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Whitepaper: Using Real-Time Charging

for Promotions and Bundles

Pre-paid customers are popularly characterized as being The pre-paid business objective is changing, and, in
more transient, cost conscious, and difficult to manage many markets has already changed from one of basic
than their post-paid counterparts. But for many pre-paid service provision and credit control, to that of improving
customers, it is a payment method which provides the and innovating how pre-paid services are marketed.
most control and flexibility, but it does not reflect the sum
of their communication needs.
Pre-Paid Service Plan Innovation
Marketers have traditionally treated pre-paid as a single The language of service provider marketing is
bloc, while post-paid subscribers have been subject to changing. A new vocabulary is emerging that includes
advanced segmentation techniques. In highly competitive words such as: promotions, merchandising, and cross-
markets, pre-paid marketing is becoming increasingly selling; all placing the customer at the centre of system
sophisticated, to support the quest for sales growth. and process change.

The best marketers recognize that within the category of However, taking the steps to realize this change
pre-paid there are in fact multiple segments, driven by frequently puts marketers at odds with their existing
different needs including usage, value, and lifestyle. A charging systems, many of which were designed
simple illustration of this point is that a student will have originally for circuit-switched technology.
very different needs (usage, time-of-day, and recharge
and profile) than a parent, even though both may be pre-
paid customers.
Pre-Paid’s Unique Challenges
Issues such as churn, revenue stimulation, and new
product adoption obviously apply to pre-paid customers.
However, the nature of pre-paid users makes for a
unique challenge, with low customer exit barriers, issues
with account dormancy, multiple personal SIMs, and Bundles
Loyalty Plan
unregistered or missing personal details. Charging

Most pre-paid customers can, in theory, access the same

services as post-paid subscribers. The reality for many is
that they do not, for reasons as varied as limited handset
capabilities, high marketing costs, credit risk, and small
balance amounts. This requires service providers to be Notifications
more creative in what services they offer and how they
reach these customers.
Figure 1: Overview of real-time charging’s influence
For marketers, this represents a very different challenge, on pre-paid marketing
and requires different marketing tools to those used for
post-paid. There is a growing understanding that the Real-Time Charging is now as much about enabling
billing infrastructure in particular real-time charging, the marketing as it is about accurate accounting. A flexible,
mechanism by how pre-paid accounts are managed, is open, configurable Real-Time Charging system can
best placed to address many of the unique challenges of unleash marketing innovation and enable pre-paid
marketing to pre-paid subscribers. marketing to maximize efforts for targeted usage and
recharge promotions, flexible bundling, and to build
While pre-paid ARPU will always lag post-paid revenues, loyalty.
service providers recognize that does not mean that
significant revenues and profits cannot be made. Indeed
the lower customer acquisition costs, with no or limited
handset subsidies, means that pre-paid accounts often
generate a profit more quickly.

Promotions Re-charge Promotions
With pre-paid users perceived as being more value Subscriber churn is a particular problem for pre-paid
conscious, promotions play a vital role in stimulating subscribers, as unlike post-paid customers, where
revenue. However, blanket promotions risk destroying contracts typically lapse on a particular date, pre-paid
value by needlessly cutting prices or offering free accounts simply (and quite often gradually) become
services without sufficient operator reward. This is dormant. Adopting a life-cycle management driven
because what constitutes value depends on the perspective, including associating expiry dates with
segment; to be successful promotions need to be balances, can pay dividends by keeping accounts
differentiated with relevant benefits. active and flagging any changes in state. This could
be used for example, to apply multiple lifecycle states
But with personal data either missing or incomplete, as an account goes towards dormancy. So, when an
and lower customer values making traditional account enters a certain stage, it would be subjected
marketing approaches expensive, these promotions to an intensive period of promotions to re-animate
need to be carefully crafted to be profitable. This usage.
requires the use of multiple promotional triggers, and
the ability to run and manage multiple promotional Recharge promotions if structured correctly, are an
offers in parallel. ideal approach to encouraging customers to stay
active and reduce churn. There are a number of ways
Usage Promotions that service providers can encourage subscribers
Usage promotions encourage service uptake, to not only maintain their balance but also use it.
especially for new services. The freedom to configure Examples of effective recharge promotions include:
promotions using a combination of: service type,
usage, and balance results in highly attractive and • Recharge bonus - i.e. every time you recharge you’ll
creative promotions (see Figure 2). Typical of the receive a credit
types of flexible promotional use cases now possible • Encouraging multiple refills of an account during a
are the following: defined period - e.g., recharge 4 times this month
and have weekend sms free
• Spend X and the rest are free - this promotion • Varying recharge rates - to incentivize refills that use
is designed to incentivize subscribers to spend low cost channels (ATM, IVR, USSD etc.), to reduce
slightly more than they normally would. The value the cost of fulfilment
proposition to the customer is that all service above • Persuading a subscriber to maintain a minimum
a certain threshold will be zero-rated for a given balance level to enjoy lower rates - e.g., maintain a
time span, typically for one day balance of more than $30 and enjoy reduced voice
• Spend X and the next X are free - this is a variation calls
on the above theme but with a limit on service • Committing a customer to an automatic monthly
usage, e.g., send 12 SMS and the next 10 are free recharge in exchange for a bundle of services
• Buy one get one free - a popular idea borrowed
from retailers. This promotion enables a service Legacy charging platforms are almost universally
provider to allow a customer to pay for one service, poor at launching rapid promotions. In some cases,
such as a ringtone and get another for free. This it’s not even a feature. And where it does exist, it is
idea can be extended, to allow any ratio of services often a new module, built as a requirement into the
to be combined e.g., three for the price of two, etc onboard rating and balance software. Because of
• First use free - service providers have a growing these limitations, service providers have started to
number of data, content, and multimedia services. move these capabilities onto new platforms. With
However, many customers are reluctant to try new the new platforms providing the flexibility needed to
services. This approach allows a customer to easily support more complex rating models such as flexible
try a service, prior to subscribing discounts.
• Free Sunday / Favourite Day - calls or messaging
is free for those who have maintained a balance of
a certain amount or have recharged their account
within the month
• Cross product promotions - to encourage
customers to try new services, new services can be
provided at a reduced price or on a complimentary
basis for a period of time. E.g., spend $10 on text
messaging this week and receive mobile TV free for
the next week

