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/ / ( HTL: ( Hotel for upgrade , if any : ) , / / / / / / / / / / ( HTL: : : () : :

/ / / / () / / /- /-HULA
( HTL: : 427 : : : : OKHULA / / / / / / / / /-Hello Kitty ( HTL: ( Hotel for upgrade , if any : ) : : : : : / / / / / / /101- / ( HTL: ( Hotel for upgrade , if any : ) : : 19968 : 101: : () Day 01 Arrival Taiwan (X) HTL: Taoyuan Holiday Inn Express or similar class ( Hotel for upgrade , if any : Taoyuan Chuto or similar ) Assemble at the Airport for your departure flight to Taipei, Taiwan. Upon arrival at Taoyuan C.K.S Airport, you will be welcomed and transferred to the hotel.
Day 02 Taoyuan/Taipei/ C.K.S. Memorial Hall/ Miniatures Museum Of Taiwan/ Chiufen / Yilan/ NanFang-Ao / Nan Tian Temple / Su Hua National Road / Hualien /Qixingtan Scenic Area

(B/X/D) *Lunch own expenses in Chiufen HTL: Hualien Lige or similar class *National CKS Memorial Hall (National Taiwan Democracy Memorial Hall): Is the most impressive monument to the great Chinese Hero. The halls enormous marble adifice towers over landscaped garden, graceful pavilions and placid ponds. The bronze statue of late President Chiang Kai-Shek looks out over the city from the main building. *Miniatures Museum Of Taiwan: Its Collect more two hundred miniatures artwork in museum, this miniatures museum scale is No.1 in Asia , and second in the world , main
show is doll house and all kinds delicateness dream house , all artwork among , have smallest television in the world

*Chiufen: To see the old fashioned way of life that still exists. With the aura of an old mining that still apparent, Chiufen radiates a variety of emotions. *Qixingtan Scenic Area: Its Counties grade Scenic area only in Hualien, sound like star shape lake, but in fact is like moon bay, and sure be attracted, Qixingtan another name is crescent bay, this place is a blue gravel bay , bay extremity depend stand tall Central Mountain Range, will be intoxicated in this view. Day 03 Hualien/ Linzi & Tea Center/ Taroko National Park/ Taroko Memorial Arch Building/ Enternal Spring Shrine ( Buluowan-instead of Eternal Spring Shine for tour until 30 APR.) / Taitung/ Lu Yeh Xi Yu Ji Hot Spring-wear swimming suit (B/L/D ) HTL: Master Bear Resort or similar *Taroko National Park: The fourth National Park, Taroko Gorge is sufficiently view disdain for the world the geographical landscape. *Taroko Memorial Arch Building: Its designed in Chinese style. *Eternal Spring Temple: Situated on the valley with the beautiful scene. * Lu Yeh River Seasonal Hot Spring: Keeping in good health healthy hot spring its characteristic is the hot spring takes from the underground stream, with is the carbonic acid hot spring with the red leaves hot spring. Tastelessly to be limpid may drink, after malingers does not need to shower, wipes dry then, is high quality soaks the hot spring. *Master Bear Resort: There are many facility, include Golf driving range, Kala OK, evening can put the lighten to pray. Day 04 Taitung/ Southern Highway/ Kaohsiung/ Fo Guang Mountain/Mei Non Hakka Village/ Pearl Center/ Spring & Autumn Pavilion/ Husan Tien Shangti Temple/ Take Boat rite on Love River/ Dream Shopping Mall - Hello Kitty Ferris Wheel own expenses (B/L/X) *Dinner own arrange at Dream Shopping Mall HTL: Kaohsiung Gear or similar class ( Hotel for upgrade , if any : Shihzuwan or similar ) *Fo Guang Shan: It is the center of Buddhism in southern Taiwan. *Mei Non Hakka Village: You have the chance to see the traditional Hakka Handicrafts, such as hand-make umbrella, bamboo handicraftext. Also you can pay for taste some Hakka traditional food, such as Ban Tiao, Ice block and Le Tea. *Spring And Autumn Pavilions: Where you will be amused by gigantic statues of Dragon and Tiger Pagodas, Hsuan Tien Shangti Temple. *Dream Shopping Mall: the Southeast Asia biggest shopping center, the open-air in street is the water the characteristic and the visual platform happy canyon. Coordinates a building high-quality goods vista and open-air performance, builds shopping of atmosphere just like the New York fifth street.
Day 05 Kaohsiung/ Sightseeing For Freeway/ Taipei/ Martyrs Shrine/ Shilin Official Residence/ Geothermal Valley/ Handicraft Center/ 101 Shopping Mall- Observatory own expenses/

in olden days elegant demeanor1:120 proportion mine pit upon tree.

Raohe Street Tourist Night Market (B/L/X) *Dinner own expenses in Raohe Night Market HTL: Taipei Golden Garden or similar class ( Hotel for upgrade , if any : Taipei Riverview or similar ) *Martyrs Shrine: To view an elaborate ceremony of changing guards hourly. *Shilin Official Residence: Chiang Kai-shek and sung mei ling Official Residence , this building become Taipei city first ecology park when open look around from 1996 Aug , its Taipei populace go to Take a walk good place *Geothermal Valley : its one of Beitou hot spring source, highest hot spring in Tatun Mountain ,sulfur smog view have " mineral spring jasper smog "name , its one if Taiwan eight sheng twelve view in Japan era. *101 Shopping Mall: Enjoy your shopping in the tallest building in the world. *Raohe Night Market : its Taipei popular tourist Night Market , Taipei city second set up tourist night market also Day 06 Transfer to Airport for Departure (B)

*********itinerary subject to change without prior notice **********

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