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1lna MacablLas
CcLober 24, 2011
C8AuL 6
AcqulslLlon Level:

Su8!LC1 (ConLenL

Ma[or 1ypes of

SLudenLs wlll be able Lo
use a graphlc organlzer
Lo wrlLe a flve-
paragraph essay abouL
Lhe dlfferenL Lypes of

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CCN1LN1 S1AnuA8u
1. Plate tectonics accounts for important
features of Earths surface and major
geologic events. As a basis for
understanding this concept:
d. Students know that earthquakes
are sudden motions along breaks in
the crust called faults and that
volcanoes and fissures are locations
where magma reaches the surface.


Identify and follow some multiple-step directions
for using simple mechanical devices and filling out
basic forms.
Write simple sentences of brief responses to
selected literature to show factual understanding of
the text.

Participate in social conversations with peers and
adults on familiar topics by asking and answering
questions and soliciting information.

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MCulllCA1lCnS lC8 LLL
-1eacher readlng Lhe LexL
-vocabulary lllpbook
-Lasy 8eader
-Slmpllfylng and elaboraLlng
-All AbouL volcanoes vldeo
-SmarL board
rovldlng Lngllsh language
learners wlLh core conLenL ln a
comprehenslble manner by
provldlng equal access Lo grade
level lnsLrucLlon and Lhrough
addlLlonal llngulsLlc supporL.

1hese were effecLlve modlflcaLlons
LhaL provlded a poslLlve affecLlve
domaln for Lhe Lngllsh language
learners ln Lhe class.

1he sLraLegy for assessmenL would be an lnformal dlagnosLlc, formaLlve, and summaLlve assessmenL. ln
Lhe lnLo, Lhe Leacher ls able Lo use a few lnformaLlve pre-assessmenLs by asklng Lhe sLudenLs whaL Lhey
know Lhrough Lhe use of realla, uslng a kWL CharL, and parLlclpaLlng ln 3 corners. She ls able Lo monlLor
Lhelr responses Lo deLermlne where Lo begln her lesson. 1he use of a fllpbook wlll help Lhe Leacher
deLermlne lf she needs Lo bulld on background knowledge or emphaslze more vocabulary. Class
dlscusslon and cooperaLlve learnlng groups glve Lhe Leacher Lhe opporLunlLy Lo spoL check and llsLen Lo
sLudenLs whlle converslng wlLh Lhelr peers. 1he Leacher wlll be able Lo Lrack Lhe sLudenLs on a day-Lo-
day basls Lo ensure comprehenslon of Lhe lesson. ln Lhe Lhrough, Lhe 1lckeL CuL Lhe uoor ls wrlLLen
evldence for Lhe Leacher Lo monlLor progress of Lhe sLudenLs knowledge of Lhe lesson. 1he Leacher ls
able Lo keep daLa Lo deLermlne lf she needs Lo modlfy lnpuL. ln Lhe beyond, Lhe Leacher ls able Lo
observe and move among small cooperaLlve learnlng groups Lo clarlfy confuslon and provlde supporL.
1he use of MaLch Mlnd was Lo provlde Lhe Leacher wlLh a formal summaLlve assessmenL and Lhe
opporLunlLy Lo glve Lhe sLudenLs wrlLLen feedback. llnally, Lhe flve-paragraph essay ls a performance
based wrlLlng assessmenL provldlng Lhe Leacher wlLh wrlLLen evldence Lo help her deLermlne wheLher
Lo reLeach or move forward Lo Lhe nexL concepL.

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MA1L8lALS, LCulMLn1, and 1LCPnCLCC? nLLuLu
LxposlLory LexL from Lhe Weekly 8eader, volcano vldeo, vC8, Lasy 8eader, realla (plcLures and posLers
of mounLalns and volcanoes), 12"x18" consLrucLlon paper, kWL CharL handouLs, lndex cards, plcLures
of Lhe Lhree Lypes of volcanoes, model supplles (plasLlc cup, ple pan, egg shell, clay, soll or sand,
vlnegar, red food colorlng, and baklng soda), LlckeLs for 1lckeLs CuL Lhe uoor, MaLch Mlne, venn
8ubbles handouLs, a SmarL board, and Lhe Pow volcanoes Are lormed ul.

