Red Hill Dissertation: Chapter 8 - Bibliography and Appendices

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Anonymous – Real-estate developer. Interviewed December 5, 2005.

John Best – Business consultant and former journalist. Interviewed December 20, 2005.

Carol Bomberry – Community activist. Interviewed November 23, 2005.

David Braden – Entrepreneur and former city councillor. Interviewed August 4, 2005.

Centennial Parkway Ratepayers Group – Represented by Barbara Blake. Three other

members wished to remain anonymous. Interviewed April 10, 2006.

Chad Collins – City councillor. Interviewed November 15, 2005.

David Crombie – Consultant and former politician. Interviewed November 24, 2005.

John Dolbec – CEO of the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce. Interviewed November

18, 2005.

Neil Everson – Director of Economic Development for the City of Hamilton

Interviewed December 15, 2005.

Larry Green – Farmer and community activist. February 12, 2006.

Kevin Hamilton – Community activist. Member of the Showstoppers and other

organizations. Interviewed October 1, 2007.

David Heatley – Community activist and politician. Member of the Showstoppers.

Interviewed November 17, 2005.

Randy Kay – Community activist. Coordinator of the McMaster Ontario Public Interest
Research Group; co-founder of Transportation for Livable Communities; member of
Hamilton Action for Social Change, the Showstoppers, and other organizations.
Interviewed June 29, 2005.

Al Loft – Community activist. Coordinator of the Aboriginal Men’s Healing Circle.

Interviewed October 19, 2005.

Andrew Loucks – Community activist. Member of Hamilton Action for Social Change,
Hamilton Independent Media Centre, the McMaster Ontario Public Interest Research
Group, the Showstoppers and other organizations. Interviewed July 20, 2005.

Lynda Lukasik – Community activist. Co-founder of Environment Hamilton; member

of the Friends of Red Hill Valley, the Showstoppers and other organizations.
Interviewed June 30, 2005.

Kevin MacKay – Community activist and educator (social science). Founder of the Sky
Dragon Centre; member of the Friends of Red Hill Valley and other organizations.
Interviewed October 1, 2007, Hamilton, Ontario.

Buddy Martin – Community activist. Coordinator of the Hamilton Executive Directors’

Aboriginal Coalition (HEDAC). Interviewed December 27, 2005.

Willamena McGribbon – Community activist. Interviewed November 10, 2005.

Brian McHattie – City councillor and educator (urban planning). Co-founder of
Environment Hamilton; member of Friends of Red Hill Valley, the Hamilton Naturalists
Club and other organizations. Interviewed May 30, 2005.

Don McLean – Community activist and educator (environmental studies). Former chair
of Friends of the Red Hill Valley; co-founder of Environment Hamilton; member of the
Showstoppers, Citizens at City Hall, Hamiltonians for Progressive Development and
other organizations. Interviewed February 18, 2007.

Jane Mulkewich – Community activist and law student. Member of the Showstoppers
and Citizens at City Hall. Interviewed May 5, 2005.

Chris Murray – Planner and manager of the Red Hill Valley Project. Interviewed
November 29, 2005.

Andrew Orkin – Lawyer, specializing in Aboriginal rights. Represented Larry Green

and others in their law suit against the City of Hamilton. Interviewed November 30,

Jim Quinn – Community activist and educator (biology). Member of Friends of Red
Hill Valley, the Showstoppers, Hamiltonians for Progressive Development and other
organizations. June 30, 2005.

George Sorger – Community activist and educator (biology). Founder of WATER;

Member of Friends of Red Hill Valley, the Showstoppers and other organizations.
Interviewed July 27, 2005.

Ken Stone – Community activist. Member of the Showstoppers and other

organizations.Interviewed July 7, 2005.

Appendix A: Participation Consent Form

I, ________________________________________________, agree to participate in an
interview with Richard Oddie, a doctoral candidate in the Faculty of Environmental
Studies, York University, who is conducting a study of the political conflicts
surrounding the Red Hill Valley Expressway. I understand that the research is being
conducted for the purposes of a doctoral dissertation and that the opinions I express in
this interview may be quoted and published in that work and related publications.

I understand that the research project was assessed and approved by the Human
Participants Review Subcommittee at York University. I will participate in the interview
under the following conditions:

• I will allow the interview to be tape-recorded so that nothing is missed and so

that my words are not altered. I understand that I can request that the recorder be
turned off at any time during the interview and that I may choose to discontinue
my participation in the interview at any time.

• I agree to allow Richard Oddie to quote any information that I provide in this

• In all publications and public references to this study, I request / do not

require that my identity be kept completely confidential (please circle one of
the above options).

• If I am dissatisfied or have complaints with the interview in which I participate,

I may contact Dr. Liette Gilbert (; (416) 736-5252, ext. 40080)
and/or the Manager of Research Ethics in the Office of Research Services, York
University, at (416) 736-5055.

I hereby give my informed consent,

Signature of Participant _______________________________________

Signature of Researcher _______________________________________

Date _______________

Appendix B: Interview Questions

These questions were used to guide each conversation and I invariably asked them at
some point in each interview. Other questions would be posed in response to the
comments of my interview subjects.

1) How long have you / has your organization been involved in the debate over the
Red Hill Valley Expressway?

2) What are the main reasons for and/or against building the expressway?

3) What issues, problems and conflicts do you think have been central to the debate
surrounding the expressway? Why do you think this debate has lasted so long?

4) Has your position / your organization’s position on the expressway, or aspects of

the debate, changed over time?

5) One of the terms that has more recently been used in the expressway debate, and
the wider debate over Hamilton’s future is “sustainable development.” What
does this term mean to you / your organization?

6) Are there any other terms or concepts that you think are important for
understanding this debate?

7) Are there other individuals or groups that you would recommend for me to
speak with?


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