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Safety Size 2004 with MSDE Installation:

Running the web download will launch the WinZip self extractor as below:

Click Unzip and when all files are unzipped to the default location as indicated above, the user will see the screen below:

Navigating to the location where the files were extracted, the installation is started b launching the exe as indicated below:

!afet !ize installation begins and user is pro"pted through the installation process:

Cop rights notice

#he user is asked if he$she would like to change the default destination location:

#he installation is read to begin:

%n this installation, the first file to be installed is the &!'() #he install executable is copied to the user*s "achine and then the installation is run first as part of the !! +,,- installation)

%nstallation of the &!'( is the "ost ti"e consu"ing and is the part that gives ever one a lot of trouble) #he user does re.uire local ad"in rights to install the progra" as several entries are written to the Windows registr ) %n the current installation, # co has no control of setting the /sa* password although we have see so"e &!'( 0), installations that do give the user the option)

#his screen shows up onl for strong password polic settings where the have changed the s ste" re.uire"ents for passwords) #he user will still need to set the /sa* password)

#he s ste" will auto"aticall re1boot after the install) #his is ver helpful as the !23 agent will be started up when the operating s ste" re1starts) Win 45 and Win &( users will need to do this step "anuall the first ti"e and also check the box to auto1start the services when 6! starts) #his is because these operating s ste"s do not support services) 7fter rebooting, the installation will start back up auto"aticall when the user logs into the s ste")

!a"e steps as before for progra" installation)

Cop right Notice

!elect the 3ocation of application) 'efault is 8C:9:rogra" ;iles9!afet !ize+,,-<, it is reco""ended to accept the default, however ou can click on =rowse to override this and install the application in another location on our co"puter)

!tart %nstallation

Continue %nstallation

7fter progra" installation, the user will see the screen below:

#he user is notified that the installation is co"pleted)

When the Wise installer is closed, the following screen launches) %t is called b 'bConfg)exe, a >= progra" that checks if the local "achine has !23 !erver) %f none is found, then it installs the progra", else it attaches the data files to the server) %t also connects and starts the server, and then it attaches the data files and creates the database, then adds the user to the server and database) %f the server has a /sa* password, the can enter that infor"ation below)

#o attach the data files, the setup needs to know where to look for the data files) #he user is asked to define which drive the extracted the files in case the changed the default location as defined in the WinZip self1extractor)

7fter the files are attached, the database is created) #he user is added to the server and database and per"issions are set for the user) #he installation is then co"plete)

6n start1up of the progra", the user is asked to input so"e personal securit infor"ation) #his securit is used onl for network installation purposes, but is re.uired b the progra") ?ou will need to set up a userna"e and password of our choice at this point, so"ething like 8" userna"e< and 8" password<, these are our personal preferences, however it cannot be left blank) 7ll of this infor"ation is written to the Windows registr under @Ae B3ocalB&achine9!oftware under a ke called 7nderson Creenwood Crosb ) #he data is stored and then read fro" this location for subse.uent startups) Writing to this ke re.uires local 7d"in rights)

#he user is pro"pted to ke in his co"pan na"e) #his infor"ation is also written to the registr in the sa"e location as above) #he co"pan na"e shows up on the report headers)

#his "essage box will show each ti"e the progra" is launched) %t notifies the user of an assu"ption we have "ade in writing this progra")

Clicking 6A on the "essage box will bring ou to the "ain screen of the progra")

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