CF Wods

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10-15 MIN WOD

CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in 10:00 of: 5 Body Weight Deadlifts 10 Hip Extensions 20 Double nders CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in 15:00 of: !un "00m 15 #ull ups 12 Burpees CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in 10:00 of: 5 #ull ups 10 #ush ups 15 Air $%uats CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in &:00 of: 5 '2B #ull ups 5 $%uat $nat(hes) 1*5+,5lbs Don-t rush through the $nat(hes. /a0e sure ea(h attempt is a good rep 1ust li0e during a '2 (ompetition. CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in &:00 of: 3 Ba(0 $%uats) 225+150lbs 3 'hest4to4Bar #ull ups CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in &:00 of: 5 Deadlifts) 1&5+1*5lbs 12 6oes4to4Bar CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in &:00 of: 21 Hand4!elease #ush ups 15 7B $8ings) 32+5"lbs , 6oes4to4Bar CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many reps as possible in 3:00 of: Burpees CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in 3:00 of: , nbro0en !ing Dips 21 nbro0en Double nders CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in &:00 of: 15 Hand4!elease #ush ups 12 !ussian 7B $8ings) 32+5"lbs CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in &:00 of: 12 nbro0en 7B $8ings) 32+5"lbs 9!egionals $tandard: 7B perfe(tly ;erti(al< , Wall Ball $hots) 20+1"lbs 910-+,- target< CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in &:00 of: 2 !ope 'limbs) 1510 Ba(0 $%uats) 1&5+1*5lbs CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD 3:00 for %uality of: 5 #o8er 'leans) Hea;y 9use a 8eight that 8ill allo8 for unbro0en sets< 3 Burpees =oal should be to mo;e smoothly through ea(h round. 2o(us on solid pa(ing.

CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in 3:00 of: * Hang #o8er 'leans) 105+35lbs 5 #ush ups , Air $%uats CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in &:00 of: * #o8er 'leans) 115+&5lbs 3 Burpees 50ft $led Drag) ,0+"5lbs CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in 3:00 of: & 6hrusters) ,5+55lbs 10 !ing Dips CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in &:00 of: & Dumbbell #ush #ress) *5+20lbs per hand 50 Double nders & Burpees CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in 3:00 of: * #o8er 'leans) 1*5+,5lbs 5 #ush ups , Air $%uats CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in ,:00 of: 10 Handstand #ush ups 12 Box >umps) 2"?+20? !o8 250m @ote: Athlete must step do8n from the top of the box before beginning the next rep. @o rebounding. CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in 3:00 of: 10 Air $%uats 15 $it ups 20 Double nders CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD &:00 for total reps: 2:00 7ettlebell $8ing 95*+*5< 2:00 !est 1:*0 7ettlebell $8ing 95*+*5< 1:*0 !est 1:00 7ettlebell $8ing 95*+*5< CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As /any !ounds As #ossible in &:00 of: * H$# s 5 Wal0ing Aunge $teps , $it ups CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in 3:00 of: " !ing Dips 5 #ull ups & Burpees CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in 5:00 of: 10 Double 7B 2ront $%uats) 5"+*5lbs 10 Double 7B #ush #resses) 5"+*5lbs CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in &:00 of: 3 #ush #resses) 115+35lbs , nbro0en 6oes4to4Bar 12 nbro0en 7B $8ings) 5"+32lbs B5 burpee penalty on the spot ea(h time an athlete brea0s a set of 62B or 7B s8ings.

CFE STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING WOD E;ery minute on the minute for 12:00: & DB #ush #ress) "5+20lbs & Aateral Burpees & 7B $8ings) 32+5"lbs CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in 12:00 of: 15 Double nders 12 Handstand #ush ups , Hang #o8er 'leans) 1*5+,5lbs CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD 2i;e rounds: 0:*0 Aunges) 0:*0 off 0:*0 2armers Wal0) 0:*0 off 0:*0 Hand4release #ush ups) 0:*0 off CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in 12:00 of: * 6hrusters) 1*5+,5lbs , 'hest4to4Bar #ull ups 12 Double nders CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD 15:00 of: $and Bag 'arry 9for distan(e< CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in 20:00 of: 25 $it ups 21 #ush #ress 935+55< !un "00m CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD ?'indy? As many rounds as possible in 20:00 of: 5 #ull ups 10 #ush ups 15 $%uats CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in 12:00 of: 10 $tri(t #ull ups 15 Ben(h #ress 91*5+,5< CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in 12:00 of: 10 Body8eight Deadlift 10 #ull ups *0 Double nders CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in 12:00 of: 10 !ing !o8s 20 Air $%uats CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in 12:00 of: !o8 250m 12 Burpees 15 #ull ups $ub for ro8 is 200m run. CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in 10:00 of: 10 #ull ups 10 #ush #ress 9115+&5< 200m !un CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in 10:00 of: 15 #o8er 'lean 9,5+35< 25 Double nders 10 #ush ups

CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in 10:00 of: 5 Hang #o8er 'leans 9,5+55< 10 #ull ups 20 Double nders CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in 10:00 of: 10 #ull ups 15 #ush ups 20 Air $%uats CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in 10:00 of: 12 #ush #resses) ,5+55lbs 12 Wall Ball $hots) 20+15lbs CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many reps as possible in 15:00 of: $tri(t #ull ups CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in 15:00 of: !o8 500m 12 =oblet $%uats) 5"+*5lbs 15 6oes4to4Bar $ub for 500m ro8 is "00m run. CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in 10:00 of: 12 #ush #resses) ,5+55lbs 12 Wall Ball $hots) 20+15lbs


CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in 20:00 of: 25 #ush ups 14mile Bi0e 9sub "00m run if ne(essary< 12 Body Weight Deadlifts CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in *:00 of: * #o8er 'leans) 155+105lbs 5 Burpees , Air $%uats !est 1:00. 'omplete for a total of fi;e (y(les. CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD 10:00 of /us(le4up s0ill 8or0 As many rope (limbs as possible in 10:00 Cn(lude 8eighted ;ariations and (limbs 8ithout legs if possible. CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in *:00 of: * #o8er 'leans) 155+105lbs 5 Burpees , Air $%uats !est 1:00. 'omplete for a total of fi;e (y(les. CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD 10:00 to 8or0 up to a hea;y $nat(h 9no misses: this is not a max effort attempt< As many rounds as possible in 10:00 of: & 7B $8ings) 32+5"lbs 10 Box >umps) 2"?+20? 12 Burpees CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in 20:00 of: 10 Ben(h #ress 9BW< 10 $tri(t #ull ups 10 Double nders CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD $pend 20:00 pra(ti(ing /us(le ups or *0 /us(le ups for time $pend 10:00 pra(ti(ing Handstands or *0 Hand $tand #ush ups for time CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in 20:00 of: 500m !o8 15 #ush ups 25 Air $%uats CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD $0ill 8or0: A4$it Holds 5:00 Handstand Holds) 5:00 /us(le up #rogressions) 5:00 Double nder pra(ti(e) 5:00 CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in 20:00 of: !o8 350m 50 Double nders 21 7B $8ings) *5+5"lbs


CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD 2or time: 14mile !un 100 #ull ups 200 #ush ups *00 $%uats 14mile !un CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD 6hree rounds of: 10 '2B #ull ups 3 #o8er 'leans) Hea;y $print 100m !est ":00 bet8een rounds. Ea(h round should be at max effort. CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD 2i;e to se;en rounds of: $print 50m 12 !ussian 7B $8ings) 32+5"lbs !est ":00 bet8een rounds. CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD 2i;e to se;en rounds of: $print 50m 12 !ussian 7B $8ings) 32+5"lbs !est ":00 bet8een rounds.


CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in 12:00 of: !un "00m 15 Ba(0 $%uats at Body8eight 12 'hest4to4Bar #ull ups CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many reps as possible in 10:00 of: !un &00m 150 Double nders /ax !eps Box >umps 92"?+20?< 9$(ore is number of Box >umps.< CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in 10:00 of: 200m !un 10 2ront $%uats 9BW< 15 $it ups CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in 10:00 of: $print 100m 10 Burpees CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in 12:00 of: !un 200m 12 Burpees 15 #ull ups CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in 12:00 of: !un "00m 21 6oes4to4Bar 12 =HD $it ups CFE STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD As many rounds as possible in 12:00 of: !un "00m 15 'hest4to4Bar #ull ups 21 Double nders

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