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AP World History Test Review for Classical Empires of the Ancient World

Empires to Review Persia, Classical Greece and the Hellenistic World, Rome, Qin China, Han China, India. WRITE THESE "% PAPER& !ESTI"#S A#$ A#SWERS "# A#"THER SHEET

Identify the followin'( Julius Caesar Solon Ptolemy Hippocrates Peloponnesian War Alexander he Great !iocletian "andate o# Hea$en Chinese !ynastic Cycle

Au%ustus Paul "inoan "ycenean ro'an War Hellenistic Pax Romana

Jesus Constantine Hanni&al !arius Homer Gaul Pericles

Answer the followin' )*estions( (. Who dominated Greece a#ter the Persian Wars) *. he Peloponnesian War +as &et+een +hat t+o %roups)

,. What +as Alexander-s most lastin% achie$ement) .. What city in /%ypt &ecame the center o# the Hellenistic +orld) 0. Which %eo%raphic #eatures o# Greece pro$ided a lin1 to the outside +orld) 2. Ho+ did the %eo%raphy o# Greece help create city3states) 4. Accordin% to Aristotle, +hat +as the &est %o$ernment) 5. /xplain ho+ Athenian democracy +or1ed. 6. Who esta&lished an empire that extended #rom Greece to /%ypt and India) (7. Why did !iocletian di$ide the Roman /mpire into t+o parts) ((. Ho+ did the Roman le%al system contri&ute to unity and sta&ility) (*. What +as Rome-s attitude to+ard the Je+s o# Palestine) (,. he Pax Romana ended a#ter the death o# +hich Roman emperor)

(.. Ho+ did the +ealth ac8uired #rom +innin% an empire a##ect Rome)

(0. (2.

Roman art and literature &lended +ith that o# +hich other ci$ili9ation) he decline o# the Roman repu&lic #ollo+ed a century o# ci$il +ars #ou%ht o$er +hat 8uestion)

(4. Which city did Constantine ma1e the center o# po+er #or the Roman /mpire) (5. What +as Rome-s attitude to+ard people o# di##erent reli%ions in the empire) (6. What +ere the causes o# the #all o# the Roman /mpire) *7. What similarities existed in the #all o# most o# the empires) *(. /conomically, classical empires and culture remained lar%ely a%ricultural &ut had considera&le commercial contacts. **. !escri&e the trade amon% and &et+een ancient empires. *,. /xplain the di##erence &et+een cultures and empires. *.. /xplain the reli%ions nati$e to each o# the cultures. *0. Ho+ did Chinese &elie# systems di##er #rom Hinduism and polytheism) *2. What +as the most important result o# Gree1 coloni9ation &et+een 407 and 007 :.C./.) *4. ;no+ ho+ %eo%raphy in#luenced each culture and empire. *5. Ho+ did each culture and empire treat their +omen) :e speci#ic.

Essay( Compare and contrast Qin and Han %o$ernment and society +ith any one o# these< =(> "esopotamia and the Harrapan Indus ?alley ci$ili9ation@ or =*> other classical ci$ili9ations in India =Gupta>, Rome, and Greece.

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