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1he Leacher remlnds sLudenLs
LhaL Lhey have learned abouL
Lhe movemenL of plaLes aL
LarLh's surface. She has Lhem
lmaglne a volcano. 1hen she
descrlbes Lhe maLerlal LhaL
shooLs ouL from Lhe cenLer of a
volcano whlle uslng hand

What do you know?
1eacher shows realla (plcLures
and posLers of mounLalns and
volcanoes dlsplayed ln fronL of
Lhe classroom). She moves
around Lhe classroom and asks
Lhe sLudenLs whaL Lhey know
abouL each one.

1he Leacher glves each sLudenL a
12"x18" sheeL of consLrucLlon
paper. She lnsLrucLs Lhem Lo fold
lL ln half porLralL sLyle creaLlng a
9"x12" folder for Lhelr papers
abouL volcanoes. She lnsLrucLs
Lhem Lo LlLle Lhelr folder
volcanoes and Lo wrlLe Lhelr
names on Lhe fronL cover. She
Lhen allows Lhe sLudenLs Lo
personallze Lhelr folders by
drawlng and decoraLlng Lhe
fronL cover.

kWL Chart
1he Leacher's purpose ls Lo
access prlor knowledge and bulld

1he purpose of realla ls Lo
provlde Lngllsh learners wlLh
Langlble, famlllar lLems, whlch
Lhey can descrlbe and Lalk abouL.
1helr chances for undersLandlng
Lhe Loplc are enhanced.

1he purpose of Lhe folder ls Lo
organlze all Lhe sLudenLs' papers
and handouLs.

1he sLudenLs seemed engaged
because Lhey llked dlscusslng
whaL Lhey had prevlously
learned. 1hey were also engaged
by hand movemenLs and bodlly
klnesLheLlc LhaL l used Lo
descrlbe a volcano erupLlng.

1he plcLures and posLers acLually
were very useful Lools
LhroughouL Lhe lesson.

lL's lnLeresLlng how a slmple
sheeL of consLrucLlon paper can
be an execuLlve funcLlonlng Lool.
1he sLudenLs en[oyed
personallzlng Lhelr covers and
were responslble for Lhelr folder
LhroughouL Lhe enLlre lesson.

1he Leacher hands ouL a kWL
sheeL Lo each sLudenL. 8efore
havlng Lhe sLudenL braln sLorm
each secLlon, she glves Lhem
some Lhlnklng Llme (approx. 1-2
mlnuLes). 1hen, she has Lhe
sLudenLs bralnsLorm and flll ln
Lhe flrsL column of whaL Lhey
know, even lf lL ls lnaccuraLe.
ClarlflcaLlon wlll Lake place when
Lhey flll ouL Lhe Lhlrd column,
afLer dlscusslon, readlng, and
learnlng abouL volcanoes. nexL,
Lhey flll ouL Lhe second column
of whaL Lhey wanL Lo learn. 1he
hand ouL ls Lhen placed ln Lhe
sLudenLs' volcano folder.

Vocabu|ary I||pbook
1he sLudenLs are glven a sheeL
of 12"x18" consLrucLlon paper.
1he Leacher slowly models each
sLep on how Lo fold Lhe paper
lnLo secLlons, whlle allowlng
ample amounL of Llme for Lhe
sLudenLs Lo keep up. She Lhen
passes ouL sclssors Lo each
sLudenL. 1hey are lnsLrucLed Lo
cuL on cerLaln llnes Lo creaLe Lhe
fllp of Lhe fllpbook. 1hen, Lhe
Leacher wrlLes 6 vocabulary
words on Lhe board and Lhelr
deflnlLlons. 1he sLudenLs copy
Lhe words and deflnlLlons onLo
Lhelr fllpbooks ln Lhelr
approprlaLe secLlon and draw a
plcLure Lo maLch. 1he
vocabulary words are: magma,
faulL, erupLlon, lava, and hoL

