willing to accept more conservative treatment measures. It makes sense that they would then advise their acquaintances to get MRIs if they have back pain. As every physician knows, if a patient enters the office insistent on a particular test, it is too dangerous from a liability standpoint to ignore his/her requests. Ordering the MRI is easier, and legally more astute, than spending several minutes counseling the patient as to why the MRI is not helpful. Things have gone too far. Doctors routinely stop seeing patient populations that they perceive as high-risk. They order unnecessary tests to protect themselves from lawsuits. The patient-doctor relationship is put under tremendous strain. Medical professionals who practice in other countries may be shocked by the degree to which the proverbial sword of litigation hangs over the head of every American doctor. They have good reasonthis is, for now, the way that American society has chosen to deal with conflicts within the doctor-patient relationship.
-www.aljazeera.com, 16 February 2012

The few excerpts from the extended article show that a physician must also practice law while trying to practice medicine. [GALLO/GETTY] This fact is supported by the various claims made in the media. Generally, law firms promise great rewards for patients who believe they are the casualty of malpractice; thus, greed becomes part of the American healthcare system. Our concern, however, is the Church of Jesus Christ. How are we to act? Here is what we read in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are Gods. That should be our guideline. What are we to do in case of sickness? Here James 5:14-15 answers, Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. Finally, it is important to realize that our life is hid in Christ Jesus, and remember Hebrews 9:27, And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment. In Psalm 90:12 we are admonished, So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. 4329
Malpractice premiums in high-risk specialties, such as neurosurgery, can be up to $140,000 per year
(For daily biblical wisdom, read Spiritual

Strength for Each Day, Item 1062.)




Address letters for publication to: Letters to the Editor, Midnight Call, P.O. Box 280008, Columbia, SC 29228. Include full name, address, and daytime phone number. Without name and address, letters will be discarded unread. All material is subject to editing. Midnight Call assumes all publishing rights on letters sent to the Editor. Note: All letters will be answered by the Executive Editor, Arno Froese.

The Thief, the Law and the Soul... Four Questions... Global Conspiracy
The Thief, the Law and the Soul Dear Mr. Froese, As I read the March issue of Midnight Call, I found several subjects of concern. First, in the article by N. Winkler, Jesus Is Coming Soon, he states that the moment we die, we are in the presence of God. As proof text, he quotes the statement of Jesus, I say unto you, today you shall be with me in heaven. However, in the original transcripts, there were no punctuations. They were added later. In this instance, the comma was misplaced. Jesus did not go to heaven that day! He arose on the third day and then spent some forty days talking with and instructing his disciples before he ascended into heaven (read 24:13-51). In the Letter to the Editor on Keeping the Law, you say, The entire law is nailed to the cross. Sorry, but I agree with the writer of the letter. You quoted Scriptures in Colossians 2, but missed some important points. The handwriting of requirements that was against uscontrary to us refers to the handwritten Mosaic laws. The Ten Commandments were written by the finger of Godnot handwritten. They were placed inside the Ark of the Covenant, while the Mosaic laws were placed outside the ark. In the second letter regarded Soul Sleep, Genesis 2:7 states that God made man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul. The soul is the totality of man, his body and all its functions. We often say things like, I went to the park and there was not a soul there. The word spirit generally refers to the Spirit of God/the Holy Spirit.
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side. That, obviously, was after He had ascended unto the Father. The mistake we often make is trying to analyze Scripture from earthly, physical perspectives, ignoring heavenly, physical realities. Man consists of spirit, soul and body, as written in 1 Thessalonians 5:23. We dont have a chance at keeping the law. Even the slightest hidden thought in my mind condemns me as a lawbreaker continuously. As to the Ten Commandments, they were written as a confirmation to Israel that they were transgressors just like Adam and Eve, who took of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Hence all people, at all times, know what is good and evil. The Bible says, the soul that sinneth, it shall die, and, the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. That may seem illogical for a loving God, but I do not have the authority to take it upon myself to change the clear statement of Holy Scripture.

It also refers to the good or evil spirits, sometimes an active presence within man. We may be moved by the Holy Spirit or tempted by evil spirits, which can affect our feelings, emotions and actions. Its true: if we walk in the Spirit, we will not fulfill the lust of the flesh. We will not seek after fleshly desires. My biggest concern in this article, however, is with your answer regarding the death of those who are lost. You say that the soul that sinneth, it shall die and suffer for all eternity. That is NOT true! God does not continue that punishment throughout all eternity. What kind of God would have people who are spiritually lost burn in hell forever and ever, throughout all eternity? Even we, as human beings would not keep someone alive and burning forever! That is cruel, inhumane and certainly not what a loving God would doeven to the worst sinner. His punishment is always appropriate to the crime!
-O. Snyder, CA

4. Can you list the names of all the children that Adam and Eve had? It seems there were nine. If you could answer these questions, I would really appreciate it. Thank you for your time.
-C. Jenkins, MO

Answer: We may not comprehend the words Jesus spoke, but we are safe in leaving it the way it is, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise. Physically, this is impossiblebut spiritually, its a reality. We, who are still on earth, are simultaneously in heavenly places with Christ Jesus (see Ephesians 2:6; Philippians 3:20). Jesus said to Mary, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father, because He had to ascend to the Father first. Later, He invites Thomas, Reach hither thy fingerand thrust it into my

Four Questions Midnight Call Ministries, I enjoy your magazine very much. Its always very interesting. I have a few questions in which I need some answers: 1. Please explain the seven levels of heaven. 2. The number of crowns that is talked about in Revelation; do they have stars on them, and what do they mean? 3. The new heaven and the new earth: will the new earth be our heaven?

