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SECTION 1. MANDATE. - These guidelines 3.1 The following lands shall be covered by
are enacted pursuant to Section 40 of RA the inventory of all lands and detailed
7279 which provides, inter alia, that Housing data/information thereon shall be
and Urban Development Coordinating gathered:
Council through the key housing agencies,
shall provide local government units with a. all undeveloped and vacant lands
necessary support such as formulation of zoned for residential purposes as
standards and guidelines as well as technical delineated in the Zoning Ordinance of
assistance in the preparation of land use the Local Government Units, duly
plans, in relation to Section 4.d of E.O. 90 approved by the Housing and Land
Series of 1992 which designated the Board Use Regulatory Board;
as the sole regulatory body for housing and
land development. b. government-owned lands, whether
owned by the national government or
These guidelines are formulated in the any of its subdivisions,
furtherance of the provisions of the same Act instrumentalities, or agencies
which provides respectively: "Within one (1) including, government-owned or
year from the effectivity of the Act, all city controlled corporations and their
and municipal governments shall conduct an subsidiaries;
inventory of all lands and improvements
thereon within their respective localities"; and c. unregistered or abandoned agricultural
"after the inventory of all lands the local and idle lands including idle
government units in coordination with the government lands;
National Housing Authority (NHA), Housing
d. other lands
and Land Use regulatory Board (HLRB) Land
Management Bureau (LMB), and National d.1 lands located outside the zoned
Mapping and Resource Information Authority built-up areas but suitable for
(NAMRIA). shall identify lands for socialized socialized housing, as per
housing and resettlement areas for the suitability criteria contained in
immediate and future needs of these guidelines;
underprivileged and homeless in the urban
areas, taking into consideration the degree of d.2 squatter settlement, including
availability of basic services and facilities, Areas for Priority Development
their economic opportunities, and the actual (APD), Zonal Improvement
number of registered beneficiaries". Program sites (ZIP) and Slum
Improvement and Resettlement
The inventory of lands and subsequent Program (SIR) sites;
identification of sites for socialized housing
shall serve as inputs in the formulation of the d.3 marginal agricultural lands which
National Urban Development Framework as comply with the conversion
contained in Section 6 of this Act. criteria of DAR;
SECTION 2. OBJECTIVES. - These guidelines d.4 government-owned lands which
are intended to provide guidance and have not been used for the
assistance to the Local Government Units purpose for which they have
(LGUs) in the implementation of Sections 7 been reserved or set aside for
and 8 of R.A. 7279. the past ten (10) years from the
effectivity of the Act and
SECTION 3. SCOPE. - These guidelines shall
identified as suitable for
cover the inventory of all lands and the
socialized housing
identification of suitable sites for socialized
housing in urban and urbanizable areas.
3.2 The following lands shall be indicated on the 4.3 Idle lands refer to non-agricultural lands in
map, as cited in Section 6.1 although are urban and urbanizable areas on which no
exempted from the coverage of the law: improvements, as herein defined, have been
made by the owner, as certified by the city.
a. Those included in the coverage of Republic Act municipal or provincial assessor.
No. 6657 otherwise known as Comprehensive
Agrarian Reform Law; Idle government lands refers to: non-
agricultural lands in urban and urbanizable
b. Those actually used for national defense and areas on which no improvement as herein
security of the State; defined has been made by the government
including: 1) patrimonial properties of the
c. Those used, reserved or otherwise set aside for
state; 2) public properties; and 3) properties
government offices, facilities and other
foreclosed by the government financing
installations, whether owned by the National
institutions (GFIs), government owned and
Government, its agencies and
controlled corporations (GOCCs), as certified
instrumentalities, including government-
by the city. municipal and provincial assessor.
owned or controlled corporations, or by the
local government units: Provided, however. Improvements refer to all types of buildings
that the lands herein mentioned, or portions and residential units, wall, fences, structures
thereof, which have not been used for the or constructions of all kinds of a fixed
purpose for which they have been reserved or character or which adhered to the soil but
set aside for the past ten (10) years from the shall not include trees, plants and growing
effectivity of the Act. shall be covered by the fruits, and other fixtures that are mere
Act; superimpositions on the land. and the value of
d. Those used or set aside for parks, reserves for the improvements shall not be less than fifty
flora and fauna, forests and watersheds, and percent (50%) of the assessed value of the
other areas necessary to maintain ecological property.
balance or environmental protection, as
determined and certified by the proper 4.4 Government lands refers to parcels of lands
government agency; and which titles are held by national government
entities or any of its subdivisions,
e. Those actually used for religious, charitable, or instrumentalities, or agencies, including
educational purposes. cultural and historical government-owned or controlled corporation
sites, hospitals and health centers, and and their subsidiaries and lands placed
cerneteries or memorial parks. under the jurisdiction of the above entities by
virtue of proclamations signed by the
SECTION 4. DEFINITION OF TERMS. As used President. Government lands also include
herein the following terms and phrases shall have rights-of-way or road titles.
the following meaning/definitions:
4.5 Marginal lands refers to land which are not
4.1 Areas for Priority Development (APD) refers to effective for crop production due to
those areas declared as such under existing constrainsts such as topography of the area
statutes and pertinent executive issuances. and poor yields.