3 Corners (a.k.a. 4 corners)
1he Leacher places a plcLure of a
shleld, a composlLe, and a clnder
cone volcano ln each corner.
1he sLudenLs are each glven a
plcLure/word card LhaL relaLe Lo
Lhe dlfferenL volcanoes.
SLudenLs sllenLly move Lo Lhe
corner LhaL Lhelr plcLure/word
card corresponds Lo. SLudenLs
share Lhelr plcLure/word cards
wlLh each oLher. 1hey also
dlscuss how Lhe plcLure/word
card and Lhe corner relaLe.
1he purpose of Lhe charL ls Lo
access sLudenLs' knowledge
abouL volcanoes, uncover
mlsconcepLlons, and mosL
lmporLanL, allow sLudenLs lnpuL
abouL whaL Lhey would llke Lo
learn abouL Lhe Loplc. Also,
supporLlng Lhe LLu readlng
sLandard of belng able Lo
ldenLlfy and follow some
mulLlple-sLep dlrecLlons for uslng
slmple mechanlcal devlces and
fllllng ouL baslc forms.

1he purpose of Lhe vocabulary
fllpbook ls Lo lnLroduce Lhe
vocabulary aL Lhe beglnnlng of
Lhe lesson. 1hls process wlll help
Lhe sLudenLs bulld on
background knowledge and
lncrease comprehenslon of Lhe

1he purpose of Lhls acLlvlLy ls Lo
glve sLudenLs an opporLunlLy Lo
share Lhelr knowledge abouL
volcanoes. Also, provldlng an
opporLunlLy Lo share Lhelr
paraphraslng skllls whlle
relnforclng Lhe LLu llsLenlng
speaklng sLandard of
parLlclpaLlng ln soclal
conversaLlons wlLh peers and
adulLs on famlllar Loplcs by
asklng and answerlng quesLlons
and sollclLlng lnformaLlon.

1hls sLraLegy dld noL have Lhe
lnlLlal effecL LhaL l was expecLlng.
1he sLudenLs needed more
prompLlng. 1hey felL pressured
Lo have Lo flll ln Lhe columns, so l
had Lo be remlnded LhaL lL was
okay Lo noL flll Lhe column.

1he fllpbook proved Lo be a
successful acLlvlLy and was used
as a resource for our flnal
wrlLlng. lL Look more prompLlng
Lo fold Lhe paper Lhan expecLed.
lL helped me deLermlne lf l
needed Lo bulld on background
knowledge or emphaslze more
vocabulary. 1he sLudenLs
acLually grasped Lhe vocabulary
meanlng qulLe well, so l was able
Lo move on.

1hls was a fun lnLeracLlve
sLraLegy for Lhe sLudenLs. l was
able Lo spoL check and llsLen Lo
conversaLlons abouL Lhe
dlfferenL Lypes of volcanoes.


Stand Up-S|t Down
1he Leacher makes a sLaLemenL
abouL volcanoes (Lhese
sLaLemenLs wlll laLer be reused
as a formal summaLlve qulz).
1he sLudenLs declde lf lL ls Lrue
by sLandlng up. lf Lhey declde
LhaL lL ls false, Lhen Lhey remaln

1he Leacher passes ouL Lhe LexL
Lo Lhe class and reads Lhe
sclence LexL from Lhe Weekly
8eader Lo Lhe sLudenLs, sLopplng
Lo have Lhe sLudenLs ldenLlfy
and descrlbe Lhe crlLlcal
vocabulary as lL appears ln Lhe
LexL (l. e. magma, erupLlon).

1he Leacher dlvldes Lhe class
lnLo small cooperaLlve groups of
3 or 4. She asslgns each group a
Lype of volcano and a passage
from Lhe LexL. SLudenLs read
Lhelr porLlon of Lhe LexL and
dlscuss Lhe key polnLs of whaL
Lhey read. SLudenLs dlscuss how
Lo presenL Lhe lnformaLlon Lo
Lhelr class. Lach group Lakes a
Lurn Lo share Lhe key polnLs wlLh
Lhe class from Lhelr passage,
whlle Lhe oLher sLudenLs Lake
ouL Lhelr kWL CharLs and flll ln
Lhe Lhlrd column wlLh noLes.