Figure 2: Examples of usage and recharge


Bundling Service providers should be able to offer these bundles
Customer buying trends are driving the increased as a once off, non-recurring bundle. Available from
importance of bundled and packaged service offerings. the date of purchase until they have been used up or
End users are attracted to bundles because of the the associated expiry period has been passed. After
price, convenience and peace of mind they offer. From which the customer pays the current standard service
an operator’s perspective, they make for both a high agreement amount.
value offer and a driver of revenue.
Alternatively, these offers can be paid for as a
Of particular interest to pre-paid subscribers, are recurring charge, allowing a service provider to gain
occasions when they want to enjoy equivalent regular, incremental revenue. With a recurring credit
advantages to a post-paid subscriber, but without subscription, customers’ accounts are decremented at
changing their payment plan. Allowing customers to regular intervals, with unused credits from the period
bolt-on packages, can provide an additional source being either reset to zero, or rolled over to the next
of income, and enable a subscriber to gain access to calendar period. Again once the credits are used
services at a more favourable rate. up, the customer pays the current standard service
agreement amount or where credits are unused, they
Combining the attractiveness of lower prices, with pre- are rolled over or expired.
paid cost control, bolt-on packages offer subscribers
new value and operators’ incremental revenue (see
Figure 3). Below are some use cases typical of Loyalty Points
temporary bundles: The high cost of acquiring a customer, makes it
essential that subscriber relationships are cultivated to
• Bolt-on service packages - in addition to the meet both retention and profitability targets. Operators
standard rates, customers can bulk purchase a investing in relationship marketing initiatives, do so
service for a set price. This usually works best for with the intention of retaining their most important
popular and high-usage services such as message subscribers i.e. those with the highest ARPU and with
credit bundles e.g., for an extra $10 buy 500 SMS the longest relationship. Loyalty Programs increase the
per month cost to customers of leaving one service provider for
• Bolt-on roaming packages - provides a customer another.
with a better rate for international services for an
upfront payment, usually with an expiry date. For Pre-paid users yet again represent a different
example, you are going on a one-week holidays challenge to loyalty plan management, as their worth
you will receive a defined quota for text and calls, to to the organization is principally calculated on refills.
control costs Customer lifetime values are heavily influenced by a
• Service passes - allows ad hoc purchases of subscriber’s retention period, providing an additional
internet access or to a specific service for a limited bonus based on the length of relationship, can provide
period of time, volume (KB), or access amount a customer retention incentive.
• Credit Packages - purchasing usage represented by
a credit to one or more services, for example, 1 credit Additionally, one of the overlooked influences of pre-
= 1 music download paid subscribers is comparing the ratio of outgoing
• Cross-service bundles - for example, a ‘youth’ versus incoming calls. Pre-paid subscribers often
package that provides access to voice calls, sms, receive many more calls than they make. Awarding
mobile tv, and data points, as a reward for incoming calls, can increase
operator inter-connect payments, and act as a magnet
to attract customers to your network.

Bolt-On Options A customer loyalty program, that rewards subscribers

with ‘free’ network services in exchange for points, can
be a vital component of a successful customer retention
International roaming voice 60 min.... $10 strategy. But these points are only effective if used by
International roaming texts 100 SMS.. $5 the customer. A properly structured loyalty program will
Mobile Internet 5GB ........................... $50 provide usage-based incentives, to reward the most
International Roaming Blackberry valuable customers best.
- email ............................................... $25
- with internet .................................... $60 Reinforcing the value of a loyalty plan, means ensuring
users are informed of their loyalty points’ status.
Automating points-earned confirmations, redemptions,
and the communication of other loyalty-related
information, using alerts by way of a text messages and
Figure 3: Examples of recurring and non-recurring
an online portal, can provide both convenience and a
bundle offers
sense of ownership for loyalty plan members.

