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SEC Memorandum Circular No.15 Series of 2001 To Subject : : All Concerned Board Meetin T!rou !

Teleconferencin or "ideoconferencin #Tele$"ideo Conferencin %

In relation to Section 16 of the Electronic Commerce Act (R.A. 8792) and Section 25 of the Corporation Code of the hilippine! (" 68) the follo#in$ are the $%ideline! for the cond%ct of teleconferencin$ and &ideoconferencin$ (i.e. conference! or meetin$! thro%$h electronic medi%m or telecomm%nication! #here the participant! #ho are not ph'!icall' pre!ent are located at different local or international place!) of the "oard of (irector! for the information and $%idance of all concerned) 1. *he Secretar' of the meetin$ !hall a!!%me the follo#in$ re!pon!i+ilitie!)

a. to !afe$%ard the inte$rit' of the meetin$ &ia tele,&ideoconferencin$ +. to find $ood tele,&ideoconference e-%ipment,facilitie! c. to record the proceedin$! and prepare the min%te! of the meetin$ d. to !tore for !afe.eepin$ and mar. the tape recordin$,! and,or other electronic recordin$ mechani!m a! part of the record! of the corporation 2. *he Secretar' !hall !end o%t the notice! of the meetin$ to all director! in accordance #ith the manner of $i&in$

notice a! !tated in the corporate +'/la#!. 0. *he notice !hall incl%de the follo#in$)

a. In-%ir' on #hether the director #ill attend ph'!icall' or thro%$h tele,&ideoconferencin$1 +. Contact n%m+er,! of the Secretar' and office !taff #hom the director ma' call to notif' and !tate #hether he !hall +e ph'!icall' pre!ent or attend thro%$h tele,&ideoconferencin$1 c. A$enda of the meetin$1 d. All doc%ment! to +e di!c%!!ed in the meetin$2 incl%din$ attachment!2 !hall +e n%m+ered and d%l' mar.ed +' the Secretar' in !%ch a #a' that all the director!2 ph'!icall' or electronicall' pre!ent2 can ea!il' follo#2 refer to the doc%ment! and participate in the meetin$. 3. If the director choo!e! tele,&ideoconferencin$2 he !hall $i&e notice of at lea!t fi&e da'! prior to the !ched%led

meetin$ to the Secretar'. *he latter !hall +e informed of hi! contact n%m+er,!. In the !ame #a'2 the Secretar' !hall inform the director concerned of the contact n%m+er,! he #ill call to 4oin the meetin$. *he Secretar' !hall .eep the record! of the detail!2 and on the date of the !ched%led meetin$2 confirm and note !%ch detail! a! part of the min%te! of the meetin$.

5. 6.

In the a+!ence of an arran$ement2 it i! pre!%med that the director #ill ph'!icall' attend the "oard meetin$. At the !tart of the !ched%led meetin$2 a roll call !hall +e made +' the Secretar'. E&er' director and participant !hall

!tate2 for the record2 the follo#in$) a. 5%ll 6ame +. 7ocation c. 5or tho!e attendin$ thro%$h tele,&ideoconferencin$2 he !hall confirm that) i. he can completel' and clearl' hear the other! #ho can clearl' hear him at the end of the line

ii. !tate #hether he ha! recei&ed the a$enda and all the material! for the meetin$ iii. !pecif' t'pe of de&ice %!ed *hereafter2 the Secretar' !hall confirm and note the contact n%m+er! +ein$ %!ed +' the director! and participant! not ph'!icall' pre!ent. After the roll call2 the Secretar' ma' certif' the e8i!tence of a -%or%m. 7. All participant! !hall identif' them!el&e! for the record2 +efore !$ and m%!t clearl' hear and,or !ee each other

in the co%r!e of the meetin$. If a per!on fail! to identif' him!elf2 the Secretar' !hall -%ic.l' !tate the identit' of the la!t ! If the per!on !$ i! not ph'!icall' pre!ent and the Secretar' i! not certain of the identit' of the !pea.er2 the Secretar' m%!t in-%ire to elicit a confirmation or correction. If a motion i! o+4ected to and there i! a need to &ote and di&ide the "oard2 the Secretar' !ho%ld call the roll and note the &ote of each director #ho !ho%ld identif' him!elf. If a !tatement of a director,participant in the meetin$ &ia tele,&ideoconferencin$ i! interr%pted or $ar+led2 the Secretar' !hall re-%e!t for a repeat or reiteration2 and if need +e2 the Secretar' !hall repeat #hat he heard the director,participant #a! !a'in$ for confirmation or correction. 8. *he Secretar' !hall re-%ire all the director! #ho attended the meetin$2 #hether per!onall' or thro%$h

tele,&ideoconferencin$2 to !i$n the min%te! of the meetin$ to di!pel all do%+t! on matter! ta.en %p d%rin$ the meetin$. *he!e $%ideline! !hall ta.e effect fifteen (15) da'! after p%+lication in t#o (2) ne#!paper! of $eneral circ%lation. 9andal%'on$ Cit'2 hilippine!. 6o&em+er 2:2 2::1.

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