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1. Basic data about Building activities a. Day Time b. Night Time c.

Number of Occupants, Age, Sex, Special Considerations d. Location of different acti ities in building e. Details of Storage! Areas, "roperties of #oods f. "ea$ hours of building Operation

g. List of Acti ity Areas! %a&or areas, Supporting' Ser icing areas h. (xisting Circulation diagram i. &. Sense of Orientation )nterconnection of Spaces

$. *uilding +olume, +olume of indi idual Spaces l. Construction system! ,ea y, Light, -ointed, Continuous, Separated, .loating, (tc.

2. Details of activity areas: (Conduct activity analysis for each activity) Specify: Activity area & Spatial Environment a. .loor Area, Dimensions, +olume, Number of /sers b. Space for )ndi idual acti ities' "ostural Comfort c. List of .urniture, (0uipment, Things, Ob&ects or *elongings in use! Their design 0ualities, Condition, Storage re0uirements d. )nterior )tems! .urnishings, Carpets, Curtains, ,angings e. Spatial order, Organi1ation f. Sense of Security' "ri acy

g. Sense of Scale, "roportion 3. Aesthetic Evaluation a. The building 2ithin its immediate setting! i. The relationship between the Site, Building and andscape elements ii. Approaches ! "irect, #ndirect, Tangential, $n street, Etc. as related to distance from movement lines iii. Building ! Street #nterface

AC!"!#!E$ 3..acilities pro ided 4.)mportance of these facilities, ho2 did they prioriti1e it5 6.Ser ice circulation pattern 7./ser friendly facilities, comfort stations 8.,o2 are the facilities placed and connected5 9.Ad&acent subsidiary facilities $E%&!CE$ 3.:ater, .ire 4."o2er 6.Storage, :aste disposal 7.Security, Lighting 9.Drainage ;."edestrian paths <./ni ersal design aspect

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