Answer: To your questions, the following: 1. I find no mention of seven levels of heaven in the Bible. 2. Crown is an earthly symbol of rulership. A crown is promised to those who overcome (Revelation 2:10; 3:11). Revelation 12 speaks of the nation of Israel, upon her head a crown of 12 stars. This signifies the 12 tribes of Israel and, spiritually, the 12 apostles of the Lamb. The last time its mentioned is in Revelation 14:14, where the Son of man, having a golden crown on His head and the sharp sickle in his hand, demonstrates His absolute authority on earthHe will rule the nations with a rod of iron. 3. The new heaven and the new earth are indescribable except for what we read in Revelation. Wherever Jesus is, there we shall be also, according to 1 Thessalonians 4:17. 4. Genesis 5:4 answers, And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters. He lived to the age of 930. But the Bible does not give information as to how many children he had.

Global Conspiracy Dear Midnight Call, Hello everyone at MC! I very much appreciate your publication and look forward to reading it every month (I must like




itI have been a subscriber a few years now). Thanks for your help and a great publication! I was getting into the Bilderberg and Tri-lateral Commission readings, until I read the ongoing series cautioning about it and that it has no biblical basis to the theories. That saved me from going down a path that probably would have only confused me about the Bible writings! Thanks again for everything.
-M. Jeffery, GA

seems to be more possible than I would have believed earlier, would this not lead to a situation of Israel going to war with Iran? This would seem to create the need for someone to broker in a peace agreement and maybe the 7 year treaty.
-K. Donaldson, NC

Answer: During the about 6,000 years of human history, everyone blames the other. Adam blamed Eve, Eve blamed the serpent, and Cain had the gall to answer God, Am I my brothers keeper? Since that time, innumerable wars have been fought and each time, the winner blamed the loser. In our time when war has virtually ceased in the European world (West), we blame others for financial and economic problems. Conspiracy Theories are a welcome avenue to make sense of imaginations, and all for one purposeto deviate the Church of Jesus Christ from its calling. When we occupy ourselves with politics or conspiracies, it will take time and resources away from our calling to show forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9).

Answer: The Church may take notice of world events, but may ignore anything that is taking place in the political world because it has no direct connection to the Church of Jesus Christ. Israel always has and always will act totally independent of any other nation. Here we must recall Israels Operation Babylon, when they destroyed Iraqs nuclear facility on 7 June 1981. Then President Ronald Reagan responded with an embargo of the sale of further F16 aircraft to Israel. Reagan said Israel had violated its commitment to use the planes only for self-defense. Israel knows better than to listen to anyone, as past experience has taught. Israel must and will act to protect their nation.

happen as Jesus grave clothes were left and His head garment neatly folded up. I also believe the graves of the saved will be disturbed, broken open and their remains gone, be it dust or bones. After all, there is a one to one correspondence with the old body and our new bodies in the resurrection. Again, Jesus is our model. How will the world explain this event? Also, do you think there is a gap between the Rapture and the start of the 70th week? It seems to me the Antichrist may need some time to go from the Little Horn to the world dictator after the restraining Holy Spirit leaves with the Church.
-M. Hoxmeier, CA

Church and Politics Dear Midnight Call, In light of world events and the current chaos in the Republican Party, do you see this as a real sign of Christs return? If Obama is reelected, and that

The Rapture Event Dear Mr. Froese, I believe the Rapture will be a much documented event. Consider all the cameras about: security cameras, folks shooting YouTube videos, vacation videos, live sporting events, movie shoots, live television, etc. This goes on 24/7 worldwide. Picture a great multitude of people disappearing before the worlds eyes, with their clothes left behind. I gather this will

Answer: Jesus is not our model; He is different as death could not hold Him, and His body did not see corruption. We have no evidence that other people, besides the disciples, witnessed the ascension of Jesus from the Mount of Olives. Will the world witness the Rapture? I personally dont think so because the Rapture is a supernatural intervention of God in human history to remove the light from the world. How the world will react is left to our imagination. Books have been written and films made, but all are based on imagination, fiction, and fantasy. Is there a gap after the Rapture for the Antichrist to prepare? Again, I dont think so because Antichrist has been preparing humanity for 6,000 years. All lost human beings are his people, doing his will, and ultimately worshiping him. His final goal is reached when all that dwell

M AY 2 0 1 2



summary: Action for Israel was founded as a result of the Yom Kippur War in 1973. Our late founder, Dr. Wim Malgo, wanted to demonstrate Christian love to the people who lost loved ones during that terrible war. Since that time, we have continued to receive funds and use them to comfort the people of Israel in the name of Jesus. There are various Christian organizations Midnight Call also supports, but due to the sensitive issue of missionary activity, we do not publish their names or the extent of their ministry. The address for Fredi and Beate Winkler is: Hotel Beth Shalom PO Box 6208 31060 Haifa ISRAEL

upon the earth shall worship him. For that reason, he challenged Jesus to worship him and until this day, he is trying to destroy the Church. We are living in a most dangerous time because the distinction between the Church and the world is being increasingly eradicated.

