Worksheet Week16

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1) A kilowatt-hour is equivalent to: a. 3.6106 J b. 1103 J c. 3.

6106 J/s

d. 1103 J/s

14) The equivalent resistance of resistors in parallel can be calculated by __________. a. 1/R = 1/RA + 1/RB + 1/RC c. 1/R = 1/RA x 1/RB x 1/RC b. R = 1/RA + 1/RB + 1/RC d. R = RA + RB + RC

2. A 12 V battery delivers a 1.2 A current to an electric motor that is connected across terminals. What power is consumed by the motor? a. 14.4 W b. 10 W c. 14.4 J d. 10 J 3. Electric power is given by: a. P = VR b. P = V2R c. P = I2R

15) If you have a 90 V power source with a 30- and 60- resistor in series, what is the voltage drop over the 60- resistor? a. 30 V b. 2 V c. 90 V d. 60 V

d. P = IR

4. Five lights of equal resistance connected in series will __________. a. be equally bright. b. never light up. c. flicker. d. be brighter the closer they get to the positive end. 5) A 1.5 V battery is attached to a 1- resistor and a 2- resistor in series. What is the current? a. 3 A b. 0.5 A c. 4.5 A d. 2 A

16) Why does running too many appliances on one circuit cause a fuse to blow or a circuit breaker to shut off? a. As more resistors are added in parallel, the total resistance decreases, which causes an increase in the total amount of current. b. The current drops to almost zero. c. As more resistors are added in parallel, the total resistance decreases, which causes an increase in the total amount of voltage. d. The voltage becomes too much for the circuit to handle. 17) Electrical wiring in homes uses __________ circuits. a. voltage b. series c. parallel d. overloaded 18) A voltmeter should be connected to a circuit in _______. a. parallel b. short form c. series d. series-parallel 19) Circuit 19 shows a switch closed, battery, bulb and a variable resistor wired in a complete series circuit. Which statement about the operation of the circuit is TRUE?

6) A 340- resistor and a 550- resistor are connected in parallel. This group is then connected in series with a 180- and a 120- resistors. What is the equivalent resistance of the circuit? a. 510 b. 420 c. 210 d. 550 7) A 45- resistor and a 65- resistor are connected in series. These resistors are then connected in parallel with a 120- resistor. What is the equivalent resistance for the circuit? a. 150 b. 230 c. 57 d. 22

8) The __________ is the sum of all resistances in a series. a. calculated resistance b. resistance c. resistance total d. equivalent resistance 9) If you have two lights in parallel and you add another identical light in parallel, what happens to the total current? a. It decreases. b. It remains the same. c. It goes to zero. d. It increases. 10) What happens to lights in series if one goes out? a. they flicker b. every other one goes out c. they stay lit d. they all go out 11) What is the equation to find current in a series of three resistors? a. I = V/(R1 R2 R3) b. I = V/(R1 + R2 + R3) c. I = V(R1 R2 R3) d. I = V(R1 + R2 + R3) 12) In the river model for an electric circuit, the amount of water flowing through the river each second is the __________. a. power b. voltage c. current d. path

a if the resistance is increased less current flows and the bulb cannot light up b the variable resistor cannot be used as a switch c if the resistance is decreased, more current flows and the bulb is brighter d if the cell or battery connections are swapped around, the bulb goes out 20) The ratings for four typical domestic appliance fuses are given
below. Which is the safest fuse to use for an appliance with a normal operating current of 6A?

13) A 60- resistor and a 30- resistor are in parallel. What is the equivalent resistance? a. 2 b. 30 c. 20 d. 90

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