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Mary T Hill Diary

January 1 – June 15
{No entries}

June 16 1887
Thursday evening. Moved out from the City to day that is a part of us as papa and
Mamie are in New York the boys and Clara and Charlotte must remain in the City to
finish their studies for the term. The day has been very very hot but the evening is
delightful here. Walter, Gertrude Rachel and Ruth have gone to bed completely tired
out. I shall soon follow them in the same condition.

Friday June 17

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A hot day. The children all very happy and busy with the novelty of the first morning at

North Oaks. I went in to the City in the afternoon to attend the Opera of Alidor with the
boys and Clara and Charlotte. Grace Upham went with us. We enjoyed the May pole

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scene very much remained in town all night.
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Saturday June 18
A sultry morning – after doing several errands started home about eleven was
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overtaken on the road by a fearful wind storm rain thunder and lightning finally reached
in safety a little the worse for a thorough wetting and pretty nervous on the whole a
lovely afternoon after the storm.
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Sunday June 19
A delightful morning went to church to White Bear. Pretty hot by noon a very quiet
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Sunday. Jimmie and Charlotte drive out to spend the day.


Monday June 20
A rainy early morning. Jimmie and Charlotte reached home between showers. Papa
and Mamie arrive unexpectedly in town in morning here for supper.

Tuesday June 21

A cool in fact cold morning very windy and clear. All well the a.m. Mamie and I drove
over to W. B. for the mail a pleasant ride. Gertrude got sleepy on the way but declared
her eyes were only a little sore.
Mr. Minot
“ Manvel
“ Gilfillan
“ Clough
Mr. Chmedlin Wilfred Morgan.

June 22 – June 29
(No entries}

1887, p.1
June 30th
Went to City called to see Mrs. Gotzian Miss McLaughlin Mrs. Goodrich. Found Mrs.
Gotzian very busy and discouraged with plumbers. Miss McM. Will visit us next week.
Mrs. Goodrich looking well. The judge was buried the 26 of the month which was last

July 1st 1887

A very sultry hot day rained in early morning and last night. Children seem very happy
on account of its being my birth day. Papa brought a Mr. Bates out with him and he
brought me a beautiful present an opal necklace.

Saturday July 2nd

A hot day busy all day making rasberry [sic] jam. All well and happy. Mr. Benedict came

home with papa to spend Sunday.

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1887 Sunday July 3rd.

A warm cloudy morning started for Mass at 7 was overtaken on road by heavy rain. Mr.

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Chmedlin [sic] and Wilfred Morgan came out found Mr. S. Hill when we returned. Mr.
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Upham and Mr. Manvel came out in the afternoon and stayed to dinner. Cloudy and
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threatening all day little rain after noon.
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Monday July 4th.

[Noisi?] and fun all day. Father Caillet came out in morning. Another cloudy day rained
at intervals all day cleared in evening. So the fireworks went off nicely.
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Tuesday July 5th

A hot day but clear grew very hot in afternoon and evening boys went in to city. Miss
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McLaughlin came out. Papa had an unpleasant experience with drunken fellows in a
waggon that tried to run in to him. Jimmie went to see races. Louis remained in City.

1887 Wednesday July 6th

A very hot morning – Louis came out on his bicycle in an hour and a half. Waggonette
came out this morning.

Thursday July 7th.


Another hot day. Still Father Caillet Miss McLaughlin Wilfred Morgan and all the rest
except Walter and myself went to Turtle Lake to picnic. Although so very hot they all
declare the picnic a success.

Friday July 8th.

A still hotter day sultry a hot wind blowing a storm came up about 3 p.m. and another
about 7 p.m. very alarming in appearance but passed from us in both instances.

Saturday July 9th 1887

1887, p.2
A pleasant morning atmosphere cooled by yesterdays storms. Father Caillet gone to the
city in morning. Mamie Miss McL. and I went over the White Bear and to Cottage Park
also called on Mrs. J. H. Allen. Wilfred went in to City with Jimmie after lunch.

Sunday July 10th

Papa stayed in city last night to go to church this morning. A lovely morning. Miss
McLaughlin went in with me. The new organ was played for the first time. I went up to
see mother also to see Mrs. Shepard and Mrs. F. James in evening I went to see Mrs.
Goodrich did not find her in. Mr. and Mrs. A. Driscoll and Mrs. Gotzian and Valley came
and too lunch. We found Mr. and Mrs. Wheelock and Son here when we came. Phil
Rice also he to spend the night. It has been a hot day. Saw Mr. Upham and heard from
the absent.