4.2 Blighted lands refer to the areas where the 4.6 Resettlement areas refer to areas identified
structures are dilapidated, obsolete and by the appropriate national agency or by the
unsanitary, tending to depreciate the value of local government unit with respect to areas
the land and prevent normal development and within its jurisdiction, which shall be used for
use of the area. the relocation of the underprivileged and
homeless citizens.

4.7 Slum Improvement and Resettlement

Program (SIR) refers to the program of the
National Housing Authority of
upgrading and improving blighted squatter 4.12 Urbanizable areas refer to sites and
areas outside of Metro Manila pursuant to lands which, considering present
existing statutes and pertinent executive characteristics and prevailing
issuances. conditions, display marked and great
potential of becoming urban areas
4.8 Socialized housing refers to housing within the period of five (5) years.
programs and projects covering houses
and lots or homelots only undertaken by 4.13 Zonal Improvement Program (ZIP) refers
the Government or the private sector for to the program of the National Housing
the underprivileged and homeless Authority of upgrading and improving
citizens which shall include sites and blighted squatter areas within the cities
services development, long-term and municipalities of Metro Manila
financing, liberalized terms on interest pursuant to existing statutes and
payments, and such other benefits in pertinent executive issuances.
accordance with the provisions of this
following agencies shall be involved in the in-
4.9 Underprivileged and homeless citizens ventory and site identification:
refer to the beneficiaries of this Act and
to individuals or families residing in urban 5.1 The Local Government Units (LGUs) shall
and urbanizable areas whose income or be responsible for the conduct of inventory
and identification of sites for socialized
combined household income falls within
the poverty threshold as defined by the housing.
National Economic and Development 5.2 The Housing and Land Use Regulatory
Authority and who do not own housing Board (HLRB) shall prepare guidelines for
facilities. This shall include those who live the inventory and identification of sites for
in makeshift dwelling units and do not socialized housing and provide training
enjoy security of tenure. and technical assistance in the conduct of
inventory. It shall also provide relevant
information on land use and zoning and
4.10. Unregistered or abandoned lands refer assist in the preparation of Land Use Plans
to lands in urban and urbanizable areas incorporating the identified sites for
which are not registered with the socialized housing.
Register of Deeds or with the city or
municipal assessor's office concerned, 5.3 The National Mapping and Resource
or which are uninhabited by the owner Information Authority (NAMRIA) shall
provide base maps, aerial photographs
and have not been developed or
devoted for any useful purposes, or and other cartographic materials needed
appears unutilized for a period of three for the inventory.
(3) consecutive years immediately prior 5.4 The Land Management Bureau (LMB) shall
to the issuance and receipt or furnish the LGUs with cadastral map,
publication of notice of acquisition by the inventory of government-owned lands and
Government as provided under the Act. other relevant data.
It does not include land which have
been abandoned by reason of force 5.5 The National Housing Authority (NHA) shall
majeure or any other fortuitous event; make available existing guidelines and
Provided That prior to such event, such criteria on the identification of sites for
land was previously used for some socialized housing, accept and act as
useful or economic purposes. repository (of deeds, TCT's. plans, etc.) of
government-owned lands found suitable
4.11 Urban areas refer to all cities regardless for the above stated purpose, and assist
of their population density and to the concerned LGUs in the
municipalities with a population density implementation of appropriate housing
of at least five hundred (500) persons per programs arising from the inventory
square kilometer. gathered on socialized housing projects.
5.6 Other agencies not identified in Sections 7 actual land uses, availability of basic services
and 8 but which can provide relevant infor- and such other information that are needed to
mation and data requirement are as fol- establish the suitability of sites for socialized
lows: housing. The LGUs are not limited to the use of
this methodology but may utilize other available
a. Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) shall methodologies as well.
provide data on land valuation and taxation.
6.1 Inventory of Lands
b. Department of Agriculture (DA)/Bureau of
Soils and Water Management (BSWM) In the conduct of inventory, any or a com-
shall provide data on Network of Protected bination of the following techniques Ynay be
Agricultural Areas. used:
a. Ocular Inspection b. Aerial
c. Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) shall
provide data on lands covered by the
Photo Interpretation
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program