Notifications As bundles become the go-to-market mechanism of
Notifications provide a simple, yet very effective choice for many service providers, the definition of
communication channel for subscribers. Being able balances is being transformed. Balances are becoming
to trigger timely notification messages, based on fragmented and re-configured to support a multi-service
subscriber balances or rate plan changes, can have a sell. As subscribers buy different types of services, the
powerful marketing effect. Configuring an alert based definition of balance is changing to:
on a changed threshold state, contributes to a ‘low
touch’ marketing, which can prompt subscribers into • One that extends beyond the concept of a single
action. Notifications can be configured to be sent to: cash balance
• Includes support for many different balance types,
• Advise a service balance is at zero to prompt a refill such as service-specific balances, promotional
• Advertise the availability of a service promotion counters, vouchers, shared balances, and of course
• Notify that a promotional balance is about to expire money
• Confirm a change of rate plan • Applying business rules based on subscriber status,
• Verify a successful bundle subscription rather than exclusively by subscriber type
• Inform that a bundle balance has expired and normal • Enabling an operator to perform subscriber
costs apply contextual tracking

A practical example of these capabilities is when a

service balance has been exhausted. Rather than wait
for a subscriber to refill, a timely prompt can have a
positive revenue effect, encouraging customers to refill
earlier than usual, taking days off the charging cycle.

Addressing The Challenge Of Pre-Paid

The billing infrastructure, or more specifically Real-Time
Charging, is one of the best placed systems to take on
the challenges of marketing to pre-paid subscribers.

Legacy systems were designed for infrequent changes,

few services, and simple pricing. These have been
pushed by subscriber growth and new data services
to the limits of their capabilities and capacity. This has
resulted in service provider delays in new services
introductions, rate plan changes, and promotional
roll-outs. Figure 4: Real-Time Charging architecture

What is required is a massive step forward in efficiency, Pre-paid charging is a real-time process requiring
to scale and manage the execution of complex latency to be kept to a minimum, posing some
business logic required to support the deployment of unique and serious engineering challenges. As
flexible promotion, bundle, voucher, and other balance more complexity is loaded onto a charging request,
or rating oriented changes needed by marketing. there is a danger that system latency will increase
Modern real-time charging systems (see Figure 4) to unacceptable levels, i.e. the time it takes for the
treat each incoming service request independently, customer to have his request fulfilled becomes
managing the associated rating and counters steps noticeable. There needs to be confidence that
separately, to allow multiple prices and promotions to systems can scale to handle the increase in real-time
apply to the same service. transactions, driven by the more complex processing
required for bundles and promotions.
This architecture delivers a high degree of flexibility.
With bundles, promotions, and recharge management Finally, it is increasingly important that system costs
capabilities as native features, it allows: scale with linearity, as they handle more subscribers,
more data driven services, more rating and balance
• Promotional information to be abstracted away management complexity. To do this, software must
from rating functionality, making it easier to execute perform to its maximum to successfully process
campaigns and re-use business logic 10,000s transactions per second. It requires software
• The rapid turnaround of promotions. Employing fine-tuned with both the operating system and modern,
usage and allowance counters, provides readily multi-threaded, multi-processor hardware technologies;
available subscriber specific balances to extract the most cost-effective performance of the
• Rollover, recurrence, thresholds, expiry dates, parallel processing capabilities available.
balance status, and account status capabilities to be

Conclusion - The Power Of Real-Time Openet As Your Technology Partner
In The Network Openet is the network-edge solution expert. Its
The approach to pre-paid customers and marketing event-processing and transaction-management
is changing. The catalyst for this change - rapid rate solutions are used by many of the world’s largest
plan changes, multiple and varying bundle definitions, and most innovative service providers in the world,
promotional versatility, better lifecycle management including AT&T, BT, Orange, Telstra, Verizon Wireless,
- need to be recognized for the important marketing and others, to leverage transactional intelligence
tools they are. Speed and flexibility in their and extract value from the activity on their diverse
management, will be essential if these tools are networks.
to be the foundations upon which a competitive
organization will be built. At the heart of its solution offerings is FusionWorks™,
a platform for event-processing and transaction-
In highly competitive markets, pre-paid marketing management. FusionWorks is a modular software
has become more sophisticated, to support the quest platform that delivers the performance, scalability, and
for sales growth. It is increasingly understood that flexibility required in today’s provider networks. The
customers, who have selected pre-paid, are in fact modules are preintegrated to ensure interoperability.
multiple segments, requiring marketing, bundling, and
pricing dexterity. Currently, Openet solutions process more than 20
billion events and transactions every day and bill more
Real-Time Charging, the mechanism by how pre- than $10 billion in revenues each month.
paid accounts are managed, is now as much about
marketing and promotion enablement as it is about © Copyright Openet Telecom 2008 - 2009
accounting. Openet provides a convergent all-in-one
real-time charging, rating, and balance management
solution, providing native promotional features,
centralised operations, and maintenance to support
the rapid launch of new services and marketing

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