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lu:ary Student Guide to Preparing an MLA Style List of Works Cited

Based on: MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing 3rd ed., 2008 (availableat the Referencedesk)

INTRODUCTION: When a writing assignment requires research, any information you quote, summarize or paraphrase in
your paper must be acknowledged and documented with an in-text citation and a complete MLA Style citation in a
List of Works Cited. Document all of your sources to avoid plagiarism.
Additional guides to the MLA style can be found on the library website:

Citing Sources in the MLA Style

1. Determine the type of source you are citing (e.g., book, periodical article, web site) then follow the citation format
instructions below for that type of source. Include the 'medium of publication' after the citation (e.g., Print or Web.)
2. List main authors: Last name, First name. [Example:Hacker,Diana.]If no author, begin with the title of the work.
List additional authors First name Last name. [Example:Smith,HenryS., Jay Kelley,and SarahS. Miller.]
For more than three authors, include only the first author's name followed by et al. [Example:Smith,HenryS.,et al.]
3. List the title of the work. Capitalize all main title words (even if not capitalized in original source). When citing part of a larger
source (e.g., an article in a periodical, the chapter of a book or a web page within a larger website), list the title of the part
in quotation marks. Then list the title of the larger work (books, periodicals and names of websites) in italics.
4. List publication date in the format day month year. [Example:7 Mar.2008] Use n.d. if no publication date is listed.
5. List page numbers: include page ranges [Example:23-9], page number+ [Example:15+] or use n. pag. when no page numbers
are given.
6. List the medium of publication for all works (e.g., Print, Web, DVD, E-mail, PDF file, Chart, Microfilm, etc.).
When citing articles from library subscription services (such as ProQuest), cite the article then list the name of the
database or subscription service, the medium of access (Le., Web) and the date of access.
7. The web address (URL)of web pages or databases is no longer required (seeMLA Style Manual & Guide to Scholarly Publishing 3rded.,6.7.1)
The Works Cited List
8. Title your list Works Cited. Begin the first line of each citation at the left margin; indent additional lines 5 spaces or one-half
inch. Double space throughout. (Not shown here)
9. Arrange all works in one alphabetical list by author, or by title if there is no author. When listing a work by title, skip initial
articles and alphabetize by the first main word in the title. Do not group sources by type or by date.

Mann, Michael E, and Lee R. Crump. Dire Predictions: Understanding Global Warming. New York: OK, 2008. Print.

Online Book [Listmediumofpublication

forallworks.Includeaccessdateif online.Usen.p.if noplaceof publication
is listed.]
Beighley, Lynn. Head First SOL. n.p.: O'Reilly Media, Inc, 2007. Safari Technical Books. Web. 17 July 2009.

Book Chapters [Useforbookswithchapterswrittenbyseparateauthors.Listmediumofpublication

forallworks.Includeaccessdateif online]
Hart, Joyce. "Critical Essay on The Red Pony." Novels for Students. Ed. Marie NapierkowskL Vol. 17. Detroit: Gale, 1998.
139-42. Literature Resource Center. Web. 27 June 2003.

Galdston, Phil. "Internet Piracy Harms Artists." Internet Piracy. Ed. James D. Torr. Greenhaven, 2005. Opposing
Viewpoints Resource Center. Web. 17 Mar. 2008.

Stackhouse, Kenneth A. "Pablo Neruda." Critical Survey of Poetry. Ed. Frank Magill. Vol. 3. Englewood Cliffs: Salem, 1984.
1069-80. Print.

Book Chapter Reprinted in a ReferenceBook [Listmediumof publication

forallworks.Includeaccessdateif online]
Walters, Mark. "Violence and Comedy in the Works of Flannery O'Connor." New Perspectives on Women and Comedy.
Ed. Regina Barreca. Philadelphia: Gordon and Breach, 1992. 185-92. Rpt. of Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism.
Vol. 132. Detroit: Gale, 2003. 315-18. Print.

SIRS. Government Report [Listmediumofpublication

forallworks.Includeaccessdateif online]
"Earthquake Hazard Maps Show How the Nation Shakes with Quakes." USGS News Release 21 Apr. 2008: n.pag. SIRS
Knowledge Source. Web. 9 July 2009.
mlaguide_revFall09K. Goguen7/30109

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