Action for Israel Dear Midnight Call Ministries: My parents have received your magazine for years, and Ive been known to read through it from time to time also. In your February issue, I was drawn to the article called Action for Israel. I was looking for a ministry God wanted me to support with monthly donations. I knew without a doubt God led me to this article. I would like to support this ministry each month. Is there any other information you can send me concerning the Action for Israel ministry? Might I have the address of the Winklers in Israel, just to write them? If you cant give that out, Ill understand. Our family does Gods work too and we also have nine children; six girls and three boys like these who are Christians. Just thought it might be interesting to correspond with them. I thank your ministry for all you do, and youre always in my prayers.
-R. Phelps, MT

Answer: Time and space permitting, we will continue to update our readers about our Action for Israel project, now in its 39th year. Here is a short

Two Creations? Dear Editor Froese, I came across a January 2009 copy of Midnight Call, which has been my first opportunity at reading this very informative magazine. After reading the Letters to the Editor section, I was in hopes of sharing some of my ideas. I would very much like to get yours as well as the readers opinions on this subject: Two Different Versions of Creation? There appear to be two different versions of the creation found in the Bible. They show two different orders of events, and regarding the purpose of mankind after the fall from grace. From studying these accounts, I came to see that in the first, the earth emerged out of the waters and was saturated with moisture, which needed to

be gathered into one place so dry land could appear. The second version shows the whole face of the earth needed to be watered. Now the birds and beasts are created before man in the first version, and in the second, man is created first. All fowl that fly are made out of the waters in the first account, while in the second they are made out of the ground. Man is created in the image of God in the first story, while in the second man is made out of the dust and animated by the breath of life. Only after eating the forbidden fruit does God say that because of this, man has become as one of us and knows good and evil. In the first account, man is made lord of the whole earth, while in the second, he is merely placed in the garden to dress and keep it. And again, in the first account, the man and woman are created together as the completion work of the whole process of creation, while in the second version, the beasts and birds are created after the appearance of the man and before the creation of the woman. In conclusion, was the second version composed by a different writer than the first?
-B. Howard, SC

Answer: The Bible reports of only one creation. Chapter 1 gives the summary and chapter 2 gives the details. That, incidentally, is good journalism. Pick up a media piece and you will find that the first paragraph gives a summary, and then continues to give details, but all about the same event. MC




2 0 1 2 AT L A N T I C COA S T P R O P H E C Y CO N G R E S S

When Light Meets Darkness

20-22 October 2012
Landmark Resort Hotel, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Midnight Calls Prophecy Congress will be held under the theme, When Light Meets Darkness. This promises to be one of the greatest gatherings in 2012. There is much commotion, insecurity, and often fear of the future expressed everywhere. The conflict in the Arab world continues. Israel finds itself again in a precarious situation, fearing for its very existence if no military action is undertaken against Iran. Yet the whole world unanimously strongly advises Israel, dont attack. Then there is the coming election in the United States and several other countries. Everyone seems to have an answer, but Bible believers know there is none except one Answerthe Lord Jesus Christ, the Light of the world. The Gospel of John reports, In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not (John 1:45). During these 2 days of intense Bible study, it will be shown from Holy Scripture that we are living in darkness, which covers the whole world. Yet, there is light and that light will be the center of the 2012 Atlantic Coast International Prophecy Congress. You owe it to yourself to participate in this important event by sending in your registration early. The entire fee is 100% refundable at any time. So, dont miss this important Prophecy Congress: register today!


This fine facility, in the heart of Myrtle Beach, offers extremely favorable rates for conference participants. There are various categories of rooms and suites available. Some have full kitchen facilities, but all rooms are equipped with a kitchen sink, refrigerator and microwave oven. The hotel is located directly on the oceanfront. There are a number of restaurants close by on Ocean Boulevard. Only two blocks away is the famous Kings Highway. Here you will find several restaurants and shops for your convenience.

Registration is $59 ($49 by 31 July) per person. As always, the registration fee is 100% refundable should you be hindered from attending the conference. Although the hotel offers over 400 rooms for your selection, they are available only on a first-come-first-serve basis. Therefore, we recommend that you make your reservations early.

