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PLATO By A. E. TAYLOR LONDON ARCHIBALD CONSTABLE & CO Lrp 1908 Re Rect . 184, | D7 238 FOREWORD THE following sketch makes no claim to be considered as a complete account of the philo- sophy of Plato. Many topics of importance have been omitted altogether, and others only treated with the utmost attainable brevity. I have also thought it necessary to avoid, as far as possible, all controversial discussion, and have therefore in many cases followed my own judgment on disput- able points without attempting to support it by the detailed reasoning which would be indispens- able in a work of larger scope. My object has been to sit as loose as possible to all the tradi- tional expositions of Platonism, and to give in broad outline the personal impression of the philosopher's thought which I have derived from repeated study of the Platonic text. The list of works useful to the student, though it merely comprises a few of those which I have myself found useful or important, will give my reader the opportunity to form his own judgment by comparing my interpretations with those of v

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