Monday July 11th

A showery day pretty hot. Phil Rice went to city. Major Camp drove over from

Minneapolis. Stayed all night. Clara went to spend week with Vallie Gotzian.

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Tuesday July 12th

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A very hot day. Thunder storm in afternoon. All well however.
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Wednesday July 13th
A pleasant morning but very hot day. Went over to White Bear to Mrs. Gotzians.
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Thursday July 14th

A very very hot day. Boys went into City to see Major Walsh.
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Friday July 15th

Another very hot day hottest day. Mrs. Gotzian and Rubie came to stay two days. All
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quite well. Not rain for two weeks everything drying up.

Saturday July 16th.

A hot day very very hot but grew cool in evening. Went home with Mrs. Gotzian and
Rubie and brought Clara back.

Sunday July 17
A cool cloudy day we went over to eight oclock Mass a lovely ride home. Mr. S. Hill and

Mr. Reeves from Minneapolis took lunch with us in afternoon. Mr. Upham and Mr.
Manvel came and took dinner with us no rain probable.

Monday July 18th

Another dry hot day. Some trouble at stables 18 men go. Mr. Benedict came out.

Tuesday July 19th.

An extremely hot day so very dry everything is garden suffering for rain. A great fire in
Minneapolis in evening. Mr. Benedict came out again. Mamie went to city. Tuesday. I
went over to White Bear with Mamie called at Mrs. Youngs and Mrs. Boardmans.

1887, p.3
Wednesday July 20th
Last night was very hot and sultry. This morning is cooler but the Barometer does not
indicate rain clouds are only for wind we fear. Mr. Minot came out this evening. Miss
Annie Kelly came to day.

Thursday July 21st

A pretty comfortable morning pretty hot day. Went in to city saw Mrs. F. James up to
see Mother found her pretty well. Walter not well to day bowel trouble.

Friday July 22
A pretty cool day in forenoon cloudy at noon looked like rain and storm. But we are
disappointed again not a drop of rain although a shower of several hours at St. Paul.
Walter some better.

Saturday July 23rd

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Another hot day stay in bed most of day not at all well. Walter about same still not real

well. Mamie and Annie Kelly create a sensation by the one of the cobs running with

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them no one hurt the cart sprung some. Taken ill to day. Mamie too.
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Sunday July 24th
A cloudy morning but no rain a very hot day. Paul Gotzian and Mr. A Driscoll came over
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and took lunch with us. Mr. Upham and Mr. Minot drove out and took dinner with us.

Monday July 25th.

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Went on to the city in the morning. Annie Kelly went home to day. Papa and Mr. Eagan
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left in afternoon for the Falls of the Misouri found mother not very well. Phil. Rice and a
Mr. Robertson spent the day and night here. A miserable day for me – also a hot dry
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dusty on. Walter not well yet saw Dr. Smith and hot medicine for Walter. A letter from
Mrs. Upham.

Tuesday July 26th

Telegram from papa. Walter seems better. Such a very hot sultry day. Threatens rain
none falls however.

Wednesday July 27th


An electric storm this morning brought three hours much needed rain lightning burned
into buildings in Whit Bear. Went to the city to see Boys off and to see Dr. Smith –
Walter no worse but not much better. [Gus./Sus.?] Schurmeier told me a daughter born
in Theodores family yesterday. Boys, Mr. Manvel and Mr. Upham left for Great Falls at 4
p.m. Telegram from papa. Mrs. Raquet came home with me a cool delightful evening.

Thursday July 28th

A pleasant cool morning rain at noon and early p.m. Cleared then. Walter better
decidedly. Dr. Smith came out.

1887, p.4
Friday July 29th
Another electric storm this early morning. Went over to Whit Bear with Dr. Smith for
Charlotte. A hot day telegram from papa. Walter still improves.

Saturday July 30th.

A delightful morning. Mother came out with John to spend the day. Telegram from papa.
Walter doing well all rest well. Mr. S. Hill came to spend Sunday.

Sunday July 31st.