M AY 2 0 1 2


2 0 1 2 AT L A N T I C COA S T P R O P H E C Y CO N G R E S S


When Light Meets Darkness

From Switzerland comes Dr. Roger Liebi (Dipl. Mus., B.Th., M.Th., Th.D.). He has served in many of Midnight Calls conferences and Congresses in Europe and Israel. Dr. Liebi is proficient in classical and modern Hebrew, as well as Aramaic and Greek. He has authored many works translated into various languages. Dr. Elia Morise, an Egyptian Arab, will be a highlight as he presents Scripture from Egyptian perspectives. Dr. Morises knowledge and experience relating to the witness to Muslims will definitely be a great benefit to the Church in America. Dr. Morise is the main Arab language speaker for Midnight Calls Radio New Hope programs. From Germany, we have Norbert Lieth. He is a graduate of Midnight Call Bible School in Montevideo, Uruguay. He has served as Midnight Calls missionary in several South American countries. Norbert Lieth is the lead speaker for Midnight Call Ministries throughout Europe. Wilfred Hahn comes from Canada. He is known for his writings and insights on present-day world economic and money trends, viewed from a Biblical perspective. He has global investment industry experience spanning three decades, having held various executive positions from Director of Research for a major Wall Street firm, to Chairman of Canadas largest global investment group.

20-22 October 2012

Landmark Resort Hotel, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Dr. Roger Liebi

Arno Froese is the executive director of Midnight Call Ministries U.S.A. and editor-in-chief of the criticallyacclaimed prophetic magazines Midnight Call and News from Israel. He has authored a number of well-received books, and has sponsored many prophecy conferences in the U.S., Canada and Israel. This is Americas first and only International Prophecy Congress. It is expected to be filled early.


Dr. Elia Morise

Norbert Lieth

Irit Iffert Jael Kalisher

Govert Roos

Wilfred Hahn

Arno Froese

For the first time, we will have two Israeli believers, Irit Iffert and Jael Kalisher. They will bless us with their exceptional musical talents, compassionately presenting Hebrew Scripture songs, along with traditional and modern Christian music. But there is more good news: originating from the Netherlands, Govert Roos, who serves as music director at Midnight Call International Headquarters in Dbendorf, Switzerland, will bless us with his inspiring voice, contributing to the theme, When Light Meets Darkness.

Mail to: Midnight Call P.O. Box 84309, Lexington, SC 29073
MC 05/12

Registration by phone: (800) 845-2420 or (803) 755-0733 Fax: (803) 755-6002

When Light Meets Darkness


20-22 October 2012

Registration Fee: $59 per person ($49 by 31 July) # in party: ______x $59 Total Registration $ ________________ # Banquet: ______x $35 Total for Banquet $ ________________ Total Enclosed $ ________________ Participants Name: Attending Banquet? 1._____________________________ Yes__ No__ 2._____________________________ Yes__ No__ 3._____________________________ Yes__ No__

Your Name:_________________________________ Address:________________________________ City:_____________________State:____Zip:____ Phone:_________________________________ Email:__________________________________

o Check o Visa/MC/Disc/AMEX

Card#__________________________________ Expires:______ Signature:________________________________



When Light Meets Darkness


20-22 October 2012

Landmark Resort Hotel, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina


Time 8:30 9:15 9:45 10:15 11:00 14:00

Saturday, 20 October

Sunday, 21 October
Elia Morise Testimony to Islam: Part I

Monday, 22 October
Norbert Lieth The Target of Eternal Light

Irit Iffert, Jael Kalisher, Govert Roos Roger Liebi Are We Really in the Endtimes? Part I Arno Froese Darkness upon the Earth Wilfred Hahn Endtime Global Political Economies Irit Iffert, Jael Kalisher, Govert Roos Roger Liebi Are We Really in the Endtimes? Part II Norbert Lieth The Light of God in History Irit Iffert, Jael Kalisher, Govert Roos Elia Morise Testimony to Islam: Part II

Irit Iffert, Jael Kalisher, Govert Roos Elia Morise Testimony to Islam: Part III TBA Roger Liebi Are We Really in the Endtimes? Part III Irit Iffert, Jael Kalisher, Govert Roos Questions & Answers

14:45 15:15 18:30 19:00 19:45 20:15 Introduction/Welcome Arno Froese Darkness upon Israel Irit Iffert, Jael Kalisher, Govert Roos Wilfred Hahn Prophecys View on Geopolitical Darkness

Congress Banquet
Norbert Lieth Messianic Light Arno Froese When Light Meets Darkness

MC 05/12


Mail to: Atlantic Coast Prophecy Congress, Landmark Resort Hotel, 1501 South Ocean Blvd., Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 Reservations: (800) 845-0658 or Fax (843) 445-7274
Please mention Midnight Call or Atlantic Coast Prophecy Congress when calling.


Arrival Date:____________

o Interiorview Hotel Rooms $39/night o Oceanview Hotel Rooms $42/night o Oceanfront Hotel Rooms $49/night o King Angle Oceanview Suites $49/night o Oceanfront Efficiencies $51/night o Oceanfront Suites $55/night o Double Angle Oceanview Suites $51/night # in party:___________ o Deluxe Oceanfront Suites $56/night

Departure Date:__________

Your Name:_________________________________ Address:________________________________ City:_____________________State:____Zip:____ Phone:_________________________________ Email:__________________________________

o Check o Visa/MC/Disc/AMEX

$___ /night x ___ nights = *Plus $7 resort fee per night *Plus 13% accommodations tax Total for Accommodations

$_________ $_________ $_________ $_________

Card#__________________________________ Expires:______ Signature:________________________________