1he sLudenLs reLurn Lo Lhelr
Weekly 8eader LexL and
compleLe Lhe revlew exerclse aL
Lhe boLLom of Lhe page. 1he
Leacher summarlzes key polnLs
and uses Lhe LexL vlsuals for
supporL. 1he sLudenLs Lhen
place Lhe Weekly 8eader ln Lhelr
volcano folders.

Lasy keader
1he Leacher passes ouL an Lasy
8eader (a slmpllfled language
and comprehenslon ald
deslgned for sLudenLs wlLh
speclal needs and Lngllsh

1he purpose of Lhls acLlvlLy ls Lo
glve a qulck lnformal assessmenL
of comprehenslon durlng lesson

1he purpose of readlng Lhe LexL
aloud and clarlfylng as needed ls
Lo mod|fy the text for Lhe
sLudenL. Also, Lo allow for Lhe
sLudenLs Lo llsLen aLLenLlvely Lo
Lhe lnformaLlon and ldenLlfy
lmporLanL deLalls and concepLs.

1he purpose of Lhls acLlvlLy ls Lo
encourage lnLeracLlon among
class members Lhrough learnlng
abouL Lhe Lhrees Lypes of
volcanoes. Also, relnforclng Lhe
LLu llsLenlng/speaklng sLandard
of parLlclpaLlng ln soclal
conversaLlons wlLh peers and
adulLs on famlllar Loplcs by
asklng and answerlng quesLlons
and sollclLlng lnformaLlon.

1he purpose ls Lo supporL Lhe
LLu readlng sLandard of belng
able Lo ldenLlfy and follow some
mulLlple-sLep dlrecLlons for uslng
slmple mechanlcal devlces and
fllllng ouL baslc forms. Also,
provldlng Lhe Leacher wlLh Lhe
opporLunlLy Lo mod|fy the text
for Lhe sLudenL.

1he purpose of Lhe Lasy 8eader
ls Lo presenL ldenLlcal lesson
conLenL ln a comprehenslble
manner aL a mod|f|ed readlng
level. Also, Lo provlde equal

1he Lngllsh Language learners ln
our class caughL on qulckly and
were able Lo look around and
follow Lhelr peers.

8eadlng Lhe sLory aloud aL a slow
pace was an approprlaLe
lnsLrucLlonal sLraLegy LhaL kepL
Lhe sLudenLs engaged.

1hls was an excellenL sLraLegy
for Lhe LLL sLudenLs because
Lhey were able Lo converse wlLh
Lhelr peers. 1hey were also
comforLable llsLenlng Lo Lhelr
peers read Lhe LexL and share
key polnLs wlLh Lhe class. 1hen
Lhey were more engaged ln Lhe
kWL CharL Lhan before. lL was
easler for Lhem Lo puL correcL
facLs, Lhan generaLlng Lhelr own.

Slnce, Lhe groups wenL so well, l
leL Lhem sLay LogeLher Lo answer
Lhe revlew quesLlons. 1he LLL
sLudenLs were able Lo copy Lhe
answers and geL supporL from
Lhelr peers.

1he Lasy 8eaders were [usL LhaL,
easy for Lhe sLudenLs Lo read and
look Lhrough. 1hey were clear
and conclse Lools for all Lhe
language learners) Lo each
sLudenL. She reads Lhe LexL
aloud, pauses, and polnLs Lo Lhe
vlsuals ln Lhe book. She uses Lhe
correcL Lermlnology, alLhough
slmpllfylng and elaboraLlng Lhe

Mak|ng a Mode|
1eacher passes ouL Lhe volcano
Maklng handouL. SLudenLs work
ln groups of 3 or 4 Lo read Lhe
volcano Maklng lnsLrucLlons.
SLudenLs Lake Lurns readlng Lhe
sLeps aloud. 1he Leacher
encourages sLudenLs Lo help
each oLher wlLh words Lhey
don'L know and Lo correcL each
oLher's pronunclaLlon. SLudenLs
pause afLer readlng a sLep and
ask: 1. !"#$ &' () *))& $' &'+
2. ,-) $")-) #*. ('-&/
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AfLer, compleLlng Lhe model Lhe
sLudenLs answer and flll ouL Lhe
boLLom quesLlons of Lhe
handouL. 1hen, Lhey place Lhe
handouL ln Lhelr volcano folders.