A delightful morning. We went over to eight oclock Mass. Then drove about the Island
and Cottage Park to show W. B. to Mr. S. H. Left Ruth at Ruby’s for day. Mr. and Mrs.
P. H. Kelly and Essie and friend came at noon took lunch. Found Mrs. Chmedlin [sic]
here to spend day. The Gotzians and A. Driscoll families came in afternoon. Judge and
Mrs. Young and Mr. Young drive over too.

1887 Monday August 1st

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A hot morning. Mr. S. Hill went back to Minneapolis. Mr. Chmedlin [sic] to St. Paul and

Valley to Island. Father Caillet came out to day. No word from papa or the boys. Walter

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is improving day by day not sick at all only cross.
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Tuesday August 2nd.
A shower at three this morning. A very hot day telegram from papa on his way to
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Helena back from Great Falls. Mr. Chmedlin [sic] came out his morning. Walter doing
well. Mamie seems to improve in strength all the time and to feel better.
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Wednesday August 3rd.

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A hot day great wind and electric storm last night. Mamie went to City telegram from
papa. Walter has good day and feels well. Sarah and Nellie came out to spend day
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rained this evening after wind. Father Caillet Mr. Chmedlin [sic] Charlotte and Clara
catch frogs to go fishing.

Thursday Aug 4th

A pleasant morning but hot day. Fishing party start to fish find that the frogs have gone
fishing. Sarah and Nellie return to City. Wrote to Australia and to Mother Xavier also to

Christine. Joe Thorne came to day.


Friday Aug 5th

Papa returned from Great Falls. Mr. Upham and Mr. Manvel came back with him. All
well. I went in to meet papa – Father Caillet went in.

Papa very tired sleeps until noon. All well.

Sunday Aug 7th.

A pleasant morning. We go over to eight oclock Mass. Meet Paul Gotzian at Chapel. He
came home with us o spend the day. Mrs. Gotzian and Rubie came too.

1887, p.5
Monday Aug 8th.
Mr. Chmedlin [sic] went in on evening train. A very hot day and hot wind. Emma came in
the evening. Boys not home yet.

Tuesday 9th
A cloudy day rained through the night an electric storm in afternoon. The big boys
coming tomorrow.

Wednesday 10th
A dark rainy morning very heavy rain last night two storms. Went to city to meet boys.
They are back quite well pretty tired.

11th. Thursday Aug 11th

A pleasant day. Boys rest and tell Joe Thorne of their trip.

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Friday 12th

A rainy day. I went in to city to do errands and to stay with papa until tomorrow. Went up

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to mothers found her well rained all night.
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Rainy morning such rain that I can not get home until evening. Mamies Birthday. Papa
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gave her a ruby locket. Clara a fan. Rachel a bottle of perfume. I some handkerchiefs
and a silk gown. Mr. S. Hill came in the evening and brought her some lovely Bennit
roses. Ruth contributed a lovely bouquet of asters.
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Sunday Aug. 14th.

A dark damp drizzling day. We did not go to church – the roads are so heavy. Mr. S. Hill
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spent the day with us. I have not been well all day.

Monday Aug 15
Still dark this morning and so damp. Mr. Chmedlin [sic] came out this morning.

16 Tuesday Aug 16

A cloudy threatening day – quite hot...Went over to Mrs. Gotzians and was surprised to
find Mr. A Driscoll had been quite ill since Friday with pneumonia – found he was doing

well so Dr. Wheaton said. Coming home was overtaken by heavy rain did not get wet
however. Heavy rain nearly all night. A veri {possibly unfinished sentence?} Papa did
not come home this evening.

17 Wednesday Aug. 17th.

A sultry threatening morning – rained early. Walter very well all rest well. Boys studying.
Mrs. F. James came out to day. Mr. Clough came home with papa to spend the night.

Thursday 18th

1887, p.6
A pleasant day. Emma had to go in to ill sister. Mrs. James and I rode over to see Mrs.

