Granth Sahib 43

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gur pUry kI cwkrI iQ{ kMDu sbwieAw ] (1250-8, swrMg, mhlw 3)

How can anyone remain in this world forever? Some may try to devise a
nwnk bKis imlwieAnu hir nwim smwieAw ]33] (1250-8, swrMg, mhlw
Working for the Perfect Guru, the wall becomes permanent and stable.
slok m 3 ] (1250-9)
O Nanak, the Lord forgives them, and merges them into Himself; they are
absorbed in the
Lord's Name. ||33||
mwieAw moih ivswirAw gur kw Ba hyqu Apw{ ] (1250-9, swrMg,
mhlw 3)
Shalok, Third Mehl:
loiB lhir suiD miq ge sic n lgY ipAw{ ] (1250-10, swrMg, mhlw 3)
Attached to Maya, the mortal forgets the Fear of God and Guru, and love for
the Infinite Lord.
gurmuiK ijnw sbdu min vsY drgh moK duAw{ ] (1250-10, swrMg,
mhlw 3)
The waves of greed take away his wisdom and understanding, and he does
not embrace love
for the True Lord.
nwnk Awpy myil ley Awpy bKsxhw{ ]1] (1250-11, swrMg, mhlw 3)
The Word of the Shabad abides in the mind of the Gurmukhs, who find the
Gate of Salvation.
m 4 ] (1250-11)
O Nanak, the Lord Himself forgives them, and unites them in Union with
Himself. ||1||
nwnk ijsu ibnu GVI n jIvxw ivsry srY n ibMd ] (1250-11, swrMg, mhlw
Fourth Mehl:
iqsu isa ika mn }sIAY ijsih hmwrI icMd ]2] (1250-12, swrMg, mhlw 4)
O Nanak, without Him, we could not live for a moment. Forgetting Him, we
could not succeed
for an instant.
m 4 ] (1250-12)
O mortal, how can you be angry with the One who cares for you? ||2||
swvxu AwieAw iJmiJmw hir gurmuiK nwmu iDAwie ] (1250-12,
swrMg, mhlw 4)
Fourth Mehl:
duK BuK kwVw sBu cukwiesI mIhu vuTw Chbr lwie ] (1250-13,
swrMg, mhlw 4)
The rainy season of Saawan has come. The Gurmukh meditates on the Lord's

sB Driq Be hrIAwvlI Anu jMimAw bohl lwie ] (1250-14, swrMg, mhlw

All pain, hunger and misfortune end, when the rain falls in torrents.
hir AicMqu bulwvY pw kir hir Awpy pwvY Qwie ] (1250-14, swrMg,
mhlw 4)
The entire earth is rejuvenated, and the grain grows in abundance.
hir iqsih iDAwvhu sMq jnhu ju AMqy ley Cfwie ] (1250-15, swrMg,
mhlw 4)
The Carefree Lord, by His Grace, summons that mortal whom the Lord
Himself approves.
hir kIriq Bgiq Andu hY sdw suKu vsY min Awie ] (1250-15, swrMg,
mhlw 4)
So meditate on the Lord, O Saints; He shall save you in the end.
ijn@w gurmuiK nwmu ArwiDAw iqnw duK BuK lih jwie ] (1250-16,
swrMg, mhlw 4)
The Kirtan of the Lord's Praises and devotion to Him is bliss; peace shall
come to dwell in the
jn nwnku q.pqY gwie gux hir drsnu dyhu suBwie ]3] (1250-16,
swrMg, mhlw 4)
Those Gurmukhs who worship the Naam, the Name of the Lord - their pain
and hunger
paVI ] (1250-17)
Servant Nanak is satisfied, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. Please
embellish him with
the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. ||3||
gur pUry kI dwiq inq dyvY cVY svweAw ] (1250-17, swrMg, mhlw 4)
quis dyvY Awip dieAwlu n CpY CpweAw ] (1250-18, swrMg, mhlw 4)
The Perfect Guru bestows His gifts, which increase day by day.
ihrdY kvlu pRgwsu anmin ilv lweAw ] (1250-18, swrMg, mhlw 4)
The Merciful Lord Himself bestows them; they cannot be concealed by
jy ko kry as dI rIs isir Cwe pweAw ] (1250-18, swrMg, mhlw 4)
The heart-lotus blossoms forth, and the mortal is lovingly absorbed in the
state of supreme

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