d. Department of Environment and Natural d. Data sourcing from tax maps. cadastral
Resources (DENR)/Environmental maps, existing land use maps and other
Management Bureau (EMB) shall provide thematic Maps
data on environmentally critical areas. e. Interview with local residents who have
e. Department of Transportation and Com- sufficient local knowledge.
munication shall provide data on trans-
portation and communication services. 6.2 Documentation

f. National Statistics Office (NSO) shall provide The aforementioned inventory shall be em-
data on population and other relevant data. bodied in a report which shall include
among others:
g. National Power Corporation (NPC), Manila
Electric Company (MERALCO), National a. Maps
Electrification Administration (NEA) shall
a.1 A base map drawn to a convenient
provide data on power.
scale wherein the lands covered un-
h. Manila Waterworks and Sewerage System der Section 3 (Scope) of these
(MWSS) and Local Waterworks and Guidelines shall be plotted.
Utilities Administration (LWUA) shall
a.2 Map showing the lands suitable for
provide data on water.
socialized housing as identified by
i. Department of Public Works and Highways the LGUs based on the Suitability
(DPWH) shall provide data on roads and Criteria enumerated in 6.3 of these
other relevant data. Guidelines.

j. City/Municipal Assessor's Office shall a.3 Other maps showing the assessed/
provide tax map and listing of all real market value, actual land use, zon-
properties with their corresponding market ing classification and basic services.
values and/or assessed values located in
their respective city/municipality. b. Tabular forms


An inventory/tabular form which shall
METHODOLOGY. - The LGUs shall undertake an include but not be limited to the fol-
in-ventory of all lands to determine current and lowing information:

b.1 inventory of individual property indi-

cating relevant information (Refer to
Annex A - Inventory Form)
b.2 listing of all properties inventoried 6.4 Priorities in the Selection of Sites for
indicating relevant information (Refer to Socialized Housing
Annex B - Inventory of Lands)
In selecting from among sites that equally meet
b.3 summary of lands as identified in Section the criteria listed above, priorities shall be
3 (Scope) hereof and corresponding area established based on the following:
in hectares (Refer to Annex C - Summary
of Inventory). This form shall be a. those owned by the government or any of its
submitted to the Housing and Urban subdivisions, instrumentalities or agencies,
Devleopment Coordinating Council including government-owned and
(HUDCC) for planning purposes. controlled corporations and their
c. Other pertinent documents subsidiaries;

6.3 Site Selection Criteria b. alienable of public domain;

c. unregistered or abandoned and idle lands;

The following criteria shall be used to evaluate d. those with the declared Areas for Priority
the suitability of sites for socialized housing: Development (APD) and Zonal
a. To the extent feasible, socialized housing Improvement Program (ZIP) Sites as
and resettlement projects shall be located validated by the National Housing Au-
in new areas where employment thority and LGUs and Slum Improvement
opportunities are available: and Resettlement (SIR) Program Sites
which have not yet been acquired;
b. Priority shall be given to areas where basic and
services and facilites are already existing or
where these can be introduced within a e. Bagong Lipunan Improvement of sites and
very short time; Services (BLISS) sites which have not yet
been acquired; and
c. Transportation cost to work places and other
services should be affordable considering f. privately-owned lands.
that the target beneficiaries are the
homeless and underprivileged; 6.5 Completion and Updating of inventor

