Business Lingo Explained

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Business Lingo explained Employer's Lingo: "COMPETITIVE SALARY" We remain competitive by paying le "$OI% O&R 'AST(PACE) TEAM" We !

ave no time to train yo"# "CAS&AL WOR* ATMOSP+ERE" We ,on-t pay eno"g! to e.pect t!at yo"-ll ,re 0ear earring # "p/ 0ell1 a co"ple o2 t!e real ,aring g"y t!an o"r competitor #

"M&ST 3E )EA)LI%E ORIE%TE)" Yo"-ll be i. mont! be!in, c!e,"le on yo"r 2ir t ,ay# "SOME OVERTIME RE4&IRE)" Some time eac! nig!t an, ome time eac! 0ee5en,# ")&TIES WILL VARY" Anyone in t!e o22ice can bo yo" aro"n,#

"M&ST +AVE A% EYE 'OR )ETAIL" We !ave no 6"ality control# "CAREER(MI%)E)" 'emale Applicant m" t be c!il,le 7an, remain t!at 0ay8#

"APPLY I% PERSO%" I2 yo"-re ol,1 2at or "gly yo"-ll be tol, t!e po ition !a been 2ille,# "%O P+O%E CALLS PLEASE" We-ve 2ille, t!e 9ob/ o"r call 2or re "me i 9" t a legal 2ormality# "SEE*I%: CA%)I)ATES WIT+ A WI)E VARIETY O' E;PERIE%CE" Yo"-ll nee, it to replace t!ree people 0!o 9" t le2t# "PRO3LEM(SOLVI%: S*ILLS A M&ST" Yo"-re 0al5ing into a company in perpet"al c!ao # "RE4&IRES TEAM LEA)ERS+IP S*ILLS" Yo"-ll !ave t!e re pon ibilitie o2 a manager1 0it!o"t t!e pay or re pect# ":OO) COMM&%ICATIO% S*ILLS" Management comm"nicate 1 yo" li ten1 2ig"re o"t 0!at t!ey 0ant an, ,o it#

Employee's Lingo: "I-M E;TREMELY A)EPT AT ALL MA%%ER O' O''ICE OR:A%ISATIO%<" I-ve " e, Micro o2t O22ice# "I-M +O%EST1 +AR)(WOR*I%: A%) )EPE%)A3LE" I pil2er o22ice "pplie # "MY PERTI%E%T WOR* E;PERIE%CE I%CL&)ES" I !ope yo" ,on-t a 5 me abo"t all t!e Mc$ob I-ve !a,# "I TA*E PRI)E I% MY WOR*" I blame ot!er 2or my mi ta5e # "I-M PERSO%A3LE" I give lot o2 "n olicite, per onal a,vice to co(0or5er # "I-M E;TREMELY PRO'ESSIO%AL" I carry a )ay(Timer# "I AM A)APTA3LE" I-ve c!ange, 9ob a lot# "I AM O% T+E :O" I-m never at my ,e 5# "I-M +I:+LY MOTIVATE) TO S&CCEE)" T!e min"te I 2in, a better 9ob1 I-m o"tta t!ere# Contractor's Lingo "IR=> MEA%S I MI:+T AS WELL S+&T MY COMPA%Y )OW%" Can I !ave a pay ri e "I +AVE E;TE%SIVE *%OWLE):E O' T+E LATEST VERSIO% O' MS 7in ert application8 " I rea, a revie0 in a maga?ine la t 0ee5 "ALL MY CO%TRACTS +AVE LASTE) = MO%T+S 3ECA&SE I )I) T+E WOR* SO 4&IC*LY" I-m " ele b"t it ea ier to let t!e contract e.pire t!an ac5 me "I :ET O% WELL WIT+ PERME%A%T EMPLOYEES" I-ll be ,o0n t!e p"b a lot#

"%O I )O%-T MI%) T+E @AA MILES COMM&TE" Plea e give me 9ob1 I !aven-t 0or5e, 2or B mont! "I )O%-T :ET PAI) M&C+ MORE T+A% T+E PERME%A%T EMPLOYEES" Ye I ,o# I 9" t li5e patroni?ing poor people "O+ %O PRO3LEM I CA% )O T+AT" I 5no0 0!ere t!e online +elp 2ile are

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