1|cket Cut the Door
AL Lhe end of each day, Lhe
sLudenLs wlll flll ouL a LlckeL wlLh
a wrlLlng prompL.
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1he Leacher encourages Lhe
sLudenLs Lo look aL Lhe posLers,
plcLures on Lhe walls, Lo use Lhe
lnformaLlon ln Lhelr volcano
folders for correcL spelllng and
ldeas. When done Lhe sLudenLs
glve Lhe LlckeL Lo Lhe Leacher Lo
be dlsmlssed.
access Lo grade level lnsLrucLlon
and addlLlonal llngulsLlc supporL.

1he purpose of Lhe model ls Lo
provlde sLudenLs wlLh Lhe
opporLunlLy Lo parLlclpaLe ln
cooperaLlve learnlng groups.
Also, relnforclng Lhe LLu
llsLenlng speaklng sLandard of
parLlclpaLlng ln soclal
conversaLlons wlLh peers and
adulLs on famlllar Loplcs by
asklng and answerlng quesLlons
and sollclLlng lnformaLlon.

1he purpose of Lhe LlckeLs ls Lo
glve Lhe sLudenLs an opporLunlLy
Lo lndependenLly dlsplay Lhelr
comprehenslon of Lhe conLenL.
Also, relnforclng Lhe LLu wrlLlng
sLandard by wrlLlng slmple
senLences of brlef response Lo
selecLed llLeraLure Lo show
facLual undersLandlng of Lhe

sLudenLs. 1he LLL sLudenLs were
able Lo beneflL from Lhls Lool

1hls was a greaL hands-on
experlence for Lhe sLudenLs.
1hey were also able Lo apply Lhe
concepL of cause and effecL lnLo
our learnlng.

1lckeL CuL Lhe uoor has become
one of my favorlLe sLraLegles of
assessmenL. l was able Lo Lake
home Lhe LlckeLs for revlew.

Match M|ne
1he Leacher provldes each
sLudenL a handouL/qulz Lo be
compleLed lndlvldually. 1he
sLudenLs are lnsLrucLed Lo maLch
Lhe volcanoes, sLaLemenLs, and

A|| About Vo|canoes V|deo
1he Leacher plays a vldeo abouL
volcanoes whlle Lhe sLudenLs
quleLly waLch and llsLen.

S|mu|taneous kound 1ab|e
1he Leacher dlvldes Lhe class
lnLo small cooperaLlve groups of
3. She glves Lhem 3 sheeLs of
paper for each Lype of volcano.
1he sLudenLs generaLe a long llsL
of volcano aLLrlbuLes. 1hen Lhe
sLudenLs pass Lhelr papers clock-
wlse. Lach sLudenL musL read
whaL ls already on Lhe llsL and
Lhen add addlLlonal aLLrlbuLes.
1he llsLs clrculaLe around Lhe
Lable unLll compleLe. 1hen, each
sLudenL reads hls or her llsL Lo
Lhe resL of Lhe group.

1he Leacher engages Lhe
sLudenLs ln class dlscusslon by
encouraglng Lhe sLudenLs Lo
compare Lhe Lhree Lypes of
volcanoes. She asks:
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Venn 8ubb|es (a.k.a. Venn
1he Leacher palrs sLudenLs of
dlfferlng ablllLles Lo work
cooperaLlvely uslng venn

1he purpose ls Lo provlde Lhe
Leacher wlLh evldence of
lndlvldual learnlng Lhrough a
formal summaLlve assessmenL.
Also, relnforclng Lhe LLu readlng
sLandard and glvlng Lhe Leacher
Lhe opporLunlLy Lo glve feedback
Lo Lhe sLudenLs.