d. The site shall not require excessive levelling, The inventory shall be completed within one
cutting and filling. Sites requiring excessive (1) year from the effectivity of these
engineering works shall be avoided. guidelines. Updating shall be done every three
Likewise, sites on steep slopes and/or on (3) years.
weak soil foundation shall not be
For planning purposes, the Housing and
urban Development Coordinating Council
e. Environmentally critical areas as in fbod (HUDCC) shall be furnished by each local
prone or earthquake zones or areas near government unit a copy of its inventory.
rivers and canals shall be avoided;
6.6 Turnover of Government Lands
f. Compatibility with existing zones;
Public lands acquired by virtue of a presi-
g. Financial feasibility and viability where land dential proclamation and government-owned
valuation offered is low; and lands which have not been used for the
purpose for which they have been reserved
h. Tenurial status. for the past ten (10) years prior to the
effectivity of R.A. 7279 and which have been
identified as suitable for socialized housing
shall be transferred to NHA, subject to
Presidential approval.
sites for socialized housing shall be located in of the HLRB is hereby authorize to issue
residential zones, identified in the City’s or supplemental rules, and interpretative policies and
Municipality's Zoning Ordinance duly approved by the guidelines as to the procedure, contents and
Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLRB). documentary requirements of the inventory, in the
However, for cities and municipalities where the implementation of these guidelines.
identified sites are not the said residential zones, the
location shall be confined within the priority sites and SECTION 9. SEPARABILITY CLAUSE. - If for any
those which conform with the suitability criteria fined reason any part of these guidelines are declared as
in Section 6.3 and 6.4 of these Guidelines. declared as contrary to law, the remainder hereof
not affected hereby shall continue to remain in force
The identified sites shall be zoned as SOCIALIZED and effect.
The current Zoning Ordinance of the LGUs there-fore Implementing Guidelines shall take effect im-
shall be reviewed and revised such that the socialized mediately upon approval
housing, component shall be integrated.

APPROVED this 25th day of November 1992,

Quezon City.


Commissioner and
Acting Chairman. HUDCC
Ex-Officio Chairman Chief Executive Officer


Asst. Secretary for Legal Service, DPWH (Sgd) AMADO B. DELORIA
Ex-Officio Commissioner Commissioner


Undersecretary, DOJ (Sgd) ROMULO Q. FABUL
Ex-Officio Commissioner


Undersecretary, DILG Commissioner
Ex-Officio Commissioner


Dep. Dir. Gen. NEDA
Ex-Officio Commissioner

Certified approved by the Housing and Land Use

regulatory Board per Resolution No. R-521, series of
1992 adopted on 25 November 1992


Board Secretary


1. TCT. Number : ________________________

2. Owner : ________________________

3. Area (in hectares) : _______________________

4. Location (Barangay) : ________________________

5. Classification (please check)

[ ] a. Undeveloped and vacant lands zoned for residential purposes as delineated in the
approved Zoning Ordinance of Local Government Units, duly approved by HLRB
[ ] b. Government-owned lands ]
[ ] c. Unregistered or abandoned and idle lands including idle government lands
[ ] d. Other lands
[ ] d.1 Lands locate d outside the zoned built-up areas but suitable for socialized
[ ] d.2 Areas for Priority Development (APDs), Zonal Improvement Sites and Slum
Improvement and Resettlement Program (SIRP) Sites ]
[ ] d.3 Marginal lands
[ ] d.4 Government-owned lands which have not been used for the purpose for which
they have been reserved for the past ten (10) years and identified as suitable for
socialized housing

6. Asssessed/Market Value : _________________

7. Actual Land Use (please check)

[ ] Residential [ ] Industrial [ ] Others, specify
[ ] Commercial [ ] Agricultural _________
[ ] Institutional [ ] Vacant

8. Zoning Classification base on the approved zoning ordinance (please check)

[ ] Residential [ ] Industrial
[ ] Commercial [ ] Agricultural
[ ] Institutional [ ] Others, specify _______________

9. Basic Services (if present, please check)

[ ] Potable water
[ ] Power
[ ] Sewerage facilities and waste disposal system
[ ] Access to primary roads and transportation facilities
[ ] Otheravailable services, specify______________________

Prepared by: Certified by:

______________________ ________________________

______________________ ________________________
Date Date

of Province of

(in hectares)
1. Undeveloped and vacant lands
zoned for residential purposes as
delineated in the approved zoning
ordinance of local government units,
duly approved by HLRB

2. Government-owned lands

3. Unregistered or abandoned and idle

lands including Idle government
4. Other lands

a. Lands located outside the zoned

built-up areas but suitable for
socialized housing per suitability

b. Areas for Priority Development

(APDs), Zonal Improvement
Program (ZIP) Sites, and Slum
Improvement and Resettlement
Program (SIRP) Sites

c. Marginal lands

d. Government-owned lands which

have not been used for the
purpose for the past ten (10)
years from the effectivity of the
Act and identified suitable for
socialized housing


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