M AY 2 0 1 2 37


Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus (Romans 3:24).
B y A r n o F r o e s e
our missionaries Erich and Jutta Schfer write the following:

hat a remarkable statement, justified freely. This is difficult to comprehend with the intellect, but it fills the heart of the believer with joy. We are participants of His accomplished redemption in and through Christ Jesus our Lord. The next verse reveals the center of redemption, His blood: Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God. Then the declaration is made with the following simple, yet amazingly powerful words, To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus. That is the completed work of grace and, amazingly, all we have to do is believe. There are no more and no less requirements to attain the position of being sons and daughters of God than to believe. These few words are a summary of our missionaries activity. They present this glorious gospel of grace to people everywhere. What is the result? In a recent report published in Mitternachtsruf bersee,
38 M I D N I G H T C A L L

but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom we have now received the atonement (Romans 5:11). To have joy in God is revealed in various ways. Just recently, we experienced that many brethren in our church had been taken in by the spirit of missions to go out for the one specific purposeproclaiming the glorious Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Young and old are involved in the mission activity. As a result of the various undertakings, a number of new churches have been established. Thats how it was again on a recent Saturday. At about 11:00 we all met at the church in Hurlingham, a suburb of the city of Buenos Aires. On that morning, our group consisted of young people ages 18-25, with a number of elderly as well. Just about everyone able and willing to be part of this missions project was ready to go. Midnight Call missionaries took part in this undertaking. We drove our Maranatha-Latino-Mobil to undergird this

At about 11:00 we all met at the church in Hurlingham, a suburb of the city of Buenos Aires. On that morning, our group consisted of young people ages 18-25, with a number of elderly as well. Just about everyone able and willing to be part of this missions project was ready to go.

missions endeavor. One of our old time missionaries, Hilde Kuriger, who served the Lord Jesus for over 40 years in Bolivia, Uruguay and Brazil, happened to be on a visit to our station. In spite of her 76 years of age and the extreme heat, she joyfully accompanied us to do the work of the Lord. Hilde was eager to help preparing bundles of tracts for the event, which were later distributed from door-to-door. About 30 young people were eagerly at work. During lunchtime, many testified with gladness about the experience and conversations they had when knocking on doors. Hilde, who speaks Spanish quite well, reported of the many conversations she had. She gave testimony during the lunch break, and that was another encouragement to do the work of the Lord. At about 16:00, a school bus arrived with a group of teenagers. There were about 40 young people, ages 12-18. There was so much activity oc-

curring in the church facilities that it was like an anthill, with people walking and running to and fro throughout the campus. How wonderful it was to realize that everyone had the same goal, namely leading people to Jesus Christ. So one more time, we went back to work in small groups, targeting people on the streets and in parks. One group took along a football, and was able to play a game with locals who found themselves eager participants. At the end, the Gospel was presented. Several of these young people came with the group back to the church to hear more about the Lord Jesus Christ, who forgives sins and saves us from eternal damnation. The evening was concluded with discussions and prayer. Tired, but full of joy and thankfulness to our Lord for the opportunity to proclaim His Word, which will not return unto Him void, we give Him praise, honor, and glory. MC

Mail to: Midnight Call Ministries, PO Box 84309, Lexington, SC 29073

r After prayerful consideration, I/we have decided to support ________________. r yearly r monthly r one time $__________


To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever (Jude 25).

Name:___________________________________________ Address:______________________________________ City:_________________________________ _________ State:______________________Zip:______ __________ Credit Card #:__________________________________ Exp:________________Phone:____________________ Email:________________________________________

With credit card ready, call: 800-845-2420 or fax: 803-755-6002

M AY 2 0 1 2



Dont Go to the Temple Mount, Rabbis Warn


he center of the world is Israel; it is located between the three major continents: Europe, Asia, and Africa. Some ancient drawings also reveal Israel as the center of the world. The city of Jerusalem is the center of Israel, and the center of Jerusalem is the Temple Mount. But right now, on top of that mount stands the Dome of the Rock, a Muslim structure completed in 691. Thus, the heart of Israel is occupied by a shrine in honor of the Islamic religion. While many Jews have tried, sometimes forcefully, to reoccupy the Temple Mount, all have failed. Today, it is all but impossible to visualize the removal of the Dome of the Rock and it being replaced with a Jewish temple. A recent article in the Jerusalem Post reports the following:
Sephardi Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar, along with several other senior rabbis, has issued a public statement to warn the public that visiting the Temple Mount is forbidden by Jewish law. It is a sacred duty to awaken your hearts [to the fact that] it is completely forbidden according to Jewish law to go up to the Temple Mount, the statement reads. This

prohibition has been simple and clear for a long time, and has been forbidden by all of the great Torah scholars. The Temple Mount is Judaisms holiest site. However, Jewish law requires those going up to the site to be ritually pure, a status only obtainable through a ceremony that cannot be performed today. Along with Chief Rabbi Amar, the much-respected rabbi of the Old City of Jerusalem Avigdor Neventzal, former Sephardi Chief Rabbi Bakshi Doron, and dean of the Porat Yosef yeshiva in the Old City all signed the statement. Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger also added his name to the declaration and said that anyone giving permission to Jews to visit the site was leading people astray.