Friday 19th.
A cloudy threatening morning rained in forenoon. Mrs. James and I spent afternoon
fishing caught few. Our twentieth anniversary. {in Louis’ handwriting: 1867 – Aug. 19th}

Saturday 20
A pleasant day. Mrs. James went home. Mamie went to the City. Walter not very well to

Sunday 21
A cloudy morning cleared toward nine oclock. We went over to White Bear to Mass New
Bill {Bull?} blessed Father OGorman officiated and delivered of fine sermon. Found Miss

Aggie Kelly and Mr. Tingh here when we came home they took lunch. Mr. Upham and

Mrs. Manvel came out to spend afternoon and evening but went home before nine.

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Walter still ailing but not ill.

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Monday 22 to a
A cloudy windy morning. Went in to city to see about preparations for the boys going to
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school {in different writing in margin – “Exeter”}. Mamie in town seeing to dentistry. Boys
go to City to fit clothes. Walter better.
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Tuesday 23rd
A cloudy morning some rain in forenoon. Alex Thompson and a Mr. Morris came out to
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spend part of tomorrow. Mr. Benedict came home with papa. A cool evening for
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comfortable. Walter very well seemingly. Josie went to City but he did not mourn for her
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Wednesday 24

A cool morning partly cloudy and so cold as to make fires necessary. Alex Thompson
and Mr. Morris went back at noon. Am feeling miserable sick headache.

Thursday 25

A cool day cloudy. Mr. Thorne Dr. Metcalf and servant arrived this morning. Walter
much better. Mamie still in City goes to Mrs. Nelvels {Newels?} party this evening.

Friday 26
A cool threatening day cloudy all day no rain. Dr. Metcalf and boys go shooting find little
game. Dr. goes to bed early with headache. All rest well. Mamie home.

Saturday 27
A lovely morning heavy fog. Dr. and everyone else well except Mamie has headache
after dentist work. Mamie went to White Bear on Saddle in afternoon.

Sunday 28

1887, p.7
Went over to church a threatening day found Mr. Sam. Hill here on our return. Mr. Minot
came before lunch time. Stanford Morrison came home from church with Jimmie.

Monday 29
Mr. Thorne Dr. Metcalf and man went to City. I went also and took Rachel to cut hair.
Mrs. Goodrich and children came out in the afternoon.

Tuesday 30
A threatening day rained that night.

Wednesday 31
A cool clearing morning – a sultry day began to rain early in the evening and such a
wind storm. Papa did not come home very severe and heavy rain all night.

Sept. 1st

Thursday rather a changable [sic] day hot in forenoon cold towards evening. Papa will

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not come home for few days gone to end of Road. {Written in different hand at bottom of

page: “West of Wolf Point.”}

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Friday Sept 2
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A dark cold windy morning. Mrs. G. and I walk around the Lake in forenoon. We ride
over to see Gotzian in afternoon. Children large and small have candy pull in evening.
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Heavy rain tonight.

Saturday Sept. 3
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Went to the City with boys and Clara. Mamie is in City. Mrs. Goodrich and children went
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home. Mrs. Upham her children Harriet Gotzian and Goodrich Manvel returned to day
rained nearly all day.
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Sunday Sept 4

A dark damp morning and such mud every where. Boys Clara and I received Holy
Communion this morning. Boys and Clara went home about nine. Mamie Mr. Chmedlin
[sic] and I followed about noon. A sultry dark day through out. Papa still absent.

Monday Sept 5th

A clearer day in forenoon. Papa returned from end of track this a.m. at eight. Mamie and

I went over to White Bear to see Harriet Gotzian met Mrs. Gotzian and Rev. Dr. Smith
coming over. We were overtaken by rain stormed all evening and all night. Papa came
home in rain and storm.

Tuesday Sept 6
Another threatening day rained nearly all last night again. Hight [sic] wind storm at 4
p.m. Mamie went in to the city this morning very busy getting ready to send the boys off.

Wednesday Sept 7th

1887, p.8
A most delightful morning. Hurrying to go to town and East with Papa and the boys
tonight. Alex Thompson Mr. Morris and Joe. Thorne accompany us. Alex far as Chicago
Joe to Pittsfield Mass. Annie came down from Minneapolis. Mamie and Mr. Lott got
back from Minnetonka at five 30.

Thursday Sept 8th

Reached Chicago at 9.30 this a.m. Drove out to Lincoln Park with boys park looked
lovely – especially the flowers saw Mr. P. H. Kelly and Miss McLaughlin at Grand
Pacific. Also met Mr. and Mrs. Willis James and son there. Left for Boston a 5.30.