1he purpose of Lhe vldeo ls Lo
mod|fy Lhe core conLenL ln a
comprehenslble manner for Lhe
Lngllsh language learner.

1he purpose ls Lo encourage
sLudenLs Lo work LogeLher as
Lhey revlew. Also, relnforclng Lhe
LLu llsLenlng speaklng sLandard
of parLlclpaLlng ln soclal
conversaLlons wlLh peers and
adulLs on famlllar Loplcs by
asklng and answerlng quesLlons
and sollclLlng lnformaLlon.

1he purpose of class dlscusslon
ls Lo engage Lhe sLudenL and
have Lhem llsLen Lo and acLlvely
parLlclpaLe ln soclal

1he purpose of Lhe venn
8ubbles ls Lo provlde Lhe sLudenL
wlLh a graphlc organlzer Lo asslsL

1hls was an approprlaLe Llme Lo
glve Lhe sLudenLs a formal
summaLlve assessmenL and also
glve Lhe sLudenLs wrlLLen
feedback. 1he qulz scores
provlded me wlLh daLa LhaL
showcased Lhelr comprehenslon
of Lhe dlfferenL Lypes of

1he vldeo was lnLended Lo
relnforce Lhe conLenL, however,
Lhe sLudenLs dld so well on Lhelr
qulzzes, LhaL lL was more of a

1hls was anoLher sLraLegy LhaL
goL Lhe sLudenLs Lo wrlLe whaL
Lhey know on a sheeL of paper. lL
relnforced scaffoldlng Lo Lhe
flnal asslgnmenL.

l had loLs of verbal parLlclpaLlon
from Lhe sLudenLs. lL lndlcaLed Lo
me, LhaL Lhe sLudenLs
comprehended Lhe maLerlal and
were ready Lo organlze Lhelr

venn 8ubbles was a fun
organlzaLlonal Lool. l used Lhe
SmarL board as a vlsual ald for
8ubbles. She uses Lhe SmarL
board Lo dlsplay a dlagram of
Lhe 3 Lypes of volcanoes LlLled
Pow volcanoes Are lormed.
SLudenLs flll ln Lhe graphlc
organlzer uslng Lhe vlsual ald
dlsplayed Lo compare Lhe Lhree
Lypes of volcanoes.

llnally, Lhe sLudenL wlll use hls
or her venn 8ubbles Lo
lndependenLly wrlLe a flve-
paragraph essay abouL Lhe 3
dlfferenL Lypes of volcanoes. 1he
Leacher encourages Lhe sLudenLs
Lo use Lhe lnformaLlon ln Lhelr
volcano folders as addlLlonal

ln Lhe flnal wrlLlng asslgnmenL.

1he purpose ls Lo provlde Lhe
Leacher wlLh evldence of
lndlvldual learnlng by
summarlzlng whaL Lhey have
learned. Also, relnforclng Lhe
lesson ob[ecLlve and Lhe LLu
wrlLlng sLandard by wrlLlng
slmple senLences of brlef
response Lo selecLed llLeraLure
Lo show facLual undersLandlng of
Lhe LexL.

Lhe sLudenLs Lo copy Lhe correcL
spelllng and senLence sLrucLure
Lo use ln Lhelr nexL asslgnmenL.

1he sLudenLs' volcano folders
and graphlc organlzers were
used as a resource Lo lower Lhelr
anxleLy abouL wrlLlng Lhe essay.
1hey were able Lo go back and
forLh and use Lhe lnformaLlon ln
Lhelr wrlLlng. Cnly one sLudenL,
had a dlfflculL Llme wrlLlng, he
needed exLra Llme Lo organlze
hls LhoughLs on paper. l reallzed
LhaL ample Llme was needed
LhroughouL Lhe lesson for all Lhe
sLudenLs, especlally Lhe LLLs.

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