The religious authorities of the Jews, the chief rabbis, recognize that this tiny spot in the center of Jerusalem is the place where once the glorious Temple of Solomon stood. But presently, one cannot even step on this portion of real estate without offending Jewish Law. Why is the Temple Mount so important? Because Judaism, without the center, the Temple, is not complete.

He Shall Build the Temple

The word temple appears over 200 times in the Bible. In the Old Testament, the temple meant the literal, physical temple on Mount Moriah. In the New Testament, it is the spiritual temple, which is made up of born again believers in whom the Spirit of God resides. One of the profound prophecies often quoted by Orthodox Jews is Zechariah 6:12, And speak unto him, saying, Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, saying, Behold the man whose name is The BRANCH; and he shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the temple of the LORD. That is one Scripture many Jews comfort themselves with, knowing that sometime in the future, the temple will be built. But who is this BRANCH? Verse 13 answers, Even he shall build the temple of the LORD; and he shall bear the



Why is the Temple Mount so important? Because Judaism, without the center, the Temple, is not complete.
glory, and shall sit and rule upon his throne; and he shall be a priest upon his throne: and the counsel of peace shall be between them both. Clearly, this is the King-Priest, a title contrary to biblical law. Israels first king Saul violated that principle when he took upon himself the office of a priest, and was subsequently rejected by God. But the BRANCH will build the temple of the Lord and will be a ruler (King) and a priest. From New Testament perspectives, we know that Jesus prophesied in John 2:19, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. That is the spiritual temple, the body of Christ. Peter writes about it, Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ (1 Peter 2:5), and the Apostle Paul confirms, In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord: In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit (Ephesians 2:21-22). The spiritual temple is a reality. The Jews have been waiting for about 2,000 years, and pray, Next year in Jerusalem. Since 14 May 1948, the State of Israel exists on the soil of the Promised Land. In 1967, Jerusalem was liberated and later declared as the capital city of the State of Israel. But the temple is still missing. tween the Jews and the Gentiles. He makes it crystal clear that God has not rejected His people, I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin (Romans 11:1). Then Paul shows our duty toward Israel, I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy (verse 11). The Jews in Israel know their history well. They are taught in school about their dispersion throughout the world, the persecution they endured, and the worst that ever happenedthe Holocaust, when over 6 million Jews were murdered during Germanys Nazi reign of Europe. For Jews to witness the generosity and love of Christians is something words cannot describe. Often, we have experienced that those who receive our love in the form of donations, have indeed awoken to jealousy: Why are you helping us? Why do you express so much love for the Jewish people and the nation of Israel? What is your real purpose? Our answer is, God loves His people. Israel is Gods firstborn, and Jesus Himself stated, Salvation is of the Jews. That is why Midnight Call Ministries established the Action for Israel fund in 1973. It is an active demonstration of our love for His people in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Yes, the temple has already been built and could be ready for completion at any moment. Its the spiritual temple, the body of Christ, the true Church on earth. But when that spiritual temple is removed by a supernatural intervention of God, then the time will come for the Jews in the land of Israel to finally get their temple. MC

The Spiritual Temple

Here is where believers come in. We, who constitute this spiritual temple of God, do not need a physical temple built with mens hands; we have access to the very throne of God through the precious blood of Jesus Christ our Lord. The Apostle Paul deals with the relationship be-

n rael

r After prayerful consideration, I/we have decided to support the project Action for Israel. r yearly r monthly r one time $_______

Mail to: Midnight Call Ministries, PO Box 84309, Lexington, SC 29073



I will bless them that bless thee... (Genesis 12:3).

Name:___________________________________________ Address:______________________________________ City:_________________________________ _________ State:______________________Zip:______ __________ Credit Card #:__________________________________ Exp:________________Phone:____________________ Email:________________________________________

With credit card ready, call: 800-845-2420 or fax: 803-755-6002

M A Y 20 12


Midnight Calls
May Resource Guide
What is the mark of the beast? Can we identify the Mark today?
he Mark of the Beast, as found in Revelation 13, has long been a subject of heated debate, even outrageous sensationalism. What is the mark of the beast? Can we identify the Mark today? Are we approaching the final revelation? That is what this book is all about. Only a few decades ago, the identity system based on computer technology and science was not available. Yet, preparation for it had already begun in the Garden of Eden. Now, however, we are in the end stages of the end times; therefore, an identity system will and must be established globally in the not too distant future. Preparing for the Mark of the Beast tracks the various stages of development which target the global imple-

mentation as prophesied in Revelation 13:14-15, And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. This book is definitely a must read for all who are waiting for the coming of the Lord and want to be warned of the things taking place in our world today.


ITEM # 1061 240 pgs. Hardcover

$16.95 Sale $12

Author: Arno Froese

Read about Satans plan to create peace and prosperity through deception!
Finally, it seems the world has a leadership they can trust, admire, even worship. How Satan and his cohorts accomplish this feat of deception, and how far his preparations have progressed is the theme of this book, Revelation 13: Satans Last Victory.

Something strange is happening in the Mideast.

The awakening of the Arab nations heralds to the world the coming great changethe Arabs are to be counted as an important power structure on earth. Democracy Invades Islam reveals how the Arab revolution will hasten the establishment of the final world government under the auspices of Democracy, led by Antichrist.