Friday Sept. 9th

We arrive here at Boston this evening at 9.30. Very tired Mrs. Thorne met us and Joe
this afternoon 5.30. Adams House very comfortable.

Saturday Sept 10th

Boston still. Boys go out for walk before breakfast and get lost for about ¾ of an hour.

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We rode about the City until noon then take train on Boston & Maine Road for Exeter –

reach Exeter about two oclock found it a very pretty town pleasant looking and cheerful

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good place for boys. Called on Dr. and Mrs. Scott then to see rooms and to interview
to a
lady to board with also on Priest. We parted with Jimmie and Louis at six p.m. and It
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was hard. We reached Boston 8.30 p.m.
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Sunday Sept 11th

Boston. We go to Mass at St. James’ after lunch get ready to take train for Chicago at
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Monday Sept 12th

On train all day. We have a Japanese man and woman in our car. At 10 p.m. we reach
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Chicago at 10.30 we leave for St. Paul oh so tired nearly ill.


Tuesday Sept. 13th

We reach St. Paul at 1.50 very glad to get home but rather saddened at the thought of
not finding boys there feeling much better. Reach North Oaks at 7.20 find all well and
glad to see us. The few toys we bring are very much appreciated. Papa not feeling real


Wednesday Sep 14th

North Oaks seems very charming and quiet after our harried week of travel. A lovely
morning. All well my throat troubled me last night.

Thursday Sept 15th.

Went to the City to get Mamie ready to go to the Yellowstone Park with Mr. and Mrs.
Willis James. They started at four p.m. Mr. Wm. King and H. Brown of Minneapolis
drove down here this morning from Minneapolis. Took the children to see the
illumination in the evening. Lovely evening the illumination a grand sight. Such crowds
of people. Will Thorne same.

1887, p.9
Friday Sept 16th
Papas birth day a delightful day. Children and I go to the Exposition so crowded there
we did not stay long. Will Thorne no better. Papa and I do not go home very early but
the evening so perfect the ride was most enjoyable. Found all well a letter from Jimmie
telling us how happy he and Louis are not at all homesick. Frost last night.

Saturday Sept. 17
A perfect day. Spent morning partly in garden flowers are lovely yet wrote to Louis and
Mrs. Manvel. Drove over to see the Gotzian family. A letter from Louis expressing great
satisfaction with everything. Papa also gets a letter from Louis in evening. Will Thorne

Sunday Sept 18th

A charming morning. Over to early Mass a pleasant drive. Morning paper reports 85

thousand persons at Fair yesterday. Papa and I drove in to City to see how Will Thorne

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was found him about same. Mr. Thorne and Dr. Metcalf came home to tea with is. I

went to Mrs. Howard Thompsons with Dr. Metcalf after supper.

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Sept 19th
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We did not go home last night. Will Thorne is decidedly better to day. Busy in town all
day. Papa will not go home tonight so I will stay in too.
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Tuesday Sept 20th

A very hot day quite sultry busy getting papa off for a hunt. He finally goes at six p.m.
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Overtaken by storm on way home but reach N. O. all right all well. Dr. Metcalf went too
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on hunt.
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Wednesday Sept. 21st

A delightful day. Quiet day at North Oaks. Letters from Jimmie he and Louis very well.

Will Thorne moved to our house in City.

Thursday Sept 22nd

A bright lovely day went to City found Will Thorne much better. Mr. Thorne and Mr.

Shepard gone to join papa and Dr. Metcalf.


Friday Sept 23rd.

A quite cold morning heavy frost last night. Mrs. S. Thorne arrived to day found Will
improving nicely. Very busy getting Boys winter things together and ect [sic]. Mrs.
Uphams 19 anniversary.

Saturday Sept. 24
John just in from North Oaks all well there. They found poor Gopher [in different
handwriting; “Fox terrier”] in sewer dead. Will T. doing well as can be expected. Went
with Mrs. Thorne to see Mr. Hammond found them busy preparing for the wedding.

1887, p.10
Sunday Sept 25th
A charming morning. Papa returns to city at one p.m. comes home at six with a severe
cold in head. Mamie finishes Parts pleasantly.

Monday Sept 26th

A cloudy day rainy afternoon.

September 27 – December 31
{No entries}

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