ITEM # 1067 256 pgs. Paperback


ITEM # 1072 256 pgs. Paperback

$11.95 Sale $9

Author: Arno Froese

$12.95 Sale $10

Author: Arno Froese


Enhance Your Study of Bible Prophecy

This project has been described as one of the most comprehensive works dealing with Bible prophecy, as it represents years of research. Along with the text of the King James Version, a centuries-old best-seller, this Bible provides textual commentary, historical information, full-color charts and maps, more than 75 topical articles from some of the finest scholars in the field of Bible prophecy, a concordance, and a special prophecy time-line, displaying the events of history and describing the future. FEATURES: Full-color overview charts Center-column references Timelines of biblical events More than 70 articles related to Bible prophecy Book introductions 83 charts and tables Bible concordance Textual notations on key passages related to Bible prophecy And much, much more!


ITEM# 9350 Hardcover


ITEM# 9356 Burgundy Bonded Leather

$39.99 Sale $32

$59.99 Sale $45

How Daniel Saw Our Days

Daniels Prophecies Made Easy takes a new and refreshing look at the ancient prophecies illustrated by Nebuchadnezzars image, the four world powers, the ten horns and the climax of Antichrists dominion of planet Earth, followed by the establishment of Gods divinely ordained Kingdom.

Zechariah is the most Christ-centered of all the prophets.

Norbert Lieth explains how Zechariah documents Jesus First and Second Coming, His future rule, priesthood, kingship, humanity and divinity.


ITEM # 1057 240 pgs. Paperback



$12 Sale $9

$12.99 Sale $10

Author: Norbert Lieth

Author: Arno Froese

The Olivet Discourse

Chapters 24 & 25 of the book of Matthew have given birth to numerous doctrinal stances. Largely those doctrinal statements have revolved around eschatological issues. Many vital questions concerning the timing of endtime events are dissected and addressed in the examination of these prophetic chapters.


ITEM # 1060 208 pgs. Paperback

$10.95 Sale $8 Author: Norbert Lieth

M AY 2 0 1 2


How can anyone know what to BELIEVE? Why are there so many different religions?
Current research, comparative charts, and thoughtful analysis all work together to make this a valuable resource for those who desire clarity in their quest for truth.


ITEM # 2255 256 pgs. Paperback

$12.99 Sale $12

Authors: John Ankerberg and Dillon Burroughs

You will find responses to those honest questions of faith, helping to build a confidence in Gods Word.
Today there are untold voices in print, on television, and online calling for our attention, and so many of these mock or belittle our faith. From coworkers to those calling themselves Christians, the tone has become one of reproach, disparaging the character of God and undermining the authority of the Bible. For those who have a heart for God, it can be intimidating and discouraging.

How Do We Know the Bible is True? is based on the absolute authority of Gods Word, not man-centered explanations. Clearly presented, it will help bring clarity in a world filled with increasingly vague notions of truth.


ITEM # 2267 300 pgs. Paperback

$ 14.99 Sale $12 General Editors: Ken Ham & Bodie Hodge
Explore some of the most fascinating aspects of Bible prophecy.
It is quite amazing when one realizes that things prophesied 2,000 or more than 3,000 years ago are actually coming to pass today in an accurate manner. Mark Hitchcock uses 20 chapters to document that prophecies recorded in the Bible are amazingly accurate. This 238-page book goes back into biblical history, comparing it with events that have transpired. He shows clearly how the coming of Jesus was fulfillment of prophecy, and leads us step-by-step through the events that have taken place from ancient to recent history, concluding with chapter 20, The Day that Will Shock the World.


ITEM # 2259 238 pgs. Paperback

$13.99 Sale $12 Author: Mark Hitchcock

Do you wonder what some Bible verses mean?
Popular Bible teacher Ron Rhodes has appeared on many TV and radio shows and spoken at countless churches, conferences, rallies, and seminars. At most of these events, people have asked him to explain difficult Bible verses. Now you can learn from his concise and easy-to-understand responses to commonly asked questions like these: The Lord said to Satanhe is in your hands (Job 2:6). How could a loving God allow Job, an upright man, to suffer? Ask and it will given to you (Matthew 7:7). Despite Jesus promise, some prayers dont get answered. Why not? These responses to frequently misunderstood Bible verses will stimulate your personal growth and bolster your confidence in the Word of God.


ITEM # 2262 300 pgs. Paperback

$13.99 Sale $12

Author: Ron Rhodes



Should we trust Gods Word or religious traditions?

The book presents an objective contrast between the traditions of the Roman Catholic Church and the Word of God. It is an excellent discipleship manual for Roman Catholics who have not discovered the narrow road that leads to eternal life. The book prepares the reader for eternity by showing how the Lord Jesus Christ is sufficient to save sinners completely and forever. The author knows his subject well, having spent 37 years in the Catholic religion. He presents the truth in love with compassion for those who are where he once was, destined for a Christless-eternity and not even aware of it. (This is the updated and revised edition of Preparing Catholics for Eternity with a new cover and title.)

Revised Edition


ITEM # 2268 240 pgs. Paperback


Authors: Mike Gendron

Always be ready to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have (1 Peter 3:15).
Examine the life of Christthe most unique man in historyand discover startling ancient prophecies that point directly to Jesus as the Messiah. Explore the miracle of creation and see how archeology confirms the truth of the Bible. Evaluate Scripture in light of history and determine its inerrancy for yourself. If youve been afraid to talk about your faith for fear of not knowing what to say, this book will help you.


ITEM # 2261 406 pgs. Paperback

$16.99 Sale $15 Authors: John Ankerberg and John Weldon

What John Calvin and his early followers of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries actually believed and practiced
Although there are disputed variations of the Calvinist doctrine, among its chief proponents (whom we quote extensively in context) there is general agreement on certain core beliefs. Many evangelicals who think they are Calvinist will be surprised to learn of Calvins belief in salvation through infant baptism, and of his grossly un-Christian behavior, at times, as the Protestant Pope of Geneva, Switzerland. Most shocking of all, however, is Calvinisms misrepresentation of God who is love. It is our prayer that this volume will enable readers to examine more carefully the vital issues involved and to follow Gods Holy Wordnot man.


ITEM # 2260 576 pgs. Hardcover

$27.99 Sale $25

Author: Dave Hunt

Are you prepared to Earnestly contend for the faith?

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:4-5). Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15). BONUS The book that needs to be read by every serious Christian. AUDIO DISC A Chapter-by-chapter discussion of IN DEFENSE OF THE FAITH with Dave Hunt and T. A. McMahon, as heard on the nationwide radio broadINSIDE! cast of Search the Scriptures Daily.


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The Stone and the Glory: Lessons on the Temple Presence and the Glory of God
Study Guide
In The Stone and the Glory, Greg Harris takes his readers on a profound journey through the Scriptures as they explore the glorious realities of the stone prophecies. The journey begins with Abraham on his way to Canaan; it continues with the Israelites wandering toward the Promised Land; it includes the glorious Temple, as well as the life of Christ in the days before His passion; it chronicles the stone prophecies in the book of Acts; and it culminates with Messiahs return in glory. Along the way, readers will joyfully find themselves identifying with the biblical characters, pondering how they would have responded if they themselves were living in Bible times. Like a skilled tour guide, Dr. Harris brings the Scripture to life in a way that insightfully weds biblical exegesis, Christ-centered theology, and practical application. from the foreword by John MacArthur

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ITEM # 2264 108 pgs. Paperback

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The Darkness and the Glory: His Cup and the Glory from Gethsemane to the Ascension
The Darkness and the Glory examines the cross from Christs perspective and provides a compelling behind-the-scenes look at the profound spiritual and theological realities of Calvaryrealities that transcend the physical, as the wrath of man was surpassed by both the wrath of Satan and ultimately the wrath of God. With theological acumen and pastoral insight, Greg Harris invites readers to join him on a journey to the cross they will never forget. Doctrinally sound yet warmly devotional, this Christ-centered book is highly recommended to all who desire a better understanding of the glories of the cross. (Adapted from the Foreword by John MacArthur)

THE DARKNESS AND THE GLORY ITEM # 2266 210 pgs. Paperback

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The Cup and the Glory: Lessons on Suffering and the Glory of God
God beckons place your life in my hands. It is only when we reach the point of absolute surrender that we embrace the absolute sovereignty of God. God then allows entrance into the pathway of His will and wonder of His glory. Larry A. Mercer, President, Washington Bible College and Capital Bible Seminary . . . Authentically expresses the bright hope of Gods eternal glory that places even the darkest cup of earthly pain in perspective. Whether you now suffer or comfort those who do, this is a must read. John MacArthur, President, The Masters College and Seminary . . . A careful and penetrating study born from the heart of a pastor/theologian. This book will challenge, convict and comfort those who enter in. Danny Akin, President, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary


ITEM # 2265 170 pgs. Paperback

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Greg Harris (M.Div., Th.M., Talbot Theological Seminary;Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary) is Professor of Bible Exposition at The Masters Seminary and international faculty at Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary. He has formerly served as Associate Professor of Bible Exposition at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and professor of Exposition at Washington Bible College.








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Spiritual Strength for Each Day

Spiritual Strength for Each Day serves as a guideline for believers who seek a deeper and closer relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord. This book is intended to remind the reader throughout the year that life as we know it is temporary and the ultimate goal of our lives should be to prepare for eternitydesiring to hear the words from our Lord. Well done thou good and faithful servantenter thou into the joy of thy Lord.


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Questions That Need Answers

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The Imminent End of Oil ...

Apocalypse Soon?
Ron Rhodes, a leading scholar on biblical prophecy, reveals how looming tensions over oil factor into end-time global alignments and how they may lead to a dramatic shift in the balance of power in the world. Much of the worlds oil is in the custody of unstable and sometimes hostile regimes. Nations around the world are positioning themselves to protect their shrinking piece of the pie of dwindling oil reserves. Global tensions continue to rise. In The Coming Oil Storm Rhodes documents the role of Islam as the religion in control of most of the worlds oil reserves and shows convincingly that once Muslims are in possession of the two swords of oil and nuclear weapons, they will feel empowered to act as they wish. Oil could even play a role in the path